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Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

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Review Article

Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome and intracranial hemorrhage after MARK

carotid endarterectomy or carotid stenting: A meta-analysis
George Galyfosa,⁎, Argiri Sianoub, Konstantinos Filisa
First Department of Propaedeutic Surgery, University of Athens Medical School, Hippocration Hospital, Athens, Greece
Department of Microbiology, University of Athens Medical School, Areteion Hospital, Athens, Greece


Keywords: Introduction: Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) after carotid re-
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome vascularization have been associated with significant morbidity and mortality, although pooled data comparing
Intracranial hemorrhage these outcomes between open and endovascular treatment are lacking. Aim of this meta-analysis is to compare
Carotid endarterectomy CHS and ICH risk between carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS).
Carotid stenting
Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted conforming to established criteria, in order to identify
eligible articles published prior to February 2017. Eligible studies compared CHS and/or ICH between patients
undergoing CEA and CAS. Other outcomes evaluated in this review included stroke and death due to ICH.
Outcome risks are presented as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Results: Overall, 6 studies (5 studies reporting on CHS and 4 studies reporting on ICH) included 236,537 pro-
cedures (218,144 CEA; 18,393 CAS) in total. CEA was associated with a higher risk for CHS compared to CAS
(pooled OR = 1.432 [95% CI = 1.078–1901]; P = 0.015), although this difference was generated mainly from
older studies (prior to 2012). However, no difference was found regarding ICH risk between the two methods
(pooled OR = 0.544 [95% CI = 0.111–2.658]; P = 0.452). Regarding stroke incidence, no difference was found
between the two methods as well, although this resulted mainly from studies with a higher volume of CAS
procedures (pooled OR = 0.964 [95% CI = 0.741–1.252]; P = 0.833). Finally, death rate was significantly
higher among patients with ICH compared to patients without ICH (pooled OR = 386.977 [95%
CI = 246.746–606.906]; P < 0.0001). Pooled data were not adequate to calculate potential risk factors for
CHS/ICH after CEA compared to CAS.
Conclusions: CEA seems to be associated with a higher risk for CHS compared to CAS, although this difference
was generated mainly from older studies. However, there seems to be no difference regarding ICH risk between
the two methods, with ICH being associated with a significantly higher risk for death.

1. Introduction associated with CHS after carotid interventions [7]. Several risk factors
have been found to predispose to ICH, including preoperative hy-
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) has been described as a pertension, bilateral carotid disease or contralateral carotid occlusion
primary complication after carotid artery revascularization procedures as well as impaired cerebrovascular reserve [7,8]. Morbidity and
by many authors [1,2]. It seems to be associated with inadequate ar- mortality rates are high in such patients, either treated with open or
terial blood pressure control and increased blood flow through the endovascular repair, thus necessitating an offensive prevention strategy
cerebral arteries postoperatively, leading to increased morbidity [3]. postoperatively [9].
Although this phenomenon has been initially described after carotid However, data comparing postoperative CHS and ICH incidence
endarterectomy (CEA) [4], many authors have evaluated its prevalence between open and endovascular treatment of internal carotid artery
after carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) as well [5]. Main diag- (ICA) disease are limited, and no pooled data have been evaluated to
nostic criteria include typical neurologic symptoms such as seizures or date. Therefore, aim of this review is to collect and analyze all available
headache as well as imaging criteria such as increased cerebral artery comparative data, in order to produce useful conclusions for everyday
flow or exclusion of cerebral ischemia [6]. clinical practice.
Furthermore, intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) has also been

Corresponding author at: 6 Melinas Merkouri Street, Neon Iraklion, 14122 Athens, Greece.
E-mail address: (G. Galyfos).
Received 1 June 2017; Received in revised form 3 August 2017; Accepted 15 August 2017
Available online 18 August 2017
0022-510X/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

absolute values were calculated. Disagreements were resolved by con-

sensus after review by the senior author of the study. For each study,
the following data were collected: first author, year of publication,
country of publication, type of study, number of patients, basic demo-
graphics/comorbidities and rate of clinical events, including CHS, ICH,
stroke and death due to ICH.

