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(Bih anir Btis ^tatammU.

' THE SPECIAL FEA TURE in this Edition is the NE W TRANS LA TION, V,
and Extension, of the PROPER NAMES OF THE OLD AND
NEW TESTAMENTS, with their Meanings in the Original Languages: by
Rev. ALFRED JONES, M.A., Author of " The Proper Names of the Old
""^ Testament Scriptures, Expou7ided and Illustrated, " etc. /''"'


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in this Edition is New Translation, and Revision, of the Proper
Names of the Old and New Testaments, with thcnr meanings in the
Original Languages, by the Rev. Alfred Jones, M.A., who has devoted
great attention to diis subject. This portion of the work is strictly

copyright, and cannot be introduced into any other Edition.


#Iti antr Bt\Jo Cts'tament ^fnptuiT£)

With the Table of Propee Names entirely revised, and the mistranslations in the Meanings corrected.

KoTE. The t denotes that the Ihference is to a marginal reading.

ABASE. ABHORRING. Psal. 55. 19. God shall liBar, even he that a. of old
lOBiO. Sfnold every one proud, and a. him
II. ha. 66. 24. and they shall be an a. to all flesh 119. 91). thou hast established the earth, and it a
'' liC. 31. l. as the lion will not a. himself ABIDE. 125.1. shall be as mount Zion, which a. forever
£«*. 21. SC. and a. him that is high Signifies, [1] To stay or tarry. Gen. 22. 5. [2] Prov. 15. 31. heareth reproof, a. among the wise
Dan. 4. 37. that ^-alk in pride, is able to a. 'To ditel! or lite in a place. Gen. 29.
19. Psal. JCccl. I. 4. another Cometh, buttheeartha.
ABASED. 15. 1. [.3] To bear or endure, Jer. 10. 10. 9. he that a. in this city shall die by sword
Tta. 32. t 19- »nd the city shall be utterly a. Joel 2. 11. [4] To be. Gen. 44. 33. [5] To Jo/iK 3. ;i6. but the wrath of God a. on him
Mat. 23. 12. and whosoever shall exalt himself continue, Eccl. 8. 15. John 14. 16 [6] To 8. 35. the servant a. not, but the son a. for ever
shall be a. |1
Luke 14. 11. |1
18. 14. vait for. Acts 20. 23. [7] To rest. Prov. 19. 12. 24, except a corn of wheat die, it a. alone
P/iil. 4. 10. I know how to be a. and how to abound 23. [8] To liie, Phil. 1. 24. [9] To stand 34. we have heard that Christ a. for ever
ABASING. Jirm, Psal. II9. 90. 123. 1. [10] To rule or 15. 5. he that a. in me bringeth forth much fruil
2 Cor. 11. 7. have I committed an olTcnce in a. govern, Psal. 61. 7. 1 Cor. 13. 13. now a. faith, hope, charity
ABATED. myself Ofn. 19. 2. but we will «. in the street all night 2 Tim. 2. 13. if we believe not, yet he a. faithful
Cen. 8. 3. after 150 days the waters were a. b. 1 1. 22. 5. a. you here with the ass, and I and the lad JI:b. 7. 3. Melchizedec a.
a priest continually
I^v. 27. IC. it shall be a. from thy estimation 24. 55. let the damsel a. with us a few days 1 Pet. 1. 23. by the word of God which a. forever
Dent, %%. 7. nor was Moses' natural force a, 20. ig. it i.s belter I give her to thee, a. with me 1 Jo/in 2. 6. he that saith he a. in him ought to walk
/udg. 8. 3. (hen their anger was a. toward him 4i. 33. let thy servant a. instead of the lad 10. he that loveth his brother a. in the light
ABBA. t-itd. 16, eg. a. ye every man in his place
14. ye are strong, and the word of God a. in yon
Mart 14.36. a. Father.all things are possible to thee 1.CV.8. 35. therefore a. at the doorof the tabeniacle
17. but he that doth the will of God a. for ever
Rom. 8. 15. the Spirit, whereby we cry, a. Father 19. 13. the wagej .« him hired shall not a. with thee 27. the anointing a. in you and teacheth you
Go/. 4. 6. sent Spiritinto your hearts crying a. yum. .SS. 25. shall a. to the death of the high-priest 3. 6. whosoever a. in him
sinneth not
ABHOR. Father Puih 2. 8. but a. here fsst by my maidens 1 Jo/it 3. 14. that loveth not his brother a. in death
SiRnifies [11 To loath or ::ttest, Deut. 32. IQ. 1 Sam. 1.22. appear before the Lo'rd, .ind a. forever
24. and hereby we know that he a. in ns
Job 42. O. [2] To deiphe or neglect, Psal. 5. 7. the ark of God of Israel shall not a. w ith us 2 Jt.hri g. whoso a. not in
the doctrine of Christ hath
22.24. Amos 6. 8. [3] To leject or catt off, 22. 23. a. thou with me, fear not, for he that seeks not God, he that a. hath the Father aud the Son
Psal. 89. 38. .30. 21. whom they had made to a. at brook Besor
lycv. 26. 11. and my soul shall not a. you 2 .Sam. 16. 18. his will I be, and with him will I «, Xum. 24. 2. Balaam saw Israel a. in his tents
15. or if your soul a. my judgments ./«4 24.13.they rebel.nora. inthe paths of the light 1Snm. 26. ig. from B. m the inheritance of the Lord
.30. I will destroy, and my soul shall a. you 38. 40. and a. in the covert to lie in wait 1 Chron. 29. 15. days as a shadow, there is none a.
44. nor will I a. them, to destroy them utterly .39. 9- «ill the unicorn be willing to a. by thj crib Luke 2. «. inere were shepherds a. in the field
P(r«r. 7.26. thoushalt, acursed thing Pial. 15. 1. Lord, who shall a. in thy tabernacle .> John 5. .38. and ye have not his word a. in you
23. 7. sbalt not a. an Edomite, not a. an Egyptian 61. 4. I will a. in thy tabernacle for ever 1 John 3.15. no murderer hath eternal life a, in him
1 fiam. 27. 12. he bath made his people to a, him. 7. he shall a. before God for ever ABJECTS.
Jiih 9- 31. and my own clothes shall a. me 91. 1. shall a. under the shadow of the Almighty Psal. 35. 15. the a. gathered together against me

.30. 10.they a. me, they flee far from me Prov. 7. 11. she is loud, her feet a. not in her house AblLITY.
42. 6. I a. myself, and repent in dust and ashes ig. 23. and he that hath it shall a. satisfied Lev. 27. 8. to his a. that vowed, priest shall valu«
7'ja/. 5. 6. the Lord will a. the bloody man J ccl. 8. 15. for that shall a. with him of his labour T.zra 2. dg. they gave after their a. to the work
119. 163. 1 hate and a. lying, but love tliy law Mr. 10. 10. nations not able to a. his indignation AVA. 5. 8. we after our a. redeemed our brethren
Prov. 24. 24. him people curse, nations shall a. him fcr. 42. 10. if ye a. in this land I will build you Dan. 1. 4. as had a. to stand in the king's palace
Jer. 14. 21. do not a. us for thy name's s,ike 49. 18. no man shall a. there, 33. | 50. 40. Mat. 25. 15. he gave to each according to Ids a.
Amo> 5. 10. they a. him that s])eal'eth upriglitly JJos. 3. 3. thou shalt a. for me many days Acts 11.29. according to his a. determined to send
6. 8. I II. the excellency of Jaroli, hate his palaces 11.6. and the sword shall a. on his cities I Pet. 4. 11. let him do it as of the a. God givetb
jVir. 3. 9. hear, ye that a. judgment, and pervert .loel 2. 11. the day is terrible, who a. it? ABLE.
Horn. 12. <J. a. th.-it which is evil, cleave to good Mic. 5. 4. they shall a. for now shall he be great P.xoJ. provide out of
18. 21. all the people a. men
ABHOKRED. .\ali. 1. 6. who can a. in the ficrccnessof his anger •
I.(v. 14. 22. two pigeons, such as he is a. to get, 31.
r.iml. 5. 21. you have made our savour to be a. -Va/. 3. 2. but who may a. the day of his coming '
A«m. 1. 3. all that are a. to go to war, 20, 22, 24,
Li-v. 20.23.they committed, and therefore I a. them .Ua/. 10. 11. there a. il/arX C. 10. I.uie 9. 4. 26, 28, 30, 32, .34, 3(3, 38, -JO, 42, 45. | 26. 2.
26. 43. they despised, their soul a. my statutes y.ii/f ig. 5. fo'- to-day I must //. at tby house 13. 30. go up for we are well a. to overcome it
Vent. .32. 19. when the Lord saw it, he a. them 24. 29. a. with us, for it is towards evening Deut. 16. 17. every man shall give as he is a.
1 .Sum. 2. 17. for men a. the ofltringof the Lord Jo/i)i 12. 46. believes on me, should not a. in dark- Josh. 23. 9. no man hath been a. to stand before you
£ .Sam. 16. 21. shall bear, thou art a. of thy father 14. 16. give another comforter that he may a. 1 AV/w.6.20.who is a. to stand before this holy God
I A'i«jj II. 25. lladada. Israel, and reigned over 15. 4. a. in me and 1 in you, except ye a. in me, 7. 1 Kuigs 3. 9. w ho is a. tojudge so great a people
.fn/i 19. 19. all my inward friends .1. me 6. if a man a. not in me, he is cast forth 2 Chrmi. 2. 6. but who is a. to build him an hoos*
Piif/. 22. 24. nor a. the affliction of the afflicted 10. ye .shall a. in n.y love, and a. in his love 20. 6. so that none is a. to withstand thee 7H. 59. he was wroth, and greatly a. Israel yhl.v 15. 34. it pleased Silas to a. there still 25. 9 the Lord is a. to give thee much mnrc
89.38. but thou hast cast off and a. hast been wrnih 16. 15. come
into my house and a. there J'b 41. 10. who then is a. to stand before me ?
U'fi. 40. insomuch that he a. his own inheritance 20. 23. saying, that boudi and altlictions a. me Pro-.i. 27. 4. but who is a. to stand before envy ?
Prov. 22. 14. who isa. of the Lord shall fall therein 27. 31. except these a. in ship, ye cannot be saved y.zek. 46. 1 1 the ofl'ering shall be as he is a. to give

/,«»!. 2. 7. the Lord hath a. his sanctuary 1 Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. he .shall receive Van. 3. 17. our God whom we serve is a. to deliver
f.zci. 16. 25. thou hast made ihy lieauiy to be *. 7. 8. it is good for them if they a. even as I 6. 20. thy God is ./. to deliver thee from the liona
y./ch. 11.8. loathed them, and their soul also a. me 20. let every man a. in the same calling Mat. 3. g. God is a. of these stones to raise up
AIWIORREST. 40. she is happier if she so j. al'ier my judgment children to Abraham, Luke 3. 8
r>a. 7. 16. the land that thou a. .shall be forsaken Pliil. 1 24. to a. in the flesh is more needful for you
9. 28. believe ye ihat I am
a. to do this.'
Horn. 2. £2. thou that a. idols, dost thou commit 25. I know that I shall a. with you all 10. 28. fear bioi a. to destroy soul and body in hell
AlUIORRETII. 1 'J'im. I. 3. 1 besought thee to a. at I'.phesus ig. 12. he that is a. to receive it, let him rereivo
A>i 53 20. so his life a. bread, and bis soul 1 Jo/in 2. 24. let th.ita. in you which ye have heard 20.22.arc ye a. to drink of the cup I shall drink of?
Psal. 10. 3. blesseth the covetous.wjiom the Lord a. 27. ye shall u. in him 28. children a. iu him 22 46. no man was
{| a. to answer him a word
4 he acvispth mischii f onhisbed.hew. not evil
.id. AIJIDKIII. Mark 4. 33.spake he, as thi-y were a. to hear it
107. 18. their soul a. all manner of me^it 2 fkiin 10. 3. Ziba said, beliolil hva. at Jerusalem John 10. Sg. no man is a. to pluck them out of my
Im. V^-I. to him whom the UatiOD a. to n servant Pi^il. 49- 12. njui being m honour a not, he is ^'U \i, JO. a joke p^iy ffttherj nar wco, to be*


C5<jffl.l5. 8, servant vowed while I <r. at Gcshur Prov. 12. 23. lying lips are a. to the Lord
dels 20. 32. word of his grace, a. to build yoa
with mer 1 Kings 17.1i<. he carried him to a loft where he a. 39. it is an a. to fools to depart from !vi,i
25 5. which ainonx you area, go down

15. 8. the sacrifice of the wicked is an n. 23. 27

Born. 4. 2L he haU promised, he was a. to perlorin Jer. 38. 28. Jeremiah a. in the court of the prison
11 23 for (iod is a. to gratl tliem in again Mat. 17. 22. and while they a. in Galilee, Jesus said y. the way of the wicked is an a. to the Lord
14 4. for God is a. to malie Iniu stand Luke 1. 56. Mary a. with her about three months 26. thoughts of the wicked are ac « to the Ixird

15 14. ye ace a. also to admonish one

another 16. 5. every one that is proud in heart is an a.
8. 27. nor a. in any house, but in ihc tombs
1 Cor 3. 2. ye were not a. nor yet now
are ye a.
John 1. 32. I saw the Spirit, and it a. upon him 32. it is an a. to kings to commit wickedness
10 13 not
ye area.
oi ne w t. 39. they came and a. with him that day 17. 35. they botii are an a. to the Lord
a Cot: 3. 6. who hath made us a. ministers
words he Galilee 2u. 10. both of them are alike a. to the Lord
abound towards 7. 9. when he said these a. in
9. 8. God Is o. to make all grace
8. 44. he was a murderer, and a. not in the truth 23. divers weights are Ein a. to the Lord
Uph. 3. 20. to him that Is a. to do
abundantly above 1 1 .6. he a. two days still in the place where he was 24. 9. and the scorner is an a. to men
J'hil 3 21. he is a. to subdue all tilings to himsel Alls 1. 13. an upper room wherea. I'eter and James iV,.!. 28. 9. even his prayer shall be a.
2 Tim. 1 12. he is a. to keep that I have committed 34. 3. longtime a. they speaking boldly in the i'.>. 27. an unjust man is an a. to the just, and
3 7 never a. to come to the knowledge of
18. 3. Paul a. with them and wrought he that is upright in the way, is a. to the wickea
15. holy scriptures a. to make
wise to salva-
21. 7. we came and a. with the brethren one day Tsa. 3. 33. incense is an a. to me, the new-moon*
are tempted 8. we entered the house of Philip and a. with him 43. 24. ail a. is he that chooseth you
Ueb 2 18. he Is a. to succour them that
him from death Gal. 1. 18. I went and a. with Peter fifteen days 44. 3(|. shall I make the residue thereof an a f
fi 7 to him that was a. to sare
7 "5 he Is a. to save to the uttermost all that ABODE ii^re, or there ABODE. 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and tlie a. and mouse
come Dent. 1. 4<5. according to the days that ye a. there Jir. 2. 7. ye entered, ye made my heritage ana
11 19. accounting that Ood was a. to raise him U|i Joih. 2. 22. came to mountain, and a. there 3 days 6. 35. ashamed when tliey committed a. 8. 12.
Jam 21 tlie word which is a. to save
your souls
Judg. 21. 2. the people a. there till even before God 32. 35. that they should Qo this a. to cause Judah
3 2. is a. also to bridle thewhole body
one lawgiver a. to save and ! Eira 8. 15. and there a. we in tents three days Eti-k. 16. 50. they were haughty and committed a,
4 12. there is
destro.v 32. we came to Jerusalem and a. there three days 18. 32. lifted up his eyes to idols and committed a

Jude him that is a. to keep you from falllni.

24. to John 4. 40. and Jesus a. there two days 22. 33. committed a. with his neighbour's wife
JUv. 5. 3. man was a. to open the book nor look
na 10. 40. where John at first baptized, and there a. 3Z. 26 ye stand on your sword and ye work a
is a. to make war with tlie beast

13. 4. who Acts 12. 19. Herod went to Cesarea, and there a. Dan. 11. 31. shall place thea that makc'th desolato
15. 8. no mail was a. to enter into the
14. 28. there they a. long time with the disciples 12. 11. and the a. that maketh desolate set up
Be ABLE. .Vol. 2.11. and a is committed in Israel and Jerus
17. 14. Silas and Timotheus a. there still
Lev. 25. 26. and himself 6e a. to redeem it
J)eut. there shall no man be a. to stand, 11. Jj.
7. 24.
ABODEST. .Viir. 24. 35. ye see a. of desolation, Mark 13. 14.

Josh. not any man be a. to stand betore thee

1. 5.
Judg. 5. 16. why a. thou among the sheepfolds ? Eiike 16. 35. esteemed among men is a. with God
14. 12. ifthe Lord be with me I shall be a. to ABOLISH. Rev. 21. 27. shall in no wise enter that worketh a.
drive Signifies [1] To do anav, or wake loid, 2 Cor. 3. ABOMINATIONS.
kill me
1 Sam. 17. 9. if he be a. to fight with me and 13. Eph. 2. 15. [2] To destroy, \i3..Z. 18. 2 Dnit. 38. 9- not learn to do after the a. of nations
offer willingly
1 Chron 29.14. that we should bea. to Tim. 1. 10. 32. 16. with a. provoked they him to anger
2Chron. 32. 14. that your God should bea. to deUver Isa. 2. 18. and the idols be shall utterly a 1 Kings 14. 24. did according to all a. of nations
Jsa 47. 12. if so be thou slialt be a. to profit
£iek. 33. 12. nor shall the rishteous be a. to live ABOLISHED. 2 Kiu^s l6f3.thro' fire according to a. 2 Chr. 28.3
Luke 14. 31. whether he be a. with 10,000 to meet Isa. 51. 6. and my righteousness shall not be a. 21. 2. Manasseh did ev.i in the sight of the Lcr>.l
Rom. 8. 39. be a. to separate us from love of God Eiek. 6. 6. and your works may be a. after the a. of the heathen, 2 Chron. 33. k
1 Cor. 10. 13. that ve may be a. to bear it 2 Cor. 3. 13. not look to the end of that which isa. 23.24. a. spied did Josiah put away, 2 Chr. 34. 33.
•^ 3. 18. may be a. to comprehend with all Eph. 2. 15. having a. in his flesh the ciin.ity 2 Chron. 36. 8. acts of Jehoiakim and his a. he did
2 Tim. 1. 10. Jesus Christ, who hath a. death 14. people transgressed after all a. of the heathen
6. 11. that ye mav be a. to stand against the devil ABOMINABLE. Prov. 26. 25. for there are seven a. in his heart
16. faith, wherewith ye shall be a. to quench
2 Tim. who shall be a. to teach otiiers also
2. 2. Lev. 7. 21. that shall touch any a. unclean thint; Jer. 4-1-. 22. the Lord could not bear for the a.
THl. I. 9. may be a. by sound drctrine to ixhort 31. 43. ye shall not make yourselves a. with auy E:ck. 6. 11. alas for all the evil a. of house of Israel
2. Pel. 1. 15. that ye may be a. after my decease 18. 30. commit not any of these a. customs 8.6. scest thou the great a. of Israel, but turn thee
Seu. 6. 17. wrath is come, and who shall be a. to 39. 7. if it be eaten on the third day, it is a. yet again, and thou shalt see greater a. 13, 15.
20. 25. ye shall not mate your souls a. by beast 9. behold the wicked a. that they do here
Not be ABLE.
Dcut. 14. 3. thoti shalt not cat any a. thing 17. is it a light thing to commit j. here .'

2 Kings 18. 29. not be a. to deli veryou /sa. 36. 14.

1 Chron. 21. 6. for the king's word was a. to Joab 0. 4. t*nat sigh and cry for all the a. that be donA
Psal. 36. 12. cast down, and shall not be a. to rise
£cc!. 8. 17. yet shall ho not be a. to find it 2 C/irOTj. 15.8.Asa put away the a. idols from Judah 33. 18. take away all thea. thereof from t'uencf
Jsa. 47. 11. thou Shalt not be a. to put it oflT Job 15. 16. how much more a and filthy is man 14. 6. turn away your faces from all your a.
Jer. 11. 11. not be a. to escape 49. 10. 7tot be a. to || Psal. 14. 1. are corrupt, they have done a. works 16. 2. son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her a,
hide 18.24. when the righteous doth according to all a.
53. 1. corrupt are they, and have done a iniquity
Ezek. 7. 19. gold shall not be a. to deliver thera Isi. 14. 19. thou art cast out like an a. branch 20. 4. cause them to know the a. of their fathers
Luke 13. 24. seek, not 6e a. 21. 15. not be a. to
7 cast ye away every man the a of his eyes

gainsay 60. 4. and broth of a. things is in their vessels ,

Jir. 16. 16. filled with carcases of their a. things 8. they did not cast away the a. of their eyes
Kot ABLE. 44. 4. O, do not this a. thing that 1 hate 22. 2. yea thou shalt shew her all her a.
Lev. 5. 7. and if he be 7tot a. to brine; a lamb Ezek. 4. 14. nor came a. ftesh into my mouth ."6. 33. and shall loathe yourselves for all yonro.

.Num. 1,1.31 we be not a. to go up against the people 8. 30. I saw and behold a. beasts and idols 44. 6. O Israel, let it suffice you of all your a.
14. l6. because the Lord was net a, Deut. Q. C8. 36. 52. thy sins committed more a. than they 7. they have broken my covenant for all your a,
2 Chron. 20. 37. ships were itot a. to go to J'arshish .1/if. 6. 10. and the scant measure that is a. Dan. Q. 27. and for the overspreading of a.
Etra 10. 13. we are not a. to stand without 2^ah. 3. 6. and I will cjist a. filth on thee Zech. 9.7. will take his a. from between his teeth
Neh. 4. 10. so that we are not a. to build the wall Tit. 1. 16. but in works deny him, being a. Rev. 17. 4. a golden cup in her hand full of a.
Vsal. 18. 38. wounded that they were not a. to rise 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked iu a. idohitries 5. the mother of harlots and a. of the earth
21. 11. device which they are not a. to perform Rev. 21. 8. fearful, and unbelieving, and the a. Their ABOMINATIONS.
40. 12. hold on me, so that I am wo/ a. to look up ABOMINABLY. 77( M. 20. 38. teach you not to do after all rheir a,

Amos 7. 10. the land is tiol a. to bear all his words 1 Kings 21.26. Ahab did very a. in following idols 29. 17. and ye have seen their a. and their idols
iMie 12. C6. if ye be not a. to do the thing is least ABOMINATION. E-.raQ. l.the people doing according to Meir a.
14. 29. laid foundation, and is not a. to finish Signifies, [3] A thing hateful and detestable. Gen. 11. with their a. which have filled the land
John 21.6. they were Twt a. to draw it for the fishes 43. 32. Prov. 29. 27. [2] Sin in general, Isa. }>a. 66. 3. and their soul delighteth in their a.
Acts d.lO.aud they were not a. to resist the wisaoui 66. 3. Ezek. 16. 50. [3] An idol, 2 Kings /<) .7.30.havesct iheir a. in the house called 32.34,
ABOARD. 23. 33. Jsa. 44. 39. [4] The Roman army E:ck. 6. 9- for the evils committed in all iheir a,
Acts 21 . 2. a ship sailing, we went a. and set forth that destroyed the lemjile and Jeaish polity, Mat. 7. 20. but they made the imnges of their a.
ABODE, .Substantive. 24. 35. [5] Etil dectrines and practices, llev. 11. 21. whose heart w.alketh after their a.
12. 16. that they may declare all their a.
2 Kin^s 19. 27. but 1 know thy a. Jsa. 37. 28. 37. 4.
Etra 9. + 8. to give us a sure a. in his holy place Gen. 43. 32. for that is anra. to the Egyptians 36. 47. yet hast thou not done after their a.
46. 34. every shepherd is an a. to the Egyptians 20. ;30. and commit ye whoredom after their a,
Jo/m 14.23. we will come and make our a with him
ABODE, Verb. Eiod.8.i6.ioT we shall sacrifice the a.«f Egyptians 23. .36. yea, decUire to them their a.
Gen. 29.14. Jacob a. with him the space of a month Lev. 7. 38. it shall be aixr. 11. 41. 42 33. 29. the land desolate because of all their a.
11. 10. they shall be an a. to you, 12, 20, 23. 43. 8. they have defiled my holy name by their a,
49. 24. but his bow a. in strength, and the arms the glory of the Lord a. on Sinai 18. 22. as with womankind it is a. 20. 13. 44. 33. they shall bear their shame and their a.
JVum. 9. 17. where cloud </. Israel pitched, 18. CI. Deut. 7. 25. it is a. to the Lord thy God, I7. 3. Ilos. 9. 10. their a. were according as they loved

20. they a. in their tents, and journeyed, CC. 26. nor bhalt thou bring an a. into thy house These ABOMINATIONS.
11. 35. tie people journeyed, and a. at Ilazeroth 12. 31. every a. they have done to their gods Lev. IC. 26. ye shall not commit any of these a.
20. 1. tlie people a. in hadesh, Jiide:. H. 37. 13. 34. that such a. is wrought among you, 17. 4. 27. all these a. havi the men of the land done
22. 8. the princes of .Moab, a. with Balaam 18. 12. all that do these things are an a. 22. 5. 29. whosoever shall commit any of these a.
Deiu. 1. 46. so ye a. in Kadesh many days 23.18. both these are an a. to the Lord thy God /5i'n<.1^.12.bccause o( these a. the Lord hath driven
3. 29. we a. in the valley 9. 9. I a. in the mount 24. 4. for that is an a. before the Lord 2 A;«|i 23, 31. Manasseh hath done these a.

Josh 5.8.they their places till they were whole 25. 16. all that do unrighteously are an a. toGnd Ezra y. 34. join in aflinity with people oi these a.
8. 9. they a. between Bethel and Ai, but Joshua 27. 15. cursed be the man that maketh a. to tlie Jrr. 7. 10. we .are delivered to do all these a.
Jud^. 5. n.Gilead a. beyond Jordan, A sher con- 1 .Sam. 13. 4. Israel was had in a. with Phili.stineS' J>e/I:.18.13.he hath done all these a. shall surely die

tinued on the sea-shore, and a in his breaches 1 Kings 31. 5. Milcom the a. of Ammonites, 7. Thine oTthy ABOMINATIONS
19. 4. the Levite a. wiih him three days 7. an high place for Chemosh the a. of Moab Xr. 4. 1. ifthou wiitput away MuitJa. out of sight
2 Kings iZ. 33. Ashtaroth the a. of the Zidonians V3. 27. I have seen ihine a. on the hills
20. 47. and a. in the rock Kimmon four months
1 .Sam. 1. 23. the woman a. and save her son suck Pial. 88. 8. thou hast made me an a. to thera Erek. 5. 9. do what 1 have not, because of ihitie a.
7. 2. while the ark a. in Kiriath-je.\rim, time long Prov. 3. 32. the froward is an a. to the Lord .3 1 thou hast defiled my sanctuary with thy a,
33. 16. Saul and Jonathan a. in Gibeah 6. 16. yea seven things are an a. to him 7. 3. I will recompense on thee all thine u. 4, 8,9.

22. 6. Saul a. H 23. 14. David a. 25. 1 26. .3. 8. 7. speak truth wickedness is an a. to my lips 16. 22. all thiuc a. thou hast not remembered
83.18.DaTida. in wood 2 Sam. 1.1. a. atZiklag 11. 1. a false balance Ls an a. to the Lord .f6.with all the idols of thine a. and by the blood
4.3. not commit this lewdness above all thine a

'iSam. 11 IS. Uriah a. in Jarusalem that day 20. they of a f rowarQ heart are an a. to the Lord

Er<i.l6.51.1iast multiplied //line a. more than they Deut. 7. 14. thou shall be blessed a. a// people Mark 12. 1. set an hedge a, it, and digged a plaV
58. thou hait borne thine o. saith t!ie Lord 10.15.he chose you a. 0// people, as it is this day 2. 49. I must be a. my Father's business
ABOVE. 14. 2. chosen thee a. o// the nations, 26.19. \ 28. 23. Jesus began to be a. thirty years of age
Signifies. [1] Aloft, high, Gen. G.\&. Prov. 8. 28. 1 Kings 14. 9. done evil a. all that were before thee 12. 35. let your loins be girded a. and lights
[J] The dizjiitv or excellency of a person or 22. provoked a. all that their fathers had done John 3. 25. there arose a question a. purifying
tiling, Ts3.\.n3.'4. Wat. 10. 24. [S"] Bevonr/, 16. 30. Ahab did evil a. «// that were before him 7. 19- w'hy go ye a. to kill me

2 Cor. 1. 8. E4.I More than. Gen. .3. 14.'

| 4«. 2 yvi«£;,5 21. 11. donewiciedly a. a// the Amorilesdid Acts 4. 4. the number of the men was a. 5000
22 [5] Upuards, Exod. .30. 14. Lev. 27.7. 1 Chron. Cy. 3. over and a. all I have prepared 18.14. and when Paul was a. 10 open his mouth
[6] An hicher state or rank. Mum. l6. .3. [7] 11. and thou art exalted as head a. all 27. 30. as they were a. to Hee out of the ship
Chief in ctvthority and poioer, Deut. 28. 13. [8] 2 Cliron. 11. 21. he loved Maacah a. a// his wives Pom. 4. 19. when he was a. 100 years old
Heaven, or the highest place. Job 3. 4. Koiii. Neh. 8. 5. for Ezra was a. all the people 10. 3. going a. to establish their own righteousness
10.6. [y] lleavenlu and spiritual, GaX.-i.'^a. J:.sih. 2. 17. king loved Esther a. all the women 1 Cor. 9. 5. have we not power to lead a. a suster
[10] Things that relate to heaven, Gal. 4. 26. Psal. 97- 9. thou Lord art high a. all the earth 2 Co;. 4. 10. always bearing a. in the body the dying
Col. 3. 1. [11] God, Jam. 1. 17. 99. 2. he is high a. all people, 113. 4. Eph. 6. 14. having your loins girt a. with truth
0(71. 1. 7. from the waters a. the firmament 138. 2. magnified thy word a. ail thy name 1 Tim 5. 13. wandering a. from house tc house

20. and fowl that may fly a. the earth Prov. 4. t 23. keep thy heart a. all keeping Heh, 8. 5. when he was a. to make the tabernacle
3. 14. the serpent cursed a. all cattle, a. beast Eccl. 2. 7. a. a/.' that were in Jerusalem before me Pev. 8. 1. silence a. the space of half an hour
6. l6. in a cubit shall thou finish the ark a. Jer. 17.9- the heart is deceitful a. all things 10. 4. I was a. to write, and I heard a voice
7. 17. and the ark was lifted up a. the earth Ezek. 16. 43. not commit this lewdness a. all See Gone, him, mb, thee, them, roi;nd, sxoon
48. 22. given thee one portion a. thy brethren 31. 5. his height was exalted a. all the trees THIS, TIME, WENT.
49. 26. prevailed a. the blessings of my progenitors yjan. 11. 37. for he shall magnify himself a. all ABROAD.
i'xorf. 25.22.1 will commune from a. the mercy-seat Lnke 3. 20. Herod added yet this a. all Exod. 12. 46. shall not carry ought of the flesh O.
28. 27. a. the curious girdle of the ephod, 28. 13. 2. these sinners a. all the Galileans, 4. Lev, 13. 12. and if a leprosy break out a. in'theskia
50.14. are numbered from twenty years old and a. John 3. 31. he that cometh from heaven is a. all 18. 9- whether she be born at home or a.
Lev. 11. 21. which have legs a tneir leet to leap Jph. 1. 21. far a. all principality and power Vent. 23. 10. then shall he go «. out of the camp
27. 7. and if it be from si.vty ye.nrs old and a. 3. 20. a. all that we ask || 4. 6. one God a. all 13. when thou wilt ease thyself a, shall dig
Hum. 16. 3. lift up yourselves a. the congregation 6. 16. a. all taking the shield of faith to quench Judg. 12. y. look daughters from a. for his sons
Deut. 17. 20. heart be not lifted up a. his brethren Col. 3. 14. a. all these things put on charity 2 Kings 4. 3. go, borrow thee vessels a. of neighbour-
25. 3. lest if he should beat him a. these 2 Thess. 2. 4. exaltetha. all that is called God 2 Chron. 29- I6. Levites took it to carrj- it out a.
£8. 13. thou shall be a. only, and not be beneath Jam. 5. 12. a. all things, my brethren, swear not 31. 5. as soon as the commandment came a.
30.5. do thee good and multiply thee a. thy fathers 1 I'et. 4. 8. a. all things have fervent charity Esth. 1. 17. this deed of the queen shall come rt.
Josh. 3. 13. the waters that come down from a. 16. 3 John 2. 1 wish a. all things thou prosper Joh 15. 23. he wandereth a. for bread, saying
/W5.5.24. blessed shall she be a. w omen in the tenl AnovEu//GoD8 jccGods. Atio\e heaven ; see
Psal. 41. 6. when he goetli a. he telleth it
S Sam. 22. 17. he sent from a. I'sal. 18. I6. Heaven. Stood AnovR ; see .Stood. Above I'rov. 5. 16. let thy fountains be dispersed «.
1 Kings 8. 7. cherubims covered ark a. 2 Chr. 5. 8. 7/ie, him, them, see iiiM, me, them. Isa. 44. 24. that spreadeth a. the earth by myself
8 Kings'ib 28. a. the throne of kings, Jer. 52. .32. ABOUND. Jer. 6. 11. I will pour it out on the children a.
] Chron. 5. 2.forJudah prevailed a. his brethren Prov. 58. 20.the faithful man shall a. with blessings Lam, 1. 20. a. the sword bereaveth, at home death
23.27. for the Levites were numbered from twenty /la. 2. t 6. they a. with the children of strangers Mark 1. 45. he began to blaze a. the matter
years old and a. Kxod. 30. 14. Mat. 24. 12. because iniquity shall a. love of many 4. 22. nor kept secret, but that it should come a.
27. 6. Benaiah was mighty and a. the thirty Pom. 5.20.the law entered that the offence might a. Luke 1, 65. these sayings were noised a. through.
jVe/i. 7. 2. Ilananiah feared God a. many 6. 1. shall we continue in sin, that grace may a. .' out all the hill-country of Judex
12. .37. they went up a. the house of David 15. 13. that ye may a. in hope thro' the power 2. 17. made known a. the saying about this child
Job 3. 4. let not God regard it from a. 2 Cor. 1. 5. as sufferings a. so consolation abounds Acts 2. 6. when this was noised a. the multitude
18. 16. and a. shall his branch be cut off 8. 7. as ye a. in every thing, see that ye a. Pom. 5. 5. the love of God is shed a. in our hearts
£8. 18. for the price of wisdom is a. rubies 9. 8. God is able to make all grace a. to you 16. ly. for your obedience is come a. to all men
. 2. for what portion of God is there from a. ? Phil. 1. 9. 1 pray that your love may a. more See Cast, spueao, stand, scatter, went.
28. for I should have denied the God thai is a. 4. 12. 1 know how to a. both to a. and suffer ABSENCE.
^sal. 10. 5. thy judgments area, out of his sight 17. but I desire fruit that may a. to your account Luke 22. 6. to betray him in a of the multitude
18. 4S. ihou liftest me a. those that rise up 18. but 1 have all and a. I am full Phil. 2. 12. but now much more in my a. work 00 J
27. 6. noiy snail my head be lifted up a. enemies 1 Thess, 3. 12. Lord make you to a. in love one ABSENT.
45. 7. the oil of gladness a. ihy fellows, Hch. 1 .9. 4. 1. so ye would a. more and more Gen. 31. 40. when we are a. one from another
78. 23. tho' he commanded tht clouds from a, 2 Pet. 1. 8. for if theie things be in you and a. ' Cor. 5. 3. for I verily as a. in body, but present in
IIQ. 127. I love thy commandments a. gold ABOUNDED, EXH, IMG. 2 Cor. 5. 6. at home in body are a. from the Lorri
'.'jfi. 6. that stretched out the earth a. the waters Prov. 8. 24. when no fountains a. with water 8. willing rather to be a. from the body, present
137. 6. if I prefer not Jerusalem a my chi^f joy 29. 22. and a furious man a. in transgression 2 Cor. 5.y. whether present or a. may be accepted
144. 7. send thine hand from a. rid me, deliver me Porn. 3. 7. for if the truth of God hath more a. 10. 1. but being a. am bold toward you
143. 13. his glory is a. the earth and heaven 5. 15. grace by Jesus Christ hath a. to many 11. as we are by letters when we are a. such will
Pror. 8. 28. when he established the clouds a. 20. but where sin a. grace did much more a. 13. 2. and being a. now I write to them, 10,
15. 24. the way of life is a. to the wise 1 Cor. 15. 58. always a. in the work of the Lord I'hil. 1. 27. whether I come, or else be a.
•ll. 10. for her price is far a. rubies 2 Cw.8.2. deep poverty a. to the riches of liberality Col. 2. 5. for tho' 1 be a. in the flesh, yet am I with
Eccl. 3. ig. a man hath no pre-eminence a. a beast Pph. 1. 8. wherein he hath a. toward us in wisdom ABSTAIN.
Jsa. 2. 2. mountain shall be exalted a. the hills Col. 2. 7. a. therein with thanksgiving .-lets 15. 20. that they a. from polliitioHS of idols
6. 2. a. it stood the seraphims, each had six wings 2 Thesi. 1. 3. the charity towards each other a. 29. that ye a. from meats offered to idols
7.11. ask it either in the depth or in the height a. ABOUT. 1 'l\ess. 4. 3. that ye should a. from fornication
Jer.lo.\i. their widows increased a. sand of the seas Gen. .38. 24. a. three months after was told Judah 5. 22. a. from all appearance of evil
/.am. 1. 13. from a. hath he sent fire into my bones 41. 25. (iod shewed I'haraoh what he is a. to do 1 Tim. 4. 3. commanding to a. from meats

£zek. 1. 26. as appearance of a man a. upon it 42. 24. he turned himself a from them and wept 1 Pet. 2. 11. a. from fleshly lusts which war against
10. 22. 46. 34. thy servant's trade hath been a. cattle ABSTINENCE.
S9. 15. nor exalt itself any more a. the nations Pxod. 11. 4. a. midnight will I go out into Egjpt Acts 27.21. after long a. Paul stood forth in midst
Dan. 6. 3. Daniel was preferred a. the presidents 13. 18. God led the people a. thro' the way ABUNDANCE.
11. 36. the king magnify himself a. every god 19- 23. set bounds a. thembunt, and sanctify it />H^. 28.47. thou servedsl not God for the a. of all
Amos 2. Q. yet I destroyed his fruit from a. 32. 28. there fell that day a. 3000 men 33. 19. they shall suck of the a. of the seas
.A'a/i.3.l6.hasl multiplied thy merchants a.the stars Lev. 6. 5. all that a. which he hath sworn falsely 1 Sam. 1. 10. out of the a. of my complaint
Mat. 10. 24. disciple not a. his master, Liike 6. 40. Anm. 16. 24. from a. the tabernacle of Korah 1 Kings 10. 10. came no more such a. of spices
John 3. + 3. except a man be born from a. 7. Deut. 32. 10. he led him a. and instructed him 27. as the sycamore trees for a. 2 Chron. 1. 15.
6. 13. baskets which remained over and a. Josh. 10. 13. sun hasted not to go down a. a day 18. 41. for there is a sound of a. of rain
8. 23. 1 am from a. ye are of this world Judg. 17. 2. the silver a. which thou cursedsl 2 Chron. 9. 9. she gave the king, of snices great «.
19. 11. except it were given him from a. Pnth 2. 17. and it was a. an ephah of barley Jo/> 22. 11. and a. of waters cover thee. .38. 3t
Acts 4. 22. for the man was a. forty years old 1 Sam. 1. 20. when the time was come a, Hannah Psal. 72. 7. in his days shall be a. of peace
26. 13. 1 saw a light a. the brightness of the sun 5. 8. let the ark of God be carried a. to (iath Eccl. 5. 10. nor he that lovcth a. with increase
Horn. 10. 6. that is to bring Christ down from a. 9. 26. it came to pass, a. the spring of the day 12. the a. of the rich will not suffer him to sleep
14. 5. one man csteemeth one day a. another 21.5. women have been kept from us a. three days Jsa. 7. 22. for a. of milk he shall eat butter
1 Cor. 4. 6. not to think of men a. what is written 2 Sam. 14. 20. to fetch a. this form of speech 15. 7. therefore tho a. they h-\ve gotten
10. 13. you to be tempted a. th.-it ye are able 1 Kings 2. 15. the kingdom is turned a. and become 47. 9. for the great a. of thy inchanUnents
15. 6. he was seen of a. 51)0 hrethren at once 22. .36. a. going down of the sun, 2 Chron. 18. 34. Co. 5. the a. of the sea shall be converted to tbeo
< Cor. 1 8. were pressed out of measure a. strength 2 Kings i. 16. a. this season according to the time
. 66. 11. he delighted with the a. of her glory
11. 2.3. I am more, in stripes a. measure 2 Chron. 2. 9- the house which 1 am a. to build Jer. 33. 6. I will reveal to them a. of peace
12. 2. a. fourteen years ago, whether in body or out P,zra 10. 15. were employed a. this nuitter /.'rcX .16.49. "
o' idleness was in her and daughters
6. lest any man should think of me a. that Joh 20. 23. when he is a. to fill his belly 26. 10. by reason of the a. of his horses
OjI. 4. 26. but Jerusalem which is a. is free Prov. 3. 3. bind them a. thy neck, 6. 21. Xcch. 14. 14. gold, silver, and apparel in great a.
I'hil. 2. y. and given him a name a. every name 20. 19. he that go^ih a. as a tale-bearer Mat. 12. 34. out of ihea.of lheheart,Lii*(;6. 45.
Col. 3. 1. seek those things -vhichare a. Cant. 7. 2. like a heap of wheal set a. with lilies 13. 12. .and he shall have more a. 25. 29-
2. set your affection on things a. not on earth Isa. 5. + 2. built a tower, and made a wall a. it Murk 12. 44. they cast in of thcira. Ltikj 21. 4.
Pltilem. 16. not now as a servant, but a. a servant 50. 11. that compass yourselves a. with sparks Pom. 5. 17. more they which receive a. of grace
lleh. iO. 8. a. when he said, sacrifice and offering Jer. 2. .36. why paddest thou a. so much to change 2 Cor. 8.2. the a. of their joy abounded to the riches
J»m. 1. 17. every good and perfect gift is from a. 31. 22. how longwilt thou go a. O thou 14. your a. a supply, their a. a supply for want
3. IS. this wisdom dcscendeth not from a, 41. 14. all the people cast a. and returned 12. 7" be exalted thro' the a. of the. revelations
ABOVE all. JPs. 7. their own doings have beset them a. Pev. 18. 3. waxed rich tliro' the a. of herdelicacioa
(>/''. 3. 14. the serpent is cursed a. at! cattle Mat. 20. 3. he went out a. the third hour Jn ABUNDANCE.
Num. 12. 3. Moses was very meek a. all the men Mark 3. S. ao DOt so much as a. the door 2 5am 12.34) David brotisht spoil of the city «n a
1 King! I. 19. Adonijah hafli slain oxen in a. C5. 32. 21. let me not a. any man's person 1 King!5. 9. sHalt a. my
desire ia giring food
I C/iron. it. 3. David prepared brass lu a. 14. 42. 8. Job shall pray for you, for him wtil I a. Job, 14. 6. till he shall a. as an hireling his das
marble lu a. '.'9. -.
i. also cedar-treex in a. Pial. 20. 3. and a. thy burnt-sacrifice Psal. 64. 6. they a. a diligeut search
15. there are workmen with thee in a. hewers 82. 2. and a. the persons of the wicked Isa, *5. 11. but it shall a. that which I pleaso
!9. 21. they offered sacrifices in a. for all Israel 119. 108. a. I beseech thee the free-will-offerings Jer, 44. S5. ye will surely a. your vows
2 Chron. 2. 9. even to prepare me timber in a. Prov. 6. t 35. not a. the face of any ransom Exek. 6. 12. thus will I a, my
fury upon them
4. 18. Solomon made all these vessels in great a. 18. 5. not good to a. the person of the wicked 7. 8. now will I a. mine anger upon thee
9. 1. Queen o.' Sheba brought gold in a. Jer, 14. 10. therefore the Lord doth not a. ttiem 13. 15. thus will I a. my
wrath upon the wall
11. 2.1. Rehoboam gave his sons victuals I'li a, 12. when offer, 1 will not a. them, Amos 5. 22. 20. 8. I will potir out my fury to a. anger, 21 my
14. 15. Asa carriMl away sheep and camels in a. Ezek. 20. 40. there will I a. them, and require Dan. 9. 2. that he would a. seventy years
li. 9. for they fell to Asa out of Israel in a. 41. 1 will a. you with your sweet savour Luke y. 31. which he should a. at Jerusalem
17. 5. all Judah brought presents to Jehoshaphat, 43. 27. and 1 will a. you, saith the Lord ACCOMPLISHED.
and he had riches and honour in a. IK. 1. A/a/. 1. 8. will he be pleased, or a. thy person.' 2 Chron, .36. 22. the word by Jeremiah might be a.
18. S Ahab killed sheep for Jehoshaphat in o. 10. nor will I a. an offering at your hand Est/i. 2.12. days of purification were a. Luke 2. SST
SO. 25. Jehoshaphat found spoil in a. 13. should I a. this of your hands? Job 15. 32. it shall be a. before his time
24. 11. thus they gathered money in a. Acts 24. 3. we a. it always, and in all places /Vor. 13. 19. the desire a. is sweet to the soul
29- 35 and also the burnt-offerings were in a. ACCEPTABLE. Isa, 40. 2. cry unto her, that her warfare is a
31. 5. children of Israel brought in a. first-fruits Lev. 22. 20. for it shall not be a. for you Jer. 25. 12. when seventy years are a. 29. 10
32. 5. llezekiah made dart^ and shields in a. Dent. 33. 24. let Asher be a. to his brethren .34. for the days of your dispersions area.

29. he provided him cities and possessions in a. Psal. 19. 14. let the meditation of my heart be a. 39. 16. my words shall be a. before thee
\eh. 9. 25. they took vineyards and fruit-trees i« a. 69. 13. my prayer is to thee, O Lord, in ana. time Latn. 4. 11. the Lord hath a his fury
Est/t. 1. 7. they gave them royal wine in a. Prov. 10. 32. lips of the righteous know wh.-it is a.
22. the punishment of thine iniquity is a:
Jot 36. 31. he giveth meat in a. do justice and judgment is more a.
21. 3. to Eiek. 4. 6. when hast a. them, lie on thy right side
Pial. 37. 11. delight themselves in a. of peace preacher sought out a. words
llccl. 12. 10. the 5. 13. thus shall mine anger be a,
fC. 7. but trusted in the a. of liis riches Isa. 49. 8. in an a. time have I heard thee Dan. 11. 36. shall prosper, till the indignation be a.
105. 30. the land brought forth frogs in a. 58. 5. wilt thou call this an a. day to the Lord ? 12. 7. a. to scatter the power of the holy peopk
Lute 12. 15. man's life consistelh not in a. 61. 0. to proclaim the a. year of the Lord Luke 1.23. the days of his ministration were a.
S Cor, ti. 20. that no man blame us in this a. Jer. 6. 20. your burnt-offerings are not a. 2.6. the days were a. that she should be delivered
ABUNDANT. Dan. 4. 27. O king, let my counsel be a. to thee 21. when eight days were a. for circumcising
EroJ. .14. 6. Lord God a. in goodness and truth Luke 4. 19. to preach the a. year of the Lord 12. 50. and how am I straitened till it be a.
I'ror. 12.+2ti. the righteous more a. than neighbour Rom. 12. 1. bodies a living sacrifice, holy, a, to God 18. 31. concerning the Sonof man, shall be a
Isa. 56. 12. shall be as this day, and msch more a. 2. what is that good and a. will of God 22. 37. that is written, must yet be a. in me
Jer. 51. 13. O thou Babylon, a. in treasures 14. 18. is a. to God aud approved of men John 19. 28. knowing that all things were now a.
1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we be.stow more a. honour 15. 16. offering up of the Gentiles might be a. -•IfCj 21 5. when we had a. those days, we departed!

24. having given more a. honour to that part Eph. 5. 10. proving what is a. unto the Lord 1 Pel. 5. 9. same afflictions are a. in your brethren

2 Cor. 4. 15. that the a. grace might redound Phil. 4. 18. a sacrifice a. well-pleasing to (led Accomplishing. See .Skrvicb.
7. 15. his inward affection is more a. toward you 1 Tim. 2. 3. for this is a. in the sight of God ACCOMPLISHMENT.
9- 12. for the administration is a. by many 5. 4. for that is good and a. before God Acts 21. 26. to signify the c. of days of purification
11. 23. in labours more, a. in stripes above measure 1 Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices a. to God by Jesus Christ ACCORD.
Phil, 1. 26. that your rejoicing maybe more a. 20. if ye take it patiently, this is a. with God Lev. 25. 5. groweth of its own a. shall not reap
1 Ti>n, 1.14. the graw;e of our Lord was exceeding a. ACCEPTABLY. Joih. 9. 2. to fight with Israel with one a.
Pel, 1.3. according to his a. mercy hath begotten Heb, 12. 28. whereby we may serve God a. .lets 1.14.these all continued with one a. in prayer
ABUNDANTLY. ACCEPTANCE. 2. 1. they were all with one a. in one place
Cen. 1. 20. let the waters bring forth a. 21. Isa. 60. 7. they shall come up with a. on mine altar 46. they continuing daily with one a. in temple
8. 17. that they may breed a. in the earth ACCEPTATION. 4. 24. they lifted up their voice to God with oiiec.
9- 7. multiply, bring forth a. in the earth 1 Tim, 1.15. this is a saving worthy of all a. 4. 9- 5. 12. were all with one a. in Solomon's porch
Juxod. 1. 7. the children of Israel increased a, ACCEPTED. 7. 57. and ran upon Stephen with one a,
6. 3. the river shall bring forth frogs a. Ocn. 4. 7- if ihou dost well, shall thou not be a. 8. 6. people with one a. gave heed to these thingS^
A'«m.20.11. Moses smote and the water came out a. 19. 21. see, 1 have a. thee concerning this 12. 10. the gate opened to them of his own a.
t Cliron, 12. 40. brought oil, oxen, and sheep a. Ezod. 28. 38. that they may be a. before the Lord 20. but they came with one a. to him
S2. 5. so David prepared a. before his death Lev. 1. 4. the offering shall be a, forhim, 22. 27. 15. 25. being assembled with one a. to ::nJ
8. thou hast shed blood a. and made great wars 7. 18. it shall not be a. I9. 7. | 22. 23, 25. 18. 12. the Jews with one a. made insurrection
tC/tron. 31.5. tithe of all things brought they in a. 10. 19. should it have been a. in sight of the Lord 19. 29. they rushed with one a. into the the.^t^e
Jot 12. 6. into whose hand God bringcth a. 22. 21. an offering shall be perfect, to be a, 2 Cor, 8 17. but being more forward of his own a:
S6. 28. the clouds drop, and distil upon man a. 23. 11. he shall wave the sheaf to be a. Phil.Z, 2. being of one a. of one mind
Aa/. .36. 8. they shall be a. satisfied with fatness 1 Sam. 18. 5. he WtLSa. in the sight of all the people ACC-ORDING.
65. 10. thou waterost the ridges thereof a. 25. 35. David said, see I have a. thy person Cen. 27. 19. I have done a. as thou hadest me
132. 15. 1 will a. bless her provision 2 Kings 5. f 1. Naaman was a. with hi; master 41. 54. dearth began to come a. as Joseph said
145. 7. shall a. utter the memory of thy goodness Esth. 10. 3. a. of the multitude of his biethren Eiod, 12. 25. the Lord will give a. as he promised
Caul. 5. 1. O friends drink, yea drink a. O beloved Job. 22. t 8. the a. for countenance dwelt in it A'7(;«. 14. great, a. as thou has spoken
Jta. 15. 3. every one shall howl, weeping a. 42. 9. the Lord also a. Job Dent. 10. 9. his inheritance a. as God promised
35. 2. it shall blossom a. and rejoice with joy Isa. 56. 7. their sacrifice shall be a. on mine altar 16. 10. a. as the Lord thy God hath blessed tliej
43. t "i. nor hast ihou a. moistened with the fat Jer. 37. 20. let my supplication be a. before thee 1 hin^s 3. 6. a. as he walked before thee in truth
55. 7. and to our God, for he will a. pardon 42. 2. let our supplication be a. before thee Job, 34. 11. and cause every man to find a. to his
Jo/in 10. 10. that they might have life more a. A/a/. 2. t 9. but ye have a. faces in the law ways, Jer. 17. 10. 21. 14. 32. I9. | |

1 Cor. 15. 10. I laboured more a. than they all Luke. 1. t 28. hail thou that art graciously a. 42. 9. went and did a. as the Lord commanded
S Cor. 1.12. conversation, and more a. to you-wards 4. 24. no prophet is a. in his own country Psal. 7. 8. judge me, O God, a. to my righteousness
5. 4. might know the love 1 have more a. to you Acts 10. 35. he that worketh righteousness is a. 17. I will praise the Lord a. to his righteousnes-
10. 15. shall be enlarged according to our rule a. Pom. 15. 31. my service may be a. of the saints 25. 7. a. to thy mercy remember thou me, 51. 1 .

12. 15. tho' the more a. I love you, the less 2 Cor. 5. 9. labour, absent or present, we liiay be a. 106. 45. I 109. 26. I 119. 124.
£p/t. 3. 20. to him that is able to do exceeding a. 6. 2. heard thee in a time a. now is the a. time 28. 4. give them a. to their deeds, and a. to the
1 j('/i«j. 2. 17. endeavoured more a. to see your face 8. 12. it is a. according to that a man hath 33. 22. let mercy be on us a. as we hope in thee
Tit. 3. 6. which he shed on usa. thro' Jesus Christ 17. for indeed he a. the exhortation 35. 24. judge me, O God, a. to thy righteousness
/ifA.6.17. God willing more a. to shew to the heirs 11. 4. or another gospel which ye have not a. 48. 10. a. to thy name, so is thy praise
8/Vt.l.ll.forso an entrance be mihistered to you a. Eph, 1. 6. he hath made us a. in the beloved 62. 12. for thou renderettto every man a. to his
ABISK, ED. ACCEPTE.ST. work, Prov. 24. 12, 2;^|.
Z^v. 19. 1 20. who lieth with a bonil-maid a. by any Luke 20. 21. neithera. thou the person of any 79. 11. a. to the greatness of thy power
Judg. 19. 25. and a. her all the night till morning ACCEI'TETII. 90. 11. a. to thy fear, so is thy wrath
1 Sum. 31.4.lestHncircumcised a. me, 1 CAr. 10. 4. ./u*.34. 19. to him that a not persons of princes 103. 10. nor rewarded usa. to our iniquities
1 Cor. 9. 18. that I a. not my power in the gospel g. 7. eat with joy, for God now a. thy works 119. 25. a. to thy word, 28,41, 58. 65,76, 107,
ABU.StR.S, 'ING. IJos. it. 13. thoy .sacrifice, but the Lord a. them not 116. 154, 160, 170.
1 Cor. C. 9. nor a. of themselves with mankind (jal. 2. fi. God It. no man's person 1.5g. quicken me a. to thy kindness, Isa. 63.7.
7. 31. and they that use this world as not a. it Accepting. See Deliverance. 150. 2. praise him a. to his excellent greatness
AtCLl'T. ACCE.SS. Isa. 8. 2U. if they speak not a. to this word
Signifies, [1] To receive J'aiourailv, Mai. 1. 10, 13. Pom. 5. 2. by whom
also we have a. by faith 9. 3. they joy a. to the joy in harvest
2<;or. 11.4. [2] To take fleasiire in, Kzek. 20. Eph. 2. 18. thro' him we both a. to the F.itlier 63.7. a. to all that the Lord heis bestowed on us
40. [3] 'J'o/.i;?iic, Gen.4. 7.
Job42. 9. [4] 3. 12. in whom we have boldness and a. by faith Jer. 50. 29. recompense her a. to her work
To respect partially. Job 13. 10. | 30. 21. Accompany. See Salvation. Dan. 11.3. that shall rule, zinddoa. to his will
Prov. 18. 5. [5] To Le regarded or lalued, 2 Cor. ACCUMPANIED. llos, 3. 1. a. to the love of the Lord toward Israel.
8. 12. [6] To be l/eloiedor lii«hlu esteemed, Luke Acts 10. 23. certain brethren from Joppa a. him ] 2. 2. the Lord will punish Jacob a. to his way.s

4.24. [7] To be received into grace and J'aiour, 11. 12. moreover these six brethren a. me A/if.7.15. a. to the days of thy coming out of Egypt
Acts 10. 35. Lph. 1, 6. 20. 4. Sopater of Bcrca a. Paul into Asia Mat. 9. 29. a. to your faith be it unto you
Gen, 32. 20. peradventure he will a, of me 38. and they a. him to the ship 16. 27. he will reward every man a. to his work*
tJod. 22. 11. and the owner .shall a. thereof ACCOMPANYINC. .Sif AUK o/" Corf. Pom. 2. 6. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Pev. 2. 23.
Lev. 26. 41. and thoy a. of the punishment, 43. ACCU.MPLISII. Luke 12. 47. nor did a. to his will, shall be beaten
Veut. 33. 11. bless and a. the work of his hands Signifies, [l] 'Jo perform, ^finish, or fulfil, John 7. 24. judge uot a. to the appearance
iSam. 26. 19. let him a. an offering Jer. -44. Dan. 9. 3. Luke 2. 6. Acts
25. Acts 4. .35. made to every man a. as he had need
2.Sj»i. 24.23. Araunah said, the L. thy God a. thee 21.5. To yield or condescend to, lKm^% 5.
[2] Pom. 1. .'). made of the seed of David a. to the tW.fh
Jti 13.8. will ye a. his person will ye contend
9. [3] Ubtainedor brouiht topast,Vrov.\Z.ig. 8. 28. who are the called a. to his purpose
10. will reprove, if je do secretly a. persons I,tv. 22. 21. offered* sacrifico toa. his vow 12. 6. gifts differing a, to the grace given tons
Rttn. 15. 5. to be Kkc-minJed a. to Christ Jesus Mat, 12. 10. that they might a. hira. Mar. 3. 2. ACT.
1 Cor. 15. 3. Christ died a. to the scriptures, 4. Jjike 11. 54. Isa. 28. 21. and bring to pass his a. his strange o,
2 Cor .9-7 .e^'ery man a. as he purposeth in his heart Luke 3. 14. nor a. any lalsely, and be content 59. 6. and the a. of violence is in their hands
11. 15. whose end shall he a. to their works 23. 2. and they began to a. him, saying Joh}i 8. 4. was taken in adultery, in the very a,
Gal. 1. 4. who Rave himself a. to the will of God 14. touching those things whereof ye a. him ACTS.
3. 29. Abraham's seed, and heirs a. to the promise John 5. 45. that I will a. you to the Father 3. and his a. wnich he did in Egypt
Deut. 11.
£pA. 1. 4. n. ais he hath chosen us in him, hefore 8. 6. that they might have '.o a. him your eyes have seen the great a. of the Loul
5. a. to good pleasure 7. «. 'o riches of his grace
Acts 24. 2. Tertullus began to a. him, saying Jndg. 5. 11. rehearse the righteous a. of the Lord
11. being predestinated u. to the purpose of him 8. take knowledge of all things whereof we a. 1 Sam. 12. 7. reason of all righteous a. of the Lord

3. 20. a. to the power that worketh in us 13. nor can they prove things whereof they a. me2Sam. 23. 20. and Beuaiah the son of Jehoiad^
P/iil. 3. 21. a. to the working whereby he is able 25. 5. let them go down with me, and a. this man who had done many a. 1 Chron. 11.2^
4. 19. God shall supply our need a. to his riches 11. if there be noneof those whereof these a. me1 Kings 10. 6. it was a true report I heard of thy a.
B Tim. 1. 9. who hath called us not a. to our works 28. 19. not that I had ought to a. my nation of 11. 41. the a. of Solomon, are they not written in
Ti/.3.5. but a. to his mercy he saved us by washing 1 Pet. 3. 16. falsely a. your good conversation the book of the a. of Solomon 2 Chron. 9. 5. '.

Hei. 8. 9- "ot a. to the covenant that 1 made witlr ACCUSED. 2 Kings 10. 34. thea. of Jehu, and all that he did
1 Pet. 1.3. a. to his mercy hath begotten us again Dan. 3. 8. Chaldeans came near, and a. the Jews 23. 19. according to all the a. he had done
4. 6. but live a. to God in the .Spirit 6. 24. they brought them which had a. Daniel 28. the a. of Josiah and all that he did are writteq
2 Pel, 1. 3. a. as his divine power hath given us 3Iat, 27. 12. when he was a. he answered nothing 1 Chron. 29. 29. the a. of David, first and last
3. 13. we a. to his promise look for new heavens Mark 15. 3. priests a. him many things, Luke 23.10. 2 Chron. 16. 11. behold the a. of Asa, first and last
R«'. 20. 12. dead were judged a. to their works, 13. Luke 16. 1. was a. that he had wasted his goods 20. 34 the a, of Jehoshaphat, first and last
2S. 12. 1 come to give a. as his work shr.ll be jlcts 22. 30. the certainty wherefore he was a. 33. 32. thea.of Ilezekiah,2 Kings 20. 20.
AfcoRDiNC to all. See All. 23. 28. have known the cause whereof they a. him Esth. 10. 2. all the a. of his power and might
ACCORDING tot/iat. 29. perceived to be a. of questions of their law Psal. 103. 7. his a. to the children of Israel
Gen. 27. 8. obey my voice a, to that I command 25. 16. before he which is a. have the accusers 106. 2. who can utter the mighty a. of the Lord
Judg. 11. .36. do to me a to that which proceeded 26. 2. answer, touching things whereof I am a. 145. 4. and shall declare thy mighty a. 6. 12.
E Kings 14. 6. slew not a. to that which is written 7. for which hope's sake I am a. of the Jews 150. 2. praise him for his mighty a. praise him
2 Chron, 35. 26. a. to that which was written Tit. 1 6. faithful children, not a. of riot, or unruly
Ezra 6. 13. Tatnai did a to that Darius had sent Pev. 12. 10. accuser, who a. them before our God 1 Sam. 2. 3. and by the Lord a. are weighed
Rom. 4.18. a. to that which was spoken, thy seed be Accu.sER. See cast down. ACTIVITY.
S Cor. 5. 10. a. tc that he hath done, good or bad ACCUSERS. Gen. 47. 6. if knowest any man of a. among them that a man hath, not a.lo that he hath not John 8. 10. woman, where are those thine a. ? ADAMANT.
Accordingly. See Repay. Acts 23. 30. I gave commandment to his a. also Ezek. 3. 9. as an a. have I made thy forehead
ACCOUNT. 35. I will hear thee when thine a. are come Zech. 7. 12. they made their hearts as an a. slo
Exod. 12. 4. shall maJie your a. for the lamb 24. 8. commanding his a. to come to thee ADD.
8 Kings 12. 4. of every one that passeth the a 25. 16. before he have the a. face to face Signifies. [1] To join, or put to, Deut. 4. 2. Acts 2.
I Chron. 27 24. nor was the number put in the a. 18. against whom, when the a. .«tood up 41. 2 Pet. 1.5. [21 To increase, Prov. I6. 23.
i Chron. 26. 11. according to the number of their a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. without natural affection, false a. [3] To giie, or besto-j:,Cien.3Q.'Zi. Mat. 6. 33.
Tit. 2. 3. not false a. not given to much wine ^41 Tomake-uisc hyii/istncction,
J0633. 13. for he giveth not a. of his matters G3\.Z.6.[S\ 'la
Psal. 144. 3. or the son of man that thou caakest a. ACCUSETH. ING. utter, Deut. 5. 22.
Eccl. 7. 27. counting one by one to find out the a. John 5. 45. there is one that a. you, even Moses Geyi. 30. 24|.thc Lord shall a. to me another son
Dan. 6. 2. that the princes might give a, to them Rom. 2. 15. their thoughts a. or excusing Lev.£. 16. ne shall a. a fifih part thereto, 6. 5.
Mat. 12. 36. give a. thereof in the day of judgment Accostcmed; see Do Evil. Acelda-Ma ;
27. 13, 15, 19, 27, 31. Sum. 5. 7.
18. 23. which would take a. of his servants see Field. A'iim. 35. 6, to cities of refuge a forty-two cities
LMke 16. 2. give an a. of thy stewardship ACKNOWLEDGE Dent. 4. 2. ye shall not a. to the word, 12. 32.
Acts 19. 40. whereby we may give an a. of this Signifies, [1]To ou:n, or confess. Gen. 38. C6. Psal. 19. 9. thou shall «. three cities more of refuge
Horn. 9. + 28. he will fiuish the a. 32. 5. [2] To observe, or take 7wtice of, Prov. 29. 19. to a. drunkenness to thirst
14. 12. every one shall give a. of himself to God 3. 6. Isa. 33. 13. [3] To esteem and respect, Isa. 2 Sam. 24. 3. the Lord thy God a. to the people
Phil. 4. 17. desire fruit that may abound to your a. 61. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 18. [4] To approie of, 2 Cor. 1 Kings 12. 11. and now Rehoboam said, 1 will a. to
Philem. 18 if he oweth thee, put that on mine a. 1.13. Philem. 6. [5] To worship, or make pro- your yoke, 14. 2 Chron. 10. 14.
Ilei. 13 17. they watch as they that must give a. fession of, Dan. 11. 39. 2 Kings 20. 6. 1 a. to thy days 15 years. La. 38. 5.
1 Pet. 4. 5. Mfho shall give a. to him that judgeth Deut. 1. t 17. ye shall not a. faces in judgment 1 Chron. 22. 14. and t'hou mayest a. thereto

ACCOUNT, ED. 21. 17. he shall a. the son of the hated 2 Chron. 28. 13. ye intend to a. more to our sins
Deut. 2. 11. which also were a. giants 33. 9. nor did he a. his brethren nor children Ptcl. 6g. 27. a. iniquity to their iniquity
20. that also was a. a land of giants Psal. 32.5.1 a. my sirj 51. 3. I a. my transgression Prov. 3.2. long life and peace shall they a. to thee

1 Kings 1. 21. I and Solomon shall be a. offenders Prov. 3. 6. in all thy ways a. him, he shall direct 30. 6. a. thou not to his words, lest he reprove thee
10. 21. silver was nothing a. of, 2 Chron. 9- 20. /ta. 33. 13. ye that are near, a. my might Isa. 29. 1. a. ye year to year, let them kill sacrifices
fxal. 22. 30. be a. to the Lord for a generation 61. 9- a-11 'hat see them, shall a. them 30. 1 that they may a. sin to sin

Jsa. 2. 22. for wherein is he to be a. of? 63. 16. thou art our father, tho' Israel a. us not il/ar.6.27.cania. one cubit to his stature, LukeXi.Q^.
Mark 10. 42. which are a. to rule over Gentiles Jer. 3. 13. only a. thine iniquity that thou hast Phil. 1.16. supposing to a. afliiction to my bonds
L'lie 20. 35 be a. worthy to obtain that world 14. 20. we a. O Lord, our wickedness 2 Pet. 1. 5. beside this a. to your faith virtue
22. 24. which of them should be a. the greatest 24. 5. so will I a. them that are carried away liev. 22. 18. if any a. God shall a. 10 him plagues
Pom. 8. 36. we are a. as sheep for the slaughter Dan. 11. 30. with a strange god whom he shall a. ADDED.
1 Cor. 4. 1. let a mcin so a. of us as ministers Hos. 5. 15. I will go, till they a. their offence Deut. 5. 22. with a great voice, and he a. no morn
Oal. 3. 6. it was a. to him for righteousness 1 Cor. 14. 37. let him a. the things that I write 1 Sam.1'1. 19. we have a. to all our sins this evil
C Pet. 3. 15. a, that the long-suffering of the Lord 16. 18. therefore a. ye them that are such J-:r. 36. 32. there were a. besides many like words
ACCOUNTING. 2 Cor. 1. 13. what you a. and I trust shall a. 45. 3. the Lord hath a. grief to my sorrow
Jleh. 11. ig. a. that God Wtis able to raise him up ACKNOWLEDGED. Dun. 4.36. and excellent majesty w.s a. tome
ACCUR.SED. Gen. 38. 26. Judah a. them, and said she hath been Mat. 6. 33. all these shall he a. to you, Luke 12. 31.
Signifies, [1] Devoted to destruction. Josh. 6. 17. 2 Cor, 1. 14. also you have a. us in part Luke 3. 20. Ilerod a. yet this above all, he shut up
[2] Separated from the church, Rom 9. 3. ACKNOWLEDGETH. 19. 11. as they heard, he a. and spake aparabl*
[3] Cursed eternally from (Jod, 1 Cor. 16. 22. 1 John 2. 23. he that a. the Son hath the Father Acts 2. 41 the same day there were a. .'JOOO souU

Gal. 1. 8, 0. ACKNOWLEDGING. 47. and the Lord a. to the church daily such
Deut. 21. 23. he that is hanged, is a. of God 2 Tim, 2. 25. repentance to the a. of the truth 5. 14. believers were the more a. to the Lord
Josh. 6. 17. the city shall be a. it and all therein Tit. 1. 1. to the a. the truth which is after godliness 11. 24. and much people was a. to the Lord
18. any wise keep from the a. thing Philem. 6. by the a. every good thing in Christ Oal. 2. 6. seemed to be somewhat, a. nothing to
7. 1. trespass in the a. thing ; Achan took of a. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. 3. 19. the law was a. because of transgressions
Jl. for they have even taken of the a. thing Col. 2. 2. to the a. of the mystery of God ADIJETII, ING.
12. turned (heir backs, because they were a. ACQUAINT, ED, ING. Job 34. 37. for he a. rebellion to his sin
except ye destroy the a. from among you Job 22. 21. a. thyself with him and be at peace J'lov. 10. 22. and he a. no sorrow with it
13. there is an a. thing in the midst of thee Psal. 139. 3. thou art a. with all my ways 16. 23. the heart of the wise a. learning to his lips
15. he that is taken with the a. thing F.ccl. 2. 3. yet a. my heart with wisdom Oal. 3. 15. no man disannulleth or a, thereto
22. 20. did not Achan commit trespass in a. thing Isa. 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and a. with grief ADDER.
1 Sim. 3. + 13. his sons made tliemselves a. ACQUAINTANCE. Gen. 49. 17. Dan shall be an a. in the path
I Chron. 2. 7. who transgressed in the thing a. 2 Kings 12. 5. let priests take it, every man of his a. J'sal. 58. 4. they are like the deaf a. that stops
Jsa. 65. 20. the sinner an 100 years old shall be a. 7. therefore receive no more money of your a. 91. 13. thou shalt tread on the lion and a.
Horn. 9. 3. for 1 could wish myself a. from Christ Job 19. 13. mine a. are estranged from nie 140. 3. a. poison is under their lips
1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the Spirit, calleth Jesus a. 42. 11. then came all that had been of his a. Prov. 23. 32. wine at last stingeth like an a.
Oal. 1 8. preach any other gospel, let hira be a. 9. Psal. 31. 11. I was a reproach and a fear to mine a. ADDICTED.
ACCUSATION. 55. 13. it was thou, mine equal, and mine a. 1 Cor. 16.15. a. themselves to the ministry of sain tt

£tra 4. 0. wrote they to him an a. against Judah 88. 8. thou hast put away mine a. far from me ADDIIION, S.
Mat. 27. 37. set over his head his a. Mark 15. C6. 18. lover put from me, and my a. into darkness 1 Kings 7. 29. certain a. were made of thin work
Luke 6. 7. that they might find an a. against him Ijuke 2. 44. they sought him among their a. 30. undersetters molten at the side of every u.
19. 8. if I have taken any thing by false a. 23. 49. all his a. stood afar off, beholding things 30. he graved cherubims, and a. round about
John 18. 29. what a. bring ye against this man ? Acts 24. 23. he should forbid none of his a. to come ADJURE.
'lets 25. 18. they brought no a. as I supposed ACQUIT. Signifies, [1] To bind under the penalii/ of a J'evr-
1 'J'iin. 5. 19. against .an elder recfive not an a. Job 10. 14. thou wilt not aTme from mine iniquity ful curie. Josh. 6. 26. [2] To charge caiue'tly
'i f'et. 2. 11. brmg not a railing a. against them Nah. 1. 3. the Lord will not at all a. the wicktd by •^ord or oath, 1 Kings 22. I6. Mat. 26. 63.
•fuje 9. Michael durst not bring a railing a. ACRE, S. 1 Kings 22. I6. thekinc said, how many tinu'sshiU
ACCUSE. 1 Sam. 14. 14. 20. men within h.alf an a. of land I a. thee to till nie nothing, i C/uon. lU. 15.

Prov. 30 10. e. not a servant to hit mastei Isa. 5. 10. ten c, of vineyard shall yield one bath Mat. 26. 63 J a, thee by the living God,
ifarkS.T. Id.theebyGod.thoatormfntmenot 3. thou saidst, what a. will
it be to thee
25flm.?4.13.a.ajid see what inswer, 1 Chron. 81.18
.J«* 10.13. saying, we «. yon by Jesus,
whom Paul Job 35.
the world 1 Kings 12. 6. how do ye a. ihat 1 may
answer pea
ADJURED. [.uke 9 25. what is a man a. if he gain Piov. 13. 10. but with the well a. is wisdom [pie
hath the Jew, or what
time ft.m 3. 1. what a. then
Josh. 6. S6. Joshua a. them at that me if the dead rise not > Acts 27. 12 the more part a. to depart thence also
1 Cor. 15. 32. what a. it
1 Sam 14. S*. f"r Saul had a.
the people
get an a. of us ADVISEMENT.
ADMINISTRATION, S. 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan should away
of u. 1 Chron. 12. IQ. the lords upon a. sent hini
of a. Jade 16 men's persons in admiration, because ADULTERER.
J Car. 12. 5. there are differences ADVENTURE, ED. S.
2 Cot 9. 12. for the a. of this service supplieth of her foot Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death
ADMINISTKRED. Deut. 28. 56. note, to set the sole
Job. 24. 15. the eye of the a. waiteth for twilight
father sought and a. his life tar
2 Cot-. 8. 19. a. by us to the Rloryof the same Lord Judg. 9. 17.
into the theatre Psal. 50. 18. thou hast been partaker with a.
'Ids 19 31. that he would not a.
in this abundance which is a. by us Isa. 57. 3. draw near ye seed of a. and the whore
J«r.9.2. for they be all assembly of treacherouj
Exod. 23. 22. I will be an a to thine adversar-^s
Judt 16. bavin;; men's persons in a. 23. 10. for the land is full of a. for swearing
Hev. 17. 6. I saw her, I wondered with
great a. Aum. 22. 22. the angel stood for an a. against lios. 7. 4. they are all a. as an oven heated
AD.MIRl'.D. an a. to thee Mai. 3. 5. I will be a swift witness against the a.
be a. in all them that believe + 32 behold, I went out to be
2 Then 1 10 to Luke 18. 11. I am not as others, extortioners, a.
ADMONISH, ED. 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her a. also provoked her sore
Cor. 6. 9. be uot deceived, neither a. shall inheri
2". 4. lesfrn the battle he be an a. to us
Eccl. 4. 13. a foolish king who will no more be a
Ueb. 13. 4. whoremongers and a. God will judge
1 Xings 5. 4. there is neither a.
nor evil occurrent
12. 12. and further by these, my son, be
a. know ye not that the friendship
an a. to Solomon, 23. Jam. 4. 4. ye a.
a. you 1 1 14 the Lord stirred up
Jer. 42. IQ. know certainly that I have the days of Solomon ADULTERESS. ES.
25. was an a. to Israel all
Acts 27. 9. the fast was now past, Paul a. them and enemy is this wicked Ilaman Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death
F-ith .7. 6. the a.
Horn. 15. 14. ye are able also to a. one another Prov. 6. 26. the a. will hunt for the precious life
hymns Jcbl.i and the a. came also among them
Col. 3. iC. a. one a/iother in psalms and Ezek. 23.45. righteousmenshalljudge them asa.
Lord, and a. you 31. .35. and that my a. had written a book
1 Thess. 5. 12. that are over you in JIos. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman, yet an a.
brother Psal. 74. 10. how long shall the a. reproach ?
Z'l'hess.Z. 15. not an enemy, but a. him as a hand Horn. 7. 3. so that she is no a. tho' she be married
Mosrs was a. of God, when he was 109. + 6. let an a. stand at his right ADULTEROUS.
iieb. 8. 5. as to me
ADMONITION. Isa. 50. 8. who is mine a. let him come near wonian
Prov..30. 20. such is the way of an a.
Ijim. 1. 10. the a. hath sjiread out his hand
1 Cot. 10. 11. they are written for our a. hand as an a. Mat.12. 39. ana. generation seeketh a sign, ]6. 4.
2. 4. he stood with his riRht
Eph. 6. 4. brinnj ih'em up in the a. of the Lord the gates Mark 8. 38 whoso shall be ashamed in this a.
4. 12. that the a. should have entered
Tit. 3. 10. after the first and second a. reject
Amos 3. 11. an a. shall be round about the land
ADO. Is twofold, [1] Natural, Mat. 5. 28. Mark 10.
why make ye this a. and weep Zech. 3. + 1. shewed me an a. standing to be his a.
Mark 5. 39. he saith. 11. [2] Spiritual, which is idolatry, }eT. 3. 9
ADOPTION Mat. 5. 25. agree with thine a. quickly, \est at any
" Ezek. 23. 37.
/nan takes a person into his time the a. deliver thee to the judge
It an action ihereliti a Exod. 20. 14. thou shall not commit a. Deut. 5. 18
make him part of it, achioie- Luke 12. 58. when thou goest with thine a. Rom. 13. g.
familu, in order to Mat. 5. 27. 19. 18.
18. 3. a widow, saying, avenge me of mine a.

ledgei him for his son, and receives him into the lev. 20. 10. the man that committeth a. even he
1 Tim. 5. 14. give no occasion to the a. to speak
number, and gives him a right to the privileges that committeth a. shall surely be put to death
Pharaoh's daughter adopted 1 Pet 5. 8. your a. the devil as a roaring lion
of his children. ADVERSARIES. Proi.6.32.whoso commits a. lacketh understanding
young Moses, and Mordecai Esther, Exod. 2. 10. Jer. 3. 8. when backsliding Israel committed a.
Ife are not acquainted how far Deut. 32. 27. lest their a. should behave strangely with stocks
isther 2.7, 15. 9. committed a. with stones and
may he 43. he will render vengeance to his a. committed a.
the privileges of adoption extended : but it 5. 7. when I fed them, then they
Josh. 5. 13. art thou for us, or for our a. ?
presumed that 'theu sere much the same xith those 7. 9. will ye steal, murder, and commit a.T
Sam. 2. 10. the a. of the Lord shall be broken
mentioned tn the Roman laas : The adopted cAiV- 1
IZ. 27. I have seen thine a. and neighings
2.Sam. 19. 22. that ye should this day be a. tome
dren shared in the estate with the natural children; 23. 14. they commit a. and walk in lies
L:ra4. 1. when a. of Judah and Benjamin heard
they assumed the name of the person vho adopted 29. 23. because they have committed
A>/(. 4. 11. our a. said, they shall not know
them, and became subject to his paternal potier who Ezek. 16. 32. but as a wife that committeth a.
Psal. 38. 20. that render evil for good, are my a.
received t-hem into his familu. And God doth adopt
23. 37. with their idols have they
committed a.
6(). 19. mine a. are all before thee
his children, uhen he graciousli/ admits strangers 43. then said I to her that was old in a.
be confounded that are a. to my soul
and enemies, as all the fallen race of Adam are by 71. 1.3.
IIos. 2. 2. put away her a. between her
81. 14. have turned my hand against their «. they break out
nature, into the state and relation of children thro' 4. 2. by lying and sommitting a.
him, ac- 89. 42. thou hast set up the right hand of his a,
Jems Christ ; he becoming their J ether in 13. and vour spouses shall coBimita.
loy. 4. for my love they are my a. but I prayer commit a
cording to the great promise of the new covenant, 14. I'll not punish them when tbey
Gal. Eph. 20. let this be the reward of my a. from Lord
Kph. 2. 11,12,13. 1 John 3.1. 4. 5.
Mat. 5. 28. hath committed a. in his heart
29. let my a. be clothed with shame
1.5. Jer. 31.33. 2 Cor. 6. I6, 18. The adopted whosoever shall marry her that is divorced
the Lord, I will ease me of my a.
upon Isa. 1. 24. saith
are true believers in Christ ; they relying his committeth a. 19. 9- ^"*« 1". 18
11. the Lord shall set up the a. of Rezin
biood and suretu-righteousness for pardon andre- 15. 10. out of the heart proceed a. Mark 7.
many 13. and the a. of Judan shall be cut off
io. 11. w'nosoever shall put away his
received 11. wile
eoiuiliation Kith God ;for to as as Mark
him, to them gave he power to become the sons 59. 18. he will repay fury to his a.
trodden down thy sanctuary and marry another, committetha. Lnke I6. 18.
(i.-J. 18. our a. have
of God, even to them that believe on his name. 19. do not commit a. Luke 18. 20. Jam. 2.
64. 2. to make thy name kno«-n to thine a.
Theyaie regenerated hy the Spirit, ojirf are justi- JohuQ. 3. brought unto him a woman taken inc. 4.
redemption that Jer. 30. 16. all thine a. shall go into captivity commit
fied freely by grace, through the Rom. 22. sayest, a man should
2. not a.
46. 10. that he may avenge him of his a.
is in Jesus Christ, and are brought through
Gal. 5. 59. the works of the flesh are manifest, a.
Spirit's operation to an affectionate obediential
50. 7. and their a. said, we offend not \
2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes fuJl of a. not cease from sin
Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief, her enemies prosper
frame o'" spirit toxcards God as their reconciled Rev 2 22 I will cast theni that commit a. with
7. the a. yaw her, and did mock
her sabbaths
rather John 1. 12. 13. Kom. 3. 24, 25. Zech. ADVOCiVfE.
17. that his a. should be round
about him
12.10. Isa. 63. 18. Gal. 4. 5, 6. Tit. 3.5,6. 1 John. 2. 1 with the Father, Jesus
we have an a.
2. 17. he hath set up the horn of
thine a. .

1 John.2. 29. Many and great are the privileges

lifted up upon thy a.
Christ the rightaous
which are, his Mic. 5 9. thy hand shall be with OFF
of God s adopted children ; some of ou his a. ATAKjvined
protection from temporal and spiritual Sail. 1. 2. the Lord will take vengeance between place and place.
fatherly Signifies, [1] The distance
Luke 13. 17. all his a. were ashamed
evils, and his provi'sion of all needful things both Gen. 37. 18^ [2] To eslrange one's self from.
them ; 21. 15. all your a. shall not be able to
for soul and bodu ; his fatherly correction of and there are many a. another, Psal. 38. 11. [Jj To be xtbsent, Psal.
1 Cor. 16.9. a door is opened,
audience and return to their prayers ; and a sure terrified by your u. 10. 1. [4] 'To he stra igers, or not of the
if children, Phil. 1. 28. and in nothing
title to the heavenly inheritance : for, chu'ch, Eph. 2. 13, 17.
lie'' 10 27. indignation which
shall devour the a.
then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Gen. 22. 4. Abraham saw the place a. c^
Vsal. 34. 10. and 121. 7.
.37. 18. when his brethren ^aw Joseph
Christ, Horn. U. 17. a. off
1 Sam. 10. 19. who himself
saved you out of all a.
Bib. 12. 6. 1 John 5. 14, 15. True believers Exoil. 24. 1. come up, and worship ye a. off
2 Sam. 4. 9. who redeemed my soul out of all a.
are said to be put into this state, [1] By election, 3! 7. pitch the tabernacle a. off from the camp
2 CAroii. 15. 6. for God did vex them with all n
jEph 1 5. [2] Bv manifestation and assurance, Num. 9. 10. be unclean, or be in a journey a. off\ic said in his heart, 1 shall never be in a.
Koni. 8. 15. Gil. 4. 5, 6. [3] By perfect re- 2 liings 4. 25. when the man of God saw her a. off^
31. 7. thou hast known ray soul in a.
demption and glory, at the general resurrection,
Ezra 3. 13. shouted, and the noise was heard a. 0/
35. 15. but in my a. they rejoiced
Ilom. 8. 23. o , c.
• • <•
mavest give him rest from the days of a. Neh. 12. 43. the joy of Jerusalem was heard a. off
94. 13.
Job 36. 3. 1 will ft'tch my knowledge from a.
Jtam. 8. 15. but ye have received the Spirit ol a.
I'rov. 17. 17. and a brother is bom
for a.
23. wailing for' the a. the redemption of our body strength sniull 25. a man may see it, a man may behold it a. off
and the glory 24. 10. if ihou faint in day of a. thy
9. 4. to whom pertaineth the a. 39. 29. seeks herprev, andher eyes behold
a off
Lxcl. 7. 14. but in the day of a. consider
Gal. 4. 5. th.-il we mipht receive the a. of sons bread Psal. 65. 5. and of them that are a. off on the se»
/>«. 30. 20 tho' th" I^rd g'lvc you the
of a.
predestinated us to the a. of children knoweth
£>//•. 1. 5. 138. 6. but the proud he a. off
ADORN. ED, ETH, ING. Ueb 13 3. remember them which suffer a.
ADVERTISE. 139. 2. thou understandesl my thoughts
a. off
Tsa. 61. 10, as a bride a. herself with her
thee, what this people shall do Prov. 31. 14. she bnngcth her food from a.
Jer' 31. 4. thou shall be again a. with
tabrels Num. 24. 14. I'll a.
buy it Isa. 23. 7. her own feel shall carry her a. off
Ruth i. 4. I thought to a. thee, saying,
Luke 21. 5. the icmple was a. with goodly stones ADVICE. 66. ig. those that escape to the isles a. a/f
Tim. 2. 9. that women a. in modest apparel Jer. 23.23. ami God at hand, and not a God
1 a. oj?/
Judg. 19. .30. take a. and speak your minds
Ttt. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God our
30. 10. I will save thee from a. 46- 27.
SO. 7. give here your a. and counsel
1 I'et. 3. 3. whose a. let it not be that outward a. and blessed be thon 31. t3 the Lord appeared from a. unto me
1 .Sam. 25. 33. blessed be thy a.
5. women who trusted in God a. themselves first had 10. and declare it tn the -sles a. off
2 .Vim. 1<). 4.3. that our n. should not be
Jiev 21. 2. prepaied as a bride o. for her husband that we may answer 49. 30. flee, gtt yoa a. off dwell deep
g.what a. give ye,
ADVANCED. 2 f.'Ar. 10".
51. 50. go away, rememcier the Lord a. off
1 5am. 12.6 it is the Lord that a. Moses and A aron
!. answered them after the a. of young men Mic. 4. 3. he shall rebuke strong nd(ion$ a off
sent to Joash
25. 17. King Amaziah took a. and
£tlh. 3. 1. Ahasuerus a. llaman the Agagite Mat 26. 58. but Peter followed hin> a. oj, and
5. 11. Haman told them how he had a. him
Prov.20. IB. and with good a. make war Mttrk 14. 64. Luks SS. 54
and herein 1 give mj- a- wea; p,
10. £. the greatness whereto the king a. Mordecai
2 Cor. 8. 10


Mat. 27. 55. women beholding a. off. Mart 15. 40. Psal. 22. 24. nor abhorrrd the affliction of the a. Zcck. and t'aey helped forward tYie a
I. i;-.
Mark 5. 6. but when he saw Jesus a. off, he ran 25. 16. have mercy on me, tor I am desolate and a. 8. 10. that went out, or came in, because of a
II. 13. and seeing a fig-tree a. ojf with leaves 82. 3. do justice to the a. and needy 10. 11. and he shall pass through the sea with
£«<v l6. S3, lift up his ej'es, and seethAbraham a. off 83 7- thou hast a. me with all thy waves .Mini 4. 17' w'hen a. ariseth for the word's sake
Acls 2. 39. the promise is to all that are a. of 15. I am a. and ready to die from my youth l.i. 19. for in those days shall be a. such as

Epii. 2. 17. and came and preached peace to you 90. 15. according todays wherein ihou hast a. us .Uts 7- 11. there came a dearth, and great a.
which were a. off, and to them that were nigh 107. 17. fools, because of their iniquities, are a. 2 Cor. 2. 4. for out of much a. I wrote to you
He>i. 11. 13. having seen the promises a. off 116. 10. I was greatly a. II9. 67- beiore I was a.
4. 17. our light a. which is but for a moment
S Pet. 1. 9. is blind, and cannot see a. off 119. 71. it is good for me that I have been a 8. 2. how that in a great trial of a.
See Fah, Stand, ''>od. 75. and that thou in faithfulness hast a. me J'hil. 1. 16. supposing to add n. to my bonds
AFFAIRS. 107. I am a. very much, quicken me, O Lord 4. 14. that ye communicate with me in my a.
1 Citron. C6..32 pertaining toGod, and a. of the king 129. 1. many time have they a. me from youth, 2. 1 'Thess. 1. 6. having received the word in much a
Psat. 112. 5. he will guide his a. with discretion 140. 12. Lord will maintain the cause of the a. 3. 7- \^^ were comforted over you in all our 0.
Dan. 2. 49. he set Shadrachovera, of the province Pfov. 15. 15. all the days of the a. are evil llih. 11. 25. choosing rather to suffer a. with peopi
3. 12. Jewswhomthou setovera. of the province 22. 22. neither oppress the a. in the gate .liim. 1. 27- to visit the fatherless in their a.
Eph. 6 21. but that ye also may know my a. 26. 28. a lying tongue hateth those that are a. 5.10.foraD example of suffering a. and of patienCO
22 I have sent, that ye might know our a. 31. 5. lest they pervert the judgment of the a. AFFLICTIONS.
P/iil. 1. 27. or l)i; absent, I may hear of your a. ha. 9. 1. when at first he lightly a. the land of Zeb. Psal. 34. 19- many are the a. of the righteous
B Tim.i. 4. entangleth himself with tlve a. of life 49. 13. the Lord will have mercy on his a. 132. 1. Lord, remember David, and all his a.
AFFECT, ED, ETH. 51. 21. hear now this, thou a. and drunken Acti 7. 10. and delivered htm out of all his a.
Lam 3. 51. mine eye a. my heart, because of aH 53. 4. did esteem him smitten of God and a. 20. 23. saying, that bonds and a. abide me
Acts 14. 2. their minds evil a. against the brethren 7. be was oppressed, and was a. yet he opened not 2 Cor. 6. 4. approving in much patience, in a.
Gal. 4 17. zealouslyn. you, that ye might a them . 54.11.0 thou a. tossedwith tempest, not comforted Col. 1. 24. fill up what is behind of the a. of Christ
18. it is good to be zealously a. in a good thing 58. 3. wherefore have we a. our souls? 1 Thess. 3. 3. no man should be moved by these a.
AFFECTION. 10. and if thou satisfy the a. soul, thy light 2 Tim. 1. 8. be partakers of the a. of the gospel
1 Chran. 29- 3. have set my a. to the hotsse of God 60. 14. tlie sons of them that a. thee shall come 3. 11. known the a. which came to me at Autioch
Rom. 1. 31. without natural a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. 63. 9- in all their affliction he was a. .ami angel 4. 5. but watch in all things, endure a.
9 Cor. 7 15. his inward a. is more abundant to you Lam. 1. 4. her priests sigh, her virgins are a. lleb. 10. 32. ye endured a great fight of a.
Col. 3. 2. set your a. on things above, not on things 5. enemies prosper, for the Lord hath a. her 33. whilst ye were made a gazing-stock bj- a.
5. mortify therefore fornication, iiKxrdinate a. 12. my sorrow wherewith the Lord hath a. me 1 Pet. 5. 9. the same a. accomplished in brethren
AFFECTIONS. Mic. 4. 6. and I wiM gather her that I have a. AFFORDING.
Ko7«.l 26. for this cause God gave them uptovile a. Aa/<. 1. 12. tho' I have a. I will afflict no more Pia/.144.13,our garners full, a. all manner of stor«
Gal. 5. 24. have crucified the flesh with the a. Zeph. 3. 12. I will leave in thee an a. people AFFRIGHT, ED.
AFFECnONATELY. Mat. 24. 9. they shall deliver you up to be a. Diut. 7. 21. thou shalt not be a. at them
1 T/iess. 2.8. so being a. desirous of you, wiHing' 2 Cor. 1. 6. whether we be a. it is for consolation 2 Chro'i. 32. 18. they cried with a loud voice toa.
AFFECTIONED. 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have relieved the a. Job 18. 20. as they that went before were a
Rom. 12. 10. be kindly a. one to another Ilei. 11. 37. being destitute, a. and tormented 39. 22. he raocketh at fear, and is not a,
AFFINITY. Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn, and weep Isa. 21. 4. my heart panted, fearfulness a. me
1 Kittys 3. 1. Solomon made a. ^vith Pharaoh 5. 13. is any among you a. ? let him pray Jtr. 5) 32. reeds are burnt, and men of war a.

2 Chron. 18. 1. Jehoshaphat joined in a. with Ahab AFFLICTION I\lark 16. 5. and they were a. Luke 24., 37.
Ezra 9. 14. shouW we join in a. Avith the people Signifies, [1] Adversity, trouble, or distress. Job 6. lie saith, be not a. ye seek Jesus crucified
AFFIRM 5. 6. [2] Outward oppression, Exod. 3. 7. |4 Rev. 11. 13. and the remnant were a. uave glory
Signifies,[^] To maintain the truth of a thiyi^, 31. [3] Persecution for religion, Mark 4. 17 AFOOT.
Acts 25. 19. Tit. 3. 8. r2] To teach, 1 Tim. 1.7. Heb. 10. 32. [4] Correctionfrom God, Jonah 2.2 Mark 6. 33. many ran a. thither out of all cities
Rom. 3. 8. and as some a. that we say, let us do evil Gen. 16. 11. because the Lord hath heard thy a Acts 20. 13. Paul minding himself to go a,
1 Tim. 1. 7. what they say, nor whereof they a. 29. 32. surely the Lord hath looked ujion vxy n AFORE.
Tit. 3. 8. these things I wiH that thou a. constantly 2 Ki7igs 20. 4. a. Isaiah was gone out into the court
31. 42. God hatli seen mine a. and labour
AFFIRMED. 41. 52. caused me to be fruitful in the land of a. Pial. 129- 6- which withereth a. it groweth up
Luke 22. 59. about an hour after another a. Lxod.Z.t.X have seen the a.of mypeople. Acts 7..'34. Isa. 18. 5. a. the harvest when the bud is perfect
Acts 12. 15. but Rhoda constantly a. that it was so 17. I will bring you out of the a. of Egypt E:ek. 33. 22. a. he that was escaped came
25. 19. and of Jesus, whom Paul a. to be alive 4. 31. and that he had looked on their a. /cOjH. 1.2. which he had promised a. by his prophet
AFFLICT, EST. Deut ^. 3. thou shalt eat ever. thebrea<l of a. 9. 23. which he had a. prepared unto glory
Gen. 15. 13. and they shall a. them 400 years 1 Kings 22. 27 2. Chron. 18. 2G. Eph. 3. 3. the mysterv, as I wrote a. in few wordi
31. 50. if thou shalt a. my daughters, or take 26. 7. the Lord heard and looked on our a. A FOREHAND.
Eiod. 1. 11. set over them task-masters to a. them 1 -Sam. 1. 11. if thou wilt indeed look on my a. Marf: 14. 8. she is come a. to anoint my body
22 22. ye shall not a. any widow or fatherless 2. + 32. thou shalt see the a. of the tabernacle AFORETIME.
23. if thou a. them in any wise, and they cry 2 Sam.lQ. may be the Lord will look on my a ./('A 17- 6. me a by-word, and a. I was as a tabret

23. t 22. I will a. them that a. thee 2 Kings 14. 26. the Lord saw the a. of Israel lia, 52. 4. my people weiit down a. into Egypt
Lev. 16. 29. ye shall a. your souls, 31. | 23. 27, 2 Chron. 20. 9- cry to thee in ourja. thou wilt hear Jcr. 30. 20. their children also shall be as a.
32. Num. 29. 7. 33. 12. Manasseh was in a. ana sought the Lord Dan. 6. 10. he prayed before his God, as he did a
Num. 24. 24. ships from Chittim shall a. Ashur AW;. 1. 3. the remnant are in great a. and reproach John 9. 13. tliey brought him that a. was blind
30. 13. and every binding oath to a. the soul 9. 9. and didst see the a. of our fathers in Egypt Jiom. 15. 4. for w hatsoever things were written a
Jiida. 16. 5. that we bind him to a. him Job 5. 6. tho' a. cometh not forth of the dust AFRAID.
6. wherewith thou mightest be bound toa. thee 10. 15. 1 am full of confu.sion, see thou mine a. Gen. 42. 35. saw bundles of money, thoy were a.
19- she began to a. him, and his strength went 30. 16. the days of a. have taken hold on me Ezod. 34. 30. and they were a, to come nigh him
2 Sam. 7. 10. nor children of wickedness a. them 27. the days of a. prevented me Lev. 26. 6. and none .shall make you a. .lob II.I9
1 Kings 11. 39. 1 will for this a. the seed of David .36. 8. and if they be holden in cords of a. Num. 12. a. why not a. to speak against .Moses •
2 Chron. 6.26. turn when thou dost a. 1 Kings 8. 35. 15. he delivereth the poor in his a. Dcut.y.lQ. do to all the people of whom thou art a,
Ezra 8. 21. that we might a. ourselves before God 21. for this hast thou chosen rather than a. Judg. 7. 3. proclaim whosoever is fearful .and a
Jcb .37.23. touching the Almighty, he will not a. Psal. 25. 18. look upon my a. and pain, forgive 1 Sum. 4. 7. the Philistines were a. for they saic
Psal. 44. 2. how thou didst a. the people and cast 44. 24. and forgettest our a. and oppression 18. 29. Saul was yet the more a. of David

55. 19. God shall hear and a. them, even he 66. 11. thou laidst a. upon our loins 2 Sam. 1. 14. how wast thou not a. to destroy
89. 22. nor the son of wickedness a. him 78. t 42. day when he delivered them from a. 14. 15. because the people have made me a.
^4. 5. O Lord, they a. thine heritage 88. 9. mine eye mourncth by reason of a. I7. 2. I will come on him, .ind make him a,
143. 12. and destroy all them that a. my soul lu6. 44. he regarded their a. when he heard 22, 5. ungottly men made me a. Pial. 18. 4.
Jsa. 9. 1. afterv'ard did more grievously a. her 107. 10. sit in darkness, being bound in a. and iron Nell 6.9, for they all made us a. saying, theirhand.*
31 23. put it into the hand of them that a. thee
. 39. they are brought low thro' a. and sorrow .lob 9. 28. I am a. of all my sorrows, 1 know that

58. 3. a day for a man to a. his soul ? 41. yet setteth he the poor on high from a. ll.ig.slialt lie down, and none shall make thee a
].'). 11. shall not his excellency make you a,/
64. 12. O Lord, wilt thou a. us very sore ? 119. 50. this is my comfort in my a. thy word
Jer. .'il. 28. as I watched to destroy and to a. 92. I should then have perished in mine a. 21. and let not thy dread make me a.
Lam. 3. 33. for the Lord doth not a. willingly 153. consider mine a.and deliver me, for I do not 15. 24. trouble and anguish shall make him a.
Amos 5. 12. they a. the just, they take a bribe Isa. 30. 20. though the Lord give you water of a. Hi. 11. terrors shall nuake him a. on every side
6. 14. they shall a. you from liemath 48. 10. I have chosen thee in the furnace of a. 21.6.even when remember, I am a. and tremblo

Nah. 1. 12. have afflicted, I will a. thee no more 63. 9. in all their a. he was afflicted, and the angel 23. 15. when I consider, I am a. of him
/.eph. 3. 19. behold, I will undo all that a. thee Jcr. 4. 15. publishetha. from mount Ephraim 33. 7. behold, my terror shall not make thee a.
AFFLICTED. 15. 11. to intreat thee well in the time of a. .39. 20. canst thou make him a. as a grasshopper .

Ezod. 1.12. the more they a. the more (hey grew 16. 19. O Lord, my refuge in the day of a. 4) 25. he raiseth up himself, the mighty arc a.

Lev. 23. 29. the soul that shall not be a. that d.iy 30. 15. why criest thou for thine a. .' thy sorrow P\al. 56. 3. what time I am a. I will trust inthcO
yum. 11 11. wherefore hast thou a. thy .servajit
. 48.l6.Moal)'s calamity is near, and a. h.istelh fast
.' 65. 8. they that dwell are a at thy tokens
Dcut 26. 6. the Egyptians a. us and laid on us Xa«i.l.3. Jud:ih is gone into captivity because of a. 77. 16. the waters saw thee, and they were a.
Ruth 1. 21. and the Almighty hath a. me 7- Jerusalem renuuihered in the days of her a. 83. 15. and make them a. with thy storm
and I am a. of thy judgments
iSam. 22. 28. and the a. people thou wilt save 9. no comforter, O Lord, behold mine a. 119. 120.
1 Kittgs 2. 26. a. in all wherein my father was a. 3.1.1 am the man that hath seen a. by the rod Isa, 17. 2. and nona shall make them a. Ezek. 34.
8 Kings 17.20. the Lord rejected Israel ami a.thera 19. remembering my a. and my misery 28. Mic. 4. 4. Zc/'h. 3. 13
Job 6. 14. to him that is a. pity should be shewed JJos. 5. 15. in their a. they will seek me early 33. 14. the sinners in Zion area, fearfulness hatU
30. 11. he h,ath loosed my cord, and a. me .liiui.t 6. 6. they are not grieved for the a. of .loseph 41. 5. the ends of the earth were a. and came
34. 28. and he heareth the cry of the a. Cl/;u</.13. thou shouldest not have looked on iheir a. 67. 11. and of whom hast thou been a. or feared
Psai. 9. t li. he forgetteth not the a. Jonah 2. 2. 1 cried by reason of my a. to the Lord Jer. 30. 10. be quiet, and none shall make him n.
10. t 12. arise, O Lord, forget not the a. Xah. 1. 9. a. sliall not rise up the second time 36. 24. yet they were net a. nor rent garments
18. 27. for thou wilt »ave the «. people llai 3. 7, I saw the tents of Ciishan in a 38. 19. Zedekiah said, I am «. of the Jews
' .


Jtr. 39 men, of whom thoo art «.
17. »o* givtn to I Sam. 84. 14. a. whom
the king come out ' a. a dog
Erf*. Sy. 46. »nd none m»de them a. tiah. I. 1 1 1 A'in»/ 17. 13. and a. maie for thee and thy son Gen. 16. 12. his hand will be a. every mafl
Dan. 4. i. I »w * dream, which made me a. Sih. 13. 19. not be opened till a. the sabbath Ejod. 7. 15. stand by the river's brink a. he come
Jonah 1. 5. then the manners were a. 10. ./iM 10. 6. that thou iiiquirest a. mine iniquity /.*r.20.S. I'll set my face a that man, Deul 89.4-
i/o4. 2. 17. made them «. becau« of men's blood .30. 5. they cried a. them, as a. a thief 2 A'm;> Urijah made it a. king AhazcaiuO
Mark 5.15 in his right mind, were «. Luke 8. 35. Psal. 28. 4. give them a. the work of their hands ig. 22. a. whom hast thou exalted thy Toice ?
9. .12. the; understood not, aiid were a. to ask him />f/. 1. 11. with those that shajl come a. lia. 40. t 10. the Lord will come a. the strong haiid
10. 32. and as they followed, they were a 111. 11. 3. he sh.^ll nol judge a. the sight of eyes Jrr. 25. 13. which I have pronounced a. it
16 B. nor said they any thing, for they were a. F.zek. 4(5. 17. a. it shall return to the prince Ezek. 13. 20. behold, 1 am a. your pillows
Lttke 8. U5 and they being a. wondered, saying //('/. 11. 10 they shall walk a. the Lord Mat. 10. 35. to set aman a. his father, Luke li. 53
Aeti. 9. 80. but they wer* all a. of Saul Mat. £6. 32. a. I am risen again, I will go before 12. 30. he that is not with me, is a. me
C2. 9- they with me saw the lignt, and were a. Mark 16. 14. which had seen him a. he was risen Luke 2. 34. for a sign which shall be spoken a.
Oal. 4. 11. I am a. of you, lest I have bestowed 19. so then a. the Lord had spoken to them 14. 31. that Cometh a. him with 80,000 to
Ilti. 11. 23. not a. of the king's commandment Luke 6. 1. on the second sabbath a. the first Acts 19. 36. these things cannot be spoken a.
i Pel. 3 6. and are not a. with any amazement 22. 58. and a. a little while another saw him 28. 22. this sect is every where spoken a.
J /'«r.S.10 they are not a. to S[>eak e%'il of dignities .^9. about ihe space of an hour a. another &^«Another,God, IIi.m,Jeri'salkm,Isbabc,
Hi AntAID. 83. CO. that he might bear it a. Jesus Lord, Me, Ovir, Thee, Thk.u, Us, You.
Deui. 1. 29. dread not, neither />e a. of them, .*1. 6. John 13. 27 a the sup Satan entered into him AGATE, S.
1 Sam. 23. 3. behold we it a. here in Judah Aets 5. 7. about the space of three hours a. Exod. 28. 19. third row, an a. an amethyst, 39. 14>
S.Sam. 22. 4C. i' a. out of close places, Psal. 18. 45. Gal. 3. 17 the law which was 430 years a. Jsa. 54. 12. I will make thy windows of a.
Ke/i. 6. 13. was he hired that I should 6e a. 2 Pet. 2. 6. to those that a. should live ungodly Ezek. C7. 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with a.
Job 5. CI nor shall thou be a. of destruction AFl'ER that AGE
ig. 29. be ye a. of the sword, for wrath bringeth F.iod. 3. 20. and, a. that he will let you go Signifies, fl] The uhole continuanc$ of a man't
/'ja/.27.1.L. is my strength, of whom shall I he a. ; Dent. 24. 4. shall not take her a. that she is defiled life. Gen. 47. 28. [2] Timet past, present, or
ha. 8 12. nor fear ye their fear, nor be a. 44. ii. JHrf».15.7.I will be avenged, and a. thai Iwill cease to come, Eph. 2. 7. | 3. 5. [3j A lime apt for
19. 17. that maketh mention, shall be a. in himself 2 .yam.21.14. a. that God was intrealed for the land conception, Ileb. 11. 11.
51. IC. thou, that thou shouldest be a. of a man Job 21. 3. a. that I have spoken, mock on Gen. 47. 28. the whole a. of Jacob was 147 yeari
Mom. 13. 4. if thou do that which is evil, be a. Lccl. 9. 3. and a. that they go to the dead 48. 10. the eyes of Israel were dim for a.
A'or be AlKAID. Jer. 31. 19. a. that I was turned, I repentod yum. 8. 25. from the a.^pf 50 years cease waiting
Denl. 1. 17. you shall nol be a. of the face of man Luke 12. 4. a. that have no more that they can do 1 Sam. 2. .33. «hall die in the flower of their a.
7. 18. thou shall tuu be a. of them, 18. 22. 13. 9. then a. that thou shall cut it down 1 Kings 14.4.Ahijah's eyes were set by reason of a
J'jal. 3.6. I will nil be a often thousands of people 15. 4. a. that which is lost, until he iiud it 1 Chro}t. 23. 3. Levites numbered from the a. of 30.
5'>. 11. 1 will n^t i^< a. what man can do 10 me Acts'!. T. a. that shall they come forih ami serve me 24. from the a. of twenty years and upward
91.5. thou shall not be a. for the terror by ni^ht 1 C'ur.15 6. a. f/ia/ he was seen of above 500 at once 2 Chron. 36. 17. or on him that stooped for a.
il2 7. he shall rwt be a. of evil tidings, his he-irt Rev. CO. 3. and a. that he must be loosed a lillle Jc'b 5. C6. shait come to thy grave 'n a full a.
8. his heart is established, he shall not he a. AFTER
this. 8. 8. enquire, 1 pray thee, of the former a.
Prov. 3. 84. when thou liest down, shall not be a. Gen. 23. 19 o. this Abraham buried Saran his wife 11. 17. thy a. shall be clearer than noon-day
Jia 12.2.God my salvation, I will trust and nol be a. 2 6am. 2. 1. a. this David enquired of the Lord my
Psal. .39. 5. a. is as nothing before thee
31. 4. he will tut be a. of their voice, nor abase Acis\5. 16. a. this I will return, and build again Isa. 38. 12. my a. is departed and removed
Amoi 3. 6. a trumpet be blown, and people not be a. AFTERNOON. Zich. 8. 4. every man with his staff for a.
liom. 13.3. wilt thou then not be a. of the power Judg. 19. 8. thev tarried till a. and did cat jVar* 5.42. she was of the a, of 12 years, LukeQ.ii
Be not AFRAID. AFTERWARD, S. Luke i, 36. Anna a prophetess was of a great a.
Deul. 20. 1. be not a. of them. Josh. 11 6. Xeh. 4. Esod. 11. 1. a. he will lei you 50 hence t 52. Jesus increased in wisdom and a.
14. Jer. 10. 5. Etek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4 yum. 31. C. a. shall thou be galliered to thy people 3. 23. Jesus began to be about 30 yean ef a.
1 Sam. 28. 13. Saul said, be nol a what sawest thou Judg. 7. 11. a. shall thy hawds be strengthened Johii 9. CI. he is of a. ask him, 83.
2 Kin^s 1. 15 artgel said, go down, be not a, of him 1 Sam. 9. 13. he blessed the sacrifice, a. they eat Acts 13. + 36. David had in his own a. served God
Psal. 49. 16. be mi< a. when one is made rich 24. 5. a. David's heart smote him 1 Cor. 7. 36. if she pass the flower of her a.
Pror. 3 25. be 7iot a. of sudden fear nor desolation Job. 18. 2. mark, auid a. we will speak 14. i 20. in understanding be of 1 ripe a.
Isa. 40 9 lift up thy voice, lift it up, be nol a. Psal. 73. 24. guide me, and a. receive me to glory Eph. 4. + 13. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ
Jer. l.B.he nol a. of their facf s, for I am with thee Prov. 20. 17. bread of deceit is sweet, but a. Jieh. 5. 14. strong meat belongs to them of full a.
JCzek. 2 6. and thou son olmanbe not a. of them 24. 27. prepare thy work, and a. build thy house ii. 11. Sarah was delivered when she was past a.
Mat.U. 27 it is I, be not a. Mark 6. 50. John 6. CO. 28. 23. a, shall find more favour than h» that See Old, Stricken.
17.7. Jesus touched them iind said, arise, be not a. 29. 11. but a wise man keepelh it in till a. AGES.
CD. 10. he not a. go tell my brethren that they so Ifos. 3. 5. a. shall the children of Israel return Psal. 145. t 13. thy kingdom a kingdom of all a.
JiJarkS. 36.saith to the ruler, he not a. only believe Joel 2. 28. a. I will pour out my
Spirit upon all Isa. C6. i 4. in the Lord Jehovah is the rock of a.
Actf\& nol a. but speak, and hold not thy peace Mat. 4. 2. fasted, he was a. an hungered, Luke 4. 2. Eph 2. 7. that in the a. to come he might shew
1 /V/.3 14. i< nuf a. of their terror, nor be troubled CI. 32. ye when ye had seen it, repented not a. 3. o. which in other a. was nol made known
Sore AIRAID. Johyi 5. 14. a. Jesus findeth him in the temple 21. to him be glory in the church through all »
Gen. 20, 8. told these things, and men were sore a. 13. 36. but thou shall follow me a. Col. 1. CC. mystery which hath been hid frcm a. 10. Ezj-ptians marched, they were Jure a. 1 Cor. 15.C.J. a.they that are Christ's at his coming AGED.
yum. 82. 3. Moab was sore a. of the people Ual. 3. C3. the faith that should a. be revealed 2 Sam. 19. 3C. Bar.Tl'.lai was a very a. man
foth. 9 24. therefore we were sore a. of our lives JJeb. 4. 8. would not a. have spoken of another day Job IC. CO. he taketh away the understanding 01 a.
ISim 17 24. fled from Goliath, and were jore a. IC. 11. a. it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right. 15. 10. the grey-headed and very a. men
CB.CO Saul fell along on the earth, and was sore a. 17. a. when he would have inherited the blessing eg. 8. and the a. arose and stood up
31. 4 his armour-bearer was wrc a. 1 Chr. 10. 4. Jude 5. a. destroyed them that believed not 3C. 9. neither do the a. understand judgment
Ke/i C.2. nothing but sorrow, and was very sore a. AGAIN. Ji'i'. 6. 11. the a. with him that is full of days
ilark 9.6. wist nol what to say, for ihey were sore a. Gen. 8. CI. I will not a. curse, nor a. smite I'l.'. C. 2. that the a. men be sober, grave, sound

Luke 2. 9. shone about thein, and they were sore a. 15. l6. but they shall come hither a. 3. the a. women, that they be in behaviour
Jlas AIRAID. .30. 31. I will a. feed and keep ihy flock Pliilem. 9 being such an one as Paul the a.
Cen 3. 10 I heard thy ' oicc, and I uas a. 38. 26. Judah knew her a. no more AGO.
IS 15 saying, I laughed not, for .she cax a. Eiod. 10. 29. said, I will see a. thy face no more 1 Sam. 9. CO. the asses that were lost three days a.
3C. 7. then Jacob uas ^irratly a. and distressed 14. 13. ye shall see them a. no more for ever C Kings 19. C5. thou jiot heard long a. ha. 37. '.?ft
Ezoil.3.6 Moses hid hi's face, uat a. U look on God C3. 4. thou siiall surely bring it back to hin> te, Ezra. 5. 11. house thatwas builded many years^
Dent. 9. 19. I "OS a. of ihe anger and displeasure -V;/m.32.l5.will yet a. leave them in the wflcferness Jsa. CC. 11. rcspoct to him that fashioned it long a.
Rnth 3. 8. at midnight the man -uas a. and turned Josh. 5. 2. and circumcise a. the children of Israel .1/af.ll.Cl would have repented long a. /,i()U 10.1.1
1 Sam. 18 12. Saul uas a. of David, 15. C S^m. 16. 19 and a. whom should I serve
Mark 9. CI. how long a. since this came to him
21. 1. Ahimelech V!as a at the meeting of David 1 Kings i7.CC.the soul of the child came into him a, Acts 10.30. 4-days a. I was fasting until this hour
28. 5. Saul saw the host of Philistines, he aas a. 2 Kings 19. 30. shall yet a. take root downward ]5«17. ye know how tlial a good while a
SSam.G.g Ua\-idaa/r.of the Lord, 1 Chr. 13. 12. Ezra g. 14. should we a. break thy commandments C Cot: 8. 10. bur also to be forward a year a,
1 ('/iron. 21. ?C David could not go, for he r^ai a. A'tA. 13.21. if ye do so a. I will lay hands on you 9. C. that Achaia was ready a year a.
/t* 3. 25 that which I i^as a. of, is come to me »/u4 14. 14. if a man die, shall he live a. .' IC. 2. I knew a man above fourtean years a,
32 6 I teas a. and durst nol shew uiy opinion l*sal. 85 6. wilt thou not revive us a. ifiaUth/ AGONE.
Je,- 2fi 21. when Urijah beard it, he uas a. 107. 39. a. they are minished and brought low 1 Sam. 30. 13. because three days a I feU sick
iJan.S.l'J when he came, uas a. and fell on my face 140. 10. into deep pits, that they rise not up a. AGONY.
IJa/i. 3 2 O Lord, 1 heard thy speech, and lai a. Prov. 2. 19,, none that goto her return a. Luke 22.44.being in an a. he prayed more earnestly
Jilal. 2. 5 he .'eared me, and uas a. before my name ig. 19. if thou deliver him, thou must do it a. AGREE
Mat 2 22. Joseph uas a. to go thither Fxcl. 8. 14. a. there be wicked men to whonl Signifies, [l] 7'i> bargain uilh. Mat. SO. 8, 13
14. .30 when he saw the wind boisterous, t-aj a. Ezek. C6. 21 yet shall thou never be found a.
. [C] To approve, or give consent to. Acts 5 40.
25 C5 I iai a. and hid thy talent in the earth Amos 7. 8. I will not a. pass by them, 8. 2. [3] To be like, Mark l4. 70. [4] To cotupire,
John ly B whc.T I'ilate heard, he teas the more a. 8 14 they shall fall, and never rise up a. or resoltc, John. 9. 82.
Acts 10. 4. when Cornelius looked, he icat a Zech 2 12. the Lord shall choose Jerusalem a. AGREE, ED, ETII.
AKRE-SIT. John 4. 13. drinkelh of this water shall thirst a. Amos 3. 3. can two walk together except they be a.
l/'//.6.6.they crucify the Son of God a. and put him Eom.8. 15. nol received spirit of bondage a. to fear Mat. a. 25- a. with thine adversary quickly
AlTtR. 9. t 20. who art thou that answerest a. .' 18. 19. if two ot you shall a. on earth, louchiDi*
C-ni. 18. IS saying, s. 1 am waxed old, shall I Phil. 4. 4. rejoice in the I>ord, a. I say, rejoic* 20. 8. when he had a with labourers for a penny
"8. 24. al-out three months a. it was told Judah IJeb. 1 5. a. I will be to him a Father, and he shall
. 13. didst thou not a. with me for a penny .'

yum. 15. 39. that ye Mek not a. your own heart 2. 13. and a. 1 will put my trust in him Mark 14. 56 their witness a. not togalher, 69.
Dat 6. 14. ye shall not go a. otncr gods 1 Pel. 1 3. hath begotten us a. to a lively hope 70. art a Galilean, and thy speech a. thereto
Jo'h 10. 14. no day like that before it, or a. it See EoR.N, Brinc, Bkouobt, Cons, Ti;bn, Jjiikt 5_36. taken out of the new, a. not with old
1 Sani, 15. 31. Samuel turned agiin a. Saul Turned John 9, 22 the Jews had a. already if aaj mko
AcU 4. 9. how is it hav« a. to tempt
that ye Iia. 61.5. sons of the a. shall be your plowmen Oen. 46. 30. now let me
die, because thon arty«f •
40. and to him they a. and when they had called Zxim. 5. 2. and our houses are tamed to a. Exod. 4.18. let me go and see whether they beyrt «.
13. 15. and to this a. the words of the prophet B'.ph. 2. 12. a. from the commonwealth of Israel Deut. 31. 27. while I zxa yet a. with you this day
S3. 20. the Jews have a. to desire thee to bring Heb. IL 34. who turned to flight the armies of a 2 Sam. 12. 18. while the child wasyeta. 21, 22.
S8. 25. when they a. not among themselves ALIENATE, ED. 18. 14. while he wasye/ a. in the midst of the 02ik
1 Join 5. 8. spirit, water, blood, these a in one Isa. 1. + 4. have foKaken the Lord, they are a. 1 Kings 20. 32. is he yet a. he is my brother

Rev. 17. 17. a. to give tiieir kingdom to the beast Eiek. 23. 17. her mind was a. from them EJrcl. 4. 2. more thjin the living which are yet a
AGREEMENT. 18 my mind was a. from her as from her sister Eiek. 7. 13. which h sold, altho' they were _vt^ a.
8 iTix^i 18.31. make ana. by a present, Isa. 36. 16. 22. thy lovers from whom thy mind is a. 28. Mat. 27 63. this deceiver said, while he was veitt,
Isa. 28. 15. ye have said, with hell arc we at a. 48. 14. they shall not a. the first fruits of the land ALL
18. and your a. with hell shall not stand Eph. 4 18. a. from the life of God thro' ignorance Signifies [1] Every creature, Prov. 16. 4. Psal. II9.
Daji. 11 6. to the king of the north, to make an a. Col. 1. 21. and you that were sometimes a. enemies 91. [2] Every man, or person, 2 Cor. 5. 10.
tCor, 6. 16. what a. hath the temple of God with ALIKE [.3] Plentiful, or perfect, Rom. 15. 13. 1 Cor.
At; ROUND. Signifies, [1] Without any difference, 14.5. 1.3^ 2. [4] Sime of all nations and degrees,!.
Acit 27. 41. two seas met, they ran the ship a. [2] After one and the same manner, Psal. 33. 15. Tim. 2. 4. Tit. 2. 11. [5] Many,or the greatctt
AGUE. [3] Equally troublesome, Prov. 27. 15. part. Mat. 3. 5. Phil. 2. 21. [6j TA^se tlia(
Lev. C6 16. I will appoint terror and the burning a Deut. 12. 22. unclean and clean cat a. 15. 22. believe, John 12. 32.
All. 1 Sam. 30. 24 that tarrieth, they shall part a. Gen. 20. 7. thou shalt surely die, thou aniCt tjiine
Psal, 35. 25. nor say, a. so would we have it Job 21. 26 they shall lie down a. in the dust 24. 36. to htm hath he given a. that he haA
/fa. 1.4.a. sinful nation, apeople laden with iniquity Psal. 33.15. he fashioneth their hearts a. considers 31. 43. Laban said, a. that thou seest is mine
24. a. I will ease me of mine adversaries 139. 12. darkness and light are both 0. to thee 37. 3. Jacob lovedjoseph more than a. his children
Jer. 1. 6. then said 1, a. Lord God, I cannot speak Pror. 20. 10. both are a. abomination to the Lord .39. 3. the Lord made a. he did to prosper

4. 10. a. Lord God, thou hast deceived this people 27 15 dropping and a contentious woman are a 42. 11. we are a one man's sons, we are true mett
14. 13. a. Lord God, the prophets say to them Led. 9. 2. all things come a. to all, one event 45. 11. lest thou and a. thou hast come to poverty
22. 18. a. brother, a. sister, a. Lord, a. his glory 11. 6. whether they both shall be a. good 48. 35. the God which fed me a. my life long
32. 17. a. Lord, thou hast made the heaven Rom. 14. 5. another esteemeth every day a. i.'xo<f.20. 11. made heaven, earth, sea, and a. in thetu

34. 5. they will lament thee, saying, a. Lord ALIVE 33. 19. I'll make a. my goodness pass before thee
Ezei. 4. 14. a. Lord, my soul hath not been polluted Is taken [1] Naturally, Gen. 43.27 [2] Super. Num. 19. 14. a. that come into the tent are unclean
9.B.a.Lord, wilt thou destroy the residue of Israel naturally, being raisedfrom the dead, Luke 24. 23. 13. see the utmost, and shalt not see them a
11. 13. a. Lord, wilt thou make a full end of the 23. [3j Spiritually, when a person is made alive Deut. 5, 3, who are a. of us here alive this day
20. 49. a. Lord, they say of me, doth he not speak to God by his special grace, and the powerful opc- 1.3. six days shalt thou labour and do a. thy work

il. 15. a. the sword is made bright, it is wrapt up ratioti of his .'Spirit, working with the word of God, 29.JOye stand a. of you before the Lord your God
Mark 15. 29. a. thou that destroy est the temple Luke 15. 24, 32. [4] Opiuionalively, wheiipenoyu Josli^ 21. 45. failed not, a. came to pass, 23. 14.
AHA. apprehend themschcs to be righteous, although in 1 .S< plague was on you a. jmd your lordj
Psal. 35. 21. they said, a our eye hath seen it truth they aie not, Rom. 7. 9. \b\ Eternally, 0, 19 I will tell thee a. that is in thy heart

40. 15. let them be desolate, that say unto me a. Rev. 1. 18. 16 11. Samuel said, are here a. thy children?
70. 3. let them be turned back that say a. a. Gen. 7. 23. >Joah only remained a. and they in ark 30. 8. shalt overtake, and withoL'fail recovers.
Tsa. 44. 16. a, I am warm, I have seen the fire 12. 12. they will kill me, and save thee a. 2 .Sam. 16.4. thine are a. that pertained to Mejihibo
Eze/r. 25. 3. saidst a. against my sanctuary 50. 20. as it is this day, to save much people c. 1 Kings 14, 10 taketh away dung til! it be a. gone

26. 2. because Tyrus hath said, a. she is broken Eiod. 1. 17. but saved the men-children a. 11. iS. 25 Omri did 'worse than a. before him
36. 2. a. the ancient places are ours 22. and every daughter ye shall save a. £0. 4. my lord, I am thine, and a. tiiat I have
AIDED. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his hand a. 1 Chron. 7.3. the sonsof Uzzi.a. of them chief meu
Judg. 9. 24. a. him in the killing of his brethren Lev 10. 16. he was ancrry with Aaron's sons left a, Ezra&. 22. wrath,is against a. that forsake him
AILED, Elil. 14. 4. command to take two birds a. andclca.i Neh. 9.6. Lord, thou preservest them a. and hasi
Gen. 21. 17. what a. thee, Ilagar? fear not 16 10. the scape-goat shall be presented a. Job 16. 2. miserable comforters are ye a.
18. 23. they said to IMicah, what a. thee '
Jiii/g. 26. 36 are left a of you, I will send a faintness 34. t 13. who hath disposed a. of it
1 Sam. 11.5. Saul said, what a. the people to weep ? Num. 16 33. thej- went down a into the pit 1'^ for they a. are the work of his hands
S Sam. 14. 5. the king said, what a. 2 A (?(;'* 6 i8. 21 35. smote Og, till there was none lei'c a. Psal. 14. 3. are a. gone aside, a. become filthy
Psal. 114. 5. what a. thee, O
sea, that thou ii>;dst 22 33. I had slain thee, and saved her a.
22. 17. 1 may tell a. my bones, they stare upon mo
iia.22. 1. what a. thee now, that thou art gone 31. 15 have ye saved all the women a. T
up 34. 19. tlie Lord delivereth him out of them a.
AIR. Deut. 4. 4. are a every ore of you this day my
jlt. 9. Lord, a. desire is before thee
2 Sam. 21. 10. nor birds of the a. to rest on them 5. 3. who are all of us c. here this day 44- 17. a. this is come upon us, yet have we not
Job 41. 16. that no a. can come between them 6. 24 that he might preserve us a. at thisdjiy 69. 19. mine adversaries are a. before thee
Prov. 30, 10. the way of an eagle in the a. 20. 16. shall save a. nothing that, breatheth 104.27 .these wait a. on thee, that thou mayest give
Eccl, 10. 20. a bird of the a. shall carry the voice 32. 19 I kill, and I make a. 1 Sa/n. 2. Cm. 119. 91. they continue, Jor a. are thy servants
Mat. 8. 20. and the birds of the a. have nests Jofh. 2. 13. that ye will save a. my father Pro J. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us a. have one purso
13. 32. the birds of the a. come and lodge in the 6. 25. Joshua saved Rahab the harlut a. 22. 2. the .Lord js the maker of them a.
branches thereof, Mark 4. 32. Luke 9. 58. 8. 23. and the king of Ai they took a. Ej:cL 3-20 a are of dust, a. turn to dust again
Acts a. 23. and as they threw dust into the a. 14. 10 the Lord hath kept me a. as he said lii. t 13 a- that hath been heard is, fear God

1 Cor.Q. 26. so fight I, not as one that beateth the a. Judg. 8. 19. if ye had saved them a. I would not. 7ia. 64. 9. behold, see, we are a. thy people
14. 9- for ye shall speak into the a. £1. 14. gave them wives wTiich they had saved a. Jer. 9, 2» they be «. adulterers, Hos. 7. 4.
Ep/i. 2. 2. the prince of the power of the a. 1 Sa'ii. 15. 8. he took Agag the kingof Anialek a. I'.zek. 7. 16. a. of them mourning, everyone for

i T/iess. 4. 17. caught up to meet the Lord in the a. 27. 9 David left neither man nor woman a. 20. 40. a. of them in the land siiall serve me
Rev. 9. 2. th2 sun and the a. were darkened 1 h'i7igs 18. 5. to save the horses and mules a. 37. 22. and one king shall be king to them a.
36. 17. the angel poured out his vial into the a 20. 18. whether come for peace or war take them a. 40. 4. son of man, declare a. that thou seest
See Fowls. 21. 15. for Naboth is not a. but dead 43. 11. shew them a. the forms, a. the ordinance*
ALARM. 2 Kings 5. 7. am I God, to kill and make a.? Dun. 1. 19. among them a. none found like Daniel
Num. 10 5. when ye blow an a. then the camps, 6 7. 4. if they save us a. we shall live llos. 5. 2. tho' I have be/?n a rebuker of them a.
7. you shall blow, but shall not sound an a. 12. when they come out we shall catch them a. Amos 9^ 1. and cut them in the head a. of them
9. atid if ye go to war, then ye shall blow an a. 10. 14. he said take them a. and they took them o. Nail. 3. 1. woe to the bloody city, it isa full of lies
i Cliron. 13. 12. truijipets to cry ana. against you 2 Cliron. 25. 12. and other ten thousand left a. Mai. 2.10» have we not a. one I'alher, hath not one
Isa. 16 + 9. a. is fallen on thy summer-fruits Psal. 30. 3. O Lord, thou hast kept me a. that I Mat. 5. 18. pass from the law, till a. hi fulfilled
Jer. 4. 19. thou hast heard, O my soul, the a. of war Prov. 1. 12. let us swallow them up a. as the grave 13. 56. and his sisters, are they not a. with us
49 2. the day is come, I will cause an a. of war Jer 49. 11. the fatherless I will preserve a. £2.28. whose wife shall she be, for (hey a. had her
Joel 2. 1. ajid sound an a. in my holy mountain Eiek. 13. 18. will ye save the souls a. that come Mark 12. 33. is more than a. bunit-oflVrings
2^ph. 1. 16. a day of a. against the fenced cities 19. to save the souls a. that should not live 44. she cast in a. even a. that .she, Luki 21.4.
ALAS. 18. 27. doth what is right, he shall save his soul a Luke 4. 7. if thou worship me, a. shall be thine
Num. 12. 11. Aaron said to Moses, a. my lord Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would, he kept a. 6. 10. looking round about on them a. he said
24. 2.^. a. who shall live when God doth this ? Ilab. 3. t 2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work 8. 40. for thty were a. waiting for him
Josh. 7. 7. Joshua said, a. O Lord, why hast thou Mark 16 11. when they heard that he was a. 13. 3. except ye repent, ye shall a. likewise pcrisb
Jud^. 6 22. a. because I have seen an angel Luke 15 24. for this my son was dead and isa. .32. 15. 31. he said, soi' a. that I liave is thine
11. 35, a. daughter, thou hast brought me low 24. 23. they had seen angels who said he a. 17. 10. so ye, when ye have done a. say, we are
1 Ai«gj 13 30. mourned over him.a. my broihtr Acts 1. 3. he shewed himself a. after his passion 18. 22. sell a. thou hast, and distribute to poor
C Kiv^s 3. 10. a. that the Lord hath called these 9. 41. had called the widows, presented her a. John 1. 16. of his fulness have a. we received
6. 5. he cried a. master, for it was borrowed 20. 12. and they brought the young man a. 4. 39 woman said, he told me a. that ever I did
15. servant said, a. my master, how shall we Jo 25. 19. Jesus, whom I'aul affirmed to be a.
13. 10. Jesus saith, ye arc clean, but not a.
Jer. 30. 7. a. for that day is great, none is like it Pom. 6. II. but a. to God through Clirist our Ixird 17. 21. that they a. may be one, as thou an in mo
£:ei.6. 11. stamp with thy foot, and say a. 13. to God, as those that are a. from the dead Acts 4. 33. and great grace was upoi> them a.
Joel 1. 15. a. for the day, for the day of tlie Lord 7. 9- for I was a. without the law once, but when 10. 33 we are a. here present before the Lord
Amos 5. l6. they shall sciy in the highways, n. 1 Cor. 15. 22. so in Christ shall all be made a. 11. 23. he exhorted them a. to cleave to the Lord
Rev. 18. 10. a, a. that great city, Uabylou.'lC. 19. 1 I'hess. 4. 15. that wc which arc a. and remain, 17. 16. 28. do thyself no harm, we are a. here
ALBEIT. 2 Tim. 2. t 26. who are taken a. by hiir. at his will 22. 3. zealous toward-s God, as ye a. arc this day
Etei. 13. 7. the Lord saith, a. \ have not spoken Rev. 1. 18. and oehold I am a. for evermore 26. 29. but also a. that hear me this day, were both
Philem. IQ. a. I say not, how thou owest to me 2. 8. the first and, which was dead, aiid is «. 27. 35. Paul gave thanks ir; pr^-.sencc of them a.
ALIANT. 19. 20. these were both cast a. into a lake of fire Rom. 1.8. I thank God thro' Jesus Christ for you a.
Job 19- 15. T am an a. in their sight Keep A L T E see K £ E !•1 ; 8. 32. but delivered him up for us a. how shal' he
Psal. 6'). 8. I am an a. to my mother's children Yet ALIVE. 1 Cor. 3. 22. a. are your's, and ye are Christ's

ALIEN, S. Gen. 43. 7. asking us, saying, is your father v<"< a. ? 15. 10. but 1 laboured more abundantly than they a
Etoi. IC. 3. I have been an a. in a strange laud 27. is he vera..' 28. he is well, he is yet a.
|l Gal. 3.S2. the scripture hath concluded a. urdei sij»
Heul. 14. 21. nr thou mavest lel' it to an a, 45 26. they told lum, .saying, Joseph ',i yet a. S8. Phil. 4. J8. bi;.! I havs c. and ^ibouud, I aai f-.iU
£ TTitss. 2. 12. that they a. might be damned, who I^:ov. 3. 6. i« a. thy ways acknowledge him Luke 24. 21. besides a. Ms to-day is the kbihl'dil^
i Tim. 3. 11. out of them a. the I-ord delivered me Ita. 39. 2. nothing in a. his dominion shewed not ALL that he had.
> Hei. 1. 14. are they not a. niinisterinc; spirits, sent C3. 9. in a. their afflicuons he was Eilflicted Gen. 12. 20. Pharaoh sent him and a. that lie had
]£. 8. chastisement, whereof a are partakers Jer. 38. 0. have done evil in a. they have done 13.1. Al ram went out of Egypt, and a. that he had
1 Pel. 3. 8. finally, be ye a. of ona uiind Kzci. 21. 24. in a. your doin^ your sins appear 25. S. and Abraham gave a. that he had to Isaac
S Pel. 3. 9. that a. should come to repentance Ilos. 12. 8. in a. my labours shall find no iniquity 31. 21. Jacob Bed with a. thai he had, and rose up
1 Ju/in E. 19. manifest that they were not a. of us. Acts 27. .T7. we were in a. in. the ship 276 souls 39. 4. a. thai he had he put into Joseph's hand, 6.
.iJioi.e All; see'ARO\E. liom. 8. 37. in a. these more than conquerors 5. the blessing of the Lord was on a. thai he had
According to ALL. 1 Cor. 12. 6. the same God worketh all i« a. 3/af. sold, a. that he had, payment be made
Coi.G.SCNoahdidaf to a. God commanded,?. 5. 15. 28. put all under, that God may be all i« a. J/a;*5.26.she spent a.tltal she had. nothing bettered
Eaod. 31. 11. according to a. the Lord commanded, Efih. 1. 23. the fulness of him that filleth all in a. 12.44.of her want cast in a. thai she Aai/,Luke21.4.
36.1. I ."jg. 32, 4'J. 40. Iti. Akot. C. 34. Col. 3. n. but Christ is all and in a.
To or Unlo ALL.
1 8. 20. 9. 5. 1 29. 40. Deut. 1. 3, 41. 2 Thess. 1. 10. to be admired in n. them that believe Psal. 145. 9- the Lord is good to a. and his mercies

Josh. 11. 2.J. took the land «<-. lo a. the Lord said Ileb. 13. 4. m.irriage is honourable in a. £ff/.2.14. one event happenelh roa. them.g. 3, 11.
1 Kings 8. 56. given rest ac. to a. that he promised 2 Pet. 3. 16. as also in a. his epistles, speaking 9. 2. all things come alike to a. one event to right.
11. 37. shalt reign ac. to a. that thy soul desireth All Sight ; see Night. Isa. 36. 6. so is Pharaoh to a. that trust in him
"'• to a. his father had done, C Kings 83. .'52, ()/ ALL. Mark 13.37. what 1 say to you, I say unlo a. watch
37. I 24. 9, 19. 2 Chron. C6. 4. | 27. 2. G^n. 6. 2. took them wives of a. which they chose Luke 12.41.speakest thou this to us, or even to a. !
2 A7>!»j 10. 30. done ae. to a. that was in my heart 14. 20. he gave him tithes of a. Heb. 7- £. Acts 2. 39. the promise is to a. that are afar off
18.3. ac. to a. David his fatherdid, 2 CVirew. 29. 2. 28. 22. of a. thou shalt give me, I will give tenth 4. 16. manifest to a. that dwell in Jerasalem
1 Chron. I7. 15. ar. Wa. these words, ac. to a. this End. 9. 4. nothing die of a. is children's of Israel i^|«l.^0.12.the Lord isrich««/wa. that call on him
2 Chron. 2 1 16. we will cut wood ado a. thy need Jos/ not a word of a. which Moses command. 13. 7. render therefore lo a. their dues
AVA.o.ig.think on me for good, ac. toa.l have done Judg. 13.13. of a. I said to the woman, beware 1 Cii; 9. 19. I made myself a servant unlo a.

Jer.1l. 2. deal with us ac. to a. his wondrous works 2 Sam.16. 21. shall hands of a. with thee be strong 1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may appear lo a.
42.20. ac to a. that the Lord shall say, will w»do 2 KimsQ. 5. and .Tehu said, to which of a. us With ALL.
50. 29. ac. to a. that Babyiuu Iiath done, do to her I-^lh. 6. 10. let nothing fail of a. thou hast spoken iVwrn. l6. 30. Kith a. that appertain to them
£.-eX 24. 24. ac. to a. that he haih done, shall ye do Job 8. 13. so are the paths of a. that forget God
Deut. 6. 5. thou shalt love the Lord with a. thy
Dau.g.lQ.acjoa. thy righteousness, 1 beseech thee Eccl. 6. 2. he wanteth nothing of a. he desireth heart, with a. thy soul, 11. 13. Mat. 22. 37.
After ALL. i':e^.43.11.if they be ashamed ('/"a. they have done 2 Chron. 25. 7- with a. the children of Ephraim
Deut. 20. 18. not to do after a. their abominations .J« only have 1 known of a. the families Prov. 4. 7. ai'/i a. thy getting, get understanding
£C/j)OH.34.21 have not kept the word to do after a. Mark g. 35. the same shall be servant of a. 10. 44.
. Wr/jl0.2.lhat feared God leitli a. hishouse, 16. 34.
I-zraQ. 13. after a. that is come on us for our deeds JolinG. 39- of a. which hath given me,, lose nothing 1 Cor. 1. 2. a»Aa. that in every place call on Jesus
£.zek. 16.23. after a. thy wickedness, wo, wo to thee Acts 10. 36. peace by Jesus Christ, he is Lord iftt. /'/;//. 1. 25. I shall abide and continue -ditli you a.

Mat. 6. 32 after a. (hes'e things do the Gentiles seek 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is convinced of a. judged <;/ n. 5. 17. if offered, I joy and rejoice withyoMa.
P/iil.l.iQ. for he !on2;ed afttr vou a. and was full of Oal. 4. 1. now I say, the heir, tliough he be 1. of a. ALL the -uhile.
At ALL. Epit. 4. 6. God who is Father of a. above all 1 Sam. 22. 4. a. the uhile David was in the hold
Exod. 5. 23. nor hast delivered thy peojile ai a. //ti. 12. 23. and to God the Judge i/a. and to .spirits 25. 7. nothing missing a. ihe uhile they were in Car.
22. 23. if thou afllict, and they cry at a. to Jam. 2. 10. oflend in one point, he is guilty of a. 27.11. so will be his maimer a. the uhile hedwell-
Lev. 27. 13. but if h^ will at a. redeem it On or Upon ALL. Job 27. 3. a. the uihite my breath is in me [eth
i^i«i.22.38. have I now any power at a. to say any Gen. 39. 5. blessing of the Lord was vpon a. he had ve.ALL
Deut. 8. 19. if thou do ai a. forget the Lord /in. 4. 5. foTKpon a. the glory shall be a defence Isa. 48. 14. a. ye assemble yourselves, and hear
1 Ham. 20. 6. if thy father at a. miss me, then say Ezei. 40. 4. set thy heart upon a. tnat I shall shew 50. 11. behold a. ye that kindle a fire, that compass
1 Kings 9.6. if ye shall at a turn from following me /i'(|/n.3.2I. unto all, and 7ipon a. them that believe
. 66. 10. be glad with her, a. ye that love her
Jer. 11. 18. but tFicy shall not save them at a. 11. 32. that he might have mercy ?/pi>« a. Jer. 29. 20. hear the word, a. ye of the captivity
il'.ei. 20. .32. cometh in your mind shall not be at a. Jude 15. to execute judgment upon a. and convince .taw. 1.12. is it nothing to you, a. ye that pass by .'

JJos. 11 7. most High, none at a. would exalt him iiVr.S.lO.lhe hour of temptation shall come iijion a.
. Mat. 11. 28. come to me, a. vf that labour and are
Mic. 1. 10 weep ye not at a. roll thyoelf in dust Over ALL. 23. 8. one is your master and a. yf are brethren

.^ah. 1.3 Lord will not at a. acquit the wicked 2 Sam. 3. 21. thou mayest reign over a. 26. 31. a. y/ shall be offended, Mark 14. £7.
Jo/in 19. 11. thou couldst have no power at a. 1 C'Aron.29.12.and thnu reignest over a. in thy hand Acts 2. 14. a. ye thjt dwell at Jerusalem, hear
1 Cor. 16. 12. but his will was not at a. to come /'.jfl/. 103. 19. his kingdom ruleth over a. See farther other usual Substantives : CoNGr.E-
2 John 1. 5 and in him is no darkness al a. Mai. 24. 47. make him ruleroifca. Luie 12. 44. OATION, D.\Y, Earth, Israel, JIe.v, I'eo-
J'ev. 18. 21. Babylon shall be found no more at a. John 17- 2. as thou hast given him power cxrr a. PLE, Things. &c.
22 the sound shall be heard no more, at a. in thee Horn. 9. 5. who is r»rr a. God blessed for < ver ALLEGING.
Before ALL. 10. 12. the same Lord over a. is rich to all Acts 17. 3. a. Christ must needs have suffered
p«j.23.18. before a. that went in at the gates of city ALL
these. ALLEGORY.
Lev. 10. 3. before a. the people I will be glorified Gen. 15. 10. he took to him a. theie and divided Gal. 4. 24. which things are an a. for these are
2C/iruH.33.7. Jerusalem which I have chosen bef.a. 42. 36. Jacob said, a. these tilings are against nie ALLELUIAH.
Jer. 33.9 .shall be to me an honour before a. nation^ 4Q. 28. a. these are the twelve tribes of Isr.iel Ilev.V). 1. I heard a great voice, saying, a. 3, 4, 6,
Ala! 26 70. but he denied before them assaying Exod. 20. 1. God spake a. jAt'ie words, saying ALLIED.
Gal. 2. 14. I said to I'eter before them a. .Tot 12. 0. who knoweth not that in a. these Xeh. 13. 4. Eliashib the priest wjis a. to Tobiah
1 Tim. 5. 20. them that sin rebuke before a. that \Jer. 9. 26. fora. these nations are uncircumcised ALLOW.
Jlor ALL. Ilab. 2. 6. shall nM a. these take up a Luke 11. 46. that ye a. the deeds of your fathers
Num. 8. 18. I have taken Levites/ur a. firsl'born il/ar.6.33.a.M^jffshalU)e added to you, Luke\'i.3\. AclsCi.l5. which they themselves also a. that there
Veut.m.d.for a. that do so are abomination, 25.10. 24. 8. a. .rtf If are the beginning of sorrows liom. 7. 15. for that which I do, I a. not
31.18. hide my face in that day /or a. the evils Markl. 23. a. these evil things come from within ALLOWED, ETII.
Psal.10.5. 03 for a. his enemies, he pufTeth at them Acts 2 are not a. these which speak Galileans ?
'! .
Rom. 14 22. himself in that thing which he a.
78. 32. /or a. this they sinned slill, believed not I Cor. 12. 1 1 a. these worketh that self-same Spirit
. 1 Thess. 2. 4. but as we were a. of God to be put
1 16. 12. what render to the hard
for a. his benefits Col. 3. 8. but now you put off a. these, anger, wrath ALLOWANCE.
Eccl. 5. 9. the profit of the earth is for a. Ileb. 11. 13. a. these died in faith, not having n^ 2 Kings 25. 3Ck his a. was a continual a. given him
11. g. for a. these God will bring thee to judgment ALL this. [ccivcd Prov. 30. + 8. feed me with food of my a.
Isa. 40. 2. she hath received double/ur a. her sins Gen. 41. 39. as God halh shewed thee a. this Luke S.ili. be content with vour a.
P.zelc.6. 11. alas/.ira. the evil abominations Deut. 32. 27. and the Lord hath not done a. this ALLUiU.."
20.43..-jid ye shall loathe yourseIves/«r e.tlie evils Jiidg 6. 13. why then is a. this befallen us ? Ilos. 2. 14. I'll a. and bring her into the wildemess
J-'an.4.21. fniit was much, and in it was meat /uc a. 1 Sam. 22. 15. thy scrv.ant knew nothing of a. this 2 Pel. 2. 18. they a. through the lusts of the Hesh
Luie 3. ig.for a the evils Herod had done 2 Snm. 14. 19- is not thchandof Joab in a. this ? ALMS.
20.38. God of the living, /u; a. live unto him 1 Chron 28.1^). a. //i;.> the Lord made me understand Mat. 6. 1. that yo do not your a. before men
liom. 3. 23. for a. have sinned and come short of 2 Chron. 21. 18. after a. «'/i* the Lord smote him therefore when thou dost thine a. do not sound
S Cor. 5. 14. if one died/or a. then were all dead 2g. 28 a. this continued till the burnt-offering 4. that thine a. may be in seciet, and thy Father
''{"' 2.21 for a. seek their own, not the things Ezra 8. 35. a. this was a burnt-ofTcring to the Lord I^ke 1). 41. give a. of such things as you have
1 'Jim. 2. 0. who gave himself a ransom fir a. Seh. 9 38. because of a. this we make a<y)vcnant 12. 33. sell that ye have, and give a. provide bagj
Ileb. 8. 11. for a shall know me, from the least E^slh. 5. 13. yet a. this availeth me nothing Acts 3. 2. they laid, to ask a. of them that entered
JO. 10 offering of the body of Christ once/w,- a. Job 1. 22. in a. this Job sinned not, 2. 10. 3. who seeing I'eter and John, asked an a.
I'rom ALL. 13. 1. lo, mine eye hath seen a. this ID. they knew that it was he which sat for a.
Gen. 48. 16. angel who redeemed me from a. evil Psal. 44. 17. a. this is come upon us, yet not forgot 10. 2. Cornelius g,ivc much a. to the people
Let- 10. 30. that ye may be clear /V<//h a. your sins 78. 32. for a. this they sinned still 4. thine a. are conic up for a memorial, 31
Psa/. 34. 4. and delivered me from a my fears />f/. 7 23. a. this have I proved by wisdom 24.17. I came to bring a to mv nation and oficr.
Jer. 16. 15. from a lands whither he had driven 8. 9 a. this have I seen, and applied my heart to ALMS-DEEDS.
Dan. 7. 7. it was diverse //-(iot a. the beasts before it 9. 1. a. this I considered in my heart, to declare Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of a..</<f</( which she did
ileb.4.4. God rested the seventh day A<"» a works [a. this ALMIGHTY.
In ALL. 7/«.5. 25. fora. //ii'i his anger is not turned awav Gen. 17. 1. I am the a. God, walk before me
Cen. 21 12. in a, that .Sarah hath said, hearken 0. 12, 17, 21, 1 10. 4. 28. 3. God a. bless thee, and make thee frailful
22. God is with thee in a. that thou dost 48. 6. tliou hcani, see a. this 35. 11. I am God a. be fruitful and multiply
Deut. 29 9. that ye may prosper in a. that ye do Dan. 4. 28. a. this came upon Nebuchadnezzar 43. 14. God a. give you mercy before the man
Josh. 22. 2. and have obeyed my voice in a.'thal 5. 22 hast not humbled, tho' thou knewest a. ibis 48. 3. God a appeared, to me at Luz in Canaan
8 Sam. 23. 3g. mighty men, thirty and seven in a. 7. 16. 1 came and asued him the truth o( a.thii 49.25. by the a. who shall bless thee with blcssinr*
1 Kings 2. 3. thou uiayest pro-iper in a thou dost Ilos. 7- 10 do not return, nor seek him for a. this BToi.6.3. I appeared to Abram by the name God a.
26. alllifter. in a. niy father wis affiicted M)c. 1. 5. for the transgression of Jacob is a. //ill I Num. 24. 4. which saw ihe vision ol the a. I6.
1 Chron. 2. C. sons of /erah, five of them in a. Mal.l . 22. a. th'S was done that the prophets mi^ht ii!i//i 1. 20. for the a. hath dealt bitterly with me
Neh.g.K.thoM art in a. that is broucht on us

be 21. 4. | 2G. M.
fulfilled, 21. seeing ihe a. hath afJlicted me
Ptal. 10 4. Goil is not in a. his thoughts Luke 16. 26 besides a. this there is a gulph fixed I Jubj. 17. despise not thou the chasteaing of the a.
» .


^ -)6 4' for the arrows or the a. are within me Eccl. 4. 8. there is one a. and there is not a second Jam. 2. 26. faith without works is dead, <:'.
14. but he forsaketh the fear ot the a. 10. but wo to him that is a. when he falleth 1 Jcthn 4. 21. that loveth God, love his brother a.
I 3.or doth the «. pervert justice ? ha. 2 11. Lord a. shall be exaUed in that day, 17. A LIAR
5. and make thy supplication to the a. 14. 31. none shall be a. in liis appointed times Signifies, [1] A material altar, on xehtch sacrificfi
II. 7- canst thou find out the a. to perfection ? 51. 2. for I called him a. and blessed him vere offered, 1 Kings 13. 1, 2. | 18. 30. [2] Christ,
J.'J. 3. surely 1 (pould speaU to the a. and desire 63. 3. I have trodden the wine-press a. xcho IS the only Christian altar, to uhom we bring
15. 25. he Etrengtheneth himself against the a. Lam. 3. 28. he Mtteth a. and keepeth silence allour sacrifices and .services, Ileb. 13. 10.
81. 15. what is the n. that we should serve him ? /toi. JO. 7. and I Daniel a. saw the virion Gen. 8. 20. Noahbuilded an a. to the Lord
20. and he shall drink of the wrath of the a. llos. 8. 9. gone to Assyria, a wild ass a. by himself 12.7. there Abraham built an a. to the Lord. 22.9.
£2. 3. is it any pleasure to the a. thou art righteous Mat. 4. 4. man shall not live by bread a. Snke 4. 4. 35. 1. Jacob, go to Eeth-el, and make there an a
17. which said, what can the a. do for them > 14. 23. evening was come, he was a. Luke 9. 18. 3. up to Belh-el, I vail make there an a. to God
23. if thou return to the a. thou shalt be built 18. 15. tell his fault between thee and nim a. Exod. 17. 15. Moses built an a. Jehovahnissi
25. yea, the a shall be thy' defence, thou shall Mark 4. 34. when they were a. he expounded 20. 24. an a. of earth shalt thou make to me
26. then shalt thou have thy delight in the a. 0.47. ship was in midst of sea, and he a. on the land 21 14. shalt take him from mine a. that he dit
23. 16. my heart soft, and the a. troubleth me Luke 5 21. who can forgive sins but God a,? 29. 37. sanctify it, it shall be an a. most holy
i4. 1. why, seeing times are not hid from the a. 6. 4. not lawful to eat, but for the priests a. 44. I will sanctify the tabernacle and a.
27. 2. and the a- who hath vexed my soul 9. 18. it came to pass, as Jesus was a. praying 30. 27. a. of incense |i40. 10. a. of burnt-offerin(
10. will he delight him.self in tha a. ? 36. when the voice was past, Jesus was found a. L.ev. 6. 9. the fire of the a. shall be burning in it

11. what is with the a. will I not conceal 10. 40. that my sister hath left me to serve a. Num. 7. 84. this was the dedication of the a.
13. which they shall receive of the a. John 6. 15. he departed into a mountain a. 18. 3. they shall not come ijgh the a.
SQ. 5. when the a. was yet with me 22. but that his disciples were gone away a. JoiA. 22. 34 the children of Gad called the a. Ed
31 2. what inheritance of the a. from on high ? 8. 16. for I am not a. but I and the Father, I6, 32. Judg. 6. 25. throw down the a. of Baal, and grovo
35 my desire is, that the a. would answer me 17. 20. neither pray I for these a. but for them 31. because one hath cast down his a.
32. 8. inspiration of the fl. givtth understanding Acts 19. £6. ye see and hear that not a. at Ephesus 1 Sam 2. 33. whom I shall not cut off frc-~. mine a

33. -i. and the breath of the a. hath given me life Rom. 4. 23. it was written for his sake a. 2 Sam, 24. 18. gc up, rear an a. to the Lord
31. 10. far be it from then, to commit iniquity Gal. C. 4. he shall have rejoicing in himself a. 1 A'lwgf 13. 2. he cried against the a. O. a. a.

IC neither will the a peri-ert juagment Hell. 9. 7. went the high-priest a once every year 18. .30. Elijah repaired the a. of the Lord
35. 13. surely the a. will not regard vanity Jam. 2. 17. faith if it hath not works is dead, being a. .35. and the water ran about the a,

37 23. touching the a. we cannot find him out Left ALONE. 2 Kings 18. 22. shall worship before this a. Isa.JG.
40. 2. shall he that contendeth with the a. instruct Gen. 32. 24. Jacob left a. and there wrestled a man Psal. 26. 6. so will I compass thine a. O Lord
I'sal. 68. 14. when the a. scattered kings in it 42. 38. his brother is dead, and he is left a. 44. 20. 43. 4. then will I go to the a. of God, to God myjoy
1)1. 1. he shall abide under the shadow of the a. 7,ia.4y.21. I was/e/V a. these where had they been .' ig. ig. an a. to the Lord in the midst of EgjpV
la. 13. 6 shall come ns destruction from the o. IJaii. 10. 8. 1 was left a. and saw this great vision 27. 9. the stones of the a. as chalk-stones
I'.zek. 1. 24 I heard as the voice of the a. 10. 5. Jo/ni 8. 9. and Jesus was left a. and the woman 56. 7. their sacrifices be accepted on mine .•.
Dan. 11. t 38. for the a. God he shall honour 29 the Father hath not IfI me a. for I do always Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath cast ofl his a.

Joel 1. 15. as destruction from the a. shall it come Ixom. 11. 3. I am left a. and they seek my life Ezek. 8. 16. between the porch and a. 25 men
S! Cor. 6. 18. shall be my .sons, saith the Lord a. Let ALONE. Joel 1. 13. lament, howl, ye ministers of the a.
licv. 1 8. which IS, was, and is to come, the a. Exod. 14. 12. let us a. that we may serve Egjptians 2. 17. the priests weep between the porch and a,
4. 8 the Lord God a. which weis, and is, 11. 17. 32. 10. let me a. that my wrath may wax hot Amos 2. 8. upon clothes laid to pledge Ly every a.
li. 3. Lord a. just a-nd true arc thy ways, If). 7. Dent. 9. 14. let me a. that I may destroy them Mai. 1 7. ye offer polluted bread on mine a.
16. 14. the battle of that great day of God a, Jndg 11. 37. /tv mea IV.-0 months, thati may go 10. nor do kindle fire on mine a. for nought
19. 15. treadeth wine-press of wrath of the a. God 2 .Sam. 16. 11. /£< him a. let him curse, L. h-as bidden 2 13. covering the a. of the Lord with tears
£1. £2. God a. and the Lamb are the temple of it 2 lyings 4. 27. let her a. her soul is vexed in her Mat. 5. 23. if thou bring thy gift to the a.
ALMOND, S Ezra 6. 7. let the work of this house of God a. 23. 18. whoso shall swear by the a. it is nothing
Gen. 43. 11. carry spices, myrrh, nuts, and a Job 10. 20. and let me a. that I may take comfort 35. ye slew between the temple and a. Luke 11. ."il
Lrod. 25. 33. made like to a. 34 | .37. I9, 20 13. 13. hold your peace let me a. that 1 may speak Acts 17. 23. I fouLd an a. with {his inscription
i\\tm. 17.8. the ro4 of Aaron fon- Levi yielded a. Ilos.i. 17. Ephraim is joined to idols, /fi him a. 1 Cor. 9. 13. wait at the a. partakers with a. 10. 18.

Eccl. 12. 5. when the a. tree shall flourish Mat. 15. 14 let them a. they be blind, leaders Ilch. 7. 13. of which none gave attendance at the a.
Jer. 1. 11, and I said, I see a rod of an a. tree Maik 1. 24. let us a. what have we to do with 13. 10. we have 2n a. whereof they have no right
ALMOST. thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? Luke 4. 34. Rev. 6. 9. 1 saw under the a. the souls of them slaiu
Etoil. 17 4. they be a. ready to stone me 14. f). Jesus said, let her a. why trouble ye her.' 8. 3. should offer it with prayers on the golden a,
I'sal. 73. 2. as for me, my feet were a gone 15.P.I]. let a. let us see whether Elias will come 9. 13. heard a voice from horus of the golden a.
94. 17 my soul had a. dwelt in silence Ln/.e 13. 8. Lord, let it a. this year also, till I dig Set Built.
119. 87. they had a consumed me upon earth J<'lin 11. 48. if we let him a. all men will believe ALTARS.
Prer.5.14. 1 was a. in all evil in themidstof congre- 12 7. let her «. against the day of ir.y burying /:r<7rf34. 13. shall destroy their a. X)fH^7. 5. | 12.3.
Acts 13.44. came a. the whole city together [gation Acts 5. 38. refrain from these men, let them a. Knm. 23. 1 Balaam said, build here seven a.
19. 26. only at Ephcsus, but a. through all Asia ALONG. 1 Kings 19. 10. Israel have thrown down thine a. 14,
21. 27. and when the seven days were a. ended Num. 21, 22. we will go a. by the king's highway 2 C/;)i'?e. 34. 5 burnt the bones of priests on the a.
£0. 28. a. thou persuadest nie to be a Christian 1 Sam. 6. 12. the kine went a. the highway, lowing Psal. 84. 3. even thine a. O
Lord of hosts, kini; my
29. were both a. and altogether such as I am 28. 20. then Saul fell all a. on the earth Isa. 17.8 and he shall not look to the a. the work
lieb. 9. 22 a. all things by the law are purged 2 Sam. 3.]Q. her husband went with her a weeping Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah graven on horns of the a.
ALMUG-TREES. 16. 13. Shimei went a. cursing, and threw stones 2. whilst their children remember their a.
1 Kini^s 10.11. brought from Ophir plenty of a.-<rf« Jer. 41.0. Ishmael went, weeping all a. as he went Ekek. 6. 4. and your a. shall be desolate, images Lo
12. made of a., fr. pillars, there came no such a. -rr. ALOOF. Hus. 8. 11. made a. to sin, a. shall be to him to sui
ALOES. Psal. 38. 11. my friends stand a. from my sore 10. 8. thorn and thistle shall come on their «.
Psal. 45. 8. thy garments smell of a. and cassia Aloud; see Cry, Cried, Sing. 12. 11. their a. are as heaps n the furrows
Prov. 7 17 I have perfumed my bed with a. ALPHA. Amos 3. 14. 1 will also visit tne a. of Beth-el
Cant 4. 14. mjrrh, a. with all the chief spices iijfz). 1.8. 1 am a. and Omega, 11. | 21.6 1 22. 13. Rom. 11.3. Lord, they have digged down thine «.
Jolm 19. 39. ISicodemus brought a mixture of a. ALREADY. ALTER.
ALOFT. Etod. Joseph was in Egypt a.
1. 5. for I,ev 27. 10. he shall not a. it, a good for a bad
Pioi' 18. t 10. the righteous runneth and is set a. Eccl. 1. 10, it hath been a. of old time, before us Ezra 6. 11. that whosoever shall a. this word
ALONE Mai, 2. 2. your blessings, yea, 1 have cursed them a. 12. destroy all that put their hand to a. this
Signifies, [1] One solitary, or hy himself. Lev. 13. Mat. 17. 12. I say unto you, Elias is come a. Psci. 89. 34. not a. the thing gone out of my lips
4G. 102 7- [2] Cbi/.v, Dan. 10 7. Mat.
I'sal. John 3. 18. he that believcth not is condemnid a. Prov. 31. t 5. lest they a. the judgUKiit of alflitled
4. 4. [3] To ceasej'rom, Exod. 14. 12 1 C/. ^. Z. but present in spirit, have judj,ed a. ALTERED.
Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be a. Phil. 3. iS. whereto we have a. attained Esth. 1. 19. be not a. that Vashti come no more
liiod. 18. 18. art not able to perform it thyself c. 1 'i'im. 5. 15. some are a. turned aside after Satan Luke 9 29. the fashion of his countenance was a,
24. 2. Moses •. shall r:)me near the Lord Rev. 2. C5. but that which ye have a. hold fast ALTERETIl.
Xcy 13 4fi. the leper awell a. without the camp ALSO. Dan. 6. 8. according to the law which a. not, ]£
AuCT xl. 14. 1 am not able to bear all this peo- 6. 3. strive with man, for that he a. is flesh
ple a Deut. 1. 9, 1 Ah;h. 16. JO. and seek ye the priesthood a.? Xiim. 14. -t
34. ve shall know mv a. of purjiose
17. that thou bear it not thyself a. 1 Sam, 14. 4-1. Saul answered, God do so and ALTllOl'Glf.
S3. 9. lo, the peoplMh-all dwell a not be reckoned more a. 2 Smn. 3. 35. I9. 13. |
Exod. 13. 17. a. thai was near, for God said
Vent. 32. 12. so the I/ird a. did lead him 2 King! 7.4. and if we sit still here, we die a. 2 Sam. 23. 5. a. my house be not so with God
33. 28. Israel then shall dwell in safety a I\uil. 68. 18. gifts, yea, for the rebellioas a. Job 2. 3. a. thou movcdst me against him
losli. 22. 20. Achan perished not a. in his iniquity /va. 7. 13. but will ye weary my God a. ? Jer. 31. 32. a. I was an husband unto them
i Sam. 18. 24. behold, a man miming a. 26. Zcrh. 8 21. to seek the Lord of hosts I will go n. I'.zek. 11. 16. a. I have cast them far off

25. if he be a. there is tidings in his mouth Mat. 6. 21. there will your heart be a. Luke 12. 34. llati. 3. 17. a. the lig-tiee shall not blossom

1 Kin^s 11. 29. they two were a. in the field 2d. 73. surely thou art a. one of thtni Mark 14. 29. a. all sh.all be offended, yet will net I

S Kings 19. 15. art God a. Isa. 37. Hi. /^>«/. 8fi. lO, Mark 1 38. that I may preach there a. Gal. 6. t 1. a. a man be overl.iken ui a fault
1 Chron. 29. 1. Solomon, whom a. (Jod hath chosen 2. 28 Son of man is Lord a. of sabbalh, Lvke&.t. ALTOGETHER.
Euh. 3. 6. scorn to lay hands on Mordecai a. l.nke 11 45. thus saying, thou reproachest us a. Niem. 16. 13. make thyself a a prince over us
Joh 1.15 I only am escaped a. to tell, 16, 17, I9. John 5. 19. what he iloth, these a. doth the Son l)eut. 16. 20. which is a. just shalt thou follow
9. 8. God who a. spreadeth out the heavens 12. 26. where 1 am, there shall a. my servant be I'iul. 14. 3. they are a. become filthy, Psal. 53. 3.

lot \!}. 19 to whom a. the earth was given 14. 3. that where I am, there ye may be a. 10. 9. judgments of the Lord are righteous a.
31. 17. or have I eaten my morsel myself a. .' .']cts 12. S he proceeded to take Peti'r a. 39. 5. every man at his best state is a. vanity
Psal. 83. 18. thoi whose name a. is Jehovali Rom. 16. 2. succourer of many, ar.d<if myself a. M. 21. that I was a. such a one as thyself
•102.7.Iwatchandam as a sparrow a. on thehouse- 1 Cor. 9. 8. or saith not the law the same a. 1.39. 4. but lo, O Lord, thou knowest it a.

l?^j. 4. to him who a. do'h great wonders [top 15. 8. and last of all, he was .seen of me a. Ca7i<.5.l6.hi5 mouth is sweet, yea, he is a. lovO
14ti. 13. for his Dame a is excellent 2 Tim, \, i \ zxa periuaded tiiat in ibec a Jo/inQ. 34. thou wast a. bom iu sins, dost thou


Acis !G !9 were almost odiI a. suca as I am \Jer.51. 12. set up the watchmen, prepare the a. ANCIENTS.
Coi 5. 10 yet not a. with the fornicators
. AMliUSH.MEM, S. 1 Som. 24. 13. as saith the proverb of thj a.
9. 10. or soith he it o. for our sakes f 2 Chron. 13. 13. Jeroboam caused an a. the a. was P^a/. 119. 100. I understand more I'.ian the a.
2 Cor. i. i 8. perplexed, but not a. withouV help CO. 22. the Lord set «. against Ammon La. 3.14. Lord will enter into judgment with the a,
ALWAV, ALWAYS, A.MEN 24. 23. the Lord shall reign before his a.
Signifies, [1] Continually, John 8. CQ. [C] J're- Hignifiei, in Ile/ire::; true, Jailhjul, eeriirin. It is Jer. 19. 1. take of a. of the people and a. of pries'a
ifuenliy. Acts 10. 2. [3] 'Jo the end of the world. made use oj hkeritse toujfirm any t/iint,and uai E-.ek. 7. 26. counsel shall perish from the a.
Mat. C8. CO. [4] During lij'e, 2 .Sam. t). 10. an cfirmatioyi used often by onr Saiiuni'f uhich is 8. 12. son of man, hast thou seen wnat the a. do
Df K/.5.29.O that ihej-would keep my commands a. rendered in our translation, verily, verily ; anie:i, 27. y. the a. of Gebal were in thee thy calkers
11.1. thou shalt keep his couiniandments a. amen, / say unto you, John 3. 3, 5. All the yio- ANCLE-BONES.
14. 2;i. thou mayest learn to fe.-ir the Lord a. mnesofGod are amen im Christ ; thai is,certmn Acts 3. "• his a.Jiones received strengtn
Ji>/> 7. 16. 1 loathe it, 1 would not live a. and firm, ^ Cor. 1.20. Clirisi himself, the faith, ANCLES.
2". 10. will he a. call upon God? ful yroyhet and teaclier of his Churih, is called the 2 Sam.'i1.\ 37. that my a. did not slip, Pja/.18.t36,
Psal. 16. 8. have set the Lord a. before me
I Amen, Rev. 3. 14. In Isa 65. I6. shall bless him- Lzek. 47. 3. the waters were to the a.
103. 9- h' will not "• chide, nor keep his anger self in the Ood if truth, and suear hy the Ood if ANGEL
119. 112. inclined to perform thy statutes a. truth ; uhich i>i the Hebrew is, the God amen. Signifies, ^i messenger, or bringer of liJings, and it
Prav. 8. 30. I was by him, rejoicing a. before him rind it is used tn the end if prayer in testimony applied [1] I'o those intelleilualand immaterial
Jsa. 57. 16. neither will 1 be a. wroth of an earnest :.ish, desire, or a^vurance to he beings, -uhom God makes u>e of as his minittert
JMa/.C8.C0.I am with youa. totheend of the world heard ; amen, so be it, so shall it be. The to execute the orders of providence, I'.ev. 22.8.
Jilaii U. 7. but me ye have not a. J.ilin 12. 8. liord amen is used in many languages. [2] To Christ, uho it the Mediator and Head of the
Jo/in 8. 29. I do a. those things that please him \um. 5. 22. and the woman shall say a. a. church, Zech. 1. 12. Hev. 10. 1. [3] To mi-
11. 42 1 know that ihou hearest me a. IJeut. 27. 15. all the people shall say a. to the end uisters if the gospel, uho are ambassadors for
^cts 10. 2. Cornelius prayed lo God a. 1 htngs 1.36. Benaiah answered a. the Lord say so Christ, Uev.-i. 1.(3. 1, 7. [4] To stick uhom
t C'r. 2. 14. God, who a. causcth us to triumph 1 Chron. 16.36. people said a. and praised the Lord God employs to execute his jndsments, llev.
P/iil. 1. 4. a. in every prayer of mine for you Fia/.41.13.from everlasting; to everlasting ; n.anda. 15. 8. I 10'. 1. [5J To devils. Mat. 25. 41.
20. as a. so now also, Christ shall be magnified 7'-. ly earth filled wilh his glory ; a. and a. 1 Cor. 6. 3.
2. 12. as yc haven, obeyed, not in presence my 8y. 52. blessed be the Lord for evermore, a. GcH.CC.ll.fl.of the Lord said, Abraham, Abraham
4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. and again rejuice 106. 48. and let all the people say a. [and a. 24. 7. he shall send his a. before thee, 40.
1 Thcss. 2. 16. to fill up their sins a. forwrath Jtr. C8. 6. even the prophet Jeremiah said a. 48. 16. the a. who redeemed me from all evil
2 Pet. 1. 13. to have these a. in remembrance .Mat. 6. 13. the power and the glory forever, a. ijurf.C3.20.senda. before thee, 23. J 32.34. | 33.2.
I AM, I AM that I AM. 1 Cor. 14. 16. the room of the unlearned, say a. Num. 20. 16. sent an a. and brought u.« out of Egypt
Eiod. 3. 14. / am that 1 am hath sent me to you 2 Cor. 1. Co. tje promises in him are yea and «. Ji'dg. 13. 19. and the a. did wonderously
J^uyn 11. 21. the people amongst whom / am Itev. 1. 18. behold, I am alive for evermore, a. 2 Csain. 24. 16. the a. stretched out his hand, the a.
A';A. 6. 11. who is there that being as / am 3. 14. write these things, saith the a. the faithful that destroyed the people, 1 Chron. 21. ii .
Job 9. 32. he is not a man as I aj», that I should 5. 14. and the four beasts said a. 19. 4. 17. David spake when he saw the a. that smote
Psal. 35. 3. say to my soul, I am thy salvation C2. 20. surely I come quickly, a. even so, come 1 Kings 13. 18. a. spake to me by the word of Lord
39. 4. that 1 may know how frail 1 am A. MEND. [Lord Jesus 19. 5.^an a. touched Elijah and said, arise and eat
50. 7. O Israel, i am God, even thy God .ler. 7. 3. a. ways, and doings, 5. | 20. 13. | 35. 15. 1 C7;r.21.15.(iod sent an a. to Jerusalem to destroy
143. 12. destroy them, for /am thy servant [11. Jo/m 4. 52. the hour when he began to a. 20. and Oman turned back, and saw the a.
7ia.41.6 /a»ithe first, /am the last',48.12.i\Vr. 1. AMENDMENT. 27. the Lord commanded the a. and he put up
47. 8. J am, and none else besides me, Zcpli.1.\j. .Mat. 3. t 8. bring fruits answerable to a. of life 2 C/ir<)«..32.21. the Lord sent an a. which he cut off
58. 9. thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here 1 am AMENDS. Eccl. 5. 6. nor say before the a. it was an error
Mat. 16. 13. whom do men say that J the .Son of Lev. 5. 16. he shall make a. for the harm do;.e /.;u. 63. 9. the a. of his presence saved them
man am
Markh.i't. Luke>).W.
A.MEUCE. Va7i. 3. 28. God who haih sent a. and delivered
Lnlte C2. 70. art the .Son of God, yc say that I urn Deut. CC. 19. they shall a. him in an IcO shekels 6. S2. my God hath sent his a. and shut up
John 6. 35. Jesus said, / am the bread of life Amethyst; see Acate and Jaci.nth. llos. 12. 4. yea, he had power over the a.
8. 12. saying, I am the light of the world AMIABLE. /.cch. 1. 9. the a. that talked •ith me said. 4. .5.
58. I say to you, before Abraham was, 7a"i Psal. 84. 1. how a. are '.hy tabernacles, O Lord 13. Lord answered the a. that talked with me
12. 26. where lam there shall my servauts be AM1.SS. 14. the a. that communed wilh me said
17.24.1 will, thatthey may be with me where lam 2 Chron. C. 37. we have sinned, wc have done a. 19.1 said to the a. that talked, 4.4. | 5. 10. | 6.4.
Acii 26. 29. almost and altogether such as / am Dan. 3. C9. speak any thing a. against the (iod 2. 0. the a. that talked went out, and another a.
27 .23. angel of God, whose lam, and whom I serve Luke 23. 41. but this man hath dune nothing a. 3. 3. with lilthy garuiems, and stood before the a
1 Cor. 15. 10. by the grace of God I am what 1 am Jam. 4. 3. ask and receive not, because ye ask a. 5. 5. the a. ttat talked with me, went forth
Gal. 4 12. brethren, be as 1 am, (or I am as you are AMONG. 6. 5. the a. answered, these are the four spirits
P/iil. 4 11. for I have learned in what state 1 am Xum. 14. 14. heard that thou. Lord, art a. them .Mat. 28. 5. the a. answered the woman, fear not
Jiez. 1. 18. lam he that livelh, I am alive forever Lzra 10. 18. a. the sons of the priests were found Luke 1. 13. the a. said, tear not, Zacharias
19. 10. see thou do it not, lam thy fellow -servant Af/i. 13. 26. yet a. many nations was no kii:g 19. the a. answered and said, I am Gabriel
I. AM Job 33. 23. if an interpreter, one a. a thousand id. in the sixth month the a. Ciabriel was sent
Gen. 4. 9. T know not, am I my brother's keeier 36. 14. and their life is a. the unclean 30. the a. said to her, fear not, Mary
30. 2. am I in God's stead, who hath withh.'ld Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil common a. men 35. a. answered. Holy Ghost shall come on thee
S Ai'ifj 5. 7. am 7 God, to Kill and to make alive ? 7. 28. one u 1,000, but a woman a. all those 2. 10. iho a. said to the shepherds, fear not
18.25. iim /come up without the Lord, ]sn.rA').10. Cant. 5. 10. the chiefcst a. ten thousand 13. suddenly there was with the a. a multitude
ler. 2;J. 23. am 1 a. God at hand, saith the Lord Jer. 5. 26. a. my people are found wicked men 21. so named of the a. before he w?.s conceived
Mat. 18. 20. there am 1 in the midst of them Mic. 7. 2. and there is none upright a. men S2. 43. there appeared an a. strengthening him
Jo/in 7. 33. yet a little while am /with you Luke 1. 28. blessed art thou a. women Ji'hn 5. 4. an a. went down at a certain season
1 Cor. 9. 1, am / not an apostle ? am 1 not free ? 10. 3. I send you forth as lambs a. wolves 12. 29. others siiid, an a. spake to him
2 Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak, then a>n I strong John 6. 9. but what are they a. so many r Acts 6. 15. as it had been the face of an a.
Here AM I, or Here I A.M. A^<Here. Cul. 1. 1 18. a. all he might hav^fhe pre-eminence 7-. 35. by hands of the a. that appeared in the bush

AMAZED. ANATHEMA. .38. in the wilderness with tne a. which spake

Judg. 20. 41. the men of Jlciijamin were a. 1 Cor. 16. CC. let him be a. maran-atha 10. 7. when the a. which spake to Cornelius
Joi 32 15. they were a. they answered no more ANCESIOUS. 22. was warned from God by an holy a. to send
Isa. l.i. 8. they shall be a. or.e at another Lev. C6. 45. remember the covenant of their a. 11. 13. how he had seen an a. in his house
£zek. 32. 10. will make many pcojile a. at thee
I ANCHOR. !2.8. the a. said to I'eter, bind on thy sandals
Mat. 19. 25. the disciples were exceedingly a. Acts 27. 30. as.though they would have cast a. 9. that it was true which was done by the a.
Mari- 2. 12. were all a. and glorifiedGod, Liiie 5.26. Heb. 6. 19. which hope we have as an a. of the soul 10. and forthwith the a. departed from him
14. 33. he began 10 be sore a. and very heavy ANCIENT 11. the Ix)rd hath sent his a. and delivered m«
LnU 4. 3C. all a. and spake among themselves Signifies, [1] Old, of former lime, 1 Chron. 4. 22. 15. Rhoda affirmed, then said they, it is his a
9. 4.T. were all a. at tne mighty power of God [2] yeryvld »/i<h. Job 12. 12. [3] Men offormer 23. 8. the Sadduces say, neither a. nor spirit
.eicts 9. 21. but all that heard Saul were a. times, 1 Sam.
24. 13. [4] Governors, folilicai and 9. if a spirit or an a. hath spoken to him
AMAZEMENT. ecilesiasiical, Isa. 3. 14. Jer. I9. 1 2 Cor. 11. 14. is transformed into an a of light
Acts with a. at what had happened
3. 10. filled Deut. 33.15. for the chief things of the a. mountains Gal. 1. 8. though wc or an a. from heaven preac'l
1 Pel. 3. 6. and arc not afraid with any «. Judg. 5. 21. that a. river, the river Kishon Kev. 1. 1. and he signified it by his a. to John
AMBASSADOR. 2 Kings 19. 25. of a. times, 1 formed it, ha. 37. 26. 2. 1. unto the a. of the chur^^, 8. 12,18.
Pror. 13. 17. but a faithful a. is health 1 Chron. 4. 22. and these are a. things 5.2. I saw a strong a. proclaiming with loud voice
Jer. 49. 14. an a. sent to the heathen, 0/iad. 1. /Jira 3. 12. were a. men, and had seen the first house 7. 2. I saw another a. ascending from the east
fph. 6. 20. for which 1 am an a. in bonds Job 12. IC. with the u. is wisdom, and in davs 8. 3. and another a. came and stood at the altar
AMBASSADORS. I'rov. 22. 28. remove not the a. landmark 4. ascended before (jod out of the a. hand
Josh. O. 4. went and made as if ihcy had Been a. Isa. 3. 2. prudtnt and a. the Lord doth take away 5. the a. look the censer, and filled it with firo
« ChroH. 3S. ti. the business of the a. of Babylon 9. 15. the a. and honourable, he is the head 7 the first a. sounded | 8. second a. | 10. third a
35. 21 he sent a. what have I to do with thee ?
. 19. 11. how say ye, 1 am the son of a. kings .'
12. fourth a. 9. 1. filih a. ] 13.sixlha. sounded
ija. 18. 2. that sendeth a. by the sea in vessels 23. 7. whose antiquity is of a. days 8. 13. i hoard an a. Hying thro* midst of heaven
30. 4. princes at Zoau, his a. cime to Wanes 44. 7. since 1 appointed the a. people 9. 11. which is the a. of the bottomless pit
33. 7. the a. of peace shall weep bitterly 47. 6. upon the a. hast thou laid thy yoke 14. saying to the sixth a. loose the four a.
Etei. 17. 15. he rebelled in sending a. to Egypt 51. 9. awake, O arm of the Lord, as in the a. days 10. 1. I saw another a. comedown, 18. 1. 20. 1|
2 Cor. 5. 20. now then we are a. for Christ Jei . 18. 15. caused them to stumlJe from a. paths 5. and the a. which I saw stand on the sea
AMBASSAGE. Lzek. 9. 6. then they began at the a. men 7. but in the days of the voice of the seventh a,
Luke 14. 32. sendeth an «. and desireth conditions Dan. 7. 9. the a. of days did sit, whose garment 8. go and take the book in the hand of the a.
AkjBFR see ; CoLOfR. 13. one like the Son of man came to a. of days 10.1 took the book|lll. 1. and the a. stood, saying
AMBL'SII, ES. £C. till the a. of days came, and judgment 11. 15. seventh a. sounded, and tnere were voices
Josh.B. 8. Uy thee an a tor the city behind it [given liev. 14. 6. 1 saw ajioiher a fiy in midst of Ueavea
. « .


ft;r. ti. 8. another a. followed, sayirjg, Babylon is 1 P«r.3.22.a.and powers being made subject to him Jer, 49. 37. I will bring evil on them, my fierce •
i). third a. tollowed 15. another a. came, 17. 18.
2 Pet. 2. 4. if God spared not the a. that sinned Xa;n.2.1. remembered not his footstool in the day«
ly. and the a. thrust in his sickle in the earth 11. whereas a. greater in power and might fi. Lord hath despised in ihe indignation of his a

Itj. 2. a. poured out his vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 17. Jude 6. the a. who kept not their first estate 21. thou hast slai-n them in the day of thine a.
.5 and I heard the a. of the waters s^ay Hev. 1. 20. seven star", a. of the seven churches 22. in the day of the Lord's a. none escaped
17. 7. the a. said, ^vhercfore didst tliou marvel ? 5. 11. the voice of many a. about the throne 3. 43. thou hast covered wiih a. and persecuted oi
18. 21. and mighty a. took up a stone like a great 7. 1. I saw four a. standing on the four corners 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a.
19. 17. and I saw an a. standing in the sun 2. and he cried with a loud voice to the four a. Lzek. 5. 13. thus shall mine a. be accomplished
El. 17. the measure of a man, that is of the a. 11. all the a. stood round about the throne 7. 3. and I will send mine a. upon thee
S.2. 8. fell down to worship before the feet of a. 8.13.trumpetof the threea. which are yet to sound 8. and accomplish mine a. on thee, 20. 8, 21.
1(). I Jesuj have sent mine a. to testify to you y. 14. loose the four a. which are bound in the river 25. 14. shall do in Edom, according to mine a.
ANGEL of Cod. 15. the a. were loosed, which were prepared 35. 11. I will even do according to thine a.
Ejod. 14. 19' "• of God who went before removed 14. 10. be tormented in presence of the holy a. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. be turned away
Judg. \7i. 6. like the countenance of an a, of God 21. 12. twelve gates, and at the gates twelve a. JIos.ll. 9. will not execute the fierceness of mine a
1 Sam. '.'9. 9. art good in my sight, as an a. of God ANGELS of God. 14. 4. for mine a. is turned away from him
t Sam. 14.17. as an a. of God, so is my lord, I9. 27. zisceud, and descend. Jii/ml. 51. Amos 1. 11. his a. did tear perpetually, and kept
20. wise according to the wisdom of an a. of God 32. 1. .lacob went his way, and a.of God met him Jo7ia/i 3. 9. if God will turn from his fierce a.
Acts 27. 23. stood by me this night the a. of God 717/1^.22. 30. but as a. of God in heaven. Murk 12.25. Mic. 7. 18. he retained not his a. for ever
•Gal. 4. 14. but received me as an a. of God Z.HXel2.8.him shall the Son confess before a. of God iVa/i. 1. 6. who can abide the fierceness of his a. f
ANCJEL of the Lord. 9. deniei'h me, shall be denied before the a.of God liab. 3. 8. was thine a. against the rivers.'
Gen. 16. 7. o. of the L. found Hagar by a fount.ain 15. 10. there is joy in the presence of the a. of God Zeph. 3. 8. to pour upon them all my fierce a.
9.thea.o/"Mei(?rrfsaidtoher, 10. 11. | 22. 11. Ilci. 1. 6. let all the a. c/" Gorf worship him Mark 3. 5. when he had looked on them with a.
ii. 32, 35. Judg. 13. 18. 2 /u«?f 1. 3, 15. Ilis ANGELS. Eph. 4. 31. let all a. be put away, Col. 3. 8.
22.11 n. ttf the L. called to him (-ut of heaven, 15. 4. 18. and his a. he charged with folly
J.>f> ANGER of the Lord.
^nm. 22. 23. ass saw th» a. of L. standing, 25. 27. /'.la/.yi.ll.give/iif a. charge, MatA.6. Luke-i.10. Num. 25. 4. fierce a. of the Lord may be turned
24. o. of L. stood in a path''of the vineyards, 20. lo.i. 20. ye which excel in strength
/lis a. 32.14. to augment the a. of the Lord asfiiust Israel
31. IJalaam saw a. of the L. standing in the way 104. 4. who maketh his a. spirits, Heh. 1. 7 . Dent. 29. 20. the a. of the y.«irf shall smoke against
34. and Balaam said to a. of the L. I have sinned 148. 2. praise ye him all his a. praise ye him Ju(/^.2.14. a. t/iorrf against Isr. 20. | 3. 8. | 10.7.
35. a. of the L. said to Balaam, go with the men 13.
J\J:it. 41. the Son of man shall send forth his a, 2 Kings 24. 20. thro' the a. of the Lord it came to
JiiJg.i.l.a. o/X.cameup, 1 A'i«gi I9.7. Actsl'Z.T J 6.27. come in the glory of his Father with his a. pass, Jer, 52. 3.
4. when a. of the L. spake these words to Israel 24.31. send /i!i a. with a great sound, 3.'ari 13. 27 Jer .4. 8. the fierce a. of the Lord is not turned away
5. 23. curse ye Meroz, said the a. of the Lord 25. 41. fire prepared for the devil and his a. 12.13. because of the fierce a. of the I^rd, 25.37.
fi. 11. came an a. of the L. and sat under an oak liev. 3. 5. will confess before my
Father and his a. 23. 20. the a. of the LordshM not return, 30. 24.
12. a. of L. appeared to Gideon, and said to him 12. 7. Michael and his a. the dragon and his a. 51.45. deliver his soul from the fierce a. of the X.
21. the a. of the L. put forth the end of the staff y. ths great dragon was cast out, and his a. Lam. 4. 16. the a. of the Lord hath divided them
22. when Gideon perceived he was an a. of the L. ANGER, Verb. /ie/)/i.2.2.before the fierce a. of the L. come on yon
13. 3. a. of the L. appeared to the woman, and said Rom. 10. ly. by a foolish nation I will a. vou 3. it may be ye shall be hid in thcday of a. of L.
16. Manoah knew not he was ana. of the i., 21. ANGER. /» ANGER.
20. a. oftheL. ascended in the flame of the Gen. 27. 45. thy brother's a. turn away
till Gen. 49. 6. for in their a. they slew a man
8 6u/«.24.l6.a.(j/i. was by threshing, 1 Ch. 21. 15. 44. 18. and not thine a. burn against me
let Eiod. 11. 8. he went out from Pharaoh in a
2 Kings 19. 35. a.of L. smote in camp, ha. 37. 3d. 45. t 5. neither let there be a. in your eyes Dent. 29. 23. which the Lord overthrew in a
1 C7(/««.21.12.a.o/'/.. destroying throughout coasts 49. 7. cursed be their a. for it was fierce 28. the Lord rooted tiiem out of the land im a.
18. a.of the L. commanded Gad to say to David Eiod. 32. 19. saw the dancing, Moses' a. waxed hot 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jonathan rose from the table in a.
30. afraid, because of the sword of a. of tlie Ij>rd 22. Aaron said, let not the a. of my loni wax hot 2 Chron. 25. 10. they returned home i« great a.
I'ial.34.7. a.of L. encampeth round them that fear Dent. 9. 19. I was afraid of the a. and displeasure Job 9. 5. which overturneth them in his a.
35. 5. let a. of L. chase them C. persecute them
1 3.17 . Lord may turn from the fierceness of his a. 18. 4. he teareth himself i« his a.
Zech.l.ll. they answered the a. of the L. that stood 29. 24. what meaneth the heat of this great a..' 21. 17. God distributeth sorrows i'k his a
12. a. ofL. answered, wilt thou not have mercy Josh.7. 26. Lord turned from the fierceness of his a. 35.15. because it is not so, he hath visiied iwhisa,
3.5. a. ofL. stood by .Joshua 6. a. ofL. protested
Judg. 8. 3. then their a. was abated toward him Psat.6.1. Lord, rebuVe me not in thy a. Jer. 10. 2*.
12. 8. house of David as the a. of L. before them Ksth. 1. 12. Ahasuerus his a. burned in him 7. 6. arise, O Lord, in thine a. lift up thyself
^Jat. 1. 20. a. of L. appeared in a dream, 2. 13, ly. Joi 4. + 9- by his a. are they consumed 27. 9- put not thy servant away a. m
24. Joseph did as the a. of the L. had bidden him 9- 13. if God will not withdraw his a. the proud 56. 7. in thine a. czist down the people, O Lord
28. 2. for the a. of the L. descended from heaven J'sol. 21. 9. as a fiery oven in the time of thine a» 77. 9. hath he in a. shut up his tender mercies !
Lnie 1.11. there appeared to Zacharias an a. of L. 30. 5. for his a. endureth but a moment 7j«.13.3. I have also called my mighty ones in a.
2. 9. a. ofL. came upon them, and glory of Lord 37. 8. cease from a. and forsake wrath, fret not 14. 6. he that ruled the nations in a.
Acts 5. 19. a. of L. by night opened theprison-donrs 38. 3. no soundness in my flesh because of thine a. Cii. 3. for I will tread them in mine a. 6.
8. 26. a.of the Lord spake to I'hilip, saying, arise 69. 24. let thy wrathful a. take^oid 01 them Jer.lX. 5. I will fight against you, e^en »« a.
12. S3, a. ofL. smote Herod, because he gave not 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke against th'; sheep 32. 37. whither 1 have driven them in mine a.
ANGELS. 78. 21. and a. also came up again.;! Israel 33. 5. whom I have slain in mine a. and in my fury
Gen. 19. 1.there came two a. to Sodom at even 38. many a time turned he his a. away Lam. 2. 1. Lord covered Zioii with a cloud in his a.
15. when the morning arose, the a. hastened Lot 49. he cast on them the fierceness of his a. 3. he hath cut off in a. all the horn of Israel
I'sa/. 8. 5. a little lower than the a. Jleb. 2. 7, 9- 50. he made a way to his a. he spared them not 3. C6. persecute and destroy them in a.
()8. 17. the chariots of God are thousands of u. 85. 3. hast turned from the fierceness of thine a. Ezek. 3. + 14. and I went in hot a.
78. 25. man did eat a. food, he sent tUem meat 4. and caase thine a. towards us to cease 5.15. when I shall execute judgments in thee in a.
4y, and trouble, by sending evil a. among them 5. wilt thou draw out thine a. to all generations ? 13. 13. shall be an overflowing shower in mine a.
Mat. 4. 11. a. came and ministered to, Maii 1. 13. yo. 7. for we are consumed by thine a. 22. 20. so will I gather you in mine a. and fury
33. 39. end of the world, tile reapers are the a. 11. who knoweth the power of thine a.T 43. 8. wherefore I have consumed them in mine a
49. the a. shall come forth and sever the wicked 103. 9- nor will he keep his a. for ever,. Ar. 3. 5. 7.>iin.ll.20. be destroyed, neither in a. nor in battle
18. 10. their a, always behold the face of God J'roz'. 15. 1. but grievous words stir up a. llos. 13. 11. I gave thee a kiug in mine a.
24. 36. no man, not the a. inheaven, Mark 13. 32. ly. 11. the discretion of a man deferreth his a. Jl/j>. 5. 15. and I will execute vengeance in a.
25. 31. Son of man, and all the holy a. with him 21. 14. a gift in secret pacifieth a. liab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh the heathen in a.
S6. M. give me more than twelve legions of a. 22. 8. and the rod of his a. shall fail ANGER
MaTk 8. ,38. when the Son of man cometh in the glory 27. 4. wrath is cruel, and a. is outrageous Gen. 30. 2. a. of Jacob was kindled against R.ichel
of his Father, with the holy a. Luke<J. 26. IJcl. 7. 9- " resteth in the bosom of fools Etod. 4.14. the a. of the Lord was <•. against MoseJ
Z2. 25. nor marry, but are as the a. in heaven lit 10. therefore remove a. from thy heart Man. 11. 1. a. of the L. was k. 10. | 12. y. | 22. 22.
Luke 2. 15. as the a. were gone away from them Jsa. 5. 25. for all this his a. is not turned away, 9. 22. 27. Balaam's a. was k. and he smote the ass
16. 22. the beggar died, and was carried by the a. 12, 17, 21. I 10. 4. 24. 10. Balak's a. was kindled against Balaam
5iO. .36. nor die, for they are equal unto the a. 7. 4. fear not, for the a. Oi" liezin with .Syria 25.3. the a. of the Lord was kinJled ag.ainst Israel
24. 23. that they had also seen a vision of «. 10. 5. O Assyrian, the rod of mine a. and staff 32. 13. JdjA. 7. 1. 2 6a;rt.24. 1. 2 Kings U. 3.
iohn 20. 12. and sceth two a. in white, sitting 25. shall cease, and my a. in their destruction .•)2. 10. the laird's a. was kindled Ihe same time

4f^j 7-53. who received the law by disposition of a. 12. 1. though thou wast angry, thine a. is turned 2>fn<.6.15.1estthea. of the Lord be k. against thei
Horn. 8. 38. nor life, nor a. able to separate us from 13. 9- tbe day of the Lord cometh with fierce a. 7. 4. so will the a. of the Lord be *. against you
J Cor. 4. 9a spectacle to the world, to a. and men 13. and in the day of his fierce a. Lam, 1. 12. 29. 27. the a. of the Lord was k. against this land
6. 3. know ye not that we .shall judge a. .' 30.27. name of tlie Lord cometh burning with a. 31. 17. mine a. shall be kindled in that dav. Josh
11. 10. to have power on her head, because of the a. 30. the Lord shall shew the indignation of his a. [23. 18.
13. 1. though I speak with tongnes of men and a. 42. 25. therefore he poured on him the fury of a. 32.22. for a fire is kindled in mine a. Jir. 15. 14.
'ial. 3. ly. it was ordained by a. in the hand 48. 9. for my name's sake will I defer mine a. Jiidg. 9. 30. Zebul'sa. was kindled against (Jaal
Col. 2.18. no man beguile you in worshipping of a. C)'>. t 5. these are a smoke in mine a. 14.19. Samson's a. *. and he went up to his fathcr'3
2 'I'hess. 1. 7. revealed from heaven with mighty a. fit). 15. Lord will con-.e to render his a. with fury 1 6'ain.ll.6. when Saul heard, hisa. was*, greatly
1 Tim. 3. 16. seen of a. preached to the Gentiles Jtr. 2. 35. surely his a. shall turn from me 17.28.Eli.ab'3a. was*, against David, and he said
5. 81. 1 charge thee before God and the elect a. 3.12. I will not cause mine a. to fall on you, I am 20. 30. Saul's a. was kindled against Jonathan
Ueb. 1. 4. being made so much better than the a. merciful, and 1 will not keep mine a. for ever 2 .Sain. 6.7. a. of L. k. against Lzzah, 1 Chr. 13. 1(X
5. to which of the a. said he at any time, 13. 4. 26. all the cities were broken down by his a. 12. 5. l)avid's a. was kindled against the rnan
7. of the a. he saith, who maketh his a. spirits 7. 20. mine a. shall be poured on this place 2 Ai»5J23. 26. the wrath wherewith his a. was *.
2. 2. if the word spoken by a. was steadfast 18. 23. deal with them in the time of thine a. 2 Chron. 25. 10. theira. was Undled Judat
5. to the a. hath he not put in subjection 25. 38. the land is desolate of his a. 15. a. of the Lord was kindled against Amaziah
16. he took not on him the nature of «. but seed 32. 31. city iiath been as a provocation of mine a. Isa. 5. 25. the a. of the l.ord *. against his peopla
12. 22. and to an innumerable company of a. 36. 7. great ii the a. the Lord hath prono-.inccd Jer. 17. 4. for ye have kindled a fire in mine a.
13. 2. for some have entertained a. unawares 42. 18. as mine a. hath been poured on Jerusalem Hos. 8. 5. mine a. is kindl. against them, how long
X Ptt. 1. 12. -which things the a. desire to look into 44. 6. wherefore mine a. wa? poared forth \
Xech,lO.S Qiiaea WM Aind^, agwui tu« sbspbtrL


Pr(noke or Proroked to ANOER. ANOINT Mine ANOINTED.
Deut. 4. 05. to jiTovole him to a. p. 18. | 31. 29. Signifies, [Ij Twj'our »i7i(;/.m,Gen, 28. 18. | 31.13. 1 Sam. he shall walk before mi«? a. I'orfver
2. 35.
Kings 17. 17. I 21. 6. | C3. KJ. 2 Chr. 33. 6. [2] To consecrate and set one apart to an ojfice ; 1 Chron. 16. »2. touch not mine a. I'sal. 105. 16
32. 16. with abdminations ;ir«oitf(/ they him to a. anointing being generalltf practised amon^ the l^sal. 132. 17- I have ordained a lamp for mint a-
21. they havepr. me to a. I will pr. them /u a. Jews on that occasion, to denote the person's ANOINTED uiih Oil.
Judg. 2. 18. they bowed to them, and/"-, the L. <o a. being endited uith the gi/is and giaces i<t the yum. 35. 25. death of high priest a. with holy ciZ
I Kings 14.9. made molten imapes to/>r./oa.l5.30. Spirit, Exod.28. 41. [3J To use spiritual means iSani. 1. 21, as though he had not been a. tcith oil
IS.made their groves ;/r. tlie Lord /oa. I6. 7, 13. to get saving knowledge. Rev. 3. 18. [4] To 7'iu/. 45.7 -God a. thee tjiMoi/of gladness, /yei.l. 9. /o a.with their sins, 2 A'ingj 17.11. smear, or daub, John 9. 6, 11. [5] One paiii- 89. 20. Kith my holy oil have I a. him
Jer. 11. 17. I 32. 29, 32. £:ek. 16.26. cvlarly designed and chosen by God to be the 92. 10. my horn exalt, I shall be a. nith fresh oil
33. Ahab did more to vr.the Lord 10 a. than all King, Priest, and Prophet •/ his church, nanuiu, Thine ANOINTED.
?1. 22. wherewith thoa hast provoked me to a. Christ Jesus, vho ivas Jilted xith the Holy Ghost in 2 Chron. 6.42. O Lord God, turn not away the facw
22. 53 Ahaz pr. to a. the Lord God of Israel an extraordinary manner, and thereby cvns'ci nted of Ihme a. Psal. I.i2. 1ft
8 Kings 21. 15. they have proioked me /o«. since and authorised to be the Messiah, I'sal. 2. 2. | Psal. 84. 9- behold. O God, look on f, ce of thine a
the day 45. 7. Acts 4. 27. [6] A king. Lam. 4. 20. 80. 38. thou hast been wroth with :hine a.
22. 17. forsaken mc, that they might proioke me Touch not mine anointed, Psal. 105. 15. Hurt 51. they have reproached the footsteps oi thine a
to a. 2 CJinm. 34. 25. Jer. 25.7. not the people consecrated to myself by the /^i/ts IJai. 3.13. wenlest even for salvation w ith ihine a
S Chron. 28. 25. ;)r. ro a. the L. God of his fathers and graces of my Spirit, nor those ^specinlly ANOINTEDST.
AWi. 4. 6. havepr. thee .'p a. before the builders among them to uhom 1 familiarly reveal my Gen. 31 13. 1 am the God of Beth-el where thou a

Psal. ;«. 58. pr. him ro a. with high places, 106. 29. mind and -uill, that they mat/ leach others. Psal. 23. 5. a. my head with oil, my cup 1 t-uneth
Proi. 20. 2. whoso /)r. him /» a. sinneth against '1
hou anointest my head with oil, Psal. 23. 5. Thou ANOINTING.
J>a. 1. 4. they have /ir. the Holy One of Israel to a. iesloviett upon me the consolations of thy Spirit. Eiod. 40. 15. their a. be an everlasting priesthood
65. 3. h people that provoke me ^0 a. contmuallj The anointing, 1 John 2. 2". The Spirit of illu- /-a. 10. 27. yoke shall be destroyed because of the a
Jer. 7. 18. that they vas-y provoke me fo a. \ a. tnination ; great iiwuledge in heavenly things. 1 John 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of
19. do they pr. me to a. |]
8. I9. why have they i:,>i'(/.28.41.shaUa.and consecrate, 30.30. J 40. 15. him, as the same a. teacheth you all things
25. 6 ;> not /o a. 1132.30. Israel have ;<r. me too Oy. 7. take anointing oil and a. him, 40. 13. ANOINTING Oil. [cense
44. 3. theirwickednessto/ir. me/(ja. i.'s<.(-.8. 17. 06. thou shall a. the altar to sanctify it, 40. 10. Eicd. 37. 29. he made the holy a. oil and pure in.
Kttk.K f 9. 1 v\\\ provoke to a. the hearts of many 30. 26. thou shalta. tl'.e tabernacle, 40. 9. Lev. 8. 12. he poured of the a. 01/ on Aaron's head
ilos. 12. 14. tphraim provoked him w a. bitterly 40. 11. thou shah a. the laver and his foot 10. 7. ibr the a. oil of the Lord is upon you
Co/. 3. 21. fathers, provoke not your children to a. I^fv 16. 32. and the priest whom he shall a. 21. 10. on whose head the a. 01/ was poured
6/.>:oW ANGER. Veut, C8. 40. but thou shalt not a. thyself wilh t'il .^!(m.4.l6. to the office of Eieazarpertaineth a. 01/
Iveh, 9. 17. thou aGod ready to pardon, slow to a Judg. g. 8. the trees w eiit to a. a king over them Jam. 5, 14. «, him with oil in the name of the
Psal. 103. 8. i/i)stf/o a -plenteous in merer, 145. 8. 15. if in truth ye a. me king over you ANON. [Lord
Prov. 15.18. he that is s/owto a, appeaseih strife l!uth3. 3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee Jilai. 13. 20. heareth, and a. with joy receiveth it
16. 32. he that is sloui to a. better than the mighty 1 Sam.Q.l6. shalt a. him 10 be captain over Israel AJari 1. 30. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him
Joel 2. 13. slosa toa.oi great kindness, JtDiah 4. 2. 15. 1. the Lord sent me io«. thee king over Israel ANOTHER. [of her
i\a/(. 1. 3. the Lord^ is slo^iVo a. ;ieat jn power 16. 3. thou shalta. him whom I name unto thee Gen. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel
ANGERED. 12. the Lord said, arise, a. him, this is he 30. 24. the Lord shall add to mc a. son
1 •^Vrm. 1. 1 6. and her adversary also «. her sore QSam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 43. 7. the man asked us, have ye a. brother'
Pial. 106. 32. they a. him at the wateis of strife 1 Kings 1 34. let Zaduk a. him king over Israel
. Z-.Vprf.22.9.1ost thing, which a. challcngeth to be his
ANGLE. 19. 15 a. ilazael king |1
16. a. Jehu, a. Elisha Lrv. 18. 18. thou shalt not take one wife to a.

Jsa. 19. 8. and all 'hey that cast a. shall lalneat Isa. 21. 5. arise ye princes, and a. the shield Ai/7H. 14. C4. Caleb, because he had a s-.iiit
Jlab. 1. 15. tl.ey take up all of them wilh the a. Van. 9. 24. seal up the vision, and a. the most Holy Jut/g. 2. 10. a. generation that knew not me Lord
ANGRY. 10. 3 neither did I a. myself at all, till weeks 16. 7. then shall I be weak, and be as a. man
Gen. 18. 30. let not the Lordbea. I'll speak, 32. ylmos 6. 6. a. themselves with the chief ointments 1 Sam. 10. 6. and shalt be turned into a. man
45. 5. be not a. with yourselves t"liat ye sold me Mc. C. 15. shalt tread the olives, "but not a. thee 9- and it w-as so, that God gave him a. heart
Lev. 10. 16. and Moses was a. with Eleazar and iljfl^. 6. 17. when thou fastest a. tliine head 2 Chron. 20. t 22. and they smote one a.
Deut. 1. 37. the Lord was a.with me for you.d- 21 Mrcrk 14.8. she is come to a. my body to the burying Lsth. 1. 19. let the king give her royal estate to a.
9- 8. Lord was a. with you to have destroyed you 16. 1. had bought spices that they might a. him Job ig. 27. whom mine eyes shall behold and not a.
20 the Lo^d^vas ve^- a. wit"h Aaroif, I prayed Luke 7. 46. my head with oil thou didst not a. Psal. ing. 8. let a. take his office, Acts 1. 20.
Jtidg. 18. 25. lest a. fellows nfti upon thee Kev. 3. 18 and a. thine eyes with eye-salve Prov. 25. 0. and discover not a secret to a.
C .bam. 19. 42. wherefore be ye a. for this matter ANOINTED. 27 2. let a. praise thee, and not thy own n:o>;tb
1 hings&.i6. and thou bea. w'iih thtni,ilC7(. 6. 36. F.xod. 29-29- garm. be Aaron's sons after him, to a. Isa. iC. 8. my glory will I not give to c. 48. 11.
11. 9. and the Lord was a, with Solomort J^iecause Lev. 4. 3. if the priest that is a do sin according to 4-1. 5. a. shall call himself by the name of Jacob
2 Kings 17. IB. therefore the L. was a. with Israel 6. 20. the offering of Aaron, when he is a. 57. 8. thou hast discovered thyself to a. than me
Eira 9. 14. wouldst thou not be a. with us till thou 7. 36. in the day that he a. them, by a statute 65. 15. and shall call his servants by a. name
JV«/i. 5. 6 1 was verj- a when 1 heard their cry 8. 10. a. the tabernacle 11 a. the altar, Xum.T.l
C6. + 17 and purify themselves one after a.
Psal. 2. 12 kiss the Son, lest hi»"bea. and ye perish 12.1Moses poured oil on Aaron's head, and a. him lios. 3. 3. and thou shalt not be for a. man
7. 11. Cod is a. with the wicked every day A'i«n.3.3.namesof the sons of Aaronwhich were a. 4. 4. yet let no man strive nor reprove a.
76. 7. who may stand when Cnce thou art a. .' 7. 10. the princes offered after it was a. 84, K8. Mat. 11. 3. art thou he, or do we look for a. f
79- 5. how long wilt thou be a ? C0«. 4. | 85. 5 1 -SVim.lO 1. the Lord a thee captain|115.17.a. Saul Mark 14. 19. began to say, is it I a. said, is it I f

Prov. 14. 17 he that is soon a. dealeth foolishly 16. 13. a David,e&.---i. 2.4,7. |£.3,17. j 12. 7. LukelO.T. then said he to a. how- much owcst thou
21. 19.ilwell ill wilderness, than with ana.woman 2 A'ing,c9. 3, 6, 12 iCAroM.n. 3. I 14. 8. 12. if not faithful in that which is a. man's
22. 24. make no friendship with an a man 2 Sam. 2. 7. the house of Judahhave a. me king 2 Cor 11. 4. a. Jesus, a. Spirit, or a. gospel
25. 23. so doth an a. countenance a backbiting 3 39. 1 am this day weak, though a. king, the sons Gal. 1. 7. which is not a. but there be some
29 22. a. man stirreth up strife, and a furious man 12. 20. David arose from the earth, and a. himself 6. 4. then have rejoicing in himself, and not in a
Keel. 5.6. whi-refore should God be a at thy voice- 23 1. David the a. of the God of Jacob said 1 Tim. t).l5. callings one of a. destitute of the trutn
7. 9. be not hasty in thy spirit to be a. Psal. 2. I 6. yet have I a. my king on Zion i/fi 3.13. exhort one a. while called to day, 10.25.
Cant. 1. 6. my mother's children were a wilh me /.la.Cl.l.the Lord hath a. me to preach, Luke i. IS 4. 8 ht would not have spoken of a. day
Isa. 12.1. thoagh thoawasta with me, thine anger Ezek C8 14 thou art the a. cherub that covers One Another, See Love.
Ezek. 16. 42. 1 will be quiet, and will be no more a. Luke 7. 38. she kissed his feet and a them One agninst ANOTHER.
Dan. 2. 12. for this cause the king was a 4G. but this woman hath a. my teel with ointment 1 .S'am.2.25. if one man sin against a.the jodge shall
Jonah 4. 1. itdispleased Jonah, and he was verya John 1 t 41. we fot:".d the Messiah, which is the a. Ur. 13. 14. I will dash them one against a.
4. the Lord said. Dost ihou well to be a. T l) 9 6 he a. tlie eyes of the blind man with clay 1 Cor. 4. 6. no one of you be puffed up one against a
9. he said, 1 do well to be a. even unto death 11. Jesus Blade clay, and a. mine eyes Jam, 6. 9. grudge not one against a. brethren
Mat. 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his brother 11 2 it was that. Mary which a. the Lord One for ANOTHER.
Ijuke 14.21 the master of the house being a. 12.3 then took Mary ointment and a. feet of Jesus 1 Cor. 11. 33. when ye come to eat, tarry oncfor c,
15. 28 and he was a. and would not go in Acts 4 27. holy cnild Jesus, whom thou hast a. 12. 25. members should have same care one for ar.
John 7 23. are ye a at me because I have made
10. 38. how Goda. Jesus of Nazareth with holy Jam. 5. 16. pray one for a, that ye m.iy be healed.
£;i/ a. and sin not, let not the sun gi down 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath a us is God A"NSWER
Ttt. 1.7. a bishop must be blameless, not soon a. ANOINTED Ones. Signifies, [1] To reply to a question, Vziv. 26. 4.
JS/if. 11. 18. the nations were a. thy wrath is come Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which stand [2] To begin to spenk, !chen no (juestion is asked,
JJis Dan. 2. 26. Acts 5. 8. [3] To uiincss. Gen
Gen. 42.21. that we saw the a of his soul ISam.C. 10. give strength, and exalt horn of //!> a. .30. 33. [4] To obey, Isa. 65. 12. Jer. 7. 1.3.
Eioii. 6. 9. butibey hearkened not to .Moses for a. 12. 3. witness against me before the Lord and his a. [5] To grant ztUat one desires in prayer, Psal.
Deui. 2. 25. tremble, and be in a. because of thee 5. the Lord and his a. is witness this day 27. 7. I 86. 7. Isa. 65. 24. [6] To give account.
S Sam. 1 9, slay me, for a. is come upon me Sam. 22. 51. thcweth mercy to his a. Psal.lB.50.
Job 9. 3. I 40. 2. [7] To punish, Ezek. 14. 7.
Job 7. 1 1. I will speak in the a. ofmy spirit Psal. 2. 2. against the Lord, and against his a. Geri. 41.16. God shall give Pharaoh an a. of peaco
15. 04 trouble and a. shall make him afraid 20. 6. now know I that the Lord saveth his a. Deut. 20. 11. if the city make thee ana. of peace
Pia/.liy. 143. (rouble and a. have taken hold on me 28. 8. and he is the saving strength of his a. C Sam. 24. 13. see what a. I shall return to him
Prov. 1, 27. when distress and a. come upon you Isa. 45. 1. thus saith the Lord to his a. to Cynis E'th 4. 15. Esther bade them return Mordecai thisa
Jsa. 8. 22. look to the earih,and behold d imness of a
30. 6. into the land of trouble and a. from whence
/xTrf'j Jib ig.l6.I called my .servant,and he gave me no a
1 Sam. iC. 6. surely the Lord's a. is before him 32. 3. because they had found noa. and conderoiKd
Jer. 4. 31. the a. as of her that bringelh forth child
24.6. I should do this to my master, the Lord's a. 35. 12. there they cry, but none giveth a,
6. 24. a. hath taken hold of us, 4M. 24. 50. 43
| 10. put my h.-ind against my lord, for he is L. a. Prov. 15. 1. a soft a. turneth away wrath
John 16.21. she remembereth no more her a. forjoy 26. 9. stretch his hand .-"gainst L.a.and be guiltless 23. a man hath jry by the a. of his montb
Jif<»n.2. 9. tribulation and a. upon every soul of man
16. to die, because ye have not kept the Lord's a. 16. ]. the a. of the tongue is from the Lord
SCiir.2.4. for out of much a. of heart 1 wrote to you
2 5am. 1.14. wast thou not afraid todestroy the L.a.' 24. 56. shall kiss his lips that giveth a right a,-
ANISE. 19' 21. put to death because he cursed the L's. a. Cant. 5. 6. I called him, but he gave me noa.
iiat S3. SS. ye pa; tithe of mint, a aLdcuiDDin L./m. 4. 20. the a. of Lord was taken in their pits Mic. 3. 7. cover the lips, forther* is no a of GoJ


/.uke 20. 46. and they marvelled at his a. ZecA. 1.13. the I/>rd a. the angel that talked to execute his prophetical and all his offices,
an4 to
Sohn 1.22 that we may give a. to them that sent us Afai. 20. 13. he a. one of them and said, friend send forth his apostles lopublisA the goipel,lleh.3,
ig. 9. whence art thou .'
Jesas gave him no a. 25. 26. his lord a. and said, thou wicked servant 1. [2] To a minister immediately tent by Christ la
Rom. 11. 4. but what saith the a. ot'God to him r ANSWERED not. preach the gospel, Mat. 10. 2. &al. 1. 1.
1 Cor 9- 3. mine a. to them that do examine me is 1 Sani. 4. 20. she a. not, iror did she regard it Pom. 1. 1. Paul called to be an a. 1 Cor. 1. 1
2 Cor. 1. + 9- but we had the a. of death in ourselves 14. 37. but he a. him not that day, 28. 6. 11. 13. inasmuch as I am the a. of the Gentiles
2 Tim. 4. 16. at my first a. none stood with me 2 Sam. 22. 42. looked, but a. them not, Ps. 18. 41. 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an a. .' am I not free ? 2.
1 Pet. 3. 15. and be ready to give ana. to every 1 Kings 18. 21. and the people a. him 710/ a word, 15. 9. that am not meet to be called an a.
21. but the a. of a good conscience towards God 2 Kings 13. 36. Isa. 36. 21. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Paul an a. of Jesus Christ, I^h. 1. 1.
ANSWERS. Jer. 7. 13. and I called you, but ye a. tioi, 35. 17. Col. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 1. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 1.
/al 21. 3i. seeing in your a. remaineth falsehood Mat. 15. 23. but he a. her not a word 12. 12. the signs of an a. were WTought among yoo
34. 36. because of his a. for wicked men ANSWERED and said. 1 3'<m. 2.7whereto I am ordained an a.S 7'im.l.ll.
Luie 2. 47 and all were astonished at his a.
. Eiod. 4. 1. INIoses a. and said, will not believe they Tit. 1. 1. Paul a seirant of God, and a. of Chrisl
ANSWER, reri 2A" ofhii'seirantsa. anrfiairf, let some lieb.Z.l. consider the a and high-priest of our prof.

Den. 30. 33. so shall my righteousness a. forme lieh. 2. 20. then a. I them a7id said unto them APOSTLES.
Deul. 27. 15. all the people shall a. and say amen Jol,i.^,<\>a.anis.6.1. \ 9.1. | 12.1 | I6.I. I9.I.|
-1/a^. 10. 2. now the names of the 12. a. are these
1 Kings 18. 1 26. they called, saying, O Baal a. us 7fa.21.9.he a. and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen Mark&. .30. the a. gathered themselves together
29. there was neither voice, nor any to a. Jer. 11. 5. then a. I and said, SO belt, O Lord Luke 6. 13. he chose twelve, whom he named a.
Job 13.22. call thou, and I will a. and a. thou me ANSWEREDST. 9- 10. the a. when they were returned, told him
23. 5. 1 would know the words that he would a. me Psal. 99. 8. thou a. them, O Lord our God, thou 11. 49. I will send them prophets and a.
31. 14. when he visiteth, what shall I a him ? 138. 3. in the day when I cried thou a. me 17. 5. the a. said to the Lord, increase our faith
33.12. will a. thee, God is greater than man, 35. 4. ANSWER EST. 22. 14 he sat down, and the twelve a. with him
40. 8. he that reproveth God, let him a. 1 Sam. 26. 14. David cried, a. thou not, Abner ' 24. 10. the women told these things to the a.
Psal. 2". 7. have ir.ercy also on me, and a. me Job 16. 3. what cmboldeneth thee, that thou a. .-' Acts 1. 26. he was numbered with the eleven a.
65. 5. by terrible thicks in right, wilt thou a. \vj -L'l/. 26. 62. a. thou nothing ? Mark 14. 60.
| 15 4. 2. 43. many signs were done by the a. 5. 12.
SC.7. will call on thee, for thou wilta. me,38.+lo. >in 18. 22. a. thou the high-priest so? 4. 35 laid them down at the a. feet, 37. | 5. 2.
102. 2. in the day when I call a. me speedily iio/rt 9. 1 20. who art thou that a. against God '.
5. 18. laid their hands on the a. and put them
108. (<. save with thy right hand, and a. mc ANSWER ETII. 8. 1, were all scattered abroad, except the a.
143. 1. O Lord, in thy faithfulness a. me 1 Sam. 28. 15 God is departed and a. me no more Horn. 16 7- who are of note among the a.
Prov. 15. S8. heart of the righteous studieth to a. 1 Kings 18. 21-. let the God that a. by fire, be God 1 Cor 4. 9. God hath set forth us the a. last
22. 21. that thou mightest a. the words of truth Job 12. 4. who calleth on God, and he a. him 12. 28. God hath set first a. 29. are all a.

£6. 5. a. a fool according to his folly, lest he be Pro-o. 18. 13. that a. a matter before he he.ireth 15. 9. for I am the least of the a. that am not meet
2sa. 14. 32. what shall one then a. the messengers 23. the poor intreat, hut the rich a. roughly 2 Cor. 11.5 not a whit behind the chiefest a. 12.11.
50. 2. when I called was there nont to a. .' 66. 4. 27. 19. as face a. to face, so the heart of man 13. such are false a. deceitful workers
58. 9- then shalt thou call, and the Lord will a. Eccl. 5. 20 God a. him in the joy of his heart Gal. 1 17 nor went to tliem that were a. before me

Dan. 3. 16. are not cartful to a. thee in this matter 10. 19. wine maketh merry, but money a all things 19. but other of the a saw I none, save James
JoelC. 19- yea the Lord will a. and say to his people iV/a/.2.tl2.Lord ^rillcut oft him that waketh and a. Eph 3. 5. as it is now revealed to his holy a.
Hai. 2. 1. what I shall a. when I am reproved Gal. 4. 25. and a. to Jerusalem that now is 4 11. he gave some a. and some prophets
Mat. 22. 46. no man was able to a. him a word ANSWERING 1 T/iess 2. 6. been burdensome as the a of Christ
Mark 11. 30. was it from heaven or of men a. me Luke 23. 40. but the other a rebuked him
2 Pet.ti.S of the commandment of us the a. of Lord
14. 40. neither wist they what to a. him Tit. 2. 9- servants be obedient, not a. again Jude 17. the words spoken before of tne a.
laifce 11.7. and he from within shall a. and say ANX, S. Pev. 2. 2. them which say they are a. and are not
12. 11. how or what thing ye shall a. or say Prov. 6. 6. go to the a. thou sluggard, consider 18. 20. rejoice over her, ve holy a. and prophets
13. S5 he shall a. I know you not whence you are 30. 25. the a. are a people not strong, yet prepare APOSTLE-SHIP
21. 14. not to meditate before what ye shall a. ANTIQUITY. .Signifies, The office of the apostles , uhich was, 10
S Cor. 5. 12. that ye may have somewhat to a. them Isa. 23. 7- joyous city, whose a. is of ancient davs preach the gospel,baplize,aork miracles, pltnt and
Col. 4. 6. may know how ye ought to a. every man ANVIL. confirm churches, and ordain ministers,yii\..\0. 1.
/a'/// ANSWER. Isa. 41. 7- encouraged him that smote the a. 28." 19. Acts 14. 23. 1 Cor. 3. 6.
/, J Kii// a. 14. 15. Ps. 91. 15. Jer.33 3 ANY. Acts 1. 25. that he may take part of this a.
Isa. 65. 24. come to pass, before they call 1 u-iU a. Exod. 11. 7- against a. of the children of Israel Rom. 1. 5. by whom we have received grace and a.
Exek. 14. 4. /the LordrnV/a. him that Cometh, 7. Lev, 4. 2. if a soul shall sin against a. of the coni- 1 Co.' 9 2. the seal of mine a. are ye in the Lord
Net ANSWER. mandracnts, 13. 22, 27. { 5. 17 Gal. 2. 8. wrought effectually in Peter to the a.
Cieri. 45. 3. Joseph's brethren could not a. him 6. 3. lieth, in a. of all these that a man doth APOTHECARY.
llxod. 23. t 2. shalt 7iot a. in a cause to deiline W<;Hf.32.39. nor a. iha; can deliver out of my hand Exod. 30. 25. ointment compounded after art of a.
2 Sam. 3. 11. he could not a Abntr a word 2 Sam. 7.7. spake I a word with a. 1 Cliron.'vi 6. . .35 a confection after the art of the a. 37. S9.
2 Kings 38. 30. king's command, was, a. ?wt, Tsa. 9. 1. is there yet a. left of the house of Saul .'
Eccl 10. 1. dead flics cause the ointment of the a.
Job 9 3. he cannot a. him one of athousand [30. 21. 1 Kings 18. 26. was no voice, nor a. that answered APPARENTLY.
Prov. 1. 28. they shall call, but I will not a. Job 33. 27. he looketh, and if a. say. I have sinned Num. 12. 8. with him will I speak even a. and not
26. 4. a. 7iot a fool according to his folly, lest thou Psal. 4. 6. many say, who will shew us a. good : APPAREL.
29. 19- for though he understand, he wiU not a. 5. + 9- "o faithfulness in the mouth of a. of ihcm .Tudg. 14. 1 19- Samson slew 30 men, and took a.
Isa. 65. 12. because when I called, ye did 110/ a. Prov. 30. 30. a lion turneth not away for a. 2 Sam. 12. £0. David arose and changed his a.
Jer. 7. 27. thou shalt call, but they will not a. thee Isu.H 8. there is no God, I know not a. 1 Kings 10. 5. queen of Sheba had seen the attend
Luke 14. 6. they could not a. him again to these Amos 6. 10. he shall say, is there yet a. with thee .- ance of his ministers, and their u. 2 C/.ron. 9. 4.
22. 68. if I ask you, you will not a. nor let me go Marka 26. nor go nor tell it to a. in the town Isa. 3. 22. the changeable suits of a. and mantles;
ANSWERABLE. 11. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against a. 4.1. we will eat our own bread and wear our own a
-Exod. 38. 18. a. to the hangings of the court Luke 8 43. had spent all, nor could be healed of a. 63. 1. who is this that is glorious in his a. T
Mat. i. t 8. bring forth fruit a. to amendment Acts 9 2. if he found a. of this way, men or women Zeph. 1. 8. and all such as are clothed in strange a.
ANSWERED. 1 Cor 6.12. I will not be brought under power of a Acts I. 10, two men stood by them in white a.
/i/ of Penuel a. as the men of Succoth a. Ja?n. 1. 5. if a. lack wisdom, let him ask of God 20.33. I nave coveted no man's silver or a.
1 6'am.3.4.the Lord called, and he a. here am 1,16. 2 Pet. 3. 9- not willing that a. should perish rV'(>n.2.9 thatwomen adorn themselves in modesta.
18. 7. the women a. one another as they played 2 Ji)/ml0.if therecome a. and bring not this doctrine Jam. 2.5. it a man come in goodly a. and a poor
2 &r»».19.42.the men of Judah a.the men of Israel See FimTHEK,GoD, Wan, MouE,Tui.NG,T'.Mr., 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of wearing gold, or putting on a.
1 Kiri^s 2. 30. thus said Joab, and thus he a. me Wise. Any
lolule, see Dead. See Royal.
12.13. the king a. people roughly, 2 C'/iro«.10.13. APACE, see Flee, Tled. APPARELLED.
1 A"iH5il8.26.l)iit there was no voice, a. AI'ARP. 2 Sa7». 13. 18. the king's daughters, virgins, were, a.
i C/iron. 25. 9- the man of God a. the Lord is able Erod. 13. 12. shalt set a. all that open the matrix Lukel. 25. behold thcv which arc gorgeously a.
Job 11. 2. sho'ild not the multitude of words be a. .' Lei'. 15. 19 she shall be put a. seven days APPEAL, ED. [21.
Ezei. 37. 3. I fl. O Lord God, thou knowest 18. 19. thou shalt not approach, as long as she is a. Acta 25. 11 no man deliver me, I a. unto Cesar,
J)a)i. 2. 14. IJaniel a. with counsel and wisdom Ne/i. 12. +47. set a. holy things to the Levites 20. 32. been set at liberty, if he liad no. a. to
Mic. 6. 5. what Balaam the son of Beor a. him Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath .set a. him that is godly tIJesar 28. I9. 1 was constrained to a. to Cesar
Mat. 27.12. when he was accused he a. nothing, 14. Zec/t. 12. 12. every family rf. their wives c. 14 APPr.AR
Mark 14. 6I I 15. 3, 5. Luke 23. 9. AJat. 14. 13. Jesus departed into a desert place a. Signifies, [Ij To be in sight. Gen. 1. 9. Ileb. 11. 3.
Mark 12. 28. perceiving tliat he had a. well 23.he went up into a mountain a. 17.1. Luke 9.28. [T*! To come k£ore, Exod. 34.23. Acts 22. 30.
34. when Jesus saw that he a. discreetly 17. 19- 'ben came the disciples to Jesus a [<J] 'Jobe disiovercd, or laid open, Jer. 13. 21J.
Jlcts 15. 13. after they held their, James a. Mark 6. 31. and he said, come yc yourselvesji. [4] To present one's acit at an arfr'<'fa^<,IIeli.9.24.
22. 8. I a. who art thou. Lord ? and he said to me Jam. 1. 21. wherefore lay a. all fdthiness Gen. 1 .9. God said,
let the dry land a. and it was so
25. 8. while he a. for himself, 26. 1. AvES,see Peacocks. Liod. 23. ti. and none shall a. before me empty
ANSWERED, meant 0/ God. APIECE. 34. 20. Dcut. 16. iS
Cen. 35. 3. who a: me in the d.ay of my distress Krim. 3. 47. thou shalt take five shekels a. by poll 17. three times in the year all males shall a
£xoi/ ig.iy.Moses spake, and God a. him by a voice 7. 86. the golden spoons weighing ten shekels ft. .34. 24. desire thy land, when thou siialt go too.
1 Ham. 7. t 9- Samuel cried, and the Lord a. him 17 6. every one of their primes gave him a rod a.
. 7J('u/.31.11.wheii all Israel is come to a. before L.
3 Sam. 21. 1. and the Lord a. it is for Saul 1 Kings 7- 15. two pillars eighteen cubits high a. Psal. 42. 2. when shall I come and a. before God
ICAroH. 21. C6 he a. him from heaven by fire L7tke 9. 3. neither take money, nor have two coals a. \iO. 16. let thy work a. to thy .^en-ants, and gloiy
28. when David saw that the Lord had 'a. him John 2. 6. containing two or three firkins a. Cant. 2. 12. the (lowers a. on the earth, the time of
P.ta/. 81. 7- 1 "• thee in the secret place of thunder Apollyon, see GiiJiEK.. 4. 1. thy hair as a Hock of goats that a. 6. 5.
99- 6. they called on the Lord, and he n. them APOSTLE ha. 1. 12. when ye come to a. before mc
118.5. tnu Lord a. me, and set me in a large place Signifies, A messenger sent tipon ajty special errand, Jer. 13. 26. will discover, that thy shame may a
Jsa. 6. 11. he a. till the cities be wa.sted without Rom. 16. 7. 2 Cor. 8. 23. It is applied [1] To /•.'iiri.21.24.50 that in all your doings your sins do «,
./er. 2:i 35. what hath the Lord a. and spoken, 37 Christ Jesus ; :v/io :^as sent from heaven to assume Mat 6. 16. that they may a. to men to fast
Bad. 2. 2. the Lord a, me, write the visiuu eur naluri, and worn out salvation, uith uuihorily li. Sb. eveu sj jc ouuvuriiJy u. righteous uulo men
Ma/.S4.30.tlien shall a. the sign of the Son of man APPETITE. 1 ThfSS,5,g,Goi hath not a. us to wrath, but ol^laln
Luie 11. 44. for ye are as graves which a. not Job S8. 39. wilt thou fill the a. of the young liens .' 2 Tim.1,11, whereunto I am a. a preacher, apostli
19. 11. they thought the kingdom of God should a. Prov. 23. 2. to thy throat, if thou be a man given to a. Tit. 1. 5. and ordain elders in every city, as 1 a
Acis C6. 16. of things in which I will a. to thee />f/. 6. 7. all labour for mouth, yet a. not filled Ihi 3. 2. who was faithful to him that a, him
Hum.l. 1.3. but sin, that it might a. sin, working Jsa. 29. 8. but he awakcth, and his soul hath a. 9. 27. and as it is a. to men once to die, but i.'^ier

t Co; .5.10. we must all a. before the judgment-seat 56. T 11. they are strong of a. nut satisfied whereunto also they were a
1 /"c/. 2. 8. disobedient,

Col. 3. 4. when Christ who is our life shall a. then of' the eiieAPPLE APPOINTED time and time..
1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may a. to all Dent. .32. 10. ne kept him as the a. of his eye Gen. 18. 14. at the time a. will I return to thee
Jieb. 9. 24. now to a. in the presence of God for us Psal. 17. 8. keep me as the a. oj the eye, hide me Eiod 9-5. the Lord a. a set time, saying, to-morrow
28. to them shall he a. the second time to salvation Prov. 7. 2. keep my law as the a. oJ' thine eye 23. 15. thou shalt eat unleavened bread in time a.
11. .3. were not made of things which do a. 2. 18. let not the a. of thine eye cease 1 Ham. 13. 8. according to the set time Samuel a.

t /Vr4.]8. where shall the ungodly and sinner a. .' Zech. 2. 8. toucheth you, toucheth the a. of his eye 20 35. Jonathan went into the field at (he time a.
5-4. when the chief .Shepherd shall a. shall receive APPLI>TREE. 2 6am, 20.5. tarried longer than the set time a. hint
lJu/iM2.28.when he shall a. we mayhave confidence CaJi/ the a.-tree among the trees of the wood P.\ih. 9. 27. according to their a. time every yeas
3. 2. it dolh not yet a. what we shall be, but we 8. 5.1 raised thee up under the a.-tree, thy mother Joh 7. 1. is there not an a. lime to man on earth'
know that when he shall a. we shall be like him Joel 1. 12. the palm-tree and a.-tree are withered 14. 14. all the days of my a. ^i//;« will 1 wait till
Rtv. 3. 18. the shame of thy nakedness do not a. APPLES. Psal. 81. 3. blow up the trumpet in the time a.
Arri:AU, re/erred to Gou. Vrov. 25. II. like a. of gold in pictures of silver Isa. 14. 31. and none shall be alone in hisa. times
Lev. 9. 4. for to-day the Lord will a. to you, 0. Cant. 2. 5. comfort me with a. for 1 am sick of love 40. t 2. cry, that her a. time is accomplished
16.2. I will a. in the cloud ou the 7.8.brea5ts asclusters.and smell of thy nose like a. Jer, 8. 7. the stork in heaven knoweth her a. timet
1 Sam. 2. 27. did 1 plainly a. to the house of thy APPLY. 46. 17. Pharaoh, he h.ith passed the time a.
father Psal. go. 12. that we may a. our hearts to wisdom Van. 8. ly. for at the ti?ne a. the end shall be
£ C/iron. 1. 7- that night did Ood a. to Solomon Prov. 2. 2. and a. thine heart to understanding 10. 1 the thing was true, but the time a. was long

Psal. 102. 16. build up Zion, he shall a. in his glory 22.17. hear words, a. thine heart to my knowledge 11. 27. f»r yet the end shall be at the time a.
7fa.(JC.5.but he shall a. to your joy, they ashamed 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction, and thine ears 29. at tlje lime a. shall return, and come south
Acts 26. 16. of those things in the which I will a. APPLIED. 35. time of the end, because it is yet for a time a,
APPKAKANCE. £((/. 7. 25. 1 a. my heart to know and seek wisdom Ilai, 2.3. the vision is ydt for an a. time, wait for il
J\'um. 9. 15. was on tabernacle as the a. of fire, I6. 8. 9. I a. my heart to every work that is done .lets 17. 26. God hath determined limes before a.
1 Sam. 16. 7. for man looketh on the outward a. 16. when 1 a. mine heart to know wisdom G«/.4.2.under tutors, until the ^iwiea.of the f.ither
i)a«.8.15.stood before me as the a. of a man, 10.18. llos. 7. t 6. they have a. their heart like an oven API'OINTETII.
10. 6. his face as the a. of lightning, his eyes as APPOINT I'sal, 104. 19. he a. the moon for seasons, the sun
John'. 24. judge not according to the a. but judge Signifies, [1] To constitute or ordain. Josh. 20. 9. Dan, 5, 21. he a. over it whomsoever he will
2 Cor. 5. 12. which glory in a. and not in heart [2] To asiign or allot. Numb. 4. 19. [3] To set APPOINTMENT.
10. t1. who in outward a. am base among you over. Gen. 41.31. Lev. 26. 16. [4] To decree. Xum. 4.27. at the a. of Aaron and his sons shall be
7. do ye look on things after the outward a. .' Acts 17. 31. lleb. y. 27. [5] To jivryoie or re- .fosh. t 5. when kings were assembled by a.
1 'i'hess. 5. 22. abstain from all a. of evil solve. Acts 20. l.i. [6] Tofiromise, Luke 22. 2y. Ezra 6. 9. wheat, salt, according to a. of the priests
APPEARED. [7] To noniina/e or yrtjii. Acts 28. 23. [8] To 2 .Va«( the a, of Absalom this determined
'^tH. 12.7. the L. a. to Abram and said, I*. 1. I 18.1. coinniandor order, 2^d.m, 15.15. [9] Toestahlish Joi 2. 11. they had made ana. together to come
26. 2. the Lord a. to Isaac, and said, go not, 24. or settle, Prov. 8. 29. [10] To set, or place, APPREHEND
48. 3. Jacob said, God Almighty a. to me at Luz 2 Kings 10. 24. Neh. 7. 3. [H'j Tolimit, 1 Sam. Signifies, To Acts 12. 4.
seize, or take prisoner,
J-Sxod, 3.2.angel of the Lord a. in midst of the bush 13. 11. [12] To ordain or set apart for an office, That 1 may
apprehend that for which also i am
4. 1. they will say, the Lord hath not a. to thee Acts 6. 3 apprehended of Christ Jesus, I'hil. 3. 12. That
6. 3. I a. to Abraham by name of God Almighty Gen. 30. 28. a. me thy wages, and I will give it J may obtain that prize, for the obtaining
14. 27. the sea returned when the morning a. 41. 34. let Pharaoh a. olhcers over the land tcheieof I :cas laid hold on by Christ, converted
S Sam. 22. 1(). and the channels of the sea a. Lev. 2ti. Ifi. I will a. over you terror, consumption and brought into the uay of salvation, uhen X
1 Kings 11.9. which had a. to Solomon twice A'kw.4. 19. Aaron andhis sons a. everyone to service ;cas running nu to desliuclion,
£ Ki)i!;s 2. II. behold there a. a chariot of fire 2 .bawl. 6. 21. to a. me ruler over the people of Lord 1 Kings 18.140. a. the prophets of Baal, and let none

AWj. t. 21 we laboured in the work till the stars a.

7. 10. 1 will a. a place for my people Israel, and 2 Cor. 11. 32. with a garrison desirous to a. me
Jer. 31.3. the Lord halh a. of old to me, saying Job 14. 13. that thou wouldest a. me a set time Phil, 3. 12. 1 may a. that for which also 1 am appt
Mat. 2. 7. Ilerod inquired what time the star «. Isa. 26. 1. salvation will God a. for walls and bul- APPREHENDED.
13. C6. the blade sprung, then a. 'he tares also 61. 3. to a. them that mourn in Zion, to give [warks Acts 12. 4. when he a. Peter, he put him in prison
17.3. there a. to them Moses and Elias, Mari[).i. Jcr. 15. 3. 1 will a. over them four kinds, saiih L. Pull. ;',, 12. for which I am a. of Christ Jesus
27.53. and went into the holy city,and a. to many 49. ly. and who isa chosen man ^hat I may a. 13. brethren, I count not myself to have a. but
iiari 16 y. .Icsus a. first to Mary Magdalene over her who will a. me the time 50. 44.
.• .'
I2.aflerthat he a. in another form to two of them 51. 27. will the kingdoais a. a captain against her Signifies, [ll To draw nigh, or come near, S Sam. 11,
14. after he a. to the eleven as they sat at meat Eiek. 21. ly. a. these two ways 20. a. a way that
|| 20. [2] Jo draw near to Ood in the duties of hia
L,uie 1.11. there a. to him an angel of the Lord Uos. 1. 11. they shall a. themselves one head Korship, Psal. 65. 4. Isa. 58. 2. [3] To fu>*.
9. 31. who a. in glorj-, and spake of his decease Mat, 24.51. a. him his portion with the hypocrites tract marriage aith. Lev. 18. 6. [4j To hasten,
22. 43. there a. an angel to him, strengthening him Luke 12. 46. a. him his portion with unbelievers or dia-ui on. Deut. 31. 14.
24. 34. the Jxird is risen indeed, and a. to Simon 22. 29. I a. you a kingdom, as my Father unto me Lev. 18. 6. none of you shall a. to any near of kin
Acts 2. 3. there a. to them cloven tongues like fire Acts6. 3. seveu men whom we a. over this business 21. 17. not a. to offer the bread of his Goa, in
7. 2. the God of glory a. to our father Abraham APPOINTED. Veul. 20. 3. yea. this day to battle against enemies
9. 17. even Jesus, that a. to thee in the way Oen.Ql. 14. be she that thou hast a. for thy servant 31. 14. behold, thy days a. that thou must die
26. 16. I have a. to thee for this purpose .\;i»i.y.2. Israel keep the passover in a. seasons, 3. Jub 40. ly. can make his sword to a. to him
27. 20. and when neither sun nor stars a. 7. may not offer an ofl^ering, but at an a. season /v. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou causeth to a.
7'ii. 2. 11. the grace of God hath a. to all men 13. because he brought not offering in a. season Jer, 30. 21. he shall a. to me, for who is tnis that
3. 4. after the love of ilod toward man c. Josh. 20. 9- these were the cities a. for refuge engaged his heart to a. to me, saith the Lord?
Hei. 9. 26. ill the end hath he a. to put away sin ^«i/?. 20. 38. there was an a. sign between Israel and 1 Tim.6. 16. dwelling in the light no man can a. unto

liev. 12. 1. there a. a great wonder in heaven. 3. 1 Ham. 13. 11. thou camest not within the d.ays «. APPROACHED.
APPEAKETII. ly. 20. Samuel standing as a. over them, the .Spirit 2 Sam. 11. 20. wherefore a. ye so nigh the city ?

I-ev. 13.43. as the leprosy u. in the skin of the flesh 2 .iaHi.17. 14. the Lord had a. to defeat the counsel 1 Kings 20. i 13. there a. a prophet to Ahab
Veiit. 2. 30. that he might deliver him, as a. this 1 Kings 1. 35.1 have a. him to be ruler over Israel 2 Kings 16. 12. the king a. to the altar and ottered-
Psal. 46. i 5. God .shall help her, when morning a. 2o. 42. let go a man whom I had a, to destruction J'sal. 27.12. when my enemies a. they stumbled
84. 7. every one of ihem in Xion a. before God Aeh. 6. 7. thou hast a. prophets to preach of thee Isa. 8. t 3. I a. to the prophetess, she bare a soo
Prozi. 27. 25. the hay a. and the tender grass 9.17. in their rebellion a. a captain to return, but APPROACHETH, ING.
Jer.6.l forevil a. out of the north, and destruction Jo/i 7- 3. and wearisome nights are a. to me La. 58. 2. they take delight in a, to God
Mai. 3. 2. and who shall stand when he a. / 1 1. 5. thou hast a. his bounds, that he cannot p,ass Luke 12. 33. where no thief a. nor molli corrupte.'h
Jam. 4. 14. your life is even 3.S a vapour that a. £0. 29. and the heritage a. to him byCiod liti. 10.25. and so much more as ye see the day- a.
APPEARING. 2l'. S3, to death, and to the house a. for all living APPROVE
1 Tim. 6. 14. keep commandment till a. of our L. ^'iu/. 44. 11. thou hast given us like sheep a. for meat Signifies, To commend, Psal. 49- 13.
like or
C Tim. 1. 10. but isnow made manifest by the a. 78. 5. a. a law in Israel, which he commanded Ajipi'oved of God, Acts 2. 22. Demonstrated, and
4. 1. who shall judge the quick and dead at his a. 79- 11. preserve thou those that are a. to die bcvnd any contradiction proved, to be the Messiah
8. but to all them also that love his a. 102. 20. to loose those that are a. to death Psal. 49. 13. yet their po.«.terity a. their sayings
Til. 2. 13. looking for glorious a. of the great God Prov. 7- 20. he will come home at the day a. 1 Cor. 16. 3. whom you shall a. by your letters

1 Ptt. 1. 7. be found to praise at the a. of Jesus 8. 2y. when he a. the foundations of the earth Phil. 1.10. that ye niav a. things that are excellent
APPEASE. 31.8. in cause of all such as area, to destruction APPROVED.
Oen. 32. 20. I will a. him with the present }sa. 1. 14. new-morns and your a. feasts my soul Acts C. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God among you
Appeased, ktii. 47. 7- and who, since I a. the ancient people liiim. 14. 18. is acceptable to God, and a. of'^men'
JEjM. S. 1. Ahasuerus a. he remembered Vashti Jcr. 5. 24. he reserveth the a. weeks of the harvest 1(3. 10. salute Appellesa. in Christ, salute Aristob.

Prov. 15. 18. he that is slow to anger a. strife 47. 7. against the sea-shore, there haih he a. it 1 Cdr.ll.ig.they that are a. may be made manilcJt
Acts 19. 35. when the town-clerk had a. the people Lze/c. 4. 6. 1 have a. thee each day for a year 2 Cor. 7. 11. in all things you have a. yourselves
APPERTAIN. Mic. 6. 9- hear ye the rod, and who hath a. it 10. 18. not he that commendeth himself isa.
Jfiim. 16. .30. earth swallow them, with all that a. Mat, 27. 10. gave for the pouer's field, as the L. a. 13. 7. not that we should appear a. but that ye
Jcr.lO.T, who would not fear, for to thee dolh it a. Luie 3. 13. exact no more than what is a. you 2 'Tim, 2. 15. study to shew thyself a. unto God
Hfe Pektain- 10. 1. after these the Lord a. other seventy APPROVEST, EIH.
APPERXAINED. 22.29. to you a kingdom, as my lather hath a. me Lam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, the Lord a. not
Aion. id. 32. and all the men that a. to Korah, 33. Acts 1. 23. they a. two. Joseph and Maithi.os Rom, 2. 18. a. the things that are more excellent
APPERlAlNEni, l.NG 17. 31. he hath a. a day in which he will jtidge APPROVING.
Ltr. 6. 5. and give it to hiui to whom it a. 1 CW.4.9. God hath set us apostles last, a. to death 2 Cor. 6. 4. but in all things «. ourselves as mi-
&)>«. 4. 1. Abraham, our father, as a to the flesh 1 Then. 2. 3. for you know that we area, thereto 'niitert


APRON, S. Ca!j<.2.1S. a. my love, my fair one, and come awjiy 2 Sam. 7- !. tnt the ». of Gid dwellet'n within
Gtn.S-T.ihty sewed fig-leaves together, and made a. ha. 21. 5. a. ye princes, and anoint the snield [c'lTtiim
Rta/i 3. 1 15. brin? the a. thou hast, aod hold it 26. 19. together with my dead body shall they a. 15. 25. carry back the a. of God into the city
^ from his body were brought to the sick a. 49. 7. kings shall a. princes shall worship 1 Vlir. 13.12. how shall I bring the a.of God home
APT. Go 1. a. shine, for thy light is come, and the glory 15. 2. none ought to carry the a.of God but Levites
2 Kin^.t 21. l6. a. for war, king of Babylon brought 2. but the Lord ihall a. upon thee, and his glory AR.M
1 J7m..^.2.abishop must be a. to teach, 2 ^iwi.2.24. Jer. 2. 27. in trouble they will say, a. save us Signifies, [1] Tliai part of the body so called, 2 Sam.
ARCHANGEL. 8. 4. saith the Lord, shall they fall, and not a. .' I. 10. [2] Outward strength, and all the instru.

1 1'/iessA. iG. shall descend with the voice of the a. 31. 6. a. ye, let us go up to /ion to the Lord menis of cruelty and mischief used by the wicked,
V uJe 9. llichael the a. when contending with devil Lam. 2. 19. a. cry out in the night, pour out thy Fsal. lb. 15. [3] God's infinite power in creating
ARCHER, S. Dan. 2. 39. after thee shall a. another kingdom the viorld, Jer. 27. 5. 32. 17.
| [4] The mighff
Gfn. 21. 20. Ishmael grew and became an a. .Inios"! .i. O Lord, by whom shall Jacob a. for he is, 5. power of God making the gospel effectual to the
49 23. the a. have sorely grieved him, and shot .Mic. 2. 10. a. ye and depart, this is not your rest conversion of sinners, Isa. 53. 1. John 12. 38.
1 dam. 31. 3. and the a. hit him, 1 Chron. 10. 3. 4. 13. a. and thresh, O daughter of Zion, I will I'.xod. 15. 16. by greatness of thine a. they shall be

Job 16. 13. his a. compass me round about 7. 8. O mine enemy, when I fall I shall a. L>e>tt. 33. 20. he teareth the a. with crown of head

/la. 22. 3. thy rulers (led, they are bound by the n. Hub. 2. 19. wo tohim that saith to the dumb stone a. 1 Sam. 2.31. behold the days come when I will cnt

Jer. 51.3. against him that bendeth let a. beni bow .Va/.4.2.ycu that fear shall the Sunofrighteousn. a. off thy a. and the a. of thy father's house
ARCHES. Mat.g. 5. is it easier to say a. and walk r ^Ja^tQ.g. 2 Sam. 1. 10. I took the bracelet that was on his a.
Eiek. 40. 16. there were narrow windows to the a. 24.24. for there shall a. false Christs,false prophets 2 Chron. 32. 8. with him is an a. of flesh, with ui
ARE 5. 41. damsel, I say to thee a. Luie 8. 54.
.'\lari Ezra 4. t 23. made tliem to cease by a. and power
Signifies, [1] To be of great value arid esteem amons I.iike 7. 14.Lord said, young man, I say to thee a. Job 26. 2. savest thou the a. that hath no strength
men, 1 Cor. 1. 28. [2] 2- have autliorUyfrom. 13. 18. I will a. and go to my father, and say 31. 22. let my a. fall from my shoulder-blade
1 John 4. 1. [3] Reputed, judged, esteemed, 21. 38. and why do thoughts a. in your hearts? 35. 9. cry out by reason of the a. of the mighty
1 Cor. 7. U. [4] liepresettt, 01' betoken, Gen. John 14. 31. even so I do, a. let us go hence
38. 15. and the high a. shall be broken
41. 26, 27. Rev. 1. 20. .lets 9. 40. turning to the body said, Tabitha, a. 40. 9. hast thou an a. like God r or canst thunder
Things which are not, 1 Cor. 1. 28. Which are 20. 30. also of your own selves shall men a. speaking I'sal. 10. 15. break thou the a. of the wicked

of so small esteem, as if thetf had iio beiug. 22. 16. why tarriest thou.' a. and be baptized 44. 3. nor did their own a. save them, but thy a
Oen. 18. 24. for the fifty righteous that a. therein Efih. 5. 14. a. from the dead, and Christ shall give 71. t 18. I have shewed thy a. to this generation
31. 15. a. we not counted of him strangers 2 /'</. 1. 19. till the day-star a. in your hearts
.' 77. 15. thou hast with thy a. redeemed thy people
42. 36. Jacob said, all these things a. against me See Ri.sE. 8y. 13. thou hast a mighty a. strong is thy hand
Biod. 8. 21. and also the ground whereon they a. ARISETH. 21. mine a. also shall strengthen him
iV/im. 15. 15. as ye a. so shall the stranger be 1 Kings 18. 44. behold, there a. a little cloud 98. 1. his holy a. hath gotten him the victory
Deut.i 11. a thousand times so many more as yea. Psal. 112. 4. to the upright a. light in darkness Cant. 8. 6. set me as a seal on thine a,
1 Kings 8. 8. and there they a. to this day Jia. 2. 19. when he a. to shake terribly the earth, 21. Isa. 9. 20. they shall eate^ery man the ftesh of his a.
Job. m. +24. a. exalted for awhile, but a. not .Mat. 13.21. when persecution a. Murki. 1*. 33.2. be thou their a. every morning, our salvatior:
38.35. that they may go and say to thee, here we a. Julm 7. 52. search, for out of Galilee a. no prophet 40. 10. God will come, and his a. shall rule for him.
Psal.Ga.i^f). bless ye God, ye that a. of the fountain Ilcb. 7. 15. after the similitude of JIelchi:edec a. II. he shall gather the lambs with his a.
107. 27. they stagger, and a. at their wit's end See Su.N. 51. 5. mine a. shall judge the people, the isles sh.all
Lam. 5. 7. our fathers have sinned, and a. not ARK wait upon me, and on my a. shall they trust
AmosQ. 1 a. yet not as children of Ethiopians to me
. Signifies, [1] A
chest or cojfer to keep things sure 9. put on strength, O a. of the Lord, awake
Na/i. 3. 17. the place is not known where they a. or secret, Exod. 2. 3. [2] The great vessel in 52. 10. the Lord hath made bare his holy a.
J\fat. 2. 18. not be comforted, because they a. not uhich Noah and his family uere preserved during 53. 1. who hath believed our leport? and to whom
6.26. fcwlsof air, a. ye not much better than they the food, in length Sil feet. Gen. 6. 14, 15. is the a. of the Lord revealed John 12. .'58

V2. 39. but a. as the angels of God in heaven Ileb. 11. 7. [3] That chest jcherein the t:co 59. 16. therefore his a. brought salvation, 63. 5.
Jl/a-i 6. 3. and a. not his sisters here with us .'
tables of the law, Aaron's rod, and the jiot vf 62. 8. Lfiru hath sworn by the a. of his strength.
Luie 13. 25. I know not whence you a. 27. manna nere kept, Exod. 37. 1. Heb. g. 4. 63. 12. that led them with his glorious a.
18. 11. God, I thank thee, I am not as other men a. The ark of thy strength, Psa/. 132. 8. The seat of Jer. 17. 5. cursed be he that maketh flesh his a
Johji 17. li. given me, that they may be one, as we a. thii powerful and glorimis presence, from whence 21.5. I will fight against you with a strong a.
Ji^m. 15. 27- andtheirdebtors they a. for if Gentiles thou dost put forth and manifest thy strength in Kzek, 4. 7. and thine a. shall be uncovered
1 Ccr. 1. 28. things which a. not, things that a. behalf of thy people, vchen they desire and need it. 22. i 6. were in tnee to their a. to shed blood
2 Cor. 11. 22. a. they Hebrews r a. they Israelites r Was seen the ark of his testament, liev. 11. ly. 30. 21. 1 have broken a. of Pharaoh king of 1 gjl'f
a they the seed of AbrahaD< ' so am I Christ the Hue Ark of our covenant, more knoun, 31. 17. they went down into hell that where his a.
JTeb. 4. 15. tempted like as we a. yet wi'hout sin and the mysteries of religion made more common Dull. 11. 6. she shall not retain the power of the a.
liev. 1. 19. write the things which a. and shall be and familiar thun formerly, either under the Zech. 11. 17. sword be on his a. his a. be dried up
•4. 11. for thy pleasure they a. and were created Old Testament dispensation, or during the reign £11^1; 1. 51. he hath shewed strength with bis u.

10. 6. created heaven and things which therein a. of anli-christ. Acts 13. 17. with an high a. brought he them out
ARGUING. Ocn. 6. 14. make thee an a. of gopher-wood SlretchCil-out ARM.
Job 6. 25. but what doth j'our a. reprove 7. 18. and the a.went on the face of the waters Exod.6.6. 1 will redeem you with a sirelched-out a
ARGUMENTS. i'.iod. 2. 3. she took for him an a. of bulrushes Deut. 4. .34. assayed to take nation with jrr.-<iur a.
Joi 23. 4. I would mv mouth
fill with a. 25. 16. and thou sha't put into the a. the testimony 5. 15. tnc Lord thy God brought thee out thence
ARIGHT. which I shall give thee, 21. | 40. S, 2o'. w'lfhi. siretcAed-out a. 7. 19- I 26. 8. Jer. 32. 21.
Psal. 50.m. to him that ordereth his conversationa. 37. 1. Bezaleel made the a. of shittim-wood 11. 2.your children have not seen his j/r.-owf a.
73. 8. a generation that set not their heart a. Num. 3. 31. their charge shall be the a. and tables 2 Chr. 0.32. stranger is come for thy stretchcd-out a
I'rov. 4. + 26. all thy ways shall be ordered a. J«/i.4.11.a.of L. e.l2. lSam.i.6. | 6.1. iSam.C.i). I'sal. 136. 12. with a itrelched-out a. for his mercy
15. 2. the tongue of the wise useth knowledge a, 1 Sam. fi. 19. he smote because they looked into a. /fr.27.5. 1 made earth by my stietched-out a. 32. 17.
'2Z' 31. the wine, when it moveth itself a. 2 Sam. 11. 11. the a. and Israel abide in tents Kzek. 20. 33. with a sti etched out a. will 1 rule over
Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened, but they spake not a. 1 A'>«gj 2. 26. because thou barest the a. of theLord 34. I will gather vou with a stretchtd-oux a. and
ARISE 8. 9. was nothing in the a. save the two tables ARM-HOLES. [fory
Signifies, [1] Tj take rise, or proceed from. Acts 1 Chron. (). 31. after that the a. had rest Jer. 3S. 12. put these rotten rags under thy a.'-holit
20. 30. [2] To repevt, Eph. 5 14. [3] To be 13. 3. let us bring again the a. of our God to us Eztk. 13. 18. wo to thtm that .sew pillows to a.-hofu
raised and comfo-led, Amos 7-2. It is like- 9. Uzza put forth his hand to hold the a. A R.MS.
iciie a word of encouragement, to excite one to do 13. 1. Daviil prepared a place for the a. of God Gen. 49. 24. the a. of his hands w ere made strong
a Ming, Josh. 1. 2. Acts 22. 16. 2 CA/-.6.41. thoua-nd a. of thy strength, iV. 132.8. Deut. 33. 27. and underneath arc the everlasting a.
Gen. 31. 13. now a. get thee out of this land 8.11. places arc holy whereunto the a. hath come Judg. 16. 12 he brake them from his a. like thread
35. 1. a. go up to Beth-el, and dwell there Mat. 24. 38. till Noah entered the a. Luke I7. 27. 2 6«/;i.22.35. he tcacheth my hands to war, so that
Veut, 13. 1. if there a. among you a prophet Ileh.Vl-T.hy faith Noah warned of God prep. ana. a bow of steel is broken by mine a. Psal. 18. 34.
17. 8. then shalt thou a. and get thee up to the 1 Pet. 3. SO. God waited while the a. was preparing 2 Kings 9. 24. Jehu smote .iehoram between his a.
Josh. 1. 2. now therefore a. go over this Jordan Rev. 11. 19. and there was seen in his temple the a. .Tub 22. 9" the a. of the fatherless have been broken
Judg. 5. 12. a. barak, lead thy captivity captive Before the ARK. Psal. 37. 17. the a. of tne wicked shall be broken
S6'am.2.14. let the young men a. and play betore us F.xod.40.5. .hou shalt set alt-ar of gold before the a. Prov. 31. 17. she girdc;h, and strcngtnennh her a.
3. 21. I will a. and gather' all Israel to my lord yoj/i. 4.7. waters of Jordan were cut o(f btfore ihea. Isa. 44. 12. and workeih it with strength of bis a
11. 20. and if so be that the king's wrath a. 7. 6. Joshua fell to the earth on his face betore the a. 49. 22. they shall bring thy sons in their a.
1 Kinp 3. 12. nor after thee shall any a. like thee 1 Sam. 5. .3. Dagon was fallen on his f. before the a. 51. 5. and my a. shall tmigc the people
2 Kings 9. 2. make Jehu a. from among his brethren 1 C'/jr.l().37.1eft before the a. Asaph and hLs brethr. I'.-.ek. 13. 20. 1 will tear them from your »i.

1 Chron. 22. iC. a. be doing, the Lord be with thee 2 C7ir.5.6.Solom.and congr. assembled before the a. 30. 22. behold, I will break Pharaoh's a. 24.
Neh. 2. 20. therefore we his servants will a. and build ARK
of the Covenant. 21.1 will strengthen the a.of king of Babylon,25.
Esth. 1. 18. thus ihall there a. too much contempt Num. \0.33. a.of covtna\it 01 Lord went before them Dan. 2.32. his breast and his a. of silver, his belly
4. 14. then shall enlargement a. to the Jews Deut.M.26. put book oi law inside o( a.of covenant 10. (i. his a. and feet like to polished brass
Job 7. 4. when shall I a. and night be gone ? J(«/i.4.7.ihewaterswtr', cut off before a.of covenant 11. 15. the a. of the south shall not witlistand
•11. t 17- thy age shall a. above noon-day Judg. 20. 27. a. of cocenant of God was there in 22. with the a. of a flfxid shall they be overflown
25. 3. and upon whom doth not his light a. t 1 Sam. 4. 3. let us telch the a. of the covenant of 31. and a. shall at.ind on this part and sh.iU
Psal. 3. 7. a. O
Lord, save me,0 mv God, for t<iou 2 6'am. 15.24. Levites Learing a. of covenant of God Ilos. 7. 15. I have bound and strengthened their a.

7. 6. a. O Lord, in tiiine anger lift up thyself 1 Chr.\1 .1. a. ofcovenint remaiued under curtains 11.3. t.iught them to go, t.-iking them by their a.
12. 5. now will I a. saith the Lord, I will set him Jer. 3. 16. shall say no more, the a. of the covenant Mark 9. .36. when he had taken him in his a.he said
44.26.<i. for our help, and redeem us for thy mercy H«i.9.4.labcrnaclewh\.A had the a.ifihe covenant 10. 16. took them up in his a put his hands on theia
6e. 1. let Uod a. let his enemies be scattered of Cod. ARK Luke 2.28. Simeon took Christ in his a. and blessed.
88. 10. shall the dead a. ana praise thee ? 1 Sam. 3. 3. in the temple where the a. of God was A KM, I'erb,
89. 9. when the waves of sea a thou stillest them 4. 1 1. the a. of Cod was taken, 17. 22. Is taken, [1Corporally,
) to be furnished with arrm
102. 13. thou shalt a. and have mercy on Zion 6. 3. if ye send away the a. c/'f'ot/, se«d it not empty for war, Grn. 14 14. Num. 31. 5. [2J Spiri-
fyov. 6. 9 when wilt thou a. out of thy sleep •
,2 Sum. 6. 7. there he died l.elore the a. of God. tually, to get and Herein those graces atid spirt-
tual neapont whicli are appotnled and Sesloatd Gen. 37. 7. and io my sheaf a. ajid stood upright 3 the Lord thundered, and he sent out a
by God to dtjend the soul, 1 Pet. 4. 1. Esod. 1. 8. now there a. up a new king over Egj-pt and scattered them, Psal. 18. 14
A'kot 31. 3. a. some of yourselves to the war and who knew not Joseph, ActsT. 18. 2/irinjjl3.15. take bow aad a. took to him bow andoi
1 Pet. 4. 1. a. yourselves with the same mind [go Judg. 2. 10. a. a generation that knew not the Lord 18. take the a. and smite upon the ground
AU.MKU. 5. 7. tilt I Deboraha. till la. a motlier in Israel Job 6. 4. the a. of the Almighty are within me
Gtn. 14. 14. Abram a. his trained servants born in 20. 8. all the people a. as one man, saying Psal. 7. 13. he oraainetna. against the persecutors
41. t 40. at thy word shall all my people be a. 1 Sam. 9. 26. and they a. early, Isa. 37. 36. 21. 12. shalt make ready thine a. against them.
t>'um. 31. 5. of tribe, twelve thousand a, for war 17. 35. when he a. against me, 1 slew him 38. 2. for thine a. stick fast in me, and thy hand
32. 17- but we ourselves will go re.idy a. ,'iC'. 2 Kings 23. 25. neither after him a. there any like 45.5. thine a. are sharp in the heart of enemies
Veul. :i. 18. ye shall pass over a. Josh. 1. 14. 2 Chron. 36. 16. till the wrath of the Lord a. 57.4. sons of men, whose teeth are spears and a
Josh. 4. + 13. about 40,000 a. for war passed over Job 29. 8. young men hid, aged a. and stood up 58. 7. when he bendeth his bow to shoot his a
f). 7- let him that is a. pass on before the ark J'sal. 76. 9- when Ciod a. to judgment, to save the 64. 3. bows to shoot their a. even bitter words
£ Chron. C8. 14. so the a. men left the captives />f/. 1. 5. the sun hasteth to his place where he a. 76. 3. there brake be the a. of the bow, the shield
Job 39. 21. he goeth on to meet the a. men Dan. 6. 19- the king a early and went to the den 77. 17. clouds poured, thine a. also went abroad
Psal. "(i. 9. the children of I'.phraim being a. iVat. 2. 14. he a. and took the young child, 21. 120.4. sharp a. of the mighty, with coals of juniper
Prov. 6. 11. and thy want as an a. man, 24. 31. 8. 15. she a. and ministered to them, Luie 4. ."ill. 127. 4. as a. are in the hand of a mighty man
Luke 11. 21. when a strong mana.keepeth the house 26. he a. and rebuked the winds and the sea, and 144. 6. shoot out thine a. and destroy them
AK.MV. there wasa great calm, 7l/arX4.39. LnkeS.'ii. I'rov. 26.18. as amadman whocastetha. and death
Dent. 1!. 4. what he did to the a. of the Egyptians 9. 9. and he a. and followed him, I9. Marii. 14. Isa. 5. 28. whose a. are sharj' and their bows bent
Judg. 8. 6. that we should give bread to tliinc a. 25. he took her by the hand, and the maid a. 7. 24. with a. and bows shall men come thither
9. 29. he said, increase thine a. and come out 27. 52. and many bodies of saints which slept a. Jer. 50. 9. their a. shall be as of an expert man
ISam. 4.12. there ran a man of lienjaminout of a. Mark 9. 27. but Jesus lifted him up, and he a. 14. shoot .at Babylon, spare no a. she hath sinned

17. 21. and the Philistines had put a. against a. Lnie 6. 48. when the flood a. the stream beat 51. 11. make bri.;ht the a. gather the shields
1 Kings 20. 25. number thee an a. like the a. lost 15. 20. he a. and came to his father, he kissed him i.a77i. 3.13. halh caused thea. of his quiver to enter

8 C/iroH.20.21.that they should praise before the n. WiVill.ig the persecution which a. aboutStephen Ezek. 5. 16. I shall send the evil a. of fan>ine
25. 7- O king, let not the a. of Israel go with thee 19. 23. there a. no small stir about that way 21. 21. he made his a. bright, he consulted images
j\eh. 4. 2. he spake before his brethren, and the a. 23. 7 when he so said there a. a dissension, 10. 39. 3. I will cause thy a. to fall out of thy hand
Job 29. 25. sat chief, I dwelt as a king in the a. See Rose. 9- Israel shall go forth, and burn bows and a.
Psal. 68. t 11- great was the a. that publisht d it ARObE and Kent. Hab. 3. 11. at the light of thine a. they went
Cant. 6. 4. terrible as an a. with banners, 10. 1 53771.3.6. Samuel a. aKf/weJi/ to Eli, and said, here ART, J'eib
Jer. 37. 11. was broken up for fear of Pharaoh's a. 23 .l6..Iouathan a. and went to David into the wood Gen. 3. 9- God said to Adam, where a. thou?
hiei. 29- 18. caused his a. to sene a great service 25. 1. David a. a7irf a>£7i/ to the wilderness of Paran 13.14. Lord said, look from the place where thou a.
37. 10. there stood up an e.vceeding great a. 1 Kings 19. 21. Elisha a. and u-ent after Elijah 24. 23. he said whose daughter a. thou ? 47.
i'aK. 4. .35. according to his will in the a. of heaven Jonah 3. 3. so Jonah a. and uent to Nineveh 27. 24. and he said a. thou my very son Esau?
Joel 2. 11. Lord shall utter his voice before his a. Acts 9- 39. then Peter a. and uent with them 32. 17. whose a. thou? whither goest thou^
23. locust, my great a. which I sent among you ARRAY 39. 9. kept back but thee, because thou a. his wife
Zec/i. 4. t 6. saying, not by a. nor by power Signifies, [1] Toputonapparel,'En)i.(i.g. Rev. 7. 41.39 there is none so discreet and wise as thou a.
9. 8. will encamp about my house ,becanse of the n. 13. [2] To put an army tn a Jit posture to fight, 46. 50. now let me die because thou a. yet alive
Acts 23. 27. then came I with an a. and rescued 2 Sam. 10. 9. Exod. 4. 26. she said, a bloody husband thou a.
iUv. 9- It), the number of the a. of horsemen The terrors of God set themselves in array Josh. 5. 13. a. thou for us, or our advei'saries?
19. 19. against him that sat on horse and his a. against me, Job. 6. 4. His judgments are like Judg. 8. 18. they answered as thou a. so were they
See Clui.DEANS. a numerous and veil-ordered army, under the 12. 5. the men said to him, a. thou an Ephraimite?
AKMIES. conduct of an irresistible general, u/to designs 13.11. a. thou the man that spakest tu the woman ?
Eiod.7.i.\Ay hand on Egypt, and bring forth my ». and directs them to invade me on every side. 1 •!>'««;. 19. 3. I will gooutandstandby where thou a.

12. 17. same day 1 brought your a. out of Egypt Est/i. 6. 9- that they may a. the man withal 1 A;Hrxl3.18. he said, 1 am a prophet also as thou a.
l^'um. 33. 1. w?nt forth with their a. under Moses Job 40. 10. and a. tiiyself with glory and beauty 22.4.Jehoshaphatsaid, I am asthoua. 2Kings 3.7.
Veut. 20. 9. they shall make captains of then, to Jer. 43. 12. shall a himself with the land of Egypt 2 C7i7-o7j.20. 7. a. not thou our God, who didst drive

[lead 1 Tim. 2. 9- that women adorn, not with costly a. Job 35. 8. wickedness may hurt a man as thou a.
1 Sam. 17. 10. said, I defy the a. of Israel this day ARRAY. Isa. 14. 10. a. thou also become weak as we ? a. like
26. that he should defy the a. of the living God 1 Sam. 4. + 2. they slew of the a. in the field Jer. 14. 22. a. not thou he, O Lord our God, we
45. come in the name of the Godof the a.of Israel 9 &I77J. lo.9-.loab put the choice in a. against Syrians LukeT 19- a. thou he that should come, or look we

joi 25. 3. is there any number of his a. .' Job 6. 4. the terrors of God set themselves in a. Jij/(7il.49. Rabbi, thou a. the Son of God, King of Is.
Psal. 41. 9. thou goest not forth with our a. Jer. 50. 14. out yourseves in a. against Babylon ^'if^?21. 38. a. not thou that Egyptian made uprojir
68. 12. kings of a. did tlce ap.ace, she tliat tarried See Battle. 22. 27. the captain said, tell me, a. thou a Roman '
Cant. 6. 13. as it were the company of two a. ARRAYED. liev. 11. 17. a. and wast, and a. to come, 10. 5.
Isa. 3i. 2. and his fury upon all their a. Gen. 41. 42. Pharaoh a. Joseph in fine linen ART, S, Substantive.
Dan. 9- t 27. with abominable a. make desolate 2 Chron. 28.15. took the captives, with spoila. them Eiod. 30.25. anointm. after the a. of the apothecary
Ala;. 22. 7. he sent forth his a. and destroyed Mai. 6. 29. was not a. like one of these, Xu^? 12.27. 2C/ni)n.l6.14. divers spices prepared by a. of apoth.
Luie 21. 20. ye see .lernsalem compassed v/ith n. -iL«Xe23. 11. Herod and his men of war a. Christ .-Jc/j- 17 .29. the Godhead not like stones graven by a

Heb. 11. 34. who turned totlight thea. of the aliens /Ids 12. 21. Ucrod a. in royal apparel sat on his 19. 19. many also of them which used curious a.
Rei<. 19. 14. and thea. in heaven followed him Ixev.T 13. what are these that are a. in white robes?
19. the kings of the eanh and their a. gathered 17. 4. the woman was a. in purple and scarlet colour Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-cain an instructor of every a.
ARMOUR 19. JJ. to her was granted to be a. in fine linen Isa. 3. 3. take away the captain and the cunning a
Signifies,[l] JVeayons or insiriiminlsofviar,! Sam. ARRIVED. ARTIFICERS.
17-54. [2] The strong and powerful lusts of .Kill, LukeS.QG. they a. at the country of the Gadarenes 1 Chron. 29. 5. for all manner of works made by a.
ignorance, error, and profaneness, ahicli are the Acts 20. 15. and the next day we a. at Samos 2 Chron. 34. 11. to a. and builders gave thev money
armjiir. jihercbv the devil keeps np his power and ARROGANCY. ARTILLERY.
dominion tn the hearts of men, Luke 11. 22. 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not a. come out of your mouth 1 Sam. 20. 40. Jonathan gave his a. to the lad
[3] Spoil, 2 Sain. 2. t 21. [4] Suc/i graces and Prov. 8. 13. pride and a. and the evil way do 1 hate AS
tpirilual ueapons as are for the defence of the Isa. 13. 11. 1 will cause the a.of the proud to cease Signifies, [1] Like, 1 Pet. 3. 8. [2] Tr^iVe, Acts
soul, and v:hereby ue may be enabled to combat Jer.-i8. 29. heard pride of Moab, his loftiness, his a. 20. 9. [3] For, Mat. 6. 12. [4] Because,
v'ilh our spiritual enemies, Horn, 13. 12. ARROW John 15. 12. I 17. 2. [5] After the manner of
Eph. 6. 11. [5] A good conscience, u/iich Signifies, [1] A dart used for pleasure or in war, 31. 33. Itsheweth, [\] Likeness in quality
being alunys attended Tilth vprighlness of life, 1 Sam. 20. 20. Jer. 51.11. [2] Inward terrors but not in quantity. Mat. 5. 48. [2] Equally.
is a defence against all temptations, eiiUar from God, Job 6. 4. Psal. 38. 2. [3] Wicked Johns. 23. [3] 'Jhe likeness oj' a thing, but nef
from prosper ilti or adversity, 2 Cor. 6. 7- intentions, Psal. 11. 2. [4J Abusive or slander- the truth of that thing, Jlat. 26. 55. [4l Tht
1 Sam. 17. 54. David put Goliath's a. in his tent ous words, Psal. 64. 3. [5] The judgnutits likeness and truth of a thing, Heb. 12. 7.
2 Sam. 2. 21. turn thee aside and take thee his a. of God, such as thunder, lightning, tempe\ts^ Gc7i.2. + 18. 1 will make him an help a. before hini
1 Kings 22. 38. they washed his a. according to famine, Ac. 2 Sam. 22. 15. Ezek. 5. I6. llab. 3. 5. ye shall be a. gods knowing good and evil
2 Kings 3.21. they gathered all able to put on a. 3.11. [6] The word of God, 7ihich is sharp and 22. behold the man is become a. one of us
10. 2. seeing ye have a fenced city also and a. powerj'ul tn piercing and turning the hearts if 1 Sam. 16. 7. the IjOtA secth not a. man seeth

SO. 13. Ilezekiah shewed his precious things, sinners, Psal. 45. 5. 2 Kings 8. 27. he did evil a. did the house of Ahab
silver and gold, the house of his a. Isa. 3y. 2. 1. Sam. 20. 36. Jonathan shot an a. beyond him 24.13. had made in the temple, a. the Lord had said
Job 39- t 21. he goeth on to meet the a. 2 Ai«?f 9. 24. and the a. went out at his heart Ezra 10. 12. a. thou hast said, so must we do
Isa. 22. 8. didst look in that day to a. of the house 13. 17. a. of lord's deliverance from Syria Psal.lZa.S.a. for such a. turn aside to crooked ways
JUiiJce 11. 22. he takelh his a. wherein he trusted 19.32. nor shall he shoot an a. there. Via. 37-33. /Vot).24.29. say not, I will do to him a. he hath done
licm. 13. 12. and let us put on the a. of light Job 34. + 6. my a. is incurable without transgresiion Isa. 24. 2. a. with the people, a. with the servant
8 Cor. 6. 7- approving by the a. of righteou.sness 41. 28. the a. cannot make him flee, sling stones ilia/. 10. 25. disciple a. his master,servant a. his Lord
Eph. C. 1 1 put on the a. of God to stand ag. devil
Psal. 11. 2. they make ready their a. on the string 19. 19. shall love thy neiglib. a. thyself, ^0777. 13.9.
13. tjJie to you the wh'jle a. of God to withstand 64.7. with an a. suddenly shall they be wounded John 1. 14. beheld the glory a. of the only-begotten
ARMOUR-KEARER. 91. 5. nor afraid for the a. that fleeth by day Ads 7. +37. the Lord raise up a prophet a. myself
Judg. 9. 5t. Abimeiech called his a.-bearer, saying Prov. 25. 18. that beareth false witness is a sharp a. 51.yeresistII.Ghost,a.your fathers did, so do ye
J'^am. 14. 7- a.-b. said, do all that is in thine heart Jer. 9- 8. their tongue is as an a. shot out 2 Cor. 2. 17. but a. of sincerity, buto.of God, speak
16. 21. Saul loved David, and he became his a.-b /.077I. 3. 12. he hath set me as a mark for the a. Ga/.4.12.brcthren, be a. I am, for I am a. yc are
31. 6. Saul died, his three sons, and his a.-bearci iiech. 9. 14. ciud his a. shall go forth as lightning Col. 2. 6. a. ye have received Christ Jesus, so walk
Cant. 4.4. like the tower of David builded for au a Sum. 24. 8. he shall pierce them thro' with his a. 1 Cor. 3. 5. even a. the Lord gave to every man
Jer. HO. 25. the Lord hath opened his a. Deut. 32. 23. will spend
I mine a. upon them Eph. 5. 33. every one so love his wife evena.MmstM
AROSE. 42. I will make mine a. drunk with blood Col. 3. 13 even a. Christ forgave you, so do ye
Cm. IJJ. 35. ne perceived not when sbo a, 1 Sam. 20. 20. I wiU shoot three a. on \uk side liev. 2. 27. evin a. L received of my Father
ASCEND Pja/.119.78.letproudJca.fortheydcaltpen-erst'iy frerl, Luke 12. 18. [6] To salute, 1 Sam. 25. t 5,
Josh. G. 5. [2] /a. 1. 2<.). for they shall ie a. of the oaks which yo 2 Sam. 8. t 10. [7] To lay to ont's thaige, I'sal.
Signifies, [1] To get rr climh up.
1'a go up to heaeen, Eph. 4. 9, 10. 23. 4. be thou a. O Zidon, the sea hath spoken 35. + 11.

Wco shall asceiul into tfte hill of the Lord ? Psal. 26. 11. they shall see and be a. for their envy C(?7j. 32.29. wherefore dost thou a. aft^.Tmy name?
K'/w ihall be admitted atid accovntcd a 42. 17. they shall ie greatly a. thattrust in images 31. 12. a me never so much dowry and gift, I givo
2i. .T.
true member of the churc'i, aiul enjoy the favour 44. 9. they see not nor know, that they may be a. Veul. 4. 32. for a now of the days that are past
God T 11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. togethei 13. 14. shall a. diligently, and if it be trutli
and ilessing of
Ko man hatu ascended up to heaven, John 3. l."?. 45. 24. all that are incensed against him shall be a. 32. 7. a. thy father, and he will shew thee
^j man hath attained the perfect knoicledge of GiT servants rejoice, but ye shall be a. Josh. 4. 6. when your children o. their fathers, 21.
t>eavenlit things, so as to hwx the secret will and 66. 5. shall appear to your joy, and they shall be a. Judg. 18. 5. a. counsel, we pray thee, of God
Jer. 2. 36. thou shaltie a. of Egypt, as a. of Assyria 1 Sam. 10. + 4. and they will a. thee of peace
cototjiels of God,
12. 19. we have added this evil to a. us a king
Josh. 6. 5. the people shall a. up every man straight 3. 3. and hadst a whore's forehead, refusedst to be a.

J'sal. 2i. 3. who shall <2i into the hill of the Lord, 12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues 25. +5. a. him in my name of peace, 2 .bam. 8. +10.
and shall stand in his holy place ? liom. 10. 6. 17. 13.O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be a. 28. 16. why dost thou a. of me, seeing the Lord
135.7.he causeth vapours to o.Jcr. 10.13. | 51.16. 20. persecutors shall stumble and be a. 2 Sam. 14. 18. hide not from me the thing I a.
139. 8. if I a. up into heaven, thou art there 48. 13. Moabshalliea.of Chemosh,as Israel was 1 Kings 3.5. a. whit Ishallgive thee, 2 C/jr<m. 1. 7
50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a. 14. 5. the wife of Jeroboam cometh to a. thee
Isa. 1-1. 13. thou hast said, I will a. to heaven, 14.
£zek. 38. 9. thou shall a. and come like a storm Kzek. 16. 61. shalt remember thy ways, and bea. 2 Kings 2. 9. Elijah said, a. what I shall do for ihe«
Mm 6. (52. i> ye shall see the Son of man a. up 43. 10. shew Israel,they may 4e a. of their iniquities 2 Chron. 20. 4. Judah gathered to a. help of God
SJ0.17.I a. to my Father, and your Father, my God 11. and if they be a. of all that they have done Job 12. 7. a. the beasts, and they shall teach thee
Itev. 17. 8. beast shall a. out of the bottomless pit IJos. 4. 19. they shall he a. because of their sacrifices I'ial.Q.H.a. of me, and I will give thee the heathen
ASCENDED. I(>. 6. and Israel shall be a. of his own counsel I>a. 7. 11. a. thee a sign of Lord, a. it of the depth
lie/ l.ll.bc ye a.O ye husbandmen, howl for wheal 12. I will not a. nor will I tempt the Lord
Judg. 13. CO. the angel of the Lord a. in the flame
J^sal. C8. 18. thou hast a. up on high, thou hast led 2. 26. and my people shall never be a. 27 45. 11. saith the Lord, a. me of things to come
Ztc/t. 9. 5. for her expectation shall be a. 58. 2. .'hey a. of me the ordinances of justice
Prov. .30. 4. who hath a. up into heaven, or descend.
John 3. 13. no man hath a. to heaven, but he tliat 13.4. the prophets every one be a. of his vision Jer. 6. 6. a. for the old palJis, and walk therein
A/a)X-8.38.shall be a. of me and mywords./j7i/-f9.26. 15. 5. who shall go aside, to a. what thou dost
20. 17. touch me not, I am not yet a. to my Father
2 Cor. 9. 4. we ( we say not, you) should be a. 18. 13. a. ye now the heathen who heard
Acts 2. 3-1. David is not yet a. into the heavens
Phil. 1. 20. that in nothing I shall be a. but with 30. 6. a. and see whether a man iloth travail
£f</i.4.8. when he a. up on high, he led captivity cap.
'9. now that he a. 10. is the same also that a. 2 7'/ company with him, that he may /'ga. 38. 14. 1 will a. thee a thing, hide nothing from me

'J'it.2. 8. he that is on the contrary part may be a. 41',. 19. a. liim that fleelh, and her that escapeih
Kev. 8. 4. the smoke of the incense a. before God
11.12. they a. up to heaven in a cloud, and enemies 1 Pet. 3. 16. may dea. thai falsely accuse your good 50.5. they shall a. the way toZion with their faces
ASCEKDETH. Xot be, or Be not, ASHAMED. /.am. 4.4. the young children a. bread, and no man
Xnm. 12. 14. should she ytot be a. seven days f IJan. 6. 7. who shall a. a petition of any God, 12.
liee. 11.7. the beast that a. out of the bottomless pit
14. 11. the smoke of their torment a. for ever /'.<a/.25.2.0my God, I trust in thee, let meitot be a. IJos. 4. 12. mypeople a. counsel at their stocks
ASCENDING. 31. 17. let men.i^ be a. O Lord, II9. II6. Hag. 2. 11. a. now the priests concerning the law
Oen. 28. 12. the angels of God a. and descending 37. 19. they shall not be a. in the evil time /ech. 10. 1. a. ye of the Lord rain in time of latter
liy.6. then shall I not bea. when I have respect to .Mat. 6. 8. what ye have need of, before ye a. him
1 iVi?«. 28. 13. said, I saw gods a. out of the earth
J.vie 19. 28. he went before, a. np to .Jerusalem 46. I will speak of thy testimonies, and not be a. 7. 7- a. and it shall be given you, Luke 11. 9.

John 1. 51. angels of Goda. and descending on the Son my

8.1. lei heart be sound, I be not a. 9. what man of you, if his son a. bread, Lukell.ll.
127. 5. they shall not be a. but shall speak with 11. shall give good things to them that a. him
liev. 7. 2. 1 saw another angel a. from the east
ASCENT. Isa. 29. 22. saith the Lord, Jaoob sh.iU not be a. 1 4.7 promised to give her whatsoever she would a.

2 .Sam. 15. 30. David went up bj the a. of Olivet 45. 17. ye shall not be a. world without end IB. 19. agree touching any thing they shall a.

1 Kings 10.5. and his a. bv which he went, 2 Chr. 9-4. 49. 23. they shall not be a. that wait for me 20. 22. ye know not what ye a. ^Jark 10. 38.
ASCRIBE. 00. like a flint, I know 1 shall 7iot be a. 2 1 .22. whatsoever ye a. in prayer,believing,ye shall
Dent. 32. 3. a. ye greatness to our God, he is the 5t. 4. fear not, for thou shalt not he a 22. 46. nor durst any man a. him more questions,
Jod 3t). 3. I will a. righteousness to my Maker /.eph. 3. 11. in thai day shalt thou not be a. [11. Mark 12. 34. Luke 20. 40.
Psal. ti8. 34. a. ye stcengih to God, his excellency Pom. 9. 33. who believeth on him shall not bea. 10. Mark 6. 22. a. what thou wilt, I will give thee, 23.
ASCRIBED. 2 Cor. 10. 8. for though I boast, I should not be a. 9. .32. they were afraid to a. him, Luke 9- 45.
1 Sam. 18 8. a. to David '0,000, to me a. but 1000 2 Vim. 1. 8. he not therefore a. of testimony of Lord Luke 6. 30. taketh thy goods, a. them not again
ASH. 2. 15. to God, a workman that needeth -not be a. 11. 13. give the Holy Spirit to them that a. him
Isa.H. 14.heplantethana. the rain doth nourish it 1 Pet. 4. 16. sufl'er as a Christian, let him not he a. 12. 48. much committed, of him they will a. more
ASHAMED. 1 John 2. 2B. not be a. before him at his coming John 1. 19. when the .lews sent priests to a. him
Gen. naked, the man and his wife were not a.
2. 25. ASHES 9- 21. we know not, he is of age, a. him, 23.
Judg. 3. 25. and they tarried till they were a. Signifies, The remains of fuel after te has been 11. 22. whatsoever thou wilt a. of God. he will
iSum. 10. 5. the men wer« greatly a. 1 Chron. 10 5. burned, 2 Pet. 2. 6. They denote, [I] TheJ'railty !3. 24. Peter beckoned to him that he fhould a.
19. 3. as people being a. steal away when they tlee and extreme lilettess oJ~ man, 7iken compared v-iih 14. 13. whatsoever ye a. in my name, 15. I6.
2 Kings 2.17. andwhenlhey urged him till he wasn. his Creator, Gen. 19.9^, [2] Deep humiliation,
14. if ye a. any thing in name I will do it
8. 11. he settled his countenance till he was a. Esth. 4. 1. Jonah 3. 6. 15. 7. if ye abide in me, a. what ye will, it shall lie
SChrott. 30. 15. the priests and the Invites were a. Gen. 18. 27. to spe.ak, which am but dust aitd a. II). 19. Jesus knew that they were desirous to a.

£zia 8. 22. I was a, to require of the king a band Ler. 6. 10. and the priest shall take up the a. 23. and in that day ye shall a. me nothing
9. 6. I am «. and blush to lift up my face to thee 11. and carry forth the a. without the camp 24. a. and ye shall receivc,that your jo\nn.iybe full
Joi f). 20. they came thither, and were a, Xum. 19. 9. a man that is clean shall gather the a. 30. and needest not that any man should a. thee
11. 3. when thou motkest, shall no man make a. 2 Sam. 13. 19. Tamar put a. on her head, and rent
.' 18. 21. a. them which heard me what I said
19.3.yearenot a. to make yourselves strange to me 1 Ai>;^s 13. 3. altar shall be rent, and a. poured out .-lets 10. 29. I a. therefore for what intent ye sent

P.fa^34.5.were lightened.and their faces were nota. 20. 38. the prophet disguised himself with a. 1 Cor. 14. 35. let them a. their husbands at home

74. 21. O let not the oppressed return a. let poor Kuh.'i. 1. Mordecai put on sackcloth with a. I I'h. 3. 20. to do above all that we can a. or think

Prov. 12. 4. she that maketh a. if as rottenness 3. and many lay in sackcloth and a. Jiim. 1. 5. if any lack wisdom, let him a. it of God
Jsa. 20. 5. shall be«. of Ethiopia, their expectation Jab 2. 8. Job sat down among the n. 6. but let him a. in faith, nothing wavering
24.23. the sun shall be a. when the Lord shall reign 13. 12. your remembrances are like to a. your 4. 2. yet ye have not, because ye a. not
30. 5. all a. of a people that could not profit them 30. 19. into mire, I am become like dust and a. 3. ye a. and receive not, because ye a. amiss
33. 9. earth mourns, Lebanon is a. and hewn down 42. 6. I abhor myself, and repent in dust and a. I John 3. 22. whatsoever we a. we receive of hlra
Jir. 2. 2fi. as the thief is a. when he is found, so is Psal. 20. t 3. and turn to a. thy burnt-sacrifice 5. 14. if we a. any thinp according to his will
6. 15. were they a. ? they were not at all a. 8. 12. 102. 9. for I have eaten a. like bread, and mingled 15. if we know he heareth us, whatsof'ver we a.
8. 9. the wise men are a. they are dismayed 147. 16. he scattereth the hoar-frost like a. 16. sin a .<>iu which is not unto de&th, he shall a.
14. 4. plowmen were a. they covered their heads /«4i44. 20. he feedethona. a deceived heart turned See Cot.NSEL..
43.13 Moab shallbea.of Israel was a. .')8. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under him ASKED.
E,iek. 16.27. the daughters of the Philistines are a 61. 3. to give them beauty for a. the oil of joy Gen. 32. 29. Jacob a. him and s.ajd, tell me thy name
.32. 30. with terror they are a. of their might .li-r. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow thyself in a. 43. 7. the man a. us straitly of our kindred
Liike\i.n.3\\ his adversaries were a. and the people l,am. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a. Josh. 19. 50. they gave him tlte city which he a
16. 3. what shall I do M
cannot dig, to beg 1 am a. lizck. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the earth Jndg. 5. 25. he a. water, she pave him milk
liom. 1. 16. I am not a. of the gospel of Christ Van. 9. 3. I set my face to seek in s.ackcloth and a. 13. 6. but I a. him not whence he
5. 5. hope maketh not a. because the love of God is Jonah 3. 6. king covered with sackclolh,and sat in a. IH. + 15. a.himof, 1 i.a»i. 17- *22. | 30.(21
0.21. what fruit in things whereof ye are now a. I/a/. 4. 3. the wicked shall be a. under your feet 1 Sam. 1. 17. God grant the petition thou ha.« a.

2Ci>r. 7. 14. if I have boasted any thing, I am not a. Mar. 11.21. if works were done, they would have +20. she called bis name Samuel, that is a. of ( iod
2 Tim. 1. 12. I suffer, nevertheless I am not a. repented long ago in sackcloth and a. I.nkc 10.13. 27. the Lord haih given me my petition I a.
16. Onesiphorus was not a. of my chain Ileb. 9. 13. if the a. of an h<;ifers.anctifieth to the 1 Kings 3.11. because thou a. this thing and not «.
Ht/'. 2. 11. he is not a. to call them brethren 2 Pet. 2.6. and turning the cities of Sodom into a. 2 Kings 2. 10. he said, thou hast a. a hard thing
il. 16. God is not a. to be called their God ASIDK. /ira 5. 10. we a. their n.imes to certify thee
AsUAMEU and confounded ; see CoM'OUNDKD. 2 Kings 4. 4. said, thou shalt set a. that which is full .AiA21 29. h.ive ye not a. tiiem that goby the way .

/;e"ASlIA.Mi:D Job 1. t 19. came a groat wind from a. wilderness I'sal. 21. 4. he a. life of thee, thou gavest him
Ven. 38. 23. let her take it to her, lest we ie a. Mark 7. 33. he took him a. from rhe multitude 35. + 11. they a. me things th,it 1 knewsnot
Psal. 6. 10. let all my enemies be a. and sore vexed .lohn 13. 4. he riseth and laid a. his g.arment 105. 40. the people a. and he brought quails
25. 3. yea, let none that wait on thee be a. let them lleb. 12. 1. let us lay a. every weight, and sin that y.ta. 30. 2. and have not a. at my mouth
be a. who transgress without cause See Go, Gone, Turn, Wbnt, Lay. [doth 41 28. when I a. of tho'n, could answer a word

31. 1. in thee do I put my tnjst, let me never be n. ASK 65. 1. I am sought of them a. not for me
17. let me not be a. let the wicked be a. 35. 26. Signifies, [1] To enquire. Gen. 32. 29. Mark 9. 32. Dan. 1. 10. there is no .Ving that a. such things
€9. 6. iet not them that wait be a. for my s.-ike [2] To ret/nire. or demand. Gen. 34. 12. Dan. 2. 7. 16. I came and a. him the truth of all this
36. 17. they which haie me, may see it and be a. [3] To seek counsel, Isa. 30. 2. Hag. 2. 11 .1/aM6.13.hca.hisdisciplfs..V.rr|8.27./-u'te918
109. 28. when they arise, lai them be a. but lat [4] To pray, John 15. T. Jam. 1.6. [5] To M-l2?.23.i)adducces<i.him,J5.Afar.9.a. 1 10.2 1 12.18
. U

ASS E,ti 44. 24. thev shall keep
my laws in all ndflc a
your solemn -.
n,a,,B.*0...eneo.en^he-.v^.twiUtW|.^..9^3tW^^ found. 10. * Amos 5 -J. 1 will not smell in
thy that were lost, they are 20 .1. ASSENT, ED.
ihou wouldest have o. of hira
household . . ,

^'^ °"
f(.*»4 "
10 " 6um l6 2. the a. be for the king's C Chron. 18. 12. declaxt good
to the ki.g
ve a. nothing in my name
'l6 "4 hitlarto hive Chr'oti 27. 30. and over
the a. waa Jehdeiah as riiey requi.'J
Hom'lO 20. made maiuiest lo them
that a. i»ot 1
them upon a. Luke "3 124. Pilate a. it should be
'^ " CI„o,i28. 15. carried the feeble of also a. that these things
were so
LIST.ASK 2. 67. a. that went up to
Jerusalem. 6,2u. J ,/"4 9. jews
18. why a. thou thus after name my £»;a
Ae/i. t oy.
JuJ'. 13. .
had a portion a. them
a. a. drink" ot me,
a woman of Samaria thousand sho-j. Gen 47 "2. for the
which heard Joii" 12. for Job had sheep, and a a. Bezer a city
of reluge
18 21 why a. thou me, ask them 21. 7. he saw a chariot of a.
and ot camels Josh. 20. 8. they place he knew
ASKLTll ha 2 6am. 11. 16. he a. Uriah to a
Eiek 23. 20. whose Hesh is as the flesh ot a. ASSIST.
Esoi. 13. 14. thy son thee in time, Deut .6.-0.
a. mid ASSl'.S. busmes*
judge a. for ^ reward that ye a. her in whatsoever
JiUc. 7. 3. prince a. and the go they fcrth nom. 16.2.
thee "*'''• Job 24 5. as wild a. in the desert ASSOCIATE.
Mai. 5. 42. give to h.m that a.
f f^' Hsal. i04. 11. the nild a. quench their thirst
/.a.B.Q.a.yourselvesand ye shall be broken in piecf-s
7 8 evervone that a. receiveth.
iuA« 11. lu. joy of a:W a.
Isa 3" V4. the forts shall be a of years they shall a.
Jahn 16. 5. none of you a. me whither
goestthou .

snufled up the wind like

dragons Van. 11. 10. at the end
li'*<.3.l3.toevery one that arc
asou of hope Jer' u" 6 uild a.
dwell, was with ui.a
Kebuchadiiezzar's of the city
ASMNCi. iJaH.5.21. Eiod. g. 29. a. as 1 am gone out
iiung ASSES. " Chrou 31. 5. a. as the commandment came abroail
wickeilness in a. aking yim? a
1 Sam. 12. 17. may see your carry their richas on
me, shall obey mo
counsel of a lamiiar La 30 6.
they- will
eat provender }'^al 18 44 /• as they hear of
lC7.r 10 13. Saul died fora. 24 V o that ear the ground shall lorth 78 18. tempted God by a. meat for their lust
ASSEMliLE. La tJ6 8 a. as Zion travailed, she brought soundeU
voice of thy salutation
LuJte 2. 46. hearing them, and
a. them questions
3. when they blow, the
assembly shall a. Ltilel 44 a. as the
Kum 10 was sprung up it withered away
litted up himselt and be here 8. 6. a. as it
John 8. 7 ihev continued a. he a. me the men of Judah, he. they went back
conscience, (. 2 .iam. 20. 4. J../i« 18 6. a. as he said, 1 am

1 Cur 10 25' a. "O question for />a. 11. 12. he shall a. the
outcasts of Israel was sent for
ASLtKl' iiO lU. -y. meiciuic v".">. • -.. as 1
Signifies. [1] To taki rnt in
sleep. Jonah 1. o.
's^.- ^;r^- ^s?^--+-i2:?-KS^;;-.^ hear
1' 18 a as it wa.s day there was no small stir
2l'et.3.4. 48. 14. all ye a. yourselves and 10 10 a as 1 had eaten it, my
belly was bitter
Mat. 26. 40. [2] 'JW.«,Acts7.00.
Jer. 4 5 a. yourselves, and let us
go into the cities
and weary 1" '4 for to devour the child a. as it was born
Jud' 4. 21. for Sisera was fa5t a. 8. Uwhy do we sit still? a. yourselves, let us ASSLHANCE.
^hat are a. to speak
Cant. 7. 9. the lips oi tho« I will a. you
out of the countries of thy lite
L-ei 11 17.
Dent "8 66. thou shalt have none a.
Jonah 1. 5. but Jonah lay. and was
fast a.
J\).il. a. Yourselves, gather to
my sacrihce righteousness, a.
a. ;Uai * 4.hi. Isa 3" 17.andtheefl"ect of
Mat. 8. 24. arose a storm, but he was IJos 7 14 they a. themselves for corn and wine hath grena. to all men
a. Mark 14. 40. Acts 17. 31. whereof he
26. 40. he findeth the disciples Joel\. 16. a. the elders, gather the
children understandinj
this, he leU a. Col 2.2. to all riches of the full a. of
Acts 7. 6o. when Stephen had said 3. 11. a. yourselves and come, all ye heathen came in much a.
1 Cor 15. 6. part remain,
but some are fallen a.
Imoi 3 9 a yourselves on the mount of
Samaria 1 Thess. 1. 5. our gospel
a. in Chi:st 6. 11. to the lull a. of
hope to the end
18. then they which are fallen 1uk-.2.12. i will surely a.
O Jacob, all of thee Jleb. "^ a. of faith
concerningtheia that area. 10 let us draw near in lull
1 Theis 4. 13. ignorant 4. 6. saiih the Lord I will a.
her that halteth
them that are a. ASSURE.
15. we alive shall not prevent Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to pour
our hearts before hiw
" i^c:< 3 4 for since the fathers lell a. all thuigs 1 John 3. 19. and shall a.
ASP, S. Exod. 38.8.women which a. at the door of the
it shall be a. to him
venom of a and
women that a. Lev 27.19. add the
33. their wine is the cruel 1 6am. 2. 22. they lay with the peace in this place
cf a. withm him of Aaron Jer. 14. 13. I will give you a.
Job 20. 14. his meat is the gall jj c/"run 'l5"4 I )Iviii"a. the children everyone be fully a. in his mind
v-iper s'o"E"« 14 t5 l^t
I6.he shall suck the poison of a. the cl^ „"'
30 13 a nuich people to keep the
" Tim 3. 14. continue in things thou hast been a.
Jsa. 11.8. the Child shall play -^^^^i^'^^Vtr
their Ups Iva 9
J 4 then a to me ever^' one that
Hvm. 3. 13. the poison of a. is under ^^ ^^^^ ^^^_^ ^^^ p^^^.^^_ ^^^^^ ^ , !„„ know a. thou shall go out ^vUh me
ASSAULf ED j^^ cVMv^n of Israel a
with fasting 1 6am. 28. 1.
1.13.a.Solomonthy son shall reign, 17,30.
that woulda then, y passed-by I Am.'.t
£sr/..8. 11. all ^,^^^ ^
41. 1 will plant them in this land
of the Oen lies '"'•*«• •»•
ActsU.b. when there was an a. made ha. 43. 9. let the j^ people be a. who can declare
.^„,ie\e this Jer
king of Babyloa
and sought to 38. 17. if thou a. go forth to the
17 5 they a. the house of Jason, Jer. 5. 7. a. themselves by troops in harlots houses thou go
49 12 they have a. drunken, and
ASSAY, ED, ING. Dan 6 11 these men a. and found Daniel praying Act's 2. 36. let all the house of Israel know a
X>«i/. 4. 31. hath God a. to go
and take a nation they gave large money us
.Vat. 28. 12. when they had called
16 10. a. gathering that the Lord
1 6a/«.17.39.David a. to go, for
he had not proved Jews
thee, wilt thou
John 20 19. the disciples a. for fear of the ASSWAGE, ED
Job 4 2. if we a. to commune with Acts 1. 4. being a. commanded them not to depart waters were a
disciples Gen. 8. 1. over the earth, and the
Actsg. '-'6. Saul a. to join himself to the 4.31. the place was shaken where they
were a. should a. your grief
the Spirit Jo/, 16. 5. moving of my lips
16. 7. they a. to go to Bilhynia, but year they a. with the church
6. though 1 speak, yet my
11 26 a whole griel is not a.
lleh. 11 29. the Egyptians a. to do,
were drowned one accord
15 S5 it seemed good to us a. with ASIONIED.
ASS. ASSEMBLING. off the hair, and sat down
<;tn.2S.3.Abraham rose up early.and saddled
hisa. together Ezra 9. 3. plucked
the lad Ihb 10 25. forsake not the a. yourselves Job 17. 8. upright men shall be
a. at this
5 abide you here with the a. and 1 and ASSEMBLY. be
18 20. they that come after him
.shal a.
49. 14. Issaihar is a stronj a.
couchin? between
thou mayestbe an a. of people a. one with another
redeem with Gen. 28. < 3. that Eze'k. 4. 17. that they may be
Ejod. 13. 13. every firstling of an a. mine honour be not thou umied a. and rose m hast.
mee't thine enemy's a. going astray J- 6 to their a.
49 ^ ^y^^ Van 3.24. Nebuchadnezzar was
3. 4. if thou tne^^.^ ^^^^^ 1^^ j^ ;„ ^l^g
for one hour

may rest i-'."- 4. 19. then Daniel was a.

12.shaltrest; that thine ox and th.ije a. 1-0^ ^^.^^^j^ ^ .„.i,h hunger changed, his lords a.
6 0. his countenance was
hum. 16. 15. 1 have not taken one a from them _ •
^^^ ^ ^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ,1^^ ^^^ of the a ASTONISHED.
22. 23. th« a. saw the angel stancling .5. A»m. -^^ ^pj
and make 2 trumpets for calling the a shall be a.
10. Lev. 26. 32. and your enemies
^J^;_ 2.
the a
28. the Lord opened the mouth of presence ot a.
20. 6. Moses and Aaron went Irom A.«i.9.8.-everyone tj'at Passeth by
shall be a
30. the a. said to Balaam, am not 1
thine a. of the midst ol 1
Deut. 9. 10. spake in the mount out 8- *9. 17- 50. 13
Jer. 18. 16. i 19-
Deut 22 10 not plow with an ox and a. together
4. 1 18. 10.
Caleb said, the fire, in the day of your a. 10. Job "611. the pillars of heaven
tremble aiid are a
/<«A15.18. and Achsahlighted off hera. none from JabeshGilead to the a. thee, his visage
Ju<;e. 21. 8. as many ^^'"e a. at
what wilt thou ? JuJg. 1 14. 1 &»i. 2j .3. 1 6am. 17. 47. all thisa. shall know the Lord save Jsa. 52. 14.

Jer 2 12i be a. O ye heavens,

at this
Jurf?. 15. 16. w:-.h the jaw-bone of
an a. heaps counsel to keep
the a. 2 Chron. 30. 23. the whole a. took 4 '9 "the heart of the priests shall be a.
23. the lion had not torn them
1 a'i'i"* 13.
pieces Seh. 5. 7. 1 set a great a. against
q_why shouldest thou be as a man a.
2 h.n's 6 25. until an a. head sold for 80
I'sal £2 16. the a. of the wicked
have inclosed me 14
them seven day)
<aiherlcss / -ekS 15. 1 remained a. among
Job'Zi. 3. they drive away the a. of the a. of ihe-samts every moment, and be a
rod for fool s 89. 7. God is to be feared in the 26, 16.' shall tremble at
I'rov. 26 3. a bridle for the a. and a praise him in the a. of the elders shall be a. at thee
upright -U 19 thev that know
masters crib 107. 32. thee
l,a 1.3 ox his owner, and the a. his HI. 1. 1 will praise him in the a. of the vision
32. 20. that send forth the feet of
the ox and a.
in the midst of the
«. « 27 I Da'niel was a. at the
ol an a. frov. 5. 14. 1
was in all evil
Jer. 22 19. shall be burie.l wiih the burial pour il on the a. ?jl-'t;. ^.;v.;s:r
iUaVi4.i.;» 111. 18./^-^^ 4. 34
on an a .Iir. 6. 11. 1 will 1.22. 6. 2.
Zech. 9. 9. thy king cometh lowly, riding men I

5 9. 2. for they be an a. of treacherous Mark 5 42. thev were a. with great astonishment
and on a coll the foal of an a Mat. 21. 15. 17. 1 sat not in the a. of
the mockers
beyond measure, a. If -0.
14. 15. and so shall be the plague of
the a. 7 37 and were
Lam. 2. 6. he hath destroyed the places of the were a. at his words
24. the disciples
Uat. 21 2. ye shall find an a. tied, and a
the a. of my people
:«;!r3.9.lhey5haUnotbeinthea.ofmypeoi.le 1 ^- 1
understknding and answers
I.iek. 13. 9. they shall not be in /-^-.
Luke 13. 15. doth not each loose his a^ on sabbath
fallen into pit -;j. --J. snail
:3. 24. against ..
come .n^.nt.o^
shall cuiuc Alio an a — 47^-
5.0. he was a. ^_ ^^
at ^^^
the ^
draught of fishes
14. 5 which of you shall have an a. Acts 19. 32. the a. was confused, and part knew not he charged them
John 12. 14. when he had found a young a.
lawlul a. 8 50 her parents were a. but
madness 39 It shall be determined in a "4 nn yea. and certain women also made lis a.
S Pet. 2. 16. the dumb a. speaking, forbad 41. he had thus spoken, he dismissed the a. said. Lord, what
See Sauui.e. first born ic/yg.e. Saul trembling and a.
23. to the general a. of the believed, were*
Heb. 12.
man 10 45. ofthe circumcision which
come to your a. a I'eter.iheywerea
choice vine Jam. 2 2. if there IC Hi. had opened door and saw
Oen 49. 11. binding his a. ro// to the Solemn ASSEMBLY. when he saw. believed, being*
a. cot 13 12 the deputy
Job 11. 12. though man be born like awild it is a '^/'•''""'-
on aii a. coll Lev. 23. 36. on tht eighth day f lis. ASrONlSlIMllNT.
iohn 12. i3. thyking couieth sitting 29. 35. ^eh
J></i- 8. 11 ^.ith a.
^^ j^^^j ^^^^j, ^j^i^g tij^e
mid ASS O.H<.l6.8.on the seventh day a solemn the Lora ^ . -^ - •
^^^ an a. and a proverb
hath grass SA^,,...10.2C.Jehusaid.proclaimaW.m«a.forLaal 37. tnou^^ ^

Job 6. 5. doth the sild a. bray when he


Iree.' - L'T. ( -V ^^^^^^
'"" ,. ^^^
39. 5. who haih sent out the uild a.
' - -
:. •
made aio
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used to th« wilderness snuffeth^l ^^^^^^ ^^

ASSES. '''• -"'

taicen hold on me
ASSEM BLl ES. '-•„^-
Abram had he-a. and she-a. and camels /'«/ 86. 14. sought my soul I am
8-1. V:,;, °^ "
a h^rh
Cfn. 12.16.
43. Jacob had much cattle, camels, and
a / "
the a. of violent men
by the masters of a
^_ a„a a hissing. ^
and a
12. 1 1 as nails fastened .
"^ W^^^^'„[f,;X\"In be a desolation

3fi. 24. as he fed 'he a. of Zibeon his father callmg of a. 1 cannot

away wiin H^'" ^T.'^^'^'ii .^„ ^bem to be a curse and ai.«
ha 1. 13. the

47. 17. Joseph gave bread in exchange for a a. ac oud ami smoke 29. 8. " 44.U
4 5 God will create on her
''^''^^^^''^^eratiou and -.
Judr. 5. 10. speak, ye that ride on white a s^all not b* alone in his a. 1 4. la. Te sua
14. t31. l»e
IJSam, ^. 16. he will take your a. to
Sir. 44. 24. therefore your land an <j. ami a curse P>nt. 17. 1.
is Lord, a. to my cry, 61. 1. 1 142. 6. AVOVCHED.
51. 37. Babylon shall become heaps and an a. 5.'). 2. a. tome, hear me, 1 mourn and makeauoise Deal. 26. 17. hast this day a. the Lord to be thy God
Ei«*. 4. 16. son of man, behold, they shall drink I'sal. 86. 6. and a. to the voice of my supplication 18. the Lord hath a. thee to be his people
water by measure, and with a. 12. 1<J. Prov. 4. 1. hear and a. to know understanding AVUID.
5. \!i. it shall be an a. to the nations about thee 20. my son, a. to my words, incline thine ear ,7. 24 Prov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it, turn from it
53. 33. thou shalt be filled with the cup of a. 5. 1. my son, a. to my wisdom, and bow thine ear Rom. 16. 17. mark them that cause divisions, and a
Zech. 12. •!. I will smite every horse with a. 1 Cur. 7 35. may a on the Lord without distraction 1 Cur. 7. 2. to a. fornication, let everj- man have bi)
. .

Astray ; see Went, Go, Gone. AirENDANCE. 2 'Jim. 2. 23. foolish and unlearned questions a.
ASTKOLOGERS. 1 Kiii^s 10. 5. saw the a. of his ministers, 2 CAr. 9.4. lit. 3. 9- <• foolish questions and genealogies
Jsa.Vl. 13. let now the a. th« star-gazers, stand 1 Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give a. to reading AVOIDED, ING.
Dini. 1. 20. he found them ten times better than a. lleb. 7. 13. of which no man gave a. at the altar 1 Sam. 18 11. Uavid a. out of his presence twice
2.27. the secret cannot the a. shew to the king ATTENDED. 2 Cor, 8. 20. a. this, that no man should blame us
4. 7. then came in the magicians and the a. Job 32. 12. I a. to you, none of you convinced Job 1 Tim. 6. 20. a. profane and vain babblings
6. 7. the king cried aloud, to bring in the a. Pull. C6. 19. be hath a. to the voice of my prayer AUSTERE.
AsUiNUEB; iee Cluavk, Cut, Divide. I'UT. Ads 16. 14. she a. to the things spoken by I'aul Ltde 19. 21. I feared, because thou art an a. man
£«». 24. l6.aj stranger, .is he that is born in iiu»).13.6.ministersa.continually on this very thing Ari.<3. i 15. and killed the a. of life
22.onela%v,af uellior the stranger, as for your own AITENT. 1 Cor. 14. 33. God is not the a. of confusion
Deut. 20. 8. lest his brelhrens' heart faint, as well as 2 Citron. 6. 40. let thine ears be a. to the prayer Ildb. 5. 9. he became the a. of eternal salvation
2 Sam. II. 25. the sword devours one as well as 7. 15. mine ears shall be a. at the prayer made 12. 2. looking to Jesus, the a. and finisher of faith
1 Chr. 25. 0. they cast lots, as we// the small as great AVi. 1. 6. let thine ear now be a. 11. Psal. 130. 2. Signifies, [1] Power, rule, or dignity, Prov. 29. 2.
S Chr. 31. 15. to giveaiKc// to the great as the small 8. 3. the ears of the people were a. Luke I9. 48. Luke 19. 17. [2] A convincing ejicacv and
Job 12.3. but I have understanding as veil as you ATTI^NTIVELY. power, Alat. 7. 29. [3] A warrant, order, or
Ps. 87. 7. as well the singers as the players shall bi Job 37. 2. hear a. the noise of his voice and sound authentic permission. Mat. 21.23. Acts9. 14.
jicts\0. 47. who received the Holy Ghost aj;jf// as ATTIRE, ED. I^th. 9. 29. Esther and Mordecai wrote with a.
1 lead about a sister fli -aellas other apos /.(?!'. 16.4. with the linen mitre shall Aaron be a Prov. 29. 2. when rig'^teous are in a. people rejoic4
Heb. 4.2 to us the gospel preached as well as to them Prov. 7.10. met him a woman with a. of an harlot taught them as one having a. Mark 1.22.

ATE. Jer. 2. 32. can a bride forget her a. ? yet my people 8. 9. for I am a msm under a. and say, Lvke 7. 8.
Psal. 106. 28. they a. the sacrifices of the dead Lzek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. on their heads 20.25. they that are great exercise a. Mart 10.44
Dan. 1'.. 3. I a. no pleasant bread nor llesh ATiRlBUTED. 21. 23. by what a. dost thou these f Mark 11. 28.
Rev. 10. 10. 1 took the little book, and a. it up. Job 1. t 22. Job sinned not, nor a. folly to God Mark 1. 27. for with a. commandeth he even the
AHIIKST. AVAILETH. unclean spirits, and they obey him, XiiXe4. 36.
•Turf^.lo.lB. Samson was sore a. and called on Lord Esih. 5. 13. yet all this a. me nothing so long as I see 13. 34. left his house, and gave a. to his 5er\'ants
Ruth 2. 9. when a. go to the vessels and drink Oal. 5. 6. in Christ circumcision a. not, 6. 15. Luke 9.1 he gave them power and a.over all devils

yiat. 25. 44. when saw we ihee a. or a stranger Jam. 5. 16. the prayer of a righteous mau a. much 19.17. been faithful, have thou a. over ten cities
Rev. 21. 6. I'll give to him that is a. of fountain AUDIENCE. 20. 20. might deliver him to a. of the governor
22.17. Spirit and bride sav, let him that is a. come GV«.23. 13. Abraham spake to Ephron in a. of people 22. 25. that exercise a. are called benefactors
ATOiNE'mENT Eioit. 24. 7. took book of covenant, and read in a. John 5. 27. hath given him a. to execute judgment
Signifies, [1] Reconcilialion, or appeasing of auser, I iiam. 25. 24. let thine handmaid speak in thy a. AcisS. 27. eunuch of great 1. under Candace queen
Rom. 5. 1. [2] A ransom. Job 33. t 24. 1 CiiroK. 28. 8. in the a. of our God keep and seek 9. 14. here he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12.
Exod. 2y. 33. eat things wherewith a. was made Nell. 13. 1. they read in the book of Moses in the c. 1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have put down all a
.36. thou shalt ofTer a bullock every day for a. Lnie"! .1. ended all his sayings in the a. of the people 2 Cor. 10.8. should boast somewhat more of our a.

37. seven days thou shalt make a. for the altar 20. 45. in a. of the people he said to his disciples I Thess. 2. t 6. when we might liave used a.
So. 10. Aaron once in year shall make a. upon it Acts 13. 16. Israel, and ye that fear God, give a. 1 Ti?n. 2. 2. supplication for kings and all in a.
15. to make an a. for your souls. Lev. 17. 11. 15. 12. then all the multitude gave a. to Barnabas 12. I suffer not a woman to usurp a. over the mao
16. thou shalt take the a. money of Israel 22. 22. »jjd they gave him a. to this word Til. 2. 15. exhort and rebuke with all a.
32. 30. peradventure 1 shall make an a. for sin AVENGE. 1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. made subject to him

Lev. 1 4. it shall be accepted for him to make a.

. Lev. ig. Ih. mou shalt not a. nor bear grudge Rev. 13. 2. the dragon gave him power and great a
4. 20. the priest shall make an a. for them, and 26. 25. that shall a. the quarrel of my covenant AWAKE
be forgiven, 26. 31, 35. 5. 6. 6. 7.
| ]
-Vkw. 31. 2. a. Israel of the iMidianites, 3. Signifies, [1] To come out of natural sleep,l.nkeg.i'i.

12. 8. I 14. 18. Ktthi. 15. 25. Ueul. 32. 43. he will a. the blood of his servants [2] To rouse up out of spiritual sleep, by a vizoTout
8. 34. so the Lord hath commanded to make a. 1 Sam. 24. 12. the Lord judge and a. me of thee eien ise of gi uce, by leaiing off all sinful clwses,
9. 7. make a. for thyself and lor them, I6. 24. 2 A'lHjtg. 7.smiie the houseof Ahab, that I may a. and setting about the performance of duties re-
10. 17. God hath given it you to make a. for them l:ji/i. 8. 13. Jews a. themselves on their enemies guired. Mom. n. 11. Eph. 5. 14. [3] To raisa
12. 7. make an a. for her, and she shall be clean La. 1. 24. I will a. me of mine enemies from the dead. Job 14. 12. John 11. 11. [4] To
14. 53. make an a for the house, it shall be clean .ler. 46. 10. a day of vengeance that he may a give present help after it hath Lng been keyi
16.10. the scape-goat shall be presented to make a JJos. 1. 4, I will a. the blood of Jezreel on Jehu from us, as though God had forgotten us, Psal.
11. Aaron shall make ana. for himself and house Lurn jH. 3. saying, a. me of mine adversary 7.6. Isa. 51.9.
10. hu shall make an a. tor the holy place 7. .shall not God a. his own elect, who cry day Awake not my love till he please. Cant. 2. 7
17. shall be no man there, when he maketh a. 8. I tell you that he will a. them speedily Give my beloved Saviour no occasion ofojfence or
18. he shall go and make a. for the altar Rom. 12.19. beloved, a. not yourselves, but give departure ; neither inlerrvpt that pi ace 1 enjoy
27. whose blood was brought in to make a. Rev. 6. 10. how long dost thou not a. our blood in him, so long as he is
i leased to continue it
33. he shall make «. for the holy sanctuary AVENGED. Judg. 5. 12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song, arise
34. everlasting statute to make a. once a year Gen. 4. 24. if Cain should be a. seven-fold, Lamech Job 8. 6. surely now he would a. for thee
£3. 27. tenth day of ;th month shall be a day of a. Exod. 21. +20. and he die, he shall be surely «. 14. 12. till heavens be no more, they shall not a
28. do no work, foi it is a day of a. to make a. Jos/i, 10. 13. sun and moon stayed till people had a. 19. + 26. I shall a. thoujili this body be destroyed
25. 9. in the day of a make the trumpets sound Jiidg. 15.7. tnough ye have done this, yet 1 will b ./'.>"/. 7. 6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23.

^!iW2.8.21.made a. for ihe Levites to cleanse them 16. 28. may be a. on Philistines for my two eyes 17. 15. be satisfied when I a. with thy likeness
19. given the Levites to make a. for Israel 1 '"Sam. 14. 24. that eateth any food, that I may be a 44. 23. a. why slecpest thou, O Lord arise.'

16. 46. go quickly, make a. for wrath is gone out IS. 25. an hundred foreskins, to be a. of enemies 57. 8. a. my glorj', 1 myself will a. early, 108. 2
25. 13. I'hineashave it, because he made an a. 25. 31. or that my Lord hath a. himself 59.4. they prepare, a. to help me, and behold
28. 22. a goat for a sin-offering to make a. 30. 2 H,im. 4. 8. the Lord hath a. my lord the king 5. O Lord (.iod, a. to visit all the heathen
Jy. 5. a kid of the goats to make an a. for you 18. 19. how the Lord hatha, him of his enemies Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a. will seek it yet again

31. 50. ear-rings to make an a. for our souls 31. the Lord hatki a. thee this day of them Cant. 2. 7. not a. my love till he please, 3. 5. 8.4|

2 Ham. 21. 3. wherewith shall I make the a. ? Jir. 5. 9. my soul be a. on such a n.ation, 29. 4. 16. a. O north wind, and come thou south
| 9. 9.
iC/iron. 6. 49. Aaron and sons appointed to make a. .lets. 7. 24. Woses a. him that was oppressed La. 26. 19. a. and sing ye that dwell in the dust
e V/n. eg. 24. the priests killed them to make an a. Rev. 18. 20. rejoice, for God hath a. you on her 51. 9. a. a. put ou strength, Oann of the Lord, a.
NeA. 10. 33. ordinances for offering to make an a. lO- 2. hath a. blood of his servants at her hand as in the aJicient days, 52. 1
Job 33. + 24. deliver him, I have found an n. AVENGER. 17. a.a. stand up, O Jerusalem, whilh hastdnmli
Horn. 5. 11. by whom wn have now received a. A'Hm.35.12. cities for refuge from the a. Juj/i.20.3. Jer. 51. 57. sleep a perpetual sleep, and not a.
ATTAIN. Utut. 19. 6. lest the a. of blood pursue the slayer Ihin. 12. 2. many that sleep in the dust shall a
Tea!, 139. 6. it is high, I cannot a. unto it 12. the elders deliver him into the hand of the a. JoeJ 1.5. a. ye drunkards, weep and howl all jc
..lov. 1. 5. man of understanding shall a. to wisdom Joih. £v). 5. if the a. of blood pursue after him Uab. 2. 7. shall they not a. that shall vex thee
Ezei. 46. 7. according as his hand shall a. to it 9. not die by the hand of the a. till he stood 19. ^>'oe to him that saith to the wood, a.
i/ot. 8. 5. how long ere th.-y a. to innocency ? Pinl. 8. 2. thou niightest still the enemy and a. Zech. 13.7 a. O sword, against my Shepherd, smite

Aeis 27. 12. if they might a. to Phcnice 44. 16. by reason of the enemy and a. Mark 4. .38. he was asleep, and th>-y a. him
P'til. 3. 11.1 might a. to the resurrection of the dead 1 'J'/tess. 4. 6. because the Lord is the a. of all .such Ijikc 9. 32. when they were a. they saw his glory
ATTAINED. AVENGETII. John 11. U. 1 go that I may a. him out of sleep
Oen. 47.9. and have nota. tc the days of my father Q.Sam. 22. 48. it is God that a. me, Psal. 18. 47. Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to a. out of sleep
Lev. 25. t 26. his hand hath a. found sufficiency AVENGING. 1 Cor. 15. 34. a. to righteousness, and sin not
2Sjm. 23. 19. howteit he a. not to the first Jiid^. 5. 2. praise the Lord for the a. of Israel A/M.5.14.a. thou that sleepest, and arise from dead t
three, 23. 1 C/iron. II. 21, 25. 1 Ham. 25. 26. Lord hath withholden thee from a. t 26. may a. themselves out of the sn.are '

Kom 9. 3D. the Gentiles nave a. to righteousness 33. blessed be tlioti who kept me from a. AWAh ED.
31 Ijriel hath not a. to the law of righteousness AVEKSE. Oen, 28. I6. Jacob a. out of his sleep, and said
P/'ii/.3.12.not as though I had alre.'idy a. or perfect ^Jic. 2. 8. pass by securely, as men a. from war v/i(i/^. 16.14. Samson a. and went away with the pig
16. whereto w» have Dlrcady a. let us walk AUGMENT 1 Sam. C6. 12. no man saw it aor knew it, neither a,

1 Tim. 4. 6. gool doctriw, whereto thou hast a. Sum. 32. 14. ye are risen to a tlie fierce anger 1
hings 18. 27. he slcepeth and must be a.
at; END. AUNT, 2 A'i«g/4.3l. Gebajii told him, the child is not
Esth>i.i Ilatach whom he appointed to a. her IjCv. 18. 14. nor approach to his wife, she is iby a. /'fa/. 3. 5. I a. for (he Lonl .suitained nie



Ptal. 78. 65. then the Lord a. as one out of sleep Num. 24. 11. the Lordhalh kept
thee A. from honour Jer. 24. 2. the figs could not be eaten, they were so b.
Jtr. 31. 26. upon this I a. and beheld, and my sleep Joshua drew not his hand A. till he had
Jos/i. 8. 26. Mat. 13. 48. gathered the good but cast the A. away
AV/AKESr. Jiutb 2. 6. the Moabitish damsel that came 4. 22. 10. good and A. and the wedding was furnished
Pn/. 73. 20. when thou a. shalt despise their image 2 Sam, 15. 20. return, and take A. thy brethren 2 Cor. 5. 10. that he hath done, whether good or i.
J'loc. 6. 22. when thou a. it shall talk with thee 19. 10. why speak ye not of bringing iheking A. .' BADNESS.
AWAKETH, ING. 1 Kings 13. 22. but earnest A. and hast eaten bread Gen. 41. 19j never saw in the land of Egypt for A.
Psal. T-l. 20. as a liream when one a. so, O Lord 22. 26. and carry him A. to Amon the governor BADE, ESI".
//a.29.8. he<i. and his soul is empty, a. and is faint 2 Cliron. 13. 14. when Judah looked A. behold Gen. 27. 19. I have done accordin-j as thou A. me
25. 13. but the soldiers that Amaziah sent A.
Acts 16. 27. the keeper of the prison u. out of sleep 43. 17. and the man did as Joseph A. and brought
A WARE. 26. 9- he holdeth A. the face 0/ his throne
./.'* F.zod. 16. 24. laid it up till morning, as .Moses o.
Cant. 6. 12. or ever I was a. my soul made me like
Jer. 46. 5. they are fled apace, and look not A. .\um. 14. 10. all the congregation A. stone them
Ji'.' taken, O Habylon, and thou art not a.
llos. 4. It). Israel slideth A. as a backsliding heifer Joih 11. 9. Joshua did to them as the Lord A. him
Luke 11. 44. men that walk over them, are not a. Sah. 2. 8. stand, shall they cry, none shall look A. RuiA 3. f). to all that her mother-in-law A. her
AWAY. .l/«r. 24. 18. nor let him tUat is in field return A. 1 Sum. 24. 10. some A. me kill thee, but I spared

Gen. 15. 11. when fowls came Abrah. drove them a. 28. 2. angel rolled A. the stone from the door 'i Sam. 1. 18. David A. them teach Judah the use
Ejod. 8. C8. only ye shall not go very far a. LukeH. 37.went into the ship, and returned A. again 14. ly. for thy servant .loab he A. me, and he put
19. 24. the Lord said to him, a. get thee down 9. 62. put his hand to plough, and looking A. noi 2C/iron. 10. 1". came on the third day .as the king A.
S C/iroH. .^5. 2.'J. have me a. for I am wounded 17. ."1. let him likewise not return A. Esi/t. 4. 15. Esther A. them return this answer
Jia. 1. 13. calling of assemblies I cannot, a. with 6ie, Go,, Keep, Kept, Turn, .Mai. 16. 12. how i.u i. them not beware of leaven
Luie 4. t34. a. what have we to do with thee We.NT. Liiie 14. 9. and he that A. ihee and him, come, 10.
23. 18. a. with this man, release to us IJarabl/as BACK, Substantive. 16. a certain man made a supper and i. many
Jo/ia ly. 15. a. with mm, a. with him, AcisCl. .36. 1 Sam. 10. 9. he turned his A. to go from Samuel Acts 11. 12. and the Spirit A. me go with them
^c(s 22. 22. a. with such a fellow from the earth 1 Kings 14.9.hastcastmebeliindthy A. £'re*.23.35. 18. 21. but A. them farewell, saying, I must keep
AWE, ETII. Psal. 21. 12. thou shalt make them turn their A. 22.24. A. that he should be examined by scourging
ptal. 4. 4. Stand in a. and sm not, commune with 129. 3. tlieplowers plowed on my A. made furrows BADGI.RS'-SKINS.
33. 8. inhabitants of the world stand in a. of him Proi-.IQ. 13. a rod for the A. ofhim, 19.29. | 26.3. F.zod. 25. 5. take of them b.-skins and shittim-wood
119. 161. my heart standeth in a. of thy word ha. 38. 17. thou hast cast my sins behind thy A. 20. 14. and a covering forthetent aboveof A.-jiini
Prov. 17. t lO. a reproof a. more a wise man 50. 6. I gave my A. to the smiters, and my cheeks 35. 7- rams' skins dyed red, A.-ii. and shittim wood
AWL. Jer. 2. 27. they have turned their A. to thee 23. with whom were fo.ind skins of rams, and A. -i<.
Eiocl.2l. 6. his master shall bore his ear with an a. 18. 17. I will shew them the A, and not the face 30. 1 9. and he made a covering of b.-sk. above that
Veul. 15. 17. thou shalt take an a. and thrust it 32. 33. they have turned to me the A. and not face Si(?n. 4. 10. put it within a covering of b.-skins
AWOKE. 48. 39. how hath .Moab turned the A. with shame Lztk. l6. 10. and I shod thee with b.-skin:
Gen. 9. 24. Noah a. from his wine, and knew what Dan. 7. 6. which bad on the A. of it four wings BAG
41. 4. cat up the fat kine, so Pharaoh a. 7. 21. Rom. 11. 10. not see, and bow down their A. alway Signifies, A sack or pouch, Deut. 25. 13.1 Sam. 17 .40
JuJ^. 16. 20. Samson a. out of his sleep and said l^iACK-BONE. Bags which wax not old, Luke 12. 33. Heaienlf
1 Kings3.\5. .Solomona. and behold it was a dream Le-o.S.Q. the rump shall he take ofThard by the A.-A. treasures 'uhich perish not, as eartldv things do.
3/a/.8.25. his disciples came and a. him, Luie ii.Qi^ BACK-PA HXS. Earneth wages to put into a bag with hnfcs. Hag.
AX £xurf .23.23.away my hand, thou shalt see my b.-p. 1. 6. II hat he gets or labours for, does him no
Signi$es, [1] A carpenter's tool, Judg. Q. 48. "BAfKS. manner uf ieri ice, but a secret curse consumes it.
[2]A human instrument, the king of Assyria, Neh. 9. 26. they cast thy law behind their A. Dcui. 25. 13. not have in thy A. divers weights
Isa. 10.15. [3] God's lengeance and judgment Ezek. 8. 16. men with their A. towards the temple 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones, and put thcni in a A.
upon barren and iyicorrigihle sinners. Mat. 3. 10. 10. 12. their whole body and A. full of eyes Job 14. 17. ray transgression is sealed up in a A.
Dtui. 19. 5. his hand fetched a stroke with the ai See TuR.NED. Prov. 7. 20. he hath taken a A. of money with him
CO. 19. nor destroy the trees by forcing an at BACKBITERS. Prov. 16. 11. all the weights of the A. are his work
Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech took an ai in his hand Rom. 1. 30. A. haters of God, despiteful, proud /-a. 46. 6. they lavish gold out of the A. and weigh
1 -Sam. 13. 20. Israel went down to sharpen his ar BACKBITETII. ."^lic. 6. 11. and with the A. of deceitful weights

1 Kings 6. 7. neither hammer nor ai was heard Psal. 15. 3. he that A. not with his tongue Hag. 1. 6. he earneth wages to put in a A. with holes
2 Kings 6. 5. the ax-head fell into the water BACKBITING. John 12.6. because he was a thief, and had the A.
Jsa. 10. 15. shall the ax boast itself against him Prov. 25. 33. so an angry countenance, a A. tongue 13. 29 some thought, because Judas had the A.
Jer. 10. 3. for one cuts a tree with the ar 2 Cor. 12. 20l lest there be debates, strifes, A. BAGS.
51. 20. thou art my battle-ax and weapons BACKSIDE. 2 Kings 5. 23. and he bound two talents in two A.
Hat. 3. 10. the ax is laid to root of trees, Luke 3. Q. £rod.3. 1. Mosesledthefiocktothe A. ofthedesert 12. 10. they put up in A. and told the money
AXES. 26. 12. the half-curtain shall hang over the A. Luke 12. 33. provide yourselves A. that wax not old
ISam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the a. Rev. 5. 1. on the A. sealed with seven seals BAKE.
ZSam. 12. 31. he put them under saws and a. of BACKSLIDER. Gen. 19. 3. Lot did A. unleavened bread, they eat
iron, and made them pass through, 1 C/ir. 20.3. Prov. 14. 14. A. in heart be filled with his ways Ezod. 16. 23. A. that wliich you will i. to-day
Psal. 74. 5. a man was famous as he lifted up a. BACKSLIDING, S. Lev. 24. 5. take flour and A. twelve cakes thereof
6. they break down the car\ed work with a. Jer. 2. 19. 2nd thy A. shall reprove thee 26. 26. ten women shall A. your bread in one oven
Jer. 46. 22. and come against her with a. as hewers 3. 6. hast thou seen what A. Israel hath done? 1 Sam. 28.24. woman at Endor did A. Vinkav. bread

Ezek. 26. 9. with a. he shall break down thy tower 8. causes whereby A. Israel committed adultery 2 Siim. 13. 8. Tamar took tiour and did A. cakes
A.\LE-TREES. Jer. 3. 11. the A. Israel hath justified herself more Lzek. 4. 12. thou shalt A. it with man's duna
1 Kings'! . 32. the a.-/, of the wheel join to the base 12. return thou A. Israel, saiih the Lord 40. 20. the place where they shall A. uitat-oflerlng
33. a.-lrees naves, and felloes, were all molten 14. return O A. children, saith the Lord, 22. BAKED.
5. 6. because their transgressions and A. increased Ezod. 12. 39. they A. unleavened cakes of dough
8. 5. this people slidden back by a perpetual A. -N"«(. 11. 8. and A. it in pans, and made cakes of it
B. 14. 7. for our A. are many, we sinned against thee 1 Chron. 23. 2y. and for that which is A. in the pan
31. 22. how long go about, (.) A. daughter, 4y.4. B.4KE..MEATS.
BABBLER. JIos. 4. IC. Israel slideth back, as a A. heifer Gen. 40. 17. all manner of b.-meats for Pharaoh
Eccl. 10. 11. serpent will bite, and ai. is no better 11. 7- niy people are bent to A. from me BAKEN.
Acts 17. 18 and some s.aid, what will this 6. say ? 14. 4. I will heal their A. I will love them freely Lev. 2. 4. meat-oflfcring A. in the oven, 5,7. | 7. 9.
BABBLING, S. Zccli. 7. 1 11. they gave a A. shoulder and stopped 6. 17. it shall not be A. with leaven, it is most holy
Pror. 23. 29. who hath contentions ? who hath 6. ? BACKWARD. 23. 17. two wave-loaves shall be A. with leaven
1 Tim. 6. 20. avoiding profane and vain i. Gen. 9. 23. went A. and their faces were A. 1 Kings 19. 6. behold, a cake was i. on the coals
2 Tim. 2. 16. but shun profane and vain i. they 49. 17. t)an a serpent, so that his rider shall fall A. BAKER.
BABE lSam.4. 18. Eli fell from off the seat A. by the gate Gen. 40. 1 the butler and A. had offended the king

Signifies, [1] An infant or cliild, Exod. 2. 6. 2 Kings QO. 10. let the shadow return A. Isa. 38. 8. 20. lifted up the head of the chief butler and i
Luke 2. 12. [2] iiuch as are -ueak in faith and Job S3. 8. and A. but I cannot perceive him 22. he hanged the A. as Joseph interpreted
htoaledge, being ignorant and inconstant, like Pial. 40. 14. let them be driven A. that wish me evil 41. It), and put in ward both me and ihe chief i
infants, 1 Cor. 3. 1. Ileb. 5. 13. [3] looliih, 70. 2. let them be turned A. that desire my hurt llos. 7.4. they are as an oven heated by the A
frotcard, and unteachable men, incapable of g<'- Jsa. 1. 4. they provoked, and are gone away A. 6. their A. sleepeth all the night, it burneth
lernment, for uant of understanding, •experience, 28. 13. that they might go and fall A. be broken BAKERS.
and manners, Isa. 3. 4. 44. 25. that tumeth wise men A. and maketh their Gen. 40. 2. was wroth against the chief of the b.
Head. 2. 6. saw the child, and behold the i. wept 50. 14. judgment is turned away A. and justice 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will taxe your daughters to be*.

Xu<f« 1. 41. heard Mary, the A. leaped in her womb Jer. 7. 24. but they went i. and not forward Jer. 37. 21. gave Jeremiah bread out of A. street
44. the b Iciped in my womb for joy 15. 6. thou art gone A. theriiforc I will destroy BAKETll.
2. 12. ye shall findi. wrapped in swaddliug clothes I^m. 1. 8. Jerusalem sighcth and tumeth A. Isa. 44. 15. he A. bread, yea, he maketh a god
16. came and found the i. lying in a manger Ju/in 18. 6. they went A. and fell to the ground BALD.
Jleb. 5. 13. unskilful in the word, for he is a d. BAD. Lev. 13. 40. he is A. yet is he clean, 41
BABES. Gen. 24. 50. we cannot speak to thee A. or good 2 Kings 2.23. go up thou A. head, go up thou A.hea«
Psal. 8. 2. oot of tne mouth of A. ^fat. 21. 16. 31. 24. speak not to Jacob good or A. 29. Jer. 10. 6. nor make themselves A. for them
17. 14. they lea'.-e rest of their substance to their A. Lee. 27. 10. a good for a A. or a A. for a good 4R 37. every head shall be A. and beard dipt
Isa. 3. 4. their phnces and b. shall rule over them 12. the priest value it, whether it be good or A. Ezek. '21 .31. they shall make themselves utterly A.
Mat. 11 .25. and hast revealed them to *. Luke 10.21 14. estimate the house, whether it be good or A. 29. 18. every head was made A. and shoulder peeled
li/>m. 2. 20. instructor of foolish, a teacher of A. 33. he shall not search whether it be good or A. Mic. 1. 16. make thee A. and poll thee for childreo
1 Cor. 3. 1. as to carnal, even as unto A. in Christ Sum. 13. 19. the land they dwell in, if good or A. BALD-LOCUST.
1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-bom A. desire the sincere milk of 24. 13. to do either good or A. of my own mind Lev. 11. 22. ye may eat the b.-locvst after his kind
BACK. 2 Sam. 13. 22. Abs.alom spake neither good nor A. BALDNESS
Eiod. 18. 2. Zipporah, after he had sent bcr b. 14. 17. so is my lord the king to discern good or A. Signifies, [1] IVant of hatr on the head. Lev. 21.5k
23. 4. or ass going astray, thou shalt bring it A. 1 Kings 3 9' a heart that I may discern good and i. A
[2] sigii of mmtratng, Isa. 15. 2. Jer. 47- 6-
yum. 22. 34. if it leua thee. I will getmc A Exra 4. 18. building tha rebellious and A. city Ltv. 21.5 they shall not make A on tltcir bead


'I>tta. 14. I. nor make any 6. between your eye*; Acts 27. 1. to Julius a centurion of Augusms Mat. 17.13. understood that be spake of John tnei.
Isa. 3. 84. and instead of well-set hair, b. BANDED. Marl 6. 14. John the A. was risen from the deaa
15. 2. on all tlieir hRr;d5 h. and every beard cut Acts 23. Is. certain of the Jews b. together 25. give me in a charger the head of John ihe 6.
22. 12. the Lord did call to weeping and to i. BANK Luke 7. 20. John the A. hath sent us to thee, xayiog
Jer. 47. 5. b. is come upon Gaza, Ashkelon cut off Signifies, [I] The side, or brink of a river. Gen 33. John the A. came neither eating nor drinkinj
Eiek. 7. 18. and b. on all their heads, /Inwi (S. 10. 41. 17. A
[2] monut, or heap of eaith raised 9- 19. they answering said, John the A.
Mic, 1. ]6. poll thee, enlarge thy b. as the eagle to cover besiegers, while they batter the walls of BAPllZK.
BALANCE. a city, or shout at those who defend them, 2 Sam. Mat. you with water, he shall A. you with
3. 11. 1 3.
Job 31. 6. let me be weighed in an even b. 20. 15. A
[3] place where there is a great sum M.Ghost, ,Ua;X 1.8. Lukc3.l6. Jo/ml. 26.
Psal. 6l. g. laid in the b. are altogether vanity of money taken in, and lei out to use, Luke Mark 1.4. John did A. in the wilderness, and preach
Prov. 11. 1. a false b. is abomination, CO. 23. 19. 23. John i 33. he that sent me to b. said unto me

16.11. a just weight, and b. are the Lord's Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the b. of the river 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to A. but to preacb
lia. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a b. ? Deut. 4. 48. from Aroer which is by the b. of the BAPTIZED.
15. nations counted as the small dust oi" the b. river Anion, Josh. 12. 2. | 13. 9, 16. Mat. 3. 6. were A. of him in Jordan, Mark 1 5. .

46. 6. lavish gold, and weigh silver in the b. 2 Sam. 20. 15. they caii up a b. against the city 13. then cometh Jesus to .lohn to he A. of him
BALANCES. 2 Kings 2. 13. Elisha stood by the b. of Jordan 14. I have need to be A. of thct, and comest thou
Lev. 19. 30. just b. a just ephah, Ezek. 45. 10. 19.32. the king of Assyria not cast ab. Isa. 37.33. 16. Jesus, when he was A. went up out of water
Job 6. 2. and my calamity laid in the b. together Ji^zek. 47. 7. at the b. of the river were many trees Mark 1. (J. Jesus was A. of John in Jordan
Jer. 32. 10. I weighed him the money in the A. Dan. 12. 5. one on this side of the b. of the river, 10. 39. the baptism I am A. withal, shall ye Im A
Szek. 5. 1. take b. to weigh, aud divide the hair the other on that side of the b. of the river 16. 16. he believeth and is A. shall he saved
2Jan. 5. 27. thou art weighed in the b. and wantmg Liike 19. 23. gavest not thou my money into the b. ? Luke 3. 7. said to the multitude that came to be A
Jlos. 12. 7. the b. ot deceit are in his hand BANKS. 12. then came the publicans to be A. 7. 29.
Amos 8. 5. and falsifying the b. by deceit Josh. 0. 15. Jordan overfloweth all his /;. 4. 18. 21. Jesus being A. and praymg, heaven was opened
Mic. f>. 11. shall I count them pure with wicked b. ? 1 Chron. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed his b. 7. 30. Pharisees and lawyers, being not A. of hiii
liet. 6. 5. lie that sat on them, had a pair of b. Isa. 8.7. the king of AssjTria shall go over all hisi. John 3. 22. there he tarried with them and A.
JiALANCINGS. Dan, 8. Id. 1 heard a man's voice between the b. 23. much water there, and they came and were*
Job 37. 16. do;t thou know the b. of the clouds? BANNER 4. 1. Jesus made and A. more disciples than John
BALL, S. .Signifies,A standard, or ensign, Isa. 13.2. 2. t.hough Jesus himself A. not, but his disciples
Isa. 3. + 19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. 'I nou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, 10. 40. into the place where John at first A.
22. 18. he will surely turn and toss thee like a b. Psal. 60. 4. An army of men united under one .icts 1. 5. for John truly A. with water, but ve
BALM. banner, with ability to defend theinsehes and con- shall be A. v.ilh the Holy Ghost, 11. 10,
Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearing b. aud myrrh quer their enemies ; a banner being a sign of 2. 33. repent, be A. every one of you in tha
43. 11. take in your vessels a little b. and honey victory, as well as of battle and vinion. name of
Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead is there no His banner over me was love. Cant. 2. 4.
The 41. they that gladly received his word were 6
physician r love of Christ displayed, like- a banner, in the 8.12. they were A. both men and women
46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take b. Ovirgin gospel, conducted, ettcouragcd, and engaged me to 13. Simon believed also, and when he was A.
51. 8. howl for her, take b. for her pain come to him. 16. only they were A, in the name of Jesus
2i,zek. 27 . 17 J udah traded in honey, and oil, aud b
. Exod. 17.. t 15. called the altar, the Lord my b. 36. here is water, what doth hinder me to Le A. .'
BAND, .S Psal. 60. 4. hast given a b. to them that fear thee 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he A. him
Signifies, [1] A
company of soldiers. Acts 10. 1 Catit. 2. 4. to banquet, and his i. over me '.vas love 9. 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was A.
[2] Material chains, Luke 8. 29. Acts I6. 2(j. Isa. 13.2. lift ye up a b, on the high mountain 10.47. can any forbid.that these should not be A.
\'i.'\ Arguments or instances of lov^, which might BANKERS. 48. Peter commanded them to be A.
draw and enzage persons to their dutu, llos. 11.4. Psal. 20.5. in the name of our God we set up our i. 16. 15. Lydiawhenshe wasA. and her household
['ii]Govern7nent and laws, which, like fetters, re- Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with b. 33. jailer was A. and all his straightway
strain men from wicked practices, Psal. 2. 3. BANISHED. 18.8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were 4
Zcch. 11. 7, 14. [5] Faith and love, which at- 2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his b. 19- 3. he said to them, to what then were ye A. .'
tract the soul to Christ, Col. 2. I9. 14.he doth devise means that his i. be not expelled 5. when they heard this they were A.
Exod. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not rend BA^'ISH.MENT. 22. id. arise, and be A. and wash away thy sins
Xep. 2(). 13. I have broken the b. of your yoke Ezra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to b. Horn. d. 3. were A. into Jesus, were A. into his dtiith
Judg. 15. 14. and his i. loosed from off his hands Lam. 2. 14. have seen false burdens juid causes of b. 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye A. in the name of Paul r
S Kings 23. 33. I'haraoh put Jehaihaz in b. BANQUET. [5, 8. 14. thank God that I A. none of you, but Crispus
Job 38. 9. I made darkness a swaddling b. for it F.sth. 5.4. let the king and Haman come to the b. Id. 1 A. household of Stephanas, not A. any other
31 .canst hind the Pleiades,or loose the i. of Orion.' 6. the king said to Esther at the b. of wine, 7.2. 10. 2. anil were all A. to Moses in the cloud
39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild assr Job 41. 6. shall the companions make a b. of him : 12.13. for liy one Spirit are we all A. intoonebodj
10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his b. f Amos 6. 7. the i. of them that stretched themselves 15. 29. else what shall they do who are A. for
Psal.1.Z.\e\ us break their b. asunder.and cast away BANQUET-HOUSE. the dead, why are they A. for the deaU >
73. 4. for there are no b. in their death Dan. 5. to. now the queen came into the i. -house Gal. 3. 27. as many as have been A. into Christ
107. 14. and he brake their b. in sunder BANQUETING, S. BAPTIZEST.
Eccl. 7. 26. woman whose heart snares, hands as b. Cant. 2. 4. he brought me into the .i. -house John 1. 25. why A. thou, if thou be not the Christ ?
Isa. 28. 22. be not mockers, lest b. be made strong 1 I'et. 4. 3. we walked in lusts, rovtllings, b. BAPTIZETH.
t>'i. 2. loose thyself from the b. of thy neck BAPTIS.M John 1 . 33. the same is he who A. with the H. Ghost
58. 6. this the fast, to loose the b. of wickedness Signifies, [1] J^ie ouf.rard ordinance, or sacramjnt, 3. ',6. behold, the same A. all men come to him
Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy b. wherein the washing with water represents the BAPTIZING.
Ezek. 3.25. son of man, they .shall put b. on thee cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood uf Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, A. them
4. 8. and behold I will lay b. upon thee Christ, Luke 7. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 2i. [2] Inward John 1. 28. done beyond Jordan, where John was A
34. 27. when I have broken the b. of their youth spiritual washing, whereby the gifts and graces 31. therefore am I come A. with water
Dan 4. 15. even with a b. of iron and brass, 23. of the Spii it, signified by the outward sign, are 3. 23. and John was also A. in Enou.nearto Salim
llos. '1.4. I drew them with b. of love, and I was really and actually bestowed. Mat. 3. 11. [3] The BAR, RED.
Zech. '1. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and b, sufferings of Christ, whereby he was consecrated Keh. 7. 3. let tliem shut the doors, and A. them
34. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even b. and prepared for his entrance upon his kingly Cant. 4. t 12. a garden A. is my sister, my spouse
LukeR. 29. he brake b. and was driven of the devil office, Wat. 20. 22. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much BAR, Subitantive.
Acts iG. 26. and every one's b. were loosed of the goipel as John the Baptist taught his Exod. 26. 28. the middle A. in midst of the boan'/.
22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his b. disciples vhen he baptized them. Acts 18. 25. .36. 33. he made the middle A. to shoot through
Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by b. Mil/. 3. 7.when he saw the Pharisees come to his i. iNKffi. 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a A. 12
Hee Bonds. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the b. Mark 10. 38. Judg. 16. 3. took doors of the city, posts, A. and all
BAND, S. 21. 25. the b. of John, whence was it, from heaven .imos 1. 5. 1 will break .also the i. of Damascis
Gen. 32. 7. .Jacob divided the camtls into two b. orof men.' Mark \l. 30. Luke20..i. BARS
10. I passed over, and now I am become two b. Mark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wilderness, and Signify, [1] That bv which doors and gales ate
1 Sam. 10. C(). and there went with him a b. of men preach the b. of repentance, Eukc 3. 3. made fast, Neb.' 3. 3, d. [2] That uhich 11
2 Sam. 4. 2. Saul's son had two men, captains of b. Luke 7. 29. publicans baptized with the b. of John made OS a rafter to J'astcn beards uuto, Exod.
2 Kings 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more 12. .iO. I have a.b. to be baptized with, and how am 26. 21). [3]'l{ocks in the sea, Jonal> 2. 6.
13. 20. and the b. of the Moabites invaded the land Acts 1. 22. beginning from the 4. of John to that day [4] 'The boundary if the uai/es of the sea.
21. as they were burying a man, they spied a b. word, alter the A. which John preached Job. 38. 10.
24.2. the Lord sent against him A. of Chaldeans, b. 13.24. John preached the A. of repentance to Israel Exod. 2d. 26. ihou shalt make A. of shittim-wnoi
i Chrcji.l 4. with them were*, of soldiers for war 18. 25. Apollus knowing only the b. of John
. for the bo.irds of the tabernacle, .3d. 31
12. 18. David m.-ide them captains of the b. 19. 3. were ye baptized >'
they said unto John's i. !^um. %. 36. uixltr the charge of thesousof .Merari,
21 they helped David against the b. of the rovers
. 4. John baptized with the b. of repentance shall be the boards and A. of lhetabcrnacle,4.31
A':ra8. 22. I was ashamed to require of the king ai. Horn. (). 4. we are buried with him by b. into death Dent. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gatei
Job 1. 17. tlie Chaldeans made out three b. and fell I'/ih. 4. 5, there is one Lord, one faith, one b. and A. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chron. 8. 5. | 14. 7
Psiil. 119. 61. tlie b. of the wicked have robbed me ('•il. 2. 12. buried with him in b, ye are risen with 1 Sam. 23 entering into a town that hath A.
Prov. 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by b. llrb. 6. 2. of doctrine of b. and laying on of bands Sih. 3.3. set up locks thereof and A. 6, 13, 14, 15. 1 will scatter all his 4. and draw sword 1 I'et. 3. £1. the like figure whereuuto, even b. doth Jrb. 17. Id. they shall go down to the A. of the pit
.18. 6. Gomer and all his b. Togarmah his b. BAPTl.SI'. 18. t 13. it shall devour the A. of his skin
22. I will rain upon him and upon his b. Mat. 3. 1. in those days came John b. preaching .;8. 10. and set I. and doors for the sea
59. 4. fall on mountains of Israel thou and thy *. 11. 11. among them born ot women there hath not 40. 18. Behemoth, hi; bones are like A. of ir<m
A/«f 27. 27. gathered to him whole b. AJarkl5. I6.
. risen a greater than John the 0. /-«X« 7. 28. Tsal. 107. 16. and cut A. of iron in sunder, />a.45.2.
Jii/iii in. 3. Judas having received a b. of men 11. 12. from the days of John the A. till now 147. 13. be hath strengthened the A. of thy gates
12. the b. and captain and officers look .Jesus 14. 2. this is John the 4. he is risen from the dead I'rov. 18. 19. contentions are like the A. of a castlo
.3cts iO. 1. a ceiXurion of the i4. called the Italian i, 8. said, give me John the A. head in a charger Isa. 43. t 14. I hare brought down all their A
81. 31. tidings came to tlw cUief captain of the b. 16.14 some say thou art John the A. iUur A U 28. Jer. 49, 31, nation which liuvc neither gales nor u.
Jtr.SO. 1 36. a sword apon her i. shall be dismayed BARDKOOT. BASER.
31. 30. they have Babylon, her *. are broken 2 Sam. 15. .30. he went A. and the people with him Acts 17. 5. Jews took lewd fellows of the B. sort
Lam. £. 9. ae hath drscruyed and broken her i. Isa. 20.2. Isaiah did so, walking nsiked and A. 3. BASEST.
Eitk. 38. 11. and having neither gales nor ». 4. led the Egyptians prisoners, naked aiid A. Pathros shall be the A. of kingdoms
EseJt. 29. 15.
Jonah 2. 6. the earth with her i. was about me BARK. Dan. 4. 17. aiid setteth up over it the A. of men
^ah. 3. 13. gates open, the 6re shall devour thy b. ha. 56. 10. they are dumb dogs, they cannot A. BASKET.
BARBARIAN. BARKEU. Gen. 40. 17. in the
A. all manner of baVe-meats
1 Cor. 14.11. shall be to him a i. and he a b. to me Joel I. 7. laid my vine waste, and A. the fig-treeLiod. 29. 23. out of the A. of the unleavened bread
Col. 3. 11. where there is neither Greek nor Jew, b. BARLEV. Ler. 8. 2, 26. Aum. 6. 15, 17,
BARBARIANS. Eiod. 9. 31 the A. was smitten, for A. was in the ear Lev. 8. 31. the bread in the A. of consecrations

Acts CR. 4. when the b. saw the venomons beast Lev. 27. 16. an homer of A. seed shall be valued Uciil. 26. 4. priest shall take the A. out of thy hzind
Kom. 1.14. 1 am a debtor both to the Ureeks and b. -Vum. 5. 15. the tenth part of an ephah of A. meal 28. 5. blessed shall be thy A. and thy store
BARBAROUS. Deiit.H.B.a. land of wheat, and A. vines, and fig-trees 17. cursed shall be thy A. and thy store
Acts C8. 2. the b. people shewed no little kindness Judg. 7. 13. lo a cake of A. bread tumbled into the Judg. 6. 19. and Gideon put the flesh in a i.
BARBKD. Uuth 1. 22. came in the beginning of A. harvest Jer. 24. 2. one A. had very good figs, the other A.
Job 41. 7- canst thou fill his skin with b. irons •
2. 17- she gleaned about an ephah of b. Amos 8. 1. and behold a A. of summer fruit, 2.
BARBl.R. 23. so she kept, fast to the end of A. harvest Acts 9. 25. the disciples took Saul, and let him down
Eiek. 5. 1. son of man, take thee a b. rasor 3. 2. behold Boaz winnoweth A. to-night by the wall in a A. 2 Cur. 11. 33.
BARE. 15. he measured six measures of A. and laid it BASKETS.
Gen. 7. 17- «• the ark, Uent.2\.Q,'ii. Josh. 3. 15. 2 6'awi. 14. 30. Joab's field is near, he hath A. there Gen. 40. I6. I had three white A. on my head
4.10. I 8.33. 2 6<im.6.13. 1 CVirun. 15. IS.Cfi,'.'?. 17. 28. B.-xrzillai brought beds, A. and flour IB. Joseph said, the three A. are three days
31. 3y. that torn by beasts, I b. the lo^s of it 21.9. Saul's sons were hanged in A. harvest 2 Kings 10. 7. slew 70, and put tiieir heads'in A.
Biod. 19. 4. and how I b. you on eagles' wings 1 Kings 4. 28. A. also and straw for the horses Jer. 6. 9- turn hand as a grape-gatherer into the A.
Dent. 1.31. thy God b. thee as a man doth bear 2 Kings 4. 42. brought the man of God 20 loaves 24. 1. behold, two A. of figs before the temple
Judfl. 3. 18. sent the people that b. the pre:^ent [of A. Mat. 14. 20. and they took up twelve A. full, Mari
1 Ham. 14. 1. Jonathan said to the youn; man 7. 1. two measures of A. for a shekel, I6, 18. 6 43. Luke 9. 17. John 6. 13.
that b. his armour, 6. -' Sum. 18. 15. 1 Cliron. 11. 13. a parcel of ground full of b. 15. 37. they did all eat, and took of broken meat
1 Kings 5. 15. that b. burdens 70,000, Neh. 4. 17- 2CAron. 2. 10. I will give 20,000 measures of A. seven A. full, Mark 8. 8
\Chron. 12.24.ofJudah that*, shield, 2 C//;. U.H. 15. wheat, and A. the oil, and wine, let him send 16. 9- do ye not remember the five loaves, and how
ija.53.1C.he b. the sin of many, made intercession 27. 5. Amnion gave 10,000 measures of A. many A. ye took up 10. Mark 8. ly, 20..'

63. 9. he b. them all the days of old Job 31. 40. and let cockle grow instead of A. BASON.
Etek. 12. 7. the stuff I i. upon my shoulder Isa. 28. 25. the principal wheat, and appointed A. Exod. 12. 22. dip it in the blood that is in the A.
Jilai. U. 17. saying, himself b. our sicknesses Jer. 41. 8. we have treasures of wheat and A. 1 C/iron. 28. 17. gave gold by weight for every A.
Luke 7. 14- and they that b. him stood still Ezek, 4. 9. tal-.e to thee wheat, and A. and beans John 13. 5. after that he poureth water into a i.
Ji'/in 2. 8. the water made wine, and they b. it 12. thou shalt eat it as A. cakes, and bake it BASONS.
12. 6. had the bag, and b. what was put therein 13. ig. will ye pollute me for haiidfuls of A. Eiod. 24. 6. Moses put half of the blood in A.
1 Pel. 2. 24. his own self i. our sins on the tree 45. 13. sixth part of an ephah of an homer of A. 2 .Sam. 17. 28. BarziUai brought beds and A.
BARE. Ilos. 3. 2. bought her for an homer of A. and half 1 Atngs 7. 40. Ilirani made the lavers and the
Gen. 25. 26. Isaac was 60 years, when she i. them Joel 1. 11. O husbandmen, howl for wheat and A. shovels and the A. 45. | 2 Chron. 4. 8, 11.
31. 8. then all the cattle'* speckled John 6. 9- a lad here which hath five A. loaves Jer. £2. I9. b. and fire-pans the captain took away
31. 5. and he was at Chezib, when she b. him 6. 13. with the fragments of the five A. loaves BASI'ARD, S.
44. 27. ye know that my wife b. nie two sons liei. 6.6. a voice say, 3 measures of A. for a penny Deut. 23.2. a A. shall not enter into the congregation
£jorf.6.2(i.Jochcbed i. to Amram Moses and Aaron BARN Zech. 9. 6. and a A. shall dwell in Ashdod, cut off
Judg. 13. C. Manoah's wife was barren, and b. not Si'^ni{ies,['i'] A reppsitori/ for any sort nf grain, Hei. 12.8. if ye be without chastisement, then are A.
2 Ham. 12. '.o. struck the child that Uriah's wife i. Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Mat. 13. 30. BATH
1 Kings 1. C. his mother b. him
Absalom 2 Kings
after help thee out of the A. (loor
6. 27. shall J^'as a measure used amoug the JIebre;cs, of the
I .'

1 CliToii. 4. 9. Jabez, because him with sorrow Job 39. 12. and g.ither thy seed into the A.
I *. same bigness •j.ith the I'.phah, which contained
Prov. 17. 25. and bitterness to her that b. him Ilag. 2. 19. is seed yet in A. vine not brought forth 60 nine pints, and almost an half ; or seven
23. C5. and she that b. thee shall rejoice .Vat. 13. 30. but gather the wheat into my A. gallons and an half.
Cant. 6. 9- ''lie is the choice one of her that h. her Lnie 12. 24. which have no store-house nor A. Zia.o.lO.yea.ten acres of vineyard shall yield one i
8. 5. there she brought thee forth that b. thee BARNS. Ezek. 45. 10. ye shall have a just ephah, a just *,
Jsa. 51. 2. and look unto Sarah that b. you Dcut, 28. 1 8. the Lord shall command the blessing 11. the ephah and A. shall be of one measure
Jer. It). 3. concerning their mother that b. them upon thee in thy A. and in all thou dost 14. ye shall offer the tenth part of a A
£0. 14. let not the day wherein my mother b. me I'rov. 3. 10. so shall thy A. be filled with plenty BATHE.
22. 26. cast thee out, and thy mother that b. thee 17. the A. are broken down, and withered Lev. 15. 5. shall A. himself in water, 8,11, 13,21.
Joel 1.
50. 12. she that b. you shall be ashamed sow not, nor gather into A.
.1/17/. 6. 2(5. the fowls 22, 27. I 16. 26, 28. 17. 15. Num. I9. 7, 8, I9. I

Ijuke 11. 27. blessed is the womb that b. thee Luke 12. 18. I will pull down A. and build my
17. 16. but if he wash them not, nor A. his flesh
23. 29. blessed are the wombs that never b. S. BARREL, BATHED.
BARE/r«if. 1 Kings 17.12. but a handful of meal in a A. and oil Isa. 34. 3. my
sword shall be A. in heaven, behold it
Luke 8.8. other sprang up, and b.f. an hundred-fold 14. the A. of meal shall not waste, nor oil fail BATHS.
Rev.a.i. the tree of life A. twelve maimer of />HiV.f 18. 33. fill four A. with water, and pour it on 1 Kings 7. 26. molten sea contained 2000 A.
BARE rule. BARREN. 38. one laver containing 40. A. every laver
1 Kings 9.23. the chief officers that b. r«/e over the Gen. 11. 30. but Sarai was A. she had no child 2 Chron. 2. 10. give thy servants 20,000 A. of wine
people that wrought in the work, 2 CViron. 8. 10. 25. 21. Rebekah was A. 29. 31. Rachel A. 4. 5. the sea received and held 3000 A.

l^eh. 5. 15. their senants b. rule over the people I.ind. 23. 26. nothing shall cast young nor be A. Ezra 7. 22. to an hundred A. of wine, 100 A. of oil
15ARE uitness, and record. Dcut. 7. 14. there shall not be male or female A. Ezek. 45. 14. a;i homer of ten A. ten A. are an homer
Mark 14. 56. IT any b. false sntness against him, 57. Judg. 13. 2. Manoah's wife was A. and bare not, 3. BAT, S.
Luke 4. 22. all b. him uilness, and wondered 1 Ham. 2. 5. so that the A. hath born seven ier.ll.i9. lapwing and A. are unclean, Deut.l4.1&.
Jolm 1. 15. John b. Ktlness of him, 32, .34. 2 A'ingj 2. 19. the water is naught, and the ground A. lia. 2. 20. shall cast his idols to the moles and A.
5. 33. John A. uiiness to the truth 21. shall not be from thence death, or A. land BATTLE
12. 17. the people that was with him b. record J<iA24. 21. he evil entreateth the A. that bear not Signifies, [1] general Jght, Deut. 20. 3. [2 A
19. 35. he that saw it i. record, and his record is true 39. 6. I have made the A. land his dwellings rictory, Eccl. <). 11. [3] War, 1 Sam. I7. IS,
Acts 15. 8. knoweth the hearts, b. them Kiincss Psal. 113. 9. he maketh the A. woman to keep house Gen. 14.8. theyjoinedA. 1 .biini. J.2. 1 Kings^O. 29
Rev. 1. S. who b. record o( the word of God Prov. 30. iG. the grave and A. womb not satisfied Sum. 32. 27. will pass over before the 4
BAREST. Cant. 4. 2. r.nd none is A. among them, C. 6. Deut. 2. 24. rise up, contend with Sihon in A.
1 King! 2. 2(). because thou b. the ark of the Lord -'jfl. 54. 1. sing, O
A. thou that didst not be.-ir 20. 3. O Israel, you approach this day to A.
//a. 63. 19. thou never b. rule over them Joel 2. 20. and 1 will drive him into a land A. 5. let him return, lest he die in tlie A. 6, 7.
Jolm 3. 26. he to whom thou b. witness, taptizeth Lide 1. 7. had no child, because Elisabeth was A. Jo^h. 11. 19. of Gibeon, all other they took in i
BARE, Adjective 3(5. the sixth month with her, who was called A. Judg. 20. 28. shall I yet ag.ain go out to A.;'
Signifies, [1] Xoked, or i.neocered, Lev. 13. 45. 23.29.they shall say, blessed are the A. and wombs 42. they turned, but the A. overtook them
Isa. 32. 11. [2] I'tain.or real, 1 Cor. 15. .37. Gal. 4. 27. for it is written, rejoice thou A. 1 Sam. 14. 22. followed hard after Philistines in A.

IS) Deprived oj outvard com/orts, Jer. 49. 10. 2 Pel. 1. 8. that ye be neither A. nor unfruitful 17. 20. he came, as the host shouted for the A.
[4] Violeiiili/ taken auay, Jer. 13. t 22. BARRENNESS. 28. for thou art come down to see the 3.
Made bare his holy arm, l>a. 52. 10. Hath dis- Psal. 107. 34. he turneth a fruitful land into A. 47. for the A. is the Lord's, 2 Chron. 20. 15.
covered and put forth nis great pover, uhich /or <i BASE, S. 26. 10. he shall descend ixto the A. and perish
long time seemed to be Aid and unemplot/ed. 1 Kings'!. 27. ten A. four cubits the length of one A. 28. 1 know that thou jhalt go out with me to 5

Lev. 13.45. his clothes be rent and his head b. 2 KingsCS. 13. the A. Solomon made, br.ike they, ll5. 29. 4. lest in the A. he be an adversary to us
bb. whether it be b. within or without Lira 3. 3. and they set ihe altar upon his A. 2.i>am. 11.1. when kings go forth to A. 1 Chron. CO. I
Vtat. 137- 1 7. make b. make b. to tlie foundation Ptal. 104. * 5. founded the earth on her A. 15. set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest A.
Isa. 32. 11. strip ye, make ye b. and gird sarJi- Zech. 5. 11. it shall be set there upon her own A. 19. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead int.
[cloth BASE, Adjective. 1 Kings 8.44. if thy people go out to A. against cnciry

47. 2. make 6 the leg, uncover the thigh, pass 2 .Sain. 6. 22. and will be A. in mine own sight 20. 39. thy servant went out into midst of the K
52. 10. tlie Lord hath made A. his holy arm Job 30. 8. yea, they were children of A. men 22. 4. wilt thou go with me to A. .' 2 Kings 3. 7..
Jer. 13.22. for thine iniquity are thy heels made A. Isa. 3. 5. and the A. apainsi the honourable 1 CJiron. 5. 20. for they cried to God in the A.

49. 10. I have made l^au A. I have uncovered his Lzet. IT. 14. thai the kingdom might be A. 12. 8. of the Gadites, men of war fit for the A.
f«*. It). 7. whereas thou wast naked and A. 29. 14. and they shall be there a A. kingdom 19. 17. David came upon them, and set A. in array
22. when thou wast naked, and A. and polluted Mai. 2. 9. therefore 1 have made you A. against the Syriaiis, 2 Chrtn. 13. 3. | 14. 10.
39. they .<hall leave thee naked and A. 23. 29. Acts 17.tl8 sonic said what will this A. fellow say 2 Chron. 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it. be strong fori
Joel 1.7. my hg irre he hath made it clean and A. 1 Cor. 1.28. 5. things of this world (iod hath chosen Job 15. 24. shall prevail, xs a king ready to the b
1 Cer 15.37. cot thatVodjthas shall )>e, but A. gruu i CoT. 10. 1. I, Vaul, who in preseuce am A. amoug 39. 25. aiid he smelleth the i afax off
Joh 41. 8. remember the *. do no more Mat. 19. 9- shall ptit away, except it be for fomic Ecel. 11. 3. where the tree falleth, there i( shall ie
i**"/. 18. 39. thou hast girded me with strength to h. Luke 10. 6. and if the son of peace be there, your Isa. 6. 13. so the holy seed shall h» the substaoM
24. 8. the King of glory, the Lord mighty in b. John 3.9.Nicodemus s?id, how can these things be ? 58. 8. the glory of the Lord shall be thy rero-w»r(J
55. 18. he hath delivered mysoul from the b. Acts 19-2. not heard whether there be any H. Ghost J<r. 13.27. not be made clean, when shall it once b*
76. 3. he brake the shield, the sword, and the b. 24. 21. except it be for this one voice, that I cried 15. 19. thou shalt be as my
mouth, let them retura
89. i.'S, and h&st not made him to stsoid in the b. Rom. 4.17. who caUetli those things which be not as 32. 5. and there shall he be till i visit him
£cc/,iiLce not to the swift, nor b. to the strong 8. 31 if God be for us, who can be against us
. 33. 9. it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise
Ita. g, 5. every *. of the warrior is with noise 14. 9. that he might be Lord of the dead and living Exek. 16. 16. like shall not come, neither shall be so
13,4. the Lord mustereth the host of the b. 1 Cor. 15. 28. under him, that God may be all in all 18. 20. wickedness of the wicked shall be on kina
2i!. S. thy slain men are not dead in b. 16. 22. love not, let him be anathema maran-atha 27.36.thou//)a// A<(aterror,and nevtr shall Ac more
27. 4. who set briars and thorns against me in b. 2 Cor. 5. + 17. if ia Christ let him be a new creature Van. 2. tm. what shall be in the latter days
28.6. strength to them that turn the b. to the gate 8. 12. if there j«fint a willing mind, it is accepted £.19. a the time appointed the ezii shall be, 11.27.
42. 55. he hath poured on him the strength of the b. Gal. 3. 9- they which be of faith are blessed with H^s. 5. 9. hive I made known that which shall bt
Jer. 8. 6. turned as the horse msheth into the b. 4.12. 1 beseech you, be as I am, for I am as ye are Amos 5. 14. so the God of hosts shall be with you
38. 21. let their young men be slain oy sword in h. 5. 10. shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be will I save you,and yc shall Ac a bless.
45. 3. order buckler and shield, draw near to b. Phil. 2. 5. let this mind be in you that was in Christ 12. 8. shall be ai David, house of Vivii shall beat
49. 14. come against her, and rise up to the b. Heb. 12. 8. but if ye b» without chastisement Mai. 3. 12. for ye shall be a delightsome la.nd
Jtr. 50. S2. a sound ofb. is in land, and destruction 1 Pei.2.3. if so be ye have tasted that L. is gracious Jiyor. 24.21. this time, no,nor ever /Aa//Ac,.Uoril3.
43. put in array, like a man to i. against thee 3. 17. for it is better, if the will of God be so Markg. 19. how long Ma// 1 Ac with you, /,u>tc 9. 41.
Etei. 7. 14. have blown, but none goeth to the b. Kev. 18. 22. craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be John 14. 17. he dwelleth with you, and shall be in
13. 3. to stand in the *. in the day of the Lord 22. 11. he that is mijust, let him be unjust still ; 19. 24. but cast lots for it, whose it shall be
Hot. I. 7. I will not save them by bow nor by b. he who is filthy, let him be filthy .still /lets 27. 25. that it shall be even as it was told me
2.18.1 will break the bow and b. out of the earth Jfu BE. 1 Cor. 15. 37. thou sowest not that body that shall be

lO. 9. i. in Gibeah ; did not overtake them Gen. 23. 8. if it be your mind that I bury my dead 1 John 3.2. It doth not yet appear what we shall b»

Jjil 3. 5. as a strong people set in b. array 25. 22. and she why am I thus !
said, if it be so, Rev. 16.5. O Lord which art, and wast, and shall bt
Obad. 1. let us rise up against Edom in b. Ejod.1.16. if it be a son kill him, if it be a daughte- 22. '2. to give every man as his work ehall be
Zec/i. 10. S. made them as his goodly horse in the *. 2 fiingslO.lo. if it be, give me thy hand.and he gave Shall not, or shall not BE.
5. which tread down their enemies in the b. ZecA.ii.6. if it be mar^-ellous in the eyes of remnant Gc;i. 15. 4. saying, this shall 7iot be thine heir
14. 2. gather all nations against Jerusalem to b. Mat. 14. 28. if it be thou, bid me come on the water Eiod. 22. 25. thou shalt 7101 be to him as an usurer
1 Car. 14. 8. who shall prepare himself to the b. 7 Acts 5. 39. if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it i'c«r.28.13. be above only,thou shall not be beneath
Rev. 9.7.shapes of locusts like horses prepared to b. 18. 15. but if it be a question of words and names 2 Kings 2. 10. if thou see me not, it shall not be so
9. sound of chariots of many horses running to h. G<i/.3.4.have ye suffered in vain ? iftt be yet in vain JobT.^X shalt seek me in morning, but I shall not be

16. 14. to gather them to the A .of the great day ,20.8. May Be, see M.1Y. Peace Be, Jte I'EiCE. 8. f22. the dwellingplaceofthe wicked j/5'j//hu/ Ac
Day of BATTLE. Not MY.. BE not. ^*.37.10.iti/i.M.Ac,Je;.48.30.L>aH.11.29..ti/;i.7.3,6
1 Sam. 13. £2. so it came to pass in the dauofb. that Gen. 21. 12. let it 7wt be grievous in thy sight Hos. 3. 3. thou shall 7iot be for another man
Jab 38. 23. 1 reserved against the day of b. and war 24. 5. if the woman will not be willing to follow JlVar. 16.22 .be it far from thee.this shall 7101 be to the*

Pial. 78. 9. Ephraim turned back in the day of b. 38. 9. Onan knew that the seed should not be his 20.26.«'j.7j.Aesoamongyou,.'tfar.l0.43.i.ii*.22.26.
14. 7. thou hast covered my head in the day tf b. 44.30. I come to my father, and the lad ie ho/ with To BE.
P;or.21.31.the horse is prepared against thcdayofb. Lev.Qd. 13. that ye should 7*0/ ic their bond-men Gen. 17. 7. to be a God to thee and thy seed after
//wt.10.14. Shalman spoiled Belh-arbel iad,:y of b. i\um. 12. 12. let her not be as one dead, of whom .'{9. 10. he hearkened not to her to be with her

Amos 1. 14. devour with shouting in the day of b. 16. 40. that he be not as Korah and his company Lev. 22. 33. brought you out to oe your God, 25, 38
Zech. 14. 3. as when he fought in the day of b. Josh. 7. 12. neither will I be with you any more t'rov, 24. 1. '.either desire to he with them
Battle-Ax, see Ax. Riiih 3. 18. the man wil! not be in rest till finished ImtcI. 3. 15. that which is to be hath already been
BATTLE-BOW. 2 Kitigs 20.419. shall there not be peace in my days? Luke 15 14. when he spent all.he began to be in want
Zech. 9. 10. and the b.-bow shall be cut off 2 Chron. 30. 7. be not like your fathers Zech. 1. 4. 1 Cor. 7. 26. 1 say it is good for a man so to be
10. 4. out of him came forth the b.-l/oio Psal. 22.19. he not thou far away,:i5.22. 38.21. 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that which he seeth me to b*

BATTLES. />«. 28. 22. As ye «o^ mockers, lest hands [71. 12. Phil. 1. 23. ha^ong a desire to be with Christ
] Sam. 8. 20. may go out before us and fight our //. Zech.^.W. 1 will not be to the residue of this people Ja7n. 3. 10. these things ought not so to be
18. 17. only be valiant, and fight the Lord's b. Luke 13. 33. for it can not be that a prophet perish Z J'et. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought ye to b$
25. 28. my lord fighteth the *. of the Lord 14. 26. hate his life, he can 7101 be my disciple, 33. mil BE.
1 Chron. 26. 27. out of the spoils won in b. dedicate John 1 25. if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias
. Gc».l6.12. Ishmael w(7/ Ac a wild raan,his hand «i//
2 Chron.Z'i. 8. but with us is God, to fight our h. l<o>n. 12. 16. be tiot wise in your own conceits Acagainst every man, and everj- man's ag. him
Jsa. 30. 32. and in b. of shakings will he light with 1 ( W. 2. \ 5. your faith not be in the wisdom of men 17. 8. 1 uillbe their God, Exod. •:y.i5.Jer. 24. 7.
BATTERED. 9- 2. if I be not an apostle unto others, yet to you 32. 38. 2 Cor. 6. If).

S Sam. 20. 15. the people with Joab b. the wall 14. 20. be not children in understanding, but in 26.3. I ::ill be with thee, and will bless thee, 31.3.
BATTERING. i Cor. 0. 14. he not unequally yoked together Exod. 3. 12. JtiJg. 6. 16. 1 A'in« 11. 38.
Ezek. 4. 2. and set b. rams against it round about (jnl. 1. 10. 1 should 7int be the servant of Christ 28. 20. if God »i7/ Ac with me, and will keep me
SI. 22. to appoint b. rams against the gates I pit. 5.7- he 7101 therefore partakers with them 34. 15. if ye hi// Ac as we be, circumcised
BATTLEMENT, S. 17. he ye 7iot unwise, but understanding what Aeh. 4. 12. from all places they uillbe upon you
Deal. 22. 8. thou shalt make a b. for thy roof Til. 3. 14. good works, that they he tioi unfruitful Psal. 18. 14. he will be our guide, even unto death
Jer. 5. 10. take away her b. they are not the Lord's Pli'lem. 14. thy benefit sliould 7iot he of necessity Jer. 7. 23. obey my voice, I -.cill he yourGod, 30.22.
BAY. lleh. 8. 4. if he were on earth, should not he a priest E.zek. 11. 16. 1 aiV/ Ac to them as a little sanctuary
Zed. 1. + 8. behind him red horses, b. and white 1 Pet.?t.7>.\i\. '\\.7iot Afth.-it outward adorning of hair 20. 32. that ye say, we will he as the heathen'
6. 3. in the fourth chariot grizled and b. horses Let there BE. Hos. 13. 14. 1 will redeem them ; O death, 1 uiU
7. and the 6. went forth and sought to go G«M.1.3./e///«'r«Aelight ()./«( </if« Ac a firmament
| Adhy plagues, O grave, 1 wiY/Ac thy destruction
BAY-TREE. 13. 8. let there be no strife between nic and thee 14. 5. u<ill he as the dew to Israel, he shall grow

Ptal. 37 35. wicked spreading like a green b.-tree 26. 28. let there be now an oath betwixt us and thee Joel 3. 16. the Lord tcill he the hope of his people
BDELLIUM. Lxod. 5. 9. let there be more work laid on the men Zech. 2. 5. I the Lord will be to her a wall of fire
Oen. 2. 12. in JIavilah there is b. and onyx stone Ezra 5. 17. let there be search made in king's treas. round about, I zriV/Actheglory in the midst of her
Num. 11. 7. the colour of manna as the colour of i. I'sal. (jy. t 25. let there he no dweller in their tents Mat. 6. 21. where treasure, there wi//your heart Ac
BE .»«// BE, or shnlt BE. 2 Cor. 0. 18. 1 uill he a lather to you, and ye my
Signifies, [1] To exist, or have a beiti^, Rom. 4. 17. Gen. 2. 24. to his wife, and they shall be one flesh 10. 11. such ai(// we Ac also indeed, when present
[2] To be made or become, Jer. 32. .38. Mat. IQ. 4.7. to thee shall be hisdesire and thou shalt rule 1 7'im.6.9.they that uill he rich fall into temptations
5. [3] To be /mown and opparenlly see7i, Rom. 9- 25. a servant tha// ne be to his brethren Ucb. 1.5.1 aill be to him a Father, he to me a son
14. 9- [4] To consecrate and set apart to, Judg. 26. God of Shcm, and shall he his senant a. 10. I niHhe to them a God, they to me a people
11.31. 12.2.1 will bless thee, and thou sholt he a blessing Jam. 4. 4. whosoever ;nll be a friend of the world
Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be alone 15.5.hesaidtoh:m,so shall thy seed Ac, 7w)«).4.18 Rev. 21.7.1 :cill be his God, and he shall be my sou
27. 21. whether thou ie my very son Esuu, or not 17. If). Sarah shnll be a mother of nations Been, see after Beo.
Veiu. 10. 5. there they be as the Lord commanded 27. 3.3. I have blessed him, and he shall he Blessed BEACON.
Jjuls,. 6. 13. if the Lord he with us, why is all this 28. 21. so I come again, then s/iall L. ie my God Isa. 30. 17. be left as a A. on the top of a mountain
iSani. 18.32. thine enemies be as that young man is 35. 10. but Israel shall he thy name, 1 hin^slR.:M. BEAM.
2 Kin^s 6.16. fear not, for they that be with us, are 48. 21 but God shnll he with you and bring you
. Judg. 16. 14. he went away with the pin of the b.
more th^^n they that be with them 49. 10. to him shall the gathering of the people he 1 Sa/n. 17. 7. and the staft of his spear was IIkc a
2 Chr. 36. 23. Lord his God be with him, Ezra 1.3. Exod.i.ig.the water shall A»! blood on the dry land weaver's A. 1 Chi on. 11. 23. 20. 5. |

Rira 6. fi. be ye far from thence, let the work alone If), thou shalt he to him instead of God 2 A"i'hi;.i6.2. lot us go to Jordan, and take thence a A.
Job 10. 15. if I A< wicked, wo tome if I Ac righteous
; 19- 5. }'e shall he a peculiar treasure to me 5. as one w:i3 felling a b. axhead fell into water
19.4. and be it indeed that I have errcd.mine error 21..'>(). pay ox for ox, and the dead jA/i// Ac his own Ilah. 2. 11. the A. out of the timber shall answer
Psal. 139- 24. see if there be any wicked w.iy in me Lev. 13.4(3. without tlie camp shall his h.iliitation A« Mat. 7.3. but considercst not the A. Luke 6. -11, 4-2.
Cant. 8. 9- if sbe be a wall, if she be a door 20. 2(). ye shall he holy to me, ye shall he mine 4. ami behold, a A. is in thine own eye
Isa. 6.13. let him be your fear.let him be yoiir dread Ueitt.W. 4-t. hefAn/ZAchead, and'ihou shall be tail 5. thou hypocrite, first cast out the b. Luke 6. 42.
41. 2C. let them shtw former things what tln'y he 32. 20. hide my f.icc, I see what their end shall be BEA.MS.
Jer. .36. 19- go hide,ai:d let none know where you be 1 ilam. 17. 36. this uncircumciscd I'hil. shall he as 2 Chron. 3.7. he overlaid the A. the posts, and walls
47. 6. how long will it be ere thou be quiet ? 1 /w?i(;A20.40.the king said, so shall thy judgment he .\eh. 2. 8. that he may give tind)er to make b.
Van. 12. 13. but go tliou thy way till the end be 2 Chro7t. 19. 11. the Ixird shall be with the good I'sal. 104. 3. who layeth the A. in ihe waters
i/ long will it be ere they attain to innoc. ? .fob 20. 22. in fulness he shall be in straits C«HJ. 1 .17. the i. of our house are cedar and rifteri
Mat. 4. 3. if thou be the Son of God, 6. 27. 40.
| 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence b?:ans.
7. 13. and many there be that go in thereat K(a/.128.C. happy jA.-i/( thou he, it shall he weW with 2 Sam. 17.28. Barrillai brought A. Icntiles to David
iC. 83. for thou savourest not the things that be of 141. 5. my prayer also iAa// Ac in their calamities Ezek. 4. 9. take unto thee wheat, b. Untiles, cailUt
God, but thosp hat i5e of men, Mark 8. 33 Eccl. 1. g. that hatk been, is that wliich shall ie

18. 17- let him be to thee u a heathen man or a 10. 14. a man cannot tell what (hail ig Signifies, [1] To tarry, Jer. 17. 21. Uni. 27. 18.
fSj Totufftr, or t'tdure, CCor. 11.1. V.ev.2.2 BKAK judgment. [Israel Eoin. 2. 15. their conscience aho A witncw
[3] 'ioiriw^/orM, Geu. 18. 13.
[4] To produce, Exod. 28. 30. Aaron .shall A. judg. of children of 9. 1. 1 lie not, my conscience A. me witnes-s
er yield. Jam. 3. 12. To uphold, or support,
[5] Gal. 5. 10. he that troublelh you shall A. hii judg. 2 Cur. 4. 10. A. in the body the dying crt'thc h. Jesus
Psal. 75. 3. I 91. 12. To ie punished for.
[6] Be.\u record, ste RECORD. heb. 2. 4. God also 6. them witness with signs
Num. 14. 33. [7] To undergo the care and BEAR rule. 13. 1:!. let us go forth to bin., A. his reproach
fatigue of ruling a people, Deut 1. 12. [8] To Esth. 1 22. every man should A. rule in his house
. 1 Jim. 2. 15. she shall be saved in chiU-Aearin^

speak mid utter, Ucut. 5. 20. [9] To tell, or re- Prov. 12. 24. the hajidof the diligent shall A. rule BEAR, S.
late, "Z^d-va. 18.19- [l^^] To be ansueraile in Jer. 5. 31. the priests b. rule by their means 1 Sam. 17. 34. came a lion and a A. took a lamb

puvment for, 2 Kings 18. 11. [11] 'Jo lat/ a trek. 19. 11. had strong rods for them that A. rule 36. thy servant slew both the lion and the A.
ih'inz sadly to heart, Psal. 89. 50. [12] To'giie Dan. 2. 39. a kingdom of brass which shall A. rule 2 .Sam. 17. 8. chafled.. as a A. robbed of her whelps
satisfaction for, Isn. 53.11. lleb. 9. 28. [13] BEAR sin. 2 Kings 2. 24. there came forth two she-A. and tare
'Jo perform, or fully observe. Acts 15. 10. Jiev. 19. 1 17. rebuke, that thou A. not sin for him Prov. 17. 12. a A. robbed of her whelps meet a man
To bear the infirmities of the weak, Jiom. 15. 1. 20. 20. they shall A. their sin, they shall die 28. 13. as a roaring lion, and a ranging A.
To comply ailh their ueahiess so far as not to 22. 9. lest they A. sin for it, and die, therefore ha. 11.7. the cow and A. shall feed tlieir young
UDe our liberty to their offence, and also to bear 24 15. whosoever curseth his God, shall A. his sin 50. 11 . we roar all like A. and mourn like doves
ti ith them in their failings through ignorance or Aum. 9.13. shall be cut off, that man shall A. his si, /.am. 3. 10. he was 10 me as a A. lying in wait
uieahtess, and 7iot to condemn or despise them, 18. 22. not come nigh, lest they A. sin and die J)an. 7. 5. another beast, a second like to a A.
Cen.i. 13. my punishment is greater than I can i. 32. ye shall A. no sin when ye heaved the best of it JJos. 13. 8. I will meet them as a A. bereaved
{3. 6. the hind was not able to i. them, 3(5. 7. I'.zek. 23. 49. and ye shall A. the sin of your idols Amos 5. 19. as if a man did tiee fioro a A.

43. 9. let me t. the blame for ever, 4-1 32. IJci. 9. 28. so Christ was once oft'ered to A. sin Jiev. 13. 2. his feet were as the feet of a b.

49. 15. Issachar bowed his shoulder to b. BEAR uitness. BEARU. S.

Exod. 18. 22. they shall b. the burden with thee Exod. 20. 16. shou shalt not A. false witness against Lev. 13. 29. if a man hath a plague on head or*
25.27. to *. the ark, 27 .7. | 30. 4. | 37.5. lUtii.W. thy neighb. Deut. 5. 20. Mat. I9. 18. Rom 13.g. 14. 9. shall shave all his hair off his head and A.
8. Josh. 3.8, 13, 14. I 4. I6. 2 6am. 15. 24. 1 Kings 21. 10. set two men sons of Belial to b. uit. 19. 27. nor shalt thou mar the corners of A. 21. 5.
28. 12. Aaron shall b. their names before the Lord Mark 10. 19. do not A. false witness, Luke 18. 20. 1 Sam. 17. 35. I caught him by his A. and slew him
Lev. 39. 18. thou shalt not b. any grudge against Z.wX-ell.48. trulyyeA. u<it. that ye allow the deeds 21. 13. David let his spittle fall on his A.
J\irm. 11. 14. not able to A all this people, Wf!!/. l.Q. John 1.7. the same came for a witness, to i.uitness 2 Sam. 10. 5. tarry at Jericho till your A. be grown
• 14. 27. how long shall I A. with this congregation r 8. he was sent to A. uitness of that light and then return, 1 Chron. 19. 5.
33.childreu shall A. your whoredoms, £'2«*. 23.35. 3. 28. ye yourselves A. me uitness that I said 19- 24. Mephibosheth trimmed not his A.
T>eiu. 1. 31. God bare thee as a man dolhi. his son 5. 31. if I A. uit. of myself, my witness is not true 20. 9- Joab took Amasa by the A. to kiss him
S Ham. 18. I9. let me run and b. the king tidings 36. .«ame works that 1 do A. uitness oi me, 10. 25. EzraQ. 3. pluckedoff hairof my head, and of my A
2 kings 18. 14. which thou puttest on me, I will b. 8.18.1 am one that b.uit. of myself.and the Father Psal. 133. 2. ran down on the A. even Aaron's A.
Psai. 75. 3. I b. up the pillars of the earth 15. 27. ye shall also A. uit. because ye have been Isa. 7. £0. and it shall also consume the A.
89. 50. how I do b. in my bosom the reproach 18. 23. if I have spoken evil, A. uitness of the evil 15. 2. on all heads baldness, and every A. cut off
91. 12. they shall b. thee up, Mat.i. 6. Luke -i. 11. 37. for this cause came I, that I should A. uitruss Jer. 41. 5. fourscore men having their A. shaved
144. + 14. that our oxen be able to b. burdens Acts 22.5. also the high-priest doth A. me witness 48. 37. every head shall be bald, every A. dipt
Prov. 9. 12 if thou scomest, thou alone shalt b. it 23. 11. so must thou A. witness also at Rome Ezek. 5. 1. cause a razor to pass on thy head and A,
18. 14. but a wounded spirit who can 6. T 1 John 1.2. we have seen it, and A. uitness, and shew BEAST
30. 2i. and for four which it cannct i. 5. 8. and there are three that A. witness in earth Signifies, [1] A brute void of reason, Prov. 12. 10-
Jsa. 1. 14. your feasts, I am weary to b. them BEAR. [2] All kind of cattle, 1 Kings4. 33. Psal. 8. 7.
4(). 4. 1 have made and I will i. you, even carry Cen.lin. and shall Sarah that is 90 years old A. .' f
[3] Ministers of the gospel, who are uit of live-
7. they b. him upon the shoulder, they carry him 18. 13. shall I of a surety A. a child, who am old liness and nimbleness, in eieculing God's com-
52. 11. be ye clean that A. the vessels of the Lord Lev. 12. 5. but if she A. a maid child, then unclean mands. Rev. 4. 6, 8. 7. 11. [4] Cruel and

Jtr. 10. 19. truly this is a grief, and I must b. it Jhut. 28. 57. and towards her children she shall A. unreasonable men, wha are led merely by Jieir
17. 21. b. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. .ludg. 13. 3. but thou shalt conceive and A. a son natural brutish inclinations. 1 Cor. 15. 32.
31. 10. because I did b. the reproach of my youth 1 Kings 3.21.behold,it wasnotmy son that 1 did A. 2 Pet. 2. 12. [5] Kingdoms, Dan. 7. 11. 8.4 |

44. 22. so that the Lord could no longer b. Catit. 4. 2. sheep, whereof every one A. twins, 6.6. [6] Antichrist, Rev. 13. 2. |
20. 4. [7] People
Lam. 3. 27. it is good to b. the yoke in his youth ha. 7. 14. a virgin shall conceive and A. a son, and of several nations, Dan. 4. 12, 21.
Jizek. 12. 6. in their sight shalt thou b. on shoulders 54. 1. .sing, U barren, thou that didst not A. Gen. 1. 24. God said, let the earth bring forth the A.
12. the prince shall A. upon his shoulder in twilight Jer. 29. 6. that they may A. sons and daughters 25. God made the A. of the earth after his kind
14. 10. they shall b. punishment of their iniquity Luke 1. 13. thy wife Elisabeth shall A. a son 3. 1. the serpent was more subtil than any A.
iri. .52. A. thou thine own shame for thy sins, 51. 1 Tim. 5. 14. younger women marry, A. children 37. 20. some evil A. hath devoured him, .33.
32.30.andA. their shame with them, 36.7. I 44.13. BEARERS. Eiod. 13. 12. every firstling that Cometh of a A.
£:f*.34.29-norA. the shame of the heathen, 36. 15. 2 Chron. 2. 18. he set 70,000 to be A. of burdens 2. 5. put his A. and feed in another man's field
Amos 1. 10. the laiid is not able to A. his words 34. 13. also they were over the A. of burdens 10. deliver to his neighbour any A. to keep
Mic. 6. 16. ye shall A. the reproach of people my A(f/(. 4. 10. the strength of the A. is decayed 19- whoso lieth with a A. shall be put to death.
7. 9- I will A.the indignation of the I>ord, I sinned BEA REST. Lev. 18. 23. [20. 15, 10. Deut. 'Z-t. 2L
Uag.i. 12. if one A. holy liesh in the skirt of his Judg. 13. 3. behold, thou art barren, and A. not 3. 29. the b. of the field multiply against thee
Zech.b. 10. whither do these A. the ephah ? Psal. 106. 4. with the favour thou A. to thy people Lev. 11. 47. A. that may be eaten, and A. that niav
(J. 13. he shall A. glory, and shall rule on his throne John 8. 13. thcu A. record of thv ;elf, thy record [not
.1/u<. 3. 11. whose shoes I am not worthy to A. J<om. 11. 18. A. not the root, "but the root thee 27. 9- if it be a A. whereof men bring an offering
27. 32. they found .Simon, they compelled him to t'"/. 4. 27. rejoice thou barren that A. not Dent. 4. 17. the likeness of any A. on the earth
b. his cross, Mark 15. 21. Luke 23. 26. BEARETH. Judg. 20. 48. smote them, a-s well the men as the A.
Luke 14. 27. and whosoever doth not A. his cross Lev. 11. 28. he that A. the carcase of them, wash 2 Chron. 25. 1 18. a A. trod down the thistle
18. 7- avenge his elect, tho' he b. long with them .' 15. JO. and he that A. any of these things Seh. 2. 12. nor any A. save the A. X rode on
Ji'An 16. 12. manythings, but ye cannot A. them now Sum, 11. 12. as a nursing father A. the child Psal. 68. 1 30. rebuke the A. of the reeds
Alis 9. 15. he is a chosen vessel to b. my name Deut. 25. 6. the first-born she A. shall succeed 73. 22. so ignorant, I was as a A. before thee
15. 10. a yoke, our fathers nor we were able to A. 29. 18. lest there be among you a root that A. gall 147. 9- be giveth to the A. his food, and to ravens
18. 14. O
Jews, reason would I should A. with you 23. it is not sown, nor A. nor grass groweth Prov. 12. 10. a righteous man regards life of his A.
it'm. 15. 1. we ought to A. infirmities of the weak 32. 11. as an eagle A. her young on her wings Arc/. 3. 19. a man hath no pre-eminence above a A.
1 Vor. 3. 2. hitherto ye were not able to A. it, nor Job 24. 21. evil imreateth the barren that A. not Jia. 43. 20. the A. of the field shall honour me
10. 13. a way to escape, that ye may be able to A. it Cant. 6. 6. whereof every one A. twins, none barren 63. 14. as a A. that goeth into the valley
15. 49. we shall also A. the image of the heavenly Joel 2. 22. be not afraid, for the tree A. her fruit Etek. 44. 31. dead or torn, whether it be fowl or A.
J Cor. 11. 1. would to God ye could b. with me Mat. 13. 23. which also A. fruit, and bringeth forth Dan. 4. 16. let a A. heart be given to him
4. have not accepted, ye might well A. with him John 15. 2. every branch that A. not fruit, takes 7. 11. I beheld even till the A. was slain
Gal. 6. 2. A. one another's burdens and so fulfil Jiom. 13. 4-. for he A. .not the sword in vain 19- I would know the truth of the fourth A.
5. for every man shall A. his own burden 1 Cur. 13. 7. charity A. all things, believeth all ihings //or. 13. + 8. the A. of the field shall tear them
17- I A. in my
body the marks of the Lord Jesus Jleb. 6. 8. that which A. thorns is rejecteQ iMke 10. 34. set him on his own A. and brought him
7/(A. 5.<2. who can reasonably A. with the ignorant BEARETH rule. /lets in. 5. Paul shook off the A. into the fire
Jam. 3. 12. can the fig-tree A. olive-berries? Prov. 29. 2. whenthe wicked A. rule, people mourn JJeb. 12. 20. if so much as a A. touch the mountain
Kev. 2. 2. thou canst not A. them that are evil BEAREl'lI vitness. Jiev. 4. 7- first A. like a lion, second A. third A.
Bear />?«/, see Fruit. Job 16. 8. my leanness rising up b.uitness to my face 6. 3. I heard the second A. say, come and see
BEAK ini'jiiity. I'rov. 25. 18. a man that A. false witness is a maul 11. 7- A. that ascende'.h out of the bottomless pit
Excd. 28. .38. Aaron mayiniquity of holy things
A. John 5. 32. there is another that A. witness of me 13. 1. ami 1 saw a A. rise up out of the sea, having
43. Aaron and his sons, that they A. not tniiptiiv 8. 18. and the Father that t-ent me, A. aitness of me 11. I beheld a A. coming out of the earth
£<.•;'. 5.1. he shall A. his ini7Ki/y,17. 7.1B. 17-I'i- Horn. 8. 16. the .Spirit A. witness with our spirit 15. 2. them that had got the victory over the A.
| |

19. 8. 20. 17. I 1 John 5. 6. and it is the Spirit that A. uitness 16.13. unclean spirits came out of mouth of the A

10.17. hath given to you to b.iniquity of the cong. BEARING. 17. 8. thou sawest the A. that was, and is not, 11.
l'i.22. the goat snail b. upon him all their inirpiitti Gen. 1. 29. I have given you every herb, A. seed 19- 19- I saw the A. and the kings of the e;irtli
20. 19. they shall A. their iniquity. Sum. 18. 23 16. 2. the Lord hath restrained me from A. 20. 10. where the A. and prophets are
f-.-.ek. 44. 10, 12. 29. 35. she called his name Judah, and left b. Every BEA.'^l'.
22.10. or suffer them to A iniiinity of their trespass 37. 25. Ishmaelites with camels A. spicery Gen. 1. 30. tocvery A. I have given green herb for
yum. 5. 31. this woman shail A. her iniquity Sum. 10. 17. set forward, A. the tabernacle 2. 19. out of the ground God formed every b.
14. 34. ye shall A. your iniquity even forty years 21. the Kohathitesset forward, A. the sanctuary 20. Adam gave names to every A. of the field
lU. 1. Aaron and his sons A. iniquity uf sanctuary Josh. 3. 3. the priest A. the ark, 14. 2 .^nm. 15. 2-.. 3. 14. thou art cursed above every A. of the field
.30. 15. alter he heard, then he shaU'A.herimV^nrtf 1 Sam. 17. 7. one A. a shield went befora him 7.2. of every clean A. take to thee by sevens, R.
ita. 53. 1 1 my
right. sen-ant shall 4. their iniquity I'sal. 126. 6. he that goeth forth A. precious seed
. 14. they and every h. after his kind, and cattle
/.'j«*.4.4.nnniberof days.thou shalt i. their i»iy.5,tT. Mark 14. 13. there shall meet you a b. a 8.19. every A. aftertbeir kinds went out nf the ark
18. 19. why doth not son A. iniquity of the father.' pitcher of water, follow him, Luke 22. 10. 20. of every clean A. and clean fowl he offered
80. the son shall not 6. the iniquity of the father John 19. 17, he i. bis crou, went forth to a place 9 3. dread of you Ahall be on tverif 6. of the earth
Gen. 9. 5-your blood will I require at hand of «t<ryi. litB.i.^.vraen those ft.give glory and honour to him Job 4. +20. they are 4. in pieces from morolng
10. with evtry i. of earth I establish my coveiiaiit 5.6.iR midst of the throne and four i. stood a Lamb Prov. 10.1H. but a prating fool shall be i.
34. '2'.i. shall not every i. of theirs be ours .'
14. the fouri. said Amen, and the 24 elders fell 23. 3.^. they have b. me, and 1 felt it not
ijtv. 1 26. the carcases of every 6. which divideth
1 . 6. 1. one of the fouri. saying, come and see, 15,7. Jsa. 28. 27. fitches are b. out with a staff
the hoof, nor cheweth the cud, Dent. 14. 6. 7.11. angels stood about the throne and the four b. 30. 31. thro' voice of Lord the Assyrian shall be i
Psnl. 50. 10. for every b. of the forest is mine 14. 3. a new song before the throne and four b. Jer. 46. 5. and their mighty ones are b. down
104. 11. they give drink to every b. of the field 19. 4. the 24 elders and four b. fell down to worship Mic. 1. 7. the graven images shall bei. to pieces
^zek. 34. 8. my flock became meat to every b. BEA.STS ef the Earth. Mark 13. 9. in the synagogue ye shall be i.
39. 17. son of man, speak to every b. of the field Dent, 28. 26. carcase shall be meat to all b. of earth /-iii«12.47.sen'antwhoknewand did not shall be b.
BEAST, joined with Man. 1 Ham. 17. 46. carcases of Philistines to b. of earth
yi<7.(5.40.when they called the apostles and b. taem
6en.6. 7. Lord said, 1 will destroy bo'h man and b. Job 5. 22. nor shalt thou be afraid of the b. of earth 16. 37. they have b. us openly uncondemned
£ioif.8.\7. smote dust, it became lice in man and b. .35. 11. who teacheih us more than the b. of earth 2 Cor. 11. 25. thrice was I i. with rods, once stoned
9.9. boil breaking with blainsupon man mid 6. 10. I'sal. 79. 2. the Hesh of thy saints to the i. of earth BEATEN
19. hail shall come down on ma^i and b. 22, 25. ha. 18. 6. they shjU be left to the b. if the earth .V7(m.8.4.this work of the candlestick was of 4. gold
11. 7. not a dog move his tongue against ma/t orb. Jer. 7. 33. the carcases of the people meat for b. of 1 Kings 10. ]6. made two hundred targets of b. gold
'2.1-2. and will smite all the first-born in Kgypt. the earth, I6. 4. 19-7. 34. 20.
| |
17. made three hund.shieldsof A.jd/(/,Q t'Aro.g.ld
both of man and b. 13. 15. Psal. 135. B. 15. 3. 1 will appoint overthem b. ofearth to devour 2 hundred shekels b. gold to a targe
CViiv. 9. 15. six

13. 2. first-born ofmayi and b. is mine, -Viim. 8. 17 .J(-fil0.12.alI manner offour-foott-d A. o/"«arM, 11.6. BEATEN
19. 13. whether man or b. it shall not live llev. 6. 8. kill with hunger, and with the b. ofearth Exod. 27. 20. ptare oilb. for the light, £^r.24. 2.
Lev. 27. 28. no devoted thing ofrnan or b. shall be BEASTS of the Held. 29.40. fourth part of anhin ol b. oil. Num. 12. 5.
A'iu/i.3.13.I hallowed to me first-born of man and b. £ro<f .23.11. what the poor leave, i. offield may eat B LATEST.
31.26. the prey that was taken.both ofman and b. Dent. 7. 22. lest the b. upon thee Deut. 24. 20. when thou thy olive tree, shalt not

Psal. 36. 6. Lord, thou preserves! man and b. 1 .Saw). 17.44. come, I will give thy flesh to b. offield I'rov. 23. 13. for if thou b. him with rod, shall not
.ler. 7.20. fury poured on man and b. 21 6 . |
3(). Cp. 2 .SaHi.21.10.birdsby day, nor i.ii/"//i^_/if Why night BEATEIH.
Ezek. 14. l.->'l7,19,21. 25. 13. 29.8.|
Zejih. 1.3. Job 5. 23. b. of the field shall be at peace with thee 1 Co'. 9. 26. so fight I, not as one that b. the air

27. 5. I have made man and b. that arc on ground 40.20. mountains, where all the b. of the field p]a.y BEATING.
31. 27. I will sow Judati with seed of tnan and h. Psal.%.1. thou hast put b. of the field under his feet 1 l5. they went on 4. down one another
32. 43. ye say, it is desolate without man or b. 33. y.ifi. 56. 9. all ye b. of the field come to devour Mark 12. 5. many others, b. some, and killing some
10,12. .36. 29. 51.62.
Jfr.12.9. assemble all b. of the field, come to devour BEAUTY
to. 3. they shall depart, both man and b. 27.6.A.o//«Whave I given him, 28.14. /J<7«.2.38. .Signifies, [1] Comeliness, or handsomeness ,i S3.m. 14.
Ezek. 36. 11. I will multiply upon you man and b. Etek. 29. 5. I have given thee for meat to the b. of 25. [2] A
chief persoji, or city, 2 Sam. 1. 19.
Jonah 3. 7- let not tnan nor b. taste any thing the field, and to the fowls, 34. 5. 39. 4. |
Isa. 13. 19. Lam. 2. 1. [3] Splendor, glory, or
Unclean BEAST. 31. 6. under his branches b. of the field bring forth dignity, Lam. 1. 6. Zech. 11. 7. [4] Joy and
Lev. 5. G. or if a soul touch any unclean b. "• 21. 13. all the b. of the field shall he on his branches gladness, Isa. 6I. 3. [5] The eicellent order of a
27.ll.if it be unc.'.i. of which they do nm offer, ?7- 38.20.the b. of the field shall shake at my presence government, the prosperity, riches, and peace of a
mid BEAST. Dan.i. 12. the b. of the fieldiinA shadow under it country, together with the holiness, purity, and
S Kings 14. 9- there passed by a tiild b. of Lebanon, 25. thy dwelling shall he with i. of the field, :iC. truth of their religion, which i.ere their ornament
and trod down the thistle, 2 Chron. 25. 18. Hos. 2.18. make a covenant for them with b. offield and glory. Ezek. I6. 14.
JoA 39. 15. forgetteth that wild b. may break them 4. 3. therefore shall the land mourn with b. of field Ezod.2ii.S. holy garment lor Aaron, for glory and b.
Psal. 80. 13. the uild b. of the field doth devour it Joel 1 20. b. pffield cry also to thee, for the rivers
"Sam. 1. ig. the b. of Israel is slain on high places

Hos. 13. 8. the uild b. shall tear them not afraid, ye b.of field, tha pastures spring 14. 25. none .so much praised as Absalom for b.
BEASTS. IVild BtASTS. 1 C/jro. 16.29. worship the Lord in the b. of holiness

Gen. 3i. 3g. that which was torn of A. Exnd. 22. 31. Lev. 26. 22. T will also send -..ild b. among you Psal. 29. 2. I 96. 9-
Lev. 7. 21. 17. 15. 22. 8 1 6V/;;i. 17. -H). gave carcases of Philistines to Kild b.
2 Chro. 20. 21. that should praise the b. of holiness

+54. then Jacob killed b. upon the mount Psal. 50. 11. and the uild b. of the field are mine Eiih. 1. 11. to shew the people and princes her b
36. 6. Esau took all his b. and his substance Isa. 13. 21. but u'tldb. of the desert shall lie there Job 40. 10. and array thyself with glory and b.
45. 17. lade your b. and go to the land of Canaan 22. and the -.cild b. of the islands shall cry Psal.Q'. 4. to behold the b. of the Lord, and inquire
Eiod. 8. +21. I will send a mixture of noisome b 34. 14. the wild b. of the desert shall also meet 39. 11. thou makest his b. to consume away
11. 5. all the first-born of b. shall die with Kild b. of the island, Jer. 50. 3y. 45. 11. so shall the king greatly desire thy i.
Lev. 11. 2. these i. ye shall cat, Deut. 14. 4. Mark 1. 13. Christ was there with the tiild b. and 49. 14. their b. shall consume in the grave
3. and chew cud among b. shall ye cat, /Jc!((.14.6. -lets 10. 12. sheet, where-'n were all wild b. 11. 6 50. 2. out of Zion the perfection of A. God shined

7. for A. shall the increase thereof be n BEAT. 90. 17. let the b. of the Lord our God be on us
20. 6. I will rid evil b. out of the land Signifies, [1]To smite, or strike, Deut. 25. 3. Mat. 90. 6. strength and 4. are in his sanctuary
hum. 20.8. give the congregation and their b. drink 21.35. To bruise, or hray, ExoA. 30.30.
[2] Prov. 6. 25. lust not after her b. in thy heart
31. 30. of all b. give a portion to the Levitcs Kiim. 11.8. [3] To batter, or demolish, iwAg.ii. 20. 29. the b. of old men is the gray-head
Deui. 32. 24. I will send the teeth of b. 01. them 17. 2 Kings 3. 25. [4] To get the better cf, or 31. .30. favour is deceitful, and b. is vain
1 Kings 4. + 28. barley for mules, or swift b. overcome, 2 Kings 13. 25. [5] To thresh, Ruth 2. La. 3. 24 there shall be burning instead of b.
33. .Solomon spake of b. and ot fowl, and fishes 17. Isa. 28. 27. [6] To turn, or convert one thing Isa. 4. + 2. branch of the Lord shall be b. and glory
18. 5. may find grjiss, that we lose not all the b. into another, Isa. 2. 4. Joel 3. 10. 13. 19. Babylon the *. of the Chaldees" excellency
2 Kings 3. 17. drink both ye, your cattle and b. some of the spices shalt 4. very small
E,xod. .30. .36. 2H. 1. whose glorious b. is a fading flower, 4.
Ezra 1. 4. help him with gold, goods, andwit-UA. 39. 3. they did 4. the gold into thin plates 5. the Ixird will be for a diadem of b. to residue
.lob 12. 7- ask the b. and they shall teach thee 'Sum. 11. 8. the people 4. the manna in a mortar 33. 17. thine eyes shall see the King in his b.
18. 3. wherefore are we counted as b. and vile Deut. lb. 3. lest if he exceed and 4. him .ibove these 41. 13. he maketh it according to the b. of a man
37. 8. then the b. go into dens, and remain Judg. 8. 17. he 4 down the tower of Penuel 53. 2. there is no b. that we should desire him
Psal. 49. 12. man is like the b. that perish, 20. 9. 45. Abimelech 4. down the city, and sowed it 61. 3. to give to them that mourn b. for ashes
78. + 50. he gave their b. to the murrain 19. 22. certain sons of Belial 4. at the door Lam. 1. 6. from Zion all her b. is departed
104. 20. wherein all the b. of the forest creep Ruth 2. 17. she 4. out that she had gleaned 2. 1. and cast down from heaven the b. of Isr.^el
25. in the sea, are both small and great b. 2 .SV/OT. 22.43. then did I 4. them small, Psal. 18. 42. 15. is this the city men call the perfection of b.
148. 10. b. and all cattle, praise the Lord 2 Kings '^. 25. the Israelites 4. down the cities Ezek. 7. 20. as for the 0. of his ornament he set It
Proti. 9. 2. wisdom hath killed her b. 13. 25. three times did Joash 4. Ben-hada<l 16. 14 thy renown went among the heathen lor i
.30. 30. a lion which is strongest among b. 23. 12. the altars did the king 4. down, and brake 15. but thou didst trust in thine own b.
Eccl. 3. 18. they might see tha: themselves arc b. Psal. 52. +5. God shall likewise 4. thee down 25. thou hast made thy b. to be .-vbhomd
19. that which befalleth men, befalleth b. 89. 23. I will 4. down his foes before his fare 27. 3. thou hast said I am of perfect b. 28. 12.
Isa. 30. 6. the burden of the b. of the sci:th Prov. 23. 14. thou shalt 4. him with the rod and 4. thy builders have perfected thy b. 11.
40. 16. nor b. thereof for a burnt-offering /ia.2.4.4. their swords into plow-shares, Mie. 4. 3. 28. 7. shall draw swonls against the A.of thy wisdom
40. 1. their idols were on the b. and cattle 3. 15. what mean ye, that ye 4. people 17. thine heart wa8 lifted up because of thy b.
66. 20. upon swift b. to myholy mountain 27. 12. the Lord shall 4. off from the channel 31. 8. no tree was like the Assyrian in his b.
Ji;'.9-10.the b. are fled p 12. 4. the b. arc consumed 41. 15. thresh the mountains, 4. them small 32. 19. Egypt, whom dost thou in i. f
Ezek. 5. 17. I will send on you famine and evil A. Joel 3. 10.4. your plow-shares into swords, anrl your llos. 10+11. I passed over on the *. of her neck

pestilence, blood, and the sword, 14. 15. Jonah 4. 8. the sun 4. on the head of Jonah 1 1. 6. Israel's 4. sh.all be as the olive-tree, his smell

32. 4. I will fill the b. of wnole earth with thee Mic. 4. 13. thou shalt 4. in pieces many people Zech. 9. 17. how great is his goodness ,ind his 4.
13. I will destroy all the *. thereof, 34. 25, 28. Mat. 1.15. and 4. on that house, 27. Luke 6. 48, 49. 11.7. I took two staves, one I called 4. 10.
Van. 4. 14. let the b. get away from under it 21. 35. the husbandmen took his servants, and 4. BEAUTIES.
15. let his portion be with the b in the grass one, Mark 12. 3. Luke 20. 10, 11. Psal. no. 3. ill the 4. of holiness, from the womb of
7. 17- these four great b. are four kings Mark waves 4. into the ship, it was now full
4. 37. UEAUTU-Y.
8. 4. so that no b. might stand beiinre him Luke and shall begin to 4. the men-servants /"ir<i.7.27.pnt in the king's heart to 4. lord's housa
12. 45.
Joel 1. 18. how do the b. groan, herds perplexeil :\cts 16. 22. the magistrates commanded to 4. them Psal. 140. 4. he will 4. the meek with silv.-ition

Jlmos i. 22. nor regard the peace-cJferings of fat b. 18. 17. the Greeks took Sosthenes and 4. him La. 60. 13. to 4. the place of mv sanctuary
Jlab. 2. 17. spoil of i. which made them afraid 22. 19. I imprisoned and 4. in every synagogue BEAUTirUL.
Zi'ph. 2. 15. become a place lor b. to lie down in 27.tl4. there 4. a wind called Euroclydon Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was 4. and well-favoured
Zech. 14. 15. so shall h- the plague of all the b. BEATEN. Deut. 21. 11. seest among the captives a 4. woman
£cts1 42. O Israel, ha e ye offered to me slain b. ?
. F.xod. 5. 14. the oflficers of Israel were 4. I6. 1 David was of a 4. countenance
.Sam. 16. 12.
S3. 24. provide them b. that ye may set Paul on 25. 18. cherub, of 4. work, 37. 17, 22. Sum. 8. 4. C.'i. 3. Abigail was ol a 4. countenance

Rom. 1. 23. changed into an image made like to A. 37. 7. made two cherubims 4. out of one piece 2 .Sam. 11.2. Bath-sheba was very 4. to look upon
1 Cor. 15. 32. if 1 have fought with b. at Ephe5us Lev. 2. 14. shalt ofler corn 4. out of full ears 14. +25. in Israel was not a 4. man as Absalom
Jam. 3. 1. for every kind of A. is tamed, but tongue Dent. 25. 2. if the wicked man be worthy to be 4. J'Jth. 2. 7. Esther was fair and 4. Mordccai took tor

SPcl. 2. 12. but these as natural brute*, speaikevil ./jiA.8.15. all Israel made as if were 4. before them Psal. 48. 2. 4. for situation is mount Zion
Jude 10. but what they know naturally as brute b. 2.Sfl-n.2.17.and AbnerwasA. and the men of I.*racl, /></. 3. 11. hath made everything 4. in his time
Rev 4. 6. four b. full of eyes before and behind e Chron. 15. +6. n.ition was 4. in pieces of nation Cant. 6. 4. thou art 4. O my love, as Tirzah
8. the four 0. had each six wings about hiin 31. 7. when he had 4. graTin images to powder 1 7. 1. how 4. are thy feet with shoes, l)rince3
bed, Ctuil. S. 1. viliile J uci in a nciire
On my Huve BEEN.
shall tne oraiich of Lorti It j.
Isa. i. t lu ihit day 1 Sam.4. q. not Servants to Hebrews as they Aawi.
or slothful J'rame.
52. 1. O Zion, pul on ihy b. garmtnts The ordinances Chr. 17. 8. have 4. with thee whither thou walkedst
the feet of them thatbnag, ii'w. 10. 15. Our
bed' is green. Cant 1. iC. 1
T'. howi.
and means of grace, xihcie I enjiiy suect jeilou- Ezra 9. 7. since the days of our fathers /lace we b.
64. 11. our holy and b. house is burnt up i.ith ihee, are not only yUa- Job 10. 19. 1 should have 4. as if 1 had not 4.
shif) and ctfinmuxion
Jer. l.l. 2J. where is the Hock, thy b. (lock

Psal. 25. 6. thy tender mercies have 4. ever of old

sant and delighijul, iul aUo fruitful ; and, bu the
48. 17. how is the staff broken, and the h. rod them, ihey are made ej- 37 .25.Aai< 4.young,and now old, yet have not seen
Spirit's accompanying
Lzek. 16. 12. I put a 4. crown upon thine head 42. 3. my tears have 4. my meat day and night
Jiclnalfor the converting of mant/.
13. thou wast exceeding b. and didst prosper /ta.l.9.should have 4. as Sodom,/iate 4.asGomorrall
Gr«. 47. 31. bowed himself ou the 4. 1 A'm;j 1.47.
23. 42. the Sabeans put b. crowns on their heads 26. 17. so have we 4. in thy sight, O Lord
49. 4. up to thy father's 4. 1 Chron. b. 1.
Mat 23. 27. whited sepulchrei, which appear b. and he die not, but kecpeth his 4. 18. have 4. with child, have 4. in pain, as it wer«
Eiud. 21. 18.
jicts 3. 2. at the gate of the temple called b. 10. 66. 2. all those things have 4 saith the Lord
b EC A.ML. Lev. 15. 4. every 4. whereon he lieth is unclean, 24.
6'aw.iy.l3..Michul took an image and laid it in 4. y«r. 2. 31. have 1 4. a wilderness to Israel ?
Cen.i 7. the breath of life, and man 4. alivinpsoul 1
28. 8. the prophets that have 4. before me
2 Sam. 3. t 31. king David himself followed the
19. 20. Lot's wife looked back and*, a pillar ol salt Jlos. 5. 2. though I have b. a rebuker of them al)
4. 5. Ish-bosheih who lay on h i. at noon
49. 15. Issachar b. a servant to tribute Mai. 2. 9. but have 4. partial in the law
11. 2. in an evening-tide David arose from his
Biod. 4. 3. it i. a serpent 4. 4. a rod in his hand Mark 8. 2. they have 4. with me three days
2 Kings \.k. shall not come down from that 4. tj.
36. 13. he coupled it, so it 4. one tabernacle Luke 1.70. which Aat* 4. ."'nee the world began
there for him a 4. and a table
1 Sam. 25. ."57 N abal's heart died, he b. as a stone 4. 10. let us set s.-iy,
4. shall comfort me
my John 14. 9. have i 4. so long time with you r
Job 7. 13. when I
1 Kings 12. 30. and this thing 4. a sin, 1,3. 15. 27. because ye hare 4. with me from the begin.

a great mountain, and filled 17. 13. 1 have made my

4. in the darkness
Dan. 2. 35. the stone b.
in slumbenngs upon the 4. Acts 20. 18. after what manner I have 4. with you
.lews 33. 15. God speakeih
1 Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews 1 4. a Jew, to gain the 2 Cor. 11. 25. a night and day have 1 4. in the deep
/>..«/ 4.4. commune with your own heart on your 4.
lltb. 7. 26. such an High Priest 4. us, who is holy Oat. 3. 21. righteousnesi should have 4. by the law
30. 4. he deviseth mischief on his 4.
10. 33. whilst ye 4. companions of them so used Sot BEEN.
•11.3. thou wilt make all his 4. in his sickness
lUv. 16. 3. the sea 4. as the blood of A. dead mau 4. and my Ezod. 9. 18. to rain hail such as hath not 4. in Egypt
hUC.A.MESr. 63. 6. when I remember thee upon
Kings 13. 7Wl 4. among the kings like thee
Psal. 132. 3. nor go up into my 4. till 1 find a place 3.
1 1
1 Chron. 17. 22. and thou, Lord, 4. their God 14. 8. yet hast not 4. as my servant David
139. 8. if make my
4. in kell, thou art there
Etek. 16. B. 1 sware unto thee, and thou 4. mine
Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my
4. with tapestry, 17. Job 3. 10. as an hidden untimely birth I had >iot b,
BECAUSK. 10. 19. 1 should have been as tho' I had not 4.
22. 27. why should he take thy 4. from underthee r

Gen. 3 + 1. ^. God hath said, ye shall not eat Psal. 124.1. ifjit ha'd not 4. the Lord on our side,8.
26. 14. on hinges, so doth the slothful on his 4.
14. said to the serpent, 4. thou hast done this Eccl. 4.3. better than bothiis he that hath not 4.
Cant. 1. 16. fair, yea pleas.-int, also our 4. is green
Iav. 26. 4;l. 4. «ven 4. they despised my judgments Ubad. 16. they shall be, as though they had not 4.
3.1. by night on 4. 1 sought him whom my soul
Veut. 7. 1 12. 4. ye hearken to these judgments Mat. 26. 24. good fo;- that man he had not 4. born
7. beliold, his 4. which is Solomon's, valiant men
8 Ham. 12. 6. 4. he did this, 4. he had no pity of Lebanon Luke 16. 11. if therefore ye have not 4. faithful, 12
) 9. Solomon made himself a 4. wood
Prov. 1. 24. 4. I have called, and ye refused beetl'e.
/,v(i.'28. 20. the 4. is shorter than a man can stretch
Jsa. 7. 1 9. do ye not believe, 4. ye are not stable Lev. 11.22. these of them ye may eat, the 4.
57. 7. on a lofty mountain hast thou set thy 4.
K:ek. 13. 10. 4. even 4. they seduced my people BEEVES.
.Imos 3. 12. Israel taken out in the corner of a 4.
36. t 3. 4. for 4. they have made you desolate and walk, Lev. 22.19. offer at your own will of the 4. of sheef
.Ua/. 9. 6. Jesus saith, take up thy 4.
Idal. 26. 31. all ye shall be offended 4. of me 21. whosoever ofl'ers a free-will-offering in 4.
Mark':.<j, 11. John 5. 11, 12.
Mark. 9. 41. give you water, 4. ye belong to Christ tribute to the Lord of the 4.
John 6. 26. ye seek me, not 4. ye saw the miracles,
Mark 4.21. a candle to be put under a 4. Lxike 8. It). ynm. 31. 28. levy a
38. the Lord's tribute of 4. threescore and twelve
but 4. ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled
Luke 11. 7. my children are with me in 4. I cannot
word 17. 34. two men in one 4. one taken, the other left mischief 4. him
8. 43. even 4. ye cannot hear Gen. 42. 4. lest peradventurc
liev. 2. 22. behold I will cast her into a 4.
10. 13. the hireling Heeth, 4. he is an hireling 38. if mischief 4. him by the way then, 44. 29.
14. 19. but ye see me, 4. 1 live, ye shall live also
B EDof lore.
what shall 4. you in the
£ifX.2;i. 17. Babylonians came to her in the 4. n/'/o!« 49 1. that 1 may tell you
Kom. 8. 10. the Spirit is life 4. of righteousness BED oj' spices.
last days, Deut. 31. 2^. Han. 10. 14.
til. quicken your mortal bodies 4. of his Spirit Veut. 31. 17. many evils and troubles shall 4. them
CaHf. 5. IS.his cheeks are as a b.oj' spices, as flowers
Eph. 5. 6. 4. of "ihese comeih the wrath of God I'sal. 9) 10. there shall no evil 4. thee,
nor plague
6r2. beloved is gore down to the 4. oj' spices
my .

Ueb. 4.12. not profit, 4. not united by faith to them not knowing things that shall 4. me
6.13.4. he could swear by no greater, he sware by
BED nndefiled. Acts 20. 22.
Ueb 13.4.marriage is honoralile and the b.undcjUed
1 John 3.14. from death to life, 4. we love brethren Lev. 10. 19. and such things have 4. rae
4. 19. we love him 4. he first loved us thou knowest all travail that hath 4.u»
BECKONED. Etod. 8. 3. frogs came into thy b.-c. and on thy bed Sum. 20.14.
21. when many troubles arc 4. them
2 .so»i.4.7.1sh-bosheth lay in his 4. -r. they slew him Deut. 31.
Lnke 1. 22. ZecharLis 4. and remained speechless words thou speakest in b.-c. Jtidg. 6. 13. if Lord be with us,
why is all this 4. us f
5. 7. they 4. to their partners in the other ship 1 Sam. 20. 26. he thought something
had 4. him
him he should ask 11.2. hid him and nurse in the 4. -f. 2 C/jion .22. 11.
Jvhn 13.24. Peter 4. to that Esth.H. 13. Haman told everything that had 4._
Acts 19. 33. Alexander 4. with his hand, and would
Led. 10. 20. and cursp not the rich in thy i.-c. 4. to the possessed of devils
BEDS. -Uar. 8.33. and what was
21. 40. Paul stood on stairs, and 4. with the hand BEFALLETH.
Psal. 149. 5. let the saints sing aloud on their 4.
24. 10. Paul, after the governor had 4. answered for that which 4. the sons of men, 4.
/j(j.57.2.they sh.T.11 rest in their 4. each one walking Eccl. 3. 19.
BECKONING. beasts, even one thing 4. them
/iM.7.14.not cried when they howled upon their 4.
/lets 12. 17. Peter 4. unto them with the hand themselves BEF EL.
with hand, said Amos 6.4. lie on 4. of ivory, and stretch
13. id. Paul stood up, and b. his will be worse th?.n all that 4. thee
BECOME. Mic. 2. 1. wo to them that work evil on their 4. 2 Sam. 19. 7.
.Mark 5.16. told how it 4. to him that was possessed
4. washing of cups, and 4. brazen vessels
Gen 3 22 man is 4. as one of us, to know good and Markl. \
. . .
BEDSIEAD. lets 20. 19. 4. me by the lying in wait of the Jews
17. + 16. I will bless her, and she shall 4. nations
Ueut. 3.11. king of Bashan, his 4. was a 4. of iron BEFORE
37. 20. we will see what will 4. of his dreams Signifies, [1] In sight of. Gen. 43. 14. [2] Rather
38. t 23. let her take it, lest we 4. a contempt than, 2 Sam. 6. 21. [3] Eree to one's view and
Lord my
strength, and Deut. 1. 44. the Amorites chased you as 4. in Seir
Eiod. 15. 2. the is is h.
choice. Gen. 20 15. [4] At, Kev. 3. 9. [r-]
Judg. 14. 8. a Bwarm of 4. in the carcase of the lion
salvation, Fial. 118. 14. ha. 12.2. Not being sent, or commissioned by, John 10. 8.
brought us up, we Psal. 118. 12. they compassed me about like 4.
32. 1. for as for this Moses that
[6] Eirst,[l\ In order of time, Isa. 43. 13. ['.1
the Lord shall hiss for the 4. in Assyria
wot not what is 4. of him, 23. Ads'. 40. ha. 7. 18. In order if place. Josh^ 8. 10. Luke 22. 47. [3J
Deut. 27. 9. O Israel, thou art 4. the people of God had 4. deaf In order of diaiily, John 1. 15,27.
1 Sam. 10. 4 27. Saul was as though he
1 Sam. 28, I6. seeing the Lord is 4. thine enemy Gen. 20. 15.'behold my land is 4. thee, dwell where
2 Sam. 1. 26. very pleasant hast thou 4. to me
Jonah 4. 5. he might see what would 4. of the city
that had 4. too little, 1 would have given 24.45. 4. I had done speaking in my heart
12. 8. if
Mat. 21. 42. the same is 4. the head of the corner, then had at rest 31. 2. his countenance was not toward him as 4.
Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17- -icis 4. 11. ^1143. 13. 1 should have help, leave me not, 63.7. 43. 14. the Lord give you mercy 4. the man
slept, 1 4.
John 1. 13. he gave power to 4. the sons of God my 48. 20. and he set Ephraim 4. ^Ianassch
94. 17. unless the L. ha'd 4. my help, soul had
i Cor. 5. 17. in Christ, behold, all things are 4. new Eiod. 16. 34. Aaron laid it up 4. the testimony
Isa. 48. 18. then bad thy peace 4. as a river
Hev. 11. 15. are 4. the kingdoms of our Lord where had they b.! Sum. 6. 12. but the days that were 4. shall
be lost
BECO.METH. 49.21.1 was left alone-, these,
his banks as 4.
days of bur fathers Josh. 4. 18. Jordan flowed over
Psal. 93. 5. holiness 4. thy house, Lord, for ever Mat. 23. 30. if we had 4. in the
O 10. 14. there was no day like that 4. it, or after it
2. behold, there had 4. a great earthquake
Prov.lQ.i. he 4. poor that dealeth with a slack hand 28. t at least such as 4. knew nothing thereol
17. 7. excellent speech 4. not a fool, much less do
Luke 24. 21. but we trusted that it had 4. he which Judg. 3. 2.
Acts 4. 13. took knowledge they had 4. with Jesus
16^20. said, 1 will go as 4. and shake myself
18. a man void of understanding 4. surety :>«»n.6.21. chose me 4. thy father, and 4. his house
Eccl. 4. 14. he that is born in his kingdom 4. poor yfo/n.9.29.we
had 4. as Sodom, and like fJomorr.ih 2
battle was against him 4. and
having 4. the wife of one man 10 9 Joabsawthe
Mat. 3. 15. thus it 4. us to fulfil all righteousness 1 7'im.5.9. a widow, behind, 1 Chon. 10. H'.
cboketh the 2 J'im.3.tlO. thou ha-st 4. a diligent follower of my
13. 22. the dcceiifulness of riches
better not to have known the 22. +25. according to my cleanness 4. his eyes
word, and he 4. unfruitful, Mark 4. I9. 2 Pet. 2. 21. it had 4. Kings 13. 6. the king's hand became as it was b
1 Jolm 2. 19. if thev had 4. of us, no
doubt they 1
32. greatest among herti<i,and 4. a tree, .U(i)*4.32.
2 Chron. 13. 14 tlie battle was 4. and behind
ilaih BEEN.
Kom.l6.2.thatyereceivePbebeoursi9teras4.samts Manasseh his trespass 4. he was hvunbled
,>. the God of my father hath 4. with me 33. 19.
t/iA.5.3 covetousness not le once named, as 4. saints Gen. 31 .

Job 3.24. for my sighing cometh 4. I eat

the Lord thy'CJod hath 4. with thee
Phil. 1. 27. let your conversation be as 4. the gospel Deut. 2. 7. 21. go, whence 1 shall not return
1 Sam. 14. 38. see wherein this
sin hath 4. this day 10. 4. I
1 'Vim. 2. 10. as 4. women professing godliness had
42. 10. Lord gave Job twice as much as he
'J'li.Q. 3. aged women be in behaviour as 4. holiness 2
Chron. 15. 3. Israel hath 4. without the true God eyes
Eccl. 3. 15. that which hath 4. is
now, and that Psal. 31. 22. I am cut off from 4. thine
BEU which is to be hath already 4 39. 13. spare me 4. 1 go hence and be no more
Signifies, [V That uhereon persons sleep in the didst cause
„ precept 80. 9. thou preparedst room 4. it, and
W .
hath 4. upon „.„„,.„,
. , .

«,«AM Sam. 19. 13. [C] cou^h torts, on Isa. 28. t 10. for precept
A went astray, but
119. 67. 4. 1 was afflicted
J the da,. 2 Sam. 4.
er irtbulatioH, Rev. 2. 22.
5.' [.3] Pain, torment. •^^^- 22- 21- this
[4] Ihe grave, :./,ich Joel 1 2. hath
4. thy mariner from thy vouth
this 4. in your days or your fathers

139. 5. thou hast beset me behind and 4.

aiid laid
time -
he hath ». dead four days Eccl. 7. 17. why shouldest thou die 4. thy
ii as a sleeping hMise .for the righteous, Isa. 57. 2. John i r. 39. for behiaa
Isa 9 12. Syrians 4. and «iie Philialinos
Horn. n. 34 or who hai6 4. his couosellor

lleb. 13. 4.
[5] The lawful use o/uedlock.
lia. IT. !*• ^'"J beheld, b. the morning he is not Jer. 16. 3. concerning their fathers that 4. them Psal. 119. 160. word is true from the t. and every
4S. IS. t. the day was, I am he, and there is none Dan. 11.6. she shall be given up, and he that 4. her Pro:;. 8. 23. 1 was set upfrom j.or ever the earth was
C5. 24. that />. they call I will answer and hear Zech. 13. 3. his father and mother that 4. him /i<-/ man cau nnd workCJod maketh /romS.
Jer. 1.5. b. 1 formed thee in the belly, 1 knew thee Jiim. 1. 18. of his own will 4. he us wilh the word lia. 18. 2. go to a people terrible /rem the 4. 7.
Kick. 44. 12. they ministered to them b. their idol.'s 1 John 5.1. every one that loveth him that 4. loveth 40. 21. hath it not been told y 01 from the 4, /
22. they shall take a widow that had a priest 4. BEtiET. 41. 26. who hath declared /Vom the 4. .'
Jliis. 7. 2. their own doings, they are b. my face Gen. 17. 20. twelve princes shall he 4. I will make 46. 10. declaring the end/rom 4. and ancient tints
Amos 4. 3. every cow zx that which is b. her Diut. 4. 25. when tlTbu shalt 4. children, children's 48. 16. I have not spoken in 3ecret/;om the 4,
A/a/. 2.5. he feared me, and was afraid b. my name 28. 41. thou shalt 4. sons, but shalt not enjoy thein Jer. 17. 12. a glorious high throne/rom the 6,
4. 5. I will send Elijah the prophet b. the couiin; 2 Kittys 20. 18. of thy sons which thou shalt 4. Mat. 19- ii. hul from the b. it was not so
Mat.\.l&. b. they came together, she was wilh child shall they take and make eunuchs, Im. 39. 7. Luke 1 .2. unto us, vrhichfrom 4. were eye-witncsst»
.6. 8. knoweth what things ye need b. ye aik Feci. 6. 3. if a man 4. 101) children, and live many John 6. 64, Jesus knew from the 4, who believed not
8 29. art thou come to torment us 0. the time .'
Jer, 29. 6. take wives, and 4. sons and daughters 8. 25. Jesus saith, even same I said to you fromb.
24. 25. behold, I have told you b. E:ek. 18. 10. if he t. a son that is a robber 44. was a murderer/rom 4. and abode not in truth
LukeZ. 26. not see death b. he had seen the Lord 14. if he b. a son that seeth all his fathers sins 15. 27. because ye have been wi'h m&from t'le 4.
23. 12. for b. they were at enmity between ihcms. BEGETiEST. Pph. 3. 9. whi:h_7i(im 4. of the world hath been hid
/oAwfi. 6C. see the Son of man asce. where he was 4. Gen. 48. 6. issue which thou 4. shall be thine 2 J'hess. 2. 13. God hath/com 4. chosen you to salv
7. 51. doth our law judge any man b. it hear him r I;a. 45. 10. that saith to his father, what 4. thou ? 2 Pet. 3. t. all continue as they were/rwn the i.
13. 19. now 1 tell you b. it come, li. 2y. BEGETTETH. 1 John 2. 7 .word which ye have heard /ront 4.3.11
Acts spake of the resurrection Proi'. 17. 21. he that 4. a fool, doeth it to his sorrow
2. 31. he seeing this b. 13. because ye have known him that hfrom 4
4. 28. to do thy counsel determined b. to be dune 23. 24. he that 4. a wise child shall have joy of the devil, for the devil sinneth_/'rom the B
10.41. but to witnesses chosen 4. of God to us Eccl. 5. 14. he 4. a son, and nothing in his hand 2 John 5. but that which we had from the If.
2 Cor. 8. 10. who have begun 4. not only to do BEG. 1 In the BEGINNING,
Gal. 5. 21. of which I tell you 4. as I told you Psal. 109. 10. let his children be vagabonds and 4. Gc«. 1.1. in the 4. God created the heaven andeart7i
/;;;/i.3. + 3. as I wrote a little b. /Voir. CO. 4 therefore shall the .sluggard 4. in harvest 2 Sam. 20.t 18. they plainly spake in 4. ask at Abet
Phil. 3.13. re.iching forth to those things that .-ire4. Luke 16. 3. 1 cannot dig, to 4. 1 am ashamed Prov. 8. 22. the L. possessed me in(Ae4. of his vny
Col. 1. 5. whereof ye heard 4. in the word of truth BEGtiED. John 1.1. (« 4. was the Word, Word was with God
1 'I'hess. 2. 2. but even after that we had suflered 4. Mat. 27. 58. and 4. the body of Jesus, Luke 23. 52. 2. the same was in the 4. wilh God
3. 4. when we were with you, we told you b. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and b. ? Phil. 4. 15. yc know that in the 4. of the gospel
1 Vim. 1.13. who was 4. a blaisphemer, apersecutor BEGGAR. /i«4.1.10. thou Lord in the 4. hast laid foundation
lleb. 7. 18. dissmnuUing of the command going 4. 1 Sam. 2. 8. he liftcth the 4. from the dunghill BEGINNING.
10.15. for after that he had said 4. this is covenant Luke 16. 20. snd there was a 4. named Lazarus Mat. 14. 30. 4. to sink he cried. Lord, save me
2 Pet. 3. 2. mindful of words spoken 4. by prophets 22. the 4. died, and was carried by the angels 20. 8. give their hire, 4. from the last to the first
17. seeing ye know these things b. beware lest BEGGARLY. Luke 24. 47. among all nations, 4. at Jerusalem
Kev. 3. 9. mate them to worship 4. thy feet Gal. 4. 9- tow turn ye again to the 4. elements John 8 0. went out, 4. at the eldest even to the last
4. 6. were four beasts, full of eyes 4. and behind BEGGING. Acts 1, 22, 4, from the baptism of John to that day
Come BEFORE. Psal. 37. 25. I have not seen his seed 4. bread BEGINNINGS.
Eiod. 22. 9- both parties shall come 4. the judge Maik 10. 46. Bartimeus sat b. Luke 18. 35. Num. 10. 10. also in the 4. of your months, 28. 11.
I'sut. 100.2. come b. his presence with thanksgiving BEGIN. Ltek. 36, 11. 1 will do better than at your 4,
Mic.f).6. wherewithal shall I comeb. the Lfjid r Gen. 11.6. this they 4. to do, and now nothing BEGIN NEST,
£ Tim. 4. 21. do thy diligence to come 4. winter Dent. 2. 25. this day I 4. to put the dread of you Deut. 16, 9- time thou 4, to put the sickle to corn
BE 10 RE lU
people. Josh. 3. 7. this day will I 4. to magnify thee BEGOITEN
t>V)j. 23. 12. Abraham bowed h.the people of the land 1 Sam. 3. 12. when I 4. I will also make an end Is taken, [1] Properly and naturally, Judg. 8. 30
Exod. 13. 22. nor the pillar of fire from 4. the people 22. 15. did 1 then 4. to inquire of God for him ? [2] Siipernaturalty, thus Tsaac was begotten of
37.5. the Lord s.iid to Moses, goon 4. ;//(;;)c'i7;/£ A>/i. 11. 17. Mattaniahto 4. the thanksgiving the dead body and uomb (/Abraham and Sarah,
34. 10. 4. all thy people I will do marvels Jer. 25. 29. I «. to bring evil on the city called lleb. 11. 17". [3] Spiriiiiallu, thus CUriitiani
.7i«A.8.10.Joshua and elders went h.ihe people to Ai A';e^. 9. 6. slay oldand young, and 4. at my sanctuary are said to be liegotteii by such ministers as icert
1 .Sam. 18.13. he went out, and came in 4. the people Uos. B. they shall 4. a little for the bnrden
+ 10. instruments of their conversion, 1 Cor. 4. 15,
jMark 8. G. gave disciples, did set tliein 4. the people Luke .'i. and
4. not to say within yourselves
8. [4] Eternally, such only is Christ the only be-
Luke 20.26. not take hold of his words, 4. the people 13. 26. thon shall he 4. to say, we have eaten gotten of the lather, John 1. 14,
lieu. 10. 11. thou must prophesy 4. many peoples 14. 29. all that behold it, 4. to mock him ^uns. 11. 12. have 1 conceived, have I 4. them?
BEFORElihom. 21. 28. when these things 4. to come to pass Dent. 23. 8. the children 4. of them shall enter
''<?«. 24.40. Lord 4. -uhom I walk will send his angel 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we 4. again to commend ourselves ' Judg. ii. 30. Gideon had 70 s(ms of his body 4
iR. 15. (Jod 4. whom my fathers did walk 1 Pet. 4. 17. the time is come, that judgment must Job 38. 28, or who hath 4. the drops of dew r
1 Kingt 17.1. Elijah said to Ahab, as the Lord God b. at the house of God, and if it first 4. at us I'sal. 2. 7. thou art my Son, this day have 1 4. thee.

of Israel liveth, 4. xhom 1 stand, 18. 15. BEGINNER. Acts 13. 33. lleb. 1, 5. | 5. 5.
2 A'i«;( 3. 14. 5. 16. Ihb. 12. ( 2. Jesus the 4. and finisher of our faith Jsa. 49. 21, thou shalt say, who hath 4, uie these ?

/-VM.6.13.Mordecai h.wUom thou hast begun to fall BECJINNING. Jer. 2, < 27. saying to a stone, thou hast b. me
Van. T .K.b.uhom t!:ere were three of the first horns Signifie-S [1] Tliut tohich is the first, Exod. 12. 2. Uos. 5. 7, for they have 4. strange children
20. and b. vhom three fell, even of that horn [2] The creation. Gen. 1. 1. [3] Jr the fini, John 1. 14. the glory as of the only 4. of the Father
Acts 2ti. 26. the king, 4. a/.om also 1 speak freely I'rov. 20. 21. Isa. 1. 26. [4] That uhilh i: 18. the only 4, Son, he halh declared him
&e further. All, Ante, Gou, Him, Loiiu, Me, <hief, or mat excellent. I'rov. 1. 7. 9. 10. 3. 16, (jod so loved, that he gave his only 4, Son

Mount, .Stand, Stood, Tuee, The.m, As, 1 am the beg^nning and ending. Rev. 1.8. / am 18, not believed in the name of the only 4. Son
Went, You. the eternal Oo<l, and gate all things a being and 1 C,/r. 4. 15. for 1 have 4. you
through the gospel
BEFOlinilAND. beginning. have 4. in my bonds
Pillion. 10. Onesimus, whom 1
^lark 13. 11. take no thought 4. what to speak Gen. 4y. 3. Reuben, thou art the 4. of my strength lUb. 11. 17. Abraham by faith offered up only 4. so:>
2 Cor. 9. 5. go and make up 4. your bounty Exod. 12.2. this month shall be the 4, of months 1 Pet. 1. 3. who hath 4. us again to a lively hope
1 Tim. 5. 24. some meo's sins are open 4. Devt. 21. 17. he is the 4. of his strength, the right 1 John 4. 9. sent bis only b. Son, that we might live
25. the good works of some are 4. Joli 8. 7. tho' thy 4. was small, yet thy end increase 5. 1, that begat, loveth him aUo that is 4. of him
I fet. 1. 11. testifipil b. the sufferings of Christ 42. '". blessed the latter end of Job more than 4. 18. he that is 4. of (iod kocpcth himself
BEFORETIME. /'jff/.lll.lO.fearof Lord 4. of wisdom, Prov. 9. 10. FlRsr-BEGOlTEN,
Josh. 20. 5. because he hated hira not 4. Prov. 1.7. fear of the Lord is the 4. of knowledge lleb. 1, 6. when he briiigeth \nfirst-b. into ^vorId
1 Sam. 9.9. * i" Israel, when a man went he who 17. 14. *. of strife, as when one letteth out water liev. 1, 5. from Jesus, who is tlie_/l>i<-4. of the dead

is called a prophet was 4, called a seer I'.ccl. 7. 8. better is the end of a thing than the 4. BEGUILE.
2 Sam. 7. 10. nor afflict them any more as b. 10. 13. the 4. of words of his mouth is foolishness Col. 2. 4. lest any man 4. you with enticing words
C Kings 13. 5. Israel dwelt in their tents as 4. /,ta. 64. 4. since 4. of the world, men have not heard 18. let no mail 4. vou of your reward
-VeA. 2. 1. I hart not been 4. sad in his presence .1/ic. 1. 13. is the 4. of sin to the daughter of Zion BEGl'lLKU, INCi.
Jsa. 41. 26. who hath declared 4. that we may say Mat.i4. 8. all these are the 4. of sorrows, .!/«/• <• 13.8. Gen. 3.13. woman said, serpent 4. me, ,-uid I did eat
Acts 8. 9- called Simon which 4. u.sed sorcery 21^, tribulation, such as was not since the 4. 29. 25. wherefore then hast thou 4, ine .'

BEGAN. Mark 1. 1. the 4. of the gospel of Jesus Christ Sum. 25. 18. they have 4. you in the matter of Pcor
Gen. 4. 26. then 4. men to call on the name of Ixird .fohn 2. 11. this b. of miracles did Jesus in (ana Joih. 9. 22. saying, wherefore have yc 4, us.'
Kum. 25. 1 the people 4. to commit whoredom with Col. 1.18. who is the 4. the first-born from the dead 2 Cor. 11.3. but 1 fear lest as the serpent 4, Eve

/«rf?.20.31,they 4. to smite Israel as atothertimes Jlrb. 3. 14. if we hold the 4. of our confidence 2 Ptt.'Z. 14. cannot cease from sin, 4. unstable sotil*
1 Sam. 14. + 35. that ailar he 4. to build to the Lord (i. 1. leaving the word of the 4. of Christ
£ A'in/j.f U). 32. the Lord 4 to cut Israel short 7. 3. having neither 4. of days, nor end of life Num. 16, 46. the plague is 4. |(47. the plague was b.
S Chron. 20. 22. when they 4. to sing, the Lord set 2 Pet. 2. 20. the latter end is worse than the 4 Deut. 3. 24. tliou 4. to shew thy greatness
31. 7. in the third month they 4. to lay the heai>5 Rev. 1.8. 1 am the 4. and the ending, 21.6. 22.13. Esth. 6. 13. before wlinm thou hast 4. to fall

34. .'i. while young .losiah 4. to seek after tiod 3. 14. these things saith the 4. of creation of God y. 23. tlic Jews undertook to do as they had 4.
Kzek. 9. 6. liien they 4. at the ancient men At the BEGINNING.Mat. 18. 24. anil when he had 4. to reckon
Mat.i. 17. from that time Jesus 4. to preat h and say /i'H/43,10.more kindness at latter end.than at the b. 2 Cor, 8. (). as he had 4. so he would also finish
Mark 14. t 72. he 4. to weep when he thought 1 C/i)iii<.17.9.norchild. of wickedness waste asfl/4. 10. this is expedient for you who have 4. before
l,uie 1. 70. which have been since the world 4. Pi 00. 20, CI. an inheritance gotten hastily a( the b. Gal. 3. 3. are ye .so foolish, having 4. in the Spirit
14. 30. this man 4. to build and was not able ha. 1.26. 1 will restore thy counsellors as at the 4. Phtl. I. 6. he which hath 4. a good work in you

John 4. 52. enquired the hour when he 4. to amend I)an.[).' J/ji; 4. of thysupplications the command 1 Tim. 5, 11. when they have 4, to wax wanton
9- 32. since the world 4. Acts 3. 21. Horn. 16. 25. .Mat. 10. 4. which made them,a< 4. made them male BEHALF,
Ac/s 12. + 1. Herod 4. to vex certain of the church John 16. 4. these things said not to you at the 4. I
Kiod.91 .i\. a statute on 4. of the children of Isr.iel
S Tim. l.Q. in Christ before the world 4. Tit. 1. 2. .icts 11, 15.11. Ghost fell on them asonu5u(//i« 4. 2 Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent to David oa his 4.
H«4.2.J.salvatioir at first 4 to be spoken by the Lord Prom the BEGINNING. 2 Chron. lO. 9. shew himself strong in 4. "f them
BEGAT. Dent. 11. 12. eyes of L. are on fiom rA<4.of year '\i
.A'4 36. 2. shew that I have yet to speak on 'iod'j 4

Prov. 23 ez. he&rkeo to th; faihrr that i thee 32. 48. from the i. of revenges on the eDomy Uan. 1 1. Itt, bat a priace for his o«-ii 4. bh&]lcuii.s9
am giad therefore on >oar i. 2 A'inji 13. 21. that 4. they spied a band of men .23. do good or evil, that we may A. it together
^om. 16. 19. I 1

1 Cor, 1. 4.' I thank my God always on your i. 22. 10. A. I will bring evil upon this place and the 63. 15. A. from the habitation of thy holiness
iCor. 1.11. thanlts may be given by many on your i. inhabitauU thereof, 2 Chron. 34. 24. Jer. 20. 4. and thine eyes shall A. thy terror
5. 12. but give you occasion to (jlorj- on our k. 2 ChroH. 20. 11. A. I say, how they reward us 29. 32. nor A. the good 1 will do for people my
Vhil. to you it is given in i.ol Clirist, not only Job 1. 12. A. all thai he hath is in thy power 32. 4. and his eyes shall A. his eyes, 34. 3.
mm glorify God ou this b. 28. 28. A. the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom 42. 2. we are left but a few, as thine eyes do A. us
I fet. 4. 16. let
BUIAVE. 33. 12. A. in this thou art not just, 1 will answer Lam. 1. 18. hear all people, and A. my sorrow
3ti. 5. A. God is mighty, and despiseth not any, 2(5. 3. 50. till the Lord look down and A. from heaven
X>««f.32.27. lest adversaries A. themselves strangely
1 C/iron. ly. 13. let us A. ourselves valiantLy 40. 4. A. I am vile, what shall 1 answer thee .' 5. 1. O Lord, consider and A. our reproach
Jiti 41. t 5.S. who A. themselves without fear I'sal. 33.18. A. eye of the Lord is on them that fear Ezei. 8. 9. A. the wicked abominations they do
i'iiil. 101. 2. I will 6. wisuly in a pcrleci way 51. 5. A. 1 was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did 28. 17. lay thee before kings that they may A.
yju.3.5.the child shall A. himself proudly ag. ancient 73. 12. A. these are the ungodlywho prosper in world 18. bring thee to ashes in sight of all that A.
Psal. 78.20. A. he smote the rock, the waters gushed 40. 4. son of man, A. with thine eyes, 44. 5.
42.tl3. the Lord will A. himself mightily
1 Cor. 13. 5. chanty dotli not A. itself unseemly 139. 8. if 1 make my bed in hell, A. thou an there Van. 9. 18. open thine eyes, and A. our desolation
'J'im. 3. 15. howlhououc;litt-sltoA. iu house of God Cant. 1. 15. A. thou art fair, my love, A. 10. |
4. 1. Ubad. t 12. do not A. the day of thy brother
BEHAVED. ha. 7. 14. A. a virgin shall conceive. Mat. 1. 23. iUjc.7.9. me tolight, and I shall A. his righteousness
1 Sam. 18. 5. David A. himself wisely, 14, 15, .30. the childrenwhom theLord,yitrA.2.13. 10. she that is my enemy, mine eyes shall A her
J^sal. 3J. 14. I A. as though he had been my friend 22. they shall look to the earth, and A. trouble Ilab. 1. 3. why dost thou cause me to A. grievances ?
131. 2. 1 have A. myself as a child that is weaned 12. 2. A. God is my salvation, 1 will trust, and not 13. thou art of purer eyes than to A. evil, caiisl
IJos. 12. t3. Jacob A. himself princely 29. 8. a hungry man dreameth, and A. he eateth Mat. 18.10. tueirange'? alway A.face of my lather
A/iV. 3. 4. as they have A. thcm.'clves ill in doings 40. 9. say to the cities of Judah, A. your tiod Luie 14. 29. all that i. it begin to mock him
1 T/iess. 2. 10. how unblameably we A. ourselves 41. 27. the first shall say to Zioii, A. A. them 21. 6. as for these things which ye A. the days will
9 T/ujs. 3.1.6. not ourselves disorderly among you 42. 1. A. my servant » horn 1 uphold, mine elect John 17. 24. be with me, that they may A. my glorj
BEllAVETll. 43. 19. A. 1 wril do a new thing, it shall spring lets'! 31. as he drew near to A. it the voice came

1 Cor, 7. 36. if a man think he A. uncomely to his 48. 7. lest thou shouldest say, A. 1 knew them 32. then Moses trembled, and durst not A.
BEliAViOUH. 05.1. 1 said, A. me, A. me, to a nation not called by 2 Cor. 3. 7. Israel could not A. the face of Moses
1 Sam. 21. 13. Uavid changed his A. before them Je: .8. 15. we looked for peace, and A. trouble, 14. I9. 1 Pet. 2. 12. your good works which they shall A.
'1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop must be sober, of good A. '-'0. 14. A. 1 am in vour hands, do with me as seems 3. 2. while they A. your chaste conversation

Jil. 2. 3. aged women in A. as becometh holiness Lam.l.VZ.b and see if any sorrow be like my sorrow Rev. 17. 8. when they A. the beast that was, is not
BKHEAUED. Ezek. 30. 9. A. I am for you, and will turn to you BEllOLDEKS.
X>cw/.21 .6. elders shallwash hands over the heifer A. Zech. 3. 8. A. I will bring my servant the Branch Job 34. t 26. God striketh them in the place of A.
2 Sam, 4. 7. they smote Ish-bosheth, and A. him 6. 12. A. the man whose name is the Branch BEHULDEST.
Mai, 14. 10. i. Johij, Alari 6. 10, 27- Luie t). 9. 9. 9. A. thy King Cometh, ,Uo<. 21.5. John VI. 15. Psal. 10. 14. thou A. all mischief to requite it

Jiev. 20. 4. I saw the souls of them that were A. Mai. 3.1. A. 1 will send my messenger ond he shall Mat, 7. 3. why A. thou the mote ? Luke (j. 41.
BEHELD. prepare the way, 4. 5. Mat. 11. 10. Mark 1.2. Luke 6. 42. A. not the beam that is in thine own eye
J\'«OT. 21. 9. when he A. the serpentof brass, he lived Mat.l.i. and A. a beam is in thine own eye BEHOLDETH.
23. 21. he hath not A. iniquity in .lacob 24. 26. A. he is in th» desert, A. he is in the secret Job 24. 18. he A. not the way of the vineyards

1 Chi on. 21. 15. as he was destroying, the Lord A. Mark 16.0. is risen ft Hie'place where they laid him Psal. 33. 13. the Lord A. all the sons of men
Job 31. 2d. if 1 A. the sun when it shmed, or moon Luke 24. 39. A. my bands and my feet, that it is 1 Jam. 1. 24. for he A. himself and goeth his way

I'lal. 119. 158. 1 A. transgressors, and was grieved 49. A. 1 send the promise of my 1 ather upon you BEIIULDING.
142. 4. 1 A. but there was no man would know me Johti 1. 29. A. the Lamb of God, which taketh, 30. Psal. 119. 37. turn away mine eyes from A. vanity
i^rm. 7. 7. and A. among the simple ones, I discerned 47. A. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile A'r(>r.l5.3.Lord in every place, A. the evil and good
JUcl. 8. 17. then 1 A. all the work of God 19.5. Pilate saith unto them. A. the man I'.cel. 5. 11. saving the A. of them with their eyes

Isa. 41. 28. 1 A. and there was no man, Jer, 4. 25. Uis y. 11. Saul of Tarsus, fur A. he prayeth .Ufl/. 27.55. many women were there,A. LukeH^.tQ

Jer, 4. 23. 1 A. the earth, and it was without form 2 Cor. 6. 9. as dying, and A. we live, as chastened Mark 10. 21. Jesus A. him, loved him, and said
Mark 15 47.MarjMagdaleii,and Mary the mother 1 John 3. 1 A. what manner of love the lather
. Luke 23. 35. people stood A. and rulers derided him
of Joses, A. where he was laid, Luke 23. 55. liev. 3. 2U. A. 1 stand at the door and knock 48. A. things done, smote their breasts and returned
Luke 10.18.1 A. Satan as lightning fall from heaven 16. 15. A. 1 come as a thief, blessed is he that Acts 4. 14. and A. man which was healed could say
ly. 41. he A. the city, and wept over it 22.7 .A. 1 come quickly ,bles5ed is he tliat keeps, 12. 23. 1. and Paul earnestly A. fhe council, said
John 1. 14. and we A. his alory, the glory as ef BEllULD It is. 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open fare A. as in a glass the glory
Acts 1. y. while they A. Jesus was taken up Oen. 16. 14. A. it is between Kadesh and Bered Col.'Z. 5. withyouinspirit,joying,andA. your order
17. 23. as I passed by and A. your devotions 34. 21. for the land, A. it is large enough for them Jam. 1. 23. a man A. his natural face in a glass
liei'.b.6. 1 A. and lo, in midst tl the liirone a Lamb Exud. 32. 9- and A. it is a stift-necked people BEHOVED.
11. 12. they asctnded, and their enemies A. them Josh. 9. 12. but now A. it is dry, it is mouldy Luke 24. 46. and thus it A. Christ to suffer and ri«e
BEUEMOIH. Juiig. 18. 9. I have seen the land, A. it is very good Ucb. 2. 17. A. him to be made like to his brethren
Job 40. 15. behold now A. which J made with thee ./ja.5'-.t).know that 1 am he that doth speak,*. ir is I BEING.
BEHIND L^ek.l.lQ. A. the day, A. it is come,morijiiig is gone Gfn.24.27. 1 b. in the way, the Lord led me to house
Signifies, [1] Bachcards, Judg. 20. 40. [2] After, 39. 8. A. It IS come, and it is done, saith the Lord i'.xod. 22. 14. the owner thereof not A. with it
2 Sam. 3. I6. [3] Remaining, Lev. 25. 51. i\oui HEUGLD, or BEllULD 7wu'. A<r. 21. 4. he shall not defik himself, A.achief man
[4] Past, Phil. 3. 13. [5] Lnexpecled, Isa. 1 Sam. 12. 2 noa A. the king walketh before y»n Sum. 30. 3. vow a vow A. in her father's house, 16.
30. 21. [6] Disregarded, I'sal. bO. 17- 2 AiHji 18.21. now A. ihoutrustest on stall of Egypt Deut. 32. 31. our enemies themselves A. judges
£jod. 10. 20. there shall not an hoof be lift A. Job 10. ly. also no-ji A. my witness is in heaven Josh. 9. 23. none of you be freed from A. bond-men
X.«c.25.51.if there be yet many years A. according Jer. 40. 4. now A. I loose thee this day from ciiains I Sam. 15. 23. hath rejected thee from A. king, 26.

Jiidg. 20. 40. the Benjamites looked A. tkem .Vat.'Zt). 65. notu A. ye have heard his blasphemy 1 Kings 15. 13. Maachah his mother, even her he

1 Sam. 3d. 9. where those that were left A. stayed .-lets 13. 11. nou A. the hand of the Lord is on thee removed from A. queen, 2 Chron. 15. 16.
8 Sum. 3. 16. her husband went weeping A. h(?r 20. 22. now A. 1 go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem 16. 7. in provoking, in A. like house of Jeroboam
1 Kings 14. y. hast cast me A. thy back, /.wi.23.35. 2 Cor. 6. 2. A. now is the accepted time, A. now is day Seh.6. 11. who is there that A. as 1 am would flee ?
X\e/i. 4. 16. the ruifrs were A. the house of Judah Beholu tt lias, BtHuLU there was, see Was. Psal. 49. 12. man A. in honour, abideth not, is like
9.26.they rebelleU and cast thy law A. their backs BEllULD, Verb, 83.4. come, and let us cutlhemoff from A. anatioi:
Cant. 1. 9. behold, he staiidethA. our wall, lookelh Signifies, [1] To look on a thing tiiM our eyes. Gen. Jer. 34. 9. A. an Hebrew or llebrewess go free
Isa. 38. 17. thou hast cast all my sins A. thy back 31. 51. [2] To think over a thuig in our minds, Mat. 1. 19. Joseph her husband A. a just man
Auiosl, 1 15. the Lord took me from A. the (lock Lam. 1. 12. Rom. 11. 22. Luke 13. 16. this woman A. a daughter of Abraham
Mark 5. 27 she came in the press A. and touched Sum. 12. 8. and the similitude of the Lord shall he A. Id. 23. in hell he lift up his eyes A. in torment.*
Luke 2. 43. the child Jesus tarried A. in Jerusalem 23. 9. 1 see hiui, and from the hills I A. him 18. +. 9. trusted in themselves as A. righteous
1 tVr.1 .7. so that ye come A. in no gift, waiting for 2i.l7.seehim,but not now.shall A.bim,but not nigh 20. 3(). A. the children of the resurrection
C Cor. 11. 5. 1 was not a whit A. the chiefest, 12.11. IJeut. 3. 27. A. It with thine eyes, thou shalt not go 22. 44. A. in an agony, he prayed more earnestly
Vhil. 3. 13. forgetting those things which are A. 1 Sam. 22. 1 12. A. me, Isa. 6. i 8. yo/i)i5. 13. Jesus conveyed —
multitudeA. in that place
Col. 1. 24. fill up what is A. of artliciions of Christ JoAiy. 27. mine eyes shall A. and not another IC. 33. that thou A. a man, makest thyself (iod
Setfuither,'&hvov.t., IIim,\Vk,1 11 tt,lUEM,L's. 20. y. nor shall his place any more A. him 1 Cor. 12. 12. all the members A. many are onehody
BEHOLD 23. y. where he doth work, but 1 cannot A. him E])h. 2. 20. Jesus Christ A. the chief corner-stone
Signifies, [1] Admiration, Isa. 7- 14. [2] Joti 34. 2y. when he hideth his face, who can A. .' 4. 1 15. A. sincere in love may grow up into nim
and gladness. Mat. 21.5. [3] Obedience, 1 San: 30. 24. that thou magnify his work, which men A. Phil. 2. 6. who A. in the form of God, thought it not
£2. t 12. Isa. f). t U. [4] Asseveration, Gen. I'sal. 11.4. his eyes A. his eye-lids try tlie children Ik-b. 13. 3. as A. yourselves also in the body
eu. 15. [5] Exhortation to a yioiident cere, 7. his countenance doth A. the upright Rev, 12. 2. she A. with child, cried, travailing
John 19. 27. [6] Cuiisideialion, or observation, 17. 2. let thine eyes A. the things that are equal BEING.
Ltlke 24. 39. John 1. 29. [7] Suddenness, or 15. I will A. thy face in rigttteousness Psal, 104. 33. I will sing to the Loid, I will sing
tmeiyectedness, Kev. 16. 15. |
22. 7- [8] Cer- 27. 4. to A. the beauty of the Lord and enquire praise to my God while I have my A. 146. 2
tainty, Mat. 23. 38. Luke 1. 20. 37.37. mark the perfect man, A. the upright Acts 17. 28. in him we live, move, have our A. md
Gen. 28. 15. A. I am with tliee, and will keep thee 40. 8. come, A. the works of the I^onl BELCH, EIH.
31. 51. A. this heap, A. this I have cast 3). 4. they prepare, awake to help me, and A. Psal. 59. 7. behold, they A. out with their mouth
40.6. Joseph looked on them, and A. they were sad 66. 7 lie ruletli for ever, his eyes A. the nations
. Prov. 15. t 2. the mouth of fools A. out fuo'.ishness
48. 1. A. thy father is sick |l£l. Israel said, A. 1 die 81). 14. look down from heaven, A. and visit BEHEE.
tjod. S. 2. and A. the bush burned with lire yi. 8. only with thine eyes shalt thou A. and see 2 Thess,i.\Z. sanctificationof.Spirit, and A. of truth
;6. 4. A. 1 will rain bread from heaven for you 102. ly. Irom heaven did the l.ord A. the earth BELIEVE
23. 20. A. I send an angel l»eforc thee to keep thee 113. (). he humbleth himself to A. the things Signifies, [1] To give creditthing. Gen. 45.
to any
24. 8. Moses said, A. the blood of the covenant 119. 18. open thou mine eyes, that I may A 26. [2] To assent barely to gospel truths. Acts
Nam. 20. 16. A. we are in Kadesh in the utmost I'rov. 23. 33. thine ejes shall A. strange women 8. 13. [3] To receive, depend, and rely uvon
1 Sam. 12. 13. A. the king whom ye have chosen Led. 11. 7- and a pleasant thing it is to A. the sun Christ for life and salvation, lohn 1. 12. | 3.
'2 Sam.
y. 6. and he answered, A. thy servant Isa, 26. 10. he will not A. the majesty of the l^rd 15, 16. Horn. y. 33. 10. 4. [4] To be fully

1 Uings 13.2. A. child shall be 00m to bouse of Dav. 38.11.1 said,I shall A.iBan no more with the inhab. verruttded, john 6. 69. [6] 'I'o expect, or hope

. .


