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1. What’s your name? My name is Anna Padilla.

2. Where are you from? I’m from Mexico, north of Mexico.

3. How old are you? I’m 21 years old.
4. What career are you studying? I’m studying International Business.
5. What’s your career about? Mostly It’s about a business organization and about
6. Do you like your career? No, I don’t like it, because it’s so boring for me.
7. Do you going to work in something about your career? Well, I need to do it for
my practices of the last coater. But in the future, I prefer to work in something else.
8. Where do you prefer to work in? I’m a really creative person, and some of my
favorite hobbies are the computer designs, so I think that I would work in a digital
illustration studio.
9. What other hobbies do you have? I really like music, I like to take Gregorian chant
classes, also I like to learn ancient languages like Latin, and play the transversal

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