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Student A: Hi, can you help me to know some information about the ESPOL?

Student B: Of course, what do you want to know?

Student A: How are the teachers in this university? I have to take English III. What

teacher do you recommends me?

Student B: Oh, now I’m taking that subject, I recommend you Miss. Jenny Villareal,

she is an excellent teacher, she’s very punctual, and she explains very clear the topics.

How many subjects do you want to take in this semester?

Student A: I’m planning to see 5 subjects.

Student B: That’s a good choice because in this semester we have to take the first

partial exam.

Student A: How difficult is the transportation access to the university?

Student B: The truth is that now I live in the south of the city, so I must take 3 buses to

arrive to the university. It depends where do you live.

Student A: Really! I feel like I’m going to get lost.

Student B: Jajaja, don’t be worried, people will help you.

Student A: How can I submit the activities if we are in virtual mode?

Student B: The majority of teachers use the “aula virtual” to take lessons or activities,

others use apps like Kahoot or Microsoft Teams.

Student A: That’s interesting, I really hope I do well this semester.

Student B: You will do it. You have to study a lot and interact with your classmates.

Student A: Thank you for the information.

Student B: You’re welcome

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