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Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros – Inglés II

Universidad de Córdoba
2021 – I
Administración en finanzas.

Name: Deiver Jadid Reano Navarro. Date: 04 de agosto de 2021. Program: Ingeniería en Sistemas

1. Write a descriptive paragraph similar to the example where you can decribe: a very
memorable event in your life, it has to be in past simple with the verb BE, write affirmative
and negative sentrences using was and were. Minimum 90 words.

R/: My first basketball championship in the Cordoba league was a very memorable moment, it was
very early in the morning, when I was finally able to compete in a formal tournament, people were a
bit upset because the weather was not cooperating, my parents were happy for my participation, and
my brothers were sad because they could not attend. In the end my team and I were able to win the
first game, our coach was very excited about our performance and the players of the opposing team
were very sad that they could not win.
Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros – Inglés II
Universidad de Córdoba
2021 – I
Administración en finanzas.

2. Now write about a very difficult day you had in your life, in this case you have to use regular
and irregular verbs, affirmative and negative sentences in the simple past. Minimum 90

R/: It all started in the morning, when the bosses did not arrive at the company yet, I decided to
clean my office on my own, when trying to clean the desk I spilled my coffee on the clean floor and I
had to start again, I was Very stressed and wanting to cut time, I ripped up some important
documents, I didn't want to damage them, I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to hurt. The bosses were
getting closer to the company, when they arrived they made me write on a sheet of paper that I
should not do what is not my job.

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