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Docs » Documenting your API » Documenting query and URL parameters for an endpoint Documenting query and URL parameters for an endpoint Specifying query parameters To describe query parameters for your endpoint, use the gaueryraran annotation on the method handling it. The gqueryParan annotation takes the name of the parameter, an optional type, an optional “required” label, and a description. If you don't specify a type, Scribe will assume it’s string .Se( _@ documentation on body parameters for a list of valid types. Here's an example: a * @queryParam sort string Field to sort by. Defaults to ‘id’ = gqueryParam Fields required Conna-separated List of fields to include in the response. Example: title, published at, is public * @queryParam filters[published_at] Filter by date published. * GqueryParam Filters{is public] integer Filter by whether a post is public or not. Example: 1 y public function listPosts() t “ y The query parameters will be included in the generated documentation text and example requests: Query Parameters sort string optional Field to sort by. Defaults to ‘id’. fields string Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. filters[published_at] string optional Filter by date published. filters[is_public] integer optional Filter by whether a post is public or not. If you need to handle array/object parameters, you can use the same conventions as for body parameters: uo * @queryParam sort string Field to sort by. Defaults to ‘id’ * @queryParam fields string[] required Conma-separated List of fields to include in the response. Example: title,published_at, is_public = @queryParam filters object Fields to filter by GqueryParan filters.publishedat Filter by date put * GqueryPoram Filters.is_public integer Filter by whi " ed ier a post is public or not. Example: 1 You should avoid using query parameters that are arrays or objects, because [there isn’t a standardised format for handling them)(https: / If you're using a FormRequest in your controller, you can also add the gqueryearan annotation there instead, and Scribe will fetch it. ao * @queryParam user_id required The id of the user. "7 class CreatePostkequest extends \I1luninate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest y // in your controller... public function createPost(CreatePostRequest $request) { 7 Specifying example values By default, Scribe will generate a random value for each parameter, to be used in the example requests and response calls. If you'd like to use a specific example value, you can do so by adding Example: your-example-here to the end of your description. You can exclude a particular parameter from the generated examples by ending with No- example instead. The parameter will still be included in the text of the documentation, but it won't be included in response calls or shown in the example requests. For instance: a * @queryParam sort Field to sort by. Defaults to Example: published at * GqueryParam fields required Conna-separated fields to include in the response. Example. title, published at, id * GqueryParam filters[published at] Filter by date published. No-example * GqueryParam filters[title] Filter by title. No-exanple v Describing URL parameters To describe parameters in the URL, use the @uriparan annotation. For instance, you defined your Laravel route like this: Route: :get(*/post/{S¢)/(Lang?)"); you can use this annotation to describe the is and iang parameters as shown below. The annotation takes the name of the parameter, an optional type, an optional "required" label, and then its description. Like with gqueryParans , a random value will be generated, but you can specify the value to be used in examples and response calls using the exanple: syntax. If you don't specify a type, Scribe will assume it’s. string . Valid types are string, integer , and number . ye * @urLParan id integer required The 1D of the post * @urLParam Lang The Language. Example: en v public function ¢ sePost() “u If you want Scribe to omit an optional parameter (lang in our example) in requests and response calls, specify No-exampie for the parameter. public function getPost() “ ec at ts

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