Psal. 27.13. [C] To f/ul confidence in, C Chron. Isa. 7. 9. if ye Will not b. ye shall not be established Acts 18. B. rr.nny of the (Jorinlhiant hearing
to. 20. [7] 7i) Xm)», John 1". 21. Jam. 2. ly. Jer. 12. 6. b. not them, tho' they speak lair word ly. 18. maiiyihatA.cameaud confessed thciriJeeds
fjarf. 1.5. that they may i. the Lord hath appeared Hab. 1. 5. which ye will not b. though it be told you BELIEVED «<!/, or not BELIEVED.
ly. g. that they may hear and i. thee for ever A/ar. 21.25. why then did ye not b. him r Mark 11.31. Geyt. 45. 26. Jzicob's heart fainted, he A. them not
yum. \i. 1 1, how long will it be ere they i. me 24.23. lo, here is Christ, A. itne.',26. MarkVi.Q.1.
.' Num. 20. 12. because ne A. me not, 10 sanctify m»
CAr. 20. 20. 6. in the Lord God, 6. his prophets /,iiXe22. 67. he said, if 1 tell you, you will«-.ir4. Dent. y.23. rebelled, and A. him not, nor hearkened
Isa. 43. 10. that ye may know and i. me John 3. 12. if I told earthly things, and ye b. not 1 Kings 10. 7- howbeit 1 A. not the words, 2 C/'ir. y.6.
Mai. y. 28. i. ye that I am able to do this > 4. 48. except ye see signs and wonders ye willwo^i. Job 2y. 24. if 1 laughed on them, they A. it not
18. 6. kut whoso shall offend one of the«e little 5. 38. for whom he hath sent, him je b. not Psal. 78.22. because ihey A. not in God, trusted not
ones which 6. in me, Mark y. 4'J. 47. if ye b. not his writ, how shall ye A. words.' my 32. sinned, and A. not for his wonderous works
21. 32. repented not afterward that ye might*, him 6. 36. 1 said to you, ye also have seen me and A. not lo6. 24. despised t*ie land, tbey A. not his word
2". 42. let him come down, and we will i. him 64. but there are some of you which A. not Jer. 40. 14. but Gedaiiah A. them not
Mart 1. 15. repent ye, and i. the gospel 8. 24. if ye b. not that I am he, ye shall die in sins Lam. 4'. 12. inhabitants of world would 7wl have A.
5. 36. he saith, be not afraid, only i. Luke 8. 50. 45. because I tell you the truth, ye A. me not Ma'. 21.32. John came unto you, and ye 4. him not
O. 23. if thou canst b. all things are possible id. if I say the truth, why do ye not b. me f Mark 16. 11. when theyhad heard he was alive A. not
24. Lord, I b. help mine unbelief, yo/i« y. 38. 10. 26. ye A. not, because ye are not of sfteep my 14. he upbraided them because they A. 7tot
11. 23. but shall b. those things he saith shall come 37. if 1 do not the works of my
Father, A. me not Luke 20. 5. he will say, why then A. ye him not *
24. i. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 38. if I do, though j-e A. not me, believe the works 24.41. while they A. not for joy and wondered
15. 32. let him descend, that we may see and b. 12. 3y. they could not A. because Isaiah said again JoAn 3. 18. condemned already ,because he hath jtoi A.
16. 17. these signs shall follow them which b. 47. if any hear words, and A. «t>r, I judge him not 6. 64. Jesus knew who they were that A. not
Luke S 12. devil tziketh away the word, lest they b. 16. y. reprove of sin, because they A. not on me 10. 25. Jesus answered, 1 told you and ye A. not
13. ihese have no root, which for a while *. 20. i.'5. thrust my
hjmd into his side, I will not A. 12. 37. had done so many miracles, yet they A. not
24. 25. O
fools, ajid slow of heart to b. all that Horn. 3. 3. what if some did not A. shall unbelief Acts y. 26. afraid, and A. not that he was a disciple
John 1. 7. that all men through him might b. 15. 31. I rfiay be delivered from them that do not A. 17. 5. the Jews which A. jtot moved with envy
12. sons of God, even to them that b. on his name 1 Cor. 10. £7. if any th*t b. not bid you to a feast ly. 9- but when divers were hardened and A. not
3 12.howshallyeA.if I tell you of heavenly things 14.22. tongues are for a sign to them that A. not

Rem. 10. 14. how call on him inwhom theyhave not A.
4. 21. woman, b. me, the hour cometh when vc 2 Cor. 4. 4. bath blinded minds of them that A. nui 11. 30. for as you in times past have not b. God
[shall 2 I'tm. 2. 13. if we A. not, he abideth faithful 31. even so have the.-e aUo now not A.
42 and said, now we b not because of thy saying 1 John 4. I. A. not every spirit, but try the spirits
. . 2 Thess 2. 12. they all might be damned who A. not
5. 44. how can ye b. which receive honour one of BFLIEVEU. tieb. 3. 18. not enter into his re*, that A. not
47. if not his writings, how shall ye b. ray words Gen. 15. 6. he A. in the Lord, and he counted it for 11. 31. Hahab perished not with them that A. twt
6. 2y. workof God, that ye A. oa him he hath sent righteousness, Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jam. 2. 23. Jude 5. Lord afterward destroyed them that A. not
7. 5. for neither did his brethren b. in him Eiod. 4. 31. >\aron spake, and the people A. BELIEVERS.
3y..Spirit,which theythat A. on him should receive 14. 31. they A. the Lord and his servant Moses Acts 5. 14. A. were the more added to the Lord
9. 35. dost thou *. on the Son of God r 1 ^am. 27. 12. and Achish A. David, saying, he hath 1 Tim. 4. 12. but be thou an example of the A.
.iS.hesaiid.who is he, Lord.that 1 might A. on him t'sal. 27. 13. 1 had fainted, unless I had A. to see BELIEVEST.
10. 38. b. the worlcs, that may know and b.
ye 106. 12. then A. they his words, they sang his praise Luke 1 20. be dumb because thou A. not
. wordsmy
11. 15. I was not there, to the intent ye may A. 116. 10. i A. therefore have 1 spoken, 2 Cor. 4. 13. John 1. 50. 1 saw thee under ths fig-tree, A. thou *
27. 1. *• that thou art the Christ, the Son of God ny. 66. teach me, for I have A thy commandments 11. 26. believeth in me, never die, A. thou this?
40. said 1 not to thee, if wouldst b. thou shouldst Isa. 53. 1. who hath A. our report, to whom arm of 14. 10. A. tnou not that I am in the Father
42. that they may b. that thou hast sent me the Lord revealed f John 12. 38. Rom. 10. I6. Acts 8. 37. if thou A. with all thine heart, thou
48. if we let him alone, all men will b. on hira Dan.&. 23. no hurt on him, he A. in his God 26. 27. A. thoa the prophets r 1 know thou A.
12. .36. while ye have light, b. in the light Jonah 3. 5. so the people of Nineveh A. God Ja/n. 2. 19. thou A. that there is one God, thou dost
13. ly. when it is come to pass, ye may b. I am he Mat. 8. 13. as thou ha3t A. so be it done to thee BELIEVETH.
14. 1. not troubled, ye b. in God, b. also in me 21. 32. but the publicans and harlots A. him Job 15. 22. he A. not that he shall return out of
11. A. I am in the Father, or b. for the work'ssake Mark 16. 13. went and told it, neither A. they them Prov. 14. 15. the simple A. every word, bnt the
2y. that when it is come to pass ye might b. Lnke 1. 1. of those things which are most surely A. /)«. 28. 16. he that A. shall not make haste
16. .30. by this we b. thou earnest forth from God 45. blessed is she that A. for there shall be a perforn Mark y. 23. all things are possible to him that A.
31. Jesus answered them, do ye now b ! Johul. 11. his glcry, and his disciples A. on hiio 16. 16. he that A. and is baptized shall be saved,
17. 20. I pray for them also which shall b. on me 22. they A. the scripture and the word Jesus said but he that A. not shall be damned
21 that the world may 4. thou hast sent me
4. 50. the man A. the word that Jesus had spoken John 3. 15. whoso A. in him should not perish, 16.
ly. 35. he knows that he saith true, that ye might i. 53. the father himself A. and his whole house 18. he that A. on him is not condemned, but be
20. 31. these are written that ye might b. 5. 4ti. had ye A. Moses, ye would have A. me that A. not is condemned already
Acts 8. 37. I *. that Jesus Christ is the Son of God 7 48. have any of rulers or Pharisees A. on him r 36. he that A. hath everlasting life, 6. 47. him all that b. are justified from all thingb 8. .31. then said Jesus to the Jews that A. on him 5. 24. A. on him that sent me hath everlasting life
41. 1 work a work which you shall in nowise b. 11.45. who had seen the things Jesus did, A. on him 6. 35. he that A. on me shall never thirst
15.7. that the Gentiles by me should hear and b. 12.11. many of the Jews went away and A. on Jesus 40. he that seeth the Son and A. ou him hath life
11. we A. thro' grace we shall be saved, as they 16.27. the Father loveth you, because you have A. 7. 38. he that A. on me, out of his belly shall Ho>»
16.31. i. on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt he saved 17 8. and they have A. that thou didst send me
• 11. 25. he that A. though he were dead yet shall live
iy.4. should b. on him that should come after him 20. 8. then went that other disciple and saw and A. 26. whosoever liveth and A. in me shall never die
Bl .20. thou seest how many Jews there are which b. 2y. thou hast A. have not seen and yet have A. 12. 44. he that A. on me, A. not on me, but on him
25. as touching the Gentiles which b. have writ. .lets 2. 44. all that A. were together, had things 46. whoso A. on me, should not abide in darkiiesj
27. 25. 1 b. God that it shall be as it was told me 4. 4. many of them which heard the word A. 14. 12. he that A. on me, the works that I do
iiom. 3. 22. righteousness of God on all them that b. 32. multitude of them t-hat A. were of one heart .icts 10. 43. who A. in him receive remission of sins
4. 11. he might be father of all them that b. 5. t 36. as many as A. Theudas were scattered Hom.l. 16. it is the power of God to every one that A.
24. to whom it shall be imputed, if we b. on him 8. 12. but when tlty A. I'hilip preaching things 3. 26. and the justifier of him that A. on Jesus
6. 8. if dead, we b. that we shall also live with him 13. then Simon himself A. also and was baptized 4. 5. but to him that worketh not, but A. on him
10. y. and shall *. in 'hy heart that God raised him 10. 45. they of circumcision who A. were astonished y. 33. whosoA. onhimshajluot be ashamed, 10.11.
14. how shall they b. in him of whosi not heard ? 11. 17. (iod gave them like gift as to us who A. 10. 4. Christ is the end of law to every one that A.
1 Cor. 1. 21. by preaching to save them that b. 21. a great number A. and turned to the Lord 10. for with the heart man A. to righieousnesr
11. 18. I he.\r there be divisions, and I partly b. it 13. 12. then deputy A. being astonished at doctrine 14. 2. for one A. that he may eat all tilings
14. 22. tongues are for a sign, not to them that b. 48. as many as were ordaineu to ctenial life A. 1 Cor. 7. 12. if any brother hath a wife that A. not
but prophesying serveih for them which b. 14. 1. a multitude of both Jews and Greeks A. 13.7. love A. all things, hopelh all things, endurelb
9 Cor. 4. 13. we also b. and therefore speak 23. commended ihem to the Lord on whom thej- A. 14. 24. and there come in one that A. not
Cal. 3. 22. promise might be given to them that b. 17.4. some of them A. and consorted with Paul 2 C<;r. 6. 15. what part hath he that A. with iMfide)
Eph. 1. ly. the greatness of his power to us who b. 34. howbeit certain men clave to him and A. 1 'Jim. 5. 16. it any man
that A. have widows
Phil. 1. 2y. to us it is given not only to b. on him 18.8. Crispus chief ruler of the synagogue A. on L. 1 I'et. 2. 6. he that not bo confounded
A. shall
1 Then. 1. 7. ensamples to all that b. in Macedonia 27. helped them much which had A. thro' grace 1 John 5. 1. is the Christ, is of God
whoso A. Jesus
2. 10. we behaved ourselves among you that b. ly. 2. received ye the Holy Ghost since ye A. .' 5. who is he that overcometh, but he that A.
13. word which effectually worketh iti you that b. 22. ly. I beat in every synagogue them that A. 10. he that A. on the Son of God ; he that A. not
4.14. if we b. that Jesus died and rose again 27. 11. the centurion A. the master of the ship God, because he A. not llie record
2 ihess.l.lQ. come to be admired in all those that i 28. 24. some A. the things spoken, and some A. not BELIEVING.
2. 11. send delusion that they should b. a lie Rom. 4. 18. who against hope A. in hope, might Mat. 21. 22. ask in prayer, A. ye shall receive
1 Tim. 1. 16. for a pattern to them that should*. 13. 11. our salvation is nearer than when we A. John 20. 27. said to I homas, be not faithless but 4.
4. 3. received with thanksgiving of them that b. 1 Cor. 3. £. but miiiislersby whomye A. as the I>ord 31. that A. ye might have life through his name
10. Saviour of all men, especially of those that b. 15. 2. ye are saved, unless ye have A. in vain Arts 16. 3t. rejoiced, A. in God with all his house
neb. 10. .3y. but of them that b. to saving of sonl 11. whether 1 or they, so we preach, and so ye A. 24. 14. A. all things which are written in the law
11. (). he that Cometh to God must *. that he is Gal. 2. 16. even we have A. in .lesus Christ that we Rom. 15. 13. fill y<iu with all joy and peace in A.
Jam. 2. ly. the devils also b. and tremble Eph. 1. 1.3. in whom after ye A. ye were sealed 1 Jim. 6. 2. they that have A. masters, not de^pi.^e
1 fei. 1.21. whoby him do i. in God that raised him 2 Then. 1. 10. our Icstimnny among you was A. + but rather do them service because they are A.
2. 7. to you therefore which b. he is precious 1 !/'im.3. 16. A. on in the world, received up into glory 1 l^et. 1. 8. yet A. ye rejoice with joy unspeakable
1 John 3. 23. is his commandment that we should b. 2 Tim. 1. 12. for I know whom have A. he is able I liELL. S.
5. 13. h.ave written to you that b. that ve may b. lit. 3. 8. they which have A. in God. be careful to
i>0(/. 28.33. A. of gold bctw. pomegranates, .3y. 25
BLLIKVE not, or not BELlliVE. lleb. 4. 3. we which have A. do enter into rest 34. a goblen A. and a pomegranate, 3y. 26.
Ecod. 4. 1. behold, they will not b. me, nor hearken 1 John 4. 16. we have A. the love of God to us Zech. 14.20. upon the A. of horses, holmcssto Lord
8. it shall come to pass, if they will not b. thee, y Many BELIEVED. Bellow, see Bulls
Dent. 1. 3C. yet in this ye did not b. the Lord John 2. 23. at the pasSover mnny b. in his n.amc BELLOWS.
2 Kings 17. 11. like their fathers did not b. in Lord 4. 3y. many of the .Samaritans A. on him Jer. 6. 29. the 4. are burnt, the lead is consumed
/o*9- 16. yet would 1 not b. that he had hearkened 11.45. many of the Jews which came to M ary A. on BELLY
fVw. 86. 25. whea ha speaketh fair, b. him not 12. 42. among the chief rulers also many 6. oa him Signifies, [1] That fmri of tkeboiiiuhtch contamt
. .

«JU eotueii. Mat. 13 17. [~] !>'* voml, Jer. Prov. 4. 3. the sight of my mother
and only b. in BENEFIT, S.
Rrv. 10. 9, 10. [4] Cant. i. 1. eat, friends, drink abundantly, U b,
O Signifies, Tl Tiie gifts and fai-ourt of God 11 mttl
1. 5. [3J The tntraiit, ,

'Jhe heart, John 7. 3B. [5] The -j-hole man. 9. what is thy 4. more than another b. I
2 Chron". 32. 25. Psal. 68. 19. Th4favovr
Philem. -4.
'J it. X. 12. [6] Carnal pleasure, Horn. IC. 18. 6. 1. whither is thy b. gone, thou fairest ? of God to others, 2 Cor. 1. 15.
Gen. 3. It. oa tbjr i. shalt ibou go, and du5t eat 8. 5. who is this that come'.h leaning on her b. ? [3] God's righteoxu acts, 1 Sam. 12. t 7.
i^r. 11. 42. goeth on the i. b« an abomination Dan. 9. 23. for thou art greatly t. 10. 11, I9. [4] Salvation, 1 lira. D. 2. [5] favour, gract,
Aim. 5. 21. thy thigh to rot, and thy i. to swell Jloi. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman b. of her friend cr spiritual blessings, Psal. 103. 2. [6] Toprofit,
•2i. U. thrust man of Israel and woman thro' the i. 9. 16. I will slay the b. fruit of their womb or do good, Jer. 18. 10.
X>eut. 28. f 11. plenteous in the fruit of thy i. .lets 13.25. chosen men with b. Barnabas and Paul 1 Sim. 12. t 7. reason with you of all the 4. of L
t 53. and thou shalt eat the fruit of thy i. Kom. 1. 7. to all that are in Rome, b. of God 2 (-'/i;.32.25. Hezekiah rendered not according to t.
JvJg. 3. 21. the dagger, and thrust it in his i. 9. 25. I will call her *. which was not *. Psal. 6jV 19. Lord who daily loadeth us with 4.
I Ain;<7.20. had pomegranates over-against the i. 11. 28. they are i. for the Father's sake 103. 2. bless the Lord, and forget not all bis 4.
J*i 3. 11. give op ghost when 1 came out of the i. 16. 12. salute j. I'ersis who laboured much in I^ord 116. 12. what shall I render to Lord for allhis t. f
15. 2. and fill his 3. with the east-wind Pfh. 1.6. he hath made us accepted in the b. 2 Cor. 1. 15. that you might have a second 4.
.15. brinjj vanity, and their 6. prepareth deceit 0. 21. I'ychicus a i. Brother and minister, Co/. 4.7. 1 Ttm. 6. 2. faithful and belovfd partakers of the*.
Ji)i 19.tl7. intreated for childrens' sake of my 6. Col. :i. 12. put on as the elect of God, holy and b. Philem. 14. that thy 4. should not be of ueceMity
20. 15. God shall cast them out of his i. 4. 9. with Onesimus, a faithful and b. brother BENEVOLENCE.
20. surely he shall not foel quietness in his i. 14. Luke the 6. physician and Demas greet you 1 CffT. 7.3. let the husband render to the wife due 4.
23. when about to fill his i. God shall cast fury 1 Thess. 1. 4. knowing b. your election of God BENT.
SC. t 18. the spirit of my i. constraineth me 1 Tim. 6. 2. do them ser>'ice, bfccause they are i. Psal. 7. 12. he hath b. his bow, Lam. 2. 4. 3. 12 |

19. behold my i, is as wine which hath no vent P/iilem. 16. but above a servant, a brother b. 37. 14. have i. their bow to cast down the poor
Pial. 17.14. whose i. thou fillest with thy hid treas. lleh. 6. 9. b. we are persuaded better things of you Jsa. 5.28.whose arrows sharp, and all their bows 4.
22. 10. thou art my God from my mother's i. 2 I'tt. 3. 8. b. be not igncrant of this one thing 21. 15. for they fied from the swords and 4. bow
44. 25. soul bowed down, our 6. cleaveth to earth 15. even as our b. brother Paul hath written Hot. 11. 7. my people are 4. to backsliding from men
58. t3. they go astray from the i. 1 Juhn 3.2. b. now we are the sons of God, it doth Zech. g. 13. when I have 4. JudaU for me
132. til. of the fruit of thy i. I will set on 21. b. if our heart condemn us not, then have BEREAVE.
frov. 13. 25. but the i. of the wicked shall w.^nt 4. 1. i. believe not every spirit, but try the spirits DeiU. 32. t 25. swcril and terror shall 4. young men
18. 8. go into innermost parts of the i. 26. 22. 7. b. let us love one another, for love is of God Eccl.i.R. forwhom I labour and 4. my soul of good
20. a man's i. shall be satisfied with fruit 11. b. if God so loved us, we ought also to love Jer. 15. 7. I will 4. them of children, 18. 21.
20. 27. se.ircl^jug all the inward parts of the i. 3 John 11. b. follow not that which is evil, but Ezek. 5. 17. send evil beasts, and they shall 4. thee
30. so do stripes the inward parts of the i. [good 14. + 15. if I cause noisome beasts to 4. the land
C2. 1 18. is a pleasant thing, if keep them in thy 6. Jude 20. but ye b. building up yourselves in faith 36. 12. no more henceforth 4. them of men, 14.
Cant. 5. 14. his A. is as bright ivory overlaid with liev. 20. 9. and they compassed the b. city Hos. g. 12. bring up children, yet will I 4. them
7.2. thy 6. is like an heap of wheat set about with Dearly Beloveu, see Dearlv. BEREAVED.
ha. 46. 3. which are born by me from the i. My BELOVED. Ct'71.42. 36. Jacob said, me ye have 4. of my children
Jer. 1. 5. before I formed thee in thei. I knew thee Cant. 1.14. myb. is to ine a cluster of camphire 43. 14. if I be 4. of my children, I am 4.
61. 34. he hath filled his 6. with my
delicates 16. behold thou art fair, my 6. yea pleasant Ez^k. 36. 13. thou land hast 4. thy nations
£j»i. 3. 3. he said, son of man, cause thy i. to eat 2. 3. as the apple-tree, so is n?y b. among the sons //w. 13. 8. 1 will meet them as a bear 4. ofherwhelp.l
Dan. 2. 32. this image's i. and his thighs of brass 9- my b. is like a roe or a young hart BEREAVETH.
Jonah I. IT. .lonahwasini.ofthefish, Alat. 12.40. IS. my i. is mine, and I am his, he feedeth, 6. 3. Lam. 1 . 20. abroad the sword 4 . at home is as death
2.2. out of the i. of hell cried I, and thou hearjst 17. turn my b. and be thou like a roe or a hart BERRIES.
Jl/ic. 6. t7. fruit of my i. for the sin of soulmy
4. 16. let my b. come into his garden and eat Isa. 17. 6. two or three 4. in the top of the bough
llai. 3. Ifi. when I heard, my
i. trembled, my lips 5. 2. it if the voice of my 6. that knocketh, 2. 8. Jam. 3. 12. can the fig-tree bear olive 4. a vine figs ?
lUat. 15. 17. whatsoever entercth in at the mouth 5. I rose up to open to my b.\\6. I opened to myb. BERYL.
goeth into ihe i. and is cast out, MarkT. ly. 10. my b. is white and ruddy 16. this is my b. |j
Dan. 10. 6. his body also was like the 4. and faco
Luke 15. 16. fain have filled his b. with the husks 6. 2. myb. isgoiie[j3. 1 aniCTj/ 4. and my b. mine, Hev. 21. 20. eighth loundation was 4. ninth a topaj
John 7 38. out of his i. shall flow rivers of water
. [7.10. BESEECH.
iv'«'n.l6.18. they serve not our Lord but their own b. 7. 13. which I have laid np for thee, mi/ b. O Exod. 33. 18. he said, I 4. thee shew me thy glory
1 f-V-r. 6. 13. nie.its for the b. and the b. for meats T\a. 5. 1. a song of my i. touching his vineyard Kum. 12. 13. heal her now, O Lord, I 4. thee
P/iiV. 3.iy. whose God is their i. and glory in shame Jer. 11. 15. what hath my b. to do in house my Psal. 80. 14. return, we 4. thee, O God of hosts
Hev. 10. y. eat it up, and it shall make thy b. bitter .Vat. 3. 17. this is my S. Son, I7. 5. Mark 1. 11. 116. 4. O Lord, I 4. thee deliver my soul
10. as soon as I had eaten it, my
b. was bitter y. 7. J."Jie 3. 22. i 0. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17.
118.25. save I 4.0 Lord, I 4. thee, send prosperity
K.S. 12. 18. behold my b. in whom soul is pleased my
liy. 108. accept, I 4. thee, free-will offerings
1'ii. 1. 12. the Cretians are always liars, slow i. Luk-! CO. 13. I will send my b. son, it may be they Jer. 38. 20. obey, I 4. thee, the voice of the Lord
liKLONG. Horn. Id. 8. greet iimplias my b. in the Lord .Imoi 7. 2. I said, Lord God, forgive I 4. the* O
Gen. 40. 8. do not interpretations b. to Gnd? 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my b. sous I warn you Jonah 1.14.they said, we 4. thee, O Lord, we 4.theo
/.ft;. 27. 24. in jubilee return to whom it did b. 17. I sent Timothy my b. son, 2 Tim. 1. 2. 4. 3. O Lord, take, I 4. thee my life from me
.')eiit. ^g. 29. secret things b. to God, revealed b. Jam. 1. 16. do not err, mu b. brethren Mai. 1. g. 4. God, that he will be gracious to us
/'>al. 4.7. 9. for the shields of the earth b. to God BELIE, BELIED. Luke 8. 28. Jesus, I 4. thee, torment me not
68. 20. to our God b. the issues from death Prov. 30. 1 9. lest I be full and b. thee y. 38. saying, master, I 4. thee look on my son
Prov. 24. 23. these things also b. to the wise Jer. 5. 12. they have b. the Lord, and said, it is not Acts C6. 3. wherefore 1 4. thee to hear me patiently
J.':c*. 21.tl3. .shall they not b. to the despising rod? BE.MOAN, ED, ING. Rom. 12. 1. I 4. you by the mercies of God
]>an. 9. y. to the Lord our God d. merries Job 42. 11. they b. Job, and comforted him 1 Cor. 4. 16. I 4. you, be ye followers of me
Mark 9. 41. in my name, because ye b. to Christ who shall b. thee, O Jerusalem
Jer. 15. 5. 2 Cor. 2.8. 1 4. you, confirm your love toward him

J,iiie 19. 42. the things which b. to thy peace 16. go to lament, nor b. them
5. neither 5.20. as though God did 4. you by us, we pray yon
1 Ciir. 7. 32. caretli for things that^. to the Lord weep ye not for the dead, nor b. him
22. 10. 6.1. we 4. you receive not the grace of God in vain
liKLONGKU, ESr. 18. I have surely heard Ephraim b. himself
31. 10. 1. I Paul 4. you by the meekness of Christ
1 Sam. .^0. 13. to whom b. thou, whence art tlion - 17. all ye that are about him b. him
48. (ial. 4. 12. I 4. you, be as I am, for I am as ye are
1 hings 1.8. and the mighty men, which A. to David .Va/i. 3.7.1^ ineveh is laid waste, who will b. her r Eyh. 4.1. I the prisoner of the Lord 4. you to walk
2 A'lnijj 7. 1 2. a lord which i. to the king answered B EN CUES. Philem. 9. yet for love's sake I rather 4. thee
Luke "3. T. as he knew he b. to Herod's jurisdiction Ezek. 27. 6. the Ashuritcs made thy b. of ivory 10. 1 4. thee for my son Onesimus, whom I hav«
BELONGETIl. BEND. Heb. 13. 19. but I 4. you the rather to do this
Deiit. 32. 35. tome b. vengeance and recompense, Psnt. 11. C. for lo, the wicked b. their bow 1 Pet. 2. 11. I 4. you as strangers and pilgrims

Vsal. 94. 1. Jieb. 10. 30. ()4. 3. who b. their bows to shoot their arrows 2 John 5. now I 4. thee, lady, not as though I wroM
Jtidt;. 19. 14. Gibeah which b. to Benjamin, CO. 4. Jer. 9. 3. they b. their tongue like a bow for lies See Brethren.
i:zra 10. 4. arise, for this matter b. to thee 46. 9. the Lydians, that handle and b. the bow BESEECHING.
I'sal. 3. 8. salvation b. unto the Lord 50. 14. all ye that b. the bow shoot at her 20. Mat. 8. 5. there came a centurion 4. him, Luke 7. 3.
02. 11. twice have I heard, power t. unto God 51. 3. against him that bendeth, let the archer b. Mark 1. 40. there came a leper to him, 4. him
12, also unto thee, O Lord, i. mercy Ezek. 17. 7. behold, this vine did 6. her roots BESET.
Van. 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness b. to thee BENDETH, ING. Jud^. ig.22. sons of Belial 4. the house round, 20.5
8. to us b. confusion of face, to our kings Psal. 58. 7. when he b. hi^ bow to shoot arrows Psal. 22. 12. strong bulls of Bashan have 4. ma
Uei. 5. 14. strong meat b. to them of full age ha. 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come *. to thee 139. 5. thou hast 4. me behind and before
BELONGING. Jer. 51. 3. against him that b. let the archer bend llos.T. 2. their own doings have 4. them about
Kum. 7. 9. the service of the sanctuar-y *. to them BENEATH. lleb. 12. 1. lay aside sin which doth so easily 4. us
RiithZ. 3. to light on a part of a fieUl b. to Bo.iz Eiod. 20. 4. or that is in the earth b. Deut. 5. 8. BESIDE, BESIDES.
Prov. 26. 17. meddleth with strife *. not to him .32. 19. he brake the tables b. the mount Gen. 19. 12. hast thou here any b. bring them out
Luke^. 10. he went into a desert*, to Uethsaida Dcut. 4. 3y. on the earth b. there is none else 2u. 1. there was a famine 4. the first famine
BELOVED 28. 13. thou shalt be above only, and not be b. l^v. 18. 18. 4. the other in her life-time
/! applied, [1] To Christ, Mat. 3. 17. Mark 1. 33. 13. blessed, for the deep that coiicheth b. 23. 38. 4. sabbaths, b. your gifts, b. vour vows 4
11- I
9- 7. [2] To Ihe Church, Jer. 11. 15. E:ra Q. t 13. hast withheld b. our iniquities your free-will oflerings, which ye give to Lord
Jlom. 9. 25. [3] To particular taints, Neh. Job 10. 16. his roots shall be dried up b. Num. 5. 20. man has lain with thee 4. thy husba«d
13. 26. Dan. g. 23. [4] To zcife and children, Prov. 15. 24. that ye may depart from hell 4 6. 21. law of Nazarite, 4. that his hand shall get
Deut. 21. 15. IIos. 9. 16. fS] To the h'et^ Isa. 14. 9. hell from 4. is moved for thee 11.6. there is nothing at all 4. this manna
Jerusalem, Kev. CO. 9. 51 6. lift up your eyes, look on the earth b.
. 28. 23. ofler these 4. the burnt-offering, 2p. 6.
Deuj. 21. 15. two wives, the one b. the otherhated Jtr. 31. 37. if foundations can be searched b. Deut. 29. 1. 4. the covenant ne made in lloreb
3.!. 12. the *. of the Ixird shall dwell in safei
John 8. 23. ye are from 4. 1 am Irom above Josh. 22. 19. in building an altar, A. the altar, S9
J: Sam 12. + 25. Jedidiah, that is b. of the Lord BENEl'ACTOR.S. Judg. 6. 37. if it be dry on all the earth 4.
Neh. 13. 26. .Solt^mon, who was b. of his God 2^ul«22.25.tLey that exercise authorityare called 4 1 1 34. 4. her Jephthah had no son nor daughter
r'at. 60. S. that thy I,, m.iy be delivered, 108. 6. BE.NEEIT. 1 Sam. ly. 3. I will go out and stand 4. father my
1£7. 2. for so he givcth kis b. sleep Jer. 18. 10. repent p(good wherewidi I 4. them 1 Kiugs 10. 13. 4. that which Snlonon gave bet
1 Kings 2^. ~ not a prophet of ihe I.. d.iCArim.lB.6. 2 CArcn. J6. 16. God sent by his messengers rising A. Eiik. 36. 11. 1 wUI settle you, and do h. to yott
S Kings 21. J6. a. his sin, wherewith he niaJe Jadah Job 8. 5. if thou wouldst aetk unto God A. i>a>i. 1 20. in all matters he found them ten times 9.

Psal. 23. £. he leadeth me b. the still waters 24. 5. as wild asses go thsy, rising A. for prey Hos. '2. 7. then was It 6. with me than now
Cant. 1. 8. feed thy kids b. the shepherds' tents ProD, 13. 24 he that loveth him, chastcneth him A. ,<moi <). 2 be they 6. than these kingdoms?
Isa. 32. 20. blessed are ye that sow b. all waters BETKAV. Nah 3. 8 art thou 6. than populous No?
56. 8. I will gather others to him b. those that 1 Citron. 12. 17. if ye be come to A. me to enemic-s Mat- 6. 20 behold the fowls of the «.ir, are rou not
huke l6. 26. b. all this, between us and you a gulf M^t. 24. 10. and shall A. one another and haie much b, than they ? Luke li. 21.

24. 21. b. all this, to-day is the third day since 26. 16. from that time he sought opportunity to A. 12. 12 how much then is a man thanfc. a sheep?
I'hilem. IQ. thou owest to me thine owuself t. him, Mark 14. 11. Luke 22. 6. 18.6. itwereA for him that a millstone were hani?ed
BESIDE. 21. I say unto you, that one of you shall A. me, about his neck. Marie 9. 4J. iule 17. 3.
Mark 3. 21. his friends said, he is *. himself Mark 14. 18. .John 13. 21. Pom. 3. 9. are we A. than they ? no, in no wise
/Jf/j 26. 24. Paul, thou art *. thyself, learning 46. behold, he is at hand and doth A. me 1 Cor. 7. 38. he that giveth her net in inarriage,doth A
8 Cor. 5.13. whether we be *. ourselves, it is to God Mark 13, 12. brother shall A. brother to death 8. 8. for neither if we eat are we the A.
BESIEGE. JohnQ. 64. Jesus knew who should A. him, 13. 11. 9.15. i. for me to die, than to make my
glorying Toia
Dent. 28 52. he shall b. thee in thy gates 13. 2. the devil put into the heart of Judas to A. him 1 1 17. you come together not for A. but for worse

1 Kings&. 3". if their enemies b. them, 2 Clir. 6. 28. BETllAYED. Phil. 2. 3. let each esteem ether A. than himself
isa. 21. 2. go up, O Elam, b. O Media Mat. 10. 4. Ju-ias Iscariot who A. him, Mark 3.19. Ueb. 1. 4. being made so much A. than the angeb
BESIEGED. 17. 22. Son of man shall be A. into the hand of 6. 9. but beloved, we are persuaded A. things of you
? A'in5jl9.24.withthe sole of my feet I have dried men, 20. 18.
| 26.2,45. Mark\4. 41. 7. 7. W'ithout contrad. the less is blessed ef the A.
up all the rivers of b. places, l.ra. .'i?. 25. 26. 24. wo to that man by whom the Son of man ii ly. nothing perfect, but bringing in ofa A. hope did
Ercl. Q. 14. came a great king against it and b. it A. Mark 14. 21. Lnke 22. 22. 22. Jesus was made a surety cf a A. testament
Jio. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is left as a A. city 48. he that A. gave them a sign Mark 14. 44. 8.6. by how much also he 's tho Modiator ofa 6.
Lzek. 6. 12. he that is b. shall die by the famine 27. 4. I have sinned, in that I A. innocent blood covenant, established on A. promises
BESOM Lukell. Hi. and ye shall be A. both by parents and 9.23. but heavenly things with A. sacrifices
Isa. 14. 23. I will sweep it with tne o.ol Qestrnction John 18 2. Judas which A. him knew the place 10 34. in heaven a A. and enduring substance
BESOUGHT. 1 Cor. 11. 23. same night he was A. he took bread 11. 16. they desire a A. country, an heavenly
(itH. 42. 21. when he b. us, and we would not hear BETKAYERS. 35. that they mi;;ht obtain a A. resurrection
Exvd. 32. 11. Moses b. the Lord, Deut. 3. 23. Acts 7. 52. just One, of whom ye have been the A. 40. God having provided some A. thing for us
2 Sam. 12. l6. David b. God for the child BEIRAYEST,ETH. 12. 24. that speaketh A. things than that of Abel
1 Kings 13. 6. and the man of God b. the Lord Mark 14. 42. let us go, lo, he that A. me is at hand 2 Pet. 2. 21. A. for them not to have known the waj
2 Kings 1. 13. third captain fell on his knees and b. Lnke 22. 21. the hand of him that A. me is with me ij. BETTER
13. 4. Jehoahaz b. the Lord, the Lord hearkened 48. Judas, A. thou the Son of mau with a kiss' Prov. 15. 16. A. is little with the fear of the Lr.rd
i Chron. 33. 12. Manasseh in atfiiction b. the Lord John 21. 20. Lord, which is he that A. thee ? 17. A. is adinnerof herbs where love is, than an ox
Exra 8. 23. so we fasted and b. our God for this BETROTH. 16.8. A.:'j a little with righteousness than revenues
Esth.H. 3. 4. him with tears to put away the mischief i)i'«r.28.30.shall A. a wife, another shall lie witn her 16. how much A. is it to get wisdom than gold
Jer. 26. I9. did not Hezekiah fear, and b. the Lord Hts. 219.1 w ill A. thee to me for ever in righteous. 17- 1. A. is a dry morsel and quietness therewith
Mat. 8. 31. so the devils b. him, Mark 5. 10, 12. 20. 1 will A. thee to me in faithfulness, shall kiiow ly. 1. A. ij the poor that walks in integrity, 28. 6,
LnkeS. 31,32. BEIROTHED. 27. 10. for A. is a neighbour that is near, than
34. saw him, they *. him to depart, LukeH. 37. E;rjd. 21. 8. if she plezise not her master who A. her Led. 4. 6. A. ts an handful with quietness than
18. t26. ser\ant b. him. Lord, have patience 22. 16. if a man entice a maid not A. Dent. 22. 28. 13. A. isa. poor wise child than a foolish king
Mark 5. 23. Jairus b. him greatly, Luke 8. 41. Lev, 19. £0. whosoever lieth with a woman A. 6. 9- *• «Vthe sight ofthe eyes than the wandering
John 4. 40. Samaritans b. that he would tarry Deut. 20. 7. who hath A. a wife, and not taken her 7. 8. A. is the end of a thing than the beginmng
4T. the nobleman of Capernaum A. him to come 22. 23. if a man finda virgin A. and lie with her Cant. 4. 10. how much A. is thy love than wine .

19. 38. b. Pilate that he might take tlie body 27. A. damsel cried, and there was none to save Is BETPER,
or is it BETTER.
./4cr.5l3.42. Gentiles b. that these words be preached BETTER Judg. 9. 2. whether is A. for you, that all reign
16. 15. Lydia b. us, saying, if ye have judged me Signifies, [1] More valuable, or preferable, Eccl. 18. 19. is it A. to be a priest to one. than to a tribe '
39. magistrates b. them, and brought them out 9. 4, 16, 18. [2] More acceptable, 1 Sam. 15. Ruthi. 15. thydaughter j.f A. to thee than seven son*
21. 12. we b. him not to go up to Jerusalem 22. [3] More able, Dan. 1. 20. [4] More 1 Sam. 15. 22. behold, to obey ft A. than sacrifice

2 Cor. 12. 8 for this thing I b. the Ix)rd thrice conienient, 1 Cor. 7. 38. [5] More easy. Mat. 28. given to a neighbour that it A. than thou
BEST. 18.6. {&"[Moreadvantagemts,V'si\\.\.i-i. [7] 8 Sam. 17. 14. counsel of Hushai the Archite is A.
G*n. 43. 11. take of the *. fruits in the land Mote Iwlu, 1 Cor. 8. 8. [8] More safe, Psal. Lsth. 1. 19. estate to Jinother that is A. than she
47. 6. in *. of the land make thy father dwell, 11. IIH. 8. [9] More comfortable, Prov. 15. I6, 17. Psal. 37- 16. a little a righteous man Lalli it A.
Bjod. 22. 5. of b. of his own field make restitution [10] More precious, Vtov.Vi. 11. 63. 3. thy loving-kindness it 6. than life
^um. 18. 29. every heave-offering shall be of the b. A better hope, Heb. 7. 19. 'I'he new coieitant, or84. 10. a day in thy courts is A. than a thousana
36. 6. let them marrj- to whom they think b. Chrxst and his priesthood, and the promises oj the 119. 72. the law of thy mouth is A. to me than gold
Deux. 23. 16. he shall dwell where it likes him 6. gospel depending therrupcn ; uihich give hope to lost Prov. 3. 14. for the merchandise of wisdom is 6.
1 Sam. 8. 4. he will take the b. of your vineyards itimers of obiatutng reco7tciliationzt;iLh (jod, and 8. 11. wisdom is A. than rubies, and all things
15.9. Saul 2ind the people spared the i. of sheep, 15. aJjorJ more clear and solid grounds to eipeci the 19. my fruit is A. than gold, yea, than fine gold
2 Sam. 18. 4. what seemeth you b. I will do Jull pardon of their sins, and eternal life, than 12. 9. it A. than he that honoureth himself
t KingsiO. 3. look out the A. of your master's sons could be discovered from the dark sliadout under 16. .32. that is slow to anger is b. than the mighty
Psal. 39. 5. every man at his b. staJe is vanity the legal dispensation. 19. 22. and a poor man is A. than a liar
Cant. 7. 9. tlie roof ol thy mouth like the b. wine Might obtain a better resurrection, Heb. 11. 35. 22. + 1. favour i> A. than silver and gold
Mic. 7.4. the 6. of them is as a brier, most upright W resurrection to a Jar better life than they could 27. 5. open rebuke is A. than secret love
Luke 15. 22. bring forth the b. robe and put it on hat enjoyedon earth ; Jor though they might have i!.'t'c/.6. 3. an untimely birth is A. than he

1 Cor, 12. 31. but covet earnestly the i. gifts been preservedfor a while from death now threaten- 7. 1. a good name is A. than precious ointment
BESTEAD. ed, uihichuas a kind of Tesuirectioii, yet teas it not 3. sorrow it A. than laughter, for by the sadness of
Isa. 8. 21. they shall pass thro' it hardly b. hungry to be compared uith the resurrection to eternal life, the countenance the heart is made A.
BESTIR. glory, bliss, and pleasure, to be enjoyed by them uith 8. the patient in spirit is A. than the proud in spirit
2 Sam. 5 24. when hearest the sound then i. thyself Uod in heaven, -uhich uiould abundantly recompense 9. 4. a living dog t; A. than a dead lion
BESTOW. them for all their sufferings. 16. then said 1, wisdom is A. than strength
Eiod. 32.29- that he may b. on you a blessing Better sacrifices, Heb. 9. 23. The sacrifice of Christ 18. wisdom is A. than weapons of war.
Veiit. 14. £6. b. money for what thy soul lusts alter himself, Xihich is of more value, a7id comprises all Cant. 1. 2. for thy love is A. than wine
S Chron. 24. 7. the things they did b. on Baalim the virtue, benefit, and signiUcation of the legal Luke 5. 39. for he saith, the old is A.
Ezra 7. 20. which thou shall have occasion to b. it sacrifnes. It is expressed in the plural number, Phil. 1. 23. and to be with Christ, which it far i.
out of the king's treasure-house both to answer the opposite term, and to set out its It is BEITER, or BE 11 ER it it.
Lnke. 12. I7. I have no room where to b. my fruits excellency ; being far above all olhert, and the very\Oen. 29. 19. it is b. I give her to thee than another
18. and there will 1 b. all my fruits and goods substance of them. 2 Sam. 18. 3. it is A. ihou succourus out of the city
1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we b. more abundant honour Gen. 29. 19. A. 1 give her to thee thau to another I'sal.lia.&.itis A. to trust in the Lord than to put, 9.
13. 3. though I b. aH my goods to feed the poor Liod. 14. 12. A. for us to have served ihe Egyptians J'rov. 16. ly. A. it is lo be of an humble spirit
BESTOWED. Aum. 14.3. were it not A. for us to return to l.gypt i> A. to dwell iuacorner of the house, 25.24,

2 Kings 5. 24. Gchazi b. them in the house Jiulg. 8. 2. gleanings of Ephraim A. than vintage 19. It IS A. to dwell in the wilderness tliau with
1 Chron. 29. 25. Lord b. on Solomon royal majesty 11. 25. nor art thou any thing A. than Balak 25. 7- A. it IS that it be saidtu thee, come uphiiher
Isa. 63. 7. according to all the Lord hath b. on us 1 Sam. 1. 8. am not 1 A. to thee than ten sons? Led. 5. 5. A. 1/ is that thou shouldesl not vow
John 4. .38. to reap that whereon ye t. no labour 27. 1. nothing A. than to go to the Philistines 7. 2. tl is A. to go to ihe house ot mourning than
Horn. 16. 6. greet Mary, who b. much labour on us 1 Kings 1. 47. (Jod make the name of k. Solomon A. 5. it is A. to bear the rebuke ofthe wise iLan
1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace b. on nie was not in vain 2. 32. who fell upon two men A. than he, and slew Jonah 4. 3. 1/ is i. for me to die than to live, 8.
S Cor. 1.11. for the gift A. on us by means of many 19. 4. Elijah said, am not A. than my fathers
I Mat. 18. 8. it IS A. for thee to enter into lil'e hall or
8. 1. doyouto witofthegrace A on the cliurche"^ 21.2. I will give thee for it a A. vineyard than it maimed, than to be cast, 9. Mark 9. 43, 45, 47
Oal.i. 11. lest I have A. on you labour in vain 2 Kings 5. 12. rivers of Damascus A. than Jordan 1 Cor. 7.9. lor It IS A. to marry than to burn
1 John 3. 1. what manner of love lather A. on us 2 Chron. 21. 13. hast slain brethren A. than thyself 1 Pet.S.n. It is A. that ye sufl'er for well doing than
BEl'AKE. I'sal. 69. 31. this shall please the LordA. ihananox HE I 1 EKED.
Isa, 14. 1 32. poor of his people 6. themselves to it nothing A. for a man than to eat aiiu drink .Mark 5.26. she was noiUiiig A. bul rather grew worie
/.'cf/.2. 24.
BETHINK. 3.22. there is nothing A. thau to rejoice in his works BE 1 WEEN.
1 KingsR. 47. if they shallA. themselves in the land 4. 3. A. is he than both tliey, which have not been Gen. 1.14. God divided A. ligtit and darkness
whither were carried captives, 2 Chrun. 6. 37. 9. two are A. than one||6. 11. what is man the A. i.'14. to divide A. light and darkness
BETIMES 7. 10. that the former days were A. than these: 3. 15. will put enmity A. ihy seed and her seed

Signifies [1] Earli/,Gen. 26.31. [2] Seasonally, 1 1 1. wisdom is as good a.s an inheritance, yea A. too 9. 16 the covenant A. God and everj- creature
m dueand proper time. Prov. 13. 24. [3] Con- 10. 11. the serpent will bite, and ababbler is no A. 15. 17. a burning lamp passeth A. those places
tinMally, end carefulli/, 2 Chron. 36. 15. Isa. £6. 5. give a name A. than of sous and daughters 4^1. 10. nor a lawgiver from A. his tetl, tnl Shiloil
Ocn 26. 31 rose up b, and sware one to another l4im 4. y. ibev that b« slain with the sword are A. Ljro4. tt. S3 1 wl>l put a «Utuxki i. ai; i>«ople
33 c


tJ9d. U.lfl. the two evenings. Num. Q.tS. Josh. 6. 10. till the day I ». yon shotit, then shout
kill it 6. Act»i\.\\. so shall the Jews A. the man that ownefl
IS. 9. and it shall be for a si^ to thee.and a memo- 1 5am. 9. 27. said, A. the servant pass on before us BINDETH.
rial A. thine eyes. It). Dew. 6. 8. 11. 18. 2 Sam. 2. 26. how long ere A. the people return from Job 5. 18. hemaketh sore and A. up, he woundeth

18. 16. (hey come, and I judge b. one and another 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not riding for me except 1 A. thee 26. 8. he b. up the waters in his thick clouds
S6. S3, the vail shall divide i. holy and most holy 5. 13. if the prophet had A. thee do a great thing 28. 11. he A. the floods from overflowing
Hum. 11. 33. while the flesh was b. their teeth 10. 5. we will do all that thou shalt A. us 30. 18. it A. me about as the collar of my coat
tU. i 4. the other lamb offer i. two evenings Jonah 3. 2. preach to it the preaching that I A. thee 56. 13. hypocrites, they cry not when h<; A. llieu
D€ui. 17. 8 t. blood and blood, b. plea, b. stroke Zeph. 1. 7. for the Lord hath A. his guests 129. 7. nor he that A. sheaves, his bosom

33. 12. and he shall dwell b. his sboulders JUal. 14. 28. A. me come to thee on the water 147. 3. he healeth the broken in heart, and A. up
jMd%. 4. 5. Deborah dwelt b. Kaniah and iipth-el 22. 9. as many as ye shall find A. to the marriage Prov. 26. 8. as he that A. a stone in a sling, so is he
I &>n.7.14. there was peace b. Israel and Amorites 23.3. what they A. yon observe, that observe and do Isa. 30. 26. in day Lord A. up breach of bis people
iSam. 19.35. discern b. good and evil, 1 Kings 3.9- LuJte g. 61. let roe first A. them farewell at home BINDING.
I Kings 18. 21. how long halt ye b. two opinions? 10. 40. A. her therefore that she help me Gcn.37.7.we were A. sheaves in sheaf aroso
Prm. 18. 18. the lot parteth b. the mighty 14.12.1estthey alsoA. thee again,and a recompense 49. 11. A. his foal to the vine, and his ass's colt
Jrr. 34. 18. they {as.'ed b. parts of the calf, I9. 1 Cor. 10. 27 . if any that believe not A. you to a feast Num. 30. 13. every A. oath to afflict the so-jl
£ui. 34. 17. 1 judge b. cattle and cattle, b. rams 2 John 10. receive him not, nor A. him God speed Acts 22. 4. b. and delivering into prisons men
Hot. 2. 2. and ner adulteries from b. her breasts BIDDEN. BIRD
Je$IZ. 17. the priests weep b. the porch and altar 1 Sam. 9. 13. and afterwards they eat that be A. Signifies, [1] A foul, small or large. Jam. 3. 7
Zerh. 11. 14. break the brotherhood b. Jvidah 2 Sam. 16. 11. let him curse, for the Lord hath A. [2] Cyrus, uho came swiftly from Persia to
Mat. 23. 35. ye slew b. the temple and thetaltar Alai.l.2i. then Joseph did as the angel had A. him destroy Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. [3] The Chal-
JoMn 3. S5. a question b. .lohn's disciples ana Jews 22.3. and sent to call them that were A. to wedding deans, or other neighbours that persecuted and
Jiett 13. t42. might be preached the sabbath S. 4. tell them who are A. I have prepared v dinner m ajiicied the Jews, Jer. 12. 9- [4] The polluted
Hem. 10. 12. no difference b. the .lew and Greek 8. but they who were A. were not worthy and corrupt inhabitants of Babylon, Rev. 18. 2.
1 Cor.7. 34. there is difference A. a wife and a virgin i«/t«7.39. whenthe Pharisee who had A. him saw it Gen. 7. 14. every A. of every son went into the ark
1 TiiR. 2. 5. there is one Mediator b. God and men 14. 7. he put (ooh a parable to those who were A. Lev.14.52. shall cleanse the house with the living A
BETWIXT. 8. when thou artA.lest a more honourable man beA. Job 41 5. wilt thou play with him as with a A. 'f

Job 36. 32. not to shine by the cloud that cometh b. IC. when thou art A. go and sit in the lowest room Psal. ll.l.lomy soul, fleeasaA. to your mountain
Cant. 1. 13. he shall lie all night b. my brea,sts 24. none of those men A. shall taste of my supper 124. 7- our soul is escaped as a A. out of the snare
PAii. 1. 23. 1 am in a strait b. two, having a desire BIDDETH, BIDDING. Prov.1.17 .in vain the net is spread in sight of any A.
liblWAIL. 1 Sam. 22. 14. goeth at thy A. and is honourable 6. 5. and as a A. from the hand of the fowler
Ln. 10. 6. J. the burning the Lord hath kindled 2 John 11. he that A. him God speed, is partaker 7. 23. as a A. hasteth to the snare, knows not
iitui. 21. 13 and h. her father and mother a month BIDE. 26.C.asthe A. by wandering, so the curse causeless
fyig. 11.37- thai may go and b.
I virginitj-, 38. my Rom.M. 23. if they A. not still in unbelief, be grafted C7.8.asaA.that wanderelh from her nest, so a man
Isa. 16. 9. 1 w'li * *'^ the weeping of Jazer BIER. Eccl. 10. 20. the A. of the air shall tell the matter
£ Cpr. 12. 21 that 1 shall b. many who have sinned
2 Sam. 3. 31. king David himself followed the A. 12. 4. he shall rise up at the voice of the i.
Rtv. 18. 9- shall b. her, whennthey see tlie smoke Luke 7. 14. he came and touched the A. and said Isa. 16.2. as a wandering A. cast out of her nest
BLW AILED, Kill. BILL. 46. 11. calling a ravenous A. from the east
ler. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion that b. herself Z,T(^el6.6. take thy*, and write, 50. |17. takethyA. Jer. 12. 9. my heritage is to me as a speckled A.
luikt 8.52. and all wept and b. her, but he said See Divorce. Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me like aA.
S3. 27. of women also who b. and lamented him BILLOWS. Hos. 9. 11. their glory shall flyaway like a A.
BEWARE Psal.42.7. all thy A. are gone over me, Joho/; 2. 3. 11. 11. they shall tremble as a A. out of Egypt
Sgnifies, [^1] To take care, I'rov. 19. 25. [2] To BIND Amos 3. 5. can a A. fall where no gin is for him ?
have a singular and special regard to, £xod.23.21 Signifies, [1] To tie up, or fasten together. Gen. Rev. 18. 2. a cage of every unclean and hateftil i.
"Vft must beware [IJ Uf Jorgetting Ood, Deut. tf 37. 7. Deut. 14. 25. [2] To bind mth chains, BIRDS.
12. 18. 11. [2] Of evil ihatiehts, \p. 9. Mark 5. 3. Acts 12. 6. [3] To keep last, or Gen. 15. 10. but the A. divided he not
[3] Of thing! forbidden, Judg. 13. 4, 13. [4] Of sure, Prov. 3. 3. |6. 21. [4] To enia'je l>u 40. 17. the A. did eat them out of the basket
dsngtrtforelotd. 2 Kings 6. 9. Job 3S. 18. [5] Of vow, or promise. Num. 30. 2,9. 13. [5] 'i'o 19- the A. shall eat thy flesh from off thee
God's wrath. Acts 13. 40. [6] Of false teachers, confirm, or ratify. Mat. I6. I9. [6] Juduious/i/ Lev.M.i. priest shall command to take two A. aliv«
Mat.7. 15. 16.6,11. [7] U/men, Mat. 10.17.
to declare, or pronounce a person's sins unpar- Deut. 14. 11. of all cleafl A. ye shall eat
[8] Of evil u^rkers, Phil. 3. 2. [9] Of the error doned, according to the directions of God's word, 2 Sam. 21. 10. suffered not the A. to rest by day
of the Kicked, 2 I'el. 3. 17. [10] Of covetomness, and to inflict any church censure upon him fur Psal. 104. 17. where the A. make thoir nests
tuke 12. 15. 20. 46. I
the same. Mat. 16. I9. [ 18. 18. [7] To distress, 148. + 10. praise the Lord, ye A. of wing
Otti. 24. 6. b. that thou bring not my son thither or trouble, Luke 13. 10. [8] To restrain. Job Eccl. 9. 12. as A. that are caught in the snare
EioJ. 23. 21. b. of him and obey his voice 28. 11. [9] To be under a marriage tie, or ob- Cant. 2. 12. the time of the singing of A. is come
Dent. 6. 12. then b. lest thou forget the Lord, 8. 11. ligation to perform the duties incumbent on a Isa.31 .5. as A. flying, so will Lord defend JerusjiJtm
15. o. b. there be not a wicked liought in thy heart person in that relation, Rom. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 7- 4. 25. and all the A. of the heaven were fied
Jtuig. 13. 4. *. 1 pray thee, and drink no wine, 13. .^y. [10] Pouierfutli) to persuade, injluence, or Jer. 5. 27. as a cage full of A. so are their housts
S Sam. 18. 12. b. that none touch the young man cSiistrain, Acts 20. 22. 12. 4. the beasts are consumed and the A.
i A iiuj 6. 9. saying A. that thou pass not such a place They bind heavy burdens on men. Mat. 23. 4. 9. the A. round about are against her, come ye
Jeb 36^ 18. b. lest he take thee away with his stroke Thei) impose many strict injwution.s, over and Ezek. 39. 4. I will give thee H the ravenous A.
Prov. 19. 25. smite a scorner, and the simple will b. above what the law requires, and severely eiacl Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like A. claws
Jia. 36. 18. b. lest liezekiah persuade you, saying obedience thereto from others. Mat. 8. 20. the i. of the air have nests, Luke 9. 58
Miat.T. 15. b. of false prophets 10. 17. *. of men |1
Exod. 28. 28. they shall A. the breast-plate by rings 13. 32. the A. lodge in the branches thereof
16. 6. take heed and b. of the leaven of the Pbari- Num. 30. 2. if a man swear an oath to A. his soul Rom. 1. 23. into an image like to A. and beasts
sees,ll. Mark&. 15. Liutel2. 1. Deut. 6. 8. thou shalt A. them for a sign on thy hand 1 Cor. 15. 39. another of fishes, another of A.
jlf«r* 12. 38. *. of the scribes, Luke 20. 46. 14. 25. shalt A. up the money, and go to the place Jam. 3. 7. tvery kind of bea»ts and A. is tamed
ImH 12. 15. take heed and A. of covetousness Joih. 2. 18. thou shalt A. this line 111 the window BIR in
Acts 13. 40. b. lest that come which is spoken Judg. 15. 10. to A. Samson zire we come up Is [1] Natural, Exod. 28. 10. [2] Abortive, or un.
PAil.3.i. A. of dogs, A. of evil workers, A. of concision 12. they said, we are come down to A. tliee limely. Job 3. I6. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6.3. [3^
Col. 2. 8. A. lest any man spoil you thro' philosophy 13. no, but we will A. thee fast, and deliver thee Supernatural, as uas the birth of Christ. Mat. 1.
2 Pel. 3. 17. A. lest ye also, being led away with 16. 5. that we may A. Samson to atflitt him 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figurative, for heavy ok-
Bi: Witched. [error Job 31. 36. 1 will A. it as a crown to me gni'A and distress,^ Kings \g. 3. Isa. 37-3. [5]
Acts 8. 9. Simon A. the people of Samaria, 11. 34. tl7. shall even he that hateth right A..' lor deliverarue at lUind, Isa. 66. 9. [6] I'or a
Cat. 3. 1. U foolish Galatians, who hath A. you.' Job 38.31. canst A. the sweet inlluences of Pleiades r natural state in sin, Ezek. I6. 3. [7] for regene-
BEWUAY. 39. 10. canst thou A. the unicorn with his band > ration. Tit. 3. 5. [8] Pot earnest desire for the
Xta. 16.3. hide the outca.sts,A.not him that wzindereth 40. 13 hide them, and A. their faces in secret good of souls. Gal. 4. I9.
BLWRAVEIll. 41. 5. Wilt thou A. Leviathan for thy maideiis.' 1 he children are come to the birth, 2 Kings I9. 3.
Prn. 27. 16. the ointment ot his right hand i. itself Psal. 105 i2 'oA. his princes at his pleasure lie have begun a happy reformation, hut are
29. 24. he heareth cursing, and A. it not 118. 27. 0. the ^jicrifice with cords to the altar hiudered by this insolent Assyrian,// om bringing
Hat. 26. 73. thou art one of them, thy speech i. thee 149.8. to A. their kings with chains and nobles it to perfection.
BEYOND. Prov. 3. 3. A. them about thy neck, write ttiem Tby birth is of the land of Canaan ; Ezek. 16. 3.
Kum. 22. 18. Balaam said, 1 cannot go A. the word 6. 21. A. them continually upon thine heart whence tlwu didst spring, the rock whence
y 'hy root
of the Lord my God, to do less or more, <?4. 13. 7. 3. A. them on thy fingers, write them on thy heart thou wast cut, the place where thou greuest up,
Ueut. 30. 13. nor is it A. the sea, that shouldest say Isa. 8. 16. A. up the testimony, seal the law the company and commerce thou didst use, all were
1 Sam. 20. 2'.'. the arrows A. thee, 36. .37. 49. 18. and A. them on thee as a bride doth of the land of Canaan thy original is no belter

tSsm. 10. 16. A. the river, 1 Ai«?j 14. 15. 1 Chron. 61 1. he hath sent me to A. up the broken-hearted than the wor^t of nations, thou hast their iicioia
19. 16. Ezra*. 17,20. 6. 6, 8. 7. 21, 25.
| |
Eztk. 34. 16. I will A. up what was broken nature, manners, and practices, and art as vile
AVA. 2. 7, 9. La. 7 20. 18. 1. Ztph. 3. 10 I
Dan. 3. 20. he ccmmandtd most mighty men to A and obnoxioiLt to my curse as they are.
£ Chr. 20. 2. multitude from A. the sea, Jer. 25. 22. llos. 6. 1. he hath smitten us. and will A. u^ up 2 Kings 19. 3. children are come to theA./.fa..37-3
Hark. 6. 51. they were amazed A. measure, 7. 37. 10. 10. when they A. themselves in two furrows Job 3. if), as .111 hidden untimely A. 1 had not been
tCor. 8. 3. and A. their power they were willing Mic. 1. 13. A. the chariot to the swift beast Psal. 58. 8. let them pass like the untimely A.
10. 14. f r we stretch not A. our measure Mat. 12. 29. except he first A. the strong man, Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely A. is better than he
Cat. 1. 13. A. measure persecuted the church of G.
I and then he will spoil hi.s house, Mark 3. 27 7. 1 day of deah is better than day of one's
1 K«M.4.6 that no man go A. and defraud his brother 13. 30. A. the tares in bundles to burn them Isa. 66. 9. shall 1 bring to the A. not cause to bring
fiBYOND jT'i/an. See ^oaDA.N. 16. ly. whatsoever tnou shalt A. on earth, 18. 18. Eiek. 16. 3. thy A. and nativity is of Canaan
BiBBcR. See Wine. 22. 13. A. him hand aid foot, take a-nd cast hira llos. 9. 11. glory of Ephraim shall fly from the -
Bin 23. 4. A. heaTy burdens grievous to be borne Mat. 1. 18. the A. of Jesus Christ was on this wiso
St|Difies. [1]To inctie. Mat. 22. 9. Luke 14. 12. Mark 5. 3. 10 man could *. him with chiiins iMke 1. 14. and many shall rejoice at liis A.
\X«J To command, .Mat. 14. 28. [3] To uish, Acts 9. 14. authority to A. all that call on hy name Jolm 9. 1 he saw a man who was blind trom his i..

3 John lu. [4] To umcofy, or prepari, Zeph.i.t 7 12. 8. ajigel said, gird thy.<,eU, A. on thy saudals Oai- 4. 19. my children of wImib I b.


Rtt. IS.C andibecned.traTailiiig m i. and passed BITTERNESS 1 Cor. 1 . 8. tliaC ye may b« 4. In ih« dav of the Lord
BIRIH-DAY. Signifies, [1] Thmt which 11 opposed h ttnitntti, Phil. 8. 15. that ye may be 4. and harmless
G«»t.4O.80.the third d»y .which was Pharaoh's i.-d. Kxod. 15. 23. [2] Deep lorroa and heaviness 3. 6. touching the righteousness of the law e.
Mai. 14.6. when Herod's ff.-rf.wasUepi,iMar* 6 £1. of spirit. Job 7. 11. Prov. 14. 10. [3] A thvig 1 Thest. 5.13. spirit, soul, and body, preserved ft.
BlRlIl-RlGirr. most pernicioiu, or that produces dreadful effects, 1 Ttm. 3. 2. a bishop then must be 4. Tit. 1. 7.
Oen 25.31. Jacob said.sell me this day thy b.-right 2 Sam. 2. 26. [4] Fitilettt inuard displeasure 10. Dse the office of a deacon, being found 4.
33. and he sware, and sold his b.-right to Jacob agiinist others, Eph. ^31. [5] Great impiety. 5. 7. give in charge, that they mray be 4.
31. thus Esau despised his b.-righc Acts 8. 23. Tit. 1. 6. if any be 4. the husband of one wife
27.36. took away my b.-right, and now my blessing The gall of bitterness. Acts 8. 23. In a stale most 2 Pet. 3. 14. y« may be found without spot and i.
43. 33. sat. the first-born according to his b.-right ojfensive and distasteful to God ; under the power BLASPHEME
I Cluon. 5. i. Reuben's i.-r. given to sons of Joseph if corruption, hypocrisy, and ambition. Signifies, [1] To speak evil of God, Rom. 2. 24.
\Ub. 12. 16. Esau for one morsel sold his b. -right A root of bitterness, Heb. 12. 15. Any scandalous Tit. 2. 5. [2] To rail agaimt and deny the
BISHOP, S sin, dangerous error, or schism, lending to dram work of the Holy Spirit out %/ malice. Mat.
Signifies, [1] Spiritual ottnttrs that have the charge pet sons to apostasy, the end ahereof will be bitter. 12. 31.
of touii, to instruct and rule them by the word, Gen. 26. + 35. which were b. of spirit to Isaac 2 Sam. 12. 14. occasion the enemies of the Lord to i.
1 Tim. 3. 1.2. ActsSCV 28. [2] Chritt hirmelj Esod. 15. t 33 the name of it was called b. 1 Kings 21. 10. thou didst 4. God and the king, 15.
I Pet. 2. 85. Ruth 1. t 13. I have much b. for your sake Psal. 74. 10. shall the enemy 4. thy name for ever? all saints at Philippi.with i.and deacons 1 Ham. 1. 10. Hannah was in b. of soc! and prayed Mark 3. 28. wherewith soever they shall 4.
I Tim. 3. 1. if a man desire the ofRce of a b. 15. 32. surely the b. of death is past 29. but he that shall 4. against the Holy Ghost
2. a b. then must be blameless. Tit. 1. 7. 2 Sam. 2. 26. the sword will be b. in the latter end Acts 26. 11. and I compelled them to 4.
1 Pit. 2. 25. now returned to the b. of your souls Job 7. 11. I will complain in the b. of my soul 1 Tim. 1. 20. that they may learn not to 4.
BISHOPRIC. 9. 18. to take my breath, but filleth me with b. Jam. 2. 7- do not they 4. that worthy name
Acte 1. 20. and his b. let another take 10. 1. I will speak in the b. of my soul Rev. 13. 6. to 4. his name and his tabernacle
BIT, S. 21. 25. another dleth in the b. of his soul BLASPH E.MED.
Ptal. 32. 9. whose mouth must be held in with i. Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his own b. Lev. 24. 11. the Israelidsh woman's son 4.
Jam. 3. 3. behold we put b. in the horses' mouths 17. 25. a foolish son is b. to her that bare him 2 Kings 19. 6. with which the servants of the kiag
BIT. lia. 38. 15. go softly all my life in *. ofmy soul of Assyria have 4. me, 28. Isa. 37. 6, 23.
Num.21. 6. Lord sent fiery serpents, they *. people 17. behold, for peace I had great b. Psal. 74. 18. the foolish people have 4. thy nasa
Amot 5. 19- leaned on a wall, and a serpent b. him Lam. 1. 4. her virgins are afflicted, and she is in b. Tsa. 52. 5. my name continually every day is 4.
BITE. 3. 15. he hath filled me with b. he hath made 65. 7. have burnt mcense, and 4. me on the hills
Eccl. 10.8. breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall b.him Ezek. 3. 14. Spirit took me away, and I went in b Eiek. SO. 27- in this your fathers have 4. me
11. the serpent will b. uathout enchantment 21. 6. and with b. sigh befon; their eyes Acts 18. 6. when they opposed themselves and 4
J»r.S.n. I will send serpents, and they shall b. you 27. 31. they shall weep for thee with b. Rom. 2. 84. for the name of God is 4. through you
Amos 9. 3. I will command serpent, and he shall b. Hos. 12. tl4. Epliraim provoked him with b. 1 Tim. 6. 1. name of God and his doctrine be not 4.
Alic. 3. 5. the prophets that b. with the teeth Zech. 12. 10. be in b. for him as one that is in b. for Tit. S. 5. that the word of God be not 4.
Hab. 2. 7- shall they not rise up that shall b. thee ? .ids 8. 23. I pertteive thou art in the gall of b. Rev. 16. 9- tnen were scorched with heat, and 4
Oal. 5. 15. but if ye b. and devour one another Rom. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cursing and 4. 11.4. the God of heaven because of their pains
BITETH. Eph. 4. 31. let all b. be put away from you 21. men 4. God because of the pl^ue of hail
Gen. 49. 17- Dan an adder, that b. the horse-heels lleb. 12. 15. lest any root of b. springing up BLASPH EMEST, ETH.
Prov. 23. 32. at the last it b. like a serpent BLACK Lev. 24. 16. whoso 4. the Lord, be pat to deatt
Birr EN. Signifies,The colour so called, which it opposite to Psal. 44. 16. for the voice of hun that 4.
Nnm. 21. 8. every one that is b. when he looks on white. Mat. 5. 36. Mat. 9. 3. certain of the scribes said, this man 4.
9. came to pass, that if a serpent had b. any man It is applied, [1] To the church, whose outward John 10. 3d. whom the Father sanctifieth, thou 4.
BirrER. beauty is often eclipsed by reason of infirmities, BLASPHEMING.
Gen. 27. 34. Esan crie"^ »ith an exceeding b. cry scayidals, reproaches, and persecutions. Cant. 1 Acts 13 45. spoken of Paul, contradicting and 4
£xod. 1. 14. the Egyptians made their lives b. 5. [2] To the Jews, whose eoJintenence changed BLASPHEMER, S.
12. 8. with *. herbs shall ye eat it, Num. 9. 11. and turned black, like persons ready to be Acts 19. 37. which are not 4. of your goddess
15. 23. not driuk of the waters, for they were b. stranrjed, being struck with terror at the ap 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was before a 4. and a persecutor
Daut. 32. 24. shall be devoured with b. destruction yroach of God's judgments, Joel 2. 6. Nah. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 2. in the last days men shall be 4.
32. are grapes of gall, their clusters are 6. 10. [3] To hell, the place of extreme darkness, BLASPHEMY.
Xudg. 18. t 25. lest fellows b. of soul run on thee horror, and misery, Jude 13. 2 Kings 19- 3. this day is a day of 4. Isa. 37. 3.
Ruth I. t 20. call me not Naomi, but b. Lev. 13. 31. and that there is no b. hair in it Mat. 12. 31. all manner of 4. shall be forgiven, bm
1 Sam. 1. i 10. Hannah was b. of soul and prayed 37. and there is b. hair grown up therein 4. against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven
22. +2. every one b. of soul gathered to him 1 Kings 18. 45. the heaven was 4. with clouds 26. 65. he bath spoken 4. behold, now ye have
30. f 6. spake of stoning, the peoples' soul was b. Jiib 30. 30. my skin is*, upon me, my bones burnt beard his 4. Mark 14. 64.
2 Sam.l1.i8. father's men be mighty, and b. of soul Piov. 7- 9- in the evening, in the 4. and dark night Mark 7- 22. out of the heart of men proceed 4.
2 Kings 4. 1 27. let her alone, her soul is *. in her t'a;;<.l .5. I am 4. tut comely, O daughters of Jerus. Ja/m 10. 33. we stone thee not, but for 4.
14. 2o. Lord saw affliction of Israel that it was i. 6. look not upon me, because 1 am b. Col. 3. 8. but now ye also put off malice, 4.
£fM.4.1.Mordecai cried with a loudvoiceandi.cry 5. 11. his locks are bushy ani 4. as a raven Rev.i.Q. I know 4. of them that say they are Jews
Job 3. t 5. terrify it, as those who have a b. day Jer. 4. 28. for this the heavens shall be 4. 13. 1. and upon his heads is the name of 4.
20. and why is life given to the b. in soul ^ 8. 21. for the hurt of my people I am hurt, I ami. 6. and he opened his mouth in 4. against God
13. 26. thou wri.est b. things against me 14. 2. the gates thereof languish, they are 4 BLASPHEMIES.
S3. 2. even to-day is my complaint *. Lam. 5. 10. our skin was 4. like an oven Eick. 35. 12 know that I have heard all thy 4.
27. t 2. the Almighty who hath made my soul b. Etek. 31. i 15. I caused Lebanon to be 4. for him .Vat. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed thefts, 4.
Psal. 64. 3. to shoot their zirrows, even b. words Zech. 6. 2. in the second chariot 4. horses Mark 2. ?• why doth this man thus speak 4. .'
Prov. 5 4. but her end is b. as wormwood 6. 4. horses go forth into the north country 3. 28. and 4. wherewith they shall blaspheme
27. 7- to the hungry soul every b. thing is sweet 717a/. 3. t 14. what profit that we walked in b.f Luke 5. 21. who is this which speaketh 4. f
31. t 6. give wine to those that are b. of soul Mat. 5. 36. canst not make one hair white or 4. Rev. 13. 5. was a mouth given him speaking 4.
JEccl. 7. 26. I find more b. than death the woman Rev. 6. 5. and 1 beheld, and lo a 4. horse BLASPHEMOUS.
Jta. 5. 20. that put b. for sweet, and sweet for b. 12. the sun became 4. as sackcloth of hair .lets 6. 11. we have heard him speak 4. words
22. 1 4. look from me, I will be b. in weeping BLACKER. 13. this man ceaseth not to speak 4. words
24. 9- strong drink shall heb. to them that drink Lam. 4. 8. their visage is 4. than a coal BLASPHEMOUSLY.
Jer 2. 19. it' is an evil thing and b. that thou BLACKISH. Luke 22. 65. many other things t. spake they
4. 18. this is thy wickedness, because it is *. Job 6. 16. which are 4. by reason of the ice BLAST
6. 26. make most b. lamentation as for a son BLACKNESS. Signifies, [I] Ji'ind and frosli that immediately
31. l.'i a voice was heard in Ramah, b. weeping Job 3. 5. let the 4. of the day terrify it Jollow rain, and are very destructive to fruits
Eiei. 3. 1 14. Spirit took me away, and I went b. Isa. 50. 3. I clothe the heavens with 4. Gen. 41. 6. 1 Kings 8. 37- [2] A blowing <a
27. 31. shall weep for thee with b. wailing Lam. 4. t8. their visage is darker than 4. horns. Josh. 6. 5. [3] God's anser and power,
Amos 8. 10. and the end thereof, as a i. day Joel 2. 6. all faces shall gathei 4. Nah. 2. 10. Exod. 15. 8. 2 Sam. 22. I6. Job 4. Q. [4]
Ilab. 1 6. Chaldeans, that b. and hasty nation
. Heb. 12. IB. ye are not come to 4. and darkness A violent, sudden, and terrible stroke sent 4y
Col. 3. ly. love your wives, be not b. against them Jude 13. to whom is reserved b. of darkness God upon the wicked, Z Kings 19. 7- [5] Tkt
Jam. 3. 14. if ye have b. envying and strife BLADE. furiout temptations of men and the devil, Isa.
Aev. 8. 11. men died of waters because made b. JuJg. 3. 22. the haft jUso went in after the i. 25. 4.
10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy belly b. Job 31.22 then let my arm fall from my shoalder-4. Eiod. 15. 8. with of thy nostrils the waters were
10. as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was b. A/a;. 13.26. when the 4. was sprung up, Marki. 28. Josh. 6. 5. when they make a long 4. with horm
BllTER-WATER. BLAINS. 2 Sam. 82. I6. at rebuke of the Lord, at tlic 4. sf
Num. 5. 18. the b.-aaier that causeth the curse Ejcod. 9. 9. a boil breakmg forth with 4. 10. the breath of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15w
Jam. 3. 11. doth a fountain send sweet s>. iaiib.r BLAMt 2A'in;il9.7. I'll send a 4. on Sennacherib, Im .37.7.
BIITERLY. Gen. 45 9. then let me bear the 4. for ever. 44. 32. Job 4. 9. by the 4. of God they perish
Judg. 5. 2J. curse y« 4. the inhabitants thereof 2 Cor. 8. 20. avoiding that no man should 4. us Ita. 25. 4. when the 4. of the lambU is as a storai
Ruth 1. 20. the Almighty hath dealt b. with me Eph. 1.4. holy and without 4. before him in love BLASTED.
Ita. 22. 4. look away from me, I will weep b. BLAMED. Gen. 41. 6. thin ears 4. with the east wind, 23. 27.
33. 7 the ambassadors of peace shall weep b. 2 Cor. 6. 3. no offence, thait the ministry be not 4. A'ine/19.26. ascom 4. before grown, Iia. 37. 87-
Eitk. 2;. 30. the pilots of Tyre shiU cry 4. Gal. S. 11. withstood him, because he was to be 4. BLASTING.
Htt. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him most b. BLAMELESS. Deut. 28. 82. the Lord shall smite thee with 4.
Ztph. 1. 14. the mighty man shall cry b. Gen. 44. 10. he shall be my servant, ye shall be 4. 1 Kings 8. 37. if there be 4. mildew, 2 C/i;jn. 6.28.
Vat. 26. 75. Peter went out, wept b. Luke 22. 63. Josh. 2. 17. we will be 4. of this thine oath Amos 4. 9. 1 have smitten you with 4. and milovw
BITPERN. J'ldg. 15. 3. now shall I be more 4. than Philistines Uag. 2. 17. I smote you with 4. and mildew
Isa. 14. 23. make it a possession for the b. 34. 11. Mat. 12.5. the priests profane sabbath, and are 4. BLAZE.
Zifh. 2. 14. the i. shall lodge in the upp«r liDt«li Lttke 1. 6. wiilkuig in ordinances at th« Lord 4. Bitsrk 1. 45. he began to 4. abroad tlic matter
35 D t
BLEATIKG,S. aith the miteries of ethers, do rtlieit them 2 Sam. 8. 10. Toi sent Joram his son to i. David
Judg. 5. 16. abodest ia sheepfolds toheiiT 4. of flocks according to their ability, JIat. 5. 7- [10] Such 21.3. that ye may 4. the icherilance of tne Lord
1 Sam. i5. 14. what meaneih this 4. of the sheep .'
at love and labour for peace among all that are 1 A'lHgj 1.47. servants came to4. ourlordk. Darld

BLKMISH. at odds, 1 hcther with God, viik themselves, or 1 Chron. t3. 13. and to 4. in his name for ever

Ejoi. 12. 5. lamb shall be without b. a male of first one with another. Mat. 5. 9- [H] Such at are Psal. 62. 4. they 4. with their mouths, but curse
year. Lev. 9. 3. 14. 10.
23. 12. ^'um. 6. U.
sincere, u/u/te /learlt and course <f life agree 109. 28. let them curse, but 4. thou
29. 1. take a voung bullock and two rams without with their profession, Vi3\.Uii. I. [12] Such 129. 8. we 4. you in the name of the Lord
b. Lev. 5. 15, 18. 6. 6. | 9. 2. Kzek. 46. 4. as do not associct* themselves with the wicked, Prov. 30. 11. there is a generation that curseth

£*:•.!. 3. offeramale without*. 10. 4.23. 22.19 | |

nor follow their evil instigations or examples, their father, and doth not 4. their mother
3. 1. whether male or female without b. 6. Psal. 1. 1. [13] Such whose transgressions are Isa. 65. 16. shall b. himself in the God of truth
4.3. a bullock without *. Deut. I7. 1. i.'«*. 45.18. forgiven, whose sin is pardoned, Psal. 32. 1. Jer. 4. 2. the nations shall 4. themselves in hioi
£8. he shall bring a kid, a female without b. [14] Siuh as do not censure or condemn a person .Mai. 5. 44. 4. them that curse you, Luke 6. 28.
21. 17. he that hath b. shall not approach, 21. 2.3. under sickness or affliction, as if he was wicked or Horn. 12. 14.4. those persecute you, 4. and curse Dcr
22. 20. but whatsoever hath a b. that shall ye not hated of God,bul pity and relieve /iim.Psal. 41. 1. 1 Cor. 4. 12. being reviled we 4. being persecuted

offer, it shall not be acceptable, Dnit.\5. 21. BLESS, God beinr agent. 14. 16. else when shaltthou 4. with the spirit
21. in peace offering and free-will offering nc b. Gen. 12. 2. the Lord said, I will 4. thee, 26. 3, 24. BLESS.
24. 19. if a man cause a b. in his neighbour 3. I will.4. them that bless thee, and curse him 1 cup of blessing which we 4.
Cor. 10. 16. the
20. as be hath caused a j. in a man, so shall it be 17. 16. I will b. her, and give thee a son of her BLESSED, man agent and object.
Num. 19. 2. they bring a red heifer without A. 22. 17. in blessing I will 4. thee, Heb. 6. 14. Gen. 14. I9. Melchisedek 4. Abram, and said, 4 be
29. 2. one bullock, one ram, seven lambs without 4. 28. 3. God Almighty 4. thee, and multiply thee 24. 60. they 4. Kebekah, and said unto her
8 Sam. 14. 25. there was ix> b. in Absalom 32. 26. I will not let thee go, except thou 4. me 27. 23. so Isaac 4. Jacob and said, 27.
Dan. 1. 4. children in whom was no b. 4a. 16. 4. the lads, and let my nzime be named 29. and 4. be he that blesscvh the«
Eph. 5. 27. that it should be holy and without 4. 49. 25. by the Almighty who shall 4. thee 33. I have 4. him, yea, and he shall be 4.
1 Pit. 1. 19. as of a lamb without 4. and spot Liod. 20. 24. I will come to thee, and I will 4. thee 41. tlie blessing wherewith his father 4. him
BLE.MISHF.S. 23. 25. he shall 4. thy bread zuid thy water 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, 4. him and charged him
Lev. 22. 25. b. in them, they shall not be accepted Ah«i. 6. 24. the Lord 4. thee and keep thee 0. as he 4. him he gave him a charge, iA 4. 11.20.

t Pel. 2. 13. spots thev are and 4. sporting 27. put my name on Israel, and I will 4. them 30. 13. for the daughters will call me b.
BLKSS 24. 1. saw that it pleased the Lord to 4. Israel 31. 55. kissed his sons and daughters, and 4. them
Is referred, I. To Cod; and signifies, [I] To Veui. 1.11. and 4. you eis he hath promised you 47. 7. Jacob 4. Pharaoh, 10.||48. 15. he b. Josei h
teslttw plenty of temporal good things upon 7. 13. he will 4. thee, 4. the fruit of thy womb 48.20.Jacob 4.Manasseh and Ephraim,Hf4.11.2
fierson, and make hit affairs prospercnts and 14. 29. that the Lord may 4. thee, 23. 20. 24.19.
49- 28. Jacob 4. his sons, every one he 4.
niccessful. Gen. 30. 27. 39. 5. [2] To beslou 15. 4. shall be no poor, for the Lord shall 4. thee Exod. 39. 43. and Moses 4. them, Deut. 33. 1.

both temporal and spinluul blessings upon a 10. for this thing the Lord thy God shall 4. thee Lev. 9. 22. Aaron lift up his hands and 4. them
person. Gen. 12. 2. 24. 35. Eph. 1.'3. [3] To
18. the Lord thy God shall 4. thee in all, 30. 16. 23. Moses and Aaron 4. the people
make one perfectly happy in the full enjoyment of 16. 15. because the Lord shall b. thee in all Akct. 22. 6. I wot that he whom thou blessest is 4.
hivuelf in heaven, llev. 14. 13. [4] To conse- 26. 15. look down and 4. thy people Israel 23. 11. thou hast 4. them altogether, 24. 10.
crate and set apart any thins; for an holy and 28. 8. he shall 4. thee in the land he giveth Deut. 33. 20. 4. be he that enlargeth Gad
laered use. Gen. 2. 3. Exod. 20. 11. [5] To 12. and to 4. all the work of thine hand 24. let Asher be 4. with children
give pczcer of procreation and fruitfnines s, so as 33. 11. 4. Lord, his substance, and accept Josh. li.\3. Joshua 4. Caleb, and gave him Hebron
the creatures might multiply their kiyid. Gen. Ruth 2. 4. saying, the Lord 4. thee, Jer. 31. 23. 22. 6. Joshua 4. them, and sent them away, 7.
I. 22. [6] To endue one icith an heroic spirit, 2 Sam. 7 29.therefore now let it please thee to 4. the
24. 10. therefore Balaam 4. you still
singular valour, miraculous strength of body, and house of thy servant, 1 Chron. I7. 27. Judg. 5. 24. 4. above women shall Jael be
all other gifts and graces necessary to his calling, 1 Chron. 4. 10. O that ihou wouldest 4. me indeed Muth 2. 19. 4. be he that took knowledge of thee
Judg. 13. 24. II. To Christ; and signifies, Psal. 5. 12. thou Lord, wilt 4. the righteous 1 Sam. 2. 20. Eli 4. Elkanah <ind his wife Hannah

[1] To give thanks to God the Father in a spe- 28. 9. save thy people, 4. thine inheritance 25. 33. 4. be thy advice, and b. be thou who kept
cial manner, and pray for his blessinz, thereby 29. 11. the Lord will 4. his people with peace 26. 25. Saul said, 4. be thou my son David
paying the homage of hri human nature to his 67. 1. God, even our own God, shall 4. us, 6, 7. 2 Sam. 6. 18. David b. the people, 1 Chron. I6. 2.
lather. Mat. 14. I9. Mark 6. 41. [2] To 115. 12. the Lord will 4. us, he will 4. the house 13. 25. howbeit he would not go, but 4. him
commend others to God in prayer, as he teas of Israel, he will 4. the house of Aaron 19- 39. the king kissed Barzillai, and 4. him
man, Mark 10. I6. [3] Poutrfully and effec- 13. he will 4. them that fear the Lord 1 hingsZ. 45. and king Solomon shall be 4.

tually to uork on men for their conversion, so as 128. 5. the Lord shall 4. thee out of Zion 8. 14. king Solomon 4. all the congregation, 55.
to save them from their tins. Acts 3. 26. HI. 132. 15. I Avill abundantly 4. her provision 66. congregation 4. Solomon, 2 Chron. 6. 3.
To men; arid signifies, [1] To extol and 134. 3. the Lord b. thee out of Zion 2 Chron. 30. 27 priests and Levites b. the people

praise God, for the infinite eicellencies Isa. 19. 25. whom the Lord of hosts shall 4. Xeh. 11. 2. people 4. all that willingly offered
and perfections of his nattire, Psal. lOt. 1. Hag. 2. 19. from this day will I 4. you Job eg. 11. when the ear heard me, it 4. me

145. 1, 2. [2] To give thanks to God for his Acts 3. 26. sent him to 4. you in turning you 31. 20. if his loins have not 4. me
mercies and benefits to us, Psal. 16. 7. |
BLESS, God being the object. Psal. 49. 18. while he lived he 4. his soul
103. 1, 2. [3] To pronounce a solemn, eitraor- Deut. 8. 10. art full, then thou shah 4. the Lord 72. 17. men shall be 4. in him, nations call him 4.
dinary, and prophetical benediction vpiin a person, Judg. 5. 9. 4. ye the Lord. Psal. 103. 21. 134. 1.
118.26. 4. he that cometh in name of the Lord, w«
uhereby the holy patriarchs, by God's appoint- 1 Chron. 29. 20. David said, now 4. Lord your (jod have 4. you out of house of the Lore
ment, and with his concurrence, did declare and Xeh. 9. 5. stand up and 4. Lord for ever and ever Pror, 31.28. her children arise, and call her 6.
constitute one of their sons as heir, not only Psal.\6.T.\ will 4. Lord who hath given me counsel Keel. 10. 17. 4. art thou, O land, when thy king
of their inheritance, but of the promises arid 26. 12. in the congregations will I 4. the Lord Cant. 6. 9. the daughters saw her, and 4. her
blessings of the coienant uhich God made uiih 34. 1. I will 4. the Lord at all times Isa. 66. 3. that burneth incense, sis if he b. an idol
them and their fathers ; both praying for, and 63. 4. thus will I 4. thee while I live Jer. 20. 14. let not the day my mother bare me be &
foretelling those blessings uhich God would confer 66. 8.O 4. our God, make his praise to be heard Mai. 3. 12. and all nations shall call you 4.
'upcn them. Gen. 27. 4, 25, 30. [4] To salute 68. 26. 4. ye God in the congregation!!, even Mark 11. 10. 4. be the kingdom of our father
persons, to with them peace and prosperity. Gen. Q6. 2. sing to the Lord, 4. his name, shew forth Luke 1. 48. all generations shall call me 4.
47. 7. 1 Sam. 13. t 10. I'sal. 129. 8. [5] Tv 100. 4. be thankful to him, 4. his name, 103. 1. 2. 34. Simeon them, and said to Mary
pray to God in behalf of others, that he may 103.1. 4. the Lord, O my soul, 2. 22. 104. 1,35.
.lets 20. 35. it is more 4. to give than to receive
bestoic his blessing upon them. Num. 6. 23,24. 20. 4. the Lord, ye his angels 21. 4. ye his hosts
Tit. 2. 13. looking for that 4.hope and appearing
2Sam. 6. 18. I.uke 6. 28. [6] To account and 22. 4. the Lord all his works m
all places Heb. 7.1. Melchisedek met Abraham and 4. him.6.
reckon one's self happy in having God for his 115. 18. we will b. the Lord from this time 7. without contradiction the less is 4. of the better
God, Isa. 65. 16. Jer. 4. 2. [7] To applaud 134. 2. lift up your hands, and 4. the Lord BLESSED, God the agent.
one's self as a wise and happy person, taking 135. 19. 4. the Lord, O house of Israel, 4. the f;<n.l.22.God4. them, saying, be fruitful, 28 5.2. |

ouivcard prosperity for an argument of God's love Lord, O

house of Aaron 2. 3. and God 4. the seventh day, Exod. 20. 11.
and favour, I'sal. 40. 18. [8] To flatter one's 20. O Levi, ye that fear the Lord, 4. the Lord 9.1. and God 4. Noah and his sons.and said to them
lelf with the hopes of impunity, as if God did 145. 1. I will 4. thy name for ever and ever 12. 3. in thee shall all families be 4. 18. 18. | 22.
not lake notice of sin, and either could not, or 2. every day will I 4. thee, and praise thy name 18. 26. 4. 28. 14. Acts 3 25. Gal. 3. 8.

vmild not, punish sinners, Deut. 29. 19. 10. O Lord, thy saints shall 4. thee 17. 20. I have 4. Ishmaelll24. 1. Lord 4. AbrahaiD
God hath promised to bless, [1] Such as put their 21. let all flesh b. his holy name for ever 24. 31. and he said, come in thou 4. of the Lord
trust in him, Psal. 2. 12. [2] Such as fear him, Jam. 3. 9. therewith 4. we God, even the Father 25. 11. afterdeathof Abr'ara,God4. Isa^, 26.12.
and walk in his ways, Psal. 128. 1. [3] Such BLESS, man agent and object. 26. 29. thou art now the 4. of the Lord
as God chooses and causes to draw nigh to him in Gen. 27. 4. my soul may 4. thee before I die, 25. 27. 27. the smell of a field which the Lord hath 4^
the duties of his worship, Psal. 60. 4. [4] Such as 34. 4. me, even me also, O my father, 38. 30. 27. that the Lord hath 4. me for thy sake
have the saving kno-uledie of Jesus Ghrist 48. 9. bring them to me, and 1 will 4. them 30. the Lord hath 4. thee since mv
wrought in them by the Spirit of God, Mat. I6. 20. in thee shall Israel 4. saying, God make thee 32. 29. and he 4. Jacob there, 35. 9. 48. 3. |

17. [5] Such as mourn for their sins and spirit- Exod. 12. 32. take flocks and begone, and 4. me also 39. 5. that the Lord 4. the Egj-plian's housa
ual uanfs, M«. 5. 4. [6] Such at are humble Sum. 6. 23. on this wise ye shall 4. Israel Kum. 22. 12. shalt not curse, for the people are b
and lo-.ily in mind, affection, and contersation. 23. 20. I have received commandment to 4. 23. 20. he hath A. and I cannot reverse it
uho are sensible of their lost and undone con- 25. neither curse them, nor b. ihcra at all Deut.S.T. ihy God hath 4. thee, 12.7- 15.14. id
I |

dition in themselves, and of their oan inability Deut. 10. 8. the Lord senarated Levi to 4. 21. 5. 7- 14. tliou shalt be b. above all people (10
So help themselves. Mat. 5. 3. 24. 13. sleep in his own raiment, and b. thee 14. 24. if place be too far, when the Lord hath 4
[7] Such as are
penile, patient, and qviet~spiriied ; wlu) murmur 27. 12. these shall stand on mount Gerizim to 4. Sd. 3.4. shalt thou be in the city, * ?3 the field
aoi against God, but submit to all his corrections 29. 19- heareth words of this curse, he 4. himself 4. 4. shall be fruit of thy bodyUS. b. thy basket
and wlio quarrel not with, nor revenge themselves Josh. 8. 33. as Moses commanded they should 4. 33. 13. of Joseph he said, 4. of the Lord be his
*f those that wrong them. Mat. 5. 5. [8] Such 1 Sam. 9. 13. because he doth 4. the sacrifice Josh. 17. 14. forasmuch as the Lord hath 4. me
tt hunger and thtrst after Christ and /iit bene- 13. 1 10. Saul went to meet Samuel to i. him Judg. 13. 24. Samson grew, sni the Lord 4. him
(tt ; mfter freedom from sin, and luitinc of life. 2 Sam. 6. 20. then David returned to 4. his 17.2.4. be thou of Lord,^u<A 3. 10. 1 Sam. 15.13
Hat 5. 6. [9] Snth vho, being inxardi} affected household, 1 Chron. '£. 43 Ruth 2. SO. b. b« he of the Lord who hath oct
XuekS. 10. i. be thou of the Lord, my daughter BLESSED are ye. />««<. 3.3.16. let the 4.come upon the head of JoMlO)
1 Sam. 23. 21. *. be je of the Lord, 2 .Sam. 2. 5. Isa. 32. 20. 4. are ye that sow beside all w.iters 23. Naphtali full with the 4. of the Lord
SSam, 6. 11. the Lord i. Obed-edom, and all his Mat. 5. 11. 4. are ye when men shall revile you Josh. 15. 19. answered, give me a 4. Judg 1. 15
household, 12, 1 CAroi. 13. 14. ( C6. 5. Lvle 6. 21. 4. are ye that hunger now, ye shall be 1 i'.im. 25. 27 this 4. thy handmaid hath broaght
7. 29. the house of thy servant be i. for ever filled ; b. are ye that weep nou', for ye shall laugh 30. 26. behold a 4. for you from the spoil

1Chron. 17. 27. blessest, O

Lord, and it shall be*. 22. b. are ye when men shall hate you 2 Sam. 7. 29. with thy 4. let my house be blessed
'IChron. 31. 10. the Lord hath b. his people BLESSED IS he. 2 Kings 5. 15. I pray thee take a 4. of thy servant
Joi 1. 10. thou hast b. the work of his hands Num. 24. 9- *• 's he that blesseth thee, and cursed 18. t31. make w.tli me a4. and come out to m^
42. 12. the liord *. the latter end of Job Psal. 32. 1. 4. is he whose transgression is forgiven ajid eat of his own vine, Isa. 36. 1&
Psal. 21. 6. for thou hast made him most 4. 41. 1. 4. is he that considereth the poor Neh. 9. 5. which is exalted above all 4. and praise
33. 12. b. is the nation whose God is the Lord Dan. 12. 12. 4. is he that WtUteth, cometh to days 13. 2. our God turned the curse into & 4.
37. 22. for such as be b. of him shall inherit Mat. 11. 6. and b. is he whosoever shall not be Job 29. 13. the 4. of him that was ready toperidl
26. he ts merciful and lendeth, and his seed is b. offended in me, Luke 7. 23. Psal. 3. 8. thy 4. is upon thy people
41. 2. the Lord will keep him, and he shall be b. 21. 9- 4. is he that cometh iu the name of the 24. 5. he shall receive the 4. from the Lord
45. 2. therefore God hath b. thee for ever Lord, 23. 39. Mark 11. y. Luke 13. 35. 109. 17. as he delighted not in 4. let it be far
89. 15. b. is the people that know the joyful sound [jtke 14. 15. 4. is he that shall eat bread in kingdom 129. 8. the 4. of the JmtiI be upon you
112. 2. the generation of the upright shall be b. tiev. 1. 3. 4. is he thatreadeth, and they that hear 133. 3. there Lord commanded the 4. even life
115. 15. you are *. of the Lord who made heaven 16. 15. 4. i> he that watcheth, and keepelh Prov. 10. 22. the 4. of the Lord maketh rich
119. 1. b. are the undefiled in the way 20.6.4. is he that hath part in the first resurrection 11.11. by the 4. of the upright the city is exalted
128. 1. b. is every one that feareth the Lord 22. 7. 4. is he that keepeth sayings of the prophecy 1 25. the soul of 4. shall be made fat

4. thus the man be b. that feareth the Lord BLESSED is the man. 26. but a b. on the head of him that selleth it
147. 13. he hath b. thy children within thee Psal.\.l. b. is the man that walketh Hot in counsel 24. 25. a gooa 4. shall come on them that rebuke
Ptov. 5. 18. let thy fountain be b. and rejoice 32. 2. 4, it the man to whom the Lord imputcth Isa. 19. 24. even a 4. in the midst of the land
10. 7. the memory of the just is b. not iniquity. Pom. 4. 8. 44. 3. and 1 will pour my 4. on thy offspring
20. 7. the just man's children are b. after him 34. 8. 4. t> man thattrustelh in him,84.12.j£T.17.7 65. 8. destroy it not, for a 4. is in it
CI. but the end thereof shall not be b. 40. 4. !>. is the mayi that maceth tlie Lord his trust Ezek. 34. 26. I will make them and the placej
22. 9- he that hath a bountiful eye shall be b. 65.4. 4. i> the man whom thou choosest, andcausest about my hill a 4. there shall be showers of b.
ha. 19. 25. saying, b. be Egyjrt my people 84. 5. 4. is the man whose strength is in thee 44. 30. he may cause the 4. to rest in thy houK
51.2. for I called him alone and i.^him 94.12. 4. is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord Joel 2. 14. if he will leave a 4. behind him
6l. 9- they are the seed the Lord hath b. 65. 23 112.1.4. «i //le ma« that feareth Lord, that delights Zich. 8. 13. I will save you, and ye shall be a 4.
Mat. 5.3. i.are the poor in spirit 5. b. are the meek ||
Prov. 8.34. b.istlie man that heareth me, watching Mai. 3. 10. open heaven, and pour you out a 4.
7. b. are the merciful 8. b. are the pure in heart
Isa.i& the man that doth this, and son of man Lnke 24. 53. in the tem]ile praising and 4. God
9. b. are the peace-makers 10. b. are persecuted
Jam. 1. 12. b. is the man that endureth temptation Hi>m. 15. 29. in the fulness of the 4. of the gospel
13. ]6. b. ztfe your eyes, for they see, Luke 10. 23. BLESSEDNESS. 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of 4. which we bless
14. 19. hei. and brake, and gave the loaves,26.26. Kom. 4. 6. even as David describeth the 4. Gal. 3. 14. that the 4. of Abraham might come 14. 22. Lnieg. \G. C4. 30.
9. comefo this 4. on the circumcision on mly.'
2 Cor. 9. 1 3. make up beforehand your 4.
16. 17. Jesus said, b. art thou Simon Bar-jona Gal. 4. IS. where is then the 4. ye spake of.' Jleb. 6. 7. for the earth receiveth 4. from God
24. 46. *. is that servant, Litke 12. 43. BLESSEST. 12. 17. when he would have inherited the 4.
25. 34. come ye b. of my Father, inherit kingdom Num. 22. 6. 1 wot that he whom thou 4. is blessed »7a/n.3.10.ofthe same mouth proceeds 4. and cursing
Mark 10. 16. took them up in his arms, and b. them 1 C'/(r.l7.27. thou 4. O Lord, and it shall be blessed 1 Pet. 3. 9. but contrariwise 4. knowing that ye are
14. 61. thou art Christ, the Son of the b. Pia/. 63. 10. thou 4. the springing thereof thereunto called, that ye shou.d inherit a 6
Luke 1. 28. b. art thou among women, 42. BLESSETH. Rev. 5. 12. worthy to receive honour, glory, i.
45. b. is she that believed 6. CO. b. be ye poor||
Gen. 27. 29. blessed is he that 4. thee, Num. 24. 9. 13. 4. to him that sittcth on the throne
11. 27 b. is the womb that bare thee, and paps Dent. 15. 6. thy God 4. thee as he promised 7. 12. 4. and glory to our God for ever and ever
12. 37. 6. are those servants whom the I^rd when Pial. 10. 3. 4. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth BLESSINGS.
he Cometh shall find watching, 38. 107. 38. he 4. them so that they are multiplied Gen. 49. 25. Almighty who shall bless thee with 4.
14. 14. thou shalt be b. they cannot recompense Proi: 3. 33. but he 4. the habitation of the just of heaven above, 4. of the deep, 4. of the breasts
19. -38. the King that cometh in liame of Lord 27. 14. he that 4. his friend with a loud voice 26. 4. of thy father prevailed above the 4. of my
23. 29. b. are the barren that never bare Isa. 65. 16. he who 4. himself in the earth Deut. 28. 2. all these 4. shall come on thee, li
24. 50. he *. them 51. while he b. them
BLESSING [hearken
Oat. 3. 9. they are b. with faithful Abraham Signifies, [1] The favour, kindness, and goodness Josh. 8. .34. afterwards he read the 4. and cursings
Eph. 1. 3. who hath b. us with spiritual blessings vf God, making jchat his people do to succeed Psal. 21. 3. for thou preventesl him with the 4.
Jam. 1. 25. this man shall be b. in his deed and prosper, Psal. 3. 8. [2] Alt good things, t 6. thou hast set him to be 4. for ever
Eev. 14. 13. b. are the dead that die in the Lord gif'S, graces, a?id privileges, uhich God bestows Prov. 10. 6. 4. are upon the head of the just
BLESSED, God the object. upon his people, uhether spiritual or temporal, 28. 20. a faithful man shall abound with 4.
Cen. 9. e6. he said, b. be the Lord, 24. 27. Exod. tiliether they respect the soul, or the body, this Mat. 2. 2. 1 will send a curse, and will curse your 4.
38. 10. liulh 4. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 32, 3(J. 2 Smn. present life, or that tvhick is to come, Deut. 28. 2. Eph. 1. 3. who hath blessed us with all spiritual 4
18. C8. 1 Kini^s 1.48. 5. 7- 8. 15, 56.
10. y | |
Fsal. 24. 5. Isa. 44. 3. Eph. 1. 3. [3] The BLEW, I'eib.
1 C/iton. 16. 36. 2 Chan. 2. 12. 6. 4. 9. 8 | |
means of conveying a blessing to others, Isa. 19- 24. Josh. 6. 8. priests passed on before the Lord and 4
Eira 7. 27. Psal. 28. 6. 31. 21. 41. 13. 68
| | |
Thus the Jews are called a Blessing, because Jiidg. 3. 27. Ehud 4. a trumpet in the mount
19. 72. 18. I
89. 52. 106. 48. I
124. 6. 135 I |
Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel- 6. 34. Spirit come ou Gideon, and he 4. a trumpet

21. I
144. 1. Ztch. 11. 5. Lnke 1. 68. church and ordinances were first established 7- 19. they 4. the trumpets and brake, 20. 22.
Cen. 14. 20. b. be most high God who delivered among them, and by them conveyed to the Gentiles. 1 Sam. 13. 3. Saul 4. saying, let the Hebrews .leat
Joili. 22. 33. and the children of Israel b. God [4] IVishtng, praying for, and endeavouring the 2 Sam. 2. 28. Joab4. a trumpet, 18. I6. |
20. 22.
2 Ham. 22. 47. and b. be my
rock, I'til. 18. 46. good of our enemies, 1 i'et. 3. 9- [5] ^llms, 20. 1. Shebaa Benjamite 4. a trumpet and said
1 Chr. 29. 10. David b. the Lord, *. thou, O Lord bounty, or liberality, 2 Cor. 9. 5. -I [6]A gift, 1 Kings 1. 39. they 4. the trumpet, people said, Go<l
20. all the congregation b. the Lord God or present. Gen. 33. 11. 2 Kings 5. 15. save king So'omon. 2 Isvigs 9. 13. | 11. 14.
i Chron. 20. 26. lor there they b. the L"rd Thou shalt be a blessing. Gen. 12. 2. Thou shalt J\fat. 7. 25. windb />. and beat on that huuse, 27-
31 8. when they saw the heaps, they b. the Lord
. be a means oj' conveytng blessedness, [1} To thy John 6. 18. the sea arose by a great wind that 4.
tieh. 8. 6. and Ezra b. the Lord, the great God posterity, who shall be blessed for thy sake. [2] Acts 27. 13. whei. ine south-wind 4. 28. 13.
9- 5. b. be thy glorious name, Psal. 72. I9. To thy friends and servants, who shalt be blessed BLIND
/o4 1. 21. 4. be the name of the Lord, Psal. 113 2. by thy instruction and example. [3] To all the Signifies, [1] Such as are deprived ef natural sight,
Psal. 66. 20. *. be God, (18. 35. 2 Vor. 1. 3. 7i'ortd, by being the progenitor of C;hrist, and an John 9. 1. y\cts 13. 11. [2] Such wlnne judg-
Iig.l2.i. artlhon.O Lord, teach me thy statutes eminent pattern vf faith and holijicss to all. ments are so corrupted by taking of gifts, that
Etek. 3. 12. saying, b. be the glory of the Lord Leave a blessing behind him, Joel 2. 11. lieserve they cannot, or wilt not discern between right and
Oan. 2. 19. Daniel b. the God of heaven, 20. some of the J ruin of the earth from the common wrung, Exod. 23. 8. Deut. 16. 19- [3] *'""/' <"
4. 34. Nebuchadnezzar b. the most High destruction, for their support, and hts oirn are u ilfully and obstinately ignorant, in matters
Lmke 2. 28. took him in his arms and b. God uorship. that concern salvation. Mat. 15. 14. [4] Si.rli
John 12. 13. b. is the King of Israel that cometh The blessing of Abraham, Gal. 3. 14. The bless- as thrmtgh simplicity and ignoiance are enstly
Hi>m. I. 25. than the Creator, who is b. for ever iug conferred on Abraham, namely, justification misled and seduced by the pcrnicioia cvKusel of
9 5. C'hrist, who is over all, God b. for ever and reconciliation with God, through faith in the others, Deut. 27. 18. Mat. 15. 14.
2Cof, ll.31.is4. for evermore, knoweth I lie not blood of Christ. It is applied, [1] To igroroKt ministers, Is.t.
Eph. I. 3. b. be the Fatherof our Lord, 1 Pet. 1.3. Gen. 12. 2. 1 will bless thee, thou shalt be a 4. 56. 10. [2] To deceitiul teachers, who arf-
Ttm. 1. 11. the glorious Gospel of the b. God 22. 17. that in 4. 1 will bless thee, Hefi. 6. 14. blinded 4;/ their oun inieresi ai:a>r.jl anv con-
6. 15. who is the b. and only I'otentate 27. 12. 1 shall bring a curse on me, and not a 4. viction, Isa. 42. 19. Vat. £3.' 6. [3) To an
BLESSED arc llieu. 35. thy brother hath taken away thy A. iinorant people. Mat. 15. 14. Kom. 2. I9..
Psal. 2 12. b. are they that put their trust in him 38. i'jau said, hast thou but one 4. my father f [4] 'To such as reject the knowijdge and J'aith of
81. 4. b. are they that dwell in thy house 28. 4. (iod give thee the 4. of Abraham Christ, uoiwithstaudiug the clear diacoveriet
106. 3. b. are they that keep judgment at all times 33. 11. take, 1 pray thee, my 4. that is brought of the way of salvation in the gospel, 2 Cor.
119- 2. b. are they that keep his testimonies 39. 5. the 4. of the Lord was on all that he had 4. 4. [5] To such ,'S live in hatred, 1 John 2. 11.
Prov. 8. 32. for * are ihey that keep my ways 49- 28. every one according to his 4. he blessed [9] To such as are self-conceited, being pujcdup
Jsa. 30. 78. b. are they that wait for him I'.xod. 32. 29. then he may bestow on you a 4. with an high opinion of their quol^ficaiions tcsii.

Mat. 5.4. . are they that niourn shall be comforted J^v. 25. 21. then will 1 command my 4. on you attainments, Kcv. 3. 17.
b.arr Ihey who hunger|| 10. who are [lei-seculed Ucut. 11. 26. behold, 1 set before you a 4. 3u. ly. Exi'd. 4. 11. who maketh the seeing or the t.

/i«</cll.28.yea,rather Mifylhat hear theword 27. a 4. if ye obey the commandments of the lx)rd Lev. ly. 14. not put a sti/.iil>ling block bifore 4.
Jo/in 20. 29. b. arc they that have not seen.believed 29. thou shalt put the 4. on mount Gerizim 21. 18. a h or lame man shall not oflir
Rum. 4. 7. b. are //ifywliose iniiinities are forgiven 12. 15. according to the 4. of the Lord, 16. 17. 8C. 22. not oflr.T the ft. to tho Lord, Deut 15 21.

fi«c. 19.9.4. art ihey who are called to the marriage 23. 5. the Lord turned the curse into a 4. Dnit. 27. 13. curRod thot maketh t'lo ft to watider
28. 29. urope at nonndny, %."< 6 gropoth in darkiieaa
supper 28.8. Lord shall command 4. on store-house 1

2 Sam 0. fl. except thou talto away the 6. and lame

22. U. b. are they that do hla oommandmenta 33. I. this IB th« 4. wherewith Moses Me.ssed, 7
. . :: »

BLO of the slain !M IS 1 1 whose ». is brought into the
sanctnai 1
^^um. eS. V4. and drink the A. of the A. of Jesus Chritt
hated of DavW, that shed it 1 Pel I. 2. and spriukling
2So« S 8. amlt^th the
lame and 6.
35.3S.not cleansed but by the A. of him cleanseth usfpoij.
not come into house thron.l\).lo. 1 John 1. 7. the A. of Jesus Christ
a,e » and the lame shall Deul 17.8. matter between A. andA. 2 water and A.
the 6. feet to the lame 5. 6. this is he that came by
Joi 7B 15. I WW
eyes to 21. 8. and the A. shall be
forgiven them
8. three in earth, the Spirit, the
water, and *. 14« 8- »he Lord
openeth the eyes of theft. ihou bnng not A.
22. 8. make a batilemei.t, that thou hast redeemed us to God by thy »
b. shall see, 3.i. 5 Rev. 5. 9.
In 29 18. the eyes of the 3" 43 he will avenge the A. of his servants our A.
10. how long dost thou not avenge

pvetheetor»Ughttoop€nthe6.eye3 upon Abimelech 6.

kni'w not Jud" 9 24. and their A. be laid 12. the sun was Mack, and the moon
became as A.
6. by a way they
8 I wiU bring the I 6,1m. C6. 20.
let not my A. fall to the
the Lamb
h«u- ye deaf, look, ye 6. thit ye
may spe be upon thy head 7. 14. made them white in the A. of
18. " .iam 1. 16. David said, thy A.
as he that 8. 8. the third part of the sea became
A. 16. 3.
19 who is k. but my servant ? who ii 6. servant 22. from the i. of the slain,
from the fat
11. 6. have power to turn ihe waters
into A.
U p»rfect, and 4. as the Lord's
have eyes 3 t 28. I and my kingdom
guiltless from the «.
the A. of the Lane
4J. 8 bring forth the ». people that 12. 11. they overcame him by •

ignorant If, * 7. come out, come

out. thou roan of A.
56. 10. his watchmen are
6. they are all
the A. 14. 20. and A. came out of the wine-press
the wall like the b. 8 the Lord hath returned upon thee all 16. 6. and thou hast given them A.
to drink
53 10 we grope for high-way
and lame "0 1". Amasa wallowed in A. in the
Jw. 31. 8 I WiU gathor with them the b. men.' 1 Chr. 11. UJ- 18. 24. in her was found the i. of the prophet-
men in the streets 23. 17. is not this the A. of the he hath avenged the A. of his servants
/.am 4 U. they wandered as i.
1 hings2. 5. and put the A.
of war on his girdl* 19. 2.

Z*y/>. I. 17. that they

shall walk like i. men 13. he was cloathed with a vesture dipped in 4
.37 thy A.shall be on
thy head, Ezei. 33. 4.
See AvENCER, Rkvenger.
is it not evil
Alal. I .» if ye offer the A. for sacrifice upon them
crying, CO. .30 18. 28. till the i. gushed out BLOOD
be upon.
JUa«. e?. twoA. men followed him, watersredasA.
Kings. 3.22. the Moabitessawlhe
11. 5. the o receive their sight, 12.22.
Luie~.'Z^- !

kings are surely slain Lev. 20.9.that curseth his father, his A. A< upon him
23. they said, this is A. the them
15 14. they be*, leadersof the *. if the 4.
lead the of his sons 11. incest 13. sodomy, their A. be upon
9 t 26. 1 have seen the A. of N abolh,A. |1

6. both shall fall into the ditch. Lute 6. 3t). thou my A. 16. bestiality H 27. wizard, their A. be vyon
Job 16 18. O earth, cover not and so be ufwn tht»!
£3. 16 wo to you, ye *. guides, which say 39. 30. the eagles' young
ones also suck up A Deut.lQ. 10. innocent 4. be shed,
greater, I9. done abominations, his A. Ae u;)on hin»
17. ve fools and 6. whether is
Psal. 30. 9. what profit is there m my A. / Ezek. 18. 13.
his shall be upon hu)-.
e6. thou i. Pharisee, cleanse first
within goals 33. 5. took not warning, A.
50. 13. or will I drink the A. of

Ma't B. 2.3. and he took the 6. man by the hand of wicked BLOODuith bullock.
58 10. righteous wash his feet in the 3. 4.5. 16.14,18
10. 46. 6. Bartimeus sat by the way
side begging of thy enemj £xorf. 29.12.takeA.ofA;,//of*,iea. |

6k. 23. foot may be dipped in the A.

Luiei. IH. to preach recovery of sight to the
in his sight Lev. 4.7. pour A. of bullock at bottom of the altar
72. 14. precious shall theii A. be 16. 15. do with that as he did with 4. oilhebullod
7. 21. to that were 6. he gave sight
many doth violence to the A. of any
Prov. 28. 17. that lamb-
14. 1.3. when thou makest a feast, call
the *. Isa. 1. U. 1 delight not in A. of bullocks or of
Isa. 1. t 15. your hands are full of A. BLOOD
John 5. 3. in these lay a great multitude of A. of Jenisaleni of Christ.
from his birth 4. 4. the Lord shall purge the A. communion of the b.of Christ J
he saw a man that was A. in wash ye 1 Cor.10.16. isit not
g. 1 Q. 5. with noise, and garments rolled
. A.
3Q. that they which see might be made A.
full ol A. i>A.2.13.were far off, are made nigh by A. ofChrii t
15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be purge
40. are we A. also ? U 41. if ye were A. lleb. much more shall A. of Christ
26. t 21. the earth shall disclose her A.
10. 21. can a devil open the eyes of the A. Pf/.I .ig.butwith precious A.o/'CAri.Kasof a lamb

33 + 15. that sfoppeth his ear from hearing

us from all sii>
Acltl^. 11. thou shall be A. not seeing the sun 34. 3. the mountains shall be melted
with their A. 1 John 1 .7 . the A. 0/ Christ cleanseth

Ht>m. 2. 19. art confident thon art a guide to the A.

innocents BLOOD of Ihe Covenant.
Jer.Q. 34. is found the A. of the poor behold the A. of the covenan
8 Pet. 1. 9. he thai lacketh these things is A. 18. 21. pour out their A. by the force
of the sword Exod. 24. 8. Moses said,
that ihou art A.
from A. Zech.g. n. as for thee also by the A. of thy coienair
Rev 3 17. and knowest not 48. 10. cursed be he that keepelh his sword
BLllSD, yeii. of Chaldea lleb. 10. 29. hath counted 4. ifcov. an unholy thin;:
51. 33. my A. be on the inhabitants
Deiu. 16. 19. a gift doth A. the eyes of the wise 13. 20. through the 4. of the everlasting covenar.
Lam. they
4. 14. polluted themselves with A
Sam. 12. 3. of whom received 1 a bribe to 4. thee BLOOD, with tat.
Eiei. 5. 17. pestilence and A. pass through
BUNDED, ETH. the city is full ot
\Lev. 3. 17. a statute that ye eat neither fat nor A.
9. 9. the land is full of A. and yeshall«ornomannerof4.of towlorbeasi.
Extd. 23. 8. take no gift, for a gift A. the wise upon 7.26.
14. 19. or if I pour out my fury
it in A.
Jer. 52. t 11. then he A. the eyes of
A. live 27. 17. 14. LhiU. 12. le, 23. I 15. 23.
16 6. Isaidtotheewhenthouwasiinthy
1*. lO
Jjhn 12. 40. he hath A. their eyes, and hardened 27. that <a<«M A. that soul shall be cut off,
f 9. I thoroughly washed
away thy A. from thee
Jicm. 11. 7. election hath obtained, the rest are A
jealousy 1 Ham. 14. 32. the people did eat them with the *
38. I will give 'thee A. in fury and
2 Cor. 3. 14. but their minds were A. EtLck. 33. 25. ye eat with A. and lift up your eyes
minds 18. 10. if he" beget a son that is a shedder of A. BLOOD.
4. 4. in whom god ofthis wordhathA. the Eor
+ 13. he shall die, his A.
shall be upon him
1 Jchii 2. 11. because darkness hath A. his
in thy A.
'Sum. 35. 33. not pollute land, forb. it defileth land
BLINDFOLDED. 19. -0. thy mother is like a vine 2 Ham. 3. 27. he died /or the A. of Asahel his brother
21. 32. thy A. shall be in midstof lhelaud,22.
Lute 22. 64. when they had A. him, they struck midst of it 2 Chron. 24. 25. for the A. of the sons of Jehoiad*
22. 3. the city sheddeih A. in the
BLINDNESS. Psal. 9. 12. when he maketh inquisition /or A.
23. 37. and a". is in their hands, 45. Prov. 1.11. they oay, come let us lay wait/o,- A. 18.
Gen. 19. 11. smote the men at the ooor with A. rock
24. 8. I have set her A. on the top of a
Deui. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with A. 12. 6. the words of wicked are to lie in wail for A
28. 23. for 1 will send A. into her streets
2 Kinss 6. IR. Elisha prayed, smile this people, I the land Mic. 7. 2. they all lie in wait /or A. they hunt
32. (i. I will also water with thy A.
pray thee, with A. and he smote them with A. loA.lhou His BLOOD.
35. 6. saiththe Lord, I will prepare thee and conceal Aij A-
Zech. 12. 4. I will smite every horse with A. thee Gen. 37.26. if we slay our brother
hast not haled A. even A. shall pursue behold his 4. is required
Mark 3. + 5. being grieved for their A. of heart mv bread, the fat and the A. 15.
42. 22. therefore
44 7 when ve offer
shall be upon his head
Horn. 11. 25. A. in part has happened to Israel .lezreel Josh. 2. 19. his 4.
their heart Uos. 1.4. fo"ryel I will avenge the A. of 2 6am. 4. 11. shall I notrequire Aif 4.ofyou^hand•
ilf/i. 4. 18. because of the A. of toucheth A.
4. +2. they break out. and A. head
Block. Hee Stumbling. l Ltngs 2. 32. Lord shall return his A. on his
Ji'e/2. 30. A. fire, and pillars of smoke, /Jf« 2. I9.
BLOOD moon shall be turned into A. Actsl. SO
Ezek. 3.18. shall die in his iniquity, but hit A. will
31. the 4, 6j 8-
Sijcnifies, [l] j/] uarm red liquor or Immour circu
cleansed require at thy hand, 20. 3.3.
3 21.1 will cleanse their A.that I have not

latine thratigh the :c/iole ioJv, Exod. 29. IC. Hoi. 12. 14. therefore shall he leave his A. on him
i:,ph. 1. 17. their A. shall be poured out as dust mouth
issue Zech. 9. t 7. take away his A.
[2] Death, slaughter, or nnader,
together -jiUh out of his
Mat. 9. W. behold a woman diseased with an
the guilt fotliming upon it. Gen. 4. 10. Mat. 27. Mat. 27. 25. his A. be on us and our children
of A. twelve years, Mark 5. 25. Lukeii. 43. Jff.'20. 28. church he hath purchased with /uV A.
24. ["i] 'ITie yuntshnicttt or ie)igeance due for it to thee
16. 17 /lesh and A. hath not revealed
the shedding of hlood. Mat. C7. 25. [4] Thai prophets ii'owi. 3. 25. a propitiation through faith in his A.
23. 30. not partakers in the A. of the
which mas bought or jmrchased -.eith the price of 5. 9. much more being now justifisd by his A.
35. from the A. of righteous Abel, Luke 11.
blood. Acts 1.19- [5] Wealth, goods, or money Mark 14.21. Eph. 1.7. we have redemption thro' /ii> A Co/. 1.14
26. 28. my A. of the new testament,
got bit laktng aaay the liies of the innocent, lleh. 9. 12. but by his own A. he entered in once
it is price cf A.
6.1101 to put into treasury ,because
and then seizing upon their estates, Nah. 3. 10. 27 day,/Jfri 1.19. 13. 12. that he mightsanctify the people with AwA.
and punishment of 8. was called the field of A. to this our sins in his A.
just person Lev. 1. 5. and washed u» from
Hab. 2. 12. [fi] 'J'he guilt
24. I am innocent of the A. of this
sin. Acts 18. 6 [71 Fallen nature. Ezek. I6. 0. Innocent BLOOD.
The man Adam, rcho was /,KXrl3.1.whoseA. Pilate had mingledwith sacrifices
innor<rn<A.benotshedin thelanrt
John I. 12. [8] first Deut. 19. 10. that
22.20. the new testament in my A. 1 Cor. 11.2 j.
the rivt er stuck front nhich all mankind de fal'in? 13. thou shall put away gu«lt of innocent A. 21. 9-
17' Human season or, 44. his sweat was as great drops of A. thy people's charge
tctnded, Acts 2C. [9] 21. 8. lay not innocent A. to
13. which were bom not ot A. nor of flesh
KJi.rrfom, Mat. Ifi. 17. flO] The juice of grapes, John 1. 1 6«m. 19. 5. wilt thou sin against innocent A. to sla.v
flesh and drinkelh my A. 56.
Gen. 49. 11. [11] sacramental symbol and 6. 54. who eateth my
A 1 Kmgs'i. 31. take away mnoceHr A. that Joabshe'l
55. my flesh is meal, and my A. is drink indeed
repreientation of the bloodof Christ, Mat. 26. 28. A. and water
2 Kings 21. 16. Manasseh shed innortn* A. 24. 4.
Koni. 19. 34. forthwith came thereout condemn innocent ».
[12] 7»« death and sufferings of Christ, man's A. on us Psal. 94. 21. they gather and
.lets 5. 28. ye intend to bring this
3. 25. 5. 9- Eph. 1. 7. 25. 106.38. shed innocent A. even A. of sons and daugh.
15. 20. that they abstain from A. 29. 21.

The blood of the covenant, Heb. 10. 29. The \

Prov. 17
6. Lord hatetli hands
. that shed innocent *.
17. 26. and hath made of one A. all
blood of Christ, u hereby the new covenant or tes- La. 59. 7. and they make haste to shed innocent i.
18. 6. be on your own heads, I am clean
your A.
tament was confirmed a)id ratified. Jer. 7.6. if ye oppress not, shed no4innocenr A.22..3.
20. 26. I am pure from the A. of all men
Where mark'd uil'h f 1/ is in the Or!gi«a/, BLOODS. 22 17. thine eyes and heart are to shed innoc. i.
1 Cor. 1 1 27 gu il ty of the body and A of the Lord
Can. 4. t 10. the voice of thy brother's A. cneth yourselves

26. 15. ye shall surely bring innoc. A. on

. .

15. 50. flesh and 'a. cannot inherit the kingdom

O. 4. the life whirh is the A. shall you not eat Joel 3. 19. because they have shed innoc. A. in
Efih. 6. 12. we wrcsile not against flesh
and A.
"5. surely your h. of your lives, I will require /onaA1.14.0Lord,webeseech,laynolonusiMnor.<.
Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro' A. of his
37. 31 they killed a kid and dipped the coat in A.
of Hesh and A Mat 27.4. 1 sinned in that I have b«trayed innor. *.
//«/'.2.14. thechi-ldren are partakers
Etod. 4. 9. water shall become A. on the dry laud Shed BLOOD.
9. i not without A. which he
offered for himself
7. 17. and the waters shall be turned into A. Gcn.9. 6. who sheddeih man's man his
12. nor by the A. of goats, but by his own A.
12. 13. the A. shall be lor a token, when 1 see A. 37. 22. Reuben said to them, thed no A.
£3. 18. shall not offer the A. with leaven, 34. 25. 13. if the A. of bulls and goats sanctifieth hin
of the testament God enjoined Eiod. 22. 2. there shall no A. be 'hed for
29. 21. thou shall lake of he A. upon the altar 20. this is the A. for hia
3. if the sun be risen upon him, A. be thed
wM m 22. without shedding of A. there is no remission
Lev. 17. 4. he hath shed A. tliat man shall be
ZjCv. 10. 18. the A. of it not brought cutofT
by the A. of .Tesus
10. 19. to cnier into the holiest
15. 19. and if the issue in h'.r fieA shall be A. ^^um. 35. 33. land not cleansed of A. shed but by *
shall be imputed unto that man 11 28. he kepi the passover, and sprinkling of A
17. 4- b Deut. 21. 7. our hands have not tked this A.
II. I'ur it is tiie A. that maketh an atonement
19. 16. out staoa Bgauut lb* t. of iby oejghbour
12.4. ye have not yet resisted unto A. striving
24. to the A. of sprinkling that spe akeih
better ISatf ?5, SP wiihholdeu foWR ffiWWH * >-W W
iKinfiS.S. whom he slew and s/ied i. of war in peace E:elt. 7. 10. the rod hath A. pride hath budded Hag. 1. 9- when ye brought it, I did A nooo 11

lOlrow.Ce.S. becausp thou hast s/ied A.muchA.28.3. IJns. 14. 1 5. ana he shall A. as the lily Luke 12. 55. wheo ye see the south-*ind A.
fta/.79.3. their b.ilted like water rounii Jerusalem JJ'ib. 3. 17. altho' the fig-tree shall not A. nor fruit Rev. 7. !• that wii d should not A. on the earth
10. known by revenging b, of thy servants shed BLOT See Trumpet.
Ttov. 1. 16. they make haste tOi/ted i. Rom. 3. 1 J. Signifies, [1] Censure, scorn, or reproach, Prov.Q. 7- BLOWETH.
Lam. 4.13. prophets that have i/zcrf the i. of the just [2] I'njttst gain, which is a blemish, scandal, and Tsa. 40. 7. because the Spirit of the Lord A. on it
£»«*.l6.38.judge thee as women that i/ied i. 23.45. diigrace to a person. Job .31.7- 54. 16. I have created the smith that A. the coaU
Se. 4. art become guilty in thy i. thou hast s/ied Blot me out of thy book, Eiod. 32. 32. Blot me John 3. 8. the wind A. where it listeth, thou hearea
6. the princes in thee to their power to s/ied b. out of the book of life, out of the catalogue or BLOWN
£3. 45. after the manner of wom?n that shed b. number of those that shall be sated ; let me die Job 20. 26. a fire not A. shall tonsume him

33. 25. ye sited b. and shall ye possess the laind rather than see the evil that shall come to this
.- AJal. 1 1 13. whereas ye might have A. it away
S5.5. becausethouhastj/i^rf 4. of children of Israel people, if ihoti do tiol forgive them. Wherein BLUE.
36. 18. poured fury on them for the b. they s/ied JNloses does tiol express what he thought might £xDrf.25.4. A. purple, scarlet, 26. 1,31,36. | ^7.16
Mat. 23. .35. on you come all the riubieous b. shed be done, but rather wishelh, if it were possible, 28. 31. make the robe of the ephod of A. .39. 22.
Mark 14.24. this is my A. which is ^Acrf, Luke""."ti. that God would accept of him as a sacrifice in .39. 3. they cut gold into wires 10 worK it in the i.

I/iJce 11. 50. i. of all the prophets which was s/ied their stead, and by his niter destruction and Num. 15. 38. put on the fringes a ribband of A.
Acts 22. 20. when the i. of Stephen was s/ied annihilation prevent so great a mischief to them ; 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in A. 14.
Rev. 16. 6. for they have shed the b. of the saints In which he was a type of Chrisf, who laid Esth. 1. 6. A. hangings, a pavement of A. m;irble
Sprinkle BLOOD. down his life, and was made a curse for us. 8. 15. Mordecai went in a royal apparel of 4.
Xjrorf. 29.16. take the ram's A. 3.nA sprinkle it on altar Gal. 3. 13. Ezek. 23. 6. the Assyrians were clothed wiih 4.
iirorf. 29. 20. shall sprinkle b. on altar round about That 1 may blot out their name from under heaven. See Purple, Cloth, Lace, Loops.
Uv. 1. 5, 11. 3. S, 8, 13. 7- 2. 17.6. t<um.
Dent. 9. 14.
Jhat 1 mey utterly destroy and BLUE NESS.
18. 17. censnme them, and make their name to be for- Prov. 20. 30. A. of a wound cleanseth away evil
Lev. 4. 6. priest sp. b. seven times, 17- 16. 14, 19. |
gotten amor-.g men. BLUNT.
5. 9. sprinkle b. of sin-offering on side of the altar Blot out my transgression, Psal. 51. 1. Sins Eccl. 10. 10. if iron be 6. and he do not whet it

7. 14. it shall be the priests that sprinkle the />. are compared to debts. Mat. 6. 12. 7ihich are BLUSH.
Niim. 19. 4. sprinkle of the b. before the tabernacle written in the creditor's book, and crossed or Ezra g. 6. I A. to lift up my face to thee, my God
t Kings 16.15. sf-'inkle on it the b. of burnt-ofi'ering blotted out when ttify are paid. Men's sins are Jer. 6. 15. not ashamed, nor could they A. 8. 18.
Ezek. 43. 18. when make an altar to spr. b. thereon written in the book of God's remembrance or ac BOAR.
BLOOD sprinkled. counts, out of which ell men shall be jrtdsed Psal. 80. 13. 4. out of the wood doth waste it
£jrorf.24.6.half ofi.iMosesj;;r.onaltar,L«r.8.]9,24. hereafter. Rev. 20. 12. and whensin is pardoned. BOARD, S.
8. Moses took the b. and sprinkled on the people It is said to be blotted out, Isa. 44.22. and not Eiod. 26. 29. shalt overlay A. with gold, 36. 34.
i«i'.6.27.when there is sprinkled b. on any garment to be fou7id anil tnore, though tt should besought 27. 8. hollow with A. shalt thou make i:, 36. 3i.
«. 30. Moses took of the b. and sprinkled on Aaron for, Jer. 50. 20. 3(1. 30. under every A. were two socket"

9. 12. Aaron's sons presented him b. he sprinkl. 18. Deut. .32. '5. their A. is not of his children A7(/«. 3. 30. under custody of Merari shall be A.
!h'ingsQ.33. someof Aihaliah'si.j/inHW^rfon wall Job 31. 7. if any A. hath cleaved to my hands Cant. 8. g. we will enclose her with A. of cedar
16. 13. Aha.z sprinkled the b. of his peace-ofi'ering I'rov.^.T. that rebukes the wicked, getteth a A. Acts 27. 44. the rest, some on A. came to land
2 Citron. 29. 22. spriitkled xhe b. of bullocks, 30. 16. BLOT out. BOASr, Substantive.
35.11. the priests sprinkled the b. from their hands Cen. 7. + 4. every living thing will 1 A. out I'uil. 34. 2. my soul shall madie her A. in the Lorn

Jsa. t)3.3. their b. shall be sprinkled on mj- garment Eiod. 32. 32. and if not, A. me out of thy book Horn. 2. 17. art a Jew, and makest thy A. of God
Heb. 9. 91. he sprinkled with b. the tabernacle 33. whosoever hath sinned, him will 1 A. out 23. thou that makest thy A. of the law
Huh BLOOD. Num. 5. 23. shall A. them out with bitter water BOAST, Ferb.
£rod. 30. 10. Aaron shall make atonement ::iilt b. Dent.Q.l-i. let me alone that 1 may A.(i»/ their name 1 Kings 20. 11. not 4. as he that putteth it ofl
Lev. 14. 52. cleanse the house wi/A b. of the bird 25. 19. shall A. out the remembrance of Amaiek C ( hron. 25. ig. thine heart lifteth ihee up to A
19. 26. ye shall not eat any thing jvith b. 29. 20. the Lord shall A. oh/ his name from underh. I'sal. 44. 8. in God we A. all the day long
A A'!Hgj2.9.hishoary head bring thou down wiih b. 2 l\ing5 14. 27. said not, that he would A. out Israel 49. 6. and A. themselves in their riches
Psal. 106. 38. and the land was polluted .unit b. P,ta/.51.1. have mercy, O Ood,b.ont transgressions yi. 4. the workers of iniquity A. themselves
Zra.34.6.swordof Lord filled aii//i *.Tr.ade {^Ltnith b. g. hide my sins and A. out all mine iniquities 97.7- confounded be they that A. of idols
7. and their land shall be soaked 7t'ith b. Jer. lb 23. nor A. out their sin from thy sight h'rov. 27. 1. A. not thyself of to-morrow
49. C6. they shall be drunken zoiilt their own b. Jiev.3. 5. 1 will not A. his name out of book of life ha. 10. 15. shall the ax A. itself ai;aiDsl him that
59. 3. for your hands are defiled with b. BLOTTED. 61. 6. in their glory shall you A. yourselves
Jer. 19. 4. filled this place -.cith the *. of innocents Nch. 4. 5. letnot the'irsinbe A. out from before th J'"m. 11. 18. A. not against branches, if thou '•

46. 10. it shall be made drunk -aitli their b. Hsai. fig. 28. let them be A. out of book of the living 2 Cor. g. 2. for which I A. to them of .Macedoni.\
Lam. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves uith b. 109. 13. posterity cut off, let their name be A. out 10. 8. for though 1 sliould A. somewhat more
Eiek. 38. 82. 1 will plead against him tatth b. 14. let not the sin of his mother be A. out 13. we will not A. of things without our measure
Has. 6. 8. Gilead is a city polluted with b. Isa. 44. 22. I have A. out as a thick cloud 16. and not to A. in another man's line
-1/ir.3.10.they build up Zion uiih b. and Jerusalem ^Icts 3. 19. repent, that your sins may be A. out 11. 10. receive me that 1 may A. myself a little
Hab. 2. 12. wo to him that buildeth a town -.I'lth b. BLOITETH, ING. Eph. 2. g. not of works lest any man should A.
Gal. 1. 16. immediately I conferred not with h. Tsa. 43. 25. I am he that A. out thy transgressions BOASTED.
Heb. 9. 22. all things are by the law purged with h. Col. 2. 14. i. out the hand-writing of ordinances Erek. 35. 13. with mouth ye have A. against nie
Rev. 8. 7. followed hail and fire, mingled with b. BLOW 2 Cor. 7. 14. if 1 have A. any thing to him.
17. 6. saw the woman drunken with b. of the saints Signifies, A stroke, calamity, or judgment, such as BOASl'ERS.
I 1 sword, or famine, which God injiicts upon a people Horn. 1. 30. proud, A. inventors of evil things
Psal. 51. 14. deliver me from b.-emltiness, O God for their sins, Jer. 14. 17. 2 iim. 3. 2. covetous, A. proud, blasphemers
Bl.OOD-TllIKSfY. Awake, O north-wind, and blow upon my garden, BOASIKST, Elll.
Prov. 29. 10. the b.-thirstu hate the upright &c. Cant. 4. 16. Let the JJolv Spirit in his I'sal. 10. 3. the wicked A. of his heat's desire
BLOODY. several operations.both convincirif md mortifying, 52. 1. why A. thou thyself in mischief?
Etod. 4.25. surely a b. husband art thou to me, C6 and also cort^forting, sttr vv and i/uicken my heart I'rov. 20. 14. when he is gone his way, then he *i
2iiam. I6. 7. Shiniei said, come nut, thou b. man and soul, c'lat the graces that are in me may be 25. 14. whoso A. himself of a false Rift
21. 1. the famine is for Saul, and his h. house qutckened ,ind exercised. Jarn. 3.5. tongue a little member, and A. great thingt
Paol. 5. 6. the Lord will abhor the b. man The wind bloweth where it listeth ; so is every liOASllNG, Participle,
?6. 9. gather not my life with b. men man that is born of the Spirit, John 3. 8. A> .lets 5. 36. rose rheudas,4. himself to be somebody
54. 23. b. men shall not live out half their days there are many things in niture, particularly the 2 Cor. 10. 15. not A. of things without our measur«
5y. 2. deliver me,^nd save me from b. men wind, which are evident in their effects, yet no BOA.STINC;, Substantiit.
139. 19. depart fVom me therefore ye *. men man can give a clear and full account of them, Horn. 3. 27. where is A. then > it is excluded
£:c*. 7.23. for the land is full of A. crimes man's reason cannot reach to know from 7i>hence 2 C'cir.7 .14. even so our A. before iius is found truth I

22. 2. son of man, wilt thou judge the b. city ? the wind rises, from hour great a distance it comes, 8. 24. shew ye to them the proof of our A.
24. 6. wo to the *. city, 9. Nah. 3. 1. or how Jar tt goes ; so is this spiritual cliaugc g.3. lest our A. of you should be in vain in this behalf
Acts 28. 8. father of Publius lay sick of a b. flux 7i'rought freely, where, in whom, when, and in 4. we should be ashamed in the same confident A.
BLOOiMED. what measure, the Spirit pleases ; and also power- 11. 10. no man shall stop me of this A. in Achaia
Num. 17.8. Aaron's rod h. blossoms and almonds fully, so as to make an indent, iCnsihle change ; 17- but .IS it were foolishly in ihiscoiifidenceof 4.
BLOSSOM though the manner thereof be incomprehensible. Jarn. 4. I6. but now ye rrjoice in your A.
Signifies, [\] A It IS known Ay the ejjects.
Jloner of a tree or plant. Gen. 40. HOA 1, S.
JO. [2] To yni Jorth tnto th.ters or blossoms, did blow upon it, iJag. 1. 9.
1 / did blast it, John6. 22. the people «aw there was no other A,
^'um. 17. 5. Ilab. 3. 17." [S] 'Jo increase, that tt did yon no good. there, and that Jesus went not into the i.
foiirtih, and prosper, Isa. 'J7. 6. 35. 1, 2. |
A fire not blown, Job 10. 96. '^ome heavy judg 23. there came other A. from Tiberias
Their root shall be as rottenness, and their blos- meni that coma no man knows how. Acts 27. if), had much work to come by the 4.
som shall go up as dust, i>«. 5. 24. that is, Psal. .39. 10. 1 am comsumed by the A. of thy hand .30. when they had let down the A. into the son
Uiier dest'vclivn shall seite upon them ; they Jer. 14. 17. people is broken with a grievous A. 32. the soldiers cut off the ropes of the i.
shall be deilrouvd both root and branch. BLOW, rerb. BODY
The rod hatti blossomed, E-.ek. 7. 10. The in- Exod. 15. 10. thou didst A. wiih thy wind Signifies, fl] The material part of man, 1 Cor. 15.
strument iltal ('I'd will make use of for yonr A'»m.i0.6.when ye A. an alarm, camps shall go, 0. 44. [2] ihn whole man, I'.o'm. 6. IS. IC. 1 |

correction is reailii made and prepared. 9. then ye shall A. an alarm with trumpets [3] 'J'he substance of a shadote or ceremonu,
Gen. 40. 10. her b. shot forth, and the clusters Jndg. 7. 18. when 1 A. with a trumpet, then A. ye t'ol. 8. 17. [4] The church cf OoJ ftrriily
Jsa. 5. 24. and their A. shall go up as dust I'ftil. 78. 26. he caused an east-wiml to A. in heaven rniitii to CItrtal and among ihemsthes, by ih*
BLOSSO.M, 1. 1). 147. 18. caused his wind to A. and waters How Spirit, faith, !ore,):icraments, word, ana ministry,
A'um. 17- .5. the man's rod whom I choose shall b. Cant. 4. 16. come, thou south, A. upon my garden i^hirh, like the rettti and arteries in lie A.irff
ha. 27.6. Israel shall b. and bud. ai<d fill (he world J'a. 40. 24. he shall also A. upon them, shall wither scne to join them wu-* Christ, and arr.ori;; ckrrn-
35. 1. the desert shall rejoice and A. as the rose Etek. 21. 31. 1 will A. against thee. 22.21. selves, ar,i also 10 coiiPty I'.tiuence andnour ./»
X. it shall A. abuudautly aiid rejoice with joy ll*s. 5. 8. A. ye the cornet in C>iDeab, cry aloud ment from iM l>tan to every particular member
of this mystical body, Cor. 10. 17.
1 Eph Jer. V'}. 23. and cast bis dead 6. into the graves 2 Kin^sG. 29- 10 we 4. my son. and dideathiia
4. 16. Col. 1. 18. [5] Thi tuman nature of 36. 30. his dead b. shall be cast out in the day 'n4 30. 27. my bowels A. and rested not
Chrul. lleb. 10. 5. [6] The unrenewed pari vj J-rutt of t/ie BODY. BOILETII, ING.
vum, $uch as the ieiunive powers, carnal ajjfic- Deut. 28. 4. blessed shall be the/no/ of thy b. Psal. 45. 1 1. my heart A. up a good m?tter
lions, and siiifui iruiinalions, 1 Cor. tj. 27. 11. make thee plenteous in the/ni«/ of thy A.30.g. Ezek. 46. 23. made with A. places under the nms
This is my body, AJat. 26. 26. T/tis bread is a 18. cursed shai' befruit of thy b. and of thy land BOISTEROUS.
sign or representation, and is hereajier to be a 53. thou shalt eat xiiefruit of thy b. in the siege Mat. 14. 30. when he saw wind b. he was afraid
memorial also, of mf body, and of my t^tfferings Psal. 132.11. 1'ruit of thy b. will 1 set on thy throne BOLD.
it ; and also a teal and pledge, whereby I iVir.6.7.shaU 1 give/rui/ ofmv 4. for sin of my soul Prov. 28. 1 but the righteous are A. as a lioa

make over to you all the benefits I haie pur- iJis iiODV. Acts 13. 46. Paul and Barnabzis waxed A.
chased I liar e by : Or, ihis taking and eating is a Erod. 21. + 3. if he came in with his i. he shall go /v'om. 10.20. Esaias is very A. andsaith, 1 was found
holy rite of commemorating my death, and a Deut. 21. 23. his b. not remain all night on the tree 2 Cor. 10. 1. but being absent, am A. towards yott
means of making all worthy receivers partakers Ji'dg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons of Ai* 4. begotten 2. I may not be A. wherewith I think to be 4.
of the benefits thereuf. 1 Sam. 31. 10. fastened his b. to wall of I5ethshan 11. 21. howbeit, wherein any is A. I am A. also
The body of this dealh, liom. 7. 24. Vm
cor- Van.i.Z3. his b. wet with the dew of heaven, 5.21. Phil. 1.14. by my bonds, are much more i. tospeak
ruption of nature, acting chiefly by the body, 7.11. till beast was slain, and his b. destroyed 1 'lhess.S.2. we were 4. in our God to speak to you

ahici tends to, and binds me over to death. 10. 6. his 4. also was like the beryl Philem. 8. though 1 might be much 4. in Christ
Fjrnd. 24. 10. as the £. of heaven in its clearness Luke 23. 55. the women beheld how his b. was laid BOLDLY.
1 Sam. 31. 12. took the *. of SaiU, 1 Chron. 10. 12 24. 23. when they found not his b. they came Gen. 34. 25. Simeon and Levi came on the city 4.
Job 19. 17 for the children's sake of my own b.
. JohnQ. 21. but he sp.ike of the temple o{ his 4. Mark 15. 43. Joseph came, and went in 4. to Pilate
26. though after my skin worms destroy lliis b. Acts 19. 12. from his 4. were brought to the sick John 7. 26. he speaketh 4. and they say nothing
50. 25. it is drawn and Cometh out of the b. Rom. 4. 19. he considered not hjs 4. now de,ad ActsO. 27. how he preached 4. at Damascus
Psal, 1.39. 15. my b. was not hid from thee
1 ICi/r .6.18. commits fornication sinneth against his b. 29. he spake 4. in the name of the lord Jesus
Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and b. are consumed 7. 4. the husband hath not power of Ai> own A. 14. 3. long time abode they, speaking A. in the Lord
I:a. 10. 18. and shall consume both soul aiid b. 2 Cor. 5. 10. may receive the things done in his 4. 18. 26. ApoUos began to speak A. in the synagogue
51. 23. and thou hast laid thy b. as the ground Eph. 1. 23. which is his 4. fulness of him that tills Acts 19. 8. spake A. for the spzice of three months
Ezek. 10. 12. their whole b. was full of eyes Phil. 3. 21. may be fashioned like to his glorious 4. liom. 15. 15. 1 have written the more A. to you
Dan.l .5. 1 was grieved in spirit in midst of my i. Col. 1. 24. for his 4. sake, which is the church Lph. 6. 19. given me, that 1 may open my aouth A
Mat. 5. 29. that thy whole 6. be cast into hell, 30. 1 Pet. 2. £4. who bare our sins in his A. on the tree 20. that 1 may speak A. as 1 ought to speak
6.22. thelight of the b. is the eve, Luke 11. 34. Jh BODY. Heb. 4. 16. let us come A. to the throne of grace
thy i. shall be full of light, Luke 11. 34, 36 Lam. 4. 7- they were more ruddy in 4. than rubies 13. 6. that we may 4. say, the Lord is my helpel
23. thy whole 4. shall be full of darkness Rom. 0. 12. let not sin reign in your mortal 4. BOLDNESS.
25. take no thought for your b. Luke 12. 22 1 Cor. 5. 3. I verily as absent «» 4. have judged Eccl. 8. 1. and the A. of his face shall be changed
and the b. more than raiment, Luke 12. 23 6. 20. therefore glorify God i» your 4. and spirit Acisi. 13. when they saw the 4. of Peter and John
10. 28. fear not them that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 7. 34. that she may be holy in 4. and in spirit 29. that with all 4. they may speak thy word
14. 12. John's disciples came and took up the b. 12. 18. God hath set members every one in the 4. 31. and they spake the word of God with 4.
26. 12. she hath poured this ointment on my b. 25. that there should be no schism in the A. 2 <Jor. 3. t 12. we use great b. of speech
26.Jesus took bread and said, take, eat.this is my b. 2 Cor. 4. 10. bearing about in the 4. the dying of our 7. 4. great is my A. of speech toward you
Mark 14. 22. Luke 22. I9. 1 Vor. 11. 24. Ld.that life of Jesus might be manifest in our A. l^ph. 3. 12. in whom we have A. and access by faith
27. 58. Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate, and 5. 6. knowing; that whilst we are at home in/. Phil. 1 20. but that with all A. as always, so now

begged the b. of Jesus, Mark 15. 43. Luke 23. 52. 12. S. whether in b. or whether out of the 4. 1 lim. 3. 13. they purchase great 4. in the faith
jkfar* 5. 29. she felt in her b. that she was healed Cal. 6. 17. I bear in 4. the marks of the Lord Jesus Heo. 10. 19. having 4. to enter into the holiest
14. 8. she is come aforehand to anoint my b. Phil. 1. 20. Christ shall be magnified in my 4. 1 John 4. 17. that we may have 4. in judgment
51. having a linen cloth cast about his b. Col. 1. 22. reconciled in 4. of his flesh thro' death BOLLED.
15. 45. Pilate gave the b. to Joseph, Mat 27 58 Heb. 13. 3. as being yourselves also in the t. Eiod. 9. 31. barley was in the ear, and the flax b.
Luke 17. 37. where the b. is, thither the eagles Otie BODY. BOLSTER.
24. 3. they found not the b. of the Lord Jesus Rom. U. 4. as we have many members in one A. 1 Sam. 19. 13. a pillow of goats' hair for hi34. 16.
John 20. 12. where the b. of Jesus had lain 5. we being many are rae A. in Christ, 1 Cor.lO 17. 26. 7- spear at his 4. 11, 12.|;i6. water at his 6.
"Rom. 6. 6. that the b. of sin may be destroyed 1 Cor. 6. 16. he that is joined to an harlot, Isoti* 4. BOLT, ED.
7. 4. become dead to the law by the b. of Christ 12. 12. jis the 4. is one, and hath razny members 2 Sam. 13. 17. i. the door 18. he 4. the door 1|

24.who shall deliver me from the b. of ihis death • 13. we are baptized into one 4. whether Jews BOND
8. 10. Christ in you, the A. is dead because of sin 20. now are they many members, yet but one A. Signifies, [1] An obligation, or tow. Num. 30.5, 14.
13. if ye thro' the Spirit mortify deeds of the b. Eph. 2. 16. he might reconcile both to God in one A. ^2] SujferingtforChiist and his gospel, Heb. 13.3,
23. forthe adoption, the redemption of our b. 4. 4. there is one 4. and one Spirit, as ye are called Thou hast loosed my
bonds, Psal. II6. I6. Timi
1 the b. is not for fornication, but for Coi. 3. 15. to which ve are also called in one A. hast rescued me from mine enemies, w.'iose captict
the Lord, and the Lord for liie b. BODIES. and vassal 1 was, and therefore hast a just ri^ht
18. evp.ry sin a man doth is without the b. Gen. 47. 18. not ought left, but our 4. and lands and title to me and 10 my service.
6.19 yjur a. is the temple of the Holy Ghost 1 Sam. 31. 12. took A of Saul's sons, 1 Chi. 10. 12 He looselh the bonds of kings, Jo4 12. 18. He
7. 4. the wife hatn no power of her own b. Ae/i. 9. 37. theyhave dominion over our 4. and cattle deprives them of that majesty, pontr, and autho-
9. 27. but I keep under my 4. aud bring it to subjec. Job 13. 12. your 4. are like unto 4. of clay rity, which should keep their subjects in awe, and
10. 16. the communion of the b. of Christ Ezek. 1. 11. two wings covered their 4. 23. aherewith they bind them to obedience.
1 27 be guilty of the A. and blood of the Xjot\
. . Dan. 3. 27. on whose A. the fire had no power Charity is the bond of perfectness. Col. 3. 14.
29. eats damnation, not discerning the Lord's b. 28. yielded their 4. that they might not serve J-^'ve to our neighbour,
owing from love to God,
12. 14. forthe b. is not one member, but many Mat. 27- 52. many 4. of saints which slept, arose is the chief means to a perject union among all
13. is it therefore not of the *. .' IC. John 19. 31. the k. should not remain on the cross the members of the ehurcfi, and to make their
17. if whole b. were an eye, where were hearing .' Rom.l.U. gave them up to dishonour their own A. gifts and graces suiservient to the good of on*
19. where were the b. .'Jl 20. yet but one b. 8. 11. shall quicken your mortal 4, by his Spirit another.
27. now ye are the b. of Christ, and members 12. 1. that ye present your 4. a living sacrifice Num. 30. 2. or swear to bind his soul with a 4.
13. 3. tho' I give my b. to be burned, and have not 1 Cor. 6. 15. your A. are members of Christ 3. if a woman vow and bind herself by a 4.
15. 35. and with what b. do the dead come.' 15. 40. there are celestial 4. and A. terrestrial 4. and her father hear her vow and her A.
37. thou sowest not that b. that shall be Eph. 5. 28. to love their wives as their own 4. Eiek. 20. 37. I will bring you into 4. of covenant
38. but God giveth it a i. as it hath jjleased him Heb. 10. 22. and our 4. washed with pure water Luke 13. 16. be loosed from his A. on the sabbath
44. it is sown a natural b. raised a spiritual b. 13. 11. the 4. of beasts, whose blood is brought Acts 8. 23. thou art in the A. of iniquity
2 Cor. 5. 8. willing rather to be absent from the b, Rev. 18. 1 13. the. merchandise of 4. and souls A>A. 4. 3. the unity of the Spirit, in the A. of peace
Eph. 3. 0. Gentiles be ftUow-heirs of the same b. Dead BODIES. Col. 3. 14. put on charity, the 4. of perfectness
4. 12. for the edifying of the b. of Christ 2 Chrori. 20. 24. behold they were dead 6. fallen BOND.
16. from whom the whole b. fitly joined together 25. they found with dead b. precious jewels 1 Cor. 12. 13. baptized into one body, 4. or free
5. 23. and he is the .Saviour of the b. Psal. 79. i.deadb.ol thy Servants given to be meat See Ereb.
Pliil. 3.21 who shall change our vile *.<that it may
. 110. 6. he shall fill the places with the dead A. BONDS.
Col. 1. 18. he is the head of the *. th^rhurch Jer. 31. 40. whole valley of dead A. shall be holy I^'ttm. 30. 5. not any of her vows or i. shall staid
5. 11. in putting off the b. of the sins of the Hesh 33. 5. but it is to fill them with dead 4. of men 7. A. wherewith she bound her soul shall staaS
17. which are a shadow, but the 4. is of Christ 34. 20. their deadt. shall be for meat to the fowls 14. he established all her A. which are on her
19. from which the b. by joints and b.inds 41.9. the pit wherein Ishmael cast rf^arf 4. of men y.'A 12. 18. he looseth the A. of kings
23. a shew of wisdom in neglecting of the b. Amos 8. 3. shall be many dead b. in every place Psal. 1 16. 16. O
Lord, thou hast loosed A. my
i Tiess. 5. 2.'.< I pray your soul and b. be preserved R^v. 11.8. their i/«arf4. shall lie in the street of city Jer. 5. 5. have broken the yoke, and burst the 4
iltl. 10. 5. i.ut a t. hast thou prepared me 9. nations see their deadb. three days and an half, 27. 2. make thee A. and yokes, and put on thy
10. through the offering of the b. of Jesus nor suffer their dead 4. to be put in graves [neck
Jan\.1. 16. Rive pot things are needful to the b. BODILY. 30. 8. I will break his yoke, and burst thy A.
!6. as the *. w ithout the Spirit is dead, so faith 22. the Holy Ghost descended in a*, shape Sah. 1. 13. and 1 will burst thy 4. in sunder
/.«*(! 3.
3.2. and is able also to bridle the whole b. 2 Cor. 10. 10. but his 4. presence is weak Acts 20. 23. that A. and afflictions abide me
3. and we turn about their whole b. ' •Col. 2. 9. in him all the fulness of the Godhead b. 23. 29. done nothing worthy of death or A. 26. 31.
6. the tongue defileth the whole b. and sets on fire
I Tim. 4. 8. for A. exercise profiteth little 25. 14. there is a certain man left in A. by Telix
Jude.y. Michael disputed about the b. of Moses BOIL. [See also BOYL.j 26. 29. altogether such as I am, except these *.
VerJ BODY. Ln. 8. 31 A. the flesh at the door of the tabernacle Eph. 6. 20. for which I am an ambassador in i.

Lcs.^1.1 l.nor shall ye go into any dead b.Num.6.6. J0A4I. 31. he maketh the deep to 4. like a pot Phil. 1. 7. in 4. ye are all partakers of my grace
Nutn. 9. 6. certain men were defiled by a deadb. 7. Isa. 64. 2. the fire canseth the waters to A. 13. so that my A. in Christ are manifest
10.a;iy of vou be nnclean by a dead b. Hag. t.lS. Eiek. \.i. 5. bum the bones, acd make 14. the brethren waxing confideni by my 4.
it 4. well
19. Il.hf thattouchethrfforfA. be unclean, I6. 46. £0. the place where the priests shall 4. 24. 16. supposing to add aSliction to my A.
2 Jiidgt 8 5. how he had restored a tUad t tn life BOILED. Col. 4. 3. for which 1 am in 4.||18. remember m'f/j.
Jta. 26. 19- with my
dead b. shall thej arise Kirgx IQ. 81
took a yok* of oxan and 4. them 2 Tim. S. 9. wherein I suffer troohle, eTen u> b,



philem, 10. whom I have hegfotten in my h. Thebones which thou hast broken. Pm.'. Sl.S i Lam 3.4. my fleBh ho madoold.hc hath broken
13. haveministerefi tomeintheft. ofthegospfl My heart, which hath been sorely icoitndrd and I I/ab. 3. 16. rottenripss entered into my 6. liny b
Beb 11. 34. \p had oompaKsion of me in my 6. terrified by the dreadful mi'ssnge ne.ntby Nathan, \
Thiir BONES.
'.1. 36. othershad trial of b. and imprisoimient and by the dismal sentence of thy /cw, de- iV7/»i.24.8. Israel shall break their b. andpioTCs
IS. 3. remember them that are in b. as bound nounced against such sinners as I am. 1 &7rn.31.13.took their b. and buried them at Jabesh
BONDAGE This is bone of my bones, and fiesh of my flesh, 1 Vhr. 10.12. buried their A. under an oak at Jabesb

Signifies, [1] Outward slavery and oppression, Gen. 2. 23. God hath provided me a meet help 4. 8. their skin cleaveth to their A.
Exod. 6. 5. Ezra Q. 8, y. [2] Spiritual sub. and wife, not out of the brute creatures, but of Ezek. 32. 27. their iniquity shall be on their b.
jection to sin and Satan, lleb. 2. 15. [3] Sub- mine own body, and of the same nature with Dan- 6. 24. the lions brake all their A. iu pieces
jection to the yoke of the ceremonial la;v, Gal 2.4. myself. Mic. 3.2. pluck oft' their skin and flesh from their 6,
4. 9. [4] Servile fear, Rom. a. 15. [5] We are members of his flesh and bones, Eph. 3. they break ihetr A. and chop them in piecei
Corruption arid deal /i, Kom. 8. 21. 5. 30. All that grace and glory which the BONNEIS.
The one gendereth to bondage, Gal. 4. 24. Be- church hath is from Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Eph, Exod. 28. 40. for Aaron's sons thou shalt make 6.
gets children to bondage ; that is. They who ad. 2. 10. (as the woman was taken out oj thi, viun. 29. 9. thou shalt put the A. on them, Lev. 8. 13.
hered to the old coienaM, or legal dispetisation, Gen. 2. 23.) and she has r-'ie same graces and 3y. 28. they made goodly A. of fine linen
<y Moses, were not thereby freed from their bnu- glory that Christ hath, John 1. 16. 17. 22.
Isa. 3. 20. the Lord will take away the i.
dage to sin, Satan, and God's wrath. Gal. 3. 10. Gf«.2.23.this is A. of my bones, and flesh of my flesh Ezek, 44. 18. they shall have linen A. on their heads
atid were of a senile, mercenary disposition, 29. 14. surely thou art my b. and my fiesh BOOK
doing what they did in God's service, not from I.xod. 12.46. neither shall ye break a A. Snm.g.H. Signifies, [1] A wherein things are written,
love, but slavish fear, Rom. 8. 15. and thinking Sum. 19. 16. toucheth a A. of a man, be unclean (Jen. 5. 1. Esth. 6. 1. [2] The holy scriptures,
to merit heaven by their zcorks. Judg. 9. 2. remember that I am your A. and flesh 40. 7. Rev. 22. 19.
I'sal. [31 The consciences of
Exod. 1. 14. made their lives bitter wich hard b. ISam. 5..1. behold we are thy A. 1 Chron. 11. 1. men, Dan. 7. 10. Rev. CO. 12". [4j God's counsel
2. 23. and Israel sighed by reason of the b. and 19- 13. art thou not of my A. and of my flesh ? and purpose, Psal. 13y. I6. [5] His omniscience,
they rjied to God by reason of the b. Job 2. 5. touch his A. and flesh, ani^ he will curse or careful remembrance of the services and
6. 6. and I will rid you out of their b. 19. 20. my A. cleaveth to my skin, and to my flesh ajlictions of his people, Psal. 56. 8. Mai. 3. lf>.
9. but they hearkened not to Sloses for cruel b. 31.22. let my arm be broken from the A. [6] JJis election to life eternal. Rev. 21. 27.
13. 3. day in which ye came out of the house of i. I'luv. 25. 15. a soft tongue breaketh the A. Lxod. 17. 14. write this for a memorial in a A.
14. Lord brought us out of the house of b. CO. 2. Ezek. 37. 7. the bones came together, A. to his A. 3C. 3C. if wilt not forgive, blot me out of thy A.
Dent. 5. 6. 6. 12. 8. 14. 13. 5,10.
| | |
3y. 15. when any seeth a man's A. then set up JS. who hath sinned, him will I blot out of my i.
Josh.Qi.n. Jndg. 6.S. JohnlQ. 3ti. a A. of him shall not be broken Num. 5.23. !iie priest shall write these cursss in a A
Deut. 26. 6. the Egyptians laid upon us hard 6. BONES. 21. 14. it is said in the A. of the wars of the Lord
Neh, 5. 5. we bring into b. our sons and daughters, Exod. 13. 19. Moses took the A. of Joseph with Deut. 17-18.shall write him acopyof ihislaw in aA.
some of our daughters are brought into b. Josh. 24. 32. the A. of Joseph buried in Shechem 31. 24. made an end of writing this law in a A.
18. because the b. was heavy on this people Jndg. ig. 29- divided his concubine with her A. Josh. 10. 13. written in theA. of Jasher,2^n).l. 18.
9- 17. they appointed a captain to return to b. 2 Sam. 21. 12. took the A. of Saul, A. of Jonathan 18.9- the men described it into seven parts in a A.
lsa.\i.3. Ix)rd shall give thee rest from thy hard A. 14. b. of Saul and Jonathan buried in Zelah 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel told, and wrote it in a 6.
Kom. 8. 15. ye have not received the spirit oi b. 1 hings 13. 2. men's A. shall be burnt uj.on thee 1 Kings 11. 41. written in the A. of acts ol Solomon

21. shall be delivered from the b. of corruption 2 Kings 13. 21. touched the b. of EUsha, he revived 2 Kings i-2. 8. Ililkiah gave the A. to Shaphan
Gal.i."i. from mount Sinai, which gendereth to i. 23. 14. he filled the places with the A. of men 10. HilkiahdeliveredraeaA. 2CAron..34. 15,18.
5. 1. be not entangled again with the yoke of*. 16. and took the A. out of the sepulchres 16. I'll bring evil, even all the words of the Ir.
Heb. 2. 15. were all their lil'e subject to b. 20. and he burnt men's A. upon the altars 23.24. might perform the words written in the A.
In, into, or under BO^NDAGE. 2 Chion. 34. 5. he burnt the A. of the priests 1 Citron. 9. 1. were written in the A. of the kings

Exod. 6. 5. Israel, whom tlie Egj-ptians keep in b. Job 10. 11. thou hast fenced me with A. and sinews 29. 29. are written in the A. of Samuel the seer
Ezra Q. 8. and give us a little reviving iyi our b. Psal. 51. 8. the A. thou hast broken may rejoice 2 Chron. 9- 29- acts of Solomon in the A. of Nathan
9. our God hath not forsaken us in our b. 53. 5. Godscat'creth the A.ofhimthatenc.impeth 12. 15. acts of Rehoboam in the A. of Shemaiah
John 8. 33. we were never in b. to any man 141. 7. our A. are scattered at the grave's mouth 20. .34. the acts of Jehoshaphat in the A. of Jehu
ActsT. 6. and that they should bring them i7ito b. Pruv. 3. 8. fear Lord, it shall be marrow to thy A. 34. 16. Shaplian carried the A. to the king
7. and the nation to whom they shall be in b. 14. 30. but envy the rottenness of the A. 21. concerning the words of the A. that is found
i Cor. 7. 15. a brother or sister is not under b. 15. 30. a good report maketh the A fat 24. all the curses that are written in the A.
2 Cor. 11. 20. ye suffer, if a mam bring you into b. 16. 24. pleasant words are health to the A. Ezra 4. 15. search may be made in A. of recon!.*
Gal. 2. 4. that they might bring us into b. 17- 22. but a broken spirit drieth the A. f<eh. 8. 5. Ezra opened the A. in the sight of all
4. 3. were ik b. under the elements of the world Eccl. 11. 5. nor how the A. do grow in the womb Esih. 9. 32. of Purim, and it was written in the A.
9. whereunto ye desire again to be in b. Isa. 58. 11. the Lord shall make fat thy A. Job 19.23. oh that they were printed in a A.
25. aiiswereth to Jerusalem, which is in b. 66. 14. your A. shall flourish like an herb 31. 35. that mine adversary had written a 6.
t Pet. 2. 19. of the same is he brought into b. Jer. 8. 1. bring the A. of the kings, and A. of the P.<al. 40. 7. in the volume of thy A. Heb. 10. 7.
BONU-.MAN. priests, A. of prophets, and A. of inhabitants 56. 8. put thou my tears, are they not in thy i. .'
Gtn. 44. 33. let me abide instead of the lad a b. Ecek. 6. 5. I will scatter your A. about your altars (>y. 28. let them be blotted out ol A. of the living
Deut. 15. 15. remember thou was a b. in Egypt, and 24. 4. fill it with the choice A.|l 5. burn A. 10. 13y. 16. in thy A. all my members were written
the Lord redeemed thee, 1'6. 12. 24. 18, 22. |
37. 1. valley full of A. ||3. can tliese A. live? Jsa. 29. 11. as the words of a A. that is sealea
Rev. 6. 15. every b. hid themselves iu the dens 4. prophesy upon these A. and say, O ye dry A. 12. A. is delivered to him that is not learned
BOND-MAID, S. 11. these A. are house of Israel, our A. arc dried 18. the deaf shall hear the words of the A.
Lev. 19. 20. whoso lieth with a *. betrothed Amos 2. 1. because he burnt A. of the king of Edom 30. 8. now go and note it in a A. that it may b«
25. 44. thy b. shall be of the heathen, buy ye *. 6. 10. thatburneth him, to bring out the A. 34. 16. seek ye out of the A. of the Lord, and read
Gal. 4. 22. one by a A. the other by a free-woman Zcph. 3. 3. they gnaw not the A. till the morrow Jer. 30. 2. write the words I have spoken iu a i.
BOKD-MEN. Mat. 23.27. but are within full of dead men's A. 32. i 10. I wrote in the A. the evidence
Cen. 43. 18. he may take us for b. and our asses Luke 24. 39. for a spirit hath not flesh and A. 12. witnesses that .subscribed the A. of the purchase
44. 9- let him die, and we will be my lord's b. His BONES. 36. 2. take a roll of a A. 10. read in ilic A.

Lev. 25. 42. they shall not be sold as b. 1 A7«jj 13.31.when I amdeadlay my A.beside /(u A. 45. 1. written ttie words in a A. from Jeremiah
44. b. shall be of the heathen, of them buy i. 2AiH?.(23.18.1etnoman move/i!, they let AuA. 51. 60. so Jeremiah wrote in a A. all the evil
46. they shall be your b. for ever Job CO. 1 1 . //!> A. are full of the sin of his youth Ezek. 2. 9. and lo, a roll of a A. was tlierein
26. 13. that ye should not be their b. 21. 24. his A. are moistened with marrow Dan. 12. 1. every one found written in the i.
Deut, 6. 1 12. beware lest thou forget the Lord, who 33. 19. the multitude of his A. with strong pain 4. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the i.
brought thee out of the house of i. 13. t 10. 21. and hit A. that were not seen, stick out An/;. 1.1. the A. of the vision of Nahum
21. then say to thy son, we were Pharaoh's b. 40. 18. his A. as pieces of, his A. as iron Mai. 3. 16. a A. of remembrance was written
7. 8. and redeemed you out of the house of b. I'sal. 34. 20. he keepeth all his b. not one is broken Mai. 1.1. the A. of the generation of Jesus
28.6b. there ye shall be sold for A. and bond-women 109. 18. so let it come like oil into his A. Luke:i.4. as it is written in the A. of Esaias
Joth. 9. 23. none of you be freed from being l>. /Vy;i. 12.4. makes ashamed is as rottemiess in his t. 4. 17. there was delivered to Jesus the A. of Ibe
1 Kings 9. 22. but of Israel Solomon made no b. Jer. 50. 17. Nebuchadnezzar hath broken his A. prophet I'saias, and wheii he had opened the A.
i Kinfs 4. 1 is come to take
. my
two sons to be b. Eph. 5. 30. we are members of his flesh ana of Ai.v A. 20. he closed the A. and gave it to the minister
SChron. 28.10. to keep the children of Judah fori. IJeb. 11. 22. and gave command concerning his A. 20. 42. in the A. of the Psalms, Acts 1. 20.
EtTa 9. 9. we were b. yet God hath not forsaken My BONES. .IctsT. 42. it is written rii the A. of the Prophets
£M/i.7.4.if wehad been sold fori, and bond-women Gen. 50. 25. ye shall carry up my A. Exod. 13. 19- lleb. 9. ly. he sprinkled Che A. and the people
Jer. 34. 13. I brought them out of the house of b. 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my A. and my flesh Kev. 1. 11. what thou secst, write in a A.
BOND-SERVANT. 1 Kings 13.31. when I am dead my A. beside his A. 5. 1. a A. written within, on the backside sealed
Lev. 25. 39- shalt not compel him to serve as a b. Job 4. 14. trembling made all my A. to shake 2. who is worthy to open the A. .and to loose seals >
BOND.SERVICE. 7. f 15. my soul chooseth death ratherihan my A. 3. and no man was able to open the A.
1 Kings 9- 21. Solomon did levy a tribute of i 30. 17. mi/ A. arc pierced in me in the nicht 10. 2. and he had in his hand a little A. open
BOND-WOMAN. 30. my skin is black, .and my A. burnt with heat 8. go and take the little A. which is open
G*M. 21.10. cast out this b. and her son, for the .1011 Psal. 6. 2. O Lord, heal me, for my A. are vexed 9. give me the little A. 10. 1 took the little A.

of the b. shall not be heir. Gal. 4. 30 CC.14. all mv A.are out ofjointpT.I may tell my A 20. 12. another A. was opened, the A. of life
12. let not grieve thee because of the b.
it 31 10. my A. are consumed||3C 3 my A. waxed old 22. 19. if any take away from the words of the A.
13. of the son of the *. will I make a nation 35. 10. all my A. shall say. Lord who is like to thee See CovEXANT.
Cel. 4. 23. son of the b. was born after the flesh 3(!. 3. neither is there any rest in viy A. BOOKof the Late.
31. we are not children of the b. but the free 42. 10. as with a sword in my A. enemies reproach l)nil.QB.6l. every plague not written in i.o/" tlie laai
BOND-Wo.MEN, See Bonu-Mk.n. 102.3. daysconsumed, mi/A.are bunit as an heanh 29. 21. according to the curses in this A. 0/ the laa
BONE 5. by reason of groaning my b. cle.ave to my skin 30. 10. to keep his statutes written in this 4. of la-j
Signifies, [1] That part of the body uhite and Isa. .38. 13. as a lion, so will he break all my b. 31. 26. take this b. of the law and put it in tlie ark
hard, affording support to the whole fabric, .loti Jer. CO. 9- as a burning fire shut up in my b. Josh. 1. 8. this A. of the law shall not depart out o(
10. 11. [2] I1te dead body, 1 Kings 13. 31. 23.9. my heart is broken, all my A. shake 8. 31. written in A. (;//«& of Moses, 2 King: 14. C

f3j Thi wlich vum. Job. 20 11. Psal. 35. 10 I^m. 1. IS. be hath teat fire into rny i. 2 Ki »<, s 22. 8. 1 have found b. of the /«v in the botuc
. i

Nti. 8. 8. 50 they read in the *. o/ eht law d. stinctly Isa. 54. 12. I will make thy 4. of pleasant stones j^t f/2.B.bear in our own tongue wherein ve vrert9t
Gal. S. 10. tJiat are written in *. of laa to do them Jer. 15. 13. (hat for all thy sins, even in all thy 4. 7. 20. in which time Moses was 4. and was fair
BOOK of Life. Liek 45. 1. this shall be holy in all the 4 18.2.PaulfoundaJew named Aquila A. in ponnj»
Phil. 4. 3. whose names are written in tt A. :flife il/ir. 5. (). when he treadeih within our 4. 24. a Jew named ApoUos 4. at Alexandna
Rev. S. 5. I will :ioi blot his name out of 6. of life Mat. 4. 13. in the 4. of Xabulon and N ephthalim 22. 3. I am a Jew 4. in Tarsus 28. 1 was free 6.

13.8 names are not written in the b. of life, 17.8. BORDERS. Horn. 9. 11. for the children being not yet 4.
20. 14. another 4. opened, which is Ihei. of life Num. 15. 38. fringes in4. on fringe of4. aribband 1 Cor. 15. 8. seen of me, asof one A. out of due tima

15. was not found writter in the b. of life was cast 1 Kinds'. 28.theyhad 4. and 4. were between ledges Gal. 4.23.ofbond-woman,was4. after the flesh, 29
21. C7. which are written in the Lamt's b. of lift 2 Kin^i 16. IV- Ahazcut off the b. of the bases HeA. 11. 23. by faith Moses when A. wais hid
22. 19. shall take away his part out of the b. of life Cant. 1 1 1 we will make the 4. of gold with studs
. . 1 Ptv.2.2.asnewA.babes desire sincere milk of word

BOOK of Moses. Mat. 23. 5. and enlarge the 4. of their garments 1 John 2. 29. that doth rightrousness, is4. of him

2 Chron. 'Ib.i. but did as it is written in b. of Moses BORE. i^ev. 12.4. to devour the child as soon as it wa* 4.
35. 12. to offer as it is written in the b. of Moses Eiod. 21. 6. his master shall 4. his ear through BORN of God.
Ezra 6. 18. set priests, as it is written in b. of Moses Num. 16. 1 14. wilt thou 4. out eyes of these men .' John 1. 13. which were 4. not of blood, but of God
Ae/i. 1.3. 1. on that day they read in the b. of Moset Job 40. t24. will any 4. h;y cose with a gin? 1 J«/ih3.9. A.o/"(/orfdothnotcommitsin,because4.
Mark 12. 26. have ye not read in the b.of Moses ! 41. 2. canst thou b. his jaw through with a thorn r 4.7 every one that loveth is 4. of God, and knoweth

This BOOK. BORED. 5. I. whobelieveih that Jesus is Christ is4. of God

fien. 5. 1. this is the b. of the generation of Adam Jud<;. 16. f 21. the Philistines 4. out his eyes 4. whatsoever is 4. 0/ Oorf overcometh the world
Dent. 28. 58. do all written in this h. 2 Chron. 34.21 2 Kings 12. 9. Jehoiada took a chest and 4. ahole 18. whosoever is 4. of God sinneth not
29. 20. the curses that are written in this b. 27. BORN BORN
IB the house.
£ A I'ligj 22. 1 3. inquire concerning the words of MiVi. Is taken, [1] Naturally, for being brought tn/o Gen. 14. 14. armed his trained servants 4. inhis/toitrt
fathers have not hearkened to the words of //ivji. the world. Gen. 30. 22. Job 1.2. [2] Super- 15. 3. to me no seed, one 4. in house is my
heir my
23. 3. to perform the words written in this b. naturally, thus the mighlt/ a7idmiran'lou.> pouer 17. 12. A. i« Me /lojue shall be circumcised.l 3,23,27-
Jer.aS. 13. I'll bring all that is written in this h. of God was seen in the production of Isaac, en- Lev. 22. 11. A. in the priest's house eat of his meai
51. 6.3. when hast made an end of reading thii b. abling Abraham to beget, and Sarah to conceive Eccl. 2. 7. I had servants 4. in my houtt
John 10. 30. signs which are not written in this b. and bear him, -uhen both their bodies aere as BORN
in the land.
Kev. 22. 7. the sayings of the prophecy of this b. dead. Gen. 17. 17- Rom. 4. I9. Heb. 11. 11. £rorf.l2.19noleaven,whetherstrangerorA. in larui
9. of them which keep the sayings of this 6. [3] Carnally, so was Ishmacl born, according to 48. the stranger shall be as one A. in the land
10. seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this i. the ordinary course of nature, and not by promise, Lev. 24. 16. A. in land that blasphemeth put to death
18. heareth the words of the prophecy of this b. if as Isaac was. Gal. 4. 23, 29. [4] Spiritually, Au«i.9.14. one ordinance for stranger and A. in lard
any add, add to him plagues written in this b. such as are regenerated and renewed by the 15.30. doth ought presumptuously, whether A, in !.
19. his part from the things written in this b. power and grace of the Spirit of God, in the BORN of' a woman, or women.
BOOKS. ministry of the word, afid so arc made like God, JoAli. 1. man thatisA. of a woman is of few days
Ezra 6. 1 1. search was made in the house of the 4. by partaking of a divine nature, John 1. 13. 15. 14. that isA. ofa a. that he should be righteous '

Eecl. 12. 12. of making many b. there is no end 3. 5, 6. 2 Bet. 1. 4. 1 John 3 9. 25. 4. how can he be clean that ii b. of a woman ?
Dan 7. 10. and the b. were opened, l!ev. 20. 13. BORN again. ^Uar. 11. 11. among them that are 4. e/'o w.Lukel.'iA.
<J. 2. I understood by 6. the number of years J^/i«3.3.exceptamanbe4 a. 5.||7. ye miistbe b. a BORN.
John2l. 25. the world ootUd not contain the 6. 1 Pet. 1. 23. being b. again, not of corruptible seed Cf«.50.+23.children of Machir4. on Joseph's kuee»
Acts 19. 19. manybroughttheiri.andbumedtheni See FiusT-BoRN, Witness E,iod. 25. 14. that the ark may be 4. with them
2 Tim. 4. 13. bring the A. especially the parchments BORN, for brought forth. 28. that the table may be A. with them
.tiev. 20. 12. dead judged out of things written inb. Gen. 1". 17 a child 4 to him 100 years old, 21. 5. At/^. 16.29. the pillars on which the house was A. iJ|j
BOOTH. 21. 7. I have 4. him a son in his old age ha. 46 3 which are 4. by me from the belly
Job 27. 18. as a i. that the keeper maketh 24. 15. Rebekah came, who was 4. to Bethucl 66.12. ye shall be 4. upon her sides and be dandlaii
Jonah 4. 5. Jonah went and made him a b 29. 34. because 1 have 4. him three sons Jer. 10. 5. they must be 4. because they cannot ga
BOOTHS. 30. 20. because I have 4. him six sons Amos 5. 26. ye have A. the tabernacle of Moloch
Gen. 33. 1". and .Jacob made b. for his cattle 31. 43. what do to the children which they have 4..' Markl.Z. bringing one sick of palsy, was 4. of foui
t then'fore the name of the place is called b. iLiud. 1. 22. every son 4. ye shall cast into the river JohnlO. 15. if thou hast A. him hence tell me
Lev. 23. 42. ye shall dwell in b. seven days Lev. 12. 7. this is the law of her that hath 4. a male Acts1\. 35. so it was that he was 4. of the soldiers
43. I made the children of Israel dwell in i. 19. 34. tha stranger shall be as one b. among you 1 Co'. 15.49. ^
we have 4. the image of the earthlv
Neh. 8. 14. Israel should dwell in 4. I6. made b.
23. 42. all that are Israelitesi. shall dwell in booths BORNE.
BOOI'Y, lES. Aw/n. 15.2 J. one law for him that is b. and stranger J"A 34.31. to be said to God, I have 4. chastisement
\um. 31.52. *. the rest of the prey, 675,000 sheep Josh. 5.5.4. in the wilderness had not circumcised Pia/ was not an enemy,then I could have 4.
Jer. 49. 32. and their camels shall be a b. 8. 33. as well the stranger, as he that was 4 69 7 because for thy sake I have 4. reproach
Hab. 2. 7. thou shalt be for b. unto them Judg. 13.8. what do to the child that shall be b. />a. 53.4 surely he hath A. griefs, carried sorrows
Zeph. 1. 13. therefore their goods shall become ai. 18. 2y called city after the name of Dan b. to Isr. Lam. 3. 28. because ho hath 4. it upon him
BORDER. liuth 4. 15. for thy daughter-in-law hath 4. him 5. 7. fathers sinned, and we have 4. their iniquitie.s
Gen. 49. 13. Zebulun hb b. shall be to Zidon 1 Sam. 2. 5. so that the barren hath 4 seven V^tek. 16.58. thou hast b. thy lewdness and abomin,
Eiod. 19. 12. or touch the b. of the mount 4. 20. the women said, fear not, thou hast 4. a son 32. 24. they have A. their shame, 06. 6. 39- 26>. |

AuiM. 21. 23. not suffer Israel to pass thro' his b. 2 Sam. 12. 14. the child 4. to thee shall surely die Mat. 20. 12. which have 4. burden and heat of da^
.34. 8. from Hor ye shall point out your b. 1 Kings 13. 2. a child shall be 4. to the house of Dav. 23.4. heavy burdens, grievous to be 4. Luke 11. 4U
35. 2(5. if the slayer shall come without the b. 1 Chron. 7.21. the menof Gath4. in that land slew Rev. 2. 3. has 4. and hast patience, and not fainted
Deul. 12. 20. when the Lord shall enlarge thy b. 20. + 6. he also was b. to the giant BORROW
Josh. 22. 25. the Lord hath made Jordan a b. 22. 9 behold a son shall be 4. to thee Cx(i(f.3.22.every woman shall 4. of neighbour, 11. C,
24. 30. and they buried Joshua in the *. of his in- Job 3. 3. let the day perish wherein 1 was 4. 22. 14. if a man 4. ought, and it be hurt or die
heritance in mount Ephraim, Judg. 2. Q. 5. 7. yet man is 4. to trouble as sparks fly upward Dent. 15. 6. thou shalt lend, but shalt not A. 28. l^C
2 S::m. 8. 3. smote him as he went to recover his 6. 11. 12. though man be 4. like a wild ass's colt 2A'inj.v4.3.Elishasaid, goA.vesselsabro.,A. not fem
1 Kings i. 21. and Solomon reigned over all kui;- 1.5. 7. art thou the first man that was 4. ." Mat. 5.42. him that would 4. of thee, turn not awa?
doms unto the b. of Egypt, 2 Chron. 9. 26. 38. 21. knowest thou it, because wast then 4. .' BORROWED.
E AVu't 3. 21. all that were able stood in the b. i'ia/.2i. 31. shall declare to apeople that shall be4. E.iod. 12. 35. they 4. of Egyptians jewels of silver
V'fa/. 78.51. brought them to the b. of his sanctuary 58. 3. they go astray as soon as they be i. 2 hings6. 5. he cried, alas, master, for it was 6.
Prov. 15. 25. he will establish the b. of the widow 78. 6. even the children that siiou'ld be 4. Ae/i. 5. 4. we have 4. money for the king's tribute
Jea. 28. i 25. cast in wheat and rye in their b. 87. 4. this man was 4. there, 6. |{
5.. that man 4, BORROWER.
.37. 24. I will enter into the height of his b. Piuv. 17. 17. a brother is 4. for adversity Prov. 22. 7. and the 4. is servant to the lender
Jer. 51. 17. thy children come again to their A. Eccl. 3. 2. a time to be 4. 4. 14. 4. in his kingdom
La. 24. 2. as with the lender, so with the 4.
Ezek. 11. 10. I will judge you in the b. of Israel, 11. J.'a. 9. 6. for unto us a child is 4. tons a son is given BORROW
47. 13. this shall be the i. whereby ye inherit 66. 8. or shall a nation be b. at once ? Pjal. 37. 21. the wicked A. and payeth not again
Joels. 6. might remote them from their b. Jer. 15. 9. she that hath 4. seven languisheth BOSOM
Amos 1. 13. that they might enlarge their b. 10. wo is me, that thou hast A. me a man of strife Signifies, [1] That part of the body which in
6. 2. or their b. greater than your *. 16.3. concerning sons and daughters 4. in this place closes the heart, Exod. 4. 6. [2] 'i'he armt^
Obad 7 the men have brought thee even to the b.
. 20. 14. cursed be the day wherein I was 4. Psal. 129. 7.
Zeph. 2. 8. and magnihed themselves against their A. 22. 26. where ye wred not b. there shall ye die The Son which is in the bosom of the Father,
Mai. 1. 4. thev shall call them the*, of wickedness E:ek. 16. 4. in day thou wast b. thy navel not cut John 1. 18. who is one with the Lather, entirelf
5. Lord will be magnified from the b. of Israel the loathing of thy person in day thou wast b. beloved by him, and intimately acquainted with
iee r..\ST, Sooth. 20. hast taken thy sons whom thou hast 4. to me all his counsels and will.
BORDER. Hos.C 3. lest I set her as in the day that she was 4. Render into their bosom, Psal. 79. 12. Punish
Emd. 25.^5. make to it a b. of an hand-breadth .Viil 2. 2. where is he that is 4. king of the Jews : them sensibly, so as it may come home to them,
make a golden crown to the b. round about 4. Herod demanded where C:brist should be 4. and fall heavily upon them m
their own persons.
Mark 6. 56. touch, if it were but the *. of hisgarni 19- 12. there are some eunuchs which were so 4. He shall carry them in his bosom. La. 40. II
Laike 8.44. came beliind, and touched b. of his garni 26. 2 J. good if he had not been A. Mark 14. 21. He shall perform all the offiies of a tender and
BORDER, Verb. {.ukc 1 35. that holy thing that shall be 4. of thee
. faithful shepherd toward his people, carrying Aim
Zeck.g. 2. and Ilamath also shall b. thereby 2. 11. to you is A. this day in the city of David self fi/tth great wisdom, condescension, and com.-
BORDERS. John 3. 4. how can a man be b. when he is old f pasiton to every one of them, according to their
Cen. 23. 17. the trees in all the b. were made sure 5. except a man be 4. of water and of the Spirit seveial capacities and infirmities.
Eiod. 16. 35. till they come to the *. of Canaan C.that A. of tiesh is flesh, that 4. of Spirit is spirit Abraham's bosom, LitU 16. 23. Lazarvs was in
34. 24. I will cast out nations, and enlarge thy b. 8. so is every one that is A. of the Spirit a place of, where he had communion with
yiim. 20. 17. until we have pa.ssed thy b. 21. 22. 8. 41. they said to him, we be not 4. of fornication the saints, and enjoyed the same feliciiy witli
i Kin^, 19. 23. I will enter the lodgings of his b. 9. ? master, who did sin, that he was 4. blind .' Abraham the friend of God ; and this place wot
I'sal. 74. 17 tbcu hast set the h. of the earth ."4. wast altogether 4. in sins, and dost teach us r heaven.
147. 14. he maketh peace in thy b. fiUelh thee lf>. 21 for joy that a man is 4. into the world
. Gen. j6. i. Sarai said, I have given myoiaid into
hi. 15. t 5. my heart nhall cry out to the b. 18. 37. to this end wa& I 4 and for this cause Exod.i.i. put Doiwtby handlntoihyA." [thy b.
Num. 11.12. that shouldst say, carry thtm in thy*. Jer. IS. xt. erery 4. shall be filled with Trine J}idg. 15. 13. they 4. Samson with two new corJs
Veiit. 13.0. if the wife of thy entice thee secretly
6. 19. 1. get a pottrr's earthen 4. 10. break the 4.
16.8. 4. with withsl|12. ropes y 21. fetters
36.54 his eye evil toward the wife of his i. Hab. 2.15.puttestthy 4. to him and makest drunken 2 Ki^igs 5.23. he 4. two talents of silver in two bag!
56. her eye evil toward the htisliajid of her i. iiOTTLES. 17- 4. he shut up Iloshea and 4. him in prison
Jiirf/i4.l6.^aomjtook the child and laid it in her i. Josh. 9- 4. the Gibeonites took wine 4. and rent 23. 7. they 4. Zedekiah with fetters of brass
i&im. 12. 3. drjink of his cup, and lay in his *. 13. these (. of wine which we filled were new 2 Chron. 33. 11. 4. Manasseh|i.36. 6. 4. Jehoiakiw
8. I gave ihee thy master's wives into thy i. ISam. 25.18.. Abigail took two4. of wine, five sheep Prov. 30. 4. who hath 4. the waters in a garment
1 Kings 1. 2. a young virgin, let her lie in thy 4. Job .32. 19. my belly ready to burst like new 4. Ilos. 7.15.tho'I have 4. and strengthened their arms
3.20. she arose and took my son, and laid it in 38. 37. or who can stay the 4. of heaven ? .1/a/.14.3. Herod i.John and put in pris. .UarX 6.17.
her 4. and laid her dead child in my i. Jer. 48. 12. shall empty his vessels, and break 4. 27.2. they had 4. Jesus, TUar* 15. 1. John 18. 12,
17. 19. Elijah took him out of her i. Hos. 7. 5. the prince made him sick with 4. of wine Luke 13. 16. this daughter whom Satan hath 4.
?2. t 35. the blood ran into the i. of the chariot Mat. 9. 17. neither do men put new wine into old 4. Acts 21. 11. Agabus *. his own hands and feet
lab 19. t 27. (hough my reins be consumed in my 6. else the 4. break, Mark 2. 22. Luke 5. 37, 38. 22. 25. as they *. Paul with thongs he said, 29,
31. 33. by hiding mine iniquity in my i. BOTIO>L 23. 12. 4. themselves under a curse, 14, 21.
Ptal. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my own i. Etoi. 15. 5. they sank into the 4. as a stone Kev. 20. 2. he *. .Satan a thousand years
74. 11. pluck iby right hand out of thy 6. 29. 12. thou shah pour blood beside the 4. of the BOUND, pnssively.
79. 12. and render seven-fold into their i. altar, Lev. 4. 7, 18, 25, 30. 5 9. 8. 15. 9 0.
| | |
r^fn.3O.20.a place where the king's prisoners are 4,
89. 50. how I do bear in my 6. the reproach of all Job 36. 30. behold, God covereththe 4. of ihe sea 40. 3. into the prison where Joseph was 4.
129. 7. nor he that bindeth sheaves, his 6, Cant. .3. 10. he made the 4. thereof of gold 5. the butler iind baker which were *. in prison
I^rov. 5. 20. wilt thou embrace the d. of a stranger- itek. 36. + 4. thus saith the Lord to hills and 4. 42. shall be *. in prison to prove your words
6. 27. can a man take fire in his i. J Dan. 6. 24. or ever they came at the 4. ^of the den 19. let one of your brethren be *. in prison
17. 23. a wicked man taketh a gift out of the b. Amos g. 3. tho' they be hid from my sight in the 4. Num. 19. 15. vessel which hath no cover 4. on it
19. 24. a slothful man hideth his hand ini. 26. 15. Jounh 2. 6. 1 went down to the 4. of the mountains Judg. 16. 6. wherewith thou mightest be *. 10, 13.
21. 14. a reward in the b. pacifieth wrath iiech. 1 8. he stofid among myrtle-trees in the 4.
. 1 Sam. 25. 29. the soul of my lord shall be *.
Efc/. 7. 9. for anger resteth in the b. of fools Mat. 27. 51. vail rent from top to 4. Mark 15. 38. 2 .Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not *. nor feet
/fa. 40. 11. he shall carry the lambs in his *. BOllOiMLESS. Job 36. 8. and if they be *. in fetters and holden
49. +22. they shall bring thy sons in their i. Rev. 9. 1. to him was given the key of the 4. pit Psal. 107. 10. being *. in affliction and iron
65. &. will recompense, even recomp. into their b. 2. he opened the 4. pit, and there arose smoke Prov. 22.15. foolishness is *. in the heart of a child
7. I will measure their former work into their*. 11. had a king, which is the angel of the 4. pit Isa. 22. 3. are *. by the archers, all are *. together
ley. 32. 18. iniquity of fathers into the i. of childr. 11. 7. the beast that ascendeth out of the 4. pit 61. 1. the openingof the prison to them that are*
l,am. 2. 12. their soul was poured into mother's 4. 17. 8. the beast shall ascend out of the 4. pit Lam. 1. 14. the yoke of my transgressions is *.
Eztk. 43. 1 13. *. of the altar shall be a cubit 20. 1. an angel having the key of the 4. pit Dan. 3. 21. *. in tfleir coats
23^ fell down //.
Mic. 7. 5. keep from her that lieth in thy b. 3. and cast him into the b. pit, and shut him up 24. did not we cast three men *. into the furnace ?
Luke 6. 38. good measure men give into your b. BOUGH. Mat. 16. 19. bind on earth, be 4. in heaven, IS. 13
16. 22. was carried by the angels into Abraham's*. Gen. 49. 22. Joseph is a fruitful 4. even a fruitful 23. + 18. he that sweareth by the gift, he is *.
23. seeth Abraham, and Lazarus in his b. b. by a well, whose brzinches run over the wall Mark 15.7. lay 4. with them Uiat made insurrection
John 1. 18. which is in the b. of the Father Judg. 9.48. Abimelech cut down a 4. from the trees John 11. 44. 4. hand and foot, his face was 4.
13. 23. now there wa-s leaning on Jesus' A.a disciple 49. the people cut down every man his 4. 18. 34. Annas had sent faim 4. to Caiaphas,t 13.
BUSSES. Isa. 10. 33. the Lord shall lop the 4. with terror /icrj 0. 2. that he might bring them 4. 21. |
Jvi 15. 26. upon the thick 4. of his bucklers 17. 6. two or three berries in top of uttermost 4. 12.6. Peter 4. with chains 24. 27. left Paul 4.

BOTCH. 9. in that day his strong cities be as a forsaken 4. 20. 22. behold I go i. in the Spirit to J«rusalem
Veul. 28. 27. Lord will smite thee with the b. 35. BOUGHS. 21. 13. I am ready not to be 4. only, but to dia
Boni. Lev. 23. 40. 4. of goodly trees, b. of thick trees -'^o» 4. by the law of her husband, 1 Cor.7.3g.
C>f;i.2.25.were4.naked|j3. 7. the eyes of*, opened Deut. 24. 20. thou shall not go over the 4. again 1 Cor. 7. 27. art vhou *. unto a wife, seek not to be
19.36. thus were b. the daughters of Lx)t with child 2 Sam. 18. 9- tte mule went under the b. of an oak 2 Jhess. 1. 3. we are *. to thank God always, 2. 13.
21. 27. and b. of them made a covenant Job 14. 9. and brought forth 4. like a plant 2 Tim. 2. 9. but the word of God is not *.
£2. 8. so they went b. of ihem together Psal. 80. 10. the*, were like the goodly cedar-trees Ihb. 13. 3. them that ar? in bonds, as *. with them
27.45.whyshould I bedeprivedof youi.inoneday.' 11. she sent out her 4. to the K^, branches to nvcr Kev, 9.14. loose the angels*. in the river Euphrates
31. 37. that they may judge betwixt ns b. Cant. 7. 8. I will take hold of the i. thereof BOUND with chains.
Eiod. 22. 9- cause of i, shall come before judges Isa. 27. 11. when the i. thereof are withered 2Chr. 33. + 11. Manassehff..|l36.-tfi.Jehoiakim».
11. then shall an oath if the Lord be between b. 30. 1 17. till ye be lelt asatree bereft of*. Psal. 68.6. God bringeth out those which are b.w.e.
Lev. 20. 11. 4. of them surely be put to death, their Ezek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth *. and bear fruit Jer. 39. 7. 4. Zedekiah- 52. ll.|140. 1. Jeremiah*.
blood shall be upon ihem, 12. Deui. 22. 22. 31. 3. his top was among ihe thick *. 14. Aa/i. 3. 10. all her great men were *. uith chaint
Xum. 12.5. called Aaron and Miriam, they b. came 6. tive fowls made their nests in his 4. Dan. 4.12. Mark 5.4. because he had been often 4. uith chain*
25. 8. Phinehas went after ana thrust b. through BOUGHT. Luke 8. 29. he was kept 4. uith chains, in fetters
IJetit. 19. 17. b. the men shall stand before the Lord 1 Sam. 25. i 2Q, in the midst of the 4. of a sling Acts 21 .33.commjinded Paul to be b.uilh two chain*
1 Sam. 2. 34. in one day they shall die b. of them BOUGHT. 28. 20. for hope of Israel I am 4. uith this chai>
9. 26. went out b. of them, ha and .Samuel, abroad Gen. 17. 12. circumcised every man-child bom in BOUND up.
90. 42. forasmuch as we have sworn b. of us house 4. with hismoney, 13, 23, 27. Ezod. 12. 24. Gen. 44. 30. his life is *. up in the lad's life
Jii4 9.33.any days-man that might lay his hand on b. 33. 19. Jacob 4. a parcel of a field. Josh. 24. 32. 2 Sam. 20. +3. they were *. up living in widowhood
Prop. 17. 15. b. are abomination to the Lord, 20.10. 39. 1. Potiphar 4. Joseph of the Ishmaelites 2 kings 12. + 10. which *. up, silver in bags
20. 12. the Lord hath made even 6. of them 47. 14. Joseph gathered money for the com they *. Isa. 1. 6. they have not been closed neither *. up
24. 22. and who knoweth the ruin of them i. ! 20. Joseph *. all the lamd of Egypt, 23. Jer. 30. 13. none to, that thou mayst he *. up
Eccl. 4. 3. better than b. is he that hath not been 49. 30. which Abraham *. 50. 13. ActsT. 16. Ezek. 30. 21. it shall not be *. up to be healed
/fa. 1 31. they shall b. burn together, none quench
. £«i.25. 28. shall remain in the hand of him that *. it ."4. 4. nor have ye *. up that which was broken

7. 16. the l<uid shall be forsaken of b. her kings 30. shall be established for ever to him that * it IJos. 4. 19. the wind hath A. her up in her wings
Jer. 46. 12. and they are fallen b. togeiher 50. he shall reckon with him that 4. him I'i. 12. the iniquity of Ephraim is *. up

twain shall come forth of one land

lite1c.2.\. 19. 4. 25. 51 . give out of the money that he was 4. for Luke 10. 34. he *. up his wounds, pouring iu oil
23. 13. then I saw that they b. took one way 27. 22. sanctify to the Lord a field that he 4. BOUND, Subsimtive.
yiic. 7. 3. that they may do evil with b. hands 24. in jubilee return to him of whom it was *. Gen. 49. 26. to utmost 4. of the everlasting hillt
Zech. 6. 13. coun.sel of peace shall be between Dcui. 32. 6. is he not your father that 4. thee .' Job 38. 20. thou shouldest take it to the 4. thereof
9. 1 15. they shall fill *. the bowls Ttheni b. Ixuth 4. 9. I have 4. all that wjis Elimclech's I'sal. 104.9. to waters set a 4. thatthey may notpa.^
Mat 15. 14. b. fhM fall into the ditch, Luie 6. 3g. 2 Sam. 12. 3. one little ewe-lamb which he had 4. Prov. 22. + 28. remove not the ancient *. 23. 1 10.
i«*€7.42. noiniiig 10 pay. frankly forgave them i. 24.24. so David 4. the threshing-floor and oxen Jei 5.22. have placed the sand for the A of the .<«»
j4f/»23 8. nor angel nor spirit, but I'haris. confess 4. 1 AiH^f 16.24. Omri 4. the hill Samaria of Shenier Ilicx. 40. 1 12. the *. before the little chambers
£p/t. 2. 14. he is our peace, who hath made b. one Xeh. 5. 16. I continued in work, nor 4. we any land lios. 5. 10. the princes like them that remove the 4.
16. he might reconcile b. unto God by the cross Jer. 32.9. I 4. the field of Ilanamecl my uncle's son BOUNDS.
2 I'el. 3. 1. in b. I stir up your pure minds 43. and fields shall be *. in this land Eiod. 19. 12. thou shalt set 4. to the people round
Jitv. 19. 20. i. were cast iilive into the lake of fire Ilos. 3. 2. so 1 4. her to me for 15 pieces of silver 23. set *. .about the mount, and sanctify it
BC'TfLE Mai. 13. 46. he sold all that he had, and *. that field 23. 31. I will set thy 4. from the Red sea to sea of
Signifies, [1] A
vessel la contain liquids, Cen. 21. 21. 12. Jesus cast out all them that sold and *. in Deut. 32. 8. he set the 4. of the people by nunibet
14. Josh. 9. 4. [2] The inhabitants of icraiB.\vm, the temple, Mark 11. 15. Luke I9. 45. Job 1 4. 5. hast appointed his 4. that he cannot pass
ziltom God threatened to Jill tilth the aine 0/ 27. 7. took counsel, and *. with them potters" field 26. 10. he hath compassed the waters with *.
terror and astonishment for their tins, Jer. 1,'i. t y. whom they *. of the children of '"srael ]sa. 10. 13. I have removed the 4. of the people
12. [3] 'J7ie clouds, in uhich the ram is kept, as Maik 15. 46. Joseph*, fine linen and took him down Acts 17.26. hast determined the 4. of their habitation
in bottles, cut of uhich Cod fonreth it when he 16. 1. had *. sweet spices to come and anoint him BOUNTY.
tees ft. Job 38. 37. Luke 14.18.1 have 4. apiece of ground.and go see it 1 h'inr,t 3. 6. thou hast shewetl to David great *

Put mytears in thy bottle, Psal. 56. 8. Regard 19.1 have *. five yoke of oxen, i goto prove them 10. 1?. which .Solomon f;avc her of his royal 4.
and consider all my troubles, uhich have caused IT 28. the V did ea'., they drank, they 4. and sold
. I'rov. 20. t6. most men will proclaim their own *
so much grief to me, nud deliver me from ihem. 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are *. with a price, 7.23. 2 Cor. 9. 5. and make up beforehand your 4. thai
Gen. 21. 14. took a b. of water and gave it llagar 2 Pel. 2. 1. even denying the Lord that *. them the same might be ready as a matter of *
15. water was spent in the 4. |1 19 she filled the 4. llev. 14. + 4. these were *. from among men BOUNTIFUL.
-JWg. 4.19. sheopeneda4. of milk and covered tiim BOUND, acmWy. Psal. 1 15. t 17. the Lord is *. in all his works
t -Sam. 1.24. Hannah took aA. of wine, brought him G«n.22.9. 4.1saac his son, and laid him on the altar Proz. 22. 9. he hath a 4. eye shall be blessed
1(1. 3. shall meet another carrying a 4. of wine 38. 28. the midwife *. on his hand a scarlet thread Isa. 32. 5. nor ."^hall the chnri be said to be A.
16. CO. Jesse took a 4. of wine and sent to Saul 42. 24. took .Simeon and *. him before them UOU NT! FULNESS.
2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba brought to David a 4. of wine Lev. 8. 7. he 4. the ephod with the curious girdle 2 Cor. 9- 11. being enriched in every thing to all /•.
P.'a/.56.8.put thou myteari into (hy4.are theynot in t 13. be 4. bonneis on Aaron's sons BOUNTIFULLY.
Psal. 119. 83. I am become like a 4. in the imoke Nunt. 30. 4. she had 4. her soul, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. Psal. 13.6. because he hath dealt 4. with me
iM. 30. t H. be (itall break i( a* the 1. of potters Josh. 2. 21. ihc *. a Mulat line in the window 1)6. 7. for the Lord hath dealt t Willi tUce
Psal. 119. 17. deal i. with tliy servant that I may Eiod. 23. 24. thou shall not b. down to their gods BOWELS
Hi. 7. for thou shall de^il i. with nio Lev. 26. 1 neither set up any image to b. do7on to it Signify, [1] The entrai!.'. Job 20. It. Acta 1. 18.

iCor. 9, 6. he which soweth d. shall reap i. Jud^.Z. JO. in following other gods to b. do-un [2] The heart, 2 Cor. 6. 12. Philem. 7. [3] 31m
BOW 2 h'ines 5. 18. when ! b. down in house of Riuimon womb. Gen. 25. 23. [4] Piti/, or compaititm,
8i)^ifies, [1] An insiiumenl for lAooiin; arrores, 19. 16. L. *. </!):<« tiiiiie ear, and hear, I'sal. ii6. 1. Isa. 63. 15. Jer. 31.20. [5] One gret:tly beloved
Gen. 27. 3. 2 Kings 9. 24. [2] 'ilm u-hoie fur- Job 31. 10. ami let others b. down upon her whom a person loves as his own soiU, Phileca 12
ntiuie for war, 1*311. 44. 6. [3] Sirencr/i, Job f'sal. 31. 2. b. down thine ear to me, Prov. 22. 17. [6] Tender mercies, Vi,3\.i5.\G. Prov. 12.tl0.
2y. 20. [4] 'J7ie ram-tow, the si;n of Hull's 95. 6. Ocome, let us worship and i. down,\et us Gen. 15. 4. out of thine own A. shall be thy heir
covenant tn the cioud, zihich, thouzh naturathj a kneel 25. 23. two manner of people shall be from thy 6.
*i?M of rain, yet /ii/ God's appoiutnicitt rais turned Isa. 1 0. 4. without me they b. down under prisoners 43. 30. for his b. did yearn upou his brother
tnfo an assurance^ that there should iit uo more 46.2. they stoop, they A. down together, they could Num. 5. 22. this water shall go into thy A.
such overflcwmz rain as then had deen. Gen. Q. 49. 23. kings and queens shall b. down to thee "Sam.T. 12. thy seed which proceed out of thy A.
13, 14. '[5] //iv promise and help, Ilab. 3. 9. 51. 23. have said, b. down, that we may go over 16. 11. behold my son which came forth of my A.
[6] iaxlh and patience. Gen. 49. 24. 58. 5. is it to b. down his head as a bulrush .' 20. 10. Joab shed out Amasa's A. to the ground
If he turn not, he hath bent his bow, Psal. ". 12. 60. 14. they that despised thee shall b. down 1 A ings 3. 26. for her A. yearned upon her son

ll' lie leare not his wicked co'une, then dad hath t'i.'>. 12. ye shall all *. down to the slaughter 2 Chron. 21. 15. great sickness by liiseaseof thy A.
prepartd, and will speedily esecuie /lis judgment. Rom 1 1 lO.eyes darkened ,*. down their back alway
. .
18. Lord smote him in his A. I9. his A. fell out

071 him. BOWhiee. 32. 21. they that came forth of his own A. slew him
His bow abode in strength, His in
Gen. 49. 24. Gen.4\ 43. and they cried before him b. the inee Job 20. 14. yet his meat in his A. is turned

nocence, patience, temperatice, his faith and hujie Isa. 45. 23. to me every inee shall b. Horn. 14. 11 30. 27. my A. boiled, and rested not
in God, continved firm, whereby he resisted and /'/'/(. 3.14. I b. my (uee to Katherof our Lord Jesus Psnl. 22. 14. it is melted in the midst of my A.

vanquiihed all the temptations and difficulties he Phil. 2. 10. at the name of Jesus every knee shall b. 25. t 6. remember, O Imti\, thy A. auid kindncMM
met with, so that his enemies couid neither defile BOWED. 40. + 8. thy law is in the midst of my A.
nor destfOy him. Gen. 33. 6. the handmaidens and theirchildren b 71. 6. art he that took me out of my mother's A.
Gen. 9. 1:$. I do set my b. in the cloud for a token 7. Leah also with her children b. Rachel b. 109. 18. let it come into his A. like water
14. that the 6. shall be seen in the cloud, 16. 43. 2G. .lospph's brethren b. themselves to him Prov. 12. t 10. the A. of the wicked are -cruel
27. 3. take, I pray thee, thy quiver and thy A. 49. 15. Issachar b. his shoulder to bear, became a Cant. 5. 4. and my A. were moved for him
48.22. I took of t)ie Amorite with my sword .iiid h. Josi'i. '23. 16. transgressed the covenant, served other Isa. 16. 11. my A. .shall sound like an harp

49. 24. his b. abode in .strength, and arms of hands gods, and b. yourselves to them, Judg. 2. 12, 17 48. 19. the offspring of thy A. like the gravel
Josh. 24. 12. but not with thy sword nor thy b. Judi;. 5. 27. at her ft-et he b. where he b. he fell 49. 1. from the A. of my mother he made mentioc
1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonatlian gave David his sword, h. liuth 2. 10. she fell on her face and b. herself 63.15.whereisthe soundingof thy A. and mercies?
iSam. 1.18. bade them teach J udah the use of the*. 1 Sam. 4.19.Phinehas' wife b. herself and travailed Jer. 4. 19. my A. my A. I am pained at my heart

22. the b. of Jonathan turned not back 20.41. David b. himself|l 25. 23. Abigail «. 41. 31. 20. therefore my A. are troubled for him
1 Kings il. 34. a certain man drew a i(. at a venture 2 .Saj/i.l9.14.David A. the heart of the men of Judah Z,o»i. 1.20. behold O Lord, my A. are troubled, 2.11.
and smote the king of Israel, 2 Chron. 18. .I.'i. 22. 10. he b. he.avens and came down, Psal. 18. 9. Ezek. 3. 3. fill thy A. with this roll I give thee
8 Kin^s 6. 22. smite those taken with sword and b. 1 Kirictl. 16. Bath-sheba A. and did obeisance, 31. 7. 19. not satisfy their souls, nor fill their A.
9. 24. Jehu drew a b. with his full strength 19. 18.knees which have not b. to Baal,Kow!. 11.4. Jonah 1. f 17. Jonah was in the A. of the fish
13. 15. take b. and arrows, he took b. and arrows 2 Kin^s 1. 1 13. the third captain i. before Elijah Lnie 1.(78. through the A. of the mercy of our God
16. put thy hand upon the b. he put his hand 2. 15. the sons of the prophets b. before Elisha Acts 1. 18. Judas burst, and all his A. gushed ou
1 Chron. 5. 18. valiant men, able to shoot witli h. 4. 37. b. herself to ground, and took up her son 2 Cor. 6. 12. ye are straitened in your own A.
12. 2. armed with b. and shooting arrows out of h. 2 Chron. 7 3. b. themselves upon the pavement
. 7. +15. 'litus, his A. are more abundant
Job 29 20. my b. was renewed in my hand 29.29. the king and all presents, themselves Phil. 1. 8. 1 long after you in the A. of Christ
Psal. 44. 6 I will not trust in my b. nor sword Esth. 3. 2. b. to Ilaman 5. Mordeeai b. not
2.1.if consol. in Chr. if there be any A. and mercies
46. 9- he breaketh the b. and cutteth the spear Lam. 3. + 20. and my soul is b. in me Col. 3. 12. put on A. of mercies, kindness, meekness,
76. 3. there brake he the arrows of the />. Mat. 27. 29. h. the knee before him, and mocked Philem. 7. the A. of the saints are refreshed by thee
78. 57. they were turned aside like a deceitful b. Liuke 13. 11. a spirit of infirmity, and was b. 12. therefore receive him that is my own A.
Isa. 41. 2. he gave them as stubble to his b. BOWEDdown. 20. yea, brother, refresh my A. in the Lord
66. 19. that escape to the nations that draw the b. Gen. 23. 12. Abraham b. down before the people 1 John 3. 17. and shutteth up bis A. of compasgioo
Jer. 6. 23. they shall lay hold on *. and spear 42. 6. Joseph's brethren came and b. down, 43. 28, BOWL.
49. 35. behold. I will break the b. of Klam Num. 25.2. people did eat, and b. dotott to their gods Xnm. 7. 85. each A. weighing seventy shekels
50. 42. they shall hold the b. and the lance .fudei. 7. 6. rest of the people b. down on their knee: Iiidg. 6. 38. and wringed tiie dew, a A. full of water
Ijim. 2. 4. he hath bent his b. like an enemy 2 Kings 9. 1 24. Joram b. down in his chariot Eccl. 12. 6. or ever the golden A. be broken
Eiek. 1. 28. as the appearance of the b. in the cloud 2 Chr. 25. 14. set them up to be his gods, and b.down Zerh. 4. 2. a candlestick of gold with a A. on il
39. 3. I will smite thy b. out of thy left hand Psal. 35.14. 1 b. down heavily as one that mourneth S. two olive trees one on the right side of the i.
Uos.l.S.l will break*, of Israel in valley of Jczreel 33. 6. I am b. down greatly, I go mourning all day BOWLS.
7. I will not save them by b. nor by sword 42. 1 5. v/hy art thou b. down, O mv soul ? hope in Eiod. 25. 29. thou shalt make A. to cover, .37. 16.
S. 18. I will break the b. and the sword God iVi(;«.4.7. spread a cloth of blue, dishes and A. + 14.
7.16. not to most High, they are like adeceitful*. 4V. 25. our soul is b. down to the dust, our belly 1 A iH»f 7. 50. A. and snuffers of pure gold,lC/ir. 28. 17,

Amos 2. 15. he that handlelh b. not deliver himself 57. 6. my soul is i. do7in, they have dig;ed a pit 2 Chron. 4. + 8. .Solomon made an 100 A. of gold
JIab. 3. 9. thy b. was made quite naked, thy word 145.14. raiseth up all those that be b. down, 146.8. hnos6. 6. that drink wine in A. but not grieved for
Zecli, 9. 13. when I filled the *. with liphraim Isa. 2. 11. the haughtiness of men shall be b. down Zech. 9. 15. shall be filled like A. tis corners of altar
Hev. 6- 2. he that sat on the white horse had a b. 17. and the loftiness of man shall be b. down 14. 20. the pots in the Lord's house shall be like l>.
See Benu, Hent, Battle-Bow. 21. 3. I was b. down at the hearing of it BO.V.
Bow-siior. Lnke 24.5. they were afraid and b. down their faces 2 Kmzs 9.1. take this A. of oil in thine hand, 3.

Cen. 21. 16. sat over-against him as it were a b. BOWED

head. .Milt.26. 7. having an ahabaster A. Mark 14. 3.
BOWS. Gen. 24. 26. man b. his head and worshipped, 48. .Mark 14.3. she brake the A. and poured,£K*e 7. 37
1 Sam. 2. 4. the b. of the mighty are broken 43. 28. they b. their head.\ and made obeisance BO.X-TREE.
31. t 3. and men with b. bit hiin, 1 Chron. 10. 3. £j-orf.4.31 then they 6. their heads and worshipped,
. 19. Iwill set in the desert the pine and A.
lCArn«.12.2.they were armed with b. and could use 12.27. AV/i. 8.6. 60. 13. tlie glory of Lebanon shall come, the A.
i Chron. 14. 8. army out of Benjamin that drew b. 34. 8. Moses made ha.<;te and i. his //far/ to earth BOY, S.
26. 14. Uzziah prepared for them b. and slings A«m.22.31 Balaam b. his Aearfand fell on face
Gen. 25. 27. the A. grew, and Esau was a hunter
A'p/i. 4. 13. I even set the people with their b. + Balaam b. down his head, and b. himself Joel 3. 3. they have given a A. for a harlot
16. the other half of them held both spear" and b. 1 Chron. 29. 20. b. down their /leorfand worshipped Z«f/(.8. 5. streets shall be full of A. and girls playing
Psal. 37. 15. and their *. shall be broken 2 Chr. 20. 18. Jehoshaphati.his/iefli/tothe ground BOYL, S ; or BOIL, S.
Isa. 7. 24. with arrows and b. shall men come 29. .30. they sang praises and b. their heads Eiod. 9. 9- 't shall be a A. with Mains on man

13. IK. their i. shall dash young men to pieces John 19. 30. Jesus b. his head and gave up the ghost 10. it became a A. breaking forth with blains
81. t 17. the number of b. shall he diminished BOWED
himself. 11. the magicians could not stand.bccause oftheB,
Jer. 51. 56. every one of their b. is broken Gen. 18.2. Abraham b. h. 23.7, 12.||19. 1. Lot b. h. Lev. 13. 18. the flesb also in which was a A.
£xci. 39. 9. they shall burn the b. and the arrows 33. 3. Jacob *. himself, 47. 31 .||48. 12. Joseph *. //. 2 Ai«:;j^0.7. took figs and laid on the A. Isa. S8.21
BOW. Jndi^. 16. 30. Samson b. himself with all his might Job 2. 7. so Satan smote .lob with sore A.
Josh. 23. 7. neither make mention, nor ser\'e, nor A. 1 Sam. 24. 8. David stooped to Saul and b. himself BRACELET, S.
yourselves to their gods, 2 h'ini;i 17. 35. 28.14. .Saul perceived it was Samuel and h.himself Gen. 24. 30. when he saw A. on his sister's handf
2 Kincis 5. 18. I b. myself in the house of liinmion 1 Sam. 9. 8. Mephibosheth b. himself to David .38. 18. thy signet, thy A. and thy staff, 25.

Job .39. .?. they b. themselves, they bring forth 14.22. Joab *./(» Davidl|33. Absalom b.hims. Eiod. 35.22. were willing, brought A. A'uot. 31. 60
I'sal. 22. eg. all that go down to the dust, shall b. 18.21. and Cushi b. himself to Joab, and ran 2 .Sam. 1. 10. the A. on his arm 1 have brought
72. 9. that dwell in wilderness shall b. before him 24.20. Araunah A. A. before the king, 1 Chr. 21.21. Isa. 3. 19. I will take away the chains, A.
78. 31. wrath of G. made to*, down chMen men 1 Aiji?j1.23. Nathan a. h. 47. the king A. A. on bed ||
Ezek. 16. 11. and I put A. upon thine hands
144. 5. b. thy heavens, O Lord, and come down 53.Adnnijah came and A. Ai/'to king Solomon BRAKE.
frcv. !>. 1. and b. thine ear, to my understanding 2. 19. Solomon rose and A. himself to his mother Eiod. 9. 25. the hail A. every tree of the field
14. 1') evil b. before the good, wicked at gates of BOWETM. 32. 3. the people A. off the golden ear-rings
Erel. 12. 3. the strongmen shall b. themselves Judz. 7. 5. every one that A. on his )(iiees to drink 19. he cast the tables and A. them, DeiU. 9. 17.
Mic. (). 6. and *. my.v>lf before the high God ? Isa. 2. 9. the mean man A. t 46. 1. Bel A. down Jiidg. 7. 19. they A. pitchers in their hands, 20
Ha«.3.6.the perpetual hillsdid A. his ways everlast. B(;WING. 9. 53. cast a piece of a millstone to*, his scull
tiph. 3. 14. for this cause I *. my knees to Father Gen. a. 52. Eliezer A. himself to the earth 16. 9. A. the withs as a thread, 12. b. new ropffi

BOW down. Job 4. t 4. thou has strengthened the A. knees 1 Sam 4. 18. Eli fell backward and his neck A.
Ggn. 27. 29. nations b. down, mother's sons b. down P\al. 17. 11. set their eyes, A. down to the earth 2 6'jm.23. 16. three mighty men A.thro' 1 C/ir.11.18
37. 10. shall I, thy mother, and brethren b. down 62. 3. as a A. wall shall ye be, and a tottering fence 1 Kings 'i'). 11. a strong wind A. in pieces the rocks

49. 8. father's children shall b. do:iin before me Mark 15. I9. 'hey did spit upon him, A. their knees 2 hinss 11. 18. Baal's image A. they in pieces
Exo4. 11.8. these thy servants shrdl b. down to me BOWMEN. 18.4. A. images, A. brazen serpent Moses had made
80.5 bhaltnoti.aownthyseirtoihcm, /;««/. 5.y. Jer. 4.29 the city .shall flee from the noise of the i. 23. 14. Josiah A. the images, 2 Chron a*. .


2 VHren- 21. 17- Ara'jians came ard i. into Jadah Ejod. 25. 32. six h. ciime out of the sides uf the Zech. 6. 1. the mountains were mountains of 4.
31 .t 5. as soon as the commaudment 6. forth candlestick, three 4. out of one side, 37. 18. 21 Mat. 10. 9. provide neither gold nor silver, nori.
JoiSg.ill.l 6. the jaws of the wicked Lev. '1%. 40. shall take 4. of palm trees, Neh. 8. 15 1 Cor. 13. 1. 1 am become as sounding 4. or cymlial

38. a. who shut up the sea when it 6. forth ? Job 15. 30. the flame shall dry up his 4. Kea. 1. 15. and his feet like to fine A. 2. 18.
10. and i. up for it my decreed place, and set bars Psal. 80. 11. she sent out her 4. to the river 9. 00. that they should not worship idols of 4.
i'sni. 76. 3 there i. he the arrows of the bow 104. 12. the fowls which sing among the 4. Iron and BRASS.
J05. l6. moreover, he i. the whole staff of bread Isa. 16. 8. Moab's 4. are stretched out Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-cain, instructor in 4. atid iron
33. he smote their vines, 6. trees of their coast 17. 6. four or five in the utmost fruitful 4. thereof Lev.26.\'J V\\ make your heaven iTOi,yourear,:h4
lot). 29. and the plague i. in upon them 18. 5. he shall take away and cut down the 4. i\n«i. 31.22. A. and iron which may abide the fire
107. 14. out of darkness he 4. their bands in sunder 27. 10. there shall he lie and consume the 4. /.'eiir.33.25. thy shoes snail be iron and 4. as thydays
Isa. 59. +5. as if there i. out a viper 30.tl7. till ye be left as a tree bereft of 4. JfjA. 20.8. return with B.and it>«,and much raiment
Jtr. 28. 10. took the yoke from Jeremiah and A it Jer. 11. 16. !uid the 4. of it are broken 1 Chron. 22. 14. prep. b. and iron without weight,l6

31. 32. my covenant they 4. tho' 1 was a husband Ezek.X' .6. became a spreading vine whose 4.tdmed 2 Chron. 2. 7. a cuxming man to work in 4. and iron
E:ek. 17.16. whose oath he despised, and cov he 4. 19.10 she was fruitful and full of 4. 14. sent a cunning man to work in 4. and iron
liaii. 2. 1. spirit troubled and sleep 6. from him 14. fire is gone out of a rod of her 4. 24. 12. hired such as wrought in iron a?uf 4.tomend
:H, smote the image on his feet, and 4. them, 45. 31.8. the chesnut-trees not like the Ajsyrian's 4. Job 28. 2. iron taken out of the earth, and A.
'3. 24. the lions 5. all their bones in pieces 36. 8. O mountains of Israel, ye shaL shoot b. ijij. 48.4.and thy neck is an iron sinew.anrf brow 6.

7.7. the fourth beast devoured and 4. in pieces Dan. 4. 14. hew down the tree, cut off his 4. 60. 17. for 4. I will bring gold, for iron silver
8. 7- goat smote the ram, and 4. his two horns ilos. 11.6. the sword shall consume Ephraim's 4. Jer. 6. 28. they are 4. and iron, A'le*. 22. 18.
Hal. 14. 19. he blessed aiid 4. and gave the loaves 14. 6. his 4. shall spread, and his beauty as olive Ezei. 22. 20. as they gather iron and 4. into furnace*
15.36. 26.26. I A/ar* 6.41. 8.6. ii.K.Laie Joel 1.7. my vine waste, 4. thereof are made white Dan. 2. 35. then was «n7n,clay,4.brok. to piece.<,45

•J. 16. I 22. 19. 84. 30. 1 Cor. 11. 24. Neh. 2. 2. the empliers have marred their vine 4. 4. IS.withaband of iri;;i u«rf tender gras3,23.

Mali 8. 19. when I A. the five loaves among 5000 Zech. 4. 12. 1 said, what be these two olive 4. .' 5. 4. they praised gods of silver, b^nd iron, wood
14. .^. she 4. the box and poured it on his head Mat. 13. 32. the birds lodge ir. the 4. Luke 13. 19. Vessels of BRASS.
Luie 5. 6. their net 4. 8. 29. he 4. the bauds
21.8.otherscutdown4. Mark. U.S. John 12. 13. £xorf.27.3. make all veeselsof b. 38. 3. made v.ofb. \\

John 19. 32. the soldiers 4. the legs of the first Mark 4. 32. greater than all herbs, shooteth out 4. Josh. 6. 19. all vessels of b. sure consecrated to the L.
33. and saw that he wsis dead, they 4. not his legs John 15. 5. 1 am the vine, ye are the 4. li.vesKls u/A.and iron they put into the treasury
BRAKE doijn. Rom. 11. 16. if the root be holy, so are the 4. 2 6a«i.8.10.Joram brought vessels ofb.l Chr.Vi.lO.
t Kings 10.27. *. rfoK'nimageof Baal,2C/ir.23.17. 17- if some of the 4. be broken off, 19. 2 Kings 25.14.i'eM£/ic/ 4.tooktheyaway,J«r.52.18
11. 18. people went and 4. down the house of Baal 18. boast not against the 4. but if thou boast 16. which Solomon had made.the 4. of all these
14. 13. kii^ of Israel 4. down wall of Jerusalem 21. for if God spared not the natural 4. take heed vessels was without weight, Jer. 52. 20
2 C/iron. 25. 23. 36. 19- Jer. 39. 8. 52. 14.
| |
BRAND, S. £sra8.+27. two veisels 0/" yellow or shining 4.
23. 7- he 4. dourt the houses of the Sodomites Judg. 15. 5. and when he had set the 4. on fire Eiek.i'. 13. theytradedinvessebof 4. i<*B.18 12.
8. he 4. dotcn high pjjicts 10. 4. diiau altars, 15.
|| Zech. 3. 2. is not thb a 4. plucked out of the fire ? BRAZEN.
iCbron. 14. 3. Asa i.iftian images, cut down groves BRANDISH. £ji?rf.27.4.make. 4. rings 35. l6.4. grate, 38. 4

26. 6. Uzziah 4. down the wall of Gath £36^.32. 10. when shall I 4. my sword before them r 38. 8. f A. glasses 10. their 4. sockets twenty

34. 4. they 4. doan the altars of Baalim BRASS Lev. 6. 28. the sin^jffering sodden in a 4. pot
BRAKEST. Is a sort of metal, Exod. 31. 4. and denotes, [1] A i\'um. 16. 39. 4. censers lKingf4. 13.4. bars

.words in the first table thou b. Dejil. lO.C.

£i-(jrf.34.1 people impudent in sin, Isa. 48. Jer. 6. 28. Ezek. 1 Kings 7. 30, 4. wheels 14. £7. made i. shields

Piul. 74. 13. thou 4. the heads of the dragons, 14. 22.18. [2J Ihe infinite pouier of Christ, Rev.1.15. 2 Kings 16. 17. 4. oxen 18. 4. brake the 4. serpent

Jsa. 9. t4. when thou 4. the yoke of his burden A kingdom of brais, Dan. 2. 39. 7'he Grecian 25. 13. the 4. sea did C'haldeesbreak,^*.-. 52. 17.
E:ck. £0. 7. when they leaned on thee, thou 4. monarchy under Alexander the Great, said to be 2 Chron. 6. 13. Solomon had made a 4. scafibid.
BRAMBLE, S. of brass, because of their many wars, andj're- Job 6. 1 12. strength of stones, or is my flesh 4. .•
Jttd^. 9. 14. then said all the trees to the i. quen: use uf arms, which acre gerurally made of Jer. 1. 18. 1 have made thee thb day 4. walls
15. the. 4. said, let fire come out of the 4. brass. 15. 20. I will make thee a fenced 4. wall
Jsa. 34.13. nettles and 4. shall come up in fortresses I will maie thy hoofs brass, Mic. 4. 13. I will 52. 20. the 4. bulls Mark 7. 4. 4. vessels

J^uied. 44. nor of a 4.-bush gather they grapes give thee strength to tread underfoot, and break See Altak.
BRANCH the power of thine enemies into pieces, that it shall BRAVERY.
Signifies, T/ie Bough 0/ a tree, Psal. 101. 12. never be repaired. It is a metaphor, taken from Isa. 3. 18. the Lord will take away their 4.
To which are compared, [1] Jesus Christ i/ie their manner of threshing corn, which wns by the BRAWLER, S.
Messiah, uho teas born of the ruijal hoti^e of treading of oxen, wlwse hoofs were shod with iron 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop must be no 4. Tit. 3. 2. to b« |'

IJavid, at that time Zihen it ivai m

an afflicted or brass, Deut. 25. 4. Ilos. 10. 11. BRAWLING, S. [no e
and contemptible co7idition, like a tree cut doten, Mountains of brass, Zech. 6. 1. denote the immove- Prov.25. 24. with A. woman in wide house, 21. 19.
and uhereof nothing is left but a stump or root able decrees of God, his steady execution of his Jam. 4. t 1- from whence come wars and 4. t
tinder ground, Isa. 11. 1. Jer. 23. 5. Zech. 3. counsels, and the insuperable restraints that are BRAY, ED.
8. 6. 12. [2]
1 True believers uho are in- upon all empires and counsels, which God keeps Job. 6. 5. doth the wild ass 4. when he hath grass ?
grafted into Christ the true vine; viho is the within the bairiers of such impregnable moun- 30.7. amongthe bushes they 4.they were gathered
Toot, fountain, and head of influence, whence hii tains, that nut one can start till he open the way. 42 t 1. as tlie hart 4. after the water-brooks
people and members derive life, grace, fiuilfuhiess, I'zod. 25. 3. the offering, take gold, silver, 4. 35. 5. Prov. 27 . 22 tho' thou shouldest 4 a fool
. a mortar m
and all good ; as JruititU branches derive conti- 26.11. make tachesof 4.36.18. .30. 18. laverof4.
nual influence from the vine, John 15. 5. [3] 37. thou shall cast five sockets of 4. for them, 27. Signifies, [1] The ruin of a well made by warlike
Karthly kings descended ot royal ancestors, as 10, 17, 18. 36. 38.
S8. 11, 17, 19.
engines, Ezek. 26. 10. [2] The altering, or not
branches spring frorn the root, Ezek. I7. 3. Dan. £7. 2. shall overlay the altar with 4. (). 38. 2.
performing one's promise. Num. 14. 34. [3]
11, 7. [4] Children of posterity. Job 8. 10. 4. net work of 4. 19- pins of the court of 4.
I Afracture, or bruise, Lev. 24. 20. [4] Decayti
15. 32. 31. 4. to work in gold, silver, and 4. 35. 32. or ruined places Isa. 58. 12. f5] Jiu/gment,or
JS-xod. 25. 33. a knop and a Hower in one 4. 37. 19. 38. 5. rings of b. 6. overlaid the staves with 4.
punishment, 2 .Sam. 6. B. [6] Confusion and
iVr(m.l3.23.cuitdown a 4.with one cluster of grapes 29. the 4. of the offering was seventy talents animosities, Psal. 60. 2.
Job 8. 16. his 4. shootelh forth in his garden 39. 39. the braaen altar, and his grate of 4. Had not Moses stood iu the breach, Psal. I06. 23.
14. 7- and the tender 4. thereof will not cease Aii/«. 21. 9. made a serpent of 4. and put it on a God had made an hedge, or wall about them; bus
15. 32. and his 4. shall not be preen pole, when he beheld the serpent of 4. he lived they had made a gap or breach in it, by their
V&. \&. and above shall his 4. be cut off Deut. 8. 9. out of whose hills thou mayest dig 4. sin<, at which God, who was now justly become
29. ly. and the dew lay all night upon my 4. 28. £.i. the heaven over thy head shall be 4. their enemy, might enter to destroy tkem ; which
Psal. 80. 15. the 4. thou iiiadest strong for thyself Judg. 16. 21. Samson bound with fetters of 4. he would have done, had not Moses interceded for
Proo. 11. 28. the rigbieous shall flourish as a 4. 1 ^m. 17. 5. fioliath had an helmet of 4. 38. them.
i>a. 4.2. in that day shaH 4. of the Lord be beautiful 6. and he had greaves of 4. on his legs Ge«. 38.29. the midwife said, this 4. be upon thee
9. 14. the Lord will cut off 4. and root in one day 2 Sam. 8. 8. king David took much 4.1 Chron.\iS.Z. t therefore his name was called a 4.
11. 1. and a 4. shall grow out of his roots 1 Kings 7. 14. Iliram was a worker in 4. Lev.2i. 20. 0. for 4. eve for eye, tooth for tooth
14. 19. thou art cast out like an abominable 4. 15. fur he cast two pillars of 4. 2 Kings 25. 13. S'um. 14. 34. ye shall know my 4. of promise
17. 9- strong cities shall be as an uppermost 4. left 16. chapiters of 4. 2 Kings 25. 17. Jer. 52. 22. Judg. 21. 15. the Ixird hath made a 4. mlhe tribes
19- 15. nor any work which A. or rush may do 27.basesof 4. 30. plates 38. lavers,2 C'Ar.4.l6.
|| ||
: Ham. 5. 20. broken forth as the 4. of waters
25. 5. the 4. of terrible ones shall be brought low 45. the pots and shovels were ot bright 4. 6. 8. Lord made a 4. on L'zzah, 1 Chron. 13. 11.
60. 21. the*. of my planting, the work of my hands 47. weight of the 4. was not found, 2 Chron. 4. 18. 2 Kings 12. 5. wheresoever any 4. shall be fuunrf
Jer. 23. 5. I wiR raise to David a righteous 4. 2 Kings 25. 7. bound Zedekiah with fetters of 4. 1 Chr. 15. 13. the Lord our Go<l made a 4. on us
33. 15. 1 wiH cause the 4. of righteousness grow 13. carried the 4. to Babylon, Jer. 52. 17. Xeh.6. 1. builded the wall, and there was no 4.
£i«*. 8. 17. and lo, they put the 4. to their 1 Chron. 15. 19. to sound with cymbals of 4. Job 16. 14. he breakcth me with 4. upon 4.
15. 2. what is the vine tree nwre than the b.t 22. 3. David prepared 4. in abundance, 29. 7. Ptal. 106. 23. had not Moses stood in the 4.
17- 3. an eagle came, and took the highest 4. 22. 29. 2. 1 have prepared the 4. for things of A. Prov. 15.4. but pervcrseness is a 4. in the spirit
l^an. 11. 7. out of a 4. of her roots shall one stand 2 Chron. 12. 10. Rehoboam made shields of A. /•a. 7. 6. let us make a A. therein for us, and set a king
Zech. 3. 8. I wiH brinij; forth my servant the 4. Job 0. 12. the strength of stones, or is my Hesh 4. f 30. 13. this iniquity shall be to you as a 4.
6. 12. behold the man whose name is the 4. 40. 18. his bones are as strong pieces of 4. 26. in the day that the Lord bindeth up the 4.
Mai. 4. 1. it shaft leave them neither root nor 4. 41.27. Leviathan esteemethA. as rotten wood /ja. 58.12. thou shaltl)e called the repairer of the 4.
Mat.1\. 32. when his 4. is yet tender, -Ua'^* 13. 28. Psal. 107. 16. he hath broken the gates of 4. Jfr. C). 1 14. ihey have healed the 4. slightly
iMke 1. + 78. the 4. from on high hath visited Isa. 45. 2. I will break in pieces the gates of A. 1 1. 17. daughter of my people is broken with a

jo/i» 15.2. every 4. that beareth not, b. that beareth 60. 17. for wood I will bring 4. for 4. gold 17. 1 13. break them with a double 4. [thee
4. as tne 4. cannot I. fruit itself, except it abide y-;eA.24. 11. that the 4. of it may be hot and burn [Aim. 2. 13. iliy 4.isgreal like sea, who can heal
6. if he abide not in me, he is cast forth as a 4. i><:n.'2. 32. his belly and his thighs were of 4. Ktek. 26. 10. enter into a city wherein is made a I
BRANCUE.S. 39. shall arise another lliirU kingdom of 4. /Jrtii. 9. + 25. the t. built in troublous times

Gen, 40. 10. and in the vine were three 4. 7. 19. the fourth beast, whose nails were of 4. /ImosC f 0. not grieved for the 4. of Joseph
12- Joseph said, the three 4. ore three days 10. 6. his feet like in colour 10 polished 4. BREACHES.
49>22. a boiuih, whose 4. roD over the wall AIic. 4. 13. will make thine bom iron, and hoofs 4. Judg. 5. 17. Asher continued vA abode in kit
1 .


2 Sam. i.tiO called place, plain of i. 1 Chr. 14. 1 1 •SiMR.21.4. but there bhaUowed4.p 5. i.iseoaimon 1 Cor. 10. 16. 4. we break, is it not the communion
1 King! 11. i'. repaired the 4. of the city of David 6. gave him hallowed 4. tn put hot b. 111 day 17. for we being many are one 4. and one bodv
S Kinit 12. 5. let them repair the i. of the house 22. 13. thou hast given him 4. and a sword 1 1 .23. have received of Lord, that the Lord Jesus,
6. tne pi iests had not repaired the A. of the hoase 25. 11. shall I take my 4. and my water to give the same night in which he was betrayed, took 4
12. to masons to repair 4. ofhonse of Lord,22.5 28. 22. let me set a morsel of 4. before thee 2 Cor. both minister 4. to your food
9. 10.
NehA.l that the *. began to be stopped.were wroth 30. 11. they found an Lgyptian and gave him 3 See Affliction.
Pfl. 60. 2. heal the 6. thereof for it shaketh 2 Sam. 3.29. let not fall from J oab one that lacketh b. BREAD-CORN.
Ita. 22. 9- ye have seen the 4. of the city of David 35. if I taste 4. or ought else till the sun be down Jsa. 28. 28. 4. -<om is bruised, because he will not be

Etei. 13. t5. ye have not gone up to the i. 6. 1 9- he dealt to every one a cake of 4. and piece of BREAD with eat.
Amos 4. 3. and ye shall go out at the b. I Kings 4. t22. Solomon's 4. for one day was (^irty Gen. 3. I9. in thesweat of thy i^ce shalt thou eat b
6. 11. Lord will smite the great house with b 13. 22. but earnest back and hast eaten 4. and drunk 28. 20. if Lord will give me 4. to eat and raiment
0. li. and I will close op the b. thereof 23. after he had eaten 4. and after he had drunk 31. 54. Jacob called his brethren to eat {.
BR FAD 1 Kings 17.6.ravens brought 4 and flesh in evening 35. 27. Joseph's brethren sat down to eat b.
Signifies, [1] Natural food, or that talable made of ll.oring me, I pray thee, a morsel of 4. 39.6. knew not ought he had, save the 4. he did eat
earn. Gen. 3. IQ. I 49. CO. [2] All ihingt necei- 18. 4. atd fed them with 4. and water, 13. 42. 25. they heard that they should eat b. there
saryjor thit life. Mat. 6. 11. [3] Manna where- 2 Kings'* 42. and brought the man of God 4. 32. Egyptians might not eat 4. with the Hebrews
vith God fed the children of Irrtel tn the ttilder 1«. 32. till I take you to a land of 4. Jsa. 36. 17 Exod. 2.20.where is he call him that he may eat 4

neij, Neh. 9. 15. John 6. 31. 1 Chr 12. 40. they of Zabulon brought 4. on asses 16. 3. and when we did eat 4. to the full
In bread are compared, (1) Jetus Christ, aha is Neh. 5. 14. have not eaten the 4. of the governor 15. this is the 4. the Lord bath given you to eat
the true food for the soul, and both the author and 9. 15. and gavest them 4 from heaven for hunger 18. 12. came to eat 4. with Moses' father-in-law
matter of sytritual life, John 6. 41, 51. (2) The 13. 2. because they met not Israel with 4. and water 34. 28 he did not eat b. forty days, Deut. 9. 9, 18,
gospel, and ordinances and priiileges thereof, Job 15.23.waiidereth abroad for 4. saying.where is it Lf c. 8. 3 1 . there (a< it, with the 4. in the basket
Prov. 9. 5. (3) 7iU Canaanites, teho mere de- 22. 7. thou ha.« withholden 4. from the hungrj- 21.22.heshalUa( the4. of his God, both of hoi j
stroyed by the Israelites as easily as men eat up 27. 14. his offspring shall not be satisfied with 4. 23. 14. ye shall neither eat b. nor parehed com
their bread, or common food, Nam. 14.9- 28. 5. as for the earth, out of it comrth 4. 26. 5. and ye shall eat your 4. to the full and dwell
We are one bread, 1 Cor 10. 17- "V are joined 33. 20. his life abnorreth 4. and soul dainty meat Num. 15. 19. when ye eat the 4. of the land
together into one mytlieal body, and declare our- Pja/. 37.25. nor have I seen his seed begging b. Oeut. 8. 9. thou shailt eat 4. without scarceness
selves to be so, by our fellozcship together in the 78. 20. can he give 4. .' 102. 9. eaten a.ihes like 4.
Judg.\3.\6. tho' thou detain me, 1 will no\.eat thy 4.
ordinance of the Lord's supper ; for the bread tee 80. 5. thou feedest them with the 4. of tears liuth 2. 14. at meal-time come thou, and eat 4.
there eat is one bread, and the nine tee drink is 104. 15. and 4. which strenetheneth man's heart 2 Sam. 9. 7. thou shaJt tat b. at my table, 10.
one sine ; though the one be composed of many 105. 40. and satisfied them with the 4. of heaven 12. 17. neither did he eat b. with them
grains of corn, and the ether made up of many 109. 10. let them seek their 4. out of desolate places 20. set 4. and he did eat 21 didst rise and eat 4.
|| .

particular grapes. 132. 15. I will satisfy her poor with 4. 16. 2. 4. and summer fruit for young men to eat
Cnildreo's bread, Mat. 15. S6. The publication /'/•»f.917. stolen waurs swcet,4. eat. secret is pleas. 1 Kings 13. 8. nor will I eat 4. nor drink water, 16.

of the gospel, and working miracles, which be- 12. 9. he that is despised and hath a servant is better 9- charged me by the Lord, saying, eat no 4.
longed to the Jews, who were God'e peculiar than he that honoureth himself and lacketh 4. 15. then said he, come home with me and eat b.
people. 11. tilleth land shall be satisfied with 4. 28. I9. 21. 7. arise, eat b. let thy heart be merry
ihew bread, 1 Sam. 21. 6 The Hebrew signifies 50. 13. open thy eyes, thou shalt be satisfied with b. 2 A ings 4. 8. Shunamite constrained Elisha to eat 4.
Bread of faces, or of the ficz. They thus called 17. 4. of deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward 6. 28. set 4. and water, they may far and drink
the loaves of bread, that the priest of Che toeek 22. 9. for he giveth of his 4. to the poor 23. 9. but they did «f of the unleavened 4.
put every sabbath day upon the golden table 31. 27. she eateth not the 4. of idleness 25.29.did«a<4. continually before him, Jfr. 52.33.
trliich was m the Sanctum before the Lord. Eccl. 9. 11. 1 saw race is not to swift, nor 4. to wist Job 42. 11. and did eat b. with JoD in his house
They were txelte in number, and represented the 11. 1. <^astthy 4. upon the waters, for shalt find it f ja/.14.4. wh(j<a/upmy peop!e,as they eat 4.53.4.
twelve tribes of Israel. Every loaf must have Isa 3. 1. Lord doth take away the w'aole stay of 4. 41 .9. who did eat of my *. hath lifted up his heel
7. for in my house isjieither 4. nor clothing

been of a eotuiderable bigness, since they used 78. 1 25. every one did eat the 4. of the mighty
two tenth deals of four for each, which are about 21.14. they prevented with their 4. him that fled 102.4. my heart smitten, so that 1 forget to fa/ my*.
sir pints. Lev. 24. 5, 6, 7- They served them 30. 20, tho' the Lord give you the 4. of adversity 127. 2. vain to sit up late, to eat the 4. of sorrows
up hot on the sabbath-day in the presence of the 33 16 his 4. shall be given him, his waters be sure Prov. 4. 17. for they eat the 4. of wickedness
Ld)rd, and at the same tirn^ took away the stale 44. 15. he baketh 4. on the coals thereof, 19. 9- 5. come, eat of my 4. and drink of the wine
enes, which had been exposed for the whole week, 51 14. should not die, nor that his 4. should fail 23. 6. eat not the 4. of him that hath an evil eye
and which could not be eaten but by the priests 55. 2. why spend money for that which is not 4. .' 25. 21. if thy enemy hunger, give him 4. X-aeat
alone. If, in an extraordinary case, David 10. that it may give seed to the sower, 4. to eater Eccl. 9. 7. go thy way, eat thy i^. with joy
thought he might eat of them, nothing but uigent 58. 7. is it not to deal thy 4. to the hungry > ls<s. 4. 1. we willf«» our 4. and wear our apparel

necessity could exempt him from tin, 1 Ssim. ier. 11. t 19. let us destroy the stalk with his 4. Jer. 5. 17. they shall eat up thy harvest and thy b.
21. 4, 5. Mat. 12. 4. 42. 14. we shall see no war, nor have hunger of 4. 41. 1. there they did ;a/ 4. together in Mizpah
Gen. 14. 18. the king of Salem brought forth b. 44. -f17- for then had we plenty of 4. Etek. 4.13. thus shall they eat their defiled 4.
18. 5. and I will fetch a morsel of b. Lam. 1. 11, all her people sigh, they seek 4. 16. they shall eat 4. by weight and with care
81. 14. Abrahsun took i. and gave to Hagar 4. 4. young chi dren ask 4. no man breaks it them 12. 18. eatb. with quaking IQ. <a(4. with care

35. 34. then Jacob gave Esau b. and pottage 5. 6. given hand to F^yptians to be satisfied with 4. 24. 17. cover not thy lips, and^af not 4. ofmen,£S,
n. 17. the gave savoury meat and b. to Jacob 9. we gat our 4. with the peril of our lives 44. 3. prince sit in it to eat 4. before the Lord
41. 54. in the land of Egypt there was b. Ettk. 4. 15. thou shzJt prepare thy 4. therewith Amosl.Vl. flee intoJudah,thcrefa/ 4. and prophesy
55. the people cried to Pharaoh for *. 17. that they may want 4. and water and consume Obad. 7. they that eat thy 4. have laid a wound
43. 31. set on b. 45. 23. b. for his father
]] 16.49. pride, fnlnes$of4.and abundance of idleness Mat. 15. 2. wash not their hands when they eat 4.
47, 12. Joseph nourished his father's house with i. 18. 7. but hath given his 4. to the hungry, 16. Mark 3. 20. that they could not so much as eat b.
15. give us *. II
17. gave them *. for horses 44. 7. brought strangers when ye offer my 4. 6. 36. and buy 4. for they have nothing to eat
19. buy us and our land for b. that we may live Hos. 2.5.1 will go after my lovers that give me 4. 7. 2. saw disciples eat 4. with defiled hands, 5,
49. 20. out of Asher his b. shall be fat 9 4. their sacrifices shall be as the 4. of mourners Luke ] Pharisee's house \aeat 4. on sabbath
Etod. 16. 4. I will rain b. from heaven for you Amos 4. 6. given you want of 4. in all your places 15. blessed is he that shall eat b. in kingd.of God
8. and in the morning b. to the full, IS. 8. 11. not a famine ol 4. but of hearing the word JnAit6. S.whence shall we buy 4. that these majeatf
29. he givelh on the sixth day the b. of two days Hag. 2. 12. if one with his skirt do touch 4. or wine 23. nigh to the place where they did eat 4.
32. they may see the b. wherewith I fed you Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted 4. upon mine altar 31. he gave them 4. from heaven to eat
S3. 25. be shall bless thy b. and th/ water MatA.i. command these stones be made4./^uX-*4.3. 51. if any man *a/ of this 4. he shall live forever
89. 32. and the b. in the basket by the door 6. 11. give nsthisday our daily 4. Luke 11. 11. 1 Cor. 11. 26. for as often as ye eat this 4. and drink
.14. if ought of the 4. remain unto the morning 7. 9- if his son ask 4. will he give him a stone ? 27. whosoever shall eat this 4. and drink this cn|
40. 23. he set the 4. in order upon the table 15.26. not meet to take the children's 4. A/ar* 7. 27. 2 Thess. 3.8. did we eat any man's 4. for nought ?
Jbev. 8. S6. he took a ca>e of oiled 4. and a wafer 33. whence should we have so much 4. fMark 8.4. 12. that with quietness they work and eat 4
32. what remaineth of the 4. ye shall bum 16. 5. they had forgotten to take 4. Mark 8. 14. Leatened BREAD.
«1 .6. the 4. of their God they do offer, 8, 17, 21,22. 11. that I spake it not to you concerning 4. Exod. 12. 15 who eateth leav. 4. that soul be cut oft
22. 25. nor from a stranger shall ye offer 4. 12. he bade them not beware of tlie leaven of 4. 13. 3. there shall no leavened 4. be eaten
23. 18. ye shall offer with the 4. seven lambs 26. S6. Jesus took 4. and blessed it, Mark 14. 22. 7. there shall no leav. 4. be seen, Deut. 16. 3, 4.
26. 26. ten women shall bake your 4. in one oven Luke 7. 33. John Baptist came neither eating 4. Excd.23.l&. not offer blood of my
sacr.with leav.b
Num. 4. 7. and the continual 4. shall be thereon 9- 3. take nothing for your journey, neither 4. Lev. 7. 13. he shall offer for his offering leavened b-
14. 9. the people of the land, they are 4. fpr us 15. 17. servants of my father's have 4. enough Loaf, or Loaves of BREAD.
21 .5. no 4. nor water, our soul loatheth this light 4. 22. 19. took 4. gave thanks and brake it, 24. 30. Exod. 29. 23. one /<>«/ o/' 4. with ram of consecraxioD
28. 8. my 4. for my sacrifices shall ye observe 24. 35. how he was known of them in breaking 4. Judg. 8. 5. give loaf of b. to people ihal follow me
Dtm. H. 3. that he might make thee know that man John 6. 5. two hundred penny-worth of 4. is not suff. 1 Sam. 10. 3. another carrying three loaves of 4.
doth not live by 4. only. Mat. 4. 4. LuU4. 4. 32. Moses gave yon not that 4. from heaven, my 4. they will salute, and give thee two loaves of b,
£3. 4. they met you not with 4. and water Father giveth yon the true 4. from heaven 21. 3. give me five loaves ofb. in hand my
29. 6. ye have not eaten 4. nor drunk water 33. the 4. of God is he 34. Lord, give us this 4.
2 Sam. 16.1. and upon aisestwo hxman^ loaves of b.
yMA.9.5.all4.ol theirprovision was dry and mouldy 35. Jesus said to them, 1 am the 4. of life. 48. lCAfo.16.3 he dealt to every one of Israel a loaf of b.
12. this our 4. we took hot for our prorision 41. I am the 4. which came down, 50, 58. No BREAD.
Judg. 7-13. acake of barley 4. tumbled into the host 58. he thai eaielh of this 4. shall live for rttr G«x.47. 13. there was no b. in all the land
8. 6. that we should give 4. to thy army, 15. 13.18. he that eateth 4. with me hath lift hisbrel Sum. 21. 5. there is no 4. and our soul loatheth
19. 5. comfort thy heart with a morsel of 4. 21. 9' tbey saw a fire and fish laid thereon and 4. 1 Sam. 81. 4. there is no common 4. under my hand
19. and there is 4. and wine also for me 13. Jesus then taketh 4. and giveth them 6. for there was no 4. there, but shew-bread
R«irA 1 6. Lord visited his people in giving them 4. Acts 2. 42. they continued in breadting ol 4.
. 28. 20. Saul had eaten no 4. all the day nor night
1 Ham. i. 5. they hired out themselves for 4. 2. 46. and breaking 4. from house to house 30 12. the Egyptian had eaten no b. three days
36. shall eome and crouch to him for a morsel of i. 20. 7. when the disciples came to break 4. 1 Kings 13. 9. eat>u>4. nor drink water. 17. 22.
9.7. for the 4. is spent in our vessels, not a present 11. when 'oe had broken 4. and eaten, and talked 21. 4. turned away his fate, and would eat na 4.
16. 30 Jeiw took kd aw laden with 4. and bottle 97. SA. ha took 4. and gave thanki to God 9.why thy ipirit to sad, mat thob eatest no b. 't

( KV»j;«25.3.there was no i.for the peopte^<r»'. 52.6. Psal. HR. 6. h. their teeth, O
Crnd, in thtir month 2 Kings 3. 26. to i. thro' to tht king of Edom
£,ira 10. 6. wh£n he came thither, he did eat no 6. 74. t8. they said iu their hearts. let us b. them Mat. 6. 19. thieves*. (Aro'||20. Uueres>. ootdir*
Jer. 38. 9- for there is no more i. in the city 89.31. if they b. my statutes and keep not my
com. BREAK
Van. 10. 3. I ate no pleasant 4. nor came Hesh 104. 1 11. the wild asses b. their thirst i Chron. 32. 1 1. Sennacherib thought to i. themnp
Jlai. 16.7. reasoned among themselves, saying, it is 141. 5. shall be an oil which shall not b. my
head Jer. 4. 3. *. up your fallow ground. Hot. 10. 12.
because we hare taken no 6. 8. Mart 8. lb, 17. Cant. 2.17. until day 4. and shadows flee away, 4.6. BREAKER.
Mori 6. 8. take no scrip, tw 6. no money in purse Isa. 14. 25. I will b. tire Assyrians in my land Eiei. 18. 1 10. if he beget a son, a *.
up of a hoiue
Piece, or Puces of BREAD. 28. 24. 6. the clods {|28. not b. it with a wheel M1C.2. 13. *. iscomeup||iC«m.8.25. ifa*. ofUn
I5a»».2.36. putme,I pray,that I may i3X.^pieceofb. 30. 14. b. it as the breaking if a potter's vessel BREAKERS.
Prov. 6. 2^. for by mezms of a whorish womein a 38. 13. as a lion so will he *. all my
bones i2om. 1. 31 without understanding, covenant-^.
man b brought to a piece of b. 42. 3. a bruised reed will he not b. Mat. 12. 20. BREAKEST.
C8. 21. for apiVc* ofb. that man will transgress 58. 6. is not this the fast, that ye i. every yoke ? Psal.4ii T thou *. ships of X'arshish with east-wind
Jer. 37. 21. to give Jeremiah daily a.piece ofb. Jer. 15. 12. ihall iron *. the B->rthem iron and steel r EREAKETH.
Etek. 13. 19. arid will ye poHute me (or fiecei of b.T Id. t7. neither shall men i. bread for them Gen. 32. 26. he said, let me go, for the day *.
Suew.Bread; £c« Shew. 17. 1 18. b. them with a di'nble breach Job 9. 17. for he *. me with tempest and miiltipli**
S/ajf o/BRF.AD. 19. 10. *. the bottle, so will I *. this people, 11. 12. 14. hr i. down, and it cannot be Wit agzuu
ie». 26. 26. when 1 have broken staf of your *. 2K. 4. I will b. yoke of king Babylon, 11. | 30. 8. 16. 14. he *. me with breach upon breach
Psal. 105. 16. moreover, he brake whole fra^c/'A. 54. 13 he shall b. the images of Beth-shemesh 28. 4. the blood *. out from the inhabitants
Etek. 4. 16. I will break itaf ofb. 5. I6. 14. i3.
48. 12. I will send wanderers and i. Moab's bottles Psal. 10. 1 10. he *. himself, that the poor may fall
Unleavened BREAD. 49. 35. saiththe Lord, I will b. thebowof Elam 29. 5. A. the cedars 46. 9. he *. the bow

Gen. 19. 3. Lot did bake unleavened b. they did eat i'2«t.4. 16. 1 will 4. the staff of bread, 5.1 6.|
14.13. 119. 20. my soul *. for the longing that it hath
£roii.lS.18. eat pas'<over with U7j/«jr. b. Aam.911. 16. 38. judge thee as women that b. wedlock Prov. 25. 15. and a soft tongue *. the bone
15. sevendayseat un/«ar«n«if 4. 13.6,7. 23.15.
23. 34. thou shalt *. the shreds thereof Ecct. 10. 8. whoso b. an edge, a serpent shall bite
Isa. 59. 5. which is crushed *. out into a viper
.34. 18. I^v. 23. 6. Num. 28. 17. Veui. 1(3. 3. 2y. 7. when they took hold of thee thou didst *.

18. on fourteenth day of month eat unleaienedb. 30. 18. when I shall *. the yokes of Egypt oneA.a potter's vessel, not made whol*
20. in all yoor habitations shall ye eat unleav. b. 22. and I will b. Pharzwh's arms, 24. 23. 29. is not my word like hammer that *. rock *

29. 2. t^e. unleavened b. to hallow the priests Hos. 1. 5. I will i. the bow of Israel in Jezreel Lam. 4. 4. children ask bread, and no man *. it
Lev, 6. 16. meat offering ye shall eat with unleav.b. 2. 18. I will b. the bow, the sword and battle Dan. 2. 40. forasmuch a3 iron *. in pieces all theM
Num.G.\5. wafers of «n/«a»»n*i< i.cmointed withoil lO.ll.Judahshallplow, andJacob shall i.hisclods BREAKING.
Joel 2. 7. they shall march and not b, their ranks G(#i. 32. 24. there wrestled a man till th» * of day
Deut. 16. 8. six days thou shalt eat unleacened b.
Amos I. 5. I will b. the bar of Damascus £j-orf. 9. 9. shall be a boyl b. forth with Uains, 10.
1 Sam. 28. S4. witch of Endor did bake unleav. b.
iliic. 3. 3. who flay their skin, and b. their bones
'2. 2. ifa thief be found *. np, and be smitten
2 Kii'i^sl^.Q. did eat t/n/eu:'.4.among their brethren
£««*. 45.21. on 14th day passover of un/. i. be eatrn Nah. 1. 13 now will I b. his yoke from off thee Judg. 7.t 15. Gideonheard the dream, and*.ther«of
Mark 14. 12. first day ofunl. b. when they killed Zech. 11. 14. that I might b. the brotherhood 2 Kings ll.t6.keepthewatchofthehousefrom*.np
Mat. 5. 19. i. one of these least commandments 1 Chron. 14. 11. on enemies, like*, forth of waters
£,!<*« 22. 7. then came the days of un/. b. Acti 12.3.
Acts 20. 6. after the days oi unleavened b. we sailed 9. 17. else the bottles b. and the wine runneth Job 30.14. come upon me as a wide *. in of water*
I Cot. 5. 8. but with the unleavened b. of sincerity Acts 20. 7. the disciples came together to b. bread 41. 25. by reason of*, they purify themselves
See Basket, Feast. 21. 13. what mean ye to weep and to i. my heart r Psal. 144. 14. that there be no *. in nor going ou*
BREADTH. 1 Cor. 10. 16. the bread which we *. is it not Isa. 22. 5. *. down walls, and of crying to mount
Gen. 6. 15. the fashion of the ark, and b. fifty cubits BREAK covenant. 30. IS.whose *. cometh suddenly at an instant
13. 17. arise, walk thro' the land in the b. of it i^*p.26.l5.bnt that ye *.my e. 44. 1 will not r.
14. shall break it as the *. of the potter's vessel
Exod.27. 18. b. of the court fifty cubits every where Deul.3\. 16. this people will b. laj cov. I made, 20. £i«i. 16.59. despised the oath in *. covenant, 17. IB.
28. 16. breast-plate, a span the *. thereof, 39. 9. Judg. 2. 1. I said, I will never*, my eov, with you 21. 6. sipih, son of man, with *. of thy loins
38. 1. he made the altar, five cubits the b. thereof Psal. 89. 34. my e. will I not *. nor alter the thing Hos. 13. 13. not stay long in place of*, forth of chil.
Deut.2.5. not give of their land, so much as a foot j. Jer. 14. 21. remember, *. not thy covenant with us Luke 24. 35. he was known of tliem in *. of bread
Judg. 20. 16. could sling stoues at an hair's b. 33. 20. if you can b. my cov. of the day and night John 7. t 23. without *. the law of Moses
1 Kings 6. 2. the b. of the Lord's house was twenty Eiek. 17. 15. shall he *. covenant and be delivered ? Actsi. 42 they continued m A of bread and prayers
. .

cubits, the length threescore cubits, 2 Chron. 3.3. Zech. 11. 10. that I might *. my cov. which I made 4§. in the temple, *. bread from house to house
7. 6. the b. of the porch was thirty cubits BREAK down. Rom. S. S3, through *. the law, dishonourest God
Chron. i. l.thei. of the altar was twenty cubits Exod. 25. 24. quite 4. doum their images, Deut. 7. 5. BREAST.
Eira 6. 3. the i. of the Lord's house sixty cubits Lev. 14. 45. and he shall *. down house, the stones Eiod. 29. 26. take the *. of the ram of consecratio*
Job 37. 10. and the b. of the watei-s is straitened Deut 12. + 3. ye shall b. down their altars 27. shall sanctify the *. of the wave offering
38. 18. hast thou perceived the *. of the earth i Judg. 8. 9- when I come again, I will *. doum tower Lev. 7. 30. *. raaj be waved, the fat with the *.
Isa. 8. 8. his wings shall fill the b. of the land Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up, he shall *. doan stone wall 31. but lL« *. shall be Aaron's and his sons'
£«/t.40.5.the 4.of the buildingsjl 11. b. of the entry Psal. 74. 6. now they *. dozen the carved work 34. the wave-*, and heave-shoulder have I taksn
13. the *. of the gate, 20,48. |l49. b. of the porch Ea:cI. 3. 3. a time to b. doan and a time to build 8. 20. Mosestookthe*. and waved it for an offering
41. 1. the b. of the tabernacle 2. b. of the door, 5
/(a. 5. 5. I will b. tloun the wall of the vineyard 10. 14_. the wave-*, shall ye eat in a clean place
5. *. of side chambers 7.*. of house was upward
Jer. 31 28. as I have watched over them to b. doan Num. 6. 20. is holy to the priest, with the ware-*.

11. the 4. of place left 14. i. of face of the house 45. 4. that which I have built will X *. down 18. 18. 2is wave-*, and right shoulder are tbiod

45. 1. the b. of tlie holy portion of the land Ezek. 13. 14. so will I b. down wall ye have daubed Job 24. 9. they pluck the fatherless from the *.
Dan. 3. 1. the b. of the image was six cubits 16. 39. they shall b. down thy high places Isa. 60. 16. thou shalt suck the *. of kingi
liub.l .6. which shall march thro' the b. of the land 26. 4. they shall b. down the towers of Tyrus Lam. 4. 3. even the sea monsters draw out the *.
ZerA. 2.2. to measure Jerusalem, to see the b. 12. and they shall b. down thy walls Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his *. and bis arms of
5. 2. 1 see a flying roll, the b. thereof ten cubits Hos. 10. 2. he shall *. down their altars, and spoil Luke 18. 13. the publican smote upon his *. saying
Eph. 3. 18. what is the b. and length and depth BREAK forth. John 13. 25. he then lying on Jesus' *. saith, 21. 20
Kev. 20. 9- they went up on the b. of the earth Eiod. 19. 22. lest the Lord b. forth upon them, 24. BREASTS.
21. 16. the length of the city is as large as the b. /ia. 14.7 they*/, intosire. 44.23. | 49.13. 54.1. Gen. 49. 25. bless with blessinp of the *. and womb

BREAK. 52.(J. b.forih into joy.sing together, ye waste places Lev. 9. 20. put fat on the *. 21 *. Aaron waved

2 Sam. 2. 32. loab came to Hebron at b. of day 54. 3. for thou shalt //.forth on the right hand Job 3. 12. or why the *. that 1 should suck
Acls'ZO. 11. be I2ilked a long while till b. of day 55. 12. hills shall b. forth before you into singing 21. 24. his*, full of milk, and his bones moistened
BREAK 58. 8. then shall thy light b. forth as the moniing /'jo/. 22.9. make me hope when I was on mother's A.
Signifies, [1] To dash to pieces, Eiod. 34. 13 .fer. 1. 14. out of the north an evil shall A. forth Prov. 5. 19. let her*, satisfy thee at all times
[2] To make void, or of none effect, 1 Kings 15 Gal. 4. 27. b.foUh and cry, thou that travailest not Cant. 1 13. he shall lie all night betwixt my *.

19. [3] To punish, or afflict. Job 13. 25. [4] BREAK off. 4. 5. thy two *. are like two young roes, 7. 3-
I'o disunite and sever, Zech. 11. 14. [5j To Gen. 27. 40. thou shalt *. his yoke o^thy neck 7.7. thy *. are like two clusters of grapes
pant, or faint, Psal. II9. 20. [6] To take awav, Eiod. .32. 2. *. 0/ the golden ear-rings, 24. 8. thy b. shall be as clusters of the vine
Psal. 105. 16. [7] To ueaken, Psal. 10. 15. Dan. 4. 27. O king, *. n^ thy sins by righteousness 8. 1. my brother that sucked the *. of my mother
[8} To plough, Jer. 4. 3. [9] To cause great BREAK OH/. 8. we have a little sister, and she hath no *.
lOTTow of heart. Acts 21. 13. [10] To shine, £'ro</. 22. 6. iffire *.(«</
L#i;. 13. 12. if leprosy i.oa/ 10. I am a wall and my A. like towers
or appear. Cant. 2. I7. [11] To profane, Psal. Lev. 14. 43. if the plague come again and *. out Isn. 28. 9. are weaned from the milk drawn from t
89. t3l. Psal. 58. 6. *. out the great teeth of the young lion 66. 1 1 be satisfied with (he *. of her consolations

Gen. 19. g. they came near to b. the door La. 3.'). 6. in the wilderness shall waters *. out Ezek. 16.7. thy *. are fashioned, and hair grown
27. 40. thou shalt b. his yoke from off thy neck Hot. 4. 2. they *. out, and blood toucheth blood, 4 23.3.there were their *. pressed, there they bruiseo
Eiod. 12. 46. hor shall ye b. a bone, A'l/m. 9. 12. /i7nM5.6.1esthe*.our like fire in the house of Joseph 8. and they bruised the *. of her virginity
13 1- then thou shalt *. his neck, 34. CO. B R EA K IK pieces. 34. and thou shalt pluck off thine own *.
34. J3. but ye shall b. their images, and cut down 2 A'lw'.v 25. 13. Chaldeans*. in ;/i>f*x pillars of brass Hos. 2.2. put away her adulteries frombetw. her 4
£<r.I1.33 every earthen vessel unclean ye shall A. Jib 19. 2. how long wii. ye*. me in pi#«fwithwords 9. 14. give them a miscarrying womb and dry *.
26. 19. ' will *. the pride of your power 34.24 shall b.inpieces mighty men without number Joel 2. 16. and gather those that suck the *.
Hum. 24. 8. Israel shall b. their bones, pierce them Ptal. 70. 4. he shall *. in pieces the oppressor Nah. 2.7. as with voice of doves tabring on theirA.
, 30. 2. if a man vow, he shall not b. his word 94. 5. they *. in pieces thy people, O Lord Luke 23. 48. the people smote their * and returned
32. +7. wherefore b. ye the heart of Israel ? I\a. 45. 2. I will i. in pieces the gates of brass Rev.l5.6. having their *. girded with golden girdles
Deut. 12.3. ye shall 4. their pillars, and bum groves Jer. 1. t 17. lest I *. thee in pieies before them BREAST-PLATE
ISam. 25. 10. A. away every man from his master 51. 20. with thee will I *. in pieces the nations Was a pieca of embroidery of ahout ten tHCites
Kings 15.19.*. thy league with Baasha,2CVir.l6.3 21. with thee*, inpieces horse and rider, chariot sipusre,of very rich work, which the high-priest
Eira. 9. 14. should we again *. thy commandments 22. with thi'c *. in p. man, woman, old and young of the Jews wore u/vn his breast, and witch war
Job 13. 25. wilt thou b. a leaf driven to and fro f ZJa«.2.40.shall it *. in p. and bruise kingdoms, 44. set with four rows of precious stones, upon every
39. 15. forgetteth that the wild beast may b. them 7.23. tJie fourth beast shall *. in pieces whole earth one of which was engraven the nam* of ont of
Psal. 2. 3. let us b. their bands asunder BREAK throueh. rhe tribes of Israel It was double, or maJt oj

9- thou shalt b. them with a rod nf iron Eiod. 19.21. lest they *. thru' to the Lord to gaze two pieces folded one upon the other, like a ktm^
10. IS. b. thou the arm of thts wicked 24. let not the priests and people * ihrougk of purse or bag, that it might thi titttT suppar
tht prteuiu tlonti. and that it might reeeire the Cant. 4. < 6. till the day ». and shadows flee away Acts S3. 5. I wist not A. that he was lb* high-prket
CiliE and Thcimniim, t<p. 8. 8. // tjas called E:ei. 37. 9. come. O breath, and A. on these slain 28.14. where we fo-.iid A. and were desired to tarry
tkt Breast-plate of judgment, Exod. 2K. 15. ie- BKEATHEU. 15. when the A. heard of us, they came to raectus
catis€ from thence the- Israelites irr« to expect Gen. C. 7- God A. into man's nostrils the A. of life 21. nor any of the t. that came spake harai of thee
and receiie their judgment, and the mind of Josh. 10. 40. but utterly destroyed all that A. Horn. 1. 13. now I would not have you ignorant A
God in ail those zcei^hty and moinentons matters 1 Kings 15. 29. he left not to Jeroboam any that A. 11. 25. 1 Cor. 10. 1.I
12. 1. 1 T,)ess.4. 13.
of war and yeace, wherein tiri/ consulted Ood Jo/in 20. 22. he A. on them, and saitli, receive ye 7. 1. know ye not A. that the law hath dominion
for direelions. BREATH ETII, ING. 8. 12. A. we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live
Breast-plate ts likewise « piece of defensive ar- Dent. 20. 16. thou shalt save alive nothing that A. 2y. that he might be the first-born among many A
mour. Rev. Q. 9- Jntohich sense, faith and love l,am. 3. 56. hide not thine ear at my A. at my cry 111. 1. A. my prayer toGod for be saved

are called Breast-plates/ 1 Thess. 5. 8. Faith .icts^.l. Saul vet }, out threatenings and slaughter 12. 1. I beseech you therefore A. by the mercies of
w a defensive grace ; not only as it assents to the BREU. God, 15. 30. 16. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 10. I6. li

doctrine of the gospel as true, tut also as it doth Exod. 16. 20. some left, and it A. worms and stank Gal. 4. 12. ileb. 13.22.
depend upon God's faithfulness and all-niffi- BREECHES. 1 10. be kindly affectioned in love of the b.

ciency to perform his promises, and apply thtm Exod. 28. 42. thou shalt make them linen A. 39. 28. 16. 14. salute the A.which are with them, Co/. 4.15
to our souls for our support isid comfort. Love. Lev. 6. 10. the priest shall put on his linen A. 1 Cor. 1. 26. for ye see your calling A. how thai

vht^ it teorkelh, tcill defend agnin.-t the per- 16. 4. he shall have the linen A. on his flesh 2. 1. and I A. when 1 came to you, came not with
secntions, afflictions, and temptatiotit of the E:ei. 44. 18, they shall have linen A. on their loins 3. 1. I A. could not speak to you as to spiritual
toorld. Cant. 8. ?• Slavish fear aill overcome BREED. 4. 6. these things A. I have in a figure transferrea
US, if toe Kant love to defend against it, vlien Gen. 8.17. that they may A. abundantly on the earth 7. 29. but this 1 say A. the time is short, 15. 50.
true religion is under disgrace, and persecuted in BREED. 8.1 2. when ye sin so against the A. ye sin against Chr.
tht aorld, 1 John 4. 18. Love tcill defend Deut.Si. 14. rams of the b. of Bashan and goats 9. 5. and as the A. of the Lord and Cephas
against aposlacy, and so help us to persevere to BREEDING. 11.2. now 1 praise you A. that ye remember me
the coming of Christ ; and love, being sealed in Zeph. 2. 9- as Sodom, even b. of nettles and salt-pits 14. 26. how is ii A. when ye come together
the heart, is filly compared to a Breast-plate BRETHREN. 15. 6. after he was seen of above 5tX) A. at onc<:
tkat encompasseih the heart. .Men are so called, [1] Bif being the sons of one 58. therefore my beloved A. be steadfast,Jo;/j. 2.5.
£xod. i5. '. and stones to be set in the i. 35. 9. fatlitr and mother, or of either of them. Gen. 42. 16. 11. for 1 look for him with the A.
28. 4. shall make a *. and ephod, 15. 39. 8.
13 [2] By community of jiature, or habitation. 12. I desired him to come to you with the A.
S2. thou shalt make upon the i. chains at the end Gen. 19. 7. [3] By natural ufflnity, or by being 20. all the A. greet you, Phil. 4. 21.
23. put rings on two ends of the d. C6. | 39. I6. kinsmen. Gen. 13. 8. [4] By regeneration, and 2 Cor. y. 3. yet have 1 sent the A. lest our boasting
28. ihev shall bind the i. by the rings, 39. 21. a professioyi of the same Juith and religion. Col. 5. I tiiought it necessary to exhort the A.
29. Aaron shall bear the names of Israel in 6. I. 2.' [5] By adoption, John CO. 17. [6] By 11. 9. thcA. which came from Macedonia supplied
30. put in A. of judgment the Urim, Lt:v. 8. 8. pjice, 1 Chron. 25. 9. 2 Cor. 8. 23. C6. 1 have been in penis among false A.
1 Kings. 22. t 34. smote Ahab between joints and d. Gen. 13. 8. let there be no strife, for we be A. 13. 11. finally A. farewell, be perfect.of good comfort
Isa. 59. 17. he put on righteousness as a 6. 19. 7. Lot said, I pray you A. do not so wickedly Gal. 1. 2. all A. that are with me to the churches
Eph. 6. 14- having on the b. of righteousness 24. 27 Lord led me to the house of my master's b.
. 2.4. because of false A. unawares brought in
1 'i'hess. 5. 8. putting on the b. of faith and love 34. 11. Shechem said to her father and to her A. Eph. 6. 23. peace be to the A. and love with faith
Kev, 9. 9. they had b. as it were b. of iron 25. Dinah's A. took each man his sword and slew I'hil. 1. 14. many of the A. waxing confident
17. having b. of fire, of jacinth and brimstone 42. 3. Joseph's ten A. went down to buy corn Co/. 1. 2. to the saiuts ajid faithful A. in Christ
BREATH 6. A. came and bowed H 13. we are twelve A. 32. 1 './'/i«ii.4.1. we beseech youA. 10. ji5. 12. 2 Thess.i.l..
Signifies, [1] The air received ani discharged by 45. 16. Joseph's A. arecomeHtp. 5. are A. of cruelty 10. indeed ye do it towards all A. in Macedonia
onr bodies, ti/ the dilatation and compression of 50. 15. Joseph's A. saw their father was dead 5. 25. A. pray for us, 2 Thess. 3. 1.
the /»n?j. Job 9. 18. [2] 'ihe hfe, I'sal. 146. 4. Num. 27. 4. give us a possession among the b. Co. greet all the A. with an holy Viss
Dan. 5. 23. [3] God's powerful word, I'sal. 7. give us a possession among our father's b. 27. that this epistle be read to a.'' the holy A.
33. 6. Isa. 11. 4. [4] Hit anger. Job 4. 9. 10. if he have no A. give it to his father's A. 1 'lim.i.6. put the 4. in remembranc* if these things

Isa. .TO. 33. II if his father have no A. ye shall give to kinsmen

. 5. 1. intreathimasa father, and younger men as A.
Cen. 2.7. God breathed into his nostrils the b. of life Dent. 25. 5. if A. dwell together and one of them die 6. 2. let them not despise them because they are A..
B. 17. to destroy all Hesh wherein is the A. of life Josh. 6. 23. Rahab brought out her father and A. Ueb.Z. 11. he is not iishamed to call thtm A.
7. 15 entered two and twowherein is thei. oflife 17. 4. he gave thera an inheritance among the A. 3. 1. holy A. partakers, consider the Apostle
22. all in whose nostrils was b. of life died Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech went to his mother's A. 1 Pet. 1. 22. unto unfeigned love of the A.

Josh. 11. t 11. he destroyed, there was not any b. 3. his mother's A. spake ofhim to men of Shechem 3. 8. be of one mind, love asA.bepitiful.becourteoas
2 5am. 22. 16. foundations of the world discovered, at 2 Kings 10. 13. they answered, we are A. of Ahaziali 1 Jolm 3. 14. from death to life, because we love A.
the blast of the b. of his nostrils, Pial. 18. 15. 1 Chrvn. 12. 2. there came to David of Saul's A. 16. we ought to lay down our lives for the 0.
1 Kings 17.17. and there was no b. left in him 26.7. son.sof Shemaiah, whoseA. were strongmen 3 John 3. rejoiced greatly when A. testified of truth
Job 4. 9. by the A. of his nostrils are they consumed 27. 18. of Judah, Elihu, one of the A. of DaviJ 5. whatsoever thou dost to the A. and to strangers
9. 18. he will not suflTcr me to take my A. 2 Chron. 21. 2. he had A. the sons of Jehoshapiiat 10. neither doth he himself receive the A.
11. + 20. their hope shall be a puff of A. 22. 8. when Jehu found the A. of Ahaiziah BRETHREN.
12. 10. in whose hand is the A. of all mankind fxa/. 133.1. pleasant for A. to dwell together in unity Gen. g. 22. and Ham told his two A. without
15. 30. by the A. of his mouth shall he go away I'rov. 6. 19. and him that soweth discord among A. 25. Canaan, a serv. of servants shall be to his A.
17. 1. my A. is corrupt, my days are extinct 17. 2. shall have part of the inheritance among b. It). 12. he shall dwell in presence of his A. 25. 18.

19. 17- my A. is strange to my wife,lho' 1 entreated 19. 7. all the A. of the poor do hate him 27. 37. his b. have I given to him for servants
27. 3. all the while my A. is in me, .-ind Sp. of God -imos 1. + 9. remembered not the covenant of A. 37. 2. Joseph was feeding the flock wnih his i.
33. 4. the A. of the Almighty hath given me life Mat. 4. 18. Jesus saw two A.
21. sawothertwo A. 5. Joseph dreamed a dream and told it his A.
34. 14. if he gather to himself his Spirit and A. 19. 29. every one that hath forsaken houses, A. 1 1 .his A. envied him,his father observed the saying

37. JO. by the b. of God frost is given 20. 24. were moved with indignation against two A. 30. Reuben returned to /ii> A. and said, child is not
41.21. nis A. kindleth coals, and a flame goeth 22. 25. there were with us seven A. Alari 12. 20. 38. 11. for he said, lest he die also as hit b. did
Psal. 33. 6. all of them made by the A. of his mouth 23. 8. one is your Master, even Christ, all ye are A. 44. 33. and let the lad go up with his A.
104. 29. thou takest away their A. lliey die Mart 10. 29. no man hath left house or A. father, 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father and his A.
135. 17- nor is there any A. in their mouths mother, wife or children, for my sake, /,«j(-f 18. 29. ('€H. 49. 26. that was separate from his A. Dent.
146. 4. his A. goeth forth, he retumeth to earth 30. shall receive an hundred-fold, houses, A. 33.16.
150.6. let every thing that hath A. praise the Lord Luie 14. 26. if any come, and hate not children, A hxod. 1 .6. Joseph died, his A. and all that generation
Eccl. 3. 19. yea, they have all one A. all is vnnitv 16. 28. for I have five A. that he may testify to them 2. 1 1 .Moses went out to his b. and looked on their
Isa. 2.22. cease from man, whoseA is in hisnostrifs 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and A. burdens, and spied an Egypt, smiting one of .'dj A.
11 4. with b. of his lips will he slay the wicked John 21. 23. this saying went abroad among the A. Lev. 21. 10. and he that is high-priest amoni; Am A.
30. C8. and his A. as an overflowing stream reach ids 3. 17. A. 1 wot thai through ignorance ye did it 25.48. after he is soM, one ofAi.( A. may redeem hint
33. A of the Lord like a stream of brimstone t). 3. wherefore A. look out among you seven men !\uni. 25. 6. brought to his A. a Midianitish woman
33. 1 1. your A. as fire shall devour you 7.26. sirs, yeareA.JI 9. .30. which when the A. knew 27. 9- then shall ye give his inheritance to his A.
42. 5. he that giveth A. to the people upon it 10. 23. certain A. from Joppa accompanied him Dent. 10. 9. I-evi hath no part with his A.
Jer. 10. 14. and there is no A, in them, 51. I7. 11. 12. moreover these six A. accompanied me 17. 20. that his heart be not lifted up above his A.
Lam. 4. 20. the A. of our nostrils, the anointed of L. 29. they determined to send relief to the A. 18. 7. he shall minister as all his b. the Levites do
£;**.37.5 I will cause A. toenterintoyou,shaIlIive 12. 17. go shew these things to James and to the A. 20. 8. lest Ills A. heart faint as well as his heart
6. 1 will cover you with skin and put A. in you 14.2. made their minds evil-affected against the A. 2t. 7- if a man be found stealing any of /i« A.
8. there was no A. in them |19. and say, come, O A. 15. 1. certain men Trom Judea taught the A. 33. 9. nor did he acknowledge his A. nor knew
10. and the A. came into them and they lived 3. and they caused great joy to all the A. 24. let Asher he blessed auid acceptable \o hit A
Dan. 5. 23. the God in whose hand thy A. is 15. 22. Barsabas and Silas chief among the A. Jndg^ 9- 5. Abimelech slew his A. being 70 persons
10. 17- no strength, neither is there A. left in me 23. apostles and elders and A. senil greeting to the 26. (iaal came with his A. and wtnt to Shecheia.
i/«A.C.19. there is no A. at all in midst of the image A. which are of the Gentiles in Aiitioch 5<5. which he aid to his father in slaying his 70 A

lUts 17. 25. seeing he giveth to all life sad A. 32.exhorted the A.with many words, 1 '11iess.5.H. 11.3. .lephthah fled from his b. and dwelt in Tob
4»»». 2. -f 26. tlie body without A. is dead 33. were let go in peace from the A. to apostles liiith 4. 10. name of the dead l)e not cut off from Aij A
Utv, 13. 1 15. he had power to give A. to the image 40. being recommended by the A. to grace of (iod 1 6'<;m. 16. 13. Samuel anointed him in midst of Au A
BKEAnili 16. 2. limotheus as well reported of by the b. 22. 1. when his A. and father's house heard it
Signifies, [1] To dra-x breath nalurallv, as man 40. when they had seen the A. they comforted 2 Kings 9. 2. make him rise up from among his b.
and beast do. Josh. 10. 40. [2] To' inftue ihe 17. 6. they drew Jason and certain A. to the rulers 1 Chron. 4. 9. Jabez more honourable than his A.
smtl into the body. Gen. 2. 7. [3] To live, 10. the A. immediately sent away I'aul, 14. 5. 2. for Judah prevailed above his A.
breathing or leipiralion being a sign I'f life. 18. 18. I'aul then took his leave of the b. 7 .22. Ephraim mourned, hisb. came to comfort him
Josh. U. 11. [4] To inspire uiih the gifts and 27. the A. wrote exhorting to receive Apollos 25. 9- with his A. and sons were twelve
graces of the Holy dhoit. John 20. 22. 20. .32. now A. 1 commend you to God and his grace [Ho to the end of the chapl.r.
Joih. 11. 11. there was not any left to 4. 14. 21.7. we came to I'toiemais and saluted the A. 2 CAron. 21.4. Jehoramslew allAi/A. with the swcrd
^0*31. 39. caused soul of the owners to A. out 17. were come to Jerusalem, A. received us gladly K\ili. 10.3. .Mordecai the Jew was accepted of Ai<6
fittiSJ-li. wilaewes rises ,and such asA.out cruelry 22. 5. froB whom also i recaived letters to the A. Hot. 13. 15. though he be fruitful uno(>( hit 6.
Aric.a.'.Hie remnant of /i(> 6. sliall return to Israel 2 Sam. 15. CO. return, take back thy b. wiih liiee Psal. 32.9. wnose mouth mt;st be helJ in wil}. a J. ?
Hlot. IC.46. hismolherand Alii, stood without, de- 2 Chron. £1. 13. hast slain iky b. better than thyself Zg. 1. I will keep my mouLh with a 4.
siring to speak with him, MariS. 31. LuieS. I9. Jer. 12.6. thy b. have dealt treacherously with thee Prov. 26. 3. a 4. for the a-ss, a rod for the fool'shnrk
Jo/i>i 7. 5. for neither did /lis b. believe in him Eiek. 11. 15. thy h. even tliyl. men of thy kindred Jsa. 30. 28. there shall be a 4. in jaws of the people
Acts 7- 13. Joseph was made known to h\s b. Mat. 12. 47. behold, thy mother and tliy b. stand /iech. 14. t 20. on the b. holiness to the Lord
23. it came into MoseV heart to visit his b. without, Mark 3. 32. Luke 8. 20. yH»i.l.26.if any seem religious and 4. not histongoe
25. for lie supposed his b. vould have understood Luke 14 12. call not thy b. lest they bid thee agaisi 3. 2. and able also to 4. the whole body
1 Cor. 6. 5. no not one able to judge between his b. 22. 32. when thou art converted strengthen thy b. Jiev. 14.20. blood came out of wine-press to horse 4
tieb. 2. 17. it behoved him to be made like to his b. Rev. 19. 10. see thou do it not, I am ot thy b. 22. y BRIEFLY.
Men and BRETHREN. YourBRETHREN. Jiom. 13. g. it is 4. comprehended in this saying
Acts\. iQ.menandb. this scripture must be fulfilled Gen. 42. ig. letone of your i. be bound in prison 1 /'e< Sylvanus a brother 1 have written S,
2. 29- fen and b. let me freely speak to you of D. 33. leave one of your b. here with me BRIER
37. to Fcter and rest, wenanrfA. what shall we do? Lev. 10.4. carry your b. from before the sanctuary Is a prickly hurtful sort of plant, Isa. 5. 6. To
7.2. and he said, men, b. and fathers, hearken 6. let your b. bewail the burning the Lord kindled which are compared, [1] An euemi/, the .issi^ and b. if ye have any word of exhortation 25. 46. over your b. ye shall not rule with rigour rian army, that molested the children of Israel
26. men and b. children of the stock of Abraham Num. 18. 6. behold I have taken your 4. the Levites Isa. 10. 17, [2] Misehreious and hurllul per-
38. be it known to you, men and b. thro' this man 32. 6. shall your A. go to war and shall ye sit here.' sons, Ezek. 28. 24. [.i] iiins, huts, and con cp
15.7. men and know G. made choice among us Dent. 1. 16. hear the causes between your i, lions, ahich spring from a slony and unregene-
13. James answered, men and b. hearken unto me 3. 18. pass over armed before your 4. Jcj/i. 1. 14 rated heart, lleb. 6. 8.
S2. 1. men, b. and fathers, hear my defenca 20. till Lordhathgivenrestto »o?/r 4. Jo.(/i. 1.15. Jsa. 55.13. instead of ihe b. come up the myrtle-tree
S^ b. I have lived in all good conscience Josh. £2.3. ye have not \eftyour b, these many days Lzek. 28.24. shall be r:o more a pricking 4. to IsvhoI
G.ynenand b.l am a Pharisee.thesonofa Pharisee 4. and now the Lord hath given rest to your i. Mic. 7. 4. the best of them is as a 4.
£3. 17. men and b. tho' I haTe committed nothing 8. divide the spoil of your enemies wi;h your i. BRIERS.
My BRETHREN. 1 Kings 12. 24. not fight against vot/ 4. 2 Chr. 1 1. 4. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear your fiesh with >
Gen. 29. 4. Jacob said to (hem, my 4. whence be ye : 2 Chiun. 19. 10. what cause shall come to you of 10. he took the elders of the city and 4.
31.37. set it here before ffiy i. and thy brethren your b. and so wrath come upon you and yowr b. Isa. 5. 6. there shall cume up 4. and thorns
37. 1(). I seek my b. tell me where they feed Hocks 28. 11. deliver captives ye have taken ol your b. 7. 23. it shall even be for b. and thorns
46.31.;nyi.and father's arecome to me, 47-1. 30. ". be ye not like your 4. which trespassed 24. because all land shall become 4. and thorns
JCiod. 4. 18. let me go and return to my b. in Egypt 9. if ye turn, your b. shall find compassion 25. not come thither the fear of 4. a'ld thorns
Josh. 2.13. they will save alive my father and tny b. ^eh. 4.14. and fight for your i. your sons and wives 9- 18. wickedness shall devour the 4. and thorns
14. 8. my b. made the heart of the people melt 5.8. will you even sell yo?ir 4. or shall they be sold- 10.17. it shall devour his 4. and thorns in one day
Judg. 8. 19. Gideon said, they were 7«y b. ha. 66. 5. yojir 4. that hated you, that cast you out 27. 4. would set 4. and thorns against me in battle
19. "^.niyb. I pray you, do not so wickedly 20. they shall bringyoKf 4. for an offering to Lord 32. 13. on the land shall come up b. and thorns
1 &rffi. 20. 29. let me getaway, I pray, and see my 4 Jer. T .15. cast you out as I have cast out all your 4, Ezei. 2. 6.sonofmaii,tho'4. and thorns be with thee
30. 23. then David said, ye shall not do so, iny b. H0S.Q..I. say to your 4. Ammi, to sisters, Ruhamah iie4.6.8. that which beareth 4. and thorns is rejected
2 Ham. 19. 12. ye are niu b. my bones, and my ilesh 4 .i17a/.5.47.if ye salute yo?<r 4.oiily,what do you more BKIGANDINE.
1 Chr. 28. 2. David said, hear me, my b. and people ^Jr/j3.22. aprophel shall Lord raise of your 4.7.37. Jer. 46. 4. furbish the spears and put on the 4.
A«/i. 1. 2. Ilanani, one oi my b. came and men 1 Cor. 6. 8. ye do wrong and defraud and that your b. 51. 3. against him that lifteth up himself in his 4
4. 23. I nor my b. nor guard put off our clothes 1 Pet. 5. Q. same afflictions accomplished inyo7« 4. BRIGHT.
5. 10. I and my b. might exact of them money BRIBE, S. Lev. 13.2. when a man shall have a 4. spot, 24, 38.
14. I and my b. have not eaten bread of governor 1 Sam.8.3.!i mucl'ssons took 4. and perverted judg. 4. if the 4. spot be white in the skin of his Ilesh
Job 6. 15. my b. have dealt deceitfully 12. 3. of whose hand have 1 received any 4. / £3. if 4. spot stay in his place and spread not, 2>J
19.13. he hath put myb. far from me, and acquaint. Psal. 26. 10. and their right hand is full of 4. 14. 56. this is the law for a stab and for a 4. spot
/*ja.'.22.22.Iwill declare thyuanietOOTj/4.iit'i.2.12. Jsa. 33. 15. that shaketh his hands from hol(lii\g b. 1 Jiiugs 7. 45. all the vessels Hiram made for the.
69. 8. I am become a stranger to my b. an alien Amos 5. 12. they take a b, and turn aside the poor house of the Lord were of 4. brass, 2 C7j;oh.4.16.
122. 8. for my b. and companions' sake, I will say BRIBERY. Job 37. 11. he scattered his b. cloud
A/fl/.12.48.he'saidtohim,whoarem^i..'.1/ari3.33. Job 15. 34. fire shall consume the talemacles of 4. 21. now men see not the 4. light in the cloutis
49. behold my mother and v\y b. Marl 3. 3i. BRICK. Cfl?ic. 5. 14. belly is as 4. ivoryoverlaid with sapphires
25. 40. ye have done it to the least of these mv b. Gen. 11.3. let us make 4. they had 4. for stone Jer. 51. 11. make4. the arrows, gather the shields
'28. 10. go tell my b. that they go into Galilee Exod. 1. 14. they made their lives bitter in b. E:ek. 1. 13. tlie firt wai i. and out of fire lightning

ZiiieS.Hl. myb. are these which hear word of God 5. 7- no more give the people ftra-A' to make b. I6. 21. 15. the swotd is made 4. it is wrapt up
John £0. 17. go to my b. and say to ihem, I ascend ha. 65. 3 and burneth inceiue on altars of 4. 21. for the king of Babylon made his arrows i
ii«m. 9. 3. myself were accursed fromC^hrist ioT?ny b. BRICKS. 27. 19. i. iron and cassia were in thy market
Jam. 5.10. take my b. the prophets who have spoken Liodi 5. 8. the talc of 4. you shall lay upon them .'i2. 8. 4. lights I will make dark over thee

12. but above all things, mii b. swear not 18. yet shall ye deliver the tale of 4. 19. Kah. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the 4. sword
Ottr BRETHREN. lia. 9. 10. the 4. are fallen down, but we will build Zeeh. 10. 1. so the Lord shall make b. clr.ud.s
G«n. 31. 32. before o//r i. discern what is thine, take it BRICK-KILN. Mat. 17,5. behold a 4. cloud overshadowed them
J\um. 20. 3. when onr b. died before the Lord 2 &am. 12. 31. and made them pass through the b. Luke il. 36. as when the 4. shining of a candle
Denl. 1. 28. our b. have discouraged our hearts Jer. 43. 9. hide great stones in the clay in the 4. Acts 10. ,30. a man stood before me in 4. clothing
2&im. 19.41. why have our b. stolen thee away? A'fl/i. 3. 14. tread the mortar, make strong the 4. Iiev. 22. 16. I am the 4. and morning star
1 Chr. 13.2. let us send abroad to oar A. every where BRIDE. BRIGHTNESS
Neh. 5.5. yet now our ilesh is as the fiesh of our b. Isa. 49. 18. and bind them on thee, as a 4. doth Signifies, [1] Light, or lucidness, Isa. 59. 9. Amos
8. after our ability have redeemed (i!U-i. the Jews 61. 10. as a 4. adometh herself with jewels 5. 20. [2] Aalural form and beauty, Dan. 4k.
Acls 15.36. let us go again visit 07ir b. in every city 62. 5. as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the 4. 36. [3] Royal dignity, glory, atid splendour,.
2 Cor. 8. 23. or mir b. be inquired of, are messengers Jer. 2. 32. or can a 4. forget her attire ? Ezek. 28. 7.
Hev. 12. 10. for the accuser of our b. is cast down 7. 34. cause toceeise the voice ofthe4.l6.9. 25.10. 2 Ham.
£2. 13. through the 4. before him were
Their BRETHREN. 33. 11. shall be heard in this place vo'ce of the b. coals of fire kindled, I'sal. 18. 12.
Num. 8. 26. but shall minister with their 6. in taber. Joel 2. 16. and let the 4. go out of hci closet /o4 31. 26. or beheld the moon walking in i.
Veut. 18.2. Leviteshave noinlierit. among ijieir b. John 3. 29. he that hath the 4. is the bridegroom I'sal. 89. +44. thou madest his 4. to ceaie
18. 1 will raise a propliet from among their b. liev. 18. 23. voice of the 4. heard no more in thee Jya. 5y. g. we wait for 4. but we walk in darkness
Judg. 20. 13. not hearken to the voice of their b. 21. 2. prepared as a 4. adorned for her husband OO. 3. and kings shall come to the 4. of thy riiing
21. £2. when rheir b. come to us to complain 9. 1 will shew thee the 4. the Lamb's wife 19. nor for 4. shall the moon give light tu thee
2&m. 2. 26. bid people retumfrom following ^/iCi'r*. 22. 17. and the Spirit and the 4. say, Come 62. 1. till the righteousness thereof go forth as 4.
2 Ki)tgs 23. 9- Jiil lat uiilcav. bread among their b. BRlDi:-CHAMBER. 6t).-t 11. be delighted with the 4. of her glory
1 Chr. 0. 32. these dwelt with their b. in Jerus.y.3B. Mat. 9. 15. can the children of the 4. mourn.' Ezik. 1. 4. and a fire and a 4. was about it, 27.
12. 32. all their b. were at their commandment Mark 2. I9. can the children of 4. fast? Luke 5.34. 28. so was the appearance of 4. round about
39. drinking, for their *. had prepared for them BRlUEtillOO.M. 8 2. as the appearance of 4. as the colour of anilicr
2 C/ir. 28. 15.brought them to their b. to Jericho Psal. 19. 5. as a 4. coming out of his chamber 10. 4. the court was full of 4. of the Lord's glory
AVA.5. 1. was a
great cry against //(«(> A. tlie Jews Isa. 61. 10. as a 4. decketh himself with orn.iincnts 28. 7. behold, strangers shall defile thy 4.
13. 13. their office was to distribute to their b. 62.5. as 4. rejoiceth over bride, so God over thee. 17. thou hast corrupted by reason of thy 4.
Job42. 15. father gave them inherit, among <//t'iVi. Mat. 9- 15. can children of bride-chamber mourn Dan.C.3\. this great image, whose 4. was excellent
Jer. 41.8. for he slew them not among their 6 while 4. is with them? Markl.X^J Luke 5.31. 4. 36. my honour and b. returned unto me
/Jeb. 7. 5. to take tithes of people, that is of their b. 25. 1. ten virgins went forth to meet the 4 5. t 6. then the king's 4. was changed, 1 9.
iies.6. U.tilU/ifiV 4. should be killed as they were 5.whilethe4. tarried 6.cry made,4. cometh,10.
12.3. the wise .shall shine as the 4. of the firmament
Thv BRETHREN. John 2. 9- the governor ot the least called the 4. Wmo.i5.S0. d.ay of Lord shall be very dark and no 4.
Gct».27.29. be lord over thyb.\(tt mntlier's sins how 3. 29. lie that hathtlie bride is the 4. but the friend JJab. 3.4. his 4. w,is as the light, he had hums
31. 37. set it before thy b. that they may judge of the 4. rejoiceth gn ally btcausc ol tic 4. voice Acts 26. 13. light from heaven above 4. of iJie sun
37. 10. i and thy 6. come to bow ourselves to thee Hee Bride. 2 Jhess.CU. shall destroy with the 4. of his comiiug
13. do not thy b. feed the flock in Shechcm >
BRIDLE. JJeb, 1. 3. t»ho being the 4. of his glory and ia>ag»
14. whether i; be well with thy 6. and the flocks Is taken, [1] Properly, _/or the reins or bit •.ohereby BRIM.
48.22 1 have given to thee one portion abore thy b. horses, mules, ilc. are kept im, and made tu go Josh. 3. 15. feet of the priest dipped in 4. of watri
49- 8. thou art he whom thy b. shall praise uhieh face and u Inch Kay their riders please, 1 A'iH»/7-26. 4. wrought like #. of acup,2 C>tr.4.S

Dmt. 15. 7- if a poor man of thy b. be within gates Psal. 32. 9. [2] Figuratively, (1) lur those >e- 2 Chron. 4. 2. he made a molten sea from 4. to 4
17- 15. from among thy b. shalt thou set king over strainit of lain, humanity, or modesty, uhereby John 2. 7. and tlirv filled them up to the i.
18.15. 1 will raise up a prophet of rAy b. like to me yeojile are kept in ane. Job 30. 11. and (2) lor .BRIMSTONE.
24. 14. not oppress the poor of thyb. or stranger the restraining potcer and yrcvidence of GcJ, Cm. 19.24. rained on Onm. >. and fire, L«i« 17.29
Josh 2. 18. thou shall bring thy b. home unto ihie 2 Kings 19. 28. Isa. 30. 28. Ueut. 2y. 23. the whole land thereof is 4. andsait
Jiuig. 14.3. no woman among daughters of thyb. 2 Kings 19.28.1 will put my 4. in thy lips, Jja. 37.20. Job 18. 15. 4. ^hall be senttered on bis babitrttio^
1 Sam. 17. 17. take for thy b. run to camp to tliy b. Jo430. 11. they have let loose the 4. before me I'tat. 11. 6. upon wicked he shall rain •Dare.s. fird/
18. look how thy b. fare, aoa taJie their pledge 41. 13. who can route U) hiiu with his double 4. f and 4 and aa horrible tenptii. £ui.3i).1ii
. : ''


Isa. 30. SS breath of the Lord like a stream of i. Jer.W. 8.1
on fuem all the words of this cot.
will 4. EMelt.H. It. will 4. again that which wms driven
M. 9- VI ^c dx^c thereof turned into 6. 17. 18. 4. upon them, day ot evil and destroy them iieph. 3. 20 at that time I will 4. you again
Ii«t>. 9- 17- .>at of their mouths issued fire and 6 31. H. 1 will 4. them from the north country Zech. 10. 6. I will 4. them again to place them
ta. the third part of men was killed by the i. 32. 42. so 1 will 4. on them all the good promised 10. I will 4. them again out of land of Egypt
14. 10. he shall be tormented with fire and 6. 3). 6. behold I w.!l 4. it health and cure Mat. 2. 8. 4. me word again that I may worship
I9.20.cas1 into a lake of fire, burning with i. 20.10 1 1 .them that shall 4. sacrifice of praise into house iSee Captivity.
Kev. 21. 8. whoremongers, and all liars, shall have 49. 5. behold, 1 will 4. a fear upon thee BRING down.
thtir part in lake which burneth with fire and i. Lam. 1. t"l6. that should 4. back my soul is far Gen. 42. 38. 4. down my grey hairs, 44. 29, 31.
BRING. Ezsk. 6. 3. I, even I, will 4. a sword upon you 43. 7 he would say, 4 your brother down, 44. 2X.
Geu. 6. 17. I do 4. a flood of waters on the earth 11.9. 1 will 4. you out of the midst thereof 45. 13. ye shall haste and 4. do-j.n my father
IQ. two of every sort shall thou *. into the ark CO. 15. that I would not 4. them into the land Dent 9. 3. he shall 4. them down before thy face
g. 14. when I *. a cloud over earth, the bow seen 21. 2y. I will 4. on the necks of them that are slain Judg.1 .4.4. them dojen to the water and 1 will try
18. If). Abrahajn did i. them on their way 23 22. I will 4. them ag.iinst thee on every side 1 -bum. 30. 15. canst 4. me dojL-n, I will 4. thee dozon
19. Lord may *. on Abraham what he hath spoken .34 13. I will4. themtotheirland,.36. 24 37.T:i. |
2 .bizm.22. 28. eyes on the haughty to 4. them do-ant
27. 4. and 6. it to me that I may eat, 25. 38. 17. that I would 4. thee against them 1 hing\ 1. 33 Solomon 4. him dovn to Gihon
5. i. me venison 12. I shall *. a curse on me
|| }los. 2. 14. I will allure and 4. her to wilderness 2. 9. his hoary head 4. thou doain with blood
42. 20. i. your youngest brother to me, 34. .Irnos 4. 1 4 and let usdrink 4. 4. your sacrifices
Psal. 18. 27. wilt save afHicted, 4. down high looks
37. if I 4. him not to thee, 4.3. 9. 44 32, A/'- 1. 15. yet will I 4. an heir to thee
55. 23. shalt 4. them doan to pit of destruction
43. 16. 6. these men home, slay and make ready Zee/,. 8. 8. I will 4. them, and they shall dwell Isa. 25. 5 thou shalt 4 dojvn the noise of strangers
45. 19. take wagons and 4. your father, and come JUal. 1 ^ 7. ye 4. pofluted bread to mine altar 1 1 .he shall b.duun their pride together with spoils
48. 9. 4. them 1 pray to me, and I will bless them 3. IC 4. all the tithes into the store-house 12. the high fort of thy walls shall he 4. down
lirod. 10. 4. else to-morrow I will 4. the locusts Mat. 2. 13. be thou there till 1 4. thee word 63 0. I will 4. doan their strength to the earth
SI. 1. yet will I 4. one plague more on Pharaoh 5. 23. therefore if thou 4. tny gift tc the altar Jer.ii^.lQ. \ will 4. thee doa-n from thence, Obad. 4.
13. 5. it shall be when the Lord shall 4. thee, 11. 17. 17. 4. him riixher to me, Mark 9 I9. 51. 40. I will 4. them dozen like lambs to slaughter
18. 19. that thou mayest />. the causes to God 21.2.yeshal('find an ass and a* olt,loose them and Lzek. 26. 20. when I shall 4. thee doan with them
^1. 6. his master shall 4. him to the judges 4 them to we, Mark 11.2. Litke ly. 30. 28. 8 they shall 4. thee down to pit, and shalt die
'M. 13. if it be torn in pieces, 4. it for witness Markt 32. and they 4. to him one that was deaf Has 7. 12. I will 4. them down as fowls of heaven
23. 4. thou shalt surely 4. it back to him again Liike 2. 10. for I 4. you good tidings of great joy Joel 3.2. 4. them dovin to the valley of J ehoshaphat
19. first of first-fruits of thy land shalt 4. 34. 26, 8. 14 choked with tares, and 4 no fruit to perfect. + 11. the Lord shall 4. dosn thy mighty ones
20. I will send an Angel to 4 thee into the place 12. 11. when they 4. yon into the synagogues Amos 3. 11. he shall 4. do:cn thy strength from thee
35. 5. whoso i3.j)f a willing heart, let him 4. Ji-/in 10. 16. other sheep, them also 1 must 4. 9-2 tho' climb to heaven, thence will 4. them down
!6. 3.the people 4. much more than enough 14. 2S. and 4 all things to your remembrance Obad. 3. saith in his heart, who shall 4. me down ?
Xjfv. if he be not able to 4. a lamb, U.
5.7. 12.8. |
18. 29. Pilate said, what accusation 4 you Acts 23. 15. that he 4. him doj.n to you to-morrow
8. and he shall 4. them to the priest, 12. 21. 10 4. of the fish which ye have now caught. 20. the Jews desire tho" wouldst 4. doan Pau<
16. 12 shall 4 fire and incense within the vail Acis 5. 28 ye intend to 4. this man's blood on us Horn. 10 6 that is to 4. Christ down from above
17. 3. that Israel may 4. their sacrifices to the L. 7 6. that they should 4. them into bondage See Evil
Num. 8. 9 and thou shalt 4 the Levites, 10. 9. 2. lie might 4. them bound to Jerusalem, 21 BRING forth.
14.8. if the Lord delight in us, then ne will i us 22. 5. X went to Damascus to 4 them bound Gen. 1.11. let earth b.forth,Z\. 20.waters4./or<A

16. because the L. was not able to 4. Deut.Q 28. 23. 10. commanded to 4. Paul into the castle 3. 16. in sorrow thou shalt b. forth children
24. my servant Caleb, him will I 4. Into the land 17. 4. this young man to the chief captain 18. thorna and thistles shall it b. forth to thee
Iti. 17. 4. before the Lord every man hi'* censer 1 Cvr 1 19. I will 4. to nothing the understanding 8. 17. b. forth every living thing that is with thee
20. 12. ye shall not 4 this congregation into laud 28. things that are not,4 to nought things that are 97. b. forth abundantly in the earth and mal*iply
sa. 5. give this land, and 4 usnot.over /tordan 4. 17 shall 4. you into remembrance of myways 38.24. Judah said 4 her/orM, and let her be burnt
liiau. 1. 17. the cause too hard foryou,4. it tome 9 27 keep under my
body, I 4 it into subjectioi),; i-Torf.S. lO.that thou mayest 4/«rM my
people Israel
7. 1. when the Lord shall 4. thee into the land 16.6. that ye may 4.meonmy journey whither I go 11. who am I, that I shou'd 4. forth Israeli
21. 12. then thou shalt 4 her home to thy house 2 Cor. 11.20. ye suffer, if a man 4. you into bondage 7. 4. that I may b forth my armies and people
23. 2. then thou sha't 4 it unto thine qvvd house Cial. 3. 24. our school-master to 4. us to Christ 8. 3. the river shall 4 forth frogs abundantly
30. 12. 4. it to us, that we may hear ana do, 13. 1 T/tesi. 4. 14. them that sleep will God 4. with him 18 magicians did so to b. forth lice, but cooltl not
33. 7. hear. Lord, and *
Judah to hispeopie 2 7'im. 4 11. take Mark and 4. him with thee Lev 24. 14 b. forth him that hath cursed, 23.
1 'iam 1.22. till child 6e weaneri, then ) will 4. him 1 Pee. 3 18. suffered that he might 4. us to God 25. 21. it shall 4 forth fruit for three years
9- 7. then said Saul what shall we b. the man 2 Jo/in 10 if any come and 4. not this doctrine 26.10. ye shall eat and b. forth old, because of new
23. 4. the portion I gave thee, of which I said 3 John 6. whom if thou 4. forward on their journey hum 20 8 shalt 4. /or(i4 to them water out of rock
11. 12. 4. the men, that we may put them to death lUv. 81. 24 and kings do 4 their glory to it Deia. 14.28. thou shalt 4./orM all tithe of increase
M. 8. for why shou'.dest thou 4. me to thy father 26. they shall 4. the glory of nations into it 17 5. then shalt thou b. forth that main or woman .

t Sam. 3.12. my hand with thee, to 4. Israel to thee &!e Home, Hither. 22. 15. b. forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity
13. except thou 4. Michal whemhou comest BRING again. Josh 2. 3. b. forth the men that are come to thee
W.IO whosoever saith aught to thee, 4. him to me Gen. 24. 5 must I 4. thy son again to the land ? Judg 6 18. till I come and 4. forth my
19. 11 why are ye last to 4. the king tack ? 6. beware thou, that thou 4. mit my
son again, 8. 19 22. b. forth the man that came to thy boose
I icings 3. 24. and the king said, b. me a sword 28 15 I will 4. thee ajain into this land, 4«. 21. 2 hings 10 ll.b.forth vestments for the worshippers
A. .32 the wicked, to 4. his way on his head 37 14. if well with brethren, and 4 word agatn ly 3 andthereis no strength to b.forth, Isa. 37. S.
t47. if 4 back to their heart, 2 C/ifwi. 6. 1 37. 42. 37 deliver him, and I'll 4 him to thee again 23 4 to b.forth all the vessels were made for Baal
13 18 4 him back with thee to tBine house Eiod 23 4. shalt surely 4 it back to him again Lzra 1.8. those did Cyrus 4. forth by Mithredath
17 11. 4. me a morsel of bread in thine hand Knm. 17. 10. 4. Aaron's rod flf ambefore tes;imony 10. t 3 make a covenant to 4. forth our wives
20. S3 then he said, go ye 4 him 22. 8 lodge this night, and I'll 4 you word again Jul> 14.9. it will bud and b.forth boughs like a plant
£ Kings 2 CO. 4. me a new cruse, and put salt Deut 1.22.4 us word o^am what way we must go 15. 35 they conceive mischief, and b.forth vanity
4. 6. 4. yet a vessel
K 41 4. meal and cast it 22. 1. in any case 4. them again to thy brother 38.32 canst thou b.forth Mazzaroth in his season
•J. 19. 1 will 4 you to the man whom ye seek 28. 68 the Lord shall 4. thee into Egypt again 3y 1. knowest thou when wild goats 4./orM.i' 2,3.
I Chron 13. t 3 let us 4. about the ark of our God Jiutg 11 9 if ye 4. me home again to fight 40. CO. surely the mountains 4. hira forth food
16. 29 i an offering and come before him 19 3 her husband arose, and went to 4. her a»(7i« PsaL'ib. i 15. he shall b.forth my feet out of the act
21 2 the number of them to me, that I may 2 ''iam. 12 23. can I 4 him again, I shall go to him 37. 6. he shall 4. forth thy righteousness as light
2C4fffK.31.10 since the people began to 4 offerings 14. 21 4. the young man Absalom again 92. 14. they shall still b.forth fruit in old age
Xeh. 13. 18. did not our God 4. tk.j evil on us ? 15 8. if the Lord shall 4 me again to Jerusalem 104. 14. that he may b.forth food out of the earth
/a4 6. 22 did I say 4 unto mt, or give a reward 25 he will 4. me again and shew me it [6. 25. 144. 13. that our sheep may 4. forth thousands
10. 9. wilt thou 4. me into the dust again > 1 A iugs 8 34. forgive and 4. them again, 2 Chron. Prov. 8.t 35. whoso findeth me shall b.forth favour
14.4. who can 4 a clean thing out of an unclean? 12. 21. he assembled J udah against Isr. to 4. king- 27. 1. thou knowest not what a day mz.y b.forth
18. 14. it shall 4 him to the king of terrors dom again to Rehoboam, 2 Chron. 11.1 Isa. 5. 2. he looked that it should b.forth grapes, 4.
50. 2^ for I know thou wilt 4. me to death i Chron 13 3. let us 4 of a in the ark of our God 23 4. saying. I travail not, nor 4. forth children
S3. 3C. to 4. back his soul from the pit 21. 12 advise what word I shall 4. again to him .33.1 1. ye shall conceive chaff, an(J b.forth stubble
>'»a/. 43 3. let them 4. me to thy holy hili 2 Chron. 24. I9 he sent prophets to 4. them again 41. 21. b.forth your strong reasons, saith the King
So. 9. who will 4 me into strong city ? 108 10. Xeh. 9 29. that mightest 4 them again to thy law £2. let them b.forth and shew what shall happen
72. 3. the mountains shall 4 peace to the people /'ia/.68.22 Lord said, I will 4. again from Bashan, 42. 1. he shzdl b. forth judgment to the Gentiles
>i. 23. he shall 4. on them their own iniquity I will 4. again my
people from the depths of sea 3. he shall 4. forth judgment unto truth
Ptov. 29. 8. scornful men 4. a city into a snare Prov 19.24. not so Much as 4. it to his mouth again 43.8. b.forth Wind people that have eyes, and deaf
Fxd. 3. 22. who shall 4. hhn to see what shall be .'
26 15 grieveth him to 4 it asam to his mouth 9- let them b.forth their wit"esses that they may
11. 9. know that God will 4. thee into judgment 1-a 38. 8 I will 4. again the shadow of the degrees 4.').8.let earth open, and let them b.forth salvatioa
15. 14. God sh*ll A. every work into judgment 4/) 8 4 it a^ain to mind, '.
ye transgressors 55. 10 waterefh the earth, and maketh it b.forth
Cam. 8. 2. I woul3 4 thee into mother's house my 49 5. saith the Ixjrd, to 4 Jacob again to hiin 5y.4. they conceive mischief, and b.forth iniqiiity
/io. 7. 17. Lord shall A. on thee and people my 5J 8 shall see when the Lord shall 4. again Zion 65. 9. and I will 4. forth a seed out of Jacob
14. 2. the people shall 4. them to their place Jer 12 15 1 will return and 4. them a;ain,5u. ly. 23. not labour in vain, nor b.forth for trouble
l."*. 9. for I will 4 more upon Dimon, lions on hin. 15 19. if thou wilt return, then will 14. iheea^-vii; 66.8. shall the earth be made to b.forth in one day
16. t 3. 4. counsel, erecate judgment, make tl.y ltl.l5 I will 4. them a?. to Iheir land, 24.6. 32.37. 9. shall I bring to birth, and notcause to b. forth?

-5. 12. thall he 4. to the ground, even to the 23 3 I will 4. them again into their folds Jer. 12.2. they grow, yea they b.forth fruit
45. 21. tell ji ami 4. them near, let them take 28. 3 in two years I will 4. again the vessels 51 .44. I'll b.forth out of mouth what he swallowed
1 3. I 4. near my righteousness,
it not be far off 4. I will 4 again to this place Jeconiah, 6. Ezek. 12. 4. thou shalt b.forth thy s' uft by day
7. even tl.em will I 4. to
56. holy mountain my 30.3 I will 4. tfgaift captivity of my people Isr nd 17. 23. anJ .t shall b.forth boughs a'ld bear fruit
7. and that thou 4. the poor to thy house
36. Judah. 18. 31 £3. i'lek. 3y. 25. Aniot 9. I4. £0. 6. to 4. them/or(/( of the land of Egypt

1". for brass I will 4. gold, for

60. iron 4. silver 48. 47. yet will I 4. again the captivity of Moab 38. I will 4. ihitm forth out of the country
4. I will i. their fear upon them
4y .6.4. a?ain the captivity of Amnion 39 if Klam 28. 18. therefore will 1 b.forth afire in the midst 01
Jtr. S. 14. I will take you and 4. you to Zion Ljf*. 16.55 when I 4. aj. their captivity, 1 will4.og. 3a. 4. I will 4. Haee forth thy army and horsemen
10. 8*. not in anger, lest thou 4. me to nothing 2y. 14. I will 4 again the captivity ot Lgypt 47.12. shall b.forth newtruit according to raontb


Hot. 9. 13. bnt Epbraim shall h. forth his children Rom. 10. to i. np Christ again from the dead
7 Num. 16. 39. make plates for the covering ofalUl

ifi.tho' they b. forth, yet will I slay beloved fruit Evh. 6. 4. b. the^m up in the nurture of the Lord Neh.3.8. Uzziel and Hanajiiah repaired, aod they
Mid. 10. be in pain and labour to b. for-tli, O Zicn BHINGKRS. fortified Jerusi-Jem to the 4. wall, 12. Iti,

7 9- he will b me forth to the light 2 Kiws 10. 5. the b. up of childreu sent to Jehu 7.14. the city was 4. in spaces, the people (m
Zepli. 2. 2. before the decree b. forth, the day pass BRING EST. Job36. 16. removed out of the strait into a 4. plat*
me judgment with Psal. 119- 96- 'liy commjmdme.nt is exceedijig ».
Zech. 3. 8. I will b. forth my servant the Branch .rob 14. 3. and b. into l"ice

4. 7. shall 4./urr/j the head-stone with shoutings Isa. 40. 9. O .lerus. that i good things, lift up voice Cant 3. 2. and in the 4. ways I will seek him
17. 30. for thou *. strange things to our ears Jsa. 33. 21. the Lord will te a place of 4. rivers
5. 4. *. forth a curse, and it shall enter the house .-lets

Mat. 1.23. behold, a virgin shall b. forth a son, 21. ERINGETII. Jer. 5. 1. know and seek in the 4. places thereof
3. 8. b. forth fruit meet lor repentance, Luke 3. 8. Etod. 6. 7. who b. you out from under the burden 51. 58. the 4. walls of Babylon shall be broken
Lev. 11. 45. 1 am the Lord that b. you out of Egypt AVj.'i. 2. 4. the chariots shall justle in the 4. ways
7 18.go<Ml tree cannot b.forth evil fruit, Luke 6.43.
J^ar* 4. 20. b.forth fruit, some 30 fold, some sixty 17. 4. b. it not to the door of the tabernacle, 9. Mat 7-13. 4. is the way that Itadeth to destroctioc
Lu]ct\.%\. b.f. a son, and shalt call his name.lesus Deut. 8. 7. the Lord b thee into a good land 23 5. they make 4. their phvlacteries and enlarge
8.15. having heard word, keep it, and b.forth truit 1 Sam. 2.6. he b. dowTi to the grave, and *. up BKOADER.
15. 22. b. forth the best robe Jind put it on him 7. Lord maketh poor, he b. low, and lifteth up Job 11. 9. the measure thereof is 4. than the sea
Tokn 15. 2. purgeth, that it may b.forth more fruit 2 Sam. 22. 48. that * down the people under me BROIDEREO.
49. and that *. me forth from mine enemies Exod. 28.4. make a robe, a 4. coat, a mitre, a girdle
16. I ordained you, that you should b.forth fruit
Job 12.6. into whose hand God b. abundantly Eiek. 16 10. I clothed thee also with 4. work
19- 4. 1 b. him forth to you that ye may know
Acts 12.4. after Easter to b. him/orr/i to the people 22. he b. out to light the shadow of death 13. and thy raiment was of silk and 4. work
Rom. 7. 4. that we should b.forth fruit unto God 19. 29. wrath b. the punishments of the sword 18. tookest thy 4. garments and covercdst them
28. 11. the thing that is hid b. he forth to light 26. 16. the princes shall put off their 4. garments
5. Uie motions of sin to b.forth fruit unto death
BRING in. Psal. 1. 3. that *. forth his fruit in his season 27. 7. linen with 4. work from Egypt to l>e hy sail
End. 6 8.1 will b. you into the land I did swear 14. 7. when the Lord b. back the captivity, 53. 6. 16. they occupied in thy fairs with 4 work
15. 17 shall b. in and plant them in the mountain 33. 10. Ld. b. the counsel of the heathen to nought 24. thy merchants in blue clothes and 4 work
.37. 7. the man who b. wicked devices to pass 1 Tim. 2. 9- ibat women adorn, not with i. hair
16. 5. on the sixth day prepare that they b. in
23. 23. my Angel shall go before and b. thee in 68. 6- he b. out them that are bound with chains BROILED
Kum. 14. 31. your little ones, them will I b. in Psa/. 107. 28. and b. them out of their distresses Luie 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a 4. fish
S Ckron. 24. 9- th*y made proclamation to b. in to 30. so he b. them to their desired haven BROKEN.
the Lord the collection Moses laid on Israel 135.7. A. wind out of treasuries, /«.•-. 10. 13. 51.16 Gen. 17 14. he hath 4. my covenant, Psal. 55 20

captives hither Prov. 10.31. the mouth of the just b. forth wisdom Isa. 24.5. .33 8. Jer. 11. 10.
28. 13. ye shall not b. in the I

16. 30. moving his lips he b. evil to pass /<ii.5.28. earthen vessel wherein sodden, shall heft,
Jer 17. 24. b. in no burden on the sabbath-day
a man's him before great men 15. 12 the ves.sel that he touched shall be 4.
JJan. 2. 24. b. me i« before the king, and I will shew 18. 16. gift b.

5.7- tbe king cried to b. in the astrologers 19.26. is a son that causeth shame, and b. reproach 21. 19. or a man that is b. footed, or 4 handed
20. 26. a wise king b. the wheel over them 20. that hath his stones 4 let him not ofler
9.24. to i. in everlasting righteousness
Sag. 1.6. ye have sown much and b. in little 21. 27. much more when he b. it with a wicked 22. 22 blind,*, ormaimed, ye shall not offer, C4.
Lttke 5. 18. sought means to b. him in and lay him 29. 15. but a child left, b. his mother to shame 26. 13. and I have b. the bands of your yoke
34. 21. b. in hither the poor, the maimed, and halt 21 .he that delicately A. up his servant from a child 26. when 1 have 4. the staff of your bread
8 Pet. 2. 1. who privily b. in damnable heresies 25. the fear of man S. a snare, but whoso tnists AWi. 15. 31. l)ccausehe hath 4. his commandment
BRING ovt. .30. 33. *. forth butter, 5. blood, b forth strife y«(/5.5.22.then were the horse-hoofs 4. by prancinge
Gen. 19.5. *. them oiit to us that we may know, 8. 12 31. 14. like ships, she i. her food from afar 16. 9- he brake the withs, as a thread of tow is 4.
40. 14. make mention, and b. me mtt of ihis house. Eccl. 2. 6. to water the wood that b forth trees 1 Sa/n. 2. 4. the bows of the mighty men are 4.

50. 24. God will visit and b. you out of this land Isrt. 8. 7. Ij)rd b. on them the waters of the river 2 Sam. 22.-35. that a bow of stei-l is 4. Psal. 18. 34.

^od. 6. 6. 1 will b you out from under ihe burden 26. 5. b. down them that dwell on high, i. to dust 1 Kings 22. 48. the ships were 4. at Ezion-gel^er
13. gave themacharge to 4. the children of Israel 40. 23. that b. the princes to nothing, he makes 1 Chron. H. 11. God hath 4. in upon mine enemies
«H« of Egypt, 26 27. 17-5. 12.51. J«r. 31.32. C6. that *. out their host by number 2 Chron. 20.37. Lord hath 4. thy works, ships*.

32. 12. for mischief did he b. them out to slay them 43. 17. which *. forth the chariot and horse 32. 5. also he bu'll up all the wall that was 4.
Vevt. 21. 19. lay hold and b. him out to the elders 54. 16. the smith that *. forth an instrument Job 4. 10. the teeth of the young lions are b.
22.21 *. out the damsel 24. b. both out to the gate
. 61. 11. for as the earth b. forth her bud 7. 5. my skin is 4. and become loathsome

24 11. shall b. out the pledge abroad unto thee Jfr. 4. 31. anguish of her that*, forth her first child 16. 12. I was at ease, but he hath 4. me asunder
Joth. 6. 22. b. out thence Kahab and all she liath Etek. 2g. 16. which b. iniquity to remembrance 22. 9- the arms of the fatherless have been 4.
10. 22. b. out those five kings out of the cave i
Uos. 10. 1. Israel b. forth fruit to himself 24. 20. and wickedness shall be 4. as a tree
Judg. 6. 30. b. out thy son tliat he may die Hag. 1. 11. drought on that which ground b. forth 31. 22. and let mine arm be 4. from the bone
19. 24. them I will *. out, and humble ye them Mat. 3. 10. every tree that*, not forth good fruit is 38. 15. and the high arm shall be 4.
Pjal. 25. 17- O b. thou me out of my distresses hewn down, and cast into fire, 7. 19. Euii^.Q I'sal. 3. 7. thou hast b. the teelh of iheungodlj
142. 7. b. my soul ou: of prison, that I may praise 7. 17. even so every good tree, b. forth good fruit 31. 12. I am forgotten, 1 am like a 4. vessel
143. 11. O Lord, b. my soul out of trouble 12.35. a good man out of heart 4. forth good things, 34. 18. the Lord is nigh them of a 4. heart, 51 17. .

J»a. 42.7-to *• out the prisoners from ihe prison and an evil man b. forth evil things. Luke 6. 45. 20. he keepeth his bones, not one of them is A.
Jer. 8. 1. shallA.of/r the bones of the kings of .ludah 13. 23. b. forth some au hundred fold, some sixty .37.15. their bows .shall be 4. 17. arms shall be

38.23.A.(«i/ all thy wives and children toOhaldeai.s 52. who b. out of his treasure things new and old 3ti. 8. I am feeble and sore 4. 1 have roared

Ezek. 11.7. but 1 will *. you forth out of midst of it 17. 1. Jesus *. them up into an high mountain 44. 19. iho' tlion hast 4. us in the place of dragons
20. 34. I will b. you out from the people, 34. 13. Aiarki. 28. the earth b. forth fruit of herself 51.8. that the bones thou hast 4. may rejoice
41. accept you, when I b. you out from the people iwitt fi. 43. a good tree *. not forth corrupt fruit 17. the s.icrifices of God are a 4. spirit, a contnU
24. 6. b. it out piece by piece, let no lot fail John 12. 24. if it die, it b. forth much fruit, 15. 5 Co. 1 1. thou hast cast us off, thou hast o. us
Amos 6. 10. that hurneth him to b. on: the bones Col. 1. 6. gospel 4. forth fruit, as it doth also in you 2. hast made the earth to tremble, thou hast /. i'
Actt 17. 5. sough' to b. them citi to the people 'J'it. 2. 11. the grace of God that 4. salvation 69. 20. reproacli hath 4. my heart, and am full

BRING tc pass. Ueb. 1. 6. 4. in the first-begotten into the world 107. 16. for he hath 4. the gates of brass and bars
Gfn.ii.K. the dream, Ood will shortly b. it to pass 6. 7. the earth 4. forth herbs meet for them 109. 16. that he might even slay the 4. in he.irt
io.W.tob.topass as at this day,to save people alive Jam. 1. 15. lust 4. forth sin, and sin 4. fortli death 124. 7. the snare is 4. and we are escaped
Psal. ,37. 5. trust in nim, and he shall b. it to yat:, See TiuiiNos. 147.3. he liealeth the 4. in heart, and bindeth up
Ita. 28. 21. and A. to pass his act, his strange act BRINGING. l^rov. 6.15. suddenly shall he be 4. without remedy

46 11. 1 have spoken, I will also b. it to pass Exod. 12. 42. to be much observed for 4. them out ll.fl5.that is surety for a stranger, shall be sore 4.
BRING up. 36. C. so the people were restrained from A. 13. 1 1«). a companion of fools shall be 4.
Oen. 46. 4. and T will also surely b. thee up again Num. 5.15. an offering 4. iniquity to remembrance 15. 13. but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is 4.
£jod. 3. 8. and to b. them up out of that land 14. 36. by 4. up a slander upon the land 17. 22. but a 4. spirit drieth the bones
17. I have said, I will b. you upont of aftiiction 2 Sam. 19. 10. speak ye not of 4. the king back, 43. 25. 19. is like a 4. tooth and a foot out of joint
33. 12. see, thou sayest to me, b. up this people 1 A iH(;i 10.22. navy 4. gold and silver, 2 Chron .9.21. Eecl- 4. 12. and a tbreefold cord is not quickly 4.
Hum. 14. 37- men that b. up evil report on the land 2 hiugsQl. 12. 1 am 4. such evil on Jerusalem 12. 0. or the golden bowl be 4. or pitcher be 4.
20. 25. *. up Aaron and his son to mount Hor AVA. 13. 15. some on the sabbath 4. in sheaves Isa. 6. 27. nor the latchet of their sbr^s be 4.
Veut. 22. 14. *. up an evil name on her, and say Psal. 126. 6. rejoicing, 4. his sheaves with him 7. 8. within sixty-five years shall I'.phraim be i
Judg. 6. 13. did not the l.ord b. us up from Egypt Jer. 17 26. 4. burnt-offerings, 4. sacrifices of praise 8. 15. many among them .ihall fall and be 4.

1 Sam. 19. 15. b. him up'm the bed, that I may slay Lxek. 20. 9. 1 made myself known in 4. them out 9. 4. for thou hast 4. the yoke of his burdeu
28. 11. whom shall I b. up, he said b. me n;^ Samuel DanQ. 12. his word by 4. upon us great evil 14. 5. ttie Lord hath 4. the staff of tlie wicked
iiSam. 2. 3. his men did David b. up every man AJut. 21. 43. to a nation 4. forth the fruit thereof 29. because the rod of him that smote t!\ec is l>.
6. S. to b. vf from thence the ark of God, 1 hin^s Mark 2. 3. 4. one sick ol the palsy borne of four 19. 10. they shall be 4. in the purposes thereof
8. 1, 4. 1 Chron. 13. 6. | 15. 3, 12, 14, 25. Lukeli. 1. 4. the spices which they'prepared 21. 9. all graven miages he hath 4. to the ground
2 Chron. 5. 2, 5. .icts 5. 16. a multitude 4. forth sick folks 28. 13. that they might fall backward and be 4.
3 Chron. 17.5. since 1 did *. up Israel to this day Horn. 7. 23. 4. me into captivity to the law of sin .33.8. he hath 4 ihe covenant, be regardcth no mau
Etra 1. 11. did Shexhbazzar b. up with them 2 Cor. 10. 5. and 4. into captivity every I'hought 20 nor shall any of the cords thereof be 4.
J.VA. 10. 3S. shall *. up tithes to the house of God Ueb. 2. 10. in4.many sons unto glory to make Capt 30. 6. lo, thou trustest in the st.iff of this 4. reed
/fa. 23.4. 1 travail not, nor *.not forth childre or 7. 19. but the 4. in of a better hope did 42. 1 4. he shall not fail nor be 4. till he have s»t
do I nourish up young men, nor b. up virgins J'et. 2. 5. 4. in the flood on the world of ungodly Jer. 2. 13. hewed out 4. cisRTns that bold no wat<-r

3tr.11. 22. then will 1 b. them up and restore BRINK. 16. the children have 4. the crown of thy head
Uiek. 16. 40. shall b. up a company against thee Gen. 41. 3. stood by the otherkine on the 4. of river 20. of old have 4. thy yoke, and burst bands

23. 4C I will *. up a company upon them Exod. 2. 3. laid the ark in flags by the river's 4. 5. 5. the.^e have 4. thy yoke, and burst thy bond?
26. 19. when I shall b. up the deep upon thee 7. 15. shalt stand by the river's 4. when he comc!- 10. 20. all my cords are 4. mj children gone
29. 4. will b. thee up out of the midst of thy rivers Deut. 2. 36. from Aroer by the 4. of the river 11. 16. kindled a fire, and the branches of it are 4
38. 3. a company shall b. thee up in my net Joih. 3. 8. when ye are come to the 4. of Jordan 14. 17 for
. the virgin daughter of niy people is A.
37. 6. I will b. up flesh on you, and cover you ti»i.47.6. he caused me leturn to the 4. of the river 22. 28. is this man C'oniah a despii^ed 4. idol
0M.0 IS.thoughthey b. up children^ I will bereave BROAD. 23. 9. mine heart is t. because of ihe proptMi
Jim4t a. 10. I will i. Up Mclicloth vpoo all loins JNmm. 16. 38. in«k« cciucrs, b. plates for coveriog 28. 2. 1 biva 4 the Toka of iha kinc ol Ba«n^
i\ £2
Irr. 28. 13. Ilananiah, thoa n,\st *. the yokes of .''/i?^ 24. not have suffered h'.s house to be A. up
4.S. Cf?{.42..18 and he is left a]otw>, 4^.30
his A. is dead,
i3. SI. then may also my covenant be j.with David

Mvk 2.4. when they had A. roof up they let down Eiod. 32. 27. slay every man his A. miO companion
4o. 17. ho'A- is the strong staff*, and beautiful rod .ids 13.4.'!. when the congregation was A. up lev. 21.2. for his father or his A. he may be deiiieil
C5. the arm of RIoab
is b. saith the Lord BKOKEN-llEARlED. A'liOT. 6.7. shall not make himselfuncleuii for his A
have h. Moab like a vessel, wherein is no
3cl. for 1 ha. 61.1. Lord sent me to bind up the h. hearted Dent. 15. 2. not e.xact it of his neighbour or his A.
Nebuchadnezzar hath 4. Israel's bone:
50.17. this Litke-i. 18. tohealA.-/(fnr/«rf, to preach deliverance ly. 19. as he had thought to have done to his *.
2S. the hammer ol whole earth cut asunder andi BRoon. 25. 6. the first-born shall succeed in name of his i,
31. 5l>. Babylon, even- one of their bows is b. Luke 13.34. as a hen gathers her A. under her wings 28. 54. his eye shall be evil towards his i.
58. the broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly b BROOK. yHrfj.y.21.Jotham lied for fear of Abioieleih Aij b.
Ijim. C. y. he hath destroyed and b. her bars Gen. 23. he took them and sent them over the A.
.32. 2 Sam. 3. 27. smote him for blood of Asahel his A
3.4. he hath b. my boiies|| 16. he hath b. my teeth Lev. 40. take willows of the A. and rejoice
2.i. 1 kings 1. 10. but Solomon his A. he called not

i.":e/t.6.4.your altars, and your images shall be b. 6. Aum. l.t. 23. came to A. 1-^licol and cut a branch Seh. 5. 7. you exact usury every one of his A.
9. because I am b. with their whorish heart 24. called, A. Eshcol because of cluster of grapes Psal. 49. 7. none can by any means redeem his i.
17. ly. and ray covenant he hath b. Deut.Q. 13. get over the A. Zered, went over A. 14 Isa. 3. 6. when a man shall take hold o( his A.
ly. VI. her strong rods were h. and withered y. 21. and cast the dust thereof into the A. y. 19. people be as fuel, no man shall spare his ii,
^.C aha, she is b. that was the c,ates of the people 1 Ham. 17.40. those tive smooth stones out of the A 19. 2. they shall fight every one against his A.
27. C6. the east-wind hath b. thee in the seas 30. 9- Uavid and 600 men came 'o the A. liesor 41. 6. every one said to his 4. be of good courage
34. the time when thou shalt be k. by the seas 2 Ham. 15. 23. the king pas.sed over the A. Kidron Jer. 13. t 14. I will dash a man against hu 4.
S0.21 1 have b. the arm of I'haraoh king of Kgypt
. 17.20. they be gone over the A of water 31 .34. teach uo more every man his A. Uei. 8. 11.
22. I will break the strong and that which was b. 1 AiM^i 2.37. be on the day ihon pa.s5est over the A. 34. y. that none serve himself of a Jew his b.
31. \". his boughs are b. by all the rivers of land 15. )3. idol burnt by the A. Kidron, 2 C/ir. 15. 16. 14. let ye go every man his 4. an Hebrew
VI. CH. be b. in the midst of the uncircumcised I". 3. get hence, hide thyself by the A. Cheiith 5. 17. in proclaiming liberty every one to his A.
34. 4. nor have ye bound up that which was b. 6. the ravens brought bread, he drank of the A. Eiek. 18. 18. because he spoiled his 4. by violence
V\. and I will bind up that which was b. 18. 40. Elijah brought them to the A. Kishon 3.'i. 30. speak every one to his 4. saying, come

C7. when I have b. the bands of their yoke 2 hiu^s 2.i. 6. he burnt the grove at the A. Kidron //D.t.12.3. Jacob took his b. by tlie heel in the womb
44. 7. and they have b. my covenant 12. cast dust into the A. Kidron, 2 Chron. 30. 14. .iiiios 1.1 1. because he did pursue his 4. with sword
Van. 2. 42. SO kingdom partly strong, and partly b. 2 Chron. 20. I6. ye shall find them at end of the A. Mic. 7.2. they hunt every man his 4. with a net
8. 8. when he was strong, the great horn was b. 29. ]6. the Levites carried it to the A. Kidron llaf. 2. 22. every one by the sword of his A.
22. now that being b. whereas four stood up for it 32. 4. much people gathered and siopt the b. ZcLth. 7.9. and shew mercy every man to his b.
25. but he shall be b. without hand y'eh. 2.15. went up by the A and viewed the wall 10. let none imagine evil against his 4. in heart
1 1 . 4. his kingdom sh.ill be b. and shall be divided J.'A 6. 15. my brethren dealt deceitfully as a A. .V«/. 2. 10. why deal treacherously against his 4. .'
22. with the arms of a flood be overflown and b. 40. 22. the willows of the A. compass him about JMat.a.ll. whoso is angry and sayelh Raca to his A.
J{ui. 5.11. Ephraim is oppressed and i. in judgment Psal. 8.I.9. do to them asto Jabin at the A. Ki.son 18. 35. myI'alherdo also to you if ye from your
Jonah 1.4. so that the ship was like t" be *. 11 0.7. he shall drink of the A. in the way, therefore hearts forgive not everyone Aii A. their trespasses
Ztch. 11. 11. and it was b. in that day, and so poor I'lov. 18. 4. well-spring of wisdom as a llowing A. 22. 24. raiseseedtoAifA. A/ar>H2.19.XHj(e20.Sf.
16. a .sliepherd shall not heal that which is b. JO.t 17. the r.T.veu3 of the A. shall pick it out 25. having no issue, left his wife to his A.
Mat. 15. 37. took up of the h. meat, Mark K. 8. l.\a. 15. 7. shall carry away to the A.of the willows John 1. 41. he findeth his A. Simon, and saith to Lim
21. 44. fall on this stone, shall be b. Luke 20. 18. Jer. 31. 40. all fields to A. Kidron be holy to Lord Uom. an occasion to fall in his A. *ay
14. 13. or
Luke 12. 3y. not have sufl'ered his house to be b. Joh>hlii. 1. went with his disciples over A. Cedron 1 no man defraud his A. in any m.itter
Ji-hti 5. 18. because he had not only b. the sabbath BROOKS. Jam. speakethevil oihis A. andjudgeth/iij A.
4. 11.
7. 2.1. that the law of Moses should not be b. .V;(w).21.14.what he did in Red-sea and A.of Arnon 1 John 2. 9. in the light, and hateth his A. 11.
10. 35. word of God came, and scripture cannot be b. 1 5. and at the stream of the A. that goeth to Ar 10. he that loveth his A. abideth in tlie light
ly. 31. Jews besought Pilate their legs might be A. Dent. 8. 7. to a land of A. of water and fountains 3. 10. neither he that loveth not his n. 14.
36. scripture fulfilled, a bone of him shall not be 4. 2 is:m. 2.1. 30. of the A. of Gaash, 1 Chron. 1 1. 32, 12. no: as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and
21. 11. for all so many, yet was not the net b. 1 Kings 18. 5. Ahab said, go unto all A. of water slew his A. because Ai.f A. works were righteous
Acts 10. 11. had h. bread and talked a long while Job 6. 15. and as the stream of A. they pass away 15. whoso hateth his A. is a murderer, 4. 20.
27. 35. gave thanks, when he had b. it he began to 20. 17. he shall uot see the 4. of honey and butter 1 John 4. 21. he who loveth God, love his A. also
41. but the hinder part was b. with the waves 22. 24, then shalt lay up gold as stones of the A. 5. 16. if any see hit A. sin a sin not to death
I Cor. 11. 24. this is my body which is b. for you Psat. 42. 1. as the hart panteth after the water-4. My BROTHER.
iitv. 2. 27. as vessels of a potter shall they be b. /ia.19.6. 4. of defence shall be emptied and dried up Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, I know not, am I my A. keeper'
down. J.the paper-reeds by the 4. by the mouth of the A. 20. 5. herself said, he is my A. 13. 1 Kings 20. 32.
Ltv.ll.Zo. oven or ranges*, d. for they are unclean and every thing sown by the A. shall wither C7.41. Esau said, then will I slay my A. Jacob
1 A'iMjf 18.30. repaired altar of Lord that was i. d. 8. all they that cast angle into the A. shall lament £9.15. Laban said to Jacob,because thou art my A,
i Kings 11.6. keep the watch, that it be not b. d. BROTH. Judg. 20. 23. to battle against Benjamin my A. 28.
i C/iroit. X\. 3. built high places Hezekiah had b. d. Jud^. 6. 19. Gideon put the A. in a pot, brought it 2 Sam. 1. 26. distressed for thee, my A. Jonathan
34.7. Josiah had b. down the altars and groves 20. the angel said, pour out the A. and he did so 13. 12. nay my A. do not force me, do not this
V<A. 1. 3. the wall of Jerusalem is b. d. gates burnt Isa. 65. 4. A. of abominable things is in their vessels 1 Kings 13. 30. they mourned, saying, alas my i.
2. 13. and I viewed the walls which were 6. d. BROTHER. Psal. I behaved as though he had been myi.
{'ial.80.1'2. why hast thou then b. rfoain her hedges' See Signification on Brethren. Cant. 8.'1. O that thou wert as my b. tliat sucked
89. 40. thou hast b. doicn all his hedges Gcn.g.S.athaiidof every man's A.will 1 require life Jer. 22. 18. they shall not lament, saying, ah my A.
Prov. 24. .31. the stone-wall thereof was b. down 24. 20. Rebekah had a A. whose name was Laban Mat. 12. 50. same is my A. and sister, Mark 3. 35.
25.28. hath no rule over his spirit, like a city 4. d. 53. gave also to her A. and mother precious things 18. 21. Ixjrd, how oft shall my A. sin against me ?
Jta. 16. 8. have i.rfuwn the principal plants thereof 2;!. 12. Jacob told Rachel he was her father's A. lAike 12. 13. spezik to my b. that he divide inherit.
22. 10. the houses have ye b. d. to fortify the wall 43.6. why dealt you so ill with me, as to tell ye had John 11.21. if hadst been here, my *. had not died
21. 10. city of confusion is A. d. every house shut a A. the man asked, have ye another A. 44. ly. 1 Co;-. 8. 13. if meat make my A. to offend, eat no flesh

19. the earth is utterly 4. doan, it is dissolved Dent. 25. 5. her husband's 4. shall go in to her 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I found not Titus my A.
Jer. 4. 26. cities were b. d.]\i8. 20. Moab*. d. 3y. Jiid^. (J. 24. their blood laid c". Abimelech their A. Onr BROTHER.
Kzek. 30. 4. and her foundations shall be 6. doton 21.6. Israel repented them for Benjamin their A. Gen. 37. 26. what profit is it if we slay our 6. t
Joel 1. 17. the bams are b. doa:n, the corn withered Job 1. 13. were eating in their elder A. house, 18. 27. for he is our A. and our flesh, Ji.dg. 9. 3.
/'/'/1.2.II. Christ hath b.d middle wall between us 30. 29. I am a A. to dragons, a companion to owls 42. 21. we are verily guilty concerning our A.
/mA. Prov. 17. 17. and a A. is born for adversity 43. 4. if thou wilt send our A. with us, we will go
Cen. .30. + .30. and it is now b. forth to a mult'tude 18. 9. he that is slothful is A. to him that is a waster 2 Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them cur A
38. 2y how hast thou i. forth T breach he on thee ly. a A. offended is harder to be won than a city Philem. 1. and Timothy our A. to Philemon
i.Sum. 5. 20. the Lord hath 4./or/A on mine enemies 24. there is a friend that sticketh closer than a A. Thy BROTHER.
in. 27. 10. better a neighbour near than a A. far off
Cen. 4. 9. Lord ST.irl to Cain, where is Abel thy h.
iChrou. 14. 11, God hath b. i?i on mine enemies I'ccl. 4.8. yea he hath neither child nor A.
10 the voice of th.y b. Ijlood crieth unto me
of. y«r. 9-4. trust not in any A. for every A. will supplant
27. 40. live by thy sword, and shalt serve th\i 6.
'fob 17. 11. my days are past, my purposes are b. of Kzek. 44. 25. for 4. they may defile themselves .IS. S. RO in to My 6. wife and raise up seed to
thy 6.
ita. 27. 11 when boughs are withered, shall A. ojf'
. Mai. 1.2. was not Esau Jacob's 4. saith the Lord
Eroit. 4. 14. is not Aaron the Levite thy b f
iiom 1 1 1 7 and if some of the branches hf b. off
. . . Mat. 10. 21. 4. shall deliver up the A. Jl/«r/( 13. 12. i3. I. take to thee Aaron thy b. and his sons
20. because of unbelief they were b. off, ly. liJark 12. ly. if a man's A.die and leave, LukelO.QO. Lfr. 19 17. thou shilt not hate Mv b. in thine heart
out. John 11. 2. Mary, whose A. Lazarus was sick 2.'). 3G. fear thy God that thy b. m*y live with theo

Lev. 13. 20. plaeiie of leprosy b. out of the boyl,25. 19. Jews came to comfort them concern, their A. A'um. 27. 1.1. as Aaron thy b. was gathered, Df uf. 32.50.
in, or 10 /neces. .lets 9. 17. A. Saul, receive thy sight, 22. 13. VeMt. l:i. 6 if thy b entice thee secretly, saying
2 Sam.1. 10. adversaries of Lord shall he b. in pieces 12.2. he killed James the A. of John with the sword 1.) II. open thy hind wide to Ihv b to thy poor
2 CA;r>M.C5. 12. cast them fromrock, were A. in pieces 21.20. thou seest, A. how many thousands believe 12. if thy b. an Hebrew be sold to thee and serve
Pfa/.8y.l0. thou hast A.Rahab in pieces z^ one slain Horn. 16. 23. and Quartus a A. salutelh you 22. 1. in any case brinR them ai?ain to thy b.
isa. 8.9. associate ye people, ye shall be b. in pieces 1 Cor. 5. 1 1 if any man called a A. be a fornicator .1 in like manner with all lost things of
thy b.
30. 14. break it as apotter's ves.sel thatisA.i>i;>i><-« 6. 6. A. goeth to law with 4. before unbelievers 23. 7. not abhor an Edomlte. for he is lh]i b.
Jfr.SO.1. Merodach is A. in pi«c«,her images b.inp. 7. 12. if any A. hath a wife that believeth not ID. thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy b.

15. a A. or sister is not under bondage in such cases 2 Sam 2. 22. how hold up my face to Join
Ihij b.
Pun. 2. 35. brass, 5ilver,gold, A. topiects together
//o>;. 8.6. but the calf of .Samaria shall be A. in piecis 8.11. thro' thy knowledge shall the weak A. perish 13 20. hold thy peace, my si«tei-, he is llmj h.
iliri 5. 4. had beet hound, and fetters been A. m p. 2 Cor. 8. 18. and we have sent with him the A. \ Kivps 20. .^'5 and they said, thy b

Job 22 6. haat taken a jiVidee from thy b. for nought

up. 2 Thess. 3. 6. that ye withdraw from every A.
^tn. 7.11. all the fountains of the great deep A. up 15. count not an enemy, but admonish him aisa A. P'lU M
20. thou fittest and speakest against thy b.

'/. h'ines 25.4. city Jerusalem A.t//> Jfr.3y.2. j 52.7. Philem. 7. bowels of saints are refreshed by thee, A. Prnv. 27. 10 nor go into
My b house in calamity
£ CAr»n. 2 4. 7 sons of Athaliah had b.iip house of God 16. but above a servant, a 6. beloved to me
Ohad 10. for thy violence against Ciy 6 Jacob
12. shouldst not have looked on the day of th'j b.
Prop 3. 20. by his knowledge the depths are A. up Jlis BROTHER.
.Ifaf. 5.23.rememberestthat(*v6 hathou^htanainat
JtT. 17. 1 1 .when the army of Chaldeans was A. up Ofn. 25. 26. and after that came his A. out
21. first be reconciled to thy b. then offer th j gift
\fk, S. 13. they have 6, up and passed the gate 7.H 0. lest that he should give seed to his A.


Mjtt.t. 5. behold, mote in <Ayi.eye,3.Z«j!-« 6.41,42. i/a.59. 16. therefore his arm b. .salva'.ion. 6j. 6 Cen. 1. 21. waters*. /. abundanllr afte.r theirkirid
18.15.if rAvi.trespass,ha5tgainedt/iv*--^''*«17.3. 60. 11. and that iheir kings may be b. 14. 18. the king of Salem b.Jortn hreaa ana vnr»
Jthn 11. 23. Jesus saith, thy b. shall rise again 62. 9- they that b. it shall drink it in the courts 15. 5. the Lord b. forth Abram abroaQ.anJ said).
^am. 14.10. but why dost thou judge /Ay i..' or why Jer. 11. ly. as an ox that is b. to the slaughter 19.16. angels b. Lot/orth, and set him without cirj
dost thou set at nought thy b. ! 15. 8. I have b. on them a spoiler at noon-day 24.53. theservanti./orr/i jewels of silver and gold
Your BROTHER. 32. 42. as 1 have b. all this evil on this people 38. 25. when b. forth, she sent to her father-in-law
Oen. 42. .34. bring your b. so will I deliver youy. b. 40.3. now Lord hath b. it and done as he said 41 .47. in plenteous years earth b.forth by handluls
43. 3. not see my face, except your b. be with you Eiek. 14. 22. be comforted concerning the evil I b. Exod. 3. 12. when thou hast b. forth the people
1 3. take vmir i. arise, and go again unto the man 23. 8. nor left she her whoredoms b. from Egypt 16. 3. <br ye have b. us forth into the wildernesP
45.4. 1 am Joseph your A. whom yesoldint* Egypt 2y. 5. thou shalt not be b. together nor gathered 2y. 46. shall know I am the Lord who b. them forth
Judg. 9. 18. Abimelech Wing, because he is your b. 40. 4. that I might shew them, art thou b. hither out of the land of Egypt, Lev. 25 38. 26. 13,45. |

/(ev. 1 .9. J ohn, who also am votir b. and companion 47. 3. he b. me through the waters to the ancles, 4. Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod b. forth buds.and Lloomed
BROTHERlioUU. Dan. fi. 18. nor instruments of music b. before him 20. 16. sent an angel, and *. Ui forth out of Egypt
Zech. 11. 14. might break 6. between Judah and Is. 7. 13. b. him near before the ancient of days £4. 8. God b. him J'orlh out of Egypt, he hatb
1 Pet. 2. 17- love the b. fear God, honour the king 9. 14. Lord watched on the evil, and on us strength
BROTHERLY. 11. 6. she be given up, and they that 4. her Deui. 6. 12. lest forget Lord wlvo b. thee J'cn/i.a. 14.
Amos 1 . 9. they remembered not the *. covenant Hug. 1 9- when ye b. it home I did blow on it
. 8. 15. who b. forth water out of the rock of Hint
Ram. 12. 10. be kindly affectioned, with b. Icve MjI. 1. 13. ye b. what was torn, and lame, and sick 9. 12. thy people thou b. f. have corrupted thems.
1 lAess. 4. 9- a^ touching^, love, ye need not that 1 Mat. 10. 18. ye shall be*, before kings for my sake, £0. 8. the Lord b. m
forth with a mighty hand
Heb. 13. 1. let 4. love continue for a test, agamst them, Mark 13. 9. Lukell . 12. 29. 25. the covenant he made when he *. ihem forth
t Pet. 1 .7 to godliness i.kindness, and to b. kindness
. 12. 25. kingdom is A. to desolation, Ltike \l .IT 33. 14. for precious fruits *. forth by the sun
BROUGHT. 14.11. she b. John Baptist's head to her mother Joih. 10. 23. b. forth those five kings out of the cave
Oen. 20.9- hast i. on me and my kingdom a great sii; 17. 16. I A.him to thy disciples, could not cure him Judg. 5. 25. she b. forth butter in a lordly dish
27. 20. because the Lord thy God b. it to me 18. 24. one was b. that owed him 10,000 talents d. 8. lb. yo\iJ'orth out of the house of bondage
31. 39. that torn of beasts 1 i. not to thee ly. 13. werei.tohim little children, Mark 10. 13. 1 Sam. 12. 8. sent Moses, who b. forth your fathers

43. 26. they b. him the present in their hand Mark 4.21. a candle b. to be put under a bushel 2 &;m. 22. 20. 4. me/", into large place, fifl/. 18. I9.
Exod.Q. 19. every beast in field not A. home shall die 6. 27. the king commanded his head to be b. 1 Kings 9. 9. they forsook the Lord who b.f. their

10. 13. Lord b. east-wind, the east-wind b. locusts 10. 13. the disciples rebuked those that b. them fathers out of the land of Egj-pt, 2 Chr.T 22 .

18. 26. the hard causes they b. to Moses Lukel, 22. b. him to Jerusalem to present him 2 Kings 10. 22. b. forth vestments for worshippers
19. 4. how I bare you and 6. you to myself 7. 37. a woman b. an alabaster-box of ointnieiA 11 .12. b. forth the king's son, and put the crown on
32. 1. the man that b. us up out of Egypt, 23. 10. 31. b. him to an inn and took care of him Job 10. 18. wherefore hast b. me forth out of womb
21. that thou hast 6. so great a sin on them John 7. 45. they said, why have ye not b. him ? 21. 30. tht wicked shall be b. forth 'oday of wrath
25. 23. they that had purple and scarlet i. them Acts 5. 2 1 and sent to the prison to have them b.
. Pial. 7. 14. conceived mischief, and *./. falsehood
Lev. 13. 2. he shall be 6. to Aaron the priest, 9. , 9. 27. Bamabas*.himto the apostles and declared 90. 2. before the mountains were b. forth, art (iod
23. 14. till he have b. an offering to your God 15. 3. and being b. on their way by the church 105.30. their land b. forth frogs in abundance
24. 11. they b. the blasphemer to Moses 16. 16. who b. her masters gain by soothsaying 43. he b. forth his people with joy and gladness
Xum. 6. 13. he shall be*, to the door of tabernacle 20. b. them to the magistrates, saying, those men Prov.U Qi.when there wer« no depths, I was b.forth
g. IS. because i. not the offering in his season 19. 12. from his body were b. to the sick, aprons £5. before the hills was I b. forth
14. 3. wherefore hath the Lord b. us to this land r 19.*. their books, and burned them before all men Cant. 8.5. there thy mother b. thee/ur/A.shc i. forth
16. 10. and he hath 6. thee near to him 24. Demetrius b. no small gain to the craftsmen /.fa. 5. 2. he looked tor grapes, and itb.f. wild grapes

27. 5. Moses b. their cause before the Lord 37.ye4. hitherthese men, no robbers of churches £t). 18. b. forth wind 45. 10. what hast thou *./.

31. 50. we have therefore b. an oblation for Lord 20. 12. and they b. the young man alive 51. 18. to guide her among sons, she hath A. ^'ur^A
32. 17. till we have b. them to their places 21. 5. they all b. us on our way, with wives 66.7. before shetravailed,she *./. before herpait
Deiii. 5. 15. the Lord thy God b. thee out thence 25. 6. the next day commanded Paul to be b. 8. for as soon as Zion travailed, she b.J'. children
26. 10. I have b. the first-fruits of the land 27.24. fearnot,Paul,thoumustbei>. before Caesar Jer. 2. 27. saying to a stone, thou hast b. rue forik
13. I have b. away the hallowed things Rom. 15. 24. to be b. on my way thither by you 11. 4. I commanded in the day I b. themy". 34 13
JosA. 7. 14. in the morning ye shall be b 1 Cor. 6. 12. 1 will not be b. under the power of any 17. t ll.gathereth young which he hath not b forth
£S. they took and b. them to Joshua 2 Cor. 1. 16. of you to be b. on my way to Judea 20. 3. Pashur *._/br//i Jeremi»h out of the stocks
H. they b. them to the valley of Achor 2 Tim. 1. 10. hath b. life and immortality to light 32.21. hast b. forth thy people Israel with signs
24. 7- Lord b. the sea upon them and covered them 1 Pet. 1. 13. for the grace that is to be b. to you 50. 25. Lord b.f. the weapons of his indignation
Judg. 2. 1. I have*, you unto the land I sware 2 Pet. 2. 19. of the same is he b. in bondage 51.10. the Lord hath b. forth our righteousness
16. 18. the Philistines b. money in their hand BROUGHT again. Ezek. 12. 7- 1 b. forth my stuff by day in their sight
18. 3. who b. thee hither? and what makest thou Gen. 14. 16. AbramA.<7?ai>i his brother Lot and goods 14.22. a remnant b. forth, both sons and daughters
I Sam. 1. 24. she b. Samuel to the house of the Ld. 43. 12. and the money that was b. again in sacks 20. 22. the heathen in whose sight I *. them_/tfr/*
25. they slew a bullock and b. the child to Eli Exod. 10. 8. Moses and Aaron b. again to Pharaoh Mtc. 5.3. till time she which travaileth bath *. /. rtk
10. 27. they despised him, and b. him no presents 15.19. Lord b. again the waters of the sea on them Hag. 2. 19. and the olive-tree hath not h. forth
21. 14. wherefore then have ye b. him to me > Deiit.l .25. b. us word ag. and said, it is a good land Mat. 1. 25. till she had b.J'oiih her tirst-born son
25. 35. David received what Abigail had b. him Josh. 14. 7. I b. him word ag. as it was in my heart 13.8. fell in good ground, and b.f. fruit, Mark 4.8.
30. H. they found and b. an Egyptian to Uavid I'liih 1. 21. the Lord hath b. me home ag. empty Luke 1.57. now Elisabeth's time came, she A./, a sod
tSam. 1. 10. crown and bracelet, i. them to my lord 1 Sam. 6. 21. the I'hilistines b. ag. ark of the Lord 2. 7. she b.f. her first-born son and wrapped him
7. 18. who am I, O Lord God ? what is my house, 2 Sam. 3. 26. b. ag. Abner from the well of Sirali 12. Vj. the ground of a rich monk, forth plentifully
that thou hast 4. me hitherto? 1 Chron. 17.16. 2 Kings 22. 9. Shaphan the scribe came and b. the John 19. 13. when Pilate heard that, be*. /. Jesus
I A'wof 9.9. Lord 4. on them this evil, 2 Chron.l.l'Z. king word ag. 20. 1 Kings 20. 9. 2 Chron. .34. 28. -i<Yj 5 19. opened the prison doors and A. ihtm forth
10. 25. they b. each his present, 2 Chron. 9. 24. 2 Chr. 33.13. Lord b. Manasseh again to Jerusalem 12.(5. when Herod would have i. him fortU
17. 20. hast thou also b. evil upon the widow ? Neh. 13. 9. thither A. I ag. the vessels of the house 25. 17. 1 commanded the man to be b. forth
^2. 37. so the king died, and weis b. to Samaria Jer. 27. 16. the vessels shall shortly be b. again Jam.b. 18. he prayed.and the earth b. forth her fruit
2A"iHgy5. 20. spared Naaman.innot receiv.whathe*. Ezek. 34. 4. ye have not b. again what was driven Rev. 12 5. she b.'forth a man-child, who was to rule
17.4. HosheaA. no presents to the king of Assyria 3y. 27. when I have b. them ag. from the people 13. the dragon persecuted the woman which A./.
27. carrj- thither the priest ye b. from thence Mat. 27. 3. repented and b. ag. 30 pieces of silver lUtOUGHT in.
20. 11. he b. the shadow ten degrees backward Heb. 13.20. God of peace that b. ag. from the dead Gen. 39. 14. he hath A. in an Hebrew to mock us
24. 16. craftsmen the king *. captive to Babylon BROUGHT back. 47. 7. Joseph A. in Jacob his father, Jacob blessed
1 Vhron. 11. I9. with jeopardy of lives they b. it Gen. 14. ifi. Abram b. back all the goods and Lot Lev. 10. 18. blood was not A. in within holy place
14. 17. the Lord b. fear of him on all nations A'uwi. 13.2t). b. back word to them and congregation 115. 27. the bullock and goat, whose blood was 4. in

8 Chr. 13. 18. the children of Israel were b. under IKings 1.'}.23. fortlie prophet whom he had b. back Au»(.12.15.they journeyed not tillMiriam wasA.ia
17- 5. all Judah b. to Jehoshaphat presents 2 Chr. 19. 4. Jehoshaphat b. them back to the Lord Veut. y. 4. for my righteousness the Lord 4. me m
22.9. b. Ahciziah to Jehu, and when had slain /^.>v//.85.1. thou hast 4. iar* thecaptivity of Jacob 11. 29. when the' Lord hath 4. thee in to the land
28. 5. the king of Syria b. Israel to Damascus Ezek. .'iU. 8. come into land b. back from the sword 2 Sam. 3. 22. Joab 4. in a great spoil with him
15. b. captives to Jericho to their brethren BHOUGHT down. C. 17. they A. in the ark of the Lard, 1 KmciV,. 6
32. S3, many b. gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem Gen. 39. 1. and Joseph was b. down into Egjpt A'e/(. 13. ly. no burden A. in on the sabl>aih-day

Eira 8. 18. they b. us a man of understanding J"ilg. 7.5. he b. down the people to the waters Psal. 78. £'5. by his power he A. in the south wind
10. 1 10. ye have b. back strange wives It). 21. the Philistines b. iomi Samson to Gaza Dan. 5. 13. then was Daniel A. in before the king
VWi. 4. 15. God had b. their counsel to nought l.!>V/;H.30.1t). whenhehadA.Kimrf.thcy were spread Mat. 14. 11. John's held was 4. in in a charjter
8. 16. the people b. them and made them booths 1 Kings 1 .53. they *. Adonijah iloTcn from the altar .-ii7.i 7. 45. A. in with .lesus into possession of Cieniiles

9. 33. thou art just in all that is b. upon us 17. 23. Elijah b. the child d. out of the chamber Gal. 2. 4. false brrthren A. in to spy our lilierty
13. 12 Judah b. tithe of com and new wine 18. 40. b. them d. to brook Kishon and slew them Heb. 9. t 16. must be A. in the death of the testator
hsth. 6. 8. let the royal apparel be *. the king useth Psal. 20. 8. they arc b. d. and fallen, bnt we arc ri.sen BHOIGII 1 tnto.
•). 11. number of slain in Shushan b. to the king 1117. 12. he b. domi their heart with labour Num. 16. 14. not b. us into a land that flowcth
Job 4. 12. now a thing was secretly b. to me Isa. 5. 15. and the mean man shall be b. doan Deut. ("). 10. whenLord hath A. thee inrn, 31 .20.
21. 32. yet shall he be b. to the grave and tomb 14. II. thy pomp is b. down to the grave 1 Sam. 5.2. A. the ark in^ff Dagon'i house and sit it

Psal. .15. 4. let them be b. to confusion, 2tJ. 15. thou shalt be b. down to hell, to sides of pit 9 22. 4. them in/u the p.irlour, and made th>-in sit
45. 15. with gladness and joy shall they be b. 2y. 4. thou shalt be h. d. and speak out of ground 211.8. A. thy servant into a covenant with thee
71.24. they are b t) .'hame that seek my hurt 43. 14. for your sake 1 have b. d. all the iiol)lu5 2 Ar.iM 12.16. sin-money uot 4. into house of Lori
Prur. 6. S6. a man is ». to a piece ol bread /'.<]/. 22. 15. hast 4. me into the dust of death
Lam.i. 2. he hath b. them down to the ground
Cowr. 2. 4. he b. me to the banqneting-house Ezek. 17. 24. I the I.ord have b. d the high tree font. 1. 4. the king hath A. me into his chambers
Isa. 16. 1. Ar. b. Kir of Moab is b. to silence 31. 18. shall be *. doam with the trees of Eden Jer. 2. 7. I 4. you in(i> ?. plentiful country to eat
23. 13. b. the land of the Chaldeans to ruin ZecA. 10. 11. the pride of Assyria shall be b. douii l^m 3. 2. hath A. me inro darkness, but nut light
29- 20. for the terrible one is b. to nought Mat. 11.23. thou Capernaum be *. do:.n to hell Lzfk. 27- 26. thy rowers hwe 4. thee into waterd
43. 23. thou hast not b. small cattle to mc, 24. Acts y. 30. the brethren ^. im down to CVsarea 4t. 7. ye have A. inn> mv sanctuary strangers
48. 15 yea, 1 have called him, I h.-\ve //. him B H OUGHT /<Tr/i Alls 9- 8. they led him ana 4 him into
'i3, 7. be is j. as a lamb to the slaugm^r Gen. 1. 12. the earth i. forth grass End herbs 21. £8. b. Greeks rn>':> the temple, and jiolluted It

. ; ,


ITtm. 6. 7. for we *. nothing inio this world Jonah 2. 6. yiit hast b. up my li[e from comiplicn ICiron. 12 e.Gadites that could handle shield ami?
titi. 13 11 whose blood is *. into the sanctuary Nah. 2. 7- she shall be b.vp, and her maids !ead her Psal. IB. 2. Lcrd is my God, my A. my high
BROLGIir lo:a. Luke 4. 16. to Nazareth, where she had been A. up 35. 2. take hold of shield and A. stand up for he!v
Judg. 11.35. daughter, thou hast A. me very ha Acts 13. 1. had been A. up with Herod the tetrarch 91. 4. his truth shall be thy shield and A.
iC/iron. 28. ly. Lord A. .ludah /ii;r, because of Ahaz 22.3. yet A. up in this city at the feet of Gamalii-l Prov. 2. 7- he is a A. to them that walk uprightly
Jod 14. 21. thej- are i. low,hul he perceiveth it not 1 Tim. 5. 10. a widow, if she have A. ?// children Jer. 46.3. order ye the A. and shield, and draw near
24. 24. wicked are gone and *. loa, they are taken BROUGHTEST. Ezek. 23. 24. shall set against the A shield, and
J'sal. 79-8. let mercies prevent us, for we are A. /uii Exod. 32. 7. thy people thou A. out have corrupted 26. 8. he shall lift up the A. against thee [belmt t
106.4.1. and were i. low for their iniquity Num. 14. 13. thou A. up this people in thy might BUCKLERS.
107. 3y. they areA./oa, thro' oppression and sorrow Deut. 9. 28. lest the land whence thou b. us out say 2 C/;r.23 9. Jehoiada delivered spears, A. and shield*
1 16. 6. I was *. low, arid he helped me 29. thy inheritance thou A. out, 1 Kiu^s 3.51. Job 15. 26. runneth upon the thick bosses of his A.
142. 6. attend to my cry, for 1 am b. very loza 2 Sam. 5.2. wast he that b in Israel, 1 Chron. 11.2. Cant. 4 4. whereon there hanged a thousand A.
Jiecl. 12. 4. all daughters of music shall be b. lo-j> 1 Ktns^s 8.53. when thou A. our fathers out of I'.gypt Ezek. 38. 4. a great company with A. and shields upon every one lifted up, he shall beA. low AWi 9. 7. b. him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees 39. 9. they shall set on fire shields, A. and bows
55.5. the branch of the terrilple ones shall be b. low 15. thou A. forth water for them out of the rock BUD, Substantive.
lathe 3.5. every mountain and hiU b. low, ha. 40.4. 23. A. them into the land thou hadst promised Job 38. 27. cause the A. of the tender herb to spring
B HO UGH J out. Psitl. 66. 11. thou A. tis into the net, thou laidst Isa. 18. 5. afore the harvest, when the A. is perfect
Gen. 15. 7. that *. thee out of Ur of the Chaldees 12. but tliou A. us out into a wealthy place Ol. 11. for as the earth bringeth forth her b.
41. 14. tliey b. him hastily out of the dungeon BROW. Ezek. 16.7. caused thee to multiply as A. of the field
43. 23. and he b. Simeon out unto them Tsa 48 4. thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy A brass Hot. 8.7. A. shall yield no meal, stranger swallow ji
tCjwI. 13. 3. for by strength of hand the Lord b. l^uke 4. 29. they led him to the 4. of the hill BUD, ^«rA.
you out from this place, 9, 14, 16. Deut. 6. 21 BROWN. Cen. 3. 1 18. thistles shall it cause to A. to thee
20. 2. I am the Lord thy God, which b. thee out, Geti. 30. ,52. all A. cattle among fhe sheep, ."iS. 40. Job 14. 9. yet through the scent of water it will i.
/-«>. 19.36. iViOTi.lS n. Detit.5.6. i*>a/.81.10. o.J.every one thatis not A.shallbe account, stolen Psal. 132. 17. 1 Will make the horn of David to A.
i>r.23.43.when 1 i.themo:(rol Egypt.l AingtO.Cl. BRUISE, Subslcntive. Cant 7. 12. let us .see if the pomegranates A. fort);
Dent. 5. 15. remember that I^rd b. thee out thence lia. 53. +5. and with his b. we are healed Isa.-Z' .6 Israel shall blossom andA. and fill thewoilc'
9 28. *. them out to slay them in the wilderness Jer. 6. + 14. they healed the 6. of my people slightly 55. 10 maketh the earth to bring forth and A.
Joi/i. 6.23. young men b. out Rahab and all she had .30. 12. thus suith the Lord, thy A. is incureable Etek. 29. 21. cause the horn of Israel to A. forth
24. 5. plagued Egypt, and afterward I b. you out iVa/€re isnohealingof my A. wound griev. BUDS.
2 &im. 13. 18 servant b. her out, and bolted the door BRUISES. Num.^^^ S.A.tron'srod brought forth A. and bloomed
2 Kin^s 23. 6. he b. cut the prove from house of L. Tsa. 16. no soundness, btit wounds, and A. and sores BUDDED [foi-tL
1 CAm. 20. 3. he *. out the people that were in it Ezei. 47. 1 12. the leaf thereof for A. and sores Cen. 40. 10. the vi;-,e was as though it A. and shot
SC/iron. 23. 11. then they i. out the king's son BRUISE Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod for the house of Levi A
£g. 16. priests*, out all uncleanness they found Signifies, [1] To crmA, injure, or oppress. Gen. Cant. 6 11. to see whether the pomegranates b.
Ptal. 78. 16. he b. streams also out of the rock 3. 15. Dan. 2. 40. [2] To ptmisA, c'lastist, ur tzek 7. 10. the rod hath blossomed, pride hath A.
fiO. 8. thou hast i. a vine out of Kgypt correct, Isa. 53. 10. It is spoken, (1) Corpo. an. g. 4. the ark wherein was Aaron's rod that i.
107. 14. he i. them out of darkness, and brake really, »/ Me body, Luke 9. 39. (2) Spiritually, BUFFET.
130. 11. and b. out Israel from among them of doubts and troubles. Mat. 12. 20. (3) .Mu- 2 Co'. 12. 7. the messenger of Satan to A. me
Jer. 7. 22. in the day 1 b. them o^it of Egypt rally, of corruptions, Isa. 1. 6. (4) Politically, BUFFETED.
Dan. 5.12. whom the kin^ u.y father 4 out of Jewry of a weak decaying nation, 2 Kings 18. 21. A/a/. 26.67. spit in his face and A. him, Mark 14.65
Hot. IS. IS. by a prophet the Ix)rd b. Israel out A bruised reed shall he not break, Isa. 42. 3 1 Cor. 4. 11. even to tL s present hour we are A
Acts 7. 40. this Moses, which b. us out of Kgypt CArist wilt tiot deal rotighly and rtgorotisly with 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye be A. for your faults
12.17. declared how the Lord b. him out of prison tAose tAat come to Atm, but will use all gentle- BUILD
13. 17. with an high arm b. them out of Egypt ness and tenderness to lAem ; passing bt/ their Signifies, [1] To erect, or make houses, &:c. Deut.
l6.30.A.OT((, and said, what must I do to be saved ' greatest sins, bearing aitA tAeir present mfir 28 30. [2] To strengthen and increase know
39. they came and besought them, and b. them out ties, cAenshing, and encouraging tAe smallest ledge, faitA, love, and all other graces, Acts2(.i.
BROUGHT to pass. beginnings of grace, and comforting and Aeatim 32. [3] To cement and knit together spirituallv
9 Kings 19. 25. DOW 1 have b. it to pass, Isa. 37. C6. wounded consciences. thus believers are united to Christ by faith, and
Eitk. 21. 7. it Cometh, and shall be b. to pais To bruise the teats, Ezei. 23. 3. 21. To eommi among themselves by love, Eph. 2. 22. [4] 'J,
lC«r. 15. 54. then shall be b. to pass the saving bodily wAoredom ; or idolatry, which is spiritual preserve, bless, and prosper, Psal. 127. 1. Jer.
BROUGHT up. wAoredorn. 24. 6. [5] To settle and establisA, 1 Sam. 2. 35.
/^xerf.l7.3.whereforehast(houA.ust(^ f A^am.Cl.5. Gen. 3. shall A. thy head, thou shall A. his heel Who did build the house of Israel, Ruth 4. 11.
32. 1. as for Moses, the man that b. as up, C.t. Isa. 28. 28. nor will he A. it with his horsemen JVAo did irurease Ais family by a uumeroiu
4.these thy gods which i.thee up,S.l h'itigs 12.28. 53. 10. yet it pleased the Lord to A. him progeny.
33. 1. thou and the people which thou hast. A. up Dan. 2.40. as iron shall it break in pieces and A. I will iiuild up thy throne, Psal. 89. 4. / will
Num. 13. 32. they *. up an evil report of the land Horn. 16. 20. the God of peace shall A.Satan shortly perpetuate the kingdom to thy posterity.
16. J 3. is it a small thing that thou hast A. Msup ? BRUISED. Shall build the old wastes, Isa. 6l. 4. n.
30. 4. why have ye A. up the congregation of Lord ? Lev. 22. 24. ye shsJl not offer to the Lord what is A. Gentiles, who Aave been long destitute of th-
Deut. CO. ] the Lord is with thee, which b. thee up
. 2 Kings 18. 21. trusteth on the staff of this b. reed true knowledge of God, and like a uildernea
22. 19. because he A. up an evil name on a virgin Jia. 42. 3. aA. reed shall he not break, .Ui/f. 12. 20 overgrown with briers and thorns, shall be brout^hi.
Josi. 24. 17 he It is that A. ui up and our fathers
. 53. 5. he was A. for our iniquities.the chastisement by the ministry of the word, to know and sent
32. bones of Joseph A. up, they buried in Shechem Esei. 23. 3. there they A. the teaU of their virginity the true God.
Judg. 6. 8. I A. yoti up from Egypt, 1 Sam. 10. 13. 8. and they i. the breasts of her virginity BUILD referred to God.
15. 13. A. Samson «^ I6. 31. A. him ;(;>and buried
Ltiie 4. la. sent me to set at liberty them that are A. 1 • I will raise up a priest, and will A. him
1(). 8. the lords A. up to her seven green wiihs BRUISING. a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. 1 Kings 11. 'Jii.
J Ham. 2. 14. all the tleshhook A. »//) the priest took Ezei. 23. 21. in b. thy teats by the Egyptians 1 Chron. 17. 10. that the Lord will A. thee an houM
8. 8. since the day I A. Uiem up, £ Sam. ~. 0. Lulceg. 39. the spirit A. him, hardly departeth from 25. hast told that thou wilt A. him an house
1 CAron. 17. 5. BRUIT. Psal. 28. 5. he shall destroy, and not b. them up
12. 6. Lord that A. your fathers up out of I'gypt Jer. 10. 22. behold, the noise of the A. is come 51. 18. do pood toSion, A. the walls of Jerusalem
2 Sam. 6. 12. David went and A. up the ark of (iod, .Xah. 3. 19. all that hear the A. of thee, shall clap 69. 35. for God will A. the cities of Judah
15. 1 Kings 8. 4. 1 C7,r. 15. 28. 2 C/ir. 1.4. Brute ; see Beasts. 89. 4. and A. up thy throne to all generations
2] 8. A.k;; for Adriel 13. A. 7//> the bones of Saul
BRUTISH. 102. 16. when Lord shall A up Zion, will appear
2 A'ln?/ 13.1. to them that A up Ahab's children, (i. P.-al. 49. 10. the fool and the A. person perish 127. 1. except Lord A. house, they labour in vaiii
17. 7. Israel sinned against Lord who A. them tip 92. C. a A. mankiioweth not, nor a fool understand 147.2. Lord doth A. up J erusalem.gathers outcast*
36. the Lord whoA. you up, him fear and worship 9*. 8. understand, ye A. among the people Jtr. 18. 9- I speak concerning a nation to A. it
25.6. A. up /edekiah to king of Babylon, J«r. 39. 5. I'm: 12. 1. but he that hateth reproof is A. 24. 6. I will A. and not pull them down, 31 28. .

S CAr. B 11. Solomon A. up the daughterof Pharaoli 30 2. surely I' am more A. than any man 31. 4. again I will A. thee, O virgin of Israel
10. 8. counsel with young men A. up with him, 10. Jia. 19. 11. the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel 33. 7. I will A. Judah and Israel as at the fi^^l
Etra 1.11. all these vessels A. up from Babylon of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become A. 42. 10. if ye will abide in this land I will A. you
4. 2. Fjar-haddon king of Assur A. us tip hither Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether A. and foolish Ezek. 36.36. that I the Lord A. the ruined places
.\rA.9.18.thisisthyGod that A. thee ?(;<out of Ec\-pt 14 every man 15 A. 51. 17. ||21. pastors are A. :imos9. 11. 1 will A. it a& in the days of old
Esth.2.1 Mordecai b.up Esther his uncle's daugliter
Eiei. 21. 31. deliver thee into the hand of A. men Mat. 16. 18. on this rock will I A. my church
20. like as when she was A. up with him BUCKET, S. 26.61 I am able to A. it in three days, Markli.K.

Job 31. 18. from my youth he was A. up with me A'um. 24. 7. he shall pour the water out of his A. Acts 15. 16 I will A. again the tabernacle of Daviil
Pial. 30. 3. thou hasl A. up my soul from the grave Jsa. 40.15. the nations are as a drop of a A. and dust BUILD altars.
40. 2. he A. me up out of an horrible p't BUCKLER Eiod. 20. 23 shalt not A. an altar of hewn stone
/'reo. 8. 30. then I was by him, as one A. up with him Is a piece of defensive armour, 1 Chron. 5. 18. A'um.23.1 Bidaam said, A. me here seven altars, iti

Jtm. 1.2. I have nourished and A. up children God is often called the Buckler, or iihield of lin Deut. 27.5. there thou shalt A. an altar to the Loin
49. 21. who hath A. tip these ? wherehadthey bee.i * people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2. 7. He will protect 6. thou shalt A. altar of the Lord of whole ston«.
51. 18. none to guideher of all the sons she A. tip and save tAem from that mticAief and rtiin which Jm/i.22.29. God forbid, we rebel audA. an ettur
63. 11. where is he that A. them upt Jcr. 2. C. will befal alt wicked men. And in Cant. 4. 4. See Began.
Jet. 11.7. I protested in the day I A. them up thefaith of tAe church, or of believers, whereby they BUILD joined with house.
l6.14.tbe Lord that A. u;> Israel out of Egypt, 23.7. are united to Christ, is compared to the tower of Deut. 25. 9. man that will not A. his brother's kouit
IS.the I>ord that b.up Israel from the north,23.8. David, whereon hang a thousand bucklers 28.30. shalt A. an Aoute, not dwell in it, ZepA.i.ll
Ziani.2 22.those I A. up bath my
enemy consumed noting, Aoie strong and invincible faith it, which Huth 4. 11. which two did A. the house of Israel
4. 5. that » ?re A. up in scarlet embrace dunghills fumiiAes wtlk ueapcmt out of CArist'a fulness, 2 Sam. 7. 5. shalt thou A. me an Aottte to dwell in
£ut.l9 3. she A.uponeof her whelps, a young lion and abundanily difendt from all tpirituat ene- ".spake I, $aying,why A. ye not me an A. ofceflar-
31. t 4. the deep A. him up on high with her rivers miet, Eph. 6. 16. 13. thy seed shall A. an hoiae for my namt^
37. 13. when 1 have A. you up nut of your graves 2 Sam. 22.31 a A. to all that trust in him. Pa. 18.30.
. 1 Kinet 5. 5. | 8. 19. 1 CAr. 17. 12. | 22. 10.
Amti. 10. It. you up, 3.1. 9.7. Mic.C.i,
> 1 CAroH. 5. IB mcD «ble to bear A. and aword 1 Kiitfs 2. 30. A. thte an A. in Iwualein, and dwell

l/Ttn^fS.S. David could aoti. ia h. for wars about Prav. 24. 3. through wisdom is an house 4. and Eiek. 16. 84. thon hast f. to thee ut eminent pUoi

5. 1purpose to b. an h. to Lord, 2 C/ir.2.l. [jhiai
l6. I chose no city to b. an hovje, 2 Chron. o. 5.
Eccl. 2. 4. I A. me houses, I planted vineyr-rds
25. hast 4. thy high place at every head of w^
26. 14. thou shalt be 4. no more, saith the Lord G.
17 it was in heart of David my father to 4. an A.
. Cant 4. 4. thy neck like tower of D. A. for armoury Dan. 4. 30. is not this great Babylon I have A. f
for God of Israel, 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 6. 7. Jer. 30. 18. the city shall oe A. on her own heap 9. 25. the street shall be 4. again and the wall
1 17. 18. he shall b. me an Aoiu«, 2 C/ir. 6. y. /.rfiOT. 3.5. he hath A. against me, and compassed me Zech. 8. 9. let hands be strong,
that temple be A,
i2. 8. shall not b. an A. because thou shed blood Ezei. 36. 10. and the waste shall be A. 33. .U«;.21 33. dig. a wine-press,4. sktower, Mark IS.l
11. my son, b. the A. of Lord, as he said of thee Luiel'i .28.they bought,they sold,they plant. they A Luke'!. 5. the centurion hath 4. us a synagogue
JS. 6.Solomon shall b. my house and my courts E//h. 2. 22. in whom ye are A. together foi habitat 1 Cor. 3. 14. if work abide which he hath 4. ihereoo
i Chr. 2. 4. behold, I i. an Aofue to Lord my C;od JJeb. 3. 3. he who A. the house hath more honour Eph. 2. CO. are 4. on the foundation of the apostles
5. the house I b. is grtat, for great is our God 4. for every house is A. by some man, he that built Co/. 2. 7- rooted and A. up in him, established in faith
6. who is able to b. him an liouse ? that I should BUILULST. JJei. 3. 4. but he ihat A. all tbiags is God
b. an hunse Ueut. 6. 10. to give thee goodly cities thou A. not BUILr altar.
!6.23.he hath charged me to i. him an A. Ezra 1.2. BUILDER, S Gen. 33. t 20. Jacob A. au attar, El-elohe- Israel
i^ira 1. 3. go to Jerusalem and b. the Aoiueof Lord Is spoken, [1] Of such as erect hoiues, &cc. 2 King Eiod. 17. 15. .Moses A. a. 24. 4. 32. 5. Aaron 4. a. ||

i. 3. who hath commanded you

to 4. this house.' g. 22. 6. [2] U/ God, the great Architect, aAu Josh. 8. 30. Joshua A. au a. 22. 10. half tribe 4. t.

6. 7. let the governor of the .lews A. this home created the heavem and the earth, and all th Jiidg. 6. 24. Gideon A. an a. 21. 4. people A. an o.

Psal. 127. !• they labour in vain that b. the house III them, lleb. 11. 10. [3] 0//atthJul miniuers 1 Art/j) 7. 17. Samuel A. altar 14. ,35. Saul A. aliar

Prov. 24. 27. prepare, and afterwards b. thy house of the gospel, wh.i like wise master-builders oui^hi 2 *(«!. 24. 25. IJavid A. am altar to the L.ord
Jsa. 65. 21. they shall b. houses and inhabit tUem jirst to lay the foundation, and then build upon 1 hiiigs 9. 25. Solomon offered on the altar he A.
W. 1 where is the house that ye b. unto me
. It ; first to acguaint such as they have the charge 18. 32. with stones Llisha 4. altar in name of Lord
"^.22. 14. 1 will A. me a wide A. and large chambers of, with the fundamentals of religion, shewing 2 Kings 16. 11. Urijah the priest A. an altar
39- 5- *• houses and dwell in them, and plant, Cli. them that Christ it the onlu way to salvation, BUILT altars.
15. 7- neither shall ye 4. house nor sow seed and then to make t/ieir superstructure upon this Mim. 23. 14. Balak A. seven altars, and offered
>j»*. 11. 3. which say, it is not uear.let us b. homes foundation, 1 Cor. 3. 10. 2 Ai»^.r21. 4. he A. altars in the house of the Loiri
^. 20. they shall dweU .safely, and shall A. houses 1 Kings 5. 18. Solomon's and Hiram's A. did hew A. a. for all the host of heaven, 2 Chron. 33. 5.
Hag. 1 . 8. go to the mountain, bring wood, A. house 2 /v'ihoj12.H. laid money out to the A. that wrought 2 C'A;o«.33.15. took away a. he had A. in the mount
/ech. 5. 11. to A. it an house in the land of Shinar 22. 6. give it to carpenters and A. 2 Chr. 34. 11. BUILT city.
Acts 7.49. what house will ye A. me, saith the Lord Ezra 3. 10. when A. laid foundation of the temple A'jfm. 21.27. let the city of Sihon be A. and prepared
BUILD. Neh. 4.5. have provoked thee to anger before the A. Josh. ig. 50. Joshua A. the fi/y and dwelt therein
-en. II. 4. go to, let us b. us a city and a tower Pifl/. 11 8. 22.stonewhichA.refus. become head-stone, ./!«/?. 18. 28. Danites A. c. I Kings 16. 24. Omri b.c

8. and they left off to A. the city Mat.ZlAi. Mark ll.m. Luke lO.l'i Acts i.ll. 1 Chron. 11.8. David A. c. round about from MilU

Sum. we
will A. sheep-folds for our cattle
32. 10. 127. 1 1. they labour in vain that are A. in it Isa. 25. 2. a palace to be no c. it shall never be A.
24. A. cities for your little ones.and folds for sheep Ezek. 27. 4. thy A. have perfected thy beauty Jsr. 31. 38. days come, the city shall be A. to the L
.?>?«/. 20. 20. thou shaltA. bulwarks against the city 1 C'o;.3.10.asawisemaster-A.I have laid foundation Lukt 4. 29. to brow of the hill whereon city was A.
t ATmjr g. 19. all the cities of store, and that which /y«A.l 1.10. looked for a city whoseA. and maker isG. BUILT cities.
Solomon desued to A. in Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 8. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 7. the stone which the A. disallowed Ezod. 1. 11. they I'haraoh trezisure^iVie*
A. for
24. Pharaoh's daughter came up, then did A.Millo BUILDEST. Josh. 24.13. 1 have given you ciVi« which ye A. not
7. Solomon did A. an high place for Chemosh
! 1 . D«Kr.22.8.whenthouA. a new house, makebattlem. 1 Kings 15. 23. the cities which Asa A. are writtci.
16.34. inAhab'sda)» lliel the BetheliteA. Jericho A'e/i. 6. 6. for which cause thou A. the wall 2 C'A;ffn.8.2. cities iluram had restored, Solomon A
1 Chr. 22. 19. A. ye the sanctuary of the Lord God Ezek. 16. 31. in that thou A. thine eminent place 11.5. Rehoboam A. cities for defence in Judah
^9- 19- g'^* 'o Solomon au heart to A. the palace Mat. 27. 40. thou that destroyest the temple and 14 6. Asa A. fenced c. in Judah, the land had rest
2 Chron. 14. 7- let us A. these cities and make walls A. it in three days, save thyself, Mark 15. 29 17. 12 Jehoshaphat A. castles and ciri« of store
jSsra 4.2 let us A. with you, we seek your God BUILDETH. 26. 6. Uzziah A. cities about Ashdod, and among
». t4. what are the men that A. this building ? Jo^h. 6. 26. cursed be the man that A. this city 27. 4. Jotham A. cities in the mountains of Judah
yeh. 2. 17. let us A. the wall 18. let us rise and A.
J.'h 27. 18. he A. his house as a moth, <is a BiKith Isa. 44.26. saith to the cities of Judah, ye shall be 4.
20. therefore we his servants will rise and A. Prov. 14.1. every wise woman A. her house, but fool. BUILT hoiae, or housfs.
1. 3. which they A. if a fox go up.he shall break down Jer. 22. 13. ivoe to him that A. by unrighteousness Deut. 8. 12. when thou hast A. goodly A. and dwelt
10. so that we are not able to A. the wall Uos. 8. 14. Israel hath forgotten Alaker, A. temples 20.5. what man is there that hath A. a new house '
J'ecl. 3. 3. atime to break down, and a time to A. up .'imos 9- 6. it is he that A. his stories in the heavens 1 Kings 3. 2. there was no h. A. to the name of L.
('<?«/. B. 9- if she be a wall, we will A. upon her Hall. 2. 12. woe to him that A. a town with blood 6.9. Solomon A. h. 14. 8. 13. 1 have A. thee an A.

isa. 9. 10. the bricks are fallen, Sut we will A. 1 Cv/'.3.10. 1 laid the foundation, another A. thereon 8. 20. and have A. an house for the name of the L
5. 13. I have raised him up, he shall A. my city BUILDING. 44. toward house I have A. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 34, 38.
>8. 12. they shall A. the old waste places, 6l. 4. .losh. 22. 19. but rebel not against L. in A. an altar 11. 38. build thee a sure hoiue, I A. for David u
)0. 10. the sons of strangers shall b. up thy walls 1 kiiigsS. 1. till he made an end of A. hisownhouse 1 Chr. 17. 6. saying, why have ye not A. me an A.'

is. 82. they shall not A. and another inhabit 6. 7- no tool of iron heard in the house while A. 2 Chr. 6. 18. how much less this house I have A. '
Jer. 1.10. have set thee over nations to A. and plant 38. so was Solomon seven years in A. it Amos 5. 11. ye have A. houses of hewn stone
J'tek.i. 2. lay siege, A. a fort against it, 21. 22. 7.1. Solomon was A. his own house thirteen years Hag. 1. 2. the time that the Lord's A. should be 4.
t9. + 15. then shall ye A. up a sign by Ijhe bone 2 Chron. I6. 6. the stones wherewith Baasha was A. Zerh. 1. 16. my A. shall be 4. in it, saith the Ix)rd
Dan. 9. 25. to restore and A. Jerusalem to Messiah Ezra 4. 12. A. the rebellious and the bad city iUcr.7.24. wise man4. hisA. on arock, Euie(i.48
Amot 9. 11. I will A. it as in the days of old Ezek. 17. 17- by A. forts to cut off many persons CS.foolish man which 4. his A.onsand,Liijt<;6.49
14. Israel shall A. the waste cities and inhabit them JwAkS. 20. this temple was forty-six years in 4. .•'r/.-7.47. but Solomon 4. him an house
Mic. 3. 10. they A. up Zion with blood, and Jerus. JuJt 20. A. up yourselves on your most holy faith 1 Pet. a. 5. ye also are 4. up a spiritual h, an boly
/.ech. 6. 12. he shall A. the temple of the Lord, 13. BUILDING, Substantive. BUILT AigA;;/a«/.
15. that are far off shall A. in the temple of Lord 1 Kings 9. 1 when Solomon finished A. house of L. 1 Kin:;s 14.23. Judah 4. high p. images, and groves
).3.Tyrus didA. herself a strong hold, heaped sih«r 15.21. he left off A. of Kamah, 2 Citron. I6. 5. 2 Kings 17. 9. children of Israel A. Ai^A p. in citie»
Mai. 1.4. they shall A. but I will throw down 1 Chron. 28. 2. and had made ready for the A. 21.3. ManassehA. up again higlip. 2 Chron. 3). 3
-Wa^. 23. 29. ye A. tombs of prophets, L«*« 11. 47,48 2 Chron. Z. 3. Solomon was instructed for the A. Jer. 7 .31. A. high p. of Tophet||19.5. of Baal, 32.35
i.'ike 12.18. Iwill pull down my
barns and A.greater Ezra 5. 4. the names of the men that made this A. BUILT wall, or walls.
1 1. 28. which of you intending to A. a tower
' 6.8. what ye shall do for the A. of this house of God 1 Kings 6. 15. Solomon A. the walls of house within
30. this man began to A. and not able to finish Eccl. 10. 18. by much slothfulness the A. decayeth 2 Chr. 27 3. and on the walls of Uphel he 4. much

.ids 20.32. to the word of his grace, able to A. you up i:.'i«*.40.5.he measured the breadth of the A. 41 .15. 32. 5. ilezekiah 4. up the wall that was broken
Horn. 15. 20. lest I A. on another man's foundation 46. 23. there was a row of A. round about in them 33. 14. Manasseh A. a aa// without city of D.ivid
1 Cor. 3. 12. if any A. on this foundation, gold.silver 1 Cor. 3.9. ye are God's husbandry ye are God's A AVA. 4.6. so A. we the wallH 7. 1. when ua/Zwas*.
Gal. 2.18.iC 1 A. again the things which 1 destroyed 2 Cor. 5. 1. we have a A. of God, an house not made Ezek. 13. 10. one A. up the wall, another daubed it
BUILDED. 2. 21. in whom all the A. fitly framed together Dan. g. 25. the street shall be A. again and the wall
{fen. 2. t 22. of the rib the Lord A. a woman Ueb.g. 1 1 .an high-priest by a tabernacle not of ihisA Mtc. 7. 11. in the day that thy walls are to be *
4. i7. Cain A. a city, and called it Eiioeh Uev. 21. 18. A. of wall was of jasper, city pure gold BULL
i. 20. Noah A. an altar to the Lord, and offered BUILDINGS. Signifies, [1] 7'he beast so called. Job. 21. 10.
10. 11. AsherA. Nineveh, Rehoboth, and Caleb Mat. 24. 1 disciples came to shew him A. of temple
. [2] i'lllart in the shape of bulU, Jer. 52. 20.
1 1 .5. Ld. came to see the tower children of men A. Mark 13. 1. Master, see what A. are here, 2. [3] li'icked, violent, andj'urious enemies, i'sal
12. 7. Abram A. an altar to the Lord, 13. 18. BUILT. 22. 12. [4] The eighth month of the year, ahkh
16. + 2. it may be I may be A. by her, 30. t 3. Dent. 13.16. it shall be an heap and not be A. again answers to our October. 1 Kings 6. 38.
l6. 25. Isaac A. an altar, A'xorf. 24. 4. Moses A.
1 Kings 22. 39. the cities that Ahab A. are written Job 21. 10. their A. gendereth and faileth not

Josh. 22. 16. in that ye have A. you an altar 2 Chr. 14. 7- rest on every side, so they A. and pros. Isa. 51. ^X). thy sons lie as a wild 4. in a net
; Aring, mueh less this house I have A. 43. 20. 8. they have A. thee a sanctuary therein BULLS.
15. 22. the stones wherewith Baa.sha had A. 26. 9. Uzziah A. towers in Jerusalem, 10. Gen. 32. 15. Jacob took ten 4. as apresent to Esau
1 Kings 23. 13. Solomon had A. for Ashtoreth 27. 4 Jotham A. in the forests castles and towers Psal. 22. 12. many 4. have compassed me, stroug i
I Chron. 22.5. the house to be A. must be magnifical Jobs. 14. who A. desolate places for themselves 50. 13. will I cat tfesh of 4. or drink blood of goaik
Ktra 4. 1. when the adversaries "ueard that they A. 12. 14. he breaketh down, and it cannot be A. again 68. 30. rebuke the multitude of the A.
13. be it known, that if this city be A. 16. 22. 23. if thou return to Almighty, shalt be A. up I»a. 31. 7. bullocks with the 4. shall come down
21. give commandment that this city be not A. Psal. 78. 69. he A. his sanctuary like high palaces Jer. 50. 11. because ye bellow as A. deslrojrr O
5. 8. we went to the house of great God which is A. 89. 2. I have said, mercy shall be A. up for ever 52.20. twelve brasen A. under the bases with calves
Il.we build the house that was A. many years ago /id. 5. 2. he A. a towir in the midst of his vineyard iJrIi. 9 13. if the blood of A. and Roats sanctilieth

15. let the house of God be A. in his place, 6. 3. 44. 26. saith to the cities of Judah, ye shall be A. 10. 4. it is not possible blood of A. take away slDs
6. 1.4. elders of the Jews A. and they prospered 28. saying to Jerusalem, thou shall be A BULLOCK.
iV«A.4.18. everyone had hisswoid girded, and so A. Jer 12. 16. shall they be A. in midst of my people Eri></.2g.3. .^halt bring them in th> basket with the t.
^ASO. 19- he hath taken away an house he A. not 31. 4. thou shalt be 4. O
virijin of Israel 11. shalt kill the A. before lord, /-f p. 1.6. i,.ia |

Psal. 128 3. Jerusalem is A. a city that is compact 32. 31. as a provocation from the day they A. it I^c. 4. 4. oring the A. to the door of ibe taberuacto
-'T00.9.X' Wisdom bath A. her botise, hewn oat pill. 45. 4. that which 1 have A. will I break down A'um. 15.9. bring withtht 4. a meat-offering, 29 -^F.
Diiit.i7A.ni3t sacrifice to Lord any *. with blemish 1
2 /riBj,t8.y.IIazaelbroii;!i(.rortj-camels'i. to Elisha 2 Kings 9-35. they went to A. her, but foand only the
33. 17. liis glory is like the firstling of a A 2 Chr. 35. 3. it shall not be a A. on your shoulders Psal. 79- 3. and there was none to A. them [scuU
/«^. 6. 25. take the young i. the second d. C6. AVA. 13. 19. no A. be brought in on the sabbath Jer. 7. 32. for they shall A. in Tephet, I9. 11.
1 iViBjj 18. 23. and let them choose one A. 25. Job 7. 20. as a mark, so that 1 am a A. to myself 14. 16. and they shall have none to A. them
33. Klijah cut i. in pieces, and laid him on wood Psal. 38.4.iniquil. as a A. they are too heavy forme £:el:.39.11.there shall theyA.Gogandhismultitnd*
Ptal. 50. g. I will line no A. out of tliine house 55.22. cast thy A. on the Lord, he w-\l sustain thee 13. yea. all the people of tne land shall A. them
69. .31. better than a i. that hath horns and hoofs 81. 6. 1 removed his shoulder from the A. IIos. y. 6. Egypt gather up, Memphis shall A. them
Ira. 65. 25. the lion shall eat straw like the A. txcl. 12. 5. and the grasshopper shall be a A. Mat. 8. 21. sufier me to go A. my father, LukeQ. 59.
Jer. 31. 18. as a i. unaccustomed to the yoke Isa. 9. 4. for thou hast broken the yoke of his A. 22. and let the dead A. their dead, Luke 9. 60.
BULLOCK with sin-offering. 10. 27. his A. shall be taken from ofi thy shoulder 27. 7. bought the potter's field to A. strangers ia
Etod. 29. 36. offer every day a A. for a sin-ofering 14. 25. his A. depart from ofi their shoulders John IQ. 40, as the manner of the Jews is to A.
Lev. 16. 6. shall offer his A. of the lin-offerinz 30. 27. name of the Loid, the A. thereof is heavy BURIED. [wife
Ere*. 45. 22. shall prepare a A. for a sm-offeiing 46. 1 . your carriages are a A. to the weary beast Gen. 25. 10. there was Abraham A. and Sarah his
See 15 1.00 u. Jer. 17. 21. bear no A. on the salibath-day, 2£ 27. 49. 31. there they A. Abraham and Sarah his wife
Young HULLOCK. Zcph.3. 18. to whom the reproach of it was a A. Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there 1 A. Leab
I>r.4.3. if priest sin, bring i young 6. Eiek. 43. IQ. Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is easy, and my A. is light A»«i. 11. 34. there they A. the people that lusted
14. congregation shall offer ay. A. Xum. 15. 24. 20.12.which have borne the A. and heatof theday 20. 1. Miriam died there, and was A. there
1§. 3. Aaron come into holy place with a t/ouiig A. .J(-/jI5.28.' seemed good to lay on you no greater A. 33. 4. for the Egyptians A. all their first-born
yiim. 7- 15. one voting A. one ram, one lamb, 21. 3. for there the ship was to unlade her A. Veut. 10. 6. there Aaron died, and there he waa i.
21. 27, .33, "3y, 45, 51, 57. 63, 69, 75, Bl. Hev. 2. 24. I will put upon you none other A. Josh. 24. .32. the bones of Joseph A. they in Sbechem
iCftrott. 13. y. to consecrate himself with a-voungh. BURDEN. liuih 1.17. where diest 1 wiUdie.and there will beA
Er-ek. 45. IH. take a.yomig A. and cleanse the sane. 2 Kings g. 25. the Lord laid this A. upon him 2 Ham. 4. 12. they took head of ish-boshtth and A. it
46. 6. ill Uieday of the new moon a young A. Isa. 13. 1. the A. of Babylon which Isaiah did see 21.14. bones of Saul and Jonathan they A. in Zelah
BULLOCK.S. 14. 28. the year king Ahaz died, was this A 1 Kings 13.31. bury me where the man of God is 6,
Nvm. 29- 2.3. on the fourth day fen A. two rams 15. 1. the A. of iAIoaull 17, 1. the A, of Damascus Eccl. 8. 10. and so I saw the wicked A. [33.
1 CAriui. 29.21. they offered a thousand A. for Israel 19. 1. the A. of Egypt ||23. 1, the A, of Tyre Jer. 8. 2. not be gathered nor A. I6. 6. 20. 6. ) 25.

EcraG. 17. they offered at the dedication 100 A. 21.1. the A. of the desert of the sea, as whirlwinds 16. 4. they shall not be lamented nor A.
Pstl. 51. 19- then shall they offer A. on thy altar 11. the A. of Dumah 13. the A. upon Arabia
22. ly. he shall be A. with the burial of an ass
66. 15. I will offer unto tliee A. with goats 22. 1. the A. of the valley of vision, what aileth Ezek. 3y. 15. set up a sign, till buriers have A. it
Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in the blood of 4. or lambs 25. the A. that weis upon it shall be cut off Mat. 14. 12. his disciples took the body and A. it
34.7- the A. with the bulls sh.ill come down 30. ti. the A. of the beasts of the south Luke 16. 22. the rich man also died and was A.
Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like fatted A. 46. 2. they could not deliver the A. are gone into Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is both dead and A.
50. 27. slay all her A. let them go down to slaughter Jer. 23. 33. what is the A. of the Lord > what A. ? 5. 9. the feet of them which A. thy husband
£zei. 39. 18. ye shall drink the blood of goats, of A. 36. the A. of the Lord shall ye mention no more 10. carrying her forth, A. her by her husband
lios. 12. 11. are vanity, they sacrifice A. in Gilgal 38. but sith ye say, the A. of the Lord Horn. 6. 4. we are A. with him by baptism into death
.See .''EVE.N. Ezek. 12. 10. this A. coiicerneth the prince in Jerus. 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he wjis A. and rose again third day
BULHU.SII, ES Wi«.8.1o. sorrow a little for the A. of the king of pr. Col. 2. 12. A.with him in baptism, wherein are risen
Exod. 2.3. she took for him an ark of A. and daubed Art/i. 1. 1. tne A. of Nineveh, the book of the vision BURIED
Iro.lB.2..send ambassadors by the sea in vessels of A. Hab. 1.1. A. which Habakkuk the prophet did see Dent. 34.6. he A. him in a. valley, in the land of Moa*
58. 5. is it to bow dou-n his head like a A. .' Zech.'Ji.l. the A. -if the word of the Lord in lladrach 2 iam. 2. 6. blessed Iv; ye that have A. Saul
BULWARKS. 12. 1. the A. of die word of the Lord for Israel 1 Kings 14. 18. they A. him, all Israel mourned him
Dei(t. CO 20. thou shalt build A. acainst the city Mai. 1. 1. the A. of the word of the Lord to Israel 2 C/ifuM.21.20. they A. Jehoram in the city of David
t Cliron. 26. 15. Uzziah made engines on the A. Gal. 6. 5. for every man shall bear his own A. 24. 16. A. Jehoiada in city of David, among kings
Psal. 48. 13. mark well her A. consider her palaces BURDEN, ED. 25. ihey A. him not in the sepulchres of the kingu
£ee/. 9. 14. a great king came and built A. against it Zech. 12. 3. all that A. themselves be cut in pieces Acts 5.C. the young men carried nim out, and b.him
Zra.26.1. salvation will G. appoint for walls and A. 2 Vor. 5. 4. in this tabernacle we groan being A. BURIED
BUNCH, ES. 8. 13. I mean not that others be eased, and you A. Gen. 15. 15. and thou shalt be A. in a good old age
EsoJ. 12.22. take a A. of hyssop and dip it in blood 12. lb. but be it so, Idid not A. you, caught wiili 1 Kings 2. 10. David was A. m
the city of David
2 Sam. 16.1. Ziba meet him with 100 A. of raisins BURDENS. 3 1.. Joab A. IK his own house in the wildcmes.«
JC/iro'(.12.40.Zebulun brought A. of raisins and wine Gen. 4g.l4. Issachar couching down between two A. 2 K tugs 21 18. .M anasseh was garden of his house

Zrfl.3().6.will carry their treasures upon A. of camels Eiod. 1. 11. task-masters to afflict them with their A. 26. Anion was A. dj sepulchre, in garden of Uziali
BUNDLE, S. 2. 11. Moses went out and looked on their A. Job 27. 15. those that remain shall be A. in death
Gen. 42. 35. every man's A. of money in his sack 5. 4. the king of Egypt said, get you to your A- BURIED
with his fathers.
1 Sam. 25. 29- the soul of my lord bound in A. of life 5. you make them rest from their A. 1 Kings\\.Z\. Rehoboam||15.24.AsaA.wiV/< A«f/.
Cant. 1. 13. a A. of myrrh is mj- well-beloved to me 6. 6. I will bring you from the A. of Egyptians, ". 22.50. .lehoshaphatll IKings 8.24. JoraniA. withf.
ha. 58. 1 6. this is the fast, to undo A. of the yoke .\>OTi. 4.27. ye shall appoint to them all their A. 12.21.JoashA. withf. ||14. 20. AmaziahA. withf.
Amos 9. t 6. he hath founded his A. in the earth Ac/i. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of A. decayed 15.7. Azariah||.36. Jothamll 16.20. Ahaz A. wilhj.
Bint. 13. .30. bind the tares in A. to burn them 17 -they that bare A. with other handheld a weap. I
Acii 28. 3. when Paul had gathered a A. of sticks 13. 15. all manner of A. brought in on the sabbath Etek. 39. 15. shall set up a sign till A. have buried
BUUDEN l>a. 58. 6. this is the fast, to undo the heavy A. BURYING.
SigDifies, [1] A load, or ueighl of any thing, a\ ham. 2. 14. the prophets have seen for thee false A. Ge«.23.4.,9. I 49.30. 50. la |

much as a man. horse, (tc. can :iell carru, Amos o. 11. ye lake from the poor A. of wheat Judg. 16. 31. buried Samson in A. place of Mano»h
2 Kings 5. 17. Jer. 17. 27. [8] Labour and Mat. 23. 4. they bind heavy A. Luke 11. 46. 2/ii)igjl3.21.cLstheywereA.aman,theyspiedabancl
lerviiude. Exod. 2. 11. I'sal. 81. 6. A
[3] Gal. 6. 2. bear ye one another's A. and so fulfil £:e^.3y.l2. seven months shall Israel be A. of them
burdensome prophecu, a heavy doom, or a prophecy BURDEN.SOME. Mark 14. 8. she is come to anoint my body to the A
deliiered in heavy and ihieaieniug words, Isa. Zech. 12. 3. I will make Jerusalem a A. stone JoJin 12.7. against day of my A. hath she kept this
13. 1. Nah. 1. 1.' [4] Ajfiictwns, crosses, cares, 2 Cor. 11.9. 1 have kept my.self from being A. to you BURN
tr fears, I'sal. 55. 22. [5] Imperfections, fail- 12. 13. excejit it be that 1 myselfwasiiot A. to you Signifies, [1] To coiu-ume, or destroy withfire. Josh.
itigs, and infirmities, uitU uhich persons are 14. the third time I come, 1 will not be A. to you 11. 13. [2] To he inflamed with just anger and
ioaded or grieved, G3.\. ft. ^. [6] Toil andf/iigue, 1 'Thess. 2.6. when we might have been A. as apostles indignation. Lam. 2. 3. To be perpetually
Mat. 20. 12. [7] Tribute, or tares, II05. H. 10. BURIAL. haunted with violent, lustful desire', 1 Cor. 7. 9.
[8] The office of a magistrate, Exod. 18. 22. Eccl. 6. 3. and also that he have no A. [4] To be filed with an holy lealfor ihe gloiy 0)
•9] Human traditions, or strict injuncrtout o^er Isa. 14. 20. thou .shalt not be joined with thein in A. God, and the good of others, 2 Cor. 11. 29.
nnd above nhat the tare requires. Mat. 23. 4. Jer. 22. I9. he shall be buried with the A. of an jiss The bush burned, and was not consumed, Ltod. 3
^10] .SVrt, ichich IS the erealest slavery and Ah;- Mat. 26. 12. poured ointment, she did it for my A. 2. 'Ihis repreiented the condition of the church
rfen, i'sal..38. 4, lleb. 12. 1. \ll] The lading, Acts 8. 2. devout men carried Stephen to his A. and people <>/ Israel, who were then in Ihtfirt
or cargo of a th'ip. Acts 21. 3. BURY a>)iiction;yetsoas tliat Godwaspreteni with them,
Tie doctrine, or commands of Christ are called a Signifies, To inter a dead body. Gen. 23. 4. and that they should not be consumed in it, uhereoj
burden, .Mat. 11. 30. Sothing makes them so, lo be buried with Christ in baptism, Rom. 6. 4. this I ision was a pledge.
but our corruption, which flows from the depra- To have communion nith htm in his death and the spirit of burning, isa. 4. 4. The Holy Spirir
vity of OUT nature ; to the unrenewed perso?t thev burial. Baptism doth not only represent our oj God, who IS compaied to flre. Mat. 3. 11. j»

are a grievous burden: yrt this burden is liglii, niortijicalion and death to sin, by which we have cause he doth burn ufi and consume the dross whuh
'1) Jn comparison of the service of sin, the coie- communion with Christ in his death , but also IS in the church, and in the minds and hearts
naut of works, and the ceremonial la:c. (2) To oitr progress and perseverance in mortification, men, and inflames the souls of believen with loie
them 'that love dod, 1 John 5. 3. (3) 'Jo such by which we have communion with him in hn to God, and zeal or his glory.
as are regenerated, so far at they are rejteiLcd, burial alto ; burial implies a continuing under Gen. 44. 18. Judali said, let not thine anger A.
Rom. 7. 22. It is light 10 such, tecaiue (1) 'J'/it death, to IS mortification a continual dying to tin. Liod. 1:7.20. command tnat they bring pure olive-oil
laij it Kriiien in their hearts, I'.sal. 37. 3!. Gen. 25. 4. that 1 may A. my dead out of my sight to cause the lamp to A. alway. Lev. 24. 2.
(2) They are endued uiih faiih, Mark y. 23. 6. in choice of our j-epulchres A. thy dead, 11, 15. 29. 13. shalt take caul, liver, and kidneys, and A
<3) Thev are tirengihtued, and enabled by Christ, 47. 29. A. me not, 1 pr.iy thee, in Egypt, 4y. 2y. upon the altar, 18, 25. Lev. 1. U, 15. 2. 2,9, 16 |

Phil. 4.' 13. 50. 5. let me go and A. my father, 1 will come ag 3.5,11,16. 5.12. 6 15. 9. 17. Au/n.5.26

B^rrf.lB. 22. shall beir the A.with thee, 2S'um.ll.l7. 6. go up and A. thy fatlur, as he made thee swear ^"'- 4.iy. priest shall take fat and A. upon the altar

£3 5. the ass of him that haiethtliee lying under A. t>(•«^ 21. 23. thou shalt in any wise A. him that day 26,31. 7.31. 16. 25. 17.6. '^'um. 18. 17.

Mum. 4. 19. Aaron shall appoint each to his A. 1 Kingt 2. 31. go and fall upon Joab and A. him .\um. ly. 5. one shall A. the heifer in his sight
il. 11. thou layest the A. ot all this people on me 11. 15. when Joab was gone up to A. the slain Josh. 11. l.V save Hazoronly, that did Joshua A.
bent. 1. 12. how can I myself alone bear your A. / 13. 2y. the old prophet came loni'iurn and A. him 1 -iwrn. 2. I6. let them not fail lo A. th« fat presently
iSam. 15. 33. then thou shadt be a A. to me when 1 am dead, A. me in the sepulchre 2 Chron. 2. 6. save only to A. sacrifice before them
10.35. why should thy scr\-ant be a A. to my lord r 14. 13. Israel shall mourn for him and A. h 13. il. and they A. to the I^rd every morning
1 Kings 11. t 28. leroboam ruler over A. of Joseph 2 Kings y. 10. and there shall be none to A. Jezebel ^"- 1- 31 they shall both A. together, none quench
' .

tAingtb. 17. tothT»«rv»jittwotnules' A. of earth a. go Kc Dr>v this cursed woioan, and A her |
10. 17. it ihiXl A. and dcrour his thorns usd biierg


Jia.VtA.l would go thro' them, ar.d i.them together 704 41. 19' of his mouth go 4. lamps, Sparks of fire j3 Kings l.\i Tfr; from heaven 4.up the two captaini
0. i6. Lebanon is not sufficient to?, nor the beasts Psal. 11. + 6. on wicked he shall reign a 4. tempest 17. 31. the Sepharvites 4. their children with_;S;«
-U. 15. then shall it be for a man to u. he will take 140. 10. let 4. coals fall upon them, cast into fire 23. 11. and 4. the chariots of the sun with Jirt
Ter. 7. 20. my fury shall 6. mi not be quenched Prov. 16. 27. in his lips there is as a 4. fire 25 9- every great man's house *. he with/i;*
34. 5. so shall they i. odours for thee, and lament 26. 21. as coals are to 4. coals, and wood to fire 1 Chron. 14. 12. their gods were b. with/[>«
30. 25. that the king would not 6. the roll 23. 4. lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd 2 Chron. 28. 3. Ahaz 4. his children in theyS;«
Etei. 24. 5. i. also tlie bones under it, make it boil Isa. 30.27. name of Lord comtth far, b. with anger Neh. 1. 3. the gates thereof are 4. yiiCiJire, 2. 17
11. that the brass of it may be hot and may 6. 34. 9. the land diereof shall become 4. pitch Psal. 80. 16. it is 4. with_fire, it is cut down
39. 9. they shall set on fire and 6. the weapons Jer. 20. 9. his word was in my heart as a 4. fire Isa. 1.7. your cities are 4. wi:h./ire
43. 21. he shall 6. bullock in the appointed place Kiek. 1. 13. their appearance wm like 4. coals 43. 2. when walkest thro'.rire thou shalt not be*.
NaA. 2. 13. I will 3. her chariots in the smoke 21. t31. I will deliver into the hand of 4. men Cl. ] 1 our holy and beautiful house is 4. wiihyS;*

Mai. 4. 1. the day cometh that shall d. as an oven i>a».3.6.shall be cast into midst of a 4. furnace, 11. Jer. 38. 17. this city shall not be 4. withyire
njai. 13. 30. bind the tares in bundles to d. them 17. is able to deliver us from the 4. furnace 23. thou shalt cause this city to be 4. withyiV*
Luie 3. 17. but chaffhe will i.with fire unquenchable 20. to cast them into the 4. fiery furnace, 21, 23. 49. 2. and her daughters shall Le 4. withy»>«
24. 32. they said, did not our heart 6. within us > 26. Nebuchadnezzar came near the 4. furnace 51. 32. and the reeds they have *. -viatijire
1 Cor. 7. 9- for it 's better to marry than to 6. 7.9. his throne like flame, his wheels were as 4. fire 53. Babylon's high gates shall be *. with fire
2 Cor. 11. 29. who is offended, and I i. not ? Ilab. 3. 5. and b. coals went forth at his feet .Vic. 1.1. the hires thereof shall be 4. with ihe/ire
BURN, joined vriHiJire. Luke 12.35. let your loins be girded, and lights*. Uev. 18.8. she shall be utterly *. with /re
Exod. 12. lO.that which remaineth of it till morning John 5. 35. John was a b. and a shining light BURNT intense.
ye shall*, whhjire, 29. 34. Lev. 8. 32. Uev. 4. 5. there were seven lamps 4. before throne Exod. 40. 27. *. sweet inc. thereon, as commanded
X.e)i. 13. 57. i. that wherein the plague is with/iie 8. 8. and as it were a great mountain 4. with fire 1 Kings 3. 3. only Solomon *. inc. in high places

16. 27. i. with fire their skins, flesh, and dung 10. there fell a great star b. as it were a lamp 9- 25. Solomon 4. inc. upon the altar before L.
Deui. 5. 23. for the mountain did A. wiihjire 19. 20. they both were cast alive into a lake 4. 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and*, inc
7.5. 4. their ima^s v/ithjire, 25. 12. 3. i. groves
BURNING. 22.43.people*.i«c.2A'i;,?<12.3. |
14.4.| 15.4,35
32. 22. a^fire shall *. to the lowest hell, Jer. I7. 4. Gen. 11. t 3. and let us burn the bricks to a 4. 2A'in5iT6.4.Ahaz4.i>iC.inhighplacej,2C/i;-.28.3,4
/osh. 11.0. thou shalt 6. theit chariots with_Sre Exod. 21.25. b. for 4. wound for wound, stripe for 2 Chion. 2y. 7- put out lamps and have not *. inc
JuJg. 9. 52. went to the tower to A. it with_^r« Lev. 10. 6. bewail the 4. which the Lord kindled ha. 65. 7- which have *. inc. on the mountains
12. 1. will 6. thine house with f. 14. 15. *. thee/. 13. 28. if the spot stay, it is a rising of the 4. Jer. 18. 15. my people have 4. i/ic. to vanity

Psal 79- 5. how long shall thy jealousy 6. like_^r< Au/rt. 11. 1 3. he called the name of the place a 4.
.' 44. 15. men which knew that their wives had 4. inc
89.46. how long. Lord, shall thy wrath 6. like fire ? Deut. 29.23 the whole land is brimstone, salt, and 4. Hos. 2. 13. the days wherein she 4. inc. to them

Xsa. 47.14. shall be as stubble, \.\\^fire shall*, them 2 Chron. I6. 14. they made a very great b. for him 11.2. they sacrificed and 4. inc. to graven images
Jer. 4. 4. my fury come forth WV^fire and*. 21. 12. 21. 19. people made no 4. like the 4. of his fathers BURNT-OITERING.
7. 31. to *. sons and daughters in they're, ig. 5. Isa. 3. 24. there shall be b. instead of beauty Gen. 22. 7. but where is the lamb fora b.-offering ?
21. 10. Nebuchadnezzar shall *. this city withy. 4. 4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the spiritof 4 8. my son, (iod will provide a lamb for a b.-off.
32. 29. 34. 2, 22. 37 8, 10. 38. 18.
. 9- 5. but this shall be with b. and fuel of fire 13. he offered him for a b.-ojjering instead of Isaac
| |

Eiek. 5. 2. *. wither* a third part in midst of city 10. 16. under his glory, kindle 4. like 4. of Sre Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a b.-offering for (iod
16. 41. they 6. thine house withj^re, 23. 47. 32. t 13. b. shall come upon all houses of joy 29. 18. the ram is a b.-offering unto the Lord
Hal. 3. 12. he will gather his wheat, but he will *. 33. 12. the people shall be as the b. of lime Lev. 1.4. he shall put his hand on head of 4. -o^erin*
up the chaff with unquenchable^r?, LttieS. 17. Aynosi. 11. even as a firebrand plucked out of the 4. 4. 2y. he shall slay the sin-offering in the place ol
Htv. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh and *. her v/ithjire lUv. 18. 9- when they shall see the smoke of her b. the 4.-<).^eMnj, 33.
6. 25. |
7- 2. |14. 13
BURN iticense. BURNINGS. 6.9. saying, this is the lawof the 4.-(;/re''<"j. 7.37.
Exod. 30.1. thou shalt make an altar to *. incenseon Josh. 11. t 8. they chased them to the 4. of waters 7.8. the priest shall have the skin of the b.-offering
7. Aaron shall 4. thereon sweet inc. every morn.8. lia. 33. 14. who shall dwell with everlasting 4. ? 9. 2. take thee a ram fora 4.-o/f. 16. 3, 5 I23. 18.
1 Kings 13.1. Jeroboam stood. by the altar to Jer. 34 5. with 4. of thy fathers the former kin 5. take a calf and a lamb for b.-off. 12.6. |
23. 12
2 Kings 18.4. the children of Israel did 6. inc. toil BURNISHED. A';(ff». 7. 15. one lamb of the first year for a b.-off.
1 Chron. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to 4. inc. Eiek. 1.7. they sparkled like the colour of *. brass 21, 27, 33,39, 51, 57, 63,09, 75, ai.
2 Chron. 2. 4. I build an house to b. sweet incense BURNT. Eiek. 45. 15.
13. 11. 4. every morning sweet incenst to the Lord Oen. 38.24. Judah said, bring her forth, let her be 4. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-offering and I will go, 15.
26. 16. Uzziah went into temple to 4. incense, I9. Ltv. S. 12. for tney shall not be 4. on the altar 28. 10. this is the b.-oj/ering of every sabbath
28. 25. in Judah Ahaz made high places to 4. inc. 6. £2. meat-offering shall be wholly b. 23. |
8. 21. 13. for a,b.-oJ. of a sweet savour unto the Lord sons, the Lord hath chosen you to 4. «kc. 10. 16. Moses sought the goat, and it was 4. 14. this is the b. -offering of every month
3',;. 12. worship before one altar, and 4. inc. on it h'um. 10 )!-). Eleazar the priest took the brazen 29. 6. beside the meat-oflering juid the daily b.-off.
Ser. 7. 9. will ye steal and 4. incense to Baal ? 11.13. censer.s, wherewith they that were b. had offered Josh. 22. 26. to build us an altar not fur a.6.-o[lering
44. 17. we will 4. incense to the queen of heaven Dent. 32.24. shall be 4. with hunger, and devoured Jndg. 13. 23. not have received a4.-<)J/. at ourhanils
Hos 4.13. they 4. «Kc«nj« upon the hills under oaks li'am.S 15. before they 4. fat, priest's servant came 1 Sam. 7. 10. as Samuel was offering up 3,b.-oJering
Hah. 1. 16. therefore they 4. !««;«« to their drag 2 Sam. 5. 21. David and his men b. their images 13. 12. I forcea mystlf and offered a b.—Jtermg
Lnke 1. 9- Zacharias his lot was to 4. inc. in temple 1 hings 13. 2. mens' bones shall be 4. upon thee 2 Kings 3. 07. offered him for a 4.-0^'. on the wall
BURNED. 15.13. Asa 4. her idol by the brook, 2 Chr. 15. 16. 2 Chr. 7.1. fire came down and consumed th« b.-off.
Jjxod. 3. 2. bush 4. with fire, and was not consumed 2 Kings 23. 6. he 4. the grove at the brook Kidron 29. 24. thtb.-offering should be made for all Israel
3. I will turn and see why the bush is not 4. 15. she 4. the high place, and stampt it small P.>at. 40. 6. b.-offc'ings hast thou not required
Deui. 9- 15. I came down, and mount 4. with fire 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and b. them 51. 16. for thou delightest not in b.-offering
32. t 22. a fire kindled and hath 4. to lowest hell 25. 9. 4. the house of L. 2 Chr. 36. 19. Jer. o2. 13. ly. shalt be pleased with 4.-<^'. and whole b.-cf
Sosh. 7.25. 4. them with fire, after they stoned them J'lb 30. 30. and my bones are 4. with heat Isa. 40. 16. nor the beasts thereof for a l.-iffering
S Chron. 25. 14. Amaziah 4. incense to the gods Psal. 102.3. my skin black, bones are 4. as an hearth 61. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b.-offering
34. 25. have forsaken me, and 4. incense to gods J'rov. 6. 27. take fire, and his clothes not be b. Ezek. 44. 11. they shall slay the *.-<)/.and sacrific*
Esth. 1.12. the king was wroth, and anger 4. in him 28. can one go on coals and his feet not be b.? 45. 17. princes shall prepare the b.-off. for Isr.
Vsal. 39. 3. while 1 was musing the fire 4. Jer. 2.15. his cities are 4. 6. 2y. the bellows are 4.
40. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b.-off.
/fa. 24.6. therefore the inhabitants of the earth are 4. 36. 28. iathe roll which Jehoiakim hath 4. 13. thou shalt daily prepare a i.-off. to the Lord
42. 25. it b. him, yet he laid it not to heart 51.25. and I will make thee a 4. mountain Continual BURN 1-OIT-ERlNG.
Lam. 2. 3. he 4. against Jacob like a flaming fire Ezei. 20. 47. and all faces shall be 4. therein Eaod. 29. 42. a continual b.-ofcriiig, Num. 28. 3,
John 15. 6. withered branches are gathered and 4. 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be i. 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I
2Q. il, 16, 19. 22. Eirs
Acts 19. 19- many brought their books and 4. them Joel 1.19. the flame hath 4. all the trees of the field 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezek. 46. 15.
fioffi. 1. 27. 4. in their lust one towards another Amos 2. 1. because he 4. the bones of king of Edom Offer B URN T-UFFE RING.
1 Ccr. 13. 3. and though I give my body to be b. A'a/i. 1.5. and the earth is 4. at his presence C««.22.2.take I'saac and oj'er him there for a b.-off.
Ueb. 6. 8. is rejected, whose end is to be b. 1 Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be 4. shall sutler loss Lev. 9. 7. go to the altar and oj/er thy b.-iffenng

12. 18. for ye are not come to the mount that 4. Heb. 13. 11. those beasts are 4. without the camp AiiOT.28. 11. in beg'.niirigs of months .j/irr a b.-of
.VuF. I. 15 his feet like brass, as if 4. in a furnace BURNT, joined with/r<r. 23. ye shall o£er these besides the b.^ifiering
16. t 9. and men were 4. with great heal Exod. 32. 20. he 4. the calf in the fire, Dcti 9. 21 JiiUg. 11. 31. I will offer it up lur a b.-opering

BURNETU. Lev. 6. 30. the sin-offering shall be 4. in the. /Sre 13. 16. if thou offer a b.-<ff. offer it to the Lord
Lev. 16. 2R. he that 4. them shall wash his cloihes 7. 17. but the remainder of the flesh of thesacrifii^e 1 Sam. 6. 14. a.x\ii(iffered the kine fur a b.-o^ering
and bathe his flesh in water, AVn. ly. 8. on the third day shall be 4. wither*, ly. 6. 7. 9. Samuel offered asucknig lamb lor a b.-offcring
/'ta/.46.9. he breaketh the bow and 4.chariot in fire 20. 14. if a man take a wife ana her mother, 2 Aingj5. 17. will henceforth <i/i<rr neither 4. -oj/^rinj
83. 14. as the fire 4. wood, and as the flame setteth they shall be 4. ixilh. fire, both he and they 2C'/j;wi.2y. 27.Ue*fckiah commanded to ('J/«r 4. -<'2f.
97. 3. a fire 4. up his enemies round about 21. 9- if the daughter of any priest profane her- .h'b. 42. 8. and offer up for yourselves a i.-offering
/w. 9. 18. for wickedness b. as the fire self by playing the whore, she shall be 4. with./;>e Ezek. 46.4. b.-offering the prince shall offer in sab.
41-. 16. he 4. part thereof in fire, he warms himself Num. 11.1. theyire of the Ijord 4. among them, 3. IIUKN 1-Ol'l-EUlNGS.
62. 1. the salvation thereof as a lamp that 4. Dent. 4.11. ye came near, the mountain 4. with /ire Gen. 8. 20. N oah offered b.-oj f rings on the altar
64 2. .13 when the melting fire b. the fire causeth 12. 31 their sons .ind daughters they 4. in the^ir* Exod. 10. 25. also give us sacrifices a.niil).-vjferingj

65.5. these are a smoke and fire that 4. all the day .Tosh 6. 24. they 4. Jericho with/r? and all therein 20. 2J. and shult sacrifice thereou thy b.-offenngi
66. 3. he that 4. incense, as if he blessed an idol 7. J 5. it shall be, he that is taken with the accursed Num. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over your b.-off.
Jer. 48. .35. cause to cease that 4. incense to his gods thing shall be 4., he and all he hath Deut. 1-2. 0.ihiiheT bring your b.-offerings, 11,14,27.
Jiv/2.3. a fire before them, behind them a flame 4. 11.9- Joshua b. their chariots vi'nhjire Josh. 22. 27. do the service of the Lord with b.-off
JUv. 21.8. shall have part ia lake which 4. with fire 11. and he took Hazor and 4. it with.^r* . 15. 22. hath Lord as great delight in b.->ff.
BURNING. Jtulg. 15. 6. they 4. her and her father with.(fr« 1 Kings 3. 15. Solomon stood and offered * ojfeniigt
Cen. 15. 17. a 4. lamp p?-«ert between the pieces 14. the corda became as flax that was b. with_fi>« 8. 64. middle of the court, there he offered b.-off.
lev 6. 9. the fire of the altar shall be 4. in it, 12,13. 18. 27. they came to Laish and 4. it with /ir« 1 Chron. 29.21,. they offered b.-oferings to the Loiil
26. 16. I will appoint over you the 4. ague 1 .Sam. 30. 1. the Amalekites*. Ziklag with/r* a C/tron. 3. 4. behold, 1 build an house for b.-off.
' 7. brazen altar was not able to receive 4. off
Deut. 28.22. Lord shall smite thre with extreme I. 2 ^am. 23. 7- they shall be utterly A. with/r*
.^2.24. they shall be devoured wiih 4. heat 1 Knics 9. 16. for I'haraoh had 4. Gezer witbrtre 29. 7. hare not offered b.-<ff. in the holy pltc*
i/ti 5.i7. as sons of the i. coal lift up to fljr 16. 18. Zimii A. the king's bouse with fi't 34. the priest could not sl.ty ail \htt.-offtrvv>
« . . b.


2C^r(m.30.l5.T,evites were aLshamed,broughti.-<>^'. .V«4, 13. 30. 1 appointed every man in his i. Rush 4. f . what day thou 4. the field of N^aonil
i5. 14. sons of Aaron busied in offering b.-off. Esth. 3. 9. to them that have the charge of the i BUYETH.
Ezra 3. 4 offered the daily i.-offerings by number 9. t 1. those that did the king's b. helped the .lews Prov. 31. 16. she coiisidereth a field, and i. it
6. 9- that which they have need of for b.-offermc;! Psal. 107. 23. they that do b. in great waters Mtii. 13.44 eselleth all he h.ith, and 4. that fie! J
Toi 1. 5. offered i. -offering! according to thu number Proi. Id. fl. he that intermeddleth in every b. hev. 18. 11. no man 4. her merchandise any moiv
Psal. 50. 8. I will not reprove thee for thy i.-off. 22. 29- seest thou a man diligent in his i. ! BY and BV.
o6. 13. 1 will go into thy house with i.-cfferirigi Kc(t. 5. 3. a dream comelh through multitude of 4. Alat. 13. 21. *1 en persecution, 4. anif 4. is^ffendel
Jsa. 1. 11. I am full of the i.-vfferincs of rams Dan. 8. 27. afterwards I rose, and did the king's b. Murk ft. 25. give me 4. and b. in a ci^arger the he;.. I
43. 23. nor brought me small cattle of thy i.-off. /.Ki«2.49.wistyenot 1 must be about my Father's*..' Luke 17.7.willsay to him4. afuf4. sit down tome. 'i
36. 7 iheir t.-vff. shall be accepted on mine altar
. .•ids 6. 3. whom we raiy appoint over this i. 21. 9. come to pass, but the end is not i. and f
Jer. 6. 20. your i.-offerings are not acceptable Horn. 12. 11. not slothful in i. fervent in spirit BY-WAYS.
3. 21. put your i.-offeringt to your sacrifices iC. 2. assist her in what i. she hath need of you JuJg. 5.6. ajid the travellers walked throtighf.
22. spake not to your fathers concerning A.-ojf. 1 Thtss. 4. 11. (hat ye study 10 do your own b. BY-WORD. [iio,.:i

i7. 26. shill come from the south, bringing A. (i^. BUT. Deiu. 28. 37. thou shalt become a i. among all n.
19. 5. to bum their sons for i.-offerings to Baal 1 Sam. 20. 3. there is i. a step between me and death 1 A'inf/9.7. Israel shall be a 4. among all thepeopi*
Exei. 45. 17. be the prince's part to give i.-cfferings 2 Kings 7. 4. and if they kill us, we shall i. die 2 Chron. 7. 20. make this house a proverb and a *.
Hoi. 6. 6. the knowledge of God more than i.-off. Psal. 115. 5. mouths 4. speak not eyes,4. see not
Job 17.6. he hatli made me a 4. of the people
Mic. 6.6. shall I come before him with i.-offerings T 6. have ean 6. hear not ; noses 4. smell not 30. 9. and now am 1 their song, yea, I am their t.
Mart 12.33. to love neighbour is more than i.-off. 7. have bands i. handle not feet 4. walk not
; Psal. 44. 14. thoumakest usa4. among the heathen
Hti. i.-cff. for sin thou hast had no pleasure A/nr. 24.36. 4. of that day and hourknowethnoman Joeli-llT. why heath, should use a 4 againetthem'
Offer BURNl-OFFEHINGS. 37. thedaysof Noewere, so shall the coming
1 &im.l0.8. I will comedown to thee to offer b.-off. Mark 5. 28. she said, if I may touch 4. his clothes
S Sam. 24. 24 nor will I offer i.-offerings of that 1 Cor. 4. 19. 1 will know not the speech, 4. the power c.
which doth cost me nothing, 1 Citron. 21. 24. 6.11. 4. ye are washed .10. yet not 1,4. the I/)rd

1 Kings 3. 4. a thousand i.-off. did Solomon offer 12. 4. 4. the same Spine ||5. i. the same Jx>rd CABINS,
§. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer i.-<ff. 6. i. it is the same God which worketh all in all Jer. ,'>7. 16. when Jeremiah was entered into thf c
Eira 3. 2. Jeshua builded the altar to offer b.-off. 2 Cor. 2. 5. he hath not grieved me 4. in part CAGE.
Jer. 33. 18. Levites not want a man to offer b.-off. 4. 17. our light affliction, which is 4. for a moment Jer. 5. 27 . a *.
of birds, so are their hous< •»
as is full
JCzei. 43. 18. in the day they make it tooffer i.-off. Oal. 1. 12. 4. by the revelation of Jesus Christ full of deceit, therefore they are become gre..'
Amos 5. m. though ye offer me i.-off. I will not accept But the end. See End. Rev. 18. 2. Babylon is a c . of every tinclean bivil
£/»rf.30.9. offer no strange incense, nor i.-f. thereon Gen. 18. 8. Abraham took 4. and milk, and the calf Exod. 12. 39. they baked unleavened e. of thedoug
/>». 1. 9. the priest shall bum all to be aA.-,t. 3. 5. Deut. 32. 14..4. of kine, milk of sheep, fat of lambs Lev.l. 12. with sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleav. . .

J^um. 23.6. lo, he stood by his i.-s. and the princes Judg. 5. 25. she brought forth 4. in a lordly di.'h 24. 5. take fine flour, and bake twelve c. thereil
Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b.-s. on thine altar 2&im.l7.29.Barzillaibrougbthoneyand 4.forDav. Num. 15. 20. offer up a c. of the first of your dongi>
£ Sam. 24. 22. behold, here be oxen for b.-sacrijice Job 20. 17. shall not see the brooks of honey and 4. Judg.T. 13. and lo, ac. tumbled into host of Midi<ui
1 Kings 18. .38. fire fell and consumed the b.-sacriJice 29. 6. when I washed my steps with 4 rock poured .
2 6am. 6. I9. David dealt to every one a c. of breaJ
'2 Kings 16. 15. on the great altar burn the king's*.-/. Psal. 55. 21. words of his mouth smoother than 4. make me a couple of e. in my sight to eat
13. 6.
Psal. 20.3. remember thy offerings, accept thy b.-t. Kings 17. 12. as the Lord liveth, 1 have not a .•_
Prov. 30. 33. churning of milk bringeth forth 4. 1
BURNT-SACRIFICES. ha. 7. 15. b. and honey shall he cat, 22. 13. make me a little e. first, and bring it to ni»
1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer all i.-s. in the sabbaths BUTLER, S. 19.6. there was a c. baken on coals, acruse of wat«»
2 Chron. 13. 11. bum morning and evening i.-s. Gen. 40. 1 the 4. of the king of Egypt offended Jer. 7. 18. to make c. to the queen of heaven, 44..IW.

Psal. 66. 15. I will offer to thee i.-s. of failings 9. the chief 4. told his dream to .loseph Ezei. 4. 12. and thou shalt eat it as barley c.
BURNT up. 21. he restored his chief 4. to his butlership Hos. 7. 8. Ephralm is a c. not turned
Jtidg. 15 5. the foxes i. up the shocks and com 41. 9. the chief 4. szdd, I remember my faults See Figs, Unleavened.
2 Kings 1.14. fire came down, jind A.u/ithetwocapt. BUTTOCKS. CALAMITY, lES.
Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath i. up the sheep 2 &;?!. 10.4. cut off garments to their 4. 1 Chr.ig.i. Deut. 32. 35. for the day of their e. is at hsjid
Psal. 74. 8. they have i. up all the synagogues Isa. 20. 4. with b. uncovered to the shame of Egypt 2 5am. 22. 19. prevented me in day of «. Ps. 18.:ltf
106. 18. fire was kindled, flame i. up the wicked BUY' Job 6. 2. and my e. laid in the balances togefhei-
Jsa. 3. 1 14. for ye have i. up the vineyard Signifies, [1] To frrocure any commodity by price, 30.13. they set forward my c. they have no helpf e
61. 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. up 2 Sam. 24. 21. [2] To receive, by such -.vays Psal. 57. 1 my refuge until these c. be overpa."*
.Jer. 9. 10. b. up that none can pass thro' them, 12. and means as God has directed, those spiritual 141.5. for yet my prayer also shall be in their <:
Mat. 22. 7. the king sent and i. up their city blessings which are freely offered in the gospel, Prov. 1. 26. I will laugh at your c. I will moih
2 Pet. 3. 10. earth, and works therein shall be b. up even Christ and all his benefits, Isa. 55. 1. 6. 15. therefore his e. shall come suddenly
tier. 8. 7. they were cast on the earth, and tlie third Rev. 3. 18. 17- 5. he that is glad at c. shall not be unpunished
part of trees was i.u;;.and all green grass was A.«/) Cen. 42. 2. get you down to Egypt and 4. for us 19. 13. a foolish sun is the c. of his father
BURST. 7. said, from land of Canaan to 4. food, 43. 20. 24. 22. for their e. shall rise suddenly
.Tob .32. 19. it is ready to b. like new bottles 47. 19. b. us and our land forbread, we be servants 27 10. nor go into thy brother's house in day oi .-

J'rov. 3. 10. thy presses shall be b. with new wine Ezod. 21. 2. if thou 4. an Hebrew servant Jer. 18. 17 1 will sh«w them the back in day of r.
/«r.2.20. 1 have A.thy bands, 5.5. 30.8. AaA.1.13. Lez). 22. 11. if the priests 4. any soul with money
46. 21. the day of their c. was come upon thrm
Marki. 22. else new wine doth i. bottles, X,uie 5. 3?. 25. 15. after the jubilee 4. of thy neighbour 48. 16. the e. of Moab is near to come, hasteth
Acts 1.18. he A. asunder in midst, bowels gushed out 44. of them shall ye 4. bondmen and maids, 45. 49. 8. for 1 will bring the c. of Esau upon him
BURSTING. Deut. 2. 6. ye shall b. meat of them for money 32. and I will bring their e. from all sides thertoj
Isa. 30. 14. not be found in the b. of i*. a sherd 28. 68. ye shall be sold, and no man shall 4. you Ezek. 35.5. hast shed blood of Isr. in day of theirs.
BUSH, ES. liulA 4. 4. 4. it before the inhabitants, before elders Oiad. 13. on their substance in the day of their e.
Eiod. 3. 2. in a flame of fire in the *. Acts 7. 30. 5. thou must 4. it also of Ruth the Moabitess CALAMUS.
4. God called to him out of the midst of the b. 2 Sam. 24. 21. David said, to 4. the threshing-floor, Exod. 30. 23. take of sweet e. 250 shekels
Deia. 33. 16. the good-will of him that dwelt in b. and build an altar to the Lord, 24. 1 Chr. 21. 24. Cant. 4. 14. spikenard, saffron, c. and cinnamon
Job 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the b. for meat 2 Kings 12. 12. gave it to masons to 4. timber, 22. 6. Liek. 27. 19. c. was in the market of Tyrus
7. among the b. they brayed, under the nettles \eh. 10. 31. we would not 4. it on the sabbath CALDRON.
J'a. 7. 19. they shall come and rest upon all b. Isa. 55. 1. come, 4. and eat, 4. wine and milk 1 Sam. C. 14. he struck it into the pan, e. or pot
.Mark 12. 26. how in the i. God spake to him Jer. 32. 7. b. thee my field that is in Anathoth Joi 41. 20. goelh smoke, as out of a seething c.
Jjike 6.44. nor of a bramble b. gather they grapes 44. men shall 4. fields for money and subscribe Ezek. 11. 3. this city is thee, and we the flesh, 7.
20. 37. that dead are raised, Moses ..hewed at liie b. Mat. 14.15. may 4. themselves victuals, A/ar* 6.36. 11 this city shall not be your c. nor ye the flesh

Acts 7. 35. the angel which appeared in the b. 25. 9. go to them that sell, and 4. for yourselves Mic. 3. 3. they chop them as flesh within the 1

BUSHEL. 10. while they went to 4. the bridegroom came CALDRONS.

Mat. 5. 15. nor do men lightacandle and put itunder Mark 6. 37. shall we go and i. 200 pennyworth 2CAron.35.13.holy offerings sold they in pots and «-.

a*, butonacandlestick, Marki. 21. Lukell.Zi. Luke 9- 13. except we 4. meat for all this people Jer. 52.18. c. also and spoons took they away, IQ.
BUSHY. 22. 36. let him sell his garment and 4. one CALF.
Cant. 5. 11. bis locks are b. and black as a raven John 4. 8. his disciples were gone to 4. meat Gen. 18. 7- Abraham fetched a e. fender and good
BUSY-BODY, lES. 6. 5. whence shall we 4. bread that these may eat • Exod. 32 4. after he had made it a molten c.
C 7%<M.3.11.but someof you areA.-i. 1 Tim. 5.13. 13. 29- *. those things that wt have need of 20. Moses burnt e. and strawed it on the v.'ater
J Pet. 4. 15. but let none of you suffer as a b.-bodi/ 1 Cor. 7 30. they that 4. us tho' they possessed not
. Lev. 9- 2. take thee a young c. for a sin-offeriug
BUSY, I ED. Jam. 4. 13. and we will 4. and sell, amd get gain 3. take a c. and a lamb for a burnt-offering
1 Kings 20. 40. as thy servant was b here and tliere ii'fi'.S. IB. I counsel thee to 4. of me gold tried in fire Deut.'j.l6. ye had sinned against the Lord, and

2 Chron. 35. 14. the sons of A.iTon b. in offering 13. 17. no man 4. or sell, save he that had the mark made you a molten c. Seh. 9. 18. Psal. 106. \H-
BUSINESS, BUY com. .Toill. 10. their cowcalveth andcastethnother.
'^'n. 39. 11. .Toscph went into house to do his b. Gen. 41. 57. all countries came to.Toseph to4. corn Psal. 29. 6. he makcth them also to skip like a <
Deut. 24. 5. nor shall he be charged with any b. 42. 3. Joseph's brethren went down to i. corn Isa. 11. 6. the e. and the young lion together
.fosh.i. 14. our life for yours, if ye utter notour 4. AWi. 5. 3. we have mortgaged our lands to 4. corn 27. 10. there shall the c. feed, and there lie dowi-
30. if thou utter this our b. we will be quit BUY poor. Jer. 34.18. when they cut the c. in twain and pass<-il
JtiJg. 18. 7. they had no b. witn any man, 28. Amos 8. 6. that we may 4. the poor for silver Etek. 1.7. their feet were like the sole of a c. fooi
1 Sam. 10. )2. thy father haih left the 4.of the asses BUY truth. Hos. 8. 5. thy c. O Samaria, hath cast thee of!
20. 19. didst hide thyself when the b. was in hand Prov. 23. 23. 4. the truth and sell it not.also wisdom 6. the e. of Samaria shall be broken in piecen
21. 2. let no man know any thing of the i. BUYER. and bring hither the fatted c. and killit
B. because the king's b. required haste Prov. CO. 14. it is naught, it is naught, saith the 4. 27. thy father hath killed the fatted c. 30.
tb il there was a man whose b. was in Carmel Isa. 24. 2. as with 'he 6. so with the seller Acts 7- 41. and they made a c. in those days
-CAron 13. 10. and the I.evites wait on their i. E:ek. 7. 12. let not the 4. rejoice, nor seller mourn hev. 4. 7- and the second beast was like a
?* 15 i;aihen'd their brethren in i. of the Lord BUYE.ST CALKEKS.
JU. 31. la the b. of the auibassaHors God left him Lev. 25, 14i {tad if thou sell ooght, Etek. 27. 9, ascicnu of 0«bal were in tbe* ttk^ «
(ff i, oogbt
4 .

Bzsi. 37. J c. when I c. to remembrance the faith<|^g. he c. it the well of him that cor cried
shall fall into the midst of seas 2 Tim. I. 5.
CALL foUowpeace with them that f. on the Lord 16. 28. Samson f. to the Lord and said, O Lorti
2. S2,
Signifies, [1] To name, Oen. 1. 5. 5. 2. [2] Tu Heb. 2. he IS not ashamed to c. them brethren
1 1 S(im.').g. ih« is LOW c. a prophpt, was e. a
appoint and '/ualiti/ a person for some uork 10. 32. but c. to remembrance the former days ISam.t 2. whose name isc. by the name of the Ld.
terrice, Exod. 31. 2. Isa. 22. 20. [.1] Tu Jam. 5. 14. let him c. the elders of the church 12.28.1estl lake this city, and it be c.afiei my name
caute, ip a powerful word, ihose tliitigs to exiit, I Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father who judgeth 18. 2(5. the watchman c. to the porter, and said
akich hud no ieing before, Rom. 4. 17. [-1] CALL on the name of the Lo:d. 21. 2 thekingf. the Gibeoiiites, and said to them
To iniile, warn, and exhort by the dispensaliom G^n.4.26.then began men toe. upon nameoftheL Kings 1 9. Adonijah e. all his brethren, 19. 25.
1 .

»f Providence, Isa. 22. 12. [5] To caute to 1 hingilB.^i.l v/H\ c. on name of L. Psul. 110.17 18. 3. Ahab. c. Obadiah, who was the governor
grotii, Jizek. 36. 29. [6] To ir.tite sinner t to 2 Kings 5.11. hewill come out and e. on name of L •26 they c. on the name of Baal from
rtptittanee, either by the ministry of the word, 1 CAron. iS.S.c. upon his nam«,Pja/. 105.1. /.(a. 12. 2/ her husband and said.send me
iy awful disptnsalions of providence, by the Joel 2. 32. whosoever shall c. on the name of the L. 7.10. they came and c. to the porter of he city '

lions of the Holy Spirit, or by their orrn sh.- be delivered, jlfff 2.21. Mom. 10. 13. I Chron. 4. 10. and Jabezc. on the God of Isiaef

sciences. Pror. 1. 24. Mat. 22. 14. [7] To Z<;(A.3.9.that they may all c. upon name of the Lord 13. ti. bring the ark of God, whose name is e. on it
bring persons, by the preaching of the liord and 1 Cor. 1. 2. that in every place con the name of L. 21.26. David r. on the Lord, he answered him
effectual operation of the Spirrt, to knou, believe, Not CALL. /•..u/i.C.14.came do more,except she were name
and oiry the gospel, Rom. 8. 2S, 30. [a] To G«n.l7.l5. shall not c. her name Sarai but Sarah 4. II. who is not c. I have not been c. to come
ate H and acknowledge, lleb. 2. 11. [9] To uor Judg. 12. 1. and didst not c. us to go with thee Job 17. +14. I have c. to corruption, my father
ship. Gen. 4. 26. Acts Q. 14. [10] To pray to, Ruth 1. 20. she said, r. me not Naomi, r. me Mara upmy people.they have note. uponG.
Psal. 30. 15. Jonah 1. 6. [tl] To appeal to, Psal. 14. 4. and they c. not upon the Lord 79. 6. the kingdoms that have not e. on thy name
1 Cor. 1.23. fl2] Topraclaim, Joel 1. 14. 2 Isa. 31. 2. yet he will not c. back his words
Isa.ZX.l.a. mult, of shepherds is c. forth againsthim
15. [1.1] To reckon, or account, Mai. 3. 35, Jer.lQ. 25. upon families that c. not upon thy name 43. 22. but thou hast not c. on me, O Jacob
Acts 10. 15. [14] Tube, Luke I. 32. where i, Luke 14. 12. c. not thy friends nor thy brethren 48. 1.0 Jacob, ye that are f , by the name of Israel
li said of Christ, '1 hou shalt be called the .Son John 15. 15- henceforth I c. you not servants 12. hearken unto me, O Jacob, and Israel my c.
of the Highest; that is. Thou ihalt realty be, Acts 10. 15. that c. no! thou common, 11. 9. 61.3. that they might be c trees of righteousness
and be acknowledged, the true, eternal, and es- £8. God bath shewed men. tof. any man common Jer. 7. 32. that it .'hall no more be c. Tophet
sential Hon of God. Shall or Shalt CALL. Lam. 1. 21. thou wilt bring day that thou hast c.
Cen.i, 19. to Adam, to see what he would e. them Gen. 17. 19. and thou shalt c. his name Isaac 2. 22. thou hastr. as a solemn day my terrors
£xod. 2 7- r to thee a nurse ol the Hebrew women Deut. 25. 8. then the elders of this city shallc.him Ktek. 20. 29. and the same thereof is c. Bamah
20. where is he ? c. him that he may eat bread 30. 1. thou .(4fl//f .them to mind among the nations Dan. 6. 12 BOW let Daniel be c and he will shew
tium. 16. 12. Moses sent toe. Dathan and Ahiram 3.T. 19. they shall c. the people to the mountain A^<i<.l.l6.of whom was born .lesus, who is f. Christ
*2. 20. if the men c. thee, rise up and go with them /oi 14. 15. (hoashalt c. and 1 tvill ansuertbee 10 2. the first Simon, who is c. Ptter
Deut. 4. 7- as God is in all things we c. on him for Psal. 50. 4. he shall c. to the heavens from above 13. 55. they said, is not his mother c. Mary ?•
26. I «. heaven and earth to witness against you 72 17. blessed in him,allnationsj^aWc. him blessed \i. 2. and Jesus c. a little child untohim
this day.shall not pro. yourdays, 30.19. 'il.28 Isa. 7. 11. shall c. his name Emanuel, Mat. 1. 23. 20. 16. for many be c. but few chosen, 22. 14.

J«i/j.l6.25.f. for Samson that he maynjakeussport 34. 12. they shall c. the nobles to the kingdom 32. and Jesus stood still, and c. them, and said
21. 13. they sent to c, peaceably unto them 41. 25. from rising of sun shall hec. on my name 23. 8. be ye note. Kabbi, one is your Master, Ift.
1 •Sam. 3. 6. here am I, for thou didst t. me, 8 44.5.anotherjAa//c. himself by the name of Jacob 26. 14. one of the twelve c. Judas Iscariot
16. 3. c. Jesse to the sacrifice, and 1 will shew th, 7. and who, as I, shall c.^nA shall declare it 27. 17- or shall 1 releaise Jesus, c. Christ.' 22.
22. U. then liing sent to c. Ahimelech the priest 55. 5. thou shalt c. a nation that thou knowestiiot N''^'"'* 10. 49. Jesus commanded him to be c
1 Sam. 17. 5. then said Absalom, e now Hubhai 58 9- then iAa// thou f. and the Lord shall answer 1-1.72. Peter c. to mind the word that Jesus said
liVngj 1.28.C. Bathsheba||.32.c. Zadokand Nathan 60. 14. they shall c. thee the city of the Lord Lvke I. 61. none of thy kindred is c. by this uaaia
8. 52. hearken to them in all they c. for unto thee 18. shall c. thy walls salvation, and gates praise 62. they made signs how he would have him c.
17. 18. art come tome toe. my sin to remembrance? 61.6. men shall c. you the ministers of our God 15. 19. 1 am no more worthy to be c. thy son, SI
18.24. and e. ye on the name of your gods, 25, 62.12. they i/ia//f. them the holypeople.redeemed 19. 15. he commanded the servants to be c.
S Kings 4. 12. Elisha said, c. this Stiunamite Jer. 3.17. they shall c. Jerusalem the throne of Ld. C3. 33. when come to the place that he. Calvary
10. ly. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal 19. shalt c. me, my father, shalt not turn away John I. 48. before that Philip f. thee I saw thee
Job 5. I.e. now if there be any that will answer 6. 30, reprobate silver shall caen c. them 4. 25. 1 know Messiah cometh, who is c. Christ
13, 22. then c. thou, and I will answer, 14. 15 7."7.if>alt c. to them, but they will not answer thee 9- 1 .a man /-.Jesus made clay and anoint my eye*

Psal.i.l. hearwhen 1 c.OCiod of my righteousness Hoi. 2. 16. and thou shalt c. me no more Baali .ictsg. I Igo i-ito the street c. Straipht.for oner .Saul

3. the Lord will hear when I c. unto him Jiel i:.3'2. in the remnant whom the Lord shall c. 11. 20. disciples were c. Christians first at Anlioch
14 4. whoeat up mypeople. and c. not upnn Lord /l/noj5. 16. theyjAa/Zc.the husbandmen tomonrning 13.7.who c.for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear
20. 9. save. Lord, let the king^ear us when we c.\^^'^^'^-^-9.'/'<'ll cod my name and I will hear them 9. then Saul.c. Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost
49.11. theyc. their lands after their own names' ''''''•••4.they*Aa//c them theborders of wickedness] 15. 17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c.
77. 6. I f. to remembrance my song in the night' 3. 12. and ail nations lAaZ/c. you blessed 19. 4u. to be c. in question
c , •
for this day's uproar


am you
86.5."" and plenteous in mercy to all that c. on theel "^o'- 1-21.
99. 6. Samuel among them that c. on his name
-. --I
shalt c.
his name
10.25. how much more j/ia//c. them of household?
Jesus, shall save 23. 6. 1 c. in question by this
18. Paul the prisoner c. and prayed me to bring
day, 24. 21

2. in the day when I e. answer me speedily •^"^^ !• 13. and thou jAa/» f. his name John /film. I.I. Paul c. to be an apostle, I dr. I.I.

145.18. the Lord is nigh all them thate. on him 48. behold, all generations shall c. me blessed 6. among whom are ye also the c of Jesus

Pr«£i.8.4.toyon,Omen,lc.myvoiceistosonsofmen '^'^'*2. 39. as many as the Lord our God fAn// c. 7 to them that are e. to be saints, I Cor, 1.2.
9.15 to f. passenger* who go right on their ways LKum. 10.14. how then shall theyc. on him in whom 2. I", thou art e. a Jew, and reiitest in the law
31. 28. her children arise, and c. her blessed fri// CALL. 8. 28. who are the e. according to his purpose

J/a. 3. tl2. O my people, they who c. thee blesscdK'*"- 24. 57. we ai//c.the damsel and inquire at her 1 Cor. 1. 9. by whom ye weree. to the fellowship
cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9,+l6. 30. 13. for the daughters will c. me blessed 24. to them which are e. both Jews and Greeks
5.20. woe to them that c. evil aood, and good evilll'Sam. 12.17. I will c. unto Lord, and he shall send 26. not many mighty, not many noble, are e.
2 Sam. 22. uiti on the Lord, Psal. 3 5. II. if any man e. a brother be a fornicator
S2. 12. in that day did the Lord c. to weeping 4. 1 c. 18.
45. 3. 1 the Lord which c. thee by thy name Job 27. 10. will the hypocrite always c. on God ? 7. 18. is any man e being circumcised ? is any e.

48. 2. for they c. themselves of the holy city Psal. 55. 16. as for me I will c. upon God, 86. 7. 21. art thou c. being a servant ? care not for it
l:i. when I c. to them they stand up together 80. 18. quicken us, and we wilt c. on thy name 24. let every man wherein he is c. therein abido
will on him long as Gal. 6. so soon removed from him that e. you
55. 6. c. ye upon him while be is near 1 16. 2. therefore I c. jis I 1 .

Isa. 22. 20. that I will c. my servant Eliakim 13. for, brethren, ye have been e. to liberty
58. 5. wilt thou c this a fast to the Lord ? .

1.3. <-. the sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord Jer. I. 15. I willc. all the families of the north Eph.'i. II. who are e. uucirciimcisionby thate.
25. 29. for I will e. for a sword, £21;*. 38. 2i. 4. I. walk worthy of vocatmn wherewith ye are c.
65. 15. and c. his servants by another name
24. it shall come.that before they c. I will answer Ezek. 21. 23. he wi//e. to remembrance the iniquity 4. even as ye aree. in one hope of your calling
in one body
JtT. 9.17. consider andc. for the mourning women 36. 29. I will c. for the corn, and will increase it Col. 3. 15. to the which ye are c.
aconvenieut season will for thee 4. 1 1. Jesus, which ise. Justus, saluteth you
33. 3. c. unto me, and I will answer thee .Jeri 24. 15. I c.
ham. 2. 15. is this city men c. perfection of beauty iuim.9.25. 1 will c. them my people which were not 2 J'hess. 2. 4. who exalteth above all that is e. God
1 Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto thou arte.
lies. 1. 4. the Lord saiJ, c. his name iezreel CA
LL upon me
6. God said onto him, c. her name Lo-ruhamah Pia/.50.I5.f.i/;w'»CT«indayof troul>le,Iwill deliver 20. avoiding oppositions of science, falsely so e.
9.C. his name Lo-ammi, for ye are not my people 91. 15. he shall c. upon me, and 1 will answer him Heb. 3. 13, but exhort daily while it is e. to-day
the sanctuary
7. U. they <r, to Egypt, they go to Assyria Prov. 1. 28. shall f. u;«)»m<, but 1 will not answer 9. 8. the tabernacle whii h is e.
Joel 1.14. sanctify a fast, r. Solemn ass»!nbly,2.l5. Jer. 29. 12. shall ye c. upon me and I will hearken 15. they that are ... might receive the promisa
11. 16. God is ashanicil be e. their God
Janmh 1. 6. O sleeper, arise, c. upon thy God CALLED. not to

Zech, 3. 10. ye shall t. every man his neighbour Gen. 11.9. therefore is the name of it c. Babel 24 Moses refused to be e.son of I'haraoh'sdaught.
blaspheme that name by which ye are e.
Mai. 3. 15. now wee. frond happy, they that work £1. 17. the angel of God c. to liagarout of heaven Jafn.2.7.
1 Pet. 2.9. of him who hath e. you out of darknesi
JUat. 9.13. I am not come to e. the righteous, but 22. 11. the angel f. to Abraham out of heaven
SI .for hereunio were ye e.beoouse Christ suffered
sinners to repentance, Marki. 17. Luke 5. 32. 35 10. thy name shall not bee. anymore Jarob
18. e. him lieo-oni, but his fathere. him Benjam 3. 9. knowing
that ye are thereunto c. to inherit
80. 8. e. the labourers and give them their hire
Pet. that hath us to glory and virtue
22.3. sent hisserranls tor. them that were bidden 39. 14. she e. to the men of her house, and spake 2 I. 3. e.
that we should be e. the sons of Qo
43. how l^-en doth David 'n spirit c. him Lord.' Esod. 1. 18. the King of Egvpt e.for ihemidwives I John 3. I.
C3. 9. c. no man your father upon the earth 8 8.1'har.c.forM. 25. 9 27- 10.16,24. |
12 31 Jude l.tosanciified,pre5erved in JesusChrist.andr.
name of the starts e. wormwood
| I

Lukt 6.46.whyc. ye me L. and do not things I say iVam.l3.l6. Mosese. Osheason of Nun.Jehoshua /{er.B.ll. the
L»e«f.5.I.Mosese. all Israel, and said tothem,29.2. 1 1. 8. city
which spiritually ise. Sodom and E(;yp(
14.13. when thou makest a feast e. the poor
serpent e the Devil, and Satan
John 4.16. go c. thy husband and come hither l5.2.notexact it,becamseitise. the Lord's release 12. 9. that old Master and Lord, and ye say well 28. 10. shall see thou arte, by name of the Lord 17. 14. they that are with him. are e and chosen

Acts 9. 14. to bind all that c. on thy name Joih. 21 .19. gave tkese cities here e. by name 19. 9. blessed that are e. to the marriage supper

19. l.l. to e. over them which bad evil spirits Judg.Vl.W. the men of Ephraim weree. together CALLED, joined with God, or Lord.
94. 14. that after the way which they c. heresy 14. 15. have ye e. us to take what we have
' Gen. I. 5. God c. light day, darkness he e. night
Ram. 10 12. same Lord is rich to all that c. on him 15. 17. he cast away the jaw-bone, ande. the place 8. and God e. the firmament. Heaven
God for a record upon my soul 18. Samsoa was wre athirst, and e. on th* Lord 10. God c.dry-laod
Earth, the waters c. he Sua.>
i. Cor. 1. £3. 1 c


Ccn.f .2 God blessed them, and r.their nameAdam i>a.43.1.I have c.thee by thy n.thou artmine.45.4. Luk» 1 .36. sixth month with her who uas r.barrcD
Er<>rf.3.4.God e. to him out of the midst of the bush 63. 19. we are mine, they were not c. by thy n. 2. 21. his name u'a.t C.Jesus, sonamedoftheangoi
19. 3. the Lord c. to him out of the mountain Jer. 14. 9. O Lord, we arer by thy n. leave us not
. John'2. 2. Jesus taj c. and his disciples to marriagt
CO. the Lord c. Moses up to the top of the mount 15. 16. for I am c. by thy n. O Lord God of hosts Acts 13. 1. in the church Simeon, that aasc. Nigej
35. 30. see, the Lord hath c. my name Bezaleel Van. 9. 18. and behold the city which is c. bv ihy n. 24. 2. and when he uas c. forth. Tenullus began
Sum. 12. 5. and the Lord e. Aaron and Miriam ig.defernot, forthycityandpeople are c.bythyn. Acts 28. 1. they knew that the island vas e. Melifa
1 Sam. 3. 4. the Lord c. Samuel, 6, 8, 10. CALLED his name. 1 Cor. 7. 20. abide in the calling wherein he was
eAV«gf3.]0.alas,Lord,hatlir.these three kings. 13. Gen. 35. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his n. Israel Ileb. 11. 8. Abraham when he uas c. obeyed
8. 1. for the Lord hath e. for a famine on the land 18. she c. his n. Benoni, but his father Benjamin Jam. 2. 23. and he uas e. the friend of God
P.'ff/.SO.l.Lord hath c. the earth from rising of sun 1 Chron. 4. 9- bis mother c. his n. Jabe«, saying liev. 19. 11. he that set onhimma/ e. Faithful
Ita. 41. 2. the Lord raised, andf. him to his foot 7.16. sher. his n.Peresh||23.and htc.his K.Beriah CALLEDST, C-ALLEST.
42. (J. 1 the Lord have e. thee in righteousness -Vat. 1.25. her first born sou, and he c. his n. Jesus Judg.8. 1. that thou c. us not when thou wentcsl
49- 1- the Lord hath e. me from the -nomb Hev. 19. 13. and his iiame isr. the Word of God 1 Sam. 3. 5. and he said, here am I, for thou c. me
54. 6. the Lord hath c. thee as a woman forsaken CALLED the name. Psal. 81 7 thou c. in trouble, and I delivered thee
. .

Jtr. 11. 16. Lord c. thy name a green olive-tree G?n. 28. 19. e.then. of the place Both-el,35. 15. Eiek. 23. 21. c. to remembra.nce lewdness of youth
20. 3. the Lord hath not c. thy name I'ashur Eiod. 16. 31. and Israel c. the n. thereof, manna Mat. 19. 7. why e. thou me good ? there is none
Amoi 7. 4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire 17. T. he 0. the «. of the place .Massah and Meribah good but God, Mark 10. 18. Ijuke 18. I91
/icis lO. 10. gatherini; that the Lord had c. us 15. Moses f. the n. of the altar jEHOVAH-nissi CALLETII.
1 Cor. 7. 15. but God hath c. us to peace Jndg. 15. 19. Samson e. the n. thereof En-hakkore 1 KingsR. 43. hear thou
iu heaven, do according to
17-as the Lord hath c. every one, so let him walk 2 Sam. 5. 20. c. the n. of that place Baal-perazim all that the c. to thee for, 2 CAr 6. 33.
Gal. 1. 15. it pleased (Jod, who c. me by his grace 1 hini^sT. 21. e.then. thereof Jachin, 2 Chr. 3.17 Job 12. 4. who
on God, and he answered him
1 Tliess. 2. 12. who c. you to his kingdom and glory Job 42. 12. and he c. the n. of the first, Jemima Psal. 42. 7. deepc. unto deep at the noise of thj
4. 7. for God hath not e. us to luicleanness Sent and CALLED. 147. 4. he f them all by their names. Isa. 40. 26.

