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Useful Words & Phrases for Part 1 Speaking

Starting words:
1. Alright, Ok, Well, So, Right
[2]. In fact, Actually, Basically, Frankly speaking, To be honest, To tell you the truth

Starting phrases:
The first thing to say (mention) is that
I would/can say (like to mention) that
The point I’d like to begin is that
My initial point would be that
You may be aware that / As you probably know / As you can probably guess
The main thing you need to know is that

Continue phrases:
Another point which I could add / highlight / underline is that I guess I could also
remark that
Something else that I need to comment is that
I can add that / In addition to this...
As well as this, ...

Starting opinion:
[ Personally] I [definitely] believe, I assume, I think that, I'm sure that, I think, I suppose,
I imagine, I feel like; as far as I’m concerned; to my knowledge; in my opinion

This might/could be because This is due to the fact that

Connection words
Sequence of events: firstly, secondly, initially, to begin with, next, following this, after
this, afterwards

Certainty of knowledge: admittedly, obviously, certainly, undoubtedly, plainly, of

course, it is evident that, there is no doubt that, on the whole, indeed

Additional info: In addition, similarly, as well as, likewise, furthermore, besides this,
also, not only .., moreover

Consequences of actions: as a result, thus, so, therefore, eventually, thereby,

consequently, it follows that, then, in that case

Contrasting: however, though, although, but, on the other hand, despite, in spite of,
on the contrary, otherwise, instead of, rather, whereas, nonetheless, even though, in
contrast, alternatively

Condition: if, unless, provided that, whether, depending on, as soon as, until 2
Summary: in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to conclude, in short

Examples: [like] for instance, to be exact, more specifically, one example is that, for
example, in particular, particularly, to illustrate, more precisely like

Reason: since, as, so, because (of), due to, the reason why, in other words, leads to,

Time: before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when, whenever, as soon
as, just as

Like / dislike questions

Like synonyms: I enjoy, I am a big fan of, I am fond of, I am passionate about, I am
keen on, I am fascinated by, I am obsessed with, I am interested in, I am into, I am
absolutely mad/crazy about, I simply adore, I am quite enthusiastic about

Dislike synonyms: I can’t stand, is not my cup of tea, doesn’t appeal to me, I detest, I
loathe, I’m not really fond of, I’m not much a fan of, I’m not so keen on

Structures for the most common part 1 speaking questions

Answering “Wh” Questions

In part 1 IELTS Speaking, very often you will come across “wh” questions.


● What kind of restaurants are popular in your country?

● What kind of free time activities are popular in your country?

There’s quite a mixed variety of / fairly broad (wide) range of / extensive diversity of /
diverse mixture of...

Then use: But I guess / suppose / think / imagine the most adj would probably be

Adj: common popular influential frequent prevalent famous well-known fashionable

trendy widely-used crucial widespread demanded solicited...

Then add detail: The thing with X is that / I assume X is so adj because / The point I
want to say about X is that / And the explanation of such popularity is that

Then add more types: Besides / as well as / in addition to / another kind of / another
form of / a subsequent category would be ...
And the main characteristic of Y is that / and the unique aspect of Y is that / and the
exceptional aspect with Y is that

Then continue with less popular

And of course there are things like / and obviously you can also find things like /
likewise, there are things like... 3
How often questions

With how often questions, it is a very good idea to use the “depends” construction.

Step 1

... it depends / it would really depend on the situation / it would be determined by

different conditions

Then use linking example phrase: Like for instance / like more specifically / like to be
exact / more precisely like

Step 2

Then describe condition:

If A then I will most likely / then it’s quite possible that I will / then as a consequence I
will probably / then I guess I will / then I will most certainly

Step 3

Then add contrast phrase: Whereas in contrast / whereas on the other hand /
though, at the same time

Yes/no questions

Step 1

... I suppose that to some extent / I guess that on the one hand / Well certainly in
some ways

Then make positive statement (e.g, it is fairly important) and add linking phrase:
Especially when you consider that / particularly if you think about the point that /
especially with regards to the point that / and this is definitely the case that

Step 2

Then make negative statement:

But you also have to understand that / even so, you could also say that / at the same
time you could say that

Step 3

So I guess (so on the whole) my answer is both yes and no (has to be yes and no) 4
Imaginary situation questions

At times, there will be imaginary questions, and it is a good idea to use the second
conditional for this.

