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MORE day we are increasingly able to feel the weight of suffering that must be faced by

society due to the eruption of Mount Merapi. For those who died, the test was over. But for those
who are injured due to shock heat clouds or those who have fled from the danger zone, the
devastation it should continue to be faced.Ten days passed already since the first time Mount
Merapi erupted. Now the number of residents who are displaced from their homes has almost
reached 200,000 people. They temporarily had to live in a very limited facilities.Figures for
200,000 people is obviously not a small figure. If only every person needs to eat 50 grams of
rice, then one day it takes about 30 tons of rice for feeding the refugees. Yet we are talking about
side dishes pauknya.Besides food, the refugees need to change clothes. They need blankets when
the night before so as not to cold. They also need a bathroom to clean herself.This is all that does
not require handling of light. Even if we say no one needs a big job. Requires a professional
organization, because that must be addressed is human life.

We can not know how long will this disaster will last. When we are in a very severe suffering,
ten days it's been so long. The energy that must be taken to the handling of this disaster was
enormous.The challenge is not just a further eruption is still going to happen. Volcanic ash that is
released from the belly of Mount Merapi, also did not seem to stop. Not to mention the hot lava
that continued to be issued and it formed a very large sedimentation volume.
Further threat that must be anticipated is that when the rain will come. Sedimentation is buried
on the mountain would be brought down to the bottom and this will be a force that can also be
life-threatening public.

The eruption of Mount Merapi, which continued to occur not only threaten the lives of those who
live around the foot of the mountain. The impact of the disaster began to be felt by the wider
society. Economic activity in Yogyakarta for example, declined sharply due to the natural
conditions that are very unfriendly.Now these people will definitely avoid to come into the towns
around Mount Merapi. If nothing is too important, surely people will postpone his visit to the
cities. As a result, hotels will temporarily deserted by the guest. The automatic food vendors will
also not many customers coming. Similarly, souvenir traders temporarily empty of
visitors.Volcanic dust released into the air, reportedly has spread far out of Yogyakarta. Even the
reported dust blown far into the Bogor. It certainly could threaten flight safety, because the dust
that can damage aircraft engines.Experience when Mount Galunggung releasing such a huge
volcanic dust, the British Airways plane had to make an emergency landing in Jakarta because of
engine damage due to exposure to ash Mount Galunggung. Therefore, when the eruption of
Mount Merapi in Iceland, all flights from and to Europe was stopped for a while.

This Saturday we heard that flights from Singapore and Hong Kong to Jakarta for a while
stopped. Airlines like Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific will not want to risk the occurrence
of a fatal danger.All of these issues we deliberately adopted to encourage us not underestimate
the problems at hand. The eruption of Mount Merapi and the tsunami disaster in the Mentawai
Islands is a calamity that must be faced with great seriousness and seriously addressed.We still
can not understand if the government still considers Mount Merapi disaster as a disaster area.
When the impact has been far to everywhere, the government still considers this disaster as a
local-scale disaster.Hopefully determination Chairman National Disaster Management Agency
Syamsul Maarif as coordinator of disaster management making its handling qualities to be a
national quality. Glasses that must be used not only glasses that miopik, just look at those who
were directly affected by the eruption, but also those who are now beginning to feel the indirect
impact of the eruption of Mount Merapi.

Eruption of Mount Merapi, causing the economy of three districts in Sleman District,
Yogyakarta Special Region, paralyzed, causing substantial losses."The three most severely
damaged districts, namely Turi, Pakem, and Cangkringan. The three districts were now
completely paralyzed, because hundreds of industries in three regions currently unable to
production," said Head of Department of Industry, Commerce and Cooperatives
(Disperindagkop) Sleman Pranowo as quoted by Antara today.
According to him, the amount of loss due to operation of a number of industries located in these
three districts are up to now unknown, but likely to reach tens of billions of dollars.
"Our expectation kerugiaan reach tens of billions of dollars, because the industries are in a radius
of 20 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi has been unable to production. We are still
taking inventory and will record losses," he said.
He said the inventory include industrial raw materials, inventory, and production equipment.
"After the inventory is completed we will report to the Special Region of Yogyakarta to request
assistance to central government, mainly for industrial equipment that is damaged only. If not,
I'll only get raw materials and inventory," he said.
Pranowo said the data collection Disperindagkop Sleman in Disaster Prone Areas (KRB) III for
the District there are 110 Umbulharjo Cangkringan in industries with production value Rp6, 87
billion, there are 79 Kepuharjo industrial production value of Rp 6 billion.
Then the industry with a value of 110 Umbulharjo produski Rp7 Glagaharjo 102 billion and the
industry with value produski Rp7, 5 billion.
"While there are 281 Sub Turi industry with production value Rp14, 8 billion and there are 109
Pakem industrial production value of Rp 6 billion," he said. (Fire)

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