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Crocodiles are large bodied reptiles, their have four legs and live in fresh
water such as rivers, lakes, and swamps of some types also live in brackish water.
They are ancient animals that have survived until now. They are meat-eating
animals (carnivores). Their main foods are fish, birds, other reptiles, and
mammals. Crocodiles are tropical species so they are very sensitive to cold.
Crocodiles have soft skin around their stomach and thick skin on their backs
that are uneven in shape. They can grow to a length of five to six meters with a
body weight reaching one thousand kilograms. Their tail length is almost the same
as their body length. Their heads are long with a snout shape in front of their
mouths. The upper and lower jaw widths are the same and when they close their
mouths, all their teeth can be seen. Their eyes are located at the top of the skull
which allows them to pee at the enemy when their bodies are in the water.
Crocodiles are considered to be the most social of reptiles. They often come
together in certain section of the river. They are able to produce various sounds to
communicate to each other. They are smart, because they can determine the
behaviour of the prey based on their observation result and then they decide a way
to catch them.
Buaya adalah reptil bertubuh besar, mereka mempunyai empat kaki
dan hidup di air tawar seperti sungai, danau, dan rawa beberapa jenis dari mereka
juga hidup di air payau. Mereka termasuk hewan purba yang bertahan sampai
sekarang. Mereka adalah hewan pemakan daging (karnivora). Makanan utama
mereka adalah ikan, burung, reptil lainnya dan mamalia. Buaya adalah spesies
daerah tropis sehingga mereka sangat sensitif terhadap dingin.
Buaya memiliki kulit yang lembut di sekitar perutnya dan kulit yang
tebal di punggung mereka yang bentuknya tidak rata. Mereka bisa tumbuh
mencapai ukuran panjang lima sampai enam meter dengan berat tubuh mencapai
seribu kilogram. Panjang ekor mereka hampir sama dengan panjang tubuhnya.
Kepala mereka panjang dengan bentuk yang moncong di depan mulut mereka.
Lebar rahang bagian atas dan bagian bawah itu sama dan ketika mereka menutup
mulut mereka, semua gigi mereka bisa terlihat. Kedua mata mereka terletak di
bagian atas tengkoraknya yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengintip musuh
saat tubuh mereka berada di dalam air. Buaya dianggap sebagai reptil paling sosial.
Mereka sering berkumpul di bagian sungai tertentu. Mereka mampu menghasilkan
berbagai suara untuk berkomunikasi antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Mereka itu
cerdas, karena mereka mampu menentukan prilaku mangsa berdasarkan dari hasil
pengamatan mereka dan kemudian mereka menentukan cara untuk menangkapnya.

Crocodiles are large bodied reptiles, their have four legs and live in
fresh water such as rivers, lakes, and swamps of some types also live in
brackish water. They are ancient animals that have survived until now.
They are meat-eating animals (carnivores). Their main foods are fish,
birds, other reptiles, and mammals. Crocodiles are tropical species so
they are very sensitive to cold.
Crocodiles have soft skin around their stomach and thick skin on
their backs that are uneven in shape. They can grow to a length of five to
six meters with a body weight reaching one thousand kilograms. Their
tail length is almost the same as their body length. Their heads are long
with a snout shape in front of their mouths. The upper and lower jaw
widths are the same and when they close their mouths, all their teeth can
be seen. Their eyes are located at the top of the skull which allows them
to pee at the enemy when their bodies are in the water. Crocodiles are
considered to be the most social of reptiles. They often come together in
certain section of the river. They are able to produce various sounds to
communicate to each other. They are smart, because they can determine
the behaviour of the prey based on their observation result and then they
decide a way to catch them.

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