Use second conditional for hypothetical present or future (I would like to change
cities if I had a chance)
Start with something like: well, frankly speaking, this isn’t something that I’ve ever
considered, but generally speaking / actually, I’ve never thought about it, but I guess

Then use the second conditional (if past + I would) Then add details with because /
due to the fact / ...
+: even if; even though; rather than; whether; while

How to Answer Part 2 Speaking

Since you are given 1-minute to prepare follow the steps below.

Step1: Select topic

Better to choose a topic which is expandable, and can include “invented aspects”

E.g, when talking about buildings, malls could be a good choice since it is a place
you visit more often. On the contrary, if you decide to speak about a museum, make
sure you are able to answer all the points.

Step2: Brainstorm vocabulary related to the topic.

Write as many specific words as possible related to the topic. Also think of idiomatic
phrases you can use.

Step3: Think about the tenses and complex structures you will use while

Fluency-based strategy:
Use the first “question” as a starting point and use redundant language, linking
phrases and complex structures. While it is important to speak on all the points, it is
important to be expandable, so there should be 2-3 sentences for each point.

In details, to construct response using this strategy (memorize the following

phrases, ~ 40 seconds for each point of speaking):

1. Opening phrase + first prompt from the text + linking phrase:

So, to start with, I’ll talk about [who the person is], and I would go for [Bruce Lee]
because / for the reason that / especially / due to the fact that...

In general, add a linking word and one sentence after the phrase.

2. Second point
Regarding with the next point of [why he is famous], I would like to mention that [he
is a world-famous star] 5
3. Third point
And moving to the subject of [why he became popular], I suppose that I should
underline the fact that ...

4. Last point
To cut a long story short, as my very last point in regards to [what is his best role], I
have to add that ...

Part 2 & 3 tip:

Keep asking “why”, explain the alternatives using “if”, describe an example

! do not repeat the question vocabulary

How to Answer Part 3 in IELTS Speaking

This could be the most challenging since the examiner will check your linguistic

Make sure your answers are general and don’t personalise.

Comparison questions

1: Certainty ph ( well obviously) + there is a number of underlying differences /

variety of possible differences / range of potential distinctions here
2. Contrasting ph ( but...) + opinion (I guess that) + the most adj would be that

3. Example ph + example
4. Contrasting (on the other hand, ...); then example again 5. Addition + a second
key distinction that / a subsequent contrast would be that
Time: if past – use “used to”: X used to be much smaller

Prediction questions

1: Open phrase: I’m sure that in the nearest future we will see a number of changes
related to this / we will witness some changes with regard to this
2: Initially... I guess that we are going to have / might begin to see / will soon have +

3. At the same time / Likewise / On top of this + same as 2 4. Unrealistic prediction:

And who knows, it could even be possible / there’s even a chance that + same as 2

Why questions

1. Opinion ph + there is probably a number of factors involved / a number of

explanations for this
2. The main explanation / basis is possibly/probably because ... 3. Additional info ph
+ a subsequent /secondary factor / incentive (стимул) could be that 6
Advantages questions

1. Opinion ph + there are a few clear benefits / a number of positive features

2. Opinion ph + the most visible / evident / apparent would be that 3. This is
obviously / undoubtedly favourable / beneficial because .. 4. Additional info ph + a
second favourable aspect / plus point would be that
5. This is clearly/definitely valuable / positive since/because

Disadvantages questions

The same but use:

negative aspects / drawbacks / shortcomings / weak points most adverse /
unfavourable / impractical
the trouble with this is that / this can be a hassle because

Problems questions

1. Certainty ph + there are quite a lot of dangers with regard to this / a few hazards
involved with ... OR this issue is weighted down with a few problems
2. Initially..., the most crucial / major / fundamental + worry / concern is that ...

