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How to: Shrink a Database (SQL Server

Management Studio)
Chú ý : Option Shrink Database sẽ giải phóng dữ
liệu trống trong database files và detete toàn bộ dữ
liệu trong log file.
This topic describes how to shrink a database by using Object Explorer in SQL Server
Management Studio. The database cannot be made smaller than the minimum size of the
database. The minimum size is the size specified when the database was originally created,
or the last explicit size set by using a file-size-changing operation, such as DBCC
SHRINKFILE. For example, if a database was originally created with a size of 10 MB and
grew to 100 MB, the smallest size the database could be reduced to is 10 MB, even if all the
data in the database has been deleted.

To shrink a database

1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and
then expand that instance.
2. Expand Databases, and then right-click the database that you want to shrink.

3. Point to Tasks, point to Shrink, and then click Database.

4. Optionally, select the Reorganize files before releasing unused space check
box. If selected, a value must be specified for Maximum free space in files after

Selecting this option is the same as specifying a target_percent value when

executing DBCC SHRINKDATABASE. Clearing this option is the same as executing
the file to the last allocated extent. This reduces the file size without moving any
data. By default, the option is cleared.

5. Enter the maximum percentage of free space to be left in the database files after the
database has been shrunk. Permissible values are between 0 and 99. This option is
only available when Reorganize files before releasing unused space is selected.
6. Click OK.

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