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Online media are apps and websites that can be used for people to socialize, share their life,

and present their opinions. One example is social media like instagram or snapchat which are
more focused on socializing with others. Another example would be Youtube which is used to
entertain people. Another example is e-mail which is strictly used for communication.

Media can have many effects on mental and social health. There are postive and negative
effects. Some positive effects could be interacting with friends which can make you feel better or
finding funny videos which have the same effect. But for some people it may have negative
effects like seeing other people doing things you want to do which can reduce self-setemm.

There are different forms of social media like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more which all
can promote unhealthy actions. Snapchat can be a distraction and addicting at times and it
reduces face to face interaction. Instagram and Tiktok may also be addicting to just sit and
scroll through.

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