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What Does Fire Precautions Mean?

The term “fire precautions” refers to any measure that is undertaken to minimize the risk of damage
from fire to life or property. It includes the implementation and installation of policies and equipment
that are designed to prevent a fire, as well as those designed to suppress a fire should one occur.

When describing the structural features and available equipment used to ensure that occupants of a
building are able to exit the building and gather in a safe place in the event of a fire, the term general
fire precautions (GFP) is used.

Safeopedia Explains Fire Precautions

General fire precautions include:

Making emergency plans, developing escape routes, shelter-in-place measures, and muster procedures

Installing and maintaining fire fighting equipment, such as automatic fire suppression devices

Installing fire alarms

Ensuring that all emergency escape routes are safe, unobstructed, and properly marked so that they can
be easily followed during an emergency

Ensuring that the building or facility is equipped with the structural features necessary to stop the
spread of the fire long enough for individuals to escape safely

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