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Di Baruch Spinoza
$ 180 pagine % 1 ora

Questa edizione, economica e compatta, propone il capolavoro di uno dei maggiori

filosofi del Seicento, Baruch Spinoza. Le dottrine metafisiche e gnoseologiche
possono essere considerate come propedeutiche alla definizione di una teoria morale
che si propone di liberare gli uomini dalle passioni. E, dal momento che il
riconoscimento della necessità della sostanza divina è per Spinoza il concetto
fondamentale della concezione della realtà e della conoscenza, esso costituirà anche
il perno concettuale della sua costruzione etica.
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Rimuovi dagli
! elementi Salvati EDITORE: Sinapsi Editore PUBBLICATO: 7 gen 2019
ISBN: 9788829590940 FORMATO: Libro
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Informazioni sull'autore

BS Baruch Spinoza

Baruch or Benedict de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Jewish origin. Born Benedito de Espinosa; 24
November 1632 – 21 February 1677, in Amsterdam, the son of Portuguese Jewish refugees who had fled from the
persecution of the Spanish Inquisition. Although reared in the Jewish community, he rebelled against its religious…
views and practices, and at the age of 24 was formally excommunicated from the Portuguese-Spanish Synagogue of
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Amsterdam. He was thus eYectively cast out of the Jewish world and joined a group of nonconfessional Christians
(although he never became a Christian), the Collegiants, who professed no creeds or practices but shared a spiritual
brotherhood. He was also involved with the Quaker mission in Amsterdam. Spinoza eventually settled in The Hague,
Correlato a Etica
where he lived quietly, studying philosophy, science, and theology, discussing his ideas with a small circle of
independent thinkers, and earning his living as a lens grinder. He corresponded with some of the leading
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philosophers and scientists of his time and was visited by Leibniz and many others. He is said to have refused oYers to
teach at Heidelberg or to be court philosopher for the Prince of Conde. During his lifetime he published only two
works, The Principles of Descartes’ Philosophy (1666) and the Theological Political Tractatus (1670). In the first his
own theory began to emerge as the consistent consequence of that of Descartes. In the second, he gave his reasons
for rejecting the claims of religious knowledge and elaborated his theory of the independence of the state from all
religious factions. It was only aaer his death (probably caused by consumption resulting from glass dust), that his,
major work, the Ethics, appeared in his Opera Posthuma. This work, in which he opposed Descartes’ mind-body
dualism, presented the full metaphysical basis of his pantheistic view. Today, he is considered one of the great
rationalists of 17th-century philosophy, laying the groundwork for the 18th century Enlightenment and modern
biblical criticism. Spinoza’s influence on theCritica
Enlightenment, on the Romantic Age, and Sulla
on modern secularismLahas
Lettera sulla felicità Il Simbolismo dei massonica N. Genealogia della Tradizione Filosofia Della
Epicuroof extreme importance.
Tarocchi:Dr. Dagobert D.
Filosofia… 1 Runes, the founder of the Philosophical Library,
Morale and Albert Einstein
Occidentale were
not only close friends'occultismo
D. Ouspensky nelle
colleagues; they both regarded
Francesco Angioni Spinoza as theWilhelm
Friedrich greatest of modern
Nietz… philosophers. Rudolf Steiner
Arturo Reghini

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