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NAME – Sonal Uttarkar

ROLL – 220130
MOBILE NO – 7796061412
EMAIL ID – Jmb2021026@Zealeducation.Com

Electronic Arts, a company that creates software for video games, has a new president. He
has decided to improve morale in the organization and stimulate creativity by
implementing several new policies. One of these policies is Flexible Friday. Your boss, the
manager of human resources, has asked you to write a one-page (150- word) memo to all
employees announcing that every Friday will be considered Flexible Friday, starting next
week. This policy means that employees may dress informally, may arrive later than usual,
and may bring their children to the office. The style of the memo should be personal but
formal, and the tone should be positive.

To – All employees / staff members

Subject – Implementation of new policy for employees
Date – 08 August 2021

Dear employees,

Thank you for being a valuable part of our company

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that work schedule for the upcoming
weeks. I have realized that the daily working hour are busy time for all of us and somewhere
in this pandemic condition the positive feeling and thinking has lost.

Thus, after long discussions we decided to implement new policy which will be very flexible
and is to improve morale in the organization and to stimulate creativity.

The policy is that on every Friday…

1. Flexible working time (can arrive late or leave early)

2. Can bring their children’s along with them
3. No restriction on dress code

So, every Friday is now a “Flexible Friday “

Thank you for being a part of our electronic Arts and special thanks to our HR manager for
focusing and initiating for maintaining work-life balance of our employees.


HR department.

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