8 Thess. C. l-i. whereunto God c. you by our gospel Gen. 27. 42. she sent and c. Jacob her younger son Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth c. for strvikes
2 Tim. 1. 9. who hath c. us with a holy calling 31.4. Jacob j«H/anrff. Rachel and Leah to the field Isa. 21. 11. he c. to me out of Seir, watchman
Htb. 5. 4. but he that is c. of God, as was Aaron 41. 14. then Pharaoh tent and c. Joseph 59. 4. none e. for justice, nor any pleadeih
10. c. of God an high-priest afterorder of Melchis. Josh. 24. 9. Balak sent and e. Balaam to curse you 64. 7. and there is none that e. on thy name
I Ptt. 5. 10. the God of all grace, who hath e. us Jndg. 4. 6. she smt a7td e. Barak out of Kadesh Hos. 7. 7. there is none among them that c. to m»
//* CALLED. 16. 18. she sent atid c. the lords of the Philistines Amos 5. 8. that c. for the waters of the sea, 9. 6
Oen. 51. 31. wherefore At c. that place Beer-sheba 2 Sam. 12. 25. he se7il and c. his name Jedidiah Mat. 27. 47. this man c. for Elias, Afar* 15. 35.
26. 18. fif e. their names as his father called them 1 Kings 2. 3tj. the king sent and c. for Shimei, 42. Mark 3. 13. c. to him whom
he would, they came
55. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his name Israel 12. 3. they sent and c. Jeroboam, 2 Chron. 10. 3. 6. 7. c. to him the twelve, and began to send them
Ktod. 24. 16. the Lord e. to .Moses out of the cloud Esth.5. 10. Ilaman sent and c. for his friends 8. 1. Jesus e. his disciples, and saith to them
Judg. 6. 32. on that day he c. him Jerubbaal Acts 20. 17. he sent to Ephesus, and c. the elders 10. 49. be of good comfort, arise, he c. thee
iSam. 1.7. when he looked /;« saw me and r. tome Shall be CALLED. 12.37. if David therefore c. him Lord, L»#e20.44.
13.1". then he c. his servant that ministered to him G«».2.23..?Aa//iec.woman,becausetakenout ofmaii Lake
15. 6. bee. together hi3friend8,saying
1 A'(n».t 1.10. but Solom.his brother A« r.not, ig.26. 17. 5. thy lame shall bee. Abraham, for a father 9. she c. her friends and her neighbours
9. 13. he e. them land of Cabul to this day 21. 12. hearken to Sarah's voice, for in Isaac shall 20.37. when hec. the Lord, the God of Abraham
2 Kings 4. 36. and he c. to Gehazi, so he c. her thy seed *«c. Rom. 9. 7. Heb. 11. 18 John 10. 3. eind he c, bis own sheep by name
18. 4. he brake brazen serpent, hec. it ISehushtan 32. 28. name shall be c. no more Jacob, but Israel 11. 28. the master is come and e. for thee
Ptal. 105. 16. he c. for a famine on the land 48. 6. thy issue shall be c. after their brethren Rom.i. 17. f. things which be not, as tho' they were
Jer. 42. 8. then c. he Johanan and all the captains Deut. 25. 10. his name s/iall be c. in Israel, house of 9.11. purpose of election might stand.of him that e.
Lam. 1. 15. he hath c. an assembly against me Proc. 16. 21. the wise in heart shall be c. prudent 1 Cor. 12.3. no man by the Spirit e. Jesus accursed
Etek. g. 3. he c. to the man clothed with linen 24.8.deviseth evil, .f/ja//A«f .a mischievous person Gal. 5. 8. persuasion cometh not of him that c. you
Mq/. 10. 1. he c. the twelve 15. 10. he c. multitude
/jrt. 4.3. that remaineth in Jerusalem j/ia//<5«c. holy 1 Thess. 5.24. faithful is he that c. you, whowill do it
Mark 1. 20. straightway hec. them, and they left 9.6. and his name shall be c. Wonderful, Counsellor Hev.i. 20. Jezebel, that e. herself a prophetess
Luke 13. 12. when .lesus saw her, he c. her to him 19. 18. one shall be c. the city of destruction CALLING
John 10. 35. if /(« c. them tiods, to whom the word 32. 5. the vile person shall no more be c. liberal Signifies, [1] Any laufu! employmtn'l, or uty of
Acts 9. 41. when he had c. the saints and widows 35. 8. and a way, and it shall be c. way of holiness living, 1 Cor. 7. 20. [2] 'Jhat effectual calling,
10. 23. then c. he them in, and lodged them 54. 5. the God of the whole earth shall he be c. uhereby sinners savingly believe, and obey the
16. £9. then he c. for a light, and sprang in 56.7. house shallbec. house of prayer, gospel', Phil. 3. 14. Heb. 3. 1. [3] The state oj
19. 25. whom he c. toget^ier with the workmen Jer. 7. 32. it shall no more be c. Tophet, IQ 6. glory, and blessedness in heaven, to which be-
23. 23. he c. unto him two centurions, saying 23.6. he shall be c. Lord our Righteousness,33.36 lievert are called, 2 Thess. 1. 11.
Vom. 8. 30. them he also c. whom he c. he justified Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be c. a city of truth Sum. 10. 2. use trumpets for the c. of the assembly
0.24. even us whom /i^hathc not of Jews only
. Mat. 1. f 23. and his name jAa// fi(r c. Emmanuel Isa. 1. 13 the c. of assemblies I cannot away with
1 Pet. 1. 15. but as he which hath c. you is holy 2. 23. it might be fulfilled, shall he e. a Nazarene Ezek. 23. 19. in c. to remembrance her youth
See Called the name. 5. 9. peace-makers shall be c. the children of God Horn. 11. 29. the e. of God without repentance
I CALLED, or, / hate CALLED. 19. he shall he f .the least in the kingdom of heaven 1 Cor. 1. 26. for ye see your e. brethren, not many
Sum. 24. 10. / c. thee to curse mine enemies Luke 1. 32. and he shall be c. the Son of the Highest 7. 20. let every man abide in same r. wherein called
Jndg. 12.2. when 1 c. you, ye delivered me not 35. also that holy thing shall be e. the Son of God Eph. 1. 18. may know what is the hope of his c.
1 Sam. 3. 5. Eli said, 1 c. not, lie down again, 6. 60. his mother said, not so ; but he shall bee. ^o\lti 4. 4. as ye are called in one hope of your c.
"S.\5.I haie r.thee,thoumayest make known tome 2. 23. every male shall be c. holy to the Lord Phil. 3. 14. for the prize of the high c. of God
2 6am. 22. 7. in my distress Ic. Ptal. 18. t). 118.5.
luim.T. 3. ifshe be married, j/io//i^<f. an adulterepa 2 Thess. 1.11. that God count you worthy of this f
jNV/i. 5. 12. I c. the priests, and took an oath of them 9. 26. they shall be c. the children of God 2 'Tim. 1. 9. who hath called us with an holyr.
J06 9. 16. if 1 had c. and he had answered me Slialt be CALLED, Ileb. 3. 1 partakers of the heavenly c. consider

19. 16. / f. my servant, and he gave me no answer /fa. 1. 26. thou shalt be c. the city of righteousness 2 Pet. 1. 10. to make vour c. and election, sure
Ptal. 17. 6. 1 kare c. on thee, for thou wilt hear 47. 1. thou shalt be c. no more tender and delicate CALLING, Participle.
3 1.1 7. let me not be ashamed, for 1 hare r.uponthee 5. thou shalt no more be c. lady of kingdoms Isa. 41. 4. c. the generations from the boginninj;
88. 9- Lord, / hare c. daily upon thee 58. 12. thou shalt be c. the repairer of the breach 46. 11. c. a ravenous bird from the east
116. 4. then e. I upon the name of the Lord 62. 2. shnlt be c. by anew name. Lord shall name Mat. 11. 16. and c. to their fellows, LukeT. 32
Prov. 1. 24. because / have c. and ye refused 4. thou shalt be e. Ilephzi-bah, thy land Heiilah Mark 11. 21. Peter, c. to remembrance, saiin
Cant. 5. 6. I c. him, but he gave me no answer 12. thou shall be c. sought for, a city not forsaken Acts 7. 59. they stoned Stephen c. upon God
lia. 13. 3. / hare e. my mighty ones for mine anger Luke 1.76. thou shalt bee. Piophetof the Highest 22. 16. wash away thy sins, r. on name of the Loro
41. 9- 1 hare c. thee from the chief men thereof John 1.43.thou j/if7/f bee. Cephas, which is, a.stone 1 Pet. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, c. him Lord
43.1. le thee by tliy name, thou art n.ine, 45. 4. They CALLED. CALM.
48. 15. yea, 1 hare c. him, 1 have brought him Gen. 19.5. theyc. Lot, and said, where are the men r Psal. 107. 29. he maketh the storm a e.
50. 2. when / c. was there none to answe.- ? Sum. 25. Q.t/ieyc. the people to the sacrifices JonaJi 1. 11. that the sea may be c. unto us
51. 2. for I c. him alone, and blessed him Jndg. 16. 25. they c. for .Samson out of the prison 12. cast me forth, so shall the sea be c. to you
65. 12. wVicn I c. ye did not answer, Jer. ~. 13. Hyih. 9. 26. they c. these days Purim, after Pur Mat.V, 26.therewasagreatf.Aya7-i4.39.L«*s8.24
66. 4. because when / c. none did answer Psal. 99. 6. they e. upon the Lord, and he answered CALVE, ED, ETIl.
J*r. 35. 17. because / /tare c. to them, but they not Jer. 12. 6. they have c. a multitude after thee Job1\. 10. their COW c. and casteth not her cjdf
Lam. 1.19./ f. for my lovers, but they deceived me
3. 55. / c. on thy name out of the low dungeon
'W. 17. because they c. thee an outcjist, saying
Has. 1 1 .2. as they f .to them, so they went from them
39. 1. canst thou mark when the hinds do
Psal. 2y. 9. the voice of the Lord maketh hinds to c,
57. thou drewest nea' in the day / c. upon thee 7. though they c. them to the most High Jer. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field, and forsook it
J/oj. 11.1. then 7 f. my Son out of Egypt. ;Vo/,2.15 Ulat. 10. 25. '\i they have c. the master Beelzebub CALVES.
Itag. 1.11. and I c. for a drought upon the land Luke 1. 59 they c. him Zacharias, after his father 1 Sam. 6. 7. and bring their c. home from them
Zech. 11. 7. one /f. Beauty, theoiher y f. Bands J"hn 9.I8. they e. pai-ents of him that received sight 1 Kings 12. 28. the king made two c. of gold
John 15. 15. not ser\-ants, but 1 hare e. you friends "4. then again theyc. the man that was blind 32. sacrificing to the c. that he had made
Acts 13.2. for the work whereto 1 havec. them Acts^.VA. they f .them, and commanded not to speak Kings 10. 29. Jehu departed not from the golden o,
28. 20. for this cause hare 1 c. for you to see 5. 40. when they had c the apostles, and beaten 2 Chron. 11. 15. heoixlained him priests, for the e.
CALLED 6v my name. \i.\1.they c. Barnabas, I upiier ; Paul, Mercurius
. 13. 8. and there are with you golden c.
tChrcn.T .M. my people who are f. Ay myn.humble Was CALLED. Psal. 68. .30. rebuke the bulls with the c. of people
J.ta. 43. 7- bring, even every one that is c. by my n. Veut. 3. 13. which xvas c. the land of giants Hos. 10. 5. shall fear, because of ther. of Meth-aven
65. 1. behold, to a nation that was not c. bu mi/ n. Juris. 6. ^ M. and Abiezer a-a-i c. after him 13. 2. let the men that sacrifice kiss the c,
/rr. 7. 10. housef.iymy?.. 11,14,30. 32.34. ] 34".15.
2 Chron. 20.20. place -.i-asc. the valley of Berachah 14. 2. so will we render the c. of our lips
25. 29 to bnng evil on the city which is f. by mv n. £:)a2. 61. and vase, aftor their name. AVA. 7. 63. Amos 6. 4. and eat c. out of the midst of the stall
iimoi 9.12. remnant ofheathen which are c.iy my n. Isa. 48. 8. tcast c. a transgressor from the womb -1/if . 6. 6. I come with c. of a year old
CALLED by thy name. Dan. 10. 1. whose name tiias c. Belteshazzar .Val. 4. shall grow up as e. of the stall
1 A' 1 build'edisc.*y rAy n.2CA.6.33. Mat. 26. 3. the high priest, who teas c. Caiaphas Heb. g.l2. nor by blood ofgoats and c.but own blood
//C.4. 1 .let u!" ihv n to take awaf our reproach 27 8, vai r, the &«l<i of blood, unto this day
. 19. took t'lood oif, and sprinkled hook and seopla



CAME. Eztk. 33.22. afore he that ewxpcd e. opened mouth 2 Chron. 7. 1 made an end ot praying, fire c. i. 3,
0<m. 10.14. ontofwhomi.rhilislim, 1 Chron. 1. 12. 37. 7. the booes c. together, bone to '.\is bone Lam. 1. 9- therefore she c. doie-n wonderfully
19.1. two angels c. to Sodom at even, Lot sat in gate 10. breath f. into them, they lived and stood up Van. 4. 13. an holy one c. doxcn irom heaven
20. .>. God c. tc Abimelech in a dream by iii^ht 43. 2. the glory of God of Israel c. from the east Mic. 1. 12. evil c. do-cn from the Lord to the gate
27. .35. brotherc. with sulitilty and taken blessiii; i>a7z.29.t 2. thoughts c. up into thy mind on thy bed Mat. 17. 9- a^ they c. d. from mountain..Vnri 9 g.
31.24.God Laban the Syrian in dream by ni^ht 4. 28. all this con the king Nebuchadnezzar Lake 10. 31. there c. ioxn a certain priest that way
32.6. c. to thy brother Esau, he cometh to meet thee 7. 13. one like Son of Man c. with clouds of heaven 19. 6. he made haste and c. down and received luni
39.i6.sne laid up his garment until his lord f. home 22. till the ancient of days c. and judgment given John 3. 13. he that c. dovin from heaven. Son of Man
yitm. 13. £7. f. to the land whither thou sentest us .'Irnos 6. 1. to whom the house of Israel c. 6. 38. I c. d. from heaven, not to do mine own wiH
19. 2. a red heifer, upon which never c. yoke Jonah 3. 6. for word c. to the king of N ineveh 41. the bread whi<;hf. down from heaven, 51, 58,
22. 9. God c. to Balaam at ni^ht, and said, 20. Hab. 3. 3. God c. from Terman, and the holy One Acts 15. 1. men which c. down from Judea taught
24. 2. Sp. ofGodc.onhim../^Hi/5.3.10. l&j?«. 10.10 Hag. 1. 9- ye looked for much, and lo it c. to little 21. 10. therec. down from JuJea acertain propbel
Deut. 1. 19. and we c. to Kadesh-baniea 2. 16. when one c. to the press-fat to draw out A'ci>. 20. 9. fire c. d. from God and devoured them

33.2. the Lord c. from Sinai, and rose up from Seir Zech.T 12. c. a great wrath from the Lord of hosts
. CAMEfoith.
Josh. 15. 18. as she f. to him she moved, Jurf^. 1. 14 14. 16. of all the nations that c. against Jerusalem Esod. 13.8.Lorddidtome when 1 c.f. out of Egypt
Judg. 5. 19. kings c. and fought, kings of Canaan HJat.Z. 1. there c. wise men from the east to J erus. Num. 11. 20. wept, saying, why c. f. out of Egj'pi?
7. 13. thscake of bread c.toa tent and smote it 9. till it came and stood over where the child was 12. 5. Aaron and Miriam, they Doth c. forth
9.25. they robbed all that f .along that way by them 3. l.In those days c. John the Baptist preaching JJeiil. 23. 4. met you not with water when ye c.f
57. upon them e. curse of Jotham son of .lerubb. 7 .25. and the rains descended, and the floods c 27. Jofh. 9. 12. our bread hot on day we c. forth to you
11. 18. but c. not within the border of Woab 9- 1. he passed over and r. into his own city Jiidg. 14. 14. he said to them, out of the eater c. '.
13. to. the man that c. to me the other day 20. a woman c. behind, touched hem of hisgarm. meat, and out of the strong c. f. sweetness
11. Manoah arose and c. to the man, and said 28.come into the house, the blind men c. to Jesus 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c.f. and cursed as he came
19. 22. bring forth the man that c. into thy house 20.28 Son of Man c. not to be ministered to 11. son which <;._/'. of my bowels seeketh my life
20.48. Israel smote Benjamin, all that c to hand 21. 28. c. to the first and said, son, go work to day 1 Kings 22.21. c.f. a spirit, and stood before Lord
iiMh 2. 6. it is the Moabitish damsel thatf. back .30. he f. to the second, and said likewise 2 Aings 2. 23. e.f. little children and mocked him
1 Sam. 2. 13. customwai, the priest's servant, c. 15 32. John c, to you in the way of righteousness 24. c forth two she-bears and tare 42 childrtc
14. so they did to all Israelites thatc. thither 25. 10. they went to buy, the bridegroom c. 21. 15. their fathers e.f. out of Egypt, Jer. 7. 25.
27. t^iere c. a man of God to Eli, and said to him .16. I was in prison, and ye c. to me 2 C/jriiM.32.21. that c.joiih of his bowels slew hiic
4. 1. and the word of Samuel c. to all Israel 26. 49. forthwith he c. to Jesus and kissed him Prov. 7. 15. therefore c. 1 forth to meet thee
7. 13. they c. no more into the coast of Israel 6o.!hough false witnesses c. yet found they none Eccl, 5. 15. as he c. forth naked, shall he return
9- 15. Lord told Samuel in his ear before Saul <r. 28.13. his disciples c by night, and stole him away Jer. 20. 18. wherefore c. I forth out of the womb
10. 14. when we saw asses no where, c to Samuel AJari 3.8. heard what great things he did, c. to him Dan. 3. 26. they c. forth of the midst of the fire
13. 8. but Samuel c. not to Gilpal, people scattered 9 21. how long h it ago since this c. to him 5.5. c. forth fingers and wrote on plaster of wall
17. 34. there c. a lion and a bear, and took a lamb 12. 28. one of the scribes c. and asked him 7. 10. a fiery stream e. forth from before him
S&ni.2.4. menof Judahc. and anointed David king 42. c. a certain poor widow threw two mites 8. 9- out of one of them c. forth a little horn
3. 25. thou knowest Abner, that e. to deceive thee Liiie 1.57. now Elisabeth's full time c. tobedthv. 9. 23. the command c.f. anal am come to shew
13. 30. while in the way the tidings c. to David 9- 34. there <•. a cloud and overshadowed them iiech. 10. 4. out of him c. forth the corner, the naiC
36. behold, king's sonsc. and wept, the king wept 35. and there c. a voice out of the cloud, say. jVari 1.38. that I may preach, for therefore c. I /'
15. 2. when any e. VJ king for judgment, Absalom 15. 17. when he c. to himself, he said, how many John 11.44. and he that was dead c. forth bound
16. 15. Absalom and Ahithophel c. to Jerusalem 20. and he arose and c. to his father 16. 28. I c. forth from the Father into the world
20. 12. saw every one that c. by him stood still John 1. 7. the same c. to bear witness of the light 19. 5. Jesus c. forth wearing the croivn of thorni
1 A'iHfil.42.whilehe spake, Jonat. sonofAbiath. r. 11. he f. to his own, andhisown receiy. him not 1 CAME.
4. 34. c, of all people to hear wisdom of Solomon 17. but grace and truth c by Jesus Christ Gen. 24. 42. and Ic this day to the well, and said
10. 10. thers c. no more such spices as these 3.2 the same c. to Jesus by night, 7. 50. | 19. SQ. 30. ."^O. for it was little thou hadst before 1 c.
12. there c. no such almug-trees to this day 23. and they c. and were baptized 48. 5. which were born before 1 c. into F.cj^jt
12. 12. Jerob. and all the people c. 2 Chron. 10. 12. 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples, and marvel, that 7. when I c. from I'adun, Rachel diea by me
13. 10. he returned not by the way he c to Bethel 10. 35. if he called gods to whom word of God c £r«rf.5.23. since I do
speak to I'haraoh in thy name
19. 9- lie c. thither to a cave and lodged there 12.30. the voice c. not because of me, hut for you Dent. 22. 14. when 1 c. to her found her not a maiJ
20. 43. the king of Israel c. heavy to Samaria 20. 19. at even c. Jesus, and stood in the midst Judg. 20. 4. Levite said, /*. into Gibeah of Benj.
2 /l'iHi;.r4. 11. it fell on a day that he c. thither /lets 8.40.preached in all cities, till he r .to Cesarea 1 Kings 10. 7. I believd not till 7 c. 2 Chron. 9. 6.
27. when she c. to the man of God to the hill 9.21. c. hither for that intent, to bring them bound AV(. 6.10. afterwards Ic to the house of Shemaiab
5. 15. Naaman c. and stood before Elisha 10.45. as many as e. with Peter were astonished 13. 6. I. c. to the king and obtained leave
6. 23. the bands of Syria c. no more into Israel 11 5.. the vessel descended, and it c. even to me 7. I c. to Jerusalem and understood of the evil
.32. but ere messenger c. to him, he said to elders 23. when he c. and had seen the grace of (Jod ha. 50. 2. wherefore, when Ic. was there no maj
8. 14. Ilazael departed from Elisha, his master 19. 18. and m.inythat believed c. ;aid confessed Eiek. 3. 15 then 1 c. to them of the captivity
9. 11, wherefore c. this mad fellow to thee? 28.21. nor brethren that c. spake any harm of thee 43. 3. when 1 c. to destroy the city
10. 12. Jehu arose, departed, and c. to Samaria Uum. 5. 18. judgment c. the free gift c on all men Mat. 10. 34. / f. not to send peace, but a sword
21. all worshippers of Baal c. house of Baal full 7. 9- when the commandment c. sin revived Merkl. 17. Ic. nottocall the righteous, LuUb.'M.
17. 28. one of the priests c. and dwelt in Beth-el 9- 5. of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ c. John 8. 14. I know whence I c. and whither I go
19. 33. by the way that he c. shall he return 1 Cor. 15.21. since by man c. death, by man c. also 42. 1 c from God, norc. 1 of myself, he sent me
24. 3. at the command of the Lord c. thison Judah Oal. 2. 12. for before that certain c. from James 12. 27. but for this cause / c. to this hour
1 Chron. these c. in the days of Ilezekiah 3. 23. before faith c. we were keptunderthe law 47. for 1 c. not to iudge the world, but to save
5. 2. Judah prevailed, of him c. the chief ruler Eph. 2.17. andc. and preached peace to you afarofi" 18.37. for this cause c- J into the world, that I bear
7.22. Ephraim's brethren c. to comfort him 1 'J'hess. 1. 5. our gospel c. not in word only but in Acts 10. Cy. therefore*:, 7 as soon as I was sent for
12.1 . now these are they that c. toDav. day by day 1 'I'im. 1.15. that Christ c. to save sinners [power £0. 18. ye know. from tne first day Ic. into Asia
22. there c. to David to help him a great host 2 'Jim. 3. 11 .persecutions which c. to me at Antioch 22. 11. being led by the hand, 1 c. into Dama.-icuj
i Chron. 11. 14. the Levites left all andr. to Judah 2 Pet. 1. 17. when there c. such a voice to him 23. 27. then c. I with an army and rescued him
12. 11. the guard c. and fetched the shields 18. this voice which c. from heaven we heard £4. 17. if, to bring alms to my nation, and offerings
14. 14. for the fear of the Lord c. upon them 21. prophecy c. not in old time by the will of man 1 C1IJ-, 2..]., when I c. to you I e. not with excelleiuy
22. 1. the band of men that c. with the Arabians 1 Johtt 5. 6. this is he that c. by water and blood 2 Cor J. £3 4liat to spare you /<:. not as yet lo Corinth
24.]8.\Vrathf.onJudah and Jerusalem fortrespass 3 John 3. when brethren c. and testified of the truth 2.3. lest when Ic. 1 should have sorrow from tliem
25. 20. Amaziah would not hear, for it c. of God lUv. 16. 19. and great Babylon c. in remembrance 12. when I c. to Tioas to preach Christ's gospel
30. 11. divers humbled themselves and c. toJerus. Hee Spirit of the Lord. Gal. 1. 21. afterwards I c. into the regions of Syria
31. 5. and as soon as commandm. c. abroad CAME a^am. CAME in.
Esra 2. 2. which c. with Zerubbabel, Mordecai Jiidg. 13.9. angel c. again to the woman as she sat Gen. 6. 4. the .sons of (jod e. in to daughters of men
5. 5. not cause to cease till the matter c. to Darius 15. 19. his spirit c. again to him, 1 Satn. 30. 12. 19-5. where are the men that c. in to thee this night
jV«A.7.73. when seventh month c.were in their (ities 21. 14. and Benjamin c. again at that time 38. IK. J udah c. in unto her, and she conceived
iif/A.1.17.Vashti to be brought in, but she c.not 1 Kingsll. 22. the soul ofthechildcintohim agnin 39. 14. he c. in to lie with me. and 1 cried loud
2. 13. then thus c. every maiden to the king 19. 7. the angel of the Lord c.agninlhe second time Eiod. 21. 3. if he c. in by himself, he shall go out
4. 2. Mordecai c. even before the king's gate 2 AiK«5.14.hisfleshc.ncai«like the flesh of a child Joih.0.1. none went out, and none c. in to Jericho
8. 17- whither the king's decree c. Jews had joy 7. 8. lepers c. again, and entered into another tent 1 6um. 18. 13. went out and before the people, J6
Job 3. + 25. I feared a fear, and it c. upon me I.zra2.1 .these c. again to .1 udah and .1 erus. A'?/i.7 .0. 2 *<i«i. 11. 4. she c. in to him, and he kny with her
26. 1 was not in safety, nor had rest, yet trouble c F.Kth. 6. 12. Mordecai c. again to the king's gate 1 A'i;i"i 14. 6. as she c. in at the door, Ahijah said
29.13. the blessingofhim ready to perish f. on him Dan. 10. 18. c. again and touched me one like a man £ Chron. 15. 5. no peace to him that c. in, /^ff.'<.8 10
50. 2(i. I looked for good, evil c. darkness c. /Cech. 4. 1. the angel c. again and waked me Ksth. 2.14. she f in to the king no more except

Psal. 18. 6. my cry c. beli>re nie, even to his oars Liiie 8. 55. herspir.c.ffj. and she arose straightway Jer. .32. 23. and they r. in and posscsiicd it
27. 2. when my foes c. upon me they stumbled John 8. 2. and early he c. agnin into the temple 37. 4. now Jere miali f .in and went out among people
78. 31. wrath of God c. upon them, anil slew them CA.ME doitm. Izei. U).!). not return by way of the gate be r. in
105.19. tintil time that his word c.word tried thein Oen. 11.5. Lord r. rfuw« to see the city and tower Dan.i.l .ihcn f. in the magicians.the Chaldeans, .S.B
31. he sjiake, and there c. divers sorts of tlies 15. 11. when the fowls r. dotcn on the carcases 8. but at the last Daniel c. in before me
34. he spake, and locusts c. and cateq)illars 43. 20. O Sir, we c. down at first to buy food Jonah 2. 7. niy prayer c. in to thy holy temple
Eecl. 5. 15. to go as he f. and take nothing, Ifi. F.iod. 19. 20. the Lord c. do:in upon mount Sinia Mat. 22. 11. when the king e. in to see the gucsu«
Jta. 20. 1. ia the year that Tartan e. to Ashdod 3i. 29. when Moses c. down from mount Sinai Luke 1. 28. the angel c. in to Mary, and said, hail
30.4. and his ambassadors c. to Ilanes f,ro. 9.22. and Aaron c.doun from offering 7. 45. but this woman since I c. in kissed my feet
41.5. ends of earth were afraid, drew near and c. Nrim. 1 1 25. the Lord c. dovn in a cloud, 12. 5. Acts 5. 7. his wife not knowing what was done c. in
Jer. 7. 31. nor r. it into my mind, 19. 5. 32. ,"5.
14. 45. then Amalekues r. doun and smote ibeni 10. the young men c. in and found her dead
8. 15. we looked for peace, but no good r. Judg. 5. 14. out of Machir c. do:;n the povrrnors (>*l. 2. 4. who.f in privily to spy out our liberty

44.21. incense yoa burnt, c. it not into bis mind ? 2. SViwi. 22. 10. bowed heavens and c,/,iixM, /'jo/. IH'.I. CAMEnear,
£:fil.4.14.norc. there abominable flesh into mouth 2 Kings 1.10. there c.donm fire from lieavcn. 12.14. den. 19.9-'hey pressed.and c.wm' to break the donr
17. 3. c. to LebaBon, and took the highest branch XC/iron.7 21. men of GatU c. d. to take their cattle Eiod. 14. 20. the one e. not near the other all night
. '.


F*o4. 40.32.irneo fhey e.n to the altar.they washed Then CAME. CAMELS.
Hur:. 31. 48. officers and captains c. ntar to Moses Exod. 17. 8. then e. Amalek andf oaght with Israel G«n. 12.l6.Abram had sheep, oxen, (he-uie3,8nd<!'
36. 1. thecbief of Joseph c. »<<»/• before Moses Sum. 27. 1. then c. the daughters of Zelophehad 24. 19. I will draw water lor tJiy c. also, 44.
Dtui. 1.22 yr c. near tome everyone of you, 5.23. 1 Sam. 21.1. then e. David to Ahimeleci the priest 30 43 Jacob had much cattle, asses, and e.
Josh. 10. 24. c. near and put your feet on the necks 2 Sum.b.\.then c. all the tribes to David to Hebron 31. 34. Rachel put them in the c furniture
17. 4. they c. near before Eleazar thf priest, 21.1. 24.6. then ihey c. to Gilead, and numbered people 37. 2j. Ishiiiaelites came with their c. bearing
1 Kings 18. 36. at the time of the offering of the 2/w«;. 18.37.rAf»c.EliakiniandShebi]a,ija.:t6.22 Exod. 9. 3. hand of the Lord on the c. and the oxen
evening-sacrifice. Elijah r. wfai' and said 2 Chron. 1. 13. then c. Solomon from his journey Juds. 6. 5. they and their e. without number, 7. 12.
2 King' 4. 27. Gehazi c. near to thrust her away 12. 5. then c. Shemaiah the prophet to Kehoboam 8 21. took away ornan.ents on their c. necks, 26.
1 Sam. 27. 9. David took away c and the appai«l
i ChroH 18. 23. Zedekiah c. n. and smote IMicaiah Ezra 5.16. then c. Sheshbazzar and Uid foundation
Jur 42. 1 from the least even to the greatest c.near Sch. 1. 2. then Hanani one of my brethren c. 30.17. save 400 young men who rode on c. and fled
1 A >>jjj 10.2. Caere to Jerusalem withe. 2CAr.9.1.
Dan. 3 8 Chaldeans c. near and accused the Jews 2. 9. then 1 c. to the governors beyond the river
26- Neliuchadn -zzar c. near to the furnace Job ,30. 26. when I looked for good, then evil c. 2 KingsS. 9. Ilazael took a present forty c. burden
1 C/jT-un. 5.21. the Reubenites tookaway ofe. 50,000
/lc//9.3. he c. near to Damascus, there shined light Jer. 19. 14 then c. Jeremiah from I'ophet, whither
CAMK nigh. 38. 2'. then e. all the princes of Jeremiah 11. 40. they of Zebulun brought bread on c.
Exod. 32 19. as soon as he c. nigh he saw the calf Ezek. 14. 1 then c. certain of the elders of Israel
27. 30. over the c. also was Ubil the Ishmaelite
34. 32. afterward all the children of Israel c. nigh 2.5. 39. Men they c.the same day into my sanctuary Ezra £. 67. their c were 435. iVeA. 7. 69.
/•J/A. 8. 10. he sent letters by post on mules, c. 14
i Sam. 15 5. when any c. nigh to do him obeisance .Mat. 9. 14. then c. to him the disciples of John
\5.l.thenc. to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, .saying J>'i 1. 3. his substance also was three thousand c.
Mai 15. 21). Jesus c. nigh to the sea of Galilee
Mark 11 1 when they c. nigh to Jerusalem 12. then c his disciples, and said to him, 17. 19. 17 the Chaldeans fell on the c. and carried tliem
LukeT. 12. when he c. nigh to the gate of the city 25. Chen c. she, and worshipped him, Mark!. 25. Isa 21. 7 he saw a chariot of asses and of c.
CAME oier. 18. 21. Men e. Peter to him, and said. Lord, how oft 30.6. will carry their treasures on the bunches of c
Joth. 4. 22. Israel c. over this Jordan on dry land 20 Q{).thenc the mother of Zebedee's children 60. 6. the multitude of c shall cover thee
Jnig 19. 10. the Levite c. over against Jebus 26. 50. then c. they, and laid hands on Jesus Jer. 49 29. they shall take to themselves their c.
Mark 5. 1 they c. over to the other side of the sea Luke 3. 12. Men c. "also publicans to be baptized 32. their c. shall be a booty, and their cattle
CA.ME out. 22.7. then c. the day of unleavened bread Ezek 25 5. I will make Rabbah a stable for c.

Gen. 24. 15. Dehold Rebekah c. out with her pitcher John 7. 45. then c. the officers to the chief priests Mat. John had raiment of c hair, Mark I. 6.
3. 4.

25. 25. first c.out red.all over like a hairy garment 12. 28. then there c. a voice from he.iven, saying CAM EST.
38. 28. the midwife said, this c. out first 20.20./Aen c.Jesus, the deors being shut, and stood Gen. 16. 8. Ilagar, Sarai's maid, whence c. thou »
46. 26. all the souls which c. out of his loins They CAME, or CAME Mey. 24 5. bring again to the land from whence thou c.

Eiod 13. 3. remember the day in which ye e. out, 4. 11. 31. theyc. to Ilaran and dwelt there
Gen 27. 33. and I have eaten of all before thou c.
Lev. 9. 24. a fire e. out from the Lord, N}im. I6. 35. 12. 5. and into the land of Canaan, they c. Exod. 23. 15. for in it thou c.out from Egypt, 34. 18
22. 9. they c. to the place which God told them of jViuM. 22. 37. wherefore c. thou not unto me ?
Num. 12. 4. the L. spake suddenly, they three.c .oa/
16.27. Dathan and Abiram c. out and stood Lxod. 16. 35. till they c. to a l.'.nd inhabited Deut. 2. 37 to the land of Ammon
thou c. not
20. 11. he smote rock, and water c. out abundantly 19.1. same day c. they into the wilderness of Sinai 16. 3. remember the day thou c. thou c. in haste
Dent. 11. 10. not as land of Egypt whence je c. oui 2 Sam. 4-1. -when t>iey e. he lay on bed,they slewhi;ii 1 Sam. 13. 11. thou c. not within the days appointed
Josh. 5. 4. all that c. out were circumcised, 5. 1 Ai«i'i 1.32.Zadokand Nathan, r/ieye. before king 17.28. Eliab said, why c. thou down hither'
6. till all that e. out of Egj-pt were consumed 2. 7. so they c. to me, when I tied from Absalom 2 Sam. 11. 10. c. thou not from thy journey?
Judg. 4. 22. Jael c. out to meet him, and said, come 13.25.Mey c. and told it in city,where old prophet 15. 20. whereas thou c. but yesterday, should I
1 Sam. 4. IC. the man said to Eli, I am he that c. out 2 Kings 2. 4. I will not leave, so they c. to Jericho
1 Kings 13. 9. not return by the way thou c. 17

of the army, I fled to-day out of the army 6. 4. when they c. to Jordan, they cut down wood 14. art thou the man of God that c. from Judah '
21.5. about th^se three days since I c. out 20.14. these men whence c. they to thee. La. 39.3. 2 Kings 19. 28. I will turn thee back by the way by
2 Sam. 2. 23. the spear c. our behind him,and he fell 2 C/i)t)i». 20. 4. outof all Juda/Aeyc. to seek Lord which thou c. Isa. 37. 29.
6. SO. Michael c. out to meet David and said 29. 17 on eighth day c. they to the porch of Lord
. Neh. 9. 1.3. thou c. down also on motint Sinai
11. 23. the men prevailed against us and c. out Eira 2. 68. some when they e. offered freely Isa. 64.3. thou c. down the mountains flowed
18. 4. and all the people c. out by hundreds and by A'eA. 13. 21. from that time forth c. they no more Jer. 1. 5. before thou c. forth, I sanctified thee
1 A'jiigf 8. 9. when the Lord made a covenant with Job 6. £0. they c. thither and were ashamed
Ezek. 32. 2. and thou c. forth with thy rivers
Israel when they c. out of Egypt, 2 C/ir. 5. 10 30. 14. theyc. upon me as a wide breaking in Mat. 11. 12. friend, how e. thou in hither not having
20.19. these young men princes of provinces c. out Psiil. 88. 17. Ihey c. round about me like water John 6. 25. they said. Rabbi, when c. thou hither
2 Chron. 20. 10. not Israel invade, whitD they c. out Jer. 14. 3. they c. to the pits and found no water 16. 30. we believe that thou c. forth from God
Job 1. 21. naked c. I out of my mother's womb 43. 7. thus c. they even to Tahpanhes .'!cts<J. 17. Jesus appeared to thee in way, as thou <:

3. 11. why died I not from the womb ? why did I E.zek. 23. 40. a messenger was sent, lo they c. CAMP.
not give up the ghost, when I c. out of the belly Dan. 2. 2. Mey c. and stood before the king Exod. 14. 19. the angel of Lord went before the *.
Jer. 17. 16. that which c. out of my lips was right 6. 24. or ever they c. at the bottom of the den 16. 13. at even the quails came up and covered c.
£zek. 1. 4. a whirlwind c. out of the north, a cloud Mat. 1. 18. before they c. together she was found 32. 17. there is a noise of war in the c.
Hai. i. 14. they c. out as a whirlwind to scatter me 14. 34. they c. into the land of Genuesaret 27 go thro" the c. and slay every man his brother

Zech. 5.9. c.out two women,and wind in their wings 18.31. thei/c. and told their Lord all, Luke 14.21 ^6. 6. they caused it to be proclaimed thro' the c.
Mat. 8. 34. the whole city c. out to meet Jesus 26. 73. after a while c. they that stood by Lev. 17. 3. what man killeth any goat in the c. '
12. 44. return to house whence I c, out, Luke 11.24. Mark 1. 45. Mey c. to hrm from every quarter 24. 10. they strove together in the c.
27.32. as they f o7ir they found Simon of Gyrene 3. 13. hecalled whom he would, and /Aeyc. to him Sum. I ;52. Israel sball pitch every one by his own «.
5>. and e. out of the graves after his resurrection Luke 2. 16. they c. with haste and found Mary Z, 3. on the easuside shall the c. of Judah pitch
Jilark 1.26. unclean spirit bad cried, he c. out, 9.26. 24. 23. they c. saying, that they had seen a vision 4. 5. when c. lietteth forward. Aaron shall come
6. 34. when he e. out he saw much people John 12. 9. and Miev c. not for Jesus' sake only 15. as the sea is to set forward, alter that the sons
9. 7. a voice c.out of the cloud, saying, this is my Acts 8.36. Mey c. unto acertain water, eaimch said 11.1. consume them in the utmost parts of thee.
Lvke 1.22. when hec.ouf he could not spesik to them 12. 10. Mey c. to the iron gate which opened 26. Eldad and Medad prophesied in the c.
4. 35. and he c. out of him, and hurt him not 20. they e. with one accord and desired peace Deut. 23. 10. he shall not come within the e.
15. 28. therefore f out his father and intreated
. 17. 13. Mey c. thither also and stirred up the people 14. the Lord walked in the midst of thy e.
John 16. 27. because ye believed I c. out from God 23. 14. Mey c. to the chief priests and elders Josh. 6. 18. and make the c. of Israel a curse
17. 8. tliey have known that I c. mtt from thee 33. who when theyc. to Cesarea, presenteu Paul Judg. 7. 17. when I come to the outside of the «.
19. 34. his side, forthwith c. out blood and water Rev. 7. 13. what are these, and whence c. iheyf 13. 25. Spirit of God began to move him in thee.
Acts 8.7. for unclean spirits c.oi« of many possessed Word of the Lord CAME. 21. 8. there came none to the c. from Jabesh
16. 18. and the spirit c. out the same hour Gen. 15. 1. word of Lord c. to Abram in a vision, 4. 12. young virgins, they brought them to thee.
1 Cor. 14.36. c. word of God
out from you, or to you 1 Sam. 15. 10. uord 0/ Lord c. to Samuel, saying 1 Sam. 4. 6. the noise of this great shout in the c.
Hei. 3. 16. not all that c. out of Egypt by Moses 2 Sum. 24. 11. c. the uordof I^rd to Gad, David's 13. i 23. the standing c. of the Philistines went
lU". 7. 14. these c. out of great tribulation and 1 Kings 6. 11. aord of Lord c. to Solomon, saying 17. 17. and run to the c. to thy brethren
washed 16.1. tcorrfc/i^c. to Jehu against Baasha,saying,7. 1 kings 16. 16. all Israel made Omri king in the e.
14. 15. another angel c. out of the temple, 17. 17. 2. the word 0/ I^rd c. unto Elijah, 8. IB. 1. 2 Kings 6.8. in such and such a place shall be my c

18. another angel c. out from the altar 19.9. 21. 17,28. 7.7. they left the e. as it was, and fled for lite

15. C. the seven angels c. out of the temple 18. 31. whom aordof L. c. saying, Israel thy name 8. and when these lepers came to the e.
19. 5. a voice c. out of the throne, praise our God S KingsiO. 4. xhewordof L. c. to Isaiah, Isa. .38. 4 2 Kings 19. 35. the angel of
the Lord smote in the
CAME to pass. 1 Chr. 17.3. ttorrf 11/" /-.e. to Nathan 22.
8. to David c. of Assyrians 185,000, ha. 37. 30. and it <-.<opa« at the end of 430 years, 2C7i. 11.2. a'.o/'L.f.toShemaiah, 12.7. lAiKgjl2.22 IChr n.22.1. the band came with the Arabians to c.

even the self-same day it c. to pass, 51 Jer. 1 2. uordo/ihe Lorde. to Jeremiali,4. 2. 1. |

I'sal. 78. 28. let it fall in the midst of their e.
Veul 2. 16. so it c. to past, 1 Sam. 13. 22. 2 Kings 14. 1.
29.30. 33.1.19. Dan.g.i
106. 16. they envied Moses also in the e.
15. 12. LstA. 2. 8. Acts 27. 44 Eiek. 1. 3. uord of L. c. expressly to Kzekiel, 3. 16 Ezek. 4. 2. lay siege, set the e. also against it
Joih. 17. 13 it e. to pass when Israel grew strong llos. \.l. aordof L.c.\.o llosea|| Joe/ 1. I.e. to Joel Jot,l1. 11. for his c. is very great, forhe isstroD({
21. 45. there failed not any thing all c. to pass
; Jonah 1. 1. w. of L. to Jonah, 3. 1. Mic. 1. 1 1 Eev. 20. 9. compassed the c. of the saints about
Judg. 13. 20. for it e. to pass, 1 Kings 11. 4, 15. Micah I)iio the CAMP.
15. I. it c. lopasi.i KingsX. 5. AVA.2.1. 4. 1,
2e;vA.l.l.B>.o/'L.e. toZeph.ll /fa?, l.l.e.byllaggai Lev. 14.8. after that he shall come into e.l6. 26,28
6.1. 7. 1. Jer. 35. 11. Zech. 1.1. toZechariah||7.4.c.of hoststome,8. 1. A'lim. 1 1 30. Moses gat him into c. he and elders


1 Sam. 1. 20. it c. to pass when the time was come Of i/r. 23. 11. sun is down, he shall come i»«c. again
10. 9. and all those signs c. to pass that day Gen. 24. 64. Rebekah saw Isaac, lighted of the c 1 Sam.i.T. the Philistines said, God is come into e.
16. 23. it e. to pass wken the evil spirit from God I^ev. 11. 14. these ye shall not eat, thee. i)eu/.14.7. Lhit of the CAMP.
2 Sam. 2. 1. it c. to pass after this, 8. 1. 10. 1. 1 Sam. 15. 3. but slay infant, ox, and e. and ass /;jc)(/.19. 17. Moses biought forth people out of the e.

2 Kings 6. 24. 2 Chron. 20. 1. Zech. 14. 15. so shall be the plague of thee, and ass Lev. 10.4. come near, arry your brethren out ofc.

C Kings 8. 15. ana it c. to pass on the morrow, il/c/. 19.24. it is easier for a c. to go thro' the eye of 14.3. the priest shall go forth out of the c. and look
1 Ch'on. 10. 8. Jer. 20. 3. Acts 4. 5. a needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 17. 3. what man soever killeth a goat out of the c.
Isa. 48. 3. I did theni suddenly, and they c. to pass 23. 24. which strain at a gnat and swallow a c. 24. 23. should bring him that had cursed out of e.
5 before it c. to pass I shewed it thee CAMELEON. Kum. 5. 2. command they put every leper out ofc,
I These 3.4. wen as it c. to pass and ya Vnow Ltv. 1 1 30. these shall be unclean, the«. the lizard
'[ .
12. 14. let Miriam be shut out ofthtc. seven day*
' a .


ffum 14.44. the ark and Moses departed not out ofc. Dettt. 28. 27. with itch, whereof thon e. not be healed CAPTAIN ,

Dtut 23.10. unclean person shall go abroad our o/>. JoA l.'J. 5. if thou f. answer me, set thy words in order
, Is a name applied, [1] To the king, or prince <i
}Sam. 1^ 17. spoilers came out ofe. of Philistines i\lal. 8. 2. Lord, if thou wilt, thou c. make me clean people, 1Sam. 9. 16. [2] To a chief murshai
tSam. 1 2. behold, a mzin came out ofc. from Saul .'MnriQ.'^l. if thou r. do any thing, have compassion Gen. 37. 36. [3] To a general, or comm^ndei
3. he said to him, out ofc- of Israel am I escaped Acts 21.37 .chief captain said, c. thou speak Greek in on army, C ^n. 26. 26. 2 Sam. 5. 8.

[4] To
Round atout the CAMP. CANDLE the head of a family, or tribe. Num. 2. 3. [5]
Meflt.ll.Sl.qnails fell, spread them rounrfai. c. 32. Is a long roll or cy/inder made of To the governor of a province, Ilag. 1. t 1. [6]
tallow, aai, ^c.
, Twrff. 7. 21. stood every mail in place round ai. c. for giving tight, Jer. 25. 10. Luke 15. 8.'Jo such as have the command of a company, con-

mthmu i/ie CAMP. To which are compared, [1] The reasonahU soul, sisting sometimes of more, sometimes of fewer
Kred. 0S. 14. the flesh of the bullock shah thou bum which is as a light set up in man hy God, and men, Deut. 1. 15.
uicMoui the c. Lev. 8. 17. 9. 11. ! l6. 27. |
as his deputy to observe and judge our actions, and Christ Jesus is called the Captain of salvation,
33.7. pitched tabern. sought Lord, went uithmii c. to inform and direct us, Vtov.ZO. IT [2] Minis- . Heb. 2. 10. lie is the author and guide, or
Lev 6. 11. and shall carry forth ashes uil/tout the c. ters, or the gifts and graces which Ood bestota leader to salvation. He by his sufferings aud
13. 46. thzU hath the plague shall dwell uithout e. on men, which are not given I hem only for their own death merited salvation for his people ; by lut
Num. 5. 3. every leper shall be put out K«Mo«//A?f. sakes, but for the good of olhtn also ; as when word and Spirit fits them for it; he vanquishes
15 35. gatherer of sticks shall be stoned withmu c. men light a candle, they are not to hide tl under all opposen of it ; and puts them finally into the
19. 3. briug the red heifer viithouc c. and slay her a bushel, but to put it on a candlestick that it actual possession of it heaven. »
31. 19. and do ye abide witliout the c. seven days may communicate tts light to all in the house. Gen. 37.36. sold Joseph to Potiphar.c. of the guard
:0eiit.i3. 12. thou shall have a place ziso zoii/iout c. Mat. 5. 15. [li] The favour and blessing of 40. 4. c. of the guard charged Joseph with lliem
Joii. 6. 23. Rahab left her kindred without the c. God, which both direct and comfort the soul. Num. 2. 3. Nahshon, e. of the children of Israel
Hei.13.11 .bodies of those beasts are burnt aithovt c. Job. 29. 3. 5. Neihaneel, c. of the children of Issachar
13. let us go forth to him tinthout c. bearing his They need no candle, Ret. 22. 5. Light, in its 14. 4. let us make a c. and return, Neh. 9. 17.
CAMP. rrutaphorical jiotion, signifies knowledge, or com- Josh. 5. 14. but as c. of the host of the Lord 1 come
Isa. 39. 3. I will e. against thee round about fort : The saints in heaven shall have no need 15. the c. of the JLord's host said to Josliua
Jer. 50. 29. all ye that bend the bow c. against it of any created beings to help them to either of ./Hi/g.4.2.c.of Jabin'shost wasSis€ra,7. 1 6'am.l2 g.
Natt. 3. 17. which c. in the hedges in the cold day these ; God and Christ shall there fll their 11.6. they said to Jephthan, come and be our c.
CAMPED. souls with kno:i ledge and joy Jiot to be erpressed. 11. the people made him head and c. over them
Eiod. 19. 2. and the*^ Israel c. before the mount Job 18. 6. his c. shall be put out with him 6'am.9. 16. shalt anoint him cover my people,l0. 1
CAMPS. 21. 17. how oft is the c. of the wicked put out ? 13. 14. Lord commaiid. him to bet. over his people
Gen. 32. t2. he called the name of that place two c. 29. 3. when his c. shined upon my head 17. 18. carry these ten cheeses to the e. of thousand
Num.5. 3 leper put out, that they defile not their r. A'ja/. 18.28. for thou wilt ligbtmy c. the Lord my G. 22. 2. and Pavid became a c. over them
10. 2. make two trumpets for journeying of the c. Prov. 20. 27 the spirit of nmn is the
. of the Lord
< . 2 Sam. 5. 2. thou shalt feed, and be ar over Israt?. .

Amos 4. 10. I have made stink of your c. to come up 24. 20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out 8. he shali be chief and c. 1 Chron. 11.6.
CAMPIIIRE. .31. 18. her c. goeth not out by night ly. 13. if thou be not c. ofhost inroomof Joab
CoTit. 1. 14. my
beloved is to me as a cluster of c. Jer. 25 10. and from them the light of tne e. 23. 19. Abishai was therefore their e.
4.13. thy plants are an orchard of c. with spikenard Mat\ 5. 15. nor do men light a e. and put it under a 1 A'i«i;jl6.l6. Israel made Oniri, c. of the host,king
CAN. bushel, Marki. 21. Luke 8. 16. U. .3.3 2 Kings 1. 9. the king sent a c. with his fifty

G«i.41.S0 Phara. said,*. we find suchaone as this ? Luke 11. .36. when bright shining of ac giveth light 11. he sent to him another c. with his fifty, 13.

Deut. 31. 2. I e. no more go out and come in 15.8. doth not she light a c. and sweep the house 4.13.wouldest thou be spoken for to the e. of host >
SSam. 12.23. he is dead, e. 1 bring him back again ' Rev. 18.23. light of a c. shine no n.ore in thee 5. 1. Naanian, c. of tne host of the king of Syria
19. 35. c. I discern, c. 1 hear voice orsinsing-nienr 2. 5. and they need no c. nor light of the sun 9. 5. he said, I have an errand to thee, O c.
Joi 6. 6. c. that which is unsavoury be eaten ? CANDLES. 15.25. but his, conspired against hiin
8. 11. c. the rush grow without mire ) c. the flag ? ZepA. 1. 12. I will search Jerusalem with c. 18.24. will turn away the face of one i-. 7xa. 36. y.
S2. 2. c. a man be profitable to God ? CANDLESITCK. 20. 5. and tell Ilezekiah the c. of my people
13. c. he judge through the dark cloud ? In Exod. 25. 31, 32, &:c. we read of the candle 25.8. came Nebuzar-adan,c. of guard, Jer. 52. 12.
36. 29. c. any understand the spreading of clouds stick of gold with six branches, 7ihich Moses 1 19. took away scribe ofc. of host, Jer. 52. + 25.
Piai, 78. 19. they said, c. God furnish a table .' made hy the command of God to he pnt into the lCAron.11.21. more honourable, for he was their c
SO. c. he give bread also ? c. he provide fiesh .' tabernacle: It was of hammered ^old, a talent in 19. 18. killed Shophachc.of the host, 20Sam.lO.lH.
C9. 6. who c. be compared ' e. be likened to Lord > weight : It had one foot of thcsuine yneial, and 27. 5. the third c. Benaiah |17. fourth <;. Asahi-1
Prov 6 27. c a tnssi take fire in his bosoro ? a stock with the blanches adoincd at equal dis- 8. the fifth c. Shamhuth||9. the sixth c. Ira
28. c. one go on hot coals and not be burnt .'
tances with SIX fowers like lilies, with as many 2 Chron. 13. 12. God himself is with us for our i

Isa 4'^-7. one .shall cry, yet c. he not answer bowls and knops placed alternately : C'pon the /'a. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the c. of fifty
49. 1" c. & woman forget her sucking child ? stock and six branches of the candlestick were the Jer. 37. 13. ac. of the ward Irijah took Jeremiaii
Jlfr.2.32./. a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride golden lamps which were immoieuble, wherein 40. 2. the c. of the gu2U^ took Jeremiah, and sain
^3. 24. c. any hide himself in secret places that I thete was put oil and cotton. It was placed on the 5. e. gave victuals and a reward, and let him go
AnofS 3.<;. two waU.^ igeiher except they be agreed' south side in the holy place, and senedio illumi 51. 27. call together, appoiiic a e against her
». o. a bird fall in a snare where no gin is for him' naie the ullnr of perfume, and the table of shew Hag. 1. 1 1. word came to Zenibbabel, c. of Judak
8. Lord God hath spoken, who c. but prophesy bread, which were in the same plaie. J >hn 18. I'J. then the band and the c. took Jesus

Mat.l'i 25. saved? Afar/HO.26. Xa/ielB.'Jti. The seven golden candlesticks represent the church, .'lets 5. 26. then the c with officers went and brougtn
27. ()5. go your way, make it as sure as yon c. Kev. 1. 20. enlightened by the Spirit of (iuil Lleb.",Vi. to maker, of their salvation perfect thro'
Maiki. 19. c. the chUdreQ of bride-thamher fast r with his seven-Jotd, or various opemlions, Hev CAPTAINS.
9. 29 this kind c. come forth but ty prayer I. 4. And a candlestick may be an emliUn £jro(/.l5.4.hi»criosen c.also are drowned in Red-sea
10. .18 c. y? drink of the cup that ^ drink of.' of the church, which has no' the light II shew; Num. 31.14. Moses was wroth withe, of thousands
LukeQ. 39 spanc a parable, <;. the bhnd lead blind from Itself, but onlii holds it forth from Christ.
Deut. 1. 15. 1 made wise men c. ov«r thousands

John 1.46. c, any good come out of Nazareth ? Lxod. 25. 31. make c.of pure gold, 37.17. A;(»i. 8.4 20. 9. shall make c of the army to lead the people
6 60 this is an hard saying, who c hear it 33 SIX branches that came out of the c. 37. HJ 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him c over thousands
10. 21 c a devil open the eyes of the blind 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 3". 20.
.' 22.7.willsonof .lesse make you all r.o' thousand*.
15. 4 no more c ye, except ye abide in nie 26. 35. thou shall set the f. over against the table 2 Sam. 18. 5. when the king gave all the c. chargp
Acts 10. 47 c. any man forbid water, that these 40. 24. put the c. in the tent of the congrec^ation 23. 8. that sat in the seat chief among the c.
Rom 8. 7- mindisnotsubjecttolaw.norinileedc. be L.ev. 24. 4 he shall order the lamps on the c. t 13. the three c. came to the cave of Adullam
Jam. 2 14. and have not works, c' faith save him ? Sum. 3 31 their charge shall be the ark and c 1 Kings 2. 5. thou knowest what Joab did to the c
3. 12. c. the fig-tree bear olive-barries ? a vine figs 4. 9. shall take a cloth and cover the c. of the light they were his pnnces, and c aiid nilers
9. 22.
lUw CAN, 8. 2. the lamps shall give light over against the c. 20. 24. take kings away, and put c. in their roonw
"Deut- 1 12. hoa c. 1 aknei.beaTyonr cnmbrance 2 Kings'i.XO let us setforhimthere abed,at>ible,af 22. 33. when the c perceived lliat he w;is not llie
1 Sam.l&.' c. I go, if Saul hear, he will kill m 1 C!ir. 28. 15. lampsof gold, by weight for every c king of Israel, they turned back, 2 Chron. 18. 32.
Eslh 8 6 /iimc. 1 endure o see evilordestructi»>. 2 Chr. 13. 11 also set they in order the c. ot gold 2 l\iugs 11.15. Jthoiada commanded f. of hundreds
Job 25 4 hoToc. a man be jjustified with God ? 1 Chi on. 4. 42. hiivingforr. Pclatiah and Neari;d»
Dan. 5. 5. and wrote over against the c. on plaister
Prov 20 24. hoa c. a man understand his way.' Zech.4.Z. 1 looked, and behold a c all 'f gold 11. 15. now llHTie of the 3t c. went down to Daviil
£ecl 4 11. but how c one be wann alone > II. tv/o olive-trees on the right side of fhe c. 12. 34. of Naphtali a thous.ind c and witli them
Jer 47. 7.^a'<;.it be quiet seeing Lord given charge Mat 5. 15. but on a c. and it giveih light to all in 2 Chron. 21 9. .lehoram smote the lUlomites and c.
ihuncavsl thOu be quiet seeing Lord given charge the house, Lnkcii. 16. 11. 3, |
33. 11. Lo'.d brought in iht ni thi- c. of llie host
J^ai 12. 34. how c ye being evil speak good things Mark 4 21. is a candle brought not to be set on a r. .'' Neh. S. 9. the king had sentc. of the army with me
loHn 3. hoK c. a man be born when he is old Iteb. 9. 2. the first, wherein wastliec. and the table
.' Job 39. 25. the thund-r of the c and the shouting
9. N icodemus said, ho-v c. these thin;;b be Hev. 2.5. repent, else will come and remove Ihy c
Jer 13. 21. for thou hast taught them tc be c
6. 52. how c. this man give us nis nesn to eat i CANDLESllCKS 51.23. with thee will 1 break in pieces c. and rulers
14.5. Thomas said. Lord, how c. we know the way 1 A'in».t 7. 49. made the c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4 7.
57 I will make drunk her e. and her rulers
jltts 31 how c. I except some man guide me 1 Chron. 28. 15. even the weight for the c. of gold
.' L.tek. 21. 22. e. to open the mouth in thu slaughter
CANNOr. Jer. 52. ly. he took away the f. spoons, and rnps 23.6. f and rulers all desirable young men, 12,23.

Jsa 1 13. the calling of assemblies 1 f. away with Rev. 11. 4. the two c. standing beiore the Lord /'aH. 3. 27. llu' f. saw these men on whose bodies
See Seven. (). 7. the c. havf consulted to establish a statute
29 11 read this he saith, 1 c. for it is sealed
. ,

Jer 5 22 yet the waves c. prevail, e pass over CANE. Nah. 3. 17. and thy c. as the great grassl^oppcrs
18. 6 c. 1 do with you eis this potter, saith Lord ? Isa. 43. 24.'nastbought me no S'"eet c. with money .l/«rX6 21.11er3d on birth-day mad'' supp<r to hisc.
Van. 2. 27. secret kuigdemanded.f astrologers shew Jer. 6. 20. aud Ihe sweet e- from a far country I.ule'l". 4. Judas wont and communed with the <-
JIdai 16. 3. e. ye discern the signs of the Uitjcs ? ED. CANKER, Hev. 19. 18. may eat thi ofc and mighty men
.Luh l.T.S.'J.itf be that a prophet perish out of. lerus 2 Tim 2 17 and their word will eat as doth a c CAPITVE.
It) 1:6 which would pa^s Irom hence to you c. Jam. 5. 3. your gold and silver is c and the rust Gen. 14. 14. heard that his brother was taken <
1 Cor 11. t20 ye c. eat the lord's supper CANKER-WORM. 34. 29. their wives took they c aud spoiled al'
Het. Q 5. of which we c. now speak particularly ].Toel 1. 4. hath c. eaten, and whatc. loft, 2.25. Txod. 12. S(). untolhe first-born of the c. in dungeon
CANST -Va/i. 3. 15. shall eat thee like r. make thyself &3c Deut. 21. 10. and ihou hast taken Uiem c
txtd, 33.K&0 (hoo «. not MC wj face and live ]6 th« c. spoiletb, aai flielh away 2 Kings 5. 8. and bad broaght awaj e. a iittk maid


r A'»«^ifi.22. r.mtc those thou hast taken c.with thy seb, 2 Kings 15. 29. N;xt to him Shalmaneser Jer. 29 20. hear ye, all yo of j. ('28 this*, is lone
tsa 4t(.21.I am (!• bolate.a c.ana rcc::o-.-;n.; to aiij fro tooi a^td destroyed Samaria, after a siege of' 22. shall be taken up a curse by all the c. of Judah
24. or shall thi- lawful e. b' ilelivercd.' three years, in 3283, and transplanted the tribes 31. send toall theniof the c.saying.thus saith Lord
51.14. (he c. exile hastcnelh.that he may be looseil u/tich had been spared by Tiglalh-pileser, to the 30.10. and thy seed from the Kuidof their c. 46.27
52. 2. loose thyself,O c. daviijhter of Zion provinces the Euphrates, 2 Kings 18. 9. 48. 11. Moab is at ease, nor hath he gone into c.
Amns 6. 7. they shall go e. with the first that po c. 10, U. And It IS generally believed that there 1 46.woe tothee,0 Moab.thy sons are taken into c

2 Jim. 2. 2t). who are taken c. bv him at his will z^as no returnjrom this captivity, and that the ten La/H. 1.3. Judah is gone ictoc. because of affliction
Carry or earned CAPTIVE, or CAPTIVES. tribes never came bad again after theirdispersion. 5. her children are gone into c. before the enemy
Oeii. 31 26. carried away my daughtrrs zis c. taken At to the captivititt of Judah ; in the fifth year 2.14. they have not discovered, to turn away thy c.
Utini. 24. 22. until Ashur shall carry thee away r. of Rehoboam, son of Solomon, Shishak, king of 4. 22. he will no more carry thee away into e
Ihiiigs 8.40 that they carry them away r .2C'A.6..'56. i',;ypt, came up against Jerusalem viith a nu- Lzek. 1. 2. was the fifth year of Jehoiachin's c.
47. if they bethink themselves in the land merous army, and tacked the city, took away the 3. 11. get to them of the c. and speak to them
whither thej were carried c. 2 Chron. 6. .37. treasures out of the house of the Lord, andout rf 15. then I rame to them of the c. 11. 24.
8 A7»rf 15. 29. I'iclath-piieser carried them c. to the house of the king, 2 Chron. 12. 2. 11. 25. I spake to them of the c. all things
16. (J. he farrj>(/the people of Damascusf. to Kir Afieniiards, in the reigii 0/' Ilezckiah, Sennacherib my
12. 7- I brought forth stuff, as stuff for c.

1 C/iruii 5. 6. whom the kini; of Assyria carried c. king of Assyria sent a great army and laid close 16. 53. when 1 shall bring again their c. the c. of
SCurna 25. 12. other 10,000 did Juilah carry c. tiege, to it. Cpon this Ilezekiah fortified and Sodom, and the r. of Samaria, and her daugh.
98. 5. they carried away a peat multitude c. repaired it, 2 Chron. 32. 5. and the hand of the 25. 3. when thou went into c. thou saidst, Aha
8. Cf.rried c of their brethren 200,000 lyord being leith him, for he v:as a pious good 33. 21. in the twelfth year of the c. one escaped
Psai. 106. 46. be pitied of those that carrieJthem c. kirn:, the Assyrians, after a time, u:ere forced 39. 23. that Tne house of Israel went into c.
137.3. thoy that f umVrf us c. lequired of us asoiit; to raise the siege, not being able to take the 40. 1. in the five and twentieth year of our c.
Jer. l.l. 17. because the Lord's Hock is carried c. city, yet after this, it uas taken and plundered Dan. 6. 13. Daniel which is of the c. of Judah
19. .luJah shall be wholly carried away c. three several times by Nebuchadnezzar king of 11. 33. shall fall by c. and by spoil many day«
20. 4. he shall carry them c. to I?abylon, and slay P.abylon ; first, «?« the reign of Jel.oiakini; IJos. 6. 11. when I return the c. of my people
S4. 5. 1 will acknowledge them that arc carried c. again, in that oj' Jehoiachin, hit son ; and a .iw;ui-4.t 10. slainyoung men withe, of your horses
27. 20. took not when he carried c. Jeconiah third time, in that of Zcdekiah his brother; Ubad. 20. the c. of this host, the c. of Jerusalem
29. 4. sailh th? Lord to all that are carried c. ttheii he burnt the tcliole city, and carried anay Mic. 1. 16. for they are gone into c. from thee

14. I will briiii; you a!;aiu into ihe place whence all the people to Babylon, uhere they remained \ah. 3. 10. No went into c. her children dashed
I caused you to be carried away c. seventy years, J^r. 25. 12. Had l.)7. from them shall proceed the c. of these
40 1 .ludah which were carried away c. 52. 27
Vjion their being permitted to return by Cyrus 9. and they shall gather the c. as the sand
7. of ihem that were not carried c. to Babylon king of Persia, after they hud remained in cap- Zeph.Z.T. the Lord shall turn away their c.JJ. 20.
41.10. Ishmael carried away c. all the residue tivity seventy years, Zerubbabel rebuilt the tern Zech. 6. 10. take of them of the c. even of Heldai
'13.12.shallfflrrythe Ei;}^)tians r and array himself pie, and Kehemiah the city ; and Ezra the Horn. 7. 23. and bringing me into c. to the law of sio
52.29. Neb cari-iVrff. from Jerusalem 832 persons priest and scribe restored the lii:i). And thict they 2 Cur. 10. 5. briuging-nVo c. every thought to obed
30 carried away c. of the Jews 745 persons stood, till the time of ;\ntiochus Epiphanes, uho See Captive.
faw. 4. t 23. he will carry thee c. for thy sins plundered the city, burned the law, and profaned Bring CAPTIVITY.
t'zei. fi 9 nations, whither they shall be carried c. the temple. Ezra 1.11. he did bring up with them of the c
Van 118. and shall also carry c. into Egypt But all tvas soon after set right again by the va- Psal. 53.6. when GoAbringeth back c. of his people
Amos 1 6. because they carried c. the captivity
lorous conduct 3/" Judas Maccabeus; and they Jer .30.18. I will bring again the c. of Jacob's tents
Oiad. 1 1. in the day that strani;ers carried c. his continued lit a flourishing condition for many 31.23. when I shall bring again their e.
Carrying CAPiiVl',. years; till Hyrcanus und Aristobu'us, tico 48. 47. yet will I bring again the c. of Moab
Jer. 1.3 to the carrvin; away of Jerusalem c. brothers, contending about the crouin, Pumpey, 49- 6. 1 will bring again the c of Ammon
Lead, or led CAPTIVE. u-/io at that time zias at the head of the Uoman 39. 1 will Arinsagainthee. of Elam, saith the L.
J«rf5.5.12./earftny c;iptivity r.thou son of Abinoam finny in Syria, took advantage of the dissension, Ezei. 2y. 14. I will bring again the c. of Egj-pt
1 A'lM^t 8.48. in land of their enemies who led them c. and seized the city; \hich Antigonus, the son of 39. 25. now will I bring again the c- of Jacob
2 Chrun 30. 9. compassion before them that lead c. Aristoliulus, by the assistance of the Parthians, Joel 3. 1. when I bring again the c. of Judah
Psal.()H 18. thou liast led captivity c. Kph. 4. 8. soon after recovered. AmjtQ. 14. I will i;i«g again thee, of my people
Jer 22. 12. die in place whither they led c. I'rom hint it :cas presently after (aim by the first Children of CAPTIVITY.
Aniot 7.11. Israel shall be tedc. out of their Kind llcrod, icho, by the favour of the Romans, and Ezra 4.1. heard that chiidr. (/e.builded the temple
yjali.l.t Iluzzab shall be /irfc.her maids shall lead
the assistance of their Proconsul of Syria, uias 6. 16. the rest of children efc. kept the dedication
Luke 21. 24. shall be led away e. into all nations declared king thereof. 19. the child, of c. kept passover on the 14th day
2 Tim. 3. 6. lead c. silly women laden with sins Thenceforward it continued in subjection, sometimes 20. killed passover for children ofc. and brethren
CAPTIVES. to the Ilerods, but mostly to governors sent from 10. 7. they made proclamation to the children of c.
Ntjn 31.0. Israel took all the women ofMidian c. Rome, till about Jorty yens after the Jews had 1 6.the children ifc.AxA so, and all were separated

12. they brought the c ||

I9. purif, your c. crucified Christ, because of the rebellions dispo- Du«.5.13. Daniel which art ofchildr. o/"c. of Judah
Dent 21 11. seest amon? the c. a beau'iful woman sition of its inhabitants, it teas, together with Go into CAPTIVITY.
32. 42 mine arrows drunk with the blood of the c. the temple, utterly destroyed and levelled Kith Dew. 28.41. thy sons and daughters shall eo intoc.
1 Sam 30 5. David's two wives were taken r. the ground, by lilus, the son of Vespasian Jer. 20. 6. thou and jill in thine house shall go in. c.
2 Kings 24 14. he carried from Jerusalem 10,000 c. Caesar. After tchich, the Jews never attempted 22. £2. eat thy pastors and thy lovers shall go in. c
8 C/zroK. 28 11 hear m«, and deliver the c a;;ain mo-e to return to it 30.l6.adversaries,every one of them shall go in.
1 3. and said, ye shall not brint; in the c hither ft is said. Job, 42. 10. That the Lord turned 46. 19. O daughter, furnish thyself to go into c
Isa 14. 2. shall take them c whose e they wore the captivity of Job. that is, he brought him 48.7 -Chemosh go i)«oc. (|49.3. their kings go intoc
20 4 lead away the I'.thiopians e young and old out of that slate of bondage in 7iihich he had been Ezek. 12. 4. shall go forth, as they Uhat go into c
45.13. he shall let go my c. not for price nor reward so long held by Satan and his o:vn spirit, and out 30. 17. and these cities shall go into c.
49 23. the c of the mighty shall be taken away of all his distresses and miseries. 18. as for Egypt, her daughters shall go intoc.
61. 1. to proclaim liberty to the c. Ltikei. 18 In Eph. 4. 8. He led captivity captive. lie led /Jmoil.5.the.people of .Syria shall go info e.untoKir
Jer. 48 46. thy sons and daughters are taken c them Captive •uhn had led others into captivity 15. their king shall go into c. he and his princes
50 33 and all that took them c. held them fast Our Ij>rd Jesus Christ, the head of the church, 5. 5. for Gilgal shall surely go into c. and Beth-el
Ejek.l.l.zs I was among the c. by the riverChebar ly his ascension and victory ovec death, Satan 27. therefore will I cause ydu to go into c. beyond
16. 53. I will bring a;.;ain thecaptiviiy of thy c- and sin, conquered and triumphed over them and 7. 17. Israel shall surely go intoc. forth of his land
Van. 2 23. I have found a man of the Judah all vur sfiiritunl enemies. 9-4. and though they go into c. before their enemies
CAPTIVITY. iS'um. 21. 29. he hath given his daughters into c. iCech. 14. 2. and half of the city shall go into c.
Cod generally fmnisJied the vices ^nd infidelities of Ueut.Zl .13. he shall put the raiment off. from her Rev. 13. 10. he that leadeth into e. shall go intoc
hit jieople by different caplnilie.t or tertitvdes 30.3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassion Out of CAPTIVITY.
a:tiereinio lit permitted them to J/i/l. .After the Judg. 18. 30. till the day of the c. of the land Ezra 2. 1. now went up out of c. Neh. 7. 6
deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, there 2 hings 24. 15. those carried he into c. to B.ibylon Etra 3.8. all that were come upout ofc. Neh. 8.17
are reckoned six bondages or capiitities during 25. 27. in thirty seventh year of thee. Jer. 52. 31. . 6,21 the children of Israel which were come again
the government of Judges: The first under Chu- 1 Chr. 5. 22. they dwelt in their steads until the c. out ofc. kept the feast with joy
shan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, zchich 6.15. lehoadak went into c. when the Lord carried 8. 35. were come out if c. offered to God of Israel
lortttnned about eight yea'^s, Judg. 3.8. 'J'he 2C/iro«.6. 37. if they pray to thee in the landofc. CARBUNCLE. S.
second under Cglon, king of Mo ib, from nhich .38 if iliey return to thee in the land of their c. Erod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. 39. 10.
they cere delivered by I^hud, Judg. 3. 14, 15. 29. 9. our sons and our wives are m c. for this lia. 54. 12. and I will make thy gates of c.
llic third under the Philistines, out of zcJuch they Kzra 9. 7. have been delivered tor. and to a spoil Ezek.Qti. 13. the topaz and c were thy covering
vere rescued by Sham gar, Judg. 3. 31. The Aeh. 1. 2. the Jews which were left of the c. CARCASE.
iirurth under Jabin, king of Ilazor, from ahich 4. 4. give them for a prey in the land of their e. Leo. 5. 2. touch e. of unclean thing, is unclean
ihey vere delivered by l)eborah and Barak, I'.sih. 2. 6. Mordecai carried away with the c. 7. t24. fat of the c. may be used, but not eaten
Jiidg.i. 22, 23. The fifth under the Midianites, Job 42. 10. and the Lord lunied the c. of Job 1 1. 8. their e. ye shall not touch, Veiu. 14 8
fnm zrhich (iideon )'reed them, Judg. 6. 2, 12. /•".(I?/. 14.7whenthe Lord bringeth back the c. 85.1. 17. 1 15. every soul that eateth a e. shall wash
'Jhe siiih under the Ammonites and Philis- 78. tjl. and he delivereih his strength into e. /Jew. 28. 26. thy e. shall be meat unto fowls of air
tines, during the judicatures of Jephliiaii, Ibzan 126.1. when the Lord turned again the c. of Zion Josh. 8. 29. that they shoula take his e. down
Elai, Abdon, Eli, .Samson, Samuel. 4. turn again our r. U Lord, as streams in south Jude. 14. 8. to see the e. of the lion, honey in the c
Tlie greatest and most remarkable captivities of the Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are gone into c. 1 E'tngs 13.22. thy e. shall not come to the sepulcUrc

Hebrews, TT^rff those u^ Judah and Israel, a/dc/i 20. t 4. so Assyria shall lead away the c. of Egypt 24. his e cast in the way, a lion stood by tne c
ttppened tender the kings of each of these king- 22. 17. Lord will carry thee .%way witli a mighty c 2 Kings 9. 37. the e. of Jezebel shall be as dung
aomt. 46. 2. but themselves ,ire gone into c. isa. L4. 19. cast out as a e. trodden under feet
ITjlath-pileser, king cf Assyria, «n the year of 49. f 25. c. of the mighty .sh:Jl be taken away Mat. 24. 28. where the c. is, there will the eaglesb
;V vorld S26l, cook several cities belowing to Jer. 13. 2. such as are for the e. to the c. 43. 11. CARCASES.
ic kingdom <?/ Israel, a\d carried a:ia<i a great 24. 1 5. as good figs, so will I acknowledge the c. Gen. 15. 11. when the fowls came down on thee.
tawiier ?/ captives, principalli/ from the tribes 29. 14. i vrill turn away your saith the Lord,, Lev. 1 1 1 1 .yc shall have their e. in abomination, 26

e/ Oesbsn, Oa4, *r;rf c'le half tnbt 0' Manas- 30. 3. I %! 44. I 33. 1, 11. 26. 26 30. 1 will catt TBw c. on thf. a. cf your idol*
iViim. 14. C9- y"'"" '• shall fall in the wilderness Mark 12.14. know thou art true, and c. for no man /o/jn21. 18. andc. thee whither thou nor
1 ^m.
1". 40. I will sive the c. of the Pliilistines John 10. 13. because an hireling f. not for the sheep CARRY away.
ha, 5. 25. their f. were torn in midst of the streets 1 Cor. 7. 32. that is unmarried c.for tb^ things, .34 2 Kings 18. 11. king of Assyria dirf e. arcay \sTatt\
5i. 3. their stink shall come up out of their e. 33. that is married, c. lor tilings of the world, 34 25. 11. the fugitives did Nebu^ar-adan c.a-sat/
6fi. C4. look on c. of them that have transjressi-d 1/V(. 5.7. casting yourcar.; on him, for he c.for you 2 Chron. 20.25. found more than they could c. aaa)

i/ir. 1.33. and the e. of this people shall be meat for CARNAL Job 15. 12. why doth thine heart c. thee away?
the fowls of heaven, 1 6. 4.
li).7. Signifies, Belonging to the fesh, fleshly, ot sensual. Pia/. 49.17. when he dieth he shall c. nothing aaaj
16.18. they have filled mine inheritance with the c. 'I his word is applied, [1 ] To such as are in a na- Eccl. 5. 15. nothing left which he may c. a. in hand
(izti. 6. 5. 1 will lay the c. of Israel before idols tural unregeneruted slale,who are enemies to God, Ita. 5. 29. they shall c. the prey away safe
43.7. my name no more defile by c. of their kings and giv97ito sensual pteasurss, John 3. 6. Rom. 8. 15. 7. which they have laid up, shall they c. awa/
y. let them put the c. of their kings far from me 7. [•] To one -xlto is in part renewed by the grace 22. 17. behold the Lord will c. thee a\ay
.V<jA. 3. 3. and there is a great number ot c. of Ood, yet so as that there are remainders ofsni 41. 16. fan them, and wind shall c. them away,
i/«i.3.17.grieved with them whose c. fell in wildern. and corr^iption, which oppose and <iar against thi 57. li
CARE gracioui principle, Rom. 7.14. iiuch a one is Lam. 4. 22. he will no more c thee away, U Zioii

Is applied, ^I] To God, (1) In general, in resyect carnal, in part, in regard of the remainders of Ezek. 38. 13. art thou come to c. away silver .'

oj' his care for all his creatures. Mat. 6. 26, .iO corruption ; and comparatively, in respect of Acts 7.43. and I will c. you aaay beyond Babj Ion
1 Cor. 9. 9- (2) In particular, in respect of the Ihe purity of the law of God. [3] To the cere- See C.\PTIV£.
^odly, 1 Pet. 5. 7- [II] lo men, and is eithei monial law, which consisted of such riles, cere- CARRY back.
iawj'vl, (1) xchen they endeavour to ylease Ood, monies, and ordinances, as only reload to the 2 Sam. 15. 25. c. back the ark of God into thecity
Jo mourn for their sins, and amend uhal has body and the purifying of the Jlesh, but did not 1 Ainj<22.26. t. Micaiah b. to Amon, 2 C/jr.18.25
Seen amtss in their conduct, 2 Cor. 7. 11 (2) reach the soul, Heb. 9. 10. [4] To worldly things, CARRY forth.
tVhen they art concerned and solicitous atom the such as silver and gold, and other things needjul £«(/. 12.46. shalt note, forth aught of the passover
welfait of otners, and the satiation v/' their soiJs, for the sustenlation of the body, Rom. 15. 27 14. 11. dealt thus with us to c. us/, out of Egypt
2 Cor. 7. 12. Phil. 2. 20. (3) UAen they mo- 1 Cor. 9. 11. Lev. 4. 12. even the whole bullock shall be c. f.2l.
jliraiety lake thought fo' the things of this pre- Pom. 7. 14. law is spiritual, but I am c. sold under 6.11.C./. ashes without the camp, 14.45. l6.27.||

Jtnl life, resigning themselves at the same lime 8. 7. because the c. mind is enmity against God 2 Chr. 29. 5. c. forth the filthiness out of holy place
to the will and prcvidence of Cod, 1 Pet. 5. 7. 15. 27. duty is to minister to them in c. things Jisr. 17.22. noTc. forth a burden on the sabbath-day

Or unta-xfiJ, {I) Hhen they are careful about 1 Cor. 3.1. but as unto t. even to babes in Christ Ezek. 12. 6. in their sight, c. il forth in the twilight
things that are not in any case warrajitable, at !. for ye are yet c. \ 4. are ye not c. t CARRY out.
to make provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts 9.11. is it a great thing if we reap your c. things ? G<n.47. 30. Jacob said, thou shalt c.meout of Egypt
thereof, J<om. 13 14. {^'2) H'hen they have a 2 Cor. 10. 4. the weapons of our warfare are not c. Deui.28.5ii. shall c. much seed <m/. gather little in
perplexing diunutful care about ihiytgs which in lleb.1. 16. made not after the law of ac. command. 1 Kings 21. 10. then c. him out suid stone him
their own nature are lauful and warrantable, as 9.10. which stood in c. ordinances imposed on them 22. 34. he said, c. me out of the hoit, 2 Chr. 18. 33
for one to be so diligentm his particular calling CARNALLY. C Chron. 29. I6. c. it out abroad into brook Kidron
as to be careless of the uorship of God, or todisiriui £^£1.18.20. shalt not lie c.with thy neighbour's wife Ezek. 12. 5. dig through the wall,2Uid c.out thereby
his providence, Wat. 13. 22. Luke 10. 41. 19. 20. whosoever lieth c.with a bond-maid Acts 5. 9. the feet at the door, and shall c. thee out
We are not careful to answer thee in this matter, 'Sum. 5. 13. and a man lie with her c. and it be hid 1 'Tim. 6. 7. it is certain we can c. nothing out
Dan. 3. l6. The case is so plain, that it admits liom. 8.6. for to be c. minded isdeath, but to be sp. CARRIED.
no dispute, or deliberation; it requires no answer CARPENTER, S. Gen. 46. 5. the sons of Israel e. Jacob, 50. 13.
ut all, at least in words, but rather in deeds of 2 Sam 5.n.IIiram sent c. to David, 1 Chron. 14. 1. Lev. 10. 5. e. them in their coats out of the camp
ccnstaiuy and courage on our parts. 2 Kings 12. 11. they laid it out toe. and builders Josh. 4. 8. they c. the stones over with them
1 &JWI. 10. 2. thy father hath left the c. of the asses 2 Chron. 24.12. they hired c. to repair, Ezra 3. 7. Judg. 16. 3. he c. them up to the top of an hill
2 Kings\.\Z. hast been careful for uswith all this c. Isa. 41.7. so the c. encouraged the goldsmith 1 Sam. 5. 8. let the ark of God be c. unto Gath
Jer. 49. 31. the nation that dwelleth without c. 44. 13. the e.stretcheth out his rule, he marketh 2 Sam. 6. 10. David c. the ark aside, 1 Chr. 13. 13
Riek.\. 16. shall eat bread by weight and withe. Jer. 24. 1. tiie c. and smiths he carried away, 29.2. 15. 29. Abiathar c. the ark of God to Jerusalem
Mat. 13 22. the c. of this world chokes the word 7,ech. 1. 20. and the Lord shewed me four c. 1 Kings 17. 19. he c. him into a loft and laid him
Luke 10. 34. he took c. of him, 35. taKe c. ol him Mat. 13. 55. they said, is not this the c. son
.' 21. 13. they c. Naboth forth and stoned him
1 Cor 9. 9 doth God take c. for o.\en ? Mark 6. 3. is not this the c. the son of Mary '>.
2 Kings 7. 8. and c. thence silver and gold and hid it
12. 25. should have the same c. one for another CARRIAGE, S. 9. 28. his servants c. him in a chariot, 23. 30.
2 Cor. 7. 12. but that our c. for you might appear Num. 4. + 24. this is the c. of the Gershonites 20. 17. that which thy fathers have laid up in store
8 16. put the same earnest c. in 'litus for you Judg. 18. 21. the Danites, and the c. before them shall be e. to Babylon, Isa. 39. 6.
11. 28. besides the e of al! the churches 1 Ham. 17. + 20. David came to the place of the c. 23. 4. c. the ashes of the vessels to Beth-ei
1 'J'im. 3.5. iiow shall he take c. of the church ofGod 22. David left his c, with the keeper of the c. 24. 13. he c. out thence all the treasures
1 Pet. 5. 7. casting your <r. on him, for he careth for lia. 10. 28. at Michmash he bath laid up his c. 25. 7. they bound Zedekiah andc. him to Babylon
CARE, ED. 4t5. 1. your c. were heavy laden, they are a burd. 2 Chron. 24. 11. c. the chest to his place again
2 5am. 18. 3. for if we flee, they will not c. for us Acts 21. 15. we took up our c. went up to Jerusalem 28. 15. and c. all the feeble of them upon asse.i
Pja/. 142. 4. refuge failed, no man c. for my soul CARRY 33. 1 1. who took and e. Manasseh to Babylon
Luke 10. 40. dost thou not c. that my sister left me r Signifies, [1] To bear, or remove, 2 Sam. 15. 29. 34. 16. Shaphan c. the book to the king
John 12. 6. this he said, not thai he c. for the poor [2] To protect and keep safely, Isa. 46.3,4. [3] 36. 4. Necho took and c. Jehoahaz to Egypt
Acts 18. 17. and Gallio c. for none of those things 'To lead, or drive. Gen. 31. IB, [4.] 'To make to Job 5. 13. the counsel of the froward is c headlong

1 Cor. T .21. an called being a servant, c. not for it ride, 1 Chron. 13. 1 7. 10. 19. I should have been e. from the womb
Phil. 2. 20. who will naturally c. for your state Gf».37.25.Ishmaelites going to c. spicery to Egypt Psal. 46. 2. tho' the mountains be c. into the sea
CAREFUL. 42. 19. go ye, c. corn for the famine of your houses /ra.46.3.remnant of Israel which are c. from womb
2 Kings 4. 13. behold thou hast been c. for us with 43. 11. c. the man a present, a little balm, honey 49. 22. thy daughters shall be c. on thy shoulders
Jer. 17. 8. and shall not be the year of drought 12. the money brought, c. it again in your hand 53.4. surely he hath borne our grlefs.c.our sorrows
Dan. 3. 16. O Nebuch.we are not c. to answer thee 44. 1. fill the sacks with as much as they can c. 63. 9. he bare and c. them all the days of old
Luke 10.41 Martha, thou art c. about many things 45. 27. he saw wagons Joseph sent to c. him, 46.5. Jer. 27. 22. he <r. into Babylon, 28. 3. 52. 11, 17.

12 t 29. live not m c. suspense 50. 25. ye shall c. up my bones, Exod. 13. I9. Ezek. 17. 4. he c. twigs into a land ot trathc
Phil. i. 6. c. for nothing, but by prayer let requests Exod.yS.Xi. thy presence go not, c. us not up hence 37. 1. and c. me out in the Spirit of the Lord
10. wherein ye were c. but lacked opportunity Lev. 10. 4. c. your brethren out of the camp Van. 1. 2 which he c. into the land of Shinar
Tit. 3. 8. they might be c. to maintain good works iV;;OT. 11. 12. should say, c. them in thy bosom Uos. 10.6. it shall be also e.intoAssyria for a present
CAREFULLY. Deut. 14. 24. so that thou art not able to c. it 12. 1. m:die a covenant, and oil isc. into Egypt
Ueut. 15. 5. if thou c. hearken unto ihe Lord Josh. 4. 3. c. the twelve stones over with you Joel 3. 5. and ye have c. into your temples
2 Chron. 36. t 15. sending his messengers c. 1 Sam. 17. 18. c. these ten cheeses to the captain Luke'J. 12. behold, there was a dead man c out
Mic. 1. 12. for the inhabitant of Maroth waiteth c. 20.40. Jonathan said, go, c. them to the city 16. 22. and the beggar was c. by the angels
Phil. 2. 28. I sent him therefore the more c. 2 Sam. 19. 18. a ferry-boat to cover king's house. 24.51. was parted from them, andc. up into hnavrn
Heb, 12. 17. though he sought it c. wi;h tears 1 Kings 18. 12. the Spirit of the Lord shall c thee Acts 3. 2. one laiuie from his mother's womb was c
CAREFULNESS. 2 Kings 4. I9. his father said, c. him to his mother 5. 6. young men c. Ananias out and burled him
F.tek, 12 18. drink thy water with trembling and c.
. 9. 2. and c. Jehu to an inner chamber 7. 16. our fathers were c. over into Sychem
19. they shall cat their bread with c. and drink 17. 27. saying, c. thither one of the priests 8. 2. devout men c. Stephen to his burial
1 Cor. 7. 32. but I would have you without <.-. 1 Chron. 10. 9. sent to the Philistines to c. tidings 21. 34. commanded him to be c. into the castle
'•i Cor .7. 11 what c. it wrought in you, what clearing 15. 2. none ought to c. ihe ark but the Levites Eph.4. 14. and c. about with every wind of dixtriDC
CARELESS. 23. 26. the Levites shall no more c. the tabernacle Heb. 13. 9. be not e. about with divers doctrin«»
Jndg. 18. 7. the five men saw how they dwelt c. 2 Chr. 2. 16. thou shalt c. the wood up to Jerusalem 2 Pet. 2.17. clouds that are c. with a tempest
ha. 32. 9. hear my voice, ye c. daughters, give ear 36. 6. bound him to c. him to Babyloi., Jer. 39. 7. Jude 12. clouds without water, e. about of windi
10. shall be troubled yec. women ||
11. ye c. ones Ezra 5. 15. c. these vessels into the temple at Jerus. See Captivk.
f-xek. 30. 9. to make the c. Ethiopians afraid 7.15. c. thesi.ver and gold freely offered to God of CARRIED awnf.
CARELESSLY. Keel. 10. 20. a bird of the air shall c. the voice Gen. 31.18. Jacobc. away all his cattle and goods
Isa. 47. 8. hear now this thou that dwellest c. /ja. 23 .7. her own feet shall c.her afar off to sojourn 26. hath c. aaay my daughters as captives
Ezek. 39. 6. send a fire among them that dwell c. 30. 6. they will c. their riches on young asses 1 Sam. 30. 2. slew not any, but c. them anau, 18.
Zepli. 2. 15. this is the rejoicing city that dwelt c. 40. 11. he shall c. the Iambs in his bosom 2 Kings 17. 6. e. Israel aru<iy into Assyria, 23.
CARES. 46. 4. and even to hoary hairs will I c. you 1 1
. heathen whom the Lord c. away before them
Mark 4. I9. the e. of this world choke the word 7. they c. him and set him in his place 28. then one of the priests, whom they had c.nwajr
i.nke 8. 14. and they are choked with c. and riches Jer. SO. 6. will I take them and c. them to Babylon 24. 14. c. aaay all Jerusalem and all the princes
21. 34. lest be overcharged with the c. of this life 39. 14. that Geduliah should c. Jeremiah home 15. c. away Jehoiarhin to Babylon and his wivej
CARESr, ETII, ING. Ezek. 22. 9- in thee are men c. tales to shed blood 25. 21. so Jud.-vh wasc. awof/ out of their land
T>tut.n 32. a land which the Lord thy God c. for Mark 6. 55. and began to c. about in beds the sick 1 Chron. 5. 26. Tilgath-pilnaser c. anay l{eui)enilc.
\Sam. 9. 5. lest thy father leave c. for the asses 11. 16. not suffer any to c. a vessel thro' the temple 6.15. when the 1-ordc. a»ay Judahand JerusaUm
Mat. 22. 16. thou art trae, nor c. thou for any man Luke 10. 4. c. neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes 9. 1. who were r. a»ny lortheir transgression
Mark 4. 33. MaRter, c. thou no' that we perish ? John 5. 10. it is not lawful for thee to c. thy bed 2 Chron. 12. 9. Shisliakc awwy the shields of gold
. .


2C<t.l4.13.AsaindthcpeopIef.a.innchspoil,21.17. Af<j<. 5.25. deliver thee 'o judge, and be f. into prison .l/a/.17.27.c.anhook,and take up fish first toroeth ijo
15. tl.ey c. itaay sheep and canieis in abundance 29. not that thy whole body be c. into hell, 30. 18. 30. c. him into prison, till l>e pay the deM
Ji.tTa 2.1. these that had been c. a:caii, AV^. 7 6.
. fi. 30. and to-morrow isf.into the oven, /.K^«12. 28. 22. 13. e. him into outer darkness, 25. 30.
9.4. trans(;res5ion of those that had been r. a. 10. 6. 21.21. say to mountain, be thou c. into the sea 27. 44. the thieves c. the same in his teeth
10. 8. separated from conRregatioli of those c.anay .Vflrig. 42. better he werer. into the sea, LukeXI-l. Markg. 22. oft-times it hath c. him into the fire
Juil. 17. fell upon the camels, and r. them aiiay 45. having iwc, eyes, feet, to be c. into hell, 47- 11. 7. c. their garments oil him, Luke 19. 35.
Jer. 29. 4. whom 1 have caused to be f amay captive Luke 3. 9. hewn dowu, c. into the fire, Mat. 3.10.
12. 4. another servant, and at him they c. stonr>3
Dan. 2. 35. iron,!;old broken, and wind» c. tbein a. 17.19 41. c. money into the treasury, Luke 21. 4.
A'a/i. 3. 10. No was c. atcay into captivity 23. 19. ar.d for murder was e. into prison, 25. 43. this poor widow hath c. more in man all, 44
A/a/. 1.1 i. about lime they werer. atcny to Habylon John 3. 24. for John was not yet c. into prissn Luke 12. 5. who hath power to c. into hell, fearhiia
Mark 15. 1. r. Jesus a. anddehvered him to I'ilnte Acts 27.26. howbeit,we must ber.on a certain islauid 19- 43. thy enemies shall c. a trench about thee
1 Car. I'i. 2. were Gentiles c.a. to those dumb idols liev. 8. 7. bail and fire were c. on the earth Jif/mR. 7. let him first c. a stone at her
Cal.i. 13. Barnabas was <. array with dissimulation 8. a mountain burning was e. into Ihe sea 21. 7. Peter did e. himself into the sea
Jiev. 12. 1*. niicht cause her be e. niny of the flood 12. 13. dragon saw that he was c. unto the earth Acts 12. 8. c. thy garment about thee, follow mp
17. 3. so he e. me awav in the Spirit, 21. 10. 19. 20. these both were c. alive into ihe lake 16. 23. they c. Paul and Silas into prison
CAKRltST, El II, ING. 20. 10. the devil was c. into the lake of fire 27.43. who could swim e. themselves first into sea
U<n. 45. t 23. ten asses r. the Kood things of Egypt 14. death and hell were c. into the lake of fire 1 Cor. 7. 35. not that 1 may c. a snare upon you

1 &im. 10.3. one f.threr kids, f .three loave» of bread I j. not found in the book of life, c. into the lake Kev. 2. 10. devil should c. some of you into prison
Jo6'2l. lit. are as chaff tiie storm e. away CAST. 14. who taught Balak to e. a stumbling-block
27. 21. the east-wind c. the rich man away Gen. 21. 15. Hagar c. the child under a shrub 22. I will c.her into a bed, and them that commit
Psal. la. 9. K.phraiin e. bows, turned back in battle 31. 38. thy she-goats have not e. their young 4. 10. the elders c. their crowns before the throne
90. 5. thou c. them away as with a flood 37. 20. let us slay him, and c. him into some pit 18. 21. lilc; a mill-stone and c. it into the sea
^Jai. I. n. till the e. into Babylon, from the f 39. 7. his master's wif« c. her eyes upon Joseph CAST a'cay.
./ieij5.\0 Iheyr. her and buried her by her husband T.sod. 1. 22. e\ery son ye shall c. hito the river Lev, 26. 44. I will not e .them aaay, nor aiihor them
Kes. 17. 7- tbe mystery of the beast that c. her 4. 3. said, c. it, and he c. the rod on the ground Judg. IS. 17. e. aicny the jaw-bone out of his hand
CART. 25. Zipporah c. the foreskin at his feet 2 Sam, 1. 21. the shield of the mighty is c. away
1 Sam. f). 7. make a newc and tie the kine to ihee. 10. 19. took locusts and c. them into the ]led-sea 2 A'mf J7.15.vesse4s the Syrians had c.auay in haste
t Sam. 6. 3. they set the ark on a new r.and brought 15. 4. Pharaoh's chariots he e. into the sea 2 Citron. C9.19.^"t"el5 Ahaz in his reign did c.auay
1 Chron. 13. 7 and L'zza and Ahio drave the e. 25. when he had c. the tree into the waters Job 8. 4. have c. them away for their transgression
Jia. 88. 2H. nor break corn with the wheel of the e. 22. 31. not eat flesh torn of beasts, e. it to the dogs CO. behold God will not c. aicay a perfect man
Amos 2. 13. as ar. is pressed that is full of sheaves 23. 26. there shall nothing r their young, nor be
. Psal. 2. 3. let us c. away their cords from u»
CAKT-UOPE. 25. 12. shall r. four rings of gold, .37. 3, 13. 28.5.
51. 11. <•. me not oviay from thy presence
//0.5.18. woe to th<m thit draw sin as with a c.-rovc 32. I'j. Moses c. tables out of his hand, and brake tlccl. 3. 5. a time to c. away stones, and gather, 6.
CART-WHEEL. 24. 1 c. into the fire, there came out this calf ha. 5. £4. because they have c. a:cay the law
lia. 28 27. nor is e.-uiHetl turned about on cummin iV((wi.iy.6. priest c. cedar wood into midst of burning 30. 22. shall c. them away as a nienstruous cloth
CARVKD, INC., 1NG.S. 35. 22. c. any thing on him without laj-ing wait 31. 7. every man shall c. auay his idols of silver
Eto4 11.5. Bezdieel inc. of tindier, 35. 33. 23. seeing him not, and c. it on him that he die 41. 9. I have chosen thee, and not c. thee a-uay
Judf. 18. 18. met went and fetched the c. image Deut. 29. 28. the Lord*, them into another land Jer. 7.29. cut thy hair, and c itatruy, O JerusaleiE

1 Ktugt 6.18. thfc cedar of the house withm was e. Josh. 8. 29. c. king of Ai at the gate of the city 33. 26. then will J c. away the seed of Jacob
29- he e all the walls of house round about, 32. 10. 27. c. them into the cave wherein had been hid Lzek.V&.yV .c.away h .«m you all your transgression*
2 '^/iron. 33. 7. he »et ac. ima^ein the house of God Jndg. 8. 25. c. every one the ear-rings of his prey 20. 7. c. awayex-ery man abominations ot his eyo«
22. Anion sacrificed to all the e. images 9. + 17- for my father c. his life far 8. they did not e. away the abominations of eyes
34 3. Josiah purged Judah from the e. images 53. a woman c.a piece of millstone, 2 Sam. 11.21. IIos. 9. 17. my God will c. them away, because
4 he cut down the r. images, and brake in pieces 1 Sam. 18. 11. Saul e. the javelin, CO. 33. Mat. 13. 48. gathered the good, but c. the bad auay
Pial. 74. 6. they break down the e. work at once 2 •Sam. 16. 6. Shimei c. stones at David and his serv. Luke 9. 25. if a man lose himself, or be c. aaav
Proc. 7. 16. 1 have decked my bed with c. work 13. Shimei cursed, and threw stones and c. dust Horn. 11. 1. hath God c. on ay his people, God forbid
CASE, S. 18. 17. they C.Absalom into a great pit in the wood 2. God hath not c. auay his people, he foreknew
ExdJ. 5. 19. officers did see that they were in evil c. 20. 12. Joab'sman c. a cloth upon Amasa IJeb. 10. 35. c.not auayyoui confidence which baib
Utiir.19.4. this is thee, of the slayer who shall flee 1 Kittgs 7.46. ill plain of Jordan c. them, 2 C/ir.4.17. CAST-AWAY.
28. 1. thou shall in any c. bring them ligain 14. 9. &nd thou hast c. me behind thy back 1 Cor.9.27. lest that I myself should be a cafZ-anoy
24. 13. in any e. thou shall deliver the pledge 19- 19- Elijah e. his mantle upon Elisha CAST dorm.
Ptal. 144. 15. happy that people that is in such a e. 2 Ainfj 2.l6.lest the Spirit c .him on some niountain Exod. 7. 10. Aaron e. down his rod|| 12. they c.dovn
Jer. 2. + 25. but thou saidst, is the c. desperate ? 21. he went to spring and c. the salt in there Josh. 10. 11. Lord c. down great stones upon thenu
12. 1 1. yet let me reason the e. with thee 3. 25. on every good piece of land c. each his stone Judg. 6. 28. altar of Baal was <:. down and the grove
Mai. 5. 20. ye shall in no c. enter the kingaom 4. 41. then bring meat, and he c. it into the pot 1 Kings 18. 42. Elijah c. himself duun on the earth
19- 10. if the c. of the man be so with his wife 6. 6. he e. in the stick, and the iron swam 2 Chron. 25. 8. God hath power to help and e. do-j •»
Jo^H 5. 6. and had been now long lime in that c. 9. 25. c. him in the portion of field of Naboth,26. 12. and c. them down from the lop of the rock
1 Cur. 7. 15. is not under bondage in such c. 13. 21. c. the man into the sepulchre of Elisha A'«A.6. 16. they were c. down in their own eyes
CASEMENT.' 23. neither e. he them from his presence as yet Job 18. 7. his own counsel shall c. him down
Prev. 7-6. at the window I looked through my c. 19- 18. have c. their gods into the fire, Isa. 37. ly. 22. 29. when men are e, dotcn, then say, lifting up
CASSIA 32. nor c. a bank against it, Isa. 37. 33. 29. 24. light of my countenance they c. not down
1» a svtet lyice, mtnliontd iv Moses as an ingre- A>A. 9. 26. and c. thy law behind their backs 41. 9- shall not one be c. down at the sight of him ?
dteni IM the mmposilion oj r>ie hulti oil, tohieh uas Esth.Z.1. they c. Pur, that is, the lot.before Tlaman Psal. 17. 13. O Lord, disappoint him, c. him down
to be wade use of for anoitiltiig the tarred vessels 9. 24. Ilaman had c. Pur, that is, the lot 36. 12. they are c. down and shall not be able to risft
of Iht laiernacfe,' V.x. 30. 21
. The I lebrew ealli Job 20.23. God shall c. the fury of his wrath on him 37. 14. bent their bow to c. d. poor and needy
If Kiiii .and ihe Sepluagmt \T'\ii. This an 27. 22. God shall c. upon him, and not spare 24. though he fall, he shall not be utterly c. rtoui.
is laid 10 be the bark of a tree very like cinnamon, 29. f 17. I c. the spoil out of his teeth 42.5. why art thoue. down, O my soul,ll. | 43.5.
and crtius i» (he Indies miMuiir cultivation. 30. 19. he hath c. me into the mire and am become 6 O my God, my soul is c. dowti within me
End. ?ii.C4. 'ake of c. 500 shekels for the oil 40. 11. c. abroad the rage of thy wrath 56. 7. in thine anger e. down the people, O Lord
J'sal. 45. H. all thy garments smell of aloes and r Psal. 55. 3. they c. iniquity on me, and hate me C2. 4. consult to e. him down from his excellency
Etek. £7- 19- c. and calamus were in thy market 22. f .thy burden on the I^rd, he shall sustain thee 89. 44. thou hast c. his throne down to the ground
CAST. 74. 7- they have c. fire into thy sanctuary 102. 10. thou hast lifted me up, and c. me down.
Euke 22. 41. he was withdrawn about a stone's c. 78. 49. he c. on Ihem the fierceness of his wrath Prov. 7. 26. for she hath e. down many wounded
CAST Proii. 1. 14. c. in thy lot among us, let us all have Isa. 28. 2. the Lord shall c. down with his hand
Signifies, [1] To fing.or ihrim;T)in. 3.6. [2] To 11. I.e. thy bread on the waters, for shall find Jer. 6. 15. time I visit, they shall be c. down, 8.12-
miscarry, or bring forth before the rime. Gen. 31 i.-a. 2. 20. a man shall c. his idols to the bats Lam. 2. 1. c. down to the earth the beauty of Israel
38. Exod.23 26. [3] 'Jo melt, make, or frame, 38. 17. thou hast c. all my sins behind thy back Liek. 6. 4. 1 will c.down your slain before your idols
Exod. 25. 12. Jit. 26.23. f. Urijah's body into the graves of people 19- 12. thy mother was c. doom to the ground
They cast him out, John 9. 34. They put him out 36. 23. e. it into the fire that was on the earth 31. 16. when I c. the Assyrian down to hell
of the synagogue, or eicommunicaied him. 38. 6. they c. Jeremiah into the dungeon, 9. 32. 18. wail for Egypt, and c. herrf. and daughters
Thou hast me behind thy back, 1 Kings 14. 9. 41. 7. Islimael slew, and c. them into the pit ZJon.7. 9. I beheld till the thrones were c.down
Thou hast despised, disregarded, a)id forsaken me, Ijim. 3. 53. cutoff my life, andc a stone upon me
. 8. 7. the he-goat e. dojcn the ram to the ground
and my c.*tn*nands and Konhip, as men do things l.iek. 7. 19. they shall c. their silver in the streets 10. it c. down some of the host, and of the stars
uhich they cost behind their backs. II 16. altho' I have c. them far ofl among heathen 11. sanctuary was c.d.\\ IC. c.d. truth to ground
Etod. 38. 27. of talents of ihe silver were c. sockets 23. 35. because thou hast c. nie behind thy back 11. 12. he shall e. down many ten thousands
Job 18. 8. for he is c. into a net by his own feel 28. 17. I wilU thee to ihe ground. 1 will liy ihee -I/a/. 4. 6. if the Son of God, r. thyself*/. i,ic*«4.9.

Psal. 22. 10. I wasf. upon thee from the womb Den. 3. 20. and toe. them into the fi;ry furnace 15 30. c. them down at Jesus' feet, and he healed
It. 6. chariot and horse are c. into a dead sleep 24. did not we c. three men bound into the fire ? 27. 5. he c. rfoan the piecesof silver in the temple
140. 10, let him be c. into the lire, into pits 6.24. e. them into the den of lions, their children Luke 4. 29. they might e. Jesus down headlong
Prov. 16. 33. the lot is c. into the lap, but the Jonah 2.3. for thou hadst c. nie into the deep 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are c. domt, but not destroyed 7. the face of the covering e. overall peopb .Vic. 4. 7. I will make here, off, a strong nation
7. 6. God that coniforteth those that are c. dowv
Jtr. 22.29. arer. into a land which they know not 7. 19. thou wilt e. all their sins into the sea 2 Pel. 2. 4. but c. the angels down to hell
38. II. and took thence old c. clouts and rags A'jA. 3. 6. I will c. abominable filth on thee liev. 12. 10. the accuser of our brethren ise. d.
K. put now old c. clouts under thy arm Zcrh. 5. 8. c. it into the rphah, c. the weight CA^T forth.
£tf*. 15. 4. the vine-tree is c. into the fire for fuel 11. 13. c. It to the potter, c. them to ihe potter Neh. 13. 8. I c.f. all the household stuff of Tobias
Van. 3. 6. be c. into the midst nf a fiery furnace .Mai. 3. 11. nor vine r. her fruit before time in field I'sal. 144. 6. c. forth lightning, and scatter them
3.21 ihese were r .inio the audst of the furnace Mat. 3.10. is hewn down and c. into the fire, 7. 19 Jer. ^2. 19. Jehoiakim c. forth beyond the gates
6. 7- he shall be c. into the den of lions, Ki. 5.29. pluck it out and c. it from thee, 30. IC.8,9 I'.zek. 32. 4. 1 will c. thee forth upon the open field
Jmah 2. 4. then I said, I am c. out of thy siiht |

7. 6. nor c. your pearls before swine, lest they JJos. 14. 5. he shall c. forth his roots as LebanOD
Mat. 4. 12 Jesus heard that John was « into prison 1 5.26. cliildreos" bread, and e. it to dogs, Afari: 7
.27 Jonah I, t 4, the iMXi vUl (, fiirih s. great wioJ


Jon. 1. 5. marinerse./thewrireainshipintothespa Marks IS. andharepo^ertoheal and e. oi/< devils CATEUPILLER, S;
33.hesald totliero, how can Satan c. out Satan? 1 Ktnfjt 8. 37. if there be any c. 2 Chron. 6. 2i

13. c ine/ into the sea. so shall thp sea be crvlrii

15. they took Jonah and e. him/or/A into the sea l6.9Magdalene,ouf ofwbcmhehad t.»evendevils Psal. 78. 46. he gave their increase to the e.
Mark 7. 20. would c. forth devil out of her daughter 17. in my name shall th»y e. out devils 105. 34. he spake, and c. came without number
John 16. 6. he is c. forth as a branch and withered Luke6. 22. c.out your name as evil, for .Son of Man Isa. 33.4. your spoil like the gathering of the c.
CAST lots. 11.20. if I with the finger of God c our devils Jer. 51. 14. 1 will fill thee with men as wiu, <•.
Lev. l6. 8. Aaron should *. Ion on the two goats 13. 32. I c. out devils, and do cures to-day and 27. cause the Tiorses come up as the rough /.
Josh. 18. 10. Joshua c. lots for them in Shiloh 20. 12. they wounded him also and c. him out JoelJ. 4. what cank2.--worm left, hath the r. eatea
1 Ham. 14. 42. c. lots between me and Jonathan John 6. 37. him that cometh I will in no wise e. out 2. 25. I will restore the ears the c. hath eaten
1 Chron. Co. 13. they *•. lots as well small as great 9. 34. dost thou teach us ? and ihey c. him out CATTLE.
P/a/.22.18. they part my garments and c. I. ts upon 12. 31. now shall the prince of this world be c. out V'Cn. 1. 25. God made the e. after their kind
my vesture, Mat. 27. 35. John 19. 24. ActsT. 19. 10 that they f. our their young children 3. 14. Lord God said, thou art cursed above all c
lia. 34. 17. he hath e. the lot (or them 2 1 .whenMoses was o.oar Pharaoh's daughter took 7. 21. all Hesh died, both of fowl and e. and beast
Joel 3. 3. and they have e. lots for my
people 58. they c. Stephen out of the city and stoned him 8. I.God remembered Noah, and r.with him in ark
Oka J. 11 in the day foreigners c. lots upon Jems.
. 27. 19. third day wee. out the tackling of the ship 9- 10. I estabhsh my covenant with fowls, r.
Jonah 1 .7. come and let us c. lots that we may know 29. c. four anchors out H 38. c. out wheat into sea 13. 2. Abram was very rich in c. silver, and gold
A'a/i. 3. 10. and they c. lot\. for her honourable men Gal. 4. 30. c. out the bond-woman and her son ^«n. 30. 40. Jacob put them not to Labaa's c.
CAST off. Rer. 12.9. and the great dragon was cotir, the devil 31. 9. God hath taken away the c. of our father
8 Kings 23. 27. T will c. off this city Jerusalem 15. the serpent c. out of his mouth waters, 16. 43. these e. are my c. all thou seest is mine
1 Chron. 28. 9 if forsake, he will e. thee offior ever Lord CAST out. 34. 5. his sons were with the c. in tlie field
2 Chr. 11. 14. for Jeroboam andsonshad ctheni.i/' 1 A'iH5/14.24. which the Lord c. out before children 46. 32. for their trade hath been to feed c.
Job 15. 33. and shall c. cjfhis flower as the olive of Israel, 2 Kings I6. 3. 2 Chron. 28. 3. 33. 2.|
47. 6. then make them rulers over my e,
Psal. 43. 2. why dost thou c. me oft whv go 1 .'
2 Kings 17. 8. the Lorde. out before Israel, 21. C. 17. Joseph gave bread in exchange for e.
44.9.thouhast<:.o/;60. 1,10.-39.38. flOB.ll. Zech. 9.4. behold, the Lord will e. her out and smite Eiod. 9.4. shall ."ieverbetw.o.of Isr. and e. of Egypt
23. awake, O Lord, arise, c. us not off for ever CAST up. 20. made his servants and c. flee into the houses
71. 9. c. me not off in the time of old age 2 Sam. 20. 15. they e. up a bank against the city 12. 29. Lord smote all the first-born of the e.
74. 1. O God, why hast thou c, us off for ever r Isa. 57. 14. c. ye up, prepare the way, 62. 10. Lev. 1.2. ye shall bring your offering of the c.
77. 7 w-ill the Lord c. off for ever ?
. 20. troubled sea, whose waters c- up mire and dirt Xum. 3.41. take c. of the Levites instead of ah
94- 14. Lord will note p/'his people, Xflwi. 3. 31. Jer. 18. 15. to walk in paths, in a way not c. up 20. 19. if I and my c. drink, I will pay for k
Jer. 28. 16. I will <r. Hananijih off from the earth 50. 26. c. her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly 32. 4. is a land for c. and thy servants have c.
SI. 37. I will c. off the seed of Israel, 33. 24. Lam. 2. 10. c. ti;; dust on their heads, Ezek. 27 30. Deut. 2. 35. the c. we took for a prey, 3. 7.

Lam. 2. 7. the Lord hath t. off his altar, abhorred Dan. \l.\3 kingof the north shall f. u/ a mount Josh. 8. 2. only the r. shall ye take for a prey
Hos. 8. 3. Israel hath c. off the thing that is good CASTESr, ETII. 27. only the c. Israel took for a prey, 11. 14.
5. thy calf, O Samaria, hath c. thee off. Job l5.14.yea,thon c. off fear zind restrainest prayer 1 Kings 1. 9. Adonijah slew oxen and c. ig, 23.
Amos 1. 11. because Edom did c. o/f allpity 21. 10. thy cow calveth and c. not her calf 1 Chron. 28. +1. David assembled stewards over c.

Zech.\0.&. shall be as though I had not f .them off Pial. 50. 17. seeing thou e. my words behind thee Jo* 1. + 3. his c. also was seyei. thousand sheep
Acts 22. 23. as they cried and c. off their clothes 73. 18. thou c. them down into destruction + 10. his c. was increased in the land
Rom. 13. 12. let us c. offihe works of darkness 88. 14. why c. thou off my soul ? why hidest face 36. 33. the c. also concemir>g the vapour
1 'I'lm. 5.12. because thev have c. o/" their first faith 147. 6. the Lord <r. the wicked down to the ground Pial. 50. 10. the c. upon a thousand hills is mine
CAS r out. 17. he c. forth his ice like morsels, who can stand 1&4. 14. he causeth the grass to grow for the c
Gen. 21. 10. c. out this bond woman and her son Prov. 10. 3. he c. away the substance of the wicked 148. 10. beasts and all e. praise the Lord
Eiod. 34. 24. I will c. out the nations before thee 19.15.slothfulnessc. into a deep sleep, an idle soul Eccl.2.'. had great possessions of great suidsmallc
i^f. 18.24. natjom are defiled which I c. out before 21 22. c. down the strength of the confidence
. lia. 7. 25. and for the tread ng of lesser c.
you, 20. 23. Deut. 7. 1. 26.18. as a mad-man r .fire-brands,arrows,and death 43. 23. thou hast not brought me the small c.
Deut. 9-17. Ic. the two tables ow« of my two hands Jer. 6. 7- as a fountain so she c. out her wickedness 40. 1. their idols were upon the beasts smd the c.
Josh. IS. 12. these did Moses smite, and c. them out Hos. 9. 1 14. give them a womb that c. the fruit Jer. 9. 10. nor can men hear the voice of the t.
2 Sam. SO 22 they c. out Sheba's head to Joab Afflr. 9.34. he c. out devils, Jl/ar* 3.22. Luke\\.\5. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge between c. and c. 20. 22.
1 A'iii»j 9-7 this house will I c. out, 2 Chron. 7. 20 1 John 4.18. no fear in love, but perfect love c. fear Hag. 1 ' 1. I called for a drought upon land and e

21. 26. as did the Amorites, whom the I,ord c. out 3 John 10. and c. them out of the church Zech. 2. 4. for the multitude of men and c. therein
before the children of Israel, 2 Kings 16. 3. P^ev. 6.13. even Jis a fig-tree c. her untimely figs 13. 5. men taught me to keep c. from my youth
S Kings 10. 25 the captains c. them our and went CASTING. Luke 17.7 having serv-ant feeding c will say to him
17.20. tillhehadc. them <mr of his sight, 24. 20. Sam. 8.2. he smote Moab, c. them down to ground John 4. i2. Jacob, his children drank, and his c.
S Chron. 13. Q. have ye not c.out priests of the Lord 1 Kings 7. 37. the bases, all of them had one c. Mtuh CAT! LE.
20. 11. to come to c. us out of thy possession I.zra 10.1. weeping and c. himselfdown before house Gen. 30. 43. Jacob increased and had much e.
Neh. 1. 9- ify» mrn, though they were of yon c. out Job 6. 21. ye see my c. down and are afraid Eiod. 12. 38. Isr. went out of Egypt with much c
Job 20. 15. God shall c. them out of his belly Psal. 74. 7. by f. down dwelling place of thy name Deut. 3. 19. for I know that ye have much c.
39. 3. they bow themselves, they c.out their sorrows 89.39. and profaned his crown bye it to the ground .Josh. 22. 8. return to your tents with very much c.
Psal. 5. 10. c. them out in their transgressions Mic. 6. 14. and thy c. down shall be in midst of thee 2 Chron. 26. 10. Uzziah had much c. in the plains
18. 42. I did c. them
otit as the dirt in the streets Mat. 4. 18. Peter and Andrew c. a net into the sea Jonah 4. 11. spare Nineveh, wherein is much c
44. 2. how thou
didst afflict people and c. xticvaoiit 27. 35. parted his garments, c. lots, Mark 15. 24. Our CAT ILE.
60. 8. over will I c. out my shoe, 108. 9.
Edom Mark Q. .iS. we saw one c. out devils, Luke 9. 49. Eiod. 10. 26. our
c. also shall go with us
78. 55. he c. out the heathen before them, 80. 8. Luke 21. 1. he saw the rich mmc. their gifts into17.3. to kill us, our children, and our c. with thirst
J'rov. 22.10. c.out the scomer, and contention s,oottt 2. he saw also a poor widow c. in two mites .^HOT.20. 4. that we and our c. should die there
Int. 14. 19- but thon art e. out of thy grave, like an Hvm. 11. 15. ifc. away of them be the reconciling 32. 16. we will build sheepfolds here for our e.
JO. 2. as a wandering bird c. out of the nest 2 Cor. 10. 5. c. down imaginations and every thing 26. all our c. shall be there in the cities of Gilt ad
2u. 19. and the earth shall c. out the dead 1 Per. 5.7- e. all your care on him, for he careth for Josh. 21. 2. give us cities with suburbs for out e.
J4. 3. their slain shall also be c. otit and stink come CASTLE. -N e/i. 9. 37 have dominion over our bodies and our c

58. 7. that thou bring the poor that are c. out 1 Chr. 11.5. David took c. of Zion, city of David 10. 36. to bring also first-born of our sons and our e
66. 5. brethren that c. you out for my nrame's sake 7. David dwelt in the r. the city of David Their CATTLE.
Jfr.7.15.Iwillc.youonr of my
sight, as I havec.OT<r Prov. 18. 19. their contentions are like bars of a c. Gen. 34.23. shall not their c. and substance be o-ars
9. 19 because our dwellings have e. us out -Icrj 21. 34. the chief captain commanded Paul to iVum.31.9. slewMidianites,ar]d took spoil oi their c.
15. 1 c them out of my
sight, 23. 30. 52. 3.
be carried into the r. 37. 22. 24.
| 23. 10
35. 3. the suburbs shall be for iheir c. Josh. 14. 4
16. 13. therefore will I c. you out of this land 23. 16. he went and entered into the c.and told Paul Judg. 6. 5. the .Midianitcs came up with their e.
22.26. I willf. iheeout, and thy mother that bare CASTLES. l.Sa/n.23.5. Uavid fought, and brought aw.iy r/ieir e.
36. 30. his dead body shall be c. out in the day Gen. 25. I6. names of Ishmael's sons by their c. 1 Chron. 5. 9- because their c. were multiplied
51. 34. Nebuchadneziar hath e. me out Xum. 3J. 10. they burnt their goodly c. with fire 7.21.becausetheycamcdownto take awavf/irirc.
Euk. 16. 5. but thou wast c. out in the open field 1 Chr. 6.51. these the priest's <». in their coasts Psal. 78. 48. he giive up their c. also to the bail
28. 16. will c. thee as profane oar of mount, of CJod 27. 25. over treasures, and in c. Jehonathan 107. 38. he suffered not their c. to decrease
Amos 8. 8. the land shall be c. out and drowned 2 Chron 17. 12. Jehoshaphat bulk in Judah e. Jer. 49. 32. their camels a booty, their c. a spoil
M'le. 2. 9. the women of my
people have ye c. out 27. 4. Jotham in the forest built c. and towers Thy CATILE.
Zeph. 3. 15. the Lord hath c. out thine enemy Castoh ; see Sl«l<. Gen. 30. 29. thou knowest how ihyc. was with me
Zech. 1. 21. to c. out the horns of the Gentiles CATCH. 31. 41.1 sen'ed thee six years for thy e.
9. 4. the I.ord will e. heronr, and smite her power EioJ. 22. 6. if fire break out and c. in thorns hand of the Ixird uuu thy c. in the 6el(l
/:.j-orf. 9.3.

Mat. 5. 13. salt unsavoury to be c.out, Luke 14. 35. fndg. 21. 21. and c. you every man his wife 19. send therefore now and gather ihy e.
7. 5. hypocrite first c. out the beam, Luke 6. 42. 1 Kings 20. 33. now the men did hastily c. it 20. 10. servant ncr/Avf. do any work, Deul.5.H
22. Lord, have we not in thy name c. out devils 2 A'mjj 712.we shall c.them alive.andget into city
- 34. 19. every firstling among thy c. is mine
8. 12. the children of the kingdom shall be c. out Psal. 10. 9. in wait to c. the poor, he dothr. the poor Lev. 19.19. let not thy c. ponder with a diverse kind
16. and he e. out the spirits with his word 35. 8. let his net that he hath hid c. himself 25. 7. sabbath of the land shall be meat for th^^ e.
31. if thou c. us onr, suffer us to go into swine 109. 11. let the extortioner c. all he hath Deut. 11. 15. 1 will send grass in fields (nrihu c.
9. 33. when the devil was e. out the dumb snake J*r.5.26.they laid wait, they set a trap, they <-. men 28. 4. ble.'sed shall be the fruit of thy c 1 1 | 30. 9

iO.l. gave them power against spirits to r .them out Ezek. 19. 3. and it learned to c. the prey, 6. 51. he shall eat the fruit of thy c. and thy land
8. heal the sick, raise the dead, c. out devils Hab. 1. 15. they e. them in their net and gather /j<t. 30.23. that dav shall in large pastures
12.24 .not c.oif/ devils but by Beelzeb. Luke 11.18. Mark 12. 13. send Merodians toe. him in his words iour CATTLE.
26. if Satan c. out Satan, divided against himself Luke 5. 10. from henceforth thou shall c. men Gen. 47. your c. give you bread for your e
16. {:ive
48. but if I by the Spirit of God e. out devils 11. 54. seeking to e. something out of his mouth ye will not hearken, wll destroy y. e.
/,?!-. C6. 22. if

15. 17. goeth into belly, and isc. out into draught CATCllEIll, ING. /Vtir.3.19. your e. shall abide in cities. Josh. 1. 14
17. 19- why could not we f. him our .' Mark 9.28. r^v. 17.1s. who c. ajiy beast or fowl may be eaten 7. 14. male nor female shall be barren among jr. e
21. 12. c.<m/ all that sold, 3/<ir* 11.1 5. /.«** 19.45. Ezek. 1. t4. a fire c. itself, and brightness 2 Eings 3.17. that ve may driuk both ye aud j. e,
39. cJlimour of vineyard, ..1/arjH2.R.iiit«20. 15. .\{al. 13. 19. the devil c. away wnat was sown CALGHT.
i^ar^l.34.bealedaDdc mr many d«viU,39. i 6.13. John 10. iS. the wolf c. and scatte'cth the sheep C«ii. SS. 13. behold, behind biic eramc.byhoisa
. .


Pfij.Sg.U.shec .hid: by garment.saying.lle with me 2 Tim. 1. 12. for which e. I sulfcr these things Jer. 23. VI. who think to c. my people forget
/-.'wtf. 4. 4. put forth his hand, and c. the serpent He/). 2. 11. forwhich c. he is not ashsuned to call 25. 10. I wi!l c. to perish the voice of mirth
A't.m. 31. 3'2. rest of the prey the men of war had e. 1 Pet. 2. 23. committed his c. to him that judgeth
31. 2. even Israel, when 1 went to c. him to rest
Judg. 1. 6. f. Adoni-bezek, and cut off his thumbs Plead CAUSE. 9. I will r. them to walk by the rivers of waters
8.14.f.ayoungmanof the men of Succoth.and said 1 Sam 24. 15. the Ix)rd be judge, and plead mv c. 32. 44. I will c. their captivity to return, 33. 26
15. 4. Samson went and c. three hundred foxes Psal.Sb.l. 43. 1. 119- 154. Lam. 3. 32. tho" he c. grief, yet will he have coicp

?1 23. took wives of them danced, whom they r

. Psal. 74. 22. arise, () God, plead thine own c. Ezek. 20. 37. I will e. you to pass under the rod
1 Slim. 17. 35. I c. him by his beard and slew him Prop. 22. 23. for the Lord will plead their c. 24. 8. that it might c. fury to come to vengeance
ISam. 2. 16. and they c. every one his fellow 23. 11. he shall plead their c. with thee 34. 15. I will c. them to lie down, saith the Loril
I';, g. Absalom's head e. hold of the oak 31.9. open thy mouth, plead the c. of poor, needy 36. 12. 1 will e. men to walk on you, even Israel
1 Kingi 1. 50. and Adonijah e. hold on the altar Jer. 30. 13. there is none to plead thy c. Dan. 8. 25. he shall c. craft to prosper in his haod
2. 28. Joab c. hold on the horns of the altar 50. 34. the I-ord shall thoroughly plead their c. 9.17. O our God, c, thy face to shine on sanctuary
11. 30. Ahijah e. the new garment and rent it 51. 36. behold, I -wiW plead tliy c. and tzike veng. tl8. we do not c. to fall our supplication
t h'ingi 4. 27- the Shunaraite e. lilisha by the feet Mic. 7. 9- until he plead my and execute c
11. t 32. shall he <-. to dissemble by tiatteries
t Chrim. 22. 9- they c. Ahaiiah and brought him for this CAUSE. JIos. 4. f 9. I will c. to return for their ways
Prov.l. 13. so she f. him, and kissed him, and said Exad. 9. 16. /or this c. have I raised up Pharaoh Joel 3. 11. thither e. thy mighty ones come down
Jer. 50. 24. O Babylon, thou art found and also c. 2C/i»-on.32.20^>r//iijf. Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. Amoi.6. 3. and e. the seat of violence to come neai
Mat. 14. 31. Je.sus c. Peter, and said unto him Dan.2.\'Z.for this f.the king was angry and furious 8. 9. I will e. sun to go down at noon and darkeu
21. 39- the husbandmen e. him and cast him out Mat. 19. 5. for this c. shall a man leave father and 9. t9- '• to move Israel among all nations
Mark 12. 3. they c. the serv-ant and beat him mother, and cleave to wife, MarkW.t. Eph.5.3l. .\'aii. 2. i 8. stand, but none shall c. th«m to turn
Luke 8. 29. oftentimes it c. him, and he was bound Juhn 12. 27. but/or thisc. came I unto this hour Jlab. 1.3. why dost thou c. me to behold grievance
JtHi 01. 3. they went, and that night c. nothing 18. 37. and_/<>r this e. came I into the world Mat. 5 + 29. if thy right eye c. thee to offend
Acta 6. 12. they came upon Stephen and c. him Rom.1.^6. for this e.G. gave them up to vile affect. 6. + 2. c. not a trumpet to be sounded
8. 39 the Spirit of the Lord c, away Philip 13. 6. for thts c. pay ye tribute also 10.21 children rise up against parents and r. th(
. m
16. 19. they c. Paul and Silas, and drew them 15. Q. for thisc. I will conf. to thee among the gent. to be put to death, Mark 13 12. LhX('21. It}.
£6. 21. for these caase; the Jews f. me in the temple 1 Cof. 11 30. for this c. many are weak and sickly /?OOT.l6.17.maTk them who f.di visions andoffemes

27. 15. when the ship was c. we let her drive Eph. 3. 14. /or this c. I bow my knees to the I'ather Col. 4.I6.C. that it be read in church of Laodiceaui
2Cor.l2.2. I know a man cup to the third heaven 1 T/iess. 2.13. for this c. thank God without ceasing Cause to cease. See CE.tsE.
4. how he was e. up into paradise, and heard words 2 Thess.'i.Wfor this e.G. shrill send strong delusion CAUSED.
16. being crafty, I e, yon with guile 1 lim. 1. 16. howbeit,/or this e. I obtained mercy Gen. 2. 21. God c. a deep sleep to fall on Adam.
1 Thess.i. 17. we shall be f. up together with them Hei.g.l5fi/r this c. he is the mediator of new testa 20. 13. God c. me to wander from my fathers
Htv. 12. 5. her child was c up to God, to his throne 1 Pet. 4.6. for this c. was the gospel preach, to them Ejod. 14. 21. the Lord e. the sea to go back
CAUL, S. nuhmit CAUSE. Akbi. 31. 16. these r. Israel to commit whoredom
Ztod. 29. 13. the e. thatabove the \iver. 22. I&im.l9 S.wilt thou slay David without ar. .'
is Deut. 34.4. this is the land, 1 have c. thee to sec it
Xer. l4.9. 7.4. 8.16,25. Jo4 2.3.thoumovedst me to destroy him if iMour ac.
3. 4, 10, 15. ) |
2 Sam.T. 11. c. thee to rest from thine enemies
9. 10, 19. 9- 17. he multiplieth my wounds aiihout e. 22. f 40. hast thou c. to bow, Psal. 18. i 39.
Isa. 3. 18. the Lord will take away their <. and tires Psal. 7. 4. I delivered him that v. c. is my enemy 1 Kin^s 2.19. c.a. seat to be set for the king's mothel

Hot. 13.8. will rend the c. of their heart and devour 25. 3. let them be ashamed that transgress w. c. 2 Chr. 34. 32. he call present in Jerus. to stand it
CAUSE 35.7. fi. c. they hid forme a net, digged apit^.r. Ezra l.+l. CjTuscavoicetopasslhro'hiskingdona
Signifies, [1] A ground, reaton, or motive, 1 Sam. 19. that hate me -utthout e. 69.4. John 15. 25. 6. 12. the God that hath c. his name to dwell
17. 29. [2] A suit, action, or eontroverty, Exod. 109. 3. and they fought against me without a c. iVirA.8.7. Levitesf. people to understand the law, 8.
22. 9. Isa. 1. 23. [3] Sake, or account, 2 Cor. 119-78. the proud dealt perversely with me ». a c. Esth. 5. 1 10. Haman sent and c. his friends to COU14
7. 12. 161. princes have persecuted me uiihout c. 14. Hamcm c. the gallows to be made
Ejod. 22. 9- ther. of both shall come before judges Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk for the innocent without c. Job 31. 16. if I have c. eyes of the widow to fail
23. 2. nor speak in a c. to decline after many .'..
30. strive not with a man w. c. if he have done Pf a/. 66.12. thou haste, men to ride over our heads
3. nor shall thou countenance a poor man in his r 23. 29. who hath sorrow who hath wounds u>. c. 78. 13. he divided the sea,andf. them to pass thro
6. nor wrest the judgment of the poor in his e 24. 28. be not w itness against neighbour without c. 26. he c. an east-wind to blow in the heaven
Hum. 16.11. forwhich c. thou and all thy company Isa. 52. 4. the Assyrian oppressed them without c. 115. 49. word on which thou hast c. me to hope
are gathered together against the Lord Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me sore without c. Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield
27. 5. Moses brought their c. before the Lord Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all I have done Isa. 6. t 7- f. it to touch my mouth, and said to
i)eui. 1. 17. the c. that is too hard for you, bring Mat. 5. 22. whoso is angry with his brother w. e. 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to err in every work 20. 4. the manslayer shall declare his e. CAUSE. 43.23. I have not r. thee to serve with an offering
1 Sam. 17. 29. and David said, is there not ar .' .
Gen. 7. 4. 1 will c. it rain on the earth forty days Isa. 47. + 10. thy wisdom e. thee to turn away
25. 39. Ix)rd hath pleaded the e. of my reproach 45. 1. he cried c. every man to go out from me 63. 14. the Spirit of the I/)rd c. him to rest
2 Sam. 13. j6. there is no c. this evil is greater than Ejod. 8. 5. r. frogs to come up on the Ijind of E^^-pt Jer. 3. 1 18. to the land I c. your fathers possess
15. 4. that hath any suit or c. might come to me 21. 19. and shall c.him to be thoroughly healed 12. 14. which I have c. my people Israel to inherit
lAinfiB 45. maintain theirc. 49, 59. 2 CA.6. 35,39 Le-j. 19. 29- thy daughter, to c. her to be a whore 13. 11. I have c. to cleave to me house of Israel
11. 27. this was the c. that he lift up his hand 26. 16. consume the eyes, and c. sorrow of heart 29. 31. Shemaiah e. you to trust in a lie
12. 15. for the c. was from the Lord.C Chr. 10.15. Num. 8. +7. c. 3. razor to pass over the Levites 32. 23. therefore thou hast c. all this evil to come
1 CAy.21.3.why will he be a r.of trespass to Israel 16. 5. who is holy, the Lord will c. him to come 34. 11. after they c. the servants to return, 16.
i Ckron. I9.IO. whatc shall come of your brethren Deut. 1. 38.encouragehim, for he shall c. Israel to 48. 4. her little ones have c. a cry to be heard
llira 4. 15. for which c. this city was destroyed inherit it, 3. 28. 31.7. Josh. 1. t(i. Ezek. 16. 7. I have c. thee to multiply as the bud

Seh. 6. 6. for which c. thou buildest the wall 12. 11. God shall choose to e. his name to dwell 24. 13. till I have c. my fury to rest on thee
J"A 5. 8. and unto God will I commit my e. 24. 4. and thou shalt not c. the leind to sin which 29. 18. Nebuch. c. hisarmy to serve against I yruj
13. 18. behoKl now, I have ordered my e. 2B. t6l. them will Lord c. to ascend till destroyed .i2. 23. which c. termr in the land, 24, 25, 26.
83. 4. I would order my
c. before him, and fill J'lrfg. 6. til. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it flee Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel being c. to fly swiftly, touches
29- 16. the r. which I knew not, I searched out 2 Sam. 13. 13. whither shall I c. my shame to go ) IIos. 4. 12. the spirit of whoredoms c. them to err
31. 13. if I did despise the e. of my man-servant 1 Kin^s 8. 31. an oath laid on him to c. him swear .Imos 2. 4. and their lies c. thttn to err, after which

Psal. 9. 4. for thou hast maintained c. my iKinss 19.7. will e. him to fall by sword, Isa.ZI .' 4. 7. I c, rain on one city, I r. not to rain on
35. 23. awake to my c. my
God and Lord my Seh. 13. 26. him did outlandish women r. to sin Zceh. 3. 4. I have c. thine iniquity to pass from the*
27. let them be glad that favour my
righteous c. Esth. 3. 13. f. to perish all the Jews, 7. f 4. 8. 11. Mai. 2. 8. ye have c. many to stumble at ihe law

140. 12. I know that the Lord will maintain the c. 5. 5. c. Ilaman make haste to do as Esther sjiid John 11. 37. have c. this man should nothave died
Pror. 18.17. he that is first in his own c. seemsjust 6. + 9- <• him to ride on horseback through the city Acts 15. 3. they c. great joy to all the hrehren
25. 9. debate thy e. with thy neighbour himself Job 6. 24. c. me to undorstsuid wherein I have erred 2 Cor. 2. 5. butif any have t. grief, hath grieved pa:"!
29. 7. the righteous considereth the c. of the po':s- t 27. yea, ye c. to fall upon the fatherless Iiev.\3.l6.c.aX\ to receive a mark in their right-haiid
31. 8. open thy mouth for the dumb in the e. 3i. 1 1 f every man to find according to his ways
Feci. 7- 10. say not thou, what is the c. that 38.'t37 .who can c. to lie down the bottles of heaven EzoJ. 18. 19. that thou mayest bring c. to God
ha. 1. 83. nor doth e. of the widow romc to them Psal. 10. 17. thou wilt c. thine ear to hear 26. the hard c. they brought to Moses
41. 21. produce your c. saith the Lord, bring 67. 1. and <. hit face to shine upon us, 80. 3, 7,19. Deut. 1. l5. hear the c. between your brethren
.'iO. + 8 who is the master of my
c. let come 76. 8. thou didst c. judgm. to be heard from heav. Jer. 3. 8. all the e. whereby backsliding Israel
51. 22. God that pleadeth the c. of his people 90. 12. we may c. our hearts to come to wisdom
-t "^m 2. 14. but have seen for thee c, of banishment
Jer. 5. 28. they judge not the c. of the fatherless 143. 8. c. me to hear, r. me to know the way 3.58. O Lord, thou hast pleaded thee, of my soul
1 1
. 20. for to iliee have I revealed e. my Prov. 4. 16. sleep taken away, unless c. some to fall Acts 26.2i.for these f. the Jews caught me ictemp'e
20. 12. Lord, unto thee have I opened my e. 19. i 18. let not thy soul spare tor. him to die CAUSEST.
Jer. 22. 16. hejudged the c. of the poor and needy 23. 1 5. wilt c. thine eyes to Hee on what is not ? Job 30. 22. thou c. me to ride on the wind
Larri. 3. 36. to subvert in a c. the Ld. approveth not Ecet. 5. 6. suffer not thy mouth tor. thy flesh to sin Psal. 65. 4. blessed is man thou c. approach to thee
59- Lord, thou hast seen my
wrong, judge my c. Cant. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, r. me to hear it CAUSETII.
Jonah 1. 7. that he may know for whose c. 8. Isa. 3. 12. they wholfad thee c. thee to err, 9. 16. Num. 5.18. the water that e. the cirse, 19, 22,2-1,27.
Mat. 5. 32. his wife, saving for the c. of fornication 27. 6. he shall c. them of Jacob to take root Job 12. 24. he c. them to wander in a wilderne.-^
19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for every c. 28. 12. this is the rest ye may c. the weary to rest where there is no way, P»ot. 107. 41).
l.uke 8. 47. declared for what c. she touched him 30. 30. the Lord c. his glorious voice to be heard 20. 3. the spirit of understanding c. me to answer
23. 22. I have found no c. of dealli in him 42. 2. nor c. his voice to be heard in the streets 37. 13. he c. it to come hither for correction
^r/x 10.21. what is the e. wherefore ye arc come .'
58. 14. I will f. thee to ride upon the high places P.tal. 104. 14. he c. the grass to crow for the cattle
3. 28. though thev found no e. of death in him 61.11. so Lord will c. righteousn ss to sprins forth 135.7.hef.vapourstoascend,J<T. 10. 13. 51.1b |

25. 14. Festus declared Paul's e. to the king 66.9- shall I bring to birth, and not e. bring forth ? 147. 18. r. his wind to blow, and the waters flow
28. 18. because there was no e. of death in me Jer. 3. 12. I will not c. mine anger to fall on you Prov. 10. 5. is a son that c. shame, 17. 2. I9. 20.

2 Cor. 4 16. forwhich e. we faint not, but thongh 7. 3. I will c. you to dwell in thisplac-, 7. « 17. he th.\t refuseth reproof c. to err

5. 13. or whether we be sober, it is for your e. 12. t 9. c. beasts of the field to come and devour 17 2. a wise servant shall rule over a son c. shams

7. 12. 1 aid it not for his e. that had done wrong 13.16 give glory to the Lord before he c. darkness 19. 27 cease to hear the instruction that c. to err
Pta. S, 18. for the same (, alio (Jo je ''joy with me 15, 11. 1 will f, ;be en«uy w
entieit the« well S8. 10. whoso c, righteotis to go astrav in evii w»y


Isct. ihe fire e. the waters to boil, to make
flt, 4. Cause to CEASE. 'J, 2. 14 itiscieled withf. paii.todwithverir.iJ,
E«i. W. 18. not gird with any thiit^ that c. sweat /.<t.26.lfi. I will cattreMf. evil beasts, £ie<. "4. 25. 15. bi cause thou closest thyself in c.
Dan. 11. t 20. one that can exacter of the kinn;<lom KulA 4. + It. not caused to e. to thee a kinsman Eiek. 17. 3. a great eagle took highest branch of c
Mat. 5. 3C. put away wife c. her to commit adultery 2 Kings 23. t5. cause to c. the idolatrous priests 22. I will take of the highest branch of the r.
Cor. 2. 14. thanks be to God, whoc. ustotniimph Ezra 4. 21. cause these men to c. city be not built 23. it shall bear fruit and be a goodly <•.
9. 11. which c. through ns thanksgiving to God 5. 5. the eye of their God on them, they could not 27. 24. chests made of c. among the merchandijc
Rev. 13. 12 c. the earth to worship the first beast cause them to c. till matter came to Darius 31. 3. the Assyrian was a c. iu Lebanon
CAUSEWAY. Seh. 4. 11. slay them and cause the work 10 c. Zeph. 2. 14. for he shall uncover the e. work
1 Chrmi. ^&. T6. lot came forth by the c, of going up f'sal. R5. 4. cause thine anger toward us to c. i^ech. 11.2. howl, fir-tree, for the c. is fallen
18. at Parbar westward four at the c. and two Prov. 18. 18. the lot cauesth contentions to c. CEDAR-TREES.
Prav. 15. + 19. way of righteous raised up as a c. Isa. 13. 11. I will raiue the arrogancy of proud /cc. Xum. 24.6. Israel's tabernacles are e. beside wateuy
Iia.7,i3, go up in the e. of the fuller's field 30.11. cause the holy Une of Israel to. c. before us 2 Sam. 5.11. Hiram sent c. to David and carpenters
CAUSIKG. Jer.1.3\. fouje mirth <o f. from thecitiesof Judah 1 Kings 5. 6. tliat they hew me c. out of Lebanon
2 Kings 2. t 19. the ground c. to miscarry 36. 29. caure to c. man and beast, Hos. 2. 11. 10. so Hiram gave Solomon c. and fir-trees,g. 11
Cant. 7. 9. « the lips of those asleep to speak 48. 35. I will i:ause to c. in Moab him that oflfereth 2 Kings 19. 23. I will cut down the tall c. thereof
Ita. 30. 28. a bridle in the jaws c. them to err Ezek. 16. 41 caiue thee to.c. from playing harlot 1 Chron. 22. 4. David prepared c. in abundance
Jer. 29. 10. in c. you to return to this place 23.48. thus will I cause lewdness to c. 2 Chron. 1.15. c. made he as the sycamore, 9. 27
33. 12. shepherds f. their flocks to lie down 26. 13. I will cause the noise of thy songs to c. 2. 8. send me c. and fir-trees ont of Lebanon
Eiek. 39. 28. know I am the Lord c. them to be led
-t 30. 13. I will cause their images fo c. outof Nojih Ezra 3. 7- gave monev to bring c. from Lebanou
CAUSELESS. .34.10. cause them to c. from feeding the flock CEDAR-WOOD.
1 Sam. 25. 31. either that thou hast shed blood c. Dan. 9. 27. he shall cause the oblation to c. Lev. 14. 4. take c. and hyssop, 6, 49,51,52.
Prov. 26. 2. so the curse c. shall not come 11. 18. cauje the reproach offered by him to c. .Vum. ig. 6. the priest shall take c, and hyssop
CAVE, S. Hos. 1. 4. will cause to c. kingdom of house of Israel 1 Chron. 22. 4. they brought much c, to David
Gen. 19. 30. Lot dwelt in ar he and his daughters
83. 17. field and c. made sure to Abraham, 20. Gen. 18. 11. it c. to be with Sarai after manner of 1 Kings 10. 27. c. made he
to be as sycamore-trtcs
19. Abraham buried Sarah in the c, of the field Erod. 9. 33. thunders and hail c. and rain was not 1 C/u-. 17. 1. David
said, I dwell in an house of c
49. 29. bury me with my father in c. of Ephroii 34. when Pharaoh saw that the thunders e. 2 Chr. 2. 3. didst send David c. to build an house
7djA. 10. 16. these five kings fled and hid in a c 17. .Tosh. 5. 12. the manna c. on the morrow after J'sal. 29. 5. the voice of the Lord breakeih the c

Judg. 6. 2. because of the Midicinites Israel made c. Judg. 2. 19. they c. not from their own doings 80. 10. the bouglis thereof were like goodly c.
1 5a/n. 13.6. Israel did hide themselves in c. in rocks 5. 7. the inhabitants of villages c, they e. in Israel 148. 9. praise him also c. and fruitful trees
22. 1. David escaped to the e. of AduUam 1 Sam. 2. 5. and they that were hungry c. Cant. 5.15. his countenance excellent as the c.
24. 10. Lord delivered thee into my hand in the c. 25. 9. they spake in the name of David and c. Isa. 9. 10. we will change the sycamores into <•.

2 Sam. 23. 13. came to David to the c. of Adullam Ezra 4. 24. then e. the wtrk of the house of God 37. 24. I will cut down the tall c. thereof
I Kings 18. 4. the prophets hid by fifty in a c 13 Job 32. 1. so these three men c. to answer Job 44. 14. he heweth him down c. and taketh oak
19. 9- Elijali came to a c. and lodged there Psal. 35. 15. they did tear me and e. not Jer. 22.7. they shall cut down thy choi e c.
ha. 2. 19. they shall go into c. for fear of the Lord 77- 2. my sore ran in the night and c. not 23. O
Lebanon, that makest thy nest in the c.
Eie/c. 33. 27. they shall die that be in the c. Isa. 14. 4. how hath the oppressor c. golden city c. Ezek. 31 8. r. in garden of God could not hide hin;

John 11.38. the grave, it was a r. a stone lay upon it Lam. 5. 14. the elders have c. from the gate Amos^. 9. Amorites height as the height of c.
Hib. 11. 38. they wandered in dens and c, of earth 15. the joy of our heart is e. our dance is turned Zech. 11.1.0 Lebanon, that fire may devour thy c.
CEASE Jonah 1. 15. they took up Jonah, sea c. from raging CEDARS of Lebanon.
Signifies, [1] To leave off, or give oier, 1 Sam. Mat. 14. .32. the wind c. Mark 4. sg. 6. 51. \
.Judg.Q. 15. fire out of the bramble devour c. of Let,
7. 8. Isa. 33. 1. [2] To te utterly forgotten, Luie 7. 45. this woman hath not c. to kiss m.y feet Psal. 104. 16. the c. of Leb. which he hath planted
Deut. 32. 26. [3] To be quiet, Judg. 15. 7. 11. 1. as he was praying in a place, when he c. Isa. 2. 13. day of the Lord upon all the c. of Lei.
[4] To be uianting, Deut. 15. 11. [5] To be Acts 5. 42. they c. not to teach Jind preach Jesus 14. 8. c. of Leb. rejoice at thee, saying, since thou.
removed by death, or otherwise. Lam. 5. 14. 20. 1. after the uproar was f. Paul called disciples Lzek. 27. 5. c. from Leb. to make masts for thee
[6] Xot to lean to, or depend on, Prov. 23. 4. 31. by space of three years I c. not to warn every CELEBRATE.
[7] To abstain from, Psal. 37- 8. Isa. 1. I6. 21.14. when he would not be persuaded we c. Lev. 23. 32. from even to even shall f. your sabbath-
Gen. 8. 22. and day and night shall not c, Gal. 5. 11. then is the offence of the cross c. 41. a statute, ye shall c. it in the seventh month
Ezod. 9. 29. as I am gone the thunder shall <r Heb. 4. 10. he also hath e. from his own works Isa. 38. 18. for the grave caimot.death cannot r.the.
23. t 5. would c. to leave thy business for him 10. 2. for then they would not have c. to be offer. CELESTIAL.
Num. 8. 25. from the age of fifty years shall c. 1 Pet. 4. 1. who suffered in flesh, hath e. from sin 1 Coi. 15. 40. ar« c. bodies, glory of the c. is one
11. 25. seventy elders prophesied, and did not c. CEASETH. CELLARS.
17-5. 1 will make to c. the murmurings Psal. 12. 1. help. Lord, for the godly man c. 1 Chron. 27. 28. and over the e. of oil wn Joasb»
Deut. 15.11. the poor shall never c. out of the land 49. 8. redempt. of soul precious, and it c. for ever CENSER, S.
32. 26. I would make remembrance of them to c. Prou.26.20. so where there is no tale-bearer strife c. Lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took cither of them i.
i7» make our children e. from fearing L. Isa. 16. 4. the extortioner is at an end, the spoiler c. 16. 12. he shall take a c. full of burning eoals
Judg. 15.7. yet will I be avenged, after I will c. 24. 8. the mirth of tabrets c. joy of the harp c. .Viiwi. 4. 14. they shall put uiwn it vessels even c
20. 28. shall I yet jigain go to battle, or shall I c.? 33. 8. high-ways lie waste, the way-faring man c. 1(). 6. this do, take yec. 17- every man his c.

1 5am. 7-8. e. not to cry to Lord our God for us Lam. 3. 49. mine eye trickleth down and c. not 19- Eleazar the priest took the brasen c.
i Kings Q3. t 5. caused tor. the idolatrous priests Hos. 7. 4. e. from raising after he kneaded dough 1 Ki)igs7. 50. made c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4. 22.

2 C/iroB.16.5. when Baasha heard it, let his work c. Acts 6.13. this man c. not speak blasphemous words 2 C/iro«. 26. 19. Uzziahhafl a f. inhishand to bun
Ezrai. 23. made them to c. by force and power CEASING. Ezek. 8. 11. with even," man his c. in his hand
they be not made to c.
6. + 8. that Exod. 21. t 19. he shall pay for the of his time Heb. 9- 4. the holiest had the golden c. and the ar'.i
.\eh. 6. 3. why should the work c. while I come ? 1 Sam. I should sin in c. to pray for you
12. 23. Jtev. 8. 3. the angel came, having a golden e.
lobS. 17. there the wicked c. from troubling I\a. 6. +9- hear ye without c. but understand not 5. the angel took the c. and filled it with fire
iO. 20. my
days few, c. then, let me alone Acts 12. 5. but prayer was made without c. for him CENSURE.
14.7. that the tender branch thereof will not e. Rom. 1. 9. without*. I make mention, 1 'J'hess. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 2. t 6. sufficient to such a man is this c
Psal. 37. 8. c. from anger, and forsake wrath 1 'J'hess. 2. 13. for this we thank God without c. CENTURION', S.
46. 9- he maketh wars to c. to the end of the earth 5. 17. pray without r. in every Ining give thanks .l/.--/. 8. 5. there came unto him ac. beseeching hir.y
89- 44. thou hast made his glory to e. and cast 2 Tim. 1.3. without c. 1 have remembrance of thee 8. c. said. Lord, I jini not worthy thou shouldst
119. + 119- 'hou causest the wicked to c. CEDAR. 27.54. when the c. saw the earthquake [como •

Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear instruction that causelh to This tree is much celebrated in the scriptures : It LukcT 2. f. servant, who was dear to him, wassici
. .

err shoots out its branches at ten or twelve feel from 23. 47. now when the c. saw what was done
20. 3. it is an honour for a man to e. from stnfe the ground : Its branches are large, and at a Acts 10. 1. Cornelius was a c. of the Italian band
22. lO.cast scomer, yea strife and reproach shall c. distance from one another ; its leaves are some- 22. C;omelius the c. a just man that fearcih God
23. 4. labour to be rich, e. from thy wisdom thing like those of rosemary ; it is aluays green, 21 32. who immediately took c. and ran down
Eff/. 12. 3. the grinders e. because they are few and distils a kind of gum, to which different 22. 26 when the c. heard that, he went and told
Isa. 1. 16. c. to do evil 2. 22. c. ye from man
|| effects are attributed : 'J he wood 0/ it is incor- 23. 17. then Paul called one of the e. to him
10. 25. yet a little while and indignation shall c. ruptible, beautiful, solid, and tncliiti?ig to a brou n 23. he called to him two c. saying, make ready
16. 10. I have made their vintage shouting to c. colour ; it bears a small apple, like that of the 21'. 23. and he commanded a r. to keep Paul
17. 3. the fortress also shall c. from Ephraim fine. They made use of this uood not only for 27.1. deliver. Paul to Julius a r. of/Vugu»tus'b.\nij.'
tl. 2. all Ihe sighing thereof have I made to c. tlie beams and planks which covered edifices, and 11. the e. believed the master utore than Paul
33. 1. when thou shalt e. to spoil shalt be spoiled 43. c. willing to save Paul, ki pt them frem purp.
served 01 ceilings to apartments, but they placed
Jer. 1 1. 17. let tears run down and let them not c. them likewiie in the substance of i/ieir walls, and 20. 16. the r. delivered the prisoners to the captaiu
J7. 8. leaf green, nor shall c. from yielding fruit so disposed them and the stone together, that then CER
31. 36. then the seed of Israel shall e. were three rows of siove and one of cedar uood, A «m.9.3. shall keep pasiover .according to all the f.
tarn. 2, 18. let not the apple of thine eye c. 1 Kings 6. 36. By tne cedar of Lebanon, the lleb. y.-t 1. the first covtuaiil had also e.
Etei. 6. 6. that your idols may be broken and e king of Israel may be understood, 2 Kings 14. <). A Certain Man. Set Man.
7. S4. I will make the pomp of the strong to c. IJereunio also the felicity and grow'i of the faith- CERl AIN.
IS. 23. saith the Lord, 1 will make this proverb <• ful are compared, Psal. 92. 12. I'.iod, Ifi. 4. ye sliall gather a e. rate every day
S3. 27. thus will I make thy lewdness to c. 2 Sam. 7. 2. king said, I dwell in an house of r. i\'««i. 16. 2. Korah rose with t. 01 children of Isr.
SO. 10, I will make the multituci« of Egypt to c 7 saying, why build ye not me an house of r 7
. . ft«/.13.13. c. men the children of Belial are gono
18. the pomo of her strength shall c. 33. 28. 1 Kings 4. 33. he spake from the c. to the hyssop 25. 2. the wicked man be beaten by a c. number
Hot.T. t4. raiser will c. from raising 5. 8. I will do all thy desire concerning e. 2 Chron 8. 13. after a c. rate every d.iy offering
jimosT.5. O
Ld.God, e. by whom shall Jacob arise 2 Kings 14. 9. the ihisile sent to the c. C Chr. 25. 18 Aeh. 1. 2. ilaiiani came, he and c, men of Judah
jiets 13. 10. will not e. to pervert the right ways Job 40. 17. Behemoth moveth his tail like a r. 4. I mourned c days, and fasted, and prayed
1 Cor. 13. 8. whether they be tongues, they shall c Psal. 92. 12. the righteous shall grow like a c. 1 123. a r. portion should be for singers evisry day

£pA. 1. 16. I e. not to give thanks for you Cant. 1 17. the beams of our house are r. 13. 25. I smote c. of them, and plucked ofl hair
^ol. 1.9- we do not r. to pray for you to be filled 8. 9- we will inclose her witn boards of c. Jer 41.5. tliere earner, from Sliechem, from Shilob>
2 Pet. 2 14. having eyes that cannot c. from sin Isa. 41. 19. I will plant ic the wilderness the c. 52. 15. the captaiu carrivJ awa^ c. of poor
. .


ZM.8. C7. ! Dlliiel fainted and wis MsV r. days 7>S.59.5.t»rrible oies shall be as r.that passeth away J<r.S6.20.1iid up the roll in *.of Uixhama the scribt
11. 13. th* king of north shall come after c. years 33. 11. ye shall conceive c. and bring forth stubble E:tk. 40. 45. e. whose prospect towards the sonth
tdal. 18. 2>. kingd. of heav. likened tor. kir.ii.CC.C. 41. 15. thresh mountains, and make the hills as c. 46.e. whose prospect toward the north for priesu
20. 20. she and her sons desiring a e. thing of him Jer. 23. 28. what is the c. to the wheat ? saith Lord Dan. 6.10. his windows being open in his f. tojeiai.
Idari 12.42. there catneac. poor widow, Luktil 2. Dan. 2.35. became like the c. of the threshing floor Joel 2. It), let the bridegroom go forth of his c.
i4. 57- arose r. and bare false witness against him Hos. 13.3. as the e. which is driven with whirlwind Bed-Chambkr; See Bed. Gcard-Ch.vmbbr :
LuJit 5. 12. it caane topasi when ne was in a e. city ZepA. 2. 2. before the decree, before day pass as c. See Guard.
8. 20. told him by c. thy mother stands to see thee .Ua*. 3.12. will bum up the r. with fire, LuktZ. 17. <5K«r-CHAMBER.
10. 38. as he went into a e. village, 17. 12. CHAIN Mark 14.14. sav, w nere is the guesl-c. luke 22. 1 1
11. 27. a c. woman lifted up her voice and said Signifies, [I] Links of iron, gold, or silver, one 'inner CHAMBER.
37. a r. Pharisee besought him to dine with him •uil/iin another, uhich uere (1) Sacred, tho<e 1 King; 20.30. Benhadad fled, and came into inner e
18. 9. this parable to c. who trusted in ihenisekes made by Int ammand of God, for the breast- 22.25. shalt go into inner e. to hide, 2 Chr. 18. 24.
23. 19. who for a e. sedition and for murder plate uorn by the htgh-priest, Exod. 39. 15, 17. 2A'in5.i9.2.carrv Jehu into inner c. and take the box
24. 22. f .women also made us aatonished, who were 18. (2) Idolatrous, such as were made for idols, CHAMBER.
24. c. of them with us went to the sepulchre or images, Isa. 40. 1 9- (3J Common, w/iereuith 2 Kings 4. 10. let us make a little c. on the wall
John 5. 4. an angel went down at a c. season prisoners xere chained, Acts 12. 7- ['H Bon- Ezek. 40..7 little c. was one reed long and one broad
Actt 9- 19- Saul was e. days with the disciples dage, or ajfliction, hum. 3. 7. [HI] Severe 13. measured the gate from the roof of one lit. c
10. 48. they prayed I'eter to tarry c. days laws for the curbing of all open impiety, Kev. iUde CIIA.MBER, S.
32. 1. llerod th king to vex e. of the church
• 20. 1. Ezek. 41. 5. the breadth of every side-c. fourcubili
15. 24. c. which went from us, have troubled us Grti. 41. 42. gold c.abouthis neck, Dan. 5. 7. I6, 29- 6. the side-c. were vhree, one over another
17. 2«. aj e. of your own poets have said, for we Psal. 73. 6. pride compasseth them about as a c. 9. thickness of wall {or side-c. without, five cubits
iiinn. 15. 26. to make a contribution for e. saints at Cant. 4 9. have ravished me with one c. of thy neck Cpper CHAMBER.
Oai. 2. 12. for before that c. came from James /,«»!. 3. 7 .hedged me about, hath made my c. heavy 2 Kings 1.2. Ahciz fell thro' a lattice in h\iu/rper-c.
/Je6. 2.6. but one in a r. place testified, what is man Ezek, 7.23. make a c. land is full of bloody crimes 23.12. altars in top of the vpper-c. Josiah beat down
4. 4. he spake in a c. place of 7th day on this wise iC. 11. I put bracelets, and a c. on thy neck Acts 9. 37. washed, and laid Dorcas in an vpper-c.
7. be liaiiteth ac. day, saying, in David, to-day Acts 28.20.for hope of Israel I am boundwith this c. .39. brought Peter, when come into the upper-c
10. 27. but ac. fearful looking for of judgment 6. t 20. for which 1 am ambassador in a c. 20.8. many lights in upper-c. where wwe gathered
Judt 4. for there are c men crept in unawares 2 I'im. l.lS.Onesiphorus was not ashamed of my c. CHAMBERS.
CERTAIN. Rev, 20. 1. an angel and a great c. in his hzind Deut. 32. t 25. sword without, terror from the e.
Defil. 13. 14. if it be truth and the thing r. 17. 4. CilA IN-WORK. 1 Kings 6. 5. against wall of tne house he built e.
1 AiHff 2.37. know for c. thou shah surely die, 42. 1 A'i«;» 7. 17. wreaths of c. for chapiters of pillars 1 Chron. 9. 26. chief porters were overthe e. 23.28.
Jtr. 2t). 15. know for c. if ye put me to death CHAINS. 2 Chron. 31.11. Ilezekiah commanded to prepare f.
Van. 2. 45. the dream is r. and interpretation sure Exod. 28. 14. fasten the wreathen e. to ouches, 24. Ezra 8. 29. keep them till ye weigh them in the c.
Acts 25. 26. I have no c. thing to write to my lord 39. 15. they made on brejist-plaie c. at the ends Neh. 13. 9. I commanded, and they cleansed the c.
X Cor. 4. 11. we have no e. dwelling-place 2^um. 31. 50. for atonement, c. and bracelets, rings Job 9. 9. which maketh the c. of the south
1 Ttm. 6. 7. it is e. we can carry nothing out Judg. 8. 26. besides the c. about their camels' necks /'f(i/.104.3.who layeth beams of his f .in the waters
CERTAINLY. I Kings 6. 21. by the c. of gold before the oracle 13. he watereth the hills from his c. earth satisfied
Oen. 18. 10. he said, 1 will c. return to thee Psal. 149. 8. to bind their kings with c. and nobles 105. .30. land brought forth frogs in c. of their king
26. 28. we saw c. the Lord was with thee Prov. 1. 9. instruction shall be c. about thy neck Prov. 7. 27. way to hell going down to c. of death
43. 7. could we c. know he would say, bring your Cant. 1. 10. thy neck comely with c. of gold 24. 4. by knowledge c. shall be filled with riches
44. 15. wot ye not such a man as I cane, divine > Isa. 3. 19. the Lord will take away thy c. Cant. 1.4. the king hath brought me into his c.
50. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did to him 40. 19. goldsmith with gold, and casteth silver c. /ia.26.20. enter thou into thy c. and shut thy doors
£.'od. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this be atoken 45. 14. they shall come after thee in c. come over 7(^.22.13. woe to him thatbuildoth his c. by wrong
22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive Jer. 40. 4. i loose thee this day from thy c. 14. I will build me a wide house, and large c.
Lev. 5. 19. he hath c. trespassed against the Lord Ezek. 19. 4. they brought him with c. into Eg)-pt Jer. 35. 2. bring the Rechabites into one of the c.
24. ifl. all the congregation shall c. stone him 9. they put him in ward in c. and brought hmi Ezek. 8. 12. every man in the r. of his imagery
JcfA. 9. 24. because it was c. told thy servants Mark 5. 3. no man could bind him, no not with c. 21. 14. the sword which entereth into their privy c.
Mid^. 14. 12. if ye can e. declare the riddle to me 4. the c. had been oft plucked asunder by him 42. 13. they be holy c. where priests shall eat
1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father c. knoweth I have found Acts 12. 7. Peter's c. fell off from his hands Mat. 24.26. behold, he is in the secret c. believe not
9- if I knew c. evil were determined by my father 2 Pet. 2. 4. to hell, delivered them into c. of darkn. f';);)(;r-CHAMBERS.
23. 10. f. heard that Saul will come to Keilah Jwrfed.he hath reserved in everlasting c.under dark. 2 Chr. 3. 9. and he overlaid the vpper-c. with gold
25. 28. Lord will e. make my lord a sure house See Bou.vD. Ezek. 42. 5. the upper-c. were shorter for galleries
1 Kh'gt 1.30. even so will I c. do this day CHALCEDONY. CHAMBERING.
2 Kings 8.10. go, say to him, thou mayest c. recover Rev. 21. 19- t^e third foundation was a c. Rom, 13. 13. walk not in c. and wantonness
2 CAr.l8.27. Micaiahsaid, if thouf. return in peace CHALK-STONES. CHAMBERLAIN, S.
Prov. 23. 5. for riches f. make themselves wings lio. 27. 9- hemaketh all the stones of the altar c. 2 Kings 9. + 32. looked out to Jehu two or three c.
Jer.8. 8. we are wise,"lo, c. in vain made he it CHALLENGETII. 23. 11. by the chamber of N athan-melech the c.
13. 12. do we not c. know every bottle be filled Biod. 22. 9- any lost thing another c. to be his Esth. 1. 10. the seven c. that served the king
25. 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall c. drink CHAMBER 2. 15. but what I legal the king's c. appointed
36. 2y. king of Babylon shall c. destroy this land Signifies, [1] An apartment, or room tn a house, 21. two of king's c. were wroth, and sought to lay
40. 14. dost thou r. know that Baal is sent? (Jen. 43. 30. Dan. 6. 10. [2] The clouds, Acts 12. 20. Blastus the king's c. their friend
42. 19. know e. I have admonished you this day Psal. 104. 13. [3] An vpper room, or an apart- Rom. 16. 23. Erastus, c. of the city, saluteth you
22. e. ye shall die by the sword and by famine ment xJiereiii people generally cat, zihere the CHAMOIS.
44. 17. c. do what thing goeth out of our mouth disciples did eat the passover, and did partake Deut. 14. 5. these ye shall eat, wild ox and the c.
Lam. 2. 16. c. this is the day that we looked for of the JJord's supper, and uhcre afterwards they CHAMPAIGN.
iJan. 11. 10. one shall c. come and overtiow, 13. assembled for divine worship. Acts 1. 13. 20.8. Deut. 11 30. who dwell in the c. over against Gilgal

Hecli. 11. 1 11. poor c. knew it was word of the L. 1 he chambers of the south. Jib 9. 9. Those stars Ezek. 37. t 2. many bones in the open c.
Luit 23. 47. saying, c. this was a righteous man and coiutellations which are towards the southern CIIA.MPION.
CERTAINTY. pole 1 so called, because they are for the most part 1 Sam. 17. 4. there went out a c. out of the camp
JosA. 23. 13. know fore. Lord will no more drive hid and shut up, as chamber: commojily are, from 51. when the Philistines saw their c. was dead
1 Sam. 23. 23. come ye again to me with the e. these parts of the world, atid do not rise or ap- CHANCE.
Prov. 22. 21. make known the e. of words of truth pear to vs till the beginning of summer, when Deut. 22. 6. if a bird's nest c. to be before thee
Dan 2. 8. I know of c. ye would gain the time they raise winds and teinpcits, as astronomers 1 Cor. 15. 37. it may c. of wheat or other grain
Luke 1. 4. thou mightest know the c. of those things obserie. CHANCE.
Acls'il. 34. he could not know the c. for tumult The king hath brought m« '^to his chambers. 1 Sam. 6. 9- it was a c. that happened to us
22. 30. because he would have known the c. why Cant. 1.4. Christ the King of hit church has 2 Sam. 1. 6. as I happened by c. on mount (jilbo*
CERTIFY, I ED. vouchsafed unto me most intimate and familiar Eccl. 911. but time and c. happeneth to them all
2 <Sam.l5.28.till there come word from you tor. me fellowship with himself in his ordinances. Luke 10. 31. by c. a priest came down that way
Ezra 4. 14. therefore have we sent and c. the king Enter thou into thy chambers, Isa. 26. 20. /-Ty CHANCETH.
16. wt e. the king, that if this city be built again to God by faith, prayer, arid repentance, for pro Deut. 23. 10. uncleanness that 1:. him by Dlght
5. 10. we asked their names also to c. thee lection, depend upo-i, his proirdence, lay hold CHANCELLOR.
7. 21. wer. to yon to impose no toll on the I.evites upon his promises, and make\^ of his attrihutes. £»ra 4.8. Rehunif. WTote a letter to Artaxerxes, 9,
/jM. 2.22. Esther eking thereof in Mordecai's name lie alludes to the common practice of men, who, 17. then the king sent answer to Rehum the c.
Cat. 1.11. 1 c. you gospel I preached, not after man when there are storms or dangers abroad, betake CHANGEABLE.
CHAFED. themselves to their own chambers or houses for Isa. 3. 22. Lord take away the c. suits of apparel
C Sam.yj .8. they be c. in their minds as bear robbed safety; or, as some think, to that history, Exod. CHANGE, S.
CHAFF 9. 19, 20. or to that command, of not going out Lev. 27.33. both it and the c. thereof shall be hol\
Is ine refuse of uimio-jed com, ahten is barren, of their houses, Eiod. 12. 22. or to the iikelJuds. 14. 12. I will give you thirty c. of raiment
Itgl't, and aft 10 be driven to and fro zi ilh llic charge given to Rahab, Josh i. I9 13. you shall give me thirty f.of raiment
vi%nd, Psal. 1.4. To which are compared. (1) Gen. 43. JO. Joseph entered into his c. and wept Job 11. t 10. if he make a <•. who can hinder .'

talte doctrine, or metis dreams and inventions, Jvdg. 15. .1. I will go in to my wife into the c. 14. 14. all my days will I wait till my c. come
Jer. 23. 28. (2) Fruitiest plots and detjgits, 16. 9. tliere were Hers in wait abiding in the c. 12. Prov. 24. 21. meddle not with them given to c.
Isa. 33. 11. (3) Hypocrites and ungodit/ per- 2 Sam. 13. 10. bring meat into the c. that I may eat '/.ech. 3. 4. I will clothe thee with e. of raiment
sons, tcho are vile, barren, and inconstant, like 2 Kingsi.ll. Elishatumedinto the r. and lay there Heb.l, 12. there is made of necessity a c of the lav
chajf, 3. 12. \eh. i3. 5. he prepared for Tobiah a great e. CHANGE, Verb.
Jab 21. 18. wicked as e. that storm carrieth away ti. cast forth all the household stuff out of the c. Gen. .35. 2. be clean and e. your garments
Ptal 1. 4. like the c. which the wind driveth away Jub 37. t 9. out of the c. Cometh the whirlwind Lev. 27. 10. he shall note. it||33. norr. it, if hee.
35. 5. let them be as e. before the wmd I'ial. 19. 5. as a bridegroom cometh out of hisc. Job 17. 12. they c. the night into day, light is short
Isa. 5. 24 as Hame consumeth the c. so iher Cant. 3. 4. into the c. of her that conceived me Psal. 102. 26. as a vesture shalt thou c. tnem
17. 13 the natioos »ha.U be chcised 32 the c. Jtr. 36. 10. read tlic book io the f. of Gemahah Isa. 9. 10. bat ve rSi. c. them into cedars
Isa. <0. t 31. that wait on (he Lord shall c strength Eiod. 6. 13. the Lord gave Moses and Aaron a c. Num. 7. 85. each r. of silver weighing nOBhekcll
Jer. -2. 30. wliy gaddest ihoi: so nuich to c. thy way :\!tm. 4. 31. this isthc c. of their burdtn in tabern. Ezra 9. this is number of theui, one thousand r.
1 .

13. C.I. can KUiiopian r.his skin.oi- leopard spots? K.Cfi. ihusshnlt doiDihe Levites. touching their c. A/u< 14.U.give Jolin ISapt. head in a r. Silaii U.S5.
pint. ".Co. he shall think to r. times and laws 9. 19. then Israel kept the r of the Lord, C3. CHAIUil'.S.
llus. 4.7. I will c. their ghiry inio sluinie C7.C3. Moses gave .loshua a r. Heiii. 31. C.3. 2 Chron. B. 14. he appointed the Levites to iheirr.
(liiA. 1. 11. then shall his n\ind c. and pass over Dent. CI. 8. l.iy not iniuvent blood to people's r. 31. 17. from CO years in their r. by courses
jijiil. :t. 6 for I am the Lord, 1 r. not, therefore Joth. CC. 3 Reubeniies have kept r. of the Lord 3o.C.hesetpriesis in their r. and eneou raged iheiB
Wf/t 6. 14. and shall c. the customs delivered C Ha'". 17. tC3. Ahilhophel cave r. conieriiing .li/\ 21. 24. ihcm tal>e, and be at r. wiili ilieni

livm. 1. C6. their women did c. the natural nse 18.5. the king paver, concerning Absaton 1 Cor. y. 7. who gueth .1 warfare at his own r./
dill. 4. CO. 1 desire to be present, and i-. my voice 1 h'iugf 1 1.C8. .leroboam made ruler over all iliec. CHARGESr.
I'/iil. ,1. CI. Christ, who shall r. our vile body C h'iii^s 7. 17. the lord to have ther. of the gale 2 Sa?n. 3. 8. thou r. n e to day wilh a fault
Hed, 12. 1 17. he found no way to r. his mind 1 C/iri»/i. y. 27. because ther. was upon them CHARGING.
CIIANCILD, lilll. CO. t30. of Ilebroniles 1700 over the r. Alts 16. 23. r. the jailor to keep ihem safely
Gen. .31. 7. J'onr lather e. my wages ten times, 41. 2 C//<-.:W.17. Levites had the r. of killing passovers 2 'J'im. 2. 1 4. r. iliey strive not about words

41 14..)osephf.hi5raimenl,andcamr in to Pharaoh iVrA. 7. C. I gave llanaiii r. over Jerusalem CIIARIOr

t«i/. I.'l. l6. if raw (lesh turn and be e. to while Euh. 3. 9. of those that had r. of the business Signifies, [I] .} sort of li:;hi loach. Gen. 40. 29.
55. if the plague have not r. his colour JoliM.\:i. wlio luitli given him a r. over the earth' [2] Chano/3 of ::ar, out oj uliirh some of the
l&twi.Cl. 1.1. her. his behaviour before them /'sal. .35. 11. they laid to my r. tilings 1 knew not nniicnis Jou«ht, thcii were nrmtit uiih jaielnit
2 &i;«.lC. CO. Dav. r.his apparel, canieto honseof L. loy. i a. let another take his r. Aits 1. 20. and sctiihes in sevenit places, ivhii/i lore everp
'iA'ihi;jC4. 17. k. of Babylon r. his name loZedek. Jer.titJ. 1 1. king of Bab. gave r. concerning .leremiah ihinf tlieii met leiili to pieces, Exod. 14. 7.
Co. Cij. c. his prison-garments, Jer. 5C. 3:1. 47. 7. Lord haih given it a r. against Ashkelon .losh. 11.4. [3.] Hosts, or urmiti, Psal. iM. 17.
Esi/i. C. + 9- he c. her and maids to the best place Ezet. 9. 1. cause tliem that have r. over the city [4] llnmun, ur uorldly ihinss, uherein men it-
Joi C'J. CO. my
bow was e. in hand my 44. 8 ye have not kept the r. of my holy things pine their confidence, I'sal. 20. 7.
30. IB. great force of my
disease is my
garment c. 15. the priests that kept the r. of my sanctuary Elij.ih is called t/ie chariot of Israel and horse.

J'ial. 15. 4. he sweareth to his hurt, and e. not 48. 11. priests kept my r. who went not astray men ihereoj, 2 Kin^s 2. 12. that is, Ij-j his ei-
IOC. C(). as a vesture they shall be c. llei. 1. IC. Alts'. 60. Lord, lay not this sin to their r. ainple, his coumcls, hit prayers, ami poxer tiVA
10(5. CO. thus they c. their glory into an ox U. 27. an eunuch, who had r. of all her treasure ('od, he did more J'or the dejence and preserva-
Ecci. a. 1. the boldness of his face shall be c. 12. t25. when Barn.abasand Saul fulfilled their r. tion oj' Israel, than all their chariots and horses,
ha. C4. 5. c. the ordinance, broken the covenant 10. 24. received such a r. thrust them into prison and other -.cariike proiin'ons.
Jer.'i.W. r. their gods, my
people haver. their glory 23. 29. nothing laid to his r. worthy of death .Solomon made a chariot of ihe wood of Lcbanou,
48. 1 1 his taste remained, and his scent is not c.
. Ji<j»n.8.33. who shafllavany thing tor. of God's elect C.inl. 3. 9. Christ, oJ whom .Solomon uai a cxye,
Lam. 4. 1. gold dim, how is the most hiie gold c. ! 1 Cor. 9. 18. make the gospel of Christ without r. establiihed for the nlory of hi\ ^roee ihe new to
Eiek. 5.C. she hath c. my
judgments into wickedii. 1 Tim. 1. 18. this r. 1 commit to thee, son limnthy tenant, or the gospel, aihereby believers are carrs4d
Dan. C. 9. prepar. lying to speak, till the lime be c. 2 Tim. 4. 16. 1 pray it may not be laid to their r. to heaven; uhich it of an iierlasling nature

CI. her. llie times and seasons, removeth kings ^e Kki;!*. lleb. 13. 20. Rev. 14. (T.
3. 19. form of his visage was c. against Shadraeh Cii< CHARGE. Cen. 41. 43. he made him to ride in the second r.

C7iior were their coats c. nor smell of fire passed Xnm. 27. 19- *nd jjpi .loshua a r. in their sight /.ri.(/. 14. 25. the Lord took ofl" their r. wheels
4.16. let his heart her. from man's, and let a beast's Deiil. 31. 14. call Joshua that I may gi'ir him a r. 1 l\ings 7.33. the wheels like the work of a r. wheel

6. 8. sign writing thai it be not c. according to law 2 Sam. 14. 8. go, and I will jjik* r. concerning thee 18. 4t. prepare thy r. and gel thee down
15. that DO decree the king established may be c. 2 A';Hgi20 tl. S'i'f r. concerning house, ha. .38.(1. Co. 25. number thee r. for r. and we will fight
17. that the purpose might not be c. about Daniel \Chron.'i1. 12. only the L. ^ive thee wisdom and r. 33. he caused him to come up into the r.
2'.'. 35. the blood ran into the midst of the e.
Idic. C. 4. he hath c. the portion of my people /^.i/j/. 91.11. ?(;r his angels r. Mat.i.Q. Lnkei.lQ.

Acts C8. 6. the barbarians c. their minds, and said Isa. 10. 6. will I give him a c. to take the spoil .38. one washed the r. iu the pool of Samaria

liom. 1. C3. c. the glory of the uncorruptible Gcd 1 Tim. 5. 7. these things ^ive in r. that they be 2 Kings 2.11. there appeared a < of fire and liorses .

C5. who c. the truth of God into a lie G.13. 1 {iVrthee r. in sight of God, who quickeneth 12. cried, my father, ihe r. of Israel, 13. 14.
1 Cor. 15. 51 not all sleep, but we shall all be <. 5C.
. CHARGE. 5. 21. he lighted from the r. to meet Guhazi

2 Cor. 3. 18. r. into same image from glory to glory Eiod. 19. 21. the Lord said, go down.r. the people 9. 16. Jehu rode in a r. |C7. smite him in the c.
Hit. 7. IC. for priesthood being c. a change of law Sum. 5. 19. the priest shall r. her by an oath 28. servants carried him in ar. to Jerus. 23. .30.
CIIANGLSI", ED, coHittenanct. Ueut. 3. 28. but r. Joshua and encourage him 1 Chron. 28. 18. gave gold for the pallern of the r.

Job 14.C0.thou r.his connltnance, sendest him away Seh. 10. 32. to r. ourselves yearly with third part 2 Chiott. 35. 24. his servants took him out of the r.
Dan. 5. 6. the king's coitnunnnct was c. in him, i^ Esth. 4. 8. r. Esther that she go in to the king Psal. 46. 9. he burnetb the t. in the fire
10. nor let thy cowil.he c. ||
7.CR.niy rfliiH/.cin niu Cint.Q.T. I r. you, O ye daughters, 3.5. 5.8. | 8.4.
76. 6. r. and horse arc cast into a dead sleep
CHANGERS. 5. 9. what is thy beloved, that ihou dost so r. us r Cant. 3. 9. made a r. of the wood of Lebanon
Prov.'ii. } CI .fear Lord and king,meddle not with c. .17o;X- 9. 25. I r. thee come out and enter 110 more Isa. 21.7. he saw a r. wilh horseinen, a c. of asses
Alat.Ql. IC. Jesus went to temple and overthrew 1 7'/i«j.5. 27. 1 r. you that this epistle be read y. here coa;elh a r. of men with horsemen
tables of raoney-r. Mart 11. 15. John C. 14, 15. 1 'J'im. 1. 3. r. that they teach no other doctrine 43. 17. who briiigeth forth the r. and horse
ClIANGL-S. 5.21. Ir.thee before God and Jes. Christ, 2 7ir/;i, 4.1. Jer. 51. 21. will break in pieces the r. and rider

0<n. 45. QC. to each he gave f. to Benjamin fiver. 6.17- r. them that are rich in this world, that they Mic. 1. 13. bind the r. to the swift beast
t Ktnifs 5. 5. he took with him ten r. of raiment CHARGEABLE. Zech. 6.2. first r. red horses, second r. blark horses
2C. give them, I pray thee, two r. of garments 2 Sam. 13. 25. let us not all go, lest we be r. to thee 9. 10. 1 will cut off the c. from Ephraim
23. bound two r. of garments, and laid them .\'eh. 5. 15. the former governors were r. to people Acts 8. C9. said, go near and join thyself 10 hisr.
loi 10. 17. r. and war are against me "Cor. 11.9. when with you, I was r. to no man 38. he commanded the r. to stand siill
Pial. 55. 19. because they have no r. they fear not 1 7'/ir.(*. C.9. because we would not be any of ynu his CHARIOT.
CHANGING. C 'J'hess, 3. 8. that we might not be r. to any of you Oen. 46. 29. Joseph made ready hii c. and went
Rnl'i 4. 7. this was manner in Israel concerning r CHARGED. Exod. 14.6. Pharaoh made ready his c. .nnd look
S. GrH. C6. 11. Abimelech r. his people, saying Jitdg. 4. 15. Sisera lighted oS his <. and fled aw .-vy
e Sam. 2C. 16. r. of the sea appeared, Psaf. 18. 15 28. 1. Isaac called Jacob, and r. him, and said 5. 2U. why is his c. so long in coming ? why tarry
/ui31. + CC. let my arm be broken from r. bone 40.4. captain of the guard r. Joseph wilh them 1 Kings 12. 18. king made speed to/n'jr.e C'f/.IO.IB.

/*rt.8. 7. he shall come up over all hisr. and bank; 49. 29. Jacob r, his sons, and said to them, 1 am 22. .34. I'.e said to the driver o( his r. turn thy nano
27. IC.the Lord shall beat off from r. of the river 50. 1 16. they r. a messenger to Joseph .35, Ahab was stayed up in his c. and died at even

CHAl'lTEK, S. Eiod. 1. 22. Pharaoh r. all his people, saying 2 Kings 5. y. Naamaii came with his r. and stood
Ezotl. 36. 38. he overlaid their r. with gold, :!!!. CK. Dent. 1. 16. 1 r. your judges at that lime, saying C6. when the man turned again from his c.
.38. 17. the overlaying of their r. were silver, ly. 24. 5. nor shall he be r. with any business, but free 9.21. /lis c. was made ready,went out each in hue.
1 h'iitfisT .\6. made twor. of brass, C C/ir.i. 12, l.i. C7. 11. Moses r. the people the same day, saying 21-. sniolc Jehoram, and he sunk down in his c.

2 A'i«»(C5. 17. ther. upon it was brass, Jer. 5C. CC. 1 Sam. 14.C7. Jonathan heard not when .Saul r.peop. 10. 16. so they made him to ride in his c.
timos 9. 1 1 . smite the r. of the door that posts shake C Sam. 18. IC. for in onr hearing the king r. thee I'iol. 104. 3. who makelli ihe clouds his c.
Zep/i.i. 1 14. the bittern shall lodge in the r. 1 h'ings C. 1 David r. Solomon his son, saying, 1 go
. Jer. 4. 13. his c. shall be as a whirlwind
CHAPMEN. 43. the commandment that 1 have c. thee wilh .Uls 8. 28. silling in /in r. read I'.saias the prophet
2 Clir. 9. 14. besides what r. and merchants brought 13. 9. so was it r. me by the word of the Lord CHARIOr-CiriES.
CHAI'EL. C C/(r<»i.3C.C3. Lordr. me to build house, Ecra I.C 2 Chr. I. 14. horsemen which he placed in c.-ciiies

^mos 7. 13. it is the king's r. and the king's coiirt Ach. 13. 19. r. they not be opened till after sabbath 2CAfii;i.8.(). Solomon built e.-eilus, and store cities
CHAl>T. £'i//;.2.10.iiot shewed people, as .'\Iordecair. hcr,20. 9. 25. bestowed in the c.-ciiies and with the king
Jer. 14. 4. because ground isr. there was no rain Job 1. 22. Job sinned not, nor r. God foolishly CHA RIOI -HORSES.
CIIARA.SIII.M. 4. 18. and his angels he r. wilh folly 2 .Snwi.H.4. David houghed all c. -hones, \ C/ir.l8.-t
1 C/iron. 4. 14. Joab the fatlier of the valley of r. Jer. .32. 13. I r. Uarucli before them, saying ; Kings'i. 14. thev took therefore Iwo c.-horse%
CIIARCJE 35.8. have obeyed .lonadab in all that he hath r. 11s CHARIOl'MAN.
Signipp'!, [1] To eommaud, Kxod. 1. CC. [C] To Mat. 9. 30. Jesus slraillyr. them, saying, see that 2 Chr. 18. 33. he said to the c.-matt, liirn ihy haad
pro/iiiii, ur intirdicl. Gen. C8 1, [3] 'I'o adjure, no man know it, :Unr>t 5. 43. Lii/r9. -'• c:iiARU)rs.
or bind liti a solemn oaili, 1 Sam. 14. C". 12. Ifi. Jesusr. not lomakehim known, lUn/X 3. 12. Gen. 50.9. there went up Joseph horse
wiili r. and
[i] To
load, or iiwden, Ueut. C4. 5. 1 riin'''5. 16. [5] .'»/«r/7..'J0.r.nottotell,8.3O. 9.9. /.Hiiro. 14.
B.oO. |
Exod. 14. 7. Pharaoh look 6OO r. and all the r.
To exhort, 1 Ihess. C. 11. [6] An ofUe, or em- 10. 48. many r. him that he should hold his peace 17.1 will gel honour upon his c. and horsemen
ploy. Num. 8. C6. Horn. 3.(9. we have r. Jews and (ieniiles under si 28. the waters covered all the r. and all ihe host
To lay any thing to one's charge, i.i to accme liim I Ihess. 2. 11. we r. every one of you as a father lo. 4. Pharaoh's r. and host lialh he cast inu)sea
of It, and proiecute and funiih him for it, Psal. 1 7i«i. 5. 16. and let not church be r. that it mav 10. for the horse of Pharaoh went in wilh his c.
35. n. CHARGED.Sl'. .losii. 17.16. have r. of iron, VS.Jiidg. 1. I9. 4.3. I

To have the charge of any thing, to lie intnisted Exod. 19. 23. thou e. us, saying, set bounds about Jiulg. 4 15. Lord discomfited Sisera and all his c
uiih It, or to have the oitrsi^hl and mrinngewent CIIARtJER, S. 5. 28. she cried, why tarry ilic wheels of his c.t
of ii. Acts K. C7. Snm.'i. 13. his oflering was one silver r. 19. 25. 1 Sam. 8. 11. the king will appoint thein for his r.
Cfn."f>. 5 Abraham kept my r. and my statutes 31. 37, 43, 40, 61. 07. 7:t. 79. 13.5. Philistines, to fight againsl f si ael , .W,>X>0 e
2(1.6. Isaac(ave Jacob a r. saying, not take a wife 84. this was the dedication of the aliar, twelve r. "iSam. 1 6 ihc r.and Uorsemeu followed after Saul


'2Snm.\0. 18. D. slew the men
of 700 c of Syrians Ju!g they inclosed Benjamites and c. them
20. 43. CHEER.
1 Kiiigsin. 2(i. Solomon had 1400 c. li.WJOhursemtt ISain. 17. 63. Israel returned from c. tlie I'hihstiuffi Deui. 24. 5. and shall c. up his wife he hath taken
Ifi. 9. Zimri captain of half his c. conspired S'eh. 13. 28. therefore I c. him from me Elccl. 11. g. letthy heajt c. thee indaysofthyyoQti
a. 32. when the capti. of the c. saw Jehoshaphat Job 18. 18. he shall be c. out of the world CHEER.
S Kings 13. 7- left but ten c. and fifty horsemen 20. 8. he shall he c. away as a vision of the night Prov. 17. + 1. than a house full of good c. with strife
llt.C4. how put thy trust on Egypt fore. ha. 36.9. Piov. 19. 26. and he that c. away his mother Mat. p. 2. son, be of good e. thy sins be foripven thea
J'tal. 68. 17. the c. of God are twenty thousand Isa. 13. 14. it shall be as thee roe, as a sheep that 14.27. is I, benotafraid,.Uuri-6.5H.
Cdyil. 6. 12. my soul like the <r. of Ammi-nadib I". 13. they shall be c. as the chaff before the wind .John 16. 33. be of good c. I have overcome world
JFia. 2. 7- full of horses, nor is any end of their r. Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies <:. me sore like a bird Acts 23. 11. stood by him and said, be of good c. P.
22. 18. c. of thy glory be the shame of thy lord 1 Thess. 2. t 15. killed their prophets, and c. us out 27. 22 and now 1 exhort you to be of good c.
11. 1. woe to them that trust in c because many CHASTE. 25. wherefore sirs, be of good c. for I believe God
57. 21. by the multitude of my <-. am I come up 2 C(r. 11.2. that I may present yon as a c. virgin 36. then were they all of good c. and took meat
€6.13. behold the Lord will tome with fire jmd c. Tit. 2. 5. that the young women be c. obedient CHEERETH.
like awhirlwind, Jer. 4. 13. Dan. 11.40. 1 Pet. 3. 2. while they behold your c. conversation Judg. 9. 13 leave my wine, which e. God and man
Jer. 47- 3. at rushing of his c. fathers not look back CHASTEN CHEERFUL.
"fitet. 23. 24. they shall come against thee with c. Signifies, [1] To correct in love, Psal. 118. 18 Prov. 17. 13. merry neart maketh a c. countenance
26. 10. thy walls shall shake at the noise of the c Heb. 12. 5, 6. [2] To punish in justice. Lev Zech. 8. 19. shall be to house of Judahjoy andr. f.
Joel 2. 5. like the noise of the c. shall they leap 26. 28. [3] To humble one s self before God by 9. 17. corn shall make young men e. and new wine
Mic. 5. 10. I will cut off horses, and destroy thy c. fasting and prayer, Dan. 10. 12. 2 Cor. 9. 7. or of necessity, for G. loveth a c. giver
Jlah. 2. 3. the e. shall be with flaming torches 1 he chastisement of our peace was upon him, Isa. CHEERFULNESS.
4. the e. shall rage in streets and justle one another 53. 5. That punishment by which our peace, that Rom. 12. 8. ne tnat sheweth mercy with c.
13. I am against, and will burn her c. in smoke is, our reconciliation to God, and salvation or CHEERFULLY.
£/<tg.2.22. I will overthrow the c. and those'ride happiness, were to be purchased, was laid upon Acts 24. 10. I do the more e. answer for myself
Aev. 9^. the sound of their wings as the sound of c. Christ by God's justice, with his own consent. CHEESE, S.
CHARIOTS with horses. 2 Sam. 7. 14. I will c. him with the rod of men 1 Sam. 17. 18. carry these ten c. to the captain
J£sod. 14. p. all the horses and c. of Pharaoh, 23 Psal. 6. 1. nor c. me in thy hot displeasure, 38. 1. 2 Sam. 17. 29. Barzillai brought sheep and c. to D.
Deul. 11. 4. what he did to their horses and c. Prov. 19. 18. c. thy son while there is hope, spare Job 10. 10. hast thou not curdled me like c. ?
20. I. when thou seest horses and c. fear not Dan. 10. 12. thou didst c. thyself before thy God CHERISH.
Josh. 11. 6. thou shalt hough their horses, burn^-. Hev. 3. 19. as many as I love I rebuke and c. 1 Kings 1. 2. let her c. him, and lie in chy bosom
y. Joshua houghed horses, burnt their c. with fire CHASTENED. CHERISHED.
2 .Sam. 15. 1. Absalom prepared horses and c Deui. 21. 18. they have <:. him, he will not hearken 1 Kings 1. 4. the damsel was fair, and c. the king
1 Ktn^r 20. 1. against Samaria with c. and horses Job 33. 19. he is c. also with pain on his bed CHERISHETH.
9. /lings 6. 17. the mountain was full of c. and
horses Psal. 6g. 10. I wept, and c. my soul with fasting Eph. 5. 29. c. his own flesh,
as the Lord the church
7. 6. the Syrians to hear a noise of horses and c. 73. 14. all day been plagued, and c. everymorning 1 Thtss. 2.7- were gentle, even as a nurse ^.children
10. 2. are with you c. and horses, a fenced city 118. 18. Lord hath c. me sore, he hz.lh not given CHERUB.
Psa/. £0. 7. some trust in c. and some in /torses Hos. 7.tl5. though I have c. they imagine mischief This word in the Hebrew /I'jni^?/ fulness of know-
Cant, l.g.compared thee to horses iu Tharaoh's c. 1 Cor. 11. 32. we are c. that we be not condemned ledge ; and angels are so called from their ex-
/sa. 66. 20. bring your brethren on horses and in c. 2 Cor. 6. 9. as dying, yet live, as c. and not killed (fUtsite knowledge, and were therefore used for
Jer. 17. 25. shall enter princes riding in c. 22. 4. Heb. 12. 10. for they verily for a few days c. us the punishment of man, who sinned by affecltn'
46. 9. come up, ye horses, and rage, ye e. CHASTENEST, ETH, ING. divine knowledge. Gen. 3. 24. There is but an
50. 37. a sword is upon their horses and their c. Deut. 3.5. as a man c. his son, so the Lord c. thee obscure description given us in scripture of these
Et»k. 26. 7. upon Tyrus Nebuchadnezzar with c. Job 5. 17- happy whom Godcorrecteth ; despise not cherubims, which Moses placed upon the ark
39. 20. shall be filled at my table with horses s-nA c. thou <:. of Almighty, Prov. 3. 11. Heb. 12. 5 of the covenant, Exod. 25. 18. as well as nj
t^ah. 3. 2. noise of prancing /ii>rj« and jumping c. Psal. 94. 12. blessed is the man whom thou c. those which God posted at the entrance of that
Halt. 3.8.didst ride on thy horses and c.of salvation Prov. 13. 24. but he that lovelh him c. betimes delightful garden oii of which he had driven
Hev. 18 13. no man buys their horses and c. Isa. 26. 16. poured out a prayer when c. was on them Adam and Eve. hut it is probable that both
CHARITABLY. Jleb. 12. 6. for whom the Lord loveth he c. one and the other had a human figure, since it
Mom. 14. 15. brother grieved, now walkest not <r. 7. if ye endure c. what son whom father c. not .'
is said of those which were placed at the entrance
CHARITY 11. no c.for present seems to be joyous,but griev of Paradise, that they had their station there
Js a principle of prevailing love to God and good CHASTISE. assigned them, to guard the entrance to it, and
tiill to men, which effectually inclines one en- Lev. 2fj. 28. 1 will c. you seven times for your sins held afiammg sword in Iheir hands. ^"Imi Ezekiel
dued uilh it to glorify Cod, and to do good to Deut. 22. 18. elders shall take the man and c. him compares the king of Tyre to the cherub that
others ; to be patient, slow to anger, and ready 1 Kingsl2.11. I will add to youryoke, I will<r. you covered the ark of the covenant, Ezek. 28. 14.
la put up wrongs ; to shou kindness to all, and with scorpions, 14. 2 Chron. 10. 11, 14. that is, he was like to this cherub, glittering all
leek tht good of others, though with prejudice Hos. 7. 12. I will c. them as their congregation over with gold and glory. Mosts says, that two
to himself. A person endued therewith does not heard cherubims coiered the mercy-seat with their
interpret dtuhtful things to the worst sense, but 10. 10. it is my desire that I should c. them wings extended on both sides, and looked one to
tlie best ; is sorry for the sins
of others, but re- Luke 23. 16. I will c. him, and release him, 22 another, having their facet turned toward the
joices when any one doei well, and is apt to CHASTISED, ETH. mercy-seat which covered the ark. God is sup-
bear with their failings and infirmities ; and 1 Kings 12. 11. did lade with heavy yoke father ;
posed to sit on the mercy-seat, whose face the
lastly, this grace is never lost, but goes with hath <r. you with whips, 14. 2 Chr. 10. 11, 14. angels in heaven always behold, and upon whom
us into another world, and is eiercised there Ps. 94. 10. he thatc. heathen, shall not he correct their eyes are fixed 10 observe and leceive his
1 Cor. 13. 1,4, &c. Jer. 31. 18. hast c. me, and I was c. turn thou me commands, and towards Christ, the true Propitia- t 15. now walkest thou not according to c. CHASTISEMENT. tory, which mystery they desiu to look in:?,
J Cor. 8. 1. knowledge puffeth up, but c. edifieth Dent. 11.2. your children who hath not seen thee. 1 Pet. 1. 12. not envying mankind their near
13. 1. speak with tongues, and have not c 2, 3. Job 34. 31. I have borne c. I will not offend more and happy relation to him, but taking pleasure
4. c. suffereth long, and is kind, c. envieth not Psal. 73. + 14. my e. was every morning in the contemplation of it. Moses likewisi calli
13. faith, hope, c. but the greatest of these ise. Isa. 53. 5. the c. of our peace was upon him those representations which were made in em-
14. 1. follow after c. and desire spiritual gifts Jer. 30. 14. have wounded with the c. of a cruel one broderics tipon the veils of the tabernacle, che-
16. 14. let all your things be done with c. //«i.l2.8.if without c. then are ye bastards.nut sons rubims of cuimiiig work, Eiod. 26. 1.
Col. 3. 14. above all these things put on c. CHANT. Exod. 25 19. make one c. on one end, and the
1 These. 3. 6. brought food tidings of your faith and c. .Imos 6.5. they c. to the sound of the viol and invent other c. on the other end, 37. 8.
i Thets. 1.3. c. towards each other aboundeth CHATTER. 2 Sam. 22. 11. he rode upon a c. Psal. 18. 10.
1 Tim. 1. 5. now the end of the commandment is c. Isa. 38. 14. like a crane or swallow, so did I c. Kings 6. 25. and the other c. was ten cubits
2. 15. be saved if they continue in faitb and c. CHAWS. 26. the height of one c. ten cubits, so of the other
4. 12. be an example in c. in spirit, in faith Eiek. 29.4. but I will put hooks in thy c. 38. 4. Ezek. 9. 3. the glory of God was gone up from the
t Tim.S. 22. follow righteousness ; faith, c. peace Ch£arful; f«« Cheerful. c. to tlie threshold of the house, 10. 4.
3. 10. hast fully known my doctrine, life, faith, c. CHECK. 10. 7. and one c. stretched forth his hand from the
Tit. 2. 2. aged men be sober, sound in faith, in c. Job 20. 3. 1 have heard the c. of my reproach 14. first face was the face of a c. second of a man
1 Pet. 4. 8. have fervent c. for c. shall cover sins CHECKER-WORK. 28. 14. thou art the anointed c. that covereth
5. 14. greet ye one another with a kiss of c. 1 Kings'. VT. Hiram made nets olc.-w. and wreaths 16. and I will destroy thee, O covering c.
i Pel. 1. 7. and to brotherly-kindness c. CHEEK. 41.18. between ac. and ac. every chad two facet
S John 6. strangers who have borne witness of thy c. 1 A'in»j22.24. Ztdekiah smote Micaiah on the CHERUBIMS.
Jude 11. these are spots in your feasts of c. said, which way Spirit of Lord, 2 Chron. 18. 23. Gen. 3. 24. he placed at the east of the garden c
Iteo. S. 19. I know thy works, and c. and service Job 16. 10. have smitten me on the c. reproachfully Exod. 25. 18. thou shalt make two c. of gold
CHARMED. Lam. 3. 30. he giveth his c. to him that smiteth him iG. 1. the tabernacle of c. of cunning work, 31.
J^er. 8. 17. I will send serpents which will not 37. 7. he made two c. of beaten gild of one piece
be c. Mic. 5.1. .shall smite the Judge with a rod on the c.
CHARMER. S Luke 6.29. to him smiteth one c. offer also the other 1 Kings 6. 23. within the oracle Le made two c.
Dent. \B. 11 there shall not be found among you ac Right CHEEK. 25. Both thee, were of one measure and one size
I'sal. 58. 3. not hearken to the voice of c. charming Mat. 5. 39. smite thee on thy right 28. and he overlaid the c. with gold
c. turn the othei
t not hearken to c. be the c. never so cunning CHEEK-BONE. 8. 7. the c. covered the ark, 2 Chr. 5. 8. Heb. 9. 5
CHASE. Psal. 3. 7- bast smitten all mine enemies 00 c.-bone 2 Chr. 3. 10. in the most holy place he made two c. 26.7. ye shall c. your enemies, and
they fall CHEEKS. Ezek. 10. 5. the sound of the c. wings was heard
8. and five ot you shall c. an hundred Deut. 18. 3. shall give to priest the twoc. and maw 16. when the c. went, the wheels went by thcji
3(5. and the sound of a shaking leaf shall
c. them Cant. 1. 10. thy c. are comely with rows of jewels 19- c. lift up their wings and mounted, 11. 28.
lieni 32. 30. how should onec. 1000. Josh. 23. 10. 5. 13. hisf are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers
. lietween the CHERUBIMS.
J\ al. 35. 5. let the angel of the Lord c. them ha. 50.6. 1 gave my e. to them that plucked off hair Exod. 25. 22. will meet thee from ie<Bxe» Me two c.
CHASED, EXH, ING Lam. 1.2. she weepeth, and her tears are on her c. -Vum.7.89. from between the twoc. he spake to him
Deu*. 1. 44. and the Amorites c. you as bees do CHEEK-TEETH. 1 Sam. 4.4. the ark of Lord which dwelleth betwetn
Jwig 9. •». Abimelech c. him, he a«d before Uim Joel 1 G.aation come up, buhe -(««<ii of agreatlion thtc. 2 Sam. 6. 2. 2 Kings I9 15, Isa. 37.16.
Plal 80. 1. that dwelleth hetueen the c. shine forth 2 Chron. 8. 9. but Tsmel were c. of Solomon's capt. positipn to the wicked, are lUewise called by tht

99. 1. he sitteth between the c. let earth be moved Acts 25.23. when Agrippa was entered with c. capt. name ; the children of Selh'^ family, in opposition
Et<r*. 10. e. fill with coals of fire from between the c. Rev. 6. 15. rich men and c. captains hid Oiemselves to the race p/Cain, Oen. 6. 2. '1 he sons ofGoci
7. hand from between e. to fin; that was between c. ClULF fathers. saw the daughters of men. Judges and magis-
CHESNUT-TREE, S. A'ron. 31.26. thou and the c. fathers of congregation trates are likewise termed children of God, Psal.
Gen. 30. 37. and Jacob took him rods of c.-tree 1 C/jron. 9-34.these c. fathers of Levites were chief 82. 6. 1 have said, you are gods and all si

Etek. 31. 8. the c. -trees were not like his branches 24. 31. the c. fathers of the priests and Levites you are the children of the Most High.
CHEST, S. 26. 32. were C700 e. fathers David made rulers In the Xew Testament, Believers are cemmoHly
2 Iiings 12. 9. Jehoiadatook c. and bored hole in lid 2 C/iroH.26.12.whole number oi c. fathersoi mighty called the children of God, by virtue of iheii
? Chr 24. 8. at kin;:'s commandment they made c. Eira 1.5. then rose up the c. oilhs fathers of Judah adoption, and the prerogatiies which Christ pur-
11. high-priest's officer came, and emptied ther. JWi.7.70.the c.ofthefathers gave to the work,"!. chased for them by the merits of his death and
Eui. 27. 2+. thy merchants iu c. of rich apparel CHIEF house. sufferings. John 1. 12, He hatn given us power
CHEW. Nnm. 3.24. the c. o( house of Gershonites, Eliasaph to become the sons of God: and elsewhere ; stt
i>r.ll.4.not eat of them that f. the cud, Deul. li.7. 30. the r. of house of the Kohathites, Elizaphan Rim. 8. 14. Gal. 3. 26.
CHEWED. .35. e. of the house of the Jlerarites, was Zuriel Children, or .Sons of men. This name is given
Num. 11. 33. ere the flesh was c. ^VTath was kindled 25. 14. Zimri was of a c. house among Simeonites to the men of Cam'a family, who lived before tha

CHEWETH. 15. name of woman was Cozbi, of ac. A. in Midian deluge; and in particular to the giants^ thos»
Ltv.ll 4. because he f. the cud, 5, 6. Dait.M 6. Josh. 22. 14. out of each c. house a prince was sent violent and corrupt men, who before the deluge had
7. yet the swine e. not the cud, Deiu. l-i. 8. CHIEF man, or men. corrupted their ways, ana drew down the most ter-
CHICKEKS. Lev. 21. 4. not defile himself, beinc; a c. man rible ejjects of God's anger upon the earth. Af-
Mat. 23.37. gathered even as a hen gatherethherc. 1 Chron. 7. 3. the sons of Uzzi, all of them c. men terwards the impious, the wicUd Israelites uert
CHIDE. 24. 4. more c. men of Eleazar, than of Jthamar catled the sons of men, Psal. 4. 2. O ye sons
Etod. 17. 2. the people did c. why c. you with me ? Etra 5. 10. the names of the meii that were c. of men, how long will ye love vanity ? .See Psal.
Judg.8. 1. the men of Ephraim did c.withGideon 7. 28, I gathered together c. rr^^i to go up with me 12. 1. 57. 4. But very often, by sons of mcn»

Psal. 103. 9. he will not always c. nor keep anger Isa. 41. 9- I called thee from the c. men thereof mankind are to be understood, without any odious
CHIDING. Acts 13. 50. but the Jews stirred up the c. men notion, as, Psal. 8. 4. What is the son of man.
Etod. 17 7. called Meribah. because off. of Israel 15. 22. Judas and Silas, c. men among brethren that thou visitesthira? Psal. W.-i. 145.12. |

CHIEF 28. 7. were possessions of the c. man of the island GtH.2 1 15. Hagar Ceist the f .under one of the shrub

Signifies, [1] I'/ie principal person of a faniilti, con- CHIEF priest. 16. she said, let me not see the death of the c.
gregation, tribe, army, dc. Num. 3. 30. Dent. 2 Kings 25. 18. the capt. took Seraiah the c. priest 37. 30. the c. is not, and I, whither shall I go i'

"1. 15. 1 Sam. 14. 38. 2 Sam. 5. 8. [2] The 1 Chron. 27. 5. Benaiah a c. priest was third capt. 42. 22. spake I not, do not sin against the c. ?
best, or most raliiable, 1 Sam. 15. 21. [3] 1'he 29. 22. and anointed Zadok to be c. priest Kxod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called the <. mother
highest, or uppermost. Mat. 23. 6. [4] The dearest, 2C/iroH.19.11.Amariah c.p. is over you in matters 22. 22. ye shall not afflict any fatherless c.
*r most familiar, Prov. I6. 28. [5] The greatest, 26" 20. and Azariah the c. priest looked on him Judg. 1 1 ."U. Jephthah's daughter was his only c

Psal. 137. 0. [6] Most in esteem and reputation, CHIEF priests. 13. K. and teach us what we shall do to the c
Luke 14. 1. 2 Cor. 12. 11. [7] Most forward Ezra 8. 24. then 1 separated twelve of c of priests 1 Sam. 1. 25. and they brought the c. to Eli
and active, Ezra 9. 2 [8] Most remarkable and 10. 5. made the c. priests and all Israel to swear 3. 8. Eli perceived tb" Lord had called the 1
wonderful. Job 40^ 19. Xeh. 12. 7. these were c. priests in days of Joshua 2 Sam. 12. 14. the c. that is bom to thee shall die
Oen. .37 i 36. they sold Joseph to a c. marshal Mat. 16. 21. and suffer many things of thee priests 15. Lord struck the c. that 'Jriah'swife bare
40 9 the c butler told his dream to Joseph 26. 47. a multitude with staves from the c. priests 16. David t'nerefore besought God for the c
Ci .he restored the c. butler to his butlership again 27.12.whenhewas ^ccuseioi c. priests, Mark 15.3. 19. David perceived that the c. was dead
22. but hanged the c. baker as Joseph interpreted 41. c. priests mocking with scribes, Mark 15. 31. 1 Kings 3. 25. he said, divide the living c. in two
A»m. 3. 32. Eleazar shall be c. over c. of Levites Markii.l. c.priests sought to take him and put him 14.3. he shall tell thee, what shall become of the c.
Veut. 1. 15. I took the c. of your tribes, wise men to death, 55. Mat. 26. 59. Luke 9. 22. |
22. 2. 17. 22. the soul of the c. came into him again
1 Sam. 15 21. the people took thee, of the things Luke 23. 23. voices of them and c. priests prevailed 2 Kings 4. 31. he told him, the c. is not awaked.
8 .S<7m.23.18.Abishai brother of Joabr. among three Jvhnl 32. c. priests ient officers to take him, IH. 3.
, 35. the c. neesed, and the c. opened his eyes
1 Kings 9. 23. these were the c. of the officers 19. 15. f./)n>jY5 answered, we have no king but Cesar Piov.QS. 13. witlihold not correction from thee.
1 Chron. 5. 2. for of Judah came the c. ruler Acts 9- 14. he hath authority from c priests, 26. 10. Led. 4. 8. yea, he hath neither c. nor brother
116. whosoever smiteth the Jebusites first shall 22. JO. commanded the r p. and council to appear
. 15. with second c. that shall stand up in his steal''
be c. and captain, Joab went first and was c. CHIEF prince, or princes. Isa. 3. 5. the c. shall beh.ave himself proudly
J8. 17. the sons of David were f. about the king 1 Chron. 5. + 2. and of Judah came the c. prince 7.16. for before the c. shall know to refuse the evil'
26. 10. tho' not first-born, his father made him c. 7. 40. were children of Asher, <-. of the princes 8. 4. before the c. shall know to cry, my father
£tra 9- 2. the rulers have been c. in this trespass Ezek. 38. 2. Gog c. prince of Mesech, 3. 39. 1. |
11.8. the weaned f. put hrsh.\nd on cockatrice deu
NeA. 11. 3. these are c. of the province that dwelt Dan. 10. 13. Michael one of the e. princes came 65. 20. the r. shall die an hundred years old
Job 12. 24. he taketh away heart of c. of people CHIEF singer, or singers. Jer.4.:i\. as of her that hringeth forth her first c.
29. 25. I chose out their way, and sat c. dwelt as Neh. 12. 46. in days of David were c. of the singers .3] 20. is Ephr.-um my son ? is he a plea.sant c. ?
40. 19. behemoth is the c. of the ways of God liab. 3. 19. to the e. singer on my instruments 44. 7. to cut off from you man, woman, and c.
Psal. 78. 51. he smote e. ol their strength. 105. 36. CHIEF EST. Mat. 10. 21. the father shall deliver the c. to ileatli
137 6 if I prefer not Jerusalem above my <. joy 1 Sam. 2.29. to make yourselves fat with r. offerings 17. 18. the f . was cured from that very hour
Prov. 1 21. Wisdom crieth in c. place of concourse 9. 22. Samuel made them sit in the c. place 23. 15. ye make him twofold more the c. of hell
8. f 26. nor had made f.part of the dust of the world 21. 7.Doeg an Edomite, e. of the herd-men to Saul Luke 1.59. on eiiihth day they came to circumcise c.
•6. 28. a whisperer separateth e. friends 2 Chr. 32. 33. Hezekiah buried in e. of sepulchres (Hi. saying, what manner of c. shall this be .'

Cant. 4. 14. an orchard with all the c. spices Cant. 5. 10. my beloved is the e. among 10,001) 76. thou f.shalt be called Prophet of the lligheii
Jsa. 14. 9' h* stirreth up the c. ones of the earth Mark 10. 44. who will be c. shall be servt. of all 80. the c. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40.
Jer. 13. 21. thou hast taught them as c. over thee 2 Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind c. of apostles, 12.11. 2. 27. when the parents Ivrought in the c. Jcsuj
31.7. sing and shout among the c. of the nations CHIEFLY. 9. 38. Master, look on my sou, he is my only c.
50. f 36. a sword is upon their c. stays, shall dote Rom. 3. 2. c. because to them were commit. oracles 42. Jesus healed c.and delivered him to his fatUei-
51. i 5Q. this Seraiah was a c. chamberlain Phil. 4. 22. c. of they that are of Cesar's househ. John 4. 49. sir, come down ere uiy c. die
Xam. 1.5. her adversaries are the c. enemies prosper 2 Pet. 2. 10. but c. them that walk after the Hesh 16. 21 hut as soon as she is delivered of the c.

/.'«*. 4. 1 2. set c. leaders against Jerusalem round CHILD .'Ids 4. 27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus
20. t40 there will I require c. of your oblations Signifies, [1] One t/o^mg in years, 1 Sam. 1. C2. 30. that signs may he done by name of thy c Jesu
44. t 30. c. of the first fruits shall be the priest's [2] Um weak in knowledge, Isa. 10. I9. 1 Cor. 13. 10. Saul said, tiiou c. of tht devil, thou en«my
Van. 2. ( 14. Daniel answer. Arioch the c. marshal 13. 11. [3] Such as ure young in grace, 1 John Rev. 12. 4. to d.v,,ur here, as soon as it was born
11. 41. the c. of children of Ammon shall escape 2. 13. [4] Such as are huvibh and docile. Mat. 5. htr (. was ta^.ght up to God and to his throne
/imos6. 1. which are named c. of the nations 18.3,4. [5j Whatsoever IS dear to a perso:i,\ A CHILD.
6. drunk and anoint themselves with c. ointments Jer. 15. 7. Gen. 18.13. shall I of a surety bear a f. who am old?
Mat 20. 27- whosoever will be e. among you, let Child, Children, or Sons, are talen differ- 4-V.20. a father, and a c. of his old age. a little one
23 6. they love the uppermost rooms at feasts and ent ways in Scripturt. J he descendants of a Kiod. 2. 2. she saw he was a goodly c. Jleb. 1 1 2:U
e. seats in the synagogues, Mark 12. 39. man, how remote soever they may be, are called I Sam. 2.18. Samuel, a c. girded with a linen epUod
Mark 6. 21. Herod made a supper to hisf. estates sons, or children. For example : the children 1 Kings 3. 17. wast delivered of a c.with her in house
CAtke 11. 15. casteth out devils thro' c. of the oevjls of Edom, the children of Moab. the children 13.2. a. c. shall be bom to house of David, Josialt
14. 1. he went into house of one of the f. Pharisees of Israel. These expressions , the children of Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be fitshcr than a c.
7 he marked how they chose the c. rooms, 20.46.
. light, the children of darkness, arc used to I'^al. 131.2. I quieted myself as af. as a weaned o
22. 26. and he that is c. as he that doth serve signify those who follow light, and those who I'roo. 20. 11. ever, a c. is known by his doines
iohn 12.42. among c. rulers many believed on him remain in darkness: the children of the king- 20. 6. train op a c. in the way he should go
Jr/j 14. 12. because Paul was the c. speaker dom, those who belong to the kingdom. Per- 15. foolishness is bound in the heart of c <-.
17 4. some believed, and of c. women not a few sons who are almost of age, are often called 29. 15. but a c. left to himself bringeth to shame
£»A.2.20.Je.s«is Christ the c.corncr-stone,l f e/.2.6. children. For example: Josiph is called n 21. he that bringeth up his .VTvant from a e.
I y'im.l.l5.Jesus came to tave sinners, of whom I c. child, though he was at least sixteen years old. Kcil. 4. 13. better is a wise c than a foolish king
1 /-"^/.S. 4. when r. Shepherd shall appear,shallreceive Gen. 37. 30. and Henjamin of the age of above 10. 16. wde to ihee, U land, when thy king is a c.
CHIEF captain. thirty, is still called a little child, Cen'.W. 20. Isa. 9. 6. for to us a c. is born, to us a son is given
2 .Sam. 5. 8. who smiteth he shall be r. and<-a;>c«i« Likewise men of full age have often the name of 10. 19. trees shall be few, that a c. may write them
Wffj21.31. tidings came to the r. captain of band children given them. Is?.. 65. 20.' The child shall Jer. 1 6. behold I cannot speak, for i am a r. 7

32. when they saw ther. captain they left beating die an hundred years old ; that is, men shall die 20. 15. tiding*., saying, a man c. is born to ihee
23. 17. Paul 5aid,bring this youngmar.tof. fo;<faii; at the age of an hundred years ; theie shall be uo Ilos. U. 1. »hrn Israel was a c. then I loved hin»
24.7. ccaptain came upon us, took him more untimely deaths seen. .l/</r<-9. 21. how long since this came .'he said oiac.
22. t. captain shall come, 1 will know uttermost CllIl.DRL.v, or Sons of God. By this name angels 36. took a c. and set him in the midst, Luiet). 47
cm EK captains. are sometimes described, as, }o\*\.^. | 2. 1,'1'here 1 Cor. 13. 11. when 1 was a c. \ spake as a c.
25<Twi.23.8. Adino the T.ichnionitesat <•. among capt. was a day when the sous of God came to present understood as a 1. I thought as a e
IVhrfin. 27. 3. c. of all llie captains for first month themselves before the J^ird, Good nun, in op- Gal 4,1. 1 sa;, tbie heir a^ lont as he is a c.dineis uot-
1 . . <


27i«i. S. 15. from a e. hast known holy scriptures D«tt/.33.C4.of Asher he said.let Asher b« K.5M*d c. Hot. 11. 10. then the e. shall tremble from the w«U

fiti. 11. 11. Sarah delivered of a c. when past age Josh. 22. 9. c. of Reuben and Gad, hall tribe »• Ma- 13.13. not stay long in place of breaking forth of «•
Rev. 12. 5. she brought forth a man c. who was to nasseh, returned and built there an altar, 10, 1 1 Joel 2 16. gather c. and those that suck the breasts
rule all nations with a rod of iron Judg. 4. 6. take 10,000 men of the c. of Naphtali 23. be glad then ye c. of Zion, and rejoice in L
Lit lie ILK). 8. 18. each one resembled the c. of a king jimosQ. 7. are ye not as c. of the Ethiopians to mt.
Gen. 47. 12. nourish, his father's house as a /iVf/e c. 14. 16. thou ha-st put forth a riddle to e. of people Mic. 1. 16. make bald, and poll thee for delicate e.
1 Ai«5/.1.7. am a little c. I know not how to go out 20. 13. now deliver us the men, the c. of Belial Zeph. 1. 8. 1 will punish the princes and king's
U. 17. lladad fled into ERypi, beini; yet a little c. 1 Sam. 2. 5. she that hath many c. is waxed feeble Mal.i.6. he shall turn the heart of fathers to thee,
C Ai«;x5. 14. came again like the Htsh of sl little c. 10.27. c of belial said.howshall this man save us .'
and the heart of c. to their fathers, Luke 1 \^

ha. 11. 6. and a Utile c. shall them 2 6Vjm.3. t 34. as a man falleth before c. of iniquity Mat. 2. 16. Herod slew all the c. in Bethlehem
Alar. 18.2. Jesus calli J a liitle r .to him, and set him 7.10. neither shall ihec. of wickedness afflict them 3. 9. able of these stones to raise up c. Luke 3. 8.
5. who shall receive one sucji little <-. in my nanie any more as before time, 1 Chton. 17. 9- 5.45. that je may be thee, of your Father inheav.
Afarl^ 10. 15. whosoever shall not receive the kingdom 1 Kinzs^l. 13. there came in two men, e. of Belial 8. 12. but the e. of the kingdom shall be cast out
of Ood as a little e. shall not enter it, Luie IB. 17. 2 Kings 2. 24. two she-bears came and tare 42 c. 9.15. Jesus said, can e. of bride-cham. mourn whil«
No CHILD. 9. 1. Elisha called one of the c. of the prophets bridegroom with them > Mark 2. I9. Luke 5. 34.
Oen. 11. 30. but Sarai was barren, she had noe. 10. 13. to salute the c. of the king, e. of the queen 10. 21. e. shall rise against parents, Jt/ar*13. 12.
Lev. SC. 1.1. but if the priert's daughter have no c. 14. 6. but the c. of murderers he slew not, as is 11.19. but Wisdom is justified of her e. Luke't.Z^
Deiit. C5. 5. if one brother die, and have no e. written in the law of IMoses, 2 Chron. 25. 4. 13. 38. the good seed are the e. of the kingdom, but
2 Sam. 6. 23. Michal had no c. to the day of death 17. 34. nor do as Lord commanded the c. of Jac. the tares are the e. of the wicked ona
S Ktn:$ +.14.Gehazi answered, verily .ihe hath no c. ly. 3. for the c. are come to the birth, Isa. 37. 3. 15. 26. not meet to take the e. bread, Mark 7. 27
Luke \ .7 .they had moc. because Klisabeth was barren 1 Chron. 2. .30. but Seled died without c. 17. 26. Jesus saith to him, then are the e. free
Acts 7.5. promised to him when as yet he had noc. 32. and Jether died without c. 19.29. forsaken wife ore. for my sake, Mark IO.29.
Hueiins CHILD. 4. 27. but Shiuiei's brethren had not many e. 20. 20. then came the mother of Zebedee's e.
Num. 11.12. as a nursing father beareth mc/tin; c 16. 13. O ye c. of Jacob his chosen, Psal. 105. 6. 21.15.priests and scribes saw thee, crying in temp.
Jsa.W.V.. SKciingc. shall play on the hole of the asp 2 Chron. 13. 7. gathered to Jtroboam e. of Belial Mat. 13. 31. ye are e. of them that killed prophets
4g.l5.can awoman forget her*, c. ? yea, they may 25. 7. the Lord is not with all the c. of Kphraim iliari 7. 27. Jesus said to her, let the e. iirst be filled
Lam. 4. 4. tongue of the snci. e. cleaveth to the roof 11. Amaziah smote of the c. of Seir 10,000 28. the dogs under the table eat of the e. crumbs
Thit CHILD. Eira 2. 1. these are c. of the provmce, A'</i. 7. 6 9- 37. shall receive one of such e. in my name, 41.
Ejcil. 2. 9. take this c. and nurse him for me 10. 44. some had wives by whom they had c. Luke 6. 35. be great, ye shall be the c of the High.
Luke 2.17 saying,which was told concerning this c. Neh. 9.23. the c.multipliedstthou as stars of hear. 16. 8. for e. of this would ire wiser than e. of light
34. t^isc. is set for fall and rising of many in Isr. Job 19. 17. I intreated for the <•. sake of my body 20. 29. the first took a wife, and died without e.
9. 48. whoso shall reoeivc //u>f .my name, receives .30. 8. they were c. of fools, yea c. of base men 34. the e. of this world mar-y, and are given in
/I'n/i CHILD. 41. 31. he is a king over all the c. of pride John 8.39. if ye were Abraham's e. would do works
Gen.l6.ll.the ange! said, Hagar, thou art nii/i c. F>al. 17. 14. they are full of c. and leave the rest 21. 5. Jesus saith to them, e. have ye any meat .'

19.36. daught. of Lot were tvith c. by their father 34.11. come, ye c. hearken tome, I will teach you .Ids 3.25. ye are the e.of the prophets and covenant
38.24.Taniarthy daughter is uiili c. by whor-dom 6y. 8. I am become an alien to my mother's c. Rom. 8. 17- if e. then heirs, heirs of God, joint-heiri
25. by the man whose these are, am I uiil. c. 72. 4. he shall save the c of the needy 9. 7. because the seed of Abraham are they all e
£rorf. 21.22. if men strive and hurt a woman air/i f. *;;. 6. the c. which should be horn might know 11. for e. being not yet born, nor done good or evil
1 •Sam.4.19.hisdaughter,rhineha3'wife,was:j'ir/'i c. 82. 6. and all of you are c. of the most High 1 Ciir.14.20. be not e. in understanding, in malice, e.

2A'am.ll.5.Bath-shebasent and said, I amuiM c 8.). 8. they have holpen the c. of Lot. Selah 2 Cor. 12. 14. for the e. ought not to lay up for the
£ A'l'wjf 8. 12. wilt rip up their women wi//i f. 15.16. 102. 28. the c. of thy servants shall continue parents, but the parents for the c
£(</. 1 1 .5. bones grow in womb of her that is uiih c. 113. 9. makes the barren to be a joyful motheroff. Gal. 3. 7. of faith, the same are the c. of Abraham
Isa. 26.17. like a woman uitU c. that draweth near 127. 3. lo c. are an heritage of the Lord 4. 3. so »e, when we were e. were in bondage
18. we have been z^ith c. we have been in pain 4. as arrows in the hand, so are thee, of youth 25. Jerusalem, which is in bondage with here.
54. 1. sing, O barren, that didst not travail aiV/i c. 137.7- remember, O Lord, the c. of Ldom 31. we are not c. of bond-woman, but of the free
JtT.M. 6. see whether a man doth travail uit/i c. UH. 12. let old men and c. praise the Lord Eyh. 1.5. having predestinated us to adoption off.
Tl. 8 1 will bring forth from north women xiih c. 149.2. let the c. of Zion be joyful in their king 2. 2. the spirit that worketh in e. of disobedience
JIos. 13. 16. their women u'itli c. shall be ripped up Pnii'.4.1.hear, yec. instruclion,5.7. 7. 24.
| 8.32. 3. were by nature e. of wrath, even as others

Amos 1.1 3. because they ripped up the women wit he. 17. 6. and the glory of c. are their fathers 4. 14. we be henceforth no more e. tossed to and fro
Mat. 1.18. she was found uit/i c. of the lUly Ghost 31. 28. her c. arise up and call her blessed 5. 1. be ye therefore followers of God as dear e.
23. a virgin shall be ai'.'S c and bring forth a son Eecl. 6. 3. if a man beget 100 c. and live years
. 6. WTath Cometh on e. of disobedience. Col. 3. 6.
24.19 woe to them that are Kith c. and to them give Cant. 1. 6. my mother's c. were angry with me 6. 1 e. obey your parents in the Lord, Col. 3. 20.

suck in those days, Mtirk 13. 17. Lide 21. 23. ha. 1. 2. 1 have brought up c. and they rebelled 1 Ttm. 5. 4. but if any widow have e. or nephews
Luke i. 5. to be taxed with Mary, being great tcith c. 4. ah sinful nation, c. that are corrupters 10. if she hath brought upe. if she hath lodged
1 7/(e,ij. 5. 3. as travail upon a woman kiVA r. 2. 6. they please themselves in the c. of strangers 14. I will that the youngcrwomen marry, bear e.
Rev. 12. 2. and she being nith c. cried, travailing 3.4. and I will give c. tobelheit princes, and babes Heh. 2. 14. as thee, are partakers of Hesh and blood
roimg CHILD. 12. as for my people, c. are their oppressors 12. 5. exhonation which speaketh to you as to e.
1 Sam. 1. 24. she brought him, and the r. was VJoij 8.18. I andr. whom Lord hath given me, i/f A. 2. 13. 1 }'et. 1 14. as obedient e. not fa.shioniiig by lusts
Mat. 2. 8. go and search diligently for the »o»«» c. 13. 18. shall have no pity, their eye not spare c. 2 Fet. 2. 14. having eyes full of adultery, cursed e.
13. take the young c. and his mother, and ttee 21. 17. mighty men of r. of Kedar be diminished 1 John 3. 10. e. of God manifest, and c. of the devil
14. he took the uo7i,ic: c. and his mother by night 23. 4. saying, I travail not, nor bring forth c. 2 John 1. the elder to the elect lady and her e.
ClilLD-BEAUlNO. 30. 1 woe to the rebcllous e. saith the Lord 13. the • o'lhy elect sister greet thee
1 3Vm.2.15. Dotwithstand.she shall be saved in c.-i. 9. lying f.f. that will not hear the law of the L. Ret. 2. 23. I will kill her e. with death, churches
CHILDHOOD. 38. 19 father to the c. make known thy truth See .AxMON, CAi'Tivirr.
1 Sam. 12.2.1 have walked before you from my c. 47.8. neither shall 1 know the loss off. CHI LDK
I'.N of tienjamtn.
Job 33. t 25. his flesh shall be fresher than c. 9. I ome in one day the loss of c. and widowhood .Yi/m.l .36. of the e of B. by their" genealogy 35, 400

£ccl. 11. 10 for r. and youth are vanity 49- 20. the c. which thou sha'.t have, shall say Judg. 1. 21. e. of li. did not drive out tlie .lebusites
CHILDISH. 54. 1 sing, O barren, for more are e. of the deso-
. 0. 13. the e. of IS. would not hearken to brethren
1 Cot. 13. 11. when a man, I put away c. things late than c. of the married wife, Val. 4. 27. 2 Sam. "2. 25. e. of li. gathered together after Abner
ClllLDLi:SS. 57.4. are ye note, of transgre.vsion.aseedoffalseh. 1 CAr.g. 3. in Jeiusalem dwelt of e. (1^" /)'. Ae/(.11.4.
Gen. 15. 2. what wilt thou give me, seeing I go c. ? 5. slaying thee, in the valleys nnderclills of roeks IC. 16. there came of e. of li. to the hold to David
f,«r.20.20.lheyshall bear their sin, they shall die c. 6 f. 8. they are my people, r. that will not lie ^tT. 6. 1. O ve e. of lien j. gather yourselves lo flee
1 &»!. 15.33. Samuel said, as thy swonl liath niade 66.8. as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth r. Children's CHILDREN.
women c. so shall thy mother be c. among women Jer. 3. 14. turn, U backsliding c. saith the L. 22. Gen. 45. 10. shall be near tome, thou and thy c/i. e.
^er. 22. 30. sailh the Loril, write you this man c. 19. I said, how shall I put thee among the c? /-riirf. 34. 7. visiting iniquity of fathers on childr. c.
Luke 20.30. the second took her to wife, and died c. 4. 23. for my people is foolish, they are sottish r Deru. 4. 25. when thou shall beget e. and childr. c.
CHILDIUIN. 6. 11. I will pour it out upon the c. abroad 2 h'ings 17. 41. served images both their e. and ch. e.
Gen. 3. I6. in sorrow shall thou bring forth c. 7. 18. thee, gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire Psal. 103. 17. and his righteousness unto childr. c.
16. 2. it may be that I may obtain e. by her 9.21. for death entered to rut off c from without 128. 6. shall see ihy childr. c. and peace on lsrae.t
25. 22. the r. struggled together within her 15.7. I wiH fai: them, I will bereave them of r. Prov. 13. 22. leaveth an inheritance to bis childr. c,
29.* 1. Jacob came into land of the c. of the east 31. 15. Uachel weeping for her c. .^Int. 2. 18. IT .6. childr. c. are crown of old men, glory of e.
30. I. Karhael said to.lacob, give me cor I die 29. the c. teeih are set on edge, hzek. 18. 2. Jer. 2. 9- ami witli your children's c. will I plead
33. .5. the c. which God hath given thy servant 48. < 45. shall devour the crown of the c. of noise /:;it*.37.25. shall dwell, and their childr. e. for ever
49.8. thy father's r. shall bow down before thee /.aw. 2. 20. shall the women eat r. of a .vpan long ? latherless CHILDREN,
£tiI!.'. 12.37 .journeyed about600,0lX) mcn.besidesc 5. 13. young men to grind, c. fell under the wood /".ta/iog 12.nor let therebe any to favour/aMer.e.
20. 5. a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of ihe fa- /.':M.2.4. for tliey are impudent c. and stiff-hearted Jer. 49.1 1. If i.vetby father, c. I will preserve them
thers upon the c. 34.7. iViim. 14. 18.' De7it.C>.[). 20. 21. the e. rebelled against me, they walked CHILDREN .;/• God.

21. 4. the wife and her c. shall be her master's 23. t 17. c. of Babel came lo her into bed of love Mat. 5. 9. shall be called the e. 01' G.
Num. 13. 28. and we saw the r. of Anak there 33.30. the c. still arc talking against thee by walls l.iike 20. .36. are thee. ofG, being e. of resurrection
17. 10. for a token against the r. of rebellion 44. t*. brought into my sanctuary c. of a stranger John 11 52. should gather together in once, of God

26. 11. notwithstanding the c. of Korah died not 47. 22. to strangers th-t .shall beget c. among you Uom. 11. IC. beareth w'lness that we are the e. ofG.
Deut. 2. g. 1 have given Ar to the c. of Lot, I9, Van. 1.4. c. in whom was no blemish, but skilful 21 delivered into the glorious liberty of c. of God

9. 2. who can stand before the c. of Anak .'

15. their countenances fairer and fatter than all c 9. 8. the e. of the flesh, these are not the e. of God
13. 13. the e. of Belial are gone out from you 1.7. a.s for these fouri. (indgave them knowledge 26. there shall they be called e. of ihe living God
14. 1. ye are the c. of the Lord your God 2.4 25. found a man of ibe c. of the captivity Gal, 3. 26. ye are all e. of God by faith in Christ
81. 15 have born him e. bolh beloved and hated 12. 1 . Michael shall stand for the c. of thy people 1 John 3. 10. c. of God manifest, and e. of the devil
S3.H 'be c. begotten ol'theni shall enter into cong. llos. 1. 2. take unto lliee c. of whoredoms 5. 2. by this we know that we love the e. of OtU
S4.!6.the fathers shall not be put to death for the 2.4. I will not have mercy on iierr. lor they be r. Hi.' CHILDREN.
r. nor Ihe e. for the fathers, 2 Chnm. C5. 4. li). 0. Ihe battle against the r of iniquity did not fieu. 18. 10.
. know Abraham will command his c,

'ii. 20 they are (. in whom there is 00 faith I 14. the mother was dashed in pieces upon her c. 37. 3. Israel loved Joseph more than all his c, ,
c c


Deut. n. 20. may prolong his days, he and his c. Psal. 36.7.the e. ofm-in put their trust under snadow Thy CHILDREN.
yz. b. corrupted, their spot is not the spot of Ais c. 43.2. thou art fairer than f of men, grace is poured
. Eiod. 13. 13. the first-born among thy e redeem
+ they ure not his c. that is their blot 00. 3. turnest man, and sayest, return ye f . of men Deut. i.iO-Zo well with thy c. after thee, 12 25, 28,
33. 9. neither acknowledce, nor knew /its own c. 107. 8.his wonderful worksto e.of men, 15, 2i, 31. 6 7- thou shalt teach them diligently to thi c.
\ Sam. .10.22. save to every man his wife and his c. 115. 16. the earth hath he given to the c. of men 30.2.thou and thy c. .shall obey with ail thine heari
'iHarn. 12. .3. a little ewe-lamb, it grew up with his c. /'roK.lS.ll.iiow much more then heartsoff. of men Josh. 14. 9- the land be thine and thy c. for ever
1 kings 8. 19to give him aiway s a light, and to his c. Lam.Z. 33. he doth not afflict, nor grievef of men . 1 Sam. 16. 11. Samuel said, are here all thy c. i

2 Chr. 2«. 3. burnt hisc. in fire after the heathen Dan. 1. 38. whereverf of men dwell hath he given
. 1 Kings 2.4. if l/iy c. take heed to their way to wallr

;33. 6. he caused his c. to pjiss thro' the fire A/fn-CHlLDElEN. 8. 25. so that thy c. take heed, S Chron. 6. 36.
Joi 5. 4. his c. are far from safety, and are crushed Exod. 1.17. the midwives saved the m?n-f.alive,18. 20. 3. saith, thy wives also and thy e. are mine
17.5. tven the eyes of his e. shall fail 34. 23. all the men-c. shall appear before the Lord 2 Kings 4. 7. live thou and thy c. of the rest
£0. 10. /lis e. shall seek to please the poor Josh. 17. 2. these were the male c. df Manasseh W.%0. thy c. of fourth generation shall sit on throne
21. 19. God layeth up his iniquity for Ait c. Men, liomen, and CHILDREN. 2 Chron. 21. 14. I/)rd will smite thy people and f
27. 14. if Ai.» e. be multiplied, it is for the sword Deut. 3.6. in Bashan we destroyed m. women, and Job 8. 4. if ihy c. have sinned against him, he cast
Psal. 89. 30. if his e. forsake my law, and walk not 31. 12. gather men, uomen, and c. to hear and learn I'sal. 45. 16. instead of thy fathers shall be thi/e.
103.13. like as a father pitieth hue. so Lord pities 1 5awi.22.19. smote Nob, m. w. andc. and sucklings 73. 15. should oftecd against generation of i/ii/c
109. 9- I^t />" '
be fatherless, his wife a widow Ezra 10.1. a great congregat. oimen, tcomen, and e. 128.3.<Ay f like olive-plants round about thy table

10. let /lis c. be vagabonds, and beg bread Jer. 40. 7. had committed to Gedaliah m. -a. end c. 1.32. 12. if thy c. will keep my covenant and test.

Prov. 14. 26. his e. shall have a place of refuge Mat. 14. 21. and they that had eaten, were about 147. 13. he hath blessed thy e. within thee
SO. 7. the just man, his c. are blessed after him 5000 men, beside xomen and c. 15. 38. Isa. 49. 17. </iyf shall make haste, thy destroyer*

//a. 14. 21. prepare slaughter for Aixc. for iniquity of Mil CHILDREN. 25. I will contend, and I will save thy e.
29- 23. when he seeth his c. in the midst of him Gen. 26. give me
.30. wives and my c. for whom
my 54. 13. and all thy c. shall be taught of the I..ord,
Hos. 9. 13. but Ephraim shall bring forth /lis c. 31 . 43. these c. are my c. these cattle cattlemy and great shall be the peace of thye.
Johni. 12. his c. and cattle drank thereof 42. 36. Jacob said, me ye have bereaved of my f. Jer.S.I. /Ayc.have forsaken me, and sworn by them
iThess. 2. 11. we charged you as a father doth /ii> c. 43. 14. if I be bereaved of my c. I am bereaved 31. 17. there is hope that thy c. shall come again
1 I'im. 3.4. having his e. in subjection with gravity Exod. 13. 15. but the first born oimyc. I redeem .38.23. they shall bring out thye. to the Chaldean*
CHILDREN of Israel. 21 5.1 love
. my
master, wife, and my c. I'll not go Ezek.l(S.3f>.hy blood of /Ay e. thou didst give them
Gen. 50. 25. Joseph took an oath of the e. of Israel 1 Kings 20.7. he sent to me for my
wives and my c. IIos.i.6. forgotten the law, I will also forget ihv e
Exod.X.T .thit c. oflsrael were fruitful and increased Job 29. 5. that I were as when my c. were about me Mat. 23.37. how often would I have gathered thy e
12. they were grieved because of the e. of Israel /j«.49. 21. seeing I have lost my f. and am desol. as a hen gathereth her chickens Luke 13. 34.

2. 23. c.of Is. sighed 25. God looked on e.of Israel

Jer lOv 20. my c. are gone forth of me, and are not Luke 19. 44. they shall lay thye. within thee
4. 31. when they heard Lord had visited e.ofIsrael Lam. 1.16. my c. are desolate, the enemy prevailed 2 John 4. that I found of lAv e. walking iu truth
6.5. I have also heard the groaning of the e.of Isr. Eze/c. 16. 21. is it small that thou hast slain my c. ? Your CHILDREN.
13. to bringc.o/'/ir.out of Egypt, 26,27. 12.51. | Luke 1 1 .7. trouble me not, my c. are with me in bed Erod. 12. 26. when your c. shall say unto you
9. 4. shall nothing die of all that is the e. of Israel 2 Cor. 6. 13. I speak as to my c. be ye enlarged 22.24. wives be widows, and yourc. be fatherless
12. 37. c. of Isr. journeyed about 600,O00 on foot 3 Ji)An 4. joy to hear that my f wjilk in the truth f^v. 25. 46. take them as inheritance for i/our c.

29. 43. and there I will meet with the e. of Israel No CHILDREN. 26. 22. said, wild beasts shall rob you of vourc. is a sign between me and c. of Isr .ioT ever Gen. 16. 1. now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no c. Xum. 14. 33. your c. shall wander in the wilderness
Lev. 17.13. whosoever he be, f. 0/" Israel or stranger 30. 1. when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no c. Deut. 1. 39. yourc. shall go in thither and possess
25. 55. for to me the c. oi of Israel are servants Num. 3. 4. N adab and Abihu died, and had no c. I i 2. 1 speak not with your c. who have not known

Num.\i.\ii. glory of Lord appeared before c.ofIsr. 1 Sam. 1. 2. Peninnah had, but Hannah had no c. 19. these my words, ye shall teach themyoi/r f.
Josh. 7. 12. c. of Isr. could not stand before enemies jl/a<.C2.24. if any man die having no f. Mark 12. ig. 21. that days of your f be multiplied in th* land

16'am.ll.8. when numbered c, of Isr. were .300,000 Luke 20. 31. the seven took her, and left no e. 29. 22. the generation to come oiyour c. shall say
2 Sam. 21.2. the Gibeonites were not off. of Israel Our CHILDREN. 32. 46. which ye shall command your e. to obser\a
iKings 17. 24. and placed them instead off. of Isr. Gen. 31. I6. all the riches are ours and 07tr c. Josh. 4. 6. when your c. ask their fathers, 21.
Neh. 8. 17. to thatday had not the e. ofIsr. done so Exod. 17. 3. to kill us, and our c. and our cattle 22. then ye shall \etyour c. know, saying, Israel
Psal. 103. 7. he made known his acts to c. of Israel Num. 14.3. that our wives and our c. be a prey 1 Kings 9. 6. if yoKr c. turn from following me
148. 14. even of the c.of Israel,3. people near to him Vent. 29. 29. belong to ns and to our c. for ever 1 Chron. 28. 8. for an inherit, to your f Etra. 9. 12. .

Jja. 27. 12. shall be gathered one by one,0 ye c.ofIsr. Josh. 22.24. your f might speak to 0!<r f. saying
. 2 Chroji. 30. 9. yowr r. shall find compassion before
Etek. 4». 15. when e. of Israel went astray, 48.1 1. 25. your f make our e. cease from fearing Lord
. /^ja/.115.14.the Lord shall increase you andyourr.
Amos i.ll. is it not even ttus, O yec. of Israel? Neh. 5. 5. as the flesh of brethren, our c. as their f. Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I smitten your c.
4. 5. this liketh you, Oje e.of Isr. saith the Lord 71/0^.27. 25. and said, his blood be on us and on our f. Mat. 7. 11. to give good gifts to your r. Ijtkg 11.13.
Z«l:«l.l6. many of the r.<i/'/irae/ shall turn to Ix)rd CHILDREN of -promise. 12. 27. by whom do your e. cast them out.'
Acts 7. 23. to visit his brethren the c. of Israel /fum.g.S.but the f of from, are counted for the seed Luke 23. 28. but weep for yourselves and your c.

37. this is that Moses which said to the c.of Israel Gal. 4. 28. we, bretWen, as Isaac was, are f of p. Acts 2. .39. for the promise is to you and your c.

9. 15. chosen to bear my

name before the c. of Isr. Strange CHILDREN. 1 Cur.7.14.else were yoitrt. unclean, but now holy

10.30. word God sent to c. of Isr. preachingpeace Neh. 9. + 2. Israel separated themselves from j/r. c. Eph. C. 4. provoke not vowr f to wrath. Col. 3. 21. .

item. 9.27. though number otc.oflsr.he as the sand Psal. 1 44. 7. rid and deliver me from strange c. 11. Young CHILDREN.
2 Cor. 3. T c.of Isr. could not behold face of Moses
. IIos. 5. 7. for they have begotten strange c. Job ig. 18. yea, young c. despised me, they spake
Hei. 11. 22. made mention of departing off. of Isr. Their CHILDREN. Lam. 4. 4. the iloung c. ask bread, no man breaketh
Rfv.Q.ii. to cast a stumbling-block before c. of Isr. Gen. 31. 43. what can I do to daughters or their c. h'ah.3. 10. her young e. were dashed in pieces
7.4. sealed 144,000 of all the tribes of the c. of Isr. Deut. 4. 10. and that they may teach their c. Mark 10.13. brought young e. to him to touch them
il.l2.th6 names of the twelve tribes o{ the c.ofIsr. 5. 29. that it might be well with their c. for ever Ads 7. 19. so that tliev cast out their young c.
CHILDREN o/^JurfaA. 31. 13. that tlieir c. may learn to fear the Lord CHIMNEY.
Num. 1. 2fi. of the c. ofjudah by their generations Josh. 5. 7. and tlieir c. them Joshua circumcised Hos. 13. 3. they shall be as smoke out of the e.
Josh. 14. (i. e. of Judah came to .loshua to Gilgal 1 A\iKfj9.21. of their c. did Solomon levy a tribute CHODE.
2 •Sum. 1.18. bade teach r. ofJitd. the use of the bow 2 Kings 8.12. thou wilt dash their c. and rip women Gen. 31. 36. Jacob was wroth, and f. with Laban
2 Chr. 13.18. f of J. prevailed, because they relied
. 17. 31. burnt their c. in the fire to the gods Num. 20. 3. the people f with Moses and spake

25. 12. other 10,000 did f. o/'J. carry away captive 41. their e. served images as did their fathers CHOICE.
2B. 10. now ye purpose to teep under the f. of Jud. 2 '"/iron. 20. 13. before Lord with wives and their c. Gen. 23. 6. in f . of our sepulchres bury thy dead
Jer. 32. 32. because of all the evil of the f. of Judah 25. 4. he .slew not t/ieir c. but did as it is written 49. 11. binding his ass's colt to the f. vine
50. 4. they and the f of Judah going and weeping y".'f/i.9.23. their c. thou multipliest as stars of heav.
. Deut. 12.11. thither shall bring all yourf. vows
.33 Israel and r. o/'/ui/o/i were oppressed together 13. 24. t/ieir c. spake half in the speech of Ashdod 1 Sam. 9. 2. S.T.ul a f young man and a goodly

Joel 3. 19. for the violeoce against the f. of Judah loh 21. 11. send their little ones, their c. dance 2 Sam. 10. 9. hechose off. of Israel, 1 Chr. ly. 10.
CHILDREN »//ig/,f. 2i. 5. the wilderness yieldeth food for t/ieir c. 2 Kings 19. 23. cut down thee, fir-trees, Ita. 37.24.
Luie 16. 8. f .of this world are wiser than c.of ti^Ui Psal. 78. 4. we will not hide them from t/ieir c. 2 Chron. 25. 5. he found them 3i)0,000 e. men
John 12. .36. believe, that ye may be the f of liglil 6. should arise and declare them to their c.
. \eh. 5. 18. now prepared for me daily six r. sheep
Ejih. 5.8. but now are light in Lord, walk asf of ' 90. 16. and let thy glory appear to their c.
. I'rov. 8. 10. and knowledge rather than e. gola
I are all e.of light, and children of d?
j 1.32. 12. i/ieir c. shall sit on thy throne forever 19. and my revenue is better than f silver .

Little CHILDREN. Ua.\3.\&.their c. shall be dashe-d to pieces before 10. 20. the tongue of the just is as f silver .

Num. 16. 27. little c. stood in the door of their tents Jer. 17. 2. whilst their c. remember their altars Cant. 6. 9. she is the c. one of her that bare her
8 Kings 2. 23. came forth little c. and mocked him 18. '21. therefore deliverup theirc. to the famine Jer. 22. 7. they shall cut down thy f cedars .

£r/ one day to destroy little c. and women 30. 20. their c. also shall be as aforetime •48. 1 15- the f.' of .Mo.ab arc gone down to slaugntet
£tei. 9. 6. slay utterly maitb, little e. and women 32.18. the iniquity of fathers into bosom of their c. Ktek. 23. t7. comraitii'cl whored, with f. of Aslier
iWa/. 18. 3. except converted, and become as little c. 3y for good of them and of t 'leir c. after them
. 24.4. set on a pot, fill it with the r. bones
19. 13. then were there brought to him little c. 47.3. the fathers shall not look back to their e. 5. take the c. of llie flock and burn the bono
14. suffer /i«/ come, .War/tlO. 14. Luie 18. I6. 10. the hands of women have sodden their c. .lets 15. 7. God made f. among us, that the Gentiie*
h/m 13. 33. little c. yet a little while I am with you Ezei. 20. 18. I said to their c. in the wilderness CIldlCESl.
Oal. 4. 19. XI, J little e. of whom 23. 39. when they had slain their c. to idols
T travail in birth Isa. 5. 2. and planted the vineyard with the f. vino
J John 2. 1. my
little e. I write to you, 12, 13. .*T. 25. they and their c. shall dwell therein 22. 7. thy f vallev shall be full of chariots .

4.4. are of Hod, little e. and have overcome world Dan. 6. 24. cast them and their c. into den of lions 'choke.
5. 21. little c. keep yourselves from idols lios. 9. 12. tho' bring up their c. yet I will bereave Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the deceiu
CHILDREN of men. Joel I. 3. let your f. tell their c. and theirc. another fulness of riches e. the word, Mark 4. 19.
Gen. 11. 5. to see the tower which f. of men built fl/iV.2.9.froin their e. have ye taken away my glory CHOKED.
1 Sam. 26. 19. if they be e. of men, cursed be they Zerh. 10. 7. yea, their e. shall see it and be glad Mat. 13. 7. thorns c. them, Mark 4. 7. Luke 8. 7
2 Sam.T .li.Wi cnajtise him with stripes ot e. ofm. y. they shall live with their c. and turn again .Vark 5. 13. and were e. in the sea, LukeH. 33.
I Kings 8..39. kno»e5t hearts of e. ofm.Q CAr.6..30. /lf/jl3..'(3.G()d hath fulfilled the same to us their c. Luke 8. 14. go forth and are c. with cares and richei
P/a/.11.4. eyes behold, his eye-lids try the f. ofm. 1 'lim. 3. 12. the deacons rule their c. and house* CHOLER.
12. 1 for the faithfid fail from among e. of men
. [well Dan. R. T. an he-|!oat moved with e. smote the ran
14.S. lookeU down from heaven upoaco/r/i. 53. S. 'ii/.S.4.yoaiig womco to love hiubaod* and ihtir e 11. 11. lh« king of th* toatl ikall b« iroved wit>'


CHOP. Psal. 33. 12. people he hath c. for his inheritaiice
[ 1. 9- fountain of all the irtti.
'Ae inexhaustible
Hi;. 3. 3. break their bones and e. them pieces m
89. 3. I have made a covenant with c. my sures of nattue, grace, and glory, Jer. 2. 13.
CHOOSE 10. I have exalted one f. out of the people and the matchless, incomparable Redeemer of all
Sic^i.ifies, [11 To select, or make choice of, Exod. l(o. 6. seed of Abraham, ye child, of Jacob hisc. that come to a.-n, John 6. 37. Christ aas the
17.9. Tsal. C5. 15. [2] To renew a choice, or 43. he brought forth his c. with gladness grand subject of all the apostles' ministry, Acti
10 choose ai^ain, [sa. 14. 1. 48. 10. [3] Tofollow,
| lot). 5. that I may see tlie good of thyc. 8. 5. and, indeed, a sermon without Christ is
imitate, or practise, Prov. 3 31. 23. had not Moses his r. stood before him life a cloud without ivater, or a .•hadoiv Ziithoit
7t is spoken (1) Of persons, as, [1] Of Christ, :c/i.i Proi). 16. 16. understand, rather to be c. than silver substance. One moment's communion with Christ
lias chosen and set apart from eternity by Ood 22. 1. a good name rather to be c. than riches is of mo'e Korth than ten thousand worlds ; hit
the Father for the office of Mediator, Isa. 4'3. 1. /v/. 43. 20. to give drink to people, c. my my person most glori-^iu, and he is altogether lovely.
[C] Of tvch :i/iom Gvd from all eternity elected ()5. 15. shall leave your name a curse to c. my Cant. 5. 16.
and separated from among the children of men, Gt). 3. yea, they have c. their own ways The ancient Hebrews, being instructed by the pro
to deliver them from tin and hell, and by h Jer. 8. 3. and death shall be c. rather than life pheit, had very clear notions of the Messiah:
Spirit xtorking in them to unite them by faith la 49. ip.who is a c. man that Iniay appoint, 50. 44. but they Kere changed by little and little, so that
•Christ, the Head of the church, and to sanctify Mat. 20. JC. maov bt caiUd. but few c. 22. 14. uiheu Christ afipeared in Jutlea, i.iey had enter-
ftnd tare them by him, Mark 13. 20. Eph. 1. 4 ^lark 13-. 20. J'or Iiis elect's sake uhom he hath c. tained a veiy wrong notion of the Alessias, et-
Of the Jews, w/io acre set apart as Cod\ Luke and Mary hath c. the good part
10. 42. peeling a temporal monarch and conqueror, that
peeuliar people, Deut. 7. 6. Psal. 105. 6. [4] ^cts shew whether of thfcit two thou hast c.
1. 24. should bring the uhole -xorld under subjection.
Of persotis chosen to office, John 6. 70. (I [) ()/ go thy way, for he is a c. vessel to me
y. 16. From tchence it came to pass, that they were
thivgt, \ta.. 58. 6. (HI) Of places, 2 Chr. 6. 38. Ee/m. 16. 13. salute Rufus, c. in the Lord much scandaliied at the outaiaid appearance, the
CirOOSK, as an act of Ood. '2 Cot. 8. 19- who was e. of t'tie churches to travel humility, and seeming aeakness of our Saviour.
Num. l6. 7. the man the Lord doth e. shall be holy 1 7Vm. .5. + 9. let not a wiJoiv her. iuto the number Zi'hich hindered them from acknowledging him
17. 5. the man's rod whom I shall c. shall blossom 2 'rj/n.2.4.please him who hath c. him to be a soldier as the Christ vhom they expected.
Jfenr. 7. 7. the Lord did not c. you because more 1 Pel. 2. 9- }"c are a c. generation, a royal prieslh. The ancient prophets had foretold, that the Messiah
12. 5. the place which Lord shall c. 11, 14,18, 26. lUv. 17. 14. thev are called, c. and faithful should betjod and Man, exalted and abased, Master
I 14. 23, 24, 25. 15. 20. 15. 2, 6, 7, 15, If).
of God. and Servant, Priest and ytclim. King and Sub-
17.8, 10. 18. 6. I
26.2. 31. 11. Josh.g.Tl.
Luie 23. .35. if he be the Christ, the e. of God ject, mortal, and a conquerer of dtath, rich and
17.15. shall set him king, whom the Lord shall c. .ids 10. 41. but to witnesses c. before of God poor, a king, a compurer, glorious, yet a man of
I Siim. 2. 28. did I <•. him out of all tribes of Israel 1 Pet. 2.4 a living stone, c. of God and precious griefs, involved in our infirmities, in a state cf
S Sam. 16. 18. whom the Ix)rd and his people c. God hath CHOSEN. great humiliation. Alt these seeming contrarie-
21 6. will hang them inGibeah whom Lord did c. Dent. 12. 21. Godhathc. to put name there, I6. 11. ties acre to be reconciled in the person of the
1 Kings 14. 21. the city which the Lord did c. 21. 5. them God hath c. to minister unto him Messiah, as they did really meet in the person of
?>eh. p. 7. ihou art the God who didst e. Abram 1 Chron. 29. 1. So]omonv/hom God hath c. is young Christ. It was known that the JMessiab was «
Psal. 25. 12. him shall he teach in way he shall c. /lets 22. 14. the Godoi our fathers Aa//i c. thee be born of a virgin, of the tribe of Judah, of tht
47. 4. he shall c our inheritance for us 1 Cor. I. 27. God hath c. foolish thmgs, God hath race of liavid, m the i illage of Beth-Iehem : thcl
J.<ii. 14. 1. for the Lord will yet c. Israel e. weak things he was to continue for ever, that his name should
40. 7- the Holy One of Israel, he shall c. thee 28. things despised Godhathc. and things that are be continued as long as the sun, ihat he was Ihe
fiC. 4. 1 also will c. their delusion, and bring fears 2 Thess. 2. 13. God from the beginning AaM c. you great prophet promised in the law, that he was
Zech. 1. 17. the Lord will yet c. Jerusalem, 2. 12. Jam. 2. 5. hath not God c. the poor of this world both the Son and Lord of David, that he was to
CHOOSE. I have CHOSEN. perform great miracles, that he should restoie all
Erod. 17. 9. c. lis out men, and go out, fight with 1 Kings 11. 13. for David's sake and Jerusalem's things, that he should die and rise again, thai
Dent. 23. 16. he shall dwell in that place h? shall c. sake/Aar?f.2 Ai;(?i21.7. 23.27. 2 Cflr. 6.6. |
Llias should be the forerunner of his appeaiance,
.30.19 therefore <" ''f^. 'h^' '1'°" *''<1 s^^J "i^J' live 32. the city which 1 have c. out of all the tribes that a proof of his coming should be, the cure tf
Jlosh. 24. 15. c. day whom you will ser\e iVf/;. 1 9- bring them to place I have c. to set name
the lepers, life restored to the dead, and the gospel
1 i>am. 17. 8. c. you a man for you, let him come I'sal. 119. 30. V/,rt!er. the way oftrmh, 173. preached to the poor: tliat he should not datroy
2 Sam. 17. 1. let me f. 12,000 men, and 1 will pursue ha. 41.8. Jacob whom 1 have c tne seed ofAbrah. the laic, but should perfect andfulril it ; that ht
19. + 38. what thou shalt c. that will I do for thee 9. / have c. thee, and not cast thee away should be a stone ofojence, and a stumbling-block,
24. 12. 1 offer three, c one of them, 1 CAr. 21. 10. 4i. 10. my servant whom / have c Mat. 12. 18. against which many should bruise themselves i
I l\in!;s 18. 23. let them e. one bullock, 25. 44. 1 Iisrae'. whom I haze c. 2. Jesurun I have e.
. ||
that he should suffer oppositions and contradic-
Job g. 14. c. out my words to reason with him 48. 10. J haie c. thee in the furnace of affliction tions, and that a strange people should come and
34. 4. let us c. to us judgment, let us know .')8. 5. is not this the fast that 1 have c. ? 6. submit themselves to his discipline.
.53. whether thou refuse, or whether thou c. Hag. 2. 23. I have c. thee, saith the Lord of hosts Ilheti Christ appeared, these notions af him were
Vs. 84. 1 10. 1 would e. rathcrto sit at the thre.shold Johi 13. 18. speak not of all, know whom Ihavec. I still common among the Jews. Our Savtoui
rrnv. 1 99. and did not c. the fear of the Lord
. 15. 16. ye have not c. me, but / have c. you herein appeals even to themselves, and asks them
3. 31. the oppressor, and c. none 01 his ways 19. but 1 have c. you ut of the world, therefore
1 if these were not the characters of the Messiah,
l:.,t.'! .15. may know to refuse evil, and c. good, 16. I^rd hath CHOSEN. and if they do not see the completion of them
ST). 4. to the eunuchs that c, things that please me Vent. 7. 6. Lord hnth c. ihee a special people, 14.2. in himself. The Evangelists take care to put
(>5. 12. and did c. that wherein I delighted not 18. 5. the Lord hath c. him out of all the tribes ihcm in mind of them, to prove thereby, that
r.:el. 21. 19. c. aplare,f. it at the head of the way ISnm. 10.24. see him whom /.orrfAoM c. none like Jesus IS the Christ whom they expected. The
iViil. 1.22. vet what I shall c. I wot not 16. 8. and he said, neither hath the Lord c. this Liangelist Luke says, that our Saviour enter-
CJIOOSEST, ETII. ING. 10. .Samuel said the Lcrd hath not c. these ing into a synagogue at Nazareth, there opened
/c* 7- 15. so that my soul c. strangling and death 1 Chr-'n. 15.2. for them the LorrfAa;/ic. tocarry ark the book of the prophet Isaiah, where he read,
15. 5. and thou e. the tongue of the crafty 28. 4. Ixird kathc. Judah ruler, and house of fath '1 he Spirit of
the Lord is upon me, because he
'•»«/. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou c. 5. Lord hnih c. .Solomon to sit to build an house, 10 hath anointed me to preach the gc^spel to the
Jsn. 40. 20. he f. a tree that will not rot IChron. 29. 1 1 Lord hath r .you to stand to serve him
. poor, Luke 4. 18. After which he shewed them
41.24. an abomination is he thatr. you Psal. 105.26. he sent Aaron whom he lead c that this prophecy was accomplished in his person
lleb. 11. 25. c. rather to suffer affliction with people 132.13. Loidhathc. Zion|I135.4./>rrf/«7/Af. Jacob And St. i'eter and the other believers being as-
CHOSE. Jcr. 33. 24. the two families which the Lord hath c sembled together. Acts 4. 24, i5,^e. say to God
<"'>»». 6. 2. they took them wives of all which they from, I'sal. 2. 1,2, \Vhy did the heathen rage,
c. Zech. 3. 2. Lord that hath c. Jerusalem rebuke thee
13. 11. then Lot c. him all the plain of Jordan I'jih. 1.4. according as he hath c. us in him Jjc. and apply this prophecy to Christ, verse 27.
/'rod. 18. 25. able men, and made heads
Moses f. CHOSEN men. And in Acts 10.38. Veter, speaking to Come
Oent. 4. .37. heseed after them, 10. 15.
c. their Jndg. 20. 16. seven hundred c. men left-handed lius the centurion, and to those that were with
Jnsh. 8 3. Joshua 30,000 mighty men of valour 1 A1H5JI2.21. of Judah 180,000 f. men, 2C/,r. 11. 1.
<r. him, tells them that the Lord had sent peace to
Jtidg. 5. 8. they c. new gods, then was war in gates 2 Chron. 13. 3. Abijah set the battle in array with men, iy Jesus Christ, whom God had anointed
C Snm.d. 21 the Lord who c. me before thy father
. 400,000 e. men, Jeroboam with 800,000 c. men with the Holy Ghost and with power. So that
1 litngsS. 16. If. no city out of all the tribes of Isr. Psal. 78.31 wrath smote down the c. men of Israel
. when Christ, or his disciples, are said to be
to build an house for my name, 2 Chr. 6. 5. Acts 15.22. to send c. men of their company, 25. anointed, it is to be understood of the spiritnal
I Clir. 28. 4. the Lord c. me before all the ho«se of CHRIST. and internal unction of graie and of the Holy
Jpb Cp 25. I f out their way and sat chief
. The anointed of Cod ; the same Kith the Hebrew Ghost, of which the outward and sensible unction,
I'iul. 78. 67. and t. not the tribe of I'^phraim Messiah, Psal. 45. 7- Isa. 6I. 1. The eternal with which they anciently anointed kings, priests,
f'B. but f the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion
. Son if God, the second J'erson of the gloriofis and prophets, was but the figure arut symbol.
70. he f. David also his servant, and took him Trinity, Mat. 28. 19. 1 John 5. 8. Jn his See MEF.SIAH.
J'ft. f)6. 4. and e. that in which 1 delighted not divine nature he is ejnal uiih the Father, and Christ i> taken for the mystical body of Christ;,
J :fl. CO. 5. say to them, in the day when I c. Isr. over all. Cod blessed for ever ; but in his human both himself the Head, and the church as his
/flic 6. 13. of his disciples he c. twelve apostles nature, niiordmate and inferior to the lather, members, which make but one body, 1 Cor. 12. 12.
11.7. when he marked how they c. chief rooms being like to men in all things, sin eicepied. Likewise for the doctrine of Christ, or the rule 0/
-Or/ifi.S. e. Stephen a man full of faith and H.fihosl lioih natures are united in the person of Christ, life prescribed by him, Eph. 4. 20. And for the
13. 17. God of this people Israel c. our fathers tliiit he might be our prophet, priest, und i>'ig, Spirit, and spiritual gifts and graces of Christ
15.40. Paul C.Silas departed, being recomnien. and the author of a complete, perfect, all-suf- Horn. 8. 10.
CHOSr.N. ficient, and eternal salvation, lie ever lives to Mat. 2. 4. he demaiided where C. snould be boro
JZjod. 15. 4. his r. captains are drowned in the sea intercede J'or all tliat come to him, lleb. 7- 25. 16. 16. thou art C. the Son of the living God
A'«m. 16. 5. him whom he hath c. cause to come 7)1 Christ all the types, prophecies, and promises 23. 8. for one is your Master, even C. 10.
iosh. 24. 22. ye have c. you the Lord to serve him centre. He is the most suitable object for the 24. 5. many shall come, saying, I am C. and shall
Judg. 10. 14. go .ind cry to the gods ye have c. sinner to look to, tnut in, and expect all iis deceive many, Mark 13. 6. Luke 21. 8.
1 Sam. 8, 18. becTise ot the king ye have *. 12. 13. hopes, joys, and consolations frovi, as by him 26. 68. prophesy to us, thou C. who smote thee
90. 30. I know that thou hast c. the son of Jesse alone life and salvation are procured. He is Mark g. 41. in my name because ye belong to (
I A'in5J3.8.hastf.apreat people,cannotl)e
number. the head of principalities and youers, the bright- 15. 32. let C. descend now from the cross
8. 44. Ihe city thou hast c. 4S. 2 Chron. 6. 31, .38. ness if his Father's glory ; and the express image I,uie2. 26. should not die, before he had seeu C,
1 Ckron. Ift, 13. ye children of Jacob his e. ones 4. 41. the devils, they knew that he was C.
of his per.ton, Heb. 1. 3 the glory of all uorljs,
JU S6. 81. this kast thou c. rather than affliction and the r*)ul'ent iunniarynf tie univene, John 23. 35. save himrelf, if be be C. liic chcxer. of Ood


Jj.ike iJ3.?9.sayi]ig, if thou be C save thyself and us Rit.lZ. 10. now iscomekingd. ol G. power of his C. 1 Cor. l6. 22. if any man love not the I.. Jisut C.
9.^ 26. ought not C. to have suffered these A^amse CHRIST. 2 Cor. 1.2. grace and peace from God, and from the
•16. thus it behoved suffer and rise from dead Actsi. 26. kings and rulers gathered against his C. L. J. C. Ga>. 1. 3. Eyh. 1.2. Cot. 1 S
Jo/m 4. 25. the Messias conieth, which is called C 1 Cor. 8. 12. when ye sin against the brethren ye 8. 9. for ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus C.
7. 27. when C. cometh no man knoweth, 28. sin against C, Gal. 6. 14. glory save in the cross of our L.J.C,
Jl. when C. cometh, will he do more miracles 1 3'«m.5.11.wax wanton against C.Oiey will marry £/)A. 1.3. blessed be the Patherof our Lord JesusC
41. but some said, shall C come out of Galilee By CHRIST. 17. God of our L. J. C. gi>e youSpirit of wisdom
42. said, that C. cometh of the seed of David 2 Cor. 1.5. so our consolation aboundeth it/ C. 1 Thess. 1. 3. your patience of hope in our L. J. C
9. 22. that if any man did confess that he was C Gal. 2.17. but if while we seek to be justified Sy C. 2. 19. ye are ourjoy in presence of our L. J. C.
12. 34. we have heard that C abideth forever £p/t. 3. 21. to him be glory in church iy C. Jesus 3. 13. may establish you at coming of our i. J. C.
ticts 2. 30. he would raise up C. to sit on his throne For CHRIST. 5. 23. be preserved unto coming of •iir L. J. C
36. God hath made that Jesus both Lord and C 1 Cor, 1. 17. for C. sent me not to baptize, but to 2 Thess. 2. 1. we beseech you by coming of Z,. J. C.
.{.IS.God had before shewed that C. should suffer 4. 10. we are fools for C. sake, but ye are wise in C. 16. now our L. J. C. hath given us consolation,
8. 5. Philip went and preached C. to them 2 Cor. 5.20. now we are ambassadors/or C. we pray 1 'iim. 5.21. I charge thee bef. L. J. C. 2 'Jim. 4.L
9. 20. ami straighuway he preached C. in synago. 12. 10. I take pleasure in distresses /or C. sake 2 'Jim. 4. 22. the L. J. C. be with thy spirit, ame»
17. 3. alleging that C. must needs h.ave sufl'ered £pA. 4. 32. as God /or C sake hath forgiven you ": Pet. 1. 11. an entrance into kingdom of L. J. CI
26. 23. that C. should suffer, and rise first from d P/til. 3. 7- gain to me, those I counted loss/or C. 3. 18. grow in grace and in knowledge of L. J. C
Horn. 5 6. in due time C. died for the ungodly 2 Thess. 3. 5. L. direct to the patient waiting/or C. In CHRIST.
8. in that while we were yet sinners Cdied for us. //ei.ll.t 26. esteeming reproach/or Cgreater rich Acts 24. 24. heard him concerning the faith inC.
(V. 4. like as C. was raised up from the dead by Jesus with CHRIST. Jiom. 9. 1. 1 say the truth in C I lie not, my cfcns,
I), knowing that C being raised, dieth no more .l/V/f.l.lC.wjisbom J««tr, who is called C.27. 17. 22 12. 5. so we being many are one body i» C.
1. 4. ye are become dead to law by the body of C. Jolin 1. 17. but grace and truth came by Jtsus C. 16. 7. are of note, who also were mC before me
8. 9. if any have not Spirit of C he is none of his 17. 3. know thee, and Jesus C. whom thou sent 9. salute Urbane, our helper in C. and Stachys
10. ifC be in you, the body is dead because of sin Actsl. 38. be baptized in the name oi Jesus C. 10. salute Apelles approved m O. salute Aristo.
11. he that raised up C. from dead shall quicken 3. 6. in the name of Jesut C. rise up and walk 1 Cor, 3. 1. I speak to you, even as unto babes irt C,
9. 3. I could wish myself were accursed from C 20. shall send Jesus C. who was preached to you 4. 10. we are fools, but ye are wise in C.
5. of whom C. came, who is over all, God blessed 4.10. by the name of Jesus C. doth this man stand 15. tho' ye have 10,000 instruct, m C. not many
SO. 4. C. is the end of the law for righteousness 5.42. and daily they ceased not to preach Jesus C. 15. 18. they that are fallen asleep in C. are perish.
6. that is, to bring C down from above 8. 12. when they believed Philip preaching thing 19. if in this life only we have hope in C.
7. that is, to bring up C. again from the dead concerning name of Jesus C. they were baptized 22. even so in C. shall all be made alive
14. 9. for to this end C died, and rose, and revived 37. I believe that Jesus C. is the Son of God 2 Cor. 1.21. he whichstablishethuswithyoutn C.
15. destroy not him with meat for whom C. died 9. 34. Eneas, Jtsia C. niaketh thee whole, arise 2. 14. God who causeth us to triumph in C.
18. for he Uiat in these things serveth accept. 10.36.preaching peace by J<jtu C. he is Lord of all 17. as of God, in the sight of God speak we in C.
15.3. foreven Cpleased not himself, but reproach. .;6.18.I command thee in thenameof J.Ccomeout 3. 14. vail untaken away, vail is done away inC
7. as C. also received us, to the glory of God 17. 3. and that this Jesiis I preach to you is C, 5. 17. if any man be in C he is a new creature
18. of things which C. hath not wrought by nie 18. 5. Paul testified to the Jews that Jesus wjis C. 19- that God was in C. reconciling the world
20. I strived to preach, not where C was named 28. shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was C. 20. we pray you in C. stead, be reconciled to G
16. 5. Epenetus the first-fruits of Achaia to C. 19- 4. that they should believe on C. Jesus 12.2. 1 knew a man in C above fourteen years ago
1 Cor. 1. 23. but we preach C. crucified, to the Jews Rom. 1. 1. Paul a servant of Jesus C. Phil. 1. 1. 19. we speak before God, in C. we do all things
24. C the power of God, and the wisdom of God 3. concerning his Son Jesus C. our Lord, of seed Gal. 1. 22. unknown to the churches of Judea in C.
S. 23. and ye are C. and C. is God's 6. among whom are ye the called of Jesus C. 3. 17. the covenant confirmed before of God in C,
5. 7- even C. our passover is sacrificed for us 8. I thank my God through Jtsus C. for you all 27. as many as have been baptized inio C
8. 11. the weak orother perish, for whom C. died 2. 16. shall judge the secrets of men hy Jenui C. Eph. 1. 3. blessed us with spiritual blessings in C.
9. 21. but under the law to C. that I might gain 3. 22. righteousness, which is by faith of Jesus C. 10. he might gather in one all things in C.
10. 4. all drank of that rock, and that rock wzis C. 24. justified through the redemption in Jesus C. 12. should be to his glory, who first trusted in (X
9.nor let us tempt some of them also tempted 5. 15. git't by grace, which is by one man Jesus C. 20. which he wrought in C. when he raised him
15. 3. I delivered to you, how C died for our sins 17. shall much more reign in life by one Jesus C. 3. 6. partakers of his promise i« C. by the gospel
12. if C. be preached that he rose from the dead 6. 3. so many as were baptized into Jesus C. Phil. 1.13. so that my bonds in C. are manifest iq
16. if the dead rise not, then is not C. raised 8. 1. no condemnation to them that are in C.Jesus 2. 1. if there be any consolation in C. if comfort
17. and if C. be not raised, your faith is vain 2. the Spirit of life in C. Jesus hath made me free Col. 2. 5. beholding stedfastness of your faith in C,
23. every man in his own order, C the first-fruits 16. 3. Priscillaand Aquila, my helpers in C../«uj 1 'J'hess. 4. 16. and the dead in C, shall rise first
Z Cor. 3. 4. such trust have we thro' C. to God-ward ICV.1.1. Paul i.postIe of J, C. 2Cor.l.l. Eyh.l.l. 1 'Jim, 2. 7. I speak the truth in C. and lie not
5. 16. yea, the' we have known C. after the flesh 2. with all that call on the name of Jesus. C. 1 Pet, 3. 16. accuse your good conversation in C
6. 15. and wnat concord hath C with Belial ? 4. for the grace of God given you by Jesus C. Js CHRIST.
11.2.1 may present you as a chaste virgin to C. 30. but of him are ye in C. Jesus, who is made to Mat. 24. 23. if any say, lo, here is C, Mark 13. 21.
Oal. 2. 20. I live, yet not I, but C. liveth in me 2.2. not to know any thing, save Jesus C. crucified Mark 12.5. that C. is the son of David, Lide 20.41
21. if right, come by law, then C died in vain 4. 15. for in C.J. have I begotten you thro' gospel Luke 2. 11. is born a Saviour who is C. the Lord
3.13.C.hath redeemed us from the curse of the law 2 Cor. 4. 6. the knowledge of God in face of J. C. 23. 2. saying, that he himself is C. a king
24. the law was our schoolmaster, to bring us toC. 5. 18. hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus C. John 7.41. others said, this ii the C. some said
29. if ye be C.then are Abraham's seed, and heirs 13. 5. know ye not, how that Jesus C. is in you Acts 9. 22. Saul increased, proving this ix very C.
•4-. 7. if a son, then an heir of God through C. Gal. 2. 16. a man is justified by the faith of Jesus C. 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I preach you is C.
19. of whom I travail, till C. be formed in you 3. 14. blessing come on the Gentiles thro' Jesiu C. Eom.8. is C. that died, yea rather risen again
6. 1 the liberty wherewith C. hath made us free
. 28. male nor female, for ye are all one in C. Jesus 1 Cor. 1. 13. is C. divided ? was Paul crucified for
2. if ye be circumcised, C'.shall profit you nothini; 4. 14. ye received me as an angel, even as C. Jesus 7. 22. he that is called, being free, is C. servant
4. C. is become of no effect unto you, if justified Efi/i.2.6. made us sit in heavenly places in C.Jesus 11.3. know that the head of every mjui is C.
by law 20. Jestis C. being the chiaf corner stone 12. 12. members being many are one body, so 1/ C.
24. that are C.have crucified the flesh with affect. P/iil.l.S. I long after you in the bowels of J<i«jC. 15. 13. if dead rise not, then is C. not risen, 16.
E/ph. 2. 12. at that time ye were without C. 2. 5. mind be in you, which was also in C. Jesus 20. but now is C. risen from the dead, and first
5. 17. that C. may dwell in your hearts by faith 2. 1\. Jesus C. isLord, to the glory of God the P. 2 Cor. 10. 7. if any man trust that he is C.
4. 15. may grow in him which is the head,evenC. 21. all seek not the things which are Jesus C. Gul. 2. 17. is therefore C. the minister of sin?
'..'0. but ye have not so learned C 3. 8. I count all loss for the excellency of C.y«7(f 3. 16. but as of oue, and to thy seed, which is C,
.5. 2. as C. also loved us, and hath given himself for 12. for which also I am apprehended of C Jesus Phil. 1. 21. for me to live is C. but to die is gain
14. arise from thedead,andC.shall give thee light 4. 19. according to his riches inglory by C. Jesus Col. 1. 27. which is C. in you, the hope of glory
23. husband is the head of the wife, as C. is the Co/ ye have received C. J. so walk ye in him Of ciiRisr.
head of the church 1 lim. 1. 15. that C. J. came to save sinners Mat. 11.2. John ht ard in prison the works of C.
24. as the church is subject to C. so let wives bf 2.5. mediator between God and men, man C. Jesus 22. 42. what think you cf C. f whose .son is he.'
25. love your wives, as C. also loved the church 6. 13. before C.J. who witnessed a good confession Horn. 8. 9- if -uiy man have not the Spirit of C.
32. but I speak concerning C. and the church 2 V'nwj. 1. 9. according to his grace given us in C.J. .'i5. who shall separate us from the love of C .'

6.5. obedient, in singleness of your heart as to C. 13. in faith and love, whicn is in Christ Jesus 14. 10. we shall all stand before judgment seat of J
iPAi/. 1.15. some indeed preach C of envy and strife P/iilem. 1. P.vil a prisoner of Jerus Christ, 9. 23. 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest cross o/C. be made of none effect
16. the one preach C. of contention, net sincerely Ueb. 13, 8. J. C. the same yesterday and for ever
, 2. 16. but we have tne mind of' C.
18. C. is preached, and I therein do rejoice 1 John 1.7. blood jf Jat^L\ C. clean.seth from all sin 6. 15. know ye not your bodies are meml>ers<><'C'.
20. so now C. shall be magnified in my body 2. 1. we have an advocate, J««u C. the righteous 10. 16. cup, is it not the communion of blood o/'C.
3. 8. I count them but dung, that I may win C. 5.6. this is he that came by water and bloud, J. C. the bread, is it not the communion of body of C
4.13.1 can do all through C who strengtheneth nie 20. we are in him, even in his Son Jesus C, 11.1. be ye followers of me, even as I aKoamc/C
Cci. 2. 8. after rudiments of world, and not after C. Lord Jesus CHRIST. 3. head of woman is man, the head 0/ C. is God
1. 1. where C. sitteth on the right hand of God Acts. II 17. as to us who believed on the /,. J. C.
12. 27. now ye are the body ofC. and members
'4. when C. who is our life shall appear, then shall 15. 11. thro' the grace of L. J. C. we shall be saved 2 Cor. 1. 5. as the sufferings of C, abound in u«
11. bond nor free, but C. is all and in all 16. 31. believe on the L. J. C. thou shalt be .saved 2. 10. for you forgave it in the person of C,
13. even as C forgave you, 10 also do ye 20. 21. testifying faith toward out J^ard Jesus C. 15. for we are to God a sweet savour <V C.
24. receive the reward, for ye serve the Lord C. Horn. 5. 1 we have peace with God thro" L. J. C.
. 3. 3. ye are the epistles of C. ministered ^y us
Heh. 3. 6. but C. as a son over his own house 11. We alsojoy in God, ihro' out J A>rd Jesus C. 4. 4. lest the light of the glorious gospel ofC. shic*
£.5. so alsoC.glorified not himself to be an hi(;h pr. f). 23. gift of God is eternal life thro' our L. J. C. 5. 14. for the love«/C. consirainelh us, bec.iuse
9. 11. but C. being come an high-priest of good 8.39. separate from love of God in C. Jesus out L. 8. 23. or our brethren, they are the glory u/' C
24. C. not entered into holy place made with hands 13. 14. put ye on L. J. C. and make not provision 10.1. beseech by the meekness and gentleness o/'G
28.C.wasonce offered to bear the sins of many Ifi. 20. grace of L. J. C. be with vou,24. 2. Cor. 5. bringing every thought to the obedience of C
J /'«<.2. 21. because C. also suffered forus, ar. exam. 13. 14. Gal. 6. 18. e Thess. 3. 18. Pev. 22. 21. 11.10. as the truth of C. is in me, none shall stop
3. 18. C. hath once suffered f»rsins,just for unjust 1 Cor. 1.7. waiting for the coming of Z.orrfJ«.na C. 12. 9. power of C. may rest on me, liev. 12. 10
4 l.asC. suffered for us in the flesh.arni yourselves 8. 6. but to us one L. J. C. by whom are all thincs 13. 3. since ye seek a proof of C. speakiiig in me
Htv, 11. 15. the kingdouis of our Lord and hisC. 1 5. 57 .G od piveth ui the victory thro' our L. J. C. Gal. 1. 10. if pleased men^^ should notbestrv. ^O'


Ca?.2 16.thatwemiglitbejustifiedbvthetaitho/(l A.C..< 2. 47. Lord ad Jed to c d.iily such sh. be s.i ved Jsa. S2. 7. the instruments also of the c. are evil
0. 1'J. leal sufler persccuiion for the cross 0/ C. fi. 11. and great fearcarae 011 all the c and as many cmKi.isH.
Eph. 2. IS. ye are made nigh by the blood of C. 8.1. was a great persecution against the c. at Jcru. 1 Sa» Nabal was c. and evil iuhisdoicg
3. 4. understand my knowled. in the mystery i^' C. 11. C6. they assembled themselves with the c. CHURNING.
8. should preach the unsearchable riches of C. 14. 23. when they had ordained elders in every e. Prov. 30. 33. surely the c. of milk bringeth buttet
jg. know the love of C. which passeth knowfedce 27. when they had gathered the c. together CIELED.
4. 7. according to the measure of the gift 0/ C. 15. 3. being brought on their way by the c. 2 ChroH. 3. 5. he c. the greater house with fir tree
5 5. hath any inheritance in the kingdom of C. C2. it pleased the elders with the whole c. to send Jer. 22. 14. it is c. with ceOar and painted with ver
6.6. as servants ci/" C. doing the will of God IB. 22. when he had gone up and saluted the c. Hag. 1.4. is it time for vou to dwell inyour chouses.
PAil. 1. 10. be witnoiit offence till the day of C. Kom. 16. 5. greet the c. that is in their house CIELING.
1 Cor. 4. 17. as I teach every where, in every c. 1 Kings 6. 15. he built walls of the house with c.
29. for to you it is given in behalf o/'C. to believe
2. IG. that I may rejoice in the day 0/ C. 14. 4. but he that prophesieth edifieth the c. Ezei.4l. 1 16 over-against the door c. with wooj
30. for the work 0/ C. he was nigh to death 5. except interpret that the e. may receive edify. CINNAMON.
3. 18. they are the enemies of the cross 0/ C. 23. if the e. be come togetlier into one place Eiod. 30. 23. take of sweet e. half so much
Col. 1 24. fill up what is behind of afflictions oJ'C.
. 16. 19. salute you, with e. that is in their house Prov.T.n.l have perfumed mybed with aloes and<r
2. 2. mystery of God, and of the Father, and ofC. Eph. 1 22. gave him to be head over all to the c.
Cant.4.14. thy plants are an orch. of calamus and c
17. are a shadow of things, but the body uof C. 3. 10. might be known by the r. the wisdom of God Rev. 18. 13. no man buyeth her merchandise of c
t. 16. let the word 0/ C. dwell in you richly 5. C4. as the c. is subject to Christ, so let wives CIRCLE.
4. 3. open to us a door, to speak the mystery ofC. 25. as Christ loved the r. and gave himself for it Prov. 8. 1 27. when he set a e. on face of the depth
2T/iets.3A5. Lord direct you into the patience 0/ C. 5. 27 that he might present to himself a glorious c.
//a. 40.22. it is he that sitteth on the t. of the earth
2 Tim 2.19. every one that uameth the name of C.
. 29. but cherisheth it, even as the Lord the c. CIRCUIT, S.
//<4.3.14.forwearemade partakers o^Cif we nold 32. but I speak coi^cerning Christ and the c. 1 &m.7.l6. hewentfrom year to year inc. foBethe/

9. 14. how much more blood ofC. purge conscien. Phil. 3. 6. concerning zeal, persecuting the c. Job 22. 14. and he walked in the e. of heaven
1 1 26. reproach 0/ C. greater riches than treasur.
. 4. 15. noc. communicated with me, but yv oijy Ps. 19. 6. c. and his c. from the ends of the earth
1 Pet. 1. 11. what time the Spirit of C. did signify Col. 1. 18. and he is the head of the body the e. Eccl. 1. 6. wind returneth again according to his c
19ye are redeemed with the precious blood 0/ C. C4. for his body's sake, which is the c. CIRCUMCISE.
4. 13. as ye are partakers n/C. sufferings, that when 4. 15. salute the e. which is in Is ymphas' house G«n. 17. 11. ye shall c. the Hesh of your fore-skins
14. if ye be reproached for the name 0/ C. 1 Tim, 5. 16. and let not the e. be charged Dcut. 10.16. c. therefore the fore-skin of your heart
Rtv. CO. 6. they shall be priests of God and of C. Philem. 2. Paul a prisoner, to the c. in thy house 30. 6. the Lord thy God will c. thine heart
That CHRIST. Heb. 12. 23. to the c. of the first-born in heaven 7«/i.5.2.andf. again children of Israel second time
John 1. 25. if be not thai C. nor Elias, nor prophet 1 Pet. 5. 13. the c. at Babylon elected saluteth you 4. and this is the cause why Joshua did c.
6. 69. we are sure thou art t/iat C. the Son of God 3 Jomt 6. borne witness of thy charity before the c. Jer. 4. 4. c. yourselves to the Lord, and take away
T/,e CHRIST. 9. I wrote unto c. but Diotrephes receiveth us not Lule 1. 59. on eighth day they came to c. the child
Mat. 16. 20. saying, tell no man that he was the C. In the CHURCH. John'. 22. and ye on the sabbath-day c. a man
26. 63. I adjure thee, tell whether thou be the C. Acts 7.38. this is he that was in the e. in wilderness Acts 15. 5. saying, it was needful to c. them
Mart 8. 29. Peter saith unto him, thou art the C. 13. 1. there were prophets in the c. at Antioch il. 21. that they ought not to c. their children
14. 61. art thou the C. the Son of the Blessed ? 1 Cor. 6.4. to judge who are least esteemed in thee. CIRCUMCISED.
LtiJce 3 15. mused of John, whether he were the C. 11. 18. first of all when ye come together in the c. Gen. 17.10. every man-child among you shall bee
9. 20. Peter laid, thou tn the C. of God 12. 28. God hath set some in the c. first apostles 14. whose flesh is not c. that soul shall be cut off
22. 67. scribes, saying, art thou the C. t tell us 14. 19. yet in the e. I had rather speak five words 23. and Abraham c. the flesh of their foreskin
John 1. 20. but he confessed, I am not the C. 28. let him keep silence in the c. and speak to God CO. in that day Abreih. was c. and Ishmael his sod
41. we have found the Messias, which is theC. 35. it is a shame for women to speak in the c. 34. 15. if as we be, that every male of you be c.
3. 28. I said, I am not the C. but sent before him Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory in the e. by Christ Jesus 24. and every male was e. Eiod. 12. 48.
4. 29. see a man who told me all, is not ihis the C. 1 Col. 4. 16. cause it to t>e read m
tlie c, of Laodicea Josh. 5. 3. Joshua c. children of Israel at the hill
42. we know that this is indeed the C. 7. 26. Of the CHURCH. 7. because they had note, them by the way
t 8. when the people had made an
7 41. others said, this is the C. but some said Acts 8. 3. as for Saul, he made havock of the e. end to be c.
10. 24. if thou be the C. tell us plainly 11. 22. tidings from Antioch came to ears o/"M<c. Jer. 9.25. will punish allf. with the uncircunicisea
11. 27. I believe thou art the C. the Son of God 12. 1. at that time Herod vexed certain (fthe c. Acts 15. 1. except ye be e. ye cannot be saved, 24.
20. 31. that ye may believe that Jesus is //.« C. 5. prayer was made of t lie e. unto God for Peter 16.3. Paul c. Timothy because of the Jews
J John'Z. C2. but he that denieth that Jesus is M< C. 15. 4. they were received of the e. and elders K( father of all that believe, though not «,
5. 1. whoso believeth Jesus is //le C. is born of G. 20. 17. Paul sent and called the elders of thee. 1 Cor. 7. 18. is any man called being c. let him not
fViih CHRIST. Rom. 16. 1. Phebe our sister, a servant of the c. become uncircum. in uncircum. net become f.
Pom. 6. 8 if we be dead niV/i C. we shall also liv« 23. Gaius mine host tstdofthe whole e. saluteth Gal. 2. 3. neither was Titus compelled to be *.
8. 17. if children, then joint-heirs uiV/i C. 1 Cor. 14. 12. may excel to the edifying of thee. 5. 2. if ye be e. Christ shtJl profit you nothing
Gal. 2. 20. I am crucified tiM C. I live, C. liveth Eph. 5. 23. even as Christ is the head of the c. 6. 12. they constrain you to be e. le«t they suffer
iph. 2. 5. God hath quickened us together tciih C. Heb. 2. 12. in midst of the c. I will sing praise 13. for they that are e. kept not the law
Phil. 1.23. having a desire to depart and be niV/i C Jam. 5. 14. let him call for»the elders of the c. Phil. 3.5. e. the eighth day, of the stock of Israel
Col. 2. 20. if ye be dead uith C frcnn the world 3 John 10. Diotrephes casteth them out of the c. Col.2.11 in whom also ye aref. with circumcision
3. 1. if ye be risen uith C. seek the things above Rev. 2. 1. to the angel of tlie c. of Ephesus, write CIRCUMCISING.
3. ye are dead, and your life is hid aiih C. inG. 8. e. in Smyrna K 12. Pergamn3|| 18. Thyatira Josh. a. 8. when they had done c. all the people
Rev. CO. 4. and they reigned tciih C. 1000 years 3. l.f. of Sardis||7. Philadelphia 14. Laodicea |1 /,u/t«2.21.wIien«iRht days accomplished for c.child
^clt 1 1 26. disciples were first called e. at Antioch Acts 20.28. feed the c. of God which he purchased This term is taken from the Latin, circumcidere,

26. 28. almost thou persuadest me to be a e. 1 Cor. 1.2. to the r. of God which is at Corinth which signifies to cut all round, because the
1 P//.4.l6.yet if anT man suffer as a f. not be ashi. 10. 32. give none offence to the e. of God Jeus Tcho circumcised their children, cut off the
CHRISTS. 11.22. or despise ye the e. e/'Gorfanc <hame them liitle skin, or prepuce after that manner, xhich
Mat. 24. 24. there shall arise false e. Nark 13. 22, 15. 9. because I persecuted f. o/"Gorf, Gal. 1. 13. covert the nul of the penis, or natural part.
CHRONICLES. 1 7'i»n.3.5. how shall he take care of the e. of God! God enjoined A&raoam to use circumcision, at
1 /Tinf/ 14.10. restof acts of Jeroboam are in thee CHURCHES. a tign of that covenant uhich he had ottered in-
1 CAren. 27- 24. nor number pnt in the account off Acts^. 31. then had thee, rest through »" Judea to mih him, G«n. 17. 10, 11, 4c- 'J''" ""' '
£:/A. 6. 1. to bring the book of the records of c. 15. 41. Paul went through Syria confirming the c. tign, evidence, and assurance, both of the Mess-
See Book. 16. 5. so were the e. established in the faith ing promised by that God uho appointed this or-
CHRYSOLITE. 19. 37. these men who are neither robbers of r dinance, particularly that he uould give them
Rer 21.20. seventh foundation of the city waj a<. Rom. 16. 4. to whom all c. of Gentiles give thaiiks Christ, the promised seed, out of the loins of
CHRYSOPRASCS. 16. 3«lute one another, the c.oi Christ salute you Abraham, and in him accept of' them for his
Rev. 21. 20. tenth foundation of the city was a e 1 Cor. 7. 17. to let him walk, so ordain I in all c. peculiar people, pardon their sins, and cleanse
CHURCH 11. 16. we have no such custom, neither c. of Christ them from their natural corruption, sicnifed by
fcignifies, [1] A religious aiiembly selefted anicallei 14.33. but author of peace as in all c. of the saints the anting off of their foreskins : and also of
out of the uorld by the doctrine of the gospel, to 34. let your women keep silence in the c. men's obligation to the duties required ; namely,
Korjhtp the true God in Christ, aecordmt to his 16.1. as I have given order to cofGalatiasodoye to believe in this J^lessiah, to put off the old
uord, 1 Cor. 1.2. Rev. 2. 7. [2] All the elect 19. c. of Asia salute you; Aquila and Priscil'la man, and serve him as nea creatures ; nhich is
of God, of tthttt nation soever, from the begin- 2 Cor. 8. l.of the grace bestowed on e. of Macedonia signified by his acceptance of, and submission to
ning to the end of the tcorld, uho make hut one 19.but who was chosen of the <. to travel with us the oidmauce.
hciy, V hereof Jesus Christ is the Head, Col. 1. 23. brethren, they are the messengers of the c. Circumcision i> liieaise put for the Jews, Tiho were
18. (31 I'he faithful of some one family, to- 11.8. I robbed other c. taking wages of them circumcised, as uncircumcision is put for the
gether uith such christians at vere tcont to as- 28. Cometh upon me daily the care of all the c. imcircumcised Gentile.!, Gal. 2.7,8, 9,- ^^"'^
semble uith them for solemn tcorship, Rom. 16. 12. 13. what is it wherein ye were inferior co c. ? for such as are spiritually circumcised, uho are
5. Col. 4. 15. Philem. 2. [4] The faithful of Oal. 1. 22. were tinknown bv face to c. of Judea the true spiritual seed of Abraham, uho have
lome one province, 2 Thess. 1.1. [5] The {o- 1 Thess. 2. 14. ye became followers of the c. of God the thing signified by that sign, or ceremony,
vernors, or representaliiee of the church. Mat. 2 Thets.X. 4. so that we ourselves glory in you inc. and perform that uhich circumcision uas designed
18. 17. Tell it to the church ; that is, to such Rev.l. 4. John to the sevm c. in Asia, grace to you to engage unto, Phil. 3. 3. ,

rulers, to sc/tom the censures

of the church do of 11. send it to the seven r. which are in Asia John"!. 22. Moses therefore gave unto you e,
tifhl belong, that by them it may be eommun 20. the seven stars are the angels of the seven e 23. if a man on the sabbath-day receive e. are y«.
cattd to the uhoie society, [fi] A multitude of and the seven candlesticks are the seven c Rom. 2. 25. for c. profiteth. if lliou Keep the law; if
people assembled together, uhether good, or bad. 2. 7. he that hath an ear, let him hear what Spirit thou break the law, thy c. is made uncircumcisioti
Acts 19. ."i". [7] The congregation of the Jews, saith unto thee. 11, 17,29. 3.6. 13,22 28. nor is that e. which is outward in the flesh

uhich uai formerlf the cJiuich and people of God. 23. f know I am he whirh searcheth the reins
. 29. and c. is that of the heart, in the Spirit
Acts 7. 38. 22.10. I Jesus sect to testify these things in ihec. 3. .30. one CJnd, who 'hall justify the c. ly faith
Mat. 16. 18. and upon this rock I will build my r, CHURL. 4. 9. conjcth this blessedness then on the r. only?
19. 17. tell it to thee if he neflecJ to hear the « Jsm. 32. 5. nor Khali the e. be said to be bountiful 10. how was it reckoned.when he wa.'* in i:..'uot in t
6 .


1 Cot. 7. 19. e. is the keeping of the commandments 8 Chr. 19. 5. set judges in the land e. by c.\
and he of Datii. CITY '

30. 10. so the posts passed from e. to c. it the e. of David, 1 Vhr, Jl,
2 Sam. 5. 9. called
Gal. 2. 9. and t'lat they shonld go unto the e.
5. 6 for in Jesus Christ neither f. availeth, 6. 15. 32. 18. to trouble them that they might take the c. would not remove the ark into c. of tJitti
6. 10.

11. and I, brethren, if I yet preach 0. why do I yit Ezra 4. 12. the Jews are building tne rebellious c. 12. brought up the ark into the c. of David, ifl.
Ep/i.2. 11. by that which is called cne c. in the flesh \eh. 2. 3. why not sad, when the c. lieth w.iste, 5. 1 Kings 2. 10. David was juried in the c. ofDaci
Judah sonof was second over the 3. 1. Solomon brought her into the c. of David
PAil. 3. ."}. we are the e. which worship G. in spirit 11.9. .Senuah c.

Col. 2 Jl. with r. without hands, by c. of Christ Esth. 3. 15. but the c. Shushan was perplexed 8. 1 bring the ark out of c. of David, 2 Chr. 5. 2,

3. 11. there is neither c. noruncircum. but Chr. is 8. 15. the e. of Shushan rejoiced and was glad 11.41. Solomon buried in e.of D. 2 Chr. Q. 31.
O/" CIRCUMCISION. Psal. 48. 2. the c. of the great King, Mat. 5. 35. 14. 31. Rehoboam buned inc. of D. 2 CAr.l2.lfi.
Exod. 4. 26. a bloody husb. art thou, because of c. 59. 6. and they go round about the c. 14. 15.8. they burieu Abijam in c.n/Z). 2 CAr.14.1.
/IctsT 8. he gave Abraham the covenant 0/ e.
. 72. 16. they of c. shall flourish like grass of earth 22. .'O. Jehoshaphat buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 21. t.
10. 45. they of c. which believed were astonished 107.4. they wandered, they found no c. to dwell in 2 A'iHfj8.24. Joramburiedinc.o/"D.2 CAr. 22.20.
11. C. they that were o/the c. contended with Pet. 122. 3. Jerusalem is builded as a c. compact 9. 28. Ahaziah was buried in the c. (/David
if lira. 3 1. what profit is there ii/'c..' much everj- way 127. 1. except Lord keep the c. watchmen in vain 12. 21. Jehoaih buried [nc.ofD. 2 Chron. 24. 25.
4. 11. he received the sigoo/'c. a seal of righteous. Prov. 8. 3. Wisdom crieth at the entry of the c. 14. 20. Aniaziah |115.7. Azariah buried in e.of D.
12. a father of c. to them who are not of the c. 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his strong c. 18. 11. 15. 33. Jothan was buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 27. 9.
15.8. .les. Chr. was a minister o/'c. for truth of (1. 11. 10. when it goeth well with the righteous, the 16. 20. Ahaz was buried in the c. of David
Gal. 2.7. as the gospel ofe. was committed to Pet. c. rejoiceth, and shouting when wicked perish 2 Chron. 24. 16. they buried Jehoida in the c.ofD
8. he that wrought in Peter to apostlesh. of (he c. 11. by blessing of the upright the c. is exalted ha. 22. 9. seen the breaches of the c. of David
Col. 4.11. Marcus and Justus who s.Ttof c. sal. you 16. .32. ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh ac 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the e. where Darirf dwelt
7'i/. 1.10. for there many unruly, especially theyo/'f. 25. 28. is like a c. broken down without walls Liike 2.4. Joseph also went into the c. of David
CIRCUMSPECT. - 29. 8. scornful men bring a c. into a snare 11. to you is bom in the c. of David a Saviour
£jui/ all thinesthat I have said to you,ber. E.ccl. 9. 14. there was a littlt c. and few men in it Elders with CITY.
CIRCUMSPECTLY. 15. and the poor wise man delivered the c. Deut. 19. 12. the elders of his c. shall fetch him
Epk. 5. 15. seethat ye walkf not as fools but as wise Isa.
. 1. 2fi. called c. 21. 6. the elders of that e. next to the slain man
of righteousness, faithful c. 21
CISTERN 14. 31. howl, O gate, 20. say to the elders of his t. our son is stubborn
cry, O c. whole Palestina
Signifies, [1] A vessel of lead 10 Iwlduaier for hoitse- 17. 1. Damascus is taken away from being a c. 22. 17. spread the cloth before the elders of the c.
hold uses, 2 Kings 18. 31. [2] /hit/ i/iing i/iat 19. 2. shall fight, c. against e. kingd. against kingd 25. 8. then the elders of his e. shall call him
persons put their trust in besides (lod, lehelliei 24. 10. the c. of confusion is broken down Josh. 20. 4. declare his cause to the elders of that e.
in idols, powerful neighbours and alltei, frieniis, 25. 2. thou hast made of a e. an heap, to be no c. Judg. 8. 16. Gideon took the elders of the c.
traditions, merits, iV' u'hich are lnu broken cis

3". 20. look on Zion, the c. of our solemnities litithi.i. Boaztook ten men of the c/rfecj of the c.
tenis, Jer. C. 13. [3] The left ventricie of the 60. 14. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord Eira 10. 14. and with them the eldeit of every e.
heart, Eccl. 12. 6. 62. 12. thou shall be called a c. not forsaken Every CITY.
2 Kings X^. 31. drink ye every one waters of his c. Jer. 3. 14. I will take you one of a<;. two of a tribi Judg. 20. 48. smote as well the men of every e.
Proi\ 5. 15. drink waters out of thine own c, 4. 29. whole c. shall flee from noise of horsemen 2 Kings 3. I9. ye shall smite every fenced c.
Eccl. or the wheel broken at the c. 19. 12. thus will I do, even make this c. as Tophet 2 Chron. 11. 12. in every c. Rehoboam put shields
Isa. .36.16. drinkevery one the waters of his own f 25. 29. to bring evil on the t. called by name 28. my
25. in every c. of Judah he made high places
CISTERNS. 32. 24. they are come to the e. and the c. is given 31. 19. of sons of Aaron which were in every c.
2 Chron. 26. 10. Uzziah cut out many c.
-f 39. 2. the f. was broken up, men of war fled, 52. 7. ycr.4.29. every c. shall be forsaken, not a man dwell
»/). 9. + 25. jiossessed houses full of goods and c 46. 8. I will destroy the e. and the inhabitants 48. 8. and tte spoiler shall come upon every c.
Jer. 2. 13. my people have hewed out c. broken e 49. 25. how is the f. of praise not left, the c. of joy Mat. 12. 25. and every c. divided against itself
CITY Lam. 1.1. how doth e. sit solitary, full of people Luke 10. 1 sent them two and two into every e.

Signifies, [1] A
walled town for people to dwell in. 2. 15. is thisf. that men called perfection of beauty? Acts 15. 21. hath in every c. them that preach him

Josh. 6. 3. [2] I'he inhabitants of cities. Gen. Ezck. 4. 1. pourtray on it the c. even Jerusalem 36. let us go and visit our brethren in every e.
.35. 5. Isa. 14. 31. Jer. 26. 2. [3] Theehurch 7. 23. make a chain, for the e. is full of violence 20. 23. the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every c. that

God upon earth. Cant. 3. 2, 3. Rev. 11. 2. 9. 1. cause them that have charge over the c. 2iV. 1.5. that thou shouldest ordain elders in eitrye.
[4]The church triumphant all united in glory. 4. go through the midst ofc. Jerusalem set a mark Eenced CITY.
Rev. 21. 2. 22. IQ. [5] Heaven, the eternal 9. land full of blood, thef. is full of perverseness 2 Kings 10. 2. with you a/«nc«rfc.also and armour

inheritance of all believers, Ileb. 11. 10, I6. 10. 2. and scatter the coals of fire over the c. 17. g. from the tower of watchmen toihe fencede.
[6] 'Ihal uherein a man puts his trust and confi- 27. 32. what c. is likeTyrus in midst of the sea ? 2 C'AriiH.l 1.23. he dispersed of all his children thro'
dence, Prov. 10. 15. 33. 21. one came to me, saying, the c. is smitten Judah and Benjamin unto e\eryfe>xeJc.
Cen. 4. 17. Cain builded a c. and called it Enoch 48. 35. name of the c. shall be, the Lord is there CITY of God.
11.4. let us build us ac. and a tower, whose top Dan.Ci. 18. behold the c. called by thy name, I9. P.fa/. 46. 4.the streams shall make glad the c.ofG.
5. Lord came down to see the tower, whose top Uos. 6. 8. Gilead a c. of them that work iniquity 48. 1.Lord greatly to be praised in c. of omt God
8. Ld. scattered them, and they left off to build c Amos 4.7. I caused to rain on one c. not on another 8. the c. of God, God will establish it for ever
18.26. if I find in Sod. fifty righteous within ther. 5.3.the c. that went out by a thousand shall leave 87. 3. glorious things spoken of thee, O e. of God
28. wilt thou destroy all the c. for lack of five ? Mic. 6.9. Lord's voice crieth 10 the c. hear the rod Heb. 12. 22. ye are come to the c. c/"ihe living Giirf
54.13. the daughters of thee, come to draw water //ai. 2. 12. woe to him that stablisheth a iniqui. Itev. 3. 12. write on him the name ofc. of my God
34. 24. hearkened all thatwent out of thegate ofc. Zeph. 3. 1. woe to the filthy and polluted,oppressiiigf. Great CITY.
25. came upon the c. boldly, and slew the males Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be called a c. of truth Gen. 10.12. Ashur builded Re5en,samc hagrealc.
JVi/;n. 21. 28. a flame is gone out from c. of Sibon 5. streets of the c. shall be full of boys and girls Josh. 10. 2. feared, because G ibeon was a great c.
22. f 39. Balaam came to a e. of streets 14. 2. the f..<hall be taken and the houses rifled, the thee, was large ixnii great, but people
Deut. 2. 36. there was not one c. too strong fortis residue of people shall not be cut off from the c. Jer. 11. 8. why hath Lord done thus to this great e. f
3. 4. there was not one c. we took not from them Milt. 5. 14. a c. that is set on a hill cannot be hid Jonah go to Nineveh, that great e. 3.2.
1. 2. arise,
13. 15. shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that c. 35.nor by Jerusalem, for it is the c. of great King 3. 3. now Nineveh was an exceeding great c.
21. 3. c. nextto slain man shall take a heifer, 6. 8. 34. behold, the whole c. came out to meet Jesus 4. 11. should I not spare Nineveh that great c.t
Josh. 3. 16. on an heap very far from the e. Adam 10. 11. into whatsoe>-er e. ye shall enter, inquire /ffr.l 1.8. dead bodies lie in the streets of tlie great c.
6. 3. ye shall compass c. and go round six days, 7. 15. than for that c. ^ark 6. 11. Luke 10. 12. 14.8. Babylon faUen,thater<-a/c. 18.10, 10,19,21.
24. they btirtit the c. with fire and all therein, 21 10. all the c. was moved, saying, who is this .' 16. 19. the great c. was divided into three parts
Dent. 13. 16. Josh. 8. 8, 19. Jndg. 1. 8. 18. 27. | 22. 7. the king sent and burnt up their c. 17. 18. the woman thou »awest, is that great c.
8. 2. lay thee an ambush for the c. behind it 23.34. and persecute them from c. to c. 21. 10. he shewed me that jica* c. holy Jerusalem
17. they left the c. open, and pursued after Isr. Mark 1.33. all the c. was gathered together at door Holy CITY.
20. the smnke of the c. ascended up to heaven 5. 14. they that fed swine, told it in c. Luke 8. 34. A'fA.n.l.cast lots to dwell in Jerusalem the holy$.
11. 19. was not a f. made peace, save the llivites Ltike 2. 3. went to be taxed, everj- one to his own c. 18. all the Levites of the holy c. were 2»t
Josh. 15 13. to Caleb the c. of Arba, which r. isof 7. 12. and much people of the c. was with her Isa. 48. 2. they call themselves of the holy c.
19. 50. they gave Joshua the c, which he asked 19. 41. he beheld the c. and wept over it 52. 1. put on thy beautiful garments, O holy c.
20. 4. he shall stand at the entry of the gate of c. 23. 51. Joseph was of Arimathea, a c. of the Jews Uan.g. 24. seventy weeks determined on thy holy
Judg. 6. 27. because he feared the men of the c. John 4. 39. many of that c. believed on him Mat. 4. 5. the devil t.iketh him up into the holy c
8. 17. and Gideon slew the men of the c. Acts 8. 8. and there was great joy in that e 27. 53. went into the holvc and .ippeared to many
9- 15 and beat down the <•. and sowed it with salt 13. 44. came together almost the whole c. to hear lUv. 11.2. the holy c. shall they tr> under foot
51. all they of the c. fled, and shut it to them 16. 12. we were abiding in that c. certain days 21.2.1 John saw the Aii/vccoming down from God
20. 40. the flame of the c. ascended up to heaven 17. 5. and set all the c. in an uproar and assaulted 22. 19. God shall take his part out of the holye.
/luth 1. 19. that all the e. was moved about them 19. 29. the whole c. wa.s filled with confusion In, or Into tlie CI I'Y.
3. 11. for all thee, of my people know that thou 21 30. all the c. was moved, and the people ran
Cen. 19. 12. whatsoever thou hast in the c. bring
1 Sam. 1.3. this man went out of c. yearly to wors. lleh.^^^.^O. he looked for a <. that hath foundations Dent. 20. 14. all that is in the e. take to thyself
4. 13. when the man told it, all the r. cried out 16. for he hath prepared for them a c. £8 3. blessed shalt thou be in thee, and in the field
5. 11. there was a deadly destruction thro'all the f 12. 22. ye aare come to 'he c. of the living God 16. cursed .slialt Ihou be iii the c. and in the field
8. S2. Samuel said to Israel, go ye every man to 13. 14. for here we have no continuing c. hut seek Josh. 6. 20. so that the people went into the c.
his c. 1 Kings 2^.36. Ezra^.l. AW. 7. ./17m. 4. 13. we will go into such a c. buy and sell 21. they utterly destroyc'd all th.-it was lu the c
28. 3. Israel buried him in Ramah, his own r. Hev. 20,9. they went aid compassed the beloved c. H. 19. they entered into the c. and set it on fire

S Sam. 12. 1. two men in oneu. one rich, other poor 21. 14. the wall of tfte f. had twelve foundations Judz. 24. shew us the entrance into the c.
1 .

15.2. then Absalom called, of what «. art thou ' 18. the c. was pure gold, like to clear glass Gideon put the ephod 111 his c. in Uphrah
8. 27.
19. 37. I may die in mine own c. and be buried 23. the c. had no need of the sun nor moon 1 Sam.i. 13. when the man came into (A<c.aiid told
20. 19. seekest to destroy ar and mother in Israel Bloody CITY. 2 '<mm. 15. 25. cairy back the ark of God into th; c
1 Kings 1. 45. rejoicing, so that the c. rang again E.Tck.lZ.'i.ion of man.wilt thou judge the bloody c. ? 27. return into the c. and your sons «ith you
11. 32. for Jerusalem's sake, e. I have chosen, 36. 1 Kings 13. 25. and they came and told it in t\e e.
24. C. woetothei/uorfv*. to thei)Ot,9. Hah. 3. 1.
2 Kings 6. 19. neither is this the c. follow me Vefenced CITY. 14. 11. that diclh of Jeroboam in the e. dojj eat
11. 20. the people rejoiced, and the e. was in qui-t Jsa. 25. 2. thou h, made of a itftnced c. a ruin 12. arise, and when thy feet enter into the e.
24. 10. the (. Jerusalem v/as besieged, 25. 2. 27. 10. yet the defenced e. sba'il'be desolate 16. 4. that dieth of Baa.sha in the c. shall dogs cat
3 Chr. 15.6.was destroyed off forG. did vex them Jer. 1, 18 I have made thee iliis day a difintidc. 20. 30. came into iht c into an iuner chanibir
. .' . J


1 Ki*gt^1."4AhM dieth of Ahab, in thee, flogs cat JVr.13.8.1 will make thuc. and an hissing Josh. 21. 41. a// the c. of the Levites were 45*.
« Kings 7. 4. if we say, we will enter into the c. 11 even so will I break this people and //<;> c.
. 1 .Sfl/n. 18. 6. the women came out of all e. of ler.

12. we shall ratch them, and get into the c. 15. I will bring upon ihitc. and towns all the evil 2 Sam. 12. 31. thus dm he to all c. of the Ammoi}.
20. 20. how llezekiah brought water inio the c. CO. 5. I will deliver all the strength of this c. 24. 7. they fame to all the c. of the Ilivites
25. S. famine prevailed in M^c. there wa.< no bread 21.0. he that ahideth in ///ijf.shuU die by the .sword 1 Kings 22. .39. allc. Ahab built are writw n in teck
P«/.31.21. blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewed 10. 1 set my fare against this f .for evil and not cood 2 Chron. 14. 14. Asa smote all the c. about Gerar
me his marvellous kindness in a strong f CC. 8. why hath the Lord done thus unto this c. ? Neh. 10. .37. have tithes in all the c. of our tillage
55. 9. I have seen violence and strife in the c. 26. 6. I will make this c. a. curse to nations of earth Jer. 4. 26. all the c. thereof were broken down
I'ror. 1. 21. in the e. Wisdom nttereth her words 15. ye shall bring innocent blood on this c. 33. 12. in all c. thereof an habitation of shepherds
£rf/.715. than ten mighty men which are in thee. C". 17- wherefore should this c. be laid waste.' JJvs. 13. 10. any that may save thee in all thy c
B. 10. and the wicked were forgotten in the e. .32. 3. I will give this Chaldeans, 28. 34.2. |
Acts 8.40.preached in a/l c. till he came to Cesare i
/«» the f .is left desolation and gate smitten 31. this e. hath been to me as a provocation Defenced CITIES. [ed e.
Jer. 14.18. if I enter into the c. then behold sick 33.5.for\vickedness 1 have hid my face from this c. ha. 36. 1. Sennacherib comcth against the defenc
30.9. like to die, for there is no more bread in the e. 34. 22. command and cause them to return to thtsc. 37.26.that shouldest be to lay waste the defenced e
52. 6. famine was sore in the e. there was no bread 38. 17. this e. shall not be burnt with fire Jer. ^.5. assemble, let us go into the defenced .-.S.!*
Ijim. 1. 19. my elders gave np the ghost in the e. ;3. thou shalt cause this e. to be burnt with fire 34. 7. for these defenced c. remzuned of Judah
Etek. 7. 15. in the e. famine shall devour him ?9. ]6. \ will bring my words on .'/jit c. for evil lenced CI llES
9. 7. and they went forth and slew in the e Eiek.\ 1.2. these men eive wicked counsel in this e. Num. ones shall dwell in ihefencede.
32. 17. little
II0.1. 11. 9. and ! will not enter tnto thee 3. this e. is the caidron, and we be the flesh, 7- Dent. 3. 5.
these c. were /en«rf with high walls
JiielQ g. they shall run to and fro in Mff.on the wall 1 1 .Mi.ff.sha-. not be yonrcaldron, nor ye the flesh 9.1. to possess c. fenced -af to heaven. Josh. 14. 12.
jimos 3. 6. shall a trumpet be blown in the e. shall Mat. 10. 23. when they persecute you in this e. flee Josh. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into fenced e.
there be evil in a e. and Lord hath not done it Acts 18. 10. for I have much people in this c. 2 &im. 20.6. lest he get him fenced c. and escape us
7.17. thy wife shall be an harlot in the e. thy sons 22. 3. I wasbrouehtup in this cat feet of Gamaliel 2 Chr. 12. 4. Shishak took tUe fenced c. of ludah
Jotiah 3. 4. and Joseph began to enter into the c. Without CITY. 14.6. Asa built /wifirrf c. in Judah, land had rest
Mat. 9. 1 he passed over and came into his own c. Gen. 19. l6. and the men set him rcithmil the c. 17.2. Jehoshaphat placed forces in inefeucede.
10. 5. i7tio any e. of the Samaritans enter not l^v. 14.40. into an unclean place ai(/joi</ the c. 41. 19- 5. setjudgesthroughall the/wirerff.of Judab
10. 1 1, and into whatsoever e. ye shall enter Sum. 35. 5. ye shall measure from without the <-. 21. 3. Jehoshaphat gave his sons fenced c. in Jud.
26. 18. go into the f to such a man, and say to him
. 2 Chron. 32. 3. to stop the fountains uithout the c. Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish ihy fenced e.
28. 11. behold, some of the watch came iutn the e. Rei'. 14. 20.the wine-press was trodden aithoul the c. Dan. 11. 15. k. of the north take the mostfenced c
Mark 14. 13. he saith, go into the e. Acts 9- 6. CITIES. Has. 8. 14. and Judah hath multiplied /en«rf c.
X.vJte'i.i. all went to be taxed, every onS into his c. Gen. 19. 29. when God destroyed the e. of the plain Zeph.l. 16. a day of an alarm against the fenced t
7. 37. a woman in thee, which was a sinner 35. 5. terror of God was upon the c. round about CITIES of Judah.
18. 2. there was in a e. ajudge, who feared not G. 41.48. Joseph laid up the food in the c. 2 Sam. 2. 1 shall I go up to any of the e. efJudahJ

3. there was a widow in e, and she came 47. 21 as for the people he removed them to the c. 2 Ki7ig! 23. 5. that burnt incense in the c. of Judah

22. 10. behold, when ye are entered into the c. Lev. 25. 32. the c. of the Levites may he redeemed 1 Chr. 6. 57. to sons of Aaron they gave the c.oi J
24. 49- but tarry ye in the e. of Jerusafem Num. 13. 19. what e. they be that they dwell in 2C/(r.l7.7.toteachin e.ofJ. 13. business inc. ii/" |{

John 4. 8. his disciples were gone irtio the e. 35. 8. every one shall give of his e. to the Levites 19- 5. set judges in the e. of Judah, city by city
Acts 115. I was in the c. of Joppa, praying Deut. 2. 37. norcamest thou to e. in the mountains 23. 2. gather the Levites out of all the e. »f Judah
14. 20. howbeit, he rose up and came into the c. 3. 12. e. thereof gave I to Reubenites andGadites 31.6. Israel in the c. oi Judah brought tithes
21. 29. had seen Trophimus with him in the e. 19- abide in your e. which I have given you 33. 14. cUid put captains of war in the c. of Judah
24. 12. neither in the synagogues nor in the c. 6.10. into the land to give thee great and goodly c. Neh. 1 1. 3. in f. of Jud. each dwelt in his possession
P Cor. 11.26. I have been in perils in Me the sea 19. 5. he shall flee to one of these c. and live Pjo/. 6g. 35. God, will save Zion, and build <:. of
A<i'. 22.14. and may enter thro* the gates into thee. Josh. 9. 17. Israel came to their c. on the third day Judah
CITY of the Lord. 10. 19. suffer them not to enter into their e. Isa. 40. 9. say to the c. of Judah, behold your God
Psal. 101. 8, ] will destroy tlie wicked, that I may 11.13. as for the e. that stood still in their strength 44. 26. and that saith to c. of Jud. ye shjJl be built
cut oflTall the wicked doers from thee of the L^rd 18. 9.»described it by c. into seven parts in a book Jer. 1. 15. the families of the north against f. »/ J.
Ita. 60. 14. thev shall call thee the c. of the Lord Judg. 12. 7. Jepththai was buried in one of the e. 4. 16. give out their voice against the c. of Judah
Out of the CITY. of I srael set fire on all the c.they came to 7.17. seest thou not what they do in the e. of Jud.
Otn. 44. 4 when they were gone out of the e. 21. 23. they repaired the e. and dwelt in them 9. 11. I will maker. o/J. desolate, 10.22. 34.22. |

/.V»rf.9.29. Moses said,jis soon as I am gone out ofe. 1 Sam. 31. 7. the Israelites forsook the c. and fled il. 12. thenshallc. of Jud. go and cry to the gods
33. and Moses went out of the e. from Pharaoh 2 Sam. 10. 12. forthe c. of our God, 1 Chron. 19-13. 32 44. buy fields, and take witness in the e. of J.
Lev. 14. 45. he shalfcarry them forth outoft'iec. 1 Kings 9. 12. H
iram came from Tyre to see the e. 33. 10. without man and beast, even in the c. of J.
Josh. 8.22 the other side issued out of the e. against 13. what e. are these fnat tnou niist given me ? 13. in c. of Jud. shall flocks pass under the hands
ludg. 1. 24 the spies saw a man come out of the e. 20. .34. the e. my father took I will restore 44. 6. my
fury and anger was kindled in c. of Jud.
U. Sum. 18. 3. better thou succour us out of the c. 1 C//ron. 2. 22. Jairhad 23 f. in the landof Gilead 21. the incense that he burnt in the e of Judah
20. 16. then cried a wise woman out of the c. 4. 31. these were their c. to the reign of David Lam. 5.11. they ravished the maids in thee, of Jud.
1 A'in^x 21. 13. they carried Naboth out of the c. 2 Chron. 34. 6. and so did he in the c. of Manasseh Zech.l. 12. wilt thou not have mercy on the f. of J.
2 Kings 7. 12. when they come out of thee, we.^hal! Ezra 3. 1 . when the seventh month was come, and CITIES of refuge.
9. 15. Jehu said, let none escape out of the c. the Israelites were in their c, Neh. 7. 73. Num. 35. 6. there shall be six c. for refuge, 13, 14.
1 Chron. 20. 2. he brought much spoil out of the c. Xeh. 11. 1. and nine parts do dwell in other e. 11 .ye sh.ill appoint for you e. of refuge, Josh.iO.H.
2 Chron. .33. 15 Josiah cast the idols out if the c. Job 15.28. dwelleth in desol ate f. and houses no man 1 C7;r.6.67. they gave tosonsof Kohath off. »/"r</i
Job 24. 12. men groan from out of the e. the soul Psal. 9.6. O enemy, thou hast destroyed c. Sii CITIES.
Jer 39. 4. Zedekiah went out of the c. 62. 7. Isa.(>.\ 1. he answered, till c. be wasted, and houses jVnm. 35. 6. tiic. shall ye have for refuge, 13, 15.
Ftek. 48.30. these are the goings out of the c. 14. 21. nor fill the face of the world with c. Josh. 15. 59. in the mountains of Judah six c.
Mic. 4 lO.-now shalt thoa go forth out of the c. that day shall five c. in the land of Egypt CITIES with Suburbs.
Mat. 21. 17 he left them, and went out of the c. 33. 8. he hath despised the e. he rcgardeth no man Lev. 25. 34. the siciurbs of their c. may not be sold
Mark 11. 19. when even was come, went mit of the c. 64.10. thy holy ^. are awildem. Zion isawildcm. Num. 35. 2. shall give to Levites ruburbi for the e.
Latke 4. 29. they rose and throst him out of the c. Jer.i, 15. they made his land waste, his f. are burnt Josh. 21. 3. Israel gave to Levites c. and suburbs
9- 5 when ye go out of thatf shake ofTthe dust
. 28. according tc the number of thy f. 11. 13. 41. the c. of Levites forty-eight with their tub.
John 4. 30. then they went out of the e. and came 13. 19. c. of south be shut up, and none ^all open CITIES with yillnges.
Actsl. 58. cast Stephen out of thee, and stoned him 20.l6.that manbe as the e. which Lord overthrew 1 Sam. 6- 18. of fenced e. and ot country tillages
14. 19. having stoned Paul, drew him out of the c. 31.21 .turn again, O
virgin of Israel, to these thy e. 1 Chron. 27. 25. over store-houses in f and villages .

Ifi. 13. and on the sabbath we -n^rAoutof the e. 49. 13. all the e. thereof shall be perpetual wastes Mat. 9. 35. Jesus went about all the f . and villages
21 5. they brought us, till we were out of the c. 50. 32. I will kindle fire in his e. it shall devour teaching and preaching the gospel, lAtke 13. 28.
of refuge. Eiek. 26. 19. lil(e the e. that are not inhabited, Mark 6. 56. whithers. he entered into villages or %
Nvm. 35. 25. shall restore him to the e. ej refuge 30. 17. !Uid these c. shall go into captivity CITIES with Haste.
S6. if come without border of ther. of refuge, 27. 35.9-thy e. shall not return, know that I am Lord Lev. 26. 31. and I will make your f. tcaste, .33.
28. he should have remained in the c. of refuge I will send fire upon hisf. it shall devour Isa. 61.4. they shall repair the icaste c. desolation*
32. for him that is fled to the e. of refuge 11.6. the SAvord shall abide on his c. and consume Jer. 4. 7 .thy f .shall be laid uaste without inhabitant*
Josh. 21. 13. they gave Hebron tobe af. of refuge /imos 4. 8. two or three c. wand, unto one for water Eiek. C. 6. in all your dwellings your c. shall be u.
21.ShechemtlC7.Golan||.32.Kedesh||38.Ramoth Mic. 5. 11. and I will cut off the c. of thy land 19. 7. laid tv. their f 35. 4. I will lay thy f u.
. |]

1 Cliron. 6.57.tosoni of Aaron.

llehiODic. of refuge 14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thy e. 36. 35. uasie c. are become fenced and inhabited
This CITY. Zffih. 3.6. their c are destroyed, there is no man 38. so shall the tcaste filledwith flocks of men
(Jen. 1914, lyOt said, up, for Ld. will destroy this e. Z<rA.1.17.myf. by prosper, shall yet spread abroad Amos 9. 14. and they shall build thy uaste c.
20. behold now, this c. is near to flee onto Mat. 10. 23. shall not have gone over thee, of Israel Your CITIES.
21. and he said, I will not overthrow thn c. 1 1 1 he departed to teach and preach in their c.
. Isa. 1.7. vour f are burnt with fire, land des date

Jack. 6.26 cursed be he that buildeth this <•. Jericho Acts 26. 11. I persecuted them even to strange e. Jer. 40. lb. and dwell inyimr f that ye have taken .

Juig. 19. 11. come, and let us turn in unto Mix <-. 2 Pet. 2.6. turning e. of Sodom andGomor.to21.shes Wnioj 4.6. have given cleanness of teeth in all yntic.
1 Satr.. 9.6. there is in this t. a man of God Judet and . r. about them in like manner an example CITIZEN, S.
2 Kingsi. 19 the situation of this e. is pleasant fell and Babylon Luke 15. 15. the prodigal joined himself to a t.
Wfj'.l6.19andthec. of the nations
18. 30. th4S e. shall not be delivered, /*a. .36. 15. ^3// CITIES. 19. 14. hisf. hated him, and sent after him
19. 32. shall not come
into this e. 33. Isa. 37. .34. Israel took a// these f and dwelt in Acts 21. 39. I am of Tarsus, a f of no mean city
M(m.21.25.and .

34. I will defend this c. 20.6. Isa. 37. 35. \ 38. 6. e. of Amorites, Deut. 2. 34. 3. 4. Josh. 10. 39. Eyh. 2. 19. but fellow-f with sainu aud houithoM

23. 27 I will cast ofli'rAuf. Jerusalem I have chosen 31. 10. they burnt all their e. Judg. CO. 48. CLAD.
C Ckron. (i. 34. they pray to thee toward this e. Num. 35. 7. a// the :. of the Levites shall be 48 c. 1 A'injjl 1.19 Jeroboam f. himself with a newgarm.
Exra 4. 13. that if Mi* e. be builded again, I6. Detu. 20. 15. f^us do to o/l e. afar oflf from thee ha. 59. 17. for clothing was e. with z«al »s a clokc
15 know thll this e. is a rebellious city Josh. 11. 12. all the r. of the kings uiieriy destroy. CLAMOROUS
Nek. 13, 18. di<l not God bring evil up on ihts e. f 21. 19. all the c. of children of Aaron were 13 c. Pr»r. 9. 13. a foolish woman is c. she is simple
Jer. 6. 6. this is the e. to be visited, is oppression 33. all the e. of the Gershonitiis were 13 <-. CLAMOUR.
17 25. Jerusalem, and Mijf shall remain for ever 40. all the c. of childrec of MeriH by lot 12 e. Efh. 4. 31 all ancer and f . be put aw«7 from yoa



CLAP. Job 14. 4. who can bring a e. thing out of nnclean Luke 17. 17. were not ten c. but where arc the 9
Jr.h2T SS. men shall c. hzinds at him, andhitshim 15. 14. what is man that he should be e. T Acts 10. 15. the voice spake, what G. hath c. II.9
fsal. 47 1 f . your hzmds.all ye people, shoui to
. . G 15. yea, the heavens are not c. in his sight CLKANSETll.
98. 8. let floods e. their hands, let hills be joyful 25. 4. how can he be c. that is born of a woman .' Jub 37. 21. but the wind passeth and c. them
Iia. 55.12. the trees of the field shall c. their hands 33.9. I am f .without transgres. nor iniquity in nv Prov. 20. 30. blueness of a wound c. away evil
Lam. 2. 15. all t' pass by e. their hands at tliee Pr«i'. 16.2. the ways of a man are his own eyes 1 John 1.7. blood of Jesus Christ c. us from all sin
^oA.3.19.that bear fruit of thee shall f .theii nands £(•</. 9. 2. all things come alike to the c. and unclean CLEANSING.
CLAPPED. Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, make you c. put away evil Leu. 13. 7. hath been seen of the priest for his
Taek. 25. 6. because thou hast c. thine hands 28. 8. all tal'les'full, so that there is no place e. Num. 6. 9. shave his head in the day of his c.
CLAPPETH. 30.24. oxen and young asses shzill eat f .provemler Mark 1. 44. go and offer for thy c. Luke 5. 14.
]ob 34. 37. he f. his hands among us, multip. words 42. 11. be ye c, Uiat bear the vessels of the Ix)rd CLEAR.
CLAPT. 66.20.bring an offering in a c. vessel to house of L. Gen. 24. 8. l-e e. from this
thou shalt oath, 41 my
iKtnrs 11. 12. e. their hands, and said, God save Jer. 13. 27. O Jenisalem,wilt thou not bemadec. ? 44. 16. or how
shall we c. ourselves r
CLAVE. [king Ezek. 3f>. 25. then will I .".prinkle c. water on you Eiod. .34. 7. and that will by no means c. the guilty
Gen. 22. 3. Abraham c. the wood forlmmt-offering Mat. 8. 2. a leper came, saying. Lord, if thou wilt, 2.i)V7m.23.4. as tender grass, bye. shining after rain
Viun. 16. 31. the ground e. asunder under them thou canst make me c. Mn/k 1.40. iMke 5. 12. Psal. 51. 4. mightest be c. when thou judgest
Judg. 15. 19. God c. an hollow place in the jaw 3. I will, be thou c. Mart. 1.41. Luke 5. 13. Eccl. 3. t 18. that they might e. God, and see
1 Sam. 6. 14. they c. wood of the cart and offered 3. 25. for ye make c. the outside, XiiAe 11. 39. Cant. 6. 10. fair as moon, c. as the sun, as an army
Pj.f8.15. he f. the rocks in wilderness, /ja.48.2]. Luke 11.41." behold, all things are c. unto you /jn.18.4. in my dwelling-place like a c. heat on herb*
CLAVE. John 13. 11. therefore said he, ye are not all c. .Imos 8. 9. I will darken the earth in a c. day
Ren. 34.3. Shechem his soul c .to rinph,Jac. dangh. 15. 3. BOW ye are r.thro'word I have spoken to you Zech. 14. 6. the light shall not be e. nor dark
'iutn 1. 14. but Ruth c. to her mother-in-law Actsia.Q. your blood be on your own heads.I am c. 2 Cor. 7. 11. ye have approved yourselves to be c.
2 Sam. 20. 2. the men of Judah c. to their king Rev. 19.8. she be arraved in fine linen, c. white, 14. Rev. 21. 11. her light was e. as er3-stal, 22. 1.
23. 10. he smote till his hand c. to the sword CLEAN hands. 18. the city was pure gold, like to c. glass
1 Kings 11. 2. Solomon these in love Job 9- ^0. if I make my hands ever so c. CLEARER.
2 Kings 18.6. forllezekiahf to Lord, departed not
. 17. 9. he that hath e. hands shall be stronger Job 11. 17. thine age shall be c. than the nooc-day
A'eA. 10. 29. theyr to their brethren, their nobles
. Psal. 24. 4. he that hath c. hands and a pure heart CLEARING.
.^cts 17. 34. certain men t. to Paul and believed CLEAN heart. Num. 14. 18. and by no means
e. the guilty

CLAWS. Psal. 51. 10. create in mea«c heart, O God, renew Cur. 7. 11. what c. of yourselves it wrought
Pent. 14. 6. beast that cleaveth the cleft in two c. 73. 1. God is good to Isr. and such as are of a c. h. CLEARLY.
Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like birds' c. Prov. 20.0. who can say, 1 have made my heart c.f JobZZ. 3. my lips shall utter knowledge e.
Zecli. 11. 16. he shall tear their c. in pieces Is CLEAN. Mat. 7. 5. see c. to pull out the mote, Luke 6. 42..
CLAY. Lev. 13. 13.hei>c. 17,37,39. pO.ytt ;s he r.41. Marks. 25. was restored, and saw every
man t.
Job 4.19. much less them that dwell in houses of r. 15. 8. that hath the issue spit on him that is c. Rom. 1. 20. things from creation are c. seen

10. 9. remember thou hast made me as the c. Num. 9. 13. a man that «jf. not on a journey, I9. 9- CLEARNESS.
M. l-i. your bodies are like to bodies of c. Psal. 19. 0. fear of the Lord isc. enduring for ever Eiod. 24. 10. and as the body of heaven in his c.
27. 1(5. though he prepare raiment as the c. Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen are, the crib is c. CLEAVE.
33. 6. I also am formed out of the c. John 13. 10. to wash his fret, but is c. every whit Lev. 1. 17. he shall c. it with the wings thereof
38. 14. it is turned as c. to the seal, they stand Pronounce CLEAN. Psal. 74. 35. thou didst c. the fountain and the flood
Vsat. 40. 2. he brought me up out of the miry c. Lev. 13. 6. the priest shall pronounce him c. 14. 7. Hab. 3. O. thou didst c. the earth with
ha. 29. 16. shall be esteemed as the potter's c. Shall be CLEAN. Zech. 14. 4. the mount shall c. in the midst thereof
41. 25. on princes, as the potter treadeth the e. Lev. 11. 36. a fountain wherein is water i/zo/Zipr. CLEAVE, yerb.
45. 9. shall the c. say to him that fashioneth it ? 12. 8.she.f.l5.28. Num. 31.23.
G^•«.2.24. a man shall leave father and mother and
04. 8. we are c. thou our potter, work of thy hand 14. 9. he shall wash his flesh in water,he .i^a// be c. shall e. to his wife, Mat. I9. 5. Mark 10. 7
Jer. 18. 4. the vessel that he made of c. was marred 20. 15. 13. 17. 15.
I 22. 7. Num. 10. 12, I9, Deut. 4. 4. ye that did e. to the Lord your God
10.20.him serve, to him shalt thou c .and swear by

6. as e. is in the potter's hand , so are ye in mine Num. 31. 24. and ye shallh^ e. Etek. 36. 25.
Psal. 51. 7. purge me with hyssop, and I shall bee. his name, 11. 22. 13. 4. 30. 20. JojA.22.5.
43. 9. take great stones, hide them in the e. | |

Dan. 2. 33. his feet part of iron, part of c. 34. 42. CLEANNESS. 13. 17. shall c. nought of cursed thing to thy hand
35. then was the e. broken in pieces, 45. 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to the c of my hands hath Josh. 23. 8. but c. to the Lord your G.hI
41 .thou sawcbt the feet and toes part of potter's c. the Lord recompensed me, Psal. IB. 20. f if you will c. to the Lord your
\a/i. 3. 14. go into r. and tread the mortar 2.1. according to my c .in his eye-sight, P/a/. 18.24 2 Kings 5. 27. the leprosy of Naaman shall c.totlice
Job 38. and the clods fast together
Hai. 2. 6. woe to him that ladeth himself with c. Amos 4. 6. I have also given you c. of teeth in cities .38. e.

Johi 9. 6. he spat on the ground, made c. of spittle, CLEANSE. Psal. 101. 3. I hate the work, it shall not <. to me
and anointed the eyes of the blind man with c. Eiod. 29. 36. thou shaltf. the altar. Lev. 16. 10. IOC. 5. by my groaning my bones e. to skio. my
15.he put c. on mine eyes, I washed, and do see Lev. 14.49. shalt take to c. the house, two birds, 52 137. 6. let my
tongue c. to the roof of mouti: my
Hsm. 9. 21. hath not the potter power over the <•..' Num. 8. 6. take the Levites and c. them Ua. 14. 1. they shall r. to the house of Jacob
CLAY-GROUND. 2 Chron. 29. 15. to c. the house of the Lord, 16. Jer. 13. 11. so have I caused to c. tome Israrl
42. US. the famine whereof ye were afraid
shall c.
] Kings 7- 4^5. cast vessels in e.-^. 2 C/ircn. 4. 17. Neh. 13. 22. that the Levites should r. themselves
CLEAN. Psal. 19. 12. e. thou me from secret faults after you in Egypt, and there ye shall die
Lev. C3. 22. thou shalt not make f. riddance in field 51 2. wash me thoroughly, and c. me from my sli
Ezek. 3. C6. I will make thy tongue c. to the roof
Jos/i.3.n. the people passed e. over Jordan,4. 1,11. 119. 9. wherewith shall a young man c. his way > Uaii. 2. 43. but they shall not c. one to another
Psai.7T.B. is his mercy f. gone for ever? his promise Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to fan nor to e. 11. 34. many shall c. to them with flatteries
Isa. 24. 19. the earth is c. dissolved, is moved 33. 8. I will e. them from iniquity, Erek. 3". 23. Acts 11. 23. with purpose of heart c. to the Lord
Joell. 7. he hath made it e. bare, and cast it away Erek. 36. 25. from all your idols will I e. von i'om. 12. 9. abhor evil, c. to that which is
2<fA.11.17.his arm shall be «. dried up,andright eye 39. 12. burying, that they may c. the lani!, I6. CLEAVED.
E Pet. 2. 18. were e. escaped them that live in error 43. 20. thus shalt thou c. and purge it 2 Kings 3. 3. Jchoram c. to Jeroboam's siit
CLEAN, Adjective, 45. 18. take a young bullock, and c. the sanrt-iary Jo* 29.10. their tongue e. to the roof of their mooUi
Signifies, [1] That wliicU is free from filth, or Joel. 3.21. I will c. their blood I have not cleansed 31.7. and if any blot have c. to my hands
ceremmiially fure. Lev. 10. 14. [2] One xeho Mai. 10. 8. heal the sick, r. lepers, raise the dead
Job 19. CO. my
bone c. to skin and to my flesh
ts free from the guilt of sin, by the blood 23. 26. c. first that which is within the cup
of Christ, Psal.51.7. \:^] One tcho is deli- 2Cor.7.Llet use. ourselves from all filthiness of flesh P.'a/.22.15. strength dried up, my
tongue <. to jaw*
re'ed from the power of sin by sanctifying Eph. 5. 26. might c. it with the washing of water 41. 8. an evil disease, say they, c. fast to him
grace, John 13. 10. [4] That which may be Jam. 4. 8. e. your hands, ye sinners, purify hearts 44. 25. our soul bowed down, our belly c. to earth
lawfully used, Luke 11. 41. [5] Guiltless, or 1 John 1.9. to c. us from all unrighteousness 119. 25. mysoul e. to the dust, quicken me
innocent. Acts 18. 6. [6] Cured, 2 Kings 5. CLEANSED. Jer. 13. 11. as the girdle e. to the loins of a roan
12. [7] Emptv, Prov. 14.4. Lev. 11. 32. be unclean until even, so shall it be c. Lam. 4. 4. the tongue of sucking child r. to the rool
The fear of the Lord is clean, Psal. I9. 9. The 12.7. she shall he c. from the issue of her blood 8. their skin c. to their bones, it is wilhcrwi
My taw of God, which works a due fear of God, 14. 4. to take for him that is to be c. I9. 31. Lukt 10. 11. the dust of vour city which c. on us
and teaches men how to worship him, is sincere, 14. the ear of him that is to be c. 17 1 B, 25, 28. ,
not adulterated with any mixture of vanity, Num. 35. 33. the land cannot be e. of the blood Deut. 14. 6. boast that e. the cleft into two clawo

falsehood, or vice ; not requiring or allowing any Jofh. 22.17. from which we are not c. till this day .lob 16. 13. he c. my
rein? asundrr. and spareth not
uiekedness, but cleansing from it. 2 Chron. 29. 18. we have e. all the house of the L. Psal. 141. 7. when one cutteth and r. wood on earth
Gcn.7.2.ofevery c. beast thou shalt take by sevens 30.18. for many had not c. themselves, yet did eat £<f/. 10.9. that c.wood shall be endangered thereby
8, 20. Noah took of every e. beast and e. fowl 19. that prepareth his heart, though he be not c. CI.EFf.
.(5. 2. Jacob said, be e. and change your garments 34. 5. Josiah c. Judah and Jerusalem .Vicl.4.the valley shall be c. as wax before the fire
Lev. 4. 12. carry the bullock unto ac. place, 6.11. Neh. 13. 9. I commanded, and they c. the chambers Deut. 14.6. that cleaveth the c. iiKo two claws
7. 19. the flesh, all that be .-. shall eat thereof .30. thus I c. them from all strangers CLEFIS.
10. 10. that ye may put difference between e. and Job ,35. 3. what profit, if I be c. from my sin ? Cant. 2. 14. O
my dove, thou art in e. of the rocK»
unclean, 11. 47. 20. 25. Eiei. 22. 26. 44. 23. P.tal. 73. 13. verily I have c. my heart in varn
| j
Iia. 2. 21. to go into the e. of the rocks for fear
14. the wave-breast eat in a e. place, Num. I9. 9. ^517. 3. 26. she being c. shall sit on the ground Jer. 40. 16. O
thou that dwellest in the c. Obad. .1
16. 30. that ye may be c. from your sins before L. Eiei. 22. 24. thou art the land that is not r. .'lmoi6. 11. be will smile the little house with c.
22. 4. he shall not eat of holy things till he be c. 44. 26. after he is c. reckon to him seTen days CLEMENCY.
Num. 19. 12. purify, on seventh day he shall be c. Van. n. 14. then shall the sanctuary be c. Acts 24. 4. that thou hear ns of thy c. a few wordl
18. ac. person shall take hyssop and dip it inwatcr Joel. 3. 21 c. their blood I have not c. CLERK,
Dmt.lCt.15. unclean and r .may eat thereof, 15. 22 Mat. 8 3. -.mmediately his leprosy was c. -^i'/ 19. 35. when town.c. had appeased the peoplo
1 dam. CO. 26. he is not e. surely he is not c. 5. the lepers are c. the deaf hear, Luie 7. 22 CLirr. s.
2 A'i«?j 5. 10. thy flesh come again.and thou be c. 14. .Unr*]. 42. the leprosy departed, and he was r
1 rod. 33. 22. will put thee in the e. of the rock

12. may no^ I wash in them and be c. T Luke 4. 27. none was e. save Naaman the Syrian 2 Chron. 20 lO. they come up by the c of Zii
7. 22. the lepers r. the deaf hear, 'be raised Job 30. 6. to dwell in the c. of the valUyi
J3. when be saith to thee, wa.<h and be e.
Job 11. 4* forthoQ hast said, I am r. in thine eyesi 17 14 that as the lepers went they were t. I Ittt. 57 5- slaying child. In vkllcTs under « of rocki



CM MR, ED. r.Tfr. Job .10.19. hast thou 0.neok with thunder
] UnM. 14. 13. Jonatban
e. up upon bis hands f al. 3"). 26. let them be r. with shame, 103. 29. Job thou hast stripped the naked of their t,
22. 6.
Jtr. 4. CO- lliey shall c. up upon ihe rocks lii. 13. the pastures are c.
with flocks, the valleys 24. 7. they cause the naked to lodgu without e*
Joel 2. 7. tliey shall c. the wall like men of war 'jZ. 1. Lord is r. with majesty, Lord ia c. with 10. they cause him to go naked without c.
9. they shall c. up upon the houses, shall emer 101. 1 thou art c. with honour and majesty
31. 19. if I have seen any perish for want of lu
/J/Ho.t 9. C. they r. up
hcavvn, thence biiris tluiii
to 109. 18. as he c. hims. with cursing as with garm. Pial. 35. i3. but as lor me, niv c. waa •)ai kclotb
Jtde 19.4. /^accheus up into a sycamorc-trce
e. 132. 0. let thy priests be c. with righteousness 45. 13. kin|;'s
. king daughter, her i. is of wrought golo
So/in 10. 1. but f up sonic other way, is a thief I'rov. 31. 21. for all her househ. arer. with scarlet f. 27. 26. the lambs are for thy r. and goats
CLIIT. /t«.Cl. 10. he hath c, me with garm. of salvation 31. 22. the virtuous woman's silk and purple
/er. 48. 3?. every head he hald, every beard be c. r.zek.\6. 10. I c. thee also with broidered work 25. strength and nonouraieherr she shall rejoice
CLODS. Dim. 5. 29. they f. Daniel with scarlet and a chain Isn. 3. 6. saying, thou hast e. be ttiou ou. ruler
Joi 7. 5. my clothed with e. of dust
flesh is /cpl,. 1. 8. all such as are e. with strange apparel 7. for in my house is neither bread nor c.
21. 33. the e. of the valley shall be sweet to him Ztcli. 3. 3. Joshua was c. with filthy garments 23. 18. her merchandise shall be for durable c.
38. 'M. and the c. ckave fast together Milt. 11. 8. a man c. in soft rMxnvnX., Luke ' 25. . 59. 17. he put on the garnioiiis of vengcam e lor c.
2>a. CH. 24. doth plowman break c. o( his ground r C5..'iC.iiak. and ye c. me|| 43.nak.and yef. me not Jcr. 10. 9. blue and purple is llicir e. are the work
i/.'J.10.11.Judah shall plow,Jacob shall bnakhisf. Mark 1. (3. John was r.with camel's hair and girdle Mat. 1. 15. in sheep's e.\\ 11.8. that wear soft r.
Joel I. 17. seed is rotten under their c. the garners 5. 15.' they see him silting and c. Luke 8. 35. Mark 12. 38. the scribes that love to go in long c.
CI.OKK. 15. 17. and they r. Jesus with purple, and platted .Ids 10. 30. a man stood before n.e in bri'.;lit r.
Iin. 59. 17. he was tlad with zeal as a <. Luke Ifi.ig.a certain rich man r. in purple and linen James 2. 3. respect to him that wcareth the gay c.
Mai. 5.40. if take thy coat, let liiui have thy f. also 2 Cor. 5. 2. desiring to be e. upon with our house CLOUD
J.ul!e6. 29. him that takeih thy c. forbid no't to take
John 15. 22. now they have no c. for their sin
3. if so be that being r .we shall not be found nak. Signifies, [1] A
congeries chiefly of ualeru ]> irli-
1 /V/. 5. 5. and 1* c. witii humility, G. resists proud cles, draun
or sent out oj' the earth in la/'ours,
1 Ihess. 2. 5. nor used we a r. of covetousness lUv. 3. 18. white Raiment, that thou inayest be c. into the middle region of' the air, 2 Sam. 22. 12.
a Tim. 4. 13. the r. I left at Iroas Lrin^wiih thee 10. 1. I sawanother mighty angel e. with a cloud [2] T/ie heuxens, I'sal. 36. 5. 68. 34.I[.ij A
1 Pet. 2. 16. not usinp liberty for at. of malicious. II. 3. the two witnesses shall prophesy c. ins.tckcl. great number, Heb. 12. 1. [4] Aj'o^.or,
CLOSi:. 12. 1. there appeared a woman c. with the sun Hos. 6.4.
Kum. 5. 13. and it be keptr. from her husband 19. 13. he was <•. with a vesture dipt in blood The scriylure rcpre-tentj the clouds as consenaio-
2&t/«.22.4fi. be afraid out off. places, Pml. 115.45. CLOTHED with lintn. ries at' Kaler, or rain, uhich are scnite'ed ^ijvn
1 Chron. 12. 1. while David yet kept himself r. Ezek. 9. C. one man among them was r with linen the earth at dod's command. Job 26. 8.
. Ill
J'«i2R. 21. and kept r. from the fowls of the air 44. 17. they shall be c. with linen garments bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds. 0,4,
41. 15. his scales shut up together as with a e. seal Dnn.lO. 5. behold a certain man e. with linen conjines the ^caters in the clouds, as in a bottle
Jer.4". ifi. famine follow r. after you into Kgypt 12. fi one said to the man r> in linen, how long he scatters them ajtcrzcards upon the ear'ii, as it
Dan. li.7. and I saw him come c. to the ram i^fii. pure and white /iM^'d, 18. 1(j. 19. 14 I tcere through a natering'/tot. Job sjitakms; of
Amos^. 11. and c. tip the breaches thereof a/inll he CLOTHED. Ihe mutter of the Chaos, tchich covered the vho'le
Luieg. ."ifi. they kept it c. and told no man in those Joh 8. 22 they that hate thee ihnll be c. with shame earth at ilie be^inniu^ of the tcorld, says, that
Atts 27. 13. loosing thence, they sailed c. by Crete L'.zek. 7. 27. the prince shall be e. with desolation God had hemmed in the sea, or the waters, as it
CLOSr.D. Don. 5.7. read this writing, shall be c with scarlet Here wiV/i « cloud, and covered xt uiih darknest,
6'<n. 2.21. Lord r. up the tiesh instead thereof Mat. 0. 31. or wherewithal shall we he c. ? as a child is tciajiped up in swaddling-cloihet.
20. IB. the Lord had fast c. up all the wombs liev. 3. 5. he that overconieth shaU be c. 4. 4 Job 38. 9. IVhen the sacred writers sftuk oj
Slim. l6. 33. the earth c. upon them, they perished CLOTHES. the second coming of Christ, thea describe him
Juiig.3.Qi. and the fate, upon the blade, so that he Gen. 49. 11. he washed hisr. in the blood of to vt as descending upon </i« clouds, encompassed
2>a. 1. 6. they have not been c. nor bound up Lioi. 12. 34. their troughs bound up in their c. •cith all his mujeUy, Mat. 24. 30. Uev. 1. 7.
29. 10. for the Lord hath e. your eyes 35. 19. the <r. of service to do service, 39. 1.41. 'J'he prophet Isaiah, speaking of the eoniersion 0/
J)aii. 22.9. for the words are c. up and sealed r.ei. 10. 6. nor rend your e. lest yc die, 21. 10. the Gentiles, compares their flockinn '>"» ''"
Jonalii.S. the depth c. me round about, weeds wrapt Deut. 29. 5 your c. are not waxen old, i\'«/i. thurth to the flight or quick motion of a cloud;
g. 21,
Mat. 13. 15. their eyes they have c. yJca 28. 27. liuih 3. t 4. lift up the e. that are at his feet noting that they should come in great multitudes,
J.uie4. 20. he c. book, and gave it to the minister 1 Ham. 19. 24. Saul stript ofl' his and :ciih great speed and eagerness, Isa. 60. 8.
c. and prophesied
CLOSLK. Kijigs 1. 1. covered k. David with e. but no heat
1 St. Peter compares seducers to clouds that are
I'ruv. 18. 24. there is a friend that sticketh e than 2 hin^s
2. 12. he took hold of his own c. and rent carried with a tempest, 2 Pet. 2. 17. By
a brother 2 Chron.
.34. 27. thou didst rend thy c. and weep ichich comparison he sets forth both the incon-
CLOSEST. AV/(. 4. 23. 1 nor brethren, none of us put off our c. stancy of these seducers, that, like clouils driven
Jtr, 22. 15. thou reign, because c. thyself in cedar Job 9. 31. and own c. shall abhor me my Kith the Kind, they are tossed to and fro J'roin
CLOSET, S. 22. t6. thou hast stripped the r. off the naked one doctrine to another ; and likexise their de-
Joeli. 16. let the bridb grj out of her e. Prov. 6. 27. take fire, and his e. not be burnt ? ceitj'ulness, that they make a shett of uhat they
Mat. 6. 6. when thou prayest, enter into thy c. Izek. 16. .39. shall strip thee also of thy c. 23. 2(5. have not, as clouds do of rain, and yet are
Ijtie 12. 3. what ye have spoken in the ear in c. Mat. 24. 18. nor let him return back to i.ike his e. scattered tcilhout yielding any. And Solomou
CLOllI. Mark 5 28. if I touch but his c. I shall be whole compares the infirmities of old age,Khich ante
AVn. 4.8. they shall spread on them a c. of scarlet 15. 20. took off purple, and put his own c. on him successively one after another, to clouds return,
12. take insti iieiits and put them in ne. of blue Luke 2.
7 and wrapped him in swaddling c. 12. iiig after rain, Eccl. 12. 2.
Deut.i1. 17. spread the c. before the elders 8.27. a man that ware no c .norabode Israelites departed out of Eg)-pt, God
in any house Il'hen the
1 .Sam. 19. 13. ."Michal covered the image with a c. 19- 36. as he went they spread their c. in the way gave I hem a pillar if cloud to direct them in
CI. 9. the sword of Goliath, it is wrapt in a e. This pillar Kas commonly in the
24. 12. he beheld the linen c. laid, John 20.5. their march.
8 •Sam. CO. 12. removed Am.isa.andcast ac. on him John 11.44. came bound hand and foot with grave JronI of Ihe Israelitish army; but uhen they
2 A'iii'j 8. 15. Ilazael took a thick c. and dipt it 19.40. took body of Jesns, and wound it in linen r. vere come to the lied Sea, and the Egyptian
yio.30.22. shall cast them away as a menstruons c. 20.7. the napkin not lying with the linen c. army appeared lo them, Ihe pillar of cloud uhich
Mat. g.lft. putteth a piereof new r. Mark 1.11. Acts 7. 58. witnesses laid down their .at stood before Ihe camp of Israel, placed ilself be-
f Saul's feet
27. 59. taken the body, he wrapped it in a linen c. 22. 23, as they cried out and cast off their c. ticeen that and the camp of the Egyptians, so thai
Mark 14. 51. having a linen e. about his body Peyit CLOIHES. the Egyptians could not come uear the Israelite*
CLOlllE. Ge»..37.29. Reuben ||
,34. Jacob rent his e. all night, Exod. 14. I9, 20. But in the morn-
£xorf. 40. 14. shalt bring his sons and c. with coats
44.13. Joseph's brethren rcH/ theirr. and returned ing about break oJ day, teeing the cloud moving
Eiih.4. 4. she sent raiment to c Mordecai Kum. Joshua and Caleb rent their c. on toKord the sea, and folloaing the Israelites
I'sal. 132. 16. I will e. her priests with salvation
7o,t/(.7 .6. Joshua Ji(rfij.ll..35. Jcphthahr;H<hi$r.
IJ tcho had passed through its channel, uhich B'o.i
18. his enemies will I c. with shame, but on hims. 2 Sam. 3. 31. rent your
c. gird you with sat kcloih lift dry for ihtm in the night lime, ihe l::4;ypti-
Prev. 23. 21. drowsiness shall c. a man with ra;s
1 A'i«jiC1.27. Ahabll2 /n«fj'5. 8. kingof Jsrael ans, resolved upon pursuing them, and uere all
//a.22.21. I willf him with thy robe and strength.
re>tl his c. 6. 30. covered Kith the Katers of the Ked Sea, uhich
49. 18. thou shalt surely e. tbce with them all 2 A'lHfj 11.14. Athaliah rrji/herc 2CAr. 23. 13. . returned upon them and destroyed them This
50. 3. I t. the heavens with blackness, and make 19.1. when Ilezekifthheardher«i/hisf./.ta.37.1. cloud continued alicays from that lime to attend
Eiek. 26. 16. shall c. themselves with trembling when Mordccai
/.<//( 4. 1. perceived, he rent his r. the Israelites in the uilderness. It teas deal
34. 3. ye eat the fat, and e. you with the wool Mat. 26. 65. high pnest rent his c. Mark 14. Ci.\. and bright during the night, in order lo give
i/flf 1. 6. ye e. you, but there is none warm Acts 14.14. apost. Barnabas and Patil rent their r.
them light uhen it greu dark ; and in the day-
i*rA. 3. 4. I will e. thee with change of raiment 16. 22. and th? macistrates rent off their c. lime It aas thick and gloomy, the better lo defend
Jla/.6.30.if G. so r. grass of held, shall he not much CLOTHES rem. them from the excessiie htals of the Araidaii de-
mor» c. you, O ve of litile faith ' Luke 12. 28. /^^r. 13.45. the Icper'sf. shall be rfH^ his head bare serts, through lehich they performed their journey.
CLOnilT) 1 Ham. 4.12. a man came to Shiloh with his c. rem The same cloud by its motions gave likewise iho
Ctn. 3. 21. L. God made coats of skins and e. them 2 Sam. 1, 2. came a man from Saul with hisr. rent signal 10 the Israelites, either to encamp or to
L4V.K.T. Mosesr. Aaron with robe, and put ephod 13. 31. all his servants stood with their c. rent decamp ; so that u.'iere thai tiayed, ihe people
Judf. 6. 34. the Spirit of the Lord c. Gideon Kiufs 18. 37. to Ilezekiah with e. renr.lta.M.II. stayed till it rose again ; then they broke up
iSam. J7. 5. Cioliath was c with a coat of mail
. Jer. 41. 5. men came to Mizpeh with their e. rent their ramp, and J'olloaed it till it stopped. Ji
38. Saul e. David with his clothes Ifash CLOIHES. nas called a Pillar, iy reason of its form, uhich
S<Siim. 1. 24. weep over Saul who e. you with scar. Eiorl. tg. 10. let them uaxh their e. Xum. 8. 7. Kas high and elevated, as it icere a pile and heap
1 Chron. 12. i 18. then the Spirit c. Aniasai /.<!>. 11. 25.shall rrnj/i his f. 40. 13.6. 14.8.9,47.
| | of fogs. This cloud not only enlightened tlia
*'-16- Havid and Isr. vho were c. with sackcloth 15.5.8,11.22.
l6.2fi.28.AVm. 19.10.19. Israelites, but also protected them, and uas a
tChrrn. 41 lit ihj |,nests be e. with salvation

Xum. 19. 7. then the priest shall uash his r 8, I9. conlinxal pledge of God'e presence, }io:ier, and

18. 9. the kmg of Isr. aiid Judah e. in robes sat 31. 24. ye shall wash your e. on the seventh day protection. 'Jo this the prophet Isaiah alludes,
24.t20. the Spirit of God Zachariah
c. Hashed CLOTHFii. uhen he says. The Lord will create upoi' every
S8. 15. spoil r. all that were naked among them
19. 14. F.ioit. their e. and the people washed dwelling-place of mount Zion, and npon her
£tth. 4. 2. none enter king's gate r. with sackcloth Kum.
8. 21. Lcvites purified and abashed iheir e. assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the
Jot 7- 5. my
flesh is e. with worms and clods 2 Sam. 19. 24. Mephibosheth -cashed not his c. schilling of a (laming fire by night, Jta. 4. 5. that
10 11. thou hast e. me with skin and CLOJ
I1E.ST. is. That God mould be the director, protectai,
4^.14. 1 Dut on rigbteoiuaess and it c. me /cfr. 4. 30. though thou c. thyself with crimson end glory of hit church.
. . c


Gtn. S. 13. 1 do set my
bow in the e. for a token Joe! 2. 2. a day of e. and dfj-kness, Zep/i. 1.19, 1 Sam.
7. 14. the c. thereof did Israel deliver ont Of
14. «hat the bow shall lie seen in the c. !<;. \afi. 1. 3. and the e. ari' the d<ist of his feet 11.3. may send messengers into all c. of Israel, 7.
Esod. 14. no. it was c. and darkness to tlieni /^ec/i. 10. I..S0 the Lord shall make bright c. 2 Sam. 21 5. be destroyed from the c. of Israel

iS.lO.behold, the glory of the L. appi^arcd in the c. .Urt/.24.30.they shall sec the .Son of -Man coming in 1 C'//<i/H. 21. 12. angel of Lord destroved thro' all c.
10. 9- Lord said, lo, 1 come unlo thee in a thick c. the c. with power, CO. 64. Mark 13. 26. 14. 62. 2 Chron. 11. 13. resorted to him out of all their c.

24. 15. -Moses went up, and a f. covered the mount 1 T/iess. 4. 17. shall be caught up with them in c I'ial. 105. 31. there came lice in all their t.
l6. and the r.cwcred it six days, and seventh day 2 I'ei. 2. 17. they are c. carried with a tempest 33. he smote their vines, and brake trees of iheire.
God called to flloscs out of the nnidst of the c. Jude 12. c. they are without water, carried about Jer. 25. 32. a great whirlwind be raised from tnee
18. Moses went into the midst of the c, ^fei'.l .7 .behold he cometh withe. everytye shall see Lzek. 33. 2. if the people take a man of their c.
3-i. 5. the Lord descended in the c. \um. 11. C5. CLOUDY. Joel 3. 4. what to do with me, all c. of I'alestine.
40. 34. a c, covered the tent of the con(;;re'j;ation £jo</.33.9.the f .pillar descended, and stood at door .Mai. 2.16. Herod sent and slew children in all thee'
38. the c. of Lord was on the tabernacle by day 10. all the people saw the c. pillar stand at door 8. 34. he would depart out of their r. Mark 5. 17.
Lev. l6. '2. I will appear in the c. on mercy-seat AVi.y. 12. thou leddest them in the day bye. pillar 15. 21. then Jesus depart, into e. of I yre and Sidoa
aV«m. 9. 19. when the r. tarried long on tabernacle I'sal. 99. 7. he spake to them in the c. pillar Mark 7. 31. departing from the c. of Tyre and Sidon
10. .14. the f. of the Lord was upon them by day Ezck. 30. 3. the day of the Lord is near, a c day .icis 13. 50. expelled I'aul and Uaniabas out ofc
X Kings 8. 10. priests came out of holyplacc-s.thec 34. 12. they have been scattered in the e. day COAT.
filled house of Lord, C C/iron. 5. 13. £iei: 10. 4 CLOVEN. Ce«.37.3. Jacob made Joseph a e. ot many colour*
18. 44. there ariseth a little e. like a man's hand Lev. 11 S.whatsoever is r.-footed that shall ye eat
. 32. they sent the e .of many colours, and said, thi»
Ju6 3. 5. that day be darkness, let a c. dwell upon it 7. tho' the swine be c.-footed he is unclean have we found, know whether it be thy son's e.
CC. 13. how God know ? can he judge ihro'dark c.i' 26. not f. -fooled are unclean to you, Deui.\i.~. Exod. 28.4. make for Aaron a robe and broidered e.
30. 15. and my welfare passeth away as a c. .Ids 2. 3. there appeared to them c. tongties 29. 5. and thou shalt put upon Aaron the e.
38. 9- when I made the c. the garment thereof CLOUTED. Lev. 8. 7. he put upon him the e. and girded him
Pi«/. 78. 14. in the day-time he led them with ac. Jot/i. 9. 5. they took old shoes and c. on their feet 16.4. he shall put on the holy linen e.
105. 39. he spread a r. for a covering, and fire to CLOUTS. 1 Sam. 2. 19. his mother made Samuel a little e.

J'rov. 16.15. his favour is as ac. of the latter rain Jer. 38. 11. Ebed-melech took old cast c. and rags 17. 5. Goliath was armed with a e. of mail, 38.
Jsa. 4. 5. Lord will create on her assemblies a f 12. put these old cast c. under thine arm-holes 2 'iam. 15. 32. Ilushai met David with his e. rent
J8. 4. like a c. of dew in the heat of harvest CLUSTER. Job .30. 18. it bindeth me about as collar of my e.
19- 1. behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift c. Xnm. 13. 23. cut from Eschol a branch with one c. C(i)ti. 5. 3. I have put off my e. how shall I put it on?
44.2c. Ihave blotted out as a thick r. thy transgres- Cant. 1. 14. my beloved is as a c. of camphire .Vat. 5. 40. if any sue thee, and take away thy e.
sions.and as ar.ihy sins,return,l have redeem. ihee Isa.65. 8. as new wine is found in the c. so will I do Luke 6. 29. thy cloke, forbid not to take thy e. also
60. 8. who are these that Hee as a f . as the doves .- Mic. 7. 1. woe is me, there is no c. to eat John 19- £3. now the e. was without seam, woven
Lam. C. 1. covered the daughter of Zion with a c. CLUSTERS. 21.7. I'elergirt his fisher's e. unto him, cast hims.
.'<. 44. thou hast covered thyself with a c. Cen.AO. 10. the c. thereof brought forth ripe grapes COATS.
Liek. 1.4. a great c. and a fire infolding itself D«i(f. 32. 32. grapes are grapes of gall, their c. bitter CeH. 3. 21. God made e. of skins, and clothed them
28. as the appearance of the bow that is in the c. 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abigail brought 100 c. of raisins Exod. 28. 40. for Aaron's sons thou shalt make e
8. 11. and a thick e. of incense went up 30. 12. they gave the Egyptian two e. of raisins 2y. 8. bring his sons, and put e. on them, 40. 14.
10. 4. and the house was filled wiih the e. Cant, 7. 7. thy breasts like two c. of grapes, b. Lev. 8. 13. Moses pi't e. upon Aaron's sons
SO. 18. as for her, ar.shall cover her ,her daughters Rev. 14. 18. gather the e. of the vine of the earth 10.5. they carried them in their e. out of the camp
3C. 7. I will cover the sun with ar. and the moon COAL. Dan. 3. 21. then these men were bound in their e.
38. 9. ihou shalt he like a c. to cover the land, 16. 2 Sam. 14. 7- so shall quench my c. which is left 27. nor were their e. changed, nor smell of fire
.>Va<.17.5. c. overshadowed. Mark 9. 7. L^ikeg.'iX. Isa. 6. 6. seraphim having a live c. in his hand Mat. 10. 10. neither provide two e. nor shoes, nor
behold, a voice out of thee, said, Luke'^. 35. 47. 14. there shall not be a c. to warm at Mark 6. 9- shod with sandals, and put not on twoc.
Liike IC. 54. when ye see a c. rise out of the west iMm. 4. 8. their visage is blacker than a c. Jjtke^. 11 he that hath two e. let him impart to him
21. 27. shall see the Son of Jlan coming in a c. COALS. 'IctsQ. 39. shewing the e. which Dorcas made
Acts 1. 9- a c. received him out of their sight Lev. 16. 12»Jie shall take a censer full of burning c. COCKLE.
1 Cot. 10. 1. all our fathers were under the c. Deut. 32. t24. shall be devoured with burning c. Job 31. 40. and let e. grow instead of barley
2. and were all baptized 10 Moses in the c. 1 Kings 19. 6. a cake baken on the c. and a cruse COCKATRICE, S.
iiev. 10. 1. a mighty angel came clothed with a c. Jobil. 21. his breath kindlethc. and a flame goelh Prov. 23. f .32. at last it stingeth like a e.
11. 12. they ascended up to heaven in a c. Psal. 18. 8. there went fire, c. were kindled by it weaned child ptit his hand on the e dea
14. 14. white c. and upon iher. one sat, 15. I6. IS. thick clouds passed, hail-stones and c. of fire 14. 29. out of serpent's root shall come forth a c.
CLOUD abode. 120. 4. sharp arrows of mighty with c. of juniper 59. 5. they hatch e. ecgs, weave the spider's web
£iod. 40. 35. because the e. abode thereon 140. 10. let burning c. fall on them, let them Jer. 3. 17. 1 will send serpents, e. among you
Xvm. 9.17. where c. abode there pitched their tents Prov. 6. 28. can one go on hot c. and not be burnt .'
18. as long as c. abode they rested in the tents 25. 22. thou shalt heap c. of fire, Rom. 12. 20. .Vrt/.26..34.this night before c. crow, thou shalt deny
Mornhif CLOUD. 26. 21 as e. are to burning c. and wood to fire
. me thrice, 75. .Vark 14. 30, 72. Luke £2. 34, 6l.
Uos. 6. 4. for your goodness is as a morning e. Cant. 8, 6. the c. thereof are r. of fire, which hath 74. immediately e. crew, Luke £2. 60. Jiin
13. S.they shall be as the morning c. and early dew Iia. 44. 12. the smith with tongs worketh in the c. 18. 27.
Pi/lar 0/ CLOUD ly. 1 have baked bread upon the c. thereof Mark 13. 35 if the master cometh at e. crowing
Exod. 13. 21. went before them byday in up. ofc. 54. 16. I created the smith that bloweth the c. 14.68- he went out into porch, and thee, crew, 72
2C. he took not away \.\\ep. of c. by day, nor fire Lzek. 1. 13. their appearance was like burning c. /11//H 13.38. verily, verily, 1 say to thee, the e. shall
14. 24. Lord looked on Egj-ptianslhro';<i//ar»/' c. 10. 2. go in and fill thine hand with r. of fire not crow till thou hast denied me thrice
Sum. 12. 5. L. came down in pillar ofc. and stood 24. 11. then set it empty on the e. thereof COl rr.R.
i>«iu.31.15.L.appearedin;j.o/V. and;), off. stood }Iab. 3. 5. burning c. went forth at his feet 1 .Srtwi. 6. 8. and put the jewe.s of gold in a e.

Xeh. 9. 19. the pillar ofc. departed not from ihem Jo/in 18. 18. the servants who had made a fire off. 11. they laid ark ;iiid e. with mice of gold on can
CLOUt) taken up. 21. 9. they saw a £re of c. and fish laid thereon 15. ihe'l-cviies took down the e. with the ark
Ezod. 40. 36. when the c. was lakeyi vp. Num. 9.I7. COAST. Eiia 6. t 2. there was found iii a e. a roll
37. if the r. were not taken up, they jounieyed not Erod. 10. 4. I will bring the locusts into thy c. COl TIN.
A'io«. 9. 17. f. was taken i/ufrom tabernacle.lO.ll. Xum. 24. 24. ships shall come from c. of Chittim Oen. 50. C6. Joseph was put in a e. in r.cvpt
n/iite CLO'JD. Deul. 11. 24. to the uttermost sea shall your c. be Luke 7. i 14. he came and touched the e. and said
iiev. 14. 14. behold a a/iiie c. and on the c. one sat 19. 8. if the Lord thy God enlarge thy r. COGllA HUNS.
CLOUD of uiines^es. Jos/i. 1 4. going down of the sun shall be your e.
. Dan. 7. 28. as for nie iny r. niiuh iroulled me
//«i.l2.1. we are compassed with so great a c. ofw. Ui. 5. Judah shall abide in iheirr. on the south COLD, fOl.l).
CLOUDS. Judg. 11. 20. Sihon trusteil not Israel to pass his r. ('VH.a.22.r. and day and ni-ht shr.'.l .mt cease
Dent. 4. 11. with darkness, e. and thick darkness 1 Sam. 6. 9. if it go up by the way of his own r. .l-b 24.7. the naked have no covering in the e.
Jud^. 5. 4. heavens dropped, r. also dropped water 7. 13. they came no more into the e. of Israel 37. y. and r. cnnictb out of the nonli
S Ham. 22. 12. about him thick e. of the skies 17.*l.the Philistines pitched in c. of Dammim I'uil'. 147. 17. who can stand befire liise. .'

23. 4. he shall be as a morning without c. 27. 1. lo seek me any more in any c. of Israel /'/.:'.20.4.llie slug'^anl will not plow byreasojiofe.
1 A'lHijj 18. 45. the heaven was black with e. .'U). 14. we made an invasion on the f. of .hidah 25.13 ssthcf. of snow in the time of ban est, sola
Job 20. 6. though his head reach to the e. 2 Kings 14. 25. Jeroboam restored the c. of Israel 20. that lakeih away a gnnneiit in e. weather
22. 14. thick r. are a covering that he seeth not 1 C/iroH. 4.10.woulde5t bless me, and enlarge my c. 25. as e. waters to a thirsty soul, so i^ good newv
C6. 8. he bindeth up the waters in his thick c. Zepli. 2. 7. the c. sliall be for the remnant of Judah ./<T. 18. 14. shall ihe r. Howi'ng w.iters be
forsaken t
36.29. can any uudersland the spreadingsofthef..' Sea COASi'. .N«//.3. 17. which camp ill the hedges in thee, day
.37. 16. knowest thou the balancings of the c. t Etek.^a.\6.\ will destroy the remnant of the sea r. Mat. 10.42. give 10 little ones a cup ofc. water
30. 37. who can number the c. in wisdom ? Zeph. 2. 5. woe to the inhabitants of the sea c. 2 1. 12. iniqiiiiy abound, love of ni.iiiy shall wax e.
6. the sea e. shall be dwellings for the shepherds Jo/iu IK. 18. servants h.\d made a fire,
J'ial. 36. 5. thy faithfulness leacheih to the c. for it wasc,

57. 10. and thy truth reachcih to the c. 108. 4. 7l/»/.4. 13. Jesus dwelt in Capernaum upon the sea c. .Uii 28. 2. they r ceived us, because of the e.
68. 34. and his strength is in the f Luke 6. 17- multitude from sea c. came to hear 2 Cor. 1 1. 27. in fastings often, in e. and nakedness
7". 17. c. poured out water, skies sent nut a sound South COASr. /lei. 3. 15. ilial thou art neither e. nor hoi, 16.
78. 23. iho' he had commanded the c. from above Zin the uttermost part of the south c.
Joili. 13. 1. COLLAR.
97- 2. e. and darkness are round about him 4. were at the sea, this shall be your south c. Jiirfj.8.26. golden ear.rings from Midlan, beside
104.3. f. his chariot 147 .8. covers heaven withf.
II south end of Jordan ; this was the south e. Job 30. IK. my dise.ise bindeth me as e of my coat

iVoi-. 3. 21). and the r. dropped down the dew COASIS. COLLECTION
& 28. when be established the e. above Ezod. 10.14. the locusts rested in all the f of Egj-pt 2 Chron. 24 6. 10 iTing iu out of Judah the e.Q

19- remained not one Imusl in all tlie c. of Egypt 1 Cor. 16. !• now concerning the e. lor the
S5. 14. is like c. and wind without rain saiata-
Eccl. 11.4. he that ret;ardelh the e. shall not reap Deul. 2. 4. to pass through the e. of your brethren COLLEGE.
12. 2. nor the c. return after the rain 16. 4. no leavened bread be seen in all thy c. 2 Kingi 22. 14. Iluldah dwell iu c. t Chron. 34. S«.
I'a.S. 6. 1 will connuand the c. that they rain not ly. 3. thou shall divide the c. of thy land (OI.I.OP.S.
14, 14. I will ascend above the height of the c. Josh. 18. 5. Joseph shall abide in their r. on north Job 15. 27. becatise he m.ikeih e.of fit en Ills flank*
^'.4. 13. behold be shall come up as <-. and chariots Judg. 18. 2. Dan sent five men from their r. COLONY.
Den. 7. 13. Sod of Mao com* With tbec. of beaveD 19. £9. tent bis coocubine into all the ;. of Israa jteti i6.12.PbUii>pi,diiefcltyorMaccdOBiA,and«.


COLOUR. P«/.101.2.O when wHt thonc.untome, I will walk John 14.18.1 will not leave you comfortiess,Iwill'f,
tn. 19. 95. if the pUgue aave not changed bis r. 109. 17. as he loved cursing, so let itr. unto him 23. and we will e. unto him, and make ourabodd, 11. 7. the c. thereof as the e, of bdellium 119. 41. let thy mercies e. unto me, O Lord, 77. 17.11. but these are in the world, I c. to thee, 13.
Eith, 1. 1 C. alabas'er and stone of blue c. Prov. 6. 11. so shall thy poverty e. as one, 24. 34. 21.22.if I will he tarry till I c. what to thee > 23.
^r.T. 23.31. when the wine giveth his <•. in the cup 10. 24. the fear of the wicked shall e. upon him Acts 1.11. this J. shall so ye have seenhim go
Stek. 1. 4. out of the midst thereof as the cof amber 26. 2. so the curse causekss sh-11 not e. 2.20. before that great and notable day of Lord
7. sparkled like c. of bumished brass, Dan. 10.6. I'.ceHJ. 2. all thingse.alike to all, there is one event 3. 19. sins blotted sut, when times of refreshing
. l6. the wheels like unto f of a berjl, 10. g.
. Cant. 2. 10. rise up, my love, and r. away, 13 7. 34. and now e. I will send ihee into Egypt
S2. the hmian.eni was as the c. of the crystal 4.8. e. with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me 8. 24. pray that none of these things e. upon us
Utv. 17. 4. woman was arrayed in purple andscar- 16. and e. thou south, blow upon my garden 9. 38. that he would not delay to e. to them.
CO LOURED. [let f Isa. 5. 19. let the counsel of the holyOne of Israel 13. 40. lest that e. on you that is spoken in propL
Riv. 17. S. I saw a woman sit on a scarlet c. beast 13. 5. they c. from a far country, even the Lord 16. 9. saying, e. over into Macedonia, and help us
COLOURS. 6. the day of the Lord, it shall e. as destruclioo 19.4. believe on him that should e. after him
0«».37.3. Jacob made a coat of many <•. for Joseph 21 12. if ye will inquire, inquire ye ; return, e.
. 24. 23. should forbid no acquaintance to c. to him
/wrf?. 5. 30. to Sisera a prey of divers c. meet for C6. 20. e. my people, enter into thy chambers 26. 7. to which promise our twelve tribes hope to c
2 Sum. 13. 18. Tamar had a garment of diverse. 27. 6. cause them that e. of Jacob to take root 22. no other than proph. and Moses say should c.
1 C/tron. 23. 2. I have prepared stones of divers c. 35. 4. your God will c. with vengeance, he will c. Horn. 3. 8. that we say, let us do evil, that good c.
Isa. 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with fair c. 40. 10. the Lord will e. with a strong hand 9- 9. the word of promise, at this time, will I c,
Ete.k. l6.1(i. deckedstthy high places with diverse. 41. 25. I have raised up one, and he shall e. 1 Cor. 4. 5. judge nothing till the Lord e. who will

17 3. an eagle with divers c. came to Lebanon 44. 7. I appointed things coming, and shall e. 11. 26. ye do shew the Lord's death till he e.
CX)LOUR. 45. 20. assemble your.>^elves, and c. draw near 34. the rest will I set in order when I e.
Ads it. SO. underc.astho'they would cast anchor 24. even to him shall men e. and all that are 15. 35. the dead, and with what body do they e. .'
COLT, S. 51. 11. the redeemed shall e. with singing to Zion 16. 2. that there be no gatherings when I c.
G«n. 32.15. thirty milch camels with their e. forty 55. I.e. ye to the waters, c. ye, buy, e. buy wine 10. if Timothy e. see he be with you without fear
49- 11. binding his asses' c. to the choice vine 3. e. unto me, hear, and your soul shall live 12. as to ApoUos, I desired him to e. to you
Jtid%. 10. 4. Jair had 30 sons that rode on 30 ass's c. 59. 20. and the Redeemer shall e. to Zion 2 Cor. 1. 15. I was minded to e. to you before
lC.14.Abdon's sons and nephews rode on70as's's<-. (iO. 3. and the Gentiles shall e. to thy light, 5. 12.20.for I fear, lest when I e. I shall not find you
Job 11. 12. though man be bom like awild ass's c. 66. 15. behold. Lord will e. with fire and chariots such Jis I would, and be to you as you would not
ZecA.Q.g. riding upon a c. Mat. 21. H.JoAnlS. 15. Jer. 2.31. why, say they, we will c. no more to thee Gal. 2. 21. if righteousness e. by the law, then is
.il/a/.2l.2.Jesussanttwodisciples,saying,go,ye shall 3. 22. behold, we e. to thee, for thou art our God 3. 14. the blessing of Abraham might e. onGentila
findasstied, c. with her, Mari 11.2. j-ule 19. 30. 9. 17. call the mourning women, that they may e. 1 9. it was added, till the seed should e. to whom

7.brousht ass and c. and set thereon, Mark 11.7. 13.22. wherefore e. these things upon me? 2 Thess. 1 10. when he shall e. to be glorified in saints

War/til. S.whcst do you loosing thee. ? Luke l^.Z'i. 17. 15. where is the word of the Lord r let it c. 2. 3. not e. except there e. a falling away first
Lukt 19.35. cast garm. on c. and set Jesus thereon 27 .7. shall serve him till theverylime of his land e. 1 7'im. 4. 8. the life that now is, and of that to c
CO.ME 31. 9. they shall c. with weeping and with supplic. 13.till I e. give attendance to reading, to doctrine
Signifies, [1] To drau nigh, or approach, Exod. 58. 25. if the princes hear, and e. to thee, and say 2 Tim. 3. 1. in last days perilous times shall c
34. 3. [21 To proceed from, 1 Chron. 29. 14. 40.4. if it seem good to c. if it seem ill to c. forbear 4. 3. time will e. will not endure sound doctrine
[3] To befal, Ezra 9. 13. Job 4. 5. [4] To 46. 18. and as Carmel by the sea, so shall he be c. Til. 3. 12. be diligeot to e. to me to KicapoLis
believe, John 5. 40. ) 6. 37. [5] To attain to. 49- 4. that trusted, saying, who shall e. unto me f Jleb. 4. 16. let us e. boldly to the throne of grace
Acts 26.7. [6] To join with. Proverbs 1. 11. Lam. 1. 4. ways of Zion mourn, none c. to solemn 7. 25. he is able to save them that c. to God by him
[7] To touch, Lzek. 44. 25. [8] To be married 22. let all their wickedness e. before thee [feasts 10. 37. he that shall c will e. and not tarry
to, Dan. n. 6. [9] 7') Ue carnalli/ zcilh. Gen. Ezek. 12. 16. declare abominations whither they e. Jam. 4.1. whence e. wars, e. they not of yourlusts
38.16. [10] To intade, Gen. 3i.i5. [11] To 13. 18. will ye save the souls alive that e. to you ? 5. 1. weep for your miseries that shall e. on you
arise. Num. 24. 7. 21.19. two ways that the sword may e. 20. 32.11. 2 Pet. 3. 9. but that all s.hould e. to repentance

Cen. 6. 20. two of every sort shall c. to keep alive 27. shall be no more, till he e. whose right it is lO.dayof L.wille.asathief, A>D. 3.3. lg.15, |

7. 1. c. thou, and all thy house into the ark 33. 3. Avhen he seelh the sword c. on the land, 6. 1 John 2. 18. as ye have heard, antichrist shall c
8. t 9- he caused her to c. to him into the ark 31. they c. to thee as the people cometh 3 John 10. if I e. I will remember his deeds
19. 32. c. let us make our father drink wine 33. lo it will c. then shall know that a prophet Rev. 2. 5. repent, or else I will e. to thee quickly
£6. 27. wherefore c. ye to me, seeing ye hate me > 36. 8. to my people Israel, they are at hand to c. 25. thatwhich ye have already, hold fast till \a,
31. 44. c. let us maJce a covenant, I and thou IIos.6.1.e.\el us return to the Lord, for he hath torn 3 11. behold, I e. quickly, hold that fast, 22. 7, 2a
37. 10. c. let us slay him, and cast into some pit i. and he shall e. to us, as the rain to the earth 6.1. one of the four beasts.saying, e. and see, 3.5,7.
41. +21. when they had c. to inward parts of them 10.12. it is time to seek the Lord till he e. and rain 18. 10. for in one hour is thy judgment c.
42. 7. he said to them, whence c. ye > Josh. 9.8. 7D«/ of the Lord, as a destruction shall itc. 22. 17. and let him that is athirstc. whoever will
45. 19. take wagons, bring your father and c. 2. 31. before the terrible day of the Lord e. COME
49- 10. sceptre not depart from Judah till Shiloh c. Jonah 1.7. e. let us cast lots, that we may know Gen. 28. 21. so that I e. again to my father's house
Eiod. 19 9- l0i I e. to thee in a thick cloud .Vie. 4.8. to thee shall it e. the kingdom shall e. Ezod. 14.26. that waters may e. again on Egyptians
20.24. where I record my name I will c. and bless Hob. 2. 3. because it will surely r. and not tarry Ler. 14. 43. if the plague c. again and break out
23. 27. destroy all people to whom thou shall c. Zeph. 2.2. before the fierce anger of Lord e. on you Juiig. 8. Q.vheB I e. again in peace I will break down
JVum. 10. 29- c. thou with us we will do thee good Zech. I. 21 then said I, what e. these to do
. 13.8. let man of God e. again to us, and teach us

22. 6. e. 1 pray thee, curse me this people, 11. 14. 5. God shall e. and all the saints with thee 1 A'ingj2.41.Shiniei had gone toGath.ani wasc. a.

24.i9.out of Jacob shall e. he that shall have domi- Mai. 3. 1. the Lord ye seek shall e. to his temple 12. 5. depart for 3 days, and -hen e. a. i Chr.lQ.5.
nion, and shall destroy him that rcmainethofcity 4. 6. lest I e. and smite the earth with a curse 17.21.0 Lord, I pray, let this child's m ui e.aja»»
Dent. 18, 6. if a Levitec. and c.with desire of mind Mat. 2. 6. for out of thee shall c. a Governor Ezra 6. 21. children of Israel e. again, h'eh. 8. 17-
2H.2.all these blessings shall c. on thee, overtake 5. 24. first be reconciled, then e. and offer thy gifl Psal. 126. f he shall c. again with rejoicing

15. all these curses c. on thee, overtake thee, 45. 6.10. thy kingdom e. thy will be done, /^u/t* 11.2. Proj. 3.28. say not to thy neighbour, go anAc. again
fud^. 13. 5. no razor e. on his head, 1 Ham. 1. 11. 7. 15. false prophets e. to you in sheeps' clothing Jer. 37. 8. the Chaldeans shall e. again and fight
l.ya/n.2.34.that shall c. on thy two sons in one day 8. 7- Jesus saith to him, I will e. and heal him Lam.i. +11. given for meal to make their soul c. a.
9. 13. for the people will not eat till he c. because 8. 1 am notworthythou shouldest e. under mjToof Luke 10. 35. whf n I e. again 1 will repay thee
10. 8. seven days thou shalt tarry, till I c. to thee 9. and to another c. and he cometh, Lvke 7. 8. John 14.3. 1 will e. again and receive you to myself
17. 45. but I c. to thee in the name of the Lord ll.many shall e. from east and west, and sit down 28. ye have heard how I said, I go away and e.a.
'^0. 21. then c. thou, for there is peace to thee 11.3. art thou he that should c? Luke 7. I9, 20. 2 Cor. 2.1. that I would not e. again in heaviness
£ Ham. 6. 9. how shall the ark of the Lord c. to me ? 28. e. all ye that labour and are heavy laden 12. 21. lest, when I e. ogam, God will humble nc
15. t 2. when any c. to the king for judgment 16 24. if any man will e. after me, let him deny 13. 2. I write, that if 1 c. again I will not spare
17.2. I will r.on him while he is weary and weak 1710. why say the scribes, Elias must firste..' 11. COME dorm.
19- 33. c. thou ov^r with me and I will feed thee 19.21. go, sell that thou hast, and e. Luke 18. 22. Gen. 45.9. thus saith Joseph, e. rf. tome, tarry noli
1 kings 8. 31. and the oath c. before thine altar Aya/.22.4.all things are ready, e. unto the marriage Eiod. 3. 8. 1 am e. d. to deliver and bring them up
20. .33 observe.if any thinr; would e. from him 24. 11. gospel shall be preached, then shall end c. 19. 11. the Lord will c. down on Mount Sinai
22. 27. feed this fellow until I c. in peace 42. ye know not what hour your Lord ooth e. Slim. 11. 17. I will e. d- and talk with thee there
t Kings 5. 8. let him c. now to me, he shall know 25.34.e. ye blessed of my Father, inherit kingdorn Peut. 28. 24. from heaven it shall e. down on thee
6. 1 19- this is not the way, c. ye after me A/ant8.34.ifanywille.afteiB>e,Z.K*e9.23. 14.27.
Jiidg. 7. 24. saying, c. down against the Midianites
18. .12. till I c. and take you away, Isa. j(i. 17. 10. 14. suffer Utile children to c.tome, Luke IS.I6. 15. 12. they said, we are r. down to bind thee
1 Chron. 29. 12. both riches and honour c. of thee 21. and e. take np the cross, and follow me 1 Sam. 6. 21. e. down and fetch the ark up to you

14. all things c. of thee, and of thine have we 12. 7. this is the heir, c.let uskill him, Luke 20.14. 23.11. will Saul e. d. T the Lord said, he will c. d.
£ Chron.?,. 11. holy, whereto the ark of Lord hathc Ltike 10.1. ever}- place whither he himself would e. 20. e. down, according to the desire of thy soul
£j/^. 1.1 2. queen Vashti refused to cat king's com. 13. 7. three years I e. seeking fruit on this fig-tree 2 Kings 1.4. thou shalt not e.rf. from that bed, 6.16.
.'). 1 10. Haman caused his friends to c. 14. there are six days, in them e. and be healed 9. thou man ofGod,e.rf. 10. let fire e. d. 11,12.

8. 6. how endure to see evil c. to my people '.

17. 20. when the kingdom of God should c. A'eA.6.3. I am doing a great work. I cannot e. doun
Job 3. 7. let no joyful voice c. therein 19- 13. he said nnto them, occupy till 1 c. /'ja/.7.l6.hisdealing shall e. doun on his own pate
13. 13. that I may spe.ak, let e. on me what will 2«). 16. he shall e. and destroy these husbandmen 72. 6. he shall e. down like rain on mown grau
14. 14. all my time will 1 wait till my change c. 22. 18. fruit of vine, till kingdom of God shall e. 114. 5. bow the heavens, O Lord, and e. down
21. his sons c. to honour, and he knoweth it not John 1. .39. he saith unto them, e. and see Ua. 34. 5. my sword, it shall e. down on Idumea
37. 13. he caused it toe. for correction on land 3. 26. the same baptizeth, and all men c. to him 17- e. down,s\i. in the dust, O virgin daughter
38. 11. hitherto shalt thou r. b-ut no further 5. 14. sin no more, lest a worse thing e. to thee 64. 1. oh. that thou wouldesl c.doun, that mount.
Psal. 40. 7. then said I, lo. I e. Heb. 10. 7, 9. 40. ye «i'il not e. to me, that ye might hive life Jer. 13. 18. your principalities shall e. down
42.2. when shall I e. and appear before God? 6. 37. all that the Father giveth me shall e to me 21. 13. which say, who shall e. down against us
30. 3. our God shall e. and not keep silence 44. no man can c. to me, except F. draw him, 65. 48. 18. e. down from thy glory, and sit in thirst
fiS.S. that nearest prayer, unto thee shall all Hesli e 7. J4. arid where I am, tnither ye cannot e. i.zek. 26. 16. the princes of the sea shall e down
8(1. 2. stir np thy strength, and e. and save us .37. if any man thirst, let him e. to me and drink 27. 29. all pilots shall e. dojon from their ships
66. 9. all nations shall e. and worship thee 8. 14. ye cannot tell whence I e. and whither I go 30. 6. the pride of her power shall .•. doun
S!0. 1 12. we may c»ase our heart to c. to wisdom 13. 19. now I tell you before itc. that when it i^e. I
Dan.S'.i 20.hardeneo in pride, he waa roatje toc.d
Ji€l 3 11 c&ase thy mighty ones to e. down r £>!>« 11. 46 will c. lit a day when be loolteth not Deut. 28. 7. e. oui one way, and ilee seven vevn
Hal. 24.17. not cJ. lo take any thing out of house for b'im Judg. 9. 15. if not, let fire e. out of tae bramble
S7. 40. c. doan from the cross, 42. Mark 15. 30. 14. 23. go ot.t, and compel them toe. in, that my 29. he said, increase thine army and e. our
Luke 9-54. wilt thou that we coramaaJ fire to c. d.? 16. 28. lest they c. into tlui place of torment 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not
arrogancy e. out of your month
19. 5. Jesus said, Zaccheus, make haste and c. d. JoAn 5.43. I am c. in my Father's name, ye receive 11. 3. to-morrow we will c. out unto thee, 10.
John 4. 49. saith, Sir, c. down ere my child die me not, if jinother c. in his own name ye receive 24 whom is the king of Israel e. out ?
14. after
dcts 14. 11. the gods are e. down to us like men C.14.prophet that should c. into the world, 11.2* 2 •Sam. 16. 7. c. out, c. out, thou bloody man
liev. 12. 12. devil ise. do-xn to you, having wrath .Jf/.t 16.15. Lydia, saying, e. »n^o house, abide there 1 A'in^x 6.1. in the 480th year after Isr. weree.oul
13. 13. maketh fire c. down from heaven on earth Jiom. 11. 25. till the fulness of Gentiles be c. in 20. 17. saying, there aie men e. out of Samaria
20. 1. angel c. d. having the key of bottomless pit 1 Cor. 14. 23. there c. in those that are unlearned 2 Kings 5. 11. he will e out to me, and lay his hand
COME/or/A. 24. if there c. in one that believeth not 18. 31. make an agreement and e. out, Isa. 36. 16.
Gen. 15. 4. he that shall c. forth out of thy bowels Jam.2.i. there c. in also a poor man in vile raiment 19- 9- behold, he is e. out to fight against thee
ISam. 14. 11. Hebrews f./orM out of their holes liev. 3. 20. I will c. in to him, and sup with him Psal. 14. 7. O
that salvation were e. out of ZioEl
1 A'ln^x 2. 30. Benaiah said, thus saith the k. c. f. COME near. 68. 31. princes shall c. out of Egj-pt, Ethiopia
e Kin^s 10. 25. go in and slay them, let none c. f. Gen. 12. 11. Abrani was c. near to enter into Egj-pt Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall e. out of trouble
hh 23. 10. when tried, I shall c. forth as gold 20. 4. but Abimelech had not c. near her Isa. 34. 3. their stink shall e. out of their carcaies
9sal. 17.2. let my sentence c.f. from thy presence Eiod. 12. 48. then let him c, near and keep it A'aA. 1. 11. there is one e. out that imagineth evil
88. 8. 1 am shut up, and I cannot c. forth 16. 9- say unto Israel, c. near before the Lord Mat. 5. 26. by no means e. out till thou nast paid
Eccl. 7. 18. that feareth God shall c.f. of them all 28. 43. or when they c. near to the altar, 30. 20. 26. 35. are ye e. out as against a thief with sword*
Isa. 11.1. shall c.f. a rod out of the stem of Jesse iNum. 16. 5. and will cause him to c. near to him and staves to take me Mark 14. 4«. Luke 22. 32

48. 1. and art e. forth out of the waters of Judah 40. that no stranger c. near to offer incense Mark 1.25. hold thy peace, e.our of him, Lukei.M.
J«r. 4. 4. lest my fury c. forth like fire and burn Josh. 10. 24. c. near, put your feet on the necks thou unclean spirit, L'ike 8. 29.
5. 8. said, e. out,
37. 5. Pharaoh's army was c.f. out of Egypt, 7. 1 Sam. 10. 20. had caused all the tribes to c. near John 1.46. can any good thing e. out of Nazareth '

46. 9. let mighty men c. forth, the Ethiopians Psal. 32. 9- be held in, lest they e. near unto thee 7. 41. some said, shall Christ e. out of Galilee '
48. 45. a fire shall c. forth out of Ileshbon 119- 169. let my cry c. -near before thee Acts 16. 18. in the name of Jesus to e. out of her
Etek. 21. 19. both twain shall c.f. out of one land Isa. 41. 1. let us c. near together to judgment /ifm.11.26. there shall e. out of Zion the Deliverer
Dan. 3. 26. ye ser\-ant3 of the most high God, c.f. + 21. cause to c. near your cause, saith the L. 2 Cor. 6. 17. wherefore e. out from among them
9. 22. O Daniel, I am c. forth to give thee skill 48. 16. c. ye neaf unto me, hear ye this //ei.7.5. though they e.out of the loins of Abraham
.^oe/3.18. a fountain shall c. forth of house of Lord 30. 8. who is mine adversary ? let him c. near me /i!ey. 16. 13. saw spirits e. out of the mouth of dragon

Mic. 5. 2. out of thee shall c.f. that is to be ruler £je^.l8.6.nor hath c. near to a menstruous woman 18. 4. a voice saying, e. out of her, my people
Zech. 2. 6. c.f. and flee from the land of the north 40.46. which c.nearto the Lord to minister to him COME to pass.
Mat. 13. 49- angels shall c. forth and sever wicked 44. 15. they shall c. near to me to minister to me shall c. to pass if they will not believe.9.
15. 18. c. forth from the heart, and defile the man 16. they shall c. near to my table to minister to me iVhwi.11.23. whether my word shall e. <a|>a/{ or not
Mark 9. 29. this kind c. forth by nothing but prayer .'ImDiS.S.which cau>ie the seat of violence to c.near 17. 5. e. loyass the man's rod I choose shall blossom
iMke 12. 37. and will c. forth and serve them Mai. 3. 5. and I will c. near to you to judgment i'ea<.7.12.shalle./o;)aii 13. 28.1. |

John 5. 29. shall c. forth, they that have done good Luke i9.4i.when he was c. near, he beheld the city 13. 2. eind the sign or the wonder e. to pass
U.43. he cried with aloud voice, Lazarus, <r./or/A ^efi23.15.eind we.orhe c.near.a.x& readyto kill him Josh. 23. 14. all are e. to pass, no good thing failed
Acts'! .7. after that they shM c. forth and serve me COME nigh. Judg. 13.12. Manoah said, let thy words e. to past
COME hi/her. Eiod. 34. 30. but they were afraid to e. nigh him 17. when thy sayings e. to pass ve may do honour
Gen. 15. I6. in the fourth generation shall c.AiM^r Lev.lO.Z. I will be sanctified in all thate. nigh me 21. 3. O
Lord, why is thise. topast in Israel, that
Jiidg. 16. 2. it was told Gazites, Samson isc. hither 21.21. no man that hath blemish shall e. ni^A, 23. 1 Kings 13. 32. the saying shall surely e. to pas
liulh 2. 14. at meal-time c. thou hither and eat Num. 18. 4. a stranger shall not e. ni^A to you Isa. 7. 7. It shall not stand, nor shall it e. to pas
1 '•iam. 10. 22. they inquired if the man should c. h. i'eii/.20.2.when you are c.nigh to battle, the priest 14. 24. as I have thought, so shall it e. :o pass
16. 11. we will not sit down till he c. htther Luke 10. g.ltingdom of God re e. nigh unto you, 11. 42. 9. behold, the former things are e. to pass
Z Sam. 14. 32. c. h. that I may send thee to theking COME not. 7er. 17.24. it shall e. topass if ye diligently hearken
20. 16. say to J cab, c. A. that 1 may speak with thee Exod. 19. 15. be ready, e. 710/ at your wives 32. 24. what thou hast spoken is c. to pass
2 A'in»t8. 7. told Ben-hadad. the man of G. is c. h. 24. 2. but they shall not c. nigh, nor the people Eiek. 12. 25. the word that I speak shall e. to past
Pror. 25. 7. better it be said to thee, c. up hither Num. 14. 30. ye shall 710/ e. into the land 1 sware 24. 14. I have spoken, it shall e. topass, 1 will do it
Dan. 3. C6. ye servants of G. r. forth and c. hither l6.12.DathanandAbiram said,wewill ne<e.up,14. Dan. 2.29. maketh known to thee what shall e.**? p.
Mat. 8.^9- artthoue. A. to torment us before time? Deut. 23. 10. unclean shall not c. within the camp Jlos. 1. 5. c. to pass thdit I will break the bow of Isr.
Johni. 15. that I thirst not, Leither t. h. to draw Josh. 3. 4. e. not near unto the ark, that ye may Joel 2. 32. e. topass that whosoever shall call on L.
16. Jesus saith, call thy husband and c. hither 23. 7. that ye e. not among these nations AmosH. 9. c. to p. I will cause sun go down at noon
Arts 17 6. that have turned the world are c. hither Judg.l6. 17.there hath not c. a razor on mine head
. Zech. 6. 15. thisshall e. /k;». if ye diligently obey
Reii.i. l.voicesaid, <r.up A. 11.12. |
17.1- 21.9. 2 Sam. 14. 29. Absalom sent for Joab, but he would
7.13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried
COME in, or into. not c. hu sent the second time, he would ?w: c. 71/s«. 24. 6.all these thingsmust e. ic pass.ead not yet
Gen. 6. 18. thou shalt c. intt the ark, and thy sons 1 A'<«ji 13. 22. carcase note, to sepulchre of fathers Mark 11. 23. things which he saith shall c. 10 pats
19. 31. there is not a man in the earth toe. in tons 2 Kings 19-32. king of Assyria shall note, into this 13.29. when ye shall see these e. to p. Luke 21. 31.
24. 31. and he said, c. in thou blessed of the Lord city, nor shoot arrow there, 33. Isa. 37. 33,34. Luke 2. 15. and see this thing which ise. to pass
E'vd. 12. 23. Lord will not suffer destroyer toe. i« 2 Chron. 35. 21. I e. not against thee this day 2 1 7 . what sign when these things shall e. 10 p.'iS

28. 43. when they c. in unto the tabernacle i'jralO. 8. whosoever would not e. within three days 24.12. wondering in himself at what was e. r(>;>a.(«
!,«". 16. 26. he shall bathe his flesh, and afterward A'«A.13.1.Moabite not c. into congregation for ever 18.hast not known the things which are e. to pass
shall c. into the camp, 28. Nnm. I9. 7. |
31. 24. Job 3. 6. let it not c. into the number of the months John 13.19- when it is e. top. ye may believe, 14. 29. 27. 21. and at his word they shall c. in 13. 16. for an hypocrite shall not c. before him lew 3.23. c. to p. that every soul that will not hear
Deui. 31. 2. I can no more go out nor e. in Psal. 32. 6. in floods they shall not c. nigh to him Hev. 1. 1. to shew thingsmust shortly e./o/i. 22. 6.
Josh. 14. 11. so is my strength to go out and c. in 6y. 27. let them not c. into thy righteousness COME jAorr.
23. * 1. Joshua waxed old, and c. into days 91 -7. thousands shall fall.but itshallno/e. nigh thee /iom.3.23.allhave sinned and e. iAorrof glory of G.
1 h'tngs 1. 14. I will c. in after thee and confirm 132.3.1 will not c. into the tabernacle of my house /iei. 4.1. lest any of you .should seem toe. shortodt
3. 7- I am a child, I know not how'to go out ore. in Prov. 3. 8. e. not nigh the door of her house COME together.
14. 6. he said, c. in thou wife of Jeroboam Isa. 7. 17. Lord shall bring days that have not c. Job g. 32. and we should e- together in judgment
15. 17. he might not suffer any to go out or c. in 25. there shall not c. the fear of briers and thorns 19-12-hi5 troops e. fog«<Aer against me .and enc-irip
2 Kin^s 4. 4. when c. in shut the door upon thee 28. 15. the overflowing scourge shall no<e. to me Jer. 3. 18. shall e. /ojefAerout of land of the north.
11.9. they took each his men to c. in and go out 32. 10. vintage shall fail, the gathering shall n«/ e. .50.4. Isr. and J ud. shall e./ojeMer, going and weep
ZChron. 1. 10. go out and c. in before this people 54.14. far from terror, for it shall not c. near thee Acts 1. 6. when they were e. together, 28. 17-
16. 1 that he might let none go out or c. in to Asa
. 65. 5. which say, stand by thyself, e. not near me It). 27. he found many that were e. together
23. 6. none c. into the house of the L. save priests Jer. 37. 19. saying, the king of Babylon shall not c. ly. 32. knew not wherefore they were e. together
Xeh. 2. 7- convey me over, till I c. into Judah Ezek. 16.16. like things shall rwt c. nor shall it be so 21. 22. the multitude must needs e. together
SCsfh. 5. 12. Esther let no man c. in with the king 44. 13. they shall not c. near to me to do oftiie 1 Cor.7-5. c. together .again, that Sat. tempt you not

6. 5. and the king said, let Ilaman c. in Has. 4. 15. e. not ye unto Gilgal, nor go to Beth-. 1 1. 17. you e. together, not for belter but for worse

Psal. 24. 7. and the King of glory shall c. in, Q. 9. 4. their soul shall not c. into house of the Lord 18. when ye e. together in church, 20. 33. 14.26 |

69. 1. for the waters are c. in unto my soul Zech. 14. 18. and if the family of Egypt e. not 34. that ye c. not together to condemnation
QC). 8. bring an offering and c. tnto his courts Mat. 22. 3. sent to call, and they would not c. 14. 23. if whole church be e. together lo one place
109. 18. so let it c. into his bowels like water Mark 2.4.they could tiot e.nigh for press,/,u/(e 8.19- COME up.
f.anl. 4. 16. let my beloved c. into his garden Lnke 14. 20. I have married a wife, I cannot c. £j-0(/.19. 13. trumpet sound they sh.ill e. up to mount
Isa. 19. 1. behold, the Lord shall c. into Egypt John. 5. 24. and shalt not c. into condemnation 24. thou shalt c. up, ihnu and A.iron with ihee
23. the Assyrian shall c. tnto Egypt, Egyptian 40. ye will mt c. to me that ye might have life 24. 12. e. up to nie into the mount, and be there
24. 10. every house shut up, that no man c. «n 7.34. where I am thither ye cannot c 36. 33. 5. I will e. up into midst of thee in a moment
59. 19. when the enemy shall c. in like a Hood 11. 56. think ye that he will 7u>i c. to the feast r 34. 2. and e. up in the morning to mount Sinai
}er. 17. 19. pales, whereby the kings of Judah c. in 15. 22. if I had not c. they had not had sin 3. no man shall c. up with thee nor be seen
5\ 50. and let Jerusalem c. into your mind
. 16. 7- if I go not away, the Comforter will not c. \um 20- o. why have ye made use. up out Egypt!
51. for strangers are c. into the sanctuaries 1 Cor. 4. 18. as thongh I would not c. to you yi)jA.4.l6.that the priests e. i/p out of Jordan, 17,1^
Eiek. 11.5. 1 know things that c. into your mind COME out. [.stanrs 10. 4. c. up la me, and help me to smite Gibcon , the same time shall things<o thy mind Gen. 15. 14. afterwards shall c. mit with great sub- 6- c. up lo us quickly, save us, and help us
Mic. 5. 5. when the AssjTJan shall c. into our land 17. 6. and kings shall e. out of thee, 33. 11. Judg. 1. 3. Judah said, e- up with nie into my lot
H/flf. 10. 12. when ye c. into an house, salute it 24. 13. the d.iughters of city e. oitt to draw water 15. 10. Jiiilah said, why are ye e. up against usi
I'6. 27. Son of Man shall c. in glory of his Father I.ev. 16. 17. till he e 011/ and have made atonement 16. 18. Delilah sent, saying, e. up ihis once
24. 5. for many shall c. in my name, saying, I am A MOT. 11. 20. shall eat till it e. out at your nostrils 1 A;m. 14.10. if they say e. up to us, we will go op
Christ, and deceive many, Mark 13.6. Z.uke '21. 8. 12. 4. e. out ye three untotaDer.iadeof conprcgat. 17- 25. said, have ye seen this man that is c. ujf,
23. 31. when the Son o' Man shall c. in his glory 20. 18. lest 1 c. 01'/ against thee with the swnrd 1 Kings 1 35. then ve shall e. up after him, that be

/.«*« 1 1 33. they which e. in may see Che light

, C2.6. tJiere isa people e. out ot Egypt, 11. CO. 22. the king of Syria will e. up against thee
ii. 38. c. in the second watch, or c. in lae third 33. 38. Aaron died fortieth year after Israel e. oiii 2 Kings 16.7. c. up and saremo from kijig of Syria


S Kings 16.25. am I now e.vp without L. /ra.36.10. John 16.21. a woman hath sorrow because hour is c li'am.l6.4.and said, c.thou peaceably:! Kir.gsi.iZ,
? Cli> 20. 16. behold, they'c. up by the cliflfof Ziz
. Rom. 11. 11. salvation is c imto. the Gentiles 17. 43. am I a dog, that thou c. 10 u.e with staves.
loiT .^. thatgoeth'o the grave, shall c. up no more 16. 19. for your obedience is c abroad among all 45. thou c. to me with a swr.rd and with a spear
Prop. C5. 7. bettei Dat it be said, c. vp hither 1 Cor. 13. 16. when that which is perfect is r. then 2 Sam. 3. 13. bring Michal when thou c. to see me
tsa. 5. 6. but there shall c. up briers and thorns li^l. 3.25. but after that faith is e. we are no longer 1 Kings 19. 15. when thou c. anoint Ilazael to be king

B. 7. and he shall c. up over all his channels Co/.l .6. which gospel is it is in all world 2 Kings 5. 25. Elisha said, whence c. thou.Gehazi >
14. 8. since laid down no fellow is c. up against us 1 John 4. 2. that Jesus Christ is in tne flesh c Job ^. 7. whence c. thou Satan answeri d, 2. 2.

tiO.7. they shall c. up with accept, on mine altar 3. every spirit that confcsseth not that Jesus Jer. 51_, 61. when thou c. to Babylon and stialt see
Jer. 9- 21. for death is e. up into our windows Christ isc. in the flesh is not of God, ^ John '. Jonah 1 8. what thy occupation > whence c. thou ?
49. 19. behold, he shall c. up like a lion, 50. 44. 5. CO. we know that the Son of God is c and given be baptized of thee, and c. thou to me i
22. behold, he shall c. up and fly as the eaijle Rev. 6. 17. for the great day of his wrath is c Luke 23. 42. rememb. me w hen c. into thy kingdom
51. 27. cause the horses to c. up as caterpillars 11. 18. and thy wrath is c and time of the dead COMETH.
42. the sea is c. up upon Babylon, she is covered 12.10.nowisf.salvat.and strength, andking. of G. Gen. 37. 19. they said, behold this dreamer e.
Lam. 1. 14. are wreathed, and c. up upon my neck 14. 7. fear God, for the hour of his judgment isr Lev. 11. 34. on which such water c. is unclean
£t«*. C4. 8. that it might cause fury to e. up to take 18. 17 in one hour, so great riches is c to nought
Deut. 18. 8. beside what f. of sale of his patrimony
37. 12. and cause you to c. up out of your graves 19 7. for marriage of the Lamb is and his wife c
23. 13. turn backward cover that which c.from thee
38. IC. thou shall c. up agamst my people Israel am COME, oram / CO.ME.
I 1 Sam. 4. .". when ark c. among us, it may save us
47. t 12. on the bank shall c. up all trees F.Tod. 18.6. / thy father- Ji-law am c to thee 9.6. all that the man of God saith csurely to pass
Hot. 1. 11. and they shall c. up out of the land yum. 22. .38. Balaam said, lo / am c to thee 20. 27. wherefore e. not the son of Jesse to meat'
10. 8. the thistle shall e. up on their altars /Vk<.26.3. I am c. into the country the Lord sware 29. therefore he c
not to the king's table
13. 15. the wind of Lord shall c. up from wildem. 1 Sam. 16. 2. / am c to sacrifice to the Lord, 5. 1 Kings 14. 5. for when she c in will feign herself
Joil 2.20. his stink and ill savour shall e. up 2 that I em c. to speak of this thing 2 A'iN»x9.18.came to them, but he c . not again, 20
3. 9- let all men of war draw near, let them c. up 32. to tay, wherefore am I e. from Geshur .' 11. 8. be ye with the king as he c. in, 2 Chr. 23. 7
12. letheatheo c. up to the valley of Jehoshaphat 19. 20. I am c. first to meet my lord the king Jui 3. 21. which long for death, and it c not
Amosi. 10. I made the stink of your camps to cup Ps. 69. 2. I am c into deep waters where the floods C8. 20. whence c wisdom, where understanding ?
Oittd. 21. saviours shall f. k;; on mount Zion to judge F.ccl. 1. 16. I communed, lo, I am c. to great estate Psal. 30. 5. weeping for night, but joy c. in morning
Jonah 1. 2. their wickedness is e. up before me Cani.5.\. lame, into my gar. my sister, my spouse 62.l.mysoul waiteth on God, from him salv.
4. 6. the Lord made a gourd toe. up over Jonah Dan. 9. 23. and T am c to shew thee, 10. 14. 75. 6. promotion c. not from the east nor west
Jlfif. C. 13. the breaker c. up before them 10. 12. thy words were heard, I am c. for thy w. 06. 13. bclore Lord, lor he c to judge the earth
JVaA. 2. 1. he that dasheth in pieces is c. up Mat. 5. 17! think not / am c to destroy the law 1 18. 26. blesiid is he that c in name of the Lord

Ztch. 14. 17. it shall be, that whoso will not c. up 9. 13. 1 am not c to call the righteous but sinners 121. 1. my ejes to hills, from whence c my help
18. if the family of Egypt go not up, c. not 10.34. think not that / am c. to send peace on earth 2. my help c. from the Lord who made heaven
Acts^.'i\. he desired Phil, to cup and sit with him 35.1 am e. to set aman atvariance against father Prov. I. 26. I will mock when your fear e.
.39. when they were c. up out of the water Luke 12.51. suppose ye that /am c. to give peace 27, when your dfttruction c. as a whirlwind
10. 4. Cornelius, thy alms are c up before God John 1.31. therefore am I baptizinj with water c 11.2. when pride <•. thenc. .shame, but with lowly
Hiv.i. I. cup hither, and I will shew thee, 11. 12. 5.43.ZaOTf.inmyFather's receive me not 18. 3. Avher. tne wicked c then c. contempt
COME, Passive. 7.28. /am not f. of myself, he that sent me is true £r<-/.6.4 he c. in with vanity, departeth in darkness
Gen. 6. 13. the end of all flesh is c before me 9. 39. Jesus said, forjudgm. I am c into this world ll.a.if amanlive many years, all that c. is vanity
IB. 5. for therefore are ye c to your servant 10.10. /am f. that they might have life, and abund Cant. 2. 8. he e. leaping upon the mountains
21. according to the cry which is c to me 12.46. 7am f. a light into the world, whoso believes Isa. 13 9. the day of the Lord <r. with wrath
42. 21. therefore is this distress e. upon us 16. 28. / am e. into the world, again I leave world 30. 13. whose breaking e. suddenly at an instant
Exod. 3.9. cry of the children of Israel is to me c COME
joined with time. 27. the name of the Lord c from far, burmcg
20. 20. fear not, for God is e. to prove you Gen 30.33. shall my righteous. answer in time to e. 44. + 19. fall down to that which e. on a tree
Aum. 22. 11. there is a people c out of Egypt Exod. 13.14. when thy son asketh thee in time to c 62. 11. say ye to Zion, behold, thy salvation e.
Deui. 31.11. when all Isr. is f to appear before L.
saying, what is this ? Dent. 6. 20. Josh. 4. 6, 21 63. 1 who is this that f. from Edom, from Bozra ?

Jos/i. 5. 14. as captain of the host of Lord am I c. J<)j/ time\o f.yourchildr. might speak,28 Jer.lT.d.Uke heathen, he shall not see when goods.
Judg. 16. 2. it was told, Samson is e. hither 1 Sam. 1. 20. rim,- was after Hannah conceived c 8. and shall not see when heat c. but her leaf
1 Sam. 4. 7. for they said, God isc. into the camp Psal. 102.13. time to favour Zion, the set time is c. 43.11. when he c he shall smite the land of Egypt
9. 16. looked on my peop. because their cry is me Prov. 31 25. she shall rejoice in time to e.
. [tie Lam. 3. 37. who is he that saith, and itc. to pass
SSam. 1.9. slay me, for anguish is e. upon me Ca«/.2.12. time of singing of birds isc. voice of tur- 5. 1 4. our w ater for money, our wood c. for price
19- 11. the speech of all Israel is c to the king /,ta. 13.22. her time is nearto c. her days shall not E.zek. 14. 4. and c. to a prophet to inquire, 7.
£ Kings 4. 1. the creditor is c. to take my sons 30. 8. note in a book that it may be for time to c. 20. 32. that which e. in your mind shtJi not he
5.6. when this letter is r. to thee, I sent Naaman 42. 23. who will hearken and hear for time to e. 21. 7. for the tidings, because it c. behold it c.
8. 7. told him, saying, the man of God is c hither E:ek. 7.7. the time is c
the day of trouble is near 24. 24. when this c. you shall know I am the Lord
Etra\). 13. and after all that is c. upon us IIa,^.\.'2. the time is not e. the Lord's house be built 33. 31. they come to thee as the people c and sit
Job 3. 25. the thing I greatly feared is c 4. 5. Luke'j.5\, the lime w'as c.he should be received up 33. when this c. to pass, then shall they know
Psal. 44. 17. all this is c. upon us, yet we have not Oal. 4. 4 but when the fulness of time was c 47. 9. every thing shall live whither the rivers r.
53. 6. O that the salvation of Israel were c 17VOT.6.19.1ayingup good foundat. against time toe Dan. 11. 16. that c. against him shall do exploits
55. 5. fearfulness and trembling are c upon me 1 Pet. 4. 17. the lime is that judgm. must begin c 12. 12. blessed is he that c. to the 1335 days
69. 2. I am c. into deep waters, floods overflow me Yet COME. Hos. 7. 1. the thief c. in, and the troop of robbers
102. 13. time to favour Zion, yea the set time isr. Dent. 12. 9. for y* are not as y«/ e. to rest L. giveth Jos/2. of the L. e. Zech. 14. 1. 1 Thess. 5. 2
Jsa. 10. 28. he is c to Aiath,he is passed toMigron Johni. 4. Jesus saith .woman, my hour is not yif^c. Mic. 5. 6. deliver us from the AssjTian when hec.
56. 1. formysalvat.isneartoc. and my righteous. 7. 6. Jesus said to them, my time is not vet c 8. Mai. 4. 1. the day e. that shall burn, day thatc.
60. 1. arise, 3hine,forthy lightisc. and glory of L. 30. because his hour was not yet 8. 20. c .V<if.3.11.helhatc after me is might, than I, whose
63.4. and the year of my redeemed is c 11. 30. Jesus was not yet c into the town shoes not worthy to bear, Mark i. 7. LukeS. l6.
Jer. 40. 3. have sinned, therefore this is c upon you Rev. 17. 10. five are fallen, the other is not
vet e. 5. 37. whatsoever is more than these c of evil
47. 5. baldness is e. on Gaza, Ashkelon is cutoflT COMELY. 8. 9- I say to another, come, and he c LukeT. 8.
30. 27. woe to them, fur their day is c. the time of 1 Sam. l6. 18. David, a son of Jesse, a e. person 13. 19. then c
the wicked one, and catcheth away
31, thy day is c the time that 1 will visit thee J06 41. 12. I will not conceal his c. proportion 21. 5. behold, thy kingr. unto thee, John 12. 16.
61.13. that dwellest on many waters, thy end is c. Psal. 33. 1. praise is for the upright, 147. 1.c 9. blessed is he that c. in name of Lord, hosanna 4. 18. our days are fulfilled, our end is c. J'rov. 30. 29. yea, four are c in going in the highest, Mark 11. 9. L.uke 13. .35. 19.38.

5. 1. remember, O
Lord, what is c upon us Ecc/. 5. 18. it is <•. for one lo eat, drink,
and enjoy 25. 19. after a long time lord of those servants c.
Ktek. 7. C. an end, the end is c. upon the land, 6. Cam. 1. 5. black but c O daughters of Jerus.
I am Mark 6. 48. he c. %o them walking on the sea
5. thus saith L. an evil, an only evil, behold is c. 10. thy cheeks are e. with rows of jewels 8.38. be ashamed when he e. in glory of his ^thcr
7. the mom. is c. upon thee, O thou that dwellesc 2.14. thy voice is sweet, and thy countenance is c 9. 12. F-lias c
first, and restoreth all things
10. behold the day, behold, it is c 39. 8. 4. 3. thy lips are like scarlet, thy speech is c. 14.43.whileheyet spake f. Judas one of the twelve
17. 12. the king of Babylon is c. to Jerusalem (5.4. thou art f .Only love, as Jerusalem, terrible as if/ie6. 47. whoso c. to me, and heareth my sayings
21. 25. thou wicked prince whose day is c 29. La. 4. 2. fruit of the earth shall be excellent and c 12. 37. the Lord when he c. shall find watching
Van. 9. 13. as it is written, all this evil isr. on us Jer. 6. 2. I likened daughter of Zion to a c. woman 40. Son of Man c at an hour when ye think not
Amos^. 2. the end is c. on my people of Israel 1 Ciir. 7. 35. but I speak for that which is c. 43. his lord, when he <-. shall find so doing
A/ic.l.g.he is c to gate of my people, to Jerusalem 11. 13. is itc.that a woman pray to God uncovered? 55. ye say, there will be heat, and it <r. to pasi
Atat. 3. 7. who warned you to flee from wrath tor..' 12. 24. for our <•. parts have no need, but God 17. 20. kingdom of God c. not with observation
12. 28. the kingdom of God is c. unto you COMELINESS. 18. 8. Son of Mane, shall he find faith on earth.'
4-1. when he is c he findeth it empty, swept Tsa. 53. 2. he hath no form nor c. nor beauty, that John 3. 8. but thou canst not tell whence it c.
18.1 1 .Son of Man is c to save that which was lost Ezek. 16. 14. for it WES perfect through my <-. 20. nor c
to the light, lest his deeds be reproved
tlark 1. 24. art thou c to destroy us ? Luke 4. 34. 27. 10. they of Persia and Lud set fort'n thy c 21. he that doth the truth, e. to the light
4.29. he puts m the .sickle.because the harvest is c Dart. 10. 8. my c was turned in me into corniption 4.21 woman, believe me, the hour c. 23. 16. 38

14. 8. she is c. aforehand to a-ioint my body 1 Cor. 12. 23. our uncomel v parts have more ab\ind c 6. 35. he that e. to me shall never hunger, 37.
41. sleep on now, it is enough, the hour is c COMERS. 45. man that hath learned of the Father c to ma
Luke' 34. the Son of .Man isf eating and drink.
. . Ht/>. 10. 1. can never make the c.thereunto perfect 7. 27. when Christ c. no man knoweth, 31.
15.27 .thybrother is <. father hath killed tatted calf COME.ST. 42. said, that Christ c of the seed of David
19 9. this day is salvation c to this house Gen. 10. 19. was from Sidon as thou
to Gerar c 0. 4. the night c. when no man can work
10. the Son of Man is c to seek and to save lost 13. 10. like the land of Egypt, as thou <r. to Zoar 14. 6. no man c
to the Father but by me
l>hn 3. 19. thit light is c into the world, men ioved 24.41. when thou ctomy kindred, if they give not 16. 2. the time c that whosoever killeth you
4. 2i. when he is <•. he will tell us all things Deut. 2. 19. thou e. nigh the children of Amnion 25. the time c I shall no more speak in proverb
11. 28. the Master rs c
and calleth for thee 20. 10. when thou e. nigh to city to fight against it 32. the hour e. that ye shall be scattered
12.23. the hour is f. Son of Man be gloriBed, 17. 1. 28. 6. blesssed shalt thou be when thou c. in Ads 11). 32. who when he e. shall speak to thee
15. 26. when the Comforter is c. whom I will send 19. cursed shalt thou be when thou in c A'<>m.4.9.f thisblessednesson the circumcision only
1 8.8. when he is c
he will reprore ftie world of sin Judt;. 17. 9- Micah said to I.evite, whence c. thou t then, faith c. by hearing, hearing bv word
13. when the Spirit of iimh i* e. h« will euide 19.17. tha old man said to LMvile, whence c thou ! 1 Cor. 15.24. then e, the end when be sbtil liare


SCor. 11.88. besides that which c. ov me daily £s</r.i4.S3.lhey shall wnen ye see their ways Mai. 4. day of the Lord
5. before the e. of the great

Epk. 5. 6. for tiiese tnings e. the wratt of God upon Z«f A. 1.17. Lord shall jret c.Zion, andclioose Jerus. .V(j/.10.28. till they see Son of .Man e. in his kingdom
the cbildien of disobedience, Col. 3. 6. 10.2. diviners told false dreams, they e. in vain 24. 3. tell us whit shall be the sign of thy e. .'
1 Thets. 5. 2. day of the Lord so f.asathiefin night Jolm 11. 19. to c. them couceruuig iheir brother 27. so shall the e. of ihe Son of Man be, 37. -39.
//<*.11.6.he that c. to Ciod must btlieve that he is 2 Cor. 1. 4. that we may he able to c. them who 30. when theyshall see the Son of Man clouds,
lude 1+. the Lord c. with 10,000 of his saints 2. 7. ye ought rather to forgive and e. him 26. 61. Mark 13. 26. 14. 62. Ltiie 21. 2^

Rev. 1.7. he c. with clouds, every eye shall see him Epi. 6. 22. and that he might c. your hearts 48. shall say,my Lord del.ayeth his e. Luke 12.45.
17. 10. when he c. he must continue a short space Cot. 4.8. he might know yourestaie.c. your hearts 25.27 -at my e. liavereceiNed my own, Lude ly. 23
COMETH do:on. 1 Thess. 3. 2. 10 c. you concerning your faith HJark 6. 31. for there were many e. and going
Ita. 55. 10. as the rain c. lie-wn from heaven 4. 18. wherelorec. one another with these words Luke 9. 42. as he was yet e. the devil tare, him
Johi fi. 33. bread of Ijod is he which c. douii, 50. 5. 11. wherefore c. yourselves together and edify 18. 5. lest by her continual e. she weary me
James 1.17. every good and perfect gift c. do:f>t 14. c. the feeble-minded, support the weak JohnS. 7. while 1 am e. another steppeth before me
liev, 3.12. new Jerusalem whicbc. doicn from God 2 Thess. 2. 17. now our Lord .lesusf. your hearts the hour is e.2i 10. 12. seeth the wolf e

COM I111 forth. COMEOiriABLE. Acts 1. 8. receive the power of the HolyGhoste

Gen. 24. 43. when the virgin c. forth to draw water Sam. 14. 17. the word cf my Lord shall now bee. 7. 52. shewed before of the e. of the just One

Etod. 4. 14. also behold he c. forth to meet thee i!,ech. 1. 13. Lord answered the angel withe, words 9. 28. he was with them e. in and going out
8. 20. before Pharaoh, lo, he c. forth to the water COMEOriTABLY. 10. 23. as I'cter was e. in Cornelius met hiui
Judg. 11. 31. whatsoever c. forth of the doors 2 Sam. 19. 7. go forth and speak c. to thy servants 13. 21. wlien .lohn had preached before his e.
1 Sam. 11. 7. whosoever c. not forth after Saul 2 Chron. 30. 22. he spake c. to all the Levites 1 Cor. 1. 7. waiting for the e. of our Lord Jesua
Job 5. 6. though affliction c. nor. forth of the dust .•!2.6. he set captainsover the people, and c. 15. 23. afterward they that are Christ's at hisc.
14. 2. he c. forth like a (lower, and is cut down Isa. 40. 2. speak ye c. to Jerusalem, cry to her 16.17 1 am glad of e.of Stephanus and Fortunatus
ha. 28. 29. this also c. forth from the Lord Hos. 2. 14. 1 will allure her, and speak c. to her 2 Cor. 7. 6. God comforted us by the e. of Titua
Eiek. 35. 30. hear what words c. forth from Lord COMFOHTED. 7. not by his e. only, but by the consolation
Mic. 1.3. behold, the Lord r. forthont of his place Gen. 24. 67. Isaac was c. after his mother's death Phil. 1.26. be more abundant by my e. to you again
COMEITI 'nigh. 37.35. Jac. refus. tobec. for he said, I go to grave 1 '7'/r<jj.2.19 are not ye our rejoicing at our Ld's. e.
Num. 1. 51. Levites set up tabernacle, the stranger 38.12. Jud. wasr. and went up to his sheep-shear. 3. 13. hearts unblameable at the e. of our Lord
tbatr.HijA shall be put to death, 3.10,38. 18.7. 50. 21. Joseph c.
his brethren, and spake kindly 4. 15. we who remain to the e. of our Lord
COMLTil oxtt. Ruth 2. 13. let nie find fav. for that thou hast c. me 5. 23. preserved blameless to l^e e. of our Lord
Etod.lZ. 35. be heard when he e. out, that he die not 2 5am. 12.24. David c. Bath-sheba his wife 2 Thess. 2. 1. we beseech you hy the e.of our Lord
Num. 12. 12. flesh is half consumed when he c.out 13. 39. for he was c. concerning Ammon 8. and shall destroy with the brightness of hise.
Deut.W. 57. her eyes evil toward young that c. out Ji)A42. 11. all his brethren c. him over all the evil 9. even him whose e. is after the working of Satan

I Kings &. 41 .a stranger that c. out of a far country I'sal.TT. 2. my sore ran, my soul refused to bee.
Jam. 5.7. be patient, brethren, to the e. of the Lord
Joi 20. 25. it is drawn, and c. out of the body 86. 17. because thou. Lord, hast holpc;. and c. me 8. for the e. of the Lord draweih nigh
37.22.fair weather f.OTt/ of the north, withGod is 119.52. I rememher. thy judgments, have c. mys. 1 Pet. 2. 4. to whom e. as unto a living stone
Cant. 3. 6. who is this that c. out of the wilderness ? Isa. 49. 13. for God hath c. his people, 52. 9. 2 Pf/. 1.1 6. make known power and e. of our Lord J
Isa. 26. 21. the Lord c. out of his place to punish 54. 11. oh, thou afflicted, tossed, and not c. 3. 4. saying, where is the promise of his e. .'
42. 5. spread forth earth, and that which c. out of it 66. 13. and ye shall be c. in Jerusalem 12. looking and hasting to the e. of the day of God

/(jr. 46. 20. destruction cometh, it c. out of the north Jer. 31. 15. Rachel weeping, refus. to bee. for child. 1 John 2. 213. not be ashamed
before him at his c.
£«*.4. 12. shall bake it with dungthat c. oh/ ofman Ezek. 5. 13. I will cause fury to rest, I will be c. Rev. 13. 11. beheld another beast e. up out of earth
Mat. 15. 11. but that which c. out of the mouth, this 14.22. ye shall be e. concerning all the evil 21. 2. new Jerusalem e. down from God out of hea-
defileth a nian, Mar/c 7. 20. 31.16. all that drink water be f. in parts of e.arth COMINGS. [ven
24. 27. for as the lightning c, out of the east .32. 31. Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be e Ezek. 43. 11. shew them the goings out and e. in
COMEni up. Mat. 2. 18. would not be c. because they were not CO.MMAND.
1 5am.28.14.andshe said, an old man covered
c. «;> 5.4. bless, are they that mourn, for they shall bee. 2 Sam. 23. •» 23. David set Benaiah at his e.
25. now he is e. and thou art tormented Joi 39. 27. doth the eagle mount up at thy e.
Cant. 8. 5. who is this that e. up from wilderness I.v/te 16.
/.lo. 24. 18. and he that c. up out of midst of the pit John 11. 31. the Jews which e. her, saw Mary rise COM.MAND
Jer. 46. 7- who is tiiis that c. up as a flood > Acts 16. 40. when they had seen brethren, e. them Is referred (1) To God, whose command extendelh
50. 3. out of north there c. up a nation against her CO. 12. brought young man alive, were not a lit.e. to the earth, Psal. 33. 9. To the heavens, Psa'..
7/ai.3.l6.when he c. up to people, will invade them Rom. 1. 12. that I may be c. together with you 148. 5. To his people, Exod. 34. 11. To the
Tdal. 17. 27. cast a hook, take up the fish first c. vp 1 Cor. 14. 31 that all may learn, and all may he e
adversaries of the church, Lam. 1. 17. To the
COMEORT, Suistantive 2 Cor. 1. 4. the comfort wherewith we are e. of G. clouds, Isaiah 5. 6. To serpents, Amos 9. 3.
Joi 6. 10. then should I yet have c. yea, I would 7. 6. God c. us by the coming of Titus To unclean spirits, Mark 1. 27. It signifies,

10. 20. let me alone, that I may take c. a little 7. the consolation wherewith he was e. in yoa [1] His auihoriti/ and power over his creatures,
Pm/. 11 9. 50. this is my my affliction, thy word 13. therefore we were e. in your comfort Psal. 148. 5. [2] His will and readiness to help
76. let thy merciful kindness be for my c. Col. 2. 2. that their hearts might be e. being knit his own children in their distress, Psal. 42. 8.
Ita. 57- 6. should I receive e. in these? 1 Thess. 2.11. ye know how he exhorted and e. you [3] To require due obedience to his la:is, Ocut.
Eiek. 16. 54. in that thou art a c. to them 3.7. we were e. over you In all our affliction il. 22. [4] 'To procure, or work, Psal. 44. 4.
CO.MFORTEDST. [5] To enable and incline, }oh ?,6. 10. (Oj To
Mat. 9. 22. daughter be of good c. Luke 8. 48.
Mart 10. 49. be of good c. rise, he ralleth thee Isa.l2.l .thine anger is turned awav, and thou c. nie restrain, Isa. 5. 6. [7] To avpoint, or esinilis/i
Acts 9. 31. walking in the e. of the Holy Ghost COMFORTER, S. rtrm/i/, I'.salm 111. 9- [8] To sitr up iy his

i^om. 15. 4. through patience and r. of the scriptures 2 5flm.l0.3.that he hath sent e. to thee, 1 C//r.ig.3. providence, Isa. 13. 3. [9] To give, or bestow.
1 Cor. 14. 3. speaketh to men to exhortation and c Joi 16. 2. heard many things, miserable e. are ye all Lev. 25. 21. This word comprehendelh instnu;.
2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed be God, even the God of all c. Psal. 69. 20. I looked for e. but found none tion, prediction, exhortation, and consolation.

4. by the c. wherewith we are comforted of God Ecrl.4. 1. tearsof the oppressed, and they had no e. Mat. 11. 1. compared with Mat. 10.6, 17,26,
7. 4. great is my glorying of you, I am filled withe. /.am. 1.9. she came down wonderfully, she had noe.
16. e. that should relieve my soul is far from me (II) To man, as parents commanding
their chil-
13. therefore we were comforted in your c.
13. 11. brethren, be perfect, be of good c. Nah. 3. 7. whence shall I seek c. of thee ? dren. Gen. 19. 19. 50. I6. Governors their I

Phil. 2. 1. if there be therefore any c. of love John 14. 16. he shall give you another C. to abide ofiicers, Joshua 1. 10. Kings thei' subjects

19. that I may also be of good c. when I know 26. but the C. which is Holy Ghost, shall teach 2 Chron. 14, 4. Pastors Iheir people, 2 Thess.
Col, 4. 11. these only, which have been a e, to me 15. 26. when the C. is Cornell 16. 7.C. will not come 3. 4. 6.
COMI OliT, l^'ert. COMFORTETH. Gen. 18.I9.Abrah. will e. hischild. and household
C<n. 5, 29. this sanie shall c. us concerning oar work Joi 29. 25. I dwelt, as one that e. the mourners Ezod. 8. 27. we will sacrifice as (iod shall e. us
18.5. f .ye your hearts, after that you shall pass on /.tn. 51. 12.1, even i,ain he that e. you, who art thou 18. 23. if thou ilo this thing, and God e. thee so
the Lord will c.
27. 42. Esau as touching thee doth c. himself 66. 13. as one whom mother e. will 1 comfort you Num. g. 8. I will hear what
37. 35. all his sons and daughters rose up to c. him 2 Cor. 1.4. who c. us in all our tribulations .36.6. this is the thing which the Lord doth e.
/JciK. 28. 8. the Lord shall the blcssirg on (her>
7. 6. God that e. those that arc cast down
Judg. 19. 5. c. thy heart with a morsel of bread, 8 e.
.•>2. 46. ye shall e. your children to observe to do
2 Sam. 10. 2. David sent to f. him, 1 Citron. I9. 2 CO.MFORTLES.S.
so did Mosese. Joshua, and so be did
1 Chron. 7. 22. and his brethren came to c. him John 14.18. I will not leave you e.will come to you Josh. 1 1. 15.
19- 2. servants of David came to Ilanun to c. him COMFORT.S. /'ra/. 42.8. the Lord will r. his loving. kindness

7oA2.11.his friends cime to mourn with and c.hini Psal. 04.19. of my thoughts, thy e. delight my soul 44. 4. art my king, O God.e. deliverance for Jacob

7. 13. when I say, my bed shall c. me, my couch /ja.57.18. 1 will lead him also,and restore e. to him 7ja.45.11. concerning the
work of my hands, e. me
COMING. Jer. 27. 4. e. them to say to their misters
9. 27. if I say, I will forget, I will c. myself
21. 34. how then eye me in vain, seeing in answers Gen. 30. 30. the Lord hath blessed thee since my e 10. heathen didst r. they should not enter
Psal.l^. 4. thy rod and thy staff, they e. me 43. t 20. O sir, e. down we rame to buy food Mrit.4. 3. e. these stones be made bread, Luke 4. 3.
1 1). 7. why did Mosese. to give writing of divorce
71.21. thou shalt andc me on every side I.ev. 14. t48. if the priest e. in shall come and look

119.i7fi. let thy merciful kindness c. me A'lim. 22. 16 let nothing hinder thee from e. 27.64. r. therefore that sepulchres be made sure
W!. my eyes fail, saying, when wilt thou me Judg. 5. ^R. why is his chariot so long in ,-. .'
. ?
Mark 10. 3. be said to them,what did Moses :. you ?
Cant. 2. 5. c. me with apples, for I am ^v.k of love 1 Sam. 16. 4. elders of the town tremble at hise Luke 8.31. that he would not e. them to go into deep
Jsa. 22. 4. look away from me, labour not to c. me 6. thy going and i. in with me, since day of e 9. 54. will thou we e. fire to come down from heaven
did not we straitly e. you
40. 1. e. ye, c. ye my people, sailh your God 2 Sa?n. 3. '.'5. to know thy going out and thy e. in .lets 5. 28. .«aying,
l.''. 5. and to e. them to keep the law of Moses
51.3. Lord shall c.Zion, he will c.her waste places 2 Kings 13. 20. invaded the land .at e. in of the year
2 both do.and will do things wee. jou
19. two things arc come, by whom shall 1 c.thee 19. 27 I know thy going out and e. in. ]sa.
.' 3". «8. '7V/e.>
6. we, brethren, in name of our Lord lesus
61. 2. he hath sent me to c. all that mourn I'snl. 37. 13. for he seeth that hit day is e.
66. 13. so will I c. you, ye shall be in .lerusalem 121.8. Lord shall preserve thy gome out and e. ir 12. that are such we e. and exhort by our Ld. J,
yer.8.18.when I would <,heart is faint in me }sa. 14. 9. hell is moved for thee to meet thee at r 1 Tim. 4. 11. these things e. and teach.
J6. 7. norshall men tear to c. them for the dead 44. 7. the things that are e. let them .shew to them ; COM.MAND.
31. 13. for I will f.thfm, ni.ike rejoice from sorrow Jer. 8. 7. and swallow observe the time of their e Krol. 7 2 shall Bpcalc all that / e tho", Jer. ]. 7. IT.
Zrfim. 1.2. among lovers she hath none to e her, I7. Dan. 4<<!3. saw an holy one e. down from heavei .Tl 11 ohserve ttiou what / c. thee, Deui. 12. 28.

2t. they heard that I sigh, there is none to e. me A/ic7.15. accord, to the daysofihee. out of I'.cyp Irr. 21 then / will c. my blesslnic upon you

S.U. wtiat shall 1 equal to thee, that I may r.lhne Mai. 3. 2. whs may abide the day of his e / Veitt 4, 2. ye bhall not add to the word I c. yoa



Djnl.7.ll. ihalt keep command Tt.ihte this day, Lam. 1. 17. the Lttrd natt t. concern'ing Jacob £i<A.2.20.Estherdidther.of Mcrdecai.lfke aswhen
dothem^S.ll. 10.13. 11.8,27. 13.18. 30.8. Acts 1 3.46,47 we turn to Gentiles, so hath the L. e.
| | | | . 3. 3. why transgressest thou the king's c. .'
S4. 16. therefore / c. thee to do this thinj;, 2C. Lord or God CO.MMANDED, implicitly. 91. when king's r. drew nigh to be put in execnticn
30.16. J c. thee this day to love the Lord thy God Gen. 3. 11. eaten of the tree I e. not to eat, 17. Job 23. 12. nor gone back from the c. of his lips
Jsa. 5. 6. / will c. the clouds that they rain" not E'jod. 23. 15. as I c. thee in the time appointed Psat. 119. 96. but thy r. is exceeding broad
Jer. 11. 4. obey my voice, and do all which le. you Lev. 7. 38. in the day he <-. the children of Israel 147. 15. he sendeth forth his r. upon earth
34. 22. behold, 1 xrill c. saith the Lord, and cause 10. 1. offered strange fire which he e. them not Prov. 6. 23. the r. is a lamp, and the law is ligbl
.4m«J9.3.thencewill i f. serpent, he shall bite them Deut. 17. 3. hath served other gods, which I have 8. 29. that the waters should not pass his c.
4. thence / c. the sword, and it shall slay them not e. 18. 20. Jer. 19. 5. 23. 32. |29. 23.|
13. 13. he that feareth the r. shall be rewarded
9. 1 will e. and I will sift the house of Israel Josh. 1.9, have I not e. thee ?be strong and of cour. 19. 16. he that keepeth the r. keepeth his soul
JeAn 15. 14. ye are my friends, if ye do what I 7. 11. transgressed my covenant I c. Judg. 2. 20. Eccl. 8. 5. whoso keepeth r. shall feel no evil thiug
17. these things /r. you, that ye love one another 13. 6. divide thou it by lot, as I have c. thee Jer. 35. 14. but they obey their father Jonadab's r.
tictt 16. 18. / e. thee in the name of }esus 2 ii7m.7.7.whora I e. to feed my people, 1 C7jr.l7.6. Dan. 3. 22. because the king's r. was urgent
1 Cor.T. 10. to the married le. yet not I, but Lord 11. since the time that I r. judges, 1 Chr. 17 10. . 9- 23. the r. came forth, and 1 am come to shew
COMMANDED. 1 Kings 11^10. had c. him concerning this thing Hos. 5. 11. because he willingly walked after the c.
C« thou art e. this do ye, take wagons 17. 4. I have c. the ravens to feed thee there Mat. 2. 1. now, O ye priests, this r, is for you
50. 12. Joseph's sons did to him as he e. them 9. I have c. a widow woman there to sustain thee shall know that I have sent this r. to yoo
txorf. 1. 17- midwives did not as king of K<:ypt c. 1 Cir. 16. 15. be mindful of his covenant, the word Mat. 15. 3. why do ye transgress the r. of God .

Lei'. 10. 13. cat it in the holy place, for so I Lm e. which he e. to a thousand generations, P.i. 105.8. 6. thushave ye made ther. of God of no effect
t)CT</.1.18. I e. you at that t'ime all things, 3.18,C1 40. that it is written in the law, which he e. Israel 22. 36. Master, which is the great r. in the law .

Joih. 4. 8. the children of Israel did as Joshua c Psal.T. 6. awake to the judgment that thou hast c. 38. this is the first and great r. Mark 12. 3C.
8. 8. set the city on fire, see I have c. you 33. 9. he spake and itwasdoire,he r.and it stood fast MarkT 8. for laying aside the r. of God, ye hold

22. 2. ye have obeyed my voice in all I c you lll.ghath e. hiscoven. forever, holy is his name 9. he said, lull well ye reject the r. of God
Jud^. 13. 14. all that I c. her, let her observe 119-4. thou hast to keep thyprecepts diligently 12. 31. there is no other «. greater than these
1 Sim. 20. 29. my brother, he hath e. me to be there 1.38. thy testimonies thou hsist c. are righteous Lnke 15. 29. nor transgressed 1 at any time thy r.
21. 2. David said, the king e, me a business, an<l said 148. 5. for tlie Lord e. and they were created 23. 56. rested the sabbath-day accordirg to the c.
2 Sam. 13. 28. then kill Amnon.have not I c. you 7.fa.l3.3.I haver. my sanctified ones, I have called John 10. 18. this r. have I received of my Father
21. 14. they performed all that the king c. 34. 16. for my mouth it hath c. and his spirit 12. 49. he gave me a r. what I should say
i Ai«fjll.9.accordingto all that Jthoiada priest c. 45. 12. the heavens and all their host have I c 50. I know that his r. is life everlasting
16. 16. thus did according to all that king .4haz c. Jer. 7. 23. but this thing c. I them, obey my voice 14. 31. as the Father gave me r. even so I do
1 Chron. 21.17. is it not I e. people to be numbered which I e. them not, I9. 5. 32. 35.
31. |
15.12. my r. that ye love one another,l JoAn 3.2S.
2 Chron. 8. 14. for so had David the man of God c. 11.8. all words of covenant which }c. them to do Acts 15. 24. to whom we gave no such r.
14.4. Asar. Judah to seek L. God of their fathers 17.22. but hallow the sabbath, as I c. your fathers 17. 15. receiving a r. to Silas to come to him
32. 12. Hezekiah 33. I6. Manasseh c. Judah
|| 50. 21. do according to all that I have c. thee 23. 30. and gave r. to his accusers also to say
Keh. 13. 19. I c. that the gates should be shut Lam. 2. 17. his word that he had e. in days of old 25. 23. at Festus' r. Paul was brought forth
22. I e. Levites to cleanse themselves, keep gates Etek. 9. 11. I have done as thou hast c. me Rom. 7. 8. but sin taking occasion by ther. 11.
Sith. 3.2. for the king had so c, concerning Ilaman 24. 18. I did in the morning as I was e. .37. 10 9. when the r. came, sin revived, and 1 died
12. was written according to all that Haman c. Zeeh. 1. 6. my words which I c. did they not take 10. c. which was ordained to life, I found tc dvatb
4. 17. Mordccai did according as Esther c. him .Mai. 4. 4. remember the law which I e. in Iloreb 12. and the r. is holy, and just, and good
8. 9. written according to all that Mordecai e. Luke 14. 22. Ld. it is done as thou hast r.and room 13. that sin byr. might become exceeding sinful
Job 38.12. hzistthou c. the morning since thy days /lets 10. 42. he r. us to preach to the people 13.0. if there be any other r. it is briefly in this
Isa. 48 5. say, my molten image hath e. them Moses COMMANDED. 16. 26. according to ther. of the everlasting God
JeT. 35 6. Jonadab our father c. us, 10. 14, Ifi, 18. Xum. 16. 47. Aaron took as Moses had r. and ran 1 Cor. 7. 6. I speak this by permission, not of c.
Kxtk. 12. 7. and 1 did so as I was f. 37. 7. Deut. 31 .29. turn aside from the way I have r. you 2 Cor. 8. 8. I speak not by r. but by occasion of
Dan. 3. 4. cried, to you it is c. O people, nations 33. 4. Moses r. us a law, even the inheritance Eph 6. 2. which is the first r. with promise
19. he c. that they should heat the furnace Josh. 1. 7. obser\'e to do according to all Moses c 1 Tim. 1.1. by ther. of God our Saviour, Tit. 1.3.
6. 16. then the king c. and they brought Daniel 22. 2. ye have kept all that Moses e. you 5. the end of the r. is charity, out of a pure heart
24. the king e. and they brought those men 1 Chr. 15. 15. .1/«/r.r r. according to word of the L lleb. 7.16. who is made not after law of a carnal c
Amosi. 12. c. the prophets, saying, prophesy not .Mat. 8.4. offer the gift that Mcses r. for a testimony 18. there is a disannulling of the r. going before
Mat. 14. 9. he c. it to be given her, Mark 6.'qT. Mark 1 44. offer for thy cleans, those things which 11. 22. Joseph gave r. concerning his bones

19. he c. multitude to sit down, 15.35. Mark 6. ^g. Moses e. for a testimony to them, Luke 5. 14 23. Moses hid.they were not afraid of the king's r.
18. 25. his lord e. him to be sold, and all he had Jo'in 8. 5. Moses in law r. that such should be stoned 2Pr<. 2. 21. to turn from holy r. delivered to theca
21.6. the disciples went and did as Jesus c. them CO.MMANDEDST 3. 2. mindful of r. of us the apostles of the Lord
28.20. teaching to observe all things I have c. you Xeh. 1.7. which thou r. thy servant Moses, 8. 1 John 2. 7- but an old r. which ye have heard
Luit 9. 21. he c. them to tell no man that thing 9. 14. thou r. them precepts, statutes, jind laws 3. 11. this is the r. ye heard from the beginning

Acts 10. 48. he c. them to be baptized in the name Jer. 32. 23. thev have done nothing that thou r. 23. this is hisr.thai ue should believe on the nao^
25. 6. the next day Festus e. Paul to be brought COMMANDER. 4.21. this r. have we from him, he who lovevh Go
1 Cor, 14. 34. but are c. to be under obedience Isa. 55. 4. given him for a leader and r. to people 2 John 4. as we have recei\"€d a r. from the Father
1 Thft%. 4. 1 1. work with your hands as we e. you COMMAND
EST. 6. this is the r.that as ye have heard from begiita.
£ Thess. 3.10. wee. you that if any would notwork Josh. 1. l6. all that thou r. us we will do Give or given COMMANDMENT.
.rf«*. 12.20. they could not endure that which was c 18. whoso will not hearken in all that thou r. Exod. 25. 22. things which I will give thee in c
Ric. 9. 4. it was e. them not to hurt the grass Jer. 32.23. have done nothing of all thou r. them Deut. 1. 3. the Lord had given him in r. unto thetn
God COMMANDED. Acts 23 3. r. me to be smitten contrary to the law Lira 4. 21. give c. to cease till another r. he given

Gen. 2. 16. God e. man to eat freely of every tree COMMANDETH. Psal. 71. 3. hast given e. to save me, thou my rock
6. 22. according to all that Godc. him, so did he Xum. 32. 25. thy servants will do as my lord r. Isa. 23. 11. the Lord hathfiirn c. against the city
7. 9- there went into the ark as God had c.Noah, .fai 9. 7. God, who r. the sun, and it riseth not Xah. 1.14. the Lord hath given c. concerning thee
16. I
21. 4. Vtut. 20. 17. Joih. 10. 40. 36. 10. he r. that they return from iniquity John 11. 57. given r. if any knew where he were
Unit. 5. 15. God e. thee to keep the sabbath-day 32. he eovereth the light, and r. it not to shine Keep Commandment, see Keep.
5. 32. observe to do as the Lord your God e. you 37. 12. that they may do whatever he r. them COMMANDMENT of the Lord.
33. walk in all the ways the L. your God e. you f^sal. 107. 25. he r. and raiseth the stormy wind Erod.tT.l.iourn. c. of L. Xum. g. IB, iO. 10.12. |

6.1. which L.yourGcrff. to tea<-h you, 20. 13.5. Zxim.3.37.whosaith, itcometh, when Ld. r. it not' -Vum.3..39. Moses and Aaron numbered at r. 0/ L.

26. 16. this day the Lord thy God c. thee to keep Ames 6. 11. Lord r. and he will smite great horse 24s 13. 1 cannot go beyond the r. 0/ L. to do good
Jud^. 4.6. hath not L. God c. to go toward Tabor .Mark 1. 27. he r. the unclean spirits, Lvke 4. 36.

33. 38. Aaron went up to 1 lor at r. ,,/ Lord and died
1 Chron. 14. I6. David therefore did as Godc. him Luke 8. 25. he r. the winds, and they obey him Josh. 22.3.yehavekeptchargeofr. o/'iy. your God
X CJtr. 35. 21. God e, me, make haste, forbear tliou .lets 17. 30. now r. all men every where to repent 1 Sam. 12. 14. and not rebel against the c. of Lord
Eiia 7. 23. whatsoever is e. by the God of heaven COMMANDING. 15. if ye will not obey, but rebel against r.»/"£o/-d
Psal. 68.28. thy G. hath e. thy str».ngth,strer.gthen Gen. 49. 33. Jacob made an end of r. his sons 13. 13. thou hast not kept the r. ofLordlhy God
Mat. 15.4. for God e. saying, honour thy father Mat. 11. 1. Jesus made an end of c. his disciples 15. 13. Saul said, I have performed the r. of Lord
Acts 10. 33. to hear all things that are e. thee of G Acts 24. 8. r. his accusers to come to thee 24. 1 have transgressed the r. of L. and thy word
2 Cor. 4. 6. G. who e. light to shine out of darkness 1 Tim.i. 3. r. to abstain from meats God created 2 Sam. 12. 9. wherefore hast thou despised r. of L.
Lord CO.MMANDED. COMMANDMENT. 2 Etngs 24. 3. at the c. of Lord came this on Judah
Gtn. 7. 5. Noah did according to all the Lerd c. F.iod. 34. 32. he gave them in r. all Lord had spoken 2 Chron. 29. 25. for so was r. of L. by his prophets
Esod. 7. 6. Moses and Aaron did as the I^rd c. Sum. 15. 31. broken his r. that soul shall be cutoff Psal. 19.8. the r. ofL. is pure, enlightningtheeycv
them, 10, 20. 12. 28, 50. Num. 17. 11.
| 23. 20. behold, I have received c. to bless 1 Cor. 1 25. concerning virgins I have do c. of L

16.16. this is the thing irf.f. 32. 35.4. A'am.30.1.

| 27. 14. yc rebelled against my the desert
/. in Xe-ui COMMANDMENT.
34. as the Lord e. Moses, 34. 4. 39. 1, 5, 7,J,r.
Deut. 30. 11. this c. I command thee this day John 1 3. 34. a neu e. I give unto you, that ye love
40. 19, 4r. Lev. 8. 9- 9- 10- 1 Aingj2.43.whyhast thou not kept the r.Icharged 1 John 2.7. brethren, I write no new e. unto yoq

I.^r.8.4.Mosesdidas/,.f.hioi,Aum.20.27. 27. 11. |

2 Aing/ 18. 36. king's r. was, ans. not, Isa. .36. 21. 8. a new e. I write unto you, which is true in hia
A'ton. .36. 2. Lord c. my lord to give land to Israel 1 Chron. 12. 32. all their brethren were at their r. 2 John 5. not as though I wrote a next c. unto thee
JJeut. 6. 24. the Lord c. us to do all these statutes 28. 21. all the people will be wholly at thy r. Rebelled against the COMMANDMENT.
9.16. had turned aside out of the way Lord c. you i Chron. B. 13. offering according to the r. of Moses Xum. 27. 14. ye rebelled ag. my c. in the des. of Zin
10. 5. the tables, there they be as the Lord e. me 1 14. so was the r. of David the man of God Veut. 1. 26. but ye rebel, ag. c. of L. your God. 43
1 Sam. 13. 14. L. e. him to be captain over people 19. 10. what cause shall come between law and r. 9. 23. then ye rebel, ag. c. of L. and believed not
iSarn. 17.114. X.. c. to defeat counsel of Ahithophel 30. 12. one heart to do the r. of king and princes Lam.X. 18. L. is righteous, I have rebelled ag. hisr
24. 19. and David went up, as the Lord c. 31. 5. and as soon as the r. came abroad, Israel COMMANDMENTS.
1 ('A;. 81. 27. L. c. the angel, he put up his sword Etra 8. 17. I sent them with r. to Iddo the chief Gen. 5«. 5. because that Abraham kept my e.
24- 19. the orderings as L. God of Israel c. him 10. 3. of those that tremble at the r. of God Eiod. 15. 28. and If thou wilt give ear to hia c.
Fml 106.34. concerning whom the Ij)rde. them Xeh. 11. 23. It »aj the king'sr. concerning them 3i. 28. wrote on tables the ten c. Deut. 4. IS. 10. 4.|

133. 3. for there the Ijnde. the blessing, even life 13. 5. wine and oil, which was the r. of Levites I^n. 4. 13. have done somewhat ag. any of the c. 27.
Jir. 13. 5. I hid it by EuphraU;» athe Loiic me lUih. 1 12. Vashti refused to come at the king's c
6. 17. commit Bin forbidden by the c. of the Lord.



L(v. Zi. these are the c. the Lord commanded
W. Deut. 19. 20. c. no more any such evil among you COM:\IirrED inijuily.
j.V«?;». 15. 39. remember all the c. of the Lord Jud^.M. +1. addedtoc. evil in the sight of the Lord PjflM06.6.we have c. iniq. we haveJone wickedly
JjeutA.W. in not keeping c. which I command thee 2 Chr. 21.11. caused Jerusalem to c, forn cation Ezek.Ti.i:i.{or his iniq. he hath c. he shall die, lU
'1.3 3. if you shall hearken to c. C8.13. Jud^. ;5.4. .Toh 5. 8. unto God would I c. my cause Dan, 9. 5. we have c. iniquity and done foolishly
27. if ye will obey thee, of the Lord your God Psal. 31. 5. into tfiine hand I t, my spirit CO.MMiriED trespass
28. if ye wdl not obey the c. of the Lord your G. 37. 5. c. thy way to the Lord, trust also in him Lev.S.T.hring for his trespass he c. two turtle-dove*
\Sam. 15. 11. Saul hath not performed my c. Prov. 16.3. f .thy works unto the Lord, thy thou':;hti Josh. 7. 1. Israel c. a ire.^pass inihe accursed tniiii;
1 Kings 1 1 .34. because he hath kept my c. and stat. 12. an abomination to kings to c. wickedness 22. 16. what trespass iilhis ye havec. against God;'
14. 8. David who kept my c. and followed me Isa. v.'.. 21. I will c. thy government into his hand 31. because ye have not c, ibis trespass against L.
18. 18. in that ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord Jer. 37. 21. c. Jeremiah to the court of prison Ezei. 15. 8. because they have c. a trespass, I wui
2 Kings 17. 16. and they left all the c. of the Lord 44. 7. why c. ye this great evil against your souls? 20.27. in that they e. a trespass against me
VJ. Judahkept not the c. of the Lord their God Ezek.8. 17. c. abominations which they c. here COMMirTESr, EIH, ING.
18. 6. but kept his c. which he commanded Woses 16.43. and thou shalt not c. this lewdness Psal. 10.14. the poor c. himself to thee, thou helper
2 Citron. 7- 19- 'f ye forsake my e. I set before you 22. 9. in the midst of thee they c. lewdnes-t Esek.8.6. the great abomination that Israel c. here
?4. 20. why transgress ye the c. of the Lord ? Hos. 6. g. the priests murder, they c. lewdness 33. 15. walk in statutes of life without c. iniquity
tzra 9. 10. O our God, for we have forsaken thy e. 7. 1. for they c. falsehood, and the thief cometh HosA.2. by lying, killing, stealing, and c. adultery
14. should we again break thy c. and join in affiii. Luke 12. 48. and did c. things worthy of stripes 5. 3. for now, U F.phraim, thou c. whoredom
Psal. 89. 31. if they keep not my c. then will I visit 16. 11. who will c. to your trust the true riches? John 8. 34. whosoever c, sin is the servant of sin
111.7. his works are verity, all his t. are sure Jo/m 2. 24. Jesus did not c. himself to them 1 Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornic. sinneth against
lie. 1. blessed is he that delight. greatly in his c. Eom. 1.32. who c. such things are worthy of death 1 John 3. 4. whoso c. sin transgresseth also the law
119. 10. O let mo not wander from thy c. 2. 2. is against them which c. such things 8. be that c. sin is oftfae devil, for the devii sinneth
19. I am a stranger, hide not thy c. from me 22. that abhorrest idols, dost thou c. sacrilege ? COMMODIOUS.
35. make me to go in the path of thy c. 1 Cor, 10. 8. neither let us c. fornication Actt 27. 12. the haven was not c. to winter in
47. I will delight in thy c. which I have loved 1 Tim. 1. 18. this charge I c. to thee, son Timothy COMMON.
66. teach me, for I have believed thy c. 2 Tim, 2. 2. the same c. thou to faithful men By common, is meant that which is ordinary, or
73. give understanding, that I may learn thy c. Jam. 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons ye c. sin usual ; as a common death, Num. I6. 29. a com-
86. all thy c. are faith. 151. all thy c. are tmth
1 Pet, 4. 19. c. the keeping of their souls to him mon evil, Eccl. 6. 1. Sometimei that which is
98. thou through thy c. hast made me wiser than 1 John 3. 9. is boni of God doth not c. sin ceremonially unclean, Acts 11. 9. To eat with
127. I love thy c. 131. I longed for thy c.
Rev, 2. 14. who taught Israel to c. fornication common hands, that is, without washing one's
143. thy c. are my
delights 172. c. righteous.
l| 20. to teach and seduce my servants to c. fo--ni- hands, Mark 7- 2. Common bread, that is,
166. I have done thy c. I76. not forget thy c.
See Adultery. [cation unhallowed bread, 1 Sam. 21. 4. Il is said.
Prov. 2.1. if thou wilt hiae my c. with thee COMMIT iniquity. Acts 2. 44, That such as believed had all
7 1. keep my words and lay up my c. with thee 2 .Sam. 7. 14. if he c. iniquity I will chasten him things common ; that is, as to use, but not as to
10. 8. the wise in heart will receive c. Job 34. 10. Almighty, that he should c. iniquity title. Moses calls a vineyard common, or pro-
Isa. 48. 18. O that thou hadst hearkened to my c. Jer. 9. 5. they weary themselves to c. iniquity fane : What man is he that hath planted a vine-
Mai. 5. 19. whoso shall break one of these least f. Eze,':. 3. 20. turn from righteousn. and c. in. 33. 13. yard, and hath not yet made it common ?
15.9teach. for doctrines the c. of men, Mark"! 7. . COMMIT trespass. Deut. 20. t 6. Jf there be such an one, he may
22. 40. on these two c. hang all the law and proph. Lev. 5. 15. if a soul c. a trespass through ignorance return to hxs house ; because the first-frvitt a'
MarkiO. 19. thou knowest the c. Luke 18. 20. Num. 5. 12. if a man's wife go aside andc. trrspass trees and vines were reckoned unclean, or rather
12. 29. the first of all thee, is, hear O Isr. the L. 31.16. caused Israel toe. /r«j-;)aji against the Lord were consecrated to the Lord, and the owner was
Litke 1 6. walking in all the c. of the L. blameless
. Josh. 22. 20.Achan<:. a trespass in the accur. thing not allowed to touch them, till after the fourth
John 14. 21. he that hath my c. and keepeth them COMMIT whoredom, or whoredoms. year. Lev. I9. 24, 25.
15.10. if keep my f. as I have kept my Father's c. Lev. 20. 5. I will cut off that c. ahor. with Molech See Profane.
1 Cor. 7. 19- is nothing, but keeping the c. of God Num. 25. 1. to c. whor. with the daughters of iVIoab Num. 16.29. if these men die the c. death of all men
14. 37. things I write you, are the c. of the Lord Kzek. 16. 17. and thou didst c. whor. with images DeuJ.lfi. t 6. planted a vineyard, and not made it c.
Col. 2. 22. after the c. and doctrines of men 34. whereas none foUoweth thee to c. whoredom 28. t 30. shall plant, and not use it as e. meat
I Thess.i.i. for ye know what c. we gave you by L. 20. .30. c. ye whoredom after their abominations.' 1 Sam. 21.4. there is no c. bread under my hand
1 John Q. 4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar 23. 43. will they c. w. with her, and she with them 5. the vessels holy, and the bread is in a manner c,
3. 24. he that keepeth his c. dwelleth in him Hos, 4. 10. they shall c. whoredoms and not increase Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil, and it is c. among men
2 John 6. this is love, that we walk after his c. 13. therefore your daughters shall c. whor. 14. Jer. 31. 5. the planters shall eat them as c. things
Do COMMANDMENTS. COMMITTED. Ezek. 23. 42. menof c sort were brought Sabeans
2\'nm. 15. 40. (fo all myc. and be holy to your God Gen. 39. 8. he hath c. all that he hath to my hand Mat. '27.27 the soldiers took Jesus into thee, hall

Detet. 6.25. obs. lodo all c. 15.5. 28.1,15. 30.8. | |

22. the keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Maik 7. i 2. the disciples eat bread with e. handj
I Chron. 28. 7. if he be constant to do my c. Lev. 4. 35. priest make atonement for sin he hath c. Acts 2. 44. believers had all things #. 4. 32.
Psal.Wi.W. those that remember, his c. to doihem 18. 30. these abomin.ible customs which were c. 5. 18. and put the apostles in the e. prison
111. 10. understanding have they that do his c. 20. 23. they c. these things, and I abhorred them 10. 1-i.I have never eattn any thing that isc. 11.8.
liev. 22. 14. blessed are they that do his c. Num. 15. 24. if aught be c. by ignorance 15. what God hath cleansed call not thou c. 11.
Not do COMMANDMENTS. Deut 17- 5. bring forth that man or woman that c. 28. that I shoul t not call any thing e. or unclean
Lev. 26. 14. but if ye will not do all these c. 21. 22. if a man have e. a sin worthy of death Rom. 14. 1 14. there is nothing e. of itself; but to
16. so that ye will not do all my c. but break coven. Judg.20.6. they have c. folly and lewdness in Israel him that esteemeth any thing to be e.
Keep Commandments, sie Keep. 1 A'in^j8.47. we have sinned, we have c. wickedn. 1 Cor. 10. 13. no temptation taken you but c. to men

COMMEND 14. 22. they provoked him with sins, they c. Tit. I. 4. to Titus my own son, after tlie e. faith
Signifies, [1] To extol, or praise. Cor. 3. 1. 5. 12. 27.brasen shields c. he to the guard, 2 Chr, 12.10. Jude 3. diligence to write to you of the c. salvation

[2]To commit, or give in charge, Luke 23. 46. 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul died for his transgression he c. people.
[3] To render more illtistrious and commendable, Jer, 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils Lev. 4.27. if any of the c. people sin thro' ignorance
Kom. 3. 5. [4] To make or render one more 5.30. a wonderful and horrible thing isc. in land Jer. 26. 23. cast his dead body into the graves of e. p.
acceplahle, 1 Cor. 8. 8. 16. 10. what is our sin that we have c, against Ld. Maik 12. 37. and the e. people heard him glaoiy
lAike 23. 46. Father, into thy hands I c. my spirit 44. 3. which they have c. to provoke to anger, 9. COMMON-WEALTH.
Acts 10. 32. and now, brethreni, I c. you to God Ezek, 16. 26. tnou hast e. fornication with Egypt Eph 2. 12. being aliens from the e. wealth of Israel
J?om. 3. 5. if our unrighteousness c. righteous, of God 51. nor hath Samaria c. half of thy sins Com.monlv; see Repokteu.
16. 1. I c. unto you Phebe our sister, a servant 18. 21. turn from all his sins he hath f. 22. 28. COMMOTION, S.
t Cor. 3. 1. do we begin again to c. ourselves ? 20. 43. shall lothe yourselves for evils ye have c. 2 CAron.eQ.t 8. Lord hath delivered them to greatc.
5. 12. for we c. not ourselves again to you 23. 3. they c, whoredoms in Eg^'pt in their youth Jer. 10. 22. a great e. out of the north country
10. 12. or compare ourselves with some that c. 7. thus she c. whoredoms with them Luke 21. 9. wiien ye hear of e. be not terriOed
COMMENDATION. 33. 16. none of the sins he c. shall be mentioned COMMUNE.
8 Co/-.3.1.orneed we, as some others, epistles of c. ? Jtos. 1. 2. for the land hath c. great whoredom Eiod. 25. 22. and there 1 will meet and c. with thee
COMMENDED. 4. 18. they have c. whoredom continually l&m. 18.22. c.with David secretly, and say behoM ,

Gen. 12. 15. the princes c. Sarai before Pharaoh Mark 15. 7. who had c. murder in the insurrection 19. 3. and 1 will e. with my father of thee
Prov. 12. 8. aman shall be c. accord, to his wisdom Ljike 12.48. and to whom men havec. much, of him Job 4. 2. if we essay to e. with thee, will be grieved ?
Eccl. 8. 15. then I c. mirth, because a man hath Jt/m 5. 22. Father hath c. all judgment to the Son Psal.i.i. e.wilh your own heart on your bcd,bestil
Lnke 16. 8. the Lord c. the unjust steward, because Acts 8.3. haling men and women, c. them to prison 64. 5. they c. of laying snares privily, they say
Acts 14.23. c. them to the L. on whom they believed 25. 11. if I have c. anything worthy of death 77. 6. in the uight I r. with mine own heart
Z Cor. 12. 11. I ought to have been c. of you 25. had found he had e. nothing worthy of death "COM.MUNED.
COMMENDETH. 27. 40. they f themselves to the sea and loosed .
Ge«. 23. 8. Abraham e. 34.6.1lamore. with Jac.8.

Rom. 5. 8. but God c. his love towards us, in that 28.17. though I have c. nothing against the people 42. 24. Joseph e. Judg. 9. 1 Abimelech e.

1 Cor. 8. 8. but meat c. us not to God /fi>m.3.2.because to them were c. the oracles of God 1 6am. 9. 25. .Samuel e.U 25. .19. David e. with Abigail

2 Cyr. 10. 18. not he thatc. approved, but whom

Co; .9.17. dispensation of gospel me,7'i/.1.3. 1 Am"/ 10.2.the queen of Shcbae. with Solomon of
is L. 1
COMMENDING. 10. 8. nor let us commit fornic. as some of them c. all that was in her heart, 8 Chron. 9. 1.

i Cor. 4. 2. c. ourselves to every man's conscience C Cur. 5. 19. hath e. to us the word of reconciliation 2 Kings 22. 14. they e. with lluldah the prophetess
6. t 4. in all c. ourselves as the ministers of God 12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have e. l.ccl. 1. 16. I e. with mine own heart, sayiBg, lo

CO.MMISSION, S. Gal. 2. 7- gospel of the uncircumcision was c, tome iAin.1.19. and king e. with them, none like Daniel
F^iraH. 36. and they delivered the king's c. ;^ff/i. 1. 14. the angel that e. with m'% said unto ma
as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1.11.
Acts 26. 12. as 1 went with c. from the chief priest 1 Tim. b. 20. Timothy, keep what is c. to theeO Luke 6. 11. they e. what they might do to Jesus
COMMIT. 2 Tim. 1.1 2. he is able to keep that which I c. to him 22. 4. Judas e. to betray Jesus unto them
Exod.CO. 14. thou shalt not c adultery, Dei;/. 5. 18. Jam. 5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forgiven 24. 15. that while they e. Jesus himself drew r.»ar
Mat. 5. 27. 19. 18. linm. 13. 9. 1 /^«^2. 23. e. himself to him that judgcth righteously
Acts 24. 26. Felix s»ut and c. the oftener with Paul
and f .any of these things forbidden yw</tl5.of all their ungodlydeeds which theyhavec.
[.ev. 5.17. if sin, COMMUNICATE.
18 26. not c. any of these abominations, 30. Rev. 17. 2. with whom kings have c. fornication t;a/.6.6.1et him that is taught him that teachetb
99- wlio shall c. any of these abominations 18. 3, 9. Phil. 4. 14. that ye did e. with my affliction
N«m 5. 6 if a man or womaa cany sin that aien ^ Sie Abominations. 1 Tim. 6. 18 that they do good, be willing to e.

