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Criteria and constraints

 Materials used to design this prosthesis are easily accessible and

a prosthetic device should most of all be lightweight; hence, much of it is made
from plastic. The socket is usually made from polypropylene. Lightweight metals
such as titanium and aluminum have replaced much of the steel in the pylon.
Alloys of these materials are most frequently used.

 The designed device has the best durability

 It is made up of low cost materials

 This device is comfortable and properly fit with residual part of the individual.

 This device provides multi- axial flexion of the individual foot at ankle so as to
help him to continuous gait cycle and to play football.

 It is important that patients develop and maintain good muscle strength and joint
flexibility to support a safe, efficient and natural prosthetic gait.

 Patients with transtibial amputations should work towards achieving full knee
extension and 0-10 degrees of hip extension.

 The patient should be independent with their exercises and understand the
importance of being diligent with this program. Besides working with a good
therapist, doing the proper exercises is one of the most important components of
the rehab process. It is especially important to continue these exercises even after
you begin walking to maintain the strength and flexibility gains made.

 Once the tissue on the end of the limb is mobile, as reviewed earlier in this
section, the patient should be able to tolerate pressure and tissue movement on the
end of the limb, especially around the incision, without pain.

 Patients need be able to roll independently in bed and transfer from their bed or a
chair to their wheelchair without the assistance of another person (can use a cane
or a walker). Patients that need assistance with this basic activity are typically not
ready for a prosthesis.

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