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Vocabulary words

Accouterments – accessories, paraphernalia

Thoth – the Egyptian moon deity with the head of an ibis, god of wisdom
Justitia – the woman in the Philippine justice symbol
Chief Magistrate – chief judge
Derision – the act of deriding or treating with contempt or mock, ridicule
Culpability – a state of guilt

Justice By Ralph Galan

These are the accoutrements of her office Is this Philippine Justice? The figure
The blindfold symbolizing impartiality; Of the Roman goddess Justitia slowly fades
A golden pair of scales measuring the validity Into thin air, swallowed by pigments

Of evidence given, both pro and con; Cloud as doubts. In my uncertain country
The double edged sword that pierces through Where right and wrong are cards
The thick fabric of lies; thot’s feather That can be shuffled like a pile of money bills,
Even the land’s chief magistrate
Of truth which ultimately determines whether Is not immune from culpability; found guilty
The defendants life is worth saving. He has to face the music of
In J. Elizalde Navarro’s oil painting titled derision.

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