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Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750

Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750
by Sumit Maji

General metrics
10,786 1,754 98 7 min 0 sec 13 min 29 sec
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Score Writing Issues

78 104 2 102
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 78%

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Writing Issues
9 Clarity
9 Wordy sentences

2 Correctness
1 Misspelled words
1 Unknown words

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Report: Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750

Unique Words 22%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 31%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.9

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 17.9

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750

Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750
LO3 Exploring the management skill required for work
P5 Exploring the different management role in the event industry and
discussion of current job opportunities in the eld
The main function of the event industry is to organize an event in the hospitality
and tourism industry. In order to do these different events, the individuals who
are attached to this event industry have to do various types of work. Different
management role is described below in details
Pre-event organization and Planning of the event
The event manager of the organization has to make a plan to organize the event
successfully. In order to do this, the event manager has to analyze the customer
demand and goal of the event. By analyzing the objective of the event, the
event manager can prepare a plan to conduct the event successfully (Chi et al.,
Making the budget
The event manager also has to make a budget for the event which is conducted
in the organization Travelodge. By making a proper and ef cient budget, the
event manager can nd what expenses have to make for which purpose.
Work with the logistics
The event manager also has to keep all the electronic and mechanical materials
in the proper way so that they work properly.
Event day management
On the day of the event, the event manager of the organization has to arrange
all the necessary requirements to organize an event. The individual has to keep
in mind that all the arrangements are working properly (Morgan et al., 2020).

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Current job opportunities in the eld

Various individuals are working as event planners, event managers in this eld.
The individuals also working as exhibition organizers and stage decorators
which are related to this eld.
P6 Evaluation of management skill and personal attributes which is required to
work in the event industry and meet the stakeholder demand
As an event is organized successfully on the personal skill of the event manager
and the individuals of the organization Travelodge. All the personal attributes of
an event manager are described below in detail
An event manager has to have good communication skills so that the individual
can able to communicate with other individuals (Bhattacharyya, 2018). This is
an important skill because there are different activity in an event and the event
manager have to organize all these events.
The individuals who are working in the event industry have to be a team player
and the individual have to work with the other members of the team. The
individual also has to be exible in his or her work.
The event manager and also the other individual also have to focus on the
demand of the customer. By focusing on the demand of the customer, an event
manager can organize an event successfully.
M3 Evaluation of the effect of management skill to create a successful event to
ful ll the stakeholder demand
In order to make an event successful, the event manager has to analyze the
requirement to arrange an event in the organization which is Travelodge in this
case. By analyzing the requirement of the stakeholder, the event manager can
able to organize the event accordingly (Bahadorestani et al., 2020). The making
of the budget is also important for the stakeholder and event manager because
it helps the event manager to expense ef ciently and also provide an estimated

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expense to the shareholders. As the successful happening of the activities of

the whole event depends on the various logistics like microphone, video, the
event manager also has to focus that all this equipment are running properly on
the day of the event. The event manager also has to consider that, all the
responsible individuals doing their activity effectively and ef ciently.
D3 Critical evaluation of management skill that is required in the event industry
and recommendations to ful ll the stakeholder's requirement
Ful lling the demand of the stakeholder is majorly dependent on the
management skill of the event manager and also the personal skill of the
individual. If the individual or the event manager can able to focus on the
stakeholder's demand ef ciently and effectively, then the requirements of the
stakeholder will be ful lled and they are getting satis ed. Some
recommendations also can be made to meet the stakeholder demand. The
recommendations are described below in details
If the stakeholder wants that their event has to be popular in nature, the
management of the organization can distribute the news of the event on social
media so that more and more people can get to know about the event.
The event manager of the event also can do personalized e-mail to the
individuals who might attend the event. The management of the organization
also can issue a virtual ticket for the individuals who are not able to attend the
event physically.
The event manager and the other personals have to understand the demand of
the stakeholder properly. This is because if they are able to understand
stakeholder's demands properly, then only they can provide the demanded
service. In order to do this, the management of the organization can hire an
experienced event manager in the organization.

