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PHAN II CAC CHU BE COLLOCATIONS VA IDIOMS LESSON 1 - FAMILY STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings 1 | Immediate family = gia dinh ruét thit (bao gdm ba, me & anh nuclear family chi em rudt) 2 | Extended family dai gia dinh (bao gdm Ong ba, co chi bac, cau, mo... } 3 | Family tree so d6 gia dinh, dé chi méi quan hé gitra cdc thanh vién trong gia dinh(gia pha) 4 | Distant relative ho hang xa 5 | Loving family = close-knit | gia dinh ém 4m family 6 | Dysfunctional family gia dinh khong ém am 7 | Carefree childhood tuéi tho @m dém 8 | Troubled childhood tudi tho khé khan 9 | Bitter divorce ly than (do cé xfch mich tinh cam) 10 | Messy divorce ly than va c6 tranh chap tai san 11 | Mutual divorce/ ly hén ma khéng xdy ra tranh chap separation i2 | Broken home gia dinh tan vo 13 | Single mother ngudi me co con nhung chira lap gia dinh (me don than) 14 | Have/get an abortion pha thai 15 | Family reunion gia dinh doan ty 16 | Divorce settlement gidi quyét cdc van dé ly hon - 17 | Custody ofthe children _| quyén nudi con 18 | Grant joint custody vg chong cung chia sé quyén nudi con 19 | Sole custody chi vg hoac chéng cd quyén nudi con 20 | Award sole custody giao quyén nudi con 21 | Pay child support tr cap tién nudi con 22 |Be/keepongoodterms | méi quan hé héa nha, lich thiép, chan 22 with sb hoa véi ai keep on (well) with sb get along with sb = have a good relationship with sb 23 | Get pregnant mang thai 24 | Give the baby up for dem con cho ngvdi ta nhan nudi adoption N a Due date = baby is due ngay diy sinh 26 | Have the baby = give birth | sinh con 27 | Adoptive parents bo me nudi | -| 28 | Raise the child = bring up | nudi nang i _| the child i a [29 | Adopted child con nubi i | 30 | Birth mother (biological | me rage | mother} | [34 | A/the blue-eyed boy | dtra con cung ~ i | 32 | Blue blood dong giéng hoang téc | Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Question 1: The technological advances birth to the industrial Revolution, which was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840, A. took B. gave Chad B, made Question 2: A number of the kids in my classroom come from homes. A, broken B. damaged Churt D. separated Question 3: After a divorce from his wife of 20 years, the actor married a woman young enough to be his daughter. A, hostile B, unhappy ©. bitter D, normal Question 4: An family is a family consisting of parents like father, mother, and their children, aunts, uncles, and cousins, all living nearby or in the same household. A, nuclear B. loving ©. close-knit D, extended 23 Question 5: His parents died in a car accident 3 years ago and he has up by his grandparents since then. A. grown B, brought C. taken D. made Question 6: A mother is the woman who gives birth to a child, regardless of whether she is the genetic mother or subsequently brings up the child, A. step B, adoptive C.birth D. law Question 7: She decided to quit the job despite its high salary because she was not on good with her boss. A. terms B. well C. relations D. relationships Question 8: John had a parents and three brothers. childhood, growing up with happily married A. carefree B. careful C. careless D. troubled Question 9: My aunt's going through a divorce; she’s paying a fortune in legal fees. A. bitter B. messy C. mutual D. carefree Question 10; Some women choose to an abortion rather than care for a severely disabled child. A have B.give C. get D.AandC Question 11; A judge might sole custody to the mother, and the father has to pay child support. A. reward B. award C.receive D. accept Question 12: He is a boy in the family and his parents always give him everything he wants. . A. blue-eyed B. naked-eyed C. black sheep D. spoiled Question 13: My sister pregnant immediately after she got married. A. took B. gave C.had D. got Question 14: is the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class A. Cold blood B. Blue blood C. Bad blood D. Fresh blood Question 15: My son is making a diagram of our family for a school project. A. background B. tree C.root D. roof 24 Question 16: My wife is pregnant with twins. They are in February. A.come B. date C.due D. here Question 17: If you are unable to meet the legal and moral responsibilities of parenthood, you may give the baby _____ adoption. There are professional adoption services and agencies to help you find a loving forever home for your baby. A.up for B. in for C. out of D.up to Question 18: Sally was granted sole. of the children from her first marriage. A. keeping B. custody ¢. guardian D. adoptive Question 19; The celebrity wrote a book about his _ family. A, debilitated