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Boost economic development : đẩy mạnh phát triển kinh tế

Modern science and technologies largely boost economic development
2. Adapt to sth : thích nghi với điều gì
Higher education must keep pace with the fast – paced development of modern
3. Enable sb to do sth : khiến ai có thể làm gì
Listening to music will enable people to feel relaxed.
4. Invest in sth : đầu tư vào việc gì
The government should encourage companies to invest in exploiting renewable
5. Make the most of sth : tận dụng điều gì
We should make the most of new technology to improve productivity.

6.Improve people’s living standard : cải thiện mức sống của người dân

7.relieve stress / burden : giảm căng thẳng/ gánh nặng

Regular exercise can relieve stress and reduce fatigue involved in sth : tham gia vào việc gì

Every citizen should be involved in environmental protection.

9. be filled with sth : chứa đầy điều gì

The newspaper and television are filled with the detailed description of crimes. addicted to sth : nghiện điều gì

Now many kids are addicted to playing online games .

11.suffer from sth : chịu đựng diều gì

Many employees suffer from mental illnesses due to keen competition in the
modern work place

12: Stem from : bắt nguồn từ điều gì

Generally , most crimes stem from poor education and poverty.

13.give priority to sth : ưu tiên việc gì

The government should give up priority to meeting people ‘s basic needs such as
housing and medical care

14. raise the public’s awareness of sth : nâng cao nhận thức xã hội về điều gì

The government should raise the public’s awareness of conserving water .

15.enact law : ban hành luật

The government should enact laws to protect endangered wild animals.

16. be superior to sth : tốt hơn điều gì

Graphic reproduction of the magazines is superior to that of newspapers consistent with sth : nhất quán vói điều gì

It offers a theory of education consistent with the aims of modern day nursing . compatible with sth : thích hợp với điều gì

Economic development can be compatible with environmental protection .

19. be complementary to sth : bổ sung cho điều gì

Radio and TV , in many circumstances , are not competitive , but complementary

to each other , and serve different people for various purposes

20. be indifferent to sth : thờ ơ với điều gì

Parents can be indifferent to children’s leisure activities .

Topic 1 :

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic .

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the
knowledge and skills needed in the workplace . Others think that the true
function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own
sake , regardless of whether the course useful to an employer .

What , in your opinion , should be the main function of a university ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge of experience .Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that
university education serves. However, whether they should mainly provide job-
related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. My view is
that practical skills should be the main focus of universities.

First, it is clear that for most students, the purpose of receiving university
education is to obtain specific knowledge and skills, which will enable them to
become qualified employees in the future job market. This is because most of
them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn their living, and raise their
own families. So, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to
these customers’ real needs.

Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself. For
example, the science fiction blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the
filmmaking industry and sparked massive interest in 3-D technology. If a
university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses
regarding 3-D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the near future,
but the university itself will keep pace with the modern technological development
and move forward.

That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to pure scientific
research. There are, of course, students interested in theoretical knowledge such as
math and philosophy, and they will later become scientists and scholars who will
make greater contributions to our society. But unfortunately, these people are few.
In sum, the major function of universities should be providing students with job-
related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society
function well. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the other important roles
universities are undertaking. Only by doing so can universities maintain dynamic
and sustainable development.


1. Tiếp đầu ngữ và tiếp vị ngữ không làm thay đổi trọng âm chính.

a. Tiếp đầu ngữ

‘important - un’important

‘popular- u’n’popular

‘healthy- unhealthy

suc’cess- unsu’cessful

‘accurate- in’accurate

honest– dis’honest


Ngoại lệ:

‘Undergrowth ‘underpants

b. Tiếp vị ngữ

‘beauty __‘beatiful ‘comfort___‘comfortable

‘Value ____‘valuable ‘notice _____ ‘noticeable

2. Những từ tận cùng bằng tiếp vị ngữ sau có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết
ngay trước âm tiết chứa tiếp vị ngữ đó.

a. -tion

proc’tection compu’tation con’dition

Appli’cation imagi’nation aso’ciation

Obser’vation calcu’lation infor’mation


expec’tation pro’duction contri’bution at’tention


Decision conclusion ac’cession di’vision

Per’mission suc’cession

Ngoại lệ :

‘television Interplay

c.-ic, -ical

Ar’tistic pa’cific diplo’matic scien’tific terrific

Eco’nomic sympa’thetic ‘practical me’chanical

Note :

‘Catholic ̣ : thuộc cơ đốc giáo ‘arithmetic : số học ‘politics :chính trị

d. -ity

a’bility ac’tivity curi’osity e’quality ne’cesscity oppor’tunity

com’munity ‘quality

e. –ial , -ially

arti’ficial e’ssential ‘social in’dustrial me’morial o’fficial


Com’petitive ‘sensitive

Psy’chology e’cology tech’nology

h.-graphy, -try

Ge’ography trigo’nometry

3.Từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết âm tiết cách các tiếp vị ngữ sau hai âm


