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Text type practice 1

1. Essay

Eating junk food is a guilty pleasure for a big percentage of the population, but eating too much of it
is very dangerous and damaging to your health. Eating junck food can have a bad impact in people’s
fysic health and mental health since it can affect your organism and your aesthetic in your body which
also affects your mental health and make people feel bad about themselves. This does not means that it
is forbidden to eat this kind of foo, it means that it has to be moderated for having the chance to have a
little whim and still being healthy. Junk food is necessary for us to stay healthy but it has to be
One example of the negative effects that junk food has in our life is the lack of nutrients and excessive
ammount of calories and bad ingredients they contain, such as sodium, sugars, saturated fats and
others. This affects people because the excessive consume of this kind of foods does not provide the
nutrients the body needs, but it does provide a lot of empty energy (calories) which only ends up
accumulating in the form of fat, thus affecting the aesthetics of the person and more importantly, their
physical and mental health.
This foods doesn’t have to be forbidden or cut out of our diet, they just have to be measured and
controlled so we can still enjoy them instead of suffering for not eating them. The prohibition of this
type of food is what leads people to have a bad time when it comes to eating or wanting to get fit and
healthy. This happens because people put on very restrictive diets which are not sustainable in the long
term and cause that when they reach their goal they get stuck on the same junk food again causing a
rebound effect.
This is why its necessary to find an equilibrium between real and junk food, making both junk and
healthy food vital ingredients for a healthy lifestyle.

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