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LO4 Exploring the measures which are required to provide a safe environment
in the event for the staff and guests
P7 Specifying and explanation of safety and security and safe environment of
the venue, guests, and for the staff with a speci c environment
In a hotel which is Travelodge in this case, the safety of the venue, staff, and the
guests is important for the successful arrangement of the event.
The management of the hotel has to ensure that the hall or the place where the
event will occur is suf cient for the visitors. A proper evacuation system also
has to arrange in the venue. The site also has to equip with a re extinguisher.
The management also has to be a focus on the essential amenities for the
visitors of the event (Cha and Borchgrevink, 2019).
As the guests are important for the organization that is arranging the event and
also for the hotel Travelodge, their safety is important. The management of the
hotel has to install surveillance cameras in the hotel so that the activities in the
hotel can be monitored properly by the management. The guests also provide
proper documents and contacts to the hotel and it is important for providing
safety to the customers.
The staff of a hotel and tourism industry also important for the organization as
they are ful lling the demand of the stakeholders of the event. In order to
ensure the safety of the staff in an organization which is Travelodge in this
case, the management has to ensure certain steps. The management of the
organization has to know all the staff so that they can identify them when a big
event has happened in the organization. The management also has to identify
the hazard which may be happed in the organization. The staff also have to
know the evacuation plan of the organization so that they can evacuate
themselves and the visitors at the time of emergency in the organization. The
staffs also have to provide regular breaks within their work. These breaks

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provide them with certain refreshments. The management of the organization

also has to be providing training to the employees. In this training, the
management provides training to use the certain types of equipment which are
necessary for the safety of the staff of the organization. The employees also
provided proper clothing like footwear so that they can protect themselves in
various activities.
M4 Comparison and contrast of the security and safety provision for the
speci c events
Safety is something which de nes that the state of being protected from
potential harm. Security de nes that group efforts or efforts of the individual to
protect the members from harm. Both the term is overlapping in nature. If an
event is regarded as cooking, the management of the organization has to
ensure re safety in the organization. The management of the organization also
ensures that there is a proper evaluation system so that the visitors of the
event can be evacuated at the time of emergency (Carleton et al., 2019). The
management of the organization also ensures the safety of the visitors and
staff from the electrical equipment if the event is related to the electrical types
of equipment.
D4 Justi cation of recommendations to improve the provision of safety at the
speci c events and cost to the business, staff, and guests
In order to improve the provisions of the safety of the environment of the
speci c events, the management organization has to ensure certain
measurements in the organization. The management of the organization can
deploy safety and security of cer in the organization. The individual will take
care of the safety issues in the organization. The installation of the surveillance
system of the management of the organization helps them to detect any usual
activity in the organization.

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The management of the organization has to expense a good amount of money

to ensure the safety of the guests. This will increase the value of the business
of the organization. The organization also have to spend a good amount of
money in providing the safety kits to the employee of the organization. A good
amount of money will be expensed for the safety of the guest and the staff
whereas it provided a long-term value to the business of the organization.
Chi, C.G.Q., Ouyang, Z. and Xu, X., 2018. Changing perceptions and reasoning
process: Comparison of residents' pre-and post-event attitudes. Annals of
Tourism Research, 70, pp.39-53.
Morgan, A., Taylor, T. and Adair, D., 2020. Sport event sponsorship management
from the sponsee's perspective. Sport Management Review, 23(5), pp.838-851.
Bhattacharyya, E., 2018. Stakeholders perspective on communicative
competence in industry 4.0: Walk the talk of informative technologists. In SHS
Web of Conferences (Vol. 53, p. 03001). EDP Sciences.
Bahadorestani, A., Naderpajouh, N. and Sadiq, R., 2020. Planning for
sustainable stakeholder engagement based on the assessment of con icting
interests in projects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, p.118402.
Cha, J. and Borchgrevink, C.P., 2019. Customers' perceptions in value and food
safety on customer satisfaction and loyalty in restaurant environments:
moderating roles of gender and restaurant types. Journal of Quality Assurance
in Hospitality & Tourism, 20(2), pp.143-161.
Carleton, R.N., A , T.O., Taillieu, T., Turner, S., Krakauer, R., Anderson, G.S.,
MacPhee, R.S., Ricciardelli, R., Cramm, H.A., Groll, D. and McCreary, D.R., 2019.
Exposures to potentially traumatic events among public safety personnel in
Canada. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des
sciences du comportement, 51(1), p.37.

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Report: Sample_Fwd_ UKS13750

1. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

2. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

3. necessary Wordy sentences Clarity

4. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

5. in nature Wordy sentences Clarity

6. are able to → can Wordy sentences Clarity

7. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

8. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

9. In order to → To Wordy sentences Clarity

10. canadienne → Canadienne Misspelled words Correctness

11. comportement Unknown words Correctness

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