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Yulia Nelfita. 2020. Skripsi. Ekofeminisme Dalam Novel Si Anak Pemberani

Karya Tere Liye

This research is motivated by a number of things including the lack of

studies on ecofeminism in Indonesian novels, even in FKIP UIR, there are no
studies with ecofeminism theory. Some ecofeminism studies that have been
conducted have always been conducted on novels written by women while
ecofeminism research written by men has not yet existed. Based on this, the
problem described in this study is "What is the ecofeminism in the novel The
Brave Boy by Tere Liye?". The theory used is the theory of ecofeminism Tong
includes (1) natural ecofeminism (2) spiritual ecofeminism (3) socialist
ecofeminism. The approach used is a qualitative approach, the type of research
used is library research. The method used is descriptive method, the technique
used is the Hermeneutic technique. The results showed that there was a flow of
ecofeminism in the novel The Child of the Brave by Tere Liye. The dominant
ecofeminism flow is natural ecofeminism because basically women do have a
closeness to nature. On the contrary, the least flow is the flow of spiritualist
ecofeminism because in the present time the spiritualist closeness to nature is
considered a mystical thing that is no longer believed by the public.

Keywords: Ecofeminism, Natural Ecofeminism, Socialist Ecofeminism, Spiritual

Ecofeminism, Novel Tere Liye

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