2.3. Quality assessment

Three authors independently reviewed study eligibility and quality.

Disagreements were resolved by consensus. The quality of each study
was assessed using well established criteria [11] for non-randomized
studies, specifically evaluating: collection of data, aim of the studies,
incomplete outcome data, statistical analysis and other sources of bias.
Quality of each study was evaluated and reported as high, medium or
low, based on design and methodology of study according to the
aforementioned criteria [11].

2.4. Selection criteria

Studies included in this meta-analysis met the following criteria:

studies comparing CHS and/or ICH incidence as primary endpoints
between patients undergoing CEA and patients undergoing CAS. All
kind of clinical studies were eligible (prospective, retrospective, ran-
Exclusion criteria included: (i) studies evaluating the incidence of
CHS or ICH in patients undergoing either CEA or CAS without com-
paring outcomes between the two methods, (ii) types of publication
other than clinical studies such as reviews, letters, meta-analyses, case
reports/series (< 10 patients) or editorials, (iii) studies not referring to
humans, and (iv) overlapping patient populations, identified either by
studies developed over the same period of time in common study
centers or by data collected from overlapping patients' databases. In the
latter case, only the study with a greater number of patients was in-
Fig. 1. Study selection - flow chart of study selection (CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS,
carotid angioplasty and stenting; CHS, cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome; ICH, in-
2.5. Study selection and outcomes - definitions
tracranial hemorrhage).

After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 6 clinical studies

[12–17] were identified as appropriate for analysis and overall 740
2. Materials and methods studies were excluded (Fig. 1). All included studies were published
between 2007 and 2014.
2.1. Data sources and search Primary outcomes of all studies should include one of the two fol-
We systematically searched Pubmed, Embase, Scopus and Cochrane
Library (for the period January–February 2017) for studies published • CHS, defined as: (1) severe headache, seizure, deterioration of
online prior to February 2017 comparing CEA and CAS as far as CHS consciousness level, and/or development of focal neurological signs;
and/or ICH rates are concerned. This review was conducted according 2) absence of any additional ischemic lesion on brain imaging; and/
to established methods for systematic reviews in cardiovascular medi- or 3) postoperative increases in cerebral blood flow in the ipsilateral
cine (PRISMA criteria) [10]. The following medical subject terms were hemisphere, exceeding the flow in the contralateral hemisphere, or
utilized for the online search: ‘carotid endarterectomy’ or ‘carotid an- postoperative increases in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity
gioplasty ± stenting’ and ‘cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome’ and/or of > 100% of the preoperative values.
‘intracranial hemorrhage’. In addition to searching databases, reference • ICH, defined as: punctate or confluent hyperdensities consistent
lists of all included studies, meta-analyses and reviews were manually with blood within the parenchyma of the cerebral hemispheres or
evaluated, including unpublished data. There was no language restric- within the subarachnoid space as demonstrated on computed to-
tion for the online search. References from eligible articles or textbooks mography (CT) imaging.
were also reviewed to identify further potential sources.
Secondary outcomes evaluated in this study were:
2.2. Data extraction
• Stroke, defined as episode of neurological dysfunction caused by
Three authors independently completed data collection after fol- focal cerebral, spinal, or retinal infarction, based on Pathological,
lowing search criteria and quality assessment. Data were obtained from Imaging, Other Objective Evidence, and/or Clinical Evidence [18].
tables, graphs and text. When data were presented in percentage, the Only cerebral infarctions reported ipsilateral to the carotid artery

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

Table 1
Characteristics of included studies.

Study Year of publication/location Type of study Total number of procedures CEA/CAS (number of procedures) Quality of study

Ogasawara et al. [12] 2007/Japan Retrospective 4494 1596/2898 High

Posacioglu et al. [13] 2008/Turkey Retrospective 115 59/56 Medium
Mcdonald et al [14] 2011/USA Retrospective 228,896 215,012/13,884 High
Buczek et al. [15] 2013/Poland Prospective observational 61 28/33 Medium
Altinbas et al. [16] 2014/UK, Netherlands RCT 1713 819/766 High
Ziaja et al. [17] 2014/Poland Retrospective 1386 625/761 High

