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Science: To believe or not to believe

Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is a rite of passage for human survival. And for some, they think it is a
passage to the graveyard. Though, several months have passed since our government has launched its
vaccination programs, and still, there’s no recorded death because of injection. Now, do we still need to
reconsider the side of anti-vaxxers’ conspiracy, or is time for all of us to believe in the beauty of science?

Virus mutation these days is considered dreadful. Its different variation from strain, characteristic, and
mode of infection is what today’s people fear. But as these viruses leveled up, so as science.

We are aware that technology is always expanding its horizon towards an immeasurable stance. But
behind this technological advancement, there is science. Because of this, we can assure the medicines
today have the capability to fight back against today’s virus — the modern war between science and

Given the statements above, it’s just a matter of believing it or not. We can’t force everybody to believe
it but we can at least give them the facts brought by thousands of researchers around the world- Yes
almost every country makes their own research.

If they refused to accept, just let them. We can just focus on minding our own lives and influence our
countrymen to help ourselves in preventing the spread of the noble virus. After all, we are entitled to
make our decision.

However, if anti-vaxxers don’t believe in science, they should at least obey the health protocols given by
the government until the virus is totally gone. It is the least they can do to the majority who chose to
side with science.

Propagating conspiracies won’t help as well. Now, it is safe to say that conspiracies pertaining to like the
virus is caused by 5G waves, vaccines can turn us into zombies, vaccines contain microchips that can
track are all ludicrous. Propagating such lies will just worsen the world condition, given the fact that
many people fall from propaganda.

Answering the question I stated earlier, yes, it’s time for us to believe in science. Look for its beauty and
appreciate its astonishing aptitude in solving modern health problems.

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