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Nama fadhal widanto

Kls kw bhs Inggris 1-j

Nim 201831006

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks

There is a dog which 1) calling (call)
Bubbles”. It 2) owner (in the car)
by Michael Johnson. It 3) saved
(keep) in his home. It 4) I feel
(feed) every day by Michael Johnson
himself. It 5) dressts (dress) in
funny clothes. It 6) says (sayed)
that “Bubbles” is Johnson’s only friend.
Exercise 2: Change active to passive
Active Voice Passive Voice
I finish a project in eight hours. (6) (this three) I finish project the egiht hours
I finish three projects in eight hours. (7) (my) finish three project egiht hours
I finished a project in eight hours. (8) (In) finished you project in egiht hours
I finished three project in eight hours. (9) (you) finished three project in egiht hours

Exercise 3: Change active to passive

1) The policemen catch the thief.
Ans: (11) The police will catch the thief.
2) The girl puts on a beautiful day in the sky
Ans: (12) The girl will wear a beautiful dress.
Exercise 4: Change passive to active
1) The dishes are washed by Amy.
Ans: (13) The dishes will be washed by Amy
2) The car is repaired by John and Peter.
An: (14) The car is repaired by John and Peter.

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