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The Winner Takes It All Foatoe 0 1 don't wan na sg owt things weve ike sed iP it makes you v0 gone, though, ts hurt = now its his - %~ fongea “there, r Ti - gured itm buil-ine me a ke 'your : eel “they ‘Same when she cas tin ~ der = stand youive come to. shake “my” ip-Ho —_ 2 HaGop m tpancnopr wot - Azexcanap Konakos.E-mail: Tacxe HOTH MOxKHO HaitrH Ha caitre HoTHoro Apxupa Poccum -H0 eno a » ve, played all my cards Race, build? ime me "a ome, rams Simewhe disp in - "See fad Pee “po”. fo 2 gee and that's what you've think-ing” td “be ‘yu must know 7 i Tie makes you asf ae done no-tine more © gay to moe we are You Bot what San PSS a ; Rie Wa seeing te so tke, to" ‘seit con - f= Baas bop pk 2 a en o gee [3 53 see 1s e winner takes it all gods may throw a dice, fad ‘gee will” de ~ Ce e win fer takes St be,- side the vie «10, = spectators oP the the lo.- ser stand-ing their minds as ‘cold as the Tikes of ‘me a ~ 1 was ia your The win- ner takes it all, The game is “on” a = gai he To-ser has 10 fall its sim-ple and its plain 2 locver or 9 fend, big thing or a Smal why should i _ com ——__—_ But tell me, does wie Since cakes SH” Bit * 6 dont wan-na all dno The win- rer takes db-Ho eno eno

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