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Email Id: Mobile: +91 7013980971.

⚫ Aurora’s Scientific Technological& Research Academy (JNTUH). Hyderabad
Bachelor of technology in civil engineering: percentage 61% ( Aug2015 -July2019)

⚫ Programming languages: Microsoft C#, .NET, Typescript.
⚫ Client-side technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular 10, JavaScript, jQuery.
⚫ .NET technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Web API, AJAX.
⚫ Database: Microsoft SQL 2019.
⚫ IDE/tools: Visual Studio 2019, Visual studio code.
⚫ Version Control: TFS (team foundation server).
⚫ API testing tool: Postmen.
PROJECTS (Training project details)
⚫ Hospital Management system: Developed hospital management system web application
using ASP.NET MVC, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, MSSQL, with CRUD
⚫ Todo-app: Build To-do app using angular10 with template driven forms.

PROJECTS (Academic project details)

⚫ Design of major components of elevated metro rail bridge as major project for 3 months.
⚫ Site work observation in post tensioned slab as minor project for 1 month.


⚫ Designed responsive websites using HTML, CSS and bootstrap.
⚫ Used C# as development language with .NET framework concepts, and Object Oriented
programming methodologies.
⚫ Used MVC (model view controller) as web development framework.
⚫ Used JQUERY extensively for client-side validation, making Ajax request to server
methods and displaying data in the table format.
⚫ Solid understanding in developing Single Page Application (SPA) development using
Angular framework.
⚫ Expertise in performing DOM manipulations, creating Components, Directives, Services,
Pipes, Templates, Dependency Injection and implementing Routing and established
different types of Data binding and component communication using Angular.
⚫ Good amount of work done on template driven forms in Angular and their Validations.
⚫ Hands-on experience with implementing CRUD operations through HTTP Methods in
Web API.

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