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By: Fernelyn Neca C Gabas

Nursing life has never been easy. With all the sleepless nights, pressures, case
reports, return demonstrations, exams, and clinical duties that you have to go through,
you need to keep up with it and stay motivated to survive nursing school.
Being able to graduate from the nursing school is a milestone I’m grateful for.
Never did God leave me nor forsake me. However, the road to become a full-fledged
nurse does not end by merely graduating and acquiring the degree. It is just the
beginning. There was still a battle that I had to prepare for and conquer, the Nurse
Licensure Examination (NLE). It is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences I have
ever had. From preparing for the exam to waiting for the results, fear and anxiety would
creep in. I was afraid of what the future held for me.
It was on December 18-19, 2011 that I took the said exam. Technically, it was
quite difficult. Not everything that I reviewed and studied came out in the actual exam.
But I held on to God and let His will be done.
February 15, 2012, results of the NLE came out. And there I found my name on
the list of board passers. Woah! Praise God. I passed! The best day of my life. All the
hard work and sacrifices paid off. This breakthrough is not just for me but for my parents
as well. Passing the exam with a good rating was indeed a blessing. That day, I
became a Registered Nurse (RN).
Leaving all my fears and uncertainties behind, here I am taking the road to where
God is leading me. Looking back 7 years ago, I did not imagine myself being where I
am today. Year 2012, I stepped out from my comfort zone and embraced a new chapter
of my life. From then on until now, I am embracing the duties and responsibilities of my
job as a firefighter. I may no longer be taking care of patients in the hospital but the very
day that I passed the exam made a great impact in my life today. Once a nurse, always
a nurse. I will never forget how to save a life!

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