3. This is clearly alarming / a sensitive matter because

4. Additional info ph + another matter / major cause for concern is that ...
5. And the principal upshot is probably that ...

Solutions questions

1. Opinion ph + there are a number of actions that could be taken / a few ways to
tackle these problems
2. In relation to the initial issue, the most effective way to eliminate issue would be to

3. Now, taking into consideration the second challenge, the way to confront this
would be to ... 7
Useful vocabulary related to the most common speaking

Thoughtful – заботливый
Astute – проницательный, умный Easygoing – беспечный
Grumbling / Grumpy – ворчливый Gloomy - хмурый
Unsociable – замкнутый
Arrogant – заносчивый
Reliable – надёжный
Naïve – наивный
Touchy – обидчивый
Versatile - разносторонний Responsible – ответственный Indifferent –
безразличный Reasonable – рассудительный Sensitive – чувствительный
Generous – щедрый
Lenient – мягкий
Breadwinner – добытчик в семье Witty – умный \ остроумный

Extrovert \ Introvert;

Sociable Cheerful - бодрый

Rigid – строгий
Childish – незрелый
Mellow; helpful
Dull = tedious = boring
Notorious – польз-ся дурной славой

Cities and buildings

Sprawling – простирающийся Distinctive – самобытный

Work and hobby

Exhausting – изматывающий
Demanding – требующая многого
Intricate / tough – сложная
Soothing – успокаивающий
Invigorating / Refreshing / Revitalizing – придающий силы


Fascinating / captivating / appealing / catchy / gripping Atmospheric

Nature, weather

Sandy / Exotic
Sweltering – жаркая
Nippy, chilly - холодная

Endangered – исчезающие виды 8

Yummy / Delicious / Lip-smacking / Appetizing Revolting – омерзительный

Nutritious - питательный


Contemporary – современный
Prompt - быстрый
Swanky / Classy – дорогой, изысканный Worthless
Meaningless – бесценный
Pleasing – доставляющий удовольствие

Fragrant (фрэйгрант) – ароматный

Soaked – мокрый
Spartan – простой отель
Reminiscent - напоминающий
Divisive, controversial – спорный

Prominent – показательный

Idioms to use in various topics:

To be run-down (in bad condition)

To be chic (fashionable look, usually about streets)
Work flat out (very hard)
I’m always on the go (I’m very busy)
Get to the bottom of (solve)
Take charge of (manage)
Pick up the pieces (take responsibility)
With flying colors (with a high score)
Sail through (finish easily)
Washed out (completed task totally tired)
To flunk (perform badly)
Cross the bridge when I come to it (deal with the problem when it arrives)
I’d like to have a go at ... (I’d like to try)
To idle away the hours by (to spend time on)
Had a crack at (tried smth)
Watch the box (watch tv)
Blew my mind
I chill out to (I relax with)
Read up on smth (read about)
Have my nose in the book (read the book)
Snail mail (sending letters using usual post)
At the push of the button (simply by pushing one button)
Learn by heart (learn good)
Block out (ignore, e.g first language)
Put pen to paper (write by hand) 9
Jot down (write quickly)
The in thing (fashionable)
Set smb. Back (it will cost smb. Some money)
Soul mate
A sounding board (a good person to talk to)
In high spirits (happy)
Make merry (to eat and drink)
To bump into (to meet)
Go for a dip (go swimming)

Once in a blue moon (not very often)

