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9/7/2021 pref_1_Listening 2.

1: Revisión del intento


Comenzado el viernes, 2 de julio de 2021, 19:03

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en viernes, 2 de julio de 2021, 19:11
Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 25 segundos
Puntos 83,33/100,00
Calificación 4,17 de 5,00 (83%) 1/2
9/7/2021 pref_1_Listening 2.1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 83,33 sobre 100,00

Listen to the text and fill in the blanks:


" My sister and I

are going to have

 an amazing weekend together! We

are going to meet

 some friends and eat out on Friday evening. On Saturday we

are going to make

 some sandwiches and go to the park. The weather

is going to be

 sunny and warm. I

am going to read

 a book and relax. On Sunday, I

am not going to go

 out, and Emily

is going to surf

 the internet."
Mark the statements true or false.

1. My sister is going to surf the internet on Sunday.  true 

2. The weather is going to be very cold.   false 

3. I am not going to relax, because I will be very busy.   false 

4. We are going to make some sandwiches and go to the park.   true 

5. We are not going to eat out on Friday evening.   false 

◄ pref_1_Grammar 2.1

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