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HURDCO International School

English Literature

Points to remember:
a. The story is a fable and so all the animals in this story are characters therefore their
names are written in capital letters.
b. Cow and Horse decided to use their tails to keep away flies.
c. Dog decided to wag his tail when he is pleased.
d. Cat never agreed with Dog and so he decided to wag his tail when he is angry.
e. Kangaroo decided to use his tail as an extra leg as his tail was long and strong.
f. Rabbit’s tail is fluffy and small and so he wanted to bob his tail like a little, white when
danger is near.
g. Monkey decided to swing from branch to branch with his long tail.
h. Peacock decided to spread his tail to show the bright colours in it.
i. Fish decided to steer through water with his tail.
j. Squirrel wanted to cover his back with his bushy tail to stay warm in winter.
k. Tadpole made up his mind to get rid of his tail as soon as he grows up to be a frog.

Word meanings:

a. tale- a short story

b. wag- to move from side to side
c. bob- to move up and down
d. pleased- happy

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