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Visitor’s code

By this time, all of the hospitals in Indonesia have a visitor’s code of conduct in order to
maintaining service quality of the hospital and the comfort of patients who are being treated. one
of the hospital is the Cilungsi Hospital. First of all is visiting hours for family, relatives, or
friends who will visit the patient could come starting at 11-13 oclock or 17-19 oclock. Outside
that times, visitors are not allowed to visit because the patient also needs rest.

In The Hospital There Is A Schedule For Visiting Which Must Be Obeyed As Well As.
schedule of visiting for intensive medicines
afternoon: 11.00 - 12.00 WIB
PM / night: 16.00 - 18.00WIB
visit schedule for non intensive medical room:
afternoon: 12.00 - 14.00 WIB
PM/ night: 16.00 - 20.00 WIB
schedule of visiting for holidays, saturday and sunday:
afternoon: 11.00 - 14.00 WIB
The second code is that visitors who will visit are limited to a maximum of 2 people,
more than that they are not allowed to enter the patient’s rooms. Some hospitals have rules:
parents are not allowed to stay with their children. But there are hospitals that allow that on the
condition of children over the age of 3.

The third code is that parents or guardians who may accompany their children in the
hospital are allowed to stay overnight as long as the maximum number of people is just two
people / parent only.

The fourth code is about brother and sister rules. a brother or sister could visit each other
as stated before in second code.

And the last code of conduct is Visitors can bring a gift or a flower for a patients. But for
the food, visitors must ask a permit to the ward for the license to bringing any foods for patient.
In case the patients has an alergic to the foods that visitors bring for them. So the ward can select
which is good and which is bad for the patient.Those are the five codes of ethics that exist in
Indonesian hospitals, especially in the Cilungsi Hospital.

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