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BIO POEM WRITING RUBRIC Student’s Name: ___________________________

1 - Below Grade Level: Skills are 2 - Approaching Grade Level 3 - At Grade Level Skills are at 4 - Above Grade Level Skills are
limited, support is often needed. Skills are near grade level grade level. No support needed; above expectations for grade.
expectations, but some support is able to work independently.

Follows the  Student completes only a few or  Student completes most component  Student completes all component  Student completes all component
directions for a none of the component statements statements, or completes all with statements. statements.
bio poem assistance.

 Character is not reflected in the  Character is partially reflected in the  Character is reflected in the poem.  Character is thoroughly reflected in
Content poem. poem. the poem.
 Creativity is apparent.
 No creativity shown.  Some creativity is apparent. Knowledge of the character is  High level of creativity is apparent.
 Very little to no knowledge of the  Some knowledge of the character is evident.  Demonstrates a strong knowledge of
character is evident. evident. the character.

 Many word choice, punctuation,  Some word choice, punctuarion, and  No more than one or two word  No word choice, punctuation, or
Language: and usage errors usage errors choice, punctuation, or usage errors usage errors
Grammar and
Usage  Numerous grammar errors  Some grammar errors  No more than one or two grammar  No grammar errors
 Many misspelled words  Some misspelled words  No misspelled words
 Written phrases and sentences lack  Some written phrases and  No more than one or two misspelled  All written phrases and sentences are
clarity or coherence. sentences are clear and coherent. words clear and coherent.
 Most written phrases and sentences
are clear and coherent.

 Poem is difficult to read.  Poem is mostly legible.  Poem is legible.  Poem is legible and pleasing to read.
and Publication  If typed, font, type style and color is  If typed, two poor choices in font,  If typed, either font, type style or  If typed, good choices for font, type
inappropriate. type style or color. color is inappropriate. style and color.
 Adds additional enhancements, such
as picture or graphic elements.

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