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Activity 1.

In the first activity you, please answer the following quiz and illustrate each question with images

1. What is your first name?

My name is Luis Eduardo Hernandez Vallarta
2. Where do you live?
I live in San Vicente Chicoloapan , whit my parents

3. What is your favorite kind of music?


4. What is your favorite dish?

Lasagna and shrimps

5. What place or country do you want to visit?


6. Introduce your family:

a. Father:
i. Job: nurse
ii. Age: 50
iii. Hobby: I don’t know
b. Mother:
i. Job: nurse
ii. Age: 44
iii. Hobby: I don’t know
c. Brother:
i. Job: student
ii. Age: 22
iii. Hobby: videogames
d. Sister:
i. Job: student
ii. Age: 18
iii. Hobby: watch series in Netflix
e. Add more relatives in case you have more or you want more to write about …
7. What is your favorite movie?
Despicable me, avengers, and everything in studio Ghibli

8. What do you like to do in your free time?

Watch videos in YouTube

9. What things are you afraid to?
Nothing, it’s rare

10. When you finish your career, what o where do you like to work or do?
In the navy

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