; .

co:\i COM COM

ifco.13. IG. but to do good and to e. forget not Luke O.lT.he came down the e. of his disciples and /t>*40. 22. the ^inllows of the brook c him aboat
COMMUNICATED. 22. when they separate you from their c. Psal. 5.12. with favour wilt thou c. him as a shield
Got. 3 2. \ e. to taem that gospel which 1 preach 9. 14. make tlieio sit down by fifties in a c 7.7. the congregatioT of the peoole r. thee about
P/iii. 4. 15. no chnrch with nie but ye <uly
e. 38. a man of the e. cried out, saying, Jlaster 17- 'J. from my deadly enemies who c. nie about
COMMUNICATION, S 24. 22. a woman of our c. made us a&tonished 26.6. wash my hands, so will 1 c. thine altar, O L.
tSnm.3. 17 Abnerhad c. with the elders of Israel .'lets 4. 23. being let go, they went to their own c. 32. 7. shalt c. me about with songs of deliverance
2 A'lnf J 9- !!• ^^ said, ye know '.he man and his c. 10.28. unlawful for a man that is a Jew to keep c. 10. trusteth in the J,d. nii-rcy shall c. him about
Mat. 5. ."57. I'ut let your e. be yea, yea, nay, nay 15. 22. to send chosen men of their c. to Antioch 49. 5. the iniquity of my heels shall c. me about
Xu.(« 24. 17- what manner of e. are these ye have r 17-5. Jews gntliered ac. and set city on an uproar 140. 9. as lor the head of those that c. me about
1 Cor. 15. 3.1. evil c. corrupt good manners 21.8. next day we that were of Paul's c. departed 142.7.the righteous shall c. uie al.out for shalt deal
£p/- 4.29. no corrupt c. proceed out of your mouth, Horn. 15.24. if first I be somewhat filled with your r. Prov. 4. 1 9- she shall c. thee with a crown of glory
Col. 3. 8. 1 Cvr.5. 11. not to keep c.with a fornicator, a drunk. Isa. 50. 11. that c. yourselves about with sparks
PhiUm. 6. that e. of thy faith may become effectual 2 7'A<r«. 3. 14. note that man, and have DOC. with him Jer. 31. 22. a new thing, a woman shall c. a mao
COMMUNING. Heb^ 12.22. are come to an innumerable f. of angels Hab.l.i, for the wicked dothc, about the righteou!
Gen. 18. 33. the Lord left c. with Abraham Hev. 18. 17. all c. in ships and sailors stood afar off Mat. 23. 15. woe to you, for ye c. sea auid land
Etod.3l.\&. when he had made an end off. on Sinai Great COMPANY. Lukt 19. 43. thine enemies shall c. thee roiind
CO.MMUMON. Cen. 50. 9. there went up with Joseph a great e. COMPASSED.
This TMTt! si^ifiet feiloathip, eoneord, or agret- 2 C/jro»i.9.1.the queen of Sheba came with 3i great c. Gen. 19. 4. the men
of Sodom c. the house round
mem, 2 Cor. 6. 14. What communion hath light 20. 12. we have no might against this great c. Deut. 2. 1. and we
c. mount Seir many days
with darkness.' Such as are enlightened it/ the Psal.fiH.W. great was the c. of those that published Josh. 6. 11. so the ark of the Lord c. the city
tsord and Spirit of God can hate no profitable, Jer. 31. 8. a great c. shall return thither Judg. 11. 18. then they c. land of Edom and Moah
agreeable, or comfortable converse uiih such as Exek. 17. 17. nor shall Pharaoh with his great c. 16.2. theyc. Samson in, and laid wait all night
are in darkness or ignorance. Communion is John 6. 5. saw a gieai c. come to him, he saith 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul and his men c. D. and his men

iiketeise taken for a sacrament, or sacred sign Acts 6. 7. a great c. of priests obedient to the failh 2 .Sam. 22. 5. waves of death c me,Pf.l8 4. 116.3. |

of our spiritual fellou ship uith Christ, 1 Cor. COMPANY. 2 Kings 6. 15. beheld an host c. the city with horses
io. 16. The cup of blessing, is it not the com- 1 Cor. 5. 9- I ^vrote not to c. with fornicators 2 CAron. 21. 9- smote the Edomites which c. him in
munion of the blood of Christ f Our drinking of CO.MPANIED. Job 19. 6. know that God hath c. me with his net
the wine in the cup, is a religious action, uherebi/ Acts 1, 21. of these men which have c. with us 26. 10. he hath c. the waters with bounds
and wherein Christ communicates himself and COMPANIES. Psal. 17. 11. they have now c. us in Our steps
his grace to us, and tee communicate our souls to Judg. 7. 16. he divided the SOO men into three e. 22. 12. many bulls c. me 16. for dogs have c. nft

him 1 so that Christ, and believers in that ac- 20. and the three c. blew the trumpets Eccl. 7. + 25. I and my heart c. to know wisdom
tion, have a mutual communion one with another. 9.34. they laid wait against Shcchem in four e. Lam. 3. 5. he hath c. me with gall and travail
Believers have communion ziiith Christ by election 43. the people he divided them into three c. Zech. 14. t 10. all the land shall be c. as a plain
in him ; by their kindred Kith his humanity ; 1 Sam. 11. 11. Saul put the people in three c. Luke 21. 20. when ye shall see Jerus.c. with armies
and by a participation of his Spirit, They have 13. 17. the spoilers cjime fiut of camp in three c IIeb.5.".[oT that he hixself also is c. with infirmity
communion with the Father and the Son, 1 2 Kings 5. 2. the Syrians had gone out by c. COMPASSED
John 1. 3 They partake of all those blessings 11. t 7. two c. of you shall keep the watch Deut.32.^ 10. in howlingwilderness he c.them abou)
that God the Father has promised to those that Neh. 12. 31. two great c. of them gave thanks, 40. 2 Sam. 18. 15. ten young men c. Absalom about
are in covenant uith him ; and also of all those Job 6. ig. the c. of Sheba waited for them 22. 6. the sorrows of hell c. me about, Psal. 18. 5.
privileges uhich Christ hat purchased for his Isa. 21. 13. O ye travuding c. of Dedanim 2 Kings 6. 14. Syrieins came by night and c. city a.
members ; tuch as, pardon, reconciliation, adop- 57. 13. when thou crirst, let thy redeliver thee 8. 21. Joram smote Edomites which c. him about
tion, sanctxficalion, ^c. A/arA 6.39.10 make all it down by con green grass
: 2 Chron. 18. 31. they c. about Jehoshaphat to fight
The Communion of saints That fellotcship which
: CO.Mi'ANION. Psal. 40. 12. innumerable evils have c. me about
the saints have uith Christ, and all his benefits £xoif.32.27.go thro' camp and slay every man his c. 88. 17. they c. me a. together, 109.3. 118.11,12 j

iy faith, and among themselves by love, 1 John Jki/?. 14. 20. Samson's wife was given to his e. 15. 6. 118. 10. all nations c. me about, but in the name
1. 3. This Communion is both attive tind passive 1 Chron. 27- 33. Ilushai the Archite was king's c. /onaA 2.3. floods f. me a. thy billows passed over me
that is, it consists both in doing good to, and re- Job .30. 29. I am a brother to dragons, a c. to owJs Ileb. 11. 30.walls of Jericho fell, after c. a. 7 days
ceiving good from, one another. There be divers Psal. 119. 63. I am ac. to all them that fear thee 12. 1. c. about with such a cloud of witnesses
sorts of it, as, (1) Fellowship in doctrine, or be- Prov. 13. 20. but a c. of fools shall be destroyed Rev. 20. 9. they went up and c. camp of saints aiout
lief'. Acts 2. 42. Gal. 2.9. (2) In ei/wrtation, 28. 7. but a c. of riotous men shameth his father COMPASSEST, ETH.
ileb. 10. 24. 25. (3) In consolation, Eph. 5. I9. 24. the same is the e. of a destroyer Gen. 2. 11. e. Havilah 13. c. the land of Ethiopia

1 Thess. 4. 18. (4) In humility, or submission, Cant, 1.+15. thou art fair, my c. thou art fair Psal. 73 .6. therefore pride c.them about as achaio
Horn. 12. 10. Eph. 5. 21. (5) In love. Kom. 12. Mai. S. 14. yet she is thy c. wife of thy covenant 139. 3. thou c. my path and my lying down
10. (6) In pity, Rom. 12. I6. (7) In prayer, P^j/.2.25. Epaphroditus my brother and< labour //o/.11.12.Ephraim about with lies.aud Israel
Eph. 6. 18,19. (8) In helping and relieving Rev.l.Q. I John, your brother and c. in tribulation COMPASSION.
one another. Acts 4. 32, 34, 35. Cb.M PAN IONS. 1 King.i 8. 50. give them c. before them who carry
1 Ccr. 10. 16. c. of the blood of Christ, e. of the J"dg. 11..38. with her c. and bewailed her virginity 2 Chr. 30. 9- your children shall find c. before them
body of Christ 14. 11. they brought thirty c. to be with him Mat. 9. .36. Jesus moved with c. 14.14. Mark6. 34.
£ Cor. 6. 14. what e. hath light with darkness Job 35. 4. I will answer thee and thy c. with thee
18. 27. the lord of that servant was moved with c.
13. 14. the c. of the Holy Ghost be with you all 41. 6. shall the c. make a banquet^of him Mark 1. 41. Jesus moved withe, put forth hishana
COMPACT. Psal. 45. 14. her c. shall be brought unto thee 1 Pet. 3. 8. be of one mind, having cone of another
Psal. 122. 3. Jerusalem is a city e. together 122. 8. for my c. sake, I will say, peace be in thee 1 John 3. 17. shutteth up his bowels of c from him
COMPACTED. Cant. 1.7. that turneth aside by the flocks of thy c. lull of CO.MPASSION.
£ph.i.l6.fTom whom whole body fitly joined and c. 8. 13. the c. hearken to thy voice, cause me to hear Psal. 78.38.he being/i<//o/'cforgave their iniquity
COMPANY. 7.ra.l.23.thv princes are rebellious and c.of thieves 85.15.thouartaG./. iir'clll.4. 112.4. 145.8. | |

Cen. .30. * 11. Ltah called his name Gad, a Eiek. 37. 10. write on it for Judah and Israel hisc.
r. Have or had COMPASSION.
32 8. if Esau come to the one c. and smite Dan. 2.J7. he made the thing known to his c.
it Eiod. 2. 6. the babe wept, and she had c. on him
21. and himself lodged that night in the c. Acts 19. 29. having caught Paul's c. in travel De:u.l3.1T. the Lord may turn and have con thee
35. 11. a f. of nations shall be of thee, kings come //ei.10.33. ye became c. of them that were so used 30. 3. then the Lord thy God will have c. on thee
Aum. 16. 6. take ys censers, Korah and all his c. CO.MPARAULE. 1 -Sam. 23.21. blessed be ye of L. for ye Aarcc. on me
16. be thou and all thy e. before the Lord * £</m.4*2. the precious sons of Zion c to fine gold 1 Kings B. 50. that^hey may have c. on them stranger offer.that he be not asKorah and c. COMPARE, ED, INC. 2 i'in|xl3.23.Lord was gracious and AaJconthem
22. 4. DOW shall this c. lick up all that are round Psal. 89. 6. who in heaven can be c. to the Lord r 2 CAron. 36. 15. because he had c. on his people
C6. 9- who strove in the c. of Korah, 27. 3. Prov. 3> 15. are not to be c. to wisdom, 8. 11. 17. Chaldees Aarf noc onyouiigman or maiden
Jiidg. 9. 37. another c. come along by the plain Cant.l.^.l have c.thee, O my love, to a company /fa.49.15.that she should not iave con sou of womb
18. 23. what ails thee, thou coxest with such ac..' Isa.AiO. 18. or what likeness will ye c. to him .' Jer. 12. 15. I will return jmd have c. on them
1 .b/m. 10. 5. thou shalt meet a c. of prophets whom will ye c. me, that we may be like ? Lam. 3. 32. yet will he have c. Mic. 7. I9.
19. 20. they saw the c. of prophets prophesying I\om. 8. 18. .are not worthy to be e. wjth the glory Mat. 15. 32. 'l have c. on the multitude, Mark 8. 2.
30. 15. canst thou bring me down to this c? 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual things with spiritual 18. 33. also have had c. on thy fellow-servant
2 Kings 5. 15. he and all his c. came to Elisha 2 C'i'r.10.12. c. ourselves with some that commend, 20. 34. so Jes.Aflrfcon them and touched their eyes
9.17 he spied the c. of Jehu, and said, I see a c. andc. themselves amongst themselves, are not wise Mark 5. I9. how the Lord hath had c. on thee
2 Cl.ron. 24. 24. the .Syrians came with a small c. CO.MPARl.SON. 9 22. if thou canst, Aa: « c. on us, and help us
Job 16. 7. thou hast made desolate all my c. Jiidg. 8. 2. what have I done now in e. of you ? 3. Luke 7. 13. when the Lord sawher.heAadc on her
34. 8. goelh in c. with the workers of iniquity //<ii; it not in your eyes in c. of it as nothing - 10. .33. the Samaritan saw him, he had c. on him
Psal. 55. 14. we walked to the house of God in c. Mark 4. 30. or with what c. shall we compare it • 15. 20. father fl/jrfc and ran and fell on his neck
On. t 27. the princes of Judah with their c. COMPASS, Substa7ttive. Uom. 9. 15. I will have c. on whom I Avill havec.
3t).rebuke the c. of spearmen, the bulls, the calves Exod. 27. 5. shall put the net under the e. of altar Ileb. 5. 2. who call Aai e c. on the ignorant, and them
84. t 7. they go from c. to c. every one in Zion 38. 4. he made a grate of net-work under the c. 10. 34. for ye had c. of me in my bonds
loC. ;7. the earth covered the c. of Abiram 2 Sam. 5. 23. but fetch a c. behind them and come Jude22. of some Aoie c. making a difference
18. and a fire was kindled in their c. 2 A'infi3.9they fetched a c. of seven days' journey CO.MPASSIONS.
Piov C4. t 19. keep not c. with the wicked Prov. 8.27. when he set a c. on the face of the earth /.am. 3. 22. are not consumed, because his c fail not
29. 3. that keepeth c. with harlots, spendeth Isa. 44. 13. he marketh the image out with the c. Zech. 7 9- shew mercy and c. every man to brother

Cant 1. 9. to a c. of horses in Pharaoh's chariots .'Jc/i28.13.from thence we fetched a c. to Rhegium COMPEL.

6. 13. as it were the c. of two armies CO.MPA.SS, I'erb. /.<F.25, 39. not c
him to serve as a bond-servant
l.zek. 16. 40. they shall bring cp a c. against thee Xurr.. 21.4. they journeyed to c. the land of F.dom Hat. 5.41. c. thee to go a mile, go with him
2.°. 46. saith the Lord, I will bring up
ac. on them Josh. 6. 3. ye shall c. the city, all ye men of war twain
22. 22. Ashur is there and aW her c. his graves 4. and the .seventh day c. the city seven times Mark 15. 21. they c one Simon to bear his cross
38. 7. prepare for thyself, thou and all thy c. 2 .Slim. 24. + 2. r. the tribes of Israel and number Luke 14. 23. go into high-ways, c tl^emto come io
Uos 6. 9 so the c. of priests murder in the way 2 11 .8. c. the king round about, 2 Chr. 23.7 COMPELLED, E-ST.
l,uke.2. 44. supposing hioi to have been in «. Job 16. 13. his archersc me round abott be cleav 1 Sam. 28. 23. his servitnts with the woman c. Sao]


^C'Mronil H
moreover Jehoram c.Jadih thereto Htfj.g.ll.theif jtlory shall flee fiom tbt birth and e. But ever since the abrogation af polygamy Jy
jMal. 27. 32. Sknoa, him they c to bear his cross CONCERN, ETH. our Lord Jesus Christ, and the 1 eduction of
^cf/Sfi.ll.ani I c.them tobla-'phemeandpersecut. F.iek. 12. 10. say to them, this burden e. the prince maniage to its primitive institution^ the abu'si
tCor. 12. 11. I am a fool in glorifying, ye have Alls 28. 31. teaching things which c. the L. J. C. of concubines has been condemned and forbidde'l
Gel. 2. 3. nor'fitusaGreek wasc. to be circumcised 2 Cor. 11.30. glory in things which e. my infirmities among Christians.
14. why f thou the Gentiles to live as the Jews
. ! CONCERNING. Judg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore against LJit;
CO.MPLAIN, ED. ING. Oen. 19. 21. I have accepted thee c. this thing 29. he laid hold on his c. ziad divided her
IVam. 11.1. the people c. it displeased the Lord /.'jorf. fi.S.c. whichi did swear to give, A'tim. 14.30. 20. 4. I came into Gibeah, I and my c. to lodge
fuds. "1. -2. <" their brethren came to us to e. Lev. 4. 26. priest make atonem. for him e.sin,6. 6. 2 6'am. 3. 7. why hast thou gone in to my father s c. 1
Job 7.11. 1 will c. in the bitterness of my soul 6. 3. hath found what was lost, and lieth c. it 21. 11. what Rizpah the c. of Saul had done
31. 38. that the furrows likewise thereof r. iVum. 10. 29. the Lord hath spoken good c. Israel CONCUBINES.
Viat. 77.3. I c. and my spirit was overwhelmed 1 Kings 11. 10. had commanded him c. this thing Gen. 25. 6. to sons of the c. Abraham gave gift*
144. 14. that there be no c. in our streets 2 h'intisW. i l.give charge cthy house, /ja. 38. t 1. 2 Sam. 5. 13. David took him more r. and wives
Lam. 3. 3^. wherefore doth a living mane' a man XeA. 1. 2. I asked them e. the Jews that escaped 16.22. Absalomwent in to father's r. in sight of I sr.
CO.MPLAINERS. Psal. 90. 13. repent thee ff. thy servants, 135. 14. 19. 5. have saved thy life, and the lives of thy c
A'Km.llt 1. when people were c. it displeased Lord lu-cl, 7. 10. for thou dost not inquire wisely e. this 20. 3. the king put his c. in ward and fed them
Jxide 16. these are murmurers, c. walking after lusts Tsa. 5. t 20. woe to them that.say e. evil, it is good 1 Kings 11. 3. and Solomon had three hundred r.

COMPL.4INr, S. 30.7. shall help in vain, therpf. have I cried c. this 2 Chron. 11. 21. for Rehoboam took threescore c.
1 SVim.l.lG.out of abundance of myr.have I spoken 45.11. ask me c. my sons, and c. work of my hands Esth. 2. 14.tocustody of Shaashgaz who kept thee.
Ji)4 7. 13. when I say, my couch shall ease my c. Jer. iG. 3. thu6 saith the Loid r. sons, c. daughters
C'a?i/.6.8.there are bO queens and 80. c. and virginn

9. 27. if I say, I will forget my c. I will leave off born in this p! ace, c. their mothers, f .their fathers 9. yea, the queens and the c. and they praised her
JO. 1. I w-ill leave myc. on myself, I will speak 27. 19. c. the pillars, c. the sea, c. bases, c. vessels Dan. 5. 3. the king and his c drank in them, 23.
S!1.4. as for me, is my c. toman.' and if it were so I'.ielc. 14. 22. shall be comforted c. evil, even c. all CONCUPISCENCE
23.2. even to-day is my c. bitter, my stroke heavier 21. 28. thus saith the Lord God e. the Ammonites Signifies, [1] Sinful lusts, the depravity of our nature,
fsal. as. 2. I mourn in my c. and make a noise 47. 14. c. which I have lifted up my hand togive or that 01 iginal concupiscence which is the foun-
142. 2. I poured out my c. before him, and trouble Dan. 2. 18. would desire merciesof G. c. this secret tain from whence all particular lusts do fiou, thr
Jlclt 25.7 .laid c. against Paul, they could not prove 6.17. that purpose might not be changed c. Daniel Jurnace from which all sinful motions, as so
Col. 3. t is. if anv man have a c. against any Milt. 16. 11. that I specik it not to you e. bread many sparks, do continually arise, Rom. 7. t7.
'complete. Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine Jam.l. 14. [2] .Ictual motions and inclinatiiynt
X*» shall count, seven sabbaths shall be c. Luke 24. 27. he expounded the things c. himself to sin, springing J'rom this natural concupiscence,
Col. 2. 10. ye are c. in him who is the heid of all Acts 13. 34. as c. that he raised him up from dead Rom. 7.8.
4. 12. that ye may stand c. in all the will of God £8. 22. as f.this sect.we know it is spoken against Pom. 7. -17. I liad not known f. txceptlawhad said
COMPOSITION. /?o»i.9.5.ofwhom as c. flesh Christ came.whoisG. 8. sin wrought in me all manner of c.
Eiod. 30. 32. nor make any like it after the c. .'$7. 11. 28. as c. the gospel, are enemies for your sake Col.3.5. mortify members, evil c. and covctousncss
COMPOUND, ETII. 16. 19. you wise to what is good, and simple c. evil 1 Thess. 4. 5. not in the lust of c. as the Gentiles
Etod. 30.25. an ointment c. after art of apothecarj- 2 Cor.ll. 21. I speak as f. reproach, as though weak condi:mnation
33. whosoever c. any thing like it, or putteth any Eph. 5. 32. but I speak c. Christ and the church Signifies, [1] A declaring guilty, or pronouncing
COMPREHEND. Phil. 4. 15. as e. giving and receiving, hut ye only the sentence of punishment upon anv malefactor
Job 37. 5. great things doth he which we cannot c. 1 Tim. 6.21. some professing have erred c. the faith by some judge, John 8. 10. [2] That which
Evh.i.W. mav be able to c. with saints the breadth 2 Tim. 2. 18. who e. the truth have erred, saying aggravates one's sin and punishment, or that
COMPREHENDED. 3. 8. men of corrupt minds, reprobates c. the faith which is the reason, the evidence, and great causa
Jfa.40.12.hatlif. the dust of the earth in a measure 1 Pet. 4. 12. think it not strange c. the fiery trial of condemnation, John 3. I9. [3] The punish-
John 1. 5. light shined, and the darkness c. it not See Hi.v, Me, Thee, Thlm, Us, You. ment itself, whereunio one is adjudged and con-
iJ»m. 13.9. is briefly c in this sayins, thou shalt love CONCISION. demned, 1 Cor. 11. 32. [4] A censuring other
CONCEAL, ED, ETII. Beware of the concision, Phil. 3. 2. that is, such men's persons, purposes, words, or actions, either
Cfn. S7. 26. it we slay our brother and c. his blood who under pretence of maintaining circumcision, rashly, unjustly, or imcharitably, Luke 6. 37.
Dent. 13.8. not spare, neither shalt thou c. him which is now no longer a seal of God's covenant, [5J A witnessing against and coyivicting persone
Job 0. 10. 1 have not c. the words of the holy One and so is no better than a mere cutting or slash- of their wickedness and faults by the good ex-
27. 11. what is with the Almighty will I not c. ing of the flesh, do prove destroyers and renders ample and conduct cf others ; thus the Nine-
41. 12. I will not c. his parts nor his proportion of the church. vites shall condemn the obstinate itv.!-,'!i\dX.
J*jo/.40.10.I havenotc.thyloving-kindn. and truth Joel 3. + 14. multitudes in the valley of c. 12. 41. because the former repented at the
Prer. 11. 13. he that is of a faithful spirit c.the matter Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of the c. preaching n/" Jonas, but the others sheued r.osigni
12. 25. a prudent man c. knowledge, heart of fools CONCLUDE. of repentance, notwithstanding our Saviour preach-
25. 2. it is the glory of God to c. a thing i?om.3.28. we c. a man is justified by faith without ed and did many mighty works among them.
Jer. 50. 2. declare ye, publish and c. not CONCLUDED. God condemned sin in the flesh, Rom. 8. 3. He
CONCEIT, S. Acts1\. 25. as touching the Gentiles, we have <•. adjudged it to deitruciion, passed sentence upon
Pror. 18.11. rich man's wealth as an high wall inc. lu'm. 11. 32. for God hath <r. them all in unbelief It, ana accordingly pnnished it by iSe sufferings
20. 5. answer a fool, lest he be wise in his own c. Gal. 3. 22. but the scripture hath c, all under sin of his Son in the flesh ; and thereby declared
12.seest thou a man wise in his oati c. ? more hcpo CONCLUSION. openly before all the world, by these sufferings of
Ifi. sluggard is wiser in his own f. than seven men Eccl. 12. 13. let us hear the c. of the whole matter his Son, how abominable sin was to him, and
28. 11. tne rich man is wise in his own c CONCORD. how contiary to his nature.
liom. 11. 25. lest ye should be wise in your own c. 2 Cor. 6. 15. and what e. hath Christ with Belial ? Christ, being no civil judge or magistrate, did not
12. 16. be not wise in your own c. CONCOURSE. condemn the woman taken in adultery to a civil
CONCEIVE, ING. Prov. 1. 21. she crieth in the chief place of c. punishment : Neither did he acquit her, for that
C<n. 30. 38. they should c. when they came to drink Acts 19.40. whereby we may give accouiitof thisf. woulu have been making void the law of God
A'mot.5.28. then .she shall be free, and shall c. seed CONCUBINE. lie only performs the office of a minister, and
Judg.\Z.i. shalt f. and bear a son, 5, 7- Luke 1. 31. This term in scripture siznifies a wife of the se- speaks to her as the Mediator and Saviour of
Job 15.35. they c. mischief, bring vanity, lsa.5^.i. cond rank, who war inferior to the matrott, or men, in calling her to repentance and rej'or-
Psal. 51.5. and in sin did my mother c. me mistress of the house. The chief wives differed mation, John 8. 10, 11.
Ita. 7. 14. a virgin shall c, and bear a son from the concubines, (1) In that thet/were takeyt The manner of poising sentence upon pertoyu, tariti
33. 11. shall c. chaft 59. 13. c.words of falsehood
1| into fellowship with their husbands by solemn in most countries. The Jews by a simple pro-
Ktek. 38.110. thou shalt c. a mischievous purpose stipulation, and with consent and solemn rejoic- tiunciation of the sentence, as 'Jhou .V. art
Heb. 11. 11. Sarah received strength to c. seed ing of friends. (C) They brought 7ciih them just; Thou -V. art guilty ; both absolved and
CONCEIVED. dowries to their husbands. (3) They had the condemned them. The Romans gave sentence,
Gen. 4. 1 Eve c. and bare Cain 17. Cain's wife c.
|| government of their families under and with by casting in tables into a certain bor or urn
I'j. 4. Ilagar c.
i|21. 2. Sarah c. and bare Isaac their husbands, (4 The inheritance belonged prepared for the purpose. If they absolved any,
25. 21. Rebekah his wife e. 29. 32. Leah <. 33 \\ to the children brought forth by them. Though they wrote the letterA in the table, it being the
SO. 5. Bilhah e. 23. Rachael c. and bare a son
|| the children of concubines did not inherit their first letter of /\bsolvo ; if they cendemned any,
39. the flocks c. 31. 10. S8. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5.
|| father's estate, yet the father in his life-time they wrote the letter C, the first of Condenino.
38. 18. Tamar c. Ejcod. 2.2.,Iochebed c.and bare
|| might provide for tf<em, and make presents to Among the Grecians, Condemnation was sifntlied
I^i\ 12. 2. have c. seed, and born a man child tk'zi : Thus Sarah was Abraham's wife, of by giving a black sione; Absolutism by giving 11
Num. 11. 12. Moses said, have I c. all thispeople lehom he had Isaac, the heir of all his wealth : white stone : Jo this last there leemeth to Or an
1 5flm. 1.20. Hannah c.and bare a son,Samuel,2.21. But he had besides iim concubines, namely allusion. Rev. 2. 17, To him that ovcrcomotb
2 Sam. 11. 5. Bathshebac. sent r.nd told David Ilagar and Keturah; of these he had other I will give a white stone : that is, / will aisoUc
8 A'"/eJ4.17.Shunamite c. /jo. 8. 3. prophetess <•
\\ children, whom he distinguished fiom Isaac, o«rf and acquit Aim in the di^y of judgment.
Jobi. 3. it was said, there is a man child c. mode presents to them. As polygamy was some Luke 23. 40. seeing tbou art m the same *.
Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought forth falsehood times prvciiscd by the patriarchs and among the John3.ig. this is the c. thatlight is come into world
Cart 3. 4. into the chamber of her that c. me Jews, either by God's permission, who could 5. 24. he that be'.icveih shall not come into e.
/er.4<j. 30. and hath c. a purpose ag.-iinst you rightly dispense with his own laws when and Horn. 5. 16. for the judgment was by one to c.
IJos. 1. 3. Gomer which c. and bare him where he pleased ; or by their mistake about the 18. as by one, judgment came upon all men to
2. 5. she that c. them hath done shimel'ully lawfulness qf it ; as this was their practice, 8. 1. there is ik> c. to them who are in Christ
Mai. 1.20. that which is c. in her is of the II. Ghost was a common thing to see one, two, or many 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c.
Luke 1 35. Elizabeth hath e. a son in her oljl age
wives, in a family ; and besides these several 2 Cor. 3. 9. if the ministration of c. be clorioui
2. 21. was so named before he was <. in womb concubines, David had seven wives, and ten 1 Tim. 3. d. lest he fall into the c. of the devil
Acts 5. 4. why hast thou r.this thing in thine heart ? concubines, 2 Sam. 3. 2, 3, 4, 5. | 20. 3. So- Jam. 3. 1. knowing we shall receive the greater <•.
Horn. 9. 10. when Rebekah had e. lomon had seven hundred wives, who all lived 5. 12. let your n.iy be nay, lest ye fall into c
lam. 1. 15. wnen Itist hath c. it brings forth sin in the quality of queens, and three hundred con- Jude 4. who were of old ordained to this e.
CONCEPTION. cubines ; and his wives turned away his heart, CONDEMN.
Om.Z.ifi. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and c. 1 Kings 11. 3. Rehoboain his son had eighteen Eiod. 22. 9. whom the judges shall e. he shall paj
Huth 4. 13. the Lord gaye her <, and she bare 1 son wives, and iiity concubines 2 Chron. 11. SI. Diut 25.1. judges may judge tbem, and c. the wicii»


Jst'}. 90. justify myself,
if r my
moath shall c. me when Mi:. 7. 5. trust not a friend, put ye not f. in a guide
instruction ; »r to the whole cmigregarion,
iO.i. I will say to G. do not c. me, shew me why ourtauH ispnilic, Psal. 32. 5. -Mat. 3. 6.
Jam. .lets 28. 31. preaching the kingd. of G. with all e.
34. 17- and wilt thou e. him that is most just 5. 16. 1 John l.g. [5] To achwUedge a crime 2 Cor. 1. 15. in this c. I was minded to come befom
40 8. wilt thou c. me, that thou mayest be righte. before a judge. Josh. 7. 19- L^j To own and 2. 3. having f. in you all, that my joy isjoy of you
Vsal. 37.33. not leave him, aore. hitn when judged nrofess the gospel of Christ, and pay obedience 7. 16. I rejoice that I have c. in you in all thingi
94. 21. and they e. the innocent blood to it, Luke 12. 8. We ar« to make confession, 8. 22. diligent on iiie great r. which I have in you
109. 31. to save him from those that c. his soul (1) To God, whom we haie offended, who knows 10. 2. with that e. wherewith I think to be boH
Prov. 12. 2. a man of wicked devices will he c. our sins, cnn pardon us, or else will punish its if 11. 17. but as It were foolishly in this c. of boast
ha. 50.9 L.will help me.who is he that shall c. me- we 'efuse to confess, Psal. 32. 5. Prov. 28. l.'j. Gal. 5. 10. I have e. in jou through the Lord
54. 17. every tongue that shall rise ag. thee shall f. (2} To our neighbour hurt by us, who otherwise Eph. 3. 12. in whom access withe, b^- faith in him
Mat. 12. 41. and shall <-. it because, Luke 11. 3C. complaining to God, shall have him to revenge Phil. 1. 25. having this c. shall abide with you all

42. queen of the south shall rise up in judgment his quarrel ; and thus man can and ought to for- 3. 3. we rejoice in Chr. J««. and have nor. in flesh
and r. it, Luke 11. 31. give so much of the offence as is done against 4.though 1 might also have flesh, if any other
20. 18. they shall c. him to death, Mark 10. 33. him, if his adversary lepent and confess, and 2 J'hess. 3. 4. we have c. in the Lord touching you
/k<«6. 37. c. not, and ye shall not be condemned seek pardon. Mat. 5. 23, 21. Luke 17- 4. (3) Philem.21. havingc.inihyobedience.I wrote to you
Jo'tii 3. 17. God sent not his Son to e. the world Jo the minister of God, or to sojue godly person, JJeb. 3. 6. if we hold fast the e. and hope to the end
8. 11. neither do I e. thee, go and sin no more that' pitying the sinner^ s case, can and will give 14. if we hold beginning of our c. stedfast to end
t Cor. 7. 3. I speak not this to e. you, for I said Aim spiritual advice against his sin, and pray 10. 35. castnotaway therefore, your f. which hath
1 Ji>hn 3. 20. if our heart c. us, God is greater than for him. Job 33. 23. 11. 1 1. faith is the c. of things hoped for
21. if our heart f. us not, then have we confidence Confession to God is made by a man for himself, 1 John 2. 28. when he shall appear, we may have c.
CONDEMNED. Psal. 32. 5. A father for his children. Job 3.21. if heart condemn not, then have c. toward G.
^Chron.i&.i. andf. the land in 100 talents of silver 1.5. A magistrate for those under his autho- 5. 14. and this is the c. that we have in him
Job 32. 3. they found no answer, yet had e. Job rity, Neh. 1. 6. Ajtd must be viilU know- CONFIDENCES.
Pial. 109. 7. when he shall be judged, let him be e. ledge of sin, Jer. 2. 23. Conside ation of thai Jer. 2. 37. the Lord hath rejected thy c. not prospet
4m0s 2.8. drink the wine off. in house of their god which is done, Jer. 8. 6. Humiliation, 2 Chron. CONFIDENT.
4/a». 12. 7. J'e would not have e. the guiltless 7. 14. Accepting of punishment for sin. Lev. Pja/.27.3.though war should rise,in this will I bet.
37. and by thy words thou shalt be c. 26. 41. A parliculaiiiing of sins. Lev. 5. 5. Prov. 14. 16. but the fool rageth and is c.
27. 3. Judas, when he saw that he was c. repented 1 Sam. 12. 19. Prayer, Exod. 32. 32. And y^om.2.19. art c.thou thyself art a guide of the blind
Mart 14. (>4. ihey all c. him to be guilty of death forsaking of sin, Prov. 28. 13. 2 Cor. 5. 6. therefore we are always c. knowing
Luke 24. 20. how the rulers delivered him to be e. Lev.5.5. he shall c. that he hath sinned in that thing 8. we are c. willing rather to be absent from body
Jvhn 3. 18. he that believeth on him is not c. hut he 3fi.21. Aaron shall c. over live goat all the iniquit. 9-4. we should be ashamed in this same r. boasting
that believeth not is e. already, because not believed 26. 40. if they shall c. their iniquity and fathers' f /n7.1.6.beingf.of this very thing, who hath begun
8. 10. Jesus said, woman, hath no man c. thee r A«m. 5. 7- they shall c. their sins they have done 14. many of the brethren waxing c. by my bonds
Horn. 8. J. sending his Son, for c. sin in the flesh 1 AiH^'j8.33.Isr.<:.thy name and pray, 2 Chr. 6.24. CONFIDENTLY.
1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not be e. with the world 35. c. thy na-ne and turn from sin, 2 Chron. 6. 26. 1 Ai«fj4. 125. Judah and Isr.dweltc. under his Wne
Tie. 2.8. sincerity, sound speech that cannot be c. Xeh. 1. 6. and c. the sins of the children of Israel Psal. 16. t 9. my flesh shall dwell c. in hope
3. 11. sinneth, being e. of himself is subverted Job 40. 14. I will c. that thy hand can save thee Ezek. 38. 11. I will go to them that dwell c.

Heb. 11.7. an ark, by the which he e. the world Psal. 18. + 49. I will c. to thee among the heathen 39. 1 6. I will send a fire among them that dwell c.
Jnm. 5. 6. ye have e. and killed just, not resist you 02.5. I said, I will r .my transgressions to the Lord Luke 29.59. another c.aSirmed, this fellow was with
9. judge not one another, brethren, lest ye be c. Alat. 10. 32. whosoever stall c. me before men, him CONFIR.MATION.
t I'tt. 2. 6. God r. them with an overthrow will I c. before my Father in heaven, Luke 12.8. Phil. 1 7. in defence andr. of the gospel partakers

CONDEMNESr, ETH, ING. John 9. 22. if any man did c. that he was Christ /ie£.6.l6.anoathof r. istolhem an end of all strife
1 Kiurs c. 32. and judge thy servants c. the wicked 12.42.rulersdidnotf.him.lestbeputout of .synag. CONFIRM
Job 15. 6. thine own mouth e. thee, and not I Acts 23. 8. say no resurrection.but Pharisees c both Signifies, [1] To strengthen, settle, or establish,
Proii. 17 .15. he that c. the just, is abomination to Ld. 24. 14. this I e. that after the way they call heresy 1 Chron. 14. 2. Acts 14. 22. [!] To give neia
dels 13. 27. they have fulfilled them in c. him liom. 10. 9. shalt f. with thy mouth the Lord Jesus assurance of the truth and certainlu o' any thing,
Horn. 2. 1. wherein judgest another thou c. thyself 14.11. every knee bow, every tongue shall c. toG. 1 Kings 1. 14. 2 Cor. 2. 8. [3]' fo ratify, or
8. 34. it is God that justifieth, who is he that r 15.9. I will e. to thee among the Gentiles and sing
. .' make sure, Ruth 4. 7. [4] To refresh, Psalto
14.22. that c. not himself in that thing he alloweth Phil. 2. 11. that every tongue shall e. Jesus is Lord 68. 9. [5] To continue to perform, Deut. 27.
CONDESCEND. Jam. 5. 16. c. your faults one to another and pray 26. [6.J J'o fulfil, accomplish, or make good,
Rom. 12 16. not high things, but c. to men of low 1 John 1.9. if we c. our sins, he is faithful to forgive Horn. 15. 8, To confirm the promises made to
CONDITION, S. 4. 15. whoso shall c. that Jesus is the Son of God tne fathers. To make it evidently appear unto
1 5am. 11. 2. on thisf. I will make acoven. with you 2 John 7. who c. not that Jesus Chr. is come in flesh men, that God who promised to send his Son unto
Dart. 11. t 17. set his face to enter with equal c. Rev. 3. 5. but I will c. his name before my Father the Jews, was faithful and true, iecausa >u the
Luke 14. 32. he sendeth and desireth c. of peace CONFESSED, EI II, ING. fulness of time he did send him. The promises
CONDUCT, ED. Etra 10,1. when Ezra had e. weeping and casting of God are in themselves most firm and stable,
2&7m.l9.15.Judahcame to eking over Jordan, 31. A'e/1.9.2. Isr. stood andc. their sins, a fourth parte. as heaven and earth, so lluy are immoveable
40,.%11 the people of Judah c. the king and Israel Prov. 28. 13. but whoso r. and forsaketh them shall and constant : they are said to be co)(/irmeJ in
Acts 17. 15. they that r.Paul brought him to Athens Van. 9-20. while c. my sin and the sin of my people respect of men, whose faith being weak and full
1 Cur.l6.11.but f. him forth in peace to come to me ^tJt.3.6.^xeTe baptized of him injordan.c.their sms of doubts, had need to be helped and strength-
CONDUIT. John 1. 20. John c. that I am not the Christ ened ; not God's promises, but men's belief is
2 Kings 18.17-theycame and stood by <. Iia. 36.2. .3f/xl9.18.manycameand c. and shewed theirdeeds feeble.
20. 20. Ilczekiah, how he made a pool and a e. HcA.ll.lS.thesec. that theywere strangers on eartl Confirmation is a work of the Spirit of God,
ha. 7. 3. go forth to meet Ahaz at the end of the c. 13. i 15. the fruit of our lips, c. to his name strengthening faint and weak minds in faith and
Litk. 31 . t 4. sent out her c. to the trees of the field 1 Jo/in4.2.everj- spirit thatc.Christ is come in flesh obedience unto the end, 1 Pet. 5. 10. The God
"CONFECTION. S.every spirit that r .not that Jesus Christ is come of all grace confirm and strengthen you. God
Eiod.iQ.i5. shalt make a c. after art of apothecary CONFESSION. confirmet/i as the author or efficient cause of
CONFECTIONARIES. Josh. 7. 19. give glory to God and make e. to him strength ; the word, sacraments, and ministers,
I Sam. 8. IS. he will take your daughters to be
2 Chr. 30.22. offering peactj-ofTerings and making c.
c. confirm as instruments or helps, Luke 22. 32,
CONFEDERACY. F.tra 10. 11. now therefore m.\ke c. to the Ld. God When converted, strengthen thy brethren. And
Isa 8. 12. say ye not, a e. to whom people say a e. Dan. 9. 4. I prayed to the Ld. my God and made c. a man confirnu himself when he takes heart and
Vbad.7.i.\\ men of thy f. brought thee to the border liom. 10.10. with the mouth c. is made to salvation courage to himself in a good cause, upon hope and
CONFEDERATE. 1 'Jim. 6. 13. who before Pilate witnessed a goodc confidence of God's help, 1 Cor. 16. 13. Bui
Gen. 14. 13. and these were c. with Abram CONFIDENCE David encouraged himself in the Lord his God,
Psat.Si. 5. have consulted, they are c. against thee Signifies, [1] Assurance, 2 Cor. 8. 22. [2] Bold- 1 Sam. 30. 6.
ha. 7-2. it was told, Syria is r. with Ephraim ness, or coiirageousness, Acti ZB. il. [3] Tnat, Ruth 4. 7. this was the manner for toe. all things
CONFERENCE. or hope. Job 4. 6. [4] That wherein one trust- 1 Kings 1. 14. I will come in after andr. thy word*
Gal. 2. 6 for thev in c. added nothing to me eth, Jer. 48. 13. [5] Huecour, or help,2 Kings 2 Kings 15. I9. to c. the kingdom in his hand
CONFERRED. 18. 19. [6] Safety, or security, Ezek. 28. 20. ij/7i. 9.29. Esth. wrote to c. second letter of Purim
1 Kings 1. 7. Adonijah r. with Joab and Abiathar [7] A
due resolution, 2 Cor. 10. 2. [8] free A 31. to c. these days of Purim in their times
ilc«4.15.they e. among them what do to these men and bold profession of Christ and the gospel, Psal. 63. 9. didst c. thine inheritance when weary
25. 1£. Festus, when he had c. with the counsel lleb. 10. 35. [9] /] well-gionnded persuasion Iia. 35.3., strengthen weak hands andc. feeble knees
Oal.l.lQ. immediately I r.not with flesh and blood of audience and acceptance, Eph. 3. 12. Ezek. 13. 6. to hope that they would <r. the word
CONFE.SS Jfdg. 9. 26. men of Shechem put their e. in Gaal JJan. 9. 27. he shall c. the covenant for one weeii.
Signifies, [1] Publielt/ to oicn and aekno-j.ledge 2 A'in^<18.19. 'lius saith the great king of Assyria 11. 1. even 1 stood to c. and to strengthen him
as his ouii : Thus Christ uill con/ess the faith- what c. is this wherein thou trustesl Jsa. 3b. 4. ':
Rom. 15. 8. to c. the promises made to the fathers
ful m the day of judgment, LiiVe IQ. B. [2] Tv Job 4. 6. is this not thy fear, thy c. thy hope .'
1 Cor. 1. 8. who shall also t. you to the end
•>u-n and pro/ess the truths 0/ Christ, end to 18. 14. hisf. shall be rooted out of his tabernacle 2 Cor. 2. 8. that ye would c. your love toward hint
nbey hit commandments, and that in spite 0/ all 31 24. if I have said to fine gold, thou art my c.
opposition and danger from enemies. Mat. 10. I'sal. 65. 5. who art the e. of all ends of the earth 2 Sam. 7. 24. thou hast c. to thyself thy people Isr.
32. Whosoe^-er shall confess me before men. 118.8. better to trust in Ld. than to put c. in man 2 Kings It. a. as soon as the kingdom was e. tie slew
l3] To utter, or speak forth the praises of God, 9. better to trust in lx)rd than to put c. in princes 1 Chron. 14. 2. Lord had e. him king over Israel
or to give him thanks, Ileb. 13. 1 15. Offer to Pros. 3. 26. for Ld. shall be thy e. and keep thy foot 16. 17. and hath c. the same to Jacob, Ps. 105 10.
Ciod the fruit of your lips, confessing his name 14. 26. in the fear of the Lord is strong c. 2 Chron. 25. t 3. when the kingdom was e. be slew

that is, acknowledge his benefits, and give him 21. 22. casteth down the strength of the c. thereof £jth. 9. 32. Esther e. these matters of Purim
thanks for them. J4] To oari, and lay open our 25. 19. f. in an unfaith. man is like a broken tooth Dan. 9.12. bathe, his words which he spake ag. \u
tins and offences, either unto God in private, or lia. 30. 15. in quietn. and c. shall be your Acts 15. 32. exhorted the brethren and e. them
yuilic eon)esiion.t : or to our neighbour whom we Jer. 48. 13. as Isr was ashamed of Beth-el 1 Cor. 1. 6. the testimony of Christ was e. in yo>i
have wronged : or to some godly persons, at whose Eick. 28. 26. plant vrneya. they shall dwell with Gal. 3. 15. yet if it be e. no man disannuUetb it
hands wc look i» leeeite eomr.jrt and spiritual 29- 16- £gypt iliaJl be no more the c. of b. of Isr. 17. the covenant that was c. before of Gud
HuS. 2. 3. was ns by them that heard him
e. to ha. 34.11. he shall stretch out upon it the line off. Veut. SS. 1. shall notenterioto the «. «<(/>( T.J.J
0. 17. immutability of counsel, he e. it by an oath 41. 29. their molten images are wind and e 1 Chron. an. 8. in sight of r. cri.. keep commandm,
CONFIRMETir, ING, 45. 16. makers of idols shall go to c. together -l/if .2.5. that shall cast a cord bv lot in the r. o/"
Kitm. ?0. 14. bonas which are on her, he e. them 61. 7. for e. they shall rejoice in their portion Tabernacle of the C(J NG REG ATION.
Dtui. 27- "6. cursed be he that <. not all the words Jer. 3. 25. we lie in shame and ourc. covereth us Exod. 29. 10. bullock brought before the tab. of c
Isa. 44. 26. that e. tne word of his sen-ant 7.19. do they not provoke thems. toe. of iheirfaces 44. 1 will sanctify /. of c. 30. C6. anoint t.
\\ of c
Mart 16.C0. preached, e.word with signs following 20.11. their everlasting c. shall never be forgotten 33. 7. called it the t. of c. went out to the /. of c.
<4f«14.22. c. souls of the di>«iples, exhorting them Dan. 0. 7- but to us belongeth c. of face, 8. Lev.3.8. kill it bef.O^e.13. ||4.5. bringit to/, p/ c.
15.41.weat thro' Syria and Cilicia e. the churches Acts 19. 29. the whole city was filled with c. 10.7. ye shall not go out from the door of /. of e
CONFISCATION. 1 Cor. 14. 33. for God is not author cf f but peace
9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. of c.
Ezra 7.26.1et judgm. be executed to c. or imprison. yawi.3.16. for where envying and strife is, there is c. 16. 16. so do for/. 0/ f. 1133. atonement for/ ^j-f,
CONFLICT. CONGEALED. Xutn. 4. 3. work of the /. ofc. 23. 25, 30, 35, .*y, 43.
Psal.5Q410.\ am consumed by the c. of thine hand Ejod. 15. 8. the depths were c. in heart of the sea 8. 9. tnou shalt bring the'Leviies before tab. of c'.
/'AiV. 1. .TO. having the same c. which ye saw in me CONGRATULATE. 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tab.
of c.
l.'ol.S. I. that ye knew what great c. I have for you 1 Chron. 18. 10. to inquire of his welfare and e. him 14. 10. glory of the Lord appeared in the /^i.
CONFOR.MABLE. CONGREGATION. 17.4. lay up in t.ofc. H 18.4. keep charge of/, of e.
/'Ar/.3.10.maT know him, being made his death Lev. 4. 21. it is a sin-offering for the e. 25. 6. Israel weeping before the door of tab. of c.
CONFORMED. 10. 17. God hath given ityou to bear iniquity of f. Deut. 31. 14. present yourselves in tabern. of the c.
Horn. 8.29. predestinate to be c. to image of his Son 16.33. he shall make an atonement for all the c. Josh. 18. l.atShiloh, and set up the tab. of e. ther«
12.2. be not c. to this world, but be ye transformed Xum. 1. 16. these were the renowned of the c. 1 Kings 8. 4. they brought up/aA. ol'c. i'Chr. 5. 5.

CONFOUND 10. 7. but when e. is to be gathered you shall blow 2 Chron. 1. 3. for there was ths tab. of e. of G;«4
Signifies, [1] To disorder, mingle, or jumble toge- 14. 27. how long shall I bear with this evil c. ? Hee Door.
ther, Genesis U.7. [2] To baffle, or confute. 15. 15. one ordinance shall be fore, and stranger Tent of the CONGREGATION.
Acts 9. 22. [3] To be ashamed by reason <>/ 16. 21. separate yourselves from c. that I may cons. Exod. 39. 32. /. of c. finished 40. 2. set up t.
|| cf c,
some disappointment, Joh 6. iO. [4] Jo destroy, 45. get you up from among ihisr.that I may cons. 40. 22. tabic in /. of e. 24. candlestick in /. of e.

or break in pieces, Jcrem. 1. 17. 2ech. 10.5. 47. Aaron took and ran into the midst of the c. 26. and he put the golden altar in xbetentof c.
[5] 'Jo be amaied, astonished, or foubied in mind. 19. 20. that soul shall be cut off from among thee. 34. then a cloud covered the tent of c.
Acts 2. 6. C7. 16. let the Lord set a man over the c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent of c.
It is said, 1 Pet. 2. 6, lie that believelh shall not .35.12. cities of refuge that manslayer die not, till Whole CONGREGATION.
be confounded; that ti, he ihull not be disap- he stand before the c. for judgment. Josh. CO. 6. Exod. 16. 2. the whole c. of Israel murmured
pointed of his erpectation of salvation ; the Josh. 9. 27. made them drawers of water for the e. Num. 3. 7. they shall keep the charge of the ir. c.
scripture referred to by the apoitlr is, Isa. 28. I6, Jk^j. 20.1. the f. was gathered as one man from Dan Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with u. c.
lie that believeth shall not make haste: thai 21. 5. that came not up with the c. to the Lord Judg. 21 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamix

IS, he shall not hastily and greedily catch at anu 1 A ings 12. 20. they sent and called Jerob. to the c. 2 Chron. 6. 3. the king blessed the whole e. of Israel
ttiayof escaping his danger, whether it be right or 2 Chr. 30.24. 1 lezekiah did give to c. 1000 bullocks Etra 2. 64. the whole c. was 42,360, Seh. 7. 66
Wong: but shall patiently wait upon God for Eya 10. 8. and himself separated from the c. Prov. 26. CC. wickedness be shewed before whole c
deliverance and salvation in his way. AeA. 13.1. the Moabite should not come into the c. CONGREGATIONS.
Gen. 11. 7- let us go down and c. their language, 9. Job 15.34. for the c. of hypocrites shall be desolate Psal. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord
y«r. 1.17. be not dismayed, lestr.ihee before them 30. 28. I stood up and cried in the c.
I 68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord
1 Co.'-.1.27.tOf.the wise, to f. things that are mighty Psal. 1. 5. nor sinners in the c. of the righteous 74. 4. thine enemies roar in the midst of thy e.
CONFOUNDED. 22. 22. in the midst of the c. will I praise thee CONQUER.
2 Kings 19. 26. the inhabitants were e. Isa. ."57. C*. 26. 5. I have hated the r. of evil doers Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to c.
Job 6. 20. they were r. because they had hoped 58. 1. do ye indeed speak righteousness, O c? CONQUERORS.
J'sal. .15. 4. let them be c. that seek after my soul 74. 2. remember thy c. thou hast purchased of old Ram. 8. 37. in all these things we are more than e.
6g. C. let not those that seek thee be r . for my sake 19. forget cot the c. of thy poor for ever CONSCIENCE
71 .13.1et them be f. that are adversaries to my soul 75. 2. when 1 receive the c. I will judge uprightly Is the testimony and secret judgment of the soul,
24. for they are c. that seek my hurt 82. 1. God standeth in the c. of the mighty which gives its approbation to actions that it
83. 17. let them be c. and troubled for ever 89. 5. thy faithfulness also in the c. of the saints thinks good, or reproaches itself with those whicS
97. 7. r. be all they that serve graven images 107. 32. let them exalt him also inr. of the people it believes to be evil : Or, it is a jiarticular know-
129.5. let them all be f. turned back that hateZion 111. 1. I will praise the Ld. in the assembly and e. ledge which ice have with us of our own deeds,
Jja.1.29. shall be c. f«r gardens that ye have chosen Prov. 5. 14. I wa5 almost in all evil in midst off. good or evil, arising out of the general inoio-
19. 9- they that weave net-works shall be c. 21 . 16. the men shall remain in the e. of the dead ledge of the mind, which shews us what is good,
S/. 27. their inhabitants were dismayed and e. Isa. 14. 13. 1 will sit upon the mount of the c. or evil ; and Conscience tells us when we have
Jer. 9. 19. greatly f. because we have forsaken land Jer. 6. 18. and know, O c. what is among them done the one, or the other, Rom. 2. 15. Ji iV
I'J. 14. every founder is f. by graven image, 51. 17. 30. 20. their c. shall be established before me either (I) Good, 1 lira. 1. 5. And this u
17. IB. let them be r. that persecute me, let not me Lam. 1. 10. that they should not enter into thy c. called. [1] A conscience void of offence towaid
46. 24. daughter of Eg\-pt c. 4!!. 20. Moab is c.
Jlos .7.12.1 will chastise them as their r. hath heard God and men ; which does not accuse a versoit
49. 23. Hamath is c. U 50. 2. Babylon taken, Bel c. Joel 2. 16. gather the people, sanctify the c. for any wilful offence, either against God, or
5o. 12. your mother shall be sore c. be ashamed Acts 13. 43. now when the c. was broken up men. Acts 24. I6. [2j A conscience bearing
51.4". Babylon, her whole land shall bee. All the CONGREGATION. a person witness in the Holy Ghost, that is, bf
51. we are c. because we have heard reproach £ez'.(l.3. gather all the c. together to door oftabern. the conduct and guidance of the Holy Ghost,
Ezek. 16.52. be thou <•. and bear thy shame, 51. ()3. 16. 17. make atonement for all the c. of Israel who cannot lie, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good,
Alic,'. Id. nations shall see and be r. at their might 24. 14. let all the c. stone him, 16. iVjim. 15. .15. deing jatrified by the bloL'd of Christ, lleb. 9. 14.
i^cih. 10. 5. and the riders on horses shall lie c. Atim. 14. 10. all the c. bade stone them with stones 1 Tim. 3. 9. [4] Purged from dead works ;
.'lets 2. 6. the multitude came together and werec. 16. S. seeing all the c. are holj-, every one of iheui that is, freed from that sentence of death which
y. 22. Saul e. the Jews who dwelt at Damascus 22. shall one sin, wilt thou be wroth with all c. ? it receives by reason of sin, Heb.'i). 14. [5]A
Ashamed oHrfCONFOUNDED. 20. 27. they went up in sight of ail the c. 25. 6. conscience not troubled with a sense of guili
PsalAO.\i.asha.andc.\.\\M seek after my soul, 70. C. 27. 19. set him before Eleazarand all the c. £2. Ileb. 10. 2. [6] A conscience checking and
Isa. 24. 23. the moon shall lie c.aud the sun ashamed Josh. 8. 35. which Joshua 'ead not before «// /Ae c. condemning persons, when they have gone against
41. 11. incensed against thee shall be asham. and c. 9- 18. all the c. murmured against the princes their light, and approving and justifying ihem,
45.16. idol-makers shall be nsha.audc. all of iliera 22. CO. wrath fell on all the c. of Israel when they have conformed to it, Rom. 2. 15.
54. 4. thou shalt not be ashamei/,ucil\\er be thou c. 1 Kings a. 14. the king blessed «/////< c of Isr. 55. Or, (U) Evil, llcb". 10. 22. when it is defied
Jer. 14. 3. nobles and little ones were nshani.aiid c. 1 Chron. 29.20. alt thee, blessed the Lord (iod with vicieiu habits, so that it does not perform
15.9. that hath bom seven haih been asham. and c. 2 C/ireK.23.3. all the c. made a covenant with the k. its office aright. It is catted, \\] A conscience
22. 22. surelj- then shall thon be ashnmed and c. 29. 28. all the f .worshipped and the singers sang seared with a hot iron ; that is, quite extinct
31.19. I vidSasham yea. and e. because I did bear AVA. 5.13. all the c. said, amen, and praised tlie L. and cut off, or uilerly hardened, which has lost
Etet. 36. 32. be ashamed and c. for your own ways 8. 17. all the c. that were come again made booths all sense and feeling, 1 1 im. 4. 2. [2] A de-
flfiV .3.7. then shall seers be ashamed aHidiviners c. Elders of the CONGREGATION. filed conscience ; whenil is blinded and perieri.
Ao/ CONFOUNDED. Lev. 4. 15. elders of the c. shall lay their hands cd, to that it cannot judge of lis own actions,
Psal. 22. 5. our fathers trusted, and were not c. Judg.'^l.lti.eld. ofc. shall we do for wivesr lit. 1. 15. 'J'his evil conscience is sometimet
Jsa. 45. 17. not ashamed nor c. world without end Great CONtJREGATlON. quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled : It ae
50. 7. God will help, therefore shall 1 tiot be c. 1 Kings 8.65. at that lime Solomon held a feast, all cuseth when ti should excuse, and excuseih
1 J'el. 2. 6. he that believeth on him shall not be e. Israel withhim.affrea/r. 2 C^ro>j. 7.8. .30.13. when it should accuse. The conscience «/»,

CONFUSED. I'.cra 10. 1. asscmldedlohim out of Israel a great c. even of the best, u nov and it-en erroneouc
Isa. 9. 5. for every battle ofwarrior is with e. noise /'j(i/ praise shall be of thee in the great c. and doubtful.
Acts 19. 32. some cried, for the assembly was c. 35. 18. 1 will give thie thanks in the great c. The apostle Paul permits the faithful to go and eat
CONFUSION. 40.9. I have preached righteousness in the great c. at the houses of the ('•eutilts, if they were invited
Gen. It. + 9- therefore is the name of it called c. 10. I have not concealed thy truth from great c. tliither, and 10 I'aj-taie of every thing which ,taj
Lev. 18. 23. a beast to lie down thereto, it is c. CONfillEGAITON of J-tracl. served up at their tablet, aiihout maiing pertt-
20.12. surely be put to dcath,they have wrought c. Exod.\2. 6. f. of Israel i\\M kill it in the evening cular inquiries out of any scrupulosity of ma
1 Ham. 20. .30. liasi chosen David to thy c. and tor. 19. that soul shall be cut of? from the c. of Israel science ; asking no questions for conscience' s&k^
£zra 9-7. been delivered toe. of face, as at this day 47. all the c. of Israel shall keep the passover 1 Cor. 10. £7, ic. But if any out says to ihem,
Job\0. 15. 1 am full off. therefore see mine afflict. /.<r.4.13.if wholer. o/' Yiraf/ sin throui;h ignorance this has been sacrificed to idols ; do tut tat of if,
(^ Ps. 35. 4. let them be brought to e. devise my hurt Lord hath separated you from c. of Isr. says he, lor his sake kIu gave you this inl'orma-
44. 15. my c. is continually before me and shame CCAron. 5.6. Solom. and c. of hracl sacrificed she«p lion ; and likewise lest ye wound not i/our own.
70. 2. let them he put to c. that desire my hurt 24. 6. according to theconimanOmenlof f. of lirael but another's conscience : Conscience, I say, nut
71. 1. O Lord, let me never be put to c. CO N ( R !•;( A ! 1 ( ) N of the Lord. ihine own, but of the other's.
i i
Jf he who givet
log. 29- let them cover thems. with their own f. A'Hm.l6.3.why lift you yourselves above c.ofthe L. you this notice is a Christian, and twtwiihstaMd-
Isa.H. 10. the city of c. is broken down 27. 17. c.ofL. not as sheep tnai have no shepherd inj the information so given you forbeari not /.i
20.3. and ihe trust in the shadow gf Egypt yourc. Sl.lC.wua plague aujungc, 0/ iH< L.J(i>li,^i.l1 tat : tie utii condemn jcu in iij iitarl, or wiii


tot of it mfttr yimr iiamplt a^aiml Ait «zsn Ltv. 7-37. this is the law of the e, and tacri6ee Mart 6. S2. they e. not iHe miracle of the loavei
mueitnet, and k> the •xtUt of his tin teill it 8. 28. they were e. lor a sw;et savour to ths Lord Acts 12. 12. when PKerhad c. the things a* came
imimted to you. Ij he n an Heathen, wht thui 31. eat it with the bread that is in the basket of r liam. 4. 19. he c. not his own body now deau
adrtrlijts you, and he sect you eat of it, he uitl 33. till the days of your c. be at an end CONSIDERETH, ING.
conceit e a contempt for y>>u and your reh^ion. y.'um. 6. 7. because the e. of bis G. is upon hii head Ps. 33. 15. f2i5hion. hearts alike,he call their work;
In another place the jarre Aposllt requirei 9. and he hath defiled the bead of bis e. 41.1. blessed is he thatr. the poor,Lord will deliver
Christian! to 6e suimisme to aecilor power, CONSENT, ED, ING. Prov. 21. 12. righteous man c. house of the wicked
not only for wTath, but a'.so for conscience' sake. Gen. 34. 15. but in this will we c. unto yon t 29. but as for the upright, he e. his way
Ham. 13.5, that is, not only for /ear o/ punish- 23. only let us c. to them, they will dwell with os 28. 22. and c. not that poverty shall come on him
ment from the magistrate, tut more especially Deut. 13.8. shalt not e. to him, nor hearken to him £9. 7. the righteous e. the cause of the poor
out of conscxe'ue of duty, both to God, uho is Judg. 11. 17. sent to king of Moab.but would note. 31.16. shee.a field, and buyethit,plants vineyards
the ordainer of him to that special ministry, 1 A'in;i20.8. elders said, hearken not to him, norc. Isa. 44.19. none e. in his heart to say, I have burnt
tinder himstlf; and to the magistrate, ahose due 2 Kings 12.8. the priests e. to receive no more mon. 57. 1. none c. that the righteous is taken away
it is, in respect of his office. Psal. 50. 18. when sawest a thief, thou e. with him Ltek. 18. 14. and e. and doth not such like,2H.
Eeel. lO.tSO. curse not the king, no, not in thy e. Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not Dan. 8. 5. as I was c. behold, an he-goat cams
John 8.9. being convicted by their own e. went out so he c.tolhem,and proved them ten days Gal. 6. 1. c. thyself, lest thou also be tempted
Acts 23. 1. Paul said, I have lived in al) good c. Luke 23 51 . the same had not c. to the deed of them Heb. 13.7- e, the end o( their conversation
. have a r.void of offence tovard God and ActsS. 1. and Saul wasc. toStephen'sdealh,22.20. CONSIST, ETII.
toward men 18.20. desired to tarry longer with them, he e. not Luke 12. 15. a man's lifee. not in the abundance
ilom. 2. IS.fheirf. also bearing witness, and thoughts llcm. 1.^32. not only do the same, but e. with them Co/. 1.17. he is before all things, by him all things e.
Q. 1. my e. bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost 7. 16. what I would not, I e. to law that it is good CONSOLATION
13. 5. ye must be subject also for c. sake 1 3'i»i. 6. 3. if any man c. not to wholesome words Is that inward spiritual refI eshing and strengthen-
1 Cor. 8. 7- for some with e. of the idol to this hour CONSENT. ing of the heart, by the consideration and eipe-
eat it, and their e. being weak is defiled 1 Sam. 11.7- and they came out with one <r. rience of God's gracious promises in Christ,
10. shall not the weak e. be emboldened to eat ? I 'sal. 83. 5. they have consulted together with one c. 2 Cor. 1. 5. The Holy Ghent is the worker
12. but when ye wound their weak e. ye sin JJ0S.6.Q. so the company of the priests murder by c. ef comfort, and is therefore called the Comforter,
against Christ iicph. 3. 9. may all call on L. to serve with one c. John 16. 7. The promises of the word are the
10 25. thateat, asking no question fore, sake, C7. Luke 14. 18. all with one e. began to make excuse grounds of comfort, 1 Thess. 4. 18. ; and godlti not, for his sake that shewed it, for c. sake 1 another, except it be with f. for a time ministers and the J'aiihful, are the helpers oj our
29. e. I say, not thine own, but of the others CONSIDER comfort and consolation, 2 Cor. 7. 6, 7.
S Cur. 1.12. our rejoicing is this, testimony of our f. Signifies, [1] To think of, or meditate upon, 2 Tim. Waiting for the consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 25.
4. 2. commending yourselves to every man's c. 2. 7- [2] To viea, mark, or observe. Lev. 13. 13. He waited for Christ to comfort them against
1 Tim. 1. 5. out of a pure heart, and of a good c. [3] To resolve, or determine, Judg. 18. 14. [4] their troubles, both spiritual and cutuard. 'The
19. war a warfare, holding faith and a good c. 'Jo tconder and admire at. Job 37. 14. [5] To prophets used to comfort the people of God amonr
3. 9- holding the mystery of faith in a pure c. pity, comfort, or relieve, Psal. 41. 1. [6] To re- the Jews, against all their sad tidings the;
4. 2. having their c. seared with a hot iron member, or call to mind, 1 Sam. 12. 24. brought them, with tlie prophecies of the cominr
2 Tim. 1. 3. I thank God, whom I ser\'e with e. Lev. 13. 13. then the priest shall c. the leprosy and kingdom of Chiist, Isa. 66. 12, 13. Hirtit
Tit. 1. 15. but even their mind and e. is defiled Deut. 4. 39. know this day and c. it in thine heart , Simeon shewed the truth of his piety and devc
Jlei. 9. 9- make perfect, as pertaining to the c. 32. £9.0 that they were wise to c. their latter end tion, that he believed, and waited lor the com-
14. purge e. from dead works to serve living God Judg. 18. 14. now therefore c. what ye have to do ing of Christ.
10.2.wor3hippers should have had no more c. of sins l&w!.12.£4. f. how great things hath done for you Jer. 10. 7. nor shall men give them the cup of e
£2. having onr hearts sprinkled from an evil <-. £5. 17. therefore know and c what thoa wilt do Luke £. £5. Simeon, waiting for the r of Israel

13. 18. we we have a good c. in all things

trust Job 11. 11. he seeth also, will he not then e. it? 6. 24. woe to you rich, for ye have received your e
1 ^^^.2.19. a man fore, toward God endure grief
if 23. 15. when 1 r. I am afraid of him Ads 4. 36. which is, being interpreted, the son of c.
3. 16. having a good e. as they speak evil of you 34. £7. turned back and would not c. of his ways 15. 31. which when read, they rejoiced fcr the e.
81. but the answer of a good c. towards God 37. 14. standstill and f. the wondrous works of God ifom.l5.5.thcGodof c. grant you to be like-minded
CONSCIENCES. Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation 9. 13. c. my trouble 2 Cor. I. 5. so our c. also aboundeth by Christ

C Cor.5.11.1 trust also are made manifest in your c. 8. 3. when I c. the heavens, the work of thy fingers 6. alilicted, for your c. and sal. comf. for your t
CONSECRATE. 13. 3. c. and hear, 45, 10. ||25. I9. e. my enemies 7. of sufferings, so shall ye be partakers of the e
To consecrate, is to offer, or devote any thin^ to 37. 10. shalt diligently c. his place, it shall not be 7. 7. but by the c. wherewith he was comforted
Cod's ttorship and service. In the Old lesta- 48. 1 3. r. her palaces, that ye may tell it to gener. PAi/.2.1. if there be any Christ.fulfil ye my joy
ment, God ordained that all the first-born, both So. 22. now c. this, ye that' forget God, lest I tear C Thess. 2. 16. who hath given us everlasting c.
of man and beast, should be consecrated, Exod. 64. 9. for they shaJl wisely c. of his doing Philem. 7. we have great joy and c. in thy lore
13. 2, 12, 15. lie consecrated the whole race 119- 95. but I will c. thy testimonies IJeb. 6. 18. we might h.ive a strong c. who have fled
ef Israel particularly to his uorship, Exod. 19. 153.f .n.:ne affliction, and deliver me, I forget not CONSOLATIONS.
O. And liiemise he devoted the tribe of Levi, ISg.f.howl love tliy precepts.quicken me,0 Lord Job 15. 11. are the c. of God small with thee ?
and the family of Aaron, in a more especial Piov. C. 6. go to the ant, c. her ways, and be wise £1. £. hear my speech, and let this be your c.
manner to his service. Num. 1. 49. .T. 12. £3. 1 .with a ruler c. diligently what is before thee
| ija. 66. 11. and be satisfied with the breasts of her e
Besides these consecrations, uhich God thus or- £4. 12. doih not he that pondcreth the heart c. it CONSORTED.
dained by his ozi'n absolute and sovereign autho- Led. 5. 1. for they c. not that they do evil Acts 17. 4. some of them c. with Paul and Silas
rity, there uere others --hich depended on the 7. 13. c. the work ef God, who can make straight CONSPIRACY.
good aill of men, u/io consecrated themselves, or 14. in prosperity be joyful, but inday of adver. <:. Sam. 15. 12. and AbszJom's c strong
the things belonging to them, or the persojis de- /ia.1.3. Israel doth not know,my people doth not 2 Kings 12. 20. his serv. made a c. juid slew Joash
pending on them, to the service of God, for 5. 12. neither c. the operation of his hands 14. 19. they made a e. ag. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25.27
tter, or for a lime only. Hannah, Samuel's 14. 16. shall narrowly look upon thee sind e. thee 15. 15. acts of Shallum and hise. which he made
mother, offered her sun to the Lord, to serve all 18. 4. and I will c, in my
dwelling-place 30. Hoshea made a e. against Pekah
his life-lima in the tabernacle, 1 Sam. 1. 11, 41. 20. that ihey may see, and know, and c. 17. 4. the king of Assyria found c. in Hoshea
82. Some of the Nazarites consecrated them- 43. 18. remember ye not, nor c. the things of old Jer. 11. 9. a e. is found among the men of Judah
illvit to the Lord only for a certain time. Num. 52. 15. what they had not heard shall they e. Lzek. £2. 25. is a c. of her prophets in midst thereof
fi. 13. And the Hebrews sometimes devoted Jer. 2. 10. c. and see if there be such a thing .ids 23. 13. more than forty who had made thise.
their fields, or cattle to the J^rd ; after uhich £3. £0. in the latter days ye shall e. it, 30. 24. CONSPIRATORS.
they uere no longer in their poucr. Lev. £7. Lam. 2.20. O Lord, c. to whom thou 2 5am. 15. 31. Ahkhophel
hast done this is among c. with Absalom
28. In tht New
Testament all the faithful 5. 1. O
Lord, c. and behold our reproach CfJNSPIRED.
are ecmseerated to the Lord ; they are a chosen L:ck. 12.^. it may be they will e.
thouch they be Gen. 37. 18. theyc. against Joseph to slay him
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation. a rebellious house 1 Sam. 22. 8. that all of you have c. against me
a peculiar people, 1 Ptt. 2. 9- Dan. 9.23. understand the matter, and c. the vision 13. why have ye c. ag. me, thou and son of Jesse
£jorf. 28. 3. f. Aaron ||41. anoint a.ndr. Aaron ssons Ilos.T.i. theyf. not in their hearts that I remember 1 Kings 15. 27. Haasha son of Aoijah c. ag. Nadab
29, 9. thou shall c. Aaron and his sons, 30. 30. Hag. 1. 5. thus saith the Lord, e. your ways, 7. 16. 9. Zimri c. against Klah and slew him, 16.
35. seven days shah thou c. them. Lev. 8. 33, 2.15.1 pray you,*', from this dav and upward, 18. 2 Kings 9. 14. Jehu son of Nimshi c. against Joram
32. 29. Moses said, f. yourselves this day to the L. Mat. 6. 28. c. the lilies of the field, Lnke 12. 27. 10. 9. 1 f. against my master and slew him
Nwn. 6.12. shall c. to L. the days of his'separation Au^e 12.24. c. the ravens, they neither sow nor re.ip 15. 10. .Shallum e.against Zachariah,andsmotehim
1 Chron. 29.5. to c. his ienice this day to the Lord John 11.50. nor f. it is expedient for us that one die 25. Pekah c. against Pekahiah, and smote him
2 Chron. 13. 9. to f himself with a young bullock
. Acts 15. 6. the elders came to e. of this matter 21. 23. the servants of Amon c. against him
J!:r<i.43.26.puree altar,anQ they shall f. themselves 2 7im. 2. 7. f.and the Lord give thee understanding 24. slew all that e. against Amon, 2 dr. 33. 25.
Mic. 4. 13. I will e. their gain to L. and substance Heb. 3. 1. brethren, e. the Apostle and Iligh-priesi 2 Chron. 24. £1. and they e. against Jehoiada
CONSECRATED. 7- 4. now c. how great this man was, unto whom £5. the servants of Joash c. against him, 26.
A'iwn.3.3.the sons of Aaron, whom he e. to minister 10. 24. let us c. one another to provoke to love AeA.4.8.c. all of them together, and come and fight
J.>iA.6. 19. vessels of brass and iron, are f. to the L. 12. 3. c. him that endured contradiction of sinners Amot 7. 10. Amos hath c. against thee in Israel
Judg. 17.5. M icah e. one of his sons for his priest, 12. CONSIDERED,
1 Kings 13. 33. whosoever would, Jeroboam 1 Kings 3. £1 whcnl moming,itwas not mv son 1 Chron. £8. 7. if he be c. to do my contnandments
c. him .

S Chr. 29. 31. now ye have e. yourselves to

L. 5. 8. I have c. things which thou sentest to me for Lira 9. i 8. to give us a c. abode in his holy place
31. 6. the tithe of holy things" which were c. to L. Jiib 1. 8. hast thou c. my servant Job Psal. 51. + 10. and renew a c. spirit within me
2. 3. .>

Eira 3.5. of all the set feasts of I.ord that were e. I'sal.Zl.'.l will be glad, for thou haste,
my trouble Prov. 21.28. but the man that heareth.spcakethe.
Iltb. 7. 28. maketh the Son, who is e. for evermore Prov. £4. 32. then
I saw and c. it well .lets 12. 15. Rhoda c. affirmed that it was even sc
10. 60. by a new and living wav which he hath c. Led. 4. 1. I e. all the oppressions
that are done lit. 3. 8. these thines I will that thou affirm c.
CONSKCRATKD. 4. again I e. ill travail and every richt work CONSCELLATIONS.
C Chr. £9. 33. e. thinqs were 60O oxen, 3000 sheep 9. 1. for all this I c. in my hi-art to declare this
£ A inrj£.3 .45.pul down those that burnt incense to g.
CONSKCRATION, S. Jer. 33 £4. c. not what this people have spoken Isa. 13. 10. the c. thereof shall not give their light
Esod. 29. 82. shalt take of ram, for it is a o(c Dan. 7. 8. c. the horns, and behold
there came up CON.SI RAIN.
!4. if ought of (be flcah of Ih* c. remaiji \Mat. 7. 3. c. Dot the beam tb;a is iu thiae own eye Gal. 6. 12, they c. you to be ci^umciied, onlj lest
. .

CON v.(m COX

CONSTRAINED, ETII. yum. 25. 17. that 1 e. not tne children of Israel Pf.l5.4.inwhose eyesa vile ptrson is t. out honour
2 Kirtj»4.8.the woman of Shunem c. him to cat bread 32. 13. till the generation that had ilone evil wasc 107. 11. they r. the co'.insel of the most High
Job 32. 18. full of matter, the spirit within me c. me Dent. 2. 16. when the men of war were c. and dead Cun^8.7.if givehissubslance for love,it\»ouldbef
JL'ar. 14. 22. Jesus e. his disciples, J\Jari 6. 45. Judg. 6. 21. there rose fire out of rock and c. flesh /»a.l6.14.gloryof Moab shall be c .with great mult.
I.uke 24. 29. but they c. him, sayinf;, abide with us 1 &i;« I ."^hall one day be c. by hand of Sajl Ezek. 21. 10. it c. the rod of n.y son, as every tree
Aecs 16. 15. Lydia c. us to come into her house 2 Ham. 13.139- the soul of David was c. to go forth 13. and what if the sword c. even the rod ?
28. 19. I was c. to appea. to Caesar 21. 5. the man that c. us, and devised against us CONTEMI'T.
2 Cor. 5,14. for ioveof Chr. f. us, because wejudge 1 Kings 18. 38. then the fire of the Lord fell and c. Gen. 38. +23. let her take it lest we become a t.
CONSTUAINT. the sacrifice, and licked up the water, ^Chron.T.l. E.rih. 1. 18. thus shall there arise too much c.
1 Pet. 5. S. taking oversight, not bye. but willingly 2 Kings 1, 10. and fire c. him and his fifty, 12. Job IC. 21. he poureth e. on princes, Psal. 107. 40
CONSULT. 2 Chron. 8. 8. whom the children of Israel c. not 31.34. or did the c. of families terrify me'
rsisl.62.i. only < cast him down from excellency Neh. C. 3. the gates thereof are c. with fire, 13. Psal. 119.22. remove from me reproach anlr.
CONSULTATION. Job 1.16. the fire of God hathc. sheep and servants 123.3. for we are exceedingly filled with c-
ilarilS.l. the chief priests held a c. with the elders 4. 9- by the breath of his nostrils are they c. 4. our soul is filled with the c. of the proud
CONSULIKD. 6. 17. the snow and the ice arec. out of their place Priii.l8.3.when the wicked cometh, then cometh e.
1 Kins.s IS. 6. Rehoboam c. with the old men, 8. 7. 9- as the cloud is c. and vanisheth away ija.23 9-to bring into f. all the honourable of earth
IC/ir. 13. 1. Dav. c. with the captains of thousands 19. 27. my
reins c. 33. 21. his flesh he. away
Van. 12.2. some shall awake to everlasting e.
S C/iron. 20. 21. .lehoshaphat e. with the people Psal. 6. 7. mine cyesc.31.9. bones c. 102. 3.
Ne/i. 5. 7. I c. with myself, and rebuked the nobles 39. 10. I am c. by the blow of thine hand Mal.l. 7. in that ye say, the table of the Lord is a.
Psal. 83. 3. they have c. against thy hidden ones 6t.l6. we are c. by that which they searched 12. even his meat is r. 2. 9- I also made youc.

5. for they have c. togel^ier with one consent 71. 13. let them be confounded and e. that are 2 Cor, 10. 10. his presence is weak, his speech c.
Eteli. 21. 21. the king of Babylon c. with images 73. 19. they are utterly c. with terrors CONTEMPTUOUSLY.
Dan. 6.7. all the presidents and captains c. together 78. 63. fire e. tlicir young men, maidens not given Psal. 31. 18. which speak c. against the righteous
JUif. 6. 5. remember what Balak king of Moabr. 90. 7. for we are c. by thine anger and thy wrath CONTEND
i/ai.2.10.hastf. shame to thy house, by cutting ofiF 104. 35. let the sinners be c. out of the earth Signifies, [1] To iiriie, Jer.
18. I9. [2] To dit-
Mat. 26.4. e. that they might take Jesus and kill 119- 87. they had almost c. me upon the earth pule, Acts 11. 2. [3] To debate, or 'plead. Job
Je/m 12. 10. chief priests c. to put Lazarus to death 139. my
zeal hath c. me, because mine enemies 9. 3. 40. 2.
I [4] ToJIghl, Deut. 2. 9- [5] To
CONSULTER. Prov. 5. 11. when ihy fiesh and thy body are c, reprove sharply, tieh. 1^. II. [6] To endeavour
Detu. 18. 11. not found among you a c. with spirits 22.18. with the rod of his anger he shall be c. to convince a person of, and reclaim him from
CONSULTETH. Isa. 16.4. the oppressors are c. out of the land his evil may, Prov. 29. 9- 17] To punish,
it(.tcl4.31.f .whether he be able with 10,000 to meet 29.20. scorner is c. and all that watch for iniquity Amos 7. 4.
CONSUME 64. 7. thou hast c us, because of our iniquities Earnestly to contend for the faith, Judt 3. stre-
Signifies, [1] To teastt, destroy, and bring tovtter Jer. 5. 3. hast c. them, but they '"fused correction nuously to maintain and defend the apostolical
ruin and dtiolalion, Exod. 32. 10. [2] To spend, 6. 29. the lead is c.\\
12. 4. the beasts are c doctrine, by constancy in the faith, teal for she
or tquanitT away. Jam. 4. 3. [3] To vanish 20.18. that my days should be <. with shame truth, holiness of life, mutual eihorlation,
away. Job 7. 9- [4] To make, or eautt to pais 36. 23. till all the roll was c. in the fin- on hearth prayer, suffering for the gospel, i^c. withstanding
nuay, Psal. 78. 33. [5] To burn vp, Luke 0. 44. 18. we have been c. by sword and famine all such heretics as aould impugn and corrupt
34. [6] To melt away, Jer. 6. 29. [7] To Lam. 2. 22. those I swaddled hath mine enemy c. the doctrines revealed in the gospel.
crush, Esth.g. t 24. 3. 22. it is of the Lord's mercies we are not c. Dent. 2. 9. neither c. with Moabites in battle, 24.
Gen. 41. 30. and the famine shall c. the land Exek. 19. 12. her rods broken, fire c. them, 22. 31. Johg.3.iic.\it cannot answerhim one of a thousand
Eiod. 33. 3. lest I c. thee in the way, 5. 24. 1 1. on the coals, that the scum of it may be c. 13. 8. will ye accept his person, and t. for God >
Lev. 26. 16. the burning ague that shall c. the eyes 43. 8. wherefore I have c. them in mine anger Prov. 28. 4. such as keep the law c. with them
Veut. 5. 25. for this great fire will c. us Mai. 3. 6. therefore the sons of Jacob are not c. Eccl. 6.10. nor may he c. with him that is mightier
7. 16. thou shalt f .all people which Lord God shall Gal. 5. 15. lake heed ve be not c. one of another Isa. 49. 25. I will c. with them that c. with thee
28. .'IB. gather but little, for locust shall c. it, 42. Shall be CONSUMED. 50.8.he is near that justifieth, who will c. with me
32. 22. a fire kindled io mine anger ^all f .earth Num. 14. 35. in this wilderness shalt they be c. 57. 16. 1 will not c. for ever, nor wiH I be wroth
Josh. 24.20.will c. you after he hath done you good 17- 13. shall die, shall v/e be e. with dying? Jer. 12. 5. then how canst thou c. with horses?
1 6'aCT.2..33.themanof thine shall be to f. thine eyes 1 .Sam. 12. 25. ye shall be e. both you aJia your king 18. 19. hearken to voice of them thatr with me .

2 King! 1. 10. let fire e. thee and thy fifty, 12. Isa. 1. 28. they that forsake the Lord shall be e. Amosi 4. behold the Lord God called toe. by fire

Job 15. 34, fire shall c. the tabernacles of bribery 66.67. eating swine ',f flesh.f/io// be ^.together they Mic. 6. 1. hear ye, arise, c. thou before the aiount

20. 26. a fire not blown shall c. him that cat swine's flesh shall be c. JudeZ. should earnestly c. for faith deliv. to saints
24. 19. drought and heatc. the snow-waters Jer. 14. 15. by famine shall those prophets be c. CONTENDED.
Psal. 37. 20. shall e. into smoke shall they f.away 16 4. they shall be c. by the sword, 44. 12, 27. Neh. 13. 11. then c. I with the rulers and said, 17.
39' II- makest his beauty to c. away like a moth £K,t.5.12.with famine shall they be e. in the midst 25. I e. with them, and cursed them, and smote
49- 14. their beauty shall e. in the grave shall fall, ye shall bee. in the midst thereof Job 31. 13. if I despised my servants when they c.
78.33. therefore their days did he e. in vanity 34. 29. they shall be no more c. with hunger Isa. 41.12. thou shalt not find them thatc. with thee
Isa. 7. 20. and it shall also c. the beard 47. 12. leaf not fade, nor j/ia//the fruit thereof if c. Acts 11. 2. they of the circumcision c, with hio»
10. IB.and shall c. the glory of his forest and field Van. 11. 16. land which by his hand shall be c. CON TEND
27. 10. there shall the calf r . the branches CONSUMED with till, or until. Job 10. C. shew me wherefore thou e. with me
J«r.49. 27. fire shall c. the palaces of Ben-hadad Deut.^.15 to destroy, until they were e. Josh.5.6. CONTENDElll.
£tek. 4. 17. and c, away for their iniquity 28.21 .pestilence cleave to thee,«n<i7 he have c.thee Job 40. 2. shall he that c. with Almighty instruct
13. 13. and great hail-stones in my
fury to e. it Joj/(. 10.20. an end of slaying them <i7/they werec. t'rov. V9. 9. if a wise man c. with a foolish man
21. 28. the sword is drawn, it is furbished to e. 1 Sam. 15. 18. and fight. against them till they be c. CONTENDING.
22. 15. I will c. thy filthiness out of thee 2 Sam. 22. 38. I have pursued my enemies, and 1 JudeQ.e.viitli devil, he disputed about bodyof Moses
24.10. kindle the fire, <r.the flesh, and spice it well turned not again «Hti7 I had c.them,/Va/.18.37. CONTENT.
35. 12. they are desolate, they are given us to c. 1 Kings 22. 11. shalt push the Syrians until thou Gen.iT. 27. let ussellbirn, and his brethren werec. thall f.all these kingdoms and stand have e. them, 2 Kings i3. 17,19. 2 C/ir. 18.10. I'.nd. 2. 21. Moses was c. to dwell with tlie man
Ilos. 11.6. and tho sword shall c. his branches Etra 9- 14- be angry with us till thou hadst c. us Lev. 10. 20. when Moses heard that, he was c.
Zeph. 1. 2. I will c. all things from off the land Jer. 9. 16. and I will iend a sword after them iiU Jash aT .T \fo\i\i to G. we had been c. dwelt on othet

3.1 will and beast, I will c. fowls of heaven 1 have c. them, 24. 10. | 27. 8.
| 49. 37. Judr, 17. 11». Levite was c. to dwell with Micah
Zech. 5. 4. it shall remain in his house and e. it CONSUMETII, ING. 19- 6. be c. \ pray thee, and tarry all night
14. 12. their flesh, eyes, tongue shall e. away D«ir.4.24.thc I^rd thy G. is a c fire, Heb. 12. 29 2 Kings 5. 23. N aaiuan said, he.e. take two talents

8 3'/jejM.2.8.that wicked one,whom the Lord shallf. 9. 3. the Lord gocth over before thee as a c. fire 6. 3. one said, be c. and go with thy servants
Jam. 4. 3. ye ask that ye mav e. on your lusts Job 13. 28. he e. as a garment that is moth-eaten Job 6. 28. now therefore be e. look upon me
CONSUME 'them. 22. 20. but the remnant of them the fire c. /^;Kt.6.35.norwill he restc.tboughthougivest gifts
Eiod.ZI. 10. wrath wax hot, I may e.lhem, 12.
that 31. 12. for it is a fire that c. to destruction Mnrkl5.15. Pilate willingtof. people released Bar.
Num. 16. 21. that I may c. in a moment, 45.
ihem /ia.5.24.a5 fire the stubble, pjid as the Hame c. chaff /.hX* 3. 14. nor accuse falsely, bee. with yourwagcs
Deut. 7. 22. thou mayest not e them at once CONSUMMATION. Phil. 4. 11. I have learned in every state to bee.
1 Sam. 15.fl8. destroy Amalekites till thouc them Dan. 9. 27. shall make it desolate, evenuntii tne e. 1 Tim. 6. 8. having food and raiment, let us he c.
S Chron. 18. t 10. push Syria, till thou e. them CONSUMPTION. Heh. 13. 5. and be c. with such things as ye have
Neh. 9. 31. thou didst not utterly e. them Lev. 26. 16. I will appoint over you terror, c. 3 John. 10. and not c. wiili prating against us
£sth. 9.t 2t. llaman had cast the lot to e them Deut. 28.22. the Lord shall smite thee with ? c. CONTENllON. wrath, e. f/i.thatthey maynotbe Jud^. 20. t 40. the whole c. of the city ascended up Ccn. 26. t 20. he called the name of tftc wel'. c
Jer. 8. 13. I will surely c. them, saith the Lord Jsa. 19.22. thee, decreed shall overflow with rig'.it. Psnl. 55. i 8. harden not your hc.-irt, as in the c.
14. 12. but I will c. Ihem by the sword and famine 23. for the Lord God of hosts shall make a c. /'ror. 13. 10. only by pride coiiiotlir.butwisiJom with
Ezek. 20. 13.1 would pour fury on them to c. them 28.22. for I have heard from the L.G. of hosts a c. 17. 14. leive of? c. Ix-fore it be meddled witli
Luke 9. 54. fire to come and c. them, as Eliasdid CONTAIN. 18. 6. a fool's lipsenttT intor. and his mouthcalls
CONSUMED. 1 Kings 8. 27». behold the heaven and heaven of 22. 10. ca-st out the srorner, and c. shall go out
Geri.KJ- 15. lest thou be e. in the iniquity of the city heavens cannot c. thee, 2 Chron. 2. 6. C. 18 |
Ifa. 41. 1 12. thou sh.ilt not find the men of thy c.
17. I scape to the mountain, lest thou be e. Ezek. 45. 11. bath may e. tenth part of an homer Jer. 15.10. woe is me, thou hast honi me a man ofc
31.40. 'hus I was, in the day the drought c. me John 21. 25. the world could not c. the books written llab. 1. 3. and there are that raise up strife and c.
Eiod. 3. 2. behold the bush burned, and was not c. 1 Cor. 7. 9. but if they cannot e. let them marry
Acts 15. 39. the c. was so sh,-ir]i between them
15.7.sentest thy wrath, which «. them as stubble CONTAINED, ETH, ING y^i/. 1.1 6. the one preach Christ of c. not sincerely
22. d. if the corn or the field be e. therewith Etek. 23. 32. drink of thy sister's nip, it c much 1 r/;i-j/.£ fpeakthofo;p«l of God witli muchc.
Lev. 9. 24. and c. upon the altar the burnt-offerlDg John 1. 6. six water-pots c. C or 3 firkins a piece COVTF.NTION'S.
/V'um. 11. 1. c. them in uttermost parts of the ranr.p JJom. 2. 14. do by nafjre the things c. in ic.c Pi-or. l"? IS th"^ lot rniHo'h r. to rri\<i(>, and nartcth

12, 12. let her not be as one of whom llesh is halff £/)A.2.15.havini:'aholishpd the law c. in o;<!;tanccs II. ind th'>lr r. nro Ilk" t'l" hirs of .1 cnsflf!
'!> It. c of a wlfo.iro n fo'itlninl ilroppinor. 27. l.t
16. 26. depart lest ye be c. in all their sins 1 7^«(.2.6.wheref. it is c. in scripture, behold I lay
t!) with t\ woimn nfc. in a wide lioiiR"
Sfl. there came out fire and c. the 250 men CONTEMN,
ED, ETH. 3'.
2,1 29. who hath woo? who hath e.t hath babbliHg?
21. 26. a fire is gone out, it hath c. At of Mo&b Psal. 10. 13. wherefore do the wicked c. Ocd ?


\Cor. 1 IJ. I hear that there are e. among you Jer. 32. 14. that (he evidences may e. many days Dent. 21. 5. by their word snail every i. be triei
Sm. 3. 9. avoid c. and strivin;-s about the law Dan.\ 1 8. f more years than the king of the north 25. 1. if there bear. btCweenmen, and they conu
. .

COMEMIOL'S Mat. 15. 32. because theyr. Avith me three days 2 Sam. 15. i. when any man that had a c. came
Proo. 21. 19- t^aii with a c. and angry woman John 8.31 .if ye c .in my words, then are ye disciples 2 Chron. I9. 8 Jehoshaphat set the Levites fore, wood to fire, so is a to kindle stiift 15. 9. so have I loved you, c. ye i.i my love /ia. 34. 8. the year of recompences for the c. of Zim
27. 15. aconiiaual dropping and ac. woaian alike .lets 13.43. persuaded toe in the grace of God Jer. C5. 31. the Lord hath a c. with the nations
Horn. 2. 8. but to them that are c. and do not obey 14. 22. confirming and exhorting them tot. in faith Ezei. 44. 24. in c. they shall stand in judgment
I Cor. 11.16. but if any man seem to be c. no custom 20. 22. having obtained help of God, I c. unto day IJus. 4.1. ihe Lord hath a c. with inhabitants of land
CONIENIMENT. Rom 6. 1. shr-.ll wef. in sin that grace may abound 12. 2. the Lord hath also a c. with Judah
1 Tim. 6. 6. but godliness with e, is great gain 11. 22. towards ihee goodness, if thou goodness Mic. 6. 2. the Lord hath a e. with his people
COM IN UAL. ('•al. 2. 5. that the truth of gospel might c.with you 1 7'm.3.l6. without^, great is the mystery of godL
£tod. 29. 42. this shall be a c. burnt-offering Phil. 1. 2a. I know that 1 sha.l c. with you all CONVENIENT.
Nttm. 4. 7. and the c. bread shall be thereon Col. 1. 23. if ye c. in the faith, and be not moved Prov. 30. 8. feed me with food c. for me
t ('Aran. 2.4. 1 build an house for the r. shew-bread 4. 2. e. in prayer, and watch with thanksgiving Jer. 40. 4. itseenieth good and c. for thee to go, 5.
Pror. 15.15. that is of a merry heart hatha f. feast 1 Tim. 2. 15. if they c. in faith, charity, and holiness j'l/ar/6.21.and whenac. day was come Ilerodmade

Ita. 14. 6. he who smote the people with a r. stroke 4. 16, take heed to thy doctrine, c. in them /icM24.25.when I have a c. season will call lor thes
Jer. 48.5. for in the going up c. weeping shall go up 2 Tim. the things which thou hast learned Rom. 1. C8. to do those things which are not c.
52. 34. there was a e. diet given him, 2 &'inej25.30. //e'i.7.23.priests not suffered reason of death 1 Cor. 16. 12. will come when he shall have c. time
Etek. .11). 14. shall sever out nvn of c. empIoyme:it 13. 1. let brotherly love c. entertain strangers Eph. 5. 4. talking, nor jesting, which are not c.
Zjuie 18. 5. lest by her c. coming she weary me Jam. 4. 13. and c. there a year, and buy and se Philem.8. might be bold to enjoin that which is c.
Rom. 9. 2. that 1 have e. sorrow in my heart 2 Pet.3.i.s\nce the fathers.all things <. as theywere CONVENIENTLY.
See BURNT-OFFERINCS. 1 John 2. 24. ye shall c. in the Son and Father Mart. 14. 11. Judas sought how he might c. betray
CONTINUALLY. liev. 13.5. power was given him to c. 42 months CONVERSANT.
Gen. 6.5. e^ ery imagination of his heart was evil c. 17. 10. when he Cometh, he must c. a short space Josh. 8. 35. and strangers were c. among them
Liod. 28. 30. upon his heart before the Lord .:. CONTINUED. 1 Sam. 25. 15. as long as we were c. w ith them

29. 38. two lambs of the first year, day by day <-. Oen. 40. 4. he served them, and c. a season in ward CONVERSATION.
Lev. 24. 2. bring oil olive to cause lamps to burn <-. 1 Sam. 1. 12. as she c. praying before the Lord Psal. 37- 14. to slay such as be of upright c.
1 Sam. 18. 29. and Saul became David's enemy r. 2 Chron. 29- 28. e. till burnt-offering was finished SO. 23. tohimthatorderethhisf. aright shew salv.
2 Sam. 9. 7. thou shalt eat bread at my table c. Xe/t. 5. 16. yea, also I c. in the work of this wall 2 Cor. 1.12. in godly sincerity we have had ourc.
2 A'lnj* 25.29 Jehoiakim eat bread, c. Jer. 52. 33. Psal. 72.17. his name shall be c. as long as the sun Gal. 1. 13. ye have heard of my c. in time past
1 Chron. I6. 11. seek the Lord, seek his face c. Jer. 31. t 32. should I have c. an husband to them Eph.1.3. among whom we had our f. in times past
'i Chron. 12. 15. was between Jerob. and Rehob. c. Uan, 1. 21. Daniel c. to first year of king Cyrus 4. 22. that ye put off concerning the former c.
.36. 1 15. sent to them, rising up c. and sending them Mat. 20. + 12. these last have c. one hour only Phil. 1. 27. only let your c. be as becometh gospel
Jab 1. 5. sent and sanctified his sons, thus did Job c. Luie 6. 12. he c. all night in prayer to God 3. 20. for our c. is in heaven, whence we look
Psal.3i.l. his praise shall bee. in my mouth, 71-6. 22. 28. ye are they that c. with me in temptation 1 2"i> an example ofbelievers in purity
35. 27. say e.the Lord be magnified, 40. 16. 70. 4. I Acts 1. 14. these all c. with one accord in prayer Heb. 13. 5. let yourr. be without covetousness
38. 17. ready to halt and my sorrow is c.beiorenie 2. 42. they c. steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine 7. whose faith follow, considering end of their c
40.11. let thy loving-kindness and truth c. preserve 8. 13. Simon himself c. with Philip, and wondered Jam. 3. 13. let him shew out of a good c. his works
42. 3. while they c. say tome, where is thy God ? 12.16. but Peter ^.knocking, when they had opened 1 Pet. 1 15. so be ye holy in all manner of c.

44. 15. my confusion is c. beiore me, and shame CO. 7- Paul preached andc.his speech till midnight 18. not redeemed with corrup. things from vain c.
50.8. thy burnt-offeriDBs to have been c. before me Heb. 8. 9- because they c. not in my covenant 2. 12. having your r. honest among the Gentiles
54. 1. O mighty man, goodness of God endureth c. 1 John 2. 19- thev would no doubthave c. with us 3. 1. they also may be won by the c. of the wivei
71. 3. my habitation, whereunlo I may c. resort CONTINUETH.ING. 2. while they benold your chaste e. with fear
6. I have beenholden up, my
praise shall be e. Job 14. 2. he fleeth also as a shadow, and c. not 16. be ashamed that falsely accuse your good c.
14. I will hope c. and praise thee more and more Jer. 30. 23. a c. whirlwind, it shall fall on wicked 2 Ptt.2.T. Lot vexed with the filthy f. of wicked
73. 23. I am c. with thee, thou hast holden me Acts 2. 46. they c. daily with one accord in temple 3. 11. ought ye t» be, in all holy e. and godliness
74.23.the tumult of hose that rise up increaseth c.
I Kom. 12. 12. rejoicing in hope, c. instant in prayer CONVERSION
log. 15. let them be before the Lord c. to cut off Ga/. 3. 10. cursed that f .not in all things,in the law Is the turning, or total change of a sinner from
119.44. so shall I keep thy law f. forever and ever 1 Tim. 5. 5. she that is a widow c. in supplications his sins to God, Psal. 51. 13. And sinners
log. mysoul isc. in my
hand, yet do I not forget Heh. 7.24.butthisman,becausehe<:.ever,haih an shall be converted unto thee. Cod is the Author
117. and I will have respect to thy statutes c. 13. 14. for here we have no c. city, but we seek of this change, who by his Spirit yuts repentance,
140. 2. c. are they gathered together for war Jam. 1.25. looketh into the perfect law, and c. in it faith, love, and every graoe, into the soul, Jer.
P/'or.6.14.hedeviseth mischiefc.he soweth discord CONTRADICTING. 31, 18, Turn thou me. John 6. 44, No man
21. bind them c. on thy heart, and tie them Acts 13. 45. filled with envy, c. and blaspheming can come unto me except the Father draw
Iia.Ql.8.1 stand f .upon thewatch-tower in day-time CONTRADICTION. him. The word of God is a means, or instru-
49. 16. I have graven thee, walls are c. before me [hi. 7.7. without c. the less is blessed of the better ment of conversion. Psal. I9. 7, The law of
51. 13. and hast feared c. every day, because of f. 12.3. consider him that endured such c. of sinners the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Mi-
52. 5. my name c. every day ii blasphemed CONTRARY. nisters, by the preaching of the gospel, are alia
58. 11. and the Lord shall guide thee c. and satisfy Lev. 26. 21. and if ye walk c. to C3e, 23, 27, 40. instrumental in this change. 1 Cor. 4. 15, In
60. 11. therefore thy gates shall be open c. 24. then will I also walk c. to you, 28.41. Christ Jesus I have begotten you through tha
65. 3. a people that provoketh me to anger c. Esih 9.1 .though itwas turned to the c. Jews had rule gospel. And parlieular Christians, ty private
Jer. 6. 7. before me c. is grief and wounds Ezei. 16. 34. thee, isinthee, therefore thou art c admonitions and exhortations, are sometimes a
I'.tel. 46. 14. a meat-oflfering f. to the Lord Mat. 14.24. the ship wjis tossed, for the wind wasc means of this change. Jam. 5. 19, 20. Hege-
Dan. 6 16. thy God whom thou servest c. 20. Acts 17. 7. these all do c. to the decrees of Caesar neration is the infusion of grace into the soul
Jfos. 4. 18. they have committeii whoredom c. 18.13. persuaded men to worship God c .to the law conversion is the exercise of grace. Draw me, I
12. 6. keep mercy, and wait on thy God c. 23. 3. conimandest me to be smitten the law will run, Cant. 1. 4. Converts are ntui crea-
Vta/t 16. so shall all the heathen drink c. CO. 9- to do many things c. to the name of Jesus tures, 2 Cor. 5. 17.; being J'ormed in the imagj
.yah. 3. 19. for hath not thy wickedness passed c. ? i?nni.l 1.24. grafted c. to nature into a good olive-tree of Christ, Rom. 8. 29. and made holy in part
//ui.l.n.shaF. they not sparer, to slay the nations- 16. 17. c. to the doctrine which ye have learned here, and shall have a perfection of if after
Zech.8. 1 21 let us go c. and pray before the Lord
. Gal. 5. 17. and these are c. the one to the other death, 1 John 3. 2. Rev. 21. 27.
Lute 24. 53. were c. in the temple, praising God Col. 2. 14. the haaid-writing which was c. to us .i4f»15. 3. declaring the c. of the Gentiles caused joy
.lets 6. 4. we will give ourselves c. to prayer 1 'Ihess. 2. 15. please not God, and are c. to all men CONVERT, ED.
10.7. a soldier of them that waited on Cornelius c. 1 Tim. 1.10. ifany thing that is <:. to sound doctrine Psal. 51. 13. and sinners shall be c. unto thee
}{uw%. 13. 6. attending e. upon this very thing Til. 2. 8. that he of the c. part may be ashamed /ja.6.10.1est they understand, and c. and be healed
}lei. 7. 3. like the Son of God. abideth a priest e. . CONTRARIWISE. 60. 5. the abundance of the sea shall be c. to thee
10. 1. with those sacrifices ofl'ered year by yearf. 2 Cor. 2. 7. c. ye ought rather to forgive him Mat.lS.lS.he c. and I should heal them,A/or/(4.12.
13. 15. by him let us offer the sacrifice of yraise c. Ga/.2.7.f.when they saw the gospel was committed 18. 3. except ye be c. and become as children
CONTINUANCE. 1 Pel. 3. 9- n"t rendering railing, but c. blessing Luke 22. 32. when <:. strengthen thy brethren
Deut. 28. 59. even great plagues and of long c. CONTRIBUJION. J<)/i»12.40. bee. and I heal them, Acts 28. 27.
Ps. 139. 16. my members w hich in c. were fashion. Rom. 15.26. to make c.forthepoor saints at Jems. Acts 3. 19. repent ye therefore, and be c. that sin\
Ifa. 64. 5. in those is c. and we shall be saved CONTRITE. Jam. 5. 19. do err from the truth, and one c. hin\
Eiek. 39. f 14. they shall sever out men of c. T/iey are of a contrite spirit, nhose hearts are CONVERTETH, ING.
Dan. 1. + 10. faces worse liking than children of r truly and deeply humbled under a sense of their Pifl/.19.7.lhelawof the Lord is perfect, c. the soul
li^>m. 2.7. by patient c. m well doing seek for glory sin and guilt, and God's displeasure following Jam. 5. 20.that he who c. a sinner from the error
CONTINUE. upon it ; uhose proud and self-willed hearts are CONVERTS.
Ezod. 21. 21 . if he c. a day or two, not be punished subdued, and madt obedient to God's uill, and Isa. 1. 27. herr shall be redeemed with righteone.

Xrfr. 12. 4. c. in the blood of her purifying, 5. submissive to his providence, being uilling to CONVEY, ED.
1 Sam. 12. 14. c. following the Lord your God accept of reconciliatitm uith God upon any terms, 1 Kings 5. 9- and [ will c. them by sea in float*
13. 14. but now thy kingdom shall not c. I'sal. 34. 18. I
51. 17. Isa. 66. 2. 'Jhis is A'<A. 2. 7- that they may c. me over till I coma
£ Sam. 7. 29. that it may c. for ever before thee opposed to the stony heart, thai is insensible of John 5. 13. for Jesus had c. himself away
1 Ktn^s 2 4. the Lord may c. his word that he spake the burden of sm, stubborn and rebellious against CONVICTED.
Job 15. 29. not be rich, nor shall his substance e. God, impenitent and incorrigible. John 8.9.being c. by their own conscience went out
17. 2. doth not mine eye c. in their provocation .'
Psal. 34. 18. he saveth such as be of a c. spirit CONVINCE, ED, ETH.
Psal. 36. 10. O c. thy loving-kindness unto them 51. 17. a c. heart, O God, thou wilt not despise Job 32. 12. there is none of you that c. Job
49. 11. thought that their houses shall c. for ever Ita. 57. 15. with him also that is of ar. and humble John 8. 46. which of yon c. me of sin ?
72. t 17. shall be as a son to <. his father's name spirit, to revive the heart of the c. ones 16. + P when he is come he will c. the worlo of sin
:02 28. the children of thy servants shall c. 66.2. that isof a c. spirit and trembleth at my word .4cis lb. 28. for he mightily c. the Jews, shewing
119 91. they e. aocording'to thine ordinances CONTROVERSY 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is c. of all, he is judged of aU
Ua. S. 11. that c. till night, till wine inflame them Dcui. 17. 8. being matters of c. within thy gates Tit. 1. 9- that he may be able to e. gainsayera
66. * S2 and mine elect shall make them c. looe 19. 17, menbetvreeuwboiDthec 13 shall siaod Jam. i. 9. and are c.of the law u transgressors
. . .
. . .


Jodt 16. to c. all that are ur.frodH among them Psal. 2. J. let us cast away their e. from us 2 CAr(7n. 28.24. he made altars in every <. of Jerui.
CONVOCATION, S. 1 18. 27. bind the sacr. with c. to horns of altar Prov. 7. 8. passing through the street near here
Emd. 12. 16. in the first day there shall be an holv 129. 4. he hath cut asunder the r. of the wicked 12. she is without, and lieth in wait at every*;
c. Lev. 23,7, 24, 35. N»m. 28. 18. 29. l".
140. 5. the proud have hid a snare and c. for me 21.9. better to dweH inf. of the house-top, 25.24
Let. 23. 2. ye shall proclaim to be holy r .4.21. 37. Prov.b.11. he shall beholden with the c. of his sins /ja..30.20. yet thy teachers not be removed into a c
3. in the seventh Jay asan holy e. 8. A'lun. 28.25. Isi. 5. 18. woe to them that draw iniquity with c. Jer. 48. 45. a flame shall devour the f of .Moal> .

27. tenth day 7th month an holy f. Num.SQ.T. 32. 20. nor shall any of the c. thereof be broken 51 . 26. they shall not take of thee a stone for a e
36. on the eighth day shall be an holy e. to yoii Jer. 10. 20. tabernacle is spoiled, all my c. broken Etek. 46. 21 . in every e. of court there was a court
7V«m.28.26.the day of first-fruits shall have holyr. 38. t). and they let down Jeremiah with e. Amos 3.12. that dwell in Samaria in the f. of a bed
29.12.OD fifteenth day of seventh month anholy c. 13. so they drew up Jeremiah with c. took him Zech. 10 4. out of him came forth the f and nail .

CONEY. lES. Eiek. 27. 24. in chests of rich apparel bound with c, .'l/o<.21 .42. the stone the builders rejected, the sam<
Cev. 11.5. and the c. because he cheweth end, but IJos. 11.4. 1 drew them with thee, ofa man is become the head of the f Psal. 118. 22. .

divideth not hoof, is unclean to you, Jo/in 2. 15. when he had made a scourge of small e. Mark 12.10. £«if 20.17. ^c»4.11. 1 P«.2.7
Pial. 104. 18. the rocks are a refuge for the e. CORIANDER. .ids 26. 26. for t^is thing was not done in a f
Prov. 30. C6. c. are but a feeble folk, make houses Etod. 16. 31. manna wzis like c. seed, Num. 11. 7. CORNEK-GATE.
COOK, S. CORMORANT. 2 A'm5.fl4. 13. from gate 0I Ephraim to the f.-{oi»
Ofn.40.+ 17. uppermost basket was work of a e.
in Lev. 11. 7. ye shall have in abomination the little 2 Chron. 26. 9- built towers at Jerusalem at c.-gall
1 Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to be c. owl, and the e. and the great owl, Deut. 14. 17. Jer. 31 .38. city shall be built from tower to gate ofc.
9. 23. Samuel said to c. bring portion I gave thee Isa. 34. 11. but the c. shall possess it, Zeph. 2. 14. land shall be inhabited to the f.-ga/«
m. c. took up the shoulder and set it before Saul CORN. CORNER-STONE.
Substantive Gen. 41 57. all countries came to Joseph to buy <•.
. Jo* 38. &or who laid the e.-stotie thereof
Gen. 3.8. walking iu thegarden in the c. of the dav 42.2. Jacob heard there was c. in Egypt, Wr// 7. 12. Psal. ITS. 22 is become the head-stone of the c
COOL, Adjective. 19. go ye, carry c. for the famine of your 144. 12. that our daughters may he as c.-stontt
Prop.l7.t 27.a man of understanding is ofac.spirit Ejod. 22. 6. so that the stacks of c. be consumed. Isa. 28. 16. in Zion a precious c.-slone, 1 Pet. a 6.
COOL, Veri. Lev.2.16. priest shall bum part of beaten c. thereof Eph. 2. 20. Christ himself being the chief f.-f/one
LKke 16. 24. dip tip of the finger and c. my tongue 23. 14. ye shall eat neither bread nor parched c. CORNERS.
COPIED. Num. 18. 27. as tho' it were the c. of threshing-tloor Ejiod. 25. 12. put rings in four f of ark, two on on«

Prcv. 25. 1. men of Hezekiah king of Judah e. out Deul. 16. 9. as thou beginnest to put the sickle toe. side, and two on the other, 26. 27.4. 37. 13. |
COPING. 25. 4. thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he trcad- 27. 2. make the horns upon the four f . 38. 2.
I Kingt 7.9. costly stones from the foundation to c. eth out the c. 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. I.ev. 19.9. shalt not reap the f of your field, 23. 82.

COPPER. Josh. 5. ll.theydideat of the old c. of the land, 12. 27. ye shall not round f of your heads nor beard

Eira 8. 57. two vessels of fine e. precious as gold Aw/12. 14. he reached her parched e. and she did eat Num. 24. 17. a sceptre shall smite the e. of Moab
copper-smith. 3. 7- Boaz went to lie down atendof the heap off. Deut. 32. 26. I said, I will scatter them into c.
S 2'im. t. 14. Alexander the c.s. did me much evil I&m.l7.17.take for breth. an ephah of parched c. 1 .Sam. 14. 1 38. draw near, ye f of the people

COPJJLATION. 25. 18. Abigail took five measures of parched c. Neh. 9. 22. moreover thou diJst divide them into c
Lev. 15. 16. if any man's seed of c. go out 2 Sam. 17.28. they brought parched e. and beans Job 1. 19. agreat wind smote the four f. of the house
17. skin whereon is seed of c. shall be washed 2 h'ings 19. 26. they were as blasted f Isa. 37. 27. . /ja. 11. 12. gather dispe re sd of Judah from four f.
18. with whom man shall lie with seed of c, A'f/i. 5. 2. we take up c. for them, that we may eat Jer. 9-25, 26. I will punish circumcised with uncir-
COPY. Job 5. 26. as a shock of f cometh in his season. cumcised, all that are inutterm.f 25.23. 49.32. |

Deul. 17. 18. write him a c. of this law in a book 24. 6. they reap every one his f . in the field Etek. 7. 2. the end is come upon four c. of the land
yMA.8.32.he wrote on stones a.c. of law of Moses 39. 4. their young ones they grow up with e. 45. 19. put blood upon the four c. of settle of altzu-
Ezra 4. H. this is c. of a letter sent to him, 5, 6. Psal. 65. 9. prepares! them e. when thou provides! Zeph. 3.46. their f. are desolate, th« streets waste
23.f .ofArtaxerxes' letter was read beforeRehum 13. the valleys also are covered over with f. Zech. 9.tl5. shall be filled as the c. of the iltars
?. 11. this isf. of the letter Artaxerxesgave Ezra 72. 16. there shall be a handful of e. in the earth Mat. 6. 5. they love to pray in the f. of the streets
i!j7/i.3.14.«.of awriting for acommandment, 8. 13. "8. 24. and had given them of the f. of heaven Acts 10. 11. a great sheet knit at four f 11.5. .

4. 8. Mordecai gave Ilatach a c. of the writing Prov. 11. 26. that wilhholdethf people shall curse . Rev.T.l. four angels standing on four f .of the earth
COR. Isa. 17. 5. when the harvest-man gathereth the f CORN ET.
C«>t.45.14.offer a tenth part of a bath out of the c. 62. 8. I will no more give thyf. to thine enemies Ejod. 19.tl3. when the f. soundeth long, come up
CORAL. Ezei. 36. 29. 1 will call for the f and will increase . 1 Chron. 15. 28. brought up the ark with sound ol e.

Jib 28. 18. no mention shall be made off. or pearls y/ii.f. 2.9. I willtakeawayniyc. in the time thereof 6. with sound of the c. make a joyful noise
L'»«i.27. 16. Syria was thy merchant in c. and agate 10. 11. Ephraim loveth to tread out the f. 150. t3. praise him with the sound of thet.
CORBAN. 14.7.they shallre-ive asthef.andgxowasthe vine Dan. 3. 5. at what time ye hear the sound of c. 15.
i/o;* isc. that is to say, a gift, shall be free Joel 1 . 10. for the c. is wasted, new wine is dried up lO.made decree, every man shall hear sound off.
CORD. 1. 17. barns are broken down, fort, is withered //o/. 5. S.blow ye thee, in Gibeah, and the trumpet
The cords of the wick^l, are the snares with /lmos8.5. the new moon be gone that we may sell f. 'blow ye the f. in Zion, and sound alann
uhich they catch weak and unwary people, Psal. 9. 9. I vill sift Israel like as c. is sifted la a sieve CORNETS.
120. 4. The cords of sin, Prov. 5. 22. are the Hark 4. 28. after that the full c. in the ear 2 Sam. 6. 5. David played before the Lord on e.
conseftUTues of crimes and bad habits. Sin jiever John 12. 24. except a c. of wheat fall into ground 2 Chron. 15. 14. sware to the Lord shouting wicn e.
goes unfurnished ; and the bad habits which are Ears o/CORN. S. CORPSE,
contracted, are as it a^re indissoluble bands from Gen. 41. 5. seven ears of c. came np upon one stalk 2/i'i»;il9.35.behold theywere all dead c. /jo. 37. 36.
lahich it is almost impossible to get free. Let us /,fr.2.14. shalt offer green fart o/'c. dried by the fire Nah. 3. 3. there is no ei)d off. they stumble on c.
cast away their cords from us, Psal. 2. 3. IluthZ. 2. let me go and glean earfo/'f. after him Mark 6.29. disciples look John's f and laid iu tomb .

JLel lis cast off their government, and free our- 2 hings4. 42. brought full ears ofc. in husks thereof CORPULENT.
selves from subjection to their laws, which like yuA 24.24. they are cut off as the topsof thefarjo/'f. Jer. SO.tll. because ye are grown f. as a heifer
fetters restrain usfrtm mir purposes. To draw Afar. 12.1. to pluck farj-e/"f. iWar*2.23. Luked.l. CORRECT.
iniquity with cords of vanity, Jsa. 5. 18. that CORN-FIELDS. Psal. 39. 1 1 when thou dost f man for iniquity. .

is, to spare no cost nor pains in the jntr- Mark 2. 23. came that he went through
to pass, 94. 10. he that chastiseth heathen, shall not he e f .

suit of sm. These cords of vanity may sig- c.-fieldson the sabbath-day. Mat. 12.1. LukeG.l. Prov. 29. 17. e. thy son, and he shall give thee rest
nij'y worldly vanities and pleasures, profit or CORN-FLOOR. Jer. 2. 19. thine own wickedness shall f. thee
preferment , by which, as by cords, the devtl vilh- Isa. 21. 10. O O
my threshing, and the e. of my floor 10.24. L. f. me, but with judgment, not in anger
draws perrons from God and his laws, and the Hos. 9.1. thou hast loved a reward on every c. -floor 30. 11. but I will f. thee in meMure, 46. 28.
t:ay to heaven, and leads them down to the bot- Standing-CORti CORRECTED, ETH.
tomless pit: Ut, those vain and deceitj'ul argw- Kiod. 22. 6. so that the standing-c. be consumed Job 5. 17. behold, happy is the man whom God c.
m^nts and pretences, whereby sinners generally Deut. 23.25. come intofronrfing-f .of thy neighbour Prov. 3. 12. for whom the Lord loveth, he f
draw themselves to sin, as hope of i?npu7iitu and Judg.15.5. let foxes go into f/anrfing-f.bumupjr.-f. 29. 19. a servant will not be f . by words
the like. I drew them with the cords of a m.-in, CORNand wine. /if* 12. 9. we have h.\d fathers of our flesh which f.
}los. 11. 4. / used all fair and gentle means, Gen. 27. 28. God give thee plenty of f and wine .
such as are fitted to man^s temper, as he is a rea- 37. with f and wine have I sustained him
. Job 37. 13. rain to come, whether for e. or mercy
sonable creature, to allure them to obedience : I Deut. 7. 13. he will also bless thy f. and wine son.despisenot nor be weary of his e.
found them backward and unapt to lead, J there- 11.14. that mayest gather in thy f and w. and oil . 7. 22. he goe:h as a fool to the c. of the stocks
fare in my pity laid my hand on them, and as a 12. 17. mayest not eat tithe of thyf. andw. 14. 23. 15. 10. f. is grievous tobim that forsaketh the way
father or fr tend drew them gently to me. 7o 16. 13. after thoa hast gathered in thy e. and wine t 32. he that refuseth e. despiscth
his own soul
stretch a line or cord about a city, Lam. 2. 8. 18. 4. give him first-fruit of thy c. andw. and oil 22. 15. but the rod ofc. shall drive it from him
signifies, to ruin, to destroy it utterly, to leiet it 28. 51 which shall not leave thee f and w. or oil
. 23. 13. withhold
not e. from the child
with the ground. The cords eilended in selling 33. 28. Jacob shall be upon a land of f and uiru Jer. 2. 30. your children they received no f.

up tents, ilo likewisefurnish several metaphors, de- 2 h'ings 18. 32. to a land of f and wine, Isa. 36. 17
. 5. 3. but they have refused to receive c.
noting either the stability or ruin of a place or 2 Chron. 31. 5. Isr. brought first-fruits of f. andw. 7. 28. this is a nation that receiveih not f.
people, according as they are said to be eslended 32. 28. store-housej for increase of f wtne, and oil Hos. 5.t2. though I have been a f of them all

or loose, Isa. 33. 20. Jer. 10. 20. A'eA. 5. 11. restore the lOOthpanof f wine, and oil Wfli. 1.12.0 God, thou hast established them fort.

./ojA.2.15.Rahablet spiesdownby ac.thro' window 10. 39. bring offering off. of new wine, 13. 5, 12. Zeph. 3. 2. she obeyed not, she received not c.
Jut 30. 11. he hath loosed my c. and affli( ted me i'sal. 4. 7. than in time their c andicine increased 2 Tim. 3. 16. the scripture is profitable for c.
41.1. canst draw out leviathan's tongue with a r. /- /.am.2.l2.say totheirmothtls,Jirhereisf.flnrfitinr' CORRUPT
Ecci. 4. 12. a threefold e. is not quickly broken U0S.2. 8. she knew not that 1 ({aveheTf a. aivdoil Signifies, [1] To consume. Mat. 6. 19. [2J T* Af-

12. 6. or ever the silvers. be loosed, or golden bowl 22. the eartk shall hear the ,;. and u. and the oil file, tr f)ollute, Exod. 32. 7. [3] 'ie mar, spoil,
J a. 54. S. spare not, lengthen c. strengthen stakes 7. 14. they asv>inble themselves for f. and ttine or infect, 1 Cor. 15. ."U. [4] To entice, or at.
Uic. S. 5. a c. by lot in congregation of the Lord Ji>el2. 19. behold, I will send you f and a. and oil lure,
2 Cor. 11. 3. [5] To break, or make void,
CORDS. Hag. 1.11. 1 called for drought onf. and afu wine Mai. S. 8. [6] To cause to diisemble, Dan.
EjMf. 55. 18. the pins of the court and their e. Ztch. g. 17. c. make men cheerful, and u. the maids ll.t 32. [7] yicious and unsotind, wholly biassed
•Tuiig. lA. 13. they bound San»<>n with new c. CORNER. by carnal interest and corrupt affections, 1 TsA.
Jib 36. 6. if the; be bolder in c. of atfliction Ln. SI i, llwU th«T off the «, of tkeir beard €. i. i Tim. 3. 8. fUl Vilihi andumavauTp
w B
COirupt commooication, Eph. 4. SQ. ; l/ial is, Acts 13.37 .but he whom O. raised again sawno e. them, and make them imderiland the duties, tntd
ruth tommunicalion as yrocteda from eorruplion 7<o>n.8.21. shall he delivered from the bondage of c. bestow on them the blessings of the covenant.
intilt speaker, and tends to infect and corntpt the 1 Cor. 15. 42. it is sown in c. raised in incorruption (4) lor the lawi or conditions required of men if
minds and manners of the hearers. [9] Deceitful, 50. neither doth e. inherit incorruption the covenant ; or the precepts of God, which art
Dan. S. 9. Ga/.6.8.that soweth to the flesh.shall of flesh reap e. the testimonies or witnesses of God's will and of
Corruption sometimes signifies rottenness or pvtre- 2 Pet. 1.4. escaped the c. that is in world thro' lust man's duty, Psal. 25. 10. (5) i'i'r the decalogue,
faction, siich at our bodies are subject to in the 2. la. and shall utterly perish in their own c. or ten commandments, which contain the article*
{rave, Psal. I6. 10, Thou wilt not suffer 19. they themselves are the servants oft. of the covenant, Deut. 4. 13. (6) For the law,
Uiine holy One to see corruption; 1 Cor. 15. 42. CORRUPTLY. religion, and people of the Jews, tvho were ii».
It is sown in corruption : Like seed it is laid 2 Chron. 27. 2. and the people did yet e. covenant with God, Dan. 11. 28. (7) lor the
in the earth, subject to roitennest. It likewise Neh. 1.7. we have dealt very c. against thee vow, promise, or engagement, whereby a man and
signifies the infectious and poisonous nature of COST. woman mutually bind themselves to each ot'.er iu
sin, which spiritually wastes the soul, being con- 2 Sam. 19-42. have we eaten at all of the king's <r. .' marriage; and this is called the covenant o{
trary to that integrity and soundness in ahich 24. 24. nor offer to G. of that which r. me nothing God, Prov, 2. 17. because God is the institutor
tee were created, l"ph. 4. 22, Put off the old 1 Chr. 21. 24. nor offer burnt-offerings without e. of thai society and mutual obligation ; and be
man which is corrupt ; that is, labour to mor- Luke 14. 28. sitteth not down first, and counteth e. caiue God is called to be the witness and judge
tify and subdue that corruption of nature which COSTLINESS. of that solemn promise and covenant, and the
has infected the whole man, both soul and Kev. IB. 19. all that had ships made rich by her c. avenger of the transgression of it.
body, and which daily grows worse and more COSTLY. Gfj«. 9. 12. this is the token of thee. 13,17. | 17.1J.
'^ corrupt by the fulfilling of its lusts. The 1 Kings 5. 17. they brought c. stones, hewed stones 17. 4. as for me, behold, my c. is with thee

aposile Peter, speaking of seducers, says, that 7. 9- all these were of c. stones by the measures 13.myf . shall be in your flesh for an everlastings,
they are the servants of corruption, S Pet. Sly. 10. foundation was of c. stones, even great stones 14. that soul be cut off. he hath broken my c.
'Jhey are slaves to their lusts, and under the 11. and above were c. stones and cedtirs Eiod. 31. 16. keep the sabbath for aperpetujil e.
power and dominion of sin. The mount of John 12.3. Mary took a pound of spikenard, very c. 34. 28. he wrote upon the tables the words of the c,
Olives is called the mouut of corruption, 2 Kings 1 'iVm.2.9.that women adorn thems. not with c. array Lev.26. 15. ye donotmy comm. but ye break my r.
£S. 13. because Solomon built thereon temples COTES. Num. 25. IS. behold, I g^ve to him my c. of peace
to the gods of the Ammonites and of the Moab- C Chron. 32. 28. Ilezekiah made e. for flocks 13. even the c. of aa (werlasting priesthood
ites, to gratify his wives who were natives of COTTAGE, S. Deut, 4. 13. and he declared unto you his c.
these nations. Jsa. 1.8. daugh. of Zionis left as a c. in a vineyard 23. lest ye forget the c. of the Lord your God
Cen. fi. n. the earth also was e. before God, 12. 24. 20. the earth shall be removed like a c. 31. Lord will not forget the c of thy lathers
Judg.2. 1 19' when the judge was dead they were c. Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be c. for shepherds 9. 9- when I was gone to receive the tables of the e.
Job 17. 1. my breath is c, my ds.ys are extinct COUCH, ES. 11. the Lord gave me the tables of the c,
J's. 14.1. they are c. none doth good, 53. 1. 73. 8. Gen. 49. 4. Reuben defiled it and went up to myc. 15. the two tables of the c. were in my two hands

38. 5. my wounds stink and tse e. because of folly Job 7. 13. I say, my c. shall ease my complaint 29. 1. these are the words of the c, which L. comm.
Prov. 25. 26. as a troubled fountain and c. spring Psal. 6. 6. all night I water my c. with my tears 12. thou shouldest enter into c. with the Lord
£Ki.20.44.not according to your «.doings,0 Israel Amos 3. 12. Israalbe taken out in Damascus in a c. 21 .according to all the curses of the c. in this book
23. 11. she was more her inordinate lore than 6. 4. that stretch themselves upon their c. 25. because ye have fors<tken the r. of the Lord
Dan. S. 9- ye have prepared lying and c. words Luke 5. 19. let him down through tiling with his c. 31. 20. they will provoke me, and break my c.
JUal. 1. 14. cursed that sacrificeth to Ld. a e. thing 24. arise, take up thy c. and go to thy house Judg. 2.1.1 said 1 will never break my c. with you
Mat. 7. 17. a c. tree bringeth forth evil fruit Acts 5, 15. they laid sick folk on beds and c. l.!^<Im.eo. S.hastbroujht thy servant into r. of Lord
18. nor can a c. tree bring good fruit, Luke 6. 43. COUCH. 1 fiings 19. 10. for Israel have forsaken thy c. 14.

IS. 33. or else msike the tree c. and his fruit c. Job 38.40. when they c. in dens, and abide is covert 20.34.Abab said, I will send thee avay with thise.
£ph. 4. 22. put oiT the old man which is e. COUCHED. 2: Kings 13. 23. because of his c, with Abrzdiam
SQ.Iet noc.communication proceed out of month Gen. 49. 9- Judah c. as a lion, and as an old lion 23. 3. to perform words of the c. written in book
1 Tim. 6. 5. perverse disputings of men of c. minds Num. 24. 9- hec. he lay down as a lion, as great lion and all the people stood to the c. 2 Chron. 34. 31.
S Tim. 3. 8. these resist the truth, men of c. minds COUCHETH. 1 Chron. 16. 15. be ye mindful always of his c.

CORRUPT. Deut. 33. 13. fordow, and for deep that c. beneath 2 CAy(j)i.l5.l2.they entered into e. with the Ld, God
Deut.4. 16. take heed lest ye e. yourselves, 25. COUCHING. Neh. 13. 29. they have defiled the c. of priesthood
31. 29. after my death ye will c. yourselves Gen. 49. 14. Issacharc. down between two burdens Psal, 25.14. that fear him, he will shew them hisc.
Van.ll.f 17. give him the daughter of women toe. £ze*.25.5.will make Ammonites a c. place for flocks 44. 17. neither have we dealt falsely in thy e.
32. such as do wickedly shall he c. by flatteries COVENANT 50. 16. that thou shonldest tak e my c. in thy mouth
Mai. 2. 3. behold 1 will c. your seed, spread dung Is a mutual agreement between tao or more par- 55. 20. he put forth his hands, he hath broken c.
Mat. 6. 19. on earth, where moth and rust doth c. lies. Gen. 21. 32. A
There is [1] covenant of 74.20.have respect to thee, tor dark pleices of earth
20.treasures, where neither moth nor rust dothc. norks, the terms "hereof tirf. Do and live ; si)i 78. 37. heart not right, nor were they stedfast in c.
1 Cor. 15.33. evil communications f. good manners and die. Gen. 2. 17. Isa. 1. ig, 20. which cove- 89- 28. mercylteep and c. shall stand fast with him
S Cor. 2. 17. we are not as many that c. the word nant was broken by our first parents sinning e. will I not break,nor alter tte thing gone
Jude 10. in those things they c. themselves against God, in eating the forbidden fruit, and 39. thou hast made void the c. of thy servant
Jiev. 11. 1 18. shonldest destroy them that c. earth the covenant being made with Adam as a public 111. 5. he will ever be mindful of his c.
19. 2.great whore did c. earth with her fornications person, not only for himself but forthis posterity, 9. commanded his c. for ever, holy is his name
CORRUPTED, ETH. all mankind, descending from him by ordinary Prov. 2. 17. and forgetteth the c. of her God
Grn. 6.12. for all flesh hade. his way upon the earth' generation, sinned in him, and fell with him lu ha. 28. 18. your e. with death shall be disannulled
Esod. 8. 24. the land was c. by reason of the flies their first transgression, Rom. 5. 12, CO. 33. 8. he hath broken the c, he hath despised cities
32. 7. Lord said to Moses, get thee down, for thy [2] The covenant of redemption, and salvation 42. 6. and give thee for a c. of the people, 49. 8.
people have c. themselves, Vtut. 9. 12. 32. 5.|
by grace, entered into by the sacred Three, in 54. 10. nor shall the r . of my peace be removed
Judg. 2. 19. c. themselves more than their fathers behalf of elect sinners, an whom grace, and glory 56. 4. the eunuchs that take hold of my c. 6.
Etek. 16. 47- thou wast e. more than they in ways were settled for ever, in Christ, their cevtnant- 59. 21. as for me, this Is my c. with them
28. 17- thou hast e. thy wisdom by thy brightness head, Psal. 89. 3, 28. Eph. 1. 3, 4. 2 lini. Jer. 11. 2. hear ye the words of this c. 6.
i/w.9.9. have deeply c. thems.asin days of Gibeah 1. 9. This covenant is, (1) The fruit of the 3. cursed be the man that obeyeth not words of c.
Amosl. f 11. pursued broth, and r.his compassions sovereign love and good will of Cod, John 3. iC. 14. 21. remember, break not thy c. with us
Zeph. 3. 7. they rose early and call their doings Col. 1. 19. (2) aure, Isa. 65. S. (3) It U 22. 9. because they have forsaken the c. of the Ld.,
Mal.i.e. ye have c. the covenant of Levi saith Ld. everlasting, Isa. 6I. 8. (4) Absolute, Jer. 32. 31. 32. which my e. they brake, saith the Lord
Luke 12. 33. where no thief approacheth,nor moth c. 38, 40. (5) A covenant piled with all spiritual 3S. 20. if you can break my c. of day ana c. of night
S Cor.7.2.we have wronged no man, have c. no man biasings to true believers in Christ, Eph. 1. 5. 21 . tnen may c, be broken with David my servant
11. 3. lest your minds be c.from simplicityinChrist (C) Called new, Ileb. 8. 6, 8. not in respect oj 25. if my c. be not with day and night
Jam. 5. 1,2. go to ye rich men, your riches are c. its date, it being made from everlasting, but ih 34. 10. the people whicJi had entered into c. heard
CORRUPTERS. the manner of its dispensation ayid manifesta- 18. who have not performed the words of this c.
Jsa. 1. 4. ah sinful nation, children that are e. tion: Not that it dij/ered in substance from the 50. 5. let us join to the Lord in a perpetual c.
Jet. 6. 28. they are brass and iron, they are all c. oM, for therein Christ -.-as promited, his death, Kzek. 16. 8. I sware and entered into a c. with thee
CORRUPTIBLE, and sufferings shadowed forth by the legal sacri- 59. hast despised oath in breaking the e. 17. 18.
if om. 1.23. changed to an image made like to c .man fices ; and iiuh as were saved tmder the Old 61 give them to thee for daughters, not by thy c.

1 Cor. 9. 25. now they do it to obtain a c. crown J'estament, were so only by faith in the blood of 17. 15. or shall he break the c. and be delivered r
15. 53. for this e. must put on incorruption the Messial) that was to come ; Gal. 4. 3, Abra- 16. whose oath he despised, whose c. he brake
1 Pet. 1. 18. ye were not redeemed with c. things iiam believed God, and it was counted to him 19. my c. he hath broken, it will I recompense
23.beii)g born again, not of c. seed but incorrupt. for righteousness ; he believed in a special man- £0. 37. I will bring you into the bond of the c.
3.4. but let it be in that which is not c. meek spirit ner the promise of the covenant concerning Christ, 44. 7. they have broken my c. because of abominat.
CORRUPTING. in xhom believers of all nations should be blessed, Van. 9. 27. shall confirm e. with many for one waek
Pan. 11. 17. give him the daughter of women c. her Gen. 12. 3. But this testament or covenant is 1 1 .C2. shall be broken, yea also the prince of the c,

CORRUPTION. called new, in regard of the mannei of its dis- 28. and his heart shall be against the holy <.-.

X<r.22.25.bccause their in them.and blemishes pensation; being ratified afresh by the blood 30. he shall have indignation again»l the lioly c.
ihingsl'i. IS.on the right hand of the mount of c. and actual sufferings of Christ ; being freed 32. such as do wickedly against c. shall be corrupt
Job 17. 14. 1 have said to c. thou art my father from those rites or ceremoniei whereuith it //Dj.l0.4.spokenwords,swearingfalselyin making f.
P/a/.l6.10. not leave my soul, nor wilt thou suffer was formerly administered ; at it contains Zeeh. 11. 10. that I might bresJc my e. I had made
Ihme holy One to sec c. Acts 2. 27. 13.35.
a more full and clear revelation of the mys- A/<3/.2.4. that my c. might be with I..evi saith Ld.5.
49. 9. that he should Uve for ever, and not see c. teries of religioti ; as it is attended with a larger 8. ye have corrupted c.of Levi, saith Ld. of hosts
Jsa. 38. 17. thou hast delivered it from the pitof f. measure of the gifts and graces of the Spirit ; 10. by profaning the c. of our fathers
Pan. lO.e.for my comeliness was turned in me tor. and as it is never to war old or be abolished. 14. yet she is thy companion,and thewifeof tliyc.
JonahZ.&.yeX hast thou brought up my life from c (2) tor circumcision, which was the sign or teal 3. 1. even me.sseuger of the c. whom ye delight in
dets 2. 31. soul not left in hell, nor his flesh did see c of the old covenant Gan. 17. 0, 13. .'lets 3. 25. ye are children o( ihee. God made will*
(3) Jor
13. 34. he raised him up, no more to return to c the duties of the covenant ; Psal. 25. 14, He 7. 8. and he gave him the c. of circumcisior.
iO. David was laid to his fathers and saw c will shew them his covenant : He will reveal to Uom. 1. 31 without upderslAuding, (.breakers


Horn. 11. 27. this is my e. when I take aw»y their Hes.i.lB. T will matt a e. for them with the beasts Eiek.lZ. 6.thou shalt c. thy fae« that thou see not
43al. 3. 15.though it be a man's e. yet if confirmed 12. 1. and they do make ac. with the Assyrians 12. he shall c. his face that he see not the ground
17. that the e. waa confirmed b«fore of God Nta COVENANT. 24. 7. poured it not on ground to c. it with dust
Bei. 8. 6. he is Mediator of a better e. established Jer. SI 31. 1 will make a n«a> c. with Isr. Heb. R.8. 17. c. not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men
7 if that first c. had been faultless, then no place Heb. 8. 13. a new c. he hath made the first old
. 22. ye shall note, your lips, nor eat bread of mer
9. they continued in myc.and I regarded them not 12. 24. and to Jesus the Mediator of the new c. 26.10. abund. of his horses, their dust shall c. thee
9. I. then verily the first e. had also ordinances Remember COVENANT, 19. and when great waters shall c. thee
4. Aaron's rod that budded, and tables of the c. Gen, 9.15. 1 willr«ro.myc.i«o.26.42. £m*.16.60. 30.18. as fur her, a cloud shall c. her and daught
Stt Are, Blood, Break. Exod. 6. 5, 6. I have rememb. my e. wherefore say 32. 7. 1 will c. the heaven. I will c. the sun
Boot of tht COVENANT. Lev. 26.45. for their sakes rem. c. of their ancestors 37.6.1 will c. you with skin, and put breath in you
£«</. 24. 7. Moses took the book of the e. and read Psal. 105. 8. he hath rem. his e. for ever, 106. 45. 38. 9. thou shalt be like a cloud to c. the land, 16
iKings^li. 2. Josiah read in their ears all the words Amos 1 g. because they rem. not the brotherly c. Hos. 2.9. recover my flax given toe. her nakednea
of the dook of the c. found, 2 C/irun. 34. 30. Luke 1.72. mercy promised, and torem.his holy c. lO.S.sball say to the mountains c. us, Litie 23.30L
21. Veepthepassover, as it is written ia iook of c^ COVENANT of Salt. Obad. 10. for thy violence shame shall e. thee
Establish COVENANT. Lev. 2. 13. the salt of c. of thy God to he lacking Mic. 3.7.yea, they shall all c. their lips, no :insw3
G<n.6.18.with thee will I estab. my c. and sons.g.Q. Sum. 18. 19. it ii 3. e. of salt for ever before Lord 7. 10, and shame shall c. her that said to me
17.7.1 will «fo4. my c. between me and Abraham 2 Chron. 13. 5. to David and his sons by a e. of salt Hab. 2. 17. the violence of Lebanon shall c. thea
19. estab. f. with Isaac and his seed after him,21. Transgressed COVENANT. Mar/l:14.65.some began to spit on him andc.his face
Exod.GA. I have estab. mye.with them to give land Deur.17.2. hath wrought wickedness in trans.hiie. 1 Cor. 11. 7. a man ought not to c. his head
Lev.i6.Q. I will multiply and estab. my c. with you Josh. 7. 11. they have also transgressed my c. 1 Pet. 4. 8. for charity shall e.the multitude of sin*
f)c«r.8.18.that he may estab. his c. which he sware 15. because he I.e.ot L. Jiuff .2.20. 2 Kings 18. 12, COVERED.
Eisk. 16. 60. 1 will estab, to thee an everlasting c, 23. 16. when ye have transgressed c. of the Lord Gen. 7. 19. the mountains were e. with waters, 20
62. 1 will estab. my e. with thee, thou shah know Jer. 34.18. and I will give the men that trans.vayc. 9. 23. they c. the nakedness of their father
Everlasting COVENANT. Hos. 6.7. but they like men have transgressed the c. 24, 65. Rebekah took a vail and c. herself
Gen. 9. 16. that I may remember the everlast. e. 8. 1. because they have / c.and trespassed 36. 14.Tamar c. her with a vail, sat in open place
17. 13. it shall be in your flesh for an everlast. c. COVENANTED. Ejiod. 8. 6. the frogs came up andc. land of Egypt
19.1 will establish my c.with Isaac for ^.neverl.c. 2 Chron. 7. 18. according as Ifhave c. with David 14. 28. the waters c. the chariots and horseraeq
Lev.ii.S. being taken from Israel hy an everlast. c. Hag. 2. 5. according to the word that I c. with you 15. 5. the depths e. them, they sank as a stone
£ Sam. C3. 5. yet he hath made with me au everl. e. jl/<if.26.15.theyc.withhim forthirtypiecesof lilver lO.the sea e. them, they sank as lead, Josh.ii.J
I Chr. 16. 17. confirmed the same to Jacob for a Luke 22. 5. were glad, and c. to give him money 16. 13. at even the quails came and e. the osmp
law, and to Israel for an everlast.c. Psal.105.10. COVENANTS. 24.15. Moses went up, a cloud e. the mount,l6.
iia.24.3.because they have broken the everlast. e. Horn. 9. 4. to whom pertain the glory and the c. 37. 9. e. with their wings over the
55.3.1 will make erer.cwith you,6l.8./<r. 32.40. Gal. 4.24. these are the two cone from mount Sinai 40. 21. the vai! «. the ark of the testimony
Ezei. 37. 26. it shall be an everlast. c. with them Lph. 2. 12. and strangers from the e. of promise 34. a cloud e. the tent of the congregation
Heb. 13. 20. through the blood of the everlast. c. COVER £e».13.13.behold,if the leprosy have call his flesb
Keep, keepest, keepetk, or kept COVENANT. Signifies, [1] To hide, Prov. 12. I6. [2] To clothe, Num, 4. 20. to see when the holy things are e.
Gin. 17.9. thou shalt keep my c. thou and thy seed 1 Sam. 28. 14. [3] To protect and defend, Psal. 9. 15. the clond c the tabernacle, I6. |
16. 42.
10. this is my c, which ye shall keep between me 91. 4. [4] To pardon, or forgive, Psal. 32. 1. Deut. 32.15. art waxen fat, thou art c with falnes)
Exod. 19. 5. if ye will obey my voice and keep myc. Horn. 4, 7. [5] To vail, 1 Cor. 11. 6. [6] Judg. 4. 18. Jael c. him with a maatle, I9.
Deut. 7. 9. he'is G. faithful God, who keepeih c'.li. To inclose, Exod. 29. 13. [7] Not to confess, 1 Sam. 19, 13. Michal c. the
pillow with a cloth
1 Kings 8.23. 9 CAron.6.14. Neh.X. 5. 9. 32. Prov. 28. 13. 28. 14. an old man cometh up c. with a mantle

SQ.Q.keeplherefoTe thewords of this c.and do them Violence covercth the mouth of the wicked, Prov. 1 Kings\.\. e. king David with clothes, but no heat

33. 9. they have observed thy word, kept thy c. 10. 6. Thetr violent utcjusl courses shall bring 8. 7. chenibims e. ark, 1 CAr. 28. 18. 2 Chr, 5. 8.
1 A'in5.cll.ll.thouhastnot*e;><my c. Psal. 78.10. down God's judgments upon them, whereby they 2 Kings 19. 1. king Hezekiah heard it, he rent his

Pxa/.C5.10.mer. and truth to such as keepc.103.18. shall be so convinced of their former injurious clothes and c himself with sackcloth, Isa. 37. 1
132. 12. if thy children will keep my c. and testim. practices, that they shall have nothing to say for 2 Chr. 3.+ 6. Solomon e. house with precious stonet
E:ek. 17. 14. by keeping of his c. it might stand themselves, their mouths shall be stopped. Job 23. 17. norc. he the darkness from my face
L>an.<j.i. keeping c.and mercyto them that love him To cover the feet, Judg. 3. 24. and 1 Sam. 24. 31. 33. if I c. my transgressions as Adam
Made COVENANT. 3. This phrase is commonly understood in both Psal. 44. 15. the shame of my face hath c. me
Cen .15. 18. same day the L. made 3.C. with Abram these places, of easing nature; because the 19. tho' thou hast e. us with tht shadow of death
21. 27. Abraham and Abimeleth made a e. 32. men not aearing breeches as v/e do, but long 55. + 5. are come upon me, and horror hath c. me
Exod. 34. 27 I have made a e. with thee and Israel
. coats, they did in that act cover their feet But 65. 13. the valleys also are c over with corn
Deut. 5. 2. L. our G. made a c. with us in Horeb others expound it, of composing one's self to take 68.13. shallbeas the wings of a dove ». with silver
3. L. made not this c. with oar fathers, Heb. 8.9. a little steep or rest, as teas very laual to do in the 71.13. let them be e. with reproach that seek
29. 1. be.<.idesthe c. he made with them in Horeb day-time in those hot countrxs, 2 Sam. 4. 5. 78. t 53. but the sea e. their enemies, I06. 1 11.
31 16. will break my c. I have made with them
. and vihen they did so in a cool platt, they used 89.45. glory to cease, thou hast c him with shame
Josh. 24.25. Joshua made a c. with people that day to cover their feet, as appears from Ruth 3 106. 17. the earth e. the company of Abiram
1 Sam. 18.3. Jonathan and David morfe af.23J8. And this exposition seems best to agree with the 139. 13. thou hait e. me in my mother's womb
20.16. Jonathan made a c. with the house of David history in both places where this phrase is found. Prov. 26. 23. like a potsherd c with silver dross
1 Kings 8.9. L. made ac. with Israel, 2 CArJl6.ll. Eorothe servants of Ehud slaying so long for 26. whose hatred is e. by deceit, his wickedness
their lord, seems to imply, that they judged hin l'.ccl. 6. 4. his name shall be c wiUi
21. ark wherein is c. of the L. which he made
20. 34. Ahab made a c. with Ben-hadad gone to sleep, which might take up a consider Isa. 6. 2. with twain he c. his face, he c his feet
2 Kings 11.4. Jehoiada made a c. with the rulers able time, rather than to that other work, which 22. t 17. the Lord who c. with excellent covering
17. made a c. between the Lord and the king takes up but a little time. And if Saul was 25. 1 7. will destroy the covering e. over all people
17. 15. Israel rejected his c. he made with fathers asleep in the cave, then it is not strange that 29. 10. and your rulers the seers hath he c.
35. with whom the L. had made a c. and charged he neither heard David and his men talkiiig of .^1.16.1 have c. thee in the shadow of my hand
3a the c. made with you ye shall not forget him, nor perceived when David cut off the skirt 61 10. he c. me with
. the robe of righteousness
23.3. Josiah marfe a c. before Lord, 2 CAr. 34. 31. of his robe. Jtr. 51. 42. she is c with the multitude of waves
ICAf on. 11. 3. David marfeac. with c-lders in Hebron /S-Vorf.lO.S.the locusts shall c. the face of the earth Lam. 2. I.e. the daughter of Zion with a cloud
16. 16. be ye mindful even of the c. which he made 21.33. if a man shall dig a pit and not c. it 3. 16. broken my teeth, he hath e. me with ash-e
with Abraham, ISleh. 9. 8. Psal. 105. 9. 28. 42. make linen breeches to c. nakedness 4.!. thou hast e. with anger, and persecuted us

2CSr(m.21.7.becauseof c. he hadmarfewith David 33.22. 1 will c. thee with my hand while I pass by 44. thou haste, thyself with a cloud, that prayer
23. 3. all the congregation moifc a c.with king Joash 40. 3. thou shalt c. the ark with the vail E--ck. 1. 11. and two wings c their bodies, 23.
Joi 31. 1. I made a c. with mine eyes, why then Lev.ld. 13. cloud of incense may c. the mercy-seat Ifi. C. I spread my skirt, and c. thy nakedness

I girded thee with linen, I e. thee with silk

rsal.50.5. that have made a c. with me by sacrifice 17. 13. pour out the blood, and c. with dust 10.
80. 3. have made a c. with my chosen, I have sworn Num. 22. 5. behold they c. the face of the earth 18. 7. and hath c. the naked with a garment, 10.
Isa. 28. 15. ye said, ye have made nc. with death Deut. 23. IS. and c. that which cometh from thee 2 of a rock, that her blood should not be e.
37. 8. enlarged thy bed, and made a c. with thtm 33. 12. the Lord shall c. him all the day long 27. 7. blue and purple was that which e. thoo
Jer. 11. 10. broke thee. I made v/ilh their fathers 1 Sam. 24. 3. and Saul went in to c. his feet 31. 15. I c the deep for him, and I restrained

31. 32 not according to the c I ma</« with fathers Nell. 4. 5. c. not their iniquity, let not their sin
. .
37. 8. the flesh came up, and skin e. them above
34.8. after Zedekiah had made a c. with people,! 5. Job 16.18.0 earth, c.not thou my blood, let my cry Jonah 3. 6. the king of N iiieveh e. with sackcloth
(i. let man and beast be e. with sackcloth
13. sailh the Lord, I made a c. with your fathers 21.26. shall lie down in dust, worms shall c. them
15. ye huAmadea c. before me in house called 22. 11. the abundance of waters, c. thee, 38. 34. llab. 3. 3. God came, his glory e. the heavens
18. performed not the words of the c. ye had made 40. 22. the shady trees c. him with their shadow Mat. 8. 24. the ship was c. w'th the
£K*.17.13.and made a e with him, and taken oath Psal. 91 4. he shall c. thee with his feathers
10. 26. there is nothing c. that shall not be revealed
Make COVENANT. 104. 9. that they t<irn not again to c. the earth and hid that sli.ill not be known, Luke 12. 2
Cen. 17.2.1 will make myc. between me and thee log. 29. c. themselves with their own confusion 1 Cor. 11.6. if the woman be note, let her be shorn

26.28. let usmake a c. with thee, 31.44. Ezra 10.3 139. 11. if I say, surely the darkness shall c. me COVEUKD/nre.
£jrorf. 23. 32. thou shalt make no c. Deut. 7. 2. 140. 9. let the mischief of their lips c. them Gen. 38. 15. because Tamar h«d e. her/ae«
34. 10. behold I make a e. before all thy people Isa. 11. 9. as the waters c. the sea, Hab. 2. 14. Exod. 10. 13. the locusts e. the /ace of whole earth
12. lest thou make a e. with the inhabitants, 15. 14. 11. is spread under thee, the worms c. thee 2 Sam. 19. 4. but David e. his/aee and crie<l
Deut. 29. 14. nor with you only do 1 make this c. 22. 17. behold, the Lord will surely c. thee Esth. 7. 8. as the word went they c. Ilaman's/aw
1 Sam. 11.1. make ac. with us, and we will serve 26. 21. the earth shall no more c. her slain Psal. 69.7. because shame hath c. my/ae«
2. on this condition will I make a c. with you 30. 1 that c. with a covering, but not of my Spirit Prov. 24. 31. nettles had e. the/aee thereof

SChron. 29. 10. now it is in my heart to make a c. 38. 7. when thou seest the naked, that thou c. him Iia. 6. 2. with twain he e. his/aee, and with twain
./ir. 51. 51. heard reproach, shame hathe. our/a<».
Neh. 9. •''8. and we make a sure c. and write it 5y. 6. neither c. themselves with their works
Jot 41. 4. will he make a c. with thee ? 60. 2. for behold the darkness shall c. the earth Head COVERED.
Jtir. 31.33. this is c. I will mtieJJeb.B.lO. IO.I6,
I 6. the multitude of camels shall c. thee 2 5ain. 15. 30. David and every roan had his headc
Bui, 34. 25, I will m. witk them a c. of peace Jer. 46. 8- I will go up, and will e. the earth t stk. 6. IS. Haman went 'jiouming, his head c
37. 26 Est* 7. 18. horror iball c. them, shame on all faces Ptal. 140.7. hast itad in the day of battle
cov CX)U cou
14 3. «*re confonnded, and c. their keais, 4.
Itr. alone. Thts tin it tondemned ir, all torts of 7^ dsreetions of his ttvd, Ike mmiont of /5ft
i Cot. 11. 4. every roan praying, having his hutdc perimit, and is etprutlu forbidden by the tenth Spirit, and the kindness of his providence. Psiil
COV EKED tin, or tim. commandment. Thou slialt not covet, Ei«d. 20. 73.24. [4] Bis will or doctune coneeming IDe
Pial. 32. 1, blessed is he whose tin is e. HomA-l 17. Suth at art addicted to this tin, are hated way of salvation, Luke 7. 30. Acts 20. 27
8S. 2. thoQ hast e. all their tint, Selah of God, Psal. 10. 3. They are cruel and op- [5] The designs, thoughta, and most secret Tito,
COVEREDST. pressite, Mic. 2. 2. The riches they are to eager lutions, 1 Cor. 4. 5.
Viml. 104. 6. thou c. it with the deep as a garment in the puriuit of, prove but poison to kill them, Christ Jesus is called Counsellor, Isa. 9. 6. [I3
£»i(.l6 IB.tookest broidered garments and (. them and thus they are miserable. Job 20. 15, I6, 17 On account of his infinite uisdom. Col. 2. 3.
COVEREK. Prov. 1. 19. The rnordinate love oftMallh does [2] On account of his uUlingnest to instruct and
A nA.Z.tS.shall make haste, and c.shall be prepared likewise betray men to manifold tins, and et- give counsel to men ; as also, to plead their came
CX)VEKESr. poses them ta manifold rufferings ; both from before hit throne. Rev. 3. 18. 1 John 2. 1.
Deut. CC. 12. vesture, wherewith thou c. thvself themselves, in denying themselves the comfort of Ejied. 18. 19. hearken to me, I will give thee e.
Pxo/. 5. 1 11. shout for joy, because thou c. them their estates ; and from others, at extortioners, A'um. 27 .21. before Eleazar, who^allaskcforhiic
104. 2. who c. thyself with light as with a garm. thieves, and lie like, Deat. I6. 19- Ecd. 4. 8. 31.16. these caused Isr. thro' the c of Balaam, to
COVERETH. Mat. 26. 15. 1 Tim. 6. 10. commit trespass against L. in the matter of P«o<
r.iod. 29. 13. thou shall take all the fat that e. the Eiod.'X.n. thou shalt not f .thy neighbour's house, X>ru/.32.28.areanationvoid ofcnor isunderstantU
lnwaitls,22. Ltv. 3. 3,9, 14. 4. 8. 7. 3. 9. IQ. | | |
wife, nor servant, />»u/. 5.21. fliMn.7.7. |
13.9. Joth. 9. 14. asked not c. at the mouth of the Lord
A«m. 22.11. a people which c. the face of the earth Mie. 2. 2. they e. fields and take them by violence Judg. 20. 7. behold, give here your advice and e
Judci- 3. 24. surely he c. his feet in his chamber 1 Cor. 12. 31. but e. earnestly the best gifts 2 •Sam. 15. 31. turn c of Ahithophel into foolishness
Job 9. 14. he c. the faces of the judges thereof 14. 39. c to prophesy, and forbid not to speak 16.23. so was all the c of Ahithophel with David
15. 27. because he c. his face with his fatness COVETED. 17. 14. the L. defeated the good c of Ahithophel
36. 30. behold, he e. the bottom of the sea Josh. 7. 21. Achan said, then I c. them, took them 20. 18. saying, they shall surely ask c at AbvL
32. with clouds he e. light, commands not to shine Acts 20. 33. I have e. no man's silver or gold 1 Kingt\. 12. let me, I pray thee, give thee e.

^'j. 73. 6. pride asachain,violence c. them as agar. 1 J'lm. 6. 10. which while some e. after they erred 12.8. forsook thee of old men, 13. 2CAr. 10.8,13.
H4.f€. through valley of Baca,rain also c. the pools COVETETH. 2 Kingt 6.8. king of Syria took c with his servant*
109. 19. be to him as the garment which c. him PrOT. 21. 26. he c greedily all the day long 18. 20. I have c and strength for war, Ita. S6. 5.
147. 8. who c. the heavens with clouds, prep, rain IJai, 2. 9. woe to him thatc an evil covetousness 1 Chron. 10. 13. so Saul died for asking c of one
i'ror.lO.S. violence c. the mouth of the wicked, 11. COVETOUS. 2 Chron. 22.5. Ahaziah walked after their c
12. love call sins|{ 12.l6.a prudent mane, shame Psal. 10. 3. the wicked blesseth cwhom Ld. abhors 25. 16. king said, art thou made of the kfog's c .'
17. 9. he that c. a transgression seeketh love Z,«*<l6. 14. Pharisees who were cheard these things 30. 2. the king had taken c to keep thepassover
Cfi. 13. he that c. his sins shall not prosper 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altogether with the c 23. the assembly took c to keep other seven days
Jrr.3.25. we lie down in shame, ourconfusion e. us 11. if any brother be c with such not to cat Eira 10.3. according to the c of my lord, and those
t'.iek. 28. 14. thou art the anointed cherub thatc 6. 10. nor c shall inherit king, of God, Eph. 5. 5. 8. according to the c. of the princes and elders
Mai. 2. 16. for one c. violence with his garment 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop then must not be c AVA. 4. 15. God hath brought their c. to nought
Luil'c8.l6. when he lighted with a vessel 2 in the last times men shall be c boasters Jti 5.13. the c of ihefroward is carried headlong
COVERING. 2 Pet. 2. 14. an heart exercised with c practices 10. 3. and should shine upon the c of the wicked!
Cftrt. 8. 13. Noah removed the c. of the ark COVETOUSNESS. 12. 13. wisdom and strength he hathc and underst
20. 16. behold, he is to thee a c. of the eyes Eiod. 18.21. provide able men, men hating c 21. 16. thee of the wicked is far from me, 22.18.
Kxoi. 22. 27. for that is his c. raiment for his skin Psal. 119. .36. incline not my heart to c 33.2. who is this that darkeneth c by words?
Lev. 13. 45. the leper shall put a c. on his upper lip Prov. 28.16. he thathatethc shall prolong his days 42.3. who is he that hidelh c without knowledge t
Sum. 19.15. every vessel which hath no c.bound on Isa, 57. 17. for the iniquity of his c was I wroth Psal. 1.1. thatwalketh not in ther. of the ungodly
£ Sam. 17. 19. woman spread a cover well's mouth Jer. 6. 13. every one is given to r. 8. 10. 14. 6. you have shamed the c of the poor
Job 22. 14. thick clouds are ac
to him he seeth not 22. 17. thy eyes and heart are not but for thy c 16. 7. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me c.
24. 7. that the raked have no c. in the cold 51.13. thine end is come, and the measure of thyc 20. 4. the Lord grant thee, and fulfil all thy 0.
26. 6. naked before him, destruction hath no c Etek. 33. 31. but their heart goeth after their c. 31.13. while they took c together against me
31. 19. if I have seen any poor without c Hab. 2. 9. woe to him that coveteth an evil c 33. 10. Lord brings the c of the heath, to nought'
Psal. 105. 39. he spread a cloud for and fire c MarkT. 22. out of the heart procecdeth c 55. 14. we took sweet c together, and walked
Cant. 3. 10. he made the of it of purple c Luke 12. 15. he said, take heed, and beware of c 64. 2. hide me from the secret c of the wicked
/to. 4. + 5. for upon all the glory shall be a c Pom. 1. 29. being filled with all c fornication 68. 27. the princes of Judah and their e
22. 8. and he discovered the c. of Judah C Cor. 9. 5. as a matter of bounty, jind not of e. 73. 24. thou shalt guide me with thy e. afterwardi
17. wno covered thee with an excellent c Eph. 5. 3. but c let it not be once named among you 83. 3. they have taken crafty c against thy people-
25.7. destroy the face of the c. cast over all people Cu/. 3. 5. mortify your memb.and cwhich is idolatry 106. 13. they waited not for his e but lusted
28. 20. the c narrower than he can wrap hims. in 1 Thess. 2. 5. nor at any 'ime used we a cloke of c 43. hut they provoked him with their c
30,1. that cover with a c. but not of my Spirit Heb. 13. 5. let yonr conversation be without c 107. 11. they contemned the e of the Most IligK
"i^. ye shall defile the c
of thy graven images 2Pe<.2.3.thro' cshzdl they make merchand. of you Prov. 8.14. cis mine, sound wisdom, I am undersl.
50. 3. I clothe heavens, and make sackc. their c COULD, 11.14. where nor. is, the people fall, but inmultit.
£w*.28. 1 3 every precious stone was thy c. sardius
. Gen. 27.1 .when Isaac was old, so that he e. not see 12. 15. but he that hearkeneth unto e is wise
1 CcT. 11. tlO. a woman ought to have a r. Eiod. 8. 18. did so to bring forth iice, but c not 15. 22. without c purposes are disappointed
1 5. glory to her, for her hair is given her for a c 1 •Sam.3.2.Eli'seyesb6gan to waxdim, hecnot see 19. 20. hear e and receive instruction, that tliou
Set Badcsr's skint, 1 Kings 14. 4. Ahijah c not see his eyes were set 20. 5. e. in the heart of vaan is like deep water
COVERING. 2 Kings 3. 26. to break to king of Edom, but c not 18. every purpose is established by c audwiih
T.iod. 25 20 c the mercy seat with their wings 1 C/iroti. 21. 30. but David c not go before it 21.30. there is no wisdom nor c against the 1,
A'um. 4. .S. Aaron shall take down the vail c 2 Chron. 13. 7. Rnehoboam c not wiihstand them 24. 6. for by wist c thou shalt make thy wa»
Ziek. 28. 16. I will destroy thee, Oc cherub P/a/.37..36.yea, I sought him.but he cnot be found 27.9. so dcth the sweetness of a friend by hearty c
Mal.Z.XZ. Ihavedonec.altarof the Lord with tears 7>«.5.4. what c have been done more to vineyard ? Isa. 5. 19. let the c. of the Holy One draw nigh
COVERINGS. Jer. 15. mindc not be toward this people 7. 5. they have taken evil e against thee, saying
Prov. 7. 16. decked my bed with c. of tapestry Jonah 1.13. men rowed to bring it to land, but c not 11.2. spirit of e and might shall rest upon him
31. 22. she maketh herself c of tapestry A/<7W6.19.therefore}Ierodiashad a quarrel against 19. 3. and I will destroy the c of Egypt
COVERS. John, and would have killed hioi, but she c. not 11. the cof counsellors of Phar. is become brutist
Etod. 25. c;p. make c .37. 16. he made his c
|| 9. 18. cast him out, and they c not, Luke 9.40. 23. 8. who hath taken this e against Tyre !
Attm. 4. 7. put thereon c. to cover withal 14. 8. she hath done what she c she is come 28. 29. from the Lord, who is wonderful in c.
COVERT Johnil. 25. the world c not contain the books 29.15. that seek deep to bide c from the Lord.
Signifies, [1] An
umbrage, or thadvplaee, 1 Sam. Acts l3.3Q.fiom which yec not be juuified by law 40. 1 13. who being of his e. hath taught him >
25. 20. [2] A thicket for uild' beasts. Job 38. COULD EST. 14. with whom took he e .' who instructed him
40. [3] Something made to shelter the people Jer, 3. 5. and hast done evil things as thou c. 44. S6. and performeth the c of his messenger?
frtm the veaiher on the sabbath ; or some costly Euk. 16. 28. and yet thou e. not be satisfied Jer. 18. 18. nor shall e perish from the wise
ehair of stale, v/ierein the kings of Judah used COULTER, S. 23. thou knowest all their eagainst me to slay nv
IB hear the priests espovnd the lau on t>tt sab- 1 Sam. 13. 20. Israel went to sharpen each his c T9. 7. 1 will make void e. of Judah and Jemsa1en>
bath, 2 Kings 16. 18. [4] Christ Jesus, the 21. they had a file for their c and the forks 32. 19. mighty God, great inc mighty in work
saints' shelter, defence, or refuse, Isa. 32. 2. COUNCIL. 38. 15. if I give thee cwilt not tbou hearken to n:e
1 Sam. 25. 20. Abigail came down by c of the hill Sam. 23.t23. David set Benaiah over his c 49.7 isr. perished from prudent ? is wisd. vanished
2 A'in^il6.18.the c for the sabbathAhaz took down Mat. 5.22. shall say, Raca, shall be in danger of r. 30. the king of Babylon hith taken c against yoo
Job 38. 40. when lions abide in the e. to lie in wait 26.59.thec sought false witness, Mark 14"55. Eeek. 7. 26. and e shall perish from the ancients
40. 21. behemoth lieth in the e. of the reed .A/arll5.1 .whale cbound Jes.and carried him away 11.2. and that give wicjied e in this city
Psal. 61. 4. ! will trust :n the e. of thy wings Luke a. 66. the elders led Jesus into their c 13.49. they shall not be in the c of my peoph/
Isa. 4 6. a tabernacle for ac from storm and rain John 11.47 the chief priests gathered aci4cr/5.21. Dan. 2. 14. David answered with c and wisdom
16. 4. be thou a c to them from the face of spoiler Acts 4. 15. had commanded them to go out of the c. H0S.4. people ask cat their stocks and staff
32. 2. a man shall be a r. from the tempest 5. 27. they brought and set them before the e. Mie. 4. 12. neither understand they his e
Jtr. 25. 38. he hath forsaken his f. as a lion 34. then stood there up one in the c a Pharisee sCech. 6. 13. the r.of peace shall be between them both
COVET. 41. and they departed from the c rejoicing Mai. 12. 14. the Ph.irisees held a e against him
This wrd is sometimes taken in m good tense, at 6. 12. caught Stephen, and brought him to the c 27. 7. they took c and bought the potter's field
tn Cor. 12. 31, Covet earnestly the best gifu.
1 15. all in the e. looking on him, saw his face 28. 12. when they had taken c. they gave money
This eotetoutness it good and eommendjtHe, mken ^^. 30. he commanded all their e. to appear Marks. 6. they took eagainst Jesus, .'o*n 11. 53.
tptntual blessings are earnestly desired and lought 23. 15. ye with thee signify to the chief captain iMke 23. 51. he had not consented to the cof iheoif
mfter. But mast commonly it it taken in a bad 24. 20. any evil in me, while I stood before the c John 18.14. now Caiaphaswas he who gave c
itnte.fjr an eager and immoderate dttire after COUNCILS. Acts 4.28.what thy c determined before to be dene
tarthly things. Josh. 7. 21. Pror. SI. £6. Mal.\<i.\T. they will deliver yon tip toe Afar i(13.9. 5. 33. when they heard, they took e. to slay them
Covetoutness 1/ ealUd idolatry. Cot. 3. 5. be- COUNSEL 38. if this r. be of men, it will come to nought
amut the covetous man places that love, deltght. Signifies, fl] Advice, Prov. 20. 18. Dan. 4. 27. 9. 23. after that the Jew* look e. to kill him
and eanjUence in riches uhich are due Jo Ood [.2
J Ijod t furpcte and decree, Acts 4. 28. [3] 27. wu
4£. the toldien' t. le )aU thejritotm

, ,. ,


Bpfi. 1. 11. whoworketh after the f. of hi: own wili Ptal. 130. 22. I hate them, T c. them mine enemies Catu. 2. 14. let mesee thy e. thy e. Is eotnely
Hei. 6. 17. to shew the immatability of his e. A/ic.6.11.sha]l I e. them pure with wicked balances 5- 15. his c. is as Lebanon, excellent as cedars
COUNSEL of God or Loril. Acit 20. 24. neither e. 1 my life dear to myself Jsa. 3. i 3. Lord doth take away man eminent io c
Ju</g. 18. 5. they said, ask e. we pray thee «/ God P/11V.3.8.I call things loss, and do r.them but ilung 9. the shew of their e. doth witness against tbem
20. 18. the children of Israel asked c. o/Gurf, 23. 13 Jr. not myself to have apprehended, but this Kick. 27.35- they shall be troubled in their r.
J Jam. 14. 37.Saul asked'Gorf.shalll go down' 2 'J'/iett.l.ll.Goi would f .youworlhy of this calling Dan. 5.6. then king's c. was changed, and ibongb
P<o/.33.11.the<:. fl/lheZ.»rrfstandeth, fror.ip 21. 3 15. e him not as an enemy, but admonish Lim 8. 23. a king of fierce e. shall stand up

Isa. 19. 17. because of the c. of the Lorrf of hosts 1 Tim. 6. 1. e. their masters worthy of all honour Mat. 6. 16. be not as the hypocrites, of a sad t
/rr. 23. 18. who hath stood in the e. of the Lord T Philem. 17. if thou c. me a partner, receive him 28. 3. bis e. was like lightning, Luke 9. 29.
49. 20. therefore hear the e. o/'the Lord, 50. 45. Jam. 1.2 r. it joy when ye fall into temptations /lets 2. 28. shalt make me full of joy with thyc

LukeT. 30. the lawyers rejected the e. of God 5. 11. behold, we e. them happy which endure 2Ci>r. 3.7 .could not behold Moses for glory of his f

Acts 2.23. him delivered by the determinate e.o/'G. 2 Pel. 2.13. pleasure to riot in day liev. 1, 16. and bis r, was as the son shinetb

20.27. not ashamed to declare to you all e. of God 3. 9. Lord is not slack, as some men e. slackness See Changbd.
My COUNSEL. Rev. 13. IK let him e. the number of the beast COUNTENANCE.
2 Chron. 25. I6 and bastnot hearkened to my e. COUNTED. £x()i/.23.3,nor shalt thou c.apoor man iu biscatu*
Joi 29. 21. man waited and kept silence at my e. Gen. 15,6.Abram believed, and he c. it to him for COUNTENANCES.
Ptal. 119. +24. thy testimonies are the menofmyc. righteonsness, Pj. 106 31. jRoni.4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Dou. 1.13. then let looked upon before tb««
Prev. ]. 25. but ye have set at nought all my e. 30. 33 the sheep that shall be c. stolen with me 15. their f appeared fairer and falter in ttesb

30. they would none of my e. they despised my 31. 15. are we nota of him strangers sold us .' COUNTERVAIU
Isa. 46. 10. my c. shall stand and I will derail 1 A')nf«3.8.that cannot be numbered ore. for malt. Etih.7.4. tbongb enemy could not f. king's damag*
11. man that executeth my e. from a far country 1 Chron. 21.0. but Levi and Benjamin c. he not COUNTRY.
Gen. and lo, the smoke of the f. went up
J*r. 23. 22. but if they had stood in mv e. Neh, 13. 13. for they were c. faithful, office was 19. 28.
Dan. 4. 27. O king, Ictmve. be acceptable to thee Joi 18. 3. wherefore we are c. as beasts and vile 24. 4. but thou shalt go to my f and my kindred .

Own COUNSEL. 41. 29.>darts are c. as stubble, laugheth at shaking 29. 26. Laban said it must not be so done in cor c.
Job 18. 7. and his oxm c. shall cast him down Ptal. 44s22. we are c. as sheep for the slaughter 30. 25. send me away, that I may go to my e.
Has. 10. 6. Israel shall be ashamed of his own e. 88. 4. I am e. with them that go down to the pit 34. 2. Shecbem the prince of the f saw her .

Take COUNSEL Prov. 17.28. even a fool, when he holdeth his peace 42.33. the man, the Ixird of the f. said nnlo us
Kek. 6. 7. come now, and let us lake e. together is e. wise, and he that shutteth his lips is a man Num. 15.13. all born in the f shall do these things .

Ptal. 2. 2. rulers lake f .against Lord and Anointed 27. 14. rising early, it shall be e. a curse to him 32. 4. the f which the Lord smote before Israel

13. 2. how long shall I lake c. in my soul Ita. 5. 28. their horses' hoofs shall be c. like flint
.' Deul. 26. 3. 1 am come into the c. L. sware to givn
7]. 10. that wait for my soul, take e. fogether 32. 15. and the fruitful field be c. for a forest Joth. 2.2. there cameout men to search out the f.3.
Ita. 8. 10. lake c. and it shall come to nought 33. 18. where is he that e. the towers ? 7. 2. Joshua sent, saying, go up and view thee-
16. 3. lake r. execute judgment, make thy shadow 40. 15, the nations are r. as small dust of balance Judg. 11. 21. Israel possessed the land of that f
30. 1. woe to children that take e. but not of me 17- all nations are e. to him less than nothing 16. 04. our enemy and the destroyer of our c,
45.21. tell ye, yea let them rai# c. together Hot. 8. 12. but they were c. as a strange thing liutA 1. 2. and they came into the f. of Moab
COUNSEL, ED. Mat ^14. 5. they f. him as a prophet. Marl 11. 30. 22. who returned out of the f . of Moab
2 Sam. 16. 23. which Ahithophel c. in those days Luke 21.06. be e. worthy to escape these things 2 Sam. 15. 23. all thy f wept with a loud voice

17. +7. that Ahithophel hath c. is not good Aett 5, 4L rejoicing that they were c. worthy 21.14.bonesof Saul buried they inf. of Benjamic
19. 19. they burned their books, and c. the price 1 Kings 20.27. but the Syrians filled the f.
11. I e. tTiat all Israel be gathered unto thee
15. thus and thus Ahithophel c. and thus I c. 21 ifffCT.2. 26i nncircumcision be f for circumcision .
2 Kings 3. 20. and the f was filled with water

2 Chron. 25. t I6 God hath c. to destroy thee 4. 5. to mm

believeth, his faith is c. for righteous. 7*a. 1-7 -yourf .is desolate.yoar cities burnt with fire
Job hast thou c him that hath no wisdom 9.8, but the chiltireu of promise are c. for his seed 20. t6. the inhabitants of this f shall say .

Pia/.32.'t8.I willc. thee, mine eyes shall be on thee P/<7. ,3.7. wjiat were gain, those I e. loss for Christ 22. 18. be will toss thee like a ball in a leirge f.
Eecl. 8. 2. I f thee to keep the king's commandment 2 Thess.\.-^. be c. worthy of the kingdom of God
^f/. 22.10. he shall not return, nor see his native f
Rev. 3. 18. 1 e. thee to bur of me gold tried in fire 1 Tim. I. 12. enabled me, for that he f. me faithful 31. 8. behoW I will bring them from the north t.
COUNSELLOR. 5. 17. let elders be e. worthy of double honour 48. 21. and judgment is come npon the plain e.
£&im.l5.12. Ahithophel, David's c.l Cla, 27-33 IJei. 3, 3. this man was e. worthy of more glory 50.9. cause an assembly to cnme from the north t.
1 Chron. 26. 14. for Zechariah his son, a wise f 7.6. he whose descent is not e. from them 51.+ 49. at Babylon fall the slain of all the f.
27. 32. Jonathan, David's uncle, was ae. a scri6( 10. 29. hath f. blood of the covenant unholy thing Ezek. 20. 38. I will bring them forth out of the c.
iCAron. 22. 3 Athalizih washisc. to do wickedly See Accounted. 25. 9. glory of the f Betbjeshi-moth,
. Baal-meoii
Jja. 3. 3. Lord taketh away the e. and artificer COUNTETH, INC. 47.22. they shall be to you as born in the f,
Job 19. 11. he f. me as one of bis enemies, Jonah 4. 2. my saying, when I was yet in my #.
g. 6. his name shall be called Wonderful, C. 3.'?. 10.
40. 13. or who being his c. hath taught him Led, 7, 27. f one by one, to find out the account
Mic. 1. i 11. the inhabitants off. of flocks came not
41. 28. for I beheld, and there was no man, no c. Luke 14, 28. sitteth not down first, and c. the cost A/a/.9.31.they spread abroad his fame in all that c

Mie.i.g. is there no king in thee is thy c. perished

.' .' COUNTENANCE Mark 5. 10- thathe would not send them out oft.
Na/i. 1. 11. there is come out of thee a wicked c. Signifies, [Ij The face, or visage, 1 Sam. 16. 7- 14. told it in the city, and in the f Luke 8. 34. .

citizen of that c.
Mark 15. 43. Joseph an honourable c. Luke 23, 50. [2] Love, favour, and affecliott. Gen. 31. 5. Luke 15.15. bejoined himself to a
/i<?m. 11. ,34. who known mind of L. who been his ci [3] Brt'gJiinest^ festivity, or alacrity, Dan. 5.6. Actt 12.20-b*cause their c.was nourisbedby k.'sc

COUNSELLORS. [4] Godj Jove and favour, manifened by the 27-27. shipmen deemed they drew near to some c.
tChr. 22.4. they m-ere his t. after his father's death graces and bevejits uhich he betlo-us upon his y/ti. 11. 9. sojourned in land of prom-as in stranger
ExTa 4. 5 they hired c. against them, to frustrate people, Psal. 4. 0. Becaute men by their coun- 14. they declare plainly that ihey seek a f.
tenance discover their anger, or hie ; hence it 15. and truly if they bad been mindful of that c
7. 14. as thou art sent of the king, and his seven c.
28. extended mercy to me before the king and c. is that u-hen it is attributed to God, uho is id. now they desire a better f .that is an heavenly
8. 25. gold, which the king and his c. had offered taid somelimet to lift, up tiie light of bis coun- Far COUNTRY.
Job 3.14. been at rest with kings and c. of the earth tenance upott hit people, at other timet to hide Josh. 9. 6. they said we be come from a_/ar f 9- .

12.17 leadeth e. away spoiled, makes judges fools his face, or countenance, it tignifei either his 1 hingt 8.41. out of a/ar c.for thy sake, 2CAr.6.32.
P/a/.119.24. thy testimonies are my delight and c grace and favour , or his anger, or displeasure. Kiugs SO. 14. Ilezekiah said, they are come from
Ptov. 11. 14. in the multitude of c. is safety, 24. 6. Gen. 4. 5. Cain was very wroth, and his c. fell a/or f even from Babylon, Isa, 39. 3.

12. 20. deceit in heart, but to the c, of peate is joy 34. + 16. the damsel was good of c. a virgin I'rov. 25. 25. so is good news from ajar c-

IS. 22. in the multitude of e.they are established 31.2. Jacob beheld the e. of Laban, and behold Isa. 13. 5- from a/ar e. to destroy the whole land

Ita. 1. 26. I will restore thy e. asatthe beginning 5. I see your father's c. that it is not toward me 46.11. man that executeth my counsel from/ar«.
19. 11. counsel of wise e. of Pharaoh i.s brutish Num. 6. Co. the Lord lift up his e. tipon thee Jer.4.\6. publish, that watchers come from a/a» t.
Datt. 3.24.said to his e. did we not cast three men } Dent. 28. 50. Lord will bring a nation of fierce c. 8. 19. because of them that dwell in afar e.
27. the king's e. being gathered, saw these men Judg. 13. 6. and c. was like the c. of an angel A/a/. 21.33. househd. went into a/ar f. Mark 12.1.
4. 36. my c. and my lords sought unto me 1 Sum. 1. 18. Ilcinnah, her c. was no more sad 05.14.kingd.of heaven is asaman trav. into/are.
6. 7. all the c. and the captains have consulted 16. 7. look not on hist, or the height of his stature Luke 15. 13. younger son took his journey into/a/ *.
COUNSELS. 12. now David was of a beautiful r. 17. 40. Uu-n COUNl RV.
Job .37. 12. and it is turned round about by his e. 25.3. Abigail 2 6'ani. 14.27. Tamar of afairr. A-fn-ie-Og-wbetherone of yourc-f. 17.15 24-2S- I

Ptal. 5. 10. O God, let them fall by their own c. 2 *(iCT. 23. t21. be slew an Egyptian, a man off. 1 Kings 10. 13. she turned and went to her
uiim c.
me that I may go to my e»«i t.
81. 12. and they walked in their own e, 2 Kings 5. i\. Naaman was a man lifted up in c. 11.21. let depart,
Prov.1.5. man of understand, shall attain to wise c. 8. 11. he settled bis c. stedfasily on Ilazael 20. 36. a proclamation everj- nan 10 his own t.
12. 5. but (he :. of the wicked are deceit tich. 2.2.why isthy c. sad, seeing thou art not sick ? Jtr. 51. 9. let us go every one to his oan f.
22. 20. have not I written excellent things in c. t 3. why should not my r. be sad, when the city Mill. 2. 12. they deparicil into their oum c.
Ita. 25. 1. thy c. of old are faithi'alness and truth Job 14.CO-thou changes! bis f. and sendest him away 13. 57. save inhis»K7i c. Mcrk fi. 4. Luke'i. 24.
47. 13. are wearied in the multitude of thy c. 29. 24. and the light of my e. they cast not down Mark 6. 1. be went thence and oame into his ei^n t
•Tir. 7. 24. walked in thee, of their evil heart Psal. 4. 6. Ix>rd, lift up the light of thy c. upon us John 4. 44. a prophet haih no honour in hisewuf.
Hot, 11. 6. devoiir them, because of their own c. 10.4. the wicked, thro' pride of c. will not seek G Thy COUNl RY.
Hie. 6. 16. ye walk in thet. of the house of Ahab 11.7. righteous Ld. his c. doth behold the upright (Un. 12. 1. Abram,get thee out of /Ay f. Acttl. 3
jCor.4. 5. wili make manifest the c. of the heart 21. 6. thou hast made bim glad with thy c. 32. 9. return to thy t. and to thy kind. 1 will deal
COUNT. 42. 5. I shall yet praise bim for the help of bis e. Num. 20. 17. let us pass, pray thee, thro' thy t. I

art thou
Exitd. 12. 4. shall make your e. for the Iamb 11. who is the health of myr. and my Ctod,43.5 Jauak 1.8.wb»t is thyc. t of what people
COUNT, Verb. 44. 3. but the light of thy «. did save them iMkt^.'ii. beard done in Capem. do i.ere in ihyc.
Lev. 23. 15. c. froailhe morrow after the sabbath 80. 16. they perish at the rebuke of thy e. COUN
25. 27. let him c. the years of the sate, 52. 89. 15. shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy t. 1 Sam% 6. 18. both of fenced cities and e.-villag4»
Jftmi. S3. 10. who can c. the dust of Jacob > 90. '8. hast set our secret sins in the lifEbt of thy t. COUNTRY.MEN.
ISam. 1. iC. c. not me for a dauchtcr of Belial Prev. 15. 13- a merry heart makelh a cheerful e. S C«r. 11.26-in journeying, in perilsby mine own «.
J'h 19. 15. and my maids e. me for a stranger 16. 15. in the light of the king's e. is life I 'J"A«i/-2 J4.y« havesoflered like thinp of your*.

31. 4. doth not he see my

ways, e. all my steps f 25. S.3. so doth the angry e. a backbiting tnngnc COUNTRIES-
Psat. 87. 6. ih? Lord shall c. when be wriieih 27 17. so a man sbarpeneth the e. of his friend Gf n.06.3.10 tbee and iby seed will I give these t.*,
139. 18. if I c. th^m, thev are more tbaji the sand Ecr..7, 3. by saatwM of « tbc bean is made better 41 .57>aU f .camt into Egypt to Joseph to bnj con
iKnfi 1B.S5. who amonc; all r.that have delivered COURT CRAFTINESS.
IChr. 22. 5. house of fame and glory throughout c. In IJehretc Chazer, it an enlronee into a palaet Job 5. 13. he taketh the wise in their*. 1 Cor. S.19.
2 Chron. 20. SQ. the fear of God was on all those c. or house, Esth. 6. 4, 5. The great courts be- Luke 20. 23. but he perceived their c. and said
£ira 3.3. fear on them, because of people of those €. longing to the temple mere three ; the first called 2 Cor. 4. 2. not walking in c. nor handling the word
4. 20. mijjhty kings who have ruled over all c. the court of the Gentiles, hecausi the Gentiles Eph. 4. 14. we be no more carried by cunning c
Psal.110.6. he shall wound the heads over many e. were allmced to enter to far, and no farther. The CRAFTY.
Ija.8.9. and give ear all yeof fart, gird yourselves second called the court of Israel, tecaujt all the Job 5. 12. he disappointed the devices of the e.
Jtr S3 3. I will gather the remnant of my Hock out Israelites, if purified, had a right *^ admission. 15. 5. and thou choosest the tongue of the c.
of all <. and bring them again, 8. 32. 37. |
The third court was chat of the Priests, ahere the /'ja/.83.3.have taken c. counsel against thy peojia
28. 8. tne prophets prophesied against many c. altar of burnt-offerings stood, and where the 2 Cor. 12. 16. being e. I caught you with guila
Eui. 5. 5. I have set Jerusalem in midst of the e Priests anrf Levitenrercised their ministry. It CRAFTSMAN.
6. she hath cheinged my statutes more than thee. signifies the church of Christ, Zech. 3. 7. Also Deut. 27. 15. the work of the hands o*" ihe c.
6. 8. \\hen ye shall be scattered through the c. the false church. Rev. 11. 2. liev. 18 22. no c. shall be found any more in thee
11.16. tho' I have scattered them among the c. yet £xorf.27.9. tliou shalt make the court of the tabem. CRAFTSMEN.
I will be to them as a little sanctuary in the c shall he hangings for the c. 35.17. 38.9.
| 39.40. I
2/rin?/24.14.carried away all the c .and smith8,l(J
17. I will assemble yon out of the c. 20. M, 41. 12. breadth of the e. 13. 18. length of the c.
1 Chron. 4. 14. of Charashim, for they were c.
22, 4. I have made thee a mocking to all c. 19. all the pins of the c. 35. 18. 38. 20, 31.
Neh. 11. 35. Lod and Ono, the valley of c.
25. 7. 1 will cause thee to perish out of the c. 40. 8. and thou shalt set up the t. round about Jios. 13. 2. molten images, all of it the work of c.
29. 12. I will disperse them through the c. 36. 19 Let thee, of the tabernacle shall eat it, 26. Acts ig. 24. Demetrius brought no small gain to c.
35. 10. thou hast said, these two c. shall be mine 2 Sam. 17. 18. a man which had a well in his c. 38. if the c. have a matter against any maa
Dan. 11. 40. he shall enter into the c. and overflow 1 Kings 20. 4. afore Isaiah was gone into middle c. CRAG.
41 mzuiy c. shall be overthrown, but these escape
. 2 Chron. 20. 5. Jehoshaphat stood before the new c Job 39. 28. the eagle abideth on the c. of the rock
42 he sha. stretch forth his hand upon the c. 24.21. they stoned Zechariah in c. of Lord's house CRANE.
Zec/i. 10.9. and they shall remember me in a far c. 29. 16. brought out the uncleanness into the c. La. 38. 14. like a c. or swallow so did I chatter
Luke 21. 21. let not them that are in the c. enter £fM.5.1.Esther stood in the inner c. of king's house Jer. a. 7. c. and swallow observe the time of coming
COUPLE. 6. 4. and the king said, who is in the c. T CRASHING.
SSam. 13. 6. let Tamar make mc a of cakes
c. 5. servants said, behold Haman standeth in the c. Zeph. 1. 10. there shall be a great e. from the hills
16. 1 Ziba met David with a c. of asses saddled
. Isa. 34. IS. habitation of dragons, and ac. for owls CRAVED.
Zfo.21.7. he saw a chariot with a r. of horsemen, 9. 35.+ 7. shall be a f . for reeds and rushes Mark 15.43. Joseph went in, and c.the body of Jesu3
COUPLE, Feri. Jer. 19. 14. Jeremiah stood in the c. of Lord's house CRAVETH.
£to(/.26.6. thou shall f. the curtains' with tac!ies,9. 26. 2. stand in the c. of the Lord's house and speak Prov. iG. 26. labours for himself, his mouth 1;. it
11. shall make tachestoc. tent together, 36. 18. 32. 2. and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in CREATE
39. 4. made shoulder-pieces to c. ephod together the c. of the prison, 33. 1. (.39. 15. Signifies, To make out of nothing, to bring
COUPLED, ETII. 38.6. Jhey cast Jeremiah into the dungeon in the «. being out of non-entity. Gen. 1. 1. [2] To
£toJ. 26. 3. the five curtains be 36. 10, 13, I6. Ezek. 8. 7. he brought me to the door of the c. 16.
c. change the Jorm, state, and situalior of matter,
10. in the edge of the curtain which
c. the second 10. 3. the man went in, the cloud filled tlie inner t-. ishtch is wholly indisposed for such a change^
24. the two boards shall be c. totsether, 36. 29. 40.17. he brought me into outwardc.42.1. 46.21. |
and requires as great power as to make out of
39. 4. by the two edges was it c. together 28. he brotight me to the iimer c. and measured nothing. Gen. 1. 21. 2. I9.
| [3] To give and
1 Pet. 3. 2. your chaste conversation c. with fear 43. 5. the Spirit brought me into the inner e. work grace where it is not, Eph. 2. 10. [4] To
COUPLING. 45. 19. put blood upon the gate of the inner c, cleanse the heart more and more from its na-
Erod. 26. 4. Jnake loops from selvedge in e. 36. 11. 46. 21. in every comer of lie e. there wcis ac. tural corruption iy the power of sanctifying
4. likewise make in c. of the second, 36. 11, 12. Amos 7. 13. king's chapel, and it is the king's c. grace, Psal. 51. 10.
10. one curtain that is outmost in the c. 36. 17. Acts 16. 1 19. they drew Paul and Silas into the c. Num. if. + 30. but if the Lord c. a creature
28. 27. over-against the other c. thereof, Sg. 20. 17- +22. Paul stood inside off. of the Areopagites Psal. 51 . 10. c. in me a clean heart, God, renew O
COUPLINGS. 19. t 38. thee, days are kept, there are deputies La. 4.5. c. on every dwelling-place of Zion a cloud
S C/ir. 34. 1 1. to buy hewn stone and timber for c. Phil. 1 1 13. . my
bonds are manifest in Caesar's c. 45. 7. I form the light and c. darkness, I c. evil
COURAGE. Rev. 11. 2. the c. without the temple, leave out 57. 19. I c. the fruit of the lips, peace to him
Jfl.iA. 2.11. nor did there remain any more c. in any COURTS. 65. 17. behold, I c. new heavens and a new earth
2 Chron. 15. 8. he took e. and pot away the idols 2 Kings 21 .5. Manasseh built altars for all the host 18. be glad and rejoice forever in that which 1 c.
19. +11. take c. and do, and Lord be with the good of heaven in the two c. 2 Chron. 33. 5. CREATED.
Jta. 44. + 14. which he taketh e. for himself 23. 12. altars in the two e. Josiah brake down Gen. 1. 1. in the beginning God c. heaven and earth
Van. 11. 25. shall stir up his c. ag. king of south 1 Chron. 23. 28. their oflice W£is to wait in the c. 2 I.God c. great whales and every living creature
^cls 28. 15. when Paul saw thanked God, took c. 28. 6. Solomon shall build my
house and c. 27. soGod e. man in his own image, in the image
Good COURAGE. 12. David gave Solomon the pattern of the c. of God, male andiemalec. he them, 5. 2.
Nvm. 13. 20. be ye of good c. and bring the fruit 2 Chron. 23. 5. all the people shall be in the e. 2. 3. in it he had rested from all he c. and made
Deut. 31.6. be strong, and of good c. fear not, 7, 23. ['sal. 65.4. approaches to thee.that he dwell in thyc 6.7. Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have c.
Joih. 1.6,9,18. 10.25. 1 Chron. 22. 13.
28.20. 84. 2. my soul fainteth for the c. of the Lord
Deut. 4. 32. since the day God c. man on the earth
2 Sam. 10. 12. be of good e. let us play the men, 92. 13. they shall flourish in the c. of our God Psal. 89. 12. the north and south thou hast c. them
1 Chron. 19. 13. Etra 10. 4. /fa. 41. 6. 96. 8. bring an offering and come into his c. 102. 18. people which shall be c. shall praise Lord
Pja/.27.14. wait on Lord, be of good c. and he shall ICO. 4. enter into his c. with praise, be thankful to 104.30. thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are c.
strengthen thine heart, wait on Lord, 31. 24. 116. ig. pay my
vows in the c. of the Lord's house 148. 5. for he commanded, and they were c.
COURAGEOUS. 135. 2. ye that stand in the c. of the house of God La. 40. 26. behold who hath e. these things
Joih.l. 7. be thou strong and c. 23. 6. 2 Chr. 32. 7. Isa. 1. 12. who hath required this to tread c. ? my
41. 20. and the holy One of Israel hath c. it
8 Sam. 13. 28. fear not, be c. and be v.Tjiant 62. 9. they shall drink in the c, of holinessmy 42. 5. saith Lord, he that e. the heavens
./J»:«j2.lC.he that isc. amongraigh. shall fleeaway Ezek. 9. 7. and fill the e. with the slain, go ye forth 43.1. the L. that c. thee, Jacob, and formed the*O
COURAGEOUSLY. Zech. 3.7. thou shaltjudge my
house, and keep my c. 7.havef.him for my glory, yea, I have made him
2 Chr. 19. 11. deal c. and L. shall be with the good Luke 7. 25. they that live delicately are in king's c. 45. 8. let the earth open, I the Lord have c. it
COURSE COURTEOUS. 12. I have made the earth, and c. man upon it
Signifies, [1] That race ahich it preserved us to 1 Pet. 3. 8. love as brethren, be pitiful, be 18. he hath established it, c. it not in vain
run and follow, 2 1 im. 4. 7. [2] Order or turn, courtp:ously. 48. 7. they are c. now, and not from the beginning
2 Chron. 5. 11. [3] Manner or v-ay, Kph. 2. 2. AcisQT. 3. Juliusf.entreated Paul and gave liberty 54. 16. I have c. the smith, I have c. the waster
[4] Progress and tvecets. 2 Thess. 3. 1. [5] A
28. 7. Publius received us and lodged us 3 days c. Jer. 51 .22. for the Lord hath c. a newthing in earth
voyage. Acts 21. 7. [6] The gospel-ministry, COURTIER. Ezek.2 1.30. 1 will judge thee where thou waste.
AcU 13. 25. John 4. t 46. there was a certain c. whose son was 28. 13. prepared in the day thou wast c.
1 QAron. 27. 1. the chief fathers of every c. 24,000 COUSIN. 15. wast perfect from the day that thou waste.
2 Chron. 5. 11 the priests did not then wait bye. Luke 1. 36. thyc. Elisabeth hath conceived a son il/«/.2.10. have one father, hatJi not one God c. us.'
Ezra 3. 11. they sung together by e. in praising COUSINS. Murk 13.19. from beginning of creat. which God c.
''.ia/.82.5. all the foundations of earth are out of c. Luke 1. 58. her neighbours and c. heard how
L. 1 Cor. 11.9. neither was the man c. for the woman
Jer. 8. 6. every one turned to his c. as the horse COW. Eph.'i.lO.ytK are his workmanship c. iu Christ Jesus
23. 10. theirc. is evil, and their force is not right /.#i'. 22. 28. whether c. or ewe, ye shall not kill it 3. (J. hid in God, who c. all things by Jesus Christ
Luke I. 5. Zacharias was of the c. of Abiadi A'wOT. 18. 17. firstling of a c. thou shalt not redeem 4. 24. the new man, after God c. in righteousness
8. while he executed in the order of his c. Job 21.10. their c. calveth, and castcth not her calf Col. 1. 16. for by him were all things c. in heaven,
Acts 13. 25. and as John fulfilled his c. he said La. 7. 21, a man nourisheth a young c. and two all things were c. by him, and for him
16. 1 1. came with straight c. to Samothracia, 21.1. sheep 3.10. new u.<iii after the image of him that c. him
20. 24. that I might finish my
e. with joy 11.7. and the c. and the bear shall feed, lion eat 1 7'i»i.4.3.r. meats which God e. to be received
21. 7. when we had finished our c. from Tyre Ezek. 4. 15. I have given thee c. dung for man's liev. 4. 11. thou art worthy, for thou hast e. all
1 Cor. 14. 27. or at most by three, anil that by c. ylmos 4. 3. every c. at that which is before her things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were c.
£ V'X«M. 3.1. that word of the Lord may have free c. CRACKLING. 10.6. who c. heaven and the things that therein are
2 Tim. 4. 7. I have finished ray c. kept tVie faith Ecci. 7-6. asf . of thorns under a pot, so is laughter CREATETH.
Jam. 3. 6. the tongue setteth on fire the c. of nature CRACKNELS. Amvsi. 13.hethatc. the wind, the Lord is his name
Water-Coursk See Water. 1 Kings 14. .3. take with thee ten loaves and c. CREATION.
COURSES. CK.Arr. Afark 10. 6. from the c. God made male and female
•/iirf?.5.20.the stars in their c. fought against Siscra Dan.H.eS. thro' his policy shall cause to prosper
c. 13. 19. as was not from the beginning of the c.
1 Chron. 23. 6. David divided the Levites into e. Mark 14. 1. take him by e. and put him to death /Jym. 1 .20. thiags of him from the c. are clearly seeo
£C7irOTi.8.H. Solomon appointed the e. of the priests Acts 18.3. because he was of the same c. abode with
B. 22. for we know that the whole e. groaneth
£.^. 8. for Jehoiada the priest
dismissed not the c. ly. 25. ye know that by this c. we have wealth 2 Pet. 3. 4. things conticae as they were from the e.
31. 2. ilezekiah appointed the c. of the priests 27. so that not only this our c. is in danger Rev. 3.14. the Amen, the beginning ofthee. of God
75 10. and the stood in their c. Ren. 18. 22. no craftsman of whatsoever c. he be CREATOR,
EeraQ. is. they set the levites in their c. for CRAFTILY. i^f/. 12.1 .remember thy e. in the days of thy yoctii

service JuJg. 9- f
be sent messengers to Abimelecb c. Iia. 40. 26. the Lord, Uw t. of the end* of the eartli

CR! cue
/ta.iS. 15. 1 am
the Lord, thee, of Israel, \ out k. CRIMSON. feclual to mortify and subdue the lusti of tht
B<n?».1.25.who served the creature more than thee Some think that it ts the same tilth scarlet; others flcih. Gal. 2. iio, I am crucified with Christ.
1 Pet. 4. 19. to him in well-doin^ as to a faithful c. thai it is of a deeper dye. hi the Hebrew ii It is said of them, who for some tinie have
CREATURE. is called 1 olahat Shani ; tliat is, the double made profession of religion, and afieraardt
Gen. 1. 20. let waters bring forth the moving c. worm, or the worm Shani ; as if Shani were the turn apostates, that they crucify to themsehes
Z^v. 11. 46. this is the law of every c. that moveth proper name of this worm: In the Arabic it n the Son of God afresh, Heb. 6. 6. that is,
yum. 16. + 30. if the Lord create a new c. called, Kermes, or Karmes; uhence comes the They shew themselves to be of the same opinion
Mark 16.15. preach the gospel to every c.Cc/.l.C?. word crimson, because they made use of these with those that did crucify Chrnt, and would
Eo/n.8.19. the earnest expectation of thee wzuteth little norms to dye this colovr. The Kermes is do it again, were it i« their power.
20. for the c. was made subject to vanity a small round shell, membraneorts, thin, smoul/i, The apostle tells the Galatizins, that Christ Jesus
21. the c. shall be delivered from the bondage and shitting ; of a reddish brown colour, mixed had been evidently set forth crucified among
+ CG. that every c.groaneth and travaileth in pain vith a whitish ash colour, about a /quarter t'f them. Gal. 3. 1. They had been as fully and
39. nor any c. shall be able to separate us an inch diameter, generally divided into fuo clearly informed of the nature and design of
2 Cor. 5. 17. if any man be in Christ, he is a new c. equal cavities, the greatest of which is full if a Christ's sufferings, as if all had been traitsaciti
Gal. 6. 15. nor uncircumcision, but a newc. vast number of little oval eggs, very red, or ver- in their sight.
Col. 1. 15. who is the first-born of every e. millioH ; and the smaller cavity is full of a kind Mat. 10. .58. he that taketh not his c. Luke 14. 27-
1 Tim. 4. 4. for every e. ot God is good, if it be of liquor, uhich is red like:tise, and not much 16.24. let him deny himself, take up his c. and fo^
JJeb. 4. 13. nor is there any e. that is not manifest different from blood. This cod, or shell, grous low me, MarkH. 34. | 10. 21. Luke 9. 23.
ii* heaven heard I,saying,blessing upon a kind of green oak, that grows only to the 27. 32. they found Simon, him they compelled to
Living CREATURE. height of a shrub. These shrubs are found i>i bear his c. Mark 15. 21. Luke 23. 26
Cen. 1. 21. and God created every living c. Palestine, in Provence, in Languedoc, iw Spain. 40. saying, if thou be the Son of God. come down
24.God Slid, let the earth bring forth the tiling c. and elsewhere. They loosen these cods, or shells, from thee. 42. Markl5. 30,32.
2. 19. whatsoever Adam called every living c. from the leaves to which they are faitened, and Jjhn 19. 17. he bearing his c. went forth to a place
9. 10. establish my covenant with every living e. the worms of which they are full come out of the 19. Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the e.
12. the token between me and every living c. 15. hole made by taking them from the leaf ; then 25. there stood by the c. of Jesus his mother
I.ev. 11. 46. the law of every living c. that moveth separate these little animals from the shells with ."il. bodies should not remain on the c. on sabbath

^zei.l.SO.spiritof/icinffcwas within, 21. 10.17.

a sieve, and put them together by pressing them 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest f. of Christ be made of none effect
10. 15. the living t .that I saw by river Chebar, 20. lightly, and make them into balls of the bigness 18. preaching of the c. is to them foolishness
CREATURES. of a pullet's egg. Gal. 5. 11. then is the offence of the c. ceased
Jia- 13. 21. their houses shall be full of doleful c. 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in c. 14. 6.12. lest they suffer persecution for the c.of Chr.
Jam. 1 18. should be a kind of first-fruits of his c.
. 3. 14. he made the vail of blue, c. and fine linen 14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the e.
Rev, a third part of the e. in the sea died
8. 9- Isa. 1 IS.though your sins be red like c. they shall be Eph. 2. 16. reconcile both in one body by the e.

Living CREATURES. Jer. 4. 30. though thou clothest thyself with c. Phil. 2.8. he became obedient to the death of the c,
Etei. 1.5. came the likeness of four living e. CRIPPLE. .*. 18. that they are enemies of the c. of Christ

13. it went up and down among the living c. Actsli. 8. being a c. from his mother's womb Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro' the blood of e.
14. living c. ran, and returned as lightning CRISPING-PINS. 2.14. and took it out of the way, nailing it to his e.
15. as I beheld living c. one wheel by living c. Isa. 3. 22. Lord will take away the mantles and c. Heb. 12.2. forthe joy set before him, endured the e.
19. when the living c. went, the wheels went CROOK-BACKED. CROSS-WAY.
3. 13. 1 beard noise of the wings of the livtng c. Lev. 21. 20. a man that is e. shall not approach Obad 14. nor shouldest thou have stood in the e.
Deut. 15. 2. every c. that lendeth shall release it Deut. 32. 5. they are a perverse and c. generation 1 Sam. 2. 36. shall come and c. to him for a piece
1 Sam.C2.t 2. every one that had a f. went to David Judg. 5. t 6. the travellers walked through c. ways CROUCHETH.
2 Kings 4.1. c is come to take my two sons bond. Job 26. 13. his hand hath formed the c. serpent Psal. 10.10 he c and humbleth himself, that poor
4. t 7. he said, go, sell the oil, and pay the c. Pt. 125. 5. as for such as turn aside to their c.ways Crow, Crowing. See Cock.
LUxcT. 41. there was a certain c. who had two Prov. 2. 15. whose ways are c. and they froward CROWN
CREDITORS. [debtors £cc/.1.15. what is c. cannot be matin straight, ".13 Is properly taken for a cap of state worn on ths
Jsa. 50. 1. to which of my c. have I sold you Isa. 27. 1. shall punish Leviathan, that c. serpent heads of sovereign princes, 1 Chron. 20. 2. But
CREEK, S. 40. 4. c. shall be made straight, 42. I6. Luke 3. 5 in a figurative sense it signifies honour, splen-
Judg. 5. + 17. Asher continued on the c. and abode 45. 2. I will go and make the c. places straight dour, or dignity. Lam. 5. 16, The crown is
Acts 27.39they discovered a certain c.with a shore 59. 8. no judgment, they have made them c. paths fallen from our head. And the apostle says
CREEP. Lam. 3. 9. he inclosed, he hath made my paths of the Philippians, that they were his joy and
Ijtv. 11.31. these are unci, to you among all thatf. Phil. 2. 15. the sons of God, in midst of a e. nation crown, Phil. 4. 1. They were his honour and
Psal. 104. 20. the beasts of the forest do c. forth CROP. glory, the great ornament of his ministry, by
2 Tim. 3. 6. of this sort are they who c. into houses Lev. 1.16. shall pluck away his c. with his feathers meant whereof they had been converted to Christ.
CREEPETH. CROP. yerb. It is -used likewise for reward, because con-
G<n.l.25.G.made every thing that c. on earth, 26. Ezek. 17. 22. I will c. off from the top of his twigs querors i'L the public games were crowned, 1 Cor.
•f 28. have dominion over every liv. thing that c CROPPED 9. 25, '1 hey do it to obtain a corruptible crown,
30. have given to every thing c. herb for Eiek. 17. 4. he c. off the top of his young twigs but we an "uicorruptible ; that is, the wrestlers
7. 8. every thing that e. went in two and two, 14 CROSS. in those games which are practised among you,
21. all flesh died of every thing that con earth By the word cross is understood a gibbet made of contend in order to obtain a wreath, or garland
8. 17. bring forth with thee every thing that c. two pieces of wood put across , whether they cross <;/' finwers, herbs, or leaves of laurel, olive, and
19. whatsoever e on the earth went out of ark with right angles at the toy, as a T. or in the the like ; but we Christians strive for an in-
Lev. 11.41. every creeping thing that c. on the middle of their length like an X. The cross was heritance incorrupt ible,undefiled, and that fadeth
earth shall be an abomination, 43. 44. 20.25. | the punishmant of the vilest slaves, -and was not away, reserved in heaven for ut. St. John,
Deut. 4. 18. likeness of any thing that con ground called a servile punishment : This punishmein speaking of Christ governing the affairs of his
Ptal. 69. t 34. let every thing that c. praise him ovr Saviour underwent. Mat. 27. 35. PhiL 2.8. cJitirch, says, that on his head were many
CREEPING. This penalty was so common among the Romans crowns, licv. I9. 12. noting his absolute sr-
Cen. 1. t 20. letwaters bring forth c. creature that pains, afflictions, trouiles, and unprosperouS vereignty, and many triumphs. A crown is a
26. let them have dominion over every c. thing affairs were called crosses ; and the verb cruciare sign of victory. Rev. 4. 4.
7. 14. every c. thing after his kind went into ark Bias used for all sorts of chastisements, and The high-priist among the Jews wore a crotm,
Lev. 5. 2. touch the carcase of unclean c. things pains of body and mind. See Punishment. uhich girl about his mitre, or loader part of his
II. 21. yet these may ye eat, of every c. thing Our Saviour says often in his gospel, that he who bonnet, and was tied behind Ais head. On the
22. 5. or whosoever toucheth any c. thing would be his disciple, must take up his cross forepart was a plate of gold, with these nordt
Deut. 14. 19. every e. thing that Hieth is unclean and follow him, Mat. 16. 24. lie must sub- eu'^raven en it, Holiness to the Lord, I'jod.
1 Kinsis 4. 33. spake of beasts, c. things and fishes mit readily to whatsoever afflictions God lays 28. 36. I
29. 6. Kcw married men and women
Psal, I04. 25. in the sea are c. things innumerable upon him, or any siiffering that befals him in wore crounsupon their uedding-day. Cant. 3. 11.
148. 10. all cattle, c. things praise the Lord the service of God, even to death itself. Cross 'J'he spouse invites her companions to see king
Eiek. 6. 10. form of c. things pourtrayed on wall is taken for the whole of Christ's sufferings, Solomon with tht croicn wherewith his mother
38. 20. all c. things shall shake at my presence from his birth to his death, but especially those crowned liim in the day of his espousals ; and
J7ox.2.18.I will make a covenant with the c. things upon the tree, l:^h. 2. I6. Ileb, 12 2. And itlluding to this custom, il is said, Ezek, 16. 12.
Mic. 7. 1 17. move out of their holes like c. things for the doctrine of the gospel , that is, of sal- that when Ood entered into covenant with tin
21ab. 1. 14. and maketh men as the c. things vation through Christ crucified, 1 Cor. 1. 18. Jewish -nation, he put a beautilul crown upon
.Acts 10. 12. Peter saw c. things and fowls, 11. 6 I'alse teachers, who pressed the observation of their head.
Horn. 1. 23. into an image made like to c. things the laa of Moses, as necessary to salvation, I'.jod. 25, 25. shall make a golden c. to the border
CREPT. besides faith in Christ, are called enemies of Cy. 6. and put the lioly c. upon the mitre
Jttde 4. for there are certain men c. in unawares the cross of Christ, Phil. 3. 18. because by 30 4. make golden rings to it under the c. 37. 27.
CREW. such doctrine they did really ojijiose and under- 39, 30. made the plate of the c. of pure gold
Mat.26. 74. 1 know not the man, and immediately mine the power and merit of Christ's passion, [.ci. 8, 9. upon his forefront he put the holy c.
the cock c. Mark 14. 6ti. Luke 22. 60 and sought to avoid persecution, which they Ct. 12. the c. of the anointing oil is upon him
Mark 14.72. the second lime the cock c. Jo/ml8.27 v'ould have been exposed to, had they pieachcd 2 A/;i£.>ll,12.put thef. upon Joash, 2 Chr. 23. 11
CRIB. salvation only by Christ crucified, as the apostle l.iih. 1, 11. to bring Vashti with the c. royal
Job 39. 9. will the unicorn abide by thy c. ? Paul was. Gal. 5. 11. ./i/> 31. 36. surely 1 would bind it as a c. to me

Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen arc the c. is clean To crucify, is not only taken for putting to Pial. 89. ;!9, thou hast profaned his e. by casting it
Ita. 1. 3. and the ass knoweth his master's c. death on a cross. Mat. 27. 35. lut also for the 132. 18, but upon himself shall his c. flourish
Cbied, 5?* after Crt. subduing and mortifying sin ; for breaking the I'rov. 4. 9- ^ <"• of glory shall she deliver to the
CRIME, S. strength, and suppressiyig the motions and 12. 4, a virtuous woman is a c. to her husband
Job 31 n. this is an heinous c. yea it is an iniquity
. breakings out-, of corrupt nature. Gal. 5. 24. 14. 24 the c. of the Wise is their riches
£tet. 7. 23. for the land is full of bloody c. and the 'J hey that are Christ's have crucifitd the Hcsh. 16. 31, the hoary head is a c. of glory if found
^cr<^ juiswer concerning c. laid against him Chi ist's death on the cross has not only merited 17. 6. children's children are the r. of old oft
87. &od not to sigoiiy the «, Itiid against him reconciiiation «ilA God, tut it alto mad* *f 27. 24, doth the c. «odiu« to ev«r; geueraUM
. .


Cam. 3. 11. go forth, behold ling Solomon with c. Deut. 32. 33. their wine as the c. venom of asps P.(. 88.2.0.of my salv incline thine ear nnto my »

Ita. 28. 1. woe to the c of pr;de, to the drunkards Job 30. 21. thou art become c. to me, thou opposest 102. l.hear, O Lord, and let my e. come unto tie*
5.that day Lord of hosts shall be for a c. of glory Psal. 25. 19. mine enemies hate me with c. hatred 106. 44. he regarded, when he heard their e.
68.3. thou shili also be ac. ot glory in the hand of 71.4. deliver me out of the hand of the c. man 119- 169. let my c. come near be fore thee, O Lord
Prov. 5. 9. lest thou give thy years to the c. 142. 6. attend to my c. I am brought very low
Jer. 13. 18. the c. of your glory shall come down
Ettk. 21. 26. rtmoTe the diadem, take otf the c H. 17. but he that is c. troubleth his own flesh Prov. 21. 13. who jtoppeth his ears at the c. of poor
Ztch. g. l6. they shall be as the stones of a c. lifted 12.10. but the tender mercies of the wicked are e. Eicl. 9. 17- more than the e. of him that ruleth

John 19. 6. Jesus wearing a c. of thorns, and purple 17. 11. a c. messenger shall be sent against him Isa. 5. 7- he looked for righteousness, behold a i;
27. 4. wrath is c. Cant. 8. 6. jetJousy is e. 15. 5. they shall raise up a e. of destruction
1 Cot. 9. 25. they do it to obtain a corruptible <:. I|

Isa. 13.9. behold, the day of the Lordcometh, c. 8. the f is gone round about the borders of Moeb
PhUAA .dearly belov. and longed joy and c. .

1 Thttt. 2. 19. for what is our hope, ore. of rejoicing 19. 4. the Egyptians will I give overto a c. lord 30. 19. he will be gracious at the voice of thy c
2 Tim. 4.8. there is laid up for meat, of righteous. Jer. 6. 23. they are c. and have no mercy, 50. 42. 43. 14. the Chaldeans, whose e. is in the ships

Jam. 1.12. he shall receive e. of life Lord promistd 30. 14. wounded with chastisement of a c. one Jer. 7. 16. nor lift upc. nor prayer for them, 11.14
ye shall receive a of glory fadeth notLaw. 4. 3. the daughter of my people is becomec. 8. 19. behold the voice of the e. of my people
1 Pet. 5. 4. c.
Rev. 2. 10. faithful to death, I will !;ive a c. of life lleb. 11. 36. others had trial of c. mockings 14. 2. and the c. of Jerusalem is gone up

a. 11. hold that fast, that no man take thy e. CRUELLY. 18. 22. let a c. be heard from their houses
6. 2. ar. given to him, and went forth conquering Ezek. 18. 18. because he c.
oppressed, he shall die 25. 36. the e. of the shepherds shall be heard
CROWN of gold. CRUELTY. 46. 12. and thy e. hath filled the land
are their habitations 48. 4. her little ones have caused a e. to be beard
Etti. 25. U. thou shalt make upon it ac. of gold 0«n. 49. 5. instruments of c. in

round about, 24. 30. 3. 37. 2, 11, 12, 2ti Judg. <J. 24. the c. done to the sons of Jerubbaal
5. the enemies have heard a e, of destruction

£»M.8.1i.Mordecaiwent outwitn agreat c. of gold I'sat. 27. 12. such as breathe out e. are risen up 49. 21. the earth is moved at the e. of Edom
P/o/. 21 3. thou settest a <. o^pure ^uW on his head 74.20. dark places are full of the habitations oi c. 50. 46. the e. is heard at the taking of Babylon
CROWN with hoad. Prov. 27. +4. wrath is c. anger is outrageous 51. 54. a sound of a c. cometh from Babylon
Gtn. 49.26. they shall be on the c. of Joseph's head Ezek. 34.4. with force and c. have ye ruled them Lam. 3. 56. hast heard, hide not thine ear at my 1

Dtut. 33.20. tearcth the arm with the c. of the head CRUMBS. Ezek. 27. 28. the suburbs shake at the e. of pilots
2 Sam. 1 10. I took the c. that was upon his head
Mat. 15. 27. yet the dogs eat of the c. which fall Zeph. 1. 10. there shall be a e. from the fish-gate
12.30. took king's c. from Hahead, 1 C/ir. 2U. 2. from their master's table, Mark 7- 28. Mat. 25.6. at midnight there was a e. made, behold
14.25.from the sole even to c. of his head. Job '2.' Luke 16. 21. to be fed with c. which fell from rich Great CRY.
Etth. 2. 17. the king set the royal c. on her head CRUSE. Gen. 18.20. because the c. of Sodom is great, \^.\i
6. 8. the c. royal which is set upon his head 1 Sam. 26. 11. take spear and c. of water let us go 27. 34. Esau cried with a great and bitter e.
Job 19. 9. he hath taken the c. from my head 12. so David took the spear and ihe c. I6. Exod. 11. 6. there shall be ^ great c. through Egypt
Vm. 3. 17. Lord will smite with a scab the c. oihead 1 Kings 14. 3. take with thee a c. of honey and go 12.30. Pharaoh rose, there was a great c. in Egypt
Jer. 2. 16. have broken the c. of thy head 17. 12. she said, I have but a little oil in a c. Neh. 5. 1. visgreat c. of the people and their wives
48.45. thee, of the head of the tumultuous ones 14. nor c. of oil fail, till the Lord send rain, 16. Acts 23. 9. when he so said, there arose a great c
iMm. 5.l6. the c. is fallen from our head, woe to us 19. 6. Elijah had a c. of water at his head Hea'CKY.
Buk. 16. 12. I put a beautiful c. on thine head 2 Kmgs 2. 20. bring me anew c. and putsalt therein Exod. 22. 23. if they c. I will surely hear their c
Mat. 27. 29. they platted ac of thorns, and put it
. CRUSH. Job 27. 9. will God hear his e. when trouble comes
on his head, Mark 15. 17. Jolm I9. 2. Job 39. 15. ostrich forgetteth her foot may c. them Psal. 61. 1. hear mye. O God, attend to my prayer
Reo. 12. 1. and upon her head a e. of twelve stars £oCT. 1.15. assembly against me toe. my young men 145. 19. he also will hear their e. and save them
14. 14. having on his head a golden c. and a sickle 3. 34. to c. under his feet all the prisoners of earth Jer. 20. 16. let them hear the c. in the morning
CROWN, Veii. AmoS'i. 1. ye kine of Bashan which c. the needy Not hear CRY.
Psal. 5. t 12. with favour wilt thou c. him, as with CRUSHED. CRUSHT. Jer. 14. 12. when they fast, I will not hear their e.
CROWNED. /'.«£;.22.24. ye shall not offer to the Lord what is c. CRIES.
Ptal. 8 5. thou hast c. him with glory and honour Num. 22.25. the assc. Balaam's foot against wall Jam. 5. 4. the e. of them that raped are entered
Prov. 14. lb. the prudent are c. with knowledge Deul. 28. 33. shalt be only oppressed and c. alway CRY, Verb.
Can/. 3. 11 the crown wherewith his motherc. him Judg. 10. t8. the Philistines c. the child, of Isr. Exod. 5. 8. for they are idle, therefore they c.
Nah. 3. 17. thy care as locusts, and thy captains 2 Chr. 16. 1 10. Asa c. some of the people same time 22. 23. if thou afflict them, and they e. unto nee
2 'i'im. 2. 5. he is not c. except he strive lawfully Jobi. ly. in the dust, which are e. before the moth 32. 18. neither is it the voice of them that c.
Htb. 2. 9. we see Jesus c. with glory and honour 5.4. his children far from safety are c. in the gate Lei;.13.45.shall cover his upper lip, aud e. unclean
CROWN EDST. 20. t 19. because he hath e. and forsaken the poor Judg. 10. 14. go e. to the gods ye have chosen
Heb. 2. 7. thou c. him with glory and honour 34. t25. he overturneth them, so that they are c. 2 6'a);i. 19.23. what right have I yet to e. to the king
CROWN EST. Isa. 59.5. that which is c. breaketh outinto a viper 2 Ai?ijf 8. 3. she went to e. for her house and laud
Psal. 65. 11. thou c. the year with thy goodness Jer. 51. 34. Nebuchadnezzar the king hath c. me 2 Chron.ZO.Q. and e. in our afBiction, thou wilt hear
CROWNETH. CRY Job 30. 20. 1 e. unto thee, and thou dost not hear
Pill. 103. 4. who f thee with loving-kindness
. Is takeny^ir a loud extending of the voice, Eccl. 9. 24. thougji they c. in his destruction
CROWNING. 17. >Iat. 21. 15. Also for aeeptng, mourning, 35. 9- they make the oppressed to e. they c. out
lia. 23. 8. taken counsel against Tyre the c. city and lamentation, Exod. 11. 6. j 12. 30. In the 12. there they e. but none giveth answer, because
CROWNS. Psalms, and elsewhere, it is often put for fervent 36. 13. they e. not when he biudeth them
1 Chron. 2. 54. the c. of the house of Joab and earnest prayer, either with the voice, or in the 38. 41. when his young ones e. toGod, they wander
J-^tek. 23. 42. which put beautiful c. on their heads heart only, Psal. 17. 1, Attend unto my cry. Psal. 22. 2. I e. in the day time, thou hearest not
Hec/t. G. 11. make c 14. the c. shall be to Ilelem Exod. 14. 15, God says to Moses, Wherefore 27.7. hear, O Lord, when I e.withmy voice, 28. 2
28. 1. to thee will I e. O Lord, my rock, 2.

Rev. 4. 4. the elders nad on their heads c. of gold criest thou unto me i T/tovgh at yet Moses had
lO.and they cast their c. before the throne, saying said nothing. To cry, likewise signifies, to call 34. 17- the righteous e. and the Lord heareth
9. 7. on the locust's heads were c. like gold to God for vengeance. Gen. 4. 10. Sins are said to 56. 9. when I e. then shall mine enemies tarn back
12. 3. a red dragon having sevenc. on his heads cry, when they are gioM, manifest, and imyiuteni, 57. 2. I will e. to God most high, that performeth
13. 1. a beast rise up, having upon his horns ten c. and such as highly provoke God to anger ; thus the 61.2. from the end of the earth will I e. unto thee
19. 12. and on his head were many c cry of the sins and irregularities of Sodom as- 86. 3. be merciful to me,O Lord, for 1 e. to thee
CRUCIFY. cended up to heaven, and called for vengeance. 89. 26. he shall e. unto me, thoa art my father
Mat. 20. 19. shall deliver him to Gentiles to c. him Gen. 18.20. I looked for nghteousness, but behold 141. 1. Lord, I e. unto thee, make haste unto me
23. 34. some of them ye shall kill,and c.and scourge a cry, Isa. 5. 7- Ihe cry of the oppressed, prny- 147. 9- ^< giveth food to young ravens which c.
27. 31. they led him away toe. him, Mark 15. 20 ing for help from men, and vengeance from God Prov. 8. 1. doth not wisdom e. and understanding
Mark 15.15. and they cried out again, c. him, 14. upon their oppressors. The prophets, by prosopo- 21. 13. he also shall e. but shall not be heard
27.amd with him they c two thieves, the one f<:\3S, frequently make beasts, trees, mountains, Isa. 8.4. before the child shall know to father
/,i;i-«2't. 21. they cried c. him.c. him. JoA« I9. 6,15 lands, and cities, to speak. The young ravens cry, lO.fSO.e. shrill with thy voice,0 daught.of GalUni
lUb. 6. 6. they c. to themselves the Son of (Jod and speak their wants to God aj'ter their manner, 13. 22. the wild beasts of the island shall c
CRUCIFIED. [afresh Psal. 147. 9. See Isa. 15.4. | ;J4. 14. Joel 1.20. O
14. 31. c. city, thou Palestina, art dissolved
0fa«.26.2.Sonof Man is betrayed to be cLuieHi.". fien. 18. 21. according to the c. which is come up 15. 4. and Heshbon shall c. and Elealeh
27. 22. they all said unto him, let him be c. 23. Eiod.Z."'i. and their c. came up unto God, 3. 9. 33. 7. behold their valiant ones shall e. withoat
26. Pilate delivered him to be c. John I9. 10. 3. 7. I have heard their c. I know their sorrows 34. 14. and the satyr shall e. to his fellow
35. c. him and parted his garments, Ju//k ly. 23. A'um. 16. 34. and all Israel fled at the c. of them 40.9. c. to Jerusalem, her warfare accomplished
38. there were there two thieves c. with him, +4. JuUg. 4.tl3. Sisera gathered by c. all his chariots 6. the voice said, e. and he said, what shall I e.
M.trk 15. 32. Luke 23. 33. Jolm ly 18. 1 Sam. 5. 12. the c. of the city went up to heaven 42. 2. he shall note. nor cause his voice to be heard
28. 5.1 know ye seek Jesus who wasr. Markl6 6. 9. 16. because their c. is come up unto me 13. he shall e. yea, prevail against his enemies
John 19. 20. for the place where Jesus was c. -il. 2 Sam. 22. 7. and my c. did enter into his ears 14. now will I e. like a travailing woman
Acts 2. 23. by wicked hands ye have c. and slain 1 Aing* 8. hearken to thee, and to the prayer 4^). 7. one shall e. to him, yet can he not answet
36. made Jesus, whom ye e. L. and C. 4. 10. which thy servant prayetn, 2 Chron. 6. I9 58. 9. thou shalt c. and he shall say, here I am
Rnm. 6. 6. knowing that our old man is c. with him Neh. 5. 6. I was angry when I heard their e. 65. 14. but ye shall e. for sorrow of heart, and howl
1 Cor. 1.13. is Christ divided '. was Paulc. for you r 9. 9. thou heardest their e. by the Red-sea . Jei 2. 2. go and e. in the ears of Jerusalem
23. we preach C. c. unto the Jews a stumbling Eiih. 4. 1. Mordecaj cried with aloud andbitterc. 3. 4. wilt thou not from this time c. onto me
2. 2. know any thing, save Jesus C. and him c 9. 31. the matters of their fastings and their c 4. 5. blow ye the trumpet in the land, e. gather
8. they would not have c. the Lord of glory Job 16. 18. O earth, let my c. have no place 11. 11. though theye. tome, I will nut hearken
2 C'(»r.l3.4.for tho' he was c. through weakness, yet that they cause the e. of the poor to come 12. e. to the gods to whom they offer incense
Gal. 2.20. I am c. with Christ, nevertheless, I live to him, he heareth the e. of the afflicted 14. for I will not hear when they c. Euk. 8. IS
3. 1. Christ hath been set forth, c. among you Pia/.5.2.heau-ken to voice of my e.myKing,myGod 22. 20. go up to Lebanon, and e. from the passage*
6. 24. they that are Christ's have c. the flesh with 9. 12. he forgetteth not the e. of the humble 25.34. howl ye shepherds and e.48.20.£uX:.21. 12.
f). 14. by whom the world is e. to O Lord, attend unto mye. 31. 6. the watchmen on Mount Ephraim shall e.
me, I to world 17. 1. hear the right,
Riv. 11.8. and Egypt, where also our Lord was c. 18. 6. poy c. came before him. even into his ears Lam. 3. 8. when I e. and shout he shutteth out my
CRUEL. 34. IS.'and his ears are open to their e. E^ek. 9. 4. that e. for all the abominations done in
<7e». 49. 7. cursed be their wrath, for it was c 39. 12. hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to mye. 21. 17. forbear to e. make no mourning fur dead
Ettd. 6. 9- liut they Uearkcoed not for c bondage 40. 1 be iacuDtd uuto me^ aaid heard my c.
, 26. 15. the i^les shake, whea the wo«adiMl e
.. . ;


Bui, S? 30. and ther shaJl e. bitterly for
, Tyms Ezck. 9. 8. that I on my face and r. and said Gal. 4. 6. Spirit into your hearts, i. Abba F»tbef
Hm. 8. 2. Israel shall c. unto me, we know tUee 10. 13. it them in my hearing, O wheel Hei. 5. 7. he offered up prayers with strong c.
wjis c. to
J)tl 1. 19. O
Lord, to thee will I e. for the fire Dan. 6. 20 he c. with a langentable voice, O Dan. Hev. 21. 4. there will be no more death Dor e.
20. the beasts of the field e. also nnto thee Ilos. 7. 14. they have not c. to me with their heart CRYSTAL.
Jcna/i 3. 8. let man and beast e. mightily unto God Jonah 1. 5. the mariners c. every man to his god Job 28. 17. the gold and the c. cjmnot oqruJ it
Hie. 3. 5. prophets bite with their teeth, and c.peace 2. 2. I f. by reason of mine affliction, to the Lord, 1. 22. firmament wa.1 as colour of tcniblec,
NoA. 2. 8. stand, shall they e. but none look back and he heard me ; out of the belly of hell c. I Hev. 4. 6. there was a sea of glass like unto e.
Zepk. 1. 14. the mighty men shall c. bitterly Zeeh. 7. 13. thatashec. and they would not 21. 11. the light of the great city was clear as «•.
Zeei. 1. 14. the angel said unto me, c. thou, saying they e. and I would not hear, «aith L.of hosts 22. 1. a pure river of water of life, cleai as e
Mat. 12. 19. he shall not strive, nor c. nor shall'any Mat. 14. 30. Peter c. saying. Lorn save me CUBIT
X»</l«18.7-shall not God avenge liiselect.whoc. day 20. 31. but they f. the more, saying, have merc^ Is the distance from the eliou tending tmeaidi ft
ft*m. 8. 15. the Spirit, whereby we e. Abba, Father on us, O Lord, Mark 10"48. Luke 18. 39" the extremity of the middle finger this is callit

Gal. 4.27. break forth and c. thou thattravailest not Mark 9. 26. the spirit c. and rent mm sore a common cubit, the cubit of a man, conlainmg
asnirut. John 7. 37. Jesus c. if any man thirst, let him come u foot and an half or half a yard, Deut. 3. 11.

/)*«^.15.9andhef.tothe Lord ajainjr thee, 24. 15. Acts 19. 32. some f. one thing.some another, 21. :>4 There is likewise the sacred cubit, uhich is a
t Chron. 13. 12. his priests to c. alarm against you 22. 24. might know wheref. they c. so against him full yard, and contains trco common cubits
Join. 38. if my land e. agairui me, or the furrows Rev. 10. 3. when he e. seven thunders uttered voices There is mention made of iolh these torts oj
Jonah 1. 2. arise, go to Nineveh, and e. against it 12.2. and she being with child, e. travailing in cuius, in 1 kings 7. 15. and 2 Chron. 3. 15,
aloud. 11.18. c. with a loud cry to him that had sickle Jn the former the tzio columns of irats uh%ch
1 Kin's 18. 27- Elijah said, c. aloud, for he is a god 18. 2. he c. mightily with a strong voice, saying uere in Solomon's temple, are said to ie figh-
JoilQ. 7. I f. aloud, but there is no judgment 18. e. when they saw the smoke of her burning teen cubits high ; and in ine Chronicles, thirty-
Psal. 55. 17. at noon will I pray and c. aloud weeping and wailing saying, alas,alas
19. they c. five cubits: which is double the other. .Somt
Jia. 24. 14. they shall e. aloud from the sea CRIED
<o the Lord. are of opinion, that the cubit tchich Noah made
54. 1. sing, break forth into singing, and e. aloud 8.12. £. 15.25.
iE:r. 17.4. J\Km. 12. 13
use of when ke iuill the ark, was equal to six com-
58. 1. c. aloud, .spare not, lift up thy voice like a 14 \0.\!,T.c.toL.Judg.^.^,\5. 4.3. 6.7. 10.10.
mon cubits , they call this a geometrical cubit.

Hot. 5.8. trumpet in Ramah, c. aloud atBeth-aven Num. 20.16. when wee. to L. he heard, Deut. 26.7. Gen. 6. 16. in a c. »halt thou finish the ark above
Mic. 4.9. whv dost thou c. aloud T is there no king Josh. 24. 7 when they c. 10 the L. he put darkness Veut. 3. 11. the breadth of it, afterthec. of a man
.CRY /o the Lard. 1 5am. 7. 9- Sam. f to L. 15. 11. [|1 Ain^j 17. CO. 1 Kings 7. 24. the knops compassing it, ten m a e.
1 Sam 7. 8. ceaJe not to c. unto the Lord for u Elijah, 21. 2 Chron. 4. 3. ten in a e compassing the sea atout

Ptal. 107. 19- they c. to the Lord in trouble, 28 2 K,n. 20.11. Isa. c. toL. 2 Chr. 14.11. Asac. to L. Ezek. 43. 13. the c. is a e. and an hand breadth
/»a.l9-20.they shall e.roiorrf,because of oppressors IChr. 13.14. they c. to £,. /-J. 107.6,13 Jon. 1.14. iWa/.6.27.can add one his stature, Lu*< 12. 25
Joel 1. 14. sanctify ye a fast, and. c. m
the Loxtt Psal. 3.4. 1 c. toL. with my
voice, 120. 1. 142.1. |
Mic. 3. 4. shall c. 10 the Lord, but he will not hear Lmvi. 2. 18. their heart c. to L. O
daughter of Zion Gen. 6. 15. length of the ark 300 c. breadth 30f
out. CRIED
with e loud voice 7. 20. fifteen c. upward did the waters prevail
1 Sam. 2. + 24. ye make the Lord's people to c. out 1 5am. 28.12. woman at En-dor c. with a loud voice Eiod. 25.10. two c. and a half the length of the ark
4. +I9.I'binebis'wi(V was withchild.nearto c.o7U 2 Sam. 19.4. Da.viie.uiilh loud roice.O Ahi3.\om,my 1 Sam. 17. 4. Goliath's height six e and a span
8 18. ye shall e. out that day, because of your k. 2 Aiwjj18. 28. Rabshakehcu'iM/ v /ra. 36. 13. 1 Kings 6. 2 length of the house 60. f. breadth 20.
Joi 19. 7. ^ c cut of wrong, but I am not heard Aeh. 9. 4. Lev. c. with I. v- Ezek. 11 13. Ezek. r
|| 23. each of the cherubims was ten e. high
35. 9. tney e. out by reason of the arm of mighty Mat. 27. 46. about ninth hour Jes. c. uith a I. voice 7. 38. and every laver was four e. high
Isa. 12. 6.C. out and shout, thou inhabitant of i^ion 50. Mark 15. 34, .37. Luke 23. 46. John 11. 43. 2 Kings 14.13.Jehoash brake down the walls of J©.
15. 4. the armed soldiers of Moab shall c- out Mar.l.26.evi\ spir. r. teith I. v Acts 16.28 Paul c.
|| rusalem, 400 c. 2 Chron. 25. 23.
5. my heart shall c. out for Moab, his fugitives Acts7 57- Steph. enemies c utihl v. 60. Steph. c Ezra 6. 3. the height 60 c. the breadth 60 c.

29. 9 stay yourselves and wonder, t. out and cry Hev. 6. 10. they c. with loud v. saying, how long, O
Esth. 5. 14. let a gallows be made fifty c. high,7.9.
/<rr. 48.31. I will howl, ajid c. out for all Jloab 7. 2. the angel <•. aith a loud voice, 10. ."i. I9. 17. Ezek. 40. 23. he measured from gate to gate 100 e

Xam. 2.19. arise, c. out in the night, in the watches 10. mult, stood before Lamb c. with a loud voice 47. the court 100 c. 43. 17. the settle 14. c.

Anms 3. 4. will a young lion c. out of his den ? CRIED

out. 41. 2. and the breadth of the door was ten c.
Had. 1 2. I f . out to thee, but thou wilt not save 1 Sam. 4.13. all the city f.ot//||5.10.Ekronites<r. out
9. the thickness of the wall five c.
2. 11. for the stone shall c. out of the wall 1 Kings 22.32. Jehoshaphat c. out, 2 Chron. 18. 31. 43. 16. and the altar shall be twelve c. long
Hark 10.47. he began toe. out and say ,have mercy 2 Kijigti. 40 they c. out, there is death in the pot L>an. 3. 1. the height of the image was 60 t.
Lukt 19 40. the stones would immediately c. out Jer. 20. 8. I c. out, I cried violence and spoil Zech. 5. 2. the length of the flying roll is 20 c.
CRIED. .Mat. 8. 29. behold, the spirits c. out Luke 4. 33. John 21.8. they were from land as it were 900 c.
Gen. 27. 34. Esau e. with a. great and bitter cry 14. 26. the disciples e. out for fejir, Mark 6. 4y. A'tj .21.17. He measured the wall of the city 144 *
39. 15. he heard that I lifted up myvoice and c. 20. 30. the blind men e. out, have mercy upon us CUChOW.
41. 43. and they c. before him, bow the knee ^/ar*1.23. the man with an unclean spirit r. cut Lev. 11. 16. c. have in abomination, Vcut. 14. 15
55. people c. to Pharaoh for bread, go to Joseph 9. 24. the father of the child c. cut, Luke 9. 38. CUCUJIBERS.
45. 1 he c. cause every man to go out from me
. 15.13. and they c. our again, crucify him, Mat.^l. iS'um. 11.5. we remember 'he c. and the melons
Esod. 5. 15. the officers came cind c. to Pharaoh 23 Luke 23. 18. John 19. ti. lia. 1.8. Zion is left as a lodge in a garden oft.
Kum. 11.2. the people c. to Moses, and he prayed Acts 19 28. they e. our, saying, great is Diana, 34. Cud; see Chew arid Cutwtiu.
Dent. 22. 24. stone them.the damsel, bee. shec'uot 22. 23. as they c. out, and tiircw dust in the air CUMBERED.
27. the damsel c. and there was none to save her 23. 6. Paul c. cut in the council, I am a Pharisee Euke 10. 40. Martha was c. about much terving
Judg. 5. 28. Sisera's mother c. through the lattice CRIEST, ETII. CUMBERETH.
7. 21. and all the host ran and c. and fled Oen. 4.10. the voice of thy brother's blood c. to me Luke 13. 7. cut it down, why c. it the ground ?
10. 12. and ye e. to me, and I delivered you Liod. 14. 15 wherefore e. thou to me ? speak to CUMBRANCE.
15. 1 19- called the name the well of him that c. 22. 27. when he e. unto me, that I will hear Deut. 1.12. how can I myself alone bear yoarc?
I &7m.l4. + 19.Saul and the people were r. togetlier 1 Sarr. 26. 14. who art thou that e. to the king.' CUM.MIN.
17. 8. he stood and c. to the armies of Israel Joi 24. 12. and the soul of the wounded c. out Tsa. 28. 25. doth he not .scatter the r. and cast in
20. 37. Jonathan c. after the lad, and said, m. Psal 72. 12. he shall deliver the needy when he c. 27. nor is a cart-wheel turned about upon the c.
ZSam. 20. 16. then c. a wise woman out of the city 84. 2. my
heart and flesh e. out for the living God but thee, is beaten out with a rod
22. 7. 1 e. to my God, and he did hear my
voice I'rov. 1. 20. wisdom e. without, 8. 3. 9. 3. Mat. 23. 23. woe to vou scribes, yepaj tithes of c

1 Kingt 13. 2. he c. ag. the altar in Beth^el, 4. 32. 2. 3. yea, if thou c. after knowledge, and liftesf CUNNING.
18. 28. and they e. aloud, and cut themselves Isa. 26.17. like as a woman thatf. out in hrr pangs C/'en. 25. 27. the boys grew, and Issau was a r.hnnter
(2 Kingsi. 12. Elisha saw it.andr. my father,
my 40. 3. the voice of him that c. in the wilderness Erod. 26. 1. with cherubims off. work, 36. 8.
3. +21. all the Moabites were e. together 57. 13. when thou c. let companies deliver thee 2H. 15. thou shalt make the breast-plutc of
fl. 5. he e. alas, master, for it was borrowed Jer. 12. 8. my
heritage c. out against me 31. 4. to devise e. works in gold and silver
8 5. the woman c. to the king for her house 30. 15. why c. thou for thine affliction ? 38 23. Aholiab a e. workman and cmbroidertr
11. 14. and Athaliah c. treason, treason Mic. 6.9. Lord's voice c. to the city, hear the rod 39. 8. he made the breastplate of c. work
1 Chron. 5. 20. they <r. to God in the battle, and he A/ar. 15. 23. send her away, for she e. after us 1 San. 16. 16. a man who is a f. player on an harp
i Chron. 32. 20. Isaiah prayed and c. to heaven Luke 9. 39. he suddenly <•. out, and it tearethhim 18. 1 have seen a son of Jesse that is r. in playing
Neh. 9. 27. when they e. to thee thou heardest, 28. Horn. 9.27. Esaias also e. concerning Israel.though 1 Chron. 25. 7. all that were c. in songs, were 288
M 17. 14. I have c. to comiption, my father Jam. 5. 4. behold, the hire of the labourers c. 2 Chron. 2. 7. send me a man c. to work in gold
29. 12. because I delivered the poor that e. CRYING. 13. I have sent a r. manof lluram my father's
.10. 5. they c. after them, as after a thief 1 Sam. 4. 14. when Eli heard the noise of the c. Psal.58.i5.nol hearken, be the charmer never so c.
ftal. 18. 6. in my distress 1 e. unto my God 2 Sam. 13. I9. Tamar put ashes, and went on e. 1.37. 5- if I forget, let my right hand forget her <.
41 they e. but there was none to save them
. Joi 39. 7. nor regardeth he the c. of the driver I'rov. 19. f 25. and the simple will be e.
22. 5. they c. to thee and were delivered Proo. 19. 18. and let not thy soul spare for his c. Cant. 7- 1. thy joints, the work of ie. workman
24. but when he c. unto him he heard 30. 15. the hovse-leech hath two daughters e. give Isa. 3. 3. I will take away the e. artificer
30. 2. O
Lord my God, I c. to ihee.and hast healed Isa. 22. 5. it is a day of e. to the mountains 40. 20. he seeketh to him a e. workman to prep.ire
8. I e. to ther, O
Lord, and made supplication 24. 11. there is a c. for wine in the streets •Vr. 9. 17. send for e. women that they may como
31 22. heardest my supplications when I e. to thee
. 65. 19. voice of e. shall be no more heard in her It). 9- they are all tlic work of e. men
34. 6. this poor man r. and the Lord heard him Jer. 48. 3. a voice of r. shall be from Iloronaim Dan. 1.4. children well favoured, e. in knowledge
66. 17. I r. unto him with my mouth, 77. 1. Zech. 4.7. sh.iU bring forth the withf. Ilos. 6.t8. Gilead is a city c. for blood
88. 1. O Lord, 1 h;ivi> c. day and night before thee Mat. 2. 13. covering the altar of the I/ird with c. /7i//.4.14.and carried about bvr.craftij css.whcreby
-3. unto thee have I f . O
Lord, in the morning Mat. 3. 3. voice of one e. in the wilderness, pre- CUNNINGLY.
119. 145. I c. with my
whole heart, hear me pare, Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. Joh^i 1. 23. 2 I'ri.1. 16. wt have not followed c dcfiscd fab!«s
t30. 1. outof thedepth.shavc I c. to thee, O Lord 21. 15. a::d saw the children e. in the temple CUP.
138. 3. in the day when I c. thou answercdst me Lukei. 41 devils f. thou art Christ, the Son of G. 7'his uord is taken in Scripture in a proper, ani

lia. 6.4. the posts moved at the voice of hiin that c. .lets 8. 7. for unclean spirits c. came out of many III a figurative sense. In a proper tense il sig-
30.7. therefore I c. concerning this, their strength 14. 14. they ran in among the people, e. out nifies a material rvp, which people drink out oJ
Jer 4. 20. destruction upon destruction is f .for land 21 28. laid hands on him, r. out, men of Isra.i
. at mealt. Gen. 40. IS. Jn the figur*iiiie tensr
U. + 0. thy brethren c. after thee fully 3ti. the multitude fallowed, c. away with him It is taken, (1) ]'or Ihf uint in tit* cue, i Cur.

. ,

CUP spoons and e Isa 34. 5. it shall come down
on the people of my v
Jer. 52,19. the Chaldeans took away 43 28. therefore 1 have given Jacob
to the c.
11 27 (t) For 'A"" «'/"•"?* ""'' "J^"""^ Mark 7. 4. as the washing of t. and pots, 8.
U your name for a f . to chosei', my
or people : 65 15. shall leave
r^ichOod te7,dt upon a person CURDLED. taunt and ae.
to undergo and en- Jer "4 1 will deliver them to be a
^nt of this n.p., Stand up O Job 10 10. hast not
thou e. me like cheese t
25. 18. 29. 18. 42. 18. +4. 8, 12.. I

%r.,hLe suffenn.s: Isa 51. 17. hand of he CURE. I I

to all nations
which hast drunk at the and c. 26. 6. I will make this city a c.
le^salem. 33.6. behold. I will bring it heaUh your land a c. at this day
Wd the inp of his fury.
Lord there a cup
Psal. 75. 8. In the .Jer.
the dr^;s thereof 46.t 11. daughter of Egj-pt, no c. shall be to thee
44. 22. therefore is

49 13 I have sworn that Bozrah shall

become a »,

hSidof the is
them out, CURE, ED. Lam. 3. 65. give them sorrow, thy c. unto
Xhe wicked of the earth shall wring and will ttveal peace
Mep.ssa.cs Jer 33. 6. I will c. them Dan. Q. 11. therefore the e. is poured upon us
^ddrtak them. In these and the 46 11. O daughter of Egypt, thou
shalt not be e
goeth iorth over eartS
a Jeast uho Zee/,. 5. 3. this is the c. that
God it compared ,o the
master of
Hos. 13. yet could he not e. you of your wound among the heathen
tod.striiuie porttons of meats ordr.nks
could not <:. him 6. 13. that as we were a c.
then used they ac. on yoa
thmighlfit. Our Sa- >/a« 17 10. thy disciples, Mat 2 2. if ye will not hear, I will send
t7?h7several guests, a, he 18. the child was c. from
that very hour for ye have robbed md
Mat. C6. 39. I^t this cup pass he many 3.9. ye are cursed with a c.
Luke 7. 21. in that same hour
rilnrpr%'' come and smite the eaith with a
<:. c.
fror. <k''er,.ffcr'n,s 4. 6. lest I
ftom me.* Let me b, freed 9 1. he gave them power
to c. diseases
Acts 23. 12. and bound themselves under
a •;. 1*.
was c.
-; -:iL't
t *fhatth /'^I'^Yeed John 5. 10.
T.\^'tha?.t, Thelsh^tdta.teof
the Jews said to him that
do <:. to-day and
Gal. 3. 10. as are of the works of law. are
13. Chr. redeemed us from the c. being
under c.
made a c.
ot Cod
Luke 13. 32. I cast out devils, I Rev. 22. 3. shall be no more c. but throne
and desertions and have their CURIOUS.
invard afflictions ^ ^^ S-^"-" CURSE, rerb.
£x«rf.28.8.c.girdle,27.28. 29.5. | 39. '.he ground
tz^k'^^oXiusi^:^^^::^!. Gen. 8. 21. the Lord saul, I will not e.

to work in gold
35 32. and to devise c. works, 12.3. and I will c. him that curseth
them that used c. arts brought
let's 10 19. many
Exod 22. 28. thou shalt not c. the ruler of thy
of pe».
CURIOUSLY. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt not c. the deaf,
nor put a
wrought in the lowest parts
Psal 139 15 and c.
CURLED. Num. 22. 6. come, 1 pray thee,.:, me thispeo. 17.
11. Balak said, come now, c. me
them, £3. 7, IJ-
11. his locks are c. and black as a raven not c. peop e
Cant 5. + 12. God said to Balaam, thou shalt
tchich may denote the en- CURRENT.
her haTd. iC... H. 4. pretences, which she 23. 8. how shall I c. whom God hath not cursed ?
Vcinrmeans. and specouj "3. money with the merchant 24. 10.
idolatry, particularly by
Gen 16. c.
11. I took thee to e. mine enemies,
Testo allure people ,o CURSE. 25. neither c. them at all, nor bless them at a
ser'ualitv.luniry. andaffiuence. , imprecate, to call down mis-
/ To curse, signifies to to c. thee, Neh.U..
w'lT^ethecupofsalvat.on P.«/.116.1.1. Noah cursed his Deut 23.4. they hired Balaam on mount Ebal to.
uill X <he sacrifice
of thanksgiving unto God
chief upon, or to wish evil to:
graidson Canaan, Gen.
naan: may he be hateful to God,
9- 25. Cursed be C«. 27. 13. and these shall
abhorred by Josh. 24.9. Balak king of
posterity. Judg. 5. 23. c. Meroz,
Moab called Ba.aam to t
said the angel, e. ye bitterlj
and miserable in lii> person and dog c. the king.
Simeon 2 Sam. 16. 9. why should this dead
Jacob tntrsed the fury of his /:*o.f<«« 10. let him c. because L. hath said, c.
David, 11.
and Levi, who massacred the Shechemites, <7«rf to thy face, 2. 5.
,rs. together a-.M
the priest, did eat and
plundered their city. Gen. 49. 7-
Moses enjoins Job 1. 11. and he will c. thee
rues, the then said his wife to him, c. God and die
among other curses against 2. 9.
before tne Lord; and, the people of Israel to denounce who are ready
a cup into h,s 3 8 let them e. it that c. the day,
master of the feast look the violaters of the laa, Deut.
27. 15. 10. .V^-
with mouth but c. inwardly
^odJorU,andfor to Psal. 62. 4. they bless
Tand aidsolLnly blessed acknowledged and And Joshua cursed him j.ho should undertake 109.28. let them c. but bless thou,
when they
the mercy which was
then , These curses were
build Jericho. Josh. 6. 26. com, people shall c. him
\hengaveit.oaUthe^^.st^j^i^n,^^^ either ordained by God himself, and pronounced Prov. 11. 26. withholdeth nations abhor him
-— Spirit ; or were pre- 24. 24. him shall the people c.
did drink in his turn, - - .,,,' ,j r„,.j
iv men abounding mth the lest he <:.

that our hi ssedUd to a person, 30. 10. accuse not a servant to master,
i^ich custom It is supposed dictions of what evil should happen servant c. a.en
lest thou hear thy
'^ terms of tmprecaiiorts, Eccl. 7. 21.
alludes ,n the
is called the cnp
c'^^' 10. 10.
1 Cor.
of blessing.'\' [f, Wor people, uttered in the
whi-h had their accomplishment: Ihey
were not 10. 20. c. not the king in thought, c.
not the rich
look upward
c. was mine hand m their king and God,
impatience, or revenge, Isa. 8. 21. c.

G^ 40. 11. and Pharaoh's

lu the sack's mouth
the effects of passion, Jer. 15. 10. yet every one of them
m doth c. rae
4T'2 put myr. my silvers were not such as God condemiis
and therefore blessings, 1 have cursed
its own c.aud lay in
bosom or- Mai. 2. 2. 1 will c. your
iSam It. 3. it drank of his law, and in hit word. For example : he that c. you, Luke 6. 28.
of a c. 2 CAr. 4. 5 curse /as Mat'. 5. 44. bless them
1Kin's 7. 26. wrought like bnm dains that uo one shall presume to and to swear, Mark 14. 71-
Psal n 6. this shall be the portion of their c.
father, or his mother upon
pant oj death, i-^oa. 26. 74. he began to c.
portion of my c. thou to be- Hom. 12. 14. which persecute
you ; bless andc. not
16 6 the Lord is the ni 17 Jle shall not wish any mischief we men, which are made
head, my c. ™n"« 1' "^J; malicious reviling Jam. 3. 9. therewith e.
£3 S.thou anointest my fai them, nor use any kind of CURSED.
are wrung out to them parents.
73 10 waters of a full cup speeches, which argue a contempt
oj his
17- c. the ground U
Lord there is a c his Gen. 3. 14. the serpen; e.
hand the
He ordains that no one curse the prince ofLev. 4. 11. Cain c. 9. 25. Noah said, c. be Cauaan,

75 8 in tho of
of salvation and call on that is deaf.
116 13. I will take the c. people, Exod. 22. 28. or one

which the Lord hath c.

when giveth'n the c
its colour pronounces 5. 29. because of ground
Prov. 23. 31. it
19 14 In the gospel, our Saviour g.
which hast drunk at the hand
of the blessed, who are 27. 29. c. be every one that curseth,
Isa. 51. 17. those of his disciples to be for was fierce and cruel
Lord the c. the dregs of the c
of trembling 40 7 c. be their anger, it
cursei, and requires them
to otess
bless /y,"
of trembling.
with curses,
loaded wil/i '/•/'y-r^f'i;;, f^Oier or his mother
22. taken out of thy hand
the <r.
J-«r. 16. 7 nor shall men
give them c. of consolation
fury_ at my hand
those that cur.
^f C:TI. ^^T U.
"^r^t --^'rperuwhic^^
"f gi^^t^Vtiie 'Lme of .he Lord and c

£5 15. take the wine-c. of his

at the Lord s hand
0^:^:^his which *« "afwh^oS
JSum '.^^.'^rt^
the earth, ... ^- ^
17 then
. took I
"8 if they refuse to
take the c. at thme hand
seduced Eve, and against the
briers and thorns : ,1 shouidWuet. .1,
15. c. be '^^ ^ 19. 20, 21,
he, 10. U, ^g,, ^y
^^ £5,
forch was to produce 23, 24, ^^, 26.
not to dnnk the r. ... /-.
40 12. whose judgment was fruits, and that
-' «.-•* frill /t /tn/f '

both fewer and worse

1 . ,

been a golden in the hand

and labmr oj 28 16. c. shalt thou be in the citv, c. in the field
5i 7. LVbylon hath

with more trouble of men's

minds store
through to thee 17. c. shall be thy basket and thy
4 21. the c. also shaJl pass H' ."'^'.'\
Fzek "3 31 I will give her c.
into thine h.ind
their bodies. Gen. 3. 14, 17.
also who liad imbrued
his hands »n /its brother 18 f . shall be the friiit of thy body
and land
when thou goesi out
Scithou Shalt drink of thy
s>^ter's r.deep and large
Gen. 4. 11. He was devoted to 19 f. when thou comest in,
shall be turned AbeVs blood.
c. be the man that
buiFdeth Jericho
Hab 2 Ig.f.of the Lord's ripht hand of trembling from Gois
destruction, cast out
presence and the Josh 6. 26.
are c. none of
ZechX" 2 I will make Jerusalem a f. ili^rX society of his 9 23. now therefore ye Gibeonites
communion, of the church, and the
U drink, andc.Abimelech
cold water only 9 wandered from Judg 9 27. theydid eat and
kindred and acquaintance, and
AfIrio"42 Rive a c. of
Mark 10. ."iii. be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin
io "" are ye able to drink of c. T the trouble 21 18. c.
Mark one coujttry to another by reason of that eateth food till evening, 28.
*o3*yeshail drink indeed of my c 10. 39 I/ie divine 1 Sam 14. 24. c.
the outside of the f
and perplexity of his conscience. 17 43. and the Philistine c.
David by his gods
23 25 for you make clean maledictions are not merely
imprecations, impo-
men, c. be they before the Lord
26. cleanse first what is
within the f and platter they carry their £6. 19. but if
86 27. and he took the c. and gave thanks JIW
tent and fruitless desires ;
attended with all the 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei came forth, and c. still, 7. 1-3
Cor. 11. 2o effects with them, and are 19 °1 for this, because he c. the Lord s
14. 23. Luke 22. 17. 20, 1
30 O my Father, if it be
possible let this r miseries denounced by God.
en. 27. 12. 1 shall bring a ..<;. on me, not a
blessing 1 x n
2.8.Shimei who
" -"-—
c. me with
,\he '
a grievous curse
name of the Lord
Luke 22. 4-.
pass from me, Mark 14. 36.

13. his mother said, upon me

be thy
42. if this c. may not
pass away from me ''^YZ\ t'lT :o''^^^L'i.^\^T ^-L^ri, and bury her
i:„*.22.20.thisc.isthenew^testament.nmy A-,,.. 5. 18. and the P-"
.W? 13.
''l A./-^ 13^25 I contended :to them, and7. them
bitter water that causeth thej^^ 19.
2-. -4-7^
among ner P p
^^ ^^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^
27. the woman shall ^e a '^- .-^
^^^ ^ _^^^j^ ^^ ^ ^^^ j
John 18. the., which my I'^'J>f '^^l^.f^'^T'^
n .

5. 3. foolish .ak4root,suddenly
1-hb habitation
1 Cor.10.l6.the e. of blessing
we bless, is it not the ""'oti?
and c. of dev Is 28. a <r. Itf you will noi uu J \':^^^V.Z^X^^t:i^^ 24. 18. their portion is c. in the
earth cannot drink the f. of Lord, 29. and shalt put the c. upon mount hbal
him shall be cut ott
of this c. ye do shew God Psal. .'>7. 22. they that be c. of
11. 26. as often aa ye drink 21. t 23. he that is hanged is
the c. ot
proud that are c.
Lord unworthily ablessing, A«A.13.- 119. 21. thou hast rebuked the
27. and drink this e. of the 23 5. God turned the c. into
without mixture into the c. ccl 7. 22. knowest thyself likewise haste, othera
he heareth the words of this c. 1
Rev. 14. 10. poured "9 19 when not this covenai*
his w'rath the camp of Israel a c. Jer. 11. 3. f. be the man obcyeth
16 ig. to give unto her the c. of
17.4. the woman having a colden c.
mher hand .loih. 6. 18. and makecame the c. of Jotham 17. 5. c. be the man that trusteth m
Judt 9. 57. on them wherein was born
18 6 in the c. she filled, fill to her
me with a grievous i. 20 14. c. be the day I
1 hm's 2 8. who cursed to my ather
CUP-BEARV.R. should become a c. 15. < the man who brought tidings
2 hin's"^ 19. that they Lord s work deceit,
Heh. 1. 11. for I was the king's
entered into a e. and into an oath 48. 10. c. be he that doeth the
Seh 10 29.they sword from blood
CUP-BKARKRS. wishing a c. to his soul fully, c. that keepeth back his
c.-b. 2CAr. 9. 4.
Job 31.30. nor to sin by Mai. 1; 14. but c. be the deceiver, who
hath a male
I Kin't 10. 5. queen of Shebasaw Prov 3 S3 thee, of Lord is in the house of wicked
alre.ady, because
CUP.S. come 2.2.vea, I have c. vour blessings
beds and 06 2." so the e. causeless -hall not witha curse, for ye have robbed me
27" 14 risin" eariy it shall oe counted a f, to him
c. 3, 9.' ve are c.
iSam 17. < 28. Barzillai brought me ye c.
1 Chrrn. 28.17. Pavid
gave pure gold for the <r.
os'27'that hideth his eyes shall have
manyaf Mat 25. 41. ho shall say, depart from
ha 22 21. shall hang on FJiakim the vessels 01 f.
j€T. 35. 5. and 1 .set pots fuU
of wine and t.
Oai. 3. IC. every one that conlinuethnot in all
c. is Jua'?. 20. 6. I took myconcubine andf. herin pieces:! Sam. 21. t 7. so David c. f^his servants with
13. c. 15 every one tnat hangeth on a tree 1 Kings 18. 2.3. and f . the bullock in pieces, 33. these words
2P«.2.14. c, children, who have forsaken the way 28. they themselves after their manner with
f. 11. for in that I f. of the skirt of thy robe
CURSED ihins- 2 Kings24. 13.hef. in pieces all the vessels of gold 28. 9. knowest how Saul hath f. ojT the wizards
Deut.7.Q6. lest thou be a c. thing, for it is a c. thinz Solomon had made in temple, 2 Chron. 28. 24. 1
31.9- and they f ojf Saul's head, and stripped off

13.17. shall cleave nought of the e. I. to thy hand 1 Chron. 20. 3. the people, he f them with saws . 2 Ham. 4. 12. they -Mew them and f . oj?' their hands
CURSEDST. 2 Chron. 2.8. thy servants C£in skill to f. timber.lO. <
10. 4. JIaman took David's servants, and c. of
Juds- 17. C. silver taken from thee, which thouc. Psal. 58. 7. he bendeth, let them be as f in pieces .
their garments in the middle, 1 Chr. I9. 4,
Mark 11. 21. the fig-tree thoa c. is withered away 107. 16. f the bars of iron in sunder, Isa. 25. 4.
. 20. 22. and they c. off the head of Sheba
CURSES. Isa 9. t 20. he shall f on the right and be hungry . I 21. -t 5. the man that consumed us and f us off .

Num. 5. the priest shall write these c. in a book

G.'?. 51. 9. art thou not it that hath f. Rahab .' 11 KingtS. t25. notbef. o^ to theeamininmy sight
Deut."8. 15. thai all these c. shall come on thee,45. Jtr. 16. 6. uor lament, nor f themselves for them . 9. 7- then will I f. off Israel out of the land
29. 20. all the c. that are written in this book shall 34. 18. when theyf the calf in twain, and passed
. 11. 16. till he had f. off every male in Edom
lie upon him. 27. 2 C/iroii. 34. 24. 36. 23. iie f the roll with the penknife, and cast
. 13. 34. even to f. 0^ Jeroboam's house, 14. 14.
21. according to all thee of the covenant in book 41. 5. their clothes rent, and having e. themselves 14.10. I willf. ojf from Jeroboam him that pisseth
30.7. Lord thy G. will put these c. on thy enemii-s 47. 5. how long wilt thou f , thyself ? 18. 4. when Jezebel f . off the prophets of the Lord
CURSETH. Dan. 2. 5. if ye will not, ye shall be c. in pieces 21. 21. behold, I will c. off from Ahab him that
£jrorf.21. that c. his father or his mother shall 3. 29. who speak against God shall be f. in pieces pisseth against the wall, 2 Kings 9. 8.
surely be put to death, Lev. 20. 9. Prov. 20. 20. Amos 9. 1. and f them in the head, all of them
. 2 Kings 16.17. Ahaz f . off the borders of the base
Lev. 24. 1 5. whosoever c. his God shall bear his sin Hai. 3. f 16. he will f. them with his troops 18. 16. Hezekiah e. off the gold from the doors
Prov. 30. 11. a generation that c. their father Zf(:/i.l2.3.thal burden themselves with it shall be f. IChr. 17.8. have f.ojT all thine enemies before thea
Mat. 15. 4. honour father and mother, he that c. Acts 27. 1 40. and when they had c. the anchors 2 Chr. 22. 7. Lord anointed to f ojf house of Atiab .

father or mother, let him die death, Mari 7. 10. asunder.CUT 32.21. the angel tof. off all mighty men of valour
CURSING. Psal. 129.4. he hath c. asunder cords of the wicked Job 4. 7. or where were the righttous f off^ .

Num. 5.21. priest charge woman with an oathof <•. Jer. 50. 23. hammer of the whole earth f asunder . 6.9. that he would let loose his hand, and c.meeff
Devi. 27. + 13. these shall stand for a c. on Ebal Zech. 11 10. I took staff Beauty, and f it asunder
. . 8. 14. whose hope shall be f off, and whose trust .

28.20. the Lord shall send upon thee c. in all thou 14. then I c. asunder my other staff, even Bands my lO.U. my soul is f.pjf while I live, I will leave
Detit. 30. 19- I have set before you blessing and c. Mat. 24. 51. and shall c. him astmder, Luke 12. 46. 11. 10. if he f off, then who can hinder him

^Sam. 16. 12. Lord will requite me good for his c. down. CUT 14. 1 10. man dieth, and is f off, and where is he ? .

Psal. 10. 7. his mouth is full off. liom. 3. 14. Exod. 34. 13. but ye shall f. domi their groves 18. 16. and above shall his branch be f. off
59. 12. and for c. and lying which they speak Lev. 26. 30. I will c. doan your images, and cast 21.21. when number ofhis mootlisisf. off in midst
109. 17. as he loved c. so let it come unto him Num. 13. 23. and c. d. from thence a branch, 24. 23 17. because I was not f . off before the d?.rkness
18. as he clothed himself with r. as a garment Deut. 7. 5. ye shall break down their images, and 24. 24. they are c off zs the tops of ears of corn
Prov. 29. 24. he hesireth c. and bewrayeth it not e. do:un their groves, 2 Kings 18. 4. 23. 14. |
36. 20. when people are f off in their place .

Jer 23. t 10. for because off. the land mourneth

. 20. 19. trees for meat thou shalt not e. dozen Piat. 12. 3. the Lord shall f. off a.\\ flatterin;; lips
Heb. 6. 8. earth which beareth thorns is nigh to c. 20. the trees not for meat thou shalt f doxm . 31. + 17. let the wicked be f. off for the graves
Sam. 3. 10. out of the same mouth blessing and c. Judg. 6. 25. and c. douin the grove that is by it 22. I said, I am f off from before thine eyes-

CURSINGS. 2 Kings 19. 23. I will f. rforin cedars, Isa. 37. 24. 34. 16. to f off remembrance of them from earth

Josh. 8. 34. be read all the blessings and c. 2 Chr. 15.16. and Asa f.rf. her idol, and stamped it 37. 9- for evil doers shall be c. off, but those who
CURTAIN. 34. 7- Josiah c. down all the idols in the l:md 22. they that be cursed of him, shall be f ojg .

Pial. 104. 2. who coverest thyself with light, who Job 8. 12. while in his greenness, and not c. dmvn 28. but the seed of the wicked shall be f . off
stretthcst out the heavens like a c. ha. 40. 22. 14. 2. Cometh forth like a flower, and is f. doien 34. when the wicked are f off, thou shalt see it .

CURTAINS. 7. for there is hope of a tree if it be c. down 38. the end of the wicked shall be c. off
Exod. 26. 1. make tabernacle with ten e. 2. 36. g. 22. 16. the wicked were e. dozen out of time
54. 5. he shall reward, c. themoff in thy truth
jVi(m.4 25. the Gershonites shall bear the c. of tab. 20. whereas our substance is not c. down 75. 10. all the horns of the wicked will I c. o^
S'S'am.7.2.arkof Goddwelltth within c. iChr.lT .1. Psal. 37. 2. they shall soon be f rfoii'w like grass . 76. 12. he shall c. off the spirit of princes
Cant, 1. 5. but I am comely as thee, ot Solomon 80.16. branch is burnt, and is f down, they perish . 83. 4. they said, come, and let us c. them off
J.ra.54. 2. let them stretch forth c. of thy habitation 90. 6. in the evening it is c. down, and withereth 88. 5. and they are f . off from thy hand
Jer. 4. 20. my tents spoiled, and my c. in a moment Isa. 9. 10. sycamores are f down, but we will build . 16. wrath gceth over me, terrors have f me off .

10. 20. none to stretch my tent, and set up my c. 14. 12. how art thou f . down to the ground 94. 23. he shall f. them o/Tin their wickedness
49. 29. they shall take to themselves their c. and 22. 25. the nail shall be removed and f donn . lul 5. that slandereth his neighbour will I c. off

Hai. 3.7. the c. of the Izind of Midian did tremble Jer. 22. 7- they shall c. down thy choice cedars 8.that I may c. offikW wicked doers from the city
CUSTODY. 25. 37. the peaceable habitations are f down . of the Lord
Num. 3. S6. under e. of the sons of Merari, boards 48. 2. also thou shalt be f down, madmen . O 109. 13. let his posterity be f o^and blotted out .

l^stA. 2. 3. gather fair virgins to the c. of Hege, 8. Lzek. 6. 6. that your images may be f down . 15. that the Lord may f off the memory of them

14. to the c. of Shaashgaz the king's chamberlain A'a/i. 1.12. though many, yet thus shall they be f d. . 118. t the name of the Lord I will f. them off
CUSTOM Zeph. 1. 11. for all the merchant-people are c. d. 119. 1 139. my zeal hath e. me off, because
Signifies, [1] Manner, or way, Luke 4. I6. [2] That Mat. 21. 8. others f. dovin branches, Mark 11. 8. 143. 12. and of thy mercy f off mine enemies .

which has been established by long use, and the Luke 13. 7. f it d. why cumbereth it the ground

/Vow. 2. 22. but the wicked shall be f 0^ from earth .

consent of ancestors, Judg. 11. 39. John 18. 39. 9. then after that thou shalt c, it down 23. 18. thy expectation shall nothec.eff, 2-*. 14.
[3] A duty paid to the king or prince upon the off. CUT Isa. 6. 1 5. then said I, woe is me, for I am f off .

importation or exportation oj" commodities, Rom. Gen. 9. 11. neither shall all flesh be c. off 9. 14. the Ix)rd will c. off from Israel head and
13. 7. [4] The way of uomen, namely the na- 17. 14- the uncircumcised child shall be c. off tail
tural disease for ahich they used to be put apart. 41. + 36. that the land be not r. off through fam. 10. 7. to destroy and f off nations not a few .

Gen. 31. 35. Exod. 4. 25. and f off the fore-skin of her son
. 11 13. the adversaries of Judah shall be r. off'
fjen. 31. 35. for the c. of women is upon me 8. t 9- to c. off the frogs from thee, and thy houses 14. 22. I will c. off from Babylon the name
Judg. 11. 39. and it was a c. in Israel 12. 15. that soul shall be f. off from Israel, 19. 35. + 1. Moab is c. off\^i. and every beard c. off
1 Sam. 2. 13. the priests' c. with the people was 31. 14. I
J5. 30, 31. I9. 13. Num
22. 25. a burden that was upon it shall be f off

J^zia 3. 4. according to the c. Jer. 32. 11. 23. 23. Angel go before, and wil! r. them off 29.20. all that watch for iniquity are c off

4. 13. then will they not pay toll, tribute, and c. 30. 33. shall be c. of from hu people. 'Ms. Lev. 38. 12. he will f me off with pining .-sickness .

20. been mighty kings, and c. was paid to them 7. 20, 21", 25, 27. 17. 4, 9. ly. 8. 48.9. my praise wil! refrain, that 1 f thee not off
1 .

7. 24. shall not be lawful to impose c. on priests 23. 29. Num. 9. 13.
19. his name should not have been c. iff
Psal. 119. i 132. be merciful according to the c. Lfr.17.10. I will f. him o^froin amonghis peujle, 53. 8. he was c. off out of the land of the living
Mat. 9- 9- Jesus passed forth, and saw Matthew sit 18. 29. 20. 3, 6, 18. Num. I9. 20.I
55. 13. shall be for a sign that shall not be c. off
ting at the receipt of c. Mari 2. 14. Lute 5. 27. 14. whosoever eateth blood shall be f off 66. 3. that sacrificeth, as if he f . 0/ a dog's neck

17- 25. of whom do the kings of the ea!rth take f . 20. 17. shiiU be f. off in the sight of their people Jer. 7. 28. truth is perished and f offfvoiu mouth
:' .

Jjuie 1. 9. according to the c. of the priest's ollice 22. 3. that soul shall be f. off from my presence 29. f lyf thine hair, Jerusalem, cast it away . O
2. 27. to do for him after the c. of the law 25. t 23. land shall not be sold to be qiiite c- off 9. 21. tor. (i/? the children without, and young men
42. went to Jerusalem after the c. of the feast Num. 4. 18. c. ye not off the tribe of Kchathites il. 19. Ictus f. him .i/'from the land of the living
4. 16. as lesus' c. was, he went into tVie syna'»ogue 15.31. that soul shall utterly be c. off, his iniquity 41. 7. to f .iijf from you man and woman outof Jud.
John 18. 39. ye have a c. that I should release one Deut. 12. 29. when thy God shall f. djf nations 8. that ye mightf. yourselves o/Tand be acurse
iiflm. 13.7- render therefore f. to whom c. is due 19.1. when (jod hath f. n/?'the nations, Jo.t/i. 23. 4. 44. II. set my face a;.;.iinst you to c. fjf J ud;ih
1 Cor. 11.16 we have no such c. nor the churches 23. 1. or hath his privy member c. o/f shall not 4(). t 21). yet will I not utterly f thee off .

CUSTO.MS. 25. 12. then thou shalt e. off her hand, pity not 47. 4. to f . off from Tyrus 5. Ashkelon is e. off ||

Lev. 18. 30. commit none of these abominable e. Josh. 3. 13. that the waters of Jordan shall be f off 48. 2. come, let us f it off from being a nation . .

Jer. 10. 3. for the c. of the people are vain from the waters that come down, 16. 4. 7- 25. the horn of Moab is c. off, bis arm is broken |

Acts a. 14. shall change the c. Moses delivered us 7. 9- !^"d .shall c. off OUT name from the earth 4;). Cfi. all the men of war shall be f off. 50. 30. .

16. 21. teach c. which are not lawful to receive 9. t 23. not be f. o//"from you from being bond-men 50. lO. c. ojf'the sower from Babylon, and him thai
21. 21. that they ought not to walk after the c. 11. 21. at that time Joshua f. oj^the Anakims 51. 6. Ilec out, and be not f. of in her iniquity
2G. 3. I know thee to be expert in all c. and quest. Judg. 1. 6. and f . offhis thumbs, and his great toes (12. thou hast spoken against this place tor. It off

28. 17. tho' 1 committed nothing against the c. 21. 6. there is one tribe f. r>/f from Ismcl tliisday Lam. 2. 3. f off in his anger the horn of Israel .

CUT. Ruth 4. 10. that the name of the dead liv not e. off 3. 53. they have e. off my life in the dunceon
Lev. 22. 24. ye shall not offer to the I^rd what is c. 1 <iam. 2. 31. days come that 1 will f. ojfthine arm Ezek. 14 8. and I will f. him off om my people
y.tek. 16. 4. when born thy navel was not c. 33. man whom I shall not f off from mine altar 13.f.«/man and beast, 17,19,21. 25.13." 29. «.
. I |

Acts 5.33. when they heard that, they were c.7..l>i. 5. 4. the palms of Dagon's hands were f off 17-9. shall he not f.<>«/ (ruit thereof, that it wither/

CUT. 1 Sam. 17. 51. David ran and f. off Goliath's head 17. .ind building forts to r. off many per:ons
£xo(/. 39. J. in wires to work it in the blue 20. 15. thou shalt not f. ej? thy kindness from my 21 S. 1 will f. off the righteous and the wicked, 4.
iff. 1. 6. shall f the burnt-offering into pieces, 12 house, 24. 21. no, not when the Lord hath c. off 25. 7. behold, 1 will f thee off from the people .

8. 20. he c ihe ram into pie<-*s, tjod. 29. I7. the enemies of David from the face of tJie earth 16. I will *. off the Cherethims, and destroy the
Deut, 14. 1. ye shall not c. Yourselves nor make 24. 4. David e. off the skirt of Saul's rube, i. /cmuan' of the sca-couts
Etei. 30, l5. and I will e. ojf die multitude of No 2 Sam. 6. 16. she saw ning David rf. 1 Chr. 15. 89.
Psal. 30. 11. thou hast turned my mourning intoi
31. IS. terrible of the natiuiu have t him off D. Liike 15. 25. as he came he heard music and rf.
Si X. I will e. off from Seir him that passeth out
57. 11. our hope is lost, we are c. off for our DAGGER. DANDLED.
ports Jurfi,'. 3. 16. Ehud made him ad. with two edges La. 66. 12. and ye shall be rf. upon her knees
Pan. 4. 14. hew down the tree, e. off his branches 21. he took the d. from his right thigh DANGER.
9. S(3. Messiah shall be e. off, but not for himself 22. that he could not draw thei/. out of his belly Mat. 5. 21. shall be in rf. of the judgment, 22.
lies. 4. + 5. e. iff thy mother t fl. people are e. off Daily; see after Days. 22. shall be in rf. of council, in rf. of hell-fire

8.4. they have made idols, that they may bee yff Y, TIES. Mark 3. 29. but is in rf. of eternal damnation
10. 7. Samaria, her kin; is c. off as the foam, 15. '>«. 49. 20. Asher shall yield royal d. .'Ira 19.27. not only this our craft is inrf. but temple
Joel 1 5. the new wine is e. off from your mouth, y.
.lob 33. 20. and his soul abhorrelh d. meat 40. in rf. to be called in question for this uproar
16. is not the meat c. off before our eyes ? 1'sal. 141.4. and let me not eat of their d. DANGEROUS.
^mot \. S. I will c. off the inhabitant from Aven I'rov. 83. 3. be not desirous of his d. for they are Ads 21. 9. and when sailing was now rf. becaus*
8. 1 will e. off the inhabitant from Ashdod 6. an evil eye, neither desire thou his d. meats DARE.
0. 3. I will c. off the judge from the midst thereof Hah. 1. 1 If), their portion is fat, iheir meat is d. Job 41. 10. none is so fierce that rf. stir him ap
3. 14. the horns of the altar shall be e. off Rev. 18. 14. all things which were d. are departed A'i'm.5.7. for a good man some would evenrf. to die
Oiad. 5. if robbers by night, how art thou c. off DALE. 15. 18. for 1 will not rf. to speak of any thing
p. every one of lilsau may be c. off by slaughier Gen. 14. 17. valley of Shaveh, which is the king's rf. 1 Coi-.6.1.rf. any of you go to law before the unjust?
If^ and thou shah be c. off for ever 2 Ham. 18. 18. a pillar which is in the king's d. 2 C<;r.l0.12.\verf. not make ourselves of the number
14. nor stand to c. ojf" those of his that did escape DAMAGE. DARK.
Mic^.t). and all thine enemies shall be c off Lzra 4.22. why should d. grow to the hurt of kings Gen. 15. 17 when the sun went down, and it wasrf.

10. iwrscsjl 11. cities 1'2. witchcrafts e. off i.rr/(.7.4.enem"y could not countervail the king's d. /.'rorf. 9. + 32. for the wheat and the rye vererf.

13. thy graven images will I c. off, Nah, 1, 14. I'rov. 2f). 6. cntteth off the feet, and drinketh d. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague l>e rf. 21, 26, 28, 56.
Nah. Dan. 6. 2. and the king should have no J. .\ Km. 12. 8. speak apparently, and not inrf. speeches
I. 15. for the wicked is utterly e. off
2. 1.1. and I will c. off thy prey from the earth /li Is 27. 10. voy.-ne will be with hurt and much d. Joih. 2. 5. when it was rf. the men went out
3. 15. the sword shall c. thee off it shall cat 2 Cor. 7 .9. that ye might receive d. by us iu nothing 2 Sam. 22. 12. about him rf. waters, Psal. 18. 11.
Hoi. 3. 17.tho'the flork shall be c.oj' from the fold DAM. A'eh. 13. 19. the gates of Jerusalem began to be rf.
Zrjih 13. I will e. off man from off the land Eiod. 22. 30. seven days it shall be with his d. Job 3. 9. let the stars of the twilight thereof be d.
4. c. n/T renin, of Raal 11. that bear silver c. off on the eighth shall give it me, /-cy. 22. 27. 12. 25. they grope in the rf. without light

3. 6. I have c. off the nations, towers are desolate Deuc. 22. () thou shalt not take the d. with young 18. 6. the light shall be rf. in his tabernacle
7. so their dwelling should not be c. off 7. but thou shalt in any wise let the d, go 22. 13. can he judge through the rf. cloud ?
ZkIi. 5.3. forevcry one that stealeth as on this side, DAMNABLE. 24. 16. in the rf. they dig thro' houses, which they
and every one that sweareth, shall be c off 2 I'ei. 2. 1. who privily shall bring in d. heresies 30. 3. wiuit and famine they were rf. as night

9. fi. I will c. off the pride of the Philistines DAMNATION. Psa/. 35. 6. let their way be rf. and slippery
, 10. and I will c off the chariot from Ivphraim
.Vol. 2.J. 14. therefore ye shall receive the greater 49. 4. 1 will open my rf. saying on the harp
11.8. three shepherds al.'.o I coffin one month d. Mark 12. 40. LitAe 20. 47- 74. 20. rf. places of the earth are full of cruelty
3.'!. ye serpents, how can ye escape the d. of hell 78. 2. in parables, 1 will utter rf. sayings of old

'i. and that, that i* to be ». off, let it be c. off

11-2.1 will coff the names of idols out of land Miiri :i. 29. but is in danger of eternal d. 88. 12. shall thy wonders be known in the rf. /
105. 28. he sent darkness and made it rf.
<i. two parts in the Izind shaJl be c,
off and die John 5.C9. have done evil, to the resurrection of </.
14. 2. the residue oi the people shall nutJ>e c^ff liom.i.'i. evil, that good may couie, whose rf. isjust Prov.1.6. the words of the wise and their rf. .sayings
y)al. 2. 12 Lord will «". ojfthe man that doth this 13. 2. they shall receive to themselves d. 7.9. in the twilight, in the black and rf. night
Hai. 5. 30. if toy right hand offend thee, c. ilof, 1 Cor. 11. 29. he eateth and drinketh d. to himself Jsa. 5. 1 30. it shall be rf. in the destruction thereof
18,8. Mark g. 43. 45. 1 Tim. 5. 12. having d. because have cast off first 2y. 15. and their works are in the rf. and they sav
JUarIc 14.47.c.<#ear, Liiie 22. 50. John 18.10,26. f.-1-ith 45. 19. 1 have not spoken in arf. place of the earth
Acts 27. 32. the soldiers c.offlhe. ropes of the boat 2 Pel. 2.3. lingereth not. and their rf. slumbereth not Jer. 13. 16. your feel tumble on the rf. mountains
Jiotit. 11^22. otherwise thou shalt also be c. off DAMNED, Lam. 3. 6. he hath se'. ne in rf. places, as they that
i Cor. 11.12. that I may e. off occasion.fiom them Mark ]6. 1(). but he that believeth not shall be rf. Lzek. b. 12. what the house of Israel do in the rf
Ofil. 5.12.1 would the V were c. <>^" that trouble you Horn. 14. 23. and he that doubteth is rf. if he eat 32. 7. and I will make the stars thereof rf.
cur ovi. 2 T/iess. 2. 12. that all mightbe rf. who believed not 8. the bright lights of heaven will I make rf.
2 Cftron. Cf). 1 10. Uzziah c. out many cisterns DAMSEL. 34.12. have been scattered in the cloudy and
Joi 33. t 6. I also am c. oi:C of the clay 0<7H. 24.55. her mother said.let therf. abide few days Dan. 8. 23. a king understanding rf. sentences shall
J'rov. 10. 31. the froward t&Jjne shall be c. mn 34. 3. and he loved the rf. and spake kindly to rf. Joels. 10. the sun and the moon shall be rf.
Dan, 2. 31. a stone wasV. oiii without hands, 45. 12. ask never so much, but give me the rf. to wife .'Imos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the day rf. 20.
f'oOT. 1 1. 24. for if thou wert c. otu of tlie olive-tree Deal. 22. 15. bring forth tokens of the rf. virginity Mic. 3. 6. it shall be rf. to you, the day shall be rf,
C';T s/wrt. 20. but if the tokens be not found for the rf. Hec/i. 14. C. the light shall not be clear, nor rf.
t TCin^f 10. .32. the ixird began toe. Israel s'lorl 21. they shall bring out the d. and stone her Lufe 1 1. 36. if thy body be light, having no part rf
lirm. 9.28. will finish and c. it iW/ in righteousness 24. the rf. because she cried aot, being in the city Jiihn 6. 17. went over the sea, and it was now d.
CUT jip. i'5. there is in the rf. no sin worthy of death 20. 1. Marj' came early, when it was yet rf.
Job .30. 4. who c. vp mallows by rhf bjisnes 29. shall give the rf. father fifty shekels of silver 2 Pet. 1. ly. as to a light that shineth in a rf. place
Ita. 33. 12. as thorns e. vp shall they be burnt Judg. 5. 30. divided to every man a rf. or two DARKEN.
CU'1T1".ST, Kill. ig. 4. the rf. father retained him, and he abode Amot 8. 9. and I will rf. the earth in the clear day
Deul. 24. 19. when thou c. down thine harvest Uuih 2 5. then Boaz said, whose rf. is this ? DARKLY.
Jot 28. 10. he <• out rivers amon(i the rocks 6. it is Moabitish rf. that came bjick with Naomi 1 Cor. 13. 18. for now we see through a glass rf.

Ptal. 2y. f 7. the voice of the .Lord c. flames.of fire 1 Aix^c 1. +2. he sought for the king a young rf. DARKENED.
46. 9 he breakethbow.and c. the spear in sunder 4. and the rf. was very fair, and cherished him £xorf. 10.1 S.for they covered, so that the land wasrf
141.7 as when one c. and cleaveth wood on earth Mai. H. 11. John Baptist's head was brouf;ht in a A-frt/. 69. 23. let their eyes be rf. Horn. 11. 10.
I'rov. 26. 6. sendeth message by fool, c. off the charger, and given to the rf. Mark C). 28. Lee/. 12. 2. while sun, moon, or the stars be notrf.
feet 26.69. arf. came to I'eter, saying, John 18. 17. 3. those that look out of the windows be rf.
Jrr. 10. 3. for one c, atree out of the forest with ax Mark 5. ^g. the rf. is not dead, but sleepelh Isa. 5. 30. the light is rf. in the heavens thereof
22. 14. build chambers and c, him out windows 40. he laketh the father and mother of the rf. and 9. 19- 13. 10. the sun rf. J(»/3. 15.
CUniNG. entereth in where the rf. was lying 24. 11. all joy is rf. the mirth of the land gone
F.rod. 31.5. and in c. of stonesto set them, 35. 33. Acis 12. 13. a rf. came to hearken, named Rhoda Lzek. 30. 18. at Tehaphnehes the day shall be rf.
J^p. 85. f 23. the land shall not be sold for c. ofl 16. 16. a certain rf. possessed with a spirit, met us i^ecA. U. 17. h»s right eye shall be utterly rf.
l>eiil. 24. < 1. lei him write her a bill of c. off DAMSELS ."Jal. 24. 29. then shall the sun berf. Mark 11 24.
Jsa. 38. 10. I said in the c. of my days. I shall go Gtii. 24. 61 Uebekah arose and her rf. and rode Liiie 23. 45. and the sun was rf. and vail was rent
Jer. 30. 23. ac. whirlwind, it shall fall with pain 1 .'Vim. 25. 42. Abigail rode wil'.i five rf. of hers Horn. 1. 21. and their foolish heart was rf.
y.'r«i. 7. t 25. e. off cometh, they shall seek peace I'tal. G8. 25. amongst them were the rf. playing I^yh. 4. 18. having the understanding rf. alienated
If). 4 3. thy r. out is of the land of Canaan DANCE. L'ev. 8. 14 so as the third part of them waa rf.
Jliri. 2. 10. consulted shame by e. off many people Ptal. 149. 3. let them praise him in the rf. 150. 4. 9. 2. and Ihe sun and the air were rf.
AJnri 3. 5. tombs, crying and r. himself with stones Jer. 31. 13. the virgins shall rejoice in the rf. DARKENETIl.
CUrilNG.S. Lam. 5. 15. our rf. is turned into mourning Job 38. 2. who is this that rf. counsel by words >
/<!i'.19.28. ye shall not make any e. for dead, 21. 5. DANCE. Psal. 139. U2. yea, the darkness rf. not from thee
Jfr. 48. 37. upon all the hanas shall be c. and on Jiitfi. 21 21. if the daughters of .Shiloh come to rf.
Jotuih 2. i 6. 1 went down to the e, of the mount. Jiiiil. 11. send forth little ones, their children rf. Lev. 13. 39. if the bright spots in skin be rf. while
CYMBAL. lUci. 3. 4. a time to mourn, and a time to rf. DARKNESS
1 Cor. 13. 1. I am become as sounding brass, or La. 13. 21. owls dwell there, satyrs shall rf. there Signifies, [1] The privation, or want 0/ natural light.
CYMBALS. [a tinkling c DANCED. Mat. 27. 45. [2] Hell, the place of eternal
t Snm. 6. 5 played on cornets ami c. 1 CVir. 13. 8 JtiJ^. 21. 23. according to their number that rf. misery, conj'usiou, and horror, called outer dark-
'. Chron, 15.16. harps and c. sounding, 16.42. 2 Ham. fi. 14. and David rf. before the Lord ness, 'A/a/. 22. 13. [3] Ignorance and unbelief
lO. 5. hut Asaph made a sound with <r. /Urtr.ll.l7.h»vepiped,andyehavenotrf./.>ii«7.32. which is the want of spiritual light, John 3. I9
25. 6. these were under the hands of their lather 14. 6. the daughter of I lerodias rf. Mark 6. 22. [4] Till mtnds of me^i, uhich, since the fall, are
for song in the house oi the Lord with c DANCES. full of ignorance and error, John 1. 5. [5] A
2 Chron. 5. 13. they lift op their voice with r. Erod. 15. 20. the women went after her with rf. private or secret place, where butfew persons are
29. 25. he set Levites in house of the Lord with c Jodf. 1 1 34. daughter came to meet hiui with rf.
. present. Mat. 10. 27, What I tell you in dark-
Ezra 3. 10. the sous of Asaph with c. Seh. 12. 27 1 6am. 21. 11. did they not sing of him in rf. 29. 5. nars ; that is, >» parables, and in private betueen
Putt. MO. 5. praise him upon luud-soundiog c. Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt go forth in the rf. of them ourselves. [6] Great distress, perplctily, ami
CYl'RKSS. DANCING. calamity, Isa. 8. 22. Joel 2. 8. [7] Sifi, a*
Cant. I t 14. my beloved is to me as aclu.ster of c Eiod. 32. 19. he came nigh, he saw the calf and rf.
. impurity, 1 John 1. 5.
4. i 13. with pleasant fruits, t. with spikanird 1 Ham, 18. 6. the women came out singing and rf. The land of darkness is the grav*. Job 10. 81,22

ha, 44. 14. he lakeih ih* t, wd Ute o^ 30. 16. were spread on all the earth, eating and d. I Such, as sit in darknesi and in tha shadow of
death, Ptal. 107. 10. svcA at are in it disconio- P/.IO7.IO. »uch assit in rf.and the shadow of death DAUGHTER
tni$ ami forlim condition, thut up in pi isons, or 143. 3. the enemy hath made me to dwell in d. Signifies, [1] 5 /rm«;« c/iiW, Gen. 34. 1. [i] A
dunteont. T/tt children of light, ttt in oppotiiion Proy. 20.20. his lamp shall be put out in obscure d. titter. Gen 3». 17. [3] A niece, or brother's
tn the children of darkness, means the rtghteoui Eecl. 2. 14. but the fool walketh in d. daughter, Exod. 2. 21. [4] A dnughter-in-laa,
in oppotition to th^ uncked ; the faithful in op- 5. 17. he eateth in d.|| 6. 4. he departeth in d. or son's vifi Ruth, 3. 18. [5] The women
jfsition i» the incredulom and infideU, 2 Cor. 6. Isa.i1. 7. bring them that sit in d. out of prison-h. that dwell in a country. Gen. 34. 1 . [6] Thi in-
14. Our Saviour calli the tierciti of Satan's 49. 9- to them that are in d. shew yourselves habitants of a city or country, both men and
powtr, the power of darkness, Lvie 22. 53. 59. 9. we wait for light, but we walk in d. aomen, Isa. 16. 2. Mat. 21. 5. [7] Posterity,
But this is your hour, and the power of dark- J«rr.23. 12. their ways shall be as slippery ways in d. lineage, or offspring Luke 1. S. [8J The lungs^
oess ; this is the time whenin power is given to Dan. 2. 22. he knoweth what is in the d. juid light and other organs of singing, called the daughters
<he devil, and his instrumsnts, to execuie their John 8.12. he that foUoweth me shall not walk in d. of music, IlccI. 12. 4. [9] The branches of
i/etigns against me. The power of darkness, it 12. 35. for he that walketh in d. knoweth not /r»</. Gen. 49. t22. [10] The church of God
tUct'cise taken for the dominion of sin, and sla- 46.who3oever believeth me,should not abide ind. Psal. 45. 9, 10. Cant. 5. 8.
very to tlie devil, under ahich all unregeuirattd 1 TAets. 5. 4. but ye, brethren, are not in d. C<n.20.I2. lid. of my father, not d. of my mother
persons are. Col. 1. 13. 1 John 1. 6. and walk in d. we lie and do not truth 24. 23. whose d. art thou ? tell me, I pray thee, 47.
Gen. 1.?. and d. was upon the face of the deep 2. 9. hateth his brother, b ind. even till now 48. to take my master's brother's d. to his son
5. the light day, and the d. he called night 11. hateth his brother, is in d. walketh in d. 31.7. he had wrought folly in lying with Jacob's d.
le. God set them to divide the light from the d. Xanrfo/ DARKNESS. 8. soul of my son Shechem longetb for your d.
15. 12. an horror of great d. fell uponAbram Jot 10. 21. before 1 go even to flie land of d. 17. then will we take our d. and we will be gone
Exod. 10. 21. that there may be d. over Egypt 22. a land of d. asd. itself, and shadow of death 19. because he had delight in Jacob's d.
22. there was a thick d. in all Egypt three days Jer. 2. 31. have I been to Israel a land of d. 7 Eiod. 1. 16. but if it be a d. then she shall live
14. 20. it was a cloud and d. to them, but light DARKNESS with light. 21. 31. whether he have gored a son or a d.
20. 21. and Moses drew near to the thick d. Gen. 1. 4. and God divided thf. light from the d. Lev. 12. 6. when the days are fulfilled for a d.
Deru. 4. 11. the mountain burnt with thick d 18. two great lights to divide the light from d. 1 4. + 10. to tjJte an ewe-lamb, the d. of her year

5.22. these words the Lord spake out of thick d. Job 10. 22. a land where the light b as </. 18. 17. nor shalt thou take her daughter's d.
Joih.ii.T. heputrf. between you and the Egyptians 17. 12. the light is short because aid. 21.9. the d. of any priest, if she profane herself
e Sam. 25. 10. d. was under his feet, Psal. 18. 9. 18. 18. he shall be driven from light into d. 22.12. if the priest's d. be married to a stranger
12. he made d. his pavilions round about him 26. 1 10. until the end of light with d. 13. if the priest's d. be a widow or divorced
29. the Lord will enlighten my rf. Psal. 18. £8. 29. 3. when by his light I walked through d. A'ii;rt.27. 9. 'f he have no d. give his inheritance
'hi 3. 5. let d. aiid the shadow of death stain it 30. 26. when I waited for light, there came d. 36. 8. every d. that possesssth an inheritance
6. as for that night, let d. seize upon it Psal. 112. 4. to upright there ariseth light in d. Dtut.ll 22. cursed be he that lieth with his sister,

5. 14. they meet with d. in the day time 139. 12. the d. and light are both alike to thee the d. of his father or the d. of his mother
10. 22. a land of a', as d. itself, without any order £cf/.2.13.wisdom excels as far as light excelleth d. 28. 56. her eye shall be evil towards her d.
19. 8. and he hath .set d. in my paths Isa. 5. 20. that put d. for light, and light ford. Jitdg. 11. 34. Jephthah's d. came out to meet him
20. 26. all d. shall be hid in his secret places 9. 2. the people that walked in d. have seen a great 40. to lament Jephthah's d. four days in a year
22. 11. or </. that thou canst not sec light, upon them hath light shined, Mat. 4. 16. XSam. 1. 16. count not thy handmaid a 1/. of Belial
2.'). 17. because I was not cut off before the d. 42. 16. I will make d. light before them 18. 19. when Saul's d. should have been given
neither hath he covered the d. from my face 45. 7. I form light and create d. I make peace 2 6am. 12. 3. little ewe-lamb was unto him as ai/.
28. 3. he setteth an end to d. the stones of d. 50. 10. that walketh in d. and hath no lig/,t 1 Kings 3. 1. Solomon took Pharaoh's d.
34. 22. no d. where workers of iniquity may hide /er.l3. 16. while ye look for light, he make itgross d. 11.1. loved many women, with the d. of Pharaoh
37. 19. we cannot order our speech by reason of rf. Lam. 3. 2. he brought me intorf. but not into light 2 KingsZ. 18. the d. of Ahab wzis Jehoram's wife
38. 9. when I made thick d. a swaddling band Amos 5. 18. the day of the Lord is d. and not li^hi 9- 34. go bury Jezebel, for she is a king's d.
19. and as for d. where is the place thereof? Mic. 7. 8. when 1 sit in d. the Lord shall be 3.light 1 Chron. 2. 49. and the d. of Caleb was Achsah
•Psal. 18. 11. he made d. his secret place Mat. 6. 23. light in thee be d. how great is that d.. E-sth. 2. 7. he took his uncle's d. for his own d.
35. t 6. let their way be d. and slipperiness 10. 27. what I tell in d. speak in light, Luke 12. 3 Pja/.45.10.hearken, O d. and consider, and incline
88. 18. and hast put mine acquaintance into d. Luke 1. 79. liglu to them that sit in d. Bom. 2. 19 13. the king's d. is all glorious within
</7- 2. clouds and d. are round about him 11. .35. that the light which is in tliee be not d. Cant. 7. 1. how beautiful with shoes, O prince's d.
104. 20. thou makest d. and it is night John 1.5. /<>/i<shineth in d. d. comprehendeth it not Jer. 31. 22. how long go about, backslidinc d. 49.4.
105. 28. he sent d. and made it dark 3. 19. and men loved d. rather than light 46. 19. O d. dwelling in Egj-pt furnish thyself

139. 11. if I say, surely the d. shall cover me 12. 35. walk while ye have light, lest d. come 48. 13. thou d. that dost inhabit Dibon, come dou a
12. yea, the d. hideth not from thee Acts 26. 18. uiid to turn them from d. to light Eiek. 14. 16. neither deliver son nor d. 18. 20.
Proi>. 2. 13. leave paths to walk in the ways of d. Horn. 13. 12. cast off the works of d. put on light 16. 44. saying, as is the mother, so is her d.
4. 19. the way of tde wicked is as <f .they know not 1 Cor. 4. 5. to bring to tight the hidden things ot d. 45. thou art thy mother's </. that loatheth
£cc/. 6. 4. his name shall be covered with d. " Cur. 4. 6. who commanded light to shine out o(d. 27. t 6. the d. of the Ashurites made thy benches
Jsa. 5. 30. and if one look to the land, behold d. 6. 14. what communion hath light with d. I 44. 25. for son or d. they may defile themselves
8. 22. they shall look, and behold trouble and d. 1 Pe<.2.9called you out old. into marvellous light Dan. 11. 6. the king's 1/. of the south shall come
45. 3. I will give thee the treasures of d. 1 Juhn 1. 5. God is light, and in him is no d. at all 17. shall give him the d. of women corrupting
47. 5. get thet into d. O daughter of Chaldeans 2. 8. d. is past, and the true light now shiueth llos. 1. 6. and she conceived again, and bare a d.
fiO. 2. for behold, the rf. shall cover the earth, and DARK
Out 0/ NESS. Mic. 5. 1. gather thyself in troops, O d. of troops
gross d. the people, but Lord shall arise on thee Deut. 5. 22. when ye heard the voice out of the d. 7. 6. rf. riseth up again.« her mother, daughter-in-
Jer. 13. 16. before he cause d. and make gross d. Job 12. 22. he discovcreth deep things out of d. law agaiast her mother. A/of. 10.35. Luke 12.53.
JLtek. 32. 8. I will set d. upon thy land, saith Lord 15. 22. believeth not that he shall return out of d. Zfph. 3. 10. the d, of my dispersed shall bring
Joel 2. 2. a day of d. of clouds and of thick d. 30. he shall not depart out of d. the flame dry up Mal.1. 11. hath married the d. of a strange god
31. the sun shall be turned into d. Acts 2. 20. Pm/.107.14. he brought them<n(/o/"</. and shadow Mat. 9.22. Jesus said, d. be of good comf. thy faith
Amos 4. 13. he that maketh the morning d. Ua. 29. 16. the eyes of the blind shall sce<7u/ ofd. hath made thee whole, Mark 5. 34. Luke 8. 18
A'ah. 1. 8. and d. shall pursue his enemies DARLING. 10. 37. he that loveth son or d more than me
Mat. 6. 23. thy whole body full of d. Luke 11. 34. Psal. 22. 20. deliver my d. from power of the dog 14. 6. the d. of Herodias danced before them
8. 12. be cast out into outer d. 22. 13. C5. 30.
35. 17. Lord, rescue my J. from the lions 15. 28. lier d. was made whole fiom that hour
27. 45. from .sixth hour there was d. Mark 15. 33. DART. S. Markl. 26. he would cast forth devil out of her rf.
Jjuke 22. 53. this is your hour and the power of d, 2 Sam. 18. 14. Joab took three d. in his hand Luke 8 42. he had one only i/.about 12 years of age
23. 44. and there was d. over all the earth 2 Chron. 32. 5. Ilezekiah made d. and shields 13. 16. ought not thu woman, being rf. of Abraham
Acts 13. 11. there fell on him a mist and a d. Job 41. 26. the si^ear nor the d. cannot hold /•Jf/i7.21. Pharaoh's d. took hiia up and nourished
Eph. 5. 11. have no fellowship with the works of rf. 29. d. are counted as stubble, he laugheth at i/eA.11.24. Moses refused to be son of Pharaoh's d,
6. 12. against the rulers of the d. of this world Prov. 7. 23. till a d. strike thro' his liver DAUGHTER of Babylon.
V.ot. 1. 13. who hath delivered us from power of d. Joel 2. t 8. when they fall on d. not be wounded Pifl/. d.of Dabylon,vho art to be destroyed
1 Thets. 5. 5. we are not of the night nor of d. 6. 16. to quench the fiery d. of the wicked Isa. 47. 1. O d, of liabyton, sit on the ground
Heh. 12. 18. ye are not come to blackness and d. lleb. 12. 20. it shall be thrust thrn' with a d. Jer. 50. 42. to battle against thee, O d. of Babylon
•2 Pet. 2.4. and delivered them into ehains of d. DASH. 51. 33. d. of Babylon is like a threshing floor
17. to whom the mist of d. is reserved for ever 2 Kings 8. 12. and thou wilt d. their children Zech. 2. 7. O Zion, that dwellest with d. of Babylon
I J^hn 2.11. because that d. hath blinded bis eyes /'j7i/.2.9.1est d. them in pieces like a potter's vessel DAUGHTER of the Chaldeans.
/firfe6. hath reserved in everla.sting chains under </. 91. 12. they shall bear thee up, lest thou d. thy Tsa.Vl. 1. there is no throne, </. o///i« t^haldeani

13. to whom iareservedtheblackn.of rf. forever foot agaiust a stone, Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. 5. get thee into darkness, U d. of the Chaldean*
lUv. 16. 10. and his kingdom was full of d. Isa. 13. 18. their bows shall J. the young men DAUGHTER of Ejom.
DARKNESS with day. Jer. 13. 14. I will d. them one against another Lam. 4. 21. rejoice and be glad, O d. of F.dom
Joh 3. 4. let that day be d. let not God regard it DASHED. 22. he will visit thine iniquitv, O d.oj Ldom
15. 23 he knoweth that ianday of d. is at hand Eioi. 15. 6. thy right hand, O Lord, hath d. in piects DAUGHTER of Egypt.
Eccl. 11. 8. yet let him remember the days of d. Isa. 13. 16. their children also shall \xd. in pieces Jer. 46. 11. go into Gilead. O virgin, d. of Egypt
ha. 5«. 10. then shall thy </. be as the noon-</,;i/ before their eyes, //»/. 13. I6. A'a*.3.10. 24. the d. of Egypt shall be confounded
Joel 1. 2. a day of d. and gloominess, Zeph. 1. 15. Hot. 10. 14. the mother was d. upon herchildreu DAUGHTER of Gallim.
Amos 5. 20. shall not the day of the Lord be d.! DASHETIl. Jsa. 10. 30. lift up thy voice, O d. of Gallim
In DARKM-:SS. PioM37.9-that rf.thy little ones against the stones illsDAUGHTER.
XJeut. 28. 29. thou shalt grope as the blind in d. DATES. Gen. 29. 6. Rachel hit d. cometh with the .sheep
1 Sam. 2. 9. and the wicked shall be silent in d, 2 Chron. 31. t 5. tne caildren of Israel brought d. tjod. 21. 7. if a man sell his </. to be a servant
1 Kings 8. 12. Solomon spake, the Lord said that DAUB, ED, ING. 21. 2. for his son or hisd. he maybe dcfilPd
he would dwell in the thick d. 2 Chr. 6. 1. I'.tod. 2. 3. she d. the ark with slime and pitch iViu».27.8. shall cause inheritance to pass to his d.
<Joi 17. 13. I have made my bed in the d. Exek. 13. 10. others d. it with untempered mortar 30. 16. the statutes between the father ^nAhtsd.
Psal. 11. t 2. they may tn d. shoot at the upright 11. say to them which d. it, that it shall fall Deut. 7. 3. nor his d. shalt thou take to thy son
82. 5. they know not, they walk on in d. 12. where is the d. wherewith ye have d. it' 18. to. there shall not be found ont- that maketh
88. (). thou hast laid me lu d. in the deeps 14. so 1 will break down the waJl ye have d. Ai* d. to pass through the fire, S Kingsi3. lO»
dl. 6. nnr for the pestilence that walketh in d. 22. 28, ber prophets have d. them with mortar Judg 21 1. not any of as give his J. to Benjamin


1 Sam. 17. SS. king will enrich and five fiim /lis d. DAUGHTERS. Gen. 19. 12. tny jiru and rf. bring out of this piace

DAUGHTER of Jerusalem. Gen. 6. 1. and when d. were bom to them 31. 28. not suffered me to kiss myson.! and a.
2 Kings 19. 21. the Qaughter of Ziou, the d. of 2. the sons of God saw the d. of men, and took 55. he kissed his sons and rf. and blessed tliem
Jems, bath shaken her head at thee, Isa. 3". 22. 6. 4. the sons of God came in unto the d. of men 37. 35. all his sons and rf. rose to comfort him
iam. 2. IS. what thing shall I liken to thee, O d. 19. 14. Lot spake to them which married his d. Eiod. 3. 22. ye shall put them on your sous and d.
ofJeruMltm, O daughter of comfort thee? 36. both the d. of Lot with child by their father 10. 9. with our sons and with our rf. will we go
15. they wag their head at the d. of Jerusalem 24.3. take not a wife of rf. of Canaan, 37. 28.1,6. |
21. 4. and she have born him sons or rf.
fidic. 4.8. the kingdom shall come to d. of Jerusalem 13. the d. of the city came out to draw water 32. 2. ear-rings of your sons and rf. bring to me
Zeph. 3.14. rejoice with all the heart, O d. ofjerut. 27. 46. weary of my life because of the d. of Heth 34. 16. and thou take of their rf. to thy >o>u
Zech. 9. 9. shout, O d. of Jems, thy Kingcometh 30. 13. happy am I, for the d. will call me blessed thou, thy sons^aid. with thee, shall eat
DAUGHTER of Judah. 31 26. thou hast carried away my d. as captives in the holy place. Num. 18. 11, I9
Lam. 1. 15. the Lord hath trodden the d. of Judah 43. these d. are my d. 50. if thou afflict my d.
Xum. 21. 29. "iven his so7is and rf. into captivity
5. 2. he hath thrown down strong holds of rf. of J. 34 1. Dinah went out to see the d. of the land 26. 33. Zelophehad had no /onj,but rf. Josh. 17. 3
5. he bath increased in d. of Judali mourning 9. give your d to us, amd take our d. unto you Deut. 12. 12. ye and your sons and rf. rejoice
DAUGHTER-IN-LAW. 16. then will we give our d. to you, and take d. 31. their «iu and rf. they have burnt in the fire
Gen. 38. I6. he knew not that she was his d.-in-la:t 49. t 22. Joseph is a bough whose d. run over 2 Kings 17. 17. Jer. 7- 31. 32. 35!

24. 1'amar thy d.-in-law hath played the harlot Liod. 2. 16. the priest of Midian had seven d. 28. 32. thy sotu and rf. given to another people
l^v. 18.15. not uncorer nakedness of thy d.-in-laa 21.9. he shall deal with her after the manner of d. 41. beget tons and rf. but shall not enjoy them
20. 12. if a man lie with his d.-in-lau both shall die 34. 16. their d. go a whoring after their gods 53. thou shalt eat the fle-sh of thy totis and rf.
MulA 1.22. Naomi returned, and Ruth ar.rd.-iti-taw Ijv. 26. 29. the flesh of your d. shall ye eat 32. 19. because of provoking of his sous and rf.
4. 15. d.-in-laa which loveth thee, hath bom him .Vum. 21. t 25. dwelt in Heshbon and d. thereof iosh. 7. 24. they brought Acban, his so7u and rf.
] Ha m. 4. 19. d. -in lau! Phinehas' wife was with child 26.33. names of rf. ofZeIophehad,27.1. Josh. 17.3. 17.6. rf. of Manasseh had inheritance among son.
£i.ei. 22. 11. another lewdly defileih hiK/.-»n-/a» 27. 7. the d. of Zelophehad speak right Judg. 3. 6. they gave their rf. to their sons
Jitic. 7. 6. for the d.-in-lan riseth up against the 36. 10. even so did the d. of Zelophehad 12. 9. Ibzan took in thirty rf. for his sous
mother-in-law. Mat. 10.35. Luke 12.53. Deut. 23. 17. shall be no whore of the d. of Israel l.b'am.l.4.he gave Peninnah,her jojuand rf.portions
My DAUGHTER. Jiidg. 3. 6. they took tlieir d. to be their wives 2. 21. so Hannah bare three so7u and two rf.
Deul. 22. 16. I gave my d. to this man to wife 21. 7. we will not give them of our d. to wives 30. 3. their sons and rf. were taken captives
17. these ar« the tokens of my d. virginity 18. howbeit, we may not give them wives ofour d. 6. grieved, every man for his sons and for his rf.
Jcsh. 15. 16. to nim will I give myd. Judg. 1. 12. Ruth 1.11. turn again, my rf. why will ye go 12. .' 19. there was nothing lacking, neither sons nor rf.
Judg. 11. 35. alas, my rf. thou hast brought me low 13. nay, my d. it grieveth me for your sakes 2 Sam. 5. 13. and there were yet sons and rf. bor&
19. 24. lehold, here is my d. a maiden 1 Sam. 8. 13. take your d. to be conlectionaries to David, 1 Chron. 14. 3.
JituA 2.2. and she said unto her, go, my d. 2 Sam. 13. 18. were king's rf. virgins apparelled 19-5. which saved the lives of thy sous and of thyrf.
3. 10. he said, blessed be thou of the Lord, my d. Xeh. 3. 12. next repaired Shallum, he and his d. 1 Chr. 2. 34. now Sheshan had no sons but rf.
16. her mother said, who art thou, my d. ? 5. 5. our rf. are brought into bondage zdready 4. 27. Shimei had sixteen soiut and six rf.
18. sit still, my d. till thou know the matter 7.63.tookoneofrf. of Barzillai to wife, Ezra 2.6l. 23. 22. Eleazardied, and had no sons but rf.
Mai. 9. 18. a ruler, saying, my d. is even now dead 10. 30. not give our rf. to the people of the land 25.5. God gave Heman fourteen sons and three rf.
15. 22. my d. is grievoQily vexed with a devil Joi 42. 15. no women were so fair as the d. of Job 2 Chron. 11. 21. Rehoboam had iSsons aod 00 rf.
l^ark 5. 23. my little d. lieth at the point of death .t'sal. 45. 9- king's rf. among thy honourable women 13. 21. Abijah begat 22 ji»w and sixteeen rf.
DAUGHTER of my people. 141. 12. that our rf. may be as corner-stones 24. 3. Jehoiada took wives and begat sons and rf.
Isa. 22. 4. because of the spoiling of the d. of my p. /-"rn^kSl.Cg^manyrf. have done virtuously, but thou 28. 8. carried captive 200,000 women, sons ;uid rf.
Jer. 4. 11. adry wind toward d. of my p. not to fan Cani. 2. 2. as the lily, so is my .ove among the rf. 29. 9. our sons rf. ajid wives are in captivity for tai*
(i. 14. healed the hart.of<f. of my p. slightly, 8. 11. 6,Q. the rf. sawjier and blessed her, yea the queens 31. 18. to the genealogy of their sons and rf.
26. O, d. of my people^ gird thee wiCb sackcloth Isa. 13. + 21. rf. of the owl dwell there, 34. t 13 Ezra 9- 2. have taken of their rf. for their sons
8. 19. behold, the voice of the cry of the d. of my p. 32. 9- hear my voice, ye careless rf. give ear 12. give not your rf. to their sons, Neh. l.i. 25.
21. for hurt of rf. of my p. am I hurt, I am black 43. t 20. the rf. of the owl shall honour me A',f/(.4.14.and fight for your sons, rf. and your M-ives
22. why is not health of therf. of my p. recovered 60. 4. and thy rf. shjJl be nursed at thy side 5. 2. that said, we, our sotu 2md our rf. are many
0.1. that I might weep for slain of the d. irf my p> Jer. g. 20. O ye women, teach your rf. wailing 5. we bring into bondage our sons and our rf.
T.Iwill try them, for how shall 1 do ioTd'.ofmyp. 29.6. give yourrf. to husbands, that they may bear 10. 28. their sons and rf. clave to their brethren
14. 17. virgin d. of my p. i% broken with a breach 4y. 2. and her rf. shall be burnt with fire Joi 1.2. there were born to Job 7 s. and 3 rf. 4C. 13.
Xom. 2.11. for the destruction of d. of mxi p. 3. 48. 3. cry, ye rf. of Rabbah, gird ye with sackcloth 13. a day when his sons and rf. were eating, IK.
4. 3. the d. of my p. is become cruel, likeostriche^ Lam. 3. 51. because of all the rf. of my city Psal. 106. 37. they sac. their sons and rf. to devil*
6. the iniquity of the d. of my p. iy greater than Eiei. 13. 17. set thy face against the rf. of thy peo. 38. and shed even the blood of their sous and rf.
10. were their meat,in the destruction of rf. of my p. 16. t 31. in thy rf. is thine eminent place La. 43. 6. bring my j. from far, and my rf.l'rom the
DAUGHTER of Tarshish. 46. sister Samaria, and her rf. Sodom, and her rf, 49. 22. bring thy sons in t'ueir arms, and thy rf.
/f^.23.10.pa5S through as a river, O d.of Tarshish 49, abundance of idleness was in her and in her rf, 56. 5. will I give a name better than of s. and rf.
Thy DAUGHTER. 53. when I bring back the captivity of her rf. Jir. 3. 24. shame hath devoured their sons and rf.
Gen. 29. 18. 1 will serve 7 years for ihy yoiftigtr d. 55. when thy sister Sodom and rf. shall return 5. 17. eat that which thy sons and rf. should eat
Etod. 20. 10. nor thy son, nor thy d. L)ev,t^5. 14. 61. and I will give them unto thee for rf. 11. 22. their «i« and their rf. shall die by famine
Lev.\&.10. the nakedness oi thy daughter's*/. 23.2. there were two women, the rf. of one mother 14. 16. they sh<Jl have none to bury their s. and rf.
19- 29. do not prostitute thy d. to be a whore 26. 6. her rf. shall be slain in the field, 8. 16.2. neither shalt thou have s. nor rf. in this place
Devi. 7. 3, thy d. shalt thou not give to his son 30. 18. and her rf. shall go into captivity 3. saith the Lord concerning the sons and rf.
12. 18. thou shalt rejoice and thy d. 16. 11, 14. 32. 16. the rf. of the nations shall lament her 19. 9- I will cause them eat the flesh of s. andrf.
13. 6. if thy son or thy d. entice thee, saying //of.4.13. therefore yourrf. shall commit whoredom 29. 6. take ye wives and beget sons and rf.
22. 17. saying, I found not thy d. a maid 14. I will not punish your rf. when they commit 35. 8. we, our so7is and our rf. drink no wine
2 A'lHj* 14.9. give thy d. to my son, 2 CAron. 25. la. Mic. 1. + 8. make a mourning as the rf. of the owl 48. 46. thy sous and thy rf. are taken captives
jJ/ar*5.35.certain who said,?/iy dead,i-t<i.'8.4y. Luie 1. 5. and was of the rf. of Aaron
his wife Ezei.U 16. they shall deliver neither sous nor rf.18
7. 29. go thy way, the devil is gone out of thy d. .icts 21. 9. the same man had four rf. virjjins 22. left a remnant brought forth, both sons and rf
DAUGHTER of Tyre. 1 Pet. 3. 6. whose
rf. ye are as long as ye do well 16. 20. taken thy soiu and rf. and sacrificed them
Pscl. 45. 12. d. of Ti/re shall be there with a gift DAUGHTERS
of Jerusalem. 23. 4. and they were mine, and bare so)t.i and rf.
DAUGHTER of Zidvn. Cant. 1.5.1 am black, but comely, O rf. of Jerus. 10. they took her sons and rf. and slew her, C5.
2sa. 23. 12. O thou oppressed virgin, d. of Zidon 2.7. I charge you, O rf. of Jerus. 3.5. 5.8. 8.4. \ |
47. they shedl slay their sons and rf. and burn up
DAUGHTER of Zion. 3. 10. paved with love for the rf. of Jerusalem 24.2l.your sotu and rf.fall by the sword, /i/n(jj7. If.
2 A"x>if/19.21.</.'/Z.hath despised thee, Zfa. 37.2c. 5. 16. this is my beloved, O rf. of Jenualem 25. when I take from them their sons and rf.
Psal. 9. 14. thy praise in the gates of therf. (i/'i^ion Luke 23. 28. rf. of Jerusalem, weep not for me /i'f/2.28. your «nj andrf. prophesy, .^cr* 2. 17.
Jsa. 1. 8. J. of Zion left as a cottage in vineyard DAUGHTERS
of Israel. 3. 8. I will sell your sons and rf. to Judah
4. 4. have washed away the filth of the rf.o/'i^iuji Deul. 23. 17. there shall be no whore of rf. of Tsr. 2 Cor. 6. 18. ye shall be my sons and rf. saith theLord
10. 32. shake against mount of </. of Zion, l6. 1. Judg. 11. 40. rf. of Israel went yearly to lament DAUGHTEHS of Syria.
5C. 2. loose thyself, O captive d. tf Zion 2 Sam. 1. 24. ye rf. of Israel, weep over Saul, who Ecei. 16. 57. time of thy reproach of the rf. of Syria-
fc.ll.say to \hed.of Zion, thy salvation cometh DAUGilTERS of Judah. Tuo DAUGHTERS.
Jer. 4. 31. I have heard the voice of the d. of Zmn I'sal. 48. 11. let the rf. of JuJaA be glad, Cen. 19.8. 1 have/a' me bring them out to yoti
C. 2. I have likened d.of Zion to a comely woman 07. 8. Zion heard, and the rf. of Judah rejoiced 15. take thy wife and thy txo d. which are here
5r3. as men of war against thee, O d. of Zion DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW. 30. I..ot dwelt in a cave, he and his tico rf.
Lam. 1. 6. from the d. of Zivn beauty is departed luith 1. 6. then she arose with her d.-tn-larr, ~. 29. 16. Laban had tico rf. Leah and Rachel
C. 1. Lord covereth the d. of Zion with a cloud 8. Naomi said to her two d.-in-lajt, go, return 31 .41. I served thee fourteen years for thy :-j:o d.
4. and slew in the tabernacle of the d. of Zion DAUGHTERS
of Moab. Huih 1. 7. Naomi went out with her two rf.
8. Lord purposed to destroy the wall oi d.of Zion Sum. 25.1. Isr. committed whoredom with rf.p/" .1/. 1 Sam. 2. 21. Hannah conceived and bare 1x0 i%
10. the elders of d. of Zion sit on the ground Isa. 16.2. so the rf. o/',W.shall be at fords of Amon 14. 49. Saul's two rf. were Merab and Michal
13. what shall I equal to thee, O d. of Zion f DAUGHTERS
of music. Prov. 30. 15. the horseleech hath tuo rf. crying
18. wall of the d. of Zion, let tears run down Eccl. 12. 4. the rf. of music shall be brought low DAUGHTERS
of the uncircumeised.
4. 22. punishment is accomplished, O d. of Zion DAUGHTERS
of the Philistines. 2 5am. 1.20. publish it not. lest rf. (jTr/ifuiif. triumph
ilic 1. 13. the beginning of sin to the d. of Zion Judg. 14.1. Samson saw a woman of the rf. of Phil. DAUGHTERS
of Zion.
4. 8. O tower, the strong hold of the d. of Zion 2.1 have seen awonian oi d.of Phil get her forme Cant. 3. 11. go forth, O ye rf. of Zion, and behold
10. be in pain, labour to bring forth, O d. of Zion 2 .Sam. 1.20. publish it not lest the d.of Phii.Te]o\ct Isa. 3. 16. because the rf. of Zion are haughty
13. arise and thresh, O d.of Zion, J will make /:,:«*. 16. 27. 1 have delivered thee tolherf. of Phil. 17. smite with a scab the head of the rf. of Zim
Zeph. 3. 14. sing, O d. if Zion, shout O Israel 57. the rf. of PAiV. which despise thee round about 4. 4. have washed away the filth of the rf. of Zion
£eeh. 2. 10 sing and rejoice, O d. of Zion, 9. 9. DAUGHTERS
of Slitlah. ING. DAWN,
Mat. 21.3. lell ye the d. of Zion, thy king cometh Judg. 21 21. if the rf. of Shiloh come out to dance, Josh. 6. 15. they rose a'oout the rf. of the day

John 12.15 fear not d. of Zion, thy king cometh catch ye every main a wife of the rf. of Shiloh Judg. 19. 26. then came the woman in the rf. of day
joined with &ms. Joi 3. 9. neither let it see the rf. of the day
iftisn J5. 13u the woman was Cozbi the d of Zur Gen.5.4.hebegatf07waadi.7,lO, 13, le. 11.11. 7. 4. 1 am full of tossings to th<- rf of the day



Fial. 119. 147. 1 prevented the d. of the morning 2 Sam 13. 32. from d. he forced his sister Tatnar Isa. 65. S. I have spread oat my hinds aUthed.
Met. S8. 1. »s it'bepai) to d. towards the first day 19. 24. from the d. the king departed, till the d. 5. these are a smoke, a fir«tnat ttUTDeibaU thed.
2 Pet.X. 19. till the Aay d. and the day-star arise in 1 Kings 2. 37. that on the d. thou goest out, 42. Xam. 1.13. hath made me desolate (aintall C/l£ <L
DAY. 8. + 5y. maintain the thing of a d. in his d. 3. 3. he turneth his hand ag.iinst me all the d,
The day ii distinguished into natural, civil, and 17. 14. till the d. that the Lord sendeth rain 14. I was a derision to my people nil the d.
artificial. Thf natural or solar day, it the du- 2 kings fell on a </. that Elisha passed, 11.18. 62. thou hast heard their device aga. me all the rf.
ration of fotcr anS twenty hours. The artificial AV/i.4.2.he said, will they make an end in a d. T Mat. 20. 6. why stand ye here all the rf. idle >
day, is the time of the svn's cojitinuance aiove 22. in the night a guard, and labour in the d. All the DAY long.
the horiion, which is unequal, according to dif- Esth. 9. 17. and made it a d. of feasting, 18. I9. Det(<. 28.32. fail with longing for them allthed.Umq
ferent times and seasons, iy reason of the ei- Job 1. 4. feasted in their houses, every one his d. 33. 12. the Lord shall cover him all the rf. long
liquity of the sphere. God called the light day, 6. there was a rf. when the sons of God, 13. 2.1. Psal. 32. 3. through my roaring all the d. long

that is, the artificial day. The evening and the 3. 3 let the d. perish wherein I was bom .35. 28. shall speak of thy praise all the rf. long

morning were the first day, namely, natural. 14. 6. he may rest, till he shall accomplish his d. 38. 6. I am troubled, I go mourning all the rf. long
Gen. 1. 5. The civil day, is that, the beginning 18. 20. they shall be astonished at his rf. 12. they imagine deceits all the rf. long
and end uhereof is determined by the common 19. 25. he shall stand at latter d. upon the earth 44. 8. in God we boast all the rf. loag, and praise
custom of anu nation. The Hebrews began their 21. 30. the wicked is reserved tod. of destruction 22. for thy sake we are killed all the rf. long
ciril and ecclesiastical day from one evening to Psal. 19. 2. d. untorf. uttereth speech, and night 7 1 24. shall talk of thy righteousness all the rf. long

aiwlher. From even unto even shall ye cele- 37. 13. for he seeth that his d. is coming 73. 14. for all the rf. long have I been plagued
brate your sabbath. Lev. 23. 32. The Baby- 78. 42. nor remembered*/, when he delivered them Prov. 21. 26. he coveteth greedily all the rf. long
lonians reckoned their days from one sun-rising 84. 10. a</. in thy courts is better than a thousand 23. 17. be in the fear of the Lord all the d. long
to another; the Italians yrom one sun-set to 119. 164. seven times a d, do I praise thee Rom.lO.'Zl.all the d.long I stretched forth my hands
another : some from noun to noon ; and others Prov. 4.18.that shinetb more and more to perfect d. DAY of death.
from midnight to midnight. 7. 20. he will come home at the d. appointed Gen. 27. 2. I am old, I know not the rf. of my death
This day, or to-day, do not only signify the par- 27. 1. thou knowest not what a d. may bring forth Judg. 13. 7. child be a Nazarite to rf. of his death
ticular day on u'hich one is speaking, but like- Can/. 2. 17. till rf. break, and shadows flee away ,4. 6. l5am.lo..35.Sam.came not to seeSaul till d.ofdeatlr
jcise any indefinite time. Thou art to pass over /i«. 7. 17. from the d. that Ephraim departed 2 -Sam. 6. 23. Michal had no child till rf. of death
Jordan this day, Deut. Q. 1. that is, in a short 30. t 8. that it may be for the latter d. for ever 20. 3. concubines were shut up to rf. of their deatit
time after this, the word d&y being often put for 43. 13. yea, before the d. was, I am he 2 Kings 15. 5. Uzziah the king was a leper to therf.
time, as in Gen. 2. 4, 17. In the day when 58. 5. a d. for a man to afflict his soul ? wilt thou of his death, 2 Citron. 26. 21.
God made the earth and the heavens : in the call this a fast, an acceptable d. to the Lord Eccl.7 .l.the d. of death better than rf. of one's birth

day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die, 61. 2. and the d. of vengeance of our God, 63. 4. 8. 8. neither hath he power in the rf. of death
that is, at the time uhen thou eatest thereof. Jer. 12. 3. prepare them for the d. of slaughter Jer. 52. 11. put him in prison till the rf. of his deatk
TiMlay, if ye will hear his voice, Jleb. 3. 15 27. 22. there shall they be till the d. I visit them
34. every day a portion, till the rf. of his death
that is, in this present season of giace, tohile 32. 31. from the d. they built it, even to this d. By DAY', and Day by day.
yuK ertjoy the means of grace. 1 ne night is far 36. C. from the d, I spake to thee, even to this d. Gen. 39. 10. as she spake to Joseph rf. by rf.
spent, the day is at hand, Rom. 13. 12. The 38. 28. till the d. that Jerusalem was taken Exnd. 13. 21. the Lord went before them by d.
time of heathenish ignoranct ana profoneness is 47. 4. because of the d. that comelh to spoil 22. he took not away the pillar of the clotid by dt
in a great measure over ; and the time vf gospel- 50. 27. woe unto them, for their d, is come 29. 38. thou shalt offer two lambs of the first year
light and saving knowledge is begun among us. Etei. 4. 6. I have appointed thee each d. for a year rf. by rf. continually, l^uni. 28. 3.

The day of Jerusalem, is the time of its calamity 7. 10. behold the d. behold it is come, the morning 40. 38. for the cloud of' the Lord wm upon the ta-
and destruction, Psal. 137. /. Abraham de- 21 25.. thou wicked prince, whose d. is come, 29. bernacle by rf. and fire by night. Sum. <j. 16

sired to see my xlay, says our Saviour, John 8. 28. 15. from the d. that thou wast created Sum. 10. 34. the cloud of the Lord was on iheia
J6. He desired to have a prospect of the time 30. 2. woe worth the d. 3. for the d. is near
by rf. 14. 14. Deut. 1. 33. Sih. 9. 19
of my coming l» the flesh. One man esteemelh 18. at Tehaphnches also the d. shall be darkened Judg. 6. 27. because h» could not do it hy rf.
one day above another, Rom. 14.5. He thinks Da7i. 6. 10. maketh petition three times a d. 13. 2 .Sam. 21. 10. nor birds of air to rest on them by d.
that the Jewish festivals are holier than other IIus. 9. 5. what will ye do in the solemn d. ? 1 Chron. 12. 22. rf. by rf. there came to help David

days, and still to be observed. lie seeth that Joel 2. 2. a d. of darkness and of gloominess 2 Chron. 21. 15. by reason of the sickness rf. by d.
his day is coming, Psal. 37. 13. The time ap- Amos 5. 8. seek him that nmketh the d. dark 24. 11. thus they did rf. by d. and gathered money
pointed by God for his punishment or destruc- 8. 10. I will make the end thereof as a bitter d. .30. 21. the priests praised the Lord rf. by d.
tion. This day have I begotten thee, Psal. Mic. 3. 6. and the d. shall be dark over them Ezra 6. 9. let it be given rf. by rf. without fail
2. 7. that is, from all eternity, in which there 7. 4. the d. of thy watchmen, and thy visitation Neh. 8. 18. rf. by rf. he reaj in the law of God
it no succession, iw yesterday, no to-morrow, but Zeph. 2.2. before the decree, the d. pass as the chaff I'sal. 91. 5. nor the arrow that flieth by rf.
it is all as one continued day or moment, without 3. 8. till the d. that I rise up to the prey 121. 6. t.^e SDU shall not smite thee by rf.
change or flux. Or, this day, may refer to the 2«c/i.4.10.for who hath despised d. of small things ' 136.8. the sun to rule hy rf.forhis mercy eridureth
manifestation of Chmt's eternal sonship in time; Mai. 3. 2. but who may abide the d. of his coming /la.
60. 19. the sun shall be no more thy light byd.
either in his birth and life, when his being the 4. 1. the d. cometh that shall burn as an oven Jer. 31. 35. who giveth the sun for a li'.;ht by d.
Son of God was demonstrated by the testimony of .1/a<. 24. 38. marrying and gi>nng in marriage, till the F.zei. 12. 3. and remove by rf. in their sight

the angel, Luke 1. 32. .hid of God the I'aihcr, d. that N oe entered into the ark, Luke 17 27 . 7. I (lid so. I brought forth my stuff by rf.
Mat. 3. 17. 17. 5. But ehif-lly at his resur-
50. the Lord of that servant shall come in a d. Luke 11. 3. give us rf. by rf. our daily bread
rection, by which he was declared to be the Son when he looketh not for him, Luke 12. 46. 2 Cor. 4. 16. the inward man is renewed rf. byd.
of God with power, Horn. I, 4. In one day, 25. 13. ye neither know the d. nor the hour Rev. 21. 25. the g.ites of it shall not be shut byd
that is, suddenly atid unexpectedly, Kev. 18. ii. Mark 1 .35.rising up a great while before rf.went out Every DAY.
The Christian sabbath is called the Lord's day. Luke 1 .20. dumb till the rf.these things be performed Gen. 6. i 5. the thoughts of his heart evil every d,
Rev. 1. 10. as the sacrament is called the Lord's 80. childgrew till the rf.of his shewing unto Israel Exod.ldA. gooi.t and gather acertain rate every J.
supper, 1 Cor. 11.20. because Christ instituted 17. 4. trespass seven times in a d. and turn again 29. 36. thou shalt offer a bullock every rf.
it, or, because the end <f its institution teas the 24. so shall also the Son of Man oe in his d. 1 Sam. 23. 14. and Saul sought David every i.
remembrance of Christ's resurrection, as the end John 6. 39. but should raise it again at the last d. 2 .Sam. 13. 37. David mourned for his son e; cry d.
of the Lord's supper was the commemoration of 40. I will raise him up at the last d. 44, 54. 2 Kings 25. 30. given him a daily rate for every rf.
his death; or, because it is employed in his 8. 56. your father Abraham rejoiced to see my d. 1 Chron. 16. 37. minister, as every rf. work required

worship and service. The day of judgment is 9. 4. I must work the work of him while it is d. 2 Chron. 8. 13. even after a certain rate every rf.
likewise called the Lord's day, 1 Tht^s. 5. 2. Acts 1. 2. mitil the d. in which he was taken up 14. as the duty of every rf. required i.;/u 3. 4,
// is his by destination, because thereon he has 12. 21. on a set d. Herod sat upon his throne Sell. 11. 23. a portion for singers, due for every d.
appointed to judge the world ; but the sabbath is 16. 35. and when it was d. 23. 12. 27. 39.
12. 47. and the porters every rf. bis portion
his by consecration, choice, and institution. 17. 31. because he hath appointed a d. in which Esth. 2. ll.RIordecai walked ereiy rf. before court
Cen. 1.5. God called the light d. and darkness night 27. 2y. they cast four anchors, and wished for d. I'ial. 7. 11. God is angry with the wicked every rf.
32. 26. he said, let me go, for the d. breakcth ifo»i.2.5.but treasurest wrath against the rf.of wrath 56. 5. every rf.they wrest my words, th^'ir thoughts
£xod. 21. 21. if he continue a d. or two, he shall 13. 12. d. is at hand, let us therefore cast off works 1 t5.2.(rifryrf.«'ill I bless thee .-ind praise thy namn

40. .37. joiirncyed not, till the d. it was taken up 14.6.he that regardeth a rf.regardeth it to the Lord 7.(n.5l. 13. and hast feared continually <irr»rf.
Lev. 23. 37. feasts of Lord, every thing upon his d. 1 C'or.3.13.forthe rf.shall declare it.because it shall 52. 5. and my name every rf. is blasphemed
Hum. 3. 13. ontherf. I smote first-born in Lgypt 4. 1 3. should be judged of you or of man's d, F.zek. 43 25. seven days prepare Cicry rf. a goat
7 a1 each prince shall offer his offering on hit d. 2 Cor. 6.2. behold, now is the d. of salvation
. Luke 16. 19. rich man fared smnptuously eieryd.
14. 34. each d. for a year shall bear your iniquities Lph. 4. 30. ye arc sealed to the d. of redemption Rom. 14. 5. another estcrmeth eiery rf. alike
30. B. if her husband disallow her on the d. 12. Phil. 1. 6. will perform it'until the i/.of JesusChrist Least VAX.
Deut. 4. 10. the </. thou stoodest before Ilorcb 1 Then. i. 5. ye are all the children of the d /'.ifl/. 81. 3.blow trumpet on our solemn /<riijr-<f.

15. ye saw no manner of similitude on the </. 8. but let us who areof therf. be sober, putting on Mot. '26. 5. they said, not on the feasi-d. Mark 14.2.
9. 7. from the d. thou didst depart out of Kgypt Heb. 4.7. again he limitelh a certain rf. saying, to-d John 2. 23. injeast-d. many believed in his name
24. have been rebellious from the d. I knew you 8. would he not afterward spoken of another rf. first DAY.
24. 15. at his d. thou shalt give him his hire 10. 25. the more as ye see the d. approaching Gen. 1 5. the evening and morning wcre./Jrj/ rf.

Josh. 6. 10. till the d. I bid you shout, then shout 2 Pet. 1. ig. till the rf. d.iwn, and the day-star arise U.5.onthe_/iV</rf. of the month the mountains were
9. 12. on the d. we came forth to go to you 3. 12. hasting to the coming of the rf. of God seen, 13. Exod. 40. 2, I7. l^v. 23. 24.
10. 13. the sun hasted not down about a whole d. Rev.Q.\5. which were prepared for an hour and arf Exod. 12. 15. the first d. ye shall put away leaven,
14. was no d. like that before or after it See Atonement. Hattle, Cal.mutv, Dark whoso calelh from first rf. to seventh
Judg. 16. 2. when it is d. we shall kill Samson NESS, Evil, IIoi.y, Last. 16. in the ^r*/ rf. shall be an hoi v convocation.
19. t 8. and they tarried till the d. (.•cclined All the DAV. Lev. 23. 7, 35. .Vi<m. 28. IB. 29. I.|

30. from the d. that Israel came out of Egypt Psal.25.5. teach me, for on thee do I v/&\tall thed. I^v. 23. 39. on the jirst rf. sh.iU be a sabbath
Ruthi. 5. what d. thou buyest the field of >iaomi 71. 15. my mouth shew forth thysalvation alllhed. 40. shall take on first rf. boughs of goodly trees
1 c jm. Q. 15. the Lord told .Samuel a d. before 81). 1(). in thy name shall they rejoice all the d. Xuin. 1.1. the Lord spake to Sloses on thtjirst rf.
S4. 4. behold the d. of which the Lord said 102.8. mine enemies repro.-vch me all the rf. 18. they assembled the congregation on the first d,
£6. 10, smite hini, or his d. shall come to die liy. 97. thy law is my medii.ition all the d. 33. 38. on the first d. A.iron went up to Mount Hor
3 Sam. 3. 35. while it was yet d. Jer. 15. 9. Isa. 2(i. 24. doth the plowman plow aiVt^erf. toiotr Dcui. 16. 4. the litbh sacrificed jirsi rf.nol remain


iCirtm. t9. 17. they began on fiut i. to sasctify 7>t>.14.9.the seventh d. he shall shave It, Num.6.9. Tuenty-serenlh DAY.
£iTm 3. 6. from xiitfirit d. began thry to offer Num. 19. IS. on the seventh d. he shall be clean Gen. 8. 14. on the t.-sevemh d. was the earth drierf
7.9. onthejJrjrrf. began he to go up from Babylon 19. on the seventh d. pnrify himself, 31. I9. 2 Kings 9i.Tl.oat.s.d. Evil-merodach lilted head
and on the first d. came he to Jerusalem 31 shall wash your clothes on the seventh d. GoodDAY.
10. 16 sat down on first d. of the tenth nonth
. Vrut 16. 8. on the seventh d. a solemn assembly 1 Sam. 25. 8. we come in a good d. give to David
17. by^'( d. of first month they made an end /oxA.6.4.on seventhd. compass city seven times, 15. Esth. 8. 17. Jews had gladness and a good d. 9. I9.
A<A .8.2. Ezra brought the law oafirst d. of month\5.on seventh d. they said to Samson'swife 9. 02. was turned from mourning into a good d^
18.from_/Sr/< unto last rf.he read in the law of God 17. on the seventh d. he told her, because she Great DAY.
Eui. 26.1. in the first d. the word of the Lordcame 2 Sam. 12. 18. on the seventh d. the child died Jer. 30. 7. alas, that d. is great, none is like it
29.17. 31. 1. 32. 1. Hag. 1. 1 1 h'ings 20. 29. on the seventh d. battle Wtis joined Hot. 1. 11. for great shall be tne d. of Jezrasl

45. 18. \a first d. of the month sbalt offer a bullock 2 Kin^s 25.8. on the seventh d. came N ebuzar-adzm Joel 2. 11. the d. of the Lord is great and terrible-
Van. iai2.from the ;Sr<(rf.thoa didst set thy heart Esth i lO.on seventh rf.when Ahasuerus was merry
. . Si. sun to darkness, moon to blood, before the
A/o<. 26. 17.^/'jr<i.of unleavened bread, A/ar* 14.10. Etek. 30. 20. in the seventh d, the word came and terrible d. of the Lord come, Wc/i 2. 20
Acts 20. 18. ye know fromjSr// d. 1 came into Asia 45. 20. and so do the seventh d. of the month /.eph. 1 1 J. the great d. of the Lord is near

Phil. 1. 5. for your fellowship from first d. till now Uei. 4. 4. he spake of the seventh d. on this wise, Mai. 4. 5. before the coming oi great d. of the Lordi
Set Wbxk. God did rest the seventh d. from all his works John 7. 37. tXiM great d. of the feast. Jesus crieu
Second DAY. EighthDAY. Jude 6. reserved unto the judgment of the great a.
Gtn. 1. 8. the evening and morning were second d. Exod. 20. 30. on theeighi'i d. thou shalt give it me Rev. 6. 17. for the great d. of his wrath is come
Etod. 2. 13. and when he went out the second d. Lev.g. 1. on the eighth d. Moses called Aaron 16. 14. to gather to the battle of th» great d.
Num. 7. 18. on the second d. Nethaneel did offer 30. ). on eighth d. flesh of fore-skin be circumcised In the DAY.
29.17. on the secondd. offer twelve young bullocks 14. 10. on the eighth d. he shall take two he-lambs Gen. 0. 4. in the d. that the Lord msuie the earth
Josla. 6. 14 the secondd. they compassed city once 23.bringtwoturtl.-sonei|'A//ir/,15.14.A»<;n.6.10. 17. in the d. thou eatest thereof thou shalt die
10. 32. took Lachish on the second d. and smote it 02. 27. from the eighth d. it shall be accepted 3. 5. in the d. ye eat, your eyes shall be opened
/uf;.20.24.Israel came against Benjamin secondd. 23. 36. on the eighth d. shall be an holy convoca. 31. 40. thus 1 was, in the d. drought consumed me
1 Sam. 20 34. Jonathan did eat no meat second d. 39. and on the eighth d. shall be a sabbath 35. 3. "vho answered me in the d. of my distress
2 CAr(»».3.2.he began to build j«-<»t^ </. of the month Nwn. 29. 35. on the eighth d. ye shall have a so. Eiod. 30. 31. nevertheless m the d. when 1 visit
Neh. 8. 13. oil the secondd. were gathered together lemn assembly, 2 Chron. 7. 9. Neh. 8. 18. Lev. 6. 5. in the d. of his trespass-offering
£iM. 7. 2. the king said to Esther the second d. F.zek.iS. 11. on eighth rf.priests make burnt-offerings 20. offer in the d. when he is anointed, 7. 36.
/rr.41.4. the second d. after he had slain Gedaliah LuJce 1 . 59. that on the eighth d. they came to 7, 35. in the d. he presented them to minister
£tek. 43. 22. on the secondd. thou shalt offer a kid circumcise the child, ActsT. 8. Phil. 3. 5. 14.0. law of leper in //«</. of his cleans. Num. 6.9.
nirdDAY. Ninth DAY. t 57. in the d. of the clean and unclean
Geti. 1 13. evening and morning were the ihirid.
. Lev-IZ. 32. shall afflict your souls in the ninth d. Vum. 28. 26. also in thf. d. of the first-fruits
S2. 4. on third d. Abraham saw the place afar off 2 Kings 05. 3. on ninth d. famine was sore,J?r.50.6. 30. 5. if her father disallow »« the d. he hearetb
31.22. it was told Laban on third d. Jacob was fled Jer. 39, 2. the ninth d. the city was broken up 7. husband held his peace in the d. he heard it
34. 25. on third d. when they were sore, two sons Tenth DAY. Josh. 10. 12. in the d. L. delivered up the Amorites
Etod. 4. t 10. nor since the thi^d d. Josh. 3. t 4. Exod. 12 3. the tenth d. of this month take a lamb 14. 11. as strong as I was in the d. Moses sent me ready against the third liie third d. Lev. 16. 09. on the tenth d. of the month ye shall 1 Sam. 20. 1 19. where thou didst hide in the d.
Lord will come down on mount Sinai, 15. afflict your souls, 23. 27.Nnm 29. 7 01.6. put hot bread in the d. it was taken away
Lev. 7. 17. the remainder of the flesh of saicrifice on CS.g.on tenth d. the trumpet of jubilee shall sound Sam. 22. 1. in the d. the Lord had delivered him
the third d. shall be burnt with fire, I9. 6. JotA.4.19.people came out of Jordan on the tenth d. 1 Kingsi.Q. who cursed me in the d that I fled
Num.ig.1'2. shall purify himself on third d. 31. I9, 2 kings 25.1. on the tenth d. Nebuchadnezzar came Neh. 13. 15. in the d. wherein they sold victuals
19. the clean person sprinkle unclean on //iiVrf rf. against Jerusalem, Jer. 52. 4. Esek. 04. £j'/i. 9- 1. «n the d. the enemies of the Jews hoped
29.20. on the third d.elevta bullocks, two rams Jer. 50.10. on tl» tenth d. Neb. burnt house of Ld Job 20. 28. his goods flow away in the d. of wratli
Devt. 19. 1 4. hated not from yesterday /Ai></ a. 6. Eiek. 00. 1 on tenth d. the elders came to enquire Psal. 95. 8. as in the d. of temptation, Heb. 3. 8.

Joih.Q. 17. Israel came to their cities on the third d. 40. 1. on tenth d. the. hand of the Lord was uoon 100. 2. hide not thy face in the d. of trouble, m
/urfff. 20. 30. Israel went against Benjamin thef/jirrfrf. EUventh DAY. the d. when I call, answer me speedily
1 &m.4.t7. notsuch athin5;ye.sterday or//ji>J</. A'<«i.7.72.on the eleventh d. Pagiel of Asher offered 110.3. thy people be willing in the d. of thy power
19. f 7. was in bis presence as yesterday or third d. TwelfthDAY. 5. shall strike through kings in thed. of his wrath
i Sam. 3.tl7.y« sought Dav. yesterday and third d. Num. 7. 78. on twelfth d. Ahiraof Naphtali offered 137.7. remember Edom in the d. of Jerusalem
1 Kini;s 12.12. came to Rehob. tkirdd. aCAr.10.12. £tra8.3l. departeion twelfthd.lo go to Jerusalem 138. 3. in the d. when I cried, thou answeredst me
2 Kin^s 13. i 5. Tsr. dwelt as yesterday and third d. Ezek. 29. 1 ou ticelfth d. the word came to Ezekiel
. Prov. 6. 34. he will not spare in the d. of vengeance
SO. 5. ontheMiVrfrf. go up to the house of Lord, 8. ThirteenthDAY. 11. 4. riches profit not in the d. of wrath
1 C/jron. ll.tC. on //I'rrf rf. wast he that leddest out £,t(/i.3.10.king'sscribeswerecalled on thirteenthd. 24. 10. if thou faint in the d. of adversity
Ezra 6 15. the house waifinished on the third d. 13.todestroy all JewsonMi>/««n</i 9.1. Eccl. 7. 14. in the d. of prosperity be joyfiil, but

Esth. 5. 1. on the third d. Esther put on royal apparel 9. 17 on the thirteenth d. of monthAdar thejTested in the d. of adversity consider
Hos. 6. 2. in the third d. he will raise us up and live 18. the Jews at Shushan assemb. on thirteenth d. 6. 8. neither hath he power in the d. of death
A/a/. lO. 21. suffer, and be killed, and be raised again FourteenthDAY. 12. 3. in the d. when the keepers shall tremble
the thirVd. 17. 23. Ljtie g. 20. Ezod. 12. 6. ye shall keep the \3xah t\\\ fourteenth d. Cant. 3. 11. crowned him in the d. of his espousals,.
20.19. and the /AirtTrf. he shall rise again, MarlM. IB.onfourteenih d. ye shall eat unleavened bread and in the d. of the gladness of his heart
31. I
10. 34. Luke IB. 33. | 04. 7, 46. Lev. 23.5 in the fourteenth d. is the Lord's passover 8. 8. in the d. when she shaJl be spoken for
27. 64. the sepulchre be made sure till the third rf, Num.g 3,5. 08. 16. Josh 5. 10. Chr ha. 9. 4. broken the yoke as in the d. of Midiao.

Luke 13. 32. and the third d- I shall be perfected 30. 15. I
35 1 Ezra 6. I9. Ezek. 45. 01. 10. 3. what will ye do in the d. of visitation ?
24. 21. to-day is the r^iVrfrf. since all these things .V«m.9.11. onfourteenth d. at even they shall eat it 11.16. in the d. he came out of Egj-pt, Hos. 2. 15.
/<?An2.1 .on the MiVrf i/.there Weis a marriage in Cana Eith. g 15 Jews gathered together onyi>ar/f<;nc4 rf. 13. 13. shall remove in the d. of liis fierce anger
Aels^T. 19. X.\iC third d. wecastout tackling of ihip 17. and on thefourteenth rf.of the same rested they 17. 11. <n the d. shalt thou make thy plant grow
1 Ccr. 15. 4. and that he rose again the third d Acts 07.33. this ^fourteenth continued fasting in the d. of grief and desperate .«orrow
Fourth DAY. FifteenthDAY. 30.05. in thed. ofgreat slaughter, when the hewers
r^en. 1.19. evening and morning were the fourth d. £ro(/.1 6.1. came to wildern. of Sinaion^/«n//(
d. 26. in the d. that the Lord bindeth up the breach
Num. 09 23. on t\\t fourth d. ten bullocks, two rams Lev. 03. 6. and onfifteenth d. is feast. Num. 08. 17. 58. 3. in the d. of your fast you find pleasure
g Chron. 20. 26. on the fourth d. ihey assembled 34. the fifteenth d. of tlie seventh month, 39. Jer. 16.19. GLord, my refuge m tlied. of afflictioD
Eira 8.33. o-^ fourth d. was silver and gold weighed Num. "ig. 12. Ezek. 45. 25. 17. 17. thou art my hope in the d. of evil
Zech.T. 1. word came to ?echariah on the fourth d Num. 33. 3. departed from Hamases onfifteenth d. 18. 17. shew back and not fzice in the d. of calamity
Fifth 1 Kingt ]0.32.heordjuned a feast on_(f/V«)jf A d.33. 36. 30. his dead body shall be cast out in the d.
n«t. 1.23. the evening and morning were iht fifth d. /jM .9. 18. the Jews onfifteenth d. rested yearly.Ol. I^m. 1. 12. afflicted me in the d. of his fierce anger
Num. 29. 26. on thefi/th d. nine bullocks, two rams £«*.30.17. onfifteenth d. word of L.came to Eze.k. 2.1. remembered not his footstool mthed. of anger
Etel. 1. 1. in the fifth d. of the month, 2. 8. 1.
| Sixteenth DAY. 3. 57. thou drewest near in the d. that I called
33, SI. in the fifth d one came unto me, sayin" 2 Chr. 29. 17. and in sixteenth d. they made an end Ezek. 7.19. gold not deliver them in the d. of wrath
Siith Seventeenth DAY'. 16. 4. thy nativity »n the d. thou wast bom, 5.
Gtn. i 31 . evening and morning were the sixth d. Cen. 7. 11. on seventeenth d. were fount, broken up
. 56 .Sodom not mentioned in the d. of thy pride
Eiod. 16. 5. on the/ixM d. gather twice as much,22. 8. 4. ark rested on seventeenth d. on mount Ararat 07. 27. they shall fMl in the d. of thy ruin
29.pivethTou on thesizth rf.the bread of two days TirentiethDAY. 30.9.great pain came on them as in the d. of Egypt
Num. 7. 40. on the sirth d. Eliasaph offered Num. 10. 11. on twentieth d. the cloud was taken up 32. 16. every man for his life in the d. of thy fid)
29. 29. on the sixth d. eight bullocks, two rams Ezra 10. 9. on twentieth d. people sat in the streets 33. 12. in the d. he turneth from his wickedness,
Seventh DAY. Tuenty-firstDAY. not able to live in the d. that he sinneth
Gen. 2. 2. on the seventh d. God ended his work Exod. 10. 18. eatunleaven. bread till luentu-first d. Hos. 0.3. lest I set her as in the d. she was bom
3. and God ble.'.sed the seventh d. Exod. 00. 11. Hag. 2.1. in twenty-first ^. came the word to llaggai 4.5. therefore shalt thou fall in thed. and prophet
^ted. lO.lS.eateth leaven from first d. to seventh d. DAY.
'J'lcenty-tiiird .Amos \. 14. with a tempe»t in the d. of a whirlwind:
16. on the seventh d. shall be an holy convoca- 2 Chron. 7. 10. t.-t. d. Solomon sent people to tents 8. 9. I will darken the earth in the clear d.
tion. Lev. 23. 8. Num. 28. 05. Etih.H.g.on /.-/.(/.written asMordecai commanded Obad. 11. in the d. thou stoodest on the other sid«
13. 6. and in the sevtnsh d. shall be a feast Tuenlyfovrth DAY. 12. lor rejoiced in the d. of their destruction
16. 26. six days gather it, but the seventh d. is \eh. 0. ]. on t. fourth d. Isr. assembled with fast. 14. (hose of his that did remain in the d. of disl.
the sabbath, 20. 10. Lev. 23. 3. Deul. 5. 14. Pan. 10. 4. on t. fourth d. 1 was by river lliddekel Mai. 4. 3. in the d. that I shall do this, saith Lord
27- there went out some on the seventh d. //aj. 1.15. in t. fourth d. Ld. stirred up Zeruhbabei Luke 17. 30. in the d. when the Son is revealed
59. let no man go out of his place on the seventh d. 2.10. in the t.-fourth d. word came to Ilagiai.OO. John 11.9. if any walk in the d. he stnmblethnot
24. 16. ont.\xe seventh d. he called nnlo Moses 18. consider from the t. fourth d. of ninth month Horn. 2.16. in d. when G. shall judge secrets of men
31. 17. on the seventh d. God rested. Ueb. 4.4. Zeek.X.T.ot^ t\iet. -fourth rf.came word to Zechari.-Uj 13. 13. let us walk honestly as in the d.
34.21. on seveyith d. thou shalt rest, in eariog-time DAY
'liccnty-fiflh 1 Cor. 1 8. may be blameless in the d. of our LonS.

35. C. on setenik d. there shall be a holy d. to you Neh. 6.15. the wall was finish, in the Cor. 0. 0. in the d. of salvation 1 succoured thee
Z'v.II. 3. the priest shall loon on him the sfventh Jer. 52. 31 on t.-fifth d. Evil-merodacli lifted Phil. 2. 16. that I may rejoite in tin d. of Chriss
d. 0. 07, 30, 34. 51. 1 14. 39. head Heb. 8. 9. in the d. when 1 «nnk them by the hand


i JP^r.S.lZ. may glorify nt the d. of vjsiution 1 Thess 2. 9. labourinj d. and n. because would not 1 Sam. 10.9.and all those signs came to ^zMtUatti,
DAY of Jiidgmerit. 3.10 night andi/. praying exceedingly, 1 Tim. 5. 5. 12. 18. the Lord sent thuiidcr and rain thatd.
Mat, 10 15. it shall be more tolerable for Sodom 2 These. 3. 8. but wrought witli labour night and d. 14. 23 so the Lord saved Israel that rf.
ID the d. of judgment, 11. 24. Mark ft. 11. i Tim.\.3. without ceasing I have remembrance of 37. Saul asked, but he answered him not liati£
il CS.more tolerable for Tyre and SidoQ in d.ofj. thee in my
prayers night and d. 16. 13. Spirit of JjJrd came on David from thaid.
12. 3C. shall give account thereof in if o/judg. Rev. 4. 8. and they rest not d. and night, saying
18. 9. Saal eyed David from that rf. a'ld forward
£ Pet. 2. 9. and to reserve the unjust to d. of J. 7. 15. and serve him d. and night in his temple 2 Sam. 6. 9. David was afraid of the Lord that d.
3. 7. are reserved unto fire against the d. of j. 8. 12. (f shone not for a third part, and the night
11. 12. so Uriah abode in .lerusalem that rf.
1 John 4. 17. ve may have boldness in the d. of j. J2. 10. who accused them before God d. and night 1 Kings 14.14.culoff the house of Jeroboam that J,.
DAY of the Lord. 14.11.they have no rest d. not night, who worship iChron. 15. t H. offered that rf. of spoil 700oxc;i
ha. 2. !2. d. of the L. shall be on every one proud 20.10. be tormented d. and nighl for ever and ever 18. 24. behold, thou shalt sec on that rf.
13.6. rf. of the L. is at hand, Joel 1. 15. Zep/t.l.'. Saiiaih-DAY. Neh. 8. 17. to that rf. Israel bad not done so
the d.
y. of the L. cometh, .Toei 2. i. Zech 14. 1. Eiod. 16. 26. the seventh rf. is the sabbath, 20. 10. A"«A.3. 14.lhey should be ready against that rf. 8.13
it is the d. of the ioriTj vengeance
34. 8. for 20. 8. remember the it holy, Job 3. 4. let that rf. be darkness, let not G. regard it
sabbath-d. to keep
.'er.46. 10. this is the d. of the L. God of hosts Deut. 5. 12. Psal. 146. 4. in that very rf. his thoughts perish
JMm. 2. 22. in the d. of the L.'t anger none escaped 11. Lord blessed the sabbath-d. and hallowed it Prov. 12. + 16. a fool's wrath is in lliat rf. known
31. 15. whosoever doth any work on sabbath-d. lia, 2.11. Lord alone shall be exalted in that rf. 17.
£tek. 13. 3. to stand in battle in the d. of the I^rd
30. 3. the d. of the L. is near, Joel 3. 14. Obad.Xb. 3.5. 3. ye shall kindle no fire on the sabbath-d. 10. 32. as yet shall he remain at Nob that rf.
Ames 5. 18. woe to you that desire the d. of the L. .V«w). 15. 32. a man that gathered sticks onJuAAafA-i/. 19. 21. Egyptians shall know the Lord in that rf
Zeph. 1. 8. in d. oftlte /,.V sacrifice I will punish C8.9. offer on the sabbath-d.Xyio lambs of first year 24. 21. in that rf. the Lord shall punish the host
18. shall deliver them in the d. of the L.'t wrath Deut. 5. 15. God commanded to keep the sabbath-d. 26. 1. in tliat rf. shall this song be sung in Judah
2. 2. before the d. of the L.'s anger come on you Seh. 10. 31. if the people sell victuals on sabiath-d. 29. 18. in that rf. shall the deaf hear the words
3. ye shall be hid in the d. of the Lord's anger 13.15. burdens brought to.Jerusalem on sabbath-d. 52. 6. they shall know in that rf. that 1 am he
Mai. 4, 5. before the coming of the d. of the Lord 17- evil that ye do, and profane the sabbath-d. Jer. 39.110. Nebuz. gave them vineyards in that rf
It), they shall be accomplished in that rf.
1 Cor. 5. 5. spirit may be saved in d. of the Lord 19- should no burden be brought in on sabbath-d.
S Cor. I. 14. as ye are ours in the d. of the Lord 22. Levites keep the gates to sanctify faA4a»/(-rf. 17 but I will deliver thee in that rf. saith the L.
1 Thess. 5. 2.rf. of L
cometh asathief, 2 Pet. 3. 10. Jer. 17.21. and bear no burden on the sabbath- J. Etek. 29.21. in that rf. Israel shall be exalted
Rev. I. 10. I wa5 in the Spirit on the Lord's d. 22. nor carry forth a burden on the sabbath-d. 38. 19. in that rf. there shall be a great shaking
See Great Day. Etek. 46. 4. the prince shall offer in the sabbath-d. 39. 22. know I am the Lord from that rf. forwarrif
One DAY. Mat. 12. 1. Jesus went on the jaWa//j-</.throughthe 48. 35. the name of the city from that rf. shall h«
Uos. 2. 18. and in that rf. will I make a covenant
Gtn. 27. 45. why deprived of you both in one d. ? com, and disciples were an hungered, A/arX- 2.23.
Lev. 22. 28. not kill it and her young in one d. 8. for the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath-d. Joei.i.m. in thatd. mountains shall drop new wine
Num. 11. 19. ye shall not eat one d. or two days 11. if it fall into a pit on jaWaM-<i. Luke\4.5. imosi. 16. he shall flee away naked in that rf.
1 Sam. 2. 34. in one d. they shall die both of them 24. 20. pray that your flight be not on sabbath-d. 8.3. the songs of the temple be howliugs in tliat rf,
Obad. 8. shall 1 not in that rf. destroy the wise men ?
27. 1. I shall one d. perish by the hand of Saul Mark 2. 24. why do they on s.-d. that is not lawful

1 Kings 4. 22. Solomon's provision (or one d. was 3.2. whetherhe would heal on jaWa/A-rf. Luke 6.'^. Zeph. 1. 15. that rf. is a day of wrath, of trouble
20. 29. Israel slew of Syrians 100,000 in one d. 6. 2. be went into the synagogue on the sabbath-d.
Zech. 2. 11. nations be joined to the Lord in that rf.
t Cir. 28. 6. Pekah slew in Judah 120,000 in one d. Luke4.-\C).Aets\i. 14. 9. 16. Lord their God shall save them iu thatd
11. 11. my covenant it was broken in that rf.
Ktra 10. 13. neither is this the work of cued. Lnke 13. I6. be loosed from this bond on sabbath d.
12. 8. the feeble at that rf. .^hall be as David
Ltih.3. 13. kill children and women in otted. 8. IC. 14. 1. as he went to eat bread on the sabbath-d.
11. in that rf. shall there be a great mourning
J:a. 9. 14. Lord cut of? branch and rush in one d. 23. 56. prepared spices, and rested the sabbath-d.
13. l.ia that rf. shall there be a fountain opeued
10. 17. shall devour his thorns and briers in oncd. John 5. 10. it is sabbath-d. it is not lawful to carry
14. 4. his feet shall stand that rf. on the mount
47. 9. two things shall come to thee in one d. 16. because he had done these things on saibaih-d.
(y6. 8. shall earth be made to bring forth in one d. ? 7. 22. and ye on the sabbath-d. circumcise a man 9- in that rf. shall there be one Lord, his name ono

y.ech. 3. 9- remove the iniquity of land in one d. 9. 14. it was the sabbath-d. when Jesus made clay
Mai. 3. 17. in that rf. when 1 make up my jewels

14. 7. it shall be one d. which shall b« known 19-31 bodies not remain on the cross on sabbath-d.
Mat. 7. 22. many will say to me in that rf. Lord

Acts 21. 7. we abode with the brethren one d. Acts 13. "iT. which are read every jaiia//jrf. 15.21. 24.36. but of that rf. knoweth no maoi, Mark 13. 32.
44. next sabbath-d. came almost the whole city 26. 29. till that rf. 1 drink it new, Mark 14. 25
28. 13. and after one d. the south wind blew
Horn. 14. 5. one esteemcth one d. above another Same DAY. Luke 6. 23. rejoice ye in that rf. and leap for joj.
1 Cor 10. 8. fell in one d. twenty-three thousand Gen.T.ll. the samed. were the fountains broken up
10. 12. be more tolerable m
that rf. for Sodom
13. the self-Same d. entered Noah into the ark 21. 34. and so that rf. come on you unawares
8 P«/.3.B.<7»« d. with the Lord as athousand years
liiv. 18 8. therefore her plagues come in oned. 15. 18. in that same rf. the Lord made a covenant 23.54. aiid thatrf. was the preparation and sabbath
DAY joined with night. Exod. 12. n. the samed. I brought your armies,.'^!. John 1. 39. they came and abode with him that d
0»n. 1.14. lights to divide d. from the night £<rr.7.15.fiesh eaten the /amfrf.16. 11. 53. from that rf, they took coousel together
I9.6.|22.30. |

23. 14. ye shall eat no parched com till same rf. 14.20. at that rf. ye shall know I am in the Eathei
18. to rule over the d. and over the night
"16. 23. and in that rf. ye shall ask me nothing
H. 22. cold and heat, d. and night, shall not cease 28. and ye shall do no work in that same rf.
31. 39. I bare loss, whether stolen by d. or night 26. at that rf. ye shall ask in my name
29. that shall not be afflicted in that same rf.
1 Tliess. 5. 4. that rf. should overtake you as a thief
/•Worf. 10. 13. Lord brought an east- wind d. and night A'Km.6.11. priest shall hallow his head that jamerf.
13. 21. to give them light to go by d. and night Dent. 32. 48. the Lord spake to Moses that same rf. 2 !/'/<««. 1.10. our testimony was believed xa thatd.
Ijev. 8. 35. abide at door of tabernacle d. and night 2. 3. that rf. shall not come, except there come
1 Kings S. 64. tamed, king hallowed middle court

.Num. 11. 32. people stood upthat</. and all night 13. 3. and he gave a sign the same rf. saying 2 i'im.l.l2.I have committed to him against (/lai rf
18. he may find mercy of the Lord in titai rf.
Deut. 28. 66. and thou shall fear d. and night Etek. 23.38. have defiled my sanctuary, samed.3').
4. 8. the crown the Lord shall give me at that rf.
Josh. 1.8. this book of the law not depjirt, but thou 24. 2. write thee the name of this same rf. king of
shalt meditate therein d. and night, Psal. 1 .2. Babylon set himself againstJerusalem this.tamerf. Lhts DAY.
1 Sam. 19. 24. lay naked all that d. and that night Zeph. \.g. the same rf. also will I punish those G«n.4.14.thouha.''t driven me out r/i»>rf. from earth
1 Kings 8. £9. that thine eyes might be opened Zech. 6. 10. take of them, and come the same rf. 24. \U.H pray tbee send me good speed this rf.
Luke 17. 29. but the same rf. Lot went out of Sodom 25. 31. he said, sell me this rf. thy birth-right
toward this house night and d. 2 Chr. 6. 20.
A'icA. 1. 6. which I pray before thee d. and night 23. 12. the same rf. Pilate and Herod made friends 33. swear to me this rf. and he sware unto hiui
4.9. and set a watch against them d. and night John 5. 9- and on the same rf. was the sabbath 41. 9- I do remember my faults rf.Mm
Jjlh. 4. 16. neither eat nor drink night or d. 20. 19. s. rf. at evening, Jesns stood in midst 48. 15. God who ted me all my life long to this rf.
Jok 17. 12. they change the night into d. Acts 1. 22. unto the *. rf. that he was taken up Exod. 11. 14. this rf. shall be for a memorial
26. 10. till the d. and night come to an end 2. 41 the s, d. were added to church, 3,000 souls
17- therefore observe this rf. in your generations
fsal. 32.4. d. and night thy hand was heavy on me Since the DAY. 13.3. remember this rf. m
which ye came out, 4.
42. 3. my tears have been my meat d. and night Etod. 10. 6. since the rf. they were on the earth Deut. 1. 10. you are this rf. as the stars of heaven
Ii5.10.i/.and night they go about it on the walls Deut. 4. 32. since the rf. that God created man 2. 25. this rf. will 1 begin to put the dread of thee

74. 16. the d. is thine, the night also is thine Sam. ii.R. since thed. that I brought them up out of 4. 4. are alive every one of you this rf. 5. 3.

88.1 .0 Lord, I have cried d. and night before thee Egypt, to this day, 1 Kings&. 16. 1 C/.ron. I7. 5 5. 24. seen this rf. that God doih talk with man
139. 12. but the night shineth as the d. 2 Kings 8. 6. since the rf. that she left tht land 6. 24. as it is at this rf. 8. 18. Etra 9. 7-
7 11 the statutes whicJi 1 commanded thee
ihi' rf,
Jictl. 8. 16. that neither d. nor night sceth sleep Jer. 7.25. since thed. your fathers came forth
J'm. 4. 5. smoke by d. and flaming fire by tiight Col. 1. 6. as in you, since the rf. ye heard of it 4. 40. 6. 6.I
8. 1, 11.
10. 13.
30 2, »

27. 3. I the Lord will keep it d. and night 9. since the rf. we heard it, do not cczise to pray 8. 19. I testify against you this d. ye shall penph
5*. 10. it shall not be quenched d. nor night That DAY. 118 commaiidiuents which 1 command you ihii rf.
38. 12. with pining sickness from d. to night Exod. 8. 22. 1 will sever in thatd. land of Goshen 13.18.1 15.5. 19. 9- 27. 1, 4 I |

13. from d. to night wilt thou make an end of me 10. 13. Lord brought east-wind on land all that d 32. statutes which 1 have set before you »Aij u
<iO. 11. gates, they shall not be shut d. nor night 28. that rf. thou seesl my face, thou shalt die 12. 8. not do after all tilings \c do here this rf.
fi2. 6. watchmen never hold their pe.ite (/. norn. ','(). 17. avouched this rf. the
Ixird to be thy God
13.8. thou shalt shew thy son mthat rf. saying
Jer. 9. l.that 1 might weep rf. and nig/;/ for slain 14. 30. thus the L. saved IsraelMarrf. out nfhaiid 27. 9. thiK rf. thou art become the people of the
14. 17 eyes run down tears </.andnig/ir, Lam.l.m '.''). 4. hath not given you ears to hear to this rf
32. 28. there fell of the people that rf. 3,000
j6. 13. and there serve other gods d. and night Lev. 16, 30. that rf. shall the priest make atonement 10. ye stand thii d. all of you before the Lijrd
33. 20. that there should not be d. nor night Sum. 9. 6. they could not kerp the passover that rf. 18. whose heai-tturneth away ihiid. from the L.
i^f(A.J4.7 day known to the Lord, not rf. nor night 30. 14. because he held his peace in that rf. 3(1. 15. I .«et liefore ihce rAi/ and death, ly.
Mar* 4. 27- and should sleep and rise night and d. /Jf«/. 1.39. your children in/Aa/rf.had 110 knowledge Ifi. cx)niinandcd thee this rf. to love the I^ordl

.').5. d. and night he was in the mountains 21. 23. thou shalt in any wise bury \\i\n that rf. 31. 27. while am yet alive with you this rf.

31. 18. I will snrely hide my fare in that rf.

14. .30. this d. even this night, before the cock crow 34. 6. no man knoweth his sepulchre to this d.
Luke 2. 37. with fasting and prayers night and d. Josh. 6. 15. only that d. they compa.s4( J tku city .1 'ih. 3. 7. this rf. will I begin to magnify thee
18. 7. his elect, which cryd. and night to him 14.12.heardest in that d. how Anakims were there 4. g. the tvv.^lve stones are there unto this d.
Acts 9. 24. watched gates sight and d. to kill him Jndg. 20. 26. Israel fasted that rf. 1 Sam. 7. 6. 7. 25. the Lord .^hall trouble thee ( 'j» rf.
20. 31. cease not to warn every one night and d. 1 6am. 8. 18. and y» shall cry out in that rf a):'l ;4. 10. and now 1 am ihii rf. ei^Uity.five years cW
26.7. our tribes instantly serving God d. and night the Lord will not you in i/w; rf. 1 1 1 aiii a^MroLg
. this rf. as wuen .Muses sent sxiu
2C#r.ll.25.thnoe I saiTered shipwreck, id. and n '."~ ifi. 10 turn away this rf. from fuUowii:^ Lur 1
9. 24. so Saul did eat with Samuel timt d.


Jtih. S3. 17. which we are not clezinsed till thts d. Mai. SI. 28. said, son, go work to d. in my vineyard Psal. 90. 14, we may rejoice and be glad all our d.
8S. If It be in rebellion, save us not this d. Luke 5. 26. we have seen strange things to d. 91. + 16. with length of d. will I satisfy hira
33.8. cleave to the Ld. as ye have done unto this d 13. 32. behold, I do cures to d. and to-morrow 93. + 5. holiness becometh thy house to length of </.
54. 13. choose you this d. whom ye will serve 3J. I must walk to d. and the day followmg 94.13. mayest give him rest from the rf. of adversity
ludg. 1. 36. Luz is the name thereof unto (An d. 19. 5. for to d. I must abide at thy house 119- 84. how many are the d. of thy servant '
10. 15. deliver us only, we pray thee, this d. 23. 43 to d shalt thou be with me in paradise Psal.l3g. + l6.written, what rf. they should be fasK
19. 30. since Israel came up out of the land of 24. 21. besides all this, to d. is the third day 143. 5. I remember the d. of old, I meditate
Egypt to this d. 1 Sam. 8. 8. 2 Sam. 7. 6. litb. 3. 13. exhort ^aily, while it is called to d. Proa. 3. 2. for length ofd. shall they add to thee
2 Am?* 21. 15. 1 Chron. 17. b.Jtr. 7. 25. 0.5. thou art my Son, to d. have I begotten thee 16. length of d. is in her right hzind
Hutk 4. 9- Boaz sziid, ye are witnesses this d. 10. 13.8. Jesus Christ, same yester. to d, and for ever Eccl. 5. 20. not much remember the d. of his life
1 Sam. 10. 19 ye have this d. rejected your God Jam. 4. 13 ye that say, <o</. or morrow, we will go 7. 10. the cause that the former d. were bitter
11. 1.1. there shall not a man be put to death thitd. 2/'«.2.8.Lot vexed his righteous soul from day/orf. 8. 15. that shall abide with him the d. of his lifo
14. 45. Jonathan hath wroaght with God this d. DAY 0/ irouile. 11.8. let him remember the d. of darkness
13. 28. Lord hathretc kingdom from thee this d. 2 Kings 19. 3. this day isarf. 0/ trouble, Isa. 37. 3. 12. 1 while the evil d. come not, nor the year*

17. 10. I defy the eirmies of Israel this d. Psal 20. 1. Lord hear thee in the d. »/ trouble /xa.23.7. whose antiquity is of ancient d.
18. 21 thou shalt thtt d be my son-in-law 50. 15. and call upon me in the d. 0/ irouile 15. seventy years, according to the d. of one king
21.5. though it were sanctified this d. in the vessel 59. 16. hast been my refuge in the d. of trouble 60. 20. the d. of thy mourning shall be ended
24.8. my servant to lie in wait as at thisd. 13. 77. 2. in the d. of trouble I sought the Lord 65. 20. shall be no more thence an infant of d.
25. 32. the Ld. which sent thee this d. to meet me 86. 7. ill the d. of trouble I will call on thee 22. as the d. of a tree are the d. of my people
33. who kept me this <f .from coming to shed blood Ita. 22. 5. it is a d. of trouble, and of treading down Jer. 2. 32. have forgotten me d. without number
S6. 21. my soul was precious in thine eyes this d. Jer. 51. 2. in the d of trouble they shall be ag. her 6. 11. the aged, with him that is full of d.
24. as thy life was much set by this d. in my eye.i Exek. 7 7. the time is come, d. of trouble is near 28. + 3. in two years of d. will I bring again
30. 25. made it an ordinance for Israel to thud. Nah. 1. 7. Lord is a strong hold in d. of trouble 31. 33. after those d. I will put my law in thei?
2 Sam. 3.39. I am this d. weak, though anoint. king Hab. 3. 16. that I might rest in the d. of trouble 32. t 39. one heart, that they may fear me all d.
4. 3. Beerothites were sojourners unto this d. Zeph. 1 15. that day is a d. of trouble and distress 30. 2. from the d. of Josiah even to this day

1 ^i"n;*8. 61. to keep his commands as at thisd. DAY-TI.ME. Lam. 4. 18. our d. are fulfilled, our end is come
2 Kings 7. 9- 'his d. is a day of good tidings Job 5 14. they me I'l with darkness in the d.-time Ezek. 4. 4. according to the number of the rf. 5. g.
17. 34. unto this d. do after former manners, 41. 24.16. dig thro' houses they marked in the d.-iime 12.23.the d.are at hand, and effect of every vision
2 Citron. 5. 9- and there it is unto this d. Psal.Z2.Z.\ cry in the d.-time, but thou hearest not 16. 22. not remembered the <i. of thy youth, 43.
35. 21. I come not against thee this d. but against 42.8. Lord command his loving-kindness in (/.-/ime Dan. 8. 14. unto 2300 d. sanctuary be cleansed
y»h. 9. 36. behold, we are S€r\-ants this d. 78. 14. in therf.-ri»i« also he led them with a cloud 10. +2.1 was mourning three weeks of d.
Ptal 2. 7. the Lord said, thou art my Son, this d. .Xfa. 4.6. shall be a tabernacle for a shadow iad.-time 12 11. abomination set up, there shall be 1 29O d.

have I begotten thee. Acts 13. 33. Heb. 1. 5. 21. 8. I stand on the watch-tower in the d.-time 12. blessed is he that waiteth to the 1335 d.
118. C4 this is the d. which the Lord hath made Luke 21. 37. in d.-iime he was teaching in temple Hot. 2. 13. I will visit on her the d. of Baalim
119- 91- they continue this d. according to thy 2 Pet.i. 13. that count it pleasure to riot in d.-time 9. 7- </. of visitation, d. of recompense are come
Prov. 7. 14. this d. have I paid my vows DAYS. 10. 9. thou hast sinned from the d. of Gibeah
22. 19. I have made known to thee this d. Gen. 4. + 3. at end of d. Cain brought an offering .Imos 4. 1 4. bring tithes after three years of d.
Isa. 38. 19. the living praise thee, as I do ihtsd. 8. 3. after 150 d. the waters were abated 5. + 21 and I will not smell your holy d.
56. 12. and to-morrow shall be as this d and much 24. + 1. and Abraham was old and gone into d. Mic. 5. +2. have been from the d. of eternity
Jer. 25. 18. hissing and a curse, as at this d. 44.22. 27 41 d of mourning for my father are at hand 7 15. according to the d. of thy coming out
35. 14. for to tiiis d. they drink none, but obey 20.t 14. and Jacob abode with him a month of d. Hag. 2. 16. since those d. were, when one came to
36. 2. from the days of Josiah even to this d. 47. 9. the d. of my pilgrimage are an 130 years Zech. 8. +4. with his staff for multitude of d.
44. 10. they are not humbled even unto this d. + 28. therf. of the years of his life was 147 years 9- ye that hear in these d. these words
Lam.Z.\6. certainly this is the d. that we looked for 50. 4. when the d. of his mourning were past 10. before these d. there was no hire for man
Eiek. 39. 8. this is the d. whereof I have spoken Num. 11. +20 ye shall eat of it a month of d. 11. I will not be as in former d. saith the Lord
Dan. 9- 7. to us confusion of faces, as at this d. 14.34. after the number of rf. ye searched the land 15. so have I thought in these d. to do well
JIag. 2. 15. consider from this d. and forward, 18. Deut. 4. 32. for ask now of the d. that are past Mai. 3. 7. from d. of our fathers ye are gone away
19. from this d. will I bless you 10. 10. and I stayed in the mount forty d. Mat 11. 12. from d. of John the Baptist till now
Mat. 6. 11. give us this d. our daily bread Josh. 23. tl. Joshua waxed old and come into d 24. 22. and except those d. should be shortened
11. 23. Sodom would have remained to this d. Jnd;. l].+ 4. after d. children of Ammonmade war no flesh should be saved, Mark. 13. 20.
27. 8. was called the field of blood to this d Samuel came not within (/. appointed 37. asrf. of Noe, so shall the coming of the Son be
191 have suffered many things ttiis a dream 18. 26. and the d. were not expired, wherefore Luke 1 24. after those d. Elisabeth conceived
28. 15. is reported among the Jews to this d. 27. 1 7- David dwelt with Philistines a year of d. 21. 22. for these be the d. of vengeance
Liikt 2. 11. for to you is born this d. a Saviour 29. 3. which hath been with me these d. icts 3. 24. have likewise foretold of these d,
4. 21. this d. is thi.'^ scripture fulfilled in your ears 1 Kings "i. 11. the rf. David reigned over Israel 3. 36. for before d. rose up Theudas
19- 9- '/'" d. is salvation come to this house 3. 2. no house was built to the Lord till those d. n 27. in these d. came prophets to Antioch
42. if tdou hadst known, at least in this thy d. 14. 20. d. that Jeroboam reigned were 22 years 12. 3. then were the d. of unleavened bread
22. 34. cock not crow this d. before thou deny me 30. war between Rehoboam and Jerob. all their rf. 19- + 38. if matter against any court </. are kept
Acts 2. 29. his sepulchre is with us to this d. 15. 16. between Asa and Baasha jill their d. 32 20. 6. we sailed after the d. of unleavened bread
22. 3. zealous toward God, as ye are all this d. 2 Kings lO.t 36. (/.that Jehu reigned were 28 years 21, 38. which before these d. madest an uproar
23. 1. in good conscience before God till this d. 13. 3. into the hand of Ben-hadad all thefr d. Gal. 4. 10. ye observed d. and months, and times
24. 21. I am called in question by you this d. 15.+ 13. and Shallum reigned a month of rf. I'ph. 5. 16. redeeming time, because the d. are evil
25. 22. I continue \into this d. witnessing to small 18. 4. to those d. Israel did burn incense to it Heb. 7. 3. neither beginning of </. nor end of life
29. I would all that hear me this d. were as I am 23. 22. from d. of the judges, not such a passover 10.-32, but call to remembrance the former d.
Rom. 11.8. that they should not hear unto this d. 1 Chron. 23. 1. when David was old and full of d. 1 Pel. 3 10. he that would see good d. let him ref.
iCor. 3. 14. till thisd. remaineth the vail, 15. 29. 15. our d. are on earth as a shadow, JoA 8. 9. /?«!•. 11. 3. shall prophesy 1260 d. in sackcloth
To DAY. 28. he died full of d. riches and honour 12. 6. that they should feed her there 1260 d.
Gen. 21. 26. neither yet heard I of it but to d. 2 C/iron. 24. 15. Jehoiada was old and full of d. See David, Last, Old, Jouk.ney.
30. 32. I will pass through all thy flock to d. Ezra 4. 2. since the d. Esar-addon brought us up All the DAYS.
50. 7. wherefore look ye so sadly to d. ? 9.7. since d. of our fathers have we been in trespass Gen. 3. 14. dust shalt thou eat all the d. of" thy life
Hiedl.X^. how is it that yp are come so soon tod.? A«/i. 1.4. I wept and mourned certain d. 5. 5. all the rfjAdam lived were 930 years
14. 13. salvation which he will shew you to d. 8.17. since rf. of Jeshua, sonof Nun,unto that day 8, all d. of Seth 912 years 11. of tnos 905 years

16. 23. bake that which you will bake to d. Esth. 9. 22. as the d. whereon the Jews rested 14.(/. of Cainan910 years 23. Enoch 365 years

32. 29, consecrate yourselves to d. to the Lord 26. they called these d. Purim, after Pur 27. all the d. of Methuselah were 969 J cars
/.;r. 9 •* '^T '" d. the Lord will appear to you 28. and that these d. should be rememb. and kept 9. 29. all the d. of Noah were 950 years
JJeut. 15. 15. I command thee this thing to d. Job 3. 6. let it not be joined to the d. of the year Lev. 13. 40. all the d. wherein the plague shall be
29.i3.that he may establish thee 10 </.for a people 7. 1. are not his d. also like the </. of an hireling r 15. QSMllthe d. of her issue shall be unclean, 26.
1 Sam. 4 3. wherefore hath Lord smitten us to d. ? 12. 12. and in length of d. understanding Xum. 6. 4. all the d. of.his separation, 5, 6, 8.
9. f 13. get you up, for to d. ye shall find him 21. 13. they spend their d. in wealth, and go down Deut. 4 9- lest they depart from thy hearta// t/ied.
+ 27. stand still to d. that I may shew thee 30+1. but now they that are of fewer d. than 1 10. to fear me all the d. they live, 1 Kings 8. 40.
11, 13. to d Lord wrought salvation in Israel 16. the d. of affliction have taken hold on me 12. 1. to possess it alt the d. ye live on the earth
24. 10. behold, how that the Lord had delivered 27. the d. of affliction prevented me Josh. 4.124. that you might fear the Lord all thed.
thee to d. into mine hand in the cave, 26. 23. 32. 1 4. Elihu waited, for they were elder for rf. 24. 31. and Israel ser\-ed the Lord all the d. of
iSam. 6. 20. how glorious was the king to d! 7. I said, d. should speak, andyears teach wisdom Joshua and a// r/ie</. of the e\ievs,Judg. 2. 7
13. 4. why art thou lean from day to d. f 33. 25. he shall return to the d. of his youth Judg. 2. 18. delivered them all the d. of the judge
16. 3. to d. shall the house of Israel restore me .36. 11. they shall spend their d. in prosperity 1 Sa/n. 1.11. I will give him to hoiialld. of his Ufa
1 Kings 18. 15. I will shew myself to him to d. 42. 17. so Job died, being old and full of d. 7- 13. against Philistines all the d. of Samuel
22. 5. enquire at word of Lord to d. 2 Chr. 18. 4. Psal. 21. 4. thou pavest him length of d. for ever 15. Samuel judged Israel all the d. of his life
3 A'lji^i 4. 23. wherefore wilt thou go to him to d. ? 23. +6. dwell in the Lord's house to length of rf. 1 Kings 4. 25. dwelt safely all the d. of Solomon
6 28. give thy son that we may eat him to d.

.37. 18. the Lord knoweth the d. of the upright 11 23,- Rezon was advers, all the d. of Solomon
1 Chron. 16. 23 sing to Lord all the earth, shew 44. 1. told us what work thou didst in their d. 2 Kings 13. 22. Ilazael oppressed Israel alllhed. of
forth from day to d. his salvation, Psal. 96. 2 55. 23. deceitful men not live out half their d. 23. 22. nor in all tlie d. of the kings of Israel
Estk. 3 7 they cast the lot from day to d. 61. 6. thou shalt add d. to the d. of the kinl; 2 Chron. 24. 2. all the d. of Jehoida the priest, 14.
Job 23. 2. even t^ d. is my complaint bitter 77. 5. I have considered the d. of old, the years Ezra 4.5. to frustrate their purposes a// rf, of Cyrus
Ptal^ih, 7. tp if our God, we his pasture, to d. "8. 33. therefore their </. did he consume in vanity Job 1. + 5. thus did Job all the d.
if ye will h<ar his voice. Heb. 3. 7, 15 4. 7.
| 89. 29. and his throne as the d. of heaven 14.14, all the d. of my appointed time will I wait
/«r.34 f were m d. turned, and had done right 45. the d. of his youth thou shortened /'ia/.23.6.mercy shall follow me all the d. of my life
Zech. 9. 12. tod. do I declare, that I will render 90. 9. all our d. are passed away in thy wrath 27. 4. dwell in house of Lord all the d. of my life
Uat. 6. 30. the grass of the field, which to d. i-., 10. the d. of our years are threescore and ten Prov. 15. 15. all the d. of the afflictrtl are evil
aiul to-morrow is cast into the oven, Ltike 12.28 IS.soteachastODuirbcroari/. that we may apply 31. 12. do him good, not evil, all Iht d. of bet Ilia
' .


him alllhei.oi our life Jud" 17. 6. »n those d. there was no king in Israel, lfa< u lawful to do
well on the taiiatk^J
Lule 1.75 >" holiiie'is before
18. 1. 21. 25. Mark do good on sabbath-d. Lute 6,9.
3.4. lawful to
See Uis Life, TAy Life. I

he came ana taught them on sabbath.^

DAYS come. 20. 27. for the ark of God was there in those d. Luke 4. 31.
not com* ISam. 3. I. the word of L. was precious in those d. 6. 2. which is not lawful to do on the sabbaih-d
ha 7 17 shall bring ou thee rf that have Acts 17. 2. three sabiath-d. rezisoned with them
J,r's3.5.hehoUthed.come.7. 30.3. 31.27.31,3B 2 Ham. 16. 23. which he counselled in those d.
Col. 2 l6. judge you in respect of sabbath-d.
| |

2. the fomc that he will take you away 2 Ain"t 20. 1 in t/u>sed. was Ilezekiah sick unto
Aniffi 4. </.
death, 2 Ckron. 32. 24. Isa. 38. 1. Thy DAYS.
Mai. 9. 15. the ''• ''^'^l "'^ when the
Jer. 33. I6. in those d. shall Judah be saved £xiirf.20.12. honour thy father and thy mother, thai
shall be taken from them, Marii.W.Luie 5.35.
50. 4. in those d. Israel shall go up and seek God thyd. may belong on land L. thjr G. givtth ihea
Jjuie 17. 22. the d. come when
ye shall desire to see
20. in those d. iniq. shall be sought for, and none 23. 26. the number of thy d. 1 will fulfil
43. the come thy enemies shall cast a trench
10. rf.
Deut. 12. * 19. forsake not the Levite all thy d.
not be left Joel 2. 29. in those ri.will pour out my Spirit on the
21. 8. the d. come in which there shall 23.\U not seek their prosperity all thy d
new covenant servants and on the handmaids. Acts 2 18.
Ilei U U. d. come when I will make a £5 15 iLMth) d. may be lengthened in land God
Fea DAYS. Mat. 24.19. woe to them that give suck in iliose d.
Mark 13. 17. Luke 21. 22. 30.20. he is thy life, and the length of iby d.
Gtn. 24. 55. let the damsel abide with us a fea d. 31. 14. thy d approach that thou must die
brother's fury turn Luke 1. 39. and Mary arose in those d. and went
27. 44. tarry a fea if till thy
33. 25. and as thy d. so shall thy strength be
him but a/«a) d. CO. 1 ou one of those d. as he taught the people
29. 20. and they seemed to

1 Sam. 25. 28. evil not found with thee all thy d.
Acts'. 41. they made a calf in those d. and offered
47. 9. few and evil are the d. of my
Hev. 2. 13. hast not denied my faith in t/iose d. 2 Sam. 7. 12. and when thy d. be fulfilled
Num.9. 20. when the cloud was a/<» d. on tabcrn. 1 A'in^j 3. 13. shall not be any like thee all thy d.
woman of few d. 9. G. in those (/.shall men seek death and not find it
Join. 1. man that is born of a is
14. walk in my ways, then 1 will lengthen thy d.
Latter DAYS.
32. t ^- Elihu said, I am of /«» d. and ye are old
Ptal. 109. 8. let his d. be fea, and let another Num. 24.14. people do to thy people in the latter d. 11. 12. in thy d. 1 will not do it, for David's sake
Deut. 4 30. in latter d. if thou turn to the Lord 2 A'ingj 20.6^1 will add to thy d. 15 year3,/<o.3a.i.
Dan. 11. 20. within ^«» d. he shall be destroyed 1 Chron. 17. 11. when /Ay d. be expired, '.hat thou go
31. 29. and evil will befal you in the latter d.
Uti 12. 10. they verily for a fea d. chastened us Job 10. 5. are thy the days of man, are thy ytars
Jer. 23.20. in latter d. consider it perfectly, 30. 24.
His DAYS. 38.lC.hast thou commanded morning since (Ay d.f
d. shall be 120 years 48.47. yet will 1 bring again the captivityof Moab
Cen. 6. 3. yet his CI. because the number of thy d. is great
in the latter d. saith the Lord
10.25. in Air rf. was the earth divided, 1 C/ir. I.I9. Prov. 9. 11. for by me thy d. shall be multiplied
49. 39. the captivity of Elam in the latter d.
Vtut. 22. 19. may not put her away all his d. 29. Ezek. 22. thou hast caused thy d. to draw near
1 Aim"! 1. 1 6. had not displeased him from hii i.
i.';e>t.38.l6. come
against my people in the latter d. 4.
Oa/i. 2. 28. makelh known what shall be in latter d. Tao DAYS.
15. 14. Asa was perfect all hisd. 2 Chron. 15. 17. l':iod. 16. 29. on the sixth day the br«ad of tao d.
Hiel build Jericho 10. 14. what shall befal thy people in the latter d.
16. 34. in his d. did i^um. 9. 22. whether it were tao d. or a month
evil his d. Hos. 3. 5. and shall fear the Lord in the latter d.
21. 29. I will not bring the in
Many DAYS. 11. 19. ye shall not eat one, nor two d. nor five
2 Kings^. 20. iuA»> d. Edom revolted,2 Chr. 21. 8. 2 Sam. 1.1. and David had abode taod. in Ziklag
what was right all his d. Gen. 37. 34. Isiael mourned for his son many d.
12. 2. Jchoash did Ezra 10. 13 nor is this a work of one day or laod,
15. 18. he departed not all his d. from the sins
47. + 8. how many are the d. of thy life .'

Jiiih. 22. 3. nor left your brethren these many d.

Esih. 9. 27. that they would keep these tao d.
1 Chron. 22. 9. and quietness to Israel in his d Hos. 6. 2. after tao d, will he revive us, third day
2 Ham. 19. t34. Bazillai said to the king, how
2 Chron. 34. 33. all his d. they departed not from Mat. 26. 2. after tao d. is the feast, Mark 14. 1
Jol> 14. 5. seeing hisd. are determined, his
months many d. are the years of my life
1 A'injs 2. 38. Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem many d.
Jo.'m 4. 40. and he abode there lao d.
15. 20. wicked man travaileth with pain all hts d. 43. now after tao d. he departed thecce
3. + 11. and hast not asked for thyself many d.
24.1. why do they that know him not see his d.t 11. 6. he abode two d. still in the same place
17.15. she, and he, and her house, did eat many d.
Psal. 72. 7. in his d. shall the righteous flourish Three DAYS.
grass, as flower Chron. 7. 22. and Ephraim mourned many d.
103. 15. as for man, his d. are as Gen. 40. 12. Joseph said, three branches are /Are«ii.
Psal. 34. 12. what man is he that loveth many d ?
144. 4. his d. arc as a shadow that passeth away 13. within three d. shall Phar lift up thy head, 19
119. 84. how mayty are the d. of thy servant

froi.'M.lf). that hateth covetousness prolong his d. 18 J oseph said, the three baskets are three d.
Eccl. 6. 3. so that the d. of his years be many
£c.-i. 2. 23. for all his d. are sorrows, his travail 42. 17. he put them altogether into ward three d.
11. 1. for thou shalt find it after many d.
5. 17. all his d. also he eateth in darkness Ejfod.i.m. letusgo/Areerf. journey into wilderness
/jfl.24.22.afterOT.<f.shalltheybe visited, £i<i..38.8.
8.12. and though his d. be prolonged, yet I know to sacrifice to Lord oujGod,5. 3. 8.27. 15.28.
3'.;. 10. many d. and years shall ye be troubled 1 |

13. the wicked shall not prolong his d. 10. 22 there was a thick darkness in Egypt three d.
Jer. 32. 14. they may continue jnany d. 35. 7.
ha 63. CO. nor old man that hath not filled his d. 23. uor rose any from his place for three d.
37. 16. Jeremiah had remained there many d.
Je'. 17. 11. shall leave them in the midst of hisd Josh. 1.11. within three shall pass over Jordan
Ezek. 12. 27. the vision that he seeth is for nianv d.
22. 31). write, a mzin thit shall not prosper in hisd 2. 16. and hide yourselves there three d. 22.
Dan.S. 26. 10. 14.
S3. 0. in his d. Judah shall be saved, Israel dwell I
Judg. 19. 4. and he abode with him three d.
77. the DAYS. Dan. 11. 33. shall fall by captivity and spoil many d.
1 -bam. 9. 20. thy asses that were lost three d. ago
Hos. 3. 3. thou shalt abide for me many d.
Cen. 30. 14. Reuben went in the d. of wheat-harvest 21.5. women have been kept from us these three d.
4. Israel shall abide many d. without a king
Judg. 5. 6. in the d. of Shamgar, in the d. of Jael 30.12. he had eaten no bread //irfei. and nights
8.28. was in quietness 40 years in the d. of Gideon
Lvke 15. 13. not many d. after, younger son gather.
13. master left me,becau5erArt-erf.agone I fellsicJr
John 2. 12. they continued there not many d.
1 Ham. 17. 12. went for an old mo:; in the d. of Saul C Sam. 20.4. assembled the men of Judah in rAr«f <<.
Acts 1. 5. ye shall be baptized not manyd. hence
8 Sam. 21.1. there was a famiL* in the d. of David 24. 13. there be three d. pestilence, 1 Chr. CI. 12.
13. 31. he was seen many d. of them which come
9. Ihey were put to death in the d. of harvest, 1 Kings 12. 5. depart for three d. 2 Chron. 10. f
16. 18. this did she many d. Paul being grieved
in the first d. in beginning of barley harvest 2 Aincj 2. 17. sought him /Ar<<(/. butfoundhim not
1 Kings 10. 21 silver was nothing accounted of m 27. 20. uor sun nor stars in many d. appeared
My DAYS. 2 Chron. CO. 25. were three d. gathering the spoil
the d. of Solomon, iChron. 9 20. Ezra U. 15. there we abode in tents three d.
22.46. Sodomites which remained mthed. of Asa
G»n. 29. 21. give me mywife, for my d are fulfilled
10. 8. whosoever would not come in three d. 9.
1 Chrin. 4. 41. these came in the d. of Hcrekiah
2 Kings^O. 19. good if peace and truth be in my d.
Esth. 4. 10. and neither eat nor drink three d.
Jol/1. 6. mv d. are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
13. X we enquired not at it in the d. of Saul
16. let me alone, for my d. are vanity Jonah 1.17. Lord prepared a fish,Jouah was inbelly
t C'ArD7i.26.5. he sought God in the d. of Zechariab of the fish three d. and three nights. Mat. 12. 40.
32. 26. came not on them in the d. of Piezekiah 9. 25. now my d. are swifter than a post, they flee
then, and alone iUa/. 15. 32.1 have compassion on multitude because
10. 20. are not mi/ d. few, cease let
Job 29. 2. as in the d. when God preserved me they continue with me now three d. Mark 8. 2
my youth, when the secret 17. 1. my d. are extinct, graves are ready for me
4. as I was in the d. of 26. 61. to destroy temple of God, and to build it ifl
Pial. 37. ig. in the d. of famine shall be satisfied 11. my d. are past, my purposes are broken
three d.l-i.iO. MarkM.b^. j 15. 29. JjAnC. iji.
4a. 5. wherefore .should I fear in the d. of evii
• 27. t6. my heart shall not reproach me for my d.
27. 63. after iAr?« d. I will rise again, Marka. 31.
h:cl. 2. 16. tn the d. to oome shall be forgotten 29. 18. I shall multiply my d. as the sand
Luke 2. 46. after three d. found him in th» temple
11.9. let thy heart cheer thee in the d. of youth
/'xa/.39.4.know mine end, ajid the measure of my d.
5. thou hast made my d. as an hand-breadth
Wf 09. 9. Saulwas /A/ c;<rf. without 5ight,eal uor drink
12. 1. remember thy Creator in the d. of youth
C8. 7. Publius lodged us three d. courteously
Jer. 26. 18. Micah prophesied in the rf .of Hezekiah 1U2. 3. for my d. are consumed like smoke
liev. 11.9. see their dead bodies three d. and an half
Lam. I.? .lerus. remembered in ^/lerf. of her afflict. 11. mv d. are like a shadow that declineth
strength,he shortened my d. 11. alter three d. and an h.ilf .•pirit of life entered
l-ttk. 16.60.1 will remember my
covenant in the d. 23. he weakened my DAYS.
22. 14. or hands be strong in the d. I shall deal 24. take me not away in the midst of my d.
him in myd. Jndg. 11. 40. lament daughter of Jepnthao/.'U/- d.
Dan. 2. 44 in the d. of these kings shall God set up 116. f 2. therefore will I call upon Jt'hn 11. 17. Lazarus had lain in the gr.ive/aur d
i.ll.inthe d. of thy father, light was found in him ha. 36. 10. I said, in the cutting off of my d.
39. he .stinketh, for he hath been dead (our i.
Hos. 2. lo. she shall sing as in the d. of her youth 3y. 8. there shadl be peace and truth in my d.
Acts 10. 30. four d. ago I w:i3 fasting to this hour
9- have deeply corrupted as in the d. of Gibeah Jer. 20. 18. myd. shall be consumed with shame iiir DAYS.
12. 9. to dwell, as in the d. of the solemn feast
noa-a-rf. break away Sum. 11. 19.
HOT five d. nor ten d. nor twenty d.
Joel 1. 2. hath this been in the d. of your fathers ' 2 •Sam. 25. many servants Acts 20. 6. we came to them to Troas in_/iiY d.
Mat. 2. 1. when.Iesus »as born in //'lerf. of Herod Prolong, ed, eth, DAYS.
yourd. on 24. 1. after /if* i/.yXnanias the high priest descend.
23. 30. if we had been in the d. of our fathers Ueul 4. 26. shall uolprolong it, 30. 18.
24. 38. for as in the d. that were before the flood 40. and that thou niAjt^t prolong thy rf. 22. 7-
Etod. 16.26. siid. yc shall gather it, but on sabbath
JWar/t 2.26. into the house of God ind. of Abiathar 5. iG. and that thy d. may be prolonged, 6. 2.
CO. 9. keep sabbath holy, stt d. shalt tbou labour
Luke 1. 25. thus hath Lord dealt with me in the d. 33. that ye may prolong your d. in the land, 1 1 .9.
anddoallUiy work.CS. 12. 34.21. Dfur.5.13
17. 20. to' the end that he may prolong his d.

4. 25. many widows were in the d. of tlias

11. mtiid. Lord made heaven and earth, 31. 17
17. 26. as in the >. of Noe 28. in the d. of Lot 32. 47. ye shall prolong your d. in the land
24. 16. the cloud lovored mount .Sinai iix d.
^cls 5. 37. rose up Judas in the d. of the taxing i'roi 10.27. the fear oif the Lord prolongeih d.
15. sir d. may work be done, 35. 2. Let. 23.3.

11 28. came to pass in the d. of Cl.iudius Cesar 28. 16. hateth covetousnejss, shall prolong his d.
Veut. 16. 8. sir d. shalt thou eat unleavened bread

iiei. 5.7 .who in the d. of his flesh, when he ofl^ered Eccl. 8. 12. though a sinner's d. be prolonged, yet
Josh. 6. 3. go round city, thus shalt thou do jir d.
JP«».3. 20. long-suffer. G. waited tnthed. ofNoah 13. neither shall the wicked prolong his d.
14. they compassed city once, so theT did sir d.
Hev. 10. 7. in the d. of the voice of seventh angel Isa. 13. 22. and her d. shall not be prolonged
Ezek. 46. 1. gate shall be shut the «ix working d.
11.6. that it rain not in ih' d. of their prophecy 53. 10. see his seed, he shall prolong his d.
J.uke 13. 14. lit d. in which men ought to work
In those DAYS. Etek. 12. 22. the d. are prolonged, vision failelh
JiAn IC.l. Jesus iir (/.before passover came to B«lb
Cm. 6. 4. there were giants in the earth in those d iSa«<i<A-DAYS.
VnU. 17. g. come to the judge in those d. 19. 17. I Afa< 12 5 how on the laiijMrf.the priests profane!lc«..7.4.j*t „v«i "^'"i*" n^^'' •. ,„t,
rf. 1 w,U caus. it to rainonearth
96. 3. go to the priest that sha.1 be in thoie d. 10. U.t awful to heal on the s.bbathd.r
. r


S*»J).10.and Noah stayed ye: other men d. 12 3 Kmgi'l5.30.aliloynnce was a rf. r.-.'.e lor every day Ruth 4. £. to ra^se up name of the rf. on bU inherit
50. 10. Jo-seph mourned for his father sertn rf. AVA. 5. 18. now that which was prepared for me d. ancd
End. 12.15. seveni. ye shall eat unleavened bread />//i, 3.4. when they spake rf. hearkened not to them •Sam. 4.17. thy sons Ilophni and Pbinehas are d

13.6,7. 23. 15. M. 18. L4V. 23.6.

Psal. 13. 2. having sorrow in my heartrf. how long 19. that her father-in-law and husband were rf.
jVtun. 28. 17. Deiit. 16. 3. 42.10. while they say rf. to me, where is thy God r 24.1 t.dost thou pursued after* rf. dog, after a flea
19. stxen d. shall no leaven be found, Deut. 16.4. 56. 1. be merciful, he fighting rf. oppresseth me 31. 7. Saul and his sons were rf. 1 Chron. 10. 7
S2.TO.i*i-«« rf.shall it be with the dun.Ltv. 22.27. '.:. mine enemies would rf. swallow me up 2 Sam. 9.8. shouldest look on such a rf. dog as I am
29. K. the priest shall put them on teztn d. 61. 8. I will sing, that I may rf. perform vows my
13. 33. to think that all the king's sons are rf.
35. seven rf.shalt thou consecrate them,Z,<r. 8.33. 68. 19. blessed be the Lord who rf. loadeth us 16.9. why should this rf. dog curse lord the king my
37.»t'm(/.shalt make an atonement for the altar 72. 15. he shall live and rf. shall he be praised 19. 28. all of my
father's house were hulrf. men
Let. 12.2. aman-child, she shall be unclean tevend. 74. 22. how the foolish man reproacheth thee rf. 1 Ain^/3.22. living mine, and the rf. is thy son, 2.3.
86. 3. I cry to thee rf. 88.9. I called rf. upon thee 13. 31. when I am rf. bury me in the sepulchre
IJ.S.if the plague be at a stay, then the priest shall ||

shut him up »<t#ii rf. more, 21,26, 33,50,54 88. 17. they came round about me rf. like water 21. 15. arise, for Nabotli u not alive but rf.
and was
rf. his delight, rejoicing in Job 1. 19. house fell on young men, and they are d.
14.8. he shall tarry abroad out of his tent leitn d I'rov. 8. 30. I

15.19 have an issue ,she shall be put apart lenn d 34. that heareth me, watching rf. at gates my 26. 5. rf. things are foriiied from under the waters
Ita, 58. 2. yet they seek me rf. and delight to know Psal. 31.12. I am forgotten as a rf. man outof mind
HX 8. shall offer an offering by fire to lA. seien d
39. also when fruit sathered in, ye shall keep a Jer. 7- 25. rf. rising up early and sending them 76. 6. the chariot and horse are cast into rf. sleep
feast 10 the Lord stiend. 40,41. A'Km.29. 12. 20.7. I am in derision rf. everyone mocketh, 8. 88. 5. free among the rf. like slain that lie in graMi
..\'Tim.l2.14.shouldMiriam not be ashamed seieti d.f Hzek. 30. 16. and Noph shall have distresses rf. 10. wilt thou shew wonders to the d.f

19. 14. all in the tent shall be unclean teven d.

IJan. 1, 5. the king appointed them a rf. provision 106. 28. and they ate the sacrifice of the rf.
8. 11. he magnified himself, and by him the rf. sa- 115. 17. the rf. praise not the Lord, neither any
J>«i/. 16. 13. observe the feast of tabeniacles j^rfwrf.
yiu/? ye can declare it to me within seien d. crifice was taken away, 11. 31. 12. 11. |
143.3. in darkness, as those that have been long rf
ff''*.12.1.F,phraim rf.increaseth lies and desolation Prov.Q.l 8. house inclineth, and her paths unto the rf.
17. and she wept before him the seven d.
1 Sam. 10. 8. teven d. shall thou tarry till I come 3/af.6.11.give us this day our rf. bread, Luke 11.3. 9. 18. but he knn-veth not that the rf. are there
26. 55. 1 sat rf. with you teaching in the temple, 21. 16. shall remain in the congregation of the rf.
11. 3. tJie elders said, give Mi seven d. respite
^Jark 14. 49. Luke I9. 47. 22. 53. Eccl. 4. 2. I praised the rf. which are alnady o.
13. 8. he tarried seven d. according to the time |

31. 13. and they fasted seven d. 1 Chron. 10. 12. Ltile9.C3.1ethimtakeuphis cross rf.aud follow me 9. 3. and after that they go to the rf.

1 A'j«?i8.65. So'lom.held a feast before L.sttend. Acts 2. 46. continuing rf. with one accord in tempW 4. for a living dog is better than a rf. lion
16. 15. Zimri did reign seven d. in Tirzah 47. Lord added to the church rf. such to be saved 5. the rf. know not any thing, neither have they

£ Chran. 7.9. they kept dedication of altar seven d. 6. 1. widows were neglected in the rf. ministration 10. 1 rf. flies cause the ointment of the apothecary

30. 21. the children of Israel kept the feast of un- 16. 5. the churches increauied in number rf. ha. 8.19. seek to their God, for the living to the rf-
leavened bread seven d. 35. 17. Ezra 6. 22. 17. 11. the noble Bereans searched the scriptures rf. 14. 9- it stirreth up the rf. for thee, the chief ones

23. assembly took counsel to keep other f«t«« </. 1 Cor. 15. 31. I die rf. Heb. 3. 13. but exhort rf.
22. 2. not slain with the sword, nor rf. in battle
Etth. 1. 5. a feast both to great and small seven d.
lleb. 7. 27. who needeth not rf. to offer sacrifice 26. 14. they are rf. shall not live, they are deceased
/ia. 30. 26. light of the sun, as tUe light of seven d. /om.2.15.if asister be naked,and destitute of 19. thy rf. men shall live, with my rf. body
Etek. 3. 15. 1 remained there astonished seven d. DAYS-MAN. 59. 10. we are in desolate places as rf. men
43. 26. seven d. shall they purge the altar, purify Job 9. 33. neither is there any rf. betwixt us Lam. 3. 6. in dark plaices, as they that be rf. of old
llei. 11. 30. fell, afterthey were compassed seven d. DAY-SPRING. i.j<:l-.44.25. they shall come at no rf. person to defile
Eight DAYS. Job 38. 12. caused the d. -spring to know his place AJat. 2. 20. are rf. that sought the young cliild's UIb
Gen. n.XZ. eight d. old shall be circumcised, 21. 4. Z.uXi;1.78. whereby d.-spring from on high visited us 8. 22. follow me, and let the rf. bury their rf.

V Chron. 29.17. sanctify house of the Ld. in eight d. DAY-STAR. 9. 24. he said to them, give place, for the maid
is not rf. but sleepeth, Alark 5. 39. Luke 8. 52.
Xu<«2.21. when <igA< rf. were accomplished for the 2 Pet. 1. 19. and the d.-ttar arise in yourhearts
John 20. 26. after ei^ht d. Jesus came and stood in DEACON, S. 10. 8. heal the sick, raise the rf. cast out deviLs .

Ten DAYS. [midst Phil. 1. 1. to the saints with the bishops and rf. 11.5. the deaf hear, rf. are raised up, Luke 7. 22.
tsnm. 11. 19. ye shall uoteat<«ii d. nor twenty rf. 1 7inj.3.8.the rf. must be grave, not double-tongued 22. 31. touching the resurr. of the rf. Mark 12. 26.
1 Sam. 25. 38. ten d. after the Lord smote Naba^ 10. then let them use the office of a rf. 13. 32. God is not the God of therf. but of the living,
Neh. 5. 18. once in ten d. store of all sorts of wine 12. let the rf. be the husband of one wife Mark 12. 27. Luke 20. 3ii
Jer. 42. 7. after ten d. the word of the Lord came DEAD 23. 27. but are within full of rf. men's bones
Dan. 1. IS. prove thy servants, I pray thee, tend. Signifies, [1] Chiew/iose tml is separated from his 28. 4. for fear the keepers became as rf. men
15. atilieend of tend, their countenances fairer body, either by a natural or violent death, Kuth Mark 9. 26. he was as one rf. many said, he LS rf.
1. 8. .lob. 1.19. [2] Such as are in a state of 15. 44. Pilate marvelled if he were already rf.
/lets 25. 6. when he had tarried more than ten d.
Hev. 2. 10. but ye shall have tribulation ten d. spiritual death, being void of grace, lying un- Luke 7. 12. behold, there wasarf. man carried out
Eleven DAYS. der the povier of sin, and as unable to do anv 10. .30. and departed, leaving him half rf.
Deut. I. i. eleven rf.joumey betw.HorebandKadesh thing that is spiritually good, or to convert and 24. 5. said, why seek ye the living among therf.
Twelve DAYS. Tr.ise themselves, as a dead body >s to quicken it- John 5. 21. for as the Father raiseth up therf.
/lets 24. 11. ther« are but twelve d. since I went up self, Eph. 2. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 6. [3] Such at have 25. when the rf. shall hear voice of the Son of Ood
Fourteen DAYS. no being at all, but are citinct, both bod^ and 6. 49. your fathers did eat manna, and are rf. 50.
1 fCingsB. 65. Solomon held a { fourteen d. soul ; Mat. 22. 32, God is not the God of the 11. 25. that believeth, tbo' he were rf. shall he live
tifteen DAYS. dead, tlutt is, of such as are finally and irreco- Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is both rf.and buried
Gml. 1. 18. I went and abode with Vetei Jifteen d. verably perished, without any possibility of livino 5. 10. the young men came in and found her rf.
Twenty DAYS. again, as the Sadducees thought ; but he is the 10.42. testify that it is he who was ordained of God
Num. 11. 19. ye shall not eat flesh twenty d. God of the living that is,
; of such whose souls to be the Judge of quick and rf. 2 Tim. 4. 1.
Twenty-one DAYS. da live and are in being, and whose bodies, though 14. 19. drew him out, supposing he had been rf prince of I'ers. withstood rae twenty-one no-ji dead, shall be made alive again. [4] Such 20. 9. Eutychus fell down, and was taken up 1/.
Thirty DAYS. [,/. as were like dead persons, as the Jews, viho "6.8. why incredible that God should raise the rf.
A'tub. 20. 29. they mourned for Aaron thirty d. seemed to be lost in Babylon, of whom there was 28. 6. have swollen or falUn down rf. suddenly
Deut. 34. 8. Israel wept for Moses thirty d. no more hope that they should return and live in Horn. 4. 17. even God who quickeneth the rf.
L\th. 4.11.not been called to the king these thirty d their own land, than that a dead man should rise 19. he considered not his own body now rf.

Dan. 0. 7. w'aosoever shall ask petition for //ii/'ry (/. 10 life. Isa. 26. 19, Thy dead men shall live. 5. 15. for if through the offence of one many be rf

Thirty-three DAYS. [l2. [5] <Jne very near to death, as good as dead, 6.2. we that are rf. to sin, live any longer therein
lytv. 12.4. in the blood of her purity, thirty-three d. (ien. 20. 3, Thoa art but a dead main, says 8. if we be rf. with
believe that we
Christ, we
Forty DAYS. God to Abimelech : Thau deserve^t a present ll.ri-ckon ye yourselves to be sin, but alive
(J«n. 74. 1 will cause it to rain on the earth /iwry d. and untimely death ; and if thou proceedest in 7. 2. but if the husband be rf. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 39.
50. 3. forty d. were fulfilled for enibalming him thy intended wickedness, it shall be injlicted 4. ye also are become rf. to the law. Gal. 2. I9.
i.xod. 24. 18. Moses was in the mount forti/ d. ajid v/H>n thee. [6] Dead idols or images, Isa. 8. 19. 14. 9. that he might be lord both of rf. zuid living
forty Lights, 34. 28. Deut. 9'. 9. ( 10. 10. [7] Impotent or unable for generation, according 1 Cor. 15. 15. if so be that the rf. rise not
Num. 13. 25. they returned ifvet forty d. 14. 24. to the course of nature, Rom. 4. 19- [8] Such as 35. but some man will say, how are the rf.raisedf
X)eut. 9. 25. I fell down before the Lord forty d. are drcai/ed in grace, Kev. 3. 1. |9] Tree from 52. and the rf. shall be raised incorruptible
1 Kinns 19.8. went in strength of that meV. forty d. sin, and the law, as to eipeclation of eternal 2 Cor. 1. 9. but trust iu God who raiseth the rf.

y.zek. 4. 6. shalt bear the iniquity of Judahyorfj^ d. lije thereby. Gi\. 2. ig. [loj 'Jhe yiate of the 5. 14. that if one died for all, then were all rf.
lonah 3. 4. yti forty d. and Nineveh be overthrown dead, Kom. 8. 11. [U] 'The resurrection of the /.))A. 2.1. were rf. m
trespasses and sins,5. Col. i. IJ.
iMa».4.2.whcn he had fasud/erjy (/.and/nrry nighu dead, 1 t'or. I j. 29. Col. 2. CO. if ye bo rf. wiUi Christ, 2 Tim. S. 11.
Mark 1. 13. Jesus vtas forty d. in the wilderness Gen. 20.3. God said to Abim. thou art but 3. 3. ye are rf. and your life is hid with Christ in G
tempted of Satan.was with wild beasts, /.u^e 4.2. 23. 3. and Abraham mood up from before his rf 1 'Jhess. 4. 16. and the rf. in Christ shall rise first
Acts I. 3. bemg seen of them for it/ d. and speaking Kiod. 4. 19- the men area', which sought thy life //«A.6.1 .the I'oundation of repentance from rf. workf
E$fty-two DAYS. 9. 7. there was not one of the Israelites' cattle rf. 9. 14. blood of Chr. purge conscience from rf. worki
Neh. 6. 15 so the wall was finished lojifiy-fjio d. IC. .30. was not a house where there was not one rf. 17. a testament is of force after men are rf.
your DAYS. 33. the l^yptians said, we be all rf. men 11. 4. and by it he being rf. yet speaketh

Z>'ai 11. 21. thiA yuur d. maybe multiplied 14. 30. Israel saw the Kgj-ptians J. on the shore 12 .sprang there even of one, and him as good as rf.
Jer. 16. 9. I will cause to ceaue iayour d. mirth 21.31. and the rf. be.ast shall be his, 36. 35. women received their rf. raised to life again
35. 7. but ill your d. ye shall dwell in tents .35. and the rf. ox also they shall divide l/'«.2.24.we being sin should livetorighteoui.
Ktek.\i.2a.\ny. d. will I say word, and perform it Lev. 22. 4. toncheth any thing unclean by the rf. 4. 5. who is ready to judge the quick and the rf.
Joel 1.2. hath this l>een in y<mr </. or d. of fathers? .\um. 5. 2. and whosoever is defile! by the rf. 6. the gospel was preached to them that are rf.
Jlai. 1. 5. 1 will work a work in your d. Acts 13.41 12. iC. let her not be as one rf. of whom the Hesh is Juiie 12. twice rf. plucked up by the roots
DAILY. ]6. 48. he stood between the rf. and the living Kev. 1. 5. Jesus, who is the first-begotten of the rf.
Btod. 16. 5. twice as much as they gathered d Deui. 25. 5. the wife of the rf. not marry a stranger 17. when I saw him, I fell at his feet as rf.
NujH. 4. 16. the d. ineat-off. nn;, Eiek. 46. 13. JuJg. 3. 25. behold, their loni was fallen down rf. 3.1. thou hast a name that thou livest, and art ^
28. 84. after this aanner ye shall offer d. 4. 22 when he came in, behold, Sisera lay rf. 14. 13. bies.sed are the rf. who die in the Lord
29. 6. beside the d. burut-cffering, Etra 3. 4. 16. 30. rf. Samson slew at his death was more th.xn 16. 3. the sra b-Tamc as the blood of a rf. nua
Vtfig.l0.i6 vihea she pressed him i/.with her words Kuih 1. 8. as ve have '<ealt with rf. and with me 20 5 but the rest of the rf. lived not again
i?«v£0.12.»»w the rf.iUnd before G.; the dead were 7)0.43 8. bring forth blind, and the d. that nave ears iV«A. 9, 10. thou laewest that they d. promlly.
judged out of those things written in the books AJic. 7. 16. their ears shall be d. shall lick the dust 16,29
1 3. sea gare up d. which were
in it.death and hell Mat. 11.5. the<<. hear, dead are raised, £.it<« 7. 22. Joi 6. 15. my breth. have d. dec*itfully, as a brook
ff$e Bouv, BtiRV, Carcase, Corpse, Resur- Mark 7. 32. they brought to bim one that was d. Fsai. 13. 6. the Lord hath d. bountifully with me
rection. 37. he maketh the d. to hear, the dumb tospezik 44. 17. nor have we d. falsely in thy covenant
lor the DEAD. 9. 25. thou dumb and d. spirit, come out of bim 78. 57- and d. unfaithfully like their fatners

Ltv. 19. 28. ye shall not make cuttings/or thi d.

DEAL. 103. 10. he hath not d. with us after our sins
Gen. 19. 9. now will werf. worse with thee thaui 116. 7. the Ix)rd hath d. bountifully with thee
21. 1. there shall none be defiled /ur the d.
Dni/ shall not make any baldness /or f/i«i/. 24. 49. BOW if you will d. truly with my master 119. 65. thou hast d. well with servant, according
32.9.Lordsaid, return, and I will d. well with thee 78. they d. perversely with me without a cause
26. 14. 1 have not given ought thereof/or the d.
34. 31. should he d. with our sister as an harlot 147. 20. he hath not a. so with any nation

e-Sii«. 14.2. as a woman that had mourned/or thed.

Etod. 1. 10. come on, let us d. wisely with them /io. 24. 16. the treacherous dealers have (/.verytrea-
Jtr. 16. 7. not tear to comfort them/ur the d.
21. 9. d. with her after the manner of daughters cherously, Jcr. 3. 20. 5. 11. 12.6. Lam. 1.2.
22. 10. weep ye not /or the d. nor bemoan him | |

23. 11. in like manner d. with thy vineyard Ezek. 22. j. in thee have they d. by oppression
Eiek.i\. 17. forbear, make 00 mourning /or thf d.
1 Cor. 15. 29. what shall they do who are baptized Let. If). 11. ye shall not steal, norrf. falsely, nor lie 25. 12. because that Edom hath d. against Judah
for the d. why are they also baptized/or the d. T \um. 11. 15. if thou rf. thus with me, kill me 15. because the Philistines have d. by revenge

From the DKAD. Ueut. 7. 5. but thus shall ye d. with them, ye shall ilos.5.1 they have d. treacherously against the L

tfat. 14. 2. John Baptist, he is risen from the d. 2 C/irffn.2.3. Solomon sent to Huram, as thou didst 6. 7. there have they d. treacherously against me
*/ar* 9. 10. what the rising/ro>n//i« (/.should mean ? d. with David my father, even so d. with me Joel 2. 26. name of your G. that hath </. wondrou.'^ly
Luke lG.30.uay, but if one went to them/rwm the d. JuhiZ. 8. lest I d. with you after your folly Zech. 1. 0. as the L. thought, so hath he d. with us
31. not be persuaded, though one TOitJrom thed. Psi/. 75. 4. I said to the fools, d. not foolishly Aia/.i.ll.Jud. hath (/.treacherously and aboniinat
119. 17. d. bountifully with thy servant, 142. 7. 14. against whom thou hast d. treacherously
44. 46. to rise/r»m the d. the third day, Johyi 20. 9.
Acts 10.41. drink with him after he rose/rom the d. 124. d. with thy servant according to thy mercy iMie 1 25. thus hath th? Lord d. with me in days

Prnv. 12. 22. but they that rf. truly are his delight 2. 48. son, why bast thou thus d. wiih us >
86. 23. be the first that should rise/I'm the d.
lUim. 6. 13. 2is those that are a.\ive from the d. /to. 26.10. in land of uprightness he will d. unjustly AcisT. 19. the same d. subtilely with our kindred
10. 7. that is, to bring up ChrL". agam/rom the d. 52. 13. behold, my servant shall d. prudently 25. 24. the multitude of the Jews have d. with ma
11. 15. receiving of them be but liie/iiroi the d. 58. 7. is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry ' liom. 12. 3. according as G. hath d. to every man
ICV.15.12. if preached that tam from thed. J«r.l8. 23. o. thus with them in time of thine anger DEAR.
I'.ph. 5. 14. arise from the d. Christ shall give thee 21. 2. if so be that the Lord d. with us according Jer. 15.+ 7. I w'ill bereave them of what is d.
Col. 1. 18. who is the first-born /rom thed. [light E:ek.H. 18. therefore will I also d. in fury, my eye 31. 20. is Eph. my d. son, is he a pleasant child '
iieb. 11. 19. God was able to raise him/rom the d. 16. 59. I will d. with thee as thou hast done Luke 7.2. a centurion's servant, who was d. to bim
J 3. 20. brought Jigain/rom the d. our Lord Jesus 22. 14. or hands be strong in days I d. with thee Acts 20. 24. neither count I my life d. ta myselt
Kaiseu, Risen. 23. 25. and they shall d. furiously with thee Ejih. 5. 1. be ye followers of God as d. children
U DEAD. 31. 11. he shall surely d. with him, I have driven Phtl. 2.120. 1 have no man so d. to me
Oe«. 42.38. for his brother it d. and he left, 44.20 Dan. 1. 13. and as thou seest d. with thy servants Ci^/.1.7. ye learned of Epaphras our (/.fellow-servt.
Deut. 25. C. in the name of his brother that li- d. 5. t20. his mind W2is hardened to d. proudly 13. hath translated us into kingdom of his(/. Son
Josh. 1. 2. Moses my
servant is d. arise, go over 1 J. 7. and shall d. against them and shall prevail 1 Thest. 2.8. our ovra souls, because ye were uj

Judg. 20.5. coucubine they forced that she if d 2 Cor. 2. t 17. d. deceitfully with the word of God
my beloved. DEARLY
« Sam. 2.7.Saul it d. 4. 10. 11. 21. Uriah li ike Treacherously. Jer. 12. 7. I have given d.b. of my soul to enemies

12.18.thechild«jrf. 19. 13. 32. Amnononly tsd.

DEAL. Rom. 12.19. d. beloved, avenge not yourselves
14.5.1 am a widow and my husb. isd.1 Kin%si.\. Ejod. 29. 40. a tenth rf. of flour mingled with oil, 1 Cur. 10. 14. my
d. beloied, Phtl. 4.1 2 7(^.1.2.

18. 20. no tidings because the king's son is d. I^v. 14. 21. A'«m. 15. 4. 29. 4. 2 t«r.7. 1. d. beloied, 12. I9. 1 Pel. 2. 11.

19. 10. Absalom is d.\\ Kmgi. 21.14. N aboth is d. A'K7n.28. 13. a several tenths. 21,29. 29. 10,15. Philem. 1. \'3U.\, unto Philemon our </. beloved

44. 31. priests shall not eat that iid. of itself AlarkT. 36. so much more a great </. they published
./J/a<.9.1(!.mydaughterif <i. ii;ari5.35. ia/e8.49. 10. 48. he cried the more a great d. Son of David Gen. 41.54. (/.began to come, d. was in all thelaU'ii
Mark 9. 20. insomuch that many said, he u d. DEALS. 2 Kings 4. 38. and there was a /. in the land
John 8. 52. Abraham is d. and the prophets, 53. Lev.H.W. the priest shall take three tenth d. of 2 Chron. 6.28. if there be a(/. in the land, or mildew
U. 14. then said Jesus plainly, Lazarui^ ts d. fine flour for a meat-offering, A'am. 15. 9.] AWi. 5. 3. we might buy com because of the d.
Rt>m. 6. 7. for he that is d. is freed from sin 23.13. two tenth </. for a meat-offering, A'r/m.28.9. Jer. 14.1. word came to Jeremiah concerning therf.
8. 10. if Christ be in you, body is d. because of sin 17- shall bring two wave-loaves of two tenth d. .•i(;/.(7.11.there came a (/.over all the land of Egypt
fJd/. 2. 21 if righteous, by law, Christ is d. in vain
. 24. 5. two tentb d. shall be in one cake 11.28. Agabus signified, there should be a g;reat (/.
J Tim. 5. 6. livelh in pleasure, »*</. while she liveth A'um. 15. 6. for a ram for a meat-offering, two DEATH
Jam. 2. 17. faith, i( it hath not works if d. 20. tenth d. of flour, 28. 20, 28. 29. .>, 9, 14.
Signifies, The sepa'aiion of the sold from ihs
26. for as the body without the spirit it d. so faith 28. 20. three tentb d. to a bullock, 28. 29. 3, 9,14.
body. Gen. 25. 11. Jhis t> temporal death. [3]
Has DEAD. DEALER. A separntioii of soul and body from God's fa-
Jtidg. 2. 19. when the judge uas d. they returned Isa. 21. 2. the treacherous rf. dealeth treacherously tour in this life, which is the stale of allunrx-
9. 55. when men of Israel saw Abimelech vas d. DEALERS. generated and unrenewed yersons, who are ailh.
1 Sam.17.51. Philistines saw their champion war </ Isa. 24.16. treacherous rf.have dealt treacherously out the light of knowledge, and the (ptickening
25. 39. when David heard that N abal was d. DEALEST. power of grace] Luke 1, 79. T/iis is spiritual

31.5. armour-bearer saw Saul was d. 1 Chr. 10.5. Ezod. 5. 15. wherefore d. thus with thy servants r death. |3] 'J'he perpetual separation of the aholt
%Sam.^. 1. Saul's son heard that Abnerwai</. Isa. 33. 1. woe to thee that spoilest and d. treacb. man from God's Jkeacenty presence and glory, to
11.26. Bathsheba heard her husband wasd. DEALETH. be tormented J'or ever uiih the devil and hit
12. 19. David perceived that the child uas d. Jtji/;. 18. 4. thus and thus d. Mirah with me angels, Hev.2. 11. This is the second death,
13. .39. comforted for Amnon, seeing he teas d. 1 60m. 23. 22. it was told me that he d. subtilly or eternal death. To all these kinds of death,
1 Kings 3. 21. to give my child 5uck,behold,it ao-si/. /Vol. 10.4.hebecometh poor that </. with slack hand Adam made himself and his fiosterity liable, by
11. £1. when Iladad heard th2it Joali was d. 13. 16. every prudent man </. with knowledge trans^resiing the commandment of CUd in eating
21. 15. when Jezebel heard that Is aboth was d. 14. 17. he that is soon angry d. foolishly the Jaibiddenj'niil, Gen. 2. 17. [4] Some /^i-
2 Kings 3. 5. when Ahab aas d. Moab rebelled 21.24. scorner is his name, who d. in proud wrath sonous deadly thing, 2 Kings 4. 40. [5] Immt
4. 32. behold, the child was d. and laid on his bed Isa. 21.2. the treacherous dealer d. treacheriusly nent dangers of death, 2 Cor. 11. 23. [6] Tht
11.1 Athaliah saw her son wasd. 2 Chron. 22.10 J« given to covetousness, from the prophet pestilence of contagious diseases, }vr. 15. 2.
Mal.i. 19. hut when Herod was d. behold, an angel even to the priest everyone d. falsely. B. 10. Lly the gales of death, the giave is signijitd, and
Luk4T.i5.he that wasd. sat up and began to speak Ilei. 12. 7. God d. with you as sons, for what son 'the stale of the dead after this life. Job 38. 17-
B. 53. laughed to scorn, knowing that she was d. DEALING, S. Ilave the gates of death been opened unto thee'
15. 24. this my son was d. and is alive again / 2.if a soul sin, and lie to his neighbour in rf llast thou seen, or dosi tlnm perfectly knoti, the
32. for this thy brother was d. and is alive again 1 &j/n.2.23. I hear of your evil d. by all this people place mud stale if the dead; the depths and
/okn 11. 39. Martha, the sister of him that uas d. /'f.7.16. bis violent d. shall come down on his pate b^uels of thai ear'lh. in -jihich the geneitUily oj
44. and he that was d. came forth bound John 4. 9- the Jews have no d. with the Samaritans dead men are buried; or the sex eial ways and
19. 3.^. sawthat JesHS ma^ </. brake not his legs DEALT. methods of deain ; or the states and a'nditions iif

i^cls25. 19. questionsof one Jesus who uasd. Gen. 16. 6. when Sarai d. hardly with her, she fled men after death f And the Psalmist says, 1 hou
(<om. 7. 8. for without the law sin wai d. 53. 11. bw-auseGod hath d. graciously with me liftest me up from the sates of death, Psal. 9.
Uev. 1. 18. I am be that liveth, and uas d. behold 43. 6. wherefore d. ye so ill with me, as to tell 13. Thou didst bung me back from tht brink or
DEADLY Erod. 1. 20. therefore God </. well with midwives mouth of the gran, into which J uas ready to
1 Sam. 5.11. was a rf. destruction throughout city 14. 11. wherefore hast thou (/.thus with carry drop, being at near death as n man it to tht city
thai it corns to the very gates of it. liy the 111
Psal.lT .f) deliver m<> from d. enemies who compass 18. 11. for in the thing wherein they d. proudly
£eek. 30. 24. with groanings of a d. wounded man 21. 8. seeing he hath d. deceitfully with her Mruments of death, dangerous and diadlit uea-
Hark 1(1. 18. if drink d. thing, itshallnot hurt them Jiidg. 9. 16. if ye have dealt well with Jenibbaal pons are meant, Psal. 7. 13. Love is strong .a
/am. 3. 8. tongue is an unruly evil, full of d. poison death. Cant. 8. 6. 'J'he spiritual lott oJ tht
19. if ye have d. truly, rejoice in Abimelech
f.ev. 13. 3. uvl bis d. wound was healed, 12. Kuih 1.8. as ye have d. with the dead, and with me church to Christ 1/ siiong as death, which ovtf
20. the Almighty hath (/. bitterly with me comes the itrongeil man, Psal. 89.48.
Item. 4. 19. neither yet the d. of Sarah's womb 1 Sam. 14.t33. .Saul said, ye have d. treacherously Gen. 21. 16. let me not see the d. of the child
DEAF. 24. 18. how that thou bast d. well with me 24. 67. Isaac was comforted after his mother's d.
Etod. 4. 11. or who maketh the d. or the seeing ! 25. 31. when the Lord shall bare d. well with thee 25.11. after the (/. of Abraham, God blessed Isaao
Lev. 19. 14. thou sUalt not (Mirse the d. nor put 2 Sam. 6. 19. he d. among the people, 1 Chr. 16. 3. 27.7. that 1 may eat, and bless thee before my d,
I Sam. 10. t 27. Saul was as though he bad been d. 2 KinQS 12. 15. for they d. faithfully, 22. 7. 10. that he may bless thee before bis d.
Psal.3S.l3.hMl I asai/.mao heaid not, 1 was dumb £1.6.>iaiiasseh (/.with familiar spirits andwizard Etod. 10. 17. that he may take from me this d. only
58. 4. they are like the d. adder that stoppeth t Chr. CO. 3. so d. David with the cities of Amnion A'uin. 16. 29. if these mm
die common d. of all men
/ta. 29. 18. in that day shall the 1/. bear the words 2 Chi 6. 37. we have done amiss, and d. wickedly
23. 10. let me die d. of righteous, and my last enl
35. 5. and the ears of the d. shall be unstopped 11. 43. Rehob.(/. wisely, and dispersed children 35. 25. the slayec shall abide iu it uato tlHj </. of
42. 18- hear, ye << look, yeblina, tnat ye may see 33.5. Manas, d. with a familik/ spirit and wizards the high priest, 28 32. Josh. tO. 6
19. who is d. as my messenger that I sent? »/(. 1,7. we hav* d, yeiy tBrruptiT »#»ifi*t ti»«« il,uo sftiuiactioa fo; lif« ni muidcrw fvitj oid.


Drut. SO. 15. have set betorc you this day life Acit 13.20. though they found no cause of rf. in him
I Judg.ZO. 33. we may our them tod. 1 Sam. 11. 13
and good. d. and evil, Jtr. 21. 8. 22. 4. and 1 persecuted this way unto the rf. 1 Sam. man baput to
11. 13. not a rf. 2 Sam. 19. ii
31. C7. how much more will ye rebel after my </..' 28. 18. because there was no cause of rf. in me 2 with two lines measured he to put to d
.S'tm. 8. 2.
CQ. I know after my d. ye wUl corrupt yourselves AVm.5.10. we were reconciled to G. bytherf.ofhis 19. 21. shall not Shimei be put to rf. for this .'

.13. 1. Moses blessed Isr. before his rf.the man of G. Son, mucJi more be saved by his life. Col. 1. 22. 21 9. were put to rf. in the days of barley-harvest

Judy. 5. 18. that jeoparded their lives to the rf. 12. and rf. by sin, and so rf. passed upon all men 1 Ktn^s 2.8. 1 sware saying, I will not put thee to d,
If). 16. 'ihe urged him that his soul was vexed to d 14. rf. reigned from Adam to Moses over them, 17 24. Adonijah shall be put to rf. this day
30. dead which he slew at his d. were more than 21. as sin hath reigned to rf. even so might grace 26. but I will not at this time put thee to rf.
/ uf/il 17 Ruth said, if ought but <f .part thee and me 6. 3. know ye not, that so many of us as were bap-
. . 2 Chr. 15. 13. not seek the Lord should be put to d
2. 11. all thou hast done since d. of thy husband tized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into hisrf..' 23. 7. cometh into the house, shall be put to rf.
\ Sam. 4. 20. about time of her d. the women said 4. we are buried with him by baptism into rf. Esth. 4. 11. there is one law of his to^< him to d
15.32. Agag said, surely the bitterness of d. is past 5. for if we have been planted in likeness of his rf. Jer. 18.21. wives be widows, their men be put to d
£0. 3. there is but a step between me and </. 9. dieth no more, rf. hath no dominion over him 26. 15. know for certain, that if ye put me to rf
22. 22. I have occasioned d. of thy father's house 16. his servants ye are, whether of sin unto rf. 19. did king and all Judah put him at all to d.t
S6.f l6. ye are sons of d. ye kept not your master 21. now ashamea, for end of those things is rf. 21. king Jehoiakim sought to put Urijah to rf.
2 Sam. 1. S3, and in their d. they were not divided 23. forthe wages of sin is rf. but the gift of God 38. 4. we beseech thee, let this man be put to d.
15. 21. in d. or life, there will thy servant be 7. 5. motions of sin did work to bring fruit to rf. 15. Jer. said, wilt thou not surely put me to rf. .'
19- 1 28. all my father's house wen- but men of d 10. the commandment of life I found to be to rf. 16. the king sware, I will not put thee to rf. 25.
22. 5. when the waves of </. compassed me, floods of 13. wjis then that which is good madi' rf. to me .'
43. 3. hands of Chald. that they might p«( us to d
ungodly made me afraid, Psal. IS. 4. ll6. 3.
I 24. who shall deliver me from the body of this rf..» 52. 27. smote them and put them to rf. in Riblah
6. the snares of d. prevented me, Psal. 18. 5. 8. 2. hath made me free from the law of sin and rf. Mat. 10. 21. childr. shall rise up ag. parents, cause
1 A'inj/ 11. 40. Jeroboam was in Egypt till d. of Sol. 6. to be carnal, mind, is and peace them tobe put to rf. Mark 13. 12. Luke 21. 16.
S A'»n{j2.21.shall not be any more rf or barren land 38.nor rf. nor life shall sepau-ate us from love of G. 14. 5. when he would put him to rf. he fear. mult.
4. 40. O thou man of God, d. is in the pot 1 Coi. 3.22. whether world, life, or rf. all are yours 26.59.the chief priests sought false witness against
1 Chron. 22. 5. so David prepared before his d. 4.9. G. set forth apostles, as it were appointed to rf. itsn%'.oput him tod. 2*. 1. Mark 14. 55.
£ Chron. 22. 4. his counsellors after d. of his father 11. 26. ye do shew the Lord's^, till he come Mark 14. 1. how to take him by craft and put to rf.
32. 33. all Judah did llezekiah honour at his d. 15. 21. for since by man camerf. by man came also Luke 18. 33. they shzdl scourge and put him to rf.
£ira 7. C6. whether it be to d. or to banishment 26. the last enemy that shall be destroyed is rf. 23. 32. there were two malefact. led to be;iT// to d
Jot 3. 21. which long for d. but it cometh not 54. saying written, rf. is swallowed up in victory John 11. 53. they took counsel to put him to rf.
7. 15. so that my soul chooseth d. rather than life 55. Orf. where is thy sting! 56. sting of rf. is sin
12. 10. that they might put Lazarus also to rf.
18. 13. the first-bom of d. shall devour hisstrength 2 Cor. 1. 9. but we had the sentence of rf. in ourselves 18. 31. it is not lawful for us to put any man to rf.
27. 15. that remain of him shall be buried in d. 10. who deliver, us from so great arf. doth deliver .icts 12.19. Herod command, keepers to be ;<«/ tod.
128. 22. destruction and d. say, we have heard fime 2. 16. to the one we are the savour of rf. unto rf. 20. 10. when they were puf /orf.Igavevoice ag.them
30. 23. I know that thou wilt bring me to death 3. 7. if the ministration of rf. was glorious 1 Pet. 5. \&.put / flesh, but quickened by Spirit
Psal. 6. 5. in d. there is no remembrance of thee 4 1 1 we are always delivered to rf. for Jesus' sake
. See Surely.
7. 13. hath prepared for him the instruments of d. 12. so then rf. worketh in us, but life in you Shadow of DEjVTH.
13. 3. lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep old. 7. 10. but the sorrow of the world worketh rf Job 3. 5. let darkness and the shadow of rf. stain it
22. 15. thou hast brought me into the dustrof d, P161/.I.20. Chr. magnified, whether by life or by rf. 10.21. to land of darkness and the thadoa of rf. 22.
48. 14. Gqd will be our guide, even unto d. 2. 8. he became obedient unto rf. even rf. of the cross 12. 22. and bringeth out to light the shadow of rf.
4U. 14. and laid in the gravt, d. sh^ll fe«d on them 27. Epaphrodituswasnighto rf. but G.hadmercv 16. 16. and on my eye-lids is the shadu:r of rf.
55.4. and the terrors of d. are fallen upon me 30. because for work of Christ he was nigh to rf. 24. 17. morning is to them even as shadow of d.
15. let d. seize on them, and let them go down 3.10. know him, being made conformable to his rf. 28. 3. he searcheth out darkness and shaJox of rf.
73. 4. for there are no bands in their d. strength 2 Tim. 1. 10. our Lord, who hath abolished rf. 34. 22. is no shadow of d. where sinners may hide
79- 11. reserve the children of d. Jiei. 2. 9. but we see Jesus, for the suffering of rf. .38.17. or ha-st thou seen doors of the shado-j. of rf. .'
89.48. what man that liveth, and shall not^ee d. ? crowned, that he should taste rf. for every man Psal. 23. 4. tho' I walk thro' valley nlshado-x of d.
102. 20. to loose those that are appointeQ to d. 14. thro' rf. might destroy him that had power of rf. 44. 19. tho' thou hast covered us with shadu-j of rf.
116.15. precious in sight of Lord isrf. of his saints 15. and deliver them who through fearofrf. were 10*. 10. such as sit in darkness, and shadow of d.
118. 18. but he hath not givf-nme over unto d. 7.23. were not suffered to continue, by reason of rf. 14. brought them out of darka. and shadau of rf.
frov. 2. 18. her house inclinelh to d. paths to dead 9 15. that by means of rf. for the redemption of Isn. 9. 2. that dwell in the land of the shadow of rf.
5. 5. her feet go down to d. steps take hold on hell 16. there must of necessity be the rf. of the testator Jer. 2. 6. that brought us thro' land of shadow of i.
7. 27. to hell going down to the chambers of d. 1 1 .5. Enoch was translated.that he should not see rf. 13. 16. ye look for light,he turn it into shadowof i.
8. 36. all they that hate me love d. Jam. 1. 15. sin when finished bringeth forth rf. Amos 5. 8. turneth shtiow of rf. into the momicj
11. 19. that pursuelh evil, pursueth it to his own rf. that lovcth not his brother abideth in rf. Mat. 4. 16. peo. ikat sat in region and shadow of 4.
12. 28. in the path-ways thereof there is no d. 5. 16. there is a si* unto rf. 17. a sin not unto rf. Luke 1. 79- give light to them that sit iashadou^' 4,

13. 14. to depart from the snares of d. 14. 2". lift. 1. 18. and I have the keys of hell and of rf. Ways of DEATH.
14. 32. but the righteous hath hope in his d. 2. 10. be faithful unto rf. I will give thee a crown Prov. 14. 12. the end thereof are mays of i. I6. SS.
16. 14. the wrath of a king is as messengers of rf. 11. that overcomes shall not be hurt of second rf. With DEATH.
18. 21 (/. and life are in the power of the tongue
. 6. 8. and his name that sat on him was rf. and hell Isa. 28. 15. we have made a covenant with rf.
21. C. vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek d. 9. 6. men shall seek rf. and rf. shall flee from them 18. your covenant with rf, shall be disannulled
24. 11. forbear to deliv. them that are drawn to rf. 12. 11. said they loved not their lives to the rf. Rev. 2. 23. and I will kill her children with rf.
C6. 18. as a mad-man who casteth arrows and d. 13.3. saw one of his heads, as it were wounded to rf. 6.8. and power was given to them to kill with i.
Keel. 7. 2fi. I find more bitter than d. the woman 18.8. her plagues shall come one day, rf. mourning Worthy of DEATH.
Cam. 8 6. for love is strong as d. jealousy cruel as 20. 6. on such the second rf. hath no power Deut. 17- 6. that \i worthy of d. shall be put to d.
Jsa. 25. 8. he will swallow up d. in victory 13. and rf. and hell delivered up the dead in them 19. 6. slay him, whereas he was not worthy of d.
38. 18. for d. cannot celebrate thee 14.rf.and hell cast into lake, this is the second rf. 21. 22. a man have committed a sin worthy of d
53. y. and with the rich in his d. because he 21. 4. and there shall be no more rf. nor sorrow 22. 26. there is in the damsel no sin worthy If rf.
12. because he poured out his soul unto d Ses Day. 1 Aingf 2.26.said to Abiathar, thou art worthy ofd.

Jer. 8. 3. Jind d. snail be chosen rather than life From DEATH. LukeQS. 15. lo, nothing worthy of rf. is done to him
9.21. for d. is come up to our windows Josh. 2.13. Rahab's sisters, deliver our lives/romrf. ArtsC3. 2y. nothing laid to his charge worthy of d.
15. 2. tell them such as are for J. torf. 43. 11. Job 5. 20. in famine he shall redeem thee />om rf. 25. 11. if I have committed any thing worthy of d.
18. 23. thou knowest all their counsel for d. Psat. 33.19. to deliver their soul from rf. keep alive 25. found he had committed nothing northy of d,
26. t 11. the judgment of d. is for this man 56.13. thou hast delivered my soul/rum rf. II6.8. 26. 31. this man doth nothing worthy of d.
X<im.l.20.abroad the sword, at home there is as d. 68.20. to the Lord belong the issues /rem rf. Rom. 1.32. who commit such things are worthy ofd,
£:ek. 18. 32. saith the L. God, I have no plea- 78.50. he spared not their soul/rom rf. but gave DEATHS.
sure in the rf. of the wicked, 33. 11. Prov. 10. 2. righteousness delivereth /rom rf. 11.4. Jer.\^.i. they shall die of grievous rf. not be buried
31. 14. for they are all delivered unto rf. IIos. 13. 14. I will redeem thee/roOT rf. O death £:f^.28.8.shaltdie rf. of them that are slain in seas
hos. 13. 14. rf. O
1 will be thy plagues, O grave John 5.24. but is passed/ri'm rf. to life, 1 JoA«3.14. 10. tliou shalt die the rf. of the uncircumcised
Jtnah 4. 0. I do well to be angry even unto rf. lltb. 5.7. to him that was able to save him />om rf. 2 Cor. 11. 23. in prisons more frequent, in rf. oft
Hab. 2. 5. who is as rf. and cannot be satisfied Jam. 5. 20. know that he shall save a iov.\ from rf. DEBASE.
Mai. 2. 15. and was there till the rf. of Herod Gaits of DEATH. Isa. 57. 9- '"id didst rf. thyself even tinto hell
10. 21. brother deliver brother to rf. A/ar* 13. 12. Job 38.17have the gates of rf. been opened to thee .' DEBATE, Verb.
15. 4. honour father and mother, he that curseth Psal. 9. 13. thou that liftcst me up from ^ates of rf. Prov.QS.Q.d. thy cause with thy neighbour himself
father or mother, let him die the rf. Markl. 10. 107. 18. and thev draw near to the laies of d. / measure, thou wilt rf.with it, he stayeth
IC. 28. some here shall not taste of rf. till they see Put to DEATH DEBATE, S.
the Son of Man coming, Mark 9.1. Luke 9.27. G«n.26.11.that toucheth this man, shall hvfmt tod. Tia. 58. 4. behold, ye fast for strife andrf.and to smite
20. 18. they shall condemn him to rf. Mark 10 33. Erod. 2 1 29 ox stoned, his owner also l>e pitt to rf. y^om.l.Cy.fuU of envy, murder, rf. deceit, malipiity

26. 38. my soul is sorrowful to rf. Mark 14. 34. 35. 2. whosoever work on sabbath, shall be yut to d. 2 Cor. 12. 20. I fear lest there be rf. wrath, strife*
66. they said, he is guilty of rf. Mark 14. 64. Let. 19. 20. shall not bepu/ tod. because not free DEBT
'Uark 5. 23. my daughter lieth at the point of rf. 20. 11. both of them shall surely be fntt to rf. Is what is due by one man to another, Keh. 10. 31.
J.ukt 2. 26. should not see rf. before he had seen C. 24. 21. that killeth shjill be put to rf. Ai/m. 35. 30. Sinsore by resemblance called dehls, Mat. 6. 12.
22. 33. I will go with thee both to prison and rf. iVu/n. 1 .51 Leviies shall set up tabernacles, stranger
. As a debt obliges the debtor to payment, so sio
23. 22. 1 have found no cause of rf. in him l!natcometh nigh shall be ;>u< (orf.3.10,;i8. 18.7.
| rf»«A the sinner to punishment. And as the cre-
Jo/in 4.47 heal his son for he was at the point of rf.
. D<ur.l3.5. that dreamer of dreams shall be ;n/< tod. ditor hath a right to eraet the paymmt from tht
8.51. if a man keep my saying,shall never seerf.52. 9. thy hand shall be first on himio put to d 17. 7.
. debtor, so Cod hath a right to inflict punishment
11. 4. Jesus said, this sickness is not »nto rf. 17. 6. at the mouth of one witness not be yut to rf. on the guilty. Thus men are debtors to Ond. by
13. howbeit, Jesus spake of his rf. 21. 22. he be put to rf. and thou hang him on a tree trespassing against him ; and to their rui^h/ours,
12. 33. he said, signifying what rf.should die, 18.32. 24. 16. fathers shall not boj>u» to d. for children, nor when thev wrong, injure, or offend them. Mat.
21. 19. signifying by what rf. he should glorify God children^; to rf. for fathers, 2 Kin^s 14. 6. 6. le. The apostle Paul says, Rom. 1. 14. I
Mil 2. 24. raised up, having loosed the pains of rf /o/A. 1.1 8. rebel against thy|m( to rf. am a debtor both to the Qrukt and liarbariant.
8. 1. Sau! was consenting tc his rf. 22 SO.
Judg. 6. 31. ne that plcadeth for Baal hi ptu to rf. J am bound i^ my ofie* 10 prtaeh the gospel M
all nations, wheth*T more citnlized, 9f more rude. Co/.2.8.1est any man spoil yoathro' vain philos. rf, Jer. 4. 10. surely thou hast grently a. this people
And speaking oj ttuh as looked upon circumci' 1 Theis. 2. 3. for our exhortation was not of rf. 20. 7. O Lord, thou rf. me, and 1 WS3 rf.
Iton ai neetisari/ to their justification and sal- DECEITFUL. 49. 16. thy terriblen.hata rf.thee and pride of hetrt
vation, he satfs, I testify to every man that is Pj.5. 6. the Lord will abhor the bloody and d. man Lam. 1.19. I called for my lovers, but tliey rf. mo
circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the 35.20.they devise rf.matters ag.them quiet in land Ezek. 14. g. if the prophet be rf. 1 have rf. him
whole law, Oal. 5. 3. lie obliges himself to 43. 1. O deliver me from the rf. and unjust man Obad^ 3. the pride of thine heart hath rf. thee
Jteep the whole law, as the condition of life, and 52. 4. lovest devouring xvords, O thou rf. tongue 7. men that were at pecice with thee have rf. thee
to virtually disclaims all pardon bi/ Christ. 55.23. bloody and shall not live half their rf. Luke 21. 8. he ssdd, take heed that ye be .lOt rf.
1 Sam. il.I.ey try one that was in d. went to David 78 57. they were tumei aside like a rf. bow JohnT. 47. the Pharisees answered, are ye alsorf.'
tKingsi.l .he said,go,sell the thy rf.and live 109. 2. the mouth of the (/. are opened against me Rom. 7.11. for sin taking occasion by coma., rf. me
V</i. 10.31 .we would leave the exaction of every d. 120. 2. deliver my soul from a rf. tongue 1 Cor. 6. 9. be not rf. 15. 33. Gal. 6.7.
Mat. 18. 27. loosed him, and forgave him the d. Prov. 11. 18. the wicked worketh a rf. work 1 Tim. 2.14. Adam was not rf, but woman being rf.
3U went and cast into prison till he should pay d. 12. + 24. but the rf. shall be under tribute 27'iwi.3.13.waxworseandworse,deceiv.and being rf
32. his lord said, I forgave thee all that d. 14. 25. but a rf. witness speaketh lies Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, rf. serving divers lusts
Rom. 4. 4. reward is not reckoned of grace but d. 23. 3. not desirous of dainties for they are rf. meat Rev, 18. 23. by thy sorceries all nations were rf.
DEBTOR. 27. 6. but the kisses of an enemy are rf. 19. 20. he rf. them that had received mark of beast
Etei. 18.7 but hath restored to the d. his pledge 29. 13. the poor and the rf. man meet together 20. 10. aevii that rf. them was cast into lake of fire
Afar.23.l6. shall swear by gold of the temple is ad. 31. 30. favour is rf.and beauty is vain, but a woman DECEIVER.
i 18. whoso sweareth by the gift, he is ihe d Jer.lT.Q.Xht heart is rf. above all things and wicked Geyi. 27. 12. and I shall seem to my father as a rf.
Rom. 1. 14. I am d. to the Greeks and Barbarians iiy.f. 7. l6.return not to most High, are like a rf.bow Job 12. 16. the deceived and the rf. are his
Gal. 5. 3. that he is a d. to do the whole law Mic. 6. 11. and with the bag of rf. weights Mai. 1.14. cursed be rf. who hath inhisf.ock a male
DEBTORS. 12. and their tongue is rf. in their mouth Mat. 27.63. rememb.thatthatrf. said, after 3 days
3/af.6. 12. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our d. Zeph. 3. 13. nor shall a rf. tongue be found in mouth 2Ji^A» 7. confess not Jes. this is a rf.and an antichrist
Luke 7. 41. a certain creditor had two d. 2 Cor. 11. 13. such are false apostles, rf. workers DECEIVERS.
l.'J.t4. think ye that they were rf. above all men i £/'A.4.22. old man corrupt according to the rf. lusts "iCor. C.8 by evil and good report.asrf. and yet true
16. 5. he called every one of his lord's d. DECEITFULLY. Tit. 1. 10. many rf. especially of the circumcision
i^om. 8. 12. therefore, brethren, we are (/.not to flesh Gen. 34.13. sons answered Hamor and .Shechem rf. 2 John 7. for many rf. are entered into the world pleased them verily, and their d. they are Ksod. 8. 29. let not Pharaoh deal rf. any more DECEIVETH.
DEBTS. 21. 8. seeing he hath dealt rf. with her 2 /v'i«jjl8.t32.hearken not to Hezekiah when he d
Prop. 22. 26. be not of them that are sureties for d. Lev. 6. 4. or the thing which he hath rf. gotten Prov. 26. 19. so is the man that rf. his neighbour
Afa/.6. 12. forgive us we forgive our debtors Job 6. 15. my brethren have dealt rf. as a brook John 7. 12. others said, nay, but he rf. the people
DECAY. 13. 7. will ye talk wickedly or rf. for God .' Gal. 6. 3. to be something when nothing, he rf. hinis.
Lev. 25. 35. if thy brother be poor and fallen in d. Psal. 24. 4. hath not lift up his soul nor sworn rf. Jam. 1.26. rf. his own heart,this man's relig. isvain
Bom. ll.t 12. d. of them the riches of the Gentiles 52. 2. thy tongue like a sharp razor, working rf. Wep. 12.9. that old serpent, called the devil, which rf.
DECAYED. Jer. 48. 10. cursed that doth work of the Lord rf. 13. 14. and rf. them that dwell on the earth
\eA. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of burden d. Dan. 11. 23. after the league made, he shall work rf. DECEIVING.
Isa. 44. 26. I will up the d. places thereof 2 Cor. 2. + 17. not as many that deal rf. with word Isa. 3. t 16. daughters of Zion rf. with their eyes
DLCAYETH. 4.2. not in craftiness, nor hjindling word of G od rf. 2ii»i.S.l3.evil men wax worse,rf. and being deceiv.
Job 14. 11. and as the flood d. and drieth up DECEITFULNESS. Jam. 1.22. and not hearers only, rf. ^our own selves
jtVc/. 10. 18. by much slothfolncss the building d. Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the rf. of DECEIVINGS.
lleb, 8. 13. that which d. is ready to vanish away riches choke the word, Mark 4. 19. 2 Pet. 2.13. sporting themselves with their own d
DECEASE lleb. 3. 13. lest any be hardened thro' the rf. of sin DECENTLY.
Luke Q. 31. and spake of his d. at Jerusalem DECEITS. Rom. 13. 1 13. let us walk rf. asm oay, not in rioting
2 Pet. 1. 15. after my d. to have in remembrance Psal. 38. 12. seek my hurt, and imagine rf. all day 1 Cor. 14. 40. let all things be done rf. and in order
DECEASED. l<a. 30. 10. speak to us smooth things, prophesy rf. DECIDED.
Tsa. 26. 14. they are d. they shall not rise 33, t 15. he that despiseth the gain of rf. 1 Kings 20. 40. the king said, thyself hast rf. it
Mai. 22. 25. first, when he had married a wife, d. DECEIVE DECISION.
DECEIT Signifies, [1] To beguile, cheat, or cozen. Gen. 31. 7- /o«/3.14.multitudesin valley of rf. for day of T»rd
Sisnifies, [1] Guile or fraud, Psal. 10. 7- |
36. 3. L«v. 6. 2. [2] To mislead, subdue, or corrupt, DECK.
[2] Deceitful person's, Jer. 9. 6. [3] Deluding Deut. 11. 16. Isa. 44. 20. [3] To allure, delude, Job 40. 10. rf. thyself now with majesty and excell.
messages, dreams, and lies offalse teachers, where- or entice. Job .31. 9. Jer, 10. 4. they rf. it with silver and with gold
by they please the humours, and com^iiy uith the 1 the Lord have deceived that prophet, Ezek. 14. 9. DECKED
liuts of sinful persons, Isa. 30. 10. Jer. 8. 5. I have given Aim up to the delusions of his oun Prot/. 7. 16. 1 haverf. my bed with cover, of tapestry
l4j Goods gotten by oppression, false accusation, heart, and justly left him in his blindness, that Isa. 63. t 1. who is this that is rf. in his apparel !
and deceit, J tT. 5.27. Zeph. l.g. [5] Dettcet he shall not discern his own self-deceivings : Ezek. 16. 11. I rf. thee also with ornamenis
or fair pretences to deceive, Psal. 38. 12. Or, when such a prophet promiselh good, and 13. thou wast thus rf. with gold aiid silver
They handle the word of God deceitfully, 2 Cor. thinks that the concurrence of all second cuiues Ihs. 2. 13. and she rf. herself with her ear-rings
4. 2. who mingle it with their own inventions, tend to it, I will disappoint and frustrate. i^«». 17.4. the woman was arrayed and rf. with gold
or passions of pride, covetousness, i^c. or wrest Lord, thou hast deceived me, I was deceived, 18. 16. alas, alas, that great city thai was rf.
it according to merCs pleasures. Jer. 20. 7. that is. Thou hast persuaded me tn DECKEDST.
Job 15. 35. and their belly prepareth d. undertake this office, contrary to my own incli- Ezek. 16. 16. didst take garm and rf. high-places
27. 4. my lips not speeik, nor my tongue utter d. nations, and hast disappomled me of that com- 23. 40. didst wash and rf. thyself with ornameDls
31. 5. or if my foot hath hasted to d. fort and satisfaction therein that I expected. DECKE.ST, ETII.
Psal. 5. t G. the Lord will abhor the man of d. 2 Sam. 3. 25. thou knowest Abiiercame to rf. thee /i«. 61.10. as a bridegroom rf himself with ornam.
10. 7- his mouth is full of cursing, d. and fraud 1 Kings 22. 1 20. the Lord said, whoshall rf.Ahab '. Jer.i. 30. tho' thou rf. thee with ornaments of gold
35. 3. the words of his mouth are iniquity and d. '
Kijtgs4.2ii. she said, did not 1 say, do notrf. me ? DECLARE.
43.+ 1. O deliver me from the man of d. 18.29- s;iith king, let not Ilezckiah, not able Oen. 41. 24. there was none that could rf it to me
So. 19. thy mouth to evil, thy tongue frameth </. to deliver you, 2 Chron. 32. 15. Isa. 36. 14. Vent. l.b.m land of Moab began Moses to rf. this law
55. 11. d. and guile depart not from her streets 19. 10. let not thy God rf. thee, saying, Isa. 37.10. Joj/i. 20.4. shall rf. his cause in ears of elders of city
f 23. men of d. shall not live half their days Prov. 24. 28. be not a witness, and rf. not with lips Judg. 14.12. if ye can me within the seven days
72.14. he shall redeem their soul from d. and viol. Isa. 68. + 11. like a spring whose waters rf. not 1 A ini'j22. 13. prophets rf.good to Vm^.iChr 18.12.

101. 7. he that worketh d. not dwell in my house Jer. 9. 5. they will rf. every one his neighbour IChron. I6. 24. rf. his glory among the heathen, his
109. t2. the mouth o{ d. is opened against me 29. 8. your diviners that be in midst of you rf. you marvellous works among all nation*, Pial. 96.3.
119. 116. trodden them that err, their d. is falseh. 37.9- thus saith the Lord rf. not yourselves Eslh. 4. 8. to shew llie copy and rf it to lather
Proj.ll.+l. balances oid. are abomination to Lord Uos. 12. +7. he is a merciant, he loveth to rf. Job 12. 8. the fishes of the sea shall rf unto thee
12. 5. but the counsels of the wicked arc d. y.eih. 13. 4. neither wear a rough garment to rf. 21. 31. who shall rf. his way to his face ?
17. but a false witness sheweth forth d. jUh/. 24.4. take heed that no manrf. yo\i,Mark !?,.[>. 28. 27. then did he see it, and rf it, he prepared it
20. d. is in the heart of them that imagine evil 5. saying, I am Christ, rf.many, 11. Mark 13. 6. 31. 37. 1 would rf. to him the number of my steps
14. 8. but the folly of fools is d. 24. that, if possible they shall rf. the very elect 38. 4. found, ol earth, rf. if thou hast undirstandin*
eo.lT.breadof i/.is sweet to a man, but afterwards lets 5. + 3. why hath Satan filled thy heart to d..' 18. the bre,idth ol earth, rf. it thou knowest it aU
i 23. and balances of d. are not good Rom. 16. 18. by fair speech rf the hearts of simple 40 7. 1 will demand of thee, rf thou to me, 42 4.
56. 24. he that hateth, layethup d. within him 1 CW.3.18. let iiotnanti. himself, if any man seems Psal y. 11 rf. among the people his doings
26. whose hatred is covered by d. his wickedness I'.ph. i. 14. craftiness whereby they lie in wait to rf. 19. 1. the heavens rf. the glory ol (;od
Jsa. 53. 9. neither was any d. in his mouth 5. 6. let no maurf. you, 2 Thess. 2.3. 1 John 3 7. 22.31.shall come anda.hisrichteous.50.6 | 97.^
Jtr.5. 27. cage full of birds, so are houses full oid. 1 Johnl.ii. if we say we have no sin, we rf. ourselves 30. 9. shall dust praise thee, shall itrf. thy truth
8. 5. they hold fast d. they refuse to return liev. 20. S. that he should rf. the nations no more 40. 5. if 1 would rf..-uid speak of them.they arc more
Q. 6. thro' d. they refuse to know me, saith the L 8. go to rf, nations in four quarters ot the earth 50 16 wh:ii thou to do to rf. my statutes
e tongue is an arrow shot out, it speaketh d. .UECEIVABLENESS. 64 9 all men shall fcai anU rf the work of God
I4. 14. they prophesy the d. of their heart 2 Thcss. 2. 10. and with all rf. of unrightecusness 73 28 my trust 111 L that 1 may rf. all thy works
S3. 26. they arc prophets of <f. of theirown heart DECEIVED. 75 I thy name 1$ near, thy wonderous works rf.
48. t 20. you hive used rf. against your souli Gen. 31.7. fath. hath and changed my wage.i "B. 6 should ans« and rf. them to their children
atek. 22. 7. in thee have tlicy dealt by d.
-t Les. 6. 2. or if a soul sin, or hath rf. his neighbour 102. 21. to rf. the name of the Lord m Zion
iSQ. the people of tlie land have used d. Ueut. 11. 16. take heed that your heart be not rf. 107 22. and rf. his works with rejoicing
floj.l 1.12. the house of Isr. compasseth me with d. 1 tiam. 19. 17. why hast thou rf. ine so; 28. 12 Hit 17 hut live and rf. the works ol the I^rd
12. 7. the balances of rf. are in his hands 2 .Sam. 19. 26. my lord, O king, my scrvani rf. me 145 4 one generation shall rf thy mighty acts
Smos 8. 5. and falsifying the baluices by d. Jobli. 16. the rf. and the deceiver are his Iccl.ij i 1 considered in my heart even to d all thl^
Zeph. 1. 9 who fill their masters' houses with d. 15. 31. let not hiin that is rf truAt in vanity La 3 9. they rf their sin as Siidora, they hide not
Hark 7. 22. out of the heart of men proceed rf. 31.9- if mine heart have been rf. by a 12.4 shall ye say, rf. his doinifs among tht people
horn. 1. 29. full of murder, debate, rf. malignity 7{a.l9 13. the princes of Noph arerf. seduced Egypt Si. 6. set a watchman, let him rf what he sccttft
3. 13. with their tongues they have used d, 44.20. a rf.heart hoXh turned hun aside that citnngt 41 22. or let them J. :o ui things lor to com«
. .


ItaAt.Q.^rtd new things do I J. before they spring IIos. 4. 12. my people, their staff d. «nto them Judg. 19. 30. all said, there was no such rf done
12. and let them d- his praise in the i^Iands ^moj4.13.1o,he that d to man what is his thoughts 1 A'.on. 25. 34. in very d. except thou hasthaisted
43. 9. who among them can d. this, and shew us Alts 15. 3. d. the conversion of the Gentiles 2fi. 4. David understood Saul was come in \eryd
26. </. thoa that thou mayest be joMifieii 12. d. what miracles God hath wrought by them 2 Sam. 12. 14. by this d. hast given Kreat occasion
41. 7. and who, as I. shall call, and shall d. it? 1 dr. 1.\. d to you the testimony of God Est/i. 1. 17. for this d. of queen shall come abroad
. 45. 19. 1 the Lord d. things that are right DECLINE. Ps 1.37. t 8. happy that rccompenseth thy d. to us
4B. 6. sec all this, and will not ye d. it ^
Etod. 23 C. nor speak in a cause, to d. after many Prov. 19. 17. his d. will he pay him again

63. 8. who shall d. his generation > Aeis 8. 33 Deut. 17. 11. thou shalt notrf. from the sentence Luie 23. 51 Joseph had not consented to rf.of them
66. 19- they shall </. my glory among the Gentiles /'*o/.119.157. yet do I :'.ot d. from thy testimonies 24. 19. Jesus who was a prophet mighty in d.
Jirr.S.CO. d. this in house of Jacob, publish in Judah Prov. 4. 5. neiiherrf. from the word of thy mouth Acts 4. 9. if we this day be examined of the good d
9. 12. Jie Lord hath spoken, that he may d. it 7. 25. let not thine hearti/.to herways.go not astray Horn. 15. 18. to make Gent, obedient by word and J
31. 10. and d. it in the isles afar off, and say DECLINED, EJU. 1 Co;. 5. 2. that hath done this d. be taken away
Jnrff. 19. ^ 8. they tarried till the day d. 3. concerning him that hath so done this d.
38. 15. if I </ it to thee,wilt thou not put to cleath
S!5. d. unto us what thou hast said to the king Chr. 34. 2. d. neither to the right-hand nor left Ct</.3. 17. whatever ye do in word or (/.do all in name
42. 20. what C;. shall say, d. tous,and we will doi; Job 23. 11. his way have 1 kept and not </. Jam. 1. 25. this man shall be blessed in his d.
SO. 28. d. in Zion the vengeance of the L. our G. Piol 44. 18. nor have our steps d. from thy way 1 John 3. 18. let us not love in word, but in d.
CI. 10. let us d. in Ziontne work of the L. ourG. 102. 1 1. my days are like a shadow that d DEEDS.
iuuk. 12. 16. may d. all thair abominations, 2.3. 30. 109. 23. I am gone like the shadow when it d. Geu. 20. 9- hast done d. that oucht not to be done
40. 4. d. all that thou seest in the house of Israel 119. 51. yet have I not d. from thy law 1 C/()uK.ll.t22. son of a man of K abzeel, great of (/
X><T«. 4. 18. O Belteshazzar, rf. the interpretation DECREASE. 16. 8. makeknown hisd. am. people, J'sal. 105.1.
Mtf.!>.8.toi/. to Jacob his transgression, and Israel Pt. 107. .38. blesseth them and suffer not cattle to d. 1 Chron. 35. 27. his d. first and last, are written
Zech. 9. 12. even to-day do I d. that I will render John 3. 30. he must increase, but I must d. Ezra 9. 13. after all iscome upon us for ourevil d.
Hal. 13. .16. d. unto us this parable of tares of field DECREASED,
ING A>/(. 6. 19. also they reported his good d. before me
15. 15 then s.iid Peter, d. unio us this parable Geti. 8.5.wattrs</. continually till the tenth month my
13 14. wipe not out of good d. that I have done
£eti 13. 32. and we d. unto yo>i glad tidings t the waters were in going and i/.till tenth month Psai. 28. 4. gave them according to their d.
41. shall in no wise believe, tho' a manrf. it to you DECREE. ha. 59. 18. according to their (/. he will repay
17. 23. whom ye ignorantlyworship.him d I to you 2 C// they established make procl. Jer 5. 28 they overpaiss the (/. of the wicked
20.27. not shunned to d. to you the counsel of (iod Ezra 4. t 21. make a d. to cause these men to 25. 14. will recompense them according to their (J.
Rom. 3. 25. set forth to <t. his righteousness, 26. 5. 13. king Cyrus made a 1/. to build this house, 17. Liiie 1 1 48. that ye allow the d. of your fathers

1 Cor. 3. 13. work be manifest, the day shall d. it 6. 1. Darius made a d. 12. y 7. 21 Artaxerxes arf. 23.41. we receive the due reward of ourrf.
11. 17. in this that I d. to you, I praise yon not Esth. 3. 15. the d. was given in Shushan, 9. 14. JuAn 3. 19. loved darkness,because their (/. wereevB
15. 1. I d. unto you the gospel which I preached 9.32,rf.of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim 20. to the light, lest hisd. should be reproved
Co/ 4. 7- all my state shall Tychicus d. to you Job 20.-t29. and the heritage of his d. from God 21 that his d may be made manifest, that they
Ueb. 1 1 1+. they that say such things (/.plainly that 28 26. whenhe made a d. for the rain and a way
. 8. 41. Jesus saith, ye iothed. of your father
1 John 1 3. that which we have seen d. we to you
. 38. + 10. and established my rf.upon it, and set bars -c'.» T. 22. Moses was mighty in word and in d.