Study Primary endpoints Criteria for CHS used in each study

Ogasawara et al. CHS, ICH, stroke, Death, MI, nerve palsy, 1) severe headache, seizure, deterioration of consciousness level, and/or development of focal
[12] gastrointestinal bleeding neurological signs such as motor weakness; 2) absence of any additional ischemic lesion on magnetic
resonance imaging performed on the 1st postoperative day; and 3) postoperative increases in CBF in
the ipsilateral hemisphere exceeding the flow in the contralateral hemisphere, as measured using
perfusion single photon emission CT or cold xenon-enhanced CT, or postoperative increases in middle
cerebral artery blood flow velocity of > 100% of the preoperative values on transcranial Doppler
Posacioglu et al. Death, stroke, CHS, ICH, nerve palsy Clinical signs (seizures/headaches/focal neurologic deficit), and typical MRI findings
McDonald et al. ICH, in-hospital mortality, unfavorable discharges N/A
[14] (discharges requiring skilled care [short-term
hospitalization, skilled nursing facility, home health
Buczek et al. Stroke, CHS, ICH Clinical signs (severe headache, ocular or facial pain, confusion, visual disturbances, epileptic
[15] seizuresand new focal deficits), exclusion of cerebral ischemia, transcranial Doppler examination
(> 100% increase in MCA blood velocity)
Altinbas et al. Stroke, death, MI, hemodynamic depression, CHS Clinical signs: epilepsy, headache, or confusion, exclusion of ischemic event
Ziaja et al. [17] Neurological symptoms (including CHS), stroke, Neurological signs not attributed to cerebral ischemia, in a patient with a new onset of headache
death ipsilateral to the carotid revascularization

RCT, randomized trial; CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and stenting.
CHS, cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; CBF, cerebral blood flow; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N/A, not reported; MI,
myocardial infarction.

treated in the included studies were evaluated in this review, as this 3. Results
would be of greater clinical interest.
• Death due to ICH, defined as 30-day mortality in patients presenting In this meta-analysis, overall 236,537 procedures (218,144 CEA
ICH. procedures and 18,393 CAS procedures) were included. Overall, 6
studies [12–17] were included, out of which 5 studies [12,13,15–17]
reported on CHS rate and 4 studies [12–15] reported on ICH rate. The
2.6. Statistical analysis majority of the studies were retrospective, with only one study being a
prospective observational study [15], and one study being a rando-
Meta-analysis was carried out utilizing the StatsDirect Statistical mized trial [16]. However, no study was found to be of low quality.
software (Version 2.8.0, StatsDirect Ltd). Odds ratios (OR) were used to (Table 1) Moreover, Table 1 lists all major outcomes reported in the
determine effect size, along with 95% confidence interval (CI). Inter- included studies as well as the CHS criteria utilized for each study.
study variations and heterogeneities were estimated using Q-statistic Mean age of all patients was 69.8 years (CEA = 69.7; CAS = 70.4)
with P < 0.05 indicating a statistically significant heterogeneity. The and the rate of male patients reached 43.3% (pooled rate). Basic de-
present meta-analysis also quantified the effect of heterogeneity by mographics and comorbidities of all patients are presented in Table 2.
using the I2 index (range, 0–100%), which represents the proportion of The epidemiologic factors did not differ between CEA and CAS patients,
inter-study variability attributed to heterogeneity, rather than to except for the presence of prior symptoms (CEA = 5.7%; C-
chance. When heterogeneity was not observed, the effect size was cal- AS = 23.8%; P < 0.05).
culated based on a fixed effect model. However, random effects were Regarding overall outcomes, 105 CEA patients (3.4%) presented
also calculated for sensitivity analysis. Chi-square test with Yate's cor- CHS compared to 100 CAS patients (2.2%) (pooled OR = 1.432 [95%
rection was utilized for comparing categorical variables between the CI = 1.078–1901]; P = 0.015). However, no difference was found re-
two groups of patients. The P values were two-sided, and P < 0.05 was garding ICH incidence between the two groups (CEA = 224 patients
considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. All statistical (0.1%); CAS = 137 patients (0.8%); pooled OR = 0.544 [95%
analyses were conducted using the absolute values and not percentages. CI = 0.111–2.658]; P = 0.452), although this result was generated
Percentages are presented rounded up at the first decimal. Risk of bias mostly by one study with the largest number of patients [14]. Con-
was also assessed applying Egger test, and generating funnel plots. cerning other outcomes, 4 studies [5,12,13,17] reported on stroke rate
and 4 studies [12–15] reported on death due to ICH. Regarding stroke
incidence, no difference was found between the two methods

