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An English translation is shared below.

His excellent
HUMAN Interview (with English subtitles) can be found
here. The 40th former president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica
was known as the “poorest president in the world.” During
his presidency, he did not live in the luxurious presidential
palace, but donated most of his salary to live on a suburban
“Young people, let me thank you from the far south corner on the other side of the globe. It was a great
experience to visit Japan and get a glimpse of its history.
You are now at the beginning of your life. Remember, humans are social animals that live in groups.
We can’t live alone. That is why humans have built civilizations. Civilization is the greatest legacy left
by our predecessors.
Education gives us hints. It is a hint to receive the civilization built by the ancestors and the seeds that
have been sown. Now it’s our turn to mature through education and leave some seeds behind. For the
future of the earth and future generations..
Life is accompanied by a fight against one’s ego. You need an ego to protect yourself and your loved
ones, but don’t forget, that humans need society and c

hand, we are under pressure from the market. The market

drives us to buy things one after another. And takes away
our time. You don’t pay for money. It’s the precious time in
your life that is spent to make that money.
So be sensible and modest and don’t think only about money. That way you won’t lose your free time
in life. This idea is also found in some ancient Greek maxims, from around the 6th century BC.
“Nothing in excess” (don’t ask for too much).
History gives us many hints. There must be lessons to look back on in Japanese history. This is because
your country, which has been around since ancient times, has a lot of wisdom and unique history. The
trouble is that human beings have difficulty learning even if they are told directly. Wisdom is
something that you must actually experienc

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