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‘This isthe story of Beauty and the Beast. You can read along with me in your book. You will know its time to turn the page when you hear the chimes ring ike this... Lets begin now: Narrator: Ry Dowice Belle: Paige O' Hara Gaston: Richard White LeFou: Jesse Cor Maurice: Rex Everhart Copsworth: David Ogden Stirs Lumiere: Jerry Orbach Beast: Robby Benson nee upon a time, a young Prince lived in a shining castle, One cold night an old beggar woman arrived, offering him a single rose in return for shelter from he cold. Repulsed by her ugliness, he turned her away. Suddenly she transformed into a beautiful enchantress, To punish the Prince, she turned him into a hideous beast. Then she gave him a magic mirror and the enchanted rose, telling him it would bloom until his twenty-first year. To break the spell, he must love another and earn that person’s love in return before the last petal fell. Nearby, in a small village, a beautiful young woman named Belle hurried through town. She greeted the townspeople and then rushed to her favourite shop the bookstore. The owner gave her a book as a gift Adreamy look crossed Belle's face. “Its my favourite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magie spells, a prince in disguise.... Oh, thank you very muh!” Belle rushed outside, reading as she walked. ‘As Belle walked, a handsome hunter named Gaston ran after her. “Belle, the whole town’s talking about you, It's not right for a woman to read! It's about time you got your nose out of those books and paid attention to more important things ~ like me.” Belle tried to get away without being rude, but Gaston's friend Le Fou joined them and began to insult her father, an inventor. “My father’s not crazy! He's a genius!” As Belle spoke, an explosion boomed from her father’s cottage and she took off running. her father and told him think At the cottage, Belle foun what the villagers were saying about her. “The I'm odd, Papa. ‘Don't worry, Belle, My invention’s going to chang; everything for us. We won't have to live in this little town forever!” Belle’s father hitched v off for the fair with h Belle waved. “Good-bye! Good luck! their horse, Philippe w invention t and aceidentally led Philippe k, misty forest. As he paused to get his two yell But Maurice got I into a bleak bearings, Maurice saw of the darkness, It was a wolf! Philip; bolted away. Terrified, Maurice ran throu with the wolves racing behind him. When he tall, he Maurice dashed inside the gate on the wolf who: I w eyes staring out ‘eared and the forest reache id at hi sharp teeth snap Still trembling, Maurice turned to see a huge, forbidding castle, “Hello? I've lost my horse, and I need a place to stay for the night.” “Of course, Monsieur! You are weleome here!” Maurice whirled around. There was no one in sight! ‘Then he looked down and saw a mantel clock with fa stern, frowning face. Beside him stood a smiling candelabra! Maurice grabbed the clock and examined it. “This is impossible. Why... you're alive!” The enchantress had also turned all the Prince's servants into household objects. As Cogsworth, the mantel clock protested, Lumicre, the candelabra, showed Maurice into the drawing: ‘There he met a friendly teapot named Mrs. Potts and her son, a cute teacup named Chip. Suddenly, the door flew open. A voice boomed. “There's a stranger here.” Maurice jumped out of his chair. In the shadows, lurked a large, hulking figure. “Please... I needed a place to stay.” “Til give you a place to stay!” The Beast grabbed Maurice and ray out of the Back home at the cottage, Belle heard a knock at the door and opened it. “Gaston! What a pleasant surprise!” “Belle, there's not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. Do you know why? Because I want to marry you!” ‘Gaston, I'm speechless! I'm sorry, but... but... Tjust don't deserve you! As Gaston left he tripped and fell in the mud, When Belle pecked out, she saw that the villagers had gathered in her yard hoping to see a wedding. The vicar and all Gaston’s friends saw him humiliated! After the villagers and a very angry Gaston left, Belle ran outside to feed the chickens. There she found Philippe, alone. “Philippe! What are you doing here? Where's Papa?” ‘The horse whinnied anxiously. Frightened, Belle leaped onto Philippe and returned to the mysterious forest. Soon, they found the castle. “What is this place?” Belle tried to steady Philippe. ‘Then she saw Maurice's hat on the ground, Finally, Bi “Papa! We have to get you out of there! Sud Belle hurried inside the gloomy castle and wand Resell atta! orn tietsiadeers eu ats down the vast, deserted corridors. “Papa? Are you here? It’s Belle.” No one replied, but Belle didn't know eral. "Plas that the Enchanted Objects had seen her. With joy, Lumiere danced around the mantel “You would take his pla n't you see? She's the one! She has come to break of sia\vousettelsiapna tea eh the spell!” fied when she saw the huge, ugly B Without noticing them, Belle continued to search for Her Estria heaven Belleeerond oatect i her father castle forever let my father go. Take me ‘The Beast dragged Maurice out of the eastle and threw him into a carriage that would return him to town, There, the inventor stumbled into a tavern where Gaston was surrounded by his friends. “Please Tneed your help! A horrible beast has Belle a dungeon Did it h sharp fangs?” One sneered. Maurice grabbed the man's coat. Will you help me out?” ‘We'll help you out, old man.” Gaston and his pals J the inventor out of the tavern, But Maurice's wild story gave Gaston an idea, At the