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Nama : Nor Kholis Majid

Kelompok : 84
Mentor : Tommy Valentino


Hasil Resume Materi :

1. Theory Of Conflict Management
a. Conflict Step Stages
i. Conflict Situation
ii. Awareness of Situation
iii. Realization Manifestation of Conflict
iv. Resolution of Conflict
v. After-Effect of the Conflict Situation
b. Elements of Conflict
i. Power
ii. Organizational Demands
iii. Self-Esteem of Individual
2. Type of Conflict Management After Effects
a. Constructive After Effect
b. Destructive After Effect
3. The intensity of conflict
a. Overt efforts to destroy the other party
b. Aggressive physical attacks
c. Threats and ultimatums
d. Assertive verbal attacks
e. Overt questioning or challenging of others
f. Minor disagreements or misunderstandings
4. Conflict can teach you to make the most of each situation and use it as a learning opportunity
or a leadership opportunity
5. You can also use it as an opportunity to transform the situation into something better
6. How to use conflict management methods
a. The main methods
i. Conflict suppression methods
ii. Conflict avoiding methods
iii. Conflict resolution methods
1. Dominance way
2. Compromise way
3. Third-Intergrated way
b. Five Style of Conflict Management
i. Accomodating
ii. Avoiding
iii. Collaborating
iv. Compromising
v. Competing
7. Different conflict management styles may be used when faced with different situations
8. Conflict Management Practical Uses
a. What must we do
i. As Person
1. Understand our position in the conflict
2. Ability to listen
3. Empathy Ability
4. Understand Synergy
5. Patience and goes in the road
ii. As Staff/manager
1. Make the approach
2. Share perspective
3. Build understanding
4. Agree on solutions
5. Plan next steps
b. What skill that we must have
i. Creative thingking, wisdom, & clever
ii. Negotiation Skills
Case study :

1. Saya sering mendapat masalah di organisasi mengenai kekompakan tim dan kebanyakan
dikarenakan sudut pandang dan latar belakang yang saling berbeda. Saya sampai saat ini
belum menemukan solusi yang pas untuk mempersatukan mereka dan membuat organisasi
lebih mempunyai jiwa kekeluargaan

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