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 Quantity: The maxim of quantity is violated when the beginning when one of

Ted’s friends see the tattoo and gasps in surprise, so Ted asks what happened and
instead of telling him, his friend answers something about the news he was reading.

 Quality: The maxim of quality is violated in the video first when Barney and Ted
are speaking, first when Barney apologizes to Ted, this is of course not true for he is
still mad at him and it is only teasing, then when Ted says he does not need a
babysitter and he can take care of himself, since he got the tattoo is obvious he

 Relevance: The violation of the Maxim of relevance can be identified twice in the
video, the first time is at beginning when Ted is asked about his night but he ends
up speaking about how he is ‘winning’ the break up. The second time is when
Barney arrives at the apartment, his friends called him due to an “emergency” and
when he asks them what emergency it is, he also says, out of nowhere, that he is not
talking to Ted ever again.

 Manner: The maxim of manner is violated in the video by Barney once he has seen
Ted’s butterfly tattoo. Ted asks him why he is looking at him so strange but instead
of answering him properly, Barney begins making analogies with butterflies without
mentioning the word butterfly until he makes Ted say it and all of the people at the
apartment but Barney burst into laughter.

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