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TO: Colleagues and Staffs

FROM: Chelsey Lin

SUBJECT: Petition Sign-up Event to STOP Dam Construction This Coming Friday

Dear Mr. and Ms.,

DUnfortunately, despite ourthe strenuous efforts of many protesters, the construction plan for
the ABC Dam has been officially announced this Monday. However, this does not mean we
have lost this battle. As we all know, mega dam construction can be very harmful to the
surrounding ecosystem, threating not only the plants and animals in the area but also citizens
living in the lower regions of XYZ River. The damage dealt will become irreversible, and we will
forever lose the beautiful sceneries we have today. Therefore, our next plan should be trying to
stop the dam construction by getting as many people as we can to sign-up on our petition to the

To make our opinions heard and to call awareness to more people, we have decided tocould
start a petition to the government, and we’re planning on holdinghold a public sign-up event this
Friday in downtown area to get more signature for our petition. The goal of the event can be tois
to inform people about the potential harms the dam will bring and how they outweigh the
benefits, as well as to get more people to support us. We will be setting upcan set up vendors
and booths at the plaza with other informational materials and a few laptops, so if people are
interested, they could sign their name on the petition on the spot.

To better discuss the details, I suggest we arrange a short meeting this week so we can decide
on the feasibility of such an event. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join! Event details
are included in the attachment. If you would like to help organizing the event, feel free to email
me directly. Any help is appreciated!

Thank you for your time, have a nice day!

Chelsey Lin

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