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Left on the doorstep of the mercenary group called the Order of the Fallen Devils, they raised me in the

order where I learned to be a ranger. A human named Douglas found me with on the doorstep of the
order. The order didn't take children that young but they knew no one else would have me. After much
debate they gave me back to the one who found me and told him to do as he wished. He raised me &
named me Blu.

Douglas died when I was 10 and things got a lot harder on me. But i persevered. When I became of age
my natural talents of tracking and stealth allowed me to join a small party of patrolling Devils. We traveled
the countryside slaying monsters, beast and any other threats small settlements might have to deal with.
Most of these settlements didn't have much in the means of defense. We’d stop in a town for a while, help
out anyway we could and then move on to the next.We we’re of course paid for our services.

After a few years the entire area had become incredibly dangerous. The forest even seemed to grow
thicker and more hazardous. Packs of vicious wolves were attacking towns and caravans at a alarming
rate. They were fighting for no regard of their own survival. This was the first sign that something was off.
One particularly nasty one was a Dire Wolf as white as snow. Our first encounter left me within a inch of
my life. But something seemed to happen to the beast at the last minuet and it retreated.

My group (3 of us) investigated. We followed a pack of beast back to their den far in the north. We were
constantly on the move for months and the farther we went the more dangerous the monster became.
When we finally reached it we found a clan of dark druids. They were controlling beast and stirring up
monsters to attack these places so mother nature could reclaim them. My party didn't make it out of there.
However that same wolf showed back up at the last minute and together we defeated the druids. It had
lost its pack thanks to these druids and he was happy to rip them apart. From them on the two of us
became a team.

The Order of the Fallen Devils traveled around the countryside dealing with monsters and other threats to
small villages.There was a outpost for the order in most large settlement and it was at these HQ's they
organized and sent party's out. Joining the Order was considered by many a death sentence. It consisted
of criminals, who sentences would be absolved by joining the order for life, but also by those seeking
fame, glory, and duty above all else. The Order often dealt with things no one hoped to return from but still
had to be dealt with.

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