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Nombre: Juan Sebastián Gil Montoya Fecha: 29/Julio/2021

Libro: Matilda Página: 9-13
Characters: Mr and Mrs Wormwood
Matilda's father, when he was able to take off his hat, decided to go to his
garage to relax and calm down because he said that in this house no one
respected him. The night passed and Mr. Wormwood had already calmed
down, it was already lunchtime so Matilda's father gathered everyone to eat
and watch television together.
When they were already eating Matilda was the only one who was not
watching television, Matilda's father asked her what she was doing and she
told him that she was reading one of the best books called "The Red Pony" but
Mr. Wormwood did not like that Matilda read if he started to tear the book
apart and force her to watch television.

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