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Question Paper Code A12405 Reg. No.

Vel Tech High Tech

Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College
An Autonomous Institution


Fourth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Regulations 2017)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks 100
Answer ALL Questions
PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Write the IEEE definition of Software Engineering.

2. Give two reasons why system engineers must understand the environment of a system.

3. Which constraint is NOT desired in a good Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document?

4. Give the significance of use case diagram in software development.

5. In the context of modular software design, which combination is desirable? Justify?

6. How do you design a software project for reuse?

7. List out the testing principles in software testing.

8. Compare reverse and forward Engineering.

9. A company needs to develop DSP software for one of its newest inventions. The software is
expected to have 40000 lines of code. The company needs to determine the effort in persons–
months needed to develop this software using the basic COCOMO Model. The multiplicative
factor for this model is given as 1.20. What is the estimated effort in person-months?
10. State RMMM plan.
PART – B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)

11. a) Assume that you are the technical manager of a software development organization. (13)
A client approached you for a software solution, the problems stated by the client
have uncertainties which lead to loss, if it not planned and solved. Which software
development model you will suggest for this project – Justify. Explain that model
with its pros and cons and neat sketch.
b) (i) List the principles of agile software development. (7)
(ii) Discuss in detail about Extreme Programming with its phases. (6)

12. a) Explain the software requirement engineering process with neat diagram. (13)
b) (i) Describe about the structural system analysis in detail. (6)
(ii) Explain about data dictionary. (7)

13. a) Define software architecture. Outline the architectural styles with an example. (13)
b) (i) Describe the golden rules for user interface design. (6)
(ii) Explain component level design with suitable examples. (7)

14. a) Discuss about the various integration and debugging strategies followed in software (13)
b) Explain about Business Process Reengineering (BPR) which helps to achieve (13)
a defined business outcomes.

15. a) Write short note on

(i) Project scheduling (7)
(ii) Timeline charts. (6)
b) (i) Elaborate software configuration management. (7)
(ii) What are the categories of software risks? Give an overview about risk (6)
PART C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

16. a) Consider the process of ordering a pizza over the phone. Draw the use case diagram (15)
and also sketch the DFD diagram representing each step of the process, from the
moment you pick up the phone to the point where you start eating the pizza. Include
activities that others need to perform. Add exception handling to the DFD diagram
you developed. Consider at least two exceptions. (Ex : Delivery person wrote down
wrong address, delivery person brings wrong pizza).
b) Consider the following program segment.
/*num is the number of function searches in a presorted integer array arr*/
int bin_search(int num)
int min , max;
else if(arr[(min+max)/2]

(i) Draw the control flow graph for this program segment. (5)
(ii) Define cyclomatic complexity. (2)
(iii) Determine the cyclomatic complexity for this program. Show the intermediate (8)
steps in your computation.


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