castle, Belle nervously followed the Beast airs. He paused for a moment. “The castle is your home now, so you can go anywhere you like... except the West Wing Belle stared back. “What's in the West Wing?” It's forbidden!” Glaring, the Beast opened the door to her room. “You will join me for dinner. That's not a request!” After the Beast stomped off, Belle flung herself on the bed. “T'll never eseape from this prison —or see my father again! Paes ae tec Oe OR Te es Instead, she crept downstairs to the kitchen. All the Enchanted Objects fed and entertained her. Then Cogsworth agreed to take her on a tour. Bolle halted beneath a darkened staircase. “What's Pies Neg connec a ears But when Cogsworth wasn't looking, Belle stipped Ce enh ete ae eran ey Dee os na Belle cautiously opened the doors at the end of the corridor and entered a dank, filthy room strewn with broken furniture, torn curtains, and gray, gnawed or Oar ene | ne ee ee nates cee cover and reached out to touch one soft, pink petal. She did not hear the Beast enter the room. See ce mune s Berroa Uta teeet Tc Belle rushed past Cogsworth and Lumiere as she fled the castle. “Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute! She found Philippe and they galloped through the snow until they met a pack of fierce, hungry wolves. Terrified, the horse reared and Belle fell to the ground, When Belle tried to defend Philippe, the wolves turned on her, snarling, Suddenly, a large paw pulled the animals off her. It was the Beast! As Belle struggled to her feet, the wolves turned and attacked the Beast, growling fiercely. With a forocious howl, the Beast flung off his attackers. As the surprised wolves ran off into the woods, the Beast collapsed, wounded. Belle knew that this was her chance to escape, but when she looked at the fallen Beast, she could not leave him. “Here, lean against Philippe. I'l help you back to the castle Meanwhile, Gaston and Le Fou were plotting to have Maurice put into Monsieur D’Arque’s insane asylum unless Belle agreed to marry Gaston. At the castle, Belle cleaned the Beast’s wounds and nked him for saving her life. Later, she was quite surprised when he showed her a beautiful library. “I can't believe it! I've never seen so many books in all my life!” The Beast smiled for the first time. “Then it’s ‘That evening, Mrs. Potts and the other objects watched Belle read a story to the Beast. They were filled with hope that the Beast and Belle were falling in love. Gradually, the mood in the castle began to change. Belle and the Beast read together, dined together, and played together in the snow. They even had a snowball fight! When Belle watched the big, awkward Beast try to feed some birds, she realized that he had a kind, gentle side to him — something that she hadn't seen before. In turn, the Beast began to hope that Belle would begin to care for him. He tidied his room, bathed, and dressed up for the evening. He was overjoyed when Belle taught him how to dance. ‘That evening, the Beast asked Belle if she was happy. ‘Yes, much.” ‘There is a way.” The Beast showed Belle the magic mirror. In it, she saw her father lost in the woods ill from his search for her. When the Beast saw the unhappy look on Belle’s face, he decided to let her go, even if it meant that he would never be human again. Before Belle left, he handed her the m: ‘Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me.” only wish I could see my father. I miss him so Heartbroken, the Beast watched as Belle rode off on Philippe. When she found her poor father in the forest, Belle brought him home to their cottage so she could nurse him back to health. But almost as soon as they arrived, a tall, thin man knocked on the door. It was Monsieur D'Arque! He had come to take her father to an insane asylum! ‘No! I won't let you!” Belle blocked the way. Le Fou had also convinced the villagers that Maurice was crazy because he was raving like a lunatic about, some terrible beast! As the villagers battled the Enchanted Obje Gaston forced the Beast onto the castle roof. H Jubbed the Beast wh up! Or are you toc didn't even try to resist. “Get ‘kind and gentle’ to fight back ‘Stop!” Chip had helped Belle and Maurice escape from the When the Beast saw Belle, he grabbed Gaston by the throat, But his love for Belle had made him too human. He let Gaston go and faced Bell Without warning, Gaston stabbed the Beast in the back! ‘The Beast roared, Gaston stepped back — and tumbled off the roof to his death. Gaston put his arm around Belle. “I this little misunde an clear up tanding — if you marry me, Just Til never marry prove itt Belle showed them the “He's not vicious. He's real ua! My father’s not era Beast in the magic mirror, ly kind and gentle Enraged, Gaston shouted. “Shi man! I say we kill the Beast!" locked Belle and her f ne Beast’s cas as crazy as the old The mob of villa her in the cellar and storm a Wounded, the Beast gazed at Belle before he collapsed. She ran to him and held him in her arms. “No! Please! I love you! Suddenly, the rain began to shimmer. Slowly the Beast opened his eyes and in astonishment, he watched his paws transform into hands, He held them out to Belle. “Belle, it's me!” Belle hesitated and looked into his eyes. “It is you!” ‘The Prince drew her close and kissed her. Then they watched happily as Cogsworth, Lumiere, Chip, Mrs. Potts, and all the other servants once again became human. True love had finally broken the, spell, and everyone danced for jo Look for other Disney Read-Along titles wherever toys, books, and audio products are sold.

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