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Ini adalah contoh perkenalan diri seorang siswa baru sepertimu pada teman-temanya di

kelas. Baca dan perhatikan

Amir is a new student. He is in class X Science 1 of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Sragen. He is
introducing himself to his friend in front of class,

Assalaamualaikum ww

Hi friends, Let me introduce myself to you

My complete name is Amir Hamzah. My nick name is Amir. I come from Banaran Sragen. I
go to school by bus with my friend. He is also studying here. So we can go to school

My dear friend, I have some hobbies. One of my hobby is Writing. I always write in my
spare time. I like writing a poem, experience and story. Some day, I want to be an author.

OK friends, I think it is enough

Wassalaamualaikum ww

Tugasmu : bayangkan kamu berdiri di depan kelas dan perkenalkan dirimu pada teman-
temanmu. Tapi perkenalan itu kamu tulis di buku tulismu.(seperti contoh di atas).

Catatan : Tugas dikumpulkan minggu depan

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