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Discussion Questions:
● Do you feel like you’ve experienced an agape kind of love in your life?
Yes. Being loved by God is the most accurate thing we have is something
wonderful, which I know that for the love of me and all of us He gave his son the
death of the cross, even before He loved us first and this is real I feel . It's real.
● What are some examples of how God can save us from ourselves?
God makes the first move. God brings life into our death. God’s love gives us
life. Jesus' death and resurrection. That sacrifice born of love, made it possible
for us to be saved from ourselves.
● What’s one barrier that keeps people from accepting the love of God?
Lack of joy, hopelessness, anger, anger, worry, doubts, feeling they don't
deserve it.
● What’s one way you can share the love of God with someone else
Helping people to feel the love of God for them in their lives, sharing with them
the experiences of our lives, in which we feel the love of God for us at all times
wherever we go and walk.

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