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Prayerfulness is not just a routine or
obligation but it is a lifestyle. J.C. Ryle
once said and far be it from us that we are
one of those he spoke about: “I believe that
thousands never utter a word of prayer at
all. They eat. They drink. They sleep. They
rise. They go forth to their labor. They
return to their homes. They breathe God’s
air. They see God’s sun. They walk on
God’s earth. They enjoy God’s mercies.
They have dying bodies. They have
judgment and eternity before them. But
they never speak to God. They live like the
beasts that perish. They behave like
creatures without souls.”
Prayer is one of the excellent ways God
provided in order for us to approach and
touch Him. Prayer allows us to be positioned in a place of triumph and victory with
Him. Through prayer, we start to exercise our power and authority as we declare what
God has spoken. For when we stand with Him through prayer, we accurately speak
things from His heart and His throne. We can now declare and see the manifestation
of what the Son of God taught us: “Let Your Kingdom come here on earth and Your
will be done as it is in Heaven.
As we live a prayerful life, we become watchful of our ways, our thoughts and words.
Then we start to practice a changed life from glory to glory and precept upon precept
until we are transformed in the image and likeness of God. In prayer, we overcome the
temptations around us and we start to break our own limitations. As we are
encouraged to “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation”, let us pray without
ceasing until His desire is fulfilled in our family, our agency, and our nation.
Knowing the power of prayer, “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting
up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” because in Him, all things are possible.
Evaluate our lives as we obey Saint Paul’s encouragement to “pray without ceasing.”
a. When do you pray and how do you pray?
b. How often do you spend time praying each day?
c. How can you deepen your prayer life?
Live a simple and sincere life starting this week, casting out every thought of impurity,
discouragement, doubt and discontent through prayer.
Be faithful with our prayer habits just as how we are diligent with work, hobbies
and other regular routines.
We are God’s children called by His name to pray without ceasing. We humble
ourselves before the Sovereign God and pledge to seek Him and His righteousness in
our day to day living. If there are any unclean things in our hearts or impurities in
our thoughts, we turn from these things through prayer. As we pray and seek His face,
we also turn from our wicked ways. We believe that God will hear from heaven, and
will forgive our sins and heal our land.
Almighty God in Heaven, thank You for providing an excellent way to touch Your
heart. It is not by might nor by power but through your Holy Spirit that we can
approach You in your holiness and in the beauty of your presence. We break the
limitations and bondage through the power and authority You bestowed on us. No
powers of darkness or principalities can stop us in approaching You. In the same
manner, our nation will never be drawn away from your presence because men and
women everywhere have also received the Spirit of supplication. Thus we start to lift
up holy hands. We know that this nation, our families and agencies will never be the
same again. All these, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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