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Okay he’s about to leave. I need to act now, thinks Atlas. Atlas jumps out of the tree and lands
on Nelson. Atlas puts him in a choke hold and Alex goes for the legs to kick out from under him,
but Nelson sees it coming. Before Alex could get to him, he slams Alex into a tree and knocks
him unconscious. Nelson and Atlas are fighting, fist and legs flying, and blood being shed. At
long last Nelson has Atlas pinned to the ground, her windpipe closing, her vision going in and
out. Nelson says something that she can’t understand, then she remembers a very important
detail but is too weak to act. Atlas, with the last of her strength, scratches Nelson's eyes, which
causes his grip to loosen just slightly on her neck allowing air flow, Her vision comes back like a
flood. Atlas grabs the gun that is attached to Nelson's thy, and points it at his heart. Alex, now
gaining some kind of consciousness, looks at Atlas just before he passes out again. When
Nelson sees the gun pointed at his chest, his mind goes blank for a second. Atlas knees him in
the groin, causing him to fall forward, Atlas then with a look of death and victory, and the smile
of a sociopath, grabs Nelson by the neck and whispers in his ear….

“Night Night.”

Then pulls the trigger. With blood splattered over her face, she grabs the ax and decapitates
Nelson just to be sure he is dead. Atlas then walks over to Alex with watery eyes because Alex
is dead. When he moves his foot and hand just slightly a smile appears, she picks him up and
carries him away, with the only view he can see is the decapitated head of the man who killed
their mother. The last feeling Alex remembers before passing out again is that this is what true
fear is.
Alex wakes up in a field in the middle of the night.

Atlas says “We are finally free, Nelson is no more”

Alex says “Wait...where is Lyric?”

Atlas says “he is safe he’s right here”

Atlas moves her arms to show Alex that he is sleeping in her lap.

Atlas hearing beeping opens her eyes to see that she is in her room. Confused, she
looks around and sees her brother, mother, and younger brother staring out the window. Atlas
asks “mom”. Atlas mom comes running over “mom what happened”. The mom says “Honey
don’t you remember”. Atlas says “remember what”. Mom “I called you and your brother down for
dinner and then I heard running down the stairs. Alex came in and said you hit your head while
playing and was fine and that when you were walking down for dinner you passed out and won’t
wake up. We waited a few minutes. When you didn’t wake up I rushed you to the emergency
room. The doctors ran all sorts of tests. They said she is completely fine, everything is
normal...but we are afraid she is in a coma, and we don’t know why. Since she is in perfect
health you are free to take her home all we ask is that you keep her on a monitor. I don’t know
how to tell you this... but you have been in a coma for 6 months. I’m making dinner downstairs.
Why don’t you come down and we can talk.” Everyone left the room. Atlas got dressed, as she
was walking out she turned around and stared at the table that had done this to her. She said “It
wasn’t real, none of this ever happened”. She turned around, closed the door and went to eat
with her family. As she was walking she passed out again. When she woke, she grabbed an ax,
walked into the kitchen with it behind her back, she said Alex cover Lyrics eyes. When Alex did,
she raised the ax and plunged it into her mothers chest saying “you won’t succeed this time”
ripped it out of her chest and decapitated her. Her brothers where freaking out, she took them
into her room to look at her charts, her mom had told them that she was in perfect health, but on
the night stand was (something). It does not show up on test but can cause someone to go into
a deep sleep as long as it's in there system if it is in for to long it will kill them. Atlas said “mom
had been putting this in our food, she wanted to kill us.” Alex steps in front of her younger
brother in a protective stance and says “how do you know this? You don’t like plants, you
couldn’t have googled it because our WiFi has been out for a week.” Atlas says “Dam Atlas sure
did a good job with teaching you to pay attention to detail.” A gun appears faster than the speed
of light “BAM!” Alex looks down at his little brother and says “I’m sorry.” and looks back up to his
sister who has a bullet wound to the head. Atlas emerges from the closet with hands bound and
tape on her mouth holding a gun. Alex removes the tap and rope. Atlas walks over to the body
and removes a silicone mask revealing it to be Nelson's twin brother.“GAME OVER” appears on
the screen, Atlas jumping for joy “I won, I won”. Alex said “you got lucky.”

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