5. this then is the message which we d. unto you Psal. 2. 7. I will declare the d. the Lord hath said 9. 36. Dorcas was lull of alms-(/.which she did
; uill DECLARE. 148. 6. he hath made a d. which shall not pass 19. 18. many confessed, and shewed their d.
Job 15. 17. and that which I have seen J uill d. /'/•iii'.8.29.when he gave to sea his (/.waters not pass 24.2. seeing by thy providence wortJiy d. are done
Pial. 1.1.1 wtl d. the decree, the Lord hath said Jer. 5. 22. for the bound of the seaby a perpetual d. Rom 2. 6. render to every man according to his d.
22. 22. luill J. thy name to brethren, Ueb. 2. 12. Dan. 2. 9- if ye will not, there is but one d for you 3 CO. by the d. of the law shall no flesh justified ^
38. 18. luitl d. my iniquity, I willbe sorry forsin 4. 17. this matter is by the </. of the watchers 28. is justified by faith without the d. of the law
66. 16. I zciil d. what he hath done for my soul 24. and this is the </. of the most High 8. 13 if ye mortify the d. of the body ye shall live
75. 9. but /»i//rf. for ever, I will sing praises to G. 6. 8. now, O king, establish the d. and sign writing 2 Cor. 12. 12. were wrought in signs and mighty a.
145. 6. speak of thy acts, I aill d. thy greatness 13. Daniel regardeth not thee, nor </. hath signed Col 3. 9. ye have put off the old man with his d.
/la. 5' .11.1 icili d. thy righteousness and thy works 26. I make 3.d. that in every dominion men fear 2 Pel 2.8. Lot vexed his soul with their unlawful d.
Jer. 42. 4. / uill d. it, I will keep nothing back Jviiah 3. 7. proclaimed by t\e </. of king and nobles 2 John 1 1 for he is partaker of his evil d.
JoAn 17. 26. have declared thy name, andui// d. it Mic. 7. 11. in that day shall the d. be far removed 3 John 10. 1 will remember his d. which he doth
ye. Zeplt. 2.2. before the </. bring forth, before day fass Jvde 15. to convince them of their ungodly d.
ha 48. 20. with a voice of singing d. ye, tell this Luke 2. 1. there went out a d. from Caeszir Augustus Kev. 2. C. thou hatest the d. of the >i icolaitaus
Jer. 4. 5. d. ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem DECREE. '
22. great tribulation.exceptthey repent of their J,
46. 14. rf. ye in Egypt, and publish in Migdol Jobll. 28. thou shalt also</. a thing, and it shall be,, 16. 11. and thev repented not of their d.
50.2. d. ye among the nations, publish, conceal not Prov. 8.15. by me kings reign, and princes (/.justice DEEMED.
Mte. 1. 10. d. ve it not at Gath, weep ye not at all ha. 10. 1. woe to them that d. unrighteous decrees Acts 17. 27 the shipmen d. that they drew near
£»M. 10. 2. the d. of the greatness of Slordecai Vstli. 2. 1. he remembered what was d. ag. Vashti •Signifies, [1] That tthick it a great way from iht
Job 13. 17. and hear my
with your ears d- 9. 3 1 as they had d. for themselves and their seed
. surface to the bottom, Ezek. 32. 24. [2] Th*
luie 1. 1. taken in hand to set forth in order a d. Job 30.10. and brake up for it my d. place, set bars tea. Job 41. 31 [3] Any great and tmmhuni
2 for. 8. 19. and to the d. of your ready mind /.•a. 10.22 consumption (/.shall overflow with right. danger, Psal. 69. 15. [4] Strange, or uitlmou-H,
DECLARED. 1 Cor 7.37. hath so </.in his heart, that he will keep Isa."'33. 19. [5] hidden, or secret. Job IS. 22.
Erod. Q. 16. I raised thee, that my name may be d. DECREES. Dan. 2. 22. [6] hiconeeiiahle, or incomyrthen-
Lev. 23.44. JNIosfS d. to the children of Jsracl Isa. 10. 1. woe to them that decree unrighteous d. sible, Psal. 92. 5. [7] Hell, Luke 8. 31. Kev.
A'l/m. 1. 18. they d. their pedigrees by their poll Acis 16. 4. they delivered them the d. to keep 20.3. [8] The Chaldean, or Nebuchadnezzar's
IS. 34, put him in ward, because it was Dot d. 17 7- these do contrary to the (/. of Caesar, saying army, Ezek. 26. 19-
Deui. 4 13. and he rf. to you his covenant DEDICATE. .•] -uise mans words ere compared 10 deep wafers,
2<Sdr». 19.6. for thou hasti/ this day that thou Deut. CO 5. lest he die and another man d. it I'rov. 18. 4. They are full 0/ deep uisdom and
AVA. 8. 12. understood words that "vere d. to them 2 Sam. 8.11. which also David did d. to the Lord prudent a^niseli. And the apostle situs, Rom. 8.
Job 26. 3. how hast thou plentifully d. thing as it is 2 Kings 12. 18 the things the kings of Judah had rf. 39, that neither height nor depth shall be able
i'ja/.40.U).l have d. thy faithfulness and salvation 1 Cliron. 26. 20. over the treasures of d. things, 26. to seoarate us from the love of God. Neiihtr
71. 17- hitherto have 1 d. thy wondrous works 27 out of spoils they did d. to maintain the house the most exalted height, a prospect of adtanet-
77. 14. thou hast d. thy strength among the people 28. 12. the pattern of the treasures of d. things ment in the highest slalton, nor the loniest de-
B8. 1 1 shall thy loving-kindneu be d. in the grave
. 2 CVir. 2. 4. behold I build an house to d. it to God gree of adversity and distress.
119. 13. with my lips have I d. all thy judgments 2+. 7. the d. things did bestow upon Haalim To revolt or sin deeply, dtneitt a lonfj habit tj
£6. I have d. my ways, and thou heardest me 31 12. and brought in the d. things faithfully crimes, and obstinate course of idolatry ; »t tit*
La. 21. 2. a grievous vision is d. unto me E:ek. 44. 29. every d. thing in Israel shall be theirs a profound and very great iniqvily, a crime thai
10. that which I heard of God have I d. unto you DEDICATED. has taken deep root in the soul by limg and inret-
41. 26. who hatli rf. from the beginning, 45. 21. P«(/.20.5.hath built a new house and hath not (/.it erate custom ; they have deeply corrupted
43. 12. I have d. and have saved, 44. 8. 48. 5.
Ji'd;. 17.3. 1 had wholly d. the silver to the Lord tliemselves as in the days of Ctbeah, Kos. 9.9.
48. 3. I have d. former things from the beginning 1 Ai»(^f 7.51.Solom.brought in things which David T/iey have carried on their uickedness to tuei o
14. which among them hath d. ihese things .-
his father had d. 1 C/iro«. 18.11.2 Chron. 5. 1 pitch, as to imitate the ancient crimes of the in-
Jer. .^. i;t. Micaiah rf. all the words he heard 8.63. the king and Israel d. the house, 2 CVjr. 7. 5. habitants of Gibeah, which are recorded in Judg.
42. 21. and now 1 have this day d. it to you 15. 15. Asa brought in the things his fathers had d. 19. 22, SfC. And Isaiah says. Turn ye unto hitD
Litle 8. 47. she J. to him before all the people and things which himself had d. 2 Chr. 15. 18. from whom the children of Israel have deeply
JoAn 1.18. no naan hath seen God, the Son d. him 2 Kings 12. 4. all the money of the (/.things brought revolted, namely by neglecting and forsaking
17-20. 1 have them thy name and will declare 1 Chr. 26.26. what the captains of the hosts had d. him, and seeking to Egypt for help, Isa. 31. 6.
>*'•' y. 27. he d. to them how he had seen the Lord 28. and all that Samuel, Saul, and Joab had d. Gen.1.1. and darkness was upon the face of the d.
10. 8. when he had d. all these things to them Ueb. 0. 18. nor the first testament d. without blood 7. II. the fountains of the (/. were broken up
12. 17. he L.had brought him out of prison DEDICATING. 8. 2. the fountains also of the d. were stopped
Ifi. 4. d. all things that Go<l had done with them \um. 7. 10. the princes offered for d. of the altar 49.25. who shall bless thee with blessings of the d.
14. Simeon bad how God
at first did visit
d. 1 1 .each pnnce on his day for J. of the altar Veut. 33. 13. and for the d. that coucheth beneatb
25. 14. Festus d. Paul's cause to the king, saying DEDICATION. Job. ?g. 30. and the face of the d. is frozen
Rom. i 4. and d. lo\>e the Son of God with power
. Kum. 7. 8». this was the d. of the altar, 88. 41.31. he makcth the d. to boil like a pc«
9. 17. thai my
name might be d. through the earth 2 CAron. 7.9. for they kept the d. of the altar 32. one would think the d. to be hoary
1 Cor. 1 1 1 for it hath been d. to me of you
. . Etrn6. 16. childr. of captivity kept the rf. with joy Psal. 36. 6. thy judgments are a great d.
2 are manifestly d.lo be the epistle of C. 17. and oflertd at the d. of this house of GoJ 42. 7. d. callethto d. at noise of thy water-spotit*
Jol. 1.8. w ho also d. to us your love in the Spirit \eh. 12. 27. at the d. of the wall of Jerusalem 6;l. 15. neither let the d. swallow me up
l\€v. 10. 7 the my.stery of God be finiihed a
he d. Dan. 3.2. come to (/of the image the king set up, 3. 1()4.6. thou coveredst it with the d. as with gann,
DECLAKETII, ING. Johti 10. 22. it was at Jerusalem the feast of the d. 107. 24. and these see his wonders in the d.
J:a. 41. 26. vea, there is none that d. that beareth DEED. Prov. 8. 28. he strengthens the fountains of the d.
*<>. 10. d. tLe end from the bcginiUng, and from C«. 4*. 15. Joseph said,what (/.is this ye have done.' Isa. 44. 27. that saith to the d. be dry, 1 will dry
/i.'r.4.15. a *oice d. fr:>» Dan, pablishcth afHictioD Eiod. 9. 16. in very if.for this cause I raised thee up 51. 10. thon not it which dried waters cf great «J »


ba. (Ji.lS. that led thpm thro' the d. as an horse Psal. 20. 1. name of the God of Jacob rf. thee Lev. 10. 25. the land is rf. I visit iniquity on it,27.
Eiei. 26. 19. when I shall bring up the d. on thee 59. 1. rf. me from them that rise up against me 19. 31. nor seek after wizards to be rf. by them
31. *. ihe </. set him on high with their rivers 82.3. rf. the poor and fadierless, do justice to needy 21.1. there shall none be rf. for the dead
15. /rovered the d. for him, I restrained floods Isa. 31. 5. so will the Lord of hosts a. Jerusalem 3. for his sister a virgin, for her may he be rf.
.^ma/ 7. devoured great rf. and did eat up apart Zech.Q. 15 the Lord of costs shall rf. them Num. 5. 2. put out whosoever is rf. by the dead
JonaJi 2. .3. for thou hast cast roe into the d. 12.8 in that day shall Lord rf.inhabitantsof Jerus. 13. and if she be rf. 27. 14. if she ke not rf. 28.

Wa*. 3. 10. the </. uttered his voice, and lift up hands DEFENDED. 6. 9- and he hath rf. the head of his consecration
Luke 5.4.1aunchoutin the J.and letdown yourn>-ts 2 5am. 23. 12. Shammah stood and d the ground 12. days be lost, because his separation was a.
8. 31. would not command them to go into the d. Acts 7. 24. he rf. them and avenged the oppressed 9 6. men who were rf. by the dead body of aman,7,
Horn. 10. 7. or who shal,l descend into the d. t DEFENDEST. 19. 20. because he hath rf. the sanctuary of Lord
2 Cot. 11. 23. a night and day I have been in the d. Ptal. S.ll.evershout for joy, because thou rf. them Dent. 21. 23. bury him, that thy land be not rf.
DEKP, Adjective. DEFENDING. 22. 9. lest the fruit of thy vioeyard be rf.
Job 12. 22. he discovereth d. things out of darkness Isa. 31. 5. rf. Jcpjs. he will deliver an<l preserve it 24. 4. former husband may not take her aftar rf.
Psal. 64. 6. the inward thoHght and the heart isrf. DEFER. 2 A'in»x23.8. Josiahrf.high places 10. rf. Topheth 1)

69.2. 1 sink ill d. mire, where is no standing, 1 am Eccl. 5. 4 when thou vowest a vow, rf. not to pay it 1 Chron. 5. 1. forasmuch as he rf. his father's bed
come into d. waters where floods overflow me Isa 48. 9- for my name's sake will I rf. mine anger Neh. 13. 29. because they have rf. the priesthood
14. let me be delivered out of the </. waters Dan. 9. 19. rf. not for thine own sake, O my God Job 16 15. I have rf. my horn in the dust
80. 9. and thou didst cause it to take d. root DEFERRED. Psal. 74.7. rf. the dwelling-place of thy name, 79.1.
02. 5. O Lord, thy thoughts are very d. Gen.3i. I9. the young man rf. not to do the thing 106. 39. thus were they rf. with their own works
^5. 4. in his hand are the d. places of the earth Pruv. 13 12. hope rf. maketh the heart sick Iia. 24. 5. the earth is rf. under inhabitants thereof
135. 6. that did he in the seas and all d. plMes Acts 24. 22 when Felix heard these he rf. them 59.3. for your hands are rf. with blood, and fingers
140. 10. them be cast into d. pits that they rise not DEFERRETII. Jer. 2. 7. but when ye entered, ye rf. my land
Prop. 18. 4.word3 of a man's mouth are as (/.waters Pros. 19 11. the discretion of a manrf. his anger 3 9. through lightnessof her whoredom she rf. land
20. 5. counsel in the heart of man is like d. waters DEFY. 16 18 because they have rf. my Izmd, they filled
22. 14. the mouth of strange women is a d. pit Num. C."? 7 come, curse me Jacob, and rf. Israel 19. 13. the houses of the kings of Jod. shall be rf.
23. 27. for a whore is a d. ditch, and a narrow pit 8. how shall I rf whom the Lord hath not defied:' Eiek. 4. 13. thus shall Israel eat their rf. bread
Ecci. 7 24. and exceeding d. who can find it out
. 1 Sam 17. 10. I rf. the armies of Israel this day
5. 11. surely because thou hastrf. my sanctuary
/sa. 7. t 11. ask thee a sign, make thy petition d. 25. is come up, surely to rf. Israel is he come up 7. 24. I will make, their holy places shall be i
29. 1 S.woe to them that seek d. to hide their couns. 26. that he should rf. the armies of the living God 18. 6. neither hath rf. his neighbour's wife, 15.
30. 33. he hath made Tophet d. and large DEFIED. 11. and hath even rf. his neighbour's wife
Jer. 49. 8. turn back, dwell d. O inhabit of Dedan iV;/ shall I defy whomLordhath not rf..' 20. 43. all your doings wherein ye have been rf
F.tei. 3. t 5. not sent to a people d. of lips, + 6. 1 Ham 17.36. he hath rf.the armies of the livingGod 22.4. and hast rf. thyself in thy idols, 23. 7.
23. 32. shalt drink of thy sister's cup d. and large -13. the God of Israel whom thou hast rf. 11. another hath lewdly rf. his daughter-in-law
32. 14. then will I make their waters d 2 i'jm 21.21 when he rf. Israel, Jona'han, son of 23. 13. I saw that she was rf. both took one way
34. 18. and to have drunk the d waters Shimeah, brother of David.slew him, 1 C/tr. 20. 7. 17. the Babylonians rf. her with their wnoredom
Dan. 2. 22. he revealeth the d. and secret things 23 9. when they rf. Philistines gathered to battle 38. they have rf. my sanctuary i:i the same day
LiiAt 6. 48. digged d. and laid foundation on a rock DEFILE. 28. 18. thou hast rf. thy sanctuaries by thy iniqui.
Jo/in 4. 11 hast nothing to draw, and the well is d Man ts defiled, or polluted, either inwardly, by sin,
. 36 17. they rf. it by their own way and doings
1 Cor.S.lO.the Spirit searcheth therf. thingsof God 1 Cor 8. 7. Tit. 1. 15 Heb. 12. 15 or oiifuard 43.8. they have rf. my holy name by abominatioru
2 Cor. 8.2. how their d. poverty abounded to riches ly and ceremonially, as by the plague of leprosy. Uos.5.3 whoredom of Ephraim, and Isr. is rf. 6.10.
DEEP sleep. Lev. 13 46. or by touching a dead body. Num. Mic. 4. 11. many nations that say, let her be rf
Oen. 2. 21. God caused a d. sleep to fall on Adam 5. 2. Both inwardly and outuardly, hy fdloui- Mark 7.2. the disciples eat bread with rf. hand.*
15.12. z.d.s}eep fel' on Abram, and great darkness i)i% the abominations of the heathen. Lev. 18. John 18.28. they went not in, lest they should be rf

1 Sam. 26.12. because a d. sleep was fallen on them 24. By seeking after wizards, hev. I9. 31. By 1 Cor, 8. 7. and their conscience being weak is rf
Johi. 13. when d. sleep falleth on men, 33. 13. idols, Ezek. 20. 7. By unnatural uncleanness, Ttt.l.l5. but to themthsu are rf. and unbelieving u
i^»v. 19. 15. slothfulness casteth into d sleep 1 Tim 1. 10. By theunruliness of the ton^ne, nothing pure, even their mind and conscience rf.
Isa. 29. 10. I., poured out on you spirit oi d. sleep which iniolves men in the guilt of sin, and Jills lleb. 12. 15. trouble you, irnd therefore many be rf
Dan. 8. 18. I was in a d. sleep on my face, 10. 9. the world with contentions and combustioyis 7iihen I'ev. 3. 4. a few who have not rf. their garmenti

Acts 20. 9. Eutychus being fallen into d. sleep it is not kept under government, Jam. 3. 6. 14. 4. these are they who are not rf. with women
DEEPER Man is also said to defile others. She<hem defiled DEFILEST.
Lev. 13.3. the plague in sight be d. than skin, 25. 30. Dinah, ///e daughter 0/" Jacob ; he humbled, he Gen. 49.4. wentest up to father's bed,th«n rf. thou 11

4. if the bright spot in sight be not d. 31, 32, .34. debauched her, or lay carnally with her. Gen. 34. DEFILETH.
Joi 11. 8. it is d. than hell, what canst thou know f 13. And such as commit adultery, defile their Ezod. 31 .14. that rf. sabbath, surely be put to death
Jsa.33.lQ. a people of rf. speech thsin canst perceive neighbours' wives, Esek. 18. 11. Those that -Vam.19.13. purifieth not himself, rf. the tabernacle
DEEPLY. gave their seed to Molech.ore said to defile God's 33.33. shalt not pollute the land, blood rf. the land
Jsa. 31.6. the children of Israel have d. revolted sanctuary. Lev. 20. 'S.; because such persons, to Mat. 15.11. not that which goeth into the mouth rf
//o*.9.9.'hey have ^.corrupt, themselves as in d.iys screen their idolatry, come into his sanctuary 20. to eat with unwashen hands rf. not a man
Mari 8. 12. Jesus sighed d. in his spirit, and sauh as otlicrs did ; or, because by these actions they 7l/a;^7.20. what cometh out of man that rf. man
DEEPNESS. did pronounce and declare to all men, that they Jam. 3.6. so is the tongue, that it rf. the whole body
il/«<.13.5.sprungup,because they had nod. of earth esteemed the sanctuary and service of God abo- liiv.m. 27. in no wise enter any thing J.
DEEPS. minable and vile, by preferring s^tch odious and DEFRAUD.
NeA.QA 1 their persecutors thou threwest into the d.
. pernicious idolatry before it. lev. 19. 13. thou shalt not rf. thy neighbour
Psal. 88. 6. thou hast laid me in the pit. in the d. Lev. 11.44. nor shall ye rf. yourselves, 18.24. Mic. 2. t 2. so they rf. a man and his house
148. 7. praise the Lord, ye dragon^ and all d. 13. 31. when they rf. my tabernacle among them .Val. 3. 5. against those that rf. the hireling

Zech. 10. 11. all the d. of the river shall dry up 18. 20. to rf. thyself with thy neighbour's wife Mark 10. I9. do not bear false witness, rf. not
DEER. 23. neither lie with any beast to rf. thyself 1 Cor. 6.8. nay ynu do wrong, and rf. your brethren

Dent. 14. 5. ye shall eat the fallow rf. and wild goat 28. that the land spue not you out when ye rf. it 7. 5. rf. not, except it be with consent for a tini-;
1 Kings 4.23. Solom. had fallow d. and fatted fowi 20. 3. given his seed to rf. my sanctuary 1 Thess, 4.6. that no man rf. his broth, in any mat.
DEFAMED. 21. 4. he shall not rf. himself, being a chief man DEFRAUDED.
1 Cor.4.13. being rf. we intreat.are made offscouring 11. nor rf. himself for his father or his mother 1 5<f»i.l2.3.whomhave I rf..'whomhave I oppress. I
DEFAMING. 2C. 8. he shall not eat to rf. himself therewith 4. they said, thou hast not rf. nor oppressed uj
/er.iO.lO.foT I heard d. of many, fear on every sid-" A'l/m. 5. 3. put out, that they rf. not their camps I Cor .6.7. why do not rather suff. yours, to be rf.

DEFEAT. ,35. 34. rf. not the land which ye shall inhabit 2Cor. 7-2. we have wrongd no man, have rf. no mao
iSam. 15. 34. d. the counsel of Ahithophel, 17.14. 2 Kincs 23. 13. the high places did tlie king rf. DEGENERATE.
DEFENCE. Cant. 0.3. have washed my feet,how shall 1 rf.them ? Jer. 2. 21. how art thou turned into the rf. plant
A«m. 14.9. their (/. is depart, from them, L. with us /ia. 30. 22. shall rf.the coveringof thy graven images DEGREE, S.
2 C/iron. 11.5. Rehoboam built cities for rf. of Jud. Jcr. 32. 34. in the house called by my name to rf. it Psalms, or Songs of degrees: This title is given id
Jnt 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy rf. F.zek. 7. 22. for robbers shall enter into it and rf. it ffteen Psalms, which are the 120/A, and all that
J'sal. 7. 10. my rf. is of G. who saveth the upright 9.7. rf. the house, fill the courts with the slain jolloa to the \Mih, inclusive. The Hebrew test
31. 2. be thou for an house of rf. to save me 20.7. rf. not yourselves with idols of Egypt, 18. calls them, A song of ascents. Junius anrf Trp.
5p. 9. I will wait upon thee, forG. is my rf. 17. 22. 3. maketh idols against herself to rf. herself mellius translate the Hebrew by, A song of ex-
16. thou hast been my rf, and refuge in trouble 23. 7. and they shall rf. thy brightness cellencies, or. An excellent song because of ih»

fi2.2. God is my rf. I shall not be greatly movpd,6. 33. 26. ye rf. every man his neighbours wife excellent matter of them, as eminent persons art
8918. for Lord is our rf.holyOne of Israel our king 37.23. nor shall they rf. themselves any more colled men of high degree, 1 Chron. 17. 17.
(H. 22. Lord is my rf. and God rock of my refuge 4!. 7. and my name shall Israel no niore rf. Some cull them Psalms of elevation because, saf

£>(•/. 7. 12 for wisdom is a rf. and money is a rf. 44. 25. shall come at no dead person torf.theniselves the^, they t-ere .run( uith an eialted ivice, or
Jsa. 4. 5. for upon all the glory shall be a rf. Daji. 1.8. would not rf. himself with the king's meat because at every Psalm the voice was raneJ
19. 6. the brooks of rf. shall be emptied and dried Mat. 15. 18. and they rf. the man, Mark!. 15, 23. Hut the common translation, or, Psalms of de-
33.l6.hi5 place of rf. shall be the munition of rocks 1 Cor. 3, 17. if any manrf. the temple of God grees, hat more gentralln obtained. Sonu in-
Nah. 2. 5. and the rf. shall be prepared 1 Tim. 1. 10. the law is for them that rf. them.ie1ves terpreters think that they were so called, because
Acts 19. 33. would have made hisrf. to tlie people Jude 8. likewise these filthy dreamers rf. the tlesh they were sung upon the fifteen sicyi of the ttm-
22. 1. hear my rf. which I make now unto you DEFILED. pie; but they are not agreed about the plaa
Phil. 1.7. in my bonds and in the rf. of the gospel Cm. 34. 2. Sbechem lay with Dinah, and rf. her where these ffteen steps were. Others thtni
17,knowing that I am set for the rf. of the gospel 5. Jacobheard that he bad rf. Dinah his daughter they were to called, because they were sung in a
DEFENCED. 13. because he had rf. Dinah their sister, H eailery, which tkey say, was in the cowl 0/
^uh. 11. t 2. for the rf. forest is come down Lev. 5. 3. what UDcleannesi a man shall be rf. with Israel, where sometimes the Lcvites r<rarf the
Set CiTT, Cities. 11. 43. unclean, that he should be rf. thereby late. But others are of opinion, that the trust
DEFEND. 13. 46. while the pla{;ue is in him he shall be rf probable reason why they art called .nongs of do
Judg. 10. 1. Tolah son of Puah arose to rf. fsrael 15. 32. this is the law of him that is rf. by his seed precs, «
of ascent, is, because they were ctm-
2 Kings 19.14. 1 will rf,city,20 6.lta.37.Si. 38.6 | 18. 24. is all these things the nations are rf. foted and nmg bf Ihe Jewi »n the k aiitn 4'
lUtT dtliveranct Jrom the cainivuu of Babylon, P-ov. 1. 22. how Ion? will scomers rf. in scorninfi
? which men rf. to one (hat is learned
Isa. 29. 11.
Khel/ier it uere to implore this deiiieraiice from\ C. 14. and H. in the frowardiiess of the wicked 31.5. defending also he will rf. it, and passing over
Cod, or to relHni thnnk^fur it after it had hap-\ Keel. 2.124. than that he d. his senses iu good 44. 20. he cannot rf. his soul, nor say is there not
penei. All these Psalois hai;e some relation to Isa. 1. U
1 rf. not in the blood of bullocks 46. 2. they sloop, they could not rf. the burden
this gieat event. And the tcriptiire commonly 13 17. and as for gold, they shall not rf. in it 47 .14. they shall not rf. themselves from the fiame
ayplies the phrase, to ascend, or go up, te ci- 55. 2. and let your soul rf. itself in fatness 50. 2. is myhand shortened ? have 1 no power to rf.,*
jireis this return, Kzral. 3, 5, 11. ". 6, ", 9.
| 58. 2. yet they seek me, and rf. to know ways my Jfr.15.9. the residue of them will 1 rf. to the sword
iecaiue Babylon uat situated in a plain, and 14. then shalt thou rf. thyself in the Lord 18.21. therefore rf. up their children to the famine
Jerusalem im « mountainous coiuitry. And al- Jer. 9. 24. in these things I d saith the Lord 20.5. moreover I will rf. all strength of this city
though one qf the Psalms is ascrtied to David, Mai, 3. 1. messenger of the covenant whom ye rf. in 21. 7. afterwards 1 will rf. Zedekiah from the sword
nd another to Solomon, yet they also, as aell Itom.T 22. I rf. in the law of Cod after inward man 22. 3. rf.the spoiled out of the baud of the oppressor

as the re^t, might Aaie teen used on this occa. DELIGHTED. 43. 11. he shall rf. such as are for death to death
ston,though they uere comjiosed iy David atij 1 Sam. ig. 2. Jonathan rf. much in David 51. 6. rtee out of Bab. rf. every man his soul, 45.
Solomon npon other occasions. 2 Sam. 22. 20. because he rf. in me, Psal. 18. 19 i:.:^^. 13, 21.1 will people out of your hand,23.
The apostle I'aul says. That such a.i have used the 1 fiings 10. g. the L. who rf. in thee, 2 CAr. 9. 8 14. 14. they should rf. but their own souls, 20.
officeof a deacon well, purchase to themselves Xeh. 9'. 25, and rf. themselves in tliy great goodness 16. shall rf. neither sons nor daughters, 18. 20.
a good degree, 1 Tim. 3. 13. They gain great ijth. 2.14. she came no more, except kingrf. in her 33. 5 he that taketh warning shall rf. his soij
honour, respect, and reputation. Psal. 22. b. let him deliver him, seeing he rf. in him 34. 10. for 1 will rf. my flock from their mouth
t Kini;s 20.9. or backward ten d. 10, H. Xtd, 38.8. joy. I'J. as he rf. not in blessing, let it be far from WaK.3.29.there is no other god can rf.after this sort
+ 11. by which it bad gone down in d. of Ahaz Cant. 2.ta. I rf. and sat down under his shadow 8. 4. nor was there any that could rf. from the rata
1 Chron. 15. 18. brethren of second d. with them Jsa. 65. 12. did choose that wherein I rf. not, 66. 4. 7. none that could rf. the ram oat of his hand
17. 17- according to the state of a man of higli rf. 66. 11. be rf. wiiL the abundance of her glory Uos. 2. 10. none shall rf. her out of mine hand
J-'ja/.fiO.g.menof lowrf. vaniiy,men of high«^. alie DELIGHTESr. Amos'2. 14. neither shall the mighty rf. himself
Luke 1.52. he hath exalted them of low d. /'j«/.5Llfi. not sacrifice, thoa rf. not in burnt-offer. 15. he that is swift of foot shall not rf. himsell
1 'iim. 3. 13. they purchase to themselves a good rf DELIGHTETH. 6. 8. I will rf. the city with all that is therein
Jam. 1. 9. let brother of low rf. rejoice he is exalted F.uh. 6. 6. whjm the king rf. to honour, 7,9. 11. Mic. 5. 8. who teareth in pieces and none can rf.
DELAY, ED, Elll. Psnl. 37.23. are ordered l^y L. and he rf. in his way 6 14. and thou shalt take hold, but shalt not rf.
£r<>rf.22.29. thou shalt not rf.tojjffer the first4"ruit3 112. 1. thatrf. greatly in his commandments Zech. 2 7. rf. thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with
32. 1 the people saw that Moses rf. to come down
. 147. 10 he rf. not in ihe strength of the horse 11. 6.1 will rf. every one into his neighbour's hand
Pittl. 119. 60. rf. not to keep thy commandmenis Prou. 3» 12. as a fatlier the son in whom he rf. iUaM0.21. the brother shall rf. the brother to death
Mnt. 24 48. my lord rf. his coming, Luke 12. 45. /'«. 42.1. behold mine elect, in whom my soul rf. Acts 25. 16. not manner of Romans to rf. man to die
Acts 9. .38. that he would not rf. to come to them 62. 4. called Hephzi-bah, for the Lord rf. in thee 1 Cor. 5. 5. rf. such one to Sat. fordestruct. of flesh
DELAY, Substantive. 66 3. and their soul rf. in their abominations 2 Cor.l.lO.whodeliveredusfromdeath.and doth rf.
Acti 25. 17. without anyrf.I sat on thejudgmcnt-.^e^ .V/c 7-18. retainetli not anger, because rf. in mercy 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord knoweth how to J. the godly
DELECTABLE. jU<i/ 2. 17. vheii ye say, G. rf. in them that docvil DELIVER /„„,.
Isa. 44. 9. aud their rf. things shall not profit DELIGHTS. Gen. 37. 22. rid him, to i. him to his father agaio
DELICACIES. 2 5a«;.l .24. who clothed you in scarlet with other rf. 42.37. rf./ii>M intomy hand, I will brioghim to thee
Hev. 18. 3. the merchants are rich through her rf Pint. 119. 92. unless thy law had been my i. i.xod. 21. 13. but God will rf. /nm into his hand
DELICATE. 143. yet thy commandments are my rf. Deut. 2. 30. that he might rf. him into thy hand
i)*H/. 28. 54. the rf. manor woman among you, 56. Prov 8. 31. my rf. with the sons of men 3. 2. I will rf. him and his people into thy hand
Jja.47-l.thou shalt no more be called tender and rf. Eccl. 2.8 1 gat me men.singers, and the rf. of men I9.i2.rf. him into the hand of the avenger of blood
Jcr. fi. 2. likened Zion to a comely andrf. woman Ca^it. 7- 6. how pleasant art thou, O love, lorrf. 24. 13. in any case thou shalt rf. him the pledge
yiic. 1 16. make thee bald for thy rf. children DELIGHTSOME. Judg.i.' I will draw Sisera and d.him into thy hand

DELICATES. Mai. 3. 12. ye shall be a rf. land, saith the Lord 1 -Sa/n. 23. 20. our part shall be to d.him into thy hand
Jcr. 51. 34. he hath filled his belly with my rf. DELIVER. 2 Sam. 14. 7- said, rf. him that smote his brother
DELICATELY. Gen 40.13 thou shaltrf. Pharaoh's cup inlohishand 20. 21. rf. htm and I will depart from the city
1 ia»i.]5.32. bring Agag, and Agagcamc to himrf. Lzod. 5. 18 yet shall he rf. the tale of bricks Job 33. 24. rf. him from going down to the pit
Prov. 29. 21. he thatrf. bringeth up his sen put 22. 7- if a man shall rf. unto his neighbour, 10 Psal. 22. 8. that he would rf. him, let him rf. htm
Xflwi.4.5.they that did feed rf.are desolate in streets 26. thou shalt rf. it by that the sun goeth down 41. 1. the Lord will rf. him in time of trouble
Luke',. 25. they that live rf. are in kings' courts 2.1. 31. I will rf. the inhabitants of the land 2. thou wilt not rf. him to the will of his eoemiet
1 Ji«i.5.t6. she that liveth rf. is dead while she liv. Niim 21. 2. if thou wilt indeed rf. this people 71. 11. and take him, for there is none to rf. him
DELICATENESS. .35.25. the congregation shall rf. the slayer out of yi.l4. have set his love on me. tberef.will I rf. him
htut. 28. 36. to set lier foot on the ground for rf. Dent.'!. 24. he shall rf. their kings into thy hand 15. 1 will be with him,will d.him, and honor him
DELICIOUSLY. 23. 15. thou shall not rf. to his master the servant Prov. 19. 19. if thourf. him, thou must do it again
Rtv. 10.7. how she glorified herself and lived rf.'). 25. 11. to rf. her husband out of the hand of him Jer. 21. 12. rf. him that is spoiled from the oppress.
DELIGHT, Substantive. 32 39.any that can rf. out of my hand. La. 43. 13. £.:e<-.33.12. righteous, of righteous shall uotrf. him
Gen. 34. I9. .Shechem had rf in Jacob's daughter ./im//. 2. 13. that ye will rf. our lives from death Dan. 6. 14. the king set his heart on Dan. torf. /.im
X><«f. 10.15. L. had a rf. in th.y fathers to love them IS. 7. for your God will rf. it into your hand Jonah 4. 6. might be a shadow to rf. him from grief
21. 14. and it shall be if thou havx; no rf. in her 20.5. they shall not rf. the slayer into his hand Alat. 20. 19. and shall rf. him to Gentiles to crucify
1 Sam. 15. 22. hath the L. as great rf. in offerings i" Jnd;. 7. 7- and rf. the Midianites into thine hand him, Mari 10 33. Luie 20. 20. Acts 21. 11.
18. 22. and say, behold, the king hath rf. in thee 10.) 1 after Abimelech arose Tola to rf. Israel 26. 15. what will ye give, and 1 will rf. him to you
C Sam. 15. 26. if he thus say, 1 have -jo rf. in thee 11.30.if thou shalt without fail rf. the Ammonites 27. 43. let him rf. him now, if he will have him
Ji'i 22. 26. then shalt thou have rf. in the Almighty 13.5. Samson shall begin to rf. Israel from Philist. DELIVER me.
Psnl. 1. 2. but his rf. is in the law of the Lord 1 Slim. 7. 14. the coasts thereof did Israel rf. Oen.3'2.1l.d. me I pray thee from the hand of Esau
16. 3. and to the excellent, in whom is all my rf. 12. 21. after things which cannot profit nor rf. 1 Sam. 17- .?7. he will rf. me out of hand of Goliath
27. t 4. to behold the rf. of the Lord, and enquire 23. 4. 1 will rf. the Philistines, 2. Saw. 5. 19. 23 11. will fhe men of Keilah rf. me up ? 12.
1 1^.24. thy testimonies also are my rf. and counsel 24. 4. I will rf. thine enemy into thine hand 24.15. the lA. be judge, andrf. m< out of thy hand
77. that I may live, for thy law is my rf. 174. 28. 19. the Lord will rf. Israel to the Philistines 26. 24 and let him rf. me out of all tribulatiou
i'/-oi'.8..30.1 was daily hisrf. rejoicing always in the 2 Sam.H. 16 the king will hear to rf. his handmaid 30. 15. nor rf. me into the hands of my master
11. i. but a just weight is the Lord's rf. 20. ) 6. lest Sheba rf. himself from our eyes 2 6'ff«i. 3. 14. Dav. sent, saying, my wife Michal
20. such as are upright in their way are his rf. 1 hings 18.9- thou wouldest rf.thy senant to Ahab 1 hiyigs 20. 5. thou shaft rf. me the silver and gold
12. 22. but thoy that deal truly are his rf. 20. 13. 1 will rf. this multitude into thy hand, 28. Job 6. 23. rf. me from enemies. J's. 31. 15. 59. 3.

15. 8. but the prayer of the upright is his rf. 22.6. they said, go up, for the Lord shall rf. it into Psnl. 7. 1. O Lord, save me from them and rf. mt
16. 13. righteous lips are the ./. offings the king's hand, 12, 15. 2 Chron. 18. 5, 11. 25. 20. keep my soul, and rf. me, for I trust iu thee
18. 2. a fool hath no rf. in understanding 2A'iH;tfl.l8.hc will rf.tlie Moabites into your hand 27. 12. rf. me not over to the will of mine enemies
19- 10. rf. is not seemly for a fool, much less for 12 7. but rf. it for the breaches of the house 31. 2. bow down thine ear to me, rf. me speedily
24. 25. but to them that rebuke him shall be rf. 18. 35. that Lord should rf. Jerusalem, 7«a.36.20. 39. 8. rf. me from my transgressions, make me not
29- 17. yea, he shall give rf. unto ihy soul 22. 5 let them rf. it into the hand of tlie workmen •40. 13. be pleased to ||70.1.makehaJle torf.m«
Jrc/.K.tlO. preacher sought to find out words of rf. Vhron 25. 15. who could not rf. their own people 43. 1. O rf. me from the deceitful and unjust man

Cant. 2. 3. 1 sat under his shadow with great rf. 28. 11. now hear me and rf. the captives again 51. 14. rf. me from blood-guiltiness, O God
Isa. 58. 2. they take rf. in approaching to God 32.13. were gods of nations able torf. their lands ? jy. 2. rf. me from the workers of iniquity, save me
13. if thou call the sabbath a rf. the holy of Lord 14. that your God should be able to rf. you, 17. 69. 14. rf.m«out of the mire, and let me not sink
62. 1 4 thou shalt be called, my rf. is in her I'.ira 7 1 9.tnosc rf.thou before the God of Jerusalem
. 18. draw nigh to my sot.l, and redeem it,rf. me
Jer. 6. 10. they hare no rf. in the word of the I.ord Job 10. 7 there is none can rf. out of thy hand 71. 2. rf. w<r in thy righteousness, cause me, 31. 1
Dan. 11.+ 41. he shall enter into the land of rf. 22.30. he sh.ill rf. the island of the innocent 4. rf. >ne, O my God, out of hand of the wicked
1 45. shall plant tabernacle in the mount of rf. 33. 28. he will rf. his soul from going into the pit 109. 21. because thy mercy is good rf. thou mu
DELIGHT. Verb /'i.6.4.rf.niysoul, 17.1.3. 22.20.
| 120.2.| Uy. 1.34. rf. >ne from the oppression of man
JNi««.11.8.if L. rf. in us, will bring us info this land 7 2. renting it while there is none to rf. 50. 22. 153. consider mine affliction, and rf. me
S Sam. 24. 3. why should the king rf. in this thing .^ 33. 17. nor shall he rf. any by his great strength 154. plead my cause, and rf. >«f, quicken me
Job 27. 10. will he rf. himself in the Almighty? 19. to rf. their soul from death, and to keep alive 170. rf. me according to thy word
.34. 0. that he should rf. himself with (;od 56. 13. will thou not rf. my feet from falling? ItO. 1. O Ld.from the evil man, preserve me
Psal. 22.) 8. let him deliver nim, if he rf. in him 72. 12. for he shall rf. the needy when he crieth 142. 6. rf. me from my persecutors, for they are
37.4.rf. thyself also in the Lord, he shall give thee 74. 19. O rf. not the soul of thy turtle-dove 143. g. rf. me from mine enemies, I flee unto thee
11. the meek shall rf. in the abundance of peace 82. 4.rf. tlic poor and needy out of hand of wicked 144. 7. rid me, and rf. me out of great waters
40. 8. 1 rf. to do thy will. O my God, thy law is 89.48. shall he rf. his soul from hand of the grave 11. rf. me from the hand of strange children

49.< 13. yet their po.iter tr rf. in their month Piov. 4. 9. a crown of glory shall she rf. to thee
Tsa. 44. 17. he saith, rf. me, for thou art my God
62.4.they lieslj f'8..3,).'the people that war 6. 3. do this now, my son, and rf. thyself Jcr. .38. 19. 1 am afraid of the Jens, lest they rf. me
94. 19- 111 mult, of tliouglits thy comforts rf. soul 23. 14. beat him, tliou shalt rf. his soul from hell

Acts 25. 11. noman may rf. me to them, I appeal

' *'" '' ""-^'''"^ '" '% statutes, .35. Eccl. 8. 8. nor shall Avickedness rf. those given to it tiom. 7.24. who shall rf. me from the body of death

'• commandmenu ||?o. 1 rf. in thy law /la.S.Sg.shallcarrj it away safe.and naae shall 2Tim.4.18.the Ld shall rf. we from every evil work
'JVo^ I
DELIVER th$t, Psal. 18.50.great J. givetb he to his king, to David i?i»n.7.0^owwearerf from the law.ihstbeine dead
Deut. 7 16. the people which the Lord shall d. thee
32.7. thou ihalt compass me about with songs of rf. 8.21. the creature itself shah be rf.fram corru(l:on
23. 14. Ld. waiketh in miditof thy camp to d.ihee Zf«. 26.18. we have not wrought any rf. in the earth 15. 31. I may be rf. from thsm that do noi briievo
Jude. 15. 12. to bind thee, that we may d. thee, 13. Joel 2. 32. in Zion and in Jerusalem shall be rf. 2 Cor. 4.11. are alway rf. to death for i^'^'J»' i.ike
1 Sam. 17. 46. the Lord will d. thee into mine hand Oiad. 17. but upon mount Zion shall be rf. 2 Thess. 3. 2. we may be rf. from unreasoiial'l'' men
2S. 12. and the Lord said, they will d. thee up Luke 4. 18. he sent me to preach rf. to the captives 1 Tim. 1.50. whom I have Satan, that they I'arii

i Kin'S 18. C3. I will rf. thee two thousand horses Heb. 11. 35. others were tortured, not accepting rf. 2 Tim. 4. 17. I was rf. out of the mouth of iiie lion
20. O. and I will d. thee and this city, Isa. 38. 6. DELIVERANCES. Heb. 11. 11. by faith Sarah was rf. of a child
Job 5. 19. he shall d. thee in six troubles, in seven Pio/.44.4.thouartmy King, command rf. for Jacob 2 Pet. 2. 7- and rf. just Lot, vexed with the filihy
36. 18. beware, then a great ransom cannot d. thee DELIVERED. 21. to turn from the commandment rf. to them
Pt. 50. 15. I will d. thee, and thou shalt glorify me (Jen. 9.2. on every beast, into your hand are they rf. JudeS. for the faith which was once rf. to the saiuU
91. 3. he shall i.thee from the snare of the fowler 14. 20. God who rf. thine enemies into thy hand Jiev. 12. 2. travailing in birth, and pained to be rf.
Proc- 2. IC.torf. M<< from the way of the evil man 25. 24. when her days to be rf. were fulfilled 4. before the woman which was ready to be rf.
\6.lo d.thee from the strange woman.the stranger Erod. 1.19. are d. ere the midwives come to them See Hand, IUnds.
Xfa.57.13.when thoocriest.let thycompanies d.thee 5. 23. neither hast thou rf. thy people at all DELIVERED Aim.
Jer. 1.8. 1 am withthee torf. /A«, 19. 15. 20, 21.
12. 27. he smote the Egyptians, and rf. our houses Gen. 37. 21. Reuben rf. him out of their hand.s
38. 20. but .leremiah said, they shall not d. thee 18. 10. who hath rf. people from under Egypt Lev. 6. 2. in that which was rf. him to keep, 4.
39. 17. I will d. thee in that day, saith the Lord Vent. 2. .36. the Lord our God rf. all unto us Deut. 2. 33. the Lord our God rf. Aim before us
IB.Iwill surely rf.M«,thou shalt not fall bysword 3. 3. God rf. into our hands the king of Bashan 1 Kings 13.26.therefore the Lord d.him to the lion

Euk. 21. 31. d. thee into the hand of brutish men 9. 10. the Lord rf. unto me two tables of stone 17. 23. and Elijah rf. him unto his mother
23. 28. I will d. thee to them whom thou hatest 31. 9. and Moses rf. the law unto the priests Psal. 7. 4. yea, I have rf. him that is mine enemy
25.4.1 vi'\\\djhee to men of the east for a possession Jorf.21.44.the Ld. rf. their enemies into their hand Mat. 18. 34. the Lord rf. him to the tormenters
7. I will d. thee for a spoil to the heathen Judg. 1. 4. herf. the Canaanites into their hand 27. 2. and rf. him to Pontius Pilate, Mark 15. 1.
Van. 6.16. thy God whom thou servest will d. thee 3. 31. after him was Shamgar, he also rf. Israel 18. that for envy they had d.him, Mark 15. 10.
20. is thy God able to d. thee from the lions' 5. 11. they that are rf. from the noise of archers 26. he rf. him to be crucified, John 19. 16.
Hos. 11. 8. how shall I d. thee, Isr. how shall I > 8.7. when L. hath rf. Zebah and Zalmunna LukeT. 15. and Jesus rf. him to his mother
Mat. 5. 25. judge d.thee to the officer, Luke 12. 58. 11. 21. the Lordrf. Sihon into the hand of Israel 9.42. Jesus healed the child and d.him to hisfathef
DELIVER them. 16. 23. our god hath rf. Samson our enemy, 24. 24. 20. how our rulers rf. him to be condemned
Exod. am come down to d. them. Acts 7. 34.
3. 8. I 1 Sam. 4. 19. Phinehas' wife was near to be rf. Joh7t 18. 30. we would not have rf. him to thee
Z)ew.7.2.whcnthe Lord thy God shall J.Mem, 23. 17. 35. I smote him and rf. it out of his mouth Aclsl. 10. God rf. him out of all his afflictions
Joth. 11.6. to-morrow will I d. them up all slain 30. 23. who rf. the company that came against us 12.4. Herod d.him to four quaternions of soldieri
Judg. 11. 9- and if the Lord d. them before me 2 Sam. 21. 6. let seven of Saul's sons be rf. to us DELIVERED me.
20. 28. to-morrow I will d. them into thine hand 1 Kings 3. 17. and T was rf. of child with her Eiod. 18. 4. God rf. me from the sword of PharaoU
1 &jm.l4.37.wiltthourf.</i.2.Sa»/!.5.19.1C7jr.l4.10. 18. third day after I was rf. this woman was rf. Judg. 12. 3. and when I saw that ye rf. me not
\Kings 8. 46. and d. th. to the enemy ,2 Kinps 21.14. 2 Kings 19. 11. and shalt thou be rf. f Isa. 37. 11. 1 Sam. 17.37. the Lord that rf. me from the lion
2 Kings 3. 10. to d. th. into the hand of Moab, 13. 1 Chr. 11. 14. rf. that parcel and slew Philistines 2 Sam. 22. 18. he rf. me from my strong enemies
1 Chron. 14.10.L. said, I will d. them intothy hand 16. 7. then on that day David rf. this psulm 20. he because delighted in me, Pxfl/.18.19.
S Chron. 6. 36. and d. th. over before their enemies 2 Chr. 23. 9. Jehoiada rf. to the captains shields 49. thou hast from violent man, /'j(i/.18.48.
25. 20. for it came of God, that he might d. them 34. 9. they rf. money was brought into house of G. 2 Kitip 22.10.nilkiah the priest hath rf. me 3. book
Neh. 9. 28. and many times didst thou rf. them 15. and Hilkiah rf. the book to Shaphan Job lb. 11. God hath rf. me to the ungodly
Job 5. 4. crushed, neither is there any to d. them Ezra 5. 14. the vessels were rf. to Sheshbazzar Psal. 18. 17. he rf. me from my strong enemifs
Psal. 22. 4. they trusted, and thou didst </. ihctn 8. 36. and they rf. the king's commissions 43. hast rf. me from the strivings of the people
37- 40. the Lord shall help them, and d. them Jvba. 30. it is rf. by the pureness of thine bandj 34. 4. the Lord heard and rf. me from all my fear*
106. 43. many times did he d. them they provoked 23. 7. soshould I be rf. for tver from my judge 54. 7. for he hath rf. me out of all trouble
Proi».11.6.the righteousness of upright shall d. tliem 29.i2.becauselrf.the poor that cried, and fatherless John 19. 11. he that rf. me to thee hath greater sia
12. 6. the mouth of the upright shall d. them Psal. 22. 5. they cried to thee, and were rf. 2 Tim. 3. 11. but out of them all the Lord rf. m4
24. 11 forbear to d. them that are drawn to death
. 33. 16. a mighty man is not rf. by much strength DELIVERED thee.
Isa. ly. 20. he shall send a Saviour and d. them 55. 18. he hath rf. my soul in peace from battle 1 Sam. 24. 10. the Lord rf. thee to-day into mj- hand
Jer. 24. 9. I will d. them to be removed, 29. 18. 56.13.hastrf. my soul' from death, 86. 13. IIS.8. 2 Sam. 12. ~. and I rf. thee out of the handot Siul

29. 21. d. <A. into hand of Nebuchadrezzar, 46. 2t). 60. 5. that thy beloved may be rf. 108. o. Psal. 81. 7. thou calledst in trouble, and I d.thee
Ettk. 7.15.their gold shall not rf. ihetn, Zeph. 1.18. 69. 14. let me be rf. from them that hate me Ezek. 1(5. 27. I rf. f/jce to will of them that hate tbe«
34.12. so will I seek and rf. them out of all places 78. 61. fsnd rf. his strength into captivity John 18. 35. the chief priests rf. t/iee unto me
Amos 1 .6.they carried away to rf. them up to Edom Prov. 11. 8. the righteous is rf. out of trouble DELIVERED them.
iech. 11. 6. out of their hand I will not rf. them 9- but through knowledce shall the just be rf. Eiod. 18. 8. Moses told how the Lord rf. them
Act.i7. 25. that God by his hand would rf. ihem 21. but the seed of the righteous shall be rf. Pent. 5. 22. in tables of stone, and rf. them to mo
lleh. 2. 15. and rf. them who through fear of death 28. 26. but whoso waiketh wisely shall be rf. Judg. 3. 9. Lord raised up a deliverer, who rf. them
DELIVER us. Ecct.{). 15. poor wise man by wisdom he rf. the city 2 Kings 19. 12. gods of nations rf. them, Isa.ST. 12.
Deut. rf.Hj into hand of Amorites, Josh.1.1. Isa. 20.6. forhelptobe rf. from the king of Assyria 2 C7ir.29.8.hath rf. r/i<m to trouble, toastonishmcul
iujg. 10. 15. rf. us only, we pray thee, this day 29. 12. the book is rf. to him that is not learned Psal. 78. 42. when he rf. them from the enemy
ZO. 13. rf. us the men, the children of Belial 36. 19. and have theyrf. Samaria out of my hand .'
107. 6. and he rf. them out of their distresses
1 Sam. 4. h. woe to us, who shall rf. us out of hand 38. 17. thou hast rf. it from the pit of corruption 20. and he rf. them from their dcstrcctions
12. 10. but now rf. us out of hand of our enoniies 49. 24. or shall the lawful captive be rf. .' Isa. 34. 2. he hath rf. them to the slaughter
2 Kings 18.30.the L. will rf. us, 32. Isa. 36. 15, 18. 25. and the prey of the terrible shall be rf. Ezek.lf).11. rf. them to cause them to pass thro' firo
1 Chron. 16. 35. save and rf. us from the heathen 66. 7. before fain came, she was rf. of a man-child ;Ua/. 25. 14. called servants, and /Aem his goods
8 Chron. 32. 11. saying, the L. our God shall rf. us Jer. 7. 10. \;e are rf. to do all these abominations Luke 1.2. even as they rf. ,'hem to us eye-witnesses
Psal. 79. 9- <"id rf. us, and purge away our sins CO. 13. for he hath rf. the soul of the poor 19.13. he rf. them ten pounds, and said, occupy till
Jer. 43. 3. to rf. ju into the hand of the Chaldeans 32. 16. now when 1 had rf. the evidence to Baruch ^hls 16.4. they rf. Ihem the decrees for to keep
Lam. 5. 8. none that doth rf. us out of their hand Ezek. 3. 19. but thou hast rf. thy soul, 21. 33.9. |
1 Cor. 11. 2. keep ordinances, as I rf. them to yuu

Dan. 3. 17. ourGod is able to rf. us, and will rf. us 14. 16. as I live, they only shall be rf. 18. 2 Pet. 2. 4. and rf. ihem into chains of darkness
Ulic. 5. 6. thus shall he rf. us from the Assyrians 17- 15. or shall he break the covenant and be rf. .' DELIVERED u,i.

Mat. 6. 13. but rf. us from evil, Jjuke 11. 4. 31. 14. for they are all rf. unto death to the earth Niim.Cl. 3. and the Lord rf. up the Canaanitej
2 Cor. 1.10. in whom we trust that he will yet rf. us .32.20. she is rf. to the sword, draw her mtdtitudcs Josh. 10. 12. when the U.d.vp Amorites before Isr.
Gal. 1.4. that he might rf. us from this evil world Dan. 3. 28. and rf. his servants that trusted in him 2 Sam. 18. '.'8. rf. up the men that lilt up their h.ind
DELIVER vow. 6. 27. v.ho rf. Daniel from the power of the lions .hiios 1.9. because they rf. up the captivhy to I'.dom will I rf. y. your brother, shall traffic 12. I. at that time thy people shall be rf. 06ad. 14.nor shouldesthave rf.ii;; those remain
Lei 26.26. they shall rf. you your bread by weight
. Joel 2. 32. shall call on name of the I^rd shall be rf. Mat. 4. 1 12. heard that John was rf. up into prison
Jud;. 10. 11. did not I rf. you from the Egyptians r /Imos 9. 1. and he that escapeth shall not be rf. 3. 13. hath glorified his Son whom ye rf. v/i
13. ye have forsaken me., I will rf. you no moie Mic. 4. 10. go to Babylon, there shalt thou be rf. Rom. 8. 32. spared not his Son, but rf. him uy for us
14. let them rf. you in the time of tribulation Ilab. C. 9. that he may be rf. from the power of evil 1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have d.up the kingdom
1 Sam. 7. 3. he will rf. you from the Philistines /1/a/. 3. 15. yea, they that tempt God are even rf. lieu. 20. 13. death and hell rf. up the dead in them
S Kings 17.39. he shall d.y. from all your enemies AJat.i 1.27. all things are rf. to me of my Father, no DELIVERED us.
18. 29. shall not be able to rf. you out of his hand man knoweth Son but the Father, Luke 10. 22 Exod. 2. 19. an Egyptian rf. us from the shepherds
£ Chron. 32. 14. be able to rf. yon out of mine hand 27. 58. Pilate commanded the body to be rf. .Ids 6. 14. change the customs which Moses rf. tu
Isa. 36. 14. Hczenian shall not be able to rf. vou Mark 7 13. thro' your tradition which ye have rf.

2 Cor. 1. 10. who rf. us from so great a denth
46. 4. I will bear, I will carry, and will rf. 't/,m 10.33.tbeSonofnian shall be rf. to the chief priests Col. 1. 13. hath rf. tu from the power of darkness
Ezek. 11.9. I will d. you into hands of stranjers 15. 15. released Barabbas,and d.}es\\s,Lnke 23. 1 Thess. 1. 10. Jesus, who rf. us from wrath to comi

Dan. 3. 15. who is that God that shall rf. von? Luke 1. 57. time came that she should be rf. 2. 6. DELIVERED you.
Mat. 10. 17. for they will rf. yot/up, ^^nrk 13. 9. 4. 6. that is rf. to me, and to whom 1 will, 1 give it / obeyed the doctrine which was rf. «f«M
19. but when they rf. voi'- up, 24. 9. JUaii 13. 11. 17. there was rf. to him the book of Esaias 1 Cor. 11. 23. I received that which I rf. yoti, IS. J

DELIVERANCE. 9. 44. Son of man shall be rf. into hands of men

0<n. 45.7.0. sent me to save your lives by a great rf. 12. 58. give diligenfc that thou maycst be rf. Xeh. 9. 27. thou rf. them to eoemies who vexed
Judg. 13. 18. tho« hast given this great rf. 18. 32. for he shall be rf. unto the Gentiles P.>«/.35.10.whorf. poor from him that spoileth him
1 Sam 11. t 9- 'o morrow ye shall have rf. John 16. 21. but as soon as.nhc isrf. of the child Mic. 6. 14. what thou rf. will I give up to the sword
B Snm. 19. t C. the rf. was turned into mourning 18. 36. that I should not be rf. to the Jews Mat. 25. 20. I^rd, thou rf. unto nic five talent"
3 Kings 5.1. by him the lj)Tti had given rf. to .Syria Ai-ts 2. 23. him being rf. by the counsel of God 22. and said. Lord, thou rf. unto me two talents
IS. 17. the arrow of the Lord's rf. of rf. from Syria 15. 30. Judas and Silas carne to Ant. and rf. epistle DELIVERER.
1 Chron. 11. 14. the Ix>rd saved them by a gi;e:it rf. 23. 33. and they rf. the epistle to the governor Jiid:. 3. 9. the Lord raised np a rf. to Israel, 15.
i Chron. 12.7- but I will grant them some rf. 27. 1. they rf. Paul to one Julius, a centurion 18. 28. there was no rf. S Sam. 14. t 6. Pial. 7.»2.
t'tra g. 13. and hast given us such a rf. as this 28. 17. yet was I rf. prisoner from Jerusalem S .Sum. 22.2. the Lord is my rock and rf. Ptal. 18.i
EifA. 4. 14. then sball there rf. arise to the Jew* Horn. 4.S5. was «. for our offences and im^cdagain Psal. 40. 17- thou art my help aod mj d, 70. 6.
Psal. 144.S. my fortress, my hign tower, and my <} J
DENOUNCE. Proi. jC. 6. when he is old he will not d. from
AcU 1. 35. the same did Ood send to be a rf. I>^u«. 3.1.18. 1 rf.inisday.that ye shall surelyperish 27. 22. yet will not his foolishness rf. from hin;
DEPART. Jst. 54. 10. but my kindness shall not rf. from thee
Horn il. U!6. there shall come out of Sioo the J.
DELIVEREIH. Gen. 13. y. if thou rf. to the nght.hand. I will go 59.21. my COY. my Spirit, and words, shall not d
15. he i. the poor in his affliction, opens cars
"56. Etod. 18. 27 Moses let his father-in-law rf. Jer.32.40.put my fear,that they shall not rf.from me
J'lal. 18. 48. he d. me from mine enemies 33. 1. rf. thou and the people thou hast brought up 37. 0. the Chaldeans, for they shall not rf.
34 7. about them that fear him, and d. them jVum. 10.30. I will rf. to mine own land and kindred Mai. 14. 16. thev need not rf. give ye them to eat
17. the Lord d. them out of all their troubles, 19. Deiii.g. 7 from the day thou didst rf. out of Egypt
Luke 4. 42. stayed him, that should not rf.from then
97. 10. he d. them out of the hand of the wicked y<« Joshua let the inheritance 12.59. ihoislislt n/rf. thence, till thou hast paid
141. 10. who d. David from the hurtful sword Judg. ig. 5. the Levite rose up to rf. 7. 8,9. DEPARIED.
Prov. 10. 0. rishteousness d. from death, 11. 4. 1 ^m. 22.5. and God said, abide not in the hold, rf. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham rf. as the Lord had spoken
14. 25. a true witness d. souls, but a deceitful 29. 10. as soon as ye be up and have light, a. 14. 12. they took Lot and rf. |j21.14. Hagarrf.
,31. 24. and she d. girdles unto the merchant 1 1 David and his men rose up to rf. in the mom. 24.10. Eliezer rf.H 26.17. Isaac rf.| 31 .55. Labon A

Jfa. 42. 22. they are for a prey, and none d. 30. 22. that they may lead them away and rf. 37. 17. and the man said, they are rf. hence
Dan. 6. 27. God </. and rtscueth, andworketh signs iivim. 11. 12. and to-morrow I will let tliee rf. 42. 26. they laded their asses with com and d.
Amos 3. * 12. as shepherd d. out of mouth of lion 15 14. make speed to rf. lest he overtake us 45. 24. he sent his brethren away, and they rf.
DELIVERING. 1 Kings 12.5. rf. for three days, then come ag. to me Num. 12. 9. anger of the L. was kindled, and he d-
Esod. 5. + 23. d. thou hast not delivered thy peop. Job 20. 28. the increase of his house shall rf. 22. 7. and the elders of Moab and Midian rf.
Luie up to synagogues and into prisons J.'a. 11. 13. the envy also of Ephraim shall rf. Josh. 2. 21. she sent the spies away, and they rf
Acts 12. 4. d. into prisons both men and women 52.11. rf. ye, rf. ye, go out from thence, iam.4.15. Judg. g. 55. rf. every man to his place,8'Siim.6.19.
26. 17. d. thee from the people and the Gentiles 5t. 10. for the mountains shall rf. and the hills 18. 7. then the five men rf. and came to Laish, 21
DELIVERY. Jer. 50. 3. they shall rf. both man and beast 19. 10. the Leviterf. |121. 24. Israel rf. thence
La. 26. 17. that draweth near the time of her d. il/iV. 2. 10. arise ye, and rf. this is not your rest 1 Sam. 6. 6. did they not let Israel go, and they rf'

DELL'SIUN. Zeeh. 10. 11. the sceptre of Egypt shall rf. away 20.42. David rf. 22. 1.5. 112 Aam. 12 15.soNath.rf.
V T/iess. 2. 11. God shall send them strong d. AIai.S.3i. would rf. out of their coasts, Mark 5.1'. 2 Sam. 19.24. nor washed from the day the king rf,
DELUSIONS. 10.14. when ye rf. out of that house or city, shake 1 Kings 12. 5. and the people rf. 2 Chron. 10. 5.
Jsa. 66. 4.1 also will choose their rf. and bring fears off the dost of your feet, Mark 6. 1 1. Luke 9. 4. 14. 17. and Jeroboam's wife arose and rf. to Tiraa
DE.MAND.' Luke 2. 29. now lettest thou thy servant rf. in peace 19. 19. Elijah rf. and found Elisha, 2 Ktnes 1. 4
OuH. 4. 17. the d. by the word of the holy ones 13. 31. rf. hence, for Herod will kill thee 20. 9. the messengers rf. and brought word agaic
DE.MAND, KD. 21. 21. let them which are in the midst rf. out of il 38. so the prophet rf. and waited for the king
Exod. 5. 14. d. why have ye not fulfilled your task ? Jo/iH 7. 3. they said rf. hence and go into Judea 2 A'i«!;.f5.5.Naam.rf.|| 10.12. Jehu arose and rf. 15.
2 Sam. 11.7. David d. of Uriah how Joab did 13.1. when Jesus knew he should rf. out of world 19. .'(i. so Sennacherib rf. and went, Isa. 37. 37.
.M.-i8.3. I will </.ofthee,answerthnn, 40.7. 42.4. ifi. 7. but if I rf. I will send him unto you I C/ir. 16. 43. all people rf. every man to his house

Han. 2.27. the secret which the king hath d. Acts 16. 36. now therefore rf. and go in peace 21. 4. wherefore Joabrf. and went through Israel
Mat. 2. 4 ne d. where Christ should be bom 39. and desired them to rf. out of the cily :CliT. CI. 20. Jehoram rf. without being desired
J.u/re 3. 14. the soldiers d. of him, what shall we do 20.7. Paul preach, to (hem ready to rf. on morrow Psal. 105. 38. Egypt was glad when they rf.
17. SO. and when he was d. of the Pharisees 22.21. rf. for I will send thee to the Gentiles ha. 38. 12. mine age is rf. and removed from me
/lets 21. 33. the chief captain d. who he was 25. 4. that he himself would rf. shortly there y<r.41.10. Ishmael rf. logo over to the Ammonites
DE.MONSl RATION. 27. 12. the more part advised to rf. ihence also /.am. 1.0. from daughter of Zjon all her beauty isrf.
J Cot. 2. 4. but in d. of the Spirit, and of power 1 Cor. 7. 11. but if she rf. let her remain unmarried A/B/.2.9.when had heard ihe king, wise men rf. 12.
DEN, S. 15. but if the unbelieving rf. let him rf. 14. Joseph and Wary arose, and rf. into Egypt
Jud;. 6. 2. the children of Israel made them d. PAil. 1. 23. a desire to rf. and to be with Christ 4.12.Jesusrf. 9. 27. I
11. I. 12. g.
13.53. 14..| |

Job 37. 8. then the beasts go into d. and remain Jam. 2. 16. say to them, rf. in peace, be ye clothed 13. 15.21,29. 10.4. 19.15.

38. 40. when they couch in their d. and abide DEPART /ram. 27.5.JnJasrf. Luke his house

I'tal. 10. 9. he lieth in wait as a lion in his d. Lxod. S. 1 1 and the frogs shall rf. from thee
. Mark 1. 35. Jesus rf. f). 46. 8. 13. L:ike 4. 42.

104. 22. they lay themselves down in their d. 29. that the swarms of flies may rf./rom Pharaoh Julin 4. 3, 43. 6. 15. 12. .36
| |

(,'ant. 4.0. look from Shenir, from the lion's d. 21 .22. hurt a woman, so that her fruit rf. from her Lule 5. 25. he rf. to his own house, glorifying God
laa. 11.8. shall put his hand on theeockatrice d, f.^!'. 25. 41. and then shall he d.from thee 7. 24. when the messengers of John were rf.
32. 14. the towers shall be for d. for ever yum. 16. 26. d.from the tents of these wicked men 8. .35 the man out of whom the devils were «'.
Jer. 7. 1 1 is this house become a d. of robbers ?
. Dent. 4. 9. take heed, lest they rf. from thy heart 10 30. the thieves wounded him and rf.
9- 11. 1 will make Jerusalem a d. of drasons Jud;.'.3. who is fearful, let him rf. yVcm Gilead 35. on the morrow when the Samaritan rf.
10. 22. to make the cities of Judah a d. of dragons 1 irim. 15. fi. rf. /rum the Amalekites, lest I destroy John 5.15.lhemanrf. and told the Jews it was Jesus
Dan. 6. 7. he shall be cast into the d. of lions, 12. 2 6em. 12. 10. the sword shall never rf/rem thy house .-lets 10 7. when the angel rf. 11.25. Barnabas rf. |!

16. and they cast him into the d. of lions 20 21. deliver Sheba, and I will d.j'rom the city 12. 17. Peter rf. || 13. 4. they rf. to Seleucia
19. the king arose and went in haste to the d. 1 A'lHfv 15.19. that he may rf./roni me, 2 C/ir.lti.3. 14.20. Paul rf.|[15..3y. Paul and Barnabasrf.asnnder
23. ihty should take Daniel up oivt of the d. 2 Ckr. 18. 31. and God moved iheni to rf. from him 16.40. Paul and Silasrf.|118.7. Paulrf.2.3. [ 20.1,11.
24. and they cast them into the d. of lions Job 21. U. they say to God, d.from us, 22. 17. 21. 5. we rf. and went our way, 8. 28. 10, 11. |

Amos 3. 4. will a young lion cry out of his d. ? 28. 28. and to d.from evil is understanding 28 29. when he said these words, the Jews rf.
.VflA.2. 12. the lion filled his d. with ravin Psal. 0.8. d from me, all ve workers of iniquity, 27'i»i.4.10.Demasforsakenme,isrf.ioThessalonic<>
.l/a/ house be called house of prayer, but .Va/. 7. 23. Luke 13.27. Phil. 15. for perhaps he therefore rf. for a season
ye have made it arf. of thieves, Mark 11. 17. 34. 14. rf. from evil, and do good, .37- 27. Rev. 6. 14. and the heaven rf. as a scroll rolled
Htb.lX. S8. they wandered in deserts and in d. 101.4. a f'roward heart shall d.from me DEPARTED /rtfm.
Iitt.6. 15. bondman and freeman hid themsel. in d. 119- 115. rf. /rom me, ye evil doers, for I will keep Gen. 26.31 they arose and rf. from Isaac in peace
DENY. 139. 19. d.from me therefore, ye bloody men 31. 40. iImis was I, my sleep d.from mine eyes
Joth. 24. 27. be a witness, lest ye d. your God Prov. 3. 7. fear the Lord, and d. from evil Ejod. 19. 2. they were rf./. Rephidim, A'Kin.33.15.
1 Kings 2. 16. I ask of thee, d. me not, /Vop.30.7. 13 14. to rf. /rum the snares of death, 14.27. .35. 20. all Israel d.from the presence of Moses
Job 8. 18. if he destroy him, then it shall d. him 19. but it is abomination to fools to d.from evil Lei'. 13. 58. if the plague be d.from ihem, then
Prov. 30. 9. lest I be full and d. thee, and say 15. 24. that he may rf. /rimihcll beneath -Viim. 10 33. they d.from the mount of the Lord
Mat. 10. 33. whosoever shall d. me, him will 1 d. 16. 6. by the fear of the Lord men d. from evil 12. 10 the cloud d.from off the tabernacle
Ifi. 24. let him d. himself, Mark 8. 34. Lvke 9. 23. 17. the highway of the upright is to rf. from evil 14. 9- their defence is d.from them, fear not
26. 34. Jesus said tohim.before the cockcrow thou /'(7. 14. 25. his burden d.from off iheir snoulders 3.3. 3. they d.from Kameses 6. d.from Siiccolh

shalt d. me thrice, 75. Mark 14.30.72. Jer. 6. 8. be instructed, lest my soul rf. frvm thee 8. d.from Pi-hairoth 13. d.from Dophkah

35.diewiththee,yet will I not </.ihee,.'l/a/-/H4.31. 17.13. thatrf./niin me shall be written in the earth All their dejmrturei set down to verse 49
l-uke 90. 27. which d. there is any resurrei lion 31 .36. if those ordinances d. from before me Dent. I 19. andwhen werf./;v«i lloreb, we went
2 7 '/IB. 2. 12. if we d. him, he also will d. us .37. 9- t^e Chaldeans shall surely rf. from us Judg. 16. 20. he wist not that Lord wasrf./. him
13. yet he abideih faithful, he cannot d. himself Lick. )6. 42. my jealousy shall d.from thee 1 Sam.i.ll. saying, the glory is d.from Israel, 22.
Tit. 1. 16. that know God, but in works they rf.him llos. 9- 12. woe also to tliem when I rf. from them 10. 2. when thou art d.from Die, ihou shalt find
DENIED. .Va».25.41 .d.from me ye cursed, intoeverlasiing fire 15. 0. Kenites rf. from among ihe Amalekites
Oen. 18. 15. Sarah rf. saying, I laughed not Mark 6. 10. there abide, till ye rf. from that place lO. 14. the .Spirit o'f llie Lord d.from Saul, 18. 1£.
1 Kin^s 20. 7. he sent to me, and I rf. nim not Luke 5.8. d.from me,for I aui a sinful man, O Lord 23. was refreshed, and the evil Spirit d.from him
fob 31. 2H. for I should have rf. God is above 8. .37. Gadarencs besought him to d.from them 28. 15. God is d.from me, and answereth menat
Afar. 26.70. Peter rf. before them all.saying.I know Acts 1. 4. that they should not d. from Jerusalem 16. ask of me, seeing ihe Lord is d.from thee
not,72..1/or* 14. 70. /,>!>(? 22.5*. Ju//H IH. 25.2*. 18. 2. commanded all the Jews to d. from Rome 1 Kings 20. 36. as soon as lliou art rf. froiH me
l.ukeO. 45. when all rf. that ihey touched him 1 Cor. 7. 10. let not the wife d.from her husband 2 Kings 3.27. they rf. />i>m him to their own lao
12. 9. who denies shall berf.before the angels of G. 2C.>r.l2.8.1 besought Lord that it might rf./rimi me 5. 19. so he d. from Elisha a liiile way, 8. 14.
J<'/.nl.20. John confessed, and rf.not.I am not Christ latter times some shall d.from the faith
1 19. 8. Sennacherib d.from Lachish, Ita. 37. 8.
13. 38. shall not crow, till ihou hasirf. me thrice 2 Tim. 2. 19. that nameth Christ d.from iniquity 2 Chron. 24. 25. and when they were rf. from hits
Acts 3. 13. whom ye rf. in the presence of I'ilaie AwDEPARf. /."tr«,8. 31. then we d.from ihe river Ahara
14. but ye rf. the holy One and the just Oen. 49. 10. the sceptre shall net rf. from Judah Psat. 18.21. and have not wickedly rf./rom my O
1 Tim. 5. 8. he hath rf. the faith, and is worse than Joih. 1.8. this book of the law shall not rf. meditate /ifl. 7- 17. from the day that Ephraim rf. from Jod.
yf«r. 2. 13. boldest fast my name, and faith Juig. 6. 18. rf. not hence, I prav lhe«, till I come Jer. 29.2. and the smiths were d.from Jenisaleai
3. 8. hast kept my word, and hast notrf. my name 2.S<im. 7. 15. but my mercy shall not rf. from him 37.5. the Chaldeans heard they rf./rffm Jerusalem
DENIETII, ING. 22. 23. as for his statutes, I did not rf. from them f.'tfi. 6.9. their whorish heart which uath d.from me
Luke 12. 9- l>ut he that rf. me before men, be ienied 2 C^rim. 35.15. they might not rf. from their service 10. 18. the glory of the Lord rf./rom the threshold
t Tim. 3.5. having a form of godliness, but rf. power Job 7- 19- bow long will thou rut rf. from me Van. 4. 31. O king, ihe kingdom is d. frtm thee
Til. 2.1c. teaching us, that rf. ungodliness and lusts 15. 30. he snail not rf. out of darkness, the flame llos. 10. 5. for the glory of Samaria is rf fiom t i

2 / >/. 2 1 even rf. the Lord that bought them

. . Psml.55, 11. deceit and guile rf. not from ber streets Mat. 15. 29. and Jesus d.from thence, and came
1 John 2. 22. is a liar, that rf. Jesus is Christ Pm.S. 21. let them iu>(rf. from thine eyes, 4, 21. 19. 1. had finishedthesesayings,herf./ro« Galilee
03. who rf. the Son, the same hath not the Father !>. 7. hear me, and rf. not from words of my mouth S0.29.asthey rf.from Jericlio,a multitude follo'nvd
JuJi 4. rf.the only Lord God, and cm XjnA Jesus ,
17.13.«Til fn» food, tvil shall n»t rf.from lu» hous* S4 1, Jesu« went oat wArf. froia the temvle


Mint. S3. 8. they i qaickly/rom the sepulchre Prer.9.18. and that her guests are in the rf. of hell ha. St. as whirlwinds, so it comech from tbe X
ilaik 1. 42. the leprosy il. frnm him, Luke 5. 13 Ua. 51 10. that halh made the rf. of the sea a way
. 35. 1. the rf. shall rejoice 6. streams in the rf.

Lukt I. .IB. and the angel d. from .Mary Lz.ek. 27. 34. thou shalt be broken iu rf. of waters 40. 3. make straight in rf. a high-way for our God
4. 13. the devil d.Jrom hiin for .1 ieason .1/if. 7. 19. will cast their sins into the rf.ofihe sea 41. 19. 1 will set in rf. the fir-trees and the pine
9. 33. as they d. Jyom him, I'cter said to Jesus liet>. S. 24. which have not known the rf. of Satan 43. 19. I will even make rivers in the rf. 20.
Ads 5.41. they J. from the presence of the council DEPUTED. 51. 3. will make herrf. like the garden of the IjoH
IS. 10 and ."onhwith the angel d.jrom h 2 &j«i. 15. S. but there is no man rf. of the king Jer. 17. 6. for he shall be like the heath in the rf.
13. 14. they came when ihey had d. from I'erga DEPUTV. 25.24.people that dwell in rf. shall drink after theia
15. 3^1. John d.jrom them from Pamphylia 1 Kiu;s 22. 47. was no king in Edom, a rf. was king 50. 12. Chaldea shall be a dry land and a rf.
17 -TJ. Paul </./>i>»/ them, 18.1. I9.9. PhUA.Vo .J<7J 13.7. fc sorcerer Barjesuswho was with therf.
| Etek. 47. 8. these waters go down into the rf.
19.1 S.diseases d.from thcm.aixl evil spir. went out 8. seeking to turn away the rf. from the faith Mat. 24. 26. if they say, behold, he is in tbe d.
lUiAti. 14. and the fruits that thy soul lusted after li!. 12. and when Gallio was the rf. of Achaia Jo/in 6. 31. our fathers did eat manna to the rf.
are d.from thee, and all things dainty arc </, DEPUTIES. AetsH. 26. from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is rf
iwt from. £ was written to rf.and rulers of provinces DESERT land.
2&W.CC.CC.I have not rf./roHi DiyG. Psal. 18C1. 9. 3. and the rf. and officers helped the Jews Dent. 32. 10. he found him in arf. /aqrf, heled hia
2 A'i«;j 3. 3. he d. nol tUerefrom, 13. C. ^IctJ 19.38. there are rf.let them implead one another Prtv. 21. t J9. better dwell in the land of the rf
10. 29. Jehurf.H»/_/>i>iii the sins of Jeroboam, who DERIDE. DESERT plate.
made Israel to sin, to wit, golden calves, 31. //«/;. 1.10. they shall rf.every strong hoM.heap dust Mark
6. 31. come ye yourselves into a rf. plac$
13. 6, n.'l 14.24. 1 15.9, 18.
I 17.22. I
DERIDED. 32.depart. into arf. ylare. Mat. 14.13. iMk&i.At.
IK. o. llezekiah d. hoi from following the Lord Luke 16. 14. Pharisees heard these things, and rf.him 35. thisisarf. ;>/<7<-*, .Mat. 14. 15. Luke 9. IS.
2C/;,-. 8.15. d. no/ /ro«i commandment of the king 23. 35. the rulers also with the people rf. him Ljike 9. 10. he went aside nrivately into a rf. ylaet
20. 32. Jehoshaphat rf. uot from the way of Asa DERISION. Di:.SERTS.
34. 33. they d. iwt j'rom following the Lord Jul 30. 1. that are younger than I, have me in rf. /fa.48.21 thirsted not when he led them through
. A
Keli. 9. 19. the cloud d. not Jrom them by day /^i/>/. 2.4. the Lord shall have ihem in rf. Jer. 2. 6. the Lord that led us through a land of rf.
Vtut. 119. IOC. have «iX d.from thy judguients
1 44 13. a rf. to them that are round about us, 79. 4
. 5. t 6. a wolf of the rf. shall spoil ihetn
Lukel.'i'. Anuarf. Tta\.from the temp. but servedG. 59. 8. thou shall have all the heathen in rf. Ezek. 13. 4. thy prophets are like foxes iu the rf.
DEPAIITED out. 119. 51. the proud have had me greatly in rf. John was in therf. till his shewing lolsr.
Ceil. 12.4. was75 years old whenherf. on/of Ilaran Jer. 20. 7. 1 am i^ rf. daily 8. was made a rf. daily
lUi. 11. 38. they wandered in rf. and in mountainj
Deul. 24. 2. and when she is d. out of his house 4«. 26. and Moab also shall be in rf. 39. DESERT.
Judg. 6. 21. angel of the Lord d. out of his sight 27. for was not Israel a rf. unto the'; > Pfn/.28.4.after work of hands, render them their rf.
17.8. the Levite d. out of Beth-lehem-Judah Lam. 3.14. I was a rf. to my people and song all day DESERTS.
1 Ham: 23. 13. David and his men d. out of Keilah £:elc. 23. 32. thou shalt drink and be glad in rf. Exek. 7,27. according to their rf. will I judge them
2 'tiam. 11.8. and Uriah d. out of the king's house 36. 4. to cities which became a rf. to the heathen DESERVE.
Hal.Q.S. ye are rf. out of the way, ye have corrupt. iyDi.7.16. this shall be their rf. in the land of Egypt Ezra 9.13. hast punished less than our iniquities rf.

Alat. 17. 18. rebuked the devil, and he d. out 01 hiiu DESCEND. DESERVETH.
DEPARTEDuot 01,1. Xuin. 34. 11. the border shall rf. and reach to sea JoS 11.0. God cxacteth less thhn thy iniquity rf

Exod. 33. 11. Joshua d. not out of the tabernacle 1 isam. 26. 10. he shall rf. into battle and perish DESERVING.
A'lun. 14.44. the ark and Mos. rf. ;io<«h/ of the camp Psa/. 49. 17. his glory shall not rf. after him Jud^. 9,lf).done tohim according torf. of his hands
DEPARTEIH. 60. 1 10. thou causest rain rf. into the furrows DESIRE
Joi 27 21 . the wind carrieth him away, and he rf. 104. + 8. the mountains to ascend.the valleys rf. 10. Signifies, [1] Longing, or aishing, 1 Sam. 23. 2&.
Prov. Il.t22. so is a fair worn, who rf.from discret. Etei. 26. 20. with them that rf. into the pit,'31. 16. [2] 'J'/ie prayer, requtit, or longing of tke soul,
J4. 16. a wise man feareth, and rf. from evil Mnri 15. .32. let Christ rf. now from the cross for some spiritual, or iodily good iltin;s, uhereal
£cc/. 6.4. he Cometh in with vanity, and rf. in dark. .Ids 11.5.1 saw vision, certain vessel rf. great sheet it feels a 7iaut, Psal. 145. I9. [3] L,ive, oraf
/ja.,'59.15. he that rf. from evil maketh hiais. a prey i^aw. 10. 7. or who shall rf. into the deep ? J'ection, Cant. 7. 10. Dan. 11. 37. [4] Hopt
y?r.3.20. as a wife treacherously rf. from her husb. 1 'J'/iess.i. 16. Ld. shall rf. from heaven with a shout or expectation, 1 Sam. 9. 20. [5] An ineltmi.
17- 5. cursed be the man whose heart rf. from L. DESCENDED. lion to, or delight in tin pleasures of life, Eccl
A'o/i. 3. 1. woe to the bloody city, the prey rf. not Eiod. ig. IB. because the Lord rf. on Sinai in fire 12.5. [6] Autfe, called tbe desire of the
ijiiie 9. 39. and bruising him. hardly rf. from him .33. 9. the cloudy pillar rf. ,34. 5. rf. in a cloud
eyes, Ezek. 24. 16. [7] Sinful lusts and afftc-
DEPAKllNG. Dent. g. 21. the brook that rf. out of the mount liam, liph. 2. 3.
Coj.35.18 ashersoul wasin rf. she called his name Jos/i. 2. 23. so the two nien rf. from the mountain Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall
£rod. 16. 1. after their rf. out of the land of Iv^ypt Psa!. 133. 3. as dew that rf. on mountains of Zion rule over thee, Gen. 3. 16. 'J'/iy deures, or re-

Js/i. 59. 13. in lying and rf. away from our CJod Prov. 30. 4. who hath ascended up to heaven, or rf..' ijuesls shall be referred, or submiiied 10 ihy hu*-
JJnn.g.S.we rf.from thy precepts,! 1 Mat. 7. 25. the rain rf. and the Hoods came, 27. baud's will and pleasure, 10 grant, or deny
Jlos, 1. 2. have committed whoredom rf. from Lord 28. 2. for the angel of the Lord rf. from heaven them, as he sees fit. Thou shall be obliged to
AJari 6. .33. the people saw them rf. and knew him Licit 3. 22. the Holy Ghost rf. in a bodily shape Such a tubjeclioH, as shall be many limes trgatust
7- 31. and rf. from the coast of Tyre and Sidon ylcis 24.1. Ananias the high-priest rf.wiih the elders thy •.i'ill, and be uneasy to ihet.
Arts \3. 13. John rf. from them, returned to Jems. Efi/i. 4. iO. he Ihat rf. is the same that asceiided Gen. 3. t 6. saw that the iree was a rf. to the eyes
20. 29. I know after my rf. shall wolves enter in DESCENDETII. l6.lhy rf. shall be to thy husband, he shall rule
Hei. 3. 12. an evil heart, in rf. from the living God Ja»;.3.15.lhiswis4lom rf.not from above.but sensual 4. 7. to thee shall be his rf. thou shall rule over liim
11. 22. Joseph made mention of the rf. of Israel DESCENDING. Dunt. 18. 6. and come with all the rf. of his mind
DEPAIMUUE. of ladder reached to heaven.and the 21. 11. and hast arf. to her, to have her to wife
Etei. 96, 18. the isles shall be troubled at thy rf. angels of God ascending and rf. Ju/nt 1. 51. 1 6'(7(H.9. 20. a»il on whom is all therf. of Israel •

8 Tim. 4. (i. and the time of my rf. is at hand Ts<i. 15. 3. every one shall howl rf. into weeping come down accord, to all the rf. of thy sou!
DEPEND. Mat. 3. 16. he saw the Spirit of God rf. Mark 1. 10. 2 Ham. 23.5. this is all iny salvation, and all my rf.
Jet 22. 2. doth his good success rf. thereon
Jo/iu 1. 3'.. 1 saw Spirit rf. from heaven like a dove 1 Kings 5. 8. 1 will do all thy rf. concerning timber

DEPO.SED. 33. on whom thou shalt see Spirit rf.and remaining 9. thou shalt accomplish my
rf. in giving food

Dan. 5. 20. lie wasrf. from his kingly throne .lets 10. 1 1. a vessel rf. as it had been a great sheet 10. according to all Solomon's rf. 9. II.
DEPRIVED. liev. 21.10. that great city rf.out of heaven from (J. 9.1. Solomon had finished building, and all his rf.
Oeu. 27. 45. why should I be rf. of both in one day ? DESCENT. f 19. the rf. of Solomon which he desired

Joi 39. 17- because God hath rf. her of wisdom .1/iV. 1. +4. as waters that are poured down a rf. 10.13. king Solomon gave to the queen of Slieba all
Jsa. 38. 10. I am rf. of the residue of my years Luke 19. 37. when come nigh at rf. of mount Olives herrf. whatsoever she asked, 2 Chron. 9. 12.
DEPRIVING. //?iS.7. 3. .Melchiscdec without father.uiother.andrf. 2 Chron. 15. 15. and sought him with their whole rf". me evil for good, to the rf. of my tout 6. but he who'ie rf. is not counted from them 21. i 20. Jehoram departed without rf.
DEPTH. DESCRIBE, ED, Ell I. 32. <27. he made treasures for instruments of J
Jot 28. 14. the rf. saith it is no< in me, and sea saith Jos/i.lR.i. they shall go through land and rf. il, 6,8. 3(1.+ la he look the vessels ofrf. to Babylon
38. ifi. or hast thou walked in search ot the rf. ? 8. Jo.shua charged them ihal went to rf. the land Job 9. 1 26. my days are passed aw.-»y as .ships of
Pial. 33. 7. he layeth up the rf. i" store-houses 9and they by cities into seven parts in a book 14. 15. thou will have a rf. to work of thine hand.-*
69. t 2. 1 sink m
the mire of rf. where there is no Judg. 8. 14. he rf, to him the princes of Succoih 31. 16. if 1 have withheld the poor from tbeir^
Piot'.ti. 27. when he set a compass on face of the rf. AV»;.4.6. even as Dav. alsorf. blcssedn. of the man 35. my rf. is that the Almighty would answenno
25. 3. heaven for height, and the earth for rf. 10.5. for Hloses rf. the righteousness of the law 33. t 20. so that his soul abhorreth meat of rf.
/ja 7 1 1 ask it either in the rf. or in the height
. . ' DESCRIPTION. 34. 36. my rf. is that Job may be tried to the end
Jtnah 2. 5. the rf.rlosed me round about.weeds wrapt Jos/i. 18. 6. and ye shall bring the rf. hither to me I'ial. 10. 3. the wicked bo.-»5inh of his heart's rf.
A/«/. 18.0. better he were drowned in the rf.ofihe sea DESCRV. 17. Lord, thou hasiheanl ihe rf. of the humble
Alark 4. 5. because ;l had norf. of withered Judg. 1. 23 ihe house of Joseph sent torf. Beth-el. 21 2. thou hast given his heart's rf. nol withheld
Rtm. 8. 39. norrf. separate us from the love of CJod DESERl'. 38. 9. Lord, all my before iliee, my groan.
11. 33. <) therf. of the riches both of the wisdom Eiod 3.1 he led his flock to the backside of iherf. 54.7 .eye bath seen his rf. on mine enemies, 92. II
Efh. 3. 18. what is breadth and rf. of love of Christ 5. 3. let us go three days' journey into the rf. 59. lO.Gnd shall let me see my rf.on mine enemies
DEPTHS. 19. 2. and they were come to the rf. of Sinai 7«. 29. were filled, for he gave ihem their own rf.
Etod. 15.5. the rf. hare covered them, they sank 23.31. I will set thy bounds from rf. to the river 92. 1 1 mine ears shall hear my rf. of the wickeil

8. the i were congealed in the heart of the sea \i(m. 20. I. ihen Israel came into the rf. of Zin 106. 124. yea, ihey despised a land of rf.
r>tnt. 8.7 the rf. thcrt spring out of valleys and hills 27.14. forye rebelled against me in the rf. of Zin 112. 8. nol afraid, till he see hisrf. on his enemies
I'utl. 68. 22. bring my people from the rf. of the sea 33. ]6. ana they removed from the rf. of Sin.ii 10. ihe rf. of the wicked shall perish
71 20. shall bring me up from the rf. of ihe earth
. 2 Chron. 27. 10. Uzziah buill towers in Ihe rf. 1 l8.7.therefore shall 1 .see my rf.on them hate me
77.l6.the waters were afraid, therf. were troubled Joh 24. 5. as wild asses in the rf. go tbey forth 145. 16. ih«a saiisfiesl therf. of every livingthiiip
78. gave them drink as out of the great rf. Pial. 75. f 6. promotion cometh not from the rf. 19. he will fulfil the rf. of ihem that feai him
106. 9. he led them thro' the rf. astliro* wilderness 78 40 how oft did Ihey grieve him io the d.t Pror. 10. 24. the rf. of righteous shall be granted
107. 26. they motintnp, they go down again torf. 102, 6. 1 am like a pelican, an owl of the rf. II. S3, the rf. of the righteous is only food
130.1. oat oftberf. have 1 cried to thee.O Lord 106. 14. I>ut lusted uid tempted God in the rf. 13. IS. but when rf. cometh, it is a tree of lila
Prov. S. SO. ly hii knowledge the rf. are broken up 7j/i.l3.21.but wild beasts of rf. .<ihall lie there, their 19. the rf. accomplished i> sweet to the soal
e. S4. when tbcrt werf so rf. 1 wa» bronght funh houses full of doleiol creatnres,34.14. Jtr-iO 30. 19. SS. tbe rf. oX • maa ia his fcindmn
Pnt. 11 %5. the ^. of the slothful killeui htm
. £rtA. 2. 13. whatsoever she rf. was given her P/.40.15.1et Ihemberf. for a reward of their shaice
£e*/.6.9.the si?ht of the eyes than wandering of rf. Job 20. 20. ne shall not save of that which he rf. 69. 25. let their habitation he rf. let none dwell
12.5. J. shall fail, because man goeth to long home Psal. 19. 10. more to be rf. are they than gold 143. 4. therefore m
heart within me is rf.
Cam. 7. 10. my
beloved's, and his rf. is toward me 27. 4. one thing I rf. of the L. that I may dwell Isa. 1. 7. your country is rf. your cities burnt

Jja.S. +10. the day of the Lord on all pictures of </. 39.t 1 1 that which is to be rf. in him to melt away
3. 26. she being rf. shall sit upon the ground
C6. 8. the rf. of our soul is to thy name, and to 107. 30. so he bringeth them to their rf. haven 7. 19 they shall rest all of them in rf. valleys
32. t 12. they shall lament for the fields of d. 132. 13. he hath rf. Zioo for his habitation 13. 22. the beast shall cry in their rf. houses
Jer. 2. 24. snuffeth op wind at the d. other heart 14. my rest, here will I dwell, for I have rf. 24. 6. and they that dwell therein are rf.
-I. + ig. how shall I give thee a land of d. f Pron. 8. 11. all mat may berf. not to be compared 49. 8. to cause to inherit the rf. heritages
12. + 10. they made my portion of rf. a wilderness 21.20. there is a treasure to be rf. and oil in dwell. 21. seeing I have lost my children, and am J.
25. + 34. you shall sail like a vessel of d. Eccl. £. 10. what my eyes rf. I kept not from them 54.1. more are the children of the rf. Gal. 4. 27.
Isa. 1. 29. shall be ashamed of the have rf. 3. and make the rf. cities to be inhabited
44. 14. the land to which yoii have a d. to return
i'«* .24.16.1 will take from thee therf. of thy eyes 26. 9. with my soul have I rf. thee in the night Jfr.2. 12. be ye very rf. saith the Lord
Jer. 17. 16. nor "have I rf. woeful day, thou knowest 6. 8. lest I make thee rf. a land not inhabited
21. 1 will profane the d. of your eyes, 25.
26. t 12. they shall destroy houses of thy d. Dan. 2 I6. Daniel went and rf. of the king t^me 9t + 10. the habitations of the wilderness are rf
8. carry into Kgypt vessels of their d. 23. hast made known unto me what we rf. of tnee 11. 1 will make the cities of Judah rf. without
Dan. 11 .

ll.t 38. he shall honour God with things rf. an inhabitant, 10. 22. 33. 10. 44. 6.
37. neither shall he regard the d. of women | |

llos. 6. 6. for I rf. mercy and not sacrifice 10. 25. they have made his habitation rf.
llos. 10. 10. it is my d. I should chastise them
13. t 15. shall spoil the treasure of vessels aid. Mic. 7. 1. no cluster, my soul rf. the first-ripe fruit 12.11. they made it rf. and being rf. it moumech
Amos 5. t 11. ye have planted vineyards of d. Zep/i. 2. 1. gather together, O nation not rf. 19- 8. I will make this city rf. and an hissing

AIic.7 .3. the great man uttereth his mischievous </. -Va/. 13. 17 .many righteous men have see those 32. 43. it is d. without man or beast, .33. JS.
i\a/i. '2. ig. none end of all the vessels of d. 16. 1. the Pharisees rf. he would shew a sign 49. 20. he shall make their habitations <r. 50. 4.
Slab. 2.5. whoenlargethhisrf. ashell.isasdcalh Mark 15.6. one prisM'-r whom they rf. I^uke 23.23. Lam. 1 4. all her gates are rf. her priests sigh

Luke 7. 36. one of the Thariseesrf. Jesus to eat 13. ^e hath made merf. and faint all day, 3. 11
Hag. 2. 7. and the d. of all nations shall come
9. 9. but who is this, and he rf, to see him 1. 16. my children are rf. the enemy prevailed
Ztch. 7. t 14. they laid the land of rf. desolate
10. 24. many kings have//, to see those things 4. 5. they that did feed delicately are the street
Luke 22. 15. he said, with rf. have I desirrd to oat
22. 15. I have rf. to eat this passover with you 5. 18. because of the mountain of Zion which is rf.
Aom.lO.I .my heart's dxo G. for Isr. is to be saved
15.23. having a great (/.these many years to come 31. Satan hath rf. to have you to sift you asrwheat Ezek. 6. 4
that youf altars may be made rf.
23. 25. and he released to them him whom they 19. 7. he knew their rf. palaces, and he laid waste
S Cor.l. 7. when he told us your earnest d. towards rf.

.lets 3. 14. and rf. a murderer to be granted unto you 20. 26. that I might make them rf. to the end
11. what fear, what vehement d. yea what zeal
Phil. 1. 23. 1 am in a strait, having a rf. to depart 7. 46. and rf. to find a tabem. for the G, of Jacob 25. 13. I will maite Edom rf. from Teman
8.31. the eunuch rf. Philip to come intothechariot 26. 19. when I shall make thee a rf. city
1 'ihiss. 2. 17. to see your face with great d,
DESIRE, Verb. 9. 2. Paul rf. of the high-priest letters to Damascus 29. 12. in the midst of the countries that are rf.
12. 20. having made Blastus their friend, rf. peace 30. 14. I will make Pathros rf. and will set fire
Kxod. 10. 11. serve the Lord, for that 5 e didrf.
34. 24. neither shall any man d, thy land 13.7. Sergius Paulus rf. to hear the word of God 35. 3. O
mount Seir, I ^vill make thee most rf. 7.
Deui. 5. 21. nor shall thou d. thy neighbour's wife 2l.aftenvard thcyrf. a king, God gave them Saul 12. they arerf. they are given us to consume
28. yet rf. they Pilate that he should be slain 35. 14. when earth rejoiceth, I will make thee rf,
7. 25. thou shait not d. the silver or gold on thrm
Judg.S. 24. Gideon said, 1 would </. a request of you IG. 39. and rf. them to depart out of the city 15. as thou didst rejoice, because it was rf.

1 Kinsis 2. 20. I d. one small petition of thee 25. 3. rf. favour against Paul that he would send .i6.3.beeause they have made yourf.and swallowed
1 Cor. 16. 12. I greatly rf. him to come to you
4. thus saith the Lord to the hills and rf. wastes
2 Kin^s 4. 28. she said, did I rf. a son of my lord .'

JVVA. 1.11. thy servants who d. to fear thy name 2C)r. 8. 6. insomuch that we rf.Titus to finish in you 35. the rf. cities are become fenced and inhabited
Job 13. 3. surely I d. to reason with God 12. 18. I rf. Titus, and with him I sent a brother 36. know that I the Lord plant that that wasrf
21. 14. for we d. not the knowledge of thy ways 1 Jo/in 5. 15. we know we have the petitions we rf.
Dan. 9. 17. to shine on the sanctuary that is rf.
33. 32. speak, for I d. to justify thee DESIREDST. 27. for the abominations he shall make it rf.
36. 20. rf. not the night when people are cut off Dent. 18. I6. according to all that thou rf. of God 11. 31. the abomination that maketh rf. 12. 11.
I'sal. 40. 6. sacrifice and offenug thou didst not rf. Mat. 18. 32. 1 forgave thee, because thou rf. me Hi's. 2. 1 12. I will make rf. her vines and fig-trees

45. 11. so shall the king greatly rf. thy beauty DESIRES. 13. 16. Samaria shall become rf. for she rebelled
65. + 9. after thou hast made it to rf. rain Gen. 6. t5. the rf. of his heart are only evil
all Joel 1. 17. the garners are laid rf. bams are broken
70. 2. kt them be put to confusion that rf. my hurt Pial. .37. 4. he shall give thee the rf. of thy "heart 18. yea the Hocks of sheep are made rf.
73. 25. there is none on earth I rf. besides thee 1 10. 8. grant not, O
Lord, the rf. of the wicked Mie. 1. 7.and all the idols thereof will T lay rf.

Prov.^.li. all thou canst rf. are not to be compared Dan. 9. t 23. for thou art a man of rf. 10. t 1 1. 6. 13. in making thee rf. because of thy sins
23. 0. neither rf. thou his dainty meats 10. t 3. I ate no bread of rf. neither came flesh Zeph. 3. 6. their towers are rf. their streets waste
24. 1. against evil men, norrf. to be with them Uos. 9. t 16. yet will I slay the rf. of their womb Mai. 23. 38. your house is left to you rf. Luke 13.35
.•icr.t 1 20. it is written, let his habitation be rf.
Jja.53. 2. there is no beauty that we should rf. him Lp/i. 2. 3. fulfillir,g the rf. of the flesh and mind .

1 Tim. 5. 5. now she that is a widow indeed and rf

Jer. 22. 27. the land whereunto they rf. to return DESIREST.
42.22. ye shall die in the place whither yc rf. to go Psal. 51. 6. thou rf. truth in the inward parts Lev. i'. 16. these shall hate the whore, and make rf.
i'aK.2.18.1 would, rf. mercies of the G. of heaven 16. thou rf. not sacrifice, else would I give it 18. 19. for in one hour is she made rf.
Amos 5. 18. woe to you that rf. the day of the Lord DESIRETH. Land DESOLATE.
Mark 9. 35. he saith, if any man rf. to be first Deut. 14. 26. bestow it for whatsoever thy soul rf. Gen. 47. ig. give us seed that the land be not rf.
10. 35. shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall rf. 1 -iam. 2. 16. then take as much as thy soul rf.
Eiod. 23. 29. lest the land become rf. beast multiply
10. 25. say to David, the king rf. not any dowry I-,ei!. 26.34. then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths
11.24. what things soever ye rf. when ye pray
15. 8. began to rf. him to do as he had ever done 20. 4. what thy soul rf. I will do, 1 Kings 11. 3". as long as it lieth rf. .35, 43. 2 Chron.36. 21
iMke 17.22. when ye shall rf. to see one of the days /c/7. 6. 11. he said, until the land be utterly rf.
2.bVj;«. 3.21. mayest reign overall that thy heart rf
20. 46. the scribes which rf. to walk in long robes J1107.2. as a servant earnestly rf. the shadow 13. g. the day of the Lordcometh to lay the landd.
Acts 23.20. the Jews have agreed to rf.thee to brin; 23. 13. what his soul rf. even that he doth 62.4. nor shall thy land any more be termed rf
28. C2. we rf. to hear of thee what thou thinkest Psal. 17. t 12. is as a lion that rf. to ravin Jer. 4.7. he is gone" forth to make thy land rf.
1 Vol 14. 1. follow after charity, and rf. spirit, gift
. 34. 12. what man is he that rf, life and loveth days 27. the Lord said, the whole land shall be rfl
2 Cor. 11. 12. cut off from them which rf. occasioi 68. 16. this is the hill which God rf. to dwell in 7.34.tocease voice of mirth, for the /a7irf shall berf.
12.6. tho' 1 would rf. to glory, I shall not be a fool I'rov. 12. 12. the wicked rf. the net of evil men 12. 11. they made it rf. the whole /anrf is made rf.
Gal. 4. 9- whereunto yerf. again to be in bondage 13. 4. the soul of the sluggard rf. and hath not make their land rf. and a perpetual hissing
CO. I rf. to be present with you now, and to change 21. 10. the soul of the wicked rf. evil 25. 38. for their7a>irf is rf. because of his anger
21. tell me, ye that rf. to be under the law Led. 6. 2. he wanteth nothing of all that he rf. 32. 43. in this lend whereof ye say it is rf.
6. 12. as many as make a fair shew in the flesh /-K*e5.3y.having drunk old wine straightway rf. new 50. 3. a nation which shall make her land d.
13. but have you circumcised, that they may 14.32. he sendeih and rf. conditions of peace Eiek. 6. 14. and make the landd. yea more rf.
Eph. 3. 13. wherefore I rf. that ye faint not 1 Tim. 3.1. the office of a bishop, he rf. a good work
12. 19. her /anrf may berf. from all that isthcreiQ
Phil. 4. 17. not because 1 rf. a gift, but I rf. fruit DESIRING. 20. the cities laid waste, and the lajid shall be rf.
Col. 1. 9. to rf. ye may be filled with knowledge Mat. 12. 46. his brethren rf. to speak with him, 4*. 14. 16. but the land shall be rf. Mic. 7. 13.
1 Tim. 2.t 1. I i. supplications be made for all men 20. 20. worshipping and rf. a certain thing of him 15. 8. and I will maxe the landd. saith the Lord

3. 1 if a man rf. the office of a bishop, a good work

. Luke a. 20. thy breth. stand without rf. to see thee 19. 7. the land was rf. and the fulness thereof
lieb.f). 11. werf. every one of you to shew diligence 16. 21. be fed with the cnimbs which fell
rf. to 29.0. the land of Eg^-pt shall be rf. they shall know
11. 16. but now they rf. a better country, th.-it is ..'f/j25. 15. rf. to have judgment against him "that I am the "Lord, 10. 12. |
30. 7.1
32. 15.

Jam. 4. 2. ye kill, ye rf. to have, and czuinot obtain 2 Cor. 5. 2 rf. to be clothed upon with our house
33. 28. for 1 will lay the /anrfmost rf. pomp cease
1 Pel. 1. 12. whiih things the angels rf. to look into 1 Thess. 3. 6. rf. greatly to see us, .is we to see yoa 29. that I am L.when I have laid the /«nrf most rf.
2.2. as new-born babes rf. the sincere milk of word 1 Tim. 1.7. rf. to be teachers of the law 36. 34. the shall be tilled, whereas it lay rf.
liet. 9. 6. men shall rf. to die, and death shall (lee 2 Tim. 1. 4. greatly rf. to see thee, being mindful 35. the land that was rf. is like the garden of Eden
DESIRABLE. "desirous. Joel 2. 20. I will drive him to a land barren and rf.
laid pleasant landd,
Gen. 27. 15. raiment of son Esau Ptov. 23. 3. be not rf. of his dainties, for they are 2fc/i.7. 14. /anrf was rf. for they
Kebekah took rf.

1 Ai)i;j 20. f 6. rf. in thy eyes, they shall take away /.eph. 2.t 1. gather together, O nation not rf.
DESOLATE places.
Etra 8.t 27. two vessels of copper rf. as gold /.i</t«23.8. Herod wasrf. to see him of a long season Job 3. 14. which built rf.
places for themselves
John 16. 19. Jesus knew they were rf. to ask him /'jvi/.lOg.lO.let ihem seek bread alsooutof
Jsa. 44. 1 9. and their rf. things shall not profit
Lam.\.\ 7. Jerusalem remembered all hcrrf. things 2 Cor. 11. 32. with a garrison rf. to apprehend me /.a.49.19.thy waste andrf.p/af« shall be too narrow
envying ."jg. 10. we stumble, we are in rf. places as dead men
i 10. hath spread his hands upon her rf. things Gal. 5.26. let us not be rf. of vain-glory,
?. 4. he stood and slew all the rf. of the eye 1 Thest. 2. 8. so being affectionately rf. of you /:;:r/t.6.6. cities laid waste.and high ///«<:« shall btrf

£«i. 23. 6. all of them rf. young men, 12. 23. DF.SOLA'JE. 26. CO. when I sh all set thee in places rf. of old
Joel 3.+ 5. carried into your temples my rf. thincs 2.S(»m.l3.20. Tamar remain, rf. in Absalom's house 38. 12. to turn thine hand upon the rf. places
DESIRED. Job 15. 28. be dwelleth in rf. cities and in houses .imns 7. 9. the high places of Isaac shall be d
Gen. 3. 6. and a tree to be rf. to make one wise 16. 7. thou hast made rf. all my company Mul 1 4. we will return, and bnild the rf. placet
1 Sam, 12. 13. and behold the king whom ye rf. 30. 3. the wilderness in former time rf. and waste 'shall he, or shall he DESOLATE.
7.f!'. 26. 22. wild beasts.and
your highways i/.a//*«rf.
1 A'ligjg.ig.the desire which Solomon rf.2CAr.8.6 .38. 27. to satisfy the rf. and waste ground
2 Ckron. 11 23. and Rehoboara rf. many wives Pm/.25.16. tuni "mmI have mercy on me, for I am rf. 33, your land thaU it rf. and your citie» waste


fai 15. J4. for coogre;atioii of hypocrites thall bed. 1 Sam. 2. SO. that rf. me shall be lightly esteemed Psal. fiy. 33. for the Lord rf. not his prisoncu
Psal. 34. 21. they that hate the righteous shall be d. t .Sam. 19. 43. Israel said, why then did ye rf. us ' Prov. 11. 12.that is void of wisdom rf. his neightH<u>
2C. none of them that trust in him ihall be d. Esth, 1. 1". so that they shall rf. their husbands 13.13. whoso rf. the word shall be destroyed
ha 5. 9. of a imth many houses ihall be d. Job 5. 17. happy whom God correcteth, rf. not thou 14. 2. but he that is perverse in his ways rf. him
15. (i. for waters of Nimrim shall be d.Jer. 48. 34. chastening of the Almighty, Prov. 3.11. //«*. 12.5. 21. he that rf his neighbour sinnelh, but he that
C7. 10. yet the defenced city jAaZ/ierf. and forsaken 9.21. though 1 were perfect, I would rf. my life 15. 5. a fool rf. his father's instruction, but he thai
Jer. 26. 9. this city shall be d. without inhabitant 10.3. that thoashouldestrf. the work of thine hands 20. a wise son, but a foolish man rf. his mother
33. 10. in this place which ye say shall be d. 31. 13. if I did rf. the cause of my man-servant 32. he that refuscth instruction rf. hit own soul
46. 19. Noph shall bed. without an inhabitant Psal. 51.17. a contrite heart, O G. thou wilt not rf. 19. 16. but he that rf. his ways shall die
48. 9. Moib, for the cities thereof shall be d. 73. 20. tboa awakest, thou shalt rf. their image 30. 17. the eye that rf. to obey his mother, raven.t
49. 2. Rabbah of Ammonites shall be a d. heap 102. 17. and he will not rf. their prayer Isa. 33. 15. he that rf. the gain of oppressions
50. 13. but Babylon shall be wholly d. I'lof. 1.7- but fools rf. wisdom and instruction 49. 7. thus saith the Lord to him whom man rf.
51. 26. thoa shall be d. for ever, saith the Lord 3. 11. my son, rf. not chastening of L. Heb. 12. 5. Etek. 21.U0. it is the rod of my son, it rf. every trea
£:e*.6.4.youraltarsjA<i//*«rf. your images broken 6. 30. men do not rf. a thief, if he steal to satisfy Luie 10.16. rf. you, rf. me; rf. me,rf. him that sent m«
29. 12. the cities of Epypt shall be d. forty years 23. 9. a fool will rf. the wisdom of thy words 1 Thess. therefore that rf. rf. not man but God

3.5. 28. and the mountains of Israel shall be d. 22. and rf. not thy mother when she is old DESPISING.
35. 4. behold, O mount Seir, thou shalt be d. 15. Isa 18. t2. whose land the rivers rf E:ek. 21. 1 13. shall not they belong to the rf. rod*
Hot .a. 9. Ephraim shalt be d. in the day of rebuke 30. 12. because ye rf. this word, and trust in oppres. Heb. 12. 2. who endured the cross, rf. the shame
DESOLATE uildemesi. Jer. 4. 30. thy lover* will rf thee, they will seek DESTITE.
yer.l2.10.made my pleasant portion a d. tcilderness 23. 17. they say itill to them that rf. me Neh. 4. t 4. hear, O our God, for we are a rf.
Joel 2. 3. and behind them it is a d, wilderness Lnm. 1.8. all that honoured her, rf. her, because Ezek. 25. 6. with thy rf. against the land of Judab
3 19. Egypt and Edom shall be a J. wilderness Eiek. 16. 57 daughters of Philistines which rf. thee Heb. 10.29. and hath done rf. to the Spirit of grace

DESOLATION. 28. 26. executed judgm. on all those that rf. them DESPITEFUL.
Lev, 26. 31. I will bring your szmctuaries to d. /Jmoj5.21.I hate, Irf your feast-days.will not smell Ezek. 25. 15. have taken vengeance with a rf. heart
32. and I will bring the land into rf.and your ene- Mai. 1. 6. unto yon, O priests, that rf. my name 36. 5. with rf. minds to cast it out for a prey
mies which dwell therein shall be astonished Mat. 6.24. hold to one, and rf. the other, Luke l(i.l3. Rom. 1. 30. haters of God, rf. proud, boasters
Josh. 8. 28. Joshua made Ahi a d. unto this d. 18. 10. that ye rf. not one of these liitle ones DESPITEFULLY.
2A'i«ji22.19.thattheyshould become arf.zuid curse liom.U.i. let not him that eateth, rf. him eateth not Mai 5.4i.pray forthem that rf. use you, inie 6.28.
£ Chron. 30. 7- who gave them to d. as ye see i Cor. 11. 22. or rf. ye the church of G. and shame Acts 14. 5. an assault was made to use them rf.
Job 30.14. in the rf. they rolled themselves upon me 16. 11. let no man therefore rf. him, conduct him DESTITUTE.
Psal. 73. 19. are they brought to d. in a moment 1 Thess. 5. 20. rf. not prophecyings, prove all things G«i.24.27.whohath not left rf. my master of mercy
Proo.l.27.wheD your fear cometh asif.anddestruc. 1 Tim. 4. 12. let none rf. thy youth, be an example Psal. 102. 17. he will regard the prayer of the rf.
3. 25. be not afraid of the d. of the wicked 6. 2. let them not rf. them, because they are breth. 141. 8. in thee is my trust, leave not my soul rf.
Jsa. 6. 1 11. till the land be desolate with d. Tti. 2. 15. speak and exhort, let no mzin rf. Uiee Pfoii. 11. + 12. rf. of heart, despiseth his neighbour
17. 9. in that day there shall be d. 2 Pet. 2. 10. chieSy them that rf. government 15. 21. folly is joy to him that is rf. of wisdom
24. 12. in the city is left d. the gate is smitten Jude 8. rf. dominion, and speak evil of dignities Ezek. 32. 15. shall be rf. of that whereof it was full
47. 11. and d. shall come upon thee suddenly DESPISED. 1 'Tim. 6. 5. men of corrupt minds, rf. of the truth
51. 19- these two things are come unto thee, d. Gen. 16. 4. Hagar's mistress was rf. in her eyes i/<i.ll..37. wandered, being rf. afflicted, tormented
&4. 10. Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a d 5. saw she had conceived, I was rf. in her eyes Jam. 2.15. if a brother or sister be naked and rf.
Jer. 9. 1 11. I will make cities of Judah a d. 34.22. 25. 34. thus Esau rf his birth-right DESTROY.
22. 5. I swear that this house shall become a d Lev. 26. 43. because they rf. my judgments To destroy, signifUs to pull down, tr ntin a city,
35. 11. andthiswhole land shall be at/, and aston. Num. 11.20. because that ye have rf. the Lord or building, levelling it vith the groutid. Gen.
18. to maJie Jerusalem and J udah s.d. and aston 14. 31. they shall know the land that ye have rf. 19. 14. The Lord will destroy this city, Exod.
t 38. forsaken his covert, for their land is d. 15 31 because ye rf. the word of the Lord 34. 13. Ye shall destroy their altars ; that is,
44.2. and behold, this day they are d. none dwells Deui. 32. 1 19- and when the Lord saw it, herf. them ye shall not leave one stone upon another, at
22. therefore is your land a d-ania. curse Judg. g. 38. is not this the people thou hast rf. .' our Saviour speaks in Luke 21 6. Also it
49.13.Bozraarf. 17. Edon: a rf. 33 . llazor a rf 1 'iam 10 27. they rf. him and brought no presents sigr.'16es, to lake azoay a thing quite, so at it
[| ||

50. 2.S. how is Bab. become a d. among nations ! 2 Ham. 6. 16. she rf. him in her heart, 1 Chr. 15. 2g. be no more ; in this sense Cliriit is said to
51.29. to make the land of Babylon a d. 12.9. why hast thou rf. the commandment of Lordr destroy sin, Horn. 6. 6. That the body of sin
43.her cities are a d.a. dry land, and a wilderness 10. because thou hast rf. me, taken wife of Uriah might be destroyed; that is, that it mig'il ie
Lam. 3. 47 fear and a snare is come oq us, d. 2 Kings 19.21. the virgin, the daught. of Zion hath ueakened end subdued more and more, until it
Lzek. 7. 27. the prince shall be clothed with d. rf. thee, and laughed thee to scorn, Isa. 37- 22. ie tjuite taken out of our nature. Sometimes it
23. 33. thou shalt be filled with the cup of rf. 2 Chron. 36. I6. but they mocked and rf. his words signijies to bring persons i/ito irrecoverable and
33. i 28. for I will lay the land d. and d Neh. 2. 19. they laughed us to scorn and rf. us uller ruin, and mnery; thus God destroys the
35. t 7- thus will I make mount Seir d and d. 4. 4. hear, Oour God, for we are rf. and turn nicked, Psal. 37. 38." 'Jhe transgressors shall
Van. 8. 13. concerning the trassgression of d. Job 12. 5 he is a lamp rf of him that is at ease be destroyed together: and Job 21. JO. The
Has. 12. 1. Ephraim daily increaseth lies and d. 19. 18 yea, young children rf. me, I arose wicked is reserved to the day of destruction.
Joel 3. 19. Egypt and Edom shall be arf. for viol. I'ial. 22. 6 but I am rf. of the people, Isa. 53. 3. God preserves the wickcJJrom the common cala-
Mic. b. 16. that I should make thee a d. and hissing 24. he hath not rf. the affliction of the attticted mities of this lij'e, only to destroy them, and
Zeph.X.Vi goods a booty, houses shall become a d. 53.5 put them to shame, because G. hath rf. them displ.iy his vengeance against them. It is taken
15. that day is a day of wrath, wasteness, and d. 11)6 24 yea, they rf. the pleasant land, belie v. not for punishing li ansgiessors by denlh,as magistrates
2.4. Ashkelon shall bearf. [19. Aloab a perpetual rf liy. 141. I am small andrf. yet do not 1 forge: do. Psal. 11)1. 8. 1 will early destroy all the

13. and he will make Nineveh a rf.and wilderness I'roi'. 1.30. they rf. all my reproof, therefore wicked of the land, says David. / ti'itl set about
14. d. shall be in thresholds uncover cedar-work 5.12. and thou say, how hath my heart rf. reproof r this ziork upon the Jirst opportunity, us soon as I
15. how is Nineveh become a d. for beasts! 12. 8. he that is of a perverse heart shall be rf. am seated on the throne, that so 1 may both
Mat. 12. 25. Jesus knowing thoughts, saith, every 9 he that is rf. and hath a servant, is better pi event all that mischief which oihei:cise they itself is brought to <f. Luke 11.1*. Eccl. 9. 16. yet the poor mzin's wisdom is rf. might dj ; and hinder the infection of others by
24. 15. see the abomination of d. Mark 13. 14. Cant 8 1.1 would kiss thee, yea I should not be rf. their evil example ; and discourage and deter ult
Luke 21. 20. then know that the d. thereof is nigh Isa. 5.24. and rf the word of the holy (Jne of Israel my subjects from the like practices. The apos-
DESOLATIONS. 33. 8. he hath rf. the cities he regardelh no man tle Paul says, Rom 14. 15. Destroy not hin\
Ltra 9.9- give a reviving, and to repair d. thereof 53 3. he isrf and rejected of men, and acquainted with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 'Jo edify,

Psal. 46. 8. what d. he hath made in the earth with grief, he was rf. and we esteemed him not signijies to iuild up, strengthen and encourage
74. 3. Jift up thy feet to the perpetual rf. 60. 14. all they that d. thee shall bow down believers in their faith and profession, by endcnv
La. 15. t 6. for the waters of Nimrim shall berf. Jer. 22. 28. is this man Coniah a rf. broken idol ouring to make them more tsise, holy, and humble,
the hay is withered away, Jer. 48. t 34. 33. 24. thus they have rf. my people, to be no more and to live more to the glory of God. On the
49. \ 6. be my servant to restore the d. of Israel 49- 15. I will make thee small and rf among men contrary, to destroy, implies a doing of that
61. 4. shall build the old wastes, they shall raise Ltim. 2.6. he hathrf. in the indignation of his anger uhich may tend to the destruction of a ueak
up the former d the d. of many generations Ezek. 16.59. which hast rf. the oath, 17. 16,18,19. believer, by drawing him to act against iis con-
Jer. 25. 9. 1 w^ll make these nations perpetual d. 20. 13. they rf. my judgments, which if a man do science in the use of things indifferent, or by
12. make the land of the Chaldeans perpetual </, 16. because they rf. my judgments, and walked giving him so great an offence as may alienate
51. t26. Babylon shall be everlasting*/. ( 62. 24. but had rf. my statutes, and had polluted his mind from the Christian profetsion. The
Ltek. 35. 9. 1 will make mount Seir perpetual d. 22. 8. thou hast rf. mine holy things, and profaned evil spirits say to our Saviour, Mark 1. 24.
Dan. Q. 2. accomplish seventy years in rf. of Jerus, Amos 2. 4. because they rf. the law of the Lord Art thou conie to destroy us r that is, either,
18 O mv God open thine eyes, and behold our rf Obad. 2. I made thee small, tliou art greatly rf. art thou come to dispossess us; or, art thou
26. to the end of the war rf. are determined /^r/i.4.10. for who hath rf. the day of small things? come to execute the Jinal juJ-ment upon tu, and to
Dl'.Sl'AIR. Mai. 1. 6. ye say, wherein have we rf. thy name : command lu: to our chains, bf tore the day of judg-

2 Cor. 4. 8. we are perplexed, but not in rf. Luke 18. 9- they were righteous, and rf. others ment ? And Christ by his deaths »</irf to destroy
DESPAIR. .icts 19.27. that the temple of Di.ina.should be rf. him that had tlie power of death, that is, the
1 -Sam. 27. 1. and Saul shall rf. of me, to seek me 1 Cor. 1.28.the things which are rf. hath (jod chosen devil, Heb. 2. 14. 'The devil is said to have the
Bed. 2. 20. I went about to cause my heart to rf 4. 10. ye are honourable, but we .%re rf. power of death, because he induces men to com-
DESPAIRED. Gal. 4. 14. my temptation is my flesh ye rf. not mit sins that meritoriously render Ihim liable to
2 Cor. 1. 8. insomuch that we rf. even of life /ifi. 10.28. that rf. Closes' law, died without mercy death ; because he inspires them with furious
DESPERATE. Jam. 2. 6. but ye have rf. the poor, do not rich men thoughts, and inflames the passions, j\om whence
Job 6. 26. reprove the speeches of one that it rf. DESPISERS. proceed strifes and wars, that efficiently cause
Isa. 17. 11. in the day of grief and of rf. sorrow Acts 13. 41. behold, ye rf. and wonder, and perish death ; because he is many limes the eseculionet
Jer. 2, t 25. but thou saidst is the case rf. / 2 Tim. 3.3. incontinent, fierce, rf. of those ore good of God's wrath, and inflicts death upon reielliohi
DESPERATELY. DESPISK.ST. and incorrigible sinners ; hence says the Psalnf
Jer. 17. 9. heart of man is deceitful, andrf. wicked Pom, 2. 4. or rf. thou the riches of his goodness.' ist, 'That God cast upon the Egyptians thc
DESPISE. DESPISETH. fiurteness of his anger, wrath, indignation, and
Lev, 20. 15. and if ye shall rf. my statutes Job 36. 5. behold. Cod is mii^hty, and rf. not any trouble, bv fending evil angels among tiiciii.
' . !


PsaUXb. 40. Hi i> /lieu-he to calltd, because Jer. 4g. 9. if thieves by oi^ht they will rf. till have 2 ^m. 20.19. 'hou seekesKDrf. a city and amothet
At rnatet death wore lormidnhle to sinners, iv 51.3. spare ye not, rf. ye utterly all her host 24. 16. stretched out his hand on Jerusalem to d,
/lei^nteniii; iheir guillu J'eais ol dud's iriiwiai Lam. 3. 6ti. persecute and rf. them in anger
; 1 Kings 13.34. sin to the house of Jeroboam tad,
andlhii liiie iiinii also ti^Hilii Im lormmiiii; din- l.zek. 9. 0. wilt thoii rf. all the residue of Israel ? 2 Kingi 24. 2. and sent them against Judah lo rf. ft
ners ^iih iitireloiiin; cnieliy i« /,«//. u/nr/i u 25. 16. and rf. the remnant of the sea-coast 1 Chr. 21. 15. God sent an angel 10 Jerusalem tod
ti'ie secouJ de'iih, 'I'/iese /leuul ei its u/iuA ^aimi 2ti. 4. and they shall rf. the walls of Tyrus 2 Chron. 25. I6. God hath determined to rf. thea
»'i'ijj tiyon maniind, are u;ion ihe arciniiil ol' uiir 12. and they shall rf. thy pleasant houses £«/i.3.6.llamansoughu<>rf.Jews,13. 4.7,8. | 9.24,

ditodedieiire ; and his inifnia /louer in ici'i/'ia- Han. 2. t IH. that they shouhl not rf. Daniel f 9- lei it be written to rf. them, and I will p.ij
lion is from our in-uard lomipiioii. The l,i>ril 4. 23. saying, hew ttie tree down and d. it Job 2. 3. thou movedst me lo rf. him without caujf
Jesus by hu death haih taken auay the giiill and 8. 24. he shall rf. wonderfully, ami rf. the mighty 6. 9- even that it would pltase Cod 10 rf. me
poaer of sin: the guili, in enduring the rune oi C5. ajid by peace shall he rf. many I'sal. 40. 14. that seek after my soul 10 rf. it. 63.
I he Inn-, iherehy aaiKl'i/in; the injuied justice or' 9.2C.the people shall rf. the city and the sanctuary 1 19- 95. the wicked hare wailed for me to rf. me
<iod; and the youer oj it, by crucirjiiigour oU 1 1. Ct). iliey thai feed on his meat shall rf. him Isa. 10. 7. but it is in his heart to rf. and cut otf
man with him, thai the body of sin might he Dhad. 8. shall not rf. the wise men out of Kdom
13. 5. they come from far to rf. the whole land
desiroypd, Itom, (j. (5. And thus our Unt tour hu Mic. 2. 10. because it is polluted, it shall rf. you 23. 11. the Lord haih given acommandnieut /iirf
his death deytrons the c'Vtl tyranny nf the deiil. /^<r;;/j. 2. 13. stretch hand agst. north, audi. Assyria 32. 7. he deviseih wicked devices to rf. the po^M
Pestruction m inktn Jor a tempvra/ death, I'sal. Mat. 12.14. ihey might rf. him, Mark'.i fi. 11.18.|
51. 1.3. as if the oppressor were ready 10 rf.
yo. 3, 1 hou Itirntsi mail to deilruction. J'or 21.41. he will miseral'ly rf. those wicked men 54. 16. behold, I have created the waster 10 d.
inoriijication, 1 Cor. 5. 5, To deliver such an 27. 20.that they should asli Uarabbas, and rf. Jesus Jer. I. 10. 1 have set thee to rf. 18. 7. 31. 2K.

one to Satan, for the deslruciion of the flesh. Mark 12.9 he will rf. the husbandmen, Luke 20. If). 15. 3. I will appoint the beasts of the earth i« rf.
tor damnation, C I'et. C. I, Aw\ bring upon Jolin 2. 19. Jesus said to them. rf. this temple 51. 11. his device is against liabylon to rf. it
ibemseUes swift destruction, j-llso for hell, the .J<yj6.14. ihisjesus of Nazareth shall rf. this place 2. 8. the Lord hath purposed to rf.the wall
place uhere the uicked are elernallu tormented. 1 Cor. 3.* 17- if any man rf. the temple of God, him Lzek.5. 16. famine, which I will send to rf. you
Mat. 7. 13, Itroad is the vay that leadeth to shall God rf. for the temple of C!od is holy 22. 27. and to rf. s mis, to get dishonest gain
destruction. lor eitirjintion, or utter rooting fi. 13. but God shall rf. bmh it and them 25. 1 5. with a despiteful heart /o for old hatre.J
out, Esth. 8. 6, How can I endure lo see the 2 VViw/. 2.8. shall rf. with bri^hinessof his coming 30. II. the nations shall l>e brought tod. the lajid
destruction of my kindred ' tor a consuming lleh. 2.14.might rf. him that had ihe power of death 43. 3. the vision I saw when I came to rf. Ihe citj
plague, Psal. 9'-*5. I he destruction that wast- 1 John 3.8. that he might rf. the works of the devil Uan. 2. 12. 10 d. all the wise men of Babylon, 24.
eth at noon-day. And for a corrupting, pain- lUv, 11. 18. shouldest rf. them which rf. the earth 7- 26. and to rf. his dominion unto the end
ful, and deadly disease, I Sam. 5. y. Destroy iai//, or Kill I Di:.Sll<OV. 1 1. 44. he shall go forth with great fury to rf.
tiguilies to ajfiici. Job C. 3, to destroy him with- Gen. 6. 7. I will rf. man whom I have created IJos. 1 1.9. I will not return to d. Ephraini,I am (<.
nut cause. 13. and behold, I u:ill rf. them with the earth iiech. 12. 9- that I will seek to rf. all the natiom
Gen. IB.C-.i. wilt thou rf. the righteous with wicked.' 7.4. and every living substance aill I rf. Mat. 2. 13. Herod will seek young child tod. him
21. wilt thou rf. and not spare the place.' Ejcod. 23. 27. and htiilld. all the people to whom 5. 17- think not that 1 am come 10 4. the law or
28. wilt thou d. all the city for lack of five .'
[.ev.lZ. 30. the same soul tcill Id. from his peopli the prophets, I am not come to rf. but to fulbi
JO. 13. we will rf. this place y U. d. this city 26.30. and / til// rf. your high-places, Ezek. 6. 3. 10. 28. rather fear him who is able to d. both
E.rod. 15.9. draw my sword, my hand shall d. them I'sal. 101. 8. luill early rf. all the wicked of land 26. 61 this fellow said, I am able to rf. the tcmpla

34. 13. but ye shall d. their altars. Dent. ". 5. 118.10. in the name of the L.wi// irf.them, 11, 12. Mark 1 24. art thou come to rf. us ? Luke 4. 34.

Lev. 3(5. 22. I will send beasts to d. your cattle ha. 19. 3. and 1 uill rf. the counsel thereof L«Xe6.9isil lawful on sab.daystosave life ot tod.
A'lm. 2+. 17. and shall rf. all the children of bheih 42. 14. I will cry, / ailld. and devour at once 9. 56. the Son of man is not come lo rf. men's lives
32. 15. and ye shall </. all this people Jer. 15. 7. 1 aill rf. my people, sith they return not 19- -^T- the chief of ihe people sought lo rf. him
33. 52. shall d. their pictures and molten images 46.8. iw)'// rf.the city, and the inhabitants thereof John 10. 10. the thief cometh not but to rf.
t)eut.(ri.\b.\ei\. the anger of the Lord thy G. </. thee 49. 38. I Kill d. from thence the king and princes ./ani.4. 12. there tosave and to rf.
7- 23. L. shall d. them with a mighty destruction 51 .20. my battle-axe, with thee aill Id. kingdoms DE.STROYED.
2+. thou shall d. their name from under heaven Ltek. 14. 9- I 'he Lord aill rf. ihaX prophet f^fw. 13. 10. before the Ld. rf. Sodom andGomorrah
9. 3. he shall d. them, and bring them down C5. 7. behold, I will rf. thee, and thou shall know 19- -9- when God rf. the cities of the plain
14. let me alone, that 1 may d. them and blot that I am the Lord, 28. I6. Zeph. 2. 5. Ezod. 8. + 24. the land was rf. by the swaim of fliej
25. because the Lord hath said he would d. you 30. 13. thus saith the Lord, I aill rf. the idols 10. 7. knowest thou not yet that Egypt is rf. .'
80. 20. the trees thai are not for meat thou shall d. 32. 13. / a»V/ rf. also all the beasts thereof Dent. 2. Ql. but the Lord rf. them before them, 4. 3
31. 3. the I^ord thy God he will d. these nations 34. 16. but / a-i// rf. the fat and the strong 11. 4. 2 Kings 21. 9. 2 Chron. 33. 9

32. 25. shall d. the young njan and virgin Hos. 2. 12. 1 will rf. her vines and her fig-trees 7- 23. with a mighty destruction, till they be rf.
33. 27. shall thrust out euemy, and say, d. them 4.5. thou shall fall, and I will rf. thy mother 24. no man be able to stand till thou have rf
Josh.l. 12. except ye rf.ju:cur5ed from among yon .)mos 9- 8. and / will rf. the sinful kingdom 9. 8. the Lord wzis angry with you to have rf. yoo
1 Sam. 15. 6. depart, lest I d. you with them .l/if.5. 10. 1 Kill rf. thy chariots||14. rf. thy cities 12. 30. after that they be rf. from before '.bee
8 '*tm. 14. 7- and we will d. the heir also Hag. 2. 22. / ailld. the strength of the kmjdoms 28. 20. until thou be rf. 24,45,51,61.
11. she said, that thou wouldest not suffer the .Mark 14. 58.we heard him say, I will rf. this temple 4)5. shall put a yoke on thy neck till he have rf.
revengers to d. any more, lest they d. my son 1 Cor. 1. 19. / will rf. the wisdom of the wise Josh. 24. 8. and I rf. them from before you
16. that would d, me and my son together Not DESTIiOV. Judg.5. 27. where he bowed, there he fell down rf
90. 20. far be it from me I should swallow or d. C^en. 18. 28. if I find forty-five I will not rf. it 20.21. Benjamin rf.of Isr.22,000mcnthat day, £5
22. 41.1 might rf. them that hate me, Pia/. 11( 4i). 31. he said, I will not rf. it for twenty's sake 35. children of Israel rf.25,100of Benjamin, 42.
l/w«».tl6.10.thusdid Zimri rf.the house of Baasha 32. he said, 1 will iwt rf. Sodom for ten's sake 2 aam.'il. 5. man that devised that we should be rf.
2 Kings 10.19. he might d. the worshippers of Baal Dent. 4. 31. he will not forsake thee, nor rf. thee 24. 16. he said 10 the angel that rf. 1 Chron. 21.15
18. 25. go against this land, and d. it, Isa. 36. 10. 9. 26. rf. not thy people and thine inheritance 1 Kings 15. 13. Asa rf. her idol and burnt it
£i,a 6. 12. d. kings that shall put to Iheir hand 10. 10. and the Lord would not rf. thee 2 Kings 3. 1 23. this isblood, the kings are surely rf
Esth. 7.14. for we are sold, that they should (/. 20. 19- thou shall not rf. the trees thereot 10. 28. thus Jehu rf. Baal out of Israel
io6 8. 18. if he rf. him from his place, it shall deny 1 .Sam. 24.21. swear that thou wilt na<rf. my name 11.1. Athaliah arose and rf. all the seed royal
10. 8. thine hands made me, yet thou dost d. me
19- 26. though after my skin, worms d. this liody
26. 9. and David said to Abishai, rf. him not 19. 18. therefore they have rf. them, Ita. 37. W
2 Kings 8. 19. would notd. Judah for David's sake 1 Chron.5.25. the people whom Godrf. before them

Tial. 5. 0. thou shall rf. them that speak leasing 13. 23. would not rf. them, nor cast them out 2 Chron. 14. 13. for they were rf. before the Lord
10. rf. them, O G. let them fall by their counsels 2 Cliion. 12. 7. therefore I will «or rf. them 15. 6. nation was rf. of nation, city of city
21. 10. their fruit shall thnurf. from the earth 12. that the Lord would not rf. him altogether 34.11. the houses which the kings of Judah had rf.
%tt. 5. he shall d. them, and not build them up 21. 7. the Ixird wmild not rf. the house of David Lira 4. 15. for which cause was this city rf.
52. 5. God shall likewise rf. thee I'or ever 35. 21. forbear from God thai he rf. thee not 6. t 11. whoso alters this word, lei hiui be rf.
55. 9- d. O Lord, and divide their tongues I'ial. 106. 34. ihey did rut rf. the nations of whom Esih. 3. 9. let it be written, that they may be rf.
69. 4. they that would </. me are mighty 7ja.65.8.rf.ii wiir^for a blessingis in it so will I do ; Joiltj.\0.he hath on every side, and I am gone
74. 8. they said, let us d. them together for my servant's sake, that may not rf. them allI t 26. though this body be rf. yet shall 1 see God
127. t 5. they shall rf. the enemies in the gate L:ek 22.30. stand in the gap, that should not rf. it I I'sal.g.5. thou hast rf. the wicked 6. hast rf. cities

143. 12. and rf. all them that afflict my soul Dan.CH.d. not the wise men of Eabylon.bring me 73. 27. thou hast rf. all them thai go a whoring
144. 6. shoot out thine arrows and rf. them .U(j/. 3. 11. he shall not rf. fruits of your ground 78. 45. he sent frogs among them, which rf. them
1*5. 20. but all the wicked will he rf. Kom. 14. 15. rf. not him with thy meal for whom 47.he rf.their vines with hail, and sycamore-trees
ProB. 1. 32. the prosperity of fools shall rf. them 20. for meat rf. not the work of God 137. 8. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be rf.
11. 3. the per\-erseness of transgressors shall rf. them To DESIUOY. /Vdi. 13.23. there is that isrf for want of judgment
15. 25. the Lord will rf. the house of the proud f''««.6.17.I do bring a flood of waters /»rf. all flesh /ii.l4.20.because thou hast rf. land, and slain peo
?1. 7. the robberiei of the wicked shall rf. them 9 11. nor .'hall there be any more a flood to rf. 15. 2'j. 14. therefore hast thou visited and rf. them
£c(/.5.6. why should G.rf. the workof thine hands? '9- n. and the Lord hath sent ui to d. it Jer. 12. 10. many pastors haverf. my vineyard
7 If). nor over, wise, why shouldest thou rf. thyself Exod. 8. 9. inireat for thee 10 rf. the frogs from thee
. 4H. 4. Moab is rf. H 51. 8. Babylon is suddenly rf
lia. 3. 12. and they rf. the way of thy paths 12. 13. the plague shall not be on you to rf. you 5 .55. Lord hath rf.oul of Babylon the great voic

11.9- nor rf. in all my holy mountain, 65»-25, /J^ii/. 1.27. brought us out of Egypt to deliver us in- 2. 5. the Lord hath rf. his strong holds
13. 9. and he shall rf. the sinners thereof out of it to the hand of the Amorites to d. ui,Joih. 7. 7. 0. he hath rf. his places of the assembly
25. 7. he will rf. in this mountain the face 2. 15. hand of Ld. tod. them from among the host 9. he hath rf. and broken her bars, her king
Jer. 5. 10. go ye up upon her walls and rf. 7. 10. repayelh them that bate him to rf. them Ktek. 27. 33. Tyrus, like the rf. in the midst ol .sta
6. 5. let us go by night and rf. her palaces 9. 19. the Lord was wroth against you to rf. you 43. t 3. to prophesy that the city should be rf.
11. 19. let us rf. the tree with the fruit thereof 28. 63. so tje Lord will rejoice over you to rf. yon Dan. 7. 11. the beast was slain, and his body d
12. 17. I will pluck up and rf. that nation JotA. 9- C4. and to rf. all the inhabitants of the land //w.13.9.0 Isr.lhou hast rf. thyself, but u
me help
13.14.1 will not spare nor have mercy, but rf.them 22. 33. to rf. the land where Ueubeoites dwelt .-Inios 2. 9. yet rf. I the Amorite, I rf. his fruit
15.6. will stTMch my hand against thee and rf. thee Judg. 6 5. the Midianiles entered 10 rf. the land .Waj.22.7.he sent his armies andrf.those murderrrs
17. 18. and rf. ihem with double desiruclioa 1 Sam.iS.lO. Saal seeketb to rf.the city for my sake Luke and the Hood came, and rf. them all
17. 27.
£3.1.woe to pastors Ihatrf. the sheep of my pasture 26. 15. came in one of the people 10 rf. the kini: 29. rained fire from heaven and rf. them all
36. 29. the king of Babyloa shall rf. thii l»nd Z •Sam. 1. 14. not a/raid to 4. the Lord's anointed is not this he thairf them that called
46. IB. and \» »ball rf. titr uroni hoUi 14. 11 BOt foffw tfa* lereagcn of blood t» d. 13 19. wh«ube haJrf. .seven nationa in CbAiiua
. — —— 4


dcM iVJ- "7. aim her niaenificence should be i. DESIRl'CTION. ha. 5. t3C. when light, it ihal/ be dark iu tlib J,
horn. h. (5. that the Imily of sin might be d. Ejod. 12. + 13. plague shall not be on yon for ad. DETAIN, ED.
1 Cor. 10. 9. d. of serjiiriis 10. d. oCthc ileslroyer
.V(/m. 21. + and he called that place, uUer d. Jui? IS. IS let us rf. thee till we have made readj

tJa/. I.e.'!. now preachuh ihe I'aith which once ht ('. 24. t 20. but his latter end shall be even to d. IC iho' inou rf. me, I will not of thy bi-eaa
'.'. 18 if biiiM a'.;aiii the things which I d.
I Ueiit.l 23. L. shall destroy them withamightyrf. I .S'aij. 21.7. Doeg was that day rf. before the Lord
lid. II. 28. lest he that d. the first-born toiith tlieni 32 24. they shall be devoured with bitter d. UETER.MINAIE.
5 I'et. C. 12. as natural brute beasis made to be d 1 Ham. 5. 9. L. was against the city with a great d. ^f/i 2. 23. him delivered by the rf. co-.inselof God

Judet. the L. afterward d. them that believed no; 11. for there was a deadly d. thro' the city DETER.MINATION.
Hev.Z. 9. and the third part of the ships were d. 1 Kings 20.42. a man whom 1 appointed to utierrf. Zeph. 3. S. for mv rf. is to gather the nations
Are DE.STROYliD 2 ChioH. 20. t 23. one helped for the d. of another DLTERMINE.
Judz- 21 l6. the women are d. out of Bcniamin
• 22. 4. for they were his counsellors to his d. Eiod. 21 22. and he shall pay as the judges
Joh^. 20. they are d. from morning to night 7. (/.of Ahdziah w;is of CJod, by coming to.loram deier.min'ed.
.14-. 05. he overturned them so that th'-y are d. 20. 16. when strong bis heart was lifted up to hisrf. 1 Sam. 20. 7 then be sure that evil is rf. by him
ha. Q. l6. and they that are led of tlieni are d. l'..Mh. 8. fi. how endure to see the d. of my kindred 9. if I knew that evil w^ere rf. by mv father
Jer. 22. 20, and cry, for all thy lovers are d. 9. 5. the Jews smote their enemies with d. .33. Jonathan knew that it was rf. of his father.

lilts. 4. fi. my people are d. for lack of knowledge Job 5. 21. neither shak thou be afraid of d. 25. 17. for evil is rf. ag. our master and household
Zevh. 3. 6. their cities are d. there is no inhabitant 22. at d. and famine thou shah laugh 2 .Sam. 13. .32. for by Absalom this hath been rf.
Not DIlSrilOYKl). 18. 12. and d. sh:ill be ready at his side 2 Chr. 2. Solomon rf. to build a house for Lord

C Chron. 20. 10. but they d. tbi m not, Pial. 78. .Ill 21. 17 and how oft cometh their rf. upon them .'
25 16. know that God hath rf. to destroy the*

Dan. 7 1 i. his kingdom which shall iwt be d. 20. his eyes shall see hisrf. and he shall drink t'.sth.'.T.he saw that tliere was evil rf. ai;ainsthim
2 Cur. 4. 9- l"'' ""' forsaken oast down, but not d. ; .'fO. the wicked is reserved to the day of d. Job 14. 5. seeing his days arerf. number of months
^Imll be DESlROYF.n 26. 6. hell naked before him, d. hath no covering Isa. 10. 23 a consumption rf. in all the land,28.2"
Cen. 34. .10 and I shull be d. and my hou<;e 1 28. 22. d. and death say, we have heard the fan:e 19. 17 counsel of Lord which hath rf. agaiiis:"*
F.ith. 4 14. ihon and thy father's howie shall in d .'!(). 12. they raise against me the ways of their </. Dan. 9.24. seventy weeks are rf. on thy people
Psat.V! .^V: but the transgressors ,\/;«//,6«rf. together 21. not stretch out his hand tho' they cry in his d. C6. and to the end of the war desolatjuns are rf.
92. 7. it is that they s-hnll be d. for ever 31.3. is not d. to the wicked f and punishment to 2, and that rf. shall be poured upon the desolate
Pt-'V 13. 1.3. whoso despiseth the word shall be d 12. for it is a fire that consuuieth to d. 11..36. for that, that is rf. shall be doiie
20. but a companion of fools shall be d. C for d. from God was a terror to me
i Lnke 22. 22. the Son of man goeth as it was rf.
29. 1. he that hardeneth his neck shull be d. 29. if rejoiced at therf. of him that hated me
I Alts 3 13. when Pilate was rf. to let him go
Jsa. 10.27. the yoke shall bed. because of anointing /^ta/.35.8. letrf. come upon him unawares, and bis 4. 28. to do what thy counsel rf. before to be done
/«r .48.8. the valley shall perish.the plain shrill be d. net catch himself, into that very rf. let him fall 31. 29. the disciples rf. to send relief to brethren
Etst.liO.S. and when all her helpers shall be d. 53. 23. thou shalt bring them down to the pit of rf. 15. 2. rf. that Paul and Barnabas go to Jerusalem
Dan.C.ii. a kingdom which shall never be d. 6. 2(i. 73. 18. surely thou castedst them down into d. 37. and Barnabas rf. 10 take with them John
11. 20. but within few days he shall be d. 88. 11. or thy faithfulness be declared inrf. :' 17. 26. and hath rf. the times before appointed
Jios. 10. 8. places of Aven.thesiiiof Isr. shall bed. 90. 3. thou turnest man to d. and sayest, return ye 19. 39. it shall be rf. in a lawful assembly
Acts 3. C.i. he that will not hear shall be d. 91. 6. nor for the d. that wasteth at noon-day 20. Id. for Paul had rf. to sail by Ephesus
1 Cur.15.26. the last enemy that jAn// be d. is death 103. 4. who redeemeth thj life from rf.who crowns 25. 25. I have rf. to send Paul to Augustus
Vlterly DESTROYED Prov. 1. 27. when your d. cometh as a whirlwind 27. 1 when it was rf. that we should sail into Italy

£jod.i2.20. he that sacrificeth to any god, save un- 10. 14. but the mouth of the foolish is near d. Horn. 1 1 4. and rf. to be the Son of (!od with power

to the Lord only, he shall be uiterlv d. 15. the d. of the poor is their poverty 1 Cor. 2. 2. 1 rf. not to know any thing save Jesus

JVi/OT. 21. 3. they ur/erly d. the Canaanites 29. rf. shall be to the workers of iniquity, 21.15. 5. t 3. but present in spirit I have rf. already
Dent. 2. 34. we utterit/ d. Sihon and his people 13. 3. but he that openeth wide his lips shall haverf. " por. 2. 1. but I rf. this with myself, that I would
3. 6. we ulterlif d. the cities of Og, Josh 2. 10. 14.28. the want of people is the rf. of the prince Tii.'i.l'i. to Nicopolis for I have rf. there no winter
4.2fi. it ye corrupt yourselves ye shall be 7({rcr/y rf. 15. H. hell and rf. are before the Lord DETEST.
iosh. 6. 21. .lerioho'll 8. 26. Ai ulierlu d. 10. 1. 16. 18. pride goeth before rf. and a haughty spirit Dent. 7. 26. but thou shalt utterly rf. and abhor it
10.28. Wakkedah 35. Eglon N 37." Hebron ut. d.
|| 17. 19- and he that nxaltelh his gate seeketh rf. DEJE.STABLE.
;?9. Dehir 40. he utterly d. all that breathed
II 18. 7. a fool's mouth ishisrf. and his lips a snare Jer. 16. 18. they defiled my land
with rf. things
11. 12. Joshua «//er/i/rf. them with cities, 21. 12. before rf. the heart of man is haughty £se<^.5.U.hast defiled sanctuary with thy rf. thing*
Jiidg 1.17 Judah and Simeon )(//er/» rf. ilephath 19. 1 18. and let not thy soul spare to his rf. 7 20. they made images of their rf. things therein
1 Ham. 15. 8. Saul nllerly d. all the people 4. 2. for their heart studieth rf. and lips talk II 18. th'jy shall take away all the rf. things
9. he would not vtterlu d. the best of the sheep 27 .20. hell andrf.are never full, so the eyes of man 21 whose heart walkcth after their rf. things
15. to sacrifice, and the rest we have niierlti d. 31.8. in the cause of such as are appointed to rf. 37.23. nor shall any more defile with their rf.thing*
20. he said, I have iiiterly d. the Amakkites /i«. 1. 28. rf. of transgressors and sinners togeiher DEVICE.
SI. things which should have been niter ly d. 10. 25. and mine anger shall cease in their rf. 2C7/r. 2. 14. to find out every rf. sli.ill be put to hire
1 Chron. 4. 41. the inhabitants of Gedor ntteily d. 13. 6. it shall conic as a rf. from the Almighty Esih. 8. 3. to put away his rf that he had devised
iChron. 31. 1. Ilezckiah utterly d. the iniaRes 14. 23. I will sweep Babylon with the besom of rf. 8. t 5. let it be written to reverse the rf. by Ilaman
32. 14. gods those nations my father uiierli/ d. 15. 5. in the way they shall raise up aery of rf. 9. 25. his wicked rf. should return upon his own
Isa. 34. 2. the Lord hath vlterly d. all nations 19 18. one shall be called th3 city of rf. head
DESTltOYER. 24. 12. and the gate is smitten with rf. Psal. 21. 11. they imagined a mischievous rf.
£iod. 12. 23. will not suffer rf. (0 come into houses 49. 19. the land of thy rf. shall be too narrow UO. 8. O
Lord, further not his wicked rf.
Jjidc. 16. 24. hath delivered the d. of our country 5f. 19. desolation and rf. are come unto thee Led. 9 10. there is no work nor rf. in the grave
Job 15. 21. in prosperity the d. shall come .59. 7- wasting and rf. are in their paths Jer 18. 1 1 behold, I devise a rf. against you
Psal. 17. 4. I have kept me from paths of the d. 60. 18. rf. shall no more be heard in thy borders 51. 11. for his rf is against Babylon to destroy it
Ptov. 28. 24. the same is the companion of a d. Jer. 4. 6. I will bring from the north a great rf. 6.1. [.am 3. 62 and iheir rf. against me all the day
Jer. 4. 7 the d. of (he Gentiles is on his way 20. rf. upon rf. is cried, for the land is spoiled Acts 17. 29. is like to stone graven by man's rf.
50. t 9. their arrows shall be as of a mighty d. 17. 18. and destroy them with double rf. DEVICES.
1 Cor. 10. 10. and were destroyed of the ii. 46. 20. rf. Cometh, it cometh out of the north Job 5 12. he disappointeth the rf. of the crafty
}iev. 9- + II- kintt over them hath his name a d. 48. 3. a voice from Iloronaiin, spoiling and rf. 11 t3 should thy rf. make men hold their peace?
DESlROYEIiS. 5. the enemies have heard a cry of rf. 21 27. rf. which ye wrongfully imagine against me
Job 33. 22. and his life draweih near to the d. 50. 22. a sound of great rf. is in the land Ps 10. 2, let them be taken in the rf.they imagined
J:it. 49. 17. thy d. shall go forth of thee 51. 54. great rf. from the land of the Chaldeans 33. lO.he ir.akethlhe rf. of the people of none effect
ilrr. 22. 7- and I will prepare d. against thee r.nm.2.11.forrf.of the daughter of my people, 3. 48. 37 7-for themanwho bringeth wicked rf. to pass
50. 11. because ye rejoiced, O rf. of my heritage 3. 47. desolation and rf. is come upon us Pr.'v. 1 31 and be filled with their own rf.
DE.SIROVEST, I'.JU. 4. 10. in the rf. of the daughter of my people 12. 2. but a man of wicked rf. will he coii<leiiui
Jhnt. 8. 20. as the nations wliich the Lord d. E:ei-. 5. 16. when will scndl'amine for tl.eil'c/.
1 19. 21 there are many rf. in a man's heart
7"/' 9- 22. he d. the perfect and the wicked 7 25. rf. cometh, and they shall seek peace /.><7. 32. 7. he (leviselh wicked rf. to destroy the poor

12. 23. he increaseth the nations, and d. them 9. 1 6. slay to rf. old and young, maids and children 66. t 4. I also will choose their rf. and bring fears
14. 19. and thou d. the hope of man 32. 9- when I bring thy rf. among the nations Jer 11 19. that they had devised rf. against me
T'.\nl. 18. t47 it is God that d. people under me //i' them.because they h.ave transgressed 18 12. no hope, but we will walk after our own rf.
Prov. t). 32. he that doth it, d. his own sniil 9. 6. for lo, they are gone, because of rf. 18. come and let us devise rf. against Jeremiah
11.9. an hypocrite with his mouth rf. his neighbour 13. 14. O grave, I will be thy rf. repentance hid /)«M.11.24.yea,and he shall forecast hisrf.foratime
31. 3. give not thy ways to (hat which d. kings Joel I. 15. as a rf. from the Almighty it shall come 25. for they shall forecast rf. against him
Eecl. 7. 7. opprcs. m.ikflh mad, and a gift d. heart Obiid. 12. neither rejoiced in the day of their'^/. 2 Cor. !;. 11. for we are not ignorant of his rf
g. 18. wisd. better than war, sinner i/. much good .Vic. 2. 10. it shall destroy you with a sore rf. DEVIL,
Jer. 51. 25. O mountain, which d. all the earth y.pch. 14. 11. and there shall be no more utter rf. .1 most ji'ici*d an^el, the tmplacahU enemy atiK
Mat. 27. 4. thou that d. the temple, Mark 15. CO. .^Iiit. 7. 13. broad is the way that leadeth to rf. temfiier if the human race, tsyfcially belinen,
DK.STROY1NG Horn. 3. 16. rf. and misery are in their ways uhoni he desires lo devour, 1 Pet. 5. 8. He %s
J C/,ri>«.21.12. the angel of the Lord rf. thro' Israel 9 22. endured the vessels of wrath fitted to rf. called, Abaddon im llebreic, Apollyon it
15. and as he was d. the rcpcnied him ('or. 5. 5. to deliver to .Satan for rf. of tjie flesh (hce/i, I/, destroyer.
that Rev. 9. 11, Aueil —
1 + 24. the same is ihe companion of man d. Q Cor. 10. 8. hath given us not for your rf. 13. 10. ol' Iheboliomless pit. —
Prince of the world,
/ffl.28.2. the Lord hath a strong one, as a d. storm /'////. 3. 19. for many walk whose end is rf. jcihii 12. 31.— /'rijud of darknesi, Eph. 6. 18
Jer. 2 .30. your sword devoured like a d. lion 1 'I'hess. 5. 3. then sudden rf. cometh upon them
— .1 roaring J.ion, and an Adversary, 1 Pel.
l:>. 1 14. will not have mercy from d. them
i Thes.t.\ .9. who shall be punished wiih everlast. rf. !). 8. .1 iiniier from the ieeinntng, I John 3. 8.
51. 1. I will raise against B.ibylon a a. wmd 1 'I'im. 6.9. into many lusts which drown men in rf.
— Iliel-.ctiib. Mat. Ii.i4.— Accuser, Rev. 12.10
25. I am against thee, O d. mouni.-iin, said Lord 2 I'et. 2. 1. and bring on themselves swift rf. — Pclial, 2 Cor. 6. \5.—Decener, Rev. 20. It;
Lam. 2. 3. he hath not withdrawn his hii'id from d. 3. 16. which the unsiable wrest to their own rf. — Oiocon, Rev. 12. T.—I.iar, John 8. 41.—
£zek. 9. 1. every man with his d. weapon in iiis DE.STRCGIIONS l.eiiaihaH, Isa. 27. I. Lucifer, Isa. 14. 1-'.—
hand l'.<cil. 9.6. O enemy, rf. are come to a pe rpenial end AJurderer, John 8. 44. Serpent, Isa. 27. 1 —
W. 17. min* eye soared them from d them 35. 17. Lord, n irue niv sou! from their rf. Satan, Job 2. 6. —
Tormenier, Mat. 18. 31,-y
Hee Utteblv'
107. SO. he delivertth inem from thtir rf The god ol i/us uerld, 2 Cor. 4.
— — ;


He i» lompareJ to a Dog, Psal. i1. Foals, ilfar.l7.18.JesQsrtbukedrf. he departed out of him
16. Prop. 24. 8. d. to do evil shall be callerl mischievous
>»»t 13. i.—A Fo-Mer, PsaJ 91. Z.—Li^ht- 25. 41. fire, prepared for the d. and his angels lia. 32. 7 he rf wicked devices to destroy the poof
ni«;, Lu&c 10. IH.— Locusts, Rev. Q. 3. i .Mark S.lD.him that was possessed witKsherf.16,18. 8. but the liberal rf. liberal things, and shall stand
Kv'lf. iohn 10. XZ.—An Addtr Psal. Ql. LI. 7. 29. the d. is pone out of thy daughter, 30. DEVOTE.
These 7iames are s,>ien to '.ke prince of the DeiAis, Luke 4. 2. Jesus being forty days tempted of the d. Lev. 27. 28. thing that a man shall rf. to the Lord r
vho, perhaps, uas the first and leader i» thai 3. the d. said to him, G.jl 5. the d. taking him up DEVOTED.
grand rebellion against God, -uherelii/ they all 13. when the d. had ended all the temptation Lev. 27. 21. shall be holy to the Locd, as a field d
felt into a rooted enmity against holiness, and 33. a man which had a spirit of an unclean </. 28. no rf. thing sold, every rf. thing is most holy
into endless horror, blackness, ind despair, J ude 6. 35. and when the d. had thrown hiiL in the midst Num.lti. 14. every thing rf. in Israel sh;Ul be thine
Vnil is put for, [1] Idols, I'sal. 10(). 37. 2 Cliroij. 8 12. then cometh the d. and taketh away the word Deut. 13. 1 17. there shall cleave nothing ofrf. thinp-
11. 15. [S] A
uicked man, John 6. 70. [3] -9. was driven of the d. into the wilderness Josli. 6.tl7- the city shall be rf. even il and all inH

Persecutors, Rev. 2. 18. 9- 42. as he was coming the d. threw him down Erra 10. t S. all his substance shall be rf.
77>is teord comes from the Greek, Diabolos, aiAich 11. 14. casting out a d. when the d. was gone out Psal. 1 i9.38.word to thy servant, who is rf. thy feax
lignifies a Calumniator, or Accuser, %iho ac- John 6. 70. chosen twelve, and one of you is a d. Ezek. 44. t 29. every rf. thing shall be theirs
cuscth us before Ood day and night, Rei\ 12. 7. 20. the people said, thou hast a d. 8. 48. DEVOTIONS.
9. 10. Hence he is called. The accuser of th* 8. 4i. ye are of your father </. and his lusts will do -lets 17. 23. for as I passed by and beheld your rf

brethren. Rev. 12. 10. lie hath cast all

off 4y. i have not a </.|j52.we know that thou hasta ;/, DEVOUR
tiedietue God ; and likewise called
to 10. 20. many of them said, he hath a d.
belial, Signifies, [1] To eat up, or swallow down greediir..
vhich IS an Hebrew xcord, and signifies one
kIio 21. these are not the words of him that hath a d. Gen. 37. 20. [2] To waste, or spend riotously.,
is good for nothing, a libertine, one that is ex- 13. 2. the d. having put into the heart of Judas Luke 15. 30. [3] T>y cunning pretences u
tremely Kicked. 2 Cor. 6. 15, What concord .lets 10. 38. healing all that were oppressed of d. defiiud others of that which is theirs, JIat.
hath Christ with lieliat/ Also Satin, -uhirh 13. 10. O
full of all mischief, thou child of the d. 23. 14. [4] ll'ith cruel fierceness to tear, auj
signifies an Adversary, or an Accuser, in a Eph. 4. 27. neither give place to the d. spoil spiritually the souls and bodies of men, 04
court of justice. Job 2. 1, Satan came also U. 11. may be able to stand against the wiles of therf. a linn devours his prey. 1 Pet. 5. K. '1 he d»
among them. lie is likeuise called the old 1 Tim. 3. 6. he fall into the condemnation of the d. vil walketh about, seeking whom he may dt»

Serpent, liev. 12. 9- Because he conveyed him- 1 lest he fall into repro.-ich, and snare of the d
. vour. [5] To kill, or destroy, 2 Sam. 18. H.
self into the serpent, when he templed Eve ; and C7i/n.2.26.niay recov. themselves out of snare ofrf. [6] 'Jo convert to one's cwn private use that which
in respect of his serpentine disposition ; his poi- Heb. 2. 14. had the power of death, that is the d. is dedicated to God, Prov. 20. 25.

son is always ready, as in a fountain ; and run- Jam. 4. 7. resist the d. and he will flee from you Oen. 49. 27. in the morning he shall rf. the prey
neth continually as in full streams, iolh against 1 Pet. 5. 8. watch, because your adversary the d. Deut. 32. 42. arrows with Hood, and sword rf. llesb
Christ and against all his members for his sake: 1 John 3. 8. he that committeth sin is of the d. that 2 .J'Vi«i.2.26.Abner said, sh.iU the swordrf. forever?
He is also crafty, wise, and subtle, as a serpent he might destroy the works of the </. 18. t8. and the wood multiplied to rf. the people
concerning whose siiiiilty, see Serpent. 10. in this the children of the d. are manifest 2 Chron. ' 13. if I command the locusts to rf.
The most subtle of these spirits contrived a tempta- Jiule 9- I^Iichael, when contending with the d. Job 18. 13. first-born of death shall rf. his strength
tion, which might be most taking and dangerous Ilev. 2. 10. the d. shall cast some into prison I'stil. 80. 13. the wild beasts of ihe field doth rf. it

to man in his exalted and happy state : He at- 12. 9. the old serpent called the d. and Satan Prov. 30. 14. and their jaw-teeth as knives to rf
tempts him with art, by propounding the lure of 12. for the d. is come down to you having power Isa. 1.7. your land strangers rf. it in yout presence
knowledge and pleasure, to inveigle the spiritual 20. 2. that old serpent, which is the d. and S;itan 9. 12. they shall rf. Israel with openuiuah
and sensitive appetites at once. And that he lO.d. that deceived them was cast into lake of fire 18. for wickedness shall rf. the briers and morn-
might the better succeed, he addressed the wo- DEVILISH. 31. 8. the sword, not of a mean man, shall rf. him
man, the weakest and most liable to seduction. Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom is earthy, sensual, d. 42. 14. I will cry, T will destroy and rf. at once
Jle hides himself in the body of a serpent, which DEVILS. 55. 9- all ye beasts of the field come to rf. yea,
before sin was not terrible milo her, and bu this Lev. 17. 7- shall no more offer their sacrifices tod. all ye beasts in the forests, Jer. 12. 0. 15. 3. |

instrument insinuates his temptation. lie first Dent. 32. 17. they sacrificed to d. not to God Jirf.2.3 that rf. Israel shall oflfenii.evil come on them
allured with the hopes of impunity. Ye shall not 2 Chron. 11. 15. he ordained him priest for the rf. 12. 12. the sword of the Lord shall rf. 40. 10, 14.
die ; then he promised an universal knowledge of Pj<7/.106.37.sacrificed their sons and daughters loif. 30. 16. and all that rf. thee shall be devoured
good and evil. By these pretences he ruined in- -Uaf. 4. 24. brought him those which were possessed 48. 45. a flame shall rf. the corner of Moab
nocence itself. For the woman, deceived bu these with d. 8. 16, 28, 33. Mark\. 32. Luke 8 36. Ezek. 7. 15. famine and pestilence shall rf. him
epecious attractives, s-.catlowed the poison of the 8. 31. so the rf. besought him, saying, Mark 5. 12. .i4. 28. neither shall the beasts of the land rf.
serpent ; and, having tasted death, she persuaded Mark 9. 38. Master, we saw one casting out d. m ."5. t 12. the mountains, they are given us to <4

her husband, by the same motives, to despise the thy name, and he foUoweth not us, Luke g.49. 3(>. 14. therefore shalt thou rf. men no more
law of their Creatn. Thus sin entered, and 16. 17. in my name shall they cast out d. l)a>t, 7. 5. arise, rf. much flesh |j
23. rf. whole earth
trough! confusion into the world Luke-i. 41. and d. also came out of many, saying IIos. 5. 7. now shall anionth rf. them with portions
TiCan, since his fall, is wider the tyranny and 8. 2. Mary Magdalene, out of whom went seven d. 11. 6. and the sword shall rf. his branches
slavery of Satan, who is called the goJ of this 30. by what means he that was possessed of d. 13. 8. there will I rf. them like alion,shall tearthem
world, 2 Cor. 4. 4. because he rules in wicked 9- 1. he gave them power and authority over all d. .Imos 1. 4. fire shall rf. the palaces, 7. 10, 12.
men. His old enmity and hafed asainst the 10. 17. Lord, even the d. are subject to us Oiad. 18. they shall kindle in iheni, and rf. them
souls of men continue : It is anuher hell to him 13. 32. go and tell that fox, behold, 1 cast out d. ,\'ah. 2. 13. the sword shall rf. the young lion5
to see them restored to the favour of God, and- 1 Cor. 10. 20. Gentiles sacrificed to d. and not to G. llab. 3. 14. their rejoicing was as to rf. poor secretly
his glorious iiTiife Ti-cngraien on them. He is I would not ye should have fellowship with d. /itch. 9. 15. they shall rf. and subdue with stones
a jealous jailor, and, if possible, will not line 2i. ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and cup 12. (). they shall rf. all the people round about
any of his captives. The scripture represents of rf. of the Lord's table and of the table of d. Mat. 23. 14. woe unto you, h%-pocrites, for ye rf.
him as a strong and subtle adversaiy ; a roaring 1 Tim. 4. 1. some giving heed to doctrines of d. widows' houses, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47.
lion that goes about seeking whom he may de- Jam. 2. 19. the d. also believe and tremble 2 Cor. 11. 20. for ye suffer, if a man rf. you
Tonr, 1 Pet. 5. 8. His title, the Tempter, Mat. AVi.9.20. that they should not worship 1/. and idols Gal. 5. 15. but if ye bite and rf. one another
4. 3. implies his constant practice. He bribes 16. 14. for they are r,pirits of rf. working miracles Ileb. 10. 27. indigna. which shall rf. the advjrsanes
some with profit, and allures ethers with plea- 18. 2. Babylon is iKConie the habitation of d. 1 /'('/. 5.8. walketh about, seeking whom he mayrf.
sure. He IS surprisingly subtle ; his strength is See Cast. Rev. 12. 4. to rf. her child as soon as it was born
superior to ours : his malice is deadly ; his acii- DKVISE. Fire DEVOUR.
litv and diligence are equal to his malice ; and Eiod. 31. 4. d. cunning works in gold silver, 35. 35. Jitdg. 9. 15. let//« rf. the cedars of Lebanon
he has a mighty number of principalities and 35.32. to rf. curious works in gold, silver, and brass 20.1et_/?rf rf. the men of Shechem. and Abimelech
powers under his command. 2&(«i.l4.14 yet doth he rf. means that his banished Psal 21.9. shall swallow up, and /:>c shall rf. thero
Semetimes iie\i\ is taken foi a wicked man, a liber- Psal. 35.4. be brought to confusion, that rf.niy hurt 50. 3. God shall come, afire shall rf. before him
tine, a treacherous person, John 6. 70, Have 20. but they rf. deceitful matters against them ^.<a. 26. 11. yea, the.^r« of thine enemies shall rf.thein
not I chosen you twelve, and oje of you is a 41. 7. against me do they rf. my hurt 33. 11. stubble, your breath as /;><• shall rf. you
devil ? It IS taken also for idols, 2 Chron. 11. Prov. 3. 29. rf. Dot evil against thy neighbour Ezek. 15. 7. and another /r? shall rf. them
15. so called, because the devil is euiinenily 14.22. dotheyoot err that rf. evil? but mercy 23. 37. to pass for them through the /f.-e to rf. them
served in the worship of them ; and the spirits and truih shall be to them that rf. good .Imos 5. 6. lest he break out like fire and rf. it
which were supposed to inhabit them, were evil 16. .10. he shutieth his eyes to rf. froward things Nah. 3. 13. the gates open, Ktiefire shall rf. thy bars
spirits or devils : and become in and bu them Jer. 18. 11. behold, I rf. a device ijtainst you 15. there shall ihe fired, thee, sword cut thee off
the devil oftentimes manifested himself la men, 18. come and let us rf. devices against Jeremiah Zech. 11.1. O I^banon, \.\\z.lfire may rf. thy cedar«
and gave them anisuers, onj received their wor- Ezek. 11. 2. are the men that rf. mischief It shallDEVOUR.
ship. Their wo-ship ii an invention of the devil .iyif.2.1. woe tothem that rf.iniquily and work evil Job 18. n. il shall rf. the strength of his skin
Jor lehat other deity besides the devil could 3. behold, against this family do I rf. an evil l.'a.lO.Vi. il shallhnn and rf. his thorns and briers
require human victims, like those that .cere sa- DEVISED. Jfr.5.14.I will make my wordsfire, itslnttd. them
crificed to Moloch ? Devil is likewise taken for 2 Sam. 21. 5. raanthatconsumed us rf. against us 17-2". I will kindle afire and it shall d. the palaces
persecutors, instnuncnts -.chick he makes use 1 Kings 12. .'.3, month which he rf. of his own heart of Jerusalem, and not be quenched, .'Imo 2. 5 >

of in executing his wicked designs against the Esth.a.3. hisdcviaethalhe had rf. against the Jews 21. 14. it shall d. all things round about, 50. 32.
godly. Rev. C 10. 5.1etitbe written to reverse letters rf. by Ilaman E:ek. 20. 47- it shall rf. every green tree
Lest he fall into the condemnation of the devil, Psal. 31. 13. they rf, to take away my life 28. 18. it thall rf. and I will bring thee to ashes
I '1 im. 3. 6. Lest he become guilty of the sin for J<r.l 1.19. knew not that they had rf. devices against //"». 8. K. and 1^ ihaU rf. the palaces of Judah
which the devil was conaemned, and so receive the 48. 2. in Heshbon tliey have rf. evil against it Imos. 1. H. it thall d. the palaces o" Kabbah
same punishment which was intlicted upon him. 51.12. the L. hath both;?, and done, inm. 2. 17. •i. i. send a fire, it shall rf. the palaces of Karioth

itat. 4. 1. Jesus was led to be tempted of the d. 2 have notfol'nwedcunwngly rf.fables
5.d. takelh him up to holy city|]U.rf.leaveth him
DEVISKTII. <ien. 31. 15. he hath sold us, and quite rf. our money
8. the d. taketh him up to an hijh mountain Psal. 36.4. herf. mischief on his bed, abhors not evil :;7. 20. will saj', some evU beast hath rf. him, ZX
9. 3C. a dumb man possessed with a d. 12. 22. 52. 2. thy tongue rf. mischief like a sharp razor ti^ n. 41. 7. the seven thin ears rf. tlie seven rank, Sk
11. 18. and they say he hath a d. Luke 7. 33. /Vn!. 6. 14. herf. mischietcontinually,soweth discord Lrv. 10. 2. there went fire from the L. and d. them
13. 39. the enemy that sowed them is the d. 18. an heart that rf. wicked ihiaginations i\um. 26. 10. What time the Are rf. 230 men
Hal. 15. C2. daughwr is gnevously vexed with a d. free. 16. 9- man's heart (f.hiswav.L.directetb steps Uevt. 31. 17. 1 will hide my face, they shaU be d.
;. « .


Diut. i2. 2-t. they shall be with bamiae heat
d. Ihe Hosea, sftaiin^ of the gstdneis of 2 Sam. 5. s5. and David d. so as the Lord command

2Sam. 18. 8. the wood d. more than the sword d. hupocrites, compares it to the early dew that 1 Kingsil.ll. elders rf. aj- Jezebel had sent to
22. 9. and fire out of his mouth d. Psal. 18. 8. soon goetb away, that is soon es.haled by the 26. Ahab d. according as d. the Amorites
Broiherly love, or 2 Kings 8. 18. Jehoram, as d. the house of Ahab
F/0/.78 45. he sent divers sorts of flies which rf.them heat of the siin, llos. 0. 4.
T)~i for they have d. .lacob, and laid waste his

the communion of saints, is compared to the dew 17 \.\. as d. the heathen which the Lord carried
105. 3-5. the locusts d. the fruit of their ground which falls upon the hill of liermon, and re 41 asd. their fathers, so do they to this day
Isa. 1. 20. if rebel, ye shall be d. with the sword freshes and makes it fruitful, Psal. 133. 3. As 1 Chron. 14. I6. David d. as God commanded him
24. 6. therefore hath the curse d. the earth the drops of dew are innumermhle , and as they 2 Chr. 25. 4. d. as it is written in the law of .Mosts
Jer. 2. 30. yonr sword hath d. the prophets fall suddenly and secretly without bei,:g per- /ia.58. 2. seek me ai a nation that rf. jighteousaesi
3. 24. for shame hath d. the labour of our fathers ceived: III' allusion to these qualities of the Dan. 6. 10. Daniel gave thanks aj he 1/. aforetime
8 .6. for they are come, and have d. the land dew, such as were converted to Christ in the .1/a^ 1. 24. Joseph d. as the angel had bidden him
earliest gospel times are compared to it, Fs3\. 21. 6. and d. as Jesus commanded them, 20. I9
30. 25. for they have eaten up Jacob, and d, him
30. 16. all they that devour thee shall be d. 110. 3, Thou hast the dew of thy youth. // 28. 15. took watch d. as they were taught
30. 7. all that found them have d. them is said. Cant. 5. 2, My
head is filled with Luke 9. 54. and consume them, even as Elija d.
17. firit, the king of Assyria hath d. him deti', and my locks with the drops of the night. -ids 3.17 thro'ignorance ye did it,ai rf.your rulers

5i. 34. Nebuchadrezzer king of Babylon d. me Christ here alludes to the custom of lovers, wh:> 7. 51. ye resist II. your fathers i/.sodoyo
Lam. 4. 11. it hath d. the foundations thereof often and willingly suffer such inconvcntencis 11. 17. God gave them the like gift, aj he </. tons
E%ek. 15. 5. how much less when the fire hath d. it for their hopes and desires of ejijoymg their //<i.4.10.ceased from his works,aiGod d.hom hi)
16. 20. hast sacrificed thy sons to them to be d. beloved, and signifies his sufferings for the DID joined with evil.
19. 3. it learned to catch the prey, it d. men, 6. church's good : elsewhere, for a man to be wet Gen. 50. 15. he will requite us the evil we d. him
14. fire is gone out, which hath d. her fruit with the dew of heaven, is a sign of misery, 17. forgive thy brethren, for they d. to thee evA
22. 25. like a roaring lion, they have d. souls Dan. 4. 25. So drops, or droppings, signify Judg. 2.11. d. evil in the sight of the Lord, 3. 7, 12.
23. 25. and thy residue shall b« d. by the fire troubles, Amos 6. t 11. But dew and rain 4. 1. 16. 1.
I 10.6. 13.1. 1 Kings U. 22.

33. 27. I win give to the beast to be d. 39. 4. upon the land make it fruitful ; so is Christ Jy 15. 26, .34.
1 16. 7, 30. 2 Kings 8. 27.
IS. |

Dan. and brake in pieces, and stamped, IQ.

7. 7. ltd. his doctrine to his church, Deut. 32. 2. 2, 11. 14. 24.
15. 9, 18, 24, 28. I
17. 2 |

Ji)S. 7. 7. they are hot, and have d. their judges Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the d. of heaven, S9. 2 Chron. 22. 4.
9. strangers have rf. hisstrength,heknowethit not Ezod. 16. 13. in the morning d. lay round the host 1 Kings 11.6. Solomon d. evilin sight of the Lord
Joel 1 . 19. for fire hath d. the pastures, 20. 14. and when the d. that lay was gone up 2 Kings 21. 2. Manasseh d. evil, 2 Chron. 33. 2.
Amos 4. Q. your fig-trees, the palmer-worm d. them Num. 11.9. when the d. fell on the camp in night 23. 32. Jehoahaz d. evil \\37. Jehoiakim d. evil
7. 4. to contend by fire, and it d. the great deep ZJeu/. 32. 2. my speech shall distil asrf. zis small rain 24. 9. Jehoiachim d. evil\\ I9. Zedekiah d. evil
Nuh. they shall be d. as stubble fully dry
1. 10. 33. 13. blessed is Joseph's land for d. and for deep 2 Chr. 12. 14. Kehoboam d. e. 33. 22. Amonrf. ||

Zep/i.l.ia. land shall be<;. by the fire of his jealousy 28. also his heaven shall drop down d. Xeh. g. 28. but after they had rest, they d. evil
3. 8. all the earth shall be (/. with fire of my jealousy Judg. 6. 37. Gidewi said, \id. be on the fleece only 13. 7. understood the e. that Eliashib rf.for Tobiab
Zech. 9. 4. and Tyrus shall be d. with fire 39. on ground let there be d. 40. there was d.
Isa.65.12. not hear.but d. e. before mine eyes,C6.4.
AJat. 13. 4. fowls came and d. them, Mart 4. 4. 2 Sam. 1. 21. let there be norf. nor rain upon you 2 Jim. 4. 14. Alexander copper-smith rf. me much e
Luie 8. 5. 17. 12. we will light on him as the d. falleth DID not.
Lute 15. 30. this thy son who hath d. thy living 1 Amjf 17.1 .there shall iiot be d.nox rain these years Ezod. 1. 17. midwives d. not as king commanded
Itev. 20. 9, fire came down from God and d. them Job 29. 19. the d. lay all night on my branch 2 Kings l6.2.Ahaz(/.n. what was right,2 C/ir.28.1.
DEVOURER. 38. 28. or who hath begotten the drops of d. ? Xeh. 13. 18. d. not your fathers thus, and d.not our
Mai. 3. 11. I will rebuke the d. for your sakes Psal. no. 3. thou hast the d. of thy youth G bring all this evil upon us and upon this city i

DEVOUREST. 133.3. as the d. of Hermon, and as the d. that Jer. 11.8. commanded to do, but they d. them not
Ezei. 36.13. because they say^, thou land rf. up men Prov. 3. 20. and the clouds drop down the d. Jonah 3. 10. God repented of the evil and d. it not
DEVOURETH. 19- 12. but his favour is as d. upon the grass Mat. 13. i8. he d. 7iot many mighty works tlierp
2 Sam. 11. 25. the sword d. one as well as another Cant .5. 2. open to me, for my head is filled with d. 25. 45. d. it net to one of these, ye d. it not tome
Pro::. 19. 28. the mouth of the wicked d. iniquity I'^a. 18. 4. like a cloud of rf. in the heat of harvest John 8. 40. ye seek to kill me, this d. not Abraham
20.25. a snare to the man who d. that which is holy 2(3. 19. for thy as the rf.of herbs, ecirth cast out 2 Cor 7. 12. 1 7wt for his cause had done wrong

La. 5.24. as fire <i. stubble, and liame chaff, /ut'/2.5. Dan. 4. 15. let it be wet with the d. of heaven, 23. DID so.
Lam. 2. 3. like a flaming fire which d. round about 25. they shall wet thee with the d. of heaven Gen. 6.22. thus did Noah, as G. command, so d. he
Ezet. 15. 4. behold, the fire d. both the ends of it 33. and his body was wet with the d. 5. 21. 29. 28. Jacob d. so and fulfilled her week
Joel 2. 3. a fire d. before them, behind them a flame //ot. 6. 4. goodness is as early goeth away, 13.3. 42.20. bring your youngest brother, aud they d. sn
ffai.l.lS. the wicked <f. man that is more righteous 14.5.1 will be as d. tc Israel, he shall grow as lily Ezod. 7.6. as the Lord commanded so d. they, 10
liev. 11. 5. if any hurt them, fire d. their enemies Mic. 5. 7. Jacob shall be as the d. from the Lord 12. 28,50.
39.32. 40. 16. Xum.l. 6-J.

DEVOURING. Hag. 1.10. the heaven over you is stayed from d. 22. magicians d. so, 8. 7, 18. 24. Lord d. so ||

appearance was like (f. fire on mount

£j-orf.24. 17. his Zech. 8. 12. and the heavens shall give their d. 17.6. Moses 10. Josh. iVu/n.8.3. Aaronrf. s3

Psal. 52. 4. thou lovest all d. words, O tongue DIADEM. Xum. 36. 10. so d. the daughters of Zelophehad
Isa. 29. 6. thou shaltbt visited with d. fire, 30. 30. Job 29. 14. my judgment was as a robe and a d. /ojA.6.14.theycompassed the c\ty, so they (/.six days
30. 27. and his tongue is as a rf. fire /.va. 28. 5. and forarf. ofbeauty to residue of his peo. 11. IS. sod. Moses command, and so </. Joshua
53. 14. who among us shall dwell with the d. fire ? 62. 3. and a royal d. in the hand of thy God Jiidgi 2.17. they d. not so 6. 40. ( that night

DEVOUT. E:ek. 21. 2(3. remove the d. take oflf the crqwn 1 Sam. 1. 7. as he </. so year by year,when she went

Zule 2. 25. Simeon wasjust and <f .waiting for consol. DIAL. 2. 14. so they d. in Shiloh to all the Israelites
4cis 2. 5. there were at Jerusalem Jews, d. men 2 AVH5j20.ll.gone down in the rf.of Ahaz,7fa.30.8. 27. 11.10 d. David, and so will be his manner
8.2. d. men carried Stephen to his burial, lament. DIAMOND. 1 Kings 12.32. so d. he in Beih-el, sacrilicing

10. 2 Cornelius was a d. man 7. arf, soldier ||

Ezod. 28. 18. and the second row a rf. 39. 11. 14. 4. Jeroboam's wife d. so, and went to Shiloh
13. 5t). but the Jews stirred up the d. women Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah is written with point of ar/. Ezra 6. 13. so they d. Xeh. 5. 15. but so d. not I

17. 4. of the d. Greeks a great multitude believed Ezek. 28. 13. the rf.tlie beryl, was covering of 'J^ru^ /ja.20.2. Isaiah d. so, walking uaked and barefoot
17. Paul disputed with the Jews and d. persons DID. Jer. 38. 12. Jeremiah d. so Ezek. 12. 7. and I d. to \\

22. 12. Ananias a d. man, according '.o the law 1 Sam. 30. +21. David asked them how they d. Mat. 9. 19. Jesus arose, and so d. his disciples
DEW 1 Kings 11. 25. besides the mischief that Iladad d. Luke 6. 10. stretch forth thy hand, and he d. so
Is a small rain, which falling on the ground in the 2 Kings Iti.S.d. ri^jht according to all that David d. 26. so d. their fathers to the false prophets
morning, doth keep it moist, and make it J'niit- Xeh. 2. 1(3. knew not whither 1 went or what I d. Ji'/;«lli. 15. followed Jesus and wrf.another disciple

f^J. In warm countries, and iyi places where it /;jM.2.11.Mordecai walked to know how Estheri/. Acts 19. 14. there were seven soiu of Slieva who:/, so
ratns but seldom, the night-dens supply in some Mat. 12. have ye iKit read what David d. !
3. Thus DID
tort the uant 0/ rain. And therefore the bestow- 21. 15. when they saw wonderful
things that he d. G£K.42.25. to fill their sacks, thus d. he unto tnem
tng of it is a biasing from God. Deut. 33. 13, Mark 3. 8. they heard what great things he d. Ezod. 36. 29. thus d. he to both of them in corners
Blessed of the Lord be Joseph's land for the John C. 23. they saw miracles which he d. 6. 2, 14. 40.16. thus rf.Moses, according as Ld.commanded
dea ; and the withholding of it a curse : 2 Sam 4. 29. who told me all things that ever I d. 3'J. Xum. 32. 8. ttiiu d. your fathers when 1 sent them
1. 21, Ve mountains of Gilboa, let there be 9. 2(). then said they, what d. he to thee .' 2 Sum. 12. 31. thus d. he to all the cities of Aninimi
no deal on yoti. Ilushai compares an army 15.24. done the works which none other man d. 2 Kings l6. l6. thus d. Urijah the priest, accordini;
ittlli/ing upon the enemy to the dew descend- .•If/.t 3.17.thro' ignorance yerf. it, asrf. your rulers 2 Chr. a. 1 1 thus they d. (lay by day, and g.ithered

ing on the ground, 2 Sam. 17. 12. God pro- 26. 10. which thing I also d. in Jerusalem 31.20. t/iia d. liezekiah throughout all Jud.-Ji
mises to be as tlie dew unto Israel, llos. 14. 5. 2 Cor. 8. 5. and this they d. not as we hoped Xeh. 13.18. d. not your fathers thus, and did not G
Though they we'e as withered and dying grast, 1 Pet, 2.22. who d. no sin, nor was guile found JoA 1.5. sanctified tliem, thus d. Job continu,illy
yet he vottld refresh and strengthen them: By DID joined with as. DlD.Sr.
iestowing upon them his grace and Spirit, he Gen. 21. 1. the Lord rf. to Sarah «j he had spoke fJcn. 20. 6. thou(/. thisinthi- integrity of thy heart
mould make them fruitful and flourishing. This 43. 17. the man d. as Joseph bade, andbrougiit men Xum. 21.34. shaltdo asthout/. to .'^ihon,/)*i(r. 3. 2.
comparison of God's visitation of his people to 56. 1 2 hi.« sons rf. to him aj he commanded them
. shall do .IS thou d. to Jericho and her king
dew, is rema'kable in several places of scripture. Exod. 7.(5. d. as the Lord commanded, 10, 20. IC. 2 Stim. 12. 12. for tliou d. it secretly, but I will do

Isa. 26. 19, Thy dew is as the dew of herbs 28,50. 39. .32. Lev. 8. 4. 1(). 34.
24. 23.
13. 16. is greater than the other that thou d. to me
Mnm. 1. 54. 2. .34. 20. 7. 27.22^ 31.31. 1 Aiiigj 2.44. that thou d. to David my father

Or, thy dew is a bright dew, a dew of light arid | | | i

dawn. The prophet there speaks of the captivity Lev. 4.20. ashe d. willi the bullock, 1(). 15. 8. 18^ d. well that it w.15 in thy heart,2 C7ir. 6. a
«/ Babylon, as of a state of death: 'ITiy Num. 23. 2. Calak d. as Balaam had spoken, .30. Sih. 9. 17. 'hy wonders that thou d. among then
men shall live ; but God's visitation of his peo- D<t(/.2.12. as Israel d. to the landof bis possession Psal. 39. 9, 1 w.TS dumb, because thou d. it
ple, his favour and blessing, would recover them 22. as he d. to children of Esau 3.6.aJ Sihon
•14.1. fathers told us wh,at work ihou d.iii theirday»
in some sort to life and light, would make them JojA. 4. 18, waters flowed over banks.a* they rf. before 137 f 8. reconipenscth the deed which thou d. to iij
rivive ana' flourish again. Heavenly doctrme, 23. as the Lord your God d. to the Kcd-sea Isa. ()4. 3. when d. terrible things nut looked for
or the xord of God, is likewise compared to dew, 10. 211.,/. to kingofMakkedah,a.t he rf. to Jericho Acts 7. 28. wilt thou kill me as thou d. Kcyptia;
Dtut 32. 2, My
speech shall distil as the 11. 9. Joshua d, to them as the Lord bade him DIDRACHMA.
dew : iWy doctrme shall have the same effect Ju ig. fl. 27. Gideon d. as the Lord hiid said to him Is a Greek word, sif^nifjing a piece of mtney at
IT). 11. r.» they d. to me, so I have done to them two drachms in value. Ji Didrachm was uerth
upon your hearts, as the dew has upon the earth ;
It shall mail them soft, pliable, and fruitful. 2 Sam. 30. as what the king d, pleaacd the people
'i. abtui fsuriitn fence Enghsh ; two Didrachms

.. . '


Tfe 1)1 K. /'.»(//. 79. II. preserve those are .ippointed to<l»
ttco ihillincs en-i feurpenee, n-hich nn.le nn\
'lite Jews -.^ere hti ih /,(.-< |0<>i.3fl.ll.rorhe said. lest he rf. as his brethren diii 88. 15. I am atllicled and ready /n rf. fr.ini youtt*
iipl'irw i/ielel. cause him tod.
Oblt'td li< finy nery nut linlj a slieKl lo il em-\ 44.31.wheiiheseellilhe lad is not with us,//^\villrf. I'rov. ly. t 18. soul nol spare, 10
tin /,,iii Eicd. 21. 12. he that smiuih a man, so ihai he rf. I'ecl. 3. 2. a time to be born, and a time 10 rf.
pie' It is 111 id tn Alal. 17. Ct. thai
14.shall take him from mine altar, thai he may rf. Jer. 26. 1 1 is worthy 10 rf. I6. nni worthy to rf.
rtftii rd tilt irihuit or capilnlioK »t l::v drmiinis, (HI, . ||

20. smite his servant, and he rf. under his li.ind fer. .38. 9. he is like tod. for hunger in the "Lire
or hti.f <i shekel, eiiiiie and deiimuded il oj our 'in house
and smitten thai he C6. 10 reliiri; to .lonaihairs !•> rf, ilure
tijtir'; mid dial he, linivii sent I'eu-r lo Jis/i in\ C 2. 2. if a thief be found

l/ie lake, luld /urn, thai ike lirsl lith he sh,tii/d\.\ «,«i. .35. iC. if he unite him so that /,<>rf.C0.Cl.C:i.
yu«n//4. 3. for it isbetur for me rf than loliv e.p. M
Deui. 13. 10. ly. 5. U. CI. 21. 8. Jonah fainteil, and wished in himself '.• rf.
luke, tcvuld hate a yicee oj monei/ in iV.> nmiiih, I I

17. wherewith he may rf. 18. 2.t. Dent. 10. 12. f.uie'. 2. ihe c';iilurion"s servant was ready 10 i.
ej'joiir drnchiiis in laliie ; ihai he should lake il,
John have a law, and by our law he onghl .Ma.
and gift il lo ihe reef iters of ilns Iniuie Jar Vcui. 20. 5. let him return, Ust lit rf. in baiile, 6.7. 19. 7.
Judz. 6. 30. bring out thy sou that lie may rf. .IrtsQ[. l.t. 1 am ready also 10 rf. at Jerusalem
loth of iliem.
UIK. 2 Ham. II. 15. retire Ironi him that he may rf. 25. II. if worthy of death I refuse not ij rf.

Kiuzs 1.52. if wickedness be in him, //« shall rf. 16. not the mannerof lioma lis 10 deliver any .Mrf
See nil Uk4Ii aiiJ Dijath. 1

2.1. thedavs of David drewiiii^h that A^ should rf. A'o«(.5.7. for a good man some won Id
even da re /no
Gen. 6. 17. i'\ cry miii!; llial is in the earlli shnll d.
for me 10 rf. ilaii
S:i. i:{. il' men overdrive ihcin, all ihc llo,.k will d. iy.4. Klijaii requested for himself that he might rf. 1 Cu.O. 15. for il veie better
and stone him that he may C Cor. 7. 3. you arc in our hearts 10 rf. and 'ive
44. U. lei him d. C'.'. liis father would d,
CI 10. carry
. out rf.

shall he rf. and his name perish

' /'/(//. 1.21. for me live is C:hrisl and /o rf. is gain
4fi. ."to. now let nic d. |147. Cy. that Israel must </. l'>al. 41.5. when
10 men once /o rf. '.ut
i'.tod. 7. Hi. ihe fish that is in the river sli.ill (/. /';or.5.C3.//^ shall rf. without instruction, goaslray llei. y. 27. as it is r.ppoinied
15. 10. and he that haielh reproof shall rf. lieo. 3. 2. things thai remain, ire reaily tod.
9.4. nothiiii; shall ./. that is the children's nl" Israel
my 16. hut he that dfspiselh his w.tys shallrf. y. 6. men shall "iesire 10 rf. and death shall llee
10. CK. the day thou seesi face ihoii slialt d. ly.
l\e UIK.
11.5. all the first-born in land of Ilgypt shall d. Jer. 22. 12. he shall rf. whither they led him captive
.18. 10. lake up .lerem. out of dungeon before he rf. Oeu. 47. 15. why should we rf. in thy presence ?
CU. 4 1. when they come to ihc altar 10 niiniMtr,
that they hear not iniquity and d. Leu. CC. y. /L:fi.3.iy.if thou warn the wickeil.//S shall his
Exod. IC. U
than that
. ue should rf. in the wilil-rne'^''
which ye may iniquily,20. 18. 18,24,26. ,33.9, 13. 18. CO. ly. let not (iod speak, test av rf. Oei'i. "> 'J.?.
Lev. 1 1. St), if any beast of eat//. | |

CO. CO. thev shall hear sin, they shall rf. childless 12. 13. he shall not see il, though //« shall rf. tlK'ie .Vhwi. 17 IC. behold, ue rf. we perish, we all peri'^'t

17. 16. in the midst of Habylon he shall rf. CO. 4. that :ee and our cattle should rf. there
,\«/«. 4. 15." shall not touch holy thing, lest ihey d.
1 Sam. IC.19. pray for thy servants, lliat :.<• rf. not
QO. when holy things are covered, lest they </. Ji;/;«lC.33.siguifyiiig what death /it' should rf.l8..3C
1 OIK. C •!>'«/«. 14. 14. for :i< must needs rf. and are is water
0. y. if any man d. very suddenly by him
I A7/(f.t 17. 12. I dress it, that ne "uay eat it and o,
14. 35. ill this wilderness, and there they shall d. Cien. 19. 19. lest some evil take me, and \ rf.
J*?. Cy. ijihese d. the common deatli of all men C6. 9. Isaac said, because 1 said, lest / rf. for her C A'(Hi;i7.3. ihey said, why sit we here till n-e rf. .'4,
soul may bless thee before I rf. 4. and if they kill us, :ie sli:.ll but rf.
17.i:i. whocomeih near tabernacle shall </. 18. CC. C7. 4. that
.30. 1. Uachel said give me children, or else 1 rf. /irt. 22.13. for to-morrow :ee shall rf. 1 Cr'r. 15. 3C.
18.3. not come near, neither they, nor yon also d.
John 11. 16. let us go that ue may rf. with him
£0. Cf). strip Aaron, and he shall rf. on mount llor 45. 28. I will go and see him before 1 rf.
48. 21. Israel said to .loseph, behold. Id. ICom. 14. 8. and whether ue rf. .•i<' rf. unto the I.ord
23. 10. let nic </. the death of the righteous
C7. 8. speak, sayini;, if a man rf. and have no son 50. 5. lo, / rf. 2i.. loseph said to his brethren J d.
)e DIK.
shall ye Kmch il, lest ye rf.
Vent. 17. 5. shalt stonethem that they rf. CC.Cl.Ci- Deui. 4. 22. but 1 must rf. in this land, I must not go Oeu. 3. 3. neither
Judf. 15. 18. now shall Id. for and into Leu. 10. 6. neither rend your clothes, lest ye rf.
17. 12. that men shall rf.l|lH. CO. prophet shall rf. thirst, fall

C2. CC. both shall rf.yCS. the man only shall rf. liuih 1. 17. where ihoudiest will / rf. and be buried 7. ye shall not go oui from the door, lest ve d.

C4.3. ifthe latter husband rf.il7.thaltiiicf shall rf. 1 Sam. 14. 43. I did but taste, and lo, / must rf. \um. 18. 32. nor pollute holy things, lest i.r rf.
I'sal. 1)2.7. but ve shall rf. like men, and fall ike one
25. 5. if oiicrf. and have no children, Mark 12. ly. 2 Ham. ly. .37. that 1 may rf. in mine own city

thou he nay, but /will here />«.CC.14. surely this iniqui. not be purged uWyeif.
31. 14. to iMo^cs, •'.ly days approach that rf. 1 /w)/5i2. 30. said, rf.
aiioth. couniry, there shall ued. 42. 16;
32.50. behold land of Canaan, and rf. in the mount Ji'hCT .5. that 1 sh. jiiblily you ; till /rf.not remove Jer.Q2. C6.
Jvd^. 16.30. Sam:,on said,!;t merf. with Philistines 2y. 18. then I said,/ .shall my nest and multiply C7. 13. for why will ye rf .' J.ui. 18. .31. 33. 11, |

; -Saiu. 2. 33. all the increase

"'' thy house shall rf. I'rov. M.' .<\yo things, deny me them not before / rf. 42. CC. know that yj shall rf. by the sword
cause not return, iheie John 8. CI. shall seek' me, and ye shall rf. in sins, Ci.
34. thy two sons, in one day they shall rf. both Jir. 37. 20. nic to lest 1 rf.

14.45. thi people said to Saul, shall .lonalhan rf. .1/«/.26.35. iho' I should rf. with thee,.VrtrX 14. 31
.' How. 8. 13. if ye live afier the llesVi ue shall rf.
t S/im. 18. 3. nor if half of us rf. will thoy care 1 Cor. 15. 31. I protest by your rejoicing, / rf.daily
1 A«Ho.il4.12.wl.en thy feet entercity.chilu shallrf. UIK. AW 6'fH.7.21. all flesh rf. C2. 11.28. andllaiai. rf. ||

and (';fH.42.2.that wemay liveaiid «ri/ rf.4.t.8. 47.19. 1 1.32. lerah rf. 23. 2. Sarah rf.!|C5.8 Abraham i
i h'iii;.< 20. I thou
. sh.ilt rf. not live, Isa. 38. 1 |

20. so shall your words be verified, ye shall noi rf. 25. 17. Ishmael rf. .35. 11. Deborah the nurse rf
i Chron. 25. 4. fa.hers no: rf. for the children, but ||

.35. 18. Kachel rf. I9. 48. 7. P 35. 29. Isaac rf.
every IT ~ji shall rf. forhisown sin, J«r. 31. .10, Eiod. 21. 18. and he rf. tiol, but keepelh his bed |

:)(). 3.1. P.ilah rf. -.H. Johab rf. .35. llushnm rf.
Jsi2. y. then hi« wife said to hini, curse (iod an<l rf. 28. 35. his sound shall be heard, that he rf. uot II

away, they rf. without wisd 30. 20. shall wash with water, thai they rf. hii.',2I 36. 36. Iladad rf. 1 Chr. 1. 51. 36. 37. Samlah rf
4.2 .excellency uoeth
. ||

Lev. 8. 35. keep the charge of the Lord that ye 31). 38. Saul rf. 11.39. liaal-hanau son of Achborrf.
12. 2. ye are the people, wisdom shall rf. with you
15. 31. that they rf. uol, Xiim. 4. 19, 38. 12. Judah'swiferf.ll 46.12. Kr.Onan rf. Canaan
14. It. Ihough the stock thereof rf. in the ground 17. 10. |

50. 16. Jacob rf. ||C6. Joseph rf. Etod. 1. 6.

14. a man rf.shall he live again - all my days wait 16. 2. that he come not at all limes, that he rf. uol
13. the cloud cover the mercy-seal, that he d.ui'i Exod. 2. 23 the king of I'.gypt rf. ". 21 the fish J.
34. 20. in a moment shall they rf.people be troubled || .

.36.12. if obey not, they shall rf.wiihout koo.vledge A»m.35. 12. that the manslayer rf. not. Josh. CO. y. 8. 13. the frogs rf. 9. 6. "the cattle of Kgypi rf.

me 16. 3. would to God we had rf. by the hand of the

14. they rf. in youth, their life is among unclean Ueiit. 18. 16. nor
see this file, that I rf. u<ii

7'i.4y. 10. for he seetli that wise men rf. also the fool 33.6.lellleuben live and «. rf.let not his men be few Lord in I'.gypt, A'«w. 14.2. 20. 3. C6. li,i. 1 |

104. Cy. thou takest away their breath, they rf. jHrf» thee, fear nol.ihou shall jio/ rf. /.ci'.lO.C.Nadab'aiid Abihii rf. before the Lord. Hi. 1.
f'roi'. 10. 21. but fools rf. for want of wisdom 1 6<7W. 20. 2. 2 Sam. 12. 13. I9. 23. 7f/.:tf!.C4.
A'kw. 3. 4. C6. 61. 1 CJiron. C4. 2. I

Sam. pray lo the L. for us, that we rf. uoi A'i(»i.l4. 37. the searchers of ihe land rf. bv plague
t<<7. 7. 17. why shouldest thou rf. before thy time

1 12. 19.
y. 5. living know they shall rf. but dead know not 20.14. shew me the kindness of the L. that I rf. not CO. C8. Aaron rf. 33, .38, 39. Deui. 10. 6. 32. SO. |

/<a.C2.18.a ball in lar^e country .there thou shalt rf. 2 A'lH^t 18. 32.takeyou,that yemajlivcand «iif rf. 16. 49. now they that rf. beside them thai rf.
51 .6.ihey that dwell iherein sliall like maimer 2 Chron. 25. 4. fathers shall not rf. lor their child CO. 1. Miriam rf. 21. 6. much people of Israeli/.

12. that shoulilesl Ih- afraid of a man that shall rf. I'sal. 118. 17. shall ?iu< rf. but live, and declare
I 25. y. those ihal rf. in the plague were C4.000.
6.i. 20. for the child shall rf. a hundred years ohi I'rov. 23. 13. if thou bealesl him with rod, he shall C6. 1 noiwilhsiand. the children of Korah rf. tiol
1 .

^<r.l 1.22.1 will punish them, young men shall UOI d. Ezek. 18. 17. 21, C8. 33. 15. Jirf(«Cl.C3. C7.3.daughiersof Zelophehadsaid.our father

tword, their sons and daughters shall rf. by fam. Isa.5\. 14. and that he should not rf. in the pii wilderness, but rf. in his own sin, and had no sons
16.4. they shall rf. of grievonsdeaihs,n()l lamented 66. C4. their worm shall uol rf. nor fire quenched Of«/.31.5..Mo5esrf. 7. he was ICO years when he ir. II

6. both the great and the small shall this land Jer. 11. CI. that thou rf. noi hy our hand Joih. 5. 4. even all ths men of war rf. by the way
34. 4. Zedekiah, thou shalt nol rf by the sword 10. II. they were more which rf. wilh hailstone*
C". If. thus sailh Lord, this year thou shall rf
34.5. but ihou shalt rf. in peace, and with burnings K:ek. i3. I9. lo slay ihe souls that should uol rf. C4. cy. Joshua the son of Nun rf. Jnd^. C. 8.
t'\':. 18. 4. the soul that sinneih, it shall rf. Co lla.'/. 1. IC. we shall nol rf. I., thou hast ordained 33. Kle.izar the son of Aaron rf. Chron. 23.22 1

;i. 11. Olhniel rf.

£11. U. th")u shallrf. deaths of them thai are slair John 6. 50. that a man may eat thereof, and noi rf.
Jiid!. 1. 7. /\donibe7.ek rf. |i

10. thou 'hall rf. the deaths of the uiicircumcisei. CI. 23. saying that that dis< iple should not rf. 8. 3C. Cibeon rf. 10. 2. Tola rf. 5. .lair rf. || jj

33. B. ill. II man sliall rf. in his iniquity Surely DIK. y. 49. all the men of the lower of Shtvhem rf.
G«/.2. 17. thou shalt J lire /vrf. CO. 7. 1 Sam. 14 44. ic. 7. .leplhah judged Israel six years, then rf.
C7. th^v in the caves shall rf. of the pestilence
^".« C.C'Moabsl.allrf. with tumult, wiih shouting 22. 1(). 1 Ai«gi2.37,'42. Jer.C6.S. Lzek.3. 10. Ibzan rf. IC. I'.lon rf. 15. Abdon rf. || ||

ti '). if there be ten men in one house ihey shall rf. 18. 33. 8, 14. Unih 1. 3. Klimelech rf. 5. .Mahlon, Chilion rf. ||

3. 4. the serpent said, ye shall not surely rf. I Sam. 4. t 1 1. i;li"ssons, Ilophni and I'liinehas, rf
7.1 :. Amos sailh, leroboam shall rf. by the .sword
IT.saith the Lord, thou shalt a polluted land A'kwi. 26. 65. the L. had said, they shall surely rf. 5. IC. that rf. were net smiiien with the en>eroil:

10. the sinners of my people shall the sword Jiid^. 13.CC. we shall jiirf/yrf. because we have seen 25.1. Samuel rf. 37. MabaTs heari rf. within hiO I|

2eeh. 11.9. then said l.thal thatdielh, let il rf. 16Vi;«.14..3y. iho' in.lonath. my son, he shall Juir/v 31 .5. Saul was (lead, his armour-beanr fell on hii
13. e. sailh Ixird, two pans shall be cut off and rf. rf. 20.31. ISain. 1C.5. 2 AiH5.iH.lO. £:«*. 18. 1.3. sword and rf. with him, 6. 1 Chron. 10.5, 13
Wo/. 15. 4. honour father and moiher.he that curseih Sam. 12. 14. the child born to thee shall surelu d C Sam. 2. C3. Asahel rf. 3. 33. rf. Abner as a fool ||

fallier or moiher.lei l:im rf.the death.A/afX 7.IO.|2 liiii^s 1.4. notcomc down, but shalUu/e/yrf. 6,l6. 6. 7. there he rf. before the Lord, 1 Chron. 13. 10
82. 24. if a oian rf. having no seed, /.iiA< 20. 28. To 1)1 K. 2.s««i.l0.1.kingofchild.of Ammonrf.l t7-n>K.19.l,
LuA«20.jC.nor can they rf. any more,equal to angels Ksau said, behold. am at the point loJ. 18. Shobach rf.
I 11. 17. l.'riah ihe lliiiite rf. ||

John .4y. Le
4 sailh, sir, come down ere my child rf. /.riirf. 14. U. Iod. in the wilderness, .\uai. 21. 5. 12.18. on seventh day child rf. feared to tell Ddvid
11.50. that one man rf. for the people, lb. 1-1. A'i('«. 18. 22. come nigh, lest they bear sin 10 rf. 17. 23. Ahithophel "haiiced himself and rf.
51. piflphesied that Jesus should rf. for that nation .35.30. nol testify against any, to cause liim to rf. 18. 3.3. would loCioii hadrf. for thee, () Absalom 1

18.24 er. ept acorn of wheat rf.biit if it rf.ii brings 31. no satisfaction for him who is faulty lo rf. 19. 6. and all \>e had rf. thisday, it pleased the
Kom. 6. 7. scarcely for a righteous man will oiierf. Josh. C. 1 14. our life instead of you 10 rf. 24. 15.thererf.of people, even from Dan 10 I'.eersh
1 Cor.l5.2C.for a.s in Adam all in Christ shallj l.bam.CO.lO.L.smitehim.or h lay shall <:ome(o rf. 1 Ai«j»3 19 this woman's child rf. in the nigh
3fi. what thou sowe»t is not quickened cicept it rf. 16. ye are worthy 10 rf. necanse ye kept not 14.17. whenshecame in ine inreshr.ld ihe childd
Hei. 7. 8. and here men that rf. receive tithes :8. 9.' laycst a snare for my life, causj- me 10 rf. m
16. 18. Zimri rf. 22. libiii rf. 22. 3.5. Ahab rf, 37 \\

litr.i 4.13. blessed ut ttie dead tlii^t tf- ia th« Iword Clirvn, 32, II. w
give \ouri> in rf by famine 2 A inf J 4. 20. he sal on her knees till noon auUthen^/.
2 ATirj jj 9.27 Ahaziah
. Megi Juo and J. (h*re
fled to Phil. 1 + 10. that ye msv trv I'le things that d. rf. tend on.j to plenty
Prop. 21. 5. the thoughts of
13. 14 F.lisha d. 20. 24. llazael k. ol J>.vriarf.
DlKfKRENCE. 22. 29. seest thou a man rf. in bis businef }
23. 34. Jehoahaz came to ICgypi and d. there Erod.lX.T. Lord put a (/.l>etween Egyptians and Is. 27. 23. be thou rf. to know the stiite of ihy flock
1 CAron. 2. 30. but Seled d. without children Lev. 10. 10. may put a d. between holy and unholy 2 Cur. 8. 22. whom we have oftentimes proved rf. but
32. and Jelher d. 2 Cfiron. 10. 13. Asa d.
11. 47. to make a d. between unclean and clean nuw much more rf. upon the coufilence in yoo
2CAri>«.24.l5.Jchoia4a wasfull of days when he d. 20. 25. r"t a d. between clean beasts and unclean 2 7'im. 3. 1 10. but thou hast been 7.d. follower
22. when he d. he said, the Lord look on it Lzek. 22.26. they have put no d. they shewed no d. I'll. 3. 12. be rf. to come un.o me to Nicopolis
/kA 3. 1*1. why d. 1 not from the womb ? 44. 23. they shall teach my people the d hetw. holy 2 Pet. 3. 14. be rf. ve be found of him in peac«
42. 17. so Job d. being old and full of days .ills 15.9. and put no d. between us ar;dthem DILIGENTLY.
/j«. 6.1. in the year that king I'zziah d. I saw Lord Horn. 3. 22. on them that believe, for there is no d. A'j-,)rf.i5.26.ifthou wilt ./.hearken to the voice of the
14. 2K. in the year that king Ahaz d. was ihishunl. 10. 12. there is no d. between the Jew and Greek Lord thy God, Deut. 11. 13. 28. l.Jer. 17.24 |

Jer. 2K.17. llananiahrf. Ezet. 11. 15. Pelaiialirf.

|| 14. t23. he that pulteth a d. between meats Afi'.lO. 16. Mosesrf. sought the goat of sin-offering
i,i«/t.24.18.I spake in mom. and at even my wife d. 1 Cor.T 34. there is d. between a . wife and a virgin Deut. 4. 9. only take heed and keep thy sonl rf
Uos. 13. 1. but when he offended in Baal, he d. Jude 22. of some have compassion making a d. 6. 7. thou shalt leach them rf. to thy children
Mai. 22. 27. seven brethren deceased, and last of DIFFERENCES. 17. you shall rf. keep the commandments, 11. 22.
all the worn. d. also, Mark 12. 22. Luke 20. 32. 1 Cor. 12. 5. there are d. of administrations 13. 14. make search, and a>k rf. and if it be truth
Luki If). 22. the beggar d. the rich man also d. DIFFERETH. 24. 8. take heed that thou observe rf. and di
John 11.21. if had been here, my
brother not rf. 37. 1 Cor. 15. 41. one star d. from another in glory 1 *am.20.t 19. then thou shah go down rf. and come

37. caused that even this man should not have </. ('a/.4.1.heir when a child rf.nothing Irom a servant 1 Kittss 20. 33. now the men did rf. observe whether
Acts 9. 37. in those days Dorcas was sick and d. DIFFERING. Lira 7. 23. let it be rf. done fur the house of God
tlom. 5. 6. in due time Christ d. for the ungodly, 8. Rom. 12. 6. gifts d. according to the grace given Job 13. 17. hear rf. my speech and declaration, 21.2.
7 g.sin revived and l.d.\\ 8.34. it is Christ that d. DIFFICULT. Pm
/.37. 10. shalt rf consider his place, it shall not be
14. 9. for to this end Christ both d. rose and revived Zech. 8. + 6. if it be d. in the eyes of this people 119. 4. hast commanded us to keep thy precepts rf.
15. but if thybrother be grieved, destroy not him DIG. Prni. 7. 15. I came forth rf. to seek thy face
with thy meat for whom Christ rf. 1 Cur. 8. 11. I'rod. 21. 3.3. if a man d. a pit, .ind not cover it II. 27. he that rf. seeketh good, procurelh favour
1 Cor. 15. 3. how that Christ d. for our sins Ltcnt. 8. 9. out of whose hills thou mayestrf. brass 23. 1. consider rf. what is before thee
one were 23. have a paddle, and d. therewith l\a. 21 7. he hearkened rf. with much heed
2 Cot. 5. 14. if d. for all, then all d. 13.tliou .sh-ilt

15. should live to him who d for them and rosea?. J<ib 3. 21. d. for it more than for hid treasures 55. 2. he,\rkenrf. to me, and eat that which is good
\Thess.i.\i. if we believe that Jesus rf. and rose ag. 6. 27. and ye d. a pit for your friend Jer. 2. 10. consider rf. see if there be such a thing
5. 10. whorf. for us that we should live with him 11. 18. thou shall d. about thee, take rest in safety 12 16. if they will rf. learn the ways of my people
Htb. 10.28.he that despised Moses' law d. without 24. 16. in the dark they d. thro' houses marked /.ich. 6. 15. if ye willrf. obey the voice of the I-.u-d
11. 13. these d. in faith, not having received pro.n. 39. t21. his feet d. in the valley .Mat. 2. 7. he inquired rf. when the star appeared
22. by faith Joseph when he d. made mention of L;ek. 8. 8. he said, son of man, d. now in the wall 8. 1 1 erod said.go and search rf.for the young child
/ff». 8. 9. 'Wrd part of creatures which had liferf. 12. 5. d. thou through the wall in iheir sight, 12. 16. which he had rf. inquired of the wise men
11. many men d. of waters that were made bitter .Imos 9. 2. though they d. in hell.though they climb -'l/«r*7.t 3. except they wash hands rf. they eat not
16. 3. and every living soul d. in the sea Luke 13.8. Lord, let it alone, till 1 shall d. about it Luke 15.8. sweep house and seek rf. till she find it
And he. So he. That he DIKD. 16. 3. I cannot d. to beg I am ashamed .ids 18. 25. he taught rf. the things of he I.-ird
G«n.5.5.the days ot Adam were 930 years a«rf/i« d. DIGGED. 1 V'im.5.10.if she have rf. followed every good work
9. 29. Noah's days were 95o years, and he d. fJ«H.21.30.may be a witness iliat I have rf.lhis well 2 1.17. in Rome he sought me rf. and found mo

/Krfi'.4.21.Jael smote nail into his temple, so he d. 26. 15. the wells his father's servants had d. 18. I'tt.3. 13. bring Zenas the lawyer and Ap.ilbis ':c
1 6'a/rt.4.18.Eli'sneck brake and hed.iov he was old li(. Isaac's servants (/. in the valley, 21, 22. 25. their journey rf. that nothing be wanting to them
14.45. so the people rescued Jonathan ihat he d. not 32. and told Isaac of the well that the/ had d. lleh. 11.6. a rewarder of them that rf. seek him
25. 38. that the Lord smote Nabal that he d. 49. 6. for in their seli-will they d. down a wall 12. 15. looking rf.lest any man fail of grace of Cod
2 Aim. 11. 21. smote Abinielech that he d. in I'hebez 50. 5. in my grave which had d. for me bury me I 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which the prophets searched rf.

1 hin^s 12. 18. stoned Adoram that he d.2Chr.10A8. Erod. 7. 24. all the Egyptians d. for water to drink DI.MINISll, ED.
S liin^i 1.17 .so he d. according to the word of Lord Sum. 21. 18. the princes d. the well, the nobles d. Exod.5.R.yon shall not rf. ought thereof.they be idle
7.17. people trod on him in the gate and he d. 20. Dent. 6. 11. wells d. thou diggedst not, Seh. 0.25. 11. not ought of your work shall be rf. I9.
8. 15. he spread a cloth on his face, so that he d. 2 Km^s 19.24. I have d. and drunk strange waters, 21. 10. her duty of marriage shall he not rf.
t Cnr. 13. 20. the Lord struck Jeroboam and he d. and dried up all the rivers of places, La. 37. 25. 30. 15.the rich shall notnruhiply, the po'irnot d.
21. 19. Jehoram's bowels (ell out, so he d. 2 Chron. 16. 1 14. sepulchres he had d. for himself Lev. 25. 16. according to the years thou shalt a.
Luke 20. 29. and he d. without children, 30. 26. 10. Uz^iah d. many wells for his cattle Sum. 26. i 54. to few rf. his inheritance, .\3. f ,i4.
dels 7. 15. Jacob a", in Egypt, he and our lathers P.fal."!. 15. made a pit and rf. it, and is fallen, 57.6. Deut. 4. 2. nor shall yon rf. ought from it, 12. 'dl.
Horn. 6. 10. for in that he d. l.i d. unto sin once 35. 7. without cause they d. a pit for my soul Prov. 13. 11. wealth gotten by vanity shall be rf.
2 Cor. 5. 15. that he d. for all, that they who live 40. t 6. mine ears hast thou d. offering not required Isa. 21. 17. the mighty men of Kedar shall be rf.

DIEST. 94. 13. till the pit be d. for the wicked Jer. 10. 1 24. correct not in anger, lest thou rf. me
Unth 1 .17. where ihou rf.wiU I die and there be bur. 119.85. proud have rf.pits for menot after thy law 26. 2. speak what I command thee, rf. not a word
DIET. /.>n.5.6. it.«hall not be pruned nor i/.come up briers 29. 6. that ye may K- increased and not rf.
/<r.52.34. fsrrf. therewas a continual rf. given him 7.25. and on all hills be d. with the mattock 48. t .37. every head bald, and every beard rf.
DIETH. 51. 1. look to the hole of the pit whence ye are </. E:tk.S.\l.\\zsi defiled, therefore will .ilsorf. iheoI

Lev.1. 24. fat of beast that d. of itself shall not eat .Jer. 13.7. then 1 went to Euphrates and d. 16. 27. behold, I have rf. thine ordinary food

22. 8. whati/. ot itself snail not eat, lieut. 14. 21. 18. 20. they have d. a pit for my soul, 22. 29. 15. I will rf. them, they shall uo more rule
A«m. 16. + 29. if these men die as every man d. Lzek. 8. 8. and when I had d. in the wall Dl.MlM.SlllNG.
19.14. when a man d. in atent all shall be unclean .lunah 1. + 13. the men d. hard to bring it to land Rom.'il. 12. rf. of them be the riches of the Gentiles
2 .ii«m.3.,33.ihe king said, died Abiier as a fool d. ! il/nf.21.33. hedged it, and d. a in it DIM.
1 Kings 14. 11. him that the city shall dogs eat 25. 18. d. in the earth, and iiid his lord's money r:en. 97. 1. when Isaac was old and his eyes rf.
16. 4. d. in the field fowls of the air eat, 21. 24 Luie 6. 48. who d. and laid the foundation on a rock 48. 10. now the eyes of Israel were rf. for age
Job 14.10. man d. and wasteth away, gives up ghost Rom. 11. 3. Lord they havi d. down thine altars Deut. 34. 7. Moses' eye was not rf.nor force abated
21. 23. one d. in his full strength, being at ease DIGGEDST. 1 .y««i. 3. 2. Eli's eyes began to wax rf. 4. 15.

25. another d. in the bitterness of his soul Dent. 6. 11. and wells digged which thou d. n'H Job 17. 7. mine eye also isrf. by reason of sorrow
.36. « 14.their soul d. in youth, life among unclean DIGGEIH. Isa. 32. 3. the eyes of them that see shall not be rf.

Pja/.t9.17.when he d. he shall carry nothing away Prov. 16. 27. an ungodly man rf. up evil, fire in lips /.nm. 4.1. how is gold become rf.' fine sold chanced!
Pror. 11.7. when a wicked man d. his expect, perish 26. 27. whoso d.a. pit shall fall therein, Keel. 10. 8. 5. 17. for these things our eves are rf.our heart faint

Eccl. 2. 16. and how d. the wise man as the foo! .'
3. 19. as the one d. sorf. the other, all one breath Jer.'Z. + 34. I have not f'nind it by d. but on all these ha. 8.22. and behold trouble darkness rf. of anguish
Isa. 50. 2. their fish stinketh and d. for thirst DIGNITY. 9. 1. rf. shall not be such as was in her vexation
59. 5. he that eateth of their eggs d. what is irnslied Cen. 40. 3. Reuben, thou art the excellen<y of d. DINE, D.
Liek. 4. 14. nor eaten that which d. of itself iUllt. 6. 3. what d. hath been done to Monlecai Oen. 43. I6. for these men sli.ill rf. with me at noon
18. 26. committeth iniquity, and d. in them iUcl. 10. 6. folly is set in great d. and the rich sit in Luke II. .37. a I'harisec besought him to rf.with him
32.1 have no pleasure in the death of him that d llab. 1. 7. their d. sh II proceed of themselves John 21. 12. Jesus sailh to them, come anil rf
Ztch. 11. 9. then said I, that that d. let it die DIGNIIIES. 15. so when they had rf. .lesus saith to .Simon
Mark 9- 44. where their worm d. not. 46, 48. 2 Pet.i. 10. are not afraid to speak evil of rf. Jude 8 DINNI.R.
/{<)m.6.9Christ being raised from dead d. no more DILIGENCE. Prov. 15. 17. better is a rf. of herbs where love Is
prepared my J. my oxen
14. 7. none of us liveth and no man d. to himself Proi .4 23. keep thy heart with allrf for issues of lift Milt. 22. 4. behold, have 1

Luke 12. 58. as thou an in the way. give d. to be Luke 1 1..38. that he had not first washed
bebire rf
DVED. supper, call not friends
Eiod.^5.5. take of them rams'-skinsrf. red, and shit- /iu/«,-il tuleth with (/.mercy with cheerfuln. 14. 12. when uiakest a rf.or

as ye abound in faith and all d 1)1 1'.

tim-wood,26. 14. 35. 7. 36. I9. MJ. :n
1 |
2 Cor.
8. 7. theref.
it in the blood that is in the basin
'a. 63. 1. Cometh with rf. garments from liozrah 1 7ini. 4. 0. .lo thy </. 10 come i>hortly to me, 21. Eiod. 12. 22. rf.
jieJi. 23,15. exceeding in d. attire upon their llead.^ lien. 6.11. that every one of you shew the same d.
Uv. 4. 6. Uie priest shall rf. his finger, 17 14. I6.
2 Pet. 1.5. giving all </. to add to your faiih virtue 1 1.6. rf. the cedar wood and the living bird, .M.
Hah. 2. t 3. the valiant men arc d. in scarlet
DYING. 10. brethren, give d. to make your calling sure Sum.V) 18. clean person should rf. hyssop 11. witel
24. Moses said, let Asher rf his foot in oO
Gra. 2. 1 17. when thou eatest, d. thou shall die Jude 3. when 1 gave all d. to write to you of salva. Deut. .13.

Sum. 17. 1:1. shall we be cousumed with d.? DILIGEN r. liuih 2.14.IJoaz said 10 Kuth, rf. morsel in vineg.-u
16.24. send Lazarus thai he may rf. Uisfingei
Mark 12. 20. and the first d. left no .seed Deut. 10. 18. the judges shall make rf. inquisition l.uke
J.'sh. 22. 5. take d. heed to do the commandment
DII'I'El), Elll.
Luke 8. 42. J aims' only daughter lay a </.
Geu.X!. 31. ar.d they tl e coat in the hloo.1
? Ciir.4.10 bearing in the body the d. of Lord Jesus PtaL ()4. 6 search iniquity, accomplish a d. search

the priesLs' feel were rf. ip brim of wolcf

6. 9. asrf. and behold we live, a.-i chastened and not 77. 6. with my heart and my spirit made rf. search y ••/i.3.15.
lieb. 11. 21. by faith, Jacob wheu d. blessed sons of Prov. 10. 4. but the hand of the rf. tnakeih rich 2 l\ini;i!t. 14. Naaman rf. in Jordan veven limes
UIFKER. 12. 24. the Land of the rf. shall bear rule Ptiil.M. 23. that thy fool be rf. in blooa
AJa<.S6i.23.he that rf! his hand wi'Ji me '\ the dish
Eom. 2. + 18. and thou triest the thing.s that d 27. but the .substance of a rf. man is precious
the saue siiaH betray me Maik 14. SO
1 Cot. 4. 7. whg makeiU ihee to rf. frtn^ aoothet? n, 4. but the soul of the rf. shall b« made fat
' ;


John whom I give a sop, when I have d. it Rem. 14.+2S.thal rf. between meats isdamned,if«at .1/i»r.28.7.SO,aiid tell his rf.he is risen from the dead
wbcD he had i. the sop, be gave il to Judas iCor. 2. 14. not know .because they are spiritually rf. 13. say ye, his rf. came by night and stole him
DIFr. 1 15.hethat isspiritual rf.all things.yet he himself Mark
10. 10. in the house his rf. asked him again
Ln. 9. 9. Aaron d. his finder in the blood is rf. of no man, for who hath known Luke 5. 30. the Pharisees murmured against his rf
1^m.l4.C7he d. the end of rod in an honey-comb DISCERNING. 6. 20. he lifted up his eyes on his rf. and said

2 ATin;^ 0. 1 5. Hazael took a cloth and 1/. it in water 1 Cor 11. 20. eateth unworthily, not rf.Lord's body 11. 1. teach us to pray, as John taught his rf.
•Rw.19. 13. was clothed with a vesture d. in blooJ 12. JO. to another is given rf.of spirits, to another John 2. 11. his glory, and his rf. believed on him
DIHKCT. Dl.SCERNER. 4. 2. though Jesus himself baptized not, but his rf.

C01.46. C8.he sent Judintorf.his face to Goshen Heb. 4. 12. word is a rf. of the thoughts of the heart 27. upon this came his rf. and marvelled that he
Psal. 5. 3. in the niorning will I d. my prayer DLSCIIARGE, D. 6. 3. up to a mountain, and there he sat -.vuii his rf.

Prov. 3. 6. acknowlfdce him, he shall d. thy paths 1 King! 5. 9. and will cause them to be rf. there 22. but his rf. were gone away alone
11. 5. the righteousness of the perfect sh»ll d. Eccl. 8. 8. day of death, there is no rf. in that war 9. 27. why would ye hear it again? will ye be his rf.
Ecel. 10, 10. but wisdom is profitable to d. DISCIPLE 11 . 12. then said his rf. L. if he sleep shall do wel!
/fa.45.13 have raised him up, I will rf.all his ways The word Disciple, absolutely taken, signifies, in 18. 1. he went with /ii> rf. over the brook Cedron
^1.8. I will d. their way in truth, and make the Xew Testament, a believer^ a Christian, 2. for Jesus often resorted thither willi his rf.
/« is not in man that walketh to d.his steps a scholar, a follower of Christ, or his .-Iposrles ; 20.26. again, his d. were within, Thomas with them
1 7'i4*jj.3.11.our I>. Jesus Christ rf.our way to you as in Acts 0. 1, When the number of the rfn- Of his DISCIPLES.
2 Thtis.Z. 5. Lordrf. our hearts into the love of G. ciples was mul'iplied, there arose a murmuring .1/aM1.2.when John had heard works of Christ, he
DIRECTED. of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because senttwo<)/"/u>rf..¥ar*ll.l. 14.13. iH*e ly.29.

Job 32. 14. he hath not d. his words against me their widows were neglected in the daily minis- Mark 7. 2. some of his rf. eat with uiiwashen hands
Ptal. 119. 5. O that my ways were d. to keep stat. tration. And in Acts 9. 1, Haul yet breath- John 6. 66. from that time many of his rf. went back
141. + 2. let my prayer be incense, and lifiinc ing out threatenings and slaughter against the 18. 19. the high-priest "asked Jesus of his d.
i«a.40. 13. who hath d. the Spiiit of the Lord .'disciples of the Lord, that is, against the fol- 25. art not thou also one of his rf. .' he denied
DIRECTETII. lowers of Christ. 21. 12. anne of his rf. durst ask him, who art thou ?

Jot 37. 3. he d. it under the whole heaven 'J'he name of Disciple is often set down for that To his DISCIPLES.
Ptoi. 16.9. his ways, but the Lord d. his steps of Apostle ;
in the Gospel, Mat.
particularit/ Mat. 14. 19. blessed, and gave the loaves to his d.
2J. 29. as for the uprieht he d. his way 5. 1. 8. 23.
10. 1. but in other plates the
Mark 4. .34. he expounded all things to his d.
DIRECTION Apostles are distinguished from Disciples. The Luke 10. 23. he turned himself to his rf. and said
Num. 81. 18. printf 5 judged it by d. of the Iawj;iver Apostles were chosen particularly by Christ out JiiArt 21.14.third time Jesus shewed himself /o^y rf.

Pial. 19. 1 4. their d. is gone out through the earth of the number of his disciples, to be the stewards My DISCIPLES.
DIRECILY. of his most secret mysteries, and the principal ha. 8. 16. bind up testimony, seal law among my d
yum. 19. 4. sprinkle blood d. before the tabernacle ministers for propagating and establishing the .Uar26.18.mastersaith,I will keep the passover at
Eiek. 42. 12. even the way d. before the wall Christian religion. They were twelve in num- thy house with my rf. Mark 14. 14. Luke 22. 11.
DIRT. ber. Mat. 10. 2. Luke 6. 13. John, 8. 31. then are ye my rf. indeed, 33. 35.
Judg. 3. 22. the fat closed, and the d. cane out But the Disciples who followed oiir Saviour from 15. 8. that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my rf.
Pial. 18.42. I did cast them out as d. in the streets the beginning and are called simply Disciples, 'Thy DISCIPLES.
ha. 57. 20. whose waters cast up mire and d. were seventy in number. The precepts and admo- il/rt/.p. I4.why do wc fast, thy not, Mark^.lS.
DISALLOW, r.D. nitions which our Saviour gave them, when he 12.2. thyd. do that which is not lawful on sabbath
Num. 30. 5. because her father d. her not sent them to preach in the cities of Judea, are 15. 2. why do thy rf. transgress the tradition .'

8. but if her husband d. her ||

11. he<f. her not recorded in Luke 10. from the beginning to 17.16.1 brought him to thyd. they could not cure
i Pet. 2. 4. d. indeed of men, but chosen of God verse 17- iUa;it7.5.why walk not //lyrf. according to tradit. ?
7. the stone which the builders d. is made head Mat. 10. 24.rf. is not above his master, Luke 6. 40. 9 18. I spake to thy rf. to cast him out, Luke 9 40.
DISANNUL. 25. enough for the rf. that he be as his master Luie 19. 39. the Pharisees said,Master.rebuke^/;yrf,
J«i to. 8. wilt thou also d. my judgment ? 42. whoso shall give a cup of cold water to a rf. JohnT. 3. ihalthi/d. may seethe works thou .
Isa. 14. 27. Lord hath purposed who shall d. it 27.57. Josephof Arimathea himself was Jesus' rf. "DISCIPLINE.
Gal. 3. 17. this covenant the law cannot d. John 9. 28. thou art his rf. we are Moses' disciples Job 36. 10. he openelh also their ears torf. andcom.
DISANNULLED. 18. 15. and so did another rf. thatrf. wa.s known DISCLOSE.
ha. 28. 18. your covenant with death shall be d. 16. then went out that other rf. that was known Isa. 26. 21. behold, the earth also shall rf.her blood
DISANNULLEITI. 19. 26. the rf. standing by, whom Jesus loved DISCOMFITED.
Gal. 3. 15. covenant no man d. or addeth thereto 27.thensaithhe to that rf. behold thy mother,and Erod. 17. 13. Joshua rf. Amalek and his people
DISANNULLING. from that hour that rf. to-yk her to his own home .'•.'/(«. 14. 45. smote and rf. them, even to IIormaL
Ileb. 7. 18. there is a d. of the commandment 38. being a rf. but secretly, for fear of the Jews fosh. 10.10. Lord rf.them before Isr. and slew them
DLSAPPOINT. 20. 2. the other rf. whom Jesus loved, 21. 7,20. Jiidg. 4. 15. the Lord rf Siseraand his chariots
Psal. 17. 13. arise, O Lord. d. him, cast htm down 3 Peter went forth, and that other rf. and came 8. 12. Gideon pursued them, and rf. all the host
DISAPPOINTED. 4. the other rf. did out run Peter, and came first 1 6Vz7n.7. 10. thundered onthe Philistines.andrf. them
Prov. 15. 22. without counsel purposes are d. 8. then went in also that other rf. and he saw 2 Sam. 22. 15. lightning, andrf. (hem, Psal. 18. 14
DISAPPOINTEIII. 21. 23. this saying, that that rf should not die ha. 31. 8. shall Hee, and his young men shall be rf.
Job 5, l"?. he d. the devices of the crafty 24. this is the d. that teslifieth these things DI.SCOMFITURE.
DISCERN, Acts 9. 10. there was a certain rf. at Damascus 1 Sam. 14. 20. and there was a very great rf.
ijjsceming of splriu is one of the gifts of God, 2(). but they believed not that he was a rf. DISCONTENTED.
menlioneJ liti the ajionle Paul, 1 Cor. 12. 10 36. now there was at Joppa a rf. named Tabitha 1 5./m.2C.2. every one that was rf gathered to Dav,
// consists in discerning among those, who »i 16. 1. a certain rf. was there, named Tiniotheus DISCONTINUE.
they are inspired by God, whether they are 21. 16. an old rf. with whom we should lodge Jer. 17. 4. and thou shalt rf. from mine heritage
animated or inspired by a good or evil spirit My DISCIPLE. DISCORD.
tchether they are true or false prophets. Thii Luke 14. 26. if he hate not his life, cannot ^e my rf. Prov. 6. 14. he deviseth mischief, he soweth rf.
gift :i:as of lery great importance both in 27. whoso doth not bear his cross,cannot be mu rf. 19. and him that soweth rf. among brethren
the Old Teilamenl, uhertin it is found that 33. that forsaketh not all, he cannot be my rf. DISCOVER.
false prophets often nse vp, and seducers DISCIPLES. Deut. 22. 30. a man shall not rf. his father's skirt
who deceived the p-ople ; and also in the Ne:c, in Mat. 9.14. then came to him th€ rf. of John, saying 1 !)'«»i. 14. 3. and we will rf. ourselves to them
the primitive ages of the church, when niperna 10. 1. when he had called unto him his twelve rf. Job 41. 13. who can rf. the face of his garment ?
Itiral gifts were common ; when the messenger o, 11. 1 he had made an end of commanding his rf. Prov. 18. 2. but that his heart may rf. itself

.Satan was sometimes transformed into an angel 14. 26. when the rf. saw him walking on the sea 25. 9- thy cause, and rf. not a secret to another
of light, and false apostles, under the outward when the rf. heard it they fell on their face ha. 3. 17. the Lord will rf. their secret parts
appearance if sheep, concealed the sentiments of 19. 13. and the rf. rebuked »hem, Mark\0. 13. Jer. 13.26.1 will rf.thy skirts on thy face, AaA.3.5
raiening wolves. ll'herefure the Eianselisi 20. 17. Jesus took the twelve rf. apart in the way Aflffi.4.22.0 daughter of Edom, he will rf. thy sins
cautioned believers, savins. Relieve not every 21. 1.. Jesus sent two rf.saying, go into theviUage Kzek. 16. 37. I will rf. thy nakedness to them
spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of 22. 16. the Pharisees sent unto him their rf. Jlos. 2.10. 1 will rf. her lewdness in sight of lovers
(Jod, 1 John 4. 1. See in Deut. 18. 20, 21,22. "IS. 26. Jesus took bread, and gave it to the rf. .U/f. 1.6. the stones, I will rf. the foundation thereof
the maris which are given by God to distinguish .35. I will not deny thee, likewise also said the rf. Dl.SCOVERED.
the true from false prophets. 5(i. then all the rf. forsook him, and fled Ezod. 20. 26. that thy nakedness be not rf. thereon
6Vn.31 ..32.rf.thou what is thine with me, and take it Mark 2. 18. why do the rf. of John and of the Ph.a- Lev.Q0.18. he hath rf. her fountain, she uncovered
38. 25. .she said, d. I pray thee whose are these risees fast, but thy rf. fast not Luke 5. 33. 1 Sam. 14. 11. both rf. themselves to the garrison

ZSam. 14. 17. so is my lord the king to rf.good and bad 8. 14. now the rf. had forgotten to take bread 22. 6. when Saul heard that David was rf. and man
19- 35. and can I d. between good and evil > Luke 19. 37. the rf. began to rejoice and praise G 2 Sam. 22. 16. the foundations of the world were
I Kin^s 3. 9- that I may d. between good and bad John 3. 25. between some of John'srf. and the Jews rf. at the rebuking of the Lord, Psal. 18. 15

ll.tliou hast asked unilerstanding to rf. judgment 4. 1. that Jesus baptized more rf. than John ha. 22. 8. and he rf. the covering of Judah
Ezra 3. 13. the people could not rf. the noise of joy 9. CH. thou art his disciple, but we are Moses rf. 57. 8. for thou hast rf. thyself to another than mc
Jc/'4. 16. but 1 could not rf. the form thereof 13.5.he began to wash the rf.feet, and to wipe them Jer. 13. 22. for thine iniquity are thy SKirts rf.
6. 30. cannot niv taste rf. perverse things ? 18. 17. art not thou also one of this man's rf. .' Liim. 2. 14. and they have not rf. thine iniquity
Ezek.Ari. 23. cause them rf. betw. unclean and clean 20. 18. Mary told the rf.that she had seen the Lord Lzek. 13. 14. so that foundation thereof shall be d-
ionah 4. 1 1. cannot rf. between right hand and left .icli 9. I.Saul breathing out slaughter against the rf, 16. 36. thy nakedness rf. through thy whoredoms
hlal. 3. 18. rf. between the righteous and the wicked 2IJ. Saul essayed to join himself to the rf. 57. before thy wi( kedness was rf. as at the time
J/a<.l6.3. ye can rf. the faceof tlie sky, /^(X? 12.56. 1 1.20. the rf. were called Christians first iiiAiitioch 2 .24.saith Lord, in that yourtransgressions are rf.

Heb. 5. 14. their senses exercised to i^.good and evil 19.1 Paul came to Ephesus, and finding certain rf.
• 22. 10. in thee have they rf. their father's nakednes*
DISCERNED, ETII. 30. Paul would have entered, rf. suffered him not 23. 10. these rf. nakedness, they took her sons
yJen. 27. 23 he rf. him not, his hands were hairy 20. 7. first day of weekrf.came together break bread 18. she il. her whoredoms, and rf. her nakedness
1 KmgslO. 41. and the kingof Israel rf. him .30. men speaking, to draw away rf. alter them 29. the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be d.
Nth. 13. '24. they rf. not to speak in Jews' language His DISCIPLES. Has. 7.1. then the iniquity of Ephraim was tf.
Prov. 7. 7- I rf. among the youth a young man Mat. 8. 25. his rf. cajne and awoke him, saying Acts il. 3. now when we had rf. Cyprus, we left
Tltcl. 8. 5. a wise man rf. time and judgment 9- 19- Jesus arose and followed, and so tiid his d.
i 27. 39. bat they rf. a certain creek with a there
134 ' ''
DISCOVERETH. f 15, iG. yo sooner nor be d. Josh. 1. 9. 8. 1. :o. 25. 1 Ch .22,
had Abimckch, king of | |

Jci 18 "1. he d. deep things out of darkness Gerar, ta.U~>t Sarah, the mje
of Abraham, 13. 28. 20. 'iChron. 20. 15, 17. | 32. 7.

Pttl. 29. 9. the voice of the Lord d. the forest forcibly away, but he was threatened with deaJi, 1 6'«/«.17.11.they were(/.2 Kings iy.26./ja.37.S7
DISCOVERING. Gen. 2r;. 3, 4. Er and Onaii, the sons of Ju- Isa. 21. 3. 1 was bowed down, d. at the seeing of i1
Hoi. 3. 13. by d. the foundation to the neck dah, were carried off by unknown diseases, for 41.10. fear not, be not d. Jer. I.I7. to. 2. 23.4. | |

DISCOURAGE. having committed actions of an infamous and 30. 10. 46. 27. Ertk. 2. 6. I
3. y. |

Num. 32. 7. why d. ye the hearts of the people detestable nature. Gen. 38. 7, 10. A?id the 23. that wc may be d. and behold it together
DISCOURAGED. Philistines were smitten with an igncminious Jer. ii.Q. the wise men ar.e d. and taken, 10. '.l.
Num. 21. 4. the soul of the people was much d. dtseaae, for not treating the ark with that res- 17. 18. let them be </. bullet not me be d.
32. 9- they d. the heart of the children of Israel pect that it deserted, 1 Sam. 5. 12. There 46. 5. wherefore have I seen them d. turned batlr
Dent. 1. 21. go and possess it, fear not, nor be d. are a great number of diseases recorded in scrip- 48. 1. Wisgabis(/. 1149. 37. cause Elam lobe d.
28. our brethren have d. our heart, saying ture, which were sent by God in the way of 30. 36. the mighty men of Babylon shall t)e d.
Tta. 42. 4. he shall not fail nor be d. till he set punishment for sins. Oiad. 9- thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be d.
Co^.3.21.provoke not your children, lest they be d. The diseases of Eiypt, from which God promised DISMAYING.
DI.SCREET. to defend his people, Exod. 15. 26 ; and which Jer. 43. 39. Moab shall be a d. lo all about hirr
Cen.41.33.1ct Pharaoh look out a man d. and wise he threatens, in case of their disobedience, to Ezek. 32. t23. caused d. in the lai;d of the living
39. there is none so d. and wise as thou art tiiflict upon them, Deut. 28. 60. These diseases DISMI.SSED.
Tit. 2. 3. that the aged teach young women to be d. are either the plagues with which God afiiicttd 2 Chr. 23.8. Jehoida the priest d. not the course.
i 6. young men likewise exhort to be d. Egypt before the departure of the Israelites, or Acts 15.30.when they were (/. they cametoAniioch
DISCREETLY. the diseases which were must common in the ly. 41. when he had thus spoken, he d. assemijly
Mari 12.34. when Jesus saw that he answered d. country, such as blindness, ulcers in the legs, DISOBEDIENCE.
DISCRETION. consumptions, and the leprosy, called Elephan- A' one man's </. many were made sinners
Pial. 112. 5. he will guide his affairs with d. tiasis, which was peculiar to this country, as 2 Ctir. 10. 6. having in readiness to revenge all d.
Prov. 1.4. to the young man knowledge and d. Pliny observes, .Egypti peculiare hoc malum Eph. 2. 2. the spirit that workeih in children of a
2.11. d. shall preserve thee, understand, keep thee Elephantiasis. 5. 6. wrath of God on the children of d. Col. 3.
3. 21. my son, keep sound wisdom and d. 2 Kings 1. 2. inquire, whether if I shall recov. of rf. i/ei. 2. 2.every(/. received a just recompence of rew.
5. 2. thou mayest regard d. and keep know-iedge 8. 8. saying, shall 1 recover of this d. ? 9. 4. t H. lest any fall by the same example of d.
11. 22. so is a fair woman who is without d. 2 Chr. 16.12. Asadiseased till his d. was exceeding DT-jOBEUlENT.
19 11. the d. of a man deferreth his anger great, yet in his d. he sought not to the Lord 1 Kings 13. 26. man of Uod, who was d. to the word
ha. 28. 26. for hi* God doth instruct him to d. 21.15. shall have great sickness by (f. of thy bowels AV/i. y. 26. they were d. and rebelled against nie
Jei . 10. 12. he stretched out the heavens by his d. 18. the Lord smote him with an incurable d. Luie 1. 17. turn the d. to the wisdom of the just
DISDAINED. Job 30. 18. by force of my d. is my garment chang. Acts 26. 19. 1 was not d. to the heavenly virion
ISam. 17. 42. when Goliath saw David, he </. him Psal. 38. 7. my loins are filled with a loathsome d. Eom. 1. 30. boasters d. to parents, 2 Tim. 3. 2
Joi 30. 1. whose fathers I would d. to set with dogs 41. 8. an evil d. say they, cleaveth fast to him lu. 21. 1 stretched forth my hands 10 d.d people
DISEASE. Eccl. 6. 2. this is vanity, and it is an evil d. 15. t 31. that I may be delivered from d. in Judea
Diseases and death are the consequences and ef- .Mat. 4. 23. healing all manner of </. 9. 35. 10. ]. 1 / im. 1.9. tlielaw was made for the lawless and (/.

fects of sin; litis is the idea zohich u'e have of John 5. 4. was made whole of whatsoever d. he had J'li. 1. 16. deny him, being abomiiiatile and d.
>. 3. for we ourselves also were sometimes
them from scripture. The ancient Hebrews, DISEASES. d.
who were very little versed in the study of natu- CTorf.15.26. put none of these d.on you, Deut.1 .\5. Ilth. 11. \ 31. Rahab perished not with the d.
ral philosophy and not much accustomed to re-
, Deut. 28.60. he will bring on thee all the d. of Egy. 1 i'et.l.T. but to them which be d. the stone which
cur to physical causes, and cotisnlt physicians, 2 Chr. 21. 19. his bowels fell out, he died of sore d. 8. 10 them who stumble at the word, being d.
when they were sick, imputed their diseases gene- 24. 25. for they left him in great d. his servants 3.20. lo spirits in prison, which sometimes were d,
Tally to evil spirits, the eiecutinneis of divine I'sal. '03. 3. bless the Lord, who healeth all thy rf. DISOBEYED.
vengeance. If their infirmities appeared to be I lab. 3. + 5. and burning d. went forth at his feet 1 Kings 13. 21 as thou hast d. ihe mouth of the L

teyoud what was usual, and the causes of them Mat.i.Q.i. brought to him all sick people that were DISORDERLY.
were not known to them, they did not fait to say, taken with divers d. Mark 1. 34. lAikei. 40. 1 Thess. 5. 14. brethren, warn them that are d.
that it was a blow from the avenging hand of Ijuke 9.1. gave them power over devils, and cure d. 2 'J/uss..i.6. withdraw from a brother who walks d,
God ; to him the wisest and most religious had -lets 19. 12. and the d. departed from them 7. we behaved not ourselves d. among you
recourse for cure ; and king Asa is blamed for 28. 9. others which had d. in the island, came 11. there are some who walk among you d.
f lacing his confidence in physicians, when he had DISEASED. DISPATCH.
a very painful fit of the gout in his feel, and for Kings 15.23. Asa was d. in his feet, 2 Chr. 16. 12. Eiek. 23. 47. they shall d. them with their swords
not applying himself to the Lord, 2 Chron. 16. Ezek. 34. 4. d. have ye not strengthened nor healed DISPATCHED.
12, In his disease he sought not to the Lord, 21. because ye have push, the </. with your iiorus Ezra 10. f 14. let tkem come, till the matter be d.
but to the physicians. Job's friends ir/tmediately Mat. 9. 20. a woman d. with an issue of blood DISPENSATION.
ascribed all the distempers ith which that holy
;. 14. 35 they brought all that were d. Murk 1. 32. I Cor. 9. 17- a (/. ot the gospel is committed to me

man was afflicted, to God's justice. Job 4. 7, 8. John 6.2. saw miracles he did on them that were d. Eph. 1. 10. in tlie d. of the fulness ol times
Leprosies, which were so common among the DISFIGURE 3. 2. ye liave heard of the d. of the grace of God
Jews, were treated as diseases sent by Cod , the 3/ar.6. not as hypocrites, for they c'.their faces Col. 1. 2a. a minister according to the d. of God
priests were the persons who judged of the nature DI.SGRACE. DISPERSE.
and qualities of this evil, shut up the diseased, Jer. 14. 21. do not d. the throne of thy glory (/.yourselves among people
1 S'(i/«.14.3-t.Saul said,
and declared that they were healed, or had their DISGUISE, ED. Prov. 15. 7. the lips of the wise d. knowledge
leprosy upon them ; and after their recovery they 1 Sam. 28. 8. and Saul d. himself, and he went Ezek. 12. 15. when I shall scatter them and (i.them
offered sacrifices, as it were to eipiate for their 1 in the couulries, 20. 23.
Kings 14. 2. Jeroboam said, arise, and d. thyself 'iy. 12. 30. 23, 26 | |

jaults. Miriam, Gehazi, and king Uzziah, were .38. one of the sons of the prophets d. himself
20. 22. 15. and 1 will d. thee in the couulries
smitten suddenly with a leprosy ; the first as a 22.30.Ahab the king of Israel said, 1 will rf. myself, DISPERSED.
punishment for her detracting discourses ; the and he d. himself, 2 Chron. 18. 29. 2 Chron. 11. 23. Rehoboam (i^of all his children
second for his aiarice ; and the third for his 2 Chro7i.35. 22. Josiah (/.himself to fight witli hmi Esth.3.8. there is a certain people d. among people
presumption. Num. 12. 10. 2 Kings 5. 27. DISGUISETII. Psal. 112. 9. be halh (/. hv hath given, 2 Cor. y. 9.
S Chron. 26. 21. Job 24. 15. the adulterer also waiteth and d. his fate Prov. 5. 16. let ihy fountains be d. abroad
In the New Testament, the cause of many diseases DISH, ES. Jsa. 11. 12. he shall gather together the d. of Judah
is attributed to the deiil. F.iod. 25. 29. thou shall make the d. thereof, 37. 16.
It is said there, that tzik. 36. 19. they were (/. through the countries
the devil had bound the woman, who had been Awm. 4. 7- and put thereon the d. and the spoons. Zejih. 3. 10. the daughter of my d. shall bring
bowed down for eighteen years, Luke 13. 16, Juilg. 5. 25. she brought forth butter in a lordly d. John 7 35. will he go 10 the </. among the Gtnliles i

Ought not this woman, being a daughter of 2 htngs 21. 13. as a man wipeth a d. turning it Acts 3. 37. and as many as obeyed him were (/.
Abraham, whom Halan hath bound, lo, these .Mat.26. 23. dippeth with me in the d. Mark 14. 20. DISPERSER.
eighteen years, to be loosed from this bond on Dishonest; see Gain. AaA. 2. 1 1. the d. is come before thy face
the sabbath day? In verse 11. the same person DISHONESTY. DISPERSIONS.
is mentioned, as having a spirit of infinnity, 2 Cor. 4. 2. have renounced the Jer. 25. 34. days of your d. are accomplished
hidden things n( d. tlie
that is, a sore disease inflicted by the devil. DISHONOUR. DISPLAYED.
We are told if a dumb devil, and of another that Tzra 4. 14. was not meet for us to see the king's d. /'j.6o.4.thou hast given a banner that it may be d.
could scarce speak, Mark 9. 17. Luke 11. 14. be clothed with shame and d. 71. 13.
f'sal. 35. 26. DISPLEASE.
that is to say, which caused these infirmities m
69. 19. thou hast known my shame and my t.'. Gen. 31. 35. let it uot d. my lord ihut 1 c\nnot ris<!
thosi who were possessed by them : and whenever I'rov. 6. 33. a wound and d. shall he get A Km. 22. 34. if it d. tliee, 1 wiL' get me back again
Christ or his Apostles had a mind to restore /i'(i/n.9.21.make one vessel to honour, another to d. 1 Sum. 2y. 7. return, thou d. not llie birds
these indisy.ised persons to their health, they be-
1 (hir. 15. 43. it is sown in d. it is raised in glmy 2 Sum. 11. 25. say lo Joab, let not this </. thi-e
gan with casting out the devils ; for the cure im-
2 Cor. honour and d. by evil and good report Prov. 24. 18. lest tile Lord see it, and it d. him
mediately followed. 2 7'/;n.2.20. are vessels, some to honour, some to d. DISPLEASED.
Ilie Apostle Paul attributes the death and
diseases DIJJHONOUU, EST, ETIl. Gtn. 38. 10. the thing which he did (/. the Lord
of many to their communicating unworthih, Mic.7 .6. for the son d. father, daughter ag. mother 48. 17. laid right hand on head of Ephraim, 11 tt
1 Cor. 11. 30, for this cause many are weak John 8. 49. 1 honour my I'alher, and ye d. "^e A««(. U. 1. the people complained, nj. ibe Lord
and sickly among you, and many sleep. /i'( </. their own bodies between themselves
The lo.angerof the L.waskind'ed, Moses also was d
tame Apostle ascribes the infirmities wherewith 2. 23. through breaking of the law, d. thou God ' 1 6ij»/.8.6.but the thing d. Samuel, when they said
*« 'I'at afflicted, to an eiil angel, 2 Cor. 12.
1 Cur. 11.4. man d. his head 5. woman rf. her head 18.8. then Saul was very wroth, and the saying d.
7, ||

There was ;.;ivcn me a thorn in the (lesh, the DISIMIERIT. 2 .b(im.6.U.aiid David was d. because the Lord liad
messenger of Satan to buffet ine. It was the
An/n. 14. 12. 1 will f/.ihem.and make of thee a greater made a breach upon Uzzah, 1 Chron. 13. il.
destroying angel that made such havock of Sen- ULSJOINTED. 11.27. the thing David had done d. the Lord
aachenl/s army, 2 Kings I9. 35. It was the Jer. 6. < 8. be instructed, le.« my soul be (/.from thee 1 Kings 1. (i. Ins father had not d. him at any lioit
CKnging angel that drea his sword asatnst the L:ek. 23. 1 1*. "Od her mind wzts d. from them 20. 43. the king ol Israel went to his hi'ose d. 21. 4i,
ftople, and smote them ui.-h the pestilence, as DIS.MAVEU. 1 i:hion. 21. 7. iod God was d Miith ihi» thing

• jmnislrment for David'} tin, ( Ckrun 81, £>('!((, 31,8,he ^ViU uot fail nor forsake tbee,fear not, Psai. 60. 1, tUuu b»t bcea d. O tura ihy.'^eK to us


2>a. 69. 15. itc/. him iliai <t,':-f was ni; judgment Psal. 65. 10. thou d. the earth witn showers DITCHES.
Dan. 6 It. the kine was vir«r 1/. with liiu-.ielf 'USSOLVhSG. 3 A'inj:i3.l6.t>iussaith L.make this valley full of d.
Jonah 4.1 tut It </. .louah trxieeilingly, waii aiigry
. Dan. 5. 12. ana a. of doubts was found in Daniel DIVEKS.
//ai 3.8. wasilu- UirJ <r. ai;aiii5i the nvers r Ulsl Al-K. Lev. 19. 19. nor let thy cattle gender with d. kindj
Ztch. 1 2. the Lonl UaLh b<?eii sore d. with fathers
. /Voi.31.19.tothe spindle, and her hands hold therf. Deut.'l'i. 9. not sow thy vineyard with d. kinds
15.1 an> very sjre d. witli heathen atea^e for 1 \ ANCES. 11. thou shah not wear a garmjr.tof d. sorts
was but aliille d. ihey lielpeil forward alfliclioii /ia.33. t 17. they shall behold the land of farrf. 25. 13. thou shalt not have in thy bag d. weighUi
A/a». CI. 15. when tlie scril>ei saw, they were U. bis I ANT. 25. 1-S. in thy house d. measures, great and small
Uiik 10. 14. when Jesus saw it, he was uiueh d L.iod. 36. 22. one board had two tenons equally d. Jud«. 5. 30. to Siseraaprey of (/.colours, a prey of rf.
41. they began 10 be luucb i/.with J antes and J ohn uisriL. colours o' ueedle-work, en both sides
Acti IS.VO.lierod wa.s hii;hiv</. with them of lyre speech shall d. as dew, as small rain 2 Sa/n. 13. 18. iamarhad agarm. o(d. colours,19.
UISI'LIASING. Joi 36. 28. the clouds d. on man abundantly 1 C/iio»».29.2. prepared glistering stones of (/.colors

1 A'inj/ 9. f 13.he called them land of (/.to this day UISi INCHON. 2 ChroH. 10.14. they laid Asa in the bed which was
IJIS.1'LEASUKB. 1 Cor. 14.7. except they give a d. in the sounds filled with odours and d. kinds of spices
Uftt/.g.ip. for I was alraid of the hotrf. of the L<1 UlSilNGUISIIElH. 21. 4. Jehorara slew d. of the princes of Israel
J idi.\b.'i.\it more blameless, though 1 do theui arf. 1 Cor. 4. t7. for who d. thee from another? 30. 11. d. of Asher humbled themselves
Villi. 'I. 5. then shall he vex them in his sore d. DISUNCi LV. Lsih. 1. 7. the vessels bemg d. one from another
6. 1. neither chasten me id (hy hot d. 38. 1. \eA. O.B.they read in the book of the law of God d. 3. 8. their laws are d. from all people
Zech. 1. fS. Lord hath bem with d. displeased. UlSlkAClED. P^at. 78. 45. he sent d. sorts of Hies among theai
DIbl'OSLD. Psa/. 88. 15. while I suffer thy terrors, 1 am d. 105. 31. he spake, there came d. sorts ol Hies
ivb 31. 13. or who hath d. the whole world ? UISI KACTIUN. Prov. 20.10. (/.weights and (/.measures abomination
37. 15. dost thou know when God d. them '. I C'i;r.7.35-you may attend on the Lord without d. 23. d. weights are an abomination to ilie Ixird
A<.ti 18. 'J7 when lie was d. to pass into Achaia
. UISI HESS. i<T/.5.7. there are also (/.vanities; but fear thou G.
1 Cot. 10. 'J7 bid vou 10 a feast and y e be rf. to go
Goi. 35.3. God who answered me in day of my d. i:.:ei.l6.l6.thou dcckest high places wiih (/.colouis
bisrosLin. 42. 21. therefore is this d. come upon us 17.3. great eagle had d. colours, came to Lebanon
Vial 50. t C3. to him that d. his way aright Judg. 11.7. ye come to me now, when ye are in d. i^j«.7.3.great beasts came up, (/.one from another
DISPOSING. 1 A'am.CC.C.every one that viais in to David 7. a fourth beast d. from all the beasts, 19.
Prct. 10. 33. the whole d. (hereof is of the Lord 2 Ham. C2.7>in my d. I called on the Lord, and 23. d. from all kingdoms 24. d. from the first |1

DISI'OSINGS. cried to my God, Psa/.' 18. (i. 118. 5. | 120. 1 Mai. 4. 24. they brought to Jesus sick people taken

Piov. 16. t 1. the d. of ihe heart in man is of the L. 1 h'lites 1. 29. that redeemed my soill out of all d. with d. diseases, Mark 1. 34. Lnkei. 40.
DISI'USniON. 2 Chion. C8. 22. in his d. Ahaz trespassed more 24.7. there shall be famiues.pestilences.and earth-
Acts 7. 53. who received the law by the d. of angels AV/i. 2. 17. I said, ye see the d. that we are in quakes in (/. places, Mark 13. 8. Xu*e21.11.
DISl'OSSESS, ED. y. 37. they have dominion and we are in great d. Mark. a. 3. for d. of them came from far
AtHn.32.39. the children of .\lachirrf. the Amorite I'iol. 4. 1. thou hast enlarged nie when I wa5 in d. Acts 19. 9. lor when (/.were hardened, believed not
33. 53. ye shall d. the inhabitants of the land Prov. 1. 27. I will mock when d. cometh upon you 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another d. kinds of tongues
Deut.T. 17. if ihou shalt say, how can 1 d. them i Isa. 5. \ 30. if one look to the Und, behold d. 27V»i.3.6.captive silly women led away with(/.lustj
Judg. 11.23. Ld. God o/lsr. hath rf the Amorites 25. 4. thou hait been a strength to the needy in d. tit. 3. 3. deceived, serving (/. lusts zind pleasures
UlSPLTATiON. 53 t 8. he was taken away by d. and judgment tieb. 1.1. who in d, manners spake in lime past
Acts 15. 2. Paul and liarnabas had no small d. Lam. 1 20 behold, O Lord, lor 1 am in d. 2. 4.G. bearing witness with signs and (/. miracles
ULSPLIAIIONS. Ubad. 12. norshouldest spoken proudly in day of (/. 9. 10. .stood in d. washings 13. 9. d. doctrines

Rom. 14. 1. him receive, but not to doubtful d. 14. nor shouldest delivered up those in day of d. Jam, I. 2. count it joy when fall into (/. temptations
uisruiE. Ztpli. 1. 15. that day is a day of trouble and d. DIVERSITIES.
JoiCS. 7 there the nshieous might rf. with him 17. will bring d. upon men, they shall walk
I 1 Cor. 12. 4. d. of gifts K 6. d. of operations
DlSl'L'lEU. Luke 21. 23. there shall be great d. in the land 28. God hath set in the church d. of tongues
U.irk g. 33. what was it that ye d. by the way 25 on the earth d. of nations, with perplexity
34. for they nad d. who should be the greatest Kom. 8.35. shall d. separate us from love ot Christf Gen. and let the firmament d. the waters
1. 6.
Acts i).C9.Saul </. against the Greciacs.went to slay 1 Cor 7. 26. that this is good for the present d. U. be lights, to d. the day from the night, 18.
17. 1?. I'aul d. in the synagogue with the Jews 1 T/ieis.3.'!.ve were comforted over you in your d. 49. 27. and at night he shall d. the spoil
Jii/t 9. Michael d. about the body of Moses, durst DISIKESS, ED. Lxod. 14. 16. stretch thy hand over the sea and (/.it
DISI'LTEK. Gen. 32. 7- then Jacob was greatly afraid and d. 21. 35. (/. the money of it, d. the dead ox
1 Cor. 1. CO. where is the d. of this world ? A'h;«. 22.3. Moali wasrf.ll j!;rf».2. 15. Isr d.\0 9. 26. 33. vail shall d. between holy and most holy
UlSE'UrEST. Ueut. 2. 9 d. not the Moabites|l 19. Ammonites Lev. 1. 17. cleave it, but not d. it asunder, 5. 8.
Bum. 9. t CO. who art thou ihat d. with God 28. 53 wherewiili enemies shall d. thee, 55,57.
.' 11. 4. not eat ofthem that (/. the hoof, 7. />«(/. 14.7,
DISPUilNG. 1 .Sam. 13 6. for people were d. did hide themselves Ai(/«. 31. 27. and d, the prey into two parts
yjf/t 6. 9- ami thtm of Asia d. with Stephen 14. 24. men of Israel were d. ||28. 15. Saul wasrf. 33. 54. ye shall d. the land by lot, 34. 17, 18, 29.
15.7 when ihere h. id been niuchi/. Peter rose up 30. 6. David was greatly d. for the neo[.le spake Ueut.xg.i.d. the coasts of thy land into three parts
19. 8. d. and persuading the things of God, 9. 2 .Sn/;;. ! 26. I am J. forthee, my brother Jonathan
. Joih. 1. 6. d. for an inheritance, 13. 6, 7. J8. 5. |

S4. 12. they neither found me d. with any man 2 Chr. 28. St), king of Assyria came and d. Ahaz 22. 8. d. the spoil of your enemies with brethren
UISPUIINGS. Isa. 2^. 2. yet 1 willrf. Ariel, there shall be .wrrow 2 'iam. 19. 29. 1 said, thou and Ziba. d. the land
Phit. 2.14. do all things witlinul murmurings and d. 7. ihatrf. her shall be as a dream of night vision 1 Kings :i. 25. d. the living child in two, 26.
1 dim. 6. 5. perverse d. of men of corrupt minds Jer. 10. 18. 1 will d. the inhabitants of the land Ae/(. 9. 11 and thou didst (/. the sea, Ptal. 74. 13.
UlStJUIEr. 2 Cor, 4.8 we are troubled on every side, yet not rf. 22. and thou didst d. them into corners
/cr. 50. 34. and d. the inhabitants of Babylon D IS IK ESSES. Job 11. 17. the innocent shall d. the silver
DISliUIElEI). Psal. 25. 17. O bring thou me out of my d. Psat. 55. 9. destroy, O
Lord, and d. their tongues
I Vowi.CS.IS.why hasi thou d. me to bring me up 107.6. and he delivered them out of their rf.
Prov. 16. 19. than to d. the spoil with the proud
/'..W.39.6.surely Ihey are vain.ueaps up riches 13. and he saved them out of their d. I9. ha. 9. 3. as men rejoice when they d. the spoil
42. 5. why art thou do« 11, O my soul ? why 28. and he bringeth them out of their d. 53. 12. he shall d. the spoil with the strong
art thou d. within me r 11. 43. 5. Ezek. 30. 16. and Noph shall have d. daily
Kzek. 5. 1. take the balances and d. the hair
Prov. 30. 21. for three ihinas the earth is d. 2 Cor. 6.4. approving ourselves in necessities, in d. 45. ]. ye shall d. the land by lot, 47. 21, 22.
DI.SQUIE1NESS. 12. 10. 1 taike pleasure in d. for Christ's sake 48. 29. this is the land which ye shall d.
ri<i/.38.8.I have roared by reason of </.of my heart DISIKIBUTE. Dan. 11. 39. and he shall d. the land for gain
DISSEMBLKD. Josh 13.32 which Jloses did rf.for inherit, in Moab LnliC 12. 13. that he d. the inheritance with me
Jos/i. 7. 11. they have also stolen and d. also 2 Chr. 31 14. hore to d. the oblations of the Lord . 22. 17. take this, and d. it among yourselves
Jer. 42. 20. for ye d. in your hearts, when ye sent AV/i. 13. 13. their oflice was to d to their brethren /aiV/ DIVIDE.
Va/. 2 13. the other Jews d. likewise with him /.uXe 18. 22. sell all thou hast, and d to the poor G«;j.49.7. Iwill (/.them in J acob and scatter in Isr
DI.SSK.MBLEKS. i-ph. 4. 28. he may have to d. to him that needetn Liod. 15. 9. the enemy said, 1 aill d. the spoil
P*a/.96.4.with vain persons. nor will I go in with d. 1 Tim. 6. 18. charge the rich to be ready to d. Ps 60. 6. / -xill d. Shechem, and mete out, 108. 7
DlSSEMliLElll. DISIKIBUIED. Isa. 53. 12. therefore will 1 d. him a portion
Prov. 26. 24. he that hati'th d. with his lips Josh, 14. 1. Eleazar and Joshua <f. for inheritance DIVIDED.
DISSEN.SION. I Chr. 24. 3. David d. them, bofti Zadok and Ahi- Gen 1. 4. God d. the light 7. God d. the waters
Acts.\5. 2. Paul and Barnabas had no small d. nielech according to their offices, 2 Chr. 23. 18.
by these were the isles of the Gentiles d. 10. 5.
£.1. 7. there arose a d. between the Pharisees and Ju/i'> 6.11.Jesus gave thanks and d. to the disciples 25. in his days was the earth d. 1 Cliron. 1. 19-
the Sadducces 1 (cr. 7. 17. but as God hath d. to every man 32. by these were the nations d. after the flood
10. when there arose a great d. the chief captain 2 CV. 10. 13. according to the rule G. halli d. to us 14. 15. and Abrom d. himself against them
DlSSIMULAl ION. DlSTKIBlTETIi, ING. 15. 10. Abram(/. them in midst, the birds (/. he not
Ao'H. 12. 9. let love be without d. abhor evil Job 21. 17. God </. sorrows in his anger 32. 7. Jacob d. the people that was with them
Ca/.2.13. Hamahaa was carried away witii their d. Rom. \ d. to the necessities of the saints, given 33. 1. he d. the children to Leah and Rachel
[)ISS()L\ E. UISIRIBIJIION. Lxod. 14. 21. the sea dry land, and waters were d,
Dan. 5. 16. I have heard that ibou canst d. doubu- .lets 4.35. d. was made to eery one as he had need .\nm. 26.53. to these the land shall be (/.for inherit
DISSOEVEI). 2 Cor. <,. 13. for your liberal d. to them and all men 56. by lot shall the possession of the land be d.
Tsal. 75.3. earth and all inbabi;ants thereof are il. lleb. 2. t 4. God bearing witness, withd. of 11. Ghost 31. 42. which Moses d. from men that warred
Jsa. 14 31. cry, U city, thou whole Palestioa art </. DllCIl. llent. 4. 19. which the Lord thy God hath d.
24. 19 the earth is clean d. the earth is moved 1 A'i;irrr21.t23.the dogs eat Jezebel by rf.of Jezreel 2y. 1 26. gods who had not a. to them any portion
34. 4. and all the host of heaven shall be d. foby. 31. yet shalt thou plunge me in the d. 32. 8. when the most High d. to the nations
AaA. •:. (). gates opened, and the palace shall be d. Piai. 7. 15. he is fallen into the d. which he made ./ujA. 14.5.
they (/.the Iand,'l8. 10. I9.51. 23. 4. | |
2C.>r 5. 1. if our house of this taiieinacic were d. Prozi.
23. 27. a whore Is a deep d. and strange J^dg. 5.30. have they not d. the prey, to every man
i^Pti. 3. 11. seeing ihdt all these things shall berf.
woman 7- 16. he(/. the 300 men into three companies
12. wherein the heavens l.eing on 6ie shall be a. /lo'CC. 11. ye made a d, between the two walls
9. 4l. Abimelech d. them into three cumpanies
lJl&.SULVESr. /Ion. 9. t 25. and the d. even in troublous times 19. 29. Levite d. her with her bones into 12 pieces
J^b 30. CC. aim Ujiu d, mv substance Mat. 15. 14. both shall fail into the J. LuAtb, 39. 2 Ham. 1, 23. and in theii deatti Utej W«(« Wi d-

1 JTi'nj/lS. 21. then were the people of Israel i. Joseph's cup, mentioned in Gen. 44. 5, v/ucA teas \Acts\(>. 16. a damsel possessed with a spirit of rf,
J8.6. Ahab and Obadiah d. the land between ihem concealed in Henjamin's sack, the younger bro- DIVKNATIUNS.
8 Kings 2. 8. the waters were //. hither and thii her ther of this I'atria'ch, is the subject of many Ezck. 13. 23. ye shall see no more divine d.
1 C/ir. Daw d. them into courses amont; Lev. different conjecture' founded on the tiords of DIVINE
24.4. chief men, thvis were they d. by lot, 5. Joseph's officer, I? not this the cup in which Gen. 44.15. wot ye not that such a man as I can i.
S diron 3j. 13. they d. other offerings speedily my lord iirinketh, auid whereby he divineth r 1 Sam. 28. 8. d. to me by the familiar spirit
Jnb .38. C5. who hath d. a water^course for waters ? '^ome /question uhether Joseph did indeed make Ezek. 13. 9. my hand on l!.e prophets that d. lies
Vsal. (18. 12. she that tarried at home d. the spoil use of this cup in forettlling uhat uas to come 23. ye shall see no more vanity, or d. oivinatioes
78. 13. he rf. the sra and caused them to pass whether his people believed so, or uheiher this 21. 29. whiles they d. a lie unto thee to bring thee
55. d. them an inheritance by line. Am 13. IC). uas said hy them, according to the common opi- Mic.%.^. it shall be dark to you, that ye shall notd
13d. 13. to him which d. the Ked sea into parts nion of the Egyptians, -.cho held Joseph for a 11. and the prophets thereof d. for money
Isa. 33.23. then is the prey of a great .spoil d. great magician ; or uhether they said so to inti- DIVINE, Adjective.
34. 17. his hand hath d. it to them by line midate Joseph'.s brethren, making them believe, Protj. 16. 10. a d. sente:ice is in the lips of the king
51. 15. 1 am the Lord thy God that d. the sea that Joseph, tvhom as yet they kneu) not to bt lleb. 9.1. first coven. nt had ordinances of (^.service
Lvm. t. It), the anger of the Lord hath d. them their brother, was a man very expert in the art C Pet. 1 .3. as his d. power hath given to us all things
i.f;k. 1. + 11. their wings were d. above of divining, and had discovered the theft which 4. that ye might be partakers of the d. nature
37. 22. nor shall they be d. into two kingdoms they had committed, by virtue of this art. DIV I.NEK, S.
Dan. 2. 41. kingdom shall be rf. but stren'.;lh of iron All these several opinio?is have their defenders. Deut. 18. 14. for these nations hearkened to d.
5- 28. 'hy kingdom is d. and given to the Medes It is certain, that the ancients had a soit of di- Josh. 13.t22. Balaam the d. did I.orael slay
11. 4. his kingdom shall be rf. toward the four wind iinatmn by cups. The eastern people say, thn' 1 Sam. 6. 2. the Philistines called for the d.
llos. 10. 2. their heart is d. now shall be fonn<l old king Giamschid, -^ho is the Solomon of ,he Isa. 44. 25. that turneih, that maketh d. mad
faulty Persians, and Alexander the Great, had cups, Jer. 27. 9. therefore hearken not to your d.
Artot 1. t 13. because they d. the mountains bv means whereof theu kne:o thnigs natural, atid 29. 8. let not your prophets and d. deceive you
7. 17. thy land shall be d. by line, shalt die sometimes even snpernntnrol. The ancient, i\Jic. 3. 7. seers be a5;.aii.eil, and the d. confounded
Mic. 2. 4. turning away, he hath d. our field speak of certain divining cups full of « ine, or iiech. 10,2. the d. have seen a lie, told false dreions

Zech. 14. 1. thy spoil shall be d. in the midst oihei li'tuors, which were pivred out vith ceremony DIVINEIII.
Mat. 12 25. every kincrdnm or house d. against it- from the side where the handle was, and that Gen. 44 5. is not thi.s it whereby indeed he d. T
self shall not stand, Mark 3. 24, 25. Liilte 11. 1*. from thence theu drew presages of what -uas to DIVINING.
26. he is rf. ag. himself, ;Vo)i3.26. Luke 11. 18. come. Pliny speaks of divinations with water Ezek. 28. 28. seeing vanity, and d. lies to them
Mark (i. 41. the two fishes d. he among them and basins, in lib. XXX. caix 2. Jhe manner of Alic. 3. t 6. it shall be dark unto you from d.
Luke 12. 52. there shall be five in one house d. divining bv the Goblet : as this: Little plates oj DIVISION.
53. the father shall be d. against the son, and son gold, or Sliver, or some precious stones, with cer- Erod. 8. 23. I will put a </. between my people
15. 12. ami he d. unto them his living tain characters engraved upon them, were thrown IChron.l. 1 19. the name of Eber's son was Peleg.rf.
Ads 14. 4. the multitude of the city was d. 23. 7. into it ; and after some tnvocations, and super- 2 Chron. 35. 5. according to the d. of the Levites
1'hrist rf. .' was I'aulcrucifipdfor you stitions ceremonies, the Demon was consulted. Cant. 2. 1 17. as a hart on the mountains of d.
Reii. 10. ly. the great city was d. into three parts He answered 1 t several ways ; sometimes by ar- Luke 12. 51. 1 tell you, nay, but rather d.
DIVIDER. tiiulate sounds ; sometimes he made the charac- John 7. 43. so there was a d. amonj the people, be
Z.«iel2.14.hesaid,man,whomademearf.overvoii- ters in the Geblet appear upon the snperfces of cause of him, y. Iti. 10. I9.|

DIVIDETII. the water, and formed his answer by the order 1 Cor. 12. I 25. there should be no d. in the body
Lev.ll.i. cheweththe cud, butrf. no; the hoof, 5. fi. in which they stood. Sometimes he traced the D1V1.S10N.S.
C6. the carcases of every bea-st which d. the hoof images of the person on whose account he was Josh. 11. 23. gave the land to Israel, according to
Deut. 14. 8. the swine, because it d. the hoof interrogated. At other times a ring was fast- their d. 12. 7. |
18. 10. 2 Chron. 35. 5, li
Job C6. 12. he d. the sea with his power ened to a thread, and held suspended over the Judg. 5. 15. for the d. of Reuben, there were great
Psal. 29. 7. the voice of the Lord d. the fiames tcater in the cup: the ring, by iis different per- thoughts of heart, 10
Jer. 31. 35. which d. the sea when the waves roar cussions, shewed the several things which were 1 Sam. 23. t 28. called the place the rock of d.
Aia/ a shepherd rf. his sheep from the goats inquired after. I Chron. IS. +6. David divided them into d.

Luke 11. 22. taketh his armour, and d. his spoils But as to Joseph it is not to be believed, that he 24. 1. these are the d. of the sons of Aaron
DIVIDING. 7ised his cup in divinations : he teas too wise 20. 1^ concerning the d. of the porters, 12, 19.
Tosh. 19. 49. they had made an end of rf. the land and religious to practise any thing so vain, and /-,;;« 6.18. they set the prirsts in their rf. At/;. 11. 36.
51. so they made an end of d. the country so contrary to religion, as divinations, of what A'w»i.]6.17.mark them which cause d. and ofleaces
ha. 03. 12. led them, d. the water before them nature soever they might be. lie was certainly 1 Cor. 1. 10. that there be no d. among you
Daii. 7.25. until a time, and times, and a d. of time very skilful in the science of foretelling things 3. 3. whereas there is among you strife and 1/.

1 Cot. 12. 11. rf. to every m.-^n severally as he will to come ; but this knowledge was 7iot acijuirtd ; 11. 18. 1 hear that there be d. among you
I Tim. 2.15. a workman rightly rf. the word oftnith It was no curious and diabolical art, but some DIVORCE
Hei. 4. 12. piercing to the d. asunder of the joints supernatural faculty uhich God had communi- Is the dissolution of marriage, or a separation of
DIVINATION. cated to him, whereby he procured that high husband and wije. Moses tolerated divorces :
the Eastern peop/e, and particularly the Israelites, consideration he was in throughout Egypt. It Jiis words on this subject are in Deut. 24. 1,
^'?re always rery fond of divinations, maeic, and is not incredible that the Egyptians, and per- ", 3, 4, When a man hath taken a wife and

the curious arts of interpreting dreams, and in- haps some of his own people, might think him married her, and it come to pass that she find
iiiirtng, by unlanful methods, into the knouled^c to be truly a masictan, and might have spoken no favour in his eyes, because he hath found
of uhat uas to come : this uas a conseqneyue of of him according to this prejudice ; but it does some uncleanness in her ; then let him write
their timorous and. superstitious genius. H'hen I\Io- not follow, that he used a cup in divining. her a bill of divorcement, i.Vc. Commentalore
Bespiiblished the law of God, this eiil uas and ad I. The Ilebrtw text of Genesis will bear another are much divided concern. ng the sense of these
beet: for sometime very coitunon in Egypt, and the Cinslrutiion. Is not this the cup wherein my words, because he hath found some unclean-
neighlniuring countries ; and to cure the Isriiel- lord drinks, and searches for so carefully ' ness, or, as the Hebrew has it, matter of na-
ites of their inclination to consult diviners, f.r- Or, Is not this the cup wherein my loid drinks, kedness, in her.
tune-Ullers, augurs, and interpreters of dreams, and by which he has tried you JJe will try 'The school of Shammah, who lived a little iej'ore

ijC. he promised them from God that the Spirit whether von aie as acknowledging as yon ought cur Saviour, taught, that a man could not laiD-
of prophecy should yiot depart from among them; to be, for the particular jawurs he has shewn fully be divorced fiom his uije, unless he had
and forbade them, under very severe penalties, to yi'U. This cup will serve to give a prooj of your found her guilty oJ some action which was really
007>3vli diviners, astrologers, and other persons of ingratilnde and mndelity. injamous, and coittrury to t1ie rules of virtue,
this kind. lie commanded them to be stonid, Divination by the wand is taken notice of in liul the school of riillel, who was Shammah's
uiho pretended to have a familiar spirit, or the l^zek. 21. 21, i!2. and in llos. 4. 12. The disciple, taught, on the contrary, that the least
tpirit of divination. Let. 20. 27. And in king of liahylvn stood at the parting of the way, reasons were sufficient to aiiilurize a man to put
Deut. 18. 0, 10, 11, 15. he says. When thou an to use divination he made his arrows bright.
a-.iay his wife ; Jor example, if she did not drcst
come into the land which the Lord thy (iod Kither writing on these arrows the names if his meat well, or tj' he found any woman i^hom
giveth thee, thou shall not learn to do af- cities, and countries, then put ling thim into a he liked better lie translated Moses' text thus :
ter the abominations of those nations. There qiiiier, and fuixing them, and thence drawing If he hath found any thing in her, or an un-
shall not be found among you any one that them out, and conctuding according as the names cleanness. Akiba,Ae affirmed, that it uas sitf-
maketh his son or his uaHghter to pass through Here, i.hich weie on the arrons : Gr, by shoot- Jicient cause Jor a man to put away his aiji, if
the fire, or that uselh dtvinaiion, or an observer ing the arrous, and judging by their Jlight ; or she were not agueaile to her husband. Ajler
of times, or an enchanter, or a witch Or a
: casting them tip in tlie air, "and divining by this manner he explained the text of Moses:
charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits. their Jail. In the same passage, divination by If she find bo favour in his eyes ; this uas th»
or a wizard, or a necroniancer. God will the entrails of victims is taken notice of; Me first feasor. : the second was, I f he find any un-

raise up unto thee a Prophet, from the midsi con.-uhed with images, he looked into the cleanmss in her. JoM-phus and I'hilo shcii
of thee, of thy brethren like unto me unio
liver. I'rom the position and colour of the liver, sufficiently that
, in iheir time the Jews believed
him ye shall hearken. The uiritinis ot the pro- they used 10 judge oj' Juiuie prosperous, or un- divorce to be taujul v/on very triiial causes.
pheli are full of inie.tivcs u«ai»st the Israelites, prospereus events. But nothing can justijy such a procedure hut
who consulted diviner i, and against the false A?(wi.22. 7. with the rewards of rf. in their hand adulterv, whereby the n.amugi relation if radi-
prophets, uho set up to foretcl things Juiiire, and 2:>. 23. neither is there any d. against Israel cally dissolved. Mat. 5. .32.

by this means seduced the people, Jer. 14. 14. Deut. 18. 10. or that useth d. 2 Kings 17. I7. 'That the Pharisees explained this toleration of
Ezek, 13.6, 7. 1 .>./»!. 15. 23. rebellion is as the sin oi d. in the like eneusne manner, may be
There iccre several sorts of divinations, namely, I'rov. 16. 1 10. d. is the lips of the king gathered from the question they put to out
by Water, frc, earth, air ; by the flight of birj.\\ .ler. 14. 14. they projihesv unto you visions and d. Saviour, .Nlat. I9. 3. Is it lawful for a to

and their singing ; by lois, by dreams, by the Ezek. 12. 24. nor flattenng d. in Israel put away his wife for every cause ,"
'This they

ttaff, or Hand, by the enlruils of lictims, and by 13. 6. they have seen vanity, and lying rf. jiroposed to our Savioiir, trying if they could
cups The hentheiu ustd many divination 7. and have ye not spoken a lying d. ! gel any thing from him tr his pre.judice. Had
leinf excited thereto by distrust of Gad, and 21.21. the king of ISabylon stood to u«e n. he answered in the affirmative, he ht.d contra,
ihd temptations of the devil, liho had a great 22. at his right hand was the d. of Jerusalem dieted what he Junnaily delivered on this head,
hand in many of their ansvicrs. Acts 16. IG 23. it shall be to them as a faUe d. in their si^jht i. 32 Hud hi dinied. they would lutct
: 1 '

DO said, neither tell I jots by what M.
Mat. 21. 27. he
Moses, /ojA.23.6.torfo all that is written in the book of
ataised htm for toniraJiclin^ |A< lorn »J thontyrfulhese lhings,.'l/ar*11.33.i«*«20.a
Out Satiour annti-fi neither law of Moses, that ye turn not aside there-
Vtut. 24. 1. 16. 40. 2 CAron. 34. 21. 40. when lord ofvineyardcometh, what will he dj
from. 1 Chron.
uta nor vJi^, but gave Ihtm a fair occasion to so shall ye do to those husbandmen r ^Jal k l^.Q.Eukc 20.14.
it shall be, that as I rfu
anraer themtelies, and tacitly charged them Jiidg. 7. 17. of you : 23. 5. all their works they do to be seen cf men
8. 3. what was 1 able to do in comparison
with ignorance and corruptton of the law of 27. 19 have nothing to do with that jiMt man

10. 15. do to us whatsoever seemeth good to thee

God. He referred them to the firtt itiuituiioti what ye have to do MarkT. 8. many other such like things, yt do, 13.
Have ye 18. 14 consider therefore
or mothej
»f marria'S, in Gen.
1. 27. 2. 2-1,
12. ye suffer him no more lo^ofor father
18. then said the priest uuto them, what do ye ?

not read, that he who made ihem at the be- 11. 28.who gave thee authority to do these things
Kuth 3. 4. he will tell thee what thou shalt do
ginning, nude them male and female ? and Lukei.Q.Z. what have heard doiie,</u in thy country
1 Sam. 16. 3. 1 will shew thee what
thou shalt rfu
said. For this cauM shall a man leave father 6. 2. why do ye that which is not lawful to do !
22. 3. till 1 know what God will do for me
and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and great things, and still prevail 11. "hey communed what they might do to Jesus
2(5. 25. thou shalt do
they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they 31. as ye would that men should do to yo"., do ye
are no more twain, but one flesh. What there- 2 Sam. 3. 18. now then do it, the Lord hath spoken 8. 21. these who hear the word of God and do it
15. 4. oh that were judge, I would do him justice
fore God hath joined toc;ether, let no man put am resolved what to do when X am put out

me as seemeth good ld.4. I

2tj. here 1 am, let him do to
asunder. From hence he leaves them to cim- with Saul 17, 10. have done that which was our duty to do
21. t 4. it is not silver we have to do
elnde, uhether it ttat yroiaite that Moses, 19. 48. and could not find what they might do
24'. 12. that I may do it tottiae. 1 Chron. 21 10.
whom they to reverenced, and who aat to faith- according to thy wisdom 23. 31. if they do these things in a green tree
give 1 Kings a. 6 do therefore
ful in the haute of God at a sertani, did 31. 'do as he hath said, and fall upon him 34. forgive them, they know not what they do
them a liberty to put asunder those ahom God and do, and judge thy servants John 2.5. whatsoever he saith to you, do it
8. 32. then hear,
had joined together. Or whether they had not 4.34. my meat is to do the will of him that sent m«
39. in heaven, forgive, and do, 2 CAr (J. 23.
put an interpretation upon the la-j> oj Moses, 14.8. 5. 30 I can of mine own self rftf nothing
11. 33. </» that is right in mine eyes, 38.
Khich it could not bear, in eonsittetiey with the 36. the works that I do bear witness of me

adds, that Aloses 18. 34. do it the second time, do it the third time
lavi of God. Our Satiour
with peace 6. 6 for he himself knew what he would do
2 Kingt 18. what hast thou to do f I9
because of the hardness of your hearts, sufl'er- 28. what shall we do ? Acts 2. 37. 16. 30.
17. 34. to this day they do after the former manners

ed you to put away your wives ; but from the he hath spoken 7. 4. if thou do these things shew thyself to world
20. 9 the Lord will do as
beginning it was not so thnt is, Moses gate
17. if any man will do his will, he shall know
1 Chron. 4. 1 10. that thou wouldst do nie from evil
you no positive command in the case ; he could 8. 29. I do always those things that please him
17 2. Nathan said, do all that is in thine heart
not mate a iaa directly opposite to the law of 39. ye would do the works of Abraham

23. let thing be establish, and rfo asthou hast said

God. But teeing yovir aided and malicious 9. 33. if he were not of God, he could do nothing
21. 8. do away the iniquity of thy servant
disposilim. that you would turn av:ay your 10. 25. the works that I rf» in my Father's name
warrantable 2 Chron. 9. 8. thee king, to </o judgment and justice
1 1 .47 .chief priests and Pharisees said.what do we
wives withovt any just and cause, :

6. said to the judges, take heed what ye do

and to restivin your extravagancies if cruelly 19. 13.7. what 1 do thou knowest not now
7. wherefore now take heed and do it
to your wivet, or disorderly turning them ojf 15. that ye should rfo as 1 have done to you
9. thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord
upon anv occasion, he made a judicial, politi- 17 if ye know these, happy are ye if ye do them
20. 12. we have no might, nor know we what to do

cal, or civil law, whereby, upon reason of state, 14. 12. the works that 1 do shall he do also
25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for battle
namel'j, to prevent a greater civil mischief, he 14. if ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it
Ezra 4. 2. for we seek your God, as ye </«
did so far allow <f it, at to exempt them that 15. 14.myfriend3,if ye (/« whatever I command you
punishment but still it 7. 10. to seek the law of the Lord, and do it
did t! from any civil ; 21. these things will they <fo unto you, 16. 3.
18. that do after the will of your God
was a transgression of the moral law, and to a my heart to do 17. 4. the work which thou gavest me to do
After which our Saviour iVe/i. 2.12. what God hath put in
sin against God. 21. 21. Lord, and what shall this man dof
5. 12. they should (/o according to this promise
determines on this question, according to the las 1.1. of all that Jesus began to do and teach
9. 24. that they might do with them as they would
original la-a of God, and limits the permission 4. 28. to do what-soever thy counsel determined
Job 7. 20. I have sinned, what shall I do to th^e ?
of divorce to the single case of adultery : And 9. 6. he said. Lord, what wilt thou have me to do

i say unto you. Whosoever shall put away his

11.8 it ishigh as heaven, what canst thou(/^- ?
10. 6. he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do
13. 20. only do not two things unto me
wife, except it be for fornication, and shall 14. 15. saying, sirs, why do ye these things ?
Psal. 40. 8. 1 delight to do thy will,0 my God
marry another, commiiteth adultery, and 15. 36. visit our brethren, and see how they do
to rfi) to declare my statutes
whoso marrieth her that is put away, doth 50. 16. what hast thou 16. 28. do thyself no harm, for we are all here
In the case of adultery, 83. 9. do unto them as unto the Midianites
commit adultery. 17.7. these do contrary to the decrees of Cesar
109. 21. hut do thou for me, O God the Lord
the marriage covenant being broken, the mar- Rom. 1. 32. not only <fothe same, but have pleasure
119. t 112. 1 have inclined my heart to do
riage-bond is fundamentally dissolved, and it 2.14.rf«by nature the things contained in the law.
132. as thou usest to rftf to those that love thy
lies in the power of the pnty wronged to pro- 7. 15. for that which I do I allow oot.what I would
lecHle i: to a formal distotulion, by divorce that do 1 not, but what 1 hate that do I
rfi) thy will, thou art myGod

and then the wronged party is at liberty to 143. 10 teach me to 16. if 1 do that which I would not, I consent noi
Prov. 3. 27. it is in the power of thy hand to do it
marry again. work 17. then it is no more I that do it, but sin, 20.
Eccl. 9.10 do it with thy might, there is no
Jtr. 3. 8. 1 had put her away, and given abill of d. 12. 8. that giveth, let him do it with simplicity

DIVORCED. Isa. 10. 3. what will ye do in the day of visitation

1 Cor. 7. 36. let him do what he will, he sinneth not
do his work, his strange work
/>r 21. 14. high-priest shall not take a d. woman 28. 21. that he may ID. 31 whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of G.

22.13. but if the priest's daughter be a-widowor ;f. 45. 7. I the Lord do all these things
16. 10. he worketh the work of the Ld. as 1 also do
the way of Egypt
yum. .30. 9. every vow of her that is d. shall stand Jer.2 18. what hast thou to </u in 2 Cor. 8. 10. not only to do, but also to be forward

Mat. 5. 32. whosoever shall marry her that is rf. what hast thou to do in the way of AssyriaV
13. 7. that ye should do that which is honest
DIVORC.F.MENT. 4. 30. when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do f
Gal. 2.10. the same which I also was forward to do
in the end thereof?
Deut. 24. 1. then let him write her a bill of d. 3. 5. 31. and what will ye do 14. not as do the Jews, to live as do the Jews
what they do in cities of Jud.
ha. 50. 1. where is the bill of your mother's rf..' 7. 17 seest thou not 3. 10. written in the book of the law to do them
Mark 10. 4. Moses suffered to write a bill of d. 11. 4. saying, obey my voice, and do them
5. 21. they which do such things shall not inherit
See WuiTlNC. 15, what hath my beloved to do'xa mine house ?

Eph. 6. 9. masters, do the same things to servants

DO. 12. 5. how wilt thou do in the swellings of Jordan'
21. that ye may know my affairs, and how 1 do
Gtn. 16.6. Abram said, do to her as it pleaseth thee 14. 7. O Lord, do thou it
for thy name's sake
Phil. 2. 13. God worketh both to will and to do
18.25. shall not the Judge of all the earth rfo right 39. 12. do to him, even as he shall say to thee
we may do 4. 9. the things ye have heard and seen in me, do .
31.16. now then what God hath said to thee, do 42. 3. and may shew the thing that
Col. 3. 17. whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all
50. 15. as she hath done, do unto her, 29.
12. 12. thou saidst, I will surely do thee good in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
41. 25. G. hath shewed what he is about to do, 28 Lam. \.11. do untp
them as thou hast done unto me
23. whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the L.
£x<irf. 4. 15. and I will teach you what ye shall do
Ezek. 8.6. son of man, seest thou what they" do?
1 Thest. 3. 12, in love, even as we do towards you
16. 5. no eye pitied thee, to do any of these to thee
12. 47. all the congregatioa shall do it 4. 10. indeed ye do it towards all the brethren
15.26. if ihou wilt rfo that which is right, and keep 18. 5. but if a ma,n be just, and rfcuthat which is
5. 6. therefore let us not sleep as do others
12.25. 13.18. 21.y lawful and right, 21. 33. 14, I9.
his statutes. Do«.6.1B. 1 | |

and edify one another, even as also ye do
18. 20. and shew them the work that they must do 24. 22. and ye shall do as I have done, 24.
unto him 24. faithful is he that calleth, who also will do it
31 1 11. in doing he shall do
ig. «. all that the Lord hath spoken we will do 2 Thess. 3. 4. that ye both do and will do the things
20. 9. six days do all thy work, £3. 12. Dtu/.5.13. 36. 37. I will be enquired of to do it for them
2 Tim. 4.5. do the work of an evangelist, make proo/
29. 35. thrs shalt thou do to Aaron and his sous
Dan. 9. 19. O Lord, hearken and do, defer not
9. do thy diligence to come shortly to me, 21.
11 3. he shall do according to his will, 16, 36.
Lev. 18. 4. ye shall do my iudgmenls, and keep Philem. 21. knowing thou wilt do more than 1 say
my ordinances, 19. 37. 20. 22. £i?*.."«6. 27. 39. thus shall he do in the most strong
y/e4.4.13. to eyes of him with whom we have to da
iO, II. 13, 21. llos. 9. 5. what will ye do in the solemn day ?
6. wiilch If man do, Nth. 9. 29. Ezek.
10.7. then said I, lo, I come torfo thy will.O G.9
25. 18. ye shall do my statutes and
keep my )u<1k- 10. 3. what then should a king do to us >.

not fear what man shall do to mc

22. 31. Deul. 17. 19. 1 26. 16. Joel 3. 4. what have ye to do
with me, O Tyre ? 13. 6. I will
ments, 20. & ]
/i<i*.13.21.makeyou rfo hiswill
the Lord do somewhat
Hum. 22. 20. word I say to thee, that shalt thouc/o Amos 3. t 6. and shall not 1 /'i!r.4.11.1et him do it as of the ability God giveth
thy pcoi>le 7. the Lord will do nothing, but he reveaieth
24. 14. what this people shall do to 2 Pet. 1. 10. if ye do these, ye shall never fall
well to be angry, even unto death
32.25.tliyscrvants willdoas my lordcommandeth Jonah 4. 9. 1 do 3. 16. wTest, as they do also other scriptures
.Uir. 6.8. but to </o justly, and to love mercy
Deut. 5. 1 1- that ye may learn, and keep to do them 1 John 1.6. we lie. and do not the truth
7. 11. keep ihe commandments to do
them, 1L22. Zech. 1. 21. then said I. "what come these to do ? that are pleasing in his sight
3. 22. do those things
H. 16. these are the things that ye shall do
17. 10. shalt do according to the sentence, 11. 2. 5. and repent, and do the first works
Mai. 5. 19. but whosoever shall do and teach them Kev.
19. 19. then sliall ye do to him as he thought to do Can or canst DO.
47. brethren only, what do ye more than others?
80. l.'i.thus Shalt thou do to all the cities 0«n.31. 43. what can I do to these my daughters
8. 29. behold, they cried out, saying, what have
27. 26. all the words of this law to do them Deut. 3. 24. none can do according to thy works
we to do with thee? Mark 1. 24. Luke 4. 34.
80. Vi. that we may hear it and do It, 13. 1 Sam. 28. 2. baalt know what thy .servant
12. 50. for whosoever shall do the will of my
Jl. 4. the Lord shall do to them as he did to Sihon wherewith he can do no good
Father who is in heaven, Mark 3. 35. Job 15. 3. speeches
82. 6 do ye thus requite the U
O foolish people ?
20. 15. lawful to do what I will with mine own
22. 17. and what can the Almighty do for themf
Joili.C.3. round the city, thus shalt thou do six days 42. 2. I know that thou canst do every thinj
32.what will ye that I shall Jo to you-.l/ar* 10.36
7. 9. and what wilt thou do to thy great name? can righteous <i> •

i'jfl/. 11. 3.found. destroyed, what

21. 24. I will ask, if ye tell me, 1 will tell you by
la 2j. thus shall the Lord do to your enemies not tear what flesh can ilo to me, 11.
God yl Israel? what authority I dt these things, Markll. 29. 5G, 4. 1 Will
Ci 24. what have ye to do withthe
. '

Ps. 118. 6. 1 will not fear Whatman can do to me fien. 47.30. and he ssid, I will do as thou hast said Gen.42. 5. t^.e L. be a true witness, if we do n»
Scc/.S.lC.what can n'.an do that conieth after king f i-'j-urf. 3.20. which Z aill do in the midst thereof Ezek. 5. 9. 1 will not do any more the !ike
Jer. 38. 5 that co^t du any tiling against you 6. 1 thou shalt see what I aill do to Pharaoh 23.48. may be taught not to do after your lewdness
J/jriy.CC. if f«7u« rfo anything, have conip. onus 17. 4. Moses cried, what shall I do to this people ? 33. 31. hear thy words, but they will not do Ihea
I/uke 12. 4. after that have no more they can do 34.10./7iiV/rfo marvels.shall see work of the Lord, .32. hear thy words, but they do them not

John 3.2. for uo man can rftf these miracles thou dost for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee Zepli. 3. 5. the just Lord, he will 7iot do iniquity
6. 19. the Son can do nothing of himself, 30. ^'um. 14. 35. J aill surely do it to this congregation 13. the remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity
15. .''. for without me ye can do nothing 22. 17. I will do whatsoever thou sayest to me Mat. 5. 46. do not even the publicans the same 47 ':

2 Cor. 13. 8. we can do nothing against the truth 33. 56. I shall doto you as I thought to do to them 6. 1. take heed ye do net your alms before men
Phil.i.ti.l can do all things thro'Ch. strengthen. me lluth 3.5. she said, all thou sayest to me I aill do 2. when dost alms sound 7iot a trumpet before thee
See Do Commandments 11. / aill do to thee all that thou requirest 12. 2. do that which is not lawful to do on sabbalt
DO with evtl. 13. then wi/l J do the part of a kinsman to ihee 19. 18. Jesus said, thou shalt do no murder
.FjfO'^.Cj.C.thou shalt not follow a multitude to do e. 1 Sam. 3. 11. behold, I aill do a thing in Israel 20. 13. he said, friend, I da thee no wrong
4je»; asoul swear to do evil or good, or do good 10.2.sorroweth, saying,what j/iaW /rfuformy son 23. 3. do not after their works, they say and donat
Deut. 4. 25. shall do evil in the sight of the Lord 20. 4. thy soul desireth, / wilt do it for thee Mark 6. 5. and he could there do no mighty work
31. 29. because ye will do evil in sight of the Lord 28. 15. mayest make known to me what J shall do Luke 6. 46. and do not the things which I say
1 Sam. 20. 13. if it please my father to rfff thee evil 2 Sam. 12. 12. but /an7/</i> this thing before Israel Johnd. 38. I came down not to do mine own will
2Sam. 12. 9."'ly despised L. to do evilin his sight 18. 4. what seemeth you best 7 aill do, I9. 38. 10. 37. if I do not the works of my Father
S KingsH. 12. because I know the evil thou wilt do 21. 3. said to Gibeonites, what .s/ia// I do for you .' Rom. 7. 15. Cor what I would, that do I not, I9.
17. 17. sold themselves to do evilin sight of Lord 4. what you shall say, that will I do for you 8. 3. for what the law could not do, in that weak
21. 9. Manasseh seduced them to do more en.' 1 lyings 5. 8. / will do all thy decire for timber of Gal. 5. 17. ye cannot do the things that ye would
20. 2: all thou didst send for at first, / will do 1 John 1. 6. we lie, and do not the truth
AV/i. 9- + 28. they returned to do evil before thee
Ptal. 34.16. the face of L. against them that do evil i Kings 2.9.Elijah said, ask what I shall do for thee liev. 19. 10. he said to me, see thou do it 7iot, 22. 9
.17.8. fret not thyself in any wise to do evil 4. 2. Elisha said to her, what shall Ida for thee .' Observe with DO.
Prov. 2. 14. who rejoice to do evil, and delight in I'.sth.i. ^.I will do to-morrow as the king hath said Deut. 5.32. ye shall observe to do as L. commanded
24. 8. he that deviseth to do evil shall be called Johl 20. what shall Ida to thee, O thou preserver
. you, 8.1. 11.32.
12.1. 24.8. 2 Aih§i I7. 37-

Eccl. 5. 1 for they consider not that they do evil

31. 14. what then shall I do when God riseth up 6. 3. oiserve to do, 12. 32. 28. 13, 15, 58.
31. |

8. 11 the heart of men fully set in them to do evil 34. 32. if I have done iniquity, 1 will do no more
12. 32. 46I

12. though a sinner do evil an hundred times Prov. 24. 29. / will do so to him as he hath done 25. if we oiserve to do these commandments
Jsa.\. 16. wash ye, make you clean, cease to do evil lin. 5. 5. I will tell what / will doto my vineyard 15. 5. to oiserve to do all these commandments
16. 12. and thou shalt oA^rje and do these statute!
41. 23. do good or ejiV, that we may be dismayed 42.16. these things will I do, and not forsake them
Jer. 4. 22. my peo.are wise to do evil, but to do good 43. 19. I will do a new thing, now it shall spring 17- 10. shalt oiserve to do as they inform thee
10. 5. be liw afraid, for they cannot do evil 4(>. 10. my counsel stand, I will do all my pleasure .Tosh. 1.7. that thou mayest oiserve to da all the law

13. 23. then may ye that arc accustomed to do evil 11. I have purposed it, J will also do it 2 h'lngsQl. 8. if they will oiserve to do according to
48. 11. even for mine own sake 7vill J do it -Vf/i. 10. 29. entered into an oath to oiserve and </•
18. 10. if it do evil ia my sight, that it obey not
Kzei. fi. 10. that I would do this evil unto them Jer.t. 14. therefore will I do unto this house called Ezek. 37. 24. they shall oiserve and do thtm
Hhc. 7 3 that they may do evil with both hands 9. 7. how shall I do for daughter of my people Mat. 23. 3. what they bid you, that oiserve ajid da
Zep/i.l.l2. say, Ld. not do good, nor will he do evil 19. 12. thus will J do to this place, saiih the Lord IVill we DO. We will DO.
Mark 3. 4. is itlawful to do good or do evil.' Luke 6.9. 25. 6. provoke me not, and I will do you no hurt Erod. 19. 8. all the L. hath said we will do, 24. 3,7
yf()m.3.8. that wc say. let us do evil that good may 29. 32. the good that / will do for my people Akwi. 10. 32. the same goodness will we do to thee
13. 4. but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid 51. 47. 7 auV/rfo judgment on the graven images Deut. 5. 27. and we will hear it and do it
2 Cur. now pray to God that ye do no evil Ezek. 5. 9. 7 will do in thee what I have not done Josh. 1. 16. all that thou commandest us we will at
13. 7. I
7. 27. 7 will do unto them after their way Jiidg. 20. 9. the thing which we will do to Gibeah
1 /V/. 3. 12. face of Lord is against them thai do evil
DO joined with good. C2.14.7have spoken, and i/'iV/rfo it, 24.14. ,36..36.
2 Kings 10. 5. n 5 will do all that thou shalt bid ut
35. 11. I will even do according to thine anger Jer. 18. 12. we will every one do the imaginatiou
Gen. 19. 8. do ye to them as is good in your eyes
27.4fi. Rebekah said, what 5. shall my life do me ? 36.1 1.7 wi7/rf« better to you than at the beginning 42. 20. so declare unto us, and we will do it
44. 17. tee wi// certainly do whatever proceedetX
Lev. 5. 4. if a soul swear, pronouncing to do good Hos. 6, 4. O Ephraim, wh.a.tshall I dounM thee ?
Shall we DO. l\'e shall DO.
J\'Hm.l0.29.conie with us, and we will do thee good .-Imos 4. 12. thus will I do unto thee, O Israel
Judg. 13. 8. teach us what we shall do to the child
24. 13. to do either joorf or bad of my own mind Mat. 19. 16. Master, what good thing shall J do?
12. how shall order, how shall we do unto him'
Deuf 1.14. thing thou hast spoken is g. for us to do 27. 22. Pilate saith, what j/m// 1 do with .lesus r

8. Ifi. prove thee, to do thee good at the latter end Z.«/-<;12.17.what .thall I do, because I have no room 21. 7. how shall 7iie do foi wives for them : I6.
16. 3. what shall I do? 20. 13. Ads 22. 10. 1 Sam. 5. 8. what shall we do with the ark of GoU !
28. 63. the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good
John 14. 13. whatever ye shall ,ask, that will I do 6. 2. what shall we do to the ark of the Lord.'
30. 5. and he will do thee good, and multiply thee
Jitdg. 17. 13. now know I the Lord will do me good 14. if ye shall ask anything in my name 7!:!. doit QSam. 16.20. give counsel among you vhal shall d*
17. 6. shall we do after this saying? speak thou
19. 21. do with them what seemeth good to you 2 Cor. 11. 12. but what I do, that I will do
2 kings 6.15.said, alas my master, how shall we dof
1 i'a»i.l.23.Elkanah said to Hannah, do what seem- Phtlem. 14. without thy mitid would I do nothing
eth thee good, 14. 36, 40. 2 Sam. I9. 27, .37. See JllUGM.F.NT. 2 Chr'. 25. 9. what shall we do for the 100 talents ?
3. 18. Eli said, it is the Lord, let him do what .Must DO. Esth. 1. 15. what shall we rfo to the queen Vashti
/•,(fl/.()0.12.thro' God we shall do valiantly, 108.13.
seemeth him good, 2 Sam. 10. 12. Erod. 18. 20. shalt shew the work that they must d.
C'rt«/. 8.8. what shall we do for our sister i;i tnv day'
2 Kings 10. 5. do that which is good in thine eyes .Xum. 23. 26. all the Lord speaketh, that I do
.lonah 1. 11. they said, what shall we do to thee(
1 Cliron.ig.lS. let the L.rfo what is good in his sight Prov. 19. 19. if thou deliver, thou mwjf (/oil again
21 .23. lest the king da that which is good in his eyes .lets 16. 30. jailer said, what must I do to be savedr Luke 3. 10. people asked, \v\\3.t shall we do.' 12, H.
Nell. 5. 9. also I said, it is not good that ye do DO joined with no, or 7tot. John 6. 28. what shall we do that we might work?
Gen. 18. 29. he said, I Avill not do it for forty's sake .-Ictsl. 37. men and brethren, whatjAa// we do f
Psal. 34. 14. do good, .37. 3, 27. 51. 18.
| |
125. 4.
Mat. 5. 44. Luke 6. 9. 35. 30. he said, I will 710; rfo it if I find thirty there 4. 16. saying, what shall we do to these men .'

36. 3. he hath left off to be wise and to do good 19.22. I cannot do any thing till thou come thither DO joined with so.
Prov. 31. 12. she will do him good and not evil 34. 19. the young man deferred not to do the thing Gen. 18. 5. they said, so do as thou hast said
Eccl. 3. 12. but for a man to do good in his life Exod. 20. 10. is the sabbath of the Lord thy God, 19.7. I pray you, do not ot wickedly, 7K(/i;.19. 2,3.
Isrr. 41. 23. yea do good or do evil, that we may be in it thou shalt noi </n any work. Lev. 23. 31. 44. 17. Joseph said, God forbid that 1 should do ss
Jer. 4. 22. but to do cood they have no knowledge 21 11. and if he do not th^se three unto her Exod. 8. 26. .Moses said, it is not meet so to do
10. 5. cannot do evil, nor is it in them to do good 23. 21. thou shalt 7iot do after their works Lei,. 4.20.w shall he do, 16.16. Ah/«.9- U. 15. 1*.

Lev. 16. 29. ve shall atiiict your souls and do no 8. 34. so the Lord hath commanded to do
13. 23. then may ye do good that are accustomed
26. 14. rfo with me as seemeth good and meet to you work," 23. 3,28. Deut. 15. 19- Jer- 17. 24 iV»m.l4.28.,wwill 1 rf>.,32.31./fa.65.8.i;:«V.35.lS.
15. 1 ' shall he do to every one accord. to niimbec
29. .32. nor behold the good I will do for my people 18. 3. and after their doings ye shall 7iot do
32.40. 1 will not turn away from them to rfothem g. 19. 15. do no unrighteousness in judgment, .35. 22. 30. was I aver wont to do so unto thee ?
41. I will rejoice over them to do them good 23. 7. ye shall do no servile work therein, 8. 21. 32. 23. if ye will not do so ye have sinned ag. 1..
all the kings
33. 9. which shall hear all the good 1 do to them 25, 35, 36. Niun. 28. 18,25,26. Deut. 3. 21. so shall the Lord do to
Mic. 2. 7. do not my words do good to the upright 26.14. but if ye will not do my commandments, 15. 12. 4. ye shall not do so to the Lord yourCJod, 31.
A'»m.8.26. from ageof fifty years shall c/ono service .30. how did these nations serve their gods? iold»
Zcp/i. 1. 12. that say, the Lord will not do sood
Mark 3.4. .lesus saith to them, is it lawful to do aood23. 19. hath he said, and shall he not do it ? 18. 14. Lord thy G. hath not suffered thee soto4t
on the sabbath-days, or to do evil Luke 6. 9
.' 29.7. ye shall H(i< rfi) any work, Deut. 5. H. I6.8 22. 3. and so sh.alt thou do with his raiment

14.7. the poor, when ye will, ye may do them good /.'ei(M2.8.shall not do after all the things we do here 5. all that rfi) Jii are abomination to Lord thyCiod
do. so shall ye/.
Luke it. 33. if ye do good to them that do good Ui you 13. 11. shall rfono more any such wicKedness as this ludg. 7. 17. it sh.all be, that ivs I
Horn.'. 19. for the good that I would, I do not 17. 13. shall fear and do no more presumptuously 11! 10. if we rf.' not so according to thy words
Jiidg. 6. 27. feared, that he could not i/riitby day
21. when I would i/iigrtorf evil is present with me 14. 10. for JO used the young men to do

13. 3. do what is good, and thou shall have praise 19. 23. my brethren, I pray you, do not this folly 19. 21. but to this man do not so vile a thing

Gfl/.6 lO.Iet us(//iij(i.irf to all men.especiallyto ther24. but to this man do not so vile a thing Hulh 1. 17.tlie Lord do so to nie, 1 Sam. 14. 4i
1 Tim. 6; 18. charge the ricb, that they do good luilh 3. 13. if he will not do the part of a kinsman 1 Sum. 3. 17. (iod do so to thee anil more also
Heh. 13.16. torfo good and communicate, forget not I .SV;;h. 26. 21. return, 1 will no more rfo thee harm 8. 8. have served other gods, .<> do ihey also to thet
1 Kings 1 1 12. in thy days I will not do it for Davicl
Jam. 4. 17. that knoweth to </« j oorf, and doth it not .
20. 13. Lord do so and much more to Jonatliao
1 Pel. 3. 11. let him eschew evil, and do go-nt 2 A'j«i;,f7.9 lepers saidoneto anoth. werfu not well 25. 22. so and more also do G. to enemies of DaviJ
Have 1 10 DO. 17. 15. Lord charged they should not do like them 30. 23. David said, ye shall not do so, my brethrci,
2 Sam. 16. 10. what have I to do with you ? 19. 22 18. 12. and would not hear them, nor do theni 2 Sam. 3.9. sodo God to Abner, even so 1 doto hia
1 Kvigs 17. 18 what have J to do with thee ? 2 Aiu^jj I'jra 7. 26. whoso will tiol da the law of thy God 35. God do so to me and more also, I9. IT
1 Kings 2. 23. 20. 10. 2 Kitigs (). 31.
3.13. 2CAnm.35.21. Markb.;. Luke JoA 13. 20. only do not two things unto me |

3 J. 12. yea, surely God will 7iot do wickedly 9. 11. then said Ziba, so shall thy servant do
8. 28. John X. 4.
Hoj 14. 8 what //«r<r 7 <o </o any more with idols ? 41.8. remember the battle, da no more I Kings I. 30. even so will 1 certainly do this day
I Car. 5. 12.whatA«ir / 10 do to judge them without I'sal. 1 19. 3. they do no iniqui. they walk in his ways 2. 38. as the king h.ith said, so will thy servant ic

I thall, or 1 mil DO
; or aill I, thall J IK). Jer. 18.6, Isr. cajmol 1 do with you as this potter' 19. 2. so let the gods do to me, »nd more also
Gen, 27. 37. what thall I do now thee,W son my
iS.3. Jote wrong, it no
•noWwx to the straj:;tr 22. 22.licsaid,go forth%adA{0 SCA.on 18.SX
, . -

DOS The act of teaching. Mark 1.
2. IT]
7 "8 [6]
... I- 111 n n<. <aiil what i'tliO'i^'«^">I^^'J*^- ^-^
Di^He ''"''{"'7;'
tKin?.17Al.^mih.iTUheTS.sodoihtylo.A^l\lh'^^^^ ^.h^t thou ^
,,, what The history
20 2IU ^,,^ see
mark, and -i </.
^ f't['ev^2^14.
consrepJiion said they would rfo h.m. what d. hou ?
1 CA/ 13. 4. all J-Iaq 1° who will say to
mast wc rfa d. thou against
him ' Am? c/
/;i/a 10 12. as thou Uul. said, io
ihou sayesl 15 6 if thou sinnest what .';24 lie uas sent for ey KalaK
\eh 5. 12. they said, so will «-e a.> as d. wed to thyself
Ji). and 3in
/W49.18 praise diee. when thou wonders Sl^ab to com, and curse Israel ; "'"^ .-""f''^
6 U that I should be afraid, and rftf art the God that d. restrained, and
"^rnedhini /r,»n
hands on y->u 77 14. thou thTuod

again will lay wondrous things hex^-

blessings upon

"1 ye du to I and d. then.,

lij if for thou art great, curun-r to pronouncing
10. and do even so to
Mord.cai the Jew , i'
good, teach o.e
l.,i), 6
who and where is he durst presume to</..i». 1 .) 68 thou art good, and </
him. what d. thou - Ua.i.i.^o.
Zth Balak at last, ho. to '"-V; ; "'^/ »f^
thtrn to
7 i".
ye ,o mock licc'l
8.4.or to say to iloci he/ore them, ff-"''j'j
>o* 1.3 0. as one man mocketh. ^» then thou rejo.cest that if 'he J wouia
11 15 when thou d. evd. I'llak and the Midianites,

inward parts of belly J^;

Proi. 20. 30. «rf« stripes the
to him as he hath done 5 5. who shall go aside
to ^I'.^'O*
what'^7./hou,;^- ' .
™2J./i.. /—against
24.2y. say not, 1 will do to t-kX" Q the rebellious house said, make
.lerus.^lem and her idols- '^le- th.iigs ".f /j'^^t'
Ita. lO.n. shall I to do to 1-6 30 -weak heart, seeing thou '' -
words someadcanlage over them, they
Jer. 23. 6. the Lord do so. the Lord periorm
"4 H) tell what these are to
us that thou d. so
them in idolatry and whoredom
that '»^"- '"'»
seventh day of month well to be angry .'9. and -.^ould be-
E-ek 45 "0. so thou shalt do return
j:';,/ 4 Lord said. d. thou

uouldi\^ f r.nLn hu their God,

be J"''^''"
VanUM. to shall he do, he shall
your Ma 6 2 therefore when
thou d thine alms, what authority
come a vrev to their enemiei.
', J^'"
ue young

ii«.io.l5..«>shallUeth^U.'to you,becau5P of "!^ '

the prie.sts and elders Israelites /. "''
publicans to? -' MarkU.'f.Luke^^.Z. ofMoI Litedthe
A/<i< 5 47. do not even the
rf 'thou hese
things r aal-neor ajler then had persuaded
you. rfo ye even joto tnen

7 1-. men should rfc to that thou d. jl'f « ''""g» them to impur,
y„A«2 IB.what sr^n seeiiv; r;;CcV idolatri they seduced
Father do unto yo. these miracles that thou d. same with what i»
18 35. to shall mv heavenly 3 2 no man can do This doctrine is Ihe
John U. 31. as Father «avc
Act, 7 51. as your fathers did,
to do ye.
order, even


7 3
that thy disciples may see ihe works thou rf.
lesus^aid t,' him, -hat thou
n d. do quickly
what thou d.
'called the
doctrine of the ^-"laitans^
This sect took their name
Jrom Mcolas,
deacons, of whom mention
1 Cor. Id. 1. as i have K^ven
you. «rfu ye his 22. 26. saving, take heed same things 3. on'e of tie "rst seven
even as Christ lorsave thouinatjudgest, d. the He plunged himself ,nt»
Cot 3 13. Hom 2. 1. 7 made .>. Acts 6. 5.
which is in faith, .o do God. thou d well and gave beginning
1 7.m. ..4. ihanedifyiuR.
shall be judged
Jam " IQ thou believest on to brethren irregularities, at it is said,
do ve. a.s they that ^.faithfully what thourf. sect, but also to that of th*
Jam. 2. VI. to ZJolinl thou Z, any to this
no joined with tint. DUlIl.
Gnost cs several others. who.Jollomng
and to
begin to do thee
Gen 11. 6. people is one, and this they s.nag^God Gen 31 12 I have seen all that Laban rf. totherein tJMo/'heir passions, invented manydiffe-
39 9. can I dot/at «reat
wicked, and
i^ 31. 14. for whosoever rf. any-
work crimes and uickedness. Among
him appoint officers rf
M. reJ sor's of
41.3t.let Pharaoh doUnt, let snail be cut off, 15. Lev. 23.
that soul /'"'/Nicolaitans, adulteries, and
the of fe
ff'ar God a man smmng
42. la. Joseph said, th.t do and live, I Lev. 6. 3. in any of all these
that d.
idols, were held as
4T 11 if it must be so now.
do this, 4S. iMy V,'„, 15. 1 law for
him thatrf.thro ignorance
meats offered to
St. Austin ^-y^'^'-;:^'jj':
i«r.26.lO.I will doth, to you. I
will appoint terror ""4
C.-i. alas, who shall
live when God d. this !

common, and make no scru- i

Korah and all have their women in
\um l6 6 this do, take vou tensers. Gibeonites great things and u.^iearch- the pagan suver.tit.oits.
j'ob'i. 9. to God who d. : to conform to all
Joih Q 20. this we do 130^4. the Lord is perfect
will to .37. 5. Psal. 72. 18.
able. 9. 10. p!al ly t 7. the d. of
not (A-HoUy I

even that he d.
Ju</^ 19. 23. my brethren.
1 pray, d-
"3 13 what his soul desireth,
"8 9 whom 7"shall he make to understand
rfi- not thou Mif
folly d
2 6Vjm 13 12 my
he vexation to und^rsta^d d
brother, whatsoever piosp'-;''
p\,',l 1 .3. leaf not
+'l9. it shall be a
'from me that 1 should do this U.l.therei5nonerf.good,3. 53 1. 3.
iiooi.A.i.. shall learn d.
2-i 17. be it far
do this, Jsa..\, .J-. shall never be moved
''4 and they 4
that mtirmured
w-hom arm
2 /v'i«»)19.31.the zeal of L.shall 15. 5. he that d. these things, who ha?n believed our., or -^
1. w^^^^^
shall not trespass righteous, at a times t. ; L
nghteou..j^iitimes^..t ^ "-f -
2 Chron 19. 10. r/i» rfa and ye 100. 3. blessed is he that d.
i;;6:3"bwr;;r,;het,.t^. fer 10 8. Drutisn, lue
3iui.». " ^^ -

Ezra i 22 take heed that ye fail not to do this

118. 15. right hand of the
l-<"-'^ ''•
-^l ,, ,, 7 "8. the people
were -'^-^•"l^^^i^'i'^j^-
. , ;„
at his
Frov. 6. 3. dolhu now, my
son. deliver thyselt destroyelh h.s own soul Mat'l.i^^."" 11- 18. ^"ke 4. J«.
I'rov. 6. 32. he that d. it. .33. Mark 1. 22. |

thee, as I do this day good own soul

Jsa 3B 19. the livine piarse
1117. the merciful man d. to his
IG 12 bew"are-of the d. of
the Pharisee*
do this abomination good like a medicine saying, what I.ew d.
Jtr 3" 35 that thev should 17 "2 a merrv heait d. .Uark\. 27. people amazed,
do this evil to them " 2 and I said of mirth, what i. It r d.U. 38.
E-.ek.'i 10. that Twould ;VW taught and said to them in his
<"• 1 rfo not this for your sakes, O Israe 32.
it shall be for
ever, and 4 2 he
know ol the i.
3. ujwhatsoever (}od d. do his will, he shall
and because will do -'•'":' men should fear before him Jo/,;r7 17. if asked Jesus of his d.
Ano'/i. 12. 1
'"'"'f .
God d it that
't. .'9. the high priest then the apos„es d.
shall do ,h,s. the Lord d. good and iuuieth not
A/.; 4 3. in day that I 7 20 there is not a man Icts'^ i" they continued
my servant do th. he doeth it. /-«/.< .8. whatsoever pleaseth him with your d.
J/a/ 8 3. for he d. 3"8' te'have filled Jerusalem
am ab e to do this? sonof man the d. of the Lord
0. 28. believe ye that 1
not only do this
ha 50 2. biassed isthemanrf. this, and rsie.^ being astonished at
oi "l if ye have faith, ye shall he escape that d. such things know what this new d is '
Kzek. 17. IS. shall r; -^aying, may we
iiarJin. 3. if anysay myou, whv doje this one of these things 7
that form of d.
18 U). that d. the like to any Pom i' 17 but ye'have obeyed ye have learned
.4.he was worthy for whom he should do, his not any of those duties which
Luke; - n. and that 4.
1617 contrary- to the d.
l". 28. he saiQ
10 niui. this
said to him, i'"o ui/, -—
do, and thou. shalt live „. ^„j d. that whicn
lid ^
lawful a.iu
which is lawiui and ..g,—
1 shall speak
to you by d.
1" 18. sdd, this will 1 do.
18 he sdd. do, 1 will pull down ^yj^- ^ „^ ^ ^„^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,„ heaven and
earth 1 0,r 14 6. except a toague
me. 1 Lor 11..4. he m every one of you hath a d.
£2.19.(/'i.<</o in remembrance of
^^l^*; f ^^ L^.-a our God is righteous all d
14.- carried about with every
wmd of d".
rA;. tnatthat we »..j .- thee
say to .".> d this 4.
Act,tt 21. 23. do therelore
therefore </<;. --^^ ,

-'"'« 9- ^„^ ^^^ ^^i,^j_ 3^;^^ the Lord that d.

n^j 3^^;^^ that they teach no
other d
have reward th" 1 lim 1. .3. charge
:,.r 9. 17. for if 1 d.t.
ICV.i..-. xhmg willingly,
Mat. ^;
1-. .^^^^ ^^ ^^^
^^^^ "•
l-oru ^^.^,, ^^„ jhat d.
41": till I come, give attendance to reading,tod.
23. and this I do lor
. ^
for the gospelgospe s sake -
- v 3.
3--,^^ •
not left hand know what
u, j
thy right d.

and to thy d.
Mat 6. let j^.f^
16 take heed to thyself,
Jleb 6. 3. and this will
we do if God permit will of my Father in
labour in the word and d
rather to do r/iif 7 21. but he that d.
sayings, and d them
5 17 especially they who
13 10 i,ut I beseech vou the 24. whoso heareth ihese thrnlme of G. and his d. be
not blasphemed
we will do this or that Lukeb.-ig. (i
'3 and to the d. which is according to sod
the Lord'wi.i, and d not,
Jam 4.'
15. if
26.everv one that heareth
idf 1 Ills, 1 HINU. and he d. it ^;''«. profital.le lor d
8.Q. to m'y servant, do this, •-
Tim 3 16. all scripture is
I)(J well. evil, hateth the light and d.
Jolln 3. 20. every one that d. •4 2 Rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering
ucr«,seek judgment to the light grawty
Jsa 1 17- leaTO '» do "1. but he that d. truth cometh •;,/ " 7 in d. shewing incorruptness,
do well to be angry, even to death be these d. 'he Son ' G our Sa^.ou,
Jonah 4. 9. soever d. the d. of
andto Judah 5. ]9.what things 0. that the'y may adorn

Zech 8 15 to do welt to Jerusalem 7. 51. before it hear him

.^nd know what bed. principles of the d.otGhrist
«.'.' on sabbath-days !I..b 6 1 leaving the
Mat' I" 12 it is lawful to do will, him he heareth oHaying on of hands
da 9 31. but if any man d. his "2 o fthe d. of blptisms, and
sleep, he shall iff//
not what his lord d.
Jo/,« ll'.'l2. Lord, if he 15 15. the servant knoweth " John U. whoso abideth not in the d.
of Lhrist he ,

yourselves, ye shall do welt God service Son

'his 15 29 if ye keep 16. 2. killeth you, will think hed. -
Christ hath Father and
law, ye do well tia; abideth in d. of
Jam. 2.' 8. if ve fulfil the roval Horn 2.9.ancuish upon every soul of manthatd.evil thou hast them that hold ''•
praise ot them that do ttf// the rnan that d. Rev 2.
14. »' J^^'^f
1 I'el 2 14- for the 10 5. righteousness of law, that icolaitans. which 1 hate
suffer for it 15 that hold d. of the N
211 but if when ye do well and these things shall live by
thein. Gal. J. 1 -.
Good D0C1IUM--
are as long as ye do wcIL that d. evil my law
3. 6. whose daughters ye n. 4. to execute wrath upon him forsake not
Proi' 4. 2. I give you
good d.
ye take heed
iPet 1. 10. whereto ye do oW/ihat shalt do well 1 Cor r, 18. every sin a man d. is without the body e. uounshed up T,m\ in the words of good d
3Jolm6. whom if thou bring,
ihat he will keep his virgin, d we UUCllUNE.
7. 37. decreed 1/v
in marriage d.well as the rain, my speech
was the d of it 33. so then he that giveth her Dent Z' d.'shall drop
Oen 10. 22. what they did there, he the d. of evil Gal. 3.5. d. he it by works of ihe law, or by faith f h \\ 4 mv d. is pure, and 1 am clean in thine eyei
the Lord shall reward thing any inan d. sent me
« L;,. 3. 39. 8. whatsoever good my d. is not mine, but his that
rewardeth the proud d. l-vh. a. in you J in 7 16
known my d.
P,al 31 2r L.i. plentifully CJ 1 6. bringelh forth fruit, as it d. also wrong Vim'a 10. but thou hast fully
Prov 17. 4. 1 w''^^>"^J «'• K'^"'' '"^'''. '°

is an hypocrite and
evilTld. •1 25. but he that d. wrong, shall receive for

Jsa.^. 17. for every one I Thess.-:. H.

exhorted as a father d. his children contrary to soundi.
trouble as an evil d. good, not Tim \. 10. .iny thing that is
2 7i';«. 2. 9. wherein I suffer of word Jam 4 17 that knoweth to do o J.m 4. 3. when they wUl not endure sound
and not ad. forever
Jam. 1. 23 if any be a hearer, 'oAri'" 17.h..thatd. will of God abideth to exhort and convince
forgetful hearer but a d hmi, 7. 'til 1 9. by sound d.
25. he being not a '9 that d. righteousness is born of 3. become sound i.
law, but a judge <- '1 but speak thi.itts which
4 11. thou art not a d. ..f the 3 John 10. remember his deeds which he d.
1 wii. 7/.» DOCTRINE.
1 Pel 4. 15. let none of vou suffer as an evil d. hath not seen God ^^^ ^„j bring not this d.
11. but he that d. evil
DOtKS. /.-...IS.lS.andhe d. wonders, he
maketh fu-e - •'^,'":,1°- "
^ „^,;. ^^ have not ,hu d.
22. S.let them give it to the d.
of the work ^j ^^
2 Kings
kicked d.
DOCIOR.,. ,_^_^_,__J«"-- •
Psal. lul. 8. that I may cut off all Gamaliel, a d. of the law —Mark 7.7
of men
justified Mr"
if« J. 34. then 5 — ;.'",„.r
5. jt. viiv,. ..."
.iS.g.for d.
Jl//7f.]5.g.lor the commandm.
d.tnecommawuiii. .

jeom.2. 13. but the d. of the law shall be

W.,f r „,.„
UoClORS. 1 ,. , . c^ ol after the commandments and d. of mta
hearers only „f the d. Co ='""
. .

the word, not in midst, of ^"',; -•— deviU

Jam. 1. 22. be ye d. of '
uke 8.46.they found Jesus sitting ,
j^jj^. giving heed to d.of
Lviu-UOEB, dolus; See LviL. 5.17 there were Pharisee,
a^ud d. of law sitting by
^\\"'-^^-^'l^ZctnS^\>o.^ with strange d.


t. T. if tliou d. well, and if
thou d. not well /A. /«» «
Oen. Signifies. [11 Knowled,e.
\''''''^^\^^'\^jt\ls animal well known. By
„ domestic an
22. God is with thee in all that thou
d. a
21 opini..n. .Mat. It). 1^^ much despisei
[2 A tenet, or unclean, and was very
I- J -<

Eiod. 18. 17. the thing that thou d. is not

general lil.^. ^0. ^
[4]! wa, j,,/„„d
^.^, declared «. ..pressijn
truth, of the gospel in The most ojf.nsive
JJetit. 12. 2tt. when ihou d. which
is good and right amoZ 'he Jew,-
that thou J. Instruction, information and ""'\'f"'''''l^-',Z 'ihZ'coulduse. wa, to compare
a rnan '" <> 'i">J
16. 18. God shall bless thee in all tlie gospel. 2 1 uu. 3.
I6. l5] J/« W'W»i'<. 'A"'
2 aiim 3 2.'5. ASner came to know all
that thou d. the truths of
matter aUo, Mat Li. David i»""i*' maiii tiavil W
all thou d manner of ICOfhing, pUh me
I Kinri 2 ."l.ihat thou mayest prosper in

. . .


iSt uyyjuti persecution ahich he carried on 1 Sam. 25. S. Nab»l was churlish and evil in his d. Jude 25. to the only wise (lod b« </. and power
against Aim, did himself no hanow, said to Aim 2 Chron 17. 4. and walked not after the rf. of Israel DO.MINIONS.
After whom is the king of Israel come out Ps. 9.11. declare among the people his rf. Isa. 12.4. Dan. 7. 27. and all rf. shall serve and d-ty him
after whom dost thou pursue > after a dead dog, 77. 12. I will meditate of thy works, talk of thy rf. Col. 1. 16. whether they be throne.«, or rf. or powen
1 Sam. 24. 14. Prov. 20. 11. even a child is known by his rf. DONE.
The name of dog is sometimes put /or one tcho has Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the evil of your rf. Gen. 9. 24. Noali knew what his younger jon HaJ 4
lost alt modesty; for one teho prostitutes himself 3.8. because their tongue and rf. are against the L. 18. 21. they have rf. according to the cry ^.it
hy committing any abominable action, such as 10. for they shall eat the fruit of their rf. 24. 66. the »crvant told Isaac all that he had <£.
rodomv ; in this manner several understand tite Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come and burn, because of 26. 29. as we have rf. to thee nothing but good
injunction delivered by Woses, of not offering the evil of your rf. 21. 12. | 26. 3.| 44. 22. 29.26. Laban said, it must not be rf in our country
in the tabernacle of the Lord the hire of a whore 18. thy rf. have procured these things to thee 34. 7. wrought folly, which ought not to be a.
or the price of a do;:, Dent. 23. 18. And Christ 7. 3. amend your ways and rf. 5. 26. 13. 35.15. ] |
44. 5. ye have rf. evil in so doing
excludes dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, mur- 11. 18. then thou shewedst me their rf. 15. Joseph said, what deed is this ye have rf.
derers, and idolaters, from the kingdom of 17. 10. according to the fruit of his rf. 21. 14. Exod. 1. 18. he said, why have ye rf. this thing ?
Heaven, Rev. 22. 15. i'he apostle Paul calls 18. 11. return, and make your ways and rf. good 2. 4. his sister stood to wit what would be him
the false apostlas dogs, by reason of their impu- 23. 2. I will visit upon you the evil of your rf. 12. 16. no manner of work shall be rf. in then^
dence and greedy love of sordid gain, Phil. 3. 2. 22. and from the evil of their rf. 25. 5. Zech. 1.4 save what must be eat, that only may be rf.of you
Solomon and the apostle Peter compare sinners 32. 19. to give according to the fruit of his rf. 1 3 8. this is rf. because of that the Lord did to me

teho continually relapse into their sins, to dogs Liek. 14. 22. ye shall see their way and their rf. 18. l.Jethro heard of all that God had rf. for Mojei
returning to their vomit, Prov. 2f). 11. 2 Pet. 20. 43. there shall ye remember yourrf. and your 9. the goodness which the Lord had rf. to Israel
2. 22. Dog or dojs, i> put for, [1] The devil, 44. nor accord, to your wicked ways, corrupt rf 21. 31. according to this judgment shall it be rf.
Psal. 22. 20. [2] Persecutors, Psal. 22. It). 21. 24. so that in all your rf. your sins do appear 31. 15. sixdaysmay work be rf. 35.2. Lev. 23. 3.
[.?] False teachers, Isa. 56. 11. Phil. 3. 2. 24. ;4. according to thy rf. shall they judge 3i). 43. they had rf. it as the Lord had commanded,

r4] Unholi/ men, Mat. 7- 6. [5] The Gentiles, 36. 17. they defiled it by their own way and rf. even so had they rf. it, and Moses blessed them
Mat. 15. "27. 19- and according to their rf. I judged them I^v. 5. 17. and commit things forbidden to be rf.
Etod. 11. 7- but against Israel shall not a d. move 31. shall remember your rf. that were not good 8. 5. the Lord commanded to be rf. Deut. 26. 14.
Devt. 2.1.10. not bring price of a rf. into house of L. Uos. 4. 9. I will punish and reward them their rf 11. 32. what vessel it be, wherein any work is rf.
Judg. 7. 5. every one that lappeih as a d. lappeth 5.4. they will not frame their rf. to turn to theirG 18.27. these abominations have the men of land rf^
1 Sam. 17. 43. Philistine said to David, am I a.d..' 7. 2. now their own rf. have set them about 24. 20. eye for eye, so shall it be rf. to him again
24. 14. after whom dost thou pursue ? after a rf. ? 9- 15. for the wickedness of their rf. I will drive Auffi. 5.7. they shall confess their sin they have rf.
2 Sam. 3. 8. then Abner said, am I a dog's head .'
12. 2. according to his rf. will he recompense 12. 11. wherein we haverf. foolishly and sinned
9.8. thou shouldest look upon such dead I am Mic. 2. 7.O house of Jacob, are these his rf. .' was not declared what should be hinc
16. 9. why shouldest this dead d. curse my lord f 3.4. as they have behaved themselves ill intheirrf, 22.2.Kalak saw all that Israel had rf. to Amoritej
S Kings 8.13.Hazael said, but what is thy 7.13. land shall be desolate for the fruit of their rf. 27. 4. whyshould name of our fatherberf. away.'
jPjfl/. 22. 20. my darling from the power of the d. Zeph. 3.7. but they rose early, corrupted all their rf. 32. 13. all that had rf. evil in sight of L. were cons.
59. 6. at evening they make a noise like a d. 14. 11. sh.ilt thou not be ashamed for all thy rf. ? Deut. 10. 21. he is thy God that hath rf. for thee
J'rov. 2t). 11. as a rf. returneth to his vomit, so a Zech. 1.6. according to our rf. so hath dealt with us 25. g. 50 shall it be rf. to that man will not build up
fool returneth to his folly, 2 Pet. 2. 22. DOLEFUL. 29.24. nations say, wherefore hath the Ld. rf. thu»
17. is like one that taketh a d. by the ears Isa. 13. 21. their houses full of rf. creatures to this land? 1 A'in«9.8. 2 Chron. 7. 21.
Eccl. 9- 4. a living d. is better than a dead lion Mic.i.i. inthatday shall lament with a rf.lamentat. Josh. 10. 32. as he had rf. also to Libnah, 39.
lea. 66. 3. sacrificeth, as if he cut otf a dog's neck DOMINION 35. he had rf. to Lachish H 37. he had rf. t j Egloo
DOGS. Signifies, [1] Poaer, Neh. g. 28. Rom. 6. g. 22. 24. if we had not rather rf. it for fear of this
Eiod. 22. 31. nor eat flesh torn of beasts, ye shall [2] Persons ruled over, Psal. 114. 2. [3] Kings 24.31. had known all that he had rf for Israel
cast it to the d. Mat. 15. 26. MarkT. Tl a7id kingdoms, Dan. 6. 26. \
.1 27. [4] .insets, Jndg.Q.lO. who knew not works he had rf. for IsraeJ
I Kings 14. 11. shall the d. eat, 16. 4. | 21. 24. Eph. 1.21. Col. 1. 16. [5] Magistrates, 2 Pet. 3.12. because they hadrf. evil in sight of tht Lor4
21. 19. thus saith the Lord, in the place where d. 2. t 10. Jiide R. [6] The universal and un- 9l6.ifye have rf. truly and sincerely and haverf.
licked the blood of Naboth.shall rf. lick thy blood limited authority and government 0/ God, Psal. to Jerubbaal according to deserving of his hands
2,1. the d. shall eat Jezebel, 2 Kings 9. 10, 36 72. 8.
14i. 13. Dan. 4, 3, 2i, 34. | 7. 14. 24. cruelty rf. to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal
22. 38. and the d. licked up Ahab's blood Ctn. 1. 26. have rf. over the fish of the sea, 28. jg. 30. there was no such deed rf. nor seen
Job30.\. I disdained to have set with </. of my flock 27. 40. and when thou shalt have the d. snalt break Huth 3. 16. told her all that the man had rf. to her
.Pja/.22.l6.for d. have compassed me, they pierced 37. 8. or shalt thou indeed have rf. over us ? 1 Sam. 4. 16. and he said, what is there rf. my son

68. 23. and the tongue of thy d. in the same Num. 24. 19. out of Jacob come he that shall have rf. 1 1.7- Cometh not forth, so shall it be rf. to his oxen
Isa, 36. 10. t>.ey are all dumb d.\\ 11. greedy d. Judg. 5. 13. he made him haverf. over the nobles 17. 26. what shall be the man that killeth him
Jer. 15. 3. the sword to slay, and the rf. to tear 14. 4. at the time the Philistines had rf. over Israel 27. 50 shall it be rf. to the man that killeth him
Jl/af. 7. 6- give not that which is holy unto d. 1 Kings 4. 24. Solomon had rf. over all the region 25.30. when the Lord shall have rf. to my lord
15. 27. yet the d. eat of the crumbs, Mark"!. 28. 9. IH. to build in the land of hi) rf. 2 Chron. H. 6. 28. 17. the Lord hath rf. as he spake, Lzek. 12. 28
Luke 16. 21. the d. came and licked liis sores 3 Kings 20. 13. there wjs nothing in his house or in 2 Sa/;i.ll.27. thing David had rf. displeased the L
Phil. 3. 2. beware of d. beware of evil workers all his rf. that Ilezekiah shewed not, Isa. .iy. 2. 13. 12. no such thing ought to be rf. in Israel
Rev. 22. 15. for without are d. and sorcerers 1 Chron. 4.22. men of t'hozeba who had rf. in Moub 24. 17. what have they rf. .' 1 Chron. 21. 17.
DOING. 18. 3. as he went to stablish his rf. by the river 1 KingsS. 66. goodness the Lord hath rf. for David

Gen. 31. 28. thou hast done foolishly in so d. 2 Chron. 21. 8. the f^domites from under Judah's rf. 14. 22. above all that their fathers had rf.
44. 5. is not this it • ye have done evil in so d. 32. + 9. .Sennacherib and all his rf. with him 19- I. Ahab told Jezebel a\\ that Elijah had rf.
Ezod.\5.\l. like thee, fearful in praises, d. wonders AV/i. 9. 28. so that they had the rf. over them 22.03. provoked the Lord according to all that hij
Hum. 20. 19. 1 will only, without d. any thing else 37. also they have rf. over our bodies and cattle father had rf. 2 Kings 15. 3, g. 34. 23. 32. |

Deut. g. Ifi. because ye sinned in d. wickedly Job 25.2.rf. and fear are with him, he maketh peace 2 Kings 4. 13. lie said, what is to be rf. for thee f
1 AVw^.t 16. 19. he sinned in d. evil, 2 Kings 21.16. 38.33. canst thou set the rf. thereof in the earth ' 8. 4. tell me all the great things I'.lisha hath rf.
22. 43. d. that which was right, 2 Chron. 20. 32. Psal. 8. 6. to haverf. over the worksof thy hands 10.10. for the Lord hath rf. that which he sjiake by
1 Chron 22. 1(). arise, and be d. Lord be with thee 19- 13. from sins, let them not have rf. over nie his servant Elijah, Isa. .38. 15. Jer. 40. 3
Ifeh. 6.3.1 am d. a great work, I cannot come down 49. 14. the upright shall have rf. over them 19. 11. thou hast heard what ihe kings of Assyria
Job 32. 22. in so d. my IMaker would take me away 72. 8. he shall have rf. also from sea to sea have rf. to all lands, 2 Chron. 32. 13. Isa.S'. 11.
J^sal. 64. 9. they shall wisely consider of his rf. 103. 22. bless the Lord in all places of his rf. 21. 15. because they have rf. evil, 2 Chren. 2g. 6.
fi6. 5. he is terrible in d. toward children of men 114. 2. Judah washis sanctuary, and Israel hisrf. 23. 19. all the acts that he had rf. in Heth-»d
118.23. this is the Lord's d. it is marvellous in 119. 133. let not any iniquity have rf. over me 2 Chron. 24. 16. because he had rf. good in Israel
our eyes. Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 11. 145. 13. thy rf. endureth through all generations 29. 3(). rejoiced, for the thing was rf. suddenly
Jsa. 56. 2. and keepith his hand from d. any evil Isa. 26. 13. other lords besides thee had rf. over us 32. 2S. rendered not according to benefit rf. to him
5B. 13. fromrf.thy pleasure on my
holy day, and .ler. 2. < 31. wherefore say my people, we have rf. .•'
31. who sent to inquire of the wonder that wasrf.
/?r. 32. + 19. great in counsel, and mighty in d. Dan. 4. 3. his rf. is from generation to generation Ezra 6. 12 made a decree, let it be rf. with speed
Liiek. 31. 1 11. in d. he shall do unto him £2. thy rf. reacheth to the end of the earth g. 1. when these things were rf. the princes came
Mat. 24. 46. his Lord shall find so d. Luke 12 43. 31. most High, whose rf. is an everlasting rf.7.1 1. .^(;/i.6.8. there are no such things rf. .is thou sayest
..lets10. 38. Jesus, who went about d. good 6. 26. that in every rf. of my "kingdom men tremble g.33.wehaverf. wimedly, Ps.M\6. l)an.i).l>,\5.
24. 20 if they have found any evil d. in me and fear before the (iod of Daniel, ami hi6 l.aih.l. 1.hereminib. Vashti, and what she had rf
Horn. 12.20. for in sorf. thou shalt heapcoals of fire rf. shall be even unto the end 4. l.Mordecai perceived all was rf. rent hi>clothei
{ Cor. 8. 11. now therefore perforui the d. of it 7. 6. the beast four heads, and rf. was given to it (T.6. the king said, what shall be rf. to the man
£ph. 6. 6. as the servants of Christ, d. the will of J2. the re« of the beasts had their rf. taken .away y. thus shall It be rf. to the man the kinc honours
God from the heart ]4. then was given hinirf. and glory, a kingdom .A/A 21.31. who shall repay him what he hath rf. '
l7'i>«. 4. 16. ini/.this thou shalt save thyself and them 26. they shall take away his rf. to consume it 34. 2g. whether it be rf. ag. a nation or a only
5. 21. observe these things, rf. nothing by partiality 27. the rf.shall be given to the saints of most High /'..«/. 33. g. he spake and it waa rf. he commanded

HeS. 13.+21.rf. in youwhat iswell-pleusingin siglit 1 1. 3. a mighty king that shall rule with grtatrf. 5. 71. ig. he hath rf. great things, I06. 21. 126.2,3. |

Zam. 1. 1 25. this man shall be blessed in his d 4. not ac<:ording to his rf. which he ruled 120. 3. wh.-vt shall be rf. to thee, false tongue?
(IW/ DOING. .Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall it come evf n the first rf. Prov. 3. 30. strive not if he have rf. thie no harm
/i'jCT.2. patient continuance in leetl-d. Zech g. 10. his rf. shall be from sea to sea 4. 16. they sleep not, except they have rf. misrhid
Cal.6.0. letusnotbeweary intc/Arf. 2 'iV/wj. 3.1.!. .Vat. 20. 25. the princes of the Gentiles exerciserf. Ixcl. 1. 9. that which is rf. is that which shall be rf.

1 Pet. 2. 15. witli uell-d. ye may put to silence l\om. 6. g. raised, death hath no more rf. over him 14. have seen the works arc rf. under sun, 4. 13.
3. 17. for it is '•etier that ye suffer fo' Kc/l-d. 14. for sin shall not have rf.ovcr you, under grace 2. 12. even that which hath been already rf.
4. ig. commit their souls unto him in *e./-rf. as to 7- 1. law hath rf. over a man as long as lie livelh /j(7 3.tll.thc reward of his hands shall be him
DOINGS. 2 Cor. 1. 24. not that we have rf. over your faith 41.4. who hath wrought and' the Lord 1

Lev. 18. 3. after the of I'.sypt, and »fterthe rf. of

rf. />//. 1.21 .above all power, might, .-viid rf.cvery name ^^. 23. sing, O heavens, for the Lord halli a.
Canaan, whither bring you, s'lall ye noi do
I 1 PiY. 4.11. that (iod may be glorified, to whom be 48. 5. lest thou shouldest say, my idol ham a. them
Deut. 28. 20. Irfcause of the wickedi.ess of thy rf. praise and rf for ever and ever, .I. 11. l\er. l.ti. ler. 3. t). hast seen what backslnliiig Isr.icl hath rf.

Jude. 2. 10. they ceased not from their own d. 2 Pel. 2, 10. but them that despise rf. Judt b. 5. Vi prophets wind) thus snail it bi.c{.uulolheia


/^.7.13.b«caQ« ye have these work5,9aith L.
rf.all Ptal. Wi.lf). I willdeclare what he ham rf. (or soul Acts 10. 33. thou hast d. well that thou art come
20.for children of Judah have d. evil in my sight 115. 3. out God hath rf. whatsoever he pleased Hot DONE.
34. 15. were turned, and had d. right in my sight Ptov. 24. 29. I will do so to him as he hath rf. to me Gen. 20. 9- 'la-'t done deeds that ought not to be rf
3d. 10. have d. all that Jonadab commanded, 18. ha. 12. 5. sing to L. for he hull, d. excellent things 34. 7- which thing ought not to be rf.
38. 9. these men have d. evil to Jeremiah prophet Etek. 3. 20. righteousness whiiYi he hath rf. 18. 24. Liod. 34. 10. mar\els, such as have not been a.
44. 17. as we have d. we and our faftiers, kings 17. 18. he hath rf. these things, he shall not escape Lev. 4.2. concem.things which ought m'/ to be rf. 13
48. 19. asV him that fleeth, and say, what is d. 18. 13. he hath rf. all these abominations Num. 16. 28. I have not rf. them of mine own miiui
50. 15. vengeance as she halh d. unto her, 29. 14. that seeth his father's sins which he hath rf. Deut. 32.27. lest they say, Lord hath not rf. all thi*
51. 35. the violence d. to me and to my flesh 22. in righteousness that he hath rf. he shall live Ji'dg. 16. 1 11. ropes wherewith work not been rf
lum.i.XT. Lord hath J. that which he had devised 24. 24. according to all that he halh d. shall ye do iHam. 17. i 23. Ahithophel saw his counsel not d.
i.'«i.2J.39.thus have they d. in midst of my house 33. 16. he hath i. that which is lawful and right 2 /t'infj5.13.if proph. wouldest thou «»< h.ive rf. it
39. 8. it is come, it is d. saith the Lord God Joel 2. 20. because he hath rf, great things 2 Chron. 30. 5. they had not rf. it of a long time
43.11. if they be ashamed of all that they have d. Mat. 27. 23. and the governor said, why, what Neh. 6.9. weakened from the work, that it be net d
44. 14. and for all that shall be d. therein evil hath he rf. .' Mark 15. 14. Luke 23. 22. 8. 17. firom the days of Joshua, Isr. had not rf. so
Dan. 11. 30. for that (hat is determined shall be d. Mark 7. 37. saying, he halh rf. all things well Ksih. 1.16. Vashti had not rf. wrong to the king only
litfh. 3. 4. the priests have d. violence to the law Acts 9. 13. much evil halh hed. to thy saints Isa. 5.4.what could been done, that I have not rf.
.1/af.6.10. thy will be J. 26. 42. Luke 11.2. 22.42 |
2Cor.5.10.may receive according to that Af hath rf, 46. 10. declaring the things that are not yet rf.
8. 13. as thou hast believed, so be it d. to thee Col. 3. 25. receive for the wrong which he hath rf. Jer. 3. 16. neither shall that be rf. any more
11. 21. if the mighty works which were d. in you I have DONE. L:ek. 6. 9. 1 will do in thee that I have not rf.
had been d. in Tyre and Si Jon, Luke 10. 13. G«i.8.21. nor will I smite every thi»g as I have rf. Dan.g. 12. for under the whole heaven hath not
18. 19. any thing they ask, it shall be d. for them 21. 23. according to the kindness 1 Imre rf. thee been rf. as hath been done upon Jerusalem
31. when his fellow-sen'ants saw what was d. 27. 19. I am Esau, / have i. as thou badest me 11. 24. do that which his fathers have not rf.
21. 21. be thou cast into the sea, it shall be d. 28. 15. till 1 have rf. that which I have spoken Amos 3.6. shall evil be in city, and L. hath not rf. it.
23.23. these ought ye to have d. Luke U. 42. 30. 26. thou knowest my service / have rf. thee John 15. 24. if I had not rf. among them the works
25. SI. well d. good and faithful servant, 23. I'.iod. 10. 2. my signs which / haved. among them Acts 14.18. scarce restrained they had H.rf.sacrifite

40. inasmuch as ye have d. it to one of the least Joih. 24. 7- your eyes have seen what / have rf, £6. £6. for this thing was not rf. in a, corner
of these my brethren, ye have d. it to me Judg. 1. 7. as / have rf. so God hath requited me DON E with this.
27- 54. saw those things that were d. 28. 11. 9-* 48. what I have rf. make haste, do as / have rf, Gen. 21. 26. I wot not who hath rf. this thing
Mark 5. 14. went out to see what wasrf. Luke 8. .35 15. 11. as they did to me, so have I rf. to them 42. 28. what is this that God hath rf. to us ?
19. g" home to thy friends, tell what great things 2 Sam. 14. 21. behold now I have rf. this thing 44, 15. what deed is this that ye nave rf.,'
the Lord hath d. for thee, 28. Luke 8. 39. 2t. 10. David said, I have sinned greatly in that Eiod. 1 . 18. why have ye rf. this tiling, and saved
.33. tiie woman knowing what was d. in her 1 have rf. I have rf. very foolishly, 1 Chr. 21. 8. 13.8. this isrf. because of that which ttie Lord did
6. 30. they told him what they had d. sind taught 17. I have sinned, and I have rf. wickedly 14. 5. and they said, why have we rf. this f
9. 1 3. they have d. to him whatsoever they listed 1 Kings a. \i. behold, J have d. accord, to thy word Josh. 9. 24. we were sore afraid, and have rf. this T
13. 30. shall not pass till all these things be d. 2 Kings 19.25. hast thou not heard, how Ihave 23. 8. but cleave to Lord, as ye have rf. to ihis day
15. 8. "lesire him to do, as he had e^'e^ d. to them Neh. 13. 14. that I have d. for the house of my God J' have not obeyed, why have ye rf. this f
l.ukt 1. 49. he that is mighty hathrf. groat things Job 34. 32. if / have rf. iniauitv, I will do no more 6. 29. they said, wlio hath rf. this thing 15. 6. ,'

?. 19. being reproved for the evils Ilerod had d. Pial. 7. 3. O Lord, my God, 'if I have rf. this 11. 37. she said, let this thing be rf. for me
«. 5t>. he charged them to tell no man what was d 119121. 7 Aottrf. judgment and justice, leave not 15, 7. though ye have rf. this, yet will I be avenged
y. 10. the apostles told him all that they had d. Prov. 30. £0. and saith, / have rf. no wickedness 20. 12. what wickedness is ihis that is rf.among ygu
14. 22. Lord, it is d. as thou hast commanded /.fa. 10. 11. shall I not, as I have rf. to Samaria, so do 1 Sum. 12. 20. ye have rf. all this wickedness
17. 10. ye, when ye shall have d. all those thiugs, 13. by the strength of my hand / have rf. it 2fJ. 18. therefore hath the Lord rf. this thing
we have d. that which was our duty to do 3.3. 13. hear ye that are far off what / have rf. 2 Sa>n. 2. 6. because ye have rf. this thing
£3. 3< if in a green tree, what shall be d. in dry
. .' 37. 26. hast thou not heard how / haved. it.' 12. 5. the man that hath rf. this thing shall die
47. now when the centurion saw what was d. Jer. 42. 10. I repent of the evil / have rf. to you 14. 20. hath thy servant Joab rf. this thing ?
24. 21. the third day since these thinis were d. Ezek.g. 11. I have d. as thou hast commanded me £1. king said, behold now, I have rf. this thing
John 5.29.they that have d. good to resurrection of 12. 11. as / have rf. so shall it be done to them 1 Ktn^f 1 .27. is this thing rf. by my
Lord the kiug f
life they that hav d. evil, to damnation
; 14. 23. ye shall know that / have not rf. without 11. 11. Lord said, forasmuch as this is rf, of thee
15. 7- ask what ye will, and it shall be d. unto you cause, all that / have rf. in it, saith the Lord 2 Chron. 11.4. return, for tl,is thing is rf. of men
10. .36. these things were d. that the sc'ipture be 24. 22. ye shall do as / have rf. ye shall not cover Psai. 7. 3. O Ixird, my God, if 1 have rf. this
Act! 2. 43. many signs were d. by the apostles /'an. 6. 22. before thee, O king, Aa:)e /rf. no hurt 22. 31. they shall declare that he hath rf. this
4. 9. of the good deed d. to the impotent man Zech. 7. 3. weep, as / have rf. these so many years 51. 4. I have sinned, and rf. this evil in thy sight
16. a notable miracle hath been d. by them JvhiiJ.21. I have rf. one work, and ye all marvel Isa. 41. 20. that the hand of the Lord hathrf. ihis
21. all men glorified God for that which was <f. 13. 12. so after he had washed their feet, he said Ezek. 23. 38. moreover, this they have rf. unto me
28. what thy counsel determined before to be d. to them, know ye what / have rf. to you i1/a/. 2.13. this have ye rf. again, covering the altar

t. 7. his wife, not knowing

what wasrf. came in 15. that ye should do as / have rf. tc rou Mat. 1. 22. now all this was rf. 21. 4. 26. 56. I

12. 9. he wist not that it

was true which was d. Bast tlwu DONE. 13. 28. he said to them, an enemy hath rf. this
14. 27. they rehearsed all that God had d. 15. 4. Oen. 4,10. hesaid, what Au«//iourf. .'31. Q6.Kum. 21. 21. not only do this «iichisrf. to the fig-tree
21. 14. saying, the will of the Lord be d. 23. 11.1 Sam. 13. 11. 2. Sam. 3. 24. J<'//n 18. 35. 26. 13. this that this woman hath rf. Mark 14. 9,
33. the chief captain demanded what be had d. 20. 9. what hast thou rf. to us ? Judg. 15. 11. Mark 5. 32. to see her that had rf. this thing
Xiom. 9. 11. neither having d. any good or evil 2 Sam. 7. 21. according to thy heart Acir thou rf. Luke 5. 6. when they had rf. Ihis they inclosed
1 Cor. 9. 15. nor that it should be d. untotne 16. 10. who shall say, wherefore hast thou rf. so? 23. 41. but this man hath rf. nothing amiss
13. 10. that which is in part shall be rf. away 1 Kings ). 6. in saying, why hast thou rf. so .' h'hn 7. 31. miracies than theseriiV man hath d.?
14. C6. let all things be d. to edifying IChr. 17. 19. O Lor'd,/;oi/ Slioud. all this greatness 12 18. for tJiey heard he had rf. this miracle
40. be d. decently 16. 14. be d. with charity
Psal. 50. 21. these things hast thou rf. I kept silence .ir/* 4. 7. by what power or name have ye rf. this*
£ for. 3. 7. which glory was to be d. away Jonah 1. 10. the men said, why hast thou rf. this 10. 16. this was rf. thrice, Mes.sel received, 11.10.
14.0Id'lestament, which vail is rf.awaym Christ Thou hast DONE. 28. 9. so when this was rf. others also came
S.lO.may receive the things </. in his body, accord- Gen. 3. 13. what is this that thou hast d.T 12. 1 Car. 5. 2 not mourned that he hathrf. this deed.O.
ing to that he hath rf. whether good or bad 18. I 26. 10. I
29. 25. Jndg. 8.t 1. I
15. DOOR
Eph. 5. 12. thiiies which are rf. of them in secret 11. 2 Sam. 12. 21. I'roperly signifies the ent*ance into a h/>use. Gen.
6.13. able to withstand, and having rf. all to stand 14.bccau5e thou hast rf. this, 22.16. 2 Chr. 25. I6. 19. 9- it is likewise taken in a meiajJtorieat
>'Ai7.2.3.1et nothing be rf. thro' strife orvain-clory 20. 9. thou hast rf. deeds which ought not to be done sense: Our Sai iour rays, John 10. 9. 1 am the
4. 14. ye have well rf. that ye did communicate 27. 45. he forget that which thou hast rf. to him dour ; by me if any man enter in he shall be
Col. 4. 9- will make known all things that are rf. 3' 28. ihou hast now rf. foolishly in so doing, saved. / am the only wa;i w'lerehy lost sinners
Tit. 3. 5. not by works of righteousness we have rf. 1 Sam. 13. 13. 2 Chron. 16. (} may come to God, and ooiatn s^dvtilwn: The
i/<i.lO.20.and hathrf. despite to the Spirit of crai e Josh. 7. 19. tejl me what ihou hast rf. 1 Sam. 14. 43. only way of entrance aad a^imissiau both into iht
liev. 16. 17. came a voice, saying, it is rf. 21. fi. Huih 2. 11 . it hath been shewed me all thoji hast rf. chur.i tnilitanl und triuiaiJianl is by met for
22. 6. to shew the things which must shortly be rf. 1 Sam. 24. ig. for that tliouhasi rf. tome this day none, but sucn as navt a true a-id a iiveiy Jaiti
Hate I DONE. 26. 16. the thing is not good that thou hast rf. ill me, tirought "j tlieir soul by nry SpiriL, can be
Cen. 20. 5. in innocency of my hands have I rf. this 1 A'fngfl4.9.but//(iHi/j«*< rf.evil above all before thee true memberf cj my tvuicJi here, muc/t less mem-
40. 15. and here also have 1 rf. nothing to put me 2 Kings 2. \ 10. he said, thou hast rf. hard in as'^ing bers of the gUniou: chnrch in heaven. It is said,
A'«m.22.28.what have Id.? \ A'inf jl9.«0.jl/if .0.3. 10. 30. because thou hast rf. well in executing in Rev. 3. 20, Behold, I stinid at the door, anti
Josh. 7. 20. 1 have sinned, thus and thusAatr Id. £3. 17. Ihou hast rf. against the altar of Beth-ei knock. / stand at the do\sr of sinnei>s' hearts^
Jurfg.8.2.he said, what h. /now rf. ? 1 .Sam. I7. 20. Seh. 9. 33. for tliou hast rf. right, but we wickedly in the eospel disp^nsalitm, htvitrag them to Tt-
1 A.m.20 l.what Aare /rf..'26.18. 2y. 8. Jcr.S.ij. |
I'sal. 40. 5. thy wonderful works which thou hast rf. fent, and titrn from tlitir evil nays. There is
£«*. 39.2 1. accord, to their transgres. h. Id. them 52. 9. I will praise thee, because ihou hast d. it likaci.'TC mention made of the door of mercy, or
Acts 25. 10. to the .Ie«b hajt 1 3. no wrong 109. 27. that they m.-iy know that Ihmt hast rf. it the lime or season of grace. Mat. £5.10, 'Ihcy
He halh DONE, or, hclh he DONE Pror. 30. 32. if //iu« lias't rf. foolishly in lifting up that w^re ready, went in with liim to the mair
Etod. 5. 23. he hall, rf. evil to this people Isa. Q5.1. exalt thee, for ihou hast rf. wonder, wdrka riage, and the door was abut. Luke 13. 23,
I^ 5. If), make amends for the hiirm he Aath
. rf. Jer. 2. 23. sec thy way, know what thou hast rf. When once the master of the house is risen
8. 34. as he halh d. so the Lord commanded to do 3. 5. behold, thou hast spoken and rf. evil tilings up, and hath shut to the door. Sec. By these
19- 21. atonement for his sin which he hath rf. iMm. 1. 21. they are glad that Ihou hast rf. it parabolical eipressious our Saviour inlimaiet
24. 19. as he halh rf. so shall it be done to him 22. do unto them as ihou hast i. unto me that there isa deieiminale time, tvh rein linntr..
Joih. 24.20. consume you, after he hmh rf. you good 2.20. O Lord, consider to whom //;wk hast rf. this rnnst. if ever. acce,it of the offers of pace cm t
Judg. 15. ». to do to him as he halh rf. to us Ktek. 16. 48. Sodom hath not done as thou hast rf. salvation, uhtch, if they ileef, they will not it
t Sam. 6. 9. then he halh rf. us thi* groat evil 51. in all thy abominations which thou hast rf. aiic to obtain <f God an entrance into the King-
1 2.24. consider how great things
he hath rf. f )r you S9. I will ever, de^ with thee as lliou hast a, dom cf heaven; the door of me,ey and grace;
iO. 32. why sliall he be slain ? what h^tk
rf. r U
E Ckron. If). J2. rememlK.r hismaryelkmBworka Piai 15. as Ihou hast rf. it shall be done to thee
63. when I am pacified for all thai Ihou hast rf. the ti<K>r of heaven arid glory, uill Sc shut
against them. In Acts 14. «7- •"« "ad of ihe
thxt he kalh i Pial. 76. 4.
| 98. 1, | 105. 5 Jtrtak 1 i. Lord, (ktuhatt tf. L
it i^lejwib thee O U 4oor qf faith i Gudhad opened Uw (fdc of faith


to the Gentiles ; Ht hud earisei the ^tfSpel ib hi FMie 13. 25. master risen, and hath thul to the d. f DOTINGl
preaclied unto them, zthereby they zsere irou^At to Hev. 3.8. set before thee an open d.uo man can ihut 1 Tim. 6. 4. about questions and itrifM cf words.
beliei e in Christ, and to become members kJ his DOOR with tabernacle. DOUBLE.
church. Exod. 29. 4. thou shalt bring to d. of the tabernacle, Double commonly signifies tuice as much. Gen
Ihe apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, ami 40. 12. Lev. 4. 4. 8. 3, 4.
I 12. 6. Num. fi. 10.
\ 43. 12. Take double money, that is, iictei at
(tllinz them of the special opportunitu u-hich 1 1. shal". kill bullock by the d. of the tabernacle, much money. A double garment, may mean a
Ood had givt:7i him of doing vttich good by the 32. 40.
29. Lev. 1. 5. Num. 27. 2. lined habit, such as the htgh-priest*s oreast-vlatt
gospel, lists this expression, A door is opened 42. burnt-offering at the d. of the tabernicle, .33. teas, Exod. 39. 9. or a complete hatii or suit oj
unto me, iCor. 16. y. 2 Cor. 2. 12. Jiid 9,iO. I
38.8. 40.28.
Lev.1.3. 3.2. 4.7,18.
| \ |
clothes,a cloke and tunic, Judg. 17. 1 10. Dwell
the same apostle speaks vf a door of utterance. 40. 6. before the d. of the tabernacle. Num. 25. 6. with me, jind I will give thee 2 doub;» suit of
That God would open unto us a door of ut- Lev.8. 31.z.tlhe d. of the tabernacle, 35. 14.11. |
apparel, or an order of garments. Doubl«
terance, that is, would affo'd us an opportunity, I
16.7. 17. 6. Num. 6.18.
10. 3. Josh. ig.51.
sometimes signifies abundance, as much as a»-
nnd vouchsafe ability and courage, to preach 33. ye shall not go out of the d. of the tabernacle suiers one's dtsign, Isa. 40. 2. She hath re-
the gospel. Col. 4. 3. To lie at the door; To 10. 7. ye .shall not go out from the d. of the tahern. ceived of the Lord's hand double for all her
be at the door ; To stand before the door ; are 14. 23. unto the d. of the tabernacle, 15. 14, 29. sins. They have received punishment, though
vhrases dcTwting iha' a person or thing is near 19. 21. Num. 16. 18, 19,50.
20. 6.
not so much as their sins deserved, yet abun-
01 hand. Gen. 4. 7. Mat. 24. 33. Jam. 5. 9. 17. 4. bringeth it not to the d. of the tabernacle, 9. dantly sufficient to answer God's design, :.hich
Ood promises to give his people, upon their .V;/m. 12.5. stood in the d. of the tabernacle, I6. 18. teas to humble and reform them, and to aarn
repentance. The valley of Achor for a door of Ueut. 31. 15. a pillar of cloud stood over d. of others by their example. See Jer. I6. 18. 17. |

hope, Uos. C. 15. Arhor was a valley in the tabernacle 18. 1 iim. 5. 17. A double heart, a double
territory of Jericho, and in the tribe of Benja- 1 Chr. 9. 21. Zechariahwas porter of d. of tabern. tongue, double mind, are opposite to a simple,
min, on the very entrance into the land of Ca- DOOR joined with tent. honest, sincere heart ; a true tongue; a jusi,
naan The Israelites, fatigued and discouraged Gen. 18. 1. Abraham sat in the tent d. in heat of d.
: faithful, sincere mind, Psal. 12. 2. 1 Tim. 3
JSith marching and encamping for forty years 2. he ran to meet them from the te7ii d. and bowed 8. Jam. 1. 8.
in the zeilderness, and coming to this valley, 10. Sarah heard it in the tent d. behind him ('•en. 43. 12. and take d. money in your hand
began to entertain hopes of enjoying the promised £j.'(/.33.8. the people stood every man at his tent d. 43. 15. and they took d. money in their hand
land: In allusion to this, God p>omises»his peo- 10. the people worshipped,cverymaninhisrcnf d. Liod. 22. 4. if theft be found, he shall restore d
ple by Hosea, l7iat he tiould give them some be- iV«m.ll.lO. weeping, every mam in the rf.of his tent 7. if found, let him pay d.\\g. he shall pay d.
ginnings of mercy and favour, as the earnest and l6.27.Dathan and Abiram stood in rf.of their tents 39. 9. they made the brejist-plate d. a span was
pledges offuture blessing. Judg. 4. 20. he said, stand in the d. of tiie tent Ueut. 15. 18. been worth a d. hired servant to thee
Gen. 4. 7. if thou dost not well, sin lieth at the d. DOOR-KEl.PER. 21. 17. by giving him a d. portion of all he hath
19. 9. they pressed, andcame near to break the d. Ps. 84.10. I had rather bearf.-Xee/'erin house of G. Judg. 17.+ 10. 1 will give thee a d. suit of apparel
£iod. 12. 23. the Lord also will pass over the d. /t;. 35. 4. the chamber of SItiaseiah keeper of the d. 1 Sam. 1. t 5. to Hannah he gave a d. portion

21. 6. his master shall bring him to the d. DOOR-KEEPERS. 2 Kings 2. 9- let a d. portion of thy spirit be on me
Veui.lS.n. shall thrust it through his ear to the d. 2 Aingj32.4.which keepers of the d. have gathered 1 Chron. 12. 33. they were not of arf. heart
S ^am.13.17. puther from me, bolt the d. after her 2.'?. 4. the keepers of the d. to bring the vessels Job 11.6. that they are d. to that which is
18.brought her out, and he bolted the rf.after her 25. 18. the captain of the guard took the chief 41. 13. who can come to him with his </. bridle/
8 Kings 4. 15. when he called, she stood in the d. priest and the three keepers of the d. Jer. 52. 24. 42.+ 10. also the Lord added to Job unto the d.
9. 3. thon open the d. and flee, and tarry not 1 Chr. 15. 23. Berechiah, Elkanah, were d.-keepers Psal. 12. 2. and with a d. heart do they speak
Esth. 2. 21. of those who kept the d. 6'. 2. 24. Obed-edom and Jehiah d.-keepers for the ark Prov. 31.+ 21. her household clothed witbrf. garai.
Job 31. 9. if I have laid wait at my neighbour's rf. Esth. 6. 2. the keepers of the d. sought to lay hcind /i«. 40. 2. she hath received d. for all her sins
34. did I fear, that I went not out of the d. t DOOR-POST. 61. 7- for your shame you shall have d. therefore
Psal. 141. 3. O Lord, keep the d. of my lips Exod. 21.6. his master" shall bring him to the d.-post in their land they shall possess tho d.
Prov. 26. It. as the d. turneth upon his hinges i:.'ie*.41.3.he measured dstpost of the d. two cubits Jer. 16. 18. I will recompense their sin d.
<.<7n<. 5. 4. he put in his hand by the hole of the d. DOOR-POSTS. 17. 18. and destroy them with d. destruction
8. 9- if she be a d. we will inclose her with boards Exod. 12.7- strike blood on upper (/.-;iojf J of houses Zech.Q. 12. 1 declare, that I will render <^. tothea
E.iek. 8. 3. brought me to the d.of the inner gaie, 7 /JeK/.11.20.shall write them on d. -posts ofthyhouse 1 Tim. 3. 8. deacons must be grave, not rf.-tongued
8. when I had digged in the wall, behold a d. La. 6. 4. the pasts of the d. moved at the voice 5. 17. rule well, be counted worthy of d. honour
10 19. every one stood at the d. of the east-gate Ezek. 41.16. he measured the d.-posis and windows Utv. 18. 6. d. unto her, d. according to her works,
11.1. behold, at the d. of the gate, twenty-five men DOORS. in the cup which she hath lilled, fill to her if.
41. 2. the breadth of the d. was ten cubits Josh. 2. 19. whosoever shall go out of the d. DOUBLE,
46.3. the people shall worship at the d. of this gate Judg. 3. 24. the d. of the parlour were locked Exod. 26.9. thou shalt rf. sixth curtain of tabernacle
Dan.3.^ 26.>.el)uchad.camet0 the rf.of the furnace 25. he opened not the d. of (he parlour liev. 18. 6. reward her, and d. unto her d.
Uos. 2.15. will give valley ol Achor for a rf.of hope 11.31. what cometh forth of the d. I will offer it DOUBLE-MINDED.
.'Imos Q. 1. he said, smite the lintel of the d. 16. 3. Samson took the d. of the g.ate of the city Jam. 1. 8. a d.-mindid man is un.stable in his way;
Hat. 47. Go. he rolled a great stone to the d. of the 19. 27. her lord rose up, and opened the d. 4. 8. and purify your hearts, ye d.-minded
sepulchre, and departed, Mari 15. 4ti. 1 •'Sam. 3. 15. Samuel opened the d. of the house DOUBLED.
28. 2. the angel rolled the stone from the d. 21. 13. David scrabbled on the d. of the gate Gen. 41. 32. the dream was d. to Pharaoh twica
iHart 1. 33. all the city was gathered at the d. 2 A"i«jyl8.l6.Hezekiah cut off the gold from the d. Exod. 28. l6. four-square it shall be, being d.
2.2. was no room, no not so much as about the d. 2 Chron. 23. 4. of the Levites be porters of the d. 39. 9- a span was the breadth thereof, being d.
16. 3. who shall roll us the stone from the rf. .' 29. 3. Ilezekiah opened the d. of the house 2 Sam. 20. + 10. Joab d. not his stroke to Amasa
Jihn 10. 1 he that entereth not by the d. is a thief Neh. 3. 1. and they set up the d. of it, 3. 7. 1.
Etek, 21. 14. let the sword be d. the third time
2. that entereth in by the d. U 7. 1 am the rf. 9. Job 31. 32. but T opened my d. to the traveller DOUBT.
18. 16. but Peter stood at the d. without 38. 10. when I set bars and d. to the sea Gen. 37. 33. Joseph is without d. rent in pieces
17. then saith the damsel that kept the Peter 17. hast thou seen the d. of the shadow of death r Deut. 28. 66. thy life shall hang in d. before ihej
Acts 5.9.feet of them are at the d. to carry thee out 41. 14. who can open the d. of his lace r Job 12.2. no d. but ye are the people, wisd. shall dia
12. 13. Jis Peter knocked at the d. of the gate Psal. 24. 7. be ye lifted up, ye everlastmg d. Q. Luke 11.20. norf. the kingdom of C». is come on you
16. when they had opened the d. and saw him 78. 23. though he had opened the d. of heaven Acts 2. 12. were in d, saving, what meatneth tins ?
14.27. how he had opened thet/.of faith to Gentiles Prov.&. 3. Wisdom crieth at the coming in at the d. 28. 4. they said, no d. this man is a murderer
1 Cor. 16. 9- a great d. and effectual is opened 34. heareth me, waiting at the posts of my d. 1 Cor. (). 10. for our sakes, no d. this is written
t Cor. 2. iC. a d. was opened to me of the Lord ha. 57. 8. behind d. hast thou setup remembrance (/a/ change my
vofce for 1 .>^tand inrf.of yon
Col. 4. 3. that God would open a d. of utterance 1 zek. .33. 30. still talking in the d. of the houses 1 John 2. 19. would no d. have continued with us
Jam. 5. 9- the judge standeth before the d. Mic. 7. 5. keep the d. of thy mouth from her DOUBTS.
Rev.3.8. 1 set before thee an open d. none can shut Zeih. 11.1. open thy d. O Lebanon, that the fire Dan. 5. 12. disiolving of </. was found in Daniol
29.1 stand Md.anii knock, if any man open iht.d. Mat. 24. 33. know it is near, at the d. Mark 13. 29. 16. I have heard that thou canst dissolve d,
4.1. 1 looked, and behold a d. was open in heaven .lets 5. 19. the angel by night opened the prison </. DOUBT.
DOOR with house. 23. and the keepers standing before the d. Mat. 14. 31. Jesus said, wherefore ilidst thou d. f
G«n. 19.11. smote them that were at d. of the house 16. 26. immediately all the d. were opened 21.21.1 say unto you, if ye have faith, and rf. not
43. 19. they communed at the d. of the house 27. keeper awaking and seeing the prison d. open Mark 11. 23. shall not d. in his heart, but believe
£jO(/.12.2C.none of you go out at the d. ofhishonse Shut DOORS. John 10. 24. how long dost thou make us to d. t
Lev. 14. 3H. the priest shall go to the d. of the house .Judg. 3. 23. Ehud shut the d. of the parlour DOUBTED.
Z>fu/. 22. 21. bring damsel to rf.of her father's house 2 ('/iron. 28.24. Ahazj/i(« up the rf. of Lord's houic Mat. 28. worshipped him, but some d.
17. they
Judg.\^."6. fell down at rf. of the man's house, 27. C9. 7. our fathers have shut the d. of the porch Acts they d. whereunto this would grow
5. 24.
USam. 11. 9. Uriah sleptatrf. of the king's housf .\(/;. 6. 10 and let us shut the d. of the teniple 10. 17. now while Peter </. in himself of the visiot
2 Kings 5.9. Naaman stood at d. o( house of I'.lisha 7- 3. let them shut the d. and bar them 25. 20. because 1 d. of such manner of questions
Neh. 3. 20. unto the d. of the house of I'.liashib .lob 3.10. because shut not up d. of mother's womb DOUBTETH.
21. Merimoth repaired from the d. of the house 38. 8. or who shut up the sea with d.f Rom. 14. ?3. he d. is damned if be eat
Prov. 5. 8. and come not nigh the d. of her house l.ccl. 12. 4. the d. shall be shut in the streets DOUBTFUL.
9.14. for she sitteth at the d. of her house on a seat />«. 26. 20. enter, and shut thy d. about thee Luke 12. 29. neither be ye of d. mind
Jer.lQ. i 10. the princes sat atrf.oflhe Lord's 'loiue .'\lal. 1. 10. who that would shut the d. for nought .'
j-icts 25. 1 20. becAuse I was d. how to inquire
S6. + 10. Baruch read at the d. of the Lord's house John 20. 19. when the d. were shut Jesus came, 26. Horn. 14. 1. receive you, but not to d. disputatiooj
liaek. 8. 14. hebroucht me torf. of Lord's h. 47. 1. Acts 21. 30 and forthwith the d. were shut Dt)UBTlNG.
DOOR with shut. DOTE. John 13. 22. they looked, d. of whom he .spake
Oen. 19.6. Lot shut the d.10. angels shut the d.
\\ Jer. 50. 36. a sword is on liars, and they shall d. Acts 10. 20. go with them, nothing d. II. 12.
^Kings •!•. 4. when come in shalt shut d. upon thee DOTED. 1 Tim. 2. 8. that men pray without wrath and d.

5. she shut d. upon hfr!|21. she shut d. on him Ezek. 23. 5. Aholah d. on her lovers the ,A5^yrian^ DOUBILESS.
33. he went in and shut the d. on them twain 7. committed whoreiloms with all on whoui she d. iV:.m. 14. 30. d. ye shall not come into the land
6. 32. shut the d. hold him fa.'^t at the d. 9. into hand of Assyrians, on whom she J. 12. 2 3cm. 5. 19. I wiU d. deliver the Phili.«iines
Mat. 6. 6. and wlicn thou hast ihui thy d. pray to 16. 33 soon as she saw them, she d. upon tht-m I'tal. 126. 6. ht sh-'" rf. come agaic, rejoicing
a.lO.itie d.via:, that i Luki 11.'. the d.ii aoyi shut 20. ioviiuid. upon their paramours, whose &csb Isa 63 16. d thou ^r' our Father, thou, O Lord

DOV they brought back
-ccUfiludl vents: Moses speaks ot them
uniler tht "cffo/
Dragons Ay SolmuJ
to rim in tUir cTfps.uh'ich Zeraph, Sum. 21. 6. Real
leas, not to others, yet rf. I srn
""' expedient for me d to a.ory

Z! of the
/elds, whither,
, b.lly,,
account of them, have a smalt moiuh, and car,
C^* 12. 1- it •' Other, suppose biiing ts net venom.
things but loss for C
icentto feed. not bite ;or it they do. their
P/A/ 3 8. •veu </. 1 count all her guts isnd inwards
oos The Egyptians call them
good geniuse^
DOVK The several tpeciet of the
Uove. are me
*^-;«^^^f ;,;^ ,Vood.|
and keep theJ t.ime houses
hut theK m
bird, tihich Iv tUt las of Moses
aas de-^^
f, a tame dragons spoken oJ by the prophet:
ordained that wUni ^.h^""? were not Ihe
dared lo be yure. 'I'he lav,««rf/A. St. ' misehievcu-
lie. the
in the hiiu. these were dangerous creatures,
auyuoman went to the temple after lv'"z-in.s/-e „eo„. The three first ojten occur deadly, and wild.
ort.trtle j
Xmld offer to the Lord a lamb, a,
the names of the
P.geon ^"^^^1^^'^'']'^' ,
beasts, hide
« llder America, As serpents, diagons, and venomous
turtle. Lev. li. o. t
in the rums ot
or else a pigeon, or a young and the two last are natives of themselves in uninhaliied places,
ofered as a the
grey and black Oove . » .

reason, when
The lamb was 1. :.. p n,'„,a being the
cities and in rubbish; for
a sin-offering. Ur if the person eonU and the St. Ihomas s 1
rum oJ a city, the la.
r,..eo,i for
oj U she offerul
a ilhite breast ;
is tuentio'i of the there
\ot aftord a lamb, then instead {„«, the Columbo with yellow legs. reduced to a
of a piovince, or of a land
,uo ptgeons. or tuo turtles,
'^e f irgin Mary. a d. from him, 10. .. dwelling for dra-
Oen a 8. N oah sent forth the sole of her toot wilderness it is said to be a
^tth th,t law, ofered no rest for
:H. 13. Jer. g 11.
,0 eomplv I thi; ./. found gons, Jsa. 13. 22.
she uas pwr, Luke .. -+. in the evening

i-jio turtles, because 11.7-6 d. came into him the devil, Ke\.
riiis word is taken in Scripture Joi
for all those who
camejrom him. take, a turtle-^ /.<.-^. U. strength, ana.
And as It uas difficult
,3. 0. he said to
12. 9. :o tailed for his great
doves "-em, the had wings like a d.
semote places, to bring Psal u5 6. Oh that 1 !
bloody cruelly against the saints. It is alst.
permission for the sell-ng oJ tht» bi^s the wings ol a d. covered / sal. ci.l. .
vriests gaie « l.r Ce shall takcii lor cruel tyrants, as I'haraoh,
place, uh.c/, not the soul of tby turtle-rf.
the courts of that holy
.^i,ds in 4 ic •() deliver /;</( '29.3. /J«rf>r any hortjul thing, I s. yi.l-i.
«'"' /'"'"':: ihou hast d. eyes, 1. 1.
our Saviour could not endure : Cant i 15 ibou an fair, I'-al 111 13 the rf. Shalt ihou
trample under loot
made a scourge, and see thy countenance
ente-ed into the temple, he nil 'o mv d. let me Isa ^-1. 1 he shall slay the rf. that
is in the sea

out th'se who traded there t« pigeons. 6" - me. my sister, my love, my d. Uahab, and « ounded the rf.
d.oie 'ope., to 5l". y that hath cut .
she. is
Mark 11. 15.
and ,. . . .
mno- t (J mv ./. my undefiled is but one, Je/-.5l.34.1Sebuch. hath swallowed me up like arf.
The dove lithe symbol of simplicity Isa -iiiH. 1 did
mourn as a rf. mine eyes fall Ezek. 29. 3. I^haraoh, the great rf.
that helh
cency. The Holy Spirit appeared at the },; 48 Ca. dwell in the rock and be like the d. liev 12. 3. another wi.nder,
behold, a great rea a.
dove, ii-«'. is like a silly <;. cast out, V^
of Savijur in the Jorm oJ a
'our iL 1 11 Ephraim also .

i the rf. stood!i7.rf. fought y.rf.was

'" "" tremble as a rf. out ol Assyria

signify uh«l Christ is. (1) out ot his mouth

3. 16. to II 11 thev s^iall 16 the Hood which the rf. cast
to 'litem that come to
him. namely. saw the Spirit of God descending wroth with the woman
own nature MatZ. lO.Jesus 17. and the rf. was
'n "^ "'7''"7 like arf. Mark 1. 10.
Luke 3. 22. John 1. 3- 13 " and his seat
meet, harmless, loving. {"•) therf. gave him his power
the la her .^
./ A" ofice, even lie by uhom DOVES. 4'.
Ihey worshipped the rf. H- he spate as ad-

good tidings of of rf. dung

pacified: and who brings the " Kings 5.-C5. the fourth part of a cab lb 13 like frogs came out of the
mouth ot the i:
Wa^suaging the deluge of wrath, as the Cant 5. IC. his eyes are as the eyes of d.
20 2 he laid hold on the rf. that old serpeul
waters to .\oah bears.we mourn sore like</.
did of the retiring of the
^pirit h, b^) n.we roar like DRAGON-WELL.
operations of his flee as the d. to
their windows d.-wcll
(3) P'y/iat he is in the
harm- 60 8 that Kch 2 13 1 went out, even belore the
vpon his people, ('lal they are made meek, the d. ot the valleys DRAGONS.
C-a 7 16. they shall be like
less, and lowly as doves.
Ch-ist recommend her as with the voice ol d. tabering the poison of rf.
AV, '2 7. lead Deut. 32. 33. their wine is
the serpent, and "H-ents harm ess as J. and a companioti
to his disciples the wisdom of 10. 16. be wise as Job 30. 29. 1 am a brother to rf.
Mat. 10. u). Ma,: that sold <i..Va'X 11. lo
the harmlessness of the dove. 21. 12. the seats of them Psal 44 19 thou hast sore broken us in place otrf.
'•he propUt llosea compares
the Israelites to those that sold d. in the water*
John 2 U. found in the temple 74.13 thou breakest the heads of rf.

u silly dove without heart, or

itnderstan.hng. sold d. take these hence rf. and all deep*

creature, 16 said unto them that 148.7. praise Lord from earth, ye
The dove is a defenceless Turtle-DOW.^. palaces
llos 7 1 1 \ha. 13. 22. and rf. in their pleasant
cunning, exposed to the pursuit
T "" he .shall take uvoturtle-d. orpigeoiis
Mthout gall,
able neither to
Te- U two turtle d.or pigeons
34. 13. it sllQllbe an habitation
for rf. 35. 7.
honour me
cf men and beasts; which is Luke 2 2-i. offer sacrifice of 43. 20. the rf. and owls shall
protect Itself nor its young, nor
take DOUGH. Jer. 9. 11. I will make Jerusalem a den of rf.
designs upon if thy d.
tion a-ainsi those who have Frnd R t 3 the frogs shall come into JO. 22. to make the cities of
Judah a den ol rf.
life and liberty. Thus the Israelites, no'wiih 3+ the people^ook their d. before it was lea- up the wind like rf.
which I'od l" ; 14. 6- they snuficd
standin- the chastisements with ven^d, being bound up ,n their
ZJd. 49. 33. llazor 51. 37. Babylon
a dwelling forrf.
to which he cakes of tue d.

afiicted" them, and the captivities 30. they baked unleavened Mic. 1 8. I will make a wailmg like
the rf.
had reduced them, still reUp'ed into their irre- of the hrst of your </. 21.
20. oner a cake
the y-Z 15 .Ua/.1.3.1 laid his
gvlanties, and exposed themselves again to /Vh/. 28. + 5. blessed shall be thy basket and d. DRA.MS.
same calamities. The dove, when absent from ,\W,. 10. 37. should bring the first-fruits ot our d. 1 Chron. 29. 7. they gave of
gold ten thousand rf.
its male, sits solitary, and coos,
or mourns; to bake cakes gold
18. women knead their d. Ezra 2. 69. they gave 6l,000 rf. ol
are these expressions. Ur 7. of your d.
in alt.ision to which the priests the first of gold, ot a thousand rf
Isa. 3U. l-l, I did mourn as a
dove. And 'Kzek «.30. give ha-h kneaded the d.t.U leavened 8.27. also twenty basins
after he treasures a thousand rf^.ol gold
'.Ve mourn sore like doves. Nak. lloslX. A'e/,.7.70.gave to the
chap. 5^. 11, DOWN. 71 ttave twenty thousand rf. of
gold, 7-.
8. 1, Her maids shall lead her as with the Lev '2". 7. when the sun is d. Deut. 23.
voice of doves. The svouse, or church, in the was Josh, comn.anded and was drunken
Josi, 8 29. as soon as sun Gen. 9. 21. Noah rf. of the wine

Canticles is compared iften to a dove, by rea- to take the king of Ai's

carcase d. Irom the tree camels drink also
24 40 I rf. and she made the
son of her dove-like temper and
disposition, the sun be d.^ and he rf.
augJu wine,
27. 25. and he brought him
" Sam 3 35. if I taste till

because she is chaste, mild, harmless, and faith- 'lob 1. 7. and from walking up and d. in it. -'. -. merry with hira
dove-like condition, lor meat
43. + 84. they rf. largely, were
ful: also by reason of her them wander up and d. and their beasts
and 'I'sal if) 15. let Sum. 20. 11. the congregation rf.

she bein" weak, and exfosed lo persecution, and d. as the locust their drink-ofler.ngs
log' 2.3.' I am tossed up /JtHf. 32.38. andrf. the wine of
given to mourning, and suhject to many fears,
as and midst ol stones three iiightt.
walked np
A/i Ca.U.hast norrf.waterthreedaysand Sam 12.
Joves are, Cant. 2. 14. 5. 2. 1
12. they shall walk up and d.
his name " m 1
Sam 12 of his own meat.aud rf of his ov
n cup
the male Zech 10.

]t is further obseixed of the dove ; that lets 27 27. as we were

driven up and d. in Aiiria A!H"jl3.19.did eat bread in his
and keep fail hjnl 1

and Hesh.and herf.of the broot

other, loot
and female love eaih 'itev 1 13 clothed with a garment d. to the 17.6.brought bread
one towards the other ; and. if any breach DOWN-SiniNG. ;A,H.1.5.the king appointed of the wmc
which he rf
between them, they are presently reconciled, 2 thou knowest my d. and
8 that he would not dehlc himself wilh
wir.e he d.
v.ifestin' the same by their
embracing each Psal 13Q D(jW?J\VAia). the thousand
5. 1. Belshazzar rf. wine before
""They love men's dwelling-houses,
and to lake root rf. Isa. 37. 3 I them
1 J. 30. shall again his concubines rf. in
other. wives and
carried I rom 2 Kinps 3. his
be in their company ; and. being spirit of the beast that poelh d. ^. ihey rf. wine, and praised
the gods of gold
home, willieturn many miles to their
own houses ; £ccl. 3. 21 the .

appearance of his loins rf. 8. 2.


E-ek I 27. the Mark 14. 23. he gave lo them, and they all rf. ot il
them to carry
for which .eawn some make use of

DOWRY. Luke 17. 27. they eat, they rf. they married,28.
.ettert, by tying them about
their necks, which good rf.
20. God hath endued me with a John 4. 12. thau our father Jacob who
and read, and Gen. 30.
, .

their friends a: home untie me never so much d. and gilt that spiritual rock
mind. Uu 31.12. ask 1 Cor. 10. 4. for they rf- of
ire thereby acquainted wiih their I xod. 22. 17. pay
according to the rf. of \ irgins DRAVE.
Jove is an enemy to carrion or ordure, ihe king desireth not any rf. Exod. U. S5. chariot-wheels, they rf.
them heavily-
ith upon the purest seed or gram,
and love I h 1 i<im."l8. 25.
DUAG. J,...A,16.10. iheyrf. not oui the
I. anaanitesiiiGezer

neatntss and pure waters. Jt quickly forget, to their rf. you. Jurf?. 0.9
they burn incense 21. 12. and rf.them out from before
taking away lis iTab 1 l6.
injurits, as the spoiling lis 7iest. DRAGS. 18. the Lord rf. out before us
all the people
ymug. A.C. // IS very fruitful, having mountain
they gather ihem in their rf.
inhabitanis ot the
Its feathers are o,
llab 1. 15. JU.U.V 19.Judah rf.out
ones ..Irnost every monlh. DRAGGING. 1 .bum. .30. 20. which they rf.
before "th'^r caitle
variety ij
diven colours, which, according to the "1 a came in Utile ship.rf.lhe net wilh fishes
2 Sam 6.3.Uzzah and Ahio rf.the carl, 1 CAr.13.7
upon it. John
,tsp»tures, and of the light shining DRAGON. rf.Jewsfroni^lath
observes. 2 Kings l(i.6.atlhattime Hezin
look like silver or gold, as the I'salmist Hebrew, T han- following the Ul.
This word answers generally to the a 18. 21. Jeroboam rf. Israel from
Psal.<)8. 13.
],i„, or I hannin. which fignities a large ,nsii.
Acts 7 45. whom God rf. out before
our fathers
the tieg
U is said in C Kings 6. C5. that duringking s,a 'dragon. By comparing the different passages
18. lO. Gallio rf. them from the
«/Siimaria, in the reign oJ Ahab, ot 1;
tannim u to be met
the fourih uhcrt the word lannm, or See DiiovE.
rael. the famine uas so great, that large river or sec
with, it signines sometimes _ ,Q
pan of a cab of doves' dunj was .sold for tive
times venomous ana tan,
fishes, an.i at other and is cast out in the rf.
and something Mat. 15. 17.
iackels. A eab held two pints ^serpents, and more
partuulailythe erocodi^ a,u
L„>t.5.4.1aunch out and let down y-'^-^'^
ever. live sUvMs made about t'-elve shillings Job 7. 12. Ua. -i*- 1-* of the fis^et
whale, Cien. 1. 21. u. for he was astonished
at the rf.

Iterting. Some think that it i' not inctedibie URAUGHT-HOUSE.

seeing a
that they did really eat doves' dung, are talked of. and are l^aal-s house a M«thi,4ay
"' ,li'" 'tfu'ivlvwi which King. 10.S7.theym^de
famine hath constrained p ople to eat thin-- cjicn m.ntioncd m books,
they are Jor the most
improper and unlit for uo>ui,hment as thi to a pn
serpents grown with age ...- -
vait one,i old 24. 44. ana 1 «'.
loseplius and 1 beudo- Gen.
Some are described uith ving
t[ implied, Isa. 36. 1-2.
was di-ioussize.
rel were of opinion, that thit doves' dune dijerer.t Ugurc heads oJ
The Uabbins affirm. feet, claws, crest. r.,:d «f
initead of tall. wiuicU
'There it no v^sliou but tnere uit
thai It -cat r.a ilu dueg ifjiiftviu, but the corn
. !


J^j.4.7. wUl thee Sisera.capt of Jabin's army
d. to DRAWETtS. I explained bi/ Joseph, as iselt as tho\e of PliaraoTt
$. 1 14. out of Zebuliin they that <t. with the pen Josh. 9. 21. be rf. uf water to the congregat'o.T .'.',. \ Gen. 40. 12, 18. 41. 25. And the Lurd ex-

*J. 54. Abimelechsaiil, d.

thy swovd and slay me, 23. and rf. of water for the house of niN G ad pressly declares, that he 7iould sometimes thus
1 Sam.
31. 4 1 Cliion. 10. 4. DRAWETH. reveal hinuelf. Num. IC. ft, 1 there be a pio-
CO. .32. (/. th°m from the city to the high-ways Deut. C5. 11. the wife of the one rf. raeartode'.i.-cr phet among you, I the Lord will make myself
26i(»i. 17. 13. we will d. that city into the river Jndg. 19. 9. now the day rf. towards evening known unto him in a visio'i, and wiil speak
job CI. 33. and every man shall d, after niiii Job C4. C2. he rf. also the mighty with his power unto him in a dream. In the AVw Tesiameni,
P.X.7. CB. 3. d. me not away with the wicked 33. 22. yea his soul rf. near to the grave tt'e read that the angel of the Lord appeared
tVr/. C. t 3. 1 sought to d. my
flesh with wine Psal.W.^. catch the poor when he rf.hin: into his net unto Joseph in a dream several times, Mat. 1.
CiLut 1. 4. rf. me, we will run after thee 88. 3. and my life rf. nigh to the grave CO. C. 19. CC.
And it is among the sisns ajiit
hn. 5. 18. woe to those d. iniq. with cords of vanity I'rov. 3. t 13. happy man that rf. out understanding t (reels of the promulgation of the gospel, pro-
Ki(\. 19. set.J those to the nations that d. the bow Zirt. 26. 17. mat rf. near the time of her delivery phetically said ; It shall come to pass, thai I
£:eX'. 21. j. 1 Avill rf. my
sword out of his sheath h.zek. 7, 12. the tine is come, the day rf. near will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ; jour
£8. 7. and strangers shall rf. their swords .'Imos 9. + 13. overtaketh him that rf. lonh seed sons and your daughters shall prophesy, yo*ir
30. 11 they shall d. their swords against Ejypt Mat. 15. 8. this people rf. nigh with their lips old mtn shall dream dreams your young men ;

30. CO. rf. her, and all her miillitudes i.«/(c21.8.saying, 1 am Christ, and the time rf. near shall see visions, Joel 2. 28. The prophet
Jj/mi. 1 1. thou hast nothing to rf. with, well is deep 28. then look up, for your redemption rf. nigh Jeremiah exclaims against the J'ahe prophets,
71 ho pi elended to have dreams, Jer. 23. C5, C8, C9.
15. water that I thirst not, nor come hither to rf. Jam. 5. 8. for the coming of the Lord rf. nigh
6 44. except the Fathir which hath sent me rf. him DRAWING. Dreams art (I) Natural, Eccl. 5. 7 (Q) Di-
lC.3!i. if 1 be lifted up from earth, rf. all men to me Judz. 5. 11. are delivered in the places of rf. water vine, Gen. 28. IC. (3) Diabolical and sinful,
21. 0. and now they were not able to rf. it tlO. there fell 120,000 every one rf. sword
8. Deut. 13. 1,C. Jer. C3.32.
Acts CO. 30. to rf. away disciples after them John 6. 19. they see .lesus rf. nigh to the ship Gen. CO. 3. God came to Abimeloih in a rf. 6.
Jam. C. 6. and rf. you before the judgment-seats DREAD. 31. 10. Jacob saw in a rf. the rams which leaped
iaci. Gen. 9. 2. the rf. of you shall be on every beast 11. the angel of God spake to Jacob in a rf.
E^ek. 39. + C. I will rf. thee back with a hook Eiod. 15. 16. fear and rf. shall fall upon them C4. God came to Laban the Syrian in a rf.
/feJ. 10. 38.just shall live by faith, but if any d.hack Deut. C. C5. this day will 1 begin to put the rf. of 37. 5. Jos'.ph dreamed a rf. and told it, 9, 10.
39. we are not of them who rf. back to perdition thee and fear of thee upon nations, 11. 25. 40. 5. butler and baker dreamed a rf. bo Ji of them-
near. Job 13.11. shall not his rf. fall upon you? 41 .7. awoke, and beiiold, it was a rf. 1 h'lng; 3.15.
Tiidg. 19. 13. let us rf. 7iear to one of these cities CI. and let not thy rf. make me afraid IC. did interpret to each man according to hisrf.
i Slim. 14. 36. said the priest, let us rf. uear to God laa. 8. 13. let him bevour fear, let him be yourrf. C5. Joseph said, the rf. of Pharaoh is one, cC.
38. .Saul said, rf. ye nenr hither all the chief DREAD .32. for that the rf. was doubled unto Pharaoh

Psal. 73. C8. it ;s good for me to rf. nenr to God Dent. I.C9. t said to you, rf. not, nor be afraid \nm. 12. 6 I the Lord will speak to him in a rf.
107. 18. they rf. near to the gates of de.^th 1 Chr. £2. 13. be strong, rf. not, nor be dismayed Judg. 7. 15. a man that told a rf. to his fellow
Jfa.C9. 13. this people rf.wea'with their lips but heart DREADl'UL. 15. when Gideon heard the telling of the a.
4i). CO. rf. near ye that are escaped of tlie nations Gen. 28. 17. -Tacob said, how rf. is this place 1 Kings 3. 5. ihe Lord appeared 19 Solomon in arf.

57. 3. rf. near hither, ye sons of the sorceress ,/i'A 15. CI, a rf. sound in his ears, in. prosperity Ji'b 20. 8. he shall fly away as a rf. and not be found
Jer. 30. CI. and 1 will cause him torf. near to me l.zek. 1. 18. as for their rings, they were rf. 33. 15. in a rf. he openeih the ars of men .

46 3. order the buckler, and rf. near to battle 'JrtH. 7.7. behold, a fourth beast, rf. and tenrible. If). Psal. 73. 20. as a rf. when one awaketh, so, O Lord
l^ick. 9. 1 . that have charge over tlie city to rf. near <). 4. and 1 said, O Lord, the great and rf. God lU'cl. 5. 3. for a rf. con eth through much business
C2. 4. thou hast caused thy days to rf. >iear l/ab. 1. 7. the Chaldeans are terrible and rf. 29.7. nations that fight against Ariel be asarf.

Joel 3. 9. wake np, let all the men of war rf. near .!/«/. 1. 14. my name is rf. among the heathen Jer. C3. CB. prophet that hath a rf. let hlni tell a rf.
Wei. 10. C2. let us rf. near with a true heart, in full 4. 5.thecomingof the great and rf. day of the Lord Dan, C. 3. my
spirit was troubled to know the rf.
nigh. DREAM. 4. tell thy servants the rf. 6. if ye shew the rf-

Eiod. 3. 5. he said, rf. not nig/i hither, put off shoes By this 7Vord are
he iinderslood those rain
to 36. tliis is the rf.and we will tell the interpretation
Pifl/.tH). 18. rf. nigh to my
soul, and redeem it imai;es, jchich are J'ormed in the imaciuation 4. 19. my
lord, the rf. be to them that hate thee
119. 150. they rf^ nigh that follow mischief 7ihi/e ue lire asleep, .Tob CO. 8, lie shall fly 7.1. Daniel had a rf. then he wrote the rf.
Feci. IC. 1. nor years rf. nigh, when thou shall say away as a dream, and shall not be found ;
ilal.l.dO. the angel of the Lord appeared to Josepli
ij«.5.1 9. let the counsel of the holy One rf. niili yea, he shall be chased away as a risioji of in arf. saying, fear not to take Mary, 2. 13, 19-
Jitb. 7. 19. by the which we rf. nigli unto God the night. The Eastern people, and in par- C. IC. and being warned of God in a rf. CC.
Jam. 4. 8. rf. 7iigh to God, he will rf. nigh to you ticular the Jews, had a very great regard to C7. 19. 1 have suffered many things in a rf.
DRAWuh;. dreams; they observed them, and applied to l^erb. DREAM,
Exod. IC. 21. rf. mt and take you
a lamb, and kill those who pretended l» explain them. We Psal. 1C6. 1. we were like them that rf.
Lev, C6. 33. 1 will rf. mtt a sword after you see the ayiliquiiy of this custom amon; the Joel 2. 28. your old men rf. dreams, Acts 2. 17.
J«rf!r.3.22.he could not rf.the dagceruH^ of his belly Egyptians, in the hiitory of Pharaoh's butler DREAMED.
Jolt 41 .1. canst thou rf. out leviathan with an hock '
and baker, and in Pharaoh himselj'. Gen. 40. Gen. C8. 12. J.tcobrf. 37. 5. Joseph rf. a dream

Psal. 35. 3. rf. ont also the spear, and stop the way 5,8. 41. 15. Nebuchadnezrar is an luslauce 40. 5. the oflicers rf. 41. 1. Pharaoh rf. 15.

10. al len th thy loving kindness

.36. + of the same anionic ihe Chaldeans, Dan. C. 1, 4C.9. Josephremeoibered the dreams which he rf.
85 S.wilt thou d.out thine anger to all generations? 2, 3, &c. God had very expressly forbidden Jir. 23. 25. the prophets said, 1 have rf. 1 have rf.
Prov. CO. 5. a man of understanding will rf. ito7(f his people to observe dreams, and to consult 29. 8. to your dreams which you cause to be rf.
ha. 57. 4. against whom do ye rf. oul the tongue ? those :c/io took npon them to explain them. He L/nH.C.l.Nebuchadn.rf. dreams, spirit was troubled
58. 10. if thou rf. 0!(/ thy soul to the hungry condemned any one to death uho pretended to 5. the king said to them, I have rf, a dream
7er.49.CO. the least of the (lock rf. them our, 50. 45. have prophetic dreams, and to foretel ishat 7ias DR LAMER.
/.am. 4. 3. even the sea-monsters d.out the breast to come, though what he should so foretel nere Gen. 37. 19. they said, behold, this rf. cometh
Eiik.b.^.a. third part shall scatter in the wind,anc to come to pats, if after this he -.could engage Dent, 13. 1. if a rf. of dreams arise among you
1 will rf. out a sword afer them, IC. 12.11 |
the people in idolatry, Deut. 13. 1, C, 3, &:c. 3. thou slrialt not hearken to that rf. of dreams
//flg. S. 16. when one came to rf. out fifty vessel Ihit they 7cere not Jorbid, nhen they thought 5. that prophet or rf.of dreams shall be put todeatb
John C. 8. rf. tJKt now, and bear to the governor they had any significative dream, to addres Jer. 29. 1 24. thus spake to Shemaiah the rf.
vp. ti.emselves to the prophets of the Lord, or t dri:amers.
Job 40. 23. he trusteth that he can rf. up Jordan the h'ith-priest dressed in his ephod, in order lo Jer. 27. 9. therefore hearken not to diviners nor rf.
DR/\W joined with Kairr. have it explained. Jude 8. those fdthy rf. defile flesh, despise dominion
C;ii.C4.1 1. the time that women go ont to rf. w. 43. Wherefore in that very place, icherein God for- DREAMS.
13. and the daughters come out to rf. uaicr bid the Hebrews to consult diviners, ft^icians, Gen. 37.8. they hated Joseph ihe more for hisrf.
CO. Ucbekah ran again to the well to rf. -.vnier and tnierpreiers of dreams, he tells them, 'j he 20. we shall see what w ill become of his rf.
1 Sam. 9.11. found young maidens going to rf. naier people whose land ye arc going to possess, 41. 12. an Hebrew, and he interpreted our rf.
Isa. IS. 3. with joy shall yerf.Kv;/er of we'.lsof salv. consult soothsayers and diviners btit ye h.ive ;
42. 9. Joseph remembered the rf. he dreamed
yah. 3. 14. rf. thee aalers for the siege, fortify not been so taught, 'lite Lord shall raise up! 28. fi. the Lord answered him not tiy rf. 15.
John 4. 7. Cometh a woman of Samaria to rf. -.iaier from the midst of you, and among your bn-. 7.14. then ihou scarest mc with rf. and terrifiis
DRAWN. thren, a prophet like unto me, him ye shall Eccl. 5. 7. in multitude of rf. arc divers vanities
£'T(irf. 10. and she called his name rf. ont consult and hearken to, Deut. 18. 14, 15. 'J'he Jer. 23.27. to forget name with their rf. my
.Vji;H.CC.C3. the ass saw the angel,and his sword rf. Israelites therefore uere lo addrrss them\cl:e.\ 32. I am against ihem that prophesy false i.
hand, 31. Josh. 5. 13. 1 Chron. CI. I6.
in his to God and hit prophets, to learn the explanation 27. t 9- nor hearken to your rf. 29. B.
Deut. CI. 3. an heifer, which hath not rf. in yoke of their dreams, and the prediction of thing' Dan. 1 17. Daniel bad understanding in rf. 5. IS.

30. 17. but shall be rf. away, and worship cuds to come. .Saul, a tittle before the luiitle ij /(f/;. 10. 2. the diviners have told false rf.
Josh. 8.6. till V. a have rf. them from the city (iilboa, consulted a 7foman 7iiih a familiar LA UK MING.
ifi.they were rf.away from the city, Jud^. CO. 31 spirit, because the Ixjrd had departed from ha, 56. i 10. his watchmen are rf. talking in sleep
Ruth C. 9. drank of that which young men have rf. him, and would not answer him, and discover DRKAMElll.
Sob CO. C5. it is rf. and comcth out of the body the success of this war to him, neither by ha. C9. 8. when aluingrv man rf. a thirslv man rf,

PmzI. 37. 14. the wicked have rf. out the sword dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets, DItEGS.
55.Cl.words softer than oil yet were they rf. swords 1 Sam. C8. C, 15 Pial.'S. 8. iherf. thereof the wicked shall drink out
Prov. C4. 11. to deliver them that are rf. to death :hid 7ce find that the Lord did indeed sometimes ha 51.17. thou hast drunken the rf. of the cup, 22.
lia. 21. 15. for they fled from the rf. swords discoier his iiitl in dreams, and raised up per- DRESS.
C8. 9. and them that are rf. from the breasts sons 10 erplain them. lie informed /Vbinielecb Gen. C.15. God put the man into the garden to rf.
,lei. CC. 19. rf. and cast forth beyond the gates »« a dream, that Sarah aas the 7efe of Abra- 18.7.gave it to a young man, and he hasted to rf.
31. 3. with loving-kindness have I rf. thee ham, Gen. CO. 3, 6 He she:ced Jacob the Deal. 21. t 12. shave her head, and rf. hernailsl
Lars C. 3. he hath rf. back his right hand from mvsierious ladder in a <ircani, Gea. 28. 1'-. CK. 39. thou shall plant vineyards, and rf. llicni
L%ek CI. 5. 1 the Lord have rf. my sword, CK. 13, 14. Joseph 7cas favoured -ery eaily with 2 .Srtw. 12. l.lo rf. of his ow« for the way-faring matt
dctt U. 10. all were rf. up again to heaven prophetic dreams, the sigiiitication irhereof 7ia.\ 13. 5. let I amar rf. the meat in my sight

Jam. I. 14. when he is rf. away of Lis own lusts easily discovered by .lacob his father. Gen. 37. 7. go to Amnon's house, and rf. him meat
DRAWK.R. 4. 5, fi, \c. The dreams ol the butler, and 1 Kings 17.12 that may rf, it for me and my sun

Deui 29. 11. from liie hewer o{ wood to d. of water tl.e baker ielouging to the king of Egypt. were 18.23 I will rf.ihc otherbullock and lay it on wood
iJTiiw' 18.tS. Elijah first, for ye are many Psat. 104.11. they gave rf. to evei7b« of the field Oar Saviour says in the gospel. If any tnan thirst,
DRESSED. Isa. 32. 6. he will cause the rf. of the thirsty to fail let him come unto me and drink, Jj/.n 7. 37
Gin. IB. 1. Abraham took the calf which he had rf. 43. 20. rivers, to give rf. to my people, my chosen If any man have a desire after spiritual biist
Lev.^ .Q.all tliat is the frying-pan le the pnesc's Dan. 1. 1 5. the king appointed him of his rf. 10. ings, let him come unto rnt by faith, a'ld he
1 Sam. 25. ID. .^bii;ail took five sheep ready d. Has. 2. 5. go after my lovers to give me my rf. shall partake largely of my refreshing grace.
2 Sam. IC. 4. liut took the poor man's lamb ami il. it 4. 18. their rf. is sour, they have committed And he tells the woman of S.imaria, John 4
19.C4.Mephibosheth, son of Saul, had not i/.his feet llab. 2.15. woe to him that giveth his neighbour rf. 14, Whosoever drinketh of the water thai I
1 A'lMjj 18. C6. they d. it, and called on Baal //"*. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not filled with rf. shall give him shall never thirst. Whosoever
Hti. 6. 7. bringeth herbs for them by whom it isrf. Mat. 25. 35. 1 was thirsty, and ye gave me rf. partakes of the graces of the Holy Spirit, which
DRESSER. 37. gave thee rf. |I42. thirsty, and ye gave me no rf. I have 10 bestow, and do offer in the gospel, lie.
Luit 13.7. then said he to the d. of the vineyard John 4. 9- that thou, being a Jew, askcst rf. of me shall never desire and pursue worldly things as
DRESSETH. 6.55. my flesh is meat indeed, my blood is rf. indeed his chief happiness. It is said. Job 15. I6
KroJ. 30. 7. w-hen he d. the lamps, he shall burn Horn. 12. CO. if thine enemy thirst, give him rf. That the wicked drinketh iniquity like wateE
DREW. 14. 17. the kingdom of God is not meat and rf. Besides his natural proneness to sin, he has con-
Oen. 24. CO. Rebekah d. water for his camels, 45. 1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all drink the same spiritual rf. tracted habits and customs of sinning, so that
37. 28. Ihey rf. and lifted up Joseph out of the pit Col. 2. 16. let no man judge you in meat or in rf. he siuneth as readily, greedily, and delightfully^
38. 29. it came to pass, Zarah d. back his hand Strong DRINK. as men used to drink up water, especially in
£iod. 2. 10. because I d. him out of the water Ler. 10. 9. do not drink strong rf. when ye go in those hot countries. And Elihu sai/s, Job 34.
16. Jethro's daughters came and d. water S'um.6.Z. Nazarite separate himself from strong rf. 7, What nian is like Job, who drinketh up
19. an Egyptian d. water enough for us Veut. 14. 26. shalt bestow that money for strong rf. scorning like water.'
Who teith greediness and
Josh. 8. C6. for Joshua d. not his hand back 29.6. nor have ye drunk stiovg rf. these forty years delight breaks forth into scornful and coiitemjffu-
Judg. 8. 10. there fell 120,000 men that d. sword Jndg. 13.4. Manoah's wife noc drink strong d. 7. 14. ous expressions, not only against his friends
20. but the youth d. not his sword, for he feared 1 Sam. 1. 15. I drunk neither wine nor strong rf. but in some sort even against God himself
20. 2. the chief of Israel 400,(100 that d. sword Psal.6[). 1 12. 1 was the song of drinkers of wrowj rf. whom he insolently charges with rigorous deal-
15. of Benjamin numbered 26,000 that d. sword Pron. 20. 1. wine is a mocker, strong rf. is raging ing. Rab-.shcikeh says, that Ilezekiah designed
25. all these d. the sword, 35. 31.4. it is not for princes to drink strong rf. to persuade the Jews into a resolution
of hold,
37. liers in wait d. themselves along, and smote 6. give strong rf. to him that is ready to perish ing out the siege of Jerusalem, that so he might
46. fell of Benjamin 25,000 that d. the sword Jsii. 5.11. that they may follow str. rf. woe to them reduce them to the necessity of drinking their
Jtulh 4. 8. b\i.y it for thee, so he d. off his shoe 22. woe to men of strength to mingle strong rf. own urine; that is, of exposing themselves to
1 Sam.T.a. Israel gathered to T^Iizpeh, and (/.water 24. 9- strong d. shall be bitter to them that drink it the utmost extremities of a siege, 2 Kings 18
17.51. David rf. (ioliath's sword out of the sheath 28. 7. but they also have erred through strong d. 27. Solomon exhorts his disciple, Prov. 5. l.'V.
2 Sam. 22. I", he sent from above, he took me, and they are out of the way through strong rf, to driiik water out of his own cistern ; thai is,
he rf. ni» out of many waters, Pial. 18. I6. 29. 9. they stagger, bi;t not with <trong rf. to content himself with the lawful pleasures of
23. 16. the three michty men rf. water out of the 56. 12. come ye, we will fill ourselves with str. rf. marriage, without thinking on that which was
well of Bethlehem, 1 Cliron. 11. l». i\Jic. C. 11. will prophesy to thee of wine and str. rf. prohibited by the law. To eat and drink is
24.9.therewerein Israel 800,000 that rf. the sword Lufe 1. 15. John shall not drink wine nor strong rf. used in Eccl. 5. 18. to signify people's enjoying
1 Aiiijf 22. 3t. certain man rf. abow,2 C/ir. 18.33. DRINK-OFFERING. themselves, ming the good things of this life
2 Kim^s 3. C6. king of Moab took "00 that rf. sword Clen. 35.14. Jacob poured a d.-ofering on the pillar liberally and decently ; and not with penurious.
9. 24. Jehu rf. a bow with his full strength EioJ. '2.<^. 40. an hin of oil, and the fourth part of ness, which is base and dishonourable : It is good
1 Chr. 19. 16. they sent and rf. forth the Syrians an hin of wine lor a d.-offeiiug. Num. 15. 5. and comely for one to cat and drink, and to en-
21.5. Israel were eleven hundred thousand men 41. shalt do thereto according to the d. -offering joy the good of all his labour. It is said it
that rf. sword, Judah was 470,000 that rf. sword ."jO. y. nor shall ye pour d.-offering thereon Mat. 11. 18, 19, John came neither eating nor
2 Chron. 5. 9. d. out staves of the ark, 1 Kin^t 8. 8. Lev. 2."_. 13. and the d.-offering shall be of wine drinking ; that is, he did not lice in the com-
1 1. 8. of Benjamin that rf. bows, 280,000 AVot.6.17. the priest shall offer also his d.-offering mon and ordinary manner, as other other men
Jer. 38. 13. they rf. up Jeremiah with cords 15. 7- for a d. -offer, a third part of an hin of wine did, but used a mean and peculiar diet .• but the
Jlos. 11.4. I rf. them with cords of a man 10. bring for a d.-offering half an hin of wine Son of man came eating and drinking ; usin'
A/a;.13.48.when full, they rf. to shore, Mark 6. 53. 24. his d.-offering according to the manner such a diet as other men did, and conversing
26. 51. Peter rf. his sword,.Vari 14.47. J.-Ah 18.10. 28.10. besides the continual rf.-rt/: 15.24. |
CQ. I6. freely and sociably with all sorts.
Luke 23. 51. the preparation, and the salibatli rf. on I'n. 57. 6. to them hast thou poured a d.-ofenng Sennacherib says in S Kings IQ. 24. Isa. 37. 25,
John 1. 9. the servants which rf. the water knew 6.'). 1 1
. that furniih the d.-offering to that number I have digged and drunk strange waters, ami
21. 11. and rf. the net to land full of fishes Jo':ll. 9. the d.-off. is cut off from the house of L. with the sole of my feet have I dried up all
/Jets 5. 37. and rf. away much people after him 13. the d.-off. is withholden from house of God the rivers of besieged places. / have brought
14. 19. stoned Paul and rf. him out of the citj* 2. 14. if he will return and leave a d.-offering water to places where there was none before, to
16.19. and rf. Pavii and Silas into the market-place DRINK-OFFERINGS. supply my army : and I hare drunk up the
27. the jailer rf. his sword, and would have killed Lev. 23. 18. they shall be for a burnt-offering with water belonging to the people through whose
17. 6. they rf. Jason and certain brethren d.-offerings, 37. Num. 6. 15. | 28. 31.
| 29. 11, country I have inarched my armies ; I have ex-
19. 33. they rf. Alexander out of the muUitude 18, 19, 21 24, .30, 33, 37, .39.
hausted their wells and their cisterns. Thi
21.30. they took Paul and rf. him out of the temple Num. 28.14. their rf..ojf. shallbehalf anhinof wine prophet Jeremiah upbraids the ie.'vii with having
liev. 12. 4. his tail rf. the third part of the stars Ihut. 32. 38. and drank the wine of their d. -offer. had recourse to Egj-pt for muddy water, to drink ;
DREW near, or ni-h. 1 Chr 29.21. offered with their d.-off. 2 Chr. 2g.35. and with having addressed themselves to the
Gen. 18.23. Abraham rf. near .and said, wilt thou I'.zra 7. 17. buy speedily meat-offerings and
Assyrians, that they might drink the water of
47. 29. the time rf. tiigh that Israel die I'sal. 16. 4. their rf. offer, of blood will I not offer their river , that is, with having sought for the
Eiod. 14. 10. when Pharaoh rf. nigh Israel cried Jer. 7. 18. and to pour out d.-offerings to other waier of Nile in Egypt, and the water of Eu-
20. 21. Moses rf. near to the thick darkness gods to provoke me to anger, I9. 13. .32. 29.
phrates in Assyria ; thereby describing the as-
Lev. 9.5. the congregation rf. near before the Lord 44.17. pouroutrf.-pjf.toqueen of heaven, 18.19,25. sistance of these t-u-o people, which the Jews
Josh. 8. 11. all the people rf. yti^h before Ai Ezelr. 20. 28. there they poured out their d. -offer sought for, Jer. 1. 18.
1 Sam. 7. 10. the Philistines rf. near to battle 45.17. princes part to ci ve d.-offerings in the feasts To drink blood, signifies to be satiated with slaugh-
9. 18. Saul rf. near to Samuel in the gate DRINK. ter, Ezek. 39. 18, ' Ve shall drink the i.iood of
17. 16. Goliath rf. n. morning and evening, 41, 48. I'o drink, signifies to drink liqnor moderately, for the princes of the earth ; ye shall put them to
40. David rf. near to Goliath the Philistine the satisfying of thirst. Num. 6. 3. Ruth 2. 9. death. David refused to drink the water which
8 Sam. 10. 13. Joab rf. nigh against the Syrians Sometimes it signifies to drink plentifulii/, liSer- she three valiant men of his army went and pro-
18. 25. Ahimaa/ came apace and rf. near a/ly, and largely, so as to be merry, but not to cured for him at the ha-.ard of their lives ; say-
Ksth. 5. 2. Esther rf. near and touched the sceptre etcc'S or drunkenness : Thus it is said. Gen. ing, God forbid that 1 should drink the blood
9. 1 .the king's decree rf. near to be put in execution 43. 34. that Joseph's brethren drank and were of these men ; but he poured it out unto the
y.eph.^.1. she trusted not, shi rf. not near to her God merry with him: The Hebrew aord here lued Lord, as a kind of drink-offering, and acknow-
Jl/af. 21. 1. and when they rf. nigh to Jerusalem often signifies to drink to escess: but il is not ledgment of God's goodness tn preserving the
34. when the time of the fniit rf. near, he sent to be supposed that J acob's sons should forget lives of his captains in so dangerous an enter-
Lnkc 15. 1. then rf. near the publicanc to hear him themselves so far upon this occasion, as to be prise, 2 Sam. 23. 16, 17. To buy water to
25. elder son came, and as he rf. nigh to the house tionting in that decency and respect which ihei/ drink, and to drink water by measure, denote
22. 1. now the feast of unleavened breid rf. nigh oned to one so considerable as Joseph, whom at the utmost scarcity and emreme desolation. Lam.
47. and Judas rf. near to Jesus to kiss him yet they knex not to be their brother. And in 5. 4. Ezek. 4. 11.
24. 15. Jesus himself rf. near, and went with them John 2. JO, Every man at the beginning doth Gcd's judgments are often in scripture exvressed
28 they rf. nigh to the village where they went set forth good wine ; and when men have well under the notion of a cup of strong aud intoxi-
Acis 7. 17. when the time of the promise rf. nigh drunk, then that which is worse but thou hast
cating drink : and the sneering, or enduring of
31. as he rf. near to behold it, the voice came kept the good wine until now. It is incredible these is set out under the 7ioiionof drinking such
10. 9. as they rf. nigh to the city, Peter went that our Saviour uaited till the guests tiere a cup. Ses Cvf. In the hand of the Lord there
27. 27. deemed that they rf. near some country drunk, in order to perform the miracle uhich he is a cup, and the wine is red, the dregs thereof
DREWEST. urought at Cana i« their favour. And in all the wicked of the earth shall drink them,
JLam. 3. 57. thou rf. near in the day that I called 1 C-or. 11. 21, One is hungry, and another I'sal. 75. 8. Thou hast made us to drink the
DitiF.ij. ice after Dry. is drunken, that is. One riants, and the other wine of astonishment, Psal. 60. 3. Tho-i hasi
DRINK. abounds : Tlie poor Christians were hungry, filled us u ith horror and astonishment, as if ua
C««.21.iy. I lagar
filled bottle, and gave the lad rf. uhile the richer soil had too much, and fared had drunk some poisonous wine. Stand up, O
24. 14. I will give
thy camels rf. also, 46. liberally. To drink, tn other parts of Scripture, Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of tho
Iav. 11. 34. that may be drunk in such vessel
all rf. is vjttn taken in an odious sense, for drinking Lord the cup of his fury Hear noivthis, thou

Kum. 20. B. thou shall give the congregation rf. to excess, for being inlojicated with lijuor : afflicted and drunken, but not with wine, Isa
/arfj. 4. 19. she gave Sisera rf. and covered him Gen. 9. 21, Noah drank of the wine, and was 51. 17, 21. 1 will fill the kings, the priests
Ezra 3.7. they gave meat and rf. to them of Zidon drunken, and he was uncovered in his tent. the prophets, and all the innabitants of Jeiiua
Fjtk 1. 7. they gave them rf. in vessels of gold Lot's two daughters made their father drink to lem, with drunkenness, Jer. 13. 13. that ts
Pial. 78. 15. he gave them rf. aa out of great depths ercea, and both proved teith child bu hun. Gen. with the wine of terror and astonishment, by
IftJ. 9. iiK I have mingled my d. with
weeping &c
19. 32, 33, rcaion of (hose grititmt calamititt i>iat thuU
romi>. vpm them, will put tkcm tv .h-r. 2. 18. to rf. the tcatertof Sihor, waters of river Deut. 4. 38. to rf. r,ut n.vJor.s from before thee
and which
thet' oil's tnd. And
tn Kzek. C3. 33, Thou H. K. Lord hath given us water 01 gall to d. 9. li. greater and mightier than thee, 9. 4. 5. Juih.i.lO
shalt be filled with druiikemiess and sorrow. Hzek.i. 11. thou shalt d. uater by measure, 16. 9. 3. so shalt thou d. them out and destroy them
See Obad. l6. Rev. 14. 10. 12. 18. son of man, rf. thy water with tremhling 11. 23. then will the Lord rf. out these nations
Drink is put for (1) 'I'he blood of Christ, John 19. they shall d. their water with astonishment 18.12. Lord thy God doth rf. them out before thee
6. 55. (2) Spiritual delight, Cant. 8. 2. (."?) 31. 14. all their trees that d. water, I6. Josh. 13. 6. them will I rf. out from before Israel
Adiictions, Mat. 20. 23. (4) The urath of Dan. 1. 12. give us pulse to eat, and water tn d. 14.12.then I shall be able torf. them out, as L.said
God, Job 21. 20. Rev. 14. 10. (5) lireedy Amos 4.8.wondered to d.waier but were not satisfied 15.63. the children of Judah could not rf. them out
desire. Job 15. 16. Jonah 3. 7. let them not feed nor d. water 17. 12. the children of Manasseh could not rf. out
Den. 24. 14. let me d. 1'. 45. 18. d.||
lord, 46. Murk 9. 41 who shall give you a cup of water to d.
. 13. but did not utterly rf. them out, Judf. 1. it,
30. 38. he set rods when the flocks came to d. Jjhn 4. 7- Jesus saith to her, give me water to d. 18. for thou shalt rf. out the Canaanites
Ktod. 15. 24. people murmured, what shall we d. f 1 7im.5.23 rf. no longer worfr, but use a little wine 23. 5. the Lord shall rf. them out of your si''ht
32. 20. Moses made the children of Israel d. of it DRINK
with wine. 13. the Lord will no more rf. out, Judg. 2. 3, 81
I^v. 10. 9. do not d. wine nor strong d. lest ye die Gen. 19. 32. let us make our father </. wine, 34. Judg.X.ig. Judah could notrf. inhabitants of mount
Num. 6. 3. neither shall he d. liquor of grapes 33. and they made their father d. wine, 35. 21. IJenjamin did notrf. out the Jebusites
Jud«. 7. 5. that boweth down on his knees to d. Lev. 10. 9- nor d. wine when ye go into tabernacle 27. Jlanasseh rf. ||29. Ephraim|i 30. Zebulun
Ruth 2. 9. when athirst, go to the vessels and </. Xum. 6. 3. the azarite shall d. no vinegar of wine 31. Asher 33. Naphtali did not rf. out |)

i Sam. S3. I6. three mighty men drew water, but 20. after that the N azarite may d. wine 11. 24. whom
the Lord our God shall rf. out
David would not </. thereof,!?. 1 Chr. 11. 18. 19. Deut shalt plant vineyard5,but shalt not 2 Kings go forward, slack not for ni?
1 A'ln^j 17. 4. that thou shalt d. of the brooic d. of the wine, nor gather the grapes, Amos5.M. 2 Chron. 20. J. who didst rf. out the inhabitants
Usth. 3. 15. the king and Haman sat down to d. Judg. 13.4. Manoah's wife might rf. no wine, 7.14. Joi 18. 11. terrors shall make afraid, and rf. to feet
7.t 1. the king and Haman came to d. with Esther 2 Slim. 16. 2. the wine, that such as be faint may d. t 18. he shall rf. him from light into darkness

Joi 21. 20. he shall rf. the wrath of the Almighty Psal. 60.3.h3St made us rf.the wine of astonishment 24. 3. they rf. away the ass of the fatherless
/'ja/.36.8.malce them d. of the river of th\-pleasures Pi-ov. 4. 17. for they d. the wine of violence Piol. 44. 2. how thou didst rf. out the heathen
60 3. made us to d. the wine of astonishment 9. 5. and rf. of the wine which I have mingled 68. 2. as smoke is driven away, so rf. them away
69. 21. in my thirst they gave me vinegar to d. 31. 4. it is not for kings, O Lemuel, to d. wine Proi. 22. 15. but rod of correction shall rf. it away
75. 8. the wicked of the eartli shall d. them Eccl. 9. 7. go and d. thy wine with a merry heart Isa. 22. 19. and I will rf. thee from thy station
78. 44. their rivers into blood, they could not d. Cant. 8.2. 1 would cause thew to d. of spiced wine Jer. 24. 9- to he a curse whither I shall rf. them
80. 5. thou gavest them tears to d. ha. 5. 22. woe to them that are mighty to d. wine 27.10. that I should rf. you out, and ye perish, 15
110. 7. he shall d. of the brook in the way 24. 0. they shall not d. wine with a song 46. 15. they stood not, because Lord did rf. thent
J^rov. 4. 17. for they d. the wine ofviolence (i2.8.the sons of the stranger shall not d. thy wine Kzek. 4.13. among Gentiles, whither I will rf. thens
31. 5. lest they d, and forget the law, and pervert Jer. 35. 2. go and give the Rechabltes wine to d. Dan. 4. 25. and they shall rf. thee from men, 32.
7. let him d. and forget his poverty 6. we will d. no wine, ye shall d. no wine for ever Hos. 9. 15. I will rf. them out o: my house
Cant. 5. 1. d. yea d. abundantly, O beloved Ezek. 44. 21. neither shall any priest d. wine when Joel 2. 20. 1 will rf. the northern army into a land
7.1a. Ct. 9. strong drink bitter to them that d. it Dan. 1. 16. took away the wine that they should d. iieph. 2.4. they shall rf. out Ashdod at noon^lay
51. 22. thou shalt no more d. it again Joel 3. 3. they have sold a girl for wine to d. .•J<rj27. 15. the ship was caught, we let her rf.
62. 9. they shall d. it in the courts of my holiness Amos 2. 8. they d. the wine of the condemned Oal. 5. t 7. ye did run well, who did rf. you back.'
(is. 13. my servants shall d. but ye shall be thirsty 12. but ye gave the Nazarites wine to d. DRIVEN.
Jir. 16. 7. nor give the cup of consolalion to d. 6. 6. that d. wine in bowls, and anoint themselves Gen. 4. 14. behold, thou hast rf. me out this day
2:i. 15. and make them d. the water of gall 9. 14. shall plant vineyards, and d. wine thereof /'xorf.lO.ll. they were rf. from Pharaoh's presence
£5. 15. cause nations, to whom I send thee, tod. it Mic. 6. 15. butshall not d. wine, Zeph. 1. 13. 22. 10. the Deast be rf. away, no man seeing it
16. and they shall d. and be moved, and be mad il/ar/H5.23.gave him to mingled with myrrh Lev. 26. t 36. sound of,a rf. leaf shall chase tbea)
17. then I took the cup and made all nations to rf. Enke 1.15. John shall d. neither wine nor strong A>(tn.32.21.till he have rf. out enemies before him
27. d. ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall Rom. 14. 21. it is not good to eat flesh or d. nine i>^w.4.19lest thou shouldest be worship thecB
28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall certainly d. liei\ 14. a. she made all nations d. of the wine 30. 1 whither the Lord thy God hath rf. thee

35. 14. to this day thev d. none, but obey father's 10. same shall d. of the wine of the wrath of G. 4. if any of them be rf. out to the utmost parts
id- 12. they whose judgment was not to d. of the DRINKERS. Josh. 23. 9. the Lord hath rf, out great nations
cup, shalt not go unpunished, shalt surely d. of it Psal. 69. T 12. the song of the d. of strong drink 1 Sam. 2C. 19. for they have rf. me out this day

J'.zei.i. 1 1 .(/. by measure, from time to time shalt d. Joel 1. 5. awake, and howl, all ye d. of wi?te Job 0. 13. and is wisdom rf. quite from me'
23. 32. thou shalt d. of sister's cup deep and large DRINKS. 13. 25. wilt thou break a leaf rf. to and fro?
U. ly. they d. that which ye have fouled Ueb. 9. 10. which stood only in meats, and d. 18. 18. he shall be rf. from light into darknesi
Ilun. 5. 2. that his concubines might d. therein and divers washings 30. 5. they were rf. forth from among men
.Iniosi. 1. say to their masters, bring, and let usrf. DRINKETII. /'ja/.40.l4. let them be rf. backward that wish evS
Ubad. 16. so shall all the heathen d. continually, Gen. 44. 5. is not this it in which my lord d. T Ch. 2. as smoke is rf. away, so rf. them away
yea, they shall d. and shall swallow down Dent. 11.11. the land d. water of the rain of heaven 1 14. 3. sea saw it and fled, Jordan was rf. back, 5.

Jlab. 2. 16. d. thou, let thy foreskin be uncovered Job (i. 4. the poison whereof d. up my spirit Prot:. 14. 32. wicked isrf. away in his v.ickedness
Jlag. 1. 6. ye d. but ye are not filled with drink 15. 16. how filthy is man, who </. iniq. like water! Eccl. 3. + 15. God requireth that which is rf. away
y.ech. 9- 15. and they shall d. zind make a noise .34. 7. like Job who d. up scorning like water Isa. 8. 22. and they shall be rf. to darkness
Mat. 10. 42. whoso shall give to d. to one of these 40. 23. behold, he d. up a river, and hasteth not ly. 7. every thing sown by the brooks be rf. away
20.22. are ye able to d. of the cup that I shall d. of Prov. C6. 6. he that sendeth by a fool, d. damage 41. 2. he gave them as rf. stubble to his bow
and be baptized with the baptism • Mark 10. .'5!!. Isa. 29. 8. he d. but he awaketh, and he is faint Jer. 8. 3. who remain in all the olaces whither 1
23. ye shall d. indeed of my cup, Mark 10. 39. 44. 12. the smith, he d. no water and is faint have rf. them, 23. 3,8. 29."l4, 18. 32. 37
| |

26. 27. he gave them the cup, saying, </.ye all of it Markl. 16. how is it that he d. with publicans ? IC. 15. from all the lands whither he had rf. them
29- 1 say,will not d. henceforth till that day when Johni. 13. whosoever (/. of this water shall thir.'-t 23. 2. ye have rf. them away, and have not visited
I d. it new with you, Mark 14. 25. Luke 22. 18. 14. whosoever rf. of water that I shall give him 12. they shall be rf. on and fall therein
42.ifcup may not pass except \d. thy will be done 6. 54. whoso d. of my blood, hafli eternal life 40. 12. out of all places whither they were rf. 43.5
27. 34. gave him vinegar to </. mingled with gall .SG. that d. my blood dwelleth in me, and 1 in him 4fi.28. a full end of nations whither I have rf. tne»
•18. one filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it 1 Cor. 11. 29. he that d. unworthily rf. damnation 49 5. ye shall be rf. out every man ri'^ht forth
on reed, and gave him to d. Mark 15. S6. Ueb. 6. 7. lor the earth which d. in the rain .00. i7.Isr.1el, the lions have rf. him away

Mark 16. 18. if they d. any deadly thing, not hurt DRINKING. Ezek. 31. 11. 1 have rf. hmi out for his wickednest
John 4. 10. who it is that saith to thee, give me to d. Gen. 24. 19. water for camels till they have done d. 34. 4. nor brought again which was rf. away, 16.
7. 37. if any man thirst, let him come to me and d. 22. as camels had done d. the man took an ear- Dan. 4. 33. and he was rf. from men. 5. 21.
'). 7. thro' all countries whither thou
hast rf. them
my fatherhath given me, shall I not d?
18. 11. cup ring
1 Cor. 10. 4. and did all d. the same spiritual drink Ruth 3. 3. till Boaz have done eating and d. /"/(I/. 13. 3. as the ch.-iffthat is rf. with the whirlwind

21. ye canno' d. the cup of the Lord and of devils 1 Sam. 30. 16. they were eating and d. and danciiij Mic. 4. 6. I will gather her that wasrf. /f/'A. 3.19.
11. 25. this do, as oft asyc remembrance of me 1 Kin^si. 20. Judah and Israel Avere many, d. Luie 8. 29. he was rf.of the devil into the wilderness
12.1 3. and have been all made to d. into one Spirit 10. 21. Solomon's d. vessels of gold. 2 Chr. 9- 20 Acis 27. 17. they strake sail, and so were rf.
DRINK ualer, or waters. 16. y. Elah was d. 20. 12. Benhadad was ",/. ifi.
27. we were rf. iip and down in Adna at "'idnipht
<^f«.C4.43.give me a little leaier of thy pitcher to d. 1 C//n>n. 12.39. with David three days eating and d. Jam. 1.6. islikcawaveof the scarf, with the wind
Exod. 1 18. shall lothe to d. water of the river, 21. I'jih. l.R.d. was according to the law, none compel 3. 4. the ships though great are rf.
of fierce winds
24. digged round about the river for wof<rr to d. Job 1. 13. his sons and daughters were d. 18. DRIVER.
15. 23. they could not d. of the miters of Marah Isa. 22. 13. and behold, eating flesh, and d, wine 1 Kings 22.34.Ahab said to the rf. of his chariot
17. 1. there was no water for the people to d. Mat. 11. 18. for John came neither eating nor d Job 39. 7. nor regardeth the (Tying of the rf.

6. shall come water out of it, that they may d and they say, he hath a devil, I.uke 7. 33. DRIVEUI.
jVVot. 5.24. cause woman to d. bitter water, 20^27 19. Son of man came eating and d. I.ukeT. 34 •iKings 9.20.driving is like .lehu, forherf.furioujly
Psal. I. 4. ungodly like chaff which wind rf.
20. 5. neither is there any water to d. 33. 14. 24. 38. they were eating and d. till the flood came
17.norwiil we d. of the water of the wells. 21.22 I.nke 10. 7. eating and d. such things as they give Prov. 25. 23. the north-wind rf. away the rain
Mark 1 1" the spirit him into the wildcruess
Deut.l.Q. buy uater for money, that ye may d. 20 Col. 2. 1 16. let no man judge you for eating orrf. rf.

Jnds. 4. 19- giv'e me a little water tod. I am thirsts DRIVE. DRIVING.

7- 6. the rest bowed upon their knees to d. waiei Ezod. 6. 1. with a strong hand shall he d. them out Judg. 2. 23. Ix)rd left without rf. them out h.tstily
i .Sam. 30. 11. and they made the Egyptian d. water 23. 28. will send hornets, which shall rf. out Ilivite 2 Kings 9. 20. and the rf. is like the rf. of Jehu
1 Chron. 17. 21. bv rf. out nations
before thy people
2 6am.23.15. David said, give me io</. of the wairr 29. I will not d. them out before thee in one year
of the well of Beth-lehem, 1 Chron. 11. 1". 30. by little and little I will rf. them ont before DROMEDARY
1 Kings 13.8. nor will I eat bread, nor d. water, 9. 31. and thou shalt rf. them out before thee Is a so't of camel ; It is called Dromedary /rem
17.10. fetch a little water in a vessel that I may d. 33. 2. I will rf. out the C'anaanite, the Auiorite the GreeV. drcmo, / run, hv reason of tis run-
2 ffin^jS. 17. valley filled with warfr that ye m.iy d. 34. 11. behold 1 rf. out before thee the Amoritc nine verv sviftiy. Dromedaries are Smaller'
18.31 .(/.every one waters of his cistern, /ja.3()!l6. Num. 22. 6. that I may rf. them out of the land Ihnn common camels, slenderer, and more nimble
Job 22. 7 thou hast not given water to weary to d.
• 11. I may be able to overcome and d them out I'pon their backs M.y iaie a kind 0/ natural
Prov. 5. 15. d. waters out of thine own cistern 33. 52. then shall ye d. out all the inhabitants tiddle, which is composed vf a great deal OJ
26> Sl.ifthyencioybe th'irsty, give him rro/<r to </. 55. but if ye will not d. ont the inhabitants hair ; that standt tip and forms <U it were a
{argt tuHch In eastern countries, when persons 1 Chr. 8. 13. whorf. away the inhabitants of Gath DRUNKENNESS.
wmU 4V avy vhere with speed, they generalli/ Hab. 3. 6. he beheld, and J. asunder the nations Devt. 29. .19- I walk in imaginat. to add d. to thirst
make Ui« iif"Drome<lariL'S. It is said that they John 2. 15. he d. them all ont of the temple Eccl. 10. 17. princes eat for strength, and not fop d
ran ^o an hundrfA miles in a day uith them ; DROUGHT. Jer. 13.13. will fill inhabitants of Jerusalem with rf.
nay, tome nfrirm, that there are some t/iiVA uill Oen. 31.40. thus I was, in the day d. consumed n-.e I^zek. 23.33. thou shalt be filled with rf. and sorrow
travel an hundred c-rid fifty miles in a day. Deut 8. 15. wherein were fiery serpents and d. Luke 21. 34. lest your hearts be overcharged with rf.
There are tao sorts of Dromedaries, one of a lar- 28. t 22. the Lord shall smite thee with the d. Rom. 13. 13. let us walk, not in rioting and rf.
ger kind, utth tuio bunches upon trs bath ; the JohQi. 19. d. and heat consume the snow-waters Oal. 5.21. the works of the flesh are murders, rf
other lesser, with only one. lioth a'e very com- I'sal. 32.4.niy moisture isturned intorf. of summer DRY.
mon >n the western parts of /\si:i,, such as Syria, ha. M. 11. the I.ord shall satisfy thy soul in d. By the words annered to DRY,
the meaning it
and Arabia, That uhich hnth but one bunch vym Jer. 2.1). the Lord that brought us thro' aland of ^. obiiout. It is spoken of land, ground, pro-
Its back, IS more commonly called Camel; i,te 17.8. and shall not be careful in the year ofd. vision, waters, trees, and other things The
other is named UromeJary. J'hey are both capabit £u. ,'W a d. is upon her waters, they shall be dried piophet Isaiah speaking of the Messiah says.
of very great fatigues ; their hair is soft, and lloi. 13. 5. I did know thee in the land of great ./. He shall grow up as a root out of a dry
shorn, but aloul the middle of their backs, cam/U l/iig. 1. 11. and 1 called for a d. upon the land ground, Isa. 53. 2. Which prophecy respects
hate a Ultte eminence covered uith hair, a toot DROW.\. our Saviour's mean original, either as he sprang
high upon their bunch and Dromedaries have
Cant. 8, 7. cannot quench love^orcan floods </. it oj the .lewish nation, uhich, about the time
two bunches, and t-uo eminences of hair, tihich. 1 7i«i.6.9.into foolish lusts, that d. men in perdition his appearing in the world, uas poor, desptsea,
'houeicr, are very small ; and if it be rightly DROWNED. and enslaved. Or, by the dry ground, may be
tontidered. Drome laries and Camels are no £jorf.l5.4.hii chosen captains are rf. in the Red sea understood the royal family of David, which,
more hunch-backed than othe-r animals. 'llicy .Imos 8.8. it shall be d. sls by flood of Egypt, 9. 5 at that time, was poor, decayed, and contempti-
have no /answers and fore-teeth ; they have no .\lat. 18. 6.better he were d. in the midst of the sea ble. The same prophet says, chap. 56. 3,
horn upon their feet, j'or they are only covered //ti. 11. 29. which the Egyptians assaying to do, Neither let the cunuci say, behold, I am a
tttth a fleshy skin. It ii said, that ichen they DROWSINESS. [were d. dry tree. The Lord, by hit prophet, does here
drink, they disturb the uater uith their feel : Prov. 23. 21. and J. shall clothe a man with rags encourage the eunuch, who, being excluded from
.some believe they do this to make the voter DRUNK. the congregation of the Lord, Deut. 23. 1.
heavier, that it may continue longer in their Lev. 11. 34. all drink that may be rf. shall be unci. and also by reason of his barrenness, which was
stomachs. They are said la drink a great deal, Deut. 29. 6. have not eaten bread, nor d. wine ojien threatened as a curse, and was matter of
and keep it a long time, against their beiu; 32. 42. I will make mine arrows d. with blood reproach among the Jews, mi.;ht be ready to
4hirsty aftericardf ; nay, some uill have it that ,/«(/^.15.19. when Samson had d. Spirit came again think that he was cast out oJ' God's covenant,
travellers upon pressing necessities open their Kuth.i.t. when Boaz had eaten and d. he went to lie and cut off from his people, to whom the bless-
stomachs, take out the mater contained in them, 1 Sam. 1.9. Hannah rose up after they d. in Shiloh inu of a numerous posterity was promised.
and satiify their thirst uith it : The stomach 15. I have d. neither wine nor strong drink 1 he is desired not to be discouraged on these

cf these creatures is composed ofJour ventricles, 2 6Vi;».11.13. David made Uriah rf. and he went out accounts, and assured that God would accept if
and in the second there are several mouths uhich 1 hings 13. 22. and hast eaten bread and rf. water him, notwithstanding his barrenness, and his
open a passage into about twenty cavities made like Iti. 9. as Elah was in 1 irzah, drinking himself rf. being deluded from the participation of church-
sacks, that serve them J'or conservatories of voter. 20.16. Benhadad was drinking himself rf. in pavil. privileges.
Jer. 2. 23. thou art a swilt d. traversing her ways 2 hinss 6.23. they had eaten and rf. sent them away H hen our Saviour teas led away to be crucified,
DROAIEDAlllEh. iy.24.h»\e digged and rf.strange waters, /ju..37. 25. he tells the Jews, Luke 23. 31, If they do
1 Kings 4. C8. they brought barley and straw for d. Cant. 5. 1. I have rf. my wine with my milk these things in a green tree, what shall be
Bsth. V,. 10. and sent letters by riders on younj; d. Isa. 43. 24. nor hast thou made me rf. with the fat done in the dry > If such evils bejal me, who
lia. 6o. C. d. of Midian and Ephah shall cover thee 51. 17. which hast rf. the cup of his fury have deserved no such thing, but rather to be
DROP. 63. 6. and I will make them rf. in my fury cherished and kindly entreated ; what will bej'al
Isa.W. 15. the nations are as the d. of a bucket Jer. 46. 10. sword shall be made rf. with tht ir blood you, who are Jilted for destruction, like dry
DROP, t'eib. 51.57.1 wiU nakerf. her princes and her wise men wood for the fire I 'I'he prophets sometimes com-
Deut. 32. 1. my doctrine shall d. a.s the rain Lzek. .34. 18. and to h.ive rf. of the deep waters a barren and unfruitful people to a drj
33.28. also heavens shall d. down dew, /Vi>i'..'i.CO. Uiin. 5. 4. they rf. wine, and praised the gods land. Isa. 41. 18, I will make the dry land
Job 3'). IV,. which clouds do d. and distil upon man 23. thou and thy concubines have rf. in them springs of water. 1 will make the Jews and
/jfl/.tJS.ll.crownest year, and thy paths rf. fatness Obad. 16. as ye have rf. upon my holy mountain Gentiles, who are like a dry and barren wilder-
12. they d. on the pastures of the wilderness Luie 5. 3y. no man having rf. old wine desires new ness, to become fruitful. In other places, when
Prov.5.3. lips of a strange woman d, as honey-comb 13. 26. we have eaten and rf. in thy presence judgments are threatened upon a land, tt is said
Cant.i.l 1 .thy lips, my spouse, d. as the honey-comb John 2. 10. when men have well rf. then worse to be made a wilderness, a dry laud, a desert,

Isa. 45. 8. d. down, ye heavens, from above Eph. 5. 18. be not rf. with wine wherein is excess Jer. 50. 12.
Kiek.'M.iG. rf.lhy word toward south, and proohesy liev. 17-2. made rf. with the wine of her fornication Lev. 7. 10. meat-ofTering mingled with oil and rf.
2 1 .2.(/. thy word toward holy places and prophesv 18. 3. for all nations have rf. of the wine of wrath 13. 30. it is a rf. scald, a leprosy on the head
Joel 3. 18. the mountains shall d. down new wine, and DRUNKARD. Josh. f^. 5. bread of provision wasrf. and mouldy, 18
the hills shall flow wiih milk, Amos 9. 13. Deut. 21. 20. this our son is a glutton and a rf. Judg. 6. 37. and it be rf. on all the earth beside
ilmoj7.l6.''.notthyword against the house of Isaac PM)t'.23.21.forrf. and glutton shall come to poverty 39. Gideon said, let it now be rf. only on the fleece
iJic.'i. t 6.d. not, savthey to them that prophesy 20. 9. as a thorn goeth up into the hand of a rf. Job 13. 25. wilt thou pursue the rf stubble >
DROPPED. /ia.24.20. the earth sliall reel to and fro like a rf. Psal. 105. 41. they ran in rf. places like a river
Judg. 5. 4 the heavens d. the clouds also d. water 1 Cor. 5. 11. with a brother a fornicator era rf. eat Prov. 17. 1. better is a rf. morsel and quietiieft
1 Sam. 14.2f).were come into wood, behold honey d. DRUNKARDS. [iiDl Isa. 25. 5. as the heat in a rf. place, even the heal
C6'flm. 21. 10. till water d. on them out of heaven Psal. 69. 12. and I was the song of the rf. 32. 2. a man shall beasriversof water in a rf. place
Job Cy. '-'.'. and my speech d. upon them Isa. 28. 1. woe to pride, to the rf. of Ephraim, 3. 44.27. that saithto the deep, be rf. I will dry up
Psal.dn.n the heavens also rf. at the presence of God Ezek. 23. + 42. rf.were brought from the wilderness 56. 3. neither let the eunuch say, I am a rf. tree
Cant. 5. 5. my hands d. with myrrh, and fin-ers Jnel 1. 5. awake, ye rf. and weep, howl, ye drinkers Jer. 4. 11. a rf. wind, not to fan, nor to cleanse
DKOPPETII. S'ah. 1. 10. and while they are drunken as rf. 51. 36 will dry up, anil make her springs a.

Psal. liy. t28. my soul i/. for heaviness, strengthen 1 Cor. 6.10. nor rf. shall inherit the kingdom of God l.zek. 1;. 2J. that have made the rf. tree flourish
I^cl. 10. 18. through idleness the house </. through DRUNKEN. 20.47. shall devour every rf. tree in thee

DROPPING, S. See on Drink. 3(1. 12. 1 ill make the rivers rf. and sell the land

Prov. 19. 13. a foolish son is calamity, and the con- Oen. Q. 21. Noah was rf. and he was unooveied 37. 2. i\.d bones were very rf. 4. O ye rf. bones

tcntions of a wife are a continual d. 2*. 15. Ueiit. 29. t 19. to ,idd the rf. to the thirsty Ilos. [), 14. give them, O L. give them rf. breasts
Cant. 5.13. his lips d. sweet-smelling myrrh 1 Sam. 1. 13. Eli thought Hannah had been rf. 13.15. his spring shall becomerf. fountain dried up
Jlmos6.i 11. I will smite the great house with d. 14. Eli said to her, how long wilt thou be rf. ? i\ah. 1.4. he rebuketh the sea, and maketh it rf.
DROP.S. 25. .36. N abal's heart was merry, for he was veiyrf. ID. th.'y shall be (ievoured as stubble fully rf.
Vui 36. 27. he maketh small the d. of water Job 12. 25. to stagger like a rf. man, Psal. I07. 27. y-e/'h.2.13. will make N i:i€veh rf. like a wilderness
38. 28. or who hath begotten the d. of the dew > ha. 19. 14. as a rf. man staggereth in his vomit .l/«f.l2.43.he walketh thro' rf. places, Lu/e 11.24.
Cant. 5. 2. and my locks with the d. of the night 2y. 9. they are rf. but .lot with wine, 51. 21. /.7<<«23.jl.if in green tree what shall be done in rf..'
Luke 22. 41. his sweat was ai great d. of blood 34. t 7. and their land shall be rf. with blood grow.d.DRY
DROPSY. 4y. 26. they shall be rf. with their own blood Gen behold the face of the ground was rf.
H. 13.
Z.uke 14. 2. there was a man before him, who had d. 51. 17. thouhastrf. the dregs of i up of trembling /.>iirf.l4.l6.Isr.shallgoon rf. ground i:i the sea, 22.
DROSS. Jer. 23. 9. my bones shake, I am like a rf. man Josh. 3. lUhe priests that bore the ark stood firm on
Psa!. 119. 119. thouputtest away the wicked like d. 25. 27. be rf. and spue, and fall, and rise no more d.'iround in Jordan, Israel passed on rf. ground
Prot 25. 4- take away the d. from the silver
. 48. 26. make ye him rf. for he magnified him-elf 2 Ai«i;( 2.8. Elijah and Elisha .went over on rf.g.
26. 23. are like a potsherd covered with silver d. 49. 12. behold, they have .assuredly rf and art thou /'jii/.107.33.he inriieth water-springs into rf. ground
Jsa.l. 22. silver is become t/.wine mixed with water 51. 7.I5abvlon a golden cup that mad* all earth rf. 35. he turneih rf. ground into water-springs
25. I will purely purge away thy d. and thy tin 39. 1 will make them rf. ihat they may sleep Isa. 44. 3. 1 will pour floods upou the rf. ground
£uk. 22. 18. house of Israel is tome become d. ly Lo'it. 3. 15. he haih made me rf. with wormwood 53. 2. he shall grow as <k lOot out of a. d. ground
DROVE, S. 4. 21.UEdom,thouslial[ be rf. Sah. 3. 11. £:e*.ly.l3.she is planted in arf. and thirsty grotrtd
iJen. 32. 16. every d. by themselves, and said, pass 5. 4. we have rf. water for monev, wood is sold See Land.
over before me, and put a sjiace betwixt </. aiidrf. L:ek. 39. 19. ye shall drjiik blood 'till ye be rf. DRY, lerb.
19. so commanded he all ihat followed tht </. Sah. 1. 10. and while chiy are rf. as drunkards Job 12. 15. he withhoidiih the w.iters and they rf. uj
33.8. what meanest thou by all this J.which 1 met ' Hub. 2. 15. his neighbour, and makest him rf. also 15. 30. the flame shall rf. up his hraiichi-.s
DRtJVI', i'erb. jUu/.24.49. shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, Isa. 42. 15. 1 will rf. up herbs, 1 will rf. up ihe pools
Oen 3. 24. so God d. out the man, and he pKiced and to eat and drink with the rf. I.,uke 12. 45. 44.27. 1 will rf.up thy rivers 50. 2. 1 rf. uji the sea
at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim.-, /.ii/<17.8.make ready,serve till 1 have eaten
and rf. Jer. 51. 36. saith ihe Lord, 1 will rf. uji her sea
15.11. when the fowls came, Ahram d. them away Ai IS 2. 15. for these are not rf. as ye suppose
Zech. 10. 11. the deeps of the river shall rf. up
Efod. 2. 17. the shepherds came and d. them away 1 Cor. 11. 21. one is hungry, and another is rf. DRIED. 3C.tlieyi/.out the Amorites that were there 1 Ihess. b.t . they that be rf. are rf. in ihe night waters were up from eartn,
Gen. 8. 7. until rf. 13.
Josi. 15. 14 Caleb rf. thence the sons of Anak il«.^ 17. 6. 1 saw the woman rf. vith blood of saints da; was lbs
14. 01. the twenty -serenih earUte<»


/*>«. S. 14. shalt offer green ears of corn d. by fire mdveriariei, or of lAe majeslt/ of htm that sits \Jer. 38.13. so they drew up Jeremiah ootofthe/.
Hum. 6. 3. nor shall he eat moist grapes or d. in judgraeni ; Prov. 31. 8, Open thy mouth Lam. 3. 53. ihey have cut off" my life in the d.
11.6. our soul is d. away, there is nothing at all for the dumb in the c::use of all such as are 55. I called on thy name, O Lord, out of the i
]oih. '1. 10. have heard how the Lord d. up Ked sea appointed to destruction. (5) Tor one that i> DURABLE.
4.C3.the Lord your God </. up waters of Jordan, as made speechless tt/ divine ecstacy; Dan. 10. 15, /Vol .8. 18. yea, rf. riches and righteous, are with lao
Lord did Red sea, which he d. up from before us Wlien hi haa spoken such words, I became 7ja.23. 18. her merchandise shall be for d, clothiiie
S.l.heard the Lord had d. up the water.s of Jordan dumb DURKTH.
ludg. ]6. 7. bind me with withs that werp never d. A dumb, or deaf spirit, is a spirit that makes Mat. 13. 21. hath not root in himself, d, for awhile
1 hhirt 13. 4. and Jeroboam's hand d. up those persons deaf, or dumb, whom he possesses. DURST.
17. 7. the brook d. because ihere had been no rain Mark 9. 17,25. Esth. 7. 5. he that d. presume iu his heart to do si
i King! 19. 24. and with the sole of my feet have 1 Ezod. 4.11. or who makcth the d. or deaf, or blind r Job 32. 6. afraid, I d. not shew you mine opinio

rf. all the rivers of besieged places, ha. 37.25. Aa/.SS.M. 1 wa." as a. man, openeth not his mouth Mat. 22. 46. no man able to answer him, nor d. a.'.'i
Jut 18. 16. his roots shall be d. up beneath 39. 2. 1 was d, with silence, I held my peace, 9. any more questions, Mark 12. 34. Luke 20. 40
28. 4. they are d. up, they are gone away Prov. 31.8. open thy mouth for the d. in cause of all John 21. 12. none of disciples rf. ask, who art thou
7'in/. 22. 15. my strength isd. up like a potsherd Isa. .35. 6. and the tongue of the a. shall sing icis 5. 13. and of the rest d. no man join to them
dg. ."{.my throat is rf. mine eyej fail while I wait 53. 7. and as a sheep before her shearers is d, 7. 32. then Moses trembled and d. not behold
106. 9. he rebuked the Red sea, and it was d. up ofi.lO. his watchmen are blind, they are all t/.dogs Jude 9. he d. not bring ag. him a railing accusation
l<a. .5. 13. and their multitude d. up with thirst Ezek. 3.26. be rf. and shalt not be to them a reprover Dusr.
Jy. 5. the river shall be wasted and d. up 24.27. thou shalt speak, and be no more d. The Hebrews, when thty mourned, put dust or
6. the brooksof defence shal' be emptied and rf.up 33. 22. my mouth wa.> opened, and was no more d.
I ashes «/wn their heads. Josh. 7. 6, Joshua and
51. 10. art thou not it which hath d. the sear Caji.lO.lS.I set my face to the ground, I became rf. the elders of Israel put dust upon their heads.
Jer. 13. 10. pleasant places of wilderness are d. up Hab. 2. 18. lrust.;t£i therein, to make Lim d. idols In their ajiictions Ihey sat down in the dust,
50. 38. upon her waters, and they shall be d. up 19. woe to him tb.'it saith to the d. stone, arise and threw themselves vith their faces upon the
£««X-. 17.24. shall know that I have</. up green tree Mat. o. 32. they brought to him a d. man possessed ground. Lam. 3. 29, He putteth his mouth in
.9. 12. and the east wind d. up bcr fruit 33. devil was cast out, the d, spake, Luke 11. 14. ilie dust, if so be there may be hope. Isa. 47.
.37. 11. they S3}', our bones are d. and hope is lost 12. 22. one blind and d, and he healed him 1, Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin
Iloi. 9. 16. their root isrf. up,they shailbearno fruit 15. 30. having with them those that were blind, d. daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground, "jn
13. 15. and his fountain shall be d. up 31. the multitude wondered, when they saw the d. Acts 22. 23. some of the Jews, in the height
Joel 1. 10. the new wine is d. up, the oillanguisheth speak, and the blind to see, Mark 7. 3*. their rage, threw dust into the air, as tt u:ere
12. the vine isd. up 20. rivers of water are d. up Mark 9. 17. brought my son who hath a d. spirit
|| 10 shew that they would reduce to pouder the
£ec/i. 11. 17. his arm shall be clean d. up io. thou d. spirit, 1 charge thee come out of him apostle Paul, whom they had taken in tk*
JUari 5. 29. the fountain of her blood was d. up Luke 1.20. bchold,thou shalt be rf.unti! the day that temple.
LI. 20. they saw the fig-tree d. up from the roots Acts 8. 32. and like a lamb d, before his shearer The dust denotes likewise the grave and death.
Hev. 14. t 15. for the harvest of the earth is d. 1 Cor. 12. 2. carried away to these d. idols, even as Gen. 3. 19, Dust thou art, and to dust thou
16. 12. the water of Euphrates was d. up 2 Pet. 2. 16. the d. ass speaking with man's voice shalt return. Job 7. 21, For now shjU 1 sleep
DRlEDSr. DUNG. in the dust. Psal. 22. 15, Ihou hast brought
Psal. 74. 15. the flood, thou d. up mighty rivers By dung is represented any ihin^ that is nau- me into the dust of death. The dust signifies
DRIETH. seous, or loathsome, as the carcases of the dead, likewise a multitude. Gen. 13. I6, 1 will
Joi 14. 1 1. and as the flood decayeth and d. up Jer. 8. 2.
9. 22. The wicked man, says Job, make thy seed as the dust of the earth. Ami
Pro!\ 17. 22. but a broken spirit d. the bones .•ihall perish for ever, like his own dung, Job Balaam, upon the sight of the Israelitish fam//,
JVWj. 1.4. L. makes the sea dry, and d. up all rivers 20.7. which men cast a-xay with contempt, says. Who can count the dust oi Jacob ! Num.
DRY-SHOD, and abhorrence. To spread dung upon the 23. 10. This vast multitude of the Israelites,
/ra.ll. 15. shall smite river, and make men go d.-s/i. face, expresses the greatest contempt, under- who are as numerous as the dust. And in
DUE, DUE. value, and scorn. Mai. 2. 3, I will spread Psal. 78. 27, He rained flesh also upon them
Lev. 10.13. because it is thy d. and thy son's d. 14. dung upon your faces, even the dung of as dust
: a g'eat multitude of quails, as if then
De7il. 18.3. this shall be the priest's d. from people your solemn feasts. / will pour disgrace were dust.
1 C/ir. 15. 13. we sought him not after the d. order and contempt upon yo7i, and reject your Dust signifies a most low and miserable condition.
16. 2y. the glory d. to his name,P/a/.2y.2. |
96.8. persons and sacrijices, with as much contempt ar, 1 .Sam. 2. 8, God raiseth up the poor out of
NtA. 11. ti. a portion for singers, d. forevery day if I took the dung of those sacrifices and thre-ji it the dust. Sah. 3. 18, Thy nobles shall dwell
Prov.3.27. withhold not from them to whom it is d. in your faces. The apostle Paul savs, Phil. 3. in the dust
: They shall be reduced to a mean
Mat. 18.34. till he should pay all that was d. to him 8. I count all things but dung, that I may win conditiiin. Our Huviour commands his disciples
£,uke S3. 41. we receive the d. reward of our deeds Christ. All things, without Christ, are as dung, to shake the dust ofl their feet against those
liom. 1.3. 7. render tribute to whom tribute is d. •ilterly insufficient to procure our pardon and who would not hearken to them, nor receive
DUE benevolence. acceptance with God, them. Mat. 10. 14. Luke<), 5. to she.i thereby,
1 Cor. 7. 3. let the husband render to the wife d. b. Dove's Dung
; see on Dove. that they desire la have no commerce with
DUE season. Eiod. 29. 14. but the flesh, skin, and d, shalt thou them ; that they abhor every thing belonging
Lev. 26.4. 1 will give you rain in d. s. Deut.ll.H. burn. Lev. 4. 11.
| 8. 17.
l6.27. jV«m. I9. 5. to them; and that ihey give them up to their
Aum. 28. 2. observe to offer to me in their d. season 1 Kings 14.10. take away, as a man taketh away d. misery and hardness. Dust signifies earthly
Psal, 104. 27. give them their meat in d. s. 145. 15. 2 Kings Q. 25. the fourth part of a cab of doves' d. things, Amos 2. 7.
Prov. 15. 23. a word spoken in d. s. how good is it 9. 37. carcase of Jezebel shall be as d. in the field Gen. 3. 14. J. shalt thou eat all the daysof ihj life
£ccl. 10. 17. when thy princes eat in d. senson 18. 27. that they may ent their own rf. Isa. 3().12. 19. d. thou art, and untorf. shalt thou return
Mai. 24. 45. to give them meat in d. s. Lule 12.42 Job 20. 7. yet he shall perish forever like hisown d. 13. 16. so that if a man can number the rf. of earlh
Gal. 6. 9. in d. season we shall reap if we faint not Psal. 83. 10. they became as d. for the earth 18. 27. to speak to Lord, who am but d. and ashei
DUE time. Isa. 5. i 25. their carcases were as d. Jer. 9. 2C. Eiod. 8. 16. say to Aaron, smite the d. of the land
Venl. 32. 35. their foot shall slide in d. time J(r.8.2.they shall be for d. on the face of the earth 17. for Aaron smote the d, of the earth
Rom. 5. 6. in d. lime Christ died for the ungodly 16. 4. they shall be .is d. 25. 33, they shall be d.
|| 9. 9. it shall become small d. in all the Icjid
1 Cor, 15.8. seen of me, as of one born out of d.time Ezek, 4. 12. bake it with d. that cometh from mwi Lev. 1 i. 41. shall pour out the d. they scrape off
1 Tim, 2.6. a ransom, to be testified in d. time 15. lo, 1 have given thee cow's d. for man's d. 17. 13. pour out the blood, and cover it with d.
Til, 1. 3. but hath in d, time manifested his word Zcph. 1. 17. and the'r flesh shall be as the d. Xiim. 19. t 17. take of the d. of the burnt hc.ler
1 Pet. 5. 6. that he may exalt you in d. time Mai. 2.3. I will corrupt your seed, and .-.pread rf.on 23. 10. who can count the d. of Jacob ?
DUES. your faces, even the d. of your solemn feasts Dent. 9.21. 1 cast the d. into brook, 2 Kings 23. IC
Rom, 13. 7. render therefore to all their d. tribute Phil. 3 8. I do count all things but win Christ 28. 24. Lord shall make the rain of thy land rf
DUKE. DUNG, Verb. Josh. 7. 6. and the elders put d. on their heads
Gen. 36.40. d. Alvah, d. Jetheth, 1 Cliron. 1. 51. Luke 13. 0. let it alo-;e, till I dig about it, and d, it 2 Sum, 16. 13. .Shimei ( urscd David, and cast d.
DUKES. DUNG-GATE. 1 Kings 18.38. the fire of the Lord consumed the rf.

Gen. 36. 15. these were d, of the sons of Esau, ig. .V«/i.3.13.IIanun repaired valley-gate to the d.-gaie 20.U).if tlie </.of Samaria shall surtice for handful*
21. these are the d. of the Ilorites, 29. 14 buttherf.-j. repaired Malchiason of Rechab 2 C/iron. 34.4. Josiah made d. of the images
£iod. 15. 15. then the d. of Edom shall be amazed 12. 31. one company went on wall toward d.--ate Job 2. 12. they sprinkled d. upon their heads
Juih. 13.21. llur, and Heba, which were d. of Sihon DrNGllILL. 7-5. my flesh isclothed with worms .ind clodsof 1/.
DULCIMER. 1 Sam. 2. 8. helifteth up beggar from d. Ps. 113. 7. 10. 9. and wilt thou bring me into d. again ^
Dan. 3. 5. flute, d. and all kind.s of music, 10, 15. Ezra 6.11. let his house be made a d. for this 28. t 2. iron is taken out of d. and brass molten
DULL. Isa. 25. 10. even as straw is trodden down for the d. 6. as for the earth, it hath d. of gold
Mat. 13. 15. this people's heart is waxed gross, and Han. 2. 5. and your houses sh.-iU be made a d. 34. 15. all (lesh perish, man sh.-iU turn again to d
their ears are d. of hearing, /.cis 28. 27. 3. 29. their houses shall be made a d. because 38. .'iU. when the d groweth into hardiies.i
Htb. 5.11. hard to utter, seeing ye are r'. of hearing Luke 14. 35. unsavoury salt is not fit for land or d. 42. 6. abhor myself, and repent in 1/. and ashes

DUMB DUNGHILLS. I'sal. 22. 15. thou hast brought me into the d.
Is taken (1) I'ur one that cannot speak for 7iiant Lam. 4. 5. were brought up ia scarlet, embrace d. .iO. 9. shall rf. praise thee,shall 11 declare thy truth '

cf natural abililti ; Exod. 4. 11, Who make;h DUNGY. 72. 9. and his enemies shall lick the d.
the dumb, or deaf, or blind ? have not I the On;/. 29. 1 17. ye have seen </. gods, wood and stone 78. 27. he rained flesh also upon them as J.
Lord ? (2) Por 07ie that cannot speak to, and DUNG- PORT. 102. U. thy servants favour the d. thereof
leach others, for lack of grace and knouled^e ; AV/i.2.13.Nehcmi.ih went to the d.-port and viewed I'V). 14. he remenibereth that we are d.

Isa. 56. 10, His watcnmen are ignorant, they DUNGEON. I'.ccl. 12. 7. then shal! the 1/. return to the eart^
are dumb dogs, they cannot bark. (3) lor Cen. 40. 15. that they should put me into the d. Isa. 2 1 '9. go into the caves of the </. for fe^
one that aill not speak, lliou!;h he can, being U. 14. they brought Joseph hastily out of tlie d. 34. ;. Iheir d, shall be made fat with fatness
tuhmisstve and silent under the dispensations Exod. 12. 29. to the first-born of the captive in d. y. the d. thereof shall be turned into brimstonu
of Ood's piovidence ; I'sal. 39. 9, I was dumb, /.(a.24.t22. shall be gathered as prisoners in the ii". 40. 12. who hath comprehended the d. of earth :

J opened not my mouth, because thou didst it. Jer.

3". 16. when .leremiah was entered into the d. 49. 21. they shall lick up the d, of thy ''eet
C4) Por such as cannot speak i» their own 38. (i. they cast him into d, was no waier in d. 9. 52. .'. shake thyself from the d. O Jerusalem
came, either '.hroit^h ignorance md iiftrmi'y, 10. take up Jeremiah nut of the d. before ho die 05. 25. and d. .shall be the serpent's meat
or because <j/ the drttut of their wore potent 11. le: tacm down by cords into tUe^.'.o Jeremiah Lu/«.S.10.have cast J. on their heads. /.ifi.2V.30,
and dwell among us. (2) Uisspiritual Isa. 26. 5. he bringeth down them that rf. on high
7. shf poureil it not, to cover it witb d.
Em*. U. Eph. 3. 17, 'That 19. awake jind sing, ye that rf. in the dust
will also scrape her d. I'rom her abode in every faithful soul.
Sfl. 4. I
Christ may 'dwell in your hearts by faith. 30. 19. the people shall rf. in Zion at Jerusalem
10. by his horses, their d. shall cover thee
Christ dwells %n his people by his merit to 32. 16. then judgment shall rf. in the wilderaesa
Jimos i. 7. thatpant after the d. of the earth
justify them ; by his grace and Spirit to renew 18. my
people rf. in a pejiceful habitation
JUic. 7. 17. they shall lick the d. like a serpent
and purify them ; by his power to keep them 33.14. who among us shall rf. with devouring fire .'