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

(CEA = 93 patients (4.1%); CAS = 160 patients (4.3%); pooled

12433/4379 (6%/24%; p < 0.05)

149980/12174 (69%/66%; NS)
OR = 0.964 [95% CI = 0.741–1.252]; P = 0.833). Finally, death rate

93358/8414 (43%/48%; NS)

55314/5026 (25%/27%; NS)

36564/2391 (17%/17%; NS)

90058/7228 (42%/52%; NS)

was significantly higher among patients with ICH (60/361) compared

277/193 (18%/12%; NS)

8743/1233 (4%/8%; NS)
613/582 (70%/71%; NS)
4308/922 (2%/6%; NS)
to patients without ICH (97/233,205) (pooled OR = 386.977 [95%

41/50 (5%/6%; NS)

CI = 246.746–606.906]; P < 0.0001). (Table 3; Figs. 2–5) However,

there were no adequate data to compare the ICH incidence between

69.7/70.4 (NS)

patients with and without CHS. Finally, bias assessment plots were
generated for each comparison, and all Egger tests were calculated to

be > 0.05, indicating low bias rate for this meta-analysis.

Regarding potential risk factors for CHS or ICH, only two studies
[12,14] evaluated potential predictors, and therefore, no pooled mul-
tivariable analysis could be conducted to calculate potential overall

predictors. Ogasawara et al. [12] found that strict blood pressure con-
Ziaja et al. [17]

trol was associated with ICH (OR = 0.035; 95% CI [0.002–0542];

P = 0.017). Additionally, McDonald et al. [14] found the following




predictors for ICH: symptomatic stenosis (OR = 6.81; 95% CI




[5.28–8.74]; P < 0.0001); female gender (OR = 1.49; 95% CI

[1.19–1.87]; P < 0.001); age (OR = 0.99; 95% CI [0.99–0.98];
P < 0.05); Charlson score (per unit increase) (OR = 1.94; 95% CI
Altinbas et al. [16]

[1.85–2.13]; P < 0.0001); hyperlipidemia (OR = 0.64; 95% CI

[0.50–0.83]; P < 0.01); diabetes mellitus (OR = 0.51; 95% CI

[0.38–0.68]; P < 0.0001); myocardial infarction (OR = 0.51; 95% CI





CAD, coronary disease; TIA, transient ischemic attack; PAD, peripheral artery disease; CRD, chronic renal disease; ICA, internal carotid artery; N/A, not reported.

[0.28–0.87]; P < 0.001); chronic heart failure (OR = 0.23; 95% CI



CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and stenting; NS, non-significant; DM, diabetes mellitus; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.



[0.15–0.36]; P < 0.0001); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(OR = 0.48; 95% CI [0.34–0.65]; P < 0.0001); chronic renal failure
(OR = 0.55; 95% CI [0.30–0.94]; P < 0.05) [14].
70.2 ± 9.4/67.1 ± 8.2

When the analysis was stratified according to year of publication,

CEA was found to be associated with a higher CHS risk (OR = 1.79;
Buczek etal. [15]

95% CI [1.088–2.957]; P = 0.022) compared to CAS in studies pub-

lished prior to 2012 (10 to 5 years ago). However, for studies published
within the last 5 years (after 2012), there was no difference between the



two methods as far as CHS risk is concerned (OR = 1.29; 95% CI




[0.915–1.821]; P = 0.147). Regarding the ICH risk, only one study out
of the four included was published within the last 5 years, so no stra-
McDonald et al. [14]


tification based on the year was conducted.



