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Nowadays, a great amount of people are having a hectic and stressful life due to plenty of

reasons, as a consequence, their leisure time is lessen than before leading to be

unsatisfied. The cause of these problems seem to lie in having heavily overloaded works
and lack of sense of organization and discipline, in this essay, each should be addressed

First and foremost, I would like to start from the premise that over the years more and
more people are complaining about their lack of spare time due to busy routines either at
job or in their studies.

One of the factors which lead to having these issues is the heavily overloaded activities
encountered at job and in their studies because of their stressful and demanding job or
having strict education which can intimate people to effectively handle these issues or to
find a work-study-life balance. Thus, people tend to be frustrated by not having enough
pass time. Another factor is the lack of organization and discipline which can have
detrimental effects on people’s lives since people just carry out their activities
instinctively, without planning or organizing.

In this sense, some relevant measures should be implemented, firstly, they have to find
work-study balance by properly arranging their tasks and duties and avoiding being
heavily overload. Secondly, organization and discipline play a pivotal role in people’s lives,
as they will bring innumerable benefits because if they are well-organized and self-
discipline, they will efficiently accomplish their duties. To illustrate better, in my life, I
decided to set a schedule for my daily activities which now are helping me to be
productive and find more free time.

To sum up, in today’s world people are living a hectic life without enjoying it, therefore,
they do not have enough free time. This due to lack of work-life balance and sense of
commitment and motivation.

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