JV'u*. 1. 3. and the cloads are the d. of his feet


by his wisdom to lead and instruct them , and who shall rf. with everlasting burnings^
JIai. 1. 10. for they shall heap d. and take it
by his communion and compassion to share with 16. he shall rf. on high, his place of defence
Mai. IC. 14. wheT ye departout of that city, shake
them in ail their troubles. 21. the people that rf. therein shall be forgiven
off the d. of your feet, AfariG. 1\. Luie').5.
[3] (f the Holy Ghost, who dwells in the soul by 34. 11. the owl and the raven shall rf. in it
I.ukt 10. 11. eventh«rf. of your city we do wipe off
his gracious operations, working faith, love, and 40. 22. he spreadeth them out as a tent to rf. in
.icli 13. 51. they shook off the d. of their feet
other graces therein. Rom. 8. 9, But ye are 49. 20. give place to m« that I may rf.
22. 23. and as they threw d. into the air
JUv. 18. 19. they cast d. on their heads, and cried not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that 58. 12. shall be called the restorer of paths to rf. ia
Aj tht DUST. the Spirit of God dwell in you. 65. 9. and my
servants shall rf. there
Jer. 29. 32. Shemaiah shall not have a man to rf.
Gen. 13.16.1 give thee the land, and make thy
»-ill [4] Of the word of God, which may be said tc
dwell in a person, -.ihen it is diligently studied, 31. 24. there shall rf. in Judah husbandmen
iitAasihe d. of the earth, 28. 14. 'ZChron. 1. y.
Jirmly believed, and carefully practised. Col. 3. 35. 7. but all your days ye shall rf. in tents
Dtut. 9. 21. 1 stamped the calf small as the d.
16, Let the word of God dwell richly in you 40. 5. and rf. with him among the people
2 Sam. 22.43.1 heat them as small as d. Ps. 18.42.
in all wisdoia. 10. I will rf. at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans
Joi 22. 24. then shall thou lay up gold as llted.
[5] Of Satan, who dwells in wicked men, when he 42.14. we will go into Egypt, and there will we rf.
27. lO. though he heap up silver as the d.
Jills them with farther degrees of error, malice, 44. 14. they have a desire to return to rf. there
Jia. 5. 24. and their blossom shall po up as d.
40. 15. the nations as the small d. of the balance blasphemy, impenitence, and blindness ; there- 49. 8. flee ye, rf. deep, O
inhabitants of Dedaa
by making them highly wicked, and worse and 18. nor shall a son of man rf. in it, 33. 50. 40.
41.2. he gave them as the d. to his sword |

worse daily. Mat. 12. 45. 31. which rf. alone 51.1. that rf. in midst of them
Ztph. 1. 17. their blood shall be poured out asd. II

Ztch. U. S. and TTrus heaped up silver as the d. the godly, who are said to dwell in Ood, Ezek. 2. 6. and thou dost rf. among scorpions
[6] Of
'in the DLST. 1 John 3. 24. They have most intimate union 16. 46. she and her daughters rf. at thy left hand
and communii'n with God in Christ. 43. 7. where I will rf. in the midst of Israel fur
Jti 4. 19. on them, whose foundation is in the d.
7.21. now shall I sleep in the d. thou shalt seek Gen. 9. 27. Japhet shall d. in the tents of Shem ever, 9. Zech. 2. 10, 11.
presence of his brethren Hos. 12. 9' I will make thee lo rf. in tabernacles
]fi. 15. and I have defiled my horn in the d. Irt. 12. he shall d. iu the
ly. 30. Lot went up, for he feared tod. in Zoar 14. 7. they that rf. under his shadow shall rptiirn
17. 16. when our rest together is i> the d.
20. 11. which shall lie down with him in the d. 20. 15. behold my land, d. where it pleoseth thee Joel 3.20. but Judah shall rf. for ever, and Jerusal.
21. 26. they shall lie down alike in the d. 24.3. daughters of Canaanites, amongst whom 1 d. imos 3.12.Isr.shall be taken out that Samaria
."ly. 14. leaveth eggs, andwarmeth them in the d 3i. 10. land before you, rf. and trade you thereiu Mid. 10. thou shalt rf. in the field, go to Babylon
16. we will d. with you, and become one people 7- 14. the flock which rf. solitary in the wood
40. 13. hide them in f/ie if. together, ajid bind
J'sal. 7. 5. let the enemy lay mine honour in the d. 35. 1. arise, go up to Beth-el, and rf. there Nah. 3. IB. O Assyria, thy nobles shall rf. in dust
Jta. 2. 10. hide thee in the d. for fear of the Lord Eiod. 2. 21. ^loses was content to rf. with the man Hag. 1. 4. is it time to rf. in your ceiled houses?
25. 8. that may amongst them, 29. 4(). Zech. 8. 4. old men and women shall rf. in Jerusal.
26. 19. awake and sing, ye that dwell in the d. I rf.

20. 45. I will rf. amongst the children of Israel 9. 6. and a bastard shall rf. in Ashdod
47. 1. come down and sit in the d. O virgin
mouth Lev. the unclean shall rf. alone 14. 11. shall be inhabited, and men shall rf. in it
Lam. 3. Cy. he putteth his in the d. if so b« ll. 46.
.'l/af.12.45. they enter in and rf. there, Luke^ 11.26.
Van. 12. 2. many that sleep in the d. shall awake 23.42. ye shall rf. in booths, 43. Neh.8. 14.
Mic. 1. 10. weep not at all, roll thyself i7i the i. S'um. 5. 3. their camps, iu the midst whereof I rf. Luke'Zl. 35. as a snare shall it come on ail thera
23. y. lo, the people shadl rf. alone, not be reckoned that rf. on face of the whole earth. Acts 17. '.i6.
Hah. 3. 18. thy nobles shall dwell in the d.
Like the DUST. 32. 17. our little ones shall rf. in fenced cities .icts 7. 4. he removed into land wherein ye now rf.
35. 2. that they give to the Levites, cities to rf. in, 28. 16. Paul wais suffered lo rf. by himself
S Kinfs 13.7. make them Hke the d. by threshing
laa. 29. 5. the multitude of thv strangers be /i/» d. and suburbs round, 3. Josh. 14. 4. 21.2. Horn. 8. 9. if so be the Spirit of God rf. in you, 11.

34. I the Lord rf. among the children of C(". 7. 12. and she be pleased to rf. \vith him
Of the DUST. Israel 1

Cen. 2. 7. Lord formed m^nofthed. pf the ground Deux. 12. 11. tocause his name rf. there, Etra ti.l2. 2 Coi 6. 16. as God hath said, I will rf. in theui
iS'imi. 5. 17. priest shall take rf the rf.inthe tabern. 23. 16. the servant escaped shall rf. with thee £/'/'.3.17.that Christ may your hearts by fait!.
Veut. 32.24.1 will send poison of serpents <i/'M« d. 33. 12. he shall rf. between his shoulders Col. 1. 19. Father that in him should all fulness rf.
1 .SViCT.2.8.he raiseth poor out of the d. Psat. 113.7. Josh. 9. 7- peradventure ye rf. among us, 22. 3. 16. let the word of Christ rf. in you richly
1 hin^i 16.2.1 exalted thee out 0/ the d. and made 20.6. he shall rf. in that city, till he stand before 1 Pet. 3. 7. likewise, ye husbands, rf. with itiem

Jt>i 5.6. affliction comcthnot forth of the d 24. 13. cities ye built not, and ye rf. in them IJohni. 13. hereby know we that we him
14.19. washest away things that grow out of the /. Jtidg. 9. 41. that Gaal should not rf. in Shechem Rev. 7. 15. he that sitteth on the throne shall rf.
I'rov. 8. 26. nor highest part of the d. of the world 17. 10. Micah said to the LeWte, rf. with me 12.12. rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that rf. in them
Ecct. 3. 20. all go to one place, all are of the d. 1 Sam. 27. 5. that I may rf. there, for why should 13. 6. and against them that rf. iu heaven
Jsa. 29. 4. thy speech shall be low out the d. thy servant in the royal city with thee '
21. 3. is with men, and he will rf. with them
of rf.

To the DUST. 1 Kings 6.13. 1 will rf. among the children of Israel DWELL with earth.
Psal. 22. 29. all that go down to the d. shall bow 8. 12. he would rf. in thick darkness, 2 Chr. 6. 1. 1 KingsS. 27. will God rf. on earth.' 2 Chr. 6 18.
41. 25. for our soul is bowed down to the d. 17. 9. get thee to Zarephath, and rf. there Dan. 4. 1. language that rf. in all the earin, 6. xi.
Iih4. 2y. they die and return to their d. 2 kings 4.13. she answered, I rf. among own people Rev. 3. 10. to try them that rf. 00 the earth
liy. 25. my soul cleaveth to the d. quicken me 17. 27. let them go and rf. there, let him teach 6. 10. avenge our blood on them that rf. on earth
led. 3. 20. all are of ihe d. and all turn to d. again Ezra 10. t 10. ye have caused to rf. strange wives, 11. 10. they that rf. on the earth shall rejoice
Jsa. 25. 12. he shall bring the fortress to the d. to increase the trespassof Israel, Nch. 13.+ 23. 13. 8. all that rf. on the earth shall worship
26. 5. lie bringcth the lofty city even to the d. Job 3. 5. let a cloud rf. upon it, let blackness of day 14. and deceiveth them that rf. on the earth
DUSTED. 11. 14. let not wickedness rf. in thy tabernacle 14. 6. to preach to them that rf. on the earth
t Sai7J.l6.tl3.Shimei threw stones and d. with dust 18. 15. shall rf.inhis tabemacle,because none of his 17. 8. they that rf. on the earth shall wonder
DUTY'. ."50. 6. to rf. in the clifts of the valleys, in caves DWELL with house. her rf.of marriage shall he not diminish Psal. 5. 4. neither shall evil rf. with thee Deut. 28. 30. shall build an house, and shalt not rf.
Deul. 25. 5. shall perform d. of a husband's brother 15. 1. Lord, who shall rf. in thy holy hill ? therein, plant vineyard, not gather, Amos 5. 11.
7. will not perform the d. of my husband's brother 16. + 9. my flesh shall rf. in confidence 2 Sam. 7. 2. I rf. in 3. house of cedar, 1 Chr. I7. 1.
2 CAn)n.8.14.asrf. of everyday req\iired, EzraZA. 25.1.'t. his soul shall ease, and his seed inherit 5. shall build me an house to rf. in, 1 Chr. 17. 1.
Eecl. 12. 13. for this is tie whole d. of maa .'i7. 27. depart from evil, and rf. for evermore 1 Kings 2.36. build houie in Jerusalem and rf. there

/.i(*«17.10.wehave done thatwhich wasour^.todo 65. 4. to approach, that he may rf. in thy courts 3. 17.0 my lord, I and this woman rf. in one house

llom. 15. 27. their d. is to minister in carnal things 8. they also thatrf. in the uttermost parts of earth 8. 13. I have surely built thee an house to rf. in
DUTIES. 6it. 16. this is the hill which God desireth torf. in, 2 Chron. 8. 1 wife shall not rf. in house of David

Eiek. 18. 11. if he beget a son that doth not those d. yea the Lord will rf. in it for ever and ever Job 4. 19. much less them that rf. in houses of clay
DWARF. 18. tnat the Lord might rf. among th«m 19. 15. they that rf. in my /iokj* count meastranger
I.«r.21.20.a(/. shall not come nigh to offer offerings 6y. 35. will build Judah that they may rf. there Psal.Q:i .6. 1 will rf. in the house of the Lord for ever
DWELL. 72. y. they that rf. in the wilderness shall bow 27. 4. that I may rf. in t'he house of the Lord
To dwell signifies to abide in, to inhaiit, to have a 78. 55. and made Israel to rf. in their tents 84. 4. blessed are they that rf. in thy house
fixed reiidence in a place. Num. 33. 53. Psal. 84. 10. than to rf. in the tents of wickedness 101. 7- worketh deceit, shall not rf. in my house
Homelimes it is taken for sojournin;:, 101.6. on the faithful, that they may rf. with me 1 13. t 9' be maketh the barren to rf. in an hvua
78. 55.
Heb. 11. 9, uhere it is said, that Abraham 107. 4. they wandered, they found no city to rf. in /'rnf.21 .9. better rf. in the corner of a house, 25. 24
dwelt in tabernacles; that is, sojourned ; for 36. and there he maketh the hungry to rf. Jer. 20. 6. all that rf. in thy house go to captivity
he had no fixed abode in the land of Canaan. 113. t 5. like the Lord whoexalteth himself to rf, 2y. 5. build ye houses, and rf. in them, 28.
It is spoken [1] Of God, -.iho is said to dwell 120. 5. woe is me, that I rf. in the tents of K( dar 35.y.not to build houses for us lo vineyard
iu the heavens, Psal. 123. 1. He hath a cer- 132. 14. my rest, here will I rf.for I have desired it DWELL with Jerusalem.
tain and (glorious place inhere he resideth, eirn 139. 9. if I rf. in uttermost parts of the sea 1 Chr 23. 25. that ye may rf. iu Jerusalem for ever

Ihe highest heaiens, ahere he is clothed tcilh 140. IS. the upright shall rf. in thy presence Neh. 11.1. to bring one of ten torf. in Jerusalem
infinite power and majesty, and from t^hence he 143. 3. he hath made me to rf. in darkness 2. willingly offered themselves torf. axJcrusaUm
ht'ioldcth and governeth this lower world and Pror. 1. 33. whoso hearkeneth to me shall rf. safely Jer.33. 16. Judah saved,andJenua/<m shall rf.safely
all that is in it. His gracious presence with 8. 12. I wisdom rf. with prudence and find out 35. U
for fear of Chaldeans so we rf. at Jerusaler/t

his people on earth is signified by dwelling with 21. t 7. robbery of the wicked shall rf. with them Zech. 8. 3. and I will rf. in the midst of Jeru^alens
them. Fsat. 9. U, Sing praises to the Lord 19. it is better to rf. in wilderness, than with 8. and they shall rf. in the midst of Jerusalem
•who dwelleth in Zion: where the ark was,7ihich Isa. 6. 5. I rf. in midst of a people of unclean lips ActsQ. 14. and all ye that rf. at Jerusalem
teas the symbol af his special and gracious pre- 11.6. th« wolf also shall rf. with the lamb 4. 16. is manifest to all them that rf. in JerusaUnt
tence. And ir Isa. 57. 15, I dwell with him 13. SI. owls shall rf. there, satyrs shall dance there 13. 27. they that Jerusal. have condemned hioi
that is of a contrite and humble .spirit. 16. 4. let mine outcasts rf. with thee, Moab DWELL with land.
[2'iOf Christ, eigmf^tng, (1) }lis manifestation 23. 18. merchandise for them that rf. before the Ld. Gen. 84.37. of the Canaanite* in whose land I i
Ut ilnfletk John 1. 14, The Wobu wu
made S4. 6. the/ that d. thenio are dewlate 86. S. 4. in the Itnd which I shall tell thee of
G<» 3i.?l.letthem J.inlhe land, and trade therein Psal. 123. 1. O
thou that d. in the heavens /<r. 51. 37. Babylon shall become s.d.p\axe fnrdrag.
45. 10. and thou shalt d. in the land of Goshen Cant. 8. 13. thou that d. in the Hardens Ezei. 6.6. in all your d. places the cities laid waste
4f). 3i. that ye may d. in the landoi Goshen /ja.l0.24.Omy people that d. in Zion,be not afraid 37. 83. I will save them out of all their d. places
47. 6. in the latid of Goshen let them d. 47. 8. hear now this, thou that d. carelessly 38. 11. all of lhem</. without walls, bars, norgates
fc'j(irf.8.22.the land of Goshen, in which my peopled. Jer. 49. 16. O thou that d. in the clefts, U6ad. 3. Joel 3. 17. that I am the Lord your God d. in ZioB
2'}. 3.'?. they shall not d. in thy land, lest they 51. 13. O thou that d. upon many waters Hab.l .6. to possess the d. places that are not theirs
Lev. 25. 18. and ye shall d. in the layid in safety Z.a/n.4 .2 1.0 daughter of Edom, that landof l.'z Zeph. 3. 7. so their d. should not be cut off
26. 5. ye shall eat and d. in your land safely Ezei. 7- 7. thou that d. in the land, time is come .Ids 2. 5. there were d. at Jerus. Jews,devout men
Kum. 13. 19. and what the land is that they d. in 12. 2. thou d. in the midst of a rebellious house 19. 17. was known to the Greeks, d. at Ephesus
Mic. 1. + 11. pass ye away, thou that d. fairly 1 Cor. 4. 11. are naked, and have no certain d. place
35. 34. defile not the land wherein I d.
i^ech. 2.7. that d. with the daughter of Babylon 1 Tim. 6. 16. d. in the light no man can approacb
Deut. 12.10. d. in the land which the L. giveth you
30.20. that thou mayest d. in the land Lord sware John 1. 38. they said, Master, where d. thou :•
lief). 11. 9. (/. in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob

JojA. 17. 12. could not drive them out, but the Ca- Rev. 2. 13. I know thv works, and where thou d. Pel. 2. 8. Lot, that righteous man, d. among them
naanites would d. in that land, Judg. 1. 27. DWELLETII. DWELLINGS.
24. 15. the gods in whose land ye d. Judg. 6. 10. Lev. 16, 16. the tabernacle that d. among them
t Etod. 10. 23. all the children of Isr. had light in d.
2 A'ini»,t25. 24. fear not.rf. in land, /tr. 25.5. 40.9-
19. 34. but the stranger that d. with you shall be Lev. 3. 17. it shall be a perpetual statute tlirough-
P.ial. 37. 3. do pood, so shalt thou d. in the land 25. 39. if thy brother that d. by thee be poor, 47. out all your d. 23. 14. Sum. 35. 29.
68. 6. but the rebellious d. in a dry land Deut, 33. 20. God d. as a lion, and teareth the arm 7. 26. ye shall eat no blood in any of your d.
85. y. salvation near, that glory may d. in out land Josh. 6.25. Uahab d. in Israel even to this day 23. 3. ye shall do no work in all your d. 31.
Prov. 2. 21. forlhe uprii;lit shall d. in the land 22. 19. wherein the Lord's tabernacle d. Job 18. 19. shall not have any remaining in his 1/.
ha. 9. 2. that d. in laytd of the shadow of death 1 Sam. 4. 4. the ark of covenant of Lord, who d. 21. surely such are the d. of the wicked
Jer. 23. 8. they shall d. in their own land, 27. U. between cherubims, 2 Sam. 6. 2. 1 Chron. 13. 6. 39. 6. I have made the barren land his d.
24. 8. that d. in the land of Egypt, 44. 1, 8, 13, 2(). 2 Sam. 7. 2. but the ark d, within curtains Pial. 55. 15. for wickedness is in their d.
35.15. ye shall d. in the land, J,':<A-.3fi.28. |
37-25. 1 Chron. 23. t 25. the Lord d. in Jerusalem for ever 87. 2. gates of i^ion, more than all the d. of Jacob
42. 13. if ye say, we will not d. in this land Job 15. 28. he d. in desolate cities, and in houses Isa. 32. 18. people shall dwell in sure d. my
43. 4. obeyed not L. torf. inthe/un</ of Judah,5. 38. 19. where is the way where light d T Jer. 9- 19- because our d. have cast us out
.50. 3. make the /fl«rf desolate, none shall rf. therein 39. 28. she d. and abideth on the rock Ezei. 25. 4. men of the east make their d. in thee
EzcK. i". 2"5. then shall they d. in their land Psal. 9. 11. sing praises to the Lord who d. in Zion Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be d. for shepherds
38. 12. the people that d. in the midst of the land 26. 8. Lord, I loved the place where thine honour d. DWELT.
lios. 9. 3. they shall not d. in the Lord's land 91.1. he that</. in the secret place of the most High Goi. 11.2. and they (/. there, 31. 26. 17.2 Kings |

Hao.Z.S. for the violence of land, and all that d.17. 11 3. 5. who is like the Lord our G.who d. on high 16. 6. 1 Chron. 4. 43.2 Chron. 28. 13.

^eyA. 1.18. make a riddance of all thd.\ the land 135. 21. blessed be the Lord who d. at Jerusalem 23. 10. Ephron d. among the children of Heth
DWELL whh place. Prov. 3.29. seeing he d. securely by thee £eD.18.3. the doings of Egypt wherein ye d. not do
Exod. 15. 17. in the y/ace thou hast made to d. in Isa. 8. 18. from the Lord, who d. in mount Zion i\'um, 31. 10. wherein they d. 2 Kings 17- 29.
1 Kings 13. 11. d. an old prophet in Beth-el, 25.
1 Sam. 12. 8. and made them to d. in this ylace 33. 5. the Lord is exalted, for he d. on high
2 Sam. 7.10. they may d. in a place of their own Jer. 44. 2. are a desolation, and no man d. therein Job 29. 25. and I (/. as a king in the army
2 Kmgs 6.1. behold the place where we d, is strait 49. 31 the wealthy nation that d. without care
P.\at. 74. 2. this mount Zion wherein thou ha'it d.

2. let us make us a place where we may d. Lam, 1. 3. Judcih, she d. among the heathen La. 29- 1. woe to Ariel, the city where David d,
1 Chron. 17. 9. and they shall d. in their place Ezek. 16. 46. thy younger sister at thy right hand Jer. 2. 6. led us through a land where no man d,
Ita. 57.15. I d. in the high and holy place 17. 16. where the king d. that made him king 39. 14. so Jeremiah d. among the people
Jer. 7.3. I will cause you to d. in this place, ?• Dan. 2. 22. he revealeth, and the light d. with him Ezek. 3. 15. that d. by *.he river of Chebar
DWELL safely. //oj.4.3.lheland shall mourn, and every one that d. 31. 6. under his shadow d. great nations, 17.
Prov. 1. 33. whoso hearkenetL to me shall d. safely therein shall mourn, Amos 8. 8. 37. 25. the lands wherein your fathers haverf.
/er.23.6.inhis days Judah shall be saved and Israel JoelZ.1\.\ will cleanse their blood, for L.d.inZion lJa7i. 4. 21. under which the beasts of the field d,
shall d. safely, Ezei. 28. 26. 34. 25. 28.
| |
38. 8 Mat. 23. 21 sweareth by it and 'umi that d. therein
. /^f/(/j. 2. 15. this is the rejoicing city that</. carelessly

32. 37. and I will cause them to d. safely John^. 56. drinkethmy blood, <i. in nie,and I in him Lnke 1. 65. fear came on all that </. round about
Ezei. 33. 11. I will go to them at rest that d. safely 14.10.the Fatherthat d. in me, he doeththe works John 1.14. the Word was made flesh and (/.among us
DWELL in safely. 17 -the Spirit, for he d. in you, and shall be in you 39. they came and saw where he </. and abode
Lev. 25. 18. keep my judgments and do them, and Acts 7 .48.rf.not in temples made with hands, 17 24. Acts 13. 17.
. when they d. as strangers in Egypt
ye shall d. in the laud in safely, I9. Dtut. 12. 10 Uom. 7. 17. it is no more I, but sin that d. in me, 20. 22. 12. Ananias having good report of all that d.
Deut. 33. 12. beloved of the Lord shall </. 171 safety 18. I know that in flesh my
d. no good thing 28. 30. Paul d. two years in his own hired house
28. Israel then shall d. in safety alone 8. 11. shall quicken, by nis Spirit that d. in you Rev. 11. 10. tormented them that (/. on the earth
Psal. 4.8. thou, Lord,only makest me to d, in safely 1 Cor. 3. 16. and that the Spirit of God d. in you at. DWELT
DWELL therein, CW. 2. 9. in him d. the fulness of Godhead bodily Gen. 22. 19. and Abraham d. at Beer-sheba
lev. 27. 32. enemies which d. therein be astonished 2 i'lm. 1. 14. keep by the Holy Ghost which us .V»/n.21.34.Amor. which d. at Ileshbon, Deut.Z.i.
A'i/m.l4.30.theland I sware to make you J. therein Jam. 4. 5. the spirit thatrf. in us lusttth to envy J'idg. 9. 41, and Abimelech d. at Arumah
33. 53. and ye shall d. therein, Deut. 11.31. 2 Pet. 3. 13. a new earth wherein d. righteousness 1 AiH5jl5.18.Benhadad(/.(j/ Damascus,2C'/ir.l6^.

Psal. 24. l.the world and they tbat d. therein 1 Jolin 3. 17. how d. the love of God in him r 2 /v(hjj19. 36. Sennacherib Nineveh, /id. 37-^.
24. that keepeth his commandments, </. in him 1 C7(;-.2.55. families of the scribes which Jabez
37. 29. the righteous shall d. therein for ever
69. 36. they that love his name shall rf. therein 4. 12. if we love one another, (Jod d. in us 9- 34- these fathers of the LeviteS(/- at Jerusalcn
107.34. for wickedn. of them that (/.//i. Jer. 12. 4. 15.confess that Jesus is Son of God, God rf.iiihini Arts 9. 22. Saul confounded Jews that d. at Damas.
Isa. 24. 6. they that rf. th. are desolate, Amos^. 5. 16. he that d. in love,(/. in God, andGodin him 32. Peter came to the saints who d. at Lydda.
33.24. people that</. therein are forgiven iniquity 2 John 2. for the truth's sake which d. in us IK. DWELT
34. 17. from general. to generat. shall they d.therein Rev. 2. 13. was slain among you, where Satan d. Kum. 20. 15. and we have d. iit Egypt a long lime
?>l. 6. they that d. therein shall die in like manner DWELLING, .iidslantiie. 21. 31. thus Israel d. in the land of the Amorites
Jer. 4. 29. city forsaken, and not a man d. therein Gen. C7. 39. thy d. shall be the fatness of the earth Deut.^ their stead, 21, 22, 23. 1 Chr. 5.22.
8. 16. devoured the city, and all that d. therein 2 Kings 17. 25. at the beginning of their d. there 33. 16. the good will of him that d. the !)usli m
12. 4. for the v/ickedness of them that d. t!.ereitt 2 Chr. 6.2.1 have built a place for thy d. for ever Jiidg. 8. 11. by the way of them that d. in tents
All. 2. overtlow the land and them that d. therein Ps. 4914. shall consume in the grave from their rf. 29. Jerubbaal went and d. in his own house
48. 9- Ae cities desolate without any to d. therein 91. 10. nor shall any plague come nigh thy d. 1 >v//n. 19. 18. David and Samuel d. in Naiolh

5O.39.the wild beasts and the owls shall d. therein Prov. 21. 20. there is oil in the </. of the wise 31.7. Philistines came and (/. in them, 1 Chr.^O.^,.
F.zek. 12. 19. the violence of them that d. therein 24. 15. lay not wait against the d. of the righteous 2 6'a/«.7.6.wherea5 I have not any house since
32. 15. when 1 shall smite them that d. therein Jcf .49-33. II azor shall be a (/.for dragons and desol. I brought Israel out of Egypt, 1 Chr. 17.5.

37. 25. they and their children shall d. therein IJan. 2.11. the gods, whose d. is not with flesh 9. 12. all that(/. i;i the house of Ziba were servanti
Mic.7. 13. desolate, because of them that d. therein 4. 25. thy d. shall be with the beasts, 32. 5- 21. 14- 2B- Absalom d. two full years in .lerusalem

iVo/(. 1.5. yea, the world is burnt, and all that d. ih. Aa/(. 2. 11. where is the d. of the lions ? 1 Kings Q.3S. Shimei d. in Jerusalem many days

Acts 1. 20. his habitation, let no man d. therein Mark 5. 3. who had his d. among the tombs 12. 2. Jerob. was lied from Solomon, d. 111 Egypt
DWELL together. DWELLING. 2 Kings 13. 5. Israeli/, in their tents as aforetime
0«M.13.6.that they might substance Gen. 25- 27. Jacob was a plain man, d. in tents
rf.r«5e'/A?r,their 15. 5. Ahaziahi/. in a several house, 2 CAr. 26.21.
was great, so tliat they could not d. together .'iO. 1 20. and she called his name, d. 22. 14. Huldah the prophetess, wife of Shallum,
36. 7. riches more thain that they might d. tmiether Lev. 25. 29. if any man sell a d. house in a city (/. i« Jerusalem, in the college, 2 Chron. 34. 82.

Dent. 25. 5. u brethren d. together, and one die i\um. 24. 21. and he said, strong is thy </. place 1 Chron. 4. 41- these came, and d. in their rooms
Psal. 133. 1. for brethren to d. together in unity 1 Kings 8. 30. hear thou in heaven thy (/.place.when 5. 10. the Ilagarite* fell, and they (/. i« their tents
DWELLED. hearest forgive, 39. 43,49. 2 C/(r. 6.21,30,39. 8. 28.were chief men, these d. in Jerus.-ileiu
Gen. 13.7. the Perizziie d. then in the land 2 Chr. 30. 27 their prayer came up to his holy (/.
. 11.7. and David d. in the castle, 2 Sam. 5. t,-.
12. Abram (/.ill the land of Canaan, Lotrf. in the 3'i. 15. the Lord hath compassion on his d. place E-.ra'Z. 70. the priests, the Levitcs, and the Nctbi
cities of the plain, and pitched toward Sodom Joh 8. 22. the d. place of the wicked come to nought nims, d. in their cities, Neh. 3. 26. U. 2t

20.1. and Abraham d. between Kadesli and .Shur 21. 28. where are the d. places of the wicked iVt7i.7-73.Nethinimsandall Israel d. in their cities
Ruth I. 4. and they d. there about ten years Psal. 49. 11. and their d. places to all generations Job 22. 8. and the honourable men (/. im it
1 Sam. 12. 11. God delivered you, ai\d ye d. safe 52. 5. (Jod shall pluck thee out of thy d. I'sol. \)i. 17. my soul had almost d. in silence

DWELLER. 74. 7. by casting down the d. pl:ice of thy name ha. 13. 20. shall never be inhabited, nor shall it ba
</. in Irom generation to generation, Jer. 50. 39
Psal. 69. t 25. let there not be a d. in their tents 76. 2. in Salem his tabernacle, his d. place in Zion
DWELLERS. 79. 7. for they have laid waste his d. place Jer. 35. 10. but we have d. tn tents and obeyed
Isa. 18. 3. yed.oncanh, see ye, when he lifteth up 90. 1. Ld. thou hast been ourrf. iiUice in all gener. 41. 17- they </. i« the habitation of Chimhau»
Acts 1. 19- 't was known to the d. at .lerusalem Isa. 4. 5. the Lord will create on every d. place Ezek. 36. 17. when Israel d. in their own land
!.9the d. in Mesopotamia, we do hear them speak 18.4. and I will consider in my (/. place .39.2G.whcn(/.safely m
their land none aiade afraid
DWELLEST. Jer. 6. + C. I likened Zion to a woman d. at home Dan. 4.12. the fowls of the bi-aven d. in the boughs
X)««r.l2.29.thou succeedest them thfir land 30. 18. and I will have mercy on his (/. jdaces Mat. 2. 23. Joseph d. in a city called Nazareili
«A'i«gx 19. 15. O Lord God of Israel, which d. 46-I9-O thou daughter (/.in Egypt, furnisluhyself 4. 13. Jesus camo and d. in C'afirnium
between the cberubioi:, FiaL 60 1. i/a. 37.16. 5i, 30. have burnt tbeil it, places, bars ar« broken Luki 13. 4. were sinners above all tliaii/. in Jer,
; ;


jtti 7. 2. tefore Abraham d. in Charrin, 4. ahoU F'<y, hit leavtik part of it fe^ othe' ano I wa-s not rebellious, Tsa. SO. 5. Hs htu
i9.lO.all ihev whorf. in Asia heard word of Jesos biras, uhich follow, its feathers or quills are given me his and 1 obey without con-

2 Tun 1. 5. which d. first in ihy pirandmoihcr Lois

said to con.ynme other guilts that lie near ihem. tradiction. And
speaking to the Jears, I'bou
DWF.I.T therein. Betueen the eagle and dragon '.here is constant heardest not, yea, thou knewest not. yea, froiB
M(in.32 40.hp p.iveOilcad to .Machir, he i.therein enmity, the eagle seeking to kill it, and the that time that thine ear was not opened, Jsa.
D<tHf. 1. K'. Knims </.</(.
llCO.giants rf th.\n old time dragon breaks all the eagle's eggs it can find 48. 8. Thou hast never heard any mention
1 h'lTiss 11. C4. liezon went to Damascus and rf. //i. and hearing the ir'ise of the eagle in the air, made of :chat I am going to tell thee. L'ncir-
IC. C5. Jeroboam built Shechem, aiid </. therein speedeih tj its den, and there hides himself. cuuicised ears, Jer. 0. 10. are ears deaf to tht
lieh. 1.1. 16. there rf. men of Tyre also therein 'Jo piovoke its yoMig ones to fly, it flutters over •uo-d of God : Their ear is uncircuaicise<l
Psal.GS>- 10. thy contregation hath d. therein them and takes thctn onus uings. Deal. 32. II. mer groan, as it were, with a thick skin ^
DWELT aiVA. Isa. 40. 31. and if they uiicmp: not to fly, it their hearts are filled with obstinaucy and irn-
Cuih 2. C%. and Uutn d. uiih her mother-in-law bents them with its bill, and cires them no food. peni', which make them incapable of enter-
1 Sowi.2C.4.his father and mother d. w. k, of Moab Being exceedtnghj hot and dry, it soon uaieth taining any good counsel. What ye liear in
1 Cfiron. 4. C,3. there they d. :iiih kin; for his work angrv, nor keepetit, but shuns society uitli o:heis. the ear, that preach ye upon the house-tops,
8. .3C. they also d. xith their brethren, 9. .lii. Some eagles prey in the air, some in the sea. -V./f. 10. 27. Oeilare that every where, aim
P«a/. ICu. B. my soul hath lont; rf. nith him that ulterein theu cait from on high pejceiie the publicly, which 1 have revealed to you in pri-
Jw. 40. 6. Jeremiah d. aiih him among the people smallest fih, and some on the land. The eagle vate. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear,
moulters and loses its feathers yearly, at uhich Mnt.\l.\b. lie that hath his ears opened,/
seasons it is very feeble. It is said, I'sal. that hath a mind enabled by God to believe
E. 103. 5, Thy youth is renewed like the eagle's; what 1 say, let hiin make use of iheie abilities
that is, thy bodily health and strength continue to understand and consider it. Ear is figur-
r.Acii. rigonnis and lively, as the eagle's doth, even till atiiely, and after tht wanner of men, applied
to God, denoting his readiness to hear and
Cen. !5. 10. Abram laid e. piece against another old age.
."U. 25. .Simoon and Levi took e. man his sword In Micah I. I6. it is said. Enlarge thy baldness
answer the prayers of his people, I'sal. 34. 15.
40.5 e. man hisdream, 45. CC. e. changes of raim.
as the eagle This signifies, that they to uhom
: I
lit). 2. His ears are open unto their cry.
Ktod. I8.7 and they asked «. other of their welfare the prophet addresses himself, should cut of Because he hath inclined his ear unto nie, there-
30. 34. oft. shall' there be a like weijht their hair in time of mourning, should he naktd fore will 1 call upon him as long as 1 live.
yum. 1.44. t. one was for the house of his fathers and stripped like an eagle when it moults its I'o uncover the ear is an Hebraism, whereby is

7. 3. and they brought for e. one an ox feathers. It is said that the eagle at that sea- meant, to show, or reveal something to a person,
16. 17. thou also and Aaron e. of you his censer son casts almost all his feathers, and falls into 1 Sam. 20. + 2, My father will do nothing
Joih.CCAi. ofe.chief house a prince, was head a languishing condition, so as neither to be able either great or small, but that he will uncover
Jvdg. H. 18. e. one resembled the children of a kin<; to hunt after prey as usual, nor create terror in mine tar ; that is, he will shew it me. 'Tha
21. CC. because we reserved not to e. man his wife other birds. servant who > enounced the privilege of beinj/
Ruth 1 0. prant they may find rest e. of you
Our iavtour, in Mat. Q^. CK. sat/s. Wheresoever freed from servitude in the sabbatical year^
1 A'm»/4.7. e. man his month in the year made prov. the carcase is, there will tne eagles be gathered had his car pierced with an awl : this was per-
22. 10. and the king*, e. sat on his throne together. Job jayf <>/"<//< eagle, <r/ia;'. 39. ."50, formed in the presence of the judges, that it
2 Kincs 15. 20. he ex.icted of e. man fifty shekels Where the slain are, there is she. Naturalists migitt appear that this was his own free choice,
Pj<7/.B5.10. righteousness and peace kissed e. other observe, that the common sort of eagles eat no and that he was not overawed, or compelled
Jta. 2. CO. they made e. one for himself to worship carrion, but that there is a particular speciei thereto by his master ; and likewise that tht
6. 2. stood the seraphims, e. one had six wings which does : that there is i.ot one of any kind agreement being so publicly and solemnly con-
35. 7. where «. lay, shall be grass rceJs and rushes but -uhat eats raw flesh, though not indiferently firmed, might be irrevocable : His ear irai
57. 2. e. one walking in his uprightness of all sorts, nor that of any creature -uhich dies boied at his master's door ; which was a mark,
Etek. 4. 6. I have appointed thee e. day for a year of itstlf, but such only as is fresh and lately of seriitude and bondage, and did represent his
Z.vlie 13.15 doth not e.on sabbath loose hisox or ass kilUd. What Job says concerning the eagle is settled and perpetual obligation to abide in that
Acts 2. 3. cloven tongues sat upon e. of them to be undei stood in a literal sense: but our house, and there to hear and obey his master's
fhi/.i. 3. let e. esteem other better than himself •*iaviour makes an allegory tf it, and says, that commands, Exod. 21. 6. Ueut. 15. 16, 17.
S Thesi. 1. 3. charity toward e. other aboundeth tcherever there are Jews, -..ho deal unfaithfully The I'salmist speaking in the person if th$
Rev. 4. B. the four beasts had e. of them six wings Kith God, there will be also Romans, icho bore .Messiah, says to God, Sacrifice and offering
EAGLE the eagle in thtir standards, to eiecute God's thou didst not desire, mine ears hast thoa
Is a bird of prey, icheieoj there is frequent men- vengeance upon them. opened. The Hebrew reads Mine ears ha5t
tion in scripture. It ii declared, in Lev. 11. 13. .Is the eagle generally flies most suiftly, especially thou digged ; thou hast opened them and madt
to be unclean, as are all ether birds of its Khen hunger and the sight of piey quicken its them attentive; tliou hast giien me ears t»
species ; as the sea-eagle, and the eagle named motion : in this sense the days of men are com- hear, and obey thy precepts : Or, otherwise, thou
Ossifrage, because it breaks the hones in order pared to it. Job 9. 21), .My days are passotl hast pierced them, as those tenants iteie used,
to extract the marrow. The llu:ck and I'nliure away as the eagle, that hiisteth to the piey. who chose to remain with their masters after
may also be reckoned asdiffereni species o^Vagles. 60 are riches; I'rov. 23. 5, Riches certainly the Sabbatical year ; thou hast fitted, inclined,
It is said that when an eagle sees its young ones m.ike themselves wings, they fly away as eui and obliged me to thy service. The <>eptuagint,
so teell-gronn, as to teniure upon fyine, it eagle towarils heaven. As aho the jieufcutorsol whom the Apostle follo:is, Heb. 10. 5. read this
hovers over their nest, Jbiiiert Kith its uiugt. the church; Lam. i. ly, Our persecutors are passage, A
body hast thou prepared me
and eicites them to imitate it, and take thitr swifter than the eagles of the heaven. The IHierein, though the words differ, the sense is
fight ; and ahen it sees them zieary or fearful, kings of Babylon and Egypt are also compared the Same. That Chitst might become God's
it takes them upon its back, and carries them to OH eagle, Ezek. 17. 3, 7. seivanl for ever, which was signified by boring
to, that the Joulers cannot hurl the young uith- Lev.l\.\i. the f. have in abomination, De«r. 14.12. of the ear, God the Lather by his Hpirit did
out piercing through the body of the old one. Dent. Ca. 49. a nation as swift as the e. flieth Jurnish him with an human natuie, that so ha
Jn allusion to this, it is said, Exod. IQ. 4. 32. 1 1 as an e. stirreth up her nest, tluttereth over
. might perform that piece of service which Goa.
That God delivered his people out of Egypt, Job 9. C6. as the e. that hastelh to the jirey required, namely, the oj/ering up himself' a bloody
and bore them upon eagles' wings ; and in 39. 27. doth the t. mount up at thy command: sacrifice fvr sin, to which he was obedient,
Deut. 32.11, That the Lord took upon himself /Vur.C3. 5. riches fly away as an e. towards heaven I'hii. 2. 8, Being found in fashw.a as a man,
the care of his people ; that he lei them out of 30. 19. the way of an e. in the air is wonderful be became obedient unto death, even the death
Egypt, and set them at liberty ; as an ea.;! Jer. 48. 40. behold, be shall fly as an e. over Moab of the cross. I'hus were his ears bored, uhicA
takes its young out of tlte nen, to teach ihii 49.1t).tho' thou shouldest make thy nest high as e. could not be, if he had not been clothed uith
hoic to Jly, by gently Huttering about them. /-:cil. I. lO.they fouralsohad the faceof an f. 10.14. a body.
It IS of great courage, so as to set on harts mid I*. 3. a great e. with great wings came, 7. £ji></. 2i.6. his master shall bore his e. Deul. 15.17
great beasts. And ha* no less suitiliy in taking I fan. 4. 3'i. his hairs were grown like e. feathers 1 Ham. 9. 15. the Lord hath told Samuel in hise.

them; for hazing filed its xings uith sand and 7.4. the first beast was like a lion, and had «. wings CO. t 2. but that he will uncover mine e.
dust. It sitteth on their horns, and by its ii'i^'t llos. H. 1 as an e. against the house of the Lord
. i 12. if I send not to thee and uncover thine «.
shaketh it in their eyes, uhereby they beci-me an (W«</.4.tho'lhou exalt thyself as «. bring thee down 22. 8. there is none that uucovercih mine e.
tasif prey. It fielh very high, Prov. .3i». )(/ Mic. 1. 16. enlarge thy baldness as the e. C .Sim. 7. tCi. thou, O
Lord, hast opened thee.
yet, in the tuinkling of an eye, stiseih on its Ilah. 1. 8. the Chaldeans shall Hy as the e. 2 Kings 19. It). bow down Oiine e. Ps. 31. 2. 8tj. I |

prey, uhether on the earth, or in the sea. It Kev. 4. 7. the fourth beast was like a flying e. 1 ChT.i1. t 25. hast revealed the e. of thy servant.
buildeth Its nest very high in the lops of rocii. 12. 14. to the woman were given wings of a great «. AWi.l.t). let thine e. be attentive, and eyes open,li
Job 3y. C7. It goelh forth to prey about noon, EAGLES. Jo.", 4. 12.and mint t. received a little thereof
tchen men are gone home out of the fields. £to(/. 19.4. ye have seen how bare you on «. wings
1 12. 11. doth not the «. try words 34. 3. '

It hath a little eye, but a very quick sight, and •J -yim. 1.23. were swifter than*. stronger than lions 13. 1. mine
e. hath heard and understood it
discerns its prey afar off, and beholds the sun I'lal. lun. 5. ihy youth is renewed like the e. 29. 11. when the (. heard me, then it blessed me
with open eyes, inch of her young as through I'lor. .30. 17. and the young e. shall it 21. to me men gave t. wailed, and kepi silence
meakness of sig'.t cannot behold the lun, 1/ re- Ita. 40. 31. ihey shall mount up with wings as«. 32. 11. behold, gave 1. to your reasons

leeii as uunaiural. It liieih long, nor dieth .ler. 4. 13. his horses are swifter than e. 36. 10. he openeth also their ;. to discipline
of ag: or sickness, say tome, but of hiuigei , 4. 19. our persecutors are swifter than the*. 42.5. i have heard of thee by the hearing of the*
fot by age, us bill graus so hooked, thai it catu Mat. 24. 28. there will <. be gathered, Luie 17. 37. I'sal. 10. 17. thou will cause thine e. to hear
nut feed. It preys not on small birds, but on EAR. 18. « 44. at the hearing of the e. ihey shall obe;|
geese, hares, harts, serpents, and dead carcases. It The ear is the instrument or organ of hearing, 31 .2. bow down thine e. to me, deliver me speedilj
is said, that it preserves its nest from poison, l.ccl. 1. 8. 'J'he Lord says to Isaiah, .Make 58. 4. lik. the deaf adder, that stoppeth her e.
by having therein a precieta stone, named Aef.- the hearts of this ppople fat, and make their 77. 1. I cried unto God, and he gave e. unto me
lei.fKithout uhich It IS thought the eagle cannot ears heavy, Isa. 6. 10. that is, tell them that
; 94. 9- he thai planted the e. shall he not hear ?
lay her eggs, mud which some use to prevent 1 Kill sufler them to harden their hearts, and lid. C. because he hath inclined his e. unto mo
abortion, and help' aeliiery in tcomen, by i^ing stop their ears against my uord. 'The scripture I'rov. 5. 1.and bow thine e. to my
«r aboi t o' below the navel ) and keepeih it clean sometimes lays that the prophets do what Ihey 13. nor inclined my
e. to t.h'-m thai instructed m.
iy Iks fregutni %ut of the herb maiden-hair. Joretel only. The same proi/het, speaking of 15. 31. the e. that heareth the reproof of lifo
Unlesi it ti rurji hungry, it dettnireti not ina kiniself, sayi, The Lord haih opened mi/w ear. 17. 4 and a liargjvetl) «. to a luu^iit/ luuguc
. .'


Proo. 13.15. the *. of the wise seekoth knowledge Gin. 24. 30. when Laban saw and bracelets on \Jot 36. 15, he openeth their e, in oppression

S0.12. the hearing e. the seeing eye, Ld.made both his sister's hands Ita. ?. Iv^. make heart fat, their e. heavT, lest

22. 17. bow thine «. hear the words of the wise GeM.47.1 P'-it the«. upon her face, and the bracelets they hear with their e. Mat. 13. 15. Acls'^. 27.
25. 12. so is a wise reprover on an obedient e. Joi42. 11. every one gave .lob an e. of gold .1/ic7.l6,the nations shall see, their «. shall be deal
28. 9. he that tumeth away his e. from hearing Prov. 25. 12. as an?, of gold, so is a wise reprover Zech. 7. 11. but they stopped their t. ActsT. S7.
Eecl. 1.8. nor is the e. filled with hearing EAR-RINGS. 2 Tim.i.4. they shall turn away their e. from truth
Ita. 48. 8. from that time thine e. was not opened Gen. 35. 4. they gave to Jacob all their e. 'Jhtne EARS.
50. 4. he wakeneth my e. to hear as the learned Exod. 32. 2. break off the golden e. and bring to me 1 Sam. 25. 1 24. let thine handmaid speak in iMm e,
5. Lord hath opened mine e. and I was not re- .35. 22. they brought e. for their offerings 2 CAr. 6. 40. let tAme e.he attent to the pr.\yer
bellious Sum. 31.50. we have brought e. to make atonement Psal. 10. 17. thou wilt cause thine e. to hear
59- 1. nor his e. heavy that it cannot hear
is Judg. 8. 24. give every man the e. of his prey 130. 2. let ihme e. be attentive to the voice
64. 4. men have not heard, nor perceived by the e. Isa. 3. 20. the Lord will take away the e. Prov. 23. 12. apply <Ain« e. to words of knowledge
Jer. 6. 10. behold, their e, is uncircumcised I zek. 16. 12. and I put e. in thine ears Jsa. 30. 2i. thine e. shall hear a word behind the<
7.24. they hearkened not, nor im lined their e. C6. Uos. 2. 13. and she decked herself with her e. 49. 20. ihv- children shall say again in thine e.
11.8. 17. 23.
25.4. 34. 14. 44.5.
Jer. 28. 7. hear this word that I speak in thine e.
9. 20. let your e. receive the word of the Lord Gen, 23.110. Ephron answered in the e. of children Ezck. 3. 10. ai.d hear with thine e. 40. 4. 44. 5 |

35. 15. but ye have not inclined your e. 41. 18. let me speak a word in lord's e. my IG. 12. I put ear-rings in thine t. and a crown
Lam. 3. 5(j. hide not thine e. at breathing my
50. 4. speak, I pray you in the e. of Pharaoh 23. 25, ttuy shall lake away thy nose and thine e.
Amos 3. 12. taketh from the lion a piece of an e. t.xod. 10. 2. thou niayest tell it in the e. of thy son 24. S6. to cause thee to hear with thine e.
Itlat. 10.27. what ye hear in the e. that preach 17. 14. and rehearse it in the e. of Joshua Your EARS.
26. 51. and smote off his e. Mark 14. 47. iVum. 11.11. it was evil in the e. of the Lord Deut. 5.1. hear the statutes which I speak in your «,
Luke 12. 3. that which ye have spoken in the e. 18. for you have wept in the e. of the Lord Joh 13. 17. hear my declaration with uonr e.
22.51. and he touched his e. and healed him Deut. 31. 30. Woses spake in the e. of the con- Psal.TU. 1. incline yo«r e. to the words of my mouth
John 18. 26. the servant, whose e. Peter cut off gregation Jer. 26. 11. as ye have heard with yotr e.
1 Cor. 2. 9. is written, eye hath not seen, nore. heard Josh. 20. 4. declare his cause in the e. of the elders 15. Lord sent me to speak these words in yot<r e
12. 16. ifthe e. shall say, because I am not the eye J'idg. 9. 2. in the e. of the men of Shechem, 3. Mat. 13. 16. but blessed are your e. for they hear
ifer.2.7. he that hath an e. let him hear what Spirit 1 Ham. 3. 11. at which both the e. of every one that Luke 4. 21. this scripture is fulfilled in your e.

saith to churches, 11,17,29. 3.6,13,22. 13.9 | |

I heareth it shall tingle, 2 Kings 21. 12. Jer. I9.3 9. 44. let these sayings sink down in your c.
Incline EAR. 8. 21. he rehearseth them in the e. of the Lord EARS.
Px.17.6. O God, mf/mf thine «.tome, and hearmv 25, f 24. let thine handmaid speak in thine e. Gen. 41. 5. behold, seven e. of corn came up, 22.
speech,71.2. 88. 2. fja. 37.17. Da)i.^ 18, 2 dam. 7. 22. nor any god beside thee according Lev. 2. 14. shalt offer for a meat ofleriiig green t.

45. 10. O daughter, consider, and incline thine e. to all that we have heard with our«. lCAr.17.20. 23, 14. not eat green*, till ye bring an offering
49. 4 I will incline mine e. to a parable 22. 7. and my cry did enter into his e. Deut. 23. 25. mayest pluck the e. with thine-hand
Prov. 2. 2. so that thou incline thine e. to wisdom Joh 15.21. a dreadful sound is in hise. inprosperity Puth 2. 2. let me go and glean e. of corn after him
4. 20. my son, incline thine e. to my sayings 28. 22. we have heard the fame thereof with oure, 2 hingsi. 42. brought the man of G. full e. of corn
Isa. 55. 3. incline your e. and come unto me 33. 16. then he openeth the e. of men, and sealelh Joh 'J4. 24. the wicked cut off as tops of e. of corn
Give EAK. Psal. 18. 6. and my cry came even into his e. /ja. 17. 5. the glory of Jacob, as when one rcapethr.
Exod. 15. 26. if wilt give e. to his commandments 31. 15. and his e. are opened to their cry -Uaf. 12.1. his disciples were an hungered, and began
Z)euf .1 .45.but the Lord would not hearken nor givi 44. 1. we have heard with our e. O God to pluck the e. of corn, Mark 2. 23. Luke 6. 1.
e. to your voice, 2 Chron. 24. I9. yeh. 9. 30. 115. 6. they have e. but hear not, 135. 17. See SiVEN.
32. 1. give e. O heavens, and I will speak P;«f.21.13. whoso stoppeth his e. at cry of the poor EARNESr.
•fudg. 5. 3. hear, O
ye kings, give e. O ye princes 23. 9, speak not in the e. of a fool, he will despise The apostle Paul speaks of the earnest of the
J06 34. 2. give e. to me, ye that have knowledge 26. 17. like one that taketh a dog by the e. .Spirit, 2 Cor. 1. 22. the first-fruits of the Spi-
Psal. 5, 1. give t. to my words, O Lord, 51. 2. hn. 11. 3. nor reprove after the hearing of his e rit. Pom. 8. 23. aiid of being sealed by the Spi-

17. 1. give e. unto my prayer, 55. 1. Hfj. 6. |

32. 3. the e of them that hear shall hearken rit, EpA. 1. 13. 'J Aese phrases signify the as-
39. 12. hear my prayer, gi\ e e.\.o my en,-, 141 1 .
33. 15. that stoppeth his e. from hearing of blood surance which the Hpirit of adoption does give
49. \.givee. all ye inhabitants of the world 35. 5. and the e. of the deaf shall be unstopped believers oj their inheritance in heaven. Eor
78. \.givee. O my people 80. 1. givee. shepherd
42. 20, opening the e. but he heareth not as tAe first-fruits uere pledges to the Jews of
84. 8. hear my prayer, give e. O God of Jacob 43. 8. bring forth the blind and deaf that have e. the ensuing crop; and as he that receiies the
143. 1. O Lord, give e. to my supplications Jer. 2. 2. go, and cry in the e. of Jerusalem earnest, is sure to have tAe full sum paid Aim,
Jia. 1. 2. give e. O
earth, for the Lord hath spoken 5, 21. O people, which have e. and hear not or the full bargain made good, uhen the person
10. give e. to (he law of our God, ye people 2y. 29, Ztphaniah read in the e. of Jeremiah that giies it IS honest and failhjul: i>t/ tha
8.9. give e. all ye of far countries, gird yourselves 36. 15. sit down now and read it in our e. graces arought in tAe soul by the Spirit of God,
28.23. give ye e. and hear my voice, hearken 21 Jehudi read it in the *. of the king and princes
such as love, joy, peace, &ic. are pledges of
.32. 9. ye careless daughters, give e. to my speech Mat. 28. 14. if this come to the governor's e. that abundance and fulness of joy and felicity
42. 23. who among you will give e. to this r Markl. 33. he put his fingers into his e. and spit uhicA believers partake of in .heaven. Yet these
61.4 hearken and give e. to me, O my nation 35. and straightway his e. were opened graces and comforts uhich the godly enjoy here
Jer.13.15. give e. be not proud, the L. hath spoken 8. 18. having e. hear ye not ? do ye not remember art' iu< first-fruits in regard oJ their order; they

H0S.5. 1. and give ye e. O house of the king -Jf/i 7. 51. ye uncircumcised in heart and e. resist precede the Jull harvest : And in legard of their
Joel 1. 2. give e. all ye inhabitants of the land 11. 22. tidings came to the e. of the church quantity, they are but an Aandful in comparison
liighi EAR. 17. 20. thou bringest strange things to our e. of the kAoU seal a;i</ earnest: though they beih
Exod. 29. 20. upon the tip of the right e. of his Ilom. 11.8. hath given e. that they should not hear impli/ assurance, yet they differ sAuj ; sealing
sons. Lev. 8. 23, 24. 14. 14, 17, 25, 28.
2 'Jim. 4. 3. they heap teachers, having itching e. e.'peiiallu lefers to the understanding ; earnest
iMke 22. 50. one cut off his right e. John 18. 10. Jam. 5.4. are entered into e. of the Lord of sabaoth to the aj/eeiions. Though the seal assures ut,
EAR. 1 Pet. 3. 12. and his e. are open to their prayers yet it is not part of the inheritance ; but the
Exod. g. 31 for barley was in the e. and flax holled
. EARS to hear. earnest so assures us, lAat it gives a part of
Jdaiki. 28. then the e. the full corn in the e. Deut. 29. 4. the Lord hath not given you e. to hear the inheritance ; It works that joy in the heart,
EAR. I'.zek. 12. 2. they have e. to hear, and hear not lihich is a Joietaste oJ' heaven, and :.hich tA4
\Sam. 8.12. the king will set them to e. the ground Mat. 11. 15. he that hath e. to hear, let him hear, saints are filed with there.
ha. 30. 24. the oxen that e. the ground shall eat 13. 9. 43. Mark 4. 9, 23. 7. 16. Luke 8. 2 Cor. 1. 22. hath given the e. of the Spirit, 5. 5.

EARED. 8. I 14. 35. Eph. 1. 14. which is the ;. of our inheritance

Deut. 21. 4. to a rough valley neither e. nor sown Mine EARS. EA N ES r.

EARING. A'7/nj. 14,28. as ye have spoken in mine e. I will do Prov. 27. 1 6. but the kisses of an enemy are e.
Gen.i5.fl. in which shall be neither e. nor harvest Judg. 17. C. the silver thou spakest of in mine e. Acts 12. + 5, e. prayer was made to God for him
Exod. 34. 21. in e. time and harvest thou shalt rest 1 Ham. 15. 14. this bleating of sheep in mine c. ? liom.a 19. the ^.expectation of tlie creature waiteth
EARLY. 2 Kings 19. 28, tumult come into mine e. Isa. 37,29. 2 Cor. 7. 7. when he told us your e. desire
Geti. 19. 2. ye shall rise e. and go on your way 2 Chron. 7. 15. and mine e. attent to the prayer 8. 16. which put Uie same e. care into 1 itus
Jiidgl.S. whoso is fearful, let him depart e. Job 33.+ 8. surely thou hast .spoken in mine e. I'hil. I. io. according to my «. expectation and ho|i«
19. 9. and to-morrow get yon e. on your way I'sal,i0.6. mine e. hast thou opened, burnt offering Ileb.'Z.l.Vii: ought to give the more f .heed to thingj
2 Kings 6.\5. servant of the man ofG. was risen e. 92. 11. mine e. shall hear my desire of the wicked EARNESTLY.
Psul. 46. 5. God shall help her, and that right e. Isa. 5. 9- in mine e. said the Lord of hosts .\um. 22. 37. did I not*, send to thee to call thee !

57 8. awake up, I myself will awake e. 108.2. 22. 14. it was revealed in mine e. by the Lord I Sam.
20. 6. David e. asked leave uf me, 28.
63 1. thou art my God, e. will I seek thee i«*.8.18.tho' they cry in mine e. with loud voice A(7i. 3. 20. liarucb e. repaired the other piece
78. 34. they retnnied and enquired e. after God 9. 1. he cried also in mine e. with a loud voice 13. +6. and after certain days 1 e. requested
90.14. Osatisfy us«. with thy mercy that we may Luke 1. 44. thy salutation sounded in mine e. Job 7. 2. as a servant e. desirclh the shadow
101.8. I will £•. destroy all the wicked of the land EA RS of the peojtie. Jer. 11. 7. for I «. protested to your fatliers
Pruv I. 28. they shaH seek me e. but not find me Exod. 11,2. speak now in the e. of the people 31. 20, 1 do * remember him still
8. 17 those that seek me t. shall find nie Deut. 32. 44. Moses spake in the e. of the people .Mic. 7. 3. ihey mty do evil with both hands ^.
Cant. 7. 12. let us get up e. to the vineyards Judg. 7. 3. go to, proclaim in the e. of the people Luke 22. 41, being In an agony he prayed more e.
/sii. 26. 9. with my spirit will I seek thee e. 1 6Vjm. J I. 4. told the tidings in the «. cf the people
56, but a certain maid e. looked upon Peter
Has. 5. 15. in their affliction they will seek me e. 2 Kittys 18.26. talk not in the e. of people, Isa.Zb. 1 .lets 3, 12. men of Israel, why look \e so e. on us

6. 4. and as the e. dew it goeth away, 13, 3. .\th. 8. 3. e. of the people wore attentive to the law i.l. Paul <. beholding council, said, 1 have lived

Lnke 24. 22. women who wfe e. at the sepulchre 13.t l.on that day they read in \hee. of the people, 1 V2. 31. but covet e. the best gift<i

John 18.28. thi-y led Jesus to the hall, and it was e. Jer. 28. 7. 36. 6, 10, 13, 14. 2 Cor. 5. 2 in this we groan, ^.desiring to be clothed

20. 1. the first day cometh Mary .Magdalene e. Their KAUS. liiin. 5. 17. Elias prayed e. that it might nut ram

Jam 5.7. till he receive the e. and latter rain 6fn.20. 8. Abimelech told these things in their e. Jude 3. that yc should *. conteud for tlie faith
See Arose, rhe. Risen, RiiiNC, Rose, 35, 4. gave Jacob car-rinqs which were in their 1. EARNElll.
MOK.M.NG. lixod. 32.3. people brake off the ear-rings in their e. IJag. 1, 6. he that e. wages, e, to put in a bag
EAR RING. Deut. 31. 28. I may speak these words in their e. EARIII,
6m. 94. 22. that the nao took a golden e. 2 Ain£« in ihtir e. SCAr, 34. 30, Jtr. 36.1 i. Is taken (1) I'tr that grots and teneitriai ilemsiu
. .


ont of her place Joel 2. 10. the e shall quake before tnem
tohtc/t rustaint and nmiriihes vs. Gen. 1. 10, Job 0. 6. which shaketh the e. m
of the wicked Amos 8. 9 I will darken the e. the clear day
Ood called ihe dry land. Earth. In lAis sense 24 the e is given mto the handlonger than

the lunah 2. 6. the e. with her bars was about me

it is taken in those passages, uhere the earth 11.9. the measure thereof is e.

said 10 yield frtiit, to he barren, natered, dvrc. 12.15. he sendeth waters and they overturn the e. Vie. 6. 2. hear, ye strong foundations of tlii
7. 17. they shsdl move out like worms of the *
(2) I or all thai rude matter uhich uas created 15. 19. to whom alone the e. was given
Oe. cover not thou my blood, let me try
\ah. 1. 5. the e. is burnt up at his presence
tn the beginning. Gen. 1. 1, God created the 16. 18.
shall be forsaken for thee > liab. Z. 14. the e. filled with knowledge ol the L.
heaven and the earth ; that is, the matter of !8. 4. the e.
3. 3. and the e. was full of his praise
all sensible beings. (3) By the earth is meant 20. 27. and the e. shall rise up against him
22. 8. but as for the mighty man, he had the e. 9. thou didst cleave the e. with rivers
Ihe terraneous globe, the earth and all that it
Hag. I. 10. the e. is stayed from her fruit
contains, men, animals, plants, metals, waters, 24. 4. the poor of the e. hide themselves
26 he hangeth the upon nothing Zcih. 1. 10. sent to walk to and fro thro' the f 6.7. .

fish, d-c. Psal. 24. 1, The earth is the Lord's, 7. e.

4. 10. theeyes of the Lord which run thro' tiie e.
and the fulness thereof. (4) The earth is often 30. 6. to dwell in the caves of the e. and in rocks
Milt. 4. 6. lest I smite the e. with a curse
taken for those aho inhabit it. Gen. 6. 13. ) 11. 8. children of base men.they were viler than the e.
AJiii. 5.5. blessed are meek, for they shall inherit 4.
1. The earth is filled with violence. The 34. 13. who h '.thgivenhimachao'ge over the e. ?
35. swear not by the e. it is God's footstool
whole earth was of one language. Psal. g6 1, .37. 17. when he quieteth the «. by the south-wind
13.5. where they had not much e. Marki. 5.
Sing unto the I^rd, all the earth. (5) ^m«. 38. 4. when I laid the foundations of the e.
18. hast thoii perceived the breadth of the e. ?
Mark 4. 28. for the e. bringeth forth fruit of hersel
times the whole earth, or all the kingdoms of
the uttermost parts of the JoA«3.31.hethatisof the e. is earthly, and speaketh
tlie earth, signifies no more than the ahele empire Psal. 2. 8. give thee
10. be in.structed, ye judges of the e
of the e. he that cometh from heaven is above all
e/ChMea. anrf Assyria, t'rro 1 2, The Lord (Jod 1 Cor, 15. 47. the first man is of the e. earthy
of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of 10.18. that the man of the e. may no more oppress
2 Tim. 2. 20. but also vessels of wood juid of 4.
the earth. Earth i> faien /or Canaan, or the 12.6. pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of e
A short work 25. 13. and his seed shall inherit the e. Heb 6. 7. the e. which drinketh in the rain
land of the Jews; Kom. Q. 28.
12. 26. whose voice then shook the e. but now
will the Lord make upon the earth. He uill 33. 5. the e. is full of the goodness of the Lord
he looketh on the inhabitants of the Jam. 5. 7- waiteth for the precious fruit of the <
bring a sudden destruction upon that land and 14. all e.
18. and the e. brought forth her fruit
people. And in Mat. 9. 26. Mark 15. 33. Luke 37. 9. that wait on Lord shall inherit the e. 11.22. 2Pe(.3.10. the e.and works therein shall be burnt u[.
4. 25. the word nhich is translated land, is tn 46. 2. we will not fear though the e be removed
6. he uttered his voice, the e. melted Rev. 7. 3. hurt not the e. nor sea, nor the trees
the Greek, earth.
11.4. olive trees standing before the God ol the *
A man of the earth. Gen. 9- 120, Noah was a 47. 9. for the shields of the e. belong unto God 6. have power to smite the e. with all plagues
man of the earth, a husbandman, or one u'ho 48. 2. the joy of the whole e. is mount Zion 12. 16. the e. opened and swallowed up the Hood
tiUed the ground. In I'sal. 10. 18, the man of 60. 2. thou hast made the e. to tremble
13. 12. causeth the e. to worship the first beast
the earth signifies a mortal, earthly-minded man, 63. 9. shall go into the lower parts of the e.
18. 1. and the e. was lightened with his glory
uho zeas made of the dust, and must return to 65. 8. that dwell in the uttermost parts of the e.
9- thou visitest the e. and waterest it
19. 2. the great whore, which did corrupt the e.
the dust. Earth, in Ihe moral sense of it, is set
67.6. then shall e. yield herincrease, £':«/. 34. 27. 20. 11. from whose face the e. fled away
in opposition to heaven ; things earthly and car-
John 3. 68. 8. the e. shook, the heavens also dropped See Beasts, Dust, Ends, Each, Kings, Ilii*-
nal, to things heavenly and spiritual.
32. sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the e. V£N, People, Whole.
31, He that is of the earth is earthly, and
speaketh of the earth : He that cometh from 71.20.shalt bringme up from the depths of the e.
All the
heaven is above all. Col. 3.1,2, If ye then 72. 6. shall come down as showers that water the«. Gen. 1.26. let them have dominion over all the 4
7.3. to keep seed alive on the face of all the 4
be risen with Christ, seek those things which are 73. 9- and their tongue walketh through the e.
11.9. there confound the language of all the t.
above, and set not your affections on things on 75. 3. the?, and all the inhabitants thereof are dis
solved, I bear up its pillars. Isa. 24. 19 18. 25. shall not the Judge of all the e. do right
the earth. The terrestrial man is set in oppo-
8. the wicked of the e. shall wring them out 19. 31. to come in to us after mannerof a//r/ie «.
sition to the heavenly, I Cor. 15.47,48, The first
Esod. 9. 14. there is none like me in all the e.
man is of the earth, earthy, the second man is the 76. 8. the e. feared 77. 18. the e. trembled, 97.4
Lord from heaven. Adam, the first puhlic per-

9. when God arose to save the meek of the e. my

16. name declared thro' all the e. Kom. 9-17.
(8.69.1ike the which he hath established forever 19. 5. a peculiar treasure for all the e. is mine
son and head of the old covenant, was formed

of the earth ; he uas mortal and corruptible o2.B. arise, OGod, judge the thou shalt inherit 34. 10. such as have not been done in all the e

90. or ever thou hadst formed the Num. 14. 21,^// the e. shall be filled with glory
But Christ, the second public person, and head 2. e.
Josh. 3. 11. the Lord of all the e. 13. Hech. 6. 5
of the neti) covenant, is of a heavenly descent 97 1. the Lord reigneth, let th-f e. rejoice
23.14. I am going the way of a// the e. lKings2.i.
and has a divine, as veil as a human nature. In IH). 1. the Lord reigneth, let the e. be moved
like manner the earthly house is set in opposition 102. 25. of old hast thou laid the foundation of Judg. 6. 37. and if it be dry on all the e. beside
I Sam. 17.46. that a// Me e. may know there is aG.
to the heavenly ; 1 Cor. 5.1, If our earthly the e. 104. 5. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 48. 13.
1 Kings 10. 24. all the e. sought to Solomon to hear
house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we 104.13.thee. is satisfied with the fruit of thy works
24. O Lord, the e. is full of thy riches 2 Kings 5. 15. no God in all the e. but in Israel
have a building of God, an house not made with
1 Chr. 16. 14.judgm.arein all thee. Psal. 105. 7.
hands, eternal in the heavens. If this bodily 114. 7. tremble, O e. at the presence of the Lord
23. sing to the Lord, all the e. Psal. 96. 1.
frame of nature uere taken to pieces by death, 115.16. the e. hath he given to the children of men 30. fear before him all the c. Psal. 33. 8.
119- 64. the e. O Lord, is full of thy mercy 96.9.
there is a state of glory provided by God for tht |

90. thou hast established the and Psal. 8. 1. excellent is thy name in all the e. 9.
separate soul to pass unto. e. it abideth
45.16. whom thou mayest make princes in a// Me «.
Cen. 1.2. and the e. was without form and void 147. 8. who prepareth rain for the e.
148. 13. his glory is above the e. and the heaven 47.2. L. is a great king over a// the e. 7. Zech. 14-9.
10. and God called the dry land e.
57.5. let thy glory be above all the e. 11. | 108. 5.
'1. and God said, let the e. bring forth grass, 24. /'roi.3.19. the Lord bath founded the e. ha. 24. 1.
8. 23. 1 was set up from everlasting, or ever e. was make ajoyful noise a«//i«c. 98.4. 100. U.
l2. and the e. brought forth grass and herb

26. as yet he had not made the e. nor fields 4. all the e. shaJl worship thee, and sing to thee
28. be fruitful, replenish e. and sul>due it, 9. 1.
6. 11. the e. also was corrupt before God 25.3.<;.fordepthand heart of kings is unsearchable 83.18. that thou art most high over a// //iee. 97-9
30. 16. the e. that is not filled with water 7*3.10.14. so have I gathered all the e.none moveo
7. 17. and the ark was lifted up above the e.
12.5. done excellent things, this is known in all e.
8. 14. in the secornl month was the e. dried 21. for three things the e. is disquieted, for four
25. 8. take the rebuke of his people, from all the
22. while e. remaineth, seed-time shall not cease Eccl. 1. 4. but the e. abideth for ever
Jer 26.6. I will make this city a curse to all the t
9. 13. for a token of a covenant between me and e 5. 9- moreover, the profit of the e. is for all
33. 9. it shall be an honour before all the e.
10.25. in his days was the e. divided, 1 Chr. 1. I9. Isa. 4. 2. the fruit of the e. shall be excellent
18. 18. and all the nations of the e. sh.ill be blessed 11.4. that smiteth thee, with the rod of his mouth 51. 7 a golden cup that made all the e. drunken
in him, 22. 18. 26.4. 28. 14. 9. e. shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord 25. O mountain, that destroys all life e.
| |

27. 28. God give thee of the fatness of the e. 13. 13. the e. shall remove out of her place 49. so at Babylon shall fall the slain oiallth4t.
41 plenteous years e. brought forth handfuls 14. 16. is this the man that made the e. to tremble ? /JaH.2.39. a kingdom shall bear rule over all the e.
llab. 2. 20. let all thee, keep silence before him
ixorf. 8. 22. I am the Lord in the midst of the e. 24. 4. thee, mourneth and fadeth away, 33. 9.
Zeph. 3. 8. all the e. shall be devoured with fire
9. 29. that thou mayest know that the e. is the 5. the e. is defiled under the inhabitants thereof
Lord's, Deut. 10. 14. Psal. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 2(). 24.19. *• is utterly broken down, the e. is dissolved Zech.X. 11. all the e. sitteth still and is at rest
10. 5. that one cannot be able to see the e. 20. «. shall reel 26.19. «• shall cast out the dead /,uXe23. 44. there was a darkness over all the e.

'5. 12. stretcliest thy hand, e. swallowed them 2(). 21. the e. also shall discloseTier blood Horn. 10. 18. their sound went into all the e.
TO. 24. an altai of e. thou shall make unto me 31. 1. let the e. hear, and all that is therein Rev. 5. 6. seven Spirits of God sent forth into all
Au/n. 16. .30. if the e. open her mouth and swallow 40. 22. it is he that sitteth on the circle of the e. from theEARTH.
32. and the e. opened her mouth and swallowed 28. the^reator of the ends of the e. fainteth not Gen. 2. 6. but there went up a mist/nwi the
them up and their houses, 26.10. Psal. 106. 17 44 24. that spread abroad the e. by myself 4. 11. and now art thou' cursed /rum the e.
34. they said, lest the e. swallow us up also 45. 8. let the e. open 12. I have made the e. 6. t 13. behold, I will destroy them /rum the c

Deut. 28.1. Lord will set thee above all nations of e 22. look to me and be ye saved all ends of the e. 7. 23. and they were destroyed ^rum the t.
23. the «. that is under thee shall be iron 49. 13. sing, Oheavens, and be joyful, O e.
8. 11. N oah knew waters were abated/rwm the 4.
32. 1. and hear, Oe. the words of ray mouth ,51. 6. look on the e. the c. .shall wax old Liod. 9. 15. thou shalt be cut off from the e. Josh.
13. he made him ride on the high places of the c. (iri. 1. thus saith the Lord, the e. is my footstool 7. 9. Pial. 109. 15. Prov. 2. 22. ^ah. 2. 13.
R. shall the e. be made to bring forth in one day 1 &m.28. 23. Saul arose/ru;« the c. and sat on bed
22. a fire shall consume the
with her increase
e. '

yUam. Lord's Jcr. 4. 23. I beheld the e. it was without form

2. 8. for the pillars of the e. are the 2 Sain.i. 11. shall not take you away /'tim the e.t
4. 5. Israel shouted, so that the e. rang ag.iin 28. for this shall the e. mourn, heavens be black 12. 17. the elders went to raise him from the e.
14. 15. they also tremVded, and the e. quaked 6. 19. hear, O e. I will bring evil on this people 20. David arose/rom the e. and washed himself
eSam. 1.2. aman came with e. on his head, 15. .32. 10. 10. at his wrath the e. shall tremble Job 18. 17. bis remembrance shall perish/r««i the c
22. 8. then the e. shook and trembled, Psal. 18. 7. 22.29. O c.e.e. hear the word of the Lord, write Psal. 21 10. shalt destroy their fruit^rum the t.

1 Kings 1. 40. so that the e. rent with the sound ye this man childless, .Vie. 1. 2 34. 16. cut off remembrance of them /rum the t.
2 Kings SI"!, to thy servant two mules' burden ofe. 4fi. 8. Egypt saith, I will go up and cover the e. 148.7- praise 'L.from the e. ye dragons and deepn
1 Chron. 16.31. and let the e. rejoice, Psal. 96. 1 1 49. 21. the e. is moved at the noise. 50. 46. Pruv. 30. 14. as knives to devour pooifrom the t.
33. at the presence of the I^rd, (Jod bl. 15. he hath made the e. by his power Jer. 10. 11. even Uiey shall perish /rom the t-
cometh to judce the e. I'sal. 06. 13. 98. 9, Ezek. 7. 21. I will give it to the wicked of the e. l.zek.i . 19. living creatures were lift up/r<>m e. St.

J^iroS.ll. the scriams of the God of heaven and e 9. 9. they say, the Lord hath forsaken the e. Dan. 7. 4. and it was lifted up from the e.
Ji'eh 9- f'- 'bou hast made the «. Isa. 45. 12. 43. 2. and the e. shined with his glory Amos i. 5. shall one take up a snan- from the
Joi 5. 85. and thy offspring as the grass of the e Hot. 2. 2<Z. the e. shall hear the corn and the wine John 12. 32. and 1, if 1 be lifted up from thi c
. .


Aclt 8. 33. for bis life is taken yrom i/ie e Mat. 23.35. all the righteous blood shed upon thei. thai this earthquake zcas so ttolent, as to divide
9. 8. Saul arose/rom the e. and he saw no man Mark 9. 3. so as no fuller on e. can white them a mountain in halves, rchick lay to the aest 0'
C2. 'il. said, away with such a fellow /rom //j« «. Luke 2. 14. glory to God in the highest, on e. peace Jerusalem, and moved one part of it from itt -1. power civen him to take peace/rom the e 6. 49. like a man that built a house vpon the e. place four furlongs, or five hundred paces.
1 1. 3.bat 144,000 which were redeemed_/rom the e 12. 49. I am come to send fire on the e. Another very memorable earthquake, u:as that at
In the EARTH. 51 .suppose ye that I am come to give peace one.? the time of our Saviour's crucifixion. Mat. 27.
Otn t. CC. and let fowl multiply in the e. 18. 8. the Son cometh, shall he find faith on e. ? 51. Many have been of opinion, that this tiui
4. 12. a vagabond shalt thou be in the e. 14. 21. 26. for the things which are coming on the e. tion was perceived by all the uorld. Others
6. 5. the wickedness of man was great in the e. John 17. 4. I have glorified thee on the e. maintain, that it was sensible onlv in Judea,
10. 8. N imrod began to be a mighty one in the e. Rom.Q."R.a. short work will the Lord make on //;ee. or even in the temple, the gates whereof were
19- 31 not a man in the e. to come in unto us
. Col. 3. 2. set your affections not on things on the e. shaken, and the vail rent asunder. It must
45.7. sent me, to preserve you a posterity in the e. 5. mortify your members which are upon the e. have been attended with very terrible circum-
Erod. CO. 4. or that is in the e. beneath, or water Heb. 8. 4. if he were on e. he should not be a priest stances, since the centurion, and they who were
Josh. 7-21. and behold they are hid in the e. 11. 13. and confessed they were strangers on Me c. with him, were so affected with it, and were in
Judg. 18.10. no want of any thing that is in the e. 12. 25. who refused him that spake 07i e. duced by it to acknowledge the injiutice of our
2 Ham. 7. 9- 1' great name, like to the name of the Jarr.. 5. 5. ye have lived in pleasure on ihe e. Saviour's condemnation. Mat. 27- 54.
great men that are in the e. 1 Chron. 17. 8. 17- it rained not on the e. for three years .In Earthquake is a great shaking, or trembling
23. what nation ine. like Israel ? 1 Chi . 17. 21. Rev. 3. 10. to try them that dwell vpoii the e. of the earth, or of some parts of it, Amos 1. 1.
14. CO. to know all things that are in the e. 5. 10. made us kings and priests, we shall reign on e. Great alterations and changes are expressed
1 Chron. 29. 11. for all that is in the e. is thine fi.lO.avengeour blood on them that dwell on the e. in scripture by a shaking of the earth, Heb.
2 Chron. 6. 14. there is no God like thee in the e. 7. 1. that the wind should not blow on the e. 12. 20. The delivering of the Israelites out
Jib 1. 7. from going to and fro in the e. 2. 2. 8.7. hail, and fire, and they were cast upoti the e. "J Egj-pt is called a mocing, or shaking, of the
8. that there is none like him in the e. 2. 3. 10. 8. in hand of angel which standeth vpon the e. earth, Psal. 68. 8. And an eitraordirtaiy
14. 8. though the root thereof wax old in the e. 11. 10. dwell on the e. | 13. 8, 14.|
14. 0.
| 17. 8. and unexpected alteration in the state of affairs,
24. 18. their portion is cursed in the e. 14. 16. and he thrust in his sickle on the e. civil or ecclesiastical, is represented by a great
39. 14. ostrich, which leaveth her eggs tn the e. 16. 2. the first poured out his vial vpon the e. earthquake. Rev. 6. 12. and I6. 18.
Psal. 16. 3. but to the saints that are in the e. 18. 24. the blood of all that were slain upon the e. 1 AVnf.f 19. II. after the wind, an «.Ld.wasnot ine.
46. 8. what desolations he hath made in the e. Out of the EARTH. IC. after the e. a fire, the Lord was not in the fire
10. be still, I will be exalted in the e. 1 Sam. 28. 13. I saw gods ascending out of the e. Isa. 29. 6. thou shalt be visited of the Lord with e.
58. 11. verily he is a God thatjudgeth in the e. 2 Sam. 23. 4. as tender grass springing oul'ofthe e. .Imos 1. 1. which he saw two years before the e.
72. 16. there shall be a handful of corn «n the e. Job 8. 19. and out of the e. shall others grow ye (led from before the e.
iCech. 14. 5. like as
119.19-1 ani a stranger in the e.hide not thy com. 23. 2. iron is taken out of the e. and brass molten Mat. 27. 54. now when the centurion saw the e.
140.11. let not an evil speaker be established iyi e. 5. as for the e. out of it cometh bread was a great e. the angel of the
28. 2. behold, there
Ptov.ll.3l. the righteous be recompensed in the e. Psal. 85. 11. truth shall spring out of the e. Lord, Acts 16.2(5. liev. 6. 12. II. 13. |

Isa. 26. 9- for when thy judgments are in the e. 104. 14. that he may bring food out of the e. Rev. 8. 5. there were thunderings and an «. 1 1. 19.
18. we have not wrought deliverance in the e. 35. let the sinners be consumed out of the e. 16. 18. a great e. so mighty an e. and so great
40. 24. their stock shall not take root in the e. Dan.T.n.iouT kings, which shall arise out of the e. EARTHQUAKES.
42. 4. till he have set judgment in the e. Hos. 2. 18. I will break the battle out of ihe e. Mat. 24.7- there shall be famines, pestilences, and
62. 7. till he make Jerusalem a praise in thee. Mic. 7. 2. the good man is perished out of the e. e. ill divers places, Mark 13. 8. Lute 21. II.
65. 16. shall bless in God of truth, who blesseth Rev. 13. 11. another beast coming \\-pout of the e. EASE.
himself in the e. and he thatsweareth in thee. To, or, unto the EARTH. Dent. 28. 65. among nations shalt thou find no e.
Jer. 17. 13. that forsake thee, be written i« the e. Gen. 24. 52.he worshipped, bowing himself /o the e. Judg. 20.43. they trod the Benjamitef down with e.
31. 22. the Lord hath created a new thing in the e. 37. 10. to bow down ourselves to thee, to the e. Job 12. 5. in the thought of him that is at e.
Hos.^. 23. and I will sow her unto me in the e. 42. 6. fhey bowed themselves to the e. 43. 26. 16. 12. I was at*, y 21. 23.dieth, being wholly at*
Joel 2. 30. and I will shew wonders in the e. 48. 12. he bowed himself with his face lo the e. Ps. 25.13. his soul shall dwell at *. his seed inherit
Amos 5.7- ye who leave off righteousness in the e. Josh. 5. 14. Joshua fell on his face to the e. 7, 6. 123. 4. %vith the scorning of those that are at *.
Mat. 25. 18. he went and digged in the e. and hid 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was fallen on his face to the e. Prov. 1. +33. the e. of the simple shall slay thtui
25. 1 was afraid, and hid thy talent in the e. 17 49. Goliath fell on his face to the e. Isa. 32. 9. rise up, ye women that are at *.
il/ff; is like a grain of mustard seed.when it 24. 8. David stooped with his face to the e. 1 1 tremble, ye women that are at «. be troubled

is sown in the e. is less than all seeds in the e. 25. 41. she bowed herself to the e. 1 Kings 1. 31. Jer. 46. 27. Jacob shall return, and be in rest, at *.
1 John 5. 8. there are three that bear witness in the e. 26. 8. let me smite him, I pray thee, to the e. 48. II. Moab hatli been at *. from his youth
On, or, upon the EARTH. 20. therefore let not my blood fall to the e. 49. + 31. get you up to the nation that is at e.
Gen. 6. 6. repented that he had made man on thee. 2 Sam. 1.2. when he came to David he fell to the e. Lzek. 23. 42. a voice of a multitude being at *.
12. God looked vpon the e. behold it was corrupt 14. 11. not one hair shall fall to the e. 1 Kingsl.52. Amos 6. 1. woe to them that are at *. in Zion
7. 4. I will cause it to rain vpon the e. forty days 2 lyings lO.lO.iaW to the e. nothingof the word of L. Zech. 1. 15. 1 am sore displeased with heathen at *.
12. the rain was upoti the e. forty days, 17 2 Chron. 20. 24. were dead bodies fallen to the e. Luke 12. 19. take thine e. eat, drink, and be merry
8. 17. be fruitful juid multiply tipon thee. Job 12. 8. or speak to the e. it shall teach thee EASE.
19. 23. sun was risen upon tie e.^v;het\ Lot entered Psal. 17. 11. .set their eyes, bowing down to the e. Detit. 23, 13. when thou wilt *. thyself abroad
28. 12. and behold a ladder set upon the e. 44. 25. for our belly clea%'eth unto the e. 2 Chron. 10. 4. *. thou somewhat the yoke, 9.
ExoJ. 10. C. since the day they were vpon the e. 50. 4. he shall call to the e. that he may judge Job 7. 13. my couch shall *. my complaint
Lev. 11. 29. things that creep vpon the e. 42, 41. 146. 4. his breath goeth forth, he returneth to the e. Isa. 1.24. ah, I will e. me of mine adversaries
Dent. 4. 10. all days they live upon the c. 12. 1,19. Eccl. 3 21. the spirit of beast that goeth to the e. 38. t 14. O Lord, I am oppressed, *. me
36. upo7i the e. he shewed thee his great fire 12.7. then shall the dust return to the e. EASED.
12 16. ye shall pour it vpon the e. as water, 24. Isa. 8. 22. and they shall look unto the e. Job 16. 6. and though I forbear, what am 1 e. .'

2 Sam. 12. 16. David lay all night vpon the e. 63. 6. 1 will bring down their strength to the e. 2 Cor. 8. 13. that other men be *. and ye burdened
14. 7. not leave name nor remainder tipon the e. Jer. 15. 10. a man of contetition to the whole e. EASEMENT.
1 Ki>tgs 8. 27. but will God indeed dwell on the e. ? Hos, 0. 3. as the latter and former rain to the e. Judg.3. t £4. he doeth his *. in his summer-chamber
heaven cannot contain thee, 2 Chron. 6. 18. Luke 24. 5. and bowed down their faces to the e. EASIER.
17. 14. till the day the Lord sends rain vpan the e. Acts 9. 4. Saul fell to the e. and heard a voice Exod. 18. 22. soshall it be *. for thyself, shall bear
K 'A;(JB.29.]5. our days on e. as a shadow, Job 8. 9. 10. 11. as a great sheet, and let down to the e. Mat, 9. 5. whether is «. to say, thy sins be forgiven
Jobi .\. is there not an appointed time toman on e. ! 26. 14. aud when we were all fallen to the e. thee, orto say, arise, Mark 2. 9- Luke 5. 23.
19. 25. he shall stand at the latter day vpon the e. Rev. 6. 13. and the stars of heaven fell to the e. 19.24. it is a camel to go thro'the eye office-
20. 4. knowest not since man was placed on the e. 12.4. drew the stars, and did not cast them to the e. die, th;m a rich man, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25.
37. 6. for he saith to the snow, be thou on the e. 13. wnen the dragon saw he was cast unto the e Luke is *.for heaven and earth to,thau
41 33. on e. th»re is not his like, leviathan made EARTHEN. EASILY.
Psal.' .5. let. the enemy tread down my life «n the e. Lev. 6. 28. the e. vessel wherein it was sodden 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity is not «.provoked,thinks no evil
41. 2. and he shall be blessed vpon the e. 11. 33. the e. vessel whereunto any of them falleth Ileb. 12. 1. lay aside the si.T which doth so *.besetqs
07. 2. that thy way may be known vpon the e. 14. 5. one of the birds killed in an e. vessel, 50. EASE.
73. 25. there isnoneK/)o« t. I desire besides thie Nvm.5. 17. priest shall take holy water in e. vessel The Hebrews express the cast, west, north, and
1 12. 2. his seed shall be mighty vpon the e. 2 Sam. 17. 28. brought beds, basins, and e. vessels south, by words which signify, before, behind,
Prov. 30. 24. four things that are little vpo7i the e. Jer. 19. 1. go and get a potter's e. bottle left, and right, according to the situation of a
ficcl. 7. 20. for there is not a just man vpon the e. 32. 14. put these evidences in an e. vessel man with his face turned towards the east.
10. 7. and princes walking as servants i(/(on the e. Lam. 4.2. how are they esteemed zse. pitchers JJy the cast, they describe frequently not only
11.2. knowest not what evil shall he done vpon e. 2 Cor. 4. 7. we have this treasure in e. vessels Arabia Deserta, and the lands of .Moab and
3. the clouds empty themselves vpon the e. EARTHLY. Amnion, which lay to the east of Palestine ;

Cant. 2. 12. flowers appear on thee, time of singing JohjiS. 12. if I have told you*, things. believe not but Assyria /i/ (.a I jf, .Mesopotamia, Uabylonia,
Isa. 28. 22. a consumption determined vpon thee. 31. he that is of the earth is e. speaks of earth and Chaldea, which lie rather to the north lift up your eyes, and look upon the e. 2 C'»r. 5.1. if our*, house of tabern. were dissolved than lo the east of Judea. It is said, in
Jer. 9. 3. are not valiant for the truth vpon the e. Phil. 3. 19. many walk, who mind e things Gen. 11. 1,£. that the jonj .•/" N oak having
Lam. 2. 11. eyes fail, my liver is poured vpon the e. Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom is e. sensual, devilish but one langvn!;e, departed from the east, and
Dan. 2.10. not a man on the e. can shew the matter EARTHY. came into the l.^nd of Shinar. Hereupon
Amos 3. 5. can a bird fall in a snare vpon the e. 1 Cor. 15. 47. the first man is of the earth, e. sume dijKciJtiei have been raised ; for the
9. 9. yet shall not the least gram fall upon the e. 48. as is the e. such are they also tha'. are e. land <f shinaT IS not to the wcit of Armenia,
htat. 0. 19. lay not up for yours, treasuresi/pun*. 49. and as we have borne the image of the e. where the ark rested; and Armenia docs net
9- 6. ni.ay know that the Son of man hath power on EARTHQUAKE. lie to the cast of Babylonia, where the larul
e. to forgive sins, Marki. 10. J^uke 5.'Z-l The scripture speaks of several natural earthquakes. of Shinar was. On the contrary, it it to tha
10. ."il. think not I am come to send peace on e. ihie of the most remarkable, it that uhicb was north of this country. Inleipreters and Ccni-
Ifi. 19. whatsoever thou sh.tlt bind on e. 18. IB. in the twenty-seventh year of Uzziah, km; of mentators, to disengage themselves okX of «.Vj*
18. 19. 1 say, that if two of you shall agree on e. Judah. 'There is mention of Mif earthquake «n perplexities, have itnagirted different explanalioni
23. 9- ^i"l call DO man your father u/vn the 1. Amos 1. 1. uni/i)t Zvcb' '4. £. JojcphtU'uy.f, of this ptxssage.


Sayit.ii/ Ileui^w word KeJem, or, r.ast, >i»ve 1
iKi- EAST-BORDER. endeavour to reclaim the people, lest thereby
%ndertlooJ llit cnuntry •u/itch uat uUe'uards Xum. 34. 10. and ye shall point out yonr t.-sorder their gain should be diminished.
feopted ty Kedemeh, the \i>mngest ton of Isliniael. Josh. 4. 19. encamped in the e.-borier of Jericho The ancient llebr*v»'$ did not eat ludiffeteiitlp
Others, that Kedem uas vseJ far. At the be- 15. 5. the e. -border \/3s the salt sea to end of .lordan with all sorts of persons ; they mould have jvl-
pinning; and t/iut Moses intended to describe Ezek. 45. 7- from the west-border "^j the e. -border luted and dishonoured ihetnselies im their onn
the pariieulai itme at a/iieh the first men de- 48. 21, of the oblation toward the t.-bordtr opinion, if tkeii had eaten with people of another
yarted ajter the deluge, in order to spread t/iem- EASTEK. religion, or of a profession that was odious ani
iflies into different countries. Oihers, that Acts 12. 4. intending after e. to bring him forth in disrepute. In the pairiarih Joseph's timt
Moses spoke according to the custom of the As- LASl-GAlE they neither ate with the Egyptians, nor iMi
syrians, icho called alt the provinces of their em- ^'eh. 3. 29. Shemaiah, the keeper of the e.-gate Egyptians with them. Gen. 43. 32. In ovr
pire vhich icere situated beyond the 1 i;;ris, Jer. 19. 2. which is by the entry of the e.-gate 6avion-'s time they did not eat with the Sama-
Kedem, or Kast and those on this side ihc
hzek. 10.19. every one stood at the doorof ihef.-j ritans: Eor the Jews have no dealings with the
same riier, the West, or Arab. Others, instead 11. 1. the Spirit broughtme unto the e.-gate •Samaritans, John 4. 9- And the Jews weri
(/, they departed or journeyed from the east, EASl-SIDE. lery much scandalized to see that Christ made
translate, they departed to go towards the east. Ftod. 27. 13. the breadth of the court on the e.-side no scruple of eating with publicans and sinners.-
Calmet says, that it appears to him from a great Sum. 2. 3. and on the e.-side shall Judah pitch Why eateth your Jlaster with publicans and
number of places in the Old and even in the Ji'sh. 7. 2. to Ai, which is on the e.-side of Bethel sinners? Mat. 9. 11. As there were lereral
J^em Teitamenl, that the sacred Writers called 16. 5. the border of their inheritance on the e.-side SOI ts of meats, the use whereof was not allowed
the provinces ichich tiere beyond the J igris and Judg. 11. 18. came by t.-tide of the land of Mo.ib them, they could not conveniently eat with those
Kuphrates, eicn Mesopmatnia. Armenia, and Ezek. 11.23. the mountain on the «.-ii(/e of the city who partook of them, for fear of contracting
I'ersia, Kedem, «r the East. .Moses, irhu hod 42. 16. he measured the e.-stde with the reed some pollution by touching them, or lest by ac-
been Irtd vp in Kgypt, and lived 1,'ng in Arabia, 4<J.2.from the e.-side even unto the west-side, 3, 4, cident any part of them should fall upon tliem,
iw this liieu'ise might pi obablyj'ollo-x the custom 5.6.7,8,23,24,25,26.27. liejore they sit down to table, they are very
of the ceuntry. U is certain, says he, that Jonah 4. 5. Jonah sat on the e.-side of the city careful 10 wash their hands: they ipeak of
Babylonia, Chaldea, Susiana, Persia, and a EAS I WARD. ttiis practice as a ceremony that is etsenlial
pari of Mesopotamia, ai uell as the rivers of Oen.lS.M.Mh up thine eyesr. andlook,D^uf.3.27 and .^trclly obliging.
Kuphrates and Tigris, for the greatest par: of 2 Kings 13. 17. open the window e. and he opened it Gen. 2. I6. of every tree thou mayest freely e.
their course are to tht east of Palestine, Egypt, 1 Chr. 26. 17. e. were six Levites, northward four 3. 5. in the day ye e. your eyes shall be opened
and Arabia. Ezei. 47. 3. the man with the line went forth t. 6. Eve took and did *. 12. and 1 did e. 13.

He adds, that it is farther certain, that the people EAS J -WIND. 14. and dust shalt thou *. alt the days of thy life
uho came from Armenia, Syria, Media, and Gtn.41.6 thin ears, blasted with the e.-mind, 23.27. 17. in sorrow shalt thou e. ofit alldays of thy lif»
L'pper Mesopotamia, entered Palestine and hzod. 10. 13. the Lord brought an e.-icind, 14. 21 18.8. he stood by the angels, and they did *. jy.S.
Ejppt from the east-side, ahich aas sufficient Job 15. 2. and fill his belly with the».-ai)irf 27. 4. savoury meat, bring it to me, that 1 mayj.
for the Hebrews to say, that t'lese people lay to 27. 21. e.-a'iwrfcarrieth him away, he departeth 31. 46. and they did *. there upon the heap
she east, uith respect to them. He proves by 38.24. which scattereih the e.-i^iud upon the earth 40. 17. the birds did *. them out of the basket
thefollo-jiug passages, that these countries acre Psal. 48. 7. thou breakest the ships with an e.-aind 43. t 16. these men shall *. with me at nooa
inoun among the Hebrews iy the name of I'.ast. 78. 26. he caused an e.-uind to blow in heaven 32. for the Egyptians did *. by themselves
In Num. 23. 1. Balaam «»/, that Balak, iing Jsa. 27.8. he stayeth his rough wind in day of*. -w. Ezod. 10.5. the locustsshallf. every tree that grow.
of Aloab, had brought him from the mountains Jer. 18. 17. 1 will scatter them £is with an e.-uind 12. the locusts may *. ev«ry herb of the land
of the east; that is,fiom Pethor upon the Ku Ezck. 17. 10. wither when the e.-aiH<f toucheth it 12.8. roast with fire,with bitter herbs they shall<.it
phrates. Isaiah says, ch. 41. C. that Abrahan 19. 12. and the e.-icind drieth up her fruit 16. no work done, tavt that which every man (.
came from the east into the land of Canaan .
27. "^6. the e.-uind h»th broken thee in the seas 43. no stranger shidl e. thereof, 48. I.ev. 22. 14.
And it is knoun that he came from Mesopota- Hos. 12. 1. Ephraim followeth after the e.-wind 44. when circumcised, then shall he e. thereof
mia and Chaldea. The same prophet savs, that 1.3.15. though he be fruitful, an <.-:ii7i</ shall come 16. 25. e. that to-day, for to-day is a sabbath to L.
Cyrus should come from the east against Haby- Jonah 4. 8. God prepared a vehement e.--j.ind S5. the children of Isr. did *. manna forty years,
lon, Isa. 46. 11. He places i'yria to the east Jiai. 1. 9. their faces sh.iU sup up as the e.-n-ind till came to borders of Canaan, JuAn 6 31, 49, ^•

W'Judea. St. Matthew says, that tht aise men, EASV. 23. 11. that the poor of thy people may *.
uho came to uorship Christ, set out from the /'r<Ji'.14.6. knowledge is e. to him that understands 29. 32. Aaron and sons shall e. Lev. 6. 10. 8.31. |

east. Mat. «. 1. M.u. 11. 30. my yoke is e. div burden is light 34. 15. one call thee, and thou e. of his sacrifice
Alt this, says he, demonstrates, that in the scrip- 1 dr. 14. 9. except \e utter words*, to be understood Lev.6. 18. males shall*, it, 29. 7-6. Aum. 18.10. |

ture style, the East is often used for the pro- Jam. 3.17. wisdom from above is e. to be intreated 26. the priest that offereth it for sin shall *. it
linces ichich lie to the Sorth of Judea and EAJ-. 7.19. all that be clean shall*, thereof, AVm.lU. 11.
Ejypt, from uhence, houever, people geneialli/ To eat signifies, [1] To chew meat with the teeth 24. any other use, but ye shall in no wise *. of il
enter Palestine iy the icoy only of Damascus, to make it fit to enter the stomach. Gen. 27. 4. 10. 12. *. of it without Itaven beside the altar
a/iicA II to the north-east of this country. [2] To enjoy, Isa. 1. I9. [3] 'To waste, or con- 11. 21. yet these ye may «. 22. Veut. 14. £0.
Z'Ae I'.ast is the first of the four cardinal points sume, Eccl. 5. H. [4] To oppress and undo, 24.9. Aaron and his sons shall e. in the holy place
of the horizvn, t-here the sun is seen to rise Psal. 14. 4. [5] To believe, John 6. 56. [6]
25.20. if ye say, what shall we «. the seventh year
ichen in the equinoctial. To have fetlouship uith, 1 Cor. 5. 11. [7] To 26. 16. shall sow in vain, your enemies shall *. it
C<n.,1.24. God placed at the ^. of the garden of F.den feed on God's -.roid, Isa. 55. I. [8] To least, Aum. 11.5. we remember the fish we did *. freely
IC. 8. Abraham removed to a mountain on the e. Isa. 22. 13. [y] To do the uill of God uiih 13. weep, saying, give us flesh, that we may *.
13. 11. Lot chose the plain, and journeyed e. delight, John 4. 32. li is said in Ezek. 3. 1. 23. 24. he shall not lie down till he *. of the prey
C8. 14. thou shall spread abroad to the west and e. Son of man, eat that thou findest, eat this roll. 25.2. the peo. did *. of their sacrifices, and bowed
Cy. 1. came into the land of the people (.( the «. Jiead attenr,K(ty, meditate throughly, impress Deuf.2.6. ye shall buy meat of them that ye may e.
A'um. 3. 38. but those that encamp toward the e, the things upon thy soul deeply, i'o in Jer. 12. 15. *. in thy gates, 21. 15. 22.
26. 12

23. 7. Balak hath brought me out of the e. 15. 16. Lhy words were found, and I did eat 15. the unclean and clean may *. 22. 15. 2?.
ludg. 6. 3. the children of the e. came up against them. 18. thou must*, before the Lord, 14.20. 15.80.

them, 33. 7. 12. 8. 10. 1 Kings*. 30. In John 6. 53, 56. our Saviour says. Except
| | 20. shalt say, 1 will «. flesh, thou mayest e. flesh
I A"inf< 7. 85. three looking toward the e. 2 Chr.i. 4. ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink 14. 21. give it to the stranger that he may e,
1 Chron. y. 24. the porters towards the e. west, his blood, ye have no life in you. Except 20. 6. lest he die, and another man e. of it
north ye partake of those benefits uihich I purchased 23. 24. then thou mayest *. grapes thy fill
12. 15. they put to flight them toward the t. by my s'ljlerings in my humannalure,ye have no 28. 39. not gather grapes, for worms shall *. thei»
Job 1 3. the greatest of all the men of the e.
. spiritual life, nor communion with God, but con- 53. shall *. fruit of thine own body, ia»i.2.20.
I'sal. 75. 6. promotion cometh not from e. nor went tinue in your sins, and shall not partake of eter- 32. 38. which did *. the fat of their sacrifices
103. 12. as far as the e. is from the west nal life. Again : He that eateth my flesh, and Josh. 5. 11. they did *. of the old corn of the land
107. 3. he gathered them from the e. and west drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and 1 111 24. 13. of the vineyards ye planted not do ye e,
Jsa. 2. 6. because they l>e replenished from the e. him. There-is an intimate union and commu- Judg. 19.8. they tarried, and did e. both of iheia
II. 14. they shall spoil them of the *. Jer. 49. 28. nion between us, he having a constant dependance 1 bam. 1. 18. Hannah did «. and was no more sad
41.2. who raised up the ripht«ous man from the e. upon me for life, which ts his duelling in me ; 9. 13. and afterwards they *. that be bidden
43. 5. 1 wdl bring thy seed from the c Zech. 8. ". and J giving out a constant infiuer.ce and 14. 34. and *. anil sin not against the Lord
46.11. calling a ravenous bird from the (. the man guickening vtitue to make him live, which is 20. 34. Jonathan did e. no meal the second day
F.iei.S. 16. men 25, with their faces towards the e. my dwelling in him. And in John 4. 32. he 28. 22. and *. that thou mayest have strength
25. 4. Iwill deliver thee to the men of the «. 10. says, I have meat to eat which ye know not 2 Ham. 9. 11. he shall *. at my table, 1 Kings 2. T-
40. 6. then came he to the gate which looketh to- ou I have something to do which I prejer 1 Kings H. 11. him thatdiithol JeroDoam snail the
ward the e. 22. 43. 1. 44. 1. 46. I. 12.
| | | before bidily food, namely, to bring these dogs e. 16. 4. 21. 23. 2 Kings 9. 10, 36.

43.2. the glorv of God came from the way of the e. Samaritans to believe in and own me fr the 17. 12. for me and my son, that we may e. and die
47.8. these waters issue out toward the<. country true Messiah. 19. 5- the aiigel said, arise and e. Acts 10. IS
48. 10. toward the e. ten thousand in breadth 'Jhe Psalmist says, Psal. 69. 9. The zeal of 11.7.

17. the suburbs of the city toward the e. 250. thine house hath eaien me up: 'Ihai fervent 2 Kings 4. 43. they shall *. and leave thereof
Dan. 8 9- the horn waxed great toward the e. passion which I have for thy house, and service, 44. they did *.aoi) left thereof, according tr word
11.44. tidinjs out of the*, shall trouble him and glory, and people, hath exhausted my natu- 6.28. this woman said, give thy son that we mayf»
Jjel 2. 20. I will drive him toward the e. sea ral moisture and vital spirits. The Apostle him to-day, and we will *. my son to-morrow
dwos 8. 12 they shall wander from noith to e. charges the Corinthians not to eat with a 29. so we boiled my son, and did *. him
I'ch. ;4. 4. the mouut shall cleave toward the*. broiher»that is a fomicaior, or covetous, or ac 18. 31. ye *. every man of his own nine, 7*1/ .36.1^ 2. 1. there came wise men from the e. idolater; not to entertain any unnecessary 2 Chron. 30. 18. yet did they «. the passover
2. for we have seen his star in the e. 9. familiarity uith him, 1 Cor. 5. 11. Hosea y-.zra 6.21. and the children of Israel did *.
8. 11. many come Irom e. and west. LukelZ. 29. speaking of the priests, says, 'J hey eat up the A'*/(. 5.2. take up com, that we may «. and liva
21. 27. as lightning cometh out of the e. sin of my people, JJi'S. 4. 8. They feast upon, 9. 25. so they did *. and were filled, Psal. 78. «!JL
Rev. 7. 2. another angel ascending from the e. and pamper themselves with those sacrifices Job 3. 24. fur uiy sighing cometh before I *.
16. 12. ihe way of kings of e. might b« prepared which my people ojler for iheir sins, and are 31.8. then let me sow, and lei another *.
£1. 13. on the •. thrte gates, on the north three greedy ajttr lAeiri, and do neither dtiirt nor fsai. 22. id. the meek shall e. and be satisfied
Pml. "S.Z9. all 'lify that he fat on enrt'i shall e. 2 S11m.ig.35. can thy servjuit t.aste what I e.ord .'I £jorf. 12. 18. first month at even y^j./.unlea,^ .bread
00. 13. will 1 e. t'lic liisli of bulls, or drink blood 1 A/«ffj 1.25. theye. and driK^ before Adonijah 16. 12. saying, atevenye </i<i//e. flesh, and in mom
7H. 25. man did t. angels' food, he sent them meat 13. 8. I will not e. bread nor drink water, 9.17,22. Xcf. 7. 23. ye shalt e. no manner of fat, 24.
128. C. thou shah «. the labour of thine hands 16. neither will I e. bread nor drink water 26. y« shall e. no manner of blood, 17. 14.
Prov. 1.31. e. Uie fruit of their own waj-, Isa.3.\0. 18. 41. Elijah said, get thee up, t. and dnnk 10. 13. and ye shall e. it in the holy place
iS.S.but the soul of transgressors shall e. vidence 2 Kings 6. 22. set bread, that they may e. and drink 23. li.yeshalle. neither bread nor parched corn
18. 21. and they that love it e. the fruit 7. 8. they went into one tent and did e. and dnnk f/j.;//«.the increase thereof out of the field
24. 13. my son e. thou honey, because it is good 18. 27. e. own dung and drink piss, ha. 36. 12. 19. ye shall e. youi fill, and dwell in safety
27. 18. whoso keepeth fig-tree shall e. fruit thereof 1 i'lir. 29. 22. and did*, and </r(n/t before the Lord 22. ye shall e. of the old store, 20. 10.
30. 17. the eye, and the young eagles shall e. it 2 Chron. 28. 15. and gave them to «. and to drink 26. 26. and ye shall e. and not h£ satisfied
E:cl. 2. 25. for who can e. or hasten more than 1 I'.zra 10. 6. Ezra did e. no bread nor drink water 29. ye shall e. the flesh of your sons and daugh.
5.11. goods increase they are increased that t.them -Vf/j. 8. 10. go your way, e. the fat and drink sweet Num. 11. 18. the Lord will give flesh, andye shall t.
12. sleep is s*eet, whether he e. I'ttle or much Eslh.i. 16. fast forme, nor e. nor drink three days 18.31.andyef/jiz// every place.and households
10. 16. and thy princes e. in the morning Joh 1. 4. called sisters to <r. and drink with them Deut. 12. 7- there ye shall e. before Lord your Uo<J
17. blessed, when thy princes e. in due season Prov. 23. 7. so is he, e. and drink saith he to thee 14. 11. of all clean birds ye shall e.
Caul. 4. + 1. as a flock of goats that e. of Oilead Eccl, 2. 24. there i.' nothing better than that he 1 Ham. 9. 19. go up, for ye shall e. with me today
16. come into his garden and e. his pleasant fruits should e. and drink, 3. 13. 5. le.. 8. 15. 2 Kings 19.29. this shall be a sign, ye shall e. this
| I

Isa.i. 1. we will e. our own bread, and wear our Cant. 5. 1. e. O friends, yea, drink abundantly yearsuch things as grow themselves, Isa. 37.30
own apparel Isa. 21. 5. *. drink, ye princes, anoint the shield ha. 1.19. if obedient ye j/;a//e.the good of the land
7. 15. butter and honey shall he f.that he may know 22. 13. behold joy and gladness, let use.and <//i;i;(, shall e.the riches of the Gent. in their glorj
22. butter and honey shall every one?, that is left for to-morrow we shall die, 1 Cor. 15. 32. Lzek. 39. 19. &nd ye shall e. fat till ye be lull
9. 20. e. on the left hand, the flesh of his arm Jer. 22. 15. did not thy father e. and drink.' Joel 2. 26. ye shall e. in plenty, and be satisfied
11.7. the lion shall e. straw like the ox, 65. 25. Ezek. 25. 4. shall e. thy fruit and drink thy milk Luke 12. 22. take no thought what ye shall e. nor pui
30. 24. oxen and asses shall e. clean provender 39. 17. that ye may e. flesh and drink blood 'Jo KAl'.
37.30. sow ye and reap, plant vineyards, and e. Uan. 1 12. give us pulse to e. and water to drink
Eiod.16.8. Lord shall give you in evening flesh to e.
the fruit thereof, 65.21. Jer. 2i). 5,28. Zech. 7. 6. when ye did e. and when ye did drink Aum. 11. 4. said, who shall give us flesh 10 e..' 18.
51. C. and the worm shall e. them like wool Mat. 6. 25. what shall e. or drink, 31. Luke 12.29 Deut. 12. 20. because thy soul longeth to e. flesh
55. 1. come ye, buy and e. yea, come, buy win 24. 49. to e. and drink with drunken, Luke 12. 4f 18. 8. they shall have like portions toe.
2. hearken to me, and e. that which is good Luke 5. 30. why do ye e. and d. with publicans • 1 Sam. 9. 13. before he go to the high place (0 c.
62. 9- they that have gathered it shall e. it 33. John's disciples fast, but thy disciples «.and d 20. 24. the king sat him down to e. meat
65. 4. a people which «. swine's flesh and broth 12. 19. take thine C2ise, e. drink, and be merry 2 Sam. 3. 35. the people came to cause David to e.
13. my servants shall e. but ye shall be hungry 17. 8. and afterward thou shalt e. and drink 9. 10. that thy master's son may have food to e.
22. they shall not plant and another e. 27. they did e. they drank, they married, 28. 13. 9. poured bef .re him, but he refused 10 e.
Jer.\5.\5. thy words were found, and I did e. them 22. 30. that ye may e. and drink at my table 16. 2. and summer-fruit for the youu'.; men lo e.
19. 9- shall e. every one the flesh of his friend in .•Jets 9. 9- Saul three days did neither e. nor drink 17. 29. for the people that were with him to e.
the siege and straitnes:^ £3. 12. e. novdrink till they had killed Paul, 21. 2 Kings 4. 40. so they poured out for the men to e
E:ek. 2. 8. open thy mouth and e. that I give thee Horn. 14. 21. neither to e. flesh nor drink wine 2 Chron. 31. 10. we have had enough to e. and lefi
3. 1. son of man, «. that thou findest, f. this roll 1 Cor. 9. 4. have we not power to e. and to drink .' Xeh. 9. 36. land thou gavest, lo e. the fruit thereo.
4. 30. e. by weight 5. 10. fathers shall e sons
10.31.wheth. therefore ye e.OT drink, or whatever Fsal. 73. 24. and had rained manna on them 10 e.
16.13. thou didst «. tine flour, and honey, and oil 11. 22. have ye not houses to e. and drink in ? Pruf. 23. 1. when thou sittest to e. with & rular
22. 9- and in thee they e. upon the mountains 26. as oft as ye e. this bread and drink this cup 25. 27. it is not good to e. much honey
34. 3. ye e. the fat, and clothe you with the wool 27. whosoever shall e. and drink unworthily Led. 5. 19. hath given him power to e. thereof
Van. 4. 33. Mebuchadnezzar did e. grass a3 oxen 28. and so let them e. and drink oi that cup 6. 2. ytt God giveth him not power to e. thereof
Hoi. 4. 10. for they .ihall e. and not have enough, He did V.AV. Jsa. 23. 18. shall be for them toe. suflSciently
they shall not increase, Mic. 6. 14. Hug. 1. 6 Gen. 3. 6. Eve gave to her husband, and he did c. Jer. 19. 9. cause them to e. tlie flesh of their sons
9. 3. they shall e. unclean things in Assyria 25. 28. loved Esau, because he did e. of his venison Lzek. 3. 2. and he caused me to e. that roll
4. all that e. thereof shall be polluted 27. 25. lie brought it near to Isaac, and he did e. 3. be said, son of man, cause thy belly to e.
Amoi 6. 4. that e. the lambs out of the flock 39. 6. he knew not ought, save the bread //erfirfe. Dan. 4. 35. they shall make thee to e. grass, 32
.I/kt. 3. 3. who also e. the flesh of my people 16Vmi.30.11.gave the Egyptians bread, and he did e. Mic. 7.1. woe IS me, there is no clusitr to e.
Zec/i.M. 9. let the rest e. every one flesh of another 2 'iam. 9. 13. lie did e. continually at his table Hub. 1.8. they shall flee as eagle tha; hasleth toe.
16. but he shall e. the flesh of the fat and tear 12. 20. they set bread before him, and he did e. Mat.\1.\. they began to pluck ears of corn and /we.
Mat. 12. 4. how Uavid did e. the shew-bread Mark 1. 6. John did e. locusts and wild honey 4. not lawful for him ro e. .lia)*2.26. J lote 6. -k.
14. 20. did all e. and were filled, took up frag- Luke 4. 2. and in those days he did e. nothing 14.16. giveyethem to e. Mark'O. 37. Lukef). 13.
ments, 15. 37. Mark 6. 42. 8. 8. Luke Q. 17- Gal. 2. 12. for before he did e. with the Gentiles
15. 20. to e. with unwashen hands defileth not
15. 27. yet the dogs e. of the crumbs, Mark"! 28. . EAT not. 32. the multitude have nothing to e. Mark 8. 1,2.
38 they that did e. were 4,000, beside .vomen Gen. 2. 17- but of the tree of the knowledge of good 26. 17. where wilt that we prepare In e. passover
26. 21. and as they did e. he said, Mark 14.18,22. and evil, thou shalt not e. of it, 3. 1, 3. Mark 5. 43. that something should be given her to t.
26. Jesus took bread, brake it, and said, take c. 3. 11. whereof I commanded thee not to e. J7. 6. 31. and they had no leisure so much as to e.
this is my body, Mark 14. 22. 1 Cor 11.04. 9. 4. the blood thereof shall you nof e. Lei'. I9.C6. Luke 22. 15. 1 have desired to e. this passover
Mark 2. 16. when they saw him e. with publicans Veiu. 12.16, 23, 2 1. 25. 15. 23. John 4. 32. 1 have meat to e. that ye know not of

6. 44. they that did e. were above 5,000 men 21. 33. I will not e. till I have told my errand 33. hath any man brought him aught to e.!
11. 14. no man e. fruit of thee hereafter for ever 32. 32. the children of Israel e. not of the sinew 6. 62. how can this nun give us his flesh to t.T
14.12.where go and prepare that thou mayest e.the 43. 32. the Egyptians might H»»«. with the Hebrews .lets 27. 35. when he had broken it, he began toe.
passover? 14. Luke 'il.S.lX. John W.W. Lrod. 12. 9- « not of it raw, nor sodden at all 1 Cor, 8. 10. emboldened to e. things otiered to idoU

I.uke6. 1. and did*, rubbing them in their hands 15. a foreigner shall not e. thereof, 29. 33. 11.20.whenyecome,thi5 is not to t. Lord's suppei
7. 36. one desired him that he would *. with him Lev. 11.4. these shall ye not e. Vent. 14. 3, 7. 33. bretliren, when ye come together to e.
10. 8. e. such things as are set before you 22. 4. a leper not e. of the holy things, 6. iO, 12. //e*. 13. 10. an altar whereof they have no right toe.
15. 23. killed fatted calf, let us s. and be merry 8. that torn he shall not e. to defile himself lUv. 2. 7- will 1 give /oe. of the tree of life in midst
24. 43. he took it, and did e. before them Xum. 11.19. ye shall not e. one day, or twodajs 14. /o e. things ssicrificed unto idols, 20.
John 4. 31. disciples prayed him, saying. Master e. IJeul. 14. 21. ye shall «o/ e. of any thing that dieth 17.1 will give /oe.ofiiiddeu manna, awhiteston*
C. 26. because ye did e. of loaves and were filled of itself,shalt give it to stranger, Lzek. 44. 31. EAT up
50. that a man may e. thereof and not die 28. 31. ox be slain, and thou shalt not e. thereof Oen. 41. 4. the lean did e. vp the seven fat kine, £0.
53. except ye e. the flesh of the Son of Man Judg. 13. 4. and e. not any unclean thing, 7. 14. Lev. 26. 38. land of your enemies shall e. you up
dcts 2. 46. they did e. their meat with gladness 1 Ham. 1. 7- therefore she wept and did not e. A'urn. 24. 8. he shall e. up the nations his enemies
11.3. thou wentest in and did e. with them 9. 13. for the people will not e. till he come Ihut. 28. 33. a nation thou kiiowcst not shall e. up
23. 14. we willf. nothing till we have slain I'aul -8. 23. Saul refused, and said, I will not e. Psal.'iT. enemies came on me to e.iip my llesU
Horn. 14. 8. one helieveth he may e. all things 2 Kings 4. 40. and they could not e. thereof 105. 35. did e. up all the herbs in their land
23. he that doubtcth is damned if he e. 7. 2. shalt see it with thy eyes, but not e. thereof,! 9. ha. 50. 9. the moth shall e. them up, 51. 8.
1 C'or.8.7
. for some e. it as a thing offered to an idol I'.zra 2. 63. not e. of most holy things, Neh. '. 65. Jer. 5. 17. they shall e. up thine harvest and tUy
8. neither if we e. are we the better, if we e. not I'sal. 141.4. and let me not e. of their daijities bread,e.i(;;thy Hocks,, »•.«;< thy vines and lig-trec»
13. I will e. no flesh while the world standeth /Voti.23.6. e. not bread of him that hath an evil eye £2. 22. the wind shall e. up all thy pastures
10. 3. and did all e. the same spiritual meat I zek. 24.17. cover not lips, and e. not bread of men lios. 4. 8. they e. up the sin of my people
18. who e. of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar Mtirk 7. 3. lews, except they wash, they e. nm, 4. .Inios 7. 4. it devoured the deep, and did e up A part
25. whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that e. I ukcll. 16. 1 will note, thereof, until fulfilled iUie. 5. i6. they shall e. ii;^ the land of Assyria
27. e. asking no questions fT conscience sake 1 Cor. 5. 11. with such an one no not to e i\ah. 3. 15. it shall e. thee up like the canker-worm
11. 34. if any man hunger, let him e. at home 8, 8. neither if we e. not .are we fne worse Hev. 10. 9. angel said to me, lake it, and e. it uy
t 'J'hess. 3. 10. if .my work not, neither should he«. 10. 28. e. not, for his sake that shewed it EATEN.
? Tim. 2. 17. their word will e. as doth a canker Shall ye EAi'. Cen.S.ll. hast thou e. of tree whereof shouldcst cot!
Jam. 5. 3. and shall e. your flesh as it were fire r.iod. 12. 11. thus j//«// v« «. it, with loins girded 14. 24. save that which the young men have e.
liev.n. 16. shall e.her flesh, and burn her withfiie 15. seven days shall ye e. unleavened bread, 20. 31. 38. the rams of thy flock have I not e.
19. 18. that ye may e. flesh of kings and captains C2. 31. nor shall ye e. flesh lorn of beasts 41. 21. when they had
. i them up, it could not la
See liLOOD, BitEAD, ICat. l.fv. 10. 14. wave-breast shalt ye e. in clean place
known that they had e.tliem l)ul vvere ill-1'avourcj
FAl" witb dnnk. 11.3.cheweththe euJ, thai shall ye e.Ueui. 14.4,1). Prod. 12. 46. in one house shall it be e.
Cen.H.Si. and they did e. ^nd drink, Cfi ZO.F.rod. 9 these shall ye e. of all that are in the waters 13. 3. there shall be no leavened bread be e. 7.
24. 11. JuJg. 9. 27. I
19. 4. 19. 25. in the fifth year shall ye e. of the fruit 21.28. ox shall be stoned, his Mesh siiall not be c.
£iod. 32. 6. sat down to e. and drink, 1 Cor. 10. 7. 2ti. 29. the flesh of your daughters shall ye e. 22. 5. if a man cause a field or vineyard to bee
34.28. nor e. bread, nor rfrjM* water, /)«// ,9.9, 18. Uiui. 14. 9- <ill that have fins and scales shall ye e. 29. 34. it shall not be e. because it is holy
16'(7m..30.1l-.J'',cyptians did «, bread and drink water I'l shall EA r. Leii.6.16. it shall bee. in the holy place, 26. 7.0

t 'Sam. 11. It. shall I goto my house toe. and </riMX:.^ Gen. 45. 18. and yt shall e. the fat of the land shall be wholly b'lint, it shall not be «.7.iy,
12. 3. it d'd e. of bis meat and drink of his cup tied. 12, II, i/t ihalf ^. itiriliastc, Lord's passovcr . 30. DO sia-oflerioc shall be t it s.U^l be burut
Zev.' 7.15. sball ht e. the same day it is offered, 16. RATING. 1 T/i«j.2.13.tbe woiJ e.workethin yoa that believe
18. if thf sacrifice of peare-oftering be e. f/«n.2.tl6. of every tree*, thou shall eat, but of tree EFFEMINAIE.
10. 17. why have ye not e. the sin offerinc ' Ejod. 12. 4. take a lamb according to the Dumber of 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor*. shall inherit the kingdom of God
J8. ye should indeed have e. it in the holy place souls, every man according to his#. 16. 16,18,21 EOG.
19. if 1 had e. the sin-offerins; to-day Judg. 1.1. 9. Samson took thereof, and went on e. Job 6. 6. is there any taste in the white of on e. '
11. 13. they shall not be t. 41. Deul.'n. IQ. 1 Sam. 14.34. sin not against the L. in e. with blood Lukt ll.12.if he ask an e.will offer bim a scorpioa
19. 6. it shall be e. the same day ye offer, CC. 30. 30.l6.lhey were spread abroad on all the earth e. EGGS.
7. and if it be e. at all on the third day 1 Kings 1. 41. Adonijah's guests made an end of Deut. 22. 6. whether young ones or e. and the daa
Num. CO. 17. unleavened bread be e. E%ek. 45. CI. 2 Kings 4. 40. as they were e. of pottage, cried out silling on the young or e. shall not take the dam
Dmt. 6. IJ. to give vineyards ihou plantedst not Job CO. 23. and shall rain it upon him while he is e. Job 39. 14. the ostrich leaveth her e. in tlie earth
when thou shall have e. and be lull, 8. 10, IC. ha. 66. 17. e. swine's flesh, and the abominatiou ha. 10.14. one gathereth <.that are left, 1 gathered
12. 22. even as the roe. buck and the hart is e. .imosl. 2. when they had made an end of «. grass 59. 5. they hatch cockatrice e. he that ealeth «.
SO. 6. hath planted a vineyard, and haih note, of it Mai. 26. 26. as they were ». Jesus took bread Jer. 17. 11. as partridge siiteth on 4. and hatchetk
26. 14. I have not e. thereof in my mourning .lets l.t4. and e. with them, commanded them EIGHT.
29. 6. ye have not e. bread nor drunk wine 1
concerning e. of things sacrificed to idols Oen. 17. 12. he that is e. days old shall be cir
31. CO. when they shall have*, and be filled 11. 21. in e. every one taketh his own supper cumcised, every man child, 21. 4. Luke 2. 21.
losh. 5. 12. after they had e. of the old corn See Drinkinu. 22.23. these e. Milcah did bear to Nahor
Iiu:/i 3. 7. when Boaz had e. and drunk, he went ECHO. £;j-arf.26.25.theyshall be e.boards,and sockets silver
1 Sam. 14. 30. if haply the people had e. freely Ezek, 7. t 7. and not the e. of the mountains Aum. 7.8. Moses gave4 waggons, e. oxen to Jlerari
28. 20. for he had e. no bread all the day EDGE. 29. 29. on the sixth day «. bullocks, two rams
30. 12. when he had e. his spirit came again i.'ii'rf.l3. 20.Etham in e. of wilderness, Num. 33.6. Judg. 3. 8. Israel served Chushan-rishathaim /•.
2 Sam. 19. 4C. have we e. at all of the king's cost Cti. 10. make fifty loops in the «. of one curtain year»
I Kings 13. 22. but earnest back, and hast e. bread l.ccl. 10. 10. be blunt, and he do not whet the e. lC.14.Abdon, the son of Ilillel, judged Isr.e. year*
28. the lion had not e.the carcase, nor torn the ass Luke 4. t Cy. they led Jesus to the e. of the hill 1 6am. 17. 12. Jesse the Ephrathite hade, sous
ifeh. 5. 14. have not e. the bread of the governor See Teeth. 1 KingsT. 10. foundation W3is of stones of «. cubits
Job 6. 6. that is unsavoury be e. without salt EUGE
of the ticord. 2Kings 8.17.Jehoram reigned e. years in Jerusalem
31. 17. or have e. my morsel myself alone f'"c7(..34.26. and they slew Hamor with the e.ofsuord 22. 1. Josiah was e. years old when he began to
39. if I have e. the fruits thereof without money Kxod. 17.13. discomfited Amalekwith the e. 0/' sui. reign, and reigned thirty-one, 2 C'Ar. 34. I.
Pt. (vj. 9. for the zeal of thine housf hath e. me up, A'Hm.C1.24.and Israel smote Sihon with e. of sword 1 Chron. 24. 4. e. among the sous of Ithamar
and reproaches are fallen upon me, John 2.17. Josh. 6. 21. they utterly destroyed all with e. of sword Chr, 29. 17. they sanctified house of L. in e. days
102.9. 1 have e. ashes like bread,mingled my drink 8. 24. the I sraeliles smote At with the e. of sword Eccl. 11. 2. give a portion to seven, and also to e.
Prov. 9. 17. and bread e. in secret is pleasant ./»f/j.4.15.Sisera wilhe.p/f. 21.10. Jabesh-gilead Jer. 41. 15. but Ishmael escaped withe, men

23.8. the morsel that thou bast e. shall thou vomit Job 1. 15. Joab's servants slain with t, of sword,n. Ezek. 40. 31. the going up had e. steps, 34, 37.
Cam. b.\.l have «. my honey-comb with my honey /'ja/. ay. 43. thou hzist also turned the e.'of thesword 41. e. tables, whereon they slew their sacrifices
/ja.3. I4.forye have e.up the vineyard spoil of poor, Jer. 21.7. Nebuchadnezzar smite them with e. ofs. il7ie. 5.5. raise ag. him 7 shepherds, e. principal men
Jer. 10.25.tlie)- have*. up Jacob, and devoured him Luke 21. 24. the Jews shall fall by the e. of sword Luke 9.28. about an e.days after these sayings, I'eter
24.2. figs which could not be e. 3, 8. 29. 17.
lleb. 11. 34. who thro' faith escaped the e. of sword John CO. 26. after c. days his disciples were within
31. 29. fathers have *. sour grapes, Ezek. 18. 2. EDGED. lets 9. 33. Eneas, who had kept his bed e. yeajB
Ezek. 4. 14. I have not e. that which dieth of itself Psal. 149. 6. and a t-wo-e. sword in their hand 1 Pel. 3. 20. wherein e. souls were saved by water
18. 6. and hath not e. upon the mountains, 15. l'rov< 5. 4. but her end is sharp as a two-e. sword EIGHTH.
11. but even hath e. upon the mountains lleb.\.\2. wordof God sharper than a two-f. sworJ Lev. 25. 22. and ye shall sow the e. year and eat
Hot. 10. 13. ye have e. the fruit of lies Uev. 1. Iti. out of mouth went a sharp two-e. sword 1 A« Bul.which is e.month,house finished
Joel 1.4. that locust hath left, canker-worm e.2.C5. EDGES. 12. ,J2. Jeroboam ordained a feast in the e. month
Mill. 14. 21. and they that had e. Mark 8. 9. Ezod. C8. 7. joined at the two e. thereof, 39. 4. 1 Chron. 24. 10. the e. lot came forth to Abijah
I.uke 13. C6. we have e. and drunk in thy presence Judg. 3.16. Ehud's dagger had two e. length a cubit 25. 15. the e. to Jeshaiah 26. 5. Peulthaia the e,

17. 8. till I have «. afterward thou shall e. liev. 2. 12. who hath the sharp sword with two e. 27. 11. the e. captain for the e. month, Sibbecai
John 6. 13. which remained to them that had e. EDIITCATIO.N. e. month the word came to Zechariah
Acts 10. 10. he became hungry, and would have e. l\om. 15. 2. let every one please his neighbour to e. 2 /^e/ .2. 5. but saved Nocih the e. person, a preacher
14. Lord, 1 have never e. any thing common 1 Cor. 14. 3. that prophesielh speakethto men to e. Kev. 17. 11. beast that was, is not, even he is the e
12. C3 he was e. of worms, and gave up the ghost C Cor. 10. 8. which the Lord hath given us fore.
21. 20. the e. foundation was a beryl.ninth a topa2
20. 11. when he had broken bread and <?, departed 13. 10. power which the Lord hath given me toe. .See Day, Days.
27. 38. when they had e. enough they lightened EDIFY. EIGHT
iCer.lO.lO.assoon as I had«.it,my belly was bitter Rom. 14. 19. things wherewith one may e. another Oen. 5.4. Adam lived after he begat Setb e.A. years
KATER. 1 Cor. 10. 23. all things are lawful, but e. not 5. 19 J ared lived after he begat Enoch*, h. years
Judg. 14. 14. he said, out of the e. came forth meat Eph. 4. 29. that which is good toe. profitably
2 Sam. 23. 8. Adino slew e. Iiundred at one lima
Isa. fio. 10. that it may give bread to the e. 1 I'hess. 5. 1 1. «. one another, even as also ye do 2 Chr. 13. 3. Jeroboam set in array e, h. thousand
Sah. 3. J.2. they shall fall into the mouth of the e. EDIFIED. EIGHIEEN.
EATERS. .lets 9. 31. the churches had rest, and were e. Jiidg.3.\i. Isr. served Eglon king of i\loab e. years
Prov. 23. 20. be not among riotous e. of flesh 1 Cor. tj. t 10. conscience of him that is weak be e. 10. 8. Ammon vexed and oppressed Jsr. e. years
EAfEST. 14. 17 . givest thanks well, but the other is not e. 1 Kings 7. 15. for he cast two pillars of brass «
Gen. 2. 17. in the day thou e.thou shall surely die EDIFIETll. cubits high apiece, 2 Kings 25. 17. Jer. 52. 21
1 Sam. 1. 8. then said Elkanah, why e. thou not ? 1 Cor. 8. 1. knowledge puffeth up, but charily e. 1 Chr. 26.9. Weshelemiah had sons and brethren e.
1 Kings 2l.5.whyspirit so sad that thou bread' 14. 4. he that speaks in an unknown tongue e. him- 2 Chron 11.21. for Rehoboam took e. wives
EAT E ill. self ; but he that prophesielh e. the church Ci/XelS 4. or those e. on whom tower in Siloam full
Eiod. 12. 15. who e. leavened bread be cut off, ]i). EDIFVING 16. whom Satan hath bound, lo, these e. years
l^v. 7. 18. the soul that e. 20, 25, 27. | 17. 10, 15. 1 Cor. 14. 5. that the church may receive e. EIGHTEENthousand.
19. 8. every one that e. shall bear his iniquity 12. seek that ye may excel to the e. of the church Judg. 20.25. llenjamin destroyed of Israel e. thous.
Tivm. 13. .32. a land that e. up the inhabitants 14. C6. let all things be done to e. 44. there fell of Benjamin e. thous. men of valour
1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed be the man that e. 28. 2 Cor. 12. 19. but we do all things for your t. 1 Chr. 12, 31. oflhe half tribe of Manasseh, e. th.
Jiih 5. 5. whose harvest the hungry e. up Eph. 4. 12. for the e. of the body of Christ 18 12. Abishai slew oflhe Edomiles e. thousand
21. 25. and another never e. with pleasure 16. increase of the body to the e. of itself in love 29. 7. the princes gave of brass e. thousand \.3\en\s
40. IS.behemoth which I made, he e.grassasan ox 2y. but that which is good to the use of e. Ezek. 48. 35. the city round was e. thous. measures
}'sal. 106. 20. thesiniilitude of an ox that e. grass 1 'I'lm. 1.4. which minister questions rather ihan e. EIGHIEENTH.
Prov.\3. 25. the righteous «.tn satisfying of his soul EFFECT, Subslanlne. 1 Kings 15 1. in e. year of Jeroboam, 2 Chr. 13. 1.
30. 20. she e. and wipeih her mouth, i.:id saith -Nh/m. 30. 8.hcr husband shall make her vow of noe. 2/wMi;.r3 1 Jehoram reigned thee, year of Jehosh.
31. 27. and she e. not the bread of idleness 2 C7jro«.34. 22. and they sjiake to her to that e. 22. 3 in the e. year of king Josiah, the king sent
i^el. 4.5. the fool foldeth hands and e.his own flesh I'sat. 33.10. makes the devices of peoi^le of none e Shaphan, 23. 23. 2 Chron. 34. 8. 35. I9. |

5. n. all his days also he e. in darkness ha. 32. 17- the e. of righteousness, quietness 1 Chion. 24. 15. the e. lot came forth to Aphses

6.2. but a stranger e. it, this is vanity, evil disease £;<». 12.23. d.iys are at hand, and <.of every vision C5. 25 the e. to Ilanani, he, his sons, and breth.
Isa. 28. 4. while it is yet in his hand he e. it up .Mat. 15. C. make commaniiment of God o.t none e Jer. 32. 1. wase. year of Nebuchadnezzar, 52. 29.
29. 8. behold, he e. butawaketh, and is hungry Mark 7. 13. making the word of (iod of none e EITHER.
44. 16. and with part thereof he c. (lesh, roasteth /I'um.S.S.uubelief make the faithof God without e.? Oen. 31. 24. speak not lo Jacob e. good or bad, 29.
59. 5. he thai e. of their eggs dieth 4. 14. the promise made of none e. Oal. 3. 17. Ltv 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu tool: e. of them his
Jei. 31. 30. every man that e. the sour gr,ipe 9. 6. not as though the word hath taken none e. censer, and offered strange fire before the Lord
A/flf.9.11. Pharisees said, why «. your master with 1 Cor. 1 17 lest the cross of Christ be of none e. Oeut. 17. 3. hath worship, other gods, e.sun or moor
publicans and sinners ? Mark 2.l6. Luke 15. 2. Oal. 5. 4. Christ is become of no e. to you, who are 28.51. a nation shall not leave theee. corn or wine
Mark 14. 18. .lesussaid, verily, one of you who e. EFFECr, yerb. 1 Amgs 18. 27 e. he is talking, or pursuing, or in
with me, shall betray me, John 13. 18. Jer.48.30. it shall not be so, his lies shall not so e. it Eecl. 11.6. whether shall prosper, e. this or that
7»Ab 6. 54. whoso e. my flesh hath eternal lile EFFECTED. /.>a.7.11. ask a sign e. in the depth or height above
56. he that e. my flesh dwelleth in me, I in him 2 CAr. 7.11 Solomon prosperously <.all inhishearl .Mat. 6.24. no man can serve two masters, for e. he
57. so he that e. me, even he shall live by me EFFECl UAL. will hate the oue, and love the other, Luke 16.13.
58. he that e. of this bread, shall live for ever 1 Cor. 16. 9 for agreatdoor and e. is opened to me 12. 33. e. make the tree good, and his fruit goo<l
Rom. 14. 2. aiiother who is weak e. herbs 2 Cor. 1. 6. which is e. in enduring the same suf. Luke a. 42. e. how canst thou say to thy brother
3. let not hin, that e. despise him that e. not ferings 15. 8. e. what woman having ten pieces of silvej
6.that the Lord, that «.not,io the Ix)rd e. not Eph. 3. 7. by the e. working of his power given me John 19. 18. crucified, on e. side one, Jesus in midst
20. it is evil for that man who e. with offence 4. 16. according to the e. working in the measure 1 Cor. 14.6. except 1 speak to you 4. by revelation

23. aamned if he eat, because he e. not of faith Phil. 6. that thy faith may become good thing Jam. 3. 12. e. can a vine, my brethren, bear figs ,
X Cor. 9. 7. who planleth a vineyard, and e. not of Jam. 5. iC. the e.prayer ot a righteous man availeth lUv. 22. 2. of «. side the river there was tree of life
fruit thereof? and «. not of the milk of the flock EFFECTUALLY ELDER.
ll.Sg.h* that e. unworthily, «. damnatioa to biura. Oal. C.B.for he that wroaght e.ia I'eter, same ia me The Elders among Che Hebrews uere the nmrjit
; ,


(rates, htads, or rulers of the people. Even their sentences were such as generally af- the Lord; and Zebadiah. the niler of the liCTige
te/iile thev 'cere slaves t-o the Egyptians, they fected the lives of persons ; no causes being of Judah, for all the king's matters.
had amoiig themselves some order and govern- brought before ihem, but such as deserved the Some think it probable, that in causes ecclesiasti-
ment, and had douilless some whom they o-xnud penalti/ of death. Some say, that they could cal, the court jcas made up of the High-priest,
as their teachers and rulers, as heads of tribes only sentence to death by the sword. and the Chief-priests, 01 Heads of the four and
and families ; hence, when the Lord sent (\ll) Their great council, or Sanhedrim, which twenty courses only : and that in matters purely
Woses to bring the children of Israel out of consisted of seventy senators, and which hud temporal, the supreme magistrate, with the
Kgypl, he says, Exod. 3. 16, Go and gather the cognizance of the most important affairs of princes, elders, and scribes, who we-e doctors of
the elders of Israel together, and say nnto slate and religion, and of those tohicfi concerned the law, either by himself, or his deputy, took cog-
them, the Lord hath visited you, and seen the king, or high-priest. It was intended as a nizance. And that, where any one was accused
what is done to you in £fypl. These ciders court of appeal, if there should be occasion, of crimes relating to religion ayid state both, the
uere me>i experience, wisdom, and gravity,
of from any of the inferior courts. Some think judges, in each of' these faculties, sat to hear the
and of authority among the people. that our Saviour alludes to these two last courts, cause. So, at the trial of our blessed Lord,
But tlie of courts of judicature,
first institution when he says. Mat. 5. 22, Whosoever is an- Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man and a coun
teas in when Jelhro brought
the wilderness
; gry with his brother, without a cause, shall be sellor, probably one of the seventy elders, was

iac/t Zipporah /D Moses, who was then encamped in danger of the jmdgment ; and whosoever one of them who sat as Judges ; but did not
at the foot of momit Sinai. Moses having re- shall say to his bnther, Raca, shall be in join in the sentence of condemnation ; He con-
lated all that the Lord had done for the danger of the council ; but whosoever shall sented no< to the counsel and deed of them,
Israelites, Jethro blessed God for it, offered say. Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell-fire. Luke 53. 51.
burnt-offerings, and peace-offerings, and did eat Some interpreters suppose thai our Xjord propor- I'his council, at their return from the captivity,
with Moses, Aaron, aytd the elders of Israel, tions the punishments in the uen world, accord- was restored, with Ihe rest of their common-
before the Lord. The next day, Moses taking ing to the different sentences which were usual wealth, as the prophet Ezekiel foretold it should,
his seat in order to judge Israel, continued in the different courts of judicature at Jerusa- Ezek. 44. 23, 24, The Priests, the Levites,
from morning to evening employed in this man- lem. Therefore they say, the judgment means shall teach my people the difference between
ner. Jethro remonstrated to him, that this that court where the judges were three and twenty, the unclean and the clean. And, in contro-
vas a fatigue above his strength to undergo, and who could only sentence to death by the versy, they shall stand in judgment; and
and would be tiresome both to himself and the sword : The council alludes 'to the court where they shall judge it according to my judgments.
people ; thai therefore he should choose some the seventy elders sat, which was the great San- Some are of opinion, that the origin of the San-
men of firmness and fortitude, who feared God, hedrim, and could punish by stoning to death hedrim is by no means to be depended upon

and hated covetotisness, that they might share And that, by hell-fire, the burning of the for the council of the seventy elders established
7iith him in the weight of goverrimenl ; that the greatest malefactors in the valley of Ilinnom, by Moses, was not what the Jews understand
is implied. by the name of Sanhedrim. Besides, say they,
cognizance of lesser affairs should be referred to
them ; and those of more consequence should be As to the Sanhedrim, it was limited to the place we cannot perceive that this establishment sub-
reserved to himself. Moses submitted to this where the ark of God stood. The Jews say, sisted either under Joshua, the Judges, or the
advice, and chose certain men of merit out of that in the time of Moses this council was held Kings. U'e find nothing of it after the cap-
ail Israel, whom he appointed to have rule over at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. tivity, till the lime of the Maccabees. Unly
the people ; tome over a thousand, others over As soon as the people uere in possession of the we are certain, that this Senate was in being
an hundred, fifty, and ten. They administered land of promise, the Sanhedrim followed the in the time of our Saviour, and when the Evan
justice to the people ; and when any thing of tabernacle. It was kept siicces.^ively at Gilgal, gelists wrote their gospels, since they are men-

greater difficulty than ordinary occurred, they at Shiloli, at Kirjath-jearim, at Nob, at Gibeon, tioned in their writings: But then their au-
referred it to Moses, Exod. 18. 1, 2, 3, &ic. l« the house of Ubed-edoin ; and lastly, it was thority was much lessened ; for after lite
The commission given to these judges js recorded settled at .fcrusalem, till the Babylonish cap- banishment of Archelaus, the Romans, having
in Deut, 1. 16, 17. tivity. During the captivity it was kept up reduced Judea into a proiince, assumed the
Afterwards, we have the particular appointment of at Babylon. jlfter the return from Babylon, power of life and death to themselves atone : So
God concerni?ig this, Isum. 11. 11, 12, 1.?, &c. it continued at Jerusalem, to the time of the that this council could proceed no farther than
Moses, being discouraged by the continual mur- Sicarii, or Assassins; these were certain rob- to condemnation. For execution, they were to
murings of the Israelites, addressed himself to bers, who appeared in Judea some time before apply to Ihe Roman Governor.
God, and desired to be relieved from some part the war of the Jews against the Romans. They The places where Ihe Hebrews held their courts of

cf the burden of government. Then the Lord were called Hicaxi'i, from Sica, a dagger ; beca judicature were, generally, one of the gales oj
said to him, Gather unto nie seventy men, of they carried daggers secretly about them, so as the city. 6«<r Gate. As the merits of every
the elders of Israel, whom thou knowcst to be not to be perceived, and mixing themselves with cause were to turn upon the eiidence given; see
the elders of the people, and officers over them the multitude of people that came to the great what rules the law lavs down in reference there-
and bring them to the tabernacle of the con- feaits at Jerusalem, they stabbed whom they unto in Deut. 17. 6.) 19- 15. "'"^ ='^'" 's said
gregation, that they may stand there with thee. thought fit ; and then were commonly the Jirst to in relation to false witnesses, Deut. I9. 10, 17,

And 1 will come down and talk with thee cry out murder, as Josephus relates. The Jews, 18, 19. It was likewise a part of their law,
whote num that no man should be condemned without being
there; and I will take of the spirit which is finding that these profligate wretches,
upon thee, and will put it upon them ; and they ier increased every day, somctimei escaped brought to a J'air trial, and hearing what hi had
shall bear the burden of the people with thee, punishment by the favour of the president, 01 to say for himself . And therefore Nir.odemus
that thou bear It not thyself alone. IViese judges, removed the Sanhedrim to llanoth sa'js to the chief Priests and Pharisees, Doth

elders, which composed the Senate belonging to which were certain abodes situated, as the Rab our law judge any man before it hear him,
all the tribes in general, sat with the Leader, bins say, upon the mountain of the temple and know what he doeth John T. bl. '.

Afterwards they removed to Jamnia; thence to The method of proceeding in Ihe Sanhedrim
Judge, or King, who presided in this court.
Thus we read, Deut. 27. 1, Moses, with the Jericho, to Uzzah, to Sepharvaim, to Bethsa- said to be this: They who had a mind to implead
where any one, applied either to ihe king, or the high-
elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying, nim, to Sephoris, last of all to I'iberias,
4"f. And, afterwards, the ciders of the congre- they continued to the time of their utter extinc- priest, or whoever filled the post ly Chief Justi<'e,
gation, consult how to supply the remainder of tion. This is the account the Jews give of the and informed against him. i'pon this, proper
the Benjamites with wives, Judg. 21. l6. And Sanhedrim. otficers were sent to lake him up ; and ij occa-

the elders of Israel gathered themselves to- Jl'hat the scripture says of this court it found in sion required, a detachment from ihe temple-
gether, and came to Samuel to Ramah, 1 Sam. Deut. 17. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1."?, If there arise guard went along with them. The person thus
8. 4. He read of these elders continually, to a mattef-'toohard for thee in judgment (speak- taken was examined by the Justice, and then
the time of the captivity : And we find them ing to Ihe inferior magistrates) between blood committed, either to prison, or to the custody of
again after the return, Ezra 10. 7, 8, A pro- and blood, between plea and plea, and between the officer of the guard, till his trial came on.
clamation was made throughout Judah and Je- stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy When the court sal, those
who brought the inior-
rusalem unto all the children of the captivity, within thy cates ;then shalt thou arise, and malion against the criminal, did it in these
according to the counsel of ihe princes and get thee up into the place which the Lord thy words: This man, having done so or so, is wor-
elders, God shall choose. And thou shalt come unto thy to die. And they who were to defend him,
'Besides these, there were likewise elders belonging the Priests, the Levites, and unto the judge answered, I'his man is not worthy to die ; for
to every several city. These elders are men that shall be in those days, and enquire; he has only done so or so. And when the plead-
tioned by Moses in the law ; where several thing: and they shall shew thee the sentence of judg ings on both sides were finished, the Judges
gave their opinions singly, whether he was guilty
are )e./uired to be done bt/ the elders of the city, ment. And thou shalt do according to the
Deut. ig. 12. CI. 3, 19. Boaz appealed ti sentence, which they of that place, which the or not : .bid according to the majority oJ votes,
culprit was acquitted

ten men of the elders of the city of Ueth-lehem one way or the other, the
Lord shall choose, shall shew thee, i^c. liii

judah, Ruth 4. 2. And we read, after the this it appears that i/;e c/nV/ Conductor, Judge, or condemned.
captivity, of the elders of every city, Ezra King, Iligh-priest, or whoever was at the head Of the manner of laying the indictment, and gir-
in" in the answer, we have an instance in the
10. U. of their affairs, was to be the president of thu
The Rabbins and interpreters give the following have ca'se of .leremiah ; who wis
informed against
court. 'Jhe rest of the judges seem to con-
account of courts of judicature among the Jews. sisted chiefly of the }'riests and Levites, though for prophesying the desti uclion of both the citf
(I) There tiere three judges in every city, who had men and temple of Jerusalem, in case Ihe Jews <:<>;v
there were among them wise and learned of
the cognizance of lesser faults : Matters con- other tribes, as is ack.towledged by the Jewish united to neglect the observance of God's laa,
cerning loss, gain, and restitution, were pleaded Jer. 26. 8, 9, 10, i5:c. See the jorm of con-
and most other writers.
before them. These tltree judges had a right In process of time, as their kings came to be idola- demnation in Mat. 26. 65, 66.
only to condemn criminals to be whipt : The was Elder, i« Ihe Sew Testament, it a general name,
troi.t:, this ordinance, among others, neg-
jiartietnamed their judges : one of the parties lected, lor we find Jehoshaphat restoring it, comprehending under it all such as have any
chose his judge ; the other named a second; and ecelesiastieal Junction, us apostles, pastors,
at the same time as he did the courts in every
these two jjMges took a third, with 7ohom tliiu city, 2 Chron. I9. 8. 9, 10, 11. Jn thu passage teachers, or other church officers, 1 Tim. 5. 17.
decided causes. This tribunal was consulted was a 1 it. i. 5. The apostle Peter calls himself an
we find, that, if the cause of spiritua,
about the intercalation of months. ecclesiastical nature, the lligii-pru-bt was the elder. 1 he elders that are among you I e».
(II) There was another court compofed of three cJiief judge ; if otherwis:, a cliief justice, tAo hort, who also am au eUer I i'vi. 5. 1.
and twenty judges, wh' decided matters of im- sal in behalf qf the king: And behold, Amariah, Gen. 10. 21. Sbeic the brother of Japhet the e
fOTlance, and of moH (nminal nature and the cliicf-priut, is over yoa in all matters of 25. 23. the «. shall serve ttic joui*i;er, iiam. y.
I&Tfn. 18. 17. behold, my e. danghter Mera>i n^/Z.Sl.Q Moses d«Iivered this law to the e.of Icr. animal est Elephas, proximiimqao h'lmanissi^ii'*
1 Kin^s 2.52. a^k thekinadom.he is mine e. iiroiher Josh. 7 6 the e. of Israel piu dust ou their heads
, sibus: qiiippe intellectus illi% seriimnis ji.-it.-d.
Joi 15. ID. very aced men, much e. than thy father 2 .Sam. 5 3 so all thee, of' Israel came to the king &c. llist. Nat. lib. 8. Jl has been often ot
32. 4. Kiihn waited, because they wef e. than he at llehron, 1 'h'in',s 8. 3. 2 Chror,. 5. 4. terved to do such things at are much ahove thl
Eielc.ldAfi thy e. sister is Samaria, younger .Sodcmi 17. 4. the sayitii; pleased all the e. (f Israel capacity of other beasts. The Hebrews teei7:
23. 1. the names of them were Aholah the r. 15. thus did AhithopKel counsel thee, of Israel generally to have described it under the name oj
Luke 15. 25. hise. son was in the field, heard music 1 Chr. 11. 3. e. <y rj''<re/cainetothe kingto Hebron Behemoth, ahicli signifies in general, beasts of
1 Tim. 5. 2. intreat the e. women as mothers 21. 16. David aiide. of Israel fell upon their faces service. 'J'he aord Elephas may be dei ived from

1 Pel. 5. 5. ve youncer, submit yourselves to the e. Vzei. 14. 1. then came the e. of Lracl unto me Aleph, which signifies, to instruct, by reason tj
ELDKK forrK/<T. 20. 1. the e. of Israel '-ame to inquire of the Lord the docility of the animal ; or from Eleph,
lTim.5.1. rebuke not an e. but intreat him as father .ids 4. 8. ye rulers of the people and e of Israel ui'iich signifies a head, or captain
; because the
19. against an *. receive not an accusal. but before ELDEK.S wnti ycofile. Elephant is. as it were, the head of all other
1 Pet. 5. 1. the elders I exhort, who am also an e. Exod. 19. 7. Closes called for the e. odhe pcufle terrestrial unimali.
C John 1. the e. to the elect lady and her children A'K/,whom thou knowest to bee. of the/icD. The Imd, speaking to Job, describes the Elephant
3 John l.the f.untowell-beloved Gaiuswhom I love 24. iMoses gathered 70 men of the c. of the jieofile or Behemoth, Job 40. from verse 15. to the eni
EI.DERS. Ruth 4. 4. buy it before the e. of my peojile oJ the chapter. It is there said, that he eatetls
1 Sam. 15. 30. honour me before thee. o( grass as an ox.
Otn. 50. 7- the e. of his house went up with him my peo. 'Jhis agrees well with whttl
Lev. 4. 15. the e. of congrcg. shall lay theirhands .Mat. 21 23. the e. ol the people came, Luke 22. 60.
. hittoriant relate of the elephant. lie does not
J^'um. 11.25. L. gave of the .Spirit to the seventy f. CG. 47. with a multitude from e. of the people feed upon carrion, and is not at all wild ; hay
Deut. 25. 7- go up to the gate to the e. and say "'. I.e. of the people took counsel against Jesus herbs, and legumens, are hit nourishment, as
£9- JO. ye stand before the L. your e. and officers lets 6. 12. they stirred up the people and the e they are of our tame beasts.
31. 28. gather tome all e. of your tribes and officers ELDl'.ST. His bones are as strong pieces of brass, and his
32. 7. ask thy father and e. and they will tell thee Gen. 24. 2. Abraham said to his e. servant of his house small bones like bars of iron. 7'/; hyperbo-
J'jh. 24. .31. Israel served the Lord all the days of 27.1. Isaac called Esau his e. son.and said, my son lical expressions shew tlis extraordinary strength
Joshua and off. that overlived Joshua./Hrfj. 2. 7. 44. 12. and he searched, and began at tlic e of the elephaut ; with one stroke of hit trunk
Judg. 8. 14. he described to him the e. of Succoth Sum. 1. 20. Reuben, Israel's e. son, iC. 5. he kills a camel or an horse. .An elephant, it is
1 Sam. lo. 4. "T. of the town trembled at his coming 1 .SVim. 17. 13. the three e. sonsof.lesse followed, 14. said, has been seen to draw two cast cannons five
30. 26. he sent of the spoil to the e. of Jua.ah 28. Eliab his e. brother heard David speak hundred paces with his teeth; they were Jastenea
1 h'ingsCO. 8. all thee, said to him, hearken not 2 Kings Z, 27. he took his e. son and offered him together with cables, and weighed each three
21. 11. the e. did as Jezebel had sent to them 2CArw«. 22.1. for the band of men had slain all thee iliouiajid pounds. And there is mention in the
2A'i>jjj€.32.Elishasat in house, and ?.sat with him Joh 1. 13. drinking in their e. brother's house, 18. Maccabees of an elephant 171 Antiochus' armv,
10. 1. .lehu wrote letters and sent to e. of Jezreel John 8. 9- they went out one by one, beginning at e which carried fuo and thirty armed men. Thei/
19. 2. Ilezekiah sent the e. of the priests covered elec;t. were all in a tower made of very solid wood,
with sackcloth to kaiah the prophet, Jsa. 37. 2 Or Chosen, 1/ spoken, [1] Of Christ, who wa upon the elephant's back, and ike tower was
Eira 5. 5. the eye of their God was upon the e. chosen and set apart Jrom eternity by God the bound with a very strong chain under the ele-
6. 14. thee, of the Jews builded and prospered lather to the great uork of redemption aiid pliant's belly.
10. 8. according to the counsel of the princes and e. mediation, Isa. 42. 1. Mat. 12. 18. [2] Of He is the chief of the ways of God. He is a
J'sul. 107. 32. praise him in the assembly of the e good angels, -ihom God chose Jrom among the remarkable piece of the creation among four-
Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known among the f rest to eternal life and happiness : I charge footed beasts, lie exceeds all others in sue,
Xdm.l.lQ my priests ande. gave up the ghost in city thee before the elect angels, 1 Tim. 5. strength, docility, address, fidelity, ability, long
2.10.«.of Zion sit upon the ground and keep silence [3] Of the Israelites, who were God's chosen life, modesty and pudicity ; for, ii it taid, that
4. It), respected not priests, favoured not e. 5. 12. and peculiar people, Isa. 65. 9, 22. [4] Of he 7iei er covert the female at long at any one

5. 14. «. have ceased fromgate, young m.from music such as are chosen by God in Christ to eter- appears in sight. The scripture adds, that God,
Lzci. B. 1. and the e. of Judah sat before me 7ial life and salvation out of all the nations who made hini, can make his sword to ap-
JoelX. 14. sanctify a fast, gather the e. 2. I6. upon earth. Tit. 1. 1. This election is, [1] proach unto him. Though he be to strong and
iVrt/. 15.2. why transgress the tradition of the e. .' An act of distinguishing love, Deut. 7. 8. [2] terrible, yet God can easily tubdue and destroy
16. 21. must suffer many things of the e. 27. 12. (-f divine sovereignty irrespective of any good- him : or, God hath put his sword into his hands,
26. 59. the e. sought false witness against Jcsns ness in the objects of it, Rom. Q. 11, 12, I6. haih trusted him with hit arms ; the elephant u
27. 20. chief priests and e. persuaded the multitude 1.3] Eternal, Eph. 1. 4. 2 ] hess. 2. 13. [4] terrible when provoked. Hit armt art his
41. the chief priests mocking with the e. said Absolute, and irrevocable, Rom. 9. U* 2 Tim. trunk and hit teeth, tlis teeth are the ivory, so
28. 12. and when they were assembled with the e. 2. 19. [5] Personal, that is, of a certain num- well known in Europe.
MariT 3. the Jews holding the tradition of the e.
. ber of persons. Mat. 20. 23. 2 Tim. 2. I9. Surely the mountains bring him forth grass,
8. 31. must suffer and be rejected of thee.inX(!9.22. [6] Of some of the chief of tinners, 1 Tim. where all the beasts of the field play. Ele-
14. 43. with Judas a great multitude from the e. 1. 15. [7] It IS in Christ, Eph. 1. 4. [8] It phants are the genllett of animalt ; they never
15. 1. chief priests held a consultation with the e. is to sanctijication and holiness at the means, use their ttrength but when they are compelled
Lute 22. 52. Jesus said unto the captains and e. and eierrial glory at the end, Eph. 1. 4. 1 to it. They are not of that sort of animalt
Acts 4. 5. their rulers and e. were gathered together Thess. 5. 9. which create terror in othert : If he passes
2.'5. they reported all that the e. had said to them /jv;. 42.1. behold mine e. in whom my soul delighteth through a herd of other btastt, he puts them
0. 12. they stirred up the people and the e. 45.4. Israel minee. I have called thee by thyname gently out of his way with his trunk to make
11. 30. sent it to the e. by Barnabas and Saul t)5. 9- mine e. shall inherit it, aiid my servants room for him ; He feeds in the fields and mea-
14. 23. when they ordained e. in every church 22. mine e. sh Jl long enjoy work of their hands dows, and the weakest and tamest animals play
15. 4. they were received of the church and of the<!. Mat. 24.22. no Hesh should be saved, but for the e. with impunity bejore him.
6. the apostles and e. came together to consider sake those days shall be shortened, Mark 13. 20. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of
23. the apostles, e. and brethren, send greeting 24. if possible deceive the verj- e. Mark 13. 22. the reeds and feus, ihis also agrees well with
16.4. they delivered the decrees ordained of the e. 31. shall send his angels, and they shall gather the elephant, according to the account that hit.
50. 17. he sent and called the e. of the church together hise. from the four winds. Markli. 27. torians give of him. XAizn toys, that he may
22. 5. all the estate of the t. bear me witness T.uke 18. 7. and shall not God avenge his own e. .' be called an animal of the marshes, because he
24. 1. Ananias the priest descended with the e. ii'i'OT.8..33.whoshall layanything to charge of G.e..' lives among waters, and in moist placet. He
25. 15. about whom the <.of Jews informed me Col. 3. 12. put on as the e. of God bowels of mercies tometimes plunges himself into rivers in such
3 'J'im.5. 17.1et e. that rule well be counted worthy 1 Tim. 5. 21. I charge thee before the e. angels a mannei , that no more of him it 10 be seen
'Tit. 1.5. that ihoushouldest ordain e. in every city 2 'Tim. 2. 10. I endure all things for thee, sake than the end of his trunk : In the summer
Jlei. 11. 2. by faith the e. obtained a good report lit. 1. 1. an apostle according to the faith of G'se. time, he covert himself with mud, to avoid the
Jam. 5. 14. let him call for the «. of the church 1 Pet. 1. 2. e. according to foreknowledge of God heat.
1 I'el.5. l.the e. which are among you, I exhort 2.(3. I lay in Siona chief corner-stone, e. precious He drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he
l\ez\ 4. 4. upon the se.ats I saw 24 e. silting, clothed 2 John 1. the elder to the e. lady, and her children trustcih that he can draw up Jordan into his
lO.the 24 e. fall before hiin,5. 8.14. | 11. lO. |iy.4. 13. the children of thy e. sister greet thee mouth. Thit also may be filly applied to the
5. 5. and one of the e. saith unto me, weep not ELECIED. elephant; he drinkt a great deal, and large
6. and lo, in the midst of the e. stood a Limb 1 Pet. 5. 13. church at Babylon e.together with you draughts, at if iie were to twallow up a river,
11. I heard the voice of many angels about thee. ELECTION. and at if Jordan were scarcely tufficieni to set-
7. 11. all angels stood about the e. and four beasts yi'om.g.ll. purpose of G. according toe. might stand tisfy his thirst : he it not afraid when he drinkt,
13. one of e. ans. saying to me, what are 'these ' 11. 5. there is a remnant according to the e.of grace but does it leisurely, and takes time to disturb
14.3. they sung a new song before the throne and c. 7. the e. hath obtained it, the rest wen' blinded the water which he diinketh. The teiipture
ELDKKS with ciii/. 28. but as touching the e. they are beloved adds. He taketh it with his eyes, liis nose
Dent. 19. 12. the e. of his ci(y shall fetch him thence 1 Thess. 1. 4. knowing brethren, your e. of God pierceth through snares. When he tees the wa-
51. 3. e. of tliat ciiy shall take and bring the heifer 2 fe/. 1.10. all dilig.tomake your calling and e. sure ters of a river, he Irusteth ihat he can drink
6 e. of that ciii/ shall wash theirhands over heifer ELEGANTLY. them all up : his eye is bigger than his belly, at
21. 19. shall bring their son to the e. of his ctty Isdk. 32. 1 4. the tongue of stammerers shall speak e. commcnly taid. He thrutteth his snout alto
22.15. bring tokens of virginity to the e. of the city ELEMENTS. into the river, and if there be any snares laid
25. 8. the e. of his city shall call and speak to him Ga/.4.3. we were in bondage under e. of the world for other creatures, he breaks them to pieces.
Josh. 20. 4. shall declare his cause to e. of that c. 9. how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly e. But others translate thit verse. Can any man
Ju'f;. 8. 16. he took the e. of the city and thorns Col. 2. + 8. after the e. of the world, not after Christ take him in his eyes, or pierce his nose with
Jiuih 4.2. Hoaz took ten men of the e. of the city 1 20. with from the e. of the world snares and gins ? Can he be taken openly and
Lira 10. 14. and with them the e. of every ciiy 2 I'et. 3.10. the e. shall melt with fervent heat, 12. by force T Hurely no. Hit force or ttrength
ELUEKS of Israel, ELEPHANT. it too great for man to resist or oiercome.
h'.xod. 3. 16. go and gather the e.
of Israel together The elephant it the largest of all four-fooied Others thus. He is taken by the eyes as a fist
12. 21. Mose« called for all the e. of Israel beasts. They uho have ttudied the nature of is taken by a 'hook. Herpenit attack elephants
11. 5. and t.-\ke with thee of tlie e. of Israel the elephant with most accuracy, tell many ei- principally in the eyet, as Pliny obseives. The
18. 12. the «. of Israel came to eat with Jethro traordinary things of the sagacity, Jaithfuhiets, tame author lays, that there are serpents in the
2*. 1. seventy of the e.o/7irae/, 9. Aum. 11. I6. prudence, and even understanding of thit crea-i Ganges, sixty yardt long, who take elephauts
Druf. 27 1. the «. ejlnatl commanded the people lurt. I'liisj ta>/t of thit aminal • Maximum! by iht irnaitti (hey «r« drinking, drag tl,e:rr


aler^, eni ttuh iHem la th» w»teri, Plin. EMBRACING. I Chron. 24. 11. the high priest's officer *. the cttest
/j». 8. cap. le. Ecel.i.S. atimt to embrace and a time to refrain ». Neh. 5. 13. ev«!a thus be he shaken out and 4.
Komt undtricand by Behemoth, a erealurt called .^c»i 20. 10. Paul*. EutYchus,Vaid,trouL.W not yours. Isa. 3. t 26. she iieirjg < shall sit on the ground

Hippopotamus, or //;« Sea-horse; u/nch ii an EMliHUlDER. 19.+3. spirit of Egy. shall De«. in the midst thereof
coat of linon 6. and the brooks of defence shall be *.
amfi/n6iouj creature, and lives and preys kmh EtoJ. 28. 39. thou snalt *. the fine

in the aaler and on land. This animal, say EMBROIDERER. 24. 3. the land shall be utterly *. and spoiled
they, was uell knou-n to Job and his friends, as Erod. 35. 35. to work all manner of work of the *. JeT. 48- 11. Moab not been «. fr'^m vessel to vessel
the adjacent parts : and the 38. 23. with him was Aholiab, an *. in blue iVaA 2. 2, for the emptiers have e. tkem out
'6ting frequent
description here given of the Behemoth, 1/ lery
Eiod. 28. 18. the second row shall be an *. -ig. 11. Nah. 2. 2. for the *. have emptied them out
applicaile to the Hippopotamus.
Ezei. 27.16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with *. E.MPTINESS.
l Kings 10. 1 22. navy bringing*, teeth, 2 CAr.Q.Cl.
28. 13. every precious stone thy covering, the *. //a.34.11.he shall stretch out upon it the stones of*
/odiO. 1 15. behold the e. which 1 have made
ELILVATION. A'*K.4.3.therewas a rainbow in sight like unto an *. EMPTYING.
21. 19. the fourth foundation of the city was an *. Hos. 10. t 1. a vine *. the fruit which it giveth
Jiul'.SO.^ 38. they should make greit*. with smoke
with the *. Rom. 11. 14. if I may provoKc to *. my brethren
Gen. 32. 22. .Jacob took his e. sons and passed over Dent. 28. 27. the Lord will smite thee
37.9. sun, moon, and «. stars made obeisanite to me 1 6'am.5.6. Lord smote them of
Ashdod with the *. E.MULATIONS.
9. men of the city had *. in their secret parts Gb/.5.20. the works of the flesh are «. wrath, strif*
ii>t»rf.2tj.7. curtains of goats' hair.e.curt.shalt make
8. the e. curtains shall be all of one m&asure 12. the men that died not were smitten witli *. ENABLED.
6.4.tliey answered, five golden*. and five mice. 17. 1 Tim. 1. 12. I thank Christ Jesus who halh *. ma
36. 14. e. curtaiiishe made 15. e. o: one size

Aum. 2y. 20. on the third day*. bullocks, two rams 5. shall make images of your*. and your mice, 11. ENCAMP.
EMINENT. Exod. 14.2. that they e. before Pi-hahirotli
Deul. 1 2. there are e. days' journey fro.ii Horeb
Joi 22. *8. and the*, man dwelt in the earth A>i«. 1.50. the Levites shall *. about the tabernacU
i/'u/A. 15. 51. e. cities with their villages
2. 17- as they *. so shall they set forward
Uudg.l6.5.vie will give thee e. hund. pieces of silver Isa. 3. t 3. doth take away the *. in countenance
Ezei. 16. 24. thou hast built to thee an *. place,31 3. 38. but those that «. before the tabernacle
il7. 2. I took the e hundred shekels of silver
39. they shall throw down thine *. place 10. 31. thou kuowesthow we are to *. in wildernest
3. when he restored e.hund. shekels to his mother
17. 22. will plant on an high and*, mountain 2 Sam. 12. 28. e. against Rabbah, and take it
< firinjj23.H6.Jehoiakim twenty-five years ohl, hi 1 it
Job 19. 12. his troops come and *. about my ta-
reigned e. years in Jerusalem, 2 C/ir.^^ti. 5 1 !iv«i.2.l2.pray for kings and all that are in *.place
EM.MANUEL, bernacU
24. 18. ZeJekiahe. years, 2*CA<. 36. 11. Jer. 52.1.
27. 3 though an host should *. against me
J1/a<.28.l6.then the e. disciples went away toGalilee Or Immanuel, is a Hebrew -uord, uhich signifies

God with us. Isaiah, i« that prophecy, wlierein ^ech. 9. 8. I will *, about mine house for the army
Mari 16. 14. afterwards he appeared to the e.
LulteH 9. they told all these things to the e. and rest he declares /oAhaz the iirili of the .Messiah, riAo ENCA.MPED.
33. and they found the e. gathered together uas to be born of a virgin, says. This child shall Exod. 13. 20. e. in Etham H 15.27. ' by 'he waters
be called, and really be, Emmanuel, that is, 18. 5. where Mooos *. at the mount of CJod
Acts 1.2G.and he was numbered with the e. apostles
2.14. but Peter standing up with the e. said to them
God with us, Isa. 7. 14. He repeals the same A'kct. 33. 10. from Elim they e. by the Red-sea
thing while he is speaking of the enemy's army, 11. from Red-.sea, and «. in the wilderness of Sin
I Kings 6. 30. in the t. year was the house finished
which, like a torrent, was to orerfloio Judea, Josh. 4. 19. people came up and*. inGilgal,5. 10.
ill which Christ was to be born, to lite and die ; 10. 5. the kings of the Amorites «. before Gideon
t Kin^s g.29.inthe<. yearof Joranibegan Ahaziah
S5. 8. the city of Jerusalem was besieged to the e The stretching out of his wings shall fill the Judg. 6. 4. the Miaianiles *. against Israel
breadth of thy land, O Emmanuel, Isa. 8. 8. 9- 50. Abimelech *. against Thebea and took it
year of king Zedekiah, Jer. 5'2. 5
1 Chron. 24. 12. the e. lot came forth to Eliasliib Matthew says, that this prophecy -.ias accom. 10. 17. the children of Ammon *. in Gilead, and
plisUed lA the birth tf/" Christ, born of the virgin Israel assembled themselves and *. at Mizpetk
.25.18. the e. to Azareel, he, his sons, and brethren
27. 14. thc«. captain for the *. month, Benaiah Mary, in whom the tmo natures, divine and 1 Sam. 11. 1. Nahash*. against Jabesh-(iilead
human, were united ; and so in this sense he 13. 16. but the Philistines *. in Micbmash
./«r.l. 3. Jeremiah prophesied ine. yearof Zedekiah
39. 2. in the e. year the city was broken up was really Emmanuel, or, God with us. Mat, 2 Sam. 11.11. the .servants are *. in the open field*
1. 23. 1 A'i>i5.f 16.15 the people «. against Gibbethon, ifl.
'Ktek. 26.1.word of the Lordcameto Ezekiel in the
1 Chron, 11.15. the Philistines «. in the valley
«. year, in first day of the month, 30. 20. 31. 1. ha. 7. 14. and shall call his name £11. A/a/. 1. 23.

Tllal. 20. 6. and about the «. hour he went out

8. 8 he shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Em. 2 CAr.32.1. Sennacherib *. against the fenced cititi

9. they came that were hired about tlie e. hour

Esih. 1 20. shall be published throughout all his «. Psal. 34. 7- angel of the Lord *. round about thett
Rtv. 21. 20. e. foundation of the city was a jacinth .

E.MPLOy. 53. 5. hath scattered bones of him that *. aijst.the*

End. 4. 10. Moses said, O my Lord, I am not e. Dent. 20. I9. for the tree is man's life, to e. in siege ENCA.MPING.
E.MI'LOVED. Ejed. 14 9- Egyptians overlook them e. by the sea
Pror.l.t 6. to understand a proverb andane.speech
/)*»/. 20. +19. Oman, the tree is to be *. in the siege 2 Kings 6.t8. saying, in such a place shall be my «,
tta. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the e. orator
ENCLi.Nji, E.nclosk; /** Incline, 1.NCLCS8.
Act! 18.24. a certain Jew named Apollos, an 1 Chron. 9. 33. these singers were *. day and night
ELSE. AVolO.lj. Jonat. and Jahaziah*. about this matter ENCOUNTERED.
E.MPLOYilENX. Acts 17. 18. then certain philosophers *. him
Oen. 30. 1 she said, give me children or e. I die

A'um. 20. 19. I will without doing any thing e. i}0 Eiek. 39. 14. shall sever out men of continual e. ENCOURAGE.
Dtut. 4. 35. thou mightest know that the Lord he is EMPTY. Deut.l.i'&.e. him, he .ihall cause to inherit it, 3. 28.
2 Sam. 11. 25. thus say to Joab, and «. thou him
God, there is none «. 39. 1 Kin^s 8. CO. Isa. Gen. 31.42. surely thou hadst sent me away now*.
37. 24. the pit was e. tiwre was no water in it Esal. 64. 5. they *. themselves in an evil matter
45. 5. 6, 14, 18, 21, ?2. 46. 9. Jo,l Q. 27.
JrtjA.C.'t.l2.«.if ye do in

any wise go back and cleave 41.27. the seven e. ears blasted with the east-wind ENCOURAGED.
Exod. 3. 21. that when ye go, ye shall not go *. 1 Sam. .30, 6. David*, himself in the Lord hisOod
.'lid;. 7. sword of Gideon
14. this is nothing e. save
23. 15. in month Abib earnest from Egypt, none 2 Chr. 17. ) 6. his heart was «. in ways of the Lord
i Sam. 3.35. if I taste ought e. till the sun be down
shall appear before me *. 34. 20. Deiu. 16. 16. 31. 4. that the priests and Levites might be *.
I Chr. 21. il2. or*, three days sword of the Lord
Dcut. 15. 13. thou shalt not let him go away *. 35. 2. Jotiah *. them to the service of the Lord
i C'/ir. 2.^.7. whoso e. cometh in, shall be put to death
Jrtdg. 7. 16. he put ill every man's hand e. pitchers
Isa. 41. 7- so the carpenter e. the goldsmith
Neh. 2. ". this is nothing *. but sorrow of heart
I'sal. 51. 16. desirest not sacrifice, *. would I give il
I'nth 1. 21. the Lord hatb brought nie home *. END.
3. 17. for he said, go not *. to thy mother-in-law The end signifies the extremity or utmost part at
."•.'<:c/.2.25.who*. can hasten here unto more than I

1 6V/W. 6. 3. they said, send not the ark away *. a thing, as the end of a rod, 1 Sam. 14. 87.
Isa. 47. 8. that sayest, ] am, none *. besides me, 10.
John 14. 1 1, or e. believe me for the work's sake L'0.18. be missed, because thy seat will be *. 25,27. The *»<i of an heap of corn, Ruth 3. 7. Ihe
'iam. 1 22. the sword of Saul returned not *. endsoi the earth, that is. The extremities, or
Acts J7. 21. spent time in nothing «. but tell orlie:vr
2 A'injj4. 3 go, borrow thee e. vessels, not a few most remote parts of the uiorlxi. Job 37. 3. 38.
Horn. 2. 15. accusing, or e. e.\cusing one another

AV/j. 5. \ 13. even thus be he shaken out and *. 13. or the people inhabiting those pans, I Sam.
1 Cuf .7. 14. «. were your childr. unclean, but nowholy
loll 11.(12. for e. man would be wise, tho' born like 2. 10, The Lord shall judge the end.H of tho
14. 16. e. when thou shalt bless with the .Spirit
9. tliou hast sent widows aw,\y *. and the arms eartli, lie shall condemn and puniih the Phi
Ii«K.2.5.repent, ore.I will come to thee quickly, 10.
20. 7. he stretcheih out the north over the e. place listines, who d-j:ell m the uimoit borders of the
r;*n.50.2. Josepliconim. physicians to*, his f.tilu:r ha. 21. 1. the Lord inaKeth the earth *. and waste
land of Canaan, upon Ihe tea-coast. And in
E.MBALMEU. -9. 8. a hungry man awaketh, and his soul is *. Psalm 98. 3, All the ends of the earth havii
?.'l. 6. to make * the soul of the hungry seen the salvation of our God that is. All lie
Gen. 5(1. 2. and the physicians *. Lsrael ;

inhabitants of the earth from i'n« end to the

3. lurso are fulfilled the days of those that are *. Jer, It. 3. Ihey returned with their vessels *.
51. 34. the king of Babylon made me an *. vessel other. End is taken for the conclusion, the run
i.'6. t;iev *. Joseph, put him in acotlinin Egvpt
or substance of a discourse, Eccl. 12. t 13, L«l
EMBOLDENED. l.sek.'Zi. 11. then set it *. upon the coals thereof
us hoar conclusion of the whole matter; or
tCar. 8.10. the conscience of him that is weak be*. llos. 10.1. Isr. is an e. vine, he bringeth forth fruit
the end of the matter. It is also taken for
E.MBOLUENEIH. ;Va/i. 2. 10. Nineveh is «. and void, and waste
Ihe end of all llesb
Mat. 12. 4-1. and when he is come, he findeth it *. diltruciion. Gen. 6. 13,
3d3 16. 3. what *. tliee that thou answerest .'

Mark 12. 3. they caught him and beat him, and is come before me. I am resolved to deslioj
Amos 8. t, The cod
2 Kings 4. 16. about tliis season thou shall *. a sou sent him away *. LukelO. 10, 11. man and beast. And
Euke 1. 53. and the rich he bath sent e. away is coiue upon my people of Israel: The timt
Jj& £4. 8. they *. the rock for wai't of a shaker
/Vot.4.8.shaH bring to honor,when thou dost t;. her EMl'TV, I'erb. of their utter and final ovtrthrott. And ill
priest command that they the house Alat. 24. 6, our Saviour propheiymg of the
5. 20. wliy wilt thou «. the bosom of a stranger ? f,ev. 14. 36. *.

Eccl. 3. 5. a time to e. and refrain from embracing E^cl. 11. 3. the clouds *. themselves on the earth
destruction of Jerusalem, and of the temple
Jer. 48 12. and send wanderers shall *. his vessels lays to his diicsples. Ye shall hear of*-
Cant. 2. 6. and his right-hand doth *. me, 8. 3.
£(j/.'i.4.5.thatveri-bvouglit up in scarlet e.dunghi'.s 5' I. fanners that shall fan her and e. her land and rumours of wars, see that ye be not tri)ul>
E.MHKACED. y/ni. 1 .17 .shall they therefore *. their net, not spare led, for all these things must rome 10 p;is.»
Zech. 4.12. which*, the golden oil out of ihemselv. but the end is not yet. The deJlruaion cf Jt»
iien.20. 13. Laban *. Jacob and kissed hiir
33. 4. Esau ran and *. Jacob and ki.ssud him .Mul. 3. 1 10. if 1 will not *. you out a blessing rusalem is not presently: Vr, ihourh tied
4P. 10 Jacob kissed and *. Joseph's sons EM PIT ED. shall bring remarkabh juigmmts vyvn ilicU
place and people, fit h4 will not uiteriy .itiir^j
4c(>23.1. P'»ul*.disciples and departed to Maced. Gen. 24. 30. Rebekah hasted and «. her pitcher
Uti- 11, lo. having Meu asd e, thepromisa* 4S. M. it ;ame to pats ai the/ «. their >acks them ; Or tj end, ktre nay i* md«TU«e4i tliO

day q/ judgment, nr the itme oj Clirist's tecond a. vaeti iniqa. .shall have an «.29. |35.5. Job 43. 13. the Lord blessed the latter «.of Job taorc
toming. Ilan. 7. 28. hitherto is tue e. of the matter ProiJ.19.20.thatthou mayest be wise in thy/irter*.
In Kcv. 21. 6. Christ jayj, I am the beginaiDg and 8. 17. at the time of*, shall be the vision Isa. 41. 22. consider them, and know the tat'.ir e.
the end ; I made all things at Jin:, and I will 19. at the time appointed thee, shall be, 11. 27. 47. 7. neither didst remember the latter e. oi it
brine all to that ferjecttait and happiness I hne 9. 26. thee, thereof shall be with a Hood, and toe. 2 Pet. 2.20. the latter e. is worse than the beginning
premised. And it > said, Kom. 10. 4, Chritl 11.6. and in the e. of years they shall join Made an END.
is the end of the law £or righteousness to every 35. to purge them even to the time of the e. Gen. 27. 30. as Isaac had made an e. of blessing
one that believeth ; that is. The la-j aas given 40. at time of the e. king of south shall push him 49. 33. Jacob made mn e. of comjianding his sons
ftK this tnd, that sinners being thereby brought 45. yet he shall come to his e. and none help Lev.\f).'20. mndeane of reconciling the holyplace
to the inculedge of their sins, and their lost 12. 4. seal the book even to the time of the e. Xwn. 4. 15. made an t. of covering the sanctuary
and undone estate, by leason thereof, should f.y 8. U Lord, what shall be the e. of these things ? 16. 31. had/nui/e an e.of speaking. Dent. 20,9.
to Christ and his nghteoustuss for refuge. Or, 9. words are closed up, till the time of the e. Dcut. 26. 12. hast made an e. of tithing the tithes
Christ 1/ the perfection and consummation of' 13. but go thou thy way till the e. be, shalt rest 31. 24. when .Moses had made an e. of writing
the laa. He perfected the ceruuunial law, Amos 3. 15. the great houses shall have an t. 32. 45. made an t. of speaking, Jitdg. 15. 17.
as he lias the Substance, thereof all the ceie- 5. 18. to what e. is it for you to desire the day 24. 16. 2 Sam. 13. 36.

1 60OT. 18. 1. I

fstonies of the lau xere shadows ; they all re- 8. 2. the e. is come upon my people of Israel 1 Kings 1. 41. 3. 1. Jer. 26. 8.
43. 1,

ferred to htm as their scope and end. lie 10. I will make the e. thereof as a bitter day 51. 63.

perfected also the moral law, both by his active Xah. 2. 9. for there is none e. of the store Josh. 5. +8. they had made an e. of circumcising
obedience, fulfilling all the ri^hict usnesi there- 3. 3. and there is none e. of their corpses 8. 24. Isr.iel had made an e. i.f slaying, 10. 20.
of ; and by hit passive obedience, bearing the .Mat. 13. 39. the harvest is the e. of the world 19. 49. they Kiarfe an e. of dividing the land, 51.
curst and funishment of the lau, which teas due 24. 3. what shall be the sign of thee, of the world? Jndg.i.lR. he had made an e. to olTer, 1 Sam. 13. 10.
to us. 14. the gospel be preached, then shall the e. come 1 'Sam. 10. 13. he had made an e. of prophesying
The end of the conimaDdment is charity, or love, 31. gather from one e. of heaven to the other 2 .S'a /I. 11. 19. when thou hast made ane. of telling
1 Tim. 1. 5- IVe truly accomplish the lau 2ii. 58. but Peter went in and sat to see the e. 1 Kings 7- 40. Hiram made an e. of doing the work
by fulnlling the precept of love ; for love is llie 2B. 1 . in the e. of the sabbath came Mary to sec 8. 54. Solomon made an e.of praying, 2 Chr. 7. 1.
fufhlllng of the law, Rom. 13. 10. The mam Mark 3. 26. he cannot stand, but hath an e. 2 Kings 10. C5. as soon as he had mud: an e. of
scope and design both of lau and gospel, is to Luke 1. 33. of his kingdom there shall be no e. offering, 1 Chron. I6. 2. 2 Chron. 29. 29.
produce a pure, ardent love of God, and of men, 18. 1. he spake a parable to them, to this e. 2 Chr. 20. 23. made an e. of the inhabitants of Seii
for his sake. There is also mention of the 02. 37. the things concerning me have ane. 24. 10. cast into the chest, till they had »/ni/e ane.
eud of faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9, Receiving the end John 18.37.sayest I am a king, to this e. was I born L.:ra W.Vl.maJe un e.withall thathad strangewives
of your faith, even the salvation of your suuls ; Horn. 6. 21. for the e. of those things is death Ezek. 42. 15. made an e. of measuring inner house
that IS, receiving that which is the scope, or 22. ye have fruit to holiness, e. everlasting life 43. 23. when thou hast made an e. of cleansing it
mark to which faith tends, or which is the re- 10. 4. Christ is thee, of the law for righteousness .imos 7. 2. they made an e. of eating the grass
ward of faith, namely, the assurance of tin 14. 9. to this e. Clirist both died, rose, and revived .Uaf. 11. 1. made ane. of commanding his disciples
salvation of your souls. To endure to the 2 Cor. 2. 9. lor to this e. also did I write to know Make an EN D.
end, Mai. 10. 22. is to fight against sin and 11. t5. whose e. shall be according to their works 1 Sam. 3. 12. when I begin, I will also make an e.
temptations as long as one lives, and constantly Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory world without e. 2 Chr. 31 1 1 brake the images, until to make an e.
. .

to adhere to Christ, in spite of all persecutions Phil. 3. 19. many walk, whose <•. is destruction Ve/j.4. 2. feeble Jews, will they make an a day
for his sake. End is also taken for reward or 1 Vim. 1. 5. the e. of the commandment is chanty Job 18. 2. how long ere you ma*e an «. of woi'ds •
wages, Rom. 6. 21, For the end of those lleb. 6. 8. nigh to cursing, whose e. is to be burned /fa. 33.1. thou shalt made <»K e. to deal treacherously
things is death, Lternal death is the reward or 16. and au oath is to them an e. of all strife 38. 12. to-night wilt thou make an e. of me, 13.
wages of sin. 7. 3. having neither beginning nor e. of life /.:!^. 20. 17. eye spared, nor did 1 maXe ok e.of them
Cen. 6. 1.3. the e. of all flesh is come before me 9. 26. but now once in the e. hath he appeared Uan. 9. 24. seventy weeks, to make an e. of sins .

47- 21. from one e. of Egypt even to the other e. 13. 7. considering the e. of their conversation AaA. 1. 8. he will make an utter e. of the place,t>.
Etod. 23. l6. the feast of in-gathering which is in Jam. 5. 11. and ye have seen the e. of the Lord Zeph. 1. t 2. by taking away, I will make an e. ?
the*, of year, when gathered out of field. 31. 22. 1 i^er.1.9. receivinge. of your faith, even salvation Make a full END.
26.19. make one cherub on the one e. and the other 4.17. what shall be the e. of them obey not gospel Jer. 4. 27. the whole land shall be desolate, yet will
cherub on the other e. even of mercy-seat lUv. 21. 6. 1 am Alpha and Omega, the beginning I not make a full e. 5. 18. 30. 11.
| |
46. 28.
D*ul. 28. 64. Lord scatter from one e. of the earth and the e. will give to him athirst, 22. 13. 5. 10. go ye up £ind destroy, but make not a full e.
32. 20. Lord said, I will sea what their e. shall be At the END. Ezek. 11. 13. ah Lord, wilt thou make afuUe.T
Jttdg. 6. 21. the angel put forth the e. of his staff Gen. 4. + 3. at the e. of days Cain brought offering To the END.
ly. 9. behold, the day growcth to an e. lodge here 8. 6. at the e. of forty days Noah opened window i.>orf.8.22.I will sever land of Goshen, to the e.thou
1 6am. 14. 27. Jonathan put forth the e. of the rod 41. 1. at the e. of two years Pharaoh dreamed mayest know that I am the Lord, Ezek. 20. 26
2 Ai;i^xl0.21.the houte of Baal was full from one e. the e. of 430 years. Lord's host went Lev. 17. 5. to the e. Israel may bring sacrifices
21. 16. filled Jerusalem with blood from one «. Lev. 8. 33. the days of consecration be at an e. Gent. 15. t4. to the e. there be no poor among you
i2 Chi on. 21 .19. after the e. of two years, his bowels Deui. 9. 11. at the ». of 40 days and 40 nights 17. 16. to the e. that he should multiply horses
X'ir«y. 11. filled with unclean, from one «. to another 14. 28. at the e. of three years bring the tithe 20. to the e. that he may prolong his days
yij46.ll.what is my e.lhat 1 should prolong my life .'
15. 1. at the e. of every seventh year a release Psal. 19. 4. their words to the e. of the world
l(i.3.shall vain words havee. .'or what emboldens 31.10. at the e.of every seventh year read this law 30. 12. to the e. my glory may sing praise to thee
2t). 10. till the day and night come to an e. Josh 9. 16. at the t. of three days after the league 119. 112. to perform thy statutes even to the e.
28. .•?. he setteth an e. to darkness, and searcheth JuJg. 11. 39. at the e. of two months she returned Eccl. 3. 11. can find out from beginning to the e.
7'/a/.7.9.thewickedness of the wicked come to an e. Ruth 3. 7. Boaz lay down at the e. of the heap 7. 14. to the e. man should find nothing after liim
9- 6. destnictions are come to a perpetual e. "
Sam. 14. 26. at the e. of every year he polled it ha. 48. 20. utter it even to the e. of the earth
19. 6. his going forth is from the e. of heaven ;i.8. Joab came to Jerus. at the e. of nine months 49. 6. mayest be my salvation to the e. of the earth
37. 37. upright man, for the e. of that man is peace 1 hings^ the e.of 3 years two of -Shimei's ser. Jer. 3. 5. his anger, will he keep it to the e .'
38. the e. of the wicked shall be cut off 17. t 7. at the e. of days the brook dried up Ezek. 31. 14. to the e. that none of the trees exalt
39.4. make me know <.|i73.17.I understood their e. 2 Kings the e.otj years the woman returne(f Uan. 4. 11. sight thereof «
the e. of all the (jartli
61. 2. from the e. of the earth will I cry to thee 18. 10. at the e. of three years they took Samaria 22. thy dominion rcacheth to the e. of the earth
102.27 -thou art the same, and thy years have no*. 2 C/iron. 18. t 2. at the e. of years Jehoshaphat went 12. 6. how long shall be to the e. of these wonders.'
119. 96. I have seen an e. of all perfection 20. 16. ye shall find them ai'ihe e. oT the brook Ubad. 9. to the e. »hat every one may be cut ofT
Prov. 5. 4. her e, is bitter 23 18. there is an e.
|| 24.23. af the e.of the year the host of Syria came Mat. 10. 22. but he that enaureth to the e. shall b*
14. 12. but (he e. thereof are tnc ways of death A'e/i. 13. t6. at the e. of days I obtained leave saved, 24. 13. Mark 13. 13.
26. 8. lest thou know not what to do in the e. /'i<i/.107. 27. they stagger, and are at their wits' e. .icts 7. 19. cast out, to the e. they might not live
£ccl. 4. 8. yet there is no e. of all his labour Isa. 7. 3. go to meet Ahiz at thee, of the conduit Ro(n, 1. 11. to the e. you may be est.iblished
16. there is no e. of all the people before them Jer.^i the e. of seven years let go every serv. 4. 16. to the e. the promise might be sure to seed
7. 2. the <;. of all men 8. better the e. of a thing /•.:el.3.1(). at the e. of seven days word of L. came 2 Cor. 1. 13. I trust you shall acknowledge to thee.

10. 13. the e. of his talk is mischievous madness Dan.l. 5. at the e. they might stand before the king 3. 13. look to the e. of that which is abolished
12. 12. of making many books there is no e. 4. 29. at the e. of 12 months he walked in palace 1 'Thess.i.XZ. to the t. he may esiablish your hearts
tl3. let us hear the e. of the whole matter ll.t 13. <i< thee, of times shall come with an army 1 Pet. 1. 13. wherefore be sober, and hope to the e.
Jsa.Z.T. land full ofgold, nor is there any e. of their 12. 1.'?. thou shalt stand in the lot at the e. of days Unto the END.
treasures, nor is there any e. of their chariots Uab. 2. 3. but at the e. it shall speak, and not lie Deut. 11. 12. from beginning unto the e. of the year
9 7. of his government there shall be no e. Mat. 13. 40. so shall it be in the e. of this world Josh.\b.i. the east-border was unto the e. of Jordan
13. 5. they come from the e. of heaven to destroy Hut the END. Ruth 2. 23. to glean unto the e. of barley-harvest
16.4. for the extortioner is at an e. spoiler ceaseth Prov. It. 12. a way that seems right to a nt?n, but Job 34. .36. my desire is Job may be tried unto the e.
23. 15. after e. of 70 years Tyre shall sing, 17. thee, thereof are the ways of death, 16. 2j. P.>a/.46.9.maketh wars to cease unto the e. of bean
42. 10. sing his praise from the e. of the earth 20. 21. but the e. thereof shall not be blessed 119. 33. teach me, and I shnll keep it unto the .•
45. 17. shall not be confounded world without e . .Vat.-2i.C.outthe e.isnotj-et,.liar* 13.7. Luke 21 .9. Isa. 62. 11. L. hath proclaimed «;«c) thee, ofeanb
46. 10. declaring the e. from the beginning 1 Pel. 4. 7. iwt the e. of all things is at hand Jer. 1.3. it came unto the t. of ihe eleventh year
J»r. 5. 31. what will you do in the e. thereof? Last END. Dan. 6. 26. his dominion shall be even unto the e.
12. 12. for the iword of the Lord shall devour Sum. 23. 10. and let my last e. be like his 7. 26. to destroy his dominion unto the e.
from one e. to the other e. of the land, 25. 33 Jer. 12. 4. they said, he shall not see our last e. 9. 2r*. and unto the e. of the war desolations
17. 11. gets riches, and at his*, he shall be a fool Lam. 1.9. she remembereth not her last e. A/af .28. 20, I am with you alway, even unto the e.
29. U. I think to give you an expectid e. thee kn0wwh.1t shall beinthe/#j<e. John 1 S. 1 having loved, he loved them unto the e.

31. 17. there is hope in thine e. saiththe Lord Lt:tler EN D. 1 Cor. 1. 8. who shall also confirm you unto thee,
44. 27 be consumed, till tliere be an <. of them
. Xnm. 24. 20 his latter e. shall be that he perish lltb. 3. 6. if we hold fast the confidenoe unto the
50. t26. came against Babylon from the e. Daut. 8. 16. to do thee good at thy latter e. 14. if we hold the beginning stedf;ist unto the a.
51. 13. () ihnu that dwelle'st, thine e. is come 32. 29. that they would consider their latter e. 6. 11. to the full assurance of hope unto tl.e e.
31. to shew that his city is taken at one e. Ruth 3. 10. shewed more kindness in the latter e. Rev. 2. S6. he that keepeth my works unto tU e,
Lam. 4. 18. our e. is near, for our e. is come 2 Sam. 2. 26. it will be bitterness in the latter e. END.
Eak.f^. an e, the t. is come on the land, 3, 6. Job 8. 7- yet thy latter e. should greatly increase Mat, 10. 1 33. ye shall aot e. the cities of<l


ENDAMAGE. 2 7Vnt.4.5. but watcti thon in all things, ^.afflictions Hand of the ENEMr.
Eurm 4. 13. so thoa shilt e. the rereane of kings Htb. 12. 7. if ye «. chastening, G. dealeth with you I*!-. 26. 25. I will send
the pestilenca, and yeahall
ENDANGER. 20. they could not t. what was commanded be delivered into the hand of the e. Sek. shall make me e. my head lothe king Jam. 5. 11. behold, we count them happy who c. Eira 8. 31. he delivered Q.»J
us from the hmndot'ine «
ENDANGERED. 1 Pit. 2. 19. if a man for conscience t. grief Psal. 31.8. hasi not shut me op \nx.a handof the
£ff/.10.9.he that cleaveth wood shall be t. theieby ENDURED. 78. 61. he delivered his glory mio ike handof e.
ENDED. Psal. 81 15. their lime should have e. for ever
106. 10. redeemed from the handof the e. 1U7.
Gen. 2. C. on the seventh day God e. his work Rom. 9. 8«. if God e. with much lonij-sufrering 2
Lam. 1. 7. her people fell w.rt\he hand of thee.
41. 53. the seven years of plenteousness were a. i Tim. 3. 11. hast known what persecutions I e. 2. 7. hath given into the hand of the e. the wall*
Deui. 31. 30. he spake the words till they were e. //?*.6. 15. after he had patiently «. he obtained pro. Mine ENE.MV.
U. 8. the days of mourning for Moses were e. 10. 32. ye e. a great fi;.!ht of^ affiiclions 1 Sam. ig. 17. why hast thou sent away mine
e. ?
e 18. ask counsel, and so they e. the matter 11. 27. for Moses «. as seeing him who is invisible 2 Sam. 22. 18. delivered
me from my e. P/a/.lU.l?.
EsiA. Q. * 28. nor memorial be e. from their setd 12. 2. he e. the cross 3. he e. such contradiction 1 Kings 21 20. hast
|| . thou found me, O mine e.f
Joi 31. 40. the words of Job are e. ENDURETH. Job 16. 9. mine e. sharpeneth his eyes upon me
Pt.72 20. prayers of David, the son of Jesse are e. Psal. 15. t 3. nor e. reproach against his neighbour 27.7. let mine e. be as wicked, and

he that riseth
Ita. 60. 20. the days of thy mourning shall be e. .")0. 5 for his anger *. but
a moment, favour is life Psal. 7.4. yea, I delivered him that is mine e.
Jer. 8. 20. the harrest is past, the summer is e. 52. 1. the goodness of God 1. continually 13. 2. how long shall mine e. be exalted over me '
Mat. 7. 28. when Jesus had *. these sayings 72. 7. abundance of peace »o long as the moon e 4. lest mine e. say, I have prevailed against him
LMkt 4. 8. when forty days were e. he hungered 100. 5. and his truth e. to all generations 41. 11. because mine e. doth not triumph over me
13. when the devil had e. all the temptation 145. 13. thy dominion *. through all generations Lam. 2.22. those I swaddled hath
mine «. consumed
Tohn 13. 2. supper being e. the devil having now put Mat. 10. 2C. he that «. to the end shall be saved Mic.T. 8. rejoice not against me,
O mine e.
ENDETH. John 6. 27. but for that meal which ». iinto life lO.then she that is mine e. shall see it, and shame
Isa. 24. 8. the noise of them that rejoice e. 1 Cor. 13. 7- charity hopeth all things, *. all things Thine ENE.MY.
ENDING. Jam. 1. 12. blessed is the man that e. temptation Esod. 23. 4. if thou meet thine t. ox or his
1 Sam, 3. 1 12. I will perform beginning .ind e. ENDURETH /or evtr. Dent. 28. 57. thine e. shall distress thee in thy gates
Rev. 1. 8. I am the beginning and «. saiih the L. 1 Chron. 16. 34. for his mercy e, for ever 41 1 Sam.2-i. 4. deliver thine e. into thy hand,
26. 8.
ENDLESS. 2 Chron. b. 13. 7.3,6. 20. 21. £ira 3. 11.
| | 28. 16. seeing the Lord is become thine e.
1 Tim. 1. 4. neither give heed to t. genealogies Psal. \06.1. 107.1. 118.1,2,3,4. 136. 2 Sam. 4.8. behold the head of Ish-bosheth thine e

Hei. 7.l6.who is made kfter the power of an e. life 1,2,3, 4f. 133. 8.y<r.33. 11. Job 13. 24. wherefore boldest thou me for thine e.
ENDEAVOUR. Psal. 111.3. his righteousness e. /or <Mr, 112.3,9. Prov. 24. 17. rejoice not when thine
e. falleth
8 Cor. 5. 1 9- 'We «• that we may be accepted of him 111. 10. his praise e.j'or ever 117. 2. his truth e. 25. 21.if</iin<#. hunger, give bread, Rom. 12.20

2 P*t. 1. 15. I will e. that you may b« able after 119- 160. every one of thy judgments «./»; «trr Lam. 2.17. hath caused thine e. to rejoice over thee
ENDEAVOURED. 135. 13. thy name, O Lord, e. forever, ihy mem. Hcfh. 3. 15. the Lord hath cast out thine e.
Acts 16. 10. we t. to go into Macedonia, gathering 1 Pel. 1. 25. but the word of the l^rd e.for ever Mat.S.ii. it hath been said, thou shall hale thine
ir/i««.2.]7 we ^.tosee your face with great desire ENDURING. EN E.MIES.
ENDEAVOURING. Psal.lQ. g. the fear of the Lord is clean, e.for ever 1 Sam. IB. 25. to be avenged of
the king's e.
EpA. 4. 3. e. to keep the unity of the Spirit in bond iCar. 1. 6. is effectual in e. the same sufferings 20. 15. when the Lord hath cut off ihe e. of David
ENDEAVOURS. /ie4.10.34.havein heaven a better and e.subitance 16. the Lord require it at ihe hand of David's e.
Psal. 28. 4. according to the wickedness of their e. ENEMY. 25. 22. so and more do God to the e. of David
ENDOW. Esod. 15. 6. thy right hand hath dashed in pieces e. 30. 26. behold a present of the spoil of e. of
Exod. 22. 16. he shall surely t. her to be his wife 9- the e. said, I will pursue, I will overtake 2 Sam. 12. 14. give occasion to e. to blaspheme
ENDS. 23. 22. then I will be an e. to thine enemies 18. 32. the e. of my lord be as that young man is
Deul.33.1T. shall push the people to e. of the earth AW>. 10. 9. and if you go to war against the e. 2 C/ir. 20. 29. Lord fought against the e. of Israel
1 Sam. 2. 10. the L. shall judge the e. of the earth 35. 23. and was not his e. nor sought his harm Esth. 9. 1. the e. of the Jews hoped to have power
IKings 8. 8. the e. of staves were seen, 2 C/ir. 5. g. Dew/. 32.27 .were it not I feared the wrath of the e. Joi 6. 23. or deliver me from the e. hand '
2 Ainji 10. t 32. L. began to cut off the e. of Isr. 42. from the beginning of revenges upon the e. fto/. 17.9. hide me from my deadly*, who compass
JaS 28. 24. for he looketh to the t. of the eirth 33. 27. he shall thrust out the e. before thee 37. 20. the e. of the Lord shall be as fat of lambs
37. 3. he dirccteth his lightning to e. of the earth Judg.l6.Z3. our god hath delivered our e. into, 21. 45. 5. thine arrows are sharp in heart of king's e.
38. 13. it might take hold of the e. of the earth 1 Sam. 2. 32. thou shall see an e. in my habitation "8. 61. he delivered his glory into the e. hand
Psal. 19. 6. and his circuit to the e. of it 18. 29. Saul became David's e. continually 127. 5. they »hall speak with the e. in the gate
22. 27. all the t. of the world shall remember 24. ly. if a man find his e. will he let him go' Jer. 12. 7. have given beloved into hands
of here.
48. 10. so is thy praise to the e. of the earth IKings 8. 33. when thy people be smitten down be- 48. 5. the e. have heard a cry of destruction
59. 13. God ruleth in Jacob to the e. of the earth fore «, because sinned ag. thee, 2 Chron. 6. 24. Lam. 1, 2. all her friends are become her
€5. 6. the confidence of all the e. of the earth 46. if they sin, and thou deliver them to the e 5. her adversaries are the chief, her «. prosper
67. 7. all the e. of the earth shall fear him 2 Chron. 25. 8. G. shall make thee fall before the e. Mic. 7. 6. a man's e. are the men of his own houjo
98.3. the e. of earthhave seen the salvation of G. Esth. 7. 4. the e. could not countervail the damage Rom. 5. 10. if when we weree. we were reconciled
135.7 .the Lord causeth the vapour to ascend from 6. Esther said, the e. is this wicked Ilaman 11. 28. as concerning the gospel, they are e.
the «. of the earth, Jer. 10. 13. 51. 16. Joi 33. 10. behold, he counteth me for his e.
| 1 Cor. 15. 25. till he hath put all e. under his feet
iProp. 17.24. eyes of a fool are in the e. of the earth Psal. 7. 5. let the e. persecute my soul and take it J'hil. 3. la. they are the e. of the cross of Christ
30. 4. who hath established all the e. of the earth ? 8. C. thou mightest still the e. and the avenger Col. L. 21. were e. in your mind by wicked works
2sa. 40. 28. the Lord, the creator of the e. of earth 9. 6. O thou e. destructions are come to an end Jlis ENEMIES.
41. 5. the e. of ihe earth were afraid, drew near J2.9. why go I mourning because of the «. .' 43. 2 Gen. 22. 17. thy seed shall possess the gate of hite.
9. whom I have taken from the e. of the earth 44. 10. thou makest us to turn back from the e. Xiim. 24. 8. he shall eat up the nations his e.
43.6. bring my daughters from the e. of the earth 55. 3. I mourn, because of the voice of the e. 32,21. till he hath driven out his e. before him
45. 22. look to me and be saved, all e. of the earth 12. for it was not an e. Aat reproached me Deui. 33. 7. be thou <ui help to him from his e.
52. 10. all the e. shall see the salvation of God 01. 3. thou hast been a strong tower from the e 2 6i/m.7.1.the Lord hath given him rest from hise.
Jer. 16.19. Gentiles shall come from e. of the earth 64. 1. preserve my life from fear of the e. 18. 19. how the Lord hath avenged him of his e.
25. 31. a noise shall come to the ». of the earth 74. 3. even all that the e. hath done wickedly 22. 1, hast delivered him out of hand of all his a
Ezei. 15.4. the fire devoureth both the e. of it 10. shall the e. blaspheme thy name for everr 1 Chron, 22. 9- I will give him rest from all his e.
Mic. 5. 4. now shall he be great to e. of the earth 10. remember the «. hath reproached, O Lord Job 19. 11. he counteth me as one of ^ij e.
Zec/i. 9. 10. his dominion to the e. of the earth 78. 42. remembered not when he delivered from e. Psal. 10. 5. as for all his e. he puffcth at them
Acts 13. 47. thou be forsalvation to e. of the earth 8y. 22. the e. shall not exact upon him 41. 2. thou wilt not deliver him lu the will of his j.
Ram. 10.18. and their words to the e. of the world 143. 3. for the e. hath persecuted my soul 6(i. 1. let God arise, let his c. be scattered
1 Cor.lO.ll.on whom the e. of the world are come Prov. 27. 6. but the kisses of an e. are deceitful 21. but God shall wound thr head of his e.
ENDUED. /su. 59. 19. when the e. shall come in like a flood 72. 9. and his e. shall lick the dust
Gtn. 30. 20. God hath e. me with a good dowry 63. 10. therefore he was turned to be their e. 70. 66. and he smote his e. in the hinder parts
$ Chron. 2.12. to David a wise son, «.with prudence Jer. 6. 25. the sword of the e. is on every side 89. 42. thou hasl made all hii t. to r.-joice
13. have sent a cunning man,f. with understanding 15. 11. 1 will cause th", e. to entreat thee well 97. 3. a fire burncth up his e. round .iboui
iMit 24. 49. till ye be *. with power from on high 18.17. I will scatter them with east-wind before e. 112.8. until he see his desire upon his e.
J»m. 3. 13. who is wise and *. with knowledge ? 30. 14. I have wousded thee with wound of zin e. 132. 18. his e. will I clothe with shame
ENDURE. Lam. 1. 5. are gone into captivity before the e. Prov. 16.7. he maketh Aij e. lobe at peace with hira
Cjn. 33. 14. and as the children be able to e. 9- behold, for the e. hath magnified himself /jj. 9. 11. the Lord shall join /ii» e. together
Exod. 18. 23. then thou shall be able to e. 16. my children are desolate, because (.prevailed 42. 13. he shall cry, he shall prevail against /ii/ «.
Esth. 8. 6. lor how can I «. to see evil and destruct. 2. 3. he hath drawn back his band before the e. 59. 18. he will repay recomiirnce to his e,
/»iS8. 15. he shall hold it fast, but it shall not e. 4. he hath bent his bow like an e. he stood 66. 6. a voice that render»th recompenre 10 kut.
31. 23. by reason of his highness I could not e. 5. the Lord was an e. he hath swallowed up 14. his indignation be known Inwards hit e.
Psal. 9.7. the L. shall <.for ever, he hath prepared 4. 12. that the e. should have entered the gates Jet i-%. 30. will give rh.iraoh into hand of hie t,

his throne for judgment, 102. 12,26. | 104.31. £«i. 36.2. because the e. had said against you, aha .\'ai. 1. 2. and he rcserveth wrath for hit t.
30. 5. weeping may e. for a night, but joy comeih llos. 8. 3. Israel, the e. shall pursue him 8. and darkness shall pursue hit e.
72.5. they shall fear thee as long as sun and moon e. A/ic.2.8. even of late my people is risen up as an ^. //<*. 10. 13. expecting till his made his footstool
Yl his name shall e. for ever, as long as the sun Nnh. 3. 11. thou shall seek strength because of*.
. Mine KN E.MIES.
89. 29. his seed will I make to t. for ever, 36. i1/<i<. 13.25. his*, came, sowed tares, went his way \iim. 2.3. 11. 1 took thee to curse mine e. 24. 10
pTov.'n.1\. doth the crown t. to every generation '
28. he said unto them an e. hath done this Ueut 32.41. I will render vengeance to mi>ie e.
£i«*.22.t4.can thy heart*, or thy hands be strong' 39. the e. that sowed them is the devil 1 Sam. 2. 1. my mouth is enlarged over mine •.
Mat.ii. 13. he that shall e. to the end, Mark 13.13. Luke 10. 19. to tread over all the power of the e. 14.24. that I may be avenged on mine e.
MaiH. 17. having no root, and so«. but for a time Acts 13. 10. child of devil, thou e.o\ all righteousn. 2 .b'<im. 5. 20. the Lord hath broken forth upon tnlnr
2 T/ttss, 1.4. in all your tribulations that ye e. 1 Cor. 15.26. the last e. to be destroyed is death e. as the breach of waters. I Ckr. 14. 1
2 Tim. e, 3. thou therefore e. hardness as a soldier Ga/ I become your (.because I tell truth '
22. 4. so shall I be saved from rnin< e. Ps. 18. 3.
10. therefore I e. all things for the elects' sake 2 Thess. 3. 15. count him not asane. but admonish 2 Sam. 22. 38. I have pursued siune e. Psal. 18. 3.
4. 3, when they will not «. *auDd doctrine Jam. 4. 4. a friend of the world is the t. of God 41 bast girca m« the necks of nu'iu e. P/.ia.'40.

tSiim.9!.'^. and that brinpeth mf forth from m.e. 1 S'inft S.Il. nor asked life o( thint t. 2 Chr. ] 11. . enlarge Japhtt. God 4hall pvt hm « Uni»
1 Cir. 12. 17. if ye be come to betray me to mtiK (. I Chr. 21.12. while.the sword of Min* «. overtaketb inheritance, and tnertase his posterity. Or
/'.•a/.3.7.»ave me, for thou hast smitten all mine t. Pial.B. 2. bast ordained strength because oC thine e. other-xise : God shall persuade Japhtt, namely,
5. 8. lead me, O Lord, because of mine t. SI. 8. thine hand shall find out all ihine t. to dwtll in the terns of .Shem, u:here Goi
C.7. mine eyes waxeth old because of all mintt. 66. 3. thro' thy power shall thine 1. submit dwelleth ; he shall bring him to faith and obe-
10. let all mine i. be ashamed and sore vexed 68. 23. thy foot may be dipped in blood of thine e. dience ; to that this may be a prophecy of l/,t
7.6. arijt, O Lord, because of the rageof niiHr < 74. 4. thine «. roar 83. 2. thine 1. make a tumult
calling of the Gentiles, the posterity 1/ Japhet.
9. 3. whtn mine i. are turned, they shall fall 23. forget not the voice of thine 1. tht tumult Also in Exod. 34. 24, Por I will cast out the.
18. 48. he deli%'ereth me from mint t. 89. 10, thou hast scattered thmi t. with thy arm nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders.
23. 5. thou prepares! a labia in presence of mint e. 51. wherewith thine #.have reproached, O I^ord My
mouth is enlarged, says Hannah, 1 Sam. 2_
S5. 2. let not mine t. triumph over me, 35. I9. 92. 9. In, thine e. O Lord, thint e. shall perish 1. It is opened uidt to pour forth abundant
19- consider mint 1. for they are many llO.l.till 1 make thine «. thy footstool, .Vaj. 22. 44. praises to Goi; and to give a full aniicer to all.
S7. 2. when mint e. came npon me to eat my flesh Mark 12. 36. Luke 20. 43. ileb. 1. 13. the reproaches of my adversaries ; tehereai before
6 now shall mine head be lifted up above mine e, 2 rule thou in the midst of thine e. it uns shut through grief and confusion. 'Jhou
il. lead me in a plain path, because of mint e. 139. 20 and thine t. take thy name in vain hast enlarged thy bed, Isa. 57. 8. Thou hast
12. deliver me not over to the will of mine e. Ita. 2(5. 11. the fireof /A<n« «. shall devour them niuliiplied t/iint idols and altars. 'The same
31. II. I was a reproach among all rnin< e. 62.8 ivo more give thy corn to be meat for thme e. prophet says, chap. 5. 14, Hell hath enlarged
16 deliver me from the Hand of mine e. Jtr. 15. 14. I will nisike thee to pass with </ii7;» e. herself, and opened her mouth without measure.
38. 19 but mine t. are lively, and they are stront; Lam. 2. 16. thine e. have opened their mouth 'The grave hath optntd its mouth, it it readt^
41. i. mint «. speak evil of ire ; when shall he die Dan. 4. 19. and the interpretation be to thine e. to s-.iallo-ji up a vast numbtr of the dead ; it de-
42. 10. minee. reproach nic all the day, 102.8. Mic. 4. 10. Lord shall redeem thee from thine e. sires no more than to devour, and absorb tuch at.
64. 5. he shall reward evil to mine e. cut them off 5. 9. and all thine t. shall be cut off shall die by this famine, or otherwiie.
7. eye bath seen
hij desire upon mtne e. 59. 10. t 14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thine t. riil.-\rgement, lieb. Respiration, Esth. 4. 14,
56.2. minewould swallow me up, they be many
e. Kah. 3. 13. thy gate shall be set open to thine e. Then shall their enlargement to the Jewi
9. whfn cry, then snail mine 1. turn back
I Luit 19. 43. Ihine e. shall cast a trench about thee from another place. 'They mere so filled ;; i/A
5y. 1 . deliver me from minii. O
my God, 143^. }'oi(r ENE.MIKS. grief and terror arising from theii present dan~
C9 4. they being mijir e. wrongfully are mighty Lev'. C6. ^. ye shall chase your e. they shall fall ger, as that they could icarce breathe, as Job
l8. draw nigh, deliver me because of mint e. 8. your e. shall fall before you by the sworil speaks. Job 9' 18. but their grief and sorrow
71. 10. minee. speak againtt me, they lay wait 16. ye shall sow in vain, for v"'"' e. siiall eat it should be removed, and then should they have a
82. 1 1. mine eye shall see my desirs on mint e. 17. and ye shall Jt>c slain before your e. bieiiihing-time, a time of suttt refreshment.
119. 9^. thou hast made me wiser than mine e, 37. shall have no power to stand before your e. '''f:«.9.27.G. shall e. Japhet, he shall dwell in tents
139. because mint t. have forgotten thy worQ Num. 10. 9. ye shall be saved from your e. Exod. 34.24. I will cast out nations and*, borders.
157. many are mine e. yet do I not decline, 14. 42 be not smitten beioieyour e. Deiit 1. 42 Dcui. 12. 20. when the Lord shall e. thy border
138. 7. stretch forth thy hand against mine t. Dent. 12. 10. he giveth you rest from all your a. 19. 8 if the Lord e thy coast as he hath sworn
139. 22. 1 hate them, I count them mine e. 20. 3. ye approach to battle against your e. 1 Chr. 4.10. O that wouldest bless me, and e. coast
143. 12. of thy mercy cutoff mine*, and destroy 4. the Lord goeth to fight for you against your 1. Psat. 119. 32. when tHbu shalt e. heart my
/m.1.C4 saitli the Lord, I will avenge roeofmii;«f. 28.68. and there ye shall be sold to your e. Isa. 54.2. e. the place of thy tent and stretch forth
Lorn. 1. 21. all mine e. have heard of my trouble Josh. 10. 25. thus shall the Lord do to all your e. Amos 1. 13 that they might*, their border
3. 5fi. mint t. chased me sore like a bird without 22 8. divide the spoil oti/oure. with your brethren Mic. 1. 16. make bald,«. thy baldness as the eagle
iu*< 19.27. those mine f.bring hither and slay them 1 Sam. 1 2. 1 1 the Ix)rd delivered you out of hand Mat 23 5. and e. the borders of their garments

Oiir ENEMIES. of your I. and ye dwelled safe, 2 hinzs 17. 39. ENLARGED.
Erad. 1. 10. they join also to our e. and fight Mat. 5.44. but I say, \ova your t. Luke 6. 27, 35. 1 Sam. 2. 1 my mouth is e. over mine enemies
Shut. 32. 31. owe. themselves being judges EnFLAMK; tet INFLA.ME. 2 Sam. 22. 37. thou hast e. my steps, Pial. IS m-
1 Sam 4. 3. it may save us out of hand of our e. ENGAGED. Psal. 4 1 thou hast e. me when I was in distress
12. 10. but deliver us out of the hand of oKr e. J>r.30.2l .who is this that e.his heart to approach 25. 17 the troubles of
'. my
heart are e. bring iu» O
t iiam. 19.9. 'aved us out of hand ^)f our f. /'/.44.7 ENGINE, S. therefore hell hath *.hers. opened mouth.
A«/i. 5. 9. because of the reproach of our e. 2 Chron. 26. 15. Uzziah made in Jerusalem e. 57 8. thou hast e. thy bed, and made a coveuaiit

6. 1. when rest of oto «. heard I had builded, I6. Jer 6. +6. pour out the e. of ihot, Ezek 26. t8 60. 5. and thine heart shall fear and be «.
Ptal. 44. 5. through thee will we push down our e. 32. t 24 behold the e. of shot, they are come 2 Cor 6. 11 O ye Corinthians, our heart is e,

fiO. 12. he it is shall tread .lown r^t e 108. 13. Eitk. 26. 9. he shall set e. of war against thy walls 13. for a recompence in the same, be ye also e.
80. 6. and our t. laugh among fhexselves ENGKAinED. 10. 15. having hope, that we shall be e. by you.
136. 24. and hath redeemed us from our e. Jam. 1. 21. receive with meekness the *. word ENLARGEXH.
Lam. 3. 46. our e. have opened their mouths ENGRAVE. Dent 3." 20 he said, blessed be he that e. Gad
Lute i. 7 that we should be saved fnm onr e.
Exod. 28. 11. like a signet shalt e. tne two stones Job 12 .23. he e. the nations, and straitcneth then.
74. being delivered out of the hands ot our e. Zech. 3. 9. behold, I will e. the graving thereof Ual) 2.5 who «. his desire as hell, and is asde.ith.
had made them naked amonj.^t their e.
£ji)(/.'i2.2.'). 2 Cor. 3. 7. the ministration of death e. in stones Esth 4. 14. then e. .shall arise from anolherplacc
Lev. 26. 36. send faintness in the land of their e. ENGRAVER. ENLARGING.
44. yet, when they be in the land of their : Exod. 28 11 with the work of an e. in stone Eiek 41.7' and there was an e. and a winding
Josh. 7. 8. Israel turneth back before their e. 12 35. 35 to work all manner of work of the e. ENLIGHTEN.
2l.44.lhere stood not a man of i.Wrr*. before the.ii, 38. 23. Aholiab, of the tribe of DaJi, an e. Psal. 18. 28 the Lord my God will e. my darkness.
the Lord delivered all their e. into their hand ENGRAVINGS. ENLIGHTENED.
23. 1. had given rest from their e. Esth. 9. 16. Exod. 28. U.liker.of asignet,21.36. | 39.14,30. 1 Sam. 14 27. and Jonathan's eyes were e. 29.
JuJg. 2. 14. sold them into the hand of their e. ENJOV Job 33. 30. to be *. with the light of the living
18. delivered them out of hand of their e. 8. 34. Ler. 26. 34. the land shall t. her sabbaths, 43. Psal. 97 4. his lightnings «. the world, earth saw
2 A'l'/^j 2 1.14. deliver them into the hand o{ their e. A'Km.36.8 that Israel may «. inheritance of fathers Isa. 60. 1 1. arise, be e. for thy light cometh
and be a prey, 2 Chr. 6. .16. 25.20. AWi.g. 27
Deut. 28. 41. thou shalt beget sons, i.ui not e. tlicm Eph. 1 18. the eyes of your understanding being e..

Ptal. 78. 53. but the sea overwhelmed li.cir e, Josh. I. 15. then shall return to tlie laud and e. it lieb.O.i. il is impossible for those who were once e
81 14. I should soon have subdiied their e.
J06 7.^7. mine eye shall no more t. good ENLIGHI'ENING.
I(i5. 24. and made them stronger than their e. /.If/. 2. I. e. pleasure, beholil this also is vuiity Psal. 19.8. commandment of Ld. is pure, ».the eye*
106.11. the waters covered their «.not one was left 24.he should make his soul e. good, 3.13 !>. lli.
42. their e. oppressed them, he delivered iht-ni 9. t 9. e. life with the wfe whom thou lo\ Gen. 3 15 I will put e. between thee and the womaiL
./(r.15.9.1 will deliver to the sword before thcfr e. lirt. 65. 22. mine elect sha.'. long e. work of nands iVum. 35. 21 or in e. smite him with his hand
ly. 7- to fall by the sword before their e. 20. 4. ylcri 24. 2. seeing by thee we e. great quictnes:' 22. but if he thrust him suddenly without e.
9. wherewith their e shall straiten then^ 1 Tim. 6. 17. G w). ^bo giveth uf all things to e. Luke 23. 12. for before they were at c. betw. thems.
20.5. all treasures of kings of Judah willpive into IJei.i) 25'. than<. the pleasures of sin lor a season Horn. 8. 7. the carnal mind is e. against God

hands olfA«re. 34.20,21. 21.7. Ezei.^[l.^^.

RN.lnVED Lph. 2. 15. having abolished in his tiesh thee,
Euk. 39. 27. gatherta them out of their e. laiids 2 Chron. 36. 21. till the land e her sabbaths id. by the cross, having slain the e. thereby
Jwcsi) A. tho" they go intocaptivity before their 1. EN.IOIN. Ja»j. 4. 4. the friendship of the world i.s e. with O.
&</(. 10.5. mighty men, which tread down their e. I'hi/em. 8. to *. thee that which is convenient ENOUGH.
Rev. U.5. if any hurt, fire devourcth their e. ENJOINED Gen. 24. 25. we have straw and provender e.
12. they ascended, and their 1. beheld thrni Ejth.g ^\^.o confirm days of I'urin:> »• Esth. had e. 33. 9. and Esau said, I have e. my brother
'Ihine ENE.MIKS. Joh 3r>. 23. who h.ith e. him his ways > 1 1 lake, 1 pray, my blessing, because 1 have e
Om. 14. 20. who delivtred ihme e. into thy hand lied. 9. 20. blood of testament God hath e. to you 34. 21. the land, behold, it is large *. for them
V). 8. thy hand shall be in the neck o( thine e. ENLARllE. 45. 28. Israel said, it is e. Joseph it yet alive
Eiod. S3. 22. then I will be an enemy to thme e. This word principally signifies the dilation, or ex- ExoU. 9. 28. entreat the Lord, for it is e. that
27. I will make thine «.to turn their backs to thee fiandtn^ of the heart, uhich hajrpem on vcca- 30.5. the people bring much more than e. for wort
Hum. 10. 35. rise. Lord, let thine e. be scatter.-d jtont oj prosperitv and jov, opposite to that con- Ikui. 1.6. ye have dwelt long «. in this mount
Peru. 6. 19. to cast out all thine e. from before thee traction and oppression »/ the heart uhich hap- 2. 3. ye have compassed this mountain long e.
20. 1. when thou goest against thine e. 21. 10. pens in adiersiiy. I'sal. 4. 1, 1 liou hast Josh. 17. 16. they said, the hill is not e. for us
S8. 53. wherewith thine «. shall distress thee, 55 J7. enlarged me when I was in distress. 2 Cor. C>. 2.iam.24.l6. it is e.stay thine hand, 1 Kiti^s 19. 4
33. 29. thine e. shall be found liars to thee 11, O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto 1 Chron. 21. 15. Mark 14. 41. Luke 22. 38
J.ih. 7. 13. thou canst not stand before thine e. you, our heart is enlarged. Our mimth is open 2 Chr. 31. 10. we have had e. to eat and have left
Jurlg. 3 31. so let all thine e. perish, O
Lord to speak Jreeli/ to you, and to communicate n Prov. 27. 27. thou shalt have goats' milk «. for food
11. 36. hath taken vengeance for thee of thine e. yon the uhole uill and cmmtel of dod; Our 28. I'j lie that tilleth land have plenty but he that ,

', .Sam. 25. 26. now let ihine e. be as Nabal heart ii enlaried both by the love that ut have lolloweth after vain persons have po\ erty t.
20. the souls of thine e. shall he sling out towards you, and iy the rejoicim; that ue haie 30. 15. vea, four things say not, it is e.
2 Sam 7.9. I have cut off all thine e. 1 Chr. 17.8. in you. To enlarge 11 used likewise Jor ex- 16. and the fire that saith not. it is «.
39. b in tliat lovest thine e. and hatest thy friends lending one^t limits, and carrying one^s tonquests /'".56. 11. greedy dog«, which can never hatre &
N W.l-'. or flee three njonths before thme 1. nto a foreign country. Gen. 9. 27. (ioj shall [Jer, 49- 9. they will destroy till they hive e.


Hm.A. 10. for ihey shall e»t, and u^c hare e. F.NQUIREST. Isa. 16. 8. that the righteous nation mgy
| e. {a
?<ad. 5. would they not have stolen till they hade.] Joi 10. 6. that thou /?. after my iniquity and siu 20. come, my people, i. thou into thychambera
A'aA. 1. 12. the lion did tear t for his whelps ENQUIRY, 57.2. he shall e. into peace, they shall rest mbe<b
i/ag'. 1.6. ye eat, but ye have not *. yedrink.but not Prov. CO. S5. and after vows to make e. Jer. 7. 2. that e. in at these gales 17. Cn. I
J2. 8,
Mai. 3. 10. there shall not be room «. to receive i'.j Wf/i 10.1*. the men had made ^. for Simoii's hous- 8. 14. and let us e. into the
deftnced C'tit*
TWa/.lO. is e.fortht disciple to be as his master ENllAGKO. 1 1. 18. if I «. into the ciiy,
behold famme
C5. 9. not so, lest there be not e. for us and you Prov. 26. 1 17. is e. with strife belonging not to hin
17. 25. there shall e. into the gates kings, 22.
jMke l5.17.hired servants have breade.and to spare ENRICH CI. 13. or who shall e. into our habitations.'
^«x27.38.when they had eaten (.lightened the ship 1 5nm.17.C5. the king will e. him with great riihe Jer. 41. 17. they departed to go to e.
into Kgypf
ENQUIRE. Esek. 27. 33. ihou didst e. the kings of the -janl 4:. 15. if ye set y wr faces to e. into Kgvpt'
To enquire tignifiet to ask. Acts Q. 11. Enquire ENRICHED. l.iim. 3. 13. hath caused arrows to«, into
my reins
in the house of Judas for one Saul of Tarsus. 1 Cor. 1 5. that in every thing ye are e. by him
, Eiek. 7. 22. robbers shall e. into it and dehle
And Gen. 24. 57, Wewill call the damsel, 2C«r.9.11.being «.in everv thing to all bountifulnes 13. 9. nor ihall they e. into the land of Israel

and enquire at her mouth : We will aik her ENRICHESr. CO. 10. when he shall e. into thy gates, as
mhether she be' willing to depart so very soon^ Psal.65. 9. tnougreatlv*. it with the river of C jd «. into a city wherein isinade a breach
arid understand her mind by her words or answer. ENROLLED. 37. 5. behold, 1 will cause breatli to e. into vou
Sometimes it signifies to pray, Ezek. 36. 37. f.uke 2. 1 1. a decree that all the world should he e. 4C.14, when the priests e. therein, then not
And also to examine, or search narrowly into llei. 12. i 23. church of the first-born e. in heaven 44. 2. this gate be shut, no 1. an shall e. in by"out it
a thing. Deut. 17. 4. And if thou hast ENSA.Ml'LE. 16. they shall e.into my sanctuary ,and come
enquired diligently, and behold it be true. Phil. 5. 17. be followers, as ye have us for an e. 17. when they e. in at tut gatei oithe inner
Sometimes it is taken for saluting a person, 2 Thess. 3. 9. but to make ourselves an e. to vou Dan. 11.7. shall e. intothe lonress of king of
and asking him of his welfare, 1 Chron. 18. 10, 2 I'et. 2. 6. an e. to those that should live ungodly 40. he shall e. into the counir,e> and oveitlou
Tou sent Hadoram his son lo salute king EN SAMPLES. 41. he shall e. also into the glorious land
David, to ask of his welfare. But this word 1 Cor. 10. 11. these things happened to them for s. Joel 2.9. like a thief they shall e. in at the windows
is most commonly used for asking counsel and 1 'J'/iess. 1. 7. so that ye were e. to all that believe Amos 5.5. seek not Beth-el, nor
e. into Gilgal
direction from God. Rebekah, finding the 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as lords, but being e. to the llock Jonah 3. 4. and Jonah bef;:.n lo *. into the city
two children with which she was big struggling ENSIGN. Zech.5A. flying roll shall e. tntolht houie oC thi«f
together in her womb, and giving her some u. I'nsigns are warlike banners, mmmments, or tro- Mat. 5, CO, in no case e. into kingdom of
easiness, went to enquire of the Lord, Gen. 25. phies of victory. Psal. 74. 4, Thine enemies 6. 6. when thou pra.\est, e. into thy closet
S2. Either she put up ardent prayers imme set up their ensigns for signs. And the pn'pUet 7. 13. e. in at the strait gate, Luke 13. 24.
diately to Gjd, that he would reieal his mina Isaiah, threatening the Israelites uich an iina- 21. not every one that saiih, Lord, shall e. in
to her herein : Or she consulted God imme- sion, tells them. That God would lift up an en. 10. 11. into what city ye shall e. Luke 10, 8, 10.
diately by her father Abraham, or by some sign to the nations from far, Isa. 5. C6. lie 12, C9. e. into a strong man's house, Mark 3. 27,
other godly patriarch yet surviving, by uhom would, by his providence, bring the Assj-rians 45. and they e. in and dwell iher.-, LuU 1 1 26.

God used to manifest his mind and will to or the Chaldeans against the jews ; he would, 18. 8. it is better for thee to e. info lil'e halt or
others, when he thought fit. As to the as it were, invite them to list themselves under maimed, rather than be cast iulo eveilasliug
different ways of consulting God under the his colours, as generals use to lift up th fire, Mark 9. 43, 45, 47.
Old 'J'eslamcnt, see the uord ORACLE. standards for the raising of armies. The same 19- 17. if thou wilt*, into life, keep the commands
Ge7t .24. 57. we Avill call the damsel, and e. at her prophet says. That there shall be a root of Jesse, 23. a rich man shall hardly e. into the kingdom
25. 22. Rebekah went to e. of the Lord which shall stand for an ensign of the people, 24. than for a rich man \i, e. into the kinMdonj
Exod. 18. 15. the people come to me to e. of God and to it shall the Gentiles seek, Isa. 11. 10. of God, Maik 10. 25. Luke 18. 25^
Deut. 12. 30. and that thou«. not after their gods t/iat is, 'That Christ the Messiah growing upon 25.21. well done,*, into the joy of 'thy Lord
13. It. then shalt thou e. and make search the root of Jesse, should mmint up, and be ad- .Mark 1. 45. could no more openly e. into the city
17. 9. thou shalt come unto the judge and e. vanced, by the preaching of the gospel, to a 5. IC. thut wo may e. into the swnie, LnU H. 32.
Judg. 4. CO. when any man doth come and e. of thee great height, so as to become a visible and emi- 6. U). what house ye e. into, Luke 9. i. In. 5.

1 5am. O.g.beforetime when a man went toe. of God nent ensign, which the Gentiles, as well as the 9- 25. come out of him, and e. no more lut.i bim
S2. 15. did I then begin to e. of God for him ? Jews, may discern; to whom they should repair 14. 3t!. lest ye e. into ttniptation, Luke 22. 46.
28. 7. seek me a woman, that I may e. of her by faith, and in whom they should put their LnkeH. 16. that they which e. iii^ may see light
1 Kitigs 22. 5. Jehoshaphat said, e. 1 pray thee, at trust. 13.24. many will seek to e. in and* shall no beat>l»
the word of the Lord to-day, 2 Chraa. 18. 4. /.fa. 5.26. he will lift up an e. to the nations from far C4. C6. to have suffered, and toe. inio his glory r
7. none besides, that we may «. of, 2 Chron. 18.6. 11. 10. \Wiich shall stand for an e. to the people John 3. 4. can he e. into his moihtr's womb agaiu'
2 Kings 1. 2. go, e. of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron 12. and he shall set up an e. for the nations 5. he cannot e. into the kingdom of tiod
3. 11. is there not here a prophet to e. by him > 18. 3. dwellers, see ye, when he lifteth up an«. 10. 9- hy me, if any man e. in he shall be saved
8. 8. go meet the man, and e. of the Lord by him 30. 17. till ye be left as an e. on an hill Acts 14.22. through tribulajion e. into the kingdom
16. 15. the brazen altar shall be for me to e. by 31. 9. his princes shall be afraid of the e. saith L. CO.Cy. grievous wolves shall e. i« among you
22. 13. go ye, e. of the Lord forme, 2 Chr. 34. 5 Zech. 9. 16. as the stones of a crown lifted as an e. Heb.4.^. do e. into rest, if they shall e, into test, i.
18. the king which sent you to e. 2 Chr. 34. C6. ENSIGNS. II. let us labour therefore \.ae. into that re>t
1 Chron. 10.13. that had a familiar spirit, to c. of it Psal. 74. 4. they set up their e. for signs 10, 19, boldness to e. into holiest by blood ol Jesu»
18. 10. Tou sent to David to e. of his welfare -^SNARE. Pel'. 15, 8. no man was able to e. into the temple
21. 30. David could not go before iiioe. of God Psal. 12. 1 5. I will in safety from him would e
• 21. 27. in no wise e. into it any thing that defileik
Z.'«ra7.14. are sent to e. concerning Jud. and Jerus E SNARED. 22. 14. may e. in through the gales into the city
Job 8. 8. for ». I pray thee of the former age Job 34. 30. hypocrite reign not, lest the people be e ENTER «u/.
PsriLTI. i. beauty of the L. and toe. in his temple ENSUE. Psal. 143. 2. «. not into judgment with thy servant
Ecct. 7. 10. thou dost not e. wisely concerning this 1 Pet. 3. 1 1 let him do good, seek peace, and e. it
. Prov. 4. 14. e. not into the path of the wicked
Jsa. 21. 12. if ye will t. e. ye, return, come Entangle; see Intangle. 23. 10. e. not into the fields of the fatherless
Jer. 21. 2. e. I pray thee, of the Lord for us ENTER. Jer. 16. 5. e. not into the hous of mourning
37. 7. the king of Judah that sent you to e. of me Judg. 18. 9- not slothful to e. to possess the land Mat. 10. 5, into any city of the Samaritans e nor
Ezek. 14. 7. and cometh to a prophet to e. of him Ezek. 44. 3. prince shall e. by the porth, 4<). C, 8. Ct). 41. that ye e, ho/ into temptation, l.uke 22. 4"
20. 1. the elders of Israel came to e. of the Lord /-)««. 11. 17. shall also set his face to e.with strength Not ENri.R.
3. thus saith the Lord, are ye come to e. of me ? C4. he shall e. peaceably 6n the fattest places Xvm. 20. 24. for Aaron shall not s. into the land
Mat. 10. 11. e. who in it is worthy, and there abide lleb. 4. 6. it remaineth that some must e. therein Dent. 23. 1. shall ««/ «. into the congn gatiun, 2, 3.
iu*e 22. 23. to e. among themselves, John I6. IJJ. EN TERin or into 2 Chion.T .i. the priests could not e. mio the house
^cts 9. 1 1 «. for Saul 25. + 20. doubtful how to e. Gen. 12.11. Abram was come near to<. into Egypt Psal. 95. 11. that they should not e. into my rest

19. 39. but if ye e. concerning other matters I'lod. 40. 35. Moses was not able to e. into the tent Isa. 50. 14. truth is fallen, and equity cannot e.
23. 15. as though ye would e. something more, CO. Num. 4. 23. all that e. in to perform the service Lam.l.W. they should not e. inlolhy congregatioo
2 Cor. 8. 23. whether any doe. of Titus my
partner 5. 24. the water that causeth the curse shall e. tnio t'.zck. CO. 38. they shall not e. into the lajid
ENQUIRED. the woman, and become bitter, C*. 44. 9- nor uncircumcised e. iulo my sanctuary
Deut. 17. 4. thou hast heard of it, and e. diligently Deut. 23. 8. children shall e. into the congregation llos. 11.9. and I will not e. into the city
Judg. 20. 27. the children of Israel e. of the Lord 29. 12. that thou shouldest <;. into covenant with L. Mat. 18. 3. ye shall not e. into kingdom of heaven
1 Aam. 10. 22. therefore they*, of the L. further Josh. 10. 19. suffer them not to e. in<<j their cities .MarklO. 15 he shall not e. therein, Luke 18. 17.
22. 10. and he e. of the I/jrd for him, 13. 2 6am. 22. 7. and my cry did e. into his ears lleb. 3. 11. they shall not e. into my rest, IH.
£3. 2. therefore David e. of the Lord, 4. 30. 8.|
1 Kings 14. 12. when thy feet «. in/o city, child die 19. we see they could not $. because uf unbelief
ZSam.'i.l. 5.19,23. 21.1. 1 Chr. 14. 10, 14.
I |
22. 30. I will disguise myself and e. into the battle See KiNGUiJM.
28. 6. when .Saul «. the Lord answered him not 2 Kingtt 4. if we e. in/o the city, then the famine
iSam. 11. 3. David sent and «. after the woman 11.5. a third part of you that e. in on s.ibbath Judg. 1. 24. they said, shew us the «. intothe city
16. 23. as if a man had e. at the oracle of (lod 19. 23. and I will e. into lodgings of his borders, 25. when he shewed them the t. they smote it
1 Chron.](), 14. Saul e. not of the L. he slew him and into the forest of Carmcl, Isa. 37. C4. 1 Kings 18. 46. he ran before Ahab lo e. of lezreel
13. 3. for we e. not at the ark in the days of .Saul 2 Chron. 23. I9. that none unclean should e. m 22, 10. the two kings sat in the c. of San aria
Psal. 78. 3V. they returned ande. early after God 30. 8. e. into his sanctuary, which he s.inctified 2 Chron. 12, 10, th.-it kept ihe t. of the king's lioust
Ezek. 14. 3. should I be e. of at all by them > A>A. 2. 8. and for the house that I shall e. into Psal. 119. 130. the e. of thy words givelh light
20. .3. as I live, saith L. ! will not be «."of by you hlsth. 4. C. for none might e. into the king's gate 1 Tf.css. 2. 1. yourselves know our e. in unto yon
31.shh.ll I be e. of bj' you, O house of Israel ? as Job C2. 4. will he e. with thee into judgment • 2 Pet. 1. II. so an e. shall be ministered 10 you
1 live saitli Lord Goil, I will not be e. of by you 34. 23. that he should e. i'h/o judgment with God ENTEKEl).
S6. 37. I will yet for this be e. of by Israel Pj.37.15, their sr.vord sh.all e. into their own heart Gen. 7. 13. the self-same day e. Noah and his soM
Dan. 1. CO. in all matters that the king e. of them 45. 15. they shall e. into the king's palace 19. 3. the angels turned in, and «, into his house
Zeph. 1. 6. those that have not e. for the Lord 100 4. e. into his gates with thanksgiving 23. tlie sun was risen when Lot ». into Zo.-u-
Mat. 2.7. Herod e. of the wise men dili'.;eiitly, 16. 1 18. 20. the gate into which the righteous shall c. 43, 30, Joseph r, into his chamber anil wept there
Ji'in 4. 52. then e. be the hour he began to amend ProT. 18. 6. a fool's lips e. into contention Exod. 33. 9. as Moses t. into tne tatieri.acle
2 Cor, 8. 23. or our brethren bsf of, are messengers
. Isa. 2. 10. e. into the rock, and hide thee iii the dust Josh. 2, 3, bring the men that area, into thy hoo^'O
I Pel. 1. 10. of which salvation the prophets e. 3. 14. tlie L. wiU«, into judgn cnt with aiicicuts Judg. 6. 5. and they c. into the land to destroy
Ju4i. 9. 46. llicy «. an boM of the god Beritb
ialu ENTERPRISE. ftr the Spirit of God, or for the human spirit^
or natural corruption ; the tense of thtse worid
\K%ngt\. t 1- now king David was e. iDto daj-s Job 5 12. their hands cannot perform their s.

2 Kings 7. 8. «. into another lent, and took thence ENTERTAIN. may be, either, (1) The Spirit of God that
Heb. 13. 2. be not forgetful to *. strangers dwellcth in us, teacheth us better things l/ura
9. SI. as Jehu e. in at the gate, Jezebel said
2Ckron. 12. 11. when the king*, into the house ENTERTAINED. ttrife and envy ; for it lusteth against envy,
that is, makes us lust against it, carriet out
15. 12. they t. into a covenant to seek the Lord Heb. 13. 2. for thereby some have *. angels
ENTICE our hearts to hate and resist it . The Greek
S7.2. Jotbam e. not into the temple of the Lord
prepotition jrp'o;, here Englished to, often sig-
Heh. 10. 29. they «. into a curse, and into ao oath Signifies, [1] To persuade, or allure, Judg. 14. 15.
16.5. 2 Chron. 18. 20. [2] To deceive, Jer. nifiei against, as in Luke 20. 19- Epn. 6. 11.
Joi 38. iC. hast thou *. into the springs of the sea ? I

20. 10. Jam. 1. 14. It is referred (1) To Satan Or, (S) (Jur natural corruption, excited and in
22. hast thou e. into the treasures of the snow r
Jer. 2. 7. but when ye e. ye defiled my land seducing false prophets, by inspiring them with famed by the devil, strongly inclines us to envy,
lies, 2 Cli'ron. 18. 20. (2) To a man cunningly and consequently to other wickedness.
9. 21. for death is*, into our windows and palaces
insinuating himself into a maid's affections, in Job 5. 2. wrath killeth, and *. slayeth the silly oue
34. 10. the people which had e. into covenant
order to gatn her consent to lie aith him, either Prov. 14. 30. t. is the rottenness of the bones
37. 16. when Jeremiah was e. into the dungeon
iy his persuasions, promise of marriage, or 27. 4. but who is able to stand before *. .'
tam. 1. 10. the heathen *. into her sanctuary
reward, Exod. 22. I6. Eccl. 4.t4. this the «. of man from his neighbocff
4. 12. that the enemy should have e. the gates
9.6.their love,their hatred, and *. is now perishul
Eui.i. 2. spirit t. into me when he spake, 3. 24. (3) To notorious sinners, such as thieves, robbers,
murderers, or oppressors, who endeavour to allure Isa. 11. 13. the *. also of Ephraim shall depart
16.8. yea, 1 sware and *. into a covenant with thee
others by fair pretences to associate themselves 26. 11. they shall see and be ashamed for their e.
36. 20. and when they *. unto the heathen
with them, Prov. 1. 10. 16. 29. Eiek. 35. 11. I will even do according lo thine e.
41. 2. because the God of Israel bath e. in by it |

gates To a man's omt lust and concupiscence A/a/.27.18. for *. they delivered him, MarklS.\0.
Via J. 11. in the day that foreigners *. into his (4)
ahich may promise him pleasure in si7t, and -icts 5. 1 17. rose up, and were filled with «.
13. thou shouldest not have e. into the gate
may thus allure him to the commission of it, 7- 9- the patriarchs moved with e. sold Joseph
Hat. 3. 16. rottenness *. into my bones, I trembled
Mat.S. 5. when Jesus was *. into Capernaum more than any temptation which he may have 13.45.Jews filled with *. spake against those things
from uithout. Jam. 1. 14. 17. 5. the Jews which believed not, moved withe.
0. 1. and he *. into a ship and passed over
12.4. how he t. into the house of God and did eat (5) To false and treacherous friends, the en
Pom. 1. 29. full of *. murder, debate, deceit
of God's people, who tcatcli for an advantage Phil. 1. 15. some indeed preach Christ, even of «.
24. 38. day that Noah e. into the ark, Lii/ie 17.27.
against the godly; thus Jeremiah complains, 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometb *. strife, railings
ilar/t 5. 13. the unclean spirits went out and e. into
the swine, and were choked in the sea, Lu/ie chap. 20. 10, All my familiars watched for Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, l.iving in ma'ice and*.
8.33. my halting, saying, peradventure he will be Jam. 4.5. the spirit that dwellelh in us lusteth to«.
6. 56. whithersoever he e. they laid the sick enticed ; namely, to utter something which vie ENVY.
iui* 1.4(1. Mary *. into the house of /acharias may lay hold on to accuse him for. Pr»D.3.Sl.*.thou not oppressor,choo5e not his wayl
23. 17. let not thine heart*, sinners, be in fear of L,
7. 44. I *. Ihine bouse, thoii gavest me no water (C) To the heart allured with the sight of out-
9. .'54. and they feared as they e. into the cloud ward objects. Job 31.26,27, If I beheld the Isa, 11. 13. Ephraim not *. Judah, Judah not vef
11. 52. woe to lawyers, ye c. not in yourselves sun when it shined, and my heart hath been ENVIED.
S2. 3. then «. Satan into Judas, John 13.27. secretly enticed ; that is, inwardly moved to G«n. 26. 14. and the Philistines *. Isaac
10. when ye are e. the city, there shall meet you esteem either the sUti or moon as deiti 30. 1. Rachel «. her sister, and said unto Jacob
Jo/m 4. 38. and ye are t. into their labours secretli/ to adore or worship them. 37. 11. Joseph's breth. e. him, his father observed
Psiil. 106. 16. they *. Jloses also in the camp
18. 1. where was a garden, into the which he« (7) To false teachers, who are said to deceive and
33. then Pilate e. into the judgment-hall seduce others, by enticing words, by erroneous £ccl. 4. 4. for this man is «. of his neighbour

^tsy. 17. Ananias*, and putting his hands on Saul philosophical notions and fancies mingled with £z*^. 31. 9. the trees in the garden of Ood*. him
11. 8. nothing unclean hath *. into my mouth the gospel, 1 Cor. 2.4. Col. 2,4 ENVIES. he *. into the castle and told Paul, wenland (8) 7'o unfaithful -wives, faltering their husbands 1 Pet. 2. 1- laying aside all malice, guile, and a,
25.23. Agrippawas *. into the place of hearin with a purpose to deceive, Judg. 14. 15. J
It). 5 EN VI EST.
28. 8. to whon\ Paul *. in, and prayed, and healed Eiod. 22. 16. if a man *. a maid not betrothed Num. 11. 29. Moses said, *. thou for my sake.''
/ioni. 5. 12. sin *. into the world CO. the law e.
Pent. 13. 6. if thy wife *. thee secretly, saying I
1 Cor. 2. 9. neither have *. into the heart of man Judg.l4.\5. e. husband, that he may declare riddle 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity sufferelh long, and *. not
Eei. 4. 6. they e. not in because of unbelief Iti. 5. the lords said to Delilah,*, him and see ENVYING.
10. for he that is *. into his rest, bath ceased Chr. 18. 19. the Lord said, who shall *. Ahab? Rom. 13. 13.1et us walk honestly, not in .strife and*.
6. 20. whither the forerunner is for us e. even Jes. 20.1 will*, him 21. thou shall «.him and prevail 1 Cor. 3. 3. whereas there is among you *. and strife

9. IS. he «. in once into the holy place, 24. 'rov. 1. 10. if sinners e. thee, consent thou not Gal. 5.26. provoking one another, *. one another
Jam. 5. 4. are «. into the ears of the L. of sabaoth ENTICED. Jum. 3. 14. but if ye have bitter *. and strife in hearts
ZJolm"). many deceivers are *. into the world Job 31. 27. if my heart hath been secretly *. l6.where *. is.there is confusion, every evil work
Htv. 11. 11. bpirit of life from God*, into thea Jer. 20. t7. thou hast deceived me, and 1 was *. ENVYlNGa
ENTERETH. 10. peradventure he will be e. we shall prevail 2 Cor. 12.20. I fear lest there be debates, *. wraths
JV'tun.4. 30. number every one that *. into the ser- Jam. 1. 14. is tempted when drawn away and «. Gal. 5. 21. the works of the flesh are *. murders
vice to do work of the tabernacle, .35, 39, 43. ENTICETH. ENVIOUS.
S Chr. 31. 16. lo every one that «. house of the L. Prov. 16. 29. a violent man *. his neighbour Psal.yi .1. nor be *. against the workers of iniquity
Prov. 2. 10. when wisdom *. into thine heart 20. 1 19. meddle not with him that *. with lips 73. 3. for I was *. at the foolish, when I saw
17. 10. a reproof *. more into a wise man than ENTICING. Prov. 24. 1. be not thou*, against evil men
A'z«j(.21.14. the sword *. into their privy chamber.- 1 Cor. 2. 4. my preaching was not with *. words 19. fret not, neither be thou *. at the wicked
46. 9. be that e. in by the way of the north gate Cul. 2. 4. lest any man beguile you with *. words ENVIRON.
Uat. 15. 17. whatsoever e. in at the mouth, goeih ENTIRE. Josh. 7.9. the Canaanites shall hear and*, usroond
into the belly, and is cast out, Marit 7. 18. Amos l.'t6. carried them with jm *. captivity EPHAII.
Marts. 40. and t. in where the damsel was lying Jam. 1. 4. that ye be perfect and *. wantiug nothing Is an Hebrew measure of the same capacity aiti
Luif 22. 10. follow him into house where he *. in ENTRY. the Rath, coyitaining ten homers. See BatB,
Jo/m 10. 1 «. not by the door into the sheepfold ^ Kings 16.18. k.'s e. without turned he from house
and HoMtR.
2. he that «. in by the door, is the ^hepherd 1 Chron. 9. I9. their fathers were keepers of the e. Exod. 16. 36. an homer is the tenth part of an *.
J/tA. 6. 19. and which *. into that within the vail 2 Chr. 4. 22. doors of*, of the house were of gold Lev. 5. 11. the tenth part of an *. of flour, 6. 20.
9. 25. as the high-priest *. every year with blood /Viij .8.3.wisdom crielh at the gates, at *.of the cit^ 19. 36. ye shall have a just e. Erek. 45. 10.
EMERING. Jer. 38. 14. Zedekiah took Jeremiah into the third * A'«m. 5. 15. the tenth part of an *. of barley-meal
Joj/t 8. 29. cast it at tlie e. of the gate of the city 43. 9. hide the stones at the *. of Pharaoh's house Judg. 6.19.made unleavened cakes of an *. of flour
20. 4. shall stand at the *. of the gate of the city Kzek. 8. 5. this image of jealousy in the *. Puth 2. 17- and it was about an *. of barley
JuJ^. 9. 35. Gaal stood in the*, of the gate of city ENTRIES. 1 Sam. 17. 17. take now an *. of this parched corn

44. Abimelech stood in the *. of the gate of city £:*< .40.38. the chambers and *. were by the posts Isa. 5. 10. the seed of an homer shall yield anc,
18. 16. the 6U0 men of Dan stood by the *. of the gale EN VY Eiek. 45. 11. the «. and baths shall be one measure
17. and the priest stood in the *. of the gate Is an evil affection of the heart, which makes men 46. 5. and an bin of oil to e. 7. 11.
1 6am. 23. 7. by *. into a town that hath gates, bars grieve and fret at the good and prosperity of Amos 8.5. making the *. small, and the shekel great
S 6am. 10. 8. put the battle in array at *. in of gate others. Psal. 73. 3. Rachel envied Leah, i*- Zech. 5. 6. he said, this is an *. that goelh forth
1 for the *. of the oracle he made doors cause of her fruiifulness, Gen. 30. 1. Joseph 8. :uid be cast it into the midst of the *.
19. 13. Elijah stood in the *. in of the cave was envied of his brethren, because his father See Part.
S Kin^i 7. 3. four leproiis men at the *. of the gate loved him, Gen. 37. 11. The Jews envied Paul EPHOD
10.8. lay the heads in two heaps at*, of the gale and Barnabas, because they preached Christ, II as a sort of ornament, or upper garment, worn
£3. 8. that were in the e. of the gate of Joshua Acts 13. 45. Envy at the good of others, and by the Hebrew priests. There were two sortt
S CAr. 18. 9. kings sat at *. of the gate of .Samaria malice, wishing them evil, as one observes, is a of ephods, one of plain linen for the priests,
Jta. 23. 1. so that there is no house, no e. in dtep pollution of spirit. This absolutely alien- and another embroidered for the high-priest.
Jer. 1. 15. set thrones at the *. of the gates, I7. 27. ates men from the nature and life of' (lod: That for the htgh-prtest was composed of gold
Ezek. 44. 5. mark well the *. in of the house for the clearest conception we have of the Deily blue, purple, crimson, and twisted cotton ; that
Mai. 23. 13. for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suf is, that he is good, and does good. This is not IS, it was a very rich composition
of different
fer ye them mat are *. to go in, X-ui* 11. 52. only contrary to supernatural grace, but to na- colours. Upon that part of the epnod, which
Mart 4. 19. the lusts of other things *. in choke tural conscience, and turns a man into a devil. came upon the tuo shoulders if the high-priest,
7. 13. nothing without «. into him can defile bim This vice is immediately attended with its were tuo large precious stones, upon which were
16. 5. *. into t^ic sepulchre they saw a young man punishment : The envioia man ts his own tor- engraven the names of the twelve tribes oj
Luli4 19. 30. at your «. ye shall find a coU tied mentor. Envy slayeth the silly one. Job 5. 2. Israel, upon emch stone six names, Exod. 28. 4,
dels 8. 3. Saul «. into every house, and haling men Envy is the rottenness of the bones, Prov. 14. 5, 6. &c.
) Thtis. 1. 9- what manner of *. in we bad to you 30. liesides, this slops the descent of divine There, wli£re the ephod crossed the high-priesfs
fid. 4. 1. a promise left us of *. into his rest blessings, and turns the petitions of the envious breast, was a square ornament, called the breast-
See Hamath. intc imprecations ai^ainst themselves. plate, wherein twelve precious .'tones were set,
ENl EKINGS. The spinl that dwellcth in us lusteth to envy with the names oJ' the twelve tribes of Israu
&«*. S<5. 1 10. according to the t. of a citj broken Jam. 4. 5. According at spirit is taken, either engraved en iktm^orte oneachttonc. Thtupptr
' ;


tidt of fkt ireast plate aai fastened iy chahis Acts 15. SO. they delivered the e. 23. 33. J0A6.24. cs«5e me to understand obereiu 1 havei,
of gold to that pan of the ephod which uas on Rom. Ifl. 22.1 Tertius who wrote this e. salute you 19.4. be it indeed that 1 haver, mine err.remaiucti
the shovldcr ; and the ioTver tide of it, by blue 1 Cor.!>. 9. I wrote to you In an e. not to company Psal. lig. 110. yet I e. not from thy precepts
laces, to the girdle of the ephod ; for ichich 2 Cor. 3. 2. ye are our e. written in our hearts La. 28.7. but they also have e thro' wine and thro*
furpoie tt had four rings of gold, at the four 3. as ye are declared to be the e. of C hnst strong drink, the priest and the prophets have e.
co/ners ; that being all filly joined together, it 7.8.1 perceive that the same e. made you sorry 29. 24. they also that e. in spirit shall come
might appear like one en/ir; garment, Kxod. Col. 4. l6. when this e. is read amongst you, like- 1 7<m.6.10.some coveted they have «.from-lhe faith
39. 21. and accordingly, tne tohole was some- wise the e. from Laodicea 21. some professing have e. coccerning the faitk
times called and understood by the single Kord 1 Thess. 5. 27. this e. be read to all the brethren 2 Tivi. '2, 18. who concerning the truth
have e
Ephod, 1 Sam. 30. 7. He:. 3. 4. 2 7yi<ji.2.15.been taught whether by word or our «. ERRETIl.
The Ephod warn by common priests, which was of 3. 14. if any man obey not our word by this e. Prov. 10. 17. but he that refuseth reproof e.
linen only, was of the same extent arid me, 17. which is the token in every e. so I write Ezek. 45. 20. so shalt thou do for every one that*.
but neither so rich, nor so much adorned. This 2 Pet, 3. 1. this second e. I now write unto you ERROR
garment was worn sometimes by those who, strictly EPISTLES. Signifies, [1] A mistake or oversight, Eccl. 5. 6.
speaking, were not priests ; as hy Samuel 1/1 the 2 Cor. 3. 1. or need we e. of commendation to you [2] Ealse doctrine, which is not agreeable 10 tht
tabernacle, when he was but a child, 1 Sam. 2 Pet. 3. 16. as also in all his e. speaking in them word of God, 1 John 4. 6. [3] Sins of all sorts,
2. 18. and by David when he brought the ark EQUAL. Psal. 19. 12. Ileb. 9. 7. [4] Idols, Jer. 10.
from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem. Esth. 3. t 8. it is not e. for the king to suffer them 15. [5] Sins against nature, Rom. 1. 27.
2 Sam. 6. 14. But, as both these were holy PiM. 17. 2. thine eyes behold the things that are e. [6] Unfaithfulness in an office, Dan. 6. 4.
occasions, it is probable the Ephod u us properly my
55. 13. but it was thou, a man, mine e. guide The error of Balaam, Jude 11. w covetousnets, to
an holy robe ; and never orn by any, but ihoie I'rov. 2(). 7. the legs of the lame are not e.
;. which the persons, of whom the apostle speaks,
vho te^'ved in some holy employment. Isa. 40. 25. to whom then shall I be e. ? 46. 5. were excessively addicted, and, fur the sake of
Some affirm, that the Jewish kings had a right to ^am. 2. 13. what shall I «. to thee, virgin daughter O Jilthy lucre, did corrupt the doctrine of Christ
wear the Ephod, and to consult the Lord by Eiek. 18. 25. yet ye say, the way of the Lord is not us Balaam, _/«r tlit take of gain, taught Balak
Urim and 1 hummin. They ground their optnioi e. hear, is not my
way *. .' 29. 33. 17, 20. |
to entice the children of Israel to commit
principally on what is said concerning David 18. 29. O
house of Israel, arc not ways e. T my nication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
1 Sam. 30. 7. vhen he came to Ziklag, ant 33. 17. but as for them, their way is not e. Job, speaking to his friends, says, J5e it indeed
found that the Amalekites had pillaged tin Dan. 5. t 21. he made his heart e. with the beast that I have erred, mine error rcmainetb with
city, and carried away his and his people's Mat. 20. 12. and thou hast made them e. to us myself. Job I9. 4. If my opinion in this
wires, he laid to Abiathar the high-priest. Luke 20. 36. for they are e. to angels, childr. of God point be faulty and erroneous, as you pretend
Bring me hither the Ephod, and Abiathar .lohn 5. 18. making himself e. with God it IS, it it likely to continue; I see no cause
brought thither the Ephod to David. What ^'Ai/.2.6.he thought it not robbery to hv «.with God from your reasons to change my judgm-int . Or,
follows verse a. favours this opinion. And Daiid Col. 4. 1. masters, give your servants what is e. if I have sinned, you see I suffer deeply for
enquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pursue afttr the breadth and height of the city aree. my sins, and therefore dtserte your pity and
this troop ? And he answered hira. Pursue. EQUAL. help, rather than your reproaches, whereby yoa
But the generality of Commentators are of opinion Job 28. 17. the gold and the crystal cannot e. it add affiiction lo the affficted.
that neitherVavid, San\,nor }osh\ia.,nor any other 19. the topziz of Ethiopia shall not e. it urn. 35. 1 11. theilayer that kiUeth any bv e.

prince 0/" Israel, dressed themselves in the high- EQUALITY. 2 <j'«7n.6.7.anger kindled, G. smote Uzzah lor his«.
priest's Ephod, in order to consult God of them- 2 Cor. 8. 14. but by an e. that there may be an e. Job 19. 4. if erred mine e. remainethwith myself
selves, arid that the passage now related signi- EQUALLETII. Eccl. 5. 6. neither say thou that it was au e.
fies no more than. Put on the Ephod, and consult 2 Sam. 22. t 34. hee. my feet with hinds" feet 10. 5. there is an evil which I have seen as an «.
the Lord for me. Grotius belieees, the high- EQUALLY. Isa. 32. 6. and to utter e. against the Lord
priest turned the Ephod, or breast-plate, towards Exod. 36. 22. one board had two tenons e. distant Dan. 3.t 29. who speak e. against God of Sh.\dract
David, that he might see with his own eyes, EQUALS. 4. t 27. if it may be a healing of thine e.
tohat God should answer to Aim by the stones G0/.I.14.I profited above many my ?. in my nation 6. 4. neither was there any «. found in him
upon the breast-plate. EQUITY. Mat. 27. 64. the last e. shall be worse than the first
Exod. 25. 7. stones to be set in <he e. 35. 9, 27. Psal. 98. 9. he shall judge the people with e. Rom. recompence of their e.
1. 27. receiving that
88. 4. they shall make an e. and a robe, 6. 99-4.thou dost establish e.thou executest judgment Jam. 5. 20. converteth the sinner from «. of his way
8. curious girdle of «. 27. 28. 39.5,20./,«f.8. 7.
| /^rei.' receive the instruction of wisdom and e. 2 Pel. 2. 18. were escaped from them who live in*.
12. put them on the shoiilders of the *. 25. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand judgment and e. 3. 17. ye being led away with the *. of the v.icked
15 make it after the work of the e. 39. 8. 17. 26. it is not good to strike princes for e. 1 John 4. 6. hereby know we the spirit of e.

31. shalt make the robe o/the e. of blue, 39. 22. Eccl. 2. 21. there is a man whose labour is in e. Jude 11. they have ran greedily after e, of Balaam
39. 2. he made the «. of gold, blue, and purple Isa. ] 1.4. reprove with e. for the meek of the earfh ERRORS.
Lev. 8. 7. he put the e. upon him, and girded him 56. ) 1. thus saith the Lord, keep e. and do justice Ps. 19. 12. who can understand his e.? cleanse me
Judg 8. 27. and Gideon made an e. thereof 59.14. truth is fallen in street, and e. cannot enter Jer. 10. 15. they are vanity, the work of e. 51. IB
17. .'5. the man Micah made an e. and teraphim Mic. 3. 9. hear this, ye that pervert all e. lieb. y. 7. which he offered for the «. of the pcopU
18.14. that there is in these houses an «. and teraph. Mai. 2. 6. he walked with me in peace and e. ESCAl'E.
1 Sirm.i. 18. Samuel was girded with a linen e. ERE. Gen. 19. 17. e. for thy life, e. to the mountain
£8. did I choose him to wear an e. before me' £xo(/.1.19.they aredelivered e.the midwivescome 20. let mc e. 22. haste thee, e. thither O j

14. .3. and Ahiah the Lord's priest wearing an e. Num. 14.11. how long will it be e. they believe mc
32. 8. the oilier company which is left shall e.
21. ij. the sword is wrapt in a cloth behind the e. Job 18. 2. how long e. you make an end of words ? Josh. 8. 22. they let none of them remain or c'.
22. 18. Doeg slew 85 persons that did wear an e. Jer. 47. 6. O sword, how long e. thou be quiet? 1 Sam. 27. 1. e. into the land of the Philistines

2S. 5. Abimelech IK;d with an e. in his hand Hos. 8. 5. how long e. they attain to innocency 2 Sam. 15. 14. let us flee, for we shall nut else e.

9. David said, bring hither tho e. 30. 7. John 4. 49. Sir, come down e. my child die 20.6. lest Sheba get him fenced cities and c. us
SSam. 6. 14. David danced before the Lord, and ERECTED. 1 Kings 18. 40. let none of them e. 2 Kings 9. 15.

was girded with a linen e, 1 Chron. 15. 27, Gen. 33.20. Jacob e. there an altar, El-Elohe Israel 2 Kings 10. 24. if any of the men 1 have brought*,
/fo*. 3. 4. Israel shall abide many days without an«. ERRAND. ly. 31 they that t.out of mount Zion, Iia. 37. 32.
EPI.STLE Gen, 24. 33. 1 will not eat till \ have told mine e. 23. t la.they let his bones*, with booes of prophet
Is a letter or writing, whereby one person commu- Judg. 3. 19. I have a secret e. unto thee, king Ecra 9. 8. grace been shewn,lo leave us *.
nicates his mind lo another at a distance; 2 Kings 9. 5. he said, I have an «. to thee, capt. Esth. 4. 13. think not thou shalt e. iu king's house
thus David communicated his mind to Joab in ERR. Job 1; .20.but the wicked sh .11 not e. their hope fail
a letter which he sent by the hand of Uriah, 2 Chr. 33. 9. SO Manasseh made Judah to e. I's. 56.7.shall they *.by iniquity ? cast down people

2 Sam. 11. 14. The holy Apostles likewise Job 5.+ 24. thou shalt visit thy habitation and not e. 71.2. deliver me in thy rignt. and cause mo to e.
communicated to the church by epistles the mind Psal. 95. 10. a people that do e. in their heart 141. 10. let the wicked fall, whilst I withal e.
and will of God, according as the Holy Spirit 119.21. which do e. from thy comm,-indmcnts I'rov. 19. 5. he that speakelh lies shall not *.
inspired and directed them . which inspired 118. hast trodden them that e. from thy statutes Eccl. 7. 26. whoso pleaseih God shall ». from her
epistles make a part of the Canon of the holy Prov. 5. + 19. and e. thou always in her love Isa. 20. 6. we flee for help, and how shall we «.
scriptures. And the whole word of God may be 10. + 17. ht that refuscth reproof, causcth to e. 66. 19. I will send these that *. to the natious
called his epistle, because therein he has declaied 14. 22. do they not e. that devise evil ? Jtr. 11.11. bring evil on them shall not be able 10 c,
and revealed hit mind and will to mankind. 19. 27. cease to hear instruction that causeth to e. 25. 35. nor the principal of the tlock to e.
The apostle Paul witting to the Corinthians says. Isa. 3. 12. O my people, they which lead thee 32. 4. Zedikiah shall not *. 34. 3. 38. 18. 2J.

Ye are our epistle writtten in our hearts, cause thee to e. and destroy thy paths, g. 16. 42. 17. none that go into Egypt shall e. 4». 14.
known and read of all men. Forasmuch as 19. 14. and they have caused Egypt to e. 44. 14. none shiill return but such as shall «.
ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle 28. 7. they «. in vision, they stumble in judgment 28. yet a small number that *. the sword
of Christ ministered by us, -vrritten not with 30. 28. there shall be a bridle causing them to e. 46. 6. let not the swift flee, nor mighty man e.
ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not 35. 8. the wayfaring men shall not e. therein 48. 8. the spoiler shall come, no ciiy shall *.
in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the 63.17. why hast thou made us \.oe. from thyways ' 50. 28. voice «f them that (lee and #.oul of I'abylon
heart, 2 Cor. 3. 2, 3. that is. You are mu Jer. 23. 13. the prophets prophesied in Baal, and 2y. let none thereof*, recompense heraccordmg
epistle of commendation ; your conversion to caused my people Israel to e. Mic. 3. 5. Eiek. 6. 8. may have some that shall *. the .sword
Christianity is a real commendation of my //o/.4.]2.spirit of whoredom hath caused them \.oc. 9. and thoy that *. of you shall reinenibc r m«
ministry, and a demonstration of its effiraci/ .Imos 2. 4. and their lies caused them to e. 7. 16. they that *. shall *. and be like tinva
fou are written in my heart ; 1 have a hearty Mat. 22. 29. Jesus said, ye do e. not knowing the 17. 15. shall he *. that doth such lliiiiijs
affection for you : -Nur are you only taken no- scriptures nor power of God, Mark 12. 24,27. 18. hath dune all these ihings, he sliail i;ot *,
tice 01 bu me as a famous church, but all Ch Ileb. 3. io. they do always e. in their hearts Dan. 11. 41. but these .shall *. out of his hand
(tans I oi upon you as a church, to the ptaniins .lum. 1. 16. do not e. my beloved brethren 11. 42. and the laud of Egypt shall not *.
and uaieiing of which God hath blessed my l„- 5. 19. brethren, if any of vou do e. from the truth Joel 2. 3. yea, and nothing shall *. them
bowl. .Ind it appears that ye are our ejiinle' E'URi.D. Ubad. U. to cut off those of his that did *.
in thst It is evident that Christ hai written his Lev. 5. IB. concerning ignorance wherein he e. ^ 17. but on monnt Zioa shall be they that *.

law in your hearts, by my miniitiv, which was yVi/w. 15.22. ye haver, and not observed these com. Mat. 23. 33. how can ye *. the damnation of hell
made ejjectual lo this end by the Holy Ghost. 1 Sam. 26. 21. behold, 1 have «. eicecdin^.v iMit 21. 36. be accounted wortlt; to «. tbc:>t things
. .


.4rti27. 4C. coaniel to kii! th« prisoners, lest an^ t. this piece of stiver as a pledge that snch a Hei. 10. 9. takes away first, that h» may «. second
Jti«m.i. 3. that thou sh ill e. the Judgmeiit of Gm
? time you shall become my spouse. After the Jam. 5. 8. be ye also patient, s. your heart!
1 Lor. 10. 11. hot will also make a way to t. mmrriage teas thus contracted, the young people I Pet. 5. 10. the God of all grace *. settle you
1 7'//«>.5..H.suddcnile5lruo!ioii,and they shall not e. had the liberti/ of seeing each other, which aai ESIABLISHED, STA BUSHED.
/W U. shall wee. if WK neglect so'^rcat salva. 7tnt allo-xed them before. G<tt.9.17.the token of the covenant which 1 havee,
IC.'.'S. much more shall iint we t. if we turn aw?y !l'e read. Mat. 1. liB. that when Mary was e 41. 32. it is because the thing is e. by God
ESCATE. poused to Joseph, before they came together, Eiod. 6. 4. I have also e. my covenant with them
Ptal. 55. 8. I wuuld hasten my e. from the storm she was found with child of the Holy Ghost 15. 17. in the sanctuary which thy hands have e.
KSCAI'l-.D. Ood would have his son to be born of a betrothed Deut. 32. 6. hath he not made thee, and e. thee .'

<7«n. 14. 1.'?.there came one that had e. and told tirgin, (1) That he might not be under the 1 ^am. 3. 20. Samuel was e. a prophet of the Lord
Ktoil. 10. 5. the locust eat the residue of what is t. reproncK of illtgitimacii. (2) 'That his moth 13. 13. now would the Lord have e. thy kingdom
.A'»">i.'<.'l.?0.halh given his sons that c. into captivity might not be subjected to the pnnishment 20. 31. thou shalt not be e. nor thy kingdom
l)eui. 'IS. 15. not deliver servant «. from his master the judicial law. (3) 'J'hat by the geneatogy 2 A'am 5. 12. David perceived that the L. had e. hiu
Judg. 3. S6. and Lhud e. while they tarried of .loseph, of :ihose kindred JMary uas. Iter 7.26. Lord is God over Israel, let the house of thy
21; there e. not a man of them, 1 Sam. .30. 17. pedigree might also be she:i:ed. (4) That Christ servant David be e. for ever, 1 Chron. IT. 2'*,
SI. 17. must he ;in inheritance for them that be e. might have a guardian in his infancy. 1 Kings 2. 12. and his kingdom was e. greatly
\Sam. 14. 41. Saul anil .lonath. taken, but people e. The union of believers uith Christ is expressed 24. as the I^ord liveth, which hath e. me
ly. 10. David .li-d and t- that night, IC, !H. under the notion of a marriage, Isa. 54. 5 4tj. t.he kingdom was «. in the hand of Solomon
2i'fl/n. I. ,3. out of the <amp of Israel and I e. lleuce the apostle tells the Corinthians, 1 havi 1 Chron. 17. 23. let the thing be *. for ever. 2».
4. fi. a id Kachab and Haanah his brother e. espoused you to one husband, that 1 may lUiron.l .(J. now, U Lord God, let thy promise be e.
1 A i;u;i CO. CO. Hen-hadad the king t. on an horse present you a chaste virgin to Chrni, 2 Cor. 12. 1. when Kchoboam had ». the kingdom
i kiiiit ly. .'lO. the lenmant that is e. of .ludah 11. C. 'J'he husband is Christ, Mat. 25. 6. 17. 5. the Lord /. the kingdom in bis hand
shall take rnot and bear fruit, Isa. 37. 31. The virgin bride are all true belieica. 'The 25. 3. when the kingdom was e. to him, he slew
1 Chron. 4. 43 they smote the rest that were e. contract, or marriage-covenant, is made in ihii 27. + 6. Jothamc. his ways before the Lord
t Chr.^n. 10. 7. therefore is the host of .Syria e. life, in making of 7.hicli faithful minisurs are .31). 5. so they e. a decree to keep the .passover

30. 0. ami ne will return to you that are e. instrumental ; 1 have espoused you, says the .loh'^l. 8. their seed is e. in their sight with them
Eiru 9. 15. for we leniain yet e. as it is this day apostle. But the marriage is cehbrated in tlie •'til. 1 10. when I e. my decree upon it, and set bars
Sell. 1.2. I asked concerning the .lews that hade. other aortd, where believers have uninterrupted 2t. 2. for he hath e. it upon the floods

Job 1. 15. I only am e. to tell thee, I6, 17. ly. communion uit'i Hod in Christ, llev. ly. 7. 37. i 23. the stepsofa good man are «.by the Lord
19.20. and I am «. with the skin of my teeth 2 'iam. 3.14. deliver me my wife Michal whom I e. 40. 2. he set my
feet on a rock, and ». goings my
Ptal. 124. 7. our soul is;, as a bird out of the sn.ire Mat. 1. 18. when his mother Mary was f. toJosejili 78 5. he e.
a testimony in Jacob, and law in Israel
of the fowlers, the sn;..e is broken and we are e. Luke 1. C7. to a virgin e. to a man named Joseph (iy.the earth he hath «. for ever, II9. 90.
Zta.4.2 shall be comely for them that are e. of Isr. 2. 5. Joseph went to be taxed with Mary hise. wife y.i. 1. the world is e. 2. thy throne is e. of old

10. CO. the remnant and such as are e. of .lacob 2 Ci>r, 11. 2. for I have e. vou to one husband 101. t 7. he that telleth lies shall not be e.
45. CO. draw near, ye that are e. of the nations ESTABLISH and STABLISH 111. 1 K. his commandments are /. for ever
/sr. 41, 13. but Isbmail the son of Nethaniahe. Signifies, [1] To fix, or settle, 1 Kings 9. 5. [2] lie. 6. his heart is e. he shall not be afraid
51. 50. ye that have?, nmemberthe Lord afaroff Jo confirm, tinm. 50. 13. Rom. 1. 11. [3] 140 11. let not an evil speaker be ». in the earth
/-fl/n. 2. 22. so that none in that day*, nor remained 'J'o perform, or make good, Psal. 1 ly. 38. 148.ti. he hath s. the waters for ever and ever
i'jci. 24. 27 thy mouth be opened to him that is ;.
. To ordain, or appoint.. Hab. 1. 12. [5J To ac- Prov.^.i<). Lord, by understand, hath a.the heavens
33. 21. that one that had e. came unto me, 22. complish and bring to a good issue, I'rov. 20. 4. 2t). ponder thy paths, and let all thy ways be e.
Jo/in 10. -iy. but he e. out of their hands 18. [6] To set up one thing in the room of a. 28. when he e. the clouds above, when he
.• 'I came to pass, they all e. safe to land another, Horn. 10. 3. [7] To ratify, lleb. 12. 3. man shall not be e. by wickedness
28.4.thoui;h he e.the sea. yet vengeance suffers not 10. 9. 15. 22. in multitude of counsellers they are e.
2 Cor. 11. 33. I was let down and e. his hands i'he Lord shall establish thee an holy people 16. 12. for the throne is e. by righteousness
/Iti. II. 34. through faith e. the edge of the sword unto himself, Dent. 28. 9. lie shall confirm 20.18. every purpose is e. by counsel, with advico
12, 25. if they e. not who refused him that spake and establish his covenant with thee, by which 24. 3. and by understanding is an house e.
2 Pel. .. 4. «. 'he corruption that is in the world he separated thee to himself as an holy and 30. 4. who hath e. all the ends of the earth
C.lH.alluret.'.ro'lustsof Hesh thosethatwrrecleane. peculiar people, ayid shall publicly oau thee for Isa. 7. 9. if ye will not believe, ye shall not be e.
20. after they have e. the pollution» of the world such. Id. 5. and in mercy shall the throne be e.
£scapi:r. Establish thou the work of our hands, Psal. 45. 18. God that made the earth, he hath e. it
2 Kings 9- + 15. let no e. go out of the city to tell 90. 17. that is. Direct us in, end give success Jer. 10. 12. he e. the world by his wisdom, 51. 15.
ESCAPETII. to nil our undertakings and endeavours ; carry Dun. 4. 3(i. I was e. in my kingdom, and majesty
1 Kings 10. 17. him that e.the sword of Hazael shall them on, by thy continual aid and blessing, unto IIab.l.\1. O mighty God, thou e. them for correct
.Tehu slay ; him that e. Jehu shall Elisha slay perfection. Mal.\&\i\\\ of two witnesses every word bee.
ha. 15. 9. bring lions upon him that e. ol Moao' Gen. 6. 18. but with thee will I e. covenant,my Acts 16. 5. so were the churches e. in the faith
Jer. 48. ly. ask her that e. and say, what is done .'
9. 9. 17. 7. Lev. 26. 9. Ezek. 16. 62.
Rom. 1. II. impart some gift, to end you may be t
Esik.i l.c6.he that e. in ihut day shall < ome to thee 17. 19. I will e. my covenant with him, 21. Col. 2. 7. built up in him, and s. in the laith
Amoi 9. 1. he that e. of them shall not be delivered yum. 30. 13. every vow, her husband may e. it Ileh. 8. 6. which was e. upon better promises
ESCAIMNG. Deut. 8. 18. that he may e. his covenant he sware 13. 9. it is good that the heart be e. with grace
2 Kinos 19. t 30. th« e. of the house of Judah that 28.9'lie L. shall e. thee an holy people to himself 2 Pet. 1. 12. though ye be e. in the present trutli
remaiiiPth shall a^ain take root, /»a. 37 < 31 . 2y. 13. that he may f. thee to-day for a people ihall be ESTABLISHED.
2 Chr. CO. 1 24. they were dt-ad, there was not an e. 1 Ham, I. 23. only the L. e. his word, 2'Sawi.7.23. Lev. '^5. 30. house shall be e. forever,£&im. 7.I6.
Et a 9 14. so that there should be no remnant nor (?. 2 Ham. 7. 12. 1 will set up thy seed after thee, I will Deut .19.15. at the mouth of two or three witnesses
/ta. 4. 2. the branch be comely for the e. of Isr. chis kingdom, 13. 1 Chr. 17. 11. 22. 10. j 28.7. |
shall the matter be e. 2 Cor. 13. 1
37. t 32. the *. shall go firth out of mount Zitin 1 Kings'!. \ 21 .he set up and called the name of the 1 Sam. 24. CO. the kingdom shall be e. in thine hand

Jer. 25. 1 35. and e. from the principal of the flock right pillar, he shall t- 2 Chron. 3. j 17. 2 Sam. 7. 16. thine house, thy kingdom, and thy
I'.SCIIKW. 9. 5. I will e. the throne of thy kingdom throne, shall be e. for ever, 1 Ktn^s 2. 45.
1 Pet. 3. 11. let him e. evil and do good, seek peace IS.l.tosetuphisson aflerhim.and toe. Jerusalem 1 Chr. 17. 14. 1 will settle him in my kingdom, and
i:sciii:vvEn. eiii. 1 Chron. 17. 12. and I will s. his throne for ever his throne j/iaW be e. for evermore, i-'ja/.8g.37
S06 1. 1. one that feared (Jod and e. evil, 8. C. 3.
lU. 3. as he went to s, his dominion by Euphrates 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe in Lord God, so shall ye be e
KSPECIALLV atid SPECIALLY. 2y. + 18. O Lord God, /. their heart unto thee Job 22. 28. thou shalt decree, and it shall be e.
7Jtu/.4.10. X. the day thou sioodest before the Lord 2 Chron. 7. 18. then will 1 t. throne of thy kingdom I'sal. 89. 21. with whom my hand shall be e.
Pial. 31. II. a reproach e. among my neighbours 9. U. because God loved Israel to e. them for ever yj. 10. the world shall be e. before thee
Acri 25. 26. and /. before thee, O
king Agrippa I:'.sih. 9. 21. to J. among them the days of Puvim 102. 28. and their stei shall be e. before thee
26. 3. e. because I know thee to be expert Job. 30.7. jeahc ioth e. them for ever, are exalted I'rov. 12. 19. the lip of truth shall be e. forever
Oa/. 6. 10. e. to them of the household of faith I'sal. 7. 9. but e. the just 48. 8. God will e. it
It). 3. commit thy works, thy thoughts shall be t.

1 Tim. 4. 10. the Saviour, ». of those that believe 10. t 17. thou Wilt e. the heart of the humble C5, 5. his throne shall be e. for ever, C9. 14.
5. 8. provide, s. for them of his own house 87. 5. and the Highest himself shall e. her lia. 2. 2. mountain of the Lord's house *Aa//4««.
5. 17. e. they who labour in word and doctrine 8y. 2. thy faithfulness shalt thoue. in the heavens 1(). 5. and in mercy shall the throne be e.

ZTim. I. 13. the cloke bring, but *. the parchments 4. thy seed will I e. forever, and build thy throiiL- 32. i 8. ar.d by liberal things shall he be e.
Tit. I 10. deceivers,!, they of the circumcision go. 17. e. thou the work of our hands, e. thou it 54. 14. in righteousness j/ia/< thou be e.
PAi7<ni.l6.above a servant, brother beloved,*. to me yy. 4. thou dost e. equity, thou executes! judgment Jer. 30.20. their congregation */ia//i« e. before me
Esrv. 1 19.38. *. thy word to thy servant, who is devoted JV;f. 41. mountain of house of the Lord shall be e
/otk. 14. 7. Moses sent me to e. out the land I'rov. 15. 25. he will e. the border of the widow Zech. 5. 11. tobuild it an house, and it $/i<z//^cr.
/«r.4t5.19 stand by wav, and e. ask him that tlteth ha. 9. 7. to e. it with judgment and with justice ESTABLISHETH.
ESPIED. 49. 8. give thee for ?. covenant to e. the earth Num. 30. \'i. he e. all her vows, or all her bonds
Gtn 42. 27. he e. his money in his sack's mouth 62. 7. till he e. and make Jerusalem a praise' Prov. 29. 4. the king by judgment, e. the laud
l.zci. 20. 6. into a land that I had (. for them Jer. 33. 2. the I^rd that formed it, to e. it Dan. 6. 15. no decree the king e. may be changed
See Spy, Spied. Kiek. 16. 60. 1 will*, an everlasting covenant llab. 2. 12. woe to him that e. a city by iniquity
ESPUUSAi-S. Dan. 6. 7. have consulted to e. a royal statute 2 Cor. 1.21. now he which t. us with you in Christ
C«rt<.3.11. his mother crowned him in day of his e. 8. O king, e. the decree, and sign the writing E.STABLISHMENT.
Jlf. 2. 2. 1 remember thee, the love of thine e. 11. 14. shall exalt themselves to e. the vision 2 Chron. 32. 1. after the e. Sennacherib came
ESPOrSED. .Imos 5. 15. love the good,and /. judgment in the gate Psal.^j. t I4.justice and judgment are the «.of thj
Ejl^'osing, or betrothins, ua* a promtie of mw- Horn. 3. 31. do we make void f yea, we e. the law throne, mercy and truth before thee, y7. t 2.
riige made liy i-xo fiersont ecch 10 other, at 10.3. going about to e. their own righteousness ESJAIE, STATE.
nu/t a distance of time nfteraarji. 'ihis uas 16. 25. now to him tliat is of power to s. you Gen. 43. 7. the man asked us straitly of our t.
done either hy a formal :rriting or contract in 1 Thess. 3. 2. we sent limoihy our brotherto «.you 1 Chron. 17. 17. to the e. of a man of high degree
prttenre of aitnetses. Or vithaui writing, lu 13. to the end he may s. your hearts unblameabli 2 Chron. 24. 13. they set the house of God in has #.
tht men's giving a piece of silier to the bride 2 Thess. 2. 17. '. you in every good word ajid work Esth. 1. 7. according to the *. of the king
ttjorc ttitntstei, and laymg to ktr. Receive 3. 3. the Lord shall s. j ou, aiid keep you from evil 19. Xet the kiog give her royal «, to ano&ei
Etti.i.lS.g».yt gifts according to the s. of the king alzcays denotes n real eternity. Exod. 15. 18 /.fK.e."J.5.the fourteenth
day of first month, at*. !t
Jci 2C. t 20. whereas our e. is not cut down The Lord shall reign for ever and ever, the Lord's passover. .\'um. Q. 3. IJeu.. I6.
i'/rtl.Sg.S. every man at his best /.altogether vanity my &
Deut. 32. 40, lii' up I hand to heaven, \nm. g. 11. the 14thday of the second month at«.
136. 13. who remembered us in oar low «. and say, Ifor ever.
live Deut. 33. 27, Jhe 21. when the cloud aoode fro:ii e. to morning
P'or. Sf. 23. be diligent toknovrthe /. of thy flocks etern.-il God
thy refuge.
is The bUised xctU 19. Ig.baihe himself in water, shall liec'.fan at«.
S8.2. by a man of knowledge.!, shall be prolonged enjoy elctnal life and happiness, and reprobates Vcut. 23. 67. thou shah say, would fiod it were e
£ccl. 1. 16. saying, lo, I am come to great c. be cast into eternal tire ; the happiness vf JuJg^. 20. 23. they wept before the I.oid till e.
3. 18. concerning the t. of the sons of men the one, arid misery of the olier, will never 20. they wept and fasted till e. 2 6rtwi. 1 ic.
Isa. 22. 19. from thy x. shall he pull thee down have an end. Mat. 25. 46. The Son of God 21.2. the people aboae till e. before (iod and wept
£tei. 16. 55. Samaria shall return toherformer e. is eternal in the highest sense, without begin- Kuth 2. 17. so Ruth gleaned in the field until e.
Zfan. 11. 7- one shall stand up in his «. 21. ning, without end, 1 lim. 1. 17- He is called i .^in».20.S. I mayhiile myself unto third day att.
SO. then shall stand up in his «. a raiser of taxes a priest for ever after the order of Mekhiiedek, I h'ings 22. 35. Ahab died at e. 2 Chion. 18. 34.
38. but in his e. shall he honour the God of forces Psal. 110. 4. His gospel, the everlasting gos- 1 Chr. 23. 30. praise the Lord every morning and «.
i/aM2.45.even other spirits enter, the last j.of iliat pel, Rev. 14. 6. The same gospel that was E.ick. 12. 4. thou shah go forth at e. in their sight
man ii worse than the first, Luie 11. Cf) from the beginning, and besides which, there "in the e.l digged through the waJl with my band
Z/>tie 1.48. hath regarded low e. of his handmaiden neither is, nor ever shall be, any other doctrine 24. 18. I spake to people, and at<. my wife died
^ctti2.5. all the «. of the elders doth bear witness 0/' salvation revealed, while the world endureih. Mat. 8. 16. when the e. was come, 20. 8. 26. 20 |

Jii>m. 12. 16. but condescend to men of low e. The redemptionwhich he has procured fur 27.57. Marki.Zb. 6.47. 11. 19. 15.42.
I I i I

PAil.7.1Q.l maybeof comfort when I knowyo ;rj. us, is an eternal

redemption, Ileb. 9. 12. Mark 1. 32. at*, they brought to hiii. the diseased
SO. like-minded, will naturally care for your s. Its virtue is of pcrpttnal continuance ; such 13. 35. at e. at midnight, or at cock-crowing
4. 11. learned in whatsoever s. I am to be content as are redeemed fiurn the guilt and punish- John 6. 16. when e. was come, disciples went down
Col. 4. 7- all my/, thall Tychicus declare to you ment of sin, are so for ever. 'The Cove- EVEN.
8. whom I sent, that he might know your e. nant, or Ne:o 'Teitonieiil, which he confiimei I Kings 1.48. sit on my throne, mine eyes ^.seei.-ig it
Jude 6. the angels which kept not their first e. by his blood, is an everlasting covenant, lUb. 13 Prov. 22. 19. 1 made known to thee, e. to thee
E.STATE.S. 20. h
is a covenant never to be changed, a. Isa. 44. 28. e. sajing to Jerus. thou shalt be built
Esei. 36. 11. I will settle you after your old e. the former was: I verlastittg life is promised 56. 5. e 10 them will 1 gi\e a name better than
Mark 6. 21. Ilerod made a sapper to his chiefs. in It ; and it is of eternal ejficacy. The glory Ezek. 20. 11. which if a man do, he shall e. live
ESTEEM. and reward which he hath merited for us, is an 21. 13 what if the sword contemn e. the rod
Joh 36. 19. will he e. thy riches? no not gold eternal Aveight of glory, 2 Cor. 4. 17. Ever- A'di;i. 8. 23. f. we ourselves groan with ourselves

Psal. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts to be right habitations, or tents, Luke Id. 9. are
lasliiio 1 Cot 11. 14. doth not e. nature itself teach you
. .'

Jta. 53. 4. we did e. him smitten of God, afflicted the habitations apfvinCed by God in heaven for 15. 24. deliver, up the kiugd. to God, e. the father
Phil. 2. 3. let eai h e. other better than themselve.s the prtdestinated, those chcsen to salvation 2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed be God,*, the I'atherof our Ld.
1 Thess.5.\ e.them highly for the-> work's sake through sauctification of the Spirit, and belief of 10.]3.bathdistribuled ameasureto you
1 Pet. 2. t 17- «• all men, love the brotherhood the truth. /'/ii7.2.8. obedient to death, e. the death of the cross
ESTEEMED. Ihui. 33.27. the e. thy refuge, and underneath EVEN.
Dew/. 32. 15. and lightly «. the rock of his salvation Isa. 60. 15. I will make thee an e. excellency Exod. 27 5. that the net may be e. to midst of aliaT
iSam. 2.30. they that despise me shall be lightly *. Mark 3. 29. but is in danger of e. damnation Job 31. 6. let me be weighed in an e. balance
18. 23. seeing I am a poor man and lightly e. /Jom.l.20.that arcmade.evenhisf.power andGodh. Psal. C6. 12. my
foot standeth in an e. place
Job 23. 12. I have e. the words of his mouth more 2 Cor. 4. 17. worketh for us an e. weight of glory Cant.\.1. teeth like a flock of sheep that are (.shorn
/'roB.17.28.shiittcth his f .a man of undersi.-ui. 18. but the things which are not seen are e. Luke 19.44.enemies shall lavtheee.wilh the ground
iia. 29. 16. your turning shall bo the potters' day 5. 1. we have an house e. in the heavens EVENING.
17- the fruitful field shall be e. as a forest Eph. 3. 11. according to the e. purpose in Christ Gen. 8. 11. and the dove came in to him in the e.
53. 3. he was despised, and we e. him not 1 Tim. 1. 17. unto the King?, be honour and glory •iO. 16. Jacob came out of the field in the *.

Lam. 4. 2. how are they e. as earthen pitchers 2 7 i>M.2.10.they may obtain salvation with e. slory Exod. 12.6. assembly of Isra 1 shall kill it in the «.
l.uie 16. 15. highly *. amcng men, abominable to G. Ileb. 5. 9- he became the author of e. salvation Ueut. 23.11. but when*. Cometh, shall washhims.
1 Cor. 6.4. set them to judge who are least e. 6. 2. the doctrine of baptisms, and of e. judgment Josli. 10. 26. they were hanging on the trees until «
ESTEKMEIH. 9. 12. having obtained e. redemption for us Judg. 19. 9. now the day draweth tov.ardj e.
Jot 41.27. he e. iron as straw, brass as rotten wood 14.whothrough the «. Spirit offered himself to C;. 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed be the man that eaieh till e.
Horn. 14. 5. one f. one day above another ; anotber 15. might receive the promise of e. inheritance 30. 17. David smote them to the e. of the ; e«t day
e. every day alike iPet.b.lO.G. called us unto his f. glory by Ch.Jes. Esth. 2. 14. in the e. she went, and on the m.irrow
14. but to him that e. any thing to be unclean Jude"! .a.n example.suffering the vengeance off. lire Jobl. t4.when shall 1 rise, and niea-uredf
life. Psal. 59. 6. they return at e. they make a iioim
Bci.ll.Z6. e. the reproach of Christ greater riches ^/a/. 19.1 6. what shall I do that 1 may havec. li/'e^ 14. at e. let them return and make a noise.
ESll.MATK. 25. 46. but the righteous shall go into life e.' 90.6. in the e. it is cut down and withereth
Lev. 27. 14. the priest shall g. it whether it he good Ma'k 10. 17. good Master, what shall 1 ilo, that I 104. 23. man goeth forth to his labour until the t.
or bjkd, as the priest shall e. it, so shall it stand may inherit e. life? Luke 10. 25. IH. 18. Prov. 7.9- he went the way to her house in the*

ESTIMATION. 30. he shall receive in the world to come e. life Eccl. 11.6. in the*, withhold not thine hand
J>r.5. 15. bring a ram with thy c. by shekels of silver Juhyt 3. 15. believeth in him should have e. lije Jer. 6. 4. the shadows of the *. are stretched out
27. 2. the persons shall be for the Lord, by thy e. 4. 3fi. and gathereth fruit unto life e. Ezek. 03. 22. the hand of Lord was on me in i)ie *.
5. thy e. shall be of the male from CO years, 5. 5. 39- search scriptures, for in them ye have e. life 46. 2. but the gate shall not be shut till the *.
1/iis Tiord Jound often in this Chapter. 6. 54. whoso drinketH my blood hath e. life ^eph. 2. 7. in Ashkelon shall they lie down io
Num. 18.16. from a month old, according to thy e. 68. to whom shall we go? thou hast words of e. life the*.
S King) 12. 1 4. the money of the souls of his e. 10. 28. I give unto my
sheep e. life, never perish Mat. 14. 23. when *. was come, he was there alone
ESTIMATIONS. 12. 25. that hateth his life, shall keep it to e. life 16. 2. when it is *. ye say, it will be lair weather
Ler. 27. 25. all thy e. according to the shekel 17. 2. he should give to asmany as given him Mark 14. 17. in the *. he comelh with the twelve
ESTRANGED. 3. this is life e. that they might know thee and Son Luke 24. 29. abide with us, for it is towards *.
Joi 19. 13. mine acquaintance are e. from me .3f/il3.48.niany as were ordained to e.lij'e believed John 20. 19. the same day at e. came Jesus and stood
Pfal. 58. 3. the wicked are e. from the womb limn. t. 7. to them who seek for glory, e. life EVENING
with morning.
78. 30. they were not e. from their lust 5. 21. even so might grace reign to e. life by .lesus G<H. 1.5. the *. and morning were the first day
Jtr. 19.4. because they have «. this place, and burnt 6. 23. but the gift /i/i thro' Jesus Christ 8. the second day 13. third day
1| 19. fourth day [1

£r«t.l4.5.becausethey are all ^.from me thro' idols 1 Tim. 6. 12. (J man of God, lay hold on e. life, 19. 23. the fifth day 31. were the sixth day

ETERNAL. Tit. 1. 2. in hope off. life, which God promised Exod.\^.\'i. people stood by Moses from murn. to*.
TAe words eternal, everlasting, for ever, nre 3. 7- be made heirs according to the hope of c. hfe 27. 21. shall order it from *. to morn. Lev. 24 3
tometimei taken for a long lime, and are not 1 John \. 1. e. life which was with the lather I Sam, 17. 16. Philistine drew near morning and *.

always to be understood strictly ; for exnmfile, 2. 25. this is the promise he promised, even e. life 1 Kings 11% 6. brought him bread morning and*.
it is said. Gen. 17. 8, I will give to thee anil 3. 15. no murderer hath e. life abiding in him 1 Chr. 16.40. to offer burnt-offerings miiriiiMf and

to thy seed the land of Canaan, for an eier- 5. 1 1. the record that God hath given to ui«. life e.i CAr. 2. 4. 13. 11. 31.3. Esiai.S.
| |

Ustin^ possession. And in chap. 13, 15, I 13. that ye may know that ye have e. life Job 4.20. they are destroyed from moruin; lo *.
will give it to thee, and to thy seed for ever; 20. this is the true God, and e. life Psal. 30. t 5. weeping in the *. joy in the morning
that is, for a long space of time. And in Jude 21 looking for the mere)' of Lord unto
. e. life 55. 17. *. and morning, and at nonn, will I pray
Gen. 49. 2li. ue find everlasting hills, so called ETERNllV. 65. 8. the out goings of morning and *. to rej"ic»
<o denote their antiipiily, stabilitt/, and dwa- 1 Sam.
29. also the
15.e. of Israel
\ will not lie Dan. 8. 1 14. to 2,3lKi *. morning sanctuary cleans.
tim ; and iliii expression is used to s/iew t/ie /<a.57.15. the high and lofty One inhabiteth e. 26. the vision of the *. and morning i» true
long eontinuanci and durableness cf Joseph's Jer. 10. 1 10. the Lord is the true God, King of e. Acts 28. 23. persuaMing them from morning to «.
blessing. God promises a throne to David, Mic. 5. 1 2. whose goings have been from days of e. EVENING,
an eternal kingdom, a posterity that will neter EVANtJELl.ST. 1 Kings 18. 20. thev prophesied till *. sacrifice
ie extinguished ; that is, that his and his sons' .lets 21.8. we entered intothe house of Philip the e. .36. at the time of the ofl'enng of the *. eacrifice
empire aill be of a very long duration, 2 Sam. 2 Tim. 4. 5. but watch thou, do the work of an e. 2 Kings 16. 15. on great altar burn e. meat-oflrring
7. 16. 1 Chroii. 17. 14. that it wilt be even KVANGELLSrS. /•.'ir<iy.4. I sat .vtonished until the *. sacrifice
eternal, if hereby the kingdom of the Messiah Eph. 4. 11. he gave some apostles and some e. 5. at *. s.icrifice I arose from mv heaviness
ie understood. Thru, Thou shaft be our . uide EVEN.I'sal. 141. 2. let my prayer be as tLe *. sacrifice
from this time forth even for ever, that is, Grn. 19. 1. there came two angels to Sodom at e. Pan. 9. 21. touched me about the time of *. oblation
during our whole life. And in many other Exod. 12. 18. on fourteenth day of the month at e. I lab. 1. 8. and are more fierce than the *. wolvet
flaeei of scripture, and in particular, tihen the 16.6. Moses f. then shall ye know that l.nrd '/.eph. 3. 3. her judges are *. wolves, they !;naw not
tcord for ever is applied to the .lewish ri/*» 12. at t. cat flesh J IS. at e. the quails came /rcA. 14. 7 come to pass, that at *.time shall be ligbl
and privileges, it eommonlu signifies n» mote 18.14. the people stand by thee from morning loe. EVENINGS.
than during the standing of that crmmonrtrnlift, 30.8. and when Aaron lighteth the lamps :it e. I'jod 12. « 6. .shall kill it between the two «.
or until the coming of the Messiah, Excd. It;. Lev. 11. 24. shall be unclean until e. 25. 27, 28, Sum. 9. t 3. keep the p,v'50ver between the two «.
14, 17 Kusn. 11). 8. 31,39, 40. 14 46. 15. 5, 6, 7, A*-. '7- 28. t 4. offer the other lamb between the iwo «,

Eteraity, when God is f** subject i-. '•ueitien, 14. I «« 6. I Num. 19. 7, 8, 10, SI, 22. Jer. 5. 6. and a wolf of the *. shall spoil them

' 1


EVENT 1 Chron. 17. 22. didst thou make thine own /or e. Sam. 5. 19- thou, O
L. remainest for e. thj throne
Eed. S. If. one e. happ*neth to them all, Q. 3. 23. i3. he and sons/or e. to burn incense before L. 20. wherefore dost thou forget us for e. *
t. there is one «. to the righteous and wicked 28. 9. if forsake him, he will cast thee off/or e. £wi.37.25.they and their childr. shall dwell/uf <
EVF.N-TJDE, or KVi:N INO-TIDE. 29 18. O Lord God of Israel, keep this/or e. and my servant David shall be their prince/or «
Cen. C4. 63. Isaac went out to meditate at the e. 2 CMron. 7. I6. that myname may be there/or e. 43. 7- 1 will dwell in the midst of Israel /or e.g
Josh. 7. ti. Joshua fell on his face :ill the e. 21. 7. he promised to give a light to his sons/or e. Dan. kingdom shall stand /ore
2. 44. but his
.iO.8. his sanctuary which he hath sanctified/or e. 4. 34. I praised and honoured him that liveth/or#.
8. 29. and the king of Ai he hanged on a tree till e.
9 Sam. 11. 2. in an t. David walked on the top 33. 4. in Jerusalem shall my name be/or e. 6. 26. G.of Daniel,he is living G.and stedfast/or t.
Ita. 17. 14. behold, at *.-tide trouble, and before AV/i. 13.1. not come into congregation of God/or e. 7.18. saints of most High shadl possess kingd./or«,
Hark 11. 11. now thewas come, Jesus went out
e. Jo/> 4. 20. they perish/or e. without any regarding it 12. 7. and sware by him that iiveth /or e.
Actsi. 3. they put him in hold, for it was now e. 14.20. thou prevailest/or, and he passeth i/of.2.19.1 will betroth thee unto me/ore. in right.
i:vi:k. 19. 24. graven on with iron pen in the rock /or e. Joel 3.20. but Jud. shall dwell/or e. and Jerusalem
Lev. 6. 1 3. the fire shall e. be burning on the altar 20. 7. yet he shall perish/or e. like his own dung Amos 1.11. Edom cast ofll'pity and kept wrath/«r «.
tium. 1i. 30. hast ridden on, e. since I was thine 23.7. so should 1 be delivered/or e.lrom my judge Obad. 10. Edom, thou shalt be cut off /or e.
Veui. 4. 33. did e. people hear the voice of God ? 36.7. yea he doth establish them /or e. Jonah 2. 6. earth with her bars was about me /ore.
19. 9. to love God, and to walk e. in his ways Fsal. 9.7. but the Lord shall endure/or e. Mic. 2. 9- ye have taken away my glory /ore.
JhJ^. 11. 35. di-J e. fight against Israel? 18. the expectation of poor shall not perish/or e. 4. 7. and the Lord shall reign over them /or e.
1 Kiii^j 5. I. for lliram was r. a lover of David 12. 7. O Lord, thou shalt preserve them /or e. 7. 18. retainethnot anger/ore. delights in mercy
J06 4.7. remember, who ^. perished, being innocent 13. 1. how long wilt thou forget me, O L./ore. ? Mai. 1. 4. against whom L. hath indignation /ore.
Pi. 5. 11. thos« that trust, let them ;. shoutifor joy 19.9. the fear of the Lord is clean, endunng/or e. Mai. 6. 13. for thine is the power and gl.iry/ore.
25. 6. thy tender mercies have been e. of old 21.6. thou hast made him most blessed/or e. 21. 19. no fruit grow on thee/ore. Mark 11. 14.
15. mine eyes are e. towards Lord, shall pluck 23. 6. 1 will dwell in the house of the Lord /or e. Luke 1. 33. and he shall reign over Jacob/or e.
37. C6. he is t. merciful, and lendelh, seed blessed 28. 9. feed them also, and lift them up /or e. 55. as he spake to Abraham and his seed/or e.
51.3. my transgressions and my sin is «. before me 29. 10. yea the Lord sitteth king/^r e. J.'A;i 8. 35. servant abideth not in the house for e.

90. 2. or*, thou hadst formed earth, Prov. 8. 23. 30. 12. i will give thanks to thee/or'e. 79. 13. 12. 34. we have heard that Christ abideth /or e.
111. 5. he will e. be mi-jdful of his covenant 35. 11. the counsel of the Lord standeth/or e. 14. 16. the Comforter may abide with you for e.
ll'J. 98. thy commandments are e. with me 37. J8. and their inheritance .shall hQj'or e. liom.l.Q5. more than Creator, who is blessed/ore.
Canr. 6.1?. ore. I was aware, my soul made me like 28. and his saints are preserved _/'or e. 9.5. Christ, who is over all, God blessed/or e.
Jja.W. 28. because he will not e. be. threshing it 29. the righteous shall dwell in the land/ore. 11.36. to whom be glory /ore. amen, 16. 27.
33.20. not one of the stakes shall e. be removed 41. 12. thou settest me before thy face /or e. 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteousness remaineth /or e.
Dan. 6.24. or*, they came it the bottom of the den 44. 8. and we praise thy name /or e. Selah I'hil. 15. that thou shouldest receive him /or e.

Joil 2. 2. hath not been e. .'.ic like nor any more 23. awake O
Lord, arise, cast us not off /or e. Ilei. 10.12./or e. sat down on the right hand of O
Mai. 24. 21. such as was not, no, nor «. shall be 45.2. therefore God hath blessed thee/or e. 14. he perfected /ore. them that are sanctified
JUark 15. 8. to desire him to do as he had e. done 49.8.for the redemption of their soul ceaseth/or e. 13. 8.Jesus Christ, the same to-day and /or e.
I.uie 15. 31 and he said, son, thou art e. with me.
. 11. thought is, tha* their houses continuc/o/ e. 1 I'el. 1. 23. the word of God, which livelh /or #.
JoA)i 4.29.3 man told me all thin;;s thatf.l did, 39. 52. 5. God shall likewise destroy thee/or e. 25. but the word of the Lord endureth_/br e.
8. 35. servant abidcth not. buttlie Son abidcthe. 9.1 will praise thee/ore. I will wait on thy name 2 /'er. 2. 17- are clouds carried with a tempest, lo
10. 8. all that t came before me are thieves 61. 4. I will abide in thy tabernacle/or e. Avhom mist of darkness is reserved/or e. Jude 13.
18. 20. I e. taught in the synagogue and temple 7. he shall abide before God/or e. prepare mercy 2/o//n2.for truth's sake which shall be with us/«r«.
^c/x23.15. we, or e. he come are ready to kill him 8. 1 will sing praise unto thy name ^/br e. See Establish, Established.
£p/i. 5.29. fur no man e. yet iiatcd his own i'.-.-ih 66. 7. he ruleth by his power/or e. Lite for EVER.
1 I'liess. 4. 17. and so shall we e. be with the Lord 6u. 16. yea the Lord will dwell in k/or e. Gen. 3. 22. lest he eat of tree of life and liiefor0.
5. 15. but e. follow that which is good 72. 17. his name shall endure/or e. be continued Oeu^.32 40.1 lift up my hand and say, I live fore.
2 J'lDi. 3. 7. e. learning, and never able to come 19. and blessed be his glorious name/or e. 1 Kings 1.31.said,let my lord king David /iie/»r
lleh. 7.24. but this man, because hecontinueth e. 73. 26. but God is my strength and portion/or e. Xeh. 2. 3.1 said to the king, let the king live for «.
£5. seeing^, livelhtomake intercession for them 74. 1. OGod, why hast thou cast us ofr_/or e.? /^i.22. 26. praise the L.your hearts shall live for e,
Juie 25. to GoU our Saviour be glory, now and f. 10. shall the enemy blaspheme thy name/or e. ? 49. 9- tl'^'t he should still live for e. not see
Set Lni)1.rkth. 19. forget not the congregation of thy poor/or e. Oan. O king,/iie/or e. 3. 9. 5. 10. | 6.6,81.
2.4. |

lor EVKU. 75.9. I will declare/or e. I will sing praises to G. i!ech. 1.5. and the prophets, do they live for 1.
See Signification on Eternal. 77.7- will L. cast on fore, ? favourable no msre ? yo/m 6.51. 1 am the living bread from heaven, if any
G*»i.l3.15. to ihee will I give it and thy seed /ijr e. 8. is mercy clean gone/or e. ? doth promise fail ? man eat of this bread he shall live fare. 5S.
43. 9. then let me bear the blame/or e. 44. 32 79.5. how long. Lord, wilt thou be angry t for e. ? lor EVER
and EVER.
£xurf.3.15.lhis is my name /ore. and my memorial 81. 15. but their time should have endured/or e. ExoJ. 15. 18. the Lord shall rtign/or e. and t.
12. 14. keep it a feast by an ordinancc_/'<»r <•. I7. 83 17. let them be confounded and troubled/or e. 1 Chron. 16. 36. blessed be God J'or e. and e. paopU

24. an ordinance to thee, and to thy sons/or e. 85. 5. wilt thou be angry" with us/or e. ? said amen, and praised Lord, 29. 10. Dan. S.20.
14. 13. ye shall see them agam no more /or e. 89. 1 I will sing of the mercies of the Lord/or e.
. A'e/i. 9. 5 bless the Lord your God for e. and i,
19. 9- that the people may believe thee_/br e. 2 1 have said, mercy shall be built up /or e. Pial. 9. a. thou hast pi! out their name/« e. anif e.
SI. 6. bore his ear, and he shall serve him/ore. 29. his seed also will I make to endure /or e. 36. 10. 16. the Lord is King/ore. ->id e. the heathen
31, is a sign between me and Isracl/oie 46. how long wilt thou hide thyself ?^br e,? 21. 4. thou gavest him length of days/ore and »
32.13.give this land, and they shall inherit it/or e 92.7. it is that they should be destroyed/or e. 45. 6. thy throne, O
God, is/or e. and e.
I^ 23. the land shall not be sold/ir e. is mine 93. 5. holiness becometh thine house, O I^.J'or e. I*, the people shall praise thee for e. and e.
30. the house shall be established /or e. to him 103.9. neither will he keip his anger/ore. 4R. 14. for this God is our God /or e. and e.
46. tliey shall be your bondmen /or e. 105.8. he hath remembered his covenant/or c. 52. 8. I trust in the mercy of God /or 1. and e.
J^iim. 10. 8. for an ordinanceyiir e. 15. 15. IB. t!.
| 110.4. thou art a priest /or e. after the order of 111.8. they stand fastybre. ande. are done intruta
18. 19. it is a covenant of salt/or e. unto thee Melchizedck, Jiet. 5 6. 6. 20. 7. 17, 21.
| |
119 44. so shall I keep thy law_/br e. and e.
24. 20. he said, Amalek shall perish /or e. 111. 9- he hath commanded his covenant/or e. 145. 1. and 1 will bless thy name/or e. and e.
24. shall afflict Eber, he also .shall perish /ore. 112. 6. surely he shall not be moved/or e. 2. and I will praise thy name /or e. and e fil.
Dm. 4. 40 the earth which (Jod giveih thee (oi c, 1 iy.89./"ore.O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven 148. 6. he hath also stablished them/or e. and *.
5. 29. it might be well with themyo/ e. 12. 2ii. 125.2.1'rom henceforl'i.-even_/'or e. 131. 3.1sa.^J.1. yia.30*.8.that it may be for timctocome,/nre.a«rfe.
13. jfi. it .shall be an heap h>r e. not hui't again 132. 14. this is my
rest/or e. here will I dwell 34. 10. none shall pass through it I'ur e. and e,
15. 17. take an awl, he shall be thy scnant_/o; e 146.6 the Lord who kcepeth truth/or e. Jrr. 7. 7. dwell in the land that I gave/or e. and <,
18.5. for God hath chosen him aud his sons_/i/re. 10. the Lord shall reign/or e.cven thy God 25.5. L. given to you and your fathers /or e.ani t,
S3, (i. thou shalt not seek tlicir peace /or e. J'ro;i 27 24. for riches are not /or e. Dan. 7. 18. shall possess the kingdom fore ande.
28. 46. they shall be upon thee lor a sign /ore. i,'(-f/.2.l6.noremembr.of wise more than fool /or e. 12. 3. they shall shine as the stars_/br e. and e.
29. 29. those things revealcil belong to us for e. 3. 14. whatsoever God doth, it shall be/or e. Mic. 4. 5. will walk in the name of G. J'or e. and 4.
Jos/i.-i.T. these stones 5hall be for a memorial/ore. 9-6. nor have they more a portion /or any thing Vat. 1.5. of God, to whom be glory /ore. a«rfe,
24. that ye might fear the Lord your God/or e. Jin. 26.4. trust ye in Lord ^bre. for in L.Jehovah I'hil.i.W. 1 Tim. 1.17.2 '7VM.4.18. «eJ. 13.21.
8. 28. Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an heap/or e. .'i2. 17 of righteousu. quietness, and assurance/oi e. Ile/>.\.8. he saith, thy throne, God, is/or e. and*, O
14.9. the land shall be thine inheritance/«r e. 34. 10. the smoke thereof shall go up^br e. liev. 4. 9- to him that sat on the throuc, who livetb
XSam .22. appear before the Lord and abiJc/or e.
i 1" .shall possess it for e.from generation to gener. for e. and e. 10. 5. 14. 10. 6. | 15. 7.
| |

2. .30 I said.thy house shonid walk before me/oce. 10 8. but the woril of our God shall stand/or e. 5. 13. and honour be to the Lamb/or e. and •
32. there shall not be an old man in hrm&ejor c. 47.7. and thou saidst, I shall be a lady /or e. 7. 12. and power be unto our God /or e. ande
35. he shall walk before mi;ie Anointed /or c. 51. 6. but my
salvation shall be /ore. and righteous. 11. 15. and Christ shall reign J'or e. and e.
3.1.'!. that I will judge his house/ore. for iniquity 8. but my righteousness shall be/or e.andsalvat. 14. 11. the smoke ascendeth /or e. and e. I9. S.
14. iniquity of I'.li's house shall not be purged/.e. 57.16. will not contend /or e. nor be always wroth 20.10. .shall be torment, day and night/«> e.ande.
20.1.".. thou shalt not cut off thy kindness /or e. 59. 21 and my words shall not depart_/br e. 22.5 and they shall reign/or e. and e.
23. the Lord be between thee and mc/or c. 42 60. 21. thy people shall inherit the land /or e. Staiuiefor EVER.
27. IC.ihcrfcforc he shall be my servant /or e. 'U. 9. be not wroth nor remember iniquity /or e. Exod. 27.21. it shall be a slalutej'or e. 28. 43. 30 |

28. R. will make thee keeper of mine head /or e.

I 65. 18. be glad and rejoice /or e. in what 1 create 21. Lev. 6. 18. 10. 9. 17. 7. 23. 14, 21, 31,

26Viri.2.26.Abncrsaid, sh.-ill the sword devour_/'.e. .' Jt;. 3.5. will he reserve his anger/or e. .' 41. 24. 3. Aum 18.23.I
3.1.l(I and my kingd. are guiltless before L.^or t. 12. I am merciful, 1 will not keep anger/or e. 29. 28. it shall be a.siaiuie for e. Lev. 7. 34, 36
7- 24. thou hast confirmed Israel to the _/or e 17.4. ye kindle a fire which shall burn/or c. 10.15. 16.31. AWi. 18. 11,19
if', and let thy name 25. Jerusalem anil this city shall remain /or e. Lev. 6 22. it is a staluttfor e. unto the Lord
be magnified /or e.
29 that his house may continue lor e. before thee ." 1
. 40. it shall not be plucked up any more 'for e. iVuHi.19. 10. to the jtranger for a siaiuu for «.
1 Ai.i;, 8. 13. settled place for ihie'to abide in/ore. .'12.39. give one heart that they may fear me for e. E\ ERLAbllNG.
9 3. tnis house built, to put mv name therefor e. 35. 6. Jonadab said, ye shall drink no wine/or e, See Sic^nification on ETiiRNAL.
iO.i). because the Lord lovid
Israel /"or e.thercfore 19. .lonadab shall not want a man before nie/o'e. Gen. 17. 8. land ot Canaan for an e. possess. 48. 4<
11. ~i). I will afflict David'b seed, but not /or e. 49-33.Ilazor be fordragons and a desolation /or e. 21.33. the e. God, ifa. 40. 28. Horn. 16. «C
I8.7 ihey will be thy servants/or e. 2 C/ir. 10. 50. 39. shall be no more inhabited/ore. 51. 26, 62. 49. 26. lo the utmost bound of the e. hilli
2 Kings 5 ST. leprosy cleave to thee and seed fore Lam. 3. 31. for the Lord will not cast 0^ for e Ejiod. 40. 15. an. e. priesttiood, Hum, &3< 13.


Lev. 16.3+. be an e. statute Deut. 33. 27. e. arms
.^ee^. 12, 12. tllB luriQ shall mourn. e. family apart I FA'IDENTLT.
Pt.ii.l. be lift e. doors, 9.|| 100. 5. mercy e. A/a/. 1.11. .n e. place incense be offered to my name Acts 10. 3. Cornelius saw in a vis-.on e an angel
112. 6. the righteous shall be in t. remembrance Alat.i.4. but by e. word that proceedeth from God Ga/.3.1.Jesus Christ hath been e.set forth crtiC'ine4

119.142. ihy righteousness is an e. righteous. 144. 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for e. cause I EVIL.
139. 24. search me, O God, and lead me in way e. Mark 1. 45. they came to him from e. quarter Evil is taken for sin and zcickedness : thus H it
145. 13. thy kingdom is an e. kingdom, dominion Luke 4. 37. the fame of him went into e. place laid of the wicked kings of Israel, that thcj
thro' all generat. Dan. 4. 3. 7-27. 2 Pet. 1. 1 1.
6. +4. for e. tree is known by his own fruit did evil in the sight of the ImtA, they trans-
Prov. 10. 25. but the righteous is an e. foundation ^if/f 2.43. and fear came upon e. soul, wonders done gressed his law, 1 Kings 16. 25, 30. .'Jnd 11
Jsa. 9. 6. his name shall be called, the e. Father 15. 21. Moses hath in them that preach him Eccl. 9. 3, The heart of the sons of men is
26.4. in the Lord J E HOI A II is «. strength A'o»«. 14.1 I.e. knee shall bov,e. tongue shall confess full of evil. This it criminal or moral evil.
33.14.who among us shall dwell with e. burnings ? 1 Cur. 4. 17. as 1 teach e. where in «. church It it likewise taken for a^ictions or punish'
35. 10. they shall come with ff. joy, 51. 11. 61. 7.
2 Cor, 10. 5. bringing into captivity e. thought mentt which God inflicts upon a person or pea-
45.17 with an e. salvation {{51.8 with ;. kindness £p/t. 1. 21. far above e. name named, P/iil. 2. ". pte. Job 2. 10, Shall we receive good at the
56. 13. for an e. sign 56. 5. an «. name, 63. 12.
4. 16. e. joint supplieth, in the measure of e. part hand of God, and shall we not receive evil
OO. 19. the L. shall be unto thee an t. light, CO. P/11V4.2I. salute e. saint in Christ Jesus Jsa. 45. 7, I make peace and create evil
/«r. 10.10. God is an e. King {ffio. 11. «. confusion 1 'iVwi. 4.4. lore, creature of God is good if received Amos 3. 6, .Shall there be evil in a city, and
23. 40. I will bring an e. reproach upon you 2 Tim. 2. 21. and prepared unto e. good work the Lord hath not done it ? I'his is the evil of

31. 3. yea I have loved thee with an e. love Jleb. 12. 1. let us lay aside e. weight, and the sin punishment, or penal evil. It is also taken for
51. 120. but thou shah be e. desolatljns Jam, 1. 17. e. good aud perfect gift is from above injuries or wrongs dune by one man to another.
Van. 4. 34. whose dominion is an e. domin. 7. 14. 1 Pet.i.13. submit toe. ordinance of man for Lord I'rov. 17. 13, Whoso rewardelh evil for
Hab. 3. 6. the e. mountains were scattered 1 JuA« 4.1. beloved, believe note, spirit.but try spir. good, evil shall not depart from his house.
Mat. 18. 8. to be cast into e. fire, 25, 41. •See Beast, City, Day, Ma.\,, Mat. 5. 39, But 1 say unto you that ye resist
25. 46. these shall go away into e. punishment Way, Side, Thing. not evil. It it put for dangers or calamities,

iMkelQ.Q. they may receive you into e. habitations EVERY one. Prov. 22. 3, A
prudent man foreseeth the
S Thesi. 1. 9. who shall be punish, with e. destruct. Gen. 4.14. that e. one that findeth me shall slay me evil, and hideth himself. He teet public ca-
2. 16. loved us, and hath given us e. consolation 27. 89. cursed be e. one that curseth thee, blessed lamitict approaching, and uset all lawful means
1 Tim. 6. 16. to whom be honour and power e. 2\"7i»i.i6.3.all congregation are holy, e. one of them to tecure himself. It is taken both J'or corporal
Jude 6. the angels he hath reserved in e. chains Deiii, 4. 4. ye are alive e. one of you this day and spiritual evil, of sin and suffering. Mat.
Rtv. 14. 6. having flie e. gospel to preach to them 1 Kings 22. 28. hearken, O people, e. one of yon 6. 13, Deliver us from evil.
is said Mat. 5. 37. Let your communication
See Covenant. 2 Kings 18. 31. and then eat ye e. one of his fig tree //
From EVERLASTING. 2 C/tron. 30.18. saying, the good Lord pardon e. one be yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoever is
Pt. 41. 13. blessed be G./rom e. to everlast. 106.48. Ezra 3.5. of e. one that willingly offered an offering more than these cometh of evil ; that is. Let
go. 8. tven/rom e. to everlasting thou art God 9. 4. were assembled to me e. one that trembled your discourse be conjjrmed with a bat e affirma-
93. 2. thy throne is of old, thou art from e. that is proud, and abase him tion or denial only ; for whatsoever it more than
103.17. butthemercy of the Ld. is/rom «. to ever. 12. look on e. one that is proud, and bring him low these proceedeth J rout an evil habit, or scmz
Pr«r.8!23.I was set upfrom e.or ever the earth was Psal.Qg. 9. in temple e. one doth speak of his glory such principle ; and most commonly Jrom the
devil, that uicked one, who it evil in the highest
Isa. ds. 16. O Lord, thy name is from t. 32. 6. for this shall e. one that is godly pray
Mic. 5. 2. whose goings forth have been_/>»»> e. 49. i 14. grave an habitation for e. one of them degree ; who commits evil without ceasing; and
Ilab. 1. 12. art thou not. from e. \jotA my God ? 63. 11. e. one that sweareth by him shall glory who practises all sorts and degrees oj' it by
EVERLASTING life. 68. 30. till e. one submit himself with silver himself and his ministers.
2)<7«.12.2.awake,some to,some to ever. shame 71. 18. and thy power to e. one that is to come The evil of sin. 'The internal malignity of sin,

Mat. 19. 29. and shall inherit e. life 115. 8. so is e. one that trusteth iu them, 135.18 abstracted from its dreadful effects, renders tt
Luke 18.30. and in the world to come e. life 119.160. e. one ol thy judgments endureth forever most worthy of our hatred ; for it is in its orcn
Jelm 3. 16. whoso believeth should have e. life, 36. 128. 1. blessed is that fear»th the Lord Jiature direct enmity against God, and obscures
the glory of all hit attributes : It it the viola-
4. 14. in him a well of water springing up to e. life Eccl. 10. 3. he saith to e. otie that he is a fool
tion if hit majesty, who is the universal Sovereign
5. 24. he that heareth my words hath e. life Cant. i. 2. whereof e. one beareth twins, 6. 0.
6.27. labour for the meat which endurethto e. life Zfa.7.22 honey shall e.ene eat that is left in the land of heaie7t and earth ; a contrariety to hit holinest,
40. every one who seeth the Son may have e. life 9. 17. for e. one is an hypocrite and an evil doer which shinet forth in his law ; a despising hit
34. 15. vultures be gathered, e. one with her mate goodness, the attractive to obedience , the con-
47. he that believeth on me hath e. life
12. 50. I know that his commandment is Ife e. 43. 7. even e. one that is called by my name tempt of his omniscience, which sees eiery sia
Actt 13. 46. judge yourselves unworthy of e. life 55. 1. ho, e. one that thirsteth, come to the waters when it is committed ; the slighting of his terriblt
iJo/n.6.22.bcing free from sin,ye have the end life e. Jer. 5.6. e, one that goeth out shall be torn in pieces justice and power, at if the sinner could secure
Gal. 6.8. sowethtoSpirit, shall of Spirit reap /i/>^. 8. e. one neighed after his neighbour's wife himself from his indignation ; a denial of hit
truth, as if the threatenings were a vain terror
12Vm.l.l6.should hereafter believe onhimto/i/ee. 6. 13. for e. one is given to covetousness
EVEKMORE. 2i). am in derision daily, e. one mocketh mo
7. I to scare men from their sin. Add to this the
Deut. 28.29. thou shalt be oppressed and spoiled e. ye now e. one from his evil way
25. 5. turn dreadful judgments and punishments -.ihich God
inllicis upon sinners J'or sin, sometimes in thit
ZHam.m. 51. he sheweth mercy unto David*. of them mourning, e. one for iniquity
16.25. hast opened thy feet to e. one that passed by life, but especially the torments of hell, which
2 Kings 17. 37. ye shall obser\-e to do for e.
22. 6. behold e. one were in thee to shed blood are the just and full recompenre of sin.
1 Chr. 17. 14. his throne shall be established for e.
Evil eye. Prov. 23. 6, Eat not the' bread of hint
Ps. 16. 11. at right hand there are pleasures for*. Dan. 12. 1. e. one that be found written in the book
that hath an evil eye ; that it, of the envious
18. 50. sheweth mercy to David and his seed for*. Joel 2.7. they shall march on his ways
or covetous man; who secretly grudgeih thee
37. 27. depart from evil, do good, and dwell fore. Zech. 5. 3. fore, one that stealeth shall be cut off
LnU the meat which he sets before thee. In the
77-8. is mercy gone? doth his promise fail fore. .' Mat.7.ii. e. one thatasketh, receiveth, 11.10.
86. 12. I will praise and glorify thy name fore. Afrtr/t7.14.said to them, hearken tome, of you
same sense this phrase is used. Mat. 20. 15,
Is thine eye evil because 1 am good ? Art i/ioa
89. 28. my
mercy will I keep for him for e. Luie 19. 26. to e. one which hath, shall be given
52. blessed be the Lord for e. amen and amen Jolm 3. 8. so is e. one that is born of the Spirit envious, because 1 dispense my grace to vthert
92.8. but thou. Lord, art most high lor e. 18.37. e. one that is of the truth heareth my voice besides thxiself T

105. 4. seek the Lord, seek his face e. Acts 2. 38. repent, and be baptized e. one of you Evil day ir days. Prov. 15. 15, All the days
of the alllicted are evil that is, they aie tt-
106. 31. was counted to him for righteousn. fore. 17. 27. though he be not far from e. o«eof us ;

113. 2. blessed be the name of the Lord for e. 20. 31. I ceased not to warn e. one night and day dious and unconijorlable ; he takes no content
IK anil time or thing. I'.ccl. 12. 1, When
115. 18. but we will bless the Lord for e. i^«/n.l4.12.e.o«c shall uive account of himself toti.
the evil days come not that it, the time of
121 8. L. preserve thy going out and coming in e. I Cor. 7.17. as the Lord hath called e. one, so walk

old age, which is burdensome and calamitous in

132. 12. their children shall sit upon throne for e. ('«/. 3. 10. cursed is e, one that conlinueth not
ilselj ; and Jar more i:rieious and mere terriitt
133. 3. Lord commanded the blessing, life for e. one that nameththe name of Christ
G 7'i»!.2.19. e.
Eiek. 37. 26. I will make a covenant and will set1 Jo/in 4. 7. e. one that loveth is born of God
when it is loaded with the sad remembrance of
and lusts, and with the
my sanctuary in the midst of tliem for e. 28. Itev. 6.11. T/hitc robes were given to e. one of them a man's youthful folliesapproaching death anS
John 6. 34. said to .Tesus, Lord, e. give us this bread EVERY
teiierc. dieadful' pro'spect of
2 Cor. 11.31. the father of our lyord blessed for e. 1 Chr. 13. 2. send abroad to our brethren e. u-heie
judgment. -Ind in Auios 6. 3, Ye that put
"far away the evil day; that is, ye that drug
1 Tliess. 5. 16. rejoice e. pray without ceasing Murk 16.20. they went forth and preached e. -.iheic
Luke 9. 6. preaching the gospel e. where. Arts 8. 4. all thoughts of approaching death and judgment
lleb. 7. i 25. he is able also to save them e.
28. maketh the Son, who is consecrated for e. .'ids 17.30. commanding all mene. u/iere to rejient out of your heads ; or else fatter yourtelvet m
if It would never come, or at
lean not for a
Kev. 1. 18. was dead, behold, I am alive for e. 28.22. we know it is e. where spoken against
EVERY. 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I teach e. where in every church great while hence,
('•en. 19 19. lest some e. take me .ind T die
Gen. 6.5. e. imagination of his heart was evil Phil. i. 11. e. where, anA. in all things instructed
2(i. t 8. daughters of Canaan e. in eyes of
17. 10. e. man-child snail be circumcised 1 Tim. 2.8. I will therefore that men pray t, where
44. 5. ye have done in so doing
Ler.l910nor shalt gathere. grape of thy vineyard EVIDENCE. e.
come on my f.ilhcr
34. lest I see the e. that shall
Num. 5. 2. that they put out of the ramp e. leper Jer. 32. 10. 1 subscribed the e. and sealed it

11. so 1 took the e. {{12. 1 gave the «. to Haruch 50. 20. ai for you, ye thought e. evil .igainst me
I Sam. 3. 18. Samiiei told him e.whit, hid nothing
Ml" e came, he h.ith done e. to people
14. this e. both which is sealed, and thise. open Eiod. 5.23.
Psal. 119. 101. I have refrained from e. evil way
10. 10. look to it, for I. IS before you
101. therefore 1 hate e. false way, 128. 16, when I delivered the e. of the purchase
21. t 8. if .she be e.
in the eyes ot her master
Prov. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand e. good path lleb. 11. 1. faith is the e. of things rot seen
EVIDENCES. 32.14. the Ixird repented of tlie e. he thought tod»
7. 12. now in streets, she lielh in wait ate. corner
these tohis people, 2.bfl/n. 24. 16. 1 CAnm. 21. li.
14. 15. the simple believeth e.word,biil prudent man Jer. 32. 14. thus saith the Lord, take e.
44. men shall buy fields for money and tubscribce.
Num. II. t 1. it was e. in the ears ol the Lord
If. 3. the eyes ol the I.d. are in «. place, beholding
EVIDENT. 22. t 34. if It be e. in thine eyes, 1 will get back
10.3. cease from strife, but e. fool will be meddling
Job 6. 28. look upon me, for it is e. to you if I lie Deut. 19. 20. comuiit no more sucb e. among you
30. 5. e. word of (Jod is pure, he is a shield
29.21. the L. shall separate him toe. out of trib*
Isa. 45. 23. e. k.iee shall bow, e. tongue shall swear (;.;/. 3. 11. th.1t no man is justified by the law is e.
30. 15. see, I have sot before thee death and e.
Ttr. 51. 29.e. purpose of the lA. shall be performed P/,iV.l. 28. which is to them an «. token of perdition
31. 29. and e. will befal you in the latter days
£iei(. 12.23. days at hand, and the effect of lleb. 7. 14. it is e. our Lord sprung out of Judah
Josh. 24. 15. if it stem e, to vou to serve the Ix)rd
Dan. 11. 36. aud mtgrify himself above t. god 13. and it is yet far more e.for that after Mclchis,


JWrff 1. 16. the
. hind of the lA. against them for *. Jtr.K. 32 «. shall ro forth from nation to n.ition Pt.M.S. thou lovest e. more than geod, and 'ylag

9.57 the*, of ttie men of Shechem did God render £8. 8. the prophets prophesied of war atd of Prov. 15 .3. eyes of L. beholding the f and the good .

20. 34. Imt they l<i)cw not that e. was near them Cy. 11. think thoughts of peace and Dot of 1.
I 17. 13. whoso rewardetb «. (or good, evil not depart
ISam. SO. 7. be sure that*, determined by him S2. .10. the children of Judah have only done?.
31. 12. she will do him good »ni not<;.all her dayt
9. if knew certainly that t. were determined
I 32. because of all the r. of the children of Israel ha. 5. 20. woe lo them that call e. good, zndgood t,
S4. 11. norise. nor transgression in mine hand 36.17.1 will bring on Judah and .Jerusalem all the 7. 15. may know to refuse (. and choose ^oo^, lO
17. me Roid, whcrea-s 1 have rewarded thee e.
th,-it I have pronounced against them, 36. 31 Jer. 18. 20. shall *. be recompensed for goodT
C5 17- for I. is deteraiiiied against 38. 9- these men have doner, in all they have done
our master 42. 6. whether it be good or t. we will obey Lord
£fi.they that seek e. to my lord, be as Nabal •Vi.H. 1 will set my face ag. you for t, and cutoff Lam. 3. 38. of most High proceedeth not e. andf.
DB. e. haih not been found in thee all thy days 17. we had plenty, and were well, anj saw no«, .Imoi a. 14. seek good and not t. that ye may lira
S6. 18. what h.ive I done ? what e. is in my hand 27.1 will watch over them for e. and not for good
.' 9.4. I will set mine eyes on them for e. not ioT good
29. G. I havr not found e. in thee since thy coming 29. my words shall stand against you for e. Mic 3. 2. who hate the good, and love the 1.
2&jm. 3. .'jy. the Lord shall reward the dyer 0(4. 4H. 2. in Ileshbon they have devised*, against it /I'om. ,'.21.whcn 1 would do good, *. present with ma
12 II. hehold 1 will raise up /. against thee 61 24.1 will render to Babylon all €. done in Zion 9. 11. not born, neither having done good or #.
16. t 8. behold thee in thy e. thou bloody man 60. wrote all the e. that should come on Babylon Ileb.i.Xi. their senses exercised to discern ^.audtf
19- 7. will be worse than all the t. that befcl thee F.tck. 7. 3. an e. an only 1. behold it is conic 3Ja'in 11. follow not what is 4. but what u good
1 Kinsi H.9. but done t. above all before thee IV. 22. ye shall be comforted concerning the / See Great.
16. 25. Omri wrought e. in the eyes of the Lord Jyun. 9. 14. the Lord hath watched upon thee. Irom EVIL.
22. 23. a lyini spirit in thy prophets, and the I.ord ^/<i</2.13.the Lord your Godrepenteth himofthe*. G;M.4B.l6.the Angel who redeemed mtfrom all*.
halh spoken e. concerning thee, 2 Citron. 18. 22. Amoi 3.6. shall there be c. in a city, L. not done it 1 Sam. 25. 39- and hath kept his servaut^/rom «.

2 htMisll. 2. I am biincing such t. on Jerusalem 9.10. who say, *. shall not overtake nor prevent us 1 Chron. 4. 10. that thou wouldest keep me/rom 1.
22. 20. thine eyes shall not see all * .on this place Jonah 3.10.and God repented of the t. he said, 4.2 Job 28. 28. and to depart/rom t. is understandiof;
1 ChrvH. 21. 17. it wai e. in the eyes of the Lord jl./i>. 1.12. but *. came down from Lord to Jerusalem Pja/.34.13. keep thy tongue/rom 1. lips from guilv
17. it is I that have sinned and done e. indeed 2. 1 woe to them that work e. upon their beds
. 14. depart from t. do good, 37. 27. Prov. 5. 7.
2 CAri'«.20.9. if when t. Cometh on us, as the sword 3. behold, against this family do I devise an t. 121. 7. the Lord shall preserre thee /ro»» all t.
Esih. 7. 7- he saw there was €. determined 3. 1 1. is not the Lord among us .' noe. can come Prov. 4. 27. turn not, remove thy lo<A from t,
8. 6. for how can I endure to see e. to my people ' J\n/i. 1. 11. that imagineth t. against the Lord 13. 19. it is abomination to fools to depart/rom e
/d41 I.oneihat feai-ed God andeschewed<.8. 2.3. llab. 1.13. thou art of purer eyes than to behold *.
14. 16. a wise man feareth. and departeth frome,
3. 19. yea in seven there shall no e. touch thee 2. y. he may be delivered from the power of e. 16. C. by tne fear of the Lord men depart/rom e.
31. cy. or lift up myself when t. found him Zeph. 3. 15. thou shalt not see e. any more 17. the high-way of upright is to depart/rom e.
42. 1. they comforted him over all the e. on him Zech. 7. 10. let none of you imasine e. 8. I7.
ha. 59. 15. that departeth/. e. makes hims. a prey
Psnl. 5. 4. neither shall e. dwell with thee Mai. 1.8. ye offer the lame and sick, is it iiot<r..' Jei .9.3. they proceed/, e. to evil, and know not me
7.4. if I have rewarded e. to him that was at peace 2. 17. when ye say, everyone thatdoeth e. is good 23. 22. then they should have turned t4iem/r»m
15. 3. nor doth e. to his neighbour, nor takttli up Mat. 5.11. shall say all manner of e. against you their e. way, and/om the e. of their doing«
21. 11. for tliey intended e. against thee .37. whatsoever is more than these, cometh of c. 51. 64. Babylon not rise/rom e. 1 will bring on her
23 4. I will fear no e. for thou art with me 39. but I say unto you, that ye resist not e. Mat. 6. 13. but deliver us /rom e. Luke 11. 14.
34. 21 e. ^hall slay wicked, those hate righteous
6. 34. sufficient for the day is the e. thereof JolinXT. 15. but that thou shouldest keep them/, e.
36. 4. hedevisfth mischief, he atihorreth not <. 9- 4. wherefore think ye your hearts.' 2 'J/iess. 3. 3. shall stablish you, and keep you/", e.
40. 14. let them be ptit to shame that wish me e. 27. 23. I'ilate said to them, why, what e. halh he I I'et. 3. 10. let him refrain his tongue//>m e.
41. t 1. the Lord will deliver him in the day ofe. done? il7«r*15. 14. Xu*<23.22. Put aifay EVIL.
5 mine enemies speak e. of me t 7. devise ;. Miirli 3. 39. that can lightly speak e. of me
\\ Deitt. 13.5. piit the e. auay from the midst of thee
49. 5. wherefore should I fear in the days of «r. .' L^iU 6. 45. an evil man bringeth forth what is e. 17. 7. so thou shalt jmt the e. auay from among
50.19. thou givest thy mouth to e. and thy tongue Jolm 3. 20. every one thatdoeth e. hateththe light you, 19. 19. 21. 21. 22. 21, 24. 24. 7. |
54. 5. he shall reward e. unto mine enemies 5. 29. they that have done t. to the resurrection of 12. put ye anay from Israel, 21 22. Judg. 20. 13.

56. ,0. all ihcir thoughts are against nis for e. 18. 23. if 1 have spoken *. bear witness of the e. Eccl. 11. 10. and put a-jsay t. from thy flesh
90- 15 and the years wherein we have seen c. Alls 9. 13. how much e. he hath done to thy saints ha. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the t. of your doings
91. 10. there shall no e. befal thee, J«r.23. 17. 23.9.a great cry, saying, we find noe. in this man EVIL in lite sight of the Lj)Td.
97- 10. ye ih.-it love the Ixird, hate e. /v'oni.2. 9. anguish on every soul of man thatdoeth e. Num. 32. 13. had done e. in sight 0/ L. Judg. 3.12.
109. 20. and of ihem that speak e. against my soul 7. 19. but the e. which I would not, that 1 do Jiidg.Q. 11. Israel did e. in the ugAi 0/ the Lord
140 1 1 .e. shall hunt violent man to overthrow him 12.9. abhor that which is «. cleave to what is good 3. 7, 12. 4. 1. I 6. l.J 10. 6. 13. 1. 1 King*

Proi-. 1. 16. for their feet run to e. Isa. b<). 7. 17. recompense to no man e. for e. provide things 11.6. 14.22. 15.26,34. 16. 7,30. 22.68.
| |

33. dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fearofe. 21. be not overcome of c. overcome e. with good 2 Ki!ig.t H. 18, 27. 13. 2, 11 \ 14. 24. | 15. 9,

3. 29. devise not c. against thy neighbour 13. 4. a revenger to execute wrath on him doethc. 18, 24, 28. 17. 2. 21. 2, 20. 2 Chron. 22. 4.
5.14. w;is almost in all e. in midst of congregation
14 is*, for that man who eateth with offence 33. 2, 22. .30. 5,' 9, 12.

11. 19. he that pursueihe. pursueth it to his death 10. 19. I would h.ive you simple concerning e. 1 Sam. 15. 19. thou didst e. in the sight of the Lord
12. CO. deceit in the heart of them that imagine e. 1 Kings 16. 19. in doing e. in the sight of the Lord
1 Cor. 13. 5. charity not provoked, thinketh no e.
21. there shall no e. happen to the just 1 T/iess. 5. 15. see that none renders. for«. to any 21. 20. sold to work e. in the sight of ihe lAird
13. 21. e. pursneih sinners 14. 22. that devise e.
|| 22. abst.iin from all appearance of e. 2 Kings 3. 2. he wrought*. «» Ihesighl of the Lord
16. 4. yea, even the wi( ked for the day of e. 1 Tim. 6. 10. the love of money is the root of all e. 17. 17. sold themselves to do e. in the sight of L,
27. an ungodly man digeeth up e. fire in his lips Jit 3. 2. put them in mind to speak e. of no man 21. 16. to sin, in doing that which was e. in tlig
30. moving his lips he bringeth e. to pass Ji:ni. 3. 8. the tongue is an unruly t. full of poison si';ht of the Lord, 23. 32, 37. 24. 9, 19. |

19. .3. he shall not be visited with e. 1 J'el.S.Cf.unl rendering e. for f. or railing, but bless. 1 Chron. 2. 3. Er was e. in the sight of the Lord
20. !l. a king scatterclh away all e. with his eyes 3 Ju/iti H. he that doeth e. hath not seen God 2 Clir. 33. 6. he wrought much «. i» the i:ghl of L.
22. say not ihon, will recompense ^-.wriiton Lord Thh EVIL.
Bring, Bro'ii;/,/ EVIL.
21. 10. ihe soul of the wicked desireth e. J(ii/i.2.'.15. the Lord shall iriug on you all f .things £xorf.32.12. and repent oithit e. against thy people
22. 3. a prudent man foreseeth the e. 27. 12. 2 Sum. 15. 14. lest he overtake and iring e. on us Sam. 6. 9. then he hath done us this great e,
24. ) in. lest it be e. in the eyes of the Lord 17. 14. that the Lord might bring t'. upon Absalom 12. 19. we have added this e. to ask a king
30. 3C. (f thou hast thought e. lay thine hand 1 Ai«j,il4.10.1 will iriug e. on the house of Jcrob. 2 Sum. 13.16. this e. in sending me away is greater
I'ccl. 2. 21. this also is vanity, and a great e. Kings 9. 9. the Lord brought on them all this e.
17. 20. he said, hast thou also 3. c. on widow ? 1
5. 13. there is a snre e. which I have seen, 16. 21. 21. behold, I will bring e. upon thee 2 Kings 6.33. he said, behold, this e. is of the Lord
6. 1 an e. which I have seen under the sun, 10. 5. 29. not brim e. in his days, but in his son's days ; Chron. 7. 22. therefore he brought this e. on them
9. .'?. ihis is an e. .Tmong things that are done iin. 2 hitigs 22. 16. thus saith the Lord, behold^ I \eh. 13. IB. did not our God bring all this e. on us?
derihe sun, the heart of sons of men is full ofe. will bring e. upon this place, 2 C/ir. 34. 24. 27 .sh.-\ll we hearken to you to do all this great t.f
11. 2. thou knowest not what t. shall be on earth 2 C/ir. 34. 28. not eyes see all the e. I will briit:; Job 2. 11. when Job's three friends heard of this e.
/>n. 3. 9. for they have rewarded t. to themselves ha. 31.2. 1 will bring e. and not call back his word Psal. 51.4. I have done this e. m
thy sight
13. II. I will punish ihe world for their e. ./fr. 4. 6. for I will bring t. from the north Jer. 16. 10. the L. pronounced all this e. against as
33. 15. and shulleih up his eyes from seeing e. 6. 19. behold, I will bring e. upon this people 32.23. therefore thou hast caused all /. «. on them
v5. 7 1 m.ike peace and cre.itc e. I do these thnigs
11. 11. behold, I will bring t. upon them 42. like as I have brought all ihise. on this people
47. 11. therefore sh.ill «. come upon thee 23. 1 will bri}t.g i. upon the men of Anathoth 40. 2. God hath pronounced this e. on this place
5<j. '.'. nnd keepeih his hand from doing any e. 44. 7- why commit ye Mij great e. ag. your souls?
19. 3. behold, 1 will bring e. on this place, 15.
57. 1 iliat the righteous is taken away from the e. 23. 12. I will iri/ige. even year of their visitation 23. therefore this e. is happened unto you
)sr. 1. U. out of the north anr. break forth, 6. 1. 25. 29. for, lo, I begin to bring e. on the city Dan. 9. n. it is written, all //ii* e. is come upon us
2. 3 e. shall come upon them, saith the I^nl 35.17. I will bring on Judah ». pronounced, 36.31. Jonah 1.7. know for whose cause this e. is oc us, 8
28. if ihey can iave thee in the time of t. 39. 16. 1 will bring my words on this city for «. EVIL, Adjeciiie.
\- 4. lest my fury come forth like fire, because of 45. 5. 1 will bring '. upon all Uesh, iaith tlfc Lord (Jcn. 6. 5. thoughts of his heart were only*. 8. 81.
ilic (T.of your doings,23. 2. 2ti. 3. 44. 22. | [ ^ee 1)11), I>0. 37. 20. some «. beast h.ith devoured him, 33.
5. 1'-. it is not he, neither shall t. come upon us EVIL joined with good. Lxo//. 5. 19. Israel did see that they were in *. casa
7. 311. children of Jud.-.h have done «. in my sight Gtn. 2. 9 the tree of knowledge of good inie. 17. 33. 4. people heard these t. tidings, they mourned
11.1 12. shall not save them in the time of i-. 3. 5. ye shall be as gods knowing joDrf and «. 22. A'ii«». 14. 27. how long bear this *. congregation .

til I will not hi-ar when they cry for their e. 44.4. wherefore have ye rewarded 1. for gnoJ! 20. 5. to bring us in unto this *. place
15. whcM thou dost*, then thou rejoicest De\ti. 1. 39. had no knowledge between goi'd&nA c. Ihui. 1 .36. not one of this *. generat. shall see land
17. nath pronounced thee for r.of Israel 1 Sam. 25. 21. he hath requited me 6. t 22. the L. shewed signs, great and e. on Egypt
t. for good
16. L will cause to »»e well in time of «. 2 Sam. 19. 35. can I discern between good and e. .'
22. 14. and bring up an *. name upon her, 19.
17. 17- ihou art my hope in the day of t. 1 A'fW5j22.8.noi prophesy ^j. concern. me, but ^.18. 28. 54. his eye shall be *. toward his broiher
18 brine on them the d.iy of t. and destroy them 2 C/iron. 18.7. neverprophesieth jourfto me but <. 56. her eye shall be e. toward her husband
18. B if thit niiion turn from their 17. he would not prophesy good 10 me but e.
«. I will re- 1 Sam, 2. 23. for I hear of your e. dealings
pent (if ihi- r.l thought to do, 26.3,13,19. 42.10. 'ob 2. 10. shall we receive good, and not receive
J e. .' I Kings 5. i. there is neither advers. nor f.occurreni
tl leti'ild. I frame e. against you
and devise 30. 26. I looked for good, then e. came unto me Kzra 9. 13. after all that is come on us for *. deeds
19. l.i 1 will bring all e. iliai 1 have pronounced Psal 35. 12. they rewarded me e. for ^ood, I09. 5. Psiti. 41. B. an ». disease cleaveth fa^l unto him
B1..10 I set my facB against this city for e. 38. 20. that render € ior gooii are luy adversaries 64. 5. they eacouragc themselves u
an *, scatter
17S '
Pj.78.49>trouble by sending e. angels among tliem l.Ssin.16.14. an« 4/1. from the L. troubled him, 15. eunuch, or mtdeprived of his genitals : uherhe*
II2.7. he shall not be afraid off. tidiogs.hearl fixed 16. when the e. spirit irom God is upon thee he be naturally born such, or made an eunuch bf
140. 11. let not an $. speaker be establish, in earth 23. and the e. spirit departed from him manual operation, lint this wertl, as well
Prov. 6. 24. to keep thee from the e. woman 18. 10. the e. spirit from Uod came on Saul, I9. 9.
as the Greek Eunouchos, is i'm tc-iptme
14.19. the e. bow befoare the good, the wicked Luie 7. 21. that hour he cured many of *. spirits taken for an officer belonging to some prince
lEccl. 5. 14. but those riches perish by t. travel 8.2. a woman which had been healed of ;. spirits attending at his court, and employed in tht
C 2. this is vanity, and it is an «. disease .lets 19. 12. and the 4, jpiriis went out of them inner palace, whether he be really an eunuch
9. IQ. as the fishes that are taken in an e. net 13. to call over them which had e. spirits or not. Poiiphar, Pharaoh's eunuch, and Jo-
Isa. 7. 5. Ephraim have taken e. counsel ag. thee seph's master, had a wife. Gen. 39. 1, 7 ani
15. the*, spirit said, Jesus I know, Paul I know
K. 7. the instruments also of the churl are «. 16. the man in whom the e. spirit wets, leaped a child too, i/"Asenath wai daughter to Joseph's
Jer. 8. 3. by them that remain of this t. family EVIL timtg. master, as some think, though the generality of
12. 14. thus saith against all mine t. neighbours G««.38.tl0.the thing he did was e. in eyes of Lord Commentators ie of the contrary opinimi.
13. 10. this e. people refuse to hear my words 2 Kings 4. +41. there was no e. thing in the pot God forbad his people to make eunuchs, Deut.
23. 10. their course is 1. their force not right Nth. 13. 17. what t. thing is this that ye do ? 23. 1. He that has that part wounded or cut
24. 3. «. figs, very «. they are so e. 8. |
Psal, 141. 4. incline not my heart to any e. thing
29. 17 oflf, which is intended for the preservation of
49.23 for they have heard «. titiings, faint-hearted
Eccl.Q.S.H^wA not in an e. thing, doth what pleases the species, shall not enter into the congrega-
£»•*. 5.16. I will send on them *. arrows of famine 5. keepeth commandment, shall feel not. thing tion of the Lord. If'hich words art dijj'ertnily
17. so will I send on you famine and t. be.-vsts 12.14. every secret thing, whether it be good or e esplainii. Home think that God her4 forbids
<>. 11. alas, for all the «. abominations of IsraelJer. 2. 19. know that it is an 4. thing and bitter eunuchs to marry with Israelites: others,
Tit. 2. 8. having no e. thing to say of you
34.2s. I will cause the t. beasts to cease from land that God forbids them to 4nter into hit temple ;
38. 10. and thou shalt think an e, thought EVIL things others, that he iicludts ihtm from all offices
Hat. 2. 9- woe to him that coveteth an t. covetous /i)j/i.23.15.the Lord shall bring on you all 4, things tht magistracy ; and olhtrt, that God debar*
Maf. 5.4J. he maketh his sun to rise on *. and gomi Pro:'. 15. 28. mouth of wicked poureth out t. Ihingi them simply tht possession of somt outward pri-
7. 11. if ye then being «.£.«;(« 11. 13. Jer. 3. 5. thou done e. things as thou couldest vileges belonging to the Israelites and people of
18. a good tree cannot bring forth e. fruit .Mat. 12. .'tj. an evil man bringeth forth 4. things the Lord. 'They were looked upon in the eon-
12. 34. how can ye being e. speak good things ? Mari 7. 23. all these t. things come from within monreealth as dry and useless wood. Isa. 06. 3,
Luie If). 25. and likewise Lazarus 4. things
39. an e. generation seeketh a sign, f.n^e 1 1 cp.
Behold I am a dry tree. See Dky.
15. 19- forout of the heart proceed e. thoughts, ICom.l. 30. proud, boasters, inventors of e. things There were Eunuchs in the courts of the kings oj
murders, adulteries, fornications, MnriJ 21. 1 Cor. 10. ii. we should not lust after «. things
Judah and Israel, officers called Sarisni, *u-
24. 43. if that e. servant shall say in his heart EVIL times. inichs. Samuel, describing to the people the
Janice 6. 22. and shall out your name as«. 7'j«/.37.19.they shall not be ashamed in thee, time manner of theii king, tells them, 1 .Sam. 8. 15,
35. he is kind to the unthankful and to the ;. Ecct.g. 12. so the sons of men are snared in an e. time He will take the tenth of your seed, and give
John 3. 19. loved darkness, for their deeds were e. Amos 5.13. prudent keep silence, for it is an e. time to his officers, or eunuchs. Some understand
Ads C4. 20. if they have found any e. doing in me Mic. 2.3. nor shall go haughtily, for this time is e. this properly, that he should against the com,,
1 Ccr.15. .13. e. communicat. corrupt pood manners EVIL -.cay. mand of God make somt of his people eunuchs.
CoM.4.thathe might deliver us from this^. world 1 Kings 13. 33. Jeroboam returned not from e. way But others think that these eunuchs, in all pro-
^Eph. 4. 31. let e. speaking be put away from you fjn/.l 19.101. I refrained my feet from every e. w. bability, were slaves taken from some foreign
Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of e. workers Pri)».8.13.the fear of the Lord is to hate the e. u-ay people : or if they were Hebrews, the name of
'Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore e. concupiscence 28.10. whocauseth righteous to go astray in*, icay eunuchs, which is given them, shews no more
I Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh e. surmisin<;s Jer. 18.11. return ye now every one from his*, way than their office and dignity. Sie also, 1 Kings
Tit. 1.12. the Cretians are f. beasts, slow bellies 25.5. I
26.3. ,35. 15. 36. .3, 7. 22. 9. 2 kings 9. 32. | 24. 12, 15. X Chroo.

fl(ri.t0.22.your hearts sprinkled from ^.conscience 23.22. should have turned them from their *. may 28. 1.
Jam.1. 4. and are become judges of c. though's Jonah 3. 8. let them turn every one from his*, leay Gur Saviour in MaU 19- 12. speaks of a lert of
4.16. ye rejoice inboastings.all such rejoicing isif. 10. and saw that they turned from their *. way ewxmchs, different from these mentioned ptrsotu,
1 Pet.1. 1. laying aside all malice and e. speakings EVIL ways, who have made theuisetves euuuchs for the
Rev. 2. 2. how thou canst not bear them who are e. 2 A'i«?jl7.13.turnfrom youre.rt'oj/J, Eiei. 33. 11 kingdom of heaven's sake ; thai is, who, upon
EVIL day or days. /i^s('X.36.31.then shall ye rememoeryour own e. w some religious motive, do abstain from mar-
C«i.47.9. fsw and e. have the days of my life been Zech.l.i. turn ye now from your*, ways and doings riage, and the use of all carnal pleasures : that
P'ov. 15. 15. all the days of the afflicted are e. EVIL work or works. they may be less encumbered wiih me cares of ina
Eccl. 12.1. in youth, while the e. dnys cnme not Eccl. 4.3. who hath not seSn *. work that is done world, and may devote themselves more chttlj
Amos (3.3. ye that put far aivay the e. day 8.11. because sentence against an *. work is not to the service of God.

Efh. 5. 16. redeeming the time, because dntis are e. John 7. 7. I te.'t'fy that the works thereof are *. Gen. 37. f 36. to Potiphar an *. of Pharaoh's
6. 13. that ye may be able to withstand in the e. day liom. 13. 3. are not a terror to good works but *. 2 Kings 8. + 6. the king appointed an *. to restor*
Day of Evil,; see EviL, Huislanlirc. 2 7'i>H.4.18. L. shall deliver me from every e. work 23, 11. the chamber of Naihan-melcch the e.
EVIL doer, or doers. Jam. 3. lb. there is confusion, and every *. work 25. 1 19. out of the city he took au *. Jer. 52. 25.
Job 8. 20. neither will he help the e. doers 1 John 3. 12. because his own worksyieT<i 4 Isa. 50. 3. neither let the *.say, I am a dry tree
Psal. 26. 5. X hated the congregation of e. doers EVIL, /Jrft;*r4. Acts 8. C7. an *, had come to Jerusalem to worship
37. 1. fret not thyself because of e. doers Eiod. 5. 22. why hast thou so*, entreated people r 34. «. said, of whom speaks the prophet this'
g.e.doers shall be cut off.but those that wait on L Deiit, 26. 6. and the Egyptians *. entreated us 36. *. said, what doth hinder me to be baptized .'

94. If), who will rise up for me against the <•. dners ? 1 Chron. 7. 23. because it went *. with his house 39. Spirit caught Philip, that «.saw him uo mora
119. 115. depart from me, ye«. doers, I will keep Job 24. 21. he e. entreateth barren that beareth not EUNUCHS.
Jsa. 1. 4. ah, sinfnl nation, a seed of e. doers John 18. 23. if I have spoken *. bear witness 1 Sam. 8. 1 15. will give tenth of your seed to his*.

9. 17. every one is an hj-pocrite, and an e. doer Acts 7. 6. they should entreat ihem *. 400 years 2 t\ings 9. 32. there looked out two or three «.
14.20. the seed of « doers shall never be renowned 19. the same *. entreated our lathers 20 18. thy sons take away, and they shall be *. in
31. 2. but will arise against the house of e. doen 14. 2. their minds *. affected against the brethren the palace of the king of Babylon, Isa. 39. 7.
i/er.20.13. hath delivered soul of poor from e. doers 19.9-but spake *. of that way before the multitude 24. 1 12. Jehoiachim went out, he and his «.
23. 14. tliey strengthen the hands of e. doers 23. 5. shall not speak *. of the ruler of thy people 1 Chron. 28. tl. and David assembled the 4.

6 Tim. 2. 9- wherein I suflTer trouble as an e. doer Uom, 14. 16. let not your good be *. spoken of 2 Chron. 18. 8. Ahab called for one of his ».
1 Pet. 2. 12. whereas they speak ag. you as e. dners 1 Cor. 10. 30. why am I 4. spoken of for that iJM.l.+12.Vashti refused to coma byhandofhis*
14. are sent by him for the punishment of e. rfu^rj Jam. 4. 11. speak not *. one of another, brethren, 4. t 4. Esther's maids and *. came and told it her
t. If), whereas they speak evil of you as of e. dners he that speaks *. of his brother, speaks *. of hiw /to. 5(). 4. saith the L. to the *. that keep my>batk
.15. let none of you suffer as a thief or an «. doer 1 Pet. 3, 16. th.1t whereas they speak «. of you /*r.29.2. after that the*. were departed from Jerui.
See Doings, Eyc. J7.betteryesufler for well-doing than for*, doing 34, 19.*. which passed between the partsof the calf
EVIL heart. 4. 4. they think it strange, speaking *. of you 38. 7. when Ehedmelech one of the *. heard
Geji.H. 21. imagina. of man's /learr is e. from youth 14. their part he is *. spoken of, but on your part 41. 16. the *. whom he had brought from tiibeon
ifer.^.lT. nor walk after the imagination of e. heart 2 V'et. 2. 2. the way of truth shall be*, spoken of Dan. 1. 3. the king spake to the master of hi» «,
7. 24. walked in the imagination of their e. /ie,irt 10. are not afraid to speak *. of dignities, Jnde 8. 7. to whom the prince of the «. &ave names
11.8. every one in imagination of his e. heart 12. these, as natural brute beasts, speak *. of the 8. Daniel requested of the prince of the 4.
15. 12. every one after imagination of his e. heart things that they understand not, Jude 10. 9. Daniel brought into favour with prince of*.
16. 12. every one do the imagination of his«. heart EVILS. 18. then the prmceofthe *. brought them in
K! there be in any ane.Aeafj of unbelief D*Hr.31.17. many*, and troubles shall befal thorn, i1/ii{.19.12,some ire*, who were so born, sonic ara
EVIL m«7i or men. they will say, are not these *. come upon us made «. of meu, some have made themselves *.
Job .35. 12. ncne answer because of pride of e. men 18. for all the *. which they shall have wrought EUROCLVDON
east auJ
21. when many*, and troubles are befallen them Is a wind which blows ieluten
Psal. 10. 15. thou the arm of the e. man
140. 1. deliver me, O Lord, from the e. man /'j-n/.40.12. innumerable *, have compassed me alit. north. It is very dangerous, of the naiuie of a
Prov. 2. 12. to deliver thee from way of the e. man Jer. 2. 13. for my people have committed two *. whirlwind, which falls on a sudden upon thips,

4. 14. and go not in the way of e. men i:«*.6.9. shall lothe themselves for the 4. commit. makes them lack about, and sometimes cause*
12. 12. tlie wicked desireth the net of e. men 20.43,lotheyourselvesinyoursight for all your *. them to founder, as Pliny obstrtts.
17. II. an e. man seeketh only rebellion Ilos. 7. + 1. the «. of Samaria were discovered his it 14.tliere »rcse a tenipestu. wind, called*.
24. 1. be not thou envious against e. men Lnke 3. I9. for all the *. which Herod had done or EWES. EWE
19. fret not thyself because of*, men Jam. 1. f 13. God cannot he tempted with *. Gen. 21,28. Abraham set seven *. lambs by them*
20. for there shall be no reward to the *. man EUNUCH 29, he said, what mean these seven *. lambs ?
t8. 5. e. men understand no» judgment Com4i from tli4 Greek, Eunouchos, which 115711- 31, 38. *. and shr.gnats have cot cast their young
29.6. in transgression of an e. man there is a snare .ffei ON* who guards the bed ; because generally 32. 14. two hundred e. and twenty rams for l^a«
lUai, 12. S5. and an e. man out of the evil treasure III //(* courts of the eastern kings the care oj Let. 14, 10. take one *. lamb of the first year
bringeth forth evil things, Lnie 6. 45. the beds and apartments belonging to princes 22, 2H. whether cow or *. ye shall not kill it
2 Tim.S. IS. but e. men shall wax worse and worse and princesses was committed to them ; b C i'arn. 12.3. poor man had save one *.lamb
See KEPoriT. chietiy of the princesses, who live in great co Psal. 78. 71. he took him from following the •.
EVIL spirit or spirits. finemeni, remote from the sight and compa E.XACT.
Judg. 9' CS. 9em«. sp. between Abimelech and men of men. The Hebrew uord Saris, signifies a real D*»/,15,2, shall not*, it of hiioeighbouror brothel


£><uf. 15.3. of a foreigner thon mayest e. it againi^f/* of Israel «. the
people in Eevpt Hs that ihey art possible, mm
ue tee mt\
like ourselvei, who are united to frail Jleih,
JVVA 5. 7. you e. usury every one of his brother i Cor. 11. 7. abasing myself that you might be e
12.7. lest I should be"e. above measure, 7. and in the same condition with us, to com^iand
:0. 1 likewise mii;ht e. of them money and corn
Phil. 2. 9. wherefore God hath highly e. him iheir passions, to overcome the greatest aim
1 1 .restore hundredth part of money ye e. of them
Jam. 1. 9. let the brother rejoice that he is *. most glittering temptations, we are encow.igea
Psal. 89. C2. the enemy shall not e. upon him
/jo. 58. 3. behold, in your fasts ye *.aU yourlabours
EXALTESr. in our spii itual warfare. (3) Examples, by a

/.ui<3.13.hesaid,< more than what is appointed E»oi. 0. 17. as yet «.thou thvself
against my people secret and lively incentive, urge us to imiiam

E.XACTED. EXALTETH. turn. He are t^mched in another manner by

the visible practice of saints, which reproaches
£ Kings\5.10. Menahem e. of Israel Job 36.22. behold. God e. by his power
the money
Psal.Ui. 5. Lord our God, who e. hims. to dwell our defects, and obliges us to tht same teal,
23. 35. Jehoiakim e. the silver and the gold <i

148. 14. he also €. the horn of his people than by laws, though holy and good.
EXACTETH. The example of Christ is most proper to form n
Jiii 11.6. G.«. of thee less than thiue iniq. deserreth Prov. 3. t .55. wise inherit glory, but shame e. fools
to holiness, it being absolutely perfect, atidtiC..
EXACTION. 14. 29. he that is hasty of spirit e. folly
comiimlatedtotur present Hate.
34. righteousness e. a nation, but sin is a reproach There is ju>
Nth. 10. 31. we should Ie»T« the t. of erery debt
17. 19. he that e. his gate seeketh destruction examplt of a mere man, that it to be fallou ei
Luke 14.11.he that e. hims. shall be abased, 18.14. without limitation. Be ye followers ot me za
Etik. 45. 9. take away your e. from my people
I am of Christ, says the great Apostle, 1 Cor.
EXACTOR. 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down every thing that e. itself
11. 1. But the example of Christ is absolutely
Job 39. t7. nor regardeth he the crying of the t. 2 Thest. 2.4.who«. hims. above all that is called G.
EXACTORS, EXAMINATION. perfect. His conversation was a living lau-.
make thine righteousness Acts 25.26. that after e. had, I might have to write He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and sepanae
/jfl. 60. 17. I will also <.
EXAMINE, from sinners, Heb. 7. 26. Hit example i»
EXALT. also most accommodated to our present stale.
Eted. 15.2. he is my father's God, and I will e. him IV'lien applied to God,
denotes the partietilar
notice he takes of his creatures. Psal. The divine nature it the supreme rule of maraj
1 Sam. 2. 10. he shall e. the horn of his anointed strict
Examine me, O
Lord, and prove me ; perfection ; for we ate commanded to be holy,
Job 17. 4. therefore shah thou not e. them 26. 2,
try my reins and my
heart. As if the Psalmist as God it holy, hut such it the obscurity oj
Psal. 34. 3. and let us e. his name together
had said. Because I may be mistaken, or be par- our minds, and tht weakness of our natures,
37. 34. he shall e. thee to inherit the land
tial in my oa)>» cause, therefore I appeal to that the pattern wat loo high and glorious to
66. 7. let not the rebellious t. themselves
92. 10. but my horn shall thou e. like the horn thee, and offer myself to thy trial concerning be expressed by ut. And though ut had not
my enemies charge me strength to ascend to him, yet he had goodnest
99. 5. e. je the Lord our God, and worship, 9. ivhat viith.
to descend to ut ; and in this present sttiie,
107. 32. let them t. him in the congregation When
applied to man, examination it either pri-
Private, when a Christian and in our nature, to set before ut a pattern
118. C8. thou art my God, I will e. thee vate or public.
tries himself by the uord of God, and by uhai more fitted to our capacity: So that the diiine
140. 8. further not, lest the wicked t. themselves
Christ has uronghl by his Spirit tciihin him, attribuiet art sweetened in the Son of God
Proi\ 4. 8. e. her, and she shall promote thee
whether he be a true believer in Jesus, and incarnate ; and being united with the grucet
Jia. 13. 2. t. the voice unto them, shake the hand
proper for the human natuie, are more percepiillt
14. 13. I will «. my throne above the stars of God has any ground to hope for salvation lhrt:ug/i
to cur minds, and more imitable by itt.
25. 1. O Lord, thou art my God, I will e. thee his blood and righteousness, 2 Cor. 13. 5,
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the Mat. 1.19. Joseph not willing to make her a public t
KieJt. 21. 26. f.him that is low, abase the high
faith, prove your own selves. And this duty John 13. 15. for 1 have given you an e. that ye do
29. 15. nor shall it «. itself any more above n.itions
is especially to be performed before persons par-
llom. 15. i like minded afttr the e. of Christ
31. 14. to the end none of the trees e. themselves
1 Cor. 11. 28, But 1 Jim. 4. 12. but be thou an e. of the believers
i>a«.11.14.robbers of thy people shall /.themselves lake of the Lord's supper.
let a man examine himself, and so let him
Heb. 4. 11. lest any man tail after the same e.
.36. the king shall #. himself above every god
Let 8. 5. who serve unto the «. of heavenly things
/fe*.11.7. tko' they called, none at all would t. him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
DbaJ. 4. though thou e. thyself as the eagle htm compare his heart and life by the word, Jam. 5. 10. take the prophets for an e. of sufTermg
to see ahether he be duly qualified to partake 1 Pet. 2. 21. Christ suffered for us, leaving us an«.
Mai. 23.12. whoso shall e. himself, shall be abased
2 CVr.ll.20.if aman t. himself, if a man smite you of this ordinance, in regard of his knouUd^e,
Judel. set forth an e. suffering the vengeance
1 P«r.5.6.humble youBiel.thathemay ;.induetime faith, repentance, loie, and netu obedience. EXAMPLES.
EXALTED. Public examination is, xchen rulers and governors, 1 Cor. 10.6. now these things were our e. not to Itist

Num. 24. 7. and his kingdom shall be e. whether civil, or ecclesiastical, bring such as are See Ensample, s.
1 Sam. 2. 1. she said, mine horn is e. in the Lord suspected of unsound principles, or delected of EXCEED.
£6Vif/i. 5. 12. perceived that Ix)rdhad«. his kingdom enormities, to a trial for the same. Thus it is Dcu*. 25.3. forty stripes he may give, and not e. lest
if he should*, thy brother seem vile to thee
22. 47. the Lord liveth, and e. be the God of the said of the angel of the church of Ephesus,
ATflf .5.20. except your righteousness e. the scribes
rock of my salvation, Psal. 18. 46 Pev. 2. 2, Ihou hast tried them which say
1 Kin^s 1. 5. then Adonijah e. himself, saying they are apostles, and are not ; and hast found 2 C»r.3.9. ministration of righteousn.doth«.io glory
14. 7. I t. thee from among the people, 16. 2. them liars. And our Saviour was examined EXCEEDED.
S Kings 19. 22. against whom hast thou e. thy voice by I'ilate, though he was innocent, and the 1 .Sam. 20. 41. and they wept, till David e.
and lift up thine eyes on high? Isa. 37. 23. things laid to his charge mere unjust, Luke 2.' 1 Kinp10.23.Solom. «.all kings of earth for riches
1 Chr. 29. 11. and thou art e. as head above all 13, 14. And the apostle Paul was ordered Job 30. 9. sheweth their transgressions that they e
Nell. 9. 5. which is e. above all blessing and praise to be examined by scourging. Acts 22. 24 EXCEEDEST.
Job 5.11. that those who mourn may be «. to safety jls to the manner of examining by scourg- 2 Chron. Q. 6. for thou e. the fame that I heard
24. 24. they are e. for a little while, but are gone ing, or putting one to the question. See on EXCEEDETH.
36. 7. he doth establish them for ever, they are e. Question. 1 Kings 10.7. thy wisdom «.the fame that I beard
Psal. 12.S. wicked walk when the vilest men are e. I'tra 10. 16. sat down the first day to e. the matter EXCEEDING.
13. 2. how long s'hall my enemy be e. over me Psal. 26. 2. e. me, O Lord, prove me, try my reins Gen.lS.l. I am thy shield, and thy*, great reward
21 13. be thou «. Lord, in thine own strength
. 1 Cor. 9- 3. mine answer to them that e. me, is this 17.6. I will make thee e. fruitful, make nations
46. 10. be still luid know I am God, I will be ; 11. 28. let a man e. himself, and so let him eat of 27. 34. and Esau cried with an *. bitter rry
among th« heathen, I will be t. in the earth 2 Cor. Vs. 5. e. yourselves, prove your own selves Exod. 1.7- the children of Israel waxed*, mighty
47- 9- shields of earth belong to G. he is greatly «. EXAMINED. 19. 16. and the voice of the trumpet *. loud
57. 5. be thou e. OGod, above the heavens, 11. Luke 23. 14. behold, I have e. him before you Num. 14.7. the land we passed through is «. good
75. 10. but the horns of the righteous shall be e. Acts 4. 9. if we this day be e. of the good deed 1 Sam. 2.3. talk no more so *. proudly

8'J. 16. in thy righteousness shall they be e. 12. 19. Hej-od e. keepers, and commanded to death 2 Sam. 8. 8. king David took *. much brass
17. and in thy favour our horn shall be e. 22. 24. brought, that he should be e. by scourging 12.2. the rich man had*, many Hocks and herds
19. I have e. one chosen out of the people 2y. they depart, from him, who should have?. him 1 Kings 4. 20. God gave Solomon wisdom *. much
24. and in my name shall his horn be e. 28. 18. when they had e. me would have let me go 7.47- left vessels unweighed, they were «. many
97. g. thou, Lord, art e. far above all gods EXAMINING. 1 Chr. 20.2. he brought*, much spoil out of the city
108. 5. be thou e. O
God, above the heavens Acts 24. 8. by*, of whom thou mayest take knowl. 22. 5. and the house must be *. niagiiifical
112. 9 his horn shall be t. with honour EXAMPLE 2 Chron. II. 12. zmd he made the cities *. strong
118. 16. the right hand of the Lord is *. Is taken either for a type, instance, or precedent, 14. 14. for there was *. much spoil in them
140. ^8. further not, let not the wicked be e. for our admonition, that we may be cautioned 16. 12. Asa disejised.until his disease waxed *, great
Prov. 11. 11. by the blessing of the upright city is e. against the sins which others have committed, Hezekiah had *. much riches and honour
32. 27.
Isa. 2. 2. the mountain of Lord's house shall by the judgments which God infiicled on them, /Va/.2 1.6. thou hast made him *. glad with thy coun.
be €, above the hills, all nations How to it, 1 Cor. 10. II, All these things happened unto 43. 4. then will 1 go unto God my *. joy
A/if.4.1. them for ensamples. Or example is taken 119. 96. but thy commandment is *. broad
11. the Lord shall be e. in that day, 17. 5. I6. |
a pattern for our imitation, a model for us to I'rov. .30.24. there be four things which are e. wis?
12. 4. praise Ld. make mention that his name is t. copy after. John 13. 15, I have given you i^c/.7.24. that which is*, deep, who can find it out?
30. 18. will be e. that he may have mercy on you an example, that ye should do a^ I have done y*r.4b.C0.we heard the pride of Moab.hc is «. proud
S3. 5. the Lord is <. 10. now will I be e.
to you. And in 1 Pet. 2. 21, Christ suffered l.tek. 9. 9. the iniquity of Israel is *. great
40.4. every valley shall be e, t\eTy mountain low for us, leaving us an example, tha< we should 16. 13. thou didst eat oil, and wast *. beautiful
49. 11. and my high-ways shall be e. follow his steps. This is one of the means by 23.15. *. in dyed attire upon their heads
52. 13. behold my servant shall be e. and extolled which our Redeemer restores his people to holi- .37 10. stood up upon their feet an *. great army

iiek. 17. 24. that I the Lord have*, the low tree ness, namely, by exhibiting a complete pattern 47. 10. as the fish of the great sea, *. many
1 9. 11. and her stature was e.among branches, 31.5. of it in his life upon earth. Van. 3. 22. because the furnace was *. hot
Bos. 11. 7. together they ». not him That examples have a peculiar power above the 6. 23. then was the kinc *. glad for him
13. 1, F.phraim spake, he t. himself in Israel naked precept, to dispose us to the practice of 7.19. tlie fourth beast which was *. dreadful
6. tliey were filled, and (heir heart wa.s e. holiness, may afipear by considering, (I) That 8. 9. came forth a little horn which waxed *. great
Hal. 11.23. Capenia'.im e. to heaven. Luke 10. 16. they most clear lif express to uj the nature of Jonah 3. 3. now Nineveh was an *. great city
23.12.e. himselfbc abased, that shall humble him- our duties in their svijects and sensible effects. 4. 6. so Jonah was *. glad of the gourd
self shall be t. Luke 14. 11. 18. 14. General precepts form abstract ideas of virtue Mat.<2.\0. saw star, they rejoiced with *. great joy

Lfikt 1. 52. and he hath e. them of low oegree but in examples, virtues art made visible in all 16. Herod, when he was mocked, was «. wrotb
Atis S. 33. being by the right-hand of God €. their ciicumstancet. fS) Precepts instrvct us 4. 8. taketh him up into an *. high mnuniam
6> 31 llim h&ib God t. with his right-band tehat lhiH(S art vur duty, but examolet astvit 5. 12. rejoice andM t. glad, great is your rewaidj
EXC EXC EXE 96. methimtwoposs. with devils, «. fierce Phil. 3. 8. 1 count ill things loss for the ft of Chr. R«r,2.52.into tribulaUon, «. they rtptnt thdr deeds
17. $3. they shall kill him they were e. sorry
S6. SC. they were e. sorrowful, and began to say Euh. Ahasuenis shewed his e. majesty
1. 4. 1 Cor. i5.27.he is*. who did put all things tmderhim
38. my soul is e. sorrowful. Mart 14. 34 Job 31. 23. the Almighty is e. in power EXCESS.
Markf]. 26. the king was e. sorry, yet for the oath I'sril. 8. 1. how e. is thy name in all the earth 9. Mnt. 23. 25. within are full of extortion
and «,
9. his raiment became e. white as snow
."?. Ifi. 3. and to the e. in whom is all my
Lph. 5. 18. be not drunk with wine, wherein
l/vke C3. 8. when Herod saw Jesus, he was e. glad 36. 7. how e. is thy loving-kindness, O God
U «.
1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in lusts,*, of
Acts' CO. Moses was born, and was e. fair
. 76.4. thou art more e. than the mountains of prey 4. that ye run not with them to the same «.
Horn. 7. 13. that sin might become e. sinful 141. 5. let him reprove me. it shall be an e. oil" EXCHANGE.
2 Cor. 4. 17- worketh for us an t. weight of glory 148. 13. praise the Lord, his neime alone is e. ''t'n. 47. 17.3oseph gave them bread in
t. for horses
7.4. I am t. joyful in all your tribulation 150. 2. praise him according to his e. greatness Lev. 27. 10. then it and the
*. thereof shall be holy
9.14. who long after you.for «. grace of God in you Prov. 8. 6. hear, for I will speak of e. things Job 20. 1 18. according to the substance of his
BpA. 1 19- what is the e. greatness of his power
. 12.26.the righteous is more e. th<in his neighbour 28. 17. and the *. of it shall not be for jewels
2. 7. he might shew the e. riches of his grace 17-7. t. speech becometh not a fool Mat. 16.26. if gain world and lose his soul, whal
3. 'JO. to him that is able to do e. abundantly 27. a man of understanding is of an e. spirit shall a man give in *. for his soul Mark
8. 37. .'

1 Tim. 1. 14. the grace of our Lord was e. abundant 22. 20. have I not written to thee e. things .'

1 Per. 4. 13. that ye may be glad also with «. joy Cant. 5. 15. his countenance e. as the cedars £;*-( .48.14. they shall not sell of it, nor *. first
2 Pe/.1.4.given tous«.great and precious promises Isa. 4. 3. and the fruit of the earth shall be e.
Jude 24. able to present you faultless with e. joy 12. 5. sing to the Lord, he hath done e. things Mat. 25. 27. oughtest to have put my money to *.
iiev. 16. 21. for the plague thereof was e, great 22. t 17. Lord covered thee with an e. covering EXCLUDE.
E.XCEEDINGLY. 28. 29. the Lord of hosts is e. in working Gfl/.4. 17. they would *. you, that you
might affect
Oen. 7.19. the waters prevailed e. on the earth Ezek. 16. 7. and thou art come to e. ornaments EXCLUDED.
13. 13. but the men of .Sodom were sinnerj e. 27. + 24. these were thy merchants in e. thmgs Rom. 3. 27. where is boasting then ? it is e. 2. 31. this image, whose brightness was e.
16. 10. the angel said, I will multiply thy seed e. EXCOMMUNICATED.
17. 2. 1 will make my coven, and multiply tnee e. 4. 36. an e. mjgesty was added unto me Excommunication is an ecclesiastical censure,
20. I will multiply Ishmael e. a great nation 5. 12. an e. spirit was found in Daniel, 6. 3. whereby they -uho incur the guilt of any heinous
27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. and said 14. I heard that e. wisdom is found in thee sin, are separated from the communion
of thi
30. 43. and Jacob increased e. 47. 27. Luke 1.3. to write td thee, most e. Theophilus church, and deprived of spiritual advantages
1 Sam. 26. 21. T have played the fool and erred e. Acts 23.26. ClaudiUiS, to the e. governor I'elix that they may be brought to repentance,
2 Sam. 13. 15. then Amnon hated her «. and said /fo/n.2.18. and approvest things more «. Phil.1.10. others, by their example, kept from tht
2 Kings 10. 4. the elders of Samaria were e. afraid 1 Cor. 12. 31. yet shew I unto you a more e. way enormities. Mat. 18. 15, I6, 17. 1 Cor. 5. 5.
1 Chr. 29. 25. Ld. magnified Solom. t. 2 Chr. 1.1. Jleb. 1. 4. he obtained a more e. name than they 7. 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15.
2 Chr. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat waxed great «. 8. 6. tut now hath he obtained a more e. ministry There are generally three sorts of F.xcommunica-
26. 8. Uzziah strengthened himself e. 11. 4. Abel offered to God a more e. sacrifice tion, distinguished among the Jews.
The first
Neh. 2. 10. they heard of it, it grieved them e. 2 Pet. 1. 17. there came a voice from the e. glory is called Niddui, that is, separation.
This is
£j//i.4.4.the queen was e. grieved.and sent raiment EXCEPT. the lesser Excommunication. It lasted Ihirtif
Job 3. 22. rejoice «. when they can find the grave Gen. 31.42.«. the G.of my father had been with me days, and separated the excommunicated
Psal. 68. 3. yea, let the righteoi^ e. rejoice 32. 26. I will not let thee go, e. thou bless me from the me of things holy. The second uas
106.14. lusted e. in the wilderne^s.and tempted G. 42. 15. e. your youngest brother come, 43. 3, 5. called Cherim, that is AnaUiema ; this aas tt*
IIQ. 167. kept thy testimonies, I love them e. 43. 10. e. we had lingered, we had now returned aggravation of the first, and ansiiers almost to
123. 3. for WK are e. filled wilii contempt, 4. 47. 26. fifth part, e. the land of the priests only our greater excommunication. ]; excluded a
/*a. SJ.ig. the earth is dissolved, earth is moved e Xum, Ip. 13. c, thou make thyself a pri.nce over us man from the synagogue, and deprived him oj
Dan. 7. 7. and behold, a fourth beast strong e. Deu^. 32.30. e. their Rock had .sold them all civil commerce. The third sort of Excom-
Jcmah 1. 10. men were e. afraid, and said to him Joi/i.T.l2. e. you destroy accursed from among you nmnicaiion is called Scammatha, and aas
of a
16. then the men feared the Lord e. and offered 1 Sam. -25. 34. e. thou hadst hasted to meet me higher nature than the greater excommunication.
4. 1. but it displeased Jonahs, and he was angry 2 Sam. 3. Q. e. as the Lord hath sworn to David It was published, as they say, by sound
of four
Mat, ly. 25. heard it, they wire e. amazed, saying 13. e. thou first bring Michal, Saul's daughter hundred trumpets, and removed all hope of re-
Adnrk 4 41. they feared e. and said one to another 5. 6. e. thou take away the blind and the lame turning to the synagogue. Some ajiim,' t/ial
15. 14. they cried out the more e. crucify him 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not thy riding, e. I bid thee .'/,' penalty
of death Has annexed to it. Hut
Act! If). 20. these men do e. trouble our city Eslh. 2. 14. e. the king delighted in her and called Selden maintains, that these three terms, Nid.
2(j. ]1. being e. mad against them, I persecuted 4. 11. e. the king shall hold out the golden sceptre dui, Cherim, and Scammatha, are ofteniimes
27. 18. and we being e. tossed with a tempest Psal.l2T.l.e. the Lord build the house, e. the Lord synonymous, and that the Jew* never had, pro-
9Cor. 7.13. yea, and e. the more joyed we for Titus keep the city, the watchmen watch but in vain perly speaking, more than ttio sort: of excom-
Gal. 1. 14. being more e. zealous of the traditions Prov. 4. 16. sleep not, e. they have done mischief munication ; one greater, the other less. Sel-
1 Thiss. 3. 10. night and day praying e. to see you Isa. 1. g.e.the Lord had left a remnant, liom.g.'ig. den de synedrtis merum JJeiiet'riim, lib. L
2 T/iess. 1. 3. because that your faith groweth'e. Dan. 2. 11. none other can shew it, e. the gods c.ip. 7. andR.
Hct. Vi. 21. Moses said, I e. fear and ouake .3. 28. nor worship any god, e. their own God John 'J. t 31. dost thou teach us and they *. him .'

EXCEL. 6. 5. e. we find it concerning the law of his God E.XCUGE.

Gen. 49. 4. unstable as water, thou shall not e. Amos 3. 3. can two walk together, e.they be agreed r Luke 14. 18. they with one consentbegan to make e.
1 Chron. 15. 21 with harps on the .Sheminith to e. .Uo/.5.20.e.your righteousn. exceed that of .scribes John 15. f 22. now have they no *. for their sin
Psal. 103. 20. ye his angels, that e. in strength 12. 29. e. he first bind the strong man, Mark 3. 2". 1.20. clearly seen, so that they are without^.
Ita. 10. 10. and whose graven images did e. them 18.3. 1 say to you, e. ye be converted and become EXCUSE.
1 Cor. 11. 12. seek that ye may e. to edifying 19- 9. put away his wife, e. it be for fornication 2 Cur. 12. 19. think you that we *. ourselves to you?
EXCELLED. 24. 22. and e. those oays should be shortened EXCUSED.
IKin^si.'M. Solomon's wisdom e, wisdom of Egypt there should no flesh be saved, Mark 13. 20. Luke 14. 18 I pray thee h.ive me *. ig.
EXCELLEST. 26.42. if this cup may not pass.e.I drink it.thy will EXCUSING.
Prov. 21. 29. doiie virtuously, but thou e, them all .Mark J. 3. the Pharisees, e. they wash oft, eat not /iV;n.2.15.their thoughts accusing or else *. one aa
KXCELLEXH. Luke 9. 13. e. we go and buy meat for this people E.XECRATION.
Ectl. 2. 13. wisdom t. folly, as far as light e. dark. 13. 3. e. ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish, 5. Jcr. 42. 18. and ye shall be an *. and a curse
8 Cor. 3. 10. by reason of the glory that e. John 3. 2. can do these miracles, «. G. be with him 44. 12. and they shall be an *. <ind a reproach
EXCELLENCY. 3.e. a man be born again, he cannot see the kingd. .-lets 23. 1 12. bound themselves with an oath of *•
Gen 4. t 7. doest well, shalt thou not have the e. t 5. e. a man be bom of water and of the Spirit EXECUTE.
49. 3. the e. of dignity, and the e. of power 27. can receive nothing, e. it be given from heaven r.xod.\1. 12.1 will ^.judgment on the gods of Ecypt
Exod. 15.7. and in the greatness of thine e. 4. 48. e. ye see signs and wonders, ye will not bel. Sum. 5.30. the priest shall *. upon her all this law
Deut. 3.3. 26. who rideth in his e. on the sky t>. 44. e. the Father who hath sent me draw him 8. 11. tliat they may *. the service of the Lord
20- shield of help, and who is the sword of thy e. 5'J e. ye eat the flesh of the Son of man Dent, 10.18. he doth e. the judgment of tlie widow
Job 4. 21. doth not their e. go away they die
.' 65. e. it were given unto him of my Father 1 Kings 6. 12. if thou wilt *. my judgments
13. 11. shall not his e. make you afraid? 12. 24. e. a corn of wheat fall into the ground l^sal. 119.84. when wilt thou *.judgm. on them that
20. 6. ihough his «. mount up to the heavens 15. 4. ye cannot bear fruit, e. ye abide in me 119. 7- to *. vengeance upon the heathen
22. t 26. but their e, the fire consumeth 19. 11. no power, e. it were given ihec from above 9. to *. upon them the judgmeDt WTilten
37. 4. he thijndereth with the voice of his*. 20. 25. e. I shall see the prints of the nails ha. 16. 3. take counsel, e. judgment, hide oulc.uts
40. 10. deck thyself now with majesty and e. .lets 8. 1. they were all scattered,*, the apostles Jer. 7. 5. *. Judgm. between a man and his neighb.
Psal. 47- 4. the e. of Jacob whom he loved 31. how can I, e. some man should guide me ? 21. 12. *. judgment in the morning, and deliver
62. 4. they consult to cast him down from his c. 15. I.e. ye be circumcised, ye cannot be saved 22.3. *. judgui. and righteousness, deliver spoiled
fiS. 34. his e. is over Israel, and his strength 24. 21. e. it be for this one voice, that 1 cried 23. 5. branch shall *. judgni. and justice, 33. IS
Prov. 17. + 7. a lip of «. becometh not a fool 26. 29. all were such as 1 am, e. these bonds Euk. 5. 8. 1 will t, jndunient in thee, 10.
Cccl. 2. t 13. I saw lh?t (here is an e. in wisdom 27. 31. Paul said, c. these abide in ship, ye cannot 15. when I shall *. judgments in thee in fury
7.1c. the e. of Knowledge is, that wisdom gives life /w.«i. 7.7. I had not known lust, e. the law had said 11.9. and I will *. judgnunis among you
.7.(3. n. 19. Babylon the oeauty of the Chaldees' e. 10. 15. how shall they preach, e. they be sent ? 16.41. thev shall *. jiulgnienis upon ihee
35. 2. e. of Carmel, .Sharon and the e. of our G. 1 CV)r.7. 5. defraud not oneanoih.e.itbewith consent
25. 11. and will *. judgments upon Moab

6u. 15. I will make thee an eternal e. a joy 14. 5. that speaketh with tongues, e.he interpret 17. and 1 will *. great vengeance upon them
l.zek. 16. +56- Sodom not mentioned in (lay of e. 6. e. I shall speak to you either by revelation 30. 14. 1 set lire in /oan, and *. judgments in No
24,21. my sanctuary, the e. of your strength 7. e. they give a distinction in the sounds 19. thus will *. judgments in Egypt

Avio.', 0. 8. saith the Lord, I abhor the e. of Jacob 9. e. ye utter wonls easy to be understood 45. 9. remove violence, *. judgment and justice
H. 7. the Lord hath sworn by the e. of Jacob 15. 3t). '.ha.' thou sowesl is not quickened, e. it die llos. 11.9. I will not f. the fierceness of mine anget
AuA. 2. 2. for the Lord hath turned away the e. of 2 Cor. 12. 12. «. it lie that 1 was not burdensome Mic. 5. 15. and I will t. vengeance in iuiger
laiob, as the e. of Israel .cmptiers emptied then. 13. 5. Ihst Christ is in you, e. ye be reprobates 7- 9- till he plead my cause, and *. judgm. forii;e

A/ii/. 2. t 15. yet had he the e. of the Spirit C J'/iess. 2 3. *. mere come a falling away first '/.ech. 7.9. *. true judgment and shew mercy

1 Cir. i. 1. I came not to you with e. of speech 2 Tim. 2 e. he \s not crowned, «. he strive lawfully 6. 16. «. the judgment of truth and peace
3 Lor. i. 7 that the e. of the power may be of God iUv.l.b. w'j' remove thy candlestick, e. thou repent Jo/mS.ZI, hath given him nuthoritj to e. judgment

Kem 13. 4. he is the minister of Ood to *. wrath Aeti 18. 27. brethren wrote, e. diic. to receive him EXPIATION.
Juiii 13. to t. judgment on all, and to convince Ileb.XO.'ii. but e. one another, and so much more '
Num. 35. 1 33. and there can be no *. for tha land
EXECUTED. 1 I'ti. 5. 12. by Silvanus I have written briefly,*. EXPIRED.
Ifum. .13. 4.on their gods the Lord *. judgments EXILE. 1 Sam. 18. 26. and the days were not *.
Veil!, .n. 21. he e. the justice of the Lord 2 5am. 15. 19. for thou art astranger and also an t. 2 Sam. 11. 1. after the year was *. 1 Chron. ZO.
tSam. 8. 15. David e. judgment, 1 Chrou. 18. 14. Jta.Sl. 14. the captive *. haslencth to be loosed 1 Cliron. 17. 11. shallcomir to pass>whend.iys be t,
1 Chron. 6. 10. he it is thlt t. the priest's office 2 Chron. 36. 10. when year*. Nebuch.tdnezzarseat
E.VORCISTS. Esth. 1 5. when these days were *. the i ing made
24. 2. Eleazar and Ithamar #. the priest's office .

T/iis xord comes from the Greek E.jOfxifio, Ex-

t Chron. 24. 2*. they #. judi^ment against Joash Ezek. 43. 27. when these days arc *. itsliall be thai
orcisein, nAiVA signifies to adjure to conjure, to and when forty years were *.
E%ra 7. 26. let judgment be t. speedily on him Acts'}. iO.
use the name of l~hjd. Kith a design to cast de-
P/. 106.30. then stood up Phiuehas, and*, judgment liev. 20. 7. when 1000 years are *. Satan be loosed
vils out of the bodies zohich they possess. When our
Eecl. 8. 11. because 3«ntence is not e. speedily EXPLOITS.
Saviour sent out his disciples to prearh the gos- Dan.
J<r.23.20.angerof L.shall not return till behaves. 11. 28. to his land hesh:ill do*, and return
pel, he gave them po-xer over unclean spirits, to
Litk. 11. 12. neither e. my judgments, 20. 24. 32. but the people shall be strong and do *.
18.8.hath«.iruejudgm. between man and man, 1*. cast them out, Mat. 10. I. And when the seven- EXPOSED.
ty returned, they told our Saviour, Luke 10. 17, Judg. Zebulun and Naphlali a
23. 10. for ihcy had «. judgment upon her 5. t 18. peopli; *
Lord, even the devils are subject to us, EXPOUND.
28. 22. when I shall have e. 26.
through thy name. By this gift, lliey gained
3y. 21. heathen shall see my judgm. that 1 have e. Lev. 24. 1 12. put him in ward, to *. mind of God
repute amun; the people, confirming them thai Judg. 14. 14. they could not in three days *. riddle
Lukt 1.8. while Zacharias ». the priest's oQicc the-j acre sent of Ood. St. Paul, in Acts I6.
l!i. cast out a i/evil, in the name of Christ ; 1
Judg. 14. 19- garments to them who *. the riddle
1 &im. 25. 18. nor «. his fierce wrath on Amalck
command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to I^ark 4. 34. when they were alone, he *. all thing*
EX EC UT EST. come out of her: and he came out the same
Pt. 99.4. thou «. judgm. and righteousness in Jacob Z.u/*24. 27. he *. to them in all the scriptures
hour. This gift continued «'» the church, after Acts 11.4. but Peter *. it by order unto them
EXECUTETII. the death of the apostles, at some say, for about
Ptal. 9. If). Lora is known by the judgment he e. 18. 26. Aquila and Priscilla *. to him way of Goi
two hundred years, and ceased by degrees. 28. 23. Paul *. and testified the kingdom of God
103. 6. the Lord e. righteousness and judgment
Those Jewish exorcists, mentioned Acts I9. 13. E.\PRESS.
146. 7. the Lord t. judgment for the oppressed
were such at usurped and counterfeited this who boing the image of his person
lia. 46. 11 the inan that i. my counsel from afar Ileb. 1. 3. *.
gift, though they had it not ; but what they did

Jtr.S. 1. ifnny t. judgment, I will pardon it E.VPRESS. ED.

was only by uilchcrafi, and compact uilh the took men which are *. by name*
JutI 8. 11. for be is strong that (. his word A't/m. 1. 17. their
E.XECUTING. 1 Chr. 12. 31. and of Manassch 18,000,*. byname
Josephus relates strange stories concerning these IG. 41. who were e. by name, to give thanks to L.
2 flings 10. 30. thou hast done well in t. on Ahab
exorcists. Jie says, that one Eleazar, a Jew, 2 Chron. 28.15. men *. took captives, clothed nakctt
8 CAr. 11. 14. Jeroboam had cast them off" from e.
cured the possessed uilh the help of a ring, in 31. 19. men *. to give portions to the man
22.8. when Jehu wast, judgment on Abab's house
which a root was set, said by some to have been
EXECUTION. discovered by Solomon. The smell of this root,
Aird 8. 20. the Nethinims were *. by name
EsiA. 9. 1. his decree drew near to be put in e. Job 6. t 3. therefore I want words to *. my grief
put under the noie of the possessed person, wade E.\PR-ESSLY.
EXECUTIONER. him fall on the groutid ; and the exorcist con-
RIari 6. 27. the king sent an «. and commanded 1 Sam. 20. 21. if I *. say to the lad, behold arrow*
jured the devil, forbidding him to return into word came
EXECUTIONERS. that body ; Joseph. Ajiliq. lib. \i. cap. 2. Jus-
Ezek. 1. 3. the «. to I'.zekicl the priest
(Itn. 3". f 36. sold him to Potiphar, chief of the e. 1 I'im. 4. 1. now the Spirit speaketh *. some depart
tin, Orii^en, and TertuUian, speak of Jews, wht
Jtr. .tg. 1 9. Nebuzar-adan chief of the «. 52. 1 12. E.VPULSIONS.
boasted of a power to cast out devils, and, it it
Van. 2. 1 14. to Arioch the chief of the €. Esek. 45. t 9. take away your *. from my people
said, that tomelimes in reality ihcy dirt to, by E.XIEND.
EXEMPTED. calling upon the Ood of Abraham.
1 Kingi 15.22. Asa made proclamation.nouc was*.
Psal. log. 12. let there be none to *. mercy to hin'
EXERCISE. Acts 19- 13. then certain of the vagabond Jews, *. Ita. 06.12. behold, I will *. peace to her like a rive?
1 3V«.4.R bodily <-profiteth little, godliness profit. EXPANSION. E.XTENDED.
EXERCISE. Gen. ] .t 6. let there be an e. in midst of the waters Cen. 39. \ 21 but the
. Lord *. kindness to Joseph
Psal. 131. 1. nor do I €. myself in things too high EXPECTATION. Ezra' . 28. *. mercy to me ||
9. 9. *. mercy to u.>

Jer. 9, 24. 1 am tl>e Lord which e. loving-kindness 1 Chron. 29^ 15. days as a shadow, there is no *. Jer. 31. f 3. 1 have *. loving-kindness to theo
Mai. 2i). 25. ye Vnow that princes of the Gen- Job 6. +8. O that God would grant me mine e. EXTENDETH.
tiles (. dominion over them, and they that Ps. 9.18. the*, of the poor shall not perish forever Psal. 16. 2. my Lord, my goodness *. not to the*
are great e. authority upon them, Mark 10. (52.5. wait thou on God, for my *. is from him E.VTINCT.
42. Luke 82. 25. Piov. 10.28. the *.of the wicked ihall perish, 11. 7. 7(1*17.1. my days are*, the gr.ivesare ready forme-
ilffj24. 16. herein dol ^.myself tohavc aconscienr-' 11. 23. but the *. of the wicked is wrath Isa. 43. 17« they are *. they are quenched as tow
1 'Jim. 4. 7- and e. thyself rather unto godliness 23. 18. thine *. shall not be cut off, 24. 14. EXTINGUISH.
EXERCISED. 5. they shall be askamcd of their e.
ha. 20. Ezek. 32.1". when I shall *. thee, I will cover heavr
Ecel. 1. 13. sore travail, to be e. therewith, 3. 10. 6. the inhabitants shall say, behold, such is our*. EXTINGUISHED.
Utek. 22. 29. the people of the land have e. robbery Jer. 29. t 11. I think to give you an end and *. Job 6. tl7. when it is hot, they are*, out of place
lUb. S. 14. senses e to discern both good and evil /^crh. 9. 5. Ekron for her *. shall be ashamed EXrOL.
John P.ial. 30. 1. I will *. thee, O Lord, hast lifted me up
12. W . fruit of right, to them who are e. thereby Luke 3. 15. and as the people were in *. said
2 Pel. 2. 14. an heart e. with covetous practices Acts 12. II. Lord hath delivered me from *. of Jews Cii. 4. *. him thatrideth upon the heavens
eXercisetii. HoM. 8. 19. forthe*. of the creature waiteth for 145. 1. I will *. thee, my God, King, and bless O
Rtv. 13. 12. he e. ajl the power of the first beast Phil. 1. 20. accoiding to my
earnest *. and hope Dan. 4. 37. I Nebuchadnei. *. the King of heaven
4cn 2. 40. with many words did he testify and e. Job 32. t 4. Elihu had *. till Job had spoken Psal. 66. 17. and he was *. with my tongue
87. 22. and now I t. you to be of good cheer Jer. 29. 11. for I think to give you an *. end Ita.b". 13. behold, my servant shall be *.
2 Cor. 9. 5. therefore I thought it necessary to e. EXPECTINC;. E.XTORTION.
1 Theit. 4.1. we beseech you, brethren, and e. you Acts 3. 5. *. to receive something of them Etek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily gained by 4.
1 18. wherefore e. one another with these wonls 7/*^. 10. 13. *. till his enemies be made his footstool Mat. 23. 25. but within they are full of *.
5. 1 11. wherefore *. yourselves together, edify EXPEDIENT. E.XTORIIONER.
14. now we t. you, warn them that are unruly John 11. 50. that for us that one man die
it is *. Psal. 109. 11. let the *. catch all that he hath
S Thete. 3. 18. such we command, and e. by Christ 1O.7. I tell you, for you that I go away
it is *. Isa. 16. 4. the *. is at an end, the spoiler cvksetb-
1 Tim. 2.1. I ».that first of all, pray, be made for all 18. 14. it was *. that one man die for the people 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any man be a drunkard, an *.

6. 2. these things teach and e. 1 Cor. 6. 12. but all things are not *. 10. 23. E.XTORTIONEKS.
2 I'lm. 4. 2. t. with all long-suffering and doctrine 2 Cur. 8. 10. this is*, for you who have begun before Luke 18. 11 that I am not as other men are, *.

7 1/. 1.9. may be able to *. and convince gainsayers 12. 1. it is not *. for me doubtless to glory 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altogether with 1. for then

'i. 6. young men likewise e. to be sober-minded EXPEL. 6. 10. nor *. inherit the kingdom of God

9. e. servants to be obedient to their masters Josh. 2.1. 5. God shall *. them from before you EXTREME.
15. speak, t. and rebuke with all authority Judg. 11.7. did not ye hate me, e. mc out of house? Deut. 28.22. the L. shall smite thee with «. bamin^
Vei.3. 13. <. one another daily while it is called EXPELLED, EXTREMITY.
1 Pel. 5. 1. the elders who are among you, 1 e. 13.13.Isr. *. not Geshutites.nor Maachathites Job 35. 15. yet he knowetb it not in great e.

iude 3. it was needful for me to write and e. you Judg. 1.20. he *. thence the three sons of Anak EYE,
EXHORTATION. 2 Sam. 14. 14. that his banished be not *. from him 'Y'/i< organ of tight, by which visible objtelt art
Zul< 3.18. many other things in his r preached he Acts 13. 50. they *. them out of their coasts
discerned. Eye or eyes, in scripture, are
jIch 13. 15. if ye have any word of e say on E.\PENCES. figuratively applied to God after the manntt
15. t 31. whe.-C they read, they rejoiced for the e. Lira 6. 4. let the *. be given out of the king s house of man. Prov. 15. 3, The eyes of the Lord
CO. 2. and when Paul had given them much e. 8.1 decree that *. forthwith be given to these men are in every place ; that is, his infinite
Hem. 12. a he that vxhorteth, let him wait on e. EXPERIENCE. knowledge and providence. And at in men the
^ Cnr. 14.3. speaketh unto men to t. and comfort Oen. 30. 27. by *.that the Lord hath blessed me eye is the organ which shews compastien or fury,
2 Cor. 8. 17. for indeed he accepted the e. i.ccl. 1. 16. my heart had great *. of wisdom vengeance or pardon, gentleness or severity ; in
1 '//"*' 2. 3. for our e. was not of deceit nor guile Horn. 5. 4. and patience worketh *. and *. hope these senses tyt is referred to God; Psal. 34,
1 7'im. 4. 13. till I come, give attendance to e. lleb. 5. 1 13. that u^e^h milk hath no t. in the word 15, 'i'he eves of the Lord are upon the righ-
Ueb.K. 5. v« have forgotten the e. which speaketh EXPERIMENT. teous: He favours them, and heapt blessings on
13. 22. and I beseech you, suffer the word of e. 2 Cor. 9. 13. whiles by the *. of this ministration them. 1 Kings 8. 29. J hat thine eyes may be

EXHORIED. EXPERT. opened toward this house night and day*; that
j*f M 11.83. Bamabat e. them to cleave to the Lord 1 Chron. 12. 33. of Zebulun fifty thousand *. in war ts, that thou mayetl behold it with an eye of
16. 32. they «. the brethren with many words 35. of Danites 2i;.6O0 3C. of Ashor 4'),0ll0 *.
favour and compassion. So likewise in Jer
1 Thisi.'i.V\. as yon know how we «. and comforted Cant. 3. 8. they all hold swords, being *. in war 24. 6, I will set mioe eyes upon them for
EXHORTING. Jer. 50.9. their arrows shall be as of an *. m.iij pood. On the contrary it is said, Amoi 9. 8,
,^j<14. 22. and e them to continue in the faitb .Jew 26. 3. 1 know iheeto be *. in all customs Uehold, the eyes «f tht Lord art npcD thti-
; .


Binful kinicdom ; that it, in a way «f tmrity Prov. 80. 17- Ae e. that mockelh at his fathtr Ej-od.H 17. glory of Lord was like fire in «. t( 'ler.
cnid jitdgment. Also Ezek. 6. 11, Neither Eecl. I. 8. the e. is not satisfied with seeing Lev. 4. 1 J. if sin through ignorance, tnd the thing be
shall mine eyes spare, neither will I have any 4. 8. neither is his e. satisfied with riches hid from the e. of the assembly, \ujn. IS. f til.
pity. Isa. 13. 18. their e. shall not spare children 26. 10. the burning-ague shall coiisume the*.
Eye," vihen referred to man, it not only taken /or 52.8. thy watchmen sing, for they shall see e. to e. .Vum. 5. 13. be hid from the e. of her husband
the organ of sight, but alto for the understand- 64. 4. neither hath the e. seen, 1 Cor. 2. 9- 10. 31. and thou mayest be to us instead of e
tns^ or judgment. Deut. iB. 19, A gift doth Lam, 2. 4. and slew all that were pleasant to the e. 16. 14. wilt thou put out the «. of these men?
blitid the eyes of the wise : It corrupteth and Ljiek. 9. S. let not your*, spare, neither have pity 20. 12. to sanctify me in the e. of Israel
perierleih his mind, ihtt at he uill not, so Iti. 5. none e. pitied, to do any of these to thee 22. 31. then the Lord opened the e. of Balaam
oftentimes he cannot discern betxcetn right and Mic. 4. 11. be defiled, and let our e. look on Zion 24. 3. the man whose e. are open ha(h said, 15.
wrong. So in Acts S6. 18, I send thee to il/fl/.e. 22. the light ofthebody ische e. Luke 11. 34. Deut. 16. 19. a. giftdoth blind thee, of the wisa
the Gentiles to open their eyes ; thai is. To 7.3.thou beholdestthe mote in thy brother's <.and 28. 65. the Lord shall give thee failing of e.
preach the gospel unto them, lihereiy they may not the beam in thine own e. Luke 6. 41, 42. 29. 4. the Lord hath not given you e. to see
attain unio a spiritual vtidersianding of their 18. 9. if thine e. offend thee, pluck it out Judg. 16.28. that I maybe avenged for my two*
duty. Ltkeicise in Gen. 3. 7- The eyes of 19.Q4.easierfora camel to go through «. of a needle 1 Sam. 8. t 6. the thing was evil in the e. of Samuel

them both were opened. Their consciences than arich man, Mark 10. 25. Luke IH. 25. 16. t 7- man looketh on the e.the Lord on the hear)
were touched nilh a sense of the heinousness of 1 Cor. 12. 16. because I am not thee, lam not of body 1 12. David was ruddy, and withal fair of «.

their sin, uhereby they had defiled their souls 17.if the whole body were an e. 21. e. cannot say ||
18. t 0. the saying was evil in the «. of SaiU
and of the greatness of the misery they had 15. 52. in twinkling of an e. at the last trump 29. t 6. thou art not good in the e. of the lords
brought upon themselves and their posterity. Rev. 1. 7. he cometh, and every «. shall see him t 7 . that thou do not evil in the «. of the lords
The Hebrews call colours, eyes. Num. 11. ". Evil EYE. 2.V/m.C.20.whouncoTered himself in e. of handm.
And the eye, or colour of the manna, wzis as Prov. 23. 6. the bread of him that hath an evil e. 17. 1 4. the saying was right in the e. of Absalom
•he eye, or colour of bdellium. To set one's 28. 22. he that hasteth to be rich hath an evile. 24. 3. that the e. of my lord the king may see it
eyes \ipou any one, is to do him service, to Mat. 6. 23. but if thine e. be evil, Luke 11. 34. 1 Kings I. 20. thee, ol all Israel are upon thee

faiour him greatly ; or barely to see him uiih 20. 15. is thine e. evil because 1 am good ? 2 Kings 6.17. Lord opened the *. of the young man
friendship. Gen, 44. 21, Thou saidst, bring Mark 7- 22. out of the heart proceedeth an evil e. 20. Elisha said. Lord, open the e. of these mei>
Beujaniia unto me, that I may set mine evos Mine EYE. 9. t 30. Jezebel heard of it, put her e. in painting
upon him. And Nebuchadnezzar recommends 1 Sam. 24.10. bade kill thee, but mine *. spared thee 25. 7. put cute, of Zedekiah.Jer 39. 7. 52.11.

it to Mebuzar-adan, that he viould set his eyes Joi 7. 7. mine e. shall no more see good 1 Chron. 13. 4. was right in ttc e. of all the people

upon Jeremiah, and permit him to go where l.'f. 1. mine e. hath seen all this, mine ear heard 2 Chron. 30. + 4. the thing was right in the e. of the
he pleased, Jer. 39. S 12. 4C. t 4.
To find It). 20. but mine e. poureth out tears to Gou king and all the congregation, Lsth. 1. 1 21.
grace in one's eyes, is to win his favour and 17. 2. doth mine e. continue in their provocation ? Ve/1.8. t 5. Ezra opened the book in e. of the people
Jriendship, Ruth 2. 10. Job tnys, I was eyes 7. mitte e. also is dim by reason of sorrow Job 10.4.hastthoue.offiesh ? or seest as man seeth .'
"to the blind. Job 29. 15. that is, I instntcied, 42. 5. heard of thee, but now mine e. seeth thee 11. 20. but the e. of the wicked shall fail
directed, and assisted such as kneu net hoio to Psal. 6. 7. mine e. is consumed with grief, 31. 9. 17. 5. even the e. of his children shall fait
manage their own affairs. 32. 8. instruct thee, I will guide thee with mine e. 22. t 29. he shall save him that hath low e.
To have the eyes towards, or tipon one, de- 54. 7. miite e. hath seen his desire on mine enemies 28. 21. seeing it is hid from the e. of all living
notes that the person eipects, or uoils for some- 88. 9- mine e. mourneth by reason of affliction 29. 15. 1 was e. to the blind, and feet to the lame
thing from him an tihom the eyes are placed. y2.1l.»ii;iee. shall see my desire on mine enemies 31. 16. or have caused thee, of the widow to fail
Thus when Adonijah, uiilhout hit father's Jer.40. +4.come to Babylon Iwill set //unee.on thee 39. 29. seeketh prey, and her e. behold afar off
inouledge, had usurped the kingdom, Bath- Lam. 1. Ifi. mine e. mine e. runneth down, 3. 48. Psal. 15. 4. in whose e. a vile person is contenr.u«d
sheba told king David, 1 Kings 1. 20, 'i'hc 3. 4y. mine e. trickleth down and ceaseth not 19. 8. commandment is pure, enlightening the «.
eyes of all Isiael are upon thee, that thou 51 .mine e. affecteth my heart, because of daugh. H5. 5. e. have they, but they see not, 135. I6.
thouldest tell them who shall sit upon the Z.';e/. 5. 11. neither shall 7nine e. spare, nor will 123. 2. as the e. of servants, the eye of a maidarv
throne of my lord the king after him ; that n, Ihaveanypity, 7. 4, 9. 8. 18. 9. 10. | |
145 15. the e. of all wait upon thee, thou givcst
The generality of the people «re in suspense 20. 17. nevertheless mine e. spared them 146. 8. the Lord openeth the e. of the blind
uhether Adonijah's practices be aith thy con- Thine EYE. t'rov.l.i 17. in vain the net is spread in the *. of bird'
tent, or no, a7td wait for thy sentence concern- Deut. 7- 16. thine e. shall not pit)-, nor shalt thou 6. t 17. haughty e. are abomination to the Lont
ing thy successor, rchich they :vill readily ein- serve their gods, 13.8. ly. 13, 21. 25. 12. | |
10. 26. as smoke to the e. so is the sluggaid
li'ace.' Also in Psal. 25. 15, Mine eyes are 15.9. and thine e. be evil against thy poor brother 15. 30. the light of the e. rejoiceth the heart
ever towards the Lord ; that is, my eipectatiun Vat. 6. 22. if thine e. be single, Luke 11. .'it. 17. 8. a gift is as a precious stone in the e. of him
of help is only from him. And psal. 12.'!. 2, 7 3. the beam 'hat is in thine own e. Luke 6. 41
. 24. the e. of a fool are in the ends of the earth
As the eyes of servants look \m(o the hand 18. 9. if </iiH< e. offend thee,pluck it out, Mark 9.47. 23.29. who hath wounds .' who hath redness of e .'
of their masters ; either for the supply of See Apple. 27. 20. so the *. of man are never satisfied
their wants, uhich comes fiom their masters EYE-Bltpws. Eccl. 2. 14. the wise man's e. are in his head
hand: or, for help and defence against their Lev. 14.9- he shall shaveftlT hishair offhise.-iroK/ 6. 9. better the sight of e. than wandering of desire
oppressors. EYIvLlDS. 11. 7. it is pleasant for the e. to behold the siu»
Solomon says, that the wise man's eyes are in Job 3. nor let '' see the e. of the morning
t 9- Can/. 1.15. thou art fair, thou hast dove's e. 4. 1.
his head, Ecel. 2. 14. He knows where he If).and on mine e. is the sh.idow of death
16. /.ta. 3. 8. against Lord, to piovokethee. of his glory

goes, and iihal he has to do ; he does not act 41. 18. his eyes are like the t. of the morning 16. the daughters of Zion walk with u-antou *.
ignorantly, rashly, or foolishly. He says like- Psal. 11.4. his e. try the children of men 5. 15. the * of the lofty shall be humbled
wise, that the eye is not satisfied with riches, l.')2.4. sleep to mine eyes or slumber to minee. 29. 18. the*, of the blind shall see ouiof obscurity
}Ucl. 4. 8. The covetous mind, or desire, is in- Prov. 4. 25. 'et thine e. look straight before thee 32. 3. thee, of them that see, shall not be dim
satiable. Eye «j sometimes taken for something 6. 4. sleep to thine eyes, or slumber to thine e. 35. 5. then the e. of the blind shall be ujtened
that is most delightful and dear to a person. 25. neither let her take thee with her e. 42. 7. to open the blind e. to bring out the prisoners
JIat. 5. £9, If thy right eye offend thee, 30. 13. how lofty their eyes, their e. are lifted up 43.8. bring forth the blind people that have e.
pluck it out. Gal. 4. 15, You would have Jer. o. 18. that our e. maj gush out with waters 52. 10. Lord made bare his arm in e. of all nsrtion*
plucked out your own eyes, and have given Right EYE. 5y. 10. like the blind we grope as if v/e had no e.
them to me. Jt is likewise taken for opinion, Zech. 11. 17. the sword shall fce on his arm and on Jer. 4. + 30. thou rentest thine «. with painting
or conceit. Prov. 3. 7, Be not wise in thine darkened
tterly uarke
his right e. hisrighl e. shall be utterly 5.21. which have*, and tee not, Etek 12. S.
own eyes. And for a diligent end careful in- Mat. 5. 29. if' thy
y right e. offend thele, pluck it (
" Ezek. 1. 18. and their rings were full of e.
spection into affairs. Prov. £0. 8, Aking EYE-SALVE 10. 12. the wheels were full of e. round about
.scattereth aT\'ay all evil with his eyes. Evil Jtev. S. 18. anoint thine eyes with e.-salre to sec 23. 16. and as soou-as.she saw them with her e.
eye ; see on Evil. EYE-SERVICE. 3b. 23. 1 will be-known in the e. of many naliont
Cen. 45. t 20. let not your e. spare your stuff Ejii. 6. 6. not with <..,»e;i'i'« as men-pleascrs, but Dan. 7. 8. iiKhis horn were e. like the e. of man
tliod. 10. i 5. the locusts cover the e. of the earth as the servants of Christ, Col. i. 2 2(1. even of that horn that had e. and a mouth
21.24. e. for e. Z,«r.C4.20. Deut. 19.21. Mat.5.Xa. EYE-SIGIIT. Jlab. 1, 13. thou art of purer e. than to behold evil
26. if a man smite the e. of his servant, or the e. 2 •S«wi.22.25.the Ld. hath recompensed me accord- iiech. 3. 9. upon one stone shall be seven e.
Lev. 21. 20. or that hath a blemish in his e. ing to my cleanness in his e.-jig/u, Psal. 18. 24. 8. 6. if it be marvellous in thee, of the rcmiiani
Num. ll.iT .the e. of manna was as the «.of bdellium EYE-WITNESSES. 9. 1. when thee, of man shall be towanls the Lord
Pent. 28. 54. his e. shall be evil toward his brother Luke 1. 2. who from beginning were e.-nitnesses .l.'n/.18.9. better to enter with one eye, rather than
56. her e. shall be evil towards her husband 2 Pet. I. 16. but were e. -witnesses of his majesty h.ivingtwo e. to be cast into hell-tire, .Vuri 9.47.
32. 10. he kept him as the apple of his e. EYED. .UarX B.18.having e. see ye not r and ears, hear nor
34. 7. bis e. was not dim, nor his force abated 1 Sam. 18. 9- and Saul e. David from that day Luke 4. 20. and ihc e. of all were fastened ou hinj
Hira 5. 5. the e. of their God was on the elders 3'eHrfer.EYED. 10. 23. blessed are the e. which sec the things
Job!. 8. *. that hath seen me, shall sec me no more Oen. 29. 17. Leah was lender-t. Rachel beautiful Johng.O. he anointed the e. of the blind man
10. 18. given up the ghost, and no e. had seen mc EYES. 32.that any opened «. of one that was born blind
20.9. the e. which saw him, shall see him no more Oen. 3. 6. was good for food and pleasant to the t. 10. 21. can a devil open the e. of the blind.'
24. 15. the e. of the adulterer waiteth for twilight and the e. of them both were openod
7- 11. '(7. could not this man, which opened the « f
saying, no e. shall see mc, and disguisethhis fjce !6. 4. her mistress was despised in her e. .Icisg. 40. Dorcas opennl her e. and sal up
C8. 7. a path Avhich the vulture's e. hath not seen 5. she bad conceived, 1 was despised in her e. Rom. 11.8. hath given them e. they should not sc«
10. and his e. seeth every precious thing 20. 16. behold, he is to thee a covering of the e. (•nl. 3. 1. before wbo.^e e. Christ l>ecn sat crucified
?9- 11. when the e. saw me, it gave witness tome 21. ly. God opened Ilagar'se. she saw awell ///1.I.I8. the e. of vour understanding enlightened
ytal, 3^. 18. t. of the L. is on them that fear him 28. i 8. the daughters of Canaan evil in e. of Isiiac Jhi. 4. IS. but all things arc naked and open to
.3.5. 19. neither let them wink with the e. 30. 41. Jacob laid the rods licforc the e. of the cattle the e. of bim with whom we have to do
21 they said, ata, aha, our e. hath seen it 39. 7. his master's wife cast ber e. on Joscijli 2 r'e/.2.14. having e. full of adultery, notecase hd
U4. 9. he that formed the e. shall he not see .'
41. 37. was good in the e. of Phar.ioli, 45. « I6. 1 .hhn 2. 16. the lust of the e. and pride of life
J''»c.l0.10.lhat wir>eth with the e. canseih sorrow 48. 10. new tne e. of Israel were dun for .tee the midst of throne four beasts ''ull of*
A). 12. the seeing e. Searing ear, Ix>rd hath made £jorf. 5. £1. to be abhorred in the e. of 1 h.iranb U. had each six wings, and were full of* witoln
XX 9> i>e that halh a 'uouptifnl e. sh&U be bles.sed I SI. f 6. if she be evil io tlie c of her cd isier 5 6. a Lamb, as ii had been iloln, LwUia teveo •
Hu EYES. i Sam. 15. 25. if I find favour in the «. of the L. Pros. 31. 3. every wayof man U right ^
hi* ean e.
Otn.TI. 1. Uiac was old, euid Ai/ «. were dim 1 Kings 15.5. because David did what was right in 26. i 5. answer » fool, lest he be wi.9?Tin hiiawn*
49 IS. Ai><. shall be red with wine, teeth white the«. of the I^d, 11. 22.43. 2 Chron. 14. 2.
30. 12. a generation that are pure in their own t.
Num. J-t.4 into a trance, having hii e. open, I6. 2 ChroH. 16. 9. the *. of the Lard run to and fro Isa. 5.21. woe to them that are wise m
their con c.
Z)»(.£4. 1. that if she hod no favour in kn e. through the whoU earth, Z4ch. 4. 10. Gal. 4. 15. ye would have plucked out youroTnt.
JuJg. 16. 21. Philistines-took him and patoutAi<«r. P/a/.34.15.the «. of the L. are upon the righteous, 3Aeir EYES.
: ^m. 3. 1. Eli, his t. began to wax dim, 4. 15. and his eeirs are open to tneircrv, 1 Pet. 3.12. 0(n.42.24.he took and botindSimenii before their t.
14. 27. he tasted, and his e. were enlightened Prop. 5.21. ways of man are before tie*. e/^M* L. £xt></.8.26.abomination of Egyptians before their t.
18. 20. and the thing was right in
» his €. 15. 3. the e. of the Lord are in every place Ijv. 20. 4. do any ways hide (Aeir e. from the mac
tSam. 19. t 18. and to do the good in his e. 22. 12. the e. of the Lord preserve knowledge Sum. 20. 8. speak to the rock before (Aei'r e.
22. 25. according" to my cleanness before hit 1. /« .49. 5. yet shall I be glorious in the e. of the Lord 27. 14. to sanctify me at the water before their e.
1 Kings 9. + 12. and they were not right in his t. Amos^.^. the e. of the L. are on the sinful kingdom
Josh. 22. f 30. it was good in (AeiV e. 2 6'am. 3.f 36
14. 4. Ahijih coi\ld not see, for his c. were set M11U EYES. 2 A'ln jj 6.20.the Lord opened lAei'r e. and they saw
iKingsi.M. he lay on child and put/iit e. on Att e. Gen. 31 40. and my sleep departed from mine e.
Ezra 3. 12. foundation was laid before (Aei'r e.
35. the child sneescd seven times and opened hise. 44.21. bring him, Uiat I may set minee, upon him Ksth. 1.17. they shall despise their husbands in (.'.,
6. 17. I pray thee, open his e, that he may see Jud^. 14. + 3 gelher for me, she is right in mm<«. /o4 21. 8. and their offspring before their e.
25. 7. they slew the sons of Zedekiah before hts e. 1 Sam. 12.3. or received any bribe to blind mine e. Psal. 17. 15. they have set their e. bowing down
»ndputouteyesofZedekiah,./<rr. 39.6. 52. 10. )
14. 2y. see how mine e. have been enlightened 69. 23. let their e. be darkened, that they see not
lCAroi».21.23. let the king do what is good xahise. 26. 24. thy life much set by this day in mine e. 73.7- their e. stand out with fatness, have more
Eith.S.b. if thing seem right.and I pleasing in AiV e. 1 Kings 1.48. hath given one to ixl^ine e. seeing it Prov. 29 13. the Lord lighteneth both their e.
Job 16. 9- mine enemy sharpeneth his e. on me 9. 3. have hallowed this house, mine e. and mine 30. 13. a generation, O how lofty are their e.
12. 20. his «. shall see his destruction, and drink heart shall be there perpetually, 2 Chron. 7. 16. Led. 5. 11. saving the beholding them with their e.
24. 23. he restelh, yet his t. are on their ways 10. 7. until mine e. had seen it, 2 Chrun. 9. f). Isa. 6. 10. make their ears heavy, shut fAeir e. lest
27. 19. the rich man op^neth his e. and he is not 11. 33. have not walked in my ways, to do that they see with »Aeir e. Mat. 13. 15. Acts.iie. 27.
34. 21. his e. are on the ways of men, and heseeth which is right in mine «. 14. 8. 2 Kings 10. 30. 13. 16. children be dashed to pieces before r/;eir«.
36.7. he withdraweih not hist, from the righteous 2 CArOTi.7. 15. now mine <• shall be open, ears atleni 44. 18. for he hath shut lAei'r e. they cannot see
40. 24. he taketh it with his e. his nose pierceth Job .1. 10. because it hid-not sorrow from mine e. Jef.l4.6.<Aei>e.did fail, because there was no graai
41. lU. tiie. are like theeye-lidsof the morning 4. iC. it stood still, an image was before mine e. Exei. 6. 9. and with their e. which go a whoring
Pial. 10. 8. his e. are privily set against the poor 19. 27. mine e. shall behold, and not another 20.8. not east away the abominations oi their e.
11. 4. his e. behold the children of men 31. 1. I made a covenant with mine e. why then 24. and their e. were after their father's idoU
3fi. 1. that there is no fear of God before his e. 7. and mine heart walked after mine e. 21. 6. and with bitterness sigh before <Aeir e.
5<).7. he ruleth by power, his e. behold the nations P.f. 13.3. lighten muiee. lest I sleep the sleep of death 22. 26. and have hid I'leir e. from my sabbatht
Proi.6. 13. he winketh with his e. he spcaketh 25. 15. mine e. are ever toward the Lord 24. 25. when I take from them the desire of their 4.
16. 30. he shuttelh hisg. to devise froward things 26. 3. for thy loving-kindness is before mine e. 36.23. I shall be sanctified in you before their 4.
20. 8. a king scattereth away all evil with his e. 38. 10. as for the light of mine e. it is gone from me 37. 20. sticks shall be in thy hand before their 4
21. 10. his neighbour findeth no favour in Ais e. 6y. 3. mine e. fall, whilst I wait for my God 38. 16. sanctified in thee, U Gog, before their e.
24. t 18. lest Lord see it, and it be evil in /.is e. 73. 1 16. to know that it was labour in mine e. Zech. 14. 12. and their e, shall consume away
28. t il. the rich man is wise in his own e. 77. 4. thou boldest mine e. waking, I am troubled Mat. 9. 29. then touched he their e. saying
2T*he that hideih hise. shall have many a curse 101. 3. I will set no evil thing before mene *. 30. their e. wereopened, and Jesus charged them
Ecel.%. 16. norday nor night sleepcth with bis e. 6. mine e. shall be on the faithful of the land 13. 15. their e. they have closed, lest at any time
Cam. 5. 12. his e. are as the eyes of doves 116. 8. thou hast delivered mine e. from tears 20 31. Jesus touched their e .their t received sight

8. 10. 1 was in his e. as one that found favour 119. 18. open mine e. 37. turn away mine e.
26. 43. for thtir e. were heavy, Mark 14. 40.
ha. 11. 3. he shall not judge after the si;;ht of A) j«. 82. mine e. fail for thy word, saying, comfort me Luke 24. 16. but their e. were holden, that they
17. l.his e. shall have respect to the holy One 12.'i.mi;ie for thy salvation, and for the word 31. their e. were opened, and they knew him
33. 15. and shutteth his e. from seeing evil 1 19. 136. rivers of waters run down mine e, John 12. 40. h« hath blinded Mei'r e. and hardened
!^. t IS. evil in his t. that there was no judgment 148. mine e. prevent the night-watches .-lets 26. 18. to open their 4. and to turn them

J*T. 32. 4. and his ». shall behold his e. 131.1. mine heart is not haughty, nor miwe e. lofty A'om.3.1H.thcre is no fear of God before »Aeir e.
£ni. 12. 12. that he see not the ground with his 1. 132.4. I will not give sleep to minee. or slumber 11. 10. \ti their e. be darkened, that they see not
50. 7. cast ye away the abomination nf his e. 141 8. but mine e. are unto thee, O God, the Lord
. Rev. 7- 17. the Lamb shall feed them, and God
Don. 8. 5. had a notable horn between hi* e. 21. l.ccl. 2. 10. whatsoever mine c. desired, 1 kept not shall wipe away all tears from <Aeir e. 21. 4.
10. 6. and his e. were as lamps of fire La. 1. 15. 1 will hide mine e. from you Thine EYES.
3/-iri8.23.when he had spit on Ai/ e. and put hands 16. put away the evil doings from before mine e. Gen. 16. t 6. do to her that which is good iii<Ain« e.
03. after that he put his hands again on his e. 0.5. mine e. have seen the King, the Lord of hosts 20.tl5. Abimelech said, dwell as is good in Mine 4.
John 9-14. when Jesus made clay, and opened his e. .SH. 14. mine e. fail with looking upward 30. 27. if I have found favour in ;Aine e. tarry
21. or who hath opened his e. we know not 05. 12. but did evil before mine e. 6(5. 4. 46. 4. Joseph shall put his hand on thine e.
Aclsi. 4. Ptter fastening his e. upon him, said 16. and because they are hid from mine 1, 47. 19- wherefore shall we die before thme e.t
9. 8. and when his e. were opened he saw no man Jer. 9. 1. O that mi.-ie e. were a fountain of tears Liod. 13. 9- fcr a memorial between thine e.
18. there fell from his 4. as it had been scales 13. 17. mine e. shall weep sore, and run down 16. for frontlets between (Aine e. Deut. 6. 8.
15. 9- then .Saul set his e. on him, and said 14. 17- shall say, \et minee. run down with tears A'«m. 22. t 34. if it be evil in (Aine e. I will go back
I John 2.11. because darkness hath blinded his e. 16. 17. mine e. are on their ways, they are not hid Deut. 3. 21. thine e. have seen all that the Lord
ii«p.l.l4./iu«.were asa flameof fire,0.18. ] 19-12. from me, nor is their iniquity hid from mine e. 27. lift up <Aine 4. behold it with lAine e.
Lift or lij'ied up EYES. 24. 6. I will set mine e. upon them for good 4. 9. forget the things which thine e. have seen
Gtn. 13. 10. Lot li/led up his t. and beheld Jordan Lam. 2. 11. mine e. do fail with tears, my bowels 7. 19- the great temptations Mine e. saw. 29. 3
14. ii/l u/i now thine e. and look, 31. 12. Detu. Ilos. 13. 14. repentance shall be hid frommiwe e. 10. 21, terrible things which (Aine e. have seen
3. 27. 2 hings 19. 22. Isa. 49. 18. 60. .ImosQ. 4. I will set mine e. on them for evil
2B. 31. thine oz shall be slain before Mine 4
4. Jer. 3. 2. iliek. 8. 5. Zech. 5. 5. Mic.l .W.mine e. shall behold her, be trodden dow^ 32. Mine e. shall look, and fail with longing
18. 2. and Abraham iitt up his e. 22. 4, 13. Zech. 8. 6. should it also be marvellous in mine e. .34. thou shalt be mad for the sight of thme e. 67-

24. 63. Isaac y 64. Rebekah lift up her e. 9. 8. for now have I seen with mine e. 31.4. I have caused thee to see it with (Aine e,
31. 10. Jacob, 33. 1. 43. 29. Jeseph/i/V t/phis «.
12. 4. I will open mine e. on the house of Judah Judg. 10. 15. Israel said,we have sinned, do to ul

J^ioi. 14.10./i/r vp their e, the Egyptians marched Lxke 2. 30. for mine e. have seen thy salvation whatsoever is good in (Aine e. 2 Kings 10. 5.
Num. 24. 2. Balaam lift u;>his e. and saw Israel yi)/m9.1 I.Jesus made clay, and anointed mine e. 15. RuthZ.Q. leljhine e. be on the field they reap
Dent. 4. 19. lest thou lift up thine e. unto heaven 30. whence he is, yet he hath opened mine c. 10. she said, why have I found grace in (Aine e.t
Josh. 5. 13. Joshua lifted up his e. and looked Actsl\.6.oa the which when I had fastened mi«e e. 1Sam. 2. 33. Shall be to consume <Ai>ie e.
«/ii^.l9.17.the old man/i/( u^his e. and saw a man Our EVES. CO. 3. knoweth that I hav(»found grace in (Aine e.
1 Sam, 6. 13. lifted up their e. and saw the airk iV«m. 11.6. nothing but this manna before our e. 29. and now if I have found favour in (Aine e.
8 Sam. 13. 34. the watchman lift up his e. 18. 24. Vent. 6. 22. the Lord shewed signs before our e. 24. 10. (Aine e. have seen how the Lord delivered
1 Chr. SI. 16. David lift up his e. and saw tlie angel 21. 7. not shed this blood, nor have i)«r e. seen it
: 25. 8. let the young men find favour in (Aine 4.
Job 2. 12. they lift vp their e. and knew him not 26'am.20.l6. lest Sheba deliver himself from oar c. 26. 21. my soul was precious in (Aine e. this day
Psal. 121. 1. I will lift up mine e. to the hills 2 Chron. 20. 12. but, O God, our e. are upon thee 27. 5. if 1 have lound grace in thine e. give me
123. 1. to thee lift I up mine e. thou thatdwellest l'.ira 9. 8. that our God may lighten our e. 2 6am. 10. + 3. the princes said to (lanun, in ininee.
Jia. 37-23. against whom hastthnu lifted up\hj e.T I 'sal. 118. 23. this is the Lord's doing, it is mar doth David honour thy father, 1 Chron.lQ.ii
51. 6. lift up your < Etek. 33. 25. Johni. 35. vcllous in our e. Mat. 21.42. AJarklQ. 11 11. t 25. let not this thing be evil in (Aine e.
£xet. 18. 6. nor hath lift up his e. to idols, 15. 123. 2. so our e. wait upon the Lord our God )2. 11. I will take thy wives before (Aine e.
12. hath spoiled, hath lift up his e. to idols Jer. y. 18. that tmr e. may run down with tears 19. 27. do therefore what is good in (Aine e.
23. 27. so that thou shah not lift up thine e. Lam. 4. 17. our e. as yet failed for our vain help 22. 28. (Aine e. are on the haughty to bring down
lian. 4. 34. 1 Nebuchadnezzar lift up mine e 5. 17. heart is faint, for these things oure. are dim 1 Kings 8. 29. that (Aine e. may be open toward

8. 3. then I lifted up mine e. and saw, and be- Joel 1. 16. is not the meat cut off before our e. this house night and day, 52. 2 Chron. 6. 20, 40.
hold, 10.5. ZwA.l. 18. I
2.1. 5.1,5,9. 6-1- I
-Mat. 20. 33. Lord, that our e. may be opened 20. 6. whatsoever is pleasant in (Aine e.

Mat. 17. IB. had lift up their e. thev saw no man 1 John 1. 1. that which we have seen with oure. 21. t2. if it be good in (Aine e. I will give the worth
Z,iijl«6.20. Jesus /.up his
f./o/m 6.5. 11.41.
Ovn EYES. 2 Kings 7. 2. behold, thou shalt see it with thinee
16. 23 in hell he lift up his e. being in torments Num. 15. 39. that ye seek LOt after your ozm e. 19. 16. open. Lord, (Aine e. and see, Isa. 37. 17
16. 13. would not litt up so much as hise. to heaven Deut. 12. 8. ye shall not do, every man whatso- 22. 20. and (Aine e. shall not see all the evil
EVES uf the Lord. ever is right in his own e. Judg. 17. 6. 21. 25. 1 Chron. 17. 17. this was a small thing in (Aine e.

den. C. 8. Noah found grace in the e. of the Ij>rd 2 Sam. 4. t 10. was in his ottn e. abringer of good 2 Chron. 34. 28. nor shall thinee. see all the evil
38. t IC. the thing was evil in the *. 0, t/te Lord Neh. 6.16. enemies much cast down in their own e. .\tA.1.6.1et thine ear be attentive, and thine e.opeo
Deui. 11. 12. the e. 0/] the Lurd are always on it Joi 30. 1. because he was rijhteous in hisoun c. Job 7. 8. (Aine e. are upon me, and I am not
13. IS. to do what is right in the e. of the Lord ['sal. 36. 2. he flattereth himself in his osn e. 11.4. my doctrine is pure, I am clean in thine f
1 Sam 26. 24. my life much set by in the e.of the L. Prov. 3. 7- be not wise in thine <wn e. fear God 1 1. 3. dost thou open (Aine e. upon such an o&

2 Sam. 11. » 27. but the thing that David did was 12. 15. the way of a fool is right in his own e 15. 12. and what do (Aine H- wink at ?
e»il in the t. of ihe Lord, \ Chion. 21. t 7. 16.2. all the ways of man are clean in hisoune. Peal.i.ii.Kht foolish «h3.11 not stand before liin«(.


Ps. 31.22. I said, T am cut off from before thinte. Tilt Face of a man is also taken for the man Gen. 24. 47. and 1 put the ear-rings
apon her/,
50. 21. aoii set them in order before thine e. himself: I had not thought to see thy face ; 32. t 20. peradventure be will accept
91. 8. only with thine e. shalt thou beheld and see that IS, thy person, says Jacob to his son Joseph t 30. Jacob called the place, the/, of God
139. 16. ihine e. did see try substance imperfect Oen. 48. 11. Before one's face that is, in
; 35. 1. when thou fleddest from the/, of Ksau,?.
I'rov. 3. 21. let them not depart from thini e. <. 21. his sight or presence. Num. I9. 3. To with ^. 6. Esau went from the/, of his brother Jacob
4. 25. let thine e. look right on, and thine eye-lids stand a person to the face, is to reprove him 46.28. he sent to Joseph to direct his/, to Gosh
C. 4. give not sleep to thine r.nor slumber to eye-lids boldly. Gal. 2. 11. The pride of Israel dotli 48. 12. Joseph bowed with his/, to the earti:
20. 13. open thint e. and thou shalt be satisfied testily to his face, IIos. 5. 5. It is so full l.iod. 2. 15. Moses fled frotL the/,
of Pharaoh
23. 5. wilt thou set thine e. on that whi( h is not >. and evident a witness against Israel, that 14. 25. said, let us dee from the/, of Israel
SS.give me thj heart.let thine *. observe my ways other testimony need be produced, to convince 25. t 37. may give light against the/, ot it
33. thine e- shall behold strange women the most impudent and shameless among them 34. 29. the skin of his/, shone, 30, 35.
S5. 7. of th* prince whom thine e. have seen To fall to the earth upon one's face, was a J3. till he had done speaking, he put a vai! on his/.
JE«/.l 1 .9.0 young man, walk in the sight oUhine e posture of adoration. Josh. 7. 6, Josleua fell Lev. 13. 41. that hath his hair fallen toward*
Cant. 4. 9. hast ravished my heart with thine e. to the earth upon his face, in deep humiliation
6. 5. turn away thine e. from me, they overcome and fervent supplication. To accept one's face 19- 32. thou shalt honour the/, of the old man
7.4. thinte. like the fish-pools in HeAbon is to shere one a favour, and grant his request. Niun. 12. 14. if her father had but spit in her/.
Ita. 30 20. but thine e. shall see thjr teachers Gen. 19. t 21, Peradventure he will accept 19. 3. one shall slay the red heifer before his/!
33. 17. Ihine e. shall see the king in-his beauty of my face ; he will be reconciled with me, Deut. 1. 17. ye shall not be afraid of the/, of man'
20. thine e. see Jerusalem a quiet habitation and accept of my person. To spit in one's 7. 10. and ritpaveth them that hate him to their f,
Jer. 5. 3. O
Lord, are not thine e. upon the truth face, is m sign of the utmost contempt.
The t 23. the Lord shall deliver them before thyV.
20. 4. fall by the sword, l/iine e. shall behold it woman, whose husband died without children, and shall destroy them, 9. 3. 28. 7.

22. 17- thine e. are not but for thy covetousness if her husband's brothe' refused lo marry her, 8.20. the nations the Ld. deslroyeth before your/.
31. 16. refrain weeping, and ihine e. from tears spit in his face, Deut. 25. 9 25. 2. cause the wicked man be beaten before his/
32. 19. Ihine e. are open on all the ways of men Face is likewise referred to God, and denotes 9. shall loose his shoe, and spit in his/, and say
S4. 3. thine e. shall behold the king of Babylon sometimes his nnger. P«al 34. I6. The face 28. 31. thine ass shall be taken before thy/.
39. 1 12. take Jeremiah, and set thine e. on him of the Lord is against them that do evil. f 50. a nation strong of/, which shall notVegard

42. 2. we art but few, Z3-Jhine e. do behold us liev. 6. 16, Hide us from the face of him 31. 5. the Lord shall give them up before your/.
Lam. 2. 18. let not the apple of thine e. cease that sitteth on the throne. At other times, it Josh. 7. 10. wherefore liest thou upon thy/,
Eiek. 23. 40. for whom thou painted5t.Mi«« e. denotes his love and favour, I'sal. 31. 16. 80. |
Judg. 11. t i. Jepthah fled from/, of his brethren
24. 16. I take from thee the desire of thine e 7. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant.! 1 Ham. 5. 3. behold, Dagon was fallen on his/. 4.
40.4 son of man, behold with ihine e. >t. 5. Cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved. 17. 1 24. they fled from Goliath's/and were afraid
Van. 9. 18. open thine e. and behold our desolation Dan. 9. 17, Cause thy face to shine upon 19. t 8. and the Philistines fled from his/.
Luke 19. 42. but now they are hid from thine e. thy sanctuary which is desolate. It is also 24. 8. David stooped with his/, to the earth
John 9. 10. said to were Minirc jopened ? 26. taken for his omniscience, 1 Sam. 26. 20, £5. 41. Abigail bowed on her/, and said
17. sayest thou that he hath opened ihine e. ? Let not my
blood fall to the earth before 23. 14. Saul stooped with his/, to the ground
Rev. 3. 18. and anoint thine e. with eye-salvg the face of the Lord ; that is, if thou dost 2 Ham. 2. 22. how should I hold up my/ to Joab ?
Ytttir EVES. shed my hlood, remember that God, the Judge oj 7- t9. I have cut off thine enemies trom thy/.
Cen. 3. 5. in the day ye eat vour <. shalLbe opened all the earth, seelh it, and will avenge it. 14. 33. Absalom bowed on his/, tc the ground
19. 8. do ye to them as is good in j/ont e. The Lord promises Moses, that his face shall go 17. 1 11. that thy/, or presence go to battle
34. 11. Shechem said, let me find grace in ymir*. before the Israelites, Ezod. S.'?. 14, pre- My £4. 20. and Araunah went out and bowed himself
45. 1 5. neither let there be anger'in your-e. sence, in Hebrew, my face shall go with thee before the king on his/. 1 Chron. 21.21

12. t/our e. and the eyes of my brother Benjamin that is, I myself will go with thee. The Angel 1 Kings 1. 23. Kathan bowed nimself with his/.
50. 4. if now I have found grace id your e. of my presence, namely, the Messiah, Isa. 63. 9. 31. Bath-sheba bowed with her/, to tlie earth
hum. 33. 55. those which ye. let remain shall be who IS ahcays in the bosom of the Father, and 2. t 16. I ask one petition, turn not away my/.
pricks in your e. thorns in sides, Joth. 23. 13. continually making intercession for his people ; 8. 14. the king turned his/, about, 2 Chion. t).
Deut. 1. 30. that he did before vowr e. 4. 34, C9.2. and likewise the pledge of my presence shall go
10. t24. all the earth sought the/, of Solomoa
4. 3. your e. have seen what the Lord did because with thee, namely, the cloudy pillar. Moses, 18. 42. Elijah put his/, between his knees
of Baal-peor, 11.7. Josh. 24.7. in the same chapter, begs of God to shew him 19. 13. that he wrapped his/, in his majitle
9- 17- I brake the two tables before yotir e- his glory. God replies to him, I will make 20.38. prophet disguised hims. with ashes on his
11. 18 they may be as frontlets between your all my goodness pass before thee, or, all my 21. 4. Ahab turned away his/, and would uot eat
14. 1. not make any baldness between your e. glory ; thou shalt have a sudden transient 2 Kings 4. 29. lay my staff upon the/, of the child
1 Sam.12. 16. what the Lord will do before your e. view of it ; and I will proclaim my name, 31. Gehazi laid his staff on the/, of the child
t Chron. 29. 8. and to hissing,as ye see with your e. which I will give thee as a signal of my presence, 8. 15. Hazael spread it on his/, so that he died
ha. 29. 10. for the Lord hath closed your e. that thou mayest attend : but for my face, y 30. Jezebel painted her/, and tired herhead
40. 26. lift upyoitr e. on high, Jer. 13. 20. thou canst not see it ; for there shall no man 32. Jehu lift up his/, to the window, and said
Jer. 7. 11. is this house aden of robbers in your e. see it and live Thou canst not see the majesty
: 13.14. Joash wept over his/.aud said, O my father
16. 9. cause to cease out of this place in your e. and glory attending that extirjtal shape I have t23. neither cast he them from his/, as yet
29. 21. and he shall slay them before your e. now assumed ; nor those manifeslaticns of my '18. 24. how wilt thou turn away/, of one, Isu.^i&.g-.
Etei.S-i.2i. the desire of your e. and what you pity glory which the saints are favoured with in 20.2.IIezekiah turned his/, to" the wall, Isa. 38. *
Z«;)/i.3.20.when I turn your captivity before youre. another life ; for such is the weakness of man 21. 1 13. he wipeth and lurneth it on th^. thereof
lini^. 2. 3. in your e. in comparison is nothing in this life, that if I should display all the C5. + 19. five men that saw king's/. Jer. 52. 1 23.
Zech.W. tl2.if good myour e. give me my price beams of my glory to him, it would certainly 2 Chr. 0. 42. O Loxd God, turn not'away the/, of
ii^tl. 1.5. your the L. will be magnified
e. shall see, oitnnish, overwhelm, and cleslroy him. It taj thine anointed, Psat. 132. 10.
Mat. 13. 16. but blessed are your e. for they see a certain persuasion, and 'very prevalent in 30.9. the Lord will not turn away his/, from you
liight EYES. the uorld, that no man could support tin 32. t2. when flezekiah saw that his/, was to war
1 Sam. 11.3. that I may thrust out aU your right e. sight of God without expiring. Hee Gen. I6. 21 he returned with shame of/, to his own land

13. 32. 30. Exod. 20. I9. 24. 11. Judg. 0.

I 1 34. t4. and strowed it upon the/, of the graves
22, 23. I
13. 22. 35. 22. Josiah would not turn his/, from him
^Nevertheless, it is said in Num. 12. 8, With Lrra 9. 6. I blush to lift up my/, to tliec, my God
Moses will I speak mouth to mouth, even 7. to confusion of/, as it is this day, Dan. 9. 8
FABLES. apparently, and not in dark tpeechcs. /j«,/ Job 1. 11. and he will curse thee lo ihy/. 2.5.
1 Tim. 1. 4. nor give heed toy. and genealogies in chap. 14. 14, The Canaanites have heard 4. 15. then a spirit passed before my/.
4.7. but refuse profane and old wives'/. that thou art among this people, and that thou 6. + 28. for it is before your/, if I lie
3 7im. 4. 4. and they shall be turned unto/. an seen face to face. And in Deut. 5. 4, 1 1 15. then shalt thou lift up thy/, without spot
Tit. 1.14. not giving heed to Jewish/, and coiiim. of /' is said, that God talked with the Israelites 1 1. t 19. yea, many shall entreat thy
2 Pet 1. 16. have not followed cunningly devised f. face to lace, out of the midst of the fire : Tmi 16.8. my leanness beareth witness to my/.
FACE, in alt these places, tace lo face is to be under- 16. my/, is foul with wcepini;, on my eye.lid*
Countenance, or visage, a pari of the hody utU
is stood simply, as if he had said, that God mani- 21. 31. who shall declare his way to his/..'
kuoien : It is thereby that our inward motions fested himself to the Israelites, that he made 22. 26. and lliou shalt lift up thy/, unto God
are made hwwn to others : Love, hatred, desire, them hear his voice in a manner as distinct 24. 15. no eye shall see me ; and disguiscth his/
dislike, joy, e,riej confidence, desfair, courage,
, as if he had appeared to them face to face : 26. 9. he holdeth back the/, of Ills tlirone
cOKardice, admtratun, contempt, pride, modesty, That he spake to them personally and immedi- .')0. 10. and tliey spare not to spit in my/.
cruelty, compassion, and the rest ately, and not by an interpreter ; and famili- 41. 13. who can discover the/, of his garmcQt(
of the affec-
tions, are discovered by their proper aspects. arly, so as not to ovenchelm and confound 14. who can open tlie doors of his/. .'
The countenance, as one phrases it, is a crystal, them. The apostle, speaking of the dij/ercncc 4C. t 8. Job shall pray, for his/, will I accept
wherein the thoughts and affec'ions, otherwise between our knowledge here and in heaven, t9 the Lord also accepted tht /. of Job
invisible, appear ; and is a natural sign, known says. Now, we see through a glass darkly Psai. 5. 8. ni.ike thy w.iy straight before my/.

to all. It is by the face, also, that one man is but then face to face, 1 Cor. 13. 12. that it, 17. t 13. O Lord, prevent his/, cxst hini down,
knoicn and distinguished from another : And it There is as much difference between our know- 15. I will behold thy/, in righteousness
it mutter of admiration, that so feu: parts com- ledge here and in heaven, as between looiing 21. 12. make ready arrows against the/, of them
posirg it, and in so smalt a compass, and al- through a perspective glass upon a ihing a great 41. 12. thou settest me before thy/, for ever
aays in the same situation, yet there is such a way off, and covered ;iith many obscurities ; 45. t 12. even the rich shall entreat thy/.
diversity of figures as of faces in the uor'td. and looking immediately, with the naked eye, (i8. t 1. let them that hate him llee from his /.
These innumerable dijl'erent characters in the upon the naked oliject nigh at hand. 1(4. 9. and look upon ;he/. of thine anointed
faces of men, is the counsel of most wise pro- I'hc bread of faces, the shcw-bread, which wus 8g. 14. mercy and truth shall go before thy/,
ridtnce, for the universal benefit of tne ivurld ; ul-.iays in the presence of God. •'See liitEAU. 23. I will beat down hia foes before his/.
For human societies cannot be preserved aich- f'fi. 1. 120. fowls may Hy in/, of the firmament 119. (58. 1 entreated thy/, vithmy whole hta»'
out union and distinction : the one prevents 3. 19. in the sweat of thy/, shalt thou I'rov. 6 t 33. he will not accept the/ of a ransom
division, the other confusion ; and this distinc- 16. 8. I (lee from the/, of my mistress .Sarai 7. 13. and with an impudent/, said unto ttioi
tion is ccused by the variety of countcaaaces. 10. fSl, I have accepted thy/, concerning thik SI. 29. a wicked man hardcnoth hla
TuL fl. the boldness of his/, shall be change J
1- 1 -Sam. 20. 14. cut oil every od« from/, rfthe earth 25. were thick planks ot Ha/.cfthep,
Isa. i. 21. woe to the prudent before their/. 2 Sam. 14. + 7. nor remainder on the/, of Ihe earth FACE joined with see, tan, seen.
16. i. b« a co%-ert from the/, of the spoiler Ptal. 104. 30. thoa renewest the/, of the earth Gen. 32. 20. and afterward I will sit his/
*1. * 15. for they fled from the/, of the sword Isa. 23. 17. with all kingdoms on the/, of the earth 33. 10. fur therefore have I seen thy/, as tnoagi)
24. * 1. the Lord perrerteth the/, of the earth y</-. 8. 2. be for dung on the/, of the earth, 16. 4. 43. 3. ye shall not see my/, except, 5. | 44. S3.
25. 7- b« will destroy the J", of the covering 28. 16. I will cast thee from the/, of the earth 44. 26. for we may not see the man's/, except
2«. 2i when he hath made plain the/, thereof i'.sek. 38. 20. all men on the/, of the earth shake 46. 30. now let me die, since I have seen thy/.
J9. 22. neither shall his/, now wax pale Dan. 8. 5. an he-goat came on the /. of Ihe earth 4U. II. I had not thought to see thy/, and lo
41). 23. they shall bow down to thee with their/. Amos 5. 8. poureth them on the/, of the earth, 9. 6. i:.'j«rf.l0.28 Pharaoh said to bim, tee my/.no more
tj5. 3. that provoked me continually to my/. Zech. 5. 3. curse that goeth over the/, of the earth 29. Moses said, I will see thy f. again no more
.«r. 1. t 13. /. thereof was from the/, of the north Luke 12. 06. ye can discern the/, of the earth 33. 20. and he said, thou canst not see my
2. 27. turned their back, and not the I". 32. 33 21. 35. that dwell on tha f. of the whole eaith 23. see back parts, but my/, shall not be teea
4. 30. thoaeh thou reniest thy/, witn paintiii;; Acts 17.26. to dwell on all the f. of the earth 34. 35. children of Israel sua the/, of Moses
13.26. therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy FACE to FACE. 2 .!)<»m.3.13.not see ray/, except thou bring Michal
/. that thy siiane may appear, Nah. 3. 5. Gen. 31. 30. Peniel ; for 1 have seen God/, tof. 14. 24. the king said, let him not tee my/.
IS. 17. I will shew them the back, and not they' I'jod. 33. 11. and the Lonl spake to Moses/, to f. 28. Absalom dwelt two years and Jaw not king'.*/
22. 25. from hand of them whose/, thou fearest Num. 14. 14. that thou. Lord, art seen f. lof. 32. now therefore let me see the king's/.
32. 31. I should remove it from before my/. Dent. 5. i. the Lord talked with you /". to/ 2 hings 14. 8. sent messengers saying, come, let US
/.am. 3. 33. the right of man before/, of most High 34. 10. like Moses, whom the Lord tncw/. lof took one another in the /. 2 Chron. 25. 17
F.t4k, 1. 10. they four had the/, of a man, the/, of Judg.6. 22. because I have seen an angel/, to/. \l. and they looked one anottier in the/.
a lion,/ of an ox, the/, of an ca^^le I'rov. 27. 19. as 'II water/", answereih lof. Esth. 1. 14. the seven princes who saw the king's/
2. t 4. they are hard of/, and stiff-hearted Etek. 20. 35. then I will plead with you/, to Joi 33. 26. and he shall see his/, with joy
.icislS. 16. before he have the accusers/, tj
fActs 6. 15. taic his/, as it had been/, of an angel
3. 8. I made thy/, strong against their faces f.
7. 22. my/, will I also turn from them 1 Cor. 13. 12. we see thro' a glass, but then/, tof. 20.25.1 know that ye shall see my f. no more, 38
10.14./.ofa man, /.of a lion,/.of an eagle, 41.19. 2 .fo/in 12. I trust to come to you, and speak/, tof. Co/ many as Iiave nol«(H my/, iji the tlesb
14. 3. put stumbling-block before their/. 'SJohn 14. I trust to see thee and speak/, lof. 1 Thesi.'i. I7.endeavoured to tee your/, with desire
38. 18. that my fury shall come up in my/. I'ell on FACE or FACES. 3. 10. praying, that we might see your/.
Dan.%. 18. I was in a deep sleep on my/. 10. 9 Oen. J7. f 3. Abram/e/Zouhis/ and laughed, 17. liev. 22. 4. and they shall tee his/, and hisuama
10. f). his/, as the appearance of lightning 60. 1. Joseph /«// onhis father's/, and wept ^eek FACE.
U. 18. he shall turn his A unto the isles 18. his brethren/t.'/ doan before his/. Chr. 16. 1 1. seek his/, continually, Psal. 105.4.

//o/. 5. 5. the pride of Israel testifieth to his/. ".10. Lc -J. g.':4. -when the people saw, iheyfell'on their/. 2 Chr. 7.14. if my people shall pray vniseek my/"
7. 2. now doings, they are before my/.
their own .V«m 14. 5. Moses and Aaron fell on f. 16. 22, 45. /'.in/. C4. 6. a generation that seek thy/. U Jacob
Joel 2. 6. before their/, people be much pained IG. 4. JIoses||22. 31. Balaam /W/ (ial on his ;". 2;. 8. when thou saidst, teek ye my/, my heart said
20. will drive him wiih his/, toward the east sea Joih. 5. 14. Joshua/w-// on hhf. to the earth, f .6. unto thee, thy_/'.' Lord will I se*k
Nah.i.X. that dasheth in pieces, come before thy/. /«</». 13. 20. Manoah and his wife/e//on their/". Prov.'. 15. I came diligently to seek thy/.
y^ph. 1.1 2. 1 will consume from the/", of the land Ruth 2. 10. then ihe fell on her/, to the grounil 29. t 26. many seek the /. of a ruler
Mill. 1. t 9- now, I pray you, beseech the/of God 1 3am. 17. 49. Goliach 20. 41 ||
David /W/ on his_/'. Uos. 5. 15. return to my place, till thej seek
. my f
Mat. 6. IT. anoint thine head, and wash thy/. 25. 23.Abigail]|2 6Vim. 9. t). Mephibosh._/i//.<« /'. Set FACE.
11. 10. behold, I sendniy messenger before thy/, 2 -Sam. H. 4. the woman of 'J'ekoah/e// 011 her Gen. 31. 21. Jacob f(( his/', toward mount Oilead
to prepare thy way, Mark 1. 2. Luke 7. 27. 22. Joab 18. 28. Ahimaaz fell on his/. Leo. 17. 10. 1 will set my
II J. against that soul, 20.6.
18. 10. their angels behold the/, of my Father 1 hinzt 18. 7. Oliadiahjj 39. \xtop\ffell o'u their/. 20.3. sei my f. against that man, 5. Liek. 14. 8
26. C7. then did they spit in his/, anil buffeted 1 C/ir. 21. lb. David and elders /iV/ on their/'. 26. 17. I will set my/, against you, Jer. 44. 11
/.u^<2.31.thou hast prepared before /". of all people Eiek. 1. ca. when 1 saw it 1 felt upon my /'. 3. 23. Sum. 24. I. Halaam set his/, toward wilderness
9. 52. he sent messengers before his/. 10. 1. I
9- «• I
II. 13. 4'}. 3'.
I 44. 4. Dan. 8. 17. 2 fiiugt 12. 17. Ilaz.iel j« his/, lo .lerusaleiii

53.his/.wa5 as though he would go to Jerusalem Dan. 2. 46. Neliuchadnczzar/*// upon his /". 1 Chron.^O* H'. when Joab saw/, of battle was Kt

22. 64. they struck him on the/, and asked him Mat. 17. 6. disciples 26. 39. .lesus re// on his/. 2 C//;v«. 20. f 3. Jehoshaphat lei his/, to seek

John 11. 44. his/, wa.'i bound about with a napkin Cuke a. 12. leper 17. Jf Samaritan /if// on liis/.
|| . LorJ
AiisQ..'iS. 1 foresaw the Lord always before my/. I'ev. 11. 16. the twenty.four elders /e.V on their"/. /ya.50.7.1 have tet myf. like a flint,not be ashamed
7. 45, God drave out before the/, of our fathers FACEo/ Ihe field. Jer. 21. 10. I have set myf. against this cily
1 Car. 14. 23. so falling down on his/, will worship Lev. 14. \ 7- living bird loose on the/. ./ the field E^ek. 4. 3. set thy/, against it. it shall be besieged
2Cor. 3.7 could not stedfastly behold the/of Moses 2 Kings 9. 37. Jezebel as dung on the/.o/" the field 7. thou shalt set thy/, towards the siege at .leriis.
l3. not as Moses, «'ho put a vail over his/. Exck. 29. i 5. thou shalt faii on the/, of thefild 6. 2. sel thy/, towards the mountains of Israel
18. but we all with open/, beholding the glory 39. t 5. Cog shall fall on the/, of the Jield 13.1'!. set thy/, against the daughters of my peop.
4. 6. the glory of God, in the/, of Jesus Christ FACE of the gate. 15. 7. and i will set my/, against them
5. t 12. which glory in the/, and not in the heart 15. from thtf.ofiie ga/jof theentrauce 20. 40. son of man, tei tliy/. toward the south
11. 20. ye suffer, if a man smite you on the/. VACF.vf the i;roH>id. 21. 2. son of iMnn, set thy/, toward Jerusalem
Oal. 1. 22. I was unknown by/, to the churches Gen. 2. 6. a mist watered the «holt /'. of the ground ](). go thee whithersoever thy/, is /«/
2. 11. I withstood him to the/, because he was 7. 23. destroyed, that was on the/, ot the ground 25.2. sonof man,jf<thy/. against the Ammonites
Jam. 1. 23 beholding his natural/, in a glass 8. a. were abated from off the/ cj' the ground 28.21._/'. against /:idon||29 2._/". against I'haraoh
/<<r. 4. 7. the third beast had a/, as a man 13. and behold, the/, of the i;round was dry .35. 2./". against mount Seir|| 38. 2. /. against Gog
10. 1. and his/, was as it were the su!i Hide, hideth, or hid FACE. Dan. 9- 3. and 1 set my/, unto the Lord God
12. 11. were nourished from the/, of the serpent Gen. 4. 14. and from thy Z". shall 1 be hid 10. 15.1 set myf. toward ground and became dumb
20. 11. from whose/, the earth and heaven fl<"l Erod. 3.6. and Moses AiVliis/. for he was afraid 11. 17. he shall jf/ his_/'. to enter with strength
SmSekk, Set, Shine, Sky, WAXtns.WiLDiiii. /.>«»(. 31 IT.will //irfir my/. fromlhem,18. 3;. CO. fjike [). i\ .lie sitiifuMly set his/ to go toieriisal.

NESS, WORLU. Joi 13. 24. wherefore hidest Ihou tliy/..ind boldest FACE shine.
I'/^CE with cover, or coitred. me for thine enemy ? J'tal. 44. 24 88. 14. \um. 6.25. the Lord make his_/". to shine upon ihe*

Gen. 38. 15. an harlot, because she cmered her f. .14. 29. when he hideth his/, who can behold? Psai. 31. 16. make thy/, to shine on iny servant,
/joi/.lO.S. locusts shall cover the/, of the earth, 15. I'snl. 10. 11. he hideth his/, he will never see it save me for iny mercies' sake, II9. 135.
Num. 22. 5. behold, they rot»r the/, of the earth l^. I. how long wilt thou hide thy/, from me ? 67. I.God bless us, and cause his/, to shins on ut
i.Sain. 19. 4. the king covered his/, and cried 2'.'. 24. neither hath
he hid his /". from him 80. 3. cause thy/, shine, we shall be saved, 7, 19.
£tth. 7. 8. word went out, they covered llamaii's/. 27.9. hide not thy/. f)9. 17. 102.2. | |143. 7. 104. 15. and oil to make his /'. to thine
Jot 15. 27. he coverall his/, with fatness 30. 7. hast made my mnuniaiii strong, thou didst Ecct.ii. 1. a man's wisdom makeih his/', to ihint
23. 17. nor hath he covered darkness from my /. hide thy/, and 1 was troubled, 104. Ci). Dan. y. 17. cause thy/, to thine on thy sanctuary
P/a/. 44. 15. the shame of my /". hath revered me 51. Q. hide thy/, from my sins, and blot out all Mar. 17.2. and his /'. did thine as the sun
69. 7. for thy sake shame hath covered my/. ha. 11. 17. hideth his/, from the house of Jacob I'ACE of the sky.
>V.'P. 24. .11. nettles had covered the /'. thereof 50. 6. I Aid not my/, from .shame and spilling Mat.] 6.3. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the / e/
Jia. 6.2. with twain he covcredhii f. and his feet 54. 8. in a little wrath I Aid my f. from thee the tky, but can ye not the times .' Lnie 12. 56.
l.zek. 12.6. thou shalt cover thy/, that thou see not 59. 2. your sins have hid his/, from you FACE of the rcalers.
12. the prince shall cover his/, that he see not 64. 7. thouhast hid Ay f. from us and consumed TJfrt. 1.2. Spirit of God moved on ihef.ofthe waters
Mark 14. 05. be^an to spit on lim, and cover his/. Jer. Ifi. 17. thy ways are not hid from niy/. 7. 18. the ark went upon the/, of the uateri
of ihe cmmtry. .'13. 5. I have hid my
f. from this city Eccl. 11. f 1. cast thy bread on the/, of the uater
2 oain.18. 8. battle was scattered over/, oj country tiei. 39. 23. therefore /(!(/ I my/, from them, 24. Uos. 10. f 7. her king cut off as from on/, of uater t
FACE of the deep. 29. nor will I hide my/, any more from them FACE of the uilderness.
Oen. I. 2. darkness was upon the/, of :l.i deep Mic. 3. 4. he will even hide )r.sf. at that time Exod. 16. 14. on the /". of Ihe milderness lay manna
Job 38. 30. and the/. 0/ the deep is frozen Kev. 0. 16. hide us from the/, of him that sitteth FACE </ ilie uorld.
Prov. 8. 27. he set a compass on the/, of the depth FACE of the house. Job 37. 12. do what he commandeth on/, of world
FACK of the earth. Ezek. 41. 14. the breadth of the/, of the house Isa. 14. 21. nor fill the/, o/" </i« 7wr/rf with cities
Gen. 1. Sg. every herb upon the/, of the earth h'ACEof Ihe Lord. 27.6. Israel shall fill the /. of the uorld with fruit
4. 14. thou hast driven me from the/, of the earth Gen. 1 9. 13. the cry great before the /. of the Lord FACES.
6. 1. men began to multiply on thef.of the earth Eiod. 32. f 11. Moses entreated they'. 0/ the Laid Gen. g. 23. their/, were backward, they saw not
7. 3. to keep seed alive on the/,
of all the earth I .b'lim. 26.20. let not my blood fall betore /". of Lord 30. 40. set/, of the flocks toward the ring-straked
4.1 will destroy from off the/, of the earth, Deut 1 Kings 13. 6. entreat now the/, of the Lord 40. f 7. wherefore are your/, evil to-day >
6. 15. 1 KingtlZ.H. Amos I). 8. t'sal. 34.16. the/, of Ihe JUird is against them that 42. 6. they bowed with their/, to the earth
I! 9. the waters were on the/, of the whole earth do evil, to cut off from the earth, 1 Pet. 3. 12. £j-Drf.l9.7. .Moses laid before their/, all these words
21. 4^ lest we be scattered on ihe/. of Ihe earth Jer. C6. 1 19. Hezekiah besought the/ of the L>id 20. 20. that nis fear may be beior'; your/.
41. 56 the famine was over all the/, Lam.i. 19. pour out thy neart before/ of the Lord 25. 20. and their/, shall look one to another
of the earth
£jod 32. 12. to consume them from/, of the earth 4. t 16. the/ of the Lord hath diviiled them 37. 9. to the mercy-seat-ward werey'. of cherubln»
S3. \t. from »11 people onto the/, the earth Luke 1. 76. thon shalt go before ihef.ofiha Lord Deut. l.t 17. shall not acknowledge /. in jidgme^c
Num. 12 3. meek al.ove all men on/, of the earth FACE of the porch. Judr, 18. £3. tUTTied their/, and said, what aileth
Oiiu. 7. 6. above all people on the /. of the eonh Qitlt. 40. 15. to the /. of'ths porck were Qlty cubiU : H...:. \Z. 5. t^v. L^: ii:.:.i^!,i, 'JLaf. cf '^y icrrasta
. !