Have a chinwag (have a conversation)
Film buff (someone who really likes movies)
Take it easy (means relaxing)
Slip by (bypasses quickly, like time)
In the dead of night (very late)
The daily grind (everyday work routine)
Early bird
It’s in the blood (it is a natural part of one’s character) Lip-smacking (very tasty)
Get hitched (become married)
Jam-packed (packed crowd like in metro)
Go off the beaten track (travel where nobody usually goes) Nothing out of the
ordinary (quite typical)
Wolf down (eat quickly)
In bloom (when there are many flowers)
Junk food (unhealthy food)
Pig out (eat much)
The here and now (live in the moment) 10

Admire – восхищаться
Scarce – дефицит
Take it for granted – принимать как должное

Exaggerate – преувеличивать
Vocational – профессиональный
Feeling unfulfilled
Literacy rate
Decontaminate – обеззараживать

Pursue – заниматься, преследовать

Vicinity – окресности, соседство

Swamped – подавленный
Confined to – ограниченный чем-л

Extinction – изчезновение

Amenities (амИнитис) – услуги

Dweller – житель
Rural – сельский

(dis) embark – садиться\высаж-ся

Expatriate – эмигрант

Unsociable hours – работа по вых и празд

Adverse working conditions – не очень условия Sick building syndrome

Perks – бонусы
Incentives – меры поощрения на работе

Demanding – требовательный
Sedentary – сидячий образ жизни
Nervous strain – нервное напряжение
Welfare – благоденствие

Warp someone’s life – сломать ч-л жизнь

Broadsheet – плакат
Current affairs – текущие события Tabloid ; gutter press

Libel – клевета
Readership – читатели
Upper crust – сливки общества 11
Proliferate – распрост-ся

Safeguards – защитные меры

Glass ceiling – потолок карьеры

Broke – без денег

Bargain – сделка (бАган)

Rebate – скидка

Wholesale - опт
Exorbitant – чрезмерный
Lend – одалживать;

lending – кредитов-е

Inherit – наследовать

Humiliate – уничтожать

Eyesore – очень некрасивый

Porch – крыльцо
Charcoal – уголь (чАкол)

Recession – спад
State-owned – государственный

White-collar – бел воротнички

Barristor, solicitor – адвокат

Acquit – оправдать

Poaching – браконьерство

Extinct – вымерший

Breeding – разведение

Captivity – плен, неволя

Contaminated- загрязненный Emissions

Fossil fuels
Precipitation – осадки
Inherited – наследованный

Devastating – разрушительный

Spacious – просторный 12
Demolish – уничтожать
Deteriorate – ухудшать (дитИриорэйт)

A still life – натюрморт

Arty – претенд-й на тонкий вкус Masterpiece

Adolescence – подрост возраст

Dependents – иждивенцы Siblings

Shore – берег Peninsula – полуостров

Plague – чума (плЭйг)

Refugees – беженцы

Swell – увеличиваться (V, размер)

Wound – причинить боль

Emphasis – акцент
Prominent - выдающийся

Pecularities – особенности

Bigoted – фанатичный, узколобый (бИготед)

Dread – бояться
Fancy – воображать
Tempt – склонять

Revolve – вращаться

Extempt from – освобожд от

Reckon – рассчитывать

Graceful – изящный

Awkward; clumsy

Plentiful – многочисл

Resembling – похожий

Leather – кожа
Tiding – течение

Perceive – осознавать

Exacerbate – обострять 13
Trustworthiness – надёжность (траствовинесс)

Thrilled – взволнованный
Squeeze – сжать
Deter – удерживать
Devise – изобретать
Dedication – отдача, преданность
Tend to
Abuse, misuse – злоупотреблять ч-л
Proficient (опытный, искусный)
Upward mobility
Devote themselves

Преступник – criminal, offender, lawbreaker, perpetrator of a crime

Преступление – crime, offence, misdeed, wrongdoing; (commit a crime)

Обвинение – conviction
Наказание – judgment, punishment, penalty Judgement can be reduced (not
alleviated) 14 15

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