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Questions/Main Ideas Notes

Why do we respond so much to because we're snobs, because we're focused on status.
our knowledge of where
something comes from?  how it tastes to you will depend critically on what you think you're eating

Humans are natural born If you like somebody, they look better to you
essentialists "The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human
performance underlying its creation." 

difference between an original and a forgery

This applies as well to pain. Your beliefs about the essence of it, affect
how it hurts.

It hurts more if you believe somebody is doing it to you on purpose.

Humans will often seek out low-level doses of pain in controlled

circumstances and take pleasure from it 

We don't just respond to things as we see them, or feel them, or hear them. Rather, our response is
conditioned on our beliefs, about what they really are, what they came from, what they're made of, what
their hidden nature is.

Pleasures are affected by our beliefs about hidden essences. 

Class Notes Name: Francisco Vergara
Topic: The Origins of Pleasure

Speaker: Paul Bloom Date: 5 August 5, 2021

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