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4._Ueg nan ————— oot ment of the -_ Ths refers to the entire process of eee once tion offspring inside the womb of the mo unti deli : - Resrinomnedon the trophoblast of the blastocyst develop, chorionic villi (projections) ~ Combine with tissues of the uterus to form the placenty - Forms a barrier between mother and embryo (bloochisnoteexelariged) - Delivers nuixigatsand exygen= - Rermouesawastes#rom embryonic blood - Becomes an endocrine organ and takes over for the corpustuteum (by end of second month); produces estrogen, progester@ne, and other hormones:thatmaintaif"pregnancy ~ Once the placentashaseformed, the amnion attached to the placenta by an umbilical cord - Amnion: fluid-filled sac seumeuncingeenbbryo - Umbilical cord: blood vessel-containing stalk of tissue Developmental Milestones during Pregnancy: 1. First Trimester: All vitalspants of the embryo are formed 2. Second Trimester: All Parts.of.the body start to function ft 3. Third Trimester: Growthof:thesfetus and preparation*for a i il ce. ganar LN OLONC 6 ona dotny iy’ - ARG ancy normyne mcrurt in Pre woman bbe gg panen orened AU AACE ot ma) Mounts of progesterone, which - Produces Significant a Plays a v; ' . king the endometrium receptive to ital role in mal - Hi igh levels of estrogen and progesterone.suppress tormaintaimitselt that the eorpustuteum needs about 28 days in length - In the uterine level, the Process can be divided into 3 phases: Menstrual phase, Proliferative (estrogen) phase, Ov sta Ayn Secretory (progesterone) phase 4 1. WEN STRVAL DHA GE (Days 1-5) - Involves the process of _MenitWahta ___, where the functional layer of the endometrium is sloughed _ _-Bischargero! Gloody fluid containingéadometrial cells glandular secretions and blood cells which lasts 3 -5 days, which byproduct is collectively known as Result of the previous menstrual cycle where ovarian hormones -Re are at their lowest levels ictio eolytic activity ong Zasoconstric Proteolytic activity> - Due i str loread Grats i during menstrual bleeding sreryen * CQ

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