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What has the Recent Global Pandemic

done to the Telecom Industry?

There has been so much going on in world recently due to the global pandemic, The Covid-19. The
past year has influenced almost all the people and all the industries in so many different ways. The
whole world was in a lockdown and there was a disruption in the economy of the world. This has
resulted in having an impact on the telecom sector as well, since people relied on the
telecommunication for contacting their friends and family across the globe.

There is a huge list of the impacts that the Covid-19 has imparted on the telecom industry. Some
major impacts are:

No Significant Disturbances
There are no such clients that are facing any kind of disturbances in terms of services of the telecom
companies. Although, the usage has increased a lot, yet there are no hindrances in the telecom

Also, the report of the maintenance also sounds good because there is no interruption in the
maintenance and services of the networks.

Contingency plans for Quarantine

Although, the traffic is high in the Covid time, but the fact that most of the people have moved to
their homes has scattered the traffic from cities to far off places, which allows the telecom
companies to perform well and to have better alternatives in case anything goes wrong in the future.

Changing Trends in the Industry

The telecom industry has been efficient enough to bring up changes in its market trends in order to
meet the need of all the people around the globe.

One major trend that the telecom companies including Chicago tech. have changed is the change in
the infrastructure, i.e., using the right cables. It is an extremely important step because there is so
much load on the telecom industry due to more and more people using it every day in the lockdown.

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