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One of the most essential components of our application is the use of APIs.

TMDB acts as a online database, consisting information regarding movies and tv

The use of TMDB API helped us to fetch any movie and tv show.

So lets talk about what is an API and how we used TMDB API in our application.


Considering you are a customer at a restuarant. You know what dish to order and how
to eat the same. But you don't know how to cook. The cooking is done by the chef.

But who will deliver the food to you.

<CLICK -> for animation>

In comes the waiter, acting as our API

<CLICK -> for animation>

The waiter will take your request of the type of dish you want and respond back the
cooked dish.
So basically, an Application Programming Interface or API is way for interaction
between multiple software application.


Our Node.js server makes a API request.

The API along with a Authentication ID, takes that request to the TMDB Server

Upon successful authentication, it sends back the data.

<Click -> to end your part>

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