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Collection of Data MCQs

1. What are the two types of research data? - Qualitative and Quantitative data
2. The word �data�is originated from the latin word - Datum
3. The data which are collected from the place of origin is known as - Primary data
4. Source of data collected and compiled by others is called - Secondary data
5. Which ofthe following is an example of primary data? - Census Report
6. Which ofthe following is an example of secondary data? - RBI Bulletin,
Government Publication, Committees and Commissions
7. The data of research is - Both Qualitative and Quantitative
8. Which ofthe following statements are true about the data in research? - In
research the data can be both qualitative & quantitative
9. Information in the research is - Organized data
12. A schedule is generally filled up by - Researcher
13. Which ofthe following is not true? - Identity of respondent is known in case of
14. Structured observation is appropriate in case of - Descriptive studies
15. The data which are collected through Internet is called - External secondary
16. Which ofthe following is nottrue? - In indirectinterview the investigator
collects data from informants directly.
18. Pantry audits is used to - Estimate consumption of various good by consumer
20. In the process of conducting research �Formulation of Hypothesis�is followed by
- Collection of Data
21. The search for answers to research questions is called collection of - Data
22. Primary data can be collected through - Experiment and Survey

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