S ICin^j 2. IS. that all Israel s«t their/, on me Ita. 38. 14. mine eyes f. with lonkini; upward Psal. lOT. 5. hungry and thirsty, soul /. in ihera
* CAron.lS. whose/, were like the/" of lions
6. 42 4. he shall not f. nor be discouraged ha.5l 2t\ Ihy sons/, they lie at head of all street*
C/iion. 3. 13. and their/, were inward 51. 14. liasteneth that his bread should not/. Jtr 45. 3. 1/ in my sighing, I find no rest
eg. 6. onr fathers have turned away tteir_/. 57. 16. for the spirit should/, before me Liek. 31. 15. the trees of the field/, for him
\Vi.8.6.they worshipped with their ^.to the ground 58. 11. and like a spring whose waters/ not Dan. 8. 27. I Daniel/ and was sick certain day*
^o6 Q. 24. he covereth the /. of the judges 7fr.l4.6.their eyes did/because there was no grass JoiiaM 2.7. when my soul/. I remembered
the Ix)rd
40. 13. hide in dust, and bind their/, in secret 15. 18. wilt thou be unto me as waters that/. / 4. 8. that he/, and wished in himself to die
Psat. M. 5. and their/, were not ashamed 48. 3.3. I caused wine to/, from presses, Hos. 9. 2. Mat.g.sG.w'uh compassion on them, because
33. 16. fill their/, with shame, O Lord Lam. 2. 11. mine eyes do/, with tears, my bowels liev. 2. 3. thou hast laboured and hast not
/rn. 3. 15. and that ye grind the/, of the poor 3. 22. not consumed,becau3e his compassions
f. not FAINTEST.
13. 8. shall be amazed, their/, shall be as Hames Amos 8. 4. even to make the poor of the land to /. Joi 4. 5. now it is come upon thee, and thou
25. 8. God will wipe »way tears from off all /. Hai. 3. 17. although the labour of the olive shall/ FAINTETII.
33. 3. and we hid as it were our /. from him Luke 16. 9. that when ye/, they may receive you Psal. Si. 2. my soul/, for the courts of tlie
Jer. 1. 8. be not afraid of their/. I am with thee 17. earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to/. 119. 81. my soul/, for thy salvation
17. be not dismay, at their/, lest I confound thee 22. 32. I have prayed that thy faith/, not /M.10.18.theyshairbea3when a standard-bearer/.
5. 3. they have made their/, harder than a rock 1 Cor. 13.8. whether prophecies they shall/. 40. 28. the Creator of the ends of the earth/, not
7. ig. provoke to the confusion of their own/. llih. 1.12. thou art the same, thy years shall not/ FAINT-MEARTED.
30. 6. and all/, are turned into paleness 11. 32. the time would/, me to tell of Gideon Deut. 20.8. who is fearful and/, let him ivtura
4S.15. if ye set their/, to enter Egypt, 17. 44.12.
12. 15. looking lest any man/, of the grace of God La. 7. 4. fear not, nor be/ for the two tails
50. 5. the way to Zion,with their/, thitherward FAILED. Jer. 49. 23. llamath and Arpad are/.
51.51. are confounded, shame hatn covered our/. Gen. 42. 28. their heart/, them, they were afraid FAINTNESS.
Lam. 5. 12. the/, of the elders were not honoured 47. 15. and when money/ iu the land of Egypt Lev. 26. 36. I will send a/, into their hearts
Etei. 1. 6. and every one had four/. 10, 11, 15. Josli. 3. 16. the waters/, and were cut off FAIR.
3. 8. I made thy face strong against their /. 21. 45. there/, not any good thing which the Lord Gen. 6.2. saw that the daughters of men were/.
7. 18. shame shall be on their/, and baldness promised to Israel, 23. 14. 1 Kinp 8. 50. 12. 11. Sarah was/.14. 24. I6. Re'«kah/. 26.
|| 7
8.16. twenty-five men, with th«ir/.toward the east Joi 19. 14. my kinsfolk have/, and my friends 1 .Sam. 16. t 12. David was/, of eyes, 17. 42.

14. 6. turn away your /. from all abominations I'.sal. 142. 4. refuge_/'.me, no man cared for my soul 2 Sam.13. 1. Tamar Absalom's sister was/. 14. 27.
20. 47. and all /. shall be burnt therein Cunt. 5. 6. my soul/, when he spake, 1 sought him I Kings 1.4. Abishag a/ damsel
cherished David
41. 18. and every cherub had two/. Jer. 51. .30. their might/, they became as women Lst/i. I. 11. Vashti the queen/. 2. 7. Esther/.

Dan. I. 10. for why should he see your_/7 worse Lam.-i. 17. our eyes as yet/, for our vain help 2. 2. let/, young virgins be sought for the king
9. 7. but unto us confusion of/ as at this day FAILETH. 3. that they may gather the/, young virgins
Joel. 2.6. be much pained, all/ shall gather blackn. Oe7t.47. 15. why should we die.' for money/. Joi:i'. 22./. weather cometh out of the north
Xah. 2. 10. the/, of them all gather blackness Lev. 25.135. if thy brother's hand/, relieve him 42. 15. no women found so /. as Job's daughters
tiai. 1. 9. their/, shall sup up as the east-wind J06 21. 10. their bull gendercth and/, not I'rov. 7. 21. with/, speech she caused him to yieW
Mai. 2. 3. behold, I will spread dung on your/. Psal. 31. 10. my strength/, me, 38. 10. 11. 22. so is a/, woman without discretion
+ 9- but ye have accepted /. in the law 40. 12. therefore my heart/, me, 73. 26. 26. 25. when he ipeaketh /. believe him not
Mai. 6. l6. the hypocrites disfigure their/. 71.9- forsake me not when my strength f. Cant. 1. 15. behold, thou art/.l6. 4. 1,7. |

/^ke they have bowed down their/, to earth 109. 24. my knees are weak, my flesh/, of" fatness 2.10. rise up, my love, my/, one, come away, 13,
Rev. 7. 11. fell before the throne on theirr/. 143. 7. hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit /'. i. 10. how/, is thy love, my sister, my spouse
9. 7. the/, of the locusts were as the/, of meif Led. 10. 3. when he walketh, his wisdom/, him 6. 10./. as the moon 7. 6. how/art thou, O love

See Fell on Face, or I'aces. Isn. 15. 6. the grass/, there is no green thing /m. 5. 9. many houses great and/without inhabitanS
FACTIONS. 40. 26. for that he is strong in power, not one /'. 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with/, colours
1 Cor. 3. t 3. for whereas there is among you/. 41. 17. poor seek water, their tongue/, for thirst Jer 4. 30. in vain shalt thou make thyself/.
FADE. 41. 12. yea, he is hungry and his strength/. 11. 16. and olive-tree/, and of a goodly fruit
Eiod. 18. + 18. surely fading thou wilt / away 5y. 15. truth /. and he that departeth from evil 12. 6. though they speak/, words onto thee
2 .Sam. 22.46. strangers shall f. away, Psal. 18.45. Lzei, 12. 22. days are prolonged and every vision/ 46. 20. Egypt is like a very/, heifer, destruction
Psal. 1. + 3. his leaf also shall not /. shall prosper /iep/i. 3.5. bring his judgment to light, he/, not comes
Isa. 64.6. are all unclean, and we all /. as a leaf l.nie 12.33. a treasure in the heavens that/, not Ezek. 16. 17. thou hast also taken thy /".jewels
/«r.8.13. I will consume them, and theleaf shall /'. 1 Cur. 13. 8. charity never/, but prophecies fail 39. and they shall take thy/, jewels", 23. S6.
Etei. 47. 12. trees for meat, whose leaf shall^no^/'. FAILING. 31. 3. was a cedar in Lebanon with/, branches
Jam. 1. 11. so the rich man shall/, away inhis ways Deut. 28. 65. the Lord Snail givo thee/, of eyes 7. thus was he/, in his greatness, in branches
FADETH. LuAe 21. 26. men's hearts/, them for fear 9.1 have made him/.by multitude of his branches
Jai 14. t 18. surely the mountain falling/. FAIN. Dan. 4. 12. leaves thereof were/, fruit much, 81.
Jsa. 1. 30. ye shall be as an oak, whose leaf/. J06 27. 22. he would/ flee out of his hand IIos. 10. 11. but I passe J over upon her/, neck
24. 4. the earth mourneth and/, the world/, /.«*; 15. l6.would/. have filled hisbclly with husks Amos 8. 13. the/, virgins shall faint for thirst
40.7. the grass witherelh, the flower/. 8. FAINT. i^ec/i. 3. 5. let them set a/, mitre upon his head

1 Pet. 1. 4. to an inheritance that/, not away ('Vn. 25. 29. Esau came from field, and he was/. .30. Mat. 16. 2. it will be/, weather for the sky is red
5.4. shall receive a crown of glory that/, not away D«i/f.25.18.smote theewhenthou wast/.and weary Actst 20. Moses was born, and was exceeding/.

FADING, Jud^.a.i. passed over Jordan,/, yet pursuing them Ram. 16. 18. by/, speeches deceive the siirple
//a. 28. 1. whose glorious beauty is a/..Jlower 5. give loaves of bread to the people, for they be/. Gal. 6. 12. a desire to make a/, shew in the flesh
4. the glorious beautv shall be a/, flower 1 ^am. 14.28. and the people were very /'. 31. FAIR /.aiens.
FAIL. 30. 10. so/, that they could not go over, 21. Acts 27 8. we came to a phice called the/. havn$

Joj^.n. 10. will without/, drive out Canaanites 2. bam. 16.2. the wine, that such as be/, may drink FAIRLY.
Jud^. 11. .30. if thou without/, deliver Ammon 21. 15. David fought and waxed/ Mic. 1. t U. pass ye away, thou that dwellest/
15am. ."iO. 8. pursue, thou shalt without/, recover all Isa.X .5. the whole head is sick, the whole heart is/. FAIRER.
£sra C. 'J. let it be given day by day without/. 13.7. therefore shall all hands be/, heart melt JuJ;;. 15. 2. is not her younger sister than she ?

FAIL, Feri. 2g. 8. but he awaketh, and behold he is/. /*ia/. 45. 2. thou art/ than the children of meu
Gtn. 47.16. Jos. said, give your cattle, if money f. 40.29. he giveth power to the/, and increaseth Dan. 1. 15. their countenances appeared/.
/)rw.28.32. thine eyes shall/.with longing for them 44. 12. he drinketh no water, and is/. FAIREST.
31 6. Lord doth go with tnee, he will not
. thee Jfr. 8. 18. I would comfort myself, my heart is f.
/". Cant, 1. 8. O thou/, among women, 5. 9. 6. 1. |

nor forsake thee, 8. Josk. 1. 5. 1 C/non. 28. 20. Lam. 1. 22. for my sighs are many, my heart is f, FAIRS.
lSam.2. 16. let them not/ to burn fat presently 5. 17. for this our heart is/, our eyes are dim £a*. 27. 12. they traded in thy f. 14, lO, 19, 22,
17. 32. David said, let no man's heart/, him Zeyh. 3.t 16. and to Zion, let not thine hands be/. 27. thy riches and thy /". shall fall into the seas
CO. 5. I should not/, to sit with the king at meat FAINT, Verb. FAITH.
26'om. 3.29. let there not/, from the house of Joab Deui. 20. 3. let not your hearts/, fear not Faith is' a dependence on the teraciiy of onelhir ;
1 Ktn^s 2. 4.,there shall'not/. thee a man on the K. lest his brethren's heart f. as well as his heart T/ins trust is calied faith iecause it relies upon

throne of Israel, 8. 25. 9. 5. 2 C/iron. 6. I6. Jus/i. 2. 9. the inhabitants of fand f. because of you
the truth of a pr.<mise : And one is said to keep
17. 14. neither shall the cruse of oil/. 16. 24. all the inhabitants of country/", because of us his J'atlh inviolate, alien he performs the pre-
Eira 4. 22. take heed that ye /. not to do this Prov. 24. 10. if thou/ in the day of adversity mise that another relied on. Faith, in the pre
iJ«A. 6. 10. let nothing/, of all thou hast spoken Isa. 40. 30. even the youths shall/. Amos 8. 13. prieiy of expresstan, is an assent en account of
9. 27. not f. to keep these days of Purim, 28. 31 shall run and not be weary, walk and not/. the leracity of the speaker. Accordingly, divine
/oS 11. 20. \>nl the eyes of the wicked shall /. •Ter. 51. 46. and le.1t your hearts/ and ye fear faith is a firm assent of the mind to ihingt.
14. 11. as waters/, from the sea, and flood drieth up I^m. 1. n. he hath made me/, all the day upon the authority of divine lievelution. Faith
17. 5. even the eyes of his children shall/. 2. f 11. the sucklings/. I| 19. young children/. hy Divines is generally distinguished into four
SI. 16. or caused the eyes of the widow to/ £ifX.2! .7.every spirit shall/, knees shall be weak kinds, namely, historical, temporary, the faitb
Picrl. 12. 1. for the faithfol/. from among men 15. their heart may/, and ruins be multiplied of miracles, a?irf juitifying, er saving faith.
69. 3. mine eyes/ while I wait for my God .'l/a^l5.32. not send them away fasting lest they/. I. Historical faith it n speculative knowledge of
77. B. doth his promise/, for evermore ! Mark 8.3. if I send them away fasting, they will"''. and bare asient to the truths revealed in the
dg. 33. nor will I suffer my faithfulness to /. Luke 18. 1. that men ought always to pray, not to/. scripture: Of this kind of faith the apoiile
119. 82. mine eyes /". for thv word, saying 2 C'l'; •!. 1 as we have received mercy wc /". not
. . James speaks, J.\m. 8. 17, 24, Faitb, if it ix^wa
123. mine eyes/, lor thy salvation and for word 16. for which cause we/, not, tho' outward man not works, is Te see how that by works
Prov. 22. 8. and the rod of his anger shall f. Cat. 6. 9. in due season we shall reap, if we/, not a man is justified, and not by faith only; ih<it
Eecl. 12. +3 the grinders/, because they grinfl little EyA.3. 13. that ye/, not at my tribulations for you is, not by a mere profession of fuith, or a barf
5. desire shall/, because man goeth to long home 2 'J'/tess. 3, t 13. brethren,/, not in well-doing assent to the truth, uithout good works, uiich
•>o.l9.3. the spirit of Egy. shall/, in midst thereof Ilei. 12. 3. lest ye be wearied and /". in your minds proceed from faith, and shew it to be of ine
19- a. waters shall r. |1
21. 16. glory of Kedar/. 5. nor/, when thou art rebuked of him rifhl kind. This kind of faith the devils therr-
31.3. ana they all shall/, together FAINTED. seiies have. Jam. 2. I9, Thou believest that
32. 6. he will cause the drink of the thirsty to f. C;en. 45. 26. Jacob's heart/ for he believed not there is one God ; the devils also believe, and
10. ye laall be troubled, for the vintage shall/. 47. 13. all the landof Canaan/. by reason of fainini; tremble. They are fully persuaded that there
31. 16. no one of these shall f. nor want her male J'lal. 27. 13. I bad/, uiileu I bad believed to s«e n a God, and thai Christ it the Sen »f Cfdt
; ' ; .


and shaU h lAsir judge, at thtg acinoa/tdgg, thou faith ; have it to 'ayself before God. 1 Tim. 6. 10. they Kwe erred from the /. 21.
Mat. 8 29. For whatsoever is not jf faith is sin thit is.; 11. loUow /. 12. fight the good fight off.

II. Teuipnrary faith, together iiiih the htimledge Hast thou a persuasion of the lawfulness of 2 7iwi. 1. 5. the unfeigned/, that is in thee
of, irrid assent to leveaied truths, hat likevise svci and such meals, then keep it to thyself, 2. 18. and overthrow the/, of some
in it, an approbation uf, and joy in, receiving aithout making an unseasonable discovery of 11, 24. follow /'. 3. 8. reprobate concerning ihf
II /
and hearing these truths ; iut this joy arising to the offence of others : lor whatever a man 3. 10. but thou hast fully known niy/. charity
Jrom sornt worldly consideration, soon lanishit doeih uilh a wavering mind, without being 4. 7. I have finished my course, I have kept ihef.
and comes to nothing: C>f' this kind of f;iith lur persuaded that it is pleasing to God, and war- Tit. I. 1. according to the/, of God's elect
Saviour speaks in the parable of the saner, ranted by his word, he sinnelh in the doing if 4. to Titus mine own son, after the common f
Mai. 13. 20, He that received the seid into It. Faith is also put for the doctrine of the Phitem. 5. hearing of thy f. toward the Lord .lesas
stony places, receives it with joy ; he wtder- gospel, which it the object of faith. Acts 24. '.'4. //«*.4.2.word did not profit.not being mixed with/
llands It, assents to it, he hears it gladly, Pelii heard Paul concerning the faith in 0. 1. not laying again the foundation of/.
tonsiders, and approves of it ; and it springs up Christ. Gal. 1. 23, He preached the faith 10. 82. with a true heart in full assur-ince of/
in an t'Ut:iard profession and reformation,: Vet which once he destroyed. ^Jnrf faith is taken 23. let us hold fast the profession of our/.
hath he not root in himself, but durcth for a for Christ, and his righteousness ; that it. Ins 11. 1. /. is the substance of things hoped for
while ; he has no sufficient <r considerable root, active and passive obedience, which are appre- 6. without/, it is impossible to please God
because it uanis the soil of a sincere hiait, and hended by faith, and are the objects of 11, in 12. 2. Jesus, the author and finisher of our/.
true affections, firm and fixed resolutions, and all those passages where we are said to be justi- 13. 7. whose/, follow, considering the end
Aabicual dispositions of grace ^ tie has some fied by faith. It is put for a belief and pro- Jam. 2. 1 have not the /. with respect of persons

good purposes and desires, but they are soon fession of the goipel, Horn. 1. 8, Your faith 14. though a man say he hath/, can/, save him
vvcTpo::ered bit unmortified corruption, and the is spoken of throughout the whole world. 17. even so/, without works is dead. 20. 26.
foice of temptation: for when tribulation or And for fidelity in performing of promises, 18. a man may say, thou hast/, and I have works
perfecutiou ariseth because of the word, by Deut. 32. 20, Children in whom is no faith S2.seest ihou how/. wrought with his works, and
and by he is offenifed He stumbles, and falls
; that IS, They neither believe what I say, nor by works wm/. made perfect
off from all his former professron of religion. perform what themselves promise. 5. 15. and the prayer of/, shall save the sick
III. The faith of miracles is a firm assei,i of tiic Deut. 32. 20. they are children in whom is no f. 2 Pet. 1. 1. that have obtained like precious/.
miind to tome particular prontise concerning Mat. 6. 30. O ye of little /. therefore take no 1 John 5. 4. that overcometh the world, even our/.
any miraculous event, aJiich, if performed by us, thought, 8. 26 14. 31.
I6. 8. Luke 12. 28. .JudeZ. ye should earnestly contend for the/.

is called an active miraculous faith ;of uhich 8. 10. found so great/, no not in Israel. /,vX« 7. Q. 20. building up yourselves on your most holy/
our Haiiour and the aposlle Taul speak. Mat. 17. 20. if ye have/', as a grain of mustavd.seed ficf.2. 13.thou boldest fast and hast not denied my/.
17. CO. 1 Cor 13. 2. But if it be urcught 21. 21. if ye have/, ye shall not only do this 19. I know thy works, and/, and thy patience
mpen us, it is called a passive miraculous faith 23.23 and have omitted judgment, mercy, and f. 13. 10. here is the patience and the /. of the sainu
ehia the lame man at Lystra had a firm per- \laik4.l0.he said to them, how is it ye have no ^ .' 14. 12. here are thev that keep the/, of Jesus
tuasion that Paul and Barnabas uere able to 11. 22. .lesus saiih unto them, have /, in Go<l %"FA1TH.
cure him. Acts 14. 9. i.H*^17.5.the apostles said to the L. increase our/. Hub. 2. 4. but the just shall live by his f. Bern. 1.
IV. Justifying faith is a sating grace terought in 6. if ye had/, ye niight say to this sycamine-tree 17. Gal. 3. 11. llei. 10.38.
the soul by the Spirit cf God, uhereby ue re- 18.8. wlieu the .Souof man cometh, shall he find/.' .Ids 15. 9. purifying their hearts by f.
ceive Christ as he it revealed in the gospel, to Acts 3. 16. the /. which is by him, hath given liini 20. 18. who are sanctified by f. that is in me
ie our Prophet, Priett, and King, trmt thih perfect soundness in presence of you all Rom. 1. 12. may be comforted by the mutual /.
and rely upon him and his righteousnas alone 6. 5. and they chose Stephen, a man full ol ^ 8. 3. 22. the righteousness of God byf. of JesusChr.
for justification and saltation. This failli be- 7. a great company of priestswere obedient to the/ 28. a man is justified byf. 5.1. Gai. 2.16. |
gets a sincere obedience in the life and corner 11. 24. liamabas was a good man, full of/. 30. which shall justify the circumcision hy f.
ealion. The aposlle to the Hebrews calls I'aiih 13. 8. seeking to turn the deputy from the/. 5. 2. by whom we have access byf. to this graca
the substance of things hoped for, the evidence 14. <J. who perceiving that he had/ to be ner.kd 9. 32. because they sought it not by f.
of things not seen, lieb. 11. 1. It assures vs 22. and exhorting them to continue in the/. n. 20. thou standest byf. 2 Cor. 1. 24.
cf the reality and uorth of eternal invisible 27. how he had opened the door of/, to Gentiles 2 Cor. 5. 7. for we walk by /. not by sight
things, and produces a satisfaction and assured 16. 5. the churches were established in the/. Gal. 2. 20. I live by the/, of the Son of God
eonfidence, that (Jod uilt infallibly peifc 17. + 31. whereof he hath offered/, to all men 3. 22. that the promise bvf. might be given
ahat he has promised, uhereby the believer is as 20. 21. and/, toward our Lord Jesus Christ 26. ye are the children of God byf. in Christ Jes
tonfident of them, as if they vieie brfore his eyes 24. 24. Felix heard Paul concerning the /. 5. 5. we wait for the hope of righteousness by f.
and in his actual possession. The object of faith liom.l.S.we have -Pceived grace tor obeiiieiue to/. Eph. 3. 12. in whom we have access by f. of him
u the liord of God in general, and especially 17.the righteousness of God revsaled from/ to/. 17. that Christ may dwell in your hearts by f
the doctrines and promises that respect the sal- 3. 3. unbelief make the/, of God without effect Phil. 3. g. the righteousness which is of God byf.
ration of men through Christ, t.hieh reason £7- where boasting It is excluded by law of/ Ileb.i. t2. because they were not united bv f.

cannot discover by its own li^ht, nor perfectly 4. 5. his/, is counted for righteousness, 9. 11. 4. byf. Abel |i5. byf. Enoch 7. *V /."Noah

understand chen reiealed. The firm foundation 11. circumcision a seal of the righteousness of /. 8. byf. Abrah. 9, 17.||20. byf. Isaac blessed Jac.
ef faith is the essential snpreme perfections of 12. but also walk in steps of that/, of Abraham 21. bv f. Jacob 22. by f. Joseph made mention

God ; his unerring knou ledge, immutable truth 13. but was through the riphteousness of/. 23. by f. Moses. 24, 27. 31. byf. Rahab

infinite goodness, and almighty power. Faith 14. if they of the law be heirs, /. is made void 29. by f. they passed through the Red-sea
has a prevailing influence upon the will, it 16. it is of f. which is of the /. of Abraham 30. by f. the'walls of Jericho fell down
draus the affections, and renders the whole iimn 9. 30. even the righteousness, which is of/. 10. C, Jam. 2. 24. you see then how that by works a man
cbsequious to the gospel. 10. 8. that is the vord of/, which we preach is justified, not by
f. only
By this faith, we are said to be justified, Ri 17/. cometh by hearing.hearingby wnrdof God In FAITH.
5. 1. We are justified by f£dth, not formally, 12- 3. accord, as God hath dealt the measure of/ Rom. 4. 19. being not weak inf. he considered liot
its if i: were our righteousness, or the meritori- 6 prophesy according to the proportion of/. 20. he staggered not, but was strong inf.
tits cause of our justification before God ; but 14 22. hast thou/..' have it to thy self before God 14. 1. him that is weak in the/, receive you
inslrumentally and relatively, as it apprehends 23. he eateth not of/, what is not of/, is sin 1 Cor. 16. 13. watch, stand fast in the/, be .strong

and applies to us the righteousness and blood of 16. 26. to all nations for the obedience of/ 2 Cor. 8. 7- as ye abound in /. and utterance
Christ, which is the object of faith, and which 1 Cor. 12. 9. to another/', by the same Spirit 13. 5. examine yourselves whether ye be in the/.
tnly cleanseih us from all sin and rmde^s us 13. 2. though I have all/ and have no charity Col. 1. 23. if ye continue in the /. grounded
acceptable to God. It is called the faith through 13. DOW aiideth/. hope, charity, these three 2. 7- rooted in him, and stablished in the /".
which we are saved, Eph 2 8. Faith 2 Cor. 4. 13. we having the same Spirit of/. 1 Tim. 1.2. nnto Timothy my own son in the /
it were, a condition in our part uhereby we Gal. 1.23. now preached/, which oocehe destroyed 4. rather than godly edifying which is in /.
come to ie partakers of the blessings of the new 3.2. by the works of law, or by the hearing o{f. 5. 2. 7. a teacher of the Gentiles in /. and verity
covenant. It u a faith which worketh by 7. know ye, that they which are of/. 9. 15. be saved, if they continue in /. and charity
low, Gal. 5. 6. It is not an idle, unactive, 12. law is not of /. but the man that doeth them 3. 13. they purchase great boldness in the/.
and inoperative grace, but sht s itself by pro- 2.!. before /. came 25. after that/, is come
4. 12. be thou an example of believers in f.
ducing in us lute to God and our neighbour. 5. 6. but/, which worketh by love 2 7'im. 1. 13. hold fast the form in J', and love
It purifies the heart. Ads 15. 9 '' " called 22. but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,/. Tit. 1. 13. that they may be found in the/. 2.2.
the faith of God's elect. Tit. 1 1. because it is 6. 10. unto them who are of the household of/. 3. 15. greet them that love us in the/, grace be
iestowed only upon those. This grace increascih I'ph.4. 5. one Lord, one/, one baptism Heb. 11.13. these all died in/, not having received
from one degree to another, Koni. 1. 17. being 13. till we all come in the unity of the/. Jam. 1.6. but let them ask in f. not wavering
in some strong and firm. Mat. 8. 10. in others 6. 16. above all, taking the shield of/. 2. 5. God chosen the poor of this world, rich inf.
tceak and languishing. Mat. 14. 31. Lastly, 23. peace be to the brethren, with/, from God 1 Pel. 5. 9- whom resist, stedfast i« the/.
this grace is the special gift of God, Eph. 2. Phil. 1. 25. for your furtherance antl joy of/. Their FAITH.
8, By grace ye are saved through faith ;and 27. striving together for the/, of the gospel Mat. 9-2. Jes. seeing their f. Marki.5. Luke !>."('
that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God 1 Thets. 1. 3. remembering your work of/.
Through FAITH.
that it. That you believe, is not by any ability 5. 8. putting on the breast-plate of/, and love Acts 5. 16. through f. in his name this man strong
c/ your own ; and that you are saved, is not 2 Thess. 1. 4. we glory for your patience and/. Horn. 3. 25. a propitiation through f. in his blood
fcr any worth in yourselves. Likewise in I'hil. 11. would fulfil the work of /. with power .to. who shall justify the uncircumcision though f
1. 29, Unto you it is given to believe on 3. 2. we may be delivered, for all men have not/. 31. do we make void the law /Arorg/i/.'G.foibid
Christ. 1 Tim. 1. 5./. unfeigned 5.8. he hath denied the /. Gal. 3. 8. God would justify the heathen through f

Faith, scripture, is taken for the truth and 14.grace of our Lord exceeding abundant wiihy'. 14. might receive the promise of the Spirit thro"/
/luyuJnesi of God, Rom. 3. 3, Shall their 19. holding /.and a good conscience ; which some Eph. 2. 8. for by grace arc ye saved through f.
unl elief make the faith of God without effect ? put away, concerning/, have made shipwreck Phil. 3.9. but that righteousness which is Ihro^ f.
Shill iheir unbelief make the faithful promise/ 3. t 6. not one newly come to the/. Col. 2. 12. risen thro' the /. of the operation of God
cj Gcd, of sending the Messiah, anrfo/ redemp- 9. holding the mystery of/, in a pure conscience 2 Vim. 3. 15. make thee wise to salvation thro' f.
tion by him, not to be accomplished? It it also 4. 1. in latter times, some shall depart from the/. Heb. 6. 12. who through f. inherit the promises
taktm far a persuasion of the lawfulness of 6. nourished up in words of/, and good doctrine 11.3. throughf. we understand the worlds framed
tkingt indiferent, Rom. 14. S2, 2J, HastI B. 12. because they have cast off their first/. 11. through/. Sara received strength to conceive



fli'4.ll.58./Arp'/.he kept thepassover, and sprink. 1 Jain 1. 9. if we confess, he is/ to forgive ns Aim: All his unset were quick and Ihily, aih
35. wbo ihro'l'. subdued kingdonis.wrought right. Rev. 1. 5. Christ who is the/', witness, 3. 14. to perform with /acilily, vigour, and delifhi,
39. huvivij; obtained a good repori through f. 2. to death, I will give thee a crown of life Ihetr operations. Sot only were his organs et-
\Vtt. 1. 5. kept by power of O. Mr«'/. to salvation 13.those days wherein Antipas was my/, martyr eellently disposed, but there were also convenient
•I'hy FAITH. 17. 14. tbey that are with mm, are called, and/. objects to entertain his sensitive /acultiet : He
Mat. 9. 22. //'V /. halh made thee whole, 'Mark 19. 11. ai>d he that sat upon him was called/. enjnued nature in its original putity, croimed
5. 34. 10. 5C. Lii/fS. 48.
17. 19. 21. 5. these words are true and /'. 22. C.
with the benediction 0/ God, ie/oit it was blatttd
15. 28. Jesus said, O woman, great is thif f. FA nil FULLY. with the curse. The world was all harmonv and
Luhl. 50. i/'j/. halh saved thee, go in peace, 18. 42. 2 Ki>t;s 12. 15. for they dealt/. 22. 7- bcaut'j, becoming the goodness of the Creator j
22 32. Iprayed for thee, that ///.»/. fail not 2 C/iron. 19. 9. thus do in the fear of the Lord/. and not as it is since the /all, disordered ana
Philem. 6. the communication of ihu f. effectual 31. 12. and they brought in the offerings/. deformed in many parts, llie effect of his justice.
Jam. 2. 18. shew me ihy f. without tiiy works 34. 12. and the men did the work/. Ihe earth was liberal to Adam 0/ all its trea-
Yoiir FAITH. Pivv. 29. 14. the king that_/'. judgeth the poor sures ; Ihe heavens 0/ their light and sweetest
Mat. 9. 29- according to your f. be it unto you Jer. 2:!.C8. hath my word, let him si)cak my word/. in/uences. And he was seated in I-^den, a placa
Luke 8. 25. he said unto them, where is yotirj. .'
3 Jo/m 5. thou doest/. whatsoever thou doest to bre- 0/ great beauty and delight. But (2) His chief
Jiom. 1. a. your/, isspokcn of through the world rAnilFULNESS. [thren happiness consisted in the exercise 0/ his mast
1 C(»r.2.5.yoHr_/".should not stand in wisdom of men 1 Sam. 2f). 23. the Lord render to every mau his/. noble faculties on their proper objects. The
15. 14. and your/, is also vain, 17. /'sri/. 5, 9. for there is no/, in their mouth highest faculties in truin are the understanding
2 Cor. I. 24. not have dominion over your/. M. 5. and thy/ reacheth unto the clouds and will : and their happiness consists in union
10. 15. having hope when your/, is increased •10. 10. I have declared thy/, and thy salvation with God by knowledge and love. He saw iht
Efz/i. 1.15. after 1 heard of your /. in the Lord fi8. 11. or shall thy/, be declared in dcstructio.i > admirable beauty of the Creator through the
Phil. 2. 17. if I be offered on the service oiyoiir /. 81). 1. I will make known thy/, to all gener.itiuns transparent reil of Ihe creatures. And from
Col. 1. 4. since we heard ntyour/. in Christ Jesus 2. thy/, shall thou establish in the lieavens hence there arose in Ihe soul a pleasure piixe,
2. S.beholding the stedfastness of yoiiry. in Christ 5. thy/, also in the congregation of the saints solid, and satisfying.

\ Thets. 1. 8. your/, toward God is spread abroad 8. who is like to thee, or to thy/.ronnd about thee- I\'. There was in man's dominion and power ovtT

3. 2. and to comfort you concerning your /. 24. but my/, and my

mercy shall be with him Ihe ereatiires a shining part of God's image,
5. I sent to )/.\w\i your /. lest the tempter .'!.!. nor will I suffer my/, to fail God gave him the solemn investiture of his dig-
6. Timothy brought us good tidings oiyour /. 92. 2. it is good 10 shew forth thy/, every nigV* nity, when he brought the creatures to recene
7. we were comforted over you by your /. 119.75. and that thou 'in/, hast afllicted nie their names /rom him, which was a mark 0/
10. and might perfect what is lacking in yo::r /. t B6. all thy commandments are/.
their homage, and u token of his empire to com-
2 your /. groweth exceedingly
T/iets. 1. 3. that 00. thy/, is unto all generations mand them by their names, Psal. 8. 6, 7. 8.
Jam. 1. 3. the trying 01 your/, workcth patience t 1.1!?. thy testimonies are righteous and very/. Thus holy and blessed was Adam in his primi.
1 I'et, 1,7- the trial o( your /. being more precious 143. l.hear my prayer; in thy ;.iJswer me live state.
9. receiving the end o( your /. cwa salvation Isn. 11.5. and/, .shall be the girdle of his iieins Man
only of all creatures on earth was in a statt
21. that your/, and hope might be in Ood 25. 1. thy counsels of old are/, and truth 0/ moral dependence, and capable of a lat^,
C P«.1.5.atld io your f'.v'iTtMe, to virtue knowledge Lam. 3. 23. thy mercies are Jew, great is thy/. tor, a law being the declaration 0/ the Supe-
FAITHFUL. Jloi. 2. 20. I will betroth thee unto me in/. rior's will requiring obedience, and threatening
^'':ji»i.l2.7. Moses isy. in mine house, 7/ii. 3. 2, '>. FAlTHLliSS. punishment on the failure thereof, there must bt
Deu(. 7. 9. the/. Ood who keep«th covenant ^Jat. 17. 17. O/. general. M,:rk 9. I9. Luke Q. 41. a principle 0/ reason and choice in that nature
1 &twi. 2.35. I will raise mo up a Z". priest Jo/tii 20. 27. and be not/, but believing which is governed by it: both to discoier the
3. 1 20. Samuel was/, to be a prophet of the Lord FALL. authority that enjoins it ; to discern Ihe matter
22. 14. Ahimelech said, who is so/, as David The fall of man. Man's ^realctt exce'.lenry at
0/ Ihe law ; and to determine itself, out 0/ judg-
2 &OT.20.19- 1 am one of them that are/, in Israel f.nt i/rtt n per/ect eon/ormily to the divine ment and election, to obedience, as most eicclleut

JNVA. 7. 2. Hananiah wasa/. man anil 111 feared God jiattern. God created man in his own image, in itself, and advantageous to the performer.
9. 8. and foundest his heart/, before thee in the image of God created he liim, Gen. 1. 27. As there/ore reason made man capable 0/ a law,
15. 13. for they were counted/, to distribute 'J'his ineliidei, so it teat impossible he should be treinpt from a
Jot 12. t 20. he removeth the lip of the/. I. T/ie timiliiuile 0/ GoJ in the sufistance 0/ the law ; /or as the notion 0/ a God, that is, 0/ tise
Psat. 18. 1. for the/, fail from among men tout, at it is an inte/Zi^fnt, /rec, spiritual, j'irst and supreme Being, excludes all possibility

31.23.0 love the Lord, for Lord preservtth the/. and immortal being. This is assigned to be ol obligation to another, and 0/ subjection to a
89. 37. and as a/, witness in heaven the reason 0/ th: tam, that whoso sheds law ; so the quality of a creature includes the
101. 6. mine eyes shall be on the/, of the land man's blood, by man shall his blood be relation of dependence and natural lubjectiou
119. 8(5. all thy commandments are/. shed ; for in *he image of God made he man, to the will of God.
138. thy testimonies are righteous and very/. Gen. 9. 6. The law </ nature, to which man wat subject upon
Prov. 11. 13. a/, spirit cor.ccalcth the matter II. A
moral reseiiihlance in its qvalitiet and his creation, contnint those moral principles
13. 17. but a/, ambassador is health jierfeetions. Man was eon'ormeJ to God in concerning good and evil, which hive an essential
14. 5. a/.wilncss will not lie, but a false utter lies holiness : t!ii> the .Ipofiis insinuates, i./ien equity in them, and are the measures 0/ hii duly
20. C. but a/, man who find ? he sets /orth the snnclii'tr' ion 0/ corrupt man :o Gcd, 10 himielf, and to his /ellow-creatures.
13. as snow in han'est, so is a/, messenger
25. by the expression 0/ renewing him in know- This law was published by the voice 0/ reason,
6./. are thu wounds of a friend, hut the kisses
27. ledge, righteousness, o^d holiness, after th( and is holy, just, and good ; and the obligation

20. a/, man shall abound with blessings

28. image of the Creator ¥.ph. 4. 23, 24. Col. 3. 10. to it is eternal ; it being ihe unchangeable will
Iia. 1. 21. how is they', city become an h.irlot 'The renovation of things, hein^ a restoring 0/ 0/ God, grounded on the natural and invariable
26. afterwards thou shall be called the/, city tliem to their primitive state ; and is more or relations between Gid and man, and between
8. 2. I took unto me/, witnesses to record less perfect, by its proportion to, or distance m:in and the creatures. Besides the particular
49.7. kings shall see, because of the Lord that is/ Jrom the orit^inal. Mans
understanding was directions 0/ the law 0/ nature, this general prin-
7er. 42. 5. the Lord be a/, witness between us enriched with knowledge, which was neither ciple was planted in the reasonable soul, to obey
Dan. 6. 4. could lind none, forasmuch as he was/ acquired by study, nor con/ned to that or the God in any instance wherein he did jirescribt
IIos. 11. 12. but Judah is/, with the saints other particular creature, but reached through his pleasure. Accordingly, to declare his so-
Mai. 24. 45. who then is a/, and wise servant? the whole compass 0/ the creation, besides, vereign right in all things, and to make Irir.l
25. 51. well done, thou good ami/, servant he had such a knowledge 0/ the Deity, as of man's obedience, God entered into covenani
23. thou hast been/, in a few things, Luke 19.17- was luj/ieieut /or his duty and /elicily. He with man ; he /orbids him to eat of the tree o(
Luke 12. 42. who then is that/, and wise steward > discovered almighty power, admirable wisdom, knowledge of good and evil, for in the <lay thou
16. 10. he that is/, in the least is/, also in mucli and infinite goodness, /rom their effcrtt in eatest thereof thou shall surely die. 'J'his esta-

11. have not been/, in the unrighteous mammon treating the world. The image 0/ God :eai blished an inseparable connection between duty
12. have not been/, in what is another man's likewise resplendent in man's conscience, the and felicity, disobedience and misery. Jn this
Acit 16. 15. if yc have judged me/, to the Lord scat 0/ practical knowhd!;e, and treasury 0/ threatening 0/ death upon disobedience, the pro-
1 Cor.l.g.God is/by whom ye were called, lO.l.T. moral principles. The directive /acuity was mise 0/ li/e upon his obedience was implied
4. 2. it is required in stewards, that a man he/. sincere and uncorrupt ; it was clear from all and easily suggested itself' to the rational mind,
17. I have sent you Timothy f. in the Lord prejudices, which might render it an tncompe- Man teas created perfectly holy, but in a natural,
7.25. that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be/. tent judge 0/ good and evil. There was alio iheje/ore mutable state, lie was invested with
Oal. 3. 9. they arc blessed with/. a divine impression on the will. Spirit jiower to prevent his /ailing, yet under a yos-
Si)/i. 1. 1. to the saints and/, in Christ Jesus reason kept the throne, and the in/erior facul- sibility of it: Jle was complete in his »wm
6. 21. Tychicus a/, minister in the Lord ties obierved an easy and regular subordination order, biit receptive 0/ sinful impressions, lie-

Col. 1. 2. to the saints and/, brethren in Christ to its dictates. ing therefore set upon by the most subtile aj
7. Kpaphras, who is for you a f. minister, 4. 7. III. The image 0/ God consisted, thoug those rebellious spii its, who had fallen /rom
4. 9. Oncsinms, a/, brother, wlio is one of you inferior desirce, in the happy stale 0/ mau, vhich their obedience and glory, he was corrupted
1 7'//if j.5.C4./.isho that c.iUcth you, who will do it was the consequent and accession to his holineis : and leduccd bn him, and invoh.ed both himself
2 'J'/icit. 3. 3. the Lord is/, whoshail stablish you And herein he resembled that infinitely olesied and his poslciity in sin and misery. As to
1 Tim. 1. 12, 1 thank Christ, that he counted me/. lieing, as he u perfectly exempt /rom all evili the manner in which the devil seduced cur first
15. this is a/, saying, 4. 9. Tit. 3. 8. which might allay and lessen his felicity, and parents, see on UtviL.
S.ll.thfir wives nmstbc sober, and/, in all things enjoy those pleasures which are worthy of his 'J'he honour and majesty 0/ the whole law was
C. 2. r.athi r do them service bec.-iuse they are /. pure nature and glorious stale. 'J'his happiness violated in the breach 0/ that symtcticnl pre-
2 'J'tiii. 2. 2. the same commit thou to/, men had relation to the two natures, which enter into cept : for in that grand apostasy yr.cuv sint
11. it is a/, saying 13. yet he abideth/. man's composition, (1) 'J'he animal and sensitiic, were ineliided , as, \. Infidelity and uul>eliof:

Tit. 1. 6. if any be bl.imelcss, having/, children and this consisted both in the excelloni disposi- Hod had laid, Of the tree ol kimwlcdge oj
9. holding fast the/, word, a."i he was taught tion 0/ his organs, and in ihe enjoyment 0/ con- good and evil, thou shall not eat of it ; for in
JJei.Q. 17. that he might be a/, high-priest venient objects. His body being Jormed imnic- the day thou catrsi ihcreof, thou shall surely
die. 'J'his was the first step to ruin, as appears
3.2. who was/, to him that appointej him diatti'i/ by God, was not liable to those delect:
10. 23. for he is f. that promised, 11.11. u'hich proceed from the rceakness 0/ second by the order of the temptation: It was /im
1 1'ei. 4.19. commatheir souls, as unto a/.Crcator causes: A'd blemisU or disease, which are the said by the devil. Ye shall not die, to vecketi
5, 12, ( have written by SUvanns a '.brother effects and fwtsUfs of sin, wire to be found in \
their faith/ then Ye shall be as gods, to
fiat«*r Ihtir amiiiion. Thit infidtUty i$ grially 1 Sam. S. 19. letnone of his words /. to the jtround T.tek. 32. 12. by swords will I cauSv' muUitiide to J
aggracnteJf as it imptiei an accusation of God, 14.45. there shall not one hair of his head/, to the 33. 12. not/, thereby in the day that he t'lrnetb
envy; ht had denied thtm iht ground, 25am. 14. 11. 1 Kings 1.52. Acts '21 34. 35. 8. and in all thy rivers shall they /.
(\) Of as if
IH. 25. Saul sought to make David/ by 36. + 14. nor cause ic/. thy nations any more
ftrfeciiont iecoming tht human nature, and i'uilislines

ihev fnight ascend to an higher ort> than that 22. 17. would not/, on the priesU of the Lord .'i8. 20. the steep places shall/, every wall shall/

therein they tvere placed, iy eating the forbid- IH. the king said, rurn thou, and /'. on the priests 3;). 3. arrows to/. 4. shall/, on the mountains

den fniit. (2) Of falsehooj ; as if God had 26. 20. therefore let not iiiy blood/, to the earth 44. 12. they caused Israel to/, into iniquity
threatened lo intiiet a punishment upon man's 26'am.l.l5.go near and/, on him, 1 A'inff 2.29-31. 45. t 1. when ye cause the land to/, by lot
24. 14. let us /. into the hand of God, let me mil %' 14. this land shall/ to you for inheritanc
disobedience ahieh he had no design to da ; and .

ahal heightens this is, thai uhen he distrusted /. into the hand of man, 1 C/jron.21. l.T. Dan. 9. t 18. we cause not our supplications to
the Fountain of truth, he gate credit to the 1 h'ings 22. 20. who shall persuade Ahab to go up 11. 14. also the robbers of thy people shall /.

father of lies ; at appears iy his compliance, and/, at Uamolh-gilead ? SChron. 18. 19. 19. but he shall stumble and/, and not be founcj
ike real etidence of his faith. 2 h'ings 7. 4 let us/, unto the host of the Syrians 34. when they shall/. 35. some/, to try them

II. This sin included in it prodigious pride : He 10. 10. shall f. nothing of ihe word of the Lord llos. 4. 5. therefore snail thou /. in the day, the

UiS scmreelu out of the state of nothing, no soonjt 14. 10. why shouldst meddle.that thou shouldbt ;'..' prophet also shall/, with thee in the nigjn
1 C/.rim. 12'. 19. he will/, to his master Saul 14. the people that doth not understand shall/.
created but he aspired lo be as God. Sot con-
2 Chron. 21.15. have sickness, till thy bowels/, out 5. 5. Israel and Ephraim shal^. .ludah shaJ. f.
tent aith his image, he affected an equality, to
te lilie htm in his inimitable attributes. Jh' 25. 8. God shall make thee /. before theener.iy 10. 8. and they shall say lo the hills,/, on us

vcvJd rob Gud of his eternity, to live uithout 19. that thou shouldest/. and Judah with thee 14. 9. but the transgressors shall /. therein

end, to enjon an immortality, not depending on I'jth. 6. t 10. suffer not a whit to/, of all that Amos 3. 5. can a bird/, in a snare where no gin isi'
God's trill, but absolute, uhich is proper to God 13.beforewhom thou hast begun to/.shall not pre- 14. the Jioms of the altar shall/, to the grour.
alone ; of his sovereignty, lo command -jiithoiit vail against him, but shall surely/, before hiui 8. 14. "even they shall /'. and never rise again
dependence and of his wisdom, lo kno'j) all
Job 6. 1 27. yea, ye cause to/, upon the fatherless 9. 9- yet shall not the least grain/, to the earth
ihmii x-ithout reserve. 12. +3. If. not lower than you Mic.l. 8. rejoice not, O mine enemy, when I/.
III. Horrid ingratilude : He was appointed hcit 13. 11. and shall not his dread/, upon you .' Xah. 3. 'Pa. they shall/, into the mouth of the eater
apparent of all things ; yel undervaluing his 31. 22. let mine arm/, from my shoulder-blade Mai. 2. +8. ye have caMsed many to/, in the law
present portion, he en'.eilains a project of im- P^al. 6. 10. let them/, by their own counsels Mat. 10. 29. not one sparrow/, to ground without
proving his happiness. The escellent state 9. 3. mine enemies shafl/.atid perish at thy presence 12. 11. if it/, into a pit on the sabbath-day
nculy conferred upon him, uai a strong obliga- 10. 10. that the poor may/, by his strong ones ].'). 14. both shall/, into the ditch, Luke 6. 39.

tion to pai/ so small an atknoi^Udgment to the 35. 8. into that very destnction let hini_/'. 15. 27. eat crumbs which fall/, masters' table
Ijord. The use of all the garden uas allowed 37. 24. tho' he/, he shall not Ije utterly cast down 21 .44. whoso /".on this stone oe broken, on whom it
him, only a tree ciceptni. Sow in the midst 45. 5. arrows, whereby the people/, under ihce shall/, it will grind him to powder, Luke 20.18.
or' ruth variety and plenty, lo be inOamed uiih 64. 8. make their tongue to/, on thi mselves 24. 29. the sun shall be darkened, and the stan
the intemperate appetite of the foihiddm finit, 78.28. and he let it/, in the raidst of their camp shall/, from heaven, Mark IJ. 25.
and 10 break a command so equal and easy, 82. 7. but ye shall/, like one of the princes f.uke 10.18. 1 beheld Satan sis lightu./. from heav.
ithal is it but a despising the rich goodnas of 91. 7. a thousand shall/, at thy side, and 10,000 23. .30. shall begin to say to the mountains,/, on ui
his great lieuefactor ? 106.127. make their seed/, among the nations John 12. 24. except acorn/, into the ground and die
IV. Abloody cruelty to himself, and to all his IIH. 13. thou hast thrust at me that I might _/'. .'Icis'i'J. 17. fearing lest they should/, into quicks.

posterity. When God had made him a depo- 140. 10. let burning coals/, upon them 32. then Ihesoldiers cut the ropes and let her/.oft
titorv in a matter of infinite moment ; that is, 141. 10. let the wicked/, into their own nets 31. shall notanhair/.from ihe nead of any of you
of his oan happiness, and all manhind's, this 145. 14 the Lord upholdeth all that/. ./'cm. 11. 11. have they stumbled that they should/.
should have been a /oxerjul motiie to have kepi Prov. 4.16. unless they cause some to/. 14. 13. put an occasion to/, in his brother's way
him vigilant : But giving a ready ear to the 10. 8. but a prating fool shall/. 10. 1 Coi .10.12. him that standeth take heed lest he/

tempter, he betrayed his trust, and at once 11. 5. the wicked shall/, by his own wickedness 1 Ti«i.3.6.he/. into the condemnation of thedevii

breaks both the tables of the laic, and becomes 14. where no counsel is the people/. 7. have a good report, lest he/, into reproach
the greatest sinner, being guilty of the highest 28. he that trusteth in his riches shall/. 6. 9. ihfy ''i«tt will be rich/, into temptation
impiety and cruelty. 22. 14. he that is abhorred of the Ld. shall/, therein Heb. 4. 11. 'est any/, after the same exam>rle
By voluntarv disobedience our first parents fell 24. 16. but the wicked shall/, into mischief 10. 31 it is fearful to/, into hands of living God
from and lost their original rectitude and per- 26. 27. whosodiggethapit shall/, therein, he who .lam. 1. 2. count it joy, when ye/, into temptatieis
fection of nature ; uhich consisted in kno-uUdfC, rolleth a stone it will return on him, T.ccl. 10.8. 5. 12. swear not, lest ye/, into condemnation
holiness, and perfect happiness. Gen. 1. S6. 28.10. causethtogo astrayshall /". into his own pit 2 Pet. 1. 10. if ye do these things ye shall never/'.
Col. 3. 10. Eph. 4. 24. 14. but he that hardeneth hislieart shall /". 3. 17. beware lest ye/, from your stcdfaslness
By the fall of man all the poaert of nature 18. but he that is perverse shall/, at once Kev. 6. 16. saidto the mountains and rocks./, on us
ueie depraved, polluted, and corrupted: [1] Etcl. 4. 10. if they/, one will lift up his fellow 9. 1. I saw a star/, from heaven unto the eaiU.
The understanding uas darkened, Eph. 4. IB. 11. 3. if the tree/, towards the south or north FALL atoay.
[t] The conscience defied. Ileb. 10. 22. [3] ha. 8. 15. many among them shall stumble «uid/. Luke 8. 13. and in the time of temptation/, auaj
The uill obstinate and rebellious, Isa. 28. 14. 10.4. and they shall/, under the slain JUt. 6. 6. if they/, atcay to renew them again
Rom. 8. 7- {4] The affections carnal and 34. and Lebanon shall/, by a mighty one FALL down.
eeruuol, Eph. 2. 3. [5] All the thoughts unin- 22. 25. nail fastened in the sure place shall ;'. Dew/. 22. 4. see thy brother's ass/, doan by the way
terruptedly evil. Gen. 6. 5. and the uhole mind, 24. 18. who fleeth from fear shall/, into the pit Josh 6. 5. the wall of the city shall/, doan flat
er heart, a nest of all manner of abominations, CO. the earth shall /. and not rise again 1 Sam. 21. 13. David let his spittle,/, do-un

Jer. 17.9. Mat. 15. KJ. 28. 13. that they might go and (". backward I'sal. 72. 11. all kings shall/, doun before him
FALL, Substantive. 30. 13. iniquity shall be as a breach re.-vdy to_/, Isa. 13. t 7. therefore shall all hands/, a'ctn
I'rov. 16. 18. and an haughty spirit before if. 25. in the day of slaughter, when the tow ers/. 31. 3. and be that is holpen shall /' doan
2y. 16. but the righteous shall see their/. 40. 30. and the young men shall utterly /'. 34. 4. their host shall/ do:im as the leaf falleth
Jer. 49. 21 earth is moved at the noise of their/.
. 47. 11. therefore mischiefs shall/, upon thee 44. 19. shall 1/ Joz^n to the stock of a treef
Etek. 26.15. the isles shake at the sound of their/. 54. 15. whoso shall gather/, for thy s.-ikc 45. 14. the Sabeans shall/, down unlo thee
18. the isles shall tremble in the day of thy/. Jer. 3. 12. I will not cause mine anger to/, on you 46. C. they/, down, yea, they worship
31. 16. the nations to shake at the sound of his /". 6. 15. they shall/, amongst them that/. 8. 12. Ezek. 30.25. and Ihe arms of Pharaoh shall/, doan
32. 10. every man for his life in the day of thy/. 21. the fathers and sons shall/, upon them Dan. 3. 5. ye/, dcuu and worship the image, 10.
Mat.T .il. the house fell, and great was the /'. of it B. 4. saith the Lord, shall they/ and not arise > 15. if ye /'. donn and worship the image, well
Lukei. 34. child is set for the/, and rising of many 9. 22. even the carcases of men shall/, as dung 11. 26. and many shall/, doxn slain
lUm. 11. 31. but through ttieir /. salvation is 15. 8. 1 have caused him to/, upon it suddenly .Vat. 4. 9. all these things will I give thee, if thou
come unto the Gentiles 23. 12. they shall be driven out and/, therein wilt/. do:in and worship me, Luke 4. 7.
12. if the /. of them be the riches of the world 19. a whirlwind/, on the head of wicked, .30. 23. K<r.4.10.the twenty -four ciders/, dotcn before hin>
FALL. ^«r«. 25. 27. drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and/. FA LL, joined with saord.
C»n.2.21 .God caused a "ieep sleep to/, upon Adam 34. and ye shall/, like a pleasant vessel Erod. 5. 3. lest he/, on us with pestilence or iioer^
43.18.he may seek occasion against us,and/. on us 37. 14. it is false, 1/ not away to the Chaldeans Sum. 14. 3. brought us to this land to/, by sword
45. 24. he said, B»« that ye /. not out by the way f 20. let my supplication/, before thee 43. and ye shall /. by the swoid
49. 17. so that his rider shall/, backward 42. t2. let our supplication/, before thee 2 Kings 19. 7. Sennacherib/, by/. 2 Chr. 32. +21.
Krod. 13. 16. fear and dread shall/, upon them 44. 12. they shall all/, in che land of Egypt /'jo/. 63.10. they shall/, by the sword, Etek. 6- II.'
SI. 33. if a man dig a pit, and an ox or ass/, therein 46. 6. they shall stumble and/, toward the north Iiri. 3. 25. thy men shall/, by the suoid
Xmv. 11. 32. on whatsoever any of them doth /. 16. he made many to/, yea one fell on another 13. 15. and every one shall/, by the s:iord
37. if their carcase/, on any sowing-seed, 38. 48.41. he that fleeth sha'll/". into the pit 31. 8. then ihall the Assyrian/, with thesxord
19.29. lest land/to whoredom and become wicked 49. 26. her young nien/. in ner streets, 50. .30. 37. 7. behold, I will cause him to /. by th*
26. 7. they shall/, before you by the sword, 8. 50. 32. and the most proud sh.iU stumble and /. sword in his own land, Jer. IQ. 1.
36. and they shall/, when none pursueth 51. 4. the slain shall/, in land of Chaldeans, 4749. Jer. CO. 4. Pashur's friends shall/, by the s:iorJ
37. and they shall/, one upon another 44. yea, the wall of I^abylon shall/. .3y. 18. and thou shalt not/, by the suord
Vum. 5. 1 21. the Lord doth make thy thigh to/. 49. as Babylon caused the slain of Isr.iel to/. Ezek. 5. 12. a third part shrill/, by Ihe *w.)rrf
6. 12. but the days that were before shall/. Lam. 1. 14. he hath made my strength to/. 6. 12. and he that is near shall/, by the xtrorrf
il. 31. and let them /. by the camp round about Etek. 6. 7. the slain shall/, in the midst of you 11. 10. ye shall/, by the sword, I" will judge you
14.29. your carcases shall/, in the wilderness, XI. 13. 11. say unto them that it shall/, and ye, O great 17.21. his fugitives shall/, by the mord
34. 2. this is the land that shall/, to you hailstones, shall/, and a stormy wind rent it 2.3. 25. and thy remnant shall/, by the s-u:orJ
Deut. 22. 8. if any man/, from thenc« 14. foundation shall be discovered, and it shall/. 24. 21. your sons and daughters shall/, by sword
.fudg. B. 21. they »;iid, rise thou, andf. upon us 24. 6. bring it out piece by piece, let no lot/, on it 25. 13. and they of Dedan shall/, by the s-.rord
15. 18. Samson said, swear ye will not/, upon me 27. S7. all thy company shall /. into the seas, 34 .30. 5. the men in the league shall/, by the sword
IB. and /. into the hand of the uncircumcised 29. 5. thou shalt/. upon the open fields, 39. 5. 6. from the tower of Syene, shall/, by the sword
Rtaii. 16. let/, •ome handfuU of purpose for her 30. 4. great pain, when the slain shall/, in Egynl 17. the young men shall/, by the suurd
t 82. that they /. not on thee in another field 6. they also that uphold Egjiit shall/. 22. I will cause the sword to/, out of his hand
3> 18, QDlil thoTiknow how tht matter will /. 88. I will eau»i th* tword to /'. out of his hand J3 27. they m the wattes fhAll/. by the swcrd
Van.11.33. they that understand shall/, hy sword [Ita. 41. 13. maketh image, and/, - down thereto, 17 JIos.T.l. for they commit/, and the tliief comMhii
lios, 7. l6. their princes snail/, by the taord Jer. 21. 9. he that/, ' to
Chaldeans shall livi iUic. 2, 11. if a man walking in ihs spirit and /'.
13. ItJ. Samaria shall/, by the sword Dan. 3. 6. whoso/ not down and worshippeth, 11 FALSELY.
Joel 2. 8. when they/.on the sword not be wounded .Mat 17. 15. for oft-times he/, into the fire Gen. 21. 23. swear to me that tliou wilt not deal/
Atmis 7- 17- thy sons and daughters/, by the s-^'ord Luke 11. 17. a house divided against a house/. /.et<.6.3.have found what was lost, and swearetU/
Ltik4 21. 24. they shall^". by the edge of the SKord 15. 12. give me the portion of goods that/, to me 5. or all that about which he hath sworn I'.

FALLEN. Uom. 14. 4. to his own master he standeth or ,'".

19. 11. neither deal/, nor lie one to another
G</t.4.6.L.5aidto Cain.why is thy countenance/ ? Jam. 1. 11. tiie Hower thereof/. 1 Pel. 1. 24." 12. and ye shall not swear by niy name ,-•.

L^v. 13. 41. that hath his hair/, off from his head FALLING. Deul, 19. 18. if the witness have testified/.
25. 35. if thy brother be/, in decay with thee S'um. 24. 4./. into a trance, but his eyes open, 16. Psal, 35. t 19- let not mine enemies^/', rejoice
J»sh 8. 24. all Ai were/, on the edge of the sword Dent. 19.+ 16. to testify against him/, away 44. 17. nor have we dealt/ in thy covenant
f'ldg. 3. 25. behold, their lord vi&sf. down dead Joii. 4. thy words have upholden him that was/. Jer. 5. 2. tho' they say.the Lord liveth, they
18. 1. their inheritance had not/, unto them 14. 18. the mountain/ cometh to nought 31. the prophets projihesy/. unto you, 29. 9.
19. 27. behold the woman'. at the door f's. 56. 13. wilt not deliver my feet from /". II6. 8. 6. 13. prophet, priest, every onedealeth/. 8. lo.
1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was/ || 26. 12. a deep sleep /'. Prov. 25. 26. a righteous man/, before the wicked 7. 9- will ye steal, murder, and swear/'..'
31 8. they found Saul and his sons/. 1 C'/ir.lO. 3. lia. 34. 4. and as a_/'. fig from the fig-tree
. 40. 16. for thou speakest_/. of Ishmael
i. Sam. 1. 10. sure he could not live afier he was/. Luke 8.47.came trembling and/down before him 43. 2. thou sprakest/. the Lord hath not sent thee
12. and they mourned, because they were /. 22. 44. as it were great drops of blood/, down lIos. 10. 4. swearing/ in making a covenant
3. 38. there is a great man/, this day in Israel .lets 1. 18. and Judas/, headlong burst asunder Mic. 2. 1 11. if a man walk with the wind and lie/.
17. t 9- when some of them be /. at the first 27. 41. and/, into a place where two sejis met J:Jec/i.5.'i.the curse enter his house that sweartth/.
1 Kin^s 8.t56. hath not/, one word of his promise 1 Cor. 14. 25. and so/, down, be will worship God Mat. 5. 11. say evil against you/, for my sake
20. t 25. number an army like army that was/. 2 Thess. 2. 3, except there come a/, away first Luke 3. 14. nor accuse any/, be content with wages
2 AwKjj IS. 14. now Elishajras/. sick of his sickness Jiide 24. to him that is able to keep j-ou from/. 1 7i»j. 6. 20. oppositions of science,/, so called
25. til. the/ away did the captain carry away FALLINGS. li'e/.3.l6./.accuse your good conversa. in Christ
iChron. 20. 24. were dead bodies/, to the earth Job 41. t 23. the/, of his Hesh are joined together FALSIFYING.
29. 9- for lo, our fathers have/ by the sword FALLOW. Amos 8. 5. and/, the balances by deceit
Ksth. 7. 8. Haman was/ on bed where Esther wjts Jcr,4. 3. break up your/, ground, Hos. 10. 12. FA .ME.
Psal. 20. 8. they are brought down and/. See Deer. Gen. 45. 16. the/, was heard in Tharaoh's house
36. 12. there are the workers of iniquity/. FALSE. Num. 14. 15. nations that have heard the/, of thee
Jsa.W.lQ.. how art thou/, from heaven, O Lucifer! Eiod. 23. 1. thou shalt not raise a f. report Josh.6. 27. Joshua's/', was noised thro' the country
26. 18. nor have the inhabitants of the world/. 7. keep thee far from a/, matter 9- 9. we heard the/, of God, what he did in Egypt
Ktek. 32. 22. all of them/, by the sword, 23, 24. 2 Aiii^sg. 12. and they said, it is/, tell us now 1 liin^s 4. 31. his /. was in all nations round about
Hjs. 11. 1. for thou hast/, by thine iniquity Job .iO. 4. for truly my worcls shall not be/ 10. 1. the queen heard/ of Solomon, 2 C/ir. 9. I.
Zech. 12. t 8. he that is/, at that day he as Dav. I'^aL 119.101. therefore 1 hate every/, way, 128. 7. thy wisdom exceedeth the/ 2 Chron.g G.
/-u^irl4.5.which of you shall have an ox/, into a pit' 120 3. what shall be done to thee thou/, tongue I Chron. 14. 17. the/, of David went to all lands

Acts K. 16. the Holy Ghost was /. on none of them /Vor.11.1. a_/. balance is an abomination to the L. 22. 5. and the house must be of/, and of glory
20.9. Eutychus being/ into a deep sleep fell down 17 4. a wicked doer giveth heed to/, lips ij//i.9.4.Mordecai's/. went through the provinces
26. 14. when we were all /. I heard a voice 20. 23. and a/, balance is not good Job 28. 22 we have heard the/ with our ears
27. 29. fearing, lest they should have/, on rocks 25. 14. whoso boasteth of a/, gift, is like wind Jsa. 66. 19. to the isles that have not heard my/,
28.6. looked when Paul should have/, down dead Jer.U.i 8.the/.pen of scribes worketh for falsehood Jcr. 3. t 9- thro' the/, of her whoredom she dehled
Phil. 1. 12. J. out to the furtherance of the gospel 14. 14. they prophesy unto you a/, vision 6. 24. we have heard the/, our hands wax feeble
Rev. 2 5. remember from whence thou art /'. 23.32. I am against them that prophesy/, dreams Zeph. 3. 19' and 1 will get them/, in every land
Are FALLEN. 37. 14. then said Jeremiah, it is/ I fall not away Mat. 4. 24. the/, of Jesus went abroad, Mark 1.28.
2 Sam. 1. 4. many of the people are f. and dead Lam. 2. 14. but have seen for thee/, burdens Lukei. 14,37. I 5 '5.
19.- how are the mighty /. 25,27.
.' Lzei. 21. 23. it shall be to them as a/, divination 9. 26. the/, thereof went abroad into all that land
22.39. 'hey are f. under my feet, Psal. 18.38. Zech. 8. 17. let none imagine evil, love no/, oath 31. they, when departed, spread abroad his/.
Psal. 16.6 the lines are f. tp me in pleasant places 10. 2. and the diviners have told.Ji dreams 14. 1. Iterod the tetrarch heard of the/, of Jesus
55- 4. the terrors of death are /. upon me -Ua/.3.5.I will be swift witness against/, swearers FAMILIAK.
57. 6. into the midst whereof they are/ themselv. .Ua<.24.24.for there shall arise/.Christs and /'.pro Job 19. 14. my/, friends have forgotten me
69. 9- the reproaches of them are /. upon me phets, and shall shew wonders, Ular/i 13. 22 Psal. 41. 9. my/friend hath lift up liis heel ag. me
Isa.\). 10. the bricks are/ down, but we will build Luke 19. 8. have taken any thing by/, accusation FA.MlLlARx;/irif.
ier. 38. I9. the Jews that are f. to the Chaldeans 2 Ovr. 11. 13. for such are/, apostles, deceitful £er.20 or woman of a/, spirit put to death
46. 12. the mighty men, they are f. both together 26. 1 have been in perils among/, brethren l^/« me a woman that hath a/. /^iri» tu
50. 15. Babylon's foundations are/ wallsdown f''a/.2.4. because of/brethren unawares brought enquire of her; a/ spirit at Eiidor
Lam. 2. 21. my virgins are /. by the sword 2 I'im. 3. 3. without affection,/, accusers 8. divine to me by the/, ipint and bring him up
i^sei. 31. 12. his branches are/, his boughs broken J'it. 2. 3. aged women, that they be not/, accusers 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul enquired of one that had a /'. tp
32.27. they shall notfie with thb mighty that are ^. 2 Pel, 2. 1. there shall be/, teachers among you 2 Chron. 33. 6. Manasseh dealt with a/, spirit
Hos. 7. 7. all their kings are/, none calleth to me See I' 11 OP HEX. Jsa, 29. 4. thy voice as of one that hnth a /'. spirit
I Cor. 15.6. part remain, some are f. asleep, 18. FALSE yriiphett. FAMILIAR spirits.
Oal. 5. 4. justified by the law, ye are f. from grace Mai. 7. 15. beware of/, prophets in shoeps' clothing Lev. 19; 31. regard not them that have/. *;)i'ri/j
Rtv. 17. 10. are seven kings, five are /. and one is 21. 11. and many /. prophets shall .ise, 24. 20.6. against that soul that turncth after/. spiri>$
Is FALLEN Mark 13.22./. prophets shall rise and shew signs Deut. 18. 11. nor a consulter with/ spirits
Lev. 13. 40. the man whose hairij/. off his head LuU 6. 26. so did their fathers to the/, piopheis 1 .iarn. 28. 3. .Saul put away thoje that had/, spirilt

iVam. 32. I9. our lot is f. on this side Jordan 2 Pet. 2.1. there were/, prophets among tiie pecjile 9. how he hath cut off those that have/, spirits
Josh. 2. 9- I know that your terror is f upon as 2 l<in«s 1\.6. Manasseh dealt with/ spirits
1 Jvhii 4. 1.
J. prophets are gone out into the world
Job 1. 16. the fire of God is f. from heaven F.ALSE witness. 23. 24. workers with/, spirits Josiah put aw.iv
• '

Psal. 7. 15. and is f, into the ditch which he made l',xod, 20. IC thou shalt not bear/ witness against Isa. 8. '19. when they say to you, seek/, spirits
. .

Jsa. 3. 8. Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is f. thv neighbour, Deut.5. 20. Mat. I9. 18. 19. 3 they shall seek to them that have/, spirili
16. 9. the shouting for thy summer-fruits is f, Dent, 19 10. if a/, wilnessrise up against any man FAMILIARS.
11.9. Babylon is f. is f. Rev. 14. 8. 18. 2.|
18 and behold, if the witness be a/, witness Jer. 20. 10. all my watched for niv halting

59. 14. for truth is f. in the streets, equity cannotProv. 6. IQ. a/, witness that speaketli lies FAMILY.
Jtr. 48. 32. the spoiler is f. on thy summer-fruits 12. 17. a/, witness sheweth forth deceit, 14. 5. r^ev. 20. 5. I will set my face against his/.
51.8. Babylon is suddenly/, and destroyed 19. 5. a/, witness shall not be unpunished, 9. 25. 10. ye shall return every ni.-in to his/. 41.
Lam. 5. 16. the crown isf. from our heads, woe tons 21.28. a/, witness shall perish 47. sell himself to the stock of the stranger's/.
£»**.! 3. 12. l9,when the wall is/ shall itnotbesaul ?5. 18. a man that beareth/. witness is a maul 49. his uncle or .%ny of his/, may redeem him
JmosS.i, tne virgin of Isr. is /. shall no more rise I\l/it. 15. 19. for out of the heart procvuAf. witness Num. 3. 21. of (iershon was tile/, of the Libnites
9. 11. I will raise up the tabernacle that is /. 26. 51). the elders sought/ iiiitness against Jesus 27. of hohath was the/, of the Araramiles
"ZtcJi. 11.2. howl fir-tree, for the cedar is
f. Mark 14. 56. many bare/, witness against him, 57. 26. 5. the/, of llanochites,/. of the I'ulluites
Acts 15. 16. build tabernacle of David which is J. FALSE witnesses, Fa .Ml I. Y mentioned oj'itn to the 5^ih verse,
FALLER. Psal. 27. 12./. witnesses are risen up against me 27. 4. why our fatiier's name done away from/..'
Jer. 46. 1 16. he multiplied the/, one fell on anoth. 35. U
/". ailnesies did, they laid to my charge
. 11. give his inheritance to the next of his/.
FALLESr. Mat. 26. 60. tho' many /.witnesses came, yet found 36. 6. marrv to/', of thefi- father's tribe, «. 12.
•Jer. 37. 13. saying, thou/ away to the Chaldeans they none, at the last came two /'. witnesses yje«<.29.18. lest a/', turn away from Lord ourGod
FALLElll. Acts 6. 13. and set up/, witnesses, who said Josh.T.14. the /'. which the Lord t.\keth shall come
Eiod. 1. 10. when there/, out .-iny war, they join 1 Cor. 15. 15. and we are found 1'. witnesses o( Goi 17. and he took the/, of the /arhiles
Lev. 11. 33. every vessel whereinto any of them/. FALSEllUO'l). Jndg. 1. 25. but they let go the man and all his/.
35. every thing whereupon their carcase /'. 2 6'am. 18. 13. should have wrought/against my life 6. 15. behold, my /. is poor in Manasseh
Hum. 33. 54. inheritance shall be where hislot/ Job 21. 34. in your answers there remaineth/. 9. 1 communed with the /'. of his mother's father

2Sam.3.29. not fail one that/, on the sword Psal. 7. 14. behold, he hath brought forth /'. 13. 2. Manoah a man of the/, of the Danites
34. as a man/ before wicked men, so felle^t thou 119. 1 18. hast trodden them down, for deceit is/. 17. 7- a young ni.iii, a Ix!vite of the/, of JudaU
17. 12. will light on him as dew/ on the ground 141. 8. their hand is a right hand of/ 11. 18. 2. the Dairites sent of their/', five men to spy
.Ji)h\. 13. wnen deep sleep/, on men, 33. 15. Prov. 20. t 17. bread of/, is sweet to a man 19. or that ihcm be a priest to a/ in Israel
Prov. 13. 17. a wicked messenger/, into mischief 25. + 14. whoso boasteth himself in a gilt of/. 21. 2k. l! departed, every man to his_/.
17.20 a perverse tongue/, into mischiirf 15. and under/, have we hid ourselves liuth 2. 1. she had a kmsm.'tnof the/, of F.litnelech
-:4 16. a just man/, seven times, riseth up .igain 57 4. are ye not a seed of /'. / 59. 1 3. words of/
. ||
1 .'Jam. 9.21. my /.the least of the tribe of Henjaiiiin

17. rejoice not when thine enemy/, Jcr. 3. + 10. she hath turned to me but in f. 10. 21./. of .Siatn was taken, and Saul w.-vs taken
fief/. 4. 10. woe to him that ^s alone when he /. 8. t 8. the false pen of M-ribes worketh for/. 18. 18. what is my life, or my father's/, in Israel
9. 12. sons of mpn are snared when it/". m\ them 10. 14. for his molten I'mage is f. 51. 17. 20 6. a yearly sacrifice there for all the/. 29-
11 3. where tha trp« /". there shall it he 1;. 25. thou hast forgotten me, and tnistL-d in/. 2Sam.\ 1. 7. whole /'.is risen against thine handmaid
lia, 34. 4. as th« leaf /'. off from the vine 37. t 14. tbvu said Jeremiah it is a/'. 10. 5 a man of ilie/. of Saul bis Dame Shimei
. "


X Chrm. 4.27. neither did all their/, multiply in tevereil places, take notice of these last Etek. 23. 10. and she becaire /. among wotnca
G. 61. tother. of Kohath were cities given, 70. causes of fan:ine, Joel 1. 3, 4, SjC. 32. 18. and the daughters of the f. natiocs
13.14. the ark remained with the/, of Obed-edom Famine teas also ot'ten tie effect of God's anger FAN, Su/,si,:nlive'.

Est/i. 0. C8. these days of I'urim kept by every/. against his people. J'or example : the Lord Isa. 30.24. clean provender winnowed with the^
Jer.3. li. I will take one of a city, and two of a. f. se^ the prophet Gad to Uavid, to tell him, Jer. 15. 7. I will fan them with a/, in the gates
8.3. death shall be chosen by residue of this evil/. th,r as a punishment of Ait vanity, whereby Mat. 3. 12. whose/, is in hii hand, Luke 3 17.
'Imct 3. 1. against the/. I brouflit out of l'.i;ypt he .xad been induced to number his people, FAN, I'erb.

Zec/i. 12. 12. every/, shall moarn apart, 13, 14. God gave him the option of seven years' famine, /fa.4l.l6.shalt/.theni,wiiMl shall carry them away
14. 18. if the/, of Kgypt go not up, and come not or of being for three months pursued by his Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to/, nor to cleanse
EpA. 3. 15. whole/, in heaven and earth is named enemies, or of seeing the plague raging for 15. 7. I v>ill/. them with a fan in the gates
FAMILIES. three days in his country, 2 Sam. 24. 12, 13. 51.2. I will send fanners that shall/, her
Gen. 8. IQ. creepeth on the earth, after their/. ^iiid in the reign of Ahab, The Lord called FAR.
10. 5. the isles of Gentiles divided after their/. for a famine, and it came upon the land seven Gen. 18. 25. that be f. from thee to slay righteous
18. were the/, of the Canaanites spread abroad years, 2 Kings 8. 1, 2. Amos threatens the Ezod. 8. 28. only you shall not go very/, away
CO. the sons of Ham after their/. 31./.of Shem people of God -uiih another sort oj' famine, 23. 7. keep thee /. from a false matt>T

12. 3. in thee all the/ of earth be blessed, 28.14. aant of heavenly bread, ahuh ;ias that of Dait. 12.21. if the place be too/, froui thee, 14.24.
36. 4('. the dukes of Esau according to their/. hearing the word of God, Amos 8. 11. 'J'he 29- 22. the stranger that shall come from a/.lanj
47.12. Joseph nouri.-'hed his brethren with their/. Israelites noio despise a prophet's counsel, then Josh. 3. 16. waters stood very /. from the city
EtoJ.O.H. these be the f. of Reuben, the first-born they shall seek for it, but not have a prophet Adam
of Israel, A'um. S6. 7. Jos/i. 13. 15, C.'?. to give them counsel. 8. 4. go not very/, from the city, but be ready
J5. these are the/, of Simeon, iSum, 26. 12, 14. Gen. 12. 10. for the/, was grievous in the land 9. 22. saying, we are/, from you, when ye dwell
Josh. ly. l.H. 26. 1 there was a /. in the land, besides the first /'.
Judg. 9. 17. my father adventured his life/.
17. the/, of Ger.shon, A"«m. 3. 18, 21. | 4.22,24. 41.27. seven empty ears .shall be seven years of/. they were/ from the Zidonians, 28.
18. 7.
38 40,41. Jii/A. 21. 33. 30. and the/, shall consume the land they were by Jebus, day was /. spent
19. 11.
i'j. these are the f. of Levi, 25. Xum. 4.4G. 26. |
31 the plenty shall not be known by reason of /. 1 Sam. 20. 9. Jonathan said,/, be it from thee
57, 58. Jos/i. 21. 27. 1 Cfiroii. 6. UJ. 50. to Joseph were born two sons before the/ 1 Kings 8.46. ihat they carry them away/, or near
12. 21. take you a lamb according to your/ .^6. the f. was over all the face of the earth 2 Chr. 26. 15. and his name was spread/ abroai)
L*i'. 2d. 45. of the/ of strangers shall ye buy 47. 13. the land fainted by reason of the/. Ezra 6. 6. now therefore be ye /. from thence
Jv'ti/H. 1. 2. take the sum of Israel after their/. Huih 1.1. when the judges ruled, there was a f. Xeh. 4. 19. we are separated one/ from another
3. 19. and the sons of Kohath by their/. 27. 2y, 30. 2 .SVi»i. 21. 1. there was a/, in the days of David Esth. g. 20. to all the Jews both nigh and /.
4. 3-.Jas/i.'il. 4,10. 24. 13. shall seven years of/ come to thee in land.- Job 5. 4. his children arc /. from safety
20. the sons of Merari, by their f. 33,35. 4. 33,
1 Kings 8.37. if there be in the land/. 2 Chr. 20. 9. 11. 14. put iniquity/, away, 22.23.
42, 44, 45. Jjs/i. 21". 34, 40. 1 Chron. 6. 63. 18.2.there wasasore/. in Samaria, 2 A"i>i;j6.25. 34. 10. /. be it from God to do wickedness
4. 18. cut not off the tribe of the/ of Kohathites 2 A7»5.r7.4. thenthe/. is in the city, we shall die Psal. 10. 5. thy judgments are /. out of sieht
11. 10. Moses heard them weep through their/. 8. 1. the Lord hath called for a/, it shall cr-me 22. 1. why art thou so/, from helping me.'
S6. 15. the /. of Gad. 18. Jo^A. 13. 24, 28. 25. 3. the/, prevailed in Jerusalem, no bread 73.27. they that are/, from thee shall perish
20. the/, of Judah, 22. Jos/t. 15. 1, 12, 20. 2 Chr. 32.11. Jlezekiah persuadeth you to die by/. 97. 9. Lord, thou art exalted/", above all gods
S3.the sonsof I ssachar after their/. 25. Jos/iAQ. 20. in /". he shall redeem thee from death 103. 12. as /. as the east is from the west, so^.
17. 23.I
21.6. 1 C/iron. 6. ()2. 7. 5. |
Job 5. 22. at destruction and/, thou shall laugh hath he removed our transgressions from ui
26. the/, of Zebulun,27. Josfi. I9. 10, 16. 30.5. for want and/, they were solitary 109. 17. so let blessing be /. from him
£8. the sons of Joseph after their/. 36. 1. Psal. 33. 19. and to Keep them alive in/. 119. 150. that follow mischief are/, from thy law
34. the /.of Manasseh, 36.12. Jw/i. 13.29. 37. 19. in the days of/, they shall be satisfied
172. |
l.W. salvation is/, from the wicked
35. these are sons of Ephraim after iheir/. 37. 105. 16. moreover, he called for a/
on the land Pror. 4.24. and perverse lips put/, from the*
Josh. 16.5,8. I 21. 5,20. 1 Chron. 6.66. Isa. 5.i 13. and their glory are men of/. 5.8. remove thy way/, from her, come not nigh her
38. the sonsof Benjamin after their/.41.Joj/i. 18. 14. 30. and I will kill thy root with/. 15. 29. the Lord is/ from the wicked
11,20,21. 1 Sam. 10. 21. 51.19. destruction,/, and sword, are come on thee 19. 7. much more do his friends go/, from him
42. the sonsof Dan after their/. Jush. 19.40,48. .Ter. 5.12. nor shall we see sword, nor/. 14. 13, 15. 22. 5. doth keep his soul. Shall be/ from them
44. sons of Asher after their/ Josh. I9. 24, 31. 14. 15. by sword and/, shall prophets be consumed 15. the rod of correction shall drive it/, from him
48. sons of Naphtali after the"ir/.50. Josh.ig.3'2. 16. the people shall be cast out, because of the/. 31. 10. for her price is/, above rubies
27. !. daughters o^ Zelnphehad of Manassch's/. 18. then behold them that are sick with/. £ff/. 2. 13. as/, as light excelleth darknes.*
33. 54. divide your land by lot among yonrf. 15. 2. and such as are for the/, to the/. 3. f5. and a time to be /. from embracing
36. 1. the chief fathers of the/, of Gilead 18. 21. deliver up their children to the /". Isa. 6.12. and the Lord have removed men/, away
Josh. 6. * 23. brought out Rahab and all her/. 21.7. deliver from the/ to Nebuchadnezzar 19.6. and they shall turn the rivers /. away
7. 14. tribe fhe Lord taketh come according to/. 24. 10. I will send the/, among them, 2y. 17. 26. 15. thou hast removed the nations/.
13. 31. to half children of Machir, by their/. 27. 8. that nation will I punish with the /". 46. 12. hear ye that are/, from righteousness
19. 40. the tribe of Dan according to their/. 48. 29. 18. 1 will persecute with the sword and/. 49. 19. tliat swallowed thee shall be /'. away
1 Ham. p. 21. the least of all the/, of Benjamin 32.24. the city is given to Chaldeans because of/ 54. 14. thou shalt be f. from oppression
1 Chr. 2. 53. the/, of Kirjath-jearim, the Tuhites 34. 17. I proclaim a liberty for you to the/. 59.9. therefore is judgment/ from us
55. the/ of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez 42. 16. the/, shall follow close alter you J^r. 12.2. thou art/, from their reins
4. 2. these are the/ of the Zorathites 52.6. the/, was sore in the city, there was no bread 25.26. all the kings of the north/ and near
21. the/, of them that wrought fine linen 5. 10. our skin was black, because of the/. 27.10. prophesy, to remove you/, from your land
38. these mentioned were princes in their f. Ezek. 5. 12. a third part shall be consumed with f. 48.24. upon all the cities of Moab/
or near
t Chron. 35. 5. according to the divisions of 16. when 1 send on them the evil arrows of/. 47. tTius /. is the judgment of Moab
the/. 12 17. so will I send on you/. 14. 13. 51 .^4. thus/, are the words of Jeremiah
AV/i. 4. 13. T set the people after their /". 7. 15./. within, /. and pestilence. shall devour Eam.^.n. ihou hast removed my soul/ from peace
Jok 31. 34. did the contempt of/, terrify me ' 12. 16. but I will leave a few men from the/. Ezek, 7. 20. therefore have I set it/ from them
Psal. 68. 6. God setteth the solitary in f. 36. 29. and I will lay no/, npon you 11. 15. they haves^id, get ye/, from the Lord
107. 41. and maketh him f. like a (lock 30. ye shall receive no more reproach of f. Dan. 11. 2. the fourth king/ richer than they all
Jer. 1. 15. I will call all the/, of the north Amos 8.11.1 will send a/
not of bread, but of^ word Joel 3.6. that ye might remove them/, from border
2. 4. hear, all ye/ of the house of Israel Lnke 4. 25. when great/, was thro' all the land Amos 6. 3. ye that put/, away the evil day
10. 25. furv on the/ that call not on ihv name 15. 14. there arose a mighty/ in that land_ Mic. 7.1 1. in that day snail decree be /. removetl
15. + 3. and I will appoint over them four/. /v<i«i. 8.35. shall/', separate us from loveof Clirist ? Mat. 16. 22. Peter said, be it/ from thee, Lord
25. 9. behold, 1 will take all the/, of the north liev. 18. 8. her plagues come in one day, death,/. Mark 6. 35. and when the day was now/ spent
31. 1. I will be the God of all the/, of Israel By the FAMINE. 12. .34. thou art not/, from the kingdom of God
33. 24. the two/, which the Lord hath chosen Jer. 1 1 .22. their sons and daught. shall die by ihef. 13. 34. Son of man isa.<a man taking a/
E:ek. 20. 32. we will be as the/ of the countries 14. 12. but I will consume theui by the f. 15. I.ukeT.6. when he was not/ from the house
Amos 3.2. you have I known of all/, of the earth I'i. 4. they shall beconsuired byf. 44. 12, IB, 27. 22. 51 . Jesus said, sufSer ye thus /. he healed hici
AWi. 3. 4. that selleth/. through her witchcrafts 21 9. he that .abideth in the city shall die ^v thtf.
. 24. 29- abide- with us, tar the day is/, spent
Zech. 12. +12. and the land shall mourn,//. 27. 13. why will ye die by thef. and pestilence .-
50. and he led them out as/ as to Bethany
14. all the/ that remain, every family apart delivered to thekinc of Babylon by thef. John'il.S. for they were not/, from land
14. 17. whoso will not come up of all the/. .38. 2. remaineth in city jhall die
byf. Eiek. 6. 12. lets 11. 19. they travelled as /. as Phenice
FAMINE. 42. 17. they shall die by the f. and pestilenc 22. that Barnabas should go as/, as Antioch
The scripture speiks of several famines tchich 22. know certainly that ye shall die by the f. 17. 27. though he be not/, from every one of us
have been in Palestine, and in the neishhonrin!; 44. 13. as I have punished Jerusalem by thef. 22. 21.1 will .send thee/, hence to the Gentiles
couniries : as that in the tiine of Abr.ihani, Ezek. 6. 11. they shall fall bi/ thef. and pestilence 28. 15. they came to meet us as/ as Appii-foniro
and a^a:n in the lime ff Isaac, Gen. 12. 10. I- A MINES. h'om. 13. 12. the nigfit is/, spent, the day is at han«?
20. 1. Cut the most remarkable -.iliefeof \e Mat. 24. 7. there shall be/ pestilences, and earth- 2 Co;.4.17.worketh a/, more e.'cc. weight of glory
hate any ncconni, is that of seven years, -ihich quakes in divers places, JUark 13.8. Euke 21.11. 10. 14. for we are come as/ as to you also
fell out III Egypt, uhile Joseph aiode there. FAMISH
oiirf FAMISHED. Eph. 1.21./. above all principality and power
Gen. 41. 2". It is considerable J'or the con- ('en. 4I.5.'>. when all the land of I'.gvpt was/ 4. 10. that ascended up/, above all heavens
itiiuance, extern, and greatness of it ; and in Prov. 10. 3. the I,, will not suffer the righteous to/ Phil. 1. 23. to be with Christ, which is/ better
this fariicular the more so, that Egypt is a Isa. 5. 13. and theii honourable men are/. // is yet/more evident, after .MekhisedBC
conK'.rti least subject to these calamities, by rea- iicph. 2.11. for he will f. all the gods of the earth See Country, CouNTiiiiis.
son of Its extreme fruitfulness. FAMOUS. FAR /mm me.
Famine ij sometimes a natural as tchen -VwOT. 16.2. princes/, in the congregation, 26. 9.
effect, 1 Sam. 2. 30. but now the Lord
saith, be it f. from
the Nile does not tverjio-j in Enypt or the Kuth 4.11. and be thou/ in Kelh-lehem
; me, 22. 15. 2 Sam. 20. 20. | 2.1. 17
rams do not fall in Judea, at the customary 14. that his name may be/ in Israel Job 13. 21. withdraw thine hand f. from me
limes, that is, in spring; or autumn ; or Khen 1 CVirnn. 5. 24. .ind these were /'. nien, 12.30. 19. 13. he hath put my brethren f.f-om «« '

the caterpillars and locusts suarm in the countru. Psal. 74. 6. a man was/, as htfiad lifted up axes 21. 16. the counsel of wicked isf.from me, 22.
aTuI destroy iht fruits of it. Tlie prophets, 130. 18 give thanks to h in who slew/, kings 30. 10 they flee f. from -nt, and spare utit to


P al. 22. 11. O Euk. 16. 7- thy breasts are/, thine hair is grown
Lord, be not /. from mi, fortrou- taken from ihent, as lo my boifly ptesenee , an4
Me near, I9.
is 33. Ce. .T8. CI.
| 71. 12. P/iil. J.21. that itmay be/, like hii glorious body
| | uhen they shall meet aiih many trouble! ant
27. 9. hide not thy face/, frum me, leave mc not FASHIONETH. calamities, then it will be seasonable for them
88. 8 thou hast put mine acquaintance f"._/rom mf^.15. he/, their hearts alike, considers works to perform this ituy </ fasting. Accordingli/
18. lover and friend hast thcu put/, from me /.to. 44. 12. the smith /. it with the hammers the life of the aposltes and first believers was a
Prov. 30. 8. remove f. from me vanity and lies 45.9. clay say to him that f. it, what maitest thou life (if lelf-denial, of sufferings, austerities, and
Eecl. 7. 23. I will be wise, but it was/, from me FASHIONING. fasting, as appears from the life of the apostle
//a. 29. 13. but have removed their heart /./rwwi me 1 Pet. 1. 14. not/, yourselves to the former lusts Paul, 2 Cor. 6. 4, 5. 11. 27. | Fasting it
Je'.C.S. they are gone/. /rem me, and become vain FASHIONS. likewise confirmed by our Saviour's discourse on
Lnm. 1 iC. because the comforter is f. from me. Esek.4C.ll. their goings were according to their/ the mount, though not as a staled, yet as ait
i^tek. 43. 9. the carcases of their kings/. /row me FA .ST. occasional duty if Christians, i\ order to, and
44. 10. the Levites that are %anef. from me Etra 5. 8. this work goeth /'. on, and prospereth us an indication of, their hnmrling their sohIs
idat, 15. 8. their heart is/, from me, MurkT. 6. FAST. for their sins, or under the jjfiicling hand of
From FAR. Gen. 20. 18. the Lord had/ closed up the wombs God, Mat. 6. 16. It'here onr Saviour re-pures
Z>«H/.G8.49a nation against thee/rom/. Jer. 5.15. Jiid^.-4. 21. Sisera was/, asleep and weary thit this duty be performed in sincerity, and
/o* 36. 3. I will fetch my knowledgeyrem/. 15. 13. but we will bind thee /. and deliver thee not in hvfi'crisy ; for the glory of God, not for
Isa. 5. £6. he will lift up an ensign/rom/. 16. 11. he said, if they bind me/, with new ropes ostentation and appearance unto men.
10. 3. desolation which shall come from f. ICulh 2. 8. Boaz said, abide here/, by my maidens 2 Sam. 12. 1 16. David lasted a/, and l.iy on earth
C2. 3. they are bound which are Red from f. 21. Boaz said tome, keep/, by my young men 1 hing! 21 .9. proclaim T.f. and set Naboth on high
30. 27. the name of the Lord cometh /row /'. Job 38. 38. when the clods cleave/, together 12. they proclaimed a/, and set Naboth on high
43. b. bring my sons/rom/. and daughters, 60. Q. f'sal.65. 6. his strength setteth/. the mountains 2 Chron. 20. 3. Jehoshaphat proclaimed a/.
9. 1. listen, O isles, hearken, ye people, /roni/. 33. 9. he commanded and it stood /. /,':/rt8.21. Ezra proclaimed a/at the river Abava
12. behold, these shall come from t. Prov. 4. 13. take/, hold of instruction, keep her Isa. 58. 3. in the day of your/, you find pleasure
60. 4. thy sons shall come from f. and daughters Jer. 48. 16. the affliction of Sloab hasteth /. 5. is it such/.I have chosen' wilt thou call this/.
Jer. 30. 10. for lo, I will save thee from f. 50. 33. all that took thein captives held them/. 6. is not this the/ that I have chosen .'

Ezck. 23. 40. that ye sent for men to come from f. Jona^i 1. 5. he lay in the ship, and asleep I'-r. 36. 9. they proclaimed a/
before the Lord
Hah. 1. 8. and their horsemen shall come/ni/n/. Acts 16. 24. who made their (eetf. in the stocks loil 1. 14. sanctify a/, call an assembly, 2. 15.
Mark 8. 3. for divers of them came /r«m/. 27.41. the forepart stuck/, remained unmoveable Jonah 3. 5. the people of Nineveh proclaimed a/
Hee A FA It. FAST. Zech.H. 19. the/, of the fourth month, of the fifth,
FAR off.
Fasting Aas, in all ages, ani among all natiom, seventh, and tenth months, be joy and gladness
Gen. 44. 4. when they were gone, and not yet/, off been an exercise much ijt use lyi times of mourn- ./(/J 27. 9. because the/, was now already past
A'zuH.2.2.they shall pitch/, ojf about the tabernacle ing, soTioa, and affliciions. The sense of it is FAST, I'erb.
X)e?(M3.7.not consent to serve gods of people/, off in tome sort inspired by tiatnre, uhic/i, in these 2 Sam. 12. 21. thou ilidst/. and weep 'or the child
20. 15. thus do to all the cities very /'. off circumstances, denies itself nourishment, and 23. but now he is dead, wherefore should I f. t
30. 11. neither is the commandment/, off takes off the edge of hunger. There is no ex- Esth. 4. 1(5./. ye for me, I and my maidens will/.
2 Sam. Jo. 17. the king tarried in aplace/. off ample of fatting, properli/ so called, to be ieeii yj«. 58. 4. ye/, for strife, ye shall not/, as ye do
i Cliron. ti. 36. carry their captives to a land/', off before Moses ; yet it is presnmeable that the Jer. 14. 12. when they /'. 1 will not hear their cry
Psal. 55. 7- lo, then 1 would wander/, off patriarchs fasted, since we see that there were Zech. 7. 5. did ye at all /. unto me, even to me i
Piov. 27. 10. is better than a brother/, off very great mournings among them, and those too Mat. 6.l6.whea ye /'. be not as hj-poiritesof a sad
Eccl. 7. 24. that which is/, ojf who can find out .'
very particularly described, such as that of countenance, that they may appear to men to/.
Isa. 17. 13. they shall flee/, o^and be chased Abraham for Sarah, Gen. 23. C. and that of 18. thou appear not to men to /.but to thy Father
33. 13. hear, ye that are/, o/f what I have done Jacob /or his son Joseph, Gen. .37. .34. 9. 14. why do we/, disciples/ not, Mark 2. IH.
17. they shall behold the' land that is/, off Moses enjoins no particular fast in his Jive books, 15. then shall they/. Mark 2. 20. Luke 5. 33.
46. 13. my righteousness shall not bo/, off excepting that upon the solemn day of expiation, Marki. 18. the disciples of John used to^^^.
57. 9. and thou didst seail thy messengers/, off which was generally and strictly observed. Lev. 19. can children of the bride-chamber/, while
19. peace to him that is/, oj? and him that is near 23. 27, 29, On the tenth day of this seventh bridegroom with them:' they cannot/. Luke 5.35.
59. 11. we look for salvation, but it is/, off month, ye shall afflict your souls ; that is. Ye Luke 5. 33. why do the disciples of John/, often ?
£'i«*.6.12,he that is/. i;/f'shall die of the pestilence shall humble yoursebes deeply before Ood, both 18. 12. I /. twice in the week, I give tithes of all
8. 6. that I should go/, off from my sanctuary inwardly by godly sorrow, judging and loathing FASTED.
11. 16. although 1 have cast them/, off yourselves ; and outwardly, by fasting and ab- Jndg. 20. 26. tha people/, that day until even
12. 27. he prophesieth of times that are/, off stinence J'rom all carnal comforts and delights. 1 they drew water, and/, on that day
22. 5. those that be r'. o(f from thee shall mock Since the time of Moses, examples of fasting 31.13. buried them, and/seven day.'s,lCAr. 10.18.
Z>o)i.9.7.confusion to Israel that are near and/ off have been very common among the Jews. Joshua 2 Sam. 1. 12. and they mourned and/, for Saul
Joeli. 20. 1 will remove/, off the northern army and the elders of Israel reixained prostrate be- 12.16. David/. 22. while the child was alive I/.

3. 8. they .shall sell them to the Sabeans/. off fore the ark J'rom morning until evening, with- 1 Kings 21. 27. Ahab/. Eira 8. 23. so we/.

Mic. 4. 7. make her that was cast/, off a nation out eating, after the Israelites were defeated -V^A. 1.4. Nehemiah/. and prayed before (iod
iJi?f/i.6.l5.they/. oJf' shall come and build in temple by the men of Ai, Josh. ' 0. The eleven tribes 7j<i.58. 3. why have we /'. say they, and seest net*
. C. 13. ye who were/. oJf made nigh by Christ which had taken arms against that of Benja- /.ech.'.a. when ye/, in the fifth and seventh month
FAUTHEK; see FimrHEK. min, seeing they could 7101 hold out against the Mat. 4. 1. Jesus /. forty days and forty nights
FAKE. inhabitants </ Gibeali, /«// do-cn before the ark .icisli. 2. as they ministered to the Lord and/'.
1 Sam. 17. 18. and look how thy brethren/. upoft their Jaces, and so ci^ntinved till the even- 3.when they had /.they laid their hands on them
FARi:. ing without emting, Judg. 20. C6. The Israel- FASTESI'.
Jonah 1.3. sohe paid the /". thereof,and went into it ites perceiving themselves to be pressed by the .l/<i/.6.17.when thou f. anoint thy head, wash face
FARED. Philistines, assembled icfoie the Lard at Miz- FASTING.
Z.u^el6.19.the rich man /". sumptuously every day peh, and fasted in his presence till the evening, .Y(7i. 9. 1. were assembled with/, and lackclolhes
FAREWELL. 1 Sam. 7. 6. And David/a«?rf while me tint I sth. 4. 3. where the decree came, there was/.
iMke 9- 61. let me first go bid them/, at home child he had by Bathsheb?., the wife of' L'riah, I'^al. .35. 13. I humbled my soul with/', .ind prayer
Acts 15. 29. if ye keep yourselves, ye do well,/ was sick, 2 Sam. 12. I6. tWi. 10. when 1 wept and chastened my soul with/

18. 21. Paul bade them/, saying, 1 must keep Moses fasted J'orty days on mount Iloreb, Eiod. loy. 24. my kneer are weak thro'/, my tlesh fails say what they had to say against him,/. 34. 28. Elijah passed as many days without Jer. 36. 6. riad the words of the Lord on the /'. d.iy
2 Cor. 13. 11. finally, brethren,/', be perfect eating any thing, 1 Kings 19. 8. And our Dan. 6. 18. then the king passed the night/.
FARM. Saviour J'asted in the wilderness forty days and I). 3. Daniel set himself to seek by prayer and./'.
Mat. 22. 5. they went their ways, one to his/. forty nights. Mat. 4. 2. These J'asis were mira- Joel 2. 12. turn ye with/, weeping, and mourning
S. culous, end out of the common rules of nature. .I/'//. 15. 32. and willnot scml them away/.

UFat. 5. 2(5. till thou hast paid the uttermost/. The very heathens, themselves, sometimes fasted ; 17. 21. this goeth not out but by/. Mark 9. 29.
10. 29. are not two sparrows sold for a /. .' and the king of Nineveh, terrified by .lonah's Mark 8. 3. if send them away ./."they will faint

»Var*12.42. she threw in twomites which make a/. preaching, made an order, that not only men, Acts 10. 30. four days ago I was/', till this hour
Jjuke 12. 6. are not five sparrows sold for two/. ? but beasts also, should continue without eating 14.23.had ordained elders, and iiad prayed wifii/
FA.SII10N. or drinking ; that both men and beasts should 27. 33.ihis is the fourteinlh day ye continued/'.
Gen. 6. 15. this is the/, thou shalt make the ark of be covered ui:'i sackcloth, and each after their 1 Cdc.7. 5. ye mav give yourselves to/', andprajci
f.xod. 26. 30. the/, of the tabernacle as was shewed manner should cry unto the Lord, Jonah 3. f>, 'lASllNGS.
37. 19. bowls made he after the/, of almonds 7, 8. 'Jhe Jews, i» times oj' public calamity, Esth. 9. 31. the matters of the f. and their cry
1 h'iiict fi. 38. according to all the/, of the house made even the children al the breast fast, l.uke 2. .37. Anna served (Jod wii'h/. and prayers
£ Kings \f). 10. Ahaz sent the/, of the altar Joel 2. 1(). 2 Cor. 6. 5. approving ourselves in stripes, in/.
Kzek.i^. 11. shew them the form and/, thereof // does not appear by our Saviour's own practice, 11. 27. in/, often, in cold and nakedness
JIah. 2. f 18. the fashioner of his/, trnsteth or any commands that he gave to his disciples, FAS r EN.
Alark 2. 12. saying, we never saw It on this/. that he instituted any particular fasts, or en- l'.rcd. 28. 14. shalt /'. the chains to the ouches, 26.
pure /'. the plate ou high upon llie mitre
Luie 9. 29. the/, ofhis countenance was altered joined any to be kept out of devotion. But 39. 31. to
/Jf/.t7.44. make the tabernacle according to/, seen when the Pharisees in the way of reproach told Isa. 22. 23. I will/ him as a nail in a sure place
I Cor. 7. 31. for the f. of this world passeth away him, that his disciples did not fait so often at Jer. 10. 4. they/, it with nails and with hamn-.ers
V-'/ii7.'J.8.being found in/, as a man, humbled hinis. theirs, or John the Baptist's, he replied. Can FA .ST EN ED.
Jam. 1. 11. and the grace of the/, of it perisheth ye make the children of the bride-chamber Exod. 10. 19. and/, the locusts into the Red sea
FA.SIIION fast, while the bridegroom is with them 1 but 31^18. the ends of chains they/, in the two ouchu
Job 31 . 15. and did not one/, us in the womb ? the days will come, when the bridegroom shall 10. 18. Moses/, his sockets,' set up the boards
FASHIONED. be taken away from them, and then shall they Judg. 4. 21. Jael/. the nail into the ground
J'.zod. 32. 4. Aaron/,
the calf with a graving-tool fast in those 'days, lAike 5. 33, 31, 35. that is. 10. 14. Delilah/, itwilha pin, and said to him
1 l\i:igs 7. + 15. for he /. two pillars of brass Fasting is a duty fitted to a day of mourning 1 Sam 31. 10. they/. Saul's body to the wall
Job 10. 8. thine hands have /". me, I'sal. II9. 73. and ajlliction: it is not yet a time of mourning 2 .NVim. 20.8. with a sword /.upon his loins in .sheath
Psal. 13^). 16. which in continuance were/. to my disciples, while I am bodily present with 1 Kings a. fi. that the beams should not be /".
La. 22. 11. neither had respect to him that/, it them; yet the time shall eomt when 1 sliall be 1 Chron. 10. 10. f. bii head io the teicple ofbagoU


iCAron.p. 18. lix steps vrtrtf. to the throne ' De&rken is better than tBe/. of rams give to their superiors, and servant! to thetf
Esth. I. 6. hangings/. *ith cords of fine linen 2 .Sam. 1. 22. from/, of the mighty, bow turned not masters ; Jrly father, said Naaman's tervantt
hi 38. 6. whereupon are the foundavions f. 1 Kings 8. 64. altar was too little to receive the/. tJ iheif matter, 2 Kint,s 5. 13. The king of
^f/.lO.l I. as nails/, by the masters of assemblies 2 Chr. 7. 7. ofJered the/, ot peace-offering, 29. 35. Israel, in iike manner, called the prophet Llishs
Isa. CC. C5. the nail that is/, in the sure place 35. 14. priests busied in offering the/, until night *t»latiier, 2 Kings 6. 21, My father, shall 1
41.7..'. it with nails that it should not be moved Job 15. 27. he maketh collops of/, on his fiai.U- smite them .' And the tame prophet icing upon
i-.'iet. 40 and within were hooks/, round about Pial. 17. 10. thev are inclosed in their owr ,.
43. hie death-ted, Joash came to sse him, and said,
J.iiit: 4. CO. and the eyes of all were /. on him 20. t 3. the Lori make/, thy burnt-sacrihcc O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel,
/Ids 11.6. upon the whictrwhen I had/.mine eyes 23. t5. thou makest/. my head with oil and the horsemen thereof, 2 Kings 13. 14.
58. 3. came a viper out ot'heat and/, on- his hand 73. t 4. but their strength is/, no bands in death A man it taid to be a father to the poor and cr-
FASTENING. 81. t 16. he should have fed them also with the f". phant, uken he takes care to supply their tu-
Ilai. 2. 11. the/", of the timber shall answer it of wheat, with honey out of rock, 147. t 14- ceisities, is affected uith their miseries, and
/•Jf/j 3.4. Peter/.his eves upon him, said, look on us Ita. 1.11. I am full of the/, of fed beasts provides for their uiantt ; 1 was a father to ih*
'FAT. 34. 6. made/", with the/, of the kidneys of rams poor. Job 29. 16. God declares himself to be a
Cod forbade the Hebrews to eat tfte fat of ieasts. 43. 24. nor hast filled me with /". of thy sacrifices Father of the fatherless, and a Judge of the tiidou.
Lev. 16, 17, All the fat is the Lord's.
It E^ek. 44. 7. when ye offer the f- and the blood Psal. 68 5.
shall be a perprtual statute for your genera- 15. shall stand to offer to m^ the/, aw! the blood God it frcptently called heavenly Father, ani
tions throughout all your <iweriinj;s, that ye ITut FAT. timply I'ather. lie is truly and eminently the
eat neither fat nor blood. Some iulerprelnl Cen. 45.1b. and ye shall eat the/, of the land Father, Creator, Preserver, and Protector, of
lake these -uerds in ail the rigour cf the letter, /.«ri..'?. 17. a statute that ye«a/ no/, nor blood, 7.23 all creatures, and principally of those uho caM
end ivppose the use of fat of uell at Alood to 7. 25. v\\osoeatflh f. of«he beast shall be cut off upon him, uho know and serve him. Is he not
be eimrelii forbidden the J^ws. Josephus .javt, /.'fi/f..32..'58.which'did eat the/, of their sacrifices thy Father that bought thee ? Dcut. 32. 6.
that Jiloxs forbids only tie fat^f oxen, goats, -Vf/i. (5. 10. go your way, eat the/, and drink sweet Hath he not made thee, and established thee T
theep, and of their species, -.ihich agrees vith Hzck. 34. 3. ye eatf. and clothe you with the wool And through Christ, uho has merited adoption
the iaxi- in Lev. 7. 23, Vc shall eat no man- 39. 1(). ye shall eat f. till ye be full and drink and /illation for his people, every believer has a
ncr of fat of ox, or of sheep, or of goat. The hiood right to call God Father, Horn. 8. 15, I6.
mcdern Jews observe this custom ; and zcith Zech.W. 16. but he shall eat the flesh of the /". Job entitles God the Father of rain. Job 38. 28.
respect to the fat of ezertt other sort of c!e~ FAT. Ue produces it, he niaket it to fall. And in
creature, they think it is alloued them, even Oen. 41. 2. there came up seven kine f. fleshed ch.ip. 17. 14, I have said to corniption, Thou
that of beasts uhich hate died of themselves ; 4. and they did eat up the seven /.'kine, 20. an niv lather. I acknouledge that I am sprung
this is conformable to that other lan\ Lev 15. seven cars of corn came up /. and good, 7. out of corruption, and shall return to the pu-
7. 24, And the fat of the beast that dieth of 40. 20. oirt of Asher his bread shall be/. trefaction of the grave ; or, tn the condition
itself, and the fat of that which is torn with A'i'm. 13. 20. what the land is, whether/, or lean -uhich I am reduced to, I look upon uormt and
beasts, may be used in anyoth<r use. Deul. 31 20. waxen/, then they turn to other gods
. putrefaction as my friends and relations.
But other interpreters maintain, thai the lita 32.15.Jeshurun waxed/.and kicked,thou waxen/. Joseph says, that God had made him a father to
uhich seems to forbid generally the use of fat, Judg.3. 17. and Eglon was a very/. mr.n Pharaoh. Gen. 45. 8. that he had given him
is to be restrained to fat separated from the I .Sa/n. 2. 29. to make you/, with "the offerings very great authority in ihit prince's kingdom,
flesh, such as that uhich covers the kidneys and 28. 24. the woman had a/, calf in the house and that Pharaoh looked upon him as his father,
intestines ; and this only in the case of 1 h'ingt 1. 9. Adonijah slew sheep,/, cattle, 19. 25. and had to much confidence in him, and conti-
being actually offered in sacrifice ; which is 4. 23. his provision for one day was ten/, oxen derution for his person, that he gave him the
confirmed by this passage in Lev. 7. iS, Who- 1 Chron. 4. 40. and t'uey found/, pasture and good government of hit house and of all Ait domi-
soever eateth of the fat of the beast, of which Neh. 9.25. they took a/, land and became/. ttii'nt.
men offer an offering made y fire unto the 35. have not served thee in the large and f. land The Devil it called the father if the uicked; Ye
Lord, even the soul that eateth it, shall be cut Pja/.22.29.that be/, on earth shall eat and worship are of your father the devil, says our Saviour,
off from his people. 37. 20. the enemies of the Lord as the/, of lambs J'l/in 8. 44. Ye would imitate the desires of
7'he tiorrffat in the HehTevt style sigttljies not only 92. 14. they shall be/, and flourishing your father ; he uas a murderer from the ieptf
that of beasts, but every tAing likewise ahich re- 1 19 70. their heart as/, as grease, I delight in law ning, he abode not in the truth. He is a liar
lates to it in other things, as in Psal. 147. 14. Prov. 11.25. the liberal soul shall be made/. and the father of it ; he it a faltifier, a de-
lie filleth thee with the finest of the wheat, 13.4. the soul of the diligent shall be made/. ceiver, a seducer. He deceived Eve and Adam
•n Hebreu-, with the fat of wheat. And in 15. 30. a good report maketh the bones f. he introduced sin and falsehood into the world.
Psal. 81. 16, He should have fed them with 28.25. he that tmstethin the Lord shall be made/. He inspires his follo-j:ert uith his ipirit attd
the fat of wheat. Fat is also used sometimes ha. 5.17. waste places of/, ones shall strangers eat sentiments ; he ieept the tchool of fraud and
for the source or cause of compaision or mercy. 6. 10. make the heartof this people/, ears heavy deceit ; his only business it to tetnpi and etii-
At the boucls are itirred at the recital of any 10.16. Lordshall send among his/.ones leanness snare mankind.
great calamity ; or at the of some melan- 25. 6. make a feast of/, things "full of marrow To be gathered unto their fathers To sleep with

choly and afflicted object, it has been thought 28. 1. which are on the head of the/, valleys their fathers; To go to their fathers, are com-
that sensibility resided principally in the bo-.icls, 4. the beauty which is on the head of the/, valley mon expressions, to signify death. In then
tihich are commonly loaded uith fat. The 30.23. and bread shall be/, and plenteous passages, the fathers signify thote uho lived
Psalmist upbraids the uicked uith being inclosed 34. 6. the sword of the Lord is made/, with fatness before us, and uhom ue are going to meet again
in their fat, uith having shut up their touch 7. and their dust shall be made_/. with fatness i?i another uorld.
against him, uith being in no soil affecleu 58 11 and the Lord shall make/, thy bones God it called the Father of spirits, Ileh. 12. Q-
with compassion at the sight of his extreme ler. 5. 28. they are waxen/, they shine Vur fathers are the fathers of our bodies vtily,
grief. Psal. 17. 10, Mine enemies compass 50. 11. ye are grown/, as the heifer at grass but God is the father ef our tpiritt ; he net
Ene about, they are inclosed in their own fa<. Lzek. 34.14. in a/pasture shall they feed, in Isrr.el only creates them, but he justifies them IHeuise,
And in Psal. 119. 70, Their heart is as- fal 16. but I will destroy the/, and the strong glorifies, and makes them happy. Vur Savicxtr,
as grease. 7lrej are ttupid, and insensible, 20.1 will judge between the/, cattle and tbc lean in Mat. 23. 9i Jorbids us to give any man the
and past feeling ; thejr are not affected either 45. 15. one lamb out of the/, pastures of Israel name of father, because t-e have one only uho
tilth the terrors or comforts of Hod. .Jmoi 5.22. nor will I regard the offering of/, beasts is in heaien. Sot that ice should abanSon or
Fat denotei abundance' of spiritual blessings, IJab. 1. 16. because bv them their portion is/. despise our earthly fathers ; Cod requires ut to
Jer. 31. 14, / uill sa'tiate the souls of the FA'TIltK. honour them, and give them all necessary as-
priests with fatness. Pi,al. 63. i. My soul This tiord, betides the common acceptation sistance ; but uhen the inierestt of God uie at
of it
shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness. for an immediate father, is likeuise taken in the .'take, hit glory, or our oa-u taliation, if out
The fat of the earth implies the fruilfulnets scripture style for Grandfather, great Giand- Jalhert and mothert are an obstacle to them,
of it, Gen. 27. 28, God give thee of the dew fother, or, the very author and Jint father of a ue should say to them. We know you not: lot
of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and family, haul remote soeier he may be from those uhot Ota pare.Vt have done for us, in compari-
plenty of com and wine. :iho speak, lor example, the Jews in our Sa- son oj' uhat ue oue to God, it to incontider-
Gen. 4. 4. Abel also brought of the/, of his flock viour's time, and t/ieir descendants of this pre- able, thai ue may say, our fathers are nothing:
£xorf. 23.lB.nor shall the/, of my sacrifice remain tcnt generation, call themielies tons of Abr.i- to ut, and that God alone deiervei the title of
Sg. 13. thou shall take the / that covereth the in- ham, Isaac, nnrf lacob. Wnrf Nebuchadnezzar our Father.
wards, and the/, upon the kidneys. 22. is termed Belshazzar'/ father, though Bel- Gen. 4. 20. Jaciai was/, of such as dwell in tents
Ltv.i. 3,4,9,10,14,15. 4.8. j"7.3.4.
shazzar's uas hit grand-son. 21. Jubal was the f. of all such as handle hajp
J^r. 1.8. priests shall lay head and/, in order, 12. By Father is liketvise understood the inventor, the 9. 18. went out of ark, and Ham is the/, of Canaan
3. 16. offering for a sweet savour, the f. is Lord's master of these uho are of a certain pio/ession. 17.4. be the/, of many nations,5. Pom. 4. 17, 18.
4. 8. he shall take off the f. of the bullock, 31, ."iS. Gen. 4. 20, 21, 22. Ja'bal was the father of 44.19. have ye a/..'|i20. and we said, we have a/
S6.burnhis/. 6.1S. 7.3,31. 17.6. A'i<m.lli.l7.
j |
such as dwell in tents, and such as have cat- 45.8.God made me/.to Pharaoh, lord of his house
7-24. /.of beast dieth of itself, or is torn to be used tle. Jubal was the father of all such as handle Lev. 24. 10. whose/, was an Egyptian, he went out
30. the/, with the breast, it shall he bring the h.:rp and organ. The famous four^der vf .Vum. 11. 12. as a nursing/, beareth sucking child
33. he that offereth/. shall have the right shoulder Tyre, Iluram, is called the father of the iitig .30. 16. are statutes between/and bis daughter
8. 20. Moses burnt the head and the /. of the ram of i yre, 2 Chron. 2. 13. and even of Solomon, Deut.11. 15./. shall bring forth tokens of virginity
26. he took one wafer and put theni on the/. 2 t.'hron. 4. I6. because he uas their principal 29. the man shall give the damsel's/, fifty shckcU
9. 10. but the/, he burnt upon the altar, 20. uorkman, and the chief director cf their under-\. the f.Tmily of the house of his mother's^r
24. and fire from the Lord consumed the/. takings. The principal, the eldest of the pro- 17. 10. dwell with me, and be to me a/.and a priest
16. 25. the /. of sin-offering shall burn on alfar phets, uere considered at the master t and IB. ly. go with us, and be to us a/, and a priest
yum IB. i 12. the f. of the oil have I given thee fathert of the rest, uho uere their disciples ; 10. 3. the/, of the damsel saw him, he rejoiced
1 29. an heare-offering to the Lord of all they'. for this reason the young prophets are called 4. damsel's/, retained him, he abode three day.
/Jfi<f.32.14./. of lambs with/, of kidneys of wheat the 6ors of the prophets, and llesc style the 1 6am. 9. 3. and Kish was the /". of Sau',, 14. W
Jt'dg. 3.22. and the /. clcsed upon the blade eldest, fathers. My father, my father, said 1 Chron. 2. 51. .Salem the/. of'^Beth-lehem
-t 25. they slew of Moab about 10,(KX) men all/. Llisha to Llijah, the (thariot of Israel, and the 55. of Hemaih, the f. of the house of Kechab
I Sam.i.M before they burnt /".priest's sen-, came horsemen thereof, 2 Kings 2. 12. 4. 14. Joab the/, of the valley of Charashim
10. let them not fail to bum the f. presently Father it a term of rsspei:t uhich inferiors tften 8. 39. at Gibeou dwelt the f. of CibeoD, Q. 35.


Etth.i, 7, Esther had neither/, nor mother John IS. 28. the Comforter wnom I will send you Jnig. ig. 3, she^rotightihim into A#r /.'• hotuft
y«A 29.16. 1 was a/, to the poor, and searched out the F. the Spirit who proceedeth from the F. Fjth. 2. 7- when her f. and mother were dc:;d
31. 18. he was brought up with me, as with a/. 16. 3. because they have not known the /'. nor me Hit FATHER.
38. 2B. bath the rain a /. ? or who begat the dew •
15. all things that the /'. hath, are mine Gfrt.2.24. therefore shall aman leaveAi'j/'.andmo
P/.Ce.S./. of fatherless, and judge of widows, isG. 16. ye shall see me, because I go to the F. 17. ther, and cleave to wife, Mark 10.7.
103. IS. as a./, pitieth his children, so Lord pities 25. but I shall shew you plainly of the /". 9. 22. Ham^aw the nakedness of hit f. and told
Prop 3.12. the Lord correcteth, even as a/, the son 27. the F. loveth you, because ye have loved mc 11.28. and liaran died before his f. Terah
4. 1. hear, ye children, the instruction of a/. 28. I came forth Irom the /'. and go to the /' 27.41. the blessing wherewith hisf. blessed him
10. 1. a wise son maketh a glad/. 15. 20. 32. 1 am not alone, because the /'. is with mc 28. 7. Jacob obejed hiif. and mother, was gonr
17. 81. »nd the/, of a foo! hath no joy 17. 1. /'. the hour i.* come, glorify thy Son 31. 53. Jacob sware by the fear of hts
f. Isaac
tS. S4. the/, of the righteous shall rejoice 5. O /'. glorify thoi me with thine own self .37. 1. in the land «'herein hn
f. was a stranger
//a.9.6.his name shall be called, the everlastini; F. 11. Holy /'. keep those whom thou hast given me 2. Joseph brought to his f. their evil report
S2.21.£liakim shall be a/, to inhabitants of .Icriis. 24. /'. 1 will that they given me be where I an 10. he told the dream to hisf. hisf. rebuked him
38. 19- the/, to child, shall make known thy truth 25. righteous /'. the world hath not known thee 1 1. brethren envied, but hisf. observed the sayin*'
Jer. 31. g. I will lead them, for I am a/, to Israel /lets 1. 4. but wait for the promise of the /'. 22. he might rid him, to deliver him to hisf.
Ettt. 18.4. as the soulofthe/. soof the son, ismine 7. the seasons, the /'. hath put in his own power 44. 22. and we s.iid, the lad cannot leave his
19. doth not the son bear the iniquity of the/..' 2.33.receivedof the 7'.the promise of the II. Ghost 40. 1. he offered sacrifices to the God o{ hiif.
20. the ion shall not bear the iniquity of the/. 7i<>»i. 4. 11. he might be/, of all them that believe 29. and Joseph went up to meet Israel his f,
22. 7. in thee they set light by/, and mother IC.andthe/ofcircumcision to them who are not 47. 12. Joseph nourished his f. and brethren
44.25. for/, or mother they may defile themselves 16. the faith of Abraham, who is the/, of us all 50. 10. he made a mourning (or his f. seven dayj
i^ic. 7- 6. for the son dishonoureth the/. 0. 4. as Christ was raised from the dead by the /'. Erod. 6. 20. and Aniram took his {.'<> sister to wife
Mai. 1. 6. if I then be a/, where ismine honour O.lS.Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, /'. 21. 15. he that smiteth hisf. shall be put to death
2.10. have we not all one/. one God created us >
.' 11. 28. ae to election, are baloved for F.'s sake 17. he that curseth hisf. shall die. Lev. 20. 9.
Mai. 30. 21./. deliver up the child, Mark 13. 12. 15. 6. may glorify God 'he /'. of our Lord Jesus 7^ff.l9.3. shall fear every man his mother and hiif.
37. he that loveth/ or mother^nore than me Christ, 2 Cor. 1.3. 11. 31. //</<. 1.3.1 Pet. 1.3.
20. 11. man that lieth with his f.'s wife, both die
11. 25.Jesus said, I thank thee, O K
Lord of heav. 1 Cor. 8. 6 but to us there is but one God, the 7''. 17. if aman take hisf.'s daughter, they shall die
26.soi^.it seemed good, Luke 10.21. John 11.41. 15.24.have delivered up the kingdom to God the/'. 21 2. a son of Aaron may be defiled for hisf.
27. and no man knowelh the Son^but the /'. 2 Cor. 1. 3. /'. of mercies, the God of all comfort 11. the high-priest not defile himself for hisf.
15. 4. he that curseth/. let him <lie, MarkX. 10. 6. 18. I will be a F. unto you, ye shall be sons my iV.,1.1.6. 7-a Nazarite not made unclean for hisf
19. 5. leave/, and mother, and cleave to his wife Ga/. 1. 1. I'aul an apostle by Jes. C. and G. the /'. 27.10. shall give inheritance to Ai'x/.'s brethren
29. every one that hath forsaken f. mother, or 3.and peace from G. the /'. 2 'J'im. 1. 2. Tit. 1 .4. 11. if /<«'(/. have no brethren, to his kinsaian
wife, for my name's sake, Mark 10. 29, 4. according to the will of God and our /'. Deut. 21.18. which will not obey hisf. and mother
SO. 19. baptizing them in the name oPthe P. 4. 2. until the tim? appointed of the F. 19. then shall his f. bring him to the ciders
Hart 5.40. he taketh /. of the damsel, Luke 8.51. 6. sent Spirit into^-our hearts, crying, Abba F. 22. 30. a man shall not take hisf.'s wife
9.24. the/, of the child cried. Lord, I believe EpA. 1. 17.-the God of our L. Jesusthe /'. of glory 27. 16. cursed be he that setteth light by hisf.
13. .32. of that day knoweth no man, but the /•'. 2. 18. by him have access by one Spirit to the J-. 22. cursed be he that lieth with daughter of Ai//.
14. 36. Abba, F. all things are possible to thee 3. 14. for this cause I bow my knees unto the /'. 33. 9- who said to hisf. I have not seen him
15. 21. Simon,/, of Alexander, to bear his cross 4. God and /'. of all, who is above all Jndg. 6. 27. Gideon feared Aij/.'s household
iMke man knows who the F. is but the Son 5.20. giving thanks to the /'. Col. 1. 3, 12. .?. 17. 8. 32. Gideon was buried in the sepulchre of hisf

11. 11. if a son shall ask bread of any that is a/. C.23.and love with faith from God the 7'. and Jes. y. 50. God rendered the wickednesshe did Io his f,
12. 53. the/, shall be divided against the son, and P/ii/.2% 11. that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the /'. 14.4. hisf. knew not that it was of the Lord
the son against the /. mother against daughter 22. as a son with the/Jie hath served with me 1 Snin. 14. 1. but Jonathan told not hisf.
15.21. son said,/. I have sinned against heaven C0/.I.19. it pleased /'. that in him all fulnessdwell C". heard not when his f. charged the peojile
22. the /. said, bring forth the best robe 2.2. the acknowledgment of the mystery of the /'. 19. 4. Jonathan spake good of David to his f.
16. 27. I pray thee, /. send to my father's house 1 3/idjj.l.l.untothechurch whichis in God the /'. 20. 33. it was determined of hisf. to slay Uavid
32.42. J-', if thou b? willing, remove this cup from 2. 11. we charged you, as a/, doth his children 34. because hisf. had done him shame
23 34. F. forgive them, for they know not 1 Tim. 5. 1 rebuke not an elder, entreat him as a/. 2 6'«m.2. 32. Asahel buried in sepulchre of his
46. /•'. into thy hands I commend my spirit Ileb.l.i. will be to him a /'.he shall be to me a Son 7. 14. I will be his f. and he shall be my son
Jofm 1. 14. the glory ju of the only begotten of the F. 7. 3. Melchisedec withoat/. without mother 10.2. AS hisf. shewed kindness tome, 1 C'A). 102-
10. the Son which is in the bosom of the /'. li. 7. what son is he whom the /'. chasteneth not ? 16. 22. Absalom went in to hisf.'s concubines
3.35. the F. loveth the Son, and hath given, 5. 20. 5. be in subjection to the /'. of spirits, and live 17.23. Ahithophel buried in the sepulchre of his f.
4. 21. nor yet at Jerusalem worship the F. Jam. 1.17. every good giftcometh from /'. of lights 21. 14. Saul buried in the sepulchre of Kish hisf.
23. shall worship the F. in spirit and in futh 27. pure and undefiled religion before God and 7'. 1 hiugs 7.14. his f. was a man of rvre,2 r/ir.2.14.
53. the/, knew that it was at the same hour 3. 9. therewith bless we God, even the /'. 51.whichAi>/.haddedicated,15.l'5.2C//r. 15.18.
5. 19. do nothing but what be seelh the /'. do 1 Pel. 1.2. to the foreknowledge of God the F. 11. 4. not perfect, as the heart of David hisf.
21 for as the F. raiseth up the dead, so the Son
. 17- if ye call on the /'. who judgeth man's work 6. Solomon went not fully after the Lord, as did
22. /•'. judgeth no man, but hath committed all 2 Pet. 1. 17. he received from God the /'. honour David hisf. 15. 11. iKin^s 18. 3. 2 CAr. 28.
23. honour the Son.even as they'honour the i'.lie 1 John 1.2. we shew eternal life, which was with /". 1.I
that honours not the Son, honours not the F. 3. our fellowship is with the /'. and his .Son 33. not as did David hitf. 2 Tk'iH^J 14. 3. |
26.fora3 the /'. hath life in himself, so hath given 2.1. wehave an Advocate with the/'. JesusChrist 15.3. andh? walked in all the sins of his f.
30. I seek not mine own, but the will of the jF-'. 13. I write to you, because ye have known the /'. 2C. Nadab did evil and walked in the way of hit
36. for the works which the /'. hath given me 15. if any love world, the love of /'. is not in him f. 22.43, 52. 2 h'inns 21.21
bear witness that the F. hath sent me 16. pride of life is not of the /'. but of the world 2 /\'i«ff 3. 2. Jehoram did evil, but not likeAix/
37. the F. which hath sent me, hath borne witness 22. he is antichrist that denieth the 7". and Son 9. 25. I and thou rode together alter Ahab hisf.
of me, «.l6. I
12.49. 14.24. 1 Jo/m 4. 14. S3 .whoso denieth the Son, hath not the F. he that 13. 25. the cities taken out of the hand of hit f

45. think not that I will accuse you to the /'. acknowledgeth the Son h.ith the /'. also 14.5.Amaziah, the son of J3ash,sle\vthe servant*
6. 27. for him hath God the F. sealed 24. ye shall continue in the .Son and in the /'. who had slain the king his f. 2 Chron. 25. 3
37. all that the F. giveth me shall come to me 3. 1. what manner of love 7-'. hath bestowed on us 21. hira king instead of hisf. 23. .30, 34.
39. and this is the F.'s will, that Flose nothing 5. 7. three bear record, the /'. Word, and Spirit 1 r/,)-.5. 1 .Ueub.defiled All/- » bcl, birth-right givea

42. is not this Jesus,whose/.and mother we know.' iJii/i>i3. mercy and peace from God the /'. and 17. 13. I will be hisf. he shall be my son, 28. 6.
4 J. no man can come, except the J', draw him from the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the /'. C6.10.not first-born, yet his f. made him the chief
45. that hath learned of the F. conieth to me 4. as we received a commandment from the /'. 2 Chron. 3. 1. the Lord appe"ared to David Ai» /.
46. not that any hath se«n the F. he hath seen 1'. 9- he that abideth in Christ hath the /'. and Son 8. 14. according to the order of David Ai'x /.
71. as the F. hath sent me, and I live by the F. Juile 1. to them that are sjuictified by God the /'. 17. 3. he walked ill t'ne first ways of Au/. David
fl.l6. I am not alone, but I and the /•'. that sent me See Abraham. 4. Jehoshapliat sought the Lord God of hit f.
18. the F. that sent me beareth witness of nic Her I'ATllKR. 20. 32. he walked in the way of Asa his f.
27. thev understood not he spake to them of F. Gen. 19. 33. the first-born went in and lay with her/. 22. 4. his counsellors after the death of hit f
29. /'. hath not left me alone, I do those things 29. 9. Rachel came with A./.'s sheep,she kept them 34. 2. he walked in the ways of David his f. 3
41. then said they, we have one F. even God 12. he was herf.'i brother, she ran and told herf. I'tal. 72. 1 17. as a son to continue his f.'s name
44. the devil is a liar, and the /. of it 31. 19. Rachel had stolen images that were herf.'i, Prov. 13.1. a wise son heareth the instruction of his f .

10. 15. as the /'.knoweth me, even so know I the 7'. 38.11. Tamar went and dwelt in herf.'i house 15.5. a fool despiseth hisf.'s instrucliou
36. say ye of him whom the F'. hath sanctified F.xod. 22. 17. if herf. utterly refuse to give her 17. 25. a foolish son is a grief to his f.
19. 13. a foolish son is the calamity of
38. believe that the F. is in me, and I io him his f.
Lev. 21. 9. she profaneth he'-f. she shall be burni
12. S7 .what shall 1 say save uie from this nour
i 7'' Ctj. he that wastoth hitf. i« « son
causcth sham*
22. 1?. :f she It returned to hirf.'% toase as 10
28. /'.glorify thy name then came there a voice
; her youth, she shall catcf Aer /.'s meat 20. ;o. whoso curseth hisf. his lamp shall be put out
211. 7. a companion of riotous men shameth
his f.
40. even as the F. said unto me, so 1 speak Sum. 12. 14. if her f. had but spit in her face
13. I.Jesus knew that he should depart unto the/', 30. 3. if a woman vow a vow in herf.'i house 24. whoso robbcth hit f. or mother, and saitb
3. knowing that the /'. had given all things 4. and herf. hear her, and shall hold his peace 29.3. whoso loveth wisdom, rcjoiceth hitf.
14.6. Jes'.is saiih to him, 1 am the way, truth, anJ 5. if her f. disallow her in the day he heareth 30.17. the ravens pick out eye that mockclh his f.
life, no man conieth to the /' but by mi- 16. being yet in her youth, in herf.'i house Isn.itt.W. woe to h jn that »aith to hit f. what begets
8. Lord, shiw us the 7'. and it sufficeth us 36. 8 shall be wife to one of the tribe of herf. l:zek. 18. 14. beget a son that sceth all his f.'s sin*
Philip, hii that hath seen me, hath seen the F. /-'cur. 21. 13. ami bewail /it'r/. ami mo'Jier amonth 17. he shall not die for the iniquity of his f
11. that 1 am 111 the 7'. and the/', in me, 17. '.il. 22.21. bring to door oi her f.'s house, because she 18. as for hisf. because he cruelly oppres.sed
iS- that the F. may be glorified in the Sm wrought folly, to play the whore in Afr/.'s house Dan. 5.^. to bring the golden vessels hisf. had taken
16. and I will pray the /'. lor you. In. 26. Josh. 6.2'!. the spies broug tit out Rahab and herf. .Imos 2. 7. a man and htt go in to the same maid
26. but the Comforter whom the F. will send 25. he saved herf.'i hou.sehold and .ill she had /ech. 13. 3. hisf. and mother shall thrust hiin thro"
31.1 love th'' /'as the /'. gave me commandment 15. IS. to ask uflierf. a tield, Judg. 1. 14. .Mai. 1 .6. a son honours his f.a servant his mastet
15.9- as the /. hath loved mc, so have I loved yuu Jiidg. 1 1. 39. in two months she returned to herf. .Milt. 10. 35. to set aman at variance against his/.
J4. 16. that wh;uiocver ye shall ask of the /'. in 15. 1. but herf. would Dot suffer him to go io 15.5.whoso shall say iohitf. it isagift,.l/arA7.^1•

my name, he may give it you, 16, 2:i. 6 the Philistines burnt her and her f. with fire ! 6. and honour not A>> /'.or inolher,li<; shall bcfrce


ila>-l6. S7. the Son of man shall come in glory of Mat. 16.17. but my F. who is in heaven revealed it C Ckron. 31.3. tkeir /. gave them great gifts ,) %
his y. with his angels, Mmri 8. 3B. Lulte g. 26. 18. 10. their aagelj behold the face of my F. Job 4S. 15. thtir /. gave them inheritance
21. 31. whether of them did the will of hisf.T 19. it shall be done of my F. who is in heaven Prov. 30.11. there is a generation tliat curseth thjt
hlark 9. 21. he asked hitf. how long ago it is since 3j. so shall my heavenly F. also do unto you Jer. 16. 7. cup of consolation to drink for Ihitrf
Luke 1 32. Lord shall give him the throne oihisf. 20. 23. for whom it is prepared of my F.
. 35. 14. JoDadah'ssousobeyedf.y.'s command. 16
V). they called him after the name of his
f. 24. 36. that day knoweth no man but my F. only Fuk. 22. 10. they diM^overed thiir/.'s nakedneai
62. they made signs unto hiif. how to call him 25.34. the King shall say .come ye blessed of my/'. Mat. 4. 21. in a ship with Zebedee their/.
67. hit /. Zachariis was filled with the H. Ghost 26. 29. I drink it newwithyoa in my i-'.'skingdom £2. they left ship and their /. ajid followed him
9. 42. Jesus delivered him a;aia to hit/. 39. O my F. if it be possible, let vhis cup pass me 13. 43. righteous shall shine in kingdom of ihtirf
i4. 26. if any man come to me, and hate not hit f. 42.OTyi-'.if this cup may not pass, thy will be done Fhy FATHER.
ib. 12. and the younger of them said to hit f. 53. thinkest thou that 1 caauot pray to my F. ? Gen. 12. 1. Lord said, get thee from thy/.'t boose
20. arose andcame to hit/, hit/, saw him.and ran that 1 must be about my i.'s business 27. 6. I heard thy /. speak to Esau thy brothet
2B. therefore came hit/, and entreated him 15.17. how many hired serv. of my/ have bread r iO. thou shalt bring it to thy /. that he eat
John 5. 18. because he said, that Ciod was hit /. 18 1 will arise, and go to my /. and will say,/. 38.11.Judab said,remain a widow at (Ay/.'shous*
Acts 16. 1. son of a Jewess, but hit /. was a Greek 10. 27. 1 pray thee, s«iid him to my /.'s house 46. 3. I am the God of thy/, fear not to go down
1 Cor. 5. 1. that one should have hit /.'» wife 22. 29. as my F. hath appointed unto me 49. 25. by the God of thy/, who shall help thee
Jlei. 7. 10. for he was jet in the loins of his
J. 24. 49. I send the promise of my F. upon you 26. the blessings of thy/, have prevailed abov*
Hev. 1.6.made us kings and priests to G. and his /'. John 5. 17. my F. worketh hitherto, and I work 50. 16. thy/, commanded before he died, saying
14. 1. AitJ-'.'i name written in their forehead's 30. I seek not my own, but the will of my F. 17. forgive the servants of the God of thy
See House. 43. 1 am come in myF.'s name, ye receive me not Etod. 20.12. honour thy/, and thy mother that thy
FATHER-IN-LAW. C. 32. but my F. giveth you the true bread daysmay be long, X>«u/.5.l6.iWa/. 15.4. 19.19. |

Cen. 38. 13. behold, thy f.-inJaiv goeth to Timnath 65. none come tome, except it be given of my F. Num. 18.2. thy brethren of the tribe of /Ay/, brmg
25. when brought forth, she went to her/.-iii-lnu 8. 19. Jesus said, ye neither know me, nor my J'. Dent. p. 3. as the God of thy /. promised ihee
EioJ. 3. 1. the flock of Jethro his/.-i;i-/a.v, 4. 11!. 28. as my F. hath taught me, 1 speak these things 32. 6. is not he thy /. that bought thee >
18.1. Moses'/".-i'i-/aa-,8, 14,17. ^W^.l. 16. 4.11.
38. 1 speak that which I have seen with my F. 7. ask thy/, and he will shew thee, thy elders
27. Moses let his/.-in-/«a' depart, and he went 49. but I honour my F. and ye dishonour me liuth 2. ll."how thou hast left thy/, and mother
jVtoM. 10.29. Ilaguel the Alidianite, Moses'/.-i/j./na. 54.itis my /'.that honoureth me, of whom ye say 1 Sam. 20. 1. and what is my lio hefore thy /.T

Judg. 19.4. his /.-in-/aM retained him, and he abode 10. 17. therefore doth my F. love me, because 6. if tky /. at all miss me, then say, David !uked
7. when he rose to depart, hisy.-in./o.v urged him 18. this commandment have I received of my. F. 2 Sam. 6.21. the Lord which chose me before thy/.
1 6Vrni. 4.19. when she beard/.-i«-/aw wasdead,21. 25. works I do in my F.'s name bear witness of me 10. 3. thinkest thou that David doth honoar thy/.
John 18. 13. Annas -^a / to Caiaphas 20. my F. who gave them me, is greater than all, that he sent comforters to thee ? 1 C/iron. I9. 3.
My FATHER. none is able to pluck ihem out of my i-'.'s band 16. 19. 2is I have served in thy/.'s presence
Gtn. 19. .34. behold, I lay yesternight with mi/ /. 30. I and my F. are one 1 kings 11.12.1 will not do it for David thy/.'i sake
20. 12. she is daughter of ray _/'. not of mymother 32. many good works have I shewed from my /•'. l'2.4.thy/. made yoke grievous, 10. 2 CAron.10.4.
27. 12. my /. peradventure will feel me, I shall 37. if I do not the works of my F. believe me not 15. 19. there is a league bttw. my father and thy/.
34. Lsau cried, bless me, even me also, O my /. 12. 26. if any serve mt, him will 7/iy F. honour 20. 34. the cities which my father took from thy/,
31. 5. the God of my/. 4C. 32. 9. Kzod. 18. 4.
|| 14. 7- if known me, should have known my F. also 2 A'lHj/ 3. 13. get thee to the prophets of /Ay/.
1. 24. when we came to thy servant my f. 27, .30. 12. greater works, because I go to my F. I6. 10. 20.5.ihus saith the Lord, the God of David thy/.
32. for I became surety for the lad to my /. 20. at that day ye shall know that 1 am in my F. S Chron. 21. 12. Isa.3a.5.
4.'».3 doth my/, yet lire.' haste to go up to j/iy/. '11. he that lovelh me, shall be loved of my F. 23. 1 C/ir. 28. 9. my son, know thou the God of thy/.
j 9-
13. tell my/. |!47.1. my/, and brethren are come 28. I go to the Father, my F. is greater than I 2Chr. 7. 17. if thou wilt walk before me as /Ay/.
48. 18. not so, my/, for this is the first-born 15. 1. i am the vine, mv F. is the husbandman Joi 15. 10. are aged mun much elder than tiy/,
Dent. 26. 3. a Syrian ready to perish was my/. B. herein is my F. glorified, that ye bear fruit i'rov. 1. 8. hear the instruction of thy/. 23.22.
Jos'1.2. 13. ye will save alive my/, and mother 10. even as 1 have kept my i.'s commandments 6. 20. my son, keep thy/.'i commanilment
Jutl^. 9.17. my:/, fought for you, and delivered you 15. all that I heard of my /'. 1 have made known 23. 25. thy/, and mother shall be glad, she rejoica
11. 36. my/, if thou hast opened thy mouth 23. he that hateth me, hateth my F, also, 24. 27. 10. thine own and thy/.'s. friend forsake not
14. 16. I have not told it my f. nor my mother 18. 11. the cup viy i'.hath given, shall I not drink it- ha. 43.27. thy first/, hath sinned against me
1 Sam. 9. 5. lest my /. leave caring for the ziises 20.17.touchnot,for 1 am not yet ascended to my/. 58. 14. feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy/.
14.29. Jonathan said, my/, troubled the land say to them, I ascend to my F. and your Father J^r. 12.6. house of/./, dealt treacherously with thee
18. 18. who am I, and what is my/.'s family .' 21 as my F. hath sent me, even so send I you 22. 15. did not thy/, eat, drink, and dojudgment^
19. 2. saying, Saul my/, seeketh to kill thee Fev. 2. 27. even as I received of my F. iiei.lti.3./Ay/.was an Amorite, mother anHittite
3. and 1 will commune with my/, of thee 3.5.1 will confess his name before my /•'. and angels /''i« the days of thy/, the king, I say thy/".
20. 2. my/, will do nothing, but he will shew it me Om FATHER. 18. God gave thy/, a kingdom and glory
13. Lord be with thee, as he hath been with my/. Gen. 19.31. our/, is old 32. make onr/. drink wine
.Mat. 6. 4. /,'iy /'. which seeth in secret, 6, 18.
22. 3. let my/, and my mother be with you 31. 1. J.icob hath taken away all that is oHr/. 16. 6. shut thy door, pray to thy F. who is in secret
23. 17. the hand of Saul my/, shall not find thee 42. 13. the youngest is this day with our f. 32. Mark 7. 10. for Moses said, honour thy/, ux)
2 .Sam. 16. 3. restore me the kingdom of my/. 4.'J. 28. thy servant our/, is in good health mother, 10. I9. Luke 18. 20. A//A.6.C,
19. 37. that I may be buried by the grave of my/. 44. 31. bring our /. with sorrow to the grave Luke2.4S. thy/, and 1 sought thee sorrowing
1 Kiiiss 2. 26. thou barest the ark of the Lord before / Vm.27 .3. our/, died in the wilderness, had no sons 15.27. and t/iy/. hath killed the fatted calf
David my /'. in all wherein my/, was 4. why should the name of ot<r/. be done away?
afflicted John 8. 19. then said they unto him, where is thy f.t
32. my/. David not knowing thereof Chr. 29.10. blessed be thou, L. God of Isr. our F.
1 Your FATHER.
44. the wickedness that thou didst to David mi//. Jsa .63.l6.doubtless, thou art our /'.Abrah. ignorant t'fn.31.6. with all my power I have sensed your/
3. 6. thou hast shewed to David 7/iy/. great mercy 64. 8. O
Lord, thou art mir F. we are the clay 7.yoHr/.hath deceived me.and changed my wages
7. h.-uit made thy servant king in.-tead of myj. Jer. 35 6. ourj'. commanded us drink no wine 4S. 7. is your/, alive ? have ye another brother?
5. 3. David my/, could not build an house 8. we have obeyed the voice of our /. 10. 44. 17. as for you, get you up in peace to youi f
5. as the Lord sp.ike to David my/, saying AJat. 6. 9- our F. which art in heaven, Luke 11.2. 45. 19. take you wagons, bring yvur /.«
8. 17. it was in the heart of David mv /". to build .Viiri 11. 10. blessed bethekingdom of our/. David 49. 2. sons of Jacob, hearken unto Israel your/.
24. who hast kept with thy servant David my/. /-iiic 1.73. the oath which he sware to our/. Abrah. Jer. 35. 18. because ye obeyed Jonadab your
26. let my word be verified to my /. 2 C7/r. C. 10. 3. 8. begin not to say, we have Abraham to our/. Fzek. 16. 45. mother an Hittite, your/, an Amorite
12. 10. ihus thou shalt say, my little finger shall John 4. 12. art thou greater than our /. t 8. 53. Mat. 5. 16. may glorify your F, who is in heaven
be thickerthan my/.'s loins, 2 Chron. 10. 10. Acts 7. 2. the God of glory appeared to our /. 45. may be the children of your F. in heaven
31. my/, lade you with aheavy )oke,2C'/ir.l0.11. Uom. 1.7. grace to you, and peace from God our ]'. 48. be ye perfect, as yotir F. in heaven is perfect
14. tiiy/. ch.-islised you with whips. 2 Chr. 10.14. and the Lord Jesus Chnst, 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 6. 1. otherwise ye have no reward of your /'.
IS.ig.league between my/, and thy f. 2 Chr. 16.3. 1. 2. 2 T/iest. 1. 2. 1 Tim. 1. 2. Phtlem. 3. 8. your /". knoweth what things ye have need
ly. 20 let me, 1 pray thee, kiss my/, and mother 9. 10. conceived by one, even by out /. Isaac of before ye ask them, 32. Luke 12.30.
20. 34. the cities my/, took 1 will restore Gal. 1.4. according to the will of God, and our F. 14. if ye forgivc.your heavenly /'.will forgive you
Sfiiii^s 2.12.Eli<hasaw it, and he cried, my/.mi//. Fpli. 1.2. grace be to you, and peace from G. out F. 15. if ye forgive not, neither will your F. forgive
6.21. my/, shall I smite them' shall 1 smite them r andL. Jes.Ch. Fhil.l.l.Col. l.S. 1 'Fhett 1.1. your trespasses, Mark 11.25,26.
IS.H.Ell.'sha said,my/. my/, the chariot of Israi;! Phil.'i.'iO. unto God our K
be glory for ever, amen 10. 29. not one sparrow shall fall without your F.
1 Chr. 28. 4. Lord chose me before all the house of 1 Thess. 1.3. in the sight of God and our F. 18.14. it isnot the will of yoitr F. that one perish
my/, and among the sons of mi//, he liked ae 3. 11. now God our F. direct our way unto you 23. 9. call no man your/, upon the earth, for
1! Chr. 2. 3. as thou didst deal with my/, so deal 13. may stablish you in holiness before G our F. one is your F. which is in heaven

AVi.2. 3. the place of my/.s' sepulchres lielh waite 2 'Jhest. 1.1. Paul unto the church in God our F. Luke 6. ye mercifui,asyour J-'.alsois merciful
5. send me to the city of my/.s' sepulchres 2. 16. now God, even (>7(r /'. comfort your hearts 12. 32. it is your F.'s pleasure to give you kingdom
JoHT. 14. I said to corruption, thou art my/. 7'As;r FATHER. John 8. .38. ye do what ye have seen with ymr /.
34. 35. my/, let Job be tried to the end (Jen. 9. 23. Shtm and Japhet covered the nakedness 41 .ye do the deeds of your/then said they to him
Psal. 27. 10. when my/, and my mother forsake me of their /. jind saw not the nakedness of their/. 42.Jes.said, it God were your /'.ye would love me
89.C6. he shall cry unto me, thou an mu t\ my G. 19. 33. they made their/, drink wine that night 44. ye are of your/, the devil, and the lusts of
Prov.i.i. for I was my/.'s son, tender and beloved 30. both Lot's daughters with child by their/. your/, ye will do, he was a murderer the child have knowledge to cry, mi//. 37. 12. his brethren went to feed their /'s flock 20. 17. I ascend to my F. and your F. to my God
Jer. 2. 27. saying to a stock, thou art my
f. l.xod. 2. 16. filled troughs to water their /.'s flock FATHERS.
3. 4. wilt thou not cry unto me. mr /* .' I'J. 40. 15. anoint them as thou didst anoint their /. £xorf.6.14.these are the heads of their /.houses,26.
20. 15. cursed be man who brought tidings to my/. Sum. 36.6. tothetribeofMeir/ shall ihay marry ./oiA. 14.1. I 19 51. 21.1. 1 CAr.8.10, 13,28.
Van. 5. 13. whom my /. brought out of Jewry Josh. 19.47. after Dan their/. Jud;. 18. 29.

10. 6. neither thy father, nor thy/.father have seen

Mat.;.1\. he that doelh the will ofmv h. 12. 50. 1 6'am. 2. 25. they hearkened not to voice of their/. 20. 6. visiting the iniquity of the /. upon the
8.21. suffer me to g-. and bury mv/. Luke 10. 12. one of thes:ime place said, who is f /if »r^ .'
9. 59. . children, 34. 7. Sum. 14. 18. Dent. 5. 9
10. :i2. him will I confess before my
J-', in heaven 1 Kingt 13. 11. the pripbet's son.s told their/. Deut. 24. ID. the/, shall not be put to death for the
33. him will I also dr ny before mv K in heaven 1 Chr. 7 22. Ephraiin their/, mourned many days
. children, nor children for f. 2 Kings 14.6
11. 27. arc delivered to me of my' I. Luke 10. 22. 24.2. Nadab and Abihu died befi>rc their/. Job 30. 1. whose /". I would have disdained to

16 13. plantmy heavealy F. hath not planted 25. 3. under the hands 01 ihtir f. Jedu(hun, 6. /'foii.iy. 14. house and riches arc inhcnt.Tjict off.
Isa. 49.23. kings shall be thy nursing/, and queens .Ids'. 15. Jacob went down a.n(l died, and our/. Deut. 4. 31 nor forget covenant of thy f. he sware

Jer. 6 21./. and sons shall lail on thena, 13. 14 19. and evil entreated our /.and cast out children 37. and because he loved thy /. 10. 13.
7. 18. children gather wood,/, kindle the fire 3B.this is he which spake in .Sinai and with our/. 8. 3. humbled thee and fed tliee with manna which
31. 29./. have eaten soar c;rape5, Eiei. 18. C. 39. to whom ourf. would not obey, but thrust thou knewest not, neither did thy /. know, I6
32. 18. recompensest iniquity of the/, on children 44.i'ur/.had the tabernacle of witness in wildern. 10. 22. thy/, went into Egy. with seventy persons
47. 3. the/, shall not look back to their children 13. 17. God of this people of Israel chose our/. 12. 1. lajid which the (Jod of thy /. giveth thee
Ezei.SAO. the/. shtJl eat the sons in midst of thee 15.10. a yoke which our/, nor we were able to bear 13. 6. other gods thou nor thy /. known, 28. 6I.
Mai. 4. 6. he shall tarn the h"art of the/, to the 26. 6. lor the hope of the promise made to our/. 19.8. give the land which he promised thy/. 27.3.
children, and children to their/. Liite 1. 1*. 28. 25. well spake Holy Ghost by Esaias to vur/ 28. 36. to a nation thou nor thy /. have known
Tohnt. C2. not because it is of Moses, but of the/. 1 Cor. 10. 1. all our /. were under the cloud 30. 5. do thee good and multiply thee above thy /,
Acts 7. 2. men, brethren, and/, hearken, 22. 1. Slept viih FATHERS. 9- re)oice over thee, as he rejoiced over thy
13.32. the promise which was made unto the /". 1 KingsZ. 10. 80 David slept with his/. 11.21. 31. 16. thou shalt sleep with thy/. 2 .Sam. 7. 12.
22. 3. the perfect manner of the law of the / 43. Solomon slept aith his/, i Chron. 9. 31. 1 Kings 13.22. shall not come to sepulchre of thy /.
Horn. 9. 5. whose are the/, of whom Christ came 14. 20. Jeroboam slept with his/. 2 Kings I4.2g. 2 Kings 20.17. what thy/, laid up be carried awaj
lCor.4. 15. though instructors, yet have not manyy'. 31. Rehoboam j/;;;/ a)i</< his/. 2 Chron. 12. 16. 22. 20. 1 will gather thee to thy /. 2 Chr. 34. 28.
i^ph. 6. 4./ provoke not your children. Col. 3.21. 15. 8. Abijam tlept with his/. 2 Chron. 14. 1. 1 Chron. 17. 11. thou must go to be witii thy/.
Heb. 1. I. God who spake in times past to the/. 24. and As^tlepl xcith his/ £ Chron. It). 13. Ezra 4. 15. search the book of the records of thy /.
12. 9- we had/, of our flesh who correcicd us I6.6.SO Baasha //;;<( with/.\\ i^.Omrislepl aiiih/. Psal. 45. 16. instead of thy /. shall be thy children
8 P«. 3.4. since the/, fell asleep.all things continue 22.40.Ahab si. ai./.||50.Jehoshaphat, 2 C7/r.21.1. Proi. 22. 28. remove not the land-mark thy /. sel
1 J»/i?i2.13. 1 write unto you/, ye have known, 14. 2 Kings 8. 24. Jorann tlept Kith his/. 10.35. .lehu
Jer. 3i. 5. burned with the burnings of thy/.
See Buried, CHisr. 13.9. Jehoaha* tlept with his/. 13. joash, 14. 16.
Acts'!. 32. 1 am God of thy/, the G. of Abraham
Hit FATHERS. 14. 22. after that the king tlept tvith/. 2 t'A/-.26.2. Your FATHERS.
1 Kings 15. 12. he removed the idols hit/, made 15. 7. Azariah tlept with his/. 22. Alenaliem
Gen. 48. 21. shall bring yon to the land of your/,
t Kiugs 12. 18. took the things his/, had dedicated 38. Jotham slept with his/. 2 Chron. 27. 9. Ezod. 3. 13. the God of your/, hath sent me, Deut.
15. 9. he did what was evil as /lit /. had done 16. 20. Ahaz slept with his/. 2 Chron. 28. 27. 1. 11. 4. 1. Josh. 18. 3. 2 Chron. 28. 9.
2y.5, |

21.22. he forsook L. God of hit/. 1 Chron. 21.10. 20. 21. Hezekiah slept uilh his/. 2 Chron. 32. S.l. Kum. 32. 8. thus did your/, ^'eh. 13. 18.
23.32.accordingto Mhis/. haQdone,37. 24. Q. [
21. 18. Manasseh slept with his/. 2 C7iro»i.33. 20. 14. behold ye are risen up in your /. stead
iChran. 21. 19. no burning like the burning of Ai* f. 24. 6. Jehoiakim slept with his/. Deut. I. 8. possess the land the Lord sware to your
28. 25. Ahaz provoked the Lord God of his /. i Chron. 26. 23. Uzziah slept uith his/. /. 35. 7.8. 8. 1. I
11.9. 21.yH</». 2. 1.

30. ig.prepareth his heart 10 seek the God of his/. Their FATHERS. 32. 17. sacrificed to gods whom your/, feared not
33. 12. he humbled himself before God o{ his /. Ezod. 4. 5. that the God of their/, hath appeared Josh. 24.2. your/, dwelt on the other side the flood
Psal. 49. 19- he shall go to the generation of his/. 6. 14. heads of ///«!>/. 25. Josh. 14. 1. ly. 51. 6. I brought your/, out of Egypt, Egypt pursued
109. 14. let the iniquity oi his/, be remembered I
21. 1. 1 Chr. 5.24. | 7.2,7. 8. 6. i 9-9. 13.
14. put away the gods which your /. sen'ed
Dan. 11. 24. shall do what hit/, have not done L.ev. 26. 39. in iniquity of their/, shall pine away 15. whether the gods which your /. served
37. neither shall he regard the God of his /. 40. if they confess the iniquity of their /. 1 Sam. 12. 7. acts the Lord did to you and your /.
38. and a god whom his/, knew not shall honour A'um. 11.12. the land thou swarest to give to their f. 8. your /. cried, thf Lord brought forth your/
<df/jl3.36. David wa.slaicfto-A)>/. saw corruption 14. 23. Deut. 10. 11. 31. 20. Josh. 1.6. 15. the hand of the Lord against you as ag. your
I f,
5. 6.I
21. 43,44. Jer. 32.22. 2 Kings 17. 13. the law which I commanded your/,
Ctn 47. 9- not attained to the years of my /. Deut.Zg. 25. have forsaken the covenant of their/ 2 Chron. 13. 12. fight ye not ag. the G. of your/.
30. I will lie with my /. carry me out of Egypt Josh. 4. 6. when yourchildren ask their /. \L\. 30.7. be not like yo«r/ and brethren, 8. Zech. 1.4.
48. 16. and the name ofmy/, be named on them 22. 14. each one a head of the house of their /. 33. 8. remove out of the land appointed for your/
49- 29. bury me with my/, in the cave in field Jttrfj.2.10.that generation were gathered to their/. Ezra 8. 28. free-will oflering to the God of your /.
iaod. 15. 2. he is my/. God, I will exalt him 12. they forsook the Lord God of their /. 10. U. make confession to the God of your/.
1 Kings 19. 4. for I am no better than my/. 17. they turned out of the way their J', walked in Psal.gS. 9. when your /. tempted me, ii«4. 3. g.
21. 3. give the inheritance of my/, to thee, 4. 19. they corrupted themselves more than their/. Isa. 65.7. your and the iniquities of your /. togeth.
t Kings 19. 12. have gods of the nations delivered 20. my covenant which I commanded their /. Jer. 2. 5. what iniquity have your/, found in me?
them my/, destroyed ? 2 Chr. 32.14. Isa. 37. 12. 22. if tney keep way of Lord, as their/, kept it 3.18. shall come to the land 1 have given to your/.
2CATOn..'}2.13.know not what I and my/, have done 3. 4. which he commanded their /. by IMoses 7.7 .dwell in the land 1 gave to your/. 14. 23.39. I

Ps<il. 39. 12. for I am a sojourner as all my/, were 1 A'w^i 8.34.and bring them again to the land thou 25.5.
35. 15. Ezeh. 20. 42.
36. 28. | 47.14. |

Han. 2.23. I thank and praise thee, () God ofmy/. gavest to their/. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 38. 22.1 spake not to your/, in the day I brought them
Acit 24. 14. so worship I the (Jod of my/. 9- 9- who brought forth their /. out of Egypt 25. since the day you// came forth out of Egypt
Gal. 1. 14. being zealous of the traditions of my/. 14. 15. out of the land which he gave to their /. 11.4. which 1 commanded your/. 17.22.
Our FATHERS. 2 Kings'il. 8. Jer. 10. 15. 24. 10. |
7. for 1 caniestly protested unto your /,
Ctn- 4fl. 34. till now both we and also our /. 47. 3. 22. provoked above all that their /. had done 16. 11. because your /. have forsaken me
Num. 20. 15. how our /. went down into Egypt 2 Ai«;i21.15. sincedayr/ie<>/. came out of Egypt 12. done than your /. 13. ye nor you/ f. \\

Deui. 5.3. Lord made not this covenant with our/. 1 C/iron.4.38.the house of <//eir/.increased greatly 34. 13. 1 made a covenant with your/ in the Jay
6. 23. land which he sware to our/. 26. 3, 15. 5. 25. transgressed against the God of their /. 1.4. but your/ hearkened not unto me

£6. 7. cried to the God of oiir/. the Lord heard 29. 20. blessed the God of their/.ani bowed down 44. 3.whom they knew not, neitherthey nor your/.
Josh. 22. 28. the pattern of (he altar oitr /. made 2 Chr. 7. 22. forsook God of their/. 24. 24. 28.(i. |
9. have ye forgotten the wickedness of your /.f
B4. 17. brought our/, out of the land of Egypt 11. 16. came to sacrifice to the God of their/. 10. in my statutes 1 set before you and your/.
Judg 6.13. where be miracles which our/, told of- 13. 18. they relied on the Lord God of their/. 21. the incense ye, your /. and kings buru
1 A'niji8.57. God be with us, as he was with our/. 14. 4. commanded to seek God of their /. 15.12. Ezei. 20. 18. walk ye not in the statutes of your/.
58. his st.-itutes, which he commanded our/. 19.4. brought them buck to the God of their J. 27. in this yoir /. have blasphemed me
8 Kin^s^l. 13. because our/ have not hearkened 20. 33. not prepared their hearts to God of /A. ^. 30. are ye polluted after the manner of your/, t
1 Chron. 12.17. the God of our/ look and nbuke it 30. 7. which trespassed against the God of their/. 36. like as 1 ple.^ded with your /. so with you
29. i5. for we are sojourners, as were all our/. 22. making confession to the God of their/. 37.25. shall dwell in the laud whereinyour/. dwelt
18. O Lord God of mir /. keep for ever in the 34.32. according to the covenant of God of /AeiV/. Hos. 9. 10. saw your/ as the first ripe of fig-tre»

thoughtsof the heart of thy people, 2 Chr. 20. 6. 33. from following the Lord the God of their/. Joel 1. 2. h^'th this been in the days of your /. f
2 Chron. 6. 31. which thou gavest our/. Neh. 9.36. 36. 15. God of their/, sent by his messengers Zech.l.'i.thf Lord hath been displeased with your/.
29. 6. for our/, hare trespassed and done evil jVe/;. 9. 2. confessed sins and iniquities of their/. 4. be not as your /. 5. your /. whers art they

9. for lo, our /. have fallen by the sword 23. into the land thou promisedst to l/ieir /. 6. did not my
words take hold of your j.T
34. 21. OUT /. have not kept the word of the Lord Jot 8. 8. prepare thyself to the search of their /. 8. 14. when your /. provoked me to wrath
Ezra 5. 12. but after our /. had provoked God 15. 18. which wise men have told from their /. .Mai. 3.7- from days of your /. ye are gone away
7. 27. blessed be the Lord God of <w/r/. I'sal. "8. 8. and might not be as their /. a stubborn Mat. 23. 32. fill ye up then the measure nf your/,
9- 7. since the days of our /. in a great tresp.iss 12. marvellous things did he in sight of their /. Luke 11. 47. of prophets, and youi /. killed them
Neh. 9. 9. didst see the affliction of our/, in I'.gypt 57. they dealt unfaithfully like their /. 48. je witness that ye allow the deeds of your/.
l6.uur/. dealt proudly, and hardened their necks I'rov. 17. 6. and the glory of childi-en are their/. John 6. 49. your/, did eat manna and arc de<id
Ptul. 22. 4. our/, trusted in thee, they trusted Isa. 14. 21. slaughter for the iniquity of their /. 58. not as your/, did eat uiaiioa, and an' dead
44. l.our /. have told us what thou didst, 7li. 3. Jer. 1.^6. they did worse than their/. .ids' .51. ye resist Holy (ihost asyiiur/. did, so yo
106. 6. we have sinned with our /. and committed 9- 14. after liaalim, which t'leir /. taught them 52.whoof the proph. have not your/, persecuted.*
l.our /. understood not thy wonders in Egypt 16. whom they nor their /. have known, I9. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 18. received by tradition from your/.
Jstt. 64. 11. house, where our
/. praised thee 23. 27. as their /. have forgotten my name FAIIH.RLI.SS.
Jer. 3.24. shame hath devoured the labour of our/. 31.,32. I will make a new co\'enant,not according to Ezod. 22.22. yo shall not alHict any/ child
25. we and our /. have not obeyed the voice covenant I made with /.'/cir/. 11. 10. Heb. 8. 9. 24. your wives shall be widows, and children/.
16. 19. snrelyoiu-/. have inherited lies, vanities 50. 7. have sinned against Lord, the hope of ///tvr /. Deut. 10. 18. he doth execute the judgment of the/,
44. 17- as we have done, we and otir/. our kings K:.ek. 2. 3. they and their /. have transgressed .ind widow, I'sal. 82. 3. Isa. I. 17
l^m.b.l .our/have sinned, and are not, have borne 5.10. the fathers shall eat sons, and sons eat their/. Joi 6.27. ye overwhelm the/, anil dig a pit
Van. 9. 8. confusion of face belongeth to our/. 20. 4. cause them to know abominations of their /. 22. 9. the arms of the /. have been brokeu
16. for our sins and the iniquities of our f. 24. their eyes were after their /. idols 24. 3. they drive away the ass of the J.
Mic. 7. 20. sworn to mir/. from the days of old Amos 2. 4. their lies, after which their /. walked 9. they plucJt thi /. from the breast
4f«/. 2. 10. by profaning the covenant of our /. A/a/. 4. 6. turn the heart of tlie children to //irir/. 19. 12. liccaiisc I delivered the poor and the/.
Mai. 23. 30. if we had been in the daysof cjir/. /,uJte6.1Z. for in like manner did their /. 31. 17. eaten alone, .ind_/. have not eaten thereof
JLuie 1. 55. as he .spake to otir /. to Abraham 26. for so did their /. to the false prophets 21. if 1 have lifted up my h.ind ag.iinst the /.
72. to perform the mercy promised to our /. Thy FATHERS. I'sal. 10. 14. thou art the helper of the/.
.fohn 4. 20. o~ir /. worshipped in this mountain Gen. 15. 15. thou shall go to thy /. in 18. to judge the /. and the opjiressed
6. 31. our/ did eat manna in the desert 49. 8. thy/, children shall bow down Ufore thee 08. 5. a father of the/, a judge of die widows
Acts 3. 13. God of oa-/.h:ith glorified his Son Jesus ijtod. 1,3. 5. into land which he .sware to ihy /. 11. 109. 9- l""' his children be/ his wife a widow
25. of the covenant which God made with our /. Deut. 6. 10, 18. 7. 12, 13. 8. 18. 9- 5.
12. uor let any favour his/, children
I | |

5.30. God of our/, raised up Jeaus, whom ye slew 13. 17- 19. 8. 28. 11. 29- J 3. 30. 20. Prov. 23. 10. enter not into the fields of Ae P-

1. 'i3. Cliey Judge not the/.
7s 11 . came dearth, our f, found no susteooncc Dcm. 1. 31 . go up, possess it, God of (Ay f said Ita. Jer. 5. ££•


Jsa 9.17. the Lord shall not have mercy on theiry. Pnl. 106 with the/ thou bcartsl thine to ttrrxly and destroy the inkabitantt «f Csi*

10. 2. widows their prey, that t'aey may rob they. 112. 5. a good man
and lendelhsiieweth /". naan, Exod. 23. 27.
Jer.4Q. 11. leave thy/, children, I will preserve 119. 53. I entreated thy/, with my whole heart Fear 1/ put for the ichoU worship of God, >n Psal.
iam.S.S.we are orphans and/.our mothers widows t'rov. 11. 27. he that seeltcth good procureth/. 34. 11,I will teach you the fear of the Lord.'

J?z«*.22.7.inthee have they vexed the/, an j widow 13. 15. good understanding givcth/. 1 uill teach you the true ana principal uaii or
JJos. 14. 3. for in thee the_/". findelh mercy 14. 9. but the righteous thero is/.
among worshipping and serving God with his accepter-
lHal. .1.5.3 witness against those that oppress the/. 35. the king's/, is toward a wise servant tion, and to your own salvation. It is likewist
Jam.l.S". puffi rf'ig'on is to visit the/, and widows 16. 15. his/, is as a cloud of the latter rain put for the law and word of God, Psal. I9. 9^
FATIIEKLESS with «r«nj;r. 19. 6. many will entreat the/, of the prince The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for
Devt. I4.C9. the stranger, and the/, and the widow 12. the king's/, is as dew upon the grass ever. The law is so called, because it is th»
shall come and eat, Qi. li),:o,Cl. 26. 12, !.•!.
| 21 10. his neighbour findeth no /". in his eyes
object, the cause, and the rule, of the grace of holt
16. 11. the ttrangtr a:id/. rejoice with thee, 14. 'JC. 1. loving/, rather to be chosen than silver fear.
24. 17. nor pervert judgment of stranger nor/. 29. 26. may seek the ruler's/. Gen. 9. 2. the/, of you shall be on every beast
27. 19. cursed t}iat pcncrts judg. ot stranger and/. 31. 30./. is deceitful, and beauty is vain 3 1 42. except the/, of 1 saac had been with me

fjo/. 94.6. they slay the stranger and murder the/. Kcil. 9. 11. race not to swift, nor/, to men of skill 53. .lacob sware by the/, of his father Isaac
1 ifi. 9. the Lord preservetb the stranger and/. lia. 2f). 10. let/, be shewed to the wicked Eind. 15. 16./. and dread shall fall upon them
Zer.l. 6. if ye oppressed not the stranger, the/, and 2" 1 1. he who formed them will shew them no/.
23. 27. I will send my/, before (hee, and destroy
the widow, 22. 3. Zech. 7. 10. 60. 10. but in my/, have I had mercy on thee Deut. 2. 25. I will put the/, of thee on the nations
FATHOMS. Jer. 16. 13. a land, where I will not shew you /. 1 1 25. the Lord shall lay the/, of you on the land

.4<-rj27. 28. they found it twenty/, again fifteen /. 31. 19. and with/, will I lead them 1 Chion. 14. 17. Lord brought/, of him on nations

FAILING, Dan. 1.9. God had brought Daniel into/, and love Er.ra 3. 3./. was on them because of the people
// the calf, the young lion, and the /.together Luie'Z.5'2. .Icsus increa.sed iny". vith (jod and men A>/i. 6. 14. think on them that put roe in/. 19.
FAILINGS. .lets 2. 47. praising (Jod, having f. with all people Esth. 8. 17. the/, of the Jews fell upon them, 9. 2.
1 6<j/n.l5 g.Saul spared A gag and the hest of the/. 7. 10. Moses /'. in signtof I'haraoh 9. 3. because the/, of Mordecai fell on them

S Sam. 6. 13. David sacrificed o.\en and/. 25. 3. the high-priest desired/, against him Job 3. \ 25. I feared a/, and it came upon me
Ps. 66. 15. I will ofTcr to thee burnt-sacntices of/. Itnd, OT found FAVOUR. 4. 6. is not this thy/, thy confidence, thy hope?
Euk. 39. IB. all .^f them /. of Bashan Gen. 18. 3. if now I have found /. in thy sigh., 14. /. came upon me and trembling
Mat. 22. 4. my oxen and my/, are killed, all ready 30. 27. A'nm. 11. 15. 1 Sam. 20. 29. 6. 14. he forsaketh the/, of the Almighty

FATN E.SS. Neh. 2. 5. EsiA. 5. 8. 7. 3. 8. 5. | | 9- 34. and let not his/, terrify me
Gen. 27. aB. God give thee of the/, of the earth Xum. 11. 11. and wherefore have I nolfound f. T 15. 4. yea, thou castest off/and restrainest prayer
39. thy dwelling shall lie the/, of the earth /J(? come to pass she /inrf no/, in his eyes 21.9. houses safe from/, nor rod of Ciod on them
Deut. 32. 15. thou art thick and covered with /. lint/i 2. 13. let me find f. in thy sight, my lord 22. 10. snares round about, sudden/.tronbleth thee
Juilg. 9. 9- the olive-tree said, should I leave my/..' 1 Sam. 16. 22. David hath/i>ii;irf/. 'n my
sight 25. 2. dominion and/, are with him, makes peace
Job 15. 27. because he covereth his face with his/. 25. 8. let the young men find in thy sight 39.22. he mocketh at/, and is not affrighted
36. 16. that set on thy table should be full of/. 2 Sam. 15. 25. if I shMfindf. in eyes of the Lord /'ja/ thy/. will I worship toward thy tempi*
Ps. 36. U. shall be satisfied with the/, of thy house 1 hings 11.19. Iladad/uunrf/. in siyht of Pharaoh 9. 20. put them in /.O Lord, that nations may kno;r
6.3. 5. soul be satisfied as with marrow and /. I'rov. 3. 4. so shalt thou/7irf/. in the sight of God 14.5. there were they in great/. God is in genera*.
65. 11. thou crownest year, all tliy paths drop/, C8. 23. shall /iirf more /". than he that flattereth 31. 11. and I was a/, to mine acquaintance
73. 7. eyes stand out with/, have more than wiih Cant. 8. 10. 1 was in his eyes as one that/oimrf/. 13/. was on every side, they took counsel ag. b •
109. 24. knees are weak, my ttesh faileth of/. l.uie 1. 30. fear not, for thoa hzstfoundf. with G 48. 6. /. took hold upon them there, pain
Isa. 17. 4. once the of liis (lesh shall wax lean .Ids 7. 46. David/ouMif/. before God. and desired 5:i. 5. there were they in/, where no/. wju»
34. 6. the sword of the Lord is made fat with /. Ubiatn, or obtained FAVOUR. 64. 1. preserve my
hie from/, of the enemy
7. their dust shall be made fat with/. Eith. 2. 15. now F.sther obtained f. 17. 5. 2. |
90. 11. according to thy /. so is thy wrath
55. 2. and let your soul delight itself in/. /V(ir.H.35. whoso findeth me, shall ui<ain /.of Lord 105. 38. for the/, of them fell upon them
ter. 31. 14. I will satiate the soul of priests with/. 12. 2. a good man obtameth f. of the Lord 119. 38. thy servant, who is devoted to thy/.
Mom. H. 17. with them partakest of/, of the olive 18. 22. whoso findeth a wife, obtaineth f. of Lord Prov. 1. 26. I will mock when your/, cometh
FATS. FAVOUR. 27 .when your/.comelh as desolation and deslnie,
Joels. 24 the/, shall overliow with wine and oil 1 Sam. 29. 6. nevertheless, the lords /". thee not 33. and shall be quiet from/, of evil
3. )3. for the press is full, the/, overflow I'sal. 35. 27. be glad, that/, my
righteous cause 3. 25. be not afraid of sudden/, nor desolation

FAITED. 102. 13. the time, the set time to/, her is come 10. 24. the/, of the wicked shall come upon him
1 Kinn 4. 23. ten oxen, beside harts, and /. fowl 14. for thy servants/, the dust thereof 20. 2. the/, of a king is as the roaring of a lion
/er. 46. 21. her hired men are like/, bullocks 109. 12. nor let any to/, his fatherless children 29. 25. the/, of man br'ngeth a snare
See Calf. FAVOURABLE. Cant. 3. 8. hath his sword because of/, in the nighl
rATTER, see C'ou.ntenances. Judg. 21. 22. be /. unto them for our sakes Isa. 7. 25. there shall not come the/, of briers
FAjTEST. Job 33. 26. shall pray, and God will be/, unto him 8. 12. neither fear ye their/, nor be afraid
Psal. 78. il. the wr.ith of God slew the /. of ihem Psal. 77. 7. will the L. cast ofT, and be/, no more • ,13. the Lord, let him be your/, and your oread
iian. 11. 24. shall enter on f. places of the province 85. 1 Lord, thou hast been /. to thy laud 14. f?. the Lord shall give thee rest from thy r.
FAULT. S. FAVOURED. 21. 4. -the night of pleasure be turned into/, to mc
Gen. 41. 9- butler said, I remember my/, this day Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was beautiful and well/. 24. ij .f. and the pit, and the snare are upon thee
JCind. 5. 16. but the/, is in thine own people .39. 6. Joseph was well-/ 41. i. kinc well./. 18.
18. that fleeth from/, shall fall, Jer. 48. 44.
Detil. 25. 2. cause to be beaten according to his/. 41. 3. out of the river ill/. kine,.4, 19. 21, 27. 29. 13. their/, toward me is taught by men
1 Sam. 29. 3. and I have found no /". in him I'rov. 21. 1 10. his neighbour is not/, in his eyes 63. 17. and hardened our he.irt from tliy /.
2 6am. 3. 8. thou chariest me this day with a/. /.'7«i.4.1f).Lord divided them,they/. not the elders Jcf. 2. 19. an evil thing, that my/, is not in thee
I'sal. ig. 12. cleanse thou me from secret/. /J(7«.l. 4. children well-/, and skilful in all wisdom b. 25. the sword and/, is on every side, 20. 10.
59. 4. they run and prepare without my/. Suh. 3. 4. the whoredoms of the well-/ harlot 20. t 3. Lord hath called thy name /.round about
Van. 6. 4. they could find no occasion or/, in him Lulce 1. 28. hail, tliou art hichl v/. Lord with thee 30. 5. we have heard a voice of/, not of peaca
Mat. 18. 15. if thy brother trespass, tell him his /'. Evti kavouked'.n ess. 32. 4<J.iiiit I will put my/, in their hearts
Mark'. 2. cat with unwashen hands, they found/. Deut. 17. 1. any bullock wherein is any eiilf. 48. 43./. and the pit shall he upon thee, O Moab
Luke^Z. 4. Filate said, chief priests and people, I FAVOUR EST. 49. 5. beheld, I will bring a/, upon thee, saith L.
find no/, in this man, 14. John 18. 38. | 19.4,t'. Psal. 41. 11. by this I know that thou /. me 24/.hath seized on Damascus, anguish and sorr
Horn. 9. 19- 'I'nu wiU say, why doth he yit fii;d/. .' 86.12. preserve niv soul, for I am one whcm thoii/". 29. xhey shall cry to them,/, is on every side
1 Cor. 6. 7. now there is nllerly a/, amonj you iAVOURETII. Earn. 5. 47./. and a snare is come upon us
^)al. 6. I if a man be overtaken in a/, restore him iSam. 20.11. he that/. Joab. let him goaftit 'oab Ezek. 21. t 15./. of the sword against their gates

lleb. 8.8. for, finding/, with them, he saith, behold FEAR. 30. i 4. great/, shall be in Ethiopia
9. 1 14. who ofiered himself without/, to God Fear is a passion, imylanted in nature, that causes r3. 1 will put a/, ill the land of I^gypt
Jam. 5. IS. confess your/, one to another, pray one a flight frrnn an approaching evil, either teal or Mai. 1. 6. if i he a master, where ismy/. .'
1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye be buffeted for your /'. imaginary. 'J he fear of God is either filial or i«Je 1.12. when Zacharias saw him,/. fell upon him
A'«r. 14.5. arc without f. before the throne of God servile. The filial fear of God is a holt) ujj'ec- 65./. came on all that dwelt ro.uiicl about them, 7 tion, or gracious habit wrought in the soul bt/ 16. Wf/i2.43. 5. 5, n.I
19. 17. Kev. II. llj

Jlet.S. 7. if the first covenant had been/, then God, Jer. 32. 40. uhercby it is inclined and 3. t 14. he said to the soldiers, put no man in/.
Jude 24. him that is able to present you /. with jov enabled to obey all God's eommandmenti, eien Ilom. 13. 7. render/, to whom /. is due
FAULTY. the most difficult. Gen. 22. 12. F.ccl. 12. 13. 1 Cor. 2. 3. I was with you in weakness and in/.
A'uw. satisfaction for a murderer/, to die aiirf to hate and avoid evil, Nell. 5. 15. Prov. 2 dr. 7. 11. what/. what vehement desire!

2 0)am.l4.I3. thj kin? doth speak as one which is/. 8. 13. I

16. 6. Slavish fear is the contejuence 2 Tim. 1.7. God hath not given us the spirit of.
JJos.lO.'i. heart divided, now shall they be found/. of guilt : it is a judicial impressiort from the Crl. 2. 1 1. ye know what great/. I have for you
FAVOUR. sad thoughts 0/ the provoked .Vajesty of Aeaven ; Ileb. 2. 15. and deliver them who thro'/, of death
OVii.39.21.gave.Toseph/. in the sight of thekeep<r it IS an alarm uithin, that di>:urbs t/ie rest if 12.28. may serve God with reverence and godly/.
Xjci/. 3.21. I will give this people/, in sight of the a sinner; thus Felix feared. Acts 24. 25. 1 /^*«.1.17. pass the time of your sojourn. here in/.
Egyptians, shall not go empty, 11. 3. | 12. 3C. 'J'/ii'ugh this fear be in nicked men, yet, through 3. 15. give an answer with meekness and/.
Deut. 23. 51. which shall not shew/, to the youag the mercy and grace of God, it often proves a 1 John 4. 18. no/, in love, but love casteth out/.
33. 23. he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with/. preparative to faith. Acts 2. 37. Rom. 8. 15. r.,r FEAR.
Josh. 11. 20. and that they might have no/. lean* liketcise used for the object o/" fear. Thiu DeiKl. 28. 67. for the/, wherewith thou shalt fear
1 .^am. 2. 26. Samuel was in/, with Ixird and men it is said, the Fear of haac, to describe the Josh. 22.24. have not rather done ilfor f. of thing
Joi 10. 12. thou La-st granted me life and/. God tchom Isaac feared. Gen. 31. 42, Except JuJg. 9. 21. dwelt/or/, of Abimclech his brother
/^iay.5.12.with/. wilt compasshim iiswith ashield the fear of ijaac had been with me, surely thou 1 .Sum. 21. 10. Dav. arose, fled that day/i>r/.of Saul
.30.5.hisy. is life, weeping-may endure for anight hadst sent me away now empty. And in 23. 26. Dav made haste to get away/or/ of Saul
,*.by thy/, thoj hast made my mountain to stand I'roT. 1. 26, I will mock when yotir fear Job 22. 4. will he reprove thee for f. ot thee?
44. 3. because thou hidst a/, unto them Cometh ; that is, the calamity you feared. God /jn. 31. t 8. they shall <lee/-r f. of the sword
45 12. even the rich shall entreat thy /. says, that he will send his fear before hit peo- 9. he shall pass over to his strong hold for J
tW 17. in thy/ our \iom shall be exalted ple ; that is, a ItrrfT vrcughi by him, in order Jer. 35 11. J'or f. of the ann^ of tlie Chaldean

FEA FEA FEA up /or /.of Pharcah's army Pi. 61. 5. the heritage of those that f. thy name Ptal. 153. 20. ye that/. Me £orrf,blessthe Leri
<41. 9. which Asa had made/,jr/. of Baasha fit. 9. all shall/, and declare the work of God Prov, 3. 7./- the Lord, and depart from evil
46. 5. for f. was round about, saith tfie Lord 72. 5. they shall/, thee as long as the sun endureth 24.21. my son,/, thou <Ae Z*r<f, and the king
50. 16. for/, of the oppressinc; sword thpy return 86. 11. unite my heart to/, thy name Jer 5. 24. neither say they, let us/. Me Lord
iJal. 2. 5. /<-r the /. wherewith he feared me 102. 15. so the heathen shall/, thy name 26. 19. did he not/, the Lord, and besonght Lord
Hat. 14. 26. the disciples cried out/or/. 119. 39. turn away my reproach which I/. Hos. 3. 5. afterward shall Israel/. Me Lord
58. 4. /br /. of him the keepers did shake 63. I am a companion of all them that/, thee Jonah 1.9. and I/. Me Lord, Uie God of heaven
Cute 21. 26. men's hearts failing them for/. 74. they that /.thee will be glad when they see me FEAR not.
/oAn 7. 11. no man spake openly/or/, of the Jews 79- let those that/, thee turn unto me Gen.lS.l./.i«;f,Abram, 1 am thy shield and reward
19. 38. a disciple, but secretly/or/, of the Jews F.cct. 3.14. God doeth it, men .should/, before him 21. 17./. not, God hath heard the voice of the lad
SO. 19. disciples were assembled/or/, of the Jews La. 8. 12. neither/, ye their fear, nor be afraid S6. 24./. nut, I am with thee, and will bless thee
tisv. 18. 10. afar off for/, of her torment, 15 19.16. Egypt like to women, shall be afraid and/. 35. 17. the midwife said to Rachel, y'. not
FEAR 0/ God. 25. 3. the city of the terrible nations shall /. thee 43.23. and he said, peace be to you,/, not
Cien. CO. 11 surely ihef.o/God is not in this place 44. 11. the workmen shall/, and be ctshamed 46. 3. he said,/, not to go down into Egypt
S Sam. 2.3. 3. must be just, ruling in the/. 0/ God 59. 19. so shall they/, the name of the Lord 50. 19. Josaph said,/, not, for ami in place of God
S C/ir. 20. 29. the/. 0/ God was on all kingdoms 60. 5. thine heart shall/, and be enlarged 21 /. not, I will nourish you and your little ones

tith. 5. 9. ought ye not to walk in the/. 0/ God? Jer.10.1. wuo would not/. thee,0 King of nations.' Eiod. 14. 13./. not, stand and see salvation of Lord
15. but so did not I, because ol the/. 0/ God 23. 4. ana they shall/, no more, nor be dismayed 20. 20. Moses said,/, not, God is come to prove
Psal. 36. 1. there is no/. 0/ God before his eyes 32. 39. will give them one heart that may/, me yum. 14.9. the Lord is with os,/. them not
Rom. .3. 18. there is no/. 0/ God before their eyes 33.9. they shall f. and tremble for all the goodness 21.34. the Lord said to Moses,/, him rut
t Cor, 7. 1. perfecting holiness in the/. 0/ God 51.46. lest your heart faint, and ye/, for rumour Deul. 1. 21. go up and possess the land,/. ru>i
Efih. 5.21. submitting one to another in/. »/" God Dan. 1. 10. the prince said, I /. my lord the king 3. 2./. not Og, 22. ||
20. 3./. not your enemies
FKAK 0/ M« Xor./. 6. 26. that men/, before the God of Daniel 31. 6./. not the Canaanites, Josh. 10. 8, 25.
I Av'. 7./. 0/ iorrf fell on people, 2 CAr. 17.10.
1 1 . Hos. 10. 5. the inhabitants of Samaria shall /. 8. the Lord will go before thee, he will not for
B C/./ 14. 14" the/. (/ r/5« Lord came upon them
. Mic. 7. 17- move as worms, and/, because of thee sake thee, /'. not Josh. 8. 1. 1 Chron. 28. 20
19. 7 let the/, o/" the Lord be upon you, take heed
. Zeph. 3. 7. 1 said, surely thou wilt/, me Judg. 4. 18. turn in, my lord, turn in to me,/, not
9. thus shall ye do, in the/, c/ the Lord, faithfully Hag. 1.12. and the people did/, before the Lord 6. 10. I said,/, not the gods of the Amorites
Job 28. 28. to man he said, the/. 0/ Lord is wisdom Zech.Q.5. Ashkelon shall see it and/Gaza also see 23. peace be to ihee,/. »or,thou shalt not die
Ps. 19. 9. the/. 0/ Lord is clean, enduring for ever Mai. 4.2. to you that/", my name shall sun of right. Ruih 3. 11. and now, my daughter,/, not
34.11. children, I will teach you the/. </ tlie La. 3/af.21.26.if we shall say, of men, we/, the people 1 Sam.i.iO. women that stood by said to her,/, not
111. 10./. 0/" thi Lord is the beginning of wisdom Luie 12. 5. I will forewarn you whom ye shall/. 12. GO. and Samuel said to the people,/, not
Trot. 1. 7./. «/'Xrf. beginning of knowledge, 9. 10. Rom, 8. IS.not received spirit of bondage again to/". 22. 23. abide thou with me,/, not, he that seeketh
29. and did not choose the/. 0/ thi Lord 11. 20. be not high-minded, but/. 23. 17. Jonathan said unto David,/, not
2. 5. then shalt thou understand the/, of the Lord 2 Cor. 11. 3. I/, lest as the serpent beguiled Eve 2 5am. 9.7. David said to Mephibosheth,/. not
3. 13. the/, of the Lord is to hate evil 12.20.1/. lest I shall not find you such as I would 13. 28. he said to his servants, kill Amnon,/. not
JO. 27. the/, c/ Me Zo)d prolongeth days 1 Tim. 5.20. rebuke before aH, that others may/. 1 Kings 17. 13. Elijah said to the widow,/, not
14. 26. in the/. 0/ the Lord is strong confidence Heb.4.1 .let us/.lest promise being left us of entering 2 Kings 6. I6./. nol, more with us than with them
27. the/, of the Lord is a fountain of life 12. 21. Moses said, I exceedingly/, and quake 17. 34. unto this day, they/, not the Lord
15. 16. better is a littie with the/, of the Lord 2iev. 2.10. i^.Done of those things thou shalt suffer 25. 24. /. not to serve Chaldees, Jer. 40. 9.
33. the f. of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom 11. 18. give reward to them that/, thy name 2 Chron. 20. 17. the Lord will be with you,/, net
16. 6. by the/, of the Lord men depart from evil FEAR God. Psal. 35. 19. no changes, therefore they ('. not God
19. 23. the /. of the Lord tendeth to life Gen. 42 18. he said, this do, and live, for I /. God
. 64. 4. suddenly do they shoot at him, and/, not
22. 4. by the/, of the Lord are riches and honour Ezod. 18.21. provide able men, such as f. God La. 7. 4./. nol the tails of smoking firebrands
83. 17. be thou in the/, of the Lorda.\\ day long but shalt/. thy God, I am the Lord, 32. 35.4. say to them that are of a fearful heart,/, not
lu. 2. 10. hide thee in the dust for/, of the I^rd 25. 17. but thou shalt/. thy God, 36, 43. 41. 10./. thou not, for I am with thee, 43. 5.
IQ. they shall go into caves for/, of the Lord Job. 1. 9. Satan said, doth Job/. God for nought ? 41. 13. for I the L. thy God will hold thy right
21. to go into clefts of rocks for /". of the Lord Psal. 66. 16. come and hear, all ye that/. God hand, saying to thee,/, nol, I will help theo
11. 2. spirit of knowledge, and of the/, of the Ld. Led. 6. 7- in words are vanities, lit /. thou God 14. /. not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Isr.
3. of quick understanding in the/, of the Lord 8. 12. it shall be well with them that/. God 43. 1. /. not, I have redeemed thee, thou art mine
33. 6. the/. ()/ Me Lord is his treasure 12. 13./. God, and keep his commandments 44. 2. /. not, O Jacob my servant, aad Jeshuruo
/lr<i9- 31. walking in/. 1/ Me Lorrf and comfort J<a. 29. 23. and they shall/, the God of Israel whom I have chosen, Jer. 30. 10. 46. 27, 20.

With FEAR. Luie 23. 40. rebuked him, saying, dost not/. God? 8. /. ye not, nor be afraid, have not I told thee ?
Psal.i. 11. serve the Lord with f. and rejoice Acts 13. 16. and ye that/. God give audience 51. 7. hearken to me,/, not the reproach of men
Jonah 1. +10. then were the men aiM great/. 1 Pet. 2. 17. honour men, /. God, honour the king 54.4./. not, for thou shalt not be ashamed
Afa/. C8. 8. they departed uithf and great joy Hev. 14. 7. saying,/. Cad, and give glory to him Jer. 5. 22. /. ye not me ? saith the Lord
7yuX^« 5. 26. and they were all filled uithf. Hear and FEAR. Lam. 3. 57. thou drewest near, thou saidst,/. not
8. 37. the Gadarenes were taken v,ith great/. Deul. 13. 11. Israel shall hear and /. 21. 21.
all Etek.3. 9./. no/, nor be dismayed at their looks
3 Co;. 7. 15. how withf. you received him 17. 13. the people shall hear and/.
and all Dan. 10. 12. then said he to me,/, not Daniel, 19.
Kp/.. 6. 5. obedient to masters withf. and trembling 19.20. those which remain shall hear and/. Joell. il.f. not, O land, be glad and rejoice
Pi4i/ out salvation withf. and trembling FEAR
him. Zeph. 3. 10. it shall be said to Jerusalem,/, m'f
He/). 11.7. Noah moved viithf. prepared an ark Gen. 32. 11. deliver me from Esau, for If. him Hag. 2. 5. my Spirit remaineth among you,/, rut
1 Pet. 2. 18. servants, be subject to masters uithf. Deul. 13. 4. ye shall walk after God, and/. Aim Zech.6. 13. and ye shall be a blessing,/, not
3. 2. behold your chaste conversat. coupled uithf. 2 Kin^t 17.36. him shall ye/. him shall ye worship 15. again I will do well to Judah, /. ye not
Jude 23. and others save uithf. pulling them out Job 37.24. men therefore/, him, he respectcth not Mai. 3. 5. a swift witness ag. them that/, not mc
Without FEAR. Psal. 22. 23. and/, him all ye the seed of Israel Mat. 1. 20. /. nor to take to thee Mary t£y wife
Job 39- l6. her labour is in vain without f. 25. 1 will pay my vows before them that/, him 10. 26./. them not, there is nothing covered
41. 33. there is not his like, who is made »ir/iOH//. 25. 14. secret of the Lord is with them that/, him 28. and/, nol them which kill the body
Litke 1 74. that we might serve him without f.
. 33. 18. the eye of the Lord is on them that/, him 31./. nol, ye are of more value, Luit 12.7.
1 Cor. 16. 10, that he may be with you without f. 34. 7. angel encampeth about them that/, him 28. 5. the ange4 said to the wom;n,/. not
Phil. 1. 14. are bold to speak the word uithojitf. ^. for there is no want to them that/, him Luke 1. 13./. not Zacharias ZO. /.'not Mary

Jude 12. they feast, feeding themselves uiihout f. 67.7. all the ends of the earth shall/, him 2. 10. to the shepherds, /". not 5. 10. Simon,/, no
FEARS. 85. 9. surely his salvation is nigh them that/, him 8. 50. Jalnis,/. not 12. 32./. not, little tlock

Job 15. 1 21. a sound of/, is in his ears 103. 11. great is his mercy to them that/, him 18.4. though I /'. not God, nor regard man
Ptal. 34. 4. the Lord delivered me from all my/. 13. so the Lord pitieth them that/, him John 12. 15./. not, daughter of Sioii, behold
Heel. 12. 5. and when/, shall be in the way 17. the mercy of the Lord is on them that/, him Acts 27.24./. not, Paul, thoa must be before Cesar
Jsa. 66. 4. and I will bring their/, upon them 111. 5. he hath given meat to them thatf. him Uts. 1. 17./. not, I am the first and the last
C Cor. 7. 5. without were fightings, within were/. 145. 19. he will fulfil the desire of them that/, him Not FEAR.
FEAR, Verb. 147. 11 Lord taketh pleasure in them that/, him E*od. 9. 30. 1 know ye will not Jtif. the Lord

£ shall/every man his mother and fath. Mat. 10.^8 f.hin who is able to destroy, Luie\2.5. 2 Kings 17. 35. ye shall not/ other gods. 37.
Num. 14. 9- ueither/. ye the people of the land Luke 1.50. his mtrcy is on them that/, him Job 9. 35. then would I speak, and not f. him
Pent. 4. 10. hear, that they may learn to/, me /fei/. 19. 5. praise God,yethat/.Aim,5mall and great 11.15. put iniquity far away, then thou shalt n»«_^
5.29 O that they would/, me, keep my command. FEAR Me Lord. fjj/.27.3.tho' an host heart shall Bo»/.
28.58./. this g'orious name, the Lord thy God Deul. 6. 2. that thoumightest f. the Lor << thy God 46.2. we will notf. though the earth be removed
66.thou shalt/. day and night, have no assurance 13. thou5halt/.L.thyGod,io.20. 2 Ain?j 17.39. 56.4. I will no//, what fiesh can do, 118.6.
67. lor the fear of heaurt wherewith thou shalt /. 24. to/, the Lvrd our God for our good always Isa. 54. 14. far from oppression, thou shalt nol f
Judg. 7. 10. if thou/, to go down, go with rh\irah \0. 11 f. the Lord, walk in his wavs, and love him Jer. 10. 7. who would notf. thee, O King of nation*
1 Kinss 8. 40. that they may/, thee, 2 CAro».6.3 1 14.23. learn to/. Me LoTd,\T .'\<i. 31. 12,13.\
Amos 3. 8. the lion h»Xh roared, who will notf.?
43. "may know thy name to/, thee, S Chr. fi. 33. Josh. 4. 24. that ye might/, the LordyonrGoA Luke 23. 40. the other said, dnft not thou/. Godl
2Kin£< 17. 38. neither shall ye/, other gods 24. 14. now therefore/. Me Lord, and serve him Hei. 13.6. I will not/ what man shall do to me

39. but l^ord your God ye shall/, and he deliver 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye will/, the Lord, and serve him litv. 15. 4. who shall not f. thee, O L. and glorify

\Chron. 16.30./. before him all earth, Pial. 96. 9. 24. only/. M.e lA>rd and serve him in truth FEAfiK.U.
ye/i. 1. 11. thy servants who desire to/, thy name 1 Ain^i 18. 12. I thy servant /"./Ae L. 2 hin^i 4. 1. Gen. 19. SO. Lot/", to dwell in Zoar, dwelt in acave
Job 31 34. did I /. a great multitude '
. 2 Kings 17. 28. taught them how they should L.
r'. 2C. 7 Isaac /'.to say of Rebekah, she ismy wife
Psal. 23. 4. I will/, no evil, for thou art with me Psal. 15. 4. he honoureth them that/. Me Ljrd I'jod. 2. 14. Moses/, uid said, this thing is knoiin

27. 1. the Lord is my salvation, whom shall If.? 22. 23. ye that/, the lj>rd, praise him 9. 20. he that/", the word of the Ld. made servania
31. 19. thy goodnesslaid up for them that/, thee 33. H. let'all the earth/, the Lord, and stand in awe Vent. 25. 18. Amaiek imote thee. and/, nut God
40.3. many shall see it, and/, and shall trust in L. 34. 9. O /'. the Lord ye his saints, there is no want 32. 17. to new gods whom your fathers/, not
49. 5 wherefore should I/, in the days of evil r 115. 11. ye that/. Me Lord trust in the Lord 27. were it not that I /'. the wrath of the eocmv
82 f the righteous also shall see, and/, laugh ath. 13. he will bless them that/, the Lord Josh. 4. 14. they/. Joshua as they did Moses
60.4. thou has' given a banner to them that /'. thee 118. 4. that/, the lard, say, his mercy endureth Jiu/f.6.S7.Gid«OD/.||e.tO. Jether/. to slay them
1 Sam, S. IS. Samuel /. to shew Eli the vision Heb. 10. 27- acertain/. looking fo' of judgment 1 Sam. 20. 5, 18. And God ordained it thm,
i4.C6. the honey dropped, for the peop./. the oath 31./. to fall into the hands of the living God that by giving him the first-fruits of evem
15. 24. because If. the people and obeyed them Rer. 21. 8. the/, shall have their part in the lake month they should acknowledge Aim at tht
t Sam. 3. 11. Ish-bosheth not answer, he/. Abner FEARFULNESS. Lord of ail their time, andean his providence,
10. 19. the Syrians/, to help Ammon any more Psal. 55. 5./. and trembling are come upon me by which all times and seasons are ordered.
IS.IB. David's serv./. to tell him child was dead Zfn. 21.4. my heart panted,/, affrighted me The feast of Expiation, or Atonement, was kept
1 Kingi 1. 50. Adonijah/. because of Solomon 33. 14./. hath surprised the hypocrites upon the tenth day of tht month Tisri, or Sep-
3. 28. all Isr. heard the judgment, and /. the king FEARFULLY. tember. The Hebrews call it Kippur, or
8 Kin^s 17. 7- f. other gods 25. they/, not the L.
Psal. 139.14.1 am/, and wonderfully mjuie Chippur, that is, pardon or expiation, becaust
1 Chrm. 16. 25. to be r. above all Rods, Ptal. 96. 4. FEAST. it was instituted for the expiation ./ all the
S Chren. 20. 3. Jehoshaphat/. and proclaim, a fast God cut of his great wisdom appointed several fes sins, irreverences, and pollutions of all the
J06 32. +6. Elihu said, I /. to shew mine opinion tiials among the ievis for majiy reasons. 1. To Israelites, from the high priest to the lowest
Ptal. 14. t5. there they/, a great fear, 53. 5. perpetuate the memory of those great evetits and of the people, committed by them throughout the
T6. 7- thou, even thou, art to be/. 8. the earth/.
bonders which he had wrought in favour of his whole yea: . Upon this day they fasted strictly,
1 1 bring presents to iiim that ought to be /.
. people: The Sabbath brought to remembrance and offered several sacrifices. The high priest,
78. 53. he led them safely, so that they/, not the creation of the uorld ; the Passover, the de- after he had washed not only his hands and
1.30. 4. there ii forgiveness, that thou mayest be f. parture out of Egypt the Pentecost, the lau-
; his feet, as usual in common sacrifices, but his 5. the isles saw it and/the ends of the earth ;>ien at Sinai, 4c. "• '^'> ^"P them jw« to whole body, dressed himself in plain linen, like the
51. 13. and hast/, continually every day their religion ; vsith the lieis of ceremonies and rest of the priests. He then neither wore his
57- 11. whom hast thou/, that thou hast lied the majesty of divine service. 3. To give them purple robe, nor the ephod, nor the breast-plate,
Jer. 3. 8. her treacherous sister Judah/. not instruction ; for in their religious assemblies because he was going to expiate his own and
42. 16. the sword which ye/, shall overtake you the law of God was read and explained. 4. To the people's sins. He first of all offered a buU
44. 10. they are not humbled, nor have they /. reneu the acquaintance, correspondence, and luck and a ram for his own sins, and those of
£xet. 11. 8. ye have/, the sword, I will brio? it friendship of their tribes and families with all the other priests. He put his hands upon
/Jar| 5. 19. all people and nations/, before him another, ty coming from the several towns in the the heads of these victims, and confessed hit
A/a/^2. 5. for the fear wherewith he/, me country, and meeting three times a year in the own sins, and the sins of his house : then he
Mai.\ti. 5. Herod/, the multitude, 21. 46. holy city. received from the princes of the people two goat*
Mart 4. 41. and they/, exceedingly, and said The Hebrews had a great number of feasts. The for a sin-oj'ering, and a ram for a burnt-offer-
6. 20. Herod/. John, knowing he was ajust man first, and most ancient of all, was the sabbath, ing, to be "ffered in the name of all the multi-
H. 18. the scribes and the chief priests /'. Jesus or the seventh day of the week, instituted to tude, L«v. 16. 2. 3, &c. As to the ceremoniet
32. if we shall say, of men, they /. the people, preserve the memory of the world's creation. used ::::!> the goats, see Offering.
12. 12. Luie 20. 10 ( 22. 2. Acts5. 26. Gen. 2. 3, And God blessed the se\-enth day, The feasts of Tents or Tabernacles, See T.iber.
iMie 9. 34. and they/.as they entered into the cloud and sanctified it, because in it he had rested NACLE.
45. and they/, to ask him of that saying from all his work. Commentators are tiot Besides these feasts mentioned by Moses, we
18.2. there was in a city a judge which f. not God agreed about the first institution, of the sab- find the feast of lots, or Purim, zehich was cele-
19- 31. I /. thee because thou art an austere man bath : Many are of opinion that she sabbath brated among the Jews of Shushan, on the fu^cr-
JoA»9. 22. spake thus, because they/, the Jews hath been observed amonz the righteous from teenth day of Adar ; end among the other
Acts 16. 38. the magistrates/, when they heard the beginning of the wort J: that the ancients people of the Persian empire on the fifteenth
Jiei. 5. 7. Christ was heard in that he/. having preserved the memory of the creation, of the same month, which answers to our Febru-
FEARED God. observed the sabbath also, in consequence of ary, Esth 9. 21. The Jews observe the first of
£j«<i.l.l7.but the midwives/. God, saved children the natural law which obliged them thereto. these days with fasting and eryi?ig, and other
21. because they/. God, he made them houses Some are of opiitirx, that people did 7tot be- expressions of vehement grief and fear ; and
AVA. 7. 2. he was faithful, and/. God above many gin to cease from wori upon that day, till after the latter with thanksgiving, and alt derntnstra
Jei 1.1. Job was one that/. God, and eschewed evil the command which God gave the Israelites to tions of joy and triumph. See PURIM.
Aeti 10.2. Cornelius was one/. Gorf with his house that purpose, some time after the coming outi The feast of the dedication of the temple, or rti-
FEARED greatly. if Egypt, when tfiey were encamped at Warah. ther if the lestoration of the temple, which had
Joth. 10. 2. the Canaanites/. greatly The Sabbatical Yezu:, which returned every seven' been profaned by Antiochus Epiphanes, whteit
1 Sam. 12. 18. all the people greatly years, and was entirely set apart for rest :
f. tke Lord IS thought to be the feast mentioned tn the gos-
1 Kings 18. 3. now Obadiah/. the "Lord greatly and Jubilee year, which was at the end of pel, John IC. 22. wtit celebrated in the winter.
Job 3. '-'5. the thing I greatly f. is come upon me seven times seven years, or of the forty-ninth Josephus says, it was called the feast of lights ;
Psal.Vf). 7. God isgr<a</» tobe/. in the assembly year, were sorts of feasts too, and may be con- probably this happiness befet them when thty
iVfaf.27.64. centurion and they with him/, greatly sidered as consequences of the sabbath. least expected it , and they looked upon it tts a
FEARED the Lord. The Passover was celebrated on the fourteenth, new light that had risen upon them, Joseph.
i;«i/.U. 31. the people the L. and believed Moses
or rather fifteenth day of the first month m the Antiq. lib. 12. cap. 11. There is an account
S Kins,s 17. 32. so they/, the Lord, 33, 41, ecclesiastical year, which was the seventh of of this dedication in I Mzccab. 4. 62, 54, 55,
Hot. 10.3. no king, because we/, not tlie Lord the civil year. Ifie feast began after noon on tec. where i: is related, that Judas Macca-
Unah 1. 16. the men/, the Lord exceedingly the fourteenth, and tdos celebrated properly on beus a7id his brethren having defeated the army
Mai. 3.16. they that/. L. spake oft one to another, the fifteenth of Nisan; it lasted seven days. of Gorgias, they went directly to the temple of
a book of remembrance for them that/, the Lord But the first and last days only of the octave Jerusalem, uhich they found forsaken and pro-
FEAREST. were days of rest, Exod. 12. 14, i^c. See faned, so that the courts were full of thick
G« 12. for now I know that thou/. God Pas.sover. bushes and brambles, the doors were burnt, the
Ita. 57. 11. of whom afraid or feared, have not I The feastof Pentecost was celebrated on the fif- altar prisoned, and the buildings in rums.
held my peace even of old, and thou/, me not ? tiethday after the Passover, in memory of t/ie After having shed abundance of tears on tliis
Jer. 22. 25. give thee into hand of them thou /' laws being given to Moses on mount Sinai fifty occasion, they began to clean every thing, and
FEARETH. days, or seven iceelcs after the departuie out of employed the priests in demolishing the altar
1 Kings 1. 51. behold, Adonijah/. king Solomon Egypt. See Pentecost. which had been polluted ; and erected another
Job 1.8. Job, one that/. G. and escheweth evil, 2.3. The feast of Trumpets roas celebrated at the be- of rough-stone. They refitted the holy place
Psal. 25. 12. what man is he that/, the Lord > ginning, or on the first day of the civil year, and the sanctuary, and placed therein the can-
112. 1. blessed is the man that/, the Lord upon which a trumpet was sounded, proclaiming dlestick, the table of shew-bread, and the altar
128. 1. blessed is every one that/, the Lord the beginning of the year, ::hich was in the of perfumes. They kindled the lamps, put the
4. thus shall the man be blessed that/, the Lord month Tisri, answering to our September. This loaves upon the sacred table, set the incense on
Prov. 13.13. thal/.the commandment be rewarded day was kept solemn ; all servile busiruss was and
fire, offered sacrifices burnt-offerings, and
14. 2. he that walketh in hisnprightness /'. Lord forbid to be done upon it ; and particular sacri- performed the dedication of the temple in eight
16. a wise man/, and departeth from evil fices were offered. Lev. 23. 24, 25. The scrip- days, with all the solemnity that circums:aneet
28. 14. happy is the man that/, always ture does not acquaint us with the occasion of would allow of. After sAicA Judas Maccabens
SI. 30. woman that/, the Lord shall be praised appointing this feast. 'I'heodoret believes, it made it a law, that the feast should be kept
£ecl. 7. 18. that/. God shall come forth of them all teas in rrumory of the llivnder and lightning yearly for eight days, in memory of that mercy
8. 13. because the wicked/, not before God upon mount Sinai, when God gave his lau; from which God had theaied them. It it generally
9. 2. he that swcareth, as he that/, jin oath hence. The Kabbitvs will have it, that it uai agreed that >t wot during thit feast our Savious
Jsa. 50. 10. who is among yoa that/, the Ijot^ ? in remembrance of the deliverance of Isaac, in was at Jerusalem It was celebrated upon the
Atit 10. 22. Cornelius just, and one that/. God uhose stead a ram was sacrificed by Abraham. twenty-fifth and following days of the month
35. he that/, him, is accepted with him Others say, that as the seventh day of every Casleu, which answers to tntr November and
13. 26. and whosoever among you/. God week was a sabbath, and every seventh year December, and it is therefore said, that it was
\Jchn 4. 18. he that /". is not perfect in love was to be kept as a holy sabbatical year, so the winter.
FEARING. seventh month was to be holw in some singular Love-feasts, or feasU of charity, were used among
Jt^k. 22. 25. our children cease from/, the Lord manner above the rest of the mont/i.;, for the the primitive Christiaru in the puttie meetm-s
Maris. S3, the woman/, and trembling came many sabbaths and tolemnfeasts that were to be of the church, to shew their unity among them,
^it 23. 10. the chief captain/, lest Paul be pulled observed in this more than any other month ; selves, to promote and maintain mutual cha.
S7. 17./. lest they fall into the quicksands, ntch at the feast of Expiatioii, and of Taber-
29. rity, and for the relief of tht poor among them,
Gal. 2. 12./. them
the which were of the cirrumcision nacles. at the close whereof they administered the Lord's
Co/. 3. 22. but in sinjleness
_. of heart/. God The new moons, or first days of every month, supper, Juie 12. But thete feasts being abused,,
//»*. 11.27. forsook 'EgTOt, not/] wrath of the king were msome sort a consequence of the feast of some think thai the aftstU Paul abolished them
_ ^
feaAful. Trumpets, /inrf though these mere not reckoned 1 Cor. 11. 21,22, 34.
M.xod. 15.11 o Lord, who is like thee,/, in praises among the solemn feasts in Lev. 23. yet were In the Christian church we have no festival that
,^u/.20.8. what man is/.let him Tct\im,Judg.T.3. celebrated as such, by the sound of trumpet s,^xim. appcoTi dearly to have been instituted by Christ
28.58. mayest fear this/, name, the
Lord thy God 10. 10. by erlraordmary sacrifices, Num. 28. .lesus, or his apostles. Nevcrtlieless, as svne
J'a. 35.4. say to them of a/,
heart, be strong 11, 12, 4f. by abstaining from servile works, Say. ciLT Saviour seems to Juxve 'nstituJs:^ a
Af«/. 8. 20. why are ye /. 6
ye of little faith > Amos 8. 5. and by attendance upon the minis- feast, in a perpetual memory of his passion
'•^- ^^ '*' '° ^^^' 'wliy
r.i- are ve so /-. ;
iMktiX. U. f. sights shall be in divers"
try of God's word, 2 Kings 4. 23. Upon these and dtath, when he in.tituud the sacramsr.t
plac« Joys also tome sort of entertainments were made, of bread and wine as lymbtis 0/ his iody and


Hood, and pledget of tpiritual ileisin^t. FEAST of aeekt. J*T. 5C. 43. the kmg of Babyion's haodj wazed
Christians have 3ta:ays celeoraled the memory Etod. 34. 01. thou shalt obs. /. ofe. Deut. 16. 10. Etek. 7. 17. all hands shall be/. 21.7.
»f Christ's rerurrcction, and keep this feast Deut. 16.16. all thy males appear in thef.oftceeks Zech. 12. 8. and he that is/, shall be as David
on every first day of the xeek ; vhich day 2 Chr. 6.13. Solomon offered burnt-offer, in/, of a. 1 Cor. 12.22. the members which seem to be more/.
was called the Lord's-day, even st early at m FEAST, ED. 1 Thess. 5. 14. brethren, comfort the /.-minded
St. Joho's time ; Rev. 1. 10, I was in the Job 1 4. his sons went and /. in their houses
. Heb. 12. 12. lift up the hands and the ;'. knees
Spirit on the Lord't-day. 2 Pet. 2. 13. sporting, while they/, with you FEEBLER.
Cen. 19.3. Lotmadea/. 21. S.Abraham made a/. Jude 12. these tire spots, when they/, with you
|| Gen. 30.42. so the/, were Laban's, stronger J acob'l
26. 30. Isaac made a/. 29. 22. Laban made a/.
40. 20. Pharaoh made a/, to all his servants Esth. 9. 17. made it a diy of/, and gladness, 18. Jer. 47. 3. the fathers shall not look back for/.
Eiod. 5. 1. that they may hold a/, unto me, 10. 9 22. they should mjike them days of/, and joy FEED.
12. 14. you shall keep it a Lev. 23. 39, 41. Job 1. 5. when the days of their/, were gone To feed tignifiet to eat, to take meal or nourish-
13. 6. the seventh day shall be a/, to the Lord Eccl.'.'H. of mourning, than to go to the house of/". ment for the body, and thii it common 10 man
23.14. three limes thou shalt keep ay. in the year Jer. 16. 8. thou shalt not go into the house of/. uith the beattt. Jude 12, Feeding themselves
l6.the/.ofhar\-est, the first-fruits of thy labours FEAsrs. without fear. Isa. 27. 10, There shall the
32. 5. Aaron said, to-morrow is a/, to the Lord Lev. 23. 2. even these are my /". 4, 37, 44. calf feed, and there shall he lie down. It also
yum. 28.17. the fifteenth day of this month is the/. Psal. 35. 16. with hypocritical mockers in/. signifies to furnish or supply olhert vith food ,
29. 12. ye shall keep a.f. to the Lord seven days Isa. 5. 12. the harp, pipe, and wine are in their f. thus Joseph /rrf the Egyptians /ar their cattle :
Deut. 16. 14. and thou shalt rejoice in thy Jer. 51 39. in their heat I will make their/.
. that is, he gave them food and provision for ont
Jtidg. 14. 10. and Samson made there Ezek. 45. 17- the princes part to give offerings in f. year, for which they gate him their cattle, Gen.
12. declare it within the seven days of the/. 46. 11. in/ the meat-offering shall be an ephah 47. 17. And Agar prayt that God would feed
17. and she wept before him while their/, lasted Amos&.lO. I will turn your/, into mourning him with food convenient for him ; that ht
1 Sam. 9. 1 12. there is a/, to-day in the high-place Zech. 8. 19. shall be joy, glaaness, and cheerful /. xcould furnish him with food tuitable to hxs n>
20. t6. there is a yearly/, for all the family iVia/.23.6. they love the uppermost rooms at/, and ctssiiies and occationt, Prov. 30. 8.
25. 36. Nabal held a/, in his house like a king chief seats in synagog. Mark 12.39. Luke'ZO.i&. But feeding, generally in Scripture, it taken for
t Sam. 3. 20. David made Abner and his men a/. Jiute 12. these are spots in your/, of charity the business and calling of a shepherd, and cort-
1 Kin^s 3. 15. Solomon made a/, to his serv. 8. 65. Appointed FEASTS. prehends all the duties belonging t» that office
8. 2. all the men of Israel assembled at the/. Isa. 1. 14. your app.f. my soul hateth, a trouble not only that of feeding, or providing patturt
12. 32. J'iroboam ordained a/, like to the/, that Set FE.ASTS. J'or his fiock, but also of guiding, observing, and
is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar A'um. 29- 39. these things ye shall do in your setf. defending them. In thii tense, feeding 1/ ap-
33. he ordained a /'. to the children of Israel 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer on the self. Enra 3. 5. plied, I. To God, and that (1) In respect of hti
2 Chr. 5. 3. the/, in the seventh month, Keh. 8. 14. 2 Chron. 31. 3. the king's portion for the setf. church, which he rutet, defendt, directt, sustains,
7.3. Solomon kept the/, seven days, and all Israel Xeh. 10. 33. we charged for offaring in the self. and nourishes, both inwardly, by the gifts and
with him, 9. 30.22. ^'«A. 8. 18. Esek.i5.Z5.
Solemn FEASTS. graces of hit Spirit; and outwardly, by hit
Esth. 1. 3. Ahasuerus made a/. 3. | 2. 18. Num. 15. 3. when you make offer, in your sol. /. power and providence. Gen. 48. 15, The God
9. Vashti made a/. ||
8. 17. the Jews had a/. 2 Chr. 2. 4. build an house for offering on solemn f. which fed me all my life long unto this day.
Prov. 15. 13. a merry heart hath a continual/. 8. 13. offering on solemn f. three times in a year And the Psalmist, Feed them also, and 116
£oc/. 10. 19/.ismadeforlaughter,wine makes merry Lam. 1.4. because none come to the solemn f. them up for ever, Ptat. 28. 9. Hence Uod it
ha. 25. 6. the Lord shall make to all people a/. 2. 6. he hath caused the solemn f. to be forgotten called a Shepherd, Ptal. 23. 1, The Lord is
Jer. 16. t 5. enter not the house of mourning/. Erek. 36. 38. as the flock of Jerusalem in solemn f. my Shepherd He providet J'or me, he brings

Ezek. 45. 23. seven days of the/, he shall prepare 46. 9. when people come before the Lord in sol. f. me out of the wrong way, and guides me m the
Dan. 5. 1. Belshazxar the king made a great/. Hos. 2. 11. 1 will cause to cease her solemn f. right. (2) In respect of the ungodly, upon
Mat. 27. 15. at that/, the governor was wont to 12. 9. make thee dwell as in the days of jo/«mn /. whom he executes his judgmtnit. Ezek. 34. I6,
release to the people a prisoner, Mark 15. 6. Nah. 1.15. O Judah, keep thy sol. f. perform vows I will feed them with judgment. And I'u Hos.
Luke 2. 42. they went up after the custom of the /. Mttl. 2. 3. even the dung of your solemn f. 4. 16, The Lord will feed them as a lamb la a
5. 29. Levi made him a great/, in his house Feathered, see Fowl. large place ; He will make them to wander,
14. 13. but when thou makest a/, call the poor FEATHERS. like a loit lamb in a wilderness, and scatlei
83. 17. he must release one unto them at the/. Lev. 1. 16. shall pluck away his crop with his/. them into Assyria. (3) In respect of the crea-
John 2. 8. draw, and bear to the governor of the/. Job 39. 13. gavest thou the goodly wings to the pea- tures which receive their supplies wholly from
9. when the ruler of the/, tasted the water cock ? or wings and/, to the ostrich • God. Psal. 145. 15, The eyes of all "wait
4. 45. the Galileans having seen all that he did at Psal. 68. 13. and her/, covered with yellow gold upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in
the/, at Jerusalem, for they also went to the/. 91.4. shall cover thee with his/, under his wings due season. Mat. 6. 26, The fowls of the
5. 1. after this there was a/, of the Jews Etek. 17. 3. an eagle long-winged, full of/. 7. air neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly
6. 4. the passover, a /. of the Jews, was nigh Dan. 4. 33. his hairs were grown like eagle's/. Father feedeth them.
7. 8. go ye up to this /'.
I go not up yet to this/. FED. II. To Christ. Isa. 40. 11, He shall feed his
10. then went he also up to the/, not openly Gen. 30. 36. Jacob/, the rest of Laban's flock flock like a shepherd. And our Saviour says
11. then the Jews sought him at the/, and said 36. 24. as he/, the asses of Zibeon his father of himself, I am the good Shepherd, John 10.
14. now about the midst of the /. Jesus taught 41. 2. and the seven kine/. in a meadow, 18. il. Christ Jesus performs all the offices of a
37. in the last day, that great day of the/. 47. 17. he /. them with bread for their catile tender and faithful Shepherd, towards hit peo-
10. 22. it was at Jerusalem the /". of dedication 48. 15. the God who/, me all my life long ple, carrying himselj with great wisdom, and
11.56. what think ye, that he will not come to/..' Etod. 16. .)2. the bread wherewith I have/, you condescension, and compassion, to every one 0)
12. 12. next day much people that were come to/. Deut. 8. 3. he/, thee with manna, thou knewestnot them, according to their several capacities aird
20. certain Greeks among them that came to
/ 16. who/, thee in the wililemess with manna infirmities: Ht feeds them by hit word. Spirit,
13. {"9, buy what we have need of against the/. 2 6'am.20.3. put the concubines inward, and/, them g'ace, J'ulnett, redemption, ordinances and
Acts 18. 21. I must by all means keep this/. 1 Kings 18.4. he/, them with bread and water, 13. providencet.
I Cor. 5. 8. let ns keep the/, not with old leaven 1 Chron. 2". 20. over the herds that/, in Sharon III. To Man. And then betide the comrcon ac-
10. 27. if any that believe not bid you to a/. Psal.37.3. trust in the Lord, verily thou shalt be /'. ceptation of the word, J'or J'eedmg cattle, it it
FEAST-DAY, days. 78. 72. so he/, them, according to his integrity taken, (1) For instructing and teaching others
Hos. 2. 11. I will also cause \ieTf.-dayt to cease 81. 16. he should have/', them with finest of wheat by wholesome doctrine; fur ruling and censuring
9. 5. what will ye do in day of the/, of the Lord ? Isa. 1. 11. I am full of the fat of r. beasts by ecclesiastical discipline. Jolin 21. 15, l6.
Amos 5. 21 I hate, I despise your f. -days Jer. 5.7. when I had/, them to the full, they comm. Feed my lambs :Feed my sheep. And in
Mai. 26. 5. they said, not on the f. -day, Mark 14.2. 8. they were as/, horses in the morning Jer. 3. 15, I will give you pastors according
John 2. 23. in the/.-<faj^ many believed in his name Eiek. 16. 19. and my honey wherewith 1/. thee to mine heart, which shall feed you with
FEAST of the paisover. 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and kill them that are/. knowledge and understanding. (2) lor ruling
Eiod.34.i5. nor tht sacrifice of/, of passover be left 8. the shepherds/.themselves.and/. not my flock and governing politically. Thus kingt and ma-
Mar.26.2.after two days is/.o/^a«orer,Mar>H4.1. Dan. 4. 12. and all flesh was/, with it gistrate! are compared to ihepherdt, 2 Sam. 5.
ZmkeiAl. every year ^tf.of past, his parents went 5.Sl.they/.>Jebuchadnezzar with grass, like oxen 2, Thou shalt feed my people Itrael. Psal.
John 13. 1. before/. o/"pa«or«r Jesus knew his hour Zech. 11.7. I took two staves, and I /. the flock "8. 71, He brought Vavid to feed Jacob hi»
Solemn. FEAST. Mat. 25. 37 .when saw we thee hungered,and/.thee' people.
t)tiU. 16.15. seven days shalt thou keep z. solemn
f. Mark 5. 14. they that/, the
swine fled, Luke 8.34. IV. iothe enemies of the church, whom Ged
Psal. 81. 3. Biow the trumpet on our solemn /-day Luke 16. 21. desiring to be/, with crumbs that fell tometimet maket use of for the chattitement of
Lam. 2. 7. make a noise as in the solemn f.-i&y 1 Cor. 3.2.1 have /. you with milk, not with meal his people. Jer. 6. 3, The Babylonian priitcet,
FEAST of taiernacles. FEE. with their armies, shall feed every one m kti

Lev. 23. 34. the fifteenth day shall be/. ^ raisr. Dan. 2. + 6. ye shall receive of me, gifts and /. place : They shall take up their quariert m the
£)<ur.l6.13.thou shalt observe/, of tat. seven days 5. t 17. give thy/, to another, yet I will read placet attigned them, and make tpoil of all
]fi. three times appear inf. of tahemacles, 31. FEEBLE. thev can find there.
10. 2 Chron. 8. 13. Gen. 30. 42. when cattle were/, he put them not in V. To such at flatter tkemiehet with lain hopn
Lira 3.4. they kept /. of tabernac. as it is written Deut. 25. 18. the Amalekites smote all that were/. of help and assistance. Hos. 12. 1, F.phratm
Zich. 14.16. shall even go up to keep/, of tabernac. 1 Sam. 2.5. that hath many children, is waxen /'. feedeth on wind :The ten tribet fiaiier them-
IB. heathen that come not to keep/, oftaber. ly. 2 Sam. 4.1. Abner dead.Ish-bosheih's hands v/eref. tehes uith hopei of help from the Egyptians
John 7.2. now the Jevi'f. of tabernac. was at hand 2 Chron. 28.15. carried all the/, of them on asses and Assyrians, but ihty are tupporttng them.
FEAST of unleavened bread. Neh. 4. 2. and he said, what do these/. Je«-s > selves uith hopei at unfit to sustain them, at
£r<,</.12.17.yeshairobs./.i/un/.«r.23.15. | 34.18. Job4.i. and thou hast strengthened the/, knees the -uind is to feed the body and nourish it.
Z^v. 23. 6. BJii on fifteenth day is/, of unleav. br. Psal. 38*8. I am/, and sore broken, I have roared Inev made niw ailianeet and friendt'iipi, but
Deut. 16. 16. appear in/, of unl. br. 2 Chr. 8. 13. 106. 37. was not one/, person amongst their tribes all of them will prece liet to them al last, Uke
3 Chr. 30. 13. people assembled to keep/, Prov. .30. 26. the conies are but a/, folk, yet make the wind they J'eed upon.
21. children of Isr. kept/, of unl. br. seven days Isa. 16.14. the remnant shall be very small and/. VI. lo rulers', both political and ecclesiastical,
35.17./. e/'«».*.»ev.days,£ir« 6.22. £«<*.45.21. 35. 3. strengthen the weak hands, confirm /. knees :.ho ronitive their oan ease, advantage. Honour,
Mat. 20.17. first day oif.ofun'. br. disciples cmae. J«T-.6.24.we have beard the fame, our hands wax/. and ambitious prejecli ; but feed not I heir flocks ,
afiir*14.1.aftertwodty» was/. 0/ un, br. Luke 22.1. 49. 84. Daaucu* is wued /'. aod turneih to flee >ake no care to iMpport thewi, either ui:\ u.'uil^


seme ceumel, » neetsiary relief, at lAey ougiliAfal.S.SO.^nheTioft.'w'iDe/, Mori S.M.Luke 8.SZ. /fa.23.7. her own/, shall carry her afar off to so
10 do, jneording lo their r'espeetiie oj^f«. |Lui« 17. ".which of yoa having a servant/, cattle 26. 6. the/, of the poor shall tread it aown
Eiek. 3-». S, 3, Woe to the shephenis that do Jude l2/.thems.without fear, clouds without water 32. 20. that send forth the f. of the ox and ass
feed themselves ; should not the shepherds lEEL. 41.3. by the way that he had not gone with hisj
feed the flocks .'
Ye kill them that are fed Gen. 27. 12. my father peradventure will/, me 49. 23. they shaJl lick up the dust of thy f.
but ye feed not the flock. 21. come near, that 1 may/, thee, my son 52.7. the/, of him that bringeth good tidings
Gen, 37 1 2 .his brethren went to/. their father's flock Judg. 16. 26. suffer rae that 1 may/, the piUars (JO. 13. I will make the place of my/, glorious

16. tell me, I pray, where they /. their flocks Job 20. 20. surely he shall not/, quietness Jer. 13.16. before your/, stumble on the mounL\i:;&
46. 38. for their trade hath been to/, cattle Ptal. 58.9. before your pots can/, the thorns 14.10.1oved to wander, have not refrained their/
£xatf. S3. 5. and shall/, in another man's field £«/. 8.5. whoso keepeth commandm. shall/, no evil 18. 22. they digged a pit, and hid snares for my/
34. 3. neither let flocks/, before that mount Acti 17.27. seek the L. if haply they might/, after 38. 22. thy/, are sunk in the mire, and ar^ (arned
8 Sam. 5. 2. thou shall/, my people Israel FEELING. Lam. 1. 13. he hath spread a net for my/
7.7- whom I commanded to/. Israel, 1 CAr. 17.6- Eph. 4.19. who being pail/ have given themselves Ktek. 1.7- and their/, were straight/.
1 A')n{il7 '4. have commanded the ravens to/, thee Heb. 4. 15. touched with the/, of our infirmities 2. 1. he said to me, son of man, stand upon thy/
JoiSi. 2. they take away flecks and/, thereof FEET. 2. and tlie Spirit set me upon my/. 3. 24.
20l the worms shall/, sweetly oo him Gen. 29. t 1. then Jacob lift up his/, and came l6.25.hast openedth^.to everyone that passed by
Pjo/. 28. 9. /. them, and lift them up for ever 49. 10. nor a lawgiver from between his/, nil 24. 17. and put on thy shoes upon thy /.
40. 14. laid in the grave, death shall /. on them 33. Jacob gathered up/, in the bed, yielded ghost 23. tires shall be on your beads, shoes on your/
Tb. 71. he brought David to/. Jicoh his people Etod. 3. 5. put thy shoes from off' thy/. Aeti 7.33. 25. 6. because thou hast stamped with the/.
Prov. 10. SI. the lips of the righteous/, many 11. 8. get out, and the people that is at thy/. 32. 2. thou troublest the waters with thy/.
Cant. 4. 6. like two roes which /. among the lilies 12.11 shall eat the passover with shoes on your/. 34. 18. but ye must foul the residue with your f.
6. 2. my beloved is gone to/, in the gardens Let. 11. 21. have legs above their/ ye may eat 19. what ye have trodden and fouled with your/.
ha. i. if. the lambs shall f. after their manner Deut. 2. 28. only I will pass through on niy/. 37. 10. they lived and stood up upon their/'.
11. 7. and the cow and tht Dear shall/. 11. t 6. all the substance which was at their/. Dan. 2. 33. his/, part of iron, and part clay, 42
14. 30. and the first-horn of the poor shall /. 28.57 young one that cometh from between her/. 34. a stone smote the image upon his/,
27. 10. there shall the calf/, and shall lie down 33.3. and they sat down at thy/, everyone 41. thou sawest the/, and toes part of clay
.10. 23. thy cattle shall/, in large pastures J«A.3.15.the/. of the priests were dipped in Jordan 7. 7. and stamped the residue with the/, of it, 19.
40. 11. he shall/, his flock as a shepherd 0. 5. old shoes, and clouted upon their/. 10. 6. his/, like polished brass, Rev.l. 15. |2. 18.
49. 9. they shall /. in the ways and high places 10. 24. put your/, on the necks of these kings Kah. 1. 3. and the clouds are the dust of his/.
'il. 5. and strangers shall stand and/, your flocks 14. 9- the land whereo.'. thy f. have trodden IS. the/, of him that bringeth good tidings
60. ii. the wolf and the lamb shall/, together JuJg. I.t7. having thumbs of hands and/, ciitoff Zech. 14.4. hit/, shall stand upon mount of Olive
Jer. 2. + 16. the children of Noph/. on thy crown 3. 24. surely he covereth nis/. in his chamber Mat.\0. 14.when y edepart out of that bouse or city,
3. 15. pastors who shall/, you with knowledge 4. 15. so that Sisera fled away on bis/. 17. shakeoff'tbedustof your/..1f«r*6. 11. Litke^.!}.
6. 3. ihey shall/, every one in his place 5. tl5. Barak was sent on bis/, into the valley 15. 30. cast the lame and blind down at Jesus' /
£3. £. against the pastors that/, my people 27. at her/bowed, at her/, he fell down dead 18. 8. rather than having two/, to be cast into fire
4. 1 will set up snepherd* which shall/, them Ruth 3. 4. go in, uncover his/, and lay thee down 28. 9- they held him by the/, and worshipped him
50. 19 Israel shall/, on Carmel and Bashan 8. he turned, and behold a woman lay at his /. Luke 1. 79- to guide our/, into the way of peacs
Lam. 4. 5. they that/, delicately are desolate 1 Sam. 2. 9. he will keep the/, of his saints 7. 38. she kissed his/, and anointed them
£ttt. 34. 2. woe to the shepherds that do/, thems. 14. 13. Jonathan climbed on his bands and/. 45. this woman hath not ceased to kiss my/.
3. ye eat the fat, but ye/, not the flock 24. 3. and Saul went in to cover his/. 8. 35. they found the man sitting at the/, of Jesii>
10. neither shall iht sbepherds/. themselves 25. 1 27. young men that walk at the 7. of my lord 41.Jairus fell down at Jesus'/, and besought him
23. even my servant David shall /. them 42. Abigail rode with five damsels at her/. 10. 39. Mary, who sat at Jesus'/ heard his word
Dan. 11. 26. ihej that/, of his meat destroy him 2 Sam. 2. 1 18. A'ahel was light of his/, as a roe 15. 22. put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his/.
Hos. 4. 16. now the Lord will/, them as a lamb 3. 34. hands not bound, nor thy/ put into fetters 24. 39. behold my hands and my/, that it is (
9. 2. the flour and the wine press shall not/, them 4. 4. Jonathan's son was lame of his/. 9- 3, 13. 40. he shewed them his hands and his/.
Jonah 3. 7. let them not/, nor drink water 12. they cut off' their hands and their/. Johnll.Q.. and wiped his/, with her hair, 12. 3.
Mtc. 5. 4. he shall/, in the strength of the Lord 19. 24. -Mephibosheth had not dressed his/. 12. 3. and Mary anointed the/, of Jesus
Zefli. 2. 7. they shaill/. thereupon, God shall visit 22. 34. he maketh my/, like hinds'/and setteth me 20. 12. one angel at the head, the other at the/.
3. 13. they shall/, none shall make them afraid upon high places, Ptal. 18. 33. }Iab. 3. I9. Acit 3.7. and immediately his/, received strengtk
Zech. 11.9. then said I, I will not/, you 37. so that my/, did not slip, Ptal. 18. 36. 4. 35. laid them down at the apostles'/. 37. 6. 2.

16. the shepherd shall not/, that standeth still 1 Kingt 2.3.put tlie blood of war in shoes on his/. 5. 9. the/, of them who have buried thy husband
Mat. 2. + 6. out of thee a Governor that shall /. 14. 6. when Ahijah heard the sound of her/. 7. 58. they laid their clothes at a young man's/.
Xu>< 15. 15. he sent him to his fields to/, swine 12. when thy /. enter the city, the child shal die I 13. 25. shoes of his/. I am not worthy to loose
Aeis 20. 28. take heed to/, the church of God 15. 23. Asawjis diseased in his/.2 CAro7». 16. 12. 51.they shook ofFthedust of their/, against thee*
1 Cor. 9. 1 13. they/, of the things of the temple 2 Kingt 3. t 9- no water for the cattle at their/'. 14. 8. there sat at Lystra a man impotent in his/.
13. 3. though I give all my goods to/, the poor 4. 27. when she came, she caught him by the/. 10. Paul said, stand upright on thy/, he leapedi
A«r.7.17. for the L&mb shall/, them and lead them not the sound ofhisinaster's/behindhim 16. 24. who
m^e their/, fast in the stocks
12. 6. that they should /. her there 1260 days 9-35. but they found no more of her than the /. 21. 11. Agabus bound his own hands and/.
FEED, ImpeTalitelt/. 13. 21. dead man revived, and stood upon his/. C2. 3. yet brought up at the/ of Gamaliel
Gen. 25. 30. /. me with that same red pottage 18. + 27. that they may drink the water of their/. 26. 16. but rise, and stand upon thy/.
29. 7' water ye the theep, and go and/, them 21. 8. nor make the/ of Israel move any more Horn. 3. 15. their/, are swift to shed blood
1 hings 22.27 ./. him with bread and water of afflic- 1 Chr. 28.2. then David the king stood on his/. 10. 15. the/ of'^them that preach the gospel
tion, until I come in peace, 2 CAr. 18. 26. A'f A .9.21. clothes waxed not old.their/. swelled not iCor. 12.21. nor head to the/.I have no need of yoo
Pret. 30. 3./. me with food convenient for me Job 12.5. he that is reaidy to slip with his/. £;iA.6.15.your^.shodwith the preparation of gospel
Cant 1. 8./. thy kids beside the shepherds' tents 13.27. thou puttest my/, in the stocks, 33. 11. thou Heb. 12. 13. and make straight paths for your/.
settest a print upon the heels of my
Mte. 7. 14./. thy people with thy rod, the flock
Zech. 11.4. aaith Lord./, the flock of the slaughter 18. 8. for he is cast into a net by his own/.
/ Hev.i.g.makt them come and worship before thy/.
10. 1. another mighty ang«(, his/, as pillars of fire-
Jthn CI. 15./. my lambs || I6./. my sheep, 17. 11. terrors make afraid, and drive him to his/. 11. 11. the two witnesses stood upon their/
Jicm. 12. 20. if thine enemy hunger,/ him 29.15.1 was eyes to the blind,/ was I to the lame 13. 2. his/, were as/, of a bear, mouth of a lion
1 >'<r.5.C/.the flock of God which is among you 30. 12. the youth rise, they push away my/. 22. 8. 1 fell down to worship before his/.
/ aill FEED. 39. t 21. his/ dig in the valley, he rejoiceth At hit FEET.
Cen. 30. 31. /»i7/ again/, and keep thy flock Ptal. 22. 16. they pierced my hands and my/. Ezod. 4. 25. Zipporah cast the foreskin at hit f.
S Sam. 19. 32. I aill/. thee with me in Jerusalem 25. 15. for he shall pluck my/, out of the net Judg. 4.10. Bai^ak went with ten thousand at hit J.
Jta. 49. 26. / will/, them that oppress thee 81. 8. thou lijist set my/, in a large room Ruth 3. 14. she lay at his J. until the morfiing
58. 14. 7 ailt/. thM with the heriuge of Jacob 40.2.he set my/on rock.aujdestabliJicd my goings 1 Sam. 25. 24. Abigail fell at hit / and said
Jer. g. 15. 1 tcillf. them with wormwood, 23. 15. 56. 13. wilt ihou not deliver my/, from falling f 2 Kingt \. 37. the woman of Shunem fell at hit
Luk. 34. 13. Ivillf. them upon tlie mountains 66. 9. and sufl'ereth not our/ to be moved £*M.8.3. Esther fell down af Ai.f/.and besought hira
14. 1 uitl/.Aem in a good pasture, on mountains 73.2. but as for me, my/, were almost gone Hab. 3. 5. and burning coals went forth at his f.
15. i tciUf. my flock, and cause them to lie down 74. 3. lift up thy/ to the perpetual desolations Mat. 18. 29. his fellow-servant fell down ar his f
16. / tiillf. the fat and the strong with judgment 105. 18. whose/, they hurt with fetters Marks. 22. Jairus, when he saw him, (ell at his/.
Zteh.W.I. 1 aillJ. the flock of slaughter, the poor 115. 7./. have they, but they walk not, nor speak 7.£5.Syrophenician woman came, suid fell at his/.
FEEDER. 116. 8. thou hast delivered my/, from falling Luke 7 38. she stood at hit /. behind him, weeping

Gen.i.^ 2.Abel was /".of 5heep,Cain tiller of ground 119.59. I turned my/, unto thy testimonies John 11. 32. Mary fell down at hit /. saying
FEEDESJ'. 101. I refrained my/, from every evil way /if/j5.10.Sapphira fell at hit/. and yielded up ghost
Pial. 80. 5. thou/, them with the bread of tears 105.thy word is a lamp to my/.a light to my path 10. 25. Cornelius met him, and fell down at hi>/.
C<tJ4«. 1. 7. tell me where thou/, thv flock 122. 2. our/, shall stand within thy gates Rev. 1. 17. whenl saw him, I ieWathit/. as dead
FEEDETH. Ptov. 1. 16. their/, run to evil, 6. 18. Ita. 59-7. 19. 10. and I fell at hit/, to worship him
Ptov. 15. 14. the mouth of fools /. on foolishnesa 4.26.ponder the path of thy/, ways be established FEET joined with tole or loltt.
2B. « 7. he that/, gluttons, shameth hii father 5.5. her/, go down to deaui.steps take hold on hell Deut..,\\. 24. tote of your/, tread shall be yccrs
Ca«r. 2. 16. my beloved/, among the lilies, 6. 3. 6. 13. the wicked man speakeih with his/. Joih. 3: 13. as sor.n as loletot the priests'/. 4.18
J/ ashes,a deceived heart turned him 28. can one go on coals and his/, not be burnt .'
IKingt 5.3. till L. put them luider the Kilet of his/,
Hot. 12.1. Ephrmim/. oo wind, foUoweth east-wind 7. 11. she is loud, her/, abide not in her house 19. 24. viih tolet of my/, have dried, Ita. 37. Ci
lint. 6. 26. yet your heavenly Father/, them 19' 2. and he that hasteth with his/, sinneth Ita. 60. 14. shall bow down at the tolet of thy /.
i.Mke 12. 24. the ravens sow not, yet God/ them 26. 6. cutteth off the / and drinkeih damage Eiek. 1. 7. the tale of their/, was like a calfs foot
1 C'»r. 9.7. who/, a flock, and eateth not the milk 29- 5. a flatterer spreadeth a net for his/. 43. 7. the piLce of tolet of my/, no more deh.
FEEDING. Cant. 1 1. how beautiful are thy/, with shoes
' Mai. 4. 3. wicked shiUl he ashes under/, of your
fJm. 37. 2. Joseph was/, his flock with his brethren Ita. 3. 16. and making a tinkliug with their f. Under FEET.
J.jh 1. 14. the oxen were plowing, the asses/, by 18. Lord take away the ornaments about their/. Ezod. 24.10. under his f. as it were a sapphire-storo
Exek. 34. 10. causa them lo cease from /. the flock 6. 2. with twain he covered his t'. with twain did ny 2 Sam. 22. 10. darkness was ujuier his/. Ptat
iiak. 2. 11. where it the/. plac« of vouiiz lions \ 7. 20. the lAird shall shave tlie hair of the/. 39. yea, tbejr an fallen vnd*i my ft


Ps»l. 8. 6. thoo hast put all Ihinjs under his /. 2 Kingsi. 13. took mantle of F.lij. that/, frnmhii* Mai, 18. 26. the serv. therefore/, doren, sayirj.29.
1 Cor. 15. 27. Eph. 1. 22. 4. 8. it/, on a day Elisha passed to Shunem, 1 1 Mark 3.11. and unclean spirits/, dojmi before him
47. 3. he shall subdue the nations uniicr out/. 18. it/, on a day the child went to the reapers 5. 33. the woman with the issue of blood/, doan

91. 13. the dragon shalt thou trample under/. 37. Shunemite/. at his feet and bowed herself Luke 3. 8. Simon Peter/, down at Jesus' knees

J id. 14. 19. as a carcase trodden under/. 6.5. the a-te-head/. into the water, and he cried 8. 28. man which had devils/, down before Jesus
28.3.drunkards of Ephiaim shall be troda.under/. 6. and the man of God said, where/, it ? 41. Jairus/. down\\ 17. 16. the Samaritan /. «,
Lam. 3. 34. to crush under his^/". all prisoners 7.20. so it/, out to him, the people trode on him JohnXl. 32. Mary/", dovni athisfeet, saying
Mat. 7. 6. lest they trample them under their/. 25. 11. the fugitives that/, away to the king Acts 5. 5. Ananias/, down 10. Sapphira/. down

fiom. 16. 20. God shall bruise Satan under your/. 1 C/ir. 12. 19. there f. some of Manasseh to David 10. 25. Cornelius y. dcrnn I6. 89. Jailer/, doum

1 Cor.13 25. till hehatnput all enemies ««rf«r his/". 51. 14. and there/, of Israel 70,000 men IQ. 35. the image which/, down from Jupiter
Ilei. 2. 8. for he put all in subjection under his r". 27.24. because there/, wrath for it against Israel CO. 9. V.utychus /. down from the third loft
Rev. 12. 1. clothed with the sun, moon wider her/. 8 Chron. 15. 9. for they/, to David out of Israel Ueb. 11. 30. by faith the walls of Jericho/, de-jm
FEET with uasA, or washed. 17. 10. the fear of Ld./. on all kingdoms of lands Rev. 5. 8. elders/, d. before the Lamb, 14. 19. 4. |

G#i«.18.4. let water be fetched, and wasli your/. 20. 18. the inhabitants of Jerusalem/, before Ld. 22. 8. John/, dounto worship before the angel
19. 2. turn in, tarry all night, and wash your/. 21. 19. his bowels/, out by reason of sickness FELL.
24. 32. and Laban gave water to aash his/. 25. 13. the soldiers of Israel/, on cities of Judah 2 Kings 3. 19. and ye shall /. every good tree
43. 24. gave them water, and they washed ihtir /. Ezra 9. 5. I f. on my knees and spread roy hands FELLED.
Bxod. 30. 19. Aaron and his sons shall wash their Esih. 8.17. for the fear of the Jews/, on them, 9. 2. 2 Kings 3. 15. and they/, all the good trees
hards and their/, thereat, 21. 1 40. 31. 9. 3. becmse the fear of Mordecai/. upon them FELLER.
Itidg. 19. 21. Levite and concubine a^ui/iai their/. JoS 1. 15. the Sabeans/. on the asses, and took them Isa. 14. 8. saying, no/, is come up against us
1 6'am. 25. 41. louash the/, of servanu of my lord 17.Chaldeans/.oncamels,andcarried them away FELLEST.
2 Sam. 11. 8. Uriah, go to thy house, wash thy/. 19. the house/, on young men, and they are dead 2 Sam. 3. 34. as a mjin before wick, men, so/, thou
Psal. 58.10. shall wash his/, in blood of the wicked Psal. 27 . 2. wicked came to eat up my flesh, they/. FELLING.
Can/.5.3.have»ojAerfmy/.how shall I defile them! 78.64. theirpriests/. by sword, widows not lament 2 Kings 6.5. as one was/, a beam, the axe-head fell

Ijike 7- 38. she began to wash his/, with tears 105. 38. for the fear of Israel/, on Egypt FELLOES.
44. but she hath washed my/, with tears Jer. 39. 9. those that/, away, that/, to him, 52. 1 5. 1 KingtT. 33. their/, and their spokes were molten
John 13. 5. he began to wash the disciples'/. 46. 16. one/, upon tnother, and they said, arise FELLOV/.
6. Peter saith to him, lid. dost thou wash my/..' Lam. 1. 7. her people/, into the heind of the enemy Gen. 19. 9. they said, this one/, came in to sojourn
8. Peter saith to him, thou shalt never wash my/. 5. 13. and the children/, under the wood Eiod. 2. 13. wherefore smitcst thou thy/. .'

10. needeth not save to wash his/, but is clean Ezek. 8. 1. the hand of the Lord/, upon me, 11.5. 18. i 16. and I judge between a mzin and his/.
12. so af'er he had washed their/, he said to them 39. 23. so/, they all by the sword Judg. 7. 13. there was a man told a dream to his/
14. if I your Ld. and Master nave washed your/. Dan.i. 31. there/', a voice from heaven, saying 22. the Lord set ivery man's sword against his/,
1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have washed the sziims'/. 7. 20. other which came up, before whom three/. thrcagh all the host, 1 S'lm. 14. 20
FEIGN. 10. 7. but a great quaking/, upon them 1 Sam. 21. 15. that ye have brought this/, to play

3 Sam. 14. 2. I pray /. thyself to be a mourner Jonah 1. 7. they cast lots , and the lot/, on Jonah the madman ; shall this/, come into my house.
1 Kings 14.5.she shall/, herself to be jui»ther worn. Mat. 7. 25. the house/. not|| 27. it/. Lulie 6. 49. 25. 21. in vain have I kept all that this/, hath
Lmke CO. 20. which should/, themselves just men 1 3.4. seed/, by the way-side, Mark 4. 4. iu*« 8.5. 29. 4. make this/, return, he may go to his place
FEIGNED. S.some/.upon stony places. Afar* 4. 5. Luke 8.6. 2 Sam 2. I6. caught every one his/, by the head
1 &«m.21. 13. David/, himself mad in their hands 7. and some/.among thorns, Mark 4. 7. Luke 8.7. 1 Kings 22.27. put this/, in prison, 2 Chron. 18.26»

2 .Sam. 22. 45. strangers shall yield/, obedience S.other/.inlo good ground, Marki. 8. Luke 8.8. 2 Kings 9. 11. wherefore came this mad /. to theei
unto me, Psal. 18. + 44. Mark 5. 22. Jairus when he saw him,/, at his feet Eccl. 4. 10. if they fall, one will lift up his/.
Psal.lJ.l .to my
prayerthat goeth not out of/, lips 7.25.Syrophenician woman came, and/, athis feet Jsa. 34. 14. the satyr shall cry to his/.
66. t 3. thine enemies shall yield/, obedience 9. 20. be/, on the ground and wallowed foaming Jonah 'i. 7. they said every one to his/, cast lots
8l.tl5.the haters of the Lord yielded/, obedience 14. 35. Jesus/, on the ground and prayed Zech. 11. i 9. eat every one the flesh of his /".
i Pel. 2.3. with/, words make merchandise of you Luke 1. 18. and fear/, upon Zacharias 13.7. awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and
FEIGN EST. 8. 23. but zis they sailed, Jesus/, asleep against the man that is my/, saith Lord of host*.
1 Kings 14. 6. why/, thou thyself to be another ? 10. 30. a certain man/, among thieves, 36. Mat. 12. 24. this/, doth not cast out devils but by
Neh. 0. 8. but thou/, them out of thine own heart 13. 4. upon whom the tower in Siloam/. 26.6l.this/. said, I am able to destroy the templa
FEIGNEDLY. 15. 20. his father/, on his neck and kissed him 71. this/, was also with Jesus, Luke 22. 59.
Jer. 3. 10. hath tamed to me but/, saith the Lord 16. 21. crumbs which/, from the rich man's table Luke 23. 2. we found this/, perverting the nation.
FELL. John 18. 6. went backward and/, to the ground John 9. 29. as for this/, we know not whence he i>
Gen. 4. 5. Cain was wroth, and his countenance/. Acts 1. 25. from which Judas by transgres.'^ion/". 11. 16. Didymussaid to his/, disciples, let us go
14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah/. 26. gave forth lots, and the lot/", tipon Matthias Acts 17. 1 18. some said, what will this hase/.say f

15. 12. a deep sleep/, on Abram and lo, an horror 7. 60. and when he had said this, he/, asleep 18. 13. this/, persuadeth men to worship God
iS.llB.lshmael/ in the presence of his brethren 9. 4. Saul/, to the earth and heard a voice 22. 22. away with such a/, from the earth
33. 4. Esau ran, and/, on his brother's neck 18. there/, from his eyes as it had been scales 24. 5. we have found this man a pestilent/.
44. 14. Joseph's brethren/, before him on ground 10. 10. Peter became hungry, and/, into a trance FELLOW-CITIZENS.
i5. 14. Joseph/, on Benjamin's neck and wept 41. the Holjr Ghost/, on them all, 11. 15. £j//(.2.19.but/..<:iVi«nj with saints and household
46. 29. Jacob/, on Joseph's neck and wept 12. 7. the chains /. off from Peter's hands FELLOW-HEIRS.
Eiod. 32. 28. there /. of the people 3000 men 13. 11. there f. OD him amist and a darkness Eph. 3. 6. that the Gentiles should he /.-heirs
Lev. 16. 9- the goat on which the Lord's lot/. 10. 36. David on sleep and saw corruption FELLOW-IIELPER.
Wum. 11.4. the mixt multitude/, a lusting 19. 17. and fear/, on all the Jews at Ephesus 2 Cor. 8. 23. Titus my /.-helper concerning you
9. the dew/, on the camp, the oanna f. upon it 20. 10. Paul went down, and/, on Eutychus FELLOW-HELPERS.
14. 5. Moses and Aaron/. 16. 22, 45. 20. 6.
j 37. they all/, on Paul's neck, and kissed him 3 John 8. that we might he/.-helpers lo the truth
Josh. 8. 25. that all that/, that day, were 12,000 22. 7. I /• nnto the ground, and heard a voice FELLOW-LABOURER.
11. 7. so Joshua came and/, upon them Rom. 11. 22. on them which /. severity 1 T/ie«. 3.2.we sent Timotheus out /.-labourer
22. 20. and wrath/, on all the congregation 15.3. reproaches of them reproached thee/, on me Philem, 1. Paul to Philemon out /.-labourer
Judg. 4.16. Sisera's host/, on the edge of the sword 1 Cot. 10. 8. and/, in one day twenty-three thcus, FELLOW-LABOURF.RS.
5. 27. Sisera/. 8. 10. for there/. 120,000 men
|1 Heb. 3. 17. whose carcase*/, in the wilderness Phil. 4. 3. Clement, with other my /.-labourers
7. 13. a cake of bread smote the tent that it/. 2 Pet. 3.4. since fathers/. asleep all things continue PAi7cn».24.Marcus, Dema.s, Lucas, my /.labourers
12. 6. there /. of Ephraimites at that time 42,000 Rev. 1. 17. when I taw him I /. at his feet as dead FELLOW.PRISUN ER.
16. 30. the house/, on the lords and on the people 6. 13. and the stars of heaven /. unto the earth Col. 4. 10. Aristarchus my /.-prisoner saluteth you
20. 44. and there/, of Benjamin 18,000 men 8. 10. and there/, a great star from heaven Philem. 23. Epaphras my /.-prisoner in Christ
1 Sam. 4. 10. there/, of Israel 30,000 footmen 11. 11. and great fear/, on them who saw them FELLOW-PKISON ERS.
18. Eli/, from his seat backward by the gate 13. the tenth part of the city /. by earthquake Rom. 16. 7. Andronicus and Junia my /.-prisoner*'
11. 7. the fear of the Lord/, on the peqple 16. 2. and there /. a noisome and grievous sore FELLOW-SERVANT, or servants.
14. 13. the Philistines/, before Jonathan 19. the city was divided, and cities of nations/. Mat. 18. 28. found one of his/..j<ri'.who owed him
19. t24. Saul prophesied, and/, down that day 21. there/, on men, great hail out of beaven 29. hi% /.-servant fell down- at his feet, saying
22. 18. Doeg turned, and/, upon the priests 19. 10. and I/, at his feet to worship him 31. so when his /.-servanlM saw what was done
25. 24. Abigail/, at David's feet, and said Sei Face, Faces. 33. have had compassion on/.-servijnt.ns 1 nn thee
28. 20. Saul/, straightway along on the earth FELL down. 24.49. and shall begin to smite h'n /.-servants
iQ. 3. 1 found no fault in him since he/, on me Num. 28. 27- when the ass saw the angel, she /. d Col. 1. 7. ye learned of Epaphras out /.-servant
30. 13. because three days agone I /. sick Deut. 9. 18. and I/, down before the Lord, 2o. 4. 7. Tychicus, who is a /.-servant in the Lord
31.4. therefore Saul took a sword and/, upon it Josh. 6. 20. the people shouted, the wall /. d. flat liev. 6.11. till the'u /.-servauts should be fulfilled
5. his armour-bearer/. likewise, 1 Chr. 10. 4,5. J:<dg. 5. 27. where he bowed there he/, down dead i9.lO.see thou Jo it not, I am ihv f. servant, ii.Q
2 6'a77i. 4. 4. Mephibosheth/. and became Ijmie 19. 26. the concubine/, doiim at door ol the house FELUJW-SO LIMliR.
11. 17. there/, some of the people of David 1 Sam. 17. 52. the Philistines /. doum by the way Phil. 2. 85. to send F.i'aphi-oditusmy/.-soldier
33. 2. Amnon/. sick for his sister Tamar 31.1. men of Israel/, down in Gilboa, 1 Chr. lU.l. Philem. 2. Paul to Archippus out /.-soldier
20. 8. Joab's sword/, out, as he went forth 2 Sam. S. 13. so they /. down together FELLOW WORKERS
21. 9- they f. all seven together in days of harvest 23. Asahel/. down there, and died in the place Cd/. 4. 11. these only are ni) /.-o»ri»r* to kingdom
22. tneyy. by the hand of David, 1 Chron. 20. 8. 18. 28. Ahimaaz/. down I9. 18. Shimei /". down
1 Kbigs 2. 25. Benaiah/. on .Adonijah that he dii-d " Kings 1. 2. and Ahazicih/.rfott^ througL a iauice Judg. 11. 37. bewail my vircinity, I and toy/.
32. who/, upon two men more righteous than hi; 1 Chr. 5. 22. there/, d. m£iny slain, war was of G. 18. 25. lest angry /.run on lliee, and>thou lose lift
34. Benaiah /. onjoah 40. Benaiah/. on Shimei 2 Chron. 13. 17. there/, d. of Israel 50O,0tK) men
20. t 11. all Israel were gathered/, as one man
12. +19. so Israel/, from the house of David E.sth. 8. 3. Esther/, down at Ahasucrus' feet 2 Sam.6. 20.a3 one of the vain uncovereth himself

14. 1. Abijah the son of Jeroboam/, sick Joi 1. 20. Job/, d. on the ground and wor,sliipped Psal. 45. 7. with oil of gladness above f. }leb. 1. 9.
17. 17. the son of the woman/, sick, it was so sore Psal. 107. 12. they/. J. there was none to help Jsa. 44. 11. behold all his/, .vliari oe ashamed
18. 38. fire of Lord f. and consumed the sacrifice Dan. 3. 7. all nations/, d. and worshipped image Eiei. 37. 19. I will take thet'ibes of Israel his/
CCl. 30. a wall/, on 27,000 men that were left 23. these three /. down bound in the furnace Dan. 2. 13. they sought Daniel and his/to be slaio
2 Kings 1.1.1. third captain/, on knees before Elijah Mat, 2, 11 wise men/, d. and worshipped him 18. th£t Daniel aod his /'. should not perUh


Van, 7.20.wt.ose look vas more sloiit than hij/. S P«(. 3. 10. elements shall melt witb/. beat, It yfat. 7. 14. strait is gate, and /".there be that find i
l£4t>i. 3. 8. ihou and thy f. tha; set before thee
FERVENTLY. 29. S7. but the labourers are f. Luke 10. 2.
Jdai. 11. l6. like to chililren calling to their/. Co/. 4. 12. Epaphras labouring/for yon in prayers 15. 34. seven, and a/, little fishes, Mark 8.
/Icii 1". 5. Jews took lewd /. of the baser sort 1 I'ei. I. 22. see that ye love one another with a 20. 16. many be called, but/, are chosen, 22. 14
FELLOWSHIP. FETCH. [pure heart/. 25. 21 .thou hast been faithful in a/ things, 23
Z^i 6. C. which was delivered him to keep, or in/". Gen. 18. 5. I will/, a morsel of bread and comfort Atari 6. 5. laid hands on a/.sick folk, healed tncm
/>x.94. CO. shall the throne of iniq.have/.wiih '.hee r
•' 9. go,/, me two good kids of the goats, !.•?. Luke 12. 48. shall be beaten with/, stripes
/If;* 2. 42. they contin. in apostles' docjrine and/. 45. then I will send and/, thee from thence 13. 23. one said. Lord, are there/, that be saved!

1 Cer. 1.9. ye were called to the/, of his Son

EtuJ. 2. 5. when saw the ark, she sent maid to /'. it Acts 24. 4. that thou wouldest hear us a/, words
10. 20. not that ye should have/, with devils \um. 20. 10. must we/, water out of this rock ? Lfj/i. 3. 3. the mystery as I wrote afore in_/'. word*

8 C(ir.6.14.what f. hath righteousness with unrigli- Dent. ly. 12. the elders shall send and/, him iiifA.12.10.for they verily for i/.dayschiMeiied us

teousness ? w-hat communion light with darkii. 24. 10. thou shall not go to/, his pledge, ly. 13. 22. for I have written unto you in/', words
.30. 4. from whence will the Lord thy God/, ihcc 1 ^'«.3.S0.wheroin/.thai is, eight souls were saved
8. 4. take on us the/, of ministering the saints
Cal. 2. 9. they gave to me the rii;ht hand off. JtuI;. 11. 5. elders of Gilead went 10/ Jephiliah ilev.i. 14. 1 have a/, things against thee, 20.

Eph.i.O- 10 make men see what is the/, of mystery 20. 10. lake men to/, victuals for the people 3. 4. thou hasl a /'.' names even in Sardis
1 .SVim. 4. 3. lei us/. "the ark of the covenaiit iiui a FEW.
5.11. have no/.with nnfruitful works of darkness
(i. 21. saying, come ye down, acd/. up to vou Gen. 29. 20. t'uey seemed to him iui a/, days
Pkil. I. 5. for your/, in the gospol till now

Ifi. U.'Samuel said to Jesse, send,/. Saul, 20.31. Lev.'ii. 52. if there remain but ''. years to jubilee
S. 1 if there be any/, of the spirit, if bowels

Cfi. 22. lei us come over and/, the spear Josh. 7. 3. the men of Ai are but
3. 10. that I may know the/, of his sufferings J'.

1 Jo'nn 1. ^. that ye also may have/, with us, and 2 Sam. 5. 23. but/, a compass behind them 1 Chron. 16. iy. when ye were but't'. Piat. 105. 12.

truly our f. is with Father, and with Son J. C. 14. 13. the king doth not/, home his banished Jer. 42. 2. for we are left but a/. of many

6. if we say that we have f. with him.and walk in 20. 10/ about this form of speech Joab done this \ot a FEW
1 hiti^sn. 10./. me, I pray thee, a little water 2 Kings 4.3. borrow empty vetsels, borrow not af.
7. if we walk in light, we have/, one with another
FtLT. 1 1. as she was going to/, it, he called her
ha. 10. 7. 10 destroy, and cut off nations nor a
6f».27. 22. Jacob went near, and Isaac/, him 2 Kings 6.13. go spy where he is, that I may/, him Jer. 30. 19. multiply them, and they shall n"! bef.
2 C/iron. 18. 8./. quickly Micaiah the son o? mla Acts 17.4. chief women nos a f. li'.of men not at',
31 .3-t.Laban/.all the tent, but found them not

£jorf. 10.21 .over land, even darkness that may be/.

Se/t. 8. 15./. olive-branches, pine and myrtle FEWER.
Jol) 36. 3. I will/, my knowledge from afar .V«m.33. 54. to/ ye shall give the less inhcriiaiico
Pro:. 23. 33. they have beaten me, and I /. it not
ha. 56. 12. come ye, say they, I will/, win-; JobZO. t 1. but they that are of/, days thau 1
Marti. 29. she/, she was healed of that plague
Acts 28. 5. he shook off the beast and /'. no harm Jer. 36. 21. the king sent Jehudi to/, the roll FEWESr.
FEMALE. Acts 16. 37. let them come themselves and /.us out Deul. 7. 7. for ye were the/, of all people
Gen. 1.27. male and/, created he them, 5. 2. FETCHED. FEWNE.S-).
Gen. 18.4. let a little water, I pray you, be/. Lev. 25. 16. according to/, of years diminish pride
f). ly. two of every sort, they shall be male and/.

7. «. take to thee by sevens, the male and the/. 3. 7. Abraham/, a calf lender and good FIDELITV.
y there went in two and two, the male and the/. 27. 14. Jacob
went and/, the kids to his mother 7'«.'. 2. 10. servants not purloining, shewing good .'"

16. they that went in, went in male and/. Jiidg. 18. 18. they/, the caned imase, the ephod FIELD.
Let. 3. 1. if he offer it, whether it be male or/. 1 .iVim.7. 1 men came and/, up the ark of the Lord Gen.'i3. 11. the/, give i thee, and the cave ihereio

10. 23. and they ran, and/. Saul thence 20. the /'. and cave were made sure to Abraham
6. if his offering be of the Hock, male or /'.
2 Ham. 4. 6. as though they would have/, wheal 27. 27. the smell of my son is as the smell of a 1.
4. 2a. offering a/, without blemish, 32. S. 6.j

y. 5. king David sent and/. Mephibosheth 31.4. Jacob called Rachel anil Leah 10 \\w f.
12. 7. law for her that hath born a male or/.
27. David sent and/. Balh-shcba to his house iy. 30. in the/, which Abraham bought, 50. IJ
27. ». if it be a/, thy estimation shall be 30 shekels 1 1

14. 2. Joab/. from Tekoah a wise woman Etod. 22. 5. il a man shall cause a/, to be eaten
C. thy estimation for the/, ten shekels, 7-
1 Kings'!. 13. king Solomon/. Hiram out of Tyre
6. so that the com or/, be consumed therpwirn
6. for the/, from a month old, three ."Shekels
0. 28. they/, from Ophir gold, 420 talents Lev. ly. 19. shall not sow thy/, with mingled seed
A'wm.S. 3. both male anJ f. shall ye put out
Deiit. 4.l6.Rraven image, t^e likeness of male or/. 2 Kings 3. 9./. a compass of
seven days' journey 23. 3. six years shall sow thy/.and prune vine) aid
51. 4. Jehoiada sent and/, rulers over hundreds 4. in the seventh jear thou "shall not sow thy f.
7. 14. shall not be a male or/, barren among you
27.17. if he sanctity his/.from yearof juJilec^ 18.
Hal. 19. 4. made them male and/. Mark 10. 6. iChron. 1. 17./. from Egypt a chariot and horse
12. 11. the gt^ard came and/, the shields 20. if he will not redeem the/'.orif he sold the/.
iial. J. 28. in Christ there is neither male nor f.
Jer. 26. 23. and they/, forth (Jrijah out of Egypt Oeni. 5. SI. nor shall thou covet thy neighbour's/
FENCE. Josh. 15. 18. to ask of her father a/. Judg. 1 14.
Ps. CC. 3. ye be as a bowing wall and a tottering/. /if<i28. 13. and from thence we/, a compass .

FETCHETH. limh 2. 8. go not to glean in another/, but abide

4. 5. Boaz said, what day thou buyesl /'.of ,N aoml
Joh 10. 11. he hath/, me with bones and sinews Deut. 19. 5. and his hand f. a stroke with the axe
FETTERS. 2 .bam. 2. f 16. place was called the /'.of strong men
19. 8. he hath r". up my
way that I cannot pass
1 4. 30. Joab's/. is near mine, an(f he hath barley
Ija. 5. 2. my befoved hath a vineyard, and he/, it !5. 21. they bound Samson with/, of brass
2 Sam. 3.34. ihy hands were not bound, nor thy 31. why have thy ser^ants set my/, on tire :
come down feel put into _/'. 2 Kings 18. 17. they stood by upper pool, whirh ii
De»i. 18. 52. till thy hifch and/, walls
in high-way of the fuller's/.i/o. 7. 3.
4 antr. 23. 7. man that shall touch them must be/. 2A'ivjj25.7.they put out the eyesof Zedekiah, and
36. «. |

t Kin^s 3. 19. and ye shall smite every/, ciiy bound him with/ of brass, /er.Sy.**- 52. t 11 Sth. 13. 10. the Levites fled every one to his/.

IChron.'M. 11. Manasseh was bound with/. l^sal. 96. 12. let the/, be joyful and all therein
10. 2. there are with you a/, city and armour
17. 9. from the tower to the/, cliy, IB. 8. 36.6.Jehoiakim bound wiihf". to carry to Babylon ProT. 24. 30. 1 went by the f. of the slothful
with/. 27.26. lambs for clothing, an3 goats the price of/1
19. t24. I have dried up the rivers of/, places Psal. 105. 18. whose feel they hurt
14y. 8. to bind their nobles with/, of iron 31. 16. she considereth a/, and buveih it
with the sole of my
feet, Isa. 3". 25. •»

Mark 5. 4. being often bound with"/ Lide 8. 29. Eccl. 5. 9. ihe king himself is ser\-e<f by the/.
Jia. 2. 15. the day of the Lord on every/, wall
FEVER. ha. 5. 8. woe to them that lay/, to/, till no placie
Jer. 15. 20. I will make thee 3. J. brasen wall
7.:«/t.36.35.thewasie and ruinedciiies are become/. Dcni. 28. 22. the Lord shall smite thee with a/. 16. 10. and joy is taken out cf the plentiful/.
Uah. 2. 1 1. 1 will set me upon the/, place Mat. 8. 14. Jesus was come, he saw Peter's wile's Jer. 12. 4. how long shall herbs of every/, wither
FF.NCED ciiiei. mother sick of a/. Mark 1 .30. Luke 4.
. 38. 26. 18. Zion shall be plowed like a/. AUc. 3. IS.
32.7. buy thee my/, that is in Anaihnih,8. 2i
-Vnm. 32. 17. our little ones shall dwell in/, cities Ju/;n 4.52. yesterday at"the7ih hour the/, left him
28. e.'the father of Publius lay sick of a/. 35 9. neither have we vineyard, nor/, nor seed
Dent. S. 5. all these cities were /'. with walls .^f<<
FEW. 48. 33. joy and gladness is taken from plentiful/.
'). 1. to possess cities great ami r". up to heaven
Gen. 24. the damsel abide with us a/, days Ezek.\'.i^.yiz.% plauited in a good/.by great water*
J«ili. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into/, ciite^ 55. let

14. 12. and that the cities were great and/. 27.44. tarry a/, days till thy brother's fury turn Joel 1. 10. the/, is wasted, the land mourneth
Mat. l.*5. 24. that soweth good seed in his/. 31.
1 .ViJ/i.ti. 18. golden mice.accord.tonunib. otj'.ciiies 31. .30. 1 being/', in number, they will slay me
2 Unm. 20. pursue, lest he get/, cities and escape
6. 47. 9. f. and evil have the days of my life been 38. the/, is lh« world, good seed childr. ol kingd.
44. again the kingdom of heaven is 1 ike to treasurs
i h'infSiS. 13. Sennachcribcame up against all the /.«! .26".22. I will make you/. Deul. 4.27. | 28. 62.
/. fifi<jof Judah and look them, 2 Chr. 12.4. Sum. 9. 20. the cloud was a/, days on the tabcrn.
hid in a/, he selleih all, and buyeth thai/.
13. 18. seethe people whether they be/, or many 27. 7. they bought wiihihem the potter's/. 10.
19. 25. thou shouldest be to lay waste/, dues
26. 54. to/, shall give ihe less inheritance, 35. 8. 8. the/, was called the/, of blood. Acts 1. I9,
C'CVwon. 8. 5. Solomon built/, cities with walls
of Judah 56.posse"ssion shall be divid. between many and/. Luke 17. 7. will say to him, when come from the/.
14.4. Shishak took ihe/.ciiies
Acts 1. 18. ihis man purchased a /". with reward of
14. 6. Asa built/, ciiiei in Judah, land had rest Dent. 26. 5. my father sojournea there
with a_/'.
17.2.Jehoshaphat placed forces in the/, ciiies, I9. 33. 6. let Reuben live, let not his men be/. Iruiil'ul FIELD.
1 -Snw. 14. 6. no restraint, to save by many or/
2 Kings 19. f 23. 1 will enter his/./. Tsa. 37. t 24.
10. 5. he set judges throughout ally, ciiies o( ^n^
17-28. with whom hast thou left those /. sheep consume the glory of his/rwif/u//.
/ja. 10.18. shall
21. 3. Jehoshaphai gave ihem /.'cities in Judah

Cy. 17. Lebanon shall be turned into \l'ruiil'ul/.

M. 14. Manasseh put captains of war in/, cine 2 Chron. 29. 34. but the priesu were too/.
Jer. 5. 17. they shall impoverish thy /. cities Sell. 2. 12. / arose, 1 and some/ men with me 32. 15. till Spirit be poured out, and'lhe wilder
ness be a fruitful
Dan. II. 15. king of north shall take most/, cities 7. 4. the city large, but the people were/, therein J. and the /ruiij'ul f. be
Job 10. 20. are noi my days/.' cease then, let alone counted a forest
Ilos. 8. 14. Judah hath multiplied/', cities
16. and righteousness in \he fruitful
Zeph. or.-ilami .Tgainsi/.ciVieiand towers 14. I. man is of/, days, and full of trouble f.
16. 22. when a/, years are come, then I shall go Eiek. 17. 5. be planted the seed in a fruiiful f.
Job 40. 21. Behemoth lieih in covert of reed and ''. 32. #6.1 am f. of days, and ye are very old Jn the FIELD.
Psal. 109. 8. let his days be/, and let another take Gen .4.8. it came to past when they were in the/,
FERRET. 24.63. Isaac went out to meditate in the f.
£ff/.5.2.God is in heaven, therefore let words lie/.
Lev. 11. 30. the f. chameleon and lizard unclean
Vekry-boat. 9. 14. there was a little city, and/, men in it 29. 2. he looked, and behold a well in she f.
12. 3. the grinders cease, because they are /'. 37. 15. behold, Joseph was wandering in ihtf.
tSam. 19. 18. there went a /.-*Da< for king's hoiish.
Isa. 10. 19. the rest of the trees of forest shall be/. Ejrod. 9. 19. send and gather all thou hasl %n the/,
FERVENT. 25. the hail smote in Egypt all thai was i« ihtf
Acn 18. 25. ApoUos, being/, in spirit, taught 24. 6. the inhabitants are burned, and/, men left
41.tl4. fear not Jacob, ye/, men oflsr.-xel 16. 25. to day ye sliall not find it in the f.
Rom. 12. 11./. in spirit, serving the Lord
i Cor.T.T. he told us your/, micd towards me E--ek. 5. 3. thou shall also take ay', in number Deru. 21.1. if one be found slain, lying in «Ac f
12. 16. I will leave a f. men from the sword 22. 25. if a man find a betrolBfed damsel in ihtf.
/am. J. iC. /.prayer of a righteousman avails much
I Pel, 4. B. above all ihi'igs have /. charity Z>j». 11 fO. within/, days he shall be destroyed 23.3. bleiacd shalt ilioa bcioibe city and in t/mj

Etek.X. 2. was the/, year of Jehoiachiii's caplivit/
^.^^.l6.cursedshaU,houbeiuci^and/nM./|1^^^.2^^E^tt|..^ FIFXEEN.
Ju/i». 13.9. angel came to woman
as she sat di the J. cubits upwards did the waters prevail
Gen.7. 20. f.
1 Sam. 6. IB. which stone remaineth inf. of Josaua £jod.27.I4.the hangings to be/.cubits, 15. 38.14.
Chron. iC. 32. let the/, rejoice, and all therein

19. 2. I wiil stand beside my

father xn thef. 1
Lev. 27. 7. then thy esumation shall be^'. shekels
27. Cj. and over the store-Iiouses in the/, iu cities
«0. 11. and they found an Eg^Tt'^n
«'" '/'«/•
2S'am.9.10.nowZiba had/.sons,and tweutyservants
m 2 Chron. 26. +10. had vine-dre.'isers in fruitful/.
2 Ham. 14.6. two soas, and they two strove the^'
19. 17. Ziba and his/, sons went over Jordan
were alone i?» the J. .fod 5. 10. and who seadeth waters upon the f.
1 Kings 11. 29. and they two 1 A'lngj 7.3.that lay on fony-five piilars,/.in a row
Jeroboam in thi f. Psal. 137. 37. and sow the/, and plant vineyards
14 11 him that dieth of 2 ATingf 14.17. Amaziah lived after Jehoash/.years
132. 6. we found it in the/, of the wood
2l! £4. him that dieth of Ahab in thef.
fowls eat
20.6.1 will add to thydays/years.and deliver theu
themselves in thef. Prov. 8. £6. while as yet he had not made the/.
I CkTon. 19. 9. kings were by from Assyria, 2 Chron. 25. 25. Isa. 38. 5.
23. 10. and enter not into the/, of the fatherless
27. 26. over them that did the work \n
Ezek. 45.1-2. /. shekels shall be your maneii
/ja.l6. 8.for/.of Heshbon languish and vine of SSi>.
/o* 24. 6. they reap every one his corn
«n thef. I bought her to me for/, pieces of silver
Uos. 3. 2.
32". 12. they shall lament for teats, the pleasant/.
Pja/.78.12.marvellons things in thef. of Zoan, 43. JuAn 11.18. Bethany was/, furlongs off Jerusalem
Jer. 6. 12. their/, shall be turned to others, 8. lu.
Prov. 24. 27. make it fit for thyself in thef. Acts 27. 28. they sounded, and fovind it/, fathoms
13. 27. I have seen thine abominations in the/.
Jer. 15.5. yea, the hind calved in thef. Ga/.1.18.1 wentioJerus.I abode with Feter/.days
will give to spoil 32. 15./. shall be possessed again in this land
17. 3. O my mountain in thef. I FIFI'EENTH.
43./. bought 44. men shall buy/, for money
41.8 forwehavetreasoresirtrt*/. of wheat 2 Kings 14.23. in/year of Amakiah, Jerobo.begaa

die by the sword 39. lO.Nebuzar-adan gave them/.althe same time

£je*.7 .15. he that is in thef. shall 2 Chr. 24. 14./. to Bilgah 25. 22./. to Jerimolh
40. 7 . the captains of forces which were in the/. 13

26. 6. he shall sSay thy daughters tn thef.

8. 2 Chr. 15. 10. gathered to Jerusalem in the/, year
Uiad. 19. they shall possess the/, of Ephraim
mc. 4.10. thou shalt dwell in thef. and go to Bab. Luie 3.1. in the/, year of the reign of Tiberius Cesar
Mic. 2. 2. they covet/, and talte them by violence
ZecU. 10. 1 shall give to every one grass mthef.
4. turning away, he hath divided our/.
.lfa/.3. 11. nor shall your vine cast her fruit i««/i«/. Exod. 16.1. came to Sin, on/, day of second month
Hai. 3. 17. although the/, shall yield no meat
Afaf. 24.18.nellher let him who is in thef.
return to
went through the corn/. Luke 6. 1 Lev. 23. 6. on the/, day of the same month is feast
take his clothes, Afar* 13. 16. /.«*« 17- 31. John 4. 35. lift up your eyes, and look on the/.
of unleavened bread to L. i^iwi. 28.17. 33.3. I

40. then shall two be i« thef. Luke 17.

30. 34. the/, day of this seventh month shall be the
m Jam.b. 4. the labourers, which reaped down your/.
Luke 2. 8. there were shepherds abiding thef. feast of tabernacles to Ld. 39. Num. 2^. 12.
12. 23. clothe the grass which is
in thef.
Lev.ii. 53. he shall let go the living bird into openf. 1
Kings 12. 32. on the/.rf. of the eighth mouth was
son was in thef. heard music Jeroboam's feast, he offered on the altar, 33.
15. 25. now his elder Num. 19. 16. one slain with a sword in the openf.
Into the FIELD. 2 5am. 11. 11. servants are encamped in the openf. Esth. 9. 18. on the/, day they rested yearly, 21.
hum. 22. 23. ass turned aside, and went into thef.
Eztk. 29. 5. thou shalt fall upon the openf. Ezek. 32. 17./. day of twelfth year came tlie word
Jud". 9.42. the people went out into the f. FIERCE. 45.25. in/, day shall do like in feast of seven days
1 Sam. 6. 14. the cart came into thef. of Joshua Gen. 49. 7. cursed be their anger, for it was/.
20. 11. Jonathan said, come let us go into thef- breadth of the ark shall be/.cubits
Deut. 28. 50. L. bring a nation of a/, countenance Gen. 6. 15. the
25am. 11.23. themencame out nntous in/oMe/. la. 24. not spare the place for/, righteous ? 20.
Job 4. 10. the voice of/, lion jind teeth are broken
20. 12. removed Amasa out of the way
tnto thef. £zuii.26.5./. loops shalt thou make, 10. 30.12,17.
10. 16. thouhuntest me as a/, lion, thou shewest

inro/.and gathered gourds 6. shalt make/, taches of gold, 11. 36. 13, It
2 A'inej4.39. one went 28. 8. nor hath the/, lion, passed by it

tnto the f. C7. 12. shall be hangings of/, cubits, 38. 12.
CaT.t. 7. 11. my beloved, let as go forth 41. 10. noae is so/, that dare stir him up
the way 30. 23. of cinnamon two hundred and/, shekels
Ser. d. 25. go not forth intof. nor walk by Xfa. 19.4. and a/king shall rule over them.saith L.
14. 18. if I go forth into thef. behold the
slaiu of sweet calamus two hundred and /. shekels
33. ig.thou shalt not see a/.people,ofdeeperspeech
Of the FIELD. Dan. 8. 23. a king of/, countenance shall stand up Lev. 23.16. after the 7th sabbath, number/, days
skekels ol silver
Gen. 2. 5. God make every plant and herb o£ thef. ifai.l.S.horses are more/than the evening wolves 27.3.of males thy estimation/,
34. 7. and the sons of Jacob came out of thef. Mat. 8. 28. two possessed with devils, exceeding/. 16. an homer of barley seed be valued at/. sUek.
from thirty years old and upward^
47. 24. four parts your own, for seed of the f. LukeiZ.S. and they were more/saying, he stirreth Num. 4. 3.
Lev. 26. 4. the trees of thef. yield fruit even to/, years old, 23, 30, 35, Sf)
2'i'/m.3.3. for men shall be incontinent,/ despisers
27. 28. DO devoted thing of thef. shall be sold 8. 25. from the age of/, they shall serve no mora
Jam. 3. 4. the ships which are driven of/, winds
man's 16.8. two hundred/, princes of the assembly
Deut. 20. 19. for the tree of thef. is life
See Anger. Wrath.
Judg. 5. 4. when thou marchedst out of the f. FIERCENESS. 17. and bring two hundred and/, censers
ig.l6.came an old man from his work oat of thef. / swalloweth the ground with/, and rage 26. 10. the fire devoured two hundred and f. men
Ruth 1. 3. on a part ./ thef. belonging to Boaz Jer. 25. 38. land desolate for the/, of the oppressor
31.30. thou shall take one portion of/, for Levites
p/M<:/. 47. Moses took one portion of/.of man and beast
1 Sam. 11. 5. Saul came after the herd out See Anger, Wrath.
2 Ai;(gi9.25.cast him in portion ()/"«A«/.ofKaboth FIERCER. Deut. 22.29. shall give to damsel's father/, shekels
Josh. 21. took a wedge of gold of/, shekels
37 .carcase shall he as dung upon the face of thef. 2 Sam. 19. 43. words of Judah were/, than of Isr 7. I

Job 5.23.shall be in a league with the stones of thef. FIERY. 2 6'am. 15.1. Absalom had/men to run befoic him
Psal. 103. 15. as a flower of thef. he Kings 1.5.Adonijah had/, men to run befote hini
flourisheth Num. 21. 6. the Ld. sent/serpents among people 1

Cant. 2. 7. I charge you by the roes of thef. 3. 5. 8. make thee a/, serpent, and set it upon a pole 7.2. the breadth of the house of thr forest/.
Isa. 37. 27. the inhabitants were as grass of thef. Deut. 8.15. wherein weTef. serpents and scorpions
18. 4. hid them by/, in a cave, and fed them, 13.
40. 6. all flesh is grass, and as the flower of thef. 33. 2. from his right-hand went a/, law for them
43. 20. the beast of thef. shall honour me Ps. 81. 9. shalt make them as a/.oven in thy anger 2 Kin^s 1.9. acaptain of/ with nis/. 11, 13.

55. 12. all the trees o/M«/. shall clap their hands Ita. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a/, flying serpent 10. then let fire consume thee and thy /. 12.
men of sons of the prophets stood to view
Jer. 4. 17. as keepers of thef. are they against her Dan. 3.6. into the midstofa/. furnace, 11, 15, 21. 2. 7./.
18.14. the snow of Lebanon from the rock of thef. 17. they sent therefore/, men to seek Elijah
17. if our able to deliver us from/, furnace
Lam. 4. 9. stricken for want of the fruits of the f. 13. 7. he left to Jehoahaz but/, horsemen
23. three men fell down into midst of/, furnace
Ezek. 16.7. caused thee to multiply as bud of thef. 15. 20. Menahem exacted of each/, shekels
26. came near to the mouth of the/ furnace
5. but Pekah slew/, men of the Gileadiles
11. 24. all trees of thef. shall know that I Lord 7.9.his throne was like the/, flame and his wheels
2 Chr. 3. 9. the weight of nails was/. was/, shekels of gol^
34. 27 the tree of the f. shall yield her fruit
. 10. a/, stream issued and came forth from him
izia 8.6. Ebed son of Jonath. went up with/, males
36. 30. I will multiply the increase of the f. A^aA. 2. t 3. the chariots shall be with/, torches
A'fA. 7.70. the Tirshathagave to treasure/, basins
39. 10. 30 they shall take no wood out of the f. i;; to quench the/.darts of the wicked
Dan. 4. tendergrass ofthef.z.xA wet with dew Hei. 10. 27. a looking for of judgment, and /. £;.iM.5.14.1et a gallows be made/,
cubits high,7 .9.
indignation Isu. 3. 3. the Lord will take away
the captain ol/.
Hos. 10. 4. as hemlock in the furrows of the f.
Eiek. 40. 15. to the face of the porch were/, cubits
12. n. their altars as heaps in furrows q/" thef. 1 Pet. 4.12.thiuk it not strange concerning/, trial
Joel 1.11. because the harvest of thef. is perished FIFTH. £1. the length/, cubits, 25, 29, 33,36. 42. 7. |

42. 2. the breadth of the north door was^. cubits

12. even all the trees of the f. are withered Gen. 30. 17. Leah bare Jacob the/, son, Issachar out/, vessels
19. and the flame hath burnt all the trees of the f. Josh 19.24. and the/, lot came out for Asher Hag. 2. 16. when one came to draw
pence, the other/.
Mtc 1 .6. I will make Samaria as an heap of thef. 2 Sam. 2. 23. Abner smote Asahel undiT the/, rib Luke 7. 41. the one owed 500 write/.
jMa«.6.2a.consider the lilies o/zAe/.how they grow 3. 27. Abner under the/, rib 4. 6 Ish-bosheth 16. C. he said, sit down quickly, and

JuA«8.57.ihou art not yet/years old.hast ihou seen

30. wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of thef. 20. 10. Joab smote Amasa in the/, rib, he died
13. 36. declare the parable of the tares 0/" thef. S'eh. 6 Sanballatsent the/, time to Nehemiah
See Beast, Beasts. iiei',6.9.when he had opened the/, seal 1 saw souls 2 KinEs 15. 2. Azariah reigned /.-<uo years
Open FIELD. 9. l.the/. angel sounded, and I saw a star fall Ezra 2. 29. the children of Nebo/.-/:fi>. Neh'-ii.
A>A. 6. 15. the wall was finishedd \aJ.-ta:o
i days
Lev. 14.7. shall let living bird loose into the openf. 16.10./. angel poured out his vial on seat of beast
17 -5. bring sacrifices which they offer in the openf. 21. 20. the/, a sardonyx ; the sixth, a sardius
Jer. 9. 22. men's carcases as dung upon the openf. See Day, Part. Ezra 2. 22. the men of Netophah,/. and stt

Ezei. 16. 5. but thou wast cast out in the openf. FlFin month. FllI'Y-TllOUSAND.
Sam. 6. 19. he smote of ihe people /". thousand
32. 4. 1 will cast thee forth upon the openf. Num. 33. 38. Aaron died the first dayof the/, m. 1
Chr. 5. 21. tliey took of their caniels/.-/AoujBM<<
33. 27. him that is in theo>i«n/. I will give to beasts 2 Kingsib. 8. /'. m.came N'ebuiar-adan,J«r.52.12.

39-5. thou shalt fall upou the ofen/.sa':th Lord G. month 12 33. of Zcbuluii /.-thousand could keep rank
1 Chmn. 27. 8. the fifth captain for the/',
pieces of silvet
JfVf 10 10. price of books burnt/.-rA.
FI ELDS. Ezra"!. 8. Ezracauie to Jerusalem in the/ m. 9. THOUSAND.
Eiod. 8. 13. the frogs died out of the houses and/. Jer. 1. 3. carrying Jerusalem captive in ihe/. m. 8.30. 26.47
i\um.l 4i.of Naphiali numb./.-/. «.
the f. month Aananiah spake unvo me

Lev. 25. 31. shall be counted asihey'. of the country 1. in

27. 22. which is not of the /'. of his possession i'.zek.W. 1. in" the/. rno7tth the elders sat before me
Num. 16. 14.thou hast not given us inheritance of/. ^ech. 7. 3. saying should I weep in the/, month ? \um 1 29 of Issachar/./tfur/A.four huiidred,2.6.
2o. 17. we will not pass thro'/, or vineyards, 21. 22. 5. when ye fasted and mourned in the/, month
gladu A'uui.l 31 of Zrbulun/-j<ii»«<A.fourhuiidred,2.8.
Jidut. 11. 15. and 1 will send grass into thy/. 8. 19. fast of fourth and of/', m. be joy and
12. 13. that lie might eat the increase of tht-/. FIFl II 'v<ar.
1 23.of Simeon numbered/.-n.iA.three
32. theirvine is as the vine of the /. of Gomorrah Lev. 19. 25. in the/, sliall eat the fruit thereof A'ii«i
Relioboam FIFITES.
.'.>J A. 2 1. 12 .but the/.and villages gave they to (Jaleti 1 Kiufs 14. 25. in the /. ^ear of king 1.13
/vxorf.lS. 81. place surh be rulers of/.25.D««f.
ISam.B. 14. he will take your/, and vineyards Shishak came up ag Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 12. 2. captains mer f.
1 Sam. 8. 12. the king appoint him
82. 7. will the son of Jesse give tach of you^f'. .^ 2 Kims».l&.\Q the/, y. of Jorani, Jehoraui began captains uf^
2 Kings 1. 14. fire burnt up the two
25tl6. they were a wajl to u* when we were in/. Jer. 36. y. iny.^.of Jelioiakim,procl?'medafast
; .


FIFTIETH. Saviour appeared among them. lie cursed 2 Kings 19. 9. behold, he is come out to/, o. that
Let. 25. 10. and ye shall hallow the/, year the barren fig-tree, to she-u- the malediction 2 Chron. 13. 12. O Israel,/, ye not ag. the Lord
1 1 a jubilee shall ihaty. year b« to you, not sow
. uhich WHS ready to fall upon the incredulous 32. e. Sennach«rib purposed toy", ag. Jerusalem
2Ki«cjl5.C3.intiie/.yearof Azariahkingof JuJah and impenitent Jews. 35. 20. Necho came toy', against Carchemish
FIG, S. To dwell under one's own vine, or fig-tree, repre- -\'eh. 4. 8. conspired to come audy'. ag. Jerosaleis
T/u fig tree and its fruit are well kncwn : they vere sents in scripture a time of happiness and pios Psnl. 35. l.y'. against them that/, agaiiui me
very common in Palestine, and there is meniioi, periiy, safety and security, 1 Kings 4. C5. 56. 2. they be many thaty". ag. me, O most 1 1 ig'o
often made of them in scripture. Onr Jirsi pn Gen. 3. 7. they sewedy". leaves together for aprons 7M.19.2.theyshally'. every one agoini* his brother
rents coiered their nakedness aith fig-leaves. Gen. A um. 13. C;t.theybrought of the pomegranates aud_/'. 29. 7. all the nations that/ against Ariel
3.7. gathered either from common fig-trees, 01 CO. 5. it is no place of seed, or off. or vines 8. the nations thaty". against mount /^ion
from some of another kmd, the leaves whereof are 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abigail took COO cakes of/. Jer. I. 19. shall/, ag. thee, but not prevail, 15. CO.
much larger. This tree hath in it a milky or fat 30. IC. they gave the Egyptian a cake of/. 21. 4. wherewith yey". u{. the king of Babylon
eily liqtwr ; it is very fruitful. M. Tournefort "Kings CO.7. he said, lake a lump of/. lia. 3U. 21. 5. I myself will/, against you with strong arm
toys, that in the islands of the Anh\\i<t\!L%Q,one of I ChroK. 12. 40. they that were nigh brought/. 32. 24. behold, the city is given into the hand o(
their fig-trees generally produces tzeo hundred and Seh. 13. 15. on the sabbath some brought Chaldeans that/. aga/M« it, 29. 34. 22. 37.8.
| |

four-score pound-ueighi of figs. It becomes barren, Cant. 3. 13. the fig-tree putteth forth her green/. 37. 10. had smitten Chaldeans thaty". against you
either through the defect of the above-mentioned ha. 34. 4. as a falling/, from the fig-tree Zech. 14. 3. the Lord shally'.afaiHi< those natious
liquor, tchich the husbandman cures by dung and Jer. 8. i3. there shall be no/, on the fig-tree Acts 5. 39. lest ye be found toy', against God
meet ualer ; or through abundance thereof, 24. 1. two baskets of/", one had very good/. 2, 3. 23. 9. if angel hath spoken, let us noty". ag. God
ithich is remedied by caiaing the ruperfinous 8. as the evil/, that cannot be eaten, so evil them with the swordof my mouth
juice to estraiasate. The prophet Isaiah gate Cy.17.1 will make them like vile/, not to be eaten FIGm'/i>r.
trdtit to apply a lump of figs to llezekiah's Amos 7. 1 14. but I was a gatherer of wild/. £jr.)</.14.l4.L./.y"oryou,D<ur.l.30. 3.22 20.4. | |

boil ; and immediately after he niai cured, Wah. 3. 12. shall be like fig-trees with first ripe/. 2 Kings 10. 3. andy". for your master's house
S Kings 20. 7. Physician! agree, that figs Mat. 7. 16. do men gather/of thistles ? X»j((6 44. AVA. 4. I4.y"y"ur your brethren, sous, and wives
are employed trith good success in bringing im- ./flOT.3.12.can the fig-tree bear berries, or a viney'..' SO. resort ye thither to us, our God shally'.y'or us
posihumes to a ripeness, to healing ulcers, liev. 6. 13. as a fig-tree casteth her untimely/. /ja.31.4. the Lord shall come to f. for mount Zion
fuinsies, and sore throats : and it is pre- FIG-TIlEli FIGHT u.ith.
sumable that Hczekiah had some such disease, Judg. 9. 10. the trees said to the/, come, reign, 1 1 Liod. 17. 9- choose men, go out, /. with Amalek
though the scripture makes no particular I Amgsi. 25. dwelt safely under his/. Alic. 4. 4. Josh. 9. 2. Canaanites gathered toy", with Joshua
mention of it. C A'i«|i 18. 31. eat every one of his/. Isa. 36. I6. Judg. 8. 1, when wenlest to/, with the Midianites
it IS said, in Mat. 21. 19. that Jesus coming Prov. 27. 18. whoso keepeth/. shall eat the fruit 9. 38. go out now and
f. teilh Abimelech
from Bethany early in the morning, and find- //«f.9.10.I saw fathers as first-ripe in the/thereof 11.6. that we may/. &iiMthe children of AimnOD
ing himtelf to be hungry, drew near to a Joel 1.7. he hath barked my/, and made it bare 16awi.l3.5. Philist. gathered lo/.ai/A Israel, 28. 1.
fig-tree, uith a design of gathering some figs 12. the vine is dried, and the/, lauguisheth 17 9- if tic be able toy". ti:iih me, and to kill me
end seeing nothing but leaves upon it, he . 22. the/, and vine do yield their strength 32. thy servant will go andy". teiih this Philistine
cursed it, and immediately it withered to Ilab. 3. 17. although the/, shall not blossom 2 Chron. 35.22. Josiah disguised hims. toy", w. him
the root. The generality both of the ancient Hag. 2. 19. as yet the/, hath not brought forth ha. 30. 32. in battles of shaking will hey', with it
and modern interpreters have looked upon this Hech. 3. 10. ye shall call everj' man under the/. ytT.32.5. though ye/, with Chaldeans, not prosper
action of our Saviour's, as a figure of the re- Mat. 21. 19. when he saw a/, in way, Markll.i'3. 33. 5. they came to/, uith the Chaldeans
jection of the Jews. But a difficvity arises, 20. how soon is the/, withered Mark 11.20,21.
! 41. 12. they took men, and went toy', w. Ishmael
from a passage -jihich Ht. Mark adds to this 24. 32. learn a parable of tlic/. Mark 13, 28. A/«. 10.20. 1 will return to/, with prince of Persia
history, that this was not a time for figs, I.uke 13. 6. a man had a/, planted in his vineyard 1 1 1 1 . the king of the south come andy'. with hiru

Mark 11. IJ. The earliest figs are in the 7. behold, I come, seeking fruit on this/. FIGHTETII.
months of July and August, and the latest in 21. 29. behold the/, and all the trees Eiod. 14. 25. the L. f. for them agaiu9( Egyptians
September and October. But what is related John 1. 48. when wast under the/. I saw thee, 50. Josh. 23. 10. the Lord God, he it is thaty". foryuu
i« the gospel eame to past four or five days FIG-TREES. 1 'Sam. 25. 28. my lordy". the battles ot the Lord

tefore the passoier, and consequently be/ore Deut. 8. 8. a land of wheat, barley, vines, andy". FIGHTING.
the fifteenth day from the moon in March. Psal. 105. 33. he smote their vines also and/. -Vxm. 22. til. peradventure 1 shall prevail in/.
This season therefore seas not a time to Jer. 5. 17. they shall cat up thy vines and/. 1 6am. 17.19. Israel were/, with the Philistines

etpcc: figs : why then doth our Saiiaur curse Hos. 2. 12. I will destroy her vines and her/. 2 Chron. 26. 11. Uzziah had an host ofy". men
this tree ? .•Imos 4. 9- when your gardens and/, increased be merciful, O God, hey. oppresseihme
To solve this some interpreteri have
difficulty, iVa/i. 3. 12. thy strong holds shall be likey". FIGHTINGS.
translated For this was not a
this passage, FIGHT, Substantive. 2 Cor, 7. 5. without were/, wilhiu were fears
year for they had failed this year.
figs; But 1 Sam. 17. SO. as the host was going forth to the/. Jam.i. 1 .from whence come wars audy".amongyoa.
this rather increases than lessens the difficulty ; 1 Titn.O. 12. fightthegood/.of faith, lay hold on FIGURE.
for u/iy should onr Haviour curse it, for Aavi7:g 2 lim. 4. 7. I have fought a good/. I have finished Deut. 4. 16. lest ye make the similitude of any/.
Bi) figs, uhen this uas not a seasonable year Ileb. 10. 32. ye endured a great/, of afllliciions Isa. 44. 13. he maketh it after they", of a man
for figs, uhen figs had failed this year T Others 11. 34. were made strong, waxed valiant itxf. Rom. 5. 14. who is the/, of kirn that was to come
translate it thus. For there where lie was, it FIGHT, rerb. 1 Cur.4.6. these I have in ay", tratnsferred to myseli

was a season for figs. To support this version, Deut. 1. 41. then ye said, wc will go up and/. Ileb. 9. 9. which was a/, of the time then present
iolh the pointing and the common accents of 42. go not up, nor/, for 1 am not among you 11. 19. from whence also he received him in ay.
.she tezt must be changed, and the Lvangelhi C. 32. Sihon and his people came to/, at Jahaz 1 Pet. 3. 21. the likey". whereunto even baptism

made to speak in too concise a manner, too dif- Jut/g 11. ] C. thou art come ag. me to/, in my land FIGURES.
ferent from the general style of St. Mark. 1 b'««i. 4. 9- quit yourselves like men, aud/. 1 Kings 6.29.he carved with carved/of chcrubims

IStu others say, that though this aas not the time 17. 10. give me a man that we may/, together Acts 7. 43. y". which ye made to worship them
of figs, as is evident from St. JIark, yet 2 6am. 11. CO. why went ycsouigh when ye didy. .' 1 Cor, 10. t 6. now these things were oury.
there might be some of the forxard kind, and 1 A'i/i^s22. 31 ./.not small nor great, C CAr.lH..iO. Ileb. 9. 24. holy places, which are the/, of the true
Our Saviour might presume so, seeing the tree 2 Chr. 18. 31. compassed about Jehoshaphat toy'. FIGURED.
full of leaves. It it certain that there are 20. 17. ye shall not need to/, in this battle Lev. 26. 1 1. neither shall ye set up anyy". stone
foru:ard figs: Isaiah compares the beauty of I'ial. 144. 1. which teachcth my fingers to/. FILE.
Samaria to these early figs, uhich people Jer. 51. 30. the mighty men have forborn to/. 1 Sam. 13. ei. yet they had a/, for the maitock»

gathered, and ate as soon at they found them. Zech. 10. 5. shall/, because the Lord is with them FILL, Substantive.
Jsa. 28. 4, As the hasty fruit before the 14. 14. and Judah also shall/, at Jerusalem Lev. 25. 19- and ye shall eat your/, in safety
Summer, which when he that looketh upon it, John 18. 36. if kingdom, then would my servants/". Dtut. 23. 24. then thou mayest eat grapes thyy.
seeih it, while it is yet in his hand he cateth 1 Cor. 9. 26. so/. I, not as one that beaieih the air I'rov. 7. 18. come, let us take oury" of Iovr
it up. And Hosea says, that the Ij>rd found I Tim. 6. 12.y'. the good fight of faiih,lay hold on FILL, r</*.
Itrael in the wilderness ai the first ripe in Jam. 4. S. ye kill ye/, and war, yet ye have not Cen. I. 22. multiply, and/, the waters in the seas
rbe fig-tree at her first time, Hos. 9. 10. And See liATTtKb. 42. 25. Joseph commanded to/, their sacks,44.1.
Jeremiah describes them at etctllent figs. Jer. FIGHT against. hzod. 10. C. the locusts shall/, thy houses
24. e. One basket had very good figs, even Etod. 1. 10. lest they join our enemies and/.aj. us 16. 32. Moses said,/, an homer of it to be kept
like the figs that are first ripe. I'liny ackno Ueitt. 20. 10. when come nigh to a city toy. ag. it 32. 1 29.Moses said/, your hands to day to the L,
ledges, that there is a tort of fig-tree alxays Josh. 10. 25. so do to enemies against whom yt I. Lev. I6.t32. the priest, he shall/, his hand
green, and ahcayi tcith fruit upon it ; some 11. 5. theycame and pitched to/, against Israel 1 Sam. 16. I. /.thine horn with oil, and go to Jesse
ripe, or very far advaiuti, according to the 19' 47. the Danites went up to/, against Leshem 1 hings 1. 1 14. 1 will come in and/", up thy words
Mason ; and other in blossom or buds, I'lin. JiiJg. 1. 1. who shall go up first to/, against them 18.;13.y'. four barrels with water, and pour it on
3. that we tsx3.y 1 Chr. 29. t5. who then is willing to
f. his hand
lib. 13. cap. 8. and lib. 15. cap. 18. In Pales- f. against the Canaanites
tine, uhere the uiinter is very mild, there might 10. 9. Ammon passed over Jordan to/, ag. Judah 2 Chron. 13. t9. whosoever cometh to/, his hand
easily ii forward figs •« March ; wheie- 11.8. Jcphthah to f. against Ammon, 9. Job 8.21. til! hey", thy mouth with laughing, and lips
foTt our Saviour might look for figs at this 25. did he ever strive a?. Israel, or/, ag. them :
15.2. should a wise many '.his belly with east-wind
teasni upon a fig-tree that had leaves on ; and 12. .3. why come ye this day to/, agaimt me f 20. 23. when he is about ioy".hi»bellv,God cast fury
^is cursing the barren fig-tree upon this oc- CO.eo.Israel set themselves 10 f. against BeujaniiM 23. 4. 1 would/, my mouth with arguments
casion, IS an exact figure of the rejection of 1 Sam. 15. 18.y'. against Amafekites till consumed 38. 39. ory". the appetite of the young lions
the Jews. The fig-tree had only leaves upon 23. 1. behold, the Philistines/, against Keilah 41.7. canst thouy. his skin with barbrd irons?
tt ; herein 11 resembled the Jews, who had only 29. 8. that I may noty'. against enemies of king I'iiil. 81. 10. open thy mouth wide, and I will/, it

the appearances of piety and religion. f. their faces with shame to seek thee, O L.
The 1 Ai«^.jl2.21.Kehoboani assembled all Judahwnl: ii^. 16.

iiglree may be said to be culpable for not henjamin toy', against Israel, 2 Chron. 11.1. 1 10. 6. he shally'. the places with the dead bodies
tearing fruit at a time when, according toils 24. ye shall not/, ag. your brtthrcn, C Chr. 1 1 .4. />;o:. 1. 13. we shally'. our houses with spoil
kind, fruit might have been eiptctcd from it 20. 23. but iet us/. «;oin>< them in the plain, 2: B. 21. to inherit substance, I will/, theirireasurej
Si th: Jews vert criminal for not bringing 22. 32. thoy turned to /'. against Jehobhaphat Jic- 8.8. his wings shally". the breadth of thy land
forth the Jrnin of riihteousneis, aihen our 2 Kings 3. CI. the k'ngs were come toy", aj;. them 14 21. nor /'. the face_of the world with cities


Us. 27.6.Tsr.shall /. the face of the world with fruit Lule 15. 16. would fain have ^.his belly with hnskt Nah. 5. 6. 1 wiD cast aliominable/. mpon thee
John 2. 7. and they/, them up to the brim 1 Cot. 4. 13. we are made as the/, of the worM
60. 12. they say.we will/.ourselv.with strong lirink
13. 13. I will/, inhabitants with drunkenness 6. 13. they/, twelve baskets with fragments 1 Pet. 3. 21. not putting away the/, of the flesh

83. 24. do not I/, heaven and earth ? saith the L. 16.6.1 said these things, sorrow hath/your heart FILTHY.
33. 5. it is to/, them with the dead bodies of men Acts 2. 2. as ofarushing mighty wind,/, the house Job much more abomina and/, is man
61.i4.stirely I will /.thee with men ascaterpillers 4. 8 then Peter,/, with the Holy Ghost, said Psal. 14. 3. they are altogether become/. 53. .1.
£iek. 3. S. son of man,/, thy bowels with this roll 5.3.whyhath Satan/thine heart to lie to H. Ghost' /.fa. 64. 6. all our righteousnesses are as/, rags
7.19.shall not satisfy their souls nor/. their bowels
no — >- I .-:.!,— j„.....
28. ye have /. Jerusalem with your doctrine
1 1 —

Zeph, 3. 1. woe to her that is/, and polluted

9.7./. the courts with the slain, go ye forth 9.17. that thou mightest be/.with the Holy Ghost Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with/, garmenta
10.2. go in,/, thine hand with coals of fire 13. 9. Paul,/, with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes 4. take away the/, garments from him
Horn 1. 29. being/, with all unrighteousness Co/. 3.8. you also put off/.communicat.from mouth
Si. 4. gather the pieces,/, it with the choice bones
15. 14. that ye also are/, with all knowledge 1 Tim. 3. 3. no striker, nor greedy of/, lucre, 8.
30. 11. they shall/, the land with the slain
32.4.Iwill/. the beasts of the whole earth with fire 24. if first I be somewhat/, with your company Tic. 1. 7. not soon angry, not given to/, lucre
5. 1 will /. the valleys with thy height 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am/, with comfort, I am joyful 11. teaching things for/, lucre's sake, 1 P«/.5.2.
35. 8. I will /. his mountains with the slain Eph. 3.19. might be/, with all the fulness of God 2 Ptf.2.7.Lot vexed with/conversation of wicked
43. + 26. they shall purge altar, and/, their hands 5. not drunk with wine, but/, with the Spirit Jude 8. likewise these /. dreamers defile the flesh
Zep/i.l.g.vihof. their masters' house with violence Phil. 1.11. being/, with the fruits ofrighteousuess Hev. 22. 11. he that is f. let him be/, still
Hag. 2.7. 1 will /. this house with glory, saith Lord Col. 1.9. might be/, with the knowledge of his will FILTHINE.SS.
ZecA. 9. 1 15. and they shall/ both the bowls 2 Tim. 1.4. that I may be/, with joy 2 C/iro;j.29.5. carry out the /.out of the holy place
Mat. 9. 16. for that which is put in to /. it up Jam. 2. 16. depart in peace, be ye warmed and/. Ezra 6.21.had separated from the/, of the heathen
15. 33. whence have bread to/, such a multitude' Rev.8 S.angel/. the censer with the fire of the altar 9. 11. an unclean land with the/, of the people
23. 32./. ye up then the measure of your fathers 15. 1. for in them is/, up the wrath of God Prov. 30. 12. eind yet is not washed from their/.
18.6. in the cup which she hath/, fill to her doubleIsa. 28. 8. for all tables are full of vomit and f.
John 2. 7./. the water-pots with water
ifo>n.l5.13.G. of hope/, you with all joy and peace Shall be FILLED. yer.5. 1 30. astonishment and/.is committed in lamd
Epfi. 4. 10. he ascended, that he might/, all things Eiod. 16. 12. in morning ye shall bef. with bread 23. + 14.1have seen/.in the" prophets of Jenisa'em
tW. 1.24. /.up what is behind of sufferings of Christ Sum. 14. 21. the earth shall bef. with glory of L. X-am.l.g.her/'.isin her skirts, rememb.not ier enii,
1 T/iess. 2. 16. the Jews, to /. up their sins ahvay 2 Kings 3. 17. that valley shall bef. with water Ezek. 16. 36. because thy/, was poured oat
f. with their own devices
Rev. 18.6. the cup she hath filled,/, her double Prov. 1. 31. they shall be 22. 15. eind I will consume thy/, out of thee
FILLED. .3. 10. so shall thy barns bef. with plenty 24. 11. that the/, of it may lie molten in it
G««.6.13.the earth is/, with violence through men 12. 21. but the wicked shall be f. with mischief 13. in thy /. is lewduess, I have purged
21. 19. Hagar went and/ the bottle with water 14. 14. the backslider shall be
f. with his own ways thee, W2LS not purged, shalt not be purged
24. 16. Rcbekah/. her pitcher and came up 18. 20. with the increase of his lips shall he bef. from thy/.
26. :5. the Philistines had/, the wells with earth 20.17. afterward his mouth shall bef. with gravel 36. 25. from all your/, will I cleanse you
Eiod. 1. 7. the children of Israel/, thi land 24. 4. and by knowledge shall the chambers i? 2Cor.7.1. let us cleanse ourselv. from all/, of ficsh

2. 16. they/, the troughs to water their flock Jer. 13. 12. every bottle shall bef. with wine, l"2. Eph. 5.4. nor let/, be once named among you
28. 3. whom I have/ with wisdom, 35. 35. Ezek. 23. 33. thou shalt bef. with drunkenness ,/a»).1.21.whereforelay apart all/receive theword
31.3. I have/, him with the Spirit of God, .35. 31. 39. 20. thus ye shall bef. at my table with horses Rev. 17.4. cup full of abominat. and/, offornicat.
40. 34. the glory of the Lord/, the tabernacle,35. Hab.i. 14. ea.Tl\i shall bef. with knowledge of Lord FINALLY.
DfKf.26.i2.they may eat within thy gates and be/. ZecA. 9. 15. and they shall bef. like bowls 2 Cor. 13. 11. f. my brethren, farewel, Eph. 6. 10.
31. 20. when they have eaten and /. themselves Af<i/.5.6.blessedaretheythathunger,thej-.r/io//i£/". Phil.i. 1. 4. 8. 2 Thess. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 3.8.

Jos/t 0.13. these bottles we/, were new and are rent Luke 1. 15. John shall be f. with the Holy Gho'st FIND
1 Kiu^s 8.10. the cloud/ the house of the Lord 3.5. every vaX\ty shall bef. mountain brought low Signifies, [1] To convert, or recover a thing that
11. glory of L./. the house, 2 Ckr. 5.14. 7.1,2. 6. 21. blessed ye that hunger now, ye shall be uas hit, Luke 15. 8, 9, 32. [2] To invent, or
| f.
18.35. and he/, the trench also with water IVas FILLED. discover, 1 Chron. 2. 14. [3] To kno-x erperi'
20.27. but the Syrians/, the country Gen. 6. 11. and the earth uasf. with violence mentally, Horn. 4. 1. Rev. 2. 2. [4] To ob-
S A'iiJrf 3.25.they cast every man his stone and/.it 1 Kings 7. 14. and Hiram aas f. with vi'isdom tain a.'iat ice tcant and deiire of God, Mat. 7,
21. 16. Manasseh/ Jerusalem with blood, 24. 4. 2 Kings 3. 20. and the country wasf. with water 7- [5] To come to. Job 3. 22. [6] To undei-
23.14. Josiah/. their places with the bones of men 2 Chron. 5. 13. then the house viasf. with a cloud stand throughly. Job 11. 7. [7] To do, o,- per
Etra 0.11. which have/, it from ons end to another 16. 14. the bed which uasf. with sweet odours form, Isa. 58. 13. [8] To seek. Job 33. 10.
Joi 3. 15. with princes who/their houses with silver Psal. 126. 2. then our mouth aasf. with laughter [9] To happen upon tvithout seeking, Gen. 3?.
16.8. and thou haist/. me with wrinkles Isa. 6. 4. and the house was
f. with smoke
15. [10] To chooie and appoint, Acts 13. 22.
22. 18. yet he/, their houses with good things Jer. 51. 6. tho' their land aasf. with sin ag. Holy [11] To turn to, or li«hi on, Luke 4. 17. [12"
i'ia/.38.7.for my loins are/. with loathsome disease Ezek. 10. 4. and the house wasf. with the cloud To observe. Mat. 0. 10.
71.8.1et my mouth be/with thy praise and honour Luke 1. 41. Elisabeth aasf. with the Holy C!host To find, is used sometimes for to attack, to sur.
72. 19. let the whole earth be/, with his glory 67. Zacharias aasf. with the Holy Ghost prise one's enemies, to discover their ambushes.
80. 9. didst cause it to take deep root, it/, the land John 12. 3. house uasf. with the odour of ointment Jt is understood in this sense, Judg. 1. 5.
104.28. thou openest thine hand, are/, with good .Act's 19. 29. the whole city uas
f. with confusion They found Adoni-betek in Bezek. They at-
123. 3. for we are exceedingly/, with contempt Pev. 15. 3. and the temple uasf. with smoke tacked him there. And, 1 Sam. 31. 3. accord-
4. our soul is exceedingly/, with scorning Were FILLED. ing to the Hebrew, the archers belonging to the
Prov. 5. 10. lest strangers be/, with thy wealth Hos. 13. 6. according to their pasture so were they Philistines found Saul, ihev attacked htm. Jii

25. 16. lest thou be/, with honey, and vomit it /. they weref. and their heart was exalted this sense some explain that passage in Gen.
30. 16. the earth that is not/, with water £«Xe 4.28. when chey heard, they uerej'.v/iih wra. 36. 24, This was that Anak that found the
22. and for a fool when he is/, with meat 5. 26. they glorified God, and were mules in the wilderness. In the Hebrew, he
f. with fear
Eecl. 1. 8. nor is the ear/, with hearing 6. 11. they weref. with madness, and communed iound the Emtms. 'T/iese Kniims are belieiai
6. 3. and his soul be not/, with good 8. 23. they were f. with water, and in jeopardy to be powerful people; Ueut. 2. 10, 11, The

7. and yet the appetite is not/. John 6. 12. when they ueref. he said, gather up Emims dwelt therein in times pjist, a people
Cant. 5. 2. open to me, my head is/, with dew C6. because ye did eat of the loaves, and were /'. great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims.
.«jfl.6.1.high and lifted up.and nis train/the temp. Acts 2.4.thty were all/.with the Holy Ghost, 4.31. (Sec. uho also were neighbours to the HoriteJ

21. 3. therefore are my loins/, with pain 3. 10. they weref. with wonder and amazement here spoken of, at appears from Gen. 14. 5, 6.
33. 5. the Lord hath/. Zion with judgment 5. 17. rose up, and weref. with indignation Anab tlierefore found a troop of these people ;
34.6. the sword of the Lord is/, with blood 13. 45. the Jews weref. with envy, and spa'KC he surprised, attacked, and defeated them.
43. 24. nor/, me with the fat of thy sacrifice 52. disciples were/with joy and the Holy Ghost Otheis render the Hebrew s<ord Jemim, uhich
65. 20. nor an old man that hath not/, his days Rev. 19. 21. all the fowls weref. with their flesh is no where else used, by waters ; that he found
Jer. 15. 17. for thou hast/ me with indignation 6'ee Eat. out some springs of uaier, iihich in those hot
16. 18. they/, mine inheritance with carcases FILLEDST. countries were rare and precious ; or, hot
]9.4.theyhave/.this place with blood of innocents Deut. 6. 11. and houses full, which thou/, not waters, some hot and medicinal springs. Others
41 9. Ishmael/. the pit with them that were slain Ezek.27.33. when wares went forth,/, many people again mules, as in our translation ; that he
46. 12. and thy cry hath/, the land FILLEST. found out the way of the generation of mules,
51. 34. he hath/, his belly with my dclicates P.f.l7.14.whose belly thou/, with thy hid treasure by the copulation of <jw ait and a mare.
Lam. 3. 15. he hath /. me with bitterness FILLETH. Gen. 19. 11. tliey wearied themselves to/, the door
30. he is/, full with reproach Job 9. 18. but he/, me with bitterness 32. 19. you shall speak to Esau, when you/, him
Etti. 8. 17. they have/, the land with violence Psal. 84. 6. the rain also/, the pools yum. 32. 23. be sure your sin shall/, you out
10. 3. and the cloud/, the inner court 107. 9. he/ the hungry soul with goodness 35. 27. the revenger of blood /'. him without city
11.6. ye have/, the streets with the slain 129. 7. wherewith the mower/, not his hand Deut. 22.25. a man/, a damsel and lie with her,2H.
28. 16. they/, the midst of thee with violence 147. 14. he/, thee with the finest of the wheat Judg. 17.8. to sojourn where he could/, a place, 9.
36. 38. waste cities shall be/, with flocks of men Eph. 1. £3. the fulness of him that /. all in all kuth 1. 9. the L. grant ye may/, rest, each of you
43. 5. the glory of the Lord"/ the, 44. 4. FILLET. l<s'am.20. 21. saying, go,/, out the airows, 3').
Dan. 2. 35. the stone cut out/, the whole earth Jer. 52. 21. a/, of twelve cubits did compass it
24. 19. if a man/, his enemy, will he let him go
NaA. 2 12. the lion/, his holes with prey FILLETS. 1 A iH5<18.5.peradv. we may_/ . grass to save horses
Hab.Q.. 16. thou art/, with shame for glory Eiod. 27. 10. the hooks of the pillars, and their f. 2 Chron. 2. 14. to/, out every device be put to htm
Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not/, with drink shall be of silver, 11. 38. 10, 11, 12, 17, 19. 32.4. why should Assyria come and/much water.

Zech. 9. 13. I have/, the bow with Ephraim ./<.A 23. 3. O that I knew where I might/, him
36.38. he overlaid their chapiters and/, with gold
Mat. 27.48. one of them ran, and/, a spunge with FILLETTED. 34.11. cause every man to/ according to hi* way*
vinegar, Mark 15. 36. John 19. CO. Eiod. 27. 17. all shall be/, with silver, 38. 17. I'ial. 10.10. seek ot*his wickedn. till thou/, nun?
Mark 2. 21. new
piece that/, it uptaketh from old 38. 28. be overlaid their chapiters and/, them I'rov. 2. 5. thou shalt/. the knowledge of God
7. 27. Jesus said, let the children first be/. FILLING. 4. 22. my words are like to those that/, them
iMke 1. 35. he halh/. the hungry with good things Acts 14. 17./. our hearts with food and gladness 8. 9. they are right to iliem that/, knowledge
8.40. Jesns waxed strong in spirit,/, with wisdom FILTH. 12. If. out knowledge of witty inventions
5.7. and they came and/, both the ships Lev. 1. f 16. pluck away his crop with/, thereof Eccl.t. 14. a man should/, nothing for him
1\ S3, compel them to come, that my house be /. /xa.4.4. when the Lord wa^ed away the f. of Ziou. 27. counting one bjr oac to/, out tin account!

acceptable words Prop.lC.CO.tliat handleth matter wisely,!!" /.
good Exod.iS.6. shall make the ephod of/, linen, 39.2.
Eal. 19. 10. he sought to/, out good 8. girdle/ linen, 39.5,29. 15.breast-plate, 39.&
10. 8. he that keepeth understanding shallf.
Can/. 5. 8. if/.my oeloved.tell him I am
sick of lore

11. 1. for thou Shalt it after many days 39. thou shalt embroider the coat of/, linen, and
Jm. 34. 14. the screeoh-owl shall/, a place of
rest .ccl. f.
thou shalt make the mitre of/, linen
Jer. 2. 24. in her month they shall f. her
58. 3. in the day of your fast yon/,
him bring an oflTering of /. linen
;rt-.10.18. will distress them, that they
may/, it so 6. 16. ye shall f. rest to your souls, Mat. 11. 29. 35. 6. let whom was found/, linen
in labours they s'hallf.uoae iniquity in me 23. every man with
Lam. 1 l5. are b come like harts thai/', no pasture //'J. 12. 8. 25. the women brought of scarlet and/, lintn
Mji. 7. 7. seek and ye shall f. Luke 11. 9-

2. 9. her prophets also/, no

vision from God wisdom to work all
IJan. 6. 4. the princes sought to/, occasion
against 10. 39. he that loseth his life for my sake shall it f 35. them hath he filled with
17. 27. thou shall f. a piece of money, that take
manner of work and /. linen, 33. 23.
Daniel, but could/, none occasion nor fault 2 Chron.
law of G. 21. 2.yejAa///. anass lied, and a colt, Mark 11. 2. 2. 14.
5. shall not /.except we/, it concerning 36. 8. that wrought curtains of/, linen and bine
y". it 2C. 9. as many as ye shall f. bid to the marriage
Mat. 7. 14. strait is gate, and few there be that 39. 27. they made coats of/, linen for Aaron
more 24 46. when cometh,jAa///.sodoing,Li;i< 12.37,43.
18.13. aad if so be that he/, it, he rejoicelh 28. made a mitre of/. /I'n^n.and bonnets oif. linen
thereon l.!ike 2. 12. yeshallf babe wraptm swaddl. clothes
MnrkllAS. if haply he might/, any thing
he/, on earth 1 Chron. 4.21. families of them that wrought /./I'nfn
la.a.Sonof man cometh *Aa// faith r

13. 36. lest coming suddenly, he/, you sleeping 15.27. David was clothed with a robe of/, linen
him John 21.6. cast the net on the right side, ye shall t'.
I.uke 6. 7. that they micht/. an accusation a;,
£(M.1.6.were hangings fasten.with cords otf linen
servants liei-. 18 14. and thou shall f. them no more at all
12. 38. and/, them so, blessed arc tho»e 8- 15. Mordecai went with a gzirment of/, linen
13.7. he said. I come seeking fruit and /". none whomsoever thou thy gods Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my bed with f. linen
Gen. 31. 32. with /.
15.4. and go after that which is lost, till he/, it linen, and selleth it
> Ezek. 3.1. eat that thou/, eat this roll, and go speak 31. 24. she maketh/.
8. doth she not seek diligently till she/, it Is J. 3 23. the Lord will take away the/, iinen
John 10. 9. he shall go in and out and /. pasmre girded thee about with/, linen
of Jacob Gen. 4. 14. every one that/, me shall slay me
Ezek. 16. 10. I
ActsT.i6. desired to/, a tabernacle for G. 13. thy raiment was of/, linen and silk
him Drv:.iy. 1 5. the'head slippeth and/, his neighbour
17. £7. they might feel after him and/, from Egypt was to be thy sail
man Jj6 53." 10. behold, he/, occasions against me 27. 7. linen

23. g. scribes, saying, we/, no evil in this 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with/, linen 162. I rejoice at word, as one that/spoil
Rom.g.lQ. thou wilt say, why doth he yet/, fault Mark 15. 46. Joseph bought/, linen and wrapped
Prov. 3. 13. happy is the man that/, wisdom
2Cor.9.4'they come with me,and f. you unprepared rich man clothed in purple and/, linen
that day 8. 35. whoso/, me,/, life, shall obtain favour of Ld. Luke 16.19.
2 Tim. 1.18. he mav/. mercy of the L. in i?€!.13.12. merchandise off linen depart, from thee
14. d. a scomer seeketh wisdom, and/, it no:
Set Favour. 16. that city clothed inf. linen isoome to nought
17. 20. he that hath a froward heart,/, no good
Can or canJt FIND. 8. to her was granted to be arrayed in/, linen
Gf^n.41.3C.Phar.said,fanwe/.such aone as this is
18.22.whoso/. awife/. good thing, obtains favour 19.
21. 10. his neighbour/, no favour in his eyes 14. the armies in heaven were clothed in/, linen
£sod. 5. 11. go, get you straw where you can J.
21.hethatfolloweth after mercy/life and honour
FINE meal.
£zra 7. 16. all the s'ilver and gold thou canst f. Gen. 18. 6. make ready three measures of/, meal
Eccl. 9. 10 whatsoever thy hand /. to do, do it
Job 3. 22. and are glad when they canf. the grave FINER.
searching/, out God canst Lam. 1.3. she dwells among heathen, she/, no rest
11. T. canst thou by ProB.25.4. there shall come forth a vessel forthe/
' Hos. 14. 3. for in thee the fatherless/, mercy
thou/, out the Almighty unto perfection FINEST.
Mat. 7. 8. and he that seeketh/. Luke 11. 10
Prn. 20. 6. but a faithful man who can J. ? Psal. 81. 16. have fed thee with the/, of the wheatf
10. 39. he that/, his Hie shall lose it
31.10.whoc«7i r'.a virt. woman f price above rubies 147. 14. he filleth thee with the/, of tne wneat
work God maketh 12.43.walkeththro'dry places, seeking rest,/.none
£fc/.3.11. no man canf. out the FINING.
who canj. it 44. r. it empty, swept and garnished,/.t<ie 11. 25
7. 24. that which is exceeding deep,

Prop.17.3. /. pot is for silv. furnace for goM,27.21.

26. 40. he/, his disciples asleep, Mark 14.
Jer 6. 1. if ye canf. a man that seeketh truth FINGER.
John 41. he first/, his own brother Simon
Cannot FIND. 1.
The finger of God signifies his power, his opera-
43. Jesus /'. Philip 45. Philip/. Nathanael
Cen. 38. 22. he returned, and said, I cannot J. her ||
tion. Pharaoh's magicians discovered the fin-
will slay me 5. 14. afterward Jesus //^ him in the temple
1 Kings \%.\Z. ifheeoBnof/. thee, he ger of God in the miracles which Moses
Job 17°. 10. I cannjt f. one wise man among you
urought, Exod. 8. 19. This Legislator gavt
.37. 23. touching Almighty, we cannot f.
him out Gen. 4. 15. lest any/. Cain should kill him
the law written ziith the finger of God to the
Job 9. 10. who doeth things past/, out and wonders
Fxcl. 8 17. aman cannot/, out the work under sun Hebrews, Exod. 31.18, It uas zcritten imme-
Psul.S2. +6. everyone shall pray in a time of f.
FINDffriw;. words diately by the poner or Spirit of God, and not
Isa. 58. 13./. thine own pleas, nor speaking
Oen.ZI.5. I ma-v/. ^race in thy sight, Exod. 33.13. by any art of man. Our Saviour says, he cast
33. 8 these are to/, grace in the sightof my lord
Luke 11. 24. unclean spirit seeking rest, and/, none
mil devils iy the finger, or Spirit of God, ahich
15. let me/, gr. | 34.11. let me/, gr. in your eyes
Actsi. 21./. nothing how they might punish them
he inlimates pas a sign that the kingdom oj
19. 1. Paul came, and/ certain disciples, 21. 4.
47. £3. let us f. i;race in the sight of my lord God was come; that God's spiritual government
Eiuh 2. 2. in whose sijht I shall/, grace cf his church was begun to be exercised among
J Sam. 1. 18. let thy handmaid/, grace in thy
sijht Xitm. 1 1 .33. unsearchable, and his ways past/ out
Heb. 8. 8. for/, fault with them, he saith, behold
M^ Jews by the Mfessiah, Lute 11. 20.
8 Sam.l6 4. that I may/, grace in thy sight, O king To put forth one's finger is a bantering, insulting,
H'i 4 l6 thatwemay/. ?r.tohelpin time of need gesture. Isa. 58. 9, If thou take away from
I FIND. Job 28. 1. there is a place for gold where they/, it and the putting out
the midst of thee the yoke,
Oen. 18. 26. if I^. in Sodom fifty righteous in city of the finger. If thou take oitay Jrom
Ezra 8 27. and two vessels of/, copper, as gold
28.if //. there forty-five 30. if I/, thirty there midst oj thee the chain or yoke wherewith t.hiu
Lord Job 28. + 15./. gold shall not be given for wisdom
Psa!. 132. 5. till //. out a place for the pointing
overwhelmc:t thy debtors, and forbear
Isa. 19. 9. they that work in/, flax be confounded
£<-c/.7.26.and /./.more bitterthan death the worn. at them^ and using jeeritig and
insulting ges-
1. 15. his Icet like unto/, brass, 2. 18.
Cant. 8.1 when / shotlld/. thee, I would kiss thee fi«B.
tures. Some lake this for a menacing or threat-
Jer. 45. 3. I fainted in my sighing, and I/, no rest ening gesture.
his ofFeriug shall be of/, flo^tr, 24. 5. , , ^ r/.^ j
Luke 23. 4. PiUte said to the chief priests, //.no Lev. 2. 1.
. .

the magicians said, this is the

/.of God
19. 4, 6 4.caii>sof/. ^<)«rmingledwithoil,5. 7- 7. 12. Eiod.S. 19.
fault in tnis man, John 18. 38. put of the blood on the altar with thy y.

which good, /./. not 14.10,21.1123.13. -V«m.6.15. 17.13,19, 29 12. God, Deui.p.lO.
I'.om. 7. 18. to perform that is
3M8.tables written with the/of
25,31,37,43,49,55,61.1 8.8.
21. //. then a law, that when I would do good Lev. 4. 6. priest shall dip his /. in
the blood and
5. U. the tenth part of an cphah off.Jlour, 0. 20.
Not FIND, or FIND 7toi. in one day sprinkle it, 17. 25, 30, 34. | 8. 15. 9. 9-I
1 Kin;s-i. 22. thirty measures of/. /our |

Eiod. l6. 25. to-day ye shall notf. it in the field

her hand /". n^t sufficiently 2 Ain^f7.1.measure/. /?irKrsoldforshekel,l6, 18. dip his right/in the oil.and
Lev. 12. + 8. if 14 16. the priest shall
1 C'/ir.9.29.were appointed to oversee/. /our, 23.20.
1 Sam. 23. 17. Saul my lather shall notf. thee sprinkle of the oil wiih his/, seven
Ezek. 16. 13. thou didst eat/. /uur, honey and oil
2 6am. 17. 20. had sought, and could not f. them Vum.l9.4.priest shall take of her blood with his/.
gave thee/ /our, and oil, and honey
Prov. 1. 28. they shall seek me early, but they 19. I

46. 14. anhin of oil "to temper with the/./iwr

1 Kingsn. 10. my little/, thicker, 2 C'.ic«.10.10.
shall notf. me, Hos. 5. 6. John 7. 3+, ^6. Isa. 58. 9. if take away the putting forth
of the /
Hev 18 13. none buyeth her merchandise o{f.flour
Eccl. 7. 28. which my soul seeketh, but 1/ «.)t
iX^Y. gold. Luke 11. 20. if I with the / of God cast out devils
Car.! £. 6. I sought him, but I could n«r/. him 16. 24. that he may dip the lip of his/, in water
° Chr. 3. 5. cieling, which he overlaid with/, gold
/i3.41 .12. seek them,but shaltjwr/.them, i/'j.C.*. ohn 8. 6- and with his/, wrote on the ground
8. the most holy he overlaid Avith/. gold
Dan.6.5.v.e shall nolf.nny occasion against Daniel 20. 25. and put my /. into the print of the nails
Job 28. + 15./. gold shall not be given for wisdom
//«.2.6.make a wall, tbet she shall notf. herpalhs 27 reach hither thy f. and behold my
haLds of ilshall not be for jewels of/', gold
^mos 8. 12. shall run to seek the word, and noij. a FINGERS.
31. 24. or said to/ sold, thou art my confidence
Ltiie 5. 19. fiotf. what way they might bring aim every hand six/. 1 CAr. 20. 0.
to Jesus P.(a/ more to be desired
than 2 Sam. 21. 20. on
j9. 48. could notf. what they micht do P«/.8.3 .when consider thy heavens,work ot thy /
notf him 119. J 27. I love thy commandments above/ goW
John 7. 35. whither go, that we shall
wisdom than/ joW 144. l.the Lord, who teacheth my/, to fight
Prov. 3. 14. and the gain of
Horn. 7. 18. how to do that whicli is good, 1/. Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man teacheth with his^.

2 Cor. 12. 20. I shall notf. you such as 1

would 8. 19. my fruit is better than gold, than/, gold on thy heart
7. 3. bind them on thy/, write them
25. 12. is an ornament of ;". gold, so is a reprover myrrh
J{ev. g. 6. shall men seek death, and shall notf.
Catit. 5. 5. and my/, with sweet-smelling
Cnnt.b.W. his head is ast&emost/. g. locks bushy made, 17.8
Shall, or Shalt FIND. Isa. 2. 8. that which their own/, have
15. his legs are as pillars set on sockets of /. sold
G«.44.+34.1est I see the evil that shall f. n.y father 59.3. hands defiled with blood, and/, with imquitr
£><r«f 4. eg. if thence thou seek L. thou shall J
him Isa. 13.12.will make a man more precious than/.^. four^-
Jer. 52. 21. the thickness of one pillar
nat^ms Lam. 4. 1. how is the most/, gold changed

"ii. tb. iaoMshaltf. no ease imong these

and wrote
2. the precious sons of Zion comparable to/, gold
Dan. 5.5. came forth/, of a man's hand,
Jiu/e. 9.33. then mayest do as thou *Aa///. occafinn burdens, but they \vill
/)(jii.2.32.this image's headrjuM, breast of silver
Mat. 23. 4. they bind heavy
1 Sim.Q.l?,.ye.sliallf. him before he go up
to eat
not move them with one of their/. Luke 11. 40.
lO.S.whose loins were girded wv.' of L'phaz
10.2. there shall f. two men by Rachel's sepulchre
Uar*7.33.and he put his/into hisears and he spit
t 7. thou shah do as thy hand shall f.
Zech 9 3. TTTUsheaped/.^cW as mire of the streets
FINE linen. FINISH, J r J
2 Ktncs 7. + 9. if we tarry ,'we shallf. punishment perjeci. Our blessed Lord
42. Pharaoh arrayed him invest, of/, linen To
bring 10 pass, fulfil,
2 CAron. 20.16. ye shall i'. them at end of the brook Gfn.41. said on the cross. It is finished,
Jo/m 19- 30.
30.0. our brethren and child, shall f. compassion
Esod. 25.4.thisisthe offering ye shall take,/ what he did and tuf.
Our great Redeemer, by
y.tra 4. -15. thou shair f. in the book of records 26. 1. with ten •.;urtaius of/, twined linen and the whole
Chron. 3. 14. fered, performed the will of God,
31 the vail of /. linen, 30. 35. 2 whuh
Ptal. 17.3. thou hast tried me, shaltf. nothing work which the Father gave him to do;

make an hanging of/, twined linen

21. 8. thy hand jAo// ;. out all thine enemies 36 tho-.islialt
18. was to obtain eternal redemption. He
27.9,16,18.136.37. [38. 9,1:;, ~<"'J"
Pror. 1. 13. we shall f. all precious substance substance and end of ail tie typti and the
8.17. Lhev thai seek me earlyiAo// /".me,Jer.20.13. 28. 5. take golH and /linen to make garments I

; .

disptmaiion. JJe completed and finished right- o7iJ approbation. It ts that God in\
thoHght from nis right handwent a/.of law for them
(oiuness, removed the curse, and radicallxi com- this manner expressed his xiccepianee of Abel's! Ji«/i. 7- 25. all Israel burned Acuan with/
pieied cur salvation. sacrifices. Gen. 4. 4. When the Lord made a'Jndg. 6. 21. and there rose up/, out of the rock
Gen. I). Ifi and in a cubit shall thou/, it above covenant with Abraham, afire, like that of a 9.15.1et/.conae out of bramble and devour cedars
Dan. 9. 24. tr>/. transgression, and make end of sin furnace, passed through the divided pieces vf 16. 9. as a thread of tow when it toucheth the /.
Zech. 4. y. Zerubbabel's hands shall also/, it tlie sacrifices, and consumed them. Gen. 15. 17. 1 Kings 18. 23. lay it on wood, put no/, imder, 25.

Mat. 10. + 'J3. ye shall not/, tht cities of Israel Fire fell upon the sacrifices which Moses offered 24. the God that answereih by/, let him be God
Luke 14. 28. whether he have sufficiint to/. at the dedication of the talremacle. Lev. 9. 24. 38. then the/, of the Lord fell, 2 Chron. 7. 1, 3.
2y. after Icdd the foundation, and is not able to/it /ind upon those of Manoah, Samson's /a.'/ffr, 19. 12. after the earthquake a/ but the Lord wa»
30. this man began to build, was not able to/. Judg. 13. 19. 20. Upon Solomon's, at the not in the/, after the/, a still small voice
John meat is to do his will, and/, his work dedication of the temple, 2 Chron. 7. 1. And 2 Kings 1 10. then let/, come down from heaven

6. 36. works which the Father hath given me to/. upon Elijah's, af mount Cartae}, 1 Kings 18. 38. 12. and the/ of God came down from heaven
icts 20. 24. that I might /. my
course with joy The torments of hell are detcribed by fire, both in 2. 11. there appeared a chariot and horses of/.
Horn. 9- 26- for he will/, the work, and cut short the Old and Nezn Teitament. Moses inveighing 6. 17. the mountain was full of chariots of/.
S Cor.8.6. so he would also/, in you the same grace against the Israelites, uiho rebelled against the 16. 3. Ahaz made his son to pass through the f
Phil. 1. 16. he that hath begun, will also/, it Jlord, says to them ; A fire is kindled in mine 19- 18. and have cast their gods into the /.
FINISHED. auger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, 21.6. Manasseh made son pass thro/. 2 Chr. 33.6.
Gen.'i. 1. thus the heavens and the earth wer</. Deut. 32. 22. Isaiah is still more erpresi. 23. 10. no man might make his son pass thro'the_/
Eiod. 39. 32. thus was all the work/. 40. 33. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring 1 CAr. 21. 26. Ld. answered him from heaven by/.
Dent. 31. 24. an end of writing, till they were/. fire ? who acaong us shcdl dwell with everlast- 2 Chr. 35. 13. they roasted the passover with_/'.
Joih. 4. 10. the priests stood, till every thing was/. ing burnings r Isa. 33. 14. And in chap. 66. Xeh.2.3. the gatas thereof are consumed with/. IJ.
Muth 3. 18. the man not rest, till he have/, the thing 24, Their worm shall not die, neither shall Job 1. 16. the/, of God is fallen from heaven
1 Kings 6. 9- Solomon built the house and/, it, their fire be quenched. Our Saviour makes 18. 5. and the spark of his/, shall not shine
14. 22, 38. 2 Chrm. 5. 1. |7. H. use of the same similitude, to represent the 38. 5. and under it is turned up as it were /.
7. 1. Solomon f.all his house, Q. 1,25. 2 Chr. 8.I6. punishment of the damned, Mark Q. 44. He 41. 19. burning lamps, and sparks of/, leap out
C2. so was tne work of the pillars/. likewise speaks frequently of the eternal fire Psal. 39. 3. while I was musing the/, burned
1 Chr. 27 24. Joab began to number, but he/, not
. prepared for the devil, his angels, and repro- 46. 9. he burneth the chariot in the /.
2*J. £0. Lord not fail thee, till thou hast/, the work bates. Mat. 25. 41. 7'he sling and remorse of 60. 12. we went through/, and through water
2 Chr. 24. 14. and when they had/, the repairing coTiscience is the worm that will never die 68. 2. as wax melteth before /.so let wicked perisli
29. 26. the singers sang, till bumt-offering was/. and the wrath of Cod upon their souls ajid bo- 74. 7. they have cast/, into thy sanctuary
31. 7. they/, the heaps in the seventh month dies, the fire that shall never go out. There 78. 14. all the night with a light of/. 105. 39.
£ira 4. tl2. the Jews have/, the walls are likewise who maintain that by worm is to 83. 14. as the/, burneth the wood, and as the Ham««
5. 16. hath it been in building, and yet it is not/. be understood a common, living, and material, 97.3.a/.gosth before him and burneth up enemie*
6. 14. the elders of the Jews built and/, it, 15. not an allegorical and figurative worm ;and 105. 32. he gave hail and flaming/, in their land
AVA. 6. 15. so the wall was/, in fifty-two days by fire, a real, elementary, and material fire. 118. 12. they are quenched as tne/. of tliorns
i*o«. 5. 26. God hath numbered thy kingd. and /. it Among the maintainers of this opinion are 140. 10. let them be cast into the/, into deep pits
12. "• all these things shcill be/. Austin, Cyprian, Chrysostom, Jerome, ifc. 148.8. /".and hail, stormy wind, fulfilling his wori
Mai. 13. 53. when Jesus had/, these parables The tcord of God is compared to fire, Jer. 23. 29. Prov. o. 27. can a man take/, in his bosom
19. 1. when Jesus had/, these sayings, 26. 1. Is not my word like a fire? It is full of life 16. 27. and in his lips there is as a burning/
John 174. I have/, the work thou gavest me to do and efficacy ; like a fire, it warms, mclls, and 26. 20. where no wood is, there the/, goeth out
19. 30. he said, it is/, and he bowed his head heals my people, and is powerful to consume the 21. as wood is to/so is contentious man to kindle
Acts 21. 7. wuen we had/, our course from Tyre dross, and burn up the chaff and stubble. And 30. 16. the grave and the/, saith not, it is enough
2 7V7H.4.7.I have/.my course, I have kept the faith the Apostle says, that every man's doctrine should Isa. 9. 5. this shall be with burning and fuel of f.
Jieb. 4. 3. the works were/, from the foundation be tried byftre, that is, by the light of the word, 18. for wickedness burneth as the/.
Jam. 1. 15. sin, when it is/, bringeth forth death of what nature it is, whether it be true or false. 19. the people shall be as the fuel of the/.

Hev. 10. 7. the mystery of God should be/. sound and solid, or corrupt and frothy, 1 Cor. 10. 16. shall kindle a burning like burning of a/.
11.7 .when witnesses shall have /. their testimony 3, 13. Fire is likewise taken for persecution, 17. and the light of Israel shall be for a/.
£0. 5. lived not, till the thousand years were/. dissension and division, Luke 12. 49. I am 30. 14. not be found a sherd to take/ from heATtk
FINISHER. come to send fire on the earth that is. Upon
; 33. the pile thereof is/, and much wood
// to and/.of our faith my coming and publishing the gospel, there 31. 9. saith the Lord, whose/, is in Zion
FINS. will follow through the devil's malice, and the 37.19. kings of Assyriahave cast their gods mto/.
Zei'.ll.g.whateverhath/'.and scales eat, Deu/. 14.9. corruption of men, much persecution to the pro 43. 2. when thou walkest through/, not be burnt
10. that bath not/, snail be an abomination, 12. fessors thereof, and manifold divisions in tht 44. 16. he burneth part thereof in the/, he warm-
FIRE world, whereby men will be tried whether they eth himself, and saith, aha, I have seen the/.
Is tne of the four elements, uhich not only affords be faithful or not The church of God is com- 47.14.theyshall be as stubble.the/.shallburu thtm
light and heat, but uhereby liketeise ae try and pared to a fire. Obad. 18, The house of Jacob 50. 11. walk in light of your/, and in the sparks
purge metals. God hath often appeared in fire.anrf shall be a fire : The church shall subdue all 64. 2. as when the melting/. Durneth, the/, caus-
encompassed with fire; as uhen he shewed him- her enemies. Carnal vain shifts of me I's onit eth the waters to boil to make thy name known
self in the burning hush, and descended on devising, whereby they seek to support, relieve 65. 5. these are a/, that burneth all the day
momit Sinai i« tlie midst of flames, t/mn- and comfort themselves against the judgments 66. 15. for behold, the Lord will come with/.
derings and lightning, Exod. 3. 2. I9. 18.
denounced against them, are likewise cumpai,ed 16. for by/, will the Lord plead with all flesh
Fira is a symbol of the holiness and justice of to fire, Isa. 50. 11. As are also the lies, 24. w<irm.not die, neither their/, be quenched
God ; The Lord thy God a consuming fire,
is slanders, and other provoking speeches of un- Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come forth like/, and buni
Deut. 4. 24. He shewed himself to his Pro- godly men , Prov. 16. 27, And in his lips there 5.»14. 1 will make my woids in thy mouth/.
p/tets, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and St. John, in the is a burning fire. 20. 9. his word was as a r. shut up in my bo"nes
midst of fire, Isa. 6. 4. Eiei, 1. 4. Rev. 1. Gen.\5. 1 17. a lamp of/, passed betw. those pieces 2 1 12. lest myfury go out like/.and burn, that none
14. The Psalmist describes the chariot of 22. 6. Abraham took/, in hisjhand, and a knife 22.7. shall cut down cast choice cedars in the /.
Cod as all in a flame, Tsal. 18. 12, 13, 14. 7. my father, behold the/. an(ithewood,but where 2y.22. whom the king of Babylon roasted in tho/.
And it is said that God will appear in the Eiod. 3. 2. and behold, we bush burned with/. 32. 35. nigh places, to cause their sons to pass thro'
midst of fire at his second coming, 2 Thess. y. 23. Lord sent hail zindthe/. along on ground the/. toMolech, Ezek. I6. 21. 20. 2D,:il.

1. 8. Daniel says, that a fiery stream issued, 24. there was hail, and/, mingled with the hail S6. 22. and there was a/, on the hearth buruinj
and came forth from before him ; noting the 12. 8. shall eat the fiesh in that night roast with/.g. 23. Jehudi cut the roll, and cast it into the J.
speedy eiecuting of his judgments, for the ter- 19. 18. the Ld. descended upon mount Sinai \nf. 48. 45. but a f. shall come forth out of Heshboa
ror of the wicked and comfort of the godly, Dan. 22. 6. if/, break out, ziud catch in thorns 51.58. the folk shall labour in vain and in the/.
7. 10. The UTath of God is compared to fire, 32. 24. then I cast gold into/, and came this calf Lam 2.3. he burned against Jacob like a flaming/.
J'sal, 18. 8. and the effects of his vrath, uhich 40.38. andy'.wason the tabernacle J(y night through 4. he bent his bow, he poured out his fury like/.
are war, famine, and other scourges, are de- all their journey, -Victi. 9._i6. Heut. 1. 33. Lzek. 1. 4. I looked, behold, a/, infolding itself
sciibed under the same idea, Psal. 06. 12. Jer. Lev. 1. 7. the sous of the priest shall put/, on Clie 13.the/. wasbright,aud out of the/, lightning
48. 45. altar, and lay wood in order upon the/. 10. 6. saying, take/, from between the wlieels
Our Saviour is compared to fire. Jifj/. 3. 2, He 8. upon the wood that is in the/. 12, 17. 3. 5.
7. one cherub stretched forth his handtothe/.
is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap ?. 14. shalt offer green earsof corn dried by the/, 21. 31. I will blow against thei- in the/. 2J. 21.
JJe shall consume the wicked by his judgments, (i. y. the/, of the altajbe burning in it, 10, 12, 13. I
32.thoushaltbe for fuel to/.uo more remembered
and purify those who are sincere by his doc- 9. 24. there came a/.r)ut from before the Lord 22. 20. to blow/: upon it, to mell it, so gather you
trine. The Holy Ghost is likewise compared to JO. 1. tht sons of Aaron put/, in their censers 24.9. saith Lord, I will even make pile for/, great
fire. Mat. 3. 11, He shall baptize you with 2. there went out/, from Ld.'and devoured them 12. her scum shall be iu/.in filthiness is lewdness
the Holy Ghost and with fire. Jo verify this 16. 13. he shall put the incense upon the/. 28. 18. will bring forth a}"- from the midst of thee
prediction, Jesus sent the Holy Ghost, icho 18.21 .thou shalt not let any of t'oyseed pass thrn'/". M.5. in thej.ofinvjealousy have 1 5poken.38.iy.
descended upon his disciples in the form of to Molech,/J«i</. 18.10.2 A'm^j 17.17. 23.10.
Van. 3. 27. bodieslhe/. had no power
tongues, or like sparks of fire, Acts 2. 3. Jt is Xum. 6. 18. shall take the hair, and put it in the^'. nor the smell of/, had passed on them
the work of the Holy Spirit to enlighten, purify, 11.2. when Moses prayed, the/, was quenched 7. 9. his throne like flames, wheels like burninp/
and sanctify the soul, and to inflame it with love 16. 7- take ye censers, and put/, therein, 18. 10.6. bis face as lightning, his eyes as lamps of T-
So God, and zeal for his glory. The angels them- 37. that he take the censers, and scatter/, yonder tlcs. 7. 6. in themomiiii; it burneth as a flaming/
selves, as the ministers of God, are compared to a 46. take accuser, and put/ therein from offaltHr ./i)t/2..30.blo(ul,/. and pillars of smoke, Acis'2. IJ*
burning fire, speedy and irresistible in the ex- 18. 9. be thine of most holy things reserved from /'. .•J/H(« 5.(1. lest he break out like house of Josojif.
ecution of his commands, Psal. 104. 4. The 21. 28. for there is a/, gone out from lleshbon 7.4. behold, the Lord God called to contend by f
Lord, or his angel, led the Israelites in their 31 23. every thine tliat may abide/, go thro'ihe/.
(liod. IB. and the bouse of Jacob shall he a/.
journeu through the wilderness, under the fo.'m Ueui.i. 11. and the mountain Imrnt with/. 9. 15. .V/r. 1.4. shall be molten undir him as wax before/
of a pillar of ire, Eiod. 13. 21. 36. and upon earth he shewed thee bis great/. AuA. 1.6. fury poured out like/, rocks thrown doivu
Fire from heaven fell frequently on the victims 5 5. IjT ye were afraid by reason of the/. Uab. 2. 13. the people shall labour in the very/'
sacrificed to the Lord, at a mark of his preseuc* 18. 16 nor let me see this great / any more Ztck. a. 5. will be onto her a wall off. round aititif


Zech 3. 2. is not this Eiei. 39. 6. and I will send a/, on Magog
a br&ixl placked out of th» /. .'
(ren. 1.20. and fowf that ma|f ny above the open /.
13.6.1ike a heanQ of/, audiilte torch off. in sheaf //ut. 8. 14. but I will send a/, upon his cities Psal. ly. 1. and the/, snewetn his handy work
13. 9. I will bring the third part through the/ Amos 1. 4. I will send a/, into the house of Ilazael 150. 1. praise him la the/, of his power
J^al. 3. 2. he is like a refiner'i/. and fuller's soap 7. I will send a/, on the wall of Gaza Eiek. 1. 22. the likeness of the/, was as crystal
Mai. 3. 10. every tree that bringelh not forth good 10.IwilUt:n</a/.on wall of Tyrus 12.onTeman ]|
25. there was a voice fro.n the/, over their heads
fruit is cast into/. 7. 19. Lulct 3. 9. John 15.6 2. 2. I will send a/, on Moab 5. send/, on Judah ||
26. above the /. was the likeness of a throne
1 1. baptize with Holy (ihost, and/. Luke .3. 16 Luie 12. 4i> I am come to tend f. on the earth 10. 1. in the/, that was above the cberubims
13.42. and shall cast them into a furnace of/. 50 Set FIRE. Dan. 12. 3. wise shall shine as the brightness of/
1". 15. ofitimes he falleih into the f. Mark 9. 22. Deut. 32. 22. set oa/. foundatisns of mountains FIR.
m.U. rather than having two handfs or two feet, to Joih. 8. 8. ye shall set the city 01 Ai on/. 1 Kings 5. 8. I will do all concerning timber of/.
be cast into everlasting/. MariQ. 43,4(3 19- and they hasted, and ttt the city on/. 6. 15. he covered the floor with planks of/.
S5. 41. depart from me, ye cursed, into everlast./. J'idg. 1. 8. now Judah had set Jerusalem oa/. Cant. 1. 17. our beams are cedar, our rafters of/,
Mark 9. 44. where the /. is not quenched, 45. y. 49. the people set the hold on/, upon them FIR-TREE.
14. 54. and Peter wanned himself at the /. J. 5. had set the brands on/, and burnt the corn
I 1 Kings 6. 34. and the two doors were of/.
Zjike 9. 54. wilt thou that we command /. to come 20. 40. they set on/, all the cities of Benjamin
2 Chron. 3. 5. the greater house he ceiled with/.
1*. 29. the same day it rained/, and brimstone i oam. 14; 30. servants set .loab's field ou/. /ia.41.19. I will set in the desert the/. and the pine
22. 5(1. a maid beheld him as he sat by the/. 31. why have thy servants «. my field oaj. ? 55. 13. instead of the thorn shall come up the/.
Acii'i.i.ippeisti to them cloven tongues, like as/. 2 Kings B. 12. Hazael will set strong holds on/. 00. 13. the/, the pine tree, and box together
38. 3. when F&ul had laid sticks on the/. Ps»:. i7. 4. I lie among them that are set on/. I am like a green/. Z<cA.11.2.howl,/.

5. he shook off the beast into the/, felt no harm I'rov. 29. + 8. scornful men set a city on/. FlR-TREl-a.
1 Ccr. .3. 13. it shall be revealed by/, and the f. Isa.lT. 11. the women come and x«f them on/. 1Kings 5. 10. so Hiram gave Solomon/, g. 11.
shall try every man's work, of what sort it is 42. 25. he hath set him on/, round about 2 Kings 19. 23. I will cut i^vm tall/. Isa. 37. 24.
15. he himself shall be saved, yet so as by/. Jer. 6. 1. set up a sign oi /. in Beth-haccerem 2 Chron. 2. 8. send me/. Isa. 14. 8. the/, rejoice

S T/ieis.1.8. inflaming/, taking vengeance on them 32. 29. the Chaldeans shall set on/, this city Psal. 104. 17- as for the stork the/, are her house
JJei. 1. 7. whomaketh his ministers a flame of/. Ezek. 30. 8. when I have set z./. in Egypt i':«*.27. 5. they made thy ship-boards of/.ofSenir
1 1 34. who thro' faith quenched the violence of/'.
. 14. I will set in Zoan 16. set /. in Egypt ||
31. 8. the/, were not like his boughs
12. 18. are not come to mount that burned with/. 39. 9. set on/, and burn the weapons of Gog Kah. 2. 3. and the /". shall be terribly shaken
Jam. 3. 5. how great a matter a little/, kindleth Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is a fire, and setteth on/, the
6. and the tongue is a/, a world ot iniquity course of nature, and it is set on/, of hell 2 Sam.6. 5. Israel played on instruments made of/,
5. 3. and shall eat your flesh as it were/. Strange FIRE. FIRST.
1 Pet. 1.7. than of gold, tho' it be tried with f. Lev. 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu offered strange /. This word That which it be/ore ano-
signifies, I.
1 i'*f. 3. 7. reserved unto/, against day ofjudjment Num.3 A. died when they offered strange/. 26. 6I. ther in respect of time ; and then it is a aord
12. the heavens being on/, shall be dissolved FIREBRAND, S. ot order, and hath a re/ertnce to the second,
Juje 7- suffering the vengeance of eternal/. Jiulg. 7. + 16. and he put/, within the pitchers third, /ourth, <kc. ]\Iat. 10. 2, The first is
23. others save pulling them out of the/. 15. 4. Samson took/, and put a/, i^i the midst Simon called Ptter; that it, he mat first called
H<v. 3. 18. thee to buy of me gold tried in the/. Prov. 26. 18. as a mad man who ca.steth/. to be an apostle. And in 1 Cor. 15. 47, The
4. 5. seven lamps of/, burning before the throne Isa. 7. 4. for the two tails of these smoking/. first man is of the earth, the second is from
8 5. the angel filled the censer with/, of the altar Amos 4. 11. ye were as a/, plucked out of burning heaven. II. That which is chief, or most ex-
7. there followed hail and/, mingled with blood FIRE-PANS. cellent. Rom. 3. 2, Chiefly, because unto them
8. as it were a great mountain burning with /. f.iod. 27. 3. thou shalt make basins 3.Di/.-pans were committed the oracles of God. Chiefly,
9. 17- and cut of their mouths issued /. 11.5 33. 3. he made the/.-pans and all vessels of brass m the original, is first, and shews the quality
18. the third part of men was killed by the/. 2 A"i«gf 25. 15./.-/)flj« carried he away, Jer.52.ig. and excellence 0/ the privilege here mentioned.
13. 13. he maketh/ come down from heaven FIRES. So also in Luke 15. 22, Bring forth the best,
14. 18. anotheraiigel which had power over the/. Isa. 24. 15. wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the/. i» Greek, the first robe. A thing cr person
15.2.1 saw as it were aseaof glass mingled with /. FIRKINS man be said to be first, (1) In number. Gen.
16. 8. power was given him to scorch men with/. Jo/ni 2. 6. six water-pots containing two or three/. (2) In order. Mat. 28. 1.
8. 5, 13. (3) By
^0. 9. and/, came down from God out of heaven FIRM. 1 Cor. 15. 47.
creation, (4) by generation,
10. the devil was cast into lake of/.and brimstone Josh. 3. 17. the priests stood/, on dry ground Deut. 21. 17. (5) In dignity, Dan. 6. 8.
14. death and hell were cast into the lalie of/. 4. 3. the place where priests' feet stood/. (6) In time, Heb. 9. 1.
15. whoso not written in book of life, cast into/. Jjb 41.23. ;ire/ in themselves, cannot be moved FiRST-BosN. Thit word is not always to be ut-
21.8. have part in the lake which burueth with/. 24. his heart as/, is as a stone, yea ss hard derstood strictly according to the letter ; it is
6'«, Burn or Bornt, Co.m.s, Psal.T'i.i. no bands in death, but their strength is/. sometimes taken J'or that which is first, most
CONSU.ME, CO.NSU.MING, DbVOCR, DE- Dan. 6. 7. theyconsulted to make a/, decree excellent, most distinguished in any thing.
VOURED, Devouring, Flame, Hell, Heb. 3. 6. the rejoicing of the hope/, to the end Thus it it said 0/ Christ, Col. 1. 15, That be
Midst. FIRWAMEN'J'. is the first-born of every creature. And in
Kindle, or kindled FIRE. It is Gen. 1.7- that Cod made the firma-
said. Rev I. 5, he is called. The first-begotten 01
Erod. 22. 6. he that kindled the/, make restitution ment in the midst of the waters, in order ti the dead ; that is, begotten 0/ the tathtr bt-
35. 3. ye shall kindle nu/. on the sabbath day separate the in/erior /rom the superior xcaters /ore any creature -uas produced ; and the first
Deux. ZZ. 22. for a /. is kindled in my anger, and The word there used is rakiah, which is ttans- who rose from the dead by his oun power. The
shall bum to lowest hell, J<r. 15. 14. 17. 4. |
lated expansion, something expanded , or firma- first-born ot the poor, lia. 14. 30. signifies,
2 Sjm. 22. 13. before him were coals of/, kindled ment, something firm and solid. The verh the moit miserable 0/ all the poor; and in Job
I'tal. 78. 21. so a/, was kindled against Jacob rakah,/ron! whence raki.ih is derived, sigmlies 18. 13, I he first-born of death; that is, the
'O6. J8. a/, was kindled in their company to spread metal with the hammer, to make Jlat, most terrible 0/ ail deaths.
L-i. 10. 16, he shall ktndle a burning like a/. to crush to pieces, to beat, Moses tises this The first-born among the Hebrews, as well at a-
5"). U behold, all ye that kindle a/, that compass
. word to describe the gold, which was beaten in mung all other nationt, enjoyed particular privi-
/<!ldren gathered wood, fathers kindled/ order to cover the ark and the tables 0/ the leges : and as polygamy was in ute with them, it
11. 16. he hath kindled/, on the green olive Holy with It Exod. 3y. 3. Num. I6. 38, 39. was highly necessary lofix these rights. Moses
17. 27. then will I kindle a/, in the gates thereof Isaiah, to denote the plates 0/ fold whereivtth regulates thit particular in Deut. 21. 15, I6, 17.
21. 14. I will kindle a/, in the forest thereof the idols were covered, Isa. 40. I9. and the 'J'/ie privileges 0/ the first-born cenJjV^i/, (1) In a

43. 12. I will kindle a/, in the houses of the gods same prophet, and the Psaimist, to express right to the prieithood, which, be/on the law, was
4y. 27. I will kindle a /. in the wall of Damascus the spreading /orth 0/ the earth, and its fixed to the eldest oj' the /amity. This right con-
50. 32. and 1 will kindle a/, in his cities foaling on the waters, Jor this was the con- tinued in force only while brethren dwelt together
JLam. 4. 11. and the Lord hath kindled a/, in Zion ception which the llebiewi had 0/ it, Isa. 42. 5. in the same place and /amily ; /or as soon at
Eiek. 20. 47. I will kindle a /. in the forest Psal. 1.36.6. Ihiy were teparatsd, and made a /amily apart,
24.10. heap on v/ood.iindie the/consume the flesh This intimates, that by the word firmament, ra- every one became the priest and head 0/ his own
Amosl. 14. I will kindle a/, iq the wall of Rabbah kiah, the Hebrews understood the heavens, house, (2) The first-born had a double portion
Wui'.l.lO.nordo ye ktndle/.on my altar for nought which, like a solid and immense arch (though among hit brethren. This it explained two
Luke 12.49 to send/, and what if already kindled? it be toj't and liguid) served as a bank and ways: Some believe that half of the whole in-
22. 55. when they had kindled a/, in the hall barrier between the upper and lower waters heritance wat given to the elder brother, and
yJc:j28.2.the barbarians kindled a/and received us and that the stars are set in this arch, that the other hoi/ was shared in equal parti
Made with FIRE. like to many precious stones in gold and among the rcit. But the Rabbins toy, on th»
L^od. 2g. 18. an offering made by/, unto the Lord, silver. Gen. 1. 17. II hen firmament it taken Contrary, that the first-born /or his share took
85, 41. Lev. 1. 9, 13, I7. 2. 2, 9, 16.
| 3. 3, for tte starry heaven, then by upper waters >.<
twice at much at any one of hit brothert. J/a
5. 9, 11, 14, 16. 7. 5, 25.
8. 21, 28. I
21. meant, that tea or collection 0/ waters placed
jather lejs six tons, they made a division into
22. 27. 23. 8, 13, 18, 25, 27, 36, 37.
by God above all the I isible heavens, and there
seven equal parts ; whereo/ the eldest had two,
24. 7. Num. 15. 3, 10, 13, 14. 18, 17. I
reserved /or ends kruan to himietf. 1/ by fir- and each 0/ the others one. If' the eldest was
C8. 3. mamient, ue understand the air, called the ex- dead, and had le/t children, his right devolved
Lev. 2. 3. the offerings of the Lord made by/. pansion, because it is extended far and wide ; upon his children and his heirs.
10. 4. 35.
I 5. 12.
6. 17, 18. I 7. 30, .35. | and she firmament, because it it fixed in its iVhen God by the sword 0/ the destroying angel

10. 12, 15. I 21. 21. 24. 9. beul. 18. 1.

I proper place, /rom whence it cannot be moved, had killed all the firsuboru 0/ :ne Egyptiams,
1 Sam. 2. 28. unless by force ; then by the superior waters are Xi3d. 12. 29. he ordained, that all the first bon,
10.13. sacrifices made by/,iVum.23.2.J<ijA.13.U. In be understood the waters in the clouds : And both 0/ men and tame beasts /or service, thould
Num. 15. 25. bring their sacrifice made by/, unto these may be said to be above the firmament 01 be consecrated to him. The male-children only
the Lord, 28. 6, 8, 13, 10, 24. 29. 6, 13, 36.
I air, because they are above a considerable part were subject to this taw. The children were of
Pillar o/FlKE. 0/ it. /ered in the temple, and their relations redeemed
Ertd. li 24. the I^rd looked thro' the pilhr :hem,/or the sum o/five shekels,Kxod. 13. 12, 13.
0/ f. Gen. 1.6. let there be a/, in midst ol tne waters,
««p. 10.1. face as the sun,and hisfeet aspillars cfj. 7. God made the/, waters under and above/ Num. 18. IC.
See, By NlcUT 8. and God calif a the/. Heaven 1/ it were r. clean beast, as a calf, a larnh, or «
Send, or teni I'IRE. 14. God said, let there be lights in tDe/. 15. kid, it was to be offered at the temple. It uas
Lam, ] 13 from ai>ovehe lens f. into my bones 27. and God set them in the/, of heaven not to it redetmeii, but is was killed i the blood


of it uas sprinilfd ahmit the ahar, thefat teas iwnt Mat. 5.24. /. be reconciled to thy brother, and come Judg. 20. 32. ar* smitten down before us as at the f.
*n the ^fire upon the altar, and the flesh aas for fi. 33. seek ye/, the kingdom of G. Jind righteous. •Z Sam. 17. 9. some of them be overthrown at the f.

the priest, Num. 18. 17, 18, 19- If it ="«re an 7 5 /'.cast out the beam out of thine eye, Lv.ke6.i2.
. . 1 Kings 20.9. all thou didst send for to thy serv.a/ /,

unclean beast, and such at they were not allowed 8. 21. me/, to go and bury my tether, Luke 9. 59. I Chron. 15. 13. because ye did it not at the f.

40 eat, such as an horse, an ass, or a camel^ 12.29. except he/, bind the strong man, Mark^.1^ ;V«A.7.5.a register of them which came up at ike f
il u'as either redeemed, or something else was 45. latter state worse than the/. Luke 11.26. Isa. 1. 26. I will restore thy judges as at the f.
given in eichange for tt . The firstling of an 13. 30. gather ye together/ the tares, bind them 9. 1. whenaf M«/. he lightly afflicted the l.ind
ass was redeemed bu giving a lamb ; if it acre 17. 10. that Elias must/, come, 11. Markg.12. Jer. 7. 12. myplace where 1 set my
name at the f.
not redeemed, it was to be killed, Exod. 13 13. 27. and take up the fish that,/', cometh up 33. 7. and I will build them as at thtf.
FiRST-Fruit.s. The presents icere so called 20. TO. but when the/ came, they supposed 11. return the captivity of the land, as at the f
which the Hebrews made to God, consisting of 21. 28. he came to the/, and said, son, go work Dan. 8.1. after that which appeared tb me at the f
part of the fruits of their harvest, to express 31. who of the twain? they say unto him, the/. John 12. 16. his disciples understood not at the f.
Iktir submiisxon and dependence, and to acknow- 36. he sent other servants more than the /. 19. 39. which at the f. came to Jesus by ni^
iedge the sovereign dominion of God the author 22.25./. when married, Mark 12.20. Luke 20.29. Acts 15. 14. God
at the f. did visit the 'ieutiles
of all happiness. The day after the feast of the 38. this is/ comjnandment, Mark 12. 28, 29, 30. ^6. 4. thef. among mine own nation
which was at
/"assover they brought a shenf into the temple, 23. 26. Pharisee, cleanse/ that which is within Gal. 4.13. I preached the gospel unto you, at thef.
.as the fiTst-hmti if the ia'ley-harvest. The sheaf Marki. 28./. the blade, then the ear, after that com Jiei.2.3. which at thef. began to be spoken by Tj!) ,

was threshed in the cmirt ; and of the grain that 7 27 Jesus said to her, let the children/, be filled
came out they took a full homer ; that is, abinu 9. 35. if any desire to be/, he shall be last G»n. 19. 31. the/, said to the younger, 34,
three pints. After it had been well ainnoued, 13. 10. and the gospel must/, be published 33. the /". went in, and lay with her father
parched, and bruised, t/iey sprinkled over it a 16. 9. he appeared/, to Mary Magdalene 37. thef. bare a son, and called his name Moab
log of oil ; that is, near a pint. They added to Luke 1,3. had perfect understanding from the/. 27. 19. and Jacob said, I am Esaa, thj/. 32.
tt a handful of incense ; and the priest that re- 2. 2. was/, made when Cyrenius was governor 29. 26. not done to give the younger before the/.
ttived this offering thook il before the Lord 6. 1. on the second sabbath after the/, he went 43, 33. the/, according to his birth-right
toicoTds the four quarters of the world ; he cast 10. 5. /. say, peace be to this house 48. 18. not so my father, for this is the/.
pan of it upon the aliar, and the rest was his 11. 38. that he had not/ washed before dinner £j<?if.4.22.saith Lord, Israel is my son, even my/
own. After this, every one might begin their 14. 28. sitteth not down/, and counteth the cost 23. behold, I will slay thy son, even thy/.
Aarvest, Lev. S3. 10, 11, &c. This was offered 17. 25 but/, must he suffertaany things 11.5. all the/, in the Ismd of Egypt shall die
•n the name of the whole nation, and by this the 21. 9 for thesa things must/ come to pass 12. 12. and I will smite sill the/, in the land
whole harvest was tanctijied unto them. John 1. 41 he/, findeth his brother Simon 29. the Lord smote all the/, in Egypt, 13. 15
W/ien the wheat harvest was over, that is. th'! d?y 5. 4. whosoever/, stepped in, was made whole 13. 2. sanctify unto me all the/, it is mine
of Pentecost, they offered again firsufruits of\ 6. 7. without sin, let him/, cast a stone at her 22. 29. the/, of thy sons shalt thou give to me
another kind in the name of all the nation, 10. 40^into the place where John at/, baptized 34. 20./. of thy sons shalt redeem, Aum. 18. 15.
which consisted of two loaves of two tenth-deals ; IB. 13. and led him away to Annas/ Ley. 27. t26./. of beasts no man shall sanctify it
that is, of about three pints of flour each 19. 32. soldiers came, and brake the legs of the/. Num. 3.12. msteadof all the/.41,45. 8.17,18. |

These loaves were made of leavened dough. 20. 4 the disciple came/, to the sepulchre, 8. 13. because sdl the/, of Israel are mine, 1 haJ-
FiKST-FRL'iTs of the Spirit, see Earnest. Acts 3. 26. to you/, God sent him to bless you in lowed to me all the/, of Israel
Gen. 25. 25. the/, came out red all over 7. 12. Jacob sent out our fathers y. 40. number all the/, of the males of Israel
26. 1. there was a famine beside the_/". famine 11.26. discip. were called Christians/. atAntioch 42. Moses numbered all the/ of Israel
.38. 28. the midwife said, this came outy. 12, 10 they were past the/, and second ward 50. of the/, of Israel took he the money
Eind. 4. 8. if they will not hearken to they", sign 13. 24. when John had/ preached baptism 33. 4. for the Egyptians buried all their/.
23. ly. the/, of the first-fruits bring to the Lord 46. necessary it should/have been spoken to you Deut. 21. 15. if the/, son be her's that was hated
28. 17. the/, row shall be a sardius, 39. 10. 16. + 12/ Philippi the/, city of Macedonia 17. beginning of strength, for the rii;ht of/, his is
34. 1 two tables like to the/. 4. Deiu. 10. 1, 3
. 26. 20. but shewed/, unto them of Damascus 25. 6./. which she beareth, succeed in name
Lev. 5. 8. shall offer what is for the sin-offering/. 23 .Christ should be/, that should rise from dead Josh. 6. 26. shall lay the foundation in his/.
Hum. 2. 9. camp of Judah, these shall/, set forth 27 43. should cast tnemselves/. into the sea I Kings 16. 34. laid foundation in Abiram bis/.

10. 13. and they/, took their journey Rom. 1.8. f I thauk my God through Jesus Christ 1 CAron.5.1.sons of Reuben the/, for he was the f.
13. 20. it was the time of the f. ripe grapes 2. 9. of tne Jew / and also of the Gentile, 10. 26. 10. though he was not the/, yet his father
15. 20. ye shall offer up a cake of the/ of your 11 35. or who hath/, given to him ? 2 Chron. 21. 3. Jehoram, because he was the/.
dough for an heave-offering, 21. £te/:. 44. 30. 15. 24. if/. I be somewhat filled with company Xeh. 10. 36. to bring the/, to the house of God
18. 13. whatsoever is/, ripe shall be thine 1 Cor. 12.28.
f. apostles, secondarily prophets
Job 18. 13. the/, of death shall devour his strength
21. 20. Amalek was the/ of the nations 14. 30. let ths/ hold his peace P.(a/.78.51.he smote all the/in Egypt, the chiet of
Dent. 10. 10. according to the/, time, forty-days 15.3. for I delivered/of all that which I received their strength, 105. 36.I 135.8. 130. 10.

11. 14. Iwill give thee/, rain, and latter rain 45. the/ mam Adam was made a living soul 89. 27. will make him my/, nigher than kings
13. 9. thine hand shall be/, upon htm 46. howbeit that was not/, which is spiritual ha. 14.30. and the/, of the poor shall feed
17. 7. the hands of witnesses shall be/ upon him 47. the/ man is of the earth, earthy ./«/. 31.9. 1 am a father to Israel, Ephraimismy/

18. 4. the/, of the fleece of thy sheep give him 2 Cor. R. 5./ gave their own selves to the Lord Mic. 6. 7. shall I give my/, for my transgression f
33. 21. he provided the/, part for himself 12. for if there be/, a willing mind, it is accepted Zech. 12. 10. as one in bitterness for his/.
Josh. 21. 10. theirs was/ lot, 1 Chr. 24. 7. | 25. 9. Eph. 1. 12. who/, trusted in Christ Mat. 1.25. Mary brought forth her/, son, Luke 2.7 .

Judg. I. 1. who shall go up/ to fight, 20. 18 4. 9. descended/, into the lower parts of the earth lion. 8. 29. might be the/ among many brethren
20. 39. Israel are smitten as in the/, battle 6. 2. which is the/, commandment with promise Col. 1. 15. who is the/ of every creature
1 Sam. 14. 14. that/ slaughter was twenty men 1 Thess 4. 16. the dead in Christ shall rise/. 18. who is the begiuniug, the /. from the dead
35. the same was the/, altar Saul built to Lord 2 Thess 2.3 except there come a falling away /. i/<'i.ll.28. lest he that destroyed the/, touch them
26'am.3.13.exceptthou/.bringMichalSaursdaugh. 1 Tim. 1. 16. that in me/. Christ Jesus might shew 23. ye are come to the church of the/.
19. 20. I am come the/ this day to meet my lord 2. 13. for Adam v/asf. formed, then Eve FIRST-FRUI'J', ot fruits.
43. that advice should not be/, had in bringing 3.10 let these also/, be proved, then let them use Exod. 22. 29. not delay to offer the/. ripe/rui.'.t
S3. 19. he was their captain, howbeit he attained 5. 4. let them learn/, to shew piety at home 23.16 l\xc .fruits oi thy labour thou hast sown
not unto the/, three, 23. 1 Chron. 11. 21, 25. 12. because they have cast off their/, faith 19.firstof/"./r«i« of thy land, 34.26. L>«ur.26 2
J Kings 17. 13. but make thereof a little cake/. 2 Tim. 1.5. faith dwelt/, in thy grandmother Lois 34. 22. the least of the/./ruiVf of wheat-harvest
18. 25. and it/, for ye are many 2. 6. husbandman must be/, partaker of the fruits Lev. 2. 12. oblation of ihef.fruits ye shall offer
20. 17. the young men of the princes went out/. 4. 16. at my/, answer no man stood with me 14. the meat-offering oU'.-f'uitt, green ears
1 Chron. 9.2. now the/, inhabitants that dwelt Tit. 3. 10. after/, and second admonition, reject 23. 10. bring a sheaf of mef.-fmits of harvest
11.6. whosoever smiteth the Jebusiles/. Heb. 4. 6. to whom it was/ preached, entered not 17. they are thef .fruits unto the Lord
16. 7- that day David delivered/, this psalm 5. 12. one teach you which be the/, principles 20. wave them with the bread of ihe/./;uif»
2 Chrort 3. 3. length by cubits after the/, measure 7.2./ being by interpretation, king of righteousn. Num.l8.l2f.fruits of oil,wine,wheat,I have given
Ezra 3. 12. that had seen the glory of the/, house 27. offer/, for his own sins, then for the people's 28. 26. in the day oif.fruits when ye offer to Ld.
EV/A. 1. 14. which sat the/, in the kingdom 8.7. the/, covenant, 13. 9. 1, 15, 18.
Deut. 18. 4. thef.-fruits of thy corn, wine, and oil
J-ib 15. 7. art thon the/, man that was born ? 9. 2. f. tabernacle, wherein was shew-bread, 6, 8. £6. 10. 1 have brought lhe/.-/na//of the land
Pruo.X&.lT. that is/ in his own cause seemeth just 10. 9- he takeih away the/ that he may establish 2 A'injx4.42. and brought the man of God/. /r«i(i
ita. 41. 27. the/, thall say to Zion, behold them Jam. 3. 17. wisdom that is from above, laj. pure 2 Chron. 31. 5. brought lu abundance the f. fruits
•M. 27. thy/, father hath sinned against me 1 I'et.'i 17. if judgment/, begin at us, what end S'eh. 10. 35. briiig_/.-/rKi«j of our ground, or trees
fio. 9. the ships of Tarshish/ to bring thy sons 2 Pet. 1. So. knowing this/, that no prophecy, 3. 3. .37. we should bring thef -fruits of our dough

Jer.*. 31. her that bringeth forth her/, child 1 John 4. 19. we love him, because he 12. 44. appointed overjchamters for/.;/>ui/i,13.31
f. loved us
10. 18. /. I will recompense their iniquity Jude 6. the angels who kept not their/, estate I'rov. 3.9. honour the Lord with thr
f. -fruits
24. 2. good figs, even like the figs that are/ ripe liev. 2. 4. because thou hast left thy/ love Jer. 2.3. Israel wasthe/.-/'rui(*of his increase
3fj. 28. write the words that were in the 5. repent, and do the/ works, else I wiii come Lzek. 20. 40. there will 1 require thef.-fruitt
f. roll
50. 17. /. the king of Assyria hath devoured hmi 13. 12. he exerciseth all the power of the f. beast 44.30. the first of all thef.fruits ot aU things
T)in. 6.3. Dan. was/, president, of an excellentsp. CO. 5. this is the/, resurrection 48. 14. nor exchange the f.-fivits of the land
7. 4. the/, beast was like a lion, liev. 4. 7. 21.1. the/ heaven and/, earth were passed away .lmos6. t 1. named the f. -fruits of the nations
24. and another shall be diverse from the/ 19. the/, foundation was jasper, second sapphire AJic. 7.1. my soul desired the/, ripe fruit
8.21. the great horn between his eyes is the/", king See D.w, Last. Horn. 8. 23. which have iiief.-jruitto{ the Spirit
10. 1 13. bat lo, Michael the/, came to help me 1 1 . 16. it thef .-fruits be holy, the lump is holy
At the FlR.Sr.
Uoi. 2. 7. I will go and return to my/, husband ('len. 13. 4.where Abram made the altar at the f. 16.5. whois"the/.-/r«iO of Achaia, 1 Cor. l6.15
9. 10. the/, ripe in the fig tree at her/, time 2K. 19. the city was called huz at thef. 1 CVr. 15.20. Christ /./ruiVj of them that slept, 23.

Amos ft. 7. shall go captive with the/, that go capt. 43. 18. because of the money returnea at the f. Jam. 1. 18. a kind off. -fruits of his cre.iturcs
.vfic.4. 8. 10 thee shall come the/, dominion 20. we came down indeed at the f. to buy food Uev. 14. 4. being Hiej.-truiis unto God and Lamb
Nan. 3. 12. like fig-trees witii the /. ripe figs Dt;«^.9.18. I fell down before Lord asar the f. 25. FIRST month.
Z/og.2.3. who is left that saw house iu her /glory ? Josh. 8. 5. when they come against us at the f. Gen. 8. 13. in the/, month, the/, day of the month
Ztch. 6. 2. in the /. chariot were red horses 6. ihey will say, they flee before us as at the Exod. 12.2. shall be the /'. month of the year to you
12. 7. the Lord shall save the tenu of Judah/. Judg. 18. 29. name of the city was Laish at lit f. 18. in/', moitti eat unLeaveued bread, ixv. 23&,
Exod.iO.i. first day of/, month set up tabern. 17. FISHERMEN. [2 Sam. 4. 4. Mephibosheth was/, years old when
A'^jm.y.l. in the/, monik keep thtpassover. 28. l6. Luke 5. 2. but the/, were gone out of them tidings came of Saul's and Jonathan's death
° C/,rtm. 35. 1. ExraG.ig. £zek.45.21. FISHERS. 21. 8. but David took the/, sons of Michal
20. 1. came ioto the desert of Zin in the/. rnontA Isa. 19. 8. the/.* also shall mourn and lament 1 A'in5J7.39./.baseson the right,/, on the left sido
33. .1. departed from Rameses in the/. mu«M ./V.l6.l6.beholii, I will send for many/.saith Lord 49. candlesticks ci pure gold, /. on the right
/ujA. 4. 19. people came out of Jordan in/. monM Eiek. 47. 10. that the/, shall stand upon it side, and/, on the left, 2 Chron. 4. ».
1 C/lron.lC.lS. tdese went over Jordan in/, month Alai.'i.lii. net into sea, for they were/. Murk 1 .16. 2A'»nej 6.25. part of cab of dove's dunj sold/pieces
27. 2. the captain that served the/, month, 3. 19- I will make you/, of men, Mark 1. 17. 7. 13. let some tzike/. of the horses that remain
2 Chron. 29- 3. in the/, month opened the doors /oAn 21. 7. Peter gin/.coattohim,forhe was naked 13. 19. thou shouldest have smitten/ or six times
of the house of the Lord FISHES. £5. 19. /• men that were in the kinii's presence
IT.lhey began on first day of/, month to sanctify Gen. 9. 2. the fear of you shall be on all/, of the sea 1 Chron. 2. 6. the sons of Zera,/. of them in all
and in th* sixteenth day o{ /.month made an end 48. + 16. let the lids grow as/, do increase 11. 23. Benaiah slew an Egyptian/, cubits high
Etra 7.9./- month began he to go from Babylon 1 King] 4. 33. he spake of creeping things and/. Isa. 17. 6. fouror/. in the utmost fruitful branches
8. 31. the/, month we departed from Ahava Jod 12.8. the /. of the sea shall declare unto thee 19.18./.cities in Egypt speak language of Canaaii
10. 17- they made an end with them by/, month Eecl. 0. 12. the/, that are taken in an evil net 30. 17. at the rebuke of/, shall ye flee
JLiih. 3. 7- in the/, mjmth they cast Pur. on the £xek. 38. 20. so that the/, of the sea shall shake Mat. 14. 17. they said to him, we have here but
thirteeenth aay of the/, month Hot. 4. 3. the/, of the sea shall be taken away /. loaves and two fishes, Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13.
Eiek. 45. 18. in the/, month take a young bullock Hai, 1. 14. and makest men as the/, of the sea 16.9. the/, loavesof the/, thousand, Marks. Ifit
Jutl 2. 23. cause former and latter rain in /. month Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the/, of the sea 25. 2. /. of them were wise. and/, were foolish
FIRST yMr. A/a/. 14.17. we have here but five loaves jind two f. 15. and unto one he gave/, talents, 16.
Eiod. 12.5. your lambs shall be male of the/, ytar Mark 6. 38. Luke Q. 13. John 6. 9. £K*«12.6.are not/.spcirrows sold for two farthings.'
29. 38. offer two lambs of the/, yiar, day by day 15, 34. seven loaves and a few little/. Mark 8. 7. 52. there shall be/ in one house divided
continually, Lev. 23. I9. jVum. 28. 3, 9. Luke 5. 6. they inclosed a great multitude of/. 14. 19. another said, I have bought/yoke of oxeiv
Lei. 9. 3. take a kid of the/, yfa/- without blemish 9. for he wjis astonished at the draught of/. 16.28. send him to my father's, 1 have/, brethren
12. (>. he shall bring a lamb of the/ year. Num. 6. John 21.6. not able to draw it for multitude of/. 19- 18. Lord, thy pound hath gained/, pounds
7. 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 11. Simon Peter drew net to land full of great/. 19. be thou also over/, cities
75, 81. I'.iek. 46. 13. 1 Cor. 15. 39. one flesh of beasts, Jinother of/. John 4. 18. for thoa hast had/, husbands
14.10. take an twe-ljirab of the/. yMr.A'um. 6.14. FISHING. 5. 2. there is a pool Bethesda having/, porches
23. 12. offer an he-lamb of the/, year, Num. 6. 14. John 21. 3. Simon Peter sciith unto them, I go a/. 6. 9. there is a lad which hath/, barley-loaves shall off«r seven lambs of ihe/.vearwithout FISHY. 13. with the fragments of the/, barley-loaves
blemish, A'um. 28. 11,19,27. 129. 2,8,36. 1 Sam. 5. + 4. the/, part of Dagon was left to him ]Co.-.14.19. 1 had rather speak/words with unders.
I>'um. 7. 17. for a peace-offering five lambs of the FIST, S. 2 Cor. 11. 24./. times received I forty stripes
/.year, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59. Eiod. 21. 18. and one smite another with his/. Kev. 17. 10. there are seven kings,/, are fallen
87 the lambs ofthe/, year t«'elve for bumt-offer. Pror. 30. 4. who hath gathered the wind in his/. .' FIVE-SQUARE.
80 the lambs of the/, fear sixty for a peace-offer. Isa. 58. 4. and to smite with the/, of wickedness 1 Kings 6. i 31. lintel and side-posts were/. -im^are
15.27. then he shall bring a she-goat of the/, year Mark 7. 3. they wash their hands with the/. FI.XED.
£y.l3. offer a burnt-offering, fourteen lambs of the FIT. 2 Chron. 12. + 14. Rehoboam/. not his heart
/. year, 17, 20, 23, 26, £9, 32. £fp. 16.21. send him away by the hand of a/, man Ptal.5T. T.OGod, my heart is/. I will sing, 106. 1.
S Chr. 29. 3. Hezekiah in tiie/.year of his reign 1 Chron. 7. 1../. to go out to war and battle, 12. 8. 112. 7. his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, £ira 1.1. 5. 13. 6.3. Joi3i. 18. isit/. to say to a king, thou art wicked Luke 16. £6. between us and you there is a gulf/
| | r

Jtr. 25. 1. that was the /". year of Nebuchadnezzar Prov. 24. 27. make it/, for thyself in the field FLAG, S.
52. 31. in the/year of the reign of Evil-merodach Etei. 15. 5. the vine was made/, for no work EjoJ. 2. 3. she laid the ark in the/, by the river
i'j7».I.2l. Daniel continued to the/, year of Cyrus LuJte 9. 62. looking back, is/, for kingdom of God 5. and when she saw the ark among the/.
7. 1. in the/ year of Eelshazzar Daniel dreamed 14. 35. it is not /. for the land nor dunghill J06 8. 11. can the/, grow without water?
'J. 1. in/, rf jr of Darius I understood by books,2. W«x 22. 22. it is not/, that he should live Isa. 19. 6. the reeds and/, shall wither
;i. 1. in ta. /.year'of Darius I stood to confirm Col. 3. 18. wives, submit as it is/, in the Lord FLAGON.
FIRSTLING. FITCHES. 2 Sam. 6. 19. to each a/, of wine, 1 Chron. 16. 3.
Jiica.13.12. shall set apart every/, that cometh of Isa. 28. 25. doth he not cast abroad the/..' FLAGONS.
a beast, the males shall be the Lord's, 34. I9. 27. the/, are not threshed,/, are beaten out Cant. 2. 5. stay me with/, comfort me with apple*-
13. every/, of an ass thou shalt redeem, 34. 20. Ezek. 4. 9- take thou wheat, barley, millet, and/. Isa. 22. 24. from cups, even to all the vessels of/.
X.ev. 27. 20. the Lord's/, no man shall sanctify it FirrED. IIos. 3. 1. who look to other gods, love/, of wine
Aiun. 18. L5. the/, of unclean beasts shalt redeem 1 Kings 6. 35. with gold/, upon the carved work FLAKES.
17 the/, of a cow, sheep, or goat, not redeem Prov. 22. 18. they shall withal be/, in thy lips Joi 41. £3. the/, of his flesh are joined together
Vtut. 15. 19. all the /. maW sanctify to the Lord Rom. 9. 22. the vessels of wrath/, to destruction FLAME.
33. 17. Joseph's glory is like the /. of a buHock Hei. 10. + 5. but a body hast thou /.me End. 3. 2. angel appeared in a/, of fire, Acts 7.30.
FIRSTLINGS. FirrETH. Num. 21.28 a/, from the city of Sihon, Jer. 48.45.
Cm. 4. 4. Abel brought of the/, of his flocit Isa. 44. 13. the carpenter/, it with planes Judg. 13. 20. when/, went up, angel went io the f.
Sum. 3. 41. instead of all the/, among the cattle FITLY. £0. 38. that they should make a great/, to rise
D« shall bring/, ofyonr herbs and flocks Prov. 25. 11. a word/, spoken is like apples of gold 40. the/ of the city ascended up to htaven
17. thou mayest not eat within thy gates the/. Cant 5. 12. his eyes washed with milk, and/, set Jo& 15. 30. the/, shall dry up his branches
14. C3. eat the/, in the place the Lord shall choose Eph.Q. 21. in whom all building/, frained together 41. £1. Jind a_/. goeth out of his mouth
AcA.i0.36./.of our herds bring to the house of God 4. 16. from whom whole body/, joined together Psal. 83. 14. as the/, setteth the mountains on fire
FISH. FIVE. 106. 18. the/, burnt up the wicked
Coi.l.26.1etthem have dominion over/of sea, C8. Gen. 14.9 battle in vale of Siddim ,four kings with/. Cant. 8.6. coals of fire, which hath a vehement/
£xod. 7. 18. the/, in the river shall die, 21. 18. 28. wilt thou destroy all for lack of/ ? Isa. 5. 24. and as the /. consumeth the chaff
Xum. 11. 5. we rememb. the/, we did eat in Egypt 43. 34. Benjamin's mess was/, times so much 10. 17. and his Holy One shall be for a/.
22. shall all the f. of the sea be gathered together 45. 6./. years in which no earing or harvest, 11. £9. 6. shalt be visited with the/", of devouring fire
Deut. 4. 18. nor likeness of any/, in the water 22. to Benjamin he gave/, chzuiges of raiment 30. t27. name of L. comes with grievousness of/.
Aefi. 13. 16. men of Tyre also, whish brought/. 47. 2. he presented/, of his brethren to Pharaoh 30. the Lord shall shew his arm with the/.
Plat. 8. 8. thou hast put the/, under his feet Exoi. 13. 1 18. but Israel went up/, in a rank 43. 2. neither shall the/, kindle upon thee
105.29. turned waters into blood, and slew their/. 22. l.the thief shall restore/, oxen for an ox 47. 14. they shall not deliver themselves from/.
Jta. 1.9. 10. all that make sluices and ponds for/. 26. 3. other/, curtains coupled, 9. 36.10, I6.
Etek. 20. 47. the flaming/, shall not be quenched
5o. 2. their/, stinketh because there is no water 26. make/, bars for the boards, 27. 36. 31, 32.
Don. 3.22. /.slew those men that took up Shadrach
Lzek. 29.4. I will cause the/, to stick to thy scales 37./. pillars, 36. 38. 26. 38. /. sockets of 7.9. his throne was like the fiery f. and his wheels

5. I will leave thee, and al\ the/, of thy rivers brass 11. till his body was g'ven to the burning/.
47.9and there shall be a very great multitude of/ 27. 1. an altar/, cubitj long,/, cubits broad 11. 33. yet they shall fall by the sword and by/.
10. their/, shall be as the/, of the great sea 18. the height of the hangings/, cubits, 38. 18. Joel 1. 19. the/, hath burnt all the trees of the field
Jonah 1.17. the Ld. had prepwed a great^'. to swal- 38. 1 f. cubits the breadth, and/, the length
. 2. 3. a fire devours, and behind them a/, burneth
low up Jonah, he was in belly of/, three days Lev. 26. 8./. of you shall chase an hundred 5. like the noise of a/, of fire that devoureth
2.1. lonah prayed to the Lord out of the/. 's belly 27. 5. II thy estimation be from/, years old 06ad. 18. and the house of Joseph shall be a/.
10. Lord spake to the/, and it vomited out Jonah 6. if it be from a month old to/, years old Nah. 3. 1 3. the horseman lifteth up the/, of sword
Hat.'. 10. if he ask a/, will he givehira a serpentf Kum. 3. 47. even take/ shekels a-piece, 18. 16, Luke 16. 24. for I am tormented in this/.
17. 27. cast a hook, take up the/, that first cometh 7. 17, for a sacrifice of peace-offerinss,/. rams, Hei. 1. 7. who maketh his ministers a/, of fire
Luie 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a broiled /. /. goats,/, lambs, 23, Cg, 35, 41, 47, 53. Kev. 1. 14. eyes were as a/, of fire, 2.18. 19.12.

John 21.9. they saw/, laid thereon, and bread 31.8. slew/, kings of Midian, Balaam son of Beor FLAMES.
10. bring of the/, which ye have now caught Josh. 1. 1 14. ye shall pass marshalled by/. Psal. 29.7. the voice of Lord divideth the /
of fere
13. Jesus taketh bread, and giveth them, and/. 10. 5./. kings of Amorites went against Gibeon /' a madman whocauseth/.anddeatb
FISH. 16. these/, kings fled axiil hid themselves Isn.\3.e. shall be amazed, their faces shall be aa/.
Jer. 16. 16. will send fishers, and they shall/.tkem 17./. kings hid 22. boing out the/, kings
66. J 5. L^rd come to render rebuke with/, of fire
FISH-GATE. 23. they brought out these/ kings unto him FLAMING.
^Chr. 33.14. Manasseh built on enterine of /.-gate 26. he slew them and hanged them on/, trees Gen. 3. 24. he placed at garden of Eden a/, sword
JV'«rt.3.3.lbe/.-gare did the sons of HassenaaL build 13. 3./. lords of the Philistines, Judg. 3. 3. £««*. 20. 47. the/, flame shall not be quenched
12. 39. and I after them from above the/.-gate Judg. 7. 1 11. he went to outside of ranks by/. iVaA. 2.3. the chariots shall be with/, torches
Zeph. 1. 10. the noise of a cry from the/.-"a/e 18. 2. the children of Dan sent/, men from coasts See Fire.
FISH-HOOKS. 1 Sam. 6. 4./. golden emerods, f. golden mice FLANKS.
Amos 4. 2. I will take your posterity -vdCa /.-hooks iC.when the/, lords of the Phifistines had seen it Lev. 3. 4. the fat that is on them, which is by the /
FISH-rOOCS. 17. 40. David chose him/, smooth stones it shall he take away, 10. 15. 4. 9-
| 7- 4. I

Can:. 7. 4. thine eyes like the/.-pooU of Heshbon 21. 3. give me/, loaves of bread in my hand Joi 15. 27. he maketh coUops of fat on his I'.

FISH-SPEAKS. 25. 18. she brought/, sheep,/, measures of com FLASH.

Jtb 41. 7. can»t thou fill hii head with f.-tytarsT 42. Abigail rode on an a^s wi:h/. danutU Etei. 1. 14. as the appvaraiice o( a /. of Lghtaisg
FLAT. ^fy.12.6. the woman/. 16.20. every island/.away Jonah 1. 3. Jonah rose up to/, to Tarshish

Zev.S.i-S. an ofTering ba«en on a /. plate,?, ig. £0. 11. from whose face earth and heaven/, away Nah. 3. 7. all they that look on, shall/, from thee
21. 18. he that hath a.f. nose shall not approach He FLED. Mat, 2. 13. arise, Uke tlie young child and f.
Num. 22. 31. Balaam bowed, and fell/", on his face Gen. 31. 20. in that he told him not that he f. 3. 7. hath warned you/, from wrath .'
Luke 3. 7
Josh. 6. 5. the wall of the ciiy shall tall down f. CI. so he f. 35. 7. when he f. from his brother
11 10. S3, when persecute yon in city/, to another
20. the people shouted, the wall fell down /" 39. 12. he left his garment xaij. 13, 15, 18. 24. 16. then let them which b« in Judea f. to the
FLATfER. Josh. 20. 6. theu the slayer shall came to his own mountains, AfarjH3. 14. Ltike 21. 21.
Pial. 5.9. no faithfulness, tney/. with their tongue house, to the city from whence hef. Nvm.35.25. Johji 10. 5. a stranger will not follow, but f. from
78. 36. they did/, him with their mouth, and lied Jtidg.g.iO. Abimelech chased Gaal, and he/. Acts 27. 30. as the shipmen were about to/.
FLATTERETH. 1 Sam. 22. 17. because they knew when he J'. 1 Cor.6.18./. fornication |1
10. 14./. from idolatry
Psal. 36. 2. for he/, himself in his own eyes 2 KingsQ. 27. Ahaziah fled, and A*/, to Megiddo lT'im.6.11. but thou, Oman of God,/, these thines
/'roi;.2.l6.from stranger who/, with her words, 7.5. 14. 19. and he f. to Lachish, 2 Chron. 25. 27. 2 Tim. 2. 22./. also youthful lusu, follow faith
20. 19. meddle not with him that/, with his lips Jmiah 1. 10. and /i«/. from the presence of the L, Jam. 4. 7. resist the devil, and ha will/, from yon
28. 2.'J. shall find more favour than he that/. Mark 14. 52. he left the linen cloth, and /. naked Rev. 9. 6. in those days death shall /. from them
29.5. a man that/, spreadeth a net for his feet Is FLED. 12. It. that the woman might/, into wilderness
FLATTERING. Nttm. 35. 32. take no satisfaction for him that is f. See Fly.
Job 32. 21. neither let me give/, titles to man 1 Sam. 4. 17. Israel is/, before the Philistines FLEE anay.
22. for I know not to give/, titles 2 Sam. 19.9. Dav. is/, out of the land for Absalom f?/«. 31.27. wherefore didst thou/, aaau secretly?
Psal. 12.2. with /. lips and double heart do speak Isa. 10. 29. Ramah is'afraid, Gibeah of Saul is/. 2 6'am.l8. 3. if we/, atcay, they will not care for us
3. the Lord shall cut off all/, lips, and the tongue They FLED. Joi 9. 25. my days/, azay, they see no good
Prov 7. 21. with the/, of her lips she forced him Geti. 14. 10. they that remained/, to the mountains 20. 8^". aaay as a (fream, and shall not be found
26. 28. and a/, mouth worketh ruin Josh. 7. 4. they /. from before the men of Ai Psal. 04. 8. all that see them, shall /. axay
£zei. 12. 24. there shall be no more/, divination 10. 11. as they/, the Lord cast down great stones Cant.Z.\7. till day break, and shadows/.aaia^,4.6
I I'/iess. 2. 5. neither used we at any time/, words 1 Sam. 4.10. Philistines fought, Israel was smitten, Isa. 35. lO.sorrow and sighing shall/.ariay,51.11
FLA'ITERy, and they/, every man to his tent, 2 Kings 14.12. Jer. 46. 6. let not the swift/, away, nor escape
Job 17. 5. he that speaketh/. to his friends 17. 51. when saw their champion was dead they/. Amos 2. 16. he that is courageous shall/, atcay
Prov. 6. 24. to keep from the f. of a strange woman 19.8. David slew Philistines, and they/, from him 7.12.0 thou seer, go/.azra^iintotheltndof Judah
FLATTERIES. 2 Sam. 10. 13. Joab drew nigh, they/. 1 Chr. I9.14. 9. 1. he that fleetS of them, shall not/, azcay
Dan. 11. 21. but he shall obtain the kingdom by/. 2 Kings 3. 24. smote Moabites, they/, before them Nah. 2. 8. Nineveh shall/, away, they shall cry
.'(2. such as do wickedly shall becorrupt
by/. 1 Chron. 10, 7. when all Israel saw that they/. 3. 17. as great grasshoppers in hedges they J'.aaay
34. but many shall cleave to them wilh/. Psal.lOi.7. at thy rebuke they/, they haisted away FLEEING.
FLAX. /m. 2 1.15. for they/, from the swords, and bent bow Lev. 26. 36. they shall flee as/, from the sword
lEiod. 9.31. /.and bailey was smitten,/, was boiled Jer. 39. 4. then they/, and went forth of the city Z)£«;.4.42.that/.to one of these cities he might live
JosA. 2. 6. she hid them wilh the stalks of/ Lnm. 4. 15. when they /. away, and wandered Job 27. t 22. in/, h* would flee out of his hand
Jud^. 15. 14. cords became as/, that was burnt Van. 10. 7. so that they/, to save themselves 30. 3. for want and famine/, to the wilderness
Pror. 31. 13. she seeks wool and/, and worketh Ilos. 7.13. woe unto them, for M(?y have/, from me FLEETH.
Jia. 19. 9. they that work in fine /. confounded Ijike 8. 34. when they saw what was done, thev f. J5«<M9.11. smite him mortally,/.into one of cities
42.3. asmoking/.shall he not quench, Jl/a/. 12. 20. .' that </ifv/.outof that house wouiided Job 14.2. he/, as a snadow jmd continueth not
Ezet. 40. 3. a man with a line of/, in his hand FLEDDEST. Isa. 24. 18. that he who/, from the noise of fear
Jios. 2. 5. I will go after my lovers that give me/. Oen. 35. 1 when thou/', '/• from the face of Esau Jer. 48. I9. ask him that/, and her that escapeth
9. and 1 will recover my wool and my/. /. 114. 5. what ailed dththee, O sea, that thou/. .' 44. he that/, from the fear, shall fall into the pit
FLAY FLEECE Amosg. 1. he that/, of them shall not flee away
Mic. 3.3./. their skins from off them, break bonei Dent. 18. 4. the first of the/, of sheep give Levites John 10. 12. but he that is an hireling/. 13.
FLAYED, Jndg 6. .37. 1 will put a/, of wool in the Hoor FLESH.
e CAr. 35. 11. sprinkled blood, the Levites,/ them 38. Gideon wringed the dew out of the/. Flesh it understood different wayt, as, (1) Fot
FLEA. 39. let it now lie dry only upon the/. the flesh uhich it the matter 0/ bodies, shethtr
ISim. 24. 14. is the king come after a/. ."26.20. Job3\. 20 if not warmed with the/, of my sheep 0/ men or animals. Lev. 13. 10. Num. 11. 33.
FLED. FLEE. (2) For living men, and even all animals m
G«w. 14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah f. Oen 16. 8. 1/, from the face of my mistress Sarai general. Gen. 6. 13, The end of all flesh is
16.6. Hagar/. 1131.22. Jacob/. lios 12. 12. 19. 20 behold this city is near to/, unto come before me : / am resolved to destroy every
jExiirf. 2.15. Moses 1'. from Pharaoh, 4. 3 Ac/s'.'2g. 27. 43. arise./, to Laban my brother to Ilaran thing that hath li/t j Gea. 7. 15, I6, J hey
14. 3. It was told Ving of Egypt that the people/. Eiod- 14. 25. let us /'. from the face of Israel went in two and two of all flesh, that is, an*-
27. and the Egyptians/, against the sea 21. 13. appoint a place whither he shall/. tnals 0/ all speciet. (3) Flesh it taken /or a
Num. 16. 34. Isr. round about/, at the cry of them Lev CO. 17. ye shall/, when none pursueth, 36 relation, one 0/ the same stock or kindred. Gen.
J3eut. 34. + 7. nor was his natural force/. .Vnm.l0.55.t"hathatethee/.before ihee,/^ia/. t)8.1. .S*. 27, Let not our hand be upon him, for he
Josh. 8. 15. Israel /. by the way of the wilderness 24. 11. therefore now/, thou to thy place is our flesh, he is our brother. And in 2 Sam,
10.16. these five kings/, and hid themselves 35.G.six cities, that the man-slayer may/, thither, 19- 12, 13, Ye are my bones and my flesh.
Judg. 1. 6. Adoni-bezek/. 4. 15. Sisera/. away
11.15. £)«<;. 4.42. 19. 3,4,5. Ji>jA. CO. 3,4,9.
Art thou not of my bone, and of my flesh '
7. 21. all the host ran and cried, and/. 22. Dan. ^6. 7. and/, before thee seven ways, 23. (4) lor every man uho is 0/ the tame nainre
6. 12. Zalmunna/. 9. 21. Jotham ran and /'.
Josh. 8. 5. as at first we will/, before them, 6. ^ilh ouTselvet, and where ue may contemplate
9.51. to the tower/, all the men and wonien 20. had no power to/, this way or that way our own flesh: In tkit latinuie it rt taken in
11.3. Jephthah/". ||20. 45. the Benjaniites/ 47. Jndg. CO. 32. let ns/. and draw them from the city Isa. £8. 7, And that thou hide net thyself
1 Sam. 4. 16. and \ f, to-day out of the army 1 6a»i. 15.19. but didst/, on the spoil, and didst evil from thine own flesh ; /rom thy neighbour, /rom
14.22. when theyneard that the Thilistines /. 2 .Saw. 4. 4. as his nurse made haste to/, she fell any one 0/ thijie can nature, to whom thou
17. 24. the men ol Israel /' from Goliath 15. 14./ else we shall not escape from Absalom hast an opportunity 0/ doing good. (5) For mitn-
ig.lO.David/. andescaped,12.18. 20.1. 21.10. | |
19. 3. as men steal away when they/, in battle kind, considered as impotent and/eeble, unable to
22.20. Abiatliar escaped and/ after David, 23.6. 24.13. wilt thou/, three months before enemies•
help either himsel/ or others, Itx. 17- 5, Cursed
30. 17. save four hundred which rode and/. 1 Kings 12. 18. Kehoboam made speed to get to is the man that maketh flesk his arm ; that de-

31.1. Israel/, frnm the Philistines, 7. 25(7m.l9.8. his chariot, and/, to Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 10. Hi. pends upon any human poller /or help. (6) lor
2 Sam. 4. 3. Beerotliites/. loGittam and sojourned 2 Kings 9 3 then open the door, and/, tarry not For the quality 0/ corruption, which is not sinful,
4. and his nurse/. ||
10. 14 the Syrians/ 18 iNWi. (5. 11. I said, should such a man as \j'.? but the effect of sin, 10 zthich our bodies are
13. 29. Absalom and the king's sons/ .34. 37, .38. Job 20. 24 he shall/, from the iron weapon subject in this life. 1 Cor. 15. 50, Flesh and
18. 17. all Israel/, every one to his tent 27. 22 he would fain/, out of his hand blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God ; that
1 Kings Q. 7 for so they came to me when T/. 30 10. they abhor me, they /" far from me it, our /rail corruptible bodies cannot come to

28. Joab/. to the tabemacle,29. 1 1.17 Iladad/". 41. 28. the arrow cannot make him/. heaven : 'Fliat uhich thall inherit heaven mutt

11. 23. Rezon/. from his lord 40. Jeroboam/T

Vtal.l 1 1 .how say ye,/, as bird to your mountain
be at incorrupt flesh, a body without corruption.
20. 20. the Syrians/. 1 Cir. I9. 18. 2 A'imjj? ". C8. 12 kings of armies/, apace, she that tarried (7) For the estate 0/ this preunt li/e. Phil. 1.
,2 Kings S. 21. and tne people/, to their tents 139 7. or whither shall'l/. from thy presence ' 24, To abide in the flesh is more needful for
9.10. the prophet opened door and/. 1123. Joram/. 143. 9. deliver me, O Lord, I/, to thee to hide me you. (3) For that ahich it according to th*
25. 4. all the men of war/, by niglit./fr 52. 7. Prov. 28. 1 the wicked/, when no man pursueth ordinary course i/ nature. Gal. 4. 23, He who
iC;Ar. 10.1. themenof Isr./. 11. 13. 2 CAr. 13 I6. 17. he shall/, to the pit, let no man stay him was of the bond-woman, was bom after the
i Chron. 14. 12. Lord smote Ethiopians and they/. Isa. 10. 3. to whom will ye/, for help • flesh. Ishmael sas bom a/itr the manner
Nih. 13. 10. the Levites/ every one to his field l.f. 14. and/, every one into his own land 0/ other men, by the mere and sole eficnc^ 0/
Efth. 6. t 1. King Ahasuerus' sleep/, away 15. 5. his I'ugilives shall/, unto Zoar nature, not by promise, as vat Isaac, Khen hit
Pia/. 31. 11. they that did see me/, from me 17. 13. they shall/, far off, and shall be chased mother uas naturally past conception, (fi) Flesh
114. 3. the sea saw it and/. Jordan was driven CO. 6. such ourexpectation whither we/, for help is taken /or whatsoever m man it reputed most
2'm.21.14. they prevented with bread him that/. 30. 16. but ys said no, for we will/, on horses eictllent and glorious without the grace of
22.3. all thy rulers are/, together, they are bouud 17. at the roluike of five shall ye/ Christ; at nobility, wisdom, undertlanding, or
33. 3. at the noise of the tumult the people/. 48. 20. go from Babylon./ ye from the Chaldeans reason. Mat. 16. 17, Flesh and blood hath not
Jer. 4. 25 all tne birds of the heavens were /. Jfr. 4.29. the city shall/, for the noise of horsemen revealed it unto thee : nothing 0/ nature hat
9. 10. the fowl and beast are/, they are gone 6. 1. gather yourselves to /". out of Jerusalem done it. And in John 1. lA, Bom not of
26.21. Urijahheard and/.(|46.5. Egyptians are/. C.'). 35. the shepherds shall have no way to r'.
blood, nor of the will of the flesh: that is,
46. 21. also her hired men are/, away together 48. 6./. save'your lives, and be like the heath neither by their descent /lom nuh and such
Jonah 4. 2. therefore I /. before to Tarshish O.give wings to Moab.that it may/.and pet away ancestors, nor by the power 0/ their ofin free-
Zech. 14.5. shall flee ;is ye/, before the earthquake 49. 8. Edom shall/. 24. Dam.i.scus turned to/.
will. (10) For all that in religion which it
Mat. 8. 33. they that kept them/, and went away 30._/'. dwell deep, O ye inhabitants of Hazor outward, and to be seen wilh the eye, as moral
26. 56. disciples forsook him and/. Mark 14. 50. 50. 16. they shall /. every one to his own land works or ceremonies, Rom. 4. 1, What nath
ilforiHfi.8. they went outand/. from the sepulchre C8. voice of thf ra that/, and escape from Babylon .Ibrahiim found as pertaining to the flesh' 'J'he
Acti 16.27. supposing the prisoners bad been/. 51.6./. outof the midst of Babylon, /J^cA. 2. 6. word flesh in the folloaine verie, it erplained
Hei. 6. 18. f. for refuge to lay hold on the hope Amos 5.19. as if a man didy from alioD, and bear 10 be the worti 0/ Abraham u-hich did mtjus^
. .


Hfy him Ufore God. Tf.ut Bera, Piscator, atd Etek.ii. 20. paramours, whose/, is as/, of asse^ John 17. 2. thou hast give* hira power over allf,
oifttrs interpret the place, .-ind in this sense 24.10. heap on wood, consume the/, spice it well 1 Cor. 15. 39. allf. is not same flesh, OM
of men
flesh is taken. Gal. 3. 4, Are ye now made 37. 6. and I will bring up/, upon you, 8. Uts ILESII.
perfect by the flesh ? that is, 6y ao7ks, and the Dan. 2.11. the gods, whose dwelling is not with/. Exod. 21. 28. and his f. shall not be eaten
camai ctrermmet af the law. (11) lor the 7. 5. they said to it, arise, devour much/. 29. 31. and seethe his f. in the holy place
uholt nature of man, as ilcometk into the world, 10. 3. neither came V". nor wine in my mouth Lev. 4. 11. burn all hi's
with his head, 8. 17
rorrvpt, vile, and infected tcith sin, Roiu. "• 5. //(ii.8.13.they satTifice/. for sacrificcsof ofierings 6. 10. he shall put linen breeches on hisf. if). 4.
8. 8, When we were in the flesh. They that .Mic. 3. 2. who pluck the/, from off their bones 13. 2. shall have a rising in the skin of his f,

are in the flesh ; that is, in a carnal, corrupt Zeph. 1. 17. their/, shall be poured out as aung 3. priest look on the plague in the skin of his f.
state ; ruch cannot please God, namely, :./iik //"^.C.lC.if one bear holy/, in skirt of his garment 4. if bright spot be white in the skin of hisf.
tney continue so, and till they be convened Zech. 14. 12. their/, shall consume away 11. it is an old leprosy in the skin of htsf. 13.
Like:cist in all other places, uhere the uord Afa/.l6.l7./.aud blood hath not revealed it to thee 14. 9. he shall wash his ciothet, also wash hisf. in
flesh is applied to men unregeneraled, it signi- 19. 5. shall cleave to his wife.and the^ twain shall water, 15. I6. j I6. 24, 28. Nnm. I9. 7
fies the uhole corruption ar.d depravity of our he one f. 6. .VoTK 10.8. 1 Cor. O.lti. ICph. 5. 31. 15.2. any man hath a running issue out of hii f
nature, raging and reigning both in the under- 24. 22. there should no/, be saved, Maik 13.20. 3. whether Aix/. run with his issue, or be stopped

standing and uill : But in those places of scrip- 26.41. spirit willing, but/, is weak, .Mark 14. 38. 17. 16. but if he wash them not, nor bathe his f
ture, tihere flesh is attributed to persons that Luke 24.39. spirit hath no'i/.aud boncs,as ye see mc 22. 6. be unclean, unless he wash hisf, with water
1 Kings 21. 27. Ahab put sackcloth on hit
are conieited, and is set in opposition to the John 1. 14. the WORD was made/, and dwelt f.
Spirit, it signifies the remainder of natural cor- 6.63. the Spirit quickeneih.the/. profiteth nothing 2 Kings 5. 14. hisf. came again, and he was clean
ruption, even so much of that vicious quality of Acts 2. 30. the seed of Dav. according to /'.yfflm. 1. 3. 6. 30. behold Joram had sackcloth on hisf.

sin, as is still unmortified in regenerated per- Horn. 3. CO. there shall no/, be justitii'd in hissight Job 2. ji ouch his bone and hisf. he will cursetlieB
sons. See Rom. 7. lU, C5. Gal. 5. 17,21. 4. 1. that Abraham as pertaining to the/, found 14. 22. but his f. upon him shall have pain
To be one flesh, denotes a most inseparable union, 7. *5. but with the/. I serve the law oi' sin 31. 31. if men said not, O that we had of hisf.
and an intimate communion, as if the t'uv nere 8. 3. in that the law was weak through the/ God 33.21. hisf. is consumed away, it cannot be seen
tut one person or one body. Gen. 2. 24, And sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful /. 25. his shall be fresher than a child's
they shall be one flpsh. This phrase is med 9.3. for my bretliren and kinsmen according tof. 41. 23. the flakes of his f. are joined together
by the Apostle to shea the union and commu- 5. of whom as concerning the/. Christ came Prov. 11. 17. he that is cruel troubletb hisf.
nion that is between Christ and believers, Kph. 13. 14. make not provision for the/, to fulfil £fc/.4.5.the fool foldet'h his hands.and eateth hisf.
5. M, 31. Flesh also signifies the human na- 1 Cor.l.C9. that no/, should glory in his presence Isa. 17. 4. the fatness of his
f. shall wax lean
ture of Christ. Ilei. 10." CO, J'hrough the 15.39. there is one /.of men, and another of beasts John 6.52. can this man give us hisf. to e^t f
Tail, that ij to say, hi* flesh. It is called 50. /. and blood cannot inherit the kingd. of God Acts 1. 31. neither hisf. did see corruption
aefh, because it was subject to sinless ueaineaset 2 Cor. 1. 17. do I purpose according to the/. .' Oal. 6. 8. hethatsoweth to hisf. shall reapcomip
and infirmities, and Shereby his divine nature 4. 11. that life of Jesus be made manifest in our/. £ph. 2. 15. having abolished in hitf. the enmitj
teas veiled and covered over ; even as the ark of 7.5. ourf. had no rest, but we were troubled 5. 29- no man ever yet hated his own/.

the covenant, the mercy-seat, and the most holy 10. 2. as if we walked according to they'. 30. for we are members of his body, of hisf.
Col. I.1J2. now hath reconciled in the body of /;!>/
place, vere by the vail. The flesh of Christ Gal. 1. 16. I conferred not with/, and blood
signifies whole Christ, both God and Man in 2. 16. by works of the law shall no/, be justified //«i.5.7.whoindays oi hisf. when offered prayers
one person. John 6. 55, Jly flesh is meat in- 3. 3. are ye now made perfect by the/..' 10. 20. consecrated thro' vail, that is to say, his
deed, that is, I myself, silh all my benefits, 5. 13. use not liberty for an occasion to the/. In the FLESH, or in FLESH.
being received and applied by faith. An heart 17./. Instcth against the Spirit, Spirit ag.iinst/. Gen. 17. 24. Abraham was circumcised in the f.
of flesh denotes a tender, tradable temper and 24. they that are Christ's have crucified they. 25. isbmael circumcised ih thef. of his foreskin
disposition of soul, Ezek. 36. 06. I'lesh is nl'o Ejjh.'Z.i. we all had ourconversat. in lusts of our/. £:£*. 44. 7. brought in uncircumcised i« thef.
taken for the oulnard appearance, John 8. 15, (). 5. your masters according to the/. Col. 3. 22. 9.uncircumcised i« thef. not enter the sanctuary
Ye judge after the flesh. IC. for we wrestle not ajainst/. and blood Dan. 1.15. counten. appeared fairer and falter inf.
Gen. C. CI. God closed up the /. instead thereof //<A.C.14.lhe children arc partakers of/, and blood Horn. 2.28. circumcision which is outward in thtj
£4. shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be one/'. 12. 9. we had fathers of our/, who corrected us 7. 5. for when we were in thef. the motions of siu

6. 3. shall not strive with man, for that he is JuJe 7. and going after strange/, are an example 8. 3. and for sin condemned sin in the f.

17- 11- ye shall circumcise the/, of your foreskin 8. likewise these filthy dreamers defile the/. 0. they that are in thef. cannot please God
14. whose/, is not circumcised shall be cut oR" C3. haling even the garment spotted by the/. 9. but ye are not in thef. but in the Spirit
1 Cor. 7. 28. such shall have trouble in thef.
23. Abraham circumcised the/, of their foreskin iJff.iy.lS.may eat/, of captains,/.of mighty men
37. C7- for he is our brother and our f. CI. and all the fowls were filled with their/. 2CDr. 10.3. though we walk in thef. not war after/.
Etod. 4.7. his hand was turned again as Kis other/. See Eat, Eateth. 12. 7. there was given to me a thorn in the f.
C8. +4C. make linen breeches to cover the f. After the TLESU. Gal. 2. 20. life which I now live in thef. is by taith
C9.14.bumthe/. i:^r. 9. 11. l6. C7. Xuni'lCj.i. Jfhn ye judge after thef. I judge no man
R. 15. 6. 12. as desire to make a fair shew in :he f.

30. 3C, upon man's /. shall it not be poured /uwj.8.1 are in Christ, who walk not after the f. 4. Eph, 2. 11. in times past Gentiles in the called
Lev. 6. 27. what shall touch/, thereof shall be holy 5. they that are after the f. mind things of the./'. the circumcision in the f. made by hands
12. not debtors to the flesh to live after the f. Phil.X.ll.xi I live in M«/.this is the fruit ol'labour
7. 19- as for /. all that are clean shall eat ilioroof
C. 31. boil the/, at the door of the tabt-niarle 13. for if ye live after the f. ye shall die 24. to abide in the f. is more needful for you
13. 10. if there be quick raw/ 14, 15, ifi, C4. 1 Cor.l.Cfi.not many wise men after lhef.?.Te called 3. 3. and have no confidence in the f.

38. if in the skin of their/, have bright spots, "0. 10. 18. behold Israel after the f. 4. though I might have confidence in the f.
15.7. that toucheth the/, of him that hatU an issue C Cor.5.16. we know no man after the f. though wc C0/.2.I. as many as have not seen my face in thef
19. if her issue in her/, be blood she is put apart have known Chr. after f. yet know him no more 5.tho'I be absent in thef. I am with you in spirit
10. 3. tho' walk in flesh, we do not war after thef. 1 Tim. 3. 16. God was manifest in Me/, justififed
SI. 5. nor shall make any cuttings in their /'.
Num. 11. 33. while the /. was between their teeth 11. 18. seeing that many glory after the f. 1 also Philem. 16. how much more to thee, both in the f.
1 Pet. 3. 18. Christ being put to death in ihef.
12. IC. as dead, of whom the/, is half coiisiinied Oal. 4. C3. Ishraael was born aft'er thef. 29.
18. 18. and the/, of them shall be thine 2 Pet. 2. 10. chiefly them that walk after thef. 4. I.Christ hath suffered for us in thef. lor he that

Deut. 32. 4C. and my sword shall devour/". All I'LESH. bath suffered in thef. hath ceased from sia
Judg. 6. CO. take the/, and the unleavened cakes all/, had corrupted his way on earth 2. no longer live the rest of his time in the f.
21.tliere rose up fire out of rock, and consumed/. 13. God said, the end of allf. is come before me C. might be judged according to men in the f.
1 John 4. 2. denieth that Christ is come in thef. 3v
1 Sam. 2.13. servant came, while_/'. was in seething 6. 19. of all f. two of every sort shalt thou
15. he said, give/, to roast for the priest bring into the ark to keep them alive, 7. 15. 2 Ju.'m 7. confess not that Christ is come in tktf.
2 Sam. 6. 19. David dealt to each/. 1 Chron.\&.^. 7. 21. allf. died that moved upon the earth My FLESH.
1 Kings 17.6. the ravens brought nim bread and /. 8. 17. bring forth oiallf. both of fowl and cattle 1 .Sam. 25.11. shall 1 then take my bread and my /.?
in the morning, and bread and/, in the evening 9- 11. nor shall all f. be cat off any more, 15. Job 4. 15. the hair of my f. stood up
16. covenant between me and allf. on earth, 17. 6. 12. is my strength of stones or is myf. brass
19. 21. boiled their/, with the instruments of oxen
.' '.

2 Kings 4. 34. and the /. of the child waxed warm Lev. 17. 14. for the life o{ allf. is the blood 7. 3. myf. is clothed with worms and dust
C Chr. 3C.8.with him is an arm of/, with us is God iVu»i.8.7.1et them shaveo//lheir/.and wash clothes 13. 14. w-herefore do I take my
f. in my
teeth f
I^eh. 5. 5. yet our/, is as the/, of our brethri'n 16. 22. the God of the spirits of allf. C7. I6. 19. 20. my
bones cleaveth to my
skin, and mu f.
Job 10.4.hast thou eyes of/..' or seest as man seetli- 18.15.every thing that openeth the matrix oi allf. 22. why persecute, and not satisfied with myf. t
11. thou hast clothed me with skin and/. Deut. 5. 26. who of allf. heard the word of (Jod 26. worms destroy body, yet in jny /.shall 1 see G
Ps. 56. 4. I will not fear what/, can do unto me Job 12.tl0. in whose hand is breath of atlf.o! man 21.6. and trembling taketh hold of myf.
.1i.\5.allf. shall perish together, man turn to dust Psal. 16. 9. my
78. CO. can he provide/, for his people ? f. shall rest in hope, Acts 2. 26.
27. he rained/, also upon them as dust /'x.65.C.thou hearcst prayer,to thee shalla///'.come 38. 3. there is no soundness in my f. ?•
39. for he remembered that they were but/. 136.25.who giveth food to a///.his mercy for ever 63. 1. my f. longeth for thee in a dry thirsty lasd
79. 2. the /. of thy seints given to beasts of earth 145. 21. let allf. bless his holy name for ever 73. 26. myf. faileth, but G. is my
portion for ever
Prov. 4. C2. my sayings are health to their/. Isa. 40. 5. and allf. shall see It together 84. 2. my
heart and myf. crieth out for God
SJ. 20. be not among riotous eaters of/. isprais, as flower of the field, 1 Pet.'i .24. 102. t 5. by groaning my
bones cleave to tny f
Isa. 10. f 18. consume the glory from soul to the/. 4Q. C6. allf. shall know I am thy Sav. Ezek. 21 .5. 109. 24. my
knees are weak, myf. faileth of fatness
31.3. and their horses are/, and not spirit 66. 16. for by fire will the I^rd plead with n///. 119. 120. myf. trembleth for fear of the*
49.26. I will feed them with their own/. C3.a///.shall come to worship before me, saithL. Eecl. 2. tS. I sought to draw myf. with winft
Jer, 11. 15. and the holy/, is passed from thee C4. they .".hall be an abhorring to allf. Jer. 51. 35. the violence done to me, and to myf.
It. 12. the spoiler* are come, no/, shall have Jer. C5. 31. he will plead with allf. saith the Lord Lami.^. myf. and my skin hath he made old
17- 5. cursed be the man that maketh/. his arm 32. 27. behold, I am the Lord the God of allf. John 6. 51. the bread that I will give, is myf.

Etek. 4.14. nor came abominable/, into my mouth 45.5. for behold, I will bring evil on allf saith L. 54. whoso eateth my f. hath eternal life, 56.
JO. t 12. their/, backs, wings, were full of eyes Esek. CO. 48. allf. shall see that 1 have kindled it 55. myf. is meat indeed, my blood arink indeed
11. 3. this city is the caldroa, and we be the/. 21 4. shall my sword go forth ag. a/If from south
Rom. 7. 18. in my f. dwelleth no good thing
7. your slain in midst of it, they are the/. Dan. 4. 12. fowls dwelt, and all f. was fed of it 11. 14. if I may provoke them which are my f,
11. nor shall ye be the/, in the midst thereof J(x/2.C8.will pour out my Spirit on allf.Acts^.l'. Cial. 4. 14. mytemptation which was in myf
19. and 1 will give them a heart of/. 36. 26. Zech.1. 13. be silent, O'all f. before the Lord Col. 1. 24. of the attiictions of Christ is my f.
1 6.26. grtatof/.and hast increased thy whoredoms Luke 3. 6. and all f. shall see the salvation of God See BONB.
. . .


OJ the FLESH. Gen. eg. 10. Jacob watered the /. of Laban Afr. 1. 10. if his offering be of the/, of the sheep
Exoi. 12 46. shah not carry forth aught of the f. 30. 31. I will again feed and keip ihy;'. 5. 15. bring a ram without blemish out of the/
29. 34. if aught of the f. remain unto morning 32. I will pass through all thy/, to-day .\ I.//1.31.9. Israel ^°o^ spoil of all their/, and go -

Dou. 28. 55. nor give of the f. of his children 36. and .lacob fed the rest of Laban's ;'.
.Tl. 30. thou shalt take one portion of the/

frov. 14. 30. a sound heart is the life of thef. 40. Jacob did separate all the brown in the/. 3C.26. our wives, our/, and cattle, shall be the
£cct. 12. 12. much study is a weariness of t'/ie f. 31.4. Jacob called Kactiel and Leah to his/. Ihnt. 7. 13. he will also bless the/, of thy sheep'
John 1. 13. born, not of the will of the f. but of God 38. the rams of thy/, have I not'eaten 28. 4. blessed shall be the/, of thy sheep
3. 6. that which is bom of the f. is flesh 33.13. if men overdrive them, the/, will die 18. cursed shall be the/, ol thy sheep
HomA.bXoM after flesh do mind the things of thef. 37. 2. Joseph was feeding the/, with his brethren 51. wh? shall not leave the /. of thy sheep
+ 6. for the minding of the f. is death 12. his brethren went to feed their_/". 13. Judg. 5. lO. to hear the bleatings of the/.
+ 7. the minding ii/"<A</. is enmity against God 38. 17. I will send thee a kid from ihe/. 1 A'i>i|i20.27. pitched like two li'tle/. of kids

9. 8. that is, they which are the children of the f. Ezod. 2. 16. the troughs to water their father's/. 1 CAru«.4.39.they went to seek pasture for their f

1 Cor. 5.5. to Satan for the destruction of the f. 17. Moses helped, and watered their/, ly. 41. because there was pasture for their f.
2 Cot. 7. 1. let us cleanse from all filihiness of thef. 3.1. Moses led the/, to the back-side ol the desert 27.31. ami over the/, was Jaziz the llagarile
Gal. 4. 13. through infirmity of thef. I preached Lev. 1. 2. bring of your offering of the herd for/. 2 Chron. 17. 11. the Arabians brought him/
5. i6. ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the f. 5. 6. he shall bring a female from the/. Joi 24.2. violently take away/, and feed thereof the works o/"<Ae/. are manifest, adultery 18. he shall bring a ram without blemish out of I'sal. 8. t7./. and oxen all under his feet
6.8.that50wethto f. shall of thef. reap corruption the/. 6. 6. Eira 10. 19. Etik. 43. 23. 25. 65. 13. the "pastures are clothed with/.
Eph. 2. 3. walled in lusts oJT the f. desires of the f. 27. 32. concerning the tithe of the herd or of the/. 78.48. he gave their/, to hot thunderbolts
Col. 2. 11. putting off the body of sins of the f. A'lim. 15. 3. make a sweet savour of the herd or/. Cant. 1. 7. turn aside by the ;'. cf thy companions
23. not in honour to the satisfying of the f. Devt. 12. 21. then thou «halt kill of thy herd and/. /fa.17.2. cities of Arocr are forsaken, shall be fwy
Hei. 9. 13. »anctifieth to the purging of thef. 15.14.thou shah furnish him liberally out ofthj/. 32 14. the palaces shall be a pasture of/.
1 Pel. 3. 21. not the putting away the filth i/M</. 19. all the firstling males of thy/, shalt sanctify 60.7. all the/, of Kedar shall be gathered togerhe
2 Pet. 2. 18. they allure through the lusts of thef. 16. 2. shalt sacrifice to the Lord thy God of the/. 61. 5. and strangers shall stand and feed your 1.
1 John 2. 16. the lust of the f. the lust of the eyes 1 Sam. 17. 34. a lion took a lamb out of the/. 65.10.Sharon shall be a fold for/. valley o'f Achoi
2'Ay FLESH. 2 Sam. 12. 4. he spared to take of his own r ./er.6.?..!he shepherds with their/shall come 10 het
Ctn. 40. 19. the birds shall eat thyf. from off thee 2 Chron. 35. 7. Josiah gave to the people of the/. 10. 21. shall not prosper, all /. shall be scattered
1 &tm.l7.44. 1 will give thyf. unto fowls of the air Joi 30. 1. I disdained to set with the dogs of my/. 31.24.dwellin Judahthey that go forthwith/.
S &» 5. 1 we are thy bone and thyf. 1 CAr. 1 1 1
. .
Ca7ii, 1.7. where thou raakcst thy/, to rest at noon
. 33. 12. shepherds causing their/, to lie down
2 Kings 5. M). wash, and tht^f. shall come again 8. go thy way forth by the footsteps of the/. 13. the/, shall pass again under the rod
Prov. 5. 11. mourn at last, when thyf is consumed 4. 1. thy hair is as a/, of goats, 6. 5. 49.29. their tents audf. shall they take away
jEff /.5.6.suffer not thy mouth to cause thyf. to sin 2. thy teeth are like a/, of sheep, 6. 6. 50. 8. and he as the he-goats before ihe/.
11. 10. therefore put away evil from thyf- Isa. 40. 11. he shall feed his/, like a shepherd Ezek.i5. 5. Ammonites a couchiiig-place for/
ito. 58.7. that thou hide not thyself from thy ovnj. C3. 11. brought them with the shepherd of his/. .34. 2. should not tlie shepherds feed the /'. .'

Ezek. 32.5.1 will lay thv f. on the mountains Jer. 13.17. because the Lord's/, is carried captive 36. 38. the waste titles shall be filled with/, of men
Yonr FLESH. CO. where is the/. was given ihee.thy beautiful/..' Joel 1. 18. the /". cf sheep are made desolate
Lev. VJ. 28. ye shall not make cuttings in yoar/". 23. 2. ye have scattered my/, and driven them .Vic.l.i 11. inhabitant of country of/.came notfortfc
Jitdg. 8. 7. then I will te3.T your f. wilbjthe thorns 3. I will gatner the remnant of my/. 5. 8. as a young linn among the/, of sheep

£:ei:. 36. 26. I will take stony heart out ofyojirf. 25. 34. cry and wallow, ye principal of the /. Zeph. 2. 6. and the i«a coast shall be folds for f.
Rom. 6. 19. because of the infirmity of vow f. ."JS. nor the principal of the /. to escape 14./. shall lie down in the midst of Nineveh
Cat. 6. 13. that they may glory in you?f. 36. anhowling oi'the principal of the/, be heard FLOCKS with herds.
Cvl. 2. 13. being dead in uncircumcision o{ ymir f. 31. 10. and keep him as a shepherd doth his_/". Gen. 13. 5. Lot also had /". and herds, and tents
Jam. 5. 3. rust shall eat your f. as it were fire IC. they shall sing for the young of the/. 24. 35. the Lord haih giveu Abraham/, and htr
Fleshed, see Fat, Lea.n. 4g. 20. least of the/, shall draw them out, 50. 45. 26. 14. Isaac had possession of/, and herds
FLESH-HOOK. 51.23. will break in pieces the shepherd and hisy'. 32. 7. Jacob divided/, and herds into two bands
1 Sam.Q. 13. the priest's servant came with a/. -/5co* Ezek.Qi.S. take the choice of the/, burn the bones 33. 13. the/, and herds with young are with me
14. all that the f.-hook brought up, the priest took 34. 3. ye eat the fat, but ye feed not the/. 43.10.thou shalt be near me, thou, thy/, and/icrrfl
FLESH-HOOKS. 6. my/, was scattered on the face of the earth 47. 1. my brethren, their/, and herds are come
Eiod. 27.3. shalt make hisy.-Auoij and his firp-pans 8. surely because my/.became aprey,my/.meat 50.8. their/, and herds left they in land of Gosbea
38. 3. he made all the vessels and the/.-Aiw<*j 10. I will require my/. I will deliver my/. Ezod, 10. 9. we will go with our/, and our fierdk
ISum. 4. 14. put upon the purple cloth ihe f.-hook s 12. as a shepherd seeketh out bis/, in the day 24. only let your/, and your herdi be stayed
X Chr. 28. 17. David gave pure gold for xiief.-hooks 15. I will feed my/. 17. as foryou,
|| O
my/. 12. 32. also take your/, and your herds be gone
2 Ch7. 4. 16. he made also the pots and ihtf.-huuks 22. therefore will I save my/, no more a prey 34.3. neither let/, nor A«rrfi feed before the mount
FLESHLY. 31. ye my/, the/, of my pasture, are men -Vwin. 11.22.shall the/, and herds be slain for them
2 Cor. 1. 12. that in simplicity, not with/, wisdom 36. 38. as the holy/, as the/ of Jerusalem Deut. 8. 13. when thy herds and thy/, multiply
3. 3. not in stone, but inf. tables of the heart 45. 15. ye shall offer one lamb out of the/. 12.6. firstlings of A. and/. 17. 14.23. Keh.10.36.

Co/. 2. 18. vainly puffed up by his/, mind j^mes 6. 4. and eat the lambs out of the f. 1 Sam. 30. 20. David took all the/, and the he^ds

1 Pet. 2. 11. beloved, abstain from/, lusts that ft'ar 7. 15. the Lord took me as I followed the/. 2 i'am. 12.2. rich man had exceeding many/, and A.
FLESH-POTS. Jonah 3. 7. let not herd nor/, taste any thing 2 CArii«.32.29.provided possessions of/, and Acids
Exod. 16. 3. when we- sat by thef. -pots and did eat Mic. 2. 12. as the/, in the midst of their fold Piov. 27. 23. know thy/, look well to thy herds
FLEW. 4. 8. thou, O tower of the/, the strong hold Jer. 3. 24. shame had devoured their/, and herds
1 Sam.14. 32. and th« people/, tipoa the spoil 7. 14. feed thy people, the/, of thine heritage 5. 17. an ancient nation shall eat thy/, and herdv
26. ( 14. and our master/, upon them IJai. 3. 17. tho" the/, shall be cut off from the fold Has. 5.C.lYiej shall go with/, and herds to seek Ld.
Jsa. 6. 6. their/, one of the seraphims unto me Hech. 9. 16. save tfiem as the/, of his people FLOOD.
FLIES. 10. 2. therefore they went their way as a/. Not only that tcrrihle inundation is in scripiwi
Eiod. 8. 21. I will send swarms of/, upon thee 3. for the Lord of hosts hath visited his /". called flood, uhereby Ood destroyed all manUnd,
31. he removed the swarms of/, from Tharaoh 1 1 .4.saith the Lord,will feed the/, of slaughter,7 and all the animals of the earth and air, uhich
Psai. 78. 45. he sent divers sorts of/, among them 7. the poor of the/, that waited on me, 1 1 zcerenot intlie ark iutlt Ly Noah; but lilevis*
105. 31. and there came divers sorts of/. 17. woe to the idol shepherd, that leaveih the/. allsortsof inundations or extraordinary collecttoni
Ecci. 10.1. dead/, cause the ointment to send forth Mai. 1. 14. deceiver which hath in his/, a male of uate/s. Thus the Psalmist speaking of tit
FLIETH. -Vat. 26. 31 the sheep of the/, shall be scattered
. waters of the sea, or of a rii er, expresses it hy
Deiti. 4. 17. the likeness of any winged fowl that/. Luke 2. 8. keeping watch over their/, by night the uord flood. Pjal.'66. 6, They went throggo
14. 19. every creeping thing that/, is unclean 12. 32. fear not little/, it is your Father's pleasure the flood on foot. 'J'he same I'salmisl teti
28. 49. shall bring a nation as swift as the eagle/. Ads 20. 28. take heed therefore to all the/. J'oith extreme dangers under the notion or a
Psal. 91. 5. nor for the arrow that/, by day 29. grievous wolves shall enter, not sparingthe/. flood. I'sal. 69. 15, Let not the waier-tiood
Nah. 3. 16. the cankerworm spoileth and/, away 1 Ci/r. 9.7.who feedeth a/, and eateth not of niilk'? overflow me. And the violent as.iaulis arid
FLIGHT. 1 I'd. 5. 2. feed the/, of God which is among you sudden incursions of the devil and his instru-
Joi 11. 20. and/, shall perish from the wicked a
3. not being lords, but being ensamples to the/. ments against the church are comjortd to n
Jsa. 52. 12. shall not go out with haste nor go by/. J.ike a FLOCK. flood. Jsa. 59. i9, Wlien the enemy shall
y«r. 46. t5. their mighty ones are fled a/. Joi 21. n. send forth their little ones like a
f. come in like a flood. Hy floods are a/so iignt^
Dan. 9. t21. Gabriel was caused to fly with/. I'sal. 77. 20. thou leddest thy people like
a'f. ficd great p/enly and abundance of spiritual ani.
Amos v.. 14. the/, shall perish from the swift 78. 52. he gt:ided them in the wilderness /fit a/. temporal blessings. Jsa. 44.3, 1 will poui
Mai. 24. 20. pray/, be not in winter, Mark 13. 18. «0. 1. thou that leadeth .lospti /ike a floods upon the dry grjound.
Heb. 11. 34. turned to/, the trmie» »f the aliens 107. 41. and muketh bim families like af. 0'<H.6.17.I,even I, bring a/, of water on the earth
See Pot. £:<*.36.37 I will increase them with men hie af. 7. 6. when the/, of waiun was upon the e,\nh
FLINT. FLOCKS. 7. Noah went in, beciuie of the waters of thef
Veut. 8. 15. brought water out of the rock of/. Gen, 29 i. and lo, three/ of sheep lying hy the 10. after seven days the/, was on the earth
Sot 28. +9. he putteth lorth his hand on the/. well, for out of that they watered t"he_/. 7. 17. the/, was forty days on the earth
Psal. 114.8. turning the/, into a fountain of water. 3. and thither were all the/, gathered y.i 1. nor shall be any more a/to destroy ihceirtll:
Jsa. 5. 28. their horses shall be counted lik' 8. we cannoti <\\\ all the/, be gathered together y. 28. Noah lived after the/. 350 years

50.7. tnerefore have I set my face like a/. 30. 38. Jacob set the rods he pilled before ihe/ 10. 1 to them were sons bom after the /,

Etek.i.9. harder than/, have I made tby forehead 39. and the f. conceived before the rods 32. the nations were divided in the earth aftert
FLINTY. 40. Jacob set the faces of the/, towards ihi .AxA.24.2. your fathers on either side of/. 3.14,14
D«M.32.13. make him to suck oil out of the/, rock ring-straked, he put his own f. bj' themselves Job 14. II. as the/ decayeth and drieth up
FLIT. 32. 5. I have oxen, asses,/, aud men.,scr\ants 22. 16. whose foundation was overthrown with 3^
Jer. 49.f 30. flee,/, greatly, O inhabitants of Hazor 7. he divided the/, and iit-rd.i, and ctmels 28. 4. the/, breaketh out from the inhabitant
FLOCK. 37. 14. go, see whether it be well with the /'. I'sal. 29. 10. the Lord sitteth upon the r. he is king
Ctn. 4. 4. Abel brought of the firstlings cf his f. 16. tell me, I pray thee, wh'Te they feed their/ 66. 6. they went thro' the/, on foot, we rejoiced
21. 28, Abraham set ewc-lambsof/. by themselves 47. 4. thy servants have no paiture for their /'. 69. 15. let noi the water/, overflow me
27. 9. go now to the/, and fetch two good kids 17. Joseph gave bread in cxch, tor hones imA f. 74. 15. thou didst cleave the fountain and tbtj".
Pjitl. 90. 5. thoQ earnest them away as with a/. Ita. 2. 8 and alienations shall/, tinto tt Rev. 4. 7. the fourth beast was Rke a/. eai;1e
i»a.a8.2. astrong one, which ai a/.shall cast down 48. 21. he caused waters to/, out of the rocl: 8. 13. heard an angel/, thro' the midst of Le&TCS
59. 19- the enemy shall come in like a/. 60. 5. then thou shalt see and/, together FOAL, S.
Je^. 46. 7- who is this that cometh up as a/. .' 64. 1. mountaius might/, down at thy presence Cen.32.l5.Jacob took ten bulls, twenty asses.ten
8. Egypt riselh up like a/, waters are moved Jer. 31. 12. shall/, to the goodness of the Lord 49- 11. binding his/, to the vine, and his ass's colt
4". 2. behold, waters shall be an overflowing/. 51. 44. nations shall not/, together any more to him Zic/i. 9. 9- upon a colt the/, of an ass, Mat. 21.5.
Dm. 9. £6. the end thereof shall lie with a/. Juel 3. 18. in that day the hills shall/, wiih milk, FOAM.
ll.C2.with the arms of a/.shall they be overflown and the rivers of .ludah shall/, with waters Hos. 10. 7- the king of Samaria is cut off as/.
Amos 8. 8. it shall rise up wholly as' a/. 9. 5. ^fic. 4. 1. the people shall/, to the mountain of L FOAMEITI.
9. 5. and shall be drowned as by the/, of Egypt Jo/tn 7. 38. out of his belly shall /. living water iVfor*9.18/.and gnasheth with histeeth,Lui(e9.39
A'aA. 1. 8. with an overrunning_/'. make an end FLOWED. FOAMING.
Mm. <H. .18. in days before the/, they were eating Jos/i. 4. 18. Jordan/, over all his banks Maui 9. 20. he fell on the ground and wallowed,/.
3'J. and knew not till the/ came, Luke 17. C7. JiiJ';. 3. + 5. the mountains/, before the Lord ./i«/eI3. raging waves of sea,/, out their own sliama
X«i«6.48. when the/, arose the stream beat Jsn. fJ4. 3. the mountains/, down at thy presence FODDER.
S Ptt. C. 5. bringing in the/, on world of ungodly Lam. 3.54. the waters r'. over mine head, then I said Job 6. 5. or loweth the ox over his/
iUv. 12. 15. the dragon poured out water as a/. FLOWETH. F'OES.
16. the ea.lh helped, and swallowed up the/. Lev.CO.ii. a land that f. with milk and honey. 1 Citron. 21. 12. or to be destroyed before thy/.

FLOOD-GATES. .V„»,. 13. 27. 14. 8".

16. 13, 14. Deut. 6. 3.
Esih. 9. 16. the Jews slew of their/. 75,000
Gtn. 7. f 11. ihef. -gales of heaven were opened 11. 9.
20. 15.
27. 3. 31. 20. Jos/1.5. 6.
P<al, 27. 2. mine enemies and/, came upon me
FLOODS. FLOWING. 30.1 . thou hast not made my/, to rejoice over me
Eicd. 15. 8. the /. stood upright as an heap Etod. 3. 8. to brill; them to a land/, with milk and 89. 23. I will beat down his/, before his face
2 Sam. 22. S.^.of ungodly made me afraid, I'j.lB.i. honey, 17. 13.5. 33. .3. J«r. 11. 5. 132. 22.
| 1
iVaf. lo..36.a man's/shall be theyof bis household
J06 20. 17. he shall not seethe rivers and the/. E:ei. 20. 6, 15. Acts 2. 35. until 1 make thy/, thy footstool
28. 11. he bindeth the/, from overflowing Prov. 18. 4. the well-spring of wisdom as a/, brook FOLD.
Psitl. 2-1. 2. he hath established it upon the/. /i«. 66. 12. the glory of the Gentiles like a /'.stream Htb. 1. 12. as a vesture shalt thou/, them uv)
32. 6. surely in the/, of great waters not come nigh Jer. 18. 14. or shall the cold/, waters be forsaken.- FOLD.
frj. 2. into deep waters, where the_/. overflow me 49. 4. wherefore gloriest thou in thy/, valley .- Isa. 13. 20. shall the shepherds make their/, there
78. 44. and had turned their/, into blood FLOUR. 65. 10. Sharon shall be/for flocks,valley of jichop
93.3.thf /have lifted up, O
Lbrd,/.have lifted up pTod. 29. 2. of wheaten /. shalt thou make them Eiek. 34. 14. on the mountains shall their/, be
96. 8. let the/, clap their hands, let hills be joyful Lev. 2. 2. he shall take his handful of the/. 6. 15. Mic. 2. 12. as the flock in the midst of their/.
Cant. 8. 7. neither can the/, drown love Num. 28. 5. and a tenth part of an ephah of/, for liab. 3. 17. the flock shall be cut off from the/.
//a. 41. 3. for I will pour/, upon the dry ground a meat-offering, 20,28. 29. 3, 9, 14. Mat. 13. 8. brought forth fruit, some an hundiW,

£je-i.31.15.I restrained the ;'.thereof,waters stayed Judg. 6. 19. cakes of an ephjdi of/. 1 Sam. 1. 24. some sixty, some thirty/. 23. Marki. 8, 20.
Jonalt 2.3. the/, compassed me about, thy billows 1 6flm.2H.24. she took/.and kneaded it, 8 Sam. 13.8. 19- 29. hath forsaken houses, shall receive 100/.
Mat.T. 25. the/, came, winds blew, and beat, 27. 1 Sam. 17. 28. brought/, parched corn and beans Jo/ml0.l6.and other sheep I have, which are not of
FLOOR, Verb. See I)E.*L, Fine. this/, and there shall be one/, and one shepherd
t Chron. 3t. 11. and for timber
to/, the houses FLOWER. FOLDS.
FLOOR, Substantive. 1 Sam.2. 33 the increase shall die in/, of their age Num. 32. 24. build ye/, for your shetp, 36.
Oejt. 50. 10. they came to the threshing/, of Atad 1 Cor.7.36.if she pass/, of her age and need require Psal. 50. 9. I will take no he goats out of thy/.
11. when inhabitants saw mourning in/, of Atad FLOWER. Jer. 23. 3. I will bring them again to their/.
Num. 5. i7. the priests shall take dust that is in/. Ezod. i5.33. with knop and/, in one branch, 37. I9. Ztph. 2. 6. the sea-coast shall be /. for flocks
15. 20. as ye do the heave-offering of threshing/. Joh 14. 2. he cometh forth as a/, and is cut down FOLDEN.
18. 27. as tho' it were the corn of the threshing/. 15. 33. he shall cast off his/, as the olive AVi. 1. 10. while they be/, together as thorns
30. be counted as the increase of the threshing/. P^al. 103. 15. as a/, of field, so he flourisheth FOLDETH.
C<rii/. 15. 14. thou shalt furnish him out of thy/. ha. 18. 5. and the sour grape is ripening in the/. Eccl.i.5. the tool/, his hands together and e»tetli
U). 1 13. after thou hast gathered in thy/. 28. 1 whose glorious beauty is a fading/. 4.
Jtutf. 6. 37. 1 will put a fleece of wool in the/. 40. 6. the goodliness thereof is as the/, of the field 1 Kings 6. 34. the two leaves of one door were/.
Ruii 3. 2. he winnoweth in the threshing/. 7./.fadeth,8. AV/j.l.4.Jawi.l.lO,ll.l/^«.].24. Prov. 6. 10. a little/, of the hands to sleep, 24. 33.
2 5am. 6. 6. came to Xachou's thresh./. lCVir.13.9. FLOWERS. FOLK.
24. 18. rear an altar in the threshing/.of Araunah Eiod. 25. 31.hhj. shall be of the same, 37. I7. GeH.33. IS.let me now leave with thee soue of the/".
21. David said, to buy the threshing/, of thee made like almonds, his knops and his/. Prcv. 30.26. the conies are but a feeble/, yet m Jce
37. 20.
1 Kiiigs6. 30. he overlaid the/, of house with gold Ahw. 8.4. to the/, thereof was beaten work Jer. 51 58. the shall labour in fire and be weary

7.7with cedar from one side of the/, to the other 1 Kings 6.18.cedar of the house within was carved Mark 6. 5. he laid his hands upon a few sick/
2 Kings f>. 27. out of the barn/, or the wine press f with knops ai:d open/. 29, 32,35. 7. 26,49. John 5. 3. in these lay a multitude of impotent/.

1 C/iron. 21. 28. L. had answered in the threshing/. 2 Chr. 4. 5. like the brim of a cup with/, of lilies Acts o.lO.a multitude round about, bringing sick/.
8 CAron.3. 1. prepared in threshing/, of Oman 21. the/, lamps, and tongs made he of gold FOLLOW
'-6. t 9. they sat in a/, at the entering of the
gate Cant.i. 12. the f. appear on earth, time of singing Signifies, [1] To come after one that goeth he/ore,
Isa. 21. 10. Omy threshing, and the corn of my/. 5. 13. hischeeKs are asabed of spices, sweet/. as servants come after their masters, 1 Sam. 33. daughter of Eab. is like a threshing
f. FLOWERS. 25. 27, Let it be given to the young men
//iw.g.lthou hast lov«d a reward on everj- corn/. £f:'. 15.24. if her/ be upon him,he shall be unclean that follow my lord. [2] To imitate, or do at
2. the/, and wine. press shall not feed xhem 33. of her that is sick of her/, of him with issue another gives tit an example. Mat. 16. 24, Lei
13. 3. as the chaff that is driven out of the
f. FLUTE, S. him take up his cross, and follow me. 1 Cor.
Mic. 4. 12. shall gather them as sheaves into"the/. 1 Kin^s ] .HO.all people piped with/, and rejoiced 11.1, Be ye followers of me, even as I am of
iV/a(.3.12.he will thoroughly purge his/.iuX<;3.17 i'o«.3.5.when ye hear the sound of the/. 7.10,15. Christ. [3] To believ* and obey. John 10. 27,
FLOOR.S. FLUTTERETIT. My sheep heair my voice, and they follow me.
1 Sam. 23. 1. and they rob the threshing/. Deut. 32. 11. as an eai;le/. over her young And in all passages uihere men are said to fol
Den.i. 35. like chaff of the summer threshing/. FLUX. low strange gods, it signifies, to put trust in
Jotl 2. 24. a^d the /". shall be full of wheat Acts 28. 8. the father of Publius lay sick of a/. them, to rely iipon them, and yield them ser-
FLOTfeS, or FLOATS. FLY. vice. \ Kings IB. 21, If Baal be God, then
1 Kin^s 5.9. and I will convey them by sea in/, to Isa. 7. 18. the Lord shall hiss for the/, in Egypt follow him. JuAg. 2. 12, They forsook the
the place thou shah appoint me, 2 CAr. 2. 16 FLY, Verb. Lord, and followed other gods. [4] To side,
FLOURISH. Gen. £0. and fowl that mayf". above the earth
1. or take part .^ith, 2 Sam. 2. 10. 2 Kings II.
Ptal. 72. 7. in his days shall the righteous/. 2 •iawi.22.ll.he rode upon a cherub, and did/, and 15. [5] To endeavour aj'ttr, and pursue with
72. 16. they of the city shall/, like the grass of was seen on wings of the wind, Psal.lS.iO. great desire and diligence. Phil. 3. 12, But I
the earth Job 5. 7. man born to trouble as sparks/, upward follow after, if that I may apprehend that for
9". 7. when all the workers of iniquity/. 39. 26. doth the hawk/, by thy wisdom ! which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. [6]
12.the righteous shall/, like the palm-tree Psal. 18. 10. he did/, upon the wings of the wind To die with one. John 13. 36, Thou canst not
13. they Mhill/. in the courts of our God 55. 6. for then would I /. away, and be at rest follow me now, that is, bear me company in m^
132. 18. but upon himself shall his crown/. 90.10. for it is soon cut off, and we/, away su(ferings, and die with me. To follow the
Proz. 11. 28. the righteous shall/, asabranch Prov. 23. 5. riches/, away as an eagle to heaven Lamb, Rev. 14. 4. These are they that follow
14. 11. the tabernacle of the upright shall/. /la. 6. 2. each had six wings.and with twain he did/. the Lamb : That keep close to Christ in all
Eicl. 12. 5. when the almond-tree shall /". 11.14. but they shall/, upon shoulders of Philist. his ordinances : are ted by his word and Spirit,
Cant. 7. 12. let usget up, let ui see if the vine/. 60.8. who are these that/, as a cloud,and as doves and depend upon the virtue and merit of hit
Isa. 17. 11. in morning thon shalt make thy seed to/. Jer. 48. 40. behold, he shall/, as an eagle Sacrifice alone /or pardon and acceptance, and
66. 14. your bones shall/, like an herb Etei. 13. 20. ye hunt the souls to make them/, not on saints, or their own merits, as the J'ol~
Estk. 17. 24. I the L. have made the dry tree to/. yjan. 9.21. Gab.being caused to/.swiftly, touched me loKcrs of Antichrist do.
FLOURISHED. Jios.g. 11. their glory shall/, away like a bird G<n.24.8.if the woman will not be willing to/, thee
Cant. 6. 1 1 . I went down to see whether the vine/. Hai.l .8. they shall/as the eagle that hasteth to eat 44. 4. Joseph said, up,/, after the men
Phil. 4. 10. Your care of me hath/, again liev.'ii.6. 1 saw another angel/, in midst of heaven Exod. 11. 8. get thee out, zind people that /'. thee
FLOURISHETH. 10.17. to all the fowls that/in the midst of heaven 14.4. 1 will harden Pharaoh that he shall/, them
Psal. 90. 6. in the morning it/, and groweth up See Flee, "Flieth. 17. and the Egj-ptians shall/, them
103. 15 as a Cower of the field, so he/. FLYING. 21. 22. if hurt a woman, and yet no mischief/.
FLOURISHING. Z<t;.l 1.21. these may ye eat of every creeping thing 23. and if any mischief/, then life for life
Psci. 92. 14. in old age, they shall be fat and/. 23. butallother /". creeping things an abomination 23. 2. thou shalt not/, a multitude to do evil
*^nt. 2. \ 9. he looked forth, lieut. 16. 20. what is altogether just shale thouj^
/. through the lattice Psal. 148.10. all cattle and/, fowl, praise the l.ord
XXun. 4. 4. I was at rest, and/,
in my palace /'ro[26.2.asthe swallow by/so the curse causeless 18. 22. if the thing/ not, nor come to pass
FLOW. Isa. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a fiery/ serpent Judg. 9. 3. their iTparts inclined to f. AbimelecU
^ SO EC. his goods shall ^.away in day of his wTath 30. 6. from whence come viper and fiery/, serpent
PmiI. 1 47 1 8 he caiueth the wind blow.and waters /".
31 , birds/.so will the Lord defend Jerusalem be given young men, who/, my lord
30. 21. so faint that they could not/ David
Cm*. 4 16. that the spices thereof may f. out Zed. 5. 1. I looked, and behold, a/, roll, 2. . 2 Sam. 17. y. amoug the |ieoplethat f. Absalom


1 Kingt 19.20. let me kiss father, then I will/, thee Eev. 6.8. "uis name was Death, and hell/, with bim fr. 14.24. crown of wise is riches, foolislin. of f. is/

Psai. 38. '20. because 1/ the thing that good is there/ hall and fire mingled with blood 2y, but he that is hasty of spirit cxaiieih/.
14. 8. and there /.another angel, saying, Babylon is J5. 21 ./. is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom
45. 14. the virgins her companions that/, her
94. 15. all the upright in heart shall/, it 9. and the third angel/ them, saving, if any man It). 22.' but the instruction of fools is/.

119. 150. they draw nigh that/, after mischief FOLLOWED him'. 17. 12. let a bear meet rather than a fool iu his/
A^Hm. 16.25. Moses rose up, the elders of Isr./ him 18.13. before he heareth it,it i.s/ and shair.e tohia
Jsa. 5. 11. that they n^ay/. strong drink
51. 1. hearken, yc that/, after righteousness Judg. 9. 4. hired vain and light persons who /
hint 26.4.answernot afool accord, to his/, lest like hint
5. ans. a fool accord, to his/, lest wise inrouceil
Jer.l~.l6. 1 hastened from being a pastor to/, thee 1 Sam. 13. 7. and all the people/, him trembling
after you 2 6'am.ll.8. there/Aim a mess of meat from the k. 11. as dog to vomit, so a fool returneth to his/.
40. 16. the famine shall/, close
£zei-. 13. 3. the prophets that /. their own spirit il/a/.4.20.they left their nets aiid/.him,Mark 1.18. Eccl. 1 17.1 gave my heart to know wisdom anil/.

Jivs. 2. 7. and she shall/, after her lovers 4. 22. they immediately left the ship and/, him 2.3.1 sought in my heart to lay hold on /.

6. 3. we shall know, if we/, on to know the Lord 25. and there/, him great multitudes of people, 12. turned to behold/. 13. wisdom excelleth/

Mat. 8. 19. Master, I will/, thee, L^de g. 57, 6I. 8. 1. 12.

15. 19.
2. 20.
I 29. Mark 2. 15. 7. 25. 1 applied to know the wickedness of/
5. 24. Luke 23. 27. John. 6. 2. 10. 1. so doth a little/, him that is in reputatioo
Mark 16. 17 these signs/, them that believe I

them, nor/, them 8.23.when entered, his disciples/Aim.iKie 22.39. 6. is set in great dignity, rich sit in low place
Xu/t< 17. 23. go not after f.

22. 49. when they aboat him saw what would/. 9. 27. two blind men/, him, crying, and saying 7ia.9.17. cin evil doer, imdevery mouth speaieth/.
they not/. 26. Peter/, him afar Mark 14. '54. Jer. 23.13. I have seen/, in the prophets of Samar.
JoAn 10. 5. and a stranger will 58. but off,

13. 37. Peter said, Ld. why cannot 1/ thee now r Mark 14. 51. there/, him a certain young man /fof.2.flO.I will discoT. her/, in sight of her lovers
u4f W3.24. all the prophets from Samuel, and that/ Luke 5. 11. they forsook all and/ him, 28. 2 Cor. 11. 1. ye could bear with me a little in my/.

Jiom. 14. 19. let us/, things that make for peace 7. 9. Jesus said to the people that/, him, not found 23Vm.3.9. their/, shall be made manifest to all mes
1 Cor. 14. 1./. after charity, desire spiritual gifts Acts 12. 9. Peter went out and/. Aim and wist not
JP/ii/. 3. 12. tut I/, after, if that I may apprehend Rev. 19. 14. the armies/, him on white horses G«»».2.9. every tree pleasant and that is good for f,
1 TAets. 5. 15. but ever/, that which is good FOLLOWED me. 3.6. the woman saw the tree was good for/
2T/t««.3.7.foryoursel.knowhowye ought to/, us Num. 14. 24. my sen-ant Caleb hath/ me fully 6. 21. take thou to thee of all/, that is eaten

9. to make ourselves an ensample to you to/ us 32. 11. because they have not wholly/, m 41. 35. let them gather all/, of those good years
iTim. 5. 84. and some men they/, after 1 Kings 14. 8. David who/ me with all his heart 42. 7. came to buy/. 10. 43.2,4,20,22.
| | 44.25.
6.11.0 man of God,/, righteousness, 2 Tim. 2.22. Neh. 4. 23. northe men of the guard which/, me 33. take/, for the famine of your households
Hei. 12. 14./. peace with all men, and holiness Mat. 19. 28. ye that/, me in the regeneration 44. 1. he commanded to fill the sacks with/.
13. 7. whose faith/, considering the end FOLLOWEDSr. 47. 24. for your/, and for/, for your little ones
1 Pei.l.ll.-Khea it testified the glory that should/. Ruth 3. 10. thou/, not young men, poor or rich
Esod. 21. 10. her/, shall not be diminished
FOLLOWER. Lev. 3. 11. the/, of the oJFering made by fire, I6.
0. 21. an example, that ye should/, his steps
2 Pet. 2. 9. many shall/, their pernicious ways 2rim. 3.t 10. hast been a diligent/, of my doctrine 19.23. shall have planted all manner of trees for/,
3 Join 11/ not that which is evil, but what is good FOLLOWERS. 21. + 17. not approach to offer the/ of his God
iter. 14. 4. these are they that /. the Lamb 1 Cor. 4. 16. have begotten you.through the gospel, C2.7. shall eat of holy things, because it is his/.
13. blessed are dead in Lord, that they may rest I beseech you, be/, of me, 11. 1. Phil. 3. 1'. Deuf .10.18. the stranger, in giving him/, and raim.
from their labours, and their works do/, them Eph. 5. 1. be ye/ of'^God as dear children 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed that eateth/. till evening, 28.

FOLLOW Aim. 1 'xhess. I. 6. yebecame/. <of us and of the Lord iSam.g.lO. that thy master's son may have/ to eat
1 King! 18. 21. if the Lord be God,/, /lim 2. 14. for ye became f. of the churches of God 1 Kings 5.9. my desire, in giving/, for my honseh.
Mark 5. 37. and he suffered no man to/ him them who thro'faith inherit prom. 11. Solom. gave Hiram wheat for/, tohishousth.
(). 1. he went out thence, and his disciples/, him 1 Pet. 3. 13. if ye be /. of that which is good Neh. 9 1 25. they possessed trees of/ in abundance
Luke^C. 10./. him into the house, Mark 14. 13. FOLLOWETH. Joi 23. 12. thy words more than my necessary/.
Johu 10. 4. he goeth before, and the sheep/, him 2 Kings 11.15.him that/.her be killed, 2 C/r.23.14. 24.5. wilderness yieldeth/. for
them and children
FOLLOW me. Ps. 63. 8. my soul /hard after thee, hand upholds 36. 41. who provideth for the raven his/. .'
Gen. 24.5. the worn, will not be willing, 39. Prov. 12. 11. but he that/ vain persons, 28. I9. 40. 20. surely the mountains bring him forth/
Jiide. 3. 28. Ehud said unto them,/, after me 15. 9. he loveth him that/, righteousness, SI. 21. Pia/.78.25. man did eat angels'/he sent them meat
8. 5. give, bread, I pray, to the people that/, me Is«. 1.23. every one loveth gifts and/, after rewards 104. 14. he may bring forth f. out of the earth
Kings 20. 10. for handfuls for the people that/, me Ezek. 16. 34. none/, thee to commit whoredoms 136.25. who giveth/to all flest, his mercy for ever
1 Kingt, I will bring you toman ye seek /fi>*.12.1.Ephraim feeds on wind,/, after east-wind 146. 7- the Lord who giveth f. to the hungry
Hj. 23. 6. goodness and mercy shall/ me all my life Afa/. 10.38. he that taketh not up his cross and/ me 147.9. he giveth to the beast his/, to young ravens
Mai.i.ig. Jesus saith,/. me, and I will make you Mark 9. 38. because he/, not us, Luke 9-49. Prov. 6.8. the ant galhereth her/, in harvest
fishers of men, 8.22. \g.g. Mark C.14. Luke S'.Q^ John 8. 12. he that f. me shall not walk in darkness 13. 23. much/ is iu the tillage of the poor
16. 24. let him deny himself and take up his cross FOLLOWING. 27. 27 .thou shalt have goats'milk enough forthy/.
and f. me, MarkS. 34. 10. 21. Luke 9. 23.
Gew. 41. 31. plenty not known by reason of famine/ 28. 3. is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no/.
19. 21. sell that thou hast,/ me, Luke 18. 22. Veut. 7. 4. they will turn away thy son from/ me 30. 8. feed me with/, convenient for me
12. 30. take heed thou be not sntired by /. them 31. 14. like ships, she bringeth her/, from afar
Luke 9. 59. he said,/ me, John 1. 43. 21. 22. ]

John 10. 27. my sheep hear my voice and/ me Josh. 22. 16. from /.the Lord, 18,23,29. 1 .Sam. Ezek. 16. 27. I have diminished thine ordinary/
15. 26. if any man me, let him/, me
will serve 12. 20. 2 Kings 17. 21. 2 Chr. 25. 27. 34. 33.
43. 18. the increase thereof shall be for/ to thea
13. 56. thou canst not/, me now, but afterwards jKrf^.2.19. corrupted in/, other gods to serve them Actsl4.1T. fruitful 6easons,filling our hearts with/
Ruth 1. 16. or to return from/, after thee 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister bread for your/.
Acts 12. 8. cast thy garment about thee, and /". me
FOLLOWED. 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye continue/ the Lord your God 1 Tim. 6.8. having/, and
raiment, let us le conwm
Gen. 24. 6I. Rebekah and her damsels/, the man 14. 46. Saul went up from /
the Philistines Jam. 2. 15. if naked and destitute of daily/.
32. 19. so commanded he all that f the droves 15. 11. Saul is turned back from/ me
not onif
JVif(m.32.12.they have wholly/, the L. Dear. 1.36. 24. 1. when Saul was returned from/ Philistines Folly, Foolishness, are to be understood
JJeni. 4. 3. for all the men that/. Baal-peor 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel turned not from/ Abner, 30. according to their natural mid literal meaning,
ueak man,
11. t 6. swallowed the substance which/, them 26. bid the people return from /
their brethren for one uho is an idiot, or a lery
and for the discourses and notions 0/ j'ools
Joih. 6. 8. and the ark of the covenant/ them 7. 8. 1 took thee from/ the sheep, to be ruler over
14.8. but I wholly/, the Lord my God, 9. 14. my people, 1 Citron. 17. 7 Psal. 78. 71. and madmen ; but in the language cj scrip-
lure, especially in the book 0/ Proverbs, fool
Judg. 2.12. they forsook the Lord and/, other gods 1 Kvigf 1. 7. and they/. Adonijah, helped him
is the usual character of //;e sinner, and folly
9.49. cut down his bough, and/. Abimelech 9. 6. but if you shall at all turn from/, me
1 6am. 14. 22. they/ hard after the Philistines 21. 26. Ahab did very abominably in/, idols and foolishness are ;/«< for sin. Psal- 38. 5,
17. 13. Jesse's three sons/ Saul to battle, 14. Psal. 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the generation/. My wounds stink, and are corrupt, because of
31.2. Philistines/. Saul, 2 Sam. 1. 6. 1 CAr.10.2 109.13.ingenerat./ let their name be blotted out my foolishness, my sin. And in Psal. 69. 5,
2 Sam. 2. 10. but the house of Judah/. David Mark 16. 20. and confirming the word with signs/. o'God, thou knowest my foolishness. Solomon
3. 31. and king David himself/ the bier Luke 13. 33.1 must walk to morrow, and the day/. teis the fool 11: opposition to the prudent man.