Con’siderate ‘illustrate com’municate

In’vestigate im’mediate ‘fortunate

b.- ary

‘January ‘literary ‘dictionary ‘necessary ‘military

4.Những tiếp vị ngữ sau thường được nhận trọng âm chính

1.-ee, -eer, -ese, -ain ( chỉ áp dụng cho động từ ) -aire, -ique ,- esque

deg’ree ref’ree addre’ssee mountaineer, pioneer engineer Vietnamese

Japanese Chinese

re’main con’tain main’tain

questionnaire millionaire tech’nique u’nique picturesque

5. Đa số các động từ có hai âm tiết , thì âm tiết thứ hai thường nhận trọng âm

exp’lain for’get re’lax en’joy main’tain ac’cept de’stroy a’llow

* Tuy nhiên một số động từ hai âm tiết lại có trọng âm chính rơi vào vần đầu tiên

‘Promise ‘answer ‘offer ‘happen ‘open

6. Đa số danh từ và tính từ hai âm tiết có trọng âm chính ở âm tiết thứ nhất.

‘butcher ‘standard ‘carpet ‘porter ‘busy ‘handsome


 Ngoại lệ :
ma’chine mis’take a’lone

7. Hầu hết danh từ ghép có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên.

‘Raincoat ‘filmmarker ‘bookshop ‘bedroom ‘snowstorm

‘volleyball ‘speedlimit

8.Tính từ ghép có từ đầu tiên là tính từ hoặc trạng từ thì trọng âm chính rơi
vào từ thứ hai, tận cùng bằng –ed

bad- ‘tempered short-‘sighted ill- ‘treated well- ‘done

well- ‘dressed

9.Tính từ ghép có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên

‘homesick ‘airsick ‘water proof

I. Underline the syllable that receive s the main stress in each of following

0.neighborhood 1. agreement 2. beautiful 3. lengthen

4. happiness 5.memorize 6. accident 7.reader

8. similarity 9.national 10.ẹnjoyable

II. Choose the odd one out

1.A. reply B. appeal C. offer D. support

2.A.answer B. allow C. agree D. deny

3.A.mother B. relax C. father D. garden

4.A.decide B. combine C. apply D. happen

5.A. promise B. picture C. listen D. accept B. England C. shampoo D. grammar

7.A. open B. provide C. complete D. prefer

8.A.become B. promise C. suggest D. disorder

9.A. flower B. exclude C. husband D. farmer

10.A. doctor B. simple C. castle D. enlarge

III. Circle the word with stress

1. A. saturday B. holiday C. tomorrow D. yesterday

2.A.morning B. fifty C. fifteen D. August

3.A. table B. tourist C. tunnel D. today

4.A.mistake B. thoughtless C. become D. remove

5.A.playground B. shoe shop C. first class D. handbag

6.A. economics B. economy C. education D. scientific

7.A. passport B. well dressed C. raincoat D. suitcase

8.A. example B. explaining C. combining D. carelessness

9.A. calculation B. conversation C. mathematics D. acknowledge

10.A. darkness B. writer C. attack D. lucky


It was only a small mistake but it changed my life forever . it started two years ago
when I sent a postcard to my sister , who was living in another town. My sister did
not receive it and I was wondering why.

Then one morning the postman brought a letter for me . it was from girl whose
name I had never seen before.
I looked at the addresses and suddenly I realized what happened to my sister ‘s
postcard. This girl lived in the same town and street as my sister, but in a different
house . I must have written the address wrongly on the postcard.

I read the letter and she seemed a nice person . She explained that I had put my
address on the card so she decided to write to me . On the same day I wrote back
to her .

We wrote each other every week and quickly became good friends. I was feeling
very excited when we eventually met, as soon as we said “ Hi” we both knew we
had made friends for life.


There was no moon that night , and the storm had not been forecast . There were
three of us in the boat , my uncle, my aunt and myself. I felt nervous and excited .
I had never been sailing before.

When we left the harbor , the wind began to get stronger . The boat was jumping
up and down like a dog pulling at a lead . Then the rain started , and I could hardly
see the light of houses in the harbor . The boat struggled against the howling wind ,
and I just stood there petrified.

Suddenly , there was a terrible crash . We had hit some rocks , and for a minute I
thought the boat was going to sink . The storm was getting worse and the rain was
coming down in torrents. Then I realized that the boat had got stuck between the

Luckily, Uncle Tom had his mobile phone , and he called for help. But in the end it
was two hours before the coastguards could rescue us. I was so glad to be on dry
land again.


There were three of us

It was a cold day/ winter

I had never been to

At the beginning

First/ Then / afterwards/ finally / In the end

I was petrified / shocked

I stood there speechless

I was so embarrassed / I was numb with fear.

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