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In this short time in The United Stated, I could see that American culture is so
diverse but all you have somethings in common. American people is very kind
and direct; in my culture people are also kind, in Santa Cruz there is a popular
phrase that says “the law of Santa Cruz is the hospitality” but not always we are
direct. American people highly value extracurricular activities, that is awesome
for apply for university scholarships. In Bolivia people play sports, soccer is the
most popular but it is so difficult to get a scholarship or funding for a
competition. American people are very independent, for example, many young
people become independent when they finish high school, which in my country
is not at all common. In Bolivia and almost all of Latin America, we young
people live with our parents until we finish the university and have a stable job
and many of them have just started a family. But, what strikes me the most
about American culture is its daily food because you lunch very light or that
Bolivian called a snack and dinner so early. In my culture we breakfast a lot,
most of workers lunch at home and food made home, we have a snack at
middle afternoon and we dinner between 7 and 10 at night.

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