B, defective C. dysfunctional ren and two Question 26: They have three biological A, adopted B. adoptive . adopting {str | Dap an | Giai thich chitiét ___t [4 | B | Give birth tosb/st: dé ra ai/edi gi i Tam dick: Nhimg tién bé céng nghé da sinh r: : mang cong nghiép, dé 1a sur chuyén d6i sang | 1 xudt méi trong giai doan tir khodng nam i | Khoang gitta nam 1820 va 1840, | A | Broken home: gia dinh tan ve | Tam dich: Rat nhigu dita tré trong lép téi xudt than or nhitng gia dinh tan vo. 3 c Bitter divorce: ly than (do 6 xich mich tinh cazm) ‘Tam dich: Sau khi ly hén vi ngwoi ve da chung sdng 20 nam, nam dién vier két hon voi mot ngudi phy ni bang tudi con gai cia minh. [4 | | A nuclear family: gia dink ruét chit (bao gém ba, me & anh chj em rudi) | B. loving family = C. close-knit family: gia dinh ém dm | | D. Extended family: dai gia dinh (bao gom dng ba, 6 ! | chit bdc, cau, mg. Tam dich: M@t dai gia dinh la mét gia dinh gdm cha me, | cha va me, con cai, di, chi bac va anh em ho, tt ca du s6ng gin dé hoc trong cling mt hé gia dinh. 25 A. grow up: én lén B. bring up: nuéi dwéng C. take up: gdnh vde, bét dau lam mét viéc gi con dang dang dé D. make up: bja ddit, trang diém, quyét dinh, lam héa Tam dich: Ba nam truéc, bé me anh ay mat trong mot vu tai nan 6 té. Ké tir d6 anh dy duoc dng ba nudi duéng. ‘A. stepmother: di ghé, me ké B. adoptive mother: me nudi C. birth mother: me dé, me ruét D. mother-in-law: me chéng Tam dich: Me ruét 18 ngwdi phu néf sinh ra dita tré, bat ké cé dy c6é phai la ngudi me di truyén hay 14 vé sau cé nudi nang dita tré hay khong. Be/keep on good terms with sb: méi quan hé hoa nha, lich thiép, chan héa véi ai Tam dich: Mac dit cong viéc long cao, cd ay vin quyét inh bé viéc béi vi co ay khong hgp voi sép. Carefree childhood: tu6i tho ém dém Troubled childhood: tudi tho khé khan Tam dich: John cé mét tudi tho ém am, én lén véi cha me hanh phiic va ba anh em. Bitter divorce: ly than (do cé xich mich tinh cam) Messy divorce: ly than va cé tranh chap tai san Mutual divorce/separation: ly hén ma khéng xdy ra tranh chép Tam dich: Di cia toi dang trai qua ly than va cé tranh chap tai san; c6 dy dang tra m6t khodn tai san trong phi phap ly. 10 Have/get an abortion: phd thai Tam dich: Mét s6 phy ntt chon pha thai thay vi cham séc cho mot dita tré khuyét tat nang 41 Award sole custody: giao quyén nudi con Pay child support: tr¢ cap tién nuéi con Tam dich: Toa cé thé giao quyén nudi con cho nguéi me, va ngwai cha sé phai trg cp nudi duéng, 26 12 A. A/the blue-eyed boy: diva con cwng B, naked-eyed: mdt thwong C black sheep of the family: phd gia chi tt D. a spoiled child: diva tré hw Tam dich: Anh 4y la dia con cung cia gia dinh va bé me anh ay luén cho anh 4y moi tht ma anh dy muén. Get pregnant: mang thai Tam dich: Chi gai tdi cé thai ngay sau khi chi két hon. A. cold blood: mdu lanh B, blue blood : dong giéng hoang t6c € bad blood: écy 6 nguol moi nhdp (vae mgt gia dink, | } - In warm blood: ndi néng, néi gian | - Te be the same fiesh and bloed: cing » dong ho, j ing mot dong mau - To be near in blood: cé ho gan + To be out for someone's bioed: ha ahuc ai, bOi aho al - To stir one's blood: cé vii ai, kich thich ai - To sweat blood: a6 md hdi sdi née mat - Blood is thicker than water: (tuc ngit) mdt giot mau j | do hon ao nwée la - To breed (make, stir up) bad blood between persons: gay sw bat hoa gitta nguéi no voi nguéi kia | - To make one's blood beil: Am cho ai dé gian s6i mau Tam dich: Dong gidng hoang téc la mét thyc té cia mat ngtroi da dugc sinh ra trong mot gia dinh thuéc ting lop x hdi cao nhat. a5 Family tree: so d6 gia dink, dé chi méi quan hé giita cdc thanh vién trong gia dink Tam dich: Con trai tdi dang vé so 46 cay gia dinh clia | ching t6i cho mét dy 4n trwong hoc. 16 Due date: ngay dy sink Baby is due int time: em bé dy sinh vao ... 27 Tam dich: Vo téi dang mang thai cdp song sinh. Dy sinh vao thang Hai. 17 Give the baby up for adoption: dem con cho nguwéi ta nhén nuéi Tam dich: Néu ban khéng thé dp ttg cdc trach nhiém phap ly va dao dire cia cha me, ban cd thé dem con cho ngudi ta nhan nuéi. Cé nhiing dich vu va co quan nhan con nuéi chuyén nghiép dé gitp ban tim dugc mot ngOi nha mai mai yéu thong cho em bé ctia ban. 18 Sole custody: chi vo hodc chéng cé quyén nuéi con Tam dich: Sally da dwgc trao quyén nudi nhimng dita tré tir cudc hén nhan dau tién ctia cé. 19 Dysfunctional family: gia dinh khéng ém 4m Tam dich: Ngwéi néi tiéng 46 da viét mot cuén sdch vé gia dinh khéng ém 4m cla minh 20 Adopted child: con nudi biological child: con rugt ‘Tam dich: Ho c6 3 ngwéi con rudtva 2 ngwdi con nudi, 28

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