4. Discussion




The present study confirmed that CEA is associated with a higher



CHS risk compared to CAS although this result was observed mainly in
the older studies. However, there seems to be no difference regarding
the ICH risk, with ICH being strongly associated with a higher death
Posacio glu et al. [13]

65.8 ± 9/66.3 ± 9

risk postoperatively.
CEA was associated with a higher CHS risk in this review, although
the included studies did not provide adequate data to conduct multi-
regression analysis for potential risk factors. However, hypertension




and inadequate control of arterial blood pressure have been associated



with postoperative CHS by many authors [19,20]. The incidence of CHS

Basic epidemiologic data of patients undergoing CEA versus CAS.

post CEA reaches up to 3% in studies evaluating CHS using cerebral

flow measurements [21]. However, systematic reviews referring to CHS
69.3 ± 8.2/69.8 ± 6.3
Ogasawara et al. [12]

after CAS only report up to 1.1% incidence, concurring with our pooled
results [7]. A possible mechanism explaining the higher risk post CEA is
the intraoperative ischemia caused during clamping of ICA [22]. Due to



ischemia/reperfusion injury, reactive oxygen species are produced and


cerebral tissue edema is generated, promoting the presentation of CHS


[23]. However, literature data suggest an earlier onset of CHS post CAS,
possibly due to the prolonged baroreceptor stimulation by the stent that
may induce bradycardia, hypotension and ischemic damage [24,25].
Prior Stroke/TIA/amaurosis

Contralateral ICA occlusion

Therefore, hemodynamic instability after carotid intervention necessi-

tates an offensive strategy of early management with intravenous an-
History of Smoking

tihypertensive medication, in order to prevent adverse sequelae [26].

Mean age (years)


Finally, it should be underlined that the association between CHS and

Male gender

CEA was observed mainly in older studies, indicating that improvement

of endovascular techniques during the last years may have improved

Table 2



outcomes as well.

Regarding ICH risk, no difference was found between open and

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

Table 3
Primary and secondary outcomes evaluated in this meta-analysis.

Studies (n) CHS (CEA/CAS) ICH (CEA/CAS) Stroke (CEA/CAS) Death (ICH/no ICH)

Ogasawara et al. [12] (n = 4494) 30/31 6/21 68/137 7/1

Posacioglu et al. [13] (n = 115) 1/0 2/0 0/3 0/1
Mcdonald et al. [14] (n = 228,896) N/A 215/116 N/A 52/95
Buczek et al. [15] (61) 5/4 1/0 3/2 1/0
Altinbas et al. [16] (n = 1713) 3/4 N/A N/A N/A
Ziaja et al. [17] (n = 1386) 66/61 N/A 22/18 N/A
Overall 105/100 (3132/4509) 224/137 (216,700/16866) 93/160 (2313/3743) 60/97 (361/233205)

CHS, cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome; CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and stenting; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; N/A, not reported; n, number of procedures.
In the Overall row, the total number of CEA/CAS or ICH/no ICH (last column) from studies reporting the above outcomes is given in parenthesis.

Fig. 2. Comparison of CHS risk between patients undergoing CEA and CAS. (CHS, cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome; CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and

endovascular repair. Although ICH has been strongly associated with artery velocity or pulsatility index were not found to predict a higher
CHS syndrome [27], the assumption that impaired cerebral auto- risk for ICH [28]. As aforementioned, both open surgery and stenting
regulation accounts for the development of ICH may not be accurate. In could promote cerebral tissue damage either through oxidative stress
a large study by Newman et al., significant increases in middle cerebral induced by ICA clamping or through baroreceptor dysfunction by stent

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

Fig. 3. Comparison of ICH risk between patients undergoing CEA and CAS. (ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and stenting).

forces, respectively [14,27]. Moreover, because CAS is usually followed retrospective and half of them were conducted in institutions with large
by dual antiplatelet therapy, one could also expect a higher risk for volumes of endovascular procedures. This could indicate that the op-
cerebral bleeding [29]. However, Lee et al. have shown in a large meta- erating experience is probably higher, and the incidence of periopera-
analysis that dual antiplatelet therapy did not differ from aspirin tive cerebrovascular events is lower. Finally, as some authors underline,
monotherapy as far as ICH risk is concerned [30]. Finally, recent data distinguishing CHS from stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) could
indicate that bleeding risk does not differ, regardless of the existence of be difficult even when strict diagnostic criteria are applied [35].
preoperative symptoms, although more symptomatic patients under- Moreover, death rate was found to be significantly higher in patients
went endovascular repair in our review [31]. with ICH. Regarding the pathophysiology, the edema associated with
Additionally, we found no difference concerning the stroke risk CHS is initially reversible. However, if CHS progresses to ICH, the
between CEA and CAS. This finding does not concur with recently prognosis is not favorable as up to 30% of patients remain at least
published pooled data where CAS has been associated with a higher partially disabled, and mortality rates could reach up to 50% [36].
stroke risk compared to CEA [32,33]. Even when only imaging criteria Coutts et al. were the first to stratify ICH into different forms as far as
are applied, pooled data indicate that CAS is associated with a higher timing is concerned [37]. Specifically, acute ICH usually appears post
risk for postoperative diffusion weighted imaging lesions observed with CAS and it is strongly associated with high mortality. However, delayed
magnetic resonance scanning [34]. This could indicate that en- ICH is a more ‘classic’ form and it is usually observed post CEA [37]. In
dovascular repair may be associated with a higher ischemic burden a large series by Timaran et al., almost one third of patients that de-
reflecting a higher stroke risk. Furthermore, this difference could be veloped acute ICH and underwent CAS died during the same hospita-
explained as most of the published meta-analyses evaluate large ran- lization, whereas no deaths occurred among patients that developed
domized trials comparing major outcomes including stroke, between ICH post CEA [38]. This could be attributed to late occurrence and
CEA and CAS. However, in our review, most of the studies were misdiagnosing of CHS and ICH events post CEA.

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

Fig. 4. Comparison of Stroke risk between patients undergoing CEA and CAS. (CEA, carotid endarterectomy; CAS, carotid angioplasty and stenting).

Concerning potential predictors for CHS or ICH, only two studies in effects have been calculated as well in order to improve the strength of
this review evaluated any risk factors [12,14]. Strict control of blood the analysis. Additionally, data were insufficient in the individual stu-
pressure was found to be protective by Ogasawara et al. [12], whereas dies in order to conduct pooled multivariable analysis and evaluate
McDonald et al. [14] found that several comorbidities such as hy- potential predictors for CHS or ICH, although conclusions regarding
perlipidemia, history of myocardial infarction or chronic renal failure main outcomes could be extracted. Finally, there were insufficient data
are also protective. However, in the latter study, symptomatic carotid in the included studies to compare long-term outcomes.
disease, CAS, female gender and an increased Charlson comorbidities
score were found to promote ICH [14]. Other authors have identified
timing of procedure, increasing age, critical ICA stenosis, recent stroke 5. Conclusions
or TIA and severe contralateral carotid disease as risk factors for CHS
[1,7,39]. Therefore, a well-designed prevention/management strategy CEA seems to be associated with a higher risk for CHS compared to
should include close monitoring and strict control of arterial blood CAS although this difference seems to be generated mainly from older
pressure, avoidance of vasodilating drugs such as calcium channel studies. However, there seems to be no difference regarding ICH risk
blockers, treatment of ICA stenosis within two weeks of symptoms, between the two methods, with ICH being associated with a sig-
careful selection of anesthetics and addition of hypertonic saline/ nificantly higher risk for death. Stroke risk was also found to be no
mannitol to decrease cerebral edema [36,40]. different between the two methods in the included studies.
Finally, there are certain limitations in this study. First, this meta-
analysis includes a small number of mainly retrospective studies. This
may limit the value of the analysis slightly although the total number of Declaration of conflict of interest
patients is adequate and the quality of individual studies is of medium
to high level. Second, there is heterogeneity of studies, mainly due to On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there
the inclusion of one large study that holds most of the effect weight in is no conflict of interest.
the analysis, especially considering the ICH analysis. However, random

G. Galyfos et al. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 381 (2017) 74–82

Fig. 5. Comparison of Death risk between patients with ICH and without ICH after carotid revascularization. (ICH, intracranial hemorrhage).

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