17. 23. Ahithophel saw his counsel was not/. John 1 38. then Jesus turned and saw them /. Prov. 13. 16, Every prudent man dealeth
20. 2. Israel/. Sheba the son of Bichri 43. the day/ll 6.2C.the day/ when the people saw with knowledge but a fool layeth open his

whom Jesus loved/ folly. For as by prudence a man so gojtrns

lAiw"! 12.20. there was none that/house of David 21. 20. Peter seeth the disciple
16. 21. half of people/ Tibni, half f. Omri, C2 Actsil. 1 we came the day/, unto Rhodes, 18. himulf, and regulates his actions, as to aioid
18.18. have forsaken the Lord, thou liast/. Baalim 23. 11. and the night/ the Lord stood by him impending evils, and to obtain that good v.hick
20. 19. came out, and the army which/, them 2 Pet. 2. 15. are gone astray,/ the way of Balaam is suitable to his necessities : so it is the effect

FOLLY. of folly, not to foreiee eiils to prtient mem,

SKings 3.9. was no water for the cattle that/, them
4. 30. Elisha rose and/ her Gf«.34. 7. became Shechem had WTOught f in Isr. and to neglect the season of obtaining ul,at
5. 21. so Gehazi/ after >'aaman, is all well ? Deul. 22. 21 she wrought/, by playing the whore is good.

9. 27- Jphu/. after Ahaziah, and said, smite hlni Josh. 7. 15. because Achan wrought/, in Israel
In Prov. 13. 20, Solomon opposes the Tool to the
13. 2. Jehoahaz/. sins of Jeroboam sonof Nebat Jud^. 19. 23. nay, I pray you, do not this/. wise man. He that walketh with wise men.
shall be wise but a companion of fools shall
17. 15. and they/. vaBity, and became vain 1 24. to this man do not the matter of this/

Psal.6s. 25. the players on instruments/, after 20. 6. they have committed lewdness and/, in sr. be destroyed.
As it is with relation to the
£zek. 10.11. whither the head looked, they/, it 10. according to the/, that they wrought in Isr. affairs of this life ; the man of prudence and
.^mcs 7. 15. the Lord took me as 1/ the flock 1 Sam. 25. 25. Nabal is his name, and/, is with him conduct m
his affairs, who takes the best me-

A/a<. 27. 55. many women which/. Jes. from Galilee 2 Sam. 13. 12. my brother, do not thou this/.
thod of managing things to his oun, his family's
Mark 10. 28. we left all and/, thee, Luke IG. 28. Ja/i 1 1 22. in all this Job attributed not /'. to God
and friend's, or any society's reputation, comfort,
32. were amazed, and as they/, they were afraid 4. 18. behold, his angels he charged with /. and advantage, and alio minds his business
Lukt 22. 54. thpy took him, and Peter/, afar off 24. 12. yet God layeth not/, to them more than his pleasure, is the wise man: And
42. 8. lest I deal with you after your/. the inconsiderate, heedless, slothful man, aAo
.4f«13. 43. religious proselytes/. Paul and Barnab
way neglecis the principal affairs of life, or goes
16. 17. the same/ Paul and us, and cried Psal. 49. 13. this their is their/, yet posterity
Kern. 9. 30. Gentiles who/, not after righteousness 85.8. but let them not turn again to/. into improper or unlikelv methods of managing
31. who/, after the law of righteousness Prof. 5. the greatness of his/he shall go astray them to advantage, or uiho minds his pleasuri
1 Cor. 10. 4. they drank of that rock that/, them 13. 16. but a fool layeth open his/. more than his business, is the fool for this
lTim.5.10. if she have diligently/every good work 14. 8. but the f. of fools is deceitful world : So it is atth respect to another u'orid ;
wise man it hi al^ fffpOMi ikt thingt
£ PcM lO.we have not/, cunningly devised fables 18. the simple inherit f. but pnirtent are orowB«d the trull/

•/ (ioi, and tht tnltrest of his 2 Cor. 11. 16. if otherwise, yet as af. receive mt Mat, 7.36. sh&Il be likened unto a/. Ktw who built
immortal loti/, ar his highest end, and pursue, 23. are thev ministers 1 speak as af. I am more
'. 25. 2. five of the virgins were wise, aud livt/.
them uilh Ike titmoil care a>td diligence, m tor a irOOL. Horn. 1. 21. and their/, heart was darkened
the \in\/ of Ood's appointment thr<rng/i Jesus Prov. 19. 10. delight is not seemly /or •/. 2. 20. an instructor of the/, a teacher of babes
Christ our only Saviour ; and who seeks all 24. 7. wisdom is too hi^h/ur af. opens not mouth IC'or. 1.20. hath not G. made/, wisd. of this world
things else with less solicitude and concern '.'d. 1. so honour is not seemly/ur af. Go/. 3.1. Of. Galatiacs, who hath bewitched yon
Mnd in sviordixation to these. And the fool 3. a bridle for the ass, and a r iLfor the/, back 3. are ye so/. .' having bigua in the Spirit
the other hand, is he, who make: something
OIL 30. 'ZZ.for af. when ha is filled with meat Eph.5.i. neither filthiness, nor/, talking
enthis ziorld his highest end and aim, and Is a 100L. 1 Tim. 6. 9. ihey that will be rich fall iutoy'. lusts

spends his chief time and care, concern and Prov. 10. 18. he that uttereth a slander is af. ^ Tim. 2. 23. but/, questions avoid. Tit. 3. 9.
laiuur, aioul it, to the neglect of the mjiniiely 19.1. than he that is perverse in his lips, and is af Tit. 3. 3. we ourselves were sometimes/, deceived
higher interests of God's glory and his vjin 28. 2f3. be that trusteth in his own heart is a f. 1 Pet. 2.15. may put to silence the ignor. of/, men

soul's eierJasting happiness. Ho that {he high- £<rr/.10.3.whea he that isaf. walketh, his wisdom FOOLISHLY.
est folly is JKstli/ charged upon tuery wilful faileth him, he saitb to every one that he is a f. G«n. 31. 28. thou hast now done/.*in so doing,in my
impenileni sinner. //ux.9.7.the prophet t'x af. the spiritual man is mad power to hurt you, 1 Sarn. 13. 13. 2 Chr. 16. 9.
S'jich also are called iy the name of fools, viho, 1 Tim. d.' 1 4. he is af. and knoweth nothing Ai(«». 12. 11. the sin on us wherein we have doney
though they ie godly, yet have much ignorance Of a 100 L. 2 iiam. 24. 10. I have done very/. 1 Chron. 21. 8,
and unielief remaining in them. U
fools, Proo.\.1.\5. the way of af. is right in his mvneyes Job 1 .22. in all this Job sinned not, nor charged G./,
and slow of heart to believe, says our Saviour 17.21. and the father of af. hath no joy Psal. 75. 4. I said to the fools, deal not/'.
to the disciples that acre going to £mmau:>, 24. the eyes ofaf. arc in the ends of the earth Prov. 14. 17. he that is soon angry dealeth f
/.u^e 24. 25. And it is the character of all 23. 9. speak not in the ears of af. he will despise 30. 32. if thou hast done/, in lifting thyself
tnen, as they are born possessed natural ig-
of that sendeth a message by the hand of af. 2Ciir. 11. 17. 1 spezik it as it were/, in this boasting

norance and corruption. Tit. 3. 3, We our- 12. there is more hope ofaf. than of him, 29. 20. 21. I speak/. I am bold also, are they Hebrews!
selves were sometimes foolish. The Apostle £ic/ crackling laughter of the f. FOOLISHNESS.
says, 1 Cor. 4. 10, NVe are fools for Christ's 10. 12. but the lips 0/'a /. will swallow up himself 2 Sam. 15.31. turn the counsel of Ahithophelinto/
sake that is, ue are
: accounted so by the wise FOOLS. Psal. 38. 5. my wounds stink because of my/.
men}/' the uorld. And in Kom. I. Z", he says, 2 5,1m. 13. 13. thou shaitbe as one of the/, in Israel 69. 5. O God, thou knowestmy/. sins are not hid
I'rolessin;; themselves to be wise, they became Joli 12. 17. and he maketh the judges/. Prov. 12. 23. but the heart of fools proclaimeth/.
fools : that is, While they pretended to, and .iO.O.they were children of/, children ofbase men 14. 24. but the/, of fools is folly
boasted of more than ordinary uisdom, their Psal. 75»4. I said to the/, deal not foolishly 13.2. but the mouth of fools poureth out/.
/earned men icing at first usually called So- 94.8. and ye/, when will ye be wise:' 1 1, but the mouth of fools feedeth oaf.

phists, or uise men, though afterwards Phik)- 107. 17./. because of their transgres. are afflicted 19. 3. the/, of man perverteth his way
sopbers, they entertained and vented many Prov. 1.7. but/, despise wisdom and instruction 22. 15./. is bound in the heart of a child
gross and absurd opinions and practices, and 22. how long, ye/, will ye hate knowledge I 24.9. the thought of/. issin,thescornerabominat
n shewed themselves to be real fools. The same 32. and the prosperity of/, shall destroy them 27. 22. yet will not his/, depart from him
apostle says, in 1 Cor. 1. tS, The preaching 3. 3i but shame shall be<he promotion of/.
Eccl. 7. 25. to know the wicked, of/, and madness
of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. 8- 5. and ye f. Jbe ye of an understanding heart 10.13. the beginning of the words of his mouth is/.
. The doctrine of Christ crucified, to purchase 10. 21. but /. aic for want of wisdom iUa;*7.28. thefts, pride,/, come from within
eternal salvation for believers, is by unbelievers, 12. 23. but the heart of/, proclaimcth foolishness 1 t'ur.l. 18. preaching of cross to them that perish/.
that judge only according to carnal reason and 13. 19. but it is abomination to_/lto depart from evil 21. it pleased God by the/, of preaching to save
eense, accounted an absurd, ridiculous, impossible £0. but u c'lmpanion Otf /. shall be destroyed 23. we preach Christ crucified, to the Greeks^
thing, and which none in their wits will believe, 14.8. folly of/', is deceit||9./. make a mock at siu 23. because the/, of God is wiser than mm
according to the principles of their philosophy. ofwise is riches,toolishness of/.is folly 2. 14. the things of the Spirit of God are/, to hinj
And in 1 Cor. 8. 14, 'I'he things of God are 33. what is in the midst of/, is made known 3. 19. the wisdom of this world is/, with God

fbulishness to the natural man. He counts 15. 2. the mouth of/, poureth out foolishness FOOT
them the most foolish things in the wofld ; he 14. the mouth of/, fecdeth on foolishness Is a part of the body well ktiown. In old times it
looks upon them as either trifling and imperti- 16.22. but the instruction of/, is folly lias customary to wash the feet of strangers

nent ; or at containing means and ends dispro- 19. 29. stripes are prepared for the back of/. tipon their coming off a journey. Gen. 18. 4.

portionate : or as undesireahle tn comparisvn of 26. 7- so is a parable in the mouth of/. 9. 19. 2. I

S4. 32. because generally they were
what may be set up in competition with them. £cc/.5. l.more ready to hear.tiian give sacrifice of/. barefoot, or wore sandals only, which did not
lSam.' behold I have played the/, and erred 4. he hath no pleasure \af. pay what hast vowed secure them from the dust or dirt. St. Paul
JPsal. 14. 1. the/, hath said in his heart, 53. 1. 7. 4. but the heart of/, is in the house of mirth enjoins enquiry to be made, whether the widows
cy. !0 likewise the/, and brutish person perish 5. than for a man to hear the song of/. who were to be taken into the number of those
92. 6. neither doth a/, understand this 9. be not hasty.for anger resteth iu the bosom of/. tiho were to be maintained by the church, had
frov. 10. 8. but a prating/, shall fall, 10. 9. 17. more than cry of him that ruleth amou;/. washed the feet of the saints; whether they
C3. it is a sport to a/, to do mischief hf. 19. 11. surely the princes of Zoan are f. 13. had been ready to do the meanest offices to tlit
1 1.29. the/, shall be servant to the wise ofheart 35. 8. way -faring men, tho'/.shall not err therein servants of God, 1 Tim. 5 10. Christ Jesus,
12. 15. the way of a/, is right in his own eyes Mat. 23 .17 ye/, and blind, whether is greater, ) 9.
• to give us an example of humility, washed the
Iti.a/.wrathis presently known, but prudent man Luke 1 1 . 4C<. ye/.did not he that made that without fuet of his Apostles ; and thereby taught thcin to
13.l6.wise man feareth,but/.layeth open his folly £4.25.0y'.audslow of heart to believe the prophets perform all the most humble services for one
14. 16. but the/, rageth and is confident Horn. I. S2. professing to be wise, they became/. another, Inhu 13. 5.
15. 5. a/, despiseth his father's instruction 1 C'<;r.4.10.wear^.forChrist'ssake,yc wise in Ch. Feet, in the style of the sacred Writers, often
17. 7- excellent speech becometh not a/ ~ C'Br.ll.l9.foryesuffer/.gladly,secing ye are wise mean inclinations, affections, propensities, aC'
in. 12. a/, hath no delight in understanding A/Vi.5il5.see then that ye walk not aif. but as wise tio7is, motions. Feci. 5. 1, Keep thy foot when
lO.areproof more than a hundred stripes into a/. FOOLISH. thou goest to the house of God. Psal. 36. 11,
li;.lelabearmect a man ratherthan/.in his folly Deut. 3C. 6. do ye thus requite the Ld. O/. people r Let not the foot of pride come against me.
16. why is a price in hand of a/, to get wisdom r 21. will provoke them with a/.nation.iConi.lO.ig. And in Psal. II9. 59, I turned my feet unto
21. he that begetteth a/, doth it to his sorrow Job 2.10. thou speakest as one of/, women speaketh thy testimonies. Also in Eph. 6. 15, And your
28.a/.when he holdeth his peace is counted wise 5. 2. for wrath killeth the/, man, envy slays feet shod with the preparation of the gospel oi
6/.lips enter into content. mouth calls for strokes 3. I have seen the/, taking root, but I cursed peace. To be at any one's feet, is used for
Pi uv. 18. 7. a/, mouth is hisdeslruction,lipsasuare Psal. 5.5. the/, shall not stand in thy sight obeying, being in his service, following him,
20. 3. but every/, will be meddling 39. 8. make me not the reproach of the/. Abigail tells Uavid, that the presents which she
26 4. answer not a/. 5. answer a/.
73.3. for I was envious at the/, when 1 sawprosp. brought him, were for the young men that
6. so is he that giveth honour to a/. 22. so/, was I and ignorant, I was as a beast walked at his feet ; fur the soldiers who followed
lO.the great G
.rewardelh the/.and transgressors 74. 18. the// people have blasphemed thy name him, 1 Sam. 25. t 27. Moses says, Deut. 33. 3.
11. as a dog $0 a/, returneth to his folly 22.rememb.howthe/.man reproacheth thee daily that the Lord loved his people, and they sat
27. 3. but a/, wrath is heavier than them both Prov.^.ti. forsake the/, and live, go in way underst. down at his feet: Like scholars, they hea/-d
22. though thou shouldest bray a/, in a mortar 13. a/', woman is clamor, is simple, knows noth. him, they belonged to him, they were taught aud
Sy.ll./.utterethall his mind, but a wise man keeps 10. 1. but a/, son is the heaviness of his mother instructed in his doctrine. St. Paul says, that
Zcr/. 2.14. but the/, walketh in darkness 14. but the mouth of the/, is near destruction he was brought up at the feel of Gamaliel, Acit
15. as it happeneth to the/, so even to me 14. 1. but the/, plucketh it down with her hands 22. 3. And Mary sat at our Saviour's feet
l6.isno remembrance of wise mzm more than of/, 3. in the mouth of the/, is a rod of pride and heard his word, Luke 10. 39-
ly. who knoweth whether he be wise or a/. .' 7. go from the presence of a/, man In Deut. 11. 10. it ts said, that the land of
4. 3. the/, foldeth his hands together, eats hit flesh 15.7. but the heart of the/, doeth not so Canaan ts not like the land of Egypt, where
5. 3. a/, voice is known by multitude of words 20. but a/, man despiseth his mother thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with
6. 8. far what hath the wise more than the /'. . 17 .25. a/, son is a grief to his father, and bitterness thy foot ; that is, that Palestine is a country
10. 2. at right hand, but a/.heart is at his left hand 19. 13. a/, son is the calamity of his father where the rains are not eitremely rare, where
14./. is fuH of words, man cannot tell what to be 21.20. a/, man spendeth a treasure the dews are plentiful, where there are many
Jer. 17. 11. and at his end he shall be a/. 29. 9. if a wise man contendeth with a/, man springs, rivuleis, and brooks, without reckouin^
Afoi. 5.22. whosoeTer shall say, thou/, be in danger Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise child than a/, king the river Jordan, which supply the earth 7eit\
Luke 1 J. 20. /. this night thy soul shall be required 7. 17. be not overmuch wicked, neither be thou/. all the moisture that is necessary to as pro~
I Cor. 3. 18. let him become a/, that he may be wise 10.15. labour of the/, wearieth every one of them ducing fruit : whereas Egypt is a country where
13. 36. thou/, that thou sowest is not quickened /ju. 44.25. he maketh their knowledge/. there is no river but the Kile, where it neve'
Cor. 11. 16. I say again, let no man think me a/. Jer. 4.22. for mypeople are/.they are sottish childr. rains, and where the lands which are not within
12.6. tho" 1 would d«sire to glory, shall not be a/. 5. 4. I said, surely these are puor, th»?y are /. reach to be watered bj the inundations of this
11.1 am become a/.in glorying, ye compelled me 21. hear now this, O^'. people, who see not river, continue parched, and barren. 'Jo suvplt/

As a JOOL. 10.8. but they are altogether brutish and/. this want, ditches are dug, and water aistridw
e Sam. 3. 33. David ."aid, died Abner as af. dieth Lum. 2.14. thy proph. have seen vaiu and/, things ted throughout the several villages ; the diggiytg
Prov. 7. -'i. as a )'. to the correction o.' the stocks Eiek. 13 3. thus saith the L. woe to the/, prophets these ditches, and dispersing these waters
Sccl- 3 IC. how di«th the wise man ? at the/. Zech. 11. 15. take the instruments of a/, shepherd create a grtci deal "f Ji'icvT to the feet.
But lufuilhslanding these yrecautionj, there are lath-day : Or, metaphorically, that is, if :h liiiht-IOOt.
nuMiu places v;hieh linve no aater ; and in the keep thy mind and affections clear, and re- fl<j>.10.2.a little book, he set his righi-f. on
r:nr.te Of' the year, tlie places ichteh are nearest strain thyself from whatever may profane it ; At* Toe.
10 I lie Nile, rer/iiire to ke watered again in an feet being often put for affections, because the FOOTED.
SI uncial manner. Jl is done 6v the help of mind is moved iy the affections, as the body I^v. 11.3. whatsoever is cloven/, that ye shall eat
s'ine machines, which Philo desoibn thus •
is by the feet. 7. and the swine.though he be cloven/.is unc!e«n
J; is a wheel which a man turns with the Job says, thai he was feet to the lame, an 21. 19. a man that is broken;/", shall not approach
motion of his ftet, by ascendin* successively eyes to the blind. Job 29 15 He led, he di .icts 10. 12. all manner of four/, beasts,
l':e seceral stej/i which are within it. But rected, and instructed the one, and supported Hom.1.23. image made like birds ana four/
IS while he is thus conlinnally turning, he can- the other; And in chap. 13. 27, he says, that FOOTMEN.
yt't keep himself up, he holds a stay in his Ood had put his feet in the stocks, and looked Xum. II .21. the people are six hunured thousand/
Aa^dt which is not moveable, and this siifij/oris narrowly into all his paths: Thai he had en- 1 Sam. 22.17. Saul said to the/ slay priests of u{
him ; so thai in this wuri, the hands do the compassed him with his judgments, so that he Jer. 12. 5. if hast run with/, and they wearied they
office of the feel, and the feet that of the hands: had no way, or possibility to escape ; he was FOOTSTEPS.
since the hands which t/iould act, are at rest like a bird taken by the foot in a snare. Psal. 17. 5. hold up my goings that my f. slip not
mnd the feet which should be at rest, art in Oen. 41 .44. without thee no man shall lift up his/. 77. 19- thy way is in the sea, thy/. arenotknoAvn
action, and give motion to the wheel. Thi\ £xud. 12.37. about six hundred thousand on/. 89. 61. they reproached the/, of thine anointed
IS what IS meant -iy watering the earth with 21. 24. thou shalt give /". for/. Deut. I9. 21. Cant. 1. 8. go thy way forth by the/, of the (lock
their feet. 30. 18. shalt make a faver of brass and his /. FOO'JSl'OOL.
It is said, in Jcr. 2. 25, Withhold thy foot 28. I
31.9. 35.16. 38. 8. I 39.39. 40.11. 1 Chron. 28.2. build an house for the/, of our Ood

from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst. Leo 8. 11 2 Chr. 9. 18. were six steps to throne with/of gold
Do not continue to pivslitute yoursehes, as vou Lev. 13. 12. if a leprosy cover from head to/. Psal. 99 5. worship at his/, for he is holy, 132. 7.
have hitherto done, to strange people. He Num.C(l.25. the ass crushed Balaam's/, agst. wall 110. 1. sit thou at my
righuhand till I make thina
speaks to the infidel and tdulatrous Jew*. 6u Deut. 8. 4. nor did thy/, swell these lorty years enemies thy /. Mat. 22. 44. Mark 12. 30.
likewise Ezek. l6. 25, Thou hast opene<l thy 11. 10. and wateredst it with thy/, as a garden Luke':o.43. Actsi. 35. Heb. 1. 13.
I'eet to every one that passed by- It it a 25. 9. she shall loose his shoe from off his/. Isa. 66 1. heaven is my throne, and earth is mv/.
modest tipression, for exposing one's naked- 2;>. 5. thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy /". ActsT.'-tg.
siess, or going into the bed of lial. Jacob said 3C me vengean.their/shall slide in due time /^am. 2.1. remembered not his/, in day of his anger
/t> Lab'an, Ge» 30.t 30 The Lord hath blessed 3.i. 24. Moses said, let Asher dip his/, in oil Mat. 5. 35. .Mvear not by the earth, it is his/.
thee at my foot ; that is, ever since I came to Josh. 1.3. every place your/, shall tread upon //<*.]0.13.expecling till his enemies be made his/,
you ; since my feet entered into thy house': Or, 5.15. loose thy shoe from off thy/. Joshua did so Jam. 2. 3. say to the poor, sit here uuder my/,
by my foot; that is, by my ministry and la- JuJg. 5. 15. Barak was sent oaf. to the valley FOR.
bour, as thephrase is used, Dcut. 11. 10. 1 Sam. 23. t 22. and see where his/", shall be Deui. 4.7. so nigh in all things that we call on h./
To be under any one's feet, to be a footstool to 2 Sam. 2. 18. Asahel was as light of/, as a roe 2 Sam. 11. 22. shewed David all Joab had sent him/.
him, is a figurative way of speaking, to signify il. 20. had 00 every/, six toes, 1 Chron. 20. 6. Prov. 28.21./. piece of bread that man will trani.
the subjection of a subject to his sovereign, of a 2 Kingsg. 33. Jehu trod Jezebel under/. gress
servant to his master. Psal. 8 6.| 18. 38. 2 Chr. 33. 8. nor any more remove the /". of Israel .Unr.5.45./.maketh nis sun to rise on evil and good
I 110. 1 Thou bast put all things under his Joi23.ll. my/, hath held his steps, hre way I kept 6.7. they think to be heard/, their much speaking
feet Jline enemies are fallen under my feet. 28.4. even tlie waters forgotten of the/. 25. 35./. I was hungry, and ye gave me meat, 42.
Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine 31. 5. or if my/, hath hasted to deceit John l.l6.outof hisfuln.we received gract
enemies thy footstool. To lick the dust off 39- 15. and fbrgetteth that the/, may crush them Itom. 13. Q.f.f. this cause ye pay tribute also
cue's feet, Isa 49. 23, They shall bow down Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their/, taken 2 Cor. 5. 1. /. we know.if this house were dissolved
Jo thee with their face toward the earth, and 26 12. my/, standeth in an even place 13.8./. we can do nothing against but/, the truth
Jick up the dust of thy feet. They shall highly 36 11. let not the/, of pride come against me 2 Pet. 3,12.1ooking/.thecomingof theday ofGod
reverence and honour thee, and shall most 38. 16. when my/, slippeth, magnify themselves FORASMUCH.
humbly and readily submit themselves unto thee 66. fi. they went through the flood on/. Gen. 41. 39. /. as God hath shewed thee all this
'J/ie ezpressions are borrowed from the practice 68. 23. that thy/, may be dipped in blood Deut. 12. 12./. as he hath no inheritance with you
of the eastern peoplt in their prostrattons and 9i.i2.his angels shall bear thee up, lest thou dash Judg. 11. 36./. as the Lord hath taken vengeance
udorctions, when they bowed re low as to touch thy/, against a stone. Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. 1 .Sam, 20. 42./. as we have sworn both of us
and kiss the ground, whereby they did or might 91-I8. 1 said my/.slippeth, thy mercy held me up 2 Sam. 19, 30. /. as my lord is come again in peace
stem 10 lick up the viry dust of the ground, wJiich 121. 3. he will not suffer thy/, to be moved 1 Kings 13. 21./ as thou hast disobeyed the Lord
was about or under the feet of those whom they Prot. 1. 15. refrain thy/ from their path 1 Chron. 5. l.f. as Reuben defiled his father's bed
adored 3.23.shalt walk safely, aud thy/.shall not stumbl" /ia. 29.13. /.as this peo.draw near with their mouth
Nakedness of feet xas a sign of mourning : For. C6. the Lord shall keep thy/, from being taken Jer. 10. 6./. as there is none like to thee, O Lord
hear to cry, says God to Ezekiel, make no mourn- 4. 27. turn not to right or left, remove thy/ from 7./. among all wise men of nations none like thee
iag for the dead, aud put ou thy shoes upon 25. 17. withdraw thy/, from thy neighbour's house Dan. 2. 40. /. as iron break, and subAu. all things
thy feet, Eiek. 24. 17. It was also a mark of 19. confidence in unfaith. men is like/, out of joint Luke ly. 9./. as he also is thi- son of Abraham
aspect, reverence, end adoration, £xod 3.5. £fc/.5.1. keep thy/, when goest into house of God .icts 11. 17./. theu as God gave them the like gift
I'ut off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the /ftf.14.25. on my mountains tread him under/. 17. 29./. then as we are the offspring of God
place where thou standest is holy ground 18. 7. a nation meted out and trodden under /. 24. 10./. as I know that thou hast been a judge
To wash one's foot with oil, or with butter, sig- 20. 2. and put off thy shoe from off thy/. 1 Cor. 11, 7./- as he is the image andglor> of God

nifies pUnty of all sons of good thitigs Deut 26. 6 the/, shall tread it down, even of the poor 14, 12,/. as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts
33 24. Job 29 6. To wash one's feet in the 41. 2. who called the righteous man to his/ 15. 58./. as ye know your labour is not in vain
blood of sinners ; to lake remarkable veytgeance 58. 13. if thou turL away thy/, from my sabbath 1 Pet, 1, 18,/. as ye know ye were not redeemed
on them, to shed rivers of their blood, Psal. Jer 2. 25. withhold thy/, from bcin; unshod 4. l.f. then as Christ hath suffered for us
5M. 10. 12. 10. they have trodden my portion under/. FORBADE.
A wicked man speaketh with his feet, says Solomon, Lam. 1. 15. Ld. hath trodden under/, mighty men Deut. 2. 37. nor unto whatsoever the Lord/, us
Prov 6 13. He uses much gesture with his Lzek. 6. 11. stamp with thy/, ana say, alas Mat. 3. 14. but John/, him, saying, I have need
kar.ds and feet while he is talking ; he secretly 16 t 6. when trodden under/. I said to thee, live MarkQ. 38. we saw one casting out devils in thy
signifies to his companions his intentions or de- 25 1 6 because thou hast stamped with the/. name, we /". him, because he followeth not us,
tires of some evil towards another person, which of man, no/of beast shall pass thro' it Luke g.jg.
he is afraid, or ashamed to express openly. The .32 13. neither shall the/, of man trouble th»m 2 }'ci. 2. 16 the ass/, the madness of the prophet
ancient Sages blamed those who used too much Dan. 8.13 to give the host to be trodden under/. FOREARE.
gesticulation, and spoke with all their members. .4nioi2.15.that is swift of/shall not deliver himself 1 Sam. 23,13. Dar. escaped, and .Saul/, to go forth
Kzekiel reproaches the Ammonites with clap- Mat. 5. 13 salt unsavory, trodden uuder/. of men 2c7jio». 25.16. then the prophet/, and said, 1 knov
ping their hands, and stamping with their feet 14 13. the people followed him on/, out of cities y<r.41,8, SO I.shmael/. and slew them not
tn token of joy, upon seeing the desolation of 18 8 if thy/ offend thee, curitoif, Jl/a;* 9.45. FORUKARANCf..
Jerusalem and the temple, Ezek. 25 6. Attd C2. 13. bind him band and/, cast him into darkn. Horn. 2. 4. ordcspisest thou the riches ofhis/ .'

<» chap. 6. It. he makes the tame motions the Mark^ 33 many raa a/ thither out of all cities 3.23, for the remission of sius.through the/, of Ci,
stfus of grief, because of the ruin of his people. J<'/i«11.44.was dead came forth bound hand and/. FORBEAR.
Tht Isaiah says. Blessed are yo that /Jf(i7.5.not so much as to set his/.on,yet promised Exod. 23,5. if sec his ass, and would./, to help hin
sow beside all waters, that send forth thither 20.13. sohad appointed, minding himself to go a./'. Deut.i3.CC. if thou shalt/.to vow, it shall be no sin
the feet of the ox and the ass, Isa. 32. 20 IC'or 12 15. if the/, say, because I am not the hind 1 ' 3./. us seven days that we m»v send
Happy ore the people that sow their com upon lleb. 10 29. hath trodden under /". the Son of Cod 1 KingsQ'Z. 6. shall I go, or/, f 2 Chion. 18. 5. 14.

a well-watered sail, who with their oxen and A'ea. 1.13. Son of man clothed witnagarm. to the/. 2 diron. 25. 16./. why shouidest thou be smitten
usses plow a fat mnd fruitful land ; or who feed 11. 2 the holy city shall they tread uuder/. 35. 21./. thee from meddling with God
there their oxenani their asses. To send out their Sole of FOOT Neh. 9. 30. yet many years didst thou/, them
feet, that is, to tend them there, tofeed them, to Gf «.8.9.the dove found no rest for the sole of her f. Job 16. 6. and though I /. what am I eased '
plow there with them. But this passage may Veut.iS 35 L.smitetheewith a botch from «/<<!//. Prov.i-l.\ I. thou/', to deliver them drawn to death
be understood mystically, and stems to respect 56.aotset »o/e o/' her/. on ground fordelicateness Jer. 40.4, but if it seem ill to thee to come,/.
the limes of the gospel : that is, Happy are the 65. nor shall the solt of thy/, have rest [on Z.«*. 2. 5. whether they will hear or/. 7. 3."ll. |

Apostles and gospel-ministers, in comparison Josh.l .3. every place the sole ofjoMTf. shall tre.-id 3. 27. and he that forbeareth, let him/,
tif those thai lived oejore them, who shall find 2 Sam. 14.25. none like Absalom, from the sole off. 24. 17. tocry, make norooBming for the dead
etbundant success <jf Iheir latours in the conier- Job 2. 7. Job smitten with boils from sole of the/. Zech. II. 12. I said, give me my price, if not,,
Ston of multitudes unto Christ. The same Isa. 1. 6. from sile of f. to the head no sou^dn(^^^ 1 Cur. 9. 6. have not we power to /". working •
prophet Says, chap. 58 li. If thou turn away ICzek.l. '. sole el' f. was like the .-o/e </a calf's/. 2C'.»r.l2.6/.le5t any should think of me above wh
thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy FOOr-BKEADni. 1 /'/i««,3.1. wherefore when we could no longer/"
pWuure on my holy day This is r.j«c«, Z'c«(/.2.5.will not give, no not so much z-if.breadth FORBEARETH.
Either properly, if ihou forbear walkin';, or Letl-t'^OOT. Xum.g. 13. that/, keep the passpver ihall be cut o£f
taking cny wmecetta/y journeys on tlie sab- Rev. 10. 2. ind h£ ifj his lefi-f, upon the earth E:iei. 3. 27. yai be that /. let him (gr bear
FORBEARING. 2 C/ifon. 20. 27- Jehoshapba'. in the/, of them Jer. 10. 3. for one c«tteih a tree out of/, with tho as2
Prov. 85. 15. by long/, is a prince persuaded Eiek.iO 19. from/.of lower sate to /.of inner court i2. 8. mine heritage is to me as a lion in the/,
Jcr. 20.9. I was weary with /. I could not stay 47- 1. the/, of the house stood towards the east 21. 14. I will kindle a fire in the/, thereof
Zyh. 4. 2./. one another in love, Col. J 13. FOREHEAD 26.18. become as high places of the/. Mic. 3. 15.
6. 9- masters, do the same things, /. threatening Gen. 24. 22. the man took a jewel for the/. 40. 23. they shall cut down her/, saith the Lord
i Tun. £. t 24. the eervant of the Lord must bey. i'«<f.28.38.the plate shall be on Aaron's f. always i'lei.lS.C. as the vine tree among the trees of the f.
FORBID. Lev. 13. 41. he is/.-bald, yet he is cleain SO. 46. prophesy agzunstlhe/. of the south field
-ViiiB. n. C8. Joshua said, my lord Moses./, them 42 it is a leprosy sprung up in his badd/. 47. say unto the/, of the south, hear the word
1 5am. 24. 6. the Lord/. 1 should do^this thing 43. if the rising be reddish in his bald/. //w.2.12.I will make them a/.beaais shall eat them ^
26. 11 Lord/. I should stretch forth mine hand
. + 55. whether it be in the head or/, thereof -•Jm«/3.4.will lion roar in the/, when hath no prey?
1 A'lWf jC1.3. Naboth said to Ahab, the Ld./. it me I5am. 17. 49. David took a stone, slang it, and smote Mic. 5. 8. as a lion among the beasts of the/. God /'.it me, that I should do this the Philistine in his/, the stone sunk in his/. ^«A. 11. 2. the/, of the vintage is come down
Mark 9. 39. but Jesus said,/, him not, Luke 9. 50. 2 C/iron. 26. 19. the leprosy rose up in Uzziah's/ FORESTS.
10.14. suffer little childr./. th«m not, Luke iaj6. 20. and behold he was leprous in his f. 2 Chron. 27.4. Jotham built castles in the/.
i4</t«6.2y.taketh thy cloke./. notta take coat also Jer. 3. 3. and thou hadst a whore's/, not ashamed Psal. 29.9. the voice of the Lord discovereth the/,
Acts 10. 47. Peter answered, can any A water, Lzek. 3. t 7. Israel are stiff of/, and hard of heart Isa. 10. 34. he shall cut down the thickets of the/.
that these should not be baptized f O.have made thy/.strong agzunst their foreheads Etek. 39. 10. neither cut down any out of the/.
i4. 23. should/none of bis acquaintance to com? 9. as an adam.uarder than flint have mjide thy/. FORETEL.
1 Cot. 14. 39. Jind/. not to speak with tongues 16. 12. I put,a jewel upon thy/, and ear-rings in 2 Cor. 13. 2. 1/ you as if I were present sec. time
Oorf FORBID /u;. 14. 9. and receive the mark of the beast in his/. FORETOLD.
Gen. 44. '. Gid /. 17. Joilu 22. 29. 24. 10 J 17 3. and upon her /".was a name written, Mystery .1/ar^l3.23. take heed, beh.I have f. you all thing*

1 Sam. 12 2J. | 14. 45. 20. 5 Job 27. 5

FOREHEADS. Acis 3,24. the proph. hare likewise/, of these day*
Luke SO. 16. Kom. 3. 4. 6, 3J 6. 2, 13.
Ae/t.3.8.made thy forehead strong against their/.
7. 7, 13. 9.
14. I
11. 1, Xl. 1 Cor. 6. 15. 9. 4. set a mark on the/ of them that sigh and>cry Luke 12. 5. but I will/, you whom Te shall fear
Gal. 2. 17. J 3. 21. 6. 14. I
Rev.'. 3. have sealed the servants of God in their/. FOREWARNED. '
FORBIDDEN. 9. 4. which have not the seal of God in their /". 1 Thess. 4. 6. as we also have/, you and testified
Lev. 5. 17. if a soul commit any of these tilings/. 13, l6. he causeth all to receive a msirk in their/. FORFEITED.
Drut. 4.23.01 the likeness of what the Lord hath/. li, 1. having his Father's name written in their/. Ezra 10. 8. all his subst. should be/, he separated
Actt 16 6. and were/, to prezu;h the won* in Asia 20. 4. nor had received the mark upon their/. FORGAT.
FORBIDDETH. 22^4. and his name shall be in their/. G«n.40.23. butler not remember Joseph, but/, him
3 Join 10. and/, theni that would receive brethren FOREIGNER. Judg. 3. 7. the children of Israel/, the Lord
FORBIDDING. Exod. 12. 45./. and hired servant shall not eat 1 Sam. 12. 9. and when they/, the Lord their God
Luie 23. 2. and/, to give tribute to Cesar,saying Denl. 15. 3. cf a/, thou mayest exact it again Psa!. 78.11 and they/, his works and his wonders
.icts^Q 31. preaching kingd. of G. no man/, him FOREIGNERS. 106.13. soon/, his works 21./. G. their Saviour

1 Jkett. 2. 16./. us to speak to the Gentiles Oiad. II. in the day that/, entered into his gates Lam. 3.17. removed far from peace, I/, prosperity
i Tim. 4. 3. /. to marry, commanding to abstain Efh. 2. 19. ye are no more strangers and f. ifoi.2.13.she went after her lov. and/. me,saithL.
Jer. 51. 30. mighty men of Babylon have/, to fight Rom. 11 .2. G. hath not cast away people which he/. Pja/.78.38.he/. their iniquity, destroyed them not
FORCE. FOREKNOW. Mat. 18. 27. he loosed him, aad/ him the debt
Gen. 31. 31. peradventure thou wouldest take ty/. Rom. C. 29. whom he did/, he also did predestinate 32. O wicked servant, I /. thee all that debt
X)«/r.34.7.eje notdim,norwas bis natural/ abated FOREKNOWLEDGE. Luke 7. 42. had nothing to pay, he frankly/, them
1 Sam. 2.16. shall give it, if not, I will take it by/. Acts 2. 23. him being delivered by the/, of God 43. I suppose that he to whom he/ most
Eira 4. 23. they made them to cease by /.and power 1 Ret. 1. 2. elect accordingto/. of God the Father 2 Cor, 2. 10. for if I /. any thing to whom I /. it
Jol 30.18. by great/, of my disease, garm. changed FORE.MOST. for your sakes/. lit in the person of Chris;
40. 16. and his/, is in the navel of his belly Gen. 32. 17. Jacob commanded the/, saying Col. 3. 13. even as Christ/, you, so also do ye
Jer. 18. 21. pour out their blood by/, of the sword 33. 2. he put the handmaids and their children/. FORGAVEST.
23. 10. their course is evil, and their/, is not right 2 Sam. 18. 27. the running of the/is like Ahimaaz Ps. 32. 5. I will confess, thou/, the iniquity of my
48.45. theystoodunder the shadow.because of the r. FOREORDAINED. 99. 8. wasG. that/, them, tho' tookest vengeance
Eiek. 34.4. with/ and cruelty have ye ruled them Rom. 3. t 25. God hath/, to be a propitiation FORGED.
35. 6. thou hast shed blood by the/ of the sword 1 Pet. 1. 20. who verily was/ before the world Psal. 119. 69. the proud have/, a lie against me
Amoi 2. 14. the strong shall not strengthen his/. FOREPART. FORGERS.
Mat. 11. 12. and the violent take it by/. Exod. 28. 27. two rings towards/, of cphod, .3g.20. 70413.4. ye are /".oflies.are all physiciansof no val.
/cAn 6. iS.when perceived theywould take himby^. 1 Kings 6.20. the oracle in the/, was twenty cubits FORGET
Acts 23. 10. to take Paul by/, from among them Ezek. 42. 7. the wall on the/ of the chambers Signifies, [1] To let things slip out of the memory.
Hei.y.n .{or a testament is of/after men are dead ActtQ'.il. the/, ofsliip stuck fast and remained Deut. 4. 9, Lest thou forget the things thine
FORCE. FORERUNNER. eyes have seen. [2] To let God, hn •..:ord,
Deut. 22. 25. if the man/, her and lie with her Ht{. 6. 20. whither the ^.is for us emered.even Jesus and benejits, slip out of mind : uher.;upon
2 Sam. 13. 12. nay, my brother, do not/, me FORESAW. follow disobedience, neglect of God's" uors/np,
£»rA.7.8.willhc/'.the queen also before me in house Acts 2 25. I /. the Lord always before my face and viicked contempt of God, as a fruit and
FORCED. FORESEETH. consequence of such forgelfulness. Judg. 3. 7,
JuJg. 1. 34. the Ammonites/, the children of Dan Prov. 22. 3. a prudent man/, the evil, 2". 12. The children of Israel did evil in the sight
20. 5. my concubine have they/, that she is dead FORESEEING. of the Lord, and forgat the Ixird their God,
1 Sam. 13. 12. I /. myself therefore, and offered Gal.S.S. the scripture f. God would justify heathen and served Baalim and the groves : 'Thus men
SSam. 13. 14. Amnon/ Tamar and lay with her FORESEEN. forget God; the tcicked wholly, the godly tn
22. hated Amnon, because he /. his sister Tamar Hei.ll.} 40. God having/some better thing for us part. [3] To cast off one, to cease to love,
32. determined from the day that he/, his sister FORE-SHIP. care, and provide for him. Psal. 77. 9, llaLh
Prov. 7 21. with the flattering of her Lps she/, him Ads 27.30. theywould haye cast anchors out of/ God forgotten to be gracious ? Thus God for-
FORCBS. FORESKIN gets the wicked: and the godly do somctimet
2 Cir. 17. 2. Jehoshaphat placed/, in fenced cities Gen. 17. 11. ye shall circumcise the flesh of your/. think that they are thus forgotten, yet are
Joi 36. 19. he will not esteem all the/, of strength 14. whose flesh of his/, is not circumcised not so. See also Isa. 49. 15, Can a woman
Ita. 60. 5. the/, of the Gentiles shall come to thee 23. and circumcised tne flesh of their/. 24, 25. forget her sucking child ? yea, they may for-
11. men may bring to thee the/.of Gentiles Ezoi. 4. 25. then Zipporah cut off the/ of her son get, yet will I not forget thee. She may ceast
J«r.40.7 when the captains of the /".that were in the Lev. 12. 3. the flesh of his/, shall be circumcised to love her child, but I will not cease to love
field, 13. I
11. 11, 1.3,16. 42.1,8. 43 4,5. /Jei/r.l0.l6.circumcise therefore the/.of your heart
and provide J'ur thee. [4] To omit to punish,
Van. 11. 10. and shzdl assemble a mult, of great/. /fa*. 2. 16. drink then, and let thy/, be uncovered Amos 8. 7, Surely I will never forget any
38. but in his estate shall he honour the God of/. FORESKINS. of their works : / will not alwayt deftr to
Oiad. 11 that strangers carried away captive his/, Josh. 5. 3. circumcised Israel at the hill of the f.
. punish them, though it may seem I hate for-
113. shouldest not have laid hands on their/. 1 Sam. 18. 25. but an hundred/, of the Philistines gotten. [5] Not to esteem, but to pass over
FORCIBLE. 27. David brought their/, gave them to the king a matter as unworthy our temembrance.
Jj4 6. 25. how/, right words, what arguing prove 2 6am. 3. 14. which I espoused to me for anhund./.
.' Phil. 3. 13, Forgetting those things which are
FORCING. y«r .4. 4. take away/, of vourheart,ye men of Judah behind Not so much considering or regarding

DiWf.20. 19 not destroy trees by/.axe against them FORE.ST. what I have already done, as uhal I have yet
Prov. 30. 33. 50 the/, of wrath bringelh forth strife 1 .Sam. 22. 5. David came into the/ of Hareth further 10 do.
FORD. S 1 Kings 7. 2. Solomon built the house of the/. Joseph called the name of his firstborn, Manasseh,
Gen. 32. 22. Jacob passed over the/. Jabbok 10. 17. put them in the house of the/.2 CAron. 9.16. that IS, forgetting ; for God, said he, hath mado
JtfiA. 2. 7. and the men pursued the spies to the/ 2 Kings 19. 23. into the/, of his Carmel, ha. 37.24. me forget all my toil, and all my father's house-.
Judg. 3 28. Israel went and took the/.of Jordan Xeh. 2. 8. a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king's/. he has expelled all sorrouful remembrance of
Jia. 16.2. the daughters of -Moab at the/, of Arnon Psal. 50. 10. for every beast of the/ is mine my slavery in Egypt, and of my sufferings from 104. 20. wherein all beasts of the /do cre^ip forth my brethren, by my present comfort and glory.
Jjan. 11. 34. and he shall/, his devices, 25. tsa. 9. 18. and shall kindle in the thickets of the/. In Psal. 45. 10, the Psalmist speaking to fA»
FOREFATHERS. 10. 18. and shall consume the glory of his/". church says. Forget also thine own people, and
J<r. 11. 10. are turned to the iniquities of their/. 19. the rest of the trees of his f. shall be few thy father's house : He alludes to the law if
2 2'im. 1.3. I thank God, whom 1 serve from my/. 21. 13. in the /". of Arabia shall ye lodge matrimony. Gen. 2. 24. Thou must Jorget
FOREFRONT. 22. 8. thou didst look to the armour of the/. and forsake all carnal relations, so far as theif
SroJ. 26. 9. six curtains in the/, of the tabernacle 29. 17. the field shall be esteemed as a/. 32. 15. hinder from Christ, and likeu:isi all those pre-
2B 37. :i blue lace, on the/, of the mitre it shall be 32. 19. when it shall hail, coming down on the /. judices, false persuasions, corrupt inclincitons.
In. 8 9. upon hiij. did he put the golden plate 44. 14. taketh cypress from among trees of the/. and evil practices, which are so natural to, aui
ISam. 14. 5. / of one rock was situate north-ward 23. break forth into singing, ye mountains, O/. even part of thyself. Mat. 5. 29, 39. And by
S5am.ll. 15. set ye Uriah in the/, of the battle 56. y. all ye beajls of the/, cime to devour iiiese words ie teemt Jaeitly to foietel, that
3 A'tnfj 16. 14 bt brought the brazen altar from f. Jer. 5. 6. whcrefora a lion out of/, tball sla^ then ^jia 4fva Ugfil uorihip apftinted by Aiosn, and


dilivertd tc thim by their parmts tueetisivety 2 ought rather to/.him and comfort him The ayoitle Paul, adt-ei tiling Timothy o/ahat
fjr many gentratioKS, ihotild be relinquished by 10. to whom ye/, any thing, 1/ also snou/d come to pass in the latter times, toys,
the belieiing Jews, and aboliihtd by Christ's 12. 13. I was not burdensome,/, me this wrong 2 I'm. 3. 5, i'hat there should be men who
corniitg. 1 Jo/m 1 . 9. he is faithful and just to /. us our sins liad a form jf godliness, but deny the power
G«n.27. 45. till he /".that which thon hASt done him FORGIVEN. thereof; 'ihey should have an eutuiard appear"
41. 51. for God nath msde me/, ail my toil Gen. 4. 1 13. my iniquity is greater than may be/. ance and she::' of religion, pretend to a right
Z)f »t.4.9.1est thou /.the things thine eyes have seen Leti.4. 20. make atonement, and it shall be/, them, aay of worshipping God; to be the church, tkt
C3. lest ye /.the covenant of the Lord yoarGod 26. 31, 35. 5. 10, 13, 16, 18.
6. 7.
19. 22.
only church of God ; and yet not only be destitute
31. the L. will not/", the covenant of thy fathers Xum. 15. 25, 26,28. Deut. 21. 8. of, but reject and refuse the inner part, uhieh
6. 12. beware lest thou/, the Lord, 8. 11, 14, 19. Num. 14. 19. pardon, as thou hast/, from Egypt IS lively, actiie, and powerful to make a thorough

9. 7./. not how thou provokedst the Lord thy God i^ia/.32.1. blessed, whose transgress. isJ'.Rom.^.'. change.
25. 19. shalt blot out Amaiek, thou shalt not /. it 85. 2. thou hast /". the iniquity of thy people It is said, Mark I6. 12, that after his resurrec-
1 Sam. 1.11. if thou wilt not/, thine handmaid Isa. 33. 24. the people shall be/, their iniquity tion Jesus appeared in another form to two
2 Kings 17.38. the covenant I made ye shall not/ j'lfar.9.2.son, beof goodcheer.thy sins be/.thee, 5. of his disciples : Another form either in re-
Job 8. 13. so are the paths of all that/. God Mali 2. 5, 9. Luke 5. 20, 23. /. 48. |
gard of his l.abit, or brightness of his counte-
9. 27. if I say, I will/, my complaint 12.31. all sin and blasphemy shall be/, but ag. nance, or some such particular. And the apostle
11. 16. because thou shalt/. thy misery H.Gh. shall notbe/.32. Mart S.HS.Luie 12.10. speaking of Christ, says, Phil. 2. 6, Who
S4. 20. womb shall/, him, worm shall feed on him Marie 4. 12. and their sins shall be/, them being in the form of God, thought it not rob-
Psal. 9. 17. and all the nations that/. God Luie 6. 37. forgive, and ye shall be/. bery to be equal with God that is, il'ho beuif

10. 12. arise, O Lord,/, not the humble 7- 47. her many sins are/.but to whom little is/. the essential image of the father, and enjoying
13. 1. how long wilt thou/, me, O Lord ? Acts 8. 22. the thought of thy heart may be/, thee the divine essence and nature, with all its
45.10./. also thine own people, and father's house Lph. 4. 32. as God for Christ's sake hath/, you glory, knew that it was no usurpation in htm,
50. 22. now consider this, ye that/. God C0/.2.13. he quickened, having/, you all trespasses to account himself equal with the Father, and
59.11 .slay them not,lest my people/scatter them Jam. 5. 15. if committed sins, they shall be/, him carry himself upon all occasions as such : &>
74.19./. not the congregation of thy poor forever 1 John 2.12.1 write to you, because your sins are/. by the form of God is meant his essence and
23. /. not the voice of thine enemies FORGIVETH. nature. It follows in verse 7, But made him-
?8. 7. that they might not/, the works of God l^s. 103. 3. heals thy diseases, who/, all iniquities self of no reputation, and took upon him the
102. 4. heart smitten, so that I/, to eat my bread Luie'.ig.ihey began to sav, who is this/.sins also- form of a servant, and was made in the like-
103. S. bless the Lord, and/, not all his benefits FORGIVENESS. ness of men. t'et he emptied himself of that
119. 16. I will not/, thy word Pj. 130.4. there is/, with thee that mayest be feared divine glory and majesty, by hiding it m
83. yet do I not/, thy statutes, I09, 141. Mari 3. 2g. hath never/, but is in danger of hell zaii of his flesh ; and took upon him the guakty
QS.I will never/.thy precepts,hast quickened me ids 5. 31. him hath God exalted to give/, of sins and condition of a mean person, not of a glo-
153. deliver me, for I do not/, thy law 13. 38. thro' him is preached unto you/, of sins rified saint, or of some great mo'ial ; and nas
176. for I do not/, thy commandments 20. 18. to God, that they may receive/, of sins subject to all thetfraillies and infiimities o'
137 5. if I/, thee,
. O Jerusalem, let my hand/. Ljih. 1. 7. in whom we have/, of sins. Col. 1. 14. human nature, tin only ercepttd.
Prov 3. 1. my son,/, not my law, but let thy heart FORGIVENESSES. Gen. 1.2. the earth was without/, and void
4. 5 get wisdom, get understanding,/, it not Dan. 9. 9- to Lord our God belong mercies and/. Judg. 8. + 18. each according to the/, of a kin^
31. 3. lest they drink and/, the law, and pervert FORGIVING. 1 •'iam. 28. 14. he said unto her, what/, is he of
7. let him drink and/, poverty, more Ezod. 34. 7./. iniquity, transgression. Num. 14.18. 2 >5ia7n. 14.20. fetch about this/.of speech Joab donu
/»a.49.15. can a woman/, her sucking child ? yea, Eph. 4. 32. forbearing,/, one another. Col. 3. 13. Esih. 2. + 7. and the maid was fair of/.
they may/, yet will I not/, thee FORGOT. Job 4. 16. but 1 could not discern the/, thereof
54. 4. for thou shalt/. the shame of thy youth Deut. 24. 19. and hast /. a sheaf in the field lia. 52. 14. and his/, more than the sons of men
65. 11. ye are they that/, my holy mountain FORGOTTEN. 53. 2. he hath nojf. nor comeliness
Je7-.2.32.can maid/, her ornaments, or bride attire? Gen. 41. 30. and all the plenty shall be/. Jer. 4. 23. and, lo, it was without/, and void
23.27. who think to cause my people to/.my name Deut.S6. 13 not transgressed com .nor h ave I /. them
Liek. 10. 8. there appeared the/, of a man's hand
39. behold, I, even I, will utterly/, you shall not be/, out of mouths of their seed 43. 11. shew them the/, of the house and fashion
Lam. 5. 20. wherefore dost thou/, us for ever .' 32. 18. thou hast/. God that formed thee Dan. 3. 19. and the/, of his visage was changed
/f(9J.4.6. forgotten the law, I will also/, thy childr. Job 19. 14. my familiar friends have /. me 25. the/, of the fourth is like the the Son of God
Amos 8. 7. I will never/, any of their works 28. i. flood breaks out, even waters/, of the foot Maik 16. 12. appeared in another/, totwo of them
Jieb. 6. 10 God is not unrighteous to/, your works Psal. 9. 18. for the needy shall not alway be/. Iiom.2.20. which hast/, of knowledge and of truth
13. 16. to do good and communicate/, not 10. 11. he hath said in his heart, God hath /. 6. 17. but ye have obeyed that/, of doctrine
FORGETFUL. 31. 12. I am/, as a dead mjin out of mind Phil. 2. 6. who being inthe/.of God, thought it no
Heb. 13. 2. be not/, to entertain strangers 42. 9. I will say, my rock, why hast thou/, me ? *.• but took upon him the/, of
a servant
Jam 1. 25. he be not a/, hearer, but a doer 44.17 all this is come on us.yet have we not/.thee 2 Tim.L.lZ. hold fast/, of sound words hast heard
FORGETFULNESS. CO.if we have/name of our God, or stretched out S. 5. having/, of godliness, denying power thereof
Psal.&a. 12. sind thy righteousness in the land of/. 77.9-bath G./. to be gracious ? hath he shut merf FORM.
FORGETTEST. 119.61. but I have not/, thy law Isa. 45. 7. I/, the light and create darkness
Psal. 44. 24. wherefore/, thou our affliction? 139. because mine enemies have f. thy words FORMED.
Ita. 51. 13. and/, the Lord thv maker Led. 2. 16. in the days to come shall all be/. Gen. 2. 7. the Lord God/, man of the dust
FORGETl'ETH. 8. 10. and the wicked were/, in the city 19. out ofthe ground God/, every beast of field
Job 39. 15. and/, that the foot may crush them 9- 5. for the memory of them is/. Deut. i2. 18. and hast forgotten God that/, thte
Psal. 9. 12. he /". not the cry of the humble Jta. 17. 10. thou hast/, the God of thy salvation 2 Kings 19. 25. that I have/, it, Isa. 37. 26.
Prov. 2. 17. andf/. the covenant of her God 23. 15. that Tyre shall be/, seventy years Job 20. 5. dead things are/, from under the water
Jam. 1. 24. he/, what manner of man he was 16. take an harp, thou harlot that been/. 13. his hand hath/, the croaked serpent
FORGETl'ING. 44. 21. O Israel, thou shalt not be/, of me 33. 6. behold, 1 also am/, out of the cliy
Gen. 41. +51. Joseph called the first-bom./. 49. 14. but Zion said, my Lord hath/, me Psal. 90. 2. or ever thou hadst/. the earth
Phil. 3. 13./. those things which are behind 65. 16. because the former troubles are/. 9*. 9- he that/, the eye, shall he not see -
FORGIVE. Jer. 2. 32. my people have/ me, 13.25. 13. 15.
95. 5. the Sea is his, and his hands/, the dry land
Gen. 50. 17./. I pray, the trespass of thy brethren, 3. 21. they have/, the Lord their God Prov. 26. 10. the great God that/, all things
/, the trespass of serv. of God of thy father 20. 11 their confusion shall never be/ 23. 40. /ja.27.11.he that/, them will shew" them no favour
Etod. 10. 17. /I pray thee, my sin only this once 23 27. to forget, as their fathers have/, my name 43. L'thus saith he that/, thee, O Israel, fear not
32. .32. yet now, if thou wilt/, their sin 30. 14. all thy lovers have/.thee, they seek thee not 7» I have/, brim, yea, I have made him
i\um. 30. 5. and the Lord shall/, her, 8, 12. 44. 9. have ye 10. before me there was no god/, nor after me
f. the wickedness of your fathers
Josh. 24. 19. an holy God, he willnot /. your sins 50. 5. let usjoin in a covenant that shall not he/. 21. this peo. have I/for myself, shall shewpraiie
1 Sam.25.28.I pray,/.the trespass of Ihy handmaid 6. they turned away, have/, their resting-place 44. 2. that made thee, and/, thee from the womb
1 Ain^j 8.30. when hearest ^.39. 2 CAron. 6. 21,30. Lam. 2.6. Lord caused the sabbath to be/, in Ziou 10. who hath/, a god, or molten a graven image
34. hear, and /. the sin of thy people Israel Lzei.22. 12. thou hast/, me, saith the Lord 21. for thou art my servant, I have/, thee
36. /. the sin of thy servants,2 C'/iron. 6.25,27, 39. 23. 35. saith the Lord, because thou hast/, me 24. thus saith he that/, thee from the womb
50./. lliy people that have sinned against thee lios. 4. 6. seeing thou hast /. the law of thy God 45. 18. God himself that/, the earth, he/, it
2 Chron.l. 14. then will I hear and/, their sin 8. 14. for Israel bath/. Maker and builds temples 49.5. Lord that/.me from womb to he h\i servant
Psal. 25. 18. look on my pain, and/, all my sins 13. 6. their heart exalted, therefore have f. nic 5t. 17. DO weapon/, against thee shall prosper
86. 5. for thou, Lord, art good and ready to/. Mat. 16. 5. they had/, to take bread, MariS. 14. Jer. 1. 5. before I/, thee in the belly, 1 kiiewthee
Isa.C. 9. the mean man bowetU, therefore/, them Luie
12. 6. and not one of them is/, before God 33. 2. the Lord that/, it to establish it
/«;-.18.23./. not their iniquity nor blot out their sin
/yc?A.12.5.and yehave^f.the exhortation that speaks .imot 7. Land behold, hi'/, grasshoppers in beginn.
31.34. for I will/.their iniquity, not rempmber sin 2 Pel. 1. 9./. that he was purged from his old sins Horn. 9. 20. shall the thing/, say to him that/, it
36. 3. that I may/, their iniquity and their sin FORKS. Gal. 4.19. I travail in birth, till Christ be ^'.in yoc
Dati.Q. 19. O Lord hear.O I^rd/. Ix)rd hearken iHam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the/, and axes 1 'lim. 2. 13. for Adam was first/, then Eve

Amos 7. 2. I said, O Lord God,/. I beseech thee FOKJI, FOK.MEK.

Mat. 6. 12./. us, as we/, our debtors, Luie 11.4. As taken for the figure, shape, or likeness of a Cv('n.40. 13. shalt deliver the cup after the/ manner
14. if ye/, men their trespasses, your Fath.will/. thing. Job 4. 1(), It stood still, but I could .Vum.21.26. had fought against the/, king of Moal«
15. if ye/, not, nor will your Father/, you not discern the form thereof. Liiewise J'or Deut. 24. 4. her/, husband which sent her away
9. 6. hath power to/, sin, Mari 2. 10. LuJie 5 24. outward splendour, pomp, and dignitv, Isa. liui/i 4. 7. waj the manner in/, time of redcemiin;
18. 21. how oft my brother sin, and I /.him f 53. 2, He hath no form nor comeliness; no 1 .iom. 17.30. people answered after the /. manner
35. if ye from your hearts /. not every one such outaard splendour as the Jews J Kings 1. 14. the two captains of the/, fifties
Mark 2.7.whocan/.sins,but God only r J,uie 5.21. pected in their Messiah. /( is also taken IT. 34. they do after the /. mamier, 40.
11. 25. praying/, that your Father may/, you for a draught or pattern. 2 Tim. 1. 13, Keh. 5. 13. the/, governors were chargeable
26. but if ye do not/, your Father will not/. Hold fast the form of sound words, which Job (1.8. inquire, t pray thee, of the
f. agj
Luie 6. 3T./. and ye shall be forgiven thou hast heard of me. Make thti discourses 3ii. !l. i)»e 'vildernna in/, time
desolate auj wnste
17.3. and if thy brother repent,/, him, 4. conform to the pattern of sound and true doc- Psiil. 79.H. O reniembar not against us f. iuiqujtios
23.34. Father, /.them, they know not what they do trine aaerein thou hast been instructed by me. 89. 49. where are thy /, loving-kindnesses


Etcl. l.H. there b no r«;meiubraiice of/, things Pj. 119.53. horror taken hold, because wicked/.luw 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are persecuted, but rut f. cast down
7. 10. that the/, days were better than these Prov.Z.i. let not mercy and truth/thee, bind them FORSAKETII.
/jo. 41. 2;. let them 'shew the/, things, 43. 9. 9. 6. /.the foolish, and live, go in way of understd. Job but he/, the tear of the Almighty
6. 14.
4C.y. behold the/, things are come to pass 28. 4. they that/, the law, praise the wicked Psal. .37. 28. for the Lord/ not his saints
43. 18. remember ye not the /. things.nor consider Isa. 1.28. they that/, me Lord shall He consumed 40.tl2. more than my hairs, therefore heart/, me
46. 9- remember the/, things of oM, for I am God 55. 7. let wicked/, his way, unnght. his thoughts Prov. 2.17. from her who/, the guide of heryooih
48. 3. 1 have declared /.things fromthe beginning 65. 11. ye are they that /'.L. forget holy mount. my 15. 10. correction grievous to him that/, the way
6l. 4. they shall raise up the/, desolations Jer. 17. 13. all that/, the Lord shall be ashamed C8. 13. whoso confesseth and/, shall have mercy
fi5.7. I will measure their/, work into their bosom 23. 33. I will even/, you, saith the Lord, 39. Luke 14. 33. whoso/ not all that he hath cannot
16. because the/, troubles are forgotten 51.9./.her, and let us go every one to his country FORSAKING.
17 the /.shall not be rememb. nor come to mind L^m. 5. 20. whereftre dost thou/, us so long time
Isa. 6. 12. until there be a great/, in the land

Jrr. 5. 24. the Lord our God that giveth the/, and Dart. 11. 30. with them that/, the holy covenant //ei. 10.25. not/, the assemb. of ourselves togethet
latter rain in his season. Hot. 6.3. Joeli. 23. Jonah 2. 8. observe lying vanities./their own mercy FORSOOK.
10. l6. for he is the/, of all things, 51. 19. Acts 21. 21. thou teachest the Jews to/. Moses Deui. 32. 15. then he/ God that made him
34. 5. the/ kings which were before thee FOKSAKL
not. Judg. 2. 12. and they/, the Lord God, 13. 10.^ |

j6. 28. write in it all the/, words in the first roll Deut. 12. 19. take heed that thou/, not the Levitc li'am.31.7.they/.their cities and fled, 1 C'/ir. 10.7
Eiek. 16. 55. thy daughter shall return to /. estate Job 20.13. though he spare wickedness and/, it not 1 Kings g. 9. because they/, the Lord their God

/Jan. 11. 13. set forth a multitude greater than the/ Psal. 38.21./. me not, Lord O my
God, 71. 9, 18. 12.u.but Rehoboam/. the counsel of old men, and
29. but it shall not be as the/, or as the latter liy.8.I willkeep thy statutes. Of. me not utterly consulted with young men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8, 13.
Hag. 2. 9. the glory be greater than of the/, house 138. 8./. not the works of thine own hands 2 Kings 21. 22. Amon/. the God of his fathers
Zecl>. 1. 4. the/, prophets have cried, 7. 7i 12. Prov. 1. 8. and/, not the law of thy mother, 6. 20 2 Chron. 7. 22. they/, the God of their fathers
8. 11. I will not be to this people as in/, days 4. 2. I give you good doctrine,/, ye not my law 12.1. Rehoboam/law of Lord, and Isr. with huii
14. 8. waters go half of them toward the/, sea 6. /. her not and she shall preserve thee Psal. 78. 60. he/, the tabernacle of Shiloh
A/a/.3.4.shall be pleasant to the Lord as in/ years 27. "10. thine own friend and father's friend/, not 119. 87. consumed me, but I/, not thy precepts
Acts 1.1. the/, treatise have I made, OTheophilus Not FORSAKE. Isa. 58. 2. that/, not the ordinance of God
Eph. 4.22. put off concerning the/ conversation Dfur. 4.J1. he will not/, thee, 31.6,8. 1 CAr. 28.20 Jer. 14. 5. the hind calved in the field and/, it
1 P«r. 1.14. not according to the/lusts in ignorance 14. 27. and the Levite, thou shalt not/, him Mat. 26.56. disciples/, him and fled, Mark 14.50.
Hti. 21. 4. for the/, things are passed away Josh. 1. 5. I will not fail nor/, thee, liei. 13. 5. Mark 1. 18. they/, their nets and followed him
FORMETH. 1 Ham. 12.22. L.will not/his people, 1 A'infj6.13. Luke 5. 11. they/, all and followed him
dmot 4. 13. for, lo, he that/, the mountains 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not leave us, cor/, us 2 Ttm. 4. 16. none stood with me, all men/, me
itch. 12. 1. ami/, the spirit of man within him Seh. 9. 31. thou didst not consume, nor/, them /ie*. 11. 27. by faith Moses/. Egj-pt, for he endured
KORMCAIION. 10. 39. we will not
f. the house of our God FORSOOKEST.
T/iis tcord it For the sin of imyuritu
taken (I) Psal. 27. 9. neither f. me, O God of my salvation AV/ a God slow to anger, and/, them no'
commiltid deluieen unmarried persons. 1 Cor. Isa. 41. 17. I, the God of Israel, will not f. them 19. thou in thy mercies/, them not in wilderaest
7. 2, To avoid fornication, let every man have 42. 16. these things will I do, and not f. them FORSWEAR.
bis own wife, and let every woman have her Fzek. 20. 8. nei did they/, the idols of Egypt Afa/. 5. 33. thou shalt not/thys. but perform oathi
owu husband, (2) For the sin of adultery, zchen FORSAKEN. FORT. S.
one or both persons are married. JI*t. 5.32, 2C,^r.21.10.becaosehehad/.the L. 24.24. 28.6. |
25am. 5. 9. SO David dwelt in the/ the city of Dav.
Whosoever putteth away his wife, saving for Seh. 13. 11. 1 said, why is the house of God/. .'
2 Kings 25. 1. they built/, ag. Jerus. Jer. 52.4.
the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit Job 18.4. shall the eanh be/, for thee.' Isa. 25.12. high/, of thy walls shall he bring down
adultery. (3) For the sin of incest. 1 Cor. Psal. 37. 25. yet have I not seen the righteous/. 29. 3. and I will raise/, against thee
5. 1,Such fornication as is not so much as Isa. 7. 16. the land shall be/, of both her kings 32. 14. the/, and towers sh.\ll be for dens foreve*
named among the Gentiles, &c. (4) For the 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are/, shall be for flucks F.iek. 4. 2.and built a/, against it^ 21. 22. 20. H, |

iin of idolatry, which is iufdelity to and forsa- 9.shall be as a/.bough,and an uppermost branch 17. 17- and building/, to cut off many persons
ling of the trxie Ood for false gods. 1 Chron. 27. 10. and the habitation shall be/, and left 21. 22. was the divination for Jerus. to build a.f.
SI. 11, .lehoram made high places in the moun- 32. 14. because the palaces shall be/, city left 26. 8. and he shall make a/, against thee
tains of J udah, and caused the inhabitants of 54. 6. the Lord hath called thee as a woman/. 33. 27. and they that be in the/, shall die
Jerusalem to commit fornication. Uev. I9. 2, 62. 4. thou shalt no more be termed/. i'an.ll.l9.shcill turn toward the *". of his own land
He hath judged the great whore, which did /er.4. 29. every city shall be/no man dwell therein FORTH.
corrupt the earth with her fornication. 18. 14. shall cold waters from another place be/. ? A'e'i. 4. from that time/, my servants wrought
IChr. 21. 11. high places, caused Jems, commit/. E%ek. 36. 4. thus saith the Lord to the cities/. from that time/, came they no more
13. 21.
7ja.23.17.Tyri shall commit/. with kingd. of world Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/, on her land Psal. 113. S. blessed be the .name of the Lord, from
Kiek. 16.29. thou hast multiplied thy/, in Canaan Zeph.'Z.i.ioTGiZd. shall be/and Ashkelou desolate this time/", and forever, 115^18. 121.8 | 5. 32. saving for the cause of/. 19. 9. Have, hast, hath FORSAKEN. Jer. 49-5. ye shallbe driven out every'mau nght^
John 8. 41. then said they, we be not born of/. Deiit. 28. 20. thy doings, whereby thou hast f. me Mat. 16. 21. from that time/, began Jesus to shew
.ids 15. 20. that they abstain from/. 29. 21.25. 29.25. because they havef. the Lord, Judg'.YQ.V^.
22.46. nor durst from that day/askjiimjjoestions
Rom. 1 29. being filled with all/, full of envy
. Judg. 6. 13. but now the Lord hathf. us John 11. 33. from that day/, they took counsel
1 Cor. 5.1. that there is y. among you, and such/. 10. 13. yet ye havef. me, and served other gods FORTHWITH.
6. 13. the body is not for/, but for the Lord 1 Ham. 8. 8. the works wherewith they havef. nie £rra 6. 8. that/, expences be given to these men
18. flee/. 117.2. nevertheless, to avoid/. 12. 10. we have sinned, because we havef. the L. Mat. 13.5./. sprung up, because no deepn. of eanh
2 Cor. 12. 21. and have not repented of their/. 1 Kings 11. 33. because that they have
f. me 26. 49. he/, came to Jesus, and said, hail. Master
C;a/.5.19.the works of the flesh, which are these,/. 18. 18. ye havef. the commandments of the Lord Mark I.29. and/, when come out of the synagogue
F.fh. 5. 3. /. let it not be once named among you 19- 10. for Israel have thy covenant, 14. 43.he straitly charged him,and/. sent him away
Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore /
uncleanness 2 A'ingj22. 17. because they havef. me and burnt 5. 13. and/. Jesus gave the unclean spirits leavu
1 7X«//.4.3.will of G. that ye should abstain from incense to gods, 2 CAr. 34. 25. Jer. 16.11. I9.4. John 19. 34. and/, came thereout blood and water
f. |

Jude 7. Sodom and cities givinj themselv. over to/. 2 Chron. 12. 5. ye have
f. me, and I have left you .4frj918.he received sight/, and arose,was bapti*.
Rev. 2. 21. I gave her space to repent of her/. 13.11. we keep charge of the L.but ye havef. him 12. 10. and/, the angel departed from him
9- 21. neither repented they of their/, nor thefts 24.20. because ye havef. the Lord, he hathf. you 21 .30. they drew Paul out, and/, doors were shut
14. 8. drink of the wine of the wrath of her/. 29. 6. for fathers have done evil, and havef. him FORIY.
17.2. have been made drunk with wine ofher f. Fzra 9. 10. for we havef. Uiy commandments Gfn. I8.29. he spake again,peradventare there shall
4 a golden cup full of the filthiness of her /'. Jtfi20. 19. because he hath oppressed and/, the poor be/, found he said, I will not do it for/, sake

+ 5. Babylon the great.mother of/and abon.rnat. Psal. 22. 1. my God, my God, why hast thou/. Eiod. 26. 19. thou shalt make/, sockets of silvei"
18. 3. all nationsdrunk with wine of wrath of lier/. me r Mat. 87. 46. Mark 15. 34. 21. and their/ sockets of silver, 36. 24,26.
19. 2 which did corrupt the earth with her/. 71.11. they take counsel, saying, God hathf. him Judg. 12. 14. Abdon had/, sons and thirty daugb.
FOUMCAllOKS. Isa. .4.they havef. the L.and provoked Holy One 2A'ingf 8 9.soHa2ael went and took/camels' burJ.
Eiek. i6. 15. thou pouredstout thy/on everj- one 54.7. for a sinall moment Aar« I/, thee, 7fa.49.14. Neh. 5. 15. the governors had taken/, shekels
1Ual.i5.i9. out of heart proceed/.thefts,A/arit'7.12. Jer. 1. 16. havef me, burnt incense to other gods !lcit 23. 13. more than/ made this conspiracy, 21.
Set Commit, Com.mittei). 2.13.they Aote/me, the fountain of living waters FORTY' taihs.
FOKNICATOK. 17. in that thou Aastf. the Lord thy God, I9. 1 Kings' .38. made ten lavers. one contained /Fja{i(<
1 Cor. 5. 11. if any that is called a brother be a f. 5. 7. how shall I pardon thee.' thy child.Aair/me FORTY cubits.
Heh. 12. 16. lest there be any/, or profane person 19. thou shalt answer, like as ye have f. me 1 Kings 6. 17- the house before it was^ fi/ii/yloag
FORNICATORS. 913. the Lord saith, because they havef. my law £«*. 41.2. he measured the length thereof/. cuii:i
1 Cor. 5. 9- I wrote you not to company with

10. yet not altogether with the /. of this world

19. are confounded, because ye /inir/. the land
12. 7. I have f. my house, I have left my heritage
46. 22. there were courts joined of/, cubitt
See Days.
6. 9. nor shall/, inherit the kingdom of God 15. 6. thou hast f. me, saith the Ijird FORTY
FORSAKE. 17. 13. they have f. the fountain of iTving waters Gen. 32. 15. /. kine, ten bulls, a present to Esau
Dttii. 31.16. this people will /".me and break coven. 2C. 9- because they have f. the covenant of God FORTY stripes.
17. in that day I will/, 'hem and hide my face 25. 38. he hath f. his covert as the lion Deut. 25.3./ he may give him, and not exceed
Josh. 84. 16. God forbid we should/, the Lord E:ek. 8 12. the lord hathf. the earth, 9. 9. 2 Cor. 11.24. of the Jews I received/. /<fc save ooe
20. if ye/, the Lord and serve strange goas Mat. 19. 27. we have f. all and followed thee FORTY yean.
J''^§- 9' 11. should I/.my sweetness and my fruit ? 29. everj- one that hathf. houses or brethren Gen. 25. 20. Isaac was/, y. when be took Rebek^Ul
3 Kings i\. 14. I will/, remnantof my inheritance 2 7im.4.10. Dema hathf. me, having loved world 36.34. Esau/ years wheu he toot to wife Judic\i
lCAr.28.9. if thou /.him, will cast thee off forever 2 Pe/. 2. 15. which /iaj«/.the right way,gone astray I'-Tod. 16. 35. Israel did eat manna/, y- SeU. 9.2U
2 Clir. 7. 19. if yt turn away, and/, my statutes Not FORSAKEN. .\'um. 14. 33. shall wander in wildern"./ y. 32. 13,
15. 2. bat if ye/, him, he will/, you 2 Chron. 13. 10. but as for us the Ix)rd is our God. shall bear your iniquities/. y<a«»
Etra 8. 22. his wrath is aeainst them that f. him we have tiotf. him, priests minister to the Ijori Deut. 2. 7- he knoweth thy walking these f. ^ars
Psal. i^ 10. when my father and mother
"f. me Ecra 9- 9' y*t God hath ttot f. us in our bondage 8. 2. the way which God led thee/, yrari,^, 5.
37. 8. c*as< from anger and/, wrath, fret not Psal. 9. 10. thou hast not f. them that seek thee 4. neither'did thy foot swell these/, ycurj
a9- 30. if his children/, my law and walk Eot Isa. 62.12. shall be called, sought out, a city tiotf. Josh. 5. 6. Israel walked/, years in the wildetjicaj
94. 14. neither will he /. his inheritanrt Jer .51.5. Itr. hith*ui(becn/. cor JudAhnl hit God 14, 7. /. yean old wu
I'^ixa Mosea teut ma
. .


OLord, my in the day of afflic'Jon 75«uf.2C.27.he/.licr in field, and the damsel cried
JLdt. 3.11. He land had rest/, years, S. .-Jl. ! 8.C8. ' J«r. 16. IQ. f.
13. 1. Israel into the hand of Philistines/, ye, Dan. 11. 7. enter into the /'. of the king of the ni/rth 21.1. because he hath /. some uncleanness in hcF
10. shall he return and be stirred up even to his/. 3'J.IO. he f. him in a desert land, he led him about
I.Sam. 4. 18. Eli had judged Israel/, years
t 3y. thus shall he do in the/, of munitions Josh. 2. 22, the pursuers sought, but/, them not
? Ham. 2. 10. Ish-bosheth/. y. old when he began
Hos. 10. 14. and thy/, shall be spoiled 10. 17. five kings are /'. hid in a cave at Makkedab
6. 4. David reigned/, years, 1 Kings 2. 11. all

15. 7, after/ ycJM Absalom said to the king Amos 5.9. that the spoiled shall come against the/. Judg. 1. 5. they/. Attoni-bezek and fought ag. him that day he shall come to thee fromy". 14. 11,. if not plowed with heifer,not/.out my riddle
1 A'in^Jll.42. time Solomon reigned was/, yeflr.f
2 Kings 12.1. Jchoash roigned/.yeori in Jerusalem FORWARD. 15. 15. and he/, a new jaw-bone of an ass
we will not inherit on yonder side or/. 21. 12. and they/, four hundred younj virgins
( C/iron. 24. 1. Joash reigned /. years in Jerusalem A'a;». 32.19-
Psal.g5.10./. y. was I grieved with this generation Jer 7. 24.and they went backward and not/. 16am.9. 4. passed thro' Shalisha.but they/.not assos
Ltei.m 27 it shall be upon the eighth day and so/. 1 1 they /. young maidens going to draw wator
£i<*. 29. 11. nor shall i: be inhabited/ years
12. and her cities shall be desolate/, years /Cech. 1. 15. and they helped y. the affliction 20. as for thine asses they are/. 10. 2, I6.
13. at the end of/, y. I will gather the E;:yptians 2 Cor 8.10. not only to do, but also to be/year ago 12. 5. is witness ye have not/, ought in my hasd
17. but being more/, of his own accord he went 13. 19. now there was no smith /". in Israel
Amos 2. 10. I led you/, years in the wilderness
Gal. 2. 10. the same which 1 also was/, to do 22. no sword nor spear/, in hand of the people
5.25. ye offered sacrifices/, years. Acts! 42.
Acts 4. 22. for the man healed was above/, y old 3 John 6. whom if thou bring/, on their journey 25. 28. and evil hath not been/, with thee

7. 5Z3. Moses was/, y. old, he visited his brethren

29. 3. I have/, no fault in him, since he fell to me
See That Day, Go, Set, Went.
30. when/ y. expired, there appeared an angel FORWARDNE.SS.
30. 11. and they/, an Egyptisin in the field
2 Cor. 8, 8. but by occasion of the/, of others 31. 8./. Saul and his three sons fallen in Gilbo':^
36. had shewed wonders in the wildemesi/. y.
13. 18. the time of/, y. suffered he their manners9 2. for I know/, of your mind, for which I boast Sam. 7. 27. therefore thy servjtnt /. in his heart

21. ''•od gave them Saul by space of/, years FOUGHT.

to pray this prayer to thee, 1 Chron. 17. 25.

Heb. 3.9. when your fathers saw my works/, years Exod. 17. 8. then came Amalek and/, with Israel 1 Kings 7 . 47 . oor was the weight of the brass/, out
10 so Joshua/, with Amalek, Moses went up 11 the prophet Ahijah/. Jeroboam in the way
17 but with whom was he grieved /. years T
yeori A'um.21.1.thenking Arad/. ag. Isr. and took some 13. 28. he went amd/. his carcase cast in the way
1 Kings 14. 21 . Rehoboam was f.-one years old 23.Sihon came and/, against Israel, /i«/j. 11. 20. 18. 10. he took an oath that they/, thee not
when he began to reign, 2 Chron. 12. 13. 26. Sihoii/. against the former king of Moab 19. 19 Elijah departed (hence and/'. Elisha
15. 10 Asa reigned /.-one years in Jerusalem Josh. 10. 14. for the Lord/ for Israel, 42 23.3 2.). 36. behold, a lion/, him and slew him

S Kings 14. 23. Jeroboam reigned /.-one years in 29 .' ishua and all Israel/, against Libnah 21.20.hast thou/, me, O mine enemy ? have/, then
FORTY-TWO. [Sam. 31 /. against Lachish 34. Eglon 36. Hebron
|| [|
Klngsi,l^ they sought Elijah, Duty, him no!
Num. 24. a. the Amorites on the other side/, with you t 21. they/. Jehu in the portion ot Naboth
6. to cities of refuge add/.-rao cities
11 and the men of Jericho/, against you 35. they/, no more of her than the skull
S Kin^s 2 24. two bears tare /. and two children

10. 14. Jehu took them alive, even/, and lao men Judg. 1. 5. they found Adoni-bezek and/, ag. him 22. 8. 1 /.the book of the law in house of the Lord
2 Chr. 22. 2. f.-tao years old Ahaz. when he began 8. Judah had/, against Jerusalem, and taken it 25. 19. ne took sixty men that were/in the city
£tra 2. 24. the children of Azmavcth/ and ta-o 5. 19. the kings came, then/ the kings of Canaan 1 Chron. 4. 40. they/, fat pasture and good
29. 8. they with whom precious stones •veref.
7. 28 the men of Beth-aimaveth / and tuo
J\'e/i. 20. they/ from heaven, the stars in courses/.
Rev. U. 2. holy city th«y tread /.-<a« months 9.17. my father/, for you and delivered you 2 Chron. I9. 3. there are good things/, in thee
13.5. powerwas given him to continue/.-fao months 39. Gaal went out and/, with Abimelech Ezra 2. 62. sought their register among those reckon
FORTY-FOUR. 12 4. all the men ofGilead/ with Ephraim ed by genealogy, but they were not/. Xe'A.7.64.
". 15. and I/, there none of the sonj of Levi
1 C/tron.5. 18. of Reuben and Gad 4*,760 1 Sam. 4. 10. the Philistines/. 1 Chron. 10. 1
FORTY-FIVE. 14.47. Saul /.against ali his enemies on every side S';h. 5. 8. then they/, nothing to answer
Hen. 18 28 if I find/..:^i'», I will not destroy it 15 t 5. Saul/, against Amalek in the valley 8. 14. theyy. written in the law of lx)rd by Moses

Josh. 14.10. Lord kept m« alive these f. -lite years 19. 8 So David/ with the Philistines, 23 5 Esth 4. 16. gather all the Jews/, in Shushan

lA'inw 7. 3. upon the beams that lajon/.yite pillars 2 i'o/«.2.28. people stood still, nor/ they any more /Di28.13. nor is wisdom/, in the land of th£ living
FORTY-SIX. ). 10. he had/ against Hadadezer, 1 C7ir.l8. 10. 31. + 25. if I rejoiced because my hand/, much
JeA7i 2. 20./.-jix years was this tempi, in buildin? iO.17 the Syrians/ against David, 1 Chr.ig.ll. 29. or lift up myself when evil/, miue enemy
FORTY-EIGHT 12. 29 David/, against Rabbah and took it 32.3.wrath kindled, because they had /.no answer
1.3. lest ye should say, we have/, out wisdom
Num.35 7. cities of Levites/..«igA<, JojA.21 41 2 Kings 8. 29 Joram/. against Hazael, 9- 15
FORTY-NINE. 12 ji.7 then Hazael went and/ against Gath 33. 24. deliver from the pit, I have/, a ransom
X«». £5. space shall be to thee/ -ni«« years
8. the i3. 12. Joash/ against Amaziah, 14. 15. 42 15. no women/.so fair as the daughters of Job
thousand. 'J Chr. 20 29 Lord/ against the enemies of Israel Ptal. 69. 20 I looked for comforters but/, none
Num. 133. those numbered of th,; tribe of Ephraim Psal 109. 3. they/, against me without a cause 70.5. none of the men of might have/.their hands
were/ thousand&ve hundred, 2 I9. 26 IB. |
Isa CO 1 Tartai!/ against Ashdod and took it 84. 3. yea sparrow hath/, an house, and swallow
Josh. 4. 13. about/ thousand prepared for war .3.10. he was turned their enemy and/, ag. them 89.20.1 have/.David my servant, I anointed him
Judg. 5. 8. was a shield or spear seen anong/. lAiniv. Jer. 34. 1. the people/ against Jerusalem, 7. 107. 4. they wandered and/, no city to dwell in
2 Sam. 10 18. Dav slew/. 1 horsem 1 C/ir. I9. 18. JCerh. 14 3. as when he/ in the day of battle 116. 1 3. I/.trouble and sorrow, painsof helly.Bie
I Kings 4. 26 Solo, had / thousand stalls horses 12 Lord will smite them that /.against Jerusalem 119. 1 143. trouble and anguish have/, mc
1 Ctron. 12. 36. of Asher expert in war/ thousand 1 Cor. 15 32. I have/, with beasts at Ephesus l:i2. 6. we/, it in the field: of the wood

FORTY-ONE thousand. 27iCT.4.7 I have/.a good fight,, finished my course Prov.T 15. to seek thy face, and I have/, thee

Num.X.^l oi Asher were/ and»n« thousandfi."^. Rev.M.T. Michael and his aogeU/ against dragon 24. 14. so shall wisdom be when thou hast/, it
FORTY-TWO thouMnd FOUL. 25.l6.hastthou/.honey eat so much as is suffici-

Judg. 12, 6. there fell of Ephraimites f.-ttco ihmis Joh 16 I'^.my face is/ with weeping,on my eye-lids EccLT.^I. behold, this have l/".saith the preacher
£ira2.6i. whole cougrega. was 42,300, Neh.T ('i'^ Mat. 16. 3. y» say, it will be/, weather to-day 28. one man among a^^housand have 1 /. but a
thousand Mari 9 25. he rebuked the/, spirit, saying to him woman among all those have I noij.
Num.^j 7 families of the Reubenites was 43,73 Rev. 18 2 Bab. the hold ot every/, spirit and cage 29.this only have 1/ that God made man upright
thousand FOUI^ Cant.:i. 1, 1 sought him, but I/. him not, 2.
I Chr. 5. 18. the children of Reuben wer?, 44,7Cr £jci.34.18.batye must/the residue with your feet 3. the watchmen/, me, to whom I said, 5. 7.
An hundred FORTY-FOUR thousand FOULED. ,4. but I/, him, whom my soul loveth
See Hundred £;i?i.34. 19. they drink that ye have/". with your feet I<a. 10. 10 as my hand hath/, kingdoms of idols
FORTY FIVE thousand. FOULEDST. 14. my hand hath/, the riches of the people
Num. 1 25 that were numbered of Gad 45,fi.')0 £«i.32.2.thou troubledst waters and/.their rivers 22. 3. all that are/, in thee are bound together
26 41 that were numbered of Benjamin 45,600 Fouls, see Fowls 24. + 22. after many days shall they be/, wanting
50 of Naphtali were numbered 45,400 FOUND. 57. 10. "iou hast/, the life if thine hand
FORTY.SIX thousand Gen. 2.20. for Adam there was not/ an help meet 65 1. I am/, of them that sought me not
Num. 1 21 of Reuben were 40,500, 2 11 8. 9. the dove/, no rest for the sole of her foot Jer. 2. 5, what iniquity have your fathers/, in me .

FORTIETH 19 t 15 taVa thy two daughters which are/. 34. in thy skirts is/, the blood of poor innocenu
Num 33.38 Aaron died there in the/, year after 26 t 12 Isaac sowed, and/ an hundred fold 5. 26. for among my people are/, wicked men
Deui. 1 3. in the/ year Moses spake to Israel 19.1saac's servants digged and/, a well -f water 14. 3. they came to the pits and/, no water
1 Chr. 2fi 31 in the/ year of the reign of David 32. Isaac's tervants iaid to him, we hav /water 15. 16. thy words were/, and I did eat them
S C//r.l6.1.1.Asadiediu one and/. year of his reign 27 20. how is it that thou hast/, it so quickly ? 23. 11. in my house have I /. their wickednes*
FORTIFY 30 14 Reuben went and/ mandrakes in the field 41 8. ten men were/, that said, slay us not
Jaidg.g 31. and behold, they/, the city against thee 31 33. Laban went into tents, but/, not images 50. 7, all that /". them have devoured them
Mh. 4. 2. will these feeble Jews/ themselves ' 37. what hast thou/, of all thy household stuff? Lam.i.^6. this IS the day, we have/, wc have soeo
/ia. 22. 10. houses have yr broken down to/the wall 3fi. 24. Anah that/ the mules in tfie wilderness Ezei. 22. 30. I sought for a man, hut I r. none
Jer. 51 53. tho" she shotild/. height of her streiig'h 37. 32. br ught thu coat, and said, this have we/. Oan. 5. 12. an excellent spirit was/, in 'Daniel
Jii'ah. 2. 1. watch the way,/ thy power mii;htily 38. 23. I sent this kid, and thou hast not/. he"r 27. thou art weighed, and art/, wanting
3.>4.draw thee waters for siege, t'. thy strongholds 41 8. money which we/ in our sacks we brought 6. 4. nor was there any fault/, in Daniel
FORTIFIED' 16. God hath/ out the iniquity of his sers-auts 1 these men /. Daniel praying before his God
1 .

2Cfiron 11.11. Reholoam/ the strong holds Kind. 15. 22. they went three days and/, no water // 'f. I). 10. 1 /. Israel like grapes in the wildernesi
26. 9. Uzziah and/ them
built towers It). 27. they went to gather manna and f. none 12. 4. hc/.him in Beth-el, ami there spake with uj
Neh 3 8. they / Jerusalem to the broad wall 18. +8. Moses told all the travel that had/, them 8. Ephraim saif^, I have/, me out substance
Jlf«< that day he shall come from the/.cities Lev. 6. 3. or if he have/ that which was lost 14.8. 1 am like a tree, from me is thy fmif /'.
FORTRESS, ES. + 5. restore it in the day of hi.s being/, guilty Junah 1.3. he/, a ship for Tarshish, so he paid /arc
2Sam. 22. 2 the Lori is mv rock and my/. Psal. 25. t26. and if his hand hath/, sufficiency lUif. 1.13. the transgressions of Israel »ere/.in theo
18.2. 31.3 171.3. 91. 2. [144.2.
I i Aur>. 15. 32./. a man that gathered sticks on sabb. Mat. 2. 8. when ye have/, him bring me word
Prov 12 +12. wicked desireth the/, of evil men 33. they that/, him brought him to Moses ii.lO. I have not/.»o great faith in Israel, Lu/I:< 7.4.
Ita 17. 3 the/ also :,hall cease from Ephr.iim 20. t 14. thou k::owest the travel that hath/, us 1.1.44. which when a man hath/, he hideth it
25 12. the/, of the high fort shall he brine down 31 f 50. we have broughtwhat every man h.ith /'.
46. when he had/, one pearl of great price
34. 13. nettles and brambles come up in the/. />»«;. 21. '17. givini; double portion of all /'.with him lii. 28. andy. one of his fellow servauts who owed
•/«r. 7.1 have set thee for a/, among my people 22. 3. with what thou hast/, shall do likcwis': 20.0. he went on' and/, others standing idl<)
10, 17 father tb; vrue*, iahabitaai of the/. 14 when I came to her I f. ber not a maid, 17> 51. 19./. Bothiu£ thenoD, Jiiari 11. 13. Luke 13. u


Mal.SZ. 10. they gathered all ai many as they/. • Gm. 19. 10. thy servant hath/, ^ace in thy sight and prophets : Your faith is grounded upon tl'
26.4S.he/". them asleep, Mar/c 14. 40. Luie 22.45. j
33. 10. iflhave/.g. inthjrsight,47. 29. |
50.4. doctrine delivered by them. Foundation -s
fiO.sought witnesses, yet/.they none, ^Jar^l4.55. .'i9. 4. Joseph/, grace in his sight, he sened him liktuise taken for the first principles of Chris

27 thtyy. a man of Cyrene, .Simon by name

•'5-. '
Kiod. 33.12. thou hast also/, grace in my sight, 17. tianity, taught in an easy and plain method, .vj
Ma;* 1.37. when they had/, him, they said to him 13. if I have/, ^race in thy sight, coiisiuer this as to make people of mean capacities to unaer.
7. 2. some ate with defiled hands, they/, fault nation thypeople, 34.9. Judg.6. 17. 1 Sam.Q.~.5. stand them ; such as concerning the necessity
30. when she was come, she/, the devil gone ont 16. how known that I and thy people have/, g. .' and nature of repentance and faith ; the natur.j
11. 4. they/, the colt tied by the door without Kum. 32. 5. if we have/, grace in thy bigtt institution, signification, and use of the sacra-
Luie 2. 16. they/, the babe lying in a manger luttA 2. 10. why have If. grace in thine eyes ments ; concerning the last judgment, and tie
46. after three days they/, him in the temple 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father knoweth I have/, grace like ; these the apostle calls the foundation. Heb.
4. 17. he/, the place where it was written 2 Sam. 14. 22. thy servant knoweth I have/, grace 6. 1, 2, Not laying again the foundation of re-
7. 10. they returning/, the servant whole Jer. 31. 2. the people/, grace in the wilderness pentance, (tc. And in Kom. 15. 20, The
8. 3.S. they/, man clothed and in his right mind Is FOUND. apostle says. So have I strived to prea^ ll the
13. 5. when he hath/, the sheep, he layeth it Gfn.44.10. he vrith whom my servant. I6 gospel, not where Christ was nsimed, kst I
6. rejoice, for I have/, my sheep which was lost Deut. 20. 11. people that itf. shall be tributaries should build upon another man's fou uiatioa
9. when she hath/, the piece, she calleth friends 1 Ain^f 14. 13. iu him there isf. some good thing / did not choose to preach the goipel, where the
17. 18. are not any/, that returned to give glory 2 Kings 22. 13. this book that isf. 2 Chron. 34. 21 fundamentals, the first principles of religion,
19-32. they/, even as he had said to them, 22.1.'5. Ezra 4. I9. it is f. this city hath been rebellious had been taught by another, lest I should seem
S3. 2. we/, this fellow perverting the nation Job 19. 28. seeing the root of the matter isf. to assume to myself the credit due to him. Hea-
14. behold, I have/", no fault in this man Prov. 10. 13. in the lips of him wisdom is f. ven, ahich is the eternal inheritance of all be-
24. 2. and they/, tne stone rolled away Isa. 13. 15. every one that isf. shall be thrust thro' lievers, is described as a city which hath foua.
3. they/, not the body of the Lord Jesus 37. + 4. lift up thy prayer for remnant that isf. dations, to denote that the slate of the elect
23. when they/, not his body, they came, saying 65.8. as the new wine isf. in the cluster in heaven, and their glory there, is not sub-
33. a;id they/, the eleven gathered together Jer. 2. 26. as the thief is ashamed when he is ject to corruption, or the least alteration. Heb.
John 1. 41. and saith, we have/, the Mes5ias,45. 34. in thy skirts is/, the blood of innocents 11. 10, Abraham looked for a city which
2. 14. Jesus/, in the temple those that sold oxen 11. 9. a conspiracy isf. among the ir.en of Judah hath foundations, whose builder and maker is
y3f»* 5.10. the young men came in, and/, her dead Dan. 5. 12. excellent wisdom isf. in thee, 14. God.
22. when the officers/, them not in the prison Hos. 14. 8. 1 am like a tree, from me »>thy fruit f Magistrates are also called founaations. Psal.
7 11. and our fathers/, no sustenance Lide 15. 24. this my son was lost and is f. 32. 82. 5, All the foundations of the world are
9. 2, that if he/, any of this way, whether men 2 Cor. 7. 14. our boasting I made isf. a truth out of course All magistrates, rulers, and go-

10. 27- Peter/, many that were come together Uas FOUND. vernors, that should settle and establish justice
32. 19. Herod sought for Peter, and/, him not Gen. 44. 12. the cup was f. in Benjamin's sack and order, have disturbed it by their irregular
13. 6. they/, a certain sorcerer, a false prophet 47. 14. Joseph gathered the money that uas f. and disorderly proceedings. Solomon iays,
22. I have/. David, a man after mine o^m heart Eiod. 35. 23. every man with whom kos f. purple Prov. 10. 25. The righteous is an everlasting
17. 2.'!. I/, an altar with this inscription 24. every man with whom was/, shittitn-wood foundation or, hath an everlasting foundation ;

£4. 5. we'have /. this man a pestilent fellow Judg. 20. 1 48. smote with the sword all that uas f. His hope and happiness is built upon a sure
20. if they have/, any evil doing in me 1 Sam. 13. 22. with Sanl and Jonathan there aasf. foundation.
25. 25. I/, he hath done nothing worthy of death ihings 12.10.high-priest told the money that:»a^/. Ezod. 9. 18. as hath not been in Egypt since the/.
28. 14. we came to Putcoli, where we/, brethren 20. 13. shewed all that aasf. in treasury, /fa.39.2. Josh. 6. 26. he shall lay the/, in'his £^s^born
Horn. 4. 1. what Abraham our father hath/. 22. 9. gather the money that aasf. 2 Chr. 34. 17. 1 Kings 5. IT. they brought hewn stones to lay the/
7.10. which was ordained to life, I/, to be to death 23. 2. read book which zcas 6. 37. in the fourth year wzis/ of house of L. laid
f. 2 Chron. 34. 30.
1 Cor. 15. 15. yea, we are/, false witnesses of God 2 Chron. 15.4. sought him, he aaf/. of them, 15. 7- 9- were of costly stones even from the/. 10
2 Cor. 2. 13. because I/, not Titus my brother 21. 17. carried away the substance that uas
16. 34. he laid the/, of Jericho in his first-born
Gal. 2. 17. we ourselves also are/, sinners Ezra 6. 2. there uiasf. at Achmetha a roll 2 Chron. 8. I6. work was prepared to-day of the/,
PhiJ. 2.8. and being/, in fashion as a man Eccl. 9. 15. there aasf. in it a poor wise man 31. 7. they began to lay the/, of the heaps
1 Tim. 3. 10. use the office, being/, blameless J^r.48.27.was Isr.a derision ? teas he/am. thieves ? Ezra 3. 6. the/, of the temple was not yet laid
2 Tim. 1. 17. Onesiphorus sought me and/, me Ezei. 28. 15. perfect till iniquity aasf. in thee 10. when the builders laid the/, of temple, 12
Jiei. 12. 17. for he/, no place of repentance Dan. 1.19. among all none aasf. like Daniel 5. 16. Sheshbazzar laid the/, of the house
1 Pet. 1.7. that your faith might be/, to praise 2.35. iron,clay broken, noplace j;aj/. for them 7. t 9. on the first day was the/, of going up
ZJo/in 4. 1/, of thy children walking in truth 5. 11. like the wisdom of the godsaaj/. in him Job 4. 19. how much less in them whose/, is ic dust
22. 16. whose/was overflown with a flood
6. 22. because before him innocency txus
f. in me
Jiev.2.2. thou hast tried them, and hast/, them liars
3. 2. 1 have not/, thy works perfect before God Mat. 1.18. she tcasf. with child of the Holy Ghost Psal. 87. I. his /lis in the holy mountains
12.8. nor was their place /. any more in heaven Luke 9. 36. when voice was past, Jesus aasf. alone 102. 25. of old thou hast laid the/, of the eartU
16. 20. and the mountains were not /. Acts 8. 40. but Philip aasf. at Azotus, he preached 137. 7. rase it, rase it, even to the/, thereof
Be Rom. 10. 20. I aasf. of them that sought me not Prov. 10. 25. the righteous is an everlasting/.
Gen. 18. 29. peradventure there shall de forty/. 1 Pit. 2. 22. neither uas guile/, in his mouth Isa. 28. 16. Hay in Zion for a/, a tried stone
44. 9- with whomsoever of thy servants it ief. Rev. 5. 4. no man nasf. worthy to open the book 44. 28. saying to the temple, thy/, shall be laid
ilrorf.lS.ig.sevendaysnoleav. shall if/, in houses 14. 5. and in their mouth aasf. no guile 48. 13. my hand hath laid the /. of the earth
21. If), that stealeth a man, iiheief. in his hand 18, 24. in her aas f, the blood of the prophets Ezei. 13. 14. the/, thereof shall be discovered
22. 2. if a thief 6e/. breaking up, 7. 20. 11. and there aasf. no plzu:e for them Hai. 3. 13. by discovering the/, to the neck
4. if the theft 6e certainly/, in his hand ms not FOUND. Hag. 2. 18. from the day that the/, was laid
Dim. 22. 28. if a man lie with her, and they be f. Mai. S. 6. and iniquity zcas not f. in his lips Zech.4. 9. Zerubbabel hath laid/, and shall fin'sli
1 Sam. 10. 21. theT sought him, he could not <e/. //eA.11.5. Enoch aaf «or/. because God translated 8. 9. prophets which were when the/, was laid
S 5om.l7.12. shall come on him where he shall *<•/. Rev. 20.15. whoso aas not f. written in book of life 12. l.the Lord, which layeth the/, of the earth
1 A'dijx 1.52. if wickedness 4e/. in him, he shall die FOUNDATION Lute 6. 48. digged deep, and laid the/, on a rock
1 Chron. 28. Q. if seek him, will def. of thee, but if Is the grotcni-aork, or loaest part of a building, 49. like a man that without a/, built an house
forsake him will cast off for ever, ? CAn)n.l5.2. ahich supports the other parts ; as the founda- 14. 29. lest haply after he hath laid the_/.
Jot 20. 8. he shall fly away and shall not tef. tion of an house, of a castle, of a fort, toaer, Rom. 15. 20. lest 1 should build on another man's/.
28. 12. but where shall wisdom ief? &'c. Christ Jesus, both in the Old and Neui 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise master-builder 1 laid the f.
P*a/.32.6.5hall pray in time when thou mayest ie/. Testament, is called a Foundation. Isa. 28. I6, 11. for other/, fan no man lay than is laid
36. 2. till his iniquity 4e/. to be hateful Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, 12. if any man build on this/, gold, silver, wood
37. S6. I sought him, but he could not ief. a tried stone, a precious curner-stone, a sure Eph. 2. 20. are built on the/, of the prophets
Prot.6. 31. if he bef. he shall restore seven-fold foundation. Christ is the foundation on ahich 1 Tim. 6. 19- laying up in store for thems. a good f.
16. 31. if it be/, in the way of righteousness the church ts built ; the foundation of all the 2 'Jim. 2. 19. nevertheless/, of God standeth sure
30. 6. lest he reprove thee and thou bef. a liar hopes, and comfort, and happiness, of the people Heb. 1. 10. thou. Lord, hast laid the/, of the earth
10. lest he curse thee, and thou be f. guilty of God ; the foundation of the Covenant of 6. 1. notTlaying the/, of repentance and faith
Jsa. 30. 14. there shall not bef. a sherd to take fire Grace made with the church, and of all the pro- Rev. 21. 19. the first/, jasper; second sapphire
35. 9- no lion, nor any beast shall he f. thereon mises contained therein ; he is a sure founda- FOUNDAIION 0/ the uiorld.
51. 3. joy and gladness shall be f. therein tion, on uhom his people may securely rest ; one Mat. 13. 35. kept secret from the f. of the aerld
55. 6. seek ye the Lord while he may bef. aho aill not fail them, nor deceive them ; and 25. 34. kingdom prepared from the/, of the aoilJ
Jer. 29. 14. I will ie f. of you, saith the Lord he IS the corner-stone that unites the several Luke 11. 50. the blood shed from the/, of the aoild
50. 20. sins of Judah be sought for, shall not be f. parts of the building together ; he makes Jevs John i7.24.thou lovedst me before the/.o/" the aorlj
t.tek. 26. 21. yet shall thou never be f. again an</ Gentiles, that once acre implacable enemies. Eph. 1.4. chosen us in him before the/, of the uorld
Dan. 11.19. he shall stumble and fall, and not 4</. one church. So also in I Cor. 3. 11, Other] " ' 4.
Wei. ' 3.
" works were finished from the /.</<Ae a orlU
12. 1. every one shall bef. written in the book foundation can no man lay, than that is laid,| 9- 26. must have
oft suffered since/, oj the -u-corld
llos. 10. 2. now shall they be
f. faulty which is Jesui Christ. And the above men- A '^<'. 1.
20. foreordained before the/, o/'/ie a
iiey)h. 3. 13. nor a deceitful tongue i«/. in mouth tioned passage in Isjuah i> cited by St. Peter, Rev. 13. 8. Lamb slain from the /. of the aorld
Zrelt. 10. 10. and place shall not be
f. for them and applied to Christ, 1 Pet. 2. 6. 17. 8. names not written from the/, of the uorld
Acttb. 39. lest ye be f. to fight against God God's decree of election is the firm immovable FOUNDATIONS.
1 Cor. 4. 2. it is required that a steward bef. faithful foundation upon tchick the salvation of the elect Deut. 32. 22. and set on fire the/, of the mountaini
2 Cor. 5. 3. if clothed, we shall not bef. naked depends. 2 Tim. 2. 19, The foundation of God 2 Sam. 22. 8. the /". of heaven moved and shook
11. 12. wherein glory, they may be even as we standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord know- 16./. of the wor"ld were discovered, Ps. 18. 7,15.
12. 20. that I shall bef. such as ye would not eth them that are his. See more of this passage Ezra 4. 12. have si t up the walls and joined the f.
Phil.S.g. bef.iu him.not having mv own righteous. en the aord SEAL. The foundation of the 6. 3. and let the f. thereof be strongly laid
2 Pet. 3. 14. that ye may bef. ot him in peace apostles and prophets, is that foundation ahich Job 38. 4. where wast thou when I laid /. of earth .'

Rei. 18.21. the city of Babylon Ac/, no more at all they laid by their preaching and doctfine, name- 6. whereupon are the/, thereof fasteued
S-2. DO craftsman shall b4
f. nay more in thee ly, Christ, uhom they held forth as the only Psal.W.i. if /.be destroyed, what can righteous do?
See Favour. Mediator iciucen God and mttn, the only Sa- 82. 5. all the/, of the earth are out of course
FOUND fr„ce. viour and Head of tie church. Eph. 2. 20, Ye 104.5. who laid the/, of earth not to be remov«<f
dr., 6. 8. Noah/", grace ini . vhs iif the Lord are bailt upon the fotindation of the apostles Prov. 8. 29. when he appointed the/, of the earJ*


Isa. 16. 7. fot the/, of Kir-hareseth shall ye mourn be : or, let her ie made happy by the enjoyment Eteir. 40. 41./. tables were on this side,/, on that
24.18. and the/, of the eanh do shake of thy society, and cleaving to her alone. 4.3. 15. the altar/, cubits, and upward/, horns
40. 21 . have ye not understood from /. of earth Solomon says, Prov. 13. 14, The law of the wise Dan. 1. 17. these/, children God gave knowled 'e
51. 13. the Lord that laid the/, of the earth is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares 3. 25. lo, I see/,men loose, walking in the Srs
iG. that I may lay the/, of the earth of death ; that is, the doctrine, instruction, 01 7. 2. the/, winds of heaven strove on the sea
5*. 11. I will lay thy/, with sapphires counsel of a holy pious man, is a means to p,e 3. and /. great beasts came up from the sea
58. 12.thou shall raise up the/of manygenerations serve life, and to help men to depart front the 17. these/, beasts are/, kings who shall .-irise
Jer. 31. 37. if the/- of the earth can be searched snares of death. By spring and fountain in came/, notable horns towards the/, winiis
8. 8.
50. 15. her/, are fallen, her walls are thrown down Hos. 13. 15, are meant a prosperous condici 22. whereas/, stood up,/, kingdoms shall stand
51.26. they shall not take of thee a stone for/. and all blessings which seemed to be for a con- 11. 4. his kingdom divided towards the/, winds
Lam. 4. 11. and it hath devoured the /. thereof tinuance; His spring shall become dry, and Amos I. 3. and for /. I will not turn away the
Ezek. 30. 4. Egypt's/, shall be broken down his fountain shall be dried up. Fountain it punishment thereof, 6, 9, 11, 13. 2. 1, 4, 6|

41. 8. the/, of the side chambers were a full reed taken for the right ventricle of the heart, which Zech. saw, and behold/, horns
1. 18. 1
Mic. 1. 6. and I will di.'fcover the/, thereof is the spring of life, and of the vital spirits. and the Lond shewed me/, carpenters
0. 2. hear, O mountains, and ye strong/, of earth Eccl. 12. 6, Or the pitcher be broken at the 6. 1. and behold, there came/, chariots out
Acts l6. 26. the/, of the prison were shaken fountain : This may be said, when the vetns do Mat. 24.31. be shall send his angels, and they shall
Heb. 11. 10. for he looked for a city that hath/. not return the blood to the heart, but suffer it gather his elect from the/, winds, Mark 13. 27
Rev. 21. 14. the walls of the city had twelve/. to stand still and cool within them, whence Mark 2.3 . one sick of the palsy who was borne of/.
19. the/, were garnished with precious stones comes that coldness of the outward parts, which John 4. 35. are yet/ months, then cometh harvest
FOUNDED. is a near forerunner of death. Fountain of 1 1. 17. Lazarus had lain in the grave/, days
1 Ckron. Q. f 28. these were porters whom David/. blood, IS the blood of a person incommoded with 19.23. the soldiers made/, parts of his garment
2 Chron. 3. 1 3. the things wherein Solomon was /. a loss of blood, whether natural Or otherwise, Acts 10. 30./. days ago I was fasting to this hour
Ezra 3. t 6. but the temple was not yet/. Lev. 20. 18. Mark 5. 29. 21.9. Philip had/, daughters, virgins, whoproph.
Pial.8. i C.out of mouths of babes haist/. strength GcH. 16.7. the angel of the Lord found Hagarby a/. 23. we have/, men which have avow on them
24.2. for he hath/, it upon the seas and the floods Lev. 11. 36. a/, wherein is water shall be clean 27. 29. they cast/, anchors out of the stem
78. 1 69. like the earth which he hath/, for evpr 20. 18. he discovered her/, the/, of her blood Rev. 4. 6. round about the throne were/, beast*
89. 1 1 world and fulness thereof, thou hast/, them Deut. 33. 28./. of Jacob shall be on a land of corn
. 8. the/, beasts had each of them six wings
104. t 5. he hath/, the earth upon her bases 1 &jnj.2y.l .the Israelites pitched by a/, in Jezreel 5. 14. the/, beasts said, amen, and the elders fell
6. to the place which thou hast/, for them Psal. 36. 9. for with thee is they', of life 6. 6. 1 heard a voice in the midst of the/, beasts
Ii9.i52.thy testimonies thou hast /.them forever 68. 26. bless the Lord from the/, of Israel 7.1. I saw/, angels, on/, corners, holding/, wind*
Prov. .1. 19. the Lord by wisdom hath/, the earth 74. 15. thou didst cleave the/, and the flood 9. 13. a voice from the/, horns of the goiaen altar
Isa. 14. .32. answer, that the Lord hath/. Zion 114. 8. who turned the flint into a/, of water 14. loose the/, ang. who are bound in Euphrates'
23. 13. this people was not till the Assyrian/, it Prov. 5. 18. let thy/, be blessed, rejoice with wife 11. 3. they sung a new song before the/, beasts
Amos 9. 6. zmd he hath/, his troop in the earth 13. 14. the law of the wise is a/, of life 15. 7. one of the/, beasw gave seven vials
Hai. 1. 1 12. O God, thou hast/, them for correc- 14. 27. the fear of the Lord is a/, of life 19- 4. the 24 elders and the/, beasts fell down
tion 25. 26. is a troubled/, and corrupt spring &» Corners, D.^ys.
Mat. 7. 25. and it fell not for it was/, on a rock Eccl. 12. 6. or the pitcher be broken at the/. FOUR times.
Luie 6. 48. could not shake it, it was/, on a rock Cant, 4. 12. a /. sealed 15. a/, of gardens
AeA. 6. 4. yet they sent to me/, times after this sort
FCUNDER. /«r.2.13. have forsaken/, of living waters, I7. 13. FOURFOLD.
J'idg. 17- 4. his mother gave them to the/. 6. 7. as a/, casieth out her waters, so she 2 Sam. 12. 6. and he shall restore the lamb/.
Isa. 41. 7. so the carpenter encouraged the/. 9. 1. oh that mine eyes were a/, of tears Luke 19. 8. if I have taken any thing, I restore/.
Jer. 6. 29. the bellows are burnt,/, melteth in vain Joel 3. 18. a/shall come forth of house of the Lord 6?£ Footed, Twenty, Hi"NDREt>, Tuousand
10. 9. the work of the hjinds of the /. Zech. 13. 1. in that day a/, shall be opened FOUR-SQUARE.
14. everj-/. con'ounded by graven imag?, 51. 17. Mark 5. 29. the/, of her blood was dried up Ezod. 27.1. altar shall hef.-sifuare, height 3 cubits
FOUND EST. Jam. 3. 11. doth a/, send forth sweet waters 28. 16. the brejist-plate/.-jyuorf, being doubled
Ne'i. y. C. and/, his heart faithful before thee 12. no/, can yield salt water and fresh 1 Kings 6.^33. he made posts of olive-tEee/.-zyuarj

FOUNDING. Rev. 21. 6. 1 will give of the/, of life freely Ezek. 40. 47. he measured the court /.-jyuore
2 Cnrta. 24. t27. concerning Joash/. the house FOUNTAINS. 48. 20. ye shall offer the holy oblation y'.-fjuar*
FOUNTAIN Gen. 7.11. the/, of the great deep were broken up Rev. 21. 16. and the city lieth/. square
/* properly tie source or spring-head of -.caters. 8. 2. the /. also of the deep were stopped FOURSCORE.
Metaphorically, God is called the fountain of Deut. 8. 7. God bringeth thee into a laaid of/. Exod. 7. 7. Jloses was/, years old, and Aaron/,
living waters, Jer. 2. 13. Springs or fountains 1 Kings 18. 5. go into the land, to all /. of water and three years old, when they spake to Pharaoh
are called living, when they never cease, or 2 Chr. 32. 3. he took counsel to stop waters of/. Judg. 3. 30. and the land had rest /. years
ititermit, but are alaays sending forth their 4. there was much people, who stopt all the/. 2 Sam. 19. 32. Barzillai was/, years old, 35.
waters : Such had God^t care and kindness Prov. 5. 16. let th}-/. be dispersed abroad 2 A ings 6. 25. an ass's head was sold for/, pieces
teeti over aiid to the Jews, of ichom he com- 8. 24. when there were no/, abounding with water Jehu appointed/, men without, and said
10. 24.
plains. That they had forsaken h'm, the 28. when he strengthened the/, of the deep 1 Chron. 15. 9. Eliel the chief, and his brethren/.
fountain of living waters. 'The blood of Christ, /i(i.41.18. 1 will open/, in the midst of the valleys 2 Chron. 26. 17. with him/, priests, valiant men
which mashes believers from all nucleanness Hos. 13. 15. and his/, shall be dried up Ezra 8. 8. Zebadiah, and with him/, males
of sin, tt called a fountain. Zech. 13. 1, In Rev. 7. 17. and he shall lead them to living/. Psal. go. 10. and if by strength they be/, years
that day there shall be a fountain opened to 8. 10. the star fell upon the/, of waters C'rt«/.6.8. are threescore queens, and/, concubines
the house of David, and to the inhabitants of 14. 7. worship him that made the/, of waters Jer. 41. 5. there came from Samaria,/, men
Jertisalem, for sin and uncltanness. The 16. 4. the third angel poured his vial upon the /. Luke 2.37. she was a widow about/, and four ye.irs
/egal it'ashings were but shadows and types of FOUR. 16. 7. he said to him, take thy bill, and write/.
this matchless healing and purging Fountain, Gen. 2. 10. a river parted, and became/, heads FOURSCORE and five.
namely, the blood of Christ, which never failed 14. 9./. kings joined battle with five Josh. 14. 10. lo, I am this day/. o;ii/_/!rf years old
tt heal any that ever used it. All spiritual 47. 24. and/, parts shall be your own for seed 1 iam. 22. 18. Doeg slew that day/, and five pers.
graces and refreshments commu7ticated by the Eiod. 22. 1. he shall restore/, sheep for a sheep FOURSCORE and sis.
Spirit, are also compared to a fountain. Joel 25. 26. thou shalt make for it/, rings of gold Gen. 16. 16. A^ra. was/, and sir when Hagar bare
3. 18, A fountain shall come forth of the 34. shall be/, bowls made like unto almonds One hundied and FOURSCORE.
house of the Lord, and shall water the valley 2(3. 2. the breadth cf one curtain/, cubits, 8. Gen. 35. 28. days of Isaac were one hundred andf.
of ShitiiM. As waters are of a cooling, re- 27. 16. their pillars/, their sockets/. 38. I9. lour hundied and FOURSCORE.
freshing, and frvctifying nature, so these gifts 37. 20. and in the candlestick were/, bowls 1 KingsS.l, iafour h.f. years after come out of Eg.
and graces should make the most barrett 10 38. 5. he cast/, rings for the/, ends of the grate FOURSCORE thousand.
become fruitful. And in John 7. 38, He that 39. 10./. rows of stones set in the breast-plate I Kings5.15.J'. thous. hewers in mount. 2 C//r. 2. 18.
believeth on me, out of his beHy shall flow Lev. 11. 20. all fowls that creep going on all/. FOURSCORE oNrf seven thousand.
rivers of living water. He shall be endued 27. of beasts that go on all/, unclean, 42. 1 Chr. '.5. Issachar reckoned in all/.unrf«t«n /A.
with the gifts and graces of the Spirit in a Xum.'. 7. two wagons, /. oxen tosonsofGershon One hundred FOURSCOREand five thousand
plentiful measure, which shall not only refresh 8. /. wagons, eight oxen to the sons of Merari 2 A'lHgjiy.SS.angel smote in camp of Assyria one h.
himself, but shall break forth, and be communi- De-ni. 22. 12. make thee fringes on the/, quarters FOURJEEN.
cated to others, also for tAeir rej'reshing. Judg. 11. 40. a custom to lament/, days in a year Gen. 31. 41. I served/, years for thy daughters
Fountains are taken for children, or posterity, Prov. 2 .Sam. 21. 22. these/, were born to the giant 46.22. who were born to Jacob, all the souls were/.
.S. 16, Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad : 1 Kings 18.33. he said, fill/, barrels with water A'nm.2y.l3.yc shall cKer for burnt-oflering/.lambs
May your posterity be numerous. In this 2 A'iiigj 7.3. there were/, leprous men at the entry of the first year, 17.20,28,20,29,32.
passage fountains are put for streams or rivors Job 42. 16. saw his son's sons, even/, generations Josh. 15. 36. the tribe uf Judaii tiad in the valley
^flowing from thim, by a metonymy of the cause /Vi>r.30. 15. yea/, things say not, it is eno'igh /. cities with their villages, IH. ai.
for the effect. In the same sense it is used 18. yea there be/, things which I know not 1 Kings 8.65. Solomon and Isr. held a feast_/. diyt
in Deut. 33. 28, The fountain of Jacob shall 21. and for f. things which it cannot bear 1 Chr. 25.5. God gave to ileman/. sons. 3 daught.
be upon a land of corn and wine : that is, 24. there be/, things which are little on earth 2 CAr. 13.21. Abijah waxed mighty, mar./, wives
the people that proceed from Jacob. The title 30. 29. jea./ things are comely in going Ezek, 43. 17. the seule shall bcf. cubits long
of lountains may be the more fitly given 10 Isa. 17. O./. or five in the utmost fruitful branches AJal. 1. 17. from Abraham to David/, from David
i/iildren, because at they are rivers i» respect Jer. 15. 3. I will appoint over them/, kinds to carrying to liabylony'. toClirist_/. generations
of their parejits, so tehen they grow up, they 36. 23. when Jehudi had read three or/. leaves 2 Cor. 12.2. I knew a man above/, years ago
also become foujitains to their children. In Ezek. 1. 5. the likeness of/, living creatures Gal.S.l. then/, yeau after 1 went up to Jerusalem
I'rov. 5. 18, fountain is put for a wife. Let 6. and every one had/, faces, 15. | 10. 14. and FOURTEEN thmuand.
thy fountain be blessed. Let thy wife be every one had/, wings, 10. 21. Job 42. 12. Job had/, th. sheep, and 6,000 cuaieU
blessed with children ; barrenness being esteemed 16. and they/, had one likeness, 10. 10. FOl.'RTEEN thousand seven hundied.
•J curse and reproach among the Israelites ; 17- they went upon their/, sides, 10. 11. -Yiim. 16.49. that died in plague were/, th. icven h.
Or, let her be a blessing and comfort to thee, 14. 21. when I sendmy/. sorejudgm. on Jcrus lOURlEENTII.
ar.d not a curse and a snare, as an harlot will 37 9. aod say come from the f winds, O breath Ctn. 14. 5. in the/, year came Chedorlacmcr

FOW they leaze several outlets, thct if the huntsman
Tsa 36.r Hos.i.i.evtry one shall languish with/, of
Jlfing/ tne/. yearof Hezekiah, as the/, of heaven lays his tnare at one, they may escape at the
1 Chron. 21. 13. the/, lot
came tonh to .leshebeab 7. 12. I will bring them down /". When sick, they eat the gum of pins
/.eph. 1. 3. will consume the ol the itaven other.
Matiithiah I
83 21. the f. lot came forth to Luke 13. 10. \hef.of heaven lodged in the branches trees, whereby they are not only cured, but ihetr the/, year after the city was smitten FOWLKR. days lengthened. 'It is said, that when they
•"7. 27. ^nt w*"*" the/, night was come
pursued by hunters, they make urine on ihtir
Psal.gX.Z.he shall deliver thee from snare of the /.
See Day. tails, and strike them upon the dog's facet.
Prov. 6. 5. deliver as a bird from the hand of
FOURTH. Some having been taken in a gin by the leg,
Hos 9. 8. but the proph. is a snare of a/, in his ways
Gen. C. U. and the/, river is Euphrates FOWLERS. have bit it off, and so escaped ; others have
15. 16. in/, generation they shall
come hither
feigned themselves dead, till they have been
of the snare of^.
the/. Psat. 124.7 our soul is escaped out away.
£iod. 20. 5. visitmg iniquity of fathers to taken out, and then have run Betnff
Jer. 5. t26. my people pry, as/, lie in wait dead, on whom
generation, 34. 7. iVt/m. 14. lU. L>rt<l. 5.y. nungry, they feign themselves
FOX, snatch and de-
20. and the/, row shall be a beryl, 39.
".8. ts a h the fowls lighting for prey, they
holy In Greek, Alopen, in Hebrew, Shual : are stoned of
X«f. 19 24. in the/, year the fruit shall be remarkable, vour them. .Many other things
came cut to Issachir creature ve,-i aell, and very
Joi/i.19. 17- the/, lot
There is mention (.heir anning.
vrtucwallu for its cunning.
SSam. 3.4. David's/, son, Adonijah, 1 C/iron. 3. 2. a/, shall break down their stone waJl
made of it in several places of the Scripture. AVi. 4. 3.
iKineslO. 30. thy child, of/, generation, 15. 12. Our Saviour calls Herod the Tetrarch oj CJa- Luke 13. 32.
go and tell that/. X cast out devili
£zei. 10. 14. the had the face of an eagle
fox, signifying thereby his craft, and
Dan. 2. 40. the/, kingdom shall be strong as iron refinements of his policy, Luke 13. 32.
ludg. 15. 4. Samson caught three hundred/.
3. 25. the form of the/ is like the Son
of God the
Psal. 63. 10. they shall be a portion for/.
And to give an idea of his own extreme
-.7. behold, a/, beast dreadful and strong Ca;i».2.15.take the /.the little/, that spoil the vines
the/ beast he s/ivt. The foxes have holes, and the birdi
19. then I would know the truth of
of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath
Lam. 5. 18. Zion is desolate, the f. walk upon it
23 the /. bea-n shall be the/, kingdom on Kze- Ezek. 13. 4. thy propheU are like/, in the deserts
they not where to lay bis head, Luke 9. 58.
11.2. the/, shall be far ncher than all
Mat S.'M have holes, the birds nests, Luke 9. 58.
kiel compares the false prophets Kith foxes. f.
Z4c/i. 6. 3. in the/, chariot were grisled horses
Ezek. 1.'.. 4, Thy prophets are like the foxes FRAGMENTS.
Mat 14.25. Jesus in the f. watch of the night
came Mat. 14. 20. they took up the /. twelve baskets
in the deserts: whether it :cas his design to
Kev 4. 7. the/, beast was like a flying eagle heighten their cunning and hypocrrsy in imi-
full, Mark 6. 43. Lukeg. 17. John6. 13.
fi. 7. when he had
opened the/, seal, 1 heard Mark 8. 19. how many baskets full off. t 20.
was smitter; tating the true prophets, and so covering them-
». 12. the/, an^el sounded, the sun clothing, though they -cere JohnQ IC. gatherup/. that remain, nothing be lost
selves j.ith sheept'
1^. 8. the f. ancjel poured out his vial on the sue FRAIL.
raier^itig volves ; or vihelher he intended to
2l!l9.the'third', a chalcedony the/, an emerald Psal. 39. 4. that I may know how/. I am
shew, that these false prophets, instead of sup-

See Day, iMonth, Part. porting Jerusalem, endeavoured only to destroy

FOURTH vear.
it, by undermining its -.calls, and shaking Psal. 103. 14. he knoweth our/, he remcnberetlj
1 A'in|/6. 1. in the/, ywr of Solomon's reign over 18. to make cakes to the/, of heaven
° foundations, as foxes undermine the ground to Jer. 7. t heaven
Israel he began to build, 37. 2 Chron. 3. 2. In the same sense, 44. t 17. to burn incense to ihe^. of
make holes for themselves.
22.41. Jehoshaphat began to reign in/, y. of Ahab iW* which was as the/, of a city on south
seducers and false teavhers are compared to
t Kings I8.9. in the/, year of Hezekiah
foxes. Cant. 2. 15, Take us the foxes that FRAMES.
ser came up against Samaria and besieged it Jer. 18. t 3. behold, he wrought a work on the /.
spoil the vines.
J»r.25.1.wordcameto Jerem. in/.y«arof Jehoiak.
It IS said, in Judg. 15. 4, 5. that Samson took
three FRAME.
28. 1. in the/, year of Zedekiah, ilananiah spake 12.6. for he could not/, to pronounce it right
hundred foxes, uhich he tied t-jio and lao toge- Judg.
36. 1. in the/, year of Jehoiakim this word came and that having fastened afire- Jer. 18. 11. behold, I/, evil against you and devise
ther by the tails,
to Jeremiah from the Lord, 45. 1 46. 2. 5.4. they will not/.the^r doings to turn to God
brand in the middle of the cord which bound them Hos.
. |

51 .59. commanded Serai.ih in/, year of Zedekiah

so together, he let them loose among the crops oJ FRAMED.
word came Zechar. Isa. 29. 16. shall the thing/, say to him that/, it

Ztch 7 in/ year of Darius to

standing com belonging to the Philistines, and
FOWL. Prom the fields they uent into Eph. 2. 21 in whom all the building/, groweth to
then burnt them.
Cen. 26. let them have dominion over the/. 28.
1. Some Heb. 11. 3. the worlds were/, bythe word of God
the' olive yards, and burnt them likewise.
2. 19. out of the ground God formed every/, of air
infidels are much scandalized at this history,
7. 23. the/, of the heaven was destroyed Psal. 50. 19. thy mouth to evil thy tongue/, deceit
and pretend it incredible that Samson could law
8 17. bring forth of all flesh, of/ of cattle muster up so great a number of foxes. But to 94. 20. throne of iniquity,/, mischief by a
9. 2. the fear of you shall be on every/,
of the air
this it is replied, that f-'xes are very
10. behold, I establish my covenant pure
with the/. Exod. 30. 34. take these spices with /.
in this country ; which is proved from scripture,
lev. 7. 26. eat no blood, whether of/, or beast and the testimony of travellers. Solomon in
Xei'.2.1.put/.thereon,15. |
5.11. \<i*.l.'iS!um.h.\i.
11. 46. this is the law of the beasts and/. that the liule foxes spoiled the
2. he shall take the oil with all the/, thereof
hit Song says,
Ihft. 4. 17. the likeness of any winged/, in the air Jeremiah says, that the 16. the priest shall bum the oil with all/. 6. 15.
vines, Vani. 2. 15.
Joi 28. 7. there is a path which no/, knoweth 1 CA)0«.9.29.5ome were appointed to oversee the/.
foxes' walk upon the mountain of Zion, which
J'sa!. 8. 8. to have dominion over the/,
of the air
There are some pro- Neh. 13.5. where they laid the /". and vessels
is desolate, Lam. 5. 18.
148. 10. beasts and flying/, praise the Lord their 9. thither brought 1 the vessels and
the /.
vinces and cities in Palestine a/iicA take
Jer. 9. 10. the /. of the heavens and beasts are fled the great Cant. 3.6. who is this that comes perfumed with/..'
name from foxes, doubtless by reason of hill of/.
i.zei. 17. 23. and under it shall dwell all/. 4. 6. till day break, I will get me to the
number of these animals thereabouts, lor er-
.•*9. 17. son of man, speak to every feathered/. 14. calamus, cinnamon, with all trees of/.
thing torn,/.cr beast ample: the land of Shual, or the fox, 1 6am. presented him gifts, gold,/.
44.31. priest shall not eat any Hazar-shual, the fox's habitation, a
Mat.Q. 11. they to
13. 17.
Dan. 7.6. had on the back of it four wings of a/, 19- 3. Kev. 18. 13. no man
buyeth their/, wine and oil
city of Judah, or Simeon, Josh. 15. C8.
FOWI^. Belon sai/s, that in Palestine, particularly about

Oen. 7. 3. take of/, also of the air by sevens Luke 7. 42. nothing to pay, he/, forgave them both
Cssarea, there is a kind of creature betueen a FRAUD.
15. 11. when the/, came down on the carcases there, that
uolf and a fox, uhich so abounds
I^v. 1. 14. if the burnt-sacrifice to Lord be of/. or three hundred of them Psal. in. 7. his mouth is full of cursing and /.
have abomination sometimes troops of two because ye trust in/.
in wherefore
11. 13. these/, ye shall
are to be seen. M. Morizon, xcho has travelled La. 30. * hire by you, kept back by/, crieth
Ufiit. 14. 20. but of all clean/, ye may eat there, Jam. 5.4.
in this counlrv, says, that foxes swarm
28. 26. thy carcase shall be meat to all/, of the air FRAY.
and that there are very great numbers of them Jer.T.Si
1 Sam. 17.44. I will give thy flesh to the/. Besides, Deul. 28.26. no man shall/, them away,
in the hedges and ruins of buildings.
1 A"inf/4. 33. Solomon
spake of beasts and of/. 1.21. but these are come to/, them
21. 24. Samson being to eminent a person, and the Zech. FRECKLED.
14. 11. thatdielh in fields,/ eat, 16. 4. |
might have employed abundance
judge of Israel,
Xeh.5. 18.also/.were prepared for me, store of wine foxes, Lev. 13. 39. it is a/, spot that groweth
in the skin
of people to catch this great number of FREE.
Joi 12. 7. ask the/, and they shall tell thee and they might have provided them some lime
Psal. 50 li. know all the/, of the mountains Exod. 21.2. an Hebrew servanf in the seventh yeaf
before for his purpose. Nor can tt at all per- ,

78. 27. he rained/ like as the sand of

the sea he shall go out/. Veut. 15. 12. Jer. 34. 9. H-
of the moun- plex any mans reason or faith, if it be alloued, will not go out/,
they shall be left to the/, 5. the servant shall say, I
that the Ood who made the world, and by
Jia. 18. 6. his if
tains, and the /. shall summer upon
them and 11. then shall she go out/, without money
sini-ular providence watched over Israel,
Dan. 4. 14. let the/, get from his branches 26. he shall let him go/, for his eye's sake
intended them deliverance at this time, could sake
Mai. 5. 26. the /. they sow not, neither reap might be 27. he shall let him go/, for his tooth's
easily dispose things to that they
13.4.the/. devoured thi seed, Marii.*. LiUea.6. Lev. 19. 20. not be put to deatli because not/.
13.19. takei. bitter water
A/ar* 4.32. that/, may lodge under it, /,ii*< iViim. 5. 19. be thou/, from this

So animal was fitter for his design, especially

luife 12. S4. how much more are ye better than/. 28. if the woman be not defiled, she shall be f
when coupled 'together in this manner ; for a
J<7j 10. 12. a sheet wherein were/. 11.6. but uies a great many
Deut. 15. 13. and when thou sendest him out/.
fox runs very swiftly,
tier. 19. 17. an angel cried to all the/,
that fly
straight on, 18. not seem hard when thou sendest him /.
turnings and windings, not going
21. and all the/, were filled with their flesh sometxires 24. 5. but he shall be/, at home one year
but running sometimes on one side, Israel
FOWLS of the heaven.
on another, so that uhile one dragged
one way, 1 Sam. 17. 25. make his father's house /. in
7oi28. t 21. kept close "from the/, o/ihe heaven I Kings 15. t 22. Asamadeaproclam.
and another another way. they .spread the Jiie were/
35. 11. who maketh us wiser than the/. 0/ heaven and could 1 Vhr. 9. 3.'!. the singers, who remaining
hea. over all the fields of the Philistines, in a/, house
Pial.tfj.'i. bodies of thy servants meat to/, of holes in the 2 Chr. 26. t 21. Uzziah dwelt
not easily get into the woods, or of/, heart oflered
104. 12. by them the/, of h. have their habitation been extin- 29. 31. and as many as were
shall be meat rocks, where their fire-brands had is/, from his master
Jer.T. 33. the carcases ol this people Job 3. 19. and the servant
guished, and Samson's stratagem rendered tnef
forthe/. o/r/.#/«rai><n, 16. 4. 19-7. 34.20. 39. 5. who hath sent out the wild ass/.
| I

appoint Vae/.o/lhe heaven to destroy fcctual. uphold me with thy ^.Spirit

15. 3. I will
Many things are said concerning the craft and Psal. 51.12. and the cr*ve
t'K*. 2S. 5. given Pharaoh formeat to/.o//i"r«i dead, like slain in
They lay their dung in the 88. 5./. among the
lu5.20.the king loosed him, and let him go/
subtiltv of foxes.
31. 6. the/. i/Afar^H made their nests in Assyria
entrance of the badger's den, and by that mean go r.
13. on his ruin shall all the/. 0/ heaven remain •/- r^.^ „j, Jheu
They frigh:
iri-ii: //,c|7ja.58.
ih 6. and to let the oppressed
it' for metheirr own ^,^'-* {;''''
'\j,/ ^i g each man should let his servant go/
obtain It ute.
32. 4. will cause all/. «/ heaven to remain on thee then
38.20. the /. 0/ htaeen shall shake at my presence wolver, who are their enemies, from
ff"'-"V, rkused them whom they let go/, to return
Dan.i 38. dinj .of heaven given to Nebuchadnezz. "5»;;'4%;///7-?*^'"«/r7;/*«r7A;^nliUa,.15.l6.andhoaournotl
Hct. 2. 18. made a covenant for them »-itb/. of h. then.

Mat. 17. 2C. Jesni saith, tteu are the children/ FRETTETH. though falsely, betftg an hypoenle. Roviver
Maril. 11. if a man, say, itisCorban, he shall be/. Ptjv. 19 3 aJ^d his heart t against the Lord this being spoken in the 'person
of h:m a-ho
-Jcfm 32. and the truth shalj make you/ FKEm'NG made the feast, it is generally taken for kh
IS. how sayest thou, ye shall be made/. Lts 13.51 the plague is a/, leprosy, 52, 14.44. | usual compilation ; and that Christ following
36. if Son shall make you/ ye shall be/ indeed FRIED the like courteous custom of appeilarion, anri
Acts 52. 28. and Paul said but I was/ bor Lev 7 12 cakes mingled with oil of flour/. friendly greeting, did so ,aiute Juaas, which
Rom. 5. 15. not as the affence, so alsoistho/ gift 1 C/lr 23. 29, Levites to wait abour that whijh is/ yet left a sting behind it in his conscience,
16 but the/, gift is -f many offences tojutificat. FRIEND uho kneu himself to be the revtrse
of what ht
IS.even so the/^ft came upon all cnec to;'j«;il. t. taken for otu zc/wm vie loie and esteem ibote was called. The name of frieml is likewise
6 18. being then made / from siiv 22 other- :• whom ae impart oiir minds more Ja given to a neighbour. Luke 11. 5, Which o*
20 servants of sin ve were/ from righteousness milia'lx than :o Jlhers ; and that from a am- you shall have ^friend, and shall go unto
7 3. if her husband be dead, she is/, froc that law fidcnc, fj hi» tntegrily, and good aiil loaardi hini al midnight, and tay, friend, lend me
8 2. the Spirit of life made me/ frorr. death vs ; \Uti3 Jonathan and David were mutualiy three loaves .

1 Cer. 7.21. but if thou mayest be made/ us? it fri nas. Soloiion in his book jf Proverbs G««, 38.20. Judah sent the kid by the hand ol his/.
f 22. he that is called in the Lord is mad; / g:ic) the qualities of a true h'lta^ Prov. 1". Ezod. 33.11. God spake to Moses as aman to hi.'/.
9. 1. am I not an apostle ? am I not/ ? i' .(', friend loveth at all times ; not only m
Ueut. 13. 6. or if thy wife or/, entice thee secretly
19 though I be/ from all men, yet a servant jrrospertty, but also ix adiersity. Chap. 18. 24, Judg. 14. 20. to companion whom he used as his
12. 13. baptized Cy one Spirit, whether bond or/. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a 2.b'<'.m.l3.3.Amnon had a/, his name was Jonadab
Sal. 3 28 there is neither bond nor/, Col. 3 11 brother ; Ae is more hearty in the performance 15. 37. Husbai David's/, came into city, 16. 16
4 26. but Jerusalem which is above, is / "1 all friendly offices He reproies and rebukes 16. 17. Absalom said to Hushai, is this thy kind-
31. not children of the bond woman, but 0} the/. uhen he sees anything amiss. Prov. 87. 6,
£.1 the liberty wherewith Christ hath laade us/. Faithful arc the wounds of a friend ; his sharp-
Spk. 6.8 shall receive ol Lord, whether bond or/ est reproofs proceed from an upright, and truly - „ .,„ thy/.
S Tiess. 3. 1 pray that the word may have/, course loving and faithful soul. He is known by hit JobO.l-i.iohim afflicted pity be shewed from his/
1 Pet. 2. 16. as /. juid not using jour liberty ;0' d and faithful counsel, as uell as by his 27. and ye dig a pit for your/
Ret 13. 16, causeth all,/ and bond, to rec. msik faithful rebukes. Prov. 27 9. Ointment and 16. 1 21. O
that one might pleadf for a man with
19. 18. ye may eat the Hesh fboth bond and/ perfumr rejoice the heart :so doth the sweet- God, as a man pleadeth for his/
FREED nesr .5^ r^ man's friend by hearty counsel ; by P/a/.35.14. as though he had been my/orbrother
Juk 9- 23. and there shall non. of you bo/ ...I counsel as comes from his lery heart arid familiary hath lifted up his heel ag. ma

Ktm. 6. 7. for he that t:, df ad is f from sin soul and is the language of hit most micard 88. 18. lover and/, hast thou put far from me
FREEDOM and 'erious thoughts. The company a7id con- Prov. 6. 1. my son, if thou be surety for thy/.
Xrc 19 20 licth wit^i a woman, not y fiiven her 'ersattui- of friend it refreshing and reviling
'^ 3. when in the hand of thy/, make sure thy/
£f<*.27 t20. I>ei1an thy merchant ii. clother of/, to c person, uho, when alone, is sad, and dull, 17 17 /.loveth at bom foradVer.
Attt 22. 28. with k great sum obtained J this/ andunactite Prov. 27. 17, Iron sharpeneth 18. and becometh surety in the presence of his/.
FREELY. iron, so a man sharpeneth the counteucince of IH. 24. a/, that sticketh closer than a brother
Cen. 2 26 of trery tree thou mayesJ/ eat his friend 19. 6. every man is a/, to him that giveth gifts
Nvm. 11. 5. we remember the
fish wi did ^at
' By friend ;t meant also the favourite of a prince. 22. 11. for grace of his lips, the king shall behis^
1 ASam. 14.-30. if the peopic had ate. / to^iay Hu-shzii :cas the friend, the favourite of David. 27. 6. faithful are the wounds of a/.
£fro 2 6e some of the ehiaf fathers offered \ 2 Sam. 15, 37, Zebud, the son of Nathan was 9.S0 doth sweetness of man's/.by hearty coui:so:
7 15 which the king hath offered/ t' God Solomon's /rienrf 1 Kings 4. 5, And Ahaz- 10. thine own/ and father's/, forsake not
Psal 54.6. I will/, sacrificou thet. Lor i.ath aas the particular friend of Abimelech 14. he that blesseth his/, with a loud voice
//ox. 14. 14. heal their backsliding, I will lOvc then./. Atng </Gerar, Gen. 26. 26. 17. a mau sharpeneth the countenance of his/.
Mat 10. 8./. ye have received/ give The friend of God. This title is principally Ca«f.;s is my beloved.this is my/.O daught
Jlcts 2. 29. men and brethren, let me /. speak vtven u Abraham, as in 2 Chron. 20. 7, Art Isa. 41. 8. thou art the seed of Abraham my /'.
96. 26. the king knoweth, before whom 1 speak/ not thou our God. who gavest this land to the Jer. 3. i 20. sure'vy as a wife depaiteih from her/i
Rem. 3. 24. being justified/ by hi: grace through seed of Abraham thy friend for ever ? And in 6. 21. the neighbour and his/, shall perish
the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Isa 41 8, But thou, Israel, art the seed of 19.9. shall eat everyone flesh of his/, in the siege
3. 32. will with him also /. give us all things Abraham my friend. The apostle James like- Has. 3. 1. beloved of her/, yet an adulteress
1 Cor. 2. 13. might know the things/ given us u'tse makes mention of this. Jam. 2. 23, And Mic 7. 5. trust ye not in a/, put not conlidence
8 Cor. 11. 7. I have preached the gospel of God/ th scripture was fulfilled, which saith, Abra- -l/n/. 11. 19. behold, a/, of publicans, Luke '. 3*.

Rev. 21.6. I will giv: of the fountain of life / ham believed God, and it was imputed to him Co 13. he answered,/. I do thee no wrong
^. 17. and whosoever will let him take/ for righteousness ; ano he was czJled the friend C2. 12. hesaithto him,/ howcamest thou hither.'
FREEMAN, of God. This title is given bim not only be- £0. 50. Jesus said,/, wherefore art thou come :
7 22. he that is called, is the Lord's/.
1 Cor. cause God frequently appeared to him, conversea Luke 11. 5. which of you shall have a/, and shall go
Rtv 6.15. every bondman and/ hid themselves familiarly zcith htm, and revealed secrets to at midnight and say,/, lend me three loave.
FREE offiTingt. him. Gen. 18. 17, Shall I hide from Abraham 6. for a/, of mine in his journey is come to me
Eiod. 36 3. brought /.ojfirinf J every morning that thing which I do ? But also because he S.thougn he will not give him because he is his/.
Amoti- 5. proclaim and publish the jf.-oj'eringc entered into a covenant of perpetual friendship, 14. 10. hu that bade thee may say,/, go up higher
FREQUENT. both uith him and his seed. Gen 12. 2, 3, 1*. |
John 3. 29. the/, of the bridegroom rejoiceth
Prov. 27. 1 6. but the kisses jf an .nemy are/ 2, 4, 7. and especially because he reneaed the 11. 11. he saitb, our/. Lazarus sleepetU.
< CcT, H. 23. in prison.' more f in deaths oft covenant with him, upon the sacrificing of hi.< ly. 12. if thou let this man go, art not Cesar's/
FREE.WIL"L. son Isaac, and confirmed it by an oath, and •lets 12. 20. and having made Blastus their/.
£iTa 7. 13. of their/ -uiiV/ to go op tc Jerusalem thereby admitted htm to nearer degree of Jam. 2. 23. Abraham was called the/, of Gtxl

FREE-WILL ofering friendship and eomti:union. Gen. 22. 1(>, 1" 4. 4. will be a/, of the world, is the enemy of God
Z.ej.22.21. who offereth/..».^j/'. shall be perfect
it &c. And It IS upon this trial of Abraham's FRIENDLY
i.'3 a bullock thou mayest offer for a./.-zi!i!/-jff. obedience, namely, the offering up of his son, Judg 19. 3. the Levite went to ^eak/. to her
Num. 15.3. when ye will make sacrifice \ that the apostle James quotes the passage, -a here Ruth 2 13. thou hast spoken/, to thine handmaid
Deut. 16.10. keep feast, with a tribute oi /..-xill-off. Abraham is called the friend qf' God, Jam. Prov. 18. 24. that hath friends, must shew himself/
23 23. 3.f.--uill-offtT. shalt thou keep and perform 2 21, 22, 2.3, Hos. £, 1 14. 1 wUl bring her, and speak/, to htr
Ezra 1.4. help him with beasts besides/.-wi/Z-o^. ,
Our Saviour calls his apostles friends. John 15. FRIENDS.
3. 5. that willingly offered a/.-»' -off, to the Lord 15, But I have called you friends he adds 1 Sam 30. 26. Darid sent of the spoil to his/.

7- IC. all the silver thon canst find with/.-a i7/.ojf. the reason of it, for all things I have heard 2 Sam. 3 U. which do shew kindness to Saul's/',
8. £8. the silver and gold are 3.f.-aill-ot). to Lord of my Father, I have made known unto you. ly 6 thou lovest thipe enemies, and batcst Uiy/

FREE-WILCojferiHgf. As men used to communicate their counsels 1 Jiings 16. 11. Zimri left him not one of his/
LtT. 22.18. who will offer oblation iorf.-uul-offcr. and their whole mind to their friends, speci- Esth. 5. 10. Ilaman sent and called for his.,'.
S3. 38. and beside all jonrf.-w.-off. Num. 29. .19. alty in things which are of any concern, or 14 ibea said his wife and all his/ to him
DefU. 12.6. thither shall ye bring janr/.-uiill-offer. may be of any advantage for them to know and 6. 13 Ilaman told his wife and/ every ihing
17- mayest not eat within thv gates thy /.-w. .off. understand ; so I have revealed to you what- Job 2. 11. when Job'« three heard ol ih:s evil /
S Chron. 31. 14. Kore was avtr f.-aill-offer. of God soever is necessary for your instruction, office, 16. 20. my/, scorn me, but mine eye pourtit lc«r3
Ptal. II9.IO8. accept the /^r of my mouth eonfort, and saltation. And this title is not 17 5. he that speaketh flattery to his /.
FREE-WOMAN. peculiar to the apostles only, but i.r common ly. 14. my familiar/, have torgotien me
Cat. 4 22 had two sons, by bond-maid, and by a/. with them to all true believers. Cant. 5. 1, 19- all my inward/, abtiorred me
23. but he of the/, was by promise Eat, O friends 21. have pity on me, have pity on me, O ye/
30. shall not be heir with the son of the The friend of the bridegroom, is the bride-man ; 32. 3. Elihu's wrath was kindled against his/.
31. we are not children ofbond-woman, but of/" he who does the honours of the wedding, and 4-'. 7. Lord's wrath kindled against Eliphazand/
FKESII. leads his friend's spouie to the nuptial bed 10. the Lord turned when he prayed lor bis/
Num 11.8. taste of manna was as the taste of/, oil John the Baptist, with respect to Christ, and Psal. 38. 1 1 my /. stand aloof from my :;orc

Job eg. 20. my glory

was/, in me, my bow renewed his church, was the friend of the Bridegroom ; /V(ii'.14.20.the poor is hated, the rich hath many/
Ptai 92. 10. I shall be anointed with/, oil by his preaching he prepared the people of the 16. 28. a whisperer separateth chief/.
Jam. 3 12 no fountain can \\t\i. saltwater and f Jews/ur Christ, John 3. 29. 17 9. he that repeateth a matter, separateth /.
FRESHER. Friend is a word of ordinary salutation, whether 18. 24. that hath/, must shew himsflf fnenaly
Job 32 25 his flesh shall be/, than a child's to friend, or foe. He is called friend uho had ly 4. wealth makelh many/, but poor separated
FRET. not on a wedding-garment. Mat. 22. 12. And 7. how much more do his/, go far from niiu
Cei. 13 55 shalt bum it in the fire, it is f. inward cur Saviour calls Judas the traitor, friend. Cant. 5. 1. eat, O/
drink, yea, drink abunaantly
FRET, Mat. 26. 50. Some are jf opinion that this Jer. 20. 4. I will make thee a terror to thy/.
ISam also provoked her to make her/
1 6 title it given r.i the guest by an irony or anti- 6. (hou shalt be buried there, thoo and ail tnyjl
Vtal 37 1 /
not thyself, 7,8. P'ov. 24. ly. phrasis, meaning the contrary to what ihi 38. 22. women shall say, thy/, have set thee on
Ua t> 21. when thsv be hungry,*they shall/ word importe'h ; or that he is called so, be- Lam. 1. 2. all her/, have dealt treacherously
FREITED. cause he appeared to others to be Christ's Zech. 13.6. I was wounded in the house of my/
Zuh. 16 43 but thou bast f. me in these things friend, tr w«nt»in hitvwnuttemaniaceomt, Mart 3, SI. when hi*/, heud of it, they weot cut
Mark 5. 19- JesQS saith to him, go home to thy/. them in ;At reformation ef mannert at *ny (1) Goodness, which it thai guatily or d*:ptiu
£,uii '. 6. the centurion sent/, to him, saying time proposed among tne old Hebrews. lion which is contrary to malice and aicitU
12. 4. my/, be not afraid of them that kill the body Ezod. 13. 16. it shall be for/, between tWne eyes ness ; or it may mean benignity and bouvty.
14. 12. when thou makest a dinner, call not thy/. Deut. 6. 8. shall be a f. between thine eyes, U. 18. (2) Righteousness, whith is opposed to injut-
15. 6. he callelh together his/, saying, rejoice FROST. lice, whereby one becomes hurtful to anothei,
9. she calleth her/, and neighbours, saying Gen. 31. 40. drought consumed by day,/, by night through deceit, covetmuness, oppression, and
29. that I might make merry with my/. Ezod. 16. 14. round thing, as smiJl ai the hoar /. violence. (3) Truth, which is opposed to errors
It). 9. make to yourselves/, of the mammon Job 37. 10. by the breath of God/, is given lies, heresies, hypocrisy, both in common affairs,
21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and/. 38. 29. the /'. of heaven, who hath gendered k ? and also in matters of religion.
23. 12. the same day Pilate and Hemdwere made/ Pja/.78.47.iIestroyetb their sycamore trees with/. The fruits of righteousness are such good works
Jo/iii 15. 13. that amanlay down his life for his/ 147. 16. he scatiereth the hoar/, like ashes and holy actions as spring from a gracioia
14. ye aremy /. if ye doSvhat I command you Jer. 36. 30. Jehoiakjm's body cast out to the/. frame of heart. Phil. 1. 11, Being filled with
15. not servants, but I have called you/. FROWARD. the fruits of righteousness, I'ruii is takinfor
/Jets 10. 24. Cornelias called together his/. Deut. 32. 20. for they are a very f. generation a charitable contribution, which is the fruit or
19. 31. certain which were his/, sent to him 2 .Sam. 22.27. with the pure thou wilt shew thyself effect of faith and love. Rom. 15. 28, Wheo
27. 3. .lulius gave him liberty to go to his/. pure, with the/, shew thyself/ Psal. 18. 26. 1 have sealed unto them this fruit ; when I
Pom. ]6. + 10. them which are of Aristobulus's
11. greet the/, of Narcissus in the Lord
/ Jobb. 13. the counsel of the/, i.s carried headlon
Psal. lOr. 4. a/, heart shall depart from me
Aavt tafely delivered this coniribiuion.
fruit 11 spoken of good men, then it is la be

3 John 14. our/, salute thee, greet the/ by name Prov. 2. 12. from the man that speaketh/. thingj understood of the fruits or works of holiness and
FRIENDSHIP. 15.way3 are crooked, and they/, in their paths righteousness : But when of evil men, then art
Prov. CS. C4. make no/, with an angry man 3. 32. for the/, is abomination to the Lord meant the fruits of sin, immorality, and
Jjm. 4.4. the/, of the world is enmity with God 4. 24. put away from thee a f. mouth wickedness : This is our Saviour's doctrine.
FHINGE, S. 6. 12. the wicked walketh with a/, mouth Mat. 7. 16, 17, 18. First-fruits, See
Xttm. 15. 38. bid them make/, put on/, a ribband 8. 8. there is nothing/ or perverse in them Uncircumcised fruit, or impure, whereof there it
39. itshall be to you for a/, that ye may look 13. the evil way, and the/, mouth do I hate mention in Lev. 19. 23, it the fruit for the
Deut.Q.1. 12. make thee/ on the four quarters 10. 31. but the/, tongue snail be cut out three first years of a tree newly planted ; it
FROGS. 11. 20. of a/, heart, are abomination to the Lord was reputed unclean, and no one was permitted
Ezod. 8. C. I will smite all thy borders iritli /. 16.28. a/man soweth strife, whisperer separateth to eat of it in all this time. In Ike fourth
7. the magicians brought up/ on the land ,30. he shutteth his eyes to devise/, things year it was offered to the Lord: after which it
Psal. 78. 45. he sent/, which destroyed them 17. 20. he that hath a/, heart, findeth no good was common, and generally eaten, yarioui
105. 30. and the land brought forth/. 21. 8. the way of a man is/, and strange reasons are assigned for this precept, as, (I)
Rev. 16. 13. I saw three unclean spirits like/. 22. 5. thorns and snares are in the way of the/ Because the first-fruits were to be offered tj
To and FRO. 1 Pe<. 2. 18. servants be subject to masters, to the/. God, who required the best ; but in this time
Gen. 8. 7- he sent a raven, which went to andf. FROWARDLY. the fruit was not come to perfection. (2) It
Ezod.CQ. 24. shake to and f. a wave-offering La. 57. 17. he went on/, in the way of his heart was serviceable to the trees themsehet, which
3 Kings 4. 35. Elisha walked in the house to FROWARDNESS. gre-j the better and faster, being early stripe
andj', Prov. 2. 14. who delight in the/, of the wicked of those fruits, which othtrwii* would have
Joh 1.7 Satan said,from going roanrf/ in earth,2.2. 4. t 24. put away from thee/ of mouth derived to themselves, and drawn away much
'. 4. I am full of tossingsro and of the strength from the root and tree. (3)
f. to the dawning 6. 14./. is in his heart, he deviseth mischief
13. 25. wilt thou break a leaf driven to andf.! 10. 32. the mouth of the wicked speaketh/. It tended to the advantage of men, both be-
Psal. 107. 27. they reel to and/, and stagger FROWNED. cause the fruit yoas then waterish, indigestible,
Prov. 21. 6. is a vanity tossed to and f. of them 1 Sam.3. t IS.his sons made vile, he/, not on them and unwholesome, and because hereby men were
Ita. 24.20. earth shall reel to andf.\^^ adrunkard FROZEN. taught to bridle their appetites, a lesson «f
33. 4. as the running to andf. of locusts shall run Job ."3. 30, and the face of the deep is/. great use and absolute necessity in a godly
49. 21. a captive, and removing to andf. FRUIT life.
Etek. 27. 19- Dan al.soand Javan going to mid Is the product of the earth, trees, plants, S,c. Gfn.1.29. I have given you every tree wherein is/.
Z«cA. 1.10. Lord sent to walk to <77irf/.through earth Deut. 28. 4, Blessed shall be the fruit of thy 4. 3. Cain brought of the/, of the ground
11. we have walked f andf. through the earth ground and cattle. TTie fruit of the body 30. 2. hath withheld from thee the/, of the womb
6. 7. that they might walk to andf. through the signifies children. Deut. 28. 4, Blessed Liod. 51. £2. so that her/, depart from her
earth, so they walked to andf. through the earth shall be the fruit of thy body. Psal. 132. 11, Lev. 19. 23. ye shall count the/, uucircumcised
Cph. 4. 14. be no more children tossed to andf. Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy 24. in the fourth year the/, shall be holy
See Run. throne. Ba fruit is sometimes meant reward. 23. + 40. take on first day the/, of goodly trees
FROM. Prov. 1. 31, They shall cat of the /niir of 25. 3. six years thou shalt gather in theji
15.;m.6.5. his hand/, off you, and/, off your land their own way ; They shall receive the reward 27. 30. the tithe of the/, is the Lord's, it u holy
Ma:. 4. 25. then followed him multitudes/. Deca- of their bad condnci, and punishments answer- ynm. 13. 26. they shewed them the/, of the Iknd
polis,/. Jerusalem, f. Judea,/. beyond Jordan able to their sins. The fruit of the lips is 27. we came to the land, juidthisis the/, of it
FRONT. the sacrifice of praise or thanksgiving, Heb. Deut. 1.25. they took of the/, in their hands
2 Sim. 10. 9. Joab saw /. of the battle against him 13. 15. Thc/n<i/ of the righteous, that is, the 7- 13. he will also bless the/, of thy land
2 Citron. 5. 4. the porch in the/, of the house counsel, example, instruction, and reproof of 22. 9. lest/of thy seed/.of thy vineyard be defiled
FRONTIERS. the righteous, is a tree of life is a means of 26. 2. ihou shaJt take of the first of all the/.

Ezek. £5. 9- from his cities which are on his/. much good, both temporal and eternal, and that 28. 4. blessed shall be the/, of thy body and ground
FRONTLETS. not only to himself but to others also, Prov. 11. make thee pit nteous in/, ot thy body, 30. 9.
'Ihete acre square pieces of hard calf's skin, 11. 30. Solomon says i)t Prov. 12. 14, A man 18. cursed shall be the/, of thy body and ot land
including four pieces of parchment, upon which shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his 40. for thine olive shall cast his/.
the Jews tcrote four passages of the laa, and mouth ; that is, lie shall receive abundant 42. all thy trees zmd/. shall the locust consume
iiimid them with strings on their foreheads. blessings from God as the reward of that good Jtidg. 9. 11. should I forsake my sweetness and/. /
The four passages which they wrote are these : he has done by his pious and profitable dis- ISam. 16. 16. summer/, for the young men to eat
On the first piece of parchment, Exod. 13. courses. I will punish the fruit of the stout /^.f.21.10.their/. shalt thou destroy from the earth
from verse 2. to 10. On the second, Exod. 13. heart of the king of Assyria. Isa. 10. 12. 1 58. 1 11. verily here is /. for the righteous
from verse 11. ro I6. On the third, Deut. 6. v;ill punish him for his insolent discourses 72. 16. the/, thereof shaii shake like Lebanon
from verse 4. to Q. And on the fourth, Deut. against me. Fruits meet for repentance, are 104. 13. the earth is satisfied with /. of thy works
11. from verse 13. to 21. Opiniont are such holy lives and conversations as may ma- 105.35. the locusts devoured the/, of their ground
much divided whether the use of frontlets, and nifest the reality and sincerity of repentance, 127. 3. the/, of the womb is his reward
other phylacteries, was ordained by Moses, as .Mat. 3. 8. 132. 11. of/, of thy body will I set on thy throne
an oiseriance to which the Jews were obliged, Ihe fruits of the .Spirit are those gracious ha. /Vi»r. 8. 19. my/, is better than fine gold
and such as required a literal compliance, sn bits which the Holy Spirit of God produces 30. 16. the/, of the wicked tendeth to sin
that the Hebrews hate at all timet aorn them ; in those in whom he dwelleth and worketh,
11. 30. the/, of the righteous is a tree of life
cr have been obliged to weat them. :.ith those acts which flow from them as natu- 12. 14. a man is satisfied by the/, of his mouth
They who believe the use of them to te rigorously rally as the tree produces iVf fruit. The apos- 18. 20. shall be satisfied with the /. of his mouth
binding, ground their persuasion on the text of tle enumerates these fruits in Gal. 5.* 22, 23, 31. 16. with the/, of her hand she plantelb
Moses, which speaks of it in a positive manner, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, both to 3\. give her of the /. of her hands
as of other precepts if the law ; he requires God, and our neighbours ; joy, or a delight Cant. 2. 3. and his /. was sweet to my taste
that the commandments of God should be for in God, arising from a sense of our interest 8. 12. those that keep the/, thereof two hundred
a sign on their hands, and zi frontlets between in him ; peace with God, quietude of conscience, ha. 3. 10. they shall cat the/, of their doingi
their eyes, Deut. 6. 8. and a peaceable disposition towards men, as 4.2. the/, of the earth shall be excellent
B'JJ the generality of interpreters on the contrary opposed to strife, variance, emulation, Sfc. ; 10. 12. I will punish the/, of the stout heart
maintain, that the precepts of Moses tAir/i long-suffering, patiently bearing, and forgiving 13. IB.they shall have no pity on the/oftiie womb
mention these writings on the doors, the signs many provocations and injuries ; this is op. 14. 29. his/, shall be a fiery flying serpent
upon their hands, and frontlets between iheir posed to a hastiness to revenge , gentleness, or 27.6. and fill the face of the world with/.
eyes, should be taken in a figurative and alle- an affableness, and easiiuss to be entreated, 9- this is all the/, to take away his sia
gorical sense ; as meaning that they should be when any one has wronged us: goodness, 28.4. as the hasty/ before the sun;mer
I'^rv careful to preserve the remembrance
of kindness, friendliness, or readiness to do good 57. 19. I create the/, of the lips, peace, peace
God's la-x, andobsvve his commands ; that thev < ' others ; faith, or faithfulness, to speak no- 65.21. shall plantvineyards, andeat/. of them
should always have them before them, arid thing but the truth, and to perform all our Jer. 6. 19. I will bring the/ of their thoughti
never forget them. It is certain that before engagimenis ; meekness, /orifaronce of passion, 7. 20. my fury shall be on the/, of the ground
the Babylonish captivity, not the least rash anger, and hastiness of spirit ; and tem- 11. 16. a green olive-tree, fair, and of goodly/.
steps of them were to be seen
the Jews.
in -.he history of perance, or a curbing of all carnal desires, 19. let us destroy the tree with the/ thereof
The prophets never inveighed and a sparing use of all sensual delights. 17.10.accordingto/. of hisdoings,21.14. 32.19.|

against the omission or neglect tnis practice; The apostle in Eph. 5. comprehends the fruits Ezck. cot the/, thereof thit it wither
of 9- 17. 9. off
mr uat there ever any question conctrnmg of Ihe sanctifying Spirit in these llirte things, 19. 12. and the east-wud dried up her f.
f^eX' is gone, which hath devonr-her/". Heh. 12. II. yitldelh peaceable /. of righteousness Ps. 20. 4. the Lord grant thee to/, all thy counsel
'J5. 4. they shall eat thy
f. and drink thy milk Rev. 22. 2. the tree yielded her /'. every month 5. the Lord/, all thy petitions
36. 30. I will multiply the / of the tree FRUITFUL. 145. 19. he will/, the desire of them that fear him
47.12 nor shall the/ thereof be consumed Gen. 1.22.God blessed them, saying, be/. and mul- Mat. 3. 15. it becometn us to/, all righteousness
i'a«.4.12 the leaves fair and the/ thereof much,Cl. tiply, 28. 8.17. 9. 7. 35. 11.
5. 17. 1 am not come to destroy, but 10/
14. he cried, and said thus, scatter his/ 17. 6. and I will make thee exceeding / Acts 13. 22. found David, who shall /. all my will
Uoi.Q 1 14 give them a womb that casteth the/. 20. I will mzike Ishmael/. H 48. 4. make Jacob/. Rom. 2. 27. uncircumcision, if it/, the law
10.13 ye have eateuthe/ of lies 26 22. God hath made room for us, we shall be/. 13. 14. for the flesh, to/, the lust? thereof
14.8.1 like a green fir-tree, from me is thy/, found 28. 3. God Almighty bless thee, and make thee /. Gal. 5. 16. ye shall not/, the lusts of the flesh
Amos 2. Q. I destroyed his/ from above 41. t 52. called him/, for God caused me to be /. 6. 2. bear burdens, aud so/, the law of Christ
6. 12. have turned/ of righteousness into hemlock 49. 22. Joseph is a/, bough, even a/, bough Eph. 4. tlO. ascended, that he might /'. all things
7.14.1 was an herdman, i gatherer of sycamore/ Eiod. ]. 7 and the children of Israel were/. Phil. 2. 2./. ye my joy, that ye be like-minded
fi. 1. and behold a basket of summer/ 2. Xci'. 26. 9- I will make you/, and multiply you Col. 1. 25. is given to me, to/, the word of God
Mic. 6. 7. shall I give/of body for sin of my soul 2 Chr. 26. * 10. Uzziah had husbandmen in_/.fields 4. 17. take heed thou/, thie ministry, 2 Tim. 4.+ 3
7. 13. the land desolate, for the/, of their doings Psal. 107. 34. he turneth a /. land into barrenness 2 Thess. 1. 11./. all tLe good pleasure of his will
}Ij6. 3.17 neither shall/ be in the vines 128. 3 thy wife shall be as a/, vine '.
Jam. 2. 8. if ye/, the royal law, ye do well
JJag. 1. 10. the earth is stayed from her / 148. 9. mountains and/, trees, praise the Lord iies'.17.i7.forGcKlput in theirhearu to/, hiswiil
Zee A.8.12.seed prosperous.the vine shall give her/. Isa. 5. 1. my beloved hath a vineyard in a/, hill FULFILLED.
Mai. 1. 18. the table is polluted, and the/, thereof 17.6.four or five in the outmost/branches thereof Gen. 25. 24. when her days to be delivered were/
3. 11. nor shall your vine cast her/ before time 32. 12. they shall lament for the/, vine 29. 21- give me my wife, for my days are/.
Mat. 12 33. make tree good, ajid his /. good, tree Jer. 4. 26. lo, the/, place was a wilderness 50. 3. forty days were f. for so are/, the days
corrupt/, corrupt, for the tree is known by his/. 23. 3. and they shall be/, and increase Ejod.5. 14. wherefore have ye not/, your taskr
21 . 19 he said, let no/, grow on thee for ever
Eiek. 19. 10. she was f. and full of branches 7. 25. seven days/, after Lord hath smitten river
34. when the time of the/, drew near he sent //6f. 13. 15. though he be/", an east wind shall come Lev. 12. 4. till the days of purification be/. 6.
26.29. I will °o' drink of"/" oi the vine, till I Acts 14. 17- and gave us rain and /. seasons Xum. 6. 13. when the days of his separation a.Tef.
drink it new in Father's kingdom. Mart 14.25. Co/.l.lO.being/.ia every gooo work, and increasing 32. 1 11. because they have not/, after me
Mark 12. 2. might receive the/, of the vineyard -See Field Deut. 1. 1 36. Caleb hath/, to go after me
lAiie 1.42. and blessed is the/, of thy womb FRUITS. 1 Ham. 18. + 26. and the (fays were not /.
13. 6. he sought/ thereon, and found none Gen. 43. 11. take of the best/, in the land in vesse.s 2 6am.7. 12. when days be/, and thou shalt sleep
7. behold, I come seeking/, on this fig-tree Exod.'Z'i .29. not delay to offer the first of thy ripe/. 14. 22. in that the kine/. the request of servant
20 10. that they should give him of the/. 23. IC MX years shalt gather in the/, thereof 1 Kings 8. 15. and hatn with his hand f. it
Jo/m 4.36. and gathereth/. to life eternal Lev. 25. 15. according to the years of the /. I6. 24. aud hast/, it with thy hand, 2 Chron. 6. 15.
Acts 2. 30. of the/ of his loins he would raise 22. till her/, come in, eat of the old store 11. t 6. Solomon/, not after the Lord, as David
Jtom. 1. 13. that I might have some/, among you 26. 20. neither shall the trees yield their/. 2 Chr. 6. 4. the Lord hath/, that which he spake
6. 21. what/, had ye then in those things whereof Z>e!«.33.14.for prscious/.brought forth ty the sun Ezia 1. 1. that the word of the Lord miglii be/.
22. being tree, ye have your/, unto holiness 2 Sam. g. 10. thou and thy sons shall bring in/. Job 36. 17. thou hast/, the judgment of the wicked
15. 28. when I have sealed to them this/. 2 Kings 8. 6. restore to her all the/, of the field and your wives have/with your hand
Gal. 5.22. but the/ of the Spirit is love, joy, peace 19. 29. plant vineyards, and eat the/, thereof Lam.2. 17. he haUi/. his word he had commanded
£pA. 5. y.^the/. of the Spirit is in all goodness Job 31. 39. if I have eaten the/, without money 4. 18. our days are/, for our end is come
PAil. 1 . 22. if I live, this is the /. of my labour Pj. 107. 37. sow fields, which mayyield/.of increase Ezek. 5. 2. when the days of the siege are/.
4. 17. 1 desire/, that may abound to your account Eccl. 2. 5. I planted trees of all kind of/. Dan. 4. 33. the same hour was the thing/.
Hei. 13. by kimletusofTeilhe/. of ourlips
15. Canf .4. 13. the plants are an orchardwith pleasant/. 10. 3. till three whole weeks were/.
Jam. sown in peace
3. 18. the/, of righteousness is 16. let my beloved eat his pleasant/ Mat. 1. 22. that it might be /. 2. 15, 23. 8. |

5. 7. the husbandman waiteth for the precious/. 6. 1] I went down to see the /". of the valley
. 17. 12. 17. 13. 35. 21. 4. 27. 35. John

Jude 12. trees whose/, witliereth, without/. 7. 13. at our gates are all manner of plesisant/. 12.38. 15.25. 17. 12. 18.9,32. I9. 24, |

^€3 £at. Isa. 33. 9. Bashan and Carmel shake off their/. 28, 36.
Bear, or ieareih FRUIT. Xam. 4. 9. pine away for want of the/, of the earth 2. 17. then was/ that which was spoken, 27- 9
2 Kings 19. 30 shall bear/, upw-ard, Tsa. 37 31. il/a/.3.11.he shall-not destroy the/.of your ground 5.]8.shall in no wise pass from the law till all be/.
£zek. 17. 8. in a good soil, that it might bear f Mat. 3.8. bring/, meet for repentance, Luke 3. 8. 13. 14. in them is/, the prophecy of Esaiis
23. in the height of Israel it shall bear J. 7. 16. ye shall "know them by their/. 20. 24. .34. shall not pais till all these things be/
i/ji.9-l6.their root is dried up, they shall bear no/. 21. 34. that they might receive the/, of it Mark 1. 15. the time is/, kingd. of God is at hand
Joel 2. 22. be not afraid, the trte beareth her/. 41. who shall render him the/, in their seasons 13. 4. what sign when all these things shall be/. ?
Mat. IS. 23 in good ground, is he who beareth f. 43. kingdom given to a nation bringing forth/. Lukel words which shall be/', in their season
Luke 8. 8. other fell on good ground, and bare/. Luke 12. 17. I have no room where to bestow my/. 2. 43. when they had/, the days, they returned
13. 9. if it bear/ well, if not, cut it down 18. and there will I bestow all my/. 21.22.that all things wnich are written may be/.
John 15. 2. every branch in me that beareth not 2 Cor. 9. 10. increase the/, of your righteousness 24. until the times of the Gentiles be/.
P//iV. 1. 11. filled with the/, of righteousness 22. 16. not eat till it be/, in the kingdom of God
/. every branch that beareth fhe purgeth it
2 Tim. £. 6. the husbamdman first partaker of the/. 24. 44. all things must be/, spoken by
4. as the branch cannot bear/, of itself, except it
B.that ye bear much/so shall ye be my disciples Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is full of good/'. John 3. 29. this my joy therefore is/.
Bring, bringeth, or brought forth FRUIT- Hev. 18. 14. /. thy soul lusted after departed from 1?. 13. they might have my joy/, in themselves
Lev. 25. 21. it shall bring ^orthf. for three years 22. 2. the tree of life bare twelve manner of/. Acts 3. 18. what God had shewed, he hath so/.
Hum. 13. 20. and bring of the/ of the land .See First. 9- 23. after many days were/. Jews took counsel
JVeA. 10. 35. to bring the/, of ail trees, 37 Summet FRUITS. 12.25. Paul and Barnabas/, their ministry
Psal. 1.3. that bringeth/ur«A/ in his season 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba with an hundred of summer f. 13. 25. and as John/, his course, he said
92. 14. they shall still bring forth J. in old age Isa 16. Q. thy summer-f. and harvest are fallen 27 they have /. them in condemning him

Cant. 8.11. every one for the f was to bring silver Jer. 40. 10. but gather ye wine and summer
f. 29. when they had/, all that was written .>f him
12 Jews gathered wine and summer much 33. God hath/, the same to us their children
Jer. 12. 2. the wicked grow, tliey bring forth f f. very
48. 32 the spoiler is fallen on thv summer 14 26. to grace of God for the work which they/.
£zei. 36.11. they shall increase, and hringforthf. f.
47 12. it shall bring forth new f. for meat Mic. 7 1, as when they gathered the summtrf. Rom. 8. 4. the righteouness of law might be f. 1:1 us
Jitij. 10. 1. Israel brtngeth forth
fto himself FRUSTRATE. 13. 8. he that loveth another hath/, the law
jWa<.3.10. bring, notforth good/ 7. 19. Luke S.Q. Ezra 4f. 5. and hired counsellors to/, their purpose 2 Cor. 10. 6. when your obedience is/.
7. 17. every good tree bringeth forth good/ Psal. 33. f 10. Lord maketh/. counsel of heathen Gal. 5. 14. the law is/, in one word, even in this
1!!. a good tree cSinnot bring forth evil/. Mark 7. 1 9/ull well ye/the commandment of God Rev. 6. 11. till killing of their brethren should be/
13. 26. but when the blade brought forth f. Gal. 2 21. 1 do not/, the grace of God 15.8. till the seven plagues of seven angels were/
Mark 4. 20. such as hear the word and bringforthf. FRUSTRATETII. Rev. 17. 17. till the words of God shall be/.
28. for the earth bringeth forth
f. of herself Isa. 44. 25. that/ the tokens of the liars 20.3. should deceive no more, till 1000 years he J
Luke 8. 14. and bring no/, to perfection FRYING-PAN SeeSCRlFTVRB.
15. they keep itand"iring/«rM/ with patience Lev. 2. 7. if oblation be a meat-offering in the /. FULFILLING.
John 12. 24. if it die, it bringeth forth much/ 7. 9. all that is dressed in the/, shall be the priest's Psal. 148. 8. stormy wind/, his word
fire, hail,
15. 2. purgeth it, that it may bring forth more
/ FUEL. Rom. 13. 10. therefore love is the/, of the law>ideth in me, the same bringeth forth much/. Isa. 9. 5. this shall be with burning and/ nf fire Eyh. 2. 3. /.the desires of the flesh and of the miad
1(). I ordained that you should iriwg /or //i/. 19. the,people shall be as the/, of the fire FULL
liom. 7. 4. that we should bring forth J. to God Ezek. 15. 4. the vine-tree is cast into tiie fire for/. 6. Signifies, [1] Satisfied uiih. Isaiah 1.11, I am
5. motions did work to bring forth /. unto death 21. 32. thou shalt be for f- to the fire full of the burnt-offerings of rams. [2] That
Ccl. 1. 6. the gospel bringeth forth
f. in you FUGITIVE. uAich is perfect, complete, and which nants
/am. 5. 18. Elijah prayed, the earth brought forth f, Gen. 4. 12. a/._ and a vagabond shalt thou be nothing. 2 John 8, That we receive a full
Hee First-Fruit. 14. I shall be a/, and a vagabond in the earth reward that uhole portion of glory tehich

FRUIT-TREES. FUGITIVES. God hath promised to diligent, persevering

Neh. 9. 25. and possessed /.-rreej in abundance Judg. 12.4. yeGileaditesare/. of Ephraim Christians. [3] ^>iicA as are proud, and puJJcU
Yield, yi^/deth, yielding FRUIT. 2 Kings 25. 11. and'lhc/. that tell away to the king up uith a high conceit of their oun sufficienca
Gen. 1. 11. and the fruit-tree yielding 12. f Isa.15.5. shall cry for Moab, his/shall flee toZoar and uorth, so that they feci no need of Christ,
Lev. ^5. 19. and the land shall yield her/. Eiek. 17. 21. all his/, shall fall by the sword I.uke 6. 25, Woe uiilo you that are full.
26. 4 the trees of the field shall yie/J their/. FULFIL. [4j One enabled both lo conceive and bring
Deui. 11. 17. and that the land yieldnox. her/. Gen. 29. 27. /. her we«k, and we will give thee this forth. 1 Sam. 2. 5, Full of years, one uho iatt
Prov. 12. 12. the root of the righteous yieldethf. Exod. 5. 13./. your works, your daily ta;k lived long enough, as long as he desires, Gea.
Jer. 17. 8. neither shall cease from yielding
f. 23. 26. the number of thy days I will/. 25. 8. Full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost,
Eick. 34. 27. the tree of the field shall yield her/. 1 hings 2. 27. that he might/, the word of the Lord that is, endued uith a plentiful measure .J
36. 8. and yield your/, to my people Israel 1 Chr. 22. 13. if thoutakest heed to/ statutes of L faith, and of the gifts and graces oj' the Holy
Mark 4. 7. the thorns choked it, it yielded no f. 2 Chron. 36. 21. to/, threescore aud ten years Spirit, Acts 0. 5. The fulucs.s of time, r* t'lt
8. other fell on good Rrouod 3aA did yield f Jed 39. 2. ceuist thou number oionths that ihev '. ! lime u/nrtin the Messiah aj/fiaiedt u:hic^ ti-iu
" .

FUL of water Acts 4.13. others said, these men
are/, ofnewwine
Ju:/..6. S3, wringed the dew, & bowl /. 28. ihaltmako me/, of joy
xvUh t ly counteoance
was f.ol men and women
6. 3. look ye out men/
by the J*ws ld'27. BOW the house of the lloly
tM «* *ho p'ophu: tJp'cud out/, and the Lord hath brought
all .he Huih 1.21 1 went
H Stephen/, of faith and the II. Ghosi^. ..55.

iarnclf l<n,.,d Jor Lord 5. I

TcJeL., " 12 and a/, reward be given thee of the was/, forty years old
faithful: lh€ fulness oj
ih.s :tme. " "f^" '*''
that were/ hired out themselves 7. 2.3. when Moses and alms deeds
5. they works
t;n,\,as fully comt. 0^1.4.4. NVhen the 1 Sam. i. king y. 36. Dorcas/, of good
thev gave them in/, tale to the 11. 24. Barnabas/, of the lloly
Ghost and faKli
falnesb of" the lime was
come, God sent IH 27 Philist. a / year
God, such a measur, 27 7 Uavid dwelt in country of .
13 10 and said, O /. of all subtilty and
The fulness of it alive
Son every 2 6am 8 2. and with oue/. line to keep they were/, of wrath and cried out
halh appoinud lo eat ay. year 19. 28.
cf perUction as 0»d Epi. 3. 19. 1 Kin's 17 15. she and her house did
Horn. 1.29. being/ of envy, murder, debate, deceit
«/«/ the elect through Chnst. 2 hm'ss 3. 16. make this valley/, of
15. 14. 1 am persuaJ. that ye also
arc/, of goodu.
?hafye mfght be filled ^vi,h all a,«»>»'*"'!?*"'fo'""' were she »aid to her son
4.6. when the vessels /.
1 Cor. 4. 8. now yc are/,
now ye are rich
God; M«/ is. I' you arrive 6. 17. behold, the mountain was y.
of horses
Phil 2.26. for he longed and wasy. of
and enjoyment oJ Ood, of garments
degrJ, of tht kuo-^lcdgc
htnt. and an en.\
7 15. and lo, all the way was/, 4. 12. I am instructed to be/,
ami to be hungry
influence from 10 21 .house of Baal was/. from one end to another
andimiediat, 18. but I have all and abound. I am/.
the/, price
,„-,„„, 1 Chron. 21. H. shall grant it me for

tire conformity to htm.

for »/ P"«
2 Tim. 4. 5. makey'. proof of thy miuuiry
r.e fulness o^ Christ. • T"^/" 24. nay, but I will verily buy it
^V- that are of/, age
vitlh which he uas
f .HHcd days, .9. .8. //<».5.14. but strong meat to them
Of iraee and mercv 23. l.wheii David wasoldandy. of poison
Jam. 3.8. tongue an nnruly evil./, of deadly

John 1 16. Of his fulness

h^^e^' )7 wrath
i,uh the Etih. 3. 5. then was Ilaman/. of 17. wisdom from above is pure.y. of mercy
Aniwherias men are said to he filled 5 Q he was f. of indignation against Mordecai
ye rej. with joy nnspeak. and/, of glory
Baptist. Luke 1. 15. grave m a^ age 1 Pet. 1.8.
Bolv Ghost as John th. Joi'o. 26. thou Shalt come to thy 2 Pet. 2. 14. eyes /'. of adultery, not
. from sm
^i'Shel,. Acts 6. 5. riusrespects,(\)Orac<
7 4 I am ^•.of tossings to and
Iro to dawning of day
iJohnl'i. we write to you. that your joy may be/.
fulness of Christ ... these of confusion, see mine affliction \l Johns, but that we receive 3. J. reward
p^rlicpition ; 10 15 I'am/.
'Td hi Spirit b. in others by from the s,n, 11'. C. and should a man/, of talk be justified

12. speak face to face, that our joy may be/

as the Zon hath her Uiht 14. 1. man is of few days and/ of
trouble 8.
Rev. 4. 6. there were four beasisy. of eyes,
mer. their uater, from ;l'\J'^"""'^J'"f'''' 20 11. his bones are/, of the sms of his youth 5. 8. having every ene golden
vialsy. of odours
.out: but v. <;h«st Mjy at ease
golden vials/, of the wTath of God
eye its si^ht from the 21. 23. one dielh in his/, strength, being
>>"""'/ mdistened 15.7. seven
be or.einalh.natHrally.andoJ 24.his breasts are ;'. of milk, his bones
and above J-l/"
was/, of 'l"l'ness
Chrisf they be infinite
32 18. 1 am/.of matter, the Spirit constrainelh
me 16. 10. and his kingdom of names of blasphemy
17. 3. 1 saw a woman/,
30. 16. that on thv table should be/, of
But ._'..;^' "-', fatness
John 3. 34 %ZTx^ old andy. of days
4 a golden cup /. of abominations and filthiness
last plagues
more 42. 17. so Job died, being 21.9. the seven vials/, of the seven
'rZ'Zl isftll fi:,hf.bu. the si is Ps. 17. 14. they are/. oT children, and leave rest See AssLR.t.NCE. Coupassio.n.
r,.er. arejull of -«''"• my heart, am/, of heaviness
/u/'; cale 60.20. hath broken
cannot /"''f'.'"
Is FULL. ,. , .
more full. (3) The saints 73. 10. waters of a/, cup are wrung out to
zihereas the gijls of cruelty 2
Kin'S 4. 4. thou shalt set aside that which uf.
their graces to others ; 74. 20. dark places are/, of habitations of iiom. 3. 14.
Christ as an head and Joun- Psal.lO. 7. his mouth isf. ot cursing,
.e Spirit be in sent meat to they
his member,. John did eat angels' food, 26. 10. and their right-hand isf. of
lain, to impart then,, to 104. 16. the trees of the Lord are/, of sap ot majesty
of his fulness. It 29. 4. the voice of the Lord uf.
1 16. We have received 127. 5. happy that haih his quiver/, of them of the goodness of the Lonl
the God- 33. 5. the earth i,f.
,s sa.d. Col. C. 9.
That the fulness of 144. 1 3. that our garuirs may be/, affording
head dwells in Christ bodily ;
„nole nature and attributes of
that ,s, J he
God are in Prov. 17.1. than an house/,
essentially, or sub.
25. 17. iest
he be/,
if|- and hate —>--

of sacrifices with strife
48. 10. thy right-hand i, f. of
65. 9. with the river of God, which 1,1.
75. 8. and the wine is red, it
of water
is J. of mixture
Christ, and that r»ally.
nearest 27. 7. the/, soul lotheth an hooey^comb 88. my soul isf. of troubles, and my life
personally, by 3.
sta„tialh. and also 20. hell and destruction are never/. riches
the body, o that 104. 24. O Lord, the earth isf. of thy

union, as the ,oiJ d:.ells 30.9. lest 1 be f. and deny thee, and say .who is
L.: thy mercy
119. 64. the earth, O Lord, .*/.of
the same person who is man. "
Corf a/jc. _

Eccl. 1.7. rnn'iutothe sea. yet the sea is not/. Led. 9 3. the heart of the sous of men .*/. ot evu
Christ £;-/,.
The church is called the fulness of 8. all things are/, of labour, man cannot
10 14.a fool isf. of words, man not
tell what to be
makes htm a
1 "3 // is the chur-h tehich 4. 0. both hands/, with travel and vexation of silver, isf. of uorses
uithout u;h,c/, Isa.l.T. their land i,f.
compiete and perfect Head, and 11.3. if the clouds be/, of rain, they empty they worship
and maimed 8. their land also isf. of idols,
he uonld account himself but empIV Isa. I. 11. I am/, of tne burnt-offerings
of rams
6.3.holy is Lord, the whole earth 15/. of his glory
ha, a natural und
as it x^ere: for though he 15. 1 will not hear, your hands are/, of
blood of deceit
Mediator, he Jer.s.n.Sii a cage itf.oi birds. housedfuU
personal fulness, as Cod; yet a, 21. the faithful city it was/, of judgnient with him that 1/^. of days
mystical 6 11. the aged,
„ not full and complete without hi, 11.9. the earth shall be/, of knowledge of the Ld. 23. 10. for the land itf. of adulterers
bod„. (a, 1 king is not
complete uithout his creatures
1.1.21. their houses shallbe/. of doleful L:«<.7.23.1and isf. of crimes, city isf. of
receives an oun.ard relative and
shall be/, of blood
And then 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be/, of chariots 9. 9. land isf. of blood, city i,f. of overrtow
subject,) but perverseness
mistical fulness from his member,. 22. 2./. of stirs 7. valleys the press isf. the fats
and ,et forth his H Joel 3. 13. for
the chwch doe, manifett 25. 6 a feast of fat things, a feast/, of marrow Amos 2. 13. a cart is pressed, that i//. of sheaves
vessel Jor him to
fulness, ,ervins as an empty 28. 8. for all tables are/, of vomit and filthiness
fulness in; and this he does. \ah. 3. 1. it i, all/, of lies aud robberies
fill and losheio his
30.27. his lips are/, of indignation, and his tongue darkness
his full stature. Luke U. 34. body isf. of light, .>/. of
bn brineing everv member to /". of the fury of the Lord ravening
and graces 51. 20. they are 39. but your inward part i,J. of
b„ dispersing aU variety of gifts Jer 4 12 a/, wind from those places shall come To the FULL.
them all to heaven ,
amon/them ; and by bringing 5. 7. wheu 1 had fed thenjto the/, they
£wrf.l6.3. when we sat. and diieat bread
_, ,
to ihef.
at las', so that not one shall be 6. 11. therefore I am/, of the fury of the
Lord to thef
fulness! iu.m. 11 1.. U 8 wheu L. shall givthiread in«l«!,morn.
How much more their 28. 3. within two/, years will 1 bring,
Lev. 26 5. ye shall eat your^read 10 (he
riches of the world,
the fall of them be the before the Rethabites potsy. of
riches of the 35. 5. I set .
, ^. .
and the diminishing of them the

Lr.m. 1.1. ho\v city sit solitary that wasy. of peop. 2 King, 18. 17. they came and «<x"l.'° "l^^'K"
fulness? Jf
Gentiles: how much more their
being God 3. 30. he is filled/, with reproach way of the/, field. Isa. . . 3. 30. Z |

the falling away of the ie\yi. from and their wings were/, of eyes andy. soap
the gospel, and Esek. 1. 18. .Mai 3 2. he is like a refiner's fire,
people, through their rejecting brightness of Lord's glory white them
among them, vias the 10.4. court was/of
the .Vark 9. 3. so as no/, on earth can
the small number of believers 12. the wheels were/, of eyes round about FULLY.
occasion of God's manifesting his
abundant grace
with wiu^s/. of feathers followed me r.
,n the conver,ion of the GenuUs,
and spreading 17. 3. a great eagle branches
Xum 14 24. but Caleb that
10. she was fruitful and/, of Huih 2. 11. Boaz said.ithath/.been shewed
ivorld over :hou-^ 19.
,he knoivledgeof Christ «// the

2H. 12. the sum, f. of wisdom and perfect in beauty went not/, after the Lora
the 1 King, 11.6. Solomon
mmh more shall a general conversion of 32. 6. and the fivers shall be/, of thee sons of men is/set to do evU
world, confirm i.VW.8 r..lhe heart of
Jews. to-j:ard, the end of the 37 1 in midst of the valley which was/,
of bones thee/
Gentiles, a.irf aho . .
Jer. 12. t 6. yea, they cried after
the faith of the believing 39.19. ye shall eat fat till ye be
/". and drjnk blood
\ah 1 10. they shall be devoured as stubble/dry

tea means to convert those of them

that do not fury
Dun. 3. 19. then was Nebuchadnezzar^, of
Aa, 2. 1. when the day of Pentecost was/ come
vet believe, all over the
isnot yet/. 8 23 when th£ transgressors are come to the /. l(om.4.1 1 .being/, persuaded, that what
he promis iniquity of the Amorites days Daniel mourned threey. weeks persuad. hisow'n mind
of years 10 2 in those 14.5.1et every man be/, in
25 B Abraham an oU man. and ^. " 24. the floors shall be/, of wheat have/, preached the gospel of Christ
days, died 15. 19. 1
35 CO. Isaac being old and/, of 1 am/, of power by the
Spirit the word
Pharaoh dreamed Vic 3 8 but truly Col. 1. t 25. made a minister/ to preach
41 1 at the end of two/, vears, '0 12. the rich men thereof are/, of violence my doctrine
the seven/, ears, 11. 2 Tim. 3. 10. thou hast/, known
7 the thin ears devoured Uab 3 and the earth was/ of his praise might be/, known
sack /. weight 3. 4. 17. that by me the preaching
43 21 every man's money in his streets shall be/, of boys and girls liev. 14. 18. thrust in thy sickle grapes arey. ript
of swarms of Hies Zech 8. 5. the Uke
l-iod 8.2 1 . the houses shjil be/, Vat 6 "2. thybody shall be/ of light, 11.36
Jfi 33 and put an homer/,
of manna therein
"13 48 which when it was/ they drew to shore Gen. 48. + I9. his seed become a/, of
2C. 3 for he should make/,
fragments twelve baskets/. ilfartO. 43 Lxod. 22. 1 29. thou shalt not delay to oBer thy/.
" offer even corn beaten out of^. ears 145' 20. of baskets/.
lev 14 Shalt
of incense 1 37 they took up that was left seven i\um. 18. 27. reckoned as the/, of the wine-press
:6. 12. censer/, of coals, hands /. "3' "5 but within are/, of extortion and excess defiled
of wickedness Deut. 22. 9. lest the/, of thy seed oe
ig. 29. and the land became/, ""7 but within are/, of dead men's bones ana/, theieof
33. 16. precious things of the earth,
83.29. within a/, year may he redeem

within ye are/, of hypocrisy and iniquity with the/, of his stature

house GoU I Sam. 28. t20. Saul
30 if not rede«med in a/, year, then the well ye reject commandment ot the y . thereof,
fine flour, 19. Vnrk' 9 let the sea roar and
1 Chron. 16. 32
Sm. 7. 13. both of them were/, of
15 36.' one ran and filled a
spunge/. of vinegar

Peal. 96. 11. I 98. '

C5, 31. 37, 43. 4g>S5. 61,67. 73, 79- now Eliiab./. time came to be deliver. in straits
of incense, 20, It), Luke 1 57. of sufficiency shall be
1 1. one spoon of ten sl^kels/.
Jesus being f. of the Holy
Ghost was led /,;* TO. 22. in/, of JOT, 4 1. Psal. 16. U. ill thy presence 's/
leprosy fell on his face C.r 10 26..8,
24.13. 5 1" behold a m»n/.
is the Lord's and
CZ. 18. if Ealak Rive me house/ of silrer, ye shall hunger 24. 1. earth U.
Dtut. 6. 11. aiid houses/, of all good things,
when e' 25 woe unto you that are/, gate/, of sores 50. 12. the world is mine. andy. thereof, 89-
16 "0 Lazarus was laid at his
thou shah have eaten and be/. 8. 10. IC- Jsa.O.iS. his glory is the/, of '^'6,"'^''? ^w
Johnl.U. and dwelt amongus,/. of grace an.l truth breadth of thy land shall be the

II 1 5. will send grass.thatthoumayest

eatandbe/. 8 t8. the/ oj^the
7 8. 1 go not up. for my
time is not yet/, come (J I mmanu6»
shall bewail her father a/, month stret^ching out of his wings.
21. 13. she might be/. 10. «4.
15 H. and that your joy 31. f I. let the earth
hear and the./, thereof
33. 'iJ. Naphtali f. of the blessing of the Lord
34.9. Josbu* was/ gf ihe Spirit of wisiiow J 3 ig.
Ihare ww set t vessel f. of vinegax



ba. that go down to sea and the/.'thereof mentt uhereuith Gc,^ Ezek. 22. Pro: .-28. 8. that by usury and unjust g. increaseth
tries his people,
Jer. 8. ( I6. have devoured the land and ?". thereof 18, ?0, 22. [4] A place of temporal torment ; Isa. 33. 15. he that despiseth the g. of oppreisiong
47. tC. waters shall overflow the land and/.lhereof such WAS Nebuchadnezzar's fery furnace, 56. 11. every one for his g. from his quarter
Exek. J6. 49. iniquity of sister Sodom, y. of bread Dan. 3. 6, 11. [5] Hell, the place of endless Etek. 22. 13. have smitten hand at thy dishonest
g was desolate and the/.19.7. 30.tlC | torment, Mat. 13. 42. 27. her princes like as wolves to get duUonestg.
Ametfi.^&.l will deliver up city, and the /.thereof Gen. 15. 17. a smoking/, and a burning lamp Dan. 11. 39. he shall divide the land for g.
Mic. 1. + 2. hearken, O earth, and the/, thereof 19. 28. the smoke went up 3is the smoke of a/. Mic. 4. 13. I will consecrate their?, to the Lord
John l.lG.of his/.have we received grace forgrace Eiod. 9. 8. take you handfuls of ashes of the/ Hab. 2. t 9- "oe to him that gaineih an evil g.
Uom. 11. 12. how much more their/./ 10. and they took ashes of the/, and stood Acts 16. 16. which brought her masters muchj.
25. till the/, of the Gentiles be come in 19. 18. the smoke ascended as the smoke of a/. 19. 24. brought no smsdl {. to the craftsmeu
15.29-1 shall come in the /".of the gospel of Christ Deut. 4. 20. the Lord hath taken you out of the/. 2 Cor. 12. 17- did I make 3.g. of you by any I sent
Gal. 4. 4. when the/, of the time was come 1 h^ings 8.51. from the midst of the/. Jer. 11. 4. 18. did Titus make ag. of you .'

Eph. 1. 10. that in the/, of times he might gather Psal.12.6 pure silver tried in a/.of earth Phil. 1. 21. forme to live is Christ, and to die is;.
23. the/, of him that filleth all in all /Von. 17. 3. fining pot for silver,/, for gold, 27.21. 3. 7. what things were g. to me, I counted loss
3.19. that ye might be filled with all the/, of God Isa. 31.9. whose fire is in Zion, his/, in Jerusalem 1 Tim. 6. 5. supposing that g. is godliness
4. 13. we come to the stature of the/, of Christ 48. 10. I have chosen thee in the/, of aflliction 6. but godliness with contentment is great;.
Col. 1.19- pleased Father.inhim should all/, dwell Ezek. 22. 18, Israel is dross in the midst of the/. Jam. 4. 13. go to a city, there buy, sell and getp,
2.9. inhimdwelleth the/, of the Godhead bodilv 20. 1 will gather you as tin in the midst of the/. GAIN, Verb.
FUNDAMENT. 22. as silver is melted in the midst of the/. Dan. 2. 8. 1 know that ye would g. the time!
Judg. 3. 1 22. not draw dagger, it cams out at the /. Dan. cast into midst of a burning fiery/. 11. Mat. 16. 26. what profited if he should ;. the whole
FURBISH. Mat.iS.iQ. and shall cast them into a/, of fire, 50. world, and lose his soul ? Maik6.3t).LukeQ.ib.
Jer. 46. 4. /. the spears, put on the brigandines A'«r. 1.15. his feet like brass, as if thcyhumed in a/. 1 Cor. 9.19- servant to all, that I might g. the more
FURBISHED. 9. 2. arose a smoke, as the smoke of a great/. 20. that I might g. the Jews 22. g. the wea» ||

iJitk. 21. J. a sword it sharpened and also/. 10. FURNACES. 21. that I might g, them that are without law
11. given to be/. || 28. sword /. to consume AV/. 3. 11. Hashub repaired the tower of the/. GAINED.
FURY. 12. 38. from the tower of the/, to the broad wall /o<.27 8. what hope hath hypocrite, tho' he hath;_*
Gen. 27. 44. tarry, till thy brother's/, turn away FURNISH. Etek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily g. by extortion
Lev. 26. 28. will walk contrary to you in/.
I Deut. 15.14. thou shalt/. him liberally out of flock Mat. 18. 15. if he hear, thou hast g. thy brother
Job 20. 23. God shall cast the/, of his wrath on him Psal. 78. 19. can God/, a table in the wilderness > 25. 17. that received two had also;, other two, 22.
Iia. 27. 4./". is not in me, who would set briers //a. 65. 11. that/, the drink-oflPering to that number 20. I have g. besides them five talents more
34. 2. and his/, is upon all their armies Jer.iQ. 19./. thyself to go into captivity /.•U< much every man had;, by trading
51 13. hast feared because of the/, of the oppres-
. FURNISHED. 16 Lord, thy pound hath g. ten pounds
sor and where is the/, of the oppressor
; r 1 Kings 9- 11- Hiram/. Solomon with cedar 10. I.ord, thy pound hath ;. five pounds
17. O Jerusalem, which hast drunk cup of his/. Prov. 9. 2. she hath also/, her table Acts 27. 21. and to have g. this harm and loss
20. as wild bull, they are full of the/, of the Ld. Alai. 22. 10. and the wedding was/, with guests 2 John t 8. that ye lose not the things ye have ;.
22. even the dregs of cup ef my/, no more drink HJark 14. 15. will shew you a room/. Luke 22. 12. GAINS.
59. 18. he will repay/, to his adversaries 2 Tim. 3. 17. thoroughly/, unto all good works Acts 16. 19. saw that the hope of their;, was gone
63.3. for I will trample them in my/. FURNITURE. GAINSAY.
5. my arm brought salvation, my/, it uphela me Gen. 31. 34. Rachel put them in the camels'/. £uic21.15. your adversaries shall not be able to;
6. and I will make them drunk in my/. Exod. 31. 7. the tabernacle and his/. 39. 3.1. GAINSAYERS.
66. 15. Lord will come to render his anger with f. 8. table and his/. 9. altar with all his/. I| Tit. l.g. that ye might be able to convince the;.
Jer. 4. 4. lest my/, come forth like fire, and burn 35. 14. the candlestick and his/, and his lamps GAINSAYING.
6. 11. therefore I am full of the/, of the Lord Nah. 2. 9. there is none end of all the pleasant/. Acts 10. 29. therefore came I to you without ;.
21. 5. I will fight against you in/, and wrath FURROW. Horn. 10.21. I stretched forth my
hands to a;, peo.
12. lest my/, go out like fire and burn 1 Sam. 14. 1 14. slew twenty men within half a/. Tit. 2. t 9- servants to please them, not ;.
S3. 19. a whirlwind is gone forth in/. 30. 23. J06 39. 10. canst thou bind the unicorn in the f ? Jude 11. they have perished in th« ;. of Core
25. 15. take the wine-cup of this/, at my hand FURROWS. GALL
32. 31. this city hath been a provocation of my/. Job 3). 38. or the/, thereof likewise complain Is a bitter juice, one of the humours in the hodp
33. 5. whom I have slain in mine anger and /. Psal. 65. 10. thou settlest the/, thereof of a man and beast. It is put for ani/ thing
S6. 7- great is the/, the Lord hath pronounced 129.3. the plowers plowed, they made long their/. that is dttter and pernicious. Job 20. 14, Yet
Lam. 4. 11. (he Lord hath accomplished his/. l::ek. 17. 7. might water it by/, of her plantation his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall
Eiek. 5. 13. I will cause my/, to rest on them, they 10. it shall wither in the/, where it grew of asps within him : It will be very painfui
shall know when I have accomplished my/. IIos. 10. 4. judgment as htmlock in the/.of the field and destructtte to him at last. Psal. 69. 21,
15. when I shall execute judgments in/. 10. when shall bind themselves in their two/. They gave me gall for my meat ; or poison,
6. 12. thus will I accomplish my/, on them 12. 11. their altars as heaps in the/, of the fields or bitter herbs. St. Matthew says, that they
8. 18. therefore will I deal in/, my
eye not spare FURTHER. gaze our Saviour vinegar to drink mingled
13. 13. I will rent with a stormy wind in /. my A'ljm. 22.26. angel went/, and stood in narrow place with gall. Mat. 27. 34. St. Mark calls te
16. 38. I will give thee blood in/, and jealousy Deut. 20. 8. officers shall spesik/. to the people wine mingled with myrrh, Mark 15. 23. // is
42. so will I make my /. towards thee to rest 1 Sam. 10. 22. they inquired of the Lord/. generally thought that the gall and myrrh
19. 1 2. but she was plucked up in my/, cast down Job 38. 11. hitherto shalt thou come, but no/. signify but one and the same thing, that is,
20. .'(3. with /. poured out will I rule over you 40. 5. yea, twice, but I will proceed no/. something that aas very bitter. It is said to
21. 17. and I will cause my
/. to rest Eccl. 8. 17./. though a wise man think to know it hair been an ordinary custom to give dying per-
22. 20. so will I gather you in mine anger and /. 12. 12./. by these, my son, be admonished sons some tntoricating potion, to make them less
24.8. that it might cause/to come up to vengeance Mat. 26. 39. he went a lit-tle /". and fell on his fare sensible of their pain. To give water of gall
13. not purged, till I have caused my
/. to rest 65. saying, what/, need have we of witnesses ':
to drink, denotes seme very bitter affiictioju
25. 14. they shall do in Edom according to my/. Mark
14. 63. Luke 22. 71. Jer. 8. 14. Their grapes are grapes of gall,
36. 6. I have spoken in my jealousy and in my/. Mark 1. ig. when he had gone a little/, thence Deut. 32. 32. Their fruits, or actions, are
38. 18. that my
/. shall come up in face my 5. 35. why troublest thou the Master any/..' displeasing to God, malicious and mischievous to
Van. 3. 13. Nebuchadnezzar in his /. commanded /.«/•« 24.28. he made as tho' he would have gone/. others, and will at last be pernicious to them-
19. then was Nebuchadnezzzir full of/. .•ids 4. 17. that it spread no/, among the people selves. A
root that beareth gall, Deut. ig.
8. 6. and he ran unto him in the /. of his power 21. when had /.threatened them, they let them go 18. may denote some secret and subtle idolaters,
9.16. let thy f.he turned away from thy city Jerus. 12.3. Herod proceeded/, to take Peter also uho might secretly infect and poison othtis, by
11. 44. he shall go forth with great/, to destroy 21. 28./. he brought Greeks also into the temple drawing them to idolatry ; uhich uill protluee
JUic. 5. 15. I Will execute /
on the heathen 24. 4. that I be not/, tedious unto thee bitter fruits, how pleasant soever it may be
NaA. 1. 1 2. the Lord revengelh, that hath /. 27. 28. they had gone a little/, they sounded for the present. To be in the gall of bitter-
Zech.B. 2. 1 was jealous for her with great /. 2 'I'im. 3. 9. but they shall proceed no/. ness, and bond of iniquity, is to be in a state
Hee Pour, Poured. lieb. 7.11. what/, need another priest should rise of great impiety, to be wider the power of sin
FURIOUS. FURTHER, Verb. and corruption, tf [hypocrisy and ambition. It
Prop. 22. 24. with a/, man thou shall not go Psal. 140. 8. O Lord,/, not his wicked device
is put for great atftiction. Job 16. 13. Eur
29. 22. a/, man aboundeth in transgression FURTHERANCE. wrong, injustice, Amos 6. 12.
Etek.5. 15. execute judgment in/, rebukes, 25. 17. /V/i7.1.12.the things which happened unto me have iJf«/.29. 18. lest there should be a root that bear. ;
Dan. 2. 12. Nebuchadnezzar the king was very /. fallen out rather unto the/, of the gospel 32. 32. their grapes are grapes of ;. clusters bitter
NaA. 1, 2. the Lord revengeth, and is/. 25. shall abidewith you for your/, and joyof faith Job 16. 13. he pourelh out my ; tn the ground .

FURIOUSLY, FURTHERED. 20. 14. his meat is the ;. of asps within him
e A7n?,t9.C0. like the driving of Jehu, he driveth/. Lira 8.36.they/.the people and the house of God sword cometh out of his f
25.the glittering
Ezek. 23.25. aiul (hey shall deal/, with thee FURTHERMORE. Psal. 69. 21. they gave me also ;. for my meat
FURLONGS. I'sod. 4.6. the Lord said/, to Moses, put thine hand Jer waur of ;. to drink
8. 14.(;od hath given us
Luke C4. 13. Emmauswas from Jerusalem sixty/. Eiek. 8. 6. Lord said/, to Ezekiel, son of man 9. 15.will give them water of;. 23. 15.

Jo/in 6. 19. had rowed about five and twenty'/. he hath compassed mc with;, and travel
11. 18. Bethany nigh Jerusalem about fifteen/. 10. remembering the wormwood and the ;.
Hev. 14. CO. blood came out by the space of I600/. G. Amos 6. 12. for ye have turned judgment into;.
21. 16. he measured the city with reed, 12,000/. A/0/.27.34. they gave him vinegar mingled with ;.
FURNACE GADDEST. Acts 8.23. I perceive thou art in the ;.of bitterness
Signifies, [I] A f
re place for melting gold and Jer, C. 36. why
f lUou about to change thy way ?
other metals, Prov. 17. 3. | 27. 21. [2] A GAIN. Isa.Zi. 21. no galleys nor shall ;.5hip pass thereb
place of cruel do7idiige and oppresiion ; ruch was Judg. 5.19. the kings of Canaan took no g. of money GALLANTS.
EgJ'Pt to the Israelites, tnho there met with Job 22. 3. is it g to him to make thy way perfect ? A'lrA.C.tS.he shall recount his;. they 3h*IlstomU
mvch "hardship, rigour, and sererily, fjr to Irv / arethe ways of every one greedv of j. Zech. 11. t 2. howl, becanse tue ;. are spoiled
atid pur^e them. Dial. 4. CO. Jer". 11. 4. [3] 3. 14. the g. thereof is better than fine gold GALLERY, lES.
Idott sharp and grievous affitcttom and judp. 15. 27. he that is greedy of g. troublttb bis house Cant, 1. f 17. the beams are cedar, and our;, of fir

. ,


f.f^t 7.5.thy head like Cannel.kin!; is held in the g. GATIRISON,
S. Gen. S8.14. Tamarput her widow's g. off from het
t.c«i.41 15. he meiisured the g thereof on one side 1 Sam. 10.5. to hill where isg. of the Philistines 49. 11. washed hisg. in wine, his clothes in grape*
42.3. against the pavem.was g.agaiust g in scones 13. 3. Jonathan amote the g. of the PhiJistines £Torf.28.3.may make Aaron's g. to consecrate him
GALLEY. 14. 1. let us go over to the Philistines' g. 6. 29.21.spriukled the blooa on .'Aaron's g'. Z^r.B.SO
Isa. 33. SI. 'wbeiein shall eo no g. with oars J5. the g. and the spoilers, they also trembled 31. 10. 1 have given them wisdom to maxe g.
GALLOWS. Ham. 8. 6. David put g. in Syria, 1 Chrou. 18. 6. Lev. 6. 11. put off hisg. put on other g. 16. 23, 24
£>7A.6. 4. Ilaman spake to hang Mordecai on g. 14. David put g. in Edoni, 1 Chron. 13. 13. S'um.15. 38. make fringes iu the borders of theirg.
7. 10. so they hanged Ilaman on the g. U. ?• 2.). 14. g.of Philist. in Beth-lehem, 1 C7j)»n.ll.l6. 20. 26. strip Aaron of his g. put them on Eleazar
9.13. let Haman's ten sons be hanged on theg.!l5. 2C7ir. 17.2. Jehoshap. setg. in Judahand Ephrai.u 28. Moses stript Aaron of g put them on Eieazar
GANGRENE. l^zek. 26. 11. thy strong g shall go down to ground Josh. g.'5. Gibe^nites brought oid g. mouldy bread
t'Tim. S. 1 17. and their word will eat as doth a g. 2 Cor 11. 32. the governor kept the city with ag. Judg. 14. 12. I will give you thirty changes ofg.
GAP. GARLANDS. IT.tlO I will give thee ten shekels and order ofg,
Jtiei. a. 30. ^midi thai should stand in £- before me .if;jl4.l3.the priest of Jupiter brought oxen audg. 1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonathan gave David his g.
GAPEU. GARLICK. 2.!>(7m.l0.4.cut off theirg. iu the middle, iChr.lQ.i,
Jol 16. 10. thev have e upon me, Psal. CC. 13. .VKm.11.5. we remember the g. we did cat in Egvpt 13. 31 David tare his g. and lay on the earth

GAPETII. GARMENT 2 Kings it a time to receive money and g. ,

Jti 7. ^ C. 2is a servant g. after the shadow Is that wherewith one i' clothed. Mat. 27. 35, 7. 15. all the way was full of g. and vessels
GAPS Tliey parted my garments. By the wedding- 22. + 14. Iluldah, wife of Shalluiu, keeper ofg.
X« have not pone up into tke g.for Israel garment is meant Christ with his perfect righte- 25. 29. he changed Jehoiakitli's g Jer. 52. 33.
GARDEN ousness imputed, which as a garment doth hide Ezra 2. 69. they gave one hundred priests' g.
Is a plot 0/ pound J'urnished 7citli plants, fi'iaers, the s/iirilual nakedness, and decks and adorns Li'eh. 7. 70. the Tirshatha gave 530 priests' g.
4<- Gen. 2. 15. 7Vie church ts resembled to the soul with spiritual beauty. Mat. 22. 11. 72. the people gave sixty-seven priests' g
« parden. Cant. 4. 12. f . 1. a garden
Home by wedding-garments understand the grace Job 37. 17. how thy g. are warm, when he quieteth
M taHen ovi of the common T^aue ground to of siinctificuiion, or a holy life, answeiable to Psiil.'i'Z. 18. they part my g. among them, cast lota
be aypropriated to a more particular use, so one's profession ; in which sense garment is 45. 8. all thy g. smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia
tit church 0/ Christ i> chosen from among the taken in Rev. 3. 4, Thou hast a few names 133. 2. ointment that went down to skirts of hisg
weti of the uorld to a particular use lit a in Sardis which have not defiled their gar- Prov.3l. +21. her household clothed with double g
garden nothing that is good comes up tuzturalli/ ments ; who are of unblamable lives. He was Eicl. 9. 8. let thy g. be always white, and thy head
»f itself, tut as it is planted and set ; so clothed with a garment down to his foot. Rev. Ca;(/.4.11. smell of thy g. is like smell of Lebanon
iuilhin( is good in the heart, bitt what ts I. 13. Some are of opinion that this denoted I'a. 9. 5. every battle is with g. rolled in blood
flr.nttd and set by the heavenly Husbandman. the purity and innocency of that priesthood, 52. 1. put on thy beautiful g. O Jerusalem
In a garden nothing uses to be planted, but which Christ did exercise for his chiirch : Others, 59- 6. their webs shall not become g.
ahat is useful and delightful , so there is no that it denoted the dignity and majesty of 17. he put OTi the g. of vengeance for clothing
grace in the heart of a Christian hut filial is Christ, as King of his church : it being usual 61. 10. he hath clothed me with the g of salvatioc
useful and necessary. In a garden there are for kings to wear long robes in token of majesty. 63. 1. that Cometh with dyed g. from BozTjdi?
variety of fio-xirs and spices ; so in a Chris- Garments rolled or dyed iu blood, Isa. 9 5. 3. their blood shall be sprinkled upon g. my
tian there is tomexhal of every grace. A' 03 2 are garments sprinkled and stained Jer. 36. 24. yet they were not afraid, nor rent g.

men delight much in their gardens, to walk with the blood of the slain, such as warriors Lam. 4. 14. so that men could not touch their g.
there and take their pleasure, and take care to wear, which have overcome their enemies in Liek.l6.\ii. tookest thy broid.g. and covered them
fence, tceed, water, and plant them ; so Christ's battle. 42. 14. there shall lay their g. they ministered ia
tare and delight is for hts church. As gardens Cen. 9. 23. Shem and Japhet took a g. and laid it 44. 19. they shall not sanctify people with theirg.
use to haie fountains and streams rnnnin^ 25 25. the first came out red, like a hairy g Dan. 3. 21. were bound in their coats and other g,
through thim, as Paradise had four stream's 39. 12. she caught Joseph by his g. he left hisg. Joel 2. 13. rend your hearts, and not your g.
which ran through it ; so the church is Christ's 15 he left his g. with me and fied out, 18. Z.ech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with filthy g.
Paradise, and his Spirit is a spring in the .39 16. she laid up hisg. till her lord came home 4. saying, take away the filthy g. from him
midst of it, to refresh the souls of believers Leii 6.27. sprinkled of the blood thereof on any g. Mat. 21. B. spread theirg. in the way, Mark 11.8
A garden stands always in need of weedim 13. 47- g. wherein is the plague of leprosy, 49. 23. 5. they enlarge the borders of their g.
end dressing ; so in the hearts of Christians 51. if plague be spread in theg. in warp or woof 27.35. they parted his g. casting lots, Mark 15,24.
Christ hath always somewhat to do, they would 59. the law of the plafue of leprosy in ag. 14.55. Mark 10. 50. Bartimeus casting away hisg. arose
else soon be overgrown and turn wild. The 15 17. every g. whereon is the seed of copulation 11. 7. they cast their g. on the colt, Luke I9. 35.
piophet Isaiah upbraids the Jews with the a- 19. 19. ^OT g. mingled come on thee. Dent. 22.11. Luke 24. 4. two men stood by them in shining g.
iominations and acts of idolatry wliich they Ueui. 22. 5. a man shall not put on a woman's g. John 13.4. he laid aside his g. and took a towel
tommiited in their gardens. Ye shall be con- Josh."!. 21. when I saw a goodly Babylonish g. .JiVjg. 39. shewing coats andg.which Dorcas made
founded for the gardens which ye have chosen, 24. Joshua took Achan, the silver, and the g. Jam. 5. 2. and your g. are moth-eaten
Isa. 1. 29. These gardens were either come Judg. 8. 25. they spread a g. and cast ear-rings Pev.3. 4. few names which have not defiled theirj
crated to idols, or were such as the heathens 2&»i.l3.18.Tamarhad a g.of divers colours on her 16. 15. blessed that watcheth and keepeth his g.
worshipped idols in ; there they sacrificed, Isa. 19. she rent her g and went on crying Holy GAR.'MENTS.
65. 3. after which they thought that thei/ were 1 A'iHgf 11.29. Jeroboam clad himself with a newg Exod. 28. 2 thou shalt make holy g. for Aaron, 4.

well purifed, when they had washed themselves 2 A'ingj4. t42. brought hira ears of corn in hisg. 31. 10. I have put wisdom to make holy g.
in the water, Isa. 66. 17. 9. 13. took every man hisg. and put under him Lev. 16. 4. these are holy g. he shall wash, 32.
Cen. 2.15. God took the man and put him in the g. Arra 9-3 when 1 heard this I rent my g. and mantle Eiek. 42. 14. lay their holv g.wherein they minister
i. 23. Lord sent him forth from the g of Kden 5. having rent my
g. and mantle I fell on knees GARNER.
13.10. the plain of Jordan was as the g. of the Ld. Esth. 8. 15. Mordecai went with a g. 01' purple Mat. 3. 12. gather his wheat into theg. Luke 3.17.
Dexti. 11. 10 and waterest it as a g. of herbs Job 13.28. consumeth, 2is a g that is moth-eaten GARNERS.
1 Kings ^\. 2. that I may have it for a.g. of herbs 30. 18. by force of my disease is my g. changed Psal. 144.13. ourg. may be full, affording store
Job 8. 16. his branch shooteth forth in his g. 38. 9- when I made the cloud the g. thereof -Ajc/ 1.17. theg. are laid desolate.borns broken down
Cant. 4. 12. a g. inclosed is my sister, my spouse I I. it is turned as clay to tlie seal.they stand as ag. GARNISH,
16. blow upon my g. let him come into his g. 41. 13. who can discover the face of his g.f 2 Chron. 3. 6. he g. the house with precious stones
i>. 1. Iam come into my g. my sister, my spouse Psal. 69. 11 I made sackcloth also my g. J^b 26. 13. by his Spirit he hath g. the heavens
t). 2. my beloved is gone down into hisg. 11. 73. 6. pride compasseth, violence cover, them asg .Mat. 12. 44. findeth it swept and g. Luke 11. 25.
Ita. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is asalodi;e in ag. 1U2. 2t). they shall perish, yea all of them shall 23. 29. you g. the sepulchres of the righteous
30. ye shall be as a g. which hath no water wax old like ag. Isa. 50.9. 51. 6. JJeb. 1.11. lUv. 21. 19. the foundations of the wall are g,

51. 3. he will make her desert like theg. of God 104.2. thou coverest thyself with light, as with ag. GAT.
Sb. 11. and thou shalt be like a watered g. 6. thou coveredst it with the deep as with a g. Ejod. 24. 18. Jlosesg him up into the motiut
61. 11. as theg. causeth things sown to spring 109. 18. he clothed himself with cursing as a g. Xum. 16. 27. they g. up from tabernacle of Korah
Jer. 31. 12. their souls shall be as a watered g. 1 9. let It be to him as the g. which covereth him JuJg. 9. 51. and g. them up to the top of the tower
Xam. 2. 6.taken away his it were of a g. Prov. 20. 16 take his g. that is surety, 27. IS. 2 &im.fc. 13 and David g. him a name
EMk. 28. 13. thou hast been in Eden the g. of God 25.20. as he that taketh away a g. in cold weather 1 Kings 1. 1. th'y covered him but he g. no heat
31. 8. cedars in g. of God could not hide him 30. 4. who hath bound the waters iu a g. .' Psal. 116. 3. the pains of hell g. hold on me
g. all the trees in the g. of God envied him Isa. 51. 8. the moth shall eat them up like a g. Eccl. 2. 8. I g. men-singers, and women-singers
36. 35. desolate Ismd is become like the g. of Eden (il.3. to give g. of praise for the spirit of heaviness /,am.5.9.weg. our bread with the peril of our lives
Joel 2. 3. land is as the g. of Eden before them Jer. 43. 12. ?s a shepherd putteth on his g. GATE
Luke 13. 19. which a man took and cast into his g. Ezek. 18. 7. hath covered the naked with ag. 16. Is the entrance into a house or city. Judg. I6. 3.
Join 18. 1. over the brook Cedron, where was ag. Dan. 7- 9. whose g. was white as snow Samson took the doors of the gate of the city.
26. did not I see thee in the g. with him ' .Vic. 2. 8. ye pull off the robe with the g. from'them 'Jhe word gate it often used in scripture to de.
19. 41. there was a g. and in the g. a sepulchre JJag.C. 12. if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of hisg. note the place of public assembliee, uhert
GARDENS. Zed. 13.4. neither shall a rough g. to deceive justice -uas administered. One particular form
f'tm. £4. thy tents zs g. by the river side
6. AJal. 2. 16. for one covereth violence with his e- of these judgments is to be seen in that, whid
£#r/. 2. 5. I made me
g. and orchards, and planted A/ar. 9.16. new cloth to old g.iV7ar/t 2.21. iMkeS.nO. uas given at the gate of Beth-lehem, between
Cant. 4. 15. a fountain of g. a well of waters 20. behold, a woman diseased touched the hem of Boar and another person, a relation of Naomi'^
6. 2. to feed in the g. and to gather lilies hisg. 21. 14. 36. Maik5.C7. Au-(«8. 44. upon the subject of Ruth's marriage, who ua»

8. 13. thou that dwelTeit in ihe

g. cause me to hear 22.11.1 saw amanwho had not on a wedding g. 12. a .Moabitess, Ruth 4 1. And in Ab»aham'«
^« 1. 29. and ye shall be confounded for theg. Mark 13. I6. not turn back again to take up purchase of a field to bury Sarah, Gen. 23.
65. 3. a people that sacrificeth in g. bums incense 16. 5. a young man clothed with a long white g. 10, 18. Jerom sayi that as the Jews aere
6€. 17. theT that purify ibemielves in the g. I/tde 22. 36. lot him sell his g. and Imv one for the most part emfloyed in labouring in the
Jer. «9. 5. plant g. and eat the fruit of them, 28. Acts 12. 8. cast thy g. about thee and follow me field, it was uisely pnvided, that assemblies
Amtt 4. 9. I sent blastim;. when vourg. increased Ju<<« 23. hating even the g. spotted by the fl«jh should be held at Ihe city gates, and justice
9. H. they shall also m»*e g. and eat fruit of them yi<r.l.l3.Son of man clothed with a g. down to foot administered there in a summary manner, tiat
GARDENER. GAR.MENTS. those laborious men, aha were busy at tklir
Mm SO. IC. »he lupposing he had beta the * Gin, 3o. 2, ud be deao, wd change your g work, might Ut( n« (I'lf «ad, tJial tht tmt^try
petpl* aiRo had affairt upon their hands tn Mie.\. 9. he b come into the g.oftny people to Jer. Pros. 31. 23. her husband is known in the;.
the town, mi^/il be oblistd lo enter and spend 12. evil came down from Lord to the g. of Jerus. 31. let her own works praise her in theg.
time there. 2. 13. they have passed through the g. Cant 7.13. atourg. are all manner of pleasant
lie word gate is likewise sometimes put to signify Mat. 7. 13. enter in at the strait g. wide is the g. Isa. 3. 26. and her g. shall lament and mourn
and broad is the way, 14. Luke 13. 24. l.i. 2. they may go into the g. of the nobles
power cr dominion. Ood piemises Abraham,
that his posterili/ should possess the gates of Luke 7. 12. when he came nigh the g. of the city 2(j. 2. open ye the g. that the righteous may enter

their enemies, their towns, their fortresses 16.20. a beggar Lazarus laid at his g. full of sores .ifi. 10. 1 shall go to the g. of the grave
Gen. 22. 17- T/iey should con/pier them, they Acts 10.17. men from Cornelius stood before the g. 45. 1. to open before him the two-leaved g.
should have dominion over them. The gates 12. 10. they came to the iron g. which opened 2. 1 will break in pieces the g. of brass

of hell jhall not prevail against the church, 14. Rhoda opened not the g.,for gladness 62. 10. go through, go thro' the g. prepare the way
Mat. 16. 18. that is, neither the power nor Ileb. 13. 12. Jesus also suffered without the g. JcS;-.(. 2. hear, ye that enter in at theg. 17 20.

policy of the devil and his instruments. For Rev. 21. 21. every several g. was of one pearl 14. 2. Judah mourneth, and the g. languish
the gates of cities were the places both of See Entering, Entf.reth, 15. 7. I will fan them with a faning. of the land
jurisdiction or judicature, and of foriifcaiion GATE. 17. 19- go and stand in all theg. of Jerusalem
and chief strength in war, Judg. 5. 8. I'sal. Pror.17.19. that exalteth his g. seeketh destruction 21. bear no burden on the sabbath by the g. 24.
147. 13. The gates of brass, are the strongest At
the GATE. 25. then shall there enter into the g. 22. 4.
helps and defences. Psal. I07. I6, He hath Gen. 23. 10. of all that went in at the g. of city, 18. 27 I will kindle a fire in tlie g. of Jerusalem
broken the gates of brass ; he restored them 2 HingsQ. 31. as Jehu entered in at the g. she said 1 22. g. shall be drawn and cast forih beyond the g.
to liberty, in spite of all impediments and 11. 6. a third part shall be at the g. of .Sur, and a Lam. 1.4. Zion's g. are desolate, her priests sigh
oppositions. The strait gate signifies regener- third at the g. behind the guard, 2 Chr. 23. 5. 2. 9. her g, are sunk into the ground, bars broKeu

ation and conversion, and true holiness in heart 23. 8. which were on a man's left hand at the g. 4. 12. the adversary should have entered the g.
and life, which prepare the soul for heaven 2C'/(r.24.8. set a chest at the g. of the house of Lord £:f/i-.21.15.1 have set point of sword against their g
Mat. 7. 13, Enter ye in at the strait gate. Esih. 5. 13. I see Jlordecai sitting at the king's g. 22. to appoint battering rams against the g.
The gates of death are the brink, or mouth of the /ja. 22. 7. horsemen set themselves in array at the g. 26. 2. she is broken that was the g. of the people
grave. Psal 9. 13, Thou that liftest me up Acts 3. 2. they laid daily at the g. of the temple 48. 32. at the east side three g. one of Joseph
• from the gates of death, that preservedst me 10. who sat for alms at beautiful g. of the temple Obad. 11. in the day that foreigners entered his g.
when I was, as it jitre, dropping into the grave. See FisH-GATE. Xah. 2. 6. the g. of the rivers shall be opened
And king Hezekiah, having received a message High GATE. 3. 13. the g. of thy land shall be set wide open

of death, represents in his hymn the cottdilion 2 Chron. 23. 20. they came through the high g. Zef/j.8.16. eiec. judg. of truth and peace inyourf.
he iMd been in when he was sick, and eipi esses 27. 3. Jotham built the high g. of the house iVat.lO.ia. fhe g.of hell shall not prevail against it
himself thus : 1 said, I shall go to the gates of Jer. 20. 2. put Jeremi.ih in the stocks in the high g. Acts 9. 24. and they watched the g. to kill i'aul
the grave ; I perceive I must die, without any See "ORSE-G.^TE. 14. 13. Jupiter's priests brought oxen to the g.
hopes of prevention, Isa. 38. 10. The Hebrews GAJE. Rev. 21.12. the city had twelve g. at g. twelve aiig
looked upon death, or the grave, as a place, Oen. ig. ]. and l.ot sat i« the g. of Sodom 13. 0,1 the east three g. on the north three g.
vikither people came from all parts of the world, Erod. 32. 26. Moses stood in the g. of the camp 21. the twelve g were twelve pearls
there to enter upem another life. The gates of Veui.lil.lS. bring tokens of virginity to elders in g. 25. the g. of it shall not be shut at all by day
righteousness, Psal. 118. 19- <tre those of the Judg. 16. 2. they laid wait for Samson in the g. See B.ARs, Death.
Lord's tabernacle, where the righteotts, the Ruthi. 11. people in the g. said, we are witnesses Thy GATES.
taints, the priests of the Lord, the true Israel- 1 Sam. 9. 18. Saul drew near to Samuel in the g. Exod. 20. 10. thy stranger within thy g. Deut. 5.14,
ites, paid their vows and praises to the Lord; 2 Sam. 3. 27. Joab took Abner aside in the g. Deut. 6. 9. thou shalt write them on thy g. 11. 20.
ahere none were to enter but purified Israelites, 19. 8. king sat in the g. they told all the people 12. 15. thou mayesteat Hesh in thy g. 21.
a nation of righteous men. ihe gates or ever 2 KtngsT 1. two measures for a shekel tn theg.lH.
. 17. thou mayest not eat within th^ g. the tithe
lasting doors mentioned in Psal. 24. ", 9- "re 20. the people trod on him j» the g. and he died 18. thou must eat, thou and Levite in thy g.
either the gates of the temple, which by faith Esth. 2. 19. Mordecai sat in the king's g. 21. 14. 21. give it to the stram^er that is in thy g.
and the spirit of prophecy David beheld as 5. 9. when Ilaman saw him in the king's g. 27. Levite within ihyg. thou shalt not forsake
already built ; these gates he bids lift up their Job 5. 4. his children are crushed in the g. 28. thou shalt lay up the titne within thy g.
heads, to receive the glorious King Jehovah, 31. 21. when I saw aiy help in the g. 29. th.e widow within thy g. shall come and eat
cio dwelt in the temple, and between the chent- Psal. 69.12. they that sit in the g. speaJc against me 15. 7. if there be a poor man within any of thy g.
iim : Or the passage may admit of a mystical 127. 5. but they shall speak with the enemies »« g. 22. thou shalt eat the firstling within thy g.
tense ; for as the temple teas a type of Christ Prov. 22. 22. nor oppress the afflicted in the g. 16. 5. not sacrifice the pa^sover within thy g.
and of his church, and of heaven itulf ; so this 24. 7. he openeth not his mouth in the g. U. shalt rejoice, and Levite in thy g. 14. 26. IS. I

flace may also contain a representation, eithe, Isa. 29. 21 . lay a snare for him that repro<-ith in g. 1 8.judges and officers shalt thou make in all thyg,

©/"Christ's enttance into his church, or into the Jer. 7. 2. stand in the g. of the Lord's house 17. 5. bring form that man or woman to ihy g.
hearts of his faithful people, who are here com- 17. 19- stand in the g. of the children of the people 18. 6. if a Levite come from any of thy g.
manded to set open their hearts and souls for his 37. 13. when he was in the g. of Benjamin 23. 16. servant escaped dwell in one of thy g.
reception : Ur, it mny represert his ascension 38. 7- the king then sitting in the g. of Benjamin 24. 14. thou shalt not oppress within thy g,
into heaven, vliere the saints or angels are po- 39. 3. all the princes of Babylon sat in the g. 28. 52. he shall besiege thee in all thy g.
etically introduced as preparing the way, and Oau. 2. 49- but Daniel sat in the g. of the king 55. thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy
opening the heavenly gate^ to receive their Lord Amos 5. 10. they hate him that rebuketh in the g. 31. 12. gather the people within thy g. to hear
and King, rettirning to his royal habitatio)t 12. they turn aside the poor in the g. /'in/.122.2.our feet shall stand within ihyg. Jer O
loith triumph and glory. 15. hate evil,^ and establish judgment in Ihe g. Isa. 54. 12. I will make thy g. of carbuncles
C«n.22.17thy seed possess thej .of enemies,24.60. Vld GATE. 60. 11. therefore thy g. shall be open continually
96. 17. .lacob said, this is the g. of heaven AWj. 3.6. the oW
JF. repaired Jehoiada son of Paseah 18. call thy walls salvation, and thy g. praise
£rorf.32.27 go in and out from g. to g. thro' camp
. i2.39.the priests went above the old g. and fish-gate E:ek, 2d. 10. when he shall enter tJiy g. as men
Deut. 21. 19. his father shall bring him to the j;. /'riVon-GATE. GATHER.
S2. 24. bring them both out to the g. of the city Neh. 12. 39. and they stood still in the prison-g. Gen. 31. 46. he laid g. stones, and they took stone*
85. 7- let his brother's wife go up to the g Sheep-OATE. 41. 35. let themg. all the food of those years
Josh. 2. 7. they were gone out, they shut the g. Xeh. 12. .39. they went even unto the sheep-g. Erod. 5. 7. let them go and g. straw B 12. g. stubble
Judg. 16. 3. Samson took the doors of the g. John 5. + 2. by the sheep~g. there is a pool 9. 19. g. thy cattle {| I6. 4. iJiall g. a certain rata
Ruth 4. 1. then went Boaztotheg. and sat down /^ii//ey-GATE. 16. 5. g. twice as much 2b. six days g. it

10. the name of the dead be not cut off from the g. 2 C/iriHi. 26. 9- Uzziah built towers at the valtev-g. 23. 10. six years sow thy laud and g. J.ev. 25. 3.
1 A'am.4.18. Eli fell backward by the side of the g. Seh. 2. 13. and I went out by theg. of the valley Lev. ig. 9. shalt not g. the gleanings, 23. 22.
2 S'am.l5.2.Absalom stood beside the way of the j. 15. and I entered by the g. of the vulleu 10. thou shalt notg. every grape of iby vineyard
18.33. the king went up to the chamber overthe g. 3. 13. the valley g. repaired Haiiun 25. 5. norg. grapes of the vine undre X'd, 11.
23.15. waterofBeth-lehembyg. lO. 1 CAr. 11. 18. n'a^er-GATE. 20. we shall not sow, nor g. in our increase
lA'ingf i7.i0.when Elijah came to the ?.of the city Xeh. 3. 26. Ncthinims dwelt over against water-g. \um. 10. 4. if with one trumpet, then princes g.
2 Kings 7. 17- a lord to have the charge of the g. 8. 1 gathered into the street before the watcr-g.
. 11. 16. g. seventy men of the elders of Israel
1 Chrvn. 26. 13. and they cast lots (or every g. '
3. he read in the law before the wnter-g. 19. 9. a man is clean shall g. the ashes
S Chron. 8. 14. he appointed the porters at every g. 16. made booths in the street of the water-g. Deut. 11. 14. 1 will give rain that thou mayust g
Jieh. 13. 19. I commanded the g. should be shut 12. 37. priests went even to the water-g. eastward 13. 16. thou shalt g. all the spoil of it into street
Eslh.\.1. Mordecai came before the king's g. 6. 12. GATES. 28. 30. plant a vineyard and notg. grapes. 39.
Job 29. 7. when I went out to the g. and prepared Deut, 12. 12. rejoice, ye and Lcvite, within yourg. 38. carry much seed out, and g. but little in
Pm/.U8.20. this g. of the Lord, the righteous enter ./ii.t// his youngest son set upg. 1 Kings 16.34. 30. 3. he willg. thee from all nations, /.z<i.:>6.C4,
Cant. 7. 4. ihiiie eyes like the fish-pools by the g. Judg. 5. 8. chose new gods, then was war in the g. .losh. 2. t 18. shalt g. thy father and mother home
/ro.l4.31.howl,0 g.cry, O city, shall come smoke 5. 11. the people of the Lord shall go to the g. 2 Kings 4. 39. one went into the field tog. herbs
24. 12. the?, is smitten with destruction 2C'/iro«.31.2. Hezekiah appointed to praise in theg. 22. 20. I will g. thee to thy f.iihcrs, 2 Chr. 34. 28
28. 6. to them that turn the battle to the g. Neh. 1. 3. the g. are burnt with fire, 2. 3, 13. 17. 1 Chron. 13. 2. send to brethren and Levites tog.
Jsr. 36. 10. Baruch read at the entry of new g. 7. 3. let not the g. of Jerusalem he opened 2 Chron. 24. 5. g. money to repair house orthe Ld.
Lam. 5. 14. the elders have ceased from the g. 12. 30. ihe priests and Levitcs purified the g. yeh. 1. 9. yet will 1 g. them from thence
J-'.iek. 8. 3. brought me to the door of the inner l.i. J9. some of my
servants set I at theg. 12. 44. some appointed to g. for the priests
11. 1. at the door of the g. twenty-five men 22. 1 commanded ihe Levites to keep the g. .lob 24. 6, they g. the vintage of the wicked
43. 4. the glory of the Lord «ime by way oftheg. Psal. 9. 14. may shew forth thy praise in the g. 34. 14. if he g. to himself his spirit and his breath
44. 2. this g. shall be shut, none shall enter 24. 7. lift up yourhcads.O ye g. .and be ye lift up, 9. 39. 12. will he bring seed, and g. it iaw thy bam i
3. prince shall enter by the way of the g. 46. 2, 8. 87. 2. the Lord loveth the g. of Ziou, more than Psal. 26. 9- g- not my soul with sinners, nor life
45. 19. put the blood on the posts of the g. 100. 4. enter into his g. wiih ihanksaiving 27. 1 10. when father and mother forsake, L.wtll g
46. 1. the g. of the inner court shall be .shut 107. IG. for he hath broken the g. of 39. 6. and knowoth not who shall g. them
2. but the g. shall not be shut till evening 118. 19. open to me the g. of righteousness 104. 28. that thou givcst them they g.
12. one shall open.him the g. one shall shut the g. Prov. 1.21. wisdom crieth in the openings of g. 8. 3 106. 47. save us, andg. us from among Uie heathen
48. 31. one g. of Keuben.oneg. of .ludah, of I^vi 8. 34. that beareth me, watching daily at g myProv. £8. 8. shall g. for him that will pity the pool
Obcd. 13. not entered into the g. of my people 14. 19. tnc wicked at the g. of the righteous Eccl. 2. 26. to tinner travel to gi. and heap tzj)


Cant. 6. t. mr beloved is gone Jjwn to ». lilies iVuM. 20.24. Aaron shall be g. to his people, 26. GATHERING.
Jta 84. 19. there the owl g. under her sliaiio* 27.13. .Moses •. to his people, 31. 2. Deut.Si. 50 Ccn. 40. 10. (o him shall the g. of the people
40. 11. he shall g. the lambs with his arms Jiidg. 1. 7. kings jj. their meat uuder my table Eiod. 7. \ 19. stretch thy hand on all g. of waters
4J. 5. fear not, I will g. thee from the west 2. 10. that generation was g. to their fathers Lev. 11. t 36. af. together of waters shall be claan
5". t 12. the God of Israel will g. you up, 58. 1 8. 6. 34. and Abiczer was g. after him S'um. 15. 33. they that found him g. sticks
54. 7. but with great mercies will I g. thee 11. 3. there were g. vain men to Jephthah 1 Kings I7.i0.thtf widow woman was there j. sticks
56. 8. yet will I g. others to him, besides those 1 Ham. 5. 8. they
f. all the lords of the Philistines 2 Chron. W. 25. they were three days in g. spoils
6?. 10. cast up the high-way, g. out the stones 22. 2. every one that was in distress;, to David Isa. 24. t22. be gathered with the g. of prisoner
66. 18. I will g. all uations and tongues 2 6'nM. 14. 14. as water sprtt which cannot be g. up 32. 10. the vintage shall fail, the g. shidl not come
Jer. 6.1. g. to ftee 7. 18. the children g. wood
2 Kingi 3. 21. ilieyj. all able to put on armour 33. 4. your spoil like the g. of the caterpillar
9. OC. none shili g. them 10. 17. g. up thy wares
22.20. Josiahbcf. to grave in peace, 2 C'^r.34. 28. Ezek. 22. 1 20. according to the g. of silver, brass
23. 3. I will g. the remnant of my flock Seh. 5. 16. all my servants were g. to the work Mat. 25. 24. and g. where thou hast not strawed
SQ. 14. 1 will g. you from all the nations Joi C7. 19- rich man lie down, but shall not be j. lets 16. 10. assuredly g. the Lord bath called as
31. 8. I willf them from the coasts of the earth,
. I'snI. 59. 3. the mighty arc g. against me 2 Jhess. 2. 1, and by ourg. together unto him
3C. .37. B::r*. CO. 34. 41. 34. 13. |
107. 3. and he g. them out of the lands GATHERINGS.
10. he that scattered Israel will g. him Prov. £7. 25. .-Mid herbs of the mountains are g. 1 Chron. 26. + 15. to Obed-edom the house of
40. 10. g. yc wine, and suninier-fniits, and oil 30. 4. who hath g. the winds in his fists ? Mic. 7. 1. I am as the g. of summer-frtiits
47. +6. O sword, g. thyself into thy scabbard Eicl. 2. 8. i g. mc also silver and gold and 1 Cor, lO. 2. that there be no g. when 1 come
49. 5. and none stall g. up him that wandereih treasure GAVE.
iif*. 11. 17. I will even e. you from the people Cant. 5. 1. I have g. my myrrh with my spice Gen. 2. 20. Adam g. names to all cattle and tofovl
16. 37. I will g. all thy lovers against thee Itn. 5. 2. he fenced it, and g. out the stones 3. 12. the woman g. me of the tre«, aiud I did eat
22. 19.1 will f you into the midst of Jcnisaleni
. 10. 14. as one gathereth eggs, have I g. the earth 14. 20. and he g. him tithes of all, Ueh. 7.2,*.
20. as they g. silver, so will I g. you in fury, 21 27. 12. ye shall he g. one by one, O Israel 25. 5. and Abraham g. all that he had to IsasC
24. 4.5. the pieces|i29.13.I will g. the Egyptians 34. 15. vultures be g. ]|
I6. his Spirit g. them 28. 4. the land which God g. to Abraham, 35. 14
37. 21. I willf. them on every side, 3y. 17. 49. 5. tho' Israel be not g. yet shall I be glorious Etod. 11. 3. the Lord g. the people favour, 12. 36
Hoi.8. 10. though hired among the nations, I will g. 56. 8. I will gather others, besides those thatareg. 14. 20. file cloud g. light by night to these
9- 6. Egypt shall g. them up, Memphis bury them 62. 9. but they that have g. it shall eat it Auw.ll.C5.Ld.look of the Spirit, Jindg. to seventy
Ji^et 1. 14. g. the elders and the inhabitants of land Jer. 3. 17. and all nations shall be g. unto it Oeui. 22. 16. I g. my daughter to this man to wife
2.6. people much pained, all faces shall g. blaclin. 8. 2. they shall not be g. nor buried, 25- .33. Josh. 19. 50. they g. him the city which he asked
16. f. the people, g. the childnn that suclc 20. 9. all people g. against Jeremiah in house of L. £1.43. the Lord g. to Israel all the land
3. 2. I will g. all nations, and bring them down 40. 15. all the Jewsg. to thee should be scattered 44. the Lord g. them rest, 2 Chr. 15. 15. |20. 30.
•ViV. 2. 12. I will surely g. the remnant of Israel /Jtei.C8.25.wheii 1 shall haveg. the house of Israel Judg. 6. 9- I them out, and g. you their land
4.6. 1 will g. her that was driven out, ZepA. 3. I9. 29. 5. thou shalt not be brought together norg. Ruth 4.13. the Lord g her conception, and she bars
12. he shall g. them as sheaves into the floor 38. 13. hast thou g. thy company to takcapreyr 1 Ham. 10. 9. God g. to aaul another heart
5. 1. g. thyself in troops, O
daughter of troops 39. 27. have g. them out of their enemies' lauds 2 Hum, 12. 8. and I g. thee thy master's house
ya/i. 2. 10. the faces of them all g. blackness 28. but 1 have g. them to their own land 1 A ings 4. £9. the Lord g. Solomon wisdom, 5. 18
JJai. 1. 9. they shall f. the capiivlty as the sand IIos. 10. 10. the people shall be g. against them 2 A iiigs 13. 5. and the Lord g. Israel a saviour
15. they catch them, and g. them in their drag Alie. 7. 1. 1 am as when they g. the summer-fruits 1 Cliron. 25. 5. God g. to Heman fourteen sods
Zeph.Z. 8. for my determination is to g. the nations Mdt. 13. 40. as tares are g. and llurnl in the fire 2 Chron. 32. 24. and God r. Hezckiah a sign
IH.l willf. thera that are sorrowful for assembly 47. a net cast iiiio the sea, and g. of every kind AV/i. 8. 8. read in book of the law, and g. the sense
20. bring you even in the time that I g. you 25. 32. before him sh.ill be g. all nations Job 1.21. Lord g. and the Lord hath taken s.way
Zech. 10. 8. 1 will hiss for them and g. them 27. 27. and g. to him the whole band of soldiers 42. 10. Godg. Job twice as much as he had before
10. and I will g. them out of Assyria Jolm 11.47. theng. chief priests acouncil, and said I'iol. 18. 13. and tho Highest g. his voice
14. 2. I will g. all nations against Jerusalem ^Iris 17.5. g. a company, set the city on an uproar 08. 1 1 the Ld. g. the word, great was the company

Jl/ar. 3.12.
f. his wheat into hisgarner, LuieS, 17. 28. 3. when Paul had g. a bundle of sticks 69. 21. they g. me also gall, they g. mc vinegar
6. 26. they sow not, nor do they g. into barns liev. 14. 19. tho angel g. the vine of the earth 78. 29. for he g. them their own desire, 100 15
7. 16. do men g, grapes of thorns ? I.uke6. 44. GATHERED together. Eccl, 12. 7. the spirit shall retarn to God that g. it
13. 28. wilt thou that we go and g. them up? Erod 0. 14. they g. them together upon heaps ha. 43. 24. who g. Jacob for a spoil, and Israel
"9. he said, nay, lest while ye g. up the tares A»m.l0.7.when the congregation is to he g. together 43. 3. I g. Egypt for thy ransom, Seba for thee
30. burn tares, but g. the wheat into my barn 11. 22. shall alfthe fish of the sea beg. together ? 50. 6. I g. my back to the smiters, and my cheek
41. shall f .out of his kingd. all things that offend Judg. 20. 1. the congregation was g. together as Jer. 1, + 5. I g. thee a prophet to the nations
25. 26. and that g. where I have not strawed one man, 11. E:ra 3. 1. Neh. 8. 1. Eiek. 16. 19. my meat also which I g. thee
Lukt\i. 34. as a hen doth g. her brood under wings 2 Chron. CO. 4. Judah g. f(>g«/M/- to ask help of Ld. £0. 11. I g. them my statutes, and shewed then
JohiG. 12. g, up the fragments that remain Job 16. 10. they g. themselves together against me 12. moreover also, I g. them my sabbaths
15. 6. men g. them and cast them into the fire 30. 7. under the nettles were they g. together £5. I g. them also statutes that were not good
liev. 14. 18. g. the clusters of the vine of the earth /'/a/.35.15.theabjects g.lhcmselvcs together ag. me Dan. 1. 17. Godg. these four children knowledge
iC. 14. g. them to the battle of that day of God 47.9. the princes of the people are g. together 0. 10. Daniel prayed and g. thanks before God
GATHER togethir. 102.22.\vhen people are g. together to serve the L. Hos. 2. 8. for she did not know that I g. hercorn
Geu. 34. 30. I being few they shall g. tog. ag. me 140. 2. continually are they g. together for war 13. 11. I g. thee a king in mine anger
49. 1. g. yourselves logtther, ye sons of Jacob, 2. I'rov. 30. t27. locusts go forth all g. together Amos 2. 12. ye g. the .N'azarites wine to drink
liiod. 3. 16. go g. the elders of Israel together //oj. 1.11. then shall children of Judah be g. together Mai. 2. 5. I g. Liy covenant to Levi of life
I.ei. K. 3. g. congregation of Israel tog. Num. 8. 9. JUc. 4. 11. many nations are g. together ag. thee Mat. 10.1. Jesus g. them power against unclean spi-
J\m/«. 20. 8. and g. thou the assembly together Zech. 12. 3. tho' all people be g. together against it rits to cast them out, Mark 6. ". Luke 9. 1
*1. 16. g. the people together. Dent. 4.10. 31.12. |
AJat. 18. 20 where two or three are g. together 14. 19. he brake and g. the loaves to his disciples
SSam. 12.28. g. the rest together and encamp 23. 37. how often would I have g. thy children 15.36. 26. 16. Markd. 41, ( 8.6.
I | 14.28.
1 Chron. 16. 35. save us, O
God, and g. us together together, as a hen her chickens, J^ke 13. 34 Luke 9. 16. 22. 19.

22. 2. David commanded to g. log. the strangers 24.28. there will eagles be g. together, J^uke 17.37 £1 .23. who g.thec author.? Mark 1 l.CB.Luke 20.2.
Xeh. 7. 5. God put in my
heart to g. together noWes Mark 1. 33. all the city wasg. together at the door 25. 35. ye g. me meat, ye g. me drink, took me in
Lsih. 2.3. may g. together all th« fair virgins Luke 15. 13. the younger son g. all together *- y^ g- tue no meat, and ye g. mc no drink
4. ;fi. g. together the Jews present in Shushan 24. 33. they found the eleven g. together Luke 15. 16. with husks, and no man g. unto him
/oi 11. 10. if he^. together who can hinder him ? Actt 4. 26. rulers were g. together against the L. John 1 .12.10 them g.he power to become sons of G
Psnl. 50. 5. g. my saints lugtiher unto me 12. 12. where many were g. together praying 3. 16. God so loved world that he g. his only Son
56. 6. they g. themselves tog. to mark stepsmy 14.27. when they had g. the church together 6. 31. he g. them bread from heaven to eat
94. 21. they g. together against the righteous 1 Cor. 5. 4. when ye are g. together and my spirit 10.29. my rath. who g. them me is greater than all
104. 22. the sun ariselli, they g. themselves log. lUv. 16. 16. g. /. into a place called Armageddou 14.31. as the I'atherg. me comniaudment, so I do
heel. 3. 5. there is a time to g. stones together 19- 19- beast and his army g. together to msike war AcisQ. 4. to speak as the Spirit g. them utterance
ha. 11 12. he shall g. log. the dispersed of Judah
. GATHERER, S " 5. and he g. them no inheritance in it
49. 18. these g. together and come to me, 60. 4. Jfr.6.9.turn back thy hand as a grape g. into baskets 10. God g. Joseph favour and wisdom before Pha.
34.15. they shall surely g. together, but not by me 49. 9. if grape g. come to thee, Obad. 5. 10. 2. Cornelius g. much alms to the people
Jf r. 4. 5. blow the trumpet, cry, g. together Amos 7. 14. but I was a g. of sycamore-fruit 11. 17. as God g. them the like gift as he did toua
49- 1*. S- ye together and come against Edom GATHERESl. 12. 23. smote him, because he g. not God the glory
Van. 3. 2. the king sent to g. together the princes ZJ«u/. 24. 21. when thong, the grapes of vineyard 13.21. afterward God c. them Saul forty year*
Joel 3. 11. g. yourselves together round about GATHEREIH. 14. 17. he did good, and g. us rain from heavea
Zeph. S.i. g. log. yea, g. log. O
nation not desired .Vum. 19.10. that g. the ashes shall wash his clothes 15. 24. to whom we g. no such commandment
Mai. 13. 30./». »ej#M<r first the tares, and bind Judg. 19. 1 18. there is no man that g. me to house 26. 10. when put to death, I g. my voicr ag. then
24. 31. they shall g. together his elect. Atari 13. 27. I'tal. 33. 7. he g. the waters of the sea together A'um. £. £8. God g.theni over to a reprobate mind
John 11. 52. he should g. together in one, Kph. 1. 10. 41. 6. his heart g. iniquity to itself 1 Cor. 3. 5. even as the Lord g. to every man
tiei. 19. 17. g. lag. to the supper of the greatGod 147- 2. beg. the outcasts of Israel, Isa. 56. 8. O.Apollos watered, but God g. the increasa
'.M. 8. to g. Gog and Magog together to battle I'rot. 6. 8. the ant g. her food in the harvest 2 Cor. 8. 5. but first g. their own selves to the La»4
GATHERED. 10. 5. he that g. in summer is a wise son Cat. 1. 4. whog.himself for our sins. Til. 2. 14.
Gen. 25.8. Abraham died and was;, to his people 2. 2o. who loved me, and
g. himself for mc
13. 11. but he that g. by labour shall increase
17. Ishmael was g, 1135.29. Isaacwasg. topeople ha. 10. 14. as one g. eggs that are left 3. 18. but God
g. it to Abraham by promise
49.29. Jacob was g. to his people, 33. 17. 5. it shall be as when the harvest-man g. Eph. 1. £2. andg. him to behead overall things
Exoii. 16. 17. and they g. some mote, some less Jer. 17- + 11. as the partridge j. young which she 4. 8. he led captivity captive and g. gifts to men
18. he that ?. much, he thatf little, 2 tV. 8. 15. hath not brought forth, so he that geu riches
. 11. and he g. some apostles; some prophets
21 .they g. .t every morning, every man according Xah. 3. 18. thy people is scattered, luid no man g. 5.25, Christ loved the church, andg. himself for
S3. 16. when thou hast {. in thy labours out of field Jiai. 2. 5. but g. to him all nations, and heapeth 1 know what commandment we g. you
lAr.23.S9. whenye have g. in the fruits of the land .!/«». 12.30. he that g. not scattereth, itU* 11. 23. 1 'J'im. 2. 6. who
g. himself a ransom for all
-y*?"- 'I- '2- |i>« people g. quails 15. 32. g. sticks
|1 23. 37. as a hen g. her chickens under her wings Ilei. 12. 9. who corrected us, we g.them revereoce
W, 19 Korah t. congregation agaioit Motet 48.
Johit 4. 36. ht Utftt rtaptth
f frtiit to lift (ttrDal Jam. i. 18. ha prayed, and the beaveju g. raift


1 Jahn S on* another, as he g. us command. Jerusalem, and to iihich they had recourse upon The ancients sometimes computed by generational
5.10. he believeih not the record God f .of his Son oeeaiion • that in all their wars, persecutions, and tite Scripture follcwi Jrequentlythit method,
Roi.l.l. the revelation of Jes. Christ which Godj. and public calamities, they always were par- Gen. 15. 16. 50. S3, In the fourth generatioc

2. 21. 1 f ncr space to repent of her fornication

ticularly diligent in securing those monuments, thy descendants shall come hitlier again. Joseph,
13 2 ihedragonf. him his power zuid his seat, 4. and to renew them from time to time. saw Kphraim's children of the third generation
GAVE vp Nofjiithstanding, since the war which the Romans A bastard shall not be admitted into the congre-
Gtm. 25. 8. Abraham {. Kp the ghost, and died carried on against the Jews, about thirty years gation even to his tenth generation, Deut. 23. C.
17. Ishmael 35. 29. and Isaac g up the ghost,
after the death of our Saviour, and since their Uy some of the ancients a generation was fixed at
and di(4 entire dispersion in the reign of Adrian, the an hundred years, by others at an hundred and
8 Siim. 24. 9. Joab g. up the sum of the number Jews have lost their ancient genealogies ; and ten, by others at thirty three, thirty, five anl
2 Chr. 30.7. who g. themu;> to desolation, as ye see perhaps there is not one of those who say they twenty, and even at twenty years. So that then
Psal. 78. 48. he g. up their cattle also to the hail are of the sacerdotal race, that is able to pro- u,as nothing uniform and settled in this matter.
ttl. 12. I g. them up to their own hearts' lust duce any authentic proofs of his genealogy. Only it n remarked, that the continuance of ge-
inwi. l.ig. my elders f. «p the ghost in the city Jerom says, tha< the Jews are so versed in the nerations is so much longer, as it comes nearer to
Matk 15. 37. Jesus cried with a loud voice, and g. reading of their books, and know so perfectly the more ancient times.
up the ghost, 39. Luke 23. 46. John I9. 30. the genealogies, which are there set forth, that Gen. 7. 1- thee have I seen righteous in this j.
Acts 5. 5. Ananias g. up the ghost 12. 23. Herod |{
they can repeat all the names from Abraham Exod. 1. 6. Joseph died, ind dSl that g.
7.42.Godf. them up to worship the host of heaven to Zerubbabel, as easily as they can pronounce 17. 16. will have wair with Amalek from g. to g.
Horn. 1. 24. God also e. them up to uncleanness their onn. St. Paul seems to condemn the A'jun. 32.13. till thatj. wat consumed. Dent. 2.14.
26. for this cause God g. them up to vile affections affectation of knoziing old genealogies : he looks Deut.\.3b. not one of this evil g. shall see that lano
Rev. 20. 13. the sea e. up the dead that were in it upon them to be useless and vain, as in teality 23. 2. a bastard shall not enter even to his tenth g
GAVEST. they are, when they serve only for ostentation, 3. an Ammonite to tenth g. shall not enter
Gen. 3. IS. the woman whom thou^. to be with me and not for edification : This study was of 8. Edomite and Egypt, in the third j. shall enter
iKings 8.34.the land which thon their fathers, great use before the Messiah ra/ne, that it might 29.22. so that the g to come shall rise up juid say
40,48.2 CAron. 6. 25,31,38. AVA.g. 35. be known distinctly of what tribe andfamily 32. 5. they are a perverse and crooked g. 20.
Nell. 9- 7- thou g. him the name of Abraham he was born ; but he being come, this study »s t 7. consider the years of g. and g.
13. thou g. them right judgments, true laws vain, though itiii the Jews are addicted to it. Judg. 2. 10. all that g. were gathered to their
15. E. them bread from heaven for their hunger The genealogies set down by Ezra and Nehemiah, lathers, and there arose another g. after them
CO.thou g. also thy good Spirit,?. water for thirst in tome particulars vary ; The reason whereof Eslh. 9.28. these days shall be rememb. in every g.
22. thouf them kingdoms and nations
is assigned by Dr. Prideaux i« these terms. Psal. 10. + 6. I shall not be moved to g. and g.

27. thou g. them saviours who saved then)

" For the true settling of these genealogies," 12. 7. thou shah keep them, O Lord, thou shalt
Job 39.13.5. thou the goodly wings to the peacocks? says he, " search was made by Nehemiah for preserve them from this g. for ever
Psal. 21. 4. he asked life of thee ; thou g. it him the old registers, and having among them found 14. 5. for God is in the g of the righteous
74. 14. thou g. him to fee meat to the people the register of the genealogies of those, who 22. 30. it shall be accounted to the Lord for a g-
Ltikt 7. 44. thou g. me no water for mj» feet came up at first from Babylon with Zerub- 24. 6. this is the g. of them that seek him
45. thou f me no kiss, but this woman not ceased
babel and Joshua ; he settled this matter 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the g. following
15.29. yefthou neverg. me ajtid, to make merr^- according to it, adding such at afterwards 49. 19. he shall go to the g. of his fathers
John 17. 4. I have finished worK thou g, me to 3o came up, and expunging others, whose families 71. 18. till I have shewed thy strength to this g,
6. manifested to the men whom thon g. me out of were extinguished ; and this hath caused the 73. 15 I snould offend ag. the g. of thv children
the world, thine they were, and thoug-i them me difference that is between the accounts which 77. t8. doth bis promise fail tog. aadg. .'
8. 1 have given them the words which tnou.^. me we have of these genealogies in Ezra and 78 4. shewing to the g. to come the praises of Ld.
12. those that thou g me I have kept, none lost Nehemiah. tor in the second chapter of 6. that the g. to come might know thtm
22. the glory which thou g. me, I have given Ezra, we have the old register made by Zerub- 8. might not be a stubborn and rebellious g.
18. 9. of them whom thou g. me have I lost none babsl ; and in the seventh of Nehemicih, from 95. iO. forty years grieved with this g. heb. 3. 10.
GAY. the sixth verse, we have a copy of it, as 102. 18. this shall be written for the g. to come
Jam. 2. 3. respect to him that weajreth e. clothing fettled by Nehemiah, with the alterations 109. 13. in g. following let their name he- blotted oat
GAZE. that are now mentioned." Prideaux's Connection, 112. 2. the g. of the upright shall be blessed
Eto4. 19. 21. lest they break thro' to the Lord log. Part I. Book VI. 145. 4. one g. shall praise thy works to another
GAZING. IChron. 5.1 and the g is not to be reckoned ProD. 27. 24. doth the crown endure to every g. T
yah. 3. 6 and I will aet thee as a g. stock after the birth-right 30. 11. there is a g. that curseth their father
Acts 1 11. why stand ye g up into neaven Ezra 2. 62. these sought their g. Neh. 7. 64. 12. there is a g. that are pure in their own eyes
Btb 10. 33. partly whilst ye were made ag. stock 8. 1 this is the g. of them that went up with me 13. ag. lofty 14. ag. whose teeth are swords

GENDER. .NVA.7.5.I found a regiiterof the g. who came uo Eccl. 1. 4. one g. passeth away, another g. cometh
Lev. 19.19-sbalt not let cattle g. with diverse kinds GEN^EALOGIES. La. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 33,
S Tim. 2 23. knowing that tUev Ao g. strifes 1 Chron Q. 1, so all Israel were reckoned by g. 34. 10. from g. to g it shall lie waste
GENDERETH i Chr 12 15. the book of Shemaiah concerning g. 17. from g. to g. they shall dwell therein
Jai21.10. their bull g. and faileth not 31 19 to give portions to all reckoned by g. 51. 8. but my salvation shall be from g. to^.
38. Si9 the hoary frost o^heavcn, who hath g. it ? 1 Tim. 1. 4. give no heed to fables and endless g 53. 8. who shall declare hisg.r Acts 8. 33.
Cra/. 4.24. from mount Sinai, which f, to bondage Tit.S.g. avoid foolish questions, g. and contentions Jer. 2. 31. O g. see ye the word of the Lord
GENEALOGY GENERAL. 7 29. the Lord hath rejected the g. of his wrath
Comes from the Greek word Genealogia, u-hich 1 Chron. 27 34. the j. of the king'samy was Joab Lam. 5. 19. thy throne, O Ld. re mains from g. tog
signifies a of our ancestors, a description of
list Ueb 12.83. tog. assembly and church of first-born Dan. 4. 3. and his dominion is from g. Iv g. 34.
the stock, lineage, or pedigree of any person or GENERALLY. Joel 1.3 and let their children tell another g.
family The commoH Hebrew expression for it 2 Sam 17 11. I counsel that Israel be f. gathered 3. £0. Jerusalem shall dwell from g. to g.
is Sepher toledoth, Liber generationis. The lamentation g. on house-tops of Moab Mat. 1. 1 the book of the g. of Jesus ChJist
Hebrews very careful in preserving their
uiere GENERATION. 3. 7. O g. of vipers, 12. 34. |
23. 33. Luke 3. 7.
genealogies ; and perhaps
there never aas any This word is used for the history and genealogy of 11. 16. whereto shall I liken this g. XuXe 7.31. .!"

nation more circumspect in this point than that any man. For example ; I his is the book of 12. 39. an evil and adulterous g. seeketh after a
of. the Jews. At this day ue find genealogies the generations of Adam, Gen. 5. 1. This is sign, Ifl. 4. ilfor* 8. 10. Luke 11. 29-
in their sacred aritings, carried on for above the history of Aiaxa'soeation, and that of his 41. shall rise in judgment with this g. Lii*< 11.32.
three thousand five hundred years ; and in the posterity, Ihese are the generations of the 42 queen of the south rise up with g. Luke 11.31.
£vangelists we have the genealogy of Jesus heavens and of the earth, Gen. 2. 4. This is 45. even so shall it be also to this wicked g.
Christ deduced for four thousand years, from a recital of the creation of heaven and earth. 17 17. O perverseg. Mark 9. I9. Luke 9- •*!•
Adam to Joseph or Mary, LukeS. 23, &c. 7'he And in Mat. 1. 1, The book of the generation 23. 36. all these things shall come on this g.
Jews acre very exact in their genealogies, part- oi Jesus Christ, the Son of David. This is the 24.34.thisg. shall not pass,Afar«3.30.Lu^<21. 34
ly from their own choice and interest, that they fewea/ogy 0/' Jesus Christ, and the history of his Mark H. 38. shall be ashamed of me iu this sinful g.
might preserve the distinctions of the setiernl life, death, and resurrection. It is likewise taken Luke 1. 50. his mercy is on them from g. to g
trtbis and families, which was necessary both to for persons or people who live in some one age 1 1. 30. so shall the Son of man be to this g.

make out their claims or titles to offices or in- Heb. 3. 10, I was grieved with that generation ;
50, the blood of the prophets required of this g.51
heritances, which might belong to them by death, with those men that came out of Egypt, and re 16. 8. children of this world in their g. are wiser
or otherwise ; and to govern themselves thereby belled against me in the wilderness. Mat. 24.34, 17. 25. the Son of man must be rejected of this g
in the matter of marriages, and some other This generation shall not pass, till all these Acts 2. 40. sa^e you from this untoward g.
things, wherein the practice of some laws re- things be fulfilled. All whoaie at present living, 13. 36. David, after he had served his own g.
gutred the knowledge of these things : It is shall not be dead, when this shall come to pass. 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. t royal priesthood
observed in Ezra 2. 62. that nich priests as There are some at this day living, who shall be See Fourth.
were not able to produce an exact genealogy of witnesses of the evils which I have foretold shall GENERATIONS.
their families, were not permitted to exercise befall the Jews. The men of this generation, Gen. 2.4. these are the g. of the heavens and earth
their function: This thetr exactness was like- the men who are now alive, Luke Jl. 31. O 5. 1. theg. of Adam 6. 9. theg. of Noah, 10. 1.

wise ordered by the special providence of God, faithless and perverse generation ! Luke 9. 41 b. 9. Noah was a just'man and perfect iu hisg,
thai so It mie,hl be certainly known of what And, save yourselves from this untoward ge 9. 12. of the covenant 1 make for perpetual g.
tribe and family the Messiah was born. neration, /rom ihese perverse men. Acts 2. 40, 11. 10. these are the g. of Shem H 27 .g. of I erah
Fosephus says, that they had in his nation an To generation and generation, denotes future 1". 7. covenant between me and thy seed in their g
uninterrupted succession of priests for two ages, I'sal. 33. + 11. Who shall declare his 9. thou and thy seed after thee in their g.
thousand years. He adds, that the priesii generation? Isa. 53. 8. Il'ho can declare or 12. every mauchild io yourg. must becircum*
were particularly careful to preserve their gene- number the Messiah's j/iirirua/jecrf, the number cifcd
nlngies, and that not only in Judea, but alto
cf those who shall belieie in him, and be converted 25.12. these arc the g. of Ishmael, 13. lCAr.l.29.
in Babylon anJ Egyp' and wherever ihev
to him by the preaching of the gospel T (ieneration 19. these the g.of Isaac H 36. 1. theg.of Ejau,
wore, they never married below themselves, and is also taken for men of like quality and disposi- 37.2. these are theg. of Jacob, Joseph 17 year«
haJ exact genealogual tables prepared from tion, thoii^h neither of one place nor a^e. I'sal. Exod. 3. 15. and this is my memorial unto allga
those authentic monuments uhieh were kept at 14 5, God is in the generation of the rigbtcoos. 6. 16. the iotii of Levi acconlii^ to their g.


ZVrod'. 19.14. » Teut to the L. thron^cmt yoar ;. after the deditatior. oj tin temple tchich he haA Aeti 28. t8. the salvation of God is sent to tba
17. -ye shall oDjcrre this day in your ^. built. 1 Kings 8. 41, 42, 43, H'hen the stran- Horn. 1. 13. have some fruit, as among otaer ;.
4S. a oight to be ttnch obscr*e<lbrl9r. in their;. ger shall come and pray totsards this house, 2. 14. for when the ;. which have not the law
IS. 32. fill an homer to be kept for your g. 33. hear thou in heaven, that all peoplenof the eairth 24. the name of God is blasph, ,>icd among the^
17. 21. it shall be • statate for ever to their f may know thy name, to fear thee as thy peo- 3. 9. we have proved both Jews and;, under sm
.•?(). 21. Lev. 3. 17. 0. 18. 7. 36. 10. 9.
I I I |
ple Iirael. The Psalmist says, that the Lord 29. is he not also of the g t yes, of the ;. also
17- 7. 23, 14, 21, 31, 41.
shall gi»« the Gentiles to the Messiah for an 9. 24. not of Jews only, but also of the ;.
19. 42. a contin. bumt.offering throughout yourj inheritance. Psal. 2. 8, That the kings of Tar- 30. ;. which followed not after righteousness
30. 8. bom incense II 31. oil throuRhout your g. shish and of the isles shall bring presents; the 11.11. salvation is come to the ; to provoke them
31.13. mysabbaths a sign throughout your f. 16. kings of Sheba and 'ieba shall offer gifts ; yea, 12. the diminishing of them the riches of the ;.
40 15. an everlasting priesthood through their g. all kings shall fall down beftre him, Psal. 72. 13. 1 speak to you ;. as the apostle of the ;,
X«i'.21.17. of thy seed in their;, that haih blem'.sh 10,11. And m Psal. 87,4. I will make men. 25. till the fulness of the ;. be come in
23.43. your^. may know iliat 1 made Israel dwell tion of Egypt and Babylon, to them that know 15.9.that the ;. might glorify God for his mercy
24. 3. a statute forever in g. .Vitm. 10. 8. 18.23.|
me : behofd, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethio- for this cause 1 will confess to thee among the g.
Drtu. 7. 9- Lord keepeth covenant to a thousand g. pia: this man was born there. Isaiah abounds 10. he saith rejoice, ye ;. with his people
32. 7. consider the years of many g. Kith prophecies of the like nature; see Isa. C 11. praise Lord, all ye g. and laud him all peopls
Jesh. 22. 27. a witness between you and our g. 2,3,4. |.ll. 10. 4C. 1,6.
12. to reign over the;, in him shall the ;. trust
28. when they should say to our f. in time to come In the NetJ Testament ice see the Gentiles came 16. that 1 should be the minister of Jesus Christ
J^Ug. 3. 2. the g. of Israel might teach them war, sometimes to Jerusalem to worship God there to the ;. that the ofiering up of the g.
Ituthi. 18. now these are the g. of i'harez Some of these arriving there a little before tin 18. to make the ;. obedient by word and deed
\Chron. i6. 15. of his covenant, the word which hi' death of our Saviour, addressed themselves to 27. for if the ;. have been made partakers of
commanded to a thousand g. Psal. 105. 8. Philip, desiring him to she:ii them Jesas, John 16. 4. not only I, but all the churches of the g.
Job K. 16. Job saw his sons' sons, even four g. 12. 20, 4f- Philip told Andrew, and both of 1 Cor. 5. 1. is not so much as named among the ;.
Psal. 33. n. the thoughts of his heart to all g. them informed Jesus ; u^ho an^'j:ered them. The 10. 20. the things which the ;. sacrifice to devils
45. 17. make thy name to be remembered in all g. hour is come, that the Son of man should te 32. give none offence, neither to Jews nor;.
40. 11. their dwelling-places continue to all g. glorified ; that is. Do the Gentiles seek me ! 12. 2. ye know ye were ;. carried away to idols
61.6. thou wilt prolong the king's years as many ». tvhn, the time approaches therein 1 shall be glo- 13. into one body, whether we be Jews or ;.
72.5. they shall fear thee throoghout all g. rified iy their coniersion, and oKnmg of me ; Gal. 2. 2. that gospel which I preach among theg
79- 13. we will shew forth thy praise to all g. but I must die first, like a grain of corn, and 8. the same was mighty in me towards the ;.
85. 5. wilt thou draw out thiiie anger to all g. ? from thence iz'ill spring up a plentiful crop 12. for before some came, he did eat with the;.
89. 1. 1 will make known thy faithfulness to all g. among the Gentiles. Queen Candace's eunuch, 14. livest after manner of;, whycompellest;.?
4. and I will build up thy throne to all g. Kho came ra Jerusalem, 2cas likezcise a Gentile, 15. we who ztre Jews, and not sinners of the ;.
90. 1. thou hast been our dwelling-place in all g. as several afUrm, Acts 8. 27. 3. 14. blessing of Abraham might come on the;.
100. 5. and his truth endareth to all g. MarkT . i 26. the woman was a ;. a Syrophenician Eph. 2. 11. ye being in time past ;. in the flesh
1C2. 12. and thy remembrance unto all g. liom. 2. 9. of the Jew first, and also of the ;. 10. 3. 1. I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for youf
24. thy years are throughout all g. GENTILES. 6. that ;. should be fellow-heirs of the same body
106.31 was counted to him for righteous, to all;. Gen. 10. 5. by these the isles of the ;. were divided 8. preach among the;, the unsearchable riches
119. 90. thy faithfulness is unto all g. Judg. 4. 2. Sisera dwelt in ilarosheth of the;. 4. 17. that ye henceforth walk not as other ;.
135. 13. and thy memorial throughout all g. Isa. 11. 10. a root of Jesse, to it shall the ;. seek Col. 1. 27. the glory of this mystery among theg
145. 13. and thy dominion throughout all g. 42. 1. he shall bringjudgment to the;.itfaf.l2.18. 1 Thess. 2. 16. forbidding us to speak to the ;.
146. 10. thy God, O Zion, shall reign to all g. 6. for a light tog. 4y.b. Luke 2. 32. Acts 13. 47. 4. 5. not in the lust of concupiscence, as the ;,
Iia. 41. 4. calling the g. from the beginning 49. 22. behold, 1 will lift up mine hand to the g. 1 Tim. 2. 7- I am ordained a teacher of the ;.

51. 9. awake, Oetrmof the L. as in theg. of old 54. 3. and thy seed shall inherit the ;. 3. 16. preached to the ;. believed on in the worid
58. 12. shalt raise up the foundations of many g. 60. 3. and the ;. shall come to thy light 22Vm. 1.11. am appoint, an apostle and teacher of^
60. 15. I will make thee a joy of many g. 5. the forces of the ;. shall come to thee, 11. 4. 17. and that all the ;. might hear
Ol. 4. they shall repair the desolations of many f. 16. thou shah also suck the milk of the ;. 1 Pet. '2. 12. your conversation honest among they

Joeli.i. even to the years of many g. 61. 6. ye shall eat the riches of the ;. 4. 3. to have wrought the will of the ;.
Mat.l.n. the;, from Abraham to David arc 14;. 9. and their seed shall be known among the ;. 3 John 7. they went forth, taking nothing of the
2iU^«1.48. behold, all ;. shall call me blessed 62. 2. and the ;. shall see thy righteousness Rev. 11. 2. lor the court is given to the ;.
Ccl. 1. S6. mystery hath been hid from ages and;. 66. 12. the glory of the ;. like a flowing stream GENTLE.
GENTILE. 19. they shall declare my glory among the ;. 1 Thess.i.T. we were ;. among you, even a.s a nurse
Hebrews Jer. 4. 7. the destroyer of the g. is on his way •2 Tim. 2. 24. the servantofthe
T/ie ea/l the Gentiles
bf the general Lord must be;.
name rf Goiim, vhich signifies the nations 14.22.can any of the vanities otthe;. cause rain r Tit. 3. 2. but;, shewing all meekness to all men
that have not received the faith, or law oj 16.19. the;, shall come to thee from ends of earth Jam. 3. 17. the wisdom from above is pure and ;
God, ylll nho are not Jews, and circumcised, 46. 1. the word came to Jeremiah against the ;. 1 Pet. 2. 18. be subject not only to the good and ;.
are comprised under the uord Goiim. Before Lam. 2. 9. her ki.ig and princes are among the ;. GENTLENESS.
Christ, the door to life and justification u'as Eiek. 4. 13. eat their defiled bread among the ;. 2 5am. 22. 36. thy ;. hath made me great, Pj. 18.35
opened to the uorld by the belief only and pro- Has. 8. 8. now shall they be among the ;. 2 Cor. 10. 1. 1 beseech you by the;, of Christ
fession of the Jewish religion. Those liho were Joel 3.9. proclaim ye this amon;; the ;. prepare war Gal. 5. 22. the fruit of the Spirit is ;. goodness
converted, and embraced Judaism, thet/ called ^UicS.B.the remnant of Jacob shall be among the;. GENJ LY.
Proselytes. Since the preaching of the gospel, Zech. 1. 21. are come to cast out the horns of;. 2 Sam. 18. 5. deal ;. with the young man Absalon
the true religion is 'not confined to any one Mat. 1. 11. my name shall be great among the ;. Isa. 4. 11. he will ;. lead those with young
nation and country, only, as heretofore. God, Mat. 4. 15. beyond Jordan, Galilee of the ;. GET.
who had promised by his prophets to call the 6. 32. for after all these things do the ;. seek Gen. 34. 4. saying, ^. me this damsel to wife
Gentiles to the faith, uith a supemiundance rf 10.5. saying, go not into the way of the ;-. Eiod. 1. 10. andso;. themupout of ihe land
of grace, has extcuted this promise : So that the J8. for a testimony against them and the ;. 14. 17. and I will ; me honour upon Pharaoh
Christian church is composed of scarcely ani/ 12. 21. and in his name shall the ;. trust Lev. 14. 21. ifLe "lepoor and cannot;, so much
other beside Gentile converts; and the Jews, 20.19.deliv. him to the g.Mark 10.:M. Luke 18.3C. 22. two pigeons, .,uch as he is able to;. 30,31.
tth» uere loo p'ond of their particular privi- 25. princes of the;, Homm. Luke 22. 25. 32. the law of him whose hand is not able to;.
leges, for the most part hate been abandoned Luke 21. 24. Jerusalem shall be trodden down of Num. 6. 21, besides that that his hand shall ;
to their reprobated sense of things, and have the ;. till the times of the ;. be fulfilled 22. therefore I will ;. me back again
disoaned Jesus Christ their Messiah and Pe- John"!. 35. to the dispersed among ;. and teach;. Deut. 8. 18. it is he giveth thee power to ;. wealth
deemer,for tthom,for so many ages, they wished Acts 4. 27. Pilate with ;. were gathered together 28. 43. the strangers shall ;. up above thee
so impatiently. 7. 45. with Jesus into the possession of the ;. Judg. 14. C. therefore; her lor me to wife, 3.
The apostle Paul gtntrafly comprehends the Gen- 9. 15. to bear my
name before the ;. and kings 1 •'iam. 20. 29. let me ; away and see my brethren
tiles tender the name of Greeks, Pom. 1. 16. 10.45. on the ;. also was poured out the gift 23. 26. David made naste to ;. away for fear
Jew mnd Greek signifv Jew and Gentile. See 11.1. heard that the ;. received the word of God 2 Sam. 20. 6. lest Sheba ;. fenced cities and escape
etlso Rom.2 9, 10. 3^9. 10.12. 1 Cor. 1. 22,
| |
18. hath God to the ;. granted repentance to life ' 1 Kings-t. 2. that my loid the king may;, heat
24. Gal. 3. 28. And St. Luke, in the Acts, ez- 13. 42. ;. besought these words might be preached 12. 18. king Rehoboam made speed to ;. up to his
pressed himself in the tame manner. Acts II. 46. Paul and liarnabas said, lo, we turn to the;. chjo-iot to flee to Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 10. 18.
SO. 18.4.
1 St. Paul is commonly called the 48. when the;, heard this, they were glad 2 Kings 7. 12. shall catch them alive, and ;.the city
Apostle of the Gentiles, or the Greeks, 1 Tim. 14. 2. the unbelieving Jews stirred up the ;. Pja/.lig. 104. thro thy precepts I ;. understanding
9. 7. because ht was principally sent to idola- 5. there wjis .an assault made both of Jews and ;. Prov. 4. 5. ;. wisdom, ;. understanding, 7.
nous people, to preach Christ to them ; ahereas 27. he bad opened the door of faith to the ;. 6. 33. a wound and dishonour shall he ;.
S:. Peter, and the other Apostles, ju cached more 15. 3. declaring the conversion of the ;. great joy 16. 16. much better it is to ;. wisdom than gold, zind
generally to the Jews ; for tchich reason they 7. that the ;. by my mou<h should hear the word to ;. understanding rather to be chosen than silv.
are called the Apostles of the circumcision. 12. what wondersGod had wrought among the;. 17. 16. a price in the hand of a fool to;, wisdom
Oal. 2. 7, The gospel of theuncircumcision was 14. Simeon declared how God at first did visit ;. 22. 25. lest thou learn his ways and;, a snare
eommitied unto me, as the gospel of the cir- 17. and all the;, on whom my name is called Eccl. 3. 6. there is a time to ;. and a time to lose
cumcision was unto Peter. 19. we trouble not them.which from among the ;. Cant. 4. 6. 1 will ;. me to the mountains of myrrh
TJie old prophett declared in a very particular 23. send greeting to the brethren of the ;. 7. 12. let us;, up early to the vineyards and see il
manner the calling of the Gentries. Jacob 18. 6. from henceforth I will go to the ;. Jej. 5. 5. I will;, me to great men, and will speak
foretold, that uhen Shiloh, or the Messiah £1. 11. shall deliver Paul into the hands of the;. 19- 1. and ;. a potter's earthen boule
should come, to him should the g.ithering of the 19. God wrought among the ;. by his ministry 46. 4. harness the horses, and ;. up ye horsemen
people be ; that is, the Gentiles should yield 2 1 tecchest the J among ;. to orsake
. Ioses M 48. 9. give wings to Moab, that it may;, away
obedience to Christ, and acinoxledge him 25. as touching the;. which believe, have written /.am. 3. 7. he hath hedged me about, I cannot;, out
ihetr I^rd and Saviour. And how sincerely 22. 21. for I will send thee far hence to the ;. I-.iek. 22 27. to destroy souls, to g. dishonest gain
mnd heartily the ancient aid godly Jews Asired. 26. 17. delivering thee from the people and the;. Uan.i. 14. let the beasts;, away from under it
the conversion of the Gentiles, may appear 20. shewing to the ;. that they should repent Zeph. 3. 19. I will ;. thtm praise from every land
the prayer ahich SolomoQ addr'essts to God, is. that Christ tootild shew light to the g 7Ua(. 10.19;. neither gold nor silver in your purici


Mark Emims were cotmtfld g. as the AnaVia
Mar. 14. 22. tonstr. them tog. into ship, 6.45 this viori Nephilim, Ew/«'ijrT9vT»f, men who
3.11. for only Og of Bashan remained of the rem
Lu/ce g. 12. that they may lodge and g.
-victuaU aitack, aho fall uith impetuosity upon theirs
nant of g. JojA. 12. 4. 13. 12.
Acts 27. •l.'S. cast themselves into sea, and land' enemies ; a translation, says one, which renders |

Hebrew 13. Bashan, which was called the land of g.

£ Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan shoaldg. advantage of us very well the whole force of the term.
Josh. 15.8. thelot of Judah went up at valley of
and g. gain
Tarn 4. 13. continue there, buy, sell, Symmachus translates it BiaToi, violent men, 17. 15. then get thee up to the land of the g. g
GET t/iee.
cruel, whose only rule ef thetr actions is vio- 18. 16. Benjamin came to '.he valley of the g.
Gen. 12. 1. g. '/'«« out of ^y country. Acts 7. 3 lence, and force of arms. GIER-EAGLE.
22. 2. he said, g. thee into the land of Moriah The Scripture calls them sometimes Rephaims. X^ii.ll.lS.tbese in abomination, the g. D^ut. li.lj.
31. 13. g. thee out from this land, and return For example : Chedorlaomer and his allies beat GIIT
Kiod. 7. 15. ?• ''^«« to Pharaoh in the morning the Rephaims, or giants, at Ashteroth Karnaim, Signifies, [1] A present, Esth. 2. 18. Mat. 2. 11.
10, 28. g. thee from me, take heed to thyself Gen. 14. 5. The Emims, ancient inhabitants [2] A reward, Dan. 5. 17. [3] A recomptHce
l].8.?.<A«e out, and all the people that follow thee (''" the land
of Moab, were of a gigantic stature,
down for the reparation of an injury or wrong don*
19. 24. Lord said to Moses, away, g. thee they were of the number of the Repnaims or to a person, or something given in testimony or
and thou shalt come up, 32. 7. Deui. 9. 12. giants, Dettt. 2. 10, 11. The Rephaims, and respect and kindness. Gen. 34. 12. [4] A bribe,
A'i/»i.27.12.f.iA«?uptomountAbarim,De«/.33.49. the Perizzites are joined together as old inhabi- or something given to a judge by one who has a
Deui. 3. 27. g. /A<«up to the top of Pisgah tants ef the land of Canaan, Gen. 15. 20. Job cause depending in order to bring the judge to
17. 8. g. <A«up to the place the Lord shall choose says, that the ancient Rephaims mourn or side with him ; which is forbidden by the law,
Josh. 7. 10. g. thee up, wherefore liest thou thus
groan under the waters. Job 26. 5. These Deut. 16. 19- because such gifts corrupt and
Judg. 7. 9. arise, g. thee down unto the host giants oj' the old world, who once carried them- bias the mind, that as the judge will not, so
17^15. arise, g. thee up to the wood country selves insolently loaards God and men, but oft times he cannot discern between right and
liuth 3. 3. wash thyself, g. thee down to the floor were quickly subdued by the divine poyeer, and wrong. [5] An oblation, or fee-xill ojering.
4. + 11. f thee riches in Ephratah, and be famous drowned with a delude, do now mourn or gronn Mat. 5. 23.

1 Sam. 22. 5. depart, g. thee into the land of Judah from under the waters where they were buried, Christ Jesus i> called the gift of God, Johni. 10.
1 A'ln^J 1. 13. go, g. thee in to king David, and say or in their subterranean and infernal habita- Jle is the greatest gift that God ever gave <»
2. 26. g. thee to Anathoth to thine own fields tions. But this passage is otherwise explained the world. 'The Holy Ghost and his miracu-
14. 2. g. thee to Shiloh, behold there is Ahijah by some. Solomon, in Prov. 2. 18. says, that lous gifts are also called the gift of God. Acts
12. arise therefore, g. thee to thine own house the paths of a debauched woman lead to the 8. 20, Thou hast thought that the gift of God
17. 3. g. thee hence 9. g. thee to Zarephath Rephaims, that is, to hell, where the rebellious
may be purchased with money. Kvery goot-
18. 41. Elijah said.f. thee up, cat and drink giants are ; and that he who deviates from the thing which men veeeive is the gift of Goi,
44. g. thee down, that the rain stop thee not ways of wisdom, shall go and dwell in the as- Jam. 1. 17, Every good gift is from above.
S Kings 3. 13. g. thee to the prophets of thy father sembly of the giants in hell, Prov. 21. 16. The gift of rigbteousness signifes those benefite
JVifA.g. 10. so didst thoug. Meeaname as this day J'he Anakims, or the sons of Anak, were the which Christ by his righteousness or obedience
Jsa. 22. 15. g. thee to this treasurer, to Shebnah most famous giants of Palestine. They dwell has purchased for us, Rom. 5. 17- By un-
30. 22. thou shalt say unto it,g. thee hence at Hebron, a>id thereabouts. Their stature speakable gift, in 2 Cor. 9. 15, some understand
40. 9. O Zion, g. thee up into the high mountain was so much above what was common, that the Christ ; others understand the gospel, by which
47. 5. sit thou silent, and g. thee into darkness Israelites, who were sent to view the pionmed
the hearts of men are subdued, ejjectually dis-
Jer. 13. 1. g.thee a linen girdle, put it on thy loins land, told the people at their return, that they posed, and inclined to obey the will of God:
Eiek. 3. 4.sonofman,f. thee to the house of Israel had seen giants of the race of Anak in thi:, Others think it is to be understood of that habit
11. and go, g. thee to them of the captivity country, who were of so monstrous a size, that
Mat. 4. 10. Jesus saifh to him, g. thee hence, Satan of brotherly love, which from the Spirit of
the Israelites, «>t companion, were but grass- Christ, by the gospel, was wrought in the heuttt
16. 23. he turned, and said to Peter, g. thee be- hoppers to them, Isum. 13. 33.
hind me, Satan, Mark 8. 33. Luke 4. 8. of these Corinthians.
7'he Septuagint sometimes translate the Hebrew Gen.
34. 12. ask me never so much dowry and g.
Luke 13. 31. g. thee out, for Herod will kill thee word Gibbor, giant, though literally it signifies Exod. 23. 8. take no g. ag. blindeth, Deut. I6. 19.
Acts 10. 20. arise, g. thee down, go with them no more than a strong man, a man of' valour Num. 8.19.1 have given the Levites as a g. 18. 0.
22. 18. g. <Aee quickly out of Jerusalem, will not and bravery, a warrior. Tor example : they 18. 7. I have given your office as a service of g.
GET ye. say that Mimrod was a giant before the iMrd, 11. this is thine, the heave-ofl^ering of their g.
Gen. 19. 14. Lot said, up, g. ye out of this place Gen. 10. 8 9- That the sun rises like a Deut. 16 tl7. every man according tog. of his hand
J.fa. 30.11. g.y^ out of the way, turn aside from path giant to run its course, Psal. I9. 5. That the 2 Sam.
19. 42. or hath he given us any g. /
Jer. 49. 31. arise, up to the wealthy nation -Lord will destroy the gizint a7id the warlike l'sal.45.12. daughter of Tyre shall be there with g.
£tei. 11. 15. have said, g. ye far from the Lord man, Isa. 3. 2. 'That he will call his giants Prov. 17. 8. a g. is as a precious stone in the eyes
Joel 3. 13. come, g. ye down, for the press is full itt his wrath, to take vengeance oJ his enemies^
23. a wicked man taketh a g. out of the bosom
Zech. 6. 7 he said, g. ye hence, walk to and fro Isa. 13. 3. 'That he will destroy the power of
18. 16. a man's g. makeih room for him
GET yon. Egypt by the swcrd of his giants; that is, uf 21. 14. a g. in secret pacifieth anger
Gc». 54. 10. dwell and trade,g.yoi( possessions therein warriors, Ezek. 32. 12 21, 27. 25. 14. whoso boasteth himself of a false g.
42. 2 g. you down thither and buy for us thence As to the existence of giants, several writers, Eccl. 3. 13. enjov good, it is the g. of God, 5. 19
44. 17. rise up, g. you up in peace unto your father both ancient and modern, hate imagined, that
7.7. and a g. destroy elh the heart
Etod. 5. 4. the king said, g. you to your burdens the giants spoken of in Scripture were indeed Lzek. 40. t 5. meat-ofleriug the g. of his hand
11. go you, g. you straw where you can find it men of an extraordinary stature, but not so 16. if a prince give ag. to any of his son*
12. 31. rise up, forth from among my people much above what was common as they have 17. if he give a g. to one of his servants
JVam. 14. 25. turn you, g. you into the wilderness fancied, who describe giants as three or four Mat. 5. 23. if thou briug thy g. to the altar
lb. 24. g. vou up from about tabernacle of Korah times larger than men are at present. 'They
24. leave there thy g. before the altar and go
22. 13. Balaam said, g. you into your land were, say they, men famous for the violence
i)eur. 5.30. g.yoK into your tents again. Josh. 22. 4
8. 4. and offer the g. that Moses commanded
which they committed, and for their crimes, ye say, it is a g. by whatsoever thoa
15. 5. but
Josh.Q.lCi g. y. to the mountains, lest pursuers meet rather than for their strength, or the greatness mightest be profited by me, Mark '. 11.
Judg. 19. 9. to-morrow g. you early on your way
of their stature. 23.18. whoso sweareth by the g. is guilty, I9.
1 Sam. 9. 13. g. you up, for ye shall find him It is very probable, that the first men were all of John 4. 10. he said, if thou kuewestthe g. of God
15. fi. g. you down from among the Amalekites a strength and stature much superior to those .lets 2. 38. ye shall receive the g. of the Holy Gh.
25. 5. g. you up to Carmel, and go to Nahal
of mankind at present, since they lived a much 8. 20. thought the g. of God may be purchased
Jtr.49.30.flef ,g. you far off, dwell deep,ye of Ilazor longer time ; long life being commonly tlie 10. 45. on the Gentiles also was poured out theg.
GETTETII. e£ect of a strong and vigorous constitution. 11. 17. God gave them the likeg. as he did to us
2 Sam. 5. 8. whosoever g. up to the gutter, be chief' And that formerly there were men of a stature
Prov. 3.13. happy is the manthatg. understanding
Rom. 1. 11. I may impart to you some spiritual^
much above that of common men, cannot be de- 5. 15. not as the oflence, so also is free g. the grace
9. 7. he that reproveth a scorner g. to himself
siiamc, he that rebukelh a wicked man g. a blot
nied, at least not without contradicting the of God and the g. by grace abounded to many
holy Scriptures. The Israelites who traversed 16. so is the g. the free g. is of many ofl^enccs
15. 32. he that heareth reproof g. understanding the Holy Land, told thtir brethren, that they
18. 15. the heart of the prudent g. knowledge 17. they which receive the g. of righteousness
had seen giants i/i this country of Anak's race, 18. the free g. came on all men to juslificalion
19. 8. he g. wisdom loveth his own soul who were so unmeusurably large, that other men 6. 23. the g. of God is eternal life thro' Jesus Christ
Jer. 17. 11. so he that g. riches, and not by right
48. 44. he that g. out of the pit shall be taken
were but grasshoppers m
comparison to them, 1 Cor. 1. 7. so that ye come behind
in no g. wailing
Aum. 13. 33. Wosts speaks Og the king
of 7. 7. every man hath his proper g. of God
GEJTING. of Bashan's bed, which was nine cubits long,
Cen. 31. 18. Jacob carried away the cattle of hisg 13.2.tho' Ihavetheg.of prophecy and understand
and four wide ; that is, ffteen feet four inches 16. 13. 1 will send them to bring yourg. to Jeruial
Prov. 4. 7. with all thy g. get understanding
and a half long, Deut 3. 11. Goliath was 2 Cor. 1.11. tliat lor the g. bestowed upon us
21. 6. theg. of treasures by a lying tongue isvanity
SIX cubits and a span in height, that is to say, 8. 4. praying us that we would receive the g.
GHOST. ten feet seven inches, 1 Sam. 17. 4. 'These with us with this g,
f 19. was chosen to travel
Gen.iO- 33. Jacob yielded up the g. was gathered sorts of giants were still common in Joshua's unspeakable g.
Job 10. 18. O that I had given up theg. no eye seen 9. 15. thanks be to God for his
and David's times, when the life of men was A;;A.2.8. faith is not of yourselves, it is the g. of God
11. 20. fheir hope shall be as the giving upof g.
already so much shortened, and, as may be 3. 7. 1 was made a minister, according to the g.
14.10. yea, man givcth up the g. and where is he ?
presumed, the size and strength of human 4.'7. according to the measure of the g. of Christ
Jer. 15. 9. hath born seven, she hath given up theg.
bodies were very much diminished. Besides I'hil. 4. 17. not because 1 desire a g. but fruit
Mat. 27. 50. Jesus cried, and yielded up the g.
the giants, mentioned in Scripture, several 1 Tim.i. 14. »ei;lect not the g. that is in thee
jicts 5.10. Sapphira fell down and yielded up theg.
Jliiloriatu make mention of giants; as He- 2 'Tim. 1. 6. stir up the g. tJiat is in thee by putting
See Gave, Give, Holy. rodotus, Diodorus Siculus, I'liny, Homer, Jleb. 6. 4. and have tasted of the heavenly g.
Hebrew, Ncphel, er Ne-
I'lutarch, iic yjm.l.l7.every gnodg.aiid perfectg. is from above
In Greek, Gigas, in
2 Sam. HI. l6. was of sons of theg. 18. 1 C/ir. 20.4. I l'et.4. 10. 25 every nian hath received the g.
phitjm, uhich may signi/y a monster, or a ti r-
rible man, who beats and bears dozvn other men.
I Chron. 20. 6. the son of the g. 8. born to the g.
|| GUTS.
Job 16. 14. he runneth upou me like a g. Gen. 25. 6 Abraham gave g. to sons of conrnbinei
The Scripture speakt of Giants viho lived before
the Hood, they are called Ncphilim, mighty GIANTS. Ejod. 28. .38. which Israel shall hallow in their g.
men which were of old. men of renown, tJtn. Gen. 6. 4. there wfr«g. in the earth in those days Lev. S3. .in. these are your feasts, besides ytxir g,
6. 4. Aquila, iruttad of Gigantes, translatet Num. 13. 33. there we saw the g. the sous of Ajiak. Num. U. 29. out of all xour g. the best


2 Som. 8. C. the Moabites and Syrians Ucame Da- house, ner evert abroad, aniesi zchen tkty teere 1 Sam. IS. 4.Jonathan gave David his bow and g
Tid'i servants, and brougntf. 6. 1 Chron. 18. C. at u-ork, or vpon a journey At these times 2 Sam. 18. 11. and I would have given thee a g.
iCkron. 19. 7. with the Lord is no taking of j. they tucked themselves up. and girt their clothes 1 Kings 2. 5. he put the blood of war on his g
21. 3. Jehoshaphat gave great;. of silver and gold about them, as the eastern people sltCl at thi: 2 Kin^t 1. 8. Elijah was girt with a g. of leather
2C. 8. the Ammonites gave g. to Uzziah day uear them. Tais appears from many pas 3. t 21. that could gird themselves with a g.
32. 23. and many brought g. unto the Lord tages of the Old and Seic Testament. Elijah Job 12. 18. he girdeth the loinsof kings with a j
£xiA. 2. 18. Ahasuerus made a feast and gave ° girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab t 21. he looseth the g. of the strong

9 22. make them days of sending g. to the poor 1 Kings 18. 46. And Elisha ordered his ser Psal. 109. 19. for ag. wherewith he is girded
Ptal. 16. t 4. that give g. to anoiher god lant Gehazi to gird up his loins, and to gc Isa. Z. 24. instead of a g. there shall be a ren
GB.18.thoa hast received g. for men, for rebellious and lay his staff on the face of the Shuna- 5. 27. nor shall theg. of their loins be loosed
72. 10. th* kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer g. mite's child, 2 Kings 1. 29. Our Saviour put 11.5. and righteousness shall be the g. of bis
Prov. 6.35 not content, though thou givest many ^ ting himself in a proper condition to uash the loins, and faithfulness the g. of his rein
15. 27. but he that hateth g. shall live feet of his disciples, girt himself about with a 22. 21. I will strengthen Eliakim with thy g.
19. 6. every man is friend to him that giveth;. towel, John 13. 4. The soldiers likewise had 23. UO.O daught. of Tarshish, there is no more^
29. 4. he that rt'ceiveth g. ov»rthroweth judgment their bells generally girl about them, to which Jer. 13. 1. go, get thee a lincng. put it on thy loin
/ja. 1.23. every on«loveth|;.followeth afterrewards the Psalmist alludes. Psal. 18. 3<i, Thou hast 10. this people shall be as this g. good for nothing
Szei. 16. 33. thej give g. to whores, g. to lovers girded me with strength unto the battle. Mat. 3. 4. John had a leathern g. Mark 1. 6.
SO. 26. and I polluted them in (h«ir own g. Belts or girdles aere often made of very precious vi«j21.11.took Paul's g. man that owneth ihisg.
31. when ye offer yourf. ye poUuia yourselves stuff. The virtuous uoman made rich girdles, liev. 1. 13. girt about the paps with a golden
39. pollute my holy name no more with your g. and sold ihem to the merchants, Prov. 31. 24. GIRDLES.
22. 12. in thee have they taken g. to shed blood These girdles aere used in common both by men Eiod. 28. 40. thou shall make for Aaron's sons j,
Dan. C. 6. if ye shew the dream, ye shall receive g. and women. Our Lord appeared to St. John in 29. 9. and thou shall gird Aaron and sons with g.
48. the king gave Daniel many great g. a girdle of gold, Eev. 1. 13. noting the excel- I^v. 8. 13. Moses did gird Aaron's sons with g.
5. 17. ihen Daniel said, let thy g. be to thyself lency of his ministration as Priest. And in Prov. 31. 24. she delivereth g. to the merchant
Jtlal.2. 11. they presented to him g. gold, myrrh Rev. 15. 6. the seven angels, uho came out of £«*. 23.15. the imagesof Chaldeeuis girded with
7. 11. if ye know how to give good g. Luke 11. 13. the temple, aere clothed uith linen, and girt Dan. 5. t6. that the g. of his loins were loosed
I-Mke 21.1.t'he rich casting their g. into the treasury about uith golden girdles. On the contrary, liev. 15. 6. seven angels girOed with golden g.
5. temple wa« adorned with goodly stones and g. the prophets, and persons who make particular GIRL, S.
Rem. 11. 29. theg. of God are without repentance professions of humiliti/ and contempt of the Joel 3. 3. they have sold a g. for wine to drink
12. 6. having g. differing according to the grace world, icore girdles of leather. The prophet Zech. 8. 5. streets of citv shall be full of boys andg.
1 Cor. 12. 1. now concerning spiritual g. brethren Elijah had one of this sort, 2 Kings 1. 8. as G"lRT.
4. there are diversities of g. but (iic same Spirit well as John the iJaptist, Mat. 3. 4. Jn times 1 Sam. 2.4. they that stumbled are g. with strcngtli
9. to jinother the g. of healing, 28. 30. of mourning they used girdles of sackcloth, 2 Kings 1.8. he was g. with a girdle of leather
31. bat covet earnestly the best g. at marks of humiliation and sorrow. God John 21. 7. Simon Peter g. his fisher's coat to bin,
14. 1. follow after charity and desire spiritual g. threatens the daughters of Zion, who had of- Eph. 6. 14. stand, having your loins g. with truth
12. forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual g. fended him with the ezcest of their ornaments, iiev. 1. 13. g. about the paps with a golden girdle
£pA.4.8.he led captivity captive, and gave g. to men to reduce them to the wearing of sackcloth, GITTITH.
tub. 2. 4. God also bearing them wiiness with g. Isa. 3. 24. And in chap. 22. 12. the Lord This Psalms 8, 81 and 84.
is the title prefixed to ,

S. 1. that he may offer g. and sacrifices for sins threatens Jerusalem with bringing her into The conjectures of interpreters are various con-
8. 3. every high-priest is ordained to offer g. captivity, with culling off her hair, the instru- cerning this word. Some think it signifies a tort
4. seeing that there are priests that offer g. ment of her pride, and obliging her to gird of musical instrument, or tune to which thev
9. 9' which were offered, both g. and sacrifices herself about with sackcloth. were set ; others, that the hymns of this kind were
11.4. God testifying of Abel's g. dead yet speaks The military girdle, or bell, did not come over invented m the city of Gath ; othert, that Gittith
Rtv. 11. 10. they that dwell on earth shall send e. the shoulder, as among the old Greeks, but was signijies wine-presses, and that the Psalms uitft
GILDED. worn upon the loins ; whence the following ex- this title were sung after the vintage; others
lUv. 17. t4. and the woman was g. with gold pressions have their original. Every man had that if wine-presses were meant by 11, 11 should
GIN. his sword girded by his side, or upon his loins, be Gitteth and that Gittelh signijies a wo-

J»i 40. 24. will any bore his nose with a g. .'
t Neh. 4. 18. Girded with girdles upon their man o/' Gath ; and that these Psalms wer4
Zta.8.14. be for the inhabitants of Jeru.salem loins, Ezek. 23. 15. These bells were generally given to the class of young women, or song*
Amot 3. 5. can a bird fall into a snare where nog. is ^ rich, and tomelimes given as rewards to sol- stresses if Gath, to be sung by them. Dr.
GIRD. diers. Joab tells him who had seen Absalom Hammond thinks that the Psalms with thu
Gtn. 3. + 7. made themselves things to g. about hanging on a tree, that if he had smitten him tiile were all set to the same tune, and mad4
Eiod. 29. 5. g. him with the curious girdle, 9. to ihe ground, he would have given hira ten o.^ Goliath the Gittite.
Judg. 3. 16. Lhud did dagger under raiment
g. his shekels of silver and a girdle, £ Sam. 18. 11. GIVE.
1 Sam. 25. 13. g. ye on every man his sword the son of Saul made David a present Gen. 15. 2. what wilt g. me, seeing I go childless?
2 A'lngt 3.t21. that were able to g. themselves of his girdle, 1 Sam. 38. 4. Job, exalting the 23. 11. the field I g. thee, and the cave therein
Psal. 45. 3. g. thy sword on thy thigh, O most power of God, says. That he looseth the bond 28. 22. of all thou ihaJt g. me, 1 will g. the tenth
ha. 8. 9. g. yourselves, and ye shall be broken of kings, and girdeth their loiM with a girdle ;
29. 19. better 1 g. her thee, than g. her to another
£tek. 44. 18. not g. with what causeth .sweat he deposeih them from their thrones, and re- 34. 16. then will we g. our daughters to you
Joel 1. 13. g. yourselves, and lament, ye priests duceth ihem to a mean and servile condition. Exod. 10. 25. thou must g. us also sacrifices
Luke 12.37.shallg.himself,andmake them sit down Job 12. 18. 22. 17. if her father utterly refuse to g. hertohun
17. 8. g. thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten The priest's girdle or sash nas of several colours, 30. on the eighth day thou shall g. it me
John 21. IB. when old, another shall g. thee qf gold, of blue, and purple and seal let, and fine 30. 12. then they shall g. every man a ransom
Acts 12. 8. g. thyself and bind on thy sandals twined linen, Exod. 28 4, 8. Josephus says, 13. this they shall g. every one half a shekel
Hee Loins, Sackcloth. that the priests wore it upon their breasts, Niun. 3. 9. thou shall g the Levites unto Aaron
GIRDED. under their wms ; that a kind of flower. work 11.4. they said, who shall g. us Hesh to eat r 18.
Lev.B.7. heg.him with the girdle and clothed him was there represented, with threads of purple, 22. 18. if Baleik would g. me his house full, 24. IS.
Deut. 1.41. when ye g. on every man his weapons scarlet, and hyacinth ; that it went twice round 25. 12. 1 g. to Phinehas my covenant of peace
Judg. 18. 11. six hundred men g. with weapons the body, was tied before, and the ends hung 26. 54. to many g. thou the more inheritance, to
1 Sam. 2. 18. Samuel g. with a linen ephod down to the feet, to render the priests more few thou shall g. the less inheritance, 33. 54.
2 6'am.6. 14. David danced, and was '.with an ephod venerable. Hhcn they were in the act of 35. 2. ye shall g. to Levites suburbs for the cities
20. 8. and Joab's garment was g. unto hin\ sacrificing, they threw tins girdle over the left Vent. 15. 10. thou shall g. him thine heart, 14.
22. 40. thou hast g. me with strength, Piai. 18. 39. shoulder, that they might perform their ojgice 1(). 17. every mang. as he is able, Eiek. 46.5, 11.

1 Kings 20. 32. they g. sackcloth on their loins with the greater freedom. 24. 15. at his day thou shall g. him his hire
Psal. 30. 11. thou hast g. me with gladness The girdle, was used formerly for a purse, as ap- 25. 3. forty stripes he mayg. him, auiduot exceed
65. 6. setteth fast mountains, being g. with power pears from Mat. 10. Q. where our Saviour for- Josh.iO. 4. that fleeth, they shall g. him a place
t 12. little hills are g. with joy on every side bids his Apostles to carry money in their Judg. 7. 2. to g. the Mid) uiite* into their hands
93. 1 strength.wherewith he hath g. himself
. purses, or girdles. These girdles were large 8. 25. they answered, we will willingly g. them
109. 19. and for a girdle wherewith he is g. and hollow, much like the cast skin of a serpent, 1 Sam. 2. 16. nay, but thou shall g. it me now
Iia. 45. 5. I g. thee.tho' thou hast not known mc or an eel. 32. in all the wealth which God shall g. Israel
Lam. 2. 10. the elders of Zion g. with sackclcih Our .Saviour says, Luke 12. 35, Let your loins 17. 25. the king will g. him bis daughter
Kick. 16. 10. I g. thee about with fine linen be girded about ; thai is, be always prepared 22.7. will the son of Jesse g. every one fiel'ls.'
23. 15. images of the Chaldeans g. with girdles for any service that God requires of tfou, and 25. 11. shall I theng. it to men whom I know not.
Joel 1. 8. lament like a virgin g. with sackcloth diligent about it : be like servants who are 2 Sam. 23.15. oh that one would g. me drink of iha
John 13. 4. he took a towel and g. himself girded, and ready to obey their master's com- water of the well of Beth-lehem, 1 Chr. 11.17.
5. to wipe with the towel wherewith he wasg. mands, or tike soldiers who wait for orders 24. 23. all these did Araunah g. 1 Chron. 21. 23.
Jiev. 13. 6. seven angels, breasts g.with golden girdle fr<'m their commanders. The Apostle Paul, 1 Kings 13. 8. if thou wilt g. me half thine boose
See Loins, Sworo. describing the Christian's armour, makes truth 2 Chron. 30. t 8. but g. the hand unto the Lord
GIRDEDST. the girdle of the loins. Eph. 6. 14, Having 12. the band of God was to g. them one heart
To/in 21. 18. when thou wast yo ig thou g. thyself your loins girt about with truth ; that is, Eira 9. 8. and to g. us a nail in his holy place
GIRDETH. Let your minds and spirits be strengthened 9. tog. us a reviving, tog. us a wall in Judah
1 Kings "0. 11. let not him thatg. on his harness and established with soundness of' Judgment and Job 2. 4. all that a man hath will he g. for his life
Join. 18. and he g. tbisir loins wiih a girdle sincerity of heart, and in siedfastly endctivouring 14. 1 4. who willg. a clean thing out of unclean?
P-sal. 18. 32. it is God that g. me with strength to have a conscience void of offence towards Psal. 2.8. ask of me, and I shall g. thee the heaUteo
Pioi. 31. 17. she g. her loins with streni^th God and men. See Loins. 14. <7. who willg. salvation out of Zion, 53. f
GIRDING. Exod. 28. 4. these garments they shall make a g. 37. 4. he shall g. thee the desires of thine heart
Isa. S. 84. Instead of a stomacher, a 8. the curious g. of the ephod which is upon it, 49. 7- none can g. to God a ransom for him
g. of sackcloth
28 i2. the Lord did call to g. with sackcloth C7, 28. I
29. 5. I
39. 5, 20. Ltv. 8. 7- 51.10. thou desirest not sacrifice, ei»e would I g. it
GIRDLE. 39. thou shall make the g. cf needle-work 68. \ 33. lo, he aoth g. out hu mighty voio«
The Hebrew* gtneiaUi aort «>o girdle in the 39. 29, the; made a ^ offlnetwioed Iii><>n
. TU.SO. can he g. bread alio can h* p ivridi fleab



J't-Sl.l'i- te shall g. his angels charge, Mat. 4.6. 'Pro.23.26. my 5on,g. me thine heart, observe mj Aeti 13.34. laillg. yon the sure mercies of DaWd
109 4. but I E. myself unto prayer 25. Sl.ifenemy hunger,g. him bread, Horn. 12.20. Heb. 8. f 10. / will g. my laws into their mind
SO. t 3. what mall the deceitful toni^ue g. thee .'
30. 8. g. me neither poverty nor riches, feed me Rev.i. 10. be faithful, luillg. thee a crown of lifo
Prev. 2g. 15. the rod and reproof j. wisdom 15. horse-leech hath two daughters, crying, g. g, 17. I will g. him a white stone and a new name
17 .he shall £.thce rest,shall g. delight to thy soul Eccl. 11.2. g. a portion to seven, also to eight 23. I will g. to every one according to your worki
Etci. S. 26. that he may g. to him that is good /ja. 49.20. g. place to me, that I may dwell 28. and / will g. him the morning star
Cant. 8. 7. if a man would j. substance of his house 62. 7. g. him no rest till he establish Jerusalem 11.3. and I uill g. jjower to my two witnesses
//o. 30. SS. then he shall g. the rain of thy seed Jer. 18. 19- g. heed to me, O
Lord, and hearken 21. 6. i will g. to him that is athirst water of life
55. 10. that it may g. seed to the sower and bread 35. 2. bring them, and g. them wine to drink Hill i GIVE.
6l. 3. to g. unto them beauty for ashes Lam. 2. 18. let tears run down, g. thyself no rest Gen. 12, 7. to thy seed will I g. this land, 13. 15
3er. 3 19. how shall I g. thee a pleasant land ! 3. 65. g. them sorrow of heart, thy curse to them I
24. 7.
28. 13. 35. 12. Eted. 32. 13.

whom shall I speak and g. warning ?

6. 10. to Ezek. 3. 17. and g. them warning from me Deut. 1. 30. save Caleb, to him will I g. the land
9.t l.who will J. my
head waters my
eyes tears ? Dan. 5. 17. and g. thy rewards to another 39, they shall go in thither, to thtm will I g, it
17. 10. to g. ™aii according to his ways, 32. I9. Hot, 4. 18. her rulers with shame do love, g. ye Josh. 15. 16. to him will 1 g. Achsah, Judg. 1 12 .

89. 11. I Uiink to g. you an expected end 9. 14. g. them, O

Lord, what wilt thou g. t 1 Sam. 9. 8. that will 1 g. to the mam of God to tell

£iei. 2. 8. open tliy mouth, eat that I g. thee 13. 10. thou saidst g. me a king and princes 18. 17. my daughter Merab, her will I g. thee
8.3. fill thy bowels with this roll that I g. thee 14. +2. take away all iniquity, and g. good 1 Chr. 16. 18. to ihee Willi g. land, Psal. 105. 11

16. 36. by blood of thy childr. which didst g. them Zeeh 11. 12. g. me my
price, if not forbear Psal. 18. 49. therefore will 1 g thanks to thee
SO. 28. when I had brought them to land, I lifted Mat. 5. 4". g. to him that asketh thee Cant. 7. 12. there will I g, thee my loves
up mine hand to g. it to them, 43. 47. 14. 6. 1 1 us this day our daily bread, Luke 11.3.
. g. /.io. 43. 4. therefore will I g. men for thee

33, 15. if wicked g. agzun that he had robbed 9. 24. g. place 10. 8. freely ye received, freely g.
56. 5. to them will I g. in mine house a placo
46. 16. if the prince g. a gift to his sons, 17. 14. 16. g. ye them to eat, Mark6. 37. Luke 9.13. Jer. 24. 8. sotntU I g. Zedekiah king of Judak
Dan. 9. 22. I am come
forth to g. thee skill 17. 27. that take, andg. to them for me and thee 45. 5. thy life will I g. to thee for a prey
Mic-6.T. shall 1 g. my
first-b. for my
transgression' 19. 21. go sell, and g. to the poor, Mark 10. 21. Ezek. 15. 6. so will I g. inhabitants of JeruszilMn
Z«i\. 8. 12. the vine shall g. her fruit, the ground 20. 8. call the labourers, andg. them their hire 36. 26. new heart also will I, and new spirit
shall g. increase, and the heavens g. their dew 25. 8. g. us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out Hag. 2. 9- and in this place will I g. peace
Jifat.7.9. if he ask bread, will he ^. him a stone ? Lmke 6. .38. g. and it shall be given unto you Mat, 4. 9- devil said, all these things will I g. thee
10. if he ask hsh, will he^.a serpent > Luke 11.11. 11. 41. g. alms of such things as ye have, 12.33. Luke 4. 6. all this power will I g. thee, and glory
11. how tog. gifts to your children, so your Fa- 14. 9. he that bade thee say, g. this man place Rei. 2. 7. to him that overcometh will I, g. 17. 2fi
ther tof . them that aik hfm, Luke 11.13. 15. 12. fine younger said, g. me the portion of goods Lord GIVE.
42. whoso shall g. to drink a cup of cold water
10. John 4. 7. Jesus saith to her, g. me to drink, 10. £xo(/.12.25.when ye come to the land which L: will
7. he promised tof. her what she would ask
14. 6. 34. they said. Lord, evermore g. us this bread g. you,Z.ei>.14.34. 23.10. 25.2. iVum.lS. 2.
| |

28. g. in exchange for his soul ? Mark 8. .'57.

16. 9. 24. g. God the praise, this man is a sinner 16. 8. when the Lord shall g. you flesh to eat
7. why comm. tog. a writing of divorcement •
19. Actt 8. 19. Simon said, g. me also this power Akwi. 11. 18. therefore the Lord will g. you flesU
23. sit on hand is not mine tog. Mark\0. 40.
20. Rom. 12.19- avenge not, but rather g. place to wrath 14. 6. if the /.orrf delight in us, he willg. it us
15. what will ye g. me, and I will deliver him
26. 1 Cor. 10. 32. g. none offence, neither to the Jews 22. 13. the X,orrf refuseth tog. me leave to go
AIark6. 25. I will that thou g. me the head of John 2 Cor. 9.7. so let him g.not grudgingly or of necessity 34. 13. the Lord commanded to g. the nine tribes
12. 9. and he will g. the vineyard unto others Col. 4. 1. g. to your servants that which is just 36. 2. the iorrf commanded tog. the land by lot
Luke 4. 6. and to whomsoever I will, I g. it. 1 Tim. 4, 13. g. attendance to reading, to doctrine Deut. 1. 25. it is good land the Lord doth ^.
6. 38. good measure shall meng. into your bosom 15. meditate, g. thyself wholly to them 28. 65. the Lord shall g. thee a trembling heart
11. 8. he will g. him 213 many as he needeth Rev. 10. 9. g. me the little book, he said, take it JwA.9.24.the iorrf commzinded Moses to e. the land
16. 12. who shall ?. you that which is your own ? 18. 7. so much torment and sorrow g. her 17. 4. the itffrf commcinded tog. us ioneritanco
Jo/tn 4.14. whoso drinketh the water I shall g. him See Charge, Ear, Glorv, Light. 21. 2. the Lord commzinded to g. us cities
6. 27. meat which the Son of man shall g. you / Kill GIVE. Ruth 4.12. which thei^. shall g. thee of this woman
52. how can this man g. us his flesh to eat .' Gen. 17. 8. I will g. to thee juid thy seed the land 1 Kingt 15. 4. the Lord his God did g. him a lamp
10. 28. and I g. to them eternal life, never perish wherein thou art a stranger, 48. 4. Dent. ,34. 4. 2 C/iron. 25. 9- the Lord is able to g. thee much
11. 22. what thou wilt ask, God will g. it thee 16. / will g. thee a son also of her, and bless her Psal. 29.11. the Lord will g. strength to his peopl
13.29. that he should g. something to the poor 28. 22. / ti/ill surely g. the tenth to thee 84. 11, the Lord will g. grace and glory
14. 16. he shaU g. you another Comforter to abide .54. 11. what ye shall say to me 7 uill 85, 12. the Lord shall g. that which is good
g. 12.
27. peace I leave with yon, my peace I you Eiod. 3. 21. and / aill g. this people favour Ita. 7. 14. the Lord himself shall g. you a sigu
not as world giveth g. I to you, be not troubled 33. 14. my presence with thee,and /wiV/g. thee rest 14. 3. the iorrfjshall g. thee rest from sorrow
15. 16. whatsoever ye shall ask, he may g, it ifi'.26.4. /fiV/g. you rain in season, D«(r. 11. 14. 30. 20. though the Lord g. you bread of adversity
16. 43. whatsoever ye ask he will g. it tc you 6. l-j:ill g. peace in the land, ye shall lie down Zei.h. 10. 1. the Lord shall g. them showers of rain
17. 2. that be should g. eternal life to as many 1 Sam. 1 11. I uitlg. him to the Lord all his life
. Lukel.ZI. Z,or<i shall g. him the throne of his father
Aels 3. 6. such as I have g. I thee, rise and walk 18.21.7 will g. her, that she may be a snare to him 2 'i'im.l,l6. Lord g. mercy to bouse of Onesiphortu
6. 4. but we will g. ourselves to prayer 2 Sam. 12. 11. I will g. thy wives to thy neighbour Not GIVE, or GIVE not.
7. 5. he promised he would g. it for a possession 1 Kings ] 1. 13. not rend all, but I will g. one tribe Gen.30.31.Jacob said, thou shalt jinything
20. 35. it is more blessed to g. than to receive 31. behold, / will g. ten tribes to thee Eiod. 5. 10. I will not g. you straw, go, get strsM
Ii4>m. 8. 32. with him also freely g. us all things 13. 7. come home, and I will g. thee a reward .30. 15. the rich shall not g. more, poor not g. less
ICoT. 7. 5. that ye may g. yourselves to fasting 21.2. i will g. thee for it a better vineyard Lev. 25. 37. thoushaltno<g. thy money on usury
£pA. 1. 17. God may g. you the spirit of wisdom 7. i will g. thee the vineyard of Kaboth Deut. 2. 5. 1 will not g. you of their land, 9. I9.
4. 28. that he may have to g. to him that needeth 1 Clir 22. g.Iwillg. him rest, 1 will g, peace to Isr. 7-3. thy daughter thou shalt no/g.tohis son
S Wim. 4. 8. which &ie righteous Judge shall g. me 2 C/ir. 1. 12. / 7ii7/g. thee riches, wealth, honour 28. 55. he will not g, of the flesh of his children
Hci. 2. 1. we ought to g. the more earnest heed Psal. 30. 12. O Lord, / will g. thanks to thee Ji<rfg.21. 1. shall «o» anyof usg.hisdaught. to Bcnj.
1 John 5. 18. g. life for them that sin not to death 57. 7. / will sing and g. praise, 108. 1. 7. we have sworn we will not g. them wives
Ken. 13. 15. he had power tog. life to the imaec Prov. 3. 28. to-morrow I will g. when thou hast it 1 6am. 30. 22. we will not g.them ought of the spoil
+ 16.10 g. a mark in their right hand or foreheails ha. 3. 4. / Tcill g. them children to be princes 1 A'iiigi21.4.1 will nor g.inheritance of my fathers
16. 19. to g. her the cup of the wine of his wrath 41. 27. shall say to Zion, behold, and I will g. to Ezra 4. 1 13. then will they not g. toll, tribute
22. 12. to g. every man according to his work Jerusalem one thatbringeth good tidings 9. 1 2.^ your daughters, AeA. 10. 30. 13.25. |

See Account, Glory, Sware. 42.6.7a'i7/g. thee for covenant of the people, 49.8. Psal. 132. 4. 1 will not g. sleep to mine eyes
GIVE, Imperatively. 43. 3. / will g. thee the treasures of darkness Proii. 6. 4. g. not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumier
Cen. 14. 21. g. me the persons, and take the pools 49- 6. 1 will g. thee for a light to the Gentiles 31. 3. g. not thy strength unto women
27. 28. therefore God g. thee ot dew of heaven .56. 5. / will g. them an everlasting name Eccl. 7. t21. g. not thy heart unto all words
29.21. g. me my wife 30. 1. g. children else I die
Jer. 3. 15. / will c. pastors according to my heart Isa. l.J. 10. constellations shall not g. their light
30. 26. g. me my wives and my children y. 15. I will g. them waters of gall to drink 42. 8. my glory will I rwtg. to another, 48. 11.
.Num. 6. 26. and the Lord g. thee peace 14. 13. / will g. you assured peace in this land 62. 8. I will no more g. thy corn to enemies
loth. 2. 12. swear to me, andg. me a true token 15. f 4./B'«V/g. them for a removing into kingdom Jer. 18. 18. letusm^/g. heed to any of his words
14. 12. now therefore g. me this mountain 17. 3. / will g. thy substance to the spoil 26. 24. not g. Jeremiah into the baud of the peopla
^5. 19. g- me a blessing, g. springs, Judg. 1.15. 24. 7. 1 will g. them an heart to know me £.'rf/t.32.7.I will cover sun with a cloud, the mooa
1 Sam. 8.6. when they said,g. us a king to judge us 32. 39. / will g. them one heart, Eiek. 11. I9. shall not g.her light, Mat. 24. 29- Mark 13.24.
17. 10. g. me a man that we may fight together 34. 18. I will g. the men that have transgressed Dan. 11.21. to whom no/ g. honour of kingdom
21 9 David said, none like that, g. it me h.iek. 7. 21. 1 will g. it' into the hand of strangers Hot. 5. t 4. not g, their doings to turn to the Lord
1 Kings 3.9. g. thy servant an understanding heart 11. 17. and / will g. you the land of Israel Jotl 2. 17. g. not thine heritage to reproach
26. O
ray lord, g. her the living child, 27. 16. 38. / will g. thee blood in fury, and jealousy Mat. 7. 6. g. not that which is holy to the dogs
8. 39. g. every man according to his ways 39. / will also g. thee into their hand !>lark 12. 15. shall wcg. or shall we not f t
17. 19- he said, g. me thy son, and he took him 61. / Kill g. them to thee for dauchters l-fih. 4. 27. neiihe' g. place to the devil
2A"iftgi6.29.I said, g. thy »on,that we may eat him 21. 27. he come whose right it is, I will g. it him Jtitn. 2. 16. and g. not tliose things they need
10. 15. if it be, g. me thine hand, and he gave it 23. 46. 1 will g. tUem to be removed and spoiled GIVE thanki,
14. 9- saying, g. 'hy daughter to my
son to wife 29. 19. Ititill g. land of Kgypt to 2 .Sam, 22. 50. I will g. thanks to thee, Ptal. 18.491
1 Chr. 16.23. g. to Lord, ye kindreds of the peoplr, 21. / will g. thee the opening of the month 1 Chron. 16, 8. g. ihanki to the Lord, call upon
glory and strength, 29. Psal. 29. 1,2. 96.7,8.
36. 26. and 1 will g. you an heart of llesh his name, Ptal. 105. 1 IO6. 1.
| lO*. 1.
| |

42. 12. the Lordg.lheewisdom and understanding Hos. 2. 15. 1 will g. her vineyards from thence 118. 1,29. 136. 1.3.

iChron. 1. 10. g. me now wisdom and knowledge Mat. 11. 28. come unto me, and / will g. you rest 35. save us, C) God of our salvation, that w«
Wek.4. 4. andg. theDi,for a prey inland of captivity 16. 19. 1 will g. to thee th« keys of the kingdom may g, thankt to thy holy name Ptal. I06. 47.
ToS 32. 21. nor let mc g. flattering titles to man 20. 4. and whatsoever is right, / wtll g. you 41. who were expressed by name, tog thankt
Ptal. 58. 4. g. thejii according to their deeds 14. I will g. to this last even as unto thee 25.3. sonsof Jeduthun with a harp tog. thanks
60. 11. g. us help from trouble, 108. 12. Mark 6 22. sisk what thou wilt, / will r. it thee 2 Chr. 31.S. Ilezekiah appointed Levites tog. th.
66. Id. t) turn, g. thy strength to thy servant Luke 21 15. for 7 will g. you a mouth and wisdom Psal. 6 5. in the grave who shall g. thee Ika'Ju

119. 34. g. me understanding, 73. 125,' 1 14, I69. John 6. 51. 1 am living, the brtaa Ittill g. is 30. 4. sing to Lord, ye saints of his and f. thanki
^t'ov, 9.9- X. instiuct. to a wis« man be will be wiser my itssh, w hich Z »(// g. for the U£e of th« world g, ihkt, at the rcmembruica of hit hoUneM, 97. 18<


P/.S0.12. O Lord, I will [. ikankt to thee for erer Corf or Lord hath, had GIVEN. 1 Sam. 23. IS. thcu halt g. him bread and a sword
35. 18. 1 will E. thankt in the great congregation G«i.C4.35. the L. hathg. Abrah. flocks and herds i Sam. 12. 14 by this deed thou hatt g. occasioa
42. t 5. I shair^. thankt for help of countenance 30. 6 and Rachel said, God hath g. me a son S2. 36. thou hast also g. me the shield of thj
75. 1. to thee, O God, dowe ?.<*<ii»ii, do J.Man*/ 18. and Leah said, God hath g. me mine hire salvation, lad gentleness made me great, Pial
79. 13. 50 we thy people will g thee :hanks 31. 9. thus Godhaih g. me your father's cattle 18. 35.
92. 1. it is a good thing to g thankt to the Lord 33. 5. the child, which O. haih graciously g. aie il. thou halt g. me the necks of enemies, 7*1.10.40.
106. 47 save us to g. thanki to thy holy name 43 23. Cod hath g. you treasure in your sacks iKingiZ. 6. thou hast g. hiui a son to sit on throne
119. 62. at midnight I will rise to g. thankt 48.9. the children God haih g. me in this place 8. 36. rain on thy laud thouhasi g. 2 Chr. C. 27
122. 4. whither the tribes go up to g thankt Exod. 16. 15. the bread which the Lord hath g. you 9. 13. what cities are these r/io« hatt g. me ?
136. C. O g thanki unto the God of gods 29. for that the Lord haih g. you the sabbath 2 Chr. 20. 11. cast us out of possession thou hatt g.
26. O g thankt unto the God of heaven iVum. 32. 7. from going over to th.^ land which thi Eira 9. 13. thou hatt g. us such deliverance as ihii
140. 13. righteous shall g. thank- to thy name Lord haih g them, 9. Deut. 3. 18. 28. 52 Fsal. 21. 2. ihou hatt g. him his heart's desire

Jiom. 16. 4. to whom not only I g. thankt Joth. 2. 9, 14.I

2.3. 13, 15. Jer. 25. 5. 44. 11. thou hatt g. us like sheep for meat
1 Cor. 10. 30. for that for which I g. thankt Joth. 6 16 shout, for the Lord hath g. you the city 60. 4. Ihou hast g. a banner to them that fear thee 1. 16. I cease not to g. thankt ('-t you J 18 3. to possess land which the Loid haih g. you 61.5. thou halt the heritage of those that fear
Col. 1. 3. we g thanks to (iod and the Father 1 Sam. 1. 27- Lordhttth g. me my petition 1 asked 71. 3. thou hatt g. commandment to save me
1 Thets. 1.2 we f. thankt to God always for you 15.28. L. hath g. it to a neighbour of thine, 28. 17. John 17. 2. a? Ihou hast g. him power over all flesh
5. 18. in every thing J. thanki, this is will of God 30. 23. not to do so with what the Lord haih g. 7. that all things ihnu ha:t g. me, are of iliec
2 Thets. 2. 13. we are bound to g. thanks for you 2 Chr. 36. 23. kingdoms Aar/j God g. me, Ezra 1. 2. 9. I pray not but for ihem which thou hast g. me
Hev. 11.17. we g. thee </i<in*/, Lord God Almighty Eecl. 5. 19 every man to whom G. hath g. riches 11. keep through thy name those thou hast g. me
GIVE ttp. /ja.8. 18. I and the children L. hath g. lieb. 2.13. liev. 16. 6. thou hast g them blood to drink
Dm*. 23. 14. Lord walketh log.7//) thine enem.31.5. 23 11. the Lord hath g. a commandment against GIVER.
1 Kinfs14. 16 he shall g Isr. up, hecau^e of sins 50. 4. the L. hath g. me the tongue of the learned Tsa. 24.2. as with the taker of usury, so with theg.
Jet 3. 11. why did not 1 g vp the ghost ? Jer 11. 18. the Lord haih g. me knowledge of it 2 Cor 9.7. not grudgingly, God loveth a cheerful ?.
13.19. if 1 hold my tongue, I shall g. vp the ghost 47. 7. seeing the Lord haih g. it a charge GIVEST
Jta. 43. 6. I will say to north, g. up, and to south John 6 23. after that the Lord had g. thanks Deut 15.9- thou g. him nought, and he cry to Lord
Hot. 11. 8. how
shall I g. thee up, Ephraim? Acts 5 32. whom G. hath g. to them that obey him 10. thy heart not be grieved when thoug. him
Mic.5. 3. therefore will heg. them up 27. 24. God hath g. thee all that sail with thee Job35 7 if thou be righteous, what g. thou him r
6. 14. that which thou deliverest will I g. up liom. 11. 8. Godhaih g. them the spirit of slumber I'sal. 50. 19- thou g thy mouth to evil, thy tongue
GIVEN 2 Cor. 10.8. the L. hathg. us for edification, 13.10. 80. 5. thou g. them tears to drink in great measure
Sen. 21. 7. Sarah should have g children suck 1 Thess. 4. 8. but G. who hath g us his holy Spirit 104. 28. that thou g them, they gather
Lev. 20. 3. because he hath g his seed to Molech 1 Johf 5. 11. this is iTie record God hath g. to us H5. 15. thou g them their meat in due season
Num. 18. 6. they are g. as a gift for the Lord See Rest. I'rov 2.+ 3. if thou g thy voice, for understanding
Deut. 12. 16. according to the blessinp^. l(ji 17. I have, or have J GIVEN. 6. 35. nor rest content, though thou g. many gifts
Ruth 2. 12. a full reward be g. thee of the Lord Gen. 27 37 brethren have I g. him for servants Ezek 3. 18. thoug not warning, to save his'life
1 .Sam. 2.t 32. wealth which CJod would have g.Isr. 1 AiH^/3.13 i^aifg. thee that thou hast not asked 16. 33. but thou g. thy gifts to all thy lovers
2 Sam. 4.10. who thought I would have g a reward Isa 43 28. therefore / havi g. Jacob to the curse 34. in that thou g. a reward, and none is given
12. 8. I would haveg. thee such and such things 55 i J have g. him for a witness to the people 1 Cor. 14. 17 for thou verily g. thanks well
18. 11. I would have g. thee ten shekels of silver Jer. 6. 13. things / have g. shall pass from them GIVETH.
19. 42. or hath the king g us any gift .'
27 5 7 Aar«g. it to whom it seemed meet to me Exod. 16. 29. he g. you on sixth day bread of two
1 Kingt IS. 5. the sign which the man of hadf G Ezek.i.15 Ihave g. thee cow's dung for man's dung 20. 12. thy days may be long in the land which L.
1 Chr. 29. 14. and of thine own have we g. thee* 29. 20. 1 have g. him the land of Egypt for labonr thy God g thee, Deut. 4. 40. { 5. I6. | 25. 15.
Eira 6 9- let it be g. them day hy day without tail Amos i- 6. I also have g. you cleanness of teeth 25.2. every man that g it willingly with ins heart
Ejih. 3. 11. the-iilvcr is g. to thee, the people also 9. 15. no more be pulled but of land I haveg. them Lev 27.9- all that any man g. of such shall be holy
7. 3. let my life be g. me at my petition and people John 13. 15 Ihave g. you an example, that ye do Deut. 2. 29 into the land which the Lord our God
Job 3. 20.why is light g to him that is in misery ? !l7.8. Ihave g. them the words thou gavest me, 14. g. thee, 4. 1, 21. 1 11. 17, 31. 12- 1. 10.

23. why is light g. to a man whose way is hid ? 22. the glory thou gavest me, I have g them 15. 4, 7. I 16. 20.I
17 14. 18. 0. J 19. 1

15. 19. to whom alone the earth was g. 1 Cor lC_l as^ have g order to the churches 2, 10, 14 I
21. 1, 23I
24. 4. 26. 1, 2. I

P'al. 79. 2. dead bodies of thy servts. g. to be meat AW GIVEN. 27 2, S. 28. 8 Josh 1. 11, 15.

112. 9. he hath g to the poor, 2 Cor.g. 9. Gen. 38. 14. and she was not g. unte him to wife 8. 18. it is he that g. tnee power to get wealth
115.l6.the earth hath he g. to the children of men Deui.^6 14. 1 have no/ g. ought thereoffor the dead 9. 6. God g. not this land for thy righteousuca*
Vrov. 19.17. that which he hath g will he pay him 29. 4. yet L. hath not g. you an heart to perceive 12. 10. when he g. you rest from enemies, 25 19
£cf/.8.8.nor wickedn. deliver those that are g. to it 1 Chron.ll. 18 hath he not g. you rest on every side.' 13. 1, if a prophet g thee a sign or a wonder
12. 11. which are g. from one shepherd Neh. 13. 10 the portion of Levites had not been g. 16. 6. In thy gates wisich Lord g. thee, 18. 17. 8. |

Ita. 9. 6. for to us a Child is born, to us a Son is g. Job 22.7. thou hast not g. water to the weary 2 Sam 22. 1 48. it is God g. avengcment for me, and
47-8 therefore hear, thou that art g to pleasures Psal. 78.63 their maidens were not g. to marriage bringeth down people under me, Psal. 18. 1 47-
Jit. 6. 13. every one isg to covetousness, 8 K^. 118. 18 but he hath not g. me over to death 1 Kings 17.+ 14. till the day the Ld.g. rain on earth
44. 20. he said to all who had g. him that answer 124 6 who hath not g. us as a prey to their teeth Job 5. 10. who g. rain upon the earth and fields
Lam. 5. 6. we have g. the hand to the Egyptians Iia 37.10. Jerus. nor beg. into the hand of Assyria 33. 13 he g. no account of any of his ways
Eitk. 11. 15. unto us is this land g 33. 24. Jer 39 17. thou shalt nor beg. into hand of the men 34. 29 when heg. quietness 35.10. whog. songs

35. 12. they are desolattr, they are g. to consume Ezek. 3 20 because thou hast not g. him warning 36. 6. but g. right to the poor 31 he g meat .

Dan. 2. 38. beasts, fowls hath he g into thine hand 18 8 he that hath not g forth upon usury Psal. 18. 50. great deliverance g. he to his king
7.4. like a lion, zind a man's hrart was g to it Mat. i3 11 it is given to you, to them it is nor g. 37.21. but the righteous sheweth mercy and g.
+ 12. yet a prolongiug in life was g them John^ 39 for the Holy Ghost was not yet g. 68. 35. the God of Israel is he thatg. strength
11. ri. she shall beg up, and they that brought her 1 7'im. 3.3. bishop nor g to wine, no striker,' 7'ir. 1.7. 119- 130. the entrance of thy words g. light
Mat 13. 11. it is g. to you to know the mysteries of 8. deacons not g to much wine, not greedy 127. 2 for so he g. his beloved sleep
the kingdom, Mark i 11. LukeQ 10. 2 7'im 1 7 God hath not g tis the spirit of fear 136. 25. who g. food to all flesh, 146. 7. 147. 9 I

19.11. all cannot receive, save they to whom it isg. 7ir. 2 3 aged women likewise nor g to much wine 144. 10. g salvation to kings 147 I6. he g.sno'ff

21. 43. be g. to a nation bringing forth fruits Shall be Ol\ EH Prov 2. 6. the Lordg. wisdom out of hismoutb
22. 30. are marriage, Mark 12.25. Luke 20.35. Xum 26 54 to every one shall inheritance be g. 3. 34. heg. grace to the lowly, Ja»i.4.6. 1 Pet.5.5,
26.0. sol J for n;!;ch and g to the poor, Mark 14.5. Veut 28 31. thy sheep j/(a//i«g to thine enemies I?'. 15 good understanding g favour
S8. 18. all power isg to me in heaven and earth 32 thy sons shall be g to another people 21. 26. the righteousg and spareth not, 22. 9.
Mark 4. 24. unto you that hear more shiil be g F.tra 4 21 till another commandment shall be 28. 27 he that g. to the poor shall not lack
Luke 12. 48. to whom much g. of him much required F..<ih. 5 3. it j.t.i.'.' ie g Jo half of the kingdom Eccl. 2. 26. Godg. to a man that is good, wisdom
Joh/i 3. 27 can receive nothing, except it be l^sal. 72 16. to him thall ie g. of gold of Sheba and knowledge, but tc sinner he g. travel
5 2S. I.e hath g to the Son to have life in himself 120. 3. what thall be g to thee, thou false tongue ? 6. 2. yet God g. him not power to eat thereof
b. .39. of all lie halhg me, I should lose nothin? ha. 3 11. the reward of his hands thall be g. him 7io. 49.29. he g. power to the faint N 42.5. g. breath
65 no man can come to me, except it were g. him 33. 16. bread j/jflV' be g. him, waters shall be sure Jer. 5. 24. g. rain|| 31. 35. g. the sun for a light
19. 11 except it were g thee from above 35. 2. the glory of Lebanon shall beg to it 22. 13. woe to him thatg. him not for his work
Melt 4. 12 there is none other name g. among men Jer.ll. 10. thiscity shall beg. into the hand of king 7,am. 3. 30. heg. his cheek to him that smiteth him
24. 26. he hoped that money should be g him of Babylon, and he shall burn it, 38. 3, 18. 7)an.2.21. heg. wisdom to the wise, and knowledge
Ham. 5. 5. by the Holy Ghost whi?h is g to us /."«*. 47. 11. the marishes, ihfy shall ie g. to salt 4. 17. andg. it to whomsoever he will, 25. 32.
11.35 or who hith first g to him, and recompensed Van. 7. 25. the saints shall be g into his hand Has. 10. + 1. a vine emptying the fruit which it g.
15. 15. because of the grace that is g me of God 27. the kingdom shall ie g to the saints Uab. 2. 15. woe to him thatg. his neighbour drink
1 Cor. 2. 12. might know things freely g us of God i"l/«r. 7 7. ask and it shall beg. you, Luke 11.
Q. Mat. 5. 15. it g. light to all that are in the house
2 Cur. 1. 11. that thanks may beg. by many ll).19.itjAa//A«g. you in same hour, .1/ar* 13. 11. John 3.34. God g.not the Spirit by measure to him
Oal. 3. 21. been a law g. which could have g life 12. 39. no sign shall beg. M<irk 8. 12. Luke 11.29. 6. 32. but my Eather g. you the true bread
£ph. 3. 2. dispensation, which is g. me to you-ward 13. 12. for whosoever hath, to him shall be g. and 33. who Cometh down and g. life to the world
8. to me who am the least is this grace more abundance, 25, 29. Mark 4. 25. L\ike 8.18. 37. all that the Farther g. me shall come to me
4. 19. who have g. themselves over to l^l5civi. 20. 23. it shall he g. them for whom It is prepared 10. 11. the good shepherdg his life for the sheep
ousness 21 43. the kingdom of God shall be g. to a nation 14. 27. not as the world g. give I unto you
5. 2. Christ hath loved us, and g. himself for us l.uke "1.38. give, and \X.thaUie g. you, good measure .^cK 17. 25 he g. to all life, breath, and all things
Phil. CO to you it is g in behalf of Christ
1. f'Ai/<m.<'2.that thro' your prayers I shall ie 7?om. 12. 8. he thatg. let him do it with simplicity
t. 9. and hath g him a mime above every name Jam. 1 5. let him ask of God, and it shall be g. him 14. 6. he eateth to the Lord, for heg. God thaiilcj

IIciA.K. for if .les. had g. them rest, then not spoken Thou hast, or haA thou GIVEN. 1 Cor. 3. 7. but God that g. the increase
IJohnX 24 by the .Spirit which he hath g us Gen. 15. 3. Abram said, 10 me thou hast g. no seed 7. 38. he that g. her in marriage doth w'ell
4. 13 because he hath g us of his Spirit Dettt. 2fi. 15. bless the land which thou hatt g. us 15. 38. God g. It a body as it hath pleaded him
.R«v. 6.11 white robes were g to every one of them JojA. 15. 19. (A»K Affir g. me south WnA.Judg. 1. 15. 57. but thanks be to God whog. us the victory
13. 5. power was g to him to continue 4J months 17- 14. why halt ihouc me but one lot to inherit.' 2 Cor. 3. C. the letter killeth, but the Spirit g. life
7. <i was g to him lotnake war with the saints
Judf. IS. 18. thou hatt g. this great deliverance 1 iim. 6. 17. who g. us richly all things to •njoy
. ,


Jam.l. 5. ask of God, that 5-. to all men liberally GLADLY said to glorify God, uiAen ae acknowledge him
4. 6. e. more gract-, God g. grace to the Dumble 7l/ar^6.20.Herod feared John, and heaid him g to be glorious, and ascribe to Aim the glory
1P«.4. U.Iet him do it as of the ability that God g- 12 37. the common people heard Christ g of every excellency -xhether of nature or grace,
Hev. SJ2. 5. for the Lord God g. them light Actsi 41.thatg. received the word were baptized and confess that Ae is uorihy to receive honour,
GIVING 21. 17. when come, the brethren received us g. glory, might, and majesty, Rev. 4. 11. >f/Wa
Dettt.lO.lS. he loveth the stranger in j. him food 2Ci)r. 11.19 ye suffer fools g seeing ye are wise ae confess that all the glory, gifts, tnd dignity
21. IT. by g him a double portion of all he hath 129 most g therefore will I rather glory uhich we have above other men, tcre given us
Ilut/i 1. 6 i.ord visited his people in g. them bread 15 I will very g. spend and be spent for you of God, 1 Chron. 29. 11, 12. li'hen tee are
1 Kings 5.9. .".halt accomplish my desire, in g food GLADNESS. willing to abase ourselves in the acknowledgment
2 C/ir. 6 23 by 5. him according to ri^teousness Kum 10 10. in the day of your g. ye shall bhw of our o:in vileness, tkat God may be magnijied
J~uB 11. 20. their hope be as theg. up of the ghost Deux 28.47 servedst not the Lord with g. of heart lit any of his attributes or ordinances by it.
Mat. 24. 38 were marrying and g. in marriage C Sam 6. 12 David brought up the ark with Jer 13. "16. Mai. 2. 2. IVhen we believe God's
Acis 8. 9 ?-out that himself was some great one 1 C/i<on 16 27. strength and g are in his place firoinises, and wait for the performance of them,
15. 8. g them the Holy Ghost, as he did to us 29 22 and did eat and drink that day with great g. though we see no means likely for their accom
Rom.i 20. was strong in faith, g glory to God 2 Chron. 29 30. and they sang praises with g. plishment, Rom. 4. 20. IVhen we publicly
5. 4. the g. of the law, and the service of God 30. 21. Israel kept feast of unleavened bread withg. acknowledge true religion, or any special truth
1 Cor 14.7. things^, sound 16. at thy g of thanks
|| 23 and they kept other seven days with g. of God, when it is generally opposed, Luke 23.
2 Cor. 6. 3 g no offence in any thing, piinistry not Keh 8. 17. and thrre was very great g. 47 IVhen we suffer for Cod, 1 Pet 4. 16.
i-'/jj7.4. 15. concerning g and receiving, I ut ye only 12. 27 Levites, to keep the aedication with g llAen on the sabbath we devote ourselves only
1 Ti>/!.4.1 g heed to seducing spirits and doctrines Est/1.8 16. the Jews had light, and g and joy, 17. to the service of God, isa. 58. 13. II hen at
1 Pet. 3 '.g. honour to the wi.'c ets to weaker vessel 9. 17 they made it a day of feasting andg. 18 I9. give thanks to God for benefits, or deliverances,
2 Pet. 1.5 g all diligence add to faith virtue Psal. 4 7 'hou hast put g in my heart more than I'sal. 113. 4. Luke 17. 18. IVhen we love, praise,
Jude 7. g- tliemselves <iver to fornication 30. 11 and thou hast girded me withg, admire, and esteem Christ above all, John 1.
See TH.tNlts 43 + 4, I will go to God the g. of my joy 14. 11. 4.

GLAD. 45 7 hath anointed thee with oil of g. Ile6. 1 9 God the Lather is glorified in Christ the Media-
£Torf.4.14.whenheseBth thee, he will begjn heart 15 withg and rejoitiiig shall they be brought tor by his obedience unto death, and thereby
Judg. 18 20. and the priests heart was g- 51 8 make me to hear joy and g. that the bones consummating the work of mati's redemption,
l Sam 11.9 and tin, men of labesh were g 97. 11. and g. is sown for the upright in heart uhich tends so much to the advancement of the
1 Kiugs 8 66 Israel w^nt to tents g. 2 CAron 7 JO 100 2 serve the Lord with g come with singing justice, wisdom, mercy, and holiness if God: 5.9.Haman j
J 8 15 the city Sbushanvvasj But Christ the Son is glorified of the Lather,
105. 43. he brought forth his chosen with
J063 22 and are g when they can find the grave 106. 5 that I may rejoice in the g. of thy nation as touching his human nature, by sustaining it
22 19 righteouj see it and are g Pnal^i 10 Prov. 10 28. the hope of the righteous shall he g. against the gates of hell in Ais agony and pas-
Psal. 16 9 therefore my heart is g glory rejoiceth Caiit 3 11. and in the day of the g. of his heart sion on the cross , by manij'eitly owning Aim
£1 6 thou hast made himf with thy countenance Jsa. 16 10. joy and g is taken away But of the field to be his Son ; by enabling him to trrumph
34. 2. the humrble shall bear and beg 69 32. 22. 13. and, behold, joy and g slaying oxen ever his and Ais people's enemies, in Ais re-
35 27 them beg that favour my righteous cause 30. 29. ye shall have a song and g of heart surrection, ascension, and exaltation to hit
45 8 whereby they have made thee g. 35. 10. they shall obtain joy and g. 51 11. Lather's right hand. John 17. 1, Eather, glo-
46 4 the streams shall make g the city of God 51 3. joy and g shall be found therein rify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee.
67 4. let the nations be g and sing for joy j£r.7.34.cease voice of mirth and g. 16 9. 25. 10 |
Psal. 11.23. all ye the seed of Jacobg. him and fcar
90 15. make usg. 92.4. thou L. hast made meg. 31.7. sing withg for Jacob, shout among nations
50. 15 I will deliver thee, and thou shalt g. me
97 1 let the isles be g
. 8 Zion heard, and was g. 33 11. there shall be heard a voice of joy and g.
|| 86. 9 all nations shall come and g. thy name
104. 15 wine that maketh g the heart of man 48.33. joy and g taken from the plentiful field 12. and I will g. thy name for evermore
34 1 will be g in the Lord 105 38 Egypt was g Joel 1. 16 joy and g from the house of our God
Isa. 24. 15 wherefore g. ye the Lord in the bres
107 30. then are they g. because they be quiet Zeclt. 8. 19. shall be to house of Judah joy and g. 25. 3 therefore shall the strong: people g. thee
119. 74 they that fear thee will be g when Mali 4. 16 who immediately receive it with g. 60 7- and I will g. the house of my glory
122. 1. I wasg when they said to me, let us go Luie 1 14 shalt have joy and g. and many rejoics Jer. 30. 19 I will multiply, I will also g them
126. 3 done great things for us, whereof we are g. Acts 2 46. did eat their meat with g. of heart Mat. 5. 16 g. your lather which is in heaven
Prov. 10. 1 a wise son maketh a g. father, 15. 20. 12 14 she opened not the gate for g but ran Jolin 12.28 Father, g thy name , I will g. it
12 25 but a good word maketh it g. 14. 17 filling our hearts with food and g. 13. 32 God shall also g him in himself
17 5 that is g. at calamities, not be unpunished P/iil. 2 29 receive him in the Lord with all g. 16.14. he shall g. me ; for he shall receive of mine
23. 25 thy father and thy mother shall be g GLASS. 17. 1 g thy Son, that thy Son also may g thee
24 17 let not thy heart be g when he stumbleth 1 Cor 13 12 for now we see through a g. darkly 5. now, O Father, g me with thine own self

27- 11. my son, be wise, and make my heart g. 2 Cor 3 18 with open face, beholding as in a g. 21 19 signifying by what death he should g (iod
£ccl 10. 19 and wine maketh g the life
Jam.l 23 a man beholding his natural face in ag. /io»( may with one mind and mouilig. God
Jsa 35 1 the wilderness shall be g for them liev 4.6. there was a sea of g. like unto crystal 9. that the Gentiles might g. God for his mercy
39, 2. Hezekiah wasg. of them, and shewed them 15. 2. Eind I saw a sea of g. mingled with tire 1 Cor. 6 20. g. G. in body and spirit which are God's
Jer. 20. 15 a child is born, making him very
g 21 18 the city was pure gold, like clear g. SI. 2 Cor 9 13. g. God for your professed subjeciioa
50. 11. because ye were g -^ ye destroyers GLASSES. 2 Pet. 2 12 may g. God in the day of visitation
ian. 1 21. they are [ that thou haist done it lia. 3 23 the Lord will take away the g. and vails 4. 16 b.ut let him g. (iod on this behalf
Da7i 6. 23. then was the king exceeding g See Looking. itsf. 15.4. who shall not fear thee, and g. thy name f
JJos 7. 3. they make the king g with their wickedn. GLEAN. GLORIFIED
Jonah 4 6 Jonah was c
because of the gourd Lev iQ 10 thou shalt not g. vineyard, Dfiir. 24. 21. Lev 10. before all the people I will be g.
Zech. 10. 7 their children shall see it and be g. UiitA 2. 2. let me now go to the field and g ears Isa 26 15. thou hast increzised nation, thou art g
Mark \il\ weieg and promised money, Luie 22 5. Jer. 6. 9- they shall thoroughly g the remnant 4-t. 23. for the Lord hath g. himself in Israel
Ziiie 1 19. I am sent to shew thee these g tidings GLEANED. 49. 3. art my servant, O
Isr. in whom 1 will be g
8. 1. shewing the g tidings of the kingdom Judg 1.+7 kings g. their meat under my table 55. 5. the Holy One of Isr he hath g thee,60. 9
15. 32. was meet we should make merry and beg 20. 45. and they g of them in the high-ways 60 21 the work of my hands, that I may be g.
Johi 8. 56. Abraham saw my day and was g liut/i. 2. 3. she came and g. after the reapers 61.3. the planting of the Lord that he might be g
11 15.1 am g. for your sakes that I was not there GLEANING, S 66 5. your brethren said, let the Lord be g,
Acts 11.23.when had seen the grace of G hewjisg 19 9 not gather the g. of harvest, 23 22 Etek. 28. 22 I will be g. in the Biidst of thee
13. 48. the Gentiles heard this, they were g Judg 8 2. is not the g of the grapes of I'phraim -
39. 13. be a reaown in the day thatil shall be g
Kom. 16 19 I am g. therefore on your behalf Isa. 17.6. yet g grapes shall be left in it as shaking Dan. 5. 23 and the God in whose hajid thy breath
1 Cor. 16. 17. I am g of the coming of Stephanas 24 13 as the g. grapes when vintage is is, and whose are ail thy ways, hast thou not g
2 Cor. 2 2 who is he then that maketh me g ,/«;•. 49 9. would they not leave some g. ? OOad. i 5
.' //ag. 1. 8. I will take pleasure in it, and be g
13 9 we are g when we are weak, and ye strong Mic 7-1 I am as the grape g. of the vintage A/n/.9.8.marvelled,and g.G.-UorX 2.12.
IPet.i.iS his glory revealed, ye may beg also GLEDE. 15. 31. and they g. the God of Israel
GLAD joined with rejoice. Deite 14. 13 ye shall not eat the g. kite, vulture Lukd. 15. he taught in synagogues, being g. of all
1 CAron 16 31 let the heavens be g. and let the GLISTERING. 7. 16. there came fear on all, and they g. Ciod
earth rejoice, the Lord reigneth, Psal. 96. 11 1 Chron. 29 2. now I have prepared g. stone'» 13 13 and she was made straight, aiid g. God
Pial. g. 2. I will be g and rkjoice in thee Job 20 25. the g. sword Cometh out of his gall 17.15.theleperg God||23. 47. the centurion g.G
1* 7. Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall beg. 53.6. Luke 9 29. and his raiment was white and g. Jo/i)i7.39. 11. Ghost not given, because Jesus not g.
3i 7. I will be g and rejoice in thy mercy GLiriKR. ING 11. 4. that the Son of God might be g. thereby
32. 11. be g. and rejoice, ye righteous, 68. 3 Deui.5i 41. if I whet my g sword I will render 12.16 but when Jes. wasg. then remcinbered thty
40 16 thatsnek thee, beg a.n&Tejoici,70.i. Job 39 23 th^i g. spear rattleth against him 23. the hour is come the Son of man should be g.
48. 11. let Zion rejoice, daughters of Judah be g. i.'zf*. 21. 10. it is furbished that it may g 28. I have botlig. it, and will glorify it aiiain
90 14 that we may be g. and ryoice all our days 28 it is furbished to consume, because of the g. 13. 31. now is the Son of maug. God isg. in him
118. 24 this is the day, we will rej. and beg. in it Nah. 3 3. the horseman lil'teth up the g. spear 32. if God be g. in him, God shall glorify him
Caul. 1 4. we will be g. and rejoice in thee llai 3. 11. they went at the shining of thy g. spear 14. 13. that the Father may be g. in the Sou
Isa. 25. 9- we will rejoice and beg in his salvation GI/>OMINESS. 15. 8. herein is my Father g. that ye bear fruit
65. 18. but be you g. and rejoice for ever Joel 2. 2. a day of darkness and g Zcji/i. 1. 15. 17.4. 1 have g. thee on earth, I have finished
06. lU rej. ye with Jerusalem, and be g. with her GLURll'Y. 10. and thine are mine, and 1 am g. in them
Lam. 4. 21. r<r/uic« and beg O daughter of Edom To glorify, tignijiei t» make glorious. Kom Acts 3. 13. the God of our fathers hath g. his Sou fear not, O land, beg. andrc/oire 8. 30, Whom he justified, them he alsi 4. 21. for all men g. God for what was done
23. be g ye children of Zion, and rejoice in Lord glorified. Tims God glorijies the elect, by 11. 18. they held their peace, and g. God, saying
Hab. 1. 15. therefore they rejoice and are g adorning them silA gifts and graces in this 13. 48. G.entiles heard this, they g. word of Lord
iieph. 3. 14. be g. and rejoice, O daughter of Je- uorld, and by bringing them to the full 21.20. they of Jerusalem g. the Ixivd, and said
rusalem possession of glory and blessedness in the ether /lom. 1.21. they knew (jod, they g. him not as God
Mat, 5. 12. rejoice and De g. great is your reward world, IVhen man is said to glorify Ctod, it 0.17. if we sufTir with him, that we may be alsog.
Ats 2 26. my heart did rejoice, my tongue was g. is not to be understood as if he could add any 30. and whom he justified, tbem he also g.
Rt>v, £9- 7* beg. aod rejoiec.tiM marriage is cumc thing la Oad's iiuntial elory: But ut man ti Gal. 1. 24. uid they {, ^^
>" °>b
2 TAt4j.l. 10. whenTjf shall come to be g. mjainta of the Rabbins, art of opinion, that Moses tm'iK.iS. when I take from them joy of their;,
12. that the name of Jesus may be g. in yoa parted htm some of that lustre uhich appeared 25. 9. I will open the g. of the eounrry
S. 1. that the word of the Lord may be g. upon his countenance, after the convrrsation C6. 20. I shall set g. in the land of the living
Hei. 5. 5. so Christ;, not himself to be high-priest unich he had been admitted to with God. .Moses, 31. 18. to whom art thou thus like in g. .'
1 ftiA.ll. God in all things may lie g. thro' Jesus they say, shined like the sica. and Joshua like Dan. 2.37. God hath given thee power and g. 7.14,
the moon this was a weak and borrowed bright- 4. 36. the g. of my kingdom returned to me
14. is evH spoken of, but on yonr part he is g.

Bxv. iS. 7. bow much she hath g. herself ness. But it is to be understood of that au- 11. 39. shall acknowledge, and increase with g,
GLOKIKIETH, ING. thority, and empire, whereof he stood in need Uos.4.T. I will change their g. into shame
Ptal. 30. 23. whoso offereth praise g. me for the government of the people. Moses laid h 9. 11. as for Ephraim, their g. shall fly away

Luke 2. CO. the shepherds returned, g. God hands on him, and by this ceremony appointed 10. 5. the priests that rejoiced for the g. thereof
5. 25. he departed to his own house, g. God him for his successor in the conduct of the ilic. 1. 15. he shall come to AduUainthe j. of Isr,
18. 43. the blind man followed him, g. God Jsriielites: lie gave him his orders and in- iVa/j. 2. 9- there is none end of the store and g.
GLURY structions, that He might acjuit himself with Ilab. 2. 16. thou art filled with shame for g.
Is taJun for aorldly spUndotir and magnificenee, honour in this employment. Hag. 2. 3. who saw this house in her first g. f
.Moses earnestly begged of 7. 1 will fill this house with g. saith the Lord
uhicJt maki kings gloriimi ief'ore nun. Mat. The glory of God.
Holomon in all his glory, in all his God to shew him his glory. £xod. 33. 18, I 9. g. oC this latter house greater than of former
6. 29.
luilrt, and in his richest ornaments, was not beseech thee, shew me thy glory ;
that is, the Zech. 2. 5. I will be the g, in the midst of her
highest manifestation of thy divine glory that 8. after the g hath he sent me to the nations
tc iemuttful as a lily. Thus riclies, aulhomy,
rumplwnis iuitdings and garments, ahich men I am capable of; or that glorious shape, which, 6. 13. he shall build temple, he shall bear the g.
Mre ready to pratse, and vhich make their together with an human voice, thou hast now 11.3. their f. is spoiled, a voice of roaring of lions

possissors gtoriinu before men, are called in assumed. The heavens declare the glory of 12. 7.g. of the house of David, g. of Jerusalem
God, The visible heavens aj/'ord Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms of the world, and g. of them
toripiure glory. Psal. 4Q. Id, When the glo- Psal. 19. 1.

ry of his house is increased. By glory is matter and occasion, in respect of their vast ex- 6. 2. sound trumpet, that they may have g of men
tent, glorious furniture, and powerjul influences, 16.27. shall conieintheg.of his Father,.l/arX8.38.
meant the tongue, uhich is that peculiar
to acknowledge and admire the glorious being, 24. 30. they shall see the Son of Man coming with
tMcellency, ^therein chiefly, except reason, man
turpatses all othtr creatures. I'sal. I6. 9, My infinite power, wisdom, and goodness of God. power and great g. Alark 13. 26. Z,u.te 21. 27.
heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth Aly
'J he glory of the Lord hath filled the house of LukeZ. 14. saying, g. to God in the highest, 19. 38.
the Lord that the cloud, which was an 32. light to Gentiles, and the g. of thy people Isr.
tongue breaks out into holy boastings and is,

f-aises. .So in Psal. 108. 1, I will sing and usual token of God's glorious presence, 1 Kings 4. 6. all this power will 1 give thee, and the g.
give praise, even with my glory. The glory 8. II. Christ joyi /U.Martha, Ju/in 11.40, If thou y. 31. who appeared ing. and spake of his decease

of the king of Assyria, is his splendid princes, wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory 17. 5. with the g. which 1 had with thee
of God that is, an admirable instance of the C2. theg. thou gavest me, I have given them
brave captains, valiant commanders, and poiu. ;

trful armies, uhich uould make a gallant shew, divine power, in raising thy dead brother. The Acts 7- 2. the God of g. appeared to our father
and uherein he would glory, and boast exceed- miracles uhich our Haviour wrought, manifested 12. 23. because he gave not God the g.
ing'y. Isa. 8. 7, The Lord tringeth upon ihem his glory, or his divine power, John 2. 11. The 22. 11. when 1 could not see for the g. of light
the king of Assyria, and all his glory. Glory glory of the Lord shall be revealed, Isa. 40. 5. Hom. 4. 20. was strong in faith, giving g. to God
that is, the glorious power and goodness of God 6. 4. raised from the dead by the g. of the Father
u put Jor the ark 0/ the covenant, uhich aas
shall be manifested in the deliierance of the 8. 18. are not worthy to be compared with the g.
a glorious type and assurance of God's pre-
tence, and the great safe-guard and ornament ievifrom Kabylon, but more especially in the 9- 4. to whom pertaineth the g and covenant*
redemption of all nations by our Lord Jesus 23. which he had afore prepared unto g.
of Israel, uhith they could glory in above all
other nations. 1 Sam. 4. 21, The glory is Christ. Whether ye cat or drink, or whatso- 11 36. of him are all things,to whom beg. forever.
ever ye dn, do all to the glory of God, 1 Cor. Gal. 1. 5. 2 7i7n. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet.b.lX
departed from Israel. Rom. 9- "*, To whom
perlaincth the glory. 10. 31. that is, let the glory and honour of God 16.27. to God only wise be g. 1 Tim. 1. 17.
Glory I* put for the church, which God makes be habitually and really the chief end of all 1 Cor. 2. 7. which God hath ordained to our g
glorious, not only in his oan eyes, but even in your actions. 8. they would not have crucified the Lord of g.

the eyes of the uorld. Isa. 4. 5, Upon all Gen. 31. 1. of our father's hath he gotten all this g. 11.7. but ths woman is the g. of the man
Exod. 28. 2. make garments for Aaron (or g. 40. 15. if a woman have long hair, it is a g. to her
the glory shall be a defence ; upon all holt/
It is put for 1 Sam. 2. 8. to make them inherit the throne of g. 15.40. g. of celestial is one, theg. of the terrestriah
assemblies of sincere Christians.
41. one g. of the sun, another g. of the moon
grace, 2 Cor. 3. 18, We are changed into the 4. 21. the g. is departed from Israel, 22.
same image, from glory to glory ; growing t 21. where is the g. .' there is no p.
43. it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in g.

from me degree of glorious grace to another, 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for Lord must be otg. and fame 2 Cor. 3. 7. for the g. of his countenance, wnich g.

till it come to its perfection in eternal glory. 2y. 11. thine is greatness, power, and g. .Vat. 6.13. 9. if the ministration of condemnation beg. ibA

The apostle calls man the image and glory of Esth. 5. 11. Haman told of th< 4 of iijs riches ministration of righteousness doth exceed in g.
God, and for this reason he ought not to Job 39. 20. the g. of his nostriL is 'errible 10. had no g. by reason of the g. that excelleth.
cover his head ; that is. Since God would have 40. 10. and array thyself with g. and beauty 18. but we are all changed from g. to g.
Psal. 24.7 and the Kin?; of j. shall come in, 9. 4. 17. worketh for us an eternal weight of g.
the male sex to be a kind of representation of .

10. who is this King of g. ? the Lord is King 8. ly. administered to us to theg. of the satco Ld.
his glory, majesty, and power, q man ought not,
by hidiiiig hts face, wherein these things are 29. 3. the God of g. thundereth, Lord on waters 23. they are messengers, and the g. of Christ
moil conspicuous, to conceni the glory of God 49. 16. when the g. of his house is increased Eph. 1. 6. to the praise of the g. of his grace
ehining in him. Uavid calls God his glory, 73. 24. thou shalt afterward receive me to g. 17- the Father of g. may give you the Spirit
Psal. 3. 3, Thou art my glory ; thou art the 79- 9. help us, O God, for the g. of thy name 18. \emay know what is the riches of tne •.
Author of that royal dignity to which I am 85. 9. that g. may dwell in our land 3. 13. my tribulations for you, whiohis ynurg.
advanced Or, thou art the matter of my
.• 89- 17- for thou art the g. of their strength 21. to him beg. in the church by Christ Jesus
glorying, thou hast formerly given, and wilt 106. 20. they changed their g. into similitude Phil. which are by Christ tog. of God
1. 11. fruits,

further give me occasion of glorying or boast- 145. 11. speak of the ?. of thy kingdom 3. 19. and whose g. is iMheir shame
ing of thy power and favour to me. Glory 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. 4.19. according to bis riches in g. by Christ Jesus
is taken for the unspeakable blessedness, joy, Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall inherit^. 20. now to God and our Father be g. for ever
and felicity of the saints in heaven. I'sal. 17. 6. the g. of children are their fathers Col.l. 27. what is the riches of the g. of thismyste
73. 24, Thou bhalt guide nie with thy counsel, 20. 29. the g. of young men is their strength ry, which is Christ in you, the hope of g.
and afterwards receive me to glory. God C5. + 6. set not out thy g. io presence of the king 3. 4. then shall ye appear with him in g.
27. so for men to search their ownc. is not g 1 Thess. 2. 6. nor of men sought we g. nor of yoa
promises to be to his church a wall of fire
round about, and the glory in the midst, 28. 12. when the righteous men rejoice there is g 12. who hath called you to his kingdom andf

Zech, 2. 5. that he uould protect his church /ja.2.10.hide thee for the g. of his majesty, 10. 21 Co. for ye are our g. and joy
and that his presenci and power should make 4. t 2. branch of the Lord shall be beauty and g. 2 Thess. 1.9. punished from ie g. of his power
her glorious. It is put for the presence of God, 5. for upon all the g. shall be a defence 2. 14. to the obtaining of the g of our Lord
5. t 13. and their g. are men of famine 1 Tim. 3. 16. seen of angels, received up into g.
I'sal 63. 2.
When the Israelites forsook God in the wilder- 14. their g. and pomp shall descend unto it 2 Tim. 2. 10. salvation in Christ, with eternal g.
10. 3. and where will ye leave your g. t lleh. 2. 10. in bringing many sons tog. to make
ness, they changed their glory into the simili-
tude of an ox that eateth grass, Psal. 106. CO. 12. I will punish the g. of his high looks 3. 3. this man was counted worthy
of more g.
They changed their glory ; that is, their God, 18. and shall consume the ;. of his forest y. 5. over
the cherubims of g. shadowing

uho was indeed their glory, into the golden 11. + 10. a root of Jesse, his rest shall be g. Jam. 2.1. the our Lord Jesus, the Lord of g.
faith of
13. 19. Babylon the g. of kin^jd. shall be as Sodom 1 I'd. 1.8. rejoice with joy unspeakable, full of g.
image of an ox or calf. Joshua speaking to
Achan says, Give glory to God, Josh. ' IQ. .
14. 18. all of them lie in g. each in hib house testified the g. that should follow
Confess the truth, and ascribe unto God the 16. 14. the g. of Moab shall be conie-.nned 21. that God raised him up, and gave him g.
glory of his omniscietut in knowing thy 17.3. they shall be as thej. of the children of Isr. 24. and all the g. of man, as the (lower of grasi
tin, and 4. that the g. of Jacob shall be msde thin 2 CO. for what g is it, if when ye be buffeted *
of his justice in punishing thee
according to thy deter t. JVhen God thought 20. 5. they shall be ishamed of Egyjjt their g. 4. 14. the Spirit of g and of God resteth on you

Jit to call his servant Moses to himself, 21. 16. and all the g. of Kedair .^nali fail 5. 1. a partaker of the g. that shall be revealed
he directed hin to go up to moimt Abarim, and C2. 24. shall hang on him g. of his Father's house 10. hath called us to eternal g by Christ Jesus
die there. Num. 27. IC, &c. Moses hereupon 23. 9- hath purposed to stain the pride of all g. 2 I'et. 1. 3. that hath called us tog and virtue
desired of God that he would prox ide a man uho 24. 16. we heard songs, even g. to the righteous 17- came such a voice to him from excellentg.
should be set over the multitude. The Lord t 23. there shall be g. before his ancients 3. 18. to him beg both now and ever, Her. 1. 6.
therefore commanded him to take Joshua, the 35. 2. the g. of Lebanon shall be given to « Jiide 25. to the only wise God our Saviour be g-
ton of Nun, saying. He is a man who is filled 61.6. in their g. ye shall boast yourselves Pen. 4. 11. thou art worthy to receive g. 5. 12.
with the Spirit, lay thine hand upon him, and 66. 11. be delijhted with the abundance of her g. 7. 12. blessing and g. and wisdom be to our God
give hill a charge in the pr««ence of the mul- 12. the g. of the Gentiles as a flowing stream 11.13. remnant were affrighted, and gave g. toGod
titude, and put some of thine honour, i»« He- Jer. 2. 11. but my people have changed their g. See ChOWN, Hunuur, Vai.n.
brew, of thy glory or splendour, upon him. The 13. 11. that they might be to me for a g. Give GLORY.
gutstion is, uhat glory this was, uhich Moses 18. shall come down, even tne crown of your g. Josh. 7. 19. my son, givt g. to tht Ood of Israel
tommunicattd fo JosLua. Oikelos, ati4 some Ltek SO. 6. which is the g. of all laods, Is I Sam. 6 5. ye shall gi'rcf. to the Cod oi IsraeJ
ICfa-on. 16. 28. give to the Lord g. give to Lord g. £w(J.ft.l7.the g. of Lord was like devouring fire iCof.Sl.he thatflorJethg.inthe Lord, tCor. 10 17.
»nd streDgth,29. Pm/. 29.1,2. 96 7,8.J«r.l.3 lO.
| 40.34 the g. of the lard filled the tabernacle, 35. 3. 21. there fore, let no man e. in men, all are yours
Pial. &i. 11. the Lord will give grace and g Leo. (». 6. the g. of the Lord shall appear unto you 4.7 why dost thou g. as if tioa hadst not receiv»4
115. 1. not to US, bat to thy name fire th g A'um. 14.21. earth shall be filled with g. of the Lord 9 16. though I preach, I have nothing to g. of
Isa. 42. 12. l«t them give g. unto the Lord I Kings V>. 11. the g of the Lord fi-Ued the house, 2 Cor 5. 12. give occasion tog. on our behalf; to
Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not lay it to heart \.o give g. 2 Chr 5. 14. 7 1, 2, 3
| Eiek. 43 5 44 4
| answer them who g. in appearaoce, not in
tuie 17. 18, that returned to give g. to God Px 104 Sl.theg. of the Lord shall endure for ever heart
Hev. 4. 9. vfiien those beasts give g and honour l.'i8. 5. for great is the g of (he Lord 11 12. wherein they g they may be found as we
14. 7- fear God, and give g to him, worship him Tsa 35 2. they shall see the g of the Lord 18. seeing many g. after the flesh, I will g. also
16- 9- were scorched, and repented not to giie g. 40 5 and theg. of the Lord shall be revealed 30. if 1 must needs g. I will g. of my infirmities
GLORY 0/ God. 58 8. the g of the L^rd shall be thy rereward 12. 1. it is not expedient for me doubtless to g
Ptal. 19. 1. the heavens declare the g of God 60 1 and the g. of the L^rd is risen upon thee 5 of such an one will I g of myself I will not ^.

Prev. 25. 2. it is the g of God to conceal a thing Lzek 1 28 appearance of the likeness of g. of Lord 6. for though I would desire tog. I shall not be a f.
£»«*. 8. 4. theg. o/'the Gorf of Israel was there 3 12 blessed be the g </ M« £orrf from his place 9. therefore I will rather g. in mine infirmiliej
9. 3. the g. of God was gone up from the cherub 23 and behold, the g. of the Lord stood there Ga/ circumcised, that they may Hesii
10. 19. theg.o/" Gorf was over them above, n 22 10. 4. theg of the Lord went np from the cherub 14 G. forbid I shonldg.savcin the cross of Jesus
43.2. the g. of God came from the way . f .iic east )8 g «^ Me i-orrf departed from the threshold 2 Thess. 1.4. that we you in churches
Johnll. 4. this sickness is for the g. of God ] 1 23. the g of the Lord went up from the city Jam. 119- let the brother of low degree g.
40. if believe, thou shouldest sec the g of God 43 4 the g of the Lord Clime into the house 3. 14 if ye have envying in your hearts, g. not
Acts 7. 55. Stephen looked up and saw the g ofG //ai. 2, 14 filled with knowledge of g of the Lord GLORIEST.
Rom. 3 23. all sinnedandcw.neshortoftheg ifG Luke 2 y g of the Lord shone round about them Jer. 40. 4. wherefore g. thou iu the valleys ?
5. 2. we rejoice in hope of the g of God iCor 3 18. beholding as in a glass g of the Lord GLORIETII.
15. 7- as Christ also received us to the g of Cod Thy GLORY Jer.g.Qi. let him 1 Car. 1.31. 8 Cor.lO.i7.
that g
1 Cor. 10. 31. ye eat or drink, dn all to the /. of G. Exod .33 18 he said, [ beseech thee shew me ihyg Jam 2. t13. and mercT g. against judgment
11. 7- for a man is the image and g of God Psal. 8 1. who hast set thy g above the heavens GLORYING.
2Cor.l.20. promises in him yea and amen, tog ofG 45 3 gird thy sword on thy thigh with thy g 1 Cor. 5. 6. your g. is not good, a little leaven
4. 6. the light of the knowledge of the g of God 57 5 let j/(yg. be above all the earth,ll | 108.5. than that any man should make my g. void
9. 15,
15. thanksgiving of many redound lo g of God 63 2. to see thy power and thy g. as I have seen 2 CV. 7.4. great is my boldness, great my ". of you
PAH.l 11. which zire by Christ to the g of God 90 16. let thy g appear unto their children 12, 11 I am become a fool iu g. ye compelled me
2.11 confess that Jesus is Lord to the g of God 102 15 and all the kings of the earth Thy g. I J'hets C t 39.what isourcrownof g. f are not ye
Rev. 15.8 temple filled with smoke from g of God Isa. 22.18 the chariots of i/iit g. shall be the shame GLUTTON, S.
91. 11. the holy Jerusalem, having theg of God 60.19 thyGod//iyg ||62 2 kings shall sec /Ay g Dent 21 20 this is our son, is a e. and a drunkard
S3, no need of the sun.g of God did lighten it 63. 15 behold from the habitation of t/iy g. Prov. 23 21 drunkard auidg. shall come to poverty
His GLORY. Jer 14. 21. do not disgrace the throne of thy g 28 t 7- he that feedeth g. shameth his father
Deut. 5. 24. the Lord our G hath shewed us his g. 48. 18 come down from thy g and sit in thirst GLUTTONOUS.
36 17. Ais g like the firstling of a bullock JJni 2 16 and shameful spewisg shall be on f/iyg. Mat 11 19. they said, behold a man g. LiiieJ.Si.
1 C/ir.l6.S4.decIarethAiig amongbeath Ps. <J6 3 Murk 10 3* the other on thy left hand in thy g. GNASH.
Psal. 21. 5. his g is great in thy salvation GLORIOUS. 112.19. he shall g. with his teeth, and melt away

29. 9- in his temple doth every one speak oi his g Eiod. 15. 6. thy right hand,0 Lord, is become g. Lam. 2. 16. all thine enemies hiss and g. the teetb
49- 17. his g shall not descend after him 11. who is like thee, O Lord, g in holiness GNASHED
72. 19. let the whole earth be filled with hii g Detit 28. M. that thou mayest fear this g name Psal. 35. 16. they g. upon me with their teeth
78. 61. delivered hit g into the enemies' hand 2 Sam 6 20. how g. was the king of Israel to-day I
^ctt 7 51. and they g. on him with their teeth
89. 44. thou hast made hit g to cease 1 Chron 29-13 we thank and praise thy g name GNASHETH.
97. 6. and all the people see his g. Neh. y 5. blessed be thy g name which is exalted Job 16. 9 he g on me with his teeth. Psal. 37. 12.
102. 16. when L. build Zion, shall appear in /iixg Psal. 29 t 2. worship Ld in g. sanctuary, g6 +9. Mark 9. 18 he foameth and g. with his teeth
113. 4. and his g above the heavens, 1 18 13 45 13 the king's daughter is all g. within GNASHING
Prov. 19. 11- it is his g to pass over transgression 66 2. sing forth his honour, make his praise g. Mat 8 12, there shall be weeping and g. of teeth.
Jsa. 3. 8. to provoke the eyes of his g 72 J 9 and blessed be his g name for ever 13.42,50. 1 22.13. 24.51
| 25.30. Ltke 13.25.

6. 3. one cried, the whole earth is full of Ms g "6 4 thou artmoreg. than the mountains of prey GNAT
8. 7. the king of Assyria and his s shall come up 8" 3 g things are spoken of thee, O city of God ilf«r 23.24 whostrainatag. and swallow a camel
10. 16. under hit g he shall kindb a burning 111 3 his work is honourable and g. GNAW
59. 19. shall fear his g. from rising of the sua 145 5 I will speakof theg. honour-ot thy majesty Zeph. 3.3, her judges g. not the bones till the morrow
60.2, and Ai\r g shall be seen upon thee 12 to make known theg. majesty of his kingdom GNAWED
Jer. 22.18. not lament, saying, ah lord, or ah his g Isa 4 2 the branch of the Lord shall be g. Rev. 16. 10 and they g. their tongues for pain
Euk. 4<J. 2. and the earth shined with his g II 10 be a root of Jesse, and his rest shall be g. GO
Dan. 5. 20. and they took his g. from him 22 23. he shall be for ag throne to his F. house To go down, and go up; We go up to Jerusalem,
Hab.3. 3. God came, hit g covered the heavens 28 1 whose g beauty is a fading flower Mat 20. 18 lie goes down to Jericho, Luke
Jlfa<. 6. 29. Solomon in all his g LuieK 27. 4. the g. beauty which is on head of the fat valley 3010.Abraham went up out of Egypt, Gen.
19. 28. Son of man shall sit in his ; Luke 9 26. 30 SO.the Lord shall cause hisg. voice to be heard 13 1. Jacob went down into Egypt, Gen.
LukeQ. 32. when they were awake, they saw /iiVg. 33 21 theg. Lord will be to us a place of streams Go up to Ai, Josh. 7 3. He went
46. 3.
24. 26. to have suffered, and to enter into liis g 49- 5 yet shall I be g in the eyes of the Lord down to Cesarea, Acts 12 19. By all akick
John 1. 14. we beheld his g. the glory as of <he only Co, 13. I will make the place of my feet g. nothing more is meant, than that ihey went to
2. 11 thus did Jesus, and manifested forth his g. 63 1 who is this that is g. in his apparel ? Jerusalem, into Egypt, to Jericho, Ai, and Ce
7. 18. but he that seeketh his g that sent him 12. that led them by Moses with his g arm sarea ; but the situation of the place they were
12.41. these things said Esaias, when he saw his g 14. didst lead people to make thyself a g. name going to, is described by the uordt going up and
Rom.3.7. hath abounded through my lie unto hisg Jer. 17 12. ag, high throne from the beginning going down.
9. 2C. might make known the riches of his g Exek 27 25 made very g. in the midst of the seas To go down into hell, or scheol ; to go dotim to
Eph. 1 12. should be to the praise of his g 14 Dan. 11, 16 and he shall stand in the g. land the grave, the place where the dead are. Psal.
3. 16. grant you according to the riches of hisg 41 he shall enter also into the g. land 55. 15, Let them go down quick into nell ;

Ueh. 1. 3. who being the brightness of his g 45 between the seas in the g. holy mountain Let them go down alive into the grate ; cut
1 Pet. 4. 13 that when his g. shall be revealed Luke 13 17 people rejoiced for the g things done them off by a sudden aiid violent death, like
Jude 24. present you before the presence of his g liom.8 21 intotheg. liberty of the children of G. Korah, Dathan, <j«rf Abinim. The dead praise
Rev. 18. 1 the earth was lichtened with his g
. 2 Cor. 3 7 if ministration engraven in stones wasg. not the Loril, neither any that go down into
My GLORY 3 8. the ministration of the Spirit be rather g. silence; in:o the grave, Psal. 115. 17. All
Gen. 45. 13 tell my father of all "ly g in Egypt 4 4. lest light of g gospel should shine to them they that go down to the dust, shall bow bo.
£jorf.29.43. tabernacle shall be sanctified by my g Z-;>/i,5.27 he might present it to himself a g. church fore him, Psal. 22 29. Such as are poor, and
33. 22. while my g passeth by, I will put ihe'e 7^Ai7.3.21.thatit maybe fashioned like to hisg. body in great misery and distress, shall own, tuhmit
Jfvm. 14. 22. those men which have seen my g. Co/. 1 11. strengthened according to his g^power unto, and adore Christ as their supreme Lord.
Job 19- 9- h* hath stript me of my g and taken 1 VVm.l.ll.'accordingtotheg gospel of blessed G. 'Ihey who go down into the sea, are the mer-
29. 20. my g. was fresh in me, my Bow renewed 'i'l/. 2. 13. looking for the g. appearing of the great G. chants or mariners uho make voyages upon the sea,
V*al. 3. 3. thou art my g and lifter up of my head "gloriously. I'sal. 107. 23. Jonah says, mat he went down
4. 2. how long will ye turn my g. tnio shame ? F.iod 15 1. iing to the Lord, he hath triumphed g. to the very bottoms of the mountains that is, ;

16. 9. my g. rejoiceth 30 12. my g. may sing

'| Iia 24. 23. the Ld. shall reign before his ancients g, to the bottom of the sea, uhere the mounlaitit
57.8. awake up my g. 162.7 in God my g.
is GLORY, rer/>. have their basis and foundation, Jonah S. 6.
106. 1. 1 will smg and give praise with mv ? Erod.d. 9. g over me, when shall I entreat for thee Ste on Hell.
J/(».42.R. my g. will I not give to another, 48 11. 2 hings 14. 10. g. of this, and tarry at home. To go in and out, sif^nijies all the actions of life.
43. 7. for 1 have created him for my g. 1 Chr 16. 10. g. ye in his holy name, Psal. m5. 3. I'sal. 121. 8, The Lord shall preserve thy
46. 13. I will place salvation for Israel, my g 35. we may give thanks, and g, in thy praise going out and thy coming in He shall guard :

60. 7. I will glorify the house of my g. /*xa/.63. 11. every one that sweareth by hini shall g. and assist thee in all thy expeditions, affairs,
66. 18. and tticy shall come and see mu g 64. 10. and all the upright in heart shall g. and actions, either at home or abroad. And in
19. have not seen my g they shall declare my g. 106. 5. that I m.i.y g. with thine inheritance 2 Sam. 3. 25, .-Untr came to know thy goinfj
Etek. 39. 21. I will set mu g. among the heathen Isa. 41. 16. and shalt g. in the holy One of Israel out and thy coming in to search out ihe

Mic. 2. 9. from children nave ye taken away my g. 45. 25. in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel g. counsels and secret designs. To go in and out,
John 8. 50. and I seek not mine own g. one seeks Jer. 4. 2 bless in him, and in him shall they g. denotes also freedom and tecuriiy, John 10. !>.
17. 24. be with me, that they may behold my g. 9. 23. let not the wise, mighty, the rich man g He shall go in and out, and find pasture 7Ie
GLORY of the Lord. 24. let him g. in this, that he knoweth me shall hate much tpiriti-ol freedom and securil^i
Exad. ]6. 7. in morning ye shall see g. of the Lord Ixom. 4. 2. he hath whereof to g.but not before God of mind. To go into a woman's chamber, tr>
10. the g. of the Lord appeared in the cloud. Lev. 5. 3. not only so, but we g. in tribulations also enter her apartment, was allowable only for her
9. 23 Num. 14. 10. I6. 19,42.
I 40. 6. | 15.17-1 have therefor" whereof I m.iyg.thro'Jesus husband, Judg. 15. 1. To go in unto her, that
£4. 16. the g. of the Lord bbode OD moiuK Sinai 1 Cor. 1 2p. that 00 flesh should g. in his presence It, to use Ihe marriage bed, or the particular

rifhtt which the husband claims over hit loife't 1 Kings 12. 27. shall kill me, and^fo to Rehoboam Luie 10. 37. then said Jesus, go and do likewise
pirim. Gen. CQ. 2:?. |
30. 3. 13. 17. nor turn to go by the way thou camest 1-1. 18. I bought ground and must needs go indsee
Cen. 3. 14. ou thy belly shah thou go, and eat dust 20. 42. because thou hast let go a man appointed 22. 33. I am ready to go with thee to prisoQ
iC. 8. whence earnest thou ? whillier wilt thou ro T 22. 4. wilt thou go with rae to battle ? 2 CV.r. 18. 3, 6 8. you will noi answer me, nor let me go
34. 42. if now thou do prosperniy way which
I ^o C Kings 3. 7- wilt thou go with me against Moab .'
23. 22 1 will chastise him, and let h;m go
55. abide a few days, after t1iat Uet'ekahsliall go 4.23. wherelo:e wilt thou go to him to-day? JoUn 6 68 Peter said. Lord, lo whom shall we go.
5t'i. Send [ may go to my master
me away, that 6.22. set bread and water, that they may go and eat 7. 33 and tlien I go unto him that sent tee
58. wilt thou 5« with this man r she said, I will go 10. 24. he letteth him go, his life be for him 8. 14, but 1 know whence I came and whither I^.
t6. l6. and Abimelechsaid to Isaac, go from us 18. 21. it will go into band and pierce it, Isa. 36.6 21 1 go my way. whither 1 go ye cannot come
£8. CO. if God will keep me in this way that I go -'
(7/r. 14. 11. iu thy name we go ag this nmltiludc 1 1 44. .lesus saith, loose him, and let him go

30. C5. send me away that I may go to my place Co. 7. let not the army of Israel go with thee 13. 36 whither 1 go thou canst not follow now
32.StJ. let m." go, for ihe day breaketh and Jacob ; 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for battle 14. 2 I go to prepare a place for yon
said, I will not let thee go, except thnu bless Jof> 6. 18. they go to nothing and perish <! whither 1 go ye kr.ow, the way ye know
3T. .30. the child is not, and I, whither shall I go? 10.21. before 1 go whence slia'l not return, 16.22 12. because 1 go unto my lather, 16. 10.
4,1. 8. send lad with nie, and we will arise, and go 20. 26. it bhallgo ill with him that islel't in tabern. 28. because I said, I go to the I'ather, 16. 17, Sfl-

£jO(/.3.1<l.king of Egypt will not let you gii,4. CI. CI 29. have ye not asked them that jo by the way
. 19. 12. the Jews cried if thou let this mango
CO. and after that he will let you go, 11. 1. 27. 6. my righteousness 1 will not let go 21 3 I go a fishing, they say, we also go with thee
}! that when ye go, ye shall "not go empty
. I 'sill. 32. 8. and leach thee in the way thou shall go Acts 1. 25 that he might go to bis own place
4. C.'.. let my
son 50, if thou refuse to let h mi go, I 39. 13. before I go hence, and be no more 3. 13 when he was determined to let him go
will slay ihy first-born, 8. C, CI. 9. C. 10.4. | |
42. 9- I will s.ty to God, why go 1 mourning, 43.2 4. CI. when hadliireatened them, they let them gt he let him go, then she said, a bloody husb. 49- 19. lie shall go to the generation of his fathc-r; C3 being let go they went to their company
5.1 thus saith the Lord God of I srael let my peo-
. , 84.7. they go from strength to strength, till appear 5 40 that they should not speak, and let them go
fle^o, 7. IC. I 8. l.CO. 9. 1, 13. 10.3 I I
85. 13. righteousness shall go before him 11 C2 that llarnabas should go as far as Antioch
C. I know not the Lord, nor will 1 let Israel ^o iig. 14. mercy and truth shall go before thy face 16.7 they essayed to go into bythynia, but Spirit
J!. 8. and I will let thy peoplf go, 28. 9. C8. |
107 7- that they might go to a city of habitation 35, magistrates sent, saying, let those men go
3C. Pharaoh hardened his heart, neither would he l'>2.7 wewillgo into his tabernacles, will worship 17.9. haJ taken security oiif Jason, they let them go
let the people JO, 7. 14 9.35. 10 CO, 27. | |
13y. 7 whithershall 1 go from thy presence ? 20 C2. I go bound in ihe Spirit to Jerusalem
30.7 .let the men go|i8 who are they that shall go ? I'lov 2. 19. none that go unto her return again C5. 12. hast appealed to Cesar ,to Cesar shall thou gc
9. we will go with our young and with our old ''. 28. go and come
again, to-morrow I will give 28. 18. had examined me, would have let me g«
13 21. light to go by day and night, J\VA. 9.12,19. /Voi. 6. 28. can one goon hot coals, not be burnt; Rom. 15. 25. but now I go Jerusalem, to minister
4. 5. that we have let Israel go from serving ns 9. 15. to call passengers who go right on their way 1 Cor. 6. 1. dare you go to law before the unjust?
+25. chariot-wheels, and made them go heavily 14. 7. go from the presence of a foolish man 10. C7 if any bid, and y s be disposed logo

17. 5. Lord said to Moses, go on before the people 15. 12. neitherwill the scornergo to the wise 16. 4. if it be meet that I go also, they snail go
C."!. 23. mine Angel shall go before thee, 32. 34. ty.7; much more do his friends go far from him 2 Cor. 9. 5. exhort the brethren that they go before
32. 28. make us gods to go before \x%,Acls'J 40. 22. 6. »rain up a child in the way he should go Phil. 2. 23 as I shall see how it will go with me
.'3. 14. he said, my presence shall go with thee 2 t. 30. they that go to seek niixt wine Jam.i 13 we will go into such a city and buy
34.9. if I have found m
sight, go amongst ns 30. eg. there be three things which go well Hee Frkk,
Num. JO. 32. and it shall*be, if thou go with us /.<(/. 1. 17 rivers come, thither they return logo GO aside.
SO. 17. we will go by the king's high-way, ig. 3. CO all go unto one place, all arc of the dust Kiwi. 5 IC. if any man's wife go astat and comndt
22. 13. the Lord refuseth to give me leave logo 5. 15. naked shall he return to go as he came, 16 Dent. 28. 14. thou shall notgoajriVf from words
ao.if men call thee, rise up, and jn with them, 35. <i. 6 hath seen no good, do not all go to one place Jtr. 15. 5. who shall go aside to ask how thou dost
94. 14. and now behold, I go unto my people 7 2. it is better to go to the house of mourning .'iclsi. 10. when ihey commanded them logo asidi.
31 C3. shall make it go through the fire and water g. 3. and after that, they go to the dead GO n.firay.
32. 6. shall your brethr. go to war, and ye sit here r 10. 15. because he knoweth not how to go to city Dent. 11. thou shall not see brother's ox go astray
1 .

17. but we will go ready armed before Israel 12. 5. and the mourners go about the streets I'snl. 58 they go aj/ray as soon as they beboru
Dene. 1.33 to shew you by what way ye should so Cant. 3. 4. I held him, I would not let him go /Voi greatness of his foUyhe shall go astraii
4.5. in land whither ye?!), 26. 11.8,11 .30.18. I |
hn. 3. 16. walking and mincing as they go 7 25. decline not toher ways.go not /(i/rayiulopatn
40. that it may go well with thee, 5. I6. ig. 13. | 6. 8. whom shall I send, and who will go for us ? 28. 10. whoso causeth the righteous to go asiray
11. 28. a curse, it ye go after o»her gods, 28. 14. g. he said, go and tell this people, Ads 28. 26. Jcr. 50. 6. their shepherds caused them lo go astray
£0. 5. let him g(»-and return to his house, (J. 7, 8 27.4. I wouldgo through them, I would burn them Ltek. 14.11. house of Israel may go no more asSTau
Jl. 14. then thou shaltlet her gu whither she will 28. 13. that they might go and fall backward an ay GO
22. 7 thou shall in anywise let the dam go 45. 13. he shall let go my captives, not for price r.xod. 8. S8. only you shall not go very tax amay
24. 2. she may go and be another man's wife 48. 17. leadeth thee by the way thou shouldest go Vent. 15. 13. thou shall nol let bim go aaav empty
31. 6. thy God, he it is that doth go with thee 58. 8. thy righteousness shall go before thee 16. if he say, I will nol go ariay from thee
7. for thou must gii with this people to the land 62.10. go thro" go thro' the gates, prepare the way 1 Sam. 15. 27. as Samuel turned aboiu logo aaay
8. the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee Jer. 1.7. thou shall go to all that I send thee 24. 19. find his enemy, will he let him go auayT
16. the land whither they go to be amongst them 9- 2. 1 might leave my people, and go from them Job 4. 21. doth not their excellency go aicayt
21.1 know their imagination they go about 12. +2. they have taken root, they go on 15. 30. by breath of his mouth shall hegouaay
Joih. 1. 16. whither thou sendest us we will go 29. 12. ye shall go and pray to me, 1 will hearken Jer. 5 1 50. ye that escaped the sword, go a-xaj

3. 4. ye may know the way by which ye must go 31. 22. how long wilt thou go about, O daughter llvs. 5. 14. I, even I, will tear and go away
Jvdg. 1. 25. but they let go the man and his family .34. 3 thou shall go to liabylon, Mic. 4. 10. Mat. 8. 31. suffer us to go a.ray into the swine
4. 8. if thou wilt go with me, then I will go 40. 4. whither it seemeth good to go, there go, 5. 25. 46. these go auay into everlasting punishment
6. 14. the Lord said to him, to in this thy might 5. he gave him reward, and let ihim go Jo/ih6. 67. then said Jesus, will ye also go aisayt
7.4.of whom I say, this shall jo, the sairie shall go 15. saying, let me go, and I will slay Ishmael 14.28. ye have beard bow I said, I go auiay, 16.7
11.8. we turn to thee, that thou mayestgn with us 42.22. ye shaU die, in place whither ye desire togo his nay. GO
16. 17. if I be shaven, then my strength will go 46. 22. the voice thereof shall go like a serpent Jiidg. 19. 27. her lord rose up and went to go hit w,
16. 5 whether our way we go shall be prosperous :'
48. +2.0 Madman, the sword shall go after thee GO their :eay
6. before the Lord is your way wherein ye go 50. 4. they shall go and seek the Lord their God JuIm 18. 8. if ye seek me, let these go their uay
9. be not slothful to ge. to possess the land 33. held them fast, they refused to let them go GO (hy ti'ay
10. when ye go 19. hold thy peace, go with us
\\ Ezei. 1. 12. whither the Spirit was to go, CO. Gen. 12. 19. behold thy wife, take her, go thy uay
19. 25. when day began to spring, they let her go 8. 6. that I should go far from my sanctuary 1 Ham. 20.22. go thy Kay, the Lord hath sent
Biil/i 1. 11. turn again, why will ye go with me ? g. 4. go through 'he midst of the city, 5. 2 Kings 4. 29. be said, take my staff, and go thy u,
18. she saw she wa.s stedfas'ly minded to go 1 4. t 17. or if i say, sword, go through the land Eecl. 9. 7. go t/iy uay eat thy bread with joy
S.C.Iet me go to thi field and glean, 50 my daught. 20. 29. what is the high place whereto ye go t Cant. 1 .8. go thy way fonh by footsteps of the
1 .Sam. 5. 11. let it go again to its own place 21. 16. go thee one way orother, either on right Van. 12.9. go thy :iay, for the words are closed tip
6.6. did they not let people go T and ihey departed tios. 5. 6. ihey shall go with flocks to seek the Lord 13. go thy way till ihe end be, for thou shall rest
8. take the ark, send it away, that it may go 7. 11 they call 'o Kgypt, they go to Assyria Mat. 5.24. go thy uay, be reconciled to thy brother
9.6. let us go thither, he can shew us our way 12. when they sh.iilgowill spread my net on them a. 4. go thy way, sbew thyself to the priest
7. if we go what shall we bring the man' 11.3. I taught Ephraim also togo, they knew not 20. 14. take that thine is, and go thy wav
19. go up before me, to-morrow 1 will let thee go .l/(f .5. 8. Avho, if he go through, both treadelh down Mark"!. 29. he said, for this s.aying, go thy nay
10. 9. when he turnetl his back to go from .Sanmel '/ech, 6. 7. the bay went forth, and sought to go 10 21. go thy uay, sell whatsoever thou
12. 21. for then should ye go after vain things 8. these go towards north, have quieted my spirit 52. go thy K. faith made thee whole, Lukt 17. IQ.
16. 2. how can Igot if Saul hear it he will kill me 8. 21. inhabitants of one city shall go to ano'her John 4. 50. Jesus saith, go thy way, thy son livelh
1, .JS.thouart not able to gu against this Philistine 23 we will go with you. for we have heard Hcts 9. 15. go thy may, for he is a chosen vessel
TB. C. Saul sfonld let him go no more home 9. 14. and shall go with whirlwinds of the south 24. 25. I'elix answered, go thy tcay for this time
jg. !7. he said, let me go, why should I kill thee > Met. C. 22. Joseph was afraid to go thither your uay.GO
iO.5. outlet me go, that I may hide myself in field 5.41 .compel thee tog» a mile, go twain. Lukel. 8. Cen. 19. 2. ye shall rise up and go on your reayt
£3. 13. David and his men went whither could go 8. 9. and 1 say lo this man, go, and he goeth Jo>h 2. 16. afterward go your uay, Judg. I9. S.
S6. 19. driven n.e out, saying, ^0 serve other gods 32. he said to them, go, they went into the herd l<uih 1. 12. turn again my daughters,
go vour teayt
28.7. a woman, that I may go andennuire of her 9. 1.3. but go ye learn what that meaneth A<?/V.8^10. goyour a. eat the fat, drink the sweet
tSam. 12. 23. 1 shall go to him, he shall not return 10.6. go rather to the lost sheep of house of Israel Mat. 27. 65. goyour ui, make it as sure as you can
13. 13. whither shall I cause my shame to got 21. 30. he answered, I go sir, and went not -^^"'* II- 1. go your uay into village over against
35. 7. Absalom said, let me go and pay my vow 25. 9 but go rather to them that sell, and buy 16. 7. go your »ay, tell his disciples that he goeUl
CO. seeing I go whither 1 may, return thou 2(5. 36. sit ye here, whiJe I go and pray yonder Luke"!. 11. go your ui. tell John what things ye heard
17 11. that thou go to battle in thy person 28.10. go, tell my brethren that they go 10 Galilee 10.3.go your ways, I send you as 'ambs am.wolve»
19. 36. thy sen-ant will go a little way over 19- so ye therefore and teach all nations 10. they receive you not, go your ways to streets
1U_. 11. that is for David, let him go after Joab MarkG.a.go and see 11. 6. and they let them go II A'tp. 16.1. go your uay/, pour out the vials of
I Ai>igj2.2. I fo ilie way of all the earth, be strons l.ukeV.l"! shall go before bim in the powerof EUas
11.21. let me depart, that I may go to my country
GO iack.
y. 51. be stedfastly set his face togo to Jerusalem F.tod. 14. 21. the Lord caused the sea togo iiKi
SS. soliiDg, buwbcit, lei me to ia any wim &), bat^vtbouaudureach thekiogdomofOod Josh, 23, 12. else if ye do io any wisest bad

JuJg. 1 1.35. I opened my month, I eanoot go teek Ztek. 6 5. these are toe fotir spirits which goforihl I5am. 20.42. Jonathan said to David, ge in piatt
IKingsig.iO.go t. again, whit havt I done to thee r 6. black horses go forth into the north country £5. 35. David said to Abigail, go up in peace
2 Kings 20.9. sha'.l the shadow go b. ten degrees ? 14.3. then shall the Lord go /br//i and fight £9. 7. A.chish said to David, go in peace
Psal. 80. 18. so will not we go iitck from thee !Ual. 4.2. ye shall go forth and grow up as calves 2 Sam. 15.,0. the king said to Absalom, go inpeac*
Jcr. 40. 5. go /laeklo Gedaliah, son of Ahikam Alal. 24.26. behold, he is in the desert, go not forth \ Kings 2.6. let not his hoary head go down inpeact
£i4t. 24. 14. I will not eo back, nor •will 1 spare Acls 16. 3. him would Paul have to go forth 2 Kings 5. I9. Elishasaidto N aaman, go in peace
doicn. Hti. 13. 13. let us go forth to him without the camp ha 57. +2. he shall go in peace they shall rest
Gen. 1 1. 7. let asgo d. and confound their 1 anguage Rev. 16. 14. the spirits of devils which go forth Ttfar* 5.34. go in peace, and be whole of thy plague
18. 21. I will go lioten now, and see whether GO
forward. Lnkel.50. faith hath saved thee, go in ;)caf(;.8.4tt
S6. 2. t-he Lord said, go not down into Egypt Ezod. 14.15. speak to Israel that they go forward t-icts 15. 33. they were let go in peace from brethre»

43. 3. if ihou wilt not send him, we will not go d. iViim. 2. 24. they shall gofoiward in the third rank Lei us GO.
44. 26. we cannot go down, then will we go dbun 2 A'iHgf 20. 9. shall shadow go_/orwarrf ten degrees.' Gen. 37. 17. 1 heard themsay,/«/ us go to Dothan
46. S. fearnot, Jacob, logo rfoaJn into Egypt Job 23. 8. behold, I gofortcard, but he is not there Ezod. 3.18. now let us go three days' journey, 5. 3-
Etod. 19.21. Lord said, go doum, charge the people GO
in, or iH/o, or not GO i«. 5. 8. therefore they say, iei us go sacrifice, 17.
JV7<m. 16. 30. and they go dozen quick ir'to the pit Gnj. 11.31. from Ur,to go into landof Canaan,12.5 13. 15. when Pharaoh would hardly let us go
Deut. 24. 15. nor shall the sun go doicn on his hire Ezod. 30. 20. when go into tabernacle, shall wash Vent. 13. 2. let zis go after other gods, 6. 13.
Joih. 10. H. sun hasted not to go doan about a day 32. 27. go in and out from gate to gate thro' camp 1 Sam. 9.9. thus he spake, let us go to the seer, IC.

Jxdg. 7.10. if thou fear to go down, go with Phurah Lev 10.9. do not drink wine, when ye go into tabern. 11. ii. let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom
1 Sam. 10. b. thou shalf g. doyjt before nic toGilgal 14. 36. empty the- house, before the priest go in 14. 1. let us go over to the Philistines' garrison,6.
14. .S6. let us go down after Philistiries hy night 21. 11. neither shall he go into any dead body
2 Kings 6.2. iet us go to Jordan, take thence a beai»
23. 4. g. doKft to Keilah, I will deliver Philistines £3.only he shall not go in to the vail or near altar Psal. 122. 1. let fis go into the bouse of the Lord
26. 6. who will go doun with me to Saul ? A'l/m. 4. 19. Aaron and his sons shall go in and sp Isa. 2. 3. let us jgo up to the mountain of the Lord
29. 4. let him not go dovm with us to battle 90. but they shall not go in to see when holy thing; Jer. i. 5. let us go into the defenced cities

8 Ham. 11.8. David said, go dou:yi to thy house 8. 15. and after that shall the Levites go in 6. 5. let us go by night and destroy her palaces
10. why didst thou not go dozen to thine house ? 27. 17. which may go out, and go in before them 35.11.j£/i(i go to Jerusalem for fearofChaldeani
I5.!r0.should I this day make thee go up and down 32. 9. that they should i,ot go,into the land 4& 16. arise, let us go again to our own people
1 A'iiigj21. 18. go down to meet Ahah king of Israel Vent. 1. 37. thou also shalt not go in thither, 4. 2K 51. 9. let us go, every one to his own country
S Kings 1 15. go doun with him, be not afraid
. 38. butJoshua son of M un he shall go in thither Zech 8. il. let zis go lo pray before the Lord

20. 10. for the shadow to go dozen ten degrees 4. 1 that ye may live, and go in and possess, 8.
. Mark 1. 33. he said, let zu go into the next towns
2 CliTon. 20. l6. to-morrow go dozen against him 6- 18. that thou mayest go in and possess, 10. 11. 14.42.rise up, let us go,he that betrayeth is at hand
Job2l. 13. in a moment go dozen to the grave 1 1 .8. that ye may be strong, and go in and possess Luke 2. 15. let us go to Bethlehem, see this thing
Psal. 22. 29. all that go dozi n to the dust shall bow 24. 10. not go in/0 his house to fetch his pledge Jo/in 11. 7. then saith he, let jif go to Judea again
28. 1. I become like them that go dozen to the pit Jiidg. ig. 15..they turned aside to go in and lodge i 5 Jet us go lo him \\l6. le t us go that we may iTio

55. 15. and let them go rfoaw quick into hell lizahZ. 4. thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet 14.31. even so 1 do ; arise, /«/ lu go hence
107. 23. they that go dozen to the sea in ships ISam. 11.11. shall I tnengo into mine house to eat' Acts 15. 36. iet us go again and visit our brethrea
115. 17. neither any that go dozen into silence 1 Kings 13. 8. I will not^o in, nor cat with thee //ei.6.1. let us go on to perfection, not laying agai»
143. 7 lest 1 be like them that go rfonn to the pit 16. I may not return, nor go in with thee / wilt GO.
Pro::. 5. 5. her feet go dozen to death, her steps take 17. 12. may go in, and dress it for me and my
son Of7i.l3.9. Ju'iV/go to the right, /sfiV/go to the left
Jsa. 14. 19. thou art cast out, as those that go rfoa-n 2 A'ijigj 9-2. look out Jehu, and go in, make him arise £4. 58. wilt thou go with this main .'
I will go
30.2. woe to them that walk togorf to Egypt,31.1. 10. £5. go in and slay them,Jet none come forth 33. IS. let us go, J aill go before thee, iiu. 45. 2.
38. 18. they that go dozen into pit cannot hope iChron. 18.24. thou shalt go hi/o an inner chamber 45. £3. my son is alive, 7 will go see himbefore I die
60. 20. sun shall not go </oaH, nor moon withdraw 23. 61. they that minister of the Levites shall go in Xum. 20. 19. I will only go through on my feet
JtT. 50. 27. let them go dozeji to the slaughter AWi. 6. 11. who is there as I am would go into the 23. 3. stand hy thy burnt-offering, and 1 will g*
£tek. 24. + 16. neither shall thy tears go dozen temple to save his life ? I will not go in Dent. 2. £7. 1 wilt go along by the high-way
26. 11. and thy strong garrisons shall go dozen Esth. C. IS. when Esther's turn was come to go i)i Judg. 1.3. Iwill go likewise with thee into thy lot
20. when I shall set thee with them that go dozen 4 8. and to charge her that she should go in 4. 8. if thou wilt go with me, then will I go
to the pit, 31. 14. 32. 18,24,25,29,30
iG. and so will I go iti unto the king, if I perish 9. and she said J will surely go with thee
47. 8. these waters go dozen into the desert 5 14 then go thou in merrily unto the king 16. £0. I will go out as at other times before
Amos 6. 2. then go (/on » to Gath of the Philistines Joli^i. + 23. he shouldgo in/ojudgmcnt with God liiith 1.16. Uuth said, whither thou goest, Iwillg*
8. 9. I will cause the sun to go down at noon Psal. 26. 4. nor will I go in with dissemblers £ KingsQ. 3. go with servant, he answered I ti-. ft
Afic. 3.6. the sun shall go dozeyi over the prophets 118 19 open the gates, 1 will go in to them 2 C//ron. 18. £9. he said, 1 will eo to the battle
Matk 13.15. let him that is on house-top not go (/o:r;i 119. 35. make me go in path of thy commandment Ps. 43 4. then zeill J go to the altar of God
Acls 25. 5. which are able to go dozen with nie 132. 7. we will go into his tabernacle and worship 66.13. I will go into thy house with burnt-offering
Eyh. 4. £6. let not the sun go dozen on your wrath Prov 27 10. nor go into thy brother's house 71. 16. 1 will go in the strength of the Lord God
GO/or//j ]sa. 2 19. they shall go into the holes of the rocks 118. 19. open thegatesof righteousness, J willgota
Gen. 8. 16. go forth of the ark, thou and thy wife Jer. 4 5. and let us go into the defenced cities Jer. 2. £5. I loved strangers, after them / will go
42. 15. not go forth hence, except brother come 36. 5. I cannot go into the house of the Lord Ezek. 38. 11. / wtll go to them that are at rest
Lev. 14. 3. the priest shall go forth of the camp 4£, 14. no, but we will go into the land of Egypt Uos. 2.5. for she said, / will go after my lovers
Nzim. 1 3. all able to go forth to war, 2 Chr £5. 6.
. 59- 'b* Lord hath said, go ye not into Egypt 7. / teill go and return to my first hus'oand
Dettl. 23. 12. thou shalt have a place to go forth Ezek. 7. 1 17 all knees shall go iw/o water, £1. t 7 5. 15 L will go tomy place, till ihey seek my face
1 Sam. 23. 13. and he forbare to go forth 46. 10. the prince when they go in shall go in Mic. 1. 8 1 will wail, 1 teill go stript and naked
S Sam. 11 1. at time when kingsgoyor<A to battle
. Nah 3. 14. gt /nio clay, and tread the mortar Zech. 8. £1 go to seek the Lord ; 1 wilt go afso
18. 2. I will surely go forth with you myself Zech 6. 10. go in/0 house of Josiah son of Zephaniah iUo/.£6.3£.i ai// go before intoGalilee,A/ar*14. 20.
19. 7. if thou go nol forth, there will not tarry Mat. 2. 20. take the young child, ai<fgo into Isr. Luke 15. 18. / will arise and go to my father
1 Kings 2. 36 and go not forth thence any whither 7 13. and many there be that go in thereat Acls 18. 6. henceforth 1 will go to the Gentiles
22. 22. he said, I will go _/ or f/i ; go forth and do so £0.4. go into the vineyard, and they went, 7. GO «far
S Kings 9- 15. if it be your minds, let none go/or//i 21.2. go iii/o village over.againstyou,i?iX^e 1930. Dait. 5. 27. go near, and hear all the Lord say*
19. 31. out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant 31. harlots go i«/p kingdom of God before ysu 2 Sam. 1. 15. David said, go near and fall on hiim
they that escape out of mount Zion, Isa.SJ 30. 22.g.go in/0 the high-ways, as many as ye find, bid Joi 31 37. as a prince would I go near unto him
Job 24. 5. as wild asses go they /or/ '1 to their work £3. 13. ye neither go in, nor suffer others to go in Acts a. 29. go near, join thyself to this chariot
Psal. 78. 52. he made his own people to go forth 26. 18. go in/0 the city, to such a man, AJari 14. 1'.i GO not, or no/ GO.
108. 11. wilt not thou go forth with our hosts? Mark 6. 36. that they may go into the country Ezod. 33. 15. if thy presence go no/ with me
Prnv. 25. 8. go nox. forth hastily to strive, lest thou 8. £6. nor go into the town, nor tell it to any Nzim. 10. 30. Hobab said, 1 will 7iot go, but depart
30. 27. have no king, yet go Aey forth by bands 16. 15. go into all the world, preach the gospel £0. £0. and he said, thou shalt not go through
Cam 3. 11. go forth, O
ye daughters of Zion Lzike fi. 51 he suffered no man to go in, save Peter
. £2.12. God said to Balaam, shalt no/ go with them
7. 11. come, let us go forth into the villages 15. £8. and he was angry, and would not go in IB. I cannot go beyond the word of Lord, £4. 11.
Jsa. 2.3. outof Zion .shall go forth the law, il7iV.4.2 John 10. 9. he jhall go in and out, and find pasture Deul. 3. £7. thou shalt not go over this Jordan
42. 13. the Lord shnll go jorth as a mighty man Acts je scehimgoin/oheavcn 6. 14. ye shall n.goaftcr other pods, 1 Aingj 11.10.
48. 20. go forth of Uabylon, fiee ye, Jer 50. 8. ii'cu. 17.8. the beastwas, is not, .shall go into perdition 15. 10. if he say, 1 will no/ go away from thee
49. 9. that thou mayest say to prisoners, go /or//i See Captivity. £4. 19. thou .shalt no( go again to fetch it
17. they that made thee waste shall go forth GO in. 3;'. 5£. but thou shalt not go thither to the land
62. 1. till the righteousness thereof go forth GCTi.ifi.2.Saraisaid,l pray thee,go in untomymaid Josh. 8. 4. go not far from the city, but be ready
Jer. 6. 25. go not forth into the field,'nor walk 19. .34. make him drink wine, and go tliouin Jiidg. 4. 8. if thou wilt not go with me, I will net g«
11. 11. they shall not be able to go forth
-t 30. 3. behold, my maid Dilhah, go in unto her 7.4.1 say, this shall nol go, the same shnll not go
14. IB. if 1 go forth into the field, then the slain 38. «. go in unto ihy brother's wife, and marry her £0. 8. we will not any of us go to li!» tent
15. 1 let them go forth 2. whither shall we gof? Dezit. 21. n. after that thou shalt go in unto her
\\ l\ulh 3. 17. go not empty to thy mother-in-law
25. 32. evil shall go forth from nation to nation 22. 13. if take a wife, and go in unt'i her, hale her 1 Sam. 17..39. David said, I cannot go with these
31.4. O
Israel, thou shalt go forth in the dances 25. 5. her husband's brother shall go in unto her 29. B. that I may no/ go fight ag. enemies of the king
39. the measuring-line shall yet go forth Josh. £3. 12. make marriages, and go in unto thi n 2 Sam.l^.Ca. let not all go, howbeithe would not go
88. 17. if thou wilt go forth to the king of Kabylon Jtidg. 15. 1. I will go in to my wife into the chaiiibir 2 A iugj 2.18. he said, did I not say to you, go no/.'
18. but if thou wilt not go/or(/i to the princes, £1 £ *a»i. 16. £1. go in unto thy father's coiKuMiies 1 C7(ron.£l. 30. but David could no/ go before il

43. 12. he shall go forth (rom thence in peace I Kings 11.2. ye shall not go in to them, nor they £ CViron. £5. 13. soldiers that vhould nor goto battle
Ezek. \'2.4. go forth as they that go forth into capt Kiek. 23. 44. went to her asihey go in to a woman Prov. 4. 13. take hold of iin,iructioii,leihci no/ g*
12. prince go forth 21 .4. \\ my
sword shall go forth Jmoj £. 7. aman and his father go in to same ni<iid 14. and go not into the way of evil men
30. 9. in that day messengers shaL go forth (iO in peace. £2. 24. with a furious man thou shalt no/ go
46. 8. and he shall go forth by the way thereof Oen. 15. 15. thou shalt go to thy father"! in peace 7.1(1. 52. 12. for \c shall nol go out with haste
9. but ne shall go forth over against it l.iod.4. IH. Jetbro said to Moses, go m peine J.r.lO.S.thcymiisi beborne, because they fan nor fp
Dan H 44. he shall go forth with great fury
. 18. 23. this people shall go to their place in pcni 11). P.. thou shalt n</ go into the house of feastinj:

Joe/2. 16 let the bride^r, go forth of his chamber Jzidg. 18. 6. the priest said to Panites, go in pea £5.6. go nol after othir gods to ferve them, 35.15
Hat, 1. 4. an<l jcdgmeiH dotb never go forth I Sr.m.l. 17. Lli (aid to Hannah, /» tn peace 27. 18. that the vessels left^o tut to Babylon

JfT.ii.i.goHei imo Kgypl to 5ojo:!rn'.nerc,4C. fQ- 'Gen.W.^.go \o, let us tinild T '.goto, let confonnd .irtt 15.2. go t//i to Jerusalem about this question sliall Httt {uuBpiinished. but drink of it Eccl. 2. L. go to now, will prove thee with uiinh
1 21.4. that I'aul should not go uplo Jerusalem
Lant.i. 18. hum steps, that we c*n>uii^o in our str. }ia. 5. 5. go to, I will tell you what I will do 12. we besought him not togov^ 10 Jerusalem
Ai/*.4C.14.when the priests enter, shall 1101 ;o out Jam. 4.13. g.i »,i that say to-day. or to-mor 25. 9. wilt ihou go K^to Jerusalem and be judged
Mm. 10. 5. go noi into the way of the Oeatiles 5. \. go to now, ye rich men, weep aod howl GO a uho ing
Z;M« 10. I. g« not from house to house GO up. Eiod. 34. 15. lest ihoy go a uioring after their goifg
17 .23. see here or there, go un/ after ihem, 21. 8. Gen. 15. 1. arise .go up to !!• th^el, dwell there, 3. 6. ano thy sons go a tehoring alter their gods
COorer. 44. 33. and let the lad go up wilh his brethren Lev 20 5.1 will cut olTall that go a uAor. after bin:
Drill. 3. C5. I pray ihce let me go over ind see land 31. how shall 1 go up to my father f 45. 9. 0. I will cut off such as go a ahor. after wizards
CD. Joshua shall go over liefori- the people, .11 .3. 50. (j. I'haraoh said, go up and bury thy father Num. 15. 39. ways, af^er which ye use to go a uhor
4. whither ye ;oo«r,c6. 31.13.
3C.47. /-Torf. 8. 3. frogs shall go «/i and come into thy house Oeut.Si 16. this people will go « wAor. alter gods

CC. must not go over Jordan, ye shall go over

I 19. 12. take heed ye go not up into the mount 2 Chron. 21. 13. Jehoram made Judah go a uihor.
24. CO. thou shall not go over the boughs ag.iin 20. 26. nor shall thou go up by steps to my altar I'ial. 73.27. destroyed all that go a uhor. from
.30. 13. who shall go over sea for us and brinj it r 24. 2. neither shall the people go up with liim 9. eyes which goauhoring after idoli
31.3. the Lord thy CioJ will go over before thee 3C. 30. ye have sinned a greal sin, 1 will go up GOKSr.
34. 4. but thou shall not go over thither 33. 1. depart and go up, thou and the people O^M.28.15. will keep thee in places whither thou;.
Josli. 1. S. therefore arise, go over this Jordan 3. for I .will not go up in the midst of thee 32. 17. whose art thou r whither g. thou Judg. VI,

Judg. 1C.5. the liplirainiiies said, let me gi> over 34. 24. not desire thy land, when ihou shall go up 17. iieth. 2. 2. John 13. 36.j 16. j.
]&!/». 14.1. come, let \^igooierX.o the Philistines, 6. /.<fti.l9.l6.shalt not go k;' and down as a tale-bearer £xorf. .33. 16. is it not in that ihou g. with us.'
30. 10. so faint, they could ua\.goover the brook \u'n. 1 3. 30. let us eo up al once and possess it 34. 12. no coven, wilh inhabitants whither thou
2 Sam. 16. g. let me go over and take ofif bis head 31. we be not able to go up against this people Sum. 14. 14. and thou g before them by day-limc
19. 37. thy servatil Chirahani, let him go over 14. 40. lo, we be here, and will go up, Deui.l. 41. Deut. 7. 1. when Lord God shall bring thee into the
Jia. 8. 7. he sliall come aud go over all his banks 42. go not up 44. but they presumed to go up
land whither thou g. to possess it, U. 89,
11. 15. he shall make men go over dry-shod Pent. 25. 7. let his brother's wife go uplo the g.ite 11.10. the land whither thou g. is not as I'gypt
5I.C3. which said, bow down, that we may guotrr 30. 12. who shall go up for us to heaven, and brinj 12. 29. God shall cut off nations whiiher thou
54. 'J. the waters of Noah should no moregoover Josh. 7. 3. let not all go up, let 3000 men go up 20. 1. when thou g. lo battle and seesi, 21. 10.
J*''.41.10.IshmieI depart to jc> oztr to Ammonites 22. 33. did not intend to go up ag. them in battle 23. 20. God may bless thee in all that thou seticii
Ltike 8. 22. lei us go over to the other side Juilg. 1.1. who shall go up for us to fight them ? thine hand to, whiiher ihou g. Jot/t. 1.
GOoui. 2. the Lord said, Judah shall go up, 20. 18. 28. 6. blessed shall tiiou be when thou g. out
Gen. 9. 10. from all that go out of the ark 2. 1 Etn angel said, I made you go up out of i'gypt
. ly. cursed shall thou be when thou g. out
24. 1 1. the time that women gootii to draw water 9- + 0. should I go up and down for other trees : 21.make pestilence cleave to thee whiiher ihoDf,
4o.I. lie cried, cause every uiin to ;d (wif from me 1 1.37. that I may go up and down on the mountains 63. shall be plucked oflT the land whiiher thou »,
2^oH. 6. 11. that he let children of Israel go out lii. 9. arise, that we may go up against them 32. 30. and die in the mount whiiher ihou g.
8. 29. behold, I go out from thee, I will entreat 20. 9. we will go up by lot against Gibeah }oih. 1.9. the Lord is wiib thee whither thou
11. H. after that I will go ovt, and he went out 18. which of us shall go up first to battle ? Judg. 14. 3. that thou g. to lake a wife of Philisi.
10. he would not lei the children of Israel go out 23. shall 1 go up again ? 28. go up against him
Ruth 1. IC. for whiiher thou g. I will go
12. 22. none of you shall g.o. al the door of house 1 6'a;rt.I.22.i will not go up till the child be weaned 2 ^am. 15. 19. wherefore g. thou also with us ?
16. i. people shall g. 0. ana gather a rate every day 6. 9. if it go up by the way of his own coast 1 Kings 2. .37. on the day thou g. over the brook, 42,

2y let no ma'i go out of his place on seventh day

20. and lo whom shall he go up from us ? I'sal. 44. 9. but thoug. not forth wilh our
21. 2. in the seventh year he shall go out free 9. 13. ye shall find him before he go up lo eat /Vor.4.12.wheu thou g. steps shall nol be sf.-aiteueJ
3. if he came in by himself,shall go out by himself; 14. Samuel came to go up to the high place, I9. O. 22. when thou g. it shall lead thee
if married, his wife shall go out with him 14. 9. if they say tarry, we will not go up Erei. 5.1. keep ihy foot when thou g. to house ofG.
4. her master's, and he shall go out by himself 10. if they say, come up unto us, we will go up 9. 10. nor wisdom in the grave whiiher thou g.
5. if the servant say, I will not go out free ISatn. 2. 1. David said, shall I go up toany of the Jer. 45. 5. 1 will give for a prey whither ihou g.
7. a maid-s<"rvant not go out as men-servanis do cities of Judah ? the Lord said, go up to Hebron .yat 8.iy. 1 will follow ihee whilherg. Luke 9. 57.
11. then shall she go out free without money 5. 19. shall I go up against the I'hilistines r Luke 12. 58. when thou g. wilh thine adversary
Lev. 6. 13. the fire on the altar shall never go out 15. 20. should I make thee go up and down wil4i us
.- John 11.8 sought to stone thee, g. thither agaiul
8. 33. shall not go out of tabernacle in seven days long have I to live, that 1 .should go up 14. 5: Lord, we know nol whither thou g.
10. 7. ye shall not go out at the door, lest ye die 24. 18. go up, rear an altar in floor, 1 Chr. 21. 18. GOLlll.
14. 38. then the priest shall go out of the house 1Kings 12. 24. ye shall not go up, 2 Chron. 11.4. Ejod. ~. 15. lo, he g. out unlo the water
27. if this people go h;» to do sacrifice at Jerusal. >.'. £(). shall deliver it by that the sun
15. If), if any man's seed of copulation go out g. down
16. 18. he shall go out to the altar before ;he Lord 28. it is too much lor you logo up 10 Jerusalem 28. 29. Aaron shall bear them when he g. ia
21. 12. nor shall he go out of the sanctuary 18. 43. go up, look towards llie sea, anu he went 30. they shall be on Aaron'shearl when he g. In
25. 28. and in the jubilee it sliall go out, 31. 33. 22. (j. go up, for the Lord shall deliver it into the 35. his sound shall be heard when he g. in
3l1. it shall not jokk/ in jiibil. 54. he shall 5,1 mi/
handof theking, 12. 1 Chron. 18. 11,14. Lev. II. 21. these ye may eal ihal g. on all four
Deut.H.5. taken a wife, ne shall not f i> nu( to war 20. may go up and fall at Hamoth, 2 Chr. 18. I9. 14. 40. heihatg. into the house shall be undean
C8. 25. thou shall co out one way, flee seven ways 2 hings 1.3. go H;Miieel the messengers of the king io. 3'.. law of him whose seed g. from him, 22.
JtfjA.2. 19. who shall 50 nu/, his blood be on his head 2. 23. go up ihou bald-head, goi/;)lliou bald-heail 16. 17. none in the tabernacle when he g. in
Judg. Q.38. gii out, pray now, and fisht with them
1 3. 7. wilt thou go up wilh me against .Moab.' 22. 3. who g. to holy things having undeanness
16. 20. he said, 1 will go out as al other times 8. and he said, which way shall we go up 27. 21. llie field, when it g. out in jubilee, be holy
S'b.28. shall I yei aiiaing.o. to battle ag. Cenjainin 12. 17. (lazael set his face logo ?//< to Jerusalem Aii/n. 5. 29. this is the law,wheua wifeg. aside
Itut/i 2. 22. it is pood thou go out with his maidens 18.25. Lord said, go up against the land, /jn. 36. 10. IJeui. 1. 30. the Lord which g. before shall fight
1 &im.l9.3.I will go out and stand beside my father 20. 5. on third day thou shall go up to the liouse 9. 3. thy God is be ihat g. over before you
CO. 1 Clime, let us go out into the field
1 . 8. what the sign that 1 shall go 171 .' Jia. 38. 22. 19. 5. as when a man g. into wood wilh hisneighb.
28. 1. Achish said, thou shalt go out whh me 22. 4. go up to Ililkiah high-priest losum silver 20. 4. the Lord your God is he that g. with you
2 Aim. 5. 24. then the Lord shall go out before thee 1 C7ir.l4. 10. shall go up 14. go not up after them
I ||
23. y. when the host g. forth against thy enemies
SI. 17. thou shalt go no more out wilh us to battle 2 Chron. 18. 5. shall we go up 10 Itamoih-gilead f 34. 13. deliver the pledge when the sun g. down
1 Kiugi 15. 17. that he might not suffer any to go 36.23. God be with him, let him go up. Kira 1. 3. Judg. 5. 31. be as the sun when heg. forth in niigl*
out, or come into Asa, 2 Claon. I'i. 1. Ezra 7. 9. he began to go up from liabylon Au»i. 22. 14. as Uavid. who g. at thy bidding
CO. 31. put ropes on heads, and go out to the king 13. all which are minded to go up go wilh me 30. 24. as hi: part is that g. down 10 the battle
1 Cliron. 20. 1. at the time kings go out 10 battle Neh. 4. 3. if a foi go up he shall even breakdown 2 hings 5. 18. thy master g. to house of Kiuimou
2 Cliron. 18. 21. go out and be a lying spirit, {uDrK I'ial. 104.8. they go uji by the mountains 11.8. be with the king as beg. out, 2 Chron. 23.7,
20. 17. fear not, to-morrow go out against them 132. 3. surely I will not go up into my bed Ezra 5. 8. this work g. fast on and prospweth
26.18. 5i;DK<of sanctuary, for thou hast trespassed C'o«<.C.6.asa tlock of shiep that go i(;ifrom washing Joi 7. 9' tfaai g. down 10 grave come up no mora
20. yea, himself hasted alio to go out 7. 8. I said, I will go r;;; to the palm-tree 9- 11. lo, he g. by me, aud I see him not
Job 15. 13. Iciiesi such words go out of thy niomh ha. 2.3. let usgo up to mountain of Lord, A//c.4.2. J(i. f 0. and though I forbear, what g. from me ?

P<n(. (iO.lO. which didst not go out with ourarmios 7.6. let usgo up against .ludah and vex it 34.8. wheng. in company wilh workers of iniquity
109. 7. when he is jndjeil, let him goniir gniliy 15. 5. wilh weeping shall they go it up 37. 2. bear the sound that g. out of his mouth
7ViJr. 22.10 cast out the scorni-r, contention juuu/ 21.2. go H//,0 Elam|;34. 10. the smoke shall ;«»;< 3y. 21. hg g. on lo meet the armed men
Keel. 8. 3. be not liasiy to go out of his sight 35. 9. nor any ravenous beast shall go up there "ill/. 17. 1. prayer that g. not out of feigned lip»

Isn. 52. II. depart ye, go ye out from thence 3(i. 10. go w/; againsi this land, and destroy it 41. 6. when he g. abroad, he tellelh il
12. ye shall not go out wilh haste or by flight JeTt 5. 10. go ye up upon her walls and destroy 08. 21. such a one as g. on in his trespasses
55. 12. ye sliall go out wilh joy, and be led forth 6. 4. arise, and let us go up at noon, woe unlo us 88. 16. thy fierce wrath g. over me
J*'. 21. 12. lest my fury ^n out like fire and Inirn 21. 2. that Kebuchadiiezzar may govp from us 97. 3. a fireg. before him, and Imriieih up enemies
51. 45. my people, go ye out of the midst of her 22.20. go up lo Lebanon, and cry, lift up thy voice 104. 23. mail g. forih to his work until evening
£:<*. 15. 7. they shall go out from one fire 31.0. let usgo up to iiiuo, to the Lord ourCiod 120. (). he thaig. forth and weepetb, bearing
44. 3. the prince shall go out the same way 4(). 8. he saiih, 1will go up and cover the earth 140. 4. his breath g. forth; he returueth to earth
46. 9. enterelh by north, shall go out by south-gate 11. go up into Gilead, and take baliu, O virgin I'rov. 6. 29. so lie that g. in 10 his neighbour's wife
yJmiij 4, 3 and ye shall go out ai the breaches 48. 5. continual weeping shall go up 7. 22. g. al\er her, as an ox .
f to the slaughter
Zecli.H.S, ihailiving-waiersjiioiK from Jerjisaleni 4y. 28. go up to Kcdar, and spoil men of the easi 11.10. wheu ilg. well with righteous, city rejoices
^17/. bridegroom ye out to meei him 50.21. go up against the land of Merathaim I6.I8. prideg. before destruction, a ba-jghty spirit
I-uke 9. 5. when ye/t<>o«f oftbc city shake ofldusl r.tek.M.\ I.l will go up In land ofnnwalled villages 20. ly. thaig. about as a tale-bearer reveals secrets
14. 21. go out quickly into the streets and lanes 40. Cfi. there were seven Meps to go up to it 26. 9. as a thorn g. up into the hand of a drunkard
23. go Pill into the highways and hedges I lot. 4. 15. neither go h;; to ISnih-aven, nor swear 20. where no wood is, there the fire g. out
1 Cor. 5. 10. then musi ye neeils^D our of the world llag. 1. 8.f.i up to tne mountain, and bring wood 31. 18. her candle g. not out by night
Uet. 1 e. Abraham, wlieri he was called to go out iiech. 14. 16. go u^ from year to year 10 worship
tcil. 1. 5. the sun g. down, and hatieih to his place
-V«f.3.It. he that overconieth, shall go no more our Mat. 20. 18. we go up lo Jerusalem, Son of man 3.21. spirit of man g. up, spirit of beasl g. down
CO 8. and shall go mt 10 deceive the nations shall be betrayed, Ma'k 10.33. J.uke 18. 31. 1-2. 5. because man g. to bis long home

GOto. [juke 14. 10. he may say to thi-e, friend, go up higher Cmit. 7. y.tliatg. down sweetly, causing the lips
Gen. M. S. (0 10, lei us make bricks, and burn them John 7. 8. £>< ye «/' I'' iiii> fewli 1 1'> ""^ "f y*^ Ua. S8. 19. from the lime it g. forth, it shall tak
Jm 30.29. when one j.wiih a pipe to come to mount P<al. 17.5.hold up my g. (n thy paths that footsteps Z< anger was kindled, I pimishedthe;.
45. II. so ihall my word he tlial j. I'orih of mouth 37. t .31. none of his g. shall slide .Un/.25.32.a shepherd divideth the sheep from ihe^
5y. li. wlioso {. therein shall not know peace 40. 2. he set my feel on a rock, established my g. 33. he shall set the g. on bis left band
f).l. 14. as a beast ». down Milo ibe valley + 1. » 18. nor have our g. declined from thy way lleb. 9. 12. nor eniered by blood of g. and caltes
Jir. 5. 6. every one that g. out theuce sliall lie torn tiii. 24. they have seen thy ; . even the g. of ( 13. if the blood of bulls and g. sanctifitlh
C. 4. woe unto us, for ilie day f away
. 140. 4. who have p-irposed to overthrow my 19. he took the blood ofg. and sprinkled the book

21. y. thatf. out to Chaldeans shall live, 38. C. /VDr.5.21. before Lord and he pondereth all hisg. 10. 4. is Dot possible the blood ofg. lake away si«
'22. 10. hut weep sore for him thai g. away 20. 24. man's^. are of ilie Lord, how can a man GOAISIIAIK.
80. 2.1. whirlwind of the Lord g. forth with fury Jia. 5y.8. there is no judgment in their g. A'x.></.25.4.lhisisihe offering ye shall tike, g.AaiV
44. 1". we will do what f. out of our own mouth Liei. 42. 1 1 . there g. out were according to fashion 20. 7. thou shall make curtains of g.-Aair
49.17. everyone that;, hy it be astonished, 50.1.1. 43. 11. shew them J. out thereof and comings in 35. 0. who is willing, let him bring g./iaiV
i^ick.'. 14. ihey have blown, but iioneff. to battle Mic, 5. 2. whose j. forth have been from of old 23. every man wilh whom was found g.-hair
.?3. ^1. their heart g. after their covetousness GOAD, S. 21). and all the women spun g. hair

44. 27. in the day thit he g. into the sanctuary .fudg. 3. 31. Shampar slew (XK) men with an ox g. 30. 14. she made cunaius o( g.-hair for the lent
llos.iiA. yonrgoodn. is as the early dew, it j. away 1 Sam. 13. 21. ihey had a file to sharpen the g. Au«/. 31. 20. purify all works ofg-Aair and wood
5. thy judRnients are as lii^ht that g. forth £fr/.12.1I.the words of the wits are as 5. and nails 16'u7«.10.13.put a pillow of g../(flir for bolster, 16
Zech. 5. 3. this is the curse that g. forth GOAT. GOAl.S-SMNS.
6. he said, this is an ephah that ; fortli Gen. 15.9. talte a heifer, a she-j. of three years liei. 1 1 .37. wandering in sheep-skins andg.-/*mi
Mai. 8.9. I say to this man go, and he g. Lidt'.S. Eiod. 22. t 1. if a man steal an ox or a g. /iiM.(;oArs.
12. 45. then g. he and taiteth, Luie 1 1. 20. Jm:v.^. 12. if his offering be a ». then shall offer it 1 Aim. 24. 2. to seek David on rocits of ihe zaild g
13. 41. for joy thereof g. and selleth all he hath 4. 24. he shall lay bis hand on the bead of the g. jDi39.1.koowe5t ibou when the liiW-g. bring I'orihf
15.11, not tliat which £. into mouth dehleih a man 7. 23. he shall eat no fat of ox, sheep, or of j. Pial. 104.18. high hrlls are a refuge for the -utld-g.
17. 21. this kind g. not out but by prayer 9- 15. he took the g. which was the sin-offering GOlil.Kl'.
S6. 24. the Son of man g. as it is written of him. 10. It). J] sought ihe g. of the sin-offering Cam, 7. 2. thy navel is like a round g.
Mart 14. 21. Luic::. 22. It). 9.Aaron shall bring the J. on which the lot fell GOD
referred to man.
28. 7. he J. before you into Galilee, Alnri Ki. 7. 22. he shall let go the g. iu the wilderness Eiod. 4. 16. thou shall be to Aaron instead ol g,
Jo/iit 3. 8. bat canst not tell wliither it g. 17. i. whosoever kflletli a g. in the camp 7. 1. 1 ha\'e made thee a g. to I'haraoh
7.20. thou hast a devil ; who j. about to kill thee 22. 27. when a g. is brought forth seven days GOD
for iJal.
10. 4. he g. before them, the sheep follow him Sum. 15. 27. if sin thro' ignora. be shall bring a g. Deui. 32. 21 moved roe wilh that which is not g.
. i

11. 31. she g, umo the grave to weep there 18. 17. the firstling of a £. thou slialt not redeem J I'd;;, (i. 31 . if be be a g. lei him plead fc ims«lE
12. 35. knoweth not whither he g. 1 John 2. 11. 28. 22. one/;, for a sin -offering, to make an atone- 13. they made liaal-berith their g
1 Cor. 6. 6. but brother g. to law wiih brother ment for you, 29. 22, 28, 31, 34, 38. y. 27. they went into ihe house of iheirg. and eat
9.7. who J. a warfare any time at his own charges Deul. 14. 4. ye shall eat the ox, sheep, and the g. 11.24. possess that which Chemosh thy g givelh
Jam. 1. 24. be beholdeth himself and g. his way 17. 1 1. not sacrifice a g. wherein is blemish iG. 23. the rhilisiines' g. was Uagon, 24.
/^<j'. 14.4. that follow the Lamb whithersoever he g. Jui/g. 0. 1 4. the Midianiies left no ox, or g. or ass 1 Snm. 5. 7. bis hand is sort on us, and our g.

17. 1 . and is of the seven, and g. into perdition

1 /.rtX-. 43. 25. seven days prepare every (fay a g. 1 A i;ij J 11. 33. Israel worshipped the g. of -Moabiies
19- 15. and out of his mouth g. a sharp sword Da!i.U.5.\\te f .had a notable horn between his eyes 18. 27. he is a g. either talking, or pursuing
GOING. £1. the rough g. is the king of Grecia 2 Aiugjl.2. liaal-zebub the g. of tkron.3,0, 16.
G<».]5.12.sun g. down, a deep sleep fell on Abram 7/<-GOAl'. ly. 37. worshipping in the house of Nisrocii his
25. t 32. Lsau said, behold, I am e. to dii! Pniv. 30. .31. four are comely in going, an he-g. g. smote with sword, S Chr. 32. 21. Isu. 37.38.
£rtfrf.I7.12.his hands steady, 10 g. down of the sun v/cr. 01. 40.bring iheni down like rams with /le-g. /'jo/.;G.4. sorrows multiplied, hasten alter other g.
2.3. 4. if thou meet thine enemy's ox g. astray Dan. 8. 5. behoM, an he-g. Came from the west Isa. 44.10. who hath formed ag. or uiolten image;
Num.^.4. g. forth of border from south to Kadesh 8. therefore the he-g. waxed very great 15. he makelh a g. and worshippelh it, 17,
Dtni. 16. 6. sacrifice thepa&sover atf.downof sun iii^-GOAT. 45. 20. and that pray 10 a g. that cannot save
33. 18. he said, rejoice, Zebulun, in thy out Lei.\6.10.Wm%lUe-g. |]21. lay both hands oa 4G. 6. he maketh ii a g. lliey fall down, ttey
g. /.;.
Josh. 7. 5. tind smote them in the g. down Sc„ye-COAi\ worship
10. 11. as ihev vere in the g. down to Reth-tforon See Signjicaiion on Oh-ERINo. Dan. 1.2. he carried tht vessels into house of his g the J. down of the sun carcases taken down Levj iG. 8. and the other lot for the scajie-g. 4. 8. Belteshazzar according to the nauie of luy
23. 14. I am ». the way of all the earth 10. 10 let bin: go for ajca/'^-g.into the wilderness 1 1. 36. and uiagn'ify himself above every
Judg.S, t 30. Gideon had 70 ions g. out of his thigh 2G. he that let go scajie-g. shall wash his clothes Amos 5. 26. the star of your g. ye made. Acts 7.43
19- 18. I am now g. to the house of the Lord /(iVrf-GOA r. 8. 14. that swear, and say, thy g. (J Dan,liveih
28. lip, let us be g. but none answered Dent. 14. 5. ye shall tat the uiild-e. and wild ox 1.5. the niariuers cried, every man to hisg.
I i'oMi. 10.3. meet thee three men g. up to God GOAIS. Mic. 4.5. all people will walk in the name of his g
S Sam. 2. 19. in j. turned not from following Abiicr Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought the firstling of the g. Hah. 1. 11. imputing tliis hisi^ower to his g.

5. 24. hearest a sound ofg. in trees, 1 Chr. 14.15. 27. 9. fetch me from thence two kids of the Acis 12. 22. it is the voice of a g. not of a man
1 Kings 17. 1 1 . as she was g. to fetch it, he called iG. she put the skius of the 5. on his hands Any GOD.
S2. 36. went a proclamation at g. down of the sun 30. 32. all the spotted and speckled among the g. pjrod 22. 20. that sacrifice to any g. save the Lord
2 Kings 2. 23. g. by the way, children mocked him 33. is not speckled among g. 35. he removed g. 2.!>awi.7.22.nor is there any G. beside, 1 CAy. 17.20.

31. 38. thy she J. have not cast their young i.*a>i. 3.28. that they mightioi worsb. uxyg. except
9- 27. they smote Ahaziah at the g. np to Gur
1 ChroH. 11. t9. David went ia g. and increasing 32. 14. two hundred she-f and twenty he-g.
G. 7. who shall ask a petition oSany g. or man, IS
e C/iron. 18. 34. at time of snn g. down, he died 37. 31. Joseph's brethren killed a kid of the g. 11.37. neither shall he regard any g.
£"« 7. t 9- foundation of the g. from IJabylon 38. f 17. I will send thee a kid from the g. Viher GOD.
Joi 1. 7. from g. to and fro in the earth, 2. 2. Eiod. 12.5. ye shall lake it out from the sheep or g. Eiod. 34. 14. thou shall worship no other g.
3.3. 24. deliver him from g. down to the pit Lei'. 1. 10. if his offering be of the sheep or g. Dan. 3. 29. because there is no other g. can deliver
28. he will deliver his soul from g. into the pit 4. 23. if his sin come to his knowledge, he shall 1 Cor. 8. 4. there is none other g. but one

Psal. 19. G. his g. forth is from the end of heaven bring his ofl"ering, a kid of the g. 28. 5.0.
it range CiOD.
£0.1. the mighty God calleth the earth, from rising 9.3. take a kid of the g. for a sin-offering Deitl. 32. 12. there was no strange g. with them
of sun to g. down, 113. 3. Mti/. 1.11. K). 5. two kids of the g. 7- two g. present them
Pia/. 44.20. stretched out our hands to a stfanie^.

104. 19. the sun knoweth his g. down 22. 19. ye_ shall offer a male of the sheep or g. 8 1.9. no strange g. be iu thee, nor worsb. uran^e /.
Prov. 7. 27. g. down to the chambers of death t 21. a free-will offering in beeves or g. 7in.43.12.wben tberewas no j/raiijeg. among ihein
14. 15. but the prudent man lookelh well to his ;i;. S3. 19. then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the g. Dan II. 39. thus shall be do with a slraUi^e g.
30. 29. three go well, yea, four are comely in j. for a sin-offering, S'um.T. iG. |
15.24. GOD.
Isa. 13.10. the sun shall be darkened in liis'^ forth i\'um. 7. 17, five rams, five he-g. five lambs, 23, 2(J,
1'his it one of the names -uhich ue give to that
Jtr. 48. 5. in the g. up to Lnhith, continual eternal, injiniie, and incomprehensible lieing,
weeping shall g. up; in the g. down of 87. the kids of the g. for a sin-offering, twelve the Creator oj' ail things, uho yreiertes und gi>-
Iloronaim 88. the he-g. sixty, the lambs of first year sixty vejns every thing by his almighty youer and
50. 4. cand weeping they shall seek the Lord 31. (30. thou shall lake one portion of ihe g. siidom, and is the only object oj our uorthip.
Eiei. 40. 31. the g. up had eii;ht steps. .34,37 Dcui. .32.14.ran>5and be-g. of the breed of liashan J'he 'UehTiWS give 10 dod generally the namt
4. 5. with every g. forth of the sanctuary Jiidg. G. t 19. Gideon made ready a kid of ihe g. of JkhoV.\h, he aho etiils of himielf, and
4fi. IS. after his g. forth, one shut the gate 1 Sam. 25.2. Nabal iiaU a thousand g. was shearing
gixes being and eiiiience 10 others: this u a
Van. 6. 14. and laboured till g. down of the sun 2 Vhron. 17. 1 1 the Arabians brought 7,700 he-g.
nxme inejjable and myttericui, xhich denotes
9. 25. from the g. forth of the commandment 29.2i.lbcy brought seven he-g. for a sin-offering the eternity, immnlability, and independent f 0/
JIos. 6. 3. his g. forth is prepared as the morning l'.:ra G. 17. offered at the dedication twelve be God, and the iifallible eeilainiy oJ his uord
Zte.'i. 8. f 7. from the country ofg. down of the sun 8. 35. children out of captivity offered 12 he-g. and yiomises. Ihe iniyorl ol this name i(
iil.g. speedily to entreat the face of the Lord I'snI. 50. 9. 1 will take no he-g. out of thy fold oyened and predicted of Christ, in Kev. 1.4,8
Mai. 25. t 8. give oil, for our lamps are g. out 13 or will I drink the blood of g. ? J/ie Hebrews had siuh a lenetalion fo' this
26. 4(). rise, let n$ be g. behold, he is at hand tV). 15. I will offer to thee bullocks with holy name, that they neier pronounced it, tt.t
Luie 14. 31. what king g. to war with another Pror 27. 2G. the g. are the price of thy field instead oJ it made use of thai of Adonai,
loAn 8. 59. g. through midst of them, so pa«sed by 27. thou shall have g. milk dnougU for food uhich signifies yroycrly .My Lords, iti the ptvid,
^cls 20. 5. these g. before, tarried at i'rnas Cam. 4. 1. thy hair is as a flock of g. 6. 5. number: and of Klobi, Kloi, or Klobim. ihey
if<)m.l0.3.g. about to establish their righteousness lia. 1. 11. J delight not in the blood of he-g. iikeuise called him tl, i.hich sigttifes Strong, or
1 'J'im. S. 21. some meu's sins^. before to judgment 14. t 9. it stirreth up for ihee all great g. bhaddai, s hereby nay be meant one scho it
lJe6. 7. 18. is a disannulling ol command g. before ;H. 6. sword of the Lord fat wilh the blood ofg. telf-sujicient : or, according to another yronun-
Judt 7. g. after strange Itesh are set forth an examp. Jer. 50. 8. and Ive as the be-g. l.efore the flocks ciaiion, the Destroyer, Ilie yaaeifuj On* ; or
6V< htek. 27. 21. Arabia occupied wilh Oiee in g. I'.lion, the most High, or lU-sabaolh, /Ae God of

(iOINGS. 34. 17. I judge between the rams and he-g. I lout ; or J a, God.
\um. S3. 2. and Moses wrote their g. out 39. le. ye shall drink the blood of iambs and g. This name Jr.MOVAII, in the WehrfW, ccHiiili ef
34. 3. the g. out of their borders, 8, 9, 12. Joi/i. 43. 22. on the second day offer a kid of the g. J^ur letters, t>> (or the mrsl part 11 doth t» aii
IS. 4. 7. II.
16. 3, 8. 10. 12, 14. 45. 23. a kid of tne g daily for a sin-offering
languages. Thus among Ihe i'ersisiu the hsdui.

Jfi 34. 21 . his eyes are on maa he seelh all bis g. Mi€. 6. 1 8. as a /oong lion uaaog tht flocks of KofV; aounf rW Ankiaos, Alia;
g. Miteng M<
Mark 12. 3^. there is one G. and none other bat he Rom. 16.26. according to commacdmetit of evert.O
Ajsyrians, Adad among iht Egyptians,
Father, Fear, Forbid, Gave, Glorify
John 1. 1. the Word was with G.and Word was C. .See
or ©ti/^ ; Kith the Grecians, ©fOf t/ii Latins,
3. 2. can do miracles, except G. be with him High GOD.
Dens; /A« French, Dien M* Spaniards, Dios; 8. 41. they said, we have one Father, even G.
G^K. 14.18. was priest of the most high G. Hit. f.\.
the Italians, Idio ; tmd uith the Germans, 4C. for I proceeded forth, and came from G. 19. blessed be Abraham of the most high G.
Gott. Hereof torm giie this reason, that the 17. 3. they niii^ht know thee, the only true G. 20. blessed be the most high G. which delivered
ttumier ej four it a perfect number^ and to Acts 2. 22. by wonders, which G. did by him 22. I have lift up my hand to the most high G.
ftereby the perfection of Cod ii noted. Othert Psal. 57. 2. I will cry unto G. most high, umo God
5. 29. we ought to o!)ey G. rather than men
tay, that tiod it he aho created all thingt, con- 7y.35.(r.W2is their rock, the high G. their redeem.
7. 9. patriarchs sold Joseph, but G. was with him
titling of four elements. 10. 34. I perceive G. is no respecter of persons 06. they tempted and provoked the most high G,
God declared to Moses, that he vat not known iy Kom. 3. 4. let G. be true, and every man a liar Dan. 3. 26. servants of most high G. come forth
t/ie name Jehovah, to Abraham, Isaac, and 4. 2. shew the wonders the high G. hath wrought
B. 31. if G. be for us, who can be against us .'

Jacob ; and yet God it called by the name Je- 15. 5. now the G. of patience and consolation 5. 18. hig'i G. gave Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom
hovah, 1)1 Gen. 15.7 CC. 2+
Thit ii net to 1 Vor. 8. (i. to us there is but one G. the Father 21. till he knew that the most high G. ruled
be understood of tlie name, but of the thing tig- 8. that G. may be all in all -1/if 6. 6. and bow thyself before the most high G.

nifed bv that name. For that denotes all hii 2 Cor. 1.21. he which hath anointed us, is G. Markb. 7. thou Son of the most high G. Luke\i.i&.
ftrfecltons, and, among others, the constancy 4. 4. the g. of this world hath blinded minds Acts 16. 17. these men are servants of most high G.
and immutability of his nature and ui!l, and 13. 1 1. G. of love and peace shall be with you Holy GOD.
the infallible certainty of his -xord and promises. 2 Thess. 2. 4. above all called G. so that he as G. Joih. 24.19. he is an Ao/v G. he is a jealous God
And, though this Kot believed by Abraham, 1 Tim. 3. 16. G was manifest in the flesh 1 Sam.Q. 20. who is able tostaid before this holy G.'
Isaac, and Jacob ; fit Ood had not giien any Tit. 1. 16. they profess that they know G. Psal. yg. 9. for the Lord our G. is holy
actual being to hit promitet for their deliver- lleb. 3. 4. but he that built all things is G. Isa. 5. 16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right.
ance, by the accompltthment of them : for they 4. 10. ceased from his works, as G. did from his (iOU of heaven.
only tna the promisss afar off. Thit erprettion 8. 10. I will be to them a G. they to nie a people 2 Chron. 36. 23. all kingdoms of the earth hath the
map likezcise be understood comparatively*; 1 John 1. a. G. is light, in him is no darkness at all Lord G. of heaven given me, Eira 1. 2.
thty knetc this but darkly and imperfectly, 4. 12. no man hath seen G. at any time Ezra 5. 1 1. we are the servants of the G. of heaven
xshich vas now to 60 made knoii:n more clearly Rev. 21. 3. and G. himself shall be with them 12. our fathers have provoked the G. of heaven.
and fully. 4. O. shall wipe away all tears 6. 9- for burnt-offeriugs of the G. of heaven, 10.
Boo is taker., I. Properly, and that either essen- 7. I will be his G. and he shall be my son 7. 12. a scribe of the law of the G. of heaven, 21
tially, for the uhole' Trinity, Isa. 40, '.'8.
Against GOD. 23. whatever is commanded by the G. of heaven
John 4. 24. Or, personally, (1) For the lather, Gen. 39.9. tow do this wickedness, and sin ag. G. ? Neh. 1.4. 1 fasted and prayed before the G. of h
Eph. 1. 3. (2) The SoA, John 1. 1. (3) For Num. 21. 5. the people spake ag. G. Psal. IB. I9. 2. 4. so I prayed to the G. of heaven, and said
the Holy Ghost, Acls 5.3,4. II. Improperly, 1 Chron. 5. 25. and they transgressed against G. Psal. 136. 26. O give tlianks to the G. of heaven
(1) For an idol, or false and imaginary god, 2 Chron. 32. VJ. spake against the G. of Jerusalem Dan. 2. 18. they would desire mercies of G. of h
Exod. 2S. 20. Judg. '11. 24. (2) For prtncet, Job 15. 13. thou turnest thy spirit against G, 19. then Daniel blessed the G. of heaven
magistrates, and judges, Exod. 22% 28. Psal. 25. for he stretcheth ou; his hand against G 44. the G. of heaven shall set up a kingdom
82. 1, 6. (3) For the ark of Ood. 7'hut uhen 34. 37. he muliiplieth his words against G. Jonah 1. 9- 1 lear the Lord, the G. of heaven
the ark came iti\> the camp of the Israelites, Dan, 3. 29. which speak amiss ag. G. of Shadrach Rev. 11. 13. the remnant gave glory to G. oj heaven
the Philistines said, God it come into 4heir 11. 36 speak marvellous things ag. G. of gods 16. 11. and they blasphemed the G. of heaven
camp ; this name they give /o the ark, as they llos. 13. 16. she hath rebelled against her G. GOD of hosts.
ttted to do to the images, of their falte gods. Acts 5. 39. lest ye be found to fight against G. Psal. 80. 7. turn us again, O G. of hosts, I9.
1 Sam. 4. 7 The Lord tells MjOs»s, Lzod. 6. 11. he hath spoken blasphemous words ag. G. 14. return, we beseech thee, O G. of hosts
7. 1, See, f nave made thee a Goa to Pharaoh. 23. 9- let us not fight against G. Amos 5.C7-saith Lord.whose name is the G.of hosts
Thou shall refiresent my person, and act like Rom. 8. 7 the carnal mind is enmity against G. See Lonu God.
God, bit requiring his obedience to thy commands 9. 20. who art thou that repliest against G, ? GOD is.
itnd by punishing his disobedience aiih tuch Rev. 13. 6. opened his mouth in blasphemy ag. G. Gen. 21 22. G. 11 with thee in all that thou docst

ptmishmeuis as none but God can inflict , to See Almighty. 31.50. see, G. «> witness betwixt me and thee
tvhich end thou shalt have my omnipotent Brfore GOD. Exod. 20. 20. fear not, for G. is come to prove you
atsis/mce. Satan it called the god of thi; Gen. 6. 11. the earth was corrupt before G Num. 23. 19. G. is not a man, that he should lie
world, 2 Cvr. 4. 4. because he rulet over the Exod 10.12. eat bread with Moses' father before O. Deut. 3. 24. what G. is there in heaven who can do'
greatest part of the world, and they are hit Josh 24.1 they presented themselves if/ore G. 33. 27. the eternal thy refuge, and underneath
lervants and slaves St Paul, in Phil. 3 I9 Judg 21 2. the people abode till even before G. Jo///. 24.19. our holy G. if a jealous God, Nah. 1.2.
tpenks of tome that make their belly their god 1 Chron 13. 8 David and all Isr played i^iir^ G 1 Sam. 4. 7. G. is come into the camp, woe unto us
that it, who mind nothing but the satisfaction 10 and there Uzza died before G. 10. 7. for G. is come with thee, 1 Chron. 17. S.
of their fleshly appetites. God forbid, is a 16. 1 they offered burnt-sacrifices if/()r« G. 28 15. G. i> departed from me, he answercthnol
strong form of denial jcith a lothing 2 Chr 33.12 Manasseh humbled himself i^/'ure G 2 Sam. 22. 33. G. is my strength and power
of ahat is objected, Rom. 3. 31. 9 14. In 34. 27. Josiah's heart was humbled it/wr«"G.
] 1 C/iron.14.15. G is gone forth before thee to smite
the original it is. Let it not be. Eira 7. 19 deliver before the G. of Jerusalem 2 Chr. 13. 12. G. himself is with us for our captain
iJ«7i. 16. 13. called name of Lord, thou G. seest me Job 15. 4. yea thou restrainest prayer Job 33. 12. 1 answer thee, G. i> greater than maa
before G,
17. 7 to be a G. to thee and thy seed after thee Psal. 42. 2. when shall 1 ,^ppear before G.? 36. 5. behold, G. is mighty and desplseth not any
31.13.1 am the G. of Bethel, where thou vowedst 56. 13. may walk before G in light of living 2t). behold, G. is great, and we know him not
42. 28. what is this that G. hath done to us > 61. 7. he shall abideAc/nrj G. for ever Pial. 7.11. G. is angry with the wicked every day
45. 8. it was not you that sent me hither, bat G. 68 3. let the righteous rejoice before G, 10. 4.G.t> not in all his thoughts, not seek alter G
48.^21. bihold, 1 die, but G shall be with you 84 7. every one in Zion appeareth before G. 14. 5. for G. it in the generation of the righteous 1 will take you tome, «ind be to you aG Eccl. 2 £6. give to him that is good 33. 12. blessed nation, whose G. it Lord, 144. 15.
before G.
I8.I9 cive thee connic"., and G shall be with thee 5. 2 heart hasty to utter any thing before G. 46. I. G. it our refuge and strength, 62. 8.
Num. 23. 23. said of Jacob, what hath G.wrouehtr 8. 13. because he feareih not before G. 5.G. iV in the midst of her, she shall not be moved
24.23. alas, who shall live when G. doth this? Van 2. 1 18. would desire mercies from before G. 47. 5. G. ij gone up with a shout 1;7. for G. 1/ King
Deut. 4. 7. what nation which hath G so nigh ? 6. 10. gave thanks bej'ore his G. as aforetime 48. 3. G. it known in her palaces for a refuge
29- 13. that he T»ay be to thee a G. as he said 11. found him making supplication before G. 50. 6. for G. it judge himself, Selah, 75. 7.
1 "S«m.3.17.C.dosoand more also,li.44. 25 22 | 26. that men tremble before the G. of Daniel 54. 4. behold, G. it my helper. Lord is with them
2 Sam.^. 9,35. 19.13. 1 Kings 2. 23. Luki 1 6. they were both righteous before G.
50. 9. turn back this 1 know, for G. is forme

2 Kings 6 31 12. 6. not one of them is forgotten before G. 59 9. I will wait, for G. it my defence, 17.
J7. 46. all may know that there is a G. in Israel 24. 19. a prophet mighty in deed and word bcf. G. 62. 7. in C. is my salvation and glory, Jta. 12. 2.
82. 3. till 1 know what G will do for me Acts 7. 46. who found favour before G. 6«.5.a father of the fatherless his habitation
£ Sam. 22. 32. who is G. save the Ld. ? I's. 18. 31. 10. 4. thine ajjns are come for a memorial bef, G. 73. 1. truly G. is good to Israel, even to such as are
1 Kings 18. 21. if the Lord be G. follow him 33. we are all here present before G to hear 26.G.ustrength of my heart,and portion for ever
39. the Lord, he is the G. the Lord, he is the G. 23. 1. I lived in all good conscience before G. 74. 12. G. is niy King of old, working salvation
2 Kings 19. 15. thou art the G. even thou alone Rom. 2 13. not hearers of law are just ^i^urc G. 89. 7. G. is greatly to be feared in the assembly
i Chr. 20.6. O Ld. God, art not thou G. in heaven? 3. 19. the world may become guilty before G. 116. 5. gracious is the Lord, nurC. is merciful
Etra 1. 3. his G. be with him, he is the G. 4. 2. hath whereof to glory, but not before G. 118. 27. G. is the Lord that hath shewed us light
Nek. 9.17. art a G. ready to pardon, slow to ant;er 14.22. hast thou faithr have it to itysKU before G. Eccl. 5. 2. for G. is in heaven, and thou on earth
Joi 32. 13. sayest, how doth G. know ? Ps.'Z.W. 2 Cor. 12. 19. we speak yja.5.16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right.
before G. in Christ
Ps. 5.4. art not a G. that hast pleasure in wickcdn. Gal. 1. 20. behold, before G. I lie not S.lO.forG. is with us[l45.14. surely G. it in thee
52. 7. the man that made not G. his strength 1 Thesi. 3. 13. he may establish your hearts Zech. 8. 23. we have heard that G. ixwith you
86.10 thou art preat,thou art G. alone, 7in. 37.15.
before G AJo/. able of these stones to raise, LkX« 3.8
J*a. 12. 2. behold, G. is my salvation, 1 will trust I Tim. 5. 4. that is good and acceptable bejiire G. 22. 32. (r. IS not God of the dead, but of the living
44.8. is there a G. besides me yea, there is no C.
21. I charge thee before G 2 Tim. 4. 1. John 3. 33. hath set to his seal thit G. is true
45. 22 look unto me, I am G. there is none else Jam. 1.27 pure religfon and undf tiled before G 4.24. G. is a Spirit 13. 31. G. tt glorified in him
46. 9- I am G. there is none else, none like me Per. 3. lets 10. 34. G. it no respecter of persons
2 not found thy words perfect before G.
Jer. 31. 33. I will be their G.thev my peop.
32. 38 9.13. a voice from the horns of the altar before C Rom. 1. 9. for G. it my witness, whom I serve
l.tek. 28.2. hast said, I am a god, I sit in seat of G 11. 23. for G. is able to graflT them in agadn
12. 10. which accused them bef. G. day and night
9. but thou shait b« a man, and no g. 16. 19. Babylon came in remembrance before G. 14 4. for G. is able to make him staiiid
not. 8. 6. workman made it, therefore it is not G.
20. 12. I saw dead, small and great, stand ic/". G 1 Car. 1.9. G. i> faiihful, by whom ye were called
Jl. g. for I am G. and not man,
the holy One See Called, Chosen," 10. 13. G. is faithful who will not suffer you
Uic. 7. 18. who is a G. like to thee, that pardons ?
Eternal GOD. 14. 25. and report that G. is in you of a tiiith
Mat. 1. 23 nanic F.mmanuel, which is G. with us Deut. 33. G. is not author of confusion, but of peace
33. 27. the eternal G. is thy refuge cannot serve C. and mammon, /rtiite 16.13.
Everlasting GOD. 2 Cor. 1.18. as G. ij true, our word was not yea, aaj
;». 17. there is none good but one, that is G. Gen.
21. 33. Abraham called on namtof «r«r. G. 9- 8. G. is able to make all grace abound to you
Mari 10. 18. Luke 18. I9. Isa. 40. 28. the ever. G. fainteth not, nor is weary Gi/. 3. 20. hot G. it one 6. 7. G is not moclttd


Eph. 2.4. but G.who isrich in mercy quickened ns f
Ji89,26.t!e shall cm
taou art my Fathery my G. Pj. 48. 14. this-God is our G. {aeevtx aal ever
fhU. 1 .a. G. IS my record, hew greaily I long after 104. 33. r will smg praise to my G. 146. 2. 50. 3. our G. shall come and not keep silence
3. ly. for many walk, whose g. is their belly 118. 28. thou art my G. and 1 will praise thee 67. 6..and God, even our own G. shall bfess tis
1 T/iffj. 2. 5. nor cloke of covetousness, O. is witness 145. 1. I will extol thee, my G. O King, and bless 68. 20. he that is our G. is the God of salvation
IIei.6.10.G. is not unright. to forget your work Prov. 30. 9. and take the name of my G. in vain 77. 13. who is so great a God as our G. T
li. l(i. G. is not ashamed to be called their God Isa. 7. 13. but will ye weary my G. also? 95.7. heisour G.|| 115.3. oiirG is in tl^ heaven*
IC. cy. for our G. is a consuming fire 40. 27. my judgment is passed over from my G. 1 Id. 5. gracious is the Lord, our G. is merciful

13. id. for with such sacrifices G, is well pleased 44. 17. he saith, deliver me, for thou art my G. Isa. 25. 9. lo, t|i,is is our G. we have waited for him
J Sv/in I. 5. G. is li^^ht 4. 8. for G. iVlove, 10.
61. 10. my soul shall be joyful in my G. 55. 7. to our G. for he will abundantly pardon
3 9o.G.iV greater than our heart, knows all things G hath sent his angel, hath shut lions'
. 5y. 13. and departing away from our G.
GOD 0/ Israel. Ilus.l.'Zi. they shallsay, thou art /ny G. /JurA.lS.y. 6i. 2. to proclaim the day of vengeance of our G.
J'zod. 24. 10. they went up, and saw the G. of Isr. 8. 2. Israel shall cry to me, my G. we know thee i-'aH.3.17. our G. whom we serve is able todelive?
Au//i. l6. 9- the G. {if Israel hath separated you 9. 17. my G. will cast them away, not hearken ^ech. 9. 7. he that remaineth shall be for o«rG.
yuj-/ give glory to the G. of Isr. 1 6'a'«.6.5 Mic. 7.7.1 w'ill wait, for my G. will hear me 1 CV.6. U. ye are sanctified by the Spirit of our G.
l.S. 3.S. the G. 0/" Israel was their inheritance Juh7i 20.17. and say. J ascend to my G. and your G Ilei. 12. 2y. for our G. is a consuming fire
22.1 6. what trespass ye committed ag. G.of Israel 28. 'I homas answered and jaid, my L. and my G. lUv. 5. 10. hast made us to our G. kings and priests
2i. what have ye to do with the G. of Israel/ Rom. 1. 8. 1 thank my G. through Jesus Christ, for 7. 10. salvation to our G.who sitteth on the throna
24. 23. incline your heart to the G. of Israel you all, 1 Cor. 1.4. 14.18. Phil. 1.3. Philem.i
| 12. blessing, and honour, and power be to our G.
Jui/o-. 11. 23. G. o,'"ifrac/ dispossessed the Amorites 2 Cor. 12. 21. lest when I come, my G. will humbli HeePeace.Saiu. Saith, Serve, Se.nt, Speak,
liuth 2.12. a full reward be given thee of G. of Isr. Pint. 4. 19. my G. shall supply all your need Speed, Spoken.
13am. i.l". the G. a/" Israel grant thy petition liev. 3.12. 